diff --git a/.coveralls.yml b/.coveralls.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f69c0ba341..0000000000 --- a/.coveralls.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -service_name: travis-pro -repo_token: GZXuNlublKFy7HAewHAZLk5ZwgipTFAOA diff --git a/.github/workflows/sanitizer.yml b/.github/workflows/sanitizer.yml index 57d6e78f19..483ee8fc1c 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/sanitizer.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/sanitizer.yml @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ jobs: CC: clang - name: configure and build - uses: lukka/run-cmake@v2 + uses: lukka/run-cmake@v3 with: cmakeListsOrSettingsJson: CMakeListsTxtAdvanced cmakeListsTxtPath: '${{ github.workspace }}/CMakeLists.txt' @@ -57,3 +57,13 @@ jobs: - name: test run: cd build/bin && ./unit shell: bash + + job3: + name: printf-sanitizer + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v3 + + - name: run scan_printf script + run: ./scripts/scan_printf.sh + shell: bash diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 3288a18f03..dfaa2b7917 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Open Asset Import Library (assimp) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team +# Copyright (c) 2006-2023, assimp team # # All rights reserved. # @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ option(ASSIMP_HUNTER_ENABLED "Enable Hunter package manager support" OFF) IF(ASSIMP_HUNTER_ENABLED) include("cmake-modules/HunterGate.cmake") HunterGate( - URL "https://github.com/cpp-pm/hunter/archive/v0.24.0.tar.gz" - SHA1 "a3d7f4372b1dcd52faa6ff4a3bd5358e1d0e5efd" + URL "https://github.com/cpp-pm/hunter/archive/v0.24.17.tar.gz" + SHA1 "e6396699e414120e32557fe92db097b7655b760b" ) add_definitions(-DASSIMP_USE_HUNTER) @@ -84,10 +84,6 @@ OPTION( ASSIMP_NO_EXPORT "Disable Assimp's export functionality." OFF ) -OPTION( ASSIMP_BUILD_ZLIB - "Build your own zlib" - OFF -) OPTION( ASSIMP_BUILD_ASSIMP_TOOLS "If the supplementary tools for Assimp are built in addition to the library." OFF @@ -134,6 +130,18 @@ OPTION ( ASSIMP_IGNORE_GIT_HASH OFF ) +IF (WIN32) + OPTION( ASSIMP_BUILD_ZLIB + "Build your own zlib" + ON + ) +ELSE() + OPTION( ASSIMP_BUILD_ZLIB + "Build your own zlib" + ON + ) +ENDIF() + IF (WIN32) # Use subset of Windows.h ADD_DEFINITIONS( -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN ) @@ -260,30 +268,37 @@ IF ((CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") AND NOT MINGW) SET(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) SET(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) ENDIF() + + IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 13) + MESSAGE(STATUS "GCC13 detected disabling \"-Wdangling-reference\" in Cpp files as it appears to be a false positive") + ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS("$<$:-Wno-dangling-reference>") + ENDIF() # hide all not-exported symbols IF(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "mips64" ) - SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-mxgot -fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") - SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fno-strict-aliasing ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") - SET(LIBSTDC++_LIBRARIES -lstdc++) + SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-mxgot -fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fno-strict-aliasing ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") + SET(LIBSTDC++_LIBRARIES -lstdc++) ELSE() - SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") - SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fno-strict-aliasing ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") - SET(LIBSTDC++_LIBRARIES -lstdc++) + SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fno-strict-aliasing ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") + SET(LIBSTDC++_LIBRARIES -lstdc++) ENDIF() ELSEIF(MSVC) # enable multi-core compilation with MSVC IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) # clang-cl - ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS(/bigobj /W4 /WX ) + ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS(/bigobj) ELSE() # msvc - ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS(/MP /bigobj /W4 /WX) + ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS(/MP /bigobj) ENDIF() + # disable "elements of array '' will be default initialized" warning on MSVC2013 IF(MSVC12) ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS(/wd4351) ENDIF() - ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS(/wd4244) #supress warning for double to float conversion if Double precission is activated + # supress warning for double to float conversion if Double precission is activated + ADD_COMPILE_OPTIONS(/wd4244) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} /D_DEBUG /Zi /Od") - SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} /Zi") + SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE} /DEBUG:FULL /PDBALTPATH:%_PDB% /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF") ELSEIF (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) IF(NOT ASSIMP_HUNTER_ENABLED) @@ -388,14 +403,6 @@ IF (NOT TARGET uninstall AND ASSIMP_INSTALL) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake") ENDIF() -# cmake configuration files -if(${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) - set(BUILD_LIB_TYPE SHARED) -else() - set(BUILD_LIB_TYPE STATIC) - add_definitions(-DDDL_STATIC_LIBRARY=OFF) -endif() - IF( UNIX ) # Use GNUInstallDirs for Unix predefined directories INCLUDE(GNUInstallDirs) @@ -488,7 +495,11 @@ ELSE() FIND_PACKAGE(ZLIB) ENDIF() - IF( NOT ZLIB_FOUND ) + IF ( NOT ZLIB_FOUND AND NOT ASSIMP_BUILD_ZLIB ) + message( FATAL_ERROR + "Build configured with -DASSIMP_BUILD_ZLIB=OFF but unable to find zlib" + ) + ELSEIF( NOT ZLIB_FOUND ) MESSAGE(STATUS "compiling zlib from sources") INCLUDE(CheckIncludeFile) INCLUDE(CheckTypeSize) diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..18c9147181 --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our +community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender +identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity +and orientation. + +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, +diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our +community include: + +* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people +* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences +* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, + and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the + overall community + +Examples of unacceptable behavior include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or + advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email + address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Enforcement Responsibilities + +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of +acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, +or harmful. + +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject +comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation +decisions when appropriate. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when +an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. +Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, +posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at +. +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. + +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the +reporter of any incident. + +## Enforcement Guidelines + +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining +the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: + +### 1. Correction + +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed +unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. + +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing +clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the +behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. + +### 2. Warning + +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series +of actions. + +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No +interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with +those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This +includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels +like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or +permanent ban. + +### 3. Temporary Ban + +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including +sustained inappropriate behavior. + +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public +communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or +private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction +with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. +Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. + +### 4. Permanent Ban + +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community +standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an +individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. + +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within +the community. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 2.0, available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html. + +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct +enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity). + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations. diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile index b65d131a42..5da5458f83 100644 --- a/Dockerfile +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -1,14 +1,9 @@ -FROM ubuntu:14.04 +FROM ubuntu:22.04 -RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ +RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ninja-build \ git cmake build-essential software-properties-common -RUN add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test && apt-get update && apt-get install -y gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 && \ - cd /usr/bin && \ - rm gcc g++ cpp && \ - ln -s gcc-4.9 gcc && \ - ln -s g++-4.9 g++ && \ - ln -s cpp-4.9 cpp +RUN add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test && apt-get update WORKDIR /opt @@ -19,7 +14,8 @@ WORKDIR /opt/assimp RUN git checkout master \ && mkdir build && cd build && \ - cmake \ + cmake -G 'Ninja' \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ + -DASSIMP_BUILD_ASSIMP_TOOLS=ON \ .. && \ - make && make install + ninja -j4 && ninja install diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md index 0a04da999a..9a8ac7c332 100644 --- a/Readme.md +++ b/Readme.md @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ================================== -A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats including scene-post-processing to generate missing render data. + +Open Asset Import Library is a library to load various 3d file formats into a shared, in-memory format. It supports more than __40 file formats__ for import and a growing selection of file formats for export. + ### Current project status ### [![Financial Contributors on Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/assimp/all/badge.svg?label=financial+contributors)](https://opencollective.com/assimp) ![C/C++ CI](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/workflows/C/C++%20CI/badge.svg) @@ -14,7 +16,6 @@ A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats including scene-post-pro [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp](https://badges.gitter.im/assimp/assimp.svg)](https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Average time to resolve an issue](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/resolution/assimp/assimp.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/assimp/assimp "Average time to resolve an issue") [![Percentage of issues still open](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/open/assimp/assimp.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/assimp/assimp "Percentage of issues still open") -[![Total alerts](https://img.shields.io/lgtm/alerts/g/assimp/assimp.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18)](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/assimp/assimp/alerts/)
APIs are provided for C and C++. There are various bindings to other languages (C#, Java, Python, Delphi, D). Assimp also runs on Android and iOS. @@ -23,15 +24,19 @@ Additionally, assimp features various __mesh post processing tools__: normals an ### Latest Doc's ### Please check the latest documents at [Asset-Importer-Lib-Doc](https://assimp-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). -### Get involved ### -This is the development repo containing the latest features and bugfixes. For productive use though, we recommend one of the stable releases available from [Github Assimp Releases](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/releases). -
-You find a bug in the docs? Use [Doc-Repo](https://github.com/assimp/assimp-docs). -
-Please check our Wiki as well: https://github.com/assimp/assimp/wiki +### Prebuild binaries ### +Please check our [Itchi Projectspace](https://kimkulling.itch.io/the-asset-importer-lib) If you want to check our Model-Database, use the following repo: https://github.com/assimp/assimp-mdb +### Communities ### +- Ask a question at [The Assimp-Discussion Board](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/discussions) +- Ask on [Assimp-Community on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assimp/) +- Ask on [StackOverflow with the assimp-tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/assimp?sort=newest). +- Nothing has worked? File a question or an issue-report at [The Assimp-Issue Tracker](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/issues) + +And we also have a Gitter-channel:Gitter [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp](https://badges.gitter.im/assimp/assimp.svg)](https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
+ #### Supported file formats #### You can find the complete list of supported file-formats [here](https://github.com/assimp/assimp/blob/master/doc/Fileformats.md) @@ -66,25 +71,18 @@ Open Asset Import Library is implemented in C++. The directory structure looks l /port Ports to other languages and scripts to maintain those. /test Unit- and regression tests, test suite of models /tools Tools (old assimp viewer, command line `assimp`) - /samples A small number of samples to illustrate possible - use cases for Assimp + /samples A small number of samples to illustrate possible use-cases for Assimp The source code is organized in the following way: code/Common The base implementation for importers and the infrastructure + code/CApi Special implementations which are only used for the C-API + code/Geometry A collection of geometry tools + code/Material The material system + code/PBR An exporter for physical based models code/PostProcessing The post-processing steps code/AssetLib/ Implementation for import and export for the format -### Where to get help ### -For more information, visit [our website](http://assimp.org/). Or check out the `./doc`- folder, which contains the official documentation in HTML format. -(CHMs for Windows are included in some release packages and should be located right here in the root folder). - -If the docs don't solve your problem, ask on [StackOverflow with the assimp-tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/assimp?sort=newest). If you think you found a bug, please open an issue on Github. - -Open Asset Import Library is a library to load various 3d file formats into a shared, in-memory format. It supports more than __40 file formats__ for import and a growing selection of file formats for export. - -And we also have a Gitter-channel:Gitter [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp](https://badges.gitter.im/assimp/assimp.svg)](https://gitter.im/assimp/assimp?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
- ### Contributing ### Contributions to assimp are highly appreciated. The easiest way to get involved is to submit a pull request with your changes against the main repository's `master` branch. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSHelper.h b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSHelper.h index dc10980358..2279d105c3 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSHelper.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSHelper.h @@ -322,7 +322,6 @@ struct Texture { //! Default constructor Texture() AI_NO_EXCEPT : mTextureBlend(0.0f), - mMapName(), mOffsetU(0.0), mOffsetV(0.0), mScaleU(1.0), @@ -334,51 +333,11 @@ struct Texture { mTextureBlend = get_qnan(); } - Texture(const Texture &other) : - mTextureBlend(other.mTextureBlend), - mMapName(other.mMapName), - mOffsetU(other.mOffsetU), - mOffsetV(other.mOffsetV), - mScaleU(other.mScaleU), - mScaleV(other.mScaleV), - mRotation(other.mRotation), - mMapMode(other.mMapMode), - bPrivate(other.bPrivate), - iUVSrc(other.iUVSrc) { - // empty - } + Texture(const Texture &other) = default; - Texture(Texture &&other) AI_NO_EXCEPT : mTextureBlend(other.mTextureBlend), - mMapName(std::move(other.mMapName)), - mOffsetU(other.mOffsetU), - mOffsetV(other.mOffsetV), - mScaleU(other.mScaleU), - mScaleV(other.mScaleV), - mRotation(other.mRotation), - mMapMode(other.mMapMode), - bPrivate(other.bPrivate), - iUVSrc(other.iUVSrc) { - // empty - } + Texture(Texture &&other) AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; - Texture &operator=(Texture &&other) AI_NO_EXCEPT { - if (this == &other) { - return *this; - } - - mTextureBlend = other.mTextureBlend; - mMapName = std::move(other.mMapName); - mOffsetU = other.mOffsetU; - mOffsetV = other.mOffsetV; - mScaleU = other.mScaleU; - mScaleV = other.mScaleV; - mRotation = other.mRotation; - mMapMode = other.mMapMode; - bPrivate = other.bPrivate; - iUVSrc = other.iUVSrc; - - return *this; - } + Texture &operator=(Texture &&other) AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; //! Specifies the blend factor for the texture ai_real mTextureBlend; @@ -436,83 +395,9 @@ struct Material { // empty } - Material(const Material &other) : - mName(other.mName), - mDiffuse(other.mDiffuse), - mSpecularExponent(other.mSpecularExponent), - mShininessStrength(other.mShininessStrength), - mSpecular(other.mSpecular), - mAmbient(other.mAmbient), - mShading(other.mShading), - mTransparency(other.mTransparency), - sTexDiffuse(other.sTexDiffuse), - sTexOpacity(other.sTexOpacity), - sTexSpecular(other.sTexSpecular), - sTexReflective(other.sTexReflective), - sTexBump(other.sTexBump), - sTexEmissive(other.sTexEmissive), - sTexShininess(other.sTexShininess), - mBumpHeight(other.mBumpHeight), - mEmissive(other.mEmissive), - sTexAmbient(other.sTexAmbient), - mTwoSided(other.mTwoSided) { - // empty - } - - //! Move constructor. This is explicitly written because MSVC doesn't support defaulting it - Material(Material &&other) AI_NO_EXCEPT : mName(std::move(other.mName)), - mDiffuse(other.mDiffuse), - mSpecularExponent(other.mSpecularExponent), - mShininessStrength(other.mShininessStrength), - mSpecular(other.mSpecular), - mAmbient(other.mAmbient), - mShading(other.mShading), - mTransparency(other.mTransparency), - sTexDiffuse(std::move(other.sTexDiffuse)), - sTexOpacity(std::move(other.sTexOpacity)), - sTexSpecular(std::move(other.sTexSpecular)), - sTexReflective(std::move(other.sTexReflective)), - sTexBump(std::move(other.sTexBump)), - sTexEmissive(std::move(other.sTexEmissive)), - sTexShininess(std::move(other.sTexShininess)), - mBumpHeight(other.mBumpHeight), - mEmissive(other.mEmissive), - sTexAmbient(std::move(other.sTexAmbient)), - mTwoSided(other.mTwoSided) { - // empty - } + Material(const Material &other) = default; - Material &operator=(Material &&other) AI_NO_EXCEPT { - if (this == &other) { - return *this; - } - - mName = std::move(other.mName); - mDiffuse = other.mDiffuse; - mSpecularExponent = other.mSpecularExponent; - mShininessStrength = other.mShininessStrength, - mSpecular = other.mSpecular; - mAmbient = other.mAmbient; - mShading = other.mShading; - mTransparency = other.mTransparency; - sTexDiffuse = std::move(other.sTexDiffuse); - sTexOpacity = std::move(other.sTexOpacity); - sTexSpecular = std::move(other.sTexSpecular); - sTexReflective = std::move(other.sTexReflective); - sTexBump = std::move(other.sTexBump); - sTexEmissive = std::move(other.sTexEmissive); - sTexShininess = std::move(other.sTexShininess); - mBumpHeight = other.mBumpHeight; - mEmissive = other.mEmissive; - sTexAmbient = std::move(other.sTexAmbient); - mTwoSided = other.mTwoSided; - - return *this; - } - - virtual ~Material() { - // empty - } + virtual ~Material() = default; //! Name of the material std::string mName; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp index 769e8a6ee1..aa29956df0 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.cpp @@ -266,8 +266,15 @@ void Discreet3DSImporter::ParseMainChunk() { }; ASSIMP_3DS_END_CHUNK(); +#if defined(__clang__) +#pragma clang diagnostic push +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code-return" +#endif // recursively continue processing this hierarchy level return ParseMainChunk(); +#if defined(__clang__) +#pragma clang diagnostic pop +#endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h index f47fcfef99..6bd73f4125 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/3DS/3DSLoader.h @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ using namespace D3DS; class Discreet3DSImporter : public BaseImporter { public: Discreet3DSImporter(); - ~Discreet3DSImporter(); + ~Discreet3DSImporter() override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h b/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h index 987cdf6139..8207b568bc 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/3MF/3MFTypes.h @@ -69,9 +69,7 @@ class Resource { // empty } - virtual ~Resource() { - // empty - } + virtual ~Resource() = default; virtual ResourceType getType() const { return ResourceType::RT_Unknown; @@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ class EmbeddedTexture : public Resource { // empty } - ~EmbeddedTexture() = default; + ~EmbeddedTexture() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_EmbeddedTexture2D; @@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ class Texture2DGroup : public Resource { // empty } - ~Texture2DGroup() = default; + ~Texture2DGroup() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_Texture2DGroup; @@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ class BaseMaterials : public Resource { // empty } - ~BaseMaterials() = default; + ~BaseMaterials() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_BaseMaterials; @@ -154,7 +152,7 @@ class Object : public Resource { // empty } - ~Object() = default; + ~Object() override = default; ResourceType getType() const override { return ResourceType::RT_Object; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFExporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFExporter.cpp index 42cd991e69..4ba3bbf240 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFExporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFExporter.cpp @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void ExportScene3MF(const char *pFile, IOSystem *pIOSystem, const aiScene *pScen namespace D3MF { D3MFExporter::D3MFExporter(const char *pFile, const aiScene *pScene) : - mArchiveName(pFile), m_zipArchive(nullptr), mScene(pScene), mModelOutput(), mRelOutput(), mContentOutput(), mBuildItems(), mRelations() { + mArchiveName(pFile), m_zipArchive(nullptr), mScene(pScene) { // empty } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFOpcPackage.cpp b/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFOpcPackage.cpp index a2182dc297..934305d49b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFOpcPackage.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/3MF/D3MFOpcPackage.cpp @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ D3MFOpcPackage::D3MFOpcPackage(IOSystem *pIOHandler, const std::string &rFile) : // deal with zip-bug rootFile = rootFile.substr(1); } - } + } ASSIMP_LOG_VERBOSE_DEBUG(rootFile); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/3MF/XmlSerializer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/3MF/XmlSerializer.cpp index 674c6b916c..c771117283 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/3MF/XmlSerializer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/3MF/XmlSerializer.cpp @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ void XmlSerializer::ImportXml(aiScene *scene) { if (nullptr == scene) { return; } - + scene->mRootNode = new aiNode(XmlTag::RootTag); XmlNode node = mXmlParser->getRootNode().child(XmlTag::model); if (node.empty()) { @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void XmlSerializer::ImportTriangles(XmlNode &node, aiMesh *mesh) { } mesh->mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[mesh->mNumVertices]; } - } + } } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.cpp index 275a592f4e..e93fba5f0f 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.cpp @@ -227,7 +227,9 @@ void AC3DImporter::LoadObjectSection(std::vector &objects) { } } else if (TokenMatch(buffer, "texture", 7)) { SkipSpaces(&buffer); - buffer = AcGetString(buffer, obj.texture); + std::string texture; + buffer = AcGetString(buffer, texture); + obj.textures.push_back(texture); } else if (TokenMatch(buffer, "texrep", 6)) { SkipSpaces(&buffer); buffer = TAcCheckedLoadFloatArray(buffer, "", 0, 2, &obj.texRepeat); @@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ void AC3DImporter::ConvertMaterial(const Object &object, s.Set(matSrc.name); matDest.AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_NAME); } - if (object.texture.length()) { - s.Set(object.texture); + if (!object.textures.empty()) { + s.Set(object.textures[0]); matDest.AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(0)); // UV transformation @@ -532,7 +534,7 @@ aiNode *AC3DImporter::ConvertObjectSection(Object &object, // allocate UV coordinates, but only if the texture name for the // surface is not empty aiVector3D *uv = nullptr; - if (object.texture.length()) { + if (!object.textures.empty()) { uv = mesh->mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[mesh->mNumVertices]; mesh->mNumUVComponents[0] = 2; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.h index aabc114e31..7f8dfd03c9 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/AC/ACLoader.h @@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ class AC3DImporter : public BaseImporter { type(World), name(), children(), - texture(), texRepeat(1.f, 1.f), texOffset(0.0f, 0.0f), rotation(), @@ -151,7 +150,8 @@ class AC3DImporter : public BaseImporter { std::vector children; // texture to be assigned to all surfaces of the object - std::string texture; + // the .acc format supports up to 4 textures + std::vector textures; // texture repat factors (scaling for all coordinates) aiVector2D texRepeat, texOffset; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.cpp index b95fdf540a..ff581b492d 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.cpp @@ -83,11 +83,7 @@ void AMFImporter::Clear() { AMFImporter::AMFImporter() AI_NO_EXCEPT : mNodeElement_Cur(nullptr), - mXmlParser(nullptr), - mUnit(), - mVersion(), - mMaterial_Converted(), - mTexture_Converted() { + mXmlParser(nullptr) { // empty } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp index 601eae4e4a..27f7330435 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter.hpp @@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ class AMFImporter : public BaseImporter { bool Find_NodeElement(const std::string &pID, const AMFNodeElementBase::EType pType, AMFNodeElementBase **pNodeElement) const; bool Find_ConvertedNode(const std::string &pID, NodeArray &nodeArray, aiNode **pNode) const; bool Find_ConvertedMaterial(const std::string &pID, const SPP_Material **pConvertedMaterial) const; - void Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string &nodeName); - void Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName); - void Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName); - void Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pNodeType, const std::string &pDescription); - void Throw_ID_NotFound(const std::string &pID) const; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string &nodeName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pNodeType, const std::string &pDescription) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; + AI_WONT_RETURN void Throw_ID_NotFound(const std::string &pID) const AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; void XML_CheckNode_MustHaveChildren(pugi::xml_node &node); bool XML_SearchNode(const std::string &nodeName); void ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(const char *pInStr, std::string &pOutString); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Node.hpp b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Node.hpp index c827533a60..dd27316d3d 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Node.hpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Node.hpp @@ -88,9 +88,7 @@ class AMFNodeElementBase { std::list Child; ///< Child elements. public: /// Destructor, virtual.. - virtual ~AMFNodeElementBase() { - // empty - } + virtual ~AMFNodeElementBase() = default; /// Disabled copy constructor and co. AMFNodeElementBase(const AMFNodeElementBase &pNodeElement) = delete; @@ -103,7 +101,7 @@ class AMFNodeElementBase { /// \param [in] pType - element type. /// \param [in] pParent - parent element. AMFNodeElementBase(const EType pType, AMFNodeElementBase *pParent) : - Type(pType), ID(), Parent(pParent), Child() { + Type(pType), Parent(pParent) { // empty } }; // class IAMFImporter_NodeElement @@ -174,7 +172,7 @@ struct AMFColor : public AMFNodeElementBase { /// @brief Constructor. /// @param [in] pParent - pointer to parent node. AMFColor(AMFNodeElementBase *pParent) : - AMFNodeElementBase(ENET_Color, pParent), Composed(false), Color(), Profile() { + AMFNodeElementBase(ENET_Color, pParent), Composed(false), Color() { // empty } }; @@ -270,7 +268,7 @@ struct AMFTexMap : public AMFNodeElementBase { /// Constructor. /// \param [in] pParent - pointer to parent node. AMFTexMap(AMFNodeElementBase *pParent) : - AMFNodeElementBase(ENET_TexMap, pParent), TextureCoordinate{}, TextureID_R(), TextureID_G(), TextureID_B(), TextureID_A() { + AMFNodeElementBase(ENET_TexMap, pParent), TextureCoordinate{} { // empty } }; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp index a65f9260ed..d5160870a5 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/AMF/AMFImporter_Postprocess.cpp @@ -815,6 +815,7 @@ void AMFImporter::Postprocess_BuildScene(aiScene *pScene) { for (; next_it != nodeArray.end(); ++next_it) { if ((*next_it)->FindNode((*nl_it)->mName) != nullptr) { // if current top node(nl_it) found in another top node then erase it from node_list and restart search loop. + // FIXME: this leaks memory on test models test8.amf and test9.amf nodeArray.erase(nl_it); goto nl_clean_loop; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASELoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASELoader.cpp index 951e8539da..4617c9ed4b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASELoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASELoader.cpp @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_ASE_IMPORTER - #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_3DS_IMPORTER // internal headers @@ -322,21 +321,6 @@ void ASEImporter::BuildAnimations(const std::vector &nodes) { aiNodeAnim *nd = pcAnim->mChannels[iNum++] = new aiNodeAnim(); nd->mNodeName.Set(me->mName + ".Target"); - // If there is no input position channel we will need - // to supply the default position from the node's - // local transformation matrix. - /*TargetAnimationHelper helper; - if (me->mAnim.akeyPositions.empty()) - { - aiMatrix4x4& mat = (*i)->mTransform; - helper.SetFixedMainAnimationChannel(aiVector3D( - mat.a4, mat.b4, mat.c4)); - } - else helper.SetMainAnimationChannel (&me->mAnim.akeyPositions); - helper.SetTargetAnimationChannel (&me->mTargetAnim.akeyPositions); - - helper.Process(&me->mTargetAnim.akeyPositions);*/ - // Allocate the key array and fill it nd->mNumPositionKeys = (unsigned int)me->mTargetAnim.akeyPositions.size(); nd->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[nd->mNumPositionKeys]; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp index 839d308deb..c43eb42ff8 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/ASE/ASEParser.cpp @@ -304,7 +304,6 @@ void Parser::Parse() { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_TOP_LEVEL_SECTION(); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -480,6 +479,11 @@ void Parser::ParseLV1MaterialListBlock() { if (TokenMatch(filePtr, "MATERIAL_COUNT", 14)) { ParseLV4MeshLong(iMaterialCount); + if (UINT_MAX - iOldMaterialCount < iMaterialCount) { + LogWarning("Out of range: material index is too large"); + return; + } + // now allocate enough storage to hold all materials m_vMaterials.resize(iOldMaterialCount + iMaterialCount, Material("INVALID")); continue; @@ -734,7 +738,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MapBlock(Texture &map) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MAP_XXXXXX"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -859,7 +862,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV1ObjectBlock(ASE::BaseNode &node) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_TOP_LEVEL_SECTION(); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -883,7 +885,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV2CameraSettingsBlock(ASE::Camera &camera) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("2", "CAMERA_SETTINGS"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -1189,7 +1190,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV2NodeTransformBlock(ASE::BaseNode &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("2", "*NODE_TM"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV2MeshBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1310,7 +1310,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV2MeshBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("2", "*MESH"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshWeightsBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1344,7 +1343,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshWeightsBlock(ASE::Mesh &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_WEIGHTS"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshBones(unsigned int iNumBones, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1414,7 +1412,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshBonesVertices(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh &mes } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("4", "*MESH_BONE_VERTEX"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshVertexListBlock( @@ -1443,7 +1440,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshVertexListBlock( } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1470,7 +1466,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_FACE_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, @@ -1503,7 +1498,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_TVERT_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, @@ -1532,7 +1526,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_TFACE_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MappingChannel(unsigned int iChannel, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1567,7 +1560,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MappingChannel(unsigned int iChannel, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_MAPPING_CHANNEL"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1595,7 +1587,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh &mesh) } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_CVERTEX_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) { @@ -1623,7 +1614,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh &mesh) } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_CFACE_LIST"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshNormalListBlock(ASE::Mesh &sMesh) { @@ -1681,7 +1671,6 @@ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshNormalListBlock(ASE::Mesh &sMesh) { } AI_ASE_HANDLE_SECTION("3", "*MESH_NORMALS"); } - return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshFace(ASE::Face &out) { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinExporter.h b/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinExporter.h index 1801c1680f..8b721994d4 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinExporter.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinExporter.h @@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ namespace Assimp { void ASSIMP_API ExportSceneAssbin(const char* pFile, IOSystem* pIOSystem, const aiScene* pScene, const ExportProperties* /*pProperties*/); } -#endif +#endif #endif // AI_ASSBINEXPORTER_H_INC diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinFileWriter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinFileWriter.cpp index 97be634de2..e9d857a840 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinFileWriter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Assbin/AssbinFileWriter.cpp @@ -291,15 +291,15 @@ class AssbinChunkWriter : public IOStream { size_t Read(void * /*pvBuffer*/, size_t /*pSize*/, size_t /*pCount*/) override { return 0; } - + aiReturn Seek(size_t /*pOffset*/, aiOrigin /*pOrigin*/) override { return aiReturn_FAILURE; } - + size_t Tell() const override { return cursor; } - + void Flush() override { // not implemented } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c b/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c index 614a2671f6..ec771536d3 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c +++ b/code/AssetLib/Assjson/cencode.c @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ For details, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/libb64 #include "cencode.h" // changed from -const int CHARS_PER_LINE = 72; +static const int CHARS_PER_LINE = 72; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp index 7a8403831f..ea5194fb06 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class JSONWriter { Flag_WriteSpecialFloats = 0x2, Flag_SkipWhitespaces = 0x4 }; - + JSONWriter(Assimp::IOStream &out, unsigned int flags = 0u) : out(out), indent (""), newline("\n"), space(" "), buff (), first(false), flags(flags) { // make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale @@ -499,18 +499,18 @@ static void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiMaterial &ai, bool is_elem = true) { } break; - case aiPTI_String: + case aiPTI_String: { aiString s; aiGetMaterialString(&ai, prop->mKey.data, prop->mSemantic, prop->mIndex, &s); out.SimpleValue(s); - } + } break; - case aiPTI_Buffer: + case aiPTI_Buffer: { // binary data is written as series of hex-encoded octets out.SimpleValue(prop->mData, prop->mDataLength); - } + } break; default: ai_assert(false); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp index d970ecabba..bf8145798e 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/B3D/B3DImporter.cpp @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ AI_WONT_RETURN void B3DImporter::Fail(const string &str) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int B3DImporter::ReadByte() { - if (_pos > _buf.size()) { + if (_pos >= _buf.size()) { Fail("EOF"); } @@ -418,7 +418,6 @@ void B3DImporter::ReadTRIS(int v0) { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("Bad triangle index: i0=", i0, ", i1=", i1, ", i2=", i2); #endif Fail("Bad triangle index"); - continue; } face->mNumIndices = 3; face->mIndices = new unsigned[3]; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderBMesh.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderBMesh.cpp index b15da185d3..a82e7c6786 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderBMesh.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderBMesh.cpp @@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { template <> const char *LogFunctions::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "BLEND_BMESH: "; - return prefix; + return "BLEND_BMESH: "; } } // namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp index c74a6bb753..2359482e17 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderCustomData.cpp @@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ struct CustomDataTypeDescription { * other (like CD_ORCO, ...) uses arrays of rawtypes or even arrays of Structures * use a special readfunction for that cases */ -std::array customDataTypeDescriptions = { { DECL_STRUCT_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION(MVert), +static std::array customDataTypeDescriptions = { { + DECL_STRUCT_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION(MVert), DECL_UNSUPPORTED_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION, DECL_UNSUPPORTED_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION, DECL_STRUCT_CUSTOMDATATYPEDESCRIPTION(MEdge), diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderDNA.h b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderDNA.h index dcae3198b4..494dc4b348 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderDNA.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderDNA.h @@ -106,9 +106,7 @@ struct ElemBase { // empty } - virtual ~ElemBase() { - // empty - } + virtual ~ElemBase() = default; /** Type name of the element. The type * string points is the `c_str` of the `name` attribute of the diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.cpp index f1fb0246df..5c6e7bc5b3 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.cpp @@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ namespace Assimp { template <> const char *LogFunctions::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "BLEND: "; - return prefix; + return "BLEND: "; } } // namespace Assimp @@ -116,15 +115,12 @@ BlenderImporter::~BlenderImporter() { delete modifier_cache; } -static const char * const Tokens[] = { "BLENDER" }; +static const char Token[] = "BLENDER"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. bool BlenderImporter::CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool /*checkSig*/) const { - // note: this won't catch compressed files - static const char *tokens[] = { " uncompressed; -#endif - FileDatabase file; - std::shared_ptr stream(pIOHandler->Open(pFile, "rb")); - if (!stream) { - ThrowException("Could not open file for reading"); - } - - char magic[8] = { 0 }; - stream->Read(magic, 7, 1); - if (strcmp(magic, Tokens[0])) { - // Check for presence of the gzip header. If yes, assume it is a - // compressed blend file and try uncompressing it, else fail. This is to - // avoid uncompressing random files which our loader might end up with. -#ifdef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_COMPRESSED_BLEND - ThrowException("BLENDER magic bytes are missing, is this file compressed (Assimp was built without decompression support)?"); -#else - if (magic[0] != 0x1f || static_cast(magic[1]) != 0x8b) { - ThrowException("BLENDER magic bytes are missing, couldn't find GZIP header either"); - } - - LogDebug("Found no BLENDER magic word but a GZIP header, might be a compressed file"); - if (magic[2] != 8) { - ThrowException("Unsupported GZIP compression method"); - } - - // http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html#header-trailer - stream->Seek(0L, aiOrigin_SET); - std::shared_ptr reader = std::shared_ptr(new StreamReaderLE(stream)); - - size_t total = 0; - Compression compression; - if (compression.open(Compression::Format::Binary, Compression::FlushMode::NoFlush, 16 + Compression::MaxWBits)) { - total = compression.decompress((unsigned char *)reader->GetPtr(), reader->GetRemainingSize(), uncompressed); - compression.close(); - } - - // replace the input stream with a memory stream - stream = std::make_shared(reinterpret_cast(uncompressed.data()), total); - - // .. and retry - stream->Read(magic, 7, 1); - if (strcmp(magic, "BLENDER")) { - ThrowException("Found no BLENDER magic word in decompressed GZIP file"); - } -#endif + StreamOrError streamOrError = ParseMagicToken(pFile, pIOHandler); + if (!streamOrError.error.empty()) { + ThrowException(streamOrError.error); } + std::shared_ptr stream = std::move(streamOrError.stream); - file.i64bit = (stream->Read(magic, 1, 1), magic[0] == '-'); - file.little = (stream->Read(magic, 1, 1), magic[0] == 'v'); + char version[4] = { 0 }; + file.i64bit = (stream->Read(version, 1, 1), version[0] == '-'); + file.little = (stream->Read(version, 1, 1), version[0] == 'v'); - stream->Read(magic, 3, 1); - magic[3] = '\0'; + stream->Read(version, 3, 1); + version[3] = '\0'; - LogInfo("Blender version is ", magic[0], ".", magic + 1, + LogInfo("Blender version is ", version[0], ".", version + 1, " (64bit: ", file.i64bit ? "true" : "false", ", little endian: ", file.little ? "true" : "false", ")"); @@ -1339,4 +1293,55 @@ aiNode *BlenderImporter::ConvertNode(const Scene &in, const Object *obj, Convers return node.release(); } +BlenderImporter::StreamOrError BlenderImporter::ParseMagicToken(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler) const { + std::shared_ptr stream(pIOHandler->Open(pFile, "rb")); + if (stream == nullptr) { + return {{}, {}, "Could not open file for reading"}; + } + + char magic[8] = { 0 }; + stream->Read(magic, 7, 1); + if (strcmp(magic, Token) == 0) { + return {stream, {}, {}}; + } + + // Check for presence of the gzip header. If yes, assume it is a + // compressed blend file and try uncompressing it, else fail. This is to + // avoid uncompressing random files which our loader might end up with. +#ifdef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_COMPRESSED_BLEND + return {{}, {}, "BLENDER magic bytes are missing, is this file compressed (Assimp was built without decompression support)?"}; +#else + if (magic[0] != 0x1f || static_cast(magic[1]) != 0x8b) { + return {{}, {}, "BLENDER magic bytes are missing, couldn't find GZIP header either"}; + } + + LogDebug("Found no BLENDER magic word but a GZIP header, might be a compressed file"); + if (magic[2] != 8) { + return {{}, {}, "Unsupported GZIP compression method"}; + } + + // http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html#header-trailer + stream->Seek(0L, aiOrigin_SET); + std::shared_ptr reader = std::shared_ptr(new StreamReaderLE(stream)); + + size_t total = 0; + Compression compression; + auto uncompressed = std::make_shared>(); + if (compression.open(Compression::Format::Binary, Compression::FlushMode::NoFlush, 16 + Compression::MaxWBits)) { + total = compression.decompress((unsigned char *)reader->GetPtr(), reader->GetRemainingSize(), *uncompressed); + compression.close(); + } + + // replace the input stream with a memory stream + stream = std::make_shared(reinterpret_cast(uncompressed->data()), total); + + // .. and retry + stream->Read(magic, 7, 1); + if (strcmp(magic, Token) == 0) { + return {stream, uncompressed, {}}; + } + return {{}, {}, "Found no BLENDER magic word in decompressed GZIP file"}; +#endif +} + #endif // ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_BLEND_IMPORTER diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.h index b29ee59413..2bdc24ae2d 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderLoader.h @@ -180,6 +180,19 @@ class BlenderImporter : public BaseImporter, public LogFunctions stream; + std::shared_ptr> input; + std::string error; + }; + + // Returns either a stream (and optional input data for the stream) or + // an error if it can't parse the magic token. + StreamOrError ParseMagicToken( + const std::string &pFile, + IOSystem *pIOHandler) const; + private: // static stuff, mostly logging and error reporting. // -------------------- static void CheckActualType(const Blender::ElemBase *dt, diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderModifier.h b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderModifier.h index 5af560caf2..180a456a15 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderModifier.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderModifier.h @@ -62,9 +62,7 @@ class BlenderModifier { /** * The class destructor, virtual. */ - virtual ~BlenderModifier() { - // empty - } + virtual ~BlenderModifier() = default; // -------------------- /** diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp index 3a9a02fd0b..ac10d73024 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.cpp @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void Structure ::Convert( const FileDatabase &db) const { ReadFieldArray(dest.co, "co", db); - ReadFieldArray(dest.no, "no", db); + ReadFieldArray(dest.no, "no", db); ReadField(dest.flag, "flag", db); //ReadField(dest.mat_nr,"mat_nr",db); ReadField(dest.bweight, "bweight", db); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.h b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.h index 436e47061a..ba7ded9091 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderScene.h @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ struct MVert : ElemBase { int bweight; MVert() : - ElemBase(), flag(0), mat_nr(0), bweight(0) {} + flag(0), mat_nr(0), bweight(0) {} }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -417,7 +417,6 @@ struct CustomDataLayer : ElemBase { std::shared_ptr data; // must be converted to real type according type member CustomDataLayer() : - ElemBase(), type(0), offset(0), flag(0), @@ -729,7 +728,7 @@ struct Object : ElemBase { ListBase modifiers; Object() : - ElemBase(), type(Type_EMPTY), parent(nullptr), track(), proxy(), proxy_from(), data() { + type(Type_EMPTY), parent(nullptr) { // empty } }; @@ -741,8 +740,7 @@ struct Base : ElemBase { std::shared_ptr object WARN; Base() : - ElemBase(), prev(nullptr), next(), object() { - // empty + prev(nullptr) { // empty } }; @@ -758,10 +756,7 @@ struct Scene : ElemBase { ListBase base; - Scene() : - ElemBase(), camera(), world(), basact(), master_collection() { - // empty - } + Scene() = default; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -791,10 +786,7 @@ struct Image : ElemBase { short gen_x, gen_y, gen_type; - Image() : - ElemBase() { - // empty - } + Image() = default; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -884,7 +876,7 @@ struct Tex : ElemBase { //char use_nodes; Tex() : - ElemBase(), imaflag(ImageFlags_INTERPOL), type(Type_CLOUDS), ima() { + imaflag(ImageFlags_INTERPOL), type(Type_CLOUDS) { // empty } }; @@ -976,10 +968,7 @@ struct MTex : ElemBase { //float shadowfac; //float zenupfac, zendownfac, blendfac; - MTex() : - ElemBase() { - // empty - } + MTex() = default; }; } // namespace Blender diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderTessellator.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderTessellator.cpp index d3ef5ae5ee..73fd56b986 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderTessellator.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Blender/BlenderTessellator.cpp @@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ namspace Assimp { template< > const char* LogFunctions< BlenderTessellatorGL >::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "BLEND_TESS_GL: "; - return prefix; + return "BLEND_TESS_GL: "; } } @@ -81,9 +80,7 @@ BlenderTessellatorGL::BlenderTessellatorGL( BlenderBMeshConverter& converter ): } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -BlenderTessellatorGL::~BlenderTessellatorGL( ) -{ -} +BlenderTessellatorGL::~BlenderTessellatorGL() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BlenderTessellatorGL::Tessellate( const MLoop* polyLoop, int vertexCount, const std::vector< MVert >& vertices ) @@ -259,8 +256,7 @@ namespace Assimp { template< > const char* LogFunctions< BlenderTessellatorP2T >::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "BLEND_TESS_P2T: "; - return prefix; + return "BLEND_TESS_P2T: "; } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/C4D/C4DImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/C4D/C4DImporter.cpp index 06d7a3412d..c11ec02809 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/C4D/C4DImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/C4D/C4DImporter.cpp @@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ void GetWriterInfo(int &id, String &appname) { namespace Assimp { template<> const char* LogFunctions::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "C4D: "; - return prefix; + return "C4D: "; } } @@ -106,15 +105,10 @@ static const aiImporterDesc desc = { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -C4DImporter::C4DImporter() -: BaseImporter() { - // empty -} +C4DImporter::C4DImporter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -C4DImporter::~C4DImporter() { - // empty -} +C4DImporter::~C4DImporter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool C4DImporter::CanRead( const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* /*pIOHandler*/, bool /*checkSig*/) const { @@ -124,7 +118,7 @@ bool C4DImporter::CanRead( const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* /*pIOHandler*/, b } else if ((!extension.length() || checkSig) && pIOHandler) { // TODO } - + return false; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.cpp index 401d4a2a29..29b714bd7f 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.cpp @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void ColladaExporter::WriteLight(size_t pIndex) { PushTag(); switch (light->mType) { case aiLightSource_AMBIENT: - WriteAmbienttLight(light); + WriteAmbientLight(light); break; case aiLightSource_DIRECTIONAL: WriteDirectionalLight(light); @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ void ColladaExporter::WriteSpotLight(const aiLight *const light) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } -void ColladaExporter::WriteAmbienttLight(const aiLight *const light) { +void ColladaExporter::WriteAmbientLight(const aiLight *const light) { const aiColor3D &color = light->mColorAmbient; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.h b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.h index 7288dce54c..e372a5c5c2 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaExporter.h @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class ColladaExporter { void WritePointLight(const aiLight *const light); void WriteDirectionalLight(const aiLight *const light); void WriteSpotLight(const aiLight *const light); - void WriteAmbienttLight(const aiLight *const light); + void WriteAmbientLight(const aiLight *const light); /// Writes the controller library void WriteControllerLibrary(); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaHelper.h b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaHelper.h index 2930f5108a..c5b6a2d134 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaHelper.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaHelper.h @@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ struct ChannelEntry { const Collada::Accessor *mTimeAccessor; ///> Collada accessor to the time values const Collada::Data *mTimeData; ///> Source data array for the time values const Collada::Accessor *mValueAccessor; ///> Collada accessor to the key value values - const Collada::Data *mValueData; ///> Source datat array for the key value values + const Collada::Data *mValueData; ///> Source data array for the key value values ChannelEntry() : mChannel(), diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.cpp index 2d578aff31..e1f19a5ed1 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.cpp @@ -92,18 +92,10 @@ inline void AddNodeMetaData(aiNode *node, const std::string &key, const T &value // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer ColladaLoader::ColladaLoader() : - mFileName(), - mMeshIndexByID(), - mMaterialIndexByName(), - mMeshes(), - newMats(), - mCameras(), - mLights(), - mTextures(), - mAnims(), noSkeletonMesh(false), removeEmptyBones(false), ignoreUpDirection(false), + ignoreUnitSize(false), useColladaName(false), mNodeNameCounter(0) { // empty @@ -131,6 +123,7 @@ void ColladaLoader::SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) { noSkeletonMesh = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_NO_SKELETON_MESHES, 0) != 0; removeEmptyBones = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_REMOVE_EMPTY_BONES, true) != 0; ignoreUpDirection = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_COLLADA_IGNORE_UP_DIRECTION, 0) != 0; + ignoreUnitSize = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_COLLADA_IGNORE_UNIT_SIZE, 0) != 0; useColladaName = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_COLLADA_USE_COLLADA_NAMES, 0) != 0; } @@ -179,12 +172,15 @@ void ColladaLoader::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IO // ... then fill the materials with the now adjusted settings FillMaterials(parser, pScene); - // Apply unit-size scale calculation - - pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation *= aiMatrix4x4(parser.mUnitSize, 0, 0, 0, - 0, parser.mUnitSize, 0, 0, - 0, 0, parser.mUnitSize, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 1); + if (!ignoreUnitSize) { + // Apply unit-size scale calculation + pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation *= aiMatrix4x4( + parser.mUnitSize, 0, 0, 0, + 0, parser.mUnitSize, 0, 0, + 0, 0, parser.mUnitSize, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 1); + } + if (!ignoreUpDirection) { // Convert to Y_UP, if different orientation if (parser.mUpDirection == ColladaParser::UP_X) { @@ -1523,7 +1519,7 @@ void ColladaLoader::AddTexture(aiMaterial &mat, map = -1; for (std::string::const_iterator it = sampler.mUVChannel.begin(); it != sampler.mUVChannel.end(); ++it) { if (IsNumeric(*it)) { - map = strtoul10(&(*it)); + map = strtoul10(&(*it)); break; } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.h index 870c12a5a6..74b5c06b72 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaLoader.h @@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ class ColladaLoader : public BaseImporter { bool noSkeletonMesh; bool removeEmptyBones; bool ignoreUpDirection; + bool ignoreUnitSize; bool useColladaName; /** Used by FindNameForNode() to generate unique node names */ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp index 91f32f4852..fcadd08a74 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Collada/ColladaParser.cpp @@ -762,6 +762,7 @@ void ColladaParser::ReadControllerWeights(XmlNode &node, Collada::Controller &pC if (text == nullptr) { throw DeadlyImportError("Out of data while reading "); } + SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(&text); it->first = strtoul10(text, &text); SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(&text); if (*text == 0) { @@ -1854,7 +1855,6 @@ size_t ColladaParser::ReadPrimitives(XmlNode &node, Mesh &pMesh, std::vector pl_out = std::shared_ptr(new DXF::PolyLine(*pl_in)); if (bl_src.base.Length() || insert.scale.x!=1.f || insert.scale.y!=1.f || insert.scale.z!=1.f || insert.angle || insert.pos.Length()) { @@ -587,10 +580,11 @@ void DXFImporter::ParseInsertion(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::FileData& output) } } -#define DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_CLOSED 0x1 -#define DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_3D_POLYLINE 0x8 -#define DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_3D_POLYMESH 0x10 -#define DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_POLYFACEMESH 0x40 +static constexpr unsigned int DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_CLOSED = 0x1; +// Currently unused +//static constexpr unsigned int DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_3D_POLYLINE = 0x8; +//static constexpr unsigned int DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_3D_POLYMESH = 0x10; +static constexpr unsigned int DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_POLYFACEMESH = 0x40; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DXFImporter::ParsePolyLine(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::FileData& output) { @@ -639,12 +633,6 @@ void DXFImporter::ParsePolyLine(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::FileData& output) reader++; } - //if (!(line.flags & DXF_POLYLINE_FLAG_POLYFACEMESH)) { - // DefaultLogger::get()->warn((Formatter::format("DXF: polyline not currently supported: "),line.flags)); - // output.blocks.back().lines.pop_back(); - // return; - //} - if (vguess && line.positions.size() != vguess) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("DXF: unexpected vertex count in polymesh: ", line.positions.size(),", expected ", vguess ); @@ -734,12 +722,18 @@ void DXFImporter::ParsePolyLineVertex(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::PolyLine& li case 71: case 72: case 73: - case 74: - if (cnti == 4) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("DXF: more than 4 indices per face not supported; ignoring"); - break; + case 74: { + if (cnti == 4) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("DXF: more than 4 indices per face not supported; ignoring"); + break; + } + const int index = reader.ValueAsSignedInt(); + if (index >= 0) { + indices[cnti++] = static_cast(index); + } else { + indices[cnti++] = static_cast(-index); + } } - indices[cnti++] = reader.ValueAsUnsignedInt(); break; // color @@ -777,8 +771,7 @@ void DXFImporter::ParsePolyLineVertex(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::PolyLine& li } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void DXFImporter::Parse3DFace(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::FileData& output) -{ +void DXFImporter::Parse3DFace(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::FileData& output) { // (note) this is also used for for parsing line entities, so we // must handle the vertex_count == 2 case as well. @@ -795,8 +788,7 @@ void DXFImporter::Parse3DFace(DXF::LineReader& reader, DXF::FileData& output) if (reader.GroupCode() == 0) { break; } - switch (reader.GroupCode()) - { + switch (reader.GroupCode()) { // 8 specifies the layer case 8: diff --git a/code/AssetLib/DXF/DXFLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/DXF/DXFLoader.h index b32ae106f7..89a0b79c2a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/DXF/DXFLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/DXF/DXFLoader.h @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ namespace DXF { */ class DXFImporter : public BaseImporter { public: - DXFImporter(); - ~DXFImporter() override; + DXFImporter() = default; + ~DXFImporter() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXBinaryTokenizer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXBinaryTokenizer.cpp index 8fb7001793..8d79e23392 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXBinaryTokenizer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXBinaryTokenizer.cpp @@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ size_t Offset(const char* begin, const char* cursor) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +AI_WONT_RETURN void TokenizeError(const std::string& message, const char* begin, const char* cursor) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; void TokenizeError(const std::string& message, const char* begin, const char* cursor) { TokenizeError(message, Offset(begin, cursor)); } @@ -341,8 +342,7 @@ void ReadData(const char*& sbegin_out, const char*& send_out, const char* input, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -bool ReadScope(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input, const char*& cursor, const char* end, bool const is64bits) -{ +bool ReadScope(TokenList &output_tokens, StackAllocator &token_allocator, const char *input, const char *&cursor, const char *end, bool const is64bits) { // the first word contains the offset at which this block ends const uint64_t end_offset = is64bits ? ReadDoubleWord(input, cursor, end) : ReadWord(input, cursor, end); @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ bool ReadScope(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input, const char*& cursor, // XXX this is vulnerable to stack overflowing .. while(Offset(input, cursor) < end_offset - sentinel_block_length) { - ReadScope(output_tokens, input, cursor, input + end_offset - sentinel_block_length, is64bits); + ReadScope(output_tokens, token_allocator, input, cursor, input + end_offset - sentinel_block_length, is64bits); } output_tokens.push_back(new_Token(cursor, cursor + 1, TokenType_CLOSE_BRACKET, Offset(input, cursor) )); @@ -431,8 +431,7 @@ bool ReadScope(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input, const char*& cursor, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TODO: Test FBX Binary files newer than the 7500 version to check if the 64 bits address behaviour is consistent -void TokenizeBinary(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input, size_t length) -{ +void TokenizeBinary(TokenList &output_tokens, const char *input, size_t length, StackAllocator &token_allocator) { ai_assert(input); ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("Tokenizing binary FBX file"); @@ -465,7 +464,7 @@ void TokenizeBinary(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input, size_t length) try { while (cursor < end ) { - if (!ReadScope(output_tokens, input, cursor, input + length, is64bits)) { + if (!ReadScope(output_tokens, token_allocator, input, cursor, input + length, is64bits)) { break; } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXConverter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXConverter.cpp index bccf909f0f..431c6ddda4 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXConverter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXConverter.cpp @@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ FBXConverter::FBXConverter(aiScene *out, const Document &doc, bool removeEmptyBo mSceneOut(out), doc(doc), mRemoveEmptyBones(removeEmptyBones) { + + // animations need to be converted first since this will // populate the node_anim_chain_bits map, which is needed // to determine which nodes need to be generated. @@ -421,16 +423,32 @@ void FBXConverter::ConvertCamera(const Camera &cam, const std::string &orig_name out_camera->mAspect = cam.AspectWidth() / cam.AspectHeight(); + // NOTE: Camera mPosition, mLookAt and mUp must be set to default here. + // All transformations to the camera will be handled by its node in the scenegraph. out_camera->mPosition = aiVector3D(0.0f); out_camera->mLookAt = aiVector3D(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); out_camera->mUp = aiVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); - out_camera->mHorizontalFOV = AI_DEG_TO_RAD(cam.FieldOfView()); - - out_camera->mClipPlaneNear = cam.NearPlane(); - out_camera->mClipPlaneFar = cam.FarPlane(); + // NOTE: Some software (maya) does not put FieldOfView in FBX, so we compute + // mHorizontalFOV from FocalLength and FilmWidth with unit conversion. + + // TODO: This is not a complete solution for how FBX cameras can be stored. + // TODO: Incorporate non-square pixel aspect ratio. + // TODO: FBX aperture mode might be storing vertical FOV in need of conversion with aspect ratio. + + float fov_deg = cam.FieldOfView(); + // If FOV not specified in file, compute using FilmWidth and FocalLength. + if (fov_deg == kFovUnknown) { + float film_width_inches = cam.FilmWidth(); + float focal_length_mm = cam.FocalLength(); + ASSIMP_LOG_VERBOSE_DEBUG("FBX FOV unspecified. Computing from FilmWidth (", film_width_inches, "inches) and FocalLength (", focal_length_mm, "mm)."); + double half_fov_rad = std::atan2(film_width_inches * 25.4 * 0.5, focal_length_mm); + out_camera->mHorizontalFOV = static_cast(half_fov_rad); + } else { + // FBX fov is full-view degrees. We want half-view radians. + out_camera->mHorizontalFOV = AI_DEG_TO_RAD(fov_deg) * 0.5f; + } - out_camera->mHorizontalFOV = AI_DEG_TO_RAD(cam.FieldOfView()); out_camera->mClipPlaneNear = cam.NearPlane(); out_camera->mClipPlaneFar = cam.FarPlane(); } @@ -640,7 +658,7 @@ void FBXConverter::GetRotationMatrix(Model::RotOrder mode, const aiVector3D &rot bool FBXConverter::NeedsComplexTransformationChain(const Model &model) { const PropertyTable &props = model.Props(); - const auto zero_epsilon = ai_epsilon; + const auto zero_epsilon = Math::getEpsilon(); const aiVector3D all_ones(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); for (size_t i = 0; i < TransformationComp_MAXIMUM; ++i) { const TransformationComp comp = static_cast(i); @@ -872,8 +890,12 @@ void FBXConverter::SetupNodeMetadata(const Model &model, aiNode &nd) { data->Set(index++, prop.first, interpretedBool->Value()); } else if (const TypedProperty *interpretedInt = prop.second->As>()) { data->Set(index++, prop.first, interpretedInt->Value()); + } else if (const TypedProperty *interpretedUInt = prop.second->As>()) { + data->Set(index++, prop.first, interpretedUInt->Value()); } else if (const TypedProperty *interpretedUint64 = prop.second->As>()) { data->Set(index++, prop.first, interpretedUint64->Value()); + } else if (const TypedProperty *interpretedint64 = prop.second->As>()) { + data->Set(index++, prop.first, interpretedint64->Value()); } else if (const TypedProperty *interpretedFloat = prop.second->As>()) { data->Set(index++, prop.first, interpretedFloat->Value()); } else if (const TypedProperty *interpretedString = prop.second->As>()) { @@ -1175,15 +1197,23 @@ unsigned int FBXConverter::ConvertMeshSingleMaterial(const MeshGeometry &mesh, c std::vector animMeshes; for (const BlendShape *blendShape : mesh.GetBlendShapes()) { for (const BlendShapeChannel *blendShapeChannel : blendShape->BlendShapeChannels()) { - const std::vector &shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); - for (size_t i = 0; i < shapeGeometries.size(); i++) { + const auto& shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); + for (const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry : shapeGeometries) { aiAnimMesh *animMesh = aiCreateAnimMesh(out_mesh); - const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry = shapeGeometries.at(i); - const std::vector &curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); - const std::vector &curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); - const std::vector &curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); + const auto &curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); + const auto &curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); + const auto &curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); //losing channel name if using shapeGeometry->Name() - animMesh->mName.Set(FixAnimMeshName(blendShapeChannel->Name())); + // if blendShapeChannel Name is empty or don't have a ".", add geoMetryName; + auto aniName = FixAnimMeshName(blendShapeChannel->Name()); + auto geoMetryName = FixAnimMeshName(shapeGeometry->Name()); + if (aniName.empty()) { + aniName = geoMetryName; + } + else if (aniName.find('.') == aniName.npos) { + aniName += "." + geoMetryName; + } + animMesh->mName.Set(aniName); for (size_t j = 0; j < curIndices.size(); j++) { const unsigned int curIndex = curIndices.at(j); aiVector3D vertex = curVertices.at(j); @@ -1405,13 +1435,12 @@ unsigned int FBXConverter::ConvertMeshMultiMaterial(const MeshGeometry &mesh, co std::vector animMeshes; for (const BlendShape *blendShape : mesh.GetBlendShapes()) { for (const BlendShapeChannel *blendShapeChannel : blendShape->BlendShapeChannels()) { - const std::vector &shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); - for (size_t i = 0; i < shapeGeometries.size(); i++) { + const auto& shapeGeometries = blendShapeChannel->GetShapeGeometries(); + for (const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry : shapeGeometries) { aiAnimMesh *animMesh = aiCreateAnimMesh(out_mesh); - const ShapeGeometry *shapeGeometry = shapeGeometries.at(i); - const std::vector &curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); - const std::vector &curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); - const std::vector &curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); + const auto& curVertices = shapeGeometry->GetVertices(); + const auto& curNormals = shapeGeometry->GetNormals(); + const auto& curIndices = shapeGeometry->GetIndices(); animMesh->mName.Set(FixAnimMeshName(shapeGeometry->Name())); for (size_t j = 0; j < curIndices.size(); j++) { unsigned int curIndex = curIndices.at(j); @@ -1454,7 +1483,9 @@ static void copyBoneToSkeletonBone(aiMesh *mesh, aiBone *bone, aiSkeletonBone *s skeletonBone->mWeights = bone->mWeights; skeletonBone->mOffsetMatrix = bone->mOffsetMatrix; skeletonBone->mMeshId = mesh; +#ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_ARMATUREPOPULATE_PROCESS skeletonBone->mNode = bone->mNode; +#endif skeletonBone->mParent = -1; } @@ -1562,7 +1593,7 @@ void FBXConverter::ConvertWeights(aiMesh *out, const MeshGeometry &geo, const ai out->mBones = nullptr; out->mNumBones = 0; return; - } + } out->mBones = new aiBone *[bones.size()](); out->mNumBones = static_cast(bones.size()); @@ -3227,7 +3258,7 @@ aiNodeAnim* FBXConverter::GenerateSimpleNodeAnim(const std::string& name, } bool ok = false; - + const auto zero_epsilon = ai_epsilon; const aiVector3D& preRotation = PropertyGet(props, "PreRotation", ok); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp index df134a4017..1aab55ea92 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDeformer.cpp @@ -154,8 +154,10 @@ BlendShape::BlendShape(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const Document& doc, for (const Connection* con : conns) { const BlendShapeChannel* const bspc = ProcessSimpleConnection(*con, false, "BlendShapeChannel -> BlendShape", element); if (bspc) { - blendShapeChannels.push_back(bspc); - continue; + auto pr = blendShapeChannels.insert(bspc); + if (!pr.second) { + FBXImporter::LogWarn("there is the same blendShapeChannel id ", bspc->ID()); + } } } } @@ -179,8 +181,10 @@ BlendShapeChannel::BlendShapeChannel(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const for (const Connection* con : conns) { const ShapeGeometry* const sg = ProcessSimpleConnection(*con, false, "Shape -> BlendShapeChannel", element); if (sg) { - shapeGeometries.push_back(sg); - continue; + auto pr = shapeGeometries.insert(sg); + if (!pr.second) { + FBXImporter::LogWarn("there is the same shapeGeometrie id ", sg->ID()); + } } } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.cpp index a71c4b959f..657f30f8cc 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.cpp @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ FileGlobalSettings::FileGlobalSettings(const Document &doc, std::shared_ptrCompound(); for(const ElementMap::value_type& el : sobjects.Elements()) { @@ -381,11 +387,13 @@ void Document::ReadObjects() { DOMError("encountered object with implicitly defined id 0",el.second); } - if(objects.find(id) != objects.end()) { + const auto foundObject = objects.find(id); + if(foundObject != objects.end()) { DOMWarning("encountered duplicate object id, ignoring first occurrence",el.second); + delete foundObject->second; } - objects[id] = new LazyObject(id, *el.second, *this); + objects[id] = new_LazyObject(id, *el.second, *this); // grab all animation stacks upfront since there is no listing of them if(!strcmp(el.first.c_str(),"AnimationStack")) { @@ -452,8 +460,10 @@ void Document::ReadPropertyTemplates() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void Document::ReadConnections() { - const Scope& sc = parser.GetRootScope(); +void Document::ReadConnections() +{ + StackAllocator &allocator = parser.GetAllocator(); + const Scope &sc = parser.GetRootScope(); // read property templates from "Definitions" section const Element* const econns = sc["Connections"]; if(!econns || !econns->Compound()) { @@ -492,7 +502,7 @@ void Document::ReadConnections() { } // add new connection - const Connection* const c = new Connection(insertionOrder++,src,dest,prop,*this); + const Connection* const c = new_Connection(insertionOrder++,src,dest,prop,*this); src_connections.insert(ConnectionMap::value_type(src,c)); dest_connections.insert(ConnectionMap::value_type(dest,c)); } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h index 8873d65fdb..3af757a19a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXDocument.h @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #define INCLUDED_AI_FBX_DOCUMENT_H #include +#include #include #include #include "FBXProperties.h" @@ -54,9 +55,14 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #define _AI_CONCAT(a,b) a ## b #define AI_CONCAT(a,b) _AI_CONCAT(a,b) + namespace Assimp { namespace FBX { +// Use an 'illegal' default FOV value to detect if the FBX camera has set the FOV. +static const float kFovUnknown = -1.0f; + + class Parser; class Object; struct ImportSettings; @@ -80,6 +86,10 @@ class BlendShape; class Skin; class Cluster; +#define new_LazyObject new (allocator.Allocate(sizeof(LazyObject))) LazyObject +#define new_Connection new (allocator.Allocate(sizeof(Connection))) Connection +#define delete_LazyObject(_p) (_p)->~LazyObject() +#define delete_Connection(_p) (_p)->~Connection() /** Represents a delay-parsed FBX objects. Many objects in the scene * are not needed by assimp, so it makes no sense to parse them @@ -242,7 +252,7 @@ class Camera : public NodeAttribute { fbx_simple_property(FilmAspectRatio, float, 1.0f) fbx_simple_property(ApertureMode, int, 0) - fbx_simple_property(FieldOfView, float, 1.0f) + fbx_simple_property(FieldOfView, float, kFovUnknown) fbx_simple_property(FocalLength, float, 1.0f) }; @@ -855,14 +865,14 @@ class BlendShapeChannel : public Deformer { return fullWeights; } - const std::vector& GetShapeGeometries() const { + const std::unordered_set& GetShapeGeometries() const { return shapeGeometries; } private: float percent; WeightArray fullWeights; - std::vector shapeGeometries; + std::unordered_set shapeGeometries; }; /** DOM class for BlendShape deformers */ @@ -872,12 +882,12 @@ class BlendShape : public Deformer { virtual ~BlendShape(); - const std::vector& BlendShapeChannels() const { + const std::unordered_set& BlendShapeChannels() const { return blendShapeChannels; } private: - std::vector blendShapeChannels; + std::unordered_set blendShapeChannels; }; /** DOM class for skin deformer clusters (aka sub-deformers) */ @@ -1072,7 +1082,7 @@ class FileGlobalSettings { /** DOM root for a FBX file */ class Document { public: - Document(const Parser& parser, const ImportSettings& settings); + Document(Parser& parser, const ImportSettings& settings); ~Document(); @@ -1156,7 +1166,7 @@ class Document { const ImportSettings& settings; ObjectMap objects; - const Parser& parser; + Parser& parser; PropertyTemplateMap templates; ConnectionMap src_connections; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXExportNode.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXExportNode.h index 62c06e16b6..99644b2163 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXExportNode.