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Table of Contents

1. Pythonic Thinking

Item 1: Know Which Version of Python You're Using

  • Check which version of Python you are using:

    • From the command line: python --version
    • Inside Python: import sys; print(sys.version)
  • Prefer Python 3 over Python 2.

Item 2: Follow the PEP 8 Style Guide

  • Follow the PEP 8 style guide.

Item 3: Know the Differences Between bytes, str and unicode

  • Python 3: two types represent sequences of characters:

    • bytes: contain raw 8-bit values.
    • str: contain Unicode characters.
  • Python 2: two types represent sequences of characters:

    • str: contain raw 8-bit values.
    • unicode: contain Unicode characters.
  • str instances in Python 2 and unicode instances in Python 3 do not have an associated binary encoding.

  • The encode method converts Unicode chars to binary data.

  • The decode method converts binary data to Unicode chars.

  • In Python 3, UTF-8 is the default encoding when dealing with files handles. In Python 2, file operations use binary encoding. To read/write binary data to files with Python 3, use the 'rb'/'wb' modes.

Item 4: Write Helper Functions Instead of Complex Expressions

  • Python syntax allows us to write very complex expressions in dense blocks of code. These blocks are hard to read, understand and maintain.

  • Complex expressions should be written inside helper functions. This will keep the code more readable and maintainable.

  • if / else expressions are more readable than using Boolean operators (e.g. or, and) in expressions.

Item 5: Know How to Slice Sequences

  • Avoid using 0 to index the start of a list and len(somelist) to index its end.

  • Slicing deals with indices that are outside of the list boundaries. Errors aren't generated in these cases.

  • When assigning to a slice, the slice will be replaced by the right-hand side operand of the assignment. The the right-hand side operand size can be different from the slice size.

Item 6: Avoid Using start, end and stride in a Single Slice

  • Specifying start, end and stride in a slice can be confusing.

  • Avoid negative stride values as they are confusing. If possible, use positive stride values without start or end indices.

  • If you need to use start, end and stride in a single slice, it's better to use two assignments: one to slice and another to stride.

Item 7: Use List Comprehensions Instead of map and filter

  • List comprehensions are clearer than map and filter as they don't require lambda expressions.

  • List comprehensions can be used for mapping and filtering.

  • Dictionaries and sets can also use comprehensions.

Item 8: Avoid More Than Two Expressions in List Comprehensions

  • List comprehensions support multiple levels of looping.

  • List comprehensions with more than two expressions should be avoided. ifs and fors should be used instead.

Item 9: Consider Generator Expressions for Large Comprehensions

  • List comprehensions create a new list, so they can be very slow for complex operations and can consume too much memory for large inputs.

  • For these cases, use generator expressions instead of list comprehensions, since they act as iterators.

  • Generator expressions can be chained by using one expression inside another. This works very quickly.

Item 10: Prefer enumerate Over range

  • If you want to iterate a list and get the index of the elements, use enumerate instead of range:
for i in some_list:
    print("{}: {}".format(i, some_list[i]))
for i, element in enumerate(some_list):
    print("{}: {}".format(i, element))

Item 11: Use zip to Process Iterators in Parallel

  • If you want to iterate multiple iterators simultaneously, use zip (or izip from itertools for Python 2).

  • zip truncates iterators that are larger than the smallest provided iterator. Use zip_longest from itertools to iterate through everything.

  • Python 3: zip is a lazy generator that produces tuples.

  • Python 2: zip is not a generator, so the full result as a list of tuples is returned. Instead, use izip from itertools.

Item 12: Avoid else Blocks After for and while Loops

  • It's possible to use else after for and while loops to check if these loops ended. That is, if the loops were not broken.

  • This should be avoided as the behavior can be confusing. Instead, write helper functions.

Item 13: Take Advantage of Each Block in try/except/else/finally

  • The finally is executed even if an exception is raised.

  • When try does not raise an exception, the else block will run.

  • The else block ensures that some code won't be accidentally caught by the except block.

2. Functions

Item 14: Prefer Exceptions to Returning None

  • To handle an error inside a function, don't return None. Instead, raise exceptions to indicate special situations.

Item 15: Know How Closures Interact with Variable Scope

  • Functions can be nested.

