From 2aea4a03f0f408cf0556b0abc3cb16ad57cafeaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Cyr <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 13:18:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] mulmod constraints table

 .../opcode_tester_input_generator.hpp         |  13 +-
 .../blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/addmod.hpp    |   1 +
 .../blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mulmod.hpp    | 644 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/addmod.hpp | 172 +++--
 .../blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.hpp | 119 ++--
 .../test/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mod_ops.cpp        |  48 +-
 .../test/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.cpp      |   2 +-
 7 files changed, 823 insertions(+), 176 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/input_generators/opcode_tester_input_generator.hpp b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/input_generators/opcode_tester_input_generator.hpp
index c0648c8ce2..6a3d8aee81 100644
--- a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/input_generators/opcode_tester_input_generator.hpp
+++ b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/input_generators/opcode_tester_input_generator.hpp
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ namespace nil {
                 using integral_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_modular_backend<257>>;
+                using extended_integral_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_modular_backend<512>>;
                 void apply_tester(const zkevm_opcode_tester &tester, std::size_t initial_gas = 30000000){
@@ -316,8 +317,6 @@ namespace nil {
                             integral_type r_integral = modulus != 0u ? s_integral / integral_type(modulus) : 0u;
                             zkevm_word_type q = zkevm_word_type(s_integral - r_integral * integral_type(modulus));
                             zkevm_word_type result = modulus != 0u ? q : 0;
-                            // zkevm_word_type result =
-                            //     integral_type(modulus) == 0 ? 0 : (a + b) % modulus;
                             //zkevm_word_type result = integral_type(modulus) == 0? 0 :(a + b) % modulus;
                             _rw_operations.push_back(stack_rw_operation(call_id,  stack.size(), rw_counter++, true, result));
@@ -334,7 +333,15 @@ namespace nil {
                             zkevm_word_type modulus = stack.back();
                             _rw_operations.push_back(stack_rw_operation(call_id,  stack.size(), rw_counter++, false, modulus));
-                            zkevm_word_type result = integral_type(modulus) == 0? 0 : (a * b) % modulus;
+                            a = modulus != 0u ? a : 0;
+                            extended_integral_type s_integral = extended_integral_type(integral_type(a)) * extended_integral_type(integral_type(b));
+                            zkevm_word_type sp = zkevm_word_type(s_integral % extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                            zkevm_word_type spp = zkevm_word_type(s_integral / extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                            extended_integral_type r_integral = modulus != 0u ? s_integral / extended_integral_type(integral_type(modulus)): 0u;
+                            zkevm_word_type rp = zkevm_word_type(r_integral % extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                            zkevm_word_type rpp = zkevm_word_type(r_integral / extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                            zkevm_word_type result = modulus != 0u ? zkevm_word_type(s_integral % extended_integral_type(integral_type(modulus))): 0u;
+                            //zkevm_word_type result = integral_type(modulus) == 0? 0 : (a * b) % modulus;
                             _rw_operations.push_back(stack_rw_operation(call_id,  stack.size(), rw_counter++, true, result));
diff --git a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/addmod.hpp b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/addmod.hpp
index f1dec47c99..9b334fc32a 100644
--- a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/addmod.hpp
+++ b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/addmod.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2024 Alexey Yashunsky <>
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Antoine Cyr <>
 // MIT License
diff --git a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mulmod.hpp b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mulmod.hpp
index fa99f082c2..08a11dae5d 100644
--- a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mulmod.hpp
+++ b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mulmod.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2024 Alexey Yashunsky <>
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Antoine Cyr <>
 // MIT License
@@ -24,33 +25,646 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <numeric>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <nil/blueprint/zkevm/zkevm_word.hpp>
 #include <nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/types/opcode.hpp>
+#include <numeric>
 namespace nil {
     namespace blueprint {
-        namespace bbf{
+        namespace bbf {
             template<typename FieldType>
             class opcode_abstract;
+            template<typename FieldType, GenerationStage stage>
+            class zkevm_mulmod_bbf : public generic_component<FieldType, stage> {
+                using generic_component<FieldType, stage>::allocate;
+                using generic_component<FieldType, stage>::copy_constrain;
+                using generic_component<FieldType, stage>::constrain;
+                using generic_component<FieldType, stage>::lookup;
+                using generic_component<FieldType, stage>::lookup_table;
+                using value_type = typename FieldType::value_type;
+                using var = crypto3::zk::snark::plonk_variable<typename FieldType::value_type>;
+                constexpr static const std::size_t chunk_amount = 16;
+                constexpr static const std::size_t carry_amount = 16 / 3 + 1;
+                constexpr static const value_type two_16 = 65536;
+                constexpr static const value_type two_32 = 4294967296;
+                constexpr static const value_type two_48 = 281474976710656;
+                constexpr static const value_type two_64 = 0x10000000000000000_cppui_modular254;
+                constexpr static const value_type two128 =
+                    0x100000000000000000000000000000000_cppui_modular254;
+                constexpr static const value_type two192 =
+                    0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_cppui_modular254;
+              public:
+                using typename generic_component<FieldType, stage>::TYPE;
+                using typename generic_component<FieldType, stage>::context_type;
+                template<typename T, typename V = T>
+                T chunk_sum_64(const std::vector<V> &chunks, const unsigned char chunk_idx) const {
+                    BOOST_ASSERT(chunk_idx < 8);  // corrected to allow 512-bit numbers
+                    return chunks[4 * chunk_idx] + chunks[4 * chunk_idx + 1] * two_16 +
+                           chunks[4 * chunk_idx + 2] * two_32 + chunks[4 * chunk_idx + 3] * two_48;
+                }
+                // a = b*r, a and r have 8 64-bit chunks, b has 4 64-bit chunks
+                template<typename T>
+                T first_carryless_construct(const std::vector<T> &a_64_chunks,
+                                            const std::vector<T> &b_64_chunks,
+                                            const std::vector<T> &r_64_chunks) const {
+                    return r_64_chunks[0] * b_64_chunks[0] +
+                           two_64 *
+                               (r_64_chunks[0] * b_64_chunks[1] + r_64_chunks[1] * b_64_chunks[0]) -
+                           a_64_chunks[0] - two_64 * a_64_chunks[1];
+                }
+                template<typename T>
+                T second_carryless_construct(const std::vector<T> &a_64_chunks,
+                                             const std::vector<T> &b_64_chunks,
+                                             const std::vector<T> &r_64_chunks) const {
+                    return (r_64_chunks[0] * b_64_chunks[2] + r_64_chunks[1] * b_64_chunks[1] +
+                            r_64_chunks[2] * b_64_chunks[0]) +
+                           two_64 *
+                               (r_64_chunks[0] * b_64_chunks[3] + r_64_chunks[1] * b_64_chunks[2] +
+                                r_64_chunks[2] * b_64_chunks[1] + r_64_chunks[3] * b_64_chunks[0]) -
+                           a_64_chunks[2] - two_64 * a_64_chunks[3];
+                }
+                template<typename T>
+                T third_carryless_construct(const std::vector<T> &a_64_chunks,
+                                            const std::vector<T> &b_64_chunks,
