What Works:
- Metal
- Apple Store
- Ethernet (intel 1219v)
- Sleep/Wake
- Sound - Headphones (front), Internal Speaker (rear), Microphone (rear) (via FakePCIID patch kext).
- CPU/GPU identified correctly in System Properties
- Bluetooth - (from stock intel ax200 m.2) 21-jul-2020 now uisng OpenIntelWireless for the bluetooth much more stable
What doesn't yet
- Ethernet (2.5Gb)
-21-jul-2020 - now using OpenCanopy -21-jul-2020 - cleaned up kexts, the unused ones now removed -21-jul-2020 - redid the portmapping through hackintool (kext is now USBPorts.kext)
All images (todo:markup relevant changes) Bios Images