- 咩係工具使用設計模式?
- 呢個模式適用於咩場景?
- 實現呢個設計模式需要嘅元素/組成部分係咩?
- 喺建立可信賴嘅AI代理時,使用工具使用設計模式需要注意啲咩特別事項?
- 定義工具使用設計模式及其目的。
- 識別適用工具使用設計模式嘅場景。
- 理解實現呢個設計模式所需嘅關鍵元素。
- 認識使用呢個設計模式時,確保AI代理可信賴嘅考量。
- 動態信息檢索: 代理可以查詢外部API或者數據庫,獲取最新數據(例如查詢SQLite數據庫進行數據分析、獲取股票價格或者天氣信息)。
- 代碼執行與解釋: 代理可以執行代碼或者腳本,解決數學問題、生成報告或者進行模擬。
- 工作流自動化: 通過集成工具(例如任務調度器、電子郵件服務或者數據管道),自動化重複或者多步驟工作流。
- 客戶支持: 代理可以與CRM系統、工單平台或者知識庫互動,解答用戶問題。
- 內容生成與編輯: 代理可以利用工具,例如語法檢查器、文本摘要生成器或者內容安全評估工具,協助完成內容創建任務。
- 一個支持函數調用嘅LLM模型
- 一個包含函數描述嘅結構(schema)
- 每個描述中提到嘅函數代碼
唔係所有模型都支持函數調用,所以確認你用嘅LLM支持呢個功能好重要。Azure OpenAI支持函數調用。我哋可以由初始化Azure OpenAI客戶端開始。
# Initialize the Azure OpenAI client client = AzureOpenAI( azure_endpoint = os.getenv("AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT"), api_key=os.getenv("AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY"), api_version="2024-05-01-preview" )
接住,我哋會定義一個JSON結構,包含函數名稱、函數用途嘅描述,以及函數參數嘅名稱同描述。 然後,我哋會將呢個結構同用戶請求一齊傳俾之前創建嘅客戶端,請求查詢三藩市嘅時間。需要注意嘅係,返回嘅係工具調用,而唔係問題嘅最終答案。如之前提到,LLM返回咗佢為任務選擇嘅函數名稱同將會傳遞俾函數嘅參數。
# Function description for the model to read tools = [ { "type": "function", "function": { "name": "get_current_time", "description": "Get the current time in a given location", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "location": { "type": "string", "description": "The city name, e.g. San Francisco", }, }, "required": ["location"], }, } } ]
# Initial user message messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "What's the current time in San Francisco"}] # First API call: Ask the model to use the function response = client.chat.completions.create( model=deployment_name, messages=messages, tools=tools, tool_choice="auto", ) # Process the model's response response_message = response.choices[0].message messages.append(response_message) print("Model's response:") print(response_message)
Model's response: ChatCompletionMessage(content=None, role='assistant', function_call=None, tool_calls=[ChatCompletionMessageToolCall(id='call_pOsKdUlqvdyttYB67MOj434b', function=Function(arguments='{"location":"San Francisco"}', name='get_current_time'), type='function')])
而家LLM已經選擇咗需要運行嘅函數,接住就需要實現並執行完成任務嘅代碼。 我哋可以用Python實現查詢當前時間嘅代碼。同時,我哋亦需要編寫代碼,從response_message中提取名稱同參數以獲取最終結果。
def get_current_time(location): """Get the current time for a given location""" print(f"get_current_time called with location: {location}") location_lower = location.lower() for key, timezone in TIMEZONE_DATA.items(): if key in location_lower: print(f"Timezone found for {key}") current_time = datetime.now(ZoneInfo(timezone)).strftime("%I:%M %p") return json.dumps({ "location": location, "current_time": current_time }) print(f"No timezone data found for {location_lower}") return json.dumps({"location": location, "current_time": "unknown"})
# Handle function calls if response_message.tool_calls: for tool_call in response_message.tool_calls: if tool_call.function.name == "get_current_time": function_args = json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments) time_response = get_current_time( location=function_args.get("location") ) messages.append({ "tool_call_id": tool_call.id, "role": "tool", "name": "get_current_time", "content": time_response, }) else: print("No tool calls were made by the model.") # Second API call: Get the final response from the model final_response = client.chat.completions.create( model=deployment_name, messages=messages, ) return final_response.choices[0].message.content
get_current_time called with location: San Francisco Timezone found for san francisco The current time in San Francisco is 09:24 AM.