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXExportNode.h @@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ class FBX::Node { /// The class constructor with the name. Node(const std::string& n) : name(n) - , properties() - , children() , force_has_children( false ) { // empty } @@ -87,8 +85,6 @@ class FBX::Node { template Node(const std::string& n, More&&... more) : name(n) - , properties() - , children() , force_has_children(false) { AddProperties(std::forward(more)...); } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXImporter.cpp index 7ff1949057..56e0f38e98 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXImporter.cpp @@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ namespace Assimp { template <> const char *LogFunctions::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "FBX: "; - return prefix; + return "FBX: "; } } // namespace Assimp @@ -90,10 +89,7 @@ static const aiImporterDesc desc = { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by #Importer -FBXImporter::FBXImporter() : - mSettings() { - // empty -} +FBXImporter::FBXImporter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. @@ -156,19 +152,19 @@ void FBXImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSy // broad-phase tokenized pass in which we identify the core // syntax elements of FBX (brackets, commas, key:value mappings) TokenList tokens; - try { - + Assimp::StackAllocator tempAllocator; + try { bool is_binary = false; if (!strncmp(begin, "Kaydara FBX Binary", 18)) { is_binary = true; - TokenizeBinary(tokens, begin, contents.size()); + TokenizeBinary(tokens, begin, contents.size(), tempAllocator); } else { - Tokenize(tokens, begin); + Tokenize(tokens, begin, tempAllocator); } // use this information to construct a very rudimentary // parse-tree representing the FBX scope structure - Parser parser(tokens, is_binary); + Parser parser(tokens, tempAllocator, is_binary); // take the raw parse-tree and convert it to a FBX DOM Document doc(parser, mSettings); @@ -187,10 +183,12 @@ void FBXImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSy // assimp universal format (M) SetFileScale(size_relative_to_cm * 0.01f); - std::for_each(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), Util::delete_fun()); - } catch (std::exception &) { - std::for_each(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), Util::delete_fun()); - throw; + // This collection does not own the memory for the tokens, but we need to call their d'tor + std::for_each(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), Util::destructor_fun()); + + } catch (std::exception &) { + std::for_each(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), Util::destructor_fun()); + throw; } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp index 2677d652aa..2f575a5115 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMaterial.cpp @@ -138,20 +138,6 @@ Material::Material(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const Document& doc, con // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Material::~Material() = default; - aiVector2D uvTrans; - aiVector2D uvScaling; - ai_real uvRotation; - - std::string type; - std::string relativeFileName; - std::string fileName; - std::string alphaSource; - std::shared_ptr props; - - unsigned int crop[4]{}; - - const Video* media; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Texture::Texture(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const Document& doc, const std::string& name) : Object(id,element,name), diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp index ace4ad7497..fcbaac1696 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.cpp @@ -69,13 +69,16 @@ Geometry::Geometry(uint64_t id, const Element& element, const std::string& name, } const BlendShape* const bsp = ProcessSimpleConnection(*con, false, "BlendShape -> Geometry", element); if (bsp) { - blendShapes.push_back(bsp); + auto pr = blendShapes.insert(bsp); + if (!pr.second) { + FBXImporter::LogWarn("there is the same blendShape id ", bsp->ID()); + } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -const std::vector& Geometry::GetBlendShapes() const { +const std::unordered_set& Geometry::GetBlendShapes() const { return blendShapes; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h index ad24877e4c..3d67ec567b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXMeshGeometry.h @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - +Copyright (c) 2006-2023, assimp team All rights reserved. @@ -53,84 +52,101 @@ namespace Assimp { namespace FBX { /** - * DOM base class for all kinds of FBX geometry + * @brief DOM base class for all kinds of FBX geometry */ class Geometry : public Object { public: /// @brief The class constructor with all parameters. /// @param id The id. - /// @param element - /// @param name - /// @param doc + /// @param element The element instance + /// @param name The name instance + /// @param doc The document instance Geometry( uint64_t id, const Element& element, const std::string& name, const Document& doc ); + + /// @brief The class destructor, default. virtual ~Geometry() = default; - /// Get the Skin attached to this geometry or nullptr + /// @brief Get the Skin attached to this geometry or nullptr. + /// @return The deformer skip instance as a pointer, nullptr if none. const Skin* DeformerSkin() const; - /// Get the BlendShape attached to this geometry or nullptr - const std::vector& GetBlendShapes() const; + /// @brief Get the BlendShape attached to this geometry or nullptr + /// @return The blendshape arrays. + const std::unordered_set& GetBlendShapes() const; private: const Skin* skin; - std::vector blendShapes; + std::unordered_set blendShapes; + }; typedef std::vector MatIndexArray; - /** - * DOM class for FBX geometry of type "Mesh" + * @brief DOM class for FBX geometry of type "Mesh" */ class MeshGeometry : public Geometry { public: - /** The class constructor */ + /// @brief The class constructor + /// @param id The id. + /// @param element The element instance + /// @param name The name instance + /// @param doc The document instance MeshGeometry( uint64_t id, const Element& element, const std::string& name, const Document& doc ); - /** The class destructor */ + /// @brief The class destructor, default. virtual ~MeshGeometry() = default; - /** Get a list of all vertex points, non-unique*/ + /// brief Get a vector of all vertex points, non-unique. + /// @return The vertices vector. const std::vector& GetVertices() const; - /** Get a list of all vertex normals or an empty array if - * no normals are specified. */ + /// @brief Get a vector of all vertex normals or an empty array if no normals are specified. + /// @return The normal vector. const std::vector& GetNormals() const; - /** Get a list of all vertex tangents or an empty array - * if no tangents are specified */ + /// @brief Get a vector of all vertex tangents or an empty array if no tangents are specified. + /// @return The vertex tangents vector. const std::vector& GetTangents() const; - /** Get a list of all vertex bi-normals or an empty array - * if no bi-normals are specified */ + /// @brief Get a vector of all vertex bi-normals or an empty array if no bi-normals are specified. + /// @return The binomal vector. const std::vector& GetBinormals() const; - /** Return list of faces - each entry denotes a face and specifies - * how many vertices it has. Vertices are taken from the - * vertex data arrays in sequential order. */ + /// @brief Return list of faces - each entry denotes a face and specifies how many vertices it has. + /// Vertices are taken from the vertex data arrays in sequential order. + /// @return The face indices vector. const std::vector& GetFaceIndexCounts() const; - /** Get a UV coordinate slot, returns an empty array if - * the requested slot does not exist. */ + /// @brief Get a UV coordinate slot, returns an empty array if the requested slot does not exist. + /// @param index The requested texture coordinate slot. + /// @return The texture coordinates. const std::vector& GetTextureCoords( unsigned int index ) const; - /** Get a UV coordinate slot, returns an empty array if - * the requested slot does not exist. */ + /// @brief Get a UV coordinate slot, returns an empty array if the requested slot does not exist. + /// @param index The requested texture coordinate slot. + /// @return The texture coordinate channel name. std::string GetTextureCoordChannelName( unsigned int index ) const; - /** Get a vertex color coordinate slot, returns an empty array if - * the requested slot does not exist. */ + /// @brief Get a vertex color coordinate slot, returns an empty array if the requested slot does not exist. + /// @param index The requested texture coordinate slot. + /// @return The vertex color vector. const std::vector& GetVertexColors( unsigned int index ) const; - /** Get per-face-vertex material assignments */ + /// @brief Get per-face-vertex material assignments. + /// @return The Material indices Array. const MatIndexArray& GetMaterialIndices() const; - /** Convert from a fbx file vertex index (for example from a #Cluster weight) or nullptr - * if the vertex index is not valid. */ + /// @brief Convert from a fbx file vertex index (for example from a #Cluster weight) or nullptr if the vertex index is not valid. + /// @param in_index The requested input index. + /// @param count The number of indices. + /// @return The indices. const unsigned int* ToOutputVertexIndex( unsigned int in_index, unsigned int& count ) const; - /** Determine the face to which a particular output vertex index belongs. - * This mapping is always unique. */ + /// @brief Determine the face to which a particular output vertex index belongs. + /// This mapping is always unique. + /// @param in_index The requested input index. + /// @return The face-to-vertex index. unsigned int FaceForVertexIndex( unsigned int in_index ) const; private: diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp index da6d3889a2..955e811cb6 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.cpp @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ namespace { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + AI_WONT_RETURN void ParseError(const std::string& message, TokenPtr token) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; void ParseError(const std::string& message, TokenPtr token) { if(token) { @@ -115,8 +116,11 @@ namespace Assimp { namespace FBX { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Element::Element(const Token& key_token, Parser& parser) : key_token(key_token) { +Element::Element(const Token& key_token, Parser& parser) : + key_token(key_token), compound(nullptr) +{ TokenPtr n = nullptr; + StackAllocator &allocator = parser.GetAllocator(); do { n = parser.AdvanceToNextToken(); if(!n) { @@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ Element::Element(const Token& key_token, Parser& parser) : key_token(key_token) } if (n->Type() == TokenType_OPEN_BRACKET) { - compound.reset(new Scope(parser)); + compound = new_Scope(parser); // current token should be a TOK_CLOSE_BRACKET n = parser.CurrentToken(); @@ -163,6 +167,15 @@ Element::Element(const Token& key_token, Parser& parser) : key_token(key_token) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Element::~Element() +{ + if (compound) { + delete_Scope(compound); + } + + // no need to delete tokens, they are owned by the parser +} + Scope::Scope(Parser& parser,bool topLevel) { if(!topLevel) { @@ -172,6 +185,7 @@ Scope::Scope(Parser& parser,bool topLevel) } } + StackAllocator &allocator = parser.GetAllocator(); TokenPtr n = parser.AdvanceToNextToken(); if (n == nullptr) { ParseError("unexpected end of file"); @@ -187,37 +201,46 @@ Scope::Scope(Parser& parser,bool topLevel) if (str.empty()) { ParseError("unexpected content: empty string."); } - - elements.insert(ElementMap::value_type(str,new_Element(*n,parser))); + + auto *element = new_Element(*n, parser); // Element() should stop at the next Key token (or right after a Close token) n = parser.CurrentToken(); if (n == nullptr) { if (topLevel) { + elements.insert(ElementMap::value_type(str, element)); return; } + delete_Element(element); ParseError("unexpected end of file",parser.LastToken()); + } else { + elements.insert(ElementMap::value_type(str, element)); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Scope::~Scope() { - for(ElementMap::value_type& v : elements) { - delete v.second; +Scope::~Scope() +{ + // This collection does not own the memory for the elements, but we need to call their d'tor: + + for (ElementMap::value_type &v : elements) { + delete_Element(v.second); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Parser::Parser (const TokenList& tokens, bool is_binary) -: tokens(tokens) -, last() -, current() -, cursor(tokens.begin()) -, is_binary(is_binary) +Parser::Parser(const TokenList &tokens, StackAllocator &allocator, bool is_binary) : + tokens(tokens), allocator(allocator), last(), current(), cursor(tokens.begin()), is_binary(is_binary) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("Parsing FBX tokens"); - root.reset(new Scope(*this,true)); + root = new_Scope(*this, true); +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Parser::~Parser() +{ + delete_Scope(root); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.h index fd5c5a1817..5f231738d5 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXParser.h @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include +#include "Common/StackAllocator.h" #include "FBXCompileConfig.h" #include "FBXTokenizer.h" @@ -63,14 +64,14 @@ class Parser; class Element; // XXX should use C++11's unique_ptr - but assimp's need to keep working with 03 -typedef std::vector< Scope* > ScopeList; -typedef std::fbx_unordered_multimap< std::string, Element* > ElementMap; - -typedef std::pair ElementCollection; - -# define new_Scope new Scope -# define new_Element new Element +using ScopeList = std::vector; +using ElementMap = std::fbx_unordered_multimap< std::string, Element*>; +using ElementCollection = std::pair; +#define new_Scope new (allocator.Allocate(sizeof(Scope))) Scope +#define new_Element new (allocator.Allocate(sizeof(Element))) Element +#define delete_Scope(_p) (_p)->~Scope() +#define delete_Element(_p) (_p)->~Element() /** FBX data entity that consists of a key:value tuple. * @@ -82,15 +83,16 @@ typedef std::pair Element * @endverbatim * * As can be seen in this sample, elements can contain nested #Scope - * as their trailing member. **/ + * as their trailing member. +**/ class Element { public: Element(const Token& key_token, Parser& parser); - ~Element() = default; + ~Element(); const Scope* Compound() const { - return compound.get(); + return compound; } const Token& KeyToken() const { @@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ class Element private: const Token& key_token; TokenList tokens; - std::unique_ptr compound; + Scope* compound; }; /** FBX data entity that consists of a 'scope', a collection @@ -159,8 +161,8 @@ class Parser public: /** Parse given a token list. Does not take ownership of the tokens - * the objects must persist during the entire parser lifetime */ - Parser (const TokenList& tokens,bool is_binary); - ~Parser() = default; + Parser(const TokenList &tokens, StackAllocator &allocator, bool is_binary); + ~Parser(); const Scope& GetRootScope() const { return *root; @@ -170,6 +172,10 @@ class Parser return is_binary; } + StackAllocator &GetAllocator() { + return allocator; + } + private: friend class Scope; friend class Element; @@ -180,10 +186,10 @@ class Parser private: const TokenList& tokens; - + StackAllocator &allocator; TokenPtr last, current; TokenList::const_iterator cursor; - std::unique_ptr root; + Scope *root; const bool is_binary; }; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.cpp index f63e687e86..45d5e77502 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.cpp @@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ AI_WONT_RETURN void TokenizeError(const std::string& message, unsigned int line, // process a potential data token up to 'cur', adding it to 'output_tokens'. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void ProcessDataToken( TokenList& output_tokens, const char*& start, const char*& end, +void ProcessDataToken(TokenList &output_tokens, StackAllocator &token_allocator, + const char*& start, const char*& end, unsigned int line, unsigned int column, TokenType type = TokenType_DATA, @@ -131,8 +132,7 @@ void ProcessDataToken( TokenList& output_tokens, const char*& start, const char* } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void Tokenize(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input) -{ +void Tokenize(TokenList &output_tokens, const char *input, StackAllocator &token_allocator) { ai_assert(input); ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("Tokenizing ASCII FBX file"); @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void Tokenize(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input) in_double_quotes = false; token_end = cur; - ProcessDataToken(output_tokens,token_begin,token_end,line,column); + ProcessDataToken(output_tokens, token_allocator, token_begin, token_end, line, column); pending_data_token = false; } continue; @@ -181,30 +181,30 @@ void Tokenize(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input) continue; case ';': - ProcessDataToken(output_tokens,token_begin,token_end,line,column); + ProcessDataToken(output_tokens, token_allocator, token_begin, token_end, line, column); comment = true; continue; case '{': - ProcessDataToken(output_tokens,token_begin,token_end, line, column); + ProcessDataToken(output_tokens, token_allocator, token_begin, token_end, line, column); output_tokens.push_back(new_Token(cur,cur+1,TokenType_OPEN_BRACKET,line,column)); continue; case '}': - ProcessDataToken(output_tokens,token_begin,token_end,line,column); + ProcessDataToken(output_tokens, token_allocator, token_begin, token_end, line, column); output_tokens.push_back(new_Token(cur,cur+1,TokenType_CLOSE_BRACKET,line,column)); continue; case ',': if (pending_data_token) { - ProcessDataToken(output_tokens,token_begin,token_end,line,column,TokenType_DATA,true); + ProcessDataToken(output_tokens, token_allocator, token_begin, token_end, line, column, TokenType_DATA, true); } output_tokens.push_back(new_Token(cur,cur+1,TokenType_COMMA,line,column)); continue; case ':': if (pending_data_token) { - ProcessDataToken(output_tokens,token_begin,token_end,line,column,TokenType_KEY,true); + ProcessDataToken(output_tokens, token_allocator, token_begin, token_end, line, column, TokenType_KEY, true); } else { TokenizeError("unexpected colon", line, column); @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void Tokenize(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input) } } - ProcessDataToken(output_tokens,token_begin,token_end,line,column,type); + ProcessDataToken(output_tokens, token_allocator, token_begin, token_end, line, column, type); } pending_data_token = false; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.h index 5ed48e61d1..05a0725bda 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXTokenizer.h @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #define INCLUDED_AI_FBX_TOKENIZER_H #include "FBXCompileConfig.h" +#include "Common/StackAllocator.h" #include #include #include @@ -154,11 +155,11 @@ class Token const unsigned int column; }; -// XXX should use C++11's unique_ptr - but assimp's need to keep working with 03 typedef const Token* TokenPtr; typedef std::vector< TokenPtr > TokenList; -#define new_Token new Token +#define new_Token new (token_allocator.Allocate(sizeof(Token))) Token +#define delete_Token(_p) (_p)->~Token() /** Main FBX tokenizer function. Transform input buffer into a list of preprocessed tokens. @@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ typedef std::vector< TokenPtr > TokenList; * @param output_tokens Receives a list of all tokens in the input data. * @param input_buffer Textual input buffer to be processed, 0-terminated. * @throw DeadlyImportError if something goes wrong */ -void Tokenize(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input); +void Tokenize(TokenList &output_tokens, const char *input, StackAllocator &tokenAllocator); /** Tokenizer function for binary FBX files. @@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ void Tokenize(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input); * @param input_buffer Binary input buffer to be processed. * @param length Length of input buffer, in bytes. There is no 0-terminal. * @throw DeadlyImportError if something goes wrong */ -void TokenizeBinary(TokenList& output_tokens, const char* input, size_t length); +void TokenizeBinary(TokenList &output_tokens, const char *input, size_t length, StackAllocator &tokenAllocator); } // ! FBX diff --git a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXUtil.h b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXUtil.h index 0e0bb75be3..4674a5054a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXUtil.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/FBX/FBXUtil.h @@ -66,6 +66,17 @@ struct delete_fun } }; +/** helper for std::for_each to call the destructor on all items in a container without freeing their heap*/ +template +struct destructor_fun { + void operator()(const volatile T* del) { + if (del) { + del->~T(); + } + } +}; + + /** Get a string representation for a #TokenType. */ const char* TokenTypeString(TokenType t); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.cpp index efb148eaeb..431783a6a2 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.cpp @@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ void HMPImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, throw DeadlyImportError("HMP File is too small."); // Allocate storage and copy the contents of the file to a memory buffer - mBuffer = new uint8_t[fileSize]; + auto deleter=[this](uint8_t* ptr){ delete[] ptr; mBuffer = nullptr; }; + std::unique_ptr buffer(new uint8_t[fileSize], deleter); + mBuffer = buffer.get(); file->Read((void *)mBuffer, 1, fileSize); iFileSize = (unsigned int)fileSize; @@ -143,9 +145,6 @@ void HMPImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, // Print the magic word to the logger std::string szBuffer = ai_str_toprintable((const char *)&iMagic, sizeof(iMagic)); - delete[] mBuffer; - mBuffer = nullptr; - // We're definitely unable to load this file throw DeadlyImportError("Unknown HMP subformat ", pFile, ". Magic word (", szBuffer, ") is not known"); @@ -153,9 +152,6 @@ void HMPImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, // Set the AI_SCENE_FLAGS_TERRAIN bit pScene->mFlags |= AI_SCENE_FLAGS_TERRAIN; - - delete[] mBuffer; - mBuffer = nullptr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -327,7 +323,7 @@ void HMPImporter::CreateMaterial(const unsigned char *szCurrent, ReadFirstSkin(pcHeader->numskins, szCurrent, &szCurrent); *szCurrentOut = szCurrent; return; - } + } // generate a default material const int iMode = (int)aiShadingMode_Gouraud; @@ -445,11 +441,11 @@ void HMPImporter::ReadFirstSkin(unsigned int iNumSkins, const unsigned char *szC szCursor += sizeof(uint32_t); // allocate an output material - aiMaterial *pcMat = new aiMaterial(); + std::unique_ptr pcMat(new aiMaterial()); // read the skin, this works exactly as for MDL7 ParseSkinLump_3DGS_MDL7(szCursor, &szCursor, - pcMat, iType, iWidth, iHeight); + pcMat.get(), iType, iWidth, iHeight); // now we need to skip any other skins ... for (unsigned int i = 1; i < iNumSkins; ++i) { @@ -468,7 +464,7 @@ void HMPImporter::ReadFirstSkin(unsigned int iNumSkins, const unsigned char *szC // setup the material ... pScene->mNumMaterials = 1; pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial *[1]; - pScene->mMaterials[0] = pcMat; + pScene->mMaterials[0] = pcMat.release(); *szCursorOut = szCursor; } @@ -484,11 +480,11 @@ void HMPImporter::GenerateTextureCoords(const unsigned int width, const unsigned if (uv == nullptr) { return; } - + if (height == 0.0f || width == 0.0) { return; } - + const float fY = (1.0f / height) + (1.0f / height) / height; const float fX = (1.0f / width) + (1.0f / width) / width; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h index 95ce0a9ebe..4d5f5f22fc 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/HMP/HMPLoader.h @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class HMPImporter : public MDLImporter { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Import a HMP4 file */ - void InternReadFile_HMP4(); + AI_WONT_RETURN void InternReadFile_HMP4() AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Import a HMP5 file diff --git a/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp index 908dc8dfae..ee718681e2 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp @@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { template <> const char *LogFunctions::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "IFC: "; - return prefix; + return "IFC: "; } } // namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCUtil.cpp b/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCUtil.cpp index 6cf104833a..eb636d7358 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCUtil.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCUtil.cpp @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "AssetLib/IFC/IFCUtil.h" #include "Common/PolyTools.h" +#include "Geometry/GeometryUtils.h" #include "PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.h" namespace Assimp { @@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ IfcVector3 TempMesh::ComputeLastPolygonNormal(bool normalize) const { struct CompareVector { bool operator () (const IfcVector3& a, const IfcVector3& b) const { IfcVector3 d = a - b; - IfcFloat eps = ai_epsilon; + constexpr IfcFloat eps = ai_epsilon; return d.x < -eps || (std::abs(d.x) < eps && d.y < -eps) || (std::abs(d.x) < eps && std::abs(d.y) < eps && d.z < -eps); } }; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.cpp index ca93f4309a..ba6ebc964d 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.cpp @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * @brief Implementation of the Irr importer class */ +#include "assimp/Exceptional.h" +#include "assimp/StringComparison.h" #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IRR_IMPORTER #include "AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.h" @@ -62,28 +64,26 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include -#include - using namespace Assimp; static const aiImporterDesc desc = { - "Irrlicht Scene Reader", - "", - "", - "http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/", - aiImporterFlags_SupportTextFlavour, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - "irr xml" + "Irrlicht Scene Reader", + "", + "", + "http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/", + aiImporterFlags_SupportTextFlavour, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + "irr xml" }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer IRRImporter::IRRImporter() : - fps(), configSpeedFlag() { - // empty + fps(), configSpeedFlag() { + // empty } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -93,154 +93,154 @@ IRRImporter::~IRRImporter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. bool IRRImporter::CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool /*checkSig*/) const { - static const char *tokens[] = { "irr_scene" }; - return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler, pFile, tokens, AI_COUNT_OF(tokens)); + static const char *tokens[] = { "irr_scene" }; + return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler, pFile, tokens, AI_COUNT_OF(tokens)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const aiImporterDesc *IRRImporter::GetInfo() const { - return &desc; + return &desc; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void IRRImporter::SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) { - // read the output frame rate of all node animation channels - fps = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IRR_ANIM_FPS, 100); - if (fps < 10.) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Invalid FPS configuration"); - fps = 100; - } - - // AI_CONFIG_FAVOUR_SPEED - configSpeedFlag = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_FAVOUR_SPEED, 0)); + // read the output frame rate of all node animation channels + fps = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IRR_ANIM_FPS, 100); + if (fps < 10.) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Invalid FPS configuration"); + fps = 100; + } + + // AI_CONFIG_FAVOUR_SPEED + configSpeedFlag = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_FAVOUR_SPEED, 0)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Build a mesh that consists of a single squad (a side of a skybox) aiMesh *IRRImporter::BuildSingleQuadMesh(const SkyboxVertex &v1, - const SkyboxVertex &v2, - const SkyboxVertex &v3, - const SkyboxVertex &v4) { - // allocate and prepare the mesh - aiMesh *out = new aiMesh(); - - out->mPrimitiveTypes = aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON; - out->mNumFaces = 1; - - // build the face - out->mFaces = new aiFace[1]; - aiFace &face = out->mFaces[0]; - - face.mNumIndices = 4; - face.mIndices = new unsigned int[4]; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) - face.mIndices[i] = i; - - out->mNumVertices = 4; - - // copy vertex positions - aiVector3D *vec = out->mVertices = new aiVector3D[4]; - *vec++ = v1.position; - *vec++ = v2.position; - *vec++ = v3.position; - *vec = v4.position; - - // copy vertex normals - vec = out->mNormals = new aiVector3D[4]; - *vec++ = v1.normal; - *vec++ = v2.normal; - *vec++ = v3.normal; - *vec = v4.normal; - - // copy texture coordinates - vec = out->mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[4]; - *vec++ = v1.uv; - *vec++ = v2.uv; - *vec++ = v3.uv; - *vec = v4.uv; - return out; + const SkyboxVertex &v2, + const SkyboxVertex &v3, + const SkyboxVertex &v4) { + // allocate and prepare the mesh + aiMesh *out = new aiMesh(); + + out->mPrimitiveTypes = aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON; + out->mNumFaces = 1; + + // build the face + out->mFaces = new aiFace[1]; + aiFace &face = out->mFaces[0]; + + face.mNumIndices = 4; + face.mIndices = new unsigned int[4]; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) + face.mIndices[i] = i; + + out->mNumVertices = 4; + + // copy vertex positions + aiVector3D *vec = out->mVertices = new aiVector3D[4]; + *vec++ = v1.position; + *vec++ = v2.position; + *vec++ = v3.position; + *vec = v4.position; + + // copy vertex normals + vec = out->mNormals = new aiVector3D[4]; + *vec++ = v1.normal; + *vec++ = v2.normal; + *vec++ = v3.normal; + *vec = v4.normal; + + // copy texture coordinates + vec = out->mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[4]; + *vec++ = v1.uv; + *vec++ = v2.uv; + *vec++ = v3.uv; + *vec = v4.uv; + return out; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void IRRImporter::BuildSkybox(std::vector &meshes, std::vector materials) { - // Update the material of the skybox - replace the name and disable shading for skyboxes. - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { - aiMaterial *out = (aiMaterial *)(*(materials.end() - (6 - i))); - - aiString s; - s.length = ::ai_snprintf(s.data, MAXLEN, "SkyboxSide_%u", i); - out->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_NAME); - - int shading = aiShadingMode_NoShading; - out->AddProperty(&shading, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL); - } - - // Skyboxes are much more difficult. They are represented - // by six single planes with different textures, so we'll - // need to build six meshes. - - const ai_real l = 10.0; // the size used by Irrlicht - - // FRONT SIDE - meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( - SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 1.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, -l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 0.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 1.0, 0.0))); - meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 6u); - - // LEFT SIDE - meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( - SkyboxVertex(l, -l, -l, -1, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, -l, l, -1, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, l, l, -1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, l, -l, -1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0))); - meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 5u); - - // BACK SIDE - meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( - SkyboxVertex(l, -l, l, 0, 0, -1, 1.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, l, 0, 0, -1, 0.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, l, l, 0, 0, -1, 0.0, 0.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, l, l, 0, 0, -1, 1.0, 0.0))); - meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 4u); - - // RIGHT SIDE - meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( - SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, l, 1, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, -l, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, l, -l, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, l, l, 1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0))); - meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 3u); - - // TOP SIDE - meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( - SkyboxVertex(l, l, -l, 0, -1, 0, 1.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, l, l, 0, -1, 0, 0.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, l, l, 0, -1, 0, 0.0, 0.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, l, -l, 0, -1, 0, 1.0, 0.0))); - meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 2u); - - // BOTTOM SIDE - meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( - SkyboxVertex(l, -l, l, 0, 1, 0, 0.0, 0.0), - SkyboxVertex(l, -l, -l, 0, 1, 0, 1.0, 0.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, -l, 0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0), - SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, l, 0, 1, 0, 0.0, 1.0))); - meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 1u); + // Update the material of the skybox - replace the name and disable shading for skyboxes. + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { + aiMaterial *out = (aiMaterial *)(*(materials.end() - (6 - i))); + + aiString s; + s.length = ::ai_snprintf(s.data, MAXLEN, "SkyboxSide_%u", i); + out->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_NAME); + + int shading = aiShadingMode_NoShading; + out->AddProperty(&shading, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL); + } + + // Skyboxes are much more difficult. They are represented + // by six single planes with different textures, so we'll + // need to build six meshes. + + const ai_real l = 10.0; // the size used by Irrlicht + + // FRONT SIDE + meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( + SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 1.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, -l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 0.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, l, -l, 0, 0, 1, 1.0, 0.0))); + meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 6u); + + // LEFT SIDE + meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( + SkyboxVertex(l, -l, -l, -1, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, -l, l, -1, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, l, l, -1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, l, -l, -1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0))); + meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 5u); + + // BACK SIDE + meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( + SkyboxVertex(l, -l, l, 0, 0, -1, 1.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, l, 0, 0, -1, 0.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, l, l, 0, 0, -1, 0.0, 0.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, l, l, 0, 0, -1, 1.0, 0.0))); + meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 4u); + + // RIGHT SIDE + meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( + SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, l, 1, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, -l, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, l, -l, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, l, l, 1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0))); + meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 3u); + + // TOP SIDE + meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( + SkyboxVertex(l, l, -l, 0, -1, 0, 1.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, l, l, 0, -1, 0, 0.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, l, l, 0, -1, 0, 0.0, 0.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, l, -l, 0, -1, 0, 1.0, 0.0))); + meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 2u); + + // BOTTOM SIDE + meshes.push_back(BuildSingleQuadMesh( + SkyboxVertex(l, -l, l, 0, 1, 0, 0.0, 0.0), + SkyboxVertex(l, -l, -l, 0, 1, 0, 1.0, 0.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, -l, 0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0), + SkyboxVertex(-l, -l, l, 0, 1, 0, 0.0, 1.0))); + meshes.back()->mMaterialIndex = static_cast(materials.size() - 1u); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void IRRImporter::CopyMaterial(std::vector &materials, - std::vector> &inmaterials, - unsigned int &defMatIdx, - aiMesh *mesh) { - if (inmaterials.empty()) { - // Do we have a default material? If not we need to create one - if (UINT_MAX == defMatIdx) { - defMatIdx = (unsigned int)materials.size(); - //TODO: add this materials to someone? - /*aiMaterial* mat = new aiMaterial(); + std::vector> &inmaterials, + unsigned int &defMatIdx, + aiMesh *mesh) { + if (inmaterials.empty()) { + // Do we have a default material? If not we need to create one + if (UINT_MAX == defMatIdx) { + defMatIdx = (unsigned int)materials.size(); + // TODO: add this materials to someone? + /*aiMaterial* mat = new aiMaterial(); aiString s; s.Set(AI_DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAME); @@ -248,1110 +248,1101 @@ void IRRImporter::CopyMaterial(std::vector &materials, aiColor3D c(0.6f,0.6f,0.6f); mat->AddProperty(&c,1,AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE);*/ - } - mesh->mMaterialIndex = defMatIdx; - return; - } else if (inmaterials.size() > 1) { - ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("IRR: Skipping additional materials"); - } - - mesh->mMaterialIndex = (unsigned int)materials.size(); - materials.push_back(inmaterials[0].first); + } + mesh->mMaterialIndex = defMatIdx; + return; + } else if (inmaterials.size() > 1) { + ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("IRR: Skipping additional materials"); + } + + mesh->mMaterialIndex = (unsigned int)materials.size(); + materials.push_back(inmaterials[0].first); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline int ClampSpline(int idx, int size) { - return (idx < 0 ? size + idx : (idx >= size ? idx - size : idx)); + return (idx < 0 ? size + idx : (idx >= size ? idx - size : idx)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void FindSuitableMultiple(int &angle) { - if (angle < 3) - angle = 3; - else if (angle < 10) - angle = 10; - else if (angle < 20) - angle = 20; - else if (angle < 30) - angle = 30; + if (angle < 3) + angle = 3; + else if (angle < 10) + angle = 10; + else if (angle < 20) + angle = 20; + else if (angle < 30) + angle = 30; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void IRRImporter::ComputeAnimations(Node *root, aiNode *real, std::vector &anims) { - ai_assert(nullptr != root && nullptr != real); - - // XXX totally WIP - doesn't produce proper results, need to evaluate - // whether there's any use for Irrlicht's proprietary scene format - // outside Irrlicht ... - // This also applies to the above function of FindSuitableMultiple and ClampSpline which are - // solely used in this function - - if (root->animators.empty()) { - return; - } - unsigned int total(0); - for (std::list::iterator it = root->animators.begin(); it != root->animators.end(); ++it) { - if ((*it).type == Animator::UNKNOWN || (*it).type == Animator::OTHER) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Skipping unknown or unsupported animator"); - continue; - } - ++total; - } - if (!total) { - return; - } else if (1 == total) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Adding dummy nodes to simulate multiple animators"); - } - - // NOTE: 1 tick == i millisecond - - unsigned int cur = 0; - for (std::list::iterator it = root->animators.begin(); - it != root->animators.end(); ++it) { - if ((*it).type == Animator::UNKNOWN || (*it).type == Animator::OTHER) continue; - - Animator &in = *it; - aiNodeAnim *anim = new aiNodeAnim(); - - if (cur != total - 1) { - // Build a new name - a prefix instead of a suffix because it is - // easier to check against - anim->mNodeName.length = ::ai_snprintf(anim->mNodeName.data, MAXLEN, - "$INST_DUMMY_%i_%s", total - 1, - (root->name.length() ? root->name.c_str() : "")); - - // we'll also need to insert a dummy in the node hierarchy. - aiNode *dummy = new aiNode(); - - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < real->mParent->mNumChildren; ++i) - if (real->mParent->mChildren[i] == real) - real->mParent->mChildren[i] = dummy; - - dummy->mParent = real->mParent; - dummy->mName = anim->mNodeName; - - dummy->mNumChildren = 1; - dummy->mChildren = new aiNode *[dummy->mNumChildren]; - dummy->mChildren[0] = real; - - // the transformation matrix of the dummy node is the identity - - real->mParent = dummy; - } else - anim->mNodeName.Set(root->name); - ++cur; - - switch (in.type) { - case Animator::ROTATION: { - // ----------------------------------------------------- - // find out how long a full rotation will take - // This is the least common multiple of 360.f and all - // three euler angles. Although we'll surely find a - // possible multiple (haha) it could be somewhat large - // for our purposes. So we need to modify the angles - // here in order to get good results. - // ----------------------------------------------------- - int angles[3]; - angles[0] = (int)(in.direction.x * 100); - angles[1] = (int)(in.direction.y * 100); - angles[2] = (int)(in.direction.z * 100); - - angles[0] %= 360; - angles[1] %= 360; - angles[2] %= 360; - - if ((angles[0] * angles[1]) != 0 && (angles[1] * angles[2]) != 0) { - FindSuitableMultiple(angles[0]); - FindSuitableMultiple(angles[1]); - FindSuitableMultiple(angles[2]); - } - - int lcm = 360; - - if (angles[0]) - lcm = Math::lcm(lcm, angles[0]); - - if (angles[1]) - lcm = Math::lcm(lcm, angles[1]); - - if (angles[2]) - lcm = Math::lcm(lcm, angles[2]); - - if (360 == lcm) - break; - - - // find out how many time units we'll need for the finest - // track (in seconds) - this defines the number of output - // keys (fps * seconds) - float max = 0.f; - if (angles[0]) - max = (float)lcm / angles[0]; - if (angles[1]) - max = std::max(max, (float)lcm / angles[1]); - if (angles[2]) - max = std::max(max, (float)lcm / angles[2]); - - anim->mNumRotationKeys = (unsigned int)(max * fps); - anim->mRotationKeys = new aiQuatKey[anim->mNumRotationKeys]; - - // begin with a zero angle - aiVector3D angle; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumRotationKeys; ++i) { - // build the quaternion for the given euler angles - aiQuatKey &q = anim->mRotationKeys[i]; - - q.mValue = aiQuaternion(angle.x, angle.y, angle.z); - q.mTime = (double)i; - - // increase the angle - angle += in.direction; - } - - // This animation is repeated and repeated ... - anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT; - } break; - - case Animator::FLY_CIRCLE: { - // ----------------------------------------------------- - // Find out how much time we'll need to perform a - // full circle. - // ----------------------------------------------------- - const double seconds = (1. / in.speed) / 1000.; - const double tdelta = 1000. / fps; - - anim->mNumPositionKeys = (unsigned int)(fps * seconds); - anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; - - // from Irrlicht, what else should we do than copying it? - aiVector3D vecU, vecV; - if (in.direction.y) { - vecV = aiVector3D(50, 0, 0) ^ in.direction; - } else - vecV = aiVector3D(0, 50, 00) ^ in.direction; - vecV.Normalize(); - vecU = (vecV ^ in.direction).Normalize(); - - // build the output keys - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) { - aiVectorKey &key = anim->mPositionKeys[i]; - key.mTime = i * tdelta; - - const ai_real t = (ai_real)(in.speed * key.mTime); - key.mValue = in.circleCenter + in.circleRadius * ((vecU * std::cos(t)) + (vecV * std::sin(t))); - } - - // This animation is repeated and repeated ... - anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT; - } break; - - case Animator::FLY_STRAIGHT: { - anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = (in.loop ? aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT : aiAnimBehaviour_CONSTANT); - const double seconds = in.timeForWay / 1000.; - const double tdelta = 1000. / fps; - - anim->mNumPositionKeys = (unsigned int)(fps * seconds); - anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; - - aiVector3D diff = in.direction - in.circleCenter; - const ai_real lengthOfWay = diff.Length(); - diff.Normalize(); - - const double timeFactor = lengthOfWay / in.timeForWay; - - // build the output keys - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) { - aiVectorKey &key = anim->mPositionKeys[i]; - key.mTime = i * tdelta; - key.mValue = in.circleCenter + diff * ai_real(timeFactor * key.mTime); - } - } break; - - case Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE: { - // repeat outside the defined time range - anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT; - const int size = (int)in.splineKeys.size(); - if (!size) { - // We have no point in the spline. That's bad. Really bad. - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Spline animators with no points defined"); - - delete anim; - anim = nullptr; - break; - } else if (size == 1) { - // We have just one point in the spline so we don't need the full calculation - anim->mNumPositionKeys = 1; - anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; - - anim->mPositionKeys[0].mValue = in.splineKeys[0].mValue; - anim->mPositionKeys[0].mTime = 0.f; - break; - } - - unsigned int ticksPerFull = 15; - anim->mNumPositionKeys = (unsigned int)(ticksPerFull * fps); - anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; - - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) { - aiVectorKey &key = anim->mPositionKeys[i]; - - const ai_real dt = (i * in.speed * ai_real(0.001)); - const ai_real u = dt - std::floor(dt); - const int idx = (int)std::floor(dt) % size; - - // get the 4 current points to evaluate the spline - const aiVector3D &p0 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx - 1, size)].mValue; - const aiVector3D &p1 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx + 0, size)].mValue; - const aiVector3D &p2 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx + 1, size)].mValue; - const aiVector3D &p3 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx + 2, size)].mValue; - - // compute polynomials - const ai_real u2 = u * u; - const ai_real u3 = u2 * 2; - - const ai_real h1 = ai_real(2.0) * u3 - ai_real(3.0) * u2 + ai_real(1.0); - const ai_real h2 = ai_real(-2.0) * u3 + ai_real(3.0) * u3; - const ai_real h3 = u3 - ai_real(2.0) * u3; - const ai_real h4 = u3 - u2; - - // compute the spline tangents - const aiVector3D t1 = (p2 - p0) * in.tightness; - aiVector3D t2 = (p3 - p1) * in.tightness; - - // and use them to get the interpolated point - t2 = (h1 * p1 + p2 * h2 + t1 * h3 + h4 * t2); - - // build a simple translation matrix from it - key.mValue = t2; - key.mTime = (double)i; - } - } break; - default: - // UNKNOWN , OTHER - break; - }; - if (anim) { - anims.push_back(anim); - ++total; - } - } + ai_assert(nullptr != root && nullptr != real); + + // XXX totally WIP - doesn't produce proper results, need to evaluate + // whether there's any use for Irrlicht's proprietary scene format + // outside Irrlicht ... + // This also applies to the above function of FindSuitableMultiple and ClampSpline which are + // solely used in this function + + if (root->animators.empty()) { + return; + } + unsigned int total(0); + for (std::list::iterator it = root->animators.begin(); it != root->animators.end(); ++it) { + if ((*it).type == Animator::UNKNOWN || (*it).type == Animator::OTHER) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Skipping unknown or unsupported animator"); + continue; + } + ++total; + } + if (!total) { + return; + } else if (1 == total) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Adding dummy nodes to simulate multiple animators"); + } + + // NOTE: 1 tick == i millisecond + + unsigned int cur = 0; + for (std::list::iterator it = root->animators.begin(); + it != root->animators.end(); ++it) { + if ((*it).type == Animator::UNKNOWN || (*it).type == Animator::OTHER) continue; + + Animator &in = *it; + aiNodeAnim *anim = new aiNodeAnim(); + + if (cur != total - 1) { + // Build a new name - a prefix instead of a suffix because it is + // easier to check against + anim->mNodeName.length = ::ai_snprintf(anim->mNodeName.data, MAXLEN, + "$INST_DUMMY_%i_%s", total - 1, + (root->name.length() ? root->name.c_str() : "")); + + // we'll also need to insert a dummy in the node hierarchy. + aiNode *dummy = new aiNode(); + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < real->mParent->mNumChildren; ++i) + if (real->mParent->mChildren[i] == real) + real->mParent->mChildren[i] = dummy; + + dummy->mParent = real->mParent; + dummy->mName = anim->mNodeName; + + dummy->mNumChildren = 1; + dummy->mChildren = new aiNode *[dummy->mNumChildren]; + dummy->mChildren[0] = real; + + // the transformation matrix of the dummy node is the identity + + real->mParent = dummy; + } else + anim->mNodeName.Set(root->name); + ++cur; + + switch (in.type) { + case Animator::ROTATION: { + // ----------------------------------------------------- + // find out how long a full rotation will take + // This is the least common multiple of 360.f and all + // three euler angles. Although we'll surely find a + // possible multiple (haha) it could be somewhat large + // for our purposes. So we need to modify the angles + // here in order to get good results. + // ----------------------------------------------------- + int angles[3]; + angles[0] = (int)(in.direction.x * 100); + angles[1] = (int)(in.direction.y * 100); + angles[2] = (int)(in.direction.z * 100); + + angles[0] %= 360; + angles[1] %= 360; + angles[2] %= 360; + + if ((angles[0] * angles[1]) != 0 && (angles[1] * angles[2]) != 0) { + FindSuitableMultiple(angles[0]); + FindSuitableMultiple(angles[1]); + FindSuitableMultiple(angles[2]); + } + + int lcm = 360; + + if (angles[0]) + lcm = Math::lcm(lcm, angles[0]); + + if (angles[1]) + lcm = Math::lcm(lcm, angles[1]); + + if (angles[2]) + lcm = Math::lcm(lcm, angles[2]); + + if (360 == lcm) + break; + + // find out how many time units we'll need for the finest + // track (in seconds) - this defines the number of output + // keys (fps * seconds) + float max = 0.f; + if (angles[0]) + max = (float)lcm / angles[0]; + if (angles[1]) + max = std::max(max, (float)lcm / angles[1]); + if (angles[2]) + max = std::max(max, (float)lcm / angles[2]); + + anim->mNumRotationKeys = (unsigned int)(max * fps); + anim->mRotationKeys = new aiQuatKey[anim->mNumRotationKeys]; + + // begin with a zero angle + aiVector3D angle; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumRotationKeys; ++i) { + // build the quaternion for the given euler angles + aiQuatKey &q = anim->mRotationKeys[i]; + + q.mValue = aiQuaternion(angle.x, angle.y, angle.z); + q.mTime = (double)i; + + // increase the angle + angle += in.direction; + } + + // This animation is repeated and repeated ... + anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT; + } break; + + case Animator::FLY_CIRCLE: { + // ----------------------------------------------------- + // Find out how much time we'll need to perform a + // full circle. + // ----------------------------------------------------- + const double seconds = (1. / in.speed) / 1000.; + const double tdelta = 1000. / fps; + + anim->mNumPositionKeys = (unsigned int)(fps * seconds); + anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; + + // from Irrlicht, what else should we do than copying it? + aiVector3D vecU, vecV; + if (in.direction.y) { + vecV = aiVector3D(50, 0, 0) ^ in.direction; + } else + vecV = aiVector3D(0, 50, 00) ^ in.direction; + vecV.Normalize(); + vecU = (vecV ^ in.direction).Normalize(); + + // build the output keys + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) { + aiVectorKey &key = anim->mPositionKeys[i]; + key.mTime = i * tdelta; + + const ai_real t = (ai_real)(in.speed * key.mTime); + key.mValue = in.circleCenter + in.circleRadius * ((vecU * std::cos(t)) + (vecV * std::sin(t))); + } + + // This animation is repeated and repeated ... + anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT; + } break; + + case Animator::FLY_STRAIGHT: { + anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = (in.loop ? aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT : aiAnimBehaviour_CONSTANT); + const double seconds = in.timeForWay / 1000.; + const double tdelta = 1000. / fps; + + anim->mNumPositionKeys = (unsigned int)(fps * seconds); + anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; + + aiVector3D diff = in.direction - in.circleCenter; + const ai_real lengthOfWay = diff.Length(); + diff.Normalize(); + + const double timeFactor = lengthOfWay / in.timeForWay; + + // build the output keys + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) { + aiVectorKey &key = anim->mPositionKeys[i]; + key.mTime = i * tdelta; + key.mValue = in.circleCenter + diff * ai_real(timeFactor * key.mTime); + } + } break; + + case Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE: { + // repeat outside the defined time range + anim->mPostState = anim->mPreState = aiAnimBehaviour_REPEAT; + const int size = (int)in.splineKeys.size(); + if (!size) { + // We have no point in the spline. That's bad. Really bad. + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Spline animators with no points defined"); + + delete anim; + anim = nullptr; + break; + } else if (size == 1) { + // We have just one point in the spline so we don't need the full calculation + anim->mNumPositionKeys = 1; + anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; + + anim->mPositionKeys[0].mValue = in.splineKeys[0].mValue; + anim->mPositionKeys[0].mTime = 0.f; + break; + } + + unsigned int ticksPerFull = 15; + anim->mNumPositionKeys = (unsigned int)(ticksPerFull * fps); + anim->mPositionKeys = new aiVectorKey[anim->mNumPositionKeys]; + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < anim->mNumPositionKeys; ++i) { + aiVectorKey &key = anim->mPositionKeys[i]; + + const ai_real dt = (i * in.speed * ai_real(0.001)); + const ai_real u = dt - std::floor(dt); + const int idx = (int)std::floor(dt) % size; + + // get the 4 current points to evaluate the spline + const aiVector3D &p0 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx - 1, size)].mValue; + const aiVector3D &p1 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx + 0, size)].mValue; + const aiVector3D &p2 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx + 1, size)].mValue; + const aiVector3D &p3 = in.splineKeys[ClampSpline(idx + 2, size)].mValue; + + // compute polynomials + const ai_real u2 = u * u; + const ai_real u3 = u2 * 2; + + const ai_real h1 = ai_real(2.0) * u3 - ai_real(3.0) * u2 + ai_real(1.0); + const ai_real h2 = ai_real(-2.0) * u3 + ai_real(3.0) * u3; + const ai_real h3 = u3 - ai_real(2.0) * u3; + const ai_real h4 = u3 - u2; + + // compute the spline tangents + const aiVector3D t1 = (p2 - p0) * in.tightness; + aiVector3D t2 = (p3 - p1) * in.tightness; + + // and use them to get the interpolated point + t2 = (h1 * p1 + p2 * h2 + t1 * h3 + h4 * t2); + + // build a simple translation matrix from it + key.mValue = t2; + key.mTime = (double)i; + } + } break; + default: + // UNKNOWN , OTHER + break; + }; + if (anim) { + anims.push_back(anim); + ++total; + } + } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function is maybe more generic than we'd need it here void SetupMapping(aiMaterial *mat, aiTextureMapping mode, const aiVector3D &axis = aiVector3D(0.f, 0.f, -1.f)) { - if (nullptr == mat) { - return; - } + if (nullptr == mat) { + return; + } // Check whether there are texture properties defined - setup - // the desired texture mapping mode for all of them and ignore - // all UV settings we might encounter. WE HAVE NO UVS! - - std::vector p; - p.reserve(mat->mNumProperties + 1); - - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat->mNumProperties; ++i) { - aiMaterialProperty *prop = mat->mProperties[i]; - if (!::strcmp(prop->mKey.data, "$tex.file")) { - // Setup the mapping key - aiMaterialProperty *m = new aiMaterialProperty(); - m->mKey.Set("$tex.mapping"); - m->mIndex = prop->mIndex; - m->mSemantic = prop->mSemantic; - m->mType = aiPTI_Integer; - - m->mDataLength = 4; - m->mData = new char[4]; - *((int *)m->mData) = mode; - - p.push_back(prop); - p.push_back(m); - - // Setup the mapping axis - if (mode == aiTextureMapping_CYLINDER || mode == aiTextureMapping_PLANE || mode == aiTextureMapping_SPHERE) { - m = new aiMaterialProperty(); - m->mKey.Set("$tex.mapaxis"); - m->mIndex = prop->mIndex; - m->mSemantic = prop->mSemantic; - m->mType = aiPTI_Float; - - m->mDataLength = 12; - m->mData = new char[12]; - *((aiVector3D *)m->mData) = axis; - p.push_back(m); - } - } else if (!::strcmp(prop->mKey.data, "$tex.uvwsrc")) { - delete mat->mProperties[i]; - } else - p.push_back(prop); - } - - if (p.empty()) return; - - // rebuild the output array - if (p.size() > mat->mNumAllocated) { - delete[] mat->mProperties; - mat->mProperties = new aiMaterialProperty *[p.size() * 2]; - - mat->mNumAllocated = static_cast(p.size() * 2); - } - mat->mNumProperties = (unsigned int)p.size(); - ::memcpy(mat->mProperties, &p[0], sizeof(void *) * mat->mNumProperties); + // the desired texture mapping mode for all of them and ignore + // all UV settings we might encounter. WE HAVE NO UVS! + + std::vector p; + p.reserve(mat->mNumProperties + 1); + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat->mNumProperties; ++i) { + aiMaterialProperty *prop = mat->mProperties[i]; + if (!::strcmp(prop->mKey.data, "$tex.file")) { + // Setup the mapping key + aiMaterialProperty *m = new aiMaterialProperty(); + m->mKey.Set("$tex.mapping"); + m->mIndex = prop->mIndex; + m->mSemantic = prop->mSemantic; + m->mType = aiPTI_Integer; + + m->mDataLength = 4; + m->mData = new char[4]; + *((int *)m->mData) = mode; + + p.push_back(prop); + p.push_back(m); + + // Setup the mapping axis + if (mode == aiTextureMapping_CYLINDER || mode == aiTextureMapping_PLANE || mode == aiTextureMapping_SPHERE) { + m = new aiMaterialProperty(); + m->mKey.Set("$tex.mapaxis"); + m->mIndex = prop->mIndex; + m->mSemantic = prop->mSemantic; + m->mType = aiPTI_Float; + + m->mDataLength = 12; + m->mData = new char[12]; + *((aiVector3D *)m->mData) = axis; + p.push_back(m); + } + } else if (!::strcmp(prop->mKey.data, "$tex.uvwsrc")) { + delete mat->mProperties[i]; + } else + p.push_back(prop); + } + + if (p.empty()) return; + + // rebuild the output array + if (p.size() > mat->mNumAllocated) { + delete[] mat->mProperties; + mat->mProperties = new aiMaterialProperty *[p.size() * 2]; + + mat->mNumAllocated = static_cast(p.size() * 2); + } + mat->mNumProperties = (unsigned int)p.size(); + ::memcpy(mat->mProperties, &p[0], sizeof(void *) * mat->mNumProperties); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void IRRImporter::GenerateGraph(Node *root, aiNode *rootOut, aiScene *scene, - BatchLoader &batch, - std::vector &meshes, - std::vector &anims, - std::vector &attach, - std::vector &materials, - unsigned int &defMatIdx) { - unsigned int oldMeshSize = (unsigned int)meshes.size(); - //unsigned int meshTrafoAssign = 0; - - // Now determine the type of the node - switch (root->type) { - case Node::ANIMMESH: - case Node::MESH: { - if (!root->meshPath.length()) - break; - - // Get the loaded mesh from the scene and add it to - // the list of all scenes to be attached to the - // graph we're currently building - aiScene *localScene = batch.GetImport(root->id); - if (!localScene) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Unable to load external file: ", root->meshPath); - break; - } - attach.emplace_back(localScene, rootOut); - - // Now combine the material we've loaded for this mesh - // with the real materials we got from the file. As we - // don't execute any pp-steps on the file, the numbers - // should be equal. If they are not, we can impossibly - // do this ... - if (root->materials.size() != (unsigned int)localScene->mNumMaterials) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Failed to match imported materials " - "with the materials found in the IRR scene file"); - - break; - } - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < localScene->mNumMaterials; ++i) { - // Delete the old material, we don't need it anymore - delete localScene->mMaterials[i]; - - std::pair &src = root->materials[i]; - localScene->mMaterials[i] = src.first; - } - - // NOTE: Each mesh should have exactly one material assigned, - // but we do it in a separate loop if this behavior changes - // in future. - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < localScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { - // Process material flags - aiMesh *mesh = localScene->mMeshes[i]; - - // If "trans_vertex_alpha" mode is enabled, search all vertex colors - // and check whether they have a common alpha value. This is quite - // often the case so we can simply extract it to a shared oacity - // value. - std::pair &src = root->materials[mesh->mMaterialIndex]; - aiMaterial *mat = (aiMaterial *)src.first; - - if (mesh->HasVertexColors(0) && src.second & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_trans_vertex_alpha) { - bool bdo = true; - for (unsigned int a = 1; a < mesh->mNumVertices; ++a) { - - if (mesh->mColors[0][a].a != mesh->mColors[0][a - 1].a) { - bdo = false; - break; - } - } - if (bdo) { - ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("IRR: Replacing mesh vertex alpha with common opacity"); - - for (unsigned int a = 0; a < mesh->mNumVertices; ++a) - mesh->mColors[0][a].a = 1.f; - - mat->AddProperty(&mesh->mColors[0][0].a, 1, AI_MATKEY_OPACITY); - } - } - - // If we have a second texture coordinate set and a second texture - // (either light-map, normal-map, 2layered material) we need to - // setup the correct UV index for it. The texture can either - // be diffuse (light-map & 2layer) or a normal map (normal & parallax) - if (mesh->HasTextureCoords(1)) { - - int idx = 1; - if (src.second & (AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer | AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap)) { - mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_DIFFUSE(0)); - } else if (src.second & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid) { - mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_NORMALS(0)); - } - } - } - } break; - - case Node::LIGHT: - case Node::CAMERA: - - // We're already finished with lights and cameras - break; - - case Node::SPHERE: { - // Generate the sphere model. Our input parameter to - // the sphere generation algorithm is the number of - // subdivisions of each triangle - but here we have - // the number of polygons on a specific axis. Just - // use some hard-coded limits to approximate this ... - unsigned int mul = root->spherePolyCountX * root->spherePolyCountY; - if (mul < 100) - mul = 2; - else if (mul < 300) - mul = 3; - else - mul = 4; - - meshes.push_back(StandardShapes::MakeMesh(mul, - &StandardShapes::MakeSphere)); - - // Adjust scaling - root->scaling *= root->sphereRadius / 2; - - // Copy one output material - CopyMaterial(materials, root->materials, defMatIdx, meshes.back()); - - // Now adjust this output material - if there is a first texture - // set, setup spherical UV mapping around the Y axis. - SetupMapping((aiMaterial *)materials.back(), aiTextureMapping_SPHERE); - } break; - - case Node::CUBE: { - // Generate an unit cube first - meshes.push_back(StandardShapes::MakeMesh( - &StandardShapes::MakeHexahedron)); - - // Adjust scaling - root->scaling *= root->sphereRadius; - - // Copy one output material - CopyMaterial(materials, root->materials, defMatIdx, meshes.back()); - - // Now adjust this output material - if there is a first texture - // set, setup cubic UV mapping - SetupMapping((aiMaterial *)materials.back(), aiTextureMapping_BOX); - } break; - - case Node::SKYBOX: { - // A sky-box is defined by six materials - if (root->materials.size() < 6) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: There should be six materials for a skybox"); - break; - } - - // copy those materials and generate 6 meshes for our new sky-box - materials.reserve(materials.size() + 6); - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) - materials.insert(materials.end(), root->materials[i].first); - - BuildSkybox(meshes, materials); - - // ************************************************************* - // Skyboxes will require a different code path for rendering, - // so there must be a way for the user to add special support - // for IRR skyboxes. We add a 'IRR.SkyBox_' prefix to the node. - // ************************************************************* - root->name = "IRR.SkyBox_" + root->name; - ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("IRR: Loading skybox, this will " - "require special handling to be displayed correctly"); - } break; - - case Node::TERRAIN: { - // to support terrains, we'd need to have a texture decoder - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Unsupported node - TERRAIN"); - } break; - default: - // DUMMY - break; - }; - - // Check whether we added a mesh (or more than one ...). In this case - // we'll also need to attach it to the node - if (oldMeshSize != (unsigned int)meshes.size()) { - - rootOut->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)meshes.size() - oldMeshSize; - rootOut->mMeshes = new unsigned int[rootOut->mNumMeshes]; - - for (unsigned int a = 0; a < rootOut->mNumMeshes; ++a) { - rootOut->mMeshes[a] = oldMeshSize + a; - } - } - - // Setup the name of this node - rootOut->mName.Set(root->name); - - // Now compute the final local transformation matrix of the - // node from the given translation, rotation and scaling values. - // (the rotation is given in Euler angles, XYZ order) - //std::swap((float&)root->rotation.z,(float&)root->rotation.y); - rootOut->mTransformation.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(AI_DEG_TO_RAD(root->rotation)); - - // apply scaling - aiMatrix4x4 &mat = rootOut->mTransformation; - mat.a1 *= root->scaling.x; - mat.b1 *= root->scaling.x; - mat.c1 *= root->scaling.x; - mat.a2 *= root->scaling.y; - mat.b2 *= root->scaling.y; - mat.c2 *= root->scaling.y; - mat.a3 *= root->scaling.z; - mat.b3 *= root->scaling.z; - mat.c3 *= root->scaling.z; - - // apply translation - mat.a4 += root->position.x; - mat.b4 += root->position.y; - mat.c4 += root->position.z; - - // now compute animations for the node - ComputeAnimations(root, rootOut, anims); - - // Add all children recursively. First allocate enough storage - // for them, then call us again - rootOut->mNumChildren = (unsigned int)root->children.size(); - if (rootOut->mNumChildren) { - - rootOut->mChildren = new aiNode *[rootOut->mNumChildren]; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rootOut->mNumChildren; ++i) { - - aiNode *node = rootOut->mChildren[i] = new aiNode(); - node->mParent = rootOut; - GenerateGraph(root->children[i], node, scene, batch, meshes, - anims, attach, materials, defMatIdx); - } - } + BatchLoader &batch, + std::vector &meshes, + std::vector &anims, + std::vector &attach, + std::vector &materials, + unsigned int &defMatIdx) { + unsigned int oldMeshSize = (unsigned int)meshes.size(); + // unsigned int meshTrafoAssign = 0; + + // Now determine the type of the node + switch (root->type) { + case Node::ANIMMESH: + case Node::MESH: { + if (!root->meshPath.length()) + break; + + // Get the loaded mesh from the scene and add it to + // the list of all scenes to be attached to the + // graph we're currently building + aiScene *localScene = batch.GetImport(root->id); + if (!localScene) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Unable to load external file: ", root->meshPath); + break; + } + attach.emplace_back(localScene, rootOut); + + // Now combine the material we've loaded for this mesh + // with the real materials we got from the file. As we + // don't execute any pp-steps on the file, the numbers + // should be equal. If they are not, we can impossibly + // do this ... + if (root->materials.size() != (unsigned int)localScene->mNumMaterials) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Failed to match imported materials " + "with the materials found in the IRR scene file"); + + break; + } + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < localScene->mNumMaterials; ++i) { + // Delete the old material, we don't need it anymore + delete localScene->mMaterials[i]; + + std::pair &src = root->materials[i]; + localScene->mMaterials[i] = src.first; + } + + // NOTE: Each mesh should have exactly one material assigned, + // but we do it in a separate loop if this behavior changes + // in future. + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < localScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { + // Process material flags + aiMesh *mesh = localScene->mMeshes[i]; + + // If "trans_vertex_alpha" mode is enabled, search all vertex colors + // and check whether they have a common alpha value. This is quite + // often the case so we can simply extract it to a shared oacity + // value. + std::pair &src = root->materials[mesh->mMaterialIndex]; + aiMaterial *mat = (aiMaterial *)src.first; + + if (mesh->HasVertexColors(0) && src.second & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_trans_vertex_alpha) { + bool bdo = true; + for (unsigned int a = 1; a < mesh->mNumVertices; ++a) { + + if (mesh->mColors[0][a].a != mesh->mColors[0][a - 1].a) { + bdo = false; + break; + } + } + if (bdo) { + ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("IRR: Replacing mesh vertex alpha with common opacity"); + + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < mesh->mNumVertices; ++a) + mesh->mColors[0][a].a = 1.f; + + mat->AddProperty(&mesh->mColors[0][0].a, 1, AI_MATKEY_OPACITY); + } + } + + // If we have a second texture coordinate set and a second texture + // (either light-map, normal-map, 2layered material) we need to + // setup the correct UV index for it. The texture can either + // be diffuse (light-map & 2layer) or a normal map (normal & parallax) + if (mesh->HasTextureCoords(1)) { + + int idx = 1; + if (src.second & (AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer | AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap)) { + mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_DIFFUSE(0)); + } else if (src.second & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid) { + mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_NORMALS(0)); + } + } + } + } break; + + case Node::LIGHT: + case Node::CAMERA: + + // We're already finished with lights and cameras + break; + + case Node::SPHERE: { + // Generate the sphere model. Our input parameter to + // the sphere generation algorithm is the number of + // subdivisions of each triangle - but here we have + // the number of polygons on a specific axis. Just + // use some hard-coded limits to approximate this ... + unsigned int mul = root->spherePolyCountX * root->spherePolyCountY; + if (mul < 100) + mul = 2; + else if (mul < 300) + mul = 3; + else + mul = 4; + + meshes.push_back(StandardShapes::MakeMesh(mul, + &StandardShapes::MakeSphere)); + + // Adjust scaling + root->scaling *= root->sphereRadius / 2; + + // Copy one output material + CopyMaterial(materials, root->materials, defMatIdx, meshes.back()); + + // Now adjust this output material - if there is a first texture + // set, setup spherical UV mapping around the Y axis. + SetupMapping((aiMaterial *)materials.back(), aiTextureMapping_SPHERE); + } break; + + case Node::CUBE: { + // Generate an unit cube first + meshes.push_back(StandardShapes::MakeMesh( + &StandardShapes::MakeHexahedron)); + + // Adjust scaling + root->scaling *= root->sphereRadius; + + // Copy one output material + CopyMaterial(materials, root->materials, defMatIdx, meshes.back()); + + // Now adjust this output material - if there is a first texture + // set, setup cubic UV mapping + SetupMapping((aiMaterial *)materials.back(), aiTextureMapping_BOX); + } break; + + case Node::SKYBOX: { + // A sky-box is defined by six materials + if (root->materials.size() < 6) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: There should be six materials for a skybox"); + break; + } + + // copy those materials and generate 6 meshes for our new sky-box + materials.reserve(materials.size() + 6); + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) + materials.insert(materials.end(), root->materials[i].first); + + BuildSkybox(meshes, materials); + + // ************************************************************* + // Skyboxes will require a different code path for rendering, + // so there must be a way for the user to add special support + // for IRR skyboxes. We add a 'IRR.SkyBox_' prefix to the node. + // ************************************************************* + root->name = "IRR.SkyBox_" + root->name; + ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("IRR: Loading skybox, this will " + "require special handling to be displayed correctly"); + } break; + + case Node::TERRAIN: { + // to support terrains, we'd need to have a texture decoder + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Unsupported node - TERRAIN"); + } break; + default: + // DUMMY + break; + }; + + // Check whether we added a mesh (or more than one ...). In this case + // we'll also need to attach it to the node + if (oldMeshSize != (unsigned int)meshes.size()) { + + rootOut->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)meshes.size() - oldMeshSize; + rootOut->mMeshes = new unsigned int[rootOut->mNumMeshes]; + + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < rootOut->mNumMeshes; ++a) { + rootOut->mMeshes[a] = oldMeshSize + a; + } + } + + // Setup the name of this node + rootOut->mName.Set(root->name); + + // Now compute the final local transformation matrix of the + // node from the given translation, rotation and scaling values. + // (the rotation is given in Euler angles, XYZ order) + // std::swap((float&)root->rotation.z,(float&)root->rotation.y); + rootOut->mTransformation.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(AI_DEG_TO_RAD(root->rotation)); + + // apply scaling + aiMatrix4x4 &mat = rootOut->mTransformation; + mat.a1 *= root->scaling.x; + mat.b1 *= root->scaling.x; + mat.c1 *= root->scaling.x; + mat.a2 *= root->scaling.y; + mat.b2 *= root->scaling.y; + mat.c2 *= root->scaling.y; + mat.a3 *= root->scaling.z; + mat.b3 *= root->scaling.z; + mat.c3 *= root->scaling.z; + + // apply translation + mat.a4 += root->position.x; + mat.b4 += root->position.y; + mat.c4 += root->position.z; + + // now compute animations for the node + ComputeAnimations(root, rootOut, anims); + + // Add all children recursively. First allocate enough storage + // for them, then call us again + rootOut->mNumChildren = (unsigned int)root->children.size(); + if (rootOut->mNumChildren) { + + rootOut->mChildren = new aiNode *[rootOut->mNumChildren]; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rootOut->mNumChildren; ++i) { + + aiNode *node = rootOut->mChildren[i] = new aiNode(); + node->mParent = rootOut; + GenerateGraph(root->children[i], node, scene, batch, meshes, + anims, attach, materials, defMatIdx); + } + } +} + +void IRRImporter::ParseNodeAttributes(pugi::xml_node &attributesNode, IRRImporter::Node *nd, BatchLoader &batch) { + ai_assert(!ASSIMP_stricmp(attributesNode.name(), "attributes")); // Node must be + ai_assert(nd != nullptr); // dude + + // Big switch statement that tests for various tags inside + // and applies them to nd + // I don't believe nodes have boolean attributes + for (pugi::xml_node &attribute : attributesNode.children()) { + if (attribute.type() != pugi::node_element) continue; + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attribute.name(), "vector3d")) { // + VectorProperty prop; + ReadVectorProperty(prop, attribute); + if (prop.name == "Position") { + nd->position = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "Rotation") { + nd->rotation = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "Scale") { + nd->scaling = prop.value; + } else if (Node::CAMERA == nd->type) { + aiCamera *cam = cameras.back(); + if (prop.name == "Target") { + cam->mLookAt = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "UpVector") { + cam->mUp = prop.value; + } + } + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attribute.name(), "float")) { // + FloatProperty prop; + ReadFloatProperty(prop, attribute); + if (prop.name == "FramesPerSecond" && Node::ANIMMESH == nd->type) { + nd->framesPerSecond = prop.value; + } else if (Node::CAMERA == nd->type) { + /* This is the vertical, not the horizontal FOV. + * We need to compute the right FOV from the + * screen aspect which we don't know yet. + */ + if (prop.name == "Fovy") { + cameras.back()->mHorizontalFOV = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "Aspect") { + cameras.back()->mAspect = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "ZNear") { + cameras.back()->mClipPlaneNear = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "ZFar") { + cameras.back()->mClipPlaneFar = prop.value; + } + } else if (Node::LIGHT == nd->type) { + /* Additional light information + */ + if (prop.name == "Attenuation") { + lights.back()->mAttenuationLinear = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "OuterCone") { + lights.back()->mAngleOuterCone = AI_DEG_TO_RAD(prop.value); + } else if (prop.name == "InnerCone") { + lights.back()->mAngleInnerCone = AI_DEG_TO_RAD(prop.value); + } + } + // radius of the sphere to be generated - + // or alternatively, size of the cube + else if ((Node::SPHERE == nd->type && prop.name == "Radius") || + (Node::CUBE == nd->type && prop.name == "Size")) { + nd->sphereRadius = prop.value; + } + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attribute.name(), "int")) { // + // Only sphere nodes make use of integer attributes + if (Node::SPHERE == nd->type) { + IntProperty prop; + ReadIntProperty(prop, attribute); + if (prop.name == "PolyCountX") { + nd->spherePolyCountX = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "PolyCountY") { + nd->spherePolyCountY = prop.value; + } + } + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attribute.name(), "string") || !ASSIMP_stricmp(attribute.name(), "enum")) { // or < enum /> + StringProperty prop; + ReadStringProperty(prop, attribute); + if (prop.value.length() == 0) continue; // skip empty strings + if (prop.name == "Name") { + nd->name = prop.value; + + /* If we're either a camera or a light source + * we need to update the name in the aiLight/ + * aiCamera structure, too. + */ + if (Node::CAMERA == nd->type) { + cameras.back()->mName.Set(prop.value); + } else if (Node::LIGHT == nd->type) { + lights.back()->mName.Set(prop.value); + } + } else if (Node::LIGHT == nd->type && "LightType" == prop.name) { + if (prop.value == "Spot") + lights.back()->mType = aiLightSource_SPOT; + else if (prop.value == "Point") + lights.back()->mType = aiLightSource_POINT; + else if (prop.value == "Directional") + lights.back()->mType = aiLightSource_DIRECTIONAL; + else { + // We won't pass the validation with aiLightSourceType_UNDEFINED, + // so we remove the light and replace it with a silly dummy node + delete lights.back(); + lights.pop_back(); + nd->type = Node::DUMMY; + + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("Ignoring light of unknown type: ", prop.value); + } + } else if ((prop.name == "Mesh" && Node::MESH == nd->type) || + Node::ANIMMESH == nd->type) { + /* This is the file name of the mesh - either + * animated or not. We need to make sure we setup + * the correct post-processing settings here. + */ + unsigned int pp = 0; + BatchLoader::PropertyMap map; + + /* If the mesh is a static one remove all animations from the impor data + */ + if (Node::ANIMMESH != nd->type) { + pp |= aiProcess_RemoveComponent; + SetGenericProperty(map.ints, AI_CONFIG_PP_RVC_FLAGS, + aiComponent_ANIMATIONS | aiComponent_BONEWEIGHTS); + } + + /* TODO: maybe implement the protection against recursive + * loading calls directly in BatchLoader? The current + * implementation is not absolutely safe. A LWS and an IRR + * file referencing each other *could* cause the system to + * recurse forever. + */ + + const std::string extension = GetExtension(prop.value); + if ("irr" == extension) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Can't load another IRR file recursively"); + } else { + nd->id = batch.AddLoadRequest(prop.value, pp, &map); + nd->meshPath = prop.value; + } + } + } + } +} + +void IRRImporter::ParseAnimators(pugi::xml_node &animatorNode, IRRImporter::Node *nd) { + Animator *curAnim = nullptr; + // Make empty animator + nd->animators.emplace_back(); + curAnim = &nd->animators.back(); // Push it back + pugi::xml_node attributes = animatorNode.child("attributes"); + if (!attributes) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Animator node does not contain attributes. "); + return; + } + + for (pugi::xml_node attrib : attributes.children()) { + // XML may contain useless noes like CDATA + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "vector3d")) { + VectorProperty prop; + ReadVectorProperty(prop, attrib); + + if (curAnim->type == Animator::ROTATION && prop.name == "Rotation") { + // We store the rotation euler angles in 'direction' + curAnim->direction = prop.value; + } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE) { + // Check whether the vector follows the PointN naming scheme, + // here N is the ONE-based index of the point + if (prop.name.length() >= 6 && prop.name.substr(0, 5) == "Point") { + // Add a new key to the list + curAnim->splineKeys.emplace_back(); + aiVectorKey &key = curAnim->splineKeys.back(); + + // and parse its properties + key.mValue = prop.value; + key.mTime = strtoul10(&prop.name[5]); + } + } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_CIRCLE) { + if (prop.name == "Center") { + curAnim->circleCenter = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "Direction") { + curAnim->direction = prop.value; + + // From Irrlicht's source - a workaround for backward compatibility with Irrlicht 1.1 + if (curAnim->direction == aiVector3D()) { + curAnim->direction = aiVector3D(0.f, 1.f, 0.f); + } else + curAnim->direction.Normalize(); + } + } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_STRAIGHT) { + if (prop.name == "Start") { + // We reuse the field here + curAnim->circleCenter = prop.value; + } else if (prop.name == "End") { + // We reuse the field here + curAnim->direction = prop.value; + } + } + + //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "bool")) { + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "bool")) { + BoolProperty prop; + ReadBoolProperty(prop, attrib); + + if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_CIRCLE && prop.name == "Loop") { + curAnim->loop = prop.value; + } + //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "float")) { + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "float")) { + FloatProperty prop; + ReadFloatProperty(prop, attrib); + + // The speed property exists for several animators + if (prop.name == "Speed") { + curAnim->speed = prop.value; + } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_CIRCLE && prop.name == "Radius") { + curAnim->circleRadius = prop.value; + } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE && prop.name == "Tightness") { + curAnim->tightness = prop.value; + } + //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "int")) { + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "int")) { + IntProperty prop; + ReadIntProperty(prop, attrib); + + if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_STRAIGHT && prop.name == "TimeForWay") { + curAnim->timeForWay = prop.value; + } + //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "string") || !ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "enum")) { + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "string") || !ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "enum")) { + StringProperty prop; + ReadStringProperty(prop, attrib); + + if (prop.name == "Type") { + // type of the animator + if (prop.value == "rotation") { + curAnim->type = Animator::ROTATION; + } else if (prop.value == "flyCircle") { + curAnim->type = Animator::FLY_CIRCLE; + } else if (prop.value == "flyStraight") { + curAnim->type = Animator::FLY_CIRCLE; + } else if (prop.value == "followSpline") { + curAnim->type = Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE; + } else { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Ignoring unknown animator: ", prop.value); + + curAnim->type = Animator::UNKNOWN; + } + } + } + } +} + +IRRImporter::Node *IRRImporter::ParseNode(pugi::xml_node &node, BatchLoader &batch) { + // Parse tags. + // tags have various types + // tags can contain , + // they can also contain other tags, (and can reference other files as well?) + // *********************************************************************** + /* What we're going to do with the node depends + * on its type: + * + * "mesh" - Load a mesh from an external file + * "cube" - Generate a cube + * "skybox" - Generate a skybox + * "light" - A light source + * "sphere" - Generate a sphere mesh + * "animatedMesh" - Load an animated mesh from an external file + * and join its animation channels with ours. + * "empty" - A dummy node + * "camera" - A camera + * "terrain" - a terrain node (data comes from a heightmap) + * "billboard", "" + * + * Each of these nodes can be animated and all can have multiple + * materials assigned (except lights, cameras and dummies, of course). + * Said materials and animators are all collected at the bottom + */ + // *********************************************************************** + Node *nd; + pugi::xml_attribute nodeTypeAttrib = node.attribute("type"); + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "mesh") || !ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "octTree")) { + // OctTree's and meshes are treated equally + nd = new Node(Node::MESH); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "cube")) { + nd = new Node(Node::CUBE); + guessedMeshCnt += 1; // Cube is only one mesh + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "skybox")) { + nd = new Node(Node::SKYBOX); + guessedMeshCnt += 6; // Skybox is a box, with 6 meshes? + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "camera")) { + nd = new Node(Node::CAMERA); + // Setup a temporary name for the camera + aiCamera *cam = new aiCamera(); + cam->mName.Set(nd->name); + cameras.push_back(cam); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "light")) { + nd = new Node(Node::LIGHT); + // Setup a temporary name for the light + aiLight *cam = new aiLight(); + cam->mName.Set(nd->name); + lights.push_back(cam); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "sphere")) { + nd = new Node(Node::SPHERE); + guessedMeshCnt += 1; + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "animatedMesh")) { + nd = new Node(Node::ANIMMESH); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "empty")) { + nd = new Node(Node::DUMMY); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "terrain")) { + nd = new Node(Node::TERRAIN); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(nodeTypeAttrib.value(), "billBoard")) { + // We don't support billboards, so ignore them + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Billboards are not supported by Assimp"); + nd = new Node(Node::DUMMY); + } else { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Found unknown node: ", nodeTypeAttrib.value()); + + /* We skip the contents of nodes we don't know. + * We parse the transformation and all animators + * and skip the rest. + */ + nd = new Node(Node::DUMMY); + } + + // TODO: consolidate all into one loop + for (pugi::xml_node subNode : node.children()) { + // Collect node attributes first + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(subNode.name(), "attributes")) { + ParseNodeAttributes(subNode, nd, batch); // Parse attributes into this node + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(subNode.name(), "animators")) { + // Then parse any animators + // All animators should contain an tag + + // This is an animation path - add a new animator + // to the list. + ParseAnimators(subNode, nd); // Function modifies nd's animator vector + guessedAnimCnt += 1; + } + + // Then parse any materials + // Materials are available to almost all node types + if (nd->type != Node::DUMMY) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(subNode.name(), "materials")) { + // Parse material description directly + // Each material should contain an node + // with everything specified + nd->materials.emplace_back(); + std::pair &p = nd->materials.back(); + p.first = ParseMaterial(subNode, p.second); + guessedMatCnt += 1; + } + } + } + + // Then parse any child nodes + // Attach the newly created node to the scene-graph + for (pugi::xml_node child : node.children()) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "node")) { // Is a child node + Node *childNd = ParseNode(child, batch); // Repeat this function for all children + nd->children.push_back(childNd); + }; + } + + // Return fully specified node + return nd; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Imports the given file into the given scene structure. void IRRImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) { - std::unique_ptr file(pIOHandler->Open(pFile)); - - // Check whether we can read from the file + std::unique_ptr file(pIOHandler->Open(pFile)); + // Check whether we can read from the file if (file == nullptr) { throw DeadlyImportError("Failed to open IRR file ", pFile); } // Construct the irrXML parser - XmlParser st; - if (!st.parse( file.get() )) { + XmlParser st; + if (!st.parse(file.get())) { throw DeadlyImportError("XML parse error while loading IRR file ", pFile); } - pugi::xml_node rootElement = st.getRootNode(); - - // The root node of the scene - Node *root = new Node(Node::DUMMY); - root->parent = nullptr; - root->name = ""; - - // Current node parent - Node *curParent = root; - - // Scene-graph node we're currently working on - Node *curNode = nullptr; - - // List of output cameras - std::vector cameras; - - // List of output lights - std::vector lights; - - // Batch loader used to load external models - BatchLoader batch(pIOHandler); - //batch.SetBasePath(pFile); - - cameras.reserve(5); - lights.reserve(5); - - bool inMaterials = false, inAnimator = false; - unsigned int guessedAnimCnt = 0, guessedMeshCnt = 0, guessedMatCnt = 0; - - // Parse the XML file - - //while (reader->read()) { - for (pugi::xml_node child : rootElement.children()) - switch (child.type()) { - case pugi::node_element: - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "node")) { - // *********************************************************************** - /* What we're going to do with the node depends - * on its type: - * - * "mesh" - Load a mesh from an external file - * "cube" - Generate a cube - * "skybox" - Generate a skybox - * "light" - A light source - * "sphere" - Generate a sphere mesh - * "animatedMesh" - Load an animated mesh from an external file - * and join its animation channels with ours. - * "empty" - A dummy node - * "camera" - A camera - * "terrain" - a terrain node (data comes from a heightmap) - * "billboard", "" - * - * Each of these nodes can be animated and all can have multiple - * materials assigned (except lights, cameras and dummies, of course). - */ - // *********************************************************************** - //const char *sz = reader->getAttributeValueSafe("type"); - pugi::xml_attribute attrib = child.attribute("type"); - Node *nd; - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "mesh") || !ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "octTree")) { - // OctTree's and meshes are treated equally - nd = new Node(Node::MESH); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "cube")) { - nd = new Node(Node::CUBE); - ++guessedMeshCnt; - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "skybox")) { - nd = new Node(Node::SKYBOX); - guessedMeshCnt += 6; - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "camera")) { - nd = new Node(Node::CAMERA); - - // Setup a temporary name for the camera - aiCamera *cam = new aiCamera(); - cam->mName.Set(nd->name); - cameras.push_back(cam); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "light")) { - nd = new Node(Node::LIGHT); - - // Setup a temporary name for the light - aiLight *cam = new aiLight(); - cam->mName.Set(nd->name); - lights.push_back(cam); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "sphere")) { - nd = new Node(Node::SPHERE); - ++guessedMeshCnt; - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "animatedMesh")) { - nd = new Node(Node::ANIMMESH); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "empty")) { - nd = new Node(Node::DUMMY); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "terrain")) { - nd = new Node(Node::TERRAIN); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "billBoard")) { - // We don't support billboards, so ignore them - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Billboards are not supported by Assimp"); - nd = new Node(Node::DUMMY); - } else { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Found unknown node: ", attrib.name()); - - /* We skip the contents of nodes we don't know. - * We parse the transformation and all animators - * and skip the rest. - */ - nd = new Node(Node::DUMMY); - } - - /* Attach the newly created node to the scene-graph - */ - curNode = nd; - nd->parent = curParent; - curParent->children.push_back(nd); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "materials")) { - inMaterials = true; - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "animators")) { - inAnimator = true; - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "attributes")) { - // We should have a valid node here - // FIX: no ... the scene root node is also contained in an attributes block - if (!curNode) { - continue; - } - - Animator *curAnim = nullptr; - - // Materials can occur for nearly any type of node - if (inMaterials && curNode->type != Node::DUMMY) { - // This is a material description - parse it! - curNode->materials.emplace_back(); - std::pair &p = curNode->materials.back(); - - p.first = ParseMaterial(p.second); - ++guessedMatCnt; - continue; - } else if (inAnimator) { - // This is an animation path - add a new animator - // to the list. - curNode->animators.emplace_back(); - curAnim = &curNode->animators.back(); - - ++guessedAnimCnt; - } - - /* Parse all elements in the attributes block - * and process them. - */ - // while (reader->read()) { - for (pugi::xml_node attrib : child.children()) { - if (attrib.type() == pugi::node_element) { - //if (reader->getNodeType() == EXN_ELEMENT) { - //if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "vector3d")) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "vector3d")) { - VectorProperty prop; - ReadVectorProperty(prop); - - if (inAnimator) { - if (curAnim->type == Animator::ROTATION && prop.name == "Rotation") { - // We store the rotation euler angles in 'direction' - curAnim->direction = prop.value; - } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE) { - // Check whether the vector follows the PointN naming scheme, - // here N is the ONE-based index of the point - if (prop.name.length() >= 6 && prop.name.substr(0, 5) == "Point") { - // Add a new key to the list - curAnim->splineKeys.emplace_back(); - aiVectorKey &key = curAnim->splineKeys.back(); - - // and parse its properties - key.mValue = prop.value; - key.mTime = strtoul10(&prop.name[5]); - } - } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_CIRCLE) { - if (prop.name == "Center") { - curAnim->circleCenter = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "Direction") { - curAnim->direction = prop.value; - - // From Irrlicht's source - a workaround for backward compatibility with Irrlicht 1.1 - if (curAnim->direction == aiVector3D()) { - curAnim->direction = aiVector3D(0.f, 1.f, 0.f); - } else - curAnim->direction.Normalize(); - } - } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_STRAIGHT) { - if (prop.name == "Start") { - // We reuse the field here - curAnim->circleCenter = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "End") { - // We reuse the field here - curAnim->direction = prop.value; - } - } - } else { - if (prop.name == "Position") { - curNode->position = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "Rotation") { - curNode->rotation = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "Scale") { - curNode->scaling = prop.value; - } else if (Node::CAMERA == curNode->type) { - aiCamera *cam = cameras.back(); - if (prop.name == "Target") { - cam->mLookAt = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "UpVector") { - cam->mUp = prop.value; - } - } - } - //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "bool")) { - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "bool")) { - BoolProperty prop; - ReadBoolProperty(prop); - - if (inAnimator && curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_CIRCLE && prop.name == "Loop") { - curAnim->loop = prop.value; - } - //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "float")) { - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "float")) { - FloatProperty prop; - ReadFloatProperty(prop); - - if (inAnimator) { - // The speed property exists for several animators - if (prop.name == "Speed") { - curAnim->speed = prop.value; - } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_CIRCLE && prop.name == "Radius") { - curAnim->circleRadius = prop.value; - } else if (curAnim->type == Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE && prop.name == "Tightness") { - curAnim->tightness = prop.value; - } - } else { - if (prop.name == "FramesPerSecond" && Node::ANIMMESH == curNode->type) { - curNode->framesPerSecond = prop.value; - } else if (Node::CAMERA == curNode->type) { - /* This is the vertical, not the horizontal FOV. - * We need to compute the right FOV from the - * screen aspect which we don't know yet. - */ - if (prop.name == "Fovy") { - cameras.back()->mHorizontalFOV = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "Aspect") { - cameras.back()->mAspect = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "ZNear") { - cameras.back()->mClipPlaneNear = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "ZFar") { - cameras.back()->mClipPlaneFar = prop.value; - } - } else if (Node::LIGHT == curNode->type) { - /* Additional light information - */ - if (prop.name == "Attenuation") { - lights.back()->mAttenuationLinear = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "OuterCone") { - lights.back()->mAngleOuterCone = AI_DEG_TO_RAD(prop.value); - } else if (prop.name == "InnerCone") { - lights.back()->mAngleInnerCone = AI_DEG_TO_RAD(prop.value); - } - } - // radius of the sphere to be generated - - // or alternatively, size of the cube - else if ((Node::SPHERE == curNode->type && prop.name == "Radius") || (Node::CUBE == curNode->type && prop.name == "Size")) { - - curNode->sphereRadius = prop.value; - } - } - //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "int")) { - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "int")) { - IntProperty prop; - ReadIntProperty(prop); - - if (inAnimator) { - if (curAnim->type == Animator::FLY_STRAIGHT && prop.name == "TimeForWay") { - curAnim->timeForWay = prop.value; - } - } else { - // sphere polygon numbers in each direction - if (Node::SPHERE == curNode->type) { - - if (prop.name == "PolyCountX") { - curNode->spherePolyCountX = prop.value; - } else if (prop.name == "PolyCountY") { - curNode->spherePolyCountY = prop.value; - } - } - } - //} else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "string") || !ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "enum")) { - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "string") || !ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "enum")) { - StringProperty prop; - ReadStringProperty(prop); - if (prop.value.length()) { - if (prop.name == "Name") { - curNode->name = prop.value; - - /* If we're either a camera or a light source - * we need to update the name in the aiLight/ - * aiCamera structure, too. - */ - if (Node::CAMERA == curNode->type) { - cameras.back()->mName.Set(prop.value); - } else if (Node::LIGHT == curNode->type) { - lights.back()->mName.Set(prop.value); - } - } else if (Node::LIGHT == curNode->type && "LightType" == prop.name) { - if (prop.value == "Spot") - lights.back()->mType = aiLightSource_SPOT; - else if (prop.value == "Point") - lights.back()->mType = aiLightSource_POINT; - else if (prop.value == "Directional") - lights.back()->mType = aiLightSource_DIRECTIONAL; - else { - // We won't pass the validation with aiLightSourceType_UNDEFINED, - // so we remove the light and replace it with a silly dummy node - delete lights.back(); - lights.pop_back(); - curNode->type = Node::DUMMY; - - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("Ignoring light of unknown type: ", prop.value); - } - } else if ((prop.name == "Mesh" && Node::MESH == curNode->type) || - Node::ANIMMESH == curNode->type) { - /* This is the file name of the mesh - either - * animated or not. We need to make sure we setup - * the correct post-processing settings here. - */ - unsigned int pp = 0; - BatchLoader::PropertyMap map; - - /* If the mesh is a static one remove all animations from the impor data - */ - if (Node::ANIMMESH != curNode->type) { - pp |= aiProcess_RemoveComponent; - SetGenericProperty(map.ints, AI_CONFIG_PP_RVC_FLAGS, - aiComponent_ANIMATIONS | aiComponent_BONEWEIGHTS); - } - - /* TODO: maybe implement the protection against recursive - * loading calls directly in BatchLoader? The current - * implementation is not absolutely safe. A LWS and an IRR - * file referencing each other *could* cause the system to - * recurse forever. - */ - - const std::string extension = GetExtension(prop.value); - if ("irr" == extension) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Can't load another IRR file recursively"); - } else { - curNode->id = batch.AddLoadRequest(prop.value, pp, &map); - curNode->meshPath = prop.value; - } - } else if (inAnimator && prop.name == "Type") { - // type of the animator - if (prop.value == "rotation") { - curAnim->type = Animator::ROTATION; - } else if (prop.value == "flyCircle") { - curAnim->type = Animator::FLY_CIRCLE; - } else if (prop.value == "flyStraight") { - curAnim->type = Animator::FLY_CIRCLE; - } else if (prop.value == "followSpline") { - curAnim->type = Animator::FOLLOW_SPLINE; - } else { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Ignoring unknown animator: ", prop.value); - - curAnim->type = Animator::UNKNOWN; - } - } - } - } - //} else if (reader->getNodeType() == EXN_ELEMENT_END && !ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "attributes")) { - } else if (attrib.type() == pugi::node_null && !ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "attributes")) { - break; - } - } - } - break; - - /*case EXN_ELEMENT_END: - - // If we reached the end of a node, we need to continue processing its parent - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "node")) { - if (!curNode) { - // currently is no node set. We need to go - // back in the node hierarchy - if (!curParent) { - curParent = root; - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR: Too many closing elements"); - } else - curParent = curParent->parent; - } else - curNode = nullptr; - } - // clear all flags - else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "materials")) { - inMaterials = false; - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(), "animators")) { - inAnimator = false; - } - break;*/ - - default: - // GCC complains that not all enumeration values are handled - break; - } - //} - - // Now iterate through all cameras and compute their final (horizontal) FOV - for (aiCamera *cam : cameras) { - // screen aspect could be missing - if (cam->mAspect) { - cam->mHorizontalFOV *= cam->mAspect; - } else { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Camera aspect is not given, can't compute horizontal FOV"); - } - } - - batch.LoadAll(); - - // Allocate a temporary scene data structure - aiScene *tempScene = new aiScene(); - tempScene->mRootNode = new aiNode(); - tempScene->mRootNode->mName.Set(""); - - // Copy the cameras to the output array - if (!cameras.empty()) { - tempScene->mNumCameras = (unsigned int)cameras.size(); - tempScene->mCameras = new aiCamera *[tempScene->mNumCameras]; - ::memcpy(tempScene->mCameras, &cameras[0], sizeof(void *) * tempScene->mNumCameras); - } - - // Copy the light sources to the output array - if (!lights.empty()) { - tempScene->mNumLights = (unsigned int)lights.size(); - tempScene->mLights = new aiLight *[tempScene->mNumLights]; - ::memcpy(tempScene->mLights, &lights[0], sizeof(void *) * tempScene->mNumLights); - } - - // temporary data - std::vector anims; - std::vector materials; - std::vector attach; - std::vector meshes; - - // try to guess how much storage we'll need - anims.reserve(guessedAnimCnt + (guessedAnimCnt >> 2)); - meshes.reserve(guessedMeshCnt + (guessedMeshCnt >> 2)); - materials.reserve(guessedMatCnt + (guessedMatCnt >> 2)); - - // Now process our scene-graph recursively: generate final - // meshes and generate animation channels for all nodes. - unsigned int defMatIdx = UINT_MAX; - GenerateGraph(root, tempScene->mRootNode, tempScene, - batch, meshes, anims, attach, materials, defMatIdx); - - if (!anims.empty()) { - tempScene->mNumAnimations = 1; - tempScene->mAnimations = new aiAnimation *[tempScene->mNumAnimations]; - aiAnimation *an = tempScene->mAnimations[0] = new aiAnimation(); - - // *********************************************************** - // This is only the global animation channel of the scene. - // If there are animated models, they will have separate - // animation channels in the scene. To display IRR scenes - // correctly, users will need to combine the global anim - // channel with all the local animations they want to play - // *********************************************************** - an->mName.Set("Irr_GlobalAnimChannel"); - - // copy all node animation channels to the global channel - an->mNumChannels = (unsigned int)anims.size(); - an->mChannels = new aiNodeAnim *[an->mNumChannels]; - ::memcpy(an->mChannels, &anims[0], sizeof(void *) * an->mNumChannels); - } - if (!meshes.empty()) { - // copy all meshes to the temporary scene - tempScene->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)meshes.size(); - tempScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh *[tempScene->mNumMeshes]; - ::memcpy(tempScene->mMeshes, &meshes[0], tempScene->mNumMeshes * sizeof(void *)); - } - - // Copy all materials to the output array - if (!materials.empty()) { - tempScene->mNumMaterials = (unsigned int)materials.size(); - tempScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial *[tempScene->mNumMaterials]; - ::memcpy(tempScene->mMaterials, &materials[0], sizeof(void *) * tempScene->mNumMaterials); - } - - // Now merge all sub scenes and attach them to the correct - // attachment points in the scenegraph. - SceneCombiner::MergeScenes(&pScene, tempScene, attach, - AI_INT_MERGE_SCENE_GEN_UNIQUE_NAMES | (!configSpeedFlag ? ( - AI_INT_MERGE_SCENE_GEN_UNIQUE_NAMES_IF_NECESSARY | AI_INT_MERGE_SCENE_GEN_UNIQUE_MATNAMES) : - 0)); - - // If we have no meshes | no materials now set the INCOMPLETE - // scene flag. This is necessary if we failed to load all - // models from external files - if (!pScene->mNumMeshes || !pScene->mNumMaterials) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: No meshes loaded, setting AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE"); - pScene->mFlags |= AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE; - } - - // Finished ... everything destructs automatically and all - // temporary scenes have already been deleted by MergeScenes() - delete root; + pugi::xml_node documentRoot = st.getRootNode(); + + // The root node of the scene + Node *root = new Node(Node::DUMMY); + root->parent = nullptr; + root->name = ""; + + // Batch loader used to load external models + BatchLoader batch(pIOHandler); + // batch.SetBasePath(pFile); + + cameras.reserve(1); // Probably only one camera in entire scene + lights.reserve(5); + + this->guessedAnimCnt = 0; + this->guessedMeshCnt = 0; + this->guessedMatCnt = 0; + + // Parse the XML + // Find the scene root from document root. + const pugi::xml_node &sceneRoot = documentRoot.child("irr_scene"); + if (!sceneRoot) throw new DeadlyImportError("IRR: not found in file"); + for (pugi::xml_node &child : sceneRoot.children()) { + // XML elements are either nodes, animators, attributes, or materials + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "node")) { + // Recursive collect subtree children + Node *nd = ParseNode(child, batch); + // Attach to root + root->children.push_back(nd); + } + } + + // Now iterate through all cameras and compute their final (horizontal) FOV + for (aiCamera *cam : cameras) { + // screen aspect could be missing + if (cam->mAspect) { + cam->mHorizontalFOV *= cam->mAspect; + } else { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: Camera aspect is not given, can't compute horizontal FOV"); + } + } + + batch.LoadAll(); + + // Allocate a temporary scene data structure + aiScene *tempScene = new aiScene(); + tempScene->mRootNode = new aiNode(); + tempScene->mRootNode->mName.Set(""); + + // Copy the cameras to the output array + if (!cameras.empty()) { + tempScene->mNumCameras = (unsigned int)cameras.size(); + tempScene->mCameras = new aiCamera *[tempScene->mNumCameras]; + ::memcpy(tempScene->mCameras, &cameras[0], sizeof(void *) * tempScene->mNumCameras); + } + + // Copy the light sources to the output array + if (!lights.empty()) { + tempScene->mNumLights = (unsigned int)lights.size(); + tempScene->mLights = new aiLight *[tempScene->mNumLights]; + ::memcpy(tempScene->mLights, &lights[0], sizeof(void *) * tempScene->mNumLights); + } + + // temporary data + std::vector anims; + std::vector materials; + std::vector attach; + std::vector meshes; + + // try to guess how much storage we'll need + anims.reserve(guessedAnimCnt + (guessedAnimCnt >> 2)); + meshes.reserve(guessedMeshCnt + (guessedMeshCnt >> 2)); + materials.reserve(guessedMatCnt + (guessedMatCnt >> 2)); + + // Now process our scene-graph recursively: generate final + // meshes and generate animation channels for all nodes. + unsigned int defMatIdx = UINT_MAX; + GenerateGraph(root, tempScene->mRootNode, tempScene, + batch, meshes, anims, attach, materials, defMatIdx); + + if (!anims.empty()) { + tempScene->mNumAnimations = 1; + tempScene->mAnimations = new aiAnimation *[tempScene->mNumAnimations]; + aiAnimation *an = tempScene->mAnimations[0] = new aiAnimation(); + + // *********************************************************** + // This is only the global animation channel of the scene. + // If there are animated models, they will have separate + // animation channels in the scene. To display IRR scenes + // correctly, users will need to combine the global anim + // channel with all the local animations they want to play + // *********************************************************** + an->mName.Set("Irr_GlobalAnimChannel"); + + // copy all node animation channels to the global channel + an->mNumChannels = (unsigned int)anims.size(); + an->mChannels = new aiNodeAnim *[an->mNumChannels]; + ::memcpy(an->mChannels, &anims[0], sizeof(void *) * an->mNumChannels); + } + if (!meshes.empty()) { + // copy all meshes to the temporary scene + tempScene->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)meshes.size(); + tempScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh *[tempScene->mNumMeshes]; + ::memcpy(tempScene->mMeshes, &meshes[0], tempScene->mNumMeshes * sizeof(void *)); + } + + // Copy all materials to the output array + if (!materials.empty()) { + tempScene->mNumMaterials = (unsigned int)materials.size(); + tempScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial *[tempScene->mNumMaterials]; + ::memcpy(tempScene->mMaterials, &materials[0], sizeof(void *) * tempScene->mNumMaterials); + } + + // Now merge all sub scenes and attach them to the correct + // attachment points in the scenegraph. + SceneCombiner::MergeScenes(&pScene, tempScene, attach, + AI_INT_MERGE_SCENE_GEN_UNIQUE_NAMES | (!configSpeedFlag ? (AI_INT_MERGE_SCENE_GEN_UNIQUE_NAMES_IF_NECESSARY | AI_INT_MERGE_SCENE_GEN_UNIQUE_MATNAMES) : + 0)); + + // If we have no meshes | no materials now set the INCOMPLETE + // scene flag. This is necessary if we failed to load all + // models from external files + if (!pScene->mNumMeshes || !pScene->mNumMaterials) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRR: No meshes loaded, setting AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE"); + pScene->mFlags |= AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE; + } + + // Finished ... everything destructs automatically and all + // temporary scenes have already been deleted by MergeScenes() + delete root; } #endif // !! ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IRR_IMPORTER diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.h index 7fa2393959..72ad5d35ed 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRLoader.h @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include -namespace Assimp { +namespace Assimp { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Irr importer class. @@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { /** Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. * See BaseImporter::CanRead() for details. */ - bool CanRead( const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler, - bool checkSig) const override; + bool CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, + bool checkSig) const override; protected: - const aiImporterDesc* GetInfo () const override; - void InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler) override; - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; + const aiImporterDesc *GetInfo() const override; + void InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) override; + void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) override; private: /** Data structure for a scene-graph node animator @@ -85,27 +85,19 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { struct Animator { // Type of the animator enum AT { - UNKNOWN = 0x0, - ROTATION = 0x1, - FLY_CIRCLE = 0x2, - FLY_STRAIGHT = 0x3, + UNKNOWN = 0x0, + ROTATION = 0x1, + FLY_CIRCLE = 0x2, + FLY_STRAIGHT = 0x3, FOLLOW_SPLINE = 0x4, - OTHER = 0x5 + OTHER = 0x5 } type; - explicit Animator(AT t = UNKNOWN) - : type (t) - , speed ( ai_real( 0.001 ) ) - , direction ( ai_real( 0.0 ), ai_real( 1.0 ), ai_real( 0.0 ) ) - , circleRadius ( ai_real( 1.0) ) - , tightness ( ai_real( 0.5 ) ) - , loop (true) - , timeForWay (100) - { + explicit Animator(AT t = UNKNOWN) : + type(t), speed(ai_real(0.001)), direction(ai_real(0.0), ai_real(1.0), ai_real(0.0)), circleRadius(ai_real(1.0)), tightness(ai_real(0.5)), loop(true), timeForWay(100) { } - // common parameters ai_real speed; aiVector3D direction; @@ -128,11 +120,9 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { /** Data structure for a scene-graph node in an IRR file */ - struct Node - { + struct Node { // Type of the node - enum ET - { + enum ET { LIGHT, CUBE, MESH, @@ -144,21 +134,20 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { ANIMMESH } type; - explicit Node(ET t) - : type (t) - , scaling (1.0,1.0,1.0) // assume uniform scaling by default - , parent() - , framesPerSecond (0.0) - , id() - , sphereRadius (1.0) - , spherePolyCountX (100) - , spherePolyCountY (100) - { + explicit Node(ET t) : + type(t), scaling(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) // assume uniform scaling by default + , + parent(), + framesPerSecond(0.0), + id(), + sphereRadius(1.0), + spherePolyCountX(100), + spherePolyCountY(100) { // Generate a default name for the node char buffer[128]; static int cnt; - ai_snprintf(buffer, 128, "IrrNode_%i",cnt++); + ai_snprintf(buffer, 128, "IrrNode_%i", cnt++); name = std::string(buffer); // reserve space for up to 5 materials @@ -175,10 +164,10 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { std::string name; // List of all child nodes - std::vector children; + std::vector children; // Parent node - Node* parent; + Node *parent; // Animated meshes: frames per second // 0.f if not specified @@ -190,13 +179,13 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { // Meshes: List of materials to be assigned // along with their corresponding material flags - std::vector< std::pair > materials; + std::vector> materials; // Spheres: radius of the sphere to be generates ai_real sphereRadius; // Spheres: Number of polygons in the x,y direction - unsigned int spherePolyCountX,spherePolyCountY; + unsigned int spherePolyCountX, spherePolyCountY; // List of all animators assigned to the node std::list animators; @@ -204,40 +193,54 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { /** Data structure for a vertex in an IRR skybox */ - struct SkyboxVertex - { + struct SkyboxVertex { SkyboxVertex() = default; //! Construction from single vertex components SkyboxVertex(ai_real px, ai_real py, ai_real pz, - ai_real nx, ai_real ny, ai_real nz, - ai_real uvx, ai_real uvy) + ai_real nx, ai_real ny, ai_real nz, + ai_real uvx, ai_real uvy) - : position (px,py,pz) - , normal (nx,ny,nz) - , uv (uvx,uvy,0.0) - {} + : + position(px, py, pz), normal(nx, ny, nz), uv(uvx, uvy, 0.0) {} aiVector3D position, normal, uv; }; + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Parse tag from XML file and extract child node + // @param node XML node + // @param guessedMeshesContained number of extra guessed meshes + IRRImporter::Node *ParseNode(pugi::xml_node &node, BatchLoader& batch); + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Parse tags within tags and apply to scene node + // @param attributeNode XML child node + // @param nd Attributed scene node + void ParseNodeAttributes(pugi::xml_node &attributeNode, IRRImporter::Node *nd, BatchLoader& batch); + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Parse an node and attach an animator to a node + // @param animatorNode XML animator node + // @param nd Animated scene node + void ParseAnimators(pugi::xml_node &animatorNode, IRRImporter::Node *nd); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Fill the scene-graph recursively - void GenerateGraph(Node* root,aiNode* rootOut ,aiScene* scene, - BatchLoader& batch, - std::vector& meshes, - std::vector& anims, - std::vector& attach, - std::vector& materials, - unsigned int& defaultMatIdx); + void GenerateGraph(Node *root, aiNode *rootOut, aiScene *scene, + BatchLoader &batch, + std::vector &meshes, + std::vector &anims, + std::vector &attach, + std::vector &materials, + unsigned int &defaultMatIdx); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Generate a mesh that consists of just a single quad - aiMesh* BuildSingleQuadMesh(const SkyboxVertex& v1, - const SkyboxVertex& v2, - const SkyboxVertex& v3, - const SkyboxVertex& v4); + aiMesh *BuildSingleQuadMesh(const SkyboxVertex &v1, + const SkyboxVertex &v2, + const SkyboxVertex &v3, + const SkyboxVertex &v4); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Build a sky-box @@ -245,8 +248,8 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { /// @param meshes Receives 6 output meshes /// @param materials The last 6 materials are assigned to the newly /// created meshes. The names of the materials are adjusted. - void BuildSkybox(std::vector& meshes, - std::vector materials); + void BuildSkybox(std::vector &meshes, + std::vector materials); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Copy a material for a mesh to the output material list @@ -256,10 +259,10 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { * @param defMatIdx Default material index - UINT_MAX if not present * @param mesh Mesh to work on */ - void CopyMaterial(std::vector& materials, - std::vector< std::pair >& inmaterials, - unsigned int& defMatIdx, - aiMesh* mesh); + void CopyMaterial(std::vector &materials, + std::vector> &inmaterials, + unsigned int &defMatIdx, + aiMesh *mesh); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Compute animations for a specific node @@ -267,8 +270,8 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { * @param root Node to be processed * @param anims The list of output animations */ - void ComputeAnimations(Node* root, aiNode* real, - std::vector& anims); + void ComputeAnimations(Node *root, aiNode *real, + std::vector &anims); private: /// Configuration option: desired output FPS @@ -276,6 +279,12 @@ class IRRImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { /// Configuration option: speed flag was set? bool configSpeedFlag; + + std::vector cameras; + std::vector lights; + unsigned int guessedMeshCnt; + unsigned int guessedMatCnt; + unsigned int guessedAnimCnt; }; } // end of namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.cpp index 9b4faec831..8161a2997b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.cpp @@ -57,25 +57,21 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. using namespace Assimp; static const aiImporterDesc desc = { - "Irrlicht Mesh Reader", - "", - "", - "http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/", - aiImporterFlags_SupportTextFlavour, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - "xml irrmesh" + "Irrlicht Mesh Reader", + "", + "", + "http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/", + aiImporterFlags_SupportTextFlavour, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + "xml irrmesh" }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -IRRMeshImporter::IRRMeshImporter() : - BaseImporter(), - IrrlichtBase() { - // empty -} +IRRMeshImporter::IRRMeshImporter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Destructor, private as well @@ -84,419 +80,443 @@ IRRMeshImporter::~IRRMeshImporter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. bool IRRMeshImporter::CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool /*checkSig*/) const { - /* NOTE: A simple check for the file extension is not enough - * here. Irrmesh and irr are easy, but xml is too generic - * and could be collada, too. So we need to open the file and - * search for typical tokens. - */ - static const char *tokens[] = { "irrmesh" }; - return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler, pFile, tokens, AI_COUNT_OF(tokens)); + /* NOTE: A simple check for the file extension is not enough + * here. Irrmesh and irr are easy, but xml is too generic + * and could be collada, too. So we need to open the file and + * search for typical tokens. + */ + static const char *tokens[] = { "irrmesh" }; + return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler, pFile, tokens, AI_COUNT_OF(tokens)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get a list of all file extensions which are handled by this class const aiImporterDesc *IRRMeshImporter::GetInfo() const { - return &desc; + return &desc; } static void releaseMaterial(aiMaterial **mat) { - if (*mat != nullptr) { - delete *mat; - *mat = nullptr; - } + if (*mat != nullptr) { + delete *mat; + *mat = nullptr; + } } static void releaseMesh(aiMesh **mesh) { - if (*mesh != nullptr) { - delete *mesh; - *mesh = nullptr; - } + if (*mesh != nullptr) { + delete *mesh; + *mesh = nullptr; + } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Imports the given file into the given scene structure. void IRRMeshImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, - aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) { - std::unique_ptr file(pIOHandler->Open(pFile)); - - // Check whether we can read from the file - if (file == nullptr) - throw DeadlyImportError("Failed to open IRRMESH file ", pFile); - - // Construct the irrXML parser - XmlParser parser; - if (!parser.parse( file.get() )) { - throw DeadlyImportError("XML parse error while loading IRRMESH file ", pFile); - } - XmlNode root = parser.getRootNode(); - - // final data - std::vector materials; - std::vector meshes; - materials.reserve(5); - meshes.reserve(5); - - // temporary data - current mesh buffer - aiMaterial *curMat = nullptr; - aiMesh *curMesh = nullptr; - unsigned int curMatFlags = 0; - - std::vector curVertices, curNormals, curTangents, curBitangents; - std::vector curColors; - std::vector curUVs, curUV2s; - - // some temporary variables - int textMeaning = 0; - int vertexFormat = 0; // 0 = normal; 1 = 2 tcoords, 2 = tangents - bool useColors = false; - - // Parse the XML file - for (pugi::xml_node child : root.children()) { - if (child.type() == pugi::node_element) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "buffer") && (curMat || curMesh)) { - // end of previous buffer. A material and a mesh should be there - if (!curMat || !curMesh) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: A buffer must contain a mesh and a material"); - releaseMaterial(&curMat); - releaseMesh(&curMesh); - } else { - materials.push_back(curMat); - meshes.push_back(curMesh); - } - curMat = nullptr; - curMesh = nullptr; - - curVertices.clear(); - curColors.clear(); - curNormals.clear(); - curUV2s.clear(); - curUVs.clear(); - curTangents.clear(); - curBitangents.clear(); - } - - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "material")) { - if (curMat) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Only one material description per buffer, please"); - releaseMaterial(&curMat); - } - curMat = ParseMaterial(curMatFlags); - } - /* no else here! */ if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "vertices")) { - pugi::xml_attribute attr = child.attribute("vertexCount"); - int num = attr.as_int(); - //int num = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("vertexCount"); - - if (!num) { - // This is possible ... remove the mesh from the list and skip further reading - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Found mesh with zero vertices"); - - releaseMaterial(&curMat); - releaseMesh(&curMesh); - textMeaning = 0; - continue; - } - - curVertices.reserve(num); - curNormals.reserve(num); - curColors.reserve(num); - curUVs.reserve(num); - - // Determine the file format - //const char *t = reader->getAttributeValueSafe("type"); - pugi::xml_attribute t = child.attribute("type"); - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp("2tcoords", t.name())) { - curUV2s.reserve(num); - vertexFormat = 1; - - if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE) { - // ********************************************************* - // We have a second texture! So use this UV channel - // for it. The 2nd texture can be either a normal - // texture (solid_2layer or lightmap_xxx) or a normal - // map (normal_..., parallax_...) - // ********************************************************* - int idx = 1; - aiMaterial *mat = (aiMaterial *)curMat; - - if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap) { - mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_LIGHTMAP(0)); - } else if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid) { - mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_NORMALS(0)); - } else if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer) { - mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_DIFFUSE(1)); - } - } - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp("tangents", t.name())) { - curTangents.reserve(num); - curBitangents.reserve(num); - vertexFormat = 2; - } else if (ASSIMP_stricmp("standard", t.name())) { - releaseMaterial(&curMat); - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Unknown vertex format"); - } else - vertexFormat = 0; - textMeaning = 1; - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "indices")) { - if (curVertices.empty() && curMat) { - releaseMaterial(&curMat); - throw DeadlyImportError("IRRMESH: indices must come after vertices"); - } - - textMeaning = 2; - - // start a new mesh - curMesh = new aiMesh(); - - // allocate storage for all faces - pugi::xml_attribute attr = child.attribute("indexCount"); - curMesh->mNumVertices = attr.as_int(); - if (!curMesh->mNumVertices) { - // This is possible ... remove the mesh from the list and skip further reading - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Found mesh with zero indices"); - - // mesh - away - releaseMesh(&curMesh); - - // material - away - releaseMaterial(&curMat); - - textMeaning = 0; - continue; - } - - if (curMesh->mNumVertices % 3) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Number if indices isn't divisible by 3"); - } - - curMesh->mNumFaces = curMesh->mNumVertices / 3; - curMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[curMesh->mNumFaces]; - - // setup some members - curMesh->mMaterialIndex = (unsigned int)materials.size(); - curMesh->mPrimitiveTypes = aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE; - - // allocate storage for all vertices - curMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; - - if (curNormals.size() == curVertices.size()) { - curMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; - } - if (curTangents.size() == curVertices.size()) { - curMesh->mTangents = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; - } - if (curBitangents.size() == curVertices.size()) { - curMesh->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; - } - if (curColors.size() == curVertices.size() && useColors) { - curMesh->mColors[0] = new aiColor4D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; - } - if (curUVs.size() == curVertices.size()) { - curMesh->mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; - } - if (curUV2s.size() == curVertices.size()) { - curMesh->mTextureCoords[1] = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; - } - } - //break; - - //case EXN_TEXT: { - const char *sz = child.child_value(); - if (textMeaning == 1) { - textMeaning = 0; - - // read vertices - do { - SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(&sz); - aiVector3D temp; - aiColor4D c; - - // Read the vertex position - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - curVertices.push_back(temp); - - // Read the vertex normals - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - curNormals.push_back(temp); - - // read the vertex colors - uint32_t clr = strtoul16(sz, &sz); - ColorFromARGBPacked(clr, c); - - if (!curColors.empty() && c != *(curColors.end() - 1)) - useColors = true; - - curColors.push_back(c); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - // read the first UV coordinate set - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - temp.z = 0.f; - temp.y = 1.f - temp.y; // DX to OGL - curUVs.push_back(temp); - - // read the (optional) second UV coordinate set - if (vertexFormat == 1) { - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); - temp.y = 1.f - temp.y; // DX to OGL - curUV2s.push_back(temp); - } - // read optional tangent and bitangent vectors - else if (vertexFormat == 2) { - // tangents - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - temp.y *= -1.0f; - curTangents.push_back(temp); - - // bitangents - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - - sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); - SkipSpaces(&sz); - temp.y *= -1.0f; - curBitangents.push_back(temp); - } - } - - /* IMPORTANT: We assume that each vertex is specified in one - line. So we can skip the rest of the line - unknown vertex - elements are ignored. - */ - - while (SkipLine(&sz)); - } else if (textMeaning == 2) { - textMeaning = 0; - - // read indices - aiFace *curFace = curMesh->mFaces; - aiFace *const faceEnd = curMesh->mFaces + curMesh->mNumFaces; - - aiVector3D *pcV = curMesh->mVertices; - aiVector3D *pcN = curMesh->mNormals; - aiVector3D *pcT = curMesh->mTangents; - aiVector3D *pcB = curMesh->mBitangents; - aiColor4D *pcC0 = curMesh->mColors[0]; - aiVector3D *pcT0 = curMesh->mTextureCoords[0]; - aiVector3D *pcT1 = curMesh->mTextureCoords[1]; - - unsigned int curIdx = 0; - unsigned int total = 0; - while (SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(&sz)) { - if (curFace >= faceEnd) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Too many indices"); - break; - } - if (!curIdx) { - curFace->mNumIndices = 3; - curFace->mIndices = new unsigned int[3]; - } - - unsigned int idx = strtoul10(sz, &sz); - if (idx >= curVertices.size()) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Index out of range"); - idx = 0; - } - - curFace->mIndices[curIdx] = total++; - - *pcV++ = curVertices[idx]; - if (pcN) *pcN++ = curNormals[idx]; - if (pcT) *pcT++ = curTangents[idx]; - if (pcB) *pcB++ = curBitangents[idx]; - if (pcC0) *pcC0++ = curColors[idx]; - if (pcT0) *pcT0++ = curUVs[idx]; - if (pcT1) *pcT1++ = curUV2s[idx]; - - if (++curIdx == 3) { - ++curFace; - curIdx = 0; - } - } - - if (curFace != faceEnd) - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Not enough indices"); - - // Finish processing the mesh - do some small material workarounds - if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_trans_vertex_alpha && !useColors) { - // Take the opacity value of the current material - // from the common vertex color alpha - aiMaterial *mat = (aiMaterial *)curMat; - mat->AddProperty(&curColors[0].a, 1, AI_MATKEY_OPACITY); - } - } - } - } - - // End of the last buffer. A material and a mesh should be there - if (curMat || curMesh) { - if (!curMat || !curMesh) { - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: A buffer must contain a mesh and a material"); - releaseMaterial(&curMat); - releaseMesh(&curMesh); - } else { - materials.push_back(curMat); - meshes.push_back(curMesh); - } - } - - if (materials.empty()) { - throw DeadlyImportError("IRRMESH: Unable to read a mesh from this file"); - } - - // now generate the output scene - pScene->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)meshes.size(); - pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh *[pScene->mNumMeshes]; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { - pScene->mMeshes[i] = meshes[i]; - - // clean this value ... - pScene->mMeshes[i]->mNumUVComponents[3] = 0; - } - - pScene->mNumMaterials = (unsigned int)materials.size(); - pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial *[pScene->mNumMaterials]; - ::memcpy(pScene->mMaterials, &materials[0], sizeof(void *) * pScene->mNumMaterials); - - pScene->mRootNode = new aiNode(); - pScene->mRootNode->mName.Set(""); - pScene->mRootNode->mNumMeshes = pScene->mNumMeshes; - pScene->mRootNode->mMeshes = new unsigned int[pScene->mNumMeshes]; - - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { - pScene->mRootNode->mMeshes[i] = i; - } + aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) { + std::unique_ptr file(pIOHandler->Open(pFile)); + + // Check whether we can read from the file + if (file == nullptr) + throw DeadlyImportError("Failed to open IRRMESH file ", pFile); + + // Construct the irrXML parser + XmlParser parser; + if (!parser.parse(file.get())) { + throw DeadlyImportError("XML parse error while loading IRRMESH file ", pFile); + } + XmlNode root = parser.getRootNode(); + + // final data + std::vector materials; + std::vector meshes; + materials.reserve(5); + meshes.reserve(5); + + // temporary data - current mesh buffer + // TODO move all these to inside loop + aiMaterial *curMat = nullptr; + aiMesh *curMesh = nullptr; + unsigned int curMatFlags = 0; + + std::vector curVertices, curNormals, curTangents, curBitangents; + std::vector curColors; + std::vector curUVs, curUV2s; + + // some temporary variables + // textMeaning is a 15 year old variable, that could've been an enum + // int textMeaning = 0; // 0=none? 1=vertices 2=indices + // int vertexFormat = 0; // 0 = normal; 1 = 2 tcoords, 2 = tangents + bool useColors = false; + + /* + ** irrmesh files have a top level owning multiple nodes. + ** Each contains , , and + ** tags here directly owns the material data specs + ** are a vertex per line, contains position, UV1 coords, maybe UV2, normal, tangent, bitangent + ** is ignored, I think assimp recalculates those? + */ + + // Parse the XML file + pugi::xml_node const &meshNode = root.child("mesh"); + for (pugi::xml_node bufferNode : meshNode.children()) { + if (ASSIMP_stricmp(bufferNode.name(), "buffer")) { + // Might be a useless warning + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Ignoring non buffer node <", bufferNode.name(), "> in mesh declaration"); + continue; + } + + curMat = nullptr; + curMesh = nullptr; + + curVertices.clear(); + curColors.clear(); + curNormals.clear(); + curUV2s.clear(); + curUVs.clear(); + curTangents.clear(); + curBitangents.clear(); + + // TODO ensure all three nodes are present and populated + // before allocating everything + + // Get first material node + pugi::xml_node materialNode = bufferNode.child("material"); + if (materialNode) { + curMat = ParseMaterial(materialNode, curMatFlags); + // Warn if there's more materials + if (materialNode.next_sibling("material")) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Only one material description per buffer, please"); + } + } else { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Buffer must contain one material"); + continue; + } + + // Get first vertices node + pugi::xml_node verticesNode = bufferNode.child("vertices"); + if (verticesNode) { + pugi::xml_attribute vertexCountAttrib = verticesNode.attribute("vertexCount"); + int vertexCount = vertexCountAttrib.as_int(); + if (vertexCount == 0) { + // This is possible ... remove the mesh from the list and skip further reading + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Found mesh with zero vertices"); + releaseMaterial(&curMat); + // releaseMesh(&curMesh); + continue; // Bail out early + }; + + curVertices.reserve(vertexCount); + curNormals.reserve(vertexCount); + curColors.reserve(vertexCount); + curUVs.reserve(vertexCount); + + VertexFormat vertexFormat; + // Determine the file format + pugi::xml_attribute typeAttrib = verticesNode.attribute("type"); + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp("2tcoords", typeAttrib.value())) { + curUV2s.reserve(vertexCount); + vertexFormat = VertexFormat::t2coord; + if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE) { + // ********************************************************* + // We have a second texture! So use this UV channel + // for it. The 2nd texture can be either a normal + // texture (solid_2layer or lightmap_xxx) or a normal + // map (normal_..., parallax_...) + // ********************************************************* + int idx = 1; + aiMaterial *mat = (aiMaterial *)curMat; + + if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap) { + mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_LIGHTMAP(0)); + } else if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid) { + mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_NORMALS(0)); + } else if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer) { + mat->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC_DIFFUSE(1)); + } + } + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp("tangents", typeAttrib.value())) { + curTangents.reserve(vertexCount); + curBitangents.reserve(vertexCount); + vertexFormat = VertexFormat::tangent; + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp("standard", typeAttrib.value())) { + vertexFormat = VertexFormat::standard; + } else { + // Unsupported format, discard whole buffer/mesh + // Assuming we have a correct material, then release it + // We don't have a correct mesh for sure here + releaseMaterial(&curMat); + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Unknown vertex format"); + continue; // Skip rest of buffer + }; + + // We know what format buffer is, collect numbers + ParseBufferVertices(verticesNode.text().get(), vertexFormat, + curVertices, curNormals, + curTangents, curBitangents, + curUVs, curUV2s, curColors, useColors); + } + + // Get indices + // At this point we have some vertices and a valid material + // Collect indices and create aiMesh at the same time + pugi::xml_node indicesNode = bufferNode.child("indices"); + if (indicesNode) { + // start a new mesh + curMesh = new aiMesh(); + + // allocate storage for all faces + pugi::xml_attribute attr = indicesNode.attribute("indexCount"); + curMesh->mNumVertices = attr.as_int(); + if (!curMesh->mNumVertices) { + // This is possible ... remove the mesh from the list and skip further reading + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Found mesh with zero indices"); + + // mesh - away + releaseMesh(&curMesh); + + // material - away + releaseMaterial(&curMat); + continue; // Go to next buffer + } + + if (curMesh->mNumVertices % 3) { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMESH: Number if indices isn't divisible by 3"); + } + + curMesh->mNumFaces = curMesh->mNumVertices / 3; + curMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[curMesh->mNumFaces]; + + // setup some members + curMesh->mMaterialIndex = (unsigned int)materials.size(); + curMesh->mPrimitiveTypes = aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE; + + // allocate storage for all vertices + curMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; + + if (curNormals.size() == curVertices.size()) { + curMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; + } + if (curTangents.size() == curVertices.size()) { + curMesh->mTangents = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; + } + if (curBitangents.size() == curVertices.size()) { + curMesh->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; + } + if (curColors.size() == curVertices.size() && useColors) { + curMesh->mColors[0] = new aiColor4D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; + } + if (curUVs.size() == curVertices.size()) { + curMesh->mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; + } + if (curUV2s.size() == curVertices.size()) { + curMesh->mTextureCoords[1] = new aiVector3D[curMesh->mNumVertices]; + } + + // read indices + aiFace *curFace = curMesh->mFaces; + aiFace *const faceEnd = curMesh->mFaces + curMesh->mNumFaces; + + aiVector3D *pcV = curMesh->mVertices; + aiVector3D *pcN = curMesh->mNormals; + aiVector3D *pcT = curMesh->mTangents; + aiVector3D *pcB = curMesh->mBitangents; + aiColor4D *pcC0 = curMesh->mColors[0]; + aiVector3D *pcT0 = curMesh->mTextureCoords[0]; + aiVector3D *pcT1 = curMesh->mTextureCoords[1]; + + unsigned int curIdx = 0; + unsigned int total = 0; + + // NOTE this might explode for UTF-16 and wchars + const char *sz = indicesNode.text().get(); + // For each index loop over aiMesh faces + while (SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(&sz)) { + if (curFace >= faceEnd) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Too many indices"); + break; + } + // if new face + if (!curIdx) { + curFace->mNumIndices = 3; + curFace->mIndices = new unsigned int[3]; + } + + // Read index base 10 + // function advances the pointer + unsigned int idx = strtoul10(sz, &sz); + if (idx >= curVertices.size()) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Index out of range"); + idx = 0; + } + + // make up our own indices? + curFace->mIndices[curIdx] = total++; + + // Copy over data to aiMesh + *pcV++ = curVertices[idx]; + if (pcN) *pcN++ = curNormals[idx]; + if (pcT) *pcT++ = curTangents[idx]; + if (pcB) *pcB++ = curBitangents[idx]; + if (pcC0) *pcC0++ = curColors[idx]; + if (pcT0) *pcT0++ = curUVs[idx]; + if (pcT1) *pcT1++ = curUV2s[idx]; + + // start new face + if (++curIdx == 3) { + ++curFace; + curIdx = 0; + } + } + // We should be at the end of mFaces + if (curFace != faceEnd) + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Not enough indices"); + } + + // Finish processing the mesh - do some small material workarounds + if (curMatFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_trans_vertex_alpha && !useColors) { + // Take the opacity value of the current material + // from the common vertex color alpha + aiMaterial *mat = (aiMaterial *)curMat; + mat->AddProperty(&curColors[0].a, 1, AI_MATKEY_OPACITY); + } + // textMeaning = 2; + + // end of previous buffer. A material and a mesh should be there + if (!curMat || !curMesh) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: A buffer must contain a mesh and a material"); + releaseMaterial(&curMat); + releaseMesh(&curMesh); + } else { + materials.push_back(curMat); + meshes.push_back(curMesh); + } + } + + // If one is empty then so is the other + if (materials.empty() || meshes.empty()) { + throw DeadlyImportError("IRRMESH: Unable to read a mesh from this file"); + } + + // now generate the output scene + pScene->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)meshes.size(); + pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh *[pScene->mNumMeshes]; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { + pScene->mMeshes[i] = meshes[i]; + + // clean this value ... + pScene->mMeshes[i]->mNumUVComponents[3] = 0; + } + + pScene->mNumMaterials = (unsigned int)materials.size(); + pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial *[pScene->mNumMaterials]; + ::memcpy(pScene->mMaterials, &materials[0], sizeof(void *) * pScene->mNumMaterials); + + pScene->mRootNode = new aiNode(); + pScene->mRootNode->mName.Set(""); + pScene->mRootNode->mNumMeshes = pScene->mNumMeshes; + pScene->mRootNode->mMeshes = new unsigned int[pScene->mNumMeshes]; + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { + pScene->mRootNode->mMeshes[i] = i; + }; +} + +void IRRMeshImporter::ParseBufferVertices(const char *sz, VertexFormat vertexFormat, + std::vector &vertices, std::vector &normals, + std::vector &tangents, std::vector &bitangents, + std::vector &UVs, std::vector &UV2s, + std::vector &colors, bool &useColors) { + // read vertices + do { + SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(&sz); + aiVector3D temp; + aiColor4D c; + + // Read the vertex position + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + vertices.push_back(temp); + + // Read the vertex normals + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + normals.push_back(temp); + + // read the vertex colors + uint32_t clr = strtoul16(sz, &sz); + ColorFromARGBPacked(clr, c); + + // If we're pushing more than one distinct color + if (!colors.empty() && c != *(colors.end() - 1)) + useColors = true; + + colors.push_back(c); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + // read the first UV coordinate set + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + temp.z = 0.f; + temp.y = 1.f - temp.y; // DX to OGL + UVs.push_back(temp); + + // NOTE these correspond to specific S3DVertex* structs in irr sourcecode + // So by definition, all buffers have either UV2 or tangents or neither + // read the (optional) second UV coordinate set + if (vertexFormat == VertexFormat::t2coord) { + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); + temp.y = 1.f - temp.y; // DX to OGL + UV2s.push_back(temp); + } + // read optional tangent and bitangent vectors + else if (vertexFormat == VertexFormat::tangent) { + // tangents + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + temp.y *= -1.0f; + tangents.push_back(temp); + + // bitangents + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.x); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.z); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + + sz = fast_atoreal_move(sz, (float &)temp.y); + SkipSpaces(&sz); + temp.y *= -1.0f; + bitangents.push_back(temp); + } + } while (SkipLine(&sz)); + /* IMPORTANT: We assume that each vertex is specified in one + line. So we can skip the rest of the line - unknown vertex + elements are ignored. + */ } #endif // !! ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IRRMESH_IMPORTER diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.h index 79c1e486bb..620e40dbae 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRMeshLoader.h @@ -85,6 +85,19 @@ class IRRMeshImporter : public BaseImporter, public IrrlichtBase { */ void InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) override; + +private: + enum class VertexFormat { + standard = 0, // "standard" - also noted as 'normal' format elsewhere + t2coord = 1, // "2tcoord" - standard + 2 UV maps + tangent = 2, // "tangents" - standard + tangents and bitangents + }; + + void ParseBufferVertices(const char *sz, VertexFormat vertexFormat, + std::vector &vertices, std::vector &normals, + std::vector &tangents, std::vector &bitangents, + std::vector &UVs, std::vector &UV2s, + std::vector &colors, bool &useColors); }; } // end of namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.cpp index 8763b63ae1..a47aeccbaf 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.cpp @@ -43,302 +43,302 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * @brief Shared utilities for the IRR and IRRMESH loaders */ -//This section should be excluded only if both the Irrlicht AND the Irrlicht Mesh importers were omitted. +// This section should be excluded only if both the Irrlicht AND the Irrlicht Mesh importers were omitted. #if !(defined(ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IRR_IMPORTER) && defined(ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IRRMESH_IMPORTER)) #include "IRRShared.h" #include #include -#include #include +#include using namespace Assimp; // Transformation matrix to convert from Assimp to IRR space -const aiMatrix4x4 Assimp::AI_TO_IRR_MATRIX = aiMatrix4x4 ( - 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, - 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, - 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, - 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); +const aiMatrix4x4 Assimp::AI_TO_IRR_MATRIX = aiMatrix4x4( + 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, + 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, + 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, + 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read a property in hexadecimal format (i.e. ffffffff) -void IrrlichtBase::ReadHexProperty(HexProperty &out ) { - for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : mNode->attributes()) { +void IrrlichtBase::ReadHexProperty(HexProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& hexnode) { + for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : hexnode.attributes()) { if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { - out.name = std::string( attrib.value() ); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(),"value")) { + out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { // parse the hexadecimal value - out.value = strtoul16(attrib.name()); + out.value = strtoul16(attrib.value()); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read a decimal property -void IrrlichtBase::ReadIntProperty(IntProperty & out) { - for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : mNode->attributes()) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { - out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.value(),"value")) { +void IrrlichtBase::ReadIntProperty(IntProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& intnode) { + for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : intnode.attributes()) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { + out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { // parse the int value - out.value = strtol10(attrib.name()); + out.value = strtol10(attrib.value()); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read a string property -void IrrlichtBase::ReadStringProperty( StringProperty& out) { - for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : mNode->attributes()) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { - out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { +void IrrlichtBase::ReadStringProperty(StringProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& stringnode) { + for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : stringnode.attributes()) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { + out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { // simple copy the string - out.value = std::string(attrib.value()); + out.value = std::string(attrib.value()); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read a boolean property -void IrrlichtBase::ReadBoolProperty(BoolProperty &out) { - for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : mNode->attributes()) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")){ - out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { +void IrrlichtBase::ReadBoolProperty(BoolProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& boolnode) { + for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : boolnode.attributes()) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { + out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { // true or false, case insensitive - out.value = (ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.value(), "true") ? false : true); + out.value = (ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.value(), "true") ? false : true); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read a float property -void IrrlichtBase::ReadFloatProperty(FloatProperty &out) { - for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : mNode->attributes()) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { - out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { +void IrrlichtBase::ReadFloatProperty(FloatProperty &out, pugi::xml_node &floatnode) { + for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : floatnode.attributes()) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { + out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { // just parse the float - out.value = fast_atof(attrib.value()); + out.value = fast_atof(attrib.value()); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read a vector property -void IrrlichtBase::ReadVectorProperty( VectorProperty &out ) { - for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : mNode->attributes()) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { - out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { +void IrrlichtBase::ReadVectorProperty(VectorProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& vectornode) { + for (pugi::xml_attribute attrib : vectornode.attributes()) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "name")) { + out.name = std::string(attrib.value()); + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(attrib.name(), "value")) { // three floats, separated with commas const char *ptr = attrib.value(); SkipSpaces(&ptr); - ptr = fast_atoreal_move( ptr,(float&)out.value.x ); + ptr = fast_atoreal_move(ptr, (float &)out.value.x); SkipSpaces(&ptr); if (',' != *ptr) { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR(MESH): Expected comma in vector definition"); - } else { - SkipSpaces(ptr + 1, &ptr); - } - ptr = fast_atoreal_move( ptr,(float&)out.value.y ); + } else { + SkipSpaces(ptr + 1, &ptr); + } + ptr = fast_atoreal_move(ptr, (float &)out.value.y); SkipSpaces(&ptr); if (',' != *ptr) { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRR(MESH): Expected comma in vector definition"); - } else { - SkipSpaces(ptr + 1, &ptr); - } - ptr = fast_atoreal_move( ptr,(float&)out.value.z ); + } else { + SkipSpaces(ptr + 1, &ptr); + } + ptr = fast_atoreal_move(ptr, (float &)out.value.z); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert a string to a proper aiMappingMode -int ConvertMappingMode(const std::string& mode) { +int ConvertMappingMode(const std::string &mode) { if (mode == "texture_clamp_repeat") { return aiTextureMapMode_Wrap; - } else if (mode == "texture_clamp_mirror") { - return aiTextureMapMode_Mirror; - } + } else if (mode == "texture_clamp_mirror") { + return aiTextureMapMode_Mirror; + } return aiTextureMapMode_Clamp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Parse a material from the XML file -aiMaterial* IrrlichtBase::ParseMaterial(unsigned int& matFlags) { - aiMaterial* mat = new aiMaterial(); +aiMaterial *IrrlichtBase::ParseMaterial(pugi::xml_node& materialNode, unsigned int &matFlags) { + aiMaterial *mat = new aiMaterial(); aiColor4D clr; aiString s; matFlags = 0; // zero output flags - int cnt = 0; // number of used texture channels + int cnt = 0; // number of used texture channels unsigned int nd = 0; - for (pugi::xml_node child : mNode->children()) { - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "color")) { // Hex properties - HexProperty prop; - ReadHexProperty(prop); - if (prop.name == "Diffuse") { - ColorFromARGBPacked(prop.value, clr); - mat->AddProperty(&clr, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); - } else if (prop.name == "Ambient") { - ColorFromARGBPacked(prop.value, clr); - mat->AddProperty(&clr, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT); - } else if (prop.name == "Specular") { - ColorFromARGBPacked(prop.value, clr); - mat->AddProperty(&clr, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR); - } - - // NOTE: The 'emissive' property causes problems. It is - // often != 0, even if there is obviously no light - // emitted by the described surface. In fact I think - // IRRLICHT ignores this property, too. + for (pugi::xml_node child : materialNode.children()) { + if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "color")) { // Hex properties + HexProperty prop; + ReadHexProperty(prop, child); + if (prop.name == "Diffuse") { + ColorFromARGBPacked(prop.value, clr); + mat->AddProperty(&clr, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); + } else if (prop.name == "Ambient") { + ColorFromARGBPacked(prop.value, clr); + mat->AddProperty(&clr, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT); + } else if (prop.name == "Specular") { + ColorFromARGBPacked(prop.value, clr); + mat->AddProperty(&clr, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR); + } + + // NOTE: The 'emissive' property causes problems. It is + // often != 0, even if there is obviously no light + // emitted by the described surface. In fact I think + // IRRLICHT ignores this property, too. #if 0 else if (prop.name == "Emissive") { ColorFromARGBPacked(prop.value,clr); mat->AddProperty(&clr,1,AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE); } #endif - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "float")) { // Float properties - FloatProperty prop; - ReadFloatProperty(prop); - if (prop.name == "Shininess") { - mat->AddProperty(&prop.value, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHININESS); - } - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "bool")) { // Bool properties - BoolProperty prop; - ReadBoolProperty(prop); - if (prop.name == "Wireframe") { - int val = (prop.value ? true : false); - mat->AddProperty(&val, 1, AI_MATKEY_ENABLE_WIREFRAME); - } else if (prop.name == "GouraudShading") { - int val = (prop.value ? aiShadingMode_Gouraud : aiShadingMode_NoShading); - mat->AddProperty(&val, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL); - } else if (prop.name == "BackfaceCulling") { - int val = (!prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&val, 1, AI_MATKEY_TWOSIDED); - } - } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "texture") || - !ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "enum")) { // String properties - textures and texture related properties - StringProperty prop; - ReadStringProperty(prop); - if (prop.value.length()) { - // material type (shader) - if (prop.name == "Type") { - if (prop.value == "solid") { - // default material ... - } else if (prop.value == "trans_vertex_alpha") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_trans_vertex_alpha; - } else if (prop.value == "lightmap") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap; - } else if (prop.value == "solid_2layer") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer; - } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_m2") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_m2; - } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_m4") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_m4; - } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_light") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_light; - } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_light_m2") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_light_m2; - } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_light_m4") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_light_m4; - } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_add") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_add; - } else if (prop.value == "normalmap_solid" || - prop.value == "parallaxmap_solid") { // Normal and parallax maps are treated equally - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid; - } else if (prop.value == "normalmap_trans_vertex_alpha" || - prop.value == "parallaxmap_trans_vertex_alpha") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_tva; - } else if (prop.value == "normalmap_trans_add" || - prop.value == "parallaxmap_trans_add") { - matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_ta; - } else { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMat: Unrecognized material type: ", prop.value); - } - } - - // Up to 4 texture channels are supported - if (prop.name == "Texture1") { - // Always accept the primary texture channel - ++cnt; - s.Set(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(0)); - } else if (prop.name == "Texture2" && cnt == 1) { - // 2-layer material lightmapped? - if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap) { - ++cnt; - s.Set(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP(0)); - - // set the corresponding material flag - matFlags |= AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE; - } else if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid) { // alternatively: normal or parallax mapping - ++cnt; - s.Set(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_NORMALS(0)); - - // set the corresponding material flag - matFlags |= AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE; - } else if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer) { // or just as second diffuse texture - ++cnt; - s.Set(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(1)); - ++nd; - - // set the corresponding material flag - matFlags |= AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE; - } else { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRmat: Skipping second texture"); - } - } else if (prop.name == "Texture3" && cnt == 2) { - // Irrlicht does not seem to use these channels. - ++cnt; - s.Set(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(nd + 1)); - } else if (prop.name == "Texture4" && cnt == 3) { - // Irrlicht does not seem to use these channels. - ++cnt; - s.Set(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(nd + 2)); - } - - // Texture mapping options - if (prop.name == "TextureWrap1" && cnt >= 1) { - int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(0)); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(0)); - } else if (prop.name == "TextureWrap2" && cnt >= 2) { - int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); - if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap) { - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_LIGHTMAP(0)); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_LIGHTMAP(0)); - } else if (matFlags & (AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid)) { - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_NORMALS(0)); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_NORMALS(0)); - } else if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer) { - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(1)); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(1)); - } - } else if (prop.name == "TextureWrap3" && cnt >= 3) { - int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(nd + 1)); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(nd + 1)); - } else if (prop.name == "TextureWrap4" && cnt >= 4) { - int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(nd + 2)); - mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(nd + 2)); - } - } - } - //break; - /*case EXN_ELEMENT_END: + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "float")) { // Float properties + FloatProperty prop; + ReadFloatProperty(prop, child); + if (prop.name == "Shininess") { + mat->AddProperty(&prop.value, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHININESS); + } + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "bool")) { // Bool properties + BoolProperty prop; + ReadBoolProperty(prop, child); + if (prop.name == "Wireframe") { + int val = (prop.value ? true : false); + mat->AddProperty(&val, 1, AI_MATKEY_ENABLE_WIREFRAME); + } else if (prop.name == "GouraudShading") { + int val = (prop.value ? aiShadingMode_Gouraud : aiShadingMode_NoShading); + mat->AddProperty(&val, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL); + } else if (prop.name == "BackfaceCulling") { + int val = (!prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&val, 1, AI_MATKEY_TWOSIDED); + } + } else if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "texture") || + !ASSIMP_stricmp(child.name(), "enum")) { // String properties - textures and texture related properties + StringProperty prop; + ReadStringProperty(prop, child); + if (prop.value.length()) { + // material type (shader) + if (prop.name == "Type") { + if (prop.value == "solid") { + // default material ... + } else if (prop.value == "trans_vertex_alpha") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_trans_vertex_alpha; + } else if (prop.value == "lightmap") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap; + } else if (prop.value == "solid_2layer") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer; + } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_m2") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_m2; + } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_m4") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_m4; + } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_light") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_light; + } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_light_m2") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_light_m2; + } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_light_m4") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_light_m4; + } else if (prop.value == "lightmap_add") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap_add; + } else if (prop.value == "normalmap_solid" || + prop.value == "parallaxmap_solid") { // Normal and parallax maps are treated equally + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid; + } else if (prop.value == "normalmap_trans_vertex_alpha" || + prop.value == "parallaxmap_trans_vertex_alpha") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_tva; + } else if (prop.value == "normalmap_trans_add" || + prop.value == "parallaxmap_trans_add") { + matFlags = AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_ta; + } else { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRMat: Unrecognized material type: ", prop.value); + } + } + + // Up to 4 texture channels are supported + if (prop.name == "Texture1") { + // Always accept the primary texture channel + ++cnt; + s.Set(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(0)); + } else if (prop.name == "Texture2" && cnt == 1) { + // 2-layer material lightmapped? + if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap) { + ++cnt; + s.Set(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP(0)); + + // set the corresponding material flag + matFlags |= AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE; + } else if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid) { // alternatively: normal or parallax mapping + ++cnt; + s.Set(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_NORMALS(0)); + + // set the corresponding material flag + matFlags |= AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE; + } else if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer) { // or just as second diffuse texture + ++cnt; + s.Set(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(1)); + ++nd; + + // set the corresponding material flag + matFlags |= AI_IRRMESH_EXTRA_2ND_TEXTURE; + } else { + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("IRRmat: Skipping second texture"); + } + } else if (prop.name == "Texture3" && cnt == 2) { + // Irrlicht does not seem to use these channels. + ++cnt; + s.Set(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(nd + 1)); + } else if (prop.name == "Texture4" && cnt == 3) { + // Irrlicht does not seem to use these channels. + ++cnt; + s.Set(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&s, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(nd + 2)); + } + + // Texture mapping options + if (prop.name == "TextureWrap1" && cnt >= 1) { + int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(0)); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(0)); + } else if (prop.name == "TextureWrap2" && cnt >= 2) { + int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); + if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_lightmap) { + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_LIGHTMAP(0)); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_LIGHTMAP(0)); + } else if (matFlags & (AI_IRRMESH_MAT_normalmap_solid)) { + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_NORMALS(0)); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_NORMALS(0)); + } else if (matFlags & AI_IRRMESH_MAT_solid_2layer) { + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(1)); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(1)); + } + } else if (prop.name == "TextureWrap3" && cnt >= 3) { + int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(nd + 1)); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(nd + 1)); + } else if (prop.name == "TextureWrap4" && cnt >= 4) { + int map = ConvertMappingMode(prop.value); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U_DIFFUSE(nd + 2)); + mat->AddProperty(&map, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V_DIFFUSE(nd + 2)); + } + } + } + // break; + /*case EXN_ELEMENT_END: // Assume there are no further nested nodes in elements if ( !ASSIMP_stricmp(reader->getNodeName(),"material") || @@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ aiMaterial* IrrlichtBase::ParseMaterial(unsigned int& matFlags) { break; } }*/ - } - ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Unexpected end of file. Material is not complete"); + } + //ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("IRRMESH: Unexpected end of file. Material is not complete"); return mat; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.h b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.h index 90e212d650..c04d20e52b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Irr/IRRShared.h @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ /** @file IRRShared.h - * @brief Shared utilities for the IRR and IRRMESH loaders - */ + * @brief Shared utilities for the IRR and IRRMESH loaders + */ #ifndef INCLUDED_AI_IRRSHARED_H #define INCLUDED_AI_IRRSHARED_H @@ -58,14 +58,11 @@ extern const aiMatrix4x4 AI_TO_IRR_MATRIX; */ class IrrlichtBase { protected: - IrrlichtBase() : - mNode(nullptr) { + IrrlichtBase() { // empty } - ~IrrlichtBase() { - // empty - } + ~IrrlichtBase() = default; /** @brief Data structure for a simple name-value property */ @@ -84,25 +81,25 @@ class IrrlichtBase { /// XML reader instance XmlParser mParser; - pugi::xml_node *mNode; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Parse a material description from the XML * @return The created material * @param matFlags Receives AI_IRRMESH_MAT_XX flags */ - aiMaterial *ParseMaterial(unsigned int &matFlags); + aiMaterial *ParseMaterial(pugi::xml_node &materialNode, unsigned int &matFlags); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Read a property of the specified type from the current XML element. * @param out Receives output data + * @param node XML attribute element containing data */ - void ReadHexProperty(HexProperty &out); - void ReadStringProperty(StringProperty &out); - void ReadBoolProperty(BoolProperty &out); - void ReadFloatProperty(FloatProperty &out); - void ReadVectorProperty(VectorProperty &out); - void ReadIntProperty(IntProperty &out); + void ReadHexProperty(HexProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& hexnode); + void ReadStringProperty(StringProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& stringnode); + void ReadBoolProperty(BoolProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& boolnode); + void ReadFloatProperty(FloatProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& floatnode); + void ReadVectorProperty(VectorProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& vectornode); + void ReadIntProperty(IntProperty &out, pugi::xml_node& intnode); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOAnimation.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOAnimation.cpp index f729f84b12..8dda4586f1 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOAnimation.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOAnimation.cpp @@ -162,8 +162,11 @@ void AnimResolver::UpdateAnimRangeSetup() { const double my_last = (*it).keys.back().time; const double delta = my_last - my_first; - const size_t old_size = (*it).keys.size(); + if (delta == 0.0) { + continue; + } + const size_t old_size = (*it).keys.size(); const float value_delta = (*it).keys.back().value - (*it).keys.front().value; // NOTE: We won't handle reset, linear and constant here. @@ -176,8 +179,7 @@ void AnimResolver::UpdateAnimRangeSetup() { case LWO::PrePostBehaviour_Oscillate: { const double start_time = delta - std::fmod(my_first - first, delta); std::vector::iterator n = std::find_if((*it).keys.begin(), (*it).keys.end(), - [start_time](double t) { return start_time > t; }), - m; + [start_time](double t) { return start_time > t; }), m; size_t ofs = 0; if (n != (*it).keys.end()) { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp index a61e49a7fa..e49adcf989 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOBLoader.cpp @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ void LWOImporter::LoadLWOBFile() if (mFileBuffer + head.length > end) { throw DeadlyImportError("LWOB: Invalid chunk length"); - break; } uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head.length; switch (head.type) diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp index c3cee06076..7e93b65f83 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -51,6 +49,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "AssetLib/LWO/LWOLoader.h" #include "PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h" #include "PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.h" +#include "Geometry/GeometryUtils.h" #include #include @@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ void LWOImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, mLayers->push_back(Layer()); mCurLayer = &mLayers->back(); mCurLayer->mName = ""; - mCurLayer->mIndex = (uint16_t) -1; + mCurLayer->mIndex = 1; // old lightwave file format (prior to v6) mIsLWO2 = false; @@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ void LWOImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, } else { mIsLWO2 = true; } - + LoadLWO2File(); // The newer lightwave format allows the user to configure the @@ -398,14 +397,6 @@ void LWOImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, pvVC[w]++; } -#if 0 - // process vertex weights. We can't properly reconstruct the whole skeleton for now, - // but we can create dummy bones for all weight channels which we have. - for (unsigned int w = 0; w < layer.mWeightChannels.size();++w) - { - } -#endif - face.mIndices[q] = vert; } pf->mIndices = face.mIndices; @@ -429,7 +420,7 @@ void LWOImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, // Generate nodes to render the mesh. Store the source layer in the mParent member of the nodes unsigned int num = static_cast(apcMeshes.size() - meshStart); if (layer.mName != "" || num > 0) { - aiNode *pcNode = new aiNode(); + std::unique_ptr pcNode(new aiNode()); pcNode->mName.Set(layer.mName); pcNode->mParent = (aiNode *)&layer; pcNode->mNumMeshes = num; @@ -439,7 +430,8 @@ void LWOImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, for (unsigned int p = 0; p < pcNode->mNumMeshes; ++p) pcNode->mMeshes[p] = p + meshStart; } - apcNodes[layer.mIndex] = pcNode; + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("insert apcNode for layer ", layer.mIndex, " \"", layer.mName, "\""); + apcNodes[layer.mIndex] = pcNode.release(); } } @@ -535,7 +527,6 @@ void LWOImporter::ComputeNormals(aiMesh *mesh, const std::vector & continue; vNormals += v; } - mesh->mNormals[idx] = vNormals.Normalize(); } } } @@ -556,7 +547,6 @@ void LWOImporter::ComputeNormals(aiMesh *mesh, const std::vector & const aiVector3D &v = faceNormals[*a]; vNormals += v; } - vNormals.Normalize(); for (std::vector::const_iterator a = poResult.begin(); a != poResult.end(); ++a) { mesh->mNormals[*a] = vNormals; vertexDone[*a] = true; @@ -564,6 +554,7 @@ void LWOImporter::ComputeNormals(aiMesh *mesh, const std::vector & } } } + GeometryUtils::normalizeVectorArray(mesh->mNormals, mesh->mNormals, mesh->mNumVertices); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -572,40 +563,64 @@ void LWOImporter::GenerateNodeGraph(std::map &apcNodes) { aiNode *root = mScene->mRootNode = new aiNode(); root->mName.Set(""); - //Set parent of all children, inserting pivots - std::map mapPivot; - for (auto itapcNodes = apcNodes.begin(); itapcNodes != apcNodes.end(); ++itapcNodes) { - - //Get the parent index - LWO::Layer *nodeLayer = (LWO::Layer *)(itapcNodes->second->mParent); - uint16_t parentIndex = nodeLayer->mParent; + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("apcNodes initial size: ", apcNodes.size()); + if (!apcNodes.empty()) { + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("first apcNode is: ", apcNodes.begin()->first, " \"", apcNodes.begin()->second->mName.C_Str(), "\""); + } - //Create pivot node, store it into the pivot map, and set the parent as the pivot - aiNode *pivotNode = new aiNode(); - pivotNode->mName.Set("Pivot-" + std::string(itapcNodes->second->mName.data)); - itapcNodes->second->mParent = pivotNode; + //Set parent of all children, inserting pivots + { + std::map mapPivot; + for (auto itapcNodes = apcNodes.begin(); itapcNodes != apcNodes.end(); ++itapcNodes) { + + //Get the parent index + LWO::Layer *nodeLayer = (LWO::Layer *)(itapcNodes->second->mParent); + uint16_t parentIndex = nodeLayer->mParent; + + //Create pivot node, store it into the pivot map, and set the parent as the pivot + std::unique_ptr pivotNode(new aiNode()); + pivotNode->mName.Set("Pivot-" + std::string(itapcNodes->second->mName.data)); + itapcNodes->second->mParent = pivotNode.get(); + + //Look for the parent node to attach the pivot to + if (apcNodes.find(parentIndex) != apcNodes.end()) { + pivotNode->mParent = apcNodes[parentIndex]; + } else { + //If not, attach to the root node + pivotNode->mParent = root; + } - //Look for the parent node to attach the pivot to - if (apcNodes.find(parentIndex) != apcNodes.end()) { - pivotNode->mParent = apcNodes[parentIndex]; - } else { - //If not, attach to the root node - pivotNode->mParent = root; + //Set the node and the pivot node transformation + itapcNodes->second->mTransformation.a4 = -nodeLayer->mPivot.x; + itapcNodes->second->mTransformation.b4 = -nodeLayer->mPivot.y; + itapcNodes->second->mTransformation.c4 = -nodeLayer->mPivot.z; + pivotNode->mTransformation.a4 = nodeLayer->mPivot.x; + pivotNode->mTransformation.b4 = nodeLayer->mPivot.y; + pivotNode->mTransformation.c4 = nodeLayer->mPivot.z; + uint16_t pivotNodeId = static_cast(-(itapcNodes->first + 2)); + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("insert pivot node: ", pivotNodeId); + auto oldNodeIt = mapPivot.find(pivotNodeId); + if (oldNodeIt != mapPivot.end()) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("attempted to insert pivot node which already exists in pivot map ", pivotNodeId, " \"", pivotNode->mName.C_Str(), "\""); + } else { + mapPivot.emplace(pivotNodeId, pivotNode.release()); + } } - //Set the node and the pivot node transformation - itapcNodes->second->mTransformation.a4 = -nodeLayer->mPivot.x; - itapcNodes->second->mTransformation.b4 = -nodeLayer->mPivot.y; - itapcNodes->second->mTransformation.c4 = -nodeLayer->mPivot.z; - pivotNode->mTransformation.a4 = nodeLayer->mPivot.x; - pivotNode->mTransformation.b4 = nodeLayer->mPivot.y; - pivotNode->mTransformation.c4 = nodeLayer->mPivot.z; - mapPivot[-(itapcNodes->first + 2)] = pivotNode; - } - - //Merge pivot map into node map - for (auto itMapPivot = mapPivot.begin(); itMapPivot != mapPivot.end(); ++itMapPivot) { - apcNodes[itMapPivot->first] = itMapPivot->second; + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("pivot nodes: ", mapPivot.size()); + //Merge pivot map into node map + for (auto itMapPivot = mapPivot.begin(); itMapPivot != mapPivot.end();) { + uint16_t pivotNodeId = itMapPivot->first; + auto oldApcNodeIt = apcNodes.find(pivotNodeId); + if (oldApcNodeIt != apcNodes.end()) { + ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("attempted to insert pivot node which already exists in apc nodes ", pivotNodeId, " \"", itMapPivot->second->mName.C_Str(), "\""); + } else { + apcNodes.emplace(pivotNodeId, itMapPivot->second); + } + itMapPivot->second = nullptr; + itMapPivot = mapPivot.erase(itMapPivot); + } + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("total nodes: ", apcNodes.size()); } //Set children of all parents @@ -627,8 +642,15 @@ void LWOImporter::GenerateNodeGraph(std::map &apcNodes) { } } - if (!mScene->mRootNode->mNumChildren) + if (!mScene->mRootNode->mNumChildren) { + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("All apcNodes:"); + for (auto nodeIt = apcNodes.begin(); nodeIt != apcNodes.end(); ) { + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("Node ", nodeIt->first, " \"", nodeIt->second->mName.C_Str(), "\""); + nodeIt->second = nullptr; + nodeIt = apcNodes.erase(nodeIt); + } throw DeadlyImportError("LWO: Unable to build a valid node graph"); + } // Remove a single root node with no meshes assigned to it ... if (1 == mScene->mRootNode->mNumChildren) { @@ -1462,7 +1484,6 @@ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2File() { if (mFileBuffer + head.length > end) { throw DeadlyImportError("LWO2: Chunk length points behind the file"); - break; } uint8_t *const next = mFileBuffer + head.length; mFileBuffer += bufOffset; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp index 50bac884bc..8d83dfb676 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWO/LWOMaterial.cpp @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ void LWOImporter::ConvertMaterial(const LWO::Surface &surf, aiMaterial *pcMat) { // (the diffuse value is just a scaling factor) // If a diffuse texture is set, we set this value to 1.0 - clr = (b && false ? aiColor3D(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : surf.mColor); + clr = (b ? aiColor3D(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : surf.mColor); clr.r *= surf.mDiffuseValue; clr.g *= surf.mDiffuseValue; clr.b *= surf.mDiffuseValue; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/LWS/LWSLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/LWS/LWSLoader.cpp index 9b243c4b6d..c41ff9caca 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/LWS/LWSLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/LWS/LWSLoader.cpp @@ -632,18 +632,17 @@ void LWSImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSy nodes.push_back(d); } ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("LWS: Unexpected keyword: \'Channel\'"); - } - - // important: index of channel - nodes.back().channels.emplace_back(); - LWO::Envelope &env = nodes.back().channels.back(); - - env.index = strtoul10(c); + } else { + // important: index of channel + nodes.back().channels.emplace_back(); + LWO::Envelope &env = nodes.back().channels.back(); - // currently we can just interpret the standard channels 0...9 - // (hack) assume that index-i yields the binary channel type from LWO - env.type = (LWO::EnvelopeType)(env.index + 1); + env.index = strtoul10(c); + // currently we can just interpret the standard channels 0...9 + // (hack) assume that index-i yields the binary channel type from LWO + env.type = (LWO::EnvelopeType)(env.index + 1); + } } // 'Envelope': a single animation channel else if ((*it).tokens[0] == "Envelope") { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DImporter.h b/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DImporter.h index 5d3fcaa7b9..9ca8f92113 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DImporter.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DImporter.h @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class M3DImporter : public BaseImporter { public: /// \brief Default constructor M3DImporter(); - ~M3DImporter() override {} + ~M3DImporter() override = default; /// \brief Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. /// \remark See BaseImporter::CanRead() for details. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.cpp b/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.cpp index 30452c7761..05087d5923 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.cpp @@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -#ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_IMPORTER -#if !(ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT || ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_EXPORTER) +#if !defined ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_IMPORTER || !(defined ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT || defined ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_EXPORTER) #include "M3DWrapper.h" @@ -149,4 +148,3 @@ void M3DWrapper::ClearSave() { } // namespace Assimp #endif -#endif diff --git a/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.h b/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.h index c75ff10279..880aca9967 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/M3D/M3DWrapper.h @@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ifndef AI_M3DWRAPPER_H_INC #define AI_M3DWRAPPER_H_INC -#ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_IMPORTER -#if !(ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT || ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_EXPORTER) +#if !defined ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_IMPORTER || !(defined ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT || defined ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_EXPORTER) #include #include @@ -126,7 +125,6 @@ inline m3d_t *M3DWrapper::M3D() const { } // namespace Assimp -#endif #endif // ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_IMPORTER #endif // AI_M3DWRAPPER_H_INC diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.cpp index dce4c57323..7d0b41c24a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.cpp @@ -138,18 +138,31 @@ bool MD5Parser::ParseSection(Section &out) { char *sz = buffer; while (!IsSpaceOrNewLine(*buffer)) { ++buffer; + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; } out.mName = std::string(sz, (uintptr_t)(buffer - sz)); - SkipSpaces(); + while (IsSpace(*buffer)) { + ++buffer; + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; + } bool running = true; while (running) { if ('{' == *buffer) { // it is a normal section so read all lines ++buffer; + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; bool run = true; while (run) { - if (!SkipSpacesAndLineEnd()) { + while (IsSpaceOrNewLine(*buffer)) { + ++buffer; + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; + } + if ('\0' == *buffer) { return false; // seems this was the last section } if ('}' == *buffer) { @@ -164,25 +177,39 @@ bool MD5Parser::ParseSection(Section &out) { elem.szStart = buffer; // terminate the line with zero - while (!IsLineEnd(*buffer)) + while (!IsLineEnd(*buffer)) { ++buffer; + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; + } if (*buffer) { ++lineNumber; *buffer++ = '\0'; + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; } } break; } else if (!IsSpaceOrNewLine(*buffer)) { // it is an element at global scope. Parse its value and go on sz = buffer; - while (!IsSpaceOrNewLine(*buffer++)) - ; + while (!IsSpaceOrNewLine(*buffer++)) { + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; + } out.mGlobalValue = std::string(sz, (uintptr_t)(buffer - sz)); continue; } break; } - return SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(); + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; + while (IsSpaceOrNewLine(*buffer)) { + ++buffer; + if (buffer == bufferEnd) + return false; + } + return '\0' != *buffer; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -228,15 +255,20 @@ bool MD5Parser::ParseSection(Section &out) { out.data[out.length] = '\0'; // parse a string, enclosed in quotation marks -#define AI_MD5_PARSE_STRING_IN_QUOTATION(out) \ - while ('\"' != *sz) \ - ++sz; \ - const char *szStart = ++sz; \ - while ('\"' != *sz) \ - ++sz; \ - const char *szEnd = (sz++); \ - out.length = (ai_uint32)(szEnd - szStart); \ - ::memcpy(out.data, szStart, out.length); \ +#define AI_MD5_PARSE_STRING_IN_QUOTATION(out) \ + out.length = 0; \ + while ('\"' != *sz && '\0' != *sz) \ + ++sz; \ + if ('\0' != *sz) { \ + const char *szStart = ++sz; \ + while ('\"' != *sz && '\0' != *sz) \ + ++sz; \ + if ('\0' != *sz) { \ + const char *szEnd = (sz++); \ + out.length = (ai_uint32)(szEnd - szStart); \ + ::memcpy(out.data, szStart, out.length); \ + } \ + } \ out.data[out.length] = '\0'; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // .MD5MESH parsing function diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h b/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h index e39ce8a8e5..ad7367e2ab 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MD5/MD5Parser.h @@ -365,9 +365,7 @@ class MD5Parser { static void ReportWarning (const char* warn, unsigned int line); - void ReportError (const char* error) { - return ReportError(error, lineNumber); - } + AI_WONT_RETURN void ReportError (const char* error) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; void ReportWarning (const char* warn) { return ReportWarning(warn, lineNumber); @@ -394,7 +392,7 @@ class MD5Parser { bool SkipLine(const char* in, const char** out); bool SkipLine( ); - bool SkipSpacesAndLineEnd( const char* in, const char** out); + bool SkipSpacesAndLineEnd( const char* in, const char** out); bool SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(); bool SkipSpaces(); @@ -404,6 +402,9 @@ class MD5Parser { unsigned int lineNumber; }; +inline void MD5Parser::ReportError(const char* error) { + ReportError(error, lineNumber); +} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool MD5Parser::SkipLine(const char* in, const char** out) { ++lineNumber; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp index 93d37536cf..a8141fcc15 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.cpp @@ -470,14 +470,16 @@ void HL1MDLLoader::read_bones() { temp_bones_.resize(header_->numbones); + // Create the main 'bones' node that will contain all MDL root bones. aiNode *bones_node = new aiNode(AI_MDL_HL1_NODE_BONES); rootnode_children_.push_back(bones_node); - bones_node->mNumChildren = static_cast(header_->numbones); - bones_node->mChildren = new aiNode *[bones_node->mNumChildren]; + + // Store roots bones IDs temporarily. + std::vector roots; // Create bone matrices in local space. for (int i = 0; i < header_->numbones; ++i) { - aiNode *bone_node = temp_bones_[i].node = bones_node->mChildren[i] = new aiNode(unique_bones_names[i]); + aiNode *bone_node = temp_bones_[i].node = new aiNode(unique_bones_names[i]); aiVector3D angles(pbone[i].value[3], pbone[i].value[4], pbone[i].value[5]); temp_bones_[i].absolute_transform = bone_node->mTransformation = @@ -485,9 +487,11 @@ void HL1MDLLoader::read_bones() { aiVector3D(pbone[i].value[0], pbone[i].value[1], pbone[i].value[2])); if (pbone[i].parent == -1) { - bone_node->mParent = scene_->mRootNode; + bone_node->mParent = bones_node; + roots.push_back(i); // This bone has no parent. Add it to the roots list. } else { - bone_node->mParent = bones_node->mChildren[pbone[i].parent]; + bone_node->mParent = temp_bones_[pbone[i].parent].node; + temp_bones_[pbone[i].parent].children.push_back(i); // Add this bone to the parent bone's children list. temp_bones_[i].absolute_transform = temp_bones_[pbone[i].parent].absolute_transform * bone_node->mTransformation; @@ -496,6 +500,36 @@ void HL1MDLLoader::read_bones() { temp_bones_[i].offset_matrix = temp_bones_[i].absolute_transform; temp_bones_[i].offset_matrix.Inverse(); } + + // Allocate memory for each MDL root bone. + bones_node->mNumChildren = static_cast(roots.size()); + bones_node->mChildren = new aiNode *[bones_node->mNumChildren]; + + // Build all bones children hierarchy starting from each MDL root bone. + for (size_t i = 0; i < roots.size(); ++i) + { + const TempBone &root_bone = temp_bones_[roots[i]]; + bones_node->mChildren[i] = root_bone.node; + build_bone_children_hierarchy(root_bone); + } +} + +void HL1MDLLoader::build_bone_children_hierarchy(const TempBone &bone) +{ + if (bone.children.empty()) + return; + + aiNode* bone_node = bone.node; + bone_node->mNumChildren = static_cast(bone.children.size()); + bone_node->mChildren = new aiNode *[bone_node->mNumChildren]; + + // Build each child bone's hierarchy recursively. + for (size_t i = 0; i < bone.children.size(); ++i) + { + const TempBone &child_bone = temp_bones_[bone.children[i]]; + bone_node->mChildren[i] = child_bone.node; + build_bone_children_hierarchy(child_bone); + } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h index 0dba5099da..286b6e64cd 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/HalfLife/HL1MDLLoader.h @@ -143,6 +143,14 @@ class HL1MDLLoader { */ static bool get_num_blend_controllers(const int num_blend_animations, int &num_blend_controllers); + /** + * \brief Build a bone's node children hierarchy. + * + * \param[in] bone The bone for which we must build all children hierarchy. + */ + struct TempBone; + void build_bone_children_hierarchy(const TempBone& bone); + /** Output scene to be filled */ aiScene *scene_; @@ -198,11 +206,13 @@ class HL1MDLLoader { TempBone() : node(nullptr), absolute_transform(), - offset_matrix() {} + offset_matrix(), + children() {} aiNode *node; aiMatrix4x4 absolute_transform; aiMatrix4x4 offset_matrix; + std::vector children; // Bone children }; std::vector temp_bones_; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.cpp index b606578052..7b2ec7115c 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.cpp @@ -271,10 +271,16 @@ void MDLImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, } } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Check whether we're still inside the valid file range +bool MDLImporter::IsPosValid(const void *szPos) const { + return szPos && (const unsigned char *)szPos <= this->mBuffer + this->iFileSize && szPos >= this->mBuffer; +} + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Check whether we're still inside the valid file range void MDLImporter::SizeCheck(const void *szPos) { - if (!szPos || (const unsigned char *)szPos > this->mBuffer + this->iFileSize) { + if (!IsPosValid(szPos)) { throw DeadlyImportError("Invalid MDL file. The file is too small " "or contains invalid data."); } @@ -284,7 +290,7 @@ void MDLImporter::SizeCheck(const void *szPos) { // Just for debugging purposes void MDLImporter::SizeCheck(const void *szPos, const char *szFile, unsigned int iLine) { ai_assert(nullptr != szFile); - if (!szPos || (const unsigned char *)szPos > mBuffer + iFileSize) { + if (!IsPosValid(szPos)) { // remove a directory if there is one const char *szFilePtr = ::strrchr(szFile, '\\'); if (!szFilePtr) { @@ -975,7 +981,7 @@ void MDLImporter::CalcAbsBoneMatrices_3DGS_MDL7(MDL::IntBone_MDL7 **apcOutBones) } // store the name of the bone - pcOutBone->mName.length = (size_t)iMaxLen; + pcOutBone->mName.length = static_cast(iMaxLen); ::memcpy(pcOutBone->mName.data, pcBone->name, pcOutBone->mName.length); pcOutBone->mName.data[pcOutBone->mName.length] = '\0'; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h index b7d87e88d5..44ff21e3e0 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLLoader.h @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class MDLImporter : public BaseImporter // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Import a CS:S/HL2 MDL file (not fully implemented) */ - void InternReadFile_HL2( ); + AI_WONT_RETURN void InternReadFile_HL2( ) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Check whether a given position is inside the valid range @@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class MDLImporter : public BaseImporter */ void SizeCheck(const void* szPos); void SizeCheck(const void* szPos, const char* szFile, unsigned int iLine); + bool IsPosValid(const void* szPos) const; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Validate the header data structure of a game studio MDL7 file diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLMaterialLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLMaterialLoader.cpp index db4b534f2d..3d39fa6454 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLMaterialLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/MDL/MDLMaterialLoader.cpp @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ void MDLImporter::ParseSkinLump_3DGS_MDL7( ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("Found a reference to an embedded DDS texture, but texture width is zero, aborting import."); return; } - + pcNew.reset(new aiTexture); pcNew->mHeight = 0; pcNew->mWidth = iWidth; @@ -481,6 +481,8 @@ void MDLImporter::ParseSkinLump_3DGS_MDL7( pcNew->achFormatHint[2] = 's'; pcNew->achFormatHint[3] = '\0'; + SizeCheck(szCurrent + pcNew->mWidth); + pcNew->pcData = (aiTexel *)new unsigned char[pcNew->mWidth]; memcpy(pcNew->pcData, szCurrent, pcNew->mWidth); szCurrent += iWidth; @@ -493,12 +495,12 @@ void MDLImporter::ParseSkinLump_3DGS_MDL7( aiString szFile; const size_t iLen = strlen((const char *)szCurrent); - size_t iLen2 = iLen + 1; - iLen2 = iLen2 > MAXLEN ? MAXLEN : iLen2; + size_t iLen2 = iLen > (MAXLEN - 1) ? (MAXLEN - 1) : iLen; memcpy(szFile.data, (const char *)szCurrent, iLen2); + szFile.data[iLen2] = '\0'; szFile.length = static_cast(iLen2); - szCurrent += iLen2; + szCurrent += iLen2 + 1; // place this as diffuse texture pcMatOut->AddProperty(&szFile, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(0)); @@ -703,7 +705,14 @@ void MDLImporter::SkipSkinLump_3DGS_MDL7( tex.pcData = bad_texel; tex.mHeight = iHeight; tex.mWidth = iWidth; - ParseTextureColorData(szCurrent, iMasked, &iSkip, &tex); + + try { + ParseTextureColorData(szCurrent, iMasked, &iSkip, &tex); + } catch (...) { + // FIX: Important, otherwise the destructor will crash + tex.pcData = nullptr; + throw; + } // FIX: Important, otherwise the destructor will crash tex.pcData = nullptr; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDImporter.cpp index 97b04f4eb4..0905ce1e0c 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDImporter.cpp @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ aiMesh *MMDImporter::CreateMesh(const pmx::PmxModel *pModel, dynamic_cast(v->skinning.get()); switch (v->skinning_type) { case pmx::PmxVertexSkinningType::BDEF1: - bone_vertex_map[vsBDEF1_ptr->bone_index].emplace_back(index, 1.0); + bone_vertex_map[vsBDEF1_ptr->bone_index].emplace_back(index, static_cast(1)); break; case pmx::PmxVertexSkinningType::BDEF2: bone_vertex_map[vsBDEF2_ptr->bone_index1].emplace_back(index, vsBDEF2_ptr->bone_weight); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h b/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h index f2e387975d..424fc725af 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/MMD/MMDPmxParser.h @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include +#include #include "MMDCpp14.h" namespace pmx @@ -730,7 +731,7 @@ namespace pmx std::unique_ptr anchers; int pin_vertex_count; std::unique_ptr pin_vertices; - void Read(std::istream *stream, PmxSetting *setting); + AI_WONT_RETURN void Read(std::istream *stream, PmxSetting *setting) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; }; class PmxModel diff --git a/code/AssetLib/MS3D/MS3DLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/MS3D/MS3DLoader.cpp index 5770781582..d4dd2be75b 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/MS3D/MS3DLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/MS3D/MS3DLoader.cpp @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ void MS3DImporter::InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, for (unsigned int j = 0,n = 0; j < m->mNumFaces; ++j) { aiFace& f = m->mFaces[j]; - if (g.triangles[j]>triangles.size()) { + if (g.triangles[j] >= triangles.size()) { throw DeadlyImportError("MS3D: Encountered invalid triangle index, file is malformed"); } @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ void MS3DImporter::InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, f.mIndices = new unsigned int[f.mNumIndices=3]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k,++n) { - if (t.indices[k]>vertices.size()) { + if (t.indices[k] >= vertices.size()) { throw DeadlyImportError("MS3D: Encountered invalid vertex index, file is malformed"); } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/NDO/NDOLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/NDO/NDOLoader.cpp index bf2fa113d3..edccc16247 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/NDO/NDOLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/NDO/NDOLoader.cpp @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include +#include using namespace Assimp; @@ -160,6 +161,9 @@ void NDOImporter::InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, temp = file_format >= 12 ? reader.GetU4() : reader.GetU2(); head = (const char*)reader.GetPtr(); + if (std::numeric_limits::max() - 76 < temp) { + throw DeadlyImportError("Invalid name length"); + } reader.IncPtr(temp + 76); /* skip unknown stuff */ obj.name = std::string(head, temp); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/NFF/NFFLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/NFF/NFFLoader.h index 0fa615b196..7fd0943064 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/NFF/NFFLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/NFF/NFFLoader.h @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class NFFImporter : public BaseImporter { aiColor3D color, diffuse, specular, ambient, emissive; ai_real refracti; - std::string texFile; + std::string texFile; bool twoSided; // For NFF2 bool shaded; ai_real opacity, shininess; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/OFF/OFFLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/OFF/OFFLoader.cpp index cb265029a0..f50afb57ba 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/OFF/OFFLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/OFF/OFFLoader.cpp @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void OFFImporter::InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOS for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numFaces; ) { if(!GetNextLine(buffer,line)) { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("OFF: The number of faces in the header is incorrect"); - break; + throw DeadlyImportError("OFF: The number of faces in the header is incorrect"); } unsigned int idx; sz = line; SkipSpaces(&sz); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileData.h b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileData.h index 82296413b1..22090e63ec 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileData.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileData.h @@ -239,8 +239,6 @@ struct Mesh { unsigned int m_uiMaterialIndex; /// True, if normals are stored. bool m_hasNormals; - /// True, if vertex colors are stored. - bool m_hasVertexColors; /// Constructor explicit Mesh(const std::string &name) : diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp index 189757815c..173ef20746 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileImporter.cpp @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Copyright (c) 2006-2020, assimp team +Copyright (c) 2006-2023, assimp team All rights reserved. @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ ObjFileImporter::ObjFileImporter() : // Destructor. ObjFileImporter::~ObjFileImporter() { delete m_pRootObject; - m_pRootObject = nullptr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ aiNode *ObjFileImporter::createNodes(const ObjFile::Model *pModel, const ObjFile for (size_t i = 0; i < pObject->m_Meshes.size(); ++i) { unsigned int meshId = pObject->m_Meshes[i]; aiMesh *pMesh = createTopology(pModel, pObject, meshId); - if (pMesh) { + if (pMesh != nullptr) { if (pMesh->mNumFaces > 0) { MeshArray.push_back(pMesh); } else { @@ -331,7 +330,6 @@ aiMesh *ObjFileImporter::createTopology(const ObjFile::Model *pModel, const ObjF for (size_t index = 0; index < pObjMesh->m_Faces.size(); index++) { const ObjFile::Face *inp = pObjMesh->m_Faces[index]; - //ai_assert(nullptr != inp); if (inp->mPrimitiveType == aiPrimitiveType_LINE) { pMesh->mNumFaces += static_cast(inp->m_vertices.size() - 1); @@ -500,6 +498,10 @@ void ObjFileImporter::createVertexArray(const ObjFile::Model *pModel, if (vertexIndex) { if (!last) { + if (pMesh->mNumVertices <= newIndex + 1) { + throw DeadlyImportError("OBJ: bad vertex index"); + } + pMesh->mVertices[newIndex + 1] = pMesh->mVertices[newIndex]; if (!sourceFace->m_normals.empty() && !pModel->mNormals.empty()) { pMesh->mNormals[newIndex + 1] = pMesh->mNormals[newIndex]; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileMtlImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileMtlImporter.cpp index 78743dd05a..f8e3e1cdea 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileMtlImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileMtlImporter.cpp @@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ void ObjFileMtlImporter::load() { case 'a': // Anisotropy { ++m_DataIt; - getFloatValue(m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial->anisotropy); if (m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial != nullptr) - m_DataIt = skipLine(m_DataIt, m_DataItEnd, m_uiLine); + getFloatValue(m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial->anisotropy); + m_DataIt = skipLine(m_DataIt, m_DataItEnd, m_uiLine); } break; default: { @@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ void ObjFileMtlImporter::getTexture() { if (m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial == nullptr) { m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial = new ObjFile::Material(); m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial->MaterialName.Set("Empty_Material"); + m_pModel->mMaterialMap["Empty_Material"] = m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial; } const char *pPtr(&(*m_DataIt)); @@ -514,16 +515,16 @@ void ObjFileMtlImporter::getTextureOption(bool &clamp, int &clampIndex, aiString DataArrayIt it = getNextToken(m_DataIt, m_DataItEnd); getFloat(it, m_DataItEnd, m_pModel->mCurrentMaterial->bump_multiplier); skipToken = 2; - } else if (!ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, BlendUOption, static_cast(strlen(BlendUOption))) || + } else if (!ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, BlendUOption, static_cast(strlen(BlendUOption))) || !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, BlendVOption, static_cast(strlen(BlendVOption))) || - !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, BoostOption, static_cast(strlen(BoostOption))) || - !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, ResolutionOption, static_cast(strlen(ResolutionOption))) || + !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, BoostOption, static_cast(strlen(BoostOption))) || + !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, ResolutionOption, static_cast(strlen(ResolutionOption))) || !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, ChannelOption, static_cast(strlen(ChannelOption)))) { skipToken = 2; } else if (!ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, ModifyMapOption, static_cast(strlen(ModifyMapOption)))) { skipToken = 3; - } else if (!ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, OffsetOption, static_cast(strlen(OffsetOption))) || - !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, ScaleOption, static_cast(strlen(ScaleOption))) || + } else if (!ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, OffsetOption, static_cast(strlen(OffsetOption))) || + !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, ScaleOption, static_cast(strlen(ScaleOption))) || !ASSIMP_strincmp(pPtr, TurbulenceOption, static_cast(strlen(TurbulenceOption)))) { skipToken = 4; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp index 360c1d0e99..09602e8822 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjFileParser.cpp @@ -156,9 +156,17 @@ void ObjFileParser::parseFile(IOStreamBuffer &streamBuffer) { // read in vertex definition (homogeneous coords) getHomogeneousVector3(m_pModel->mVertices); } else if (numComponents == 6) { + // fill previous omitted vertex-colors by default + if (m_pModel->mVertexColors.size() < m_pModel->mVertices.size()) { + m_pModel->mVertexColors.resize(m_pModel->mVertices.size(), aiVector3D(0, 0, 0)); + } // read vertex and vertex-color getTwoVectors3(m_pModel->mVertices, m_pModel->mVertexColors); } + // append omitted vertex-colors as default for the end if any vertex-color exists + if (!m_pModel->mVertexColors.empty() && m_pModel->mVertexColors.size() < m_pModel->mVertices.size()) { + m_pModel->mVertexColors.resize(m_pModel->mVertices.size(), aiVector3D(0, 0, 0)); + } } else if (*m_DataIt == 't') { // read in texture coordinate ( 2D or 3D ) ++m_DataIt; @@ -236,7 +244,7 @@ void ObjFileParser::parseFile(IOStreamBuffer &streamBuffer) { getNameNoSpace(m_DataIt, m_DataItEnd, name); insideCstype = name == "cstype"; goto pf_skip_line; - } break; + } default: { pf_skip_line: @@ -456,9 +464,20 @@ void ObjFileParser::getFace(aiPrimitiveType type) { iPos = 0; } else { //OBJ USES 1 Base ARRAYS!!!! - const char *token = &(*m_DataIt); - const int iVal = ::atoi(token); - + int iVal; + auto end = m_DataIt; + // find either the buffer end or the '\0' + while (end < m_DataItEnd && *end != '\0') + ++end; + // avoid temporary string allocation if there is a zero + if (end != m_DataItEnd) { + iVal = ::atoi(&(*m_DataIt)); + } else { + // otherwise make a zero terminated copy, which is safe to pass to atoi + std::string number(&(*m_DataIt), m_DataItEnd - m_DataIt); + iVal = ::atoi(number.c_str()); + } + // increment iStep position based off of the sign and # of digits int tmp = iVal; if (iVal < 0) { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjTools.h b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjTools.h index a76054825a..ca173de0af 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjTools.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Obj/ObjTools.h @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { -/** +/** * @brief Returns true, if the last entry of the buffer is reached. * @param[in] it Iterator of current position. * @param[in] end Iterator with end of buffer. @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ inline bool isEndOfBuffer(char_t it, char_t end) { return (it == end); } -/** +/** * @brief Returns next word separated by a space * @param[in] pBuffer Pointer to data buffer * @param[in] pEnd Pointer to end of buffer @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ inline Char_T getNextWord(Char_T pBuffer, Char_T pEnd) { return pBuffer; } -/** +/** * @brief Returns pointer a next token * @param[in] pBuffer Pointer to data buffer * @param[in] pEnd Pointer to end of buffer @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ inline Char_T getNextToken(Char_T pBuffer, Char_T pEnd) { return getNextWord(pBuffer, pEnd); } -/** +/** * @brief Skips a line * @param[in] it Iterator set to current position * @param[in] end Iterator set to end of scratch buffer for readout @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ inline char_t skipLine(char_t it, char_t end, unsigned int &uiLine) { return it; } -/** +/** * @brief Get a name from the current line. Preserve space in the middle, * but trim it at the end. * @param[in] it set to current position @@ -162,13 +162,13 @@ inline char_t getName(char_t it, char_t end, std::string &name) { std::string strName(pStart, &(*it)); if (!strName.empty()) { name = strName; - } - + } + return it; } -/** +/** * @brief Get a name from the current line. Do not preserve space * in the middle, but trim it at the end. * @param it set to current position @@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ inline char_t getNameNoSpace(char_t it, char_t end, std::string &name) { if (!strName.empty()) { name = strName; } - + return it; } -/** +/** * @brief Get next word from given line * @param[in] it set to current position * @param[in] end set to end of scratch buffer for readout @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ inline char_t CopyNextWord(char_t it, char_t end, char *pBuffer, size_t length) return it; } -/** +/** * @brief Get next float from given line * @param[in] it set to current position * @param[in] end set to end of scratch buffer for readout diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreImporter.h b/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreImporter.h index dc8b090514..3a72ae70ed 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreImporter.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreImporter.h @@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ namespace Ogre { class OgreImporter : public BaseImporter { public: /// BaseImporter override. - virtual bool CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool checkSig) const override; + bool CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool checkSig) const override; protected: /// BaseImporter override. - virtual void InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) override; + void InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) override; /// BaseImporter override. - virtual const aiImporterDesc *GetInfo() const override; + const aiImporterDesc *GetInfo() const override; /// BaseImporter override. - virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) override; + void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) override; private: /// Read materials referenced by the @c mesh to @c pScene. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp index cd9d6dcc24..8a1b885107 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Ogre/OgreXmlSerializer.cpp @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace Assimp { namespace Ogre { //AI_WONT_RETURN void ThrowAttibuteError(const XmlParser *reader, const std::string &name, const std::string &error = "") AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; - +AI_WONT_RETURN void ThrowAttibuteError(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &name, const std::string &error) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; AI_WONT_RETURN void ThrowAttibuteError(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &name, const std::string &error) { if (!error.empty()) { throw DeadlyImportError(error, " in node '", nodeName, "' and attribute '", name, "'"); @@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ bool OgreXmlSerializer::ReadAttribute(XmlNode &xmlNode, const char *name) } ThrowAttibuteError(xmlNode.name(), name, "Boolean value is expected to be 'true' or 'false', encountered '" + value + "'"); - return false; } // Mesh XML constants @@ -490,7 +489,7 @@ bool OgreXmlSerializer::ImportSkeleton(Assimp::IOSystem *pIOHandler, MeshXml *me OgreXmlSerializer serializer(xmlParser.get()); XmlNode root = xmlParser->getRootNode(); if (std::string(root.name()) != nnSkeleton) { - printf("\nSkeleton is not a valid root: %s\n", root.name()); + ASSIMP_LOG_VERBOSE_DEBUG("nSkeleton is not a valid root: ", root.name(), "."); for (auto &a : root.children()) { if (std::string(a.name()) == nnSkeleton) { root = a; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp index 2883f9612f..16268ead50 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/OpenGEX/OpenGEXImporter.cpp @@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ OpenGEXImporter::RefInfo::RefInfo(aiNode *node, Type type, std::vectorgetValue()); if (nullptr != val) { if (Value::ValueType::ddl_string != val->m_type) { throw DeadlyImportError("OpenGEX: invalid data type for value in node name."); - return; } const std::string name(val->getString()); @@ -509,7 +506,6 @@ static void getRefNames(DDLNode *node, std::vector &names) { void OpenGEXImporter::handleObjectRefNode(DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == m_currentNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } std::vector objRefNames; @@ -533,7 +529,6 @@ void OpenGEXImporter::handleObjectRefNode(DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { void OpenGEXImporter::handleMaterialRefNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == m_currentNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } std::vector matRefNames; @@ -673,14 +668,12 @@ static void setMatrix(aiNode *node, DataArrayList *transformData) { void OpenGEXImporter::handleTransformNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == m_currentNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } DataArrayList *transformData(node->getDataArrayList()); if (nullptr != transformData) { if (transformData->m_numItems != 16) { throw DeadlyImportError("Invalid number of data for transform matrix."); - return; } setMatrix(m_currentNode, transformData); } @@ -836,7 +829,6 @@ static void copyColor4DArray(size_t numItems, DataArrayList *vaList, aiColor4D * void OpenGEXImporter::handleVertexArrayNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == node) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } Property *prop = node->getProperties(); @@ -877,12 +869,10 @@ void OpenGEXImporter::handleVertexArrayNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * void OpenGEXImporter::handleIndexArrayNode(ODDLParser::DDLNode *node, aiScene * /*pScene*/) { if (nullptr == node) { throw DeadlyImportError("No parent node for name."); - return; } if (nullptr == m_currentMesh) { throw DeadlyImportError("No current mesh for index data found."); - return; } DataArrayList *vaList = node->getDataArrayList(); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.cpp index c2b264b212..6edba71fca 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.cpp @@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ bool PLY::Element::ParseElement(IOStreamBuffer &streamBuffer, std::vector< streamBuffer.getNextLine(buffer); pCur = (char *)&buffer[0]; - // skip all comments - PLY::DOM::SkipComments(buffer); + // skip all comments and go to next line + if (PLY::DOM::SkipComments(buffer)) continue; PLY::Property prop; if (!PLY::Property::ParseProperty(buffer, &prop)) @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ bool PLY::DOM::ParseHeader(IOStreamBuffer &streamBuffer, std::vector if (PLY::Element::ParseElement(streamBuffer, buffer, &out)) { // add the element to the list of elements alElements.push_back(out); - } else if (TokenMatch(buffer, "end_header", 10)) { //checks for /n ending, if it doesn't end with /r/n + } else if (TokenMatch(buffer, "end_header", 10)) { // we have reached the end of the header break; } else { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.h b/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.h index 4e486f0118..593791e92f 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Ply/PlyParser.h @@ -296,9 +296,7 @@ class PropertyInstance public: //! Default constructor - PropertyInstance() AI_NO_EXCEPT { - // empty - } + PropertyInstance() AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; union ValueUnion { @@ -359,10 +357,7 @@ class PropertyInstance class ElementInstance { public: //! Default constructor - ElementInstance() AI_NO_EXCEPT - : alProperties() { - // empty - } + ElementInstance() AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; //! List of all parsed properties std::vector< PropertyInstance > alProperties; @@ -386,10 +381,7 @@ class ElementInstanceList public: //! Default constructor - ElementInstanceList() AI_NO_EXCEPT - : alInstances() { - // empty - } + ElementInstanceList() AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; //! List of all element instances std::vector< ElementInstance > alInstances; @@ -413,11 +405,7 @@ class DOM public: //! Default constructor - DOM() AI_NO_EXCEPT - : alElements() - , alElementData() { - - } + DOM() AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; //! Contains all elements of the file format diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Q3BSP/Q3BSPFileData.h b/code/AssetLib/Q3BSP/Q3BSPFileData.h index 8ccee0b0ae..086cf78425 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Q3BSP/Q3BSPFileData.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Q3BSP/Q3BSPFileData.h @@ -169,19 +169,7 @@ struct Q3BSPModel { std::vector m_EntityData; std::string m_ModelName; - Q3BSPModel() : - m_Data(), - m_Lumps(), - m_Vertices(), - m_Faces(), - m_Indices(), - m_Textures(), - m_Lightmaps(), - m_EntityData(), - m_ModelName() - { - // empty - } + Q3BSPModel() = default; ~Q3BSPModel() { for ( unsigned int i=0; imMaterials[iMat] = pcMat; aiString szName; - szName.length = (size_t)ai_snprintf(szName.data,MAXLEN,"Texture_%u",iMat); + szName.length = static_cast(ai_snprintf(szName.data,MAXLEN,"Texture_%u",iMat)); pcMat->AddProperty(&szName,AI_MATKEY_NAME); if (aszTextures[iMat].length()) @@ -838,7 +837,10 @@ void SMDImporter::ParseNodeInfo(const char* szCurrent, const char** szCurrentOut unsigned int iBone = 0; SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(szCurrent,&szCurrent); if ( !ParseUnsignedInt(szCurrent,&szCurrent,iBone) || !SkipSpaces(szCurrent,&szCurrent)) { - LogErrorNoThrow("Unexpected EOF/EOL while parsing bone index"); + throw DeadlyImportError("Unexpected EOF/EOL while parsing bone index"); + } + if (iBone == UINT_MAX) { + LogErrorNoThrow("Invalid bone number while parsing bone index"); SMDI_PARSE_RETURN; } // add our bone to the list diff --git a/code/AssetLib/SMD/SMDLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/SMD/SMDLoader.h index db882a241c..adf80ba14c 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/SMD/SMDLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/SMD/SMDLoader.h @@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ struct Vertex { */ struct Face { Face() AI_NO_EXCEPT : - iTexture(0x0), avVertices{} { + iTexture(0x0) { // empty } - + //! Texture index for the face unsigned int iTexture; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Step/STEPFile.h b/code/AssetLib/Step/STEPFile.h index 47d6f5010f..76a9370f58 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Step/STEPFile.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Step/STEPFile.h @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace STEP { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Exception class used by the STEP loading & parsing code. It is typically - * coupled with a line number. + * coupled with a line number. */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SyntaxError : DeadlyImportError { @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class ISDERIVED : public DataType { }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/** Shared implementation for some of the primitive data type, i.e. int, float +/** Shared implementation for some of the primitive data type, i.e. int, float */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ class ENUMERATION : public STRING { typedef ENUMERATION BOOLEAN; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/** This is just a reference to an entity/object somewhere else +/** This is just a reference to an entity/object somewhere else */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ENTITY : public PrimitiveDataType { @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class LIST : public DataType { } public: - /** @see DaraType::Parse + /** @see DaraType::Parse */ static std::shared_ptr Parse(const char *&inout, uint64_t line = SyntaxError::LINE_NOT_SPECIFIED, @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class BINARY : public PrimitiveDataType { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Not exactly a full EXPRESS schema but rather a list of conversion functions * to extract valid C++ objects out of a STEP file. Those conversion functions - * may, however, perform further schema validations. + * may, however, perform further schema validations. */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ConversionSchema { @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ struct HeaderInfo { }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -/** Base class for all concrete object instances +/** Base class for all concrete object instances */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Object { @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ struct Maybe { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** A LazyObject is created when needed. Before this happens, we just keep - * the text line that contains the object definition. + * the text line that contains the object definition. */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LazyObject { diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Terragen/TerragenLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/Terragen/TerragenLoader.cpp index dcf01461a5..738ad8e275 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Terragen/TerragenLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/Terragen/TerragenLoader.cpp @@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ void TerragenImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, } // Get to the next chunk (4 byte aligned) - unsigned dtt = reader.GetCurrentPos(); - if (dtt & 0x3) { + unsigned dtt = reader.GetCurrentPos() & 0x3; + if (dtt) { reader.IncPtr(4 - dtt); } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h b/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h index a931a86ddb..fda784cfb3 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/Unreal/UnrealLoader.h @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace Assimp { class UnrealImporter : public BaseImporter { public: UnrealImporter(); - ~UnrealImporter(); + ~UnrealImporter() override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Returns whether we can handle the format of the given file diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileHelper.h b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileHelper.h index 3830eb483e..4b95672f3a 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileHelper.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileHelper.h @@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ struct TexEntry { bool mIsNormalMap; // true if the texname was specified in a NormalmapFilename tag TexEntry() AI_NO_EXCEPT : - mName(), mIsNormalMap(false) { // empty } @@ -128,17 +127,8 @@ struct Mesh { explicit Mesh(const std::string &pName = std::string()) AI_NO_EXCEPT : mName(pName), - mPositions(), - mPosFaces(), - mNormals(), - mNormFaces(), mNumTextures(0), - mTexCoords{}, - mNumColorSets(0), - mColors{}, - mFaceMaterials(), - mMaterials(), - mBones() { + mNumColorSets(0) { // empty } }; @@ -152,15 +142,12 @@ struct Node { std::vector mMeshes; Node() AI_NO_EXCEPT - : mName(), - mTrafoMatrix(), - mParent(nullptr), - mChildren(), - mMeshes() { + : mTrafoMatrix(), + mParent(nullptr) { // empty } explicit Node(Node *pParent) : - mName(), mTrafoMatrix(), mParent(pParent), mChildren(), mMeshes() { + mTrafoMatrix(), mParent(pParent) { // empty } @@ -211,8 +198,6 @@ struct Scene { Scene() AI_NO_EXCEPT : mRootNode(nullptr), - mGlobalMeshes(), - mGlobalMaterials(), mAnimTicksPerSecond(0) { // empty } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileImporter.cpp index 8bd5d9e883..1474ad808e 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileImporter.cpp @@ -75,9 +75,7 @@ static const aiImporterDesc desc = { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -XFileImporter::XFileImporter() : mBuffer() { - // empty -} +XFileImporter::XFileImporter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. @@ -580,7 +578,7 @@ void XFileImporter::ConvertMaterials( aiScene* pScene, std::vectormMaterials[b]->Get( AI_MATKEY_NAME, name); if( strcmp( name.C_Str(), oldMat.mName.data()) == 0 ) { - oldMat.sceneIndex = a; + oldMat.sceneIndex = b; break; } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp index 808bb9efd7..770c75a775 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X/XFileParser.cpp @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ XFileParser::XFileParser(const std::vector &pBuffer) : P1 += ofs; est_out += MSZIP_BLOCK; // one decompressed block is 327861 in size } - + // Allocate storage and terminating zero and do the actual uncompressing Compression compression; uncompressed.resize(est_out + 1); @@ -839,7 +839,6 @@ void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectAnimationKey(AnimBone *pAnimBone) { default: ThrowException("Unknown key type ", keyType, " in animation."); - break; } // end switch // key separator diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DExporter.hpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DExporter.hpp index 7a87821b4d..babf552dd9 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DExporter.hpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DExporter.hpp @@ -52,22 +52,12 @@ class X3DExporter { struct SAttribute { const std::string Name; const std::string Value; - SAttribute() : - Name(), - Value() { - // empty - } + SAttribute() = default; SAttribute(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) : Name(name), Value(value) { // empty } - - SAttribute(SAttribute &&rhs) AI_NO_EXCEPT : - Name(rhs.Name), - Value(rhs.Value) { - // empty - } }; /***********************************************/ diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DGeoHelper.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DGeoHelper.cpp index e89aeb428b..0a62ff9b0d 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DGeoHelper.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DGeoHelper.cpp @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ void X3DGeoHelper::add_color(aiMesh &pMesh, const std::list &pColors, // create RGBA array from RGB. for (std::list::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); ++it) - tcol.emplace_back((*it).r, (*it).g, (*it).b, 1); + tcol.emplace_back((*it).r, (*it).g, (*it).b, static_cast(1)); // call existing function for adding RGBA colors add_color(pMesh, tcol, pColorPerVertex); @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ void X3DGeoHelper::add_color(aiMesh &pMesh, const std::vector &pCoordId // create RGBA array from RGB. for (std::list::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); ++it) { - tcol.emplace_back((*it).r, (*it).g, (*it).b, 1); + tcol.emplace_back((*it).r, (*it).g, (*it).b, static_cast(1)); } // call existing function for adding RGBA colors @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ void X3DGeoHelper::add_tex_coord(aiMesh &pMesh, const std::vector &pCoo // copy list to array because we are need indexed access to normals. texcoord_arr_copy.reserve(pTexCoords.size()); for (std::list::const_iterator it = pTexCoords.begin(); it != pTexCoords.end(); ++it) { - texcoord_arr_copy.emplace_back((*it).x, (*it).y, 0); + texcoord_arr_copy.emplace_back((*it).x, (*it).y, static_cast(0)); } if (pTexCoordIdx.size() > 0) { @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ void X3DGeoHelper::add_tex_coord(aiMesh &pMesh, const std::list &pTe // copy list to array because we are need convert aiVector2D to aiVector3D and also get indexed access as a bonus. tc_arr_copy.reserve(pTexCoords.size()); for (std::list::const_iterator it = pTexCoords.begin(); it != pTexCoords.end(); ++it) { - tc_arr_copy.emplace_back((*it).x, (*it).y, 0); + tc_arr_copy.emplace_back((*it).x, (*it).y, static_cast(0)); } // copy texture coordinates to mesh diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.cpp index 6e25fb60fa..eeb20b7c17 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.cpp @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseHelper_Node_Enter(X3DNodeElementBase *pNode) { mNodeElementCur->Children.push_back(pNode); // add new element to current element child list. mNodeElementCur = pNode; // switch current element to new one. -} +} void X3DImporter::ParseHelper_Node_Exit() { // check if we can walk up. diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp index 8852b71ecd..705a2472e0 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter.hpp @@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include namespace Assimp { +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ArgOutOfRange(const std::string &argument) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string &node) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrD(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrB(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrI(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_DEF_And_USE(const std::string &nodeName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrName) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pNodeType, const std::string &pDescription) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_TagCountIncorrect(const std::string &pNode) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; +AI_WONT_RETURN inline void Throw_USE_NotFound(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &pAttrValue) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; inline void Throw_ArgOutOfRange(const std::string &argument) { throw DeadlyImportError("Argument value is out of range for: \"" + argument + "\"."); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Geometry2D.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Geometry2D.cpp index 653203b4e6..240ff14a8c 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Geometry2D.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Geometry2D.cpp @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void X3DImporter::readArcClose2D(XmlNode &node) { std::list &vlist = ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Vertices; // just short alias. if ((closureType == "PIE") || (closureType == "\"PIE\"")) - vlist.emplace_back(0, 0, 0); // center point - first radial line + vlist.emplace_back(static_cast(0), static_cast(0), static_cast(0)); // center point - first radial line else if ((closureType != "CHORD") && (closureType != "\"CHORD\"")) Throw_IncorrectAttrValue("ArcClose2D", "closureType"); @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ void X3DImporter::readDisk2D(XmlNode &node) { // if (tlist_i.size() < 2) { // tlist_i and tlist_o has equal size. - throw DeadlyImportError("Disk2D. Not enough points for creating quad list."); + throw DeadlyImportError("Disk2D. Not enough points for creating quad list."); } // add all quads except last @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ void X3DImporter::readPolyline2D(XmlNode &node) { // convert vec2 to vec3 for (std::list::iterator it2 = lineSegments.begin(); it2 != lineSegments.end(); ++it2) - tlist.emplace_back(it2->x, it2->y, 0); + tlist.emplace_back(it2->x, it2->y, static_cast(0)); // convert point set to line set X3DGeoHelper::extend_point_to_line(tlist, ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Vertices); @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ void X3DImporter::readPolypoint2D(XmlNode &node) { // convert vec2 to vec3 for (std::list::iterator it2 = point.begin(); it2 != point.end(); ++it2) { - ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Vertices.emplace_back(it2->x, it2->y, 0); + ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Vertices.emplace_back(it2->x, it2->y, static_cast(0)); } ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->NumIndices = 1; @@ -405,10 +405,10 @@ void X3DImporter::readRectangle2D(XmlNode &node) { float y2 = size.y / 2.0f; std::list &vlist = ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Vertices; // just short alias. - vlist.emplace_back(x2, y1, 0); // 1st point - vlist.emplace_back(x2, y2, 0); // 2nd point - vlist.emplace_back(x1, y2, 0); // 3rd point - vlist.emplace_back(x1, y1, 0); // 4th point + vlist.emplace_back(x2, y1, static_cast(0)); // 1st point + vlist.emplace_back(x2, y2, static_cast(0)); // 2nd point + vlist.emplace_back(x1, y2, static_cast(0)); // 3rd point + vlist.emplace_back(x1, y1, static_cast(0)); // 4th point ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Solid = solid; ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->NumIndices = 4; // check for X3DMetadataObject childs. @@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ void X3DImporter::readTriangleSet2D(XmlNode &node) { // convert vec2 to vec3 for (std::list::iterator it2 = vertices.begin(); it2 != vertices.end(); ++it2) { - ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Vertices.emplace_back(it2->x, it2->y, 0); + ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Vertices.emplace_back(it2->x, it2->y, static_cast(0)); } ((X3DNodeElementGeometry2D *)ne)->Solid = solid; diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Node.hpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Node.hpp index 8d33c4b7a8..62bf857e4f 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Node.hpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DImporter_Node.hpp @@ -108,9 +108,7 @@ struct X3DNodeElementBase { std::list Children; X3DElemType Type; - virtual ~X3DNodeElementBase() { - // empty - } + virtual ~X3DNodeElementBase() = default; protected: X3DNodeElementBase(X3DElemType type, X3DNodeElementBase *pParent) : @@ -367,9 +365,7 @@ struct X3DNodeElementMeta : X3DNodeElementBase { std::string Name; ///< Name of metadata object. std::string Reference; - virtual ~X3DNodeElementMeta() { - // empty - } + virtual ~X3DNodeElementMeta() = default; protected: X3DNodeElementMeta(X3DElemType type, X3DNodeElementBase *parent) : diff --git a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp index ff24b74b39..7ed2e82377 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/X3D/X3DXmlHelper.cpp @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ bool X3DXmlHelper::getColor3DAttribute(XmlNode &node, const char *attributeName, tokenize(val, values, " "); if (values.size() != 3) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(node.name(), attributeName); - return false; } auto it = values.begin(); color.r = stof(*it++); @@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ bool X3DXmlHelper::getVector2DAttribute(XmlNode &node, const char *attributeName tokenize(val, values, " "); if (values.size() != 2) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(node.name(), attributeName); - return false; } auto it = values.begin(); color.x = stof(*it++); @@ -47,7 +45,6 @@ bool X3DXmlHelper::getVector3DAttribute(XmlNode &node, const char *attributeName tokenize(val, values, " "); if (values.size() != 3) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(node.name(), attributeName); - return false; } auto it = values.begin(); color.x = stof(*it++); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/XGL/XGLLoader.cpp b/code/AssetLib/XGL/XGLLoader.cpp index 7cacbca4df..04e3033703 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/XGL/XGLLoader.