  • Functions are first-class objects in Python, so you can pass them as arguments to other functions.

  • Nested functions can access local variables from the enclosing scope. If they do that when they are executed outside of this scope, they are called closures.

  • Closures can't modify variables from the enclosing scope unless you declare them as nonlocal (Python 3). Python 2 doesn't support nonlocal, so lists -- since they are mutable -- can be used instead.

  • nonlocal shoud be avoided if the closure behavior starts to get complex. Instead, classes can be used (see Item 23).

Item 16: Consider Generators Instead of Returning Lists

  • When creating a function that returns a large sequence of results, consider using a generator instead of a list.

Item 17: Be Defensive When Iterating Over Arguments

  • An iterator produces its results a single time only.

  • When an iterator does not have more items to be iterated, it will produce a StopIteration exception on the next next call.

  • No errors are produced when an exhausted iterator is iterated with for.

  • One solution is making a copy of the iterator by calling it as an argument to list(). However, this will consume the entire iterator, which may be inefficient and cause memory errors.

  • A better alternative is to provide a new container class implementing the iterator protocol.

Iterator vs iterable

An iterable is an object that has an __iter__ method which returns an iterator, or which defines a __getitem__ method that can take sequential indexes starting from zero (and raises an IndexError when the indexes are no longer valid). So an iterable is an object that you can get an iterator from. An iterator is an object with a next (Python 2) or __next__ (Python 3) method. Whenever you use a for loop, or map, or a list comprehension etc. in Python, the next method is called automatically to get each item from the iterator, thus going through the process of iteration. Source

Example: lists are iterables, but not iterators.

Item 18: Reduce Visual Noise with Variable Positional Arguments

  • Python functions can have arbitrary positional arguments. To do so, use *args as an argument to a function.

  • Lists and tuples can be unpacked with the * operator.

  • Using the * operator with generators can be hazardous, as the entire generator will be consumed before calling the function.

  • Adding new positional parameters to functions with *args will require a change in every place that calls the function.

Item 19: Provide Optional Behavior with Keyword Arguments

  • Arguments can be passed by position or by keyword.

  • Positional arguments must be specified before keyword arguments.

  • Keyword arguments improve code readability.

  • Some arguments can have a default value. Arguments that have a default value are optional.

    def func(a, b, c=20):
       print(a, b, c)
    func(1, 2)
    # 1 2 20
    # TypeError: func() missing 1 required positional argument: 'b'
  • If an existing function is to be modified, use keyword arguments so you don't have to rewrite the existing calls to this functions.

Item 20: Use None and Docstrings to Specify Dynamic Default Arguments

  • Default arguments are evaluated only during the function definition when a module is loaded.

  • Don't use dynamic values (functions, lists, dicts) as default arguments.

  • Instead, use a default value of None, and inside the function modify the argument value if it is None. Use Docstrings to document default values.

Item 21: Enforce Clarity With Keyword-Only Arguments

  • In Python 3, to enforce the use of keyword-only arguments instead of positional ones, use * as the end of positional arguments.

    def some_func(a, b, c, *, d=0, e=1):
      print(a, b, c, d, e)  
    some_func(1, 2, 3)
    # 1 2 3 0 1
    some_func(1, 2, 3, 4) 
    # TypeError: some_func() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
  • Use **kwargs as an argument to a function that will receive a variable number of keyword arguments.

  • The ** operator can be used in dictionaries to unpack them to keyword arguments.

3. Classes and Inheritance

Item 22: Prefer Helper Classes Over Bookkeeping with Dictionaries and Tuples

  • Dictionarys are good for simple bookkeeping. However, the code can get messy if a more complex bookkeeping is necessary (e.g. dictionaries as values of other dictionary).

  • namedtuple can be used as a simple data container, but it has some limitations: no default arguments; attributes accessible trough numerical indexes.

Item 23: Accept Functions for Simple Interface Instead of Classes

  • Functions accept functions as arguments (functions are first-class objects).

  • Functions can keep state with stateful closures, but they are not very readable.

  • The __call__ method allows objects to be called like functions.

  • Use classes that implement __call__ when a function that maintains state is needed.

Item 24: Use @classmethod Polymorphism to Construct Objects Generically

  • Python only supports one __init__ (constructor) per class.

