Setting up Xamarin developer environment:
Follow this link to find detailed instruction on how to setup development environment on both mac and window\_started/installation.
SDK minimum requirement:
The IOS binding should have the same requirement as the kiip native objective c library.
On Android the binding requires OS version 4.03 or higher
To update the Android binding simply replace KiipSDKXamarin.Droid/Jars/KiipSDK.jar and replace the art resources in KiipTouchArtResources. Rebuilding the KiipSDKXamarin.Touch solution should generate the new binding. The new dll can be found under the KiipSDKXamarin.Touch/bin/{debug}or{release}.
To update the IOS binding first extract the static library file KiipSDK found under KiipSDK.framework/Versions/A/KiipSDK from the KiipSDK.framework. Rename the file to libKiipSDK.a. Copy the static library to KiipSDKXamarin.Touch/Resources and replace the art resources in KiipTouchArtResources. Rebuilding the KiipSDKXamarin.Droid solution should generate the new binding. The new dll can be found under the KiipSDKXamarin.Droid/bin/{debug}or{release}.