+                                            const std::vector<T> &r_64_chunks) const {
+                    return (r_64_chunks[1] * b_64_chunks[3] + r_64_chunks[2] * b_64_chunks[2] +
+                            r_64_chunks[3] * b_64_chunks[1] + r_64_chunks[4] * b_64_chunks[0]) +
+                           two_64 *
+                               (r_64_chunks[2] * b_64_chunks[3] + r_64_chunks[3] * b_64_chunks[2] +
+                                r_64_chunks[4] * b_64_chunks[1] + r_64_chunks[5] * b_64_chunks[0]) -
+                           a_64_chunks[4] - two_64 * a_64_chunks[5];
+                }
+                template<typename T>
+                T forth_carryless_construct(const std::vector<T> &a_64_chunks,
+                                            const std::vector<T> &b_64_chunks,
+                                            const std::vector<T> &r_64_chunks) const {
+                    return (r_64_chunks[3] * b_64_chunks[3] + r_64_chunks[4] * b_64_chunks[2] +
+                            r_64_chunks[5] * b_64_chunks[1] + r_64_chunks[6] * b_64_chunks[0]) +
+                           two_64 *
+                               (r_64_chunks[4] * b_64_chunks[3] + r_64_chunks[5] * b_64_chunks[2] +
+                                r_64_chunks[6] * b_64_chunks[1] + r_64_chunks[7] * b_64_chunks[0]) -
+                           a_64_chunks[6] - two_64 * a_64_chunks[7];
+                }
+                TYPE carry_on_addition_constraint(TYPE a_0, TYPE a_1, TYPE a_2, TYPE b_0, TYPE b_1,
+                                                  TYPE b_2, TYPE r_0, TYPE r_1, TYPE r_2,
+                                                  TYPE last_carry, TYPE result_carry,
+                                                  bool first_constraint = false) {
+                    if (first_constraint) {
+                        // no last carry for first constraint
+                        return (a_0 + b_0) + (a_1 + b_1) * two_16 + (a_2 + b_2) * two_32 - r_0 -
+                               r_1 * two_16 - r_2 * two_32 - result_carry * two_48;
+                    } else {
+                        return last_carry + (a_0 + b_0) + (a_1 + b_1) * two_16 +
+                               (a_2 + b_2) * two_32 - r_0 - r_1 * two_16 - r_2 * two_32 -
+                               result_carry * two_48;
+                    }
+                };
+                TYPE last_carry_on_addition_constraint(TYPE a_0, TYPE b_0, TYPE r_0,
+                                                       TYPE last_carry, TYPE result_carry) {
+                    return (last_carry + a_0 + b_0 - r_0 - result_carry * two_16);
+                };
+                std::vector<TYPE> res;
+              public:
+                zkevm_mulmod_bbf(context_type &context_object,
+                                 const opcode_input_type<FieldType, stage> &current_state,
+                                 bool make_links = true)
+                    : generic_component<FieldType, stage>(context_object), res(chunk_amount) {
+                    using integral_type = boost::multiprecision::number<
+                        boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_modular_backend<257>>;
+                    using extended_integral_type = boost::multiprecision::number<
+                        boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_modular_backend<512>>;
+                    // The central relation is a * b = s = Nr + q, q < N.
+                    std::vector<TYPE> v_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> N_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> q_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> a_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> input_a_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> b_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> sp_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> spp_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> rp_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> rpp_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> Nr_p_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> Nr_pp_chunks(chunk_amount);
+                    TYPE N_sum;
+                    TYPE N_sum_inverse;
+                    TYPE N_nonzero;
+                    TYPE N_nonzero_2;
+                    TYPE carry[3][carry_amount + 1];
+                    std::vector<TYPE> s_c_1_chunks(4);
+                    TYPE s_c_2;
+                    std::vector<TYPE> s_c_3_chunks(4);
+                    TYPE s_c_4;
+                    std::vector<TYPE> s_c_5_chunks(4);
+                    TYPE s_c_6;
+                    TYPE s_c_1_64;
+                    TYPE s_c_3_64;
+                    TYPE s_c_5_64;
+                    std::vector<TYPE> c_1_chunks(4);
+                    TYPE c_2;
+                    std::vector<TYPE> c_3_chunks(4);
+                    TYPE c_4;
+                    std::vector<TYPE> c_5_chunks(4);
+                    TYPE c_6;
+                    TYPE c_1_64;
+                    TYPE c_3_64;
+                    TYPE c_5_64;
+                    TYPE Nrpp_add;
+                    TYPE c_zero;
+                    TYPE c_one;
+                    std::vector<TYPE> a_64_chunks(8);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> b_64_chunks(4);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> s_64_chunks(8);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> N_64_chunks(4);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> r_64_chunks(8);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> Nr_64_chunks(8);
+                    TYPE s_first_carryless;
+                    TYPE s_second_carryless;
+                    TYPE s_third_carryless;
+                    TYPE s_forth_carryless;
+                    TYPE first_carryless;
+                    TYPE second_carryless;
+                    TYPE third_carryless;
+                    TYPE forth_carryless;
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        zkevm_word_type input_a = current_state.stack_top();
+                        zkevm_word_type b = current_state.stack_top(1);
+                        zkevm_word_type N = current_state.stack_top(2);
+                        zkevm_word_type a = N != 0u ? input_a : 0;
+                        extended_integral_type s_integral =
+                            extended_integral_type(integral_type(a)) *
+                            extended_integral_type(integral_type(b));
+                        zkevm_word_type sp =
+                            zkevm_word_type(s_integral % extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                        zkevm_word_type spp =
+                            zkevm_word_type(s_integral / extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                        extended_integral_type r_integral =
+                            N != 0u ? s_integral / extended_integral_type(integral_type(N)) : 0u;
+                        zkevm_word_type rp =
+                            zkevm_word_type(r_integral % extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                        zkevm_word_type rpp =
+                            zkevm_word_type(r_integral / extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                        zkevm_word_type q =
+                            N != 0u ? zkevm_word_type(s_integral %
+                                                      extended_integral_type(integral_type(N)))
+                                    : 0u;
+                        extended_integral_type Nr_integral =
+                            s_integral - extended_integral_type(integral_type(q));
+                        zkevm_word_type Nr_p =
+                            zkevm_word_type(Nr_integral % extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                        zkevm_word_type Nr_pp =
+                            zkevm_word_type(Nr_integral / extended_integral_type(zkevm_modulus));
+                        bool t_last = integral_type(q) < integral_type(N);
+                        zkevm_word_type v = zkevm_word_type(integral_type(q) +
+                                                            integral_type(t_last) * zkevm_modulus -
+                                                            integral_type(N));
+                        zkevm_word_type result = q;
+                        v_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(v);
+                        N_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(N);
+                        q_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(q);
+                        a_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(a);
+                        input_a_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(input_a);
+                        b_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(b);
+                        sp_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(sp);
+                        spp_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(spp);