  • Use @classmethod to define alternative constructors to classes. Class methods receive a class as their first parameter, allowing the construction of new instances. This allows the creation of objects in addition to __init__.

Item 25: Initialize Parent Classes with super

  • It's possible to call superclass constructors with ClassName.init(), but this may cause issues such as the diamond problem and confusion with the ordering of the calls.

  • Instead, we should use super().__init()__. It solves the diamond problem by calling comon superclasses' __init__s only once and respecting the MRO (Method Resolution Order) for all superclasses.

  • In Python 2, it's necessary to pass the class name and self to super (e.g. super(ClassName, self).__init()__). In Python 3, these arguments aren't needed (super().__init()__).

  • To see the MRO of a class, run ClassName.mro().

Item 26: Use Multiple Inheritance Only for Mix-in Utility Classes

  • Avoid multiple inheritance.

  • Use Mix-ins to provide features to a class.

  • Mix-ins can be composed (using multiple inheritance) to extend the classes behaviors.

  • Override Mix-in methods in derived classes if necessary.

Item 27: Prefer Public Attributes Over Private Ones

  • Private attributes are defined by starting them with __ (e.g. __private_func()). Python makes them private by renaming them to _<ClassName>__<attribute_name>, so they can be accessed if wanted (this can be checked with instance.__dict__).

  • Fields starting with _ are defined as protected by the PEP-8 convention. This means that these fields should be used externally with care.

  • It's a good practice to document protected attributes to guide subclasses and instead of restrict they as private.

  • Only use private attributes to avoid naming problems.

Item 28: Inherit from for Custom Container Types

  • Sometimes, we want to extend some built-in types (e.g. creating a list with additional features). To do so, we can create a class that inherits from the desired type.

  • Other times, you don't want to create subclasses of types, but want similar behaviors. For instance, you want to have sequence semantics but for data types that are not lists (e.g. trees). To do so, you can implement some special methods such as __getitem__ and __len__.

  • To implement custom containers, use "abstract base classes" ( This will require that you implement some abstract methods.

  • also provides mixins for your containers.

4. Metaclasses and Attributes

Item 29: Use Plain Attributes Instead of Get and Set Methods

  • Don't write getters / setters in Python. Instead, define public attributes on __init__.

  • Use the @property decorator and its corresponding setter to add special behavior (type checking, value checking, modifying internal state etc.) to attributes.

  • Avoid weird side effects when using @property.

  • Don't use slow / complex behaviors with @property.

Item 30: Consider @property Instead of Refactoring Attributes

  • Extend existing attributes functionality with @property.

  • Refactor a class when it uses @property too much.

Item 31: Use Descriptors for Reusable @property Methods

  • When you read an attribute of a Python object -- let's say obj.attr, Python will lookup the value in the object dictionary (obj.__dict__['attr']). If it doesn't found it, it will look in the class (type(obj).__dict__['attr']) dict, and then it will continue through the base classes of type(obj).

  • Objects that have a definition for any of __get__(), __set__(), or __delete__() are called descriptors. These special functions can define additional behavior for when you get, set or delete an object.

  • When reading the attribute of an object that has __get__() defined, instead of only accessing the value of the attribute in the dict, __get__() will be executed: obj.__dict__['attr'].__get__(obj, type(obj)). The behaviors for __set__() and __delete__().

  • Descriptors work like the @property decorator, but can be reused.

  • If you set a class member as a descriptor class, be careful when using __get__(), __set__(), and __delete__(). It may be necessary to store values in a dictionary where the keys are the instance of the class who has the decorators as class members.

  • Use a WeakKeyDictionary to keep avoid memory leaks when bookkeeping with descriptors.

Item 32: Use __getattr__, __getattribute__, and __setattr__ for Lazy Attributes

  • __getattr__ is called every time an attribute can't be found in an object's instance dictionary (that is, the object attributes). It's not called if the attribute exists. More formally, it is called when the default attribute access raises an AttributeError.

  • __getattribute__ is called every time an attribute is accessed, even if it exists in __dict__. __getattr__ will be called if __getattribute__ raises AttributeError or explicitly calls it.

  • __setattr__ is called every time an attribute is assigned to an object.

  • __getattr__ can be used for lazy initialization. That is, it can be used to add an attribute on its first access.