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/XGL/XGLLoader.cpp @@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ namespace Assimp { // this has to be in here because LogFunctions is in ::Assimp template <> const char *LogFunctions::Prefix() { - static auto prefix = "XGL: "; - return prefix; + return "XGL: "; } } // namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h b/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h index 26ef239cdc..b5e6375ada 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFAsset.h @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class AttribType { VEC4, MAT2, MAT3, - MAT4 + MAT4 }; inline static Value FromString(const char *str) { @@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ class AttribType { }; template - struct data { - static const Info infos[NUM_VALUES]; + struct data { + static const Info infos[NUM_VALUES]; }; }; @@ -297,11 +297,11 @@ class AttribType { template const AttribType::Info AttribType::data::infos[AttribType::NUM_VALUES] = { { "SCALAR", 1 }, - { "VEC2", 2 }, - { "VEC3", 3 }, - { "VEC4", 4 }, - { "MAT2", 4 }, - { "MAT3", 9 }, + { "VEC2", 2 }, + { "VEC3", 3 }, + { "VEC4", 4 }, + { "MAT2", 4 }, + { "MAT3", 9 }, { "MAT4", 16 } }; @@ -513,21 +513,22 @@ struct Camera : public Object { }; Type type; + struct Perspective { + float aspectRatio; //!sampler->minFilter = SamplerMinFilter_Linear; } -void glTFExporter::GetMatColorOrTex(const aiMaterial* mat, glTF::TexProperty& prop, +void glTFExporter::GetMatColorOrTex(const aiMaterial* mat, glTF::TexProperty& prop, const char* propName, int type, int idx, aiTextureType tt) { aiString tex; aiColor4D col; @@ -370,9 +370,9 @@ void glTFExporter::GetMatColorOrTex(const aiMaterial* mat, glTF::TexProperty& pr } if (mat->Get(propName, type, idx, col) == AI_SUCCESS) { - prop.color[0] = col.r; + prop.color[0] = col.r; prop.color[1] = col.g; - prop.color[2] = col.b; + prop.color[2] = col.b; prop.color[3] = col.a; } } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFImporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFImporter.cpp index 3a5b0ef3c0..110a2a52f4 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFImporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFImporter.cpp @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static const aiImporterDesc desc = { }; glTFImporter::glTFImporter() : - BaseImporter(), meshOffsets(), embeddedTexIdxs(), mScene(nullptr) { + mScene(nullptr) { // empty } @@ -93,7 +93,10 @@ const aiImporterDesc *glTFImporter::GetInfo() const { bool glTFImporter::CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool /* checkSig */) const { glTF::Asset asset(pIOHandler); try { - asset.Load(pFile, GetExtension(pFile) == "glb"); + asset.Load(pFile, + CheckMagicToken( + pIOHandler, pFile, AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER, 1, 0, + static_cast(strlen(AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER)))); return asset.asset; } catch (...) { return false; @@ -697,7 +700,10 @@ void glTFImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOS // read the asset file glTF::Asset asset(pIOHandler); - asset.Load(pFile, GetExtension(pFile) == "glb"); + asset.Load(pFile, + CheckMagicToken( + pIOHandler, pFile, AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER, 1, 0, + static_cast(strlen(AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER)))); // // Copy the data out diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.h b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.h index 85af49acfc..3ae40f07e7 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.h @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * glTF Extensions Support: * KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness full + * KHR_materials_specular full * KHR_materials_unlit full * KHR_lights_punctual full * KHR_materials_sheen full @@ -365,20 +366,20 @@ struct CustomExtension { ~CustomExtension() = default; - CustomExtension(const CustomExtension &other) : - name(other.name), - mStringValue(other.mStringValue), - mDoubleValue(other.mDoubleValue), - mUint64Value(other.mUint64Value), - mInt64Value(other.mInt64Value), - mBoolValue(other.mBoolValue), - mValues(other.mValues) { - // empty - } + CustomExtension(const CustomExtension &other) = default; CustomExtension& operator=(const CustomExtension&) = default; }; +//! Represents metadata in an glTF2 object +struct Extras { + std::vector mValues; + + inline bool HasExtras() const { + return !mValues.empty(); + } +}; + //! Base class for all glTF top-level objects struct Object { int index; //!< The index of this object within its property container @@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ struct Object { std::string name; //!< The user-defined name of this object CustomExtension customExtensions; - CustomExtension extras; + Extras extras; //! Objects marked as special are not exported (used to emulate the binary body buffer) virtual bool IsSpecial() const { return false; } @@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ struct Buffer : public Object { public: Buffer(); - ~Buffer(); + ~Buffer() override; void Read(Value &obj, Asset &r); @@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ struct Accessor : public Object { inline size_t GetMaxByteSize(); template - void ExtractData(T *&outData); + size_t ExtractData(T *&outData, const std::vector *remappingIndices = nullptr); void WriteData(size_t count, const void *src_buffer, size_t src_stride); void WriteSparseValues(size_t count, const void *src_data, size_t src_dataStride); @@ -719,6 +720,7 @@ const vec4 defaultBaseColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; const vec3 defaultEmissiveFactor = { 0, 0, 0 }; const vec4 defaultDiffuseFactor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; const vec3 defaultSpecularFactor = { 1, 1, 1 }; +const vec3 defaultSpecularColorFactor = { 0, 0, 0 }; const vec3 defaultSheenFactor = { 0, 0, 0 }; const vec3 defaultAttenuationColor = { 1, 1, 1 }; @@ -762,6 +764,16 @@ struct PbrSpecularGlossiness { void SetDefaults(); }; +struct MaterialSpecular { + float specularFactor; + vec3 specularColorFactor; + TextureInfo specularTexture; + TextureInfo specularColorTexture; + + MaterialSpecular() { SetDefaults(); } + void SetDefaults(); +}; + struct MaterialSheen { vec3 sheenColorFactor; float sheenRoughnessFactor; @@ -826,6 +838,9 @@ struct Material : public Object { //extension: KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness Nullable pbrSpecularGlossiness; + //extension: KHR_materials_specular + Nullable materialSpecular; + //extension: KHR_materials_sheen Nullable materialSheen; @@ -1086,8 +1101,7 @@ struct AssetMetadata { void Read(Document &doc); - AssetMetadata() : - version() {} + AssetMetadata() = default; }; // @@ -1109,6 +1123,7 @@ class Asset { //! Keeps info about the enabled extensions struct Extensions { bool KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness; + bool KHR_materials_specular; bool KHR_materials_unlit; bool KHR_lights_punctual; bool KHR_texture_transform; @@ -1124,6 +1139,7 @@ class Asset { Extensions() : KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness(false), + KHR_materials_specular(false), KHR_materials_unlit(false), KHR_lights_punctual(false), KHR_texture_transform(false), diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl index af41c23c31..53ffdaf312 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Asset.inl @@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include +#include +#include +#include // clang-format off #ifdef ASSIMP_ENABLE_DRACO @@ -139,6 +142,18 @@ inline CustomExtension ReadExtensions(const char *name, Value &obj) { return ret; } +inline Extras ReadExtras(Value &obj) { + Extras ret; + + ret.mValues.reserve(obj.MemberCount()); + for (auto it = obj.MemberBegin(); it != obj.MemberEnd(); ++it) { + auto &val = it->value; + ret.mValues.emplace_back(ReadExtensions(it->name.GetString(), val)); + } + + return ret; +} + inline void CopyData(size_t count, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_stride) { if (src_stride == dst_stride) { @@ -248,7 +263,7 @@ inline void Object::ReadExtensions(Value &val) { inline void Object::ReadExtras(Value &val) { if (Value *curExtras = FindObject(val, "extras")) { - this->extras = glTF2::ReadExtensions("extras", *curExtras); + this->extras = glTF2::ReadExtras(*curExtras); } } @@ -962,14 +977,15 @@ inline size_t Accessor::GetMaxByteSize() { } template -void Accessor::ExtractData(T *&outData) { +size_t Accessor::ExtractData(T *&outData, const std::vector *remappingIndices) { uint8_t *data = GetPointer(); if (!data) { throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF2: data is null when extracting data from ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); } + const size_t usedCount = (remappingIndices != nullptr) ? remappingIndices->size() : count; const size_t elemSize = GetElementSize(); - const size_t totalSize = elemSize * count; + const size_t totalSize = elemSize * usedCount; const size_t stride = GetStride(); @@ -980,18 +996,31 @@ void Accessor::ExtractData(T *&outData) { } const size_t maxSize = GetMaxByteSize(); - if (count * stride > maxSize) { - throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: count*stride ", (count * stride), " > maxSize ", maxSize, " in ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); - } - outData = new T[count]; - if (stride == elemSize && targetElemSize == elemSize) { - memcpy(outData, data, totalSize); - } else { - for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { - memcpy(outData + i, data + i * stride, elemSize); + outData = new T[usedCount]; + + if (remappingIndices != nullptr) { + const unsigned int maxIndex = static_cast(maxSize / stride - 1); + for (size_t i = 0; i < usedCount; ++i) { + size_t srcIdx = (*remappingIndices)[i]; + if (srcIdx > maxIndex) { + throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: index*stride ", (srcIdx * stride), " > maxSize ", maxSize, " in ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); + } + memcpy(outData + i, data + srcIdx * stride, elemSize); + } + } else { // non-indexed cases + if (usedCount * stride > maxSize) { + throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: count*stride ", (usedCount * stride), " > maxSize ", maxSize, " in ", getContextForErrorMessages(id, name)); + } + if (stride == elemSize && targetElemSize == elemSize) { + memcpy(outData, data, totalSize); + } else { + for (size_t i = 0; i < usedCount; ++i) { + memcpy(outData + i, data + i * stride, elemSize); + } } } + return usedCount; } inline void Accessor::WriteData(size_t _count, const void *src_buffer, size_t src_stride) { @@ -1249,6 +1278,19 @@ inline void Material::Read(Value &material, Asset &r) { this->pbrSpecularGlossiness = Nullable(pbrSG); } } + + if (r.extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_specular) { + if (Value *curMatSpecular = FindObject(*extensions, "KHR_materials_specular")) { + MaterialSpecular specular; + + ReadMember(*curMatSpecular, "specularFactor", specular.specularFactor); + ReadTextureProperty(r, *curMatSpecular, "specularTexture", specular.specularTexture); + ReadMember(*curMatSpecular, "specularColorFactor", specular.specularColorFactor); + ReadTextureProperty(r, *curMatSpecular, "specularColorTexture", specular.specularColorTexture); + + this->materialSpecular = Nullable(specular); + } + } // Extension KHR_texture_transform is handled in ReadTextureProperty @@ -1347,6 +1389,12 @@ inline void PbrSpecularGlossiness::SetDefaults() { glossinessFactor = 1.0f; } +inline void MaterialSpecular::SetDefaults() { + //KHR_materials_specular properties + SetVector(specularColorFactor, defaultSpecularColorFactor); + specularFactor = 0.f; +} + inline void MaterialSheen::SetDefaults() { //KHR_materials_sheen properties SetVector(sheenColorFactor, defaultSheenFactor); @@ -1903,7 +1951,7 @@ inline void Asset::Load(const std::string &pFile, bool isBinary) std::vector sceneData; rapidjson::Document doc = ReadDocument(*stream, isBinary, sceneData); - // If a schemaDocumentProvider is available, see if the glTF schema is present. + // If a schemaDocumentProvider is available, see if the glTF schema is present. // If so, use it to validate the document. if (mSchemaDocumentProvider) { if (const rapidjson::SchemaDocument *gltfSchema = mSchemaDocumentProvider->GetRemoteDocument("glTF.schema.json", 16)) { @@ -2033,6 +2081,7 @@ inline void Asset::ReadExtensionsUsed(Document &doc) { } CHECK_EXT(KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness); + CHECK_EXT(KHR_materials_specular); CHECK_EXT(KHR_materials_unlit); CHECK_EXT(KHR_lights_punctual); CHECK_EXT(KHR_texture_transform); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.h b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.h index ec216101c8..4e5177b4ef 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.h @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * glTF Extensions Support: * KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness: full + * KHR_materials_specular: full * KHR_materials_unlit: full * KHR_materials_sheen: full * KHR_materials_clearcoat: full diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.inl b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.inl index 868d9cbdfa..30f2580a26 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.inl +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2AssetWriter.inl @@ -418,6 +418,26 @@ namespace glTF2 { exts.AddMember("KHR_materials_unlit", unlit, w.mAl); } + if (m.materialSpecular.isPresent) { + Value materialSpecular(rapidjson::Type::kObjectType); + materialSpecular.SetObject(); + + MaterialSpecular &specular = m.materialSpecular.value; + + if (specular.specularFactor != 0.0f) { + WriteFloat(materialSpecular, specular.specularFactor, "specularFactor", w.mAl); + WriteTex(materialSpecular, specular.specularTexture, "specularTexture", w.mAl); + } + if (specular.specularColorFactor[0] != defaultSpecularColorFactor[0] && specular.specularColorFactor[1] != defaultSpecularColorFactor[1] && specular.specularColorFactor[2] != defaultSpecularColorFactor[2]) { + WriteVec(materialSpecular, specular.specularColorFactor, "specularColorFactor", w.mAl); + WriteTex(materialSpecular, specular.specularColorTexture, "specularColorTexture", w.mAl); + } + + if (!materialSpecular.ObjectEmpty()) { + exts.AddMember("KHR_materials_specular", materialSpecular, w.mAl); + } + } + if (m.materialSheen.isPresent) { Value materialSheen(rapidjson::Type::kObjectType); @@ -550,7 +570,7 @@ namespace glTF2 { inline void Write(Value& obj, Mesh& m, AssetWriter& w) { - /****************** Primitives *******************/ + /****************** Primitives *******************/ Value primitives; primitives.SetArray(); primitives.Reserve(unsigned(m.primitives.size()), w.mAl); @@ -634,6 +654,44 @@ namespace glTF2 { } } + inline void WriteExtrasValue(Value &parent, const CustomExtension &value, AssetWriter &w) { + Value valueNode; + + if (value.mStringValue.isPresent) { + MakeValue(valueNode, value.mStringValue.value.c_str(), w.mAl); + } else if (value.mDoubleValue.isPresent) { + MakeValue(valueNode, value.mDoubleValue.value, w.mAl); + } else if (value.mUint64Value.isPresent) { + MakeValue(valueNode, value.mUint64Value.value, w.mAl); + } else if (value.mInt64Value.isPresent) { + MakeValue(valueNode, value.mInt64Value.value, w.mAl); + } else if (value.mBoolValue.isPresent) { + MakeValue(valueNode, value.mBoolValue.value, w.mAl); + } else if (value.mValues.isPresent) { + valueNode.SetObject(); + for (auto const &subvalue : value.mValues.value) { + WriteExtrasValue(valueNode, subvalue, w); + } + } + + parent.AddMember(StringRef(value.name), valueNode, w.mAl); + } + + inline void WriteExtras(Value &obj, const Extras &extras, AssetWriter &w) { + if (!extras.HasExtras()) { + return; + } + + Value extrasNode; + extrasNode.SetObject(); + + for (auto const &value : extras.mValues) { + WriteExtrasValue(extrasNode, value, w); + } + + obj.AddMember("extras", extrasNode, w.mAl); + } + inline void Write(Value& obj, Node& n, AssetWriter& w) { if (n.matrix.isPresent) { @@ -669,6 +727,8 @@ namespace glTF2 { if(n.skeletons.size()) { AddRefsVector(obj, "skeletons", n.skeletons, w.mAl); } + + WriteExtras(obj, n.extras, w); } inline void Write(Value& /*obj*/, Program& /*b*/, AssetWriter& /*w*/) @@ -742,7 +802,6 @@ namespace glTF2 { } } - inline AssetWriter::AssetWriter(Asset& a) : mDoc() , mAsset(a) @@ -836,7 +895,7 @@ namespace glTF2 { throw DeadlyExportError("Failed to write scene data!"); } - uint32_t jsonChunkLength = (docBuffer.GetSize() + 3) & ~3; // Round up to next multiple of 4 + uint32_t jsonChunkLength = static_cast((docBuffer.GetSize() + 3) & ~3); // Round up to next multiple of 4 auto paddingLength = jsonChunkLength - docBuffer.GetSize(); GLB_Chunk jsonChunk; @@ -862,7 +921,7 @@ namespace glTF2 { int GLB_Chunk_count = 1; uint32_t binaryChunkLength = 0; if (bodyBuffer->byteLength > 0) { - binaryChunkLength = (bodyBuffer->byteLength + 3) & ~3; // Round up to next multiple of 4 + binaryChunkLength = static_cast((bodyBuffer->byteLength + 3) & ~3); // Round up to next multiple of 4 auto curPaddingLength = binaryChunkLength - bodyBuffer->byteLength; ++GLB_Chunk_count; @@ -929,6 +988,10 @@ namespace glTF2 { exts.PushBack(StringRef("KHR_materials_unlit"), mAl); } + if (this->mAsset.extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_specular) { + exts.PushBack(StringRef("KHR_materials_specular"), mAl); + } + if (this->mAsset.extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_sheen) { exts.PushBack(StringRef("KHR_materials_sheen"), mAl); } @@ -980,7 +1043,7 @@ namespace glTF2 { if (d.mObjs.empty()) return; Value* container = &mDoc; - const char* context = "Document"; + const char* context = "Document"; if (d.mExtId) { Value* exts = FindObject(mDoc, "extensions"); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.cpp b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.cpp index 0fdb8e5107..d6f778fbed 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.cpp @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ size_t NZDiff(void *data, void *dataBase, size_t count, unsigned int numCompsIn, for (short idx = 0; bufferData_ptr < bufferData_end; idx += 1, bufferData_ptr += numCompsIn) { bool bNonZero = false; - //for the data, check any component Non Zero + // for the data, check any component Non Zero for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numCompsOut; j++) { double valueData = bufferData_ptr[j]; double valueBase = bufferBase_ptr ? bufferBase_ptr[j] : 0; @@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ size_t NZDiff(void *data, void *dataBase, size_t count, unsigned int numCompsIn, } } - //all zeros, continue + // all zeros, continue if (!bNonZero) continue; - //non zero, store the data + // non zero, store the data for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numCompsOut; j++) { T valueData = bufferData_ptr[j]; T valueBase = bufferBase_ptr ? bufferBase_ptr[j] : 0; @@ -286,14 +286,14 @@ size_t NZDiff(void *data, void *dataBase, size_t count, unsigned int numCompsIn, vNZIdx.push_back(idx); } - //avoid all-0, put 1 item + // avoid all-0, put 1 item if (vNZDiff.size() == 0) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numCompsOut; j++) vNZDiff.push_back(0); vNZIdx.push_back(0); } - //process data + // process data outputNZDiff = new T[vNZDiff.size()]; memcpy(outputNZDiff, vNZDiff.data(), vNZDiff.size() * sizeof(T)); @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ inline Ref ExportDataSparse(Asset &a, std::string &meshName, Refsparse.reset(new Accessor::Sparse); acc->sparse->count = nzCount; - //indices + // indices unsigned int bytesPerIdx = sizeof(unsigned short); size_t indices_offset = buffer->byteLength; size_t indices_padding = indices_offset % bytesPerIdx; @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ inline Ref ExportDataSparse(Asset &a, std::string &meshName, Refsparse->indicesByteOffset = 0; acc->WriteSparseIndices(nzCount, nzIdx, 1 * bytesPerIdx); - //values + // values size_t values_offset = buffer->byteLength; size_t values_padding = values_offset % bytesPerComp; values_offset += values_padding; @@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ inline Ref ExportDataSparse(Asset &a, std::string &meshName, Refsparse->valuesByteOffset = 0; acc->WriteSparseValues(nzCount, nzDiff, numCompsIn * bytesPerComp); - //clear - delete[](char *) nzDiff; - delete[](char *) nzIdx; + // clear + delete[] (char *)nzDiff; + delete[] (char *)nzIdx; } return acc; } @@ -443,6 +443,61 @@ inline Ref ExportData(Asset &a, std::string &meshName, Ref &bu return acc; } +inline void ExportNodeExtras(const aiMetadataEntry &metadataEntry, aiString name, CustomExtension &value) { + + value.name = name.C_Str(); + switch (metadataEntry.mType) { + case AI_BOOL: + value.mBoolValue.value = *static_cast(metadataEntry.mData); + value.mBoolValue.isPresent = true; + break; + case AI_INT32: + value.mInt64Value.value = *static_cast(metadataEntry.mData); + value.mInt64Value.isPresent = true; + break; + case AI_UINT64: + value.mUint64Value.value = *static_cast(metadataEntry.mData); + value.mUint64Value.isPresent = true; + break; + case AI_FLOAT: + value.mDoubleValue.value = *static_cast(metadataEntry.mData); + value.mDoubleValue.isPresent = true; + break; + case AI_DOUBLE: + value.mDoubleValue.value = *static_cast(metadataEntry.mData); + value.mDoubleValue.isPresent = true; + break; + case AI_AISTRING: + value.mStringValue.value = static_cast(metadataEntry.mData)->C_Str(); + value.mStringValue.isPresent = true; + break; + case AI_AIMETADATA: { + const aiMetadata *subMetadata = static_cast(metadataEntry.mData); + value.mValues.value.resize(subMetadata->mNumProperties); + value.mValues.isPresent = true; + + for (unsigned i = 0; i < subMetadata->mNumProperties; ++i) { + ExportNodeExtras(subMetadata->mValues[i], subMetadata->mKeys[i], value.mValues.value.at(i)); + } + break; + } + default: + // AI_AIVECTOR3D not handled + break; + } +} + +inline void ExportNodeExtras(const aiMetadata *metadata, Extras &extras) { + if (metadata == nullptr || metadata->mNumProperties == 0) { + return; + } + + extras.mValues.resize(metadata->mNumProperties); + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < metadata->mNumProperties; ++i) { + ExportNodeExtras(metadata->mValues[i], metadata->mKeys[i], extras.mValues.at(i)); + } +} + inline void SetSamplerWrap(SamplerWrap &wrap, aiTextureMapMode map) { switch (map) { case aiTextureMapMode_Clamp: @@ -516,7 +571,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::GetMatTex(const aiMaterial &mat, Ref &texture, unsi if (mat.GetTextureCount(tt) == 0) { return; } - + aiString tex; // Read texcoord (UV map index) @@ -544,7 +599,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::GetMatTex(const aiMaterial &mat, Ref &texture, unsi if (curTex != nullptr) { // embedded texture->source->name = curTex->mFilename.C_Str(); - //basisu: embedded ktx2, bu + // basisu: embedded ktx2, bu if (curTex->achFormatHint[0]) { std::string mimeType = "image/"; if (memcmp(curTex->achFormatHint, "jpg", 3) == 0) @@ -564,7 +619,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::GetMatTex(const aiMaterial &mat, Ref &texture, unsi } // The asset has its own buffer, see Image::SetData - //basisu: "image/ktx2", "image/basis" as is + // basisu: "image/ktx2", "image/basis" as is texture->source->SetData(reinterpret_cast(curTex->pcData), curTex->mWidth, *mAsset); } else { texture->source->uri = path; @@ -574,7 +629,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::GetMatTex(const aiMaterial &mat, Ref &texture, unsi } } - //basisu + // basisu if (useBasisUniversal) { mAsset->extensionsUsed.KHR_texture_basisu = true; mAsset->extensionsRequired.KHR_texture_basisu = true; @@ -597,7 +652,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::GetMatTex(const aiMaterial &mat, NormalTextureInfo &prop, ai GetMatTex(mat, texture, prop.texCoord, tt, slot); if (texture) { - //GetMatTexProp(mat, prop.texCoord, "texCoord", tt, slot); + // GetMatTexProp(mat, prop.texCoord, "texCoord", tt, slot); GetMatTexProp(mat, prop.scale, "scale", tt, slot); } } @@ -608,7 +663,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::GetMatTex(const aiMaterial &mat, OcclusionTextureInfo &prop, GetMatTex(mat, texture, prop.texCoord, tt, slot); if (texture) { - //GetMatTexProp(mat, prop.texCoord, "texCoord", tt, slot); + // GetMatTexProp(mat, prop.texCoord, "texCoord", tt, slot); GetMatTexProp(mat, prop.strength, "strength", tt, slot); } } @@ -640,11 +695,10 @@ aiReturn glTF2Exporter::GetMatColor(const aiMaterial &mat, vec3 &prop, const cha return result; } +// This extension has been deprecated, only export with the specific flag enabled, defaults to false. Uses KHR_material_specular default. bool glTF2Exporter::GetMatSpecGloss(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::PbrSpecularGlossiness &pbrSG) { bool result = false; // If has Glossiness, a Specular Color or Specular Texture, use the KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness extension - // NOTE: This extension is being considered for deprecation (Dec 2020), may be replaced by KHR_material_specular - if (mat.Get(AI_MATKEY_GLOSSINESS_FACTOR, pbrSG.glossinessFactor) == AI_SUCCESS) { result = true; } else { @@ -674,6 +728,25 @@ bool glTF2Exporter::GetMatSpecGloss(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::PbrSpecularGlo return result; } +bool glTF2Exporter::GetMatSpecular(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::MaterialSpecular &specular) { + // Specular requires either/or, default factors of zero disables specular, so do not export + if (GetMatColor(mat, specular.specularColorFactor, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR) != AI_SUCCESS && mat.Get(AI_MATKEY_SPECULAR_FACTOR, specular.specularFactor) != AI_SUCCESS) { + return false; + } + // The spec states that the default is 1.0 and [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]. We if both are 0, which should disable specular. Otherwise, if one is 0, set to 1.0 + const bool colorFactorIsZero = specular.specularColorFactor[0] == defaultSpecularColorFactor[0] && specular.specularColorFactor[1] == defaultSpecularColorFactor[1] && specular.specularColorFactor[2] == defaultSpecularColorFactor[2]; + if (specular.specularFactor == 0.0f && colorFactorIsZero) { + return false; + } else if (specular.specularFactor == 0.0f) { + specular.specularFactor = 1.0f; + } else if (colorFactorIsZero) { + specular.specularColorFactor[0] = specular.specularColorFactor[1] = specular.specularColorFactor[2] = 1.0f; + } + GetMatTex(mat, specular.specularColorTexture, aiTextureType_SPECULAR); + GetMatTex(mat, specular.specularTexture, aiTextureType_SPECULAR); + return true; +} + bool glTF2Exporter::GetMatSheen(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::MaterialSheen &sheen) { // Return true if got any valid Sheen properties or textures if (GetMatColor(mat, sheen.sheenColorFactor, AI_MATKEY_SHEEN_COLOR_FACTOR) != aiReturn_SUCCESS) { @@ -759,20 +832,30 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMaterials() { GetMatTex(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture, aiTextureType_BASE_COLOR); if (!m->pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.texture) { - //if there wasn't a baseColorTexture defined in the source, fallback to any diffuse texture + // if there wasn't a baseColorTexture defined in the source, fallback to any diffuse texture GetMatTex(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture, aiTextureType_DIFFUSE); } - GetMatTex(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_PBRMETALLICROUGHNESS_METALLICROUGHNESS_TEXTURE); + GetMatTex(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture, aiTextureType_DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS); + + if (!m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.texture) { + // if there wasn't a aiTextureType_DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS defined in the source, fallback to aiTextureType_METALNESS + GetMatTex(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture, aiTextureType_METALNESS); + } + + if (!m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.texture) { + // if there still wasn't a aiTextureType_METALNESS defined in the source, fallback to AI_MATKEY_GLTF_PBRMETALLICROUGHNESS_METALLICROUGHNESS_TEXTURE + GetMatTex(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_PBRMETALLICROUGHNESS_METALLICROUGHNESS_TEXTURE); + } if (GetMatColor(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor, AI_MATKEY_BASE_COLOR) != AI_SUCCESS) { // if baseColorFactor wasn't defined, then the source is likely not a metallic roughness material. - //a fallback to any diffuse color should be used instead + // a fallback to any diffuse color should be used instead GetMatColor(mat, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); } if (mat.Get(AI_MATKEY_METALLIC_FACTOR, m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor) != AI_SUCCESS) { - //if metallicFactor wasn't defined, then the source is likely not a PBR file, and the metallicFactor should be 0 + // if metallicFactor wasn't defined, then the source is likely not a PBR file, and the metallicFactor should be 0 m->pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor = 0; } @@ -785,10 +868,10 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMaterials() { if (mat.Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR, specularColor) == AI_SUCCESS && mat.Get(AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, shininess) == AI_SUCCESS) { // convert specular color to luminance float specularIntensity = specularColor[0] * 0.2125f + specularColor[1] * 0.7154f + specularColor[2] * 0.0721f; - //normalize shininess (assuming max is 1000) with an inverse exponentional curve + // normalize shininess (assuming max is 1000) with an inverse exponentional curve float normalizedShininess = std::sqrt(shininess / 1000); - //clamp the shininess value between 0 and 1 + // clamp the shininess value between 0 and 1 normalizedShininess = std::min(std::max(normalizedShininess, 0.0f), 1.0f); // low specular intensity values should produce a rough material even if shininess is high. normalizedShininess = normalizedShininess * specularIntensity; @@ -818,9 +901,9 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMaterials() { m->alphaMode = alphaMode.C_Str(); } - { + // This extension has been deprecated, only export with the specific flag enabled, defaults to false. Uses KHR_material_specular default. + if (mProperties->GetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_USE_GLTF_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS)) { // KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness extension - // NOTE: This extension is being considered for deprecation (Dec 2020) PbrSpecularGlossiness pbrSG; if (GetMatSpecGloss(mat, pbrSG)) { mAsset->extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness = true; @@ -837,7 +920,12 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMaterials() { } else { // These extensions are not compatible with KHR_materials_unlit or KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness if (!m->pbrSpecularGlossiness.isPresent) { - // Sheen + MaterialSpecular specular; + if (GetMatSpecular(mat, specular)) { + mAsset->extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_specular = true; + m->materialSpecular = Nullable(specular); + } + MaterialSheen sheen; if (GetMatSheen(mat, sheen)) { mAsset->extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_sheen = true; @@ -855,13 +943,13 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMaterials() { mAsset->extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_transmission = true; m->materialTransmission = Nullable(transmission); } - + MaterialVolume volume; if (GetMatVolume(mat, volume)) { mAsset->extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_volume = true; m->materialVolume = Nullable(volume); } - + MaterialIOR ior; if (GetMatIOR(mat, ior)) { mAsset->extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_ior = true; @@ -921,7 +1009,7 @@ Ref FindSkeletonRootJoint(Ref &skinRef) { return parentNodeRef; } -void ExportSkin(Asset &mAsset, const aiMesh *aimesh, Ref &meshRef, Ref &bufferRef, Ref &skinRef, +void ExportSkin(Asset &mAsset, const aiMesh *aimesh, Ref &meshRef, Ref &bufferRef, Ref &skinRef, std::vector &inverseBindMatricesData) { if (aimesh->mNumBones < 1) { return; @@ -981,19 +1069,19 @@ void ExportSkin(Asset &mAsset, const aiMesh *aimesh, Ref &meshRef, Ref(jointNamesIndex); } - }else { + } else { vertexJointData[vertexId][jointsPerVertex[vertexId]] = static_cast(jointNamesIndex); vertexWeightData[vertexId][jointsPerVertex[vertexId]] = vertWeight; - jointsPerVertex[vertexId] += 1; + jointsPerVertex[vertexId] += 1; } } } // End: for-loop mNumMeshes Mesh::Primitive &p = meshRef->primitives.back(); - Ref vertexJointAccessor = ExportData(mAsset, skinRef->id, bufferRef, aimesh->mNumVertices, - vertexJointData, AttribType::VEC4, AttribType::VEC4, ComponentType_FLOAT); + Ref vertexJointAccessor = ExportData(mAsset, skinRef->id, bufferRef, aimesh->mNumVertices, + vertexJointData, AttribType::VEC4, AttribType::VEC4, ComponentType_FLOAT); if (vertexJointAccessor) { size_t offset = vertexJointAccessor->bufferView->byteOffset; size_t bytesLen = vertexJointAccessor->bufferView->byteLength; @@ -1077,7 +1165,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMeshes() { /******************* Vertices ********************/ Ref v = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, aim->mNumVertices, aim->mVertices, AttribType::VEC3, - AttribType::VEC3, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); + AttribType::VEC3, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); if (v) { p.attributes.position.push_back(v); } @@ -1090,8 +1178,8 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMeshes() { } } - Ref n = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, aim->mNumVertices, aim->mNormals, AttribType::VEC3, - AttribType::VEC3, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); + Ref n = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, aim->mNumVertices, aim->mNormals, AttribType::VEC3, + AttribType::VEC3, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); if (n) { p.attributes.normal.push_back(n); } @@ -1112,8 +1200,8 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMeshes() { if (aim->mNumUVComponents[i] > 0) { AttribType::Value type = (aim->mNumUVComponents[i] == 2) ? AttribType::VEC2 : AttribType::VEC3; - Ref tc = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, aim->mNumVertices, aim->mTextureCoords[i], - AttribType::VEC3, type, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); + Ref tc = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, aim->mNumVertices, aim->mTextureCoords[i], + AttribType::VEC3, type, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); if (tc) { p.attributes.texcoord.push_back(tc); } @@ -1123,7 +1211,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMeshes() { /*************** Vertex colors ****************/ for (unsigned int indexColorChannel = 0; indexColorChannel < aim->GetNumColorChannels(); ++indexColorChannel) { Ref c = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, aim->mNumVertices, aim->mColors[indexColorChannel], - AttribType::VEC4, AttribType::VEC4, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); + AttribType::VEC4, AttribType::VEC4, ComponentType_FLOAT, BufferViewTarget_ARRAY_BUFFER); if (c) { p.attributes.color.push_back(c); } @@ -1140,8 +1228,8 @@ void glTF2Exporter::ExportMeshes() { } } - p.indices = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, indices.size(), &indices[0], AttribType::SCALAR, AttribType::SCALAR, - ComponentType_UNSIGNED_INT, BufferViewTarget_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); + p.indices = ExportData(*mAsset, meshId, b, indices.size(), &indices[0], AttribType::SCALAR, AttribType::SCALAR, + ComponentType_UNSIGNED_INT, BufferViewTarget_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); } switch (aim->mPrimitiveTypes) { @@ -1284,24 +1372,24 @@ void glTF2Exporter::MergeMeshes() { unsigned int nMeshes = static_cast(node->meshes.size()); - //skip if it's 1 or less meshes per node + // skip if it's 1 or less meshes per node if (nMeshes > 1) { Ref firstMesh = node->meshes.at(0); - //loop backwards to allow easy removal of a mesh from a node once it's merged + // loop backwards to allow easy removal of a mesh from a node once it's merged for (unsigned int m = nMeshes - 1; m >= 1; --m) { Ref mesh = node->meshes.at(m); - //append this mesh's primitives to the first mesh's primitives + // append this mesh's primitives to the first mesh's primitives firstMesh->primitives.insert( firstMesh->primitives.end(), mesh->primitives.begin(), mesh->primitives.end()); - //remove the mesh from the list of meshes + // remove the mesh from the list of meshes unsigned int removedIndex = mAsset->meshes.Remove(mesh->id.c_str()); - //find the presence of the removed mesh in other nodes + // find the presence of the removed mesh in other nodes for (unsigned int nn = 0; nn < mAsset->nodes.Size(); ++nn) { Ref curNode = mAsset->nodes.Get(nn); @@ -1320,7 +1408,7 @@ void glTF2Exporter::MergeMeshes() { } } - //since we were looping backwards, reverse the order of merged primitives to their original order + // since we were looping backwards, reverse the order of merged primitives to their original order std::reverse(firstMesh->primitives.begin() + 1, firstMesh->primitives.end()); } } @@ -1363,6 +1451,8 @@ unsigned int glTF2Exporter::ExportNode(const aiNode *n, Ref &parent) { node->parent = parent; node->name = name; + ExportNodeExtras(n->mMetaData, node->extras); + if (!n->mTransformation.IsIdentity()) { if (mScene->mNumAnimations > 0 || (mProperties && mProperties->HasPropertyBool("GLTF2_NODE_IN_TRS"))) { aiQuaternion quaternion; @@ -1445,9 +1535,9 @@ inline void ExtractTranslationSampler(Asset &asset, std::string &animId, RefmPositionKeys[i]; // mTime is measured in ticks, but GLTF time is measured in seconds, so convert. times[i] = static_cast(key.mTime / ticksPerSecond); - values[(i * 3) + 0] = (ai_real) key.mValue.x; - values[(i * 3) + 1] = (ai_real) key.mValue.y; - values[(i * 3) + 2] = (ai_real) key.mValue.z; + values[(i * 3) + 0] = (ai_real)key.mValue.x; + values[(i * 3) + 1] = (ai_real)key.mValue.y; + values[(i * 3) + 2] = (ai_real)key.mValue.z; } sampler.input = GetSamplerInputRef(asset, animId, buffer, times); @@ -1464,9 +1554,9 @@ inline void ExtractScaleSampler(Asset &asset, std::string &animId, Ref & const aiVectorKey &key = nodeChannel->mScalingKeys[i]; // mTime is measured in ticks, but GLTF time is measured in seconds, so convert. times[i] = static_cast(key.mTime / ticksPerSecond); - values[(i * 3) + 0] = (ai_real) key.mValue.x; - values[(i * 3) + 1] = (ai_real) key.mValue.y; - values[(i * 3) + 2] = (ai_real) key.mValue.z; + values[(i * 3) + 0] = (ai_real)key.mValue.x; + values[(i * 3) + 1] = (ai_real)key.mValue.y; + values[(i * 3) + 2] = (ai_real)key.mValue.z; } sampler.input = GetSamplerInputRef(asset, animId, buffer, times); @@ -1483,10 +1573,10 @@ inline void ExtractRotationSampler(Asset &asset, std::string &animId, RefmRotationKeys[i]; // mTime is measured in ticks, but GLTF time is measured in seconds, so convert. times[i] = static_cast(key.mTime / ticksPerSecond); - values[(i * 4) + 0] = (ai_real) key.mValue.x; - values[(i * 4) + 1] = (ai_real) key.mValue.y; - values[(i * 4) + 2] = (ai_real) key.mValue.z; - values[(i * 4) + 3] = (ai_real) key.mValue.w; + values[(i * 4) + 0] = (ai_real)key.mValue.x; + values[(i * 4) + 1] = (ai_real)key.mValue.y; + values[(i * 4) + 2] = (ai_real)key.mValue.z; + values[(i * 4) + 3] = (ai_real)key.mValue.w; } sampler.input = GetSamplerInputRef(asset, animId, buffer, times); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.h b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.h index 425180b143..7bf57b5676 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Exporter.h @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ struct OcclusionTextureInfo; struct Node; struct Texture; struct PbrSpecularGlossiness; +struct MaterialSpecular; struct MaterialSheen; struct MaterialClearcoat; struct MaterialTransmission; @@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ class glTF2Exporter { aiReturn GetMatColor(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::vec4 &prop, const char *propName, int type, int idx) const; aiReturn GetMatColor(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::vec3 &prop, const char *propName, int type, int idx) const; bool GetMatSpecGloss(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::PbrSpecularGlossiness &pbrSG); + bool GetMatSpecular(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::MaterialSpecular &specular); bool GetMatSheen(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::MaterialSheen &sheen); bool GetMatClearcoat(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::MaterialClearcoat &clearcoat); bool GetMatTransmission(const aiMaterial &mat, glTF2::MaterialTransmission &transmission); diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp index 7d3a4b9fe5..0fed11ceff 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.cpp @@ -96,15 +96,10 @@ static const aiImporterDesc desc = { }; glTF2Importer::glTF2Importer() : - BaseImporter(), - meshOffsets(), - mEmbeddedTexIdxs(), mScene(nullptr) { // empty } -glTF2Importer::~glTF2Importer() = default; - const aiImporterDesc *glTF2Importer::GetInfo() const { return &desc; } @@ -117,7 +112,11 @@ bool glTF2Importer::CanRead(const std::string &filename, IOSystem *pIOHandler, b if (pIOHandler) { glTF2::Asset asset(pIOHandler); - return asset.CanRead(filename, extension == "glb"); + return asset.CanRead( + filename, + CheckMagicToken( + pIOHandler, filename, AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER, 1, 0, + static_cast(strlen(AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER)))); } return false; @@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ static void SetMaterialTextureProperty(std::vector &embeddedTexIdxs, Asset const ai_real rsin(sin(-transform.mRotation)); transform.mTranslation.x = (static_cast(0.5) * transform.mScaling.x) * (-rcos + rsin + 1) + prop.TextureTransformExt_t.offset[0]; transform.mTranslation.y = ((static_cast(0.5) * transform.mScaling.y) * (rsin + rcos - 1)) + 1 - transform.mScaling.y - prop.TextureTransformExt_t.offset[1]; - ; mat->AddProperty(&transform, 1, _AI_MATKEY_UVTRANSFORM_BASE, texType, texSlot); } @@ -236,7 +234,8 @@ inline void SetMaterialTextureProperty(std::vector &embeddedTexIdxs, Asset SetMaterialTextureProperty(embeddedTexIdxs, r, (glTF2::TextureInfo)prop, mat, texType, texSlot); if (prop.texture && prop.texture->source) { - mat->AddProperty(&prop.strength, 1, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_TEXTURE_STRENGTH(texType, texSlot)); + std::string textureStrengthKey = std::string(_AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_BASE) + "." + "strength"; + mat->AddProperty(&prop.strength, 1, textureStrengthKey.c_str(), texType, texSlot); } } @@ -282,8 +281,19 @@ static aiMaterial *ImportMaterial(std::vector &embeddedTexIdxs, Asset &r, M aimat->AddProperty(&alphaMode, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_ALPHAMODE); aimat->AddProperty(&mat.alphaCutoff, 1, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_ALPHACUTOFF); + // KHR_materials_specular + if (mat.materialSpecular.isPresent) { + MaterialSpecular &specular = mat.materialSpecular.value; + // Default values of zero disables Specular + if (std::memcmp(specular.specularColorFactor, defaultSpecularColorFactor, sizeof(glTFCommon::vec3)) != 0 || specular.specularFactor != 0.0f) { + SetMaterialColorProperty(r, specular.specularColorFactor, aimat, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR); + aimat->AddProperty(&specular.specularFactor, 1, AI_MATKEY_SPECULAR_FACTOR); + SetMaterialTextureProperty(embeddedTexIdxs, r, specular.specularTexture, aimat, aiTextureType_SPECULAR); + SetMaterialTextureProperty(embeddedTexIdxs, r, specular.specularColorTexture, aimat, aiTextureType_SPECULAR); + } + } // pbrSpecularGlossiness - if (mat.pbrSpecularGlossiness.isPresent) { + else if (mat.pbrSpecularGlossiness.isPresent) { PbrSpecularGlossiness &pbrSG = mat.pbrSpecularGlossiness.value; SetMaterialColorProperty(r, pbrSG.diffuseFactor, aimat, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); @@ -436,10 +446,10 @@ static inline bool CheckValidFacesIndices(aiFace *faces, unsigned nFaces, unsign #endif // ASSIMP_BUILD_DEBUG template -aiColor4D *GetVertexColorsForType(Ref input) { +aiColor4D *GetVertexColorsForType(Ref input, std::vector *vertexRemappingTable) { constexpr float max = std::numeric_limits::max(); aiColor4t *colors; - input->ExtractData(colors); + input->ExtractData(colors, vertexRemappingTable); auto output = new aiColor4D[input->count]; for (size_t i = 0; i < input->count; i++) { output[i] = aiColor4D( @@ -454,18 +464,73 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("Importing ", r.meshes.Size(), " meshes"); std::vector> meshes; - unsigned int k = 0; meshOffsets.clear(); + meshOffsets.reserve(r.meshes.Size() + 1); + mVertexRemappingTables.clear(); + // Count the number of aiMeshes + unsigned int num_aiMeshes = 0; for (unsigned int m = 0; m < r.meshes.Size(); ++m) { - Mesh &mesh = r.meshes[m]; + meshOffsets.push_back(num_aiMeshes); + num_aiMeshes += unsigned(r.meshes[m].primitives.size()); + } + meshOffsets.push_back(num_aiMeshes); // add a last element so we can always do meshOffsets[n+1] - meshOffsets[n] - meshOffsets.push_back(k); - k += unsigned(mesh.primitives.size()); + std::vector reverseMappingIndices; + std::vector indexBuffer; + meshes.reserve(num_aiMeshes); + mVertexRemappingTables.resize(num_aiMeshes); + + for (unsigned int m = 0; m < r.meshes.Size(); ++m) { + Mesh &mesh = r.meshes[m]; for (unsigned int p = 0; p < mesh.primitives.size(); ++p) { Mesh::Primitive &prim = mesh.primitives[p]; + Mesh::Primitive::Attributes &attr = prim.attributes; + + // Find out the maximum number of vertices: + size_t numAllVertices = 0; + if (!attr.position.empty() && attr.position[0]) { + numAllVertices = attr.position[0]->count; + } + + // Extract used vertices: + bool useIndexBuffer = prim.indices; + std::vector *vertexRemappingTable = nullptr; + + if (useIndexBuffer) { + size_t count = prim.indices->count; + indexBuffer.resize(count); + reverseMappingIndices.clear(); + vertexRemappingTable = &mVertexRemappingTables[meshes.size()]; + vertexRemappingTable->reserve(count / 3); // this is a very rough heuristic to reduce re-allocations + Accessor::Indexer data = prim.indices->GetIndexer(); + if (!data.IsValid()) { + throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Invalid accessor without data in mesh ", getContextForErrorMessages(mesh.id, mesh.name)); + } + + // Build the vertex remapping table and the modified index buffer (used later instead of the original one) + // In case no index buffer is used, the original vertex arrays are being used so no remapping is required in the first place. + const unsigned int unusedIndex = ~0u; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + unsigned int index = data.GetUInt(i); + if (index >= numAllVertices) { + // Out-of-range indices will be filtered out when adding the faces and then lead to a warning. At this stage, we just keep them. + indexBuffer[i] = index; + continue; + } + if (index >= reverseMappingIndices.size()) { + reverseMappingIndices.resize(index + 1, unusedIndex); + } + if (reverseMappingIndices[index] == unusedIndex) { + reverseMappingIndices[index] = static_cast(vertexRemappingTable->size()); + vertexRemappingTable->push_back(index); + } + indexBuffer[i] = reverseMappingIndices[index]; + } + } + aiMesh *aim = new aiMesh(); meshes.push_back(std::unique_ptr(aim)); @@ -495,28 +560,25 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { break; } - Mesh::Primitive::Attributes &attr = prim.attributes; - if (!attr.position.empty() && attr.position[0]) { - aim->mNumVertices = static_cast(attr.position[0]->count); - attr.position[0]->ExtractData(aim->mVertices); + aim->mNumVertices = static_cast(attr.position[0]->ExtractData(aim->mVertices, vertexRemappingTable)); } if (!attr.normal.empty() && attr.normal[0]) { - if (attr.normal[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.normal[0]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Normal count in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count, normals ignored."); } else { - attr.normal[0]->ExtractData(aim->mNormals); + attr.normal[0]->ExtractData(aim->mNormals, vertexRemappingTable); // only extract tangents if normals are present if (!attr.tangent.empty() && attr.tangent[0]) { - if (attr.tangent[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.tangent[0]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Tangent count in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count, tangents ignored."); } else { // generate bitangents from normals and tangents according to spec Tangent *tangents = nullptr; - attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangents); + attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangents, vertexRemappingTable); aim->mTangents = new aiVector3D[aim->mNumVertices]; aim->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[aim->mNumVertices]; @@ -533,7 +595,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } for (size_t c = 0; c < attr.color.size() && c < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++c) { - if (attr.color[c]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.color[c]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Color stream size in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); continue; @@ -541,12 +603,12 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { auto componentType = attr.color[c]->componentType; if (componentType == glTF2::ComponentType_FLOAT) { - attr.color[c]->ExtractData(aim->mColors[c]); + attr.color[c]->ExtractData(aim->mColors[c], vertexRemappingTable); } else { if (componentType == glTF2::ComponentType_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { - aim->mColors[c] = GetVertexColorsForType(attr.color[c]); + aim->mColors[c] = GetVertexColorsForType(attr.color[c], vertexRemappingTable); } else if (componentType == glTF2::ComponentType_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { - aim->mColors[c] = GetVertexColorsForType(attr.color[c]); + aim->mColors[c] = GetVertexColorsForType(attr.color[c], vertexRemappingTable); } } } @@ -556,13 +618,13 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { continue; } - if (attr.texcoord[tc]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (attr.texcoord[tc]->count != numAllVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Texcoord stream size in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); continue; } - attr.texcoord[tc]->ExtractData(aim->mTextureCoords[tc]); + attr.texcoord[tc]->ExtractData(aim->mTextureCoords[tc], vertexRemappingTable); aim->mNumUVComponents[tc] = attr.texcoord[tc]->GetNumComponents(); aiVector3D *values = aim->mTextureCoords[tc]; @@ -587,11 +649,11 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { Mesh::Primitive::Target &target = targets[i]; if (needPositions) { - if (target.position[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (target.position[0]->count != numAllVertices) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Positions of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); } else { aiVector3D *positionDiff = nullptr; - target.position[0]->ExtractData(positionDiff); + target.position[0]->ExtractData(positionDiff, vertexRemappingTable); for (unsigned int vertexId = 0; vertexId < aim->mNumVertices; vertexId++) { aiAnimMesh.mVertices[vertexId] += positionDiff[vertexId]; } @@ -599,11 +661,11 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } } if (needNormals) { - if (target.normal[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + if (target.normal[0]->count != numAllVertices) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Normals of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); } else { aiVector3D *normalDiff = nullptr; - target.normal[0]->ExtractData(normalDiff); + target.normal[0]->ExtractData(normalDiff, vertexRemappingTable); for (unsigned int vertexId = 0; vertexId < aim->mNumVertices; vertexId++) { aiAnimMesh.mNormals[vertexId] += normalDiff[vertexId]; } @@ -614,14 +676,14 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { if (!aiAnimMesh.HasNormals()) { // prevent nullptr access to aiAnimMesh.mNormals below when no normals are available ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Bitangents of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" can't be computed, because mesh has no normals."); - } else if (target.tangent[0]->count != aim->mNumVertices) { + } else if (target.tangent[0]->count != numAllVertices) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Tangents of target ", i, " in mesh \"", mesh.name, "\" does not match the vertex count"); } else { Tangent *tangent = nullptr; - attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangent); + attr.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangent, vertexRemappingTable); aiVector3D *tangentDiff = nullptr; - target.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangentDiff); + target.tangent[0]->ExtractData(tangentDiff, vertexRemappingTable); for (unsigned int vertexId = 0; vertexId < aim->mNumVertices; ++vertexId) { tangent[vertexId].xyz += tangentDiff[vertexId]; @@ -645,20 +707,15 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { aiFace *facePtr = nullptr; size_t nFaces = 0; - if (prim.indices) { - size_t count = prim.indices->count; - - Accessor::Indexer data = prim.indices->GetIndexer(); - if (!data.IsValid()) { - throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Invalid accessor without data in mesh ", getContextForErrorMessages(mesh.id, mesh.name)); - } + if (useIndexBuffer) { + size_t count = indexBuffer.size(); switch (prim.mode) { case PrimitiveMode_POINTS: { nFaces = count; facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { - SetFaceAndAdvance1(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i)); + SetFaceAndAdvance1(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i]); } break; } @@ -671,7 +728,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 1)); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 1]); } break; } @@ -680,12 +737,12 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { case PrimitiveMode_LINE_STRIP: { nFaces = count - ((prim.mode == PrimitiveMode_LINE_STRIP) ? 1 : 0); facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(0), data.GetUInt(1)); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[0], indexBuffer[1]); for (unsigned int i = 2; i < count; ++i) { - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i - 1), data.GetUInt(i)); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i - 1], indexBuffer[i]); } if (prim.mode == PrimitiveMode_LINE_LOOP) { // close the loop - SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(static_cast(count) - 1), faces[0].mIndices[0]); + SetFaceAndAdvance2(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[static_cast(count) - 1], faces[0].mIndices[0]); } break; } @@ -698,7 +755,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i += 3) { - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } break; } @@ -709,10 +766,10 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { // The ordering is to ensure that the triangles are all drawn with the same orientation if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) { // For even n, vertices n + 1, n, and n + 2 define triangle n - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } else { // For odd n, vertices n, n+1, and n+2 define triangle n - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(i), data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[i], indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } } break; @@ -720,9 +777,9 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { case PrimitiveMode_TRIANGLE_FAN: nFaces = count - 2; facePtr = faces = new aiFace[nFaces]; - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(0), data.GetUInt(1), data.GetUInt(2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[0], indexBuffer[1], indexBuffer[2]); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nFaces; ++i) { - SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, data.GetUInt(0), data.GetUInt(i + 1), data.GetUInt(i + 2)); + SetFaceAndAdvance3(facePtr, aim->mNumVertices, indexBuffer[0], indexBuffer[i + 1], indexBuffer[i + 2]); } break; } @@ -827,8 +884,6 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportMeshes(glTF2::Asset &r) { } } - meshOffsets.push_back(k); - CopyVector(meshes, mScene->mMeshes, mScene->mNumMeshes); } @@ -853,7 +908,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportCameras(glTF2::Asset &r) { if (cam.type == Camera::Perspective) { aicam->mAspect = cam.cameraProperties.perspective.aspectRatio; - aicam->mHorizontalFOV = cam.cameraProperties.perspective.yfov * ((aicam->mAspect == 0.f) ? 1.f : aicam->mAspect); + aicam->mHorizontalFOV = 2.0f * std::atan(std::tan(cam.cameraProperties.perspective.yfov * 0.5f) * ((aicam->mAspect == 0.f) ? 1.f : aicam->mAspect)); aicam->mClipPlaneFar = cam.cameraProperties.perspective.zfar; aicam->mClipPlaneNear = cam.cameraProperties.perspective.znear; } else { @@ -961,7 +1016,8 @@ static void GetNodeTransform(aiMatrix4x4 &matrix, const glTF2::Node &node) { } } -static void BuildVertexWeightMapping(Mesh::Primitive &primitive, std::vector> &map) { +static void BuildVertexWeightMapping(Mesh::Primitive &primitive, std::vector> &map, std::vector* vertexRemappingTablePtr) { + Mesh::Primitive::Attributes &attr = primitive.attributes; if (attr.weight.empty() || attr.joint.empty()) { return; @@ -970,14 +1026,14 @@ static void BuildVertexWeightMapping(Mesh::Primitive &primitive, std::vectorcount; + size_t num_vertices = 0; struct Weights { float values[4]; }; Weights **weights = new Weights*[attr.weight.size()]; for (size_t w = 0; w < attr.weight.size(); ++w) { - attr.weight[w]->ExtractData(weights[w]); + num_vertices = attr.weight[w]->ExtractData(weights[w], vertexRemappingTablePtr); } struct Indices8 { @@ -991,12 +1047,12 @@ static void BuildVertexWeightMapping(Mesh::Primitive &primitive, std::vectorGetElementSize() == 4) { indices8 = new Indices8*[attr.joint.size()]; for (size_t j = 0; j < attr.joint.size(); ++j) { - attr.joint[j]->ExtractData(indices8[j]); + attr.joint[j]->ExtractData(indices8[j], vertexRemappingTablePtr); } } else { indices16 = new Indices16 *[attr.joint.size()]; for (size_t j = 0; j < attr.joint.size(); ++j) { - attr.joint[j]->ExtractData(indices16[j]); + attr.joint[j]->ExtractData(indices16[j], vertexRemappingTablePtr); } } // @@ -1055,15 +1111,13 @@ void ParseExtensions(aiMetadata *metadata, const CustomExtension &extension) { } } -void ParseExtras(aiMetadata *metadata, const CustomExtension &extension) { - if (extension.mValues.isPresent) { - for (auto const &subExtension : extension.mValues.value) { - ParseExtensions(metadata, subExtension); - } +void ParseExtras(aiMetadata* metadata, const Extras& extras) { + for (auto const &value : extras.mValues) { + ParseExtensions(metadata, value); } } -aiNode *ImportNode(aiScene *pScene, glTF2::Asset &r, std::vector &meshOffsets, glTF2::Ref &ptr) { +aiNode *glTF2Importer::ImportNode(glTF2::Asset &r, glTF2::Ref &ptr) { Node &node = *ptr; aiNode *ainode = new aiNode(GetNodeName(node)); @@ -1075,18 +1129,18 @@ aiNode *ImportNode(aiScene *pScene, glTF2::Asset &r, std::vector & std::fill(ainode->mChildren, ainode->mChildren + ainode->mNumChildren, nullptr); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ainode->mNumChildren; ++i) { - aiNode *child = ImportNode(pScene, r, meshOffsets, node.children[i]); + aiNode *child = ImportNode(r, node.children[i]); child->mParent = ainode; ainode->mChildren[i] = child; } } - if (node.customExtensions || node.extras) { + if (node.customExtensions || node.extras.HasExtras()) { ainode->mMetaData = new aiMetadata; if (node.customExtensions) { ParseExtensions(ainode->mMetaData, node.customExtensions); } - if (node.extras) { + if (node.extras.HasExtras()) { ParseExtras(ainode->mMetaData, node.extras); } } @@ -1108,11 +1162,13 @@ aiNode *ImportNode(aiScene *pScene, glTF2::Asset &r, std::vector & if (node.skin) { for (int primitiveNo = 0; primitiveNo < count; ++primitiveNo) { - aiMesh *mesh = pScene->mMeshes[meshOffsets[mesh_idx] + primitiveNo]; + unsigned int aiMeshIdx = meshOffsets[mesh_idx] + primitiveNo; + aiMesh *mesh = mScene->mMeshes[aiMeshIdx]; unsigned int numBones = static_cast(node.skin->jointNames.size()); + std::vector *vertexRemappingTablePtr = mVertexRemappingTables[aiMeshIdx].empty() ? nullptr : &mVertexRemappingTables[aiMeshIdx]; std::vector> weighting(numBones); - BuildVertexWeightMapping(node.meshes[0]->primitives[primitiveNo], weighting); + BuildVertexWeightMapping(node.meshes[0]->primitives[primitiveNo], weighting, vertexRemappingTablePtr); mesh->mNumBones = static_cast(numBones); mesh->mBones = new aiBone *[mesh->mNumBones]; @@ -1129,7 +1185,7 @@ aiNode *ImportNode(aiScene *pScene, glTF2::Asset &r, std::vector & // mapping which makes things doubly-slow. mat4 *pbindMatrices = nullptr; - node.skin->inverseBindMatrices->ExtractData(pbindMatrices); + node.skin->inverseBindMatrices->ExtractData(pbindMatrices, nullptr); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numBones; ++i) { const std::vector &weights = weighting[i]; @@ -1175,16 +1231,11 @@ aiNode *ImportNode(aiScene *pScene, glTF2::Asset &r, std::vector & } if (node.camera) { - pScene->mCameras[node.camera.GetIndex()]->mName = ainode->mName; - if (node.translation.isPresent) { - aiVector3D trans; - CopyValue(node.translation.value, trans); - pScene->mCameras[node.camera.GetIndex()]->mPosition = trans; - } + mScene->mCameras[node.camera.GetIndex()]->mName = ainode->mName; } if (node.light) { - pScene->mLights[node.light.GetIndex()]->mName = ainode->mName; + mScene->mLights[node.light.GetIndex()]->mName = ainode->mName; // range is optional - see https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/extensions/2.0/Khronos/KHR_lights_punctual // it is added to meta data of parent node, because there is no other place to put it @@ -1216,7 +1267,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportNodes(glTF2::Asset &r) { // The root nodes unsigned int numRootNodes = unsigned(rootNodes.size()); if (numRootNodes == 1) { // a single root node: use it - mScene->mRootNode = ImportNode(mScene, r, meshOffsets, rootNodes[0]); + mScene->mRootNode = ImportNode(r, rootNodes[0]); } else if (numRootNodes > 1) { // more than one root node: create a fake root aiNode *root = mScene->mRootNode = new aiNode("ROOT"); @@ -1224,7 +1275,7 @@ void glTF2Importer::ImportNodes(glTF2::Asset &r) { std::fill(root->mChildren, root->mChildren + numRootNodes, nullptr); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numRootNodes; ++i) { - aiNode *node = ImportNode(mScene, r, meshOffsets, rootNodes[i]); + aiNode *node = ImportNode(r, rootNodes[i]); node->mParent = root; root->mChildren[root->mNumChildren++] = node; } @@ -1625,13 +1676,17 @@ void glTF2Importer::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IO // clean all member arrays meshOffsets.clear(); + mVertexRemappingTables.clear(); mEmbeddedTexIdxs.clear(); this->mScene = pScene; // read the asset file glTF2::Asset asset(pIOHandler, static_cast(mSchemaDocumentProvider)); - asset.Load(pFile, GetExtension(pFile) == "glb"); + asset.Load(pFile, + CheckMagicToken( + pIOHandler, pFile, AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER, 1, 0, + static_cast(strlen(AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER)))); if (asset.scene) { pScene->mName = asset.scene->name; } diff --git a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.h b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.h index 831bcd7d23..2be42126cc 100644 --- a/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.h +++ b/code/AssetLib/glTF2/glTF2Importer.h @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #define AI_GLTF2IMPORTER_H_INC #include +#include struct aiNode; @@ -59,13 +60,13 @@ namespace Assimp { class glTF2Importer : public BaseImporter { public: glTF2Importer(); - ~glTF2Importer() override; + ~glTF2Importer() override = default; bool CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool checkSig) const override; protected: const aiImporterDesc *GetInfo() const override; void InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) override; - virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) override; + void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) override; private: void ImportEmbeddedTextures(glTF2::Asset &a); @@ -76,10 +77,12 @@ class glTF2Importer : public BaseImporter { void ImportNodes(glTF2::Asset &a); void ImportAnimations(glTF2::Asset &a); void ImportCommonMetadata(glTF2::Asset &a); + aiNode *ImportNode(glTF2::Asset &r, glTF2::Ref &ptr); private: std::vector meshOffsets; std::vector mEmbeddedTexIdxs; + std::vector> mVertexRemappingTables; // for each converted aiMesh in the scene, it stores a list of vertices that are actually used aiScene *mScene; /// An instance of rapidjson::IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider diff --git a/code/CApi/AssimpCExport.cpp b/code/CApi/AssimpCExport.cpp index 5e43958d07..21e40205ce 100644 --- a/code/CApi/AssimpCExport.cpp +++ b/code/CApi/AssimpCExport.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, diff --git a/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.cpp b/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.cpp index 579545ecc6..f0e46cd084 100644 --- a/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.cpp +++ b/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -47,14 +45,16 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CIOStreamWrapper::~CIOStreamWrapper() { - /* Various places depend on this destructor to close the file */ - if (mFile) { + // Various places depend on this destructor to close the file + if (mFile != nullptr) { + mIO->mFileSystem->CloseProc(mIO->mFileSystem, mFile); } } -// ................................................................... +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t CIOStreamWrapper::Read(void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) { @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ size_t CIOStreamWrapper::Read(void *pvBuffer, return mFile->ReadProc(mFile, (char *)pvBuffer, pSize, pCount); } -// ................................................................... +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t CIOStreamWrapper::Write(const void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) { @@ -70,23 +70,23 @@ size_t CIOStreamWrapper::Write(const void *pvBuffer, return mFile->WriteProc(mFile, (const char *)pvBuffer, pSize, pCount); } -// ................................................................... +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ aiReturn CIOStreamWrapper::Seek(size_t pOffset, aiOrigin pOrigin) { return mFile->SeekProc(mFile, pOffset, pOrigin); } -// ................................................................... +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t CIOStreamWrapper::Tell() const { return mFile->TellProc(mFile); } -// ................................................................... +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t CIOStreamWrapper::FileSize() const { return mFile->FileSizeProc(mFile); } -// ................................................................... +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CIOStreamWrapper::Flush() { return mFile->FlushProc(mFile); } diff --git a/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.h b/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.h index 768be3746a..28d4c3e755 100644 --- a/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.h +++ b/code/CApi/CInterfaceIOWrapper.h @@ -47,48 +47,59 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include +#include namespace Assimp { class CIOSystemWrapper; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Custom IOStream implementation for the C-API -class CIOStreamWrapper : public IOStream { +/// @brief Custom IOStream implementation for the C-API- +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +class CIOStreamWrapper final : public IOStream { public: - explicit CIOStreamWrapper(aiFile *pFile, CIOSystemWrapper *io) : - mFile(pFile), - mIO(io) {} - ~CIOStreamWrapper(void); - - size_t Read(void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount); - size_t Write(const void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount); - aiReturn Seek(size_t pOffset, aiOrigin pOrigin); - size_t Tell(void) const; - size_t FileSize() const; - void Flush(); + explicit CIOStreamWrapper(aiFile *pFile, CIOSystemWrapper *io); + ~CIOStreamWrapper() override; + size_t Read(void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) override; + size_t Write(const void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) override; + aiReturn Seek(size_t pOffset, aiOrigin pOrigin) override; + size_t Tell(void) const override; + size_t FileSize() const override; + void Flush() override; private: aiFile *mFile; CIOSystemWrapper *mIO; }; -class CIOSystemWrapper : public IOSystem { +inline CIOStreamWrapper::CIOStreamWrapper(aiFile *pFile, CIOSystemWrapper *io) : + mFile(pFile), + mIO(io) { + ai_assert(io != nullptr); +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +/// @brief Custom IO-System wrapper implementation for the C-API. +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +class CIOSystemWrapper final : public IOSystem { friend class CIOStreamWrapper; public: - explicit CIOSystemWrapper(aiFileIO *pFile) : - mFileSystem(pFile) {} - - bool Exists(const char *pFile) const; - char getOsSeparator() const; - IOStream *Open(const char *pFile, const char *pMode = "rb"); - void Close(IOStream *pFile); + explicit CIOSystemWrapper(aiFileIO *pFile); + ~CIOSystemWrapper() override = default; + bool Exists(const char *pFile) const override; + char getOsSeparator() const override; + IOStream *Open(const char *pFile, const char *pMode = "rb") override; + void Close(IOStream *pFile) override; private: aiFileIO *mFileSystem; }; +inline CIOSystemWrapper::CIOSystemWrapper(aiFileIO *pFile) : mFileSystem(pFile) { + ai_assert(pFile != nullptr); +} + } // namespace Assimp -#endif +#endif // AI_CIOSYSTEM_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/code/CMakeLists.txt b/code/CMakeLists.txt index 8f26d2dafd..08a79ef191 100644 --- a/code/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/code/CMakeLists.txt @@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ SET( Common_SRCS Common/ScenePreprocessor.cpp Common/ScenePreprocessor.h Common/SkeletonMeshBuilder.cpp + Common/StackAllocator.h + Common/StackAllocator.inl Common/StandardShapes.cpp Common/TargetAnimation.cpp Common/TargetAnimation.h @@ -218,6 +220,12 @@ SET( CApi_SRCS ) SOURCE_GROUP(CApi FILES ${CApi_SRCS}) +SET(Geometry_SRCS + Geometry/GeometryUtils.h + Geometry/GeometryUtils.cpp +) +SOURCE_GROUP(Geometry FILES ${Geometry_SRCS}) + SET( STEPParser_SRCS AssetLib/STEPParser/STEPFileReader.h AssetLib/STEPParser/STEPFileReader.cpp @@ -270,8 +278,8 @@ if (NOT ASSIMP_NO_EXPORT) # ASSIMP_BUILD_XXX_EXPORTER to TRUE for each exporter OPTION(ASSIMP_BUILD_ALL_EXPORTERS_BY_DEFAULT "default value of all ASSIMP_BUILD_XXX_EXPORTER values" TRUE) - # macro to add the CMake Option ADD_ASSIMP_IMPORTER_ which enables compile of loader - # this way selective loaders can be compiled (reduces filesize + compile time) + # macro to add the CMake Option ADD_ASSIMP_EXPORTER_ which enables compilation of an exporter + # this way selective exporters can be compiled (reduces filesize + compile time) MACRO(ADD_ASSIMP_EXPORTER name) IF (ASSIMP_NO_EXPORT) set(ASSIMP_EXPORTER_ENABLED FALSE) @@ -957,7 +965,6 @@ IF(ASSIMP_HUNTER_ENABLED) find_package(minizip CONFIG REQUIRED) ELSE() SET( unzip_SRCS - ../contrib/unzip/crypt.c ../contrib/unzip/crypt.h ../contrib/unzip/ioapi.c ../contrib/unzip/ioapi.h @@ -1129,6 +1136,7 @@ SET( assimp_src ${Core_SRCS} ${CApi_SRCS} ${Common_SRCS} + ${Geometry_SRCS} ${Logging_SRCS} ${Exporter_SRCS} ${PostProcessing_SRCS} @@ -1188,7 +1196,60 @@ TARGET_USE_COMMON_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY(assimp) IF (ASSIMP_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) MESSAGE(STATUS "Treating all warnings as errors (for assimp library only)") IF (MSVC) - TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE /W4 /WX) + + IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) # clang-cl + TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE -Wall -Werror + -Wno-microsoft-enum-value + -Wno-switch-enum + -Wno-covered-switch-default + -Wno-reserved-identifier + -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic + -Wno-c++98-compat + -Wno-documentation + -Wno-documentation-unknown-command + -Wno-deprecated-dynamic-exception-spec + -Wno-undef + -Wno-suggest-destructor-override + -Wno-suggest-override + -Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant + -Wno-global-constructors + -Wno-exit-time-destructors + -Wno-extra-semi-stmt + -Wno-missing-prototypes + -Wno-old-style-cast + -Wno-cast-align + -Wno-cast-qual + -Wno-float-equal + -Wno-implicit-int-float-conversion + -Wno-sign-conversion + -Wno-implicit-float-conversion + -Wno-implicit-int-conversion + -Wno-float-conversion + -Wno-double-promotion + -Wno-unused-macros + -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion + -Wno-shadow-field + -Wno-shadow + -Wno-language-extension-token + -Wno-header-hygiene + -Wno-tautological-value-range-compare + -Wno-tautological-type-limit-compare + -Wno-missing-variable-declarations + -Wno-extra-semi + -Wno-nonportable-system-include-path + -Wno-undefined-reinterpret-cast + -Wno-shift-sign-overflow + -Wno-deprecated + -Wno-format-nonliteral + -Wno-comma + -Wno-implicit-fallthrough + -Wno-unused-template + -Wno-undefined-func-template + -Wno-declaration-after-statement + ) + ELSE() + TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE /W4 /WX) + ENDIF() ELSE() TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(assimp PRIVATE -Wall -Werror) ENDIF() @@ -1327,7 +1388,7 @@ ENDIF() # Add RT-extension library for glTF importer with Open3DGC-compression. IF (RT_FOUND AND ASSIMP_IMPORTER_GLTF_USE_OPEN3DGC) - TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(assimp ${RT_LIBRARY}) + TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(assimp rt) ENDIF () @@ -1357,25 +1418,29 @@ if(MSVC AND ASSIMP_INSTALL_PDB) COMPILE_PDB_NAME assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX} COMPILE_PDB_NAME_DEBUG assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX} ) - ENDIF() - IF(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "^Visual Studio") - install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/Debug/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}.pdb - DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} - CONFIGURATIONS Debug - ) - install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/RelWithDebInfo/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}.pdb - DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} - CONFIGURATIONS RelWithDebInfo - ) + IF(GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) + install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/Debug/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}.pdb + DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} + CONFIGURATIONS Debug + ) + install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/RelWithDebInfo/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}.pdb + DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} + CONFIGURATIONS RelWithDebInfo + ) + ELSE() + install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}.pdb + DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} + CONFIGURATIONS Debug + ) + install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}.pdb + DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} + CONFIGURATIONS RelWithDebInfo + ) + ENDIF() ELSE() - install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}.pdb - DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} - CONFIGURATIONS Debug - ) - install(FILES ${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}/code/assimp${LIBRARY_SUFFIX}.pdb + install(FILES $ DESTINATION ${ASSIMP_LIB_INSTALL_DIR} - CONFIGURATIONS RelWithDebInfo ) ENDIF() ENDIF () diff --git a/code/Common/BaseImporter.cpp b/code/Common/BaseImporter.cpp index 587fa7bc19..a169c8a10c 100644 --- a/code/Common/BaseImporter.cpp +++ b/code/Common/BaseImporter.cpp @@ -59,6 +59,31 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include +namespace { +// Checks whether the passed string is a gcs version. +bool IsGcsVersion(const std::string &s) { + if (s.empty()) return false; + return std::all_of(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), [](const char c) { + // gcs only permits numeric characters. + return std::isdigit(static_cast(c)); + }); +} + +// Removes a possible version hash from a filename, as found for example in +// gcs uris (e.g. `gs://bucket/model.glb#1234`), see also +// https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gsutil/blob/c80f329bc3c4011236c78ce8910988773b2606cb/gslib/storage_url.py#L39. +std::string StripVersionHash(const std::string &filename) { + const std::string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of('#'); + // Only strip if the hash is behind a possible file extension and the part + // behind the hash is a version string. + if (pos != std::string::npos && pos > filename.find_last_of('.') && + IsGcsVersion(filename.substr(pos + 1))) { + return filename.substr(0, pos); + } + return filename; +} +} // namespace + using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -158,7 +183,7 @@ void BaseImporter::GetExtensionList(std::set &extensions) { std::size_t numTokens, unsigned int searchBytes /* = 200 */, bool tokensSol /* false */, - bool noAlphaBeforeTokens /* false */) { + bool noGraphBeforeTokens /* false */) { ai_assert(nullptr != tokens); ai_assert(0 != numTokens); ai_assert(0 != searchBytes); @@ -207,8 +232,9 @@ void BaseImporter::GetExtensionList(std::set &extensions) { continue; } // We need to make sure that we didn't accidentally identify the end of another token as our token, - // e.g. in a previous version the "gltf " present in some gltf files was detected as "f " - if (noAlphaBeforeTokens && (r != buffer && isalpha(static_cast(r[-1])))) { + // e.g. in a previous version the "gltf " present in some gltf files was detected as "f ", or a + // Blender-exported glb file containing "Khronos glTF Blender I/O " was detected as "o " + if (noGraphBeforeTokens && (r != buffer && isgraph(static_cast(r[-1])))) { continue; } // We got a match, either we don't care where it is, or it happens to @@ -229,33 +255,38 @@ void BaseImporter::GetExtensionList(std::set &extensions) { const char *ext0, const char *ext1, const char *ext2) { - std::string::size_type pos = pFile.find_last_of('.'); - - // no file extension - can't read - if (pos == std::string::npos) { - return false; - } - - const char *ext_real = &pFile[pos + 1]; - if (!ASSIMP_stricmp(ext_real, ext0)) { - return true; - } - - // check for other, optional, file extensions - if (ext1 && !ASSIMP_stricmp(ext_real, ext1)) { - return true; + std::set extensions; + for (const char* ext : {ext0, ext1, ext2}) { + if (ext == nullptr) continue; + extensions.emplace(ext); } + return HasExtension(pFile, extensions); +} - if (ext2 && !ASSIMP_stricmp(ext_real, ext2)) { - return true; +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Check for file extension +/*static*/ bool BaseImporter::HasExtension(const std::string &pFile, const std::set &extensions) { + const std::string file = StripVersionHash(pFile); + // CAUTION: Do not just search for the extension! + // GetExtension() returns the part after the *last* dot, but some extensions + // have dots inside them, e.g. ogre.mesh.xml. Compare the entire end of the + // string. + for (const std::string& ext : extensions) { + // Yay for C++<20 not having std::string::ends_with() + const std::string dotExt = "." + ext; + if (dotExt.length() > file.length()) continue; + // Possible optimization: Fetch the lowercase filename! + if (0 == ASSIMP_stricmp(file.c_str() + file.length() - dotExt.length(), dotExt.c_str())) { + return true; + } } - return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get file extension from path -std::string BaseImporter::GetExtension(const std::string &file) { +std::string BaseImporter::GetExtension(const std::string &pFile) { + const std::string file = StripVersionHash(pFile); std::string::size_type pos = file.find_last_of('.'); // no file extension at all @@ -281,12 +312,7 @@ std::string BaseImporter::GetExtension(const std::string &file) { if (!pIOHandler) { return false; } - union { - const char *magic; - const uint16_t *magic_u16; - const uint32_t *magic_u32; - }; - magic = reinterpret_cast(_magic); + const char *magic = reinterpret_cast(_magic); std::unique_ptr pStream(pIOHandler->Open(pFile)); if (pStream) { @@ -308,15 +334,15 @@ std::string BaseImporter::GetExtension(const std::string &file) { // that's just for convenience, the chance that we cause conflicts // is quite low and it can save some lines and prevent nasty bugs if (2 == size) { - uint16_t rev = *magic_u16; - ByteSwap::Swap(&rev); - if (data_u16[0] == *magic_u16 || data_u16[0] == rev) { + uint16_t magic_u16; + memcpy(&magic_u16, magic, 2); + if (data_u16[0] == magic_u16 || data_u16[0] == ByteSwap::Swapped(magic_u16)) { return true; } } else if (4 == size) { - uint32_t rev = *magic_u32; - ByteSwap::Swap(&rev); - if (data_u32[0] == *magic_u32 || data_u32[0] == rev) { + uint32_t magic_u32; + memcpy(&magic_u32, magic, 4); + if (data_u32[0] == magic_u32 || data_u32[0] == ByteSwap::Swapped(magic_u32)) { return true; } } else { diff --git a/code/Common/Exporter.cpp b/code/Common/Exporter.cpp index b8dabfff43..0795da65c1 100644 --- a/code/Common/Exporter.cpp +++ b/code/Common/Exporter.cpp @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ static void setupExporterArray(std::vector &exporte #endif #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_PBRT_EXPORTER - exporters.emplace_back("pbrt", "pbrt-v4 scene description file", "pbrt", &ExportScenePbrt, aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_SortByPType); + exporters.emplace_back("pbrt", "pbrt-v4 scene description file", "pbrt", &ExportScenePbrt, aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded | aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_SortByPType); #endif #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_ASSJSON_EXPORTER diff --git a/code/Common/FileSystemFilter.h b/code/Common/FileSystemFilter.h index 9ab3812e2e..c530153d4c 100644 --- a/code/Common/FileSystemFilter.h +++ b/code/Common/FileSystemFilter.h @@ -93,9 +93,7 @@ class FileSystemFilter : public IOSystem } /** Destructor. */ - ~FileSystemFilter() { - // empty - } + ~FileSystemFilter() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Tests for the existence of a file at the given path. */ @@ -299,7 +297,7 @@ class FileSystemFilter : public IOSystem } const char separator = getOsSeparator(); - for (it = in.begin(); it != in.end(); ++it) { + for (it = in.begin(); it < in.end(); ++it) { const size_t remaining = std::distance(in.end(), it); // Exclude :// and \\, which remain untouched. // https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3031725&group_id=226462&atid=1067632 diff --git a/code/Common/Importer.cpp b/code/Common/Importer.cpp index 52b6097e70..bdf64ac8f8 100644 --- a/code/Common/Importer.cpp +++ b/code/Common/Importer.cpp @@ -482,37 +482,43 @@ bool Importer::ValidateFlags(unsigned int pFlags) const { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -const aiScene* Importer::ReadFileFromMemory( const void* pBuffer, - size_t pLength, - unsigned int pFlags, - const char* pHint /*= ""*/) { +const aiScene* Importer::ReadFileFromMemory(const void* pBuffer, size_t pLength, unsigned int pFlags, const char* pHint ) { ai_assert(nullptr != pimpl); - ASSIMP_BEGIN_EXCEPTION_REGION(); - if (!pHint) { - pHint = ""; - } - - if (!pBuffer || !pLength || strlen(pHint) > MaxLenHint ) { - pimpl->mErrorString = "Invalid parameters passed to ReadFileFromMemory()"; - return nullptr; - } - - // prevent deletion of the previous IOHandler IOSystem* io = pimpl->mIOHandler; - pimpl->mIOHandler = nullptr; - - SetIOHandler(new MemoryIOSystem((const uint8_t*)pBuffer,pLength,io)); - - // read the file and recover the previous IOSystem - static const size_t BufSize(Importer::MaxLenHint + 28); - char fbuff[BufSize]; - ai_snprintf(fbuff, BufSize, "%s.