diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index dd396236..e6cd3319 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ cmake-build-*/
# IDE and tools
# Generated files
# Pycache
-# Ignore IDE folders
diff --git a/.idea/dictionaries/pavel.xml b/.idea/dictionaries/pavel.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d51e641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/dictionaries/pavel.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ allocatee
+ arithmetics
+ backends
+ bcast
+ bootloaders
+ bxcan
+ cfamily
+ coverity
+ crtp
+ dataflow
+ ddtid
+ deallocated
+ deallocating
+ deallocation
+ deframing
+ deinitializes
+ demonstrational
+ descatter
+ discardment
+ dnid
+ dont
+ dsdl
+ dsonar
+ dtid
+ errno
+ gcov
+ ieee
+ iface
+ ifnamsiz
+ inak
+ intravehicular
+ irgdn
+ izer
+ kfrfx
+ kirienko
+ libcanard
+ libuavcan
+ microarchitecture
+ microcontrollers
+ misra
+ msec
+ multiframe
+ nbytes
+ nosonar
+ nutt
+ permill
+ pkut
+ pointee
+ prescaler
+ prio
+ pseudocode
+ pyuavcan
+ qube
+ roundtrip
+ rtos
+ rxstate
+ serde
+ signedness
+ snid
+ socketcan
+ storages
+ submoduling
+ subtreeing
+ uavcan
+ uint
+ unicast
+ untracked
+ usec
+ vendoring
+ vssc
+ wget
+ xenial
+ zubax
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 09e851a3..d07cb99d 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
dist: xenial
@@ -17,11 +19,36 @@ matrix:
- g++-9-multilib
- gcc-9-multilib
- linux-libc-dev:i386
+ env:
+ - CC=gcc-9
+ - CXX=g++-9
- - CC=gcc-9 && CXX=g++-9 && cmake tests
- - build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir sonar-dump make all # The build wrapper comes from Sonar Cloud.
- - ./run_tests --rng-seed time
- - sonar-scanner
+ # Using the build wrapper from Sonar and collecting the code coverage.
+ # Define NDEBUG=1 to avoid assertion checks being reported as uncovered statements.
+ - build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir sonar-dump make all
+ - make test
+ - gcov-9 --preserve-paths --long-file-names $(find CMakeFiles/test_private_cov.dir -name '*.gcno')
+ - gcov-9 --preserve-paths --long-file-names $(find CMakeFiles/test_private_le_cov.dir -name '*.gcno')
+ - gcov-9 --preserve-paths --long-file-names $(find CMakeFiles/test_public_cov.dir -name '*.gcno')
+ - 'sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=libcanard
+ -Dsonar.organization=uavcan
+ -Dsonar.sources=libcanard
+ -Dsonar.cfamily.gcov.reportsPath=.
+ -Dsonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output=sonar-dump
+ -Dsonar.cfamily.cache.enabled=false'
+ - make clean
+ - make all VERBOSE=1 && make test
+ - make clean
+ - make all VERBOSE=1 && make test
+ - make clean
# -------------------- Clang 9 --------------------
- language: cpp
@@ -29,32 +56,55 @@ matrix:
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- packages:
- - libstdc++-7-dev:i386
+ packages: # Install a newer GCC because https://stackoverflow.com/a/51512150/1007777.
+ - g++-9
+ - g++-9-multilib
+ - gcc-9-multilib
- linux-libc-dev:i386
- libc6-dev-i386
+ - libstdc++-7-dev:i386
+ # Set up the toolchain.
- wget https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh && chmod +x llvm.sh && sudo ./llvm.sh 9
- - clang++-9 -E -x c++ - -v < /dev/null # Print the Clang configuration for troubleshooting purposes
- - cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-9 tests
- - make
- - ./run_tests --rng-seed time
+ - sudo apt install clang-tidy-9 clang-format-9
+ - clang++-9 -E -x c++ - -v < /dev/null # Print the Clang configuration for troubleshooting purposes.
- # -------------------- Static analysis --------------------
- - language: cpp
- script:
- - sudo rm -rf /usr/local/clang*
- - wget https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh && chmod +x llvm.sh && sudo ./llvm.sh 9
- - sudo apt install clang-format-9 clang-tidy-9
- - sudo ln -sf $(which clang-format-9) /usr/bin/clang-format
- - sudo ln -sf $(which clang-tidy-9) /usr/bin/clang-tidy
+ - cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-9 tests -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+ - make VERBOSE=1 && make test
+ - make clean
+ - cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-9 tests -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
+ - make VERBOSE=1 && make test
+ - make clean
- # TODO: invoke clang-tidy.
+ - cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-9 tests -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
+ - make VERBOSE=1 && make test
+ - make clean
- # Code style enforcement.
- - ./format.sh
+ - cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-9 tests -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel
+ - make VERBOSE=1 && make test
+ - make clean
+ # Format check
+ - make format VERBOSE=1
- 'modified="$(git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no)"'
- - 'if [ -n "$modified" ]; then echo "Run format.sh to reformat the code."; exit 1; fi'
+ - 'if [ -n "$modified" ]; then echo "Run make format to reformat the code properly."; exit 1; fi'
+ # -------------------- AVR GCC --------------------
+ - language: c
+ addons:
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - gcc-avr
+ - avr-libc
+ script:
+ # This is a trivial test where we only check whether it compiles at all with all warnings enabled.
+ # TODO: Write unit tests and run them on an emulator.
+ - avr-gcc libcanard/*.c -c -std=c11 -mmcu=at90can64 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -Wconversion -Wtype-limits
depth: false # Disable shallow clone because it is incompatible with SonarCloud
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1350c51
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Libcanard contribution guide
+## Design principles
+The library is intended for use in real-time high-integrity applications.
+It is paramount that its temporal properties and resource utilization are plain to model and predict statically.
+The code shall follow applicable high-reliability coding guidelines as explained later in this document.
+The implementation shall be fully compliant with the UAVCAN/CAN specification.
+The implementation and the API should be kept simple.
+The core library `canard.c` (that is, excluding the optional DSDL presentation layer extension) shall never become
+larger than 1000 logical lines of code.
+This restriction ensures that the library is kept simple and easy to validate and verify.
+There will be no high-level abstractions -- if that is desired, other implementations of UAVCAN should be used.
+The library is intended for deeply embedded systems where the resources may be scarce.
+The ROM footprint is of a particular concern because the library should be usable with embedded bootloaders.
+## Directory layout
+The production sources and some minimal configuration files (such as `.clang-tidy`) are located under `/libcanard/`.
+Do not put anything else in there.
+The tests are located under `/tests/`.
+This directory also contains the top `CMakeLists.txt` needed to build and run the tests on the local machine.
+There is no separate storage for the documentation because it is written directly in the header files.
+This works for Libcanard because it is sufficiently compact and simple.
+## Standards
+The library shall be implemented in ISO C11 following MISRA C:2012.
+The MISRA compliance is enforced by Clang-Tidy and SonarQube.
+Deviations are documented directly in the source code as follows:
+// Intentional violation of MISRA:
+<... deviant construct ...>
+The full list of deviations with the accompanying explanation can be found by grepping the sources.
+Do not suppress compliance warnings using the means provided by static analysis tools because such deviations
+are impossible to track at the source code level.
+An exception applies for the case of false-positive (invalid) warnings -- those should not be mentioned in the codebase.
+[Zubax C++ Coding Conventions](https://kb.zubax.com/x/84Ah) shall be followed.
+Formatting is enforced by Clang-Format; it is used also to fail the CI/CD build if violations are detected.
+Unfortunately, some rules are hard or impractical to enforce automatically,
+so code reviewers shall be aware of MISRA and general high-reliability coding practices
+to prevent non-compliant code from being accepted into upstream.
+## Tools
+The following tools are required to conduct library development locally:
+- GCC v9 or newer.
+- Clang and Clang-Tools v9 or newer.
+- CMake v3.12 or newer.
+- An AMD64 machine.
+### Clang-Tidy
+Clang-Tidy is used to enforce compliance with MISRA and Zubax Coding Conventions.
+There are separate configuration files per directory:
+- `/libcanard/` (the production code) is equipped with the most stringent configuration.
+- `/tests/` is equipped with a separate configuration which omits certain rules that are considered
+ expensive to maintain.
+ This is because the test suite is intentionally kept to a somewhat lower quality bar to reduce development costs.
+Clang-Tidy is invoked automatically on each translation unit before it is compiled;
+the build will fail if the tool is not available locally.
+To disable this behavior, pass `NO_STATIC_ANALYSIS=1` to CMake at the generation time.
+### Clang-Format
+Clang-Format is used to enforce compliance with MISRA and Zubax Coding Conventions.
+There is a single configuration file at the root of the repository.
+To reformat the sources, generate the project and build the target `format`; e.g., for Make: `make format`.
+### SonarQube
+SonarQube is a cloud solution so its use is delegated to the CI/CD pipeline.
+If you need access, please get in touch with the UAVCAN Development Team members.
+### IDE
+The recommended development environment is JetBrains CLion. The root project file is `tests/CMakeLists.txt`.
+The repository contains the spelling dictionaries for CLion located under `.idea/`, make sure to use them.
+## Testing
+Generate the CMake project, build all, and then build the target `test` (e.g., `make test`).
+The tests are built for x86 and x86_64; the latter is why an AMD64 machine is required for local development.
+At the moment, the library is not being tested against other platforms.
+We would welcome contributions implementing CI/CD testing against popular embedded architectures, particularly
+the ARM Cortex M series and AVR in an emulator.
+As a high-integrity library, the Libcanard test suite should provide full test coverage for all commonly used platforms.
diff --git a/DESIGN.md b/DESIGN.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a3daa54a..00000000
--- a/DESIGN.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-# libcanard design document
-## Design goals
-The following list contains main design goals in the order of importance.
-* *Small ROM footprint*.
- A minimal node that periodically publishes `uavcan.protocol.NodeStatus` and responds to `uavcan.protocol.GetNodeInfo` should not require more than 4K of ROM.
- For reference, a similar application based on libuavcan requires 19K of ROM (LPC11C24).
-* *Small RAM footprint*.
- A node like in the example above should not require more than 4K of RAM, including the stack and buffers.
- For reference, a similar application based on libuavcan requires about 6K of RAM.
-* *Determinism*.
- Worst case execution time of all code paths should be predictable, which precludes use of heap.
-* *Portability*.
- The library should not present any specific requirements to the underlying hardware or OS, and it must be coded in standard C99.
- However, the portability requirement can be superseded by other design goals, such as small memory footprint.
-* *Simplicity*.
- Unlike libuavcan, which somewhat resembles a framework rather than just a library, this project should not attempt to implement all of the high-level functionality of UAVCAN.
-## Feature set
-According to the core design goals defined above, the functionality of the library should be restricted to the bare minimum.
-The following features are considered to comprise the bare minimum:
-* Publication and reception of message transfers.
-* Publication and reception of service request and service response transfers.
-* Configurable Data Type ID of supported messages and services, at run time.
-* Support for vendor-specific data types.
-The following features are intentionally not supported by the library:
-* Support for redundant physical interfaces.
- Leaving out redundant interfaces allows to significantly simplify the implementation of the transport layer.
-* RPC-like abstraction on top of service request/response exchanges.
- This means that services will be supported simply as independent request and response transfers, unlike the way it is implemented in libuavcan, where a convenient high-level abstraction is provided.
-* Time synchronization master.
- This feature requires some special logic to be supported by the CAN driver and the library itself.
- Applications that require this functionality are likely to be able to tolerate the memory requirements of libuavcan.
-* Multithreaded nodes.
- Again, this is implemented in libuavcan and is unlikely to be demanded by low-end applications.
-* Support for platforms with 64-bit pointers.
- Vast majority of deeply embedded systems use 32/16/8-bit CPU.
- Systems that are based on AMD64 can still be supported by means of x86 compatibility mode (although it is recommended to use libuavcan instead).
-# Architecture
-## Memory management
-### Library state
-Entire state of the library should be kept in one instance of a C structure.
-Every API call of the library that depends on the state will be accepting the aforementioned instance as its first argument.
-### Dynamic memory pool
-The library should implement a block memory allocator that will be used by the following subsystems (each is described below):
-* Incoming transfer buffers.
-* Incoming transfer states.
-* Prioritized TX queue.
-The number of blocks in the pool will be defined at compile time.
-32 bytes is probably the optimal choice considering typical object sizes (see below).
-For reference, libuavcan uses 64-byte blocks.
-Implementation of the block allocation algorithm can be borrowed from libuavcan.
-### Transfer buffers
-Transfer buffers should be implemented as a singly-linked lists of blocks, where every block is an instance of the following structure:
-typedef struct CanardBufferBlock
- struct CanardBufferBlock* next;
- uint8_t data[];
-} CanardBufferBlock;
-Where `CANARD_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE` is the allocation size (32 bytes).
-According to the transport layer specification, the following operations must be defined for buffers:
-* Push bytes.
- This operation adds a number of bytes (1 to 8 or 1 to 64, depending on the CAN standard used) to the end of the buffer.
- It will be invoked during reception of multi-frame transfers.
-* Pop bits.
- This operation is used during deserialization of received payload.
- It returns a number of bits (1 to 64, depending on the type of the field being deserialized) from the buffer to the caller.
-New blocks should be allocated ad hoc, however their removal should happen at once, after the data is processed upon completion of transfer reception.
-### RX transfer states
-The library will have to keep some state associated with every unique incoming transfer.
-The concept of unique transfer is explained in the specification here.
-Every unique incoming transfer can be identified with the following four values:
-* Data type ID
-* Transfer type
-* Source node ID
-* Destination node ID (zero for broadcast transfers)
-Upon reception of a CAN frame, the library will have to check whether the frame should be accepted and how it should be processed.
-Detailed description of the logic is available in the specification, here we just define a C structure that keeps all of the relevant states.
-Such a structure will have to be instantiated and maintained for every unique incoming transfer that the library is interested in.
-Since the number of unique incoming transfers cannot be determined statically, these structures will be allocated at run time using the memory pool.
-Hence, size of the structure must not exceed the size of the allocatable block (32 bytes).
-typedef struct CanardRxState
- struct CanardRxState* next;
- CanardBufferBlock* buffer_blocks;
- uint64_t timestamp_usec;
- const uint32_t session_specifier;
- uint16_t payload_crc;
- uint16_t payload_len : 10;
- uint16_t transfer_id : 5;
- uint16_t next_toggle : 1;
- uint8_t buffer_head[];
-} CanardRxState;
-Few things to note:
-* Size of the structure will exceed 32 bytes on platforms where size of the pointer is 64 bits.
- This, however, is not a problem, because 64 bit platforms are not of interest (see the list of features).
-* `timestamp_usec` keeps the timestamp at which the transfer that is currently being received was started, i.e. when the first frame of it was received.
- This value is needed for detection and removal of stale RX state objects, and it is also passed to the application as a transfer reception timestamp.
-* The last field of the structure is buffer_head, size of which is 32 - sizeof(CanardRxState).
- It is intended for keeping first few bytes of incoming transfers.
-Value of the field `session_specifier` can be computed with the following helper macro:
-#define CANARD_MAKE_SESSION_SPECIFIER(port_id, transfer_type, src_node_id, dst_node_id) \
- ((port_id) | ((transfer_type) << 16) | ((src_node_id) << 18) | ((dst_node_id) << 25))
-Keeping the transfer ID in a single scalar rather than in separate fields should be beneficial in terms of ROM footprint and linked list search speed.
-Using the concepts defined above, the frame reception procedure can be defined roughly as follows:
-* Check if the application is interested in receiving a transfer with data type ID and transfer type of the newly received frame.
- If not, exit.
-* Check if there’s an RX state instance for this combination of (data type ID, transfer type, source node ID, destination node ID).
- If not, instantiate one. If instantiation fails due to lack of memory, exit.
-* Check if the frame matches the expectations of the RX state instance (e.g. toggle bit, transfer ID, payload size, etc - refer to the specification for details).
- If not, exit.
-* Update the RX state instance with the new frame, append the payload to the buffer if necessary.
-* If the frame is the last one in the transfer, report to the application, then remove all buffered data and prepare the RX state instance for the next transfer.
- Exit.
-### TX queue
-Frames that are scheduled for transmission should be stored in a prioritized TX queue.
-When the CAN driver is ready to accept a frame, the application will take the highest priority frame from the TX queue and pass it to the driver.
-The TX queue should be stored as a singly-linked list of CAN frames sorted in the descending order of priority (so that the highest priority frame is always at the root of the list).
-There’s an implementation of a function that compares priorities of two CAN frames according to the [CAN specification](https://github.com/UAVCAN/libuavcan/blob/ec9006381b9ed0848eb12704a2beb9e74aea74bf/libuavcan/src/driver/uc_can.cpp).
- * CAN driver IO is based on this type.
- */
-typedef struct
- uint32_t id;
- uint8_t data[UC_CAN_FRAME_MAX_DATA_LEN];
- uint8_t data_len;
-} CanardCANFrame;
-#define CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF (1U << 31) ///< Extended frame format
-#define CANARD_CAN_FRAME_RTR (1U << 30) ///< Remote transmission request
-#define CANARD_CAN_FRAME_ERR (1U << 29) ///< Error frame
- * This type is internal to the library, it should not be exposed in the header file.
- */
-typedef struct CanardTxQueueItem
- struct CanardTxQueueItem* next;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
-} CanardTxQueueItem;
-### Threading model
-The library should be single-threaded, not thread-aware.
-Hence the API will be not thread-safe, which is OK as most applications will likely be running all of the UAVCAN-related logic in one thread.
-The documentation should provide advices about how to integrate the library in a multithreaded environment.
-### API
-The following list provides a high-level description of the major use cases:
-* *Frame reception*.
- On a reception of a frame, the application passes it to the library via a dedicated API function.
- Upon reception of a frame, the library detects its transfer parameters, such as data type ID, transfer type and source node ID.
- If this is the first frame of a transfer, the library then requests the application via a function pointer on whether the transfer should be received.
- If the application reports that the transfer is not of interest, the frame will be ignored.
- Otherwise, the library finds the receiver state instance for the transfer (or creates one if it couldn’t be found), then updates it according to the rules defined in the specification.
- If the newly received frame was accepted and it was the last frame of the transfer, the library will invoke the appropriate callback (via a function pointer) so that the application can execute the associated business logic.
- Upon return from the callback, all of the dynamic memory that was allocated for this transfer, if any, will be automatically released, although the RX state instance will be kept.
-* *Transfer transmission*.
- When the application needs to send a transfer, it invokes one of the corresponding functions depending on the type of the transfer (broadcast, request, or response).
- The library breaks the transfer down into independent CAN frames and stores them into the internal TX queue, using the memory pool.
- The application then unloads the frames from the TX queue into the CAN driver using two library calls: peek and pop.
-* *Cleanup of stale transfers*.
- The user should periodically invoke an API call that will traverse the list of receiver state instances and remove those that were last updated more than T seconds ago.
- Note that the traversing is computationally inexpensive, as it requires only two operations: 1) switch to the next item; 2) check if the last update timestamp is lower than the current time minus T.
- Recommended value of T is 3 seconds.
-* *Data structure serialization and deserialization*.
- Unlike in libuavcan, this functionality should be completely decoupled from the rest of the library.
- Note that from the application side, transfer reception and transmission deals with raw binary chunks rather than with structured data.
- This allows applications to operate on raw data, which is likely to be beneficial in terms of memory footprint and processing time.
- Those applications that are interested in automatic serialization and deserialization should use independently autogenerated serialization and deserialization code, where serialization and deserialization of every data type will be implemented in a tiny header-only library of its own.
-The library should provide the following functions for the application:
-* *Send a transfer*.
- Encoded transfer will be stored in the prioritized TX queue (as described above).
- This function should accept serialized payload, i.e. not a message object.
-* *Peek one frame from the TX queue*.
- This function will be used by the application to move frames from the TX queue into the CAN driver.
-* *Remove one frame from the TX queue*.
- This function will be used by the application to remove the frame from the queue once the driver confirmed that it has been accepted for transmission.
-* *Process one received frame*.
- This function will be invoked by the application once the CAN driver reports about reception of a frame.
- This function will also contain an argument for the RX timestamp of the frame.
-The application should provide the following functions for the library (the application will bind the library to these functions dynamically by means of function pointers):
-* *Process received transfer*.
- The library will be passing information about the received transfer and the raw payload (non-deserialized) into the callback so the application can execute the associated business logic.
-* *Determine if the transfer should be received*.
- The library will be invoking this function on every reception of a CAN frame to check if it should proceed on reception of the transfer.
- If the application does not need this transfer, the frame will be discarded.
-Note that the proposed API does not make any assumptions about the CAN driver interface or its implementation.
-A rough draft of the API definitions is provided below:
-#define CANARD_MAX_NODE_ID 127
-typedef enum
- CanardResponse,
- CanardRequest
-} CanardRequestResponse;
-typedef enum
- CanardTransferKindServiceResponse = 0,
- CanardTransferKindServiceRequest = 1,
- CanardTransferKindMessagePublication = 2
-} CanardTransferKind;
- * This structure represents a received transfer for the application.
- * An instance of it is passed to the application via callback when
- * the library receives a new transfer.
- */
-typedef struct
- /**
- * Timestamp at which the first frame of this transfer was received.
- */
- uint64_t timestamp_usec;
- /**
- * Payload is scattered across three storages:
- * - Head points to CanardRxState.buffer_head (length of which is up to Canard_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE), or to the
- * payload field (possibly with offset) of the last received CAN frame.
- * - Middle is located in the linked list of dynamic blocks.
- * - Tail points to the payload field (possibly with offset) of the last received CAN frame
- * (only for multi-frame transfers).
- *
- * The tail offset depends on how much data of the last frame was accommodated in the last allocated
- * block.
- *
- * For single-frame transfers, middle and tail will be NULL, and the head will point at first byte
- * of the payload of the CAN frame.
- *
- * In simple cases it should be possible to get data directly from the head and/or tail pointers.
- * Otherwise it is advised to use canardDecodePrimitive().
- */
- const uint8_t* payload_head; ///< Always valid, i.e. not NULL.
- const CanardBufferBlock* payload_middle; ///< May be NULL if the buffer was not needed. Always NULL for single-frame transfers.
- const uint8_t* payload_tail; ///< Last bytes of multi-frame transfers. Always NULL for single-frame transfers.
- uint16_t payload_len;
- /**
- * These fields identify the transfer for the application logic.
- */
- uint16_t port_id; ///< 0 to 511 for services, 0 to 32767 for messages
- uint8_t transfer_type; ///< See @ref CanardTransferKind
- uint8_t transfer_id; ///< 0 to 31
- uint8_t priority; ///< 0 to 31
- uint8_t source_node_id; ///< 0 to 127, or 255 if the source is anonymous
-} CanardRxTransfer;
- * Definition is not provided in this draft.
- * This structure should include at least the following:
- * - Two callback function pointers
- * - Local node ID
- * - Memory pool and the associated state variables
- * - List of RX state objects
- * - An optional user-provided untyped pointer to user-specific data
- */
-struct CanardInstance;
- * Initializes the library state.
- * Local node ID will be set to zero, i.e. the node will be anonymous.
- */
-void canardInit(CanardInstance* out_ins,
- void* mem_arena,
- size_t mem_arena_size,
- CanardOnTransferReception on_reception,
- CanardShouldAcceptTransfer should_accept,
- void* user_reference);
- * Assigns a new node ID value to the current node.
- */
-void canardSetLocalNodeID(CanardInstance* ins, uint8_t self_node_id);
- * Returns node ID of the local node.
- * Returns zero if the node ID has not been set.
- */
-uint8_t canardGetLocalNodeID(const CanardInstance* ins);
- * Sends a broadcast transfer.
- * If the node is in passive mode, only single-frame transfers will be allowed.
- */
-int canardPublishMessage(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint16_t subject_id,
- uint8_t* inout_transfer_id,
- uint8_t priority,
- const void* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len);
- * Sends a request or a response transfer.
- * Fails if the node is in passive mode.
- */
-int canardRequestOrRespond(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint8_t destination_node_id,
- uint16_t service_id,
- uint8_t* inout_transfer_id,
- uint8_t priority,
- CanardRequestResponse kind,
- const void* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len);
- * Returns a pointer to the top priority frame in the TX queue.
- * Returns NULL if the TX queue is empty.
- */
-const CanardCANFrame* canardPeekTxQueue(const CanardInstance* ins);
- * Removes the top priority frame from the TX queue.
- */
-void canardPopTxQueue(CanardInstance* ins);
- * Processes a received CAN frame with a timestamp.
- */
-void canardHandleRxFrame(CanardInstance* ins,
- const CanardCANFrame* frame,
- uint64_t timestamp_usec);
- * The library calls this function when it receives first frame of a transfer to determine whether
- * the transfer should be received.
- */
-typedef bool (*CanardShouldAcceptTransfer)(const CanardInstance* ins,
- uint16_t port_id,
- CanardTransferKind transfer_type,
- uint8_t source_node_id);
- * This function will be invoked by the library every time a transfer is successfully received.
- * If the application needs to send another transfer from this callback, it is recommended
- * to call canardReleaseRxTransferPayload() first, so that the memory that was used for the block
- * buffer can be released and re-used by the TX queue.
- */
-typedef void (*CanardOnTransferReception)(CanardInstance* ins,
- const CanardRxTransfer* transfer);
- * This function can be used to extract values from received UAVCAN transfers. It decodes a scalar value -
- * boolean, integer, character, or floating point - from the specified bit position in the RX transfer buffer.
- * Simple single-frame transfers can also be parsed manually.
- *
- * Returns the number of bits successfully decoded, which may be less than requested if operation ran out of
- * buffer boundaries, or negated error code, such as invalid argument.
- *
- * Caveat: This function works correctly only on platforms that use two's complement signed integer representation.
- * I am not aware of any modern microarchitecture that uses anything else than two's complement, so it should
- * not affect portability in any way.
- *
- * The type of value pointed to by 'out_value' is defined as follows:
- *
- * | bit_length | value_is_signed | out_value points to |
- * |------------|-----------------|------------------------------------------|
- * | 1 | false | bool (may be incompatible with uint8_t!) |
- * | 1 | true | N/A |
- * | [2, 8] | false | uint8_t, or char |
- * | [2, 8] | true | int8_t, or char |
- * | [9, 16] | false | uint16_t |
- * | [9, 16] | true | int16_t |
- * | [17, 32] | false | uint32_t |
- * | [17, 32] | true | int32_t, or 32-bit float |
- * | [33, 64] | false | uint64_t |
- * | [33, 64] | true | int64_t, or 64-bit float |
- */
-int canardDecodePrimitive(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer, ///< The RX transfer where the data will be copied from
- uint32_t bit_offset, ///< Offset, in bits, from the beginning of the transfer
- uint8_t bit_length, ///< Length of the value, in bits; see the table
- bool value_is_signed, ///< True if the value can be negative; see the table
- void* out_value); ///< Pointer to the output storage; see the table
- * This function can be used to encode values for later transmission in a UAVCAN transfer. It encodes a scalar value -
- * boolean, integer, character, or floating point - and puts it to the specified bit position in the specified
- * contiguous buffer.
- * Simple single-frame transfers can also be encoded manually.
- *
- * Caveat: This function works correctly only on platforms that use two's complement signed integer representation.
- * I am not aware of any modern microarchitecture that uses anything else than two's complement, so it should
- * not affect portability in any way.
- *
- * The type of value pointed to by 'value' is defined as follows:
- *
- * | bit_length | value points to |
- * |------------|------------------------------------------|
- * | 1 | bool (may be incompatible with uint8_t!) |
- * | [2, 8] | uint8_t, int8_t, or char |
- * | [9, 16] | uint16_t, int16_t |
- * | [17, 32] | uint32_t, int32_t, or 32-bit float |
- * | [33, 64] | uint64_t, int64_t, or 64-bit float |
- */
-void canardEncodePrimitive(void* destination, ///< Destination buffer where the result will be stored
- uint32_t bit_offset, ///< Offset, in bits, from the beginning of the destination buffer
- uint8_t bit_length, ///< Length of the value, in bits; see the table
- const void* value); ///< Pointer to the value; see the table
- * This function can be invoked by the application to release pool blocks that are used to store
- * the payload of this transfer.
- */
-void canardReleaseRxTransferPayload(CanardInstance* ins,
- CanardRxTransfer* transfer);
-### Code generation
-As noted above, this shall remain an optional part of the library, as some applications may opt to implement serialization and deserialization manually.
-The DSDL compiler should generate a tiny standalone single-header library for every data type the user needs to use in deserialized form.
-The generated library should include the following entities:
-* A C structure that contains the fields of the target type (see below).
-* A deserialization function that accepts a pointer to an CanardRxTransfer object and a pointer to the C structure above.
-* A serialization function that accepts a pointer to a raw storage space and a pointer to the C structure above.
-* References to other types this type depends on.
-The primitive DSDL types will be mapped to C types as follows:
-| DSDL type | C type |
-| `intX` | `int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t` |
-| `uintX` | `uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t` |
-| `bool` | `bool (from stdbool.h)` |
-| `float16` | `float` |
-| `float32` | `float` |
-| `float64` | `double` |
-A dynamic DSDL array that contains values of type T and has maximum length N will be converted into two fields: one of them will be of type T mapped to the corresponding native C type as defined above; the second field will be of integer type uint16_t.
-The first field will be given the same name as the original array, the second field’s name will be appended with “_len”.
-An example is provided below.
-| DSDL definition | C definition |
-| `Foo[<5] bars` | `Foo bars[4]; uint16_t bars_len;`
-# Implementation notes
-## Packaging
-The suggested approach is to keep all of the library’s functions in just one C file, and expose the entire API via just one header file.
-## Coding style
-Please refer to [the Zubax coding conventions](https://kb.zubax.com/x/84Ah).
-## Testing
-The library should be equipped with a testing suite (like libuavcan).
-The testing suite should be based on the Google Test library (in which case it can be written in C++), or it can be just a dedicated application with a custom testing environment (in which case it is recommended to stick to C99).
-The testing suite does not have to be portable - it is quite acceptable to make it require an x86 or AMD64 machine running OS X or Linux.
-Since 64-bit systems are not supported by the proposed design, on AMD64 systems the library should be compiled in 32-bit mode (on GCC use flag -m32).
-A continuous integration environment like Travis CI should be set up early in the project to run the test suite on each commit / pull request.
-## Name
-It has been agreed to name the library “libcanard”.
-## License
-The library must be released under the MIT open source license.
-A short summary can be found [on tl;dr legal](http://www.tldrlegal.com/l/mit).
-The license statement must declare that the code was developed by the UAVCAN project team.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 9c6ac2ed..2749d71b 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2015 UAVCAN
+Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 55f4c653..588971b9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,114 +1,168 @@
-# Libcanard
+# Compact UAVCAN/CAN v1 in C
-Minimal implementation of the UAVCAN protocol stack in C for resource constrained applications.
+Libcanard is a compact implementation of the UAVCAN/CAN protocol stack in C11 for high-integrity real-time
+embedded systems.
-Get help on the **[UAVCAN Forum](https://forum.uavcan.org)**.
+[UAVCAN](https://uavcan.org) is an open lightweight data bus standard designed for reliable intravehicular
+communication in aerospace and robotic applications via CAN bus, Ethernet, and other robust transports.
+The acronym UAVCAN stands for *Uncomplicated Application-level Vehicular Communication And Networking*.
-## Usage
+**READ THE DOCS: [`libcanard/canard.h`](/libcanard/canard.h)**
-If you're not using Git, you can just copy the entire library into your project tree.
-If you're using Git, it is recommended to add Libcanard to your project using submoduling, subtreeing, vendoring,
-or whatever alternative suits your workflow best.
+Contribute: [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
-The entire library is contained in three files under `libcanard/`:
+Ask questions: [forum.uavcan.org](https://forum.uavcan.org)
-- `canard.c` - the only translation unit; add it to your build or compile it into a separate static library;
-- `canard.h` - the API header; include it in your application;
-- `canard_internals.h` - internal definitions of the library;
-keep this file in the same directory with `canard.c`.
+## Example
-Add `canard.c` to your application build, add `libcanard` directory to the include paths,
-and you're ready to roll.
+The example augments the documentation but does not replace it.
-Also you may want to use one of the available drivers for various CAN backends
-that are distributed with Libcanard - check out the `drivers/` directory to find out more.
+The library requires a constant-complexity deterministic dynamic memory allocator.
+We could use the standard C heap, but most implementations are not constant-complexity,
+so let's suppose that we're using [O1Heap](https://github.com/pavel-kirienko/o1heap) instead.
+We are going to need basic wrappers:
-If you wish to override some of the default options, e.g., assert macros' definition,
-define the macro `CANARD_ENABLE_CUSTOM_BUILD_CONFIG` as a non-zero value
-and provide your implementation in a file named `canard_build_config.h`.
+static void* memAllocate(CanardInstance* const ins, const size_t amount)
+ (void) ins;
+ return o1heapAllocate(my_allocator, amount);
-Example for Make:
+static void memFree(CanardInstance* const ins, void* const pointer)
+ (void) ins;
+ o1heapFree(my_allocator, pointer);
+Init a library instance:
-# Adding the library.
-INCLUDE += libcanard/libcanard/
-CSRC += libcanard/libcanard/canard.c
+CanardInstance ins = canardInit(&memAllocate, &memFree);
+ins.mtu_bytes = CANARD_MTU_CAN_CLASSIC; // Defaults to 64 (CAN FD); here we select Classic CAN.
+ins.node_id = 42; // Defaults to anonymous; can be set up later at any point.
-# Adding drivers, unless you want to use your own.
-# In this example we're using Linux SocketCAN drivers.
-INCLUDE += libcanard_socketcan/
-CSRC += libcanard_socketcan/socketcan.c
+Publish a message:
+static uint8_t my_message_transfer_id; // Must be static or heap-allocated to retain state between calls.
+const CanardTransfer transfer = {
+ .timestamp_usec = transmission_deadline, // Zero if transmission deadline is not limited.
+ .priority = CanardPriorityNominal,
+ .transfer_kind = CanardTransferKindMessage,
+ .port_id = 1234, // This is the subject-ID.
+ .remote_node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET, // Messages cannot be unicast, so use UNSET.
+ .transfer_id = my_message_transfer_id,
+ .payload_size = 47,
+ .payload = "\x2D\x00" "Sancho, it strikes me thou art in great fear.",
+++my_message_transfer_id; // The transfer-ID shall be incremented after every transmission on this subject.
+int32_t result = canardTxPush(&ins, &transfer);
+if (result < 0)
+ // An error has occurred: either an argument is invalid or we've ran out of memory.
+ // It is possible to statically prove that an out-of-memory will never occur for a given application if the
+ // heap is sized correctly; for background, refer to the Robson's Proof and the documentation for O1Heap.
+ abort();
-There is no dedicated documentation for the library API, because it is simple enough to be self-documenting.
-Please check out the explanations provided in the comments in the header file to learn the basics.
-Most importantly, check out the demo application under `tests/demo.c`.
-Also use [code search to find real life usage examples](https://github.com/search?q=libcanard&type=Code&utf8=%E2%9C%93).
-At the moment the library does not provide means to automate (de)serialization of UAVCAN data structures,
-like other implementations (e.g. libuavcan for C++ or pyuavcan for Python) do.
-Therefore, data structures need to be parsed and assembled manually.
-The necessary examples are provided in the demo application.
-### Platform drivers
-The existing platform drivers should be used as a reference for implementation of one's own custom drivers.
-Libcanard does not interact with the underlying platform drivers directly; it does so via the application.
-Therefore, there is no need for a dedicated porting guide.
-This is unlike Libuavcan, which is more complex and does have a well-defined interface between
-the library and the platform.
- +---------------+ +---------------------------------------------+
- | Application | | Application |
- +-------+-------+ +-------+---------------------------------+---+
- | | Libcanard does NOT interact |
- +-------+-------+ | with the platform drivers |
- | Libuavcan | | directly. This interface is |
- +-------+-------+ | application-/driver-specific. |
- | The interface between the +-------+-------+ +-------+-------+
- | library and the platform | Platform | | Libcanard |
- | is defined by the library. | drivers | +---------------+
- +-------+-------+ +---------------+
- | Platform |
- | drivers |
- +---------------+
-## Library development
-This section is intended only for library developers and contributors.
-The library design document can be found in [DESIGN.md](DESIGN.md)
-Contributors, please follow the [Zubax C++ Coding Conventions](https://kb.zubax.com/x/84Ah).
-### Testing
-mkdir build && cd build
-cmake ../libcanard/tests # Adjust path if necessary
+The CAN frames generated from the message transfer are now stored in the transmission queue.
+We need to pick them out one by one and have them transmitted.
+Normally, the following fragment should be invoked periodically to unload the CAN frames from the
+prioritized transmission queue into the CAN driver (or several, if redundant interfaces are used):
+for (const CanardFrame* txf = NULL; (txf = canardTxPeek(&ins)) != NULL;) // Look at the top of the TX queue.
+ if (txf->timestamp_usec < getCurrentMicroseconds()) // Check if the frame has timed out.
+ {
+ if (!pleaseTransmit(&txf)) // Send the frame. Redundant interfaces may be used here.
+ {
+ break; // If the driver is busy, break and retry later.
+ }
+ }
+ canardTxPop(&ins); // Remove the frame from the queue after it's transmitted.
+ ins.memory_free(&ins, (CanardFrame*)txf); // Deallocate the dynamic memory afterwards.
-### Coverity Scan
+Transfer reception is done by feeding frames into the transfer reassembly state machine.
+But first, we need to subscribe:
+CanardRxSubscription my_subscription;
+(void) canardRxSubscribe(&ins,
+ CanardTransferKindResponse, // Indicate that we want service responses.
+ 123, // The Service-ID to subscribe to.
+ 1024, // The maximum payload size (max DSDL object size).
+ &my_subscription);
-First, [get the Coverity build tool](https://scan.coverity.com/download?tab=cxx).
-Then build the tests with it:
+We can subscribe and unsubscribe at runtime as many times as we want.
+Normally, however, an embedded application would subscribe once and roll with it.
+Okay, this is how we receive transfers:
+CanardTransfer transfer;
+const int8_t result = canardRxAccept(&ins,
+ &received_frame, // The CAN frame received from the bus.
+ redundant_interface_index, // If the transport is not redundant, use 0.
+ &transfer);
+if (result < 0)
+ // An error has occurred: either an argument is invalid or we've ran out of memory.
+ // It is possible to statically prove that an out-of-memory will never occur for a given application if
+ // the heap is sized correctly; for background, refer to the Robson's Proof and the documentation for O1Heap.
