An RTMP ingestion server + API server packaged as docker containers for managing and controlling streams, restreams, and archives.
This is the backbone of livestreaming for []
Utilizing tech such as NGINX, ffmpeg, node.js, and docker.
Updating Server: (an easier method is available via server-scritps)
docker pull lbry/livestream-api:latest
docker pull lbry/livestream-nginx:latest
docker-compose up --build -d
Updating Dev Server:
docker pull lbry/livestream-api:dev
docker pull lbry/livestream-ngix:dev
docker-compose up --build -d
Rebuild & View logs:
docker-compose up --build -d && docker-compose logs --tail 25 -f
View Logs: (an easier method is available via server-scritps)
docker-compose logs --tail 25 -f
Build NGINX server:
cd nginx-server
docker build -t lbry/livestream-nginx:latest .
- or -
docker-compose build
Build API server:
cd api-server
docker build -t lbry/livestream-api:latest .
- or -
docker-compose build
Push updated containers to docker:
docker push lbry/livestream-nginx
docker push lbry/livestream-api
Exec bash into running container:
docker exec -it [containerId] bash
Docker-Compose start server:
docker-compose up
Docker-Compose build & run detached:
docker-compose up --build -d
Update Restart & Show Logs:
docker pull lbry/livestream-api && \
docker pull lbry/livestream-nginx && \
docker-compose up --build -d && \
docker-compose restart && \
docker-compose logs --tail 25 -f
These basically do what is described above, but without requiring as much typing.
To execute the follow commands, preface them with: npm run COMMAND
Build API Service, tag as dev
Build NGINX Service, tag as dev
Push API Server image, tagged as dev
Push NGINX Server image, tagged as dev
Build ALL Services, tagged as dev
Push ALL Services image, tagged as dev
(This is the most convenient command)
One shot build and push ALL services, tagged as dev
see: server-scripts
Currently, the following commands are available:
Updates and restarts ingestion server.
Show docker logs for odysee-media-server
(aka I no longer remember the context of these commands, and they are probably not needed)
Cache Builder:
docker build \
--target builder \
-t lbry/bitwave-media-server:builder .
Build from cache:
docker build \
--cache-from lbry/bitwave-media-server:builder \
--cache-from lbry/bitwave-media-server:latest \
-t lbry/bitwave-media-server:latest .