diff --git a/src/lib/reasoners/intervalCalculus.ml b/src/lib/reasoners/intervalCalculus.ml
index 3f9b161e01..bd74f7b766 100644
--- a/src/lib/reasoners/intervalCalculus.ml
+++ b/src/lib/reasoners/intervalCalculus.ml
@@ -1921,37 +1921,19 @@ let fm_simplex_unbounded_integers_encoding env uf =
            "case-split over unions of intervals is needed !!!";
          assert false
-       | [(mn, ex_mn), (mx, ex_mx)] ->
+       | [(lb, ex_lb), (ub, ex_ub)] ->
          let l, c = P.to_list p in
-         let l = List.rev_map (fun (c, x) -> x, c) (List.rev l) in
-         assert (Q.sign c = 0);
-         let cst0 =
-           List.fold_left (fun z (_, c) -> Q.add z (Q.abs c))Q.zero l
-         in
-         let cst = Q.div cst0 (Q.from_int 2) in
-         assert (mn == None || mx == None);
-         let min =
-           let mn =
-             match mn with
-             | None -> None
-             | Some (q, q') -> Some (Q.add q cst, q')
-           in
-           bnd_to_simplex_bound (mn, ex_mn)
-         in
-         let max =
-           let mx =
-             match mx with
-             | None -> None
-             | Some (q, q') -> Some (Q.sub q cst, q')
-           in
-           bnd_to_simplex_bound (mx, ex_mx)
-         in
+         assert (Q.is_zero c);
+         assert (lb == None || ub == None);
+         let min = bnd_to_simplex_bound (lb, ex_lb) in
+         let max = bnd_to_simplex_bound (ub, ex_ub) in
          match l with
          | [] -> assert false
-         | [x, c] ->
+         | [c, x] ->
            assert (Q.is_one c);
            Sim.Assert.var simplex x ?min ?max |> fst
          | _ ->
+           let l = List.rev_map (fun (c, x) -> x, c) (List.rev l) in
            let xp = alien_of p in
            let sim_p =
              match Sim.Core.poly_of_slake simplex xp with
@@ -2009,7 +1991,7 @@ let model_from_simplex sim is_int env uf =
       )[] (List.rev main_vars)
-let model_from_unbounded_domains =
+let model_from_infinite_domains =
   let mk_cs acc (x, v, _ex) =
     ((LR.view (LR.mk_eq x v)), true,
      Th_util.CS (Th_util.Th_arith, Q.from_int 2)) :: acc
@@ -2040,7 +2022,7 @@ let case_split env uf ~for_model =
         match case_split_union_of_intervals env uf with
-        | [] -> model_from_unbounded_domains env uf
+        | [] -> model_from_infinite_domains env uf
         | l -> l
   | _ -> res
diff --git a/tests/dune.inc b/tests/dune.inc
index 26d82ad68c..3224bab3ee 100644
--- a/tests/dune.inc
+++ b/tests/dune.inc
@@ -193838,7 +193838,28 @@
     (alias runtest-quick)
      (package alt-ergo)
-       (diff 340.expected 340_fpa.output))))
+       (diff 340.expected 340_fpa.output)))
+  (rule
+   (target 1022.models_dolmen.output)
+   (deps (:input 1022.models.smt2))
+   (package alt-ergo)
+   (action
+    (chdir %{workspace_root}
+     (with-stdout-to %{target}
+      (ignore-stderr
+       (with-accepted-exit-codes (or 0)
+        (run %{bin:alt-ergo}
+             --timelimit=2
+             --enable-assertions
+             --output=smtlib2
+             --frontend dolmen
+             %{input})))))))
+  (rule
+   (deps 1022.models_dolmen.output)
+    (alias runtest-quick)
+     (package alt-ergo)
+      (action
+       (diff 1022.models.expected 1022.models_dolmen.output))))
 ; Auto-generated part end
 ; File auto-generated by gentests
diff --git a/tests/issues/1022.models.expected b/tests/issues/1022.models.expected
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1f647bc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/1022.models.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  (define-fun x () Int 3)
+  (define-fun x1 () Int (- 3))
+  (define-fun x2 () Int (- 2))
+  (define-fun x3 () Int 0)
+  (define-fun x4 () Int (- 1))
+  (define-fun x5 () Int 2)
+  (define-fun x6 () Int 0)
+  (define-fun x7 () Int 0)
+  (define-fun x9 () Int 2)
diff --git a/tests/issues/1022.models.smt2 b/tests/issues/1022.models.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02a8316d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/1022.models.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(set-option :produce-models true)
+(set-logic QF_LIA)
+(declare-fun x () Int)
+(declare-fun x1 () Int)
+(declare-fun x2 () Int)
+(declare-fun x3 () Int)
+(declare-fun x4 () Int)
+(declare-fun x5 () Int)
+(declare-fun x6 () Int)
+(declare-fun x7 () Int)
+(declare-fun x9 () Int)
+(assert (and
+(< 0 x)
+(< 0 (+ x x2))
+(< 0 (+ x4 x9))
+(< 0 (+ x5 x6))
+(< 0 (* x1 (- 1)))
+(< 1 (+ x3 x5 x9 x2))
+(< 1 (+ x5 (* x3 (- 1))))
+(< 0 (+ x2 (* 27 x7) (* x3 (- 1)) (* x4 (- 26))))
+(< 0 (+ x3 x6 (* 9 x7) (* x1 (- 1)) (* x2 (- 7)) (* x4 (- 14)) (* x5 (- 15))))
+(< (- 39) (+ (* x (- 7)) (* 7 x1) (* 2 x2) (* 18 x4) (* 14 x5) (* x6 (- 3)) (* x7 (- 12)) (* x9 (- 1))))))
diff --git a/tests/issues/777.models.expected b/tests/issues/777.models.expected
index 1a34774938..8d04d7d4b3 100644
--- a/tests/issues/777.models.expected
+++ b/tests/issues/777.models.expected
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  (define-fun i () Int 2)
+  (define-fun i () Int 1)
diff --git a/tests/models/uf/uf2.models.expected b/tests/models/uf/uf2.models.expected
index ce06fd3336..902676ae79 100644
--- a/tests/models/uf/uf2.models.expected
+++ b/tests/models/uf/uf2.models.expected
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-  (define-fun f ((arg_0 Int)) Int (ite (= arg_0 (- 2)) 0 2))
+  (define-fun f ((arg_0 Int)) Int (ite (= arg_0 (- 1)) 0 1))
   (define-fun a () Int 0)
-  (define-fun b () Int (- 2))
+  (define-fun b () Int (- 1))