+ // Reception of an invalid frame is NOT an error.
+ abort();
+else if (result == 1)
+ processReceivedTransfer(redundant_interface_index, &transfer); // A transfer has been received, process it.
+ ins.memory_free(&ins, (void*)transfer.payload); // Deallocate the dynamic memory afterwards.
+ // Nothing to do.
+ // The received frame is either invalid or it's a non-last frame of a multi-frame transfer.
+ // Reception of an invalid frame is NOT reported as an error because it is not an error.
+The DSDL serialization helper library can be used to (de-)serialize DSDL objects without auto-generated code.
+Here's a simple deserialization example for a `uavcan.node.Heartbeat.1.0` message:
+uint8_t mode = canardDSDLGetU8(heartbeat_transfer->payload, heartbeat_transfer->payload_size, 34, 3);
+uint32_t uptime = canardDSDLGetU32(heartbeat_transfer->payload, heartbeat_transfer->payload_size, 0, 32);
+uint32_t vssc = canardDSDLGetU32(heartbeat_transfer->payload, heartbeat_transfer->payload_size, 37, 19);
+uint8_t health = canardDSDLGetU8(heartbeat_transfer->payload, heartbeat_transfer->payload_size, 32, 2);
-export PATH=$PATH:/bin/
-mkdir build && cd build
-cmake ../libcanard/tests -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug # Adjust path if necessary
-cov-build --dir cov-int make -j8
-tar czvf libcanard.tgz cov-int
+And the opposite:
+uint8_t buffer[7];
+// destination offset value bit-length
+canardDSDLSetUxx(&buffer[0], 34, 2, 3); // mode
+canardDSDLSetUxx(&buffer[0], 0, 0xDEADBEEF, 32); // uptime
+canardDSDLSetUxx(&buffer[0], 37, 0x7FFFF, 19); // vssc
+canardDSDLSetUxx(&buffer[0], 32, 2, 2); // health
+// Now it can be transmitted:
+my_transfer->payload = &buffer[0];
+my_transfer->payload_size = sizeof(buffer);
+result = canardTxPush(&ins, &my_transfer);
-Then upload the resulting archive to Coverity.
+Full API specification is available in the documentation.
+If you find the examples to be unclear or incorrect, please, open a ticket.
diff --git a/format.sh b/format.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f02018c..00000000
--- a/format.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
- echo "$@" >&2
- exit 1
-command -v clang-format > /dev/null || die "clang-format not found"
-clang_format_version=$(clang-format --version | sed -ne 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1/p')
-[ "$clang_format_version" -ge $MIN_CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION ] || \
- die "clang-format v$MIN_CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION+ required; found v$clang_format_version"
-all_source_files="libcanard/* $(find tests -name 'test_*.cpp')"
-for i in $all_source_files; do echo "$i"; done
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-clang-format -i -fallback-style=none -style=file $all_source_files || die "clang-format has failed"
diff --git a/.clang-tidy b/libcanard/.clang-tidy
similarity index 71%
rename from .clang-tidy
rename to libcanard/.clang-tidy
index 68a8b6e4..e04e1951 100644
--- a/.clang-tidy
+++ b/libcanard/.clang-tidy
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ Checks: >-
- -*-magic-numbers,
-WarningsAsErrors: true
-HeaderFilterRegex: ''
+ -readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls,
+ -llvm-header-guard,
+WarningsAsErrors: '*'
+HeaderFilterRegex: '.*'
AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false
FormatStyle: file
diff --git a/libcanard/canard.c b/libcanard/canard.c
index 29643514..a3dfcd07 100644
--- a/libcanard/canard.c
+++ b/libcanard/canard.c
@@ -1,1421 +1,1149 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 UAVCAN Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- * Contributors: https://github.com/UAVCAN/libcanard/contributors
- */
-#include "canard_internals.h"
+/// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+/// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+/// Author: Pavel Kirienko
+#include "canard.h"
-#undef MIN
-#undef MAX
-#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+// --------------------------------------------- BUILD CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------
+/// By default, this macro resolves to the standard assert(). The user can redefine this if necessary.
+/// To disable assertion checks completely, make it expand into `(void)(0)`.
+// Intentional violation of MISRA: assertion macro cannot be replaced with a function definition.
+# define CANARD_ASSERT(x) assert(x) // NOSONAR
-#define TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_USEC 2000000
+/// This macro is needed only for testing and for library development. Do not redefine this in production.
+#else // Consider defining an extra compilation option that turns this into "static inline"?
+# define CANARD_PRIVATE static
+#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || (__STDC_VERSION__ < 201112L)
+# error "Unsupported language: ISO C11 or a newer version is required."
-#define SOURCE_ID_FROM_ID(x) ((uint8_t)(((x) >> 1U) & 0x7FU))
-#define SERVICE_NOT_MSG_FROM_ID(x) ((bool) (((x) >> 25U) & 0x1U))
-#define REQUEST_NOT_RESPONSE_FROM_ID(x) ((bool) (((x) >> 24U) & 0x1U))
-#define DEST_ID_FROM_ID(x) ((uint8_t)(((x) >> 8U) & 0x7FU))
-#define PRIORITY_FROM_ID(x) ((uint8_t)(((x) >> 26U) & 0x7U))
-#define SUBJECT_TYPE_FROM_ID(x) ((uint16_t)(((x) >> 8U) & 0x7FFFU))
-#define SRV_TYPE_FROM_ID(x) ((uint16_t)(((x) >> 15U) & 0x1FFU))
+// --------------------------------------------- COMMON CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------
-#define MAKE_SESSION_SPECIFIER(port_id, transfer_kind, src_node_id, dst_node_id) \
- (((uint32_t)(port_id)) | (((uint32_t)(transfer_kind)) << 16U) | (((uint32_t)(src_node_id)) << 18U) | \
- (((uint32_t)(dst_node_id)) << 25U))
+#define BITS_PER_BYTE 8U
+#define BYTE_MAX 0xFFU
-#define TRANSFER_ID_FROM_TAIL_BYTE(x) ((uint8_t)((x) &0x1FU))
+#define CAN_EXT_ID_MASK ((UINT32_C(1) << 29U) - 1U)
-// The extra cast to unsigned is needed to squelch warnings from clang-tidy
-#define IS_START_OF_TRANSFER(x) ((bool) (((uint32_t)(x) >> 7U) & 0x1U))
-#define IS_END_OF_TRANSFER(x) ((bool) (((uint32_t)(x) >> 6U) & 0x1U))
-#define TOGGLE_BIT(x) ((bool) (((uint32_t)(x) >> 5U) & 0x1U))
-struct CanardTxQueueItem
- CanardTxQueueItem* next;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
-void canardInit(CanardInstance* out_ins,
- void* mem_arena,
- size_t mem_arena_size,
- CanardOnTransferReception on_reception,
- CanardShouldAcceptTransfer should_accept,
- void* user_reference)
- CANARD_ASSERT(out_ins != NULL);
- memset(out_ins, 0, sizeof(*out_ins));
+#define FLAG_SERVICE_NOT_MESSAGE (UINT32_C(1) << 25U)
+#define FLAG_ANONYMOUS_MESSAGE (UINT32_C(1) << 24U)
+#define FLAG_RESERVED_23 (UINT32_C(1) << 23U)
+#define FLAG_RESERVED_07 (UINT32_C(1) << 7U)
- out_ins->node_id = CANARD_BROADCAST_NODE_ID;
- out_ins->on_reception = on_reception;
- out_ins->should_accept = should_accept;
- out_ins->rx_states = NULL;
- out_ins->tx_queue = NULL;
- out_ins->user_reference = user_reference;
+#define TAIL_TOGGLE 32U
- const uint16_t pool_capacity = (uint16_t) MIN(0xFFFFU, mem_arena_size / CANARD_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
- initPoolAllocator(&out_ins->allocator, mem_arena, pool_capacity);
-void* canardGetUserReference(CanardInstance* ins)
+// --------------------------------------------- TRANSFER CRC ---------------------------------------------
+typedef uint16_t TransferCRC;
+#define CRC_RESIDUE 0x0000U
+#define CRC_SIZE_BYTES 2U
+CANARD_PRIVATE TransferCRC crcAddByte(const TransferCRC crc, const uint8_t byte);
+CANARD_PRIVATE TransferCRC crcAddByte(const TransferCRC crc, const uint8_t byte)
- return ins->user_reference;
+ static const TransferCRC Top = 0x8000U;
+ static const TransferCRC Poly = 0x1021U;
+ TransferCRC out = crc ^ (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(byte) << BITS_PER_BYTE);
+ // Consider adding a compilation option that replaces this with a CRC table. Adds 512 bytes of ROM.
+ // Do not fold this into a loop because a size-optimizing compiler won't unroll it degrading the performance.
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ out = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(out << 1U) ^ (((out & Top) != 0U) ? Poly : 0U));
+ return out;
-int16_t canardSetLocalNodeID(CanardInstance* ins, uint8_t self_node_id)
+CANARD_PRIVATE TransferCRC crcAdd(const TransferCRC crc, const size_t size, const void* const data);
+CANARD_PRIVATE TransferCRC crcAdd(const TransferCRC crc, const size_t size, const void* const data)
- if ((ins->node_id == CANARD_BROADCAST_NODE_ID) && (self_node_id <= CANARD_MAX_NODE_ID))
+ CANARD_ASSERT((data != NULL) || (size == 0U));
+ TransferCRC out = crc;
+ const uint8_t* p = (const uint8_t*) data;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
- ins->node_id = self_node_id;
- }
- else
- {
+ out = crcAddByte(out, *p);
+ ++p;
+ return out;
+// --------------------------------------------- TRANSMISSION ---------------------------------------------
- return CANARD_OK;
+/// This is a subclass of CanardFrame. A pointer to this type can be cast to CanardFrame safely.
+/// This is standard-compliant. The paragraph says:
+/// A pointer to a structure object, suitably converted, points to its initial member (or if that member is a
+/// bit-field, then to the unit in which it resides), and vice versa. There may be unnamed padding within a
+/// structure object, but not at its beginning.
+typedef struct CanardInternalTxQueueItem
+ CanardFrame frame;
+ struct CanardInternalTxQueueItem* next;
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: this flex array is the lesser of three evils. The other two are:
+ // - Make the payload pointer point to the remainder of the allocated memory following this structure.
+ // The pointer is bad because it requires us to use pointer arithmetics.
+ // - Use a separate memory allocation for data. This is terribly wasteful (both time & memory).
+ uint8_t payload_buffer[]; // NOSONAR
+} CanardInternalTxQueueItem;
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint32_t txMakeMessageSessionSpecifier(const CanardPortID subject_id, const CanardNodeID src_node_id);
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint32_t txMakeMessageSessionSpecifier(const CanardPortID subject_id, const CanardNodeID src_node_id)
+ return src_node_id | ((uint32_t) subject_id << OFFSET_SUBJECT_ID);
-uint8_t canardGetLocalNodeID(const CanardInstance* ins)
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint32_t txMakeServiceSessionSpecifier(const CanardPortID service_id,
+ const bool request_not_response,
+ const CanardNodeID src_node_id,
+ const CanardNodeID dst_node_id);
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint32_t txMakeServiceSessionSpecifier(const CanardPortID service_id,
+ const bool request_not_response,
+ const CanardNodeID src_node_id,
+ const CanardNodeID dst_node_id)
- return ins->node_id;
+ return src_node_id | (((uint32_t) dst_node_id) << OFFSET_DST_NODE_ID) | //
+ (((uint32_t) service_id) << OFFSET_SERVICE_ID) | //
-int16_t canardPublishMessage(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint16_t subject_id,
- uint8_t* inout_transfer_id,
- uint8_t priority,
- const void* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len)
+/// This is the transport MTU rounded up to next full DLC minus the tail byte.
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t txGetPresentationLayerMTU(const CanardInstance* const ins);
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t txGetPresentationLayerMTU(const CanardInstance* const ins)
- if (payload == NULL && payload_len > 0)
+ const size_t max_index = (sizeof(CanardCANLengthToDLC) / sizeof(CanardCANLengthToDLC[0])) - 1U;
+ size_t mtu = 0U;
+ if (ins->mtu_bytes < CANARD_MTU_CAN_CLASSIC)
+ else if (ins->mtu_bytes <= max_index)
- }
- uint32_t can_id = 0;
- uint16_t crc = TRANSFER_CRC_INITIAL;
- can_id = ((uint32_t) priority << 26U) | ((uint32_t) subject_id << 8U) | 1U;
- if (canardGetLocalNodeID(ins) == CANARD_BROADCAST_NODE_ID) // Anonymous message transfer
- {
- if (payload_len > 7)
- {
- }
- uint8_t pseudo_id = crcAdd(TRANSFER_CRC_INITIAL, payload, payload_len) & 0x7FU;
- can_id |= (1U << 24U) | ((uint32_t) pseudo_id << 1U);
+ mtu = CanardCANDLCToLength[CanardCANLengthToDLC[ins->mtu_bytes]]; // Round up to nearest valid length.
- if (payload_len > 7)
- {
- crc = crcAdd(crc, payload, payload_len);
- }
- can_id |= ((uint32_t)(canardGetLocalNodeID(ins) & 0x7FU) << 1U);
+ mtu = CanardCANDLCToLength[CanardCANLengthToDLC[max_index]];
- const int16_t result = enqueueTxFrames(ins, can_id, inout_transfer_id, crc, payload, payload_len);
- incrementTransferID(inout_transfer_id);
- return result;
+ return mtu - 1U;
-int16_t canardRequestOrRespond(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint8_t destination_node_id,
- uint16_t service_id,
- uint8_t* inout_transfer_id,
- uint8_t priority,
- CanardRequestResponse kind,
- const void* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len)
+CANARD_PRIVATE int32_t txMakeCANID(const CanardTransfer* const tr,
+ const CanardNodeID local_node_id,
+ const size_t presentation_layer_mtu);
+CANARD_PRIVATE int32_t txMakeCANID(const CanardTransfer* const tr,
+ const CanardNodeID local_node_id,
+ const size_t presentation_layer_mtu)
- if (payload == NULL && payload_len > 0)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(presentation_layer_mtu > 0);
+ if ((tr->transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage) && (CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET == tr->remote_node_id) &&
+ (tr->port_id <= CANARD_SUBJECT_ID_MAX))
- }
- {
+ if (local_node_id <= CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX)
+ {
+ out = (int32_t) txMakeMessageSessionSpecifier(tr->port_id, local_node_id);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out >= 0);
+ }
+ else if (tr->payload_size <= presentation_layer_mtu)
+ {
+ CANARD_ASSERT((tr->payload != NULL) || (tr->payload_size == 0U));
+ const CanardNodeID c =
+ (CanardNodeID)(crcAdd(CRC_INITIAL, tr->payload_size, tr->payload) & CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX);
+ const uint32_t spec = txMakeMessageSessionSpecifier(tr->port_id, c) | FLAG_ANONYMOUS_MESSAGE;
+ out = (int32_t) spec;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = -CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; // Anonymous multi-frame message trs are not allowed.
+ }
- if (canardGetLocalNodeID(ins) == CANARD_BROADCAST_NODE_ID)
+ else if (((tr->transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindRequest) || (tr->transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindResponse)) &&
+ (tr->remote_node_id <= CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX) && (tr->port_id <= CANARD_SERVICE_ID_MAX))
- return -CANARD_ERROR_NODE_ID_NOT_SET; // Service transfers not supported for anonymous nodes.
+ if (local_node_id <= CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX)
+ {
+ out = (int32_t) txMakeServiceSessionSpecifier(tr->port_id,
+ tr->transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindRequest,
+ local_node_id,
+ tr->remote_node_id);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out >= 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = -CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; // Anonymous service transfers are not allowed.
+ }
- const uint32_t can_id = ((uint32_t) priority << 26U) | ((uint32_t) service_id << 15U) | ((uint32_t) kind << 24U) |
- ((uint32_t) destination_node_id << 8U) | (1U << 25U) |
- ((uint32_t) canardGetLocalNodeID(ins) << 1U) | 1U;
- uint16_t crc = TRANSFER_CRC_INITIAL;
- if (payload_len > 7)
+ else
- crc = crcAdd(crc, payload, payload_len);
- const int16_t result = enqueueTxFrames(ins, can_id, inout_transfer_id, crc, payload, payload_len);
- if (kind == CanardRequest) // Response Transfer ID must not be altered
+ if (out >= 0)
- incrementTransferID(inout_transfer_id);
+ const uint32_t prio = (uint32_t) tr->priority;
+ if (prio <= CANARD_PRIORITY_MAX)
+ {
+ const uint32_t id = ((uint32_t) out) | (prio << OFFSET_PRIORITY);
+ out = (int32_t) id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
- return result;
+ return out;
-const CanardCANFrame* canardPeekTxQueue(const CanardInstance* ins)
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint8_t txMakeTailByte(const bool start_of_transfer,
+ const bool end_of_transfer,
+ const bool toggle,
+ const CanardTransferID transfer_id);
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint8_t txMakeTailByte(const bool start_of_transfer,
+ const bool end_of_transfer,
+ const bool toggle,
+ const CanardTransferID transfer_id)
- if (ins->tx_queue == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- return &ins->tx_queue->frame;
+ CANARD_ASSERT(start_of_transfer ? toggle : true);
+ return (uint8_t)((start_of_transfer ? TAIL_START_OF_TRANSFER : 0U) | (end_of_transfer ? TAIL_END_OF_TRANSFER : 0U) |
+ (toggle ? TAIL_TOGGLE : 0U) | (transfer_id & CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX));
-void canardPopTxQueue(CanardInstance* ins)
+/// Takes a frame payload size, returns a new size that is >=x and is rounded up to the nearest valid DLC.
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(const size_t x);
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(const size_t x)
- CanardTxQueueItem* item = ins->tx_queue;
- ins->tx_queue = item->next;
- freeBlock(&ins->allocator, item);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(x < (sizeof(CanardCANLengthToDLC) / sizeof(CanardCANLengthToDLC[0])));
+ // Suppressing a false-positive out-of-bounds access error from Sonar. Its control flow analyser is misbehaving.
+ const size_t y = CanardCANLengthToDLC[x]; // NOSONAR
+ CANARD_ASSERT(y < (sizeof(CanardCANDLCToLength) / sizeof(CanardCANDLCToLength[0])));
+ return CanardCANDLCToLength[y];
-int16_t canardHandleRxFrame(CanardInstance* ins, const CanardCANFrame* frame, uint64_t timestamp_usec)
+CANARD_PRIVATE CanardInternalTxQueueItem* txAllocateQueueItem(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const uint32_t id,
+ const CanardMicrosecond deadline_usec,
+ const size_t payload_size);
+CANARD_PRIVATE CanardInternalTxQueueItem* txAllocateQueueItem(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const uint32_t id,
+ const CanardMicrosecond deadline_usec,
+ const size_t payload_size)
- const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind = extractTransferKind(frame->id);
- const uint8_t destination_node_id = (transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessagePublication)
- : DEST_ID_FROM_ID(frame->id);
- if ((frame->id & CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) == 0 || (frame->id & CANARD_CAN_FRAME_RTR) != 0 ||
- (frame->id & CANARD_CAN_FRAME_ERR) != 0 || (frame->data_len < 1))
+ CANARD_ASSERT(payload_size > 0U);
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* const out =
+ (CanardInternalTxQueueItem*) ins->memory_allocate(ins, sizeof(CanardInternalTxQueueItem) + payload_size);
+ if (out != NULL)
+ out->next = NULL;
+ out->frame.timestamp_usec = deadline_usec;
+ out->frame.payload_size = payload_size;
+ out->frame.payload = out->payload_buffer;
+ out->frame.extended_can_id = id;
+ return out;
- if (transfer_kind != CanardTransferKindMessagePublication && destination_node_id != canardGetLocalNodeID(ins))
+/// Returns the element after which new elements with the specified CAN ID should be inserted.
+/// Returns NULL if the element shall be inserted in the beginning of the list (i.e., no prior elements).
+CANARD_PRIVATE CanardInternalTxQueueItem* txFindQueueSupremum(const CanardInstance* const ins, const uint32_t can_id);
+CANARD_PRIVATE CanardInternalTxQueueItem* txFindQueueSupremum(const CanardInstance* const ins, const uint32_t can_id)
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* out = ins->_tx_queue;
+ if ((NULL == out) || (out->frame.extended_can_id > can_id))
+ out = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO The linear search should be replaced with O(log n) at least. Please help us here.
+ while ((out != NULL) && (out->next != NULL) && (out->next->frame.extended_can_id <= can_id))
+ {
+ out = out->next;
+ }
+ }
+ CANARD_ASSERT((out == NULL) || (out->frame.extended_can_id <= can_id));
+ return out;
- const uint8_t priority = PRIORITY_FROM_ID(frame->id);
- const uint8_t source_node_id = SOURCE_ID_FROM_ID(frame->id);
- const uint16_t port_id = extractDataType(frame->id);
- const uint8_t tail_byte = frame->data[frame->data_len - 1];
- const uint32_t session_specifier =
- MAKE_SESSION_SPECIFIER(port_id, transfer_kind, source_node_id, destination_node_id);
+/// Returns the number of frames enqueued or error (i.e., =1 or <0).
+CANARD_PRIVATE int32_t txPushSingleFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardMicrosecond deadline_usec,
+ const uint32_t can_id,
+ const CanardTransferID transfer_id,
+ const size_t payload_size,
+ const void* const payload);
+CANARD_PRIVATE int32_t txPushSingleFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardMicrosecond deadline_usec,
+ const uint32_t can_id,
+ const CanardTransferID transfer_id,
+ const size_t payload_size,
+ const void* const payload)
+ CANARD_ASSERT((payload != NULL) || (payload_size == 0));
- CanardRxState* rx_state = NULL;
+ const size_t frame_payload_size = txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(payload_size + 1U);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame_payload_size > payload_size);
+ const size_t padding_size = frame_payload_size - payload_size - 1U;
+ CANARD_ASSERT((padding_size + payload_size + 1U) == frame_payload_size);
+ int32_t out = 0;
- if (IS_START_OF_TRANSFER(tail_byte))
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* const tqi = txAllocateQueueItem(ins, can_id, deadline_usec, frame_payload_size);
+ if (tqi != NULL)
- if (ins->should_accept(ins, port_id, transfer_kind, source_node_id))
+ if (payload_size > 0U) // The check is needed to avoid calling memcpy() with a NULL pointer, it's an UB.
- rx_state = traverseRxStates(ins, session_specifier);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(payload != NULL);
+ // Clang-Tidy raises an error recommending the use of memcpy_s() instead.
+ // We ignore it because the safe functions are poorly supported; reliance on them may limit the portability.
+ (void) memcpy(&tqi->payload_buffer[0], payload, payload_size); // NOLINT
+ }
- if (rx_state == NULL)
- {
- }
+ // Clang-Tidy raises an error recommending the use of memset_s() instead.
+ // We ignore it because the safe functions are poorly supported; reliance on them may limit the portability.
+ (void) memset(&tqi->payload_buffer[payload_size], PADDING_BYTE_VALUE, padding_size); // NOLINT
- rx_state->calculated_crc = TRANSFER_CRC_INITIAL;
- rx_state->timestamp_usec = timestamp_usec;
- rx_state->next_toggle = 1;
- rx_state->transfer_id = TRANSFER_ID_FROM_TAIL_BYTE(tail_byte);
- rx_state->payload_len = 0;
+ tqi->payload_buffer[frame_payload_size - 1U] = txMakeTailByte(true, true, true, transfer_id);
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* const sup = txFindQueueSupremum(ins, can_id);
+ if (sup != NULL)
+ {
+ tqi->next = sup->next;
+ sup->next = tqi;
+ tqi->next = ins->_tx_queue;
+ ins->_tx_queue = tqi;
+ out = 1; // One frame enqueued.
- rx_state = findRxState(ins->rx_states, session_specifier);
- if (rx_state == NULL)
- {
- }
- }
- CANARD_ASSERT(rx_state != NULL); // All paths that lead to NULL should be terminated with return above
- // Resolving the state flags:
- const bool not_initialized = rx_state->timestamp_usec == 0;
- const bool tid_timed_out = (timestamp_usec - rx_state->timestamp_usec) > TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_USEC;
- const bool first_frame = IS_START_OF_TRANSFER(tail_byte);
- const bool not_previous_tid =
- computeTransferIDForwardDistance((uint8_t) rx_state->transfer_id, TRANSFER_ID_FROM_TAIL_BYTE(tail_byte)) > 1;
- const bool need_restart = (not_initialized) || (tid_timed_out) || (first_frame && not_previous_tid);
- if (need_restart)
- {
- rx_state->transfer_id = TRANSFER_ID_FROM_TAIL_BYTE(tail_byte);
- rx_state->next_toggle = 1;
- releaseStatePayload(ins, rx_state);
- if (!IS_START_OF_TRANSFER(tail_byte))
- {
- rx_state->transfer_id++;
- }
+ CANARD_ASSERT((out < 0) || (out == 1));
+ return out;
- if (IS_START_OF_TRANSFER(tail_byte) && IS_END_OF_TRANSFER(tail_byte)) // single frame transfer
- {
- CanardRxTransfer rx_transfer = {.timestamp_usec = timestamp_usec,
- .payload_head = frame->data,
- .payload_len = (uint8_t)(frame->data_len - 1U),
- .port_id = port_id,
- .transfer_kind = (uint8_t) transfer_kind,
- .transfer_id = TRANSFER_ID_FROM_TAIL_BYTE(tail_byte),
- .priority = priority,
- .source_node_id = source_node_id};
- ins->on_reception(ins, &rx_transfer);
- prepareForNextTransfer(rx_state);
- }
- else // multi frame transfer
- {
- if (IS_START_OF_TRANSFER(tail_byte) && frame->data_len <= 3)
+/// Returns the number of frames enqueued or error.
+CANARD_PRIVATE int32_t txPushMultiFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const size_t presentation_layer_mtu,
+ const CanardMicrosecond deadline_usec,
+ const uint32_t can_id,
+ const CanardTransferID transfer_id,
+ const size_t payload_size,
+ const void* const payload);
+CANARD_PRIVATE int32_t txPushMultiFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const size_t presentation_layer_mtu,
+ const CanardMicrosecond deadline_usec,
+ const uint32_t can_id,
+ const CanardTransferID transfer_id,
+ const size_t payload_size,
+ const void* const payload)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(presentation_layer_mtu > 0U);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(payload_size > presentation_layer_mtu); // Otherwise, a single-frame transfer should be used.
+ CANARD_ASSERT(payload != NULL);
+ int32_t out = 0; // The number of frames enqueued or negated error.
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* head = NULL; // Head and tail of the linked list of frames of this transfer.
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* tail = NULL;
+ const size_t payload_size_with_crc = payload_size + CRC_SIZE_BYTES;
+ size_t offset = 0U;
+ TransferCRC crc = crcAdd(CRC_INITIAL, payload_size, payload);
+ bool start_of_transfer = true;
+ bool toggle = INITIAL_TOGGLE_STATE;
+ const uint8_t* payload_ptr = (const uint8_t*) payload;
+ while (offset < payload_size_with_crc)
+ {
+ ++out;
+ const size_t frame_payload_size_with_tail =
+ ((payload_size_with_crc - offset) < presentation_layer_mtu)
+ ? txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp((payload_size_with_crc - offset) + 1U) // Padding in the last frame only.
+ : (presentation_layer_mtu + 1U);
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* const tqi =
+ txAllocateQueueItem(ins, can_id, deadline_usec, frame_payload_size_with_tail);
+ if (NULL == head)
+ head = tqi;
- if (TOGGLE_BIT(tail_byte) != (bool) rx_state->next_toggle)
+ else
+ tail->next = tqi;
- if (TRANSFER_ID_FROM_TAIL_BYTE(tail_byte) != (uint8_t) rx_state->transfer_id)
+ tail = tqi;
+ if (NULL == tail)
+ break;
- if (!IS_END_OF_TRANSFER(tail_byte)) // Any multi frame that do not complete the transfer
+ // Copy the payload into the frame.
+ const size_t frame_payload_size = frame_payload_size_with_tail - 1U;
+ size_t frame_offset = 0U;
+ if (offset < payload_size)
- const int16_t ret =
- bufferBlockPushBytes(&ins->allocator, rx_state, frame->data, (uint8_t)(frame->data_len - 1));
- if (ret < 0)
+ size_t move_size = payload_size - offset;
+ if (move_size > frame_payload_size)
- releaseStatePayload(ins, rx_state);
- prepareForNextTransfer(rx_state);
+ move_size = frame_payload_size;
- rx_state->calculated_crc =
- crcAdd((uint16_t) rx_state->calculated_crc, frame->data, (uint8_t)(frame->data_len - 1));
+ // Clang-Tidy raises an error recommending the use of memcpy_s() instead.
+ // We ignore it because the safe functions are poorly supported; reliance on them may limit the portability.
+ (void) memcpy(&tail->payload_buffer[0], payload_ptr, move_size); // NOLINT
+ frame_offset = frame_offset + move_size;
+ offset += move_size;
+ payload_ptr += move_size;
- else // End of a multi-frame transfer
- {
- const uint8_t frame_payload_size = (uint8_t)(frame->data_len - 1);
- uint8_t tail_offset = 0;
- if (rx_state->payload_len < CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE)
- {
- // Copy the beginning of the frame into the head, point the tail pointer to the remainder
- for (size_t i = rx_state->payload_len;
- (i < CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE) && (tail_offset < frame_payload_size);
- i++, tail_offset++)
- {
- rx_state->buffer_head[i] = frame->data[tail_offset];
- }
- }
- else
+ // Handle the last frame of the transfer: it is special because it also contains padding and CRC.
+ if (offset >= payload_size)
+ {
+ // Insert padding -- only in the last frame. Don't forget to include padding into the CRC.
+ while ((frame_offset + CRC_SIZE_BYTES) < frame_payload_size)
- // Like above, except that the beginning goes into the last block of the storage
- CanardBufferBlock* block = rx_state->buffer_blocks;
- if (block != NULL) // If there's no middle, that's fine, we'll use only head and tail
- {
- size_t offset = CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE; // Payload offset of the first block
- while (block->next != NULL)
- {
- block = block->next;
- }
- const size_t offset_within_block = rx_state->payload_len - offset;
- for (size_t i = offset_within_block;
- (i < CANARD_BUFFER_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE) && (tail_offset < frame_payload_size);
- i++, tail_offset++)
- {
- block->data[i] = frame->data[tail_offset];
- }
- }
+ tail->payload_buffer[frame_offset] = PADDING_BYTE_VALUE;
+ ++frame_offset;
+ crc = crcAddByte(crc, PADDING_BYTE_VALUE);
- CanardRxTransfer rx_transfer = {.timestamp_usec = timestamp_usec,
- .payload_head = rx_state->buffer_head,
- .payload_middle = rx_state->buffer_blocks,
- .payload_tail = (tail_offset >= frame_payload_size)
- ? NULL
- : (&frame->data[tail_offset]),
- .payload_len =
- (uint16_t)((size_t) rx_state->payload_len + frame_payload_size -
- .port_id = port_id,
- .transfer_kind = (uint8_t) transfer_kind,
- .transfer_id = TRANSFER_ID_FROM_TAIL_BYTE(tail_byte),
- .priority = priority,
- .source_node_id = source_node_id};
- rx_state->buffer_blocks = NULL; // Block list ownership has been transferred to rx_transfer!
- // CRC validation
- rx_state->calculated_crc = crcAdd((uint16_t) rx_state->calculated_crc, frame->data, frame->data_len - 1U);
- if (rx_state->calculated_crc == 0U)
+ // Insert the CRC.
+ if ((frame_offset < frame_payload_size) && (offset == payload_size))
- ins->on_reception(ins, &rx_transfer);
+ tail->payload_buffer[frame_offset] = (uint8_t)(crc >> BITS_PER_BYTE);
+ ++frame_offset;
+ ++offset;
- // Making sure the payload is released even if the application didn't bother with it
- canardReleaseRxTransferPayload(ins, &rx_transfer);
- prepareForNextTransfer(rx_state);
- if (rx_state->calculated_crc != 0U)
+ if ((frame_offset < frame_payload_size) && (offset > payload_size))
+ tail->payload_buffer[frame_offset] = (uint8_t)(crc & BYTE_MAX);
+ ++frame_offset;
+ ++offset;
- rx_state->next_toggle = (bool) rx_state->next_toggle ? 0 : 1;
+ // Finalize the frame.
+ CANARD_ASSERT((frame_offset + 1U) == tail->frame.payload_size);
+ tail->payload_buffer[frame_offset] =
+ txMakeTailByte(start_of_transfer, offset >= payload_size_with_crc, toggle, transfer_id);
+ start_of_transfer = false;
+ toggle = !toggle;
- return CANARD_OK;
-int16_t canardDecodePrimitive(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer,
- uint32_t bit_offset,
- uint8_t bit_length,
- bool value_is_signed,
- void* out_value)
- if (transfer == NULL || out_value == NULL)
- {
- }
- if (bit_length < 1 || bit_length > 64)
- {
- }
- if (bit_length == 1 && value_is_signed)
+ if (tail != NULL)
- }
- /*
- * Reading raw bytes into the temporary storage.
- * Luckily, C guarantees that every element is aligned at the beginning (lower address) of the union.
- */
- union
- {
- bool boolean; ///< sizeof(bool) is implementation-defined, so it has to be handled separately
- uint8_t u8; ///< Also char
- int8_t s8;
- uint16_t u16;
- int16_t s16;
- uint32_t u32;
- int32_t s32; ///< Also float, possibly double, possibly long double (depends on implementation)
- uint64_t u64;
- int64_t s64; ///< Also double, possibly float, possibly long double (depends on implementation)
- uint8_t bytes[8];
- } storage;
- memset(&storage, 0, sizeof(storage)); // This is important
- const int16_t result = descatterTransferPayload(transfer, bit_offset, bit_length, &storage.bytes[0]);
- if (result <= 0)
- {
- return result;
- }
- CANARD_ASSERT((result > 0) && (result <= 64) && (result <= bit_length));
- /*
- * The bit copy algorithm assumes that more significant bits have lower index, so we need to shift some.
- * Extra most significant bits will be filled with zeroes, which is fine.
- * Coverity Scan mistakenly believes that the array may be overrun if bit_length == 64; however, this branch will
- * not be taken if bit_length == 64, because 64 % 8 == 0.
- */
- if ((bit_length % 8) != 0)
- {
- // coverity[overrun-local]
- storage.bytes[bit_length / 8U] = (uint8_t)(storage.bytes[bit_length / 8U] >> ((8U - (bit_length % 8U)) & 7U));
- }
- /*
- * Determining the closest standard byte length - this will be needed for byte reordering and sign bit extension.
- */
- uint8_t std_byte_length = 0; // clang-format off
- if (bit_length == 1) { std_byte_length = sizeof(bool); }
- else if (bit_length <= 8) { std_byte_length = 1; }
- else if (bit_length <= 16) { std_byte_length = 2; }
- else if (bit_length <= 32) { std_byte_length = 4; }
- else if (bit_length <= 64) { std_byte_length = 8; }
- else // clang-format on
- {
- }
- CANARD_ASSERT((std_byte_length > 0) && (std_byte_length <= 8));
- /*
- * Flipping the byte order if needed.
- */
- if (isBigEndian())
- {
- swapByteOrder(&storage.bytes[0], std_byte_length);
- }
- /*
- * Extending the sign bit if needed. I miss templates.
- * Note that we operate on unsigned values in order to avoid undefined behaviors.
- */
- if (value_is_signed && (std_byte_length * 8 != bit_length))
- {
- if (bit_length <= 8)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(head->next != NULL); // This is not a single-frame transfer so at least two frames shall exist.
+ CANARD_ASSERT(tail->next == NULL); // The list shall be properly terminated.
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* const sup = txFindQueueSupremum(ins, can_id);
+ if (NULL == sup) // Once the insertion point is located, we insert the entire frame sequence in constant time.
- if ((storage.u8 & (1U << (bit_length - 1U))) != 0) // If the sign bit is set...
- {
- storage.u8 |= (uint8_t)(0xFFU & (uint8_t) ~((1U << bit_length) - 1U)); // ...set all bits above it.
- }
- }
- else if (bit_length <= 16)
- {
- if ((storage.u16 & (1U << (bit_length - 1U))) != 0)
- {
- storage.u16 |= (uint16_t)(0xFFFFU & (uint16_t) ~((1U << bit_length) - 1U));
- }
- }
- else if (bit_length <= 32)
- {
- if ((storage.u32 & (((uint32_t) 1) << (bit_length - 1U))) != 0)
- {
- storage.u32 |= (uint32_t)(0xFFFFFFFFUL & (uint32_t) ~((((uint32_t) 1) << bit_length) - 1U));
- }
- }
- else if (bit_length < 64) // Strictly less, this is not a typo
- {
- if ((storage.u64 & (((uint64_t) 1) << (bit_length - 1U))) != 0)
- {
- storage.u64 |= (uint64_t)(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL & (uint64_t) ~((((uint64_t) 1) << bit_length) - 1U));
- }
+ tail->next = ins->_tx_queue;
+ ins->_tx_queue = head;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Copying the result out.
- */
- if (value_is_signed)
- { // clang-format off
- if (bit_length <= 8) { *( (int8_t*) out_value) = storage.s8; }
- else if (bit_length <= 16) { *((int16_t*) out_value) = storage.s16; }
- else if (bit_length <= 32) { *((int32_t*) out_value) = storage.s32; }
- else if (bit_length <= 64) { *((int64_t*) out_value) = storage.s64; }
- else // clang-format on
- {
+ tail->next = sup->next;
+ sup->next = head;
- else
- { // clang-format off
- if (bit_length == 1) { *( (bool*) out_value) = storage.boolean; }
- else if (bit_length <= 8) { *( (uint8_t*) out_value) = storage.u8; }
- else if (bit_length <= 16) { *((uint16_t*) out_value) = storage.u16; }
- else if (bit_length <= 32) { *((uint32_t*) out_value) = storage.u32; }
- else if (bit_length <= 64) { *((uint64_t*) out_value) = storage.u64; }
- else // clang-format on
+ else // Failed to allocate at least one frame in the queue! Remove all frames and abort.
