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Merge pull request #332 from nberth/copyexts
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Make copybook extensions configurable
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nberth authored Jul 30, 2024
2 parents 6775bab + 4f46bc7 commit 52a1f6c
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Showing 32 changed files with 440 additions and 186 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
## [0.1.4] Next release

### Added
- COBOL language configuration for highlighting matching brackets and auto-insertion of line numbers in fixed- format code [#330](
- Configuration setting for copybook filename extensions [#332](
- COBOL language configuration for highlighting matching brackets and auto-insertion of line numbers in fixed-format code [#330](

### Fixed
- Word wrapping in presence of hyphens [#330](
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions package.json

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115 changes: 72 additions & 43 deletions src/lsp/cobol_common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,28 +16,53 @@ open Ez_file.V1

type fileloc = [ `Word of string | `Alphanum of string ]

type lookup_info =
type lookup_config =
libname: string;
libpath: string list;
lookup_path: string list;
lookup_exts: string list;

type lookup_error =
lookup_libname: string;
lookup_config: lookup_config;

(** Filename extensions that we should treat as copybooks and not main
programs. *)
let copybook_extensions = (* this must be a subset of {!libfile_extensions}. *)
[".CPY"; ".cpy";
".CBX"; ".cbx"]
["cpy"; "cbx"]

let libfile_extensions =
[".CPY"; ".CBL"; ".COB"; ".CBX";
".cpy"; ".cbl"; ".cob"; ".cbx"; ""]
["cpy"; "cbl"; "cob"; "cbx"]

let lookup_config ?(libexts = libfile_extensions) libpath =
lookup_path = libpath;
lookup_exts = String.lowercase_ascii libexts;

type directory = {
dir : string ;
files : string StringMap.t ; (* key is basename in lowercase *)
let pp_lookup_config ppf { lookup_path; lookup_exts } =
let pp_path ppf = function
| [] -> Pretty.string ppf "<empty>"
| path -> Pretty.path ppf path
Pretty.print ppf
"@[- search@ path:@ %a@]@;\
@[- filename@ extensions:@ %a@]"
pp_path lookup_path Fmt.(list ~sep:sp @@ fmt "%S") lookup_exts

let find_lib ~libpath ?(exts=libfile_extensions) ?fromfile ?libname textname : _ result =
(* --- *)

type directory =
dir: string;
files: string StringMap.t; (* key is basename in lowercase *)

let find_lib ~lookup_config:({ lookup_path = libpath;
lookup_exts = libexts } as lookup_config)
?fromfile ?libname textname : (string, lookup_error) result =
let libpath = match libname, fromfile with
| None, _ ->
Expand All @@ -47,49 +72,53 @@ let find_lib ~libpath ?(exts=libfile_extensions) ?fromfile ?libname textname : _
| Some (`Word d | `Alphanum d), _ ->
let libpath_files = (fun dir ->
{ dir ;
files =
let files = try Sys.readdir dir with _ -> [||] in
let map = ref StringMap.empty in
Array.iter (fun file ->
let base = String.lowercase_ascii file in
map := StringMap.add base file !map
) files ;
) libpath
let libpath_files = begin fun dir ->
let files =
let files = try Sys.readdir dir with Sys_error _ -> [||] in
let map = ref StringMap.empty in
Array.iter begin fun file ->
map := StringMap.add (String.lowercase_ascii file) file !map
end files;
{ dir; files }
end libpath
let exts = String.lowercase_ascii exts in
let try_file libname exts =
let base = String.lowercase_ascii libname in
let without_ext d =
Ok (Filename.concat d.dir @@ StringMap.find base d.files)
and with_ext d ext =
Ok (Filename.concat d.dir @@ StringMap.find (base ^ "." ^ ext) d.files)
let rec iter_path path =
match path with
| [] -> Error { libname; libpath }
| d :: path ->
iter_exts d path exts

