An internal service for making decision on which Restaurant to visit for lunch in a company.
This project is a service for Employees (workers) within an organisation to vote food menus for decision of a place (Restaurant) to go for Lunch. The project builds to a docker image which can easily be deployed as a microservice in Kubernetes or Docker, using a YAML configuration file and/(or only) kubectl or docker command line utility respectively.
The schema diagram of the database, generated using django_extensions is as shown below:
The Infrastructure diagram for deployment to Azure Container Instance might be as shown below.
Once the project is running, the endpoint /api/[version]/docs/swagger/ to view the API docs and interact with it.
A user account on the platform (Lunch Poll service) is either an employee(Employee model) type account or restaurant (Restaurant model) type account. As can be seen from the Database schema diagram above the 2 is related to the User model by a one to one relationship. Based on the implementation on the User model, it's not possible for a User instance to have reference to it from both Restaurant and Employee model instances.
By this way it is ensured that a user can not be both an employee type user and restaurant type user at same time. The implementation makes sure that only restaurant type user can create a Menu instance and that only an employee type user can vote a menu (i.e, create a Vote instance).
Menus to be voted for are Menus uploaded on the particular day of voting, this is achieved by adding uploaded_date field to Menu so that the implementation can validated if it is eligible for voting or not. The employee type user who is allowed to vote only a single Menu instance per day for the first version of the API and up to 3 Menu instances per day for the second version of the API.
API versioning is URL based versioning as can be seen from the OpenAPI based docs provided at this endpoint /api/[version]/docs/swagger/. For version 1, the API routes traffic to an API view which checks the vote counts that day by the requesting user (employee type). If the count is less than 1 (i.e, 0), then it allows then it implements the vote request for that user. But if the count is greater than 3, it will return a forbidden status code defining that the user is not allowed to vote for more than 1 Menu instance.
For the version 2, the restricting number of votes is 3, hence, a user can continue voting for more Menu instances upto a count of 3, after which the user will be forbidden to vote again for that day. Points are associated to votes for the version 2. default point for version 1 is 1. But version 2 allows the user right to vote minimum of point of 1 and maximum point of 3 for a particular Menu instance.
An endpoint exposes the winning Menu based on the summation of the vote count with respect to the points accumulated by each Menu per vote. The Menu instance with the highest value of summation{vote.point} wins the selection. Hence for that day, the restaurant that created that Menu becomes the winning restaurant for lunch.
The project contains a scripts directory which is made up of command line utilities for setting up development environment, running building the project to a docker image and uploading the image to docker hub. Note: it is reccommended that you run the project on a linux system or pull the image from docker hub to run in Kubernetes or Docker. You may as well follow the steps discussed later in this docs to build the docker image yourself.
If your interest is to play around with the project, to develope custom features around what is already existing, then you might want to run the development environment setup scripts to setup the development environment up and running.
Every commands listed here should be executed from the project's root directory
To setup the project running for development, navigate to the project directory and run the setup script as shown below:
Warning: Look into main/settings/ for environment variables that you need to set for the project to run properly. Alternatively, since this is development environment setup, then you might have to create a settings file with name, inside main/settings and put the following minimal content into it before you proceed to run the setup commands.
This file has been added to gitignore so as to differentiate between local development settings and production settins.
The main settings file is, which this file and file imports from.
On runtime tries to import definitions in, if the import fails, it falls back to, this explains why adding this file automatically makes the settings defined here the default settings for development.
from .base import *
Proceed to run the setup command:
for Windows
scripts\setup.bat lunch_poll
for Linux
bash scripts/ lunch_poll
lunch_poll, is the desired name for the virtual environment to be created when setting up the development environment. Note: you are free to use any name of your choice instead of lunch_poll, just make sure to remember it.
Once the project development environment setup is done and the virtual environment is fully setup and functional, run the following command on the project directory to spin up the server.
python runserver
In case you exit the terminals and want to have them working again, then you might want to activate the virtual environment before running the project.
Run the following command to activate the virtual environment at any point.
workon lunch_poll
Note: The virtual enviroment must always be active for the server to run or for the test runner and precommit functionalities to work.
To run tests, execute the command on the root directory
python test
Black is the code formatter used, to run the code formatter, execute the following command on the root directory.
black .
The code linter used in this project is flake8, to run the code linter, execute the command below.
The static type checker used in this project is mypy, to run the type checker, execute the command below.
mypy .
Note: Your changes must pass all these test before you can successfully make a commit.
First you have to make sure that you have docker installed and running, then run the bash script as below:
scripts\build_image.bat lunch-poll-service
bash scripts/ lunch-poll-service
lunch-poll-service is the tag for the image after it's built. The above command builds the image and run a container from the image, if your desired feature is to run an existing image then, you might want to run the following command instead.
docker run -p 8000:80 nolwac/lunch-poll-service
You may have to do this as a root user for this to work.