The language object gives your code the skill to guess the language of a text. The method guess do that returning to you an array of all the languages ordered descending by the score.
const { Language } = require('node-nlp');
const language = new Language();
const guess = language.guess(
'When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we see',
This piece of code should write in console:
{ alpha3: 'eng', alpha2: 'en', language: 'English', score: 1 }
You can limit the amount of results with the third parameter of the method:
const { Language } = require('node-nlp');
const language = new Language();
let guess = language.guess(
"Quan arriba la nit i la terra és fosca i la lluna és l'única llum que podem veure",
In console you'll see:
{ alpha3: 'cat', alpha2: 'ca', language: 'Catalan', score: 1 }
You can also provide a whitelist of accepted language to find the one that fits better
const { Language } = require('node-nlp');
const language = new Language();
let guess = language.guess(
'When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we see',
['de', 'es'],
In console you'll see:
{ alpha3: 'deu', alpha2: 'de', language: 'German', score: 1 }
You can also use the method guessBest that returns only the best result.
const { Language } = require('node-nlp');
const language = new Language();
let guess = language.guessBest(
'When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we see',
let guess = language.guessBest(
'When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we see',
['de', 'es'],
That will show this in console:
{ alpha3: 'eng', alpha2: 'en', language: 'English', score: 1 }
{ alpha3: 'deu', alpha2: 'de', language: 'German', score: 1 }