+ {
+ while (head != NULL)
+ CanardInternalTxQueueItem* const next = head->next;
+ ins->memory_free(ins, head);
+ head = next;
- CANARD_ASSERT(result <= bit_length);
- CANARD_ASSERT(result > 0);
- return result;
+ CANARD_ASSERT((out < 0) || (out >= 2));
+ return out;
-void canardEncodePrimitive(void* destination, uint32_t bit_offset, uint8_t bit_length, const void* value)
- /*
- * This function can only fail due to invalid arguments, so it was decided to make it return void,
- * and in the case of bad arguments try the best effort or just trigger an assertion failure.
- * Maybe not the best solution, but it simplifies the API.
- */
- CANARD_ASSERT(destination != NULL);
- if (bit_length > 64)
- {
- bit_length = 64;
- }
- if (bit_length < 1)
- {
- bit_length = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Preparing the data in the temporary storage.
- */
- union
- {
- bool boolean;
- uint8_t u8;
- uint16_t u16;
- uint32_t u32;
- uint64_t u64;
- uint8_t bytes[8];
- } storage;
- memset(&storage, 0, sizeof(storage));
- uint8_t std_byte_length = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------- RECEPTION ---------------------------------------------
- // Extra most significant bits can be safely ignored here.
- if (bit_length == 1)
- {
- std_byte_length = sizeof(bool);
- storage.boolean = (*((bool*) value) != 0);
- }
- else if (bit_length <= 8)
- {
- std_byte_length = 1;
- storage.u8 = *((uint8_t*) value);
- }
- else if (bit_length <= 16)
- {
- std_byte_length = 2;
- storage.u16 = *((uint16_t*) value);
- }
- else if (bit_length <= 32)
- {
- std_byte_length = 4;
- storage.u32 = *((uint32_t*) value);
- }
- else if (bit_length <= 64)
- {
- std_byte_length = 8;
- storage.u64 = *((uint64_t*) value);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- CANARD_ASSERT(std_byte_length > 0);
- if (isBigEndian())
- {
- swapByteOrder(&storage.bytes[0], std_byte_length);
- }
- /*
- * The bit copy algorithm assumes that more significant bits have lower index, so we need to shift some.
- * Extra least significant bits will be filled with zeroes, which is fine.
- * Extra most significant bits will be discarded here.
- * Coverity Scan mistakenly believes that the array may be overrun if bit_length == 64; however, this branch will
- * not be taken if bit_length == 64, because 64 % 8 == 0.
- */
- if ((bit_length % 8) != 0)
- {
- // coverity[overrun-local]
- storage.bytes[bit_length / 8U] = (uint8_t)(storage.bytes[bit_length / 8U] << ((8U - (bit_length % 8U)) & 7U));
- }
- /*
- * Now, the storage contains properly serialized scalar. Copying it out.
- */
- copyBitArray(&storage.bytes[0], 0, bit_length, (uint8_t*) destination, bit_offset);
-void canardReleaseRxTransferPayload(CanardInstance* ins, CanardRxTransfer* transfer)
+/// The memory requirement model provided in the documentation assumes that the maximum size of this structure never
+/// exceeds 48 bytes on any conventional platform.
+/// A user that needs a detailed analysis of the worst-case memory consumption may compute the size of this structure
+/// for the particular platform at hand manually or by evaluating its sizeof().
+/// The fields are ordered to minimize the amount of padding on all conventional platforms.
+typedef struct CanardInternalRxSession
- while (transfer->payload_middle != NULL)
- {
- CanardBufferBlock* const temp = transfer->payload_middle->next;
- freeBlock(&ins->allocator, transfer->payload_middle);
- transfer->payload_middle = temp;
- }
- transfer->payload_middle = NULL;
- transfer->payload_head = NULL;
- transfer->payload_tail = NULL;
- transfer->payload_len = 0;
-CanardPoolAllocatorStatistics canardGetPoolAllocatorStatistics(CanardInstance* ins)
+ CanardMicrosecond transfer_timestamp_usec; ///< Timestamp of the last received start-of-transfer.
+ size_t total_payload_size; ///< The payload size before the implicit truncation, including the CRC.
+ size_t payload_size; ///< How many bytes received so far.
+ uint8_t* payload; ///< Dynamically allocated and handed off to the application when done.
+ TransferCRC calculated_crc; ///< Updated with the received payload in real time.
+ CanardTransferID transfer_id;
+ uint8_t redundant_transport_index; ///< Arbitrary value in [0, 255].
+ bool toggle;
+} CanardInternalRxSession;
+/// High-level transport frame model.
+typedef struct
- return ins->allocator.statistics;
-uint16_t canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(float value)
+ CanardMicrosecond timestamp_usec;
+ CanardPriority priority;
+ CanardTransferKind transfer_kind;
+ CanardPortID port_id;
+ CanardNodeID source_node_id;
+ CanardNodeID destination_node_id;
+ CanardTransferID transfer_id;
+ bool start_of_transfer;
+ bool end_of_transfer;
+ bool toggle;
+ size_t payload_size;
+ const void* payload;
+} RxFrameModel;
+/// Returns truth if the frame is valid and parsed successfully. False if the frame is not a valid UAVCAN/CAN frame.
+CANARD_PRIVATE bool rxTryParseFrame(const CanardFrame* const frame, RxFrameModel* const out);
+CANARD_PRIVATE bool rxTryParseFrame(const CanardFrame* const frame, RxFrameModel* const out)
- union FP32
- {
- uint32_t u;
- float f;
- };
- const union FP32 f32inf = {255UL << 23U};
- const union FP32 f16inf = {31UL << 23U};
- const union FP32 magic = {15UL << 23U};
- const uint32_t sign_mask = 0x80000000UL;
- const uint32_t round_mask = ~0xFFFUL;
- union FP32 in;
- in.f = value;
- uint32_t sign = in.u & sign_mask;
- in.u ^= sign;
- uint16_t out = 0;
- if (in.u >= f32inf.u)
- {
- out = (in.u > f32inf.u) ? (uint16_t) 0x7FFFU : (uint16_t) 0x7C00U;
- }
- else
- {
- in.u &= round_mask;
- in.f *= magic.f;
- in.u -= round_mask;
- if (in.u > f16inf.u)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->extended_can_id <= CAN_EXT_ID_MASK);
+ bool valid = false;
+ if (frame->payload_size > 0)
+ {
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->payload != NULL);
+ out->timestamp_usec = frame->timestamp_usec;
+ // CAN ID parsing.
+ const uint32_t can_id = frame->extended_can_id;
+ out->priority = (CanardPriority)((can_id >> OFFSET_PRIORITY) & CANARD_PRIORITY_MAX);
+ out->source_node_id = (CanardNodeID)(can_id & CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX);
+ if (0 == (can_id & FLAG_SERVICE_NOT_MESSAGE))
- in.u = f16inf.u;
+ out->transfer_kind = CanardTransferKindMessage;
+ out->port_id = (CanardPortID)((can_id >> OFFSET_SUBJECT_ID) & CANARD_SUBJECT_ID_MAX);
+ if ((can_id & FLAG_ANONYMOUS_MESSAGE) != 0)
+ {
+ out->source_node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET;
+ }
+ out->destination_node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET;
+ // Reserved bits may be unreserved in the future.
+ valid = (0 == (can_id & FLAG_RESERVED_23)) && (0 == (can_id & FLAG_RESERVED_07));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out->transfer_kind =
+ ((can_id & FLAG_REQUEST_NOT_RESPONSE) != 0) ? CanardTransferKindRequest : CanardTransferKindResponse;
+ out->port_id = (CanardPortID)((can_id >> OFFSET_SERVICE_ID) & CANARD_SERVICE_ID_MAX);
+ out->destination_node_id = (CanardNodeID)((can_id >> OFFSET_DST_NODE_ID) & CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX);
+ // The reserved bit may be unreserved in the future. It may be used to extend the service-ID to 10 bits.
+ // Per Specification, source cannot be the same as the destination.
+ valid = (0 == (can_id & FLAG_RESERVED_23)) && (out->source_node_id != out->destination_node_id);
- out = (uint16_t)(in.u >> 13U);
- }
- out |= (uint16_t)(sign >> 16U);
- return out;
+ // Payload parsing.
+ out->payload_size = frame->payload_size - 1U; // Cut off the tail byte.
+ out->payload = frame->payload;
+ // Tail byte parsing.
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: pointer arithmetics is required to locate the tail byte. Unavoidable.
+ const uint8_t tail = *(((const uint8_t*) out->payload) + out->payload_size); // NOSONAR
+ out->transfer_id = tail & CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX;
+ out->start_of_transfer = ((tail & TAIL_START_OF_TRANSFER) != 0);
+ out->end_of_transfer = ((tail & TAIL_END_OF_TRANSFER) != 0);
+ out->toggle = ((tail & TAIL_TOGGLE) != 0);
+ // Final validation.
+ // Protocol version check: if SOT is set, then the toggle shall also be set.
+ valid = valid && ((!out->start_of_transfer) || (INITIAL_TOGGLE_STATE == out->toggle));
+ // Anonymous transfers can be only single-frame transfers.
+ valid = valid &&
+ ((out->start_of_transfer && out->end_of_transfer) || (CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET != out->source_node_id));
+ // Non-last frames of a multi-frame transfer shall utilize the MTU fully.
+ valid = valid && ((out->payload_size >= MFT_NON_LAST_FRAME_PAYLOAD_MIN) || out->end_of_transfer);
+ // A frame that is a part of a multi-frame transfer cannot be empty (tail byte not included).
+ valid = valid && ((out->payload_size > 0) || (out->start_of_transfer && out->end_of_transfer));
+ }
+ return valid;
-float canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(uint16_t value)
+CANARD_PRIVATE void rxInitTransferFromFrame(const RxFrameModel* const frame, CanardTransfer* const out_transfer);
+CANARD_PRIVATE void rxInitTransferFromFrame(const RxFrameModel* const frame, CanardTransfer* const out_transfer)
- union FP32
- {
- uint32_t u;
- float f;
- };
- const union FP32 magic = {(254UL - 15UL) << 23U};
- const union FP32 was_inf_nan = {(127UL + 16UL) << 23U};
- union FP32 out;
- out.u = (value & 0x7FFFU) << 13U;
- out.f *= magic.f;
- if (out.f >= was_inf_nan.f)
- {
- out.u |= 255UL << 23U;
- }
- out.u |= (value & 0x8000UL) << 16U;
- return out.f;
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->payload != NULL);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out_transfer != NULL);
+ out_transfer->timestamp_usec = frame->timestamp_usec;
+ out_transfer->priority = frame->priority;
+ out_transfer->transfer_kind = frame->transfer_kind;
+ out_transfer->port_id = frame->port_id;
+ out_transfer->remote_node_id = frame->source_node_id;
+ out_transfer->transfer_id = frame->transfer_id;
+ // Payload not populated.
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t computeTransferIDForwardDistance(uint8_t a, uint8_t b)
+/// The implementation is borrowed from the Specification.
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint8_t rxComputeTransferIDDifference(const uint8_t a, const uint8_t b);
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint8_t rxComputeTransferIDDifference(const uint8_t a, const uint8_t b)
- int16_t d = (int16_t)(b - a);
- if (d < 0)
+ int16_t diff = (int16_t)(((int16_t) a) - ((int16_t) b));
+ if (diff < 0)
- d = (int16_t)(d + (int16_t)(1U << TRANSFER_ID_BIT_LEN));
+ const uint8_t modulo = 1U << CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_BIT_LENGTH;
+ diff = (int16_t)(diff + (int16_t) modulo);
- return d;
+ return (uint8_t) diff;
-CANARD_INTERNAL void incrementTransferID(uint8_t* transfer_id)
- CANARD_ASSERT(transfer_id != NULL);
- (*transfer_id)++;
- if (*transfer_id >= 32)
- {
- *transfer_id = 0;
- }
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t enqueueTxFrames(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint32_t can_id,
- const uint8_t* transfer_id,
- uint16_t crc,
- const uint8_t* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len)
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxSessionWritePayload(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ const size_t payload_size,
+ const void* const payload);
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxSessionWritePayload(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ const size_t payload_size,
+ const void* const payload)
- CANARD_ASSERT((can_id & CANARD_CAN_EXT_ID_MASK) == can_id); // Flags must be cleared
+ CANARD_ASSERT((payload != NULL) || (payload_size == 0U));
+ CANARD_ASSERT(rxs->payload_size <= payload_size_max); // This invariant is enforced by the subscription logic.
+ CANARD_ASSERT(rxs->payload_size <= rxs->total_payload_size);
- if (transfer_id == NULL)
- {
- }
+ rxs->total_payload_size += payload_size;
- if ((payload_len > 0) && (payload == NULL))
+ // Allocate the payload lazily, as late as possible.
+ if ((NULL == rxs->payload) && (payload_size_max > 0U))
+ CANARD_ASSERT(rxs->payload_size == 0);
+ rxs->payload = ins->memory_allocate(ins, payload_size_max);
- int16_t result = 0;
- if (payload_len < CANARD_CAN_FRAME_MAX_DATA_LEN) // Single frame transfer
+ int8_t out = 0;
+ if (rxs->payload != NULL)
- CanardTxQueueItem* queue_item = createTxItem(&ins->allocator);
- if (queue_item == NULL)
+ // Copy the payload into the contiguous buffer. Apply the implicit truncation rule if necessary.
+ size_t bytes_to_copy = payload_size;
+ if ((rxs->payload_size + bytes_to_copy) > payload_size_max)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(rxs->payload_size <= payload_size_max);
+ bytes_to_copy = payload_size_max - rxs->payload_size;
+ CANARD_ASSERT((rxs->payload_size + bytes_to_copy) == payload_size_max);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(bytes_to_copy < payload_size);
- memcpy(queue_item->frame.data, payload, payload_len);
- queue_item->frame.data_len = (uint8_t)(payload_len + 1);
- queue_item->frame.data[payload_len] = (uint8_t)(0xE0U | (*transfer_id & 0x1FU));
- queue_item->frame.id = can_id | CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF;
- pushTxQueue(ins, queue_item);
- result++;
+ // This memcpy() call here is one of the two variable-complexity operations in the RX pipeline;
+ // the other one is the search of the matching subscription state.
+ // Excepting these two cases, the entire RX pipeline contains neither loops nor recursion.
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: indexing on a pointer. This is done to avoid pointer arithmetics.
+ // Clang-Tidy raises an error recommending the use of memcpy_s() instead.
+ // We ignore it because the safe functions are poorly supported; reliance on them may limit the portability.
+ (void) memcpy(&rxs->payload[rxs->payload_size], payload, bytes_to_copy); // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ rxs->payload_size += bytes_to_copy;
+ CANARD_ASSERT(rxs->payload_size <= payload_size_max);
- else // Multi frame transfer
+ else
- uint16_t data_index = 0;
- uint8_t toggle = 1;
- uint8_t sot_eot = 0x80;
- CanardTxQueueItem* queue_item = NULL;
- while (data_index < payload_len + CANARD_CAN_MULTI_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH)
- {
- queue_item = createTxItem(&ins->allocator);
- if (queue_item == NULL)
- {
- return -CANARD_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // TODO: Purge all frames enqueued so far
- }
- uint8_t i = 0;
- while (i < (CANARD_CAN_FRAME_MAX_DATA_LEN - 1) && data_index < payload_len)
- {
- queue_item->frame.data[i] = payload[data_index];
- i++;
- data_index++;
- }
- if (i < (CANARD_CAN_FRAME_MAX_DATA_LEN - 1) && data_index == payload_len)
- {
- // add crc byte 1
- queue_item->frame.data[i] = (uint8_t)(crc);
- i++;
- data_index++;
- }
- if (i < (CANARD_CAN_FRAME_MAX_DATA_LEN - 1) && data_index == payload_len + 1)
- {
- // add crc byte 2
- queue_item->frame.data[i] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 8U);
- i++;
- data_index++;
- }
- // tail byte
- sot_eot = (data_index == payload_len + CANARD_CAN_MULTI_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH) ? (uint8_t) 0x40 : sot_eot;
- queue_item->frame.data[i] =
- (uint8_t)(sot_eot | ((uint32_t) toggle << 5U) | ((uint32_t) *transfer_id & 0x1FU));
- queue_item->frame.id = can_id | CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF;
- queue_item->frame.data_len = (uint8_t)(i + 1);
- pushTxQueue(ins, queue_item);
- result++;
- toggle ^= 1U;
- sot_eot = 0;
- }
+ CANARD_ASSERT(rxs->payload_size == 0);
+ out = (payload_size_max > 0U) ? -CANARD_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY : 0;
- return result;
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out <= 0);
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL void pushTxQueue(CanardInstance* ins, CanardTxQueueItem* item)
+CANARD_PRIVATE void rxSessionRestart(CanardInstance* const ins, CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs);
+CANARD_PRIVATE void rxSessionRestart(CanardInstance* const ins, CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs)
- CANARD_ASSERT(item->frame.data_len > 0); // UAVCAN doesn't allow zero-payload frames
- if (ins->tx_queue == NULL)
- {
- ins->tx_queue = item;
- return;
- }
- CanardTxQueueItem* queue = ins->tx_queue;
- CanardTxQueueItem* previous = ins->tx_queue;
- while (queue != NULL)
- {
- if (isPriorityHigher(queue->frame.id, item->frame.id)) // lower number wins
- {
- if (queue == ins->tx_queue)
- {
- item->next = queue;
- ins->tx_queue = item;
- }
- else
- {
- previous->next = item;
- item->next = queue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (queue->next == NULL)
- {
- queue->next = item;
- break;
- }
- previous = queue;
- queue = queue->next;
- }
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardTxQueueItem* createTxItem(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator)
- CanardTxQueueItem* item = (CanardTxQueueItem*) allocateBlock(allocator);
- if (item == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(item, 0, sizeof(*item));
- return item;
+ ins->memory_free(ins, rxs->payload); // May be NULL, which is OK.
+ rxs->total_payload_size = 0U;
+ rxs->payload_size = 0U;
+ rxs->payload = NULL;
+ rxs->calculated_crc = CRC_INITIAL;
+ rxs->transfer_id = (CanardTransferID)((rxs->transfer_id + 1U) & CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX);
+ // The transport index is retained.
+ rxs->toggle = INITIAL_TOGGLE_STATE;
-CANARD_INTERNAL bool isPriorityHigher(uint32_t rhs, uint32_t id)
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxSessionAcceptFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs,
+ const RxFrameModel* const frame,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer);
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxSessionAcceptFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs,
+ const RxFrameModel* const frame,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer)
- const uint32_t clean_id = id & CANARD_CAN_EXT_ID_MASK;
- const uint32_t rhs_clean_id = rhs & CANARD_CAN_EXT_ID_MASK;
- /*
- * STD vs EXT - if 11 most significant bits are the same, EXT loses.
- */
- const bool ext = (id & CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) != 0;
- const bool rhs_ext = (rhs & CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) != 0;
- if (ext != rhs_ext)
- {
- const uint32_t arb11 = ext ? (clean_id >> 18U) : clean_id;
- const uint32_t rhs_arb11 = rhs_ext ? (rhs_clean_id >> 18U) : rhs_clean_id;
- return (arb11 != rhs_arb11) ? (arb11 < rhs_arb11) : rhs_ext;
- }
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->payload != NULL);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->transfer_id <= CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out_transfer != NULL);
- /*
- * RTR vs Data frame - if frame identifiers and frame types are the same, RTR loses.
- */
- const bool rtr = (id & CANARD_CAN_FRAME_RTR) != 0;
- const bool rhs_rtr = (rhs & CANARD_CAN_FRAME_RTR) != 0;
- if (clean_id == rhs_clean_id && rtr != rhs_rtr)
+ if (frame->start_of_transfer) // The transfer timestamp is the timestamp of its first frame.
- return rhs_rtr;
+ rxs->transfer_timestamp_usec = frame->timestamp_usec;
- /*
- * Plain ID arbitration - greater value loses.
- */
- return clean_id < rhs_clean_id;
-CANARD_INTERNAL void prepareForNextTransfer(CanardRxState* state)
- CANARD_ASSERT(state->buffer_blocks == NULL);
- state->transfer_id++;
- state->payload_len = 0;
- state->next_toggle = 1;
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint16_t extractDataType(uint32_t id)
- if (extractTransferKind(id) == CanardTransferKindMessagePublication)
+ const bool single_frame = frame->start_of_transfer && frame->end_of_transfer;
+ if (!single_frame)
- return SUBJECT_TYPE_FROM_ID(id);
+ // Update the CRC. Observe that the implicit truncation rule may apply here: the payload may be
+ // truncated, but its CRC is validated always anyway.
+ rxs->calculated_crc = crcAdd(rxs->calculated_crc, frame->payload_size, frame->payload);
- return SRV_TYPE_FROM_ID(id);
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardTransferKind extractTransferKind(uint32_t id)
- const bool is_service = SERVICE_NOT_MSG_FROM_ID(id);
- if (!is_service)
+ int8_t out = rxSessionWritePayload(ins, rxs, payload_size_max, frame->payload_size, frame->payload);
+ if (out < 0)
- return CanardTransferKindMessagePublication;
+ rxSessionRestart(ins, rxs); // Out-of-memory.
+ else if (frame->end_of_transfer)
- return CanardTransferKindServiceRequest;
- }
- return CanardTransferKindServiceResponse;
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* traverseRxStates(CanardInstance* ins, uint32_t session_specifier)
- CanardRxState* states = ins->rx_states;
- if (states == NULL) // initialize CanardRxStates
- {
- states = createRxState(&ins->allocator, session_specifier);
- if (states == NULL)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(0 == out);
+ if (single_frame || (CRC_RESIDUE == rxs->calculated_crc))
- return NULL;
- }
- ins->rx_states = states;
- return states;
- }
- states = findRxState(states, session_specifier);
- if (states != NULL)
- {
- return states;
- }
- return prependRxState(ins, session_specifier);
+ out = 1; // One transfer received, notify the application.
+ rxInitTransferFromFrame(frame, out_transfer);
+ out_transfer->timestamp_usec = rxs->transfer_timestamp_usec;
+ out_transfer->payload_size = rxs->payload_size;
+ out_transfer->payload = rxs->payload;
+ // Cut off the CRC from the payload if it's there -- we don't want to expose it to the user.
+ CANARD_ASSERT(rxs->total_payload_size >= rxs->payload_size);
+ const size_t truncated_amount = rxs->total_payload_size - rxs->payload_size;
+ if ((!single_frame) && (CRC_SIZE_BYTES > truncated_amount)) // Single-frame transfers don't have CRC.
+ {
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out_transfer->payload_size >= (CRC_SIZE_BYTES - truncated_amount));
+ out_transfer->payload_size -= CRC_SIZE_BYTES - truncated_amount;
+ }
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* findRxState(CanardRxState* state, uint32_t session_specifier)
- while (state != NULL)
- {
- if (state->session_specifier == session_specifier)
- {
- return state;
+ rxs->payload = NULL; // Ownership passed over to the application, nullify to prevent freeing.
- state = state->next;
+ rxSessionRestart(ins, rxs); // Successful completion.
- return NULL;
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* prependRxState(CanardInstance* ins, uint32_t session_specifier)
- CanardRxState* state = createRxState(&ins->allocator, session_specifier);
- if (state == NULL)
+ else
- return NULL;
+ rxs->toggle = !rxs->toggle;
- state->next = ins->rx_states;
- ins->rx_states = state;
- return state;
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* createRxState(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator, uint32_t session_specifier)
+/// RX session state machine update is the most intricate part of any UAVCAN transport implementation.
+/// The state model used here is derived from the reference pseudocode given in the original UAVCAN v0 specification.
+/// The UAVCAN/CAN v1 specification, which this library is an implementation of, does not provide any reference
+/// pseudocode. Instead, it takes a higher-level, more abstract approach, where only the high-level requirements
+/// are given and the particular algorithms are left to be implementation-defined. Such abstract approach is much
+/// advantageous because it allows implementers to choose whatever solution works best for the specific application at
+/// hand, while the wire compatibility is still guaranteed by the high-level requirements given in the specification.
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxSessionUpdate(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs,
+ const RxFrameModel* const frame,
+ const uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ const CanardMicrosecond transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer);
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxSessionUpdate(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs,
+ const RxFrameModel* const frame,
+ const uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ const CanardMicrosecond transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer)
- CanardRxState init = {.next = NULL, .buffer_blocks = NULL, .session_specifier = session_specifier};
- CanardRxState* state = (CanardRxState*) allocateBlock(allocator);
- if (state == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- memcpy(state, &init, sizeof(*state));
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out_transfer != NULL);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->transfer_id <= CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX);
- return state;
+ const bool tid_timed_out = (frame->timestamp_usec > rxs->transfer_timestamp_usec) &&
+ ((frame->timestamp_usec - rxs->transfer_timestamp_usec) > transfer_id_timeout_usec);
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint64_t releaseStatePayload(CanardInstance* ins, CanardRxState* rxstate)
- while (rxstate->buffer_blocks != NULL)
- {
- CanardBufferBlock* const temp = rxstate->buffer_blocks->next;
- freeBlock(&ins->allocator, rxstate->buffer_blocks);
- rxstate->buffer_blocks = temp;
- }
- rxstate->payload_len = 0;
- return CANARD_OK;
+ const bool not_previous_tid = rxComputeTransferIDDifference(rxs->transfer_id, frame->transfer_id) > 1;
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t bufferBlockPushBytes(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator,
- CanardRxState* state,
- const uint8_t* data,
- uint8_t data_len)
- uint16_t data_index = 0;
+ const bool need_restart = tid_timed_out || ((rxs->redundant_transport_index == redundant_transport_index) &&
+ frame->start_of_transfer && not_previous_tid);
- // if head is not full, add data to head
- if ((CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE - state->payload_len) > 0)
+ if (need_restart)
- for (uint16_t i = (uint16_t) state->payload_len;
- i < CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE && data_index < data_len;
- i++, data_index++)
- {
- state->buffer_head[i] = data[data_index];
- }
- if (data_index >= data_len)
- {
- state->payload_len =
- (uint16_t)((size_t) state->payload_len + data_len) & ((1U << CANARD_TRANSFER_PAYLOAD_LEN_BITS) - 1U);
- return 1;
- }
- } // head is full.
- uint16_t index_at_nth_block =
- // get to current block
- CanardBufferBlock* block = NULL;
+ rxs->total_payload_size = 0U;
+ rxs->payload_size = 0U;
+ rxs->calculated_crc = CRC_INITIAL;
+ rxs->transfer_id = frame->transfer_id;
+ rxs->toggle = INITIAL_TOGGLE_STATE;
+ rxs->redundant_transport_index = redundant_transport_index;
+ }
- // buffer blocks uninitialized
- if (state->buffer_blocks == NULL)
+ int8_t out = 0;
+ if (need_restart && (!frame->start_of_transfer))
- state->buffer_blocks = createBufferBlock(allocator);
- if (state->buffer_blocks == NULL)
- {
- }
- block = state->buffer_blocks;
- index_at_nth_block = 0;
+ rxSessionRestart(ins, rxs); // SOT-miss, no point going further.
- uint16_t nth_block = 1;
- // get to block
- block = state->buffer_blocks;
- while (block->next != NULL)
+ const bool correct_transport = (rxs->redundant_transport_index == redundant_transport_index);
+ const bool correct_toggle = (frame->toggle == rxs->toggle);
+ const bool correct_tid = (frame->transfer_id == rxs->transfer_id);
+ if (correct_transport && correct_toggle && correct_tid)
- nth_block++;
- block = block->next;
+ out = rxSessionAcceptFrame(ins, rxs, frame, payload_size_max, out_transfer);
+ }
+ return out;
- const uint16_t num_buffer_blocks =
- (uint16_t)(((((uint32_t) state->payload_len + data_len) - CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE) /
- 1U);
- if (num_buffer_blocks > nth_block && index_at_nth_block == 0)
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxAcceptFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardRxSubscription* const subscription,
+ const RxFrameModel* const frame,
+ const uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer);
+CANARD_PRIVATE int8_t rxAcceptFrame(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ CanardRxSubscription* const subscription,
+ const RxFrameModel* const frame,
+ const uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(subscription != NULL);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(subscription->_port_id == frame->port_id);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->payload != NULL);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->transfer_id <= CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX);
+ CANARD_ASSERT((CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET == frame->destination_node_id) || (ins->node_id == frame->destination_node_id));
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out_transfer != NULL);
+ int8_t out = 0;
+ if (frame->source_node_id <= CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX)
+ {
+ // If such session does not exist, create it. This only makes sense if this is the first frame of a
+ // transfer, otherwise, we won't be able to receive the transfer anyway so we don't bother.
+ if ((NULL == subscription->_sessions[frame->source_node_id]) && frame->start_of_transfer)
- block->next = createBufferBlock(allocator);
- if (block->next == NULL)
+ CanardInternalRxSession* const rxs =
+ (CanardInternalRxSession*) ins->memory_allocate(ins, sizeof(CanardInternalRxSession));
+ subscription->_sessions[frame->source_node_id] = rxs;
+ if (rxs != NULL)
+ {
+ rxs->transfer_timestamp_usec = frame->timestamp_usec;
+ rxs->total_payload_size = 0U;
+ rxs->payload_size = 0U;
+ rxs->payload = NULL;
+ rxs->calculated_crc = CRC_INITIAL;
+ rxs->transfer_id = frame->transfer_id;
+ rxs->redundant_transport_index = redundant_transport_index;
+ rxs->toggle = INITIAL_TOGGLE_STATE;
+ }
+ else
- block = block->next;
+ }
+ // There are two possible reasons why the session may not exist: 1. OOM; 2. SOT-miss.
+ if (subscription->_sessions[frame->source_node_id] != NULL)
+ {
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out == 0);
+ out = rxSessionUpdate(ins,
+ subscription->_sessions[frame->source_node_id],
+ frame,
+ redundant_transport_index,
+ subscription->_transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ subscription->_payload_size_max,
+ out_transfer);
- // add data to current block until it becomes full, add new block if necessary
- while (data_index < data_len)
+ else
- for (uint16_t i = index_at_nth_block; i < CANARD_BUFFER_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE && data_index < data_len;
- i++, data_index++)
+ CANARD_ASSERT(frame->source_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ // Anonymous transfers are stateless. No need to update the state machine, just blindly accept it.
+ // We have to copy the data into an allocated storage because the API expects it: the lifetime shall be
+ // independent of the input data and the memory shall be free-able.
+ const size_t payload_size = (subscription->_payload_size_max < frame->payload_size)
+ ? subscription->_payload_size_max
+ : frame->payload_size;
+ void* const payload = ins->memory_allocate(ins, payload_size);
+ if (payload != NULL)
- block->data[i] = data[data_index];
+ rxInitTransferFromFrame(frame, out_transfer);
+ out_transfer->payload_size = payload_size;
+ out_transfer->payload = payload;
+ // Clang-Tidy raises an error recommending the use of memcpy_s() instead.
+ // We ignore it because the safe functions are poorly supported; reliance on them may limit the portability.
+ (void) memcpy(payload, frame->payload, payload_size); // NOLINT
+ out = 1;
- if (data_index < data_len)
+ else
- block->next = createBufferBlock(allocator);
- if (block->next == NULL)
- {
- }
- block = block->next;
- index_at_nth_block = 0;
- state->payload_len =
- (uint16_t)((size_t) state->payload_len + data_len) & ((1U << CANARD_TRANSFER_PAYLOAD_LEN_BITS) - 1U);
- return 1;
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardBufferBlock* createBufferBlock(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator)
- CanardBufferBlock* block = (CanardBufferBlock*) allocateBlock(allocator);
- if (block == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- block->next = NULL;
- return block;
+// --------------------------------------------- PUBLIC API ---------------------------------------------
+const uint8_t CanardCANDLCToLength[16] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64};
+const uint8_t CanardCANLengthToDLC[65] = {
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, // 0-8
+ 9, 9, 9, 9, // 9-12
+ 10, 10, 10, 10, // 13-16
+ 11, 11, 11, 11, // 17-20
+ 12, 12, 12, 12, // 21-24
+ 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, // 25-32
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, // 33-48
+ 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, // 49-64
-void copyBitArray(const uint8_t* src, uint32_t src_offset, uint32_t src_len, uint8_t* dst, uint32_t dst_offset)
+CanardInstance canardInit(const CanardMemoryAllocate memory_allocate, const CanardMemoryFree memory_free)
- CANARD_ASSERT(src_len > 0U);
- src += src_offset / 8U;
- dst += dst_offset / 8U;
- src_offset %= 8U;
- dst_offset %= 8U;
- const size_t last_bit = src_offset + src_len;
- while (last_bit - src_offset)
- {
- const uint8_t src_bit_offset = (uint8_t)(src_offset % 8U);
- const uint8_t dst_bit_offset = (uint8_t)(dst_offset % 8U);
- const uint8_t max_offset = MAX(src_bit_offset, dst_bit_offset);
- const uint32_t copy_bits = MIN(last_bit - src_offset, 8U - max_offset);
- const uint8_t write_mask = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(0xFF00U >> copy_bits) >> dst_bit_offset);
- const uint8_t src_data = (uint8_t)(((uint32_t) src[src_offset / 8U] << src_bit_offset) >> dst_bit_offset);
- dst[dst_offset / 8U] =
- (uint8_t)(((uint32_t) dst[dst_offset / 8U] & (uint32_t) ~write_mask) | (uint32_t)(src_data & write_mask));
- src_offset += copy_bits;
- dst_offset += copy_bits;
- }
+ CANARD_ASSERT(memory_allocate != NULL);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(memory_free != NULL);
+ const CanardInstance out = {
+ .user_reference = NULL,
+ .mtu_bytes = CANARD_MTU_CAN_FD,
+ .node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET,
+ .memory_allocate = memory_allocate,
+ .memory_free = memory_free,
+ ._rx_subscriptions = {NULL, NULL, NULL},
+ ._tx_queue = NULL,
+ };
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t descatterTransferPayload(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer,
- uint32_t bit_offset,
- uint8_t bit_length,
- void* output)
+int32_t canardTxPush(CanardInstance* const ins, const CanardTransfer* const transfer)
- CANARD_ASSERT(transfer != 0);
- if (bit_offset >= transfer->payload_len * 8)
- {
- return 0; // Out of range, reading zero bits
- }
- if (bit_offset + bit_length > transfer->payload_len * 8)
+ if ((ins != NULL) && (transfer != NULL) && ((transfer->payload != NULL) || (0U == transfer->payload_size)))
- bit_length = (uint8_t)(transfer->payload_len * 8U - bit_offset);
- }
- CANARD_ASSERT(bit_length > 0);
- if ((transfer->payload_middle != NULL) || (transfer->payload_tail != NULL)) // Multi frame
- {
- /*
- * This part is hideously complicated and probably should be redesigned.
- * The objective here is to copy the requested number of bits from scattered storage into the temporary
- * local storage. We go through great pains to ensure that all corner cases are handled correctly.
- */
- uint32_t input_bit_offset = bit_offset;
- uint8_t output_bit_offset = 0;
- uint8_t remaining_bit_length = bit_length;
- // Reading head
- if (input_bit_offset < CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE * 8)
- {
- const uint8_t amount =
- (uint8_t) MIN(remaining_bit_length, CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE * 8U - input_bit_offset);
- copyBitArray(&transfer->payload_head[0], input_bit_offset, amount, (uint8_t*) output, 0);
- input_bit_offset += amount;
- output_bit_offset = (uint8_t)(output_bit_offset + amount);
- remaining_bit_length = (uint8_t)(remaining_bit_length - amount);
- }
- // Reading middle
- uint32_t remaining_bits = transfer->payload_len * 8U - CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE * 8U;
- uint32_t block_bit_offset = CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE * 8U;
- const CanardBufferBlock* block = transfer->payload_middle;
- while ((block != NULL) && (remaining_bit_length > 0))
+ const size_t pl_mtu = txGetPresentationLayerMTU(ins);
+ const int32_t maybe_can_id = txMakeCANID(transfer, ins->node_id, pl_mtu);
+ if (maybe_can_id >= 0)
- CANARD_ASSERT(remaining_bits > 0);
- const uint32_t block_end_bit_offset =
- block_bit_offset + MIN(CANARD_BUFFER_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE * 8, remaining_bits);
- // Perform copy if we've reached the requested offset, otherwise jump over this block and try next
- if (block_end_bit_offset > input_bit_offset)
+ if (transfer->payload_size <= pl_mtu)
- const uint8_t amount = (uint8_t) MIN(remaining_bit_length, block_end_bit_offset - input_bit_offset);
- CANARD_ASSERT(input_bit_offset >= block_bit_offset);
- const uint32_t bit_offset_within_block = input_bit_offset - block_bit_offset;
- copyBitArray(&block->data[0], bit_offset_within_block, amount, (uint8_t*) output, output_bit_offset);
- input_bit_offset += amount;
- output_bit_offset = (uint8_t)(output_bit_offset + amount);
- remaining_bit_length = (uint8_t)(remaining_bit_length - amount);
+ out = txPushSingleFrame(ins,
+ transfer->timestamp_usec,
+ (uint32_t) maybe_can_id,
+ transfer->transfer_id,
+ transfer->payload_size,
+ transfer->payload);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = txPushMultiFrame(ins,
+ pl_mtu,
+ transfer->timestamp_usec,
+ (uint32_t) maybe_can_id,
+ transfer->transfer_id,
+ transfer->payload_size,
+ transfer->payload);
- CANARD_ASSERT(block_end_bit_offset > block_bit_offset);
- remaining_bits -= block_end_bit_offset - block_bit_offset;
- block_bit_offset = block_end_bit_offset;
- block = block->next;
- CANARD_ASSERT(remaining_bit_length <= remaining_bits);
- // Reading tail
- if ((transfer->payload_tail != NULL) && (remaining_bit_length > 0))
+ else
- CANARD_ASSERT(input_bit_offset >= block_bit_offset);
- const uint32_t offset = input_bit_offset - block_bit_offset;
- copyBitArray(&transfer->payload_tail[0],
- offset,
- remaining_bit_length,
- (uint8_t*) output,
- output_bit_offset);
- input_bit_offset += remaining_bit_length;
- output_bit_offset = (uint8_t)(output_bit_offset + remaining_bit_length);
- remaining_bit_length = 0;
+ out = maybe_can_id;
- CANARD_ASSERT(input_bit_offset <= transfer->payload_len * 8);
- CANARD_ASSERT(output_bit_offset <= 64);
- CANARD_ASSERT(remaining_bit_length == 0);
- }
- else // Single frame
- {
- copyBitArray(&transfer->payload_head[0], bit_offset, bit_length, (uint8_t*) output, 0);
- return bit_length;
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL bool isBigEndian(void)
+const CanardFrame* canardTxPeek(const CanardInstance* const ins)
-#if defined(BYTE_ORDER) && defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
- return BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN; // Some compilers offer this neat shortcut.