  • __getattribute__ is called every time an object's attribute is accessed, even if they exist in the attribute dictionary. It's called by the hasattr and getattr methods.

  • To avoid infinite recursion in __getattribute__ and __setattr__, call these methods from super() for subclasses.

  • setattr adds an attribute to an object. setattr(x, 'foobar', 123) is equivalent to x.foobar = 123.

  • getattr gets the value of an attribute. getattr(x, 'foobar') is equivalent to x.foobar.

Item 33: Validate Subclasses with Metaclasses

  • Metaclasses are defined by inheriting from type.

  • Metaclasses are associated with classes by passing the metaclass argument to class definitions. Example: class Foo(metaclass=MetaFoo):.

  • Metaclasses have access to the name of the class, the parent classes, and all class attributes defined in the class's body.

  • Metaclasses can be used to enforce style and behavior in classes.

See also: What are metaclasses in Python?

Item 34: Register Class Existence with Metaclasses

  • __new__ is used to create an instance of a class (i.e. an object). __init__ is called right after the creation of an instance, and it is used to initialize it.

  • Class registration can be automatically performed with metaclasses and the __new__ method.

Item 35: Annotate Class Attributes with Metaclasses

  • Metaclasses can be used to annotate or modify properties after a class is defined, but before it is used.

6. Built-in Modules

Item 42: Define Function Decorators with functools.wraps

  • Decorators add extra functionality to functions. It's possible to do something everytime -- before and after -- a function is called.

  • Use functools.wraps as a decorator to your own decorators. This will make help() and type() return the expected results for a decorated function.

Item 43: Consider contextlib and with Statements for Reusable try/finally Behavior

  • The with statement is used to wrap the execution of a block with methods defined by a context manager.

  • The with statement is a more convenient way to run a code in a special context (that requires preparation and cleanup) than try/except/finally statements.

  • Context managers can be implemented by defining the methods __enter__ and __exit__ for a class.

  • To implement a context manager for a function without defining a new class, use the contextmanager decorator from contextlib (from contextlib import contextmanager). This allows the function to be used in with statements.

  • A with statement can have a target, defined as a variable that goes after the as in a with statement.

    with open('file.txt', 'w') as f:


Item 44: Make pickle Reliable with copyreg

  • The pickle module can be used to serialize/deserialize objects in Python.

  • The pickle module is unsafe (in constrast, JSON is safe), so a Python program should only unpickle data from a trusted source.

  • If you modify a class (e.g., add/remove attributes, rename the class etc.), unpickling a pickle of it may break the code. To prevent this, use copyreg to register pickle support functions.

Item 45: Use datetime Instead of time for Local Clocks

  • Use the datetime built-in module to operate with time zones.

  • datetime has more features than time.

  • datetime doesn't have all time zones. To work with alternative time zones, use pytz or pendulum.

  • Always represent and store time in UTC and do time zone conversion as the last step, when necessary.


Item 46: Use Built-in Algorithms and Data Structures

Item 47: Use decimal When Precision Is Paramount

  • Python has a built-in module for fast correctly-rounded decimal floating point arithmetic: decimal. Use it when numerical precision and exact rounding is desired.

Item 48: Know Where to Find Community-Built Modules

  • Python has a central repository of modules, created and maintained by the community: the Python Package Index - PyPI (

  • Use pip and pip3 (Python 3) to install and manage packages from PyPI.

  • pip is installed by default in Python 3.4.

7. Collaboration

Item 49: Write Docstrings for Every Function, Class, and Module

  • Python provides built-in support for attaching documentation to blocks of code. The documentation is available as the program runs with the __doc__ attribute.

  • The help built-in function can be used to display the documentation in the interactive interpreter.

  • Docstrings can be converted to more readable formats with tools such as Sphinx.

  • Write documentation for every module, class and function. Keep them updated. If necessary, use doctest.

  • Try to follow PEP 257 -- Docstring Conventions.

Item 50: Use Packages to Organize Modules and Provide Stable APIs

  • Packages are defined by adding an file in a directory.

  • Packages are modules that contain other modules.

  • A module is a single file, whereas a package is a collection of modules in an hierarchy.

  • PEP 420 introduces Implicit Namespace Packages.

  • The first use of packages is to help divide your modules into separated namespaces.

