diff --git a/docsource/modules130-140.rst b/docsource/modules130-140.rst
index 60666719a40d..584b57a39ca8 100644
--- a/docsource/modules130-140.rst
+++ b/docsource/modules130-140.rst
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ Module coverage 13.0 -> 14.0
| |new| microsoft_calendar | |
-|mrp | |
+|mrp | Done |
|mrp_account | |
diff --git a/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
index 40e581faefcb..a0c7c162ccea 100644
--- a/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
+++ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..55403f593e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright 2021 ForgeFlow S.L.
+# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
+from openupgradelib import openupgrade
+def merge_priorities(env):
+ openupgrade.map_values(
+ env.cr,
+ openupgrade.get_legacy_name("priority"),
+ "priority",
+ [("1", "0"), ("2", "1"), ("3", "1")],
+ table="mrp_production",
+ )
+def map_stock_move_line_lot_produced_ids(env):
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ UPDATE stock_move_line sml
+ SET lot_id = rel.stock_production_lot_id
+ FROM stock_move_line_stock_production_lot_rel rel
+ JOIN stock_move_line_consume_rel rel2
+ ON rel2.produce_line_id = rel.stock_move_line_id
+ WHERE sml.lot_id IS NULL AND rel2.consume_line_id = sml.id""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ INSERT INTO stock_move_line_consume_rel (
+ produce_line_id, consume_line_id)
+ SELECT rel.stock_move_line_id, sml.id
+ FROM stock_move_line_stock_production_lot_rel rel
+ JOIN stock_move_line sml ON (
+ sml.lot_id = rel.stock_production_lot_id
+ AND rel.stock_move_line_id != sml.id)
+ LEFT JOIN stock_move_line_consume_rel rel2 ON (
+ rel2.produce_line_id = rel.stock_move_line_id
+ AND rel2.consume_line_id = sml.id)
+ WHERE rel2.produce_line_id IS NULL""",
+ )
+def map_mrp_production_state_planned(env):
+ env["mrp.production"].search([("state", "=", "planned")])._compute_state()
+def migrate(env, version):
+ merge_priorities(env)
+ map_stock_move_line_lot_produced_ids(env)
+ map_mrp_production_state_planned(env)
+ openupgrade.load_data(env.cr, "mrp", "")
+ openupgrade.delete_records_safely_by_xml_id(
+ env, ["mrp.mrp_routing_rule", "mrp.sequence_mrp_route"]
+ )
diff --git a/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e2f42d3f7c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Copyright 2021 ForgeFlow S.L.
+# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
+from openupgradelib import openupgrade
+_column_copies = {
+ "mrp_production": [
+ ("priority", None, None),
+ ("state", None, None),
+ ],
+def fill_mrp_routing_workcenter_bom_id(env):
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ ALTER TABLE mrp_routing_workcenter
+ ADD COLUMN bom_id integer""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ ALTER TABLE mrp_routing_workcenter
+ ADD COLUMN old_routing_workcenter_id integer""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ ALTER TABLE mrp_routing_workcenter
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ ALTER TABLE mrp_routing_workcenter
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ INSERT INTO mrp_routing_workcenter (name, workcenter_id, sequence,
+ company_id, worksheet_type, note, worksheet_google_slide, time_mode,
+ time_mode_batch, time_cycle_manual, create_uid, write_uid,
+ create_date, write_date, bom_id, routing_id,
+ old_routing_workcenter_id)
+ SELECT mrw.name, mrw.workcenter_id, mrw.sequence, mrw.company_id,
+ mrw.worksheet_type, mrw.note, mrw.worksheet_google_slide,
+ mrw.time_mode, mrw.time_mode_batch, mrw.time_cycle_manual,
+ mrw.create_uid, mb.write_uid, mb.create_date, mb.create_date,
+ mb.id, mrw.routing_id, mrw.id
+ FROM mrp_routing_workcenter mrw
+ JOIN mrp_bom mb ON mb.routing_id = mrw.routing_id""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ UPDATE mrp_bom_line mbl
+ SET operation_id = mrw.id
+ FROM mrp_bom mb
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw ON mrw.bom_id = mb.id
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw2 ON mrw.old_routing_workcenter_id = mrw2.id
+ WHERE mbl.bom_id = mb.id AND mbl.operation_id = mrw2.id""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ UPDATE mrp_bom_byproduct mbp
+ SET operation_id = mrw.id
+ FROM mrp_bom mb
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw ON mrw.bom_id = mb.id
