Omega one-liner: Places functions into ~/.bashrc between the special "brackets" #omegascripts and #scriptsomega (for identification of the script's old version)
git clone /tmp/scripts && sed -i "/#omegascripts/,/#scriptsomega/d" ~/.bashrc && printf "\n#omegascripts\n%s\n#scriptsomega\n" "$(cat /tmp/scripts/" >> ~/.bashrc && rm -rf /tmp/scripts && echo "Successfully added functions between #omegascripts and #scriptsomega"
- md - creates new dir and moves to it
- untar - decompress tar, .bz2, .gz archive into the current dir (verbose)
- pwdf - echoes full path to file including filename
- brightness - sets brightness
- touchapd - enables/disables touchpad
- retab - renames current terminal tab
- docker ls - alias to docker container ls -a
- git
- root - teleports you to the root dir(where .git is located) of the current git project
- fuckit - add * && commit --amend --no-edit && push origin --force (should probably ask for the remote name)
- cbranch - prints current branch name