%s",AI_MEMORYIO_MAGIC_FILENAME,pHint); + try { + if (pHint == nullptr) { + pHint = ""; + } + if (!pBuffer || !pLength || strlen(pHint) > MaxLenHint ) { + pimpl->mErrorString = "Invalid parameters passed to ReadFileFromMemory()"; + return nullptr; + } + // prevent deletion of the previous IOHandler + pimpl->mIOHandler = nullptr; + + SetIOHandler(new MemoryIOSystem((const uint8_t*)pBuffer,pLength,io)); + + // read the file and recover the previous IOSystem + static const size_t BufSize(Importer::MaxLenHint + 28); + char fbuff[BufSize]; + ai_snprintf(fbuff, BufSize, "%s.%s",AI_MEMORYIO_MAGIC_FILENAME,pHint); + + ReadFile(fbuff,pFlags); + SetIOHandler(io); + } catch(const DeadlyImportError &e) { + pimpl->mErrorString = e.what(); + pimpl->mException = std::current_exception(); + SetIOHandler(io); + return ExceptionSwallower()(); \ + } catch(...) { + pimpl->mErrorString = "Unknown exception"; + pimpl->mException = std::current_exception(); + SetIOHandler(io); + return ExceptionSwallower()(); \ - ReadFile(fbuff,pFlags); - SetIOHandler(io); + } - ASSIMP_END_EXCEPTION_REGION_WITH_ERROR_STRING(const aiScene*, pimpl->mErrorString, pimpl->mException); return pimpl->mScene; } @@ -631,24 +637,10 @@ const aiScene* Importer::ReadFile( const char* _pFile, unsigned int pFlags) { std::set extensions; pimpl->mImporter[a]->GetExtensionList(extensions); - // CAUTION: Do not just search for the extension! - // GetExtension() returns the part after the *last* dot, but some extensions have dots - // inside them, e.g. ogre.mesh.xml. Compare the entire end of the string. - for (std::set::const_iterator it = extensions.cbegin(); it != extensions.cend(); ++it) { - - // Yay for C++<20 not having std::string::ends_with() - std::string extension = "." + *it; - if (extension.length() <= pFile.length()) { - // Possible optimization: Fetch the lowercase filename! - if (0 == ASSIMP_stricmp(pFile.c_str() + pFile.length() - extension.length(), extension.c_str())) { - ImporterAndIndex candidate = { pimpl->mImporter[a], a }; - possibleImporters.push_back(candidate); - break; - } - } - + if (BaseImporter::HasExtension(pFile, extensions)) { + ImporterAndIndex candidate = { pimpl->mImporter[a], a }; + possibleImporters.push_back(candidate); } - } // If just one importer supports this extension, pick it and close the case. @@ -1118,7 +1110,7 @@ bool Importer::SetPropertyMatrix(const char* szName, const aiMatrix4x4& value) { // Set a configuration property bool Importer::SetPropertyPointer(const char* szName, void* value) { ai_assert(nullptr != pimpl); - + bool existing; ASSIMP_BEGIN_EXCEPTION_REGION(); existing = SetGenericProperty(pimpl->mPointerProperties, szName,value); @@ -1162,7 +1154,7 @@ aiMatrix4x4 Importer::GetPropertyMatrix(const char* szName, const aiMatrix4x4& i // Get a configuration property void* Importer::GetPropertyPointer(const char* szName, void* iErrorReturn /*= nullptr*/) const { ai_assert(nullptr != pimpl); - + return GetGenericProperty(pimpl->mPointerProperties,szName,iErrorReturn); } diff --git a/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp b/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp index 78c02d96dc..c67fee936c 100644 --- a/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp +++ b/code/Common/ImporterRegistry.cpp @@ -214,7 +214,12 @@ void GetImporterInstanceList(std::vector &out) { // Some importers may be unimplemented or otherwise unsuitable for general use // in their current state. Devs can set ASSIMP_ENABLE_DEV_IMPORTERS in their // local environment to enable them, otherwise they're left out of the registry. +#if defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) && WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP + // not supported under uwp const char *envStr = std::getenv("ASSIMP_ENABLE_DEV_IMPORTERS"); +#else + const char *envStr = { "0" }; +#endif bool devImportersEnabled = envStr && strcmp(envStr, "0"); // Ensure no unused var warnings if all uses are #ifndef'd away below: @@ -377,9 +382,6 @@ void GetImporterInstanceList(std::vector &out) { #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IQM_IMPORTER out.push_back(new IQMImporter()); #endif - //#ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_STEP_IMPORTER - // out.push_back(new StepFile::StepFileImporter()); - //#endif } /** will delete all registered importers. */ diff --git a/code/Common/PolyTools.h b/code/Common/PolyTools.h index 11f6273929..b53de85791 100644 --- a/code/Common/PolyTools.h +++ b/code/Common/PolyTools.h @@ -64,8 +64,14 @@ inline double GetArea2D(const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3) { * The function accepts an unconstrained template parameter for use with * both aiVector3D and aiVector2D, but generally ignores the third coordinate.*/ template -inline bool OnLeftSideOfLine2D(const T& p0, const T& p1,const T& p2) { - return GetArea2D(p0,p2,p1) > 0; +inline int OnLeftSideOfLine2D(const T& p0, const T& p1,const T& p2) { + double area = GetArea2D(p0,p2,p1); + if(std::abs(area) < ai_epsilon) + return 0; + else if(area > 0) + return 1; + else + return -1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -74,26 +80,11 @@ inline bool OnLeftSideOfLine2D(const T& p0, const T& p1,const T& p2) { * both aiVector3D and aiVector2D, but generally ignores the third coordinate.*/ template inline bool PointInTriangle2D(const T& p0, const T& p1,const T& p2, const T& pp) { - // Point in triangle test using baryzentric coordinates - const aiVector2D v0 = p1 - p0; - const aiVector2D v1 = p2 - p0; - const aiVector2D v2 = pp - p0; - - double dot00 = v0 * v0; - double dot11 = v1 * v1; - const double dot01 = v0 * v1; - const double dot02 = v0 * v2; - const double dot12 = v1 * v2; - const double denom = dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01; - if (denom == 0.0) { - return false; - } - - const double invDenom = 1.0 / denom; - dot11 = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom; - dot00 = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom; - - return (dot11 > 0) && (dot00 > 0) && (dot11 + dot00 < 1); + // pp should be left side of the three triangle side, by ccw arrow + int c1 = OnLeftSideOfLine2D(p0, p1, pp); + int c2 = OnLeftSideOfLine2D(p1, p2, pp); + int c3 = OnLeftSideOfLine2D(p2, p0, pp); + return (c1 >= 0) && (c2 >= 0) && (c3 >= 0); } @@ -128,7 +119,7 @@ inline bool IsCCW(T* in, size_t npoints) { c = std::sqrt(cc); theta = std::acos((bb + cc - aa) / (2 * b * c)); - if (OnLeftSideOfLine2D(in[i],in[i+2],in[i+1])) { + if (OnLeftSideOfLine2D(in[i],in[i+2],in[i+1]) == 1) { // if (convex(in[i].x, in[i].y, // in[i+1].x, in[i+1].y, // in[i+2].x, in[i+2].y)) { @@ -158,7 +149,7 @@ inline bool IsCCW(T* in, size_t npoints) { //if (convex(in[npoints-2].x, in[npoints-2].y, // in[0].x, in[0].y, // in[1].x, in[1].y)) { - if (OnLeftSideOfLine2D(in[npoints-2],in[1],in[0])) { + if (OnLeftSideOfLine2D(in[npoints-2],in[1],in[0]) == 1) { convex_turn = AI_MATH_PI_F - theta; convex_sum += convex_turn; } else { diff --git a/code/Common/RemoveComments.cpp b/code/Common/RemoveComments.cpp index 4fae21c950..52dd37ff01 100644 --- a/code/Common/RemoveComments.cpp +++ b/code/Common/RemoveComments.cpp @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -/** +/** * @file RemoveComments.cpp * @brief Defines the CommentRemover utility class */ diff --git a/code/Common/SceneCombiner.cpp b/code/Common/SceneCombiner.cpp index 0f5386b261..0188f5deaa 100644 --- a/code/Common/SceneCombiner.cpp +++ b/code/Common/SceneCombiner.cpp @@ -1349,6 +1349,9 @@ void SceneCombiner::Copy(aiMetadata **_dest, const aiMetadata *src) { case AI_AIVECTOR3D: out.mData = new aiVector3D(*static_cast(in.mData)); break; + case AI_AIMETADATA: + out.mData = new aiMetadata(*static_cast(in.mData)); + break; default: ai_assert(false); break; diff --git a/code/Common/ScenePreprocessor.cpp b/code/Common/ScenePreprocessor.cpp index 95c63ae1c9..18a257ad4b 100644 --- a/code/Common/ScenePreprocessor.cpp +++ b/code/Common/ScenePreprocessor.cpp @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void ScenePreprocessor::ProcessMesh(aiMesh *mesh) { if (!mesh->mTextureCoords[i]) { mesh->mNumUVComponents[i] = 0; continue; - } + } if (!mesh->mNumUVComponents[i]) { mesh->mNumUVComponents[i] = 2; diff --git a/code/Common/SpatialSort.cpp b/code/Common/SpatialSort.cpp index a35ebb055e..c8c5c30ed2 100644 --- a/code/Common/SpatialSort.cpp +++ b/code/Common/SpatialSort.cpp @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ ai_real SpatialSort::CalculateDistance(const aiVector3D &pPosition) const { void SpatialSort::Finalize() { const ai_real scale = 1.0f / mPositions.size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPositions.size(); i++) { - mCentroid += scale * mPositions[i].mPosition; + mCentroid += scale * mPositions[i].mPosition; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPositions.size(); i++) { mPositions[i].mDistance = CalculateDistance(mPositions[i].mPosition); diff --git a/code/Common/StackAllocator.h b/code/Common/StackAllocator.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..191010cac8 --- /dev/null +++ b/code/Common/StackAllocator.h @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/* +Open Asset Import Library (assimp) +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team + +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, +with or without modification, are permitted provided that the +following conditions are met: + +* Redistributions of source code must retain the above + copyright notice, this list of conditions and the + following disclaimer. + +* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + copyright notice, this list of conditions and the + following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other + materials provided with the distribution. + +* Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior + written permission of the assimp team. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ + +/** @file StackAllocator.h + * @brief A very bare-bone allocator class that is suitable when + * allocating many small objects, e.g. during parsing. + * Individual objects are not freed, instead only the whole memory + * can be deallocated. + */ +#ifndef AI_STACK_ALLOCATOR_H_INC +#define AI_STACK_ALLOCATOR_H_INC + +#include +#include +#include + +namespace Assimp { + +/** @brief A very bare-bone allocator class that is suitable when + * allocating many small objects, e.g. during parsing. + * Individual objects are not freed, instead only the whole memory + * can be deallocated. +*/ +class StackAllocator { +public: + /// @brief Constructs the allocator + inline StackAllocator(); + /// @brief Destructs the allocator and frees all memory + inline ~StackAllocator(); + + // non copyable + StackAllocator(const StackAllocator &) = delete; + StackAllocator &operator=(const StackAllocator &) = delete; + + /// @brief Returns a pointer to byteSize bytes of heap memory that persists + /// for the lifetime of the allocator (or until FreeAll is called). + inline void *Allocate(size_t byteSize); + + /// @brief Releases all the memory owned by this allocator. + // Memory provided through function Allocate is not valid anymore after this function has been called. + inline void FreeAll(); + +private: + constexpr const static size_t g_maxBytesPerBlock = 64 * 1024 * 1024; // The maximum size (in bytes) of a block + constexpr const static size_t g_startBytesPerBlock = 16 * 1024; // Size of the first block. Next blocks will double in size until maximum size of g_maxBytesPerBlock + size_t m_blockAllocationSize = g_startBytesPerBlock; // Block size of the current block + size_t m_subIndex = g_maxBytesPerBlock; // The current byte offset in the current block + std::vector m_storageBlocks; // A list of blocks +}; + +} // namespace Assimp + +#include "StackAllocator.inl" + +#endif // include guard diff --git a/samples/SharedCode/UTFConverter.h b/code/Common/StackAllocator.inl similarity index 54% rename from samples/SharedCode/UTFConverter.h rename to code/Common/StackAllocator.inl index 17e89ee4d0..2c3164ca73 100644 --- a/samples/SharedCode/UTFConverter.h +++ b/code/Common/StackAllocator.inl @@ -1,17 +1,14 @@ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Copyright (c) 2006-2020, assimp team - +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, -with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following -conditions are met: +with or without modification, are permitted provided that the +following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the @@ -38,55 +35,48 @@ DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -#ifndef ASSIMP_SAMPLES_SHARED_CODE_UTFCONVERTER_H -#define ASSIMP_SAMPLES_SHARED_CODE_UTFCONVERTER_H +#include "StackAllocator.h" +#include -#include -#include -#include +using namespace Assimp; -namespace AssimpSamples { -namespace SharedCode { +inline StackAllocator::StackAllocator() { +} -// Used to convert between multibyte and unicode strings. -class UTFConverter { - using UTFConverterImpl = std::wstring_convert, wchar_t>; -public: - UTFConverter(const char* s) : - s_(s), - ws_(impl_.from_bytes(s)) { - } - UTFConverter(const wchar_t* s) : - s_(impl_.to_bytes(s)), - ws_(s) { - } - UTFConverter(const std::string& s) : - s_(s), - ws_(impl_.from_bytes(s)) { - } - UTFConverter(const std::wstring& s) : - s_(impl_.to_bytes(s)), - ws_(s) { - } - inline const char* c_str() const { - return s_.c_str(); - } - inline const std::string& str() const { - return s_; - } - inline const wchar_t* c_wstr() const { - return ws_.c_str(); +inline StackAllocator::~StackAllocator() { + FreeAll(); +} + +inline void *StackAllocator::Allocate(size_t byteSize) { + if (m_subIndex + byteSize > m_blockAllocationSize) // start a new block + { + // double block size every time, up to maximum of g_maxBytesPerBlock. + // Block size must be at least as large as byteSize, but we want to use this for small allocations anyway. + m_blockAllocationSize = std::max(std::min(m_blockAllocationSize * 2, g_maxBytesPerBlock), byteSize); + uint8_t *data = new uint8_t[m_blockAllocationSize]; + m_storageBlocks.emplace_back(data); + m_subIndex = byteSize; + return data; } -private: - static UTFConverterImpl impl_; - std::string s_; - std::wstring ws_; -}; -} + uint8_t *data = m_storageBlocks.back(); + data += m_subIndex; + m_subIndex += byteSize; + + return data; } -#endif // ASSIMP_SAMPLES_SHARED_CODE_UTFCONVERTER_H +inline void StackAllocator::FreeAll() { + for (size_t i = 0; i < m_storageBlocks.size(); i++) { + delete [] m_storageBlocks[i]; + } + std::vector empty; + m_storageBlocks.swap(empty); + // start over: + m_blockAllocationSize = g_startBytesPerBlock; + m_subIndex = g_maxBytesPerBlock; +} diff --git a/code/Common/StbCommon.h b/code/Common/StbCommon.h index 573c98ac7f..5de2e176d2 100644 --- a/code/Common/StbCommon.h +++ b/code/Common/StbCommon.h @@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #endif +#if defined(__clang__) +#pragma clang diagnostic push +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" +#endif + #ifndef STB_USE_HUNTER /* Use prefixed names for the symbols from stb_image as it is a very commonly embedded library. Including vanilla stb_image symbols causes duplicate symbol problems if assimp is linked @@ -114,3 +119,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif +#if defined(__clang__) +#pragma clang diagnostic pop +#endif diff --git a/code/Common/Subdivision.cpp b/code/Common/Subdivision.cpp index 705ea3fb36..3aea5d4c53 100644 --- a/code/Common/Subdivision.cpp +++ b/code/Common/Subdivision.cpp @@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include +#include + using namespace Assimp; + void mydummy() {} #ifdef _MSC_VER @@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ class CatmullClarkSubdivider : public Subdivider { }; typedef std::vector UIntVector; - typedef std::map EdgeMap; + typedef std::unordered_map EdgeMap; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hashing function to derive an index into an #EdgeMap from two given diff --git a/code/Common/Version.cpp b/code/Common/Version.cpp index 808c3598d1..9c3d0250cd 100644 --- a/code/Common/Version.cpp +++ b/code/Common/Version.cpp @@ -185,6 +185,6 @@ ASSIMP_API aiScene::~aiScene() { aiMetadata::Dealloc(mMetaData); delete[] mSkeletons; - + delete static_cast(mPrivate); } diff --git a/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp b/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp index d0c2f32047..51a2508101 100644 --- a/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp +++ b/code/Common/ZipArchiveIOSystem.cpp @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class ZipFile : public IOStream { public: std::string m_Filename; - virtual ~ZipFile(); + virtual ~ZipFile() override; // IOStream interface size_t Read(void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) override; diff --git a/code/Geometry/GeometryUtils.cpp b/code/Geometry/GeometryUtils.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cec1e74c53 --- /dev/null +++ b/code/Geometry/GeometryUtils.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/* +Open Asset Import Library (assimp) +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team + +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, +with or without modification, are permitted provided that the +following conditions are met: + +* Redistributions of source code must retain the above + copyright notice, this list of conditions and the + following disclaimer. + +* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + copyright notice, this list of conditions and the + following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other + materials provided with the distribution. + +* Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior + written permission of the assimp team. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +*/ + +#include "GeometryUtils.h" + +#include + +namespace Assimp { + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +ai_real GeometryUtils::heron( ai_real a, ai_real b, ai_real c ) { + const ai_real s = (a + b + c) / 2; + const ai_real area = pow((s * ( s - a ) * ( s - b ) * ( s - c ) ), (ai_real)0.5 ); + return area; +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +ai_real GeometryUtils::distance3D( const aiVector3D &vA, const aiVector3D &vB ) { + const ai_real lx = ( vB.x - vA.x ); + const ai_real ly = ( vB.y - vA.y ); + const ai_real lz = ( vB.z - vA.z ); + const ai_real a = lx*lx + ly*ly + lz*lz; + const ai_real d = pow( a, (ai_real)0.5 ); + + return d; +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +ai_real GeometryUtils::calculateAreaOfTriangle( const aiFace& face, aiMesh* mesh ) { + ai_real area = 0; + + const aiVector3D vA( mesh->mVertices[ face.mIndices[ 0 ] ] ); + const aiVector3D vB( mesh->mVertices[ face.mIndices[ 1 ] ] ); + const aiVector3D vC( mesh->mVertices[ face.mIndices[ 2 ] ] ); + + const ai_real a = distance3D( vA, vB ); + const ai_real b = distance3D( vB, vC ); + const ai_real c = distance3D( vC, vA ); + area = heron( a, b, c ); + + return area; +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Check whether a ray intersects a plane and find the intersection point +bool GeometryUtils::PlaneIntersect(const aiRay& ray, const aiVector3D& planePos, + const aiVector3D& planeNormal, aiVector3D& pos) { + const ai_real b = planeNormal * (planePos - ray.pos); + ai_real h = ray.dir * planeNormal; + if ((h < 10e-5 && h > -10e-5) || (h = b/h) < 0) + return false; + + pos = ray.pos + (ray.dir * h); + return true; +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +void GeometryUtils::normalizeVectorArray(aiVector3D *vectorArrayIn, aiVector3D *vectorArrayOut, + size_t numVectors) { + for (size_t i=0; i +#include + +namespace Assimp { + +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +/// @brief This helper class supports some basic geometry algorithms. +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +class ASSIMP_API GeometryUtils { +public: + static ai_real heron( ai_real a, ai_real b, ai_real c ); + + /// @brief Will compute the distance between 2 3D-vectors + /// @param vA Vector a. + /// @param vB Vector b. + /// @return The distance. + static ai_real distance3D( const aiVector3D &vA, const aiVector3D &vB ); + + /// @brief Will calculate the area of a triangle described by a aiFace. + /// @param face The face + /// @param mesh The mesh containing the face + /// @return The area. + static ai_real calculateAreaOfTriangle( const aiFace& face, aiMesh* mesh ); + + /// @brief Will calculate the intersection between a ray and a plane + /// @param ray The ray to test for + /// @param planePos A point on the plane + /// @param planeNormal The plane normal to describe its orientation + /// @param pos The position of the intersection. + /// @return true is an intersection was detected, false if not. + static bool PlaneIntersect(const aiRay& ray, const aiVector3D& planePos, const aiVector3D& planeNormal, aiVector3D& pos); + + /// @brief Will normalize an array of vectors. + /// @param vectorArrayIn The incoming arra of vectors. + /// @param vectorArrayOut The normalized vectors. + /// @param numVectors The array size. + static void normalizeVectorArray(aiVector3D *vectorArrayIn, aiVector3D *vectorArrayOut, size_t numVectors); +}; + +} // namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/Material/MaterialSystem.cpp b/code/Material/MaterialSystem.cpp index b2f738959b..cc8ca2f88e 100644 --- a/code/Material/MaterialSystem.cpp +++ b/code/Material/MaterialSystem.cpp @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include +#include using namespace Assimp; @@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ aiReturn aiMaterial::AddBinaryProperty(const void *pInput, } // Allocate a new material property - aiMaterialProperty *pcNew = new aiMaterialProperty(); + std::unique_ptr pcNew(new aiMaterialProperty()); // .. and fill it pcNew->mType = pType; @@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ aiReturn aiMaterial::AddBinaryProperty(const void *pInput, strcpy(pcNew->mKey.data, pKey); if (UINT_MAX != iOutIndex) { - mProperties[iOutIndex] = pcNew; + mProperties[iOutIndex] = pcNew.release(); return AI_SUCCESS; } @@ -502,7 +503,6 @@ aiReturn aiMaterial::AddBinaryProperty(const void *pInput, try { ppTemp = new aiMaterialProperty *[mNumAllocated]; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { - delete pcNew; return AI_OUTOFMEMORY; } @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ aiReturn aiMaterial::AddBinaryProperty(const void *pInput, mProperties = ppTemp; } // push back ... - mProperties[mNumProperties++] = pcNew; + mProperties[mNumProperties++] = pcNew.release(); return AI_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.cpp b/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.cpp index a9f8656a45..67937019f2 100644 --- a/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.cpp +++ b/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.cpp @@ -111,7 +111,22 @@ PbrtExporter::PbrtExporter( mScene(pScene), mIOSystem(pIOSystem), mPath(path), - mFile(file) { + mFile(file), + mRootTransform( + // rotates the (already left-handed) CRS -90 degrees around the x axis in order to + // make +Z 'up' and +Y 'towards viewer', as in default in pbrt + 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, // + 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, // + 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, // + 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f // + ) { + + mRootTransform = aiMatrix4x4( + -1.f, 0, 0.f, 0.f, // + 0.0f, -1.f, 0.f, 0.f, // + 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, // + 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f // + ) * mRootTransform; // Export embedded textures. if (mScene->mNumTextures > 0) if (!mIOSystem->CreateDirectory("textures")) @@ -260,7 +275,7 @@ aiMatrix4x4 PbrtExporter::GetNodeTransform(const aiString &name) const { node = node->mParent; } } - return m; + return mRootTransform * m; } std::string PbrtExporter::TransformAsString(const aiMatrix4x4 &m) { @@ -309,7 +324,7 @@ void PbrtExporter::WriteCamera(int i) { // Get camera fov float hfov = AI_RAD_TO_DEG(camera->mHorizontalFOV); - float fov = (aspect >= 1.0) ? hfov : (hfov * aspect); + float fov = (aspect >= 1.0) ? hfov : (hfov / aspect); if (fov < 5) { std::cerr << fov << ": suspiciously low field of view specified by camera. Setting to 45 degrees.\n"; fov = 45; @@ -327,7 +342,7 @@ void PbrtExporter::WriteCamera(int i) { if (!cameraActive) mOutput << "# "; - mOutput << "Scale -1 1 1\n"; // right handed -> left handed + mOutput << "Scale 1 1 1\n"; if (!cameraActive) mOutput << "# "; mOutput << "LookAt " @@ -383,8 +398,8 @@ void PbrtExporter::WriteWorldDefinition() { } mOutput << "# Geometry\n\n"; - aiMatrix4x4 worldFromObject; - WriteGeometricObjects(mScene->mRootNode, worldFromObject, meshUses); + + WriteGeometricObjects(mScene->mRootNode, mRootTransform, meshUses); } void PbrtExporter::WriteTextures() { diff --git a/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.h b/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.h index 4f4e1625d5..c7e8180e23 100644 --- a/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.h +++ b/code/Pbrt/PbrtExporter.h @@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ class PbrtExporter // A private set to keep track of which textures have been declared std::set mTextureSet; + // Transform to apply to the root node and all root objects such as cameras, lights, etc. + aiMatrix4x4 mRootTransform; + aiMatrix4x4 GetNodeTransform(const aiString& name) const; static std::string TransformAsString(const aiMatrix4x4& m); diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.cpp index a05cd91e9f..234a00232b 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.cpp @@ -43,15 +43,18 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include -#include namespace Assimp { -/// The default class constructor. -ArmaturePopulate::ArmaturePopulate() = default; +static bool IsBoneNode(const aiString &bone_name, std::vector &bones) { + for (aiBone *bone : bones) { + if (bone->mName == bone_name) { + return true; + } + } -/// The class destructor. -ArmaturePopulate::~ArmaturePopulate() = default; + return false; +} bool ArmaturePopulate::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_PopulateArmatureData) != 0; @@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ void ArmaturePopulate::Execute(aiScene *out) { BuildBoneList(out->mRootNode, out->mRootNode, out, bones); BuildNodeList(out->mRootNode, nodes); - BuildBoneStack(out->mRootNode, out->mRootNode, out, bones, bone_stack, nodes); + BuildBoneStack(out->mRootNode, out, bones, bone_stack, nodes); ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("Bone stack size: ", bone_stack.size()); @@ -78,9 +81,8 @@ void ArmaturePopulate::Execute(aiScene *out) { aiBone *bone = kvp.first; aiNode *bone_node = kvp.second; ASSIMP_LOG_VERBOSE_DEBUG("active node lookup: ", bone->mName.C_Str()); + // lcl transform grab - done in generate_nodes :) - - // bone->mOffsetMatrix = bone_node->mTransformation; aiNode *armature = GetArmatureRoot(bone_node, bones); ai_assert(armature); @@ -159,8 +161,7 @@ void ArmaturePopulate::BuildNodeList(const aiNode *current_node, // A bone stack allows us to have multiple armatures, with the same bone names // A bone stack allows us also to retrieve bones true transform even with // duplicate names :) -void ArmaturePopulate::BuildBoneStack(aiNode *, - const aiNode *root_node, +void ArmaturePopulate::BuildBoneStack(const aiNode *root_node, const aiScene*, const std::vector &bones, std::map &bone_stack, @@ -196,8 +197,7 @@ void ArmaturePopulate::BuildBoneStack(aiNode *, // This is required to be detected for a bone initially, it will recurse up // until it cannot find another bone and return the node No known failure // points. (yet) -aiNode *ArmaturePopulate::GetArmatureRoot(aiNode *bone_node, - std::vector &bone_list) { +aiNode *ArmaturePopulate::GetArmatureRoot(aiNode *bone_node, std::vector &bone_list) { while (nullptr != bone_node) { if (!IsBoneNode(bone_node->mName, bone_list)) { ASSIMP_LOG_VERBOSE_DEBUG("GetArmatureRoot() Found valid armature: ", bone_node->mName.C_Str()); @@ -212,18 +212,6 @@ aiNode *ArmaturePopulate::GetArmatureRoot(aiNode *bone_node, return nullptr; } -// Simple IsBoneNode check if this could be a bone -bool ArmaturePopulate::IsBoneNode(const aiString &bone_name, - std::vector &bones) { - for (aiBone *bone : bones) { - if (bone->mName == bone_name) { - return true; - } - } - - return false; -} - // Pop this node by name from the stack if found // Used in multiple armature situations with duplicate node / bone names // Known flaw: cannot have nodes with bone names, will be fixed in later release diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.h b/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.h index 530932f484..52d3adfef0 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ArmaturePopulate.h @@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ namespace Assimp { class ASSIMP_API ArmaturePopulate : public BaseProcess { public: /// The default class constructor. - ArmaturePopulate(); + ArmaturePopulate() = default; /// The class destructor. - virtual ~ArmaturePopulate(); + virtual ~ArmaturePopulate() = default; /// Overwritten, @see BaseProcess virtual bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags ) const; @@ -86,9 +86,6 @@ class ASSIMP_API ArmaturePopulate : public BaseProcess { static aiNode *GetArmatureRoot(aiNode *bone_node, std::vector &bone_list); - static bool IsBoneNode(const aiString &bone_name, - std::vector &bones); - static aiNode *GetNodeFromStack(const aiString &node_name, std::vector &nodes); @@ -99,7 +96,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API ArmaturePopulate : public BaseProcess { const aiScene *scene, std::vector &bones); - static void BuildBoneStack(aiNode *current_node, const aiNode *root_node, + static void BuildBoneStack(const aiNode *root_node, const aiScene *scene, const std::vector &bones, std::map &bone_stack, @@ -108,5 +105,4 @@ class ASSIMP_API ArmaturePopulate : public BaseProcess { } // Namespace Assimp - #endif // SCALE_PROCESS_H_ diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.cpp index efc4577669..a23ac856b9 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.cpp @@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ CalcTangentsProcess::CalcTangentsProcess() : // nothing to do here } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -CalcTangentsProcess::~CalcTangentsProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool CalcTangentsProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.h index 018789bae1..aaccb53078 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/CalcTangentsProcess.h @@ -59,14 +59,11 @@ namespace Assimp * because the joining of vertices also considers tangents and bitangents for * uniqueness. */ -class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY CalcTangentsProcess : public BaseProcess -{ +class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY CalcTangentsProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - CalcTangentsProcess(); - ~CalcTangentsProcess(); + ~CalcTangentsProcess() override = default; -public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. * @param pFlags The processing flags the importer was called with. @@ -74,24 +71,21 @@ class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY CalcTangentsProcess : public BaseProcess * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, * false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. */ - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); - + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; // setter for configMaxAngle - inline void SetMaxSmoothAngle(float f) - { + void SetMaxSmoothAngle(float f) { configMaxAngle =f; } protected: - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Calculates tangents and bitangents for a specific mesh. * @param pMesh The mesh to process. @@ -103,10 +97,9 @@ class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY CalcTangentsProcess : public BaseProcess /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; private: - /** Configuration option: maximum smoothing angle, in radians*/ float configMaxAngle; unsigned int configSourceUV; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.cpp index 237409f021..f75dc5952d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.cpp @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -42,8 +41,8 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** @file GenUVCoords step */ - #include "ComputeUVMappingProcess.h" +#include "Geometry/GeometryUtils.h" #include "ProcessHelper.h" #include @@ -51,47 +50,25 @@ using namespace Assimp; namespace { - const static aiVector3D base_axis_y(0.0,1.0,0.0); - const static aiVector3D base_axis_x(1.0,0.0,0.0); - const static aiVector3D base_axis_z(0.0,0.0,1.0); - const static ai_real angle_epsilon = ai_real( 0.95 ); -} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeUVMappingProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -ComputeUVMappingProcess::~ComputeUVMappingProcess() = default; +const static aiVector3D base_axis_y(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); +const static aiVector3D base_axis_x(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); +const static aiVector3D base_axis_z(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); +const static ai_real angle_epsilon = ai_real(0.95); +} // namespace // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool ComputeUVMappingProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ - return (pFlags & aiProcess_GenUVCoords) != 0; -} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Check whether a ray intersects a plane and find the intersection point -inline bool PlaneIntersect(const aiRay& ray, const aiVector3D& planePos, - const aiVector3D& planeNormal, aiVector3D& pos) -{ - const ai_real b = planeNormal * (planePos - ray.pos); - ai_real h = ray.dir * planeNormal; - if ((h < 10e-5 && h > -10e-5) || (h = b/h) < 0) - return false; - - pos = ray.pos + (ray.dir * h); - return true; +bool ComputeUVMappingProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { + return (pFlags & aiProcess_GenUVCoords) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find the first empty UV channel in a mesh -inline unsigned int FindEmptyUVChannel (aiMesh* mesh) -{ - for (unsigned int m = 0; m < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS;++m) - if (!mesh->mTextureCoords[m])return m; +inline unsigned int FindEmptyUVChannel(aiMesh *mesh) { + for (unsigned int m = 0; m < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++m) + if (!mesh->mTextureCoords[m]) { + return m; + } ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("Unable to compute UV coordinates, no free UV slot found"); return UINT_MAX; @@ -99,22 +76,22 @@ inline unsigned int FindEmptyUVChannel (aiMesh* mesh) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Try to remove UV seams -void RemoveUVSeams (aiMesh* mesh, aiVector3D* out) -{ +void RemoveUVSeams(aiMesh *mesh, aiVector3D *out) { // TODO: just a very rough algorithm. I think it could be done // much easier, but I don't know how and am currently too tired to // to think about a better solution. - const static ai_real LOWER_LIMIT = ai_real( 0.1 ); - const static ai_real UPPER_LIMIT = ai_real( 0.9 ); + const static ai_real LOWER_LIMIT = ai_real(0.1); + const static ai_real UPPER_LIMIT = ai_real(0.9); - const static ai_real LOWER_EPSILON = ai_real( 10e-3 ); - const static ai_real UPPER_EPSILON = ai_real( 1.0-10e-3 ); + const static ai_real LOWER_EPSILON = ai_real(10e-3); + const static ai_real UPPER_EPSILON = ai_real(1.0 - 10e-3); - for (unsigned int fidx = 0; fidx < mesh->mNumFaces;++fidx) - { - const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[fidx]; - if (face.mNumIndices < 3) continue; // triangles and polygons only, please + for (unsigned int fidx = 0; fidx < mesh->mNumFaces; ++fidx) { + const aiFace &face = mesh->mFaces[fidx]; + if (face.mNumIndices < 3) { + continue; // triangles and polygons only, please + } unsigned int smallV = face.mNumIndices, large = smallV; bool zero = false, one = false, round_to_zero = false; @@ -123,20 +100,18 @@ void RemoveUVSeams (aiMesh* mesh, aiVector3D* out) // but the assumption that a face with at least one very small // on the one side and one very large U coord on the other side // lies on a UV seam should work for most cases. - for (unsigned int n = 0; n < face.mNumIndices;++n) - { - if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x < LOWER_LIMIT) - { + for (unsigned int n = 0; n < face.mNumIndices; ++n) { + if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x < LOWER_LIMIT) { smallV = n; // If we have a U value very close to 0 we can't // round the others to 0, too. if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x <= LOWER_EPSILON) zero = true; - else round_to_zero = true; + else + round_to_zero = true; } - if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x > UPPER_LIMIT) - { + if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x > UPPER_LIMIT) { large = n; // If we have a U value very close to 1 we can't @@ -145,10 +120,8 @@ void RemoveUVSeams (aiMesh* mesh, aiVector3D* out) one = true; } } - if (smallV != face.mNumIndices && large != face.mNumIndices) - { - for (unsigned int n = 0; n < face.mNumIndices;++n) - { + if (smallV != face.mNumIndices && large != face.mNumIndices) { + for (unsigned int n = 0; n < face.mNumIndices; ++n) { // If the u value is over the upper limit and no other u // value of that face is 0, round it to 0 if (out[face.mIndices[n]].x > UPPER_LIMIT && !zero) @@ -164,9 +137,8 @@ void RemoveUVSeams (aiMesh* mesh, aiVector3D* out) // Due to numerical inaccuracies one U coord becomes 0, the // other 1. But we do still have a third UV coord to determine // to which side we must round to. - else if (one && zero) - { - if (round_to_zero && out[face.mIndices[n]].x >= UPPER_EPSILON) + else if (one && zero) { + if (round_to_zero && out[face.mIndices[n]].x >= UPPER_EPSILON) out[face.mIndices[n]].x = 0.0; else if (!round_to_zero && out[face.mIndices[n]].x <= LOWER_EPSILON) out[face.mIndices[n]].x = 1.0; @@ -177,8 +149,7 @@ void RemoveUVSeams (aiMesh* mesh, aiVector3D* out) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeSphereMapping(aiMesh* mesh,const aiVector3D& axis, aiVector3D* out) -{ +void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeSphereMapping(aiMesh *mesh, const aiVector3D &axis, aiVector3D *out) { aiVector3D center, min, max; FindMeshCenter(mesh, center, min, max); @@ -186,7 +157,7 @@ void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeSphereMapping(aiMesh* mesh,const aiVector3D // currently the mapping axis will always be one of x,y,z, except if the // PretransformVertices step is used (it transforms the meshes into worldspace, // thus changing the mapping axis) - if (axis * base_axis_x >= angle_epsilon) { + if (axis * base_axis_x >= angle_epsilon) { // For each point get a normalized projection vector in the sphere, // get its longitude and latitude and map them to their respective @@ -200,58 +171,54 @@ void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeSphereMapping(aiMesh* mesh,const aiVector3D // Thus we can derive: // lat = arcsin (z) // lon = arctan (y/x) - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D diff = (mesh->mVertices[pnt]-center).Normalize(); - out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.z, diff.y) + AI_MATH_PI_F ) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, - (std::asin (diff.x) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D diff = (mesh->mVertices[pnt] - center).Normalize(); + out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.z, diff.y) + AI_MATH_PI_F) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, + (std::asin(diff.x) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); } - } - else if (axis * base_axis_y >= angle_epsilon) { + } else if (axis * base_axis_y >= angle_epsilon) { // ... just the same again - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D diff = (mesh->mVertices[pnt]-center).Normalize(); - out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.x, diff.z) + AI_MATH_PI_F ) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, - (std::asin (diff.y) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D diff = (mesh->mVertices[pnt] - center).Normalize(); + out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.x, diff.z) + AI_MATH_PI_F) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, + (std::asin(diff.y) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); } - } - else if (axis * base_axis_z >= angle_epsilon) { + } else if (axis * base_axis_z >= angle_epsilon) { // ... just the same again - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D diff = (mesh->mVertices[pnt]-center).Normalize(); - out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.y, diff.x) + AI_MATH_PI_F ) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, - (std::asin (diff.z) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D diff = (mesh->mVertices[pnt] - center).Normalize(); + out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.y, diff.x) + AI_MATH_PI_F) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, + (std::asin(diff.z) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); } } // slower code path in case the mapping axis is not one of the coordinate system axes - else { + else { aiMatrix4x4 mTrafo; - aiMatrix4x4::FromToMatrix(axis,base_axis_y,mTrafo); + aiMatrix4x4::FromToMatrix(axis, base_axis_y, mTrafo); // again the same, except we're applying a transformation now - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D diff = ((mTrafo*mesh->mVertices[pnt])-center).Normalize(); - out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.y, diff.x) + AI_MATH_PI_F ) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, - (std::asin(diff.z) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D diff = ((mTrafo * mesh->mVertices[pnt]) - center).Normalize(); + out[pnt] = aiVector3D((std::atan2(diff.y, diff.x) + AI_MATH_PI_F) / AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F, + (std::asin(diff.z) + AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F) / AI_MATH_PI_F, 0.0); } } - // Now find and remove UV seams. A seam occurs if a face has a tcoord // close to zero on the one side, and a tcoord close to one on the // other side. - RemoveUVSeams(mesh,out); + RemoveUVSeams(mesh, out); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeCylinderMapping(aiMesh* mesh,const aiVector3D& axis, aiVector3D* out) -{ +void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeCylinderMapping(aiMesh *mesh, const aiVector3D &axis, aiVector3D *out) { aiVector3D center, min, max; // If the axis is one of x,y,z run a faster code path. It's worth the extra effort ... // currently the mapping axis will always be one of x,y,z, except if the // PretransformVertices step is used (it transforms the meshes into worldspace, // thus changing the mapping axis) - if (axis * base_axis_x >= angle_epsilon) { + if (axis * base_axis_x >= angle_epsilon) { FindMeshCenter(mesh, center, min, max); const ai_real diff = max.x - min.x; @@ -259,116 +226,110 @@ void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeCylinderMapping(aiMesh* mesh,const aiVector // directly to the texture V axis. The other axis is derived from // the angle between ( p.x - c.x, p.y - c.y ) and (1,0), where // 'c' is the center point of the mesh. - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D& pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - aiVector3D& uv = out[pnt]; + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D &pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; + aiVector3D &uv = out[pnt]; uv.y = (pos.x - min.x) / diff; - uv.x = (std::atan2( pos.z - center.z, pos.y - center.y) +(ai_real)AI_MATH_PI ) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; + uv.x = (std::atan2(pos.z - center.z, pos.y - center.y) + (ai_real)AI_MATH_PI) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; } - } - else if (axis * base_axis_y >= angle_epsilon) { + } else if (axis * base_axis_y >= angle_epsilon) { FindMeshCenter(mesh, center, min, max); const ai_real diff = max.y - min.y; // just the same ... - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D& pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - aiVector3D& uv = out[pnt]; + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D &pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; + aiVector3D &uv = out[pnt]; uv.y = (pos.y - min.y) / diff; - uv.x = (std::atan2( pos.x - center.x, pos.z - center.z) +(ai_real)AI_MATH_PI ) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; + uv.x = (std::atan2(pos.x - center.x, pos.z - center.z) + (ai_real)AI_MATH_PI) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; } - } - else if (axis * base_axis_z >= angle_epsilon) { + } else if (axis * base_axis_z >= angle_epsilon) { FindMeshCenter(mesh, center, min, max); const ai_real diff = max.z - min.z; // just the same ... - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D& pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - aiVector3D& uv = out[pnt]; + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D &pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; + aiVector3D &uv = out[pnt]; uv.y = (pos.z - min.z) / diff; - uv.x = (std::atan2( pos.y - center.y, pos.x - center.x) +(ai_real)AI_MATH_PI ) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; + uv.x = (std::atan2(pos.y - center.y, pos.x - center.x) + (ai_real)AI_MATH_PI) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; } } // slower code path in case the mapping axis is not one of the coordinate system axes else { aiMatrix4x4 mTrafo; - aiMatrix4x4::FromToMatrix(axis,base_axis_y,mTrafo); - FindMeshCenterTransformed(mesh, center, min, max,mTrafo); + aiMatrix4x4::FromToMatrix(axis, base_axis_y, mTrafo); + FindMeshCenterTransformed(mesh, center, min, max, mTrafo); const ai_real diff = max.y - min.y; // again the same, except we're applying a transformation now - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt){ - const aiVector3D pos = mTrafo* mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - aiVector3D& uv = out[pnt]; + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D pos = mTrafo * mesh->mVertices[pnt]; + aiVector3D &uv = out[pnt]; uv.y = (pos.y - min.y) / diff; - uv.x = (std::atan2( pos.x - center.x, pos.z - center.z) +(ai_real)AI_MATH_PI ) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; + uv.x = (std::atan2(pos.x - center.x, pos.z - center.z) + (ai_real)AI_MATH_PI) / (ai_real)AI_MATH_TWO_PI; } } // Now find and remove UV seams. A seam occurs if a face has a tcoord // close to zero on the one side, and a tcoord close to one on the // other side. - RemoveUVSeams(mesh,out); + RemoveUVSeams(mesh, out); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputePlaneMapping(aiMesh* mesh,const aiVector3D& axis, aiVector3D* out) -{ - ai_real diffu,diffv; +void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputePlaneMapping(aiMesh *mesh, const aiVector3D &axis, aiVector3D *out) { + ai_real diffu, diffv; aiVector3D center, min, max; // If the axis is one of x,y,z run a faster code path. It's worth the extra effort ... // currently the mapping axis will always be one of x,y,z, except if the // PretransformVertices step is used (it transforms the meshes into worldspace, // thus changing the mapping axis) - if (axis * base_axis_x >= angle_epsilon) { + if (axis * base_axis_x >= angle_epsilon) { FindMeshCenter(mesh, center, min, max); diffu = max.z - min.z; diffv = max.y - min.y; - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D& pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - out[pnt].Set((pos.z - min.z) / diffu,(pos.y - min.y) / diffv,0.0); + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D &pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; + out[pnt].Set((pos.z - min.z) / diffu, (pos.y - min.y) / diffv, 0.0); } - } - else if (axis * base_axis_y >= angle_epsilon) { + } else if (axis * base_axis_y >= angle_epsilon) { FindMeshCenter(mesh, center, min, max); diffu = max.x - min.x; diffv = max.z - min.z; - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D& pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - out[pnt].Set((pos.x - min.x) / diffu,(pos.z - min.z) / diffv,0.0); + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D &pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; + out[pnt].Set((pos.x - min.x) / diffu, (pos.z - min.z) / diffv, 0.0); } - } - else if (axis * base_axis_z >= angle_epsilon) { + } else if (axis * base_axis_z >= angle_epsilon) { FindMeshCenter(mesh, center, min, max); diffu = max.x - min.x; diffv = max.y - min.y; - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { - const aiVector3D& pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - out[pnt].Set((pos.x - min.x) / diffu,(pos.y - min.y) / diffv,0.0); + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { + const aiVector3D &pos = mesh->mVertices[pnt]; + out[pnt].Set((pos.x - min.x) / diffu, (pos.y - min.y) / diffv, 0.0); } } // slower code path in case the mapping axis is not one of the coordinate system axes - else - { + else { aiMatrix4x4 mTrafo; - aiMatrix4x4::FromToMatrix(axis,base_axis_y,mTrafo); - FindMeshCenterTransformed(mesh, center, min, max,mTrafo); + aiMatrix4x4::FromToMatrix(axis, base_axis_y, mTrafo); + FindMeshCenterTransformed(mesh, center, min, max, mTrafo); diffu = max.x - min.x; diffv = max.z - min.z; // again the same, except we're applying a transformation now - for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices;++pnt) { + for (unsigned int pnt = 0; pnt < mesh->mNumVertices; ++pnt) { const aiVector3D pos = mTrafo * mesh->mVertices[pnt]; - out[pnt].Set((pos.x - min.x) / diffu,(pos.z - min.z) / diffv,0.0); + out[pnt].Set((pos.x - min.x) / diffu, (pos.z - min.z) / diffv, 0.0); } } @@ -376,14 +337,12 @@ void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputePlaneMapping(aiMesh* mesh,const aiVector3D& } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeBoxMapping( aiMesh*, aiVector3D* ) -{ +void ComputeUVMappingProcess::ComputeBoxMapping(aiMesh *, aiVector3D *) { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("Mapping type currently not implemented"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void ComputeUVMappingProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void ComputeUVMappingProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("GenUVCoordsProcess begin"); char buffer[1024]; @@ -394,23 +353,18 @@ void ComputeUVMappingProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) /* Iterate through all materials and search for non-UV mapped textures */ - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMaterials;++i) - { + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMaterials; ++i) { mappingStack.clear(); - aiMaterial* mat = pScene->mMaterials[i]; - for (unsigned int a = 0; a < mat->mNumProperties;++a) - { - aiMaterialProperty* prop = mat->mProperties[a]; - if (!::strcmp( prop->mKey.data, "$tex.mapping")) - { - aiTextureMapping& mapping = *((aiTextureMapping*)prop->mData); - if (aiTextureMapping_UV != mapping) - { - if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) - { + aiMaterial *mat = pScene->mMaterials[i]; + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < mat->mNumProperties; ++a) { + aiMaterialProperty *prop = mat->mProperties[a]; + if (!::strcmp(prop->mKey.data, "$tex.mapping")) { + aiTextureMapping &mapping = *((aiTextureMapping *)prop->mData); + if (aiTextureMapping_UV != mapping) { + if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) { ai_snprintf(buffer, 1024, "Found non-UV mapped texture (%s,%u). Mapping type: %s", - aiTextureTypeToString((aiTextureType)prop->mSemantic),prop->mIndex, - MappingTypeToString(mapping)); + aiTextureTypeToString((aiTextureType)prop->mSemantic), prop->mIndex, + MappingTypeToString(mapping)); ASSIMP_LOG_INFO(buffer); } @@ -418,70 +372,62 @@ void ComputeUVMappingProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) if (aiTextureMapping_OTHER == mapping) continue; - MappingInfo info (mapping); + MappingInfo info(mapping); // Get further properties - currently only the major axis - for (unsigned int a2 = 0; a2 < mat->mNumProperties;++a2) - { - aiMaterialProperty* prop2 = mat->mProperties[a2]; + for (unsigned int a2 = 0; a2 < mat->mNumProperties; ++a2) { + aiMaterialProperty *prop2 = mat->mProperties[a2]; if (prop2->mSemantic != prop->mSemantic || prop2->mIndex != prop->mIndex) continue; - if ( !::strcmp( prop2->mKey.data, "$tex.mapaxis")) { - info.axis = *((aiVector3D*)prop2->mData); + if (!::strcmp(prop2->mKey.data, "$tex.mapaxis")) { + info.axis = *((aiVector3D *)prop2->mData); break; } } - unsigned int idx( 99999999 ); + unsigned int idx(99999999); // Check whether we have this mapping mode already - std::list::iterator it = std::find (mappingStack.begin(),mappingStack.end(), info); - if (mappingStack.end() != it) - { + std::list::iterator it = std::find(mappingStack.begin(), mappingStack.end(), info); + if (mappingStack.end() != it) { idx = (*it).uv; - } - else - { + } else { /* We have found a non-UV mapped texture. Now - * we need to find all meshes using this material - * that we can compute UV channels for them. - */ - for (unsigned int m = 0; m < pScene->mNumMeshes;++m) - { - aiMesh* mesh = pScene->mMeshes[m]; + * we need to find all meshes using this material + * that we can compute UV channels for them. + */ + for (unsigned int m = 0; m < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++m) { + aiMesh *mesh = pScene->mMeshes[m]; unsigned int outIdx = 0; - if ( mesh->mMaterialIndex != i || ( outIdx = FindEmptyUVChannel(mesh) ) == UINT_MAX || - !mesh->mNumVertices) - { + if (mesh->mMaterialIndex != i || (outIdx = FindEmptyUVChannel(mesh)) == UINT_MAX || + !mesh->mNumVertices) { continue; } // Allocate output storage - aiVector3D* p = mesh->mTextureCoords[outIdx] = new aiVector3D[mesh->mNumVertices]; + aiVector3D *p = mesh->mTextureCoords[outIdx] = new aiVector3D[mesh->mNumVertices]; - switch (mapping) - { + switch (mapping) { case aiTextureMapping_SPHERE: - ComputeSphereMapping(mesh,info.axis,p); + ComputeSphereMapping(mesh, info.axis, p); break; case aiTextureMapping_CYLINDER: - ComputeCylinderMapping(mesh,info.axis,p); + ComputeCylinderMapping(mesh, info.axis, p); break; case aiTextureMapping_PLANE: - ComputePlaneMapping(mesh,info.axis,p); + ComputePlaneMapping(mesh, info.axis, p); break; case aiTextureMapping_BOX: - ComputeBoxMapping(mesh,p); + ComputeBoxMapping(mesh, p); break; default: ai_assert(false); } - if (m && idx != outIdx) - { + if (m && idx != outIdx) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("UV index mismatch. Not all meshes assigned to " - "this material have equal numbers of UV channels. The UV index stored in " - "the material structure does therefore not apply for all meshes. "); + "this material have equal numbers of UV channels. The UV index stored in " + "the material structure does therefore not apply for all meshes. "); } idx = outIdx; } @@ -491,7 +437,7 @@ void ComputeUVMappingProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // Update the material property list mapping = aiTextureMapping_UV; - ((aiMaterial*)mat)->AddProperty(&idx,1,AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC(prop->mSemantic,prop->mIndex)); + ((aiMaterial *)mat)->AddProperty(&idx, 1, AI_MATKEY_UVWSRC(prop->mSemantic, prop->mIndex)); } } } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.h index 74744be7f4..c4158f402a 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ComputeUVMappingProcess.h @@ -59,13 +59,10 @@ namespace Assimp { /** ComputeUVMappingProcess - converts special mappings, such as spherical, * cylindrical or boxed to proper UV coordinates for rendering. */ -class ComputeUVMappingProcess : public BaseProcess -{ -public: - ComputeUVMappingProcess(); - ~ComputeUVMappingProcess(); - +class ComputeUVMappingProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + ComputeUVMappingProcess() = default; + ~ComputeUVMappingProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -73,14 +70,14 @@ class ComputeUVMappingProcess : public BaseProcess * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; protected: @@ -125,8 +122,7 @@ class ComputeUVMappingProcess : public BaseProcess private: // temporary structure to describe a mapping - struct MappingInfo - { + struct MappingInfo { explicit MappingInfo(aiTextureMapping _type) : type (_type) , axis (0.f,1.f,0.f) @@ -137,8 +133,7 @@ class ComputeUVMappingProcess : public BaseProcess aiVector3D axis; unsigned int uv; - bool operator== (const MappingInfo& other) - { + bool operator== (const MappingInfo& other) { return type == other.type && axis == other.axis; } }; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp index 359c5a284c..80abf84a5d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -79,14 +77,6 @@ void flipUVs(aiMeshType *pMesh) { } // namespace -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -MakeLeftHandedProcess::MakeLeftHandedProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -MakeLeftHandedProcess::~MakeLeftHandedProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool MakeLeftHandedProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { @@ -121,6 +111,12 @@ void MakeLeftHandedProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { ProcessAnimation(nodeAnim); } } + + // process the cameras accordingly + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumCameras; ++a) + { + ProcessCamera(pScene->mCameras[a]); + } ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("MakeLeftHandedProcess finished"); } @@ -227,18 +223,18 @@ void MakeLeftHandedProcess::ProcessAnimation(aiNodeAnim *pAnim) { // rotation keys for (unsigned int a = 0; a < pAnim->mNumRotationKeys; a++) { - /* That's the safe version, but the float errors add up. So we try the short version instead - aiMatrix3x3 rotmat = pAnim->mRotationKeys[a].mValue.GetMatrix(); - rotmat.a3 = -rotmat.a3; rotmat.b3 = -rotmat.b3; - rotmat.c1 = -rotmat.c1; rotmat.c2 = -rotmat.c2; - aiQuaternion rotquat( rotmat); - pAnim->mRotationKeys[a].mValue = rotquat; - */ pAnim->mRotationKeys[a].mValue.x *= -1.0f; pAnim->mRotationKeys[a].mValue.y *= -1.0f; } } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Converts a single camera to left handed coordinates. +void MakeLeftHandedProcess::ProcessCamera( aiCamera* pCam) +{ + pCam->mLookAt = ai_real(2.0f) * pCam->mPosition - pCam->mLookAt; +} + #endif // !! ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_MAKELEFTHANDED_PROCESS #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_FLIPUVS_PROCESS // # FlipUVsProcess @@ -305,14 +301,6 @@ void FlipUVsProcess::ProcessMesh(aiMesh *pMesh) { #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_FLIPWINDING_PROCESS // # FlipWindingOrderProcess -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -FlipWindingOrderProcess::FlipWindingOrderProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -FlipWindingOrderProcess::~FlipWindingOrderProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool FlipWindingOrderProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h index 474056c3a8..ea001b95b9 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -59,6 +58,7 @@ struct aiMesh; struct aiNodeAnim; struct aiNode; struct aiMaterial; +struct aiCamera; namespace Assimp { @@ -72,22 +72,18 @@ namespace Assimp { * * @note RH-LH and LH-RH is the same, so this class can be used for both */ -class MakeLeftHandedProcess : public BaseProcess -{ - - +class MakeLeftHandedProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - MakeLeftHandedProcess(); - ~MakeLeftHandedProcess(); + MakeLeftHandedProcess() = default; + ~MakeLeftHandedProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; protected: - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Recursively converts a node and all of its children */ @@ -114,30 +110,36 @@ class MakeLeftHandedProcess : public BaseProcess * @param pAnim The bone animation to transform */ void ProcessAnimation( aiNodeAnim* pAnim); + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /** Converts a single camera to left handed coordinates. + * The camera viewing direction is inverted by reflecting mLookAt + * across mPosition. + * @param pCam The camera to convert + */ + void ProcessCamera( aiCamera* pCam); }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Postprocessing step to flip the face order of the imported data */ -class FlipWindingOrderProcess : public BaseProcess -{ +class FlipWindingOrderProcess : public BaseProcess { friend class Importer; public: /** Constructor to be privately used by Importer */ - FlipWindingOrderProcess(); + FlipWindingOrderProcess() = default; /** Destructor, private as well */ - ~FlipWindingOrderProcess(); + ~FlipWindingOrderProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; -public: /** Some other types of post-processing require winding order flips */ static void ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh); }; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.cpp index 22a4397bf3..e91196ce2d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.cpp @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -43,42 +42,26 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /// @file DeboneProcess.cpp /** Implementation of the DeboneProcess post processing step */ - - // internal headers of the post-processing framework #include "ProcessHelper.h" #include "DeboneProcess.h" #include - using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -DeboneProcess::DeboneProcess() -{ - mNumBones = 0; - mNumBonesCanDoWithout = 0; - - mThreshold = AI_DEBONE_THRESHOLD; - mAllOrNone = false; -} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -DeboneProcess::~DeboneProcess() = default; +DeboneProcess::DeboneProcess() : mNumBones(0), mNumBonesCanDoWithout(0), mThreshold(AI_DEBONE_THRESHOLD), mAllOrNone(false) {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool DeboneProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ +bool DeboneProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_Debone) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void DeboneProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) -{ +void DeboneProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { // get the current value of the property mAllOrNone = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_DB_ALL_OR_NONE,0)?true:false; mThreshold = pImp->GetPropertyFloat(AI_CONFIG_PP_DB_THRESHOLD,AI_DEBONE_THRESHOLD); @@ -86,8 +69,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void DeboneProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void DeboneProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("DeboneProcess begin"); if(!pScene->mNumMeshes) { @@ -104,7 +86,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) if(!!mNumBonesCanDoWithout && (!mAllOrNone||mNumBonesCanDoWithout==mNumBones)) { for(unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumMeshes; a++) { if(splitList[a]) { - numSplits++; + ++numSplits; } } } @@ -117,10 +99,8 @@ void DeboneProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // build a new array of meshes for the scene std::vector meshes; - for(unsigned int a=0;amNumMeshes;a++) - { + for (unsigned int a=0;amNumMeshes; ++a) { aiMesh* srcMesh = pScene->mMeshes[a]; - std::vector > newMeshes; if(splitList[a]) { @@ -138,8 +118,8 @@ void DeboneProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) aiNode *theNode = find ? pScene->mRootNode->FindNode(*find) : nullptr; std::pair push_pair(static_cast(meshes.size()),theNode); - mSubMeshIndices[a].push_back(push_pair); - meshes.push_back(newMeshes[b].first); + mSubMeshIndices[a].emplace_back(push_pair); + meshes.emplace_back(newMeshes[b].first); out+=newMeshes[b].first->mNumBones; } @@ -150,8 +130,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // and destroy the source mesh. It should be completely contained inside the new submeshes delete srcMesh; - } - else { + } else { // Mesh is kept unchanged - store it's new place in the mesh array mSubMeshIndices[a].emplace_back(static_cast(meshes.size()), (aiNode *)nullptr); meshes.push_back(srcMesh); @@ -173,8 +152,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Counts bones total/removable in a given mesh. -bool DeboneProcess::ConsiderMesh(const aiMesh* pMesh) -{ +bool DeboneProcess::ConsiderMesh(const aiMesh* pMesh) { if(!pMesh->HasBones()) { return false; } @@ -193,25 +171,23 @@ bool DeboneProcess::ConsiderMesh(const aiMesh* pMesh) for(unsigned int i=0;imNumBones;i++) { for(unsigned int j=0;jmBones[i]->mNumWeights;j++) { float w = pMesh->mBones[i]->mWeights[j].mWeight; - - if(w==0.0f) { + if (w == 0.0f) { continue; } unsigned int vid = pMesh->mBones[i]->mWeights[j].mVertexId; - if(w>=mThreshold) { - - if(vertexBones[vid]!=cUnowned) { - if(vertexBones[vid]==i) //double entry - { + if (w >= mThreshold) { + if (vertexBones[vid] != cUnowned) { + //double entry + if(vertexBones[vid]==i) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Encountered double entry in bone weights"); - } - else //TODO: track attraction in order to break tie - { + } else { + //TODO: track attraction in order to break tie vertexBones[vid] = cCoowned; } - } - else vertexBones[vid] = i; + } else { + vertexBones[vid] = i; + } } if(!isBoneNecessary[i]) { @@ -227,13 +203,16 @@ bool DeboneProcess::ConsiderMesh(const aiMesh* pMesh) if(isInterstitialRequired) { for(unsigned int i=0;imNumFaces;i++) { unsigned int v = vertexBones[pMesh->mFaces[i].mIndices[0]]; - - for(unsigned int j=1;jmFaces[i].mNumIndices;j++) { + for (unsigned int j=1;jmFaces[i].mNumIndices;j++) { unsigned int w = vertexBones[pMesh->mFaces[i].mIndices[j]]; - if(v!=w) { - if(vmNumBones) isBoneNecessary[v] = true; - if(wmNumBones) isBoneNecessary[w] = true; + if (v != w) { + if(vmNumBones) { + isBoneNecessary[v] = true; + } + if (wmNumBones) { + isBoneNecessary[w] = true; + } } } } @@ -252,8 +231,7 @@ bool DeboneProcess::ConsiderMesh(const aiMesh* pMesh) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Splits the given mesh by bone count. -void DeboneProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vector< std::pair< aiMesh*,const aiBone* > >& poNewMeshes) const -{ +void DeboneProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vector< std::pair< aiMesh*,const aiBone* > >& poNewMeshes) const { // same deal here as ConsiderMesh basically std::vector isBoneNecessary(pMesh->mNumBones,false); @@ -371,8 +349,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vector< std::pair< aiMe // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Recursively updates the node's mesh list to account for the changed mesh list -void DeboneProcess::UpdateNode(aiNode* pNode) const -{ +void DeboneProcess::UpdateNode(aiNode* pNode) const { // rebuild the node's mesh index list std::vector newMeshList; @@ -382,9 +359,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::UpdateNode(aiNode* pNode) const unsigned int m = static_cast(pNode->mNumMeshes), n = static_cast(mSubMeshIndices.size()); // first pass, look for meshes which have not moved - for(unsigned int a=0;amMeshes[a]; const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int,aiNode* > > &subMeshes = mSubMeshIndices[srcIndex]; unsigned int nSubmeshes = static_cast(subMeshes.size()); @@ -398,8 +373,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::UpdateNode(aiNode* pNode) const // second pass, collect deboned meshes - for(unsigned int a=0;a > &subMeshes = mSubMeshIndices[a]; unsigned int nSubmeshes = static_cast(subMeshes.size()); @@ -430,8 +404,7 @@ void DeboneProcess::UpdateNode(aiNode* pNode) const // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Apply the node transformation to a mesh -void DeboneProcess::ApplyTransform(aiMesh* mesh, const aiMatrix4x4& mat)const -{ +void DeboneProcess::ApplyTransform(aiMesh* mesh, const aiMatrix4x4& mat)const { // Check whether we need to transform the coordinates at all if (!mat.IsIdentity()) { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.h index cb072b7ebc..ae4448e0e3 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/DeboneProcess.h @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace Assimp { class DeboneProcess : public BaseProcess { public: DeboneProcess(); - ~DeboneProcess(); + ~DeboneProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. @@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ class DeboneProcess : public BaseProcess { * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, * false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. */ - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; protected: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class DeboneProcess : public BaseProcess { * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Counts bones total/removable in a given mesh. diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.cpp index f85daa5881..c5f6333e05 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.cpp @@ -42,35 +42,26 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** @file Implementation of the post processing step to drop face -* normals for all imported faces. -*/ - + * normals for all imported faces. + */ #include "DropFaceNormalsProcess.h" +#include #include #include #include -#include using namespace Assimp; -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -DropFaceNormalsProcess::DropFaceNormalsProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -DropFaceNormalsProcess::~DropFaceNormalsProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool DropFaceNormalsProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { - return (pFlags & aiProcess_DropNormals) != 0; +bool DropFaceNormalsProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { + return (pFlags & aiProcess_DropNormals) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void DropFaceNormalsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { +void DropFaceNormalsProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("DropFaceNormalsProcess begin"); if (pScene->mFlags & AI_SCENE_FLAGS_NON_VERBOSE_FORMAT) { @@ -78,21 +69,21 @@ void DropFaceNormalsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { } bool bHas = false; - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumMeshes; a++) { - bHas |= this->DropMeshFaceNormals( pScene->mMeshes[a]); + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumMeshes; a++) { + bHas |= this->DropMeshFaceNormals(pScene->mMeshes[a]); } - if (bHas) { + if (bHas) { ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("DropFaceNormalsProcess finished. " - "Face normals have been removed"); + "Face normals have been removed"); } else { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("DropFaceNormalsProcess finished. " - "No normals were present"); + "No normals were present"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -bool DropFaceNormalsProcess::DropMeshFaceNormals (aiMesh* mesh) { +bool DropFaceNormalsProcess::DropMeshFaceNormals(aiMesh *mesh) { ai_assert(nullptr != mesh); if (nullptr == mesh->mNormals) { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.h index 50abdc727c..df542f2baf 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/DropFaceNormalsProcess.h @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY DropFaceNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - DropFaceNormalsProcess(); - ~DropFaceNormalsProcess(); + DropFaceNormalsProcess() = default; + ~DropFaceNormalsProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -64,15 +64,14 @@ class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY DropFaceNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); - + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; private: bool DropMeshFaceNormals(aiMesh* pcMesh); diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.cpp index dc7e54ac19..d5d2ef872b 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.cpp @@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. using namespace Assimp; -EmbedTexturesProcess::EmbedTexturesProcess() = default; - -EmbedTexturesProcess::~EmbedTexturesProcess() = default; - bool EmbedTexturesProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_EmbedTextures) != 0; } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.h index c3e63612cf..77d4d9c723 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/EmbedTexturesProcess.h @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ namespace Assimp { class ASSIMP_API EmbedTexturesProcess : public BaseProcess { public: /// The default class constructor. - EmbedTexturesProcess(); + EmbedTexturesProcess() = default; /// The class destructor. - virtual ~EmbedTexturesProcess(); + ~EmbedTexturesProcess() override = default; /// Overwritten, @see BaseProcess - virtual bool IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const override; /// Overwritten, @see BaseProcess - virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; /// Overwritten, @see BaseProcess - virtual void Execute(aiScene* pScene); + virtual void Execute(aiScene* pScene) override; private: // Resolve the path and add the file content to the scene as a texture. diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.cpp index 3449799494..d9c14425cf 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.cpp @@ -41,10 +41,11 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** @file FindDegenerates.cpp * @brief Implementation of the FindDegenerates post-process step. -*/ + */ -#include "ProcessHelper.h" #include "FindDegenerates.h" +#include "Geometry/GeometryUtils.h" +#include "ProcessHelper.h" #include @@ -53,39 +54,35 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. using namespace Assimp; // Correct node indices to meshes and remove references to deleted mesh -static void updateSceneGraph(aiNode* pNode, const std::unordered_map& meshMap); +static void updateSceneGraph(aiNode *pNode, const std::unordered_map &meshMap); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer FindDegeneratesProcess::FindDegeneratesProcess() : - mConfigRemoveDegenerates( false ), - mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle( false ){ + mConfigRemoveDegenerates(false), + mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle(false) { // empty } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -FindDegeneratesProcess::~FindDegeneratesProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool FindDegeneratesProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { +bool FindDegeneratesProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { return 0 != (pFlags & aiProcess_FindDegenerates); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup import configuration -void FindDegeneratesProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { +void FindDegeneratesProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) { // Get the current value of AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE - mConfigRemoveDegenerates = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE,0)); - mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle = ( 0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_CHECKAREA) ); + mConfigRemoveDegenerates = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE, 0)); + mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_CHECKAREA)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void FindDegeneratesProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { +void FindDegeneratesProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("FindDegeneratesProcess begin"); - if ( nullptr == pScene) { + if (nullptr == pScene) { return; } @@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ void FindDegeneratesProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("FindDegeneratesProcess finished"); } -static void updateSceneGraph(aiNode* pNode, const std::unordered_map& meshMap) { +static void updateSceneGraph(aiNode *pNode, const std::unordered_map &meshMap) { unsigned int targetIndex = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < pNode->mNumMeshes; ++i) { const unsigned int sourceMeshIndex = pNode->mMeshes[i]; @@ -126,56 +123,25 @@ static void updateSceneGraph(aiNode* pNode, const std::unordered_mapmNumMeshes = targetIndex; - //recurse to all children + // recurse to all children for (unsigned i = 0; i < pNode->mNumChildren; ++i) { updateSceneGraph(pNode->mChildren[i], meshMap); } } -static ai_real heron( ai_real a, ai_real b, ai_real c ) { - ai_real s = (a + b + c) / 2; - ai_real area = pow((s * ( s - a ) * ( s - b ) * ( s - c ) ), (ai_real)0.5 ); - return area; -} - -static ai_real distance3D( const aiVector3D &vA, aiVector3D &vB ) { - const ai_real lx = ( vB.x - vA.x ); - const ai_real ly = ( vB.y - vA.y ); - const ai_real lz = ( vB.z - vA.z ); - ai_real a = lx*lx + ly*ly + lz*lz; - ai_real d = pow( a, (ai_real)0.5 ); - - return d; -} - -static ai_real calculateAreaOfTriangle( const aiFace& face, aiMesh* mesh ) { - ai_real area = 0; - - aiVector3D vA( mesh->mVertices[ face.mIndices[ 0 ] ] ); - aiVector3D vB( mesh->mVertices[ face.mIndices[ 1 ] ] ); - aiVector3D vC( mesh->mVertices[ face.mIndices[ 2 ] ] ); - - ai_real a( distance3D( vA, vB ) ); - ai_real b( distance3D( vB, vC ) ); - ai_real c( distance3D( vC, vA ) ); - area = heron( a, b, c ); - - return area; -} - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported mesh -bool FindDegeneratesProcess::ExecuteOnMesh( aiMesh* mesh) { +bool FindDegeneratesProcess::ExecuteOnMesh(aiMesh *mesh) { mesh->mPrimitiveTypes = 0; std::vector remove_me; if (mConfigRemoveDegenerates) { - remove_me.resize( mesh->mNumFaces, false ); + remove_me.resize(mesh->mNumFaces, false); } unsigned int deg = 0, limit; - for ( unsigned int a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a ) { - aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[a]; + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a) { + aiFace &face = mesh->mFaces[a]; bool first = true; // check whether the face contains degenerated entries @@ -185,43 +151,43 @@ bool FindDegeneratesProcess::ExecuteOnMesh( aiMesh* mesh) { // double points may not come directly after another. limit = face.mNumIndices; if (face.mNumIndices > 4) { - limit = std::min( limit, i+2 ); + limit = std::min(limit, i + 2); } - for (unsigned int t = i+1; t < limit; ++t) { - if (mesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[ i ] ] == mesh->mVertices[ face.mIndices[ t ] ]) { + for (unsigned int t = i + 1; t < limit; ++t) { + if (mesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[i]] == mesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[t]]) { // we have found a matching vertex position // remove the corresponding index from the array --face.mNumIndices; --limit; for (unsigned int m = t; m < face.mNumIndices; ++m) { - face.mIndices[ m ] = face.mIndices[ m+1 ]; + face.mIndices[m] = face.mIndices[m + 1]; } --t; // NOTE: we set the removed vertex index to an unique value // to make sure the developer gets notified when his // application attempts to access this data. - face.mIndices[ face.mNumIndices ] = 0xdeadbeef; + face.mIndices[face.mNumIndices] = 0xdeadbeef; - if(first) { + if (first) { ++deg; first = false; } - if ( mConfigRemoveDegenerates ) { - remove_me[ a ] = true; + if (mConfigRemoveDegenerates) { + remove_me[a] = true; goto evil_jump_outside; // hrhrhrh ... yeah, this rocks baby! } } } - if ( mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle ) { - if ( face.mNumIndices == 3 ) { - ai_real area = calculateAreaOfTriangle( face, mesh ); + if (mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle) { + if (face.mNumIndices == 3) { + ai_real area = GeometryUtils::calculateAreaOfTriangle(face, mesh); if (area < ai_epsilon) { - if ( mConfigRemoveDegenerates ) { - remove_me[ a ] = true; + if (mConfigRemoveDegenerates) { + remove_me[a] = true; ++deg; goto evil_jump_outside; } @@ -233,8 +199,7 @@ bool FindDegeneratesProcess::ExecuteOnMesh( aiMesh* mesh) { } // We need to update the primitive flags array of the mesh. - switch (face.mNumIndices) - { + switch (face.mNumIndices) { case 1u: mesh->mPrimitiveTypes |= aiPrimitiveType_POINT; break; @@ -248,30 +213,28 @@ bool FindDegeneratesProcess::ExecuteOnMesh( aiMesh* mesh) { mesh->mPrimitiveTypes |= aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON; break; }; -evil_jump_outside: + evil_jump_outside: continue; } // If AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE is true, remove degenerated faces from the import if (mConfigRemoveDegenerates && deg) { unsigned int n = 0; - for (unsigned int a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a) - { - aiFace& face_src = mesh->mFaces[a]; + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a) { + aiFace &face_src = mesh->mFaces[a]; if (!remove_me[a]) { - aiFace& face_dest = mesh->mFaces[n++]; + aiFace &face_dest = mesh->mFaces[n++]; // Do a manual copy, keep the index array face_dest.mNumIndices = face_src.mNumIndices; - face_dest.mIndices = face_src.mIndices; + face_dest.mIndices = face_src.mIndices; if (&face_src != &face_dest) { // clear source face_src.mNumIndices = 0; face_src.mIndices = nullptr; } - } - else { + } else { // Otherwise delete it if we don't need this face delete[] face_src.mIndices; face_src.mIndices = nullptr; @@ -281,15 +244,15 @@ bool FindDegeneratesProcess::ExecuteOnMesh( aiMesh* mesh) { // Just leave the rest of the array unreferenced, we don't care for now mesh->mNumFaces = n; if (!mesh->mNumFaces) { - //The whole mesh consists of degenerated faces - //signal upward, that this mesh should be deleted. + // The whole mesh consists of degenerated faces + // signal upward, that this mesh should be deleted. ASSIMP_LOG_VERBOSE_DEBUG("FindDegeneratesProcess removed a mesh full of degenerated primitives"); return true; } } if (deg && !DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) { - ASSIMP_LOG_WARN( "Found ", deg, " degenerated primitives"); + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Found ", deg, " degenerated primitives"); } return false; } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.h b/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.h index 6fe1e929b0..6b37a47cf7 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FindDegenerates.h @@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ namespace Assimp { class ASSIMP_API FindDegeneratesProcess : public BaseProcess { public: FindDegeneratesProcess(); - ~FindDegeneratesProcess(); + ~FindDegeneratesProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check whether step is active - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execute step on a given scene - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup import settings - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execute step on a given mesh @@ -105,23 +105,19 @@ class ASSIMP_API FindDegeneratesProcess : public BaseProcess { bool mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle; }; -inline -void FindDegeneratesProcess::EnableInstantRemoval(bool enabled) { +inline void FindDegeneratesProcess::EnableInstantRemoval(bool enabled) { mConfigRemoveDegenerates = enabled; } -inline -bool FindDegeneratesProcess::IsInstantRemoval() const { +inline bool FindDegeneratesProcess::IsInstantRemoval() const { return mConfigRemoveDegenerates; } -inline -void FindDegeneratesProcess::EnableAreaCheck( bool enabled ) { +inline void FindDegeneratesProcess::EnableAreaCheck( bool enabled ) { mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle = enabled; } -inline -bool FindDegeneratesProcess::isAreaCheckEnabled() const { +inline bool FindDegeneratesProcess::isAreaCheckEnabled() const { return mConfigCheckAreaOfTriangle; } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.cpp index 07a0f66db2..55974b1c39 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.cpp @@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ FindInstancesProcess::FindInstancesProcess() : configSpeedFlag (false) {} -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -FindInstancesProcess::~FindInstancesProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool FindInstancesProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.h index b501d88d52..6927301ca3 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FindInstancesProcess.h @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.h" class FindInstancesProcessTest; -namespace Assimp { + +namespace Assimp { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Get a pseudo(!)