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw2 ON mrw.old_routing_workcenter_id = mrw2.id
+ WHERE mbp.bom_id = mb.id AND mbp.operation_id = mrw2.id""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ UPDATE mrp_workorder mw
+ SET operation_id = mrw.id
+ FROM mrp_production mp
+ JOIN mrp_bom mb ON mp.bom_id = mb.id
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw ON mrw.bom_id = mb.id
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw2 ON mrw.old_routing_workcenter_id = mrw2.id
+ WHERE mw.production_id = mp.id AND mw.operation_id = mrw2.id""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ UPDATE stock_move sm
+ SET operation_id = mrw.id
+ FROM mrp_production mp
+ JOIN mrp_bom mb ON mp.bom_id = mb.id
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw ON mrw.bom_id = mb.id
+ JOIN mrp_routing_workcenter mrw2 ON mrw.old_routing_workcenter_id = mrw2.id
+ WHERE sm.raw_material_production_id = mp.id AND sm.operation_id = mrw2.id""",
+ )
+ openupgrade.logged_query(
+ env.cr,
+ """
+ DELETE FROM mrp_routing_workcenter
+ WHERE old_routing_workcenter_id IS NULL""",
+ )
+def migrate(env, version):
+ openupgrade.copy_columns(env.cr, _column_copies)
+ fill_mrp_routing_workcenter_bom_id(env)
diff --git a/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..544ccc0052bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openupgrade_scripts/scripts/mrp/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+---Models in module 'mrp'---
+obsolete model mrp.abstract.workorder [abstract]
+obsolete model mrp.abstract.workorder.line [abstract]
+obsolete model mrp.product.produce [transient]
+obsolete model mrp.product.produce.line [transient]
+new model mrp.consumption.warning [transient]
+new model mrp.consumption.warning.line [transient]
+new model mrp.immediate.production [transient]
+new model mrp.immediate.production.line [transient]
+new model mrp.production.backorder [transient]
+new model mrp.production.backorder.line [transient]
+# NOTHING TO DO: abstract + transient models
+obsolete model mrp.routing
+obsolete model mrp.workorder.line
+# NOTHING TO DO: obsolete models
+---Fields in module 'mrp'---
+mrp / mrp.document / key (char) : previously in module website
+mrp / mrp.document / theme_template_id (many2one) : previously in module website_theme_install
+mrp / mrp.document / website_id (many2one) : previously in module website
+mrp / mrp.document / website_url (char) : previously in module website
+# NOTHING TO DO: falsy analysis, but if anything, handled by ORM
+mrp / mrp.bom / consumption (selection) : now required, req_default: function
+mrp / mrp.bom / consumption (selection) : selection_keys is now '['flexible', 'strict', 'warning']' ('['flexible', 'strict']')
+# NOTHING TO DO: new default value 'warning'
+mrp / mrp.production / consumption (selection) : NEW required, selection_keys: ['flexible', 'strict', 'warning'], req_default: function, hasdefault
+mrp / mrp.workorder / consumption (selection) : selection_keys is now '['flexible', 'strict', 'warning']' ('['flexible', 'strict']')
+# NOTHING TO DO: new features
+mrp / mrp.bom / operation_ids (one2many) : NEW relation: mrp.routing.workcenter
+mrp / mrp.routing / operation_ids (one2many) : DEL relation: mrp.routing.workcenter
+mrp / mrp.routing.workcenter / bom_id (many2one) : NEW relation: mrp.bom
+mrp / mrp.routing.workcenter / routing_id (many2one) : DEL relation: mrp.routing, required
+# DONE: pre-migration: duplicate mrp.routing.workcenter records and fill bom_id
+mrp / mrp.bom / routing_id (many2one) : DEL relation: mrp.routing
+mrp / mrp.bom.byproduct / routing_id (many2one) : DEL relation: mrp.routing
+mrp / mrp.bom.line / routing_id (many2one) : DEL relation: mrp.routing
+mrp / mrp.production / routing_id (many2one) : DEL relation: mrp.routing
+# NOTHING TO DO: mrp.routing model is obsolete
+mrp / mrp.production / _order : _order is now 'priority desc, date_planned_start asc,id' ('date_planned_start asc,id')
+mrp / mrp.production / backorder_sequence (integer) : NEW hasdefault
+# NOTHING TO DO: new feature
+mrp / mrp.production / date_deadline (datetime) : now a function
+mrp / mrp.production / date_start_wo (datetime) : DEL
+mrp / mrp.production / lot_producing_id (many2one) : NEW relation: stock.production.lot
