mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone
In the hbird_webots package, the files of importance are:
hbird_webots folder
- scripts folder for any supplementary python scripts that are not nodes
- file which is the ROS node that receives position setpoints from the agent_control_node and executes them on the drones in Webots
launch folder
-, the launch file for the flight arena using one HB vehicle
protos folder
- meshes folder, holds all .obj files for each CAD (racks, dropoff bins, and takeoff pads) along with their respective.mtl files, and the STL_files folder holds the STL files for the base body of the drone and the propeller
- textures folder, holds the .jpg images for the colors of the rack bins and the image displayed in Webots when the propellers move quickly
- Mark2Assembly.proto is the proto file for the Mark 2 drone
resource folder
- hbird_drone.urdf is the URDF file that the webots_ros_driver ROS node uses to connect the controller and sensor plugins declared in the URDF to the robot in Webots
worlds folder
- flight_arena.wbt, the Webots world file that contains a simple, empty flight arena