+                        rp_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(rp);
+                        rpp_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(rpp);
+                        Nr_p_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(Nr_p);
+                        Nr_pp_chunks = zkevm_word_to_field_element<FieldType>(Nr_pp);
+                        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                            a_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(a_chunks, i));
+                            b_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(b_chunks, i));
+                            s_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(sp_chunks, i));
+                            N_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(N_chunks, i));
+                            r_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(rp_chunks, i));
+                            Nr_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(Nr_p_chunks, i));
+                        }
+                        // note that we don't assign 64-chunks for s/N, as we can build them from
+                        // 16-chunks with constraints under the same logic we only assign the 16-bit
+                        // chunks for carries
+                        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4;
+                             i++) {                    // for 512-bit integers 64-bit chunks go on
+                            a_64_chunks.push_back(0);  // artificially extend a_64_chunks to a
+                                                       // 512-bit number representation
+                            s_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(spp_chunks, i));
+                            r_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(rpp_chunks, i));
+                            Nr_64_chunks.push_back(chunk_sum_64<value_type>(Nr_pp_chunks, i));
+                        }
+                        // computation of s = a*b product
+                        s_first_carryless =
+                            first_carryless_construct<TYPE>(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks);
+                        auto s_first_row_carries =
+                            first_carryless_construct(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks).data >>
+                            128;
+                        value_type s_c_1 =
+                            static_cast<value_type>(s_first_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
+                        s_c_2 = static_cast<value_type>(s_first_row_carries >> 64);
+                        s_c_1_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(s_c_1);
+                        // no need for c_2 chunks as there is only a single chunk
+                        s_second_carryless =
+                            second_carryless_construct<TYPE>(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks);
+                        auto s_second_row_carries =
+                            (second_carryless_construct(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks) +
+                             s_c_1 + s_c_2 * two_64)
+                                .data >>
+                            128;
+                        // computation of s = a*b product
+                        value_type s_c_3 =
+                            static_cast<value_type>(s_second_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
+                        s_c_4 = static_cast<value_type>(s_second_row_carries >> 64);
+                        s_c_3_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(s_c_3);
+                        s_third_carryless =
+                            third_carryless_construct<TYPE>(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks);
+                        auto s_third_row_carries =
+                            (third_carryless_construct(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks))
+                                .data >>
+                            128;
+                        value_type s_c_5 =
+                            static_cast<value_type>(s_third_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
+                        s_c_6 = static_cast<value_type>(s_third_row_carries >> 64);
+                        s_c_5_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(s_c_5);
+                        s_forth_carryless =
+                            forth_carryless_construct<TYPE>(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks);
+                        // computation of N*r product
+                        // caluclate first row carries
+                        first_carryless =
+                            first_carryless_construct<TYPE>(Nr_64_chunks, N_64_chunks, r_64_chunks);
+                        auto first_row_carries =
+                            first_carryless_construct(Nr_64_chunks, N_64_chunks, r_64_chunks)
+                                .data >>
+                            128;
+                        value_type c_1 =
+                            static_cast<value_type>(first_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
+                        c_2 = static_cast<value_type>(first_row_carries >> 64);
+                        c_1_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(c_1);
+                        // no need for c_2 chunks as there is only a single chunk
+                        second_carryless = second_carryless_construct<TYPE>(
+                            Nr_64_chunks, N_64_chunks, r_64_chunks);
+                        auto second_row_carries =
+                            (second_carryless_construct(Nr_64_chunks, N_64_chunks, r_64_chunks) +
+                             c_1 + c_2 * two_64)
+                                .data >>
+                            128;
+                        value_type c_3 =
+                            static_cast<value_type>(second_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
+                        c_4 = static_cast<value_type>(second_row_carries >> 64);
+                        c_3_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(c_3);
+                        third_carryless =
+                            third_carryless_construct<TYPE>(Nr_64_chunks, N_64_chunks, r_64_chunks);
+                        auto third_row_carries =
+                            (third_carryless_construct(Nr_64_chunks, N_64_chunks, r_64_chunks) +
+                             c_3 + c_4 * two_64)
+                                .data >>
+                            128;
+                        value_type c_5 =
+                            static_cast<value_type>(third_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
+                        c_6 = static_cast<value_type>( >> 64);
+                        c_5_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(c_5);
+                        forth_carryless =
+                            forth_carryless_construct<TYPE>(Nr_64_chunks, N_64_chunks, r_64_chunks);
+                        N_sum = std::accumulate(N_chunks.begin(), N_chunks.end(), value_type(0));
+                        N_sum_inverse = N_sum == 0 ? 0 : N_sum.inversed();
+                        carry[0][0] = 0;
+                        carry[1][0] = 0;
+                        carry[2][0] = 0;
+                        c_zero = 0;
+                        s_c_1_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(s_c_1_chunks, 0);
+                        s_c_3_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(s_c_3_chunks, 0);
+                        s_c_5_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(s_c_5_chunks, 0);
+                        c_1_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(c_1_chunks, 0);
+                        c_3_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(c_3_chunks, 0);
+                        c_5_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(c_5_chunks, 0);
+                    }
+                    c_one = c_zero + 1;
+                    N_nonzero = N_sum * N_sum_inverse;
+                    N_nonzero_2 = N_nonzero;
+                    allocate(N_nonzero, 32, 5);
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
+                        allocate(N_chunks[i], i, 0);
+                        allocate(q_chunks[i], i, 1);
+                        allocate(v_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 0);
+                        res[i] = q_chunks[i];
+                        allocate(Nr_p_chunks[i], i, 2);
+                        allocate(sp_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 2);
+                        allocate(spp_chunks[i], i, 3);
+                        allocate(Nr_pp_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 3);
+                        allocate(a_chunks[i], i, 5);
+                        allocate(input_a_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 5);
+                        constrain((a_chunks[i] - N_nonzero * input_a_chunks[i]));
+                        allocate(b_chunks[i], i, 6);