+mrp / mrp.production / qty_producing (float) : NEW
+# NOTHING TO DO: fields from mrp.abstract.workorder (used in old mrp.product.produce wizard)
+mrp / mrp.production / priority (selection) : selection_keys is now '['0', '1']' ('['0', '1', '2', '3']')
+# DONE: post-migration: merge 1 to 0, and 2 and 3 to 1
+mrp / mrp.production / product_description_variants (char): NEW
+# TODO: new feature, may be filled in some cases
+mrp / mrp.production / production_location_id (many2one): is now stored
+mrp / mrp.production / production_location_id (many2one): not related anymore
+mrp / mrp.production / production_location_id (many2one): now a function
+# NOTHING TO DO: computed in load
+mrp / mrp.production / propagate_date (boolean) : DEL
+mrp / mrp.production / propagate_date_minimum_delta (integer): DEL
+# NOTHING TO DO: not used anymore
+mrp / mrp.production / state (selection) : selection_keys is now '['cancel', 'confirmed', 'done', 'draft', 'progress', 'to_close']' ('['cancel', 'confirmed', 'done', 'draft', 'planned', 'progress', 'to_close']')
+DONE: post-migration: map 'planned' to 'confirmed'/'progress'/'done' using _compute_state method
+mrp / mrp.routing / active (boolean) : DEL
+mrp / mrp.routing / code (char) : DEL
+mrp / mrp.routing / company_id (many2one) : DEL relation: res.company
+mrp / mrp.routing / name (char) : DEL required
+mrp / mrp.routing / note (text) : DEL
+# NOTHING TO DO: obsolete model
+mrp / mrp.routing.workcenter / batch (selection) : DEL required, selection_keys: ['no', 'yes'], req_default: function
+mrp / mrp.routing.workcenter / batch_size (float) : DEL
+# NOTHING TO DO: obsolete
+mrp / mrp.routing.workcenter / company_id (many2one) : not related anymore
+mrp / mrp.routing.workcenter / worksheet_type (selection) : selection_keys is now '['google_slide', 'pdf', 'text']' ('['google_slide', 'pdf']')
+# NOTHING TO DO: new option 'text'
+mrp / mrp.workorder / activity_ids (one2many) : DEL relation: mail.activity
+mrp / mrp.workorder / message_follower_ids (one2many): DEL relation: mail.followers
+mrp / mrp.workorder / message_ids (one2many) : DEL relation: mail.message
+mrp / mrp.workorder / message_main_attachment_id (many2one): DEL relation: ir.attachment
+mrp / mrp.workorder / website_message_ids (one2many): DEL relation: mail.message
+# NOTHING TO DO: losing mail mixins
+mrp / mrp.workorder / capacity (float) : DEL
+# NOTHING TO DO: unused field
+mrp / mrp.workorder / finished_lot_id (many2one) : not stored anymore
+mrp / mrp.workorder / finished_lot_id (many2one) : now a function
+mrp / mrp.workorder / qty_producing (float) : not stored anymore
+mrp / mrp.workorder / qty_producing (float) : now a function
+# NOTHING TO DO: non-stored computes
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / finished_workorder_id (many2one): DEL relation: mrp.workorder
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / lot_id (many2one) : DEL relation: stock.production.lot
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / move_id (many2one) : DEL relation: stock.move
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / product_id (many2one) : DEL relation: product.product, required
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / product_uom_id (many2one) : DEL relation: uom.uom
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / qty_done (float) : DEL
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / qty_reserved (float) : DEL
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / qty_to_consume (float) : DEL
+mrp / mrp.workorder.line / raw_workorder_id (many2one) : DEL relation: mrp.workorder
+mrp / mrp.workorder / finished_workorder_line_ids (one2many): DEL relation: mrp.workorder.line
+# NOTHING TO DO: obsolete model
+mrp / procurement.group / mrp_production_ids (one2many) : NEW relation: mrp.production
+# NOTHING TO DO: one2many
+mrp / stock.move / unit_factor (float) : now a function
+# NOTHING TO DO: automatic compute
+mrp / stock.move.line / done_move (boolean) : DEL
+mrp / stock.move.line / lot_produced_qty (float) : DEL
+# NOTHING TO DO: unused fields
+mrp / stock.move.line / lot_produced_ids (many2many) : DEL relation: stock.production.lot
+DONE: post-migration: use stock_move_line_stock_production_lot_rel to fill stock_move_line_consume_rel
+mrp / stock.warehouse.orderpoint / bom_id (many2one) : NEW relation: mrp.bom