| [] -> Error { lookup_libname = libname;
lookup_config = { lookup_config with
lookup_path = libpath } }
| d :: path -> iter_exts d path exts
and iter_exts d path exts =
match exts with
| [] -> iter_path path
| ext :: exts ->
let file = base ^ ext in
match StringMap.find file d.files with
| exception Not_found -> iter_exts d path exts
| file -> Ok ( Filename.concat d.dir file )
| [] -> (try without_ext d with Not_found -> iter_path path)
| ext :: exts -> (try with_ext d ext with Not_found -> iter_exts d path exts)
iter_path libpath_files
(* Note: GnuCOBOL handles copybook names given as string literals or plain
text-words in the same way (except for distinct case-folding, that we don't
handle yet).
TODO: to handle case folding, a copybook name that is given as a text-word
should be put in uppercase unless [lookup_fold=Lower]. *)
match textname with
| `Alphanum w -> (* assume no more filename extension *)
try_file w [""]
| `Alphanum w
| `Word w ->
match try_file w exts with
match try_file w libexts with
| Ok lib -> Ok lib
| Error err -> Error { err with libname = w }
| Error err -> Error { err with lookup_libname = w }

let pp_lookup_error ppf { libname; libpath } =
(* TODO: `note addendum about search path *)
let pp_lookup_error ppf { lookup_libname; lookup_config } =
Pretty.print ppf
"@[Library@ `%s'@ not@ found@ in@ search@ path@ (search@ path:@ @[%a@])@]"
libname Pretty.path libpath
"@[<v>@[Library@ `%s'@ not@ found@]@;%a@]"
lookup_libname pp_lookup_config lookup_config
39 changes: 25 additions & 14 deletions src/lsp/cobol_common/copybook.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,24 +13,36 @@

type fileloc = [ `Word of string | `Alphanum of string ]

type lookup_info =
type lookup_config =
libname: string;
libpath: string list;
lookup_path: string list;
lookup_exts: string list;

val pp_lookup_config: lookup_config Pretty.printer

val lookup_config
: ?libexts: string list
-> string list
-> lookup_config

type lookup_error =
lookup_libname: string;
lookup_config: lookup_config;

val pp_lookup_error: lookup_error Pretty.printer

(* --- *)

val copybook_extensions: string list

val pp_lookup_error: lookup_info Pretty.printer

(** [find_lib ~libpath ?exts ?fromfile ?libname txtname] attempts to locate a file
containing the copybook [txtname], which is a file named [txtname], possibly
appended with an extension from {[".CPY"; ".CBL"; ".COB"; ".CBX"; ".cpy";
".cbl"; ".cob"; ".cbx"]} (considered in order), {e unless} [txtname] is
given as an alphanumeric literal ({i e.g, [txtname = `Alphanum filname] ---
in which case no extension is assumed).
(** [find_lib ~lookup_config ?fromfile ?libname txtname] attempts to locate a
file containing the copybook [txtname], which is a file named [txtname],
possibly appended with an extension from [libexts] (considered in order), {e
unless} [txtname] is given as an alphanumeric literal ({i e.g, [txtname =
`Alphanum filname] --- in which case no extension is assumed).
If [libname] is not provided, then the file is searched within the
directories listed in [libpath] (considered in order). Otherwise, a single
Expand All @@ -42,9 +54,8 @@ val pp_lookup_error: lookup_info Pretty.printer
of the path in the provided order.
val find_lib
: libpath:string list
-> ?exts:string list
: lookup_config: lookup_config
-> ?fromfile:string
-> ?libname:fileloc
-> fileloc
-> (string, lookup_info) result
-> (string, lookup_error) result
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lsp/cobol_lsp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ let rewindable_parse ({ project; textdoc; _ } as doc) =
default with
libpath = Lsp_project.libpath_for ~uri:(uri doc) project;
copybook_lookup_config =
Lsp_project.copybook_lookup_config_for ~uri:(uri doc) project;
config = project.config.cobol_config;
source_format = project.config.source_format
} @@
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27 changes: 22 additions & 5 deletions src/lsp/cobol_lsp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,9 @@ let for_ ~rootdir ~layout =
let in_existing_dir dirname ~layout =
for_ ~rootdir:(Superbol_project.rootdir_at ~dirname) ~layout