+                    }
+                    allocate(carry[0][0], chunk_amount, 1);
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
+                        if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                            carry[0][i + 1] =
+                                (carry[0][i] + N_chunks[3 * i] + v_chunks[3 * i] +
+                                 (N_chunks[3 * i + 1] + v_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
+                                 (N_chunks[3 * i + 2] + v_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
+                        }
+                        allocate(carry[0][i + 1], chunk_amount + i + 1, 1);
+                        constrain(carry_on_addition_constraint(
+                            N_chunks[3 * i], N_chunks[3 * i + 1], N_chunks[3 * i + 2],
+                            v_chunks[3 * i], v_chunks[3 * i + 1], v_chunks[3 * i + 2],
+                            q_chunks[3 * i], q_chunks[3 * i + 1], q_chunks[3 * i + 2], carry[0][i],
+                            carry[0][i + 1], i == 0));
+                        constrain(carry[0][i + 1] * (1 - carry[0][i + 1]));
+                    }
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        carry[0][carry_amount] =
+                            (carry[0][carry_amount - 1] + N_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
+                             v_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
+                    }
+                    allocate(carry[0][carry_amount], chunk_amount + carry_amount, 1);
+                    allocate(N_nonzero_2, chunk_amount + carry_amount + 1, 1);
+                    constrain(last_carry_on_addition_constraint(
+                        N_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], v_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)],
+                        q_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], carry[0][carry_amount - 1],
+                        carry[0][carry_amount]));
+                    // last carry is 0 or 1, but should be 1 if N_nonzero = 1
+                    constrain((N_nonzero_2 + (1 - N_nonzero_2) * carry[0][carry_amount]) *
+                              (1 - carry[0][carry_amount]));
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                        // s = a * b carries
+                        allocate(s_c_1_chunks[i], i + 8, 4);
+                        allocate(s_c_3_chunks[i], i + 12, 4);
+                        allocate(s_c_5_chunks[i], i + 16, 4);
+                    }
+                    allocate(s_first_carryless, 32, 0);
+                    allocate(s_second_carryless, 33, 0);
+                    allocate(s_third_carryless, 34, 0);
+                    allocate(s_forth_carryless, 35, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_1_64, 36, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_2, 37, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_3_64, 38, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_4, 39, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_5_64, 40, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_6, 41, 0);
+                    constrain(s_first_carryless - s_c_1_64 * two128 - s_c_2 * two192);
+                    constrain((s_second_carryless + s_c_1_64 + s_c_2 * two_64 - s_c_3_64 * two128 -
+                               s_c_4 * two192));
+                    // add constraints for s_c_2/s_c_4/s_c_6: s_c_2 is 0/1, s_c_4 is 0/1/2/3,s_c_6
+                    // is 0/1
+                    constrain(s_c_2 * (s_c_2 - 1));
+                    constrain(s_c_4 * (s_c_4 - 1) * (s_c_4 - 2) * (s_c_4 - 3));
+                    constrain(s_c_6 * (s_c_6 - 1));
+                    constrain(s_third_carryless + s_c_3_64 + s_c_4 * two_64 - s_c_5_64 * two128 -
+                              s_c_6 * two192);
+                    constrain(s_forth_carryless + s_c_5_64 + s_c_6 * two_64);
+                    // s = Nr + q carries
+                    allocate(carry[1][0], 24, 1);
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
+                        if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                            carry[1][i + 1] =
+                                (carry[1][i] + Nr_p_chunks[3 * i] + q_chunks[3 * i] +
+                                 (Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 1] + q_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
+                                 (Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 2] + q_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
+                        }
+                        allocate(carry[1][i + 1], 25 + i, 1);
+                        constrain(carry_on_addition_constraint(
+                            Nr_p_chunks[3 * i], Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 1], Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 2],
+                            q_chunks[3 * i], q_chunks[3 * i + 1], q_chunks[3 * i + 2],
+                            sp_chunks[3 * i], sp_chunks[3 * i + 1], sp_chunks[3 * i + 2],
+                            carry[1][i], carry[1][i + 1], i == 0));
+                        constrain(carry[1][i + 1] * (1 - carry[1][i + 1]));
+                    }
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        carry[1][carry_amount] =
+                            (carry[1][carry_amount - 1] + Nr_p_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
+                             q_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
+                    }
+                    allocate(carry[1][carry_amount], 30, 1);
+                    constrain(last_carry_on_addition_constraint(
+                        Nr_p_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], q_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)],
+                        sp_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], carry[1][carry_amount - 1],
+                        carry[1][carry_amount]));
+                    constrain(carry[1][carry_amount] * (1 - carry[1][carry_amount]));
+                    allocate(carry[2][1], 0, 4);
+                    allocate(c_zero, carry_amount + 1, 4);
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        carry[2][1] =
+                            (carry[2][0] + Nr_pp_chunks[0] + carry[1][carry_amount] +
+                             Nr_pp_chunks[1] * two_16 + Nr_pp_chunks[2] * two_32) >= two_48;
+                    }
+                    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
+                        if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                            carry[2][i + 1] = (carry[2][i] + Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i] +
+                                               Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 1] * two_16 +
+                                               Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 2] * two_32) >= two_48;
+                        }
+                        allocate(carry[2][i + 1], i + 1, 4);
+                        constrain(carry_on_addition_constraint(
+                            Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i], Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 1], Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 2],
+                            c_zero, c_zero, c_zero, spp_chunks[3 * i], spp_chunks[3 * i + 1],
+                            spp_chunks[3 * i + 2], carry[2][i], carry[2][i + 1], i == 0));
+                        constrain(carry[2][i + 1] * (1 - carry[2][i + 1]));
+                    }
+                    allocate(carry[2][carry_amount], carry_amount, 4);
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        carry[2][carry_amount] = (carry[2][carry_amount - 1] +
+                                                  Nr_pp_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
+                        BOOST_ASSERT(carry[2][carry_amount] == 0);
+                    }
+                    // ^^^^ normally should be zero, so instead we put c_zero
+                    constrain(carry[2][carry_amount]);
+                    last_carry_on_addition_constraint(Nr_pp_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], c_zero,
+                                                      spp_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)],
+                                                      carry[2][carry_amount - 1], c_zero);
+                    // end of s = Nr + q carries
+                    // the section where we prove Nr = N * r
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                        // N*r carries
+                        allocate(c_1_chunks[i], i + 20, 4);
+                        allocate(c_3_chunks[i], i + 24, 4);
+                        allocate(c_5_chunks[i], i + 28, 4);
+                    }
+                    allocate(first_carryless, 32, 1);
+                    allocate(second_carryless, 33, 1);
+                    allocate(third_carryless, 34, 1);
+                    allocate(forth_carryless, 35, 1);