函數調用係大部分(如果唔係全部)代理工具使用設計嘅核心,但從零開始實現有時會有挑戰。 正如我哋喺第二課學到,代理框架為我哋提供咗預構建嘅組件,方便實現工具使用。
Semantic Kernel係一個開源嘅AI框架,適合用.NET、Python同Java開發大型語言模型(LLMs)嘅開發者。佢透過一個叫做序列化嘅過程,自動將你嘅函數同參數描述傳遞俾模型,簡化咗使用函數調用嘅過程。佢仲處理模型同你代碼之間嘅雙向通信。使用代理框架例如Semantic Kernel嘅另一個好處係,你可以訪問預構建嘅工具,例如文件搜索同代碼解釋器。
以下圖解展示咗使用Semantic Kernel進行函數調用嘅過程:
喺Semantic Kernel中,函數/工具被稱為插件。我哋可以將
function we saw earlier into a plugin by turning it into a class with the function in it. We can also import thekernel_function
裝飾器,加入函數描述。當你用GetCurrentTimePlugin創建內核時,內核會自動序列化函數同佢嘅參數,喺呢個過程中創建結構發送俾LLM。from semantic_kernel.functions import kernel_function class GetCurrentTimePlugin: async def __init__(self, location): self.location = location @kernel_function( description="Get the current time for a given location" ) def get_current_time(location: str = ""): ...
from semantic_kernel import Kernel # Create the kernel kernel = Kernel() # Create the plugin get_current_time_plugin = GetCurrentTimePlugin(location) # Add the plugin to the kernel kernel.add_plugin(get_current_time_plugin)
Azure AI Agent Service係一個較新嘅代理框架,旨喺幫助開發者安全地構建、部署同擴展高質量同可擴展嘅AI代理,而唔需要管理底層嘅計算同存儲資源。呢個框架對企業應用特別有用,因為佢係一個完全託管嘅服務,並提供企業級別嘅安全性。
同直接用LLM API開發相比,Azure AI Agent Service提供咗以下優勢:
預構建工具——可以用嚟與數據源交互嘅工具,例如Bing、Azure AI Search同Azure Functions。
Azure AI Agent Service提供嘅工具可以分為兩類:
Agent Service允許我哋將呢啲工具作為一個
. It also utilizesthreads
which keep track of the history of messages from a particular conversation.Imagine you are a sales agent at a company called Contoso. You want to develop a conversational agent that can answer questions about your sales data.
The image below illustrates how you could use Azure AI Agent Service to analyze your sales data:
To use any of these tools with the service we can create a client and define a tool or toolset. To implement this practically we can use the Python code below. The LLM will be able to look at the toolset and decide whether to use the user created function,
,或者根據用戶請求使用預構建嘅代碼解釋器。import os from azure.ai.projects import AIProjectClient from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from fecth_sales_data_functions import fetch_sales_data_using_sqlite_query # fetch_sales_data_using_sqlite_query function which can be found in a fecth_sales_data_functions.py file. from azure.ai.projects.models import ToolSet, FunctionTool, CodeInterpreterTool project_client = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string( credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), conn_str=os.environ["PROJECT_CONNECTION_STRING"], ) # Initialize function calling agent with the fetch_sales_data_using_sqlite_query function and adding it to the toolset fetch_data_function = FunctionTool(fetch_sales_data_using_sqlite_query) toolset = ToolSet() toolset.add(fetch_data_function) # Initialize Code Interpreter tool and adding it to the toolset. code_interpreter = code_interpreter = CodeInterpreterTool() toolset = ToolSet() toolset.add(code_interpreter) agent = project_client.agents.create_agent( model="gpt-4o-mini", name="my-agent", instructions="You are helpful agent", toolset=toolset )
使用LLM動態生成嘅SQL通常會引起安全問題,特別係SQL注入或者惡意操作(例如刪除或者篡改數據庫)嘅風險。雖然呢啲擔憂係合理嘅,但可以通過正確配置數據庫訪問權限有效減輕呢啲風險。對於大多數數據庫,呢個過程包括將數據庫設置為只讀模式。對於例如PostgreSQL或者Azure SQL嘅數據庫服務,應該為應用程序分配只讀(SELECT)角色。
- Azure AI Agents Service Workshop
- Contoso Creative Writer Multi-Agent Workshop
- Semantic Kernel Function Calling Tutorial
- Semantic Kernel Code Interpreter
- Autogen Tools