Usage: uno COMMAND [args ...]
or uno COMMAND --help
or uno --version
Global options
-h, -?, --help Get help
-v, -vv, -vvv Increment verbosity level
-x, --experimental Enable experimental features
--(no-)anim Enable or disable terminal animations
--trace Print exception stack traces where available
Available commands
create Create a new project file
update Update packages and project(s)
build Build a project for given target
clean Delete generated build and cache directories in project(s)
test Run test project(s)
doctor Repair/rebuild packages found in search paths
config Print information about your Uno configuration
ls Print project items found to STDOUT
Experimental commands
no-build Invoke generated build steps without triggering a build
lint Parses uno source files and output syntax errors
adb Use Android Debug Bridge (adb)
launch-apk Deploy and start APK on a connected device
open Open file(s) in external application
Environment variables
LOG_LEVEL=<0..3> Set verbosity level (default = 0)
LOG_TRACE=1 Print exception stack traces where available
DEBUG_GL=1 Enable the OpenGL debug layer in .NET builds
Usage: uno create [options] [file|directory]
Create a new project file.
Available options
-c, --class=NAME Initialize project with an empty class with this name [optional]
-n, --name=NAME Specify project file name [optional]
-d, --defaults Add default settings
-e, --empty Create empty project without packages or items
-f, --force Overwrite any existing project without warning
--flatten Flatten items to explicit list of files
Usage: uno update [options] [project-path ...]
Update packages and project(s).
uno update -pr --files Update projects recursively, adding new files
Common options
(default) Install/update packages
-p, --project Update project file(s)
-r, --recursive Look for project files recursively
Project options
-d, --defaults Add default values
-s, --strip Remove properties with default values
-c, --clear Remove all include items
-e, --exclude Remove include items that are exluded
-f, --files Scan project directory for new files to add/remove
-g, --glob=PATTERN Scan project directory for matching files to add/remove
--flatten Flatten items to explicit list of files
--dry-run Don't save updated project(s)
Usage: uno build [target] [options] [project-path]
Build a project for given target.
uno build android Build Android app, in current directory
uno build ios --run Build & run iOS app, in current directory
uno build native --debug Build & open Visual C++ or Xcode, if available
Common options
-c, --configuration=STRING Build configuration [Debug|Release]
-t, --target=STRING Build target (see: Available build targets)
-d, --debug Open IDE for debugging after successful build
-r, --run Start the program after successful build
-z, --clean Clean the output directory before building
-v, -vv, -vvv Increment verbosity level
Additional options
-n, --native-args=STRING Arguments to native build command
-a, --run-args=STRING Arguments to run command
-m, --main=STRING Override application entrypoint
-s, --set:NAME=STRING Override build system property
-o, --out-dir=PATH Override output directory
-b, --build-only Build only; don't run or open debugger
-g, --gen-only Generate only; don't compile generated code.
-f, --force Build even if output is up-to-date
-l, --libs Rebuild package library if necessary
-p, --print-internals Print a list of build system properties
-N, --no-native Disable native build step (faster)
-P, --no-parallel Disable multi-threading (slower)
-S, --no-strip Disable removal of unused code (slower)
Compiler options
-D, --define=STRING Add define, to enable a feature
-U, --undefine=STRING Remove define, to disable a feature
-E, --max-errors=NUMBER Set max error count (0 = disable)
-W<0..3> Set warning level (0 = disable)
C++ options
-DREFLECTION Enable run-time type reflection
-DSTACKTRACE Enable stack traces on Exception
-DDEBUG_UNSAFE Enable C++ asserts in unsafe code
-DDEBUG_NATIVE Disable C++ optimizations when debugging
Available build targets
* android C++/JNI/GLES2 code and APK. Runs on device.
* native C++/GL code, CMake project and native executable.
* ios (Objective-)C++/GLES2 code and Xcode project. (macOS only)
* dotnet .NET/GL bytecode and executable. (default)
Usage: uno no-build [target] [options] [project-path]
Invoke generated build steps without triggering a build.
Common options
-c, --configuration=STRING Build configuration [Debug|Release]
-o, --out-dir=PATH Specify output directory [optional]
-b, --build Execute native build command
-d, --debug Open IDE for debugging
-r, --run Start the program
-v, -vv, ... Increment verbosity level
Additional options
-n, --native-args=ARGS Arguments to native build command
-a, --run-args=ARGS Arguments to run command
-t, --target=STRING Build target (see: uno build --help)
Usage: uno clean [target] [options] [project-path ...]