- union
- {
- uint16_t a;
- uint8_t b[2];
- } u;
- u.a = 1;
- return u.b[1] == 1; // Some don't.
+ const CanardFrame* out = NULL;
+ if ((ins != NULL) && (ins->_tx_queue != NULL))
+ {
+ // Return pointer to the TX queue item typed as CanardFrame. Later, the application will be able to free
+ // the memory allocated for the TX queue item using this pointer typed as CanardFrame. Although it may look
+ // sketchy, this is actually safe and standard-compliant. The paragraph of the C standard says:
+ // A pointer to a structure object, suitably converted, points to its initial member (or if that member is a
+ // bit-field, then to the unit in which it resides), and vice versa. There may be unnamed padding within a
+ // structure object, but not at its beginning.
+ out = &ins->_tx_queue->frame;
+ CANARD_ASSERT(((void*) out) == ((void*) ins->_tx_queue));
+ }
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL void swapByteOrder(void* data, size_t size)
+void canardTxPop(CanardInstance* const ins)
- uint8_t* const bytes = (uint8_t*) data;
- size_t fwd = 0;
- size_t rev = size - 1;
- while (fwd < rev)
+ if ((ins != NULL) && (ins->_tx_queue != NULL))
- const uint8_t x = bytes[fwd];
- bytes[fwd] = bytes[rev];
- bytes[rev] = x;
- fwd++;
- rev--;
+ // The memory is NOT deallocated. The application is responsible for that.
+ ins->_tx_queue = ins->_tx_queue->next;
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint16_t crcAddByte(uint16_t crc_val, uint8_t byte)
+int8_t canardRxAccept(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardFrame* const frame,
+ const uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer)
- crc_val ^= (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(byte) << 8U);
- for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ if ((ins != NULL) && (out_transfer != NULL) && (frame != NULL) && (frame->extended_can_id <= CAN_EXT_ID_MASK) &&
+ ((frame->payload != NULL) || (0 == frame->payload_size)))
- if (crc_val & 0x8000U)
+ RxFrameModel model = {0};
+ if (rxTryParseFrame(frame, &model))
- crc_val = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)(crc_val << 1U) ^ 0x1021U);
+ if ((CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET == model.destination_node_id) || (ins->node_id == model.destination_node_id))
+ {
+ // Find subscription. This is the reason the function has a linear time complexity from the number of
+ // subscriptions. Note also that this one of the two variable-complexity operations in the RX pipeline;
+ // the other one is memcpy(). Excepting these two cases, the entire RX pipeline logic contains neither
+ // loops nor recursion.
+ CanardRxSubscription* sub = ins->_rx_subscriptions[(size_t) model.transfer_kind];
+ while ((sub != NULL) && (sub->_port_id != model.port_id))
+ {
+ sub = sub->_next;
+ }
+ if (sub != NULL)
+ {
+ CANARD_ASSERT(sub->_port_id == model.port_id);
+ out = rxAcceptFrame(ins, sub, &model, redundant_transport_index, out_transfer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = 0; // No matching subscription.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = 0; // Mis-addressed frame (normally it should be filtered out by the hardware).
+ }
- crc_val = (uint16_t)(crc_val << 1U);
+ out = 0; // A non-UAVCAN/CAN input frame.
- return crc_val;
+ CANARD_ASSERT(out <= 1);
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint16_t crcAdd(uint16_t crc_val, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t len)
+int8_t canardRxSubscribe(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
+ const CanardPortID port_id,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ const CanardMicrosecond transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ CanardRxSubscription* const out_subscription)
- while (len--)
- {
- crc_val = crcAddByte(crc_val, *bytes++);
+ const size_t tk = (size_t) transfer_kind;
+ if ((ins != NULL) && (out_subscription != NULL) && (tk < CANARD_NUM_TRANSFER_KINDS))
+ {
+ // Reset to the initial state. This is absolutely critical because the new payload size limit may be larger
+ // than the old value; if there are any payload buffers allocated, we may overrun them because they are shorter
+ // than the new payload limit. So we clear the subscription and thus ensure that no overrun may occur.
+ out = canardRxUnsubscribe(ins, transfer_kind, port_id);
+ if (out >= 0)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < RX_SESSIONS_PER_SUBSCRIPTION; i++)
+ {
+ // The sessions will be created ad-hoc. Normally, for a low-jitter deterministic system,
+ // we could have pre-allocated sessions here, but that requires too much memory to be feasible.
+ // We could accept an extra argument that would instruct us to pre-allocate sessions here?
+ out_subscription->_sessions[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ out_subscription->_transfer_id_timeout_usec = transfer_id_timeout_usec;
+ out_subscription->_payload_size_max = payload_size_max;
+ out_subscription->_port_id = port_id;
+ out_subscription->_next = ins->_rx_subscriptions[tk];
+ ins->_rx_subscriptions[tk] = out_subscription;
+ out = (out > 0) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
- return crc_val;
+ return out;
-CANARD_INTERNAL void initPoolAllocator(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator, CanardPoolAllocatorBlock* buf, uint16_t buf_len)
+int8_t canardRxUnsubscribe(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
+ const CanardPortID port_id)
- size_t current_index = 0;
- CanardPoolAllocatorBlock** current_block = &(allocator->free_list);
- while (current_index < buf_len)
+ const size_t tk = (size_t) transfer_kind;
+ if ((ins != NULL) && (tk < CANARD_NUM_TRANSFER_KINDS))
- *current_block = &buf[current_index];
- current_block = &((*current_block)->next);
- current_index++;
- }
- *current_block = NULL;
- allocator->statistics.capacity_blocks = buf_len;
- allocator->statistics.current_usage_blocks = 0;
- allocator->statistics.peak_usage_blocks = 0;
+ CanardRxSubscription* prv = NULL;
+ CanardRxSubscription* sub = ins->_rx_subscriptions[tk];
+ while ((sub != NULL) && (sub->_port_id != port_id))
+ {
+ prv = sub;
+ sub = sub->_next;
+ }
-CANARD_INTERNAL void* allocateBlock(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator)
- // Check if there are any blocks available in the free list.
- if (allocator->free_list == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (sub != NULL)
+ {
+ CANARD_ASSERT(sub->_port_id == port_id);
+ out = 1;
- // Take first available block and prepares next block for use.
- void* result = allocator->free_list;
- allocator->free_list = allocator->free_list->next;
+ if (prv != NULL)
+ {
+ prv->_next = sub->_next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ins->_rx_subscriptions[tk] = sub->_next;
+ }
- // Update statistics
- allocator->statistics.current_usage_blocks++;
- if (allocator->statistics.peak_usage_blocks < allocator->statistics.current_usage_blocks)
- {
- allocator->statistics.peak_usage_blocks = allocator->statistics.current_usage_blocks;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < RX_SESSIONS_PER_SUBSCRIPTION; i++)
+ {
+ ins->memory_free(ins, (sub->_sessions[i] != NULL) ? sub->_sessions[i]->payload : NULL);
+ ins->memory_free(ins, sub->_sessions[i]);
+ sub->_sessions[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = 0;
+ }
- return result;
-CANARD_INTERNAL void freeBlock(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator, void* p)
- CanardPoolAllocatorBlock* block = (CanardPoolAllocatorBlock*) p;
- block->next = allocator->free_list;
- allocator->free_list = block;
- CANARD_ASSERT(allocator->statistics.current_usage_blocks > 0);
- allocator->statistics.current_usage_blocks--;
+ return out;
diff --git a/libcanard/canard.h b/libcanard/canard.h
index 158337cf..9709612a 100644
--- a/libcanard/canard.h
+++ b/libcanard/canard.h
@@ -1,528 +1,603 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- * Contributors: https://github.com/UAVCAN/libcanard/contributors
- */
-#ifndef CANARD_H
-#define CANARD_H
+/// __ __ _______ __ __ _______ _______ __ __
+/// | | | | / _ ` | | | | / ____| / _ ` | ` | |
+/// | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | |_| | | `| |
+/// | |_| | | _ | ` `_/ / | |____ | _ | | |` |
+/// `_______/ |__| |__| `_____/ `_______| |__| |__| |__| `__|
+/// | | | | | |
+/// ----o------o------------o---------o------o---------o-------
+/// Libcanard is a compact implementation of the UAVCAN/CAN protocol for high-integrity real-time embedded systems.
+/// It is designed for use in robust deterministic embedded systems equipped with at least 32K ROM and 4..8K RAM.
+/// The codebase follows the MISRA C rules, has 100% test coverage, and is validated by at least two static analyzers.
+/// The library is designed to be compatible with any target platform and instruction set architecture, from 8 to 64
+/// bit, little- and big-endian, RTOS-based or bare metal, etc., as long as there is a standards-compliant C11 compiler.
+/// The library is intended to be integrated into the end application by simply copying the file canard.c into the
+/// source tree of the project; it does not require any special compilation options and should work out of the box.
+/// There are optional build configuration macros defined near the top of canard.c; they may be used to fine-tune
+/// the library for the target platform (but it is not necessary). This header file should be located in the same
+/// directory with canard.c, or its location should be in the include look-up paths of the compiler.
+/// As explained in this documentation, the library requires a deterministic constant-time bounded-fragmentation dynamic
+/// memory allocator. If your target platform does not provide a deterministic memory manager (most platforms don't),
+/// it is recommended to use O1Heap (MIT licensed): https://github.com/pavel-kirienko/o1heap.
+/// There is an optional two-file extension library canard_dsdl.c + canard_dsdl.h which can be used alongside
+/// this core library to simplify DSDL object serialization and deserialization. It is intended to be integrated in
+/// the same manner. Please read its usage manual for further information.
+/// There are no specific requirements to the underlying I/O layer. Some low-level drivers maintained by the
+/// UAVCAN Development Team may be found at https://github.com/UAVCAN/platform_specific_components.
+/// If your application requires a MISRA C compliance report, please get in touch with the maintainers via the forum
+/// at https://forum.uavcan.org.
+/// UAVCAN, as a protocol stack, is composed of two layers: TRANSPORT and PRESENTATION. The transport layer is portable
+/// across different transport protocols, one of which is CAN (FD), formally referred to as UAVCAN/CAN. This library
+/// is focused on UAVCAN/CAN only and it will not support other transports. The presentation layer is implemented
+/// through the DSDL language and the associated data type regulation policies. Much like the UAVCAN stack itself,
+/// this library consists of two major components:
+/// 1. TRANSPORT -- the UAVCAN/CAN transport layer implementation. This is implemented in canard.c/.h,
+/// the documentation for which you are currently reading. This is the core component of the library.
+/// 2. PRESENTATION -- the optional DSDL support extension library. This is implemented in canard_dsdl.c/.h,
+/// an optional component which may be used by some applications where automatic DSDL code generation is
+/// not used. Normally, applications may prefer to rely on auto-generated code using DSDL-to-C translators
+/// such as Nunavut (https://github.com/UAVCAN/nunavut).
+/// The DSDL extension is trivial and there is not much to document -- please refer to its header file for details.
+/// This transport layer implementation consists of two components: the transmission (TX) pipeline and the
+/// reception (RX) pipeline.
+/// The TX and RX pipelines are completely independent from each other except that they both rely on the same
+/// dynamic memory manager. The TX pipeline uses the dynamic memory to store outgoing CAN frames in the prioritized
+/// transmission queue. The RX pipeline uses the dynamic memory to store contiguous payload buffers for received
+/// transfers and for keeping the transfer reassembly state machine data. The exact memory consumption model is defined
+/// for both pipelines, so it is possible to statically determine the minimum size of the dynamic memory pool required
+/// to guarantee that a given application will never encounter an out-of-memory error at runtime.
+/// Much like with dynamic memory, the time complexity of every API function is well-characterized, allowing the
+/// application to guarantee predictable real-time performance.
+/// The TX pipeline is managed with the help of three API functions. When the application needs to emit a transfer,
+/// it invokes canardTxPush(). The function splits the transfer into CAN frames and stores them into the prioritized
+/// transmission queue. The application then picks the CAN frames from the queue one-by-one by calling canardTxPeek()
+/// followed by canardTxPop() -- the former allows the application to look at the frame and the latter tells the library
+/// that the frame shall be removed from the queue. The returned frames need to be deallocated by the application.
+/// The RX pipeline is managed with the help of three API functions. The main function canardRxAccept() takes a
+/// received CAN frame and updates the appropriate transfer reassembly state machine. The functions canardRxSubscribe()
+/// and its counterpart canardRxUnsubscribe() instruct the library which transfers should be received (by default, all
+/// transfers are ignored); also the subscription function specifies vital transfer reassembly parameters such as the
+/// maximum payload size (i.e., the maximum size of a serialized representation of a DSDL object) and the transfer-ID
+/// timeout. Transfers that carry more payload than the configured maximum per subscription are truncated following the
+/// Implicit Truncation Rule (ITR) defined by the UAVCAN Specification -- the rule is implemented to facilitate
+/// backward-compatible DSDL data type extensibility.
+/// The library supports a practically unlimited number of redundant transports.
+/// The library is not thread-safe: if used in a concurrent environment, it is the responsibility of the application
+/// to provide adequate synchronization.
+/// The library is purely reactive: it does not perform any background processing and does not require periodic
+/// servicing. Its internal state is only updated as a response to well-specified explicit API calls.
+/// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+/// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+/// Author: Pavel Kirienko
+/// Contributors: https://github.com/UAVCAN/libcanard/contributors.
-/// Build configuration header. Use it to provide your overrides.
-# include "canard_build_config.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
-/// Semantic version numbers of this library (not the UAVCAN specification).
-/// API will be backwards compatible within the same major version.
+/// Semantic version of this library (not the UAVCAN specification).
+/// API will be backward compatible within the same major version.
/// The version number of the UAVCAN specification implemented by this library.
+/// These error codes may be returned from the library API calls whose return type is a signed integer in the negated
+/// form (e.g., error code 2 returned as -2). A non-negative return value represents success.
+/// API calls whose return type is not a signed integer cannot fail by contract.
+/// No other error states may occur in the library.
+/// By contract, a well-characterized application with a properly sized memory pool will never encounter errors.
+/// The error code 1 is not used because -1 is often used as a generic error code in 3rd-party code.
-/// By default this macro resolves to the standard assert(). The user can redefine this if necessary.
-# define CANARD_ASSERT(x) assert(x)
+/// MTU values for the supported protocols.
+/// Per the recommendations given in the UAVCAN/CAN Specification, other MTU values should not be used.
+#define CANARD_MTU_CAN_FD 64U
-#define CANARD_GLUE(a, b) CANARD_GLUE_IMPL_(a, b)
-#define CANARD_GLUE_IMPL_(a, b) a##b
-/// By default this macro expands to static_assert if supported by the language (C11, C++11, or newer).
-/// The user can redefine this if necessary.
-# if (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L)) || \
- (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L))
-# define CANARD_STATIC_ASSERT(...) static_assert(__VA_ARGS__)
-# else
-# define CANARD_STATIC_ASSERT(x, ...) typedef char CANARD_GLUE(_static_assertion_, __LINE__)[(x) ? 1 : -1]
-# endif
+/// Parameter ranges are inclusive; the lower bound is zero for all. See UAVCAN/CAN Specification for background.
+#define CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX 127U
-/// Error code definitions; inverse of these values may be returned from API calls.
-#define CANARD_OK 0
-// Value 1 is omitted intentionally since -1 is often used in 3rd party code
-/// The size of a memory block in bytes.
-/// This will be changed when the support for CAN FD is added
-/// Node-ID values. Refer to the specification for more info.
-#define CANARD_MAX_NODE_ID 127
-/// Refer to the type CanardRxTransfer
-#define CANARD_MULTIFRAME_RX_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE (CANARD_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE - offsetof(CanardRxState, buffer_head))
-/// Refer to the type CanardBufferBlock
-#define CANARD_BUFFER_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE (CANARD_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE - offsetof(CanardBufferBlock, data))
-/// Transfer priority definitions
-/// Related to CanardCANFrame
-#define CANARD_CAN_STD_ID_MASK 0x000007FFU
-#define CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF (1UL << 31U) ///< Extended frame format
-#define CANARD_CAN_FRAME_RTR (1UL << 30U) ///< Remote transmission (not used by UAVCAN)
-#define CANARD_CAN_FRAME_ERR (1UL << 29U) ///< Error frame (not used by UAVCAN)
- * This data type holds a standard CAN 2.0B data frame with 29-bit ID.
- */
-typedef struct
- /**
- * Refer to the following definitions:
- */
- uint32_t id;
- uint8_t data_len;
-} CanardCANFrame;
- * Transfer types are defined by the UAVCAN specification.
- */
-typedef enum
- CanardTransferKindServiceResponse = 0,
- CanardTransferKindServiceRequest = 1,
- CanardTransferKindMessagePublication = 2
-} CanardTransferKind;
+/// This value represents an undefined node-ID: broadcast destination or anonymous source.
+/// Library functions treat all values above CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX as anonymous.
- * Types of service transfers. These are not applicable to message transfers.
- */
-typedef enum
- CanardResponse,
- CanardRequest
-} CanardRequestResponse;
+/// This is the recommended transfer-ID timeout value given in the UAVCAN Specification. The application may choose
+/// different values per subscription (i.e., per data specifier) depending on its timing requirements.
// Forward declarations.
-typedef struct CanardInstance CanardInstance;
-typedef struct CanardRxTransfer CanardRxTransfer;
-typedef struct CanardRxState CanardRxState;
-typedef struct CanardTxQueueItem CanardTxQueueItem;
- * The application shall implement this function and supply a pointer to it to the library during initialization.
- * The library calls this function to determine whether a transfer should be received.
- * @param ins Library instance.
- * @param port_id Subject-ID or service-ID of the transfer.
- * @param transfer_kind Message or service transfer.
- * @param source_node_id Node-ID of the origin; broadcast if anonymous.
- * @returns True if the transfer should be received; false otherwise.
- */
-typedef bool (*CanardShouldAcceptTransfer)(const CanardInstance* ins,
- uint16_t port_id,
- CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
- uint8_t source_node_id);
- * This function will be invoked by the library every time a transfer is successfully received.
- * If the application needs to send another transfer from this callback, it is highly recommended
- * to call @ref canardReleaseRxTransferPayload() first, so that the memory that was used for the block
- * buffer can be released and re-used by the TX queue.
- * @param ins Library instance.
- * @param transfer Pointer to the temporary transfer object. Invalidated upon return.
- */
-typedef void (*CanardOnTransferReception)(CanardInstance* ins, CanardRxTransfer* transfer);
- * This structure provides the usage statistics of the memory pool allocator.
- * It indicates whether the allocated memory is sufficient for the application.
- */
-typedef struct
- uint16_t capacity_blocks; ///< Pool capacity in number of blocks
- uint16_t current_usage_blocks; ///< Number of blocks that are currently allocated by the library
- uint16_t peak_usage_blocks; ///< Maximum number of blocks used since initialization
-} CanardPoolAllocatorStatistics;
+typedef struct CanardInstance CanardInstance;
+typedef uint64_t CanardMicrosecond;
+typedef uint16_t CanardPortID;
+typedef uint8_t CanardNodeID;
+typedef uint8_t CanardTransferID;
-typedef union CanardPoolAllocatorBlock_u
+/// Transfer priority level mnemonics per the recommendations given in the UAVCAN Specification.
+typedef enum
- char bytes[CANARD_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE];
- union CanardPoolAllocatorBlock_u* next;
-} CanardPoolAllocatorBlock;
+ CanardPriorityExceptional = 0,
+ CanardPriorityImmediate = 1,
+ CanardPriorityFast = 2,
+ CanardPriorityHigh = 3,
+ CanardPriorityNominal = 4, ///< Nominal priority level should be the default.
+ CanardPriorityLow = 5,
+ CanardPrioritySlow = 6,
+ CanardPriorityOptional = 7,
+} CanardPriority;
+/// Transfer kinds as defined by the UAVCAN Specification.
+typedef enum
+ CanardTransferKindMessage = 0, ///< Multicast, from publisher to all subscribers.
+ CanardTransferKindResponse = 1, ///< Point-to-point, from server to client.
+ CanardTransferKindRequest = 2, ///< Point-to-point, from client to server.
+} CanardTransferKind;
+/// CAN data frame with an extended 29-bit ID. RTR/Error frames are not used and therefore not modeled here.
+/// CAN frames with 11-bit ID are not used by UAVCAN/CAN and so they are not supported by the library.
typedef struct
- CanardPoolAllocatorBlock* free_list;
- CanardPoolAllocatorStatistics statistics;
-} CanardPoolAllocator;
-typedef struct CanardBufferBlock
+ /// For RX frames: reception timestamp.
+ /// For TX frames: transmission deadline.
+ /// The time system may be arbitrary as long as the clock is monotonic (steady).
+ CanardMicrosecond timestamp_usec;
+ /// 29-bit extended ID. The bits above 29-th shall be zero.
+ uint32_t extended_can_id;
+ /// The useful data in the frame. The length value is not to be confused with DLC!
+ /// If the payload is empty (payload_size = 0), the payload pointer may be NULL.
+ /// For RX frames: the library does not expect the lifetime of the pointee to extend beyond the point of return
+ /// from the API function. That is, the pointee can be invalidated immediately after the frame has been processed.
+ /// For TX frames: the frame and the payload are allocated within the same dynamic memory fragment, so their
+ /// lifetimes are identical; when the frame is freed, the payload is invalidated.
+ /// A more detailed overview of the dataflow and related resource management issues is provided in the API docs.
+ size_t payload_size;
+ const void* payload;
+} CanardFrame;
+/// Conversion look-up table from CAN DLC to data length.
+extern const uint8_t CanardCANDLCToLength[16];
+/// Conversion look-up table from data length to CAN DLC; the length is rounded up.
+extern const uint8_t CanardCANLengthToDLC[65];
+/// A UAVCAN transfer model (either incoming or outgoing).
+/// Per Specification, a transfer is represented on the wire as a non-empty set of transport frames (i.e., CAN frames).
+/// The library is responsible for serializing transfers into transport frames when transmitting, and reassembling
+/// transfers from an incoming stream of frames during reception.
+typedef struct
- struct CanardBufferBlock* next;
- uint8_t data[];
-} CanardBufferBlock;
-struct CanardRxState
+ /// For RX transfers: reception timestamp.
+ /// For TX transfers: transmission deadline.
+ /// The time system may be arbitrary as long as the clock is monotonic (steady).
+ CanardMicrosecond timestamp_usec;
+ /// Per the Specification, all frames belonging to a given transfer shall share the same priority level.
+ /// If this is not the case, then this field contains the priority level of the last frame to arrive.
+ CanardPriority priority;
+ CanardTransferKind transfer_kind;
+ /// Subject-ID for message publications; service-ID for service requests/responses.
+ CanardPortID port_id;
+ /// For outgoing message transfers the value shall be CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET (otherwise the state is invalid).
+ /// For outgoing service transfers this is the destination address (invalid if unset).
+ /// For incoming non-anonymous transfers this is the node-ID of the origin.
+ /// For incoming anonymous transfers the value is reported as CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET.
+ CanardNodeID remote_node_id;
+ /// When responding to a service request, the response transfer SHALL have the same transfer-ID value as the
+ /// request because the client will match the response with the request based on that.
+ ///
+ /// When publishing a message transfer, the value SHALL be one greater than the previous transfer under the same
+ /// subject-ID; the initial value should be zero.
+ ///
+ /// When publishing a service request transfer, the value SHALL be one greater than the previous transfer under
+ /// the same service-ID addressed to the same server node-ID; the initial value should be zero.
+ ///
+ /// Upon overflow, the value SHALL be reset back to zero.
+ /// Values above CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX are permitted -- the library will compute the modulo automatically.
+ /// For received transfers, the values never exceed CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX.
+ ///
+ /// A simple and robust way of managing transfer-ID counters is to keep a separate static variable per subject-ID
+ /// and per (service-ID, server-node-ID) pair.
+ CanardTransferID transfer_id;
+ /// This is the actual transfer payload.
+ /// If the payload is empty (payload_size = 0), the payload pointer may be NULL.
+ /// The const pointer makes it incompatible with memory deallocation function, this is due to the limitations of C;
+ /// therefore, when freeing the memory allocated for the payload, cast away the pointer's const qualifier.
+ /// For RX transfers: the application is required to free the payload buffer after the transfer is processed.
+ /// For TX transfers: the library does not expect the lifetime of the payload buffer to extend beyond the point
+ /// of return from the API function because the payload is copied into the TX frame objects.
+ /// A more detailed overview of the dataflow and related resource management issues is provided in the API docs.
+ size_t payload_size;
+ const void* payload;
+} CanardTransfer;
+/// Transfer subscription state. The application can register its interest in a particular kind of data exchanged
+/// over the bus by creating such subscription objects. Frames that carry data for which there is no active
+/// subscription will be silently dropped by the library.
+/// Every field is named starting with an underscore to emphasize that the application shall not modify it.
+/// Unfortunately, C, being such a limited language, does not allow us to construct a better API.
+/// The memory footprint of a subscription is large. On a 32-bit platform it slightly exceeds half a KiB.
+/// This is an intentional time-memory trade-off: use a large look-up table to ensure predictable temporal properties.
+typedef struct CanardRxSubscription
- struct CanardRxState* next;
- CanardBufferBlock* buffer_blocks;
- uint64_t timestamp_usec;
- const uint32_t session_specifier;
- // We're using plain 'unsigned' here, because C99 doesn't permit explicit field type specification
- unsigned calculated_crc : 16;
- unsigned payload_len : CANARD_TRANSFER_PAYLOAD_LEN_BITS;
- unsigned transfer_id : 5;
- unsigned next_toggle : 1; // 16+10+5+1 = 32, aligned.
- uint16_t payload_crc;
- uint8_t buffer_head[];
-CANARD_STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(CanardRxState, buffer_head) <= 28, "Invalid memory layout");
- * This is the core structure that keeps all of the states and allocated resources of the library instance.
- * The application should never access any of the fields directly! Instead, the API functions should be used.
- */
+ struct CanardRxSubscription* _next; ///< Internal use only.
+ /// The current architecture is an acceptable middle ground between worst-case execution time and memory
+ /// consumption. Instead of statically pre-allocating a dedicated RX session for each remote node-ID here in
+ /// this table, we only keep pointers, which are NULL by default, populating a new RX session dynamically
+ /// on an ad-hoc basis when we first receive a transfer from that node. This is deterministic because our memory
+ /// allocation routines are assumed to be deterministic and we make at most one allocation per remote node,
+ /// but the disadvantage is that these additional operations lift the upper bound on the execution time.
+ /// Further, the pointers here add an extra indirection, which is bad for systems that leverage cached memory,
+ /// plus a pointer itself takes about 2-8 bytes of memory, too.
+ ///
+ /// A far more predictable and a much simpler approach is to pre-allocate states here statically instead of keeping
+ /// just pointers, but it would push the size of this instance from about 0.5 KiB to ~3 KiB for a typical 32-bit
+ /// system. Since this is a general-purpose library, we have to pick a middle ground so we use the more complex
+ /// but more memory-efficient approach.
+ struct CanardInternalRxSession* _sessions[CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX + 1U];
+ CanardMicrosecond _transfer_id_timeout_usec; ///< Internal use only.
+ size_t _payload_size_max; ///< Internal use only.
+ CanardPortID _port_id; ///< Internal use only.
+} CanardRxSubscription;
+/// A pointer to the memory allocation function. The semantics are similar to malloc():
+/// - The returned pointer shall point to an uninitialized block of memory that is at least "amount" bytes large.
+/// - If there is not enough memory, the returned pointer shall be NULL.
+/// - The memory shall be aligned at least at max_align_t.
+/// - The execution time should be constant (O(1)).
+/// - The worst-case memory fragmentation should be bounded and easily predictable.
+/// If the standard dynamic memory manager of the target platform does not satisfy the above requirements,
+/// consider using O1Heap: https://github.com/pavel-kirienko/o1heap.
+typedef void* (*CanardMemoryAllocate)(CanardInstance* ins, size_t amount);
+/// The counterpart of the above -- this function is invoked to return previously allocated memory to the allocator.
+/// The semantics are similar to free():
+/// - The pointer was previously returned by the allocation function.
+/// - The pointer may be NULL, in which case the function shall have no effect.
+/// - The execution time should be constant (O(1)).
+typedef void (*CanardMemoryFree)(CanardInstance* ins, void* pointer);
+/// This is the core structure that keeps all of the states and allocated resources of the library instance.
+/// The application may directly alter the fields whose names do not begin with an underscore.
struct CanardInstance
- uint8_t node_id; ///< Local node-ID; may be zero if the node is anonymous
- CanardShouldAcceptTransfer should_accept; ///< Function to decide whether the application wants this transfer
- CanardOnTransferReception on_reception; ///< Function the library calls after RX transfer is complete
- CanardPoolAllocator allocator; ///< Pool allocator
- CanardRxState* rx_states; ///< RX transfer states
- CanardTxQueueItem* tx_queue; ///< TX frames awaiting transmission
- void* user_reference; ///< User pointer that can link this instance with other objects
- * This structure represents a received transfer for the application.
- * An instance of it is passed to the application via the callback when a new transfer is received.
- * Pointers to the structure and all its fields are invalidated after the callback returns.
- */
-struct CanardRxTransfer
- /**
- * Timestamp at which the first frame of this transfer was received.
- */
- uint64_t timestamp_usec;
- /**
- * Payload is scattered across three storages:
- * - Head points to CanardRxState.buffer_head (length of which is up to CANARD_PAYLOAD_HEAD_SIZE), or to the
- * payload field (possibly with offset) of the last received CAN frame.
- *
- * - Middle is located in the linked list of dynamic blocks (only for multi-frame transfers).
- *
- * - Tail points to the payload field (possibly with offset) of the last received CAN frame
- * (only for multi-frame transfers).
- *
- * The tail offset depends on how much data of the last frame was accommodated in the last allocated block.
- *
- * For single-frame transfers, middle and tail will be NULL, and the head will point at first byte
- * of the payload of the CAN frame.
- *
- * In simple cases it should be possible to get data directly from the head and/or tail pointers.
- * Otherwise it is advised to use canardDecodePrimitive().
- */
- const uint8_t* payload_head; ///< Always valid, i.e. not NULL.
- ///< For multi frame transfers, the maximum size is defined in the constant
- ///< For single-frame transfers, the size is defined in the
- ///< field payload_len.
- CanardBufferBlock* payload_middle; ///< May be NULL if the buffer was not needed. Always NULL for single-frame
- ///< transfers.
- const uint8_t* payload_tail; ///< Last bytes of multi-frame transfers. Always NULL for single-frame
- ///< transfers.
- uint16_t payload_len; ///< Effective length of the payload in bytes.
- /**
- * These fields identify the transfer for the application.
- */
- uint16_t port_id; ///< 0 to 511 for services, 0 to 32767 for messages
- uint8_t transfer_kind; ///< See CanardTransferKind
- uint8_t transfer_id; ///< 0 to 31
- uint8_t priority; ///< 0 to 7
- uint8_t source_node_id; ///< 0 to 127, or 255 if the source is anonymous
+ /// User pointer that can link this instance with other objects.
+ /// This field can be changed arbitrarily, the library does not access it after initialization.
+ /// The default value is NULL.
+ void* user_reference;
+ /// The transport-layer maximum transmission unit (MTU). The value can be changed arbitrarily at any time.
+ /// This setting defines the maximum number of bytes per CAN data frame in all outgoing transfers.
+ /// Regardless of this setting, CAN frames with any MTU can always be accepted.
+ ///
+ /// Only the standard values should be used as recommended by the specification;
+ /// otherwise, networking interoperability issues may arise. See recommended values CANARD_MTU_*.
+ ///
+ /// Valid values are any valid CAN frame data length value not smaller than 8.
+ /// Invalid values are treated as the nearest valid value. The default is the maximum valid value.
+ size_t mtu_bytes;
+ /// The node-ID of the local node.
+ /// Per the UAVCAN Specification, the node-ID should not be assigned more than once.
+ /// Invalid values are treated as CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET. The default value is CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET.
+ CanardNodeID node_id;
+ /// Dynamic memory management callbacks. See their type documentation for details.
+ /// They SHALL be valid function pointers at all times.
+ /// The time complexity models given in the API documentation are made on the assumption that the memory management
+ /// functions have constant complexity O(1).
+ ///
+ /// The following API functions may allocate memory: canardRxAccept(), canardTxPush().
+ /// The following API functions may deallocate memory: canardRxAccept(), canardRxSubscribe(), canardRxUnsubscribe().
+ /// The exact memory requirement and usage model is specified for each function in its documentation.
+ CanardMemoryAllocate memory_allocate;
+ CanardMemoryFree memory_free;
+ /// These fields are for internal use only. Do not access from the application.
+ CanardRxSubscription* _rx_subscriptions[CANARD_NUM_TRANSFER_KINDS];
+ struct CanardInternalTxQueueItem* _tx_queue;
- * Initialize a library instance. The local node-ID will be initialized as 255, i.e. anonymous by default.
- *
- * Typically, the size of the memory pool should not be less than 1K, although it depends on the application.
- * The recommended way to detect the required pool size is to measure the peak pool usage after a stress-test.
- * Refer to the function @ref canardGetPoolAllocatorStatistics().
- *
- * @param out_ins Uninitialized library instance.
- * @param mem_arena Raw memory chunk used for dynamic allocation.
- * @param mem_arena_size Size of the above, in bytes.
- * @param on_reception Callback, see @ref CanardOnTransferReception.
- * @param should_accept Callback, see @ref CanardShouldAcceptTransfer.
- * @param user_reference Optional application-defined pointer; NULL if not needed.
- */
-void canardInit(CanardInstance* out_ins,
- void* mem_arena,
- size_t mem_arena_size,
- CanardOnTransferReception on_reception,
- CanardShouldAcceptTransfer should_accept,
- void* user_reference);
- * Read the value of the user pointer.
- * The user pointer is configured once during initialization.
- * It can be used to store references to any user-specific data, or to link the instance object with C++ objects.
- * @returns The application-defined pointer.
- */
-void* canardGetUserReference(CanardInstance* ins);
- * Assign a new node-ID value to the current node. Node-ID can be assigned only once.
- * @returns CANARD_OK on success; returns negative error code if the node-ID is outside of the valid range or is already
- * configured.
- */
-int16_t canardSetLocalNodeID(CanardInstance* ins, uint8_t self_node_id);
- * @returns Node-ID of the local node; 255 (broadcast) if the node-ID is not set, i.e. if the local node is anonymous.
- */
-uint8_t canardGetLocalNodeID(const CanardInstance* ins);
- * Send a broadcast message transfer. If the local node is anonymous, only single frame transfers are be allowed.
- *
- * The pointer to the transfer-ID shall point to a persistent variable (e.g. static or heap-allocated, not on the
- * stack); it will be updated by the library after every transmission. The transfer-ID value cannot be shared
- * between different sessions! Read the transport layer specification for details.
- *
- * @param ins Library instance.
- * @param subject_id Refer to the specification.
- * @param inout_transfer_id Pointer to a persistent variable containing the transfer-ID.
- * @param priority Refer to CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_*.
- * @param payload Transfer payload -- the serialized DSDL object.
- * @param payload_len Length of the above, in bytes.
- * @returns The number of frames enqueued, or a negative error code.
- */
-int16_t canardPublishMessage(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint16_t subject_id,
- uint8_t* inout_transfer_id,
- uint8_t priority,
- const void* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len);
- * Send a request or a response transfer. Fails if the local node is anonymous.
- *
- * For request transfers, the pointer to the transfer-ID shall point to a persistent variable (e.g., static- or
- * heap-allocated, not on the stack); it will be updated by the library after every request. The transfer-ID value
- * cannot be shared between different sessions! Read the transport layer specification for details.
- *
- * For response transfers, the transfer-ID pointer shall point to the transfer_id field of the request transfer
- * structure @ref CanardRxTransfer.
- *
- * @param ins Library instance.
- * @param destination_node_id Node-ID of the server/client.
- * @param service_id Refer to the specification.
- * @param inout_transfer_id Pointer to a persistent variable containing the transfer-ID.
- * @param priority Refer to definitions CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_*.
- * @param kind Refer to CanardRequestResponse.
- * @param payload Transfer payload -- the serialized DSDL object.
- * @param payload_len Length of the above, in bytes.
- * @returns The number of frames enqueued, or a negative error code.
- */
-int16_t canardRequestOrRespond(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint8_t destination_node_id,
- uint16_t service_id,
- uint8_t* inout_transfer_id,
- uint8_t priority,
- CanardRequestResponse kind,
- const void* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len);
- * The application will call this function after @ref canardPublishMessage() or its service counterpart to transmit the
- * generated frames over the CAN bus.
- *
- * @returns A pointer to the top-priority frame in the TX queue; or NULL if the TX queue is empty.
- */
-const CanardCANFrame* canardPeekTxQueue(const CanardInstance* ins);
- * Remove the top priority frame from the TX queue.
- * The application will call this function after @ref canardPeekTxQueue() once the obtained frame has been processed.
- * Calling @ref canardPublishMessage() or its service counterpart between @ref canardPeekTxQueue() and this function
- * is NOT allowed, because it may change the frame at the top of the TX queue.
- */
-void canardPopTxQueue(CanardInstance* ins);
- * Process a received CAN frame with a timestamp.
- * The application will call this function upon reception of a new frame from the CAN bus.
- *
- * @param ins Library instance.
- * @param frame The received CAN frame.
- * @param timestamp_usec The timestamp. The time system may be arbitrary as long as the clock is monotonic (steady).
- * @returns Zero or a negative error code.
- */
-int16_t canardHandleRxFrame(CanardInstance* ins, const CanardCANFrame* frame, uint64_t timestamp_usec);
- * This function may be used to extract values from received UAVCAN transfers. It decodes a scalar value --
- * boolean, integer, character, or floating point -- from the specified bit position in the RX transfer buffer.
- * Simple single-frame transfers can also be parsed manually instead of using this function.
- *
- * Caveat: This function works correctly only on platforms that use two's complement signed integer representation.
- * I am not aware of any modern microarchitecture that uses anything else than two's complement, so it should not
- * limit the portability.
