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211 lines (145 loc) · 8.94 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (145 loc) · 8.94 KB
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Searcherer is a Node.js module for searching strings or files.

Build Status Dependency Status Dev Dependency Status License Release


Install using npm:

$ npm install --save searcherer

You'll need to have at least Node.js 8 or newer.

If you want to use the command line interface you'll most likely want to install it globally so that you can run searcherer from anywhere:

$ npm install --global searcherer


Usage: searcherer [options] [files...]


  -V, --version              output the version number
  --no-color                 disables color output
  -c, --case-sensitive       enable case-sensitive search
  -d, --debug                enable debug level logging
  -e, --encoding <encoding>  specify encoding for input [utf8]
  -f, --filename <filename>  specify filename to process STDIN as [<text>]
  -p, --pattern <pattern>    search for pattern
  -s, --style <name>         specify style for output [default]
  -h, --help                 output usage information


The API has been designed to be just as simple to use as the CLI. It uses ECMAScript 2015's promises to handle the asynchronous flows of file reading (with Sync methods available as well) so you can keep your code nice and clean.

Each search result contains the following information:

Property Type Description
columnNumber Number Column number at which the match was found
dictionary Dictionary Dictionary to which the pattern responsible for the match belongs
line String Complete line of text in which the match was found
lineNumber Number Line number in relation to the whole string being searched
match String Exact match that was found
pattern String Pattern responsible for the match, dictionary[, options])

Searches the specified value for the patterns within the specified dictionary using the options provided.

dictionary can either be a Dictionary instance or one or more of search patterns from which a Dictionary instance can be created.


Option Description Default
caseSensitive Perform case-sensitive search on value false
filter Function to be used to filter which dictionaries are included in search All


const Searcherer = require('searcherer');

const results ='We love Searcherer! It is great for searching strings', 'search(er){0,2}');


Searcherer.searchFile(filePath, dictionary[, options])

Searches the contents that are asynchronously read from the file at the specified path for the patterns within the specified dictionary using the options provided.

dictionary can either be a Dictionary instance or one or more of search patterns from which a Dictionary instance can be created.

The encoding option can be used to specify how the contents of the file are encoded.


Has the same options as the standard method but also supports the following additional options:

Option Description Default
encoding Encoding of the contents of the file to be searched "utf8"


const Searcherer = require('searcherer');

(async() => {
  const results = await Searcherer.searchFile('/path/to/file', 'search(er){0,2}', { caseSensitive: true });

Searcherer.searchFileSync(filePath, dictionary[, options])

A synchronous version of the Searcherer.searchFile method.


Creates an instance of Searcherer using the options provided.

The dictionary option can be specified to initialize Searcherer with a single Dictionary. It can be either a Dictionary instance or one or more of search patterns from which a Dictionary instance can be created.

While the static methods of Searcherer for searching work great, it's encouraged to create Searcherer instances when dealing with multiple dictionaries (collections of search patterns). Additionally, it's highly recommended that Dictionary instances are created when searching a large number of patterns and/or using the same patterns to search many different strings/files. Doing so will increase performance as regular expressions compiled from the patterns are cached.

The following instance methods exist to mirror the static methods for searching:

  • Searcherer#search(value[, options])
  • Searcherer#searchFile(filePath[, options])
  • Searcherer#searchFileSync(filePath[, options])

Additionally, the following instance methods exist that allow dictionaries to be added to a Searcherer instance:

  • Searcherer#addDictionary(dictionary)
  • Searcherer#addDictionaryFile(filePath)
  • Searcherer#addDictionaryFileSync(filePath)


Option Description Default
dictionary Initial Dictionary or the search pattern(s) to be used to create it N/A
dictionaryType Dictionary implementation whose instances are to be created Dictionary


Each of the search methods can emit the following events:

Event Description
end Fired once the search has completed
result Fired immediately when a search result is found
search Fired immediately before the value is searched


const Searcherer = require('searcherer');
const { Dictionary } = Searcherer;

(async() => {
  const searcherer = new Searcher();
  searcherer.addDictionary(new Dictionary({ name: 'foo', patterns: [ ... ] ));
  searcherer.addDictionary(new Dictionary({ name: 'bar', patterns: [ ... ] ));
  const results = await searcherer.searchFile('/path/to/file', { caseSensitive: true });


If you have any problems with Searcherer or would like to see changes currently in development you can do so here.


If you want to contribute, you're a legend! Information on how you can do so can be found in We want your suggestions and pull requests!

A list of Searcherer contributors can be found in


See for more information on our MIT license.

Copyright !ninja