let libpath_for ~uri project =
Superbol_project.libpath_for ~filename:(Lsp.Uri.to_path uri) project
let copybook_lookup_config_for ~uri project =
Superbol_project.copybook_lookup_config_for ~filename:(Lsp.Uri.to_path uri)

let detect_copybook ~uri project =
Superbol_project.detect_copybook ~filename:(Lsp.Uri.to_path uri) project
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,8 +100,9 @@ let update_source_format { config; _ } str : bool =
let update_dialect ({ config; _ } as project) str : bool =
let { result; diags } =
~verbose:false str in
Superbol_project.Config.cobol_config_from_dialect_name str
if result = config.cobol_config (* note: structural comparison *)
then false
else begin
Expand All @@ -123,13 +125,24 @@ let update_copybooks: t -> Yojson.Safe.t -> bool = fun { config; _ } json ->
let libpath = convert_each to_libdir json in
if libpath = config.libpath (* note: structural comparison *)
if libpath = config.libpath (* note: structural comparison *)
then false
else (config.libpath <- libpath; true)
Yojson.Safe.Util.(Type_error _ | Undefined _) as e ->
Pretty.invalid_arg "%s: %a" (Yojson.Safe.to_string json) Fmt.exn e

let update_copyexts: t -> Yojson.Safe.t -> bool = fun { config; _ } json ->
let open Yojson.Safe.Util in
let libexts = convert_each to_string json in
if libexts = config.libexts (* note: structural comparison *)
then false
else (config.libexts <- libexts; true)
Yojson.Safe.Util.(Type_error _ | Undefined _) as e ->
Pretty.invalid_arg "%s: %a" (Yojson.Safe.to_string json) Fmt.exn e

(** [update_project_config assoc project] updates the configuration of [project]
according to key/value paires in [assoc]; returns [true] whenever the
configuration upon termination differs from the configuration upon call. *)
Expand All @@ -155,6 +168,7 @@ let update_project_config assoc project : bool =
"dialect", from_string ~f:update_dialect;
"source-format", from_string ~f:update_source_format;
"copybooks", update_copybooks;
"copyexts", update_copyexts;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +212,9 @@ let get_project_config ?(flat = true) project : Yojson.Safe.t =

`List copybooks;

`List ( (fun s -> `String s) config.libexts);
if flat
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/lsp/cobol_lsp/lsp_project.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ val in_existing_dir: string -> layout:layout -> t
{!Superbol_project.rootdir_for}. *)
val rootdir_for: uri:Lsp.Uri.t -> layout:layout -> rootdir

(** [libpath_for ~uri project] constructs a list of directory names where
copybooks are looked up, for a source file at the given URI, in the given
project. *)
val libpath_for: uri:Lsp.Uri.t -> t -> string list
(** [copybook_lookup_config_for ~uri project] constructs a copybook lookup
configuration for a source file at the given URI, in the given project. *)
val copybook_lookup_config_for
: uri:Lsp.Uri.t -> t -> Cobol_common.Copybook.lookup_config

(** [detect_copybook ~uri project] indicates whether a document at the given URI
for [project] should be treated as a copybook. *)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lsp/cobol_preproc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ open Cobol_common.Srcloc.INFIX

type error =
| Copybook_lookup_error of { copyloc: srcloc option;
lnf: Cobol_common.Copybook.lookup_info }
lnf: Cobol_common.Copybook.lookup_error }
| Cyclic_copy of { copyloc: srcloc; filename: string }
| Feature_error of Cobol_config.DIAG.error
| Forbidden of { loc: srcloc; stuff: forbidden_stuff }
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