- *
- * The type of the value pointed to by 'out_value' is defined as follows:
- *
- * | bit_length | value_is_signed | out_value points to |
- * |------------|-----------------|------------------------------------------|
- * | 1 | false | bool (may be incompatible with uint8_t!) |
- * | 1 | true | N/A |
- * | [2, 8] | false | uint8_t, or char |
- * | [2, 8] | true | int8_t, or char |
- * | [9, 16] | false | uint16_t |
- * | [9, 16] | true | int16_t |
- * | [17, 32] | false | uint32_t |
- * | [17, 32] | true | int32_t, or 32-bit float |
- * | [33, 64] | false | uint64_t |
- * | [33, 64] | true | int64_t, or 64-bit float |
- *
- * @param transfer The RX transfer where the data will be read from.
- * @param bit_offset Offset, in bits, from the beginning of the transfer payload.
- * @param bit_length Length of the value, in bits; see the table.
- * @param value_is_signed True if the value can be negative (i.e., sign bit extension is needed); see the table.
- * @param out_value Pointer to the output storage; see the table.
- * @returns Same as bit_length, or a negated error code, such as invalid argument.
- */
-int16_t canardDecodePrimitive(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer,
- uint32_t bit_offset,
- uint8_t bit_length,
- bool value_is_signed,
- void* out_value);
- * This function may be used to encode values for later transmission in a UAVCAN transfer. It encodes a scalar value
- * -- boolean, integer, character, or floating point -- and puts it at the specified bit offset in the specified
- * contiguous buffer. Simple payloads can also be encoded manually instead of using this function.
- *
- * Caveat: This function works correctly only on platforms that use two's complement signed integer representation.
- * I am not aware of any modern microarchitecture that uses anything else than two's complement, so it should not
- * limit the portability.
- *
- * The type of the value pointed to by 'value' is defined as follows:
- *
- * | bit_length | value points to |
- * |------------|------------------------------------------|
- * | 1 | bool (may be incompatible with uint8_t!) |
- * | [2, 8] | uint8_t, int8_t, or char |
- * | [9, 16] | uint16_t, int16_t |
- * | [17, 32] | uint32_t, int32_t, or 32-bit float |
- * | [33, 64] | uint64_t, int64_t, or 64-bit float |
- *
- * @param destination Destination buffer where the result will be stored.
- * @param bit_offset Offset, in bits, from the beginning of the destination buffer.
- * @param bit_length Length of the value, in bits; see the table.
- * @param value Pointer to the value; see the table.
- */
-void canardEncodePrimitive(void* destination, uint32_t bit_offset, uint8_t bit_length, const void* value);
- * This function may be invoked by the application to release the memory allocated for the received transfer payload.
- *
- * If the application needs to send new transfers from the transfer reception callback, this function should be
- * invoked right before calling @ref canardPublishMessage() or its service counterpart.
- * Not doing that may lead to a higher worst-case memory pool utilization.
- *
- * Failure to call this function will NOT lead to a memory leak because the library checks for it.
- */
-void canardReleaseRxTransferPayload(CanardInstance* ins, CanardRxTransfer* transfer);
- * Use this function to determine the worst case memory footprint of your application.
- * See @ref CanardPoolAllocatorStatistics.
- * @returns a copy of the pool allocator usage statistics.
- */
-CanardPoolAllocatorStatistics canardGetPoolAllocatorStatistics(CanardInstance* ins);
- * IEEE 754 binary16 marshaling helpers.
- * These functions convert between the native float and the standard IEEE 754 binary16 float (a.k.a. half precision).
- * It is assumed that the native float is IEEE 754 binary32, otherwise, the results may be unpredictable.
- * Majority of modern computers and microcontrollers use IEEE 754, so this limitation should not limit the portability.
- */
-uint16_t canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(float value);
-float canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(uint16_t value);
-// Static checks.
- "Platforms where sizeof(void*) > 4 are not supported. "
- "On AMD64 use 32-bit mode (e.g. GCC flag -m32).");
-CANARD_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(float) == 4, "Native float format shall match IEEE 754 binary32");
+/// Construct a new library instance.
+/// The default values will be assigned as specified in the structure field documentation.
+/// If any of the pointers are NULL, the behavior is undefined.
+/// The instance does not hold any resources itself except for the allocated memory.
+/// If the instance should be de-initialized, the application shall clear the TX queue by calling the pop function
+/// repeatedly, and remove all RX subscriptions. Once that is done, the instance will be holding no memory resources,
+/// so it can be discarded freely.
+/// The time complexity is constant. This function does not invoke the dynamic memory manager.
+CanardInstance canardInit(const CanardMemoryAllocate memory_allocate, const CanardMemoryFree memory_free);
+/// This function serializes a transfer into a sequence of transport frames and inserts them into the prioritized
+/// transmission queue at the appropriate position. Afterwards, the application is supposed to take the enqueued frames
+/// from the transmission queue using the function canardTxPeek() and transmit them. Each transmitted (or otherwise
+/// discarded, e.g., due to timeout) frame should be removed from the queue using canardTxPop(). The queue is
+/// prioritized following the normal CAN frame arbitration rules to avoid the inner priority inversion. The transfer
+/// payload will be copied into the transmission queue so that the lifetime of the frames is not related to the
+/// lifetime of the input transfer instance or its payload buffer.
+/// The MTU of the generated frames is dependent on the value of the MTU setting at the time when this function
+/// is invoked. The MTU setting can be changed arbitrarily between invocations. No other functions rely on that
+/// parameter.
+/// The timestamp value of the transfer will be used to populate the timestamp values of the resulting transport
+/// frames (so all frames will have the same timestamp value). This feature is intended to facilitate transmission
+/// deadline tracking, i.e., aborting frames that could not be transmitted before the specified deadline.
+/// Therefore, normally, the timestamp value should be in the future.
+/// The library itself, however, does not use or check this value in any way, so it can be zero if not needed.
+/// The function returns the number of frames enqueued into the prioritized TX queue (which is always a positive
+/// number) in case of success (so that the application can track the number of items in the TX queue if necessary).
+/// In case of failure, the function returns a negated error code: either invalid argument or out-of-memory.
+/// An invalid argument error may be returned in the following cases:
+/// - Any of the input arguments are NULL.
+/// - The remote node-ID is not CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET and the transfer is a message transfer.
+/// - The remote node-ID is above CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX and the transfer is a service transfer.
+/// - The priority, subject-ID, or service-ID exceed their respective maximums.
+/// - The transfer kind is invalid.
+/// - The payload pointer is NULL while the payload size is nonzero.
+/// - The local node is anonymous and a message transfer is requested that requires a multi-frame transfer.
+/// - The local node is anonymous and a service transfer is requested.
+/// The following cases are handled without raising an invalid argument error:
+/// - If the transfer-ID is above the maximum, the excessive bits are silently masked away
+/// (i.e., the modulo is computed automatically, so the caller doesn't have to bother).
+/// An out-of-memory error is returned if a TX frame could not be allocated due to the memory being exhausted.
+/// In that case, all previously allocated frames will be deallocated automatically. In other words, either all frames
+/// of the transfer are enqueued successfully, or none are.
+/// The time complexity is O(p+e), where p is the amount of payload in the transfer, and e is the number of frames
+/// already enqueued in the transmission queue.
+/// The memory allocation requirement is one allocation per transport frame. A single-frame transfer takes one
+/// allocation; a multi-frame transfer of N frames takes N allocations. The maximum size of each allocation is
+/// (sizeof(CanardFrame) + sizeof(void*) + MTU).
+int32_t canardTxPush(CanardInstance* const ins, const CanardTransfer* const transfer);
+/// This function accesses the top element of the prioritized transmission queue. The queue itself is not modified
+/// (i.e., the accessed element is not removed). The application should invoke this function to collect the transport
+/// frames of serialized transfers pushed into the prioritized transmission queue by canardTxPush().
+/// Nodes with redundant transports should replicate every frame into each of the transport interfaces.
+/// Such replication may require additional buffering in the media I/O layer, depending on the implementation.
+/// The timestamp values of returned frames are initialized with the timestamp value of the transfer instance they
+/// originate from. Timestamps are used to specify the transmission deadline. It is up to the application and/or
+/// the media layer to implement the discardment of timed-out transport frames. The library does not check it,
+/// so a frame that is already timed out may be returned here.
+/// If the queue is empty or if the argument is NULL, the returned value is NULL.
+/// If the queue is non-empty, the returned value is a pointer to its top element (i.e., the next frame to transmit).
+/// The returned pointer points to an object allocated in the dynamic storage; it should be eventually freed by the
+/// application by calling CanardInstance::memory_free(). The memory shall not be freed before the entry is removed
+/// from the queue by calling canardTxPop(); this is because until canardTxPop() is executed, the library retains
+/// ownership of the object. The pointer retains validity until explicitly freed by the application; in other words,
+/// calling canardTxPop() does not invalidate the object.
+/// The payload buffer is located shortly after the object itself, in the same memory fragment. The application shall
+/// not attempt to free it.
+/// The time complexity is constant. This function does not invoke the dynamic memory manager.
+const CanardFrame* canardTxPeek(const CanardInstance* const ins);
+/// This function transfers the ownership of the top element of the prioritized transmission queue to the application.
+/// The application should invoke this function to remove the top element from the prioritized transmission queue.
+/// The element is removed but it is not invalidated; it is the responsibility of the application to deallocate
+/// the memory used by the object later. The object SHALL NOT be deallocated UNTIL this function is invoked.
+/// Invocation of canardTxPush() may add new elements at the top of the prioritized transmission queue.
+/// The calling code shall take that into account to eliminate the possibility of data loss and memory leak due to
+/// the frame at the top of the queue being unexpectedly replaced between calls of canardTxPeek() and this function.
+/// If the input argument is NULL or if the transmission queue is empty, the function has no effect.
+/// The time complexity is constant. This function does not invoke the dynamic memory manager.
+void canardTxPop(CanardInstance* const ins);
+/// This function implements the transfer reassembly logic. It accepts a transport frame, locates the appropriate
+/// subscription state, and, if found, updates it. If the frame completed a transfer, the return value is 1 (one)
+/// and the out_transfer pointer is populated with the parameters of the newly reassembled transfer. The transfer
+/// reassembly logic is defined in the UAVCAN specification.
+/// The MTU of the accepted frame is not limited and is not dependent on the MTU setting of the local node;
+/// that is, any MTU is accepted. The DLC compliance is also not checked.
+/// Any value of redundant_transport_index is accepted; that is, up to 256 redundant transports are supported.
+/// The index of the transport from which the transfer is accepted is always the same as redundant_transport_index
+/// of the current invocation, so the application can always determine which transport has delivered the transfer.
+/// The function invokes the dynamic memory manager in the following cases only:
+/// 1. New memory for a session state object is allocated when a new session is initiated.
+/// This event occurs when a transport frame that matches a known subscription is received from a node that
+/// did not emit matching frames since the subscription was created.
+/// Once a new session is created, it is not destroyed until the subscription is terminated by invoking
+/// canardRxUnsubscribe(). The number of sessions is bounded and the bound is low (at most the number of nodes
+/// in the network minus one), also the size of a session instance is very small, so the removal is unnecessary.
+/// Real-time networks typically do not change their configuration at runtime, so it is possible to reduce
+/// the time complexity by never deallocating sessions.
+/// The size of a session instance is at most 48 bytes on any conventional platform (typically much smaller).
+/// 2. New memory for the transfer payload buffer is allocated when a new transfer is initiated, unless the buffer
+/// was already allocated at the time.
+/// This event occurs when a transport frame that matches a known subscription is received and it begins a
+/// new transfer (that is, the start-of-frame flag is set and it is not a duplicate).
+/// The amount of the allocated memory is payload_size_max as configured via canardRxSubscribe().
+/// The worst case occurs when every node on the bus initiates a multi-frame transfer for which there is a
+/// matching subscription: in this case, the library will allocate number_of_nodes allocations of size
+/// payload_size_max.
+/// 3. Memory allocated for the transfer payload buffer may be deallocated at the discretion of the library.
+/// This operation does not increase the worst case execution time and does not improve the worst case memory
+/// consumption, so a deterministic application need not consider this behavior in the resource analysis.
+/// This behavior is implemented for the benefit of applications where rigorous characterization is unnecessary.
+/// The worst case dynamic memory consumption per subscription is:
+/// (sizeof(session instance) + payload_size_max) * number_of_nodes
+/// Where sizeof(session instance) and payload_size_max are defined above, and number_of_nodes is the number of remote
+/// nodes emitting transfers that match the subscription (which cannot exceed (CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX-1) by design).
+/// If the dynamic memory pool is sized correctly, the application is guaranteed to never encounter an
+/// out-of-memory (OOM) error at runtime. The actual size of the dynamic memory pool is typically larger;
+/// for a detailed treatment of the problem and the related theory please refer to the documentation of O1Heap --
+/// a deterministic memory allocator for hard real-time embedded systems.
+/// The time complexity is O(n+p) where n is the number of subject-IDs or service-IDs subscribed to by the application,
+/// depending on the transfer kind of the supplied frame, and p is the amount of payload in the received frame
+/// (because it will be copied into an internal contiguous buffer). Observe that the time complexity is invariant to
+/// the network configuration (such as the number of online nodes) -- this is a very important design guarantee for
+/// real-time applications because the execution time is dependent only on the number of active subscriptions for
+/// a given transfer kind, and the MTU, both of which are easy to predict and account for. Excepting the
+/// subscription search and the payload data copying, the entire RX pipeline contains neither loops nor recursion.
+/// Misaddressed and malformed frames are discarded in constant time.
+/// The function returns 1 (one) if the new frame completed a transfer. In this case, the details of the transfer
+/// are stored into out_transfer, and the transfer payload buffer ownership is passed to that object. The lifetime
+/// of the resulting transfer object is not related to the lifetime of the input transport frame (that is, even if
+/// it is a single-frame transfer, its payload is copied out into a new dynamically allocated buffer storage).
+/// If the payload_size_max is zero, the payload pointer may be NULL, since there is no data to store and so a
+/// buffer is not needed. The application is responsible for deallocating the payload buffer when the processing
+/// is done by invoking memory_free on the transfer payload pointer.
+/// The function returns a negated out-of-memory error if it was unable to allocate dynamic memory.
+/// The function does nothing and returns a negated invalid argument error immediately if any condition is true:
+/// - Any of the input arguments that are pointers are NULL.
+/// - The payload pointer of the input frame is NULL while its size is non-zero.
+/// - The CAN ID of the input frame is not less than 2**29=0x20000000.
+/// The function drops the frame and returns zero if any of the following conditions are true (the general policy is
+/// that protocol errors are not escalated because they do not construe a node-local error):
+/// - The received frame is not a valid UAVCAN/CAN transport frame.
+/// - The received frame is a valid UAVCAN/CAN transport frame, but there is no matching subscription,
+/// the frame did not complete a transfer, the frame forms an invalid frame sequence, the frame is a duplicate,
+/// the frame is unicast to a different node (address mismatch).
+/// The function is designed to facilitate almost zero-copy data exchange across the protocol stack: once a buffer is
+/// allocated, its data is never copied around but only passed by reference. This design allows us to reduce the
+/// worst-case execution time and reduce the jitter caused by the linear time complexity of memcpy().
+/// One data copy still has to take place, though: from the frame payload into the contiguous transfer payload buffer.
+/// In CAN, the MTU is small (at most 64 bytes for CAN FD), so the extra copy does not cost us much here,
+/// but it allows us to completely decouple the lifetime of the input frame buffer from the lifetime of the final
+/// transfer object, regardless of whether it's a single-frame or a multi-frame transfer.
+/// If we were building, say, an UAVCAN/UDP library, then we would likely resort to a different design, where the
+/// frame buffer is allocated once from the heap (which may be done from the interrupt handler if the heap is
+/// sufficiently deterministic), and in the case of single-frame transfer it is then carried over to the application
+/// without copying. This design somewhat complicates the media layer though.
+int8_t canardRxAccept(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardFrame* const frame,
+ const uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer);
+/// This function creates a new subscription, allowing the application to register its interest in a particular
+/// category of transfers. The library will reject all transport frames for which there is no active subscription.
+/// If such subscription already exists, it will be removed first as if canardRxUnsubscribe() was
+/// invoked by the application, and then re-created anew with the new parameters.
+/// The payload_size_max defines the size of the transfer payload memory buffer. Transfers that carry larger payloads
+/// will be accepted but the excess payload will be truncated, as mandated by the Specification. This behavior is
+/// called the Implicit Truncation Rule (ITR) and it is intended to facilitate extensibility of data types while
+/// preserving backward compatibility. The transfer CRC is validated regardless of whether its payload is truncated.
+/// The redundant transport fail-over timeout (if redundant transports are used) is the same as the transfer-ID timeout.
+/// It may be reduced in a future release of the library, but it will not affect the backward compatibility.
+/// The return value is 1 if a new subscription has been created as requested.
+/// The return value is 0 if such subscription existed at the time the function was invoked. In this case,
+/// the existing subscription is terminated and then a new one is created in its place. Pending transfers may be lost.
+/// The return value is a negated invalid argument error if any of the input arguments are invalid.
+/// The time complexity is linear from the number of current subscriptions under the specified transfer kind.
+/// This function does not allocate new memory. The function may deallocate memory if such subscription already
+/// existed; the deallocation behavior is specified in the documentation for canardRxUnsubscribe().
+/// Subscription instances have large look-up tables to ensure that the temporal properties of the algorithms are
+/// invariant to the network configuration (i.e., a node that is validated on a network containing one other node
+/// will provably perform identically on a network that contains X nodes).
+/// This is a conscious time-memory trade-off. It may have adverse effects on RAM-constrained applications,
+/// but this is considered tolerable because it is expected that the types of applications leveraging Libcanard
+/// will be either real-time function nodes where time determinism is critical, or bootloaders where time determinism
+/// is usually not required but the amount of available memory is not an issue (the main constraint is ROM, not RAM).
+int8_t canardRxSubscribe(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
+ const CanardPortID port_id,
+ const size_t payload_size_max,
+ const CanardMicrosecond transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ CanardRxSubscription* const out_subscription);
+/// This function reverses the effect of canardRxSubscribe().
+/// If the subscription is found, all its memory is de-allocated (session states and payload buffers); to determine
+/// the amount of memory freed, please refer to the memory allocation requirement model of canardRxAccept().
+/// The return value is 1 if such subscription existed (and, therefore, it was removed).
+/// The return value is 0 if such subscription does not exist. In this case, the function has no effect.
+/// The return value is a negated invalid argument error if any of the input arguments are invalid.
+/// The time complexity is linear from the number of current subscriptions under the specified transfer kind.
+/// This function does not allocate new memory.
+int8_t canardRxUnsubscribe(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
+ const CanardPortID port_id);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/libcanard/canard_dsdl.c b/libcanard/canard_dsdl.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de171ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcanard/canard_dsdl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+/// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+/// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+/// Author: Pavel Kirienko
+#include "canard_dsdl.h"
+// --------------------------------------------- BUILD CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------
+/// There are two implementations of the primitive (de-)serialization algorithms: a generic one, which is invariant
+/// to the native byte order (and therefore compatible with any platform), and the optimized one which is compatible
+/// with little-endian platforms only. By default, the slow generic algorithm is used.
+/// If the target platform is little-endian, the user can enable this option to use the optimized algorithm.
+/// By default, this macro resolves to the standard assert(). The user can redefine this if necessary.
+/// To disable assertion checks completely, make it expand into `(void)(0)`.
+// Intentional violation of MISRA: assertion macro cannot be replaced with a function definition.
+# define CANARD_ASSERT(x) assert(x) // NOSONAR
+/// This macro is needed only for testing and for library development. Do not redefine this in production.
+#else // Consider defining an extra compilation option that turns this into "static inline"?
+# define CANARD_PRIVATE static
+#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || (__STDC_VERSION__ < 201112L)
+# error "Unsupported language: ISO C11 or a newer version is required."
+/// Detect whether the target platform is compatible with IEEE 754.
+ ((FLT_RADIX == 2) && (FLT_MANT_DIG == 24) && (FLT_MIN_EXP == -125) && (FLT_MAX_EXP == 128))
+ ((FLT_RADIX == 2) && (DBL_MANT_DIG == 53) && (DBL_MIN_EXP == -1021) && (DBL_MAX_EXP == 1024))
+// --------------------------------------------- COMMON ITEMS ---------------------------------------------
+/// Per the DSDL specification, 1 byte = 8 bits.
+#define BYTE_WIDTH 8U
+#define BYTE_MAX 0xFFU
+#define WIDTH16 16U
+#define WIDTH32 32U
+#define WIDTH64 64U
+// --------------------------------------------- PRIMITIVE SERIALIZATION ---------------------------------------------
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t chooseMin(size_t a, size_t b);
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t chooseMin(size_t a, size_t b)
+ return (a < b) ? a : b;
+/// The algorithm was originally designed by Ben Dyer for Libuavcan v0:
+/// https://github.com/UAVCAN/libuavcan/blob/ba696029f9625d7ea3eb00/libuavcan/src/marshal/uc_bit_array_copy.cpp#L12-L58
+/// This version is modified for v1 where the bit order is the opposite.
+/// If both offsets and the length are byte-aligned, the algorithm degenerates to memcpy().
+/// The source and the destination shall not overlap.
+CANARD_PRIVATE void copyBitArray(const size_t length_bit,
+ const size_t src_offset_bit,
+ const size_t dst_offset_bit,
+ const uint8_t* const src,
+ uint8_t* const dst);
+CANARD_PRIVATE void copyBitArray(const size_t length_bit,
+ const size_t src_offset_bit,
+ const size_t dst_offset_bit,
+ const uint8_t* const src,
+ uint8_t* const dst)
+ CANARD_ASSERT((src != NULL) && (dst != NULL) && (src != dst));
+ CANARD_ASSERT((src < dst) ? ((src + ((src_offset_bit + length_bit + BYTE_WIDTH) / BYTE_WIDTH)) <= dst)
+ : ((dst + ((dst_offset_bit + length_bit + BYTE_WIDTH) / BYTE_WIDTH)) <= src));
+ if ((0U == (length_bit % BYTE_WIDTH)) && //
+ (0U == (src_offset_bit % BYTE_WIDTH)) && //
+ (0U == (dst_offset_bit % BYTE_WIDTH)))
+ {
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: Pointer arithmetics.
+ // This is done to remove the API constraint that offsets be under 8 bits.
+ // Fewer constraints reduce the chance of API misuse.
+ (void) memcpy(dst + (dst_offset_bit / BYTE_WIDTH), // NOSONAR NOLINT
+ src + (src_offset_bit / BYTE_WIDTH), // NOSONAR
+ length_bit / BYTE_WIDTH);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t src_off = src_offset_bit;
+ size_t dst_off = dst_offset_bit;
+ const size_t last_bit = src_off + length_bit;
+ while (last_bit > src_off)
+ {
+ const uint8_t src_mod = (uint8_t)(src_off % BYTE_WIDTH);
+ const uint8_t dst_mod = (uint8_t)(dst_off % BYTE_WIDTH);
+ const uint8_t max_mod = (src_mod > dst_mod) ? src_mod : dst_mod;
+ const uint8_t size = (uint8_t) chooseMin(BYTE_WIDTH - max_mod, last_bit - src_off);
+ CANARD_ASSERT((size > 0U) && (size <= BYTE_WIDTH));
+ // Suppress a false warning from Clang-Tidy & Sonar that size is being over-shifted. It's not.
+ const uint8_t mask = (uint8_t)((((1U << size) - 1U) << dst_mod) & BYTE_MAX); // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ CANARD_ASSERT(mask > 0U);
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: indexing on a pointer.
+ // This simplifies the implementation greatly and avoids pointer arithmetics.
+ const uint8_t in =
+ (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(src[src_off / BYTE_WIDTH] >> src_mod) << dst_mod) & BYTE_MAX; // NOSONAR
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: indexing on a pointer.
+ // This simplifies the implementation greatly and avoids pointer arithmetics.
+ const uint8_t a = dst[dst_off / BYTE_WIDTH] & ((uint8_t) ~mask); // NOSONAR
+ const uint8_t b = in & mask;
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: indexing on a pointer.
+ // This simplifies the implementation greatly and avoids pointer arithmetics.
+ dst[dst_off / BYTE_WIDTH] = a | b; // NOSONAR
+ src_off += size;
+ dst_off += size;
+ }
+ CANARD_ASSERT(last_bit == src_off);
+ }
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t getBitCopySize(const size_t buf_size_bytes,
+ const size_t offset_bit,
+ const size_t requested_length_bit,
+ const uint8_t value_length_bit);
+CANARD_PRIVATE size_t getBitCopySize(const size_t buf_size_bytes,
+ const size_t offset_bit,
+ const size_t requested_length_bit,
+ const uint8_t value_length_bit)
+ const size_t buf_size_bit = buf_size_bytes * BYTE_WIDTH;
+ const size_t remaining_bit = buf_size_bit - chooseMin(buf_size_bit, offset_bit);
+ return chooseMin(remaining_bit, chooseMin(requested_length_bit, value_length_bit));
+// --------------------------------------------- PUBLIC API - INTEGER ---------------------------------------------
+void canardDSDLSetBit(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const bool value)
+ const uint8_t val = value ? 1U : 0U;
+ copyBitArray(1U, 0U, off_bit, &val, buf);
+void canardDSDLSetUxx(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const uint64_t value, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ _Static_assert(WIDTH64 == (sizeof(uint64_t) * BYTE_WIDTH), "Unexpected size of uint64_t");
+ const size_t saturated_len_bit = chooseMin(len_bit, WIDTH64);
+ copyBitArray(saturated_len_bit, 0U, off_bit, (const uint8_t*) &value, buf);
+ const uint8_t tmp[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 0U) & BYTE_MAX), // Suppress warnings about the magic numbers. Their purpose is clear.
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 8U) & BYTE_MAX), // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 16U) & BYTE_MAX), // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 24U) & BYTE_MAX), // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 32U) & BYTE_MAX), // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 40U) & BYTE_MAX), // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 48U) & BYTE_MAX), // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ (uint8_t)((value >> 56U) & BYTE_MAX), // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ };
+ copyBitArray(saturated_len_bit, 0U, off_bit, &tmp[0], buf);
+void canardDSDLSetIxx(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const int64_t value, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ // The naive sign conversion is safe and portable according to the C standard:
+ // if the new type is unsigned, the value is converted by repeatedly adding or subtracting one more
+ // than the maximum value that can be represented in the new type until the value is in the range of the new type.
+ canardDSDLSetUxx(buf, off_bit, (uint64_t) value, len_bit);
+bool canardDSDLGetBit(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit)
+ return 1U == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, buf_size, off_bit, 1U);
+uint8_t canardDSDLGetU8(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const size_t copy_size = getBitCopySize(buf_size, off_bit, len_bit, BYTE_WIDTH);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(copy_size <= (sizeof(uint8_t) * BYTE_WIDTH));
+ uint8_t val = 0;
+ copyBitArray(copy_size, off_bit, 0U, buf, &val);
+ return val;
+uint16_t canardDSDLGetU16(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const size_t copy_size = getBitCopySize(buf_size, off_bit, len_bit, WIDTH16);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(copy_size <= (sizeof(uint16_t) * BYTE_WIDTH));
+ uint16_t val = 0U;
+ copyBitArray(copy_size, off_bit, 0U, buf, (uint8_t*) &val);
+ return val;
+ uint8_t tmp[sizeof(uint16_t)] = {0};
+ copyBitArray(copy_size, off_bit, 0U, buf, &tmp[0]);
+ return (uint16_t)(tmp[0] | (uint16_t)(((uint16_t) tmp[1]) << BYTE_WIDTH));
+uint32_t canardDSDLGetU32(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const size_t copy_size = getBitCopySize(buf_size, off_bit, len_bit, WIDTH32);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(copy_size <= (sizeof(uint32_t) * BYTE_WIDTH));
+ uint32_t val = 0U;
+ copyBitArray(copy_size, off_bit, 0U, buf, (uint8_t*) &val);
+ return val;
+ uint8_t tmp[sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
+ copyBitArray(copy_size, off_bit, 0U, buf, &tmp[0]);
+ return (uint32_t)(tmp[0] | // Suppress warnings about the magic numbers.
+ ((uint32_t) tmp[1] << 8U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint32_t) tmp[2] << 16U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint32_t) tmp[3] << 24U)); // NOLINT NOSONAR
+uint64_t canardDSDLGetU64(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const size_t copy_size = getBitCopySize(buf_size, off_bit, len_bit, WIDTH64);
+ CANARD_ASSERT(copy_size <= (sizeof(uint64_t) * BYTE_WIDTH));
+ uint64_t val = 0U;
+ copyBitArray(copy_size, off_bit, 0U, buf, (uint8_t*) &val);
+ return val;
+ uint8_t tmp[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {0};
+ copyBitArray(copy_size, off_bit, 0U, buf, &tmp[0]);
+ return (uint64_t)(tmp[0] | // Suppress warnings about the magic numbers.
+ ((uint64_t) tmp[1] << 8U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint64_t) tmp[2] << 16U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint64_t) tmp[3] << 24U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint64_t) tmp[4] << 32U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint64_t) tmp[5] << 40U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint64_t) tmp[6] << 48U) | // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ ((uint64_t) tmp[7] << 56U)); // NOLINT NOSONAR
+int8_t canardDSDLGetI8(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const uint8_t sat = (uint8_t) chooseMin(len_bit, BYTE_WIDTH);
+ uint8_t val = canardDSDLGetU8(buf, buf_size, off_bit, sat);
+ const bool neg = (sat > 0U) && ((val & (1ULL << (sat - 1U))) != 0U);
+ val = ((sat < BYTE_WIDTH) && neg) ? (uint8_t)(val | ~((1U << sat) - 1U)) : val; // Sign extension
+ return neg ? (int8_t)((-(int8_t)(uint8_t) ~val) - 1) : (int8_t) val;
+int16_t canardDSDLGetI16(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const uint8_t sat = (uint8_t) chooseMin(len_bit, WIDTH16);
+ uint16_t val = canardDSDLGetU16(buf, buf_size, off_bit, sat);
+ const bool neg = (sat > 0U) && ((val & (1ULL << (sat - 1U))) != 0U);
+ val = ((sat < WIDTH16) && neg) ? (uint16_t)(val | ~((1U << sat) - 1U)) : val; // Sign extension
+ return neg ? (int16_t)((-(int16_t)(uint16_t) ~val) - 1) : (int16_t) val;
+int32_t canardDSDLGetI32(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const uint8_t sat = (uint8_t) chooseMin(len_bit, WIDTH32);
+ uint32_t val = canardDSDLGetU32(buf, buf_size, off_bit, sat);
+ const bool neg = (sat > 0U) && ((val & (1ULL << (sat - 1U))) != 0U);
+ val = ((sat < WIDTH32) && neg) ? (uint32_t)(val | ~((1UL << sat) - 1U)) : val; // Sign extension
+ return neg ? (int32_t)((-(int32_t) ~val) - 1) : (int32_t) val;
+int64_t canardDSDLGetI64(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit)
+ const uint8_t sat = (uint8_t) chooseMin(len_bit, WIDTH64);
+ uint64_t val = canardDSDLGetU64(buf, buf_size, off_bit, sat);
+ const bool neg = (sat > 0U) && ((val & (1ULL << (sat - 1U))) != 0U);
+ val = ((sat < WIDTH64) && neg) ? (uint64_t)(val | ~((1ULL << sat) - 1U)) : val; // Sign extension
+ return neg ? (int64_t)((-(int64_t) ~val) - 1) : (int64_t) val;
+// --------------------------------------------- PUBLIC API - FLOAT16 ---------------------------------------------
+_Static_assert(WIDTH32 == (sizeof(CanardDSDLFloat32) * BYTE_WIDTH), "Unsupported floating point model");
+// Intentional violation of MISRA: we need this union because the alternative is far more error prone.
+// We have to rely on low-level data representation details to do the conversion; unions are helpful.
+typedef union // NOSONAR
+ uint32_t bits;
+ CanardDSDLFloat32 real;
+} Float32Bits;
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint16_t float16Pack(const CanardDSDLFloat32 value);
+CANARD_PRIVATE uint16_t float16Pack(const CanardDSDLFloat32 value)
+ // The no-lint statements suppress the warnings about magic numbers.
+ // The no-lint statements suppress the warning about the use of union. This is required for low-level bit access.
+ const uint32_t round_mask = ~(uint32_t) 0x0FFFU; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ const Float32Bits f32inf = {.bits = ((uint32_t) 255U) << 23U}; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ const Float32Bits f16inf = {.bits = ((uint32_t) 31U) << 23U}; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ const Float32Bits magic = {.bits = ((uint32_t) 15U) << 23U}; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ Float32Bits in = {.real = value}; // NOSONAR
+ const uint32_t sign = in.bits & (((uint32_t) 1U) << 31U); // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ in.bits ^= sign;
+ uint16_t out = 0;
+ if (in.bits >= f32inf.bits)
+ {
+ out = (in.bits > f32inf.bits) ? (uint16_t) 0x7FFFU : (uint16_t) 0x7C00U; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ in.bits &= round_mask;
+ in.real *= magic.real;
+ in.bits -= round_mask;
+ if (in.bits > f16inf.bits)
+ {
+ in.bits = f16inf.bits;
+ }
+ out = (uint16_t)(in.bits >> 13U); // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ }
+ out |= (uint16_t)(sign >> 16U); // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ return out;
+CANARD_PRIVATE CanardDSDLFloat32 float16Unpack(const uint16_t value);
+CANARD_PRIVATE CanardDSDLFloat32 float16Unpack(const uint16_t value)
+ // The no-lint statements suppress the warnings about magic numbers.
+ // The no-lint statements suppress the warning about the use of union. This is required for low-level bit access.
+ const Float32Bits magic = {.bits = ((uint32_t) 0xEFU) << 23U}; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ const Float32Bits inf_nan = {.bits = ((uint32_t) 0x8FU) << 23U}; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ Float32Bits out = {.bits = ((uint32_t)(value & 0x7FFFU)) << 13U}; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ out.real *= magic.real;
+ if (out.real >= inf_nan.real)
+ {
+ out.bits |= ((uint32_t) 0xFFU) << 23U; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ }
+ out.bits |= ((uint32_t)(value & 0x8000U)) << 16U; // NOLINT NOSONAR
+ return out.real;
+void canardDSDLSetF16(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const CanardDSDLFloat32 value)
+ canardDSDLSetUxx(buf, off_bit, float16Pack(value), WIDTH16);
+CanardDSDLFloat32 canardDSDLGetF16(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit)
+ return float16Unpack(canardDSDLGetU16(buf, buf_size, off_bit, WIDTH16));
+// --------------------------------------------- PUBLIC API - FLOAT32 ---------------------------------------------
+_Static_assert(WIDTH32 == (sizeof(CanardDSDLFloat32) * BYTE_WIDTH), "Unsupported floating point model");
+void canardDSDLSetF32(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const CanardDSDLFloat32 value)
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: use union to perform fast conversion from an IEEE 754-compatible native
+ // representation into a serializable integer. The assumptions about the target platform properties are made
+ // clear. In the future we may add a more generic conversion that is platform-invariant.
+ union // NOSONAR
+ {
+ CanardDSDLFloat32 fl;
+ uint32_t in;
+ } const tmp = {value}; // NOSONAR
+ canardDSDLSetUxx(buf, off_bit, tmp.in, sizeof(tmp) * BYTE_WIDTH);
+CanardDSDLFloat32 canardDSDLGetF32(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit)
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: use union to perform fast conversion to an IEEE 754-compatible native
+ // representation into a serializable integer. The assumptions about the target platform properties are made
+ // clear. In the future we may add a more generic conversion that is platform-invariant.
+ union // NOSONAR
+ {
+ uint32_t in;
+ CanardDSDLFloat32 fl;
+ } const tmp = {canardDSDLGetU32(buf, buf_size, off_bit, WIDTH32)}; // NOSONAR
+ return tmp.fl;
+// --------------------------------------------- PUBLIC API - FLOAT64 ---------------------------------------------
+_Static_assert(WIDTH64 == (sizeof(CanardDSDLFloat64) * BYTE_WIDTH), "Unsupported floating point model");
+CanardDSDLFloat64 canardDSDLGetF64(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit)
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: use union to perform fast conversion to an IEEE 754-compatible native
+ // representation into a serializable integer. The assumptions about the target platform properties are made
+ // clear. In the future we may add a more generic conversion that is platform-invariant.
+ union // NOSONAR
+ {
+ uint64_t in;
+ CanardDSDLFloat64 fl;
+ } const tmp = {canardDSDLGetU64(buf, buf_size, off_bit, WIDTH64)}; // NOSONAR
+ return tmp.fl;
+void canardDSDLSetF64(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const CanardDSDLFloat64 value)
+ // Intentional violation of MISRA: use union to perform fast conversion from an IEEE 754-compatible native
+ // representation into a serializable integer. The assumptions about the target platform properties are made
+ // clear. In the future we may add a more generic conversion that is platform-invariant.
+ union // NOSONAR
+ {
+ CanardDSDLFloat64 fl;
+ uint64_t in;
+ } const tmp = {value}; // NOSONAR
+ canardDSDLSetUxx(buf, off_bit, tmp.in, sizeof(tmp) * BYTE_WIDTH);
diff --git a/libcanard/canard_dsdl.h b/libcanard/canard_dsdl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..482f0d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcanard/canard_dsdl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/// __ __ _______ __ __ _______ _______ __ __
+/// | | | | / _ ` | | | | / ____| / _ ` | ` | |
+/// | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | |_| | | `| |
+/// | |_| | | _ | ` `_/ / | |____ | _ | | |` |
+/// `_______/ |__| |__| `_____/ `_______| |__| |__| |__| `__|
+/// | | | | | |
+/// ----o------o------------o---------o------o---------o-------
+/// This is a DSDL serialization helper for libcanard -- a trivial optional extension library that contains basic
+/// DSDL field serialization routines. It is intended for use in simple applications where auto-generated DSDL
+/// serialization logic is not available. The functions are fully stateless and straightforward to use;
+/// read their documentation comments for usage info.
+/// This is an optional part of libcanard that can be omitted if this functionality is not required by the application.
+/// Some high-integrity systems may prefer to avoid this extension because it relies on unsafe memory operations.
+/// This library is designed to be compatible with any instruction set architecture (including big endian platforms)
+/// but the floating point functionality will be automatically disabled at compile time if the target platform does not
+/// use an IEEE 754-compatible floating point model. Support for other floating point models may be implemented later.
+/// If your application requires non-IEEE-754 floats, please reach out to the maintainers via https://forum.uavcan.org.
+/// To use the library, copy the files canard_dsdl.c and canard_dsdl.h into the source tree of the application.