+                    allocate(c_1_64, 36, 1);
+                    allocate(c_2, 37, 1);
+                    allocate(c_3_64, 38, 1);
+                    allocate(c_4, 39, 1);
+                    allocate(c_5_64, 40, 1);
+                    allocate(c_6, 41, 1);
+                    constrain((first_carryless - c_1_64 * two128 - c_2 * two192));
+                    constrain((second_carryless + c_1_64 + c_2 * two_64 - c_3_64 * two128 -
+                               c_4 * two192));
+                    // add constraints for c_2/c_4/c_6: c_2 is 0/1, c_4, c_6 is 0/1/2/3
+                    constrain(c_2 * (c_2 - 1));
+                    constrain(c_4 * (c_4 - 1) * (c_4 - 2) * (c_4 - 3));
+                    constrain(c_6 * (c_6 - 1) * (c_6 - 2) * (c_6 - 3));
+                    constrain(
+                        (third_carryless + c_3_64 + c_4 * two_64 - c_5_64 * two128 - c_6 * two192));
+                    constrain((forth_carryless + c_5_64 + c_6 * two_64));
+                    auto A_128 = chunks16_to_chunks128_reversed<TYPE>(input_a_chunks);
+                    auto B_128 = chunks16_to_chunks128_reversed<TYPE>(b_chunks);
+                    auto N_128 = chunks16_to_chunks128_reversed<TYPE>(N_chunks);
+                    auto Res_128 = chunks16_to_chunks128_reversed<TYPE>(res);
+                    TYPE A0, A1, B0, B1, N0, N1, Res0, Res1;
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        A0 = A_128.first;
+                        A1 = A_128.second;
+                        B0 = B_128.first;
+                        B1 = B_128.second;
+                        N0 = N_128.first;
+                        N1 = N_128.second;
+                        Res0 = Res_128.first;
+                        Res1 = Res_128.second;
+                    }
+                    allocate(A0, 33, 4);
+                    allocate(A1, 33, 5);
+                    allocate(B0, 34, 5);
+                    allocate(B1, 34, 6);
+                    allocate(N0, 42, 0);
+                    allocate(N1, 42, 1);
+                    allocate(Res0, 34, 2);
+                    allocate(Res1, 34, 3);
+                    constrain(A0 - A_128.first);
+                    constrain(A1 - A_128.second);
+                    constrain(B0 - B_128.first);
+                    constrain(B1 - B_128.second);
+                    constrain(N0 - N_128.first);
+                    constrain(N1 - N_128.second);
+                    constrain(Res0 - Res_128.first);
+                    constrain(Res1 - Res_128.second);
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::CONSTRAINTS) {
+                        constrain(current_state.pc_next() - current_state.pc(6) -
+                                  1);  // PC transition
+                        constrain(current_state.gas(6) - current_state.gas_next() -
+                                  8);  // GAS transition
+                        constrain(current_state.stack_size(6) - current_state.stack_size_next() -
+                                  2);  // stack_size transition
+                        constrain(current_state.memory_size(6) -
+                                  current_state.memory_size_next());  // memory_size transition
+                        constrain(current_state.rw_counter_next() - current_state.rw_counter(6) -
+                                  4);  // rw_counter transition
+                        std::vector<TYPE> tmp;
+                        tmp = {TYPE(rw_op_to_num(rw_operation_type::stack)),
+                               current_state.call_id(5),
+                               current_state.stack_size(5) - 1,
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_hi
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_lo
+                               TYPE(0),  // field
+                               current_state.rw_counter(5),
+                               TYPE(0),  // is_write
+                               A0,
+                               A1};
+                        lookup(tmp, "zkevm_rw");
+                        tmp = {TYPE(rw_op_to_num(rw_operation_type::stack)),
+                               current_state.call_id(5),
+                               current_state.stack_size(5) - 2,
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_hi
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_lo
+                               TYPE(0),  // field
+                               current_state.rw_counter(5) + 1,
+                               TYPE(0),  // is_write
+                               B0,
+                               B1};
+                        lookup(tmp, "zkevm_rw");
+                        tmp = {TYPE(rw_op_to_num(rw_operation_type::stack)),
+                               current_state.call_id(1),
+                               current_state.stack_size(1) - 3,
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_hi
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_lo
+                               TYPE(0),  // field
+                               current_state.rw_counter(1) + 2,
+                               TYPE(0),  // is_write
+                               N0,
+                               N1};
+                        lookup(tmp, "zkevm_rw");
+                        tmp = {TYPE(rw_op_to_num(rw_operation_type::stack)),
+                               current_state.call_id(2),
+                               current_state.stack_size(2) - 3,
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_hi
+                               TYPE(0),  // storage_key_lo
+                               TYPE(0),  // field
+                               current_state.rw_counter(2) + 3,
+                               TYPE(1),  // is_write
+                               Res0,
+                               Res1};
+                        lookup(tmp, "zkevm_rw");
+                    }
+                }
+            };
             template<typename FieldType>
             class zkevm_mulmod_operation : public opcode_abstract<FieldType> {
-            public:
+              public:
                 virtual void fill_context(
-                    typename generic_component<FieldType, GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT>::context_type &context,
-                    const opcode_input_type<FieldType, GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT> &current_state
-                ) {}
+                    typename generic_component<FieldType, GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT>::context_type
+                        &context,
+                    const opcode_input_type<FieldType, GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT>
+                        &current_state) {
+                    zkevm_mulmod_bbf<FieldType, GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT> bbf_obj(context,
+                                                                                     current_state);
+                }
                 virtual void fill_context(
-                    typename generic_component<FieldType, GenerationStage::CONSTRAINTS>::context_type &context,
-                    const opcode_input_type<FieldType, GenerationStage::CONSTRAINTS> &current_state
-                ) {}
-                virtual std::size_t rows_amount() override {
-                    return 8;
+                    typename generic_component<FieldType,
+                                               GenerationStage::CONSTRAINTS>::context_type &context,
+                    const opcode_input_type<FieldType, GenerationStage::CONSTRAINTS>
+                        &current_state) {
+                    zkevm_mulmod_bbf<FieldType, GenerationStage::CONSTRAINTS> bbf_obj(
+                        context, current_state);
+                virtual std::size_t rows_amount() override { return 7; }
-        } // namespace bbf
-    }   // namespace blueprint
-}   // namespace nil
+        }  // namespace bbf
+    }  // namespace blueprint
+}  // namespace nil
diff --git a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/addmod.hpp b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/addmod.hpp
index 6af7b0266d..a8364f84b0 100644
--- a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/addmod.hpp
+++ b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/addmod.hpp
@@ -224,8 +224,7 @@ namespace nil {
                         c_3 = static_cast<value_type>(second_row_carries);
                         std::vector<value_type> c_3_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(c_3);
-                        N_sum =
-                            std::accumulate(N_chunks.begin(), N_chunks.end(), value_type(0));
+                        N_sum = std::accumulate(N_chunks.begin(), N_chunks.end(), value_type(0));
                         N_sum_inverse = N_sum == 0 ? 0 : N_sum.inversed();
                         N_nonzero = N_sum_inverse * N_sum;
                         // value_type
@@ -244,25 +243,32 @@ namespace nil {
                     // TODO: replace with memory access, which would also do range checks!
