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F28WP - The Dream Team

Group: The Dream Team

Aim: MMO/RPG style game

Build Status


  1. We first discussed the project, and how many parts the game will take to make
  2. Divide parts, ability wise (everyone tried to contribute one way or another)
  3. Meet-up weekly on Wednesday to discuss our progress and what can we do next if anyone needs helps we will orginise more meetings to help one another

Game idea:

  1. Online multiplayer rpg style game where generated enemies with different level of difficulty and make them go against the player
  2. enemies levels will be comparible with the player so the difficulty level will be reasonble
  3. Thinking about making a shop so players can buy HP or weapons but if it got complicated we have an alternative plan we plan on making enemies throw weapons and HP after they die so players can loot them and hiding treasure boxes containing HP/weapons
  4. Going to use pixel art
  5. When it comes to music we either make something up using an app or we use free music online (depends on time and abilities)
  6. Maybe each player will have a skills sheet which can improve when level up and get abilities

Things we've done/working to improve:

  1. Start menu with sliding background
  2. Working on improving enemy AI
  3. Made the character selection page more interactive
  4. The option menu now has sliders for the music volume
  5. Added more images to use in the game such as heart, world map, skeleton...etc
  6. Add a health = 100 to the player's contructor class

Game play ideas:

Either shooter or swords

Roles and tasks

Diego to do:
  1. Making options page which links the start menu with an option html page - Completed
  2. Characters imagies - Completed
  3. Fix wide archer box on character selection page - completed
  4. Sliding background image for charachter selection, start menu...etc - completed
Haia to do:
  1. Make start_menu page and Link "start game" with an HTML page called character selection - completed
  2. Make a character_selection html page and build it up - completed
  3. Make basic character's health system in player.js - completed
  4. design the world map using a program called Tiled - completed
  5. Make a continue css and stylised the html continue page - completed
  6. Helped with drawing some of the buildings...etc - completed
Ollie to do:
  1. Add create-account system - completed
  2. Add security - completed
  3. Add NoSQL database - completed
  4. Add log-in system - completed
  5. Add player collisions - completed
  6. Create UI - completed
  7. Create and implement database - completed
  8. Create player profile/saving - completed
  9. Finish map parser - completed


Group project for F28WP 2020





Contributors 3