-hash representing a mesh. @@ -60,8 +61,7 @@ namespace Assimp { * @param in Input mesh * @return Hash. */ -inline -uint64_t GetMeshHash(aiMesh* in) { +inline uint64_t GetMeshHash(aiMesh* in) { ai_assert(nullptr != in); // ... get an unique value representing the vertex format of the mesh @@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ uint64_t GetMeshHash(aiMesh* in) { * @param e Epsilon * @return true if the arrays are identical */ -inline -bool CompareArrays(const aiVector3D* first, const aiVector3D* second, +inline bool CompareArrays(const aiVector3D* first, const aiVector3D* second, unsigned int size, float e) { for (const aiVector3D* end = first+size; first != end; ++first,++second) { if ( (*first - *second).SquareLength() >= e) @@ -107,31 +106,27 @@ inline bool CompareArrays(const aiColor4D* first, const aiColor4D* second, // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief A post-processing steps to search for instanced meshes */ -class FindInstancesProcess : public BaseProcess -{ +class FindInstancesProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - FindInstancesProcess(); - ~FindInstancesProcess(); + ~FindInstancesProcess() override = default; -public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check whether step is active in given flags combination - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execute step on a given scene - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup properties prior to executing the process - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; private: - bool configSpeedFlag; - }; // ! end class FindInstancesProcess + } // ! end namespace Assimp #endif // !! AI_FINDINSTANCES_H_INC diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.cpp index c65208cbd2..aa91139bcc 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.cpp @@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ FindInvalidDataProcess::FindInvalidDataProcess() : // nothing to do here } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -FindInvalidDataProcess::~FindInvalidDataProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool FindInvalidDataProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { @@ -86,6 +82,9 @@ void UpdateMeshReferences(aiNode *node, const std::vector &meshMap for (unsigned int a = 0; a < node->mNumMeshes; ++a) { unsigned int ref = node->mMeshes[a]; + if (ref >= meshMapping.size()) + throw DeadlyImportError("Invalid mesh ref"); + if (UINT_MAX != (ref = meshMapping[ref])) { node->mMeshes[out++] = ref; } @@ -147,7 +146,13 @@ void FindInvalidDataProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { // we need to remove some meshes. // therefore we'll also need to remove all references // to them from the scenegraph - UpdateMeshReferences(pScene->mRootNode, meshMapping); + try { + UpdateMeshReferences(pScene->mRootNode, meshMapping); + } catch (const std::exception&) { + // fix the real number of meshes otherwise we'll get double free in the scene destructor + pScene->mNumMeshes = real; + throw; + } pScene->mNumMeshes = real; } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.h index 5ea895c597..024eb9b1e6 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FindInvalidDataProcess.h @@ -64,35 +64,37 @@ namespace Assimp { * which have zero normal vectors. */ class ASSIMP_API FindInvalidDataProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. FindInvalidDataProcess(); - ~FindInvalidDataProcess(); + ~FindInvalidDataProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - bool IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const; + /// Returns active state. + bool IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Setup import settings - void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp); + /// Setup import settings + void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Run the step - void Execute(aiScene *pScene); + /// Run the step + void Execute(aiScene *pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Executes the post-processing step on the given mesh - * @param pMesh The mesh to process. - * @return 0 - nothing, 1 - removed sth, 2 - please delete me */ + /// Executes the post-processing step on the given mesh + /// @param pMesh The mesh to process. + /// @return 0 - nothing, 1 - removed sth, 2 - please delete me */ int ProcessMesh(aiMesh *pMesh); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Executes the post-processing step on the given animation - * @param anim The animation to process. */ + /// Executes the post-processing step on the given animation + /// @param anim The animation to process. */ void ProcessAnimation(aiAnimation *anim); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Executes the post-processing step on the given anim channel - * @param anim The animation channel to process.*/ + /// Executes the post-processing step on the given anim channel + /// @param anim The animation channel to process.*/ void ProcessAnimationChannel(aiNodeAnim *anim); private: diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.cpp index 3791bd35aa..54ac05cc83 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.cpp @@ -56,26 +56,15 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. using namespace Assimp; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -FixInfacingNormalsProcess::FixInfacingNormalsProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -FixInfacingNormalsProcess::~FixInfacingNormalsProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool FixInfacingNormalsProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ +bool FixInfacingNormalsProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void FixInfacingNormalsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void FixInfacingNormalsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("FixInfacingNormalsProcess begin"); bool bHas( false ); diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.h b/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.h index b7d3ba386f..20be1958b1 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/FixNormalsStep.h @@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. struct aiMesh; -namespace Assimp -{ +namespace Assimp { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The FixInfacingNormalsProcess tries to determine whether the normal @@ -59,8 +58,10 @@ namespace Assimp */ class FixInfacingNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - FixInfacingNormalsProcess(); - ~FixInfacingNormalsProcess(); + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. + FixInfacingNormalsProcess() = default; + ~FixInfacingNormalsProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -68,14 +69,14 @@ class FixInfacingNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; protected: diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.cpp index 52a0861e5b..ca8e4d6d0b 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.cpp @@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { -GenBoundingBoxesProcess::GenBoundingBoxesProcess() = default; - -GenBoundingBoxesProcess::~GenBoundingBoxesProcess() = default; - bool GenBoundingBoxesProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { return 0 != ( pFlags & aiProcess_GenBoundingBoxes ); } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.h index 0b7591b6d1..0cf8514f49 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/GenBoundingBoxesProcess.h @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ conditions are met: copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - +s * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior @@ -54,18 +54,23 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { -/** Post-processing process to find axis-aligned bounding volumes for amm meshes - * used in a scene +/** + * @brief Post-processing process to find axis-aligned bounding volumes for amm meshes + * used in a scene. */ class ASSIMP_API GenBoundingBoxesProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - /// The class constructor. - GenBoundingBoxesProcess(); - /// The class destructor. - ~GenBoundingBoxesProcess(); - /// Will return true, if aiProcess_GenBoundingBoxes is defined. + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. + GenBoundingBoxesProcess() = default; + ~GenBoundingBoxesProcess() override = default; + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// @brief Will return true, if aiProcess_GenBoundingBoxes is defined. bool IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const override; - /// The execution callback. + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// @brief The execution callback. void Execute(aiScene* pScene) override; }; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.cpp index f104b98b64..1d259ce223 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.cpp @@ -54,19 +54,12 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. using namespace Assimp; -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -GenFaceNormalsProcess::GenFaceNormalsProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -GenFaceNormalsProcess::~GenFaceNormalsProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool GenFaceNormalsProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { force_ = (pFlags & aiProcess_ForceGenNormals) != 0; flippedWindingOrder_ = (pFlags & aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder) != 0; + leftHanded_ = (pFlags & aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded) != 0; return (pFlags & aiProcess_GenNormals) != 0; } @@ -131,8 +124,10 @@ bool GenFaceNormalsProcess::GenMeshFaceNormals(aiMesh *pMesh) { const aiVector3D *pV1 = &pMesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[0]]; const aiVector3D *pV2 = &pMesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[1]]; const aiVector3D *pV3 = &pMesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[face.mNumIndices - 1]]; - if (flippedWindingOrder_) - std::swap( pV2, pV3 ); + // Boolean XOR - if either but not both of these flags is set, then the winding order has + // changed and the cross product to calculate the normal needs to be reversed + if (flippedWindingOrder_ != leftHanded_) + std::swap(pV2, pV3); const aiVector3D vNor = ((*pV2 - *pV1) ^ (*pV3 - *pV1)).NormalizeSafe(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face.mNumIndices; ++i) { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.h index 586c4902e1..94794631e2 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/GenFaceNormalsProcess.h @@ -47,40 +47,39 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "Common/BaseProcess.h" #include -namespace Assimp -{ +namespace Assimp { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/** The GenFaceNormalsProcess computes face normals for all faces of all meshes -*/ -class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY GenFaceNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess -{ +/** + * @brief The GenFaceNormalsProcess computes face normals for all faces of all meshes + */ +class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY GenFaceNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. + GenFaceNormalsProcess() = default; + ~GenFaceNormalsProcess() override = default; - GenFaceNormalsProcess(); - ~GenFaceNormalsProcess(); - -public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. * @param pFlags The processing flags the importer was called with. A bitwise * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); - + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; private: bool GenMeshFaceNormals(aiMesh* pcMesh); mutable bool force_ = false; mutable bool flippedWindingOrder_ = false; + mutable bool leftHanded_ = false; }; } // end of namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.cpp index 0cb2bddb1b..c8afac297d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.cpp @@ -60,15 +60,12 @@ GenVertexNormalsProcess::GenVertexNormalsProcess() : // empty } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -GenVertexNormalsProcess::~GenVertexNormalsProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool GenVertexNormalsProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { force_ = (pFlags & aiProcess_ForceGenNormals) != 0; flippedWindingOrder_ = (pFlags & aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder) != 0; + leftHanded_ = (pFlags & aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded) != 0; return (pFlags & aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals) != 0; } @@ -108,10 +105,10 @@ void GenVertexNormalsProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. bool GenVertexNormalsProcess::GenMeshVertexNormals(aiMesh *pMesh, unsigned int meshIndex) { if (nullptr != pMesh->mNormals) { - if (force_) - delete[] pMesh->mNormals; - else + if (!force_) { return false; + } + delete[] pMesh->mNormals; } // If the mesh consists of lines and/or points but not of @@ -141,8 +138,11 @@ bool GenVertexNormalsProcess::GenMeshVertexNormals(aiMesh *pMesh, unsigned int m const aiVector3D *pV1 = &pMesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[0]]; const aiVector3D *pV2 = &pMesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[1]]; const aiVector3D *pV3 = &pMesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[face.mNumIndices - 1]]; - if (flippedWindingOrder_) - std::swap( pV2, pV3 ); + // Boolean XOR - if either but not both of these flags is set, then the winding order has + // changed and the cross product to calculate the normal needs to be reversed + if (flippedWindingOrder_ != leftHanded_) { + std::swap(pV2, pV3); + } const aiVector3D vNor = ((*pV2 - *pV1) ^ (*pV3 - *pV1)).NormalizeSafe(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face.mNumIndices; ++i) { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.h index 0dcae793ac..b7db9c4f24 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/GenVertexNormalsProcess.h @@ -60,8 +60,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API GenVertexNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. GenVertexNormalsProcess(); - ~GenVertexNormalsProcess(); + ~GenVertexNormalsProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. @@ -70,22 +72,21 @@ class ASSIMP_API GenVertexNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, * false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. */ - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); - + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // setter for configMaxAngle inline void SetMaxSmoothAngle(ai_real f) { @@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API GenVertexNormalsProcess : public BaseProcess { ai_real configMaxAngle; mutable bool force_ = false; mutable bool flippedWindingOrder_ = false; + mutable bool leftHanded_ = false; }; } // end of namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.cpp index 1978561711..9336d6b17f 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.cpp @@ -68,10 +68,6 @@ ImproveCacheLocalityProcess::ImproveCacheLocalityProcess() // empty } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -ImproveCacheLocalityProcess::~ImproveCacheLocalityProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool ImproveCacheLocalityProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.h b/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.h index b2074a17c9..6f4d557197 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ImproveCacheLocality.h @@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. struct aiMesh; -namespace Assimp -{ +namespace Assimp { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The ImproveCacheLocalityProcess reorders all faces for improved vertex @@ -61,26 +60,24 @@ namespace Assimp * * @note This step expects triagulated input data. */ -class ImproveCacheLocalityProcess : public BaseProcess -{ +class ImproveCacheLocalityProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. ImproveCacheLocalityProcess(); - ~ImproveCacheLocalityProcess(); - -public: + ~ImproveCacheLocalityProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check whether the pp step is active - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Executes the pp step on a given scene - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configures the pp step - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; protected: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.cpp index ef5999875b..d36915e0ce 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.cpp @@ -55,13 +55,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include using namespace Assimp; -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -JoinVerticesProcess::JoinVerticesProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -JoinVerticesProcess::~JoinVerticesProcess() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -95,7 +88,7 @@ void JoinVerticesProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("JoinVerticesProcess finished "); return; } - + // Show statistics ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("JoinVerticesProcess finished | Verts in: ", iNumOldVertices, " out: ", iNumVertices, " | ~", @@ -105,7 +98,11 @@ void JoinVerticesProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { namespace { -bool areVerticesEqual(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs, bool complex) { +bool areVerticesEqual( + const Vertex &lhs, + const Vertex &rhs, + unsigned numUVChannels, + unsigned numColorChannels) { // A little helper to find locally close vertices faster. // Try to reuse the lookup table from the last step. const static float epsilon = 1e-5f; @@ -124,10 +121,6 @@ bool areVerticesEqual(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs, bool complex) { return false; } - if ((lhs.texcoords[0] - rhs.texcoords[0]).SquareLength() > squareEpsilon) { - return false; - } - if ((lhs.tangent - rhs.tangent).SquareLength() > squareEpsilon) { return false; } @@ -136,19 +129,18 @@ bool areVerticesEqual(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs, bool complex) { return false; } - // Usually we won't have vertex colors or multiple UVs, so we can skip from here - // Actually this increases runtime performance slightly, at least if branch - // prediction is on our side. - if (complex) { - for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { - if (i > 0 && (lhs.texcoords[i] - rhs.texcoords[i]).SquareLength() > squareEpsilon) { - return false; - } - if (GetColorDifference(lhs.colors[i], rhs.colors[i]) > squareEpsilon) { - return false; - } + for (unsigned i = 0; i < numUVChannels; i++) { + if ((lhs.texcoords[i] - rhs.texcoords[i]).SquareLength() > squareEpsilon) { + return false; } } + + for (unsigned i = 0; i < numColorChannels; i++) { + if (GetColorDifference(lhs.colors[i], rhs.colors[i]) > squareEpsilon) { + return false; + } + } + return true; } @@ -235,16 +227,26 @@ struct std::hash { std::size_t operator()(Vertex const& v) const noexcept { size_t seed = 0; hash_combine(seed, v.position.x ,v.position.y,v.position.z); - return seed; + return seed; } }; //template specialization for std::equal_to for Vertex template<> struct std::equal_to { + equal_to(unsigned numUVChannels, unsigned numColorChannels) : + mNumUVChannels(numUVChannels), + mNumColorChannels(numColorChannels) {} bool operator()(const Vertex &lhs, const Vertex &rhs) const { - return areVerticesEqual(lhs, rhs, false); + return areVerticesEqual(lhs, rhs, mNumUVChannels, mNumColorChannels); } + +private: + unsigned mNumUVChannels; + unsigned mNumColorChannels; }; + +static constexpr size_t JOINED_VERTICES_MARK = 0x80000000u; + // now start the JoinVerticesProcess int JoinVerticesProcess::ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh, unsigned int meshIndex) { static_assert( AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS == 8, "AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS == 8"); @@ -258,12 +260,12 @@ int JoinVerticesProcess::ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh, unsigned int meshIndex) { // We should care only about used vertices, not all of them // (this can happen due to original file vertices buffer being used by // multiple meshes) - std::unordered_set usedVertexIndices; - usedVertexIndices.reserve(pMesh->mNumVertices); - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumFaces; a++) { + std::vector usedVertexIndicesMask; + usedVertexIndicesMask.resize(pMesh->mNumVertices, false); + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumFaces; a++) { aiFace& face = pMesh->mFaces[a]; - for( unsigned int b = 0; b < face.mNumIndices; b++) { - usedVertexIndices.insert(face.mIndices[b]); + for (unsigned int b = 0; b < face.mNumIndices; b++) { + usedVertexIndicesMask[face.mIndices[b]] = true; } } @@ -316,15 +318,20 @@ int JoinVerticesProcess::ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh, unsigned int meshIndex) { uniqueAnimatedVertices[animMeshIndex].reserve(pMesh->mNumVertices); } } - // a map that maps a vertix to its new index - std::unordered_map vertex2Index; + // a map that maps a vertex to its new index + const auto numBuckets = pMesh->mNumVertices; + const auto hasher = std::hash(); + const auto comparator = std::equal_to( + pMesh->GetNumUVChannels(), + pMesh->GetNumColorChannels()); + std::unordered_map vertex2Index(numBuckets, hasher, comparator); // we can not end up with more vertices than we started with vertex2Index.reserve(pMesh->mNumVertices); // Now check each vertex if it brings something new to the table int newIndex = 0; for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumVertices; a++) { // if the vertex is unused Do nothing - if (usedVertexIndices.find(a) == usedVertexIndices.end()) { + if (!usedVertexIndicesMask[a]) { continue; } // collect the vertex data @@ -346,7 +353,8 @@ int JoinVerticesProcess::ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh, unsigned int meshIndex) { } } else{ // if the vertex is already there just find the replace index that is appropriate to it - replaceIndex[a] = it->second; + // mark it with JOINED_VERTICES_MARK + replaceIndex[a] = it->second | JOINED_VERTICES_MARK; } } @@ -375,7 +383,7 @@ int JoinVerticesProcess::ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh, unsigned int meshIndex) { for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumFaces; a++) { aiFace& face = pMesh->mFaces[a]; for( unsigned int b = 0; b < face.mNumIndices; b++) { - face.mIndices[b] = replaceIndex[face.mIndices[b]] & ~0x80000000; + face.mIndices[b] = replaceIndex[face.mIndices[b]] & ~JOINED_VERTICES_MARK; } } @@ -389,17 +397,8 @@ int JoinVerticesProcess::ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh, unsigned int meshIndex) { for ( unsigned int b = 0; b < bone->mNumWeights; b++ ) { const aiVertexWeight& ow = bone->mWeights[ b ]; // if the vertex is a unique one, translate it - if ( !( replaceIndex[ ow.mVertexId ] & 0x80000000 ) ) { - bool weightAlreadyExists = false; - for (std::vector::iterator vit = newWeights.begin(); vit != newWeights.end(); ++vit) { - if (vit->mVertexId == replaceIndex[ow.mVertexId]) { - weightAlreadyExists = true; - break; - } - } - if (weightAlreadyExists) { - continue; - } + // filter out joined vertices by JOINED_VERTICES_MARK. + if ( !( replaceIndex[ ow.mVertexId ] & JOINED_VERTICES_MARK ) ) { aiVertexWeight nw; nw.mVertexId = replaceIndex[ ow.mVertexId ]; nw.mWeight = ow.mWeight; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.h index f95236e319..aa8dc57945 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/JoinVerticesProcess.h @@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. struct aiMesh; -namespace Assimp -{ +namespace Assimp { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The JoinVerticesProcess unites identical vertices in all imported meshes. @@ -64,8 +63,10 @@ namespace Assimp */ class ASSIMP_API JoinVerticesProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - JoinVerticesProcess(); - ~JoinVerticesProcess(); + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. + JoinVerticesProcess() = default; + ~JoinVerticesProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -73,14 +74,14 @@ class ASSIMP_API JoinVerticesProcess : public BaseProcess { * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Unites identical vertices in the given mesh. diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.cpp index 3192e07bc6..16b32143ea 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.cpp @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - +Copyright (c) 2006-2023, assimp team All rights reserved. @@ -36,13 +35,7 @@ DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -*/ - -/** Implementation of the LimitBoneWeightsProcess post processing step */ - - +---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "LimitBoneWeightsProcess.h" #include #include @@ -51,30 +44,30 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include -using namespace Assimp; +namespace Assimp { + +// Make sure this value is set. +#ifndef AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS +# define AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS 16 +#endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -LimitBoneWeightsProcess::LimitBoneWeightsProcess() -{ - mMaxWeights = AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS; +LimitBoneWeightsProcess::LimitBoneWeightsProcess() : mMaxWeights(AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS) { + // empty } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -LimitBoneWeightsProcess::~LimitBoneWeightsProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool LimitBoneWeightsProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ +bool LimitBoneWeightsProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { + ai_assert(pScene != nullptr); + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("LimitBoneWeightsProcess begin"); for (unsigned int m = 0; m < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++m) { @@ -86,16 +79,31 @@ void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) -{ - // get the current value of the property +void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { this->mMaxWeights = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_LBW_MAX_WEIGHTS,AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS); + this->mRemoveEmptyBones = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_REMOVE_EMPTY_BONES, 1) != 0; +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +static unsigned int removeEmptyBones(aiMesh *pMesh) { + ai_assert(pMesh != nullptr); + + unsigned int writeBone = 0; + for (unsigned int readBone = 0; readBone< pMesh->mNumBones; ++readBone) { + aiBone* bone = pMesh->mBones[readBone]; + if (bone->mNumWeights > 0) { + pMesh->mBones[writeBone++] = bone; + } else { + delete bone; + } + } + + return writeBone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unites identical vertices in the given mesh -void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::ProcessMesh(aiMesh* pMesh) -{ +void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::ProcessMesh(aiMesh* pMesh) { if (!pMesh->HasBones()) return; @@ -105,11 +113,9 @@ void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::ProcessMesh(aiMesh* pMesh) WeightsPerVertex vertexWeights(pMesh->mNumVertices); size_t maxVertexWeights = 0; - for (unsigned int b = 0; b < pMesh->mNumBones; ++b) - { + for (unsigned int b = 0; b < pMesh->mNumBones; ++b) { const aiBone* bone = pMesh->mBones[b]; - for (unsigned int w = 0; w < bone->mNumWeights; ++w) - { + for (unsigned int w = 0; w < bone->mNumWeights; ++w) { const aiVertexWeight& vw = bone->mWeights[w]; if (vertexWeights.size() <= vw.mVertexId) @@ -126,8 +132,7 @@ void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::ProcessMesh(aiMesh* pMesh) unsigned int removed = 0, old_bones = pMesh->mNumBones; // now cut the weight count if it exceeds the maximum - for (WeightsPerVertex::iterator vit = vertexWeights.begin(); vit != vertexWeights.end(); ++vit) - { + for (WeightsPerVertex::iterator vit = vertexWeights.begin(); vit != vertexWeights.end(); ++vit) { if (vit->size() <= mMaxWeights) continue; @@ -154,40 +159,27 @@ void LimitBoneWeightsProcess::ProcessMesh(aiMesh* pMesh) } // clear weight count for all bone - for (unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumBones; ++a) - { + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumBones; ++a) { pMesh->mBones[a]->mNumWeights = 0; } // rebuild the vertex weight array for all bones - for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vertexWeights.size(); ++a) - { + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vertexWeights.size(); ++a) { const VertexWeightArray& vw = vertexWeights[a]; - for (const Weight* it = vw.begin(); it != vw.end(); ++it) - { + for (const Weight* it = vw.begin(); it != vw.end(); ++it) { aiBone* bone = pMesh->mBones[it->mBone]; bone->mWeights[bone->mNumWeights++] = aiVertexWeight(a, it->mWeight); } } // remove empty bones - unsigned int writeBone = 0; - - for (unsigned int readBone = 0; readBone< pMesh->mNumBones; ++readBone) - { - aiBone* bone = pMesh->mBones[readBone]; - if (bone->mNumWeights > 0) - { - pMesh->mBones[writeBone++] = bone; - } - else - { - delete bone; - } + if (mRemoveEmptyBones) { + pMesh->mNumBones = removeEmptyBones(pMesh); } - pMesh->mNumBones = writeBone; if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) { ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("Removed ", removed, " weights. Input bones: ", old_bones, ". Output bones: ", pMesh->mNumBones); } } + +} // namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.h index 22d286b687..8e5ebd80d0 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/LimitBoneWeightsProcess.h @@ -74,8 +74,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API LimitBoneWeightsProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. LimitBoneWeightsProcess(); - ~LimitBoneWeightsProcess(); + ~LimitBoneWeightsProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. @@ -84,27 +86,27 @@ class ASSIMP_API LimitBoneWeightsProcess : public BaseProcess { * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, * false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. */ - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); - - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Limits the bone weight count for all vertices in the given mesh. - * @param pMesh The mesh to process. - */ - void ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /** Limits the bone weight count for all vertices in the given mesh. + * @param pMesh The mesh to process. + */ + void ProcessMesh( aiMesh* pMesh); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Describes a bone weight on a vertex */ @@ -131,6 +133,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API LimitBoneWeightsProcess : public BaseProcess { /** Maximum number of bones influencing any single vertex. */ unsigned int mMaxWeights; + bool mRemoveEmptyBones; }; } // end of namespace Assimp diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.cpp index 0f5276cf3e..1cc2fdc022 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.cpp @@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. using namespace Assimp; -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -MakeVerboseFormatProcess::MakeVerboseFormatProcess() = default; -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -MakeVerboseFormatProcess::~MakeVerboseFormatProcess() = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. void MakeVerboseFormatProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.h b/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.h index 6b81da622c..f21f5919ea 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/MakeVerboseFormat.h @@ -66,22 +66,19 @@ namespace Assimp { * The step has been added because it was required by the viewer, however * it has been moved to the main library since others might find it * useful, too. */ -class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY MakeVerboseFormatProcess : public BaseProcess -{ -public: - - - MakeVerboseFormatProcess(); - ~MakeVerboseFormatProcess(); - +class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY MakeVerboseFormatProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. + MakeVerboseFormatProcess() = default; + ~MakeVerboseFormatProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. * @param pFlags The processing flags the importer was called with. A bitwise * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int /*pFlags*/ ) const + bool IsActive( unsigned int /*pFlags*/ ) const override { // NOTE: There is no direct flag that corresponds to // this postprocess step. @@ -92,7 +89,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API_WINONLY MakeVerboseFormatProcess : public BaseProcess /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; public: diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.cpp index 26b06e9b6a..bcd654634a 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.cpp @@ -78,10 +78,6 @@ OptimizeGraphProcess::OptimizeGraphProcess() : // empty } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -OptimizeGraphProcess::~OptimizeGraphProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool OptimizeGraphProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.h b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.h index f5caa139c3..23e59e67dd 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeGraph.h @@ -71,8 +71,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class OptimizeGraphProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. OptimizeGraphProcess(); - ~OptimizeGraphProcess(); + ~OptimizeGraphProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.cpp index a8c01e2d78..0fd597808a 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.cpp @@ -69,10 +69,6 @@ OptimizeMeshesProcess::OptimizeMeshesProcess() // empty } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -OptimizeMeshesProcess::~OptimizeMeshesProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool OptimizeMeshesProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.h b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.h index b80f98d5d7..0b062959a7 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/OptimizeMeshes.h @@ -68,11 +68,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class OptimizeMeshesProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - /// @brief The class constructor. + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. OptimizeMeshesProcess(); - - /// @brief The class destructor. - ~OptimizeMeshesProcess(); + ~OptimizeMeshesProcess() override = default; /** @brief Internal utility to store additional mesh info */ @@ -94,16 +93,14 @@ class OptimizeMeshesProcess : public BaseProcess { unsigned int output_id; }; -public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); - + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Specify whether you want meshes with different diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp index 9ac90d2771..87af2297d7 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -41,9 +39,8 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -/** @file PretransformVertices.cpp - * @brief Implementation of the "PretransformVertices" post processing step -*/ +/// @file PretransformVertices.cpp +/// @brief Implementation of the "PretransformVertices" post processing step #include "PretransformVertices.h" #include "ConvertToLHProcess.h" @@ -57,20 +54,44 @@ using namespace Assimp; #define AI_PTVS_VERTEX 0x0 #define AI_PTVS_FACE 0x1 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -PretransformVertices::PretransformVertices() : - configKeepHierarchy(false), - configNormalize(false), - configTransform(false), - configTransformation(), - mConfigPointCloud(false) { - // empty +namespace { + +// Get a bitwise combination identifying the vertex format of a mesh +static unsigned int GetMeshVFormat(aiMesh *pcMesh) { + // the vertex format is stored in aiMesh::mBones for later retrieval. + // there isn't a good reason to compute it a few hundred times + // from scratch. The pointer is unused as animations are lost + // during PretransformVertices. + if (pcMesh->mBones) + return (unsigned int)(uint64_t)pcMesh->mBones; + + const unsigned int iRet = GetMeshVFormatUnique(pcMesh); + + // store the value for later use + pcMesh->mBones = (aiBone **)(uint64_t)iRet; + return iRet; +} + +// Get a list of all vertex formats that occur for a given material index +// The output list contains duplicate elements +static void GetVFormatList(const aiScene *pcScene, unsigned int iMat, std::list &aiOut) { + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pcScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { + aiMesh *pcMesh = pcScene->mMeshes[i]; + if (iMat == pcMesh->mMaterialIndex) { + aiOut.push_back(GetMeshVFormat(pcMesh)); + } + } } +} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -PretransformVertices::~PretransformVertices() = default; +// Constructor to be privately used by Importer +PretransformVertices::PretransformVertices() : + mConfigKeepHierarchy(false), + mConfigNormalize(false), + mConfigTransform(false), + mConfigTransformation(), + mConfigPointCloud(false) {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -83,11 +104,11 @@ bool PretransformVertices::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { void PretransformVertices::SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) { // Get the current value of AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_KEEP_HIERARCHY, AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_NORMALIZE, // AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_ADD_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION and AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION - configKeepHierarchy = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_KEEP_HIERARCHY, 0)); - configNormalize = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_NORMALIZE, 0)); - configTransform = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_ADD_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION, 0)); + mConfigKeepHierarchy = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_KEEP_HIERARCHY, 0)); + mConfigNormalize = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_NORMALIZE, 0)); + mConfigTransform = (0 != pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_ADD_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION, 0)); - configTransformation = pImp->GetPropertyMatrix(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION, aiMatrix4x4()); + mConfigTransformation = pImp->GetPropertyMatrix(AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION, aiMatrix4x4()); mConfigPointCloud = pImp->GetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_EXPORT_POINT_CLOUDS); } @@ -103,25 +124,7 @@ unsigned int PretransformVertices::CountNodes(const aiNode *pcNode) const { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Get a bitwise combination identifying the vertex format of a mesh -unsigned int PretransformVertices::GetMeshVFormat(aiMesh *pcMesh) const { - // the vertex format is stored in aiMesh::mBones for later retrieval. - // there isn't a good reason to compute it a few hundred times - // from scratch. The pointer is unused as animations are lost - // during PretransformVertices. - if (pcMesh->mBones) - return (unsigned int)(uint64_t)pcMesh->mBones; - - const unsigned int iRet = GetMeshVFormatUnique(pcMesh); - - // store the value for later use - pcMesh->mBones = (aiBone **)(uint64_t)iRet; - return iRet; -} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Count the number of vertices in the whole scene and a given -// material index +// Count the number of vertices in the whole scene and a given material index void PretransformVertices::CountVerticesAndFaces(const aiScene *pcScene, const aiNode *pcNode, unsigned int iMat, unsigned int iVFormat, unsigned int *piFaces, unsigned int *piVertices) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pcNode->mNumMeshes; ++i) { @@ -132,8 +135,7 @@ void PretransformVertices::CountVerticesAndFaces(const aiScene *pcScene, const a } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pcNode->mNumChildren; ++i) { - CountVerticesAndFaces(pcScene, pcNode->mChildren[i], iMat, - iVFormat, piFaces, piVertices); + CountVerticesAndFaces(pcScene, pcNode->mChildren[i], iMat, iVFormat, piFaces, piVertices); } } @@ -276,19 +278,6 @@ void PretransformVertices::CollectData(const aiScene *pcScene, const aiNode *pcN } } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Get a list of all vertex formats that occur for a given material index -// The output list contains duplicate elements -void PretransformVertices::GetVFormatList(const aiScene *pcScene, unsigned int iMat, - std::list &aiOut) const { - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pcScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { - aiMesh *pcMesh = pcScene->mMeshes[i]; - if (iMat == pcMesh->mMaterialIndex) { - aiOut.push_back(GetMeshVFormat(pcMesh)); - } - } -} - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compute the absolute transformation matrices of each node void PretransformVertices::ComputeAbsoluteTransform(aiNode *pcNode) { @@ -301,39 +290,44 @@ void PretransformVertices::ComputeAbsoluteTransform(aiNode *pcNode) { } } +static void normalizeVectorArray(aiVector3D *vectorArrayIn, aiVector3D *vectorArrayOut, size_t numVectors) { + for (size_t i=0; iHasFaces() && mat.Determinant() < 0) { - // Reverse the mesh face winding order - FlipWindingOrderProcess::ProcessMesh(mesh); - } + // Check for odd negative scale (mirror) + if (mesh->HasFaces() && mat.Determinant() < 0) { + // Reverse the mesh face winding order + FlipWindingOrderProcess::ProcessMesh(mesh); + } - // Update positions - if (mesh->HasPositions()) { - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) { - mesh->mVertices[i] = mat * mesh->mVertices[i]; - } + // Update positions + if (mesh->HasPositions()) { + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) { + mesh->mVertices[i] = mat * mesh->mVertices[i]; } + } - // Update normals and tangents - if (mesh->HasNormals() || mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) { - const aiMatrix3x3 m = aiMatrix3x3(mat).Inverse().Transpose(); + // Update normals and tangents + if (mesh->HasNormals() || mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) { + const aiMatrix3x3 m = aiMatrix3x3(mat).Inverse().Transpose(); - if (mesh->HasNormals()) { - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) { - mesh->mNormals[i] = (m * mesh->mNormals[i]).Normalize(); - } - } - if (mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) { - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) { - mesh->mTangents[i] = (m * mesh->mTangents[i]).Normalize(); - mesh->mBitangents[i] = (m * mesh->mBitangents[i]).Normalize(); - } + if (mesh->HasNormals()) { + normalizeVectorArray(mesh->mNormals, mesh->mNormals, mesh->mNumVertices); + } + if (mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) { + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) { + mesh->mTangents[i] = (m * mesh->mTangents[i]).Normalize(); + mesh->mBitangents[i] = (m * mesh->mBitangents[i]).Normalize(); } } } @@ -356,40 +350,41 @@ void PretransformVertices::BuildWCSMeshes(std::vector &out, aiMesh **i // yes, we can. mesh->mBones = reinterpret_cast(&node->mTransformation); mesh->mNumBones = UINT_MAX; - } else { + continue; + } - // try to find us in the list of newly created meshes - for (unsigned int n = 0; n < out.size(); ++n) { - aiMesh *ctz = out[n]; - if (ctz->mNumBones == node->mMeshes[i] && *reinterpret_cast(ctz->mBones) == node->mTransformation) { + // try to find us in the list of newly created meshes + for (unsigned int n = 0; n < out.size(); ++n) { + aiMesh *ctz = out[n]; + if (ctz->mNumBones == node->mMeshes[i] && *reinterpret_cast(ctz->mBones) == node->mTransformation) { - // ok, use this one. Update node mesh index - node->mMeshes[i] = numIn + n; - } + // ok, use this one. Update node mesh index + node->mMeshes[i] = numIn + n; } - if (node->mMeshes[i] < numIn) { - // Worst case. Need to operate on a full copy of the mesh - ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("PretransformVertices: Copying mesh due to mismatching transforms"); - aiMesh *ntz; + } + if (node->mMeshes[i] < numIn) { + // Worst case. Need to operate on a full copy of the mesh + ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("PretransformVertices: Copying mesh due to mismatching transforms"); + aiMesh *ntz; - const unsigned int tmp = mesh->mNumBones; // - mesh->mNumBones = 0; - SceneCombiner::Copy(&ntz, mesh); - mesh->mNumBones = tmp; + const unsigned int cacheNumBones = mesh->mNumBones; // + mesh->mNumBones = 0; + SceneCombiner::Copy(&ntz, mesh); + mesh->mNumBones = cacheNumBones; - ntz->mNumBones = node->mMeshes[i]; - ntz->mBones = reinterpret_cast(&node->mTransformation); + ntz->mNumBones = node->mMeshes[i]; + ntz->mBones = reinterpret_cast(&node->mTransformation); - out.push_back(ntz); + out.push_back(ntz); - node->mMeshes[i] = static_cast(numIn + out.size() - 1); - } + node->mMeshes[i] = static_cast(numIn + out.size() - 1); } } // call children - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i) + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i) { BuildWCSMeshes(out, in, numIn, node->mChildren[i]); + } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -398,8 +393,9 @@ void PretransformVertices::MakeIdentityTransform(aiNode *nd) const { nd->mTransformation = aiMatrix4x4(); // call children - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nd->mNumChildren; ++i) + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nd->mNumChildren; ++i) { MakeIdentityTransform(nd->mChildren[i]); + } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -409,8 +405,27 @@ void PretransformVertices::BuildMeshRefCountArray(const aiNode *nd, unsigned int refs[nd->mMeshes[i]]++; // call children - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nd->mNumChildren; ++i) + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nd->mNumChildren; ++i) { BuildMeshRefCountArray(nd->mChildren[i], refs); + } +} + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +static void appendNewMeshesToScene(aiScene *pScene, std::vector &apcOutMeshes) { + ai_assert(pScene != nullptr); + + if (apcOutMeshes.empty()) { + return; + } + + aiMesh **npp = new aiMesh *[pScene->mNumMeshes + apcOutMeshes.size()]; + + ::memcpy(npp, pScene->mMeshes, sizeof(aiMesh *) * pScene->mNumMeshes); + ::memcpy(npp + pScene->mNumMeshes, &apcOutMeshes[0], sizeof(aiMesh *) * apcOutMeshes.size()); + + pScene->mNumMeshes += static_cast(apcOutMeshes.size()); + delete[] pScene->mMeshes; + pScene->mMeshes = npp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -422,12 +437,12 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { if (!pScene->mNumMeshes) return; - const unsigned int iOldMeshes = pScene->mNumMeshes; - const unsigned int iOldAnimationChannels = pScene->mNumAnimations; - const unsigned int iOldNodes = CountNodes(pScene->mRootNode); + const unsigned int oldMeshes = pScene->mNumMeshes; + const unsigned int oldAnimationChannels = pScene->mNumAnimations; + const unsigned int oldNodes = CountNodes(pScene->mRootNode); - if (configTransform) { - pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation = configTransformation * pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation; + if (mConfigTransform) { + pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation = mConfigTransformation * pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation; } // first compute absolute transformation matrices for all nodes @@ -453,22 +468,13 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { // we go on and transform all meshes, if one is referenced by nodes // with different absolute transformations a depth copy of the mesh // is required. - if (configKeepHierarchy) { + if (mConfigKeepHierarchy) { // Hack: store the matrix we're transforming a mesh with in aiMesh::mBones BuildWCSMeshes(apcOutMeshes, pScene->mMeshes, pScene->mNumMeshes, pScene->mRootNode); // ... if new meshes have been generated, append them to the end of the scene - if (apcOutMeshes.size() > 0) { - aiMesh **npp = new aiMesh *[pScene->mNumMeshes + apcOutMeshes.size()]; - - memcpy(npp, pScene->mMeshes, sizeof(aiMesh *) * pScene->mNumMeshes); - memcpy(npp + pScene->mNumMeshes, &apcOutMeshes[0], sizeof(aiMesh *) * apcOutMeshes.size()); - - pScene->mNumMeshes += static_cast(apcOutMeshes.size()); - delete[] pScene->mMeshes; - pScene->mMeshes = npp; - } + appendNewMeshesToScene(pScene, apcOutMeshes); // now iterate through all meshes and transform them to world-space for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) { @@ -492,34 +498,35 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { aiVFormats.sort(); aiVFormats.unique(); for (std::list::const_iterator j = aiVFormats.begin(); j != aiVFormats.end(); ++j) { - unsigned int iVertices = 0; - unsigned int iFaces = 0; - CountVerticesAndFaces(pScene, pScene->mRootNode, i, *j, &iFaces, &iVertices); - if (0 != iFaces && 0 != iVertices) { + unsigned int numVertices = 0u; + unsigned int numFaces = 0u; + CountVerticesAndFaces(pScene, pScene->mRootNode, i, *j, &numFaces, &numVertices); + if (0 != numFaces && 0 != numVertices) { apcOutMeshes.push_back(new aiMesh()); aiMesh *pcMesh = apcOutMeshes.back(); - pcMesh->mNumFaces = iFaces; - pcMesh->mNumVertices = iVertices; - pcMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[iFaces]; - pcMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[iVertices]; + pcMesh->mNumFaces = numFaces; + pcMesh->mNumVertices = numVertices; + pcMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[numFaces]; + pcMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[numVertices]; pcMesh->mMaterialIndex = i; - if ((*j) & 0x2) pcMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[iVertices]; + if ((*j) & 0x2) pcMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[numVertices]; if ((*j) & 0x4) { - pcMesh->mTangents = new aiVector3D[iVertices]; - pcMesh->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[iVertices]; + pcMesh->mTangents = new aiVector3D[numVertices]; + pcMesh->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[numVertices]; } - iFaces = 0; - while ((*j) & (0x100 << iFaces)) { - pcMesh->mTextureCoords[iFaces] = new aiVector3D[iVertices]; - if ((*j) & (0x10000 << iFaces)) - pcMesh->mNumUVComponents[iFaces] = 3; - else - pcMesh->mNumUVComponents[iFaces] = 2; - iFaces++; + numFaces = 0; + while ((*j) & (0x100 << numFaces)) { + pcMesh->mTextureCoords[numFaces] = new aiVector3D[numVertices]; + if ((*j) & (0x10000 << numFaces)) { + pcMesh->mNumUVComponents[numFaces] = 3; + } else { + pcMesh->mNumUVComponents[numFaces] = 2; + } + ++numFaces; } - iFaces = 0; - while ((*j) & (0x1000000 << iFaces)) - pcMesh->mColors[iFaces++] = new aiColor4D[iVertices]; + numFaces = 0; + while ((*j) & (0x1000000 << numFaces)) + pcMesh->mColors[numFaces++] = new aiColor4D[numVertices]; // fill the mesh ... unsigned int aiTemp[2] = { 0, 0 }; @@ -581,7 +588,7 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { // multiply all properties of the camera with the absolute // transformation of the corresponding node cam->mPosition = nd->mTransformation * cam->mPosition; - cam->mLookAt = aiMatrix3x3(nd->mTransformation) * cam->mLookAt; + cam->mLookAt = nd->mTransformation * cam->mLookAt; cam->mUp = aiMatrix3x3(nd->mTransformation) * cam->mUp; } @@ -597,7 +604,7 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { l->mUp = aiMatrix3x3(nd->mTransformation) * l->mUp; } - if (!configKeepHierarchy) { + if (!mConfigKeepHierarchy) { // now delete all nodes in the scene and build a new // flat node graph with a root node and some level 1 children @@ -648,7 +655,7 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { MakeIdentityTransform(pScene->mRootNode); } - if (configNormalize) { + if (mConfigNormalize) { // compute the boundary of all meshes aiVector3D min, max; MinMaxChooser()(min, max); @@ -678,9 +685,9 @@ void PretransformVertices::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("PretransformVerticesProcess finished"); - ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("Removed ", iOldNodes, " nodes and ", iOldAnimationChannels, " animation channels (", + ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("Removed ", oldNodes, " nodes and ", oldAnimationChannels, " animation channels (", CountNodes(pScene->mRootNode), " output nodes)"); ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("Kept ", pScene->mNumLights, " lights and ", pScene->mNumCameras, " cameras."); - ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("Moved ", iOldMeshes, " meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: ", pScene->mNumMeshes, ")"); + ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("Moved ", oldMeshes, " meshes to WCS (number of output meshes: ", pScene->mNumMeshes, ")"); } } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.h b/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.h index 14e5139ec1..69d3d84007 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/PretransformVertices.h @@ -68,8 +68,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API PretransformVertices : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. PretransformVertices(); - ~PretransformVertices(); + ~PretransformVertices() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check whether step is active @@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API PretransformVertices : public BaseProcess { * @param keep true for keep configuration. */ void KeepHierarchy(bool keep) { - configKeepHierarchy = keep; + mConfigKeepHierarchy = keep; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API PretransformVertices : public BaseProcess { * @return ... */ bool IsHierarchyKept() const { - return configKeepHierarchy; + return mConfigKeepHierarchy; } private: @@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API PretransformVertices : public BaseProcess { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get a bitwise combination identifying the vertex format of a mesh - unsigned int GetMeshVFormat(aiMesh *pcMesh) const; + //unsigned int GetMeshVFormat(aiMesh *pcMesh) const; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Count the number of vertices in the whole scene and a given @@ -129,8 +131,8 @@ class ASSIMP_API PretransformVertices : public BaseProcess { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get a list of all vertex formats that occur for a given material // The output list contains duplicate elements - void GetVFormatList(const aiScene *pcScene, unsigned int iMat, - std::list &aiOut) const; + /*void GetVFormatList(const aiScene *pcScene, unsigned int iMat, + std::list &aiOut) const;*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compute the absolute transformation matrices of each node @@ -154,10 +156,10 @@ class ASSIMP_API PretransformVertices : public BaseProcess { void BuildMeshRefCountArray(const aiNode *nd, unsigned int *refs) const; //! Configuration option: keep scene hierarchy as long as possible - bool configKeepHierarchy; - bool configNormalize; - bool configTransform; - aiMatrix4x4 configTransformation; + bool mConfigKeepHierarchy; + bool mConfigNormalize; + bool mConfigTransform; + aiMatrix4x4 mConfigTransformation; bool mConfigPointCloud; }; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.cpp index 15f01676c1..e55c176481 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.cpp @@ -175,10 +175,9 @@ unsigned int GetMeshVFormatUnique(const aiMesh *pcMesh) { // tangents and bitangents if (pcMesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) iRet |= 0x4; -#ifdef BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT - BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(8 >= AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS); - BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(8 >= AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS); -#endif + + static_assert(8 >= AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS); + static_assert(8 >= AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS); // texture coordinates unsigned int p = 0; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.cpp index 3c3cd59e0f..ea8d154dc3 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -45,7 +43,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // internal headers - #include "RemoveRedundantMaterials.h" #include #include "ProcessHelper.h" @@ -57,39 +54,28 @@ using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::RemoveRedundantMatsProcess() -: mConfigFixedMaterials() { - // nothing to do here -} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::~RemoveRedundantMatsProcess() = default; +RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::RemoveRedundantMatsProcess() : mConfigFixedMaterials() {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ +bool RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup import properties -void RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) -{ +void RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { // Get value of AI_CONFIG_PP_RRM_EXCLUDE_LIST mConfigFixedMaterials = pImp->GetPropertyString(AI_CONFIG_PP_RRM_EXCLUDE_LIST,""); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("RemoveRedundantMatsProcess begin"); unsigned int redundantRemoved = 0, unreferencedRemoved = 0; - if (pScene->mNumMaterials) - { + if (pScene->mNumMaterials) { // Find out which materials are referenced by meshes std::vector abReferenced(pScene->mNumMaterials,false); for (unsigned int i = 0;i < pScene->mNumMeshes;++i) @@ -138,8 +124,7 @@ void RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // we do already have a specific hash. This allows us to // determine which materials are identical. uint32_t *aiHashes = new uint32_t[ pScene->mNumMaterials ];; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMaterials;++i) - { + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMaterials;++i) { // No mesh is referencing this material, remove it. if (!abReferenced[i]) { ++unreferencedRemoved; @@ -151,8 +136,7 @@ void RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // Check all previously mapped materials for a matching hash. // On a match we can delete this material and just make it ref to the same index. uint32_t me = aiHashes[i] = ComputeMaterialHash(pScene->mMaterials[i]); - for (unsigned int a = 0; a < i;++a) - { + for (unsigned int a = 0; a < i;++a) { if (abReferenced[a] && me == aiHashes[a]) { ++redundantRemoved; me = 0; @@ -209,12 +193,9 @@ void RemoveRedundantMatsProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) delete[] aiHashes; delete[] aiMappingTable; } - if (redundantRemoved == 0 && unreferencedRemoved == 0) - { + if (redundantRemoved == 0 && unreferencedRemoved == 0) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("RemoveRedundantMatsProcess finished "); - } - else - { + } else { ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("RemoveRedundantMatsProcess finished. Removed ", redundantRemoved, " redundant and ", unreferencedRemoved, " unused materials."); } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.h b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.h index e8c1478fda..1b42bea553 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveRedundantMaterials.h @@ -59,23 +59,22 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API RemoveRedundantMatsProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - /// The default class constructor. + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. RemoveRedundantMatsProcess(); - - /// The class destructor. - ~RemoveRedundantMatsProcess(); + ~RemoveRedundantMatsProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check whether step is active - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execute step on a given scene - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup import settings - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Set list of fixed (inmutable) materials diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.cpp index 8bbe791f6c..bcad65423d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -56,10 +54,6 @@ using namespace Assimp; RemoveVCProcess::RemoveVCProcess() : configDeleteFlags(), mScene() {} -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -RemoveVCProcess::~RemoveVCProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool RemoveVCProcess::IsActive(unsigned int pFlags) const { @@ -78,63 +72,6 @@ inline void ArrayDelete(T **&in, unsigned int &num) { num = 0; } -#if 0 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Updates the node graph - removes all nodes which have the "remove" flag set and the -// "don't remove" flag not set. Nodes with meshes are never deleted. -bool UpdateNodeGraph(aiNode* node,std::list& childsOfParent,bool root) -{ - bool b = false; - - std::list mine; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren;++i) - { - if(UpdateNodeGraph(node->mChildren[i],mine,false)) - b = true; - } - - // somewhat tricky ... mNumMeshes must be originally 0 and MSB2 may not be set, - // so we can do a simple comparison against MSB here - if (!root && AI_RC_UINT_MSB == node->mNumMeshes ) - { - // this node needs to be removed - if(node->mNumChildren) - { - childsOfParent.insert(childsOfParent.end(),mine.begin(),mine.end()); - - // set all children to nullptr to make sure they are not deleted when we delete ourself - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren;++i) - node->mChildren[i] = nullptr; - } - b = true; - delete node; - } - else - { - AI_RC_UNMASK(node->mNumMeshes); - childsOfParent.push_back(node); - - if (b) - { - // reallocate the array of our children here - node->mNumChildren = (unsigned int)mine.size(); - aiNode** const children = new aiNode*[mine.size()]; - aiNode** ptr = children; - - for (std::list::iterator it = mine.begin(), end = mine.end(); - it != end; ++it) - { - *ptr++ = *it; - } - delete[] node->mChildren; - node->mChildren = children; - return false; - } - } - return b; -} -#endif - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. void RemoveVCProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.h index cf1086882c..45c0b3a716 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/RemoveVCProcess.h @@ -58,11 +58,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API RemoveVCProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - /// The default class constructor. + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. RemoveVCProcess(); - - /// The class destructor. - ~RemoveVCProcess(); + ~RemoveVCProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -70,37 +69,35 @@ class ASSIMP_API RemoveVCProcess : public BaseProcess { * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. */ - virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Manually setup the configuration flags for the step * * @param Bitwise combination of the #aiComponent enumerated values. */ - void SetDeleteFlags(unsigned int f) - { + void SetDeleteFlags(unsigned int f) { configDeleteFlags = f; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Query the current configuration. */ - unsigned int GetDeleteFlags() const - { + unsigned int GetDeleteFlags() const { return configDeleteFlags; } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.cpp index 34f68539ae..1bb9196f1b 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.cpp @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -47,25 +46,27 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { -ScaleProcess::ScaleProcess() -: BaseProcess() -, mScale( AI_CONFIG_GLOBAL_SCALE_FACTOR_DEFAULT ) { +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +ScaleProcess::ScaleProcess() : BaseProcess(), mScale( AI_CONFIG_GLOBAL_SCALE_FACTOR_DEFAULT ) { + // empty } -ScaleProcess::~ScaleProcess() = default; - +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScaleProcess::setScale( ai_real scale ) { mScale = scale; } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ai_real ScaleProcess::getScale() const { return mScale; } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ScaleProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags ) const { return ( pFlags & aiProcess_GlobalScale ) != 0; } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScaleProcess::SetupProperties( const Importer* pImp ) { // User scaling mScale = pImp->GetPropertyFloat( AI_CONFIG_GLOBAL_SCALE_FACTOR_KEY, 1.0f ); @@ -78,14 +79,15 @@ void ScaleProcess::SetupProperties( const Importer* pImp ) { mScale *= importerScale; } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScaleProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene ) { if(mScale == 1.0f) { return; // nothing to scale } - ai_assert( mScale != 0 ); - ai_assert( nullptr != pScene ); - ai_assert( nullptr != pScene->mRootNode ); + ai_assert(mScale != 0 ); + ai_assert(nullptr != pScene ); + ai_assert(nullptr != pScene->mRootNode ); if ( nullptr == pScene ) { return; @@ -96,37 +98,30 @@ void ScaleProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene ) { } // Process animations and update position transform to new unit system - for( unsigned int animationID = 0; animationID < pScene->mNumAnimations; animationID++ ) - { + for( unsigned int animationID = 0; animationID < pScene->mNumAnimations; animationID++ ) { aiAnimation* animation = pScene->mAnimations[animationID]; - for( unsigned int animationChannel = 0; animationChannel < animation->mNumChannels; animationChannel++) - { + for( unsigned int animationChannel = 0; animationChannel < animation->mNumChannels; animationChannel++) { aiNodeAnim* anim = animation->mChannels[animationChannel]; - for( unsigned int posKey = 0; posKey < anim->mNumPositionKeys; posKey++) - { + for( unsigned int posKey = 0; posKey < anim->mNumPositionKeys; posKey++) { aiVectorKey& vectorKey = anim->mPositionKeys[posKey]; vectorKey.mValue *= mScale; } } } - for( unsigned int meshID = 0; meshID < pScene->mNumMeshes; meshID++) - { + for( unsigned int meshID = 0; meshID < pScene->mNumMeshes; meshID++) { aiMesh *mesh = pScene->mMeshes[meshID]; // Reconstruct mesh vertices to the new unit system - for( unsigned int vertexID = 0; vertexID < mesh->mNumVertices; vertexID++) - { + for( unsigned int vertexID = 0; vertexID < mesh->mNumVertices; vertexID++) { aiVector3D& vertex = mesh->mVertices[vertexID]; vertex *= mScale; } - // bone placement / scaling - for( unsigned int boneID = 0; boneID < mesh->mNumBones; boneID++) - { + for( unsigned int boneID = 0; boneID < mesh->mNumBones; boneID++) { // Reconstruct matrix by transform rather than by scale // This prevent scale values being changed which can // be meaningful in some cases @@ -144,7 +139,7 @@ void ScaleProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene ) { aiMatrix4x4 scaling; aiMatrix4x4::Scaling( aiVector3D(scale), scaling ); - aiMatrix4x4 RotMatrix = aiMatrix4x4 (rotation.GetMatrix()); + const aiMatrix4x4 RotMatrix = aiMatrix4x4(rotation.GetMatrix()); bone->mOffsetMatrix = translation * RotMatrix * scaling; } @@ -152,12 +147,10 @@ void ScaleProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene ) { // animation mesh processing // convert by position rather than scale. - for( unsigned int animMeshID = 0; animMeshID < mesh->mNumAnimMeshes; animMeshID++) - { + for( unsigned int animMeshID = 0; animMeshID < mesh->mNumAnimMeshes; animMeshID++) { aiAnimMesh * animMesh = mesh->mAnimMeshes[animMeshID]; - for( unsigned int vertexID = 0; vertexID < animMesh->mNumVertices; vertexID++) - { + for( unsigned int vertexID = 0; vertexID < animMesh->mNumVertices; vertexID++) { aiVector3D& vertex = animMesh->mVertices[vertexID]; vertex *= mScale; } @@ -167,16 +160,17 @@ void ScaleProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene ) { traverseNodes( pScene->mRootNode ); } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScaleProcess::traverseNodes( aiNode *node, unsigned int nested_node_id ) { applyScaling( node ); - for( size_t i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++) - { + for( size_t i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++) { // recurse into the tree until we are done! traverseNodes( node->mChildren[i], nested_node_id+1 ); } } +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScaleProcess::applyScaling( aiNode *currentNode ) { if ( nullptr != currentNode ) { // Reconstruct matrix by transform rather than by scale diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.h index b6eb75de72..ae1c3ed007 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ScaleProcess.h @@ -62,11 +62,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API ScaleProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - /// The default class constructor. + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. ScaleProcess(); - - /// The class destructor. - virtual ~ScaleProcess(); + ~ScaleProcess() override = default; /// Will set the scale manually. void setScale( ai_real scale ); @@ -75,13 +74,13 @@ class ASSIMP_API ScaleProcess : public BaseProcess { ai_real getScale() const; /// Overwritten, @see BaseProcess - virtual bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags ) const; + virtual bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags ) const override; /// Overwritten, @see BaseProcess - virtual void SetupProperties( const Importer* pImp ); + virtual void SetupProperties( const Importer* pImp ) override; /// Overwritten, @see BaseProcess - virtual void Execute( aiScene* pScene ); + virtual void Execute( aiScene* pScene ) override; private: void traverseNodes( aiNode *currentNode, unsigned int nested_node_id = 0 ); diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.cpp index 6312fa173c..47633dce5d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -54,14 +52,7 @@ using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -SortByPTypeProcess::SortByPTypeProcess() : - mConfigRemoveMeshes(0) { - // empty -} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -SortByPTypeProcess::~SortByPTypeProcess() = default; +SortByPTypeProcess::SortByPTypeProcess() : mConfigRemoveMeshes(0) {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -108,8 +99,9 @@ void UpdateNodes(const std::vector &replaceMeshIndex, aiNode *node } // call all subnodes recursively - for (unsigned int m = 0; m < node->mNumChildren; ++m) + for (unsigned int m = 0; m < node->mNumChildren; ++m) { UpdateNodes(replaceMeshIndex, node->mChildren[m]); + } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -159,7 +151,7 @@ void SortByPTypeProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { if (1 == num) { if (!