                     // also we can pack slightly more effectively
-                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
-                        allocate(a_chunks[i], i, 0);
-                        allocate(b_chunks[i], i, 1);
-                        allocate(s_chunks[i], i, 2);
-                    }
-                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-                        allocate(c_1_chunks[i], 3 * i + 3, 3);
-                        allocate(c_1_chunks[i], 3 * i + 4, 3);
-                        allocate(N_64_chunks[i], 3 * i + 9, 3);
-                        allocate(N_64_chunks[i], 3 * i + 10, 3);
-                        allocate(r_64_chunks[i], 3 * i + 19, 3);
-                        allocate(r_64_chunks[i], 3 * i + 20, 3);
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
+                        allocate(a_chunks[3 * i], 0, i);
+                        allocate(b_chunks[3 * i], 1, i);
+                        allocate(s_chunks[3 * i], 2, i);
+                        allocate(a_chunks[3 * i + 1], 3, i);
+                        allocate(b_chunks[3 * i + 1], 4, i);
+                        allocate(s_chunks[3 * i + 1], 5, i);
+                        allocate(a_chunks[3 * i + 2], 6, i);
+                        allocate(b_chunks[3 * i + 2], 7, i);
+                        allocate(s_chunks[3 * i + 2], 8, i);
+                    allocate(a_chunks[chunk_amount - 1], 26, 3);
+                    allocate(b_chunks[chunk_amount - 1], 27, 3);
+                    allocate(s_chunks[chunk_amount - 1], 28, 3);
                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
-                        carry[0][i + 1] =
-                            (carry[0][i] + a_chunks[3 * i] + b_chunks[3 * i] +
-                             (a_chunks[3 * i + 1] + b_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
-                             (a_chunks[3 * i + 2] + b_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
-                        allocate(carry[0][i + 1], 3 * i + 2, 3);
+                        if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                            carry[0][i + 1] =
+                                (carry[0][i] + a_chunks[3 * i] + b_chunks[3 * i] +
+                                 (a_chunks[3 * i + 1] + b_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
+                                 (a_chunks[3 * i + 2] + b_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
+                        }
+                        allocate(carry[0][i], 9, i);
+                        allocate(carry[0][i + 1], 10, i);
                             a_chunks[3 * i], a_chunks[3 * i + 1], a_chunks[3 * i + 2],
                             b_chunks[3 * i], b_chunks[3 * i + 1], b_chunks[3 * i + 2],
@@ -270,10 +276,14 @@ namespace nil {
                             carry[0][i + 1], i == 0));
                         constrain(carry[0][i + 1] * (1 - carry[0][i + 1]));
-                    carry[0][carry_amount] =
-                        (carry[0][carry_amount - 1] + a_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
-                         b_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
-                    allocate(carry[0][carry_amount], chunk_amount - 1, 3);
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        carry[0][carry_amount] =
+                            (carry[0][carry_amount - 1] + a_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
+                             b_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
+                    }
+                    allocate(carry[0][carry_amount - 1], 29, 3);
+                    allocate(carry[0][carry_amount], 30, 3);
                         a_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], b_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)],
@@ -281,26 +291,32 @@ namespace nil {
                     constrain(carry[0][carry_amount] * (1 - carry[0][carry_amount]));
-                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
-                        allocate(N_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 0);
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
+                        allocate(N_chunks[3 * i], 11, i);
+                        allocate(q_chunks[3 * i], 12, i);
+                        allocate(v_chunks[3 * i], 13, i);
+                        allocate(N_chunks[3 * i + 1], 14, i);
+                        allocate(q_chunks[3 * i + 1], 15, i);
+                        allocate(v_chunks[3 * i + 1], 16, i);
+                        allocate(N_chunks[3 * i + 2], 17, i);
+                        allocate(q_chunks[3 * i + 2], 18, i);
+                        allocate(v_chunks[3 * i + 2], 19, i);
-                    constrain(c_2 * (c_2 - 1));
-                    constrain(c_3 * (c_3 - 1));
-                    constrain(r_overflow * (1 - r_overflow));
-                    constrain((first_carryless - c_1_64 * two_128_cell - c_2 * two_192_cell));
-                    constrain(
-                        (second_row_carries + c_1_64 + c_2 * two_64_cell - c_3 * two_128_cell));
-                    constrain((third_row_carries + r_overflow * N_64_chunks[0] + c_3 -
-                               s_overflow * N_sum * N_sum_inverse));
-                    constrain(N_64_chunks[3] * r_64_chunks[3]);
+                    allocate(N_chunks[chunk_amount - 1], 26, 4);
+                    allocate(q_chunks[chunk_amount - 1], 27, 4);
+                    allocate(v_chunks[chunk_amount - 1], 28, 4);
-                    allocate(carry[1][0], chunk_amount, 3);
                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
-                        carry[1][i + 1] =
-                            (carry[1][i] + N_chunks[3 * i] + v_chunks[3 * i] +
-                             (N_chunks[3 * i + 1] + v_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
-                             (N_chunks[3 * i + 2] + v_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
-                        allocate(carry[1][i + 1], 3 * i + 2 + chunk_amount, 3);
+                        if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                            carry[1][i + 1] =
+                                (carry[1][i] + N_chunks[3 * i] + v_chunks[3 * i] +
+                                 (N_chunks[3 * i + 1] + v_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
+                                 (N_chunks[3 * i + 2] + v_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
+                        }
+                        allocate(carry[1][i], 20, i);
+                        allocate(carry[1][i + 1], 21, i);
                             N_chunks[3 * i], N_chunks[3 * i + 1], N_chunks[3 * i + 2],
                             v_chunks[3 * i], v_chunks[3 * i + 1], v_chunks[3 * i + 2],
@@ -309,54 +325,64 @@ namespace nil {
                         constrain(carry[1][i + 1] * (1 - carry[1][i + 1]));
-                    carry[1][carry_amount] =
-                        (carry[1][carry_amount - 1] + N_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
-                         v_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
-                    allocate(carry[1][carry_amount], chunk_amount * 2 - 1, 3);
+                    if constexpr (stage == GenerationStage::ASSIGNMENT) {
+                        carry[1][carry_amount] =
+                            (carry[1][carry_amount - 1] + N_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
+                             v_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
+                    }
+                    allocate(carry[1][carry_amount - 1], 29, 4);
+                    allocate(carry[1][carry_amount], 30, 4);
                         N_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], v_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)],
                         q_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], carry[1][carry_amount - 1],
-                    // carry[1][carry_amount] is 0 or 1, but should be 1 if N_nonzero = 1
+                    // // carry[1][carry_amount] is 0 or 1, but should be 1 if N_nonzero = 1
                     constrain((N_nonzero + (1 - N_nonzero) * carry[1][carry_amount]) *
                               (1 - carry[1][carry_amount]));
-                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
-                        allocate(q_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 1);
-                        allocate(N_nonzero, i + chunk_amount, 5);
-                    }
-                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
-                        allocate(v_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 2);
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
+                        allocate(q_out_chunks[3 * i], 22, i);
+                        allocate(q_out_chunks[3 * i + 1], 23, i);
+                        allocate(q_out_chunks[3 * i + 2], 24, i);
+                    allocate(q_out_chunks[chunk_amount - 1], 31, 4);
                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
+                        if (i % 3 == 0) {
+                            allocate(N_nonzero, 25, i / 3);
+                        }
                         constrain((N_nonzero * (q_chunks[i] - q_out_chunks[i]) +
                                    (1 - N_nonzero) * q_out_chunks[i]));
                         res[i] = q_out_chunks[i];
-                        allocate(q_out_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 4);
-                    }
-                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
-                        allocate(r_chunks[i], i, 4);
                     allocate(first_carryless, 32, 0);