+# NOTHING TO DO: new feature
+---XML records in module 'mrp'---
+NEW digest.tip: mrp.digest_tip_mrp_0
+NEW ir.actions.act_window: mrp.action_mrp_consumption_warning
+NEW ir.actions.act_window: mrp.action_mrp_production_backorder
+NEW ir.actions.act_window: mrp.mrp_workorder_mrp_production_form
+DEL ir.actions.act_window: mrp.act_mrp_product_produce
+DEL ir.actions.act_window: mrp.act_product_mrp_production
+DEL ir.actions.act_window: mrp.action_mrp_unbuild_move_line
+DEL ir.actions.act_window: mrp.mrp_workcenter_productivity_loss_action
+DEL ir.actions.act_window: mrp.mrp_workorder_delta_report
+NEW ir.actions.server: mrp.action_production_order_mark_done
+NEW ir.actions.server: mrp.mrp_production_action_unreserve_tree
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_change_production_qty
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_consumption_warning
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_consumption_warning_line
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_immediate_production
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_immediate_production_line
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_production_backorder
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_production_backorder_line
+NEW ir.model.access: mrp.access_stock_warn_insufficient_qty_unbuild
+DEL ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_resource_manager
+DEL ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_routing
+DEL ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_routing_manager
+DEL ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_workorder_line_mrp_manager
+DEL ir.model.access: mrp.access_mrp_workorder_line_mrp_user
+NEW ir.ui.menu: mrp.menu_procurement_compute_mrp
+DEL ir.ui.menu: mrp.menu_mrp_dashboard
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_production_workorder_form_view_inherit_editable
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_production_workorder_tree_editable_view
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_production_workorder_tree_view
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_report_product_product_replenishment
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_unbuild_form_view_simplified
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.stock_report_delivery_document_inherit_mrp
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.stock_report_delivery_kit_sections
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.stock_report_delivery_no_kit_section
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.view_immediate_production
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.view_mrp_consumption_warning_form
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.view_mrp_document_form
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.view_mrp_production_backorder_form
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.view_stock_move_operations_finished
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.view_stock_move_operations_raw
+NEW ir.ui.view: mrp.view_warehouse_orderpoint_tree_editable_inherited_purchase
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_product_produce_line_form
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_product_produce_line_kanban
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_production_workorder_tree_view_inherit
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_routing_form_view
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_routing_kanban_view
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_routing_search_view
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.mrp_routing_tree_view
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.view_document_form
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.view_finisehd_move_line
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.view_move_kanban_inherit_mrp
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.view_mrp_product_produce_wizard
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.view_stock_move_lots
+DEL ir.ui.view: mrp.view_stock_move_raw_tree
+NEW res.groups: mrp.group_locked_by_default
+DEL ir.rule: mrp.mrp_routing_rule (noupdate)
+DEL ir.sequence: mrp.sequence_mrp_route (noupdate)
+# DONE: post-migration: safely deleted xmlids