(mConfigRemoveMeshes & mesh->mPrimitiveTypes)) { *meshIdx = static_cast(outMeshes.size()); - outMeshes.push_back(mesh); + outMeshes.emplace_back(mesh); } else { delete mesh; pScene->mMeshes[i] = nullptr; @@ -315,21 +307,23 @@ void SortByPTypeProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { if (vert) { *vert++ = mesh->mVertices[idx]; - //mesh->mVertices[idx].x = get_qnan(); } - if (nor) *nor++ = mesh->mNormals[idx]; + if (nor) + *nor++ = mesh->mNormals[idx]; if (tan) { *tan++ = mesh->mTangents[idx]; *bit++ = mesh->mBitangents[idx]; } for (unsigned int pp = 0; pp < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++pp) { - if (!uv[pp]) break; + if (!uv[pp]) + break; *uv[pp]++ = mesh->mTextureCoords[pp][idx]; } for (unsigned int pp = 0; pp < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++pp) { - if (!cols[pp]) break; + if (!cols[pp]) + break; *cols[pp]++ = mesh->mColors[pp][idx]; } @@ -355,7 +349,7 @@ void SortByPTypeProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { } } if (pp == mesh->mNumAnimMeshes) - amIdx++; + ++amIdx; in.mIndices[q] = outIdx++; } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.h index e30342a86b..ce4f7da62e 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/SortByPTypeProcess.h @@ -60,17 +60,19 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API SortByPTypeProcess : public BaseProcess { public: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. SortByPTypeProcess(); - ~SortByPTypeProcess(); + ~SortByPTypeProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; private: int mConfigRemoveMeshes; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.cpp index a501d3bd6d..969146fee7 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.cpp @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - /// @file SplitByBoneCountProcess.cpp /// Implementation of the SplitByBoneCount postprocessing step @@ -59,47 +57,34 @@ using namespace Assimp::Formatter; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor -SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitByBoneCountProcess() -{ - // set default, might be overridden by importer config - mMaxBoneCount = AI_SBBC_DEFAULT_MAX_BONES; -} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor -SplitByBoneCountProcess::~SplitByBoneCountProcess() = default; +SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitByBoneCountProcess() : mMaxBoneCount(AI_SBBC_DEFAULT_MAX_BONES) {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. -bool SplitByBoneCountProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ +bool SplitByBoneCountProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { return !!(pFlags & aiProcess_SplitByBoneCount); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Updates internal properties -void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) -{ +void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { mMaxBoneCount = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_SBBC_MAX_BONES,AI_SBBC_DEFAULT_MAX_BONES); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void SplitByBoneCountProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void SplitByBoneCountProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("SplitByBoneCountProcess begin"); // early out bool isNecessary = false; for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++a) - if( pScene->mMeshes[a]->mNumBones > mMaxBoneCount ) - { + if( pScene->mMeshes[a]->mNumBones > mMaxBoneCount ) { isNecessary = true; break; } - if( !isNecessary ) - { + if( !isNecessary ) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("SplitByBoneCountProcess early-out: no meshes with more than ", mMaxBoneCount, " bones." ); return; } @@ -111,28 +96,23 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // build a new array of meshes for the scene std::vector meshes; - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++a) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++a) { aiMesh* srcMesh = pScene->mMeshes[a]; std::vector newMeshes; SplitMesh( pScene->mMeshes[a], newMeshes); // mesh was split - if( !newMeshes.empty() ) - { + if( !newMeshes.empty() ) { // store new meshes and indices of the new meshes - for( unsigned int b = 0; b < newMeshes.size(); ++b) - { + for( unsigned int b = 0; b < newMeshes.size(); ++b) { mSubMeshIndices[a].push_back( static_cast(meshes.size())); meshes.push_back( newMeshes[b]); } // and destroy the source mesh. It should be completely contained inside the new submeshes delete srcMesh; - } - else - { + } else { // Mesh is kept unchanged - store it's new place in the mesh array mSubMeshIndices[a].push_back( static_cast(meshes.size())); meshes.push_back( srcMesh); @@ -153,11 +133,9 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Splits the given mesh by bone count. -void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vector& poNewMeshes) const -{ +void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vector& poNewMeshes) const { // skip if not necessary - if( pMesh->mNumBones <= mMaxBoneCount ) - { + if( pMesh->mNumBones <= mMaxBoneCount ) { return; } @@ -165,42 +143,35 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vector BoneWeight; std::vector< std::vector > vertexBones( pMesh->mNumVertices); - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumBones; ++a) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumBones; ++a) { const aiBone* bone = pMesh->mBones[a]; - for( unsigned int b = 0; b < bone->mNumWeights; ++b) - { - if (bone->mWeights[b].mWeight > 0.0f) - { - int vertexId = bone->mWeights[b].mVertexId; - vertexBones[vertexId].emplace_back(a, bone->mWeights[b].mWeight); - if (vertexBones[vertexId].size() > mMaxBoneCount) - { - throw DeadlyImportError("SplitByBoneCountProcess: Single face requires more bones than specified max bone count!"); + for( unsigned int b = 0; b < bone->mNumWeights; ++b) { + if (bone->mWeights[b].mWeight > 0.0f) { + int vertexId = bone->mWeights[b].mVertexId; + vertexBones[vertexId].emplace_back(a, bone->mWeights[b].mWeight); + if (vertexBones[vertexId].size() > mMaxBoneCount) { + throw DeadlyImportError("SplitByBoneCountProcess: Single face requires more bones than specified max bone count!"); + } } - } } } unsigned int numFacesHandled = 0; std::vector isFaceHandled( pMesh->mNumFaces, false); - while( numFacesHandled < pMesh->mNumFaces ) - { + while( numFacesHandled < pMesh->mNumFaces ) { // which bones are used in the current submesh unsigned int numBones = 0; std::vector isBoneUsed( pMesh->mNumBones, false); // indices of the faces which are going to go into this submesh - std::vector subMeshFaces; + IndexArray subMeshFaces; subMeshFaces.reserve( pMesh->mNumFaces); // accumulated vertex count of all the faces in this submesh unsigned int numSubMeshVertices = 0; // add faces to the new submesh as long as all bones affecting the faces' vertices fit in the limit - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumFaces; ++a) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumFaces; ++a) { // skip if the face is already stored in a submesh - if( isFaceHandled[a] ) - { + if( isFaceHandled[a] ) { continue; } // a small local set of new bones for the current face. State of all used bones for that face @@ -209,33 +180,27 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vectormFaces[a]; // check every vertex if its bones would still fit into the current submesh - for( unsigned int b = 0; b < face.mNumIndices; ++b ) - { - const std::vector& vb = vertexBones[face.mIndices[b]]; - for( unsigned int c = 0; c < vb.size(); ++c) - { - unsigned int boneIndex = vb[c].first; - if( !isBoneUsed[boneIndex] ) - { - newBonesAtCurrentFace.insert(boneIndex); + for( unsigned int b = 0; b < face.mNumIndices; ++b ) { + const std::vector& vb = vertexBones[face.mIndices[b]]; + for( unsigned int c = 0; c < vb.size(); ++c) { + unsigned int boneIndex = vb[c].first; + if( !isBoneUsed[boneIndex] ) { + newBonesAtCurrentFace.insert(boneIndex); + } } - } } // leave out the face if the new bones required for this face don't fit the bone count limit anymore - if( numBones + newBonesAtCurrentFace.size() > mMaxBoneCount ) - { + if( numBones + newBonesAtCurrentFace.size() > mMaxBoneCount ) { continue; } // mark all new bones as necessary - for (std::set::iterator it = newBonesAtCurrentFace.begin(); it != newBonesAtCurrentFace.end(); ++it) - { - if (!isBoneUsed[*it]) - { - isBoneUsed[*it] = true; - numBones++; - } + for (std::set::iterator it = newBonesAtCurrentFace.begin(); it != newBonesAtCurrentFace.end(); ++it) { + if (!isBoneUsed[*it]) { + isBoneUsed[*it] = true; + ++numBones; + } } // store the face index and the vertex count @@ -244,44 +209,37 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vectormName.length > 0 ) - { + if( pMesh->mName.length > 0 ) { newMesh->mName.Set( format() << pMesh->mName.data << "_sub" << poNewMeshes.size()); } newMesh->mMaterialIndex = pMesh->mMaterialIndex; newMesh->mPrimitiveTypes = pMesh->mPrimitiveTypes; - poNewMeshes.push_back( newMesh); + poNewMeshes.emplace_back( newMesh); // create all the arrays for this mesh if the old mesh contained them newMesh->mNumVertices = numSubMeshVertices; newMesh->mNumFaces = static_cast(subMeshFaces.size()); newMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[newMesh->mNumVertices]; - if( pMesh->HasNormals() ) - { + if( pMesh->HasNormals() ) { newMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[newMesh->mNumVertices]; } - if( pMesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() ) - { + if( pMesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() ) { newMesh->mTangents = new aiVector3D[newMesh->mNumVertices]; newMesh->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[newMesh->mNumVertices]; } - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++a ) - { - if( pMesh->HasTextureCoords( a) ) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++a ) { + if( pMesh->HasTextureCoords( a) ) { newMesh->mTextureCoords[a] = new aiVector3D[newMesh->mNumVertices]; } newMesh->mNumUVComponents[a] = pMesh->mNumUVComponents[a]; } - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++a ) - { - if( pMesh->HasVertexColors( a) ) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++a ) { + if( pMesh->HasVertexColors( a) ) { newMesh->mColors[a] = new aiColor4D[newMesh->mNumVertices]; } } @@ -289,42 +247,34 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vectormFaces = new aiFace[subMeshFaces.size()]; unsigned int nvi = 0; // next vertex index - std::vector previousVertexIndices( numSubMeshVertices, std::numeric_limits::max()); // per new vertex: its index in the source mesh - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < subMeshFaces.size(); ++a ) - { + IndexArray previousVertexIndices( numSubMeshVertices, std::numeric_limits::max()); // per new vertex: its index in the source mesh + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < subMeshFaces.size(); ++a ) { const aiFace& srcFace = pMesh->mFaces[subMeshFaces[a]]; aiFace& dstFace = newMesh->mFaces[a]; dstFace.mNumIndices = srcFace.mNumIndices; dstFace.mIndices = new unsigned int[dstFace.mNumIndices]; // accumulate linearly all the vertices of the source face - for( unsigned int b = 0; b < dstFace.mNumIndices; ++b ) - { + for( unsigned int b = 0; b < dstFace.mNumIndices; ++b ) { unsigned int srcIndex = srcFace.mIndices[b]; dstFace.mIndices[b] = nvi; previousVertexIndices[nvi] = srcIndex; newMesh->mVertices[nvi] = pMesh->mVertices[srcIndex]; - if( pMesh->HasNormals() ) - { + if( pMesh->HasNormals() ) { newMesh->mNormals[nvi] = pMesh->mNormals[srcIndex]; } - if( pMesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() ) - { + if( pMesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() ) { newMesh->mTangents[nvi] = pMesh->mTangents[srcIndex]; newMesh->mBitangents[nvi] = pMesh->mBitangents[srcIndex]; } - for( unsigned int c = 0; c < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++c ) - { - if( pMesh->HasTextureCoords( c) ) - { + for( unsigned int c = 0; c < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++c ) { + if( pMesh->HasTextureCoords( c) ) { newMesh->mTextureCoords[c][nvi] = pMesh->mTextureCoords[c][srcIndex]; } } - for( unsigned int c = 0; c < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++c ) - { - if( pMesh->HasVertexColors( c) ) - { + for( unsigned int c = 0; c < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++c ) { + if( pMesh->HasVertexColors( c) ) { newMesh->mColors[c][nvi] = pMesh->mColors[c][srcIndex]; } } @@ -340,10 +290,8 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vectormBones = new aiBone*[numBones]; std::vector mappedBoneIndex( pMesh->mNumBones, std::numeric_limits::max()); - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumBones; ++a ) - { - if( !isBoneUsed[a] ) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pMesh->mNumBones; ++a ) { + if( !isBoneUsed[a] ) { continue; } @@ -360,24 +308,20 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vectormNumBones == numBones ); // iterate over all new vertices and count which bones affected its old vertex in the source mesh - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numSubMeshVertices; ++a ) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numSubMeshVertices; ++a ) { unsigned int oldIndex = previousVertexIndices[a]; const std::vector& bonesOnThisVertex = vertexBones[oldIndex]; - for( unsigned int b = 0; b < bonesOnThisVertex.size(); ++b ) - { + for( unsigned int b = 0; b < bonesOnThisVertex.size(); ++b ) { unsigned int newBoneIndex = mappedBoneIndex[ bonesOnThisVertex[b].first ]; - if( newBoneIndex != std::numeric_limits::max() ) - { + if( newBoneIndex != std::numeric_limits::max() ) { newMesh->mBones[newBoneIndex]->mNumWeights++; } } } // allocate all bone weight arrays accordingly - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < newMesh->mNumBones; ++a ) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < newMesh->mNumBones; ++a ) { aiBone* bone = newMesh->mBones[a]; ai_assert( bone->mNumWeights > 0 ); bone->mWeights = new aiVertexWeight[bone->mNumWeights]; @@ -385,16 +329,14 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vector& bonesOnThisVertex = vertexBones[previousIndex]; // all of the bones affecting it should be present in the new submesh, or else // the face it comprises shouldn't be present - for( unsigned int b = 0; b < bonesOnThisVertex.size(); ++b) - { + for( unsigned int b = 0; b < bonesOnThisVertex.size(); ++b) { unsigned int newBoneIndex = mappedBoneIndex[ bonesOnThisVertex[b].first ]; ai_assert( newBoneIndex != std::numeric_limits::max() ); aiVertexWeight* dstWeight = newMesh->mBones[newBoneIndex]->mWeights + newMesh->mBones[newBoneIndex]->mNumWeights; @@ -450,16 +392,13 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::SplitMesh( const aiMesh* pMesh, std::vectormNumMeshes > 0 ) - { - std::vector newMeshList; - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pNode->mNumMeshes; ++a) - { + if( pNode->mNumMeshes == 0 ) { + IndexArray newMeshList; + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pNode->mNumMeshes; ++a) { unsigned int srcIndex = pNode->mMeshes[a]; - const std::vector& replaceMeshes = mSubMeshIndices[srcIndex]; + const IndexArray& replaceMeshes = mSubMeshIndices[srcIndex]; newMeshList.insert( newMeshList.end(), replaceMeshes.begin(), replaceMeshes.end()); } @@ -470,8 +409,7 @@ void SplitByBoneCountProcess::UpdateNode( aiNode* pNode) const } // do that also recursively for all children - for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pNode->mNumChildren; ++a ) - { + for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pNode->mNumChildren; ++a ) { UpdateNode( pNode->mChildren[a]); } } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.h index 938b00c7f2..efe85824f0 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/SplitByBoneCountProcess.h @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -51,9 +50,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include -namespace Assimp -{ - +namespace Assimp { /** Postprocessing filter to split meshes with many bones into submeshes * so that each submesh has a certain max bone count. @@ -61,34 +58,33 @@ namespace Assimp * Applied BEFORE the JoinVertices-Step occurs. * Returns NON-UNIQUE vertices, splits by bone count. */ -class SplitByBoneCountProcess : public BaseProcess -{ +class SplitByBoneCountProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. SplitByBoneCountProcess(); - ~SplitByBoneCountProcess(); + ~SplitByBoneCountProcess() override = default; -public: - /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. - * @param pFlags The processing flags the importer was called with. A - * bitwise combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. - * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, - * false if not. - */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; - - /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). - * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration - * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. - */ - virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); + /// @brief Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. + /// @param pFlags The processing flags the importer was called with. A + /// bitwise combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. + /// @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; + + /// @brief Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). + /// The function is a request to the process to update its configuration + /// basing on the Importer's configuration property list. + virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; + + /// @brief Will return the maximal number of bones. + /// @return The maximal number of bones. + size_t getMaxNumberOfBones() const; protected: - /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. - * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. - * @param pScene The imported data to work at. - */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + /// Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. + /// At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. + /// @param pScene The imported data to work at. + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; /// Splits the given mesh by bone count. /// @param pMesh the Mesh to split. Is not changed at all, but might be superfluous in case it was split. @@ -98,14 +94,19 @@ class SplitByBoneCountProcess : public BaseProcess /// Recursively updates the node's mesh list to account for the changed mesh list void UpdateNode( aiNode* pNode) const; -public: +private: /// Max bone count. Splitting occurs if a mesh has more than that number of bones. size_t mMaxBoneCount; /// Per mesh index: Array of indices of the new submeshes. - std::vector< std::vector > mSubMeshIndices; + using IndexArray = std::vector; + std::vector mSubMeshIndices; }; +inline size_t SplitByBoneCountProcess::getMaxNumberOfBones() const { + return mMaxBoneCount; +} + } // end of namespace Assimp #endif // !!AI_SPLITBYBONECOUNTPROCESS_H_INC diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.cpp index 151ac49910..b6e5b772a5 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.cpp @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -40,9 +39,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -/** - * @file Implementation of the SplitLargeMeshes postprocessing step - */ + /// @file Implementation of the SplitLargeMeshes postprocessing step // internal headers of the post-processing framework #include "SplitLargeMeshes.h" @@ -55,9 +52,6 @@ SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle::SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle() { LIMIT = AI_SLM_DEFAULT_MAX_TRIANGLES; } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle::~SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { @@ -78,22 +72,22 @@ void SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { this->SplitMesh(a, pScene->mMeshes[a],avList); } - if (avList.size() != pScene->mNumMeshes) { - // it seems something has been split. rebuild the mesh list - delete[] pScene->mMeshes; - pScene->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)avList.size(); - pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[avList.size()]; + if (avList.size() == pScene->mNumMeshes) { + ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle finished. There was nothing to do"); + } - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < avList.size();++i) { - pScene->mMeshes[i] = avList[i].first; - } + // it seems something has been split. rebuild the mesh list + delete[] pScene->mMeshes; + pScene->mNumMeshes = (unsigned int)avList.size(); + pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[avList.size()]; - // now we need to update all nodes - this->UpdateNode(pScene->mRootNode,avList); - ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle finished. Meshes have been split"); - } else { - ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle finished. There was nothing to do"); + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < avList.size();++i) { + pScene->mMeshes[i] = avList[i].first; } + + // now we need to update all nodes + this->UpdateNode(pScene->mRootNode,avList); + ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle finished. Meshes have been split"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -105,8 +99,7 @@ void SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle::SetupProperties( const Importer* pImp) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Update a node after some meshes have been split -void SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle::UpdateNode(aiNode* pcNode, - const std::vector >& avList) { +void SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle::UpdateNode(aiNode* pcNode, const std::vector >& avList) { // for every index in out list build a new entry std::vector aiEntries; aiEntries.reserve(pcNode->mNumMeshes + 1); @@ -329,9 +322,6 @@ SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex::SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex() { LIMIT = AI_SLM_DEFAULT_MAX_VERTICES; } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex::~SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. bool SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.h b/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.h index e5a8d4c1bd..4e0d764c13 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/SplitLargeMeshes.h @@ -83,16 +83,15 @@ class SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex; * Applied BEFORE the JoinVertices-Step occurs. * Returns NON-UNIQUE vertices, splits by triangle number. */ -class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle : public BaseProcess -{ +class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle : public BaseProcess { friend class SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex; public: - + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle(); - ~SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle(); + ~SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle() override = default; -public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag. * @param pFlags The processing flags the importer was called with. A @@ -100,16 +99,14 @@ class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle : public BaseProcess * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, * false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; - + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. */ - virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); - + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; //! Set the split limit - needed for unit testing inline void SetLimit(unsigned int l) @@ -119,14 +116,12 @@ class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle : public BaseProcess inline unsigned int GetLimit() const {return LIMIT;} -public: - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Apply the algorithm to a given mesh @@ -144,36 +139,31 @@ class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Triangle : public BaseProcess unsigned int LIMIT; }; - // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Post-processing filter to split large meshes into sub-meshes * * Applied AFTER the JoinVertices-Step occurs. * Returns UNIQUE vertices, splits by vertex number. */ -class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex : public BaseProcess -{ +class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex : public BaseProcess { public: - SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex(); - ~SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex(); + ~SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex() override = default; -public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. * @param pFlags The processing flags the importer was called with. A bitwise * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called prior to ExecuteOnScene(). * The function is a request to the process to update its configuration * basing on the Importer's configuration property list. */ - virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); - + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; //! Set the split limit - needed for unit testing inline void SetLimit(unsigned int l) @@ -183,14 +173,12 @@ class ASSIMP_API SplitLargeMeshesProcess_Vertex : public BaseProcess inline unsigned int GetLimit() const {return LIMIT;} -public: - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Apply the algorithm to a given mesh diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.cpp index efbf4d2c61..3de357c17f 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.cpp @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -42,8 +41,6 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** @file A helper class that processes texture transformations */ - - #include #include #include @@ -56,33 +53,24 @@ using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -TextureTransformStep::TextureTransformStep() : - configFlags() -{ +TextureTransformStep::TextureTransformStep() : configFlags() { // nothing to do here } -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -TextureTransformStep::~TextureTransformStep() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool TextureTransformStep::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ +bool TextureTransformStep::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_TransformUVCoords) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup properties -void TextureTransformStep::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) -{ +void TextureTransformStep::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { configFlags = pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_TUV_EVALUATE,AI_UVTRAFO_ALL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void TextureTransformStep::PreProcessUVTransform(STransformVecInfo& info) -{ +void TextureTransformStep::PreProcessUVTransform(STransformVecInfo& info) { /* This function tries to simplify the input UV transformation. * That's very important as it allows us to reduce the number * of output UV channels. The order in which the transformations @@ -90,7 +78,7 @@ void TextureTransformStep::PreProcessUVTransform(STransformVecInfo& info) */ int rounded; - char szTemp[512]; + char szTemp[512] = {}; /* Optimize the rotation angle. That's slightly difficult as * we have an inprecise floating-point number (when comparing @@ -98,12 +86,10 @@ void TextureTransformStep::PreProcessUVTransform(STransformVecInfo& info) * an epsilon of 5 degrees). If there is a rotation value, we can't * perform any further optimizations. */ - if (info.mRotation) - { + if (info.mRotation) { float out = info.mRotation; rounded = static_cast((info.mRotation / static_cast(AI_MATH_TWO_PI))); - if (rounded) - { + if (rounded) { out -= rounded * static_cast(AI_MATH_PI); ASSIMP_LOG_INFO("Texture coordinate rotation ", info.mRotation, " can be simplified to ", out); } @@ -187,8 +173,7 @@ void TextureTransformStep::PreProcessUVTransform(STransformVecInfo& info) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void UpdateUVIndex(const std::list& l, unsigned int n) -{ +void UpdateUVIndex(const std::list& l, unsigned int n) { // Don't set if == 0 && wasn't set before for (std::list::const_iterator it = l.begin();it != l.end(); ++it) { const TTUpdateInfo& info = *it; @@ -203,8 +188,7 @@ void UpdateUVIndex(const std::list& l, unsigned int n) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -inline const char* MappingModeToChar(aiTextureMapMode map) -{ +inline static const char* MappingModeToChar(aiTextureMapMode map) { if (aiTextureMapMode_Wrap == map) return "-w"; @@ -215,8 +199,7 @@ inline const char* MappingModeToChar(aiTextureMapMode map) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -void TextureTransformStep::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void TextureTransformStep::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("TransformUVCoordsProcess begin"); @@ -508,8 +491,9 @@ void TextureTransformStep::Execute( aiScene* pScene) ai_assert(nullptr != src); // Copy the data to the destination array - if (dest != src) + if (dest != src) { ::memcpy(dest,src,sizeof(aiVector3D)*mesh->mNumVertices); + } end = dest + mesh->mNumVertices; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.h b/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.h index c1cccf8ef2..c9f0480ba8 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/TextureTransform.h @@ -193,28 +193,23 @@ struct STransformVecInfo : public aiUVTransform { /** Helper step to compute final UV coordinate sets if there are scalings * or rotations in the original data read from the file. */ -class TextureTransformStep : public BaseProcess -{ +class TextureTransformStep : public BaseProcess { public: - + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. TextureTransformStep(); - ~TextureTransformStep(); - -public: + ~TextureTransformStep() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp); - + void SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) override; protected: - - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Preprocess a specific UV transformation setup * @@ -223,10 +218,9 @@ class TextureTransformStep : public BaseProcess void PreProcessUVTransform(STransformVecInfo& info); private: - unsigned int configFlags; }; - -} + +} // namespace Assimp #endif //! AI_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.cpp index 52e7603610..f16de2196d 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.cpp @@ -156,26 +156,15 @@ namespace { } - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Constructor to be privately used by Importer -TriangulateProcess::TriangulateProcess() = default; - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -TriangulateProcess::~TriangulateProcess() = default; - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. -bool TriangulateProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const -{ +bool TriangulateProcess::IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const { return (pFlags & aiProcess_Triangulate) != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. -void TriangulateProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) -{ +void TriangulateProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) { ASSIMP_LOG_DEBUG("TriangulateProcess begin"); bool bHas = false; @@ -196,8 +185,7 @@ void TriangulateProcess::Execute( aiScene* pScene) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Triangulates the given mesh. -bool TriangulateProcess::TriangulateMesh( aiMesh* pMesh) -{ +bool TriangulateProcess::TriangulateMesh( aiMesh* pMesh) { // Now we have aiMesh::mPrimitiveTypes, so this is only here for test cases if (!pMesh->mPrimitiveTypes) { bool bNeed = false; @@ -227,8 +215,7 @@ bool TriangulateProcess::TriangulateMesh( aiMesh* pMesh) if( face.mNumIndices <= 3) { numOut++; - } - else { + } else { numOut += face.mNumIndices-2; max_out = std::max(max_out,face.mNumIndices); } @@ -464,7 +451,22 @@ bool TriangulateProcess::TriangulateMesh( aiMesh* pMesh) *pnt2 = &temp_verts[next]; // Must be a convex point. Assuming ccw winding, it must be on the right of the line between p-1 and p+1. - if (OnLeftSideOfLine2D(*pnt0,*pnt2,*pnt1)) { + if (OnLeftSideOfLine2D(*pnt0,*pnt2,*pnt1) == 1) { + continue; + } + + // Skip when three point is in a line + aiVector2D left = *pnt0 - *pnt1; + aiVector2D right = *pnt2 - *pnt1; + + left.Normalize(); + right.Normalize(); + auto mul = left * right; + + // if the angle is 0 or 180 + if (std::abs(mul - 1.f) < ai_epsilon || std::abs(mul + 1.f) < ai_epsilon) { + // skip this ear + ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("Skip a ear, due to its angle is near 0 or 180."); continue; } @@ -505,22 +507,6 @@ bool TriangulateProcess::TriangulateMesh( aiMesh* pMesh) #endif num = 0; break; - - /*curOut -= (max-num); // undo all previous work - for (tmp = 0; tmp < max-2; ++tmp) { - aiFace& nface = *curOut++; - - nface.mNumIndices = 3; - if (!nface.mIndices) - nface.mIndices = new unsigned int[3]; - - nface.mIndices[0] = 0; - nface.mIndices[1] = tmp+1; - nface.mIndices[2] = tmp+2; - - } - num = 0; - break;*/ } aiFace& nface = *curOut++; @@ -574,23 +560,6 @@ bool TriangulateProcess::TriangulateMesh( aiMesh* pMesh) for(aiFace* f = last_face; f != curOut; ) { unsigned int* i = f->mIndices; - // drop dumb 0-area triangles - deactivated for now: - //FindDegenerates post processing step can do the same thing - //if (std::fabs(GetArea2D(temp_verts[i[0]],temp_verts[i[1]],temp_verts[i[2]])) < 1e-5f) { - // ASSIMP_LOG_VERBOSE_DEBUG("Dropping triangle with area 0"); - // --curOut; - - // delete[] f->mIndices; - // f->mIndices = nullptr; - - // for(aiFace* ff = f; ff != curOut; ++ff) { - // ff->mNumIndices = (ff+1)->mNumIndices; - // ff->mIndices = (ff+1)->mIndices; - // (ff+1)->mIndices = nullptr; - // } - // continue; - //} - i[0] = idx[i[0]]; i[1] = idx[i[1]]; i[2] = idx[i[2]]; diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.h b/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.h index ed5f4a5875..ac31e4377b 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/TriangulateProcess.h @@ -61,8 +61,10 @@ namespace Assimp { */ class ASSIMP_API TriangulateProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - TriangulateProcess(); - ~TriangulateProcess(); + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. + TriangulateProcess() = default; + ~TriangulateProcess() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -70,14 +72,14 @@ class ASSIMP_API TriangulateProcess : public BaseProcess { * combination of #aiPostProcessSteps. * @return true if the process is present in this flag fields, false if not. */ - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Executes the post processing step on the given imported data. * At the moment a process is not supposed to fail. * @param pScene The imported data to work at. */ - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Triangulates the given mesh. diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp b/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp index d234e220b7..14259e11a3 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.cpp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -60,12 +58,7 @@ using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer -ValidateDSProcess::ValidateDSProcess() : - mScene() {} - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Destructor, private as well -ValidateDSProcess::~ValidateDSProcess() = default; +ValidateDSProcess::ValidateDSProcess() : mScene(nullptr) {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the processing step is present in the given flag field. @@ -115,18 +108,21 @@ inline int HasNameMatch(const aiString &in, aiNode *node) { template inline void ValidateDSProcess::DoValidation(T **parray, unsigned int size, const char *firstName, const char *secondName) { // validate all entries - if (size) { - if (!parray) { - ReportError("aiScene::%s is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %i)", - firstName, secondName, size); - } - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { - if (!parray[i]) { - ReportError("aiScene::%s[%i] is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %i)", - firstName, i, secondName, size); - } - Validate(parray[i]); + if (size == 0) { + return; + } + + if (!parray) { + ReportError("aiScene::%s is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %i)", + firstName, secondName, size); + } + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { + if (!parray[i]) { + ReportError("aiScene::%s[%i] is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %i)", + firstName, i, secondName, size); } + Validate(parray[i]); } } @@ -135,25 +131,27 @@ template inline void ValidateDSProcess::DoValidationEx(T **parray, unsigned int size, const char *firstName, const char *secondName) { // validate all entries - if (size) { - if (!parray) { - ReportError("aiScene::%s is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %i)", - firstName, secondName, size); - } - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { - if (!parray[i]) { - ReportError("aiScene::%s[%u] is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %u)", - firstName, i, secondName, size); - } - Validate(parray[i]); - - // check whether there are duplicate names - for (unsigned int a = i + 1; a < size; ++a) { - if (parray[i]->mName == parray[a]->mName) { - ReportError("aiScene::%s[%u] has the same name as " - "aiScene::%s[%u]", - firstName, i, secondName, a); - } + if (size == 0) { + return; + } + + if (!parray) { + ReportError("aiScene::%s is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %i)", + firstName, secondName, size); + } + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { + if (!parray[i]) { + ReportError("aiScene::%s[%u] is nullptr (aiScene::%s is %u)", + firstName, i, secondName, size); + } + Validate(parray[i]); + + // check whether there are duplicate names + for (unsigned int a = i + 1; a < size; ++a) { + if (parray[i]->mName == parray[a]->mName) { + ReportError("aiScene::%s[%u] has the same name as " + "aiScene::%s[%u]", + firstName, i, secondName, a); } } } @@ -234,12 +232,6 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Execute(aiScene *pScene) { if (pScene->mNumMaterials) { DoValidation(pScene->mMaterials, pScene->mNumMaterials, "mMaterials", "mNumMaterials"); } -#if 0 - // NOTE: ScenePreprocessor generates a default material if none is there - else if (!(mScene->mFlags & AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE)) { - ReportError("aiScene::mNumMaterials is 0. At least one material must be there"); - } -#endif else if (pScene->mMaterials) { ReportError("aiScene::mMaterials is non-null although there are no materials"); } @@ -272,8 +264,7 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Validate(const aiCamera *pCamera) { if (pCamera->mClipPlaneFar <= pCamera->mClipPlaneNear) ReportError("aiCamera::mClipPlaneFar must be >= aiCamera::mClipPlaneNear"); - // FIX: there are many 3ds files with invalid FOVs. No reason to - // reject them at all ... a warning is appropriate. + // There are many 3ds files with invalid FOVs. No reason to reject them at all ... a warning is appropriate. if (!pCamera->mHorizontalFOV || pCamera->mHorizontalFOV >= (float)AI_MATH_PI) ReportWarning("%f is not a valid value for aiCamera::mHorizontalFOV", pCamera->mHorizontalFOV); } @@ -295,7 +286,6 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Validate(const aiMesh *pMesh) { switch (face.mNumIndices) { case 0: ReportError("aiMesh::mFaces[%i].mNumIndices is 0", i); - break; case 1: if (0 == (pMesh->mPrimitiveTypes & aiPrimitiveType_POINT)) { ReportError("aiMesh::mFaces[%i] is a POINT but aiMesh::mPrimitiveTypes " @@ -367,15 +357,6 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Validate(const aiMesh *pMesh) { if (face.mIndices[a] >= pMesh->mNumVertices) { ReportError("aiMesh::mFaces[%i]::mIndices[%i] is out of range", i, a); } - // the MSB flag is temporarily used by the extra verbose - // mode to tell us that the JoinVerticesProcess might have - // been executed already. - /*if ( !(this->mScene->mFlags & AI_SCENE_FLAGS_NON_VERBOSE_FORMAT ) && !(this->mScene->mFlags & AI_SCENE_FLAGS_ALLOW_SHARED) && - abRefList[face.mIndices[a]]) - { - ReportError("aiMesh::mVertices[%i] is referenced twice - second " - "time by aiMesh::mFaces[%i]::mIndices[%i]",face.mIndices[a],i,a); - }*/ abRefList[face.mIndices[a]] = true; } } @@ -471,7 +452,7 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Validate(const aiMesh *pMesh, const aiBone *pBone, float this->Validate(&pBone->mName); if (!pBone->mNumWeights) { - //ReportError("aiBone::mNumWeights is zero"); + ReportWarning("aiBone::mNumWeights is zero"); } // check whether all vertices affected by this bone are valid @@ -916,7 +897,12 @@ void ValidateDSProcess::Validate(const aiNode *pNode) { nodeName, pNode->mNumChildren); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pNode->mNumChildren; ++i) { - Validate(pNode->mChildren[i]); + const aiNode *pChild = pNode->mChildren[i]; + Validate(pChild); + if (pChild->mParent != pNode) { + const char *parentName = (pChild->mParent != nullptr) ? pChild->mParent->mName.C_Str() : "null"; + ReportError("aiNode \"%s\" child %i \"%s\" parent is someone else: \"%s\"", pNode->mName.C_Str(), i, pChild->mName.C_Str(), parentName); + } } } } diff --git a/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.h b/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.h index 077a47b701..9cfd4ced18 100644 --- a/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.h +++ b/code/PostProcessing/ValidateDataStructure.h @@ -69,22 +69,20 @@ namespace Assimp { /** Validates the whole ASSIMP scene data structure for correctness. * ImportErrorException is thrown of the scene is corrupt.*/ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class ValidateDSProcess : public BaseProcess -{ +class ValidateDSProcess : public BaseProcess { public: - + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /// The default class constructor / destructor. ValidateDSProcess(); - ~ValidateDSProcess(); + ~ValidateDSProcess() override = default; -public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const; + bool IsActive( unsigned int pFlags) const override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - void Execute( aiScene* pScene); + void Execute( aiScene* pScene) override; protected: - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Report a validation error. This will throw an exception, * control won't return. diff --git a/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp b/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp index 2ae70fa2ed..c1935822dc 100644 --- a/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp +++ b/contrib/Open3DGC/o3dgcArithmeticCodec.cpp @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ namespace o3dgc // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - Static functions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + AI_WONT_RETURN static void AC_Error(const char * msg) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; static void AC_Error(const char * msg) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\n -> Arithmetic coding error: "); diff --git a/contrib/draco/.cmake-format.py b/contrib/draco/.cmake-format.py index 64f2495b40..5b36f67aa0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/.cmake-format.py +++ b/contrib/draco/.cmake-format.py @@ -1,102 +1,137 @@ -# Generated with cmake-format 0.5.1 -# How wide to allow formatted cmake files -line_width = 80 - -# How many spaces to tab for indent -tab_size = 2 - -# If arglists are longer than this, break them always -max_subargs_per_line = 10 - -# If true, separate flow control names from their parentheses with a space -separate_ctrl_name_with_space = False - -# If true, separate function names from parentheses with a space -separate_fn_name_with_space = False - -# If a statement is wrapped to more than one line, than dangle the closing -# parenthesis on its own line -dangle_parens = False - -# What character to use for bulleted lists -bullet_char = '*' - -# What character to use as punctuation after numerals in an enumerated list -enum_char = '.' - -# What style line endings to use in the output. -line_ending = u'unix' - -# Format command names consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case -command_case = u'lower' - -# Format keywords consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case -keyword_case = u'unchanged' - -# Specify structure for custom cmake functions -additional_commands = { - "foo": { - "flags": [ - "BAR", - "BAZ" - ], - "kwargs": { - "HEADERS": "*", - "DEPENDS": "*", - "SOURCES": "*" - } +with section('parse'): + # Specify structure for custom cmake functions + additional_commands = { + 'draco_add_emscripten_executable': { + 'kwargs': { + 'NAME': '*', + 'SOURCES': '*', + 'OUTPUT_NAME': '*', + 'DEFINES': '*', + 'INCLUDES': '*', + 'COMPILE_FLAGS': '*', + 'LINK_FLAGS': '*', + 'OBJLIB_DEPS': '*', + 'LIB_DEPS': '*', + 'GLUE_PATH': '*', + 'PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES': '*', + 'POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES': '*', + 'FEATURES': '*', + }, + 'pargs': 0, + }, + 'draco_add_executable': { + 'kwargs': { + 'NAME': '*', + 'SOURCES': '*', + 'OUTPUT_NAME': '*', + 'TEST': 0, + 'DEFINES': '*', + 'INCLUDES': '*', + 'COMPILE_FLAGS': '*', + 'LINK_FLAGS': '*', + 'OBJLIB_DEPS': '*', + 'LIB_DEPS': '*', + }, + 'pargs': 0, + }, + 'draco_add_library': { + 'kwargs': { + 'NAME': '*', + 'TYPE': '*', + 'SOURCES': '*', + 'TEST': 0, + 'OUTPUT_NAME': '*', + 'DEFINES': '*', + 'INCLUDES': '*', + 'COMPILE_FLAGS': '*', + 'LINK_FLAGS': '*', + 'OBJLIB_DEPS': '*', + 'LIB_DEPS': '*', + 'PUBLIC_INCLUDES': '*', + }, + 'pargs': 0, + }, + 'draco_generate_emscripten_glue': { + 'kwargs': { + 'INPUT_IDL': '*', + 'OUTPUT_PATH': '*', + }, + 'pargs': 0, + }, + 'draco_get_required_emscripten_flags': { + 'kwargs': { + 'FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER': '*', + 'FLAG_LIST_VAR_LINKER': '*', + }, + 'pargs': 0, + }, + 'draco_option': { + 'kwargs': { + 'NAME': '*', + 'HELPSTRING': '*', + 'VALUE': '*', + }, + 'pargs': 0, + }, + # Rules for built in CMake commands and those from dependencies. + 'list': { + 'kwargs': { + 'APPEND': '*', + 'FILTER': '*', + 'FIND': '*', + 'GET': '*', + 'INSERT': '*', + 'JOIN': '*', + 'LENGTH': '*', + 'POP_BACK': '*', + 'POP_FRONT': '*', + 'PREPEND': '*', + 'REMOVE_DUPLICATES': '*', + 'REMOVE_ITEM': '*', + 'REVERSE': '*', + 'SORT': '*', + 'SUBLIST': '*', + 'TRANSFORM': '*', + }, + }, + 'protobuf_generate': { + 'kwargs': { + 'IMPORT_DIRS': '*', + 'LANGUAGE': '*', + 'OUT_VAR': '*', + 'PROTOC_OUT_DIR': '*', + 'PROTOS': '*', + }, + }, } -} - -# A list of command names which should always be wrapped -always_wrap = [] - -# Specify the order of wrapping algorithms during successive reflow attempts -algorithm_order = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] - -# If true, the argument lists which are known to be sortable will be sorted -# lexicographicall -autosort = False - -# enable comment markup parsing and reflow -enable_markup = True -# If comment markup is enabled, don't reflow the first comment block in -# eachlistfile. Use this to preserve formatting of your -# copyright/licensestatements. -first_comment_is_literal = False +with section('format'): + # Formatting options. -# If comment markup is enabled, don't reflow any comment block which matchesthis -# (regex) pattern. Default is `None` (disabled). -literal_comment_pattern = None + # How wide to allow formatted cmake files + line_width = 80 -# Regular expression to match preformat fences in comments -# default=r'^\s*([`~]{3}[`~]*)(.*)$' -fence_pattern = u'^\\s*([`~]{3}[`~]*)(.*)$' + # How many spaces to tab for indent + tab_size = 2 -# Regular expression to match rulers in comments -# default=r'^\s*[^\w\s]{3}.*[^\w\s]{3}$' -ruler_pattern = u'^\\s*[^\\w\\s]{3}.*[^\\w\\s]{3}$' + # If true, separate flow control names from their parentheses with a space + separate_ctrl_name_with_space = False -# If true, emit the unicode byte-order mark (BOM) at the start of the file -emit_byteorder_mark = False + # If true, separate function names from parentheses with a space + separate_fn_name_with_space = False -# If a comment line starts with at least this many consecutive hash characters, -# then don't lstrip() them off. This allows for lazy hash rulers where the first -# hash char is not separated by space -hashruler_min_length = 10 + # If a statement is wrapped to more than one line, than dangle the closing + # parenthesis on its own line. + dangle_parens = False -# If true, then insert a space between the first hash char and remaining hash -# chars in a hash ruler, and normalize its length to fill the column -canonicalize_hashrulers = True + # Do not sort argument lists. + enable_sort = False -# Specify the encoding of the input file. Defaults to utf-8. -input_encoding = u'utf-8' + # What style line endings to use in the output. + line_ending = 'unix' -# Specify the encoding of the output file. Defaults to utf-8. Note that cmake -# only claims to support utf-8 so be careful when using anything else -output_encoding = u'utf-8' + # Format command names consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case + command_case = 'canonical' -# A dictionary containing any per-command configuration overrides. Currently -# only `command_case` is supported. -per_command = {} + # Format keywords consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case + keyword_case = 'upper' diff --git a/contrib/draco/.gitattributes b/contrib/draco/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96acfc6120 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +*.obj eol=lf \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contrib/draco/.gitmodules b/contrib/draco/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25f0a1c032 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/.gitmodules @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[submodule "third_party/googletest"] + path = third_party/googletest + url = https://github.com/google/googletest.git +[submodule "third_party/eigen"] + path = third_party/eigen + url = https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen.git +[submodule "third_party/tinygltf"] + path = third_party/tinygltf + url = https://github.com/syoyo/tinygltf.git +[submodule "third_party/filesystem"] + path = third_party/filesystem + url = https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem diff --git a/contrib/draco/BUILDING.md b/contrib/draco/BUILDING.md index d33917b88f..340b2b83b8 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/BUILDING.md +++ b/contrib/draco/BUILDING.md @@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ _**Contents**_ * [Mac OS X](#mac-os-x) * [Windows](#windows) * [CMake Build Configuration](#cmake-build-configuration) + * [Transcoder](#transcoder) * [Debugging and Optimization](#debugging-and-optimization) * [Googletest Integration](#googletest-integration) + * [Third Party Libraries](#third-party-libraries) * [Javascript Encoder/Decoder](#javascript-encoderdecoder) * [WebAssembly Decoder](#webassembly-decoder) * [WebAssembly Mesh Only Decoder](#webassembly-mesh-only-decoder) @@ -72,6 +74,43 @@ C:\Users\nobody> cmake ../ -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 CMake Build Configuration ------------------------- +Transcoder +---------- + +Before attempting to build Draco with transcoding support you must run an +additional Git command to obtain the submodules: + +~~~~~ bash +# Run this command from within your Draco clone. +$ git submodule update --init +# See below if you prefer to use existing versions of Draco dependencies. +~~~~~ + +In order to build the `draco_transcoder` target, the transcoding support needs +to be explicitly enabled when you run `cmake`, for example: + +~~~~~ bash +$ cmake ../ -DDRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED=ON +~~~~~ + +The above option is currently not compatible with our Javascript or WebAssembly +builds but all other use cases are supported. Note that binaries and libraries +built with the transcoder support may result in increased binary sizes of the +produced libraries and executables compared to the default CMake settings. + +The following CMake variables can be used to configure Draco to use local +copies of third party dependencies instead of git submodules. + +- `DRACO_EIGEN_PATH`: this path must contain an Eigen directory that includes + the Eigen sources. +- `DRACO_FILESYSTEM_PATH`: this path must contain the ghc directory where the + filesystem includes are located. +- `DRACO_TINYGLTF_PATH`: this path must contain tiny_gltf.h and its + dependencies. + +When not specified the Draco build requires the presence of the submodules that +are stored within `draco/third_party`. + Debugging and Optimization -------------------------- @@ -114,17 +153,52 @@ $ cmake ../ -DDRACO_SANITIZE=address Googletest Integration ---------------------- -Draco includes testing support built using Googletest. To enable Googletest unit -test support the DRACO_TESTS cmake variable must be turned on at cmake -generation time: +Draco includes testing support built using Googletest. The Googletest repository +is included as a submodule of the Draco git repository. Run the following +command to clone the Googletest repository: + +~~~~~ bash +$ git submodule update --init +~~~~~ + +To enable Googletest unit test support the DRACO_TESTS cmake variable must be +turned on at cmake generation time: ~~~~~ bash $ cmake ../ -DDRACO_TESTS=ON ~~~~~ -When cmake is used as shown in the above example the googletest directory must -be a sibling of the Draco repository root directory. To run the tests execute -`draco_tests` from your build output directory. +To run the tests execute `draco_tests` from your build output directory: + +~~~~~ bash +$ ./draco_tests +~~~~~ + +Draco can be configured to use a local Googletest installation. The +`DRACO_GOOGLETEST_PATH` variable overrides the behavior described above and +configures Draco to use the Googletest at the specified path. + +Third Party Libraries +--------------------- + +When Draco is built with transcoding and/or testing support enabled the project +has dependencies on third party libraries: + +- [Eigen](https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/) + - Provides various math utilites. +- [Googletest](https://github.com/google/googletest) + - Provides testing support. +- [Gulrak/filesystem](https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem) + - Provides C++17 std::filesystem emulation for pre-C++17 environments. +- [TinyGLTF](https://github.com/syoyo/tinygltf) + - Provides GLTF I/O support. + +These dependencies are managed as Git submodules. To obtain the dependencies +run the following command in your Draco repository: + +~~~~~ bash +$ git submodule update --init +~~~~~ WebAssembly Decoder ------------------- diff --git a/contrib/draco/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/draco/CMakeLists.txt index 6ea9b21fdb..a93267d255 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/contrib/draco/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ -cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR) +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. -# Draco requires C++11. -set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR) project(draco C CXX) if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) @@ -10,21 +21,23 @@ endif() set(draco_root "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") set(draco_src_root "${draco_root}/src/draco") -set(draco_build "${Assimp_BINARY_DIR}") +set(draco_build "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") if("${draco_root}" STREQUAL "${draco_build}") message( - FATAL_ERROR "Building from within the Draco source tree is not supported.\n" - "Hint: Run these commands\n" - "$ rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles\n" - "$ mkdir -p ../draco_build\n" "$ cd ../draco_build\n" - "And re-run CMake from the draco_build directory.") + FATAL_ERROR + "Building from within the Draco source tree is not supported.\n" + "Hint: Run these commands\n" + "$ rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles\n" + "$ mkdir -p ../draco_build\n" + "$ cd ../draco_build\n" + "And re-run CMake from the draco_build directory.") endif() -include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(FindPythonInterp) include("${draco_root}/cmake/draco_build_definitions.cmake") include("${draco_root}/cmake/draco_cpu_detection.cmake") +include("${draco_root}/cmake/draco_dependencies.cmake") include("${draco_root}/cmake/draco_emscripten.cmake") include("${draco_root}/cmake/draco_flags.cmake") include("${draco_root}/cmake/draco_helpers.cmake") @@ -49,6 +62,7 @@ draco_track_configuration_variable(DRACO_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIRECTORY) # Controls use of std::mutex and absl::Mutex in ThreadPool. draco_track_configuration_variable(DRACO_THREADPOOL_USE_STD_MUTEX) + if(DRACO_VERBOSE) draco_dump_cmake_flag_variables() draco_dump_tracked_configuration_variables() @@ -68,29 +82,32 @@ draco_reset_target_lists() draco_setup_options() draco_set_build_definitions() draco_set_cxx_flags() +draco_set_exe_linker_flags() draco_generate_features_h() # Draco source file listing variables. -list(APPEND draco_attributes_sources - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_octahedron_transform.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_octahedron_transform.h" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_quantization_transform.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_quantization_transform.h" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform.h" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform_data.h" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform_type.h" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/geometry_attribute.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/geometry_indices.h" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/point_attribute.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/attributes/point_attribute.h") +list( + APPEND draco_attributes_sources + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_octahedron_transform.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_octahedron_transform.h" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_quantization_transform.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_quantization_transform.h" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform.h" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform_data.h" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/attribute_transform_type.h" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/geometry_attribute.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/geometry_indices.h" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/point_attribute.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/attributes/point_attribute.h") list( APPEND draco_compression_attributes_dec_sources "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/attributes_decoder.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/attributes_decoder.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/attributes_decoder_interface.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_shared.h" @@ -107,7 +124,7 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/sequential_normal_attribute_decoder.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/sequential_quantization_attribute_decoder.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/sequential_quantization_attribute_decoder.h" - ) +) list( APPEND @@ -128,7 +145,7 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/sequential_normal_attribute_encoder.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/sequential_quantization_attribute_encoder.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/sequential_quantization_attribute_encoder.h" - ) +) list( @@ -160,7 +177,7 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_transform_base.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_decoding_transform.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_transform_base.h" - ) +) list( APPEND @@ -192,7 +209,7 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_transform_base.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_encoding_transform.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_transform_base.h" - ) +) list( APPEND @@ -217,27 +234,34 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/bit_coders/symbol_bit_encoder.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/bit_coders/symbol_bit_encoder.h") -list(APPEND draco_enc_config_sources - "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/compression_shared.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/draco_options.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/encoder_options.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/encoding_features.h") +list( + APPEND draco_enc_config_sources + "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/compression_shared.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/draco_options.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/encoder_options.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/encoding_features.h") + +list( + APPEND draco_dec_config_sources + "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/compression_shared.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/decoder_options.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/draco_options.h") -list(APPEND draco_dec_config_sources - "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/compression_shared.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/decoder_options.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/config/draco_options.h") +list(APPEND draco_compression_options_sources + "${draco_src_root}/compression/draco_compression_options.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/draco_compression_options.h") list(APPEND draco_compression_decode_sources "${draco_src_root}/compression/decode.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/decode.h") -list(APPEND draco_compression_encode_sources - "${draco_src_root}/compression/encode.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/encode.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/encode_base.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/expert_encode.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/expert_encode.h") +list( + APPEND draco_compression_encode_sources + "${draco_src_root}/compression/encode.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/encode.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/encode_base.h" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/expert_encode.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/compression/expert_encode.h") list( APPEND @@ -291,7 +315,7 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_kd_tree_decoder.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_sequential_decoder.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_sequential_decoder.h" - ) +) list( APPEND @@ -302,112 +326,126 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_kd_tree_encoder.h" "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_sequential_encoder.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_sequential_encoder.h" - ) - -list(APPEND draco_compression_entropy_sources - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/ans.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_coding.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_decoder.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_encoder.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/shannon_entropy.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/shannon_entropy.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/symbol_decoding.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/symbol_decoding.h" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/symbol_encoding.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/compression/entropy/symbol_encoding.h") - -list(APPEND draco_core_sources - "${draco_src_root}/core/bit_utils.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/core/bit_utils.h" - "${draco_src_root}/core/bounding_box.cc" - 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draco_generate_emscripten_glue(INPUT_IDL ${draco_js_dec_idl} OUTPUT_PATH - ${draco_decoder_glue_path}) - draco_generate_emscripten_glue(INPUT_IDL ${draco_js_enc_idl} OUTPUT_PATH - ${draco_encoder_glue_path}) + draco_generate_emscripten_glue(INPUT_IDL ${draco_js_dec_idl} + OUTPUT_PATH ${draco_decoder_glue_path}) + draco_generate_emscripten_glue(INPUT_IDL ${draco_js_enc_idl} + OUTPUT_PATH ${draco_encoder_glue_path}) if(DRACO_DECODER_ATTRIBUTE_DEDUPLICATION) list(APPEND draco_decoder_features @@ -572,45 +699,28 @@ if(EMSCRIPTEN AND DRACO_JS_GLUE) "DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED") endif() - draco_add_emscripten_executable(NAME - draco_decoder - SOURCES - ${draco_decoder_src} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - FEATURES - ${draco_decoder_features} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - LINK_FLAGS - "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoDecoderModule\"" - GLUE_PATH - ${draco_decoder_glue_path} - PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} - POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_post_link_js_decoder_sources}) + draco_add_emscripten_executable( + NAME draco_decoder + SOURCES ${draco_decoder_src} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + FEATURES ${draco_decoder_features} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LINK_FLAGS "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoDecoderModule\"" + GLUE_PATH ${draco_decoder_glue_path} + PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} + POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_post_link_js_decoder_sources}) draco_add_emscripten_executable( - NAME - draco_encoder - SOURCES - ${draco_encoder_src} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - FEATURES - DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_INDICES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED - DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - LINK_FLAGS - "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoEncoderModule\"" - GLUE_PATH - ${draco_encoder_glue_path} - PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} - POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_post_link_js_sources}) + NAME draco_encoder + SOURCES ${draco_encoder_src} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + FEATURES DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_INDICES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED + DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LINK_FLAGS "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoEncoderModule\"" + GLUE_PATH ${draco_encoder_glue_path} + PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} + POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_post_link_js_sources}) if(DRACO_ANIMATION_ENCODING) set(draco_anim_decoder_glue_path "${draco_build}/glue_animation_decoder") @@ -622,186 +732,270 @@ if(EMSCRIPTEN AND DRACO_JS_GLUE) OUTPUT_PATH ${draco_anim_encoder_glue_path}) draco_add_emscripten_executable( - NAME - draco_animation_decoder - SOURCES - ${draco_animation_dec_sources} - ${draco_animation_js_dec_sources} - ${draco_animation_sources} - ${draco_decoder_src} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - LINK_FLAGS - "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoAnimationDecoderModule\"" - GLUE_PATH - ${draco_anim_decoder_glue_path} - PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} - POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_post_link_js_decoder_sources}) + NAME draco_animation_decoder + SOURCES ${draco_animation_dec_sources} ${draco_animation_js_dec_sources} + ${draco_animation_sources} ${draco_decoder_src} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LINK_FLAGS "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoAnimationDecoderModule\"" + GLUE_PATH ${draco_anim_decoder_glue_path} + PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} + POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_post_link_js_decoder_sources}) draco_add_emscripten_executable( - NAME - draco_animation_encoder - SOURCES - ${draco_animation_enc_sources} - ${draco_animation_js_enc_sources} - ${draco_animation_sources} - ${draco_encoder_src} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - LINK_FLAGS - "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoAnimationEncoderModule\"" - GLUE_PATH - ${draco_anim_encoder_glue_path} - PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} - POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES - ${draco_post_link_js_sources}) + NAME draco_animation_encoder + SOURCES ${draco_animation_enc_sources} ${draco_animation_js_enc_sources} + ${draco_animation_sources} ${draco_encoder_src} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LINK_FLAGS "-sEXPORT_NAME=\"DracoAnimationEncoderModule\"" + GLUE_PATH ${draco_anim_encoder_glue_path} + PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_pre_link_js_sources} + POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES ${draco_post_link_js_sources}) endif() else() # Standard Draco libs, encoder and decoder. Object collections that mirror the # Draco directory structure. - draco_add_library(NAME draco_attributes TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_attributes_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME - draco_compression_attributes_dec - OBJECT - ${draco_compression_attributes_dec_sources} - TYPE - OBJECT - SOURCES - ${draco_compression_attributes_dec_sources} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_attributes_enc TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_attributes_enc_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_dec TYPE - OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_dec_sources}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_enc TYPE - OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_enc_sources} - DEFINES ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_bit_coders TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_bit_coders_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_enc_config TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_enc_config_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_dec_config TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_dec_config_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_decode TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_decode_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_encode TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_encode_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_entropy TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_entropy_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_mesh_traverser TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_mesh_traverser_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_mesh_dec TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_mesh_dec_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_mesh_enc TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_mesh_enc_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_point_cloud_dec TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_point_cloud_dec_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_compression_point_cloud_enc TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_compression_point_cloud_enc_sources} DEFINES - ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_core TYPE OBJECT SOURCES ${draco_core_sources} - DEFINES ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_io TYPE OBJECT SOURCES ${draco_io_sources} - DEFINES ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_mesh TYPE OBJECT SOURCES ${draco_mesh_sources} - DEFINES ${draco_defines} INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_metadata_dec TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_metadata_dec_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_metadata_enc TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_metadata_enc_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_metadata TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_metadata_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_animation_dec TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_animation_dec_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_animation_enc TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_animation_enc_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_animation TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_animation_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_point_cloud TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_point_cloud_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME - draco_points_dec - TYPE - OBJECT - SOURCES - ${draco_points_common_sources} - ${draco_points_dec_sources} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths}) - draco_add_library(NAME - draco_points_enc - TYPE - OBJECT - SOURCES - ${draco_points_common_sources} - ${draco_points_enc_sources} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths}) - - set(draco_object_library_deps - draco_attributes - draco_compression_attributes_dec - draco_compression_attributes_enc - draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_dec - draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_enc - draco_compression_bit_coders - draco_compression_decode - draco_compression_encode - draco_compression_entropy - draco_compression_mesh_dec - draco_compression_mesh_enc - draco_compression_point_cloud_dec - draco_compression_point_cloud_enc - draco_core - draco_dec_config - draco_enc_config - draco_io - draco_mesh - draco_metadata - draco_metadata_dec - draco_metadata_enc - draco_animation - draco_animation_dec - draco_animation_enc - draco_point_cloud - draco_points_dec - draco_points_enc) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_attributes + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_attributes_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_attributes_dec OBJECT + ${draco_compression_attributes_dec_sources} + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_attributes_dec_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_attributes_enc + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_attributes_enc_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_dec + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_dec_sources}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_enc + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_enc_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_bit_coders + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_bit_coders_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_enc_config + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_enc_config_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_dec_config + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_dec_config_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_decode + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_decode_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_encode + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_encode_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_entropy + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_entropy_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_mesh_traverser + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_mesh_traverser_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_mesh_dec + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_mesh_dec_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_mesh_enc + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_mesh_enc_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_options + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_options_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_point_cloud_dec + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_point_cloud_dec_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_compression_point_cloud_enc + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_compression_point_cloud_enc_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_core + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_core_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_io + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_io_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_mesh + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_mesh_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_metadata_dec + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_metadata_dec_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_metadata_enc + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_metadata_enc_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_metadata + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_metadata_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_animation_dec + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_animation_dec_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_animation_enc + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_animation_enc_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_animation + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_animation_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_point_cloud + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_point_cloud_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_points_dec + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_points_common_sources} ${draco_points_dec_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_points_enc + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_points_common_sources} ${draco_points_enc_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + + if(DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED) + if(MSVC) + # TODO(https://github.com/google/draco/issues/826) + set_source_files_properties("${draco_src_root}/io/gltf_decoder.cc" + PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS "/Od") + endif() + + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_material + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_material_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_scene + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_scene_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_texture + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_texture_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + + endif() + + list( + APPEND draco_object_library_deps + draco_attributes + draco_compression_attributes_dec + draco_compression_attributes_enc + draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_dec + draco_compression_attributes_pred_schemes_enc + draco_compression_bit_coders + draco_compression_decode + draco_compression_encode + draco_compression_entropy + draco_compression_mesh_dec + draco_compression_mesh_enc + draco_compression_options + draco_compression_point_cloud_dec + draco_compression_point_cloud_enc + draco_core + draco_dec_config + draco_enc_config + draco_io + draco_mesh + draco_metadata + draco_metadata_dec + draco_metadata_enc + draco_animation + draco_animation_dec + draco_animation_enc + draco_point_cloud + draco_points_dec + draco_points_enc) + + if(DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED) + list(APPEND draco_object_library_deps draco_material draco_scene + draco_texture) + + endif() # Library targets that consume the object collections. if(MSVC) @@ -809,56 +1003,48 @@ else() # that the exported symbols are part of the DLL target. The unfortunate side # effect of this is that a single configuration cannot output both the # static library and the DLL: This results in an either/or situation. - # Windows users of the draco build can have a DLL and an import library, - # or they can have a static library; they cannot have both from a single + # Windows users of the draco build can have a DLL and an import library, or + # they can have a static library; they cannot have both from a single # configuration of the build. if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(draco_lib_type SHARED) else() set(draco_lib_type STATIC) endif() - draco_add_library(NAME - draco - OUTPUT_NAME - draco - TYPE - ${draco_lib_type} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - OBJLIB_DEPS - ${draco_object_library_deps}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco + OUTPUT_NAME draco + TYPE ${draco_lib_type} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + OBJLIB_DEPS ${draco_object_library_deps} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_lib_deps}) + add_library(draco::draco ALIAS draco) else() - draco_add_library(NAME - draco_static - OUTPUT_NAME - draco - TYPE - STATIC - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - OBJLIB_DEPS - ${draco_object_library_deps}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_