Week 1
- Mon, July 7: Model Types
- Tue, July 8: Model Fitting
- Wed, July 9: Generalized Linear Models
- Thu, July 10: Dimensionality Reduction
- Fri, July 11: Deep Learning
Week 2
- Mon, July 14: Modeling Practice & Half Project Day (Projects Proposal)
- Tue, July 15: Linear Systems
- Wed, July 16: Biological Neuron Models
- Thu, July 17: Dynamic Networks
- Fri, July 18: Project day (Abstract Writing)
Week 3
- Mon, July 21: Bayesian Decisions
- Tue, July 22: Hidden Dynamics
- Wed, July 23: Optimal Control
- Thu, July 24: Reinforcement Learning
- Fri, July 25: Network Causality & Graduation
All days except W2D1, W2D5, and W3D5 will follow this schedule for course time:
Time (Hour) | Component |
-0:30-0:00* | Intro video & text |
0:00-0:15** | Pod discussion I |
0:15-1:45 | Tutorials I |
1:45-2:45 | Big break |
2:45-4:15 | Tutorials II |
4:15-4:25 | Pod discussion II |
4:25-4:30 | Reflections & content checks |
* : The intro and optional outro will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before and after the start of the synchronous session
** : Note that the synchronous coursework session starts at 0:00 with the first pod discussion
In addition to course time, each day will have 3 hours of project time. Check the time slot widget to see when project time is scheduled for your slot.
Note: Slots 1, 3, and 4 will not have project time on W1D1.
For more info on the components of this day, please see the daily guide for projects here
Time (Hour) | Component |
-0:30-0:00 | Intro video & text |
0:00-2:00 | Tutorial |
2:00-2:15* | Outro |
2:15-3:15 | Big break |
3:15-4:30 | Literature review |
* : While outros for other days are optional to watch, we ask that you watch this one.
During next available project time (which could be on the next day):
Time (Hour) | Component |
0:00-0:45* | Finish literature review |
0:45-3:00 | Project proposal |
* : Note that this refers to the start of the projects time, not the coursework time like usual
For more info on the components of this day, please see the daily guide for projects here
Slots 1/3/4:
During project time:
Time (Hour) | Component |
0:00-2:00* | Abstract workshop |
2:00-2:15 | Break |
2:15-3:00 | Individual abstract editing |
* : Note that this refers to the start of the projects time, not the coursework time like usual
During coursework time:
Time (Hour) | Component |
0:00-0:45 | Individual abstract editing II |
0:45-1:30* | Mentor meeting |
1:30-2:30 | Big break |
2:30-3:30 | Pod abstract swap |
3:30-4:30 | Finalize abstract |
* : Timing of this mentor meeting may need to vary based on mentor availability
Slots 2/5:
During coursework time:
Time (Hour) | Component |
0:00-2:00* | Abstract workshop |
2:00-3:00 | Big break |
3:00-4:30 | Individual abstract editing |
During project time:
Time (Hour) | Component |
0:00-0:45*, ** | Project work time |
0:45-1:45 | Pod abstract swap |
1:45-2:00 | Break |
2:00-3:00 | Finalize abstract |
* : Note that this refers to the start of the projects time, not the coursework time like usual
Slots 1/2/4/5:
Time (Hour) | Lecture |
-2:00- -1:00* | Project presentations (slots 1/4) |
-1:00--0:30 | Break (slots 1/4) |
-0:30-0:00 | Intro video & text |
0:00-0:15 | Pod Discussion I |
0:15-1:45 | Tutorials I |
1:45-2:45 | Big break |
2:45-4:15 | Tutorials II |
4:15-4:25 | Pod Discussion II |
4:25-4:45 | Break |
4:45-5:15** | Course Review & Feedback |
5:15-6:15** | Project presentations (slots 2/5) |
6:15-6:30** | Pod farewell |
6:30-7:15** | Closing Ceremony/Graduation |
* : This is the last hour of projects time for slots 1/4
** : Note that these events occur after the normal coursework time.
Course Review & Feedback: We will have a post course survey for both students and TAs (will share the link in discord) - please fill it out during this time! Completing the final survey is required to access your certiicate after the coures.
Pod farewell: This is just a chance for your pod to say goodbye to each other. No structure imposed or requirements here!
Closing Ceremony/Graduation: We will do this all together on Zoom.
Slot 3:
Time (Hour) | Lecture |
-2:15- -1:15* | Project presentations (slot 3) |
-1:15--0:30 | Break (slots 3) |
-0:30-0:00* | Intro video & text |
0:00-0:15 | Pod Discussion I |
0:15-1:45 | Tutorials I |
1:45-2:45 | Big break |
2:45-4:15 | Tutorials II |
4:15-4:25 | Pod Discussion II |
4:25-4:45 | Break |
4:45-5:15** | Course Review & Feedback |
5:15-5:30** | Pod farewell |
6:30-7:15** | Closing Ceremony/Graduation |
* : This is the last hour and a quarter of projects time for slot 3
** : Note that these events occur after the normal coursework time.
Course Review & Feedback: We will have a post course survey for both students and TAs (will share the link in discord) - please fill it out during this time! Completing the final survey is required to access your certiicate after the coures.
Pod farewell: This is just a chance for your pod to say goodbye to each other. No structure imposed or requirements here!
Closing Ceremony/Graduation: We will do this all together on Zoom.
Note that these have been scheduled to be before or after the coursework time for each time slot. In some cases, they overlap by 15 - 30 minutes with projects time - please start on projects time late or end early in order to attend these events
Course live events: TBD — will update