-                    allocate(c_1_64, 32, 1);
-                    allocate(two_192_cell, 32, 2);
-                    allocate(c_2, 32, 3);
-                    allocate(second_row_carries, 33, 0);
-                    allocate(two_64_cell, 33, 1);
-                    allocate(two_128_cell, 33, 2);
-                    allocate(c_3, 33, 3);
-                    allocate(third_row_carries, 34, 0);
-                    allocate(r_overflow, 34, 1);
-                    allocate(N_64_chunks[0], 34, 2);
-                    allocate(s_overflow, 34, 3);
-                    allocate(N_sum, 35, 0);
-                    allocate(N_sum_inverse, 35, 1);
-                    allocate(N_64_chunks[3], 35, 2);
-                    allocate(r_64_chunks[3], 35, 3);
+                    allocate(c_1_64, 33, 0);
+                    allocate(c_2, 34, 0);
+                    constrain((first_carryless - c_1_64 * two_128 - c_2 * two_192));
+                    allocate(second_row_carries, 32, 1);
+                    allocate(c_3, 33, 1);
+                    constrain((second_row_carries + c_1_64 + c_2 * two_64 - c_3 * two_128));
+                    allocate(N_64_chunks[0], 31, 2);
+                    allocate(third_row_carries, 32, 2);
+                    allocate(r_overflow, 33, 2);
+                    allocate(s_overflow, 34, 2);
+                    allocate(N_sum, 35, 2);
+                    allocate(N_sum_inverse, 36, 2);
+                    constrain((third_row_carries + r_overflow * N_64_chunks[0] + c_3 -
+                               s_overflow * N_sum * N_sum_inverse));
+                    allocate(N_64_chunks[3], 30, 1);
+                    allocate(r_64_chunks[3], 31, 1);
+                    constrain(N_64_chunks[3] * r_64_chunks[3]);
+                    constrain(c_2 * (c_2 - 1));
+                    constrain(c_3 * (c_3 - 1));
+                    constrain(r_overflow * (1 - r_overflow));
         }  // namespace bbf
diff --git a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.hpp b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.hpp
index b83ce6ad7b..e4d6ecdea7 100644
--- a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.hpp
+++ b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/include/nil/blueprint/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.hpp
@@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ namespace nil {
                     TYPE c_zero;
                     TYPE c_one;
-                    std::vector<TYPE> a_64_chunks(4);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> a_64_chunks(8);
                     std::vector<TYPE> b_64_chunks(4);
-                    std::vector<TYPE> s_64_chunks(4);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> s_64_chunks(8);
                     std::vector<TYPE> N_64_chunks(4);
-                    std::vector<TYPE> r_64_chunks(4);
-                    std::vector<TYPE> Nr_64_chunks(4);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> r_64_chunks(8);
+                    std::vector<TYPE> Nr_64_chunks(8);
                     TYPE s_first_carryless;
                     TYPE s_second_carryless;
@@ -311,12 +311,8 @@ namespace nil {
                         auto s_third_row_carries =
                             (third_carryless_construct(s_64_chunks, b_64_chunks, a_64_chunks))
                                 .data >>
-                            256;
-                        // s_c_3 + s_c_4 * two_64)
+                            128;
-                        // 4611686018427387904
-                        // 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
-                        std::cout << "s_third_row_carries: " << s_third_row_carries << "\n";
                         value_type s_c_5 =
                             static_cast<value_type>(s_third_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
                         s_c_6 = static_cast<value_type>(s_third_row_carries >> 64);
@@ -357,7 +353,6 @@ namespace nil {
                         value_type c_5 =
                             static_cast<value_type>(third_row_carries & (two_64 - 1).data);
-                        // c_6 = static_cast<value_type>(third_row_carries >> 64);
                         c_6 = static_cast<value_type>( >> 64);
                         c_5_chunks = chunk_64_to_16<FieldType>(c_5);
                         forth_carryless =
@@ -372,40 +367,34 @@ namespace nil {
                         c_zero = 0;
                     c_one = c_zero + 1;
-                    allocate(carry[0][0]);
                     N_nonzero = N_sum * N_sum_inverse;
+                    allocate(N_nonzero, 4, 8);
                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < chunk_amount; i++) {
                         res[i] = q_chunks[i];
-                        allocate(v_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(input_a_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(
-                            N_chunks[i]);  // TODO this has to be lookup-constrained with RW-table
-                        allocate(q_chunks[i]);
+                        allocate(N_chunks[i], i, 0);
+                        allocate(q_chunks[i], i, 1);
+                        allocate(v_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 0);
+                        allocate(Nr_p_chunks[i], i, 2);
+                        allocate(sp_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 2);
-                        // TODO: replace with memory access, which would also do range checks!
-                        // also we can pack slightly more effectively
-                        allocate(a_chunks[i]);
+                        allocate(spp_chunks[i], i, 3);
+                        allocate(Nr_pp_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 3);
+                        allocate(a_chunks[i], i, 5);
+                        allocate(input_a_chunks[i], i + chunk_amount, 5);
                         constrain((a_chunks[i] - N_nonzero * input_a_chunks[i]));
-                        allocate(b_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(sp_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(spp_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(Nr_p_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(Nr_pp_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(rp_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(rpp_chunks[i]);
-                        // allocate(N_chunks[i]);
+                    allocate(carry[0][0], chunk_amount, 1);
                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
                         carry[0][i + 1] =
                             (carry[0][i] + N_chunks[3 * i] + v_chunks[3 * i] +
                              (N_chunks[3 * i + 1] + v_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
                              (N_chunks[3 * i + 2] + v_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
-                        allocate(carry[0][i + 1]);
+                        allocate(carry[0][i + 1], chunk_amount + i + 1, 1);
                             N_chunks[3 * i], N_chunks[3 * i + 1], N_chunks[3 * i + 2],
                             v_chunks[3 * i], v_chunks[3 * i + 1], v_chunks[3 * i + 2],
@@ -416,7 +405,8 @@ namespace nil {
                     carry[0][carry_amount] =
                         (carry[0][carry_amount - 1] + N_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
                          v_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
-                    allocate(carry[0][carry_amount]);
+                    allocate(carry[0][carry_amount], chunk_amount + carry_amount, 1);
+                    allocate(N_nonzero, chunk_amount + carry_amount + 1, 1);
                         N_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], v_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)],
                         q_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], carry[0][carry_amount - 1],
@@ -427,34 +417,30 @@ namespace nil {
                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                         // s = a * b carries
-                        allocate(s_c_1_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(s_c_3_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(s_c_5_chunks[i]);
-                        // N*r carries
-                        allocate(c_1_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(c_3_chunks[i]);
-                        allocate(c_5_chunks[i]);
+                        allocate(s_c_1_chunks[i], i + 8, 4);
+                        allocate(s_c_3_chunks[i], i + 12, 4);
+                        allocate(s_c_5_chunks[i], i + 16, 4);
-                    allocate(s_c_2);
-                    allocate(s_c_4);
-                    allocate(s_c_6);
-                    allocate(c_2);
-                    allocate(c_4);
-                    allocate(c_6);
                     s_c_1_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(s_c_1_chunks, 0);
                     s_c_3_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(s_c_3_chunks, 0);
                     s_c_5_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(s_c_5_chunks, 0);
+                    allocate(s_first_carryless, 32, 0);
+                    allocate(s_second_carryless, 33, 0);
+                    allocate(s_third_carryless, 34, 0);
+                    allocate(s_forth_carryless, 35, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_1_64, 36, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_2, 37, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_3_64, 38, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_4, 39, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_5_64, 40, 0);
+                    allocate(s_c_6, 41, 0);