+/// No special compilation options are required. There are optional build configuration options defined near the top
+/// of canard_dsdl.c; they may be used to fine-tune the library for the target platform (but it is not necessary).
+/// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+/// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+/// Author: Pavel Kirienko
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef float CanardDSDLFloat32;
+typedef double CanardDSDLFloat64;
+/// Serialize a DSDL field value at the specified bit offset from the beginning of the destination buffer.
+/// The behavior is undefined if the input pointer is NULL. The time complexity is linear of the bit length.
+/// One-bit-wide signed integers are processed without raising an error but the result is unspecified.
+/// The floating point functions are only available if the target platform has an IEEE 754-compatible float model.
+/// Arguments:
+/// buf Destination buffer where the result will be stored.
+/// off_bit Offset, in bits, from the beginning of the buffer. May exceed one byte.
+/// value The value itself (in case of integers it is promoted to 64-bit for unification).
+/// len_bit Length of the serialized representation, in bits. Zero has no effect. Values above 64 bit are saturated.
+void canardDSDLSetBit(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const bool value);
+void canardDSDLSetUxx(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const uint64_t value, const uint8_t len_bit);
+void canardDSDLSetIxx(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const int64_t value, const uint8_t len_bit);
+void canardDSDLSetF16(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const CanardDSDLFloat32 value);
+void canardDSDLSetF32(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const CanardDSDLFloat32 value);
+void canardDSDLSetF64(uint8_t* const buf, const size_t off_bit, const CanardDSDLFloat64 value);
+/// Deserialize a DSDL field value located at the specified bit offset from the beginning of the source buffer.
+/// If the deserialized value extends beyond the end of the buffer, the missing bits are taken as zero, as required
+/// by the DSDL specification (see Implicit Zero Extension Rule, IZER).
+/// The floating point functions are only available if the target platform has an IEEE 754-compatible float model.
+/// If len_bit is greater than the return type, extra bits will be truncated per standard narrowing conversion rules.
+/// If len_bit is shorter than the return type, missing bits will be zero per standard integer promotion rules.
+/// Essentially, for integers, it would be enough to have 64-bit versions only; narrower variants exist only to avoid
+/// narrowing type conversions of the result and for some performance gains.
+/// The behavior is undefined if the input pointer is NULL. The time complexity is linear of the bit length.
+/// One-bit-wide signed integers are processed without raising an error but the result is unspecified.
+/// Arguments:
+/// buf Source buffer where the serialized representation will be read from.
+/// buf_size The size of the source buffer, in bytes. Reads past this limit will be assumed to return zero bits.
+/// off_bit Offset, in bits, from the beginning of the buffer. May exceed one byte.
+/// len_bit Length of the serialized representation, in bits. Zero returns zero. Out-of-range values are saturated.
+bool canardDSDLGetBit(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit);
+uint8_t canardDSDLGetU8(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+uint16_t canardDSDLGetU16(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+uint32_t canardDSDLGetU32(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+uint64_t canardDSDLGetU64(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+int8_t canardDSDLGetI8(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+int16_t canardDSDLGetI16(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+int32_t canardDSDLGetI32(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+int64_t canardDSDLGetI64(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit, const uint8_t len_bit);
+CanardDSDLFloat32 canardDSDLGetF16(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit);
+CanardDSDLFloat32 canardDSDLGetF32(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit);
+CanardDSDLFloat64 canardDSDLGetF64(const uint8_t* const buf, const size_t buf_size, const size_t off_bit);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/libcanard/canard_internals.h b/libcanard/canard_internals.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b5becf00..00000000
--- a/libcanard/canard_internals.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- * The MIT License (MIT)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 UAVCAN Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- * Contributors: https://github.com/UAVCAN/libcanard/contributors
- */
- * This file holds function declarations that expose the library's internal definitions for unit testing.
- * It is NOT part of the library's API and should not even be looked at by the user.
- */
-#include "canard.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/// This macro is needed only for testing and development. Do not redefine this in production.
-# define CANARD_INTERNAL static
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* traverseRxStates(CanardInstance* ins, uint32_t session_specifier);
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* createRxState(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator, uint32_t session_specifier);
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* prependRxState(CanardInstance* ins, uint32_t session_specifier);
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardRxState* findRxState(CanardRxState* state, uint32_t session_specifier);
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t bufferBlockPushBytes(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator,
- CanardRxState* state,
- const uint8_t* data,
- uint8_t data_len);
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardBufferBlock* createBufferBlock(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator);
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardTransferKind extractTransferKind(uint32_t id);
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint16_t extractDataType(uint32_t id);
-CANARD_INTERNAL void pushTxQueue(CanardInstance* ins, CanardTxQueueItem* item);
-CANARD_INTERNAL bool isPriorityHigher(uint32_t id, uint32_t rhs);
-CANARD_INTERNAL CanardTxQueueItem* createTxItem(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator);
-CANARD_INTERNAL void prepareForNextTransfer(CanardRxState* state);
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t computeTransferIDForwardDistance(uint8_t a, uint8_t b);
-CANARD_INTERNAL void incrementTransferID(uint8_t* transfer_id);
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint64_t releaseStatePayload(CanardInstance* ins, CanardRxState* rxstate);
-/// Returns the number of frames enqueued.
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t enqueueTxFrames(CanardInstance* ins,
- uint32_t can_id,
- const uint8_t* transfer_id,
- uint16_t crc,
- const uint8_t* payload,
- uint16_t payload_len);
-CANARD_INTERNAL void copyBitArray(const uint8_t* src,
- uint32_t src_offset,
- uint32_t src_len,
- uint8_t* dst,
- uint32_t dst_offset);
- * Moves the specified bits from a scattered transfer storage into a contiguous buffer.
- * Returns the number of bits copied, or a negated error code.
- */
-CANARD_INTERNAL int16_t descatterTransferPayload(const CanardRxTransfer* transfer,
- uint32_t bit_offset,
- uint8_t bit_length,
- void* output);
-CANARD_INTERNAL bool isBigEndian(void);
-CANARD_INTERNAL void swapByteOrder(void* data, size_t size);
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint16_t crcAddByte(uint16_t crc_val, uint8_t byte);
-CANARD_INTERNAL uint16_t crcAdd(uint16_t crc_val, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t len);
- * Inits a memory allocator.
- *
- * @param allocator The memory allocator to initialize.
- * @param buf The buffer used by the memory allocator.
- * @param buf_len The number of blocks in buf.
- */
-CANARD_INTERNAL void initPoolAllocator(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator, CanardPoolAllocatorBlock* buf, uint16_t buf_len);
-CANARD_INTERNAL void* allocateBlock(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator);
-CANARD_INTERNAL void freeBlock(CanardPoolAllocator* allocator, void* p);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/run_static_analysis.sh b/run_static_analysis.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 402b880d..00000000
--- a/run_static_analysis.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
- echo "$@" >&2
- exit 1
-command -v clang-tidy > /dev/null || die "clang-tidy not found"
-clang_tidy_version=$(clang-tidy --version | sed -ne 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1/p')
-[ "$clang_tidy_version" -ge $MIN_CLANG_TIDY_VERSION ] || \
- die "clang-tidy v$MIN_CLANG_TIDY_VERSION+ required; found v$clang_tidy_version"
-set -e
-clang-tidy libcanard/canard.c
diff --git a/sonar-project.properties b/sonar-project.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1342bf..00000000
--- a/sonar-project.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/.clang-tidy b/tests/.clang-tidy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c248721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/.clang-tidy
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# The tests are held to somewhat lower quality standards than production code.
+# The tests are also written in somewhat non-idiomatic C++ because they are tightly related to the C codebase.
+Checks: >-
+ boost-*,
+ bugprone-*,
+ cert-*,
+ clang-analyzer-*,
+ cppcoreguidelines-*,
+ google-*,
+ hicpp-*,
+ llvm-*,
+ misc-*,
+ modernize-*,
+ performance-*,
+ portability-*,
+ readability-*,
+ -hicpp-function-size,
+ -google-readability-todo,
+ -google-runtime-references,
+ -google-readability-function-size,
+ -readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls,
+ -readability-magic-numbers,
+ -readability-function-size,
+ -llvm-header-guard,
+ -misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes,
+ -cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic,
+ -cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,
+ -cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-union-access,
+ -cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast,
+WarningsAsErrors: '*'
+HeaderFilterRegex: '.*\.hpp'
+AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false
+FormatStyle: file
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index caf963ec..094b7ff8 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,47 +1,89 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 UAVCAN Team
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
+project(canard_tests C CXX)
-# Catch library for unit testing
+ # assert() shall be disabled in release builds to enable testing of bad free() calls.
+ add_definitions(-DNDEBUG=1)
+endif ()
-# Libcanard
-set(LIBCANARD_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../libcanard/")
+set(library_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../libcanard")
-# Compiler configuration - supporting only Clang and GCC
-set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -m32")
-set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -m32 -pedantic")
+# Use -DNO_STATIC_ANALYSIS=1 to suppress static analysis.
+# If not suppressed, the tools used here shall be available, otherwise the build will fail.
+ # clang-tidy (separate config files per directory)
+ find_program(clang_tidy NAMES clang-tidy-10 clang-tidy-9 clang-tidy)
+ if (NOT clang_tidy)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not locate clang-tidy")
+ endif ()
+ message(STATUS "Using clang-tidy: ${clang_tidy}")
+ set(CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY ${clang_tidy})
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY ${clang_tidy})
-# C warnings
+ # clang-format
+ find_program(clang_format NAMES clang-format-10 clang-format-9 clang-format)
+ if (NOT clang_format)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not locate clang-format")
+ endif ()
+ file(GLOB format_files
+ ${library_dir}/*.[ch]
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.[ch]pp)
+ message(STATUS "Using clang-format: ${clang_format}; files: ${format_files}")
+ add_custom_target(format COMMAND ${clang_format} -i -fallback-style=none -style=file --verbose ${format_files})
+endif ()
+# C options
+set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -fstrict-aliasing")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wdouble-promotion -Wswitch-enum -Wfloat-equal -Wundef")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wconversion -Wtype-limits")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wsign-conversion -Wcast-align -Wmissing-declarations")
-# C++ warnings
+# C++ options
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -fstrict-aliasing")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wdouble-promotion -Wswitch-enum -Wfloat-equal -Wundef")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wconversion -Wsign-promo")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wsign-conversion -Wcast-align -Wmissing-declarations")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wtype-limits -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant -Wnon-virtual-dtor")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsign-promo -Wold-style-cast")
-# We allow the following warnings for compatibility with the C codebase:
-set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-error=old-style-cast -Wno-error=zero-as-null-pointer-constant")
-# Expose internal API for unit testing
-# Unit tests
-file(GLOB tests_src
- "*.cpp"
- "catch/*.cpp")
-message(STATUS "Unit test source files: ${tests_src}")
- ${tests_src}
- ${LIBCANARD_DIR}/canard.c)
- pthread)
+include_directories(catch ${library_dir})
+set(common_sources catch/main.cpp ${library_dir}/canard.c ${library_dir}/canard_dsdl.c)
+function(gen_test name files compile_definitions compile_flags link_flags)
+ add_executable(${name} ${common_sources} ${files})
+ target_compile_definitions(${name} PUBLIC ${compile_definitions})
+ target_link_libraries(${name} pthread)
+ set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${compile_flags}" LINK_FLAGS "${link_flags}")
+ add_test("run_${name}" "${name}" --rng-seed time)
+function(gen_test_matrix name files compile_definitions)
+ gen_test("${name}_x64" "${files}" "${compile_definitions}" "-m64" "-m64")
+ gen_test("${name}_x32" "${files}" "${compile_definitions}" "-m32" "-m32")
+ # Coverage is only available for GCC builds.
+ gen_test("${name}_cov" "${files}" "${compile_definitions}" "-g -O0 --coverage" "--coverage")
+ endif ()
+ "test_private_crc.cpp;test_private_rx.cpp;test_private_tx.cpp;test_dsdl.cpp"
+# We assume here that the target platform is little-endian. If it's not, the test will fail.
+# Perhaps this needs fixing: these tests need not be run if the target is not little-endian.
+ "test_private_crc.cpp;test_private_rx.cpp;test_private_tx.cpp;test_dsdl.cpp"
+ "test_public_tx.cpp;test_public_rx.cpp;test_public_roundtrip.cpp;test_self.cpp"
+ "")
diff --git a/tests/catch/test_main.cpp b/tests/catch/main.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/catch/test_main.cpp
rename to tests/catch/main.cpp
diff --git a/tests/exposed.hpp b/tests/exposed.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..175c754f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/exposed.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#pragma once
+#include "canard.h"
+#include "catch.hpp"
+/// Definitions that are not exposed by the library but that are needed for testing.
+/// Please keep them in sync with the library by manually updating as necessary.
+namespace exposed
+using TransferCRC = std::uint16_t;
+struct TxQueueItem final
+ CanardFrame frame{};
+ TxQueueItem* next = nullptr;
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getPayloadByte(const std::size_t offset) const -> std::uint8_t
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast(frame.payload)[offset];
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getTailByte() const
+ {
+ REQUIRE(frame.payload_size >= 1U);
+ return getPayloadByte(frame.payload_size - 1U);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto isStartOfTransfer() const { return (getTailByte() & 128U) != 0; }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto isEndOfTransfer() const { return (getTailByte() & 64U) != 0; }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto isToggleBitSet() const { return (getTailByte() & 32U) != 0; }
+ ~TxQueueItem() = default;
+ TxQueueItem(const TxQueueItem&) = delete;
+ TxQueueItem(const TxQueueItem&&) = delete;
+ auto operator=(const TxQueueItem&) -> TxQueueItem& = delete;
+ auto operator=(const TxQueueItem &&) -> TxQueueItem& = delete;
+struct RxSession
+ CanardMicrosecond transfer_timestamp_usec = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ std::size_t total_payload_size = 0U;
+ std::size_t payload_size = 0U;
+ std::uint8_t* payload = nullptr;
+ TransferCRC calculated_crc = 0U;
+ CanardTransferID transfer_id = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ std::uint8_t redundant_transport_index = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ bool toggle = false;
+struct RxFrameModel
+ CanardMicrosecond timestamp_usec = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ CanardPriority priority = CanardPriorityOptional;
+ CanardTransferKind transfer_kind = CanardTransferKindMessage;
+ CanardPortID port_id = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ CanardNodeID source_node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET;
+ CanardNodeID destination_node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET;
+ CanardTransferID transfer_id = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ bool start_of_transfer = false;
+ bool end_of_transfer = false;
+ bool toggle = false;
+ std::size_t payload_size = 0U;
+ const std::uint8_t* payload = nullptr;
+// Extern C effectively discards the outer namespaces.
+extern "C" {
+auto crcAdd(const std::uint16_t crc, const std::size_t size, const void* const bytes) -> std::uint16_t;
+auto txMakeMessageSessionSpecifier(const std::uint16_t subject_id, const std::uint8_t src_node_id) -> std::uint32_t;
+auto txMakeServiceSessionSpecifier(const std::uint16_t service_id,
+ const bool request_not_response,
+ const std::uint8_t src_node_id,
+ const std::uint8_t dst_node_id) -> std::uint32_t;
+auto txGetPresentationLayerMTU(const CanardInstance* const ins) -> std::size_t;
+auto txMakeCANID(const CanardTransfer* const transfer,
+ const std::uint8_t local_node_id,
+ const std::size_t presentation_layer_mtu) -> std::int32_t;
+auto txMakeTailByte(const bool start_of_transfer,
+ const bool end_of_transfer,
+ const bool toggle,
+ const std::uint8_t transfer_id) -> std::uint8_t;
+auto txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(const std::size_t x) -> std::size_t;
+auto txFindQueueSupremum(const CanardInstance* const ins, const std::uint32_t can_id) -> TxQueueItem*;
+auto rxTryParseFrame(const CanardFrame* const frame, RxFrameModel* const out_result) -> bool;
+auto rxSessionWritePayload(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ RxSession* const rxs,
+ const std::size_t payload_size_max,
+ const std::size_t payload_size,
+ const void* const payload) -> std::int8_t;
+void rxSessionRestart(CanardInstance* const ins, RxSession* const rxs);
+auto rxSessionUpdate(CanardInstance* const ins,
+ RxSession* const rxs,
+ const RxFrameModel* const frame,
+ const std::uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ const CanardMicrosecond transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ const std::size_t payload_size_max,
+ CanardTransfer* const out_transfer) -> std::int8_t;
+void copyBitArray(const std::size_t length_bit,
+ const std::size_t src_offset_bit,
+ const std::size_t dst_offset_bit,
+ const std::uint8_t* const src,
+ std::uint8_t* const dst);
+auto float16Pack(const float value) -> std::uint16_t;
+auto float16Unpack(const std::uint16_t value) -> float;
+} // namespace exposed
diff --git a/tests/helpers.hpp b/tests/helpers.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..431a3d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/helpers.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#pragma once
+#include "canard.h"
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+# error "Library version not defined"
+# error "UAVCAN specification version not defined"
+namespace helpers
+namespace dummy_allocator
+inline auto allocate(CanardInstance* const ins, const std::size_t amount) -> void*
+ (void) ins;
+ (void) amount;
+ return nullptr;
+inline void free(CanardInstance* const ins, void* const pointer)
+ (void) ins;
+ (void) pointer;
+} // namespace dummy_allocator
+/// We can't use the recommended true random std::random because it cannot be seeded by Catch2 (the testing framework).
+inline auto getRandomNatural(const T upper_open) -> T
+ return static_cast(static_cast(std::rand()) % upper_open); // NOLINT
+/// An allocator that sits on top of the standard malloc() providing additional testing capabilities.
+/// It allows the user to specify the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated; further requests will emulate OOM.
+class TestAllocator
+ mutable std::recursive_mutex lock_;
+ std::unordered_map allocated_;
+ std::atomic ceiling_ = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ TestAllocator() = default;
+ TestAllocator(const TestAllocator&) = delete;
+ TestAllocator(const TestAllocator&&) = delete;
+ auto operator=(const TestAllocator&) -> TestAllocator& = delete;
+ auto operator=(const TestAllocator &&) -> TestAllocator& = delete;
+ virtual ~TestAllocator()
+ {
+ std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
+ for (auto [ptr, _] : allocated_)
+ {
+ // Clang-tidy complains about manual memory management. Suppressed because we need it for testing purposes.
+ std::free(ptr); // NOLINT
+ }
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto allocate(const std::size_t amount)
+ {
+ std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
+ void* p = nullptr;
+ if ((amount > 0U) && ((getTotalAllocatedAmount() + amount) <= ceiling_))
+ {
+ // Clang-tidy complains about manual memory management. Suppressed because we need it for testing purposes.
+ p = std::malloc(amount); // NOLINT
+ if (p == nullptr)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc(); // This is a test suite failure, not a failed test. Mind the difference.
+ }
+ // Random-fill the memory to make sure no assumptions are made about its contents.
+ std::uniform_int_distribution dist(0, 255U);
+ std::generate_n(reinterpret_cast(p), amount, [&]() {
+ return static_cast(getRandomNatural(256U));
+ });
+ allocated_.emplace(p, amount);
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ /// This overload is needed to avoid unnecessary const_cast<> in tests.
+ /// The casts are needed because allocated memory is pointed to by const-qualified pointers.
+ /// This is due to certain fundamental limitations of C; see the API docs for info.
+ void deallocate(const void* const pointer)
+ {
+ deallocate(const_cast(pointer)); // NOLINT
+ }
+ void deallocate(void* const pointer)
+ {
+ if (pointer != nullptr)
+ {
+ std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
+ const auto it = allocated_.find(pointer);
+ REQUIRE(it != std::end(allocated_)); // Catch an attempt to deallocate memory that is not allocated.
+ // Damage the memory to make sure it's not used after deallocation.
+ std::uniform_int_distribution dist(0, 255U);
+ std::generate_n(reinterpret_cast(pointer), it->second, [&]() {
+ return static_cast(getRandomNatural(256U));
+ });
+ // Clang-tidy complains about manual memory management. Suppressed because we need it for testing purposes.
+ std::free(it->first); // NOLINT
+ allocated_.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getNumAllocatedFragments() const
+ {
+ std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
+ return std::size(allocated_);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getTotalAllocatedAmount() const -> std::size_t
+ {
+ std::unique_lock locker(lock_);
+ std::size_t out = 0U;
+ for (auto [_, size] : allocated_)
+ {
+ out += size;
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getAllocationCeiling() const { return static_cast(ceiling_); }
+ void setAllocationCeiling(const std::size_t amount) { ceiling_ = amount; }
+/// An enhancing wrapper over the library to remove boilerplate from the tests.
+class Instance
+ CanardInstance canard_ = canardInit(&Instance::trampolineAllocate, &Instance::trampolineDeallocate);
+ TestAllocator allocator_;
+ static auto trampolineAllocate(CanardInstance* const ins, const std::size_t amount) -> void*
+ {
+ auto p = reinterpret_cast(ins->user_reference);
+ return p->allocator_.allocate(amount);
+ }
+ static void trampolineDeallocate(CanardInstance* const ins, void* const pointer)
+ {
+ auto p = reinterpret_cast(ins->user_reference);
+ p->allocator_.deallocate(pointer);
+ }
+ Instance() { canard_.user_reference = this; }
+ virtual ~Instance() = default;
+ Instance(const Instance&) = delete;
+ Instance(const Instance&&) = delete;
+ auto operator=(const Instance&) -> Instance& = delete;
+ auto operator=(const Instance &&) -> Instance& = delete;
+ [[nodiscard]] auto txPush(const CanardTransfer& transfer) { return canardTxPush(&canard_, &transfer); }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto txPeek() const { return canardTxPeek(&canard_); }
+ void txPop() { canardTxPop(&canard_); }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto rxAccept(const CanardFrame& frame,
+ const uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ CanardTransfer& out_transfer)
+ {
+ return canardRxAccept(&canard_, &frame, redundant_transport_index, &out_transfer);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto rxSubscribe(const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
+ const CanardPortID port_id,
+ const std::size_t payload_size_max,
+ const CanardMicrosecond transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ CanardRxSubscription& out_subscription)
+ {
+ return canardRxSubscribe(&canard_,
+ transfer_kind,
+ port_id,
+ payload_size_max,
+ transfer_id_timeout_usec,
+ &out_subscription);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto rxUnsubscribe(const CanardTransferKind transfer_kind, const CanardPortID port_id)
+ {
+ return canardRxUnsubscribe(&canard_, transfer_kind, port_id);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getNodeID() const { return canard_.node_id; }
+ void setNodeID(const std::uint8_t x) { canard_.node_id = x; }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getMTU() const { return canard_.mtu_bytes; }
+ void setMTU(const std::size_t x) { canard_.mtu_bytes = x; }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getTxQueueRoot() const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast(canard_._tx_queue);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getTxQueueLength() const
+ {
+ std::size_t out = 0U;
+ auto p = getTxQueueRoot();
+ while (p != nullptr)
+ {
+ ++out;
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getAllocator() -> TestAllocator& { return allocator_; }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getInstance() -> CanardInstance& { return canard_; }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto getInstance() const -> const CanardInstance& { return canard_; }
+} // namespace helpers
diff --git a/tests/test_crc.cpp b/tests/test_crc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 018bdd76..00000000
--- a/tests/test_crc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include "canard_internals.h"
-TEST_CASE("CRC, Correctness")
- uint16_t crc = 0xFFFFU;
- crc = crcAdd(crc, reinterpret_cast("1"), 1);
- crc = crcAdd(crc, reinterpret_cast("2"), 1);
- crc = crcAdd(crc, reinterpret_cast("3"), 1);
- REQUIRE(0x5BCE == crc); // Using Libuavcan as reference
- crc = crcAdd(crc, reinterpret_cast("456789"), 6);
- REQUIRE(0x29B1 == crc);
diff --git a/tests/test_dsdl.cpp b/tests/test_dsdl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2390557a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_dsdl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#include "canard_dsdl.h"
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+ using exposed::float16Pack;
+ REQUIRE(0b0000000000000000 == float16Pack(0.0F));
+ REQUIRE(0b0011110000000000 == float16Pack(1.0F));
+ REQUIRE(0b1100000000000000 == float16Pack(-2.0F));
+ REQUIRE(0b0111110000000000 == float16Pack(999999.0F)); // +inf
+ REQUIRE(0b1111101111111111 == float16Pack(-65519.0F)); // -max
+ REQUIRE(0b0111111111111111 == float16Pack(std::nanf(""))); // nan
+ using exposed::float16Unpack;
+ REQUIRE(Approx(0.0F) == float16Unpack(0b0000000000000000));
+ REQUIRE(Approx(1.0F) == float16Unpack(0b0011110000000000));
+ REQUIRE(Approx(-2.0F) == float16Unpack(0b1100000000000000));
+ REQUIRE(Approx(-65504.0F) == float16Unpack(0b1111101111111111));
+ REQUIRE(std::isinf(float16Unpack(0b0111110000000000)));
+ REQUIRE(bool(std::isnan(float16Unpack(0b0111111111111111))));
+ using exposed::float16Pack;
+ using exposed::float16Unpack;
+ float x = -1000.0F;
+ while (x <= 1000.0F)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(Approx(x) == float16Unpack(float16Pack(x)));
+ x += 0.5F;
+ }
+ REQUIRE(0b0111110000000000 == float16Pack(float16Unpack(0b0111110000000000))); // +inf
+ REQUIRE(0b1111110000000000 == float16Pack(float16Unpack(0b1111110000000000))); // -inf
+ REQUIRE(0b0111111111111111 == float16Pack(float16Unpack(0b0111111111111111))); // nan
+ using exposed::copyBitArray;
+ {
+ uint8_t a = 0;
+ uint8_t b = 0;
+ copyBitArray(0, 0, 0, &a, &b);
+ }
+ const auto test = [&](const size_t length_bit,
+ const size_t src_offset_bit,
+ const size_t dst_offset_bit,
+ const std::vector& src,
+ const std::vector& dst,
+ const std::vector& ref) {
+ REQUIRE(length_bit <= (dst.size() * 8));
+ REQUIRE(length_bit <= (src.size() * 8));
+ std::vector result = dst;
+ copyBitArray(length_bit, src_offset_bit, dst_offset_bit, src.data(), result.data());
+ return std::equal(std::begin(ref), std::end(ref), std::begin(result));
+ };
+ REQUIRE(test(8, 0, 0, {0xFF}, {0x00}, {0xFF}));
+ REQUIRE(test(16, 0, 0, {0xFF, 0xFF}, {0x00, 0x00}, {0xFF, 0xFF}));
+ REQUIRE(test(12, 0, 0, {0xFF, 0x0A}, {0x55, 0x00}, {0xFF, 0x0A}));
+ REQUIRE(test(12, 0, 0, {0xFF, 0x0A}, {0x00, 0xF0}, {0xFF, 0xFA}));
+ REQUIRE(test(12, 0, 4, {0xFF, 0x0A}, {0x53, 0x55}, {0xF3, 0xAF}));
+ REQUIRE(test(8, 4, 4, {0x55, 0x55}, {0xAA, 0xAA}, {0x5A, 0xA5}));
+ // The reference values for the following test have been taken from the PyUAVCAN test suite.
+ const std::vector Reference({0xA7, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0x90, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x88, 0xA9, 0xCB,
+ 0xED, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0,
+ 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xDA, 0x0E, 0xDA, 0xBE, 0xFE,
+ 0x01, 0xAD, 0xDE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0xC5, 0x67, 0xC5, 0x0B});
+ std::vector dest(std::size(Reference));
+ const auto set_b = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const bool value) {
+ canardDSDLSetBit(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ const auto set_u = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const std::uint64_t value, const std::uint8_t length_bit) {
+ canardDSDLSetUxx(dest.data(), offset_bit, value, length_bit);
+ };
+ const auto set_i = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const std::int64_t value, const std::uint8_t length_bit) {
+ canardDSDLSetIxx(dest.data(), offset_bit, value, length_bit);
+ };
+ const auto set_f16 = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const float value) {
+ canardDSDLSetF16(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ const auto set_f32 = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const float value) {
+ canardDSDLSetF32(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ const auto set_f64 = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const double value) {
+ canardDSDLSetF64(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ set_u(0, 0b1010'0111, 8);
+ set_i(8, 0x1234'5678'90ab'cdef, 64);
+ set_i(72, -0x1234'5678, 32);
+ set_i(104, -2, 16);
+ set_u(120, 0, 8);
+ set_i(128, 127, 8);
+ set_f64(136, 1.0);
+ set_f32(200, 1.0F);
+ set_f16(232, 99999.9F);
+ set_u(248, 0xBEDA, 12); // Truncation
+ set_u(260, 0, 4);
+ set_u(264, 0xBEDA, 16);
+ set_i(280, -2, 9);
+ set_i(289, 0, 7);
+ set_u(296, 0xDEAD, 16);
+ set_u(312, 0xBEEF, 16);
+ std::size_t offset = 328;
+ const auto push_bit = [&](const bool value) {
+ set_b(offset, value);
+ ++offset;
+ };
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ set_u(357, 0, 3);
+ REQUIRE(std::size(dest) == std::size(Reference));
+ REQUIRE_THAT(dest, Catch::Matchers::Equals(Reference));
+ // The reference values for the following test have been taken from the PyUAVCAN test suite.
+ const std::vector Reference({
+ 0xC5, 0x2F, 0x57, 0x82, 0xC6, 0xCA, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0xD9, 0xBF, 0xEC, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x6F, 0xF5, 0x7E, 0xF7, 0x05 //
+ });
+ std::vector dest(std::size(Reference));
+ const auto set_b = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const bool value) {
+ canardDSDLSetBit(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ const auto set_u = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const std::uint64_t value, const std::uint8_t length_bit) {
+ canardDSDLSetUxx(dest.data(), offset_bit, value, length_bit);
+ };
+ const auto set_i = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const std::int64_t value, const std::uint8_t length_bit) {
+ canardDSDLSetIxx(dest.data(), offset_bit, value, length_bit);
+ };
+ const auto set_f16 = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const float value) {
+ canardDSDLSetF16(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ const auto set_f32 = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const float value) {
+ canardDSDLSetF32(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ const auto set_f64 = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const double value) {
+ canardDSDLSetF64(dest.data(), offset_bit, value);
+ };
+ std::size_t offset = 0;
+ const auto push_bit = [&](const bool value) {
+ set_b(offset, value);
+ ++offset;
+ };
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ REQUIRE_THAT(std::vector(std::begin(dest), std::begin(dest) + 2),
+ Catch::Matchers::Equals(std::vector(std::begin(Reference), std::begin(Reference) + 2)));
+ set_u(21, 0x12, 8);
+ set_u(29, 0x34, 8);
+ set_u(37, 0x56, 8);
+ REQUIRE_THAT(std::vector(std::begin(dest), std::begin(dest) + 5),
+ Catch::Matchers::Equals(std::vector(std::begin(Reference), std::begin(Reference) + 5)));
+ offset = 45;
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ set_u(48, 0x12, 8);
+ set_u(56, 0x34, 8);
+ set_u(64, 0x56, 8);
+ offset = 72;
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(false);
+ push_bit(true);
+ push_bit(true);
+ REQUIRE_THAT(std::vector(std::begin(dest), std::begin(dest) + 9),
+ Catch::Matchers::Equals(std::vector(std::begin(Reference), std::begin(Reference) + 9)));
+ set_i(77, -2, 8);
+ set_u(85, 0b11101100101, 11);
+ set_u(96, 0b1110, 3); // Truncation
+ REQUIRE_THAT(std::vector(std::begin(dest), std::begin(dest) + 12),
+ Catch::Matchers::Equals(std::vector(std::begin(Reference), std::begin(Reference) + 12)));
+ set_f64(99, 1.0);
+ set_f32(163, 1.0F);
+ set_f16(195, -99999.0F);
+ set_u(211, 0xDEAD, 16);
+ set_u(227, 0xBEEF, 16);
+ set_u(243, 0, 5);
+ REQUIRE(std::size(dest) == std::size(Reference));
+ REQUIRE_THAT(dest, Catch::Matchers::Equals(Reference));
+ // The reference values were taken from the PyUAVCAN test.
+ const std::vector Reference({239, 190, 173, 222, 234, 255, 255, 0});
+ std::vector dest(std::size(Reference));
+ const auto set_u = [&](const std::size_t offset_bit, const std::uint64_t value, const std::uint8_t length_bit) {
+ canardDSDLSetUxx(dest.data(), offset_bit, value, length_bit);
+ };
+ set_u(34, 2, 3); // mode
+ set_u(0, 0xDEADBEEF, 32); // uptime
+ set_u(37, 0x7FFFF, 19); // vssc
+ set_u(32, 2, 2); // health
+ REQUIRE(std::size(dest) == std::size(Reference));
+ REQUIRE_THAT(dest, Catch::Matchers::Equals(Reference));
+ const std::array data{
+ {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77}};
+ REQUIRE(0xFF == canardDSDLGetU8(data.data(), 8, 0, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0xFF == canardDSDLGetU8(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 8, 0, 8));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 8, 0, 7));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 8, 0, 2));
+ REQUIRE(0xFFFF == canardDSDLGetU16(data.data(), 8, 0, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xFFFF == canardDSDLGetU16(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 8, 0, 16));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 8, 0, 15));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 8, 0, 2));
+ REQUIRE(0xFFFFFFFF == canardDSDLGetU32(data.data(), 8, 0, 32));
+ REQUIRE(0xFFFFFFFF == canardDSDLGetU32(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 8, 0, 32));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 8, 0, 31));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 8, 0, 2));
+ REQUIRE(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF == canardDSDLGetU64(data.data(), 8, 0, 64));
+ REQUIRE(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF == canardDSDLGetU64(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 8, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 8, 0, 64));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 8, 0, 63));
+ REQUIRE(-1 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 8, 0, 2));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 8, 0, 0));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 8, 0, 0));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 8, 0, 0));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 8, 0, 0));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 0, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 0, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 0, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 0, 0, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x77 == canardDSDLGetU8(data.data(), 16, 64, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0x77 == canardDSDLGetU8(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x77 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x77 == canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 16, 64, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0 > canardDSDLGetI8(data.data(), 16, 64, 7));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777 == canardDSDLGetU16(data.data(), 16, 64, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777 == canardDSDLGetU16(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777 == canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 16, 64, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0 > canardDSDLGetI16(data.data(), 16, 64, 15));
+ REQUIRE(0x77777777 == canardDSDLGetU32(data.data(), 16, 64, 32));
+ REQUIRE(0x77777777 == canardDSDLGetU32(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x77777777 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x77777777 == canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 16, 64, 32));
+ REQUIRE(0 > canardDSDLGetI32(data.data(), 16, 64, 31));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777777777777777 == canardDSDLGetU64(data.data(), 16, 64, 64));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777777777777777 == canardDSDLGetU64(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777777777777777 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 16, 64, 255));
+ REQUIRE(0x7777777777777777 == canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 16, 64, 64));
+ REQUIRE(0 > canardDSDLGetI64(data.data(), 16, 64, 63));
+ // The reference values for the following test have been taken from the PyUAVCAN test suite.
+ const std::vector Reference({0xA7, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0x90, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x88, 0xA9, 0xCB,
+ 0xED, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0,
+ 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xDA, 0x0E, 0xDA, 0xBE, 0xFE,
+ 0x01, 0xAD, 0xDE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0xC5, 0x67, 0xC5, 0x0B});
+ const std::uint8_t* const buf = Reference.data();
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 1, 0));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 1, 3));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 0, 0)); // IZER
+ REQUIRE(0b1010'0111 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 0, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0x1234'5678'90ab'cdef == canardDSDLGetI64(buf, 45, 8, 64));
+ REQUIRE(0x1234'5678'90ab'cdef == canardDSDLGetU64(buf, 45, 8, 64));
+ REQUIRE(0xef == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 8, 64));
+ REQUIRE(-0x1234'5678 == canardDSDLGetI32(buf, 45, 72, 32));
+ REQUIRE(-2 == canardDSDLGetI16(buf, 45, 104, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 120, 8));
+ REQUIRE(127 == canardDSDLGetI8(buf, 45, 128, 8));
+ REQUIRE(Approx(1.0) == canardDSDLGetF64(buf, 45, 136));
+ REQUIRE(Approx(1.0F) == canardDSDLGetF32(buf, 45, 200));
+ REQUIRE(std::isinf(canardDSDLGetF16(buf, 45, 232)));
+ REQUIRE(0x0EDA == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 45, 248, 12));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 260, 4));
+ REQUIRE(0xBEDA == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 45, 264, 16));
+ REQUIRE(-2 == canardDSDLGetI16(buf, 45, 280, 9));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI16(buf, 45, 289, 7));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 45, 289, 7));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetI8(buf, 45, 289, 7));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 289, 7));
+ REQUIRE(0xDEAD == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 45, 296, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xBEEF == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 45, 312, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xDEAD == canardDSDLGetU32(buf, 45, 296, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xBEEF == canardDSDLGetU32(buf, 45, 312, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xDEAD == canardDSDLGetU64(buf, 45, 296, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xBEEF == canardDSDLGetU64(buf, 45, 312, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xAD == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 296, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xEF == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 312, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0x00AD == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 38, 296, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0x0000 == canardDSDLGetU32(buf, 37, 296, 16));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 328));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 329));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 330));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 331));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 332));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 333));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 334));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 335));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 336));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 337));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 338));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 339));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 340));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 341));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 342));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 343));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 344));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 345));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 346));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 347));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 348));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 349));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 350));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 351));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 352));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 353));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 354));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 355));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 45, 356));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 45, 357, 3));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 44, 355));
+ // The reference values for the following test have been taken from the PyUAVCAN test suite.
+ const std::vector Reference({
+ 0xC5, 0x2F, 0x57, 0x82, 0xC6, 0xCA, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0xD9, 0xBF, 0xEC, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x6F, 0xF5, 0x7E, 0xF7, 0x05 //
+ });
+ const std::uint8_t* const buf = Reference.data();
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 0));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 1));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 2));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 3));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 4));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 5));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 6));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 7));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 8));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 9));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 10));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 11));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 12));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 13));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 14));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 15));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 16));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 17));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 18));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 19));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 20));
+ REQUIRE(0x12 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 21, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0x34 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 29, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0x56 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 37, 8));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 45));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 46));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 47));
+ REQUIRE(0x12 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 48, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0x34 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 56, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0x56 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 64, 8));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 72));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 73));
+ REQUIRE(!canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 74));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 75));
+ REQUIRE(canardDSDLGetBit(buf, 31, 76));
+ REQUIRE(-2 == canardDSDLGetI8(buf, 31, 77, 8));
+ REQUIRE(0b11101100101 == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 31, 85, 11));
+ REQUIRE(0b110 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 96, 3));
+ REQUIRE(Approx(1.0) == canardDSDLGetF64(buf, 31, 99));
+ REQUIRE(Approx(1.0F) == canardDSDLGetF32(buf, 31, 163));
+ REQUIRE(std::isinf(canardDSDLGetF16(buf, 31, 195)));
+ REQUIRE(0.0F > canardDSDLGetF16(buf, 31, 195));
+ REQUIRE(0xDEAD == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 31, 211, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0xBEEF == canardDSDLGetU16(buf, 31, 227, 16));
+ REQUIRE(0 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 31, 243, 5));
+ // The reference values were taken from the PyUAVCAN test.