  • Packages can be aliased:

    from package_a.utils import func1
    from package_b.utils import func1 as func1_b
  • The second use of packages is to provide stable APIs.

  • The default behaviour of from foo import * is to load every symbol that doesn't start with _.

  • Python can limit APIs by using the __all__ special attribute. __all__ is a list of every name that will be accessible in the public API (from foo import *).

  • Avoid from foo import *:

    • import * hides source names for new readers of the code.
    • import * overwrites conflicting names.
  • Instead, import the top-level module, and use it as a prefix (e.g. import foo; foo.func).

Item 51: Define a Root Exception to Insulate Callers from APIs

  • Python has a builtin hierarchy of exceptions for the language and the standard library.

  • For APIs, it's better to define your own hierarchy of Exceptions instead of using builtin exceptions (e.g. class MyAPIException(Exception)).

  • Having a root exception in a module makes it easy for API users to catch all exceptions raised by the API.

  • If API users catch a root API, they can investigate if they should be catching a more specific exception instead, and thus using the API more correctly.

  • If a non-root exception is thrown by the API, there's a bug in its implementation. Root Exceptions make it easier to find these bugs.

Item 52: Know How to Break Circular Dependencies

  • When a module is imported, Python will search in the following order:

    1. Searches for the module in locations from sys.path.
    2. Loads the code from the module and ensures it compiles.
    3. Creates a corresponding empty module object.
    4. Inserts the module into sys.modules.
    5. Run the code in the module object to define its contents.
  • Circular dependencies may occur. Example: In file, you import bar, and in file you import foo. This will throw an AttributeError.

  • One solution to circular dependencies is to add imports in the middle of a source code. However, this goes against PEP-8.

  • A second solution is to avoid running code inside modules. Only define functions, classes, and constants. Then, you define a configure function that will be called after every import. Example:

    import foo
    import bar
  • The third and simplest solution is to do dynamic imports, that is, imports inside functions. However, this should be avoided since the overhead of running imports inside functions can make the code slow when used in loops.

  • The best solution is to refactor mutual dependencies into a separated module.

Item 53: Use Virtual Environments for Isolated and Reproducible Dependencies

  • pip installs new packages globally.

  • Python can only have a single global version of a module installed.

  • venv (available in Python 3.4) or virtualenv (needs to be installed) can be used to create isolated versions of the Python environment, making environments reproducible.

  • When using venv, packages are installed locally with pip.

  • It's possible to dump all requirements of an environment with pip freeze > requirements.txt. To install from requirements.txt, use pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • Check for more information.

8. Production

Item 55: Use repr Strings for Debugging Output

  • print() is often used for debugging since it prints the human-readable string version of an object.However, print() hides type information, which can be useful sometimes.

  • repr() returns a string that contains a printable representation of an object. These strings can be evaluated as Python code with eval().

  • To have objects compatible with str() and print(), a class must implement the __str__ method.

  • To have objects compatible with repr(), a class must implement the __repr__ method.

  • To provide the printable representation of an object of a class, implement the __repr__ method.

  • To print the public attributes of an object, use __dict__.

Item 56: Test Everything with unittest

  • Use the unittest builtin module to create unit tests.

  • Tests can be defined by inheriting from TestCase.

  • To define an unit test, create a method inside the class with its name starting with test.

  • Write unit tests AND integration tests.

  • setUp, and tearDown may be used to provide behaviors before and after all tests from a test class run.

  • Python 3 has a builtin module to create mock objects for testing: unittest.mock.

Item 57: Consider Interactive Debugging with pdb

  • To debug a program in Python, use pdb.

  • The program will stop where you put the following line and it will open the Python shell: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

  • It's possible to run some debugging commands such as bt (traceback); up and down (move scope along call stack); step, next, return, continue to continue with the execution of the program. It's also possible to run new Python commands and modify the state of the program.

Item 59: Use tracemalloc to Understand Memory Usage and Leaks

  • CPython uses reference counting and cycle-detection for memory management.

  • The gc module provides an interface to Python's garbage collector.

  • gc.get_objects() lists every object known to the garbage collector. However, it doesn't tell anything about the allocation of these objects.

  • Python 3.4 introduced the tracemalloc module, which has the capability of tracing back to the allocation of an object.