                     constrain(s_first_carryless - s_c_1_64 * two128 - s_c_2 * two192);
                     constrain((s_second_carryless + s_c_1_64 + s_c_2 * two_64 - s_c_3_64 * two128 -
                                s_c_4 * two192));
                     // add constraints for s_c_2/s_c_4/s_c_6: s_c_2 is 0/1, s_c_4 is 0/1/2/3, s_c_6
                     // is 0/1
-                    std::cout << "s_c_2: " << s_c_2 << "\n";
-                    std::cout << "s_c_4: " << s_c_4 << "\n";
-                    std::cout << "s_c_6: " << s_c_6 << "\n";
                     constrain(s_c_2 * (s_c_2 - 1));
                     constrain(s_c_4 * (s_c_4 - 1) * (s_c_4 - 2) * (s_c_4 - 3));
                     constrain(s_c_6 * (s_c_6 - 1));
@@ -464,13 +450,13 @@ namespace nil {
                     constrain(s_forth_carryless + s_c_5_64 + s_c_6 * two_64);
                     // s = Nr + q carries
-                    allocate(carry[1][0]);
+                    allocate(carry[1][0], 24, 1);
                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
                         carry[1][i + 1] =
                             (carry[1][i] + Nr_p_chunks[3 * i] + q_chunks[3 * i] +
                              (Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 1] + q_chunks[3 * i + 1]) * two_16 +
                              (Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 2] + q_chunks[3 * i + 2]) * two_32) >= two_48;
-                        allocate(carry[1][i + 1]);
+                        allocate(carry[1][i + 1], 25 + i, 1);
                             Nr_p_chunks[3 * i], Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 1], Nr_p_chunks[3 * i + 2],
                             q_chunks[3 * i], q_chunks[3 * i + 1], q_chunks[3 * i + 2],
@@ -481,29 +467,29 @@ namespace nil {
                     carry[1][carry_amount] =
                         (carry[1][carry_amount - 1] + Nr_p_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)] +
                          q_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
-                    allocate(carry[1][carry_amount]);
+                    allocate(carry[1][carry_amount], 30, 1);
                         Nr_p_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], q_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)],
                         sp_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)], carry[1][carry_amount - 1],
                     constrain(carry[1][carry_amount] * (1 - carry[1][carry_amount]));
-                    Nrpp_add = carry[1][carry_amount];
-                    carry[2][1] = (carry[2][0] + Nr_pp_chunks[0] + Nrpp_add +
+                    allocate(carry[2][1], 0, 4);
+                    allocate(c_zero, carry_amount + 1, 4);
+                    carry[2][1] = (carry[2][0] + Nr_pp_chunks[0] + carry[1][carry_amount] +
                                    Nr_pp_chunks[1] * two_16 + Nr_pp_chunks[2] * two_32) >= two_48;
-                    allocate(carry[2][1]);
                     for (std::size_t i = 1; i < carry_amount - 1; i++) {
                         carry[2][i + 1] =
                             (carry[2][i] + Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i] + Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 1] * two_16 +
                              Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 2] * two_32) >= two_48;
-                        allocate(carry[2][i + 1]);
+                        allocate(carry[2][i + 1], i + 1, 4);
                             Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i], Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 1], Nr_pp_chunks[3 * i + 2],
                             c_zero, c_zero, c_zero, spp_chunks[3 * i], spp_chunks[3 * i + 1],
                             spp_chunks[3 * i + 2], carry[2][i], carry[2][i + 1], i == 0));
                         constrain(carry[2][i + 1] * (1 - carry[2][i + 1]));
+                    allocate(carry[2][carry_amount], carry_amount, 4);
                     carry[2][carry_amount] = (carry[2][carry_amount - 1] +
                                               Nr_pp_chunks[3 * (carry_amount - 1)]) >= two_16;
                     // ^^^^ normally should be zero, so instead we put c_zero
@@ -515,18 +501,31 @@ namespace nil {
                     // end of s = Nr + q carries
                     // the section where we prove Nr = N * r
+                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                        // N*r carries
+                        allocate(c_1_chunks[i], i + 20, 4);
+                        allocate(c_3_chunks[i], i + 24, 4);
+                        allocate(c_5_chunks[i], i + 28, 4);
+                    }
                     c_1_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(c_1_chunks, 0);
                     c_3_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(c_3_chunks, 0);
                     c_5_64 = chunk_sum_64<TYPE>(c_5_chunks, 0);
+                    allocate(first_carryless, 32, 1);
+                    allocate(second_carryless, 33, 1);
+                    allocate(third_carryless, 34, 1);
+                    allocate(forth_carryless, 35, 1);
+                    allocate(c_1_64, 36, 1);
+                    allocate(c_2, 37, 1);
+                    allocate(c_3_64, 38, 1);
+                    allocate(c_4, 39, 1);
+                    allocate(c_5_64, 40, 1);
+                    allocate(c_6, 41, 1);
                     constrain((first_carryless - c_1_64 * two128 - c_2 * two192));
                     constrain((second_carryless + c_1_64 + c_2 * two_64 - c_3_64 * two128 -
                                c_4 * two192));
                     // add constraints for c_2/c_4/c_6: c_2 is 0/1, c_4, c_6 is 0/1/2/3
-                    std::cout << "c_2: " << c_2 << "\n";
-                    std::cout << "c_4: " << c_4 << "\n";
-                    std::cout << "c_6: " << c_6 << "\n";
                     constrain(c_2 * (c_2 - 1));
                     constrain(c_4 * (c_4 - 1) * (c_4 - 2) * (c_4 - 3));
                     constrain(c_6 * (c_6 - 1) * (c_6 - 2) * (c_6 - 3));
diff --git a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mod_ops.cpp b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mod_ops.cpp
index 465c1d28ac..c5fc774d62 100644
--- a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mod_ops.cpp
+++ b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/opcodes/mod_ops.cpp
@@ -72,50 +72,50 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iszero) {
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x00")); // N
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x00")); // N
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x01")); // N
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x01")); // N
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x01")); // N
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x03")); // N
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x03")); // N
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x03")); // N
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")); // b
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH1, hex_string_to_bytes("0x02")); // a
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1234567890"));
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x12b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e0161b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a184"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1234567890"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x12b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e0161b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a184"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1234567890"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x12b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e0161b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a184"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xFb70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xFb70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xFb70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xFb70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xFb70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xFb70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1234567890"));
     opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x6789012345"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1234567890"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x6789012345"));
-    // opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH32, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1b70726fb8d3a24da9ff9647225a18412b8f010425938504d73ebc8801e2e016"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x1234567890"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::PUSH5, hex_string_to_bytes("0x6789012345"));
+    opcode_tester.push_opcode(zkevm_opcode::MULMOD);
     max_sizes.max_keccak_blocks = 10;
diff --git a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.cpp b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.cpp
index 51e02d7f51..e4d66ea503 100644
--- a/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.cpp
+++ b/crypto3/libs/blueprint/test/zkevm_bbf/operations/mulmod.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void test_mulmod(std::vector<typename nil::blueprint::zkevm_word_type> public_in
         typename nil::blueprint::bbf::generic_component<FieldType, stage::ASSIGNMENT>::TYPE;
     constexpr std::size_t WitnessColumns = 48;
-    constexpr std::size_t SelectorsColumns = 5;
+    constexpr std::size_t SelectorsColumns = 6;
     nil::crypto3::zk::snark::plonk_table_description<FieldType> desc(WitnessColumns, 1, 0,
     AssignmentType assignment_instance(desc);