+ const std::vector Reference({239, 190, 173, 222, 234, 255, 255});
+ const std::uint8_t* const buf = Reference.data();
+ REQUIRE(2 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 7, 34, 3)); // mode
+ REQUIRE(0xDEADBEEF == canardDSDLGetU32(buf, 7, 0, 32)); // uptime
+ REQUIRE(0x7FFFF == canardDSDLGetU32(buf, 7, 37, 19)); // vssc
+ REQUIRE(2 == canardDSDLGetU8(buf, 7, 32, 2)); // health
diff --git a/tests/test_float16.cpp b/tests/test_float16.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a27947c3..00000000
--- a/tests/test_float16.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include "canard.h"
-TEST_CASE("Float16, FromNative")
- // Reference values were generated manually with libuavcan and numpy.float16()
- REQUIRE(0b0000000000000000 == canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(0));
- REQUIRE(0b0011110000000000 == canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(1));
- REQUIRE(0b1100000000000000 == canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(-2));
- REQUIRE(0b0111110000000000 == canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(999999)); // +inf
- REQUIRE(0b1111101111111111 == canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(-65519)); // -max
- REQUIRE(0b0111111111111111 == canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(std::nanf(""))); // nan
-TEST_CASE("Float16, ToNative")
- // Reference values were generated manually with libuavcan and numpy.float16()
- REQUIRE(Approx(0.0F) == canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(0b0000000000000000));
- REQUIRE(Approx(1.0F) == canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(0b0011110000000000));
- REQUIRE(Approx(-2.0F) == canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(0b1100000000000000));
- REQUIRE(Approx(-65504.0F) == canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(0b1111101111111111));
- REQUIRE(std::isinf(canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(0b0111110000000000)));
- REQUIRE(bool(std::isnan(canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(0b0111111111111111))));
-TEST_CASE("Float16, BackAndForth")
- float x = -1000.0F;
- while (x <= 1000.0F)
- {
- REQUIRE(Approx(x) == canardConvertFloat16ToNativeFloat(canardConvertNativeFloatToFloat16(x)));
- x += 0.5F;
- }
diff --git a/tests/test_framing.cpp b/tests/test_framing.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 63e76d70..00000000
--- a/tests/test_framing.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include "canard.h"
-#include "canard_internals.h"
-static const uint8_t TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT = 5;
-static const uint8_t TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT = 6;
-static const uint8_t TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT = 7;
-static const uint8_t TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT = 24;
-static const uint8_t TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT = 8;
-static const uint8_t TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT = 1;
-static bool acceptAllTransfers(const CanardInstance*, uint16_t, CanardTransferKind, uint8_t)
- return true;
-static void onTransferReceptionMock(CanardInstance*, CanardRxTransfer*) {}
-TEST_CASE("Framing, SingleFrameBasicCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[1024];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- uint8_t data[] = {1, 2, 3};
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReceptionMock,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&ins, node_id);
- auto res = canardPublishMessage(&ins, subject_id, &transfer_id, transfer_priority, data, sizeof(data));
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- // compenaste for internally incrementing transfer_id in canardPublishMessage
- transfer_id--;
- auto transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- // Only checks framing in this test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 4);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[0] == 1);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[1] == 2);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[2] == 3);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[3] == ((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- REQUIRE(canardPeekTxQueue(&ins) == nullptr);
-TEST_CASE("Deframing, SingleFrameBasicCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[1024];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- auto onTransferReception = [](CanardInstance*, CanardRxTransfer* transfer) {
- // Only check (de)framing in this test
- REQUIRE(transfer->payload_len == 3);
- uint8_t out_value = 0;
- canardDecodePrimitive(transfer, 0, 8, false, &out_value);
- REQUIRE(out_value == 1);
- canardDecodePrimitive(transfer, 8, 16, false, &out_value);
- REQUIRE(out_value == 2);
- canardDecodePrimitive(transfer, 16, 24, false, &out_value);
- REQUIRE(out_value == 3);
- };
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReception,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- CanardCANFrame frame = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {1,
- 2,
- 3,
- static_cast((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 4,
- };
- auto res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame, 0);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
-TEST_CASE("Framing, MultiFrameBasicCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[4096];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- uint8_t data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17};
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReceptionMock,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&ins, node_id);
- auto res = canardPublishMessage(&ins, subject_id, &transfer_id, transfer_priority, data, sizeof(data));
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- // compenaste for internally incrementing transfer_id in canardPublishMessage
- transfer_id--;
- // First frame (1)
- auto transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 8);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[0] == 1);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[1] == 2);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[2] == 3);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[3] == 4);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[4] == 5);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[5] == 6);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[6] == 7);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[7] == ((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Second frame (2)
- transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 8);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[0] == 8);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[1] == 9);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[2] == 10);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[3] == 11);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[4] == 12);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[5] == 13);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[6] == 14);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[7] == ((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (0U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Third and last frame (3)
- transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 6);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[0] == 15);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[1] == 16);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[2] == 17);
- // CRC correctness is to be checked in unrelated test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[5] == ((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Make sure there are no frames after the last frame
- REQUIRE(canardPeekTxQueue(&ins) == nullptr);
-TEST_CASE("Deframing, MultiFrameBasicCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[4096];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- static uint8_t data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17};
- uint16_t crc = crcAdd(0xFFFFU, data, sizeof(data));
- auto onTransferReception = [](CanardInstance*, CanardRxTransfer* transfer) {
- // Only check (de)framing in this test
- REQUIRE(transfer->payload_len == sizeof(data));
- uint8_t out_value = 0;
- for (uint8_t i = 0; std::size_t(i) < sizeof(data); i++)
- {
- canardDecodePrimitive(transfer, i * 8U, 8, false, &out_value);
- REQUIRE(out_value == data[i]);
- }
- };
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReception,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- CanardCANFrame frame1 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- static_cast((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 8,
- };
- auto res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame1, 1);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- CanardCANFrame frame2 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- static_cast((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (0U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 8,
- };
- res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame2, 2);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- CanardCANFrame frame3 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {15,
- 16,
- 17,
- static_cast(crc >> 8U),
- static_cast(crc),
- static_cast((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 6,
- };
- res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame3, 3);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
-/* This test is created to see that sending the CRC in a sepereate frame works fine.
- * When all the data is sent with no free byte for CRC in the last frame,
- * the CRC bytes must be sent in a separate frame.
- */
-TEST_CASE("Framing, MultiFrameSeparateCRCCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[4096];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- uint8_t data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14};
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReceptionMock,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&ins, node_id);
- auto res = canardPublishMessage(&ins, subject_id, &transfer_id, transfer_priority, data, sizeof(data));
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- // compenaste for internally incrementing transfer_id in canardPublishMessage
- transfer_id--;
- // First frame (1)
- auto transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 8);
- // Data correctness is to be checked in unrelated test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[7] == ((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Second frame (2) - Contains the ramining of the data
- transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 8);
- // Data correctness is to be checked in unrelated test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[7] == ((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (0U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Third and last frame (3) - Only contains the last CRC byte and tail byte
- transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 3);
- // CRC correctness is to be checked in unrelated test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[2] == ((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Make sure there are no frames after the last frame
- REQUIRE(canardPeekTxQueue(&ins) == nullptr);
-/* This test is created to see that sending the CRC in a sepereate frame works fine.
- * When all the data is sent with no free byte for CRC in the last frame,
- * the CRC bytes must be sent in a separate frame.
- */
-TEST_CASE("Deframing, MultiFrameSeparateCRCCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[4096];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- static uint8_t data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14};
- uint16_t crc = crcAdd(0xFFFFU, data, sizeof(data));
- auto onTransferReception = [](CanardInstance*, CanardRxTransfer* transfer) {
- // Only check (de)framing in this test
- REQUIRE(transfer->payload_len == sizeof(data));
- uint8_t out_value = 0;
- for (uint8_t i = 0; std::size_t(i) < sizeof(data); i++)
- {
- canardDecodePrimitive(transfer, i * 8U, 8, false, &out_value);
- REQUIRE(out_value == data[i]);
- }
- };
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReception,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- CanardCANFrame frame1 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- static_cast((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 8,
- };
- auto res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame1, 1);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- CanardCANFrame frame2 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- static_cast((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (0U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 8,
- };
- res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame2, 2);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- CanardCANFrame frame3 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {static_cast(crc >> 8U),
- static_cast(crc),
- static_cast((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 3,
- };
- res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame3, 3);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
-/* This test is created to see that split CRC between frames works fine.
- * When all the data is sent with only one free byte for CRC,
- * the last CRC byte must be sent in a separate frame.
- */
-TEST_CASE("Framing, MultiFrameSplitCRCCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[4096];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- uint8_t data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13};
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReceptionMock,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&ins, node_id);
- auto res = canardPublishMessage(&ins, subject_id, &transfer_id, transfer_priority, data, sizeof(data));
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- // compenaste for internally incrementing transfer_id in canardPublishMessage
- transfer_id--;
- // First frame (1)
- auto transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 8);
- // Data correctness is to be checked in unrelated test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[7] == ((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Second frame (2) - Contains the first CRC byte
- transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 8);
- // Data correctness is to be checked in unrelated test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[7] == ((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (0U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Third and last frame (3) - Only contains the last CRC byte and tail byte
- transfer_frame = canardPeekTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame != nullptr);
- canardPopTxQueue(&ins);
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data_len == 2);
- // CRC correctness is to be checked in unrelated test
- REQUIRE(transfer_frame->data[1] == ((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id));
- // Make sure there are no frames after the last frame
- REQUIRE(canardPeekTxQueue(&ins) == nullptr);
-/* This test is created to see that split CRC between frames works fine.
- * When all the data is sent with only one free byte for CRC,
- * the last CRC byte must be sent in a separate frame.
- */
-TEST_CASE("Deframing, MultiFrameSplitCRCCan2")
- uint8_t node_id = 22;
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[4096];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- uint16_t subject_id = 12;
- uint8_t transfer_id = 2;
- uint8_t transfer_priority = CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_NOMINAL;
- static uint8_t data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13};
- uint16_t crc = crcAdd(0xFFFFU, data, sizeof(data));
- auto onTransferReception = [](CanardInstance*, CanardRxTransfer* transfer) {
- // Only check (de)framing in this test
- REQUIRE(transfer->payload_len == sizeof(data));
- uint8_t out_value = 0;
- for (uint8_t i = 0; std::size_t(i) < sizeof(data); i++)
- {
- canardDecodePrimitive(transfer, i * 8U, 8, false, &out_value);
- REQUIRE(out_value == data[i]);
- }
- };
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- onTransferReception,
- acceptAllTransfers,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- CanardCANFrame frame1 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
- 7,
- static_cast((1U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 8,
- };
- auto res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame1, 1);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- CanardCANFrame frame2 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {8,
- 9,
- 10,
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- static_cast(crc >> 8U),
- static_cast((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (0U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (0U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 8,
- };
- res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame2, 2);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
- CanardCANFrame frame3 = {
- .id = (static_cast(CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF) |
- static_cast(transfer_priority << TEST_FRAMING_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_BIT) |
- static_cast(subject_id << TEST_FRAMING_SUBJECT_ID_BIT) |
- static_cast(node_id << TEST_FRAMING_NODE_ID_BIT)),
- .data = {static_cast(crc),
- static_cast((0U << TEST_FRAMING_SOF_BIT) | (1U << TEST_FRAMING_EOF_BIT) |
- (1U << TEST_FRAMING_TOGGLE_BIT) | transfer_id)},
- .data_len = 2,
- };
- res = canardHandleRxFrame(&ins, &frame3, 3);
- REQUIRE(res >= 0);
diff --git a/tests/test_init.cpp b/tests/test_init.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dca5a03a..00000000
--- a/tests/test_init.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include "canard.h"
-static bool shouldAcceptTransferMock(const CanardInstance*, uint16_t, CanardTransferKind, uint8_t)
- return false;
-static void onTransferReceptionMock(CanardInstance*, CanardRxTransfer*) {}
-TEST_CASE("Init, UserReference")
- std::uint8_t memory_arena[1024];
- ::CanardInstance ins;
- canardInit(&ins,
- memory_arena,
- sizeof(memory_arena),
- &onTransferReceptionMock,
- &shouldAcceptTransferMock,
- reinterpret_cast(12345));
- REQUIRE(12345 == reinterpret_cast(canardGetUserReference(&ins)));
diff --git a/tests/test_memory_allocator.cpp b/tests/test_memory_allocator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 519b79b7..00000000
--- a/tests/test_memory_allocator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include "canard_internals.h"
-TEST_CASE("MemoryAllocatorTestGroup, FreeListIsConstructedCorrectly")
- CanardPoolAllocator allocator;
- CanardPoolAllocatorBlock buffer[AVAILABLE_BLOCKS];
- initPoolAllocator(&allocator, buffer, AVAILABLE_BLOCKS);
- // Check that the memory list is constructed correctly.
- REQUIRE(&buffer[0] == allocator.free_list);
- REQUIRE(&buffer[1] == allocator.free_list->next);
- REQUIRE(&buffer[2] == allocator.free_list->next->next);
- REQUIRE(NULL == allocator.free_list->next->next->next);
- // Check statistics
- REQUIRE(AVAILABLE_BLOCKS == allocator.statistics.capacity_blocks);
- REQUIRE(0 == allocator.statistics.current_usage_blocks);
- REQUIRE(0 == allocator.statistics.peak_usage_blocks);
-TEST_CASE("MemoryAllocatorTestGroup, CanAllocateBlock")
- CanardPoolAllocator allocator;
- CanardPoolAllocatorBlock buffer[AVAILABLE_BLOCKS];
- initPoolAllocator(&allocator, buffer, AVAILABLE_BLOCKS);
- void* block = allocateBlock(&allocator);
- // Check that the first free memory block was used and that the next block is ready.
- REQUIRE(&buffer[0] == block);
- REQUIRE(&buffer[1] == allocator.free_list);
- // Check statistics
- REQUIRE(AVAILABLE_BLOCKS == allocator.statistics.capacity_blocks);
- REQUIRE(1 == allocator.statistics.current_usage_blocks);
- REQUIRE(1 == allocator.statistics.peak_usage_blocks);
-TEST_CASE("MemoryAllocatorTestGroup, ReturnsNullIfThereIsNoBlockLeft")
- CanardPoolAllocator allocator;
- CanardPoolAllocatorBlock buffer[AVAILABLE_BLOCKS];
- initPoolAllocator(&allocator, buffer, AVAILABLE_BLOCKS);
- // First exhaust all availables block
- for (int i = 0; i < AVAILABLE_BLOCKS; ++i)
- {
- allocateBlock(&allocator);
- }
- // Try to allocate one extra block
- void* block = allocateBlock(&allocator);
- REQUIRE(NULL == block);
- // Check statistics
- REQUIRE(AVAILABLE_BLOCKS == allocator.statistics.capacity_blocks);
- REQUIRE(AVAILABLE_BLOCKS == allocator.statistics.current_usage_blocks);
- REQUIRE(AVAILABLE_BLOCKS == allocator.statistics.peak_usage_blocks);
-TEST_CASE("MemoryAllocatorTestGroup, CanFreeBlock")
- CanardPoolAllocator allocator;
- CanardPoolAllocatorBlock buffer[AVAILABLE_BLOCKS];
- initPoolAllocator(&allocator, buffer, AVAILABLE_BLOCKS);
- void* block = allocateBlock(&allocator);
- freeBlock(&allocator, block);
- // Check that the block was added back to the beginning
- REQUIRE(&buffer[0] == allocator.free_list);
- REQUIRE(&buffer[1] == allocator.free_list->next);
- // Check statistics
- REQUIRE(AVAILABLE_BLOCKS == allocator.statistics.capacity_blocks);
- REQUIRE(0 == allocator.statistics.current_usage_blocks);
- REQUIRE(1 == allocator.statistics.peak_usage_blocks);
diff --git a/tests/test_private_crc.cpp b/tests/test_private_crc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bebb4a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_private_crc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+ using exposed::crcAdd;
+ std::uint16_t crc = 0xFFFFU;
+ crc = crcAdd(crc, 1, "1");
+ crc = crcAdd(crc, 1, "2");
+ crc = crcAdd(crc, 1, "3");
+ REQUIRE(0x5BCEU == crc);
+ crc = crcAdd(crc, 6, "456789");
+ REQUIRE(0x29B1U == crc);
diff --git a/tests/test_private_rx.cpp b/tests/test_private_rx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da514914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_private_rx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+ using exposed::RxFrameModel;
+ using exposed::rxTryParseFrame;
+ RxFrameModel model{};
+ const auto parse = [&](const CanardMicrosecond timestamp_usec,
+ const std::uint32_t extended_can_id,
+ const std::vector& payload) {
+ static std::vector payload_storage;
+ payload_storage = payload;
+ CanardFrame frame{};
+ frame.timestamp_usec = timestamp_usec;
+ frame.extended_can_id = extended_can_id;
+ frame.payload_size = std::size(payload);
+ frame.payload = payload_storage.data();
+ model = RxFrameModel{};
+ return rxTryParseFrame(&frame, &model);
+ };
+ REQUIRE(parse(543210U, 0U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}));
+ REQUIRE(model.timestamp_usec == 543210U);
+ REQUIRE(model.priority == CanardPriorityExceptional);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(model.port_id == 0U);
+ REQUIRE(model.source_node_id == 0U);
+ REQUIRE(model.destination_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_id == 7U);
+ REQUIRE(!model.start_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(!model.end_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(!model.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload_size == 7);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[0] == 0);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[1] == 1);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[2] == 2);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[3] == 3);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[4] == 4);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[5] == 5);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[6] == 6);
+ REQUIRE(!parse(543210U, 0U, {})); // NO TAIL BYTE
+ REQUIRE(!parse(543210U, 0U, {0})); // MFT FRAMES REQUIRE PAYLOAD
+ REQUIRE(!parse(543210U, 0U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})); // MFT NON-LAST FRAME PAYLOAD CAN'T BE SHORTER THAN 7
+ REQUIRE(parse(123456U, 0b001'00'0'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0b101'00000U | 23U}));
+ REQUIRE(model.timestamp_usec == 123456U);
+ REQUIRE(model.priority == CanardPriorityImmediate);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(model.port_id == 0b110110011001100U);
+ REQUIRE(model.source_node_id == 0b0100111U);
+ REQUIRE(model.destination_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_id == 23U);
+ REQUIRE(model.start_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(!model.end_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(model.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload_size == 7);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[0] == 0);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[1] == 1);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[2] == 2);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[3] == 3);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[4] == 4);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[5] == 5);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[6] == 6);
+ REQUIRE(!parse(123456U, 0b001'00'0'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {}));
+ REQUIRE(!parse(123456U, 0b001'00'0'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0b100'00000U | 23U}));
+ REQUIRE(!parse(123456U, 0b001'00'0'110110011001100'1'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0b101'00000U | 23U}));
+ REQUIRE(!parse(123456U, 0b001'00'1'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0b101'00000U | 23U}));
+ REQUIRE(!parse(123456U, 0b001'00'1'110110011001100'1'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0b101'00000U | 23U}));
+ REQUIRE(!parse(123456U, 0b001'01'0'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0b101'00000U | 23U}));
+ REQUIRE(parse(12345U, 0b010'01'0'000110011001101'0'0100111U, {0b111'00000U | 0U}));
+ REQUIRE(model.timestamp_usec == 12345U);
+ REQUIRE(model.priority == CanardPriorityFast);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(model.port_id == 0b000110011001101U);
+ REQUIRE(model.source_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ REQUIRE(model.destination_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_id == 0U);
+ REQUIRE(model.start_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(model.end_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(model.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(!parse(12345U, 0b010'01'0'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {})); // NO TAIL BYTE
+ REQUIRE(!parse(12345U, 0b010'01'0'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {0b110'00000U | 0U})); // BAD TOGGLE
+ REQUIRE(!parse(12345U, 0b010'01'0'110110011001100'1'0100111U, {0b111'00000U | 0U})); // BAD RESERVED 07
+ REQUIRE(!parse(12345U, 0b010'01'1'110110011001100'0'0100111U, {0b111'00000U | 0U})); // BAD RESERVED 23
+ REQUIRE(!parse(12345U, 0b010'01'1'110110011001100'1'0100111U, {0b111'00000U | 0U})); // BAD RESERVED 07 23
+ REQUIRE(parse(999'999U, 0b011'11'0000110011'0011010'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 0b011'00000U | 31U}));
+ REQUIRE(model.timestamp_usec == 999'999U);
+ REQUIRE(model.priority == CanardPriorityHigh);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindRequest);
+ REQUIRE(model.port_id == 0b0000110011U);
+ REQUIRE(model.source_node_id == 0b0100111U);
+ REQUIRE(model.destination_node_id == 0b0011010U);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_id == 31U);
+ REQUIRE(!model.start_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(model.end_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(model.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload_size == 4);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[0] == 0);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[1] == 1);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[2] == 2);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[3] == 3);
+ REQUIRE(!parse(999'999U, 0b011'11'0000110011'0011010'0100111U, {})); // NO TAIL BYTE
+ REQUIRE(!parse(999'999U, 0b011'11'0000110011'0011010'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 0b110'00000U | 31U})); // BAD TOGGLE
+ REQUIRE(!parse(999'999U, 0b011'11'1000110011'0011010'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 0b011'00000U | 31U})); // BAD RESERVED
+ REQUIRE(!parse(999'999U, 0b011'11'0000110011'0100111'0100111U, {0, 1, 2, 3, 0b011'00000U | 31U})); // SRC == DST
+ REQUIRE(parse(888'888U, 0b100'10'0000110011'0100111'0011010U, {255, 0b010'00000U | 1U}));
+ REQUIRE(model.timestamp_usec == 888'888U);
+ REQUIRE(model.priority == CanardPriorityNominal);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindResponse);
+ REQUIRE(model.port_id == 0b0000110011U);
+ REQUIRE(model.source_node_id == 0b0011010U);
+ REQUIRE(model.destination_node_id == 0b0100111U);
+ REQUIRE(model.transfer_id == 1U);
+ REQUIRE(!model.start_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(model.end_of_transfer);
+ REQUIRE(!model.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload_size == 1);
+ REQUIRE(model.payload[0] == 255);
+ REQUIRE(!parse(888'888U, 0b100'10'0000110011'0100111'0011010U, {})); // NO TAIL BYTE
+ REQUIRE(!parse(888'888U, 0b100'10'0000110011'0100111'0011010U, {255, 0b100'00000U | 1U})); // BAD TOGGLE
+ REQUIRE(!parse(888'888U, 0b100'10'1000110011'0100111'0011010U, {255, 0b010'00000U | 1U})); // BAD RESERVED
+ REQUIRE(!parse(888'888U, 0b100'10'0000110011'0011010'0011010U, {255, 0b010'00000U | 1U})); // SRC == DST
+ using helpers::Instance;
+ using exposed::RxSession;
+ using exposed::rxSessionWritePayload;
+ using exposed::rxSessionRestart;
+ Instance ins;
+ RxSession rxs;
+ rxs.transfer_id = 0U;
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ // Regular write, the RX state is uninitialized so a new allocation will take place.
+ REQUIRE(0 == rxSessionWritePayload(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs, 10, 5, "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04"));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 10);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 5);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[0] == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[1] == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[2] == 2);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[3] == 3);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[4] == 4);
+ // Appending the pre-allocated storage.
+ REQUIRE(0 == rxSessionWritePayload(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs, 10, 4, "\x05\x06\x07\x08"));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 10);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 9);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[0] == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[1] == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[2] == 2);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[3] == 3);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[4] == 4);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[5] == 5);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[6] == 6);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[7] == 7);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[8] == 8);
+ // Implicit truncation -- too much payload, excess ignored.
+ REQUIRE(0 == rxSessionWritePayload(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs, 10, 3, "\x09\x0A\x0B"));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 10);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 10);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[0] == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[1] == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[2] == 2);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[3] == 3);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[4] == 4);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[5] == 5);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[6] == 6);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[7] == 7);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[8] == 8);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[9] == 9);
+ // Storage is already full, write ignored.
+ REQUIRE(0 == rxSessionWritePayload(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs, 10, 3, "\x0C\x0D\x0E"));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 10);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 10);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[0] == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[1] == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[2] == 2);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[3] == 3);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[4] == 4);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[5] == 5);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[6] == 6);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[7] == 7);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[8] == 8);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload[9] == 9);
+ // Restart frees the buffer. The transfer-ID will be incremented, too.
+ rxSessionRestart(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFFU);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ // Double restart has no effect on memory.
+ rxs.calculated_crc = 0x1234U;
+ rxs.transfer_id = 23;
+ rxs.toggle = false;
+ rxSessionRestart(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFFU);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 24U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ // Restart with a transfer-ID overflow.
+ rxs.calculated_crc = 0x1234U;
+ rxs.transfer_id = 31;
+ rxs.toggle = false;
+ rxSessionRestart(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFFU);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 0U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ // Write into a zero-capacity storage. NULL at the output.
+ REQUIRE(0 == rxSessionWritePayload(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs, 0, 3, "\x00\x01\x02"));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ // Write with OOM.
+ ins.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(5);
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == rxSessionWritePayload(&ins.getInstance(), &rxs, 10, 3, "\x00\x01\x02"));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ using helpers::Instance;
+ using exposed::RxSession;
+ using exposed::RxFrameModel;
+ using exposed::rxSessionUpdate;
+ using exposed::crcAdd;
+ Instance ins;
+ ins.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(16);
+ RxFrameModel frame;
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 10'000'000;
+ frame.priority = CanardPrioritySlow;
+ frame.transfer_kind = CanardTransferKindMessage;
+ frame.port_id = 22'222;
+ frame.source_node_id = 55;
+ frame.destination_node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET;
+ frame.transfer_id = 11;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 3;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x01\x01\x01");
+ RxSession rxs;
+ rxs.transfer_id = 31;
+ rxs.redundant_transport_index = 1;
+ CanardTransfer transfer{};
+ const auto update = [&](const std::uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ const std::uint64_t tid_timeout_usec,
+ const std::size_t payload_size_max) {
+ return rxSessionUpdate(&ins.getInstance(),
+ &rxs,
+ &frame,
+ redundant_transport_index,
+ tid_timeout_usec,
+ payload_size_max,
+ &transfer);
+ };
+ const auto crc = [](const char* const string) { return crcAdd(0xFFFF, std::strlen(string), string); };
+ // Accept one transfer.
+ REQUIRE(1 == update(1, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 10'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0); // Handed over to the output transfer.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr); // Handed over to the output transfer.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 12U); // Incremented.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 1);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 10'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPrioritySlow);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 22'222);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 55);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 11);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 3);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x01\x01\x01", 3));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ // Valid next transfer, wrong transport.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 10'000'100;
+ frame.transfer_id = 12;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x02\x02\x02");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(2, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 10'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0); // Handed over to the output transfer.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr); // Handed over to the output transfer.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 12U); // Incremented.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 1);
+ // Correct transport.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 10'000'050;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x03\x03\x03");
+ REQUIRE(1 == update(1, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 10'000'050);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 13U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 1);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 10'000'050);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPrioritySlow);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 22'222);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 55);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 12);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 3);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x03\x03\x03", 3));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ // Same TID.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 10'000'200;
+ frame.transfer_id = 12;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x04\x04\x04");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(1, 1'000'200, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 10'000'050);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 13U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 1);
+ // Restart due to TID timeout, switch iface.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'000;
+ frame.transfer_id = 12;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x05\x05\x05");
+ REQUIRE(1 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 13U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 20'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPrioritySlow);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 22'222);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 55);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 12);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 3);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x05\x05\x05", 3));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ // Multi-frame, first.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'100;
+ frame.transfer_id = 13;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.payload_size = 7;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'100);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 7);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(rxs.payload, "\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06", 7));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == crc("\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06"));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 13U);
+ REQUIRE(!rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ // Multi-frame, middle.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'200;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.toggle = false;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'100);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 14);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(rxs.payload, "\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07", 14));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == crc("\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07"));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 13U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ // Multi-frame, last, bad toggle.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'300;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.toggle = false;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x08\x08\x08\x08");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'100);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 14);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(rxs.payload, "\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07", 14));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == crc("\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07"));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 13U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ // Multi-frame, last.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'400;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 6; // The payload is IMPLICITLY TRUNCATED, and the CRC IS STILL VALIDATED.
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x09\x09\x09\x09\r\x93");
+ REQUIRE(1 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'100); // First frame.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 14U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 20'000'100);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPrioritySlow);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 22'222);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 55);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 13);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 16);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x09\x09", 16));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ // Restart by TID timeout, not the first frame.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 30'000'000;
+ frame.transfer_id = 12; // Goes back.
+ frame.start_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 7;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(2, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'100); // No change.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 13U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 2);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ // Restart by TID mismatch.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'200; // Goes back.
+ frame.transfer_id = 11; // Goes back.
+ frame.start_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 7;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(2, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'200);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 7);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(rxs.payload, "\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B", 7));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == crc("\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B"));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 11U);
+ REQUIRE(!rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 2);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ // Duplicate start rejected (toggle mismatch).
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'300;
+ frame.transfer_id = 11;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 7;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(2, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'200);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 7);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(rxs.payload, "\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B", 7));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == crc("\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B"));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 11U);
+ REQUIRE(!rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 2);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ // Continue & finalize.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 20'000'400;
+ frame.transfer_id = 11;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.toggle = false;
+ frame.payload_size = 5;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x0D\x0D\x0DWd"); // CRC at the end.
+ REQUIRE(1 == update(2, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 20'000'200);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 12U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 2);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 20'000'200);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPrioritySlow);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 22'222);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 55);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 11);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 10);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0D\x0D\x0D", 10));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ // CRC SPLIT -- first frame.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 30'000'000;
+ frame.transfer_id = 0;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 8;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\xF7");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 30'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 8);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(rxs.payload, "\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\xF7", 8));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == crc("\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\xF7"));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 0);
+ REQUIRE(!rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ // CRC SPLIT -- second (last) frame.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 30'000'100;
+ frame.transfer_id = 0;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.toggle = false;
+ frame.payload_size = 1;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\xD7");
+ REQUIRE(1 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 30'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 1U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 30'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPrioritySlow);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 22'222);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 55);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 7); // ONE CRC BYTE BACKTRACKED!
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E", 7));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ // BAD CRC -- first frame.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 30'001'000;
+ frame.transfer_id = 31;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 8;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\xF7");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 30'001'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 8);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(rxs.payload, "\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\xF7", 8));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == crc("\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\xF7"));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 31U);
+ REQUIRE(!rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ // BAD CRC -- second (last) frame.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 30'001'100;
+ frame.transfer_id = 31;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.toggle = false;
+ frame.payload_size = 1;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\xD8");
+ REQUIRE(0 == update(0, 1'000'000, 16));
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 30'001'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 0U);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0); // Deallocated on failure.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ // OOM -- reset on error.
+ frame.timestamp_usec = 40'000'000;
+ frame.transfer_id = 30;
+ frame.start_of_transfer = true;
+ frame.end_of_transfer = false;
+ frame.toggle = true;
+ frame.payload_size = 8;
+ frame.payload = reinterpret_cast("\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\x0E\xF7");
+ REQUIRE((-CANARD_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) == update(2, 1'000'000, 17)); // Exceeds the heap quota.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_timestamp_usec == 40'000'000);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.payload == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.calculated_crc == 0xFFFF);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.transfer_id == 31U); // Reset.
+ REQUIRE(rxs.toggle);
+ REQUIRE(rxs.redundant_transport_index == 2);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
diff --git a/tests/test_private_tx.cpp b/tests/test_private_tx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..983d7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_private_tx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+ REQUIRE(0b000'00'0011001100110011'0'1010101 ==
+ exposed::txMakeMessageSessionSpecifier(0b0011001100110011, 0b1010101));
+ REQUIRE(0b000'11'0100110011'0101010'1010101 ==
+ exposed::txMakeServiceSessionSpecifier(0b0100110011, true, 0b1010101, 0b0101010));
+ REQUIRE(0b000'10'0100110011'1010101'0101010 ==
+ exposed::txMakeServiceSessionSpecifier(0b0100110011, false, 0b0101010, 0b1010101));
+ auto ins = canardInit(&helpers::dummy_allocator::allocate, &helpers::dummy_allocator::free);
+ REQUIRE(63 == exposed::txGetPresentationLayerMTU(&ins)); // This is the default.
+ ins.mtu_bytes = 0;
+ REQUIRE(7 == exposed::txGetPresentationLayerMTU(&ins));
+ ins.mtu_bytes = 255;
+ REQUIRE(63 == exposed::txGetPresentationLayerMTU(&ins));
+ ins.mtu_bytes = 32;
+ REQUIRE(31 == exposed::txGetPresentationLayerMTU(&ins));
+ ins.mtu_bytes = 30; // Round up.
+ REQUIRE(31 == exposed::txGetPresentationLayerMTU(&ins));
+ using exposed::txMakeCANID;
+ CanardTransfer transfer{};
+ std::vector transfer_payload;
+ const auto mk_transfer = [&](const CanardPriority priority,
+ const CanardTransferKind kind,
+ const std::uint16_t port_id,
+ const std::uint8_t remote_node_id,
+ const std::vector& payload = {}) {
+ transfer_payload = payload;
+ transfer.priority = priority;
+ transfer.transfer_kind = kind;
+ transfer.port_id = port_id;
+ transfer.remote_node_id = remote_node_id;
+ transfer.payload = transfer_payload.data();
+ transfer.payload_size = transfer_payload.size();
+ return &transfer;
+ };
+ const auto crc123 = exposed::crcAdd(0xFFFFU, 3, "\x01\x02\x03");
+ union PriorityAlias
+ {
+ std::uint8_t bits;
+ CanardPriority prio;
+ };
+ REQUIRE(0b000'00'0011001100110011'0'1010101 == // Regular message.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityExceptional,
+ CanardTransferKindMessage,
+ 0b0011001100110011,
+ 0b1010101,
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE(0b111'00'0011001100110011'0'1010101 == // Regular message.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityOptional,
+ CanardTransferKindMessage,
+ 0b0011001100110011,
+ 0b1010101,
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE((0b010'01'0011001100110011'0'0000000U | (crc123 & CANARD_NODE_ID_MAX)) == // Anonymous message.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityFast,
+ CanardTransferKindMessage,
+ 0b0011001100110011,
+ {1, 2, 3}),
+ 128U, // Invalid local node-ID.
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == // Multi-frame anonymous messages are not allowed.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityImmediate,
+ CanardTransferKindMessage,
+ 0b0011001100110011,
+ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}),
+ 128U, // Invalid local node-ID is treated as anonymous/unset.
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == // Bad remote node-ID -- unicast messages not supported.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityHigh, CanardTransferKindMessage, 0b0011001100110011, 123U), 0U, 7U));
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityLow, CanardTransferKindMessage, 0xFFFFU, CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET), 0U, 7U));
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(PriorityAlias{123}.prio,
+ CanardTransferKindMessage,
+ 0b0011001100110011,
+ 0b1010101,
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE(0b000'11'0100110011'0101010'1010101 == // Request.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityExceptional, CanardTransferKindRequest, 0b0100110011, 0b0101010),
+ 0b1010101,
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE(0b111'10'0100110011'0101010'1010101 == // Response.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityOptional, CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0100110011, 0b0101010),
+ 0b1010101,
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == // Anonymous service transfers not permitted.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityExceptional, CanardTransferKindRequest, 0b0100110011, 0b0101010),
+ 7U));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == // Broadcast service transfers not permitted.
