In order to compile NetRipper, the following steps are required:
- Compile minhook library
- Compile NetRipper
NetRipper and minhook are compiled using Visual Studio 15.6.x (latest version).
- Open solution from minhook\build\VC15\MinHookVC15.sln
- It might be required to install Visual Studio Platform Toolset for Windows XP
- Select Release configuration and Build for Win32
- Select Release configuration and Build for x64
- Copy the compiled libraries from minhook\build\VC15\lib\Release to minhook\lib
- Open the NetRipper.sln solution
- It might be required to change the Windows SDK version from each project (DLL and NetRipper) settings
- Build for x86
- Build for x64
- You can find 32 bits binaries in x86 directory (DLL.x86.dll and NetRipper.x86.exe)
- You can find 64 bits binaries in x64 directory (DLL.x64.dll and NetRipper.x64.exe)