A script to validate SBOMs against version 1.0 of the OpenChain Telco SBOM Guide.
To install from PyPI, issue pip3 install openchain-telco-sbom-validator
or pipx install openchain-telco-sbom-validator
This script is written in Python and uses a requirements.txt
to list its dependencies. To install Python on an Ubuntu
environment run sudo apt install python3-pip
It is usually a good practice to install Python dependencies to a Python virtual environment. To be able to manage
virtual environments you need to install venv
with sudo apt install python3-venv
If you do not have a virtual environment you can create it with python3 -m venv .env
if you already have a virtual environment start it with . .env/bin/activate
usage: openchain-telco-sbom-validator [options] input
positional arguments:
input The input SPDX file.
-h, --help Shows this help message and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--debug Prints debug logs.
--nr-of-errors NR_OF_ERRORS
Sets a limit on the number of errors displayed.
--strict-purl-check Runs a strict check on the given purls. The default behaviour is to
run a non-strict purl check meaning that it is not checked if the
purl is translating to a downloadable URL.
--strict-url-check Runs a strict check on the URLs of the PackageHomepages. Strict check
means that the validator checks also if the given URL can be accessed.
The default behaviour is to run a non-strict URL check, meaning that
it is not checked if the URL points to a valid page. Strict URL check
requires access to the internet and takes some time.
--reference-logic REFERENCE_LOGIC
Defines the logic how the referenced files are accessible. If not
added, the referenced files will not be investigated.
Built-in supported logics are “none” (no linked files are investigated),
“checksum-all” (externalrefs are identified by their checksum),
“yocto-all” (all externalrefs are investigated) and
“yocto-contains-only” (only those files are investigated which are in
CONTAIN relationships). It is possible to register more reference
logics in library mode.
The main functionality of the library can be acessed from the Validator
class of the
package. There are two support packages for building CLI tools around the
validator what is in the cli
package of the openchain_telco_sbom_validator
# import things
from openchain_telco_sbom_validator import cli
from openchain_telco_sbom_validator import reporter
from openchain_telco_sbom_validator.validator import Validator
def main():
# Instantiate a validator
myValidator = Validator()
# Do validate
result, problems = myValidator.validate(filePath, # path to the SPDX file as a string
strict_purl_check, # If strict purl check is needed
strict_url_check) # if strict URL check is needed
# Print results in an uniform way
exitCode = reporter.reportCli(result, # Result received from the validator
problems, # List of problems from the validator
nr_of_errors, # Number of errors to display
input) # Name of the SPDX file
# Exit
It is possible to add additional CLI arguments if needed for example:
myArguments = cli.AdditionalArguments()
myArguments.addArgument("--test", # The actual argument
"store_true", # Option as it is required by argparse
"Help description of test") # Help text to display
args = cli.parseArguments(myArguments)
if args.test:
pass # Do something here
It is possible to add additional checks both on global and on package level.
# Import in addition of the previous imports
from openchain_telco_sbom_validator.validator import FunctionRegistry
myValidator = Validator()
# Instantiate the function registry
functions = FunctionRegistry()
# Register a global check. This will be executed only once for one SBOM
# Register a Package chack. This will be executed for every Packages in the SBOM
result, problems = myValidator.validate(filePath,
functions) # Provide the function registry to the validate function
# The functions have to be defined
def checkJustLog(problems: Problems, doc: Document): # Signature is important!
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.debug("Hello world!")
def checkJustLogPackage(problems: Problems, package: Package): # Signature is important!
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.debug("Hello package world!")
Referring SPDX files is based on URLs what assues that all the SBOMs are always public. This is not always the case,
therefore the validator provides a possibility to resolve the references in a local disk. This resolution can be
different depending on the tool generated the SBOMs. It is possible to register referring logics to the validator using
its addReferringLogics(name, function)
method the function will get a Document
from spdx_tools.spdx.model.document
what is the parsed SPDX model of the currently validated document and a string with the location of the currently
validated document. The function is expected to return a list of file locations with all the referred SPDX files.
Each of these files will be validated as well. The referring logic can be triggered by adding the name of the function
to the referringLogic
parameter of the validate()
function of the Validator
This software is Copyright Nokia and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
In case of any issues please create a GitHub issue, while also any contributions are warmly welcome in the form of GitHub merge requests.