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPrioritySlow, CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0100110011, CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET),
+ 0b1010101,
+ 7U));
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(CanardPriorityNominal, CanardTransferKindResponse, 0xFFFFU, 0b0101010), 0b1010101, 7U));
+ txMakeCANID(mk_transfer(PriorityAlias{123}.prio, CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0100110011, 0b0101010),
+ 0b1010101,
+ 7U));
+ using exposed::txMakeTailByte;
+ REQUIRE(0b111'00000 == txMakeTailByte(true, true, true, 0U));
+ REQUIRE(0b111'00000 == txMakeTailByte(true, true, true, 32U));
+ REQUIRE(0b111'11111 == txMakeTailByte(true, true, true, 31U));
+ REQUIRE(0b011'11111 == txMakeTailByte(false, true, true, 31U));
+ REQUIRE(0b101'11110 == txMakeTailByte(true, false, true, 30U));
+ REQUIRE(0b001'11101 == txMakeTailByte(false, false, true, 29U));
+ REQUIRE(0b010'00001 == txMakeTailByte(false, true, false, 1U));
+ using exposed::txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp;
+ REQUIRE(0 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(0));
+ REQUIRE(1 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(1));
+ REQUIRE(2 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(2));
+ REQUIRE(3 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(3));
+ REQUIRE(4 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(4));
+ REQUIRE(5 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(5));
+ REQUIRE(6 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(6));
+ REQUIRE(7 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(7));
+ REQUIRE(8 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(8));
+ REQUIRE(12 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(9));
+ REQUIRE(12 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(10));
+ REQUIRE(12 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(11));
+ REQUIRE(12 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(12));
+ REQUIRE(16 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(13));
+ REQUIRE(16 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(14));
+ REQUIRE(16 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(15));
+ REQUIRE(16 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(16));
+ REQUIRE(20 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(17));
+ REQUIRE(20 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(20));
+ REQUIRE(32 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(30));
+ REQUIRE(32 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(32));
+ REQUIRE(48 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(40));
+ REQUIRE(48 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(48));
+ REQUIRE(64 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(50));
+ REQUIRE(64 == txRoundFramePayloadSizeUp(64));
+ using exposed::txFindQueueSupremum;
+ using TxQueueItem = exposed::TxQueueItem;
+ auto ins = canardInit(&helpers::dummy_allocator::allocate, &helpers::dummy_allocator::free);
+ const auto find = [&](std::uint32_t x) -> TxQueueItem* { return txFindQueueSupremum(&ins, x); };
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == find(0));
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == find((1UL << 29U) - 1U));
+ TxQueueItem a{};
+ a.frame.extended_can_id = 1000;
+ ins._tx_queue = reinterpret_cast(&a);
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == find(999));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1000));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1001));
+ TxQueueItem b{};
+ b.frame.extended_can_id = 1010;
+ a.next = &b;
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == find(999));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1000));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1001));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1009));
+ REQUIRE(&b == find(1010));
+ REQUIRE(&b == find(1011));
+ TxQueueItem c{};
+ c.frame.extended_can_id = 990;
+ c.next = &a;
+ ins._tx_queue = reinterpret_cast(&c);
+ REQUIRE(reinterpret_cast(ins._tx_queue)->frame.extended_can_id == 990);
+ REQUIRE(reinterpret_cast(ins._tx_queue)->next->frame.extended_can_id == 1000);
+ REQUIRE(reinterpret_cast(ins._tx_queue)->next->next->frame.extended_can_id == 1010);
+ REQUIRE(reinterpret_cast(ins._tx_queue)->next->next->next == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == find(989));
+ REQUIRE(&c == find(990));
+ REQUIRE(&c == find(999));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1000));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1001));
+ REQUIRE(&a == find(1009));
+ REQUIRE(&b == find(1010));
+ REQUIRE(&b == find(1011));
diff --git a/tests/test_public_roundtrip.cpp b/tests/test_public_roundtrip.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efe51485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_public_roundtrip.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+ using helpers::getRandomNatural;
+ struct TxState
+ {
+ CanardTransferKind transfer_kind{};
+ CanardPriority priority{};
+ CanardPortID port_id{};
+ std::size_t payload_size_max{};
+ CanardTransferID transfer_id{};
+ CanardRxSubscription subscription{};
+ };
+ helpers::Instance ins_rx;
+ ins_rx.setNodeID(111);
+ const auto get_random_priority = []() {
+ return static_cast(getRandomNatural(CANARD_PRIORITY_MAX + 1U));
+ };
+ std::array tx_states{
+ TxState{CanardTransferKindMessage, get_random_priority(), 32767, 1000},
+ TxState{CanardTransferKindMessage, get_random_priority(), 511, 0},
+ TxState{CanardTransferKindMessage, get_random_priority(), 0, 13},
+ TxState{CanardTransferKindRequest, get_random_priority(), 511, 900},
+ TxState{CanardTransferKindRequest, get_random_priority(), 0, 0},
+ TxState{CanardTransferKindResponse, get_random_priority(), 0, 1},
+ };
+ std::size_t rx_worst_case_memory_consumption = 0;
+ for (auto& s : tx_states)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins_rx.rxSubscribe(s.transfer_kind,
+ s.port_id,
+ s.payload_size_max,
+ s.subscription));
+ // The true worst case is 128 times larger, but there is only one transmitting node.
+ rx_worst_case_memory_consumption += sizeof(exposed::RxSession) + s.payload_size_max;
+ }
+ ins_rx.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(rx_worst_case_memory_consumption); // This is guaranteed to be enough.
+ helpers::Instance ins_tx;
+ ins_tx.setNodeID(99);
+ ins_tx.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
+ std::unordered_map pending_transfers;
+ std::atomic transfer_counter = 0;
+ std::atomic frames_in_flight = 0;
+ std::uint64_t peak_frames_in_flight = 0;
+ std::mutex lock;
+ std::atomic keep_going = true;
+ const auto writer_thread_fun = [&]() {
+ while (keep_going)
+ {
+ auto& st = tx_states.at(getRandomNatural(std::size(tx_states)));
+ // Generate random payload. The size may be larger than expected to test the implicit truncation rule.
+ const auto payload_size = getRandomNatural(st.payload_size_max + 1024U);
+ auto* const payload = static_cast(std::malloc(payload_size)); // NOLINT
+ std::generate_n(payload, payload_size, [&]() { return static_cast(getRandomNatural(256U)); });
+ // Generate the transfer.
+ CanardTransfer tran{};
+ tran.timestamp_usec = transfer_counter++;
+ tran.priority = st.priority;
+ tran.transfer_kind = st.transfer_kind;
+ tran.port_id = st.port_id;
+ tran.remote_node_id =
+ (tran.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage) ? CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET : ins_rx.getNodeID();
+ tran.transfer_id = (st.transfer_id++) & CANARD_TRANSFER_ID_MAX;
+ tran.payload_size = payload_size;
+ tran.payload = payload;
+ // Use a random MTU.
+ ins_tx.setMTU(static_cast(getRandomNatural(256U)));
+ // Push the transfer.
+ bool sleep = false;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard locker(lock);
+ const auto result = ins_tx.txPush(tran);
+ if (result > 0)
+ {
+ pending_transfers.emplace(tran.timestamp_usec, tran);
+ frames_in_flight += static_cast(result);
+ peak_frames_in_flight = std::max(peak_frames_in_flight, frames_in_flight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sleep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sleep)
+ {
+ std::cout << "TX OOM" << std::endl;
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ std::thread writer_thread(writer_thread_fun);
+ std::ofstream log_file("roundtrip_frames.log", std::ios::trunc | std::ios::out);
+ REQUIRE(log_file.good());
+ try
+ {
+ const auto deadline = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(10);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ const CanardFrame* frame = nullptr;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard locker(lock);
+ frame = ins_tx.txPeek(); // Peek-pop form an atomic transaction.
+ ins_tx.txPop(); // No effect if the queue is empty.
+ if (frame != nullptr)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(frames_in_flight > 0);
+ --frames_in_flight;
+ }
+ }
+ if (frame != nullptr)
+ {
+ const auto tail = reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[frame->payload_size - 1U];
+ log_file << frame->timestamp_usec << " " //
+ << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << frame->extended_can_id //
+ << " [" << std::dec << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(2) << frame->payload_size << "] " //
+ << (bool(tail & 128U) ? 'S' : ' ') //
+ << (bool(tail & 64U) ? 'E' : ' ') //
+ << (bool(tail & 32U) ? 'T' : ' ') //
+ << " " << std::uint16_t(tail & 31U) //
+ << '\n';
+ CanardTransfer transfer{};
+ std::int8_t result = ins_rx.rxAccept(*frame, 0, transfer);
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins_rx.rxAccept(*frame, 1, transfer)); // Redundant interface will never be used here.
+ if (result == 1)
+ {
+ CanardTransfer reference{}; // Fetch the reference transfer from the list of pending.
+ {
+ std::lock_guard locker(lock);
+ const auto pt_it = pending_transfers.find(transfer.timestamp_usec);
+ REQUIRE(pt_it != pending_transfers.end());
+ reference = pt_it->second;
+ pending_transfers.erase(pt_it);
+ }
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == reference.timestamp_usec);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == reference.priority);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == reference.transfer_kind);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == reference.port_id);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == ins_tx.getNodeID());
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == reference.transfer_id);
+ // The payload size is not checked because the variance is huge due to padding and truncation.
+ if (transfer.payload != nullptr)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload,
+ reference.payload,
+ std::min(transfer.payload_size, reference.payload_size)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 0U);
+ }
+ ins_rx.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ std::free(const_cast(reference.payload)); // NOLINT
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ REQUIRE(result == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!keep_going)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
+ }
+ ins_tx.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() > deadline)
+ {
+ keep_going = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ keep_going = false;
+ writer_thread.detach();
+ throw;
+ }
+ writer_thread.join();
+ REQUIRE(0 == frames_in_flight);
+ std::cout << "TOTAL TRANSFERS: " << transfer_counter << "; OF THEM LOST: " << std::size(pending_transfers)
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "PEAK FRAMES IN FLIGHT: " << peak_frames_in_flight << std::endl;
+ std::size_t i = 0;
+ for (const auto [k, v] : pending_transfers)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(k == v.timestamp_usec);
+ std::cout << "#" << i << "/" << std::size(pending_transfers) << ":" //
+ << " ts=" << v.timestamp_usec //
+ << " prio=" << static_cast(v.priority) //
+ << " kind=" << static_cast(v.transfer_kind) //
+ << " port=" << v.port_id //
+ << " nid=" << static_cast(v.remote_node_id) //
+ << " tid=" << static_cast(v.transfer_id) //
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::size(pending_transfers));
diff --git a/tests/test_public_rx.cpp b/tests/test_public_rx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d012820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_public_rx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+ using helpers::Instance;
+ using exposed::RxSession;
+ Instance ins;
+ CanardTransfer transfer{};
+ const auto accept = [&](const std::uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ const CanardMicrosecond timestamp_usec,
+ const std::uint32_t extended_can_id,
+ const std::vector& payload) {
+ static std::vector payload_storage;
+ payload_storage = payload;
+ CanardFrame frame{};
+ frame.timestamp_usec = timestamp_usec;
+ frame.extended_can_id = extended_can_id;
+ frame.payload_size = std::size(payload);
+ frame.payload = payload_storage.data();
+ return ins.rxAccept(frame, redundant_transport_index, transfer);
+ };
+ ins.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(sizeof(RxSession) + 16); // A session and a 16-byte payload buffer.
+ // No subscriptions by default.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0] == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1] == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2] == nullptr);
+ // A valid single-frame transfer for which there is no subscription.
+ REQUIRE(0 == accept(0, 100'000'000, 0b001'00'0'110110011001100'0'0100111, {0b111'00000}));
+ // Create a message subscription.
+ CanardRxSubscription sub_msg{};
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxSubscribe(CanardTransferKindMessage, 0b110110011001100, 32, 2'000'000, sub_msg)); // New.
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.rxSubscribe(CanardTransferKindMessage, 0b110110011001100, 16, 1'000'000, sub_msg)); // Replaced.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0] == &sub_msg);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_next == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_port_id == 0b110110011001100);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_payload_size_max == 16);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_transfer_id_timeout_usec == 1'000'000);
+ for (auto _session : ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_sessions)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(_session == nullptr);
+ }
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1] == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2] == nullptr);
+ // Create a request subscription.
+ CanardRxSubscription sub_req{};
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxSubscribe(CanardTransferKindRequest, 0b0000110011, 20, 3'000'000, sub_req));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0] == &sub_msg);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1] == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2] == &sub_req);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2]->_next == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2]->_port_id == 0b0000110011);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2]->_payload_size_max == 20);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2]->_transfer_id_timeout_usec == 3'000'000);
+ for (auto _session : ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2]->_sessions)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(_session == nullptr);
+ }
+ // Create a response subscription.
+ CanardRxSubscription sub_res{};
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxSubscribe(CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0000111100, 10, 100'000, sub_res));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0] == &sub_msg);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1] == &sub_res);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_next == nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_port_id == 0b0000111100);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_payload_size_max == 10);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_transfer_id_timeout_usec == 100'000);
+ for (auto _session : ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_sessions)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(_session == nullptr);
+ }
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2] == &sub_req);
+ // Create a second response subscription.
+ CanardRxSubscription sub_res2{};
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxSubscribe(CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0000000000, 10, 1'000, sub_res2));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0] == &sub_msg);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1] == &sub_res2);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_next == &sub_res);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_port_id == 0b0000000000);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_payload_size_max == 10);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_transfer_id_timeout_usec == 1'000);
+ for (auto _session : ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_sessions)
+ {
+ REQUIRE(_session == nullptr);
+ }
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2] == &sub_req);
+ // Accepted message.
+ REQUIRE(1 == accept(0, 100'000'001, 0b001'00'0'110110011001100'0'0100111, {0b111'00000}));
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 100'000'001);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPriorityImmediate);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 0b110110011001100);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 0b0100111);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 0);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "", 0));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 2); // The SESSION and the PAYLOAD BUFFER.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == (sizeof(RxSession) + 16));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_sessions[0b0100111] != nullptr);
+ auto msg_payload = transfer.payload; // Will need it later.
+ // Provide the space for an extra session and its payload.
+ ins.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(sizeof(RxSession) * 2 + 16 + 20);
+ // Dropped request because the local node does not have a node-ID.
+ REQUIRE(0 == accept(0, 100'000'002, 0b011'11'0000110011'0011010'0100111, {0b111'00010}));
+ // Dropped request because the local node has a different node-ID.
+ ins.setNodeID(0b0011010);
+ REQUIRE(0 == accept(0, 100'000'002, 0b011'11'0000110011'0011011'0100111, {0b111'00011}));
+ // Same request accepted now.
+ REQUIRE(1 == accept(0, 100'000'002, 0b011'11'0000110011'0011010'0100101, {1, 2, 3, 0b111'00100}));
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 100'000'002);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPriorityHigh);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindRequest);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 0b0000110011);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 0b0100101);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 4);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 3);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x01\x02\x03", 3));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 4); // Two SESSIONS and two PAYLOAD BUFFERS.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == (2 * sizeof(RxSession) + 16 + 20));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[2]->_sessions[0b0100101] != nullptr);
+ // Response transfer not accepted because the local node has a different node-ID.
+ // There is no dynamic memory available, but it doesn't matter because a rejection does not require allocation.
+ REQUIRE(0 == accept(0, 100'000'002, 0b100'10'0000110011'0100111'0011011, {10, 20, 30, 0b111'00000}));
+ // Response transfer not accepted due to OOM -- can't allocate RX session.
+ accept(0, 100'000'003, 0b100'10'0000111100'0011010'0011011, {5, 0b111'00001}));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 4);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == (2 * sizeof(RxSession) + 16 + 20));
+ // Response transfer not accepted due to OOM -- can't allocate the buffer (RX session is allocated OK).
+ ins.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(3 * sizeof(RxSession) + 16 + 20);
+ accept(0, 100'000'003, 0b100'10'0000111100'0011010'0011011, {5, 0b111'00010}));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 5);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == (3 * sizeof(RxSession) + 16 + 20));
+ // Destroy the message subscription and the buffer to free up memory.
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindMessage, 0b110110011001100));
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindMessage, 0b110110011001100)); // Repeat, nothing to do.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 4);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == (2 * sizeof(RxSession) + 16 + 20));
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(msg_payload);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 3);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == (2 * sizeof(RxSession) + 20));
+ // Same response accepted now. We have to keep incrementing the transfer-ID though because it's tracked.
+ REQUIRE(1 == accept(0, 100'000'003, 0b100'10'0000111100'0011010'0011011, {5, 0b111'00011}));
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 100'000'003);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPriorityNominal);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindResponse);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 0b0000111100);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == 0b0011011);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 3);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 1);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x05", 1));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 4);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == (2 * sizeof(RxSession) + 10 + 20));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[1]->_next->_sessions[0b0011011] != nullptr);
+ // Bad frames shall be rejected silently.
+ REQUIRE(0 == accept(0, 900'000'000, 0b100'10'0000111100'0011010'0011011, {5, 0b110'00011}));
+ REQUIRE(0 == accept(0, 900'000'001, 0b100'10'0000111100'0011010'0011011, {}));
+ // Unsubscribe.
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindRequest, 0b0000110011));
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindRequest, 0b0000110011));
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0000111100));
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0000111100));
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0000000000));
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.rxUnsubscribe(CanardTransferKindResponse, 0b0000000000));
+ using helpers::Instance;
+ using exposed::RxSession;
+ Instance ins;
+ CanardTransfer transfer{};
+ const auto accept = [&](const std::uint8_t redundant_transport_index,
+ const CanardMicrosecond timestamp_usec,
+ const std::uint32_t extended_can_id,
+ const std::vector& payload) {
+ static std::vector payload_storage;
+ payload_storage = payload;
+ CanardFrame frame{};
+ frame.timestamp_usec = timestamp_usec;
+ frame.extended_can_id = extended_can_id;
+ frame.payload_size = std::size(payload);
+ frame.payload = payload_storage.data();
+ return ins.rxAccept(frame, redundant_transport_index, transfer);
+ };
+ ins.getAllocator().setAllocationCeiling(16);
+ // A valid anonymous transfer for which there is no subscription.
+ REQUIRE(0 == accept(0, 100'000'000, 0b001'01'0'110110011001100'0'0100111, {0b111'00000}));
+ // Create a message subscription.
+ CanardRxSubscription sub_msg{};
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.rxSubscribe(CanardTransferKindMessage, 0b110110011001100, 16, 2'000'000, sub_msg)); // New.
+ // Accepted anonymous message.
+ REQUIRE(1 == accept(0,
+ 100'000'001,
+ 0b001'01'0'110110011001100'0'0100111, //
+ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0b111'00000}));
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 100'000'001);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPriorityImmediate);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 0b110110011001100);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 16); // Truncated.
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F\x10", 0));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1); // The PAYLOAD BUFFER only! No session for anons.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ for (auto _session : ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_sessions) // No RX states!
+ {
+ REQUIRE(_session == nullptr);
+ }
+ // Anonymous message not accepted because OOM. The transfer shall remain unmodified by the call, so we re-check it.
+ accept(0, 100'000'001, 0b001'01'0'110110011001100'0'0100111, {3, 2, 1, 0b111'00000}));
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 100'000'001);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPriorityImmediate);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 0b110110011001100);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 16); // Truncated.
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F\x10", 0));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1); // The PAYLOAD BUFFER only! No session for anons.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 16);
+ for (auto _session : ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_sessions) // No RX states!
+ {
+ REQUIRE(_session == nullptr);
+ }
+ // Release the memory.
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(transfer.payload);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 0);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 0);
+ // Accepted anonymous message with small payload.
+ REQUIRE(1 == accept(0, 100'000'001, 0b001'01'0'110110011001100'0'0100111, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0b111'00000}));
+ REQUIRE(transfer.timestamp_usec == 100'000'001);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.priority == CanardPriorityImmediate);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_kind == CanardTransferKindMessage);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.port_id == 0b110110011001100);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.remote_node_id == CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.transfer_id == 0);
+ REQUIRE(transfer.payload_size == 6); // NOT truncated.
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(transfer.payload, "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06", 0));
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getNumAllocatedFragments() == 1); // The PAYLOAD BUFFER only! No session for anons.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getAllocator().getTotalAllocatedAmount() == 6); // Smaller allocation.
+ for (auto _session : ins.getInstance()._rx_subscriptions[0]->_sessions) // No RX states!
+ {
+ REQUIRE(_session == nullptr);
+ }
+ using helpers::Instance;
+ Instance ins;
+ CanardRxSubscription sub{};
+ const union
+ {
+ std::uint64_t bits;
+ CanardTransferKind value;
+ } kind{std::numeric_limits::max()};
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxSubscribe(nullptr, CanardTransferKindMessage, 0, 0, 0, &sub));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxSubscribe(&ins.getInstance(), kind.value, 0, 0, 0, &sub));
+ canardRxSubscribe(&ins.getInstance(), CanardTransferKindMessage, 0, 0, 0, nullptr));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxUnsubscribe(nullptr, CanardTransferKindMessage, 0));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxUnsubscribe(&ins.getInstance(), kind.value, 0));
+ CanardFrame frame{};
+ frame.payload_size = 1U;
+ CanardTransfer transfer{};
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxAccept(&ins.getInstance(), &frame, 0, &transfer));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxAccept(nullptr, &frame, 0, &transfer));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxAccept(&ins.getInstance(), nullptr, 0, &transfer));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxAccept(&ins.getInstance(), &frame, 0, nullptr));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardRxAccept(nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr));
diff --git a/tests/test_public_tx.cpp b/tests/test_public_tx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3deca819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_public_tx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+// This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team.
+#include "exposed.hpp"
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+ using exposed::TxQueueItem;
+ helpers::Instance ins;
+ auto& alloc = ins.getAllocator();
+ std::array payload{};
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < std::size(payload); i++)
+ {
+ payload.at(i) = static_cast(i & 0xFFU);
+ }
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == ins.getTxQueueRoot());
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(0 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ alloc.setAllocationCeiling(200);
+ CanardTransfer transfer{};
+ transfer.payload = payload.data();
+ // Single-frame with padding.
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'000'000ULL;
+ transfer.priority = CanardPriorityNominal;
+ transfer.transfer_kind = CanardTransferKindMessage;
+ transfer.port_id = 321;
+ transfer.remote_node_id = CANARD_NODE_ID_UNSET;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 21;
+ transfer.payload_size = 8;
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.txPush(transfer));
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(1 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ REQUIRE(10 < alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ REQUIRE(80 > alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->frame.timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'000ULL);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->frame.payload_size == 12); // Three bytes of padding.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(0) == 0); // Payload start.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(1) == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(2) == 2);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(3) == 3);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(4) == 4);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(5) == 5);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(6) == 6);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(7) == 7); // Payload end.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(8) == 0); // Padding.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(9) == 0); // Padding.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->getPayloadByte(10) == 0); // Padding.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->isStartOfTransfer()); // Tail byte at the end.
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->isEndOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->isToggleBitSet());
+ // Multi-frame. Priority low, inserted at the end of the TX queue.
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'000'100ULL;
+ transfer.priority = CanardPriorityLow;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 22;
+ transfer.payload_size = 8;
+ ins.setNodeID(42);
+ REQUIRE(2 == ins.txPush(transfer)); // 8 bytes --> 2 frames
+ REQUIRE(3 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(3 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ REQUIRE(20 < alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ REQUIRE(200 > alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ // Check the TX queue.
+ {
+ auto q = ins.getTxQueueRoot();
+ REQUIRE(q != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(q->frame.timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'000ULL);
+ REQUIRE(q->frame.payload_size == 12);
+ REQUIRE(q->isStartOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(q->isEndOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(q->isToggleBitSet());
+ q = q->next;
+ REQUIRE(q != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(q->frame.timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'100ULL);
+ REQUIRE(q->frame.payload_size == 8);
+ REQUIRE(q->isStartOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(!q->isEndOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(q->isToggleBitSet());
+ q = q->next;
+ REQUIRE(q != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(q->frame.timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'100ULL);
+ REQUIRE(q->frame.payload_size == 4); // One leftover, two CRC, one tail.
+ REQUIRE(!q->isStartOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(q->isEndOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(!q->isToggleBitSet());
+ q = q->next;
+ REQUIRE(q == nullptr);
+ }
+ // Single-frame, OOM.
+ alloc.setAllocationCeiling(alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount()); // Seal up the heap at this level.
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'000'200ULL;
+ transfer.priority = CanardPriorityLow;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 23;
+ transfer.payload_size = 1;
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == ins.txPush(transfer));
+ REQUIRE(3 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(3 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ // Multi-frame, first frame added successfully, then OOM. The entire transaction rejected.
+ alloc.setAllocationCeiling(alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount() + sizeof(TxQueueItem) + 10U);
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'000'300ULL;
+ transfer.priority = CanardPriorityHigh;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 24;
+ transfer.payload_size = 100;
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == ins.txPush(transfer));
+ REQUIRE(3 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(3 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ REQUIRE(20 < alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ REQUIRE(200 > alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ // Pop the queue.
+ // hex(pyuavcan.transport.commons.crc.CRC16CCITT.new(list(range(8))).value)
+ constexpr std::uint16_t CRC8 = 0x178DU;
+ const CanardFrame* frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 12);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data(), 8));
+ REQUIRE(0 == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[8]); // Padding.
+ REQUIRE(0 == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[9]); // Padding.
+ REQUIRE(0 == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[10]); // Padding.
+ REQUIRE((0b11100000U | 21U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[11]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'000ULL);
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame); // Make sure we get the same frame again.
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 12);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data(), 8));
+ REQUIRE((0b11100000U | 21U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[11]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(2 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(2 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 8);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data(), 7));
+ REQUIRE((0b10100000U | 22U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[7]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'100ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(1 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 4);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data() + 7U, 1));
+ REQUIRE((CRC8 >> 8U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[1]);
+ REQUIRE((CRC8 & 0xFFU) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[2]);
+ REQUIRE((0b01000000U | 22U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[3]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'000'100ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == ins.getTxQueueRoot());
+ REQUIRE(0 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == frame);
+ ins.txPop(); // Invocation when empty has no effect.
+ ins.txPop();
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == ins.getTxQueueRoot());
+ REQUIRE(0 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == frame);
+ alloc.setAllocationCeiling(1000);
+ // Multi-frame, success. CRC split over the frame boundary.
+ // hex(pyuavcan.transport.commons.crc.CRC16CCITT.new(list(range(61))).value)
+ constexpr std::uint16_t CRC61 = 0x554EU;
+ ins.setMTU(32);
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'001'000ULL;
+ transfer.priority = CanardPriorityFast;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 25;
+ transfer.payload_size = 31 + 30; // CRC takes 2 bytes at the end; 3 frames: (31+1) + (30+1+1) + (1+1)
+ REQUIRE(3 == ins.txPush(transfer));
+ REQUIRE(3 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(3 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ REQUIRE(40 < alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ REQUIRE(220 > alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ // Read the generated frames.
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 32);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data(), 31));
+ REQUIRE((0b10100000U | 25U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[31]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'001'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(2 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(2 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 32);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data() + 31U, 30));
+ REQUIRE((CRC61 >> 8U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[30]);
+ REQUIRE((0b00000000U | 25U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[31]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'001'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(1 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 2); // The last byte of CRC plus the tail byte.
+ REQUIRE((CRC61 & 0xFFU) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[0]);
+ REQUIRE((0b01100000U | 25U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[1]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'001'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(0 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ // Multi-frame, success. CRC is in the last frame->
+ // hex(pyuavcan.transport.commons.crc.CRC16CCITT.new(list(range(62))).value)
+ constexpr std::uint16_t CRC62 = 0xA3AEU;
+ ins.setMTU(32);
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'002'000ULL;
+ transfer.priority = CanardPrioritySlow;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 26;
+ transfer.payload_size = 31 + 31; // CRC takes 2 bytes at the end; 3 frames: (31+1) + (31+1) + (2+1)
+ REQUIRE(3 == ins.txPush(transfer));
+ REQUIRE(3 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(3 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ REQUIRE(40 < alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ REQUIRE(220 > alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ // Read the generated frames.
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 32);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data(), 31));
+ REQUIRE((0b10100000U | 26U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[31]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'002'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(2 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(2 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 32);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data() + 31U, 31));
+ REQUIRE((0b00000000U | 26U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[31]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'002'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(1 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 3); // The CRC plus the tail byte.
+ REQUIRE((CRC62 >> 8U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[0]);
+ REQUIRE((CRC62 & 0xFFU) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[1]);
+ REQUIRE((0b01100000U | 26U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[2]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'002'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(0 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ // Multi-frame with padding.
+ // hex(pyuavcan.transport.commons.crc.CRC16CCITT.new(list(range(112)) + [0] * 12).value)
+ constexpr std::uint16_t CRC112Padding12 = 0xE7A5U;
+ ins.setMTU(64);
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'003'000ULL;
+ transfer.priority = CanardPriorityImmediate;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 27;
+ transfer.payload_size = 112; // 63 + 63 - 2 = 124 bytes; 124 - 112 = 12 bytes of padding.
+ REQUIRE(2 == ins.txPush(transfer));
+ REQUIRE(2 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(2 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ // Read the generated frames.
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 64);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data(), 63));
+ REQUIRE((0b10100000U | 27U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[63]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'003'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(1 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 64);
+ REQUIRE(0 == std::memcmp(frame->payload, payload.data() + 63U, 49));
+ REQUIRE(std::all_of(reinterpret_cast(frame->payload) + 49, // Check padding.
+ reinterpret_cast(frame->payload) + 61,
+ [](auto x) { return x == 0U; }));
+ REQUIRE((CRC112Padding12 >> 8U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[61]); // CRC
+ REQUIRE((CRC112Padding12 & 0xFFU) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[62]); // CRC
+ REQUIRE((0b01000000U | 27U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[63]); // Tail
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'003'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(0 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ // Single-frame empty.
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'004'000ULL;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 28;
+ transfer.payload_size = 0;
+ transfer.payload = nullptr; // Null is OK if size is 0.
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.txPush(transfer));
+ REQUIRE(1 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(1 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ REQUIRE(60 > alloc.getTotalAllocatedAmount());
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->frame.timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'004'000ULL);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->frame.payload_size == 1);
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->isStartOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->isEndOfTransfer());
+ REQUIRE(ins.getTxQueueRoot()->isToggleBitSet());
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr != frame);
+ REQUIRE(frame->payload_size == 1);
+ REQUIRE((0b11100000U | 28U) == reinterpret_cast(frame->payload)[0]);
+ REQUIRE(frame->timestamp_usec == 1'000'000'004'000ULL);
+ ins.txPop();
+ ins.getAllocator().deallocate(frame);
+ REQUIRE(0 == ins.getTxQueueLength());
+ REQUIRE(0 == alloc.getNumAllocatedFragments());
+ // Nothing left to peek at.
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == frame);
+ // Invalid transfer.
+ transfer.payload = payload.data();
+ transfer.timestamp_usec = 1'000'000'005'000ULL;
+ transfer.transfer_kind = CanardTransferKindMessage;
+ transfer.remote_node_id = 42;
+ transfer.transfer_id = 123;
+ transfer.payload_size = 8;
+ frame = ins.txPeek();
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == frame);
+ // Error handling.
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardTxPush(nullptr, nullptr));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardTxPush(nullptr, &transfer));
+ REQUIRE(-CANARD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT == canardTxPush(&ins.getInstance(), nullptr));
+ transfer.payload_size = 1;
+ transfer.payload = nullptr;
+ REQUIRE(nullptr == canardTxPeek(nullptr));
+ canardTxPop(&ins.getInstance()); // No effect.
diff --git a/tests/test_rxerr.cpp b/tests/test_rxerr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e2d732b9..00000000
--- a/tests/test_rxerr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-// Independent implementation of ID layout from the specification.
-#define CONSTRUCT_PRIO(prio) ((std::uint8_t(prio) & 0x7U) << 26U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_SUBJECT_ID(subject_id) ((std::uint16_t(subject_id) & 0xFFFFU) << 8U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_SOURCE_ID(source_id) ((std::uint8_t(source_id) & 0x7FU) << 1U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_SERVICE_ID(service_id) ((std::uint16_t(service_id) & 0x1FFU) << 15U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_DEST_ID(dest_id) ((std::uint8_t(dest_id) & 0x7FU) << 8U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_REQUEST(request) ((std::uint8_t(request) & 0x01U) << 24U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_ANON_BIT (1U << 24U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_SNM_BIT (1U << 25U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_PV_BIT (1U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_MSG_ID(prio, subject_id, source_id) \
-#define CONSTRUCT_ANON_MSG_ID(prio, subject_id, source_id) \
- (CONSTRUCT_ANON_BIT | CONSTRUCT_MSG_ID(prio, subject_id, source_id))
-#define CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(prio, service_id, request, dest_id, source_id) \
-#define CONSTRUCT_START(start) ((std::uint8_t(start) & 0x1U) << 7U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_END(end) ((std::uint8_t(end) & 0x1U) << 6U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_TOGGLE(toggle) ((std::uint8_t(toggle) & 0x1U) << 5U)
-#define CONSTRUCT_TID(tid) ((std::uint8_t(tid) & 0x1FU))
-#define CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(start, end, toggle, tid) \
-static bool g_should_accept = true;
- * This callback is invoked by the library when a new message or request or response is received.
- */
-static void onTransferReceived(CanardInstance* ins, CanardRxTransfer* transfer)
- (void) ins;
- (void) transfer;
-static bool shouldAcceptTransfer(const CanardInstance* ins,
- uint16_t port_id,
- CanardTransferKind transfer_kind,
- uint8_t source_node_id)
- (void) ins;
- (void) port_id;
- (void) transfer_kind;
- (void) source_node_id;
- return g_should_accept;
-TEST_CASE("canardHandleRxFrame incompatible packet handling, Correctness")
- uint8_t canard_memory_pool[1024];
- CanardInstance canard;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
- int16_t err;
- // Setup frame data to be single frame transfer
- frame.data[0] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 1, 1, 0);
- canardInit(&canard,
- canard_memory_pool,
- sizeof(canard_memory_pool),
- onTransferReceived,
- shouldAcceptTransfer,
- &canard);
- g_should_accept = true;
- // Frame with good RTR/ERR/data_len bad EFF
- frame.id = 0;
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Frame with good EFF/ERR/data_len, bad RTR
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Frame with good EFF/RTR/data_len, bad ERR
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Frame with good EFF/RTR/ERR, bad data_len
- frame.id = 0U | CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF;
- frame.data_len = 0;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Frame with good EFF/RTR/ERR/data_len
- frame.id = 0U | CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF;
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
-TEST_CASE("canardHandleRxFrame wrong address handling, Correctness")
- uint8_t canard_memory_pool[1024];
- CanardInstance canard;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
- int16_t err;
- // Setup frame data to be single frame transfer
- frame.data[0] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 1, 1, 0);
- // Open canard to accept all transfers with a node ID of 20
- canardInit(&canard,
- canard_memory_pool,
- sizeof(canard_memory_pool),
- onTransferReceived,
- shouldAcceptTransfer,
- &canard);
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&canard, 20);
- g_should_accept = true;
- // Send package with ID 24, should not be wanted
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 24, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send package with ID 20, should be OK
- frame.id = 0U | CANARD_CAN_FRAME_EFF; // Set EFF
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
-TEST_CASE("canardHandleRxFrame shouldAccept handling, Correctness")
- uint8_t canard_memory_pool[1024];
- CanardInstance canard;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
- int16_t err;
- // Setup frame data to be single frame transfer
- frame.data[0] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 1, 1, 0);
- // Open canard to accept all transfers with a node ID of 20
- canardInit(&canard,
- canard_memory_pool,
- sizeof(canard_memory_pool),
- onTransferReceived,
- shouldAcceptTransfer,
- &canard);
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&canard, 20);
- // Send packet, don't accept
- g_should_accept = false;
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send packet, accept
- g_should_accept = true;
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
-TEST_CASE("canardHandleRxFrame no state handling, Correctness")
- uint8_t canard_memory_pool[1024];
- CanardInstance canard;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
- int16_t err;
- g_should_accept = true;
- // Open canard to accept all transfers with a node ID of 20
- canardInit(&canard,
- canard_memory_pool,
- sizeof(canard_memory_pool),
- onTransferReceived,
- shouldAcceptTransfer,
- &canard);
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&canard, 20);
- // Not start or end of packet, should fail
- frame.data[0] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 0, 1, 0);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // End of packet, should fail
- frame.data[0] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 1, 1, 0);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // 1 Frame packet, should pass
- frame.data[0] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 1, 1, 0);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a start packet, should pass
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 0, 1, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8; // Data length MUST be full packet
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a middle packet, from the same ID, but don't toggle
- frame.data[0] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 0, 1, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 1;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a middle packet, toggle, but use wrong ID
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 0, 0, 2);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a middle packet, toggle, and use correct ID
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 0, 0, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
-TEST_CASE("canardHandleRxFrame missed start handling, Correctness")
- uint8_t canard_memory_pool[1024];
- CanardInstance canard;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
- int16_t err;
- g_should_accept = true;
- // Open canard to accept all transfers with a node ID of 20
- canardInit(&canard,
- canard_memory_pool,
- sizeof(canard_memory_pool),
- onTransferReceived,
- shouldAcceptTransfer,
- &canard);
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&canard, 20);
- // Send a start packet, should pass
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 0, 1, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8; // Data length MUST be full packet
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a middle packet, toggle, and use correct ID - but timeout
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 0, 0, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 4000000);
- // Send a start packet, should pass
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 0, 1, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8; // Data length MUST be full packet
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a middle packet, toggle, and use correct ID - but timestamp 0
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 0, 0, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 0);
- // Send a start packet, should pass
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 0, 1, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8; // Data length MUST be full packet
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a middle packet, toggle, and use an incorrect TID
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(0, 0, 0, 3);
- frame.data[7] = 0U | 3U | (1U << 5U);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8;
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 0);
-TEST_CASE("canardHandleRxFrame short frame handling, Correctness")
- uint8_t canard_memory_pool[1024];
- CanardInstance canard;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
- int16_t err;
- g_should_accept = true;
- // Open canard to accept all transfers with a node ID of 20
- canardInit(&canard,
- canard_memory_pool,
- sizeof(canard_memory_pool),
- onTransferReceived,
- shouldAcceptTransfer,
- &canard);
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&canard, 20);
- // Send a start packet which is short, should fail
- frame.data[1] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 0, 1, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 2; // Data length MUST be full packet
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
- // Send a start packet which is short, should fail
- frame.data[2] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 0, 1, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 3; // Data length MUST be full packet
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
-TEST_CASE("canardHandleRxFrame OOM handling, Correctness")
- uint8_t dummy_buf;
- CanardInstance canard;
- CanardCANFrame frame;
- int16_t err;
- g_should_accept = true;
- // Open canard to accept all transfers with a node ID of 20
- canardInit(&canard, &dummy_buf, 0, onTransferReceived, shouldAcceptTransfer, &canard);
- canardSetLocalNodeID(&canard, 20);
- // Send a start packet - we shouldn't have any memory
- frame.data[7] = CONSTRUCT_TAIL_BYTE(1, 0, 0, 1);
- frame.id = CONSTRUCT_SVC_ID(0, 0, 1, 20, 0);
- frame.data_len = 8; // Data length MUST be full packet
- err = canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &frame, 1);
diff --git a/tests/test_scalar_encoding.cpp b/tests/test_scalar_encoding.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ebafc06..00000000
--- a/tests/test_scalar_encoding.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 UAVCAN Development Team
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include "canard_internals.h"
-TEST_CASE("BigEndian, Check")
- // Assuming that unit tests can only be run on little-endian platforms!
- REQUIRE_FALSE(isBigEndian());
-static inline T read(CanardRxTransfer* transfer, uint32_t bit_offset, uint8_t bit_length)
- auto value = T();
- const int res = canardDecodePrimitive(transfer, uint16_t(bit_offset), bit_length, std::is_signed::value, &value);
- if (res != bit_length)
- {
- throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected return value; expected " + std::to_string(unsigned(bit_length)) +
- ", got " + std::to_string(res));
- }
- return value;
-TEST_CASE("ScalarDecode, SingleFrame")
- auto transfer = CanardRxTransfer();
- static const uint8_t buf[7] = {0b10100101, // 0
- 0b11000011, // 8
- 0b11100111, // 16
- 0b01111110, // 24
- 0b01010101,
- 0b10101010,
- 0b11101000};
- transfer.payload_head = &buf[0];
- transfer.payload_len = sizeof(buf);
- REQUIRE(0b10100101 == read