diff --git a/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingEndpoint.cs b/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingEndpoint.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617af78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingEndpoint.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace OpenAI_API.Embedding
+ ///
+ /// OpenAI’s text embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings by generating an embedding, which is a vector (list) of floating point numbers. The distance between two vectors measures their relatedness. Small distances suggest high relatedness and large distances suggest low relatedness.
+ ///
+ public class EmbeddingEndpoint : EndpointBase
+ {
+ ///
+ /// This allows you to send request to the recommended model without needing to specify. Every request uses the model
+ ///
+ public EmbeddingRequest DefaultEmbeddingRequestArgs { get; set; } = new EmbeddingRequest() { Model = Model.AdaTextEmbedding };
+ ///
+ /// The name of the endpoint, which is the final path segment in the API URL. For example, "embeddings".
+ ///
+ protected override string Endpoint { get { return "embeddings"; } }
+ ///
+ /// Constructor of the api endpoint. Rather than instantiating this yourself, access it through an instance of as .
+ ///
+ ///
+ internal EmbeddingEndpoint(OpenAIAPI api) : base(api) { }
+ ///
+ /// Ask the API to embedd text using the default embedding model
+ ///
+ /// Text to be embedded
+ /// Asynchronously returns the embedding result. Look in its property of to find the vector of floating point numbers
+ public async Task CreateEmbeddingAsync(string input)
+ {
+ EmbeddingRequest req = new EmbeddingRequest(DefaultEmbeddingRequestArgs.Model, input);
+ return await CreateEmbeddingAsync(req);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Ask the API to embedd text using a custom request
+ ///
+ /// Request to be send
+ /// Asynchronously returns the embedding result. Look in its property of to find the vector of floating point numbers
+ public async Task CreateEmbeddingAsync(EmbeddingRequest request)
+ {
+ return await HttpPost(postData: request);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Ask the API to embedd text using the default embedding model
+ ///
+ /// Text to be embedded
+ /// Asynchronously returns the first embedding result as an array of floats.
+ public async Task GetEmbeddingsAsync(string input)
+ {
+ EmbeddingRequest req = new EmbeddingRequest(DefaultEmbeddingRequestArgs.Model, input);
+ var embeddingResult = await CreateEmbeddingAsync(req);
+ return embeddingResult?.Data?[0]?.Embedding;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingRequest.cs b/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingRequest.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ffb12f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingRequest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace OpenAI_API.Embedding
+ ///
+ /// Represents a request to the Completions API. Matches with the docs at the OpenAI docs
+ ///
+ public class EmbeddingRequest
+ {
+ ///
+ /// ID of the model to use. You can use to see all of your available models, or use a standard model like .
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("model")]
+ public string Model { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Main text to be embedded
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("input")]
+ public string Input { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Cretes a new, empty
+ ///
+ public EmbeddingRequest()
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new with the specified parameters
+ ///
+ /// The model to use. You can use to see all of your available models, or use a standard model like .
+ /// The prompt to transform
+ public EmbeddingRequest(Model model, string input)
+ {
+ Model = model;
+ this.Input = input;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new with the specified input and the model.
+ ///
+ /// The prompt to transform
+ public EmbeddingRequest(string input)
+ {
+ Model = OpenAI_API.Model.AdaTextEmbedding;
+ this.Input = input;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingResult.cs b/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingResult.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..611b172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAI_API/Embedding/EmbeddingResult.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace OpenAI_API.Embedding
+ ///
+ /// Represents an embedding result returned by the Embedding API.
+ ///
+ public class EmbeddingResult : ApiResultBase
+ {
+ ///
+ /// List of results of the embedding
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("data")]
+ public List Data { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Usage statistics of how many tokens have been used for this request
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("usage")]
+ public Usage Usage { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Allows an EmbeddingResult to be implicitly cast to the array of floats repsresenting the first ebmedding result
+ ///
+ /// The to cast to an array of floats.
+ public static implicit operator float[](EmbeddingResult embeddingResult)
+ {
+ return embeddingResult.Data.FirstOrDefault()?.Embedding;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Data returned from the Embedding API.
+ ///
+ public class Data
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Type of the response. In case of Data, this will be "embedding"
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("object")]
+ public string Object { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The input text represented as a vector (list) of floating point numbers
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("embedding")]
+ public float[] Embedding { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Index
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("index")]
+ public int Index { get; set; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Usage statistics of how many tokens have been used for this request.
+ ///
+ public class Usage
+ {
+ ///
+ /// How many tokens did the prompt consist of
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("prompt_tokens")]
+ public int PromptTokens { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// How many tokens did the request consume total
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty("total_tokens")]
+ public int TotalTokens { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/OpenAI_API/OpenAIAPI.cs b/OpenAI_API/OpenAIAPI.cs
index e91b695..93f21e0 100644
--- a/OpenAI_API/OpenAIAPI.cs
+++ b/OpenAI_API/OpenAIAPI.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
using OpenAI_API.Files;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using OpenAI_API.Embedding;
using System;
namespace OpenAI_API
@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ public class OpenAIAPI
/// Base url for OpenAI
public string ApiUrlBase = "https://api.openai.com/v1/";
/// The API authentication information to use for API calls
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ public OpenAIAPI(APIAuthentication apiKeys = null)
Completions = new CompletionEndpoint(this);
Models = new ModelsEndpoint(this);
//Search = new SearchEndpoint(this);
- Files = new FilesEndpoint(this);
+ Embeddings = new EmbeddingEndpoint(this);
@@ -36,6 +38,11 @@ public OpenAIAPI(APIAuthentication apiKeys = null)
public CompletionEndpoint Completions { get; }
+ ///
+ /// The API lets you transform text into a vector (list) of floating point numbers. The distance between two vectors measures their relatedness. Small distances suggest high relatedness and large distances suggest low relatedness.
+ ///
+ public EmbeddingEndpoint Embeddings { get; }
/// The API endpoint for querying available Engines/models
diff --git a/OpenAI_Tests/EmbeddingEndpointTests.cs b/OpenAI_Tests/EmbeddingEndpointTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ecfaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAI_Tests/EmbeddingEndpointTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using OpenAI_API;
+using OpenAI_API.Embedding;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace OpenAI_Tests
+ public class EmbeddingEndpointTests
+ {
+ [SetUp]
+ public void Setup()
+ {
+ OpenAI_API.APIAuthentication.Default = new OpenAI_API.APIAuthentication(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEST_OPENAI_SECRET_KEY"));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void GetBasicEmbedding()
+ {
+ var api = new OpenAI_API.OpenAIAPI();
+ Assert.IsNotNull(api.Embeddings);
+ var results = api.Embeddings.CreateEmbeddingAsync(new EmbeddingRequest(Model.AdaTextEmbedding, "A test text for embedding")).Result;
+ Assert.IsNotNull(results);
+ Assert.NotNull(results.Object);
+ Assert.NotZero(results.Data.Count);
+ Assert.That(results.Data.First().Embedding.Length == 1536);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void GetSimpleEmbedding()
+ {
+ var api = new OpenAI_API.OpenAIAPI();
+ Assert.IsNotNull(api.Embeddings);
+ var results = api.Embeddings.GetEmbeddingsAsync("A test text for embedding").Result;
+ Assert.IsNotNull(results);
+ Assert.That(results.Length == 1536);
+ }
+ }