Delete generated build and cache directories in project(s).
uno clean Clean all build-files (in current directory)
uno clean android -c Release Clean only Android files (Release configuration)
Available options
-t, --target=STRING Build target (see: Available build targets)
-c, --configuration=STRING Build configuration [Debug|Release]
-r, --recursive Look for project files recursively
Available build targets
* android C++/JNI/GLES2 code and APK. Runs on device.
* native C++/GL code, CMake project and native executable.
* ios (Objective-)C++/GLES2 code and Xcode project. (macOS only)
* dotnet .NET/GL bytecode and executable. (default)
Usage: uno test [target] [options] [paths-to-search]
Run test project(s).
[paths-to-search] is a list of paths to unoprojs to run tests from, and/or
directories in which to search for test projects.
When a directory is given, uno test searches recursively in that directory
for projects named '*Test.unoproj'
uno test
uno test path/projects
uno test path/projects/FooTest.unoproj path/projects/BarTest.unoproj
uno test path/projects path/other-projects/FooTest.unoproj
uno test native -v path/projects
Available options
-l, --logfile=PATH Write output to this file instead of stdout
-t, --target=STRING Build target. Supported: android, dotnet and native
-v, --verbose Verbose, always prints output from compiler and debug_log
-q, --quiet Quiet, only prints output from compiler and debug_log in case of errors.
-f, --filter= Only run tests matching this string
-e, --regex-filter=STRING Only run tests matching this regular expression
--trace Print trace information from unotest
-b, --build-only Don't run tests; only build.
-g, --gen-only Don't run tests; only generate code.
--no-uninstall Don't uninstall tests after running on device
-D, --define=STRING Add define, to enable a feature
-U, --undefine=STRING Remove define, to disable a feature
-o, --out-dir=PATH Override output directory
Available build targets
* android C++/JNI/GLES2 code and APK. Runs on device.
* native C++/GL code, CMake project and native executable.
* ios (Objective-)C++/GLES2 code and Xcode project. (macOS only)
* dotnet .NET/GL bytecode and executable. (default)
Usage: uno doctor [options] [project-file|directory ...]
or uno doctor [options] --force [package-name ...]
Repair/rebuild packages found in search paths.
Available options
-a, --all Build all projects regardless of modification time
-f, --force Update package caches regardless of modification time
-e, --express Express mode. Don't rebuild packages depending on a modified package
-z, --clean Clean projects before building them
-c, --configuration=NAME Set build configuration (Debug|Release) [optional]
-n, --version=X.Y.Z-SUFFIX Override version number for all packages built [optional]
-C, --no-cache Disable in-memory AST & IL caches
-s, --silent Very quiet build log
Usage: uno config [property ...]
or uno config [options]
Print information about your Uno configuration.
Available options
-a, --asm Print .NET assemblies
-e, --env Print environment variables
-l, --libs Print libraries in search paths
-n, --node-modules Print nodejs modules
-vv Print everything
-v Verbose mode
Usage: uno ls [options] [project-path ...]
Print project items found to STDOUT.
Available options
-r, --recursive Look for project files recursively
-p, --projects List project references instead of files
-F, --no-files Don't list files included in project(s)
Usage: uno lint [source-path ...]
Parses uno source files and output syntax errors.
Usage: uno adb [arguments ...]
Use Android Debug Bridge (adb).
This commands forwards given arguments to 'adb', which is a tool included in the Android SDK.
Type 'uno adb' to see what's available.
Usage: uno launch-apk [options] <filename>
Deploy and start APK on a connected device.
Available options
-a, --activity=NAME Android activity name
-p, --package=NAME Java package name
-s, --sym-dir=PATH Symbol directory, for stack traces [optional]
-i, --install Install only, then exit
-C, --no-clear Don't clear logcat logs before launch
-L, --no-log Don't run logcat, just launch
Usage: uno open [options] <filename ...>
Open file(s) in external application.
Available options
-a, --app=NAME The name of the application to open
-e, --exe=PATH The path to the executable to open [optional]
-t, --title=NAME Look for an existing window with this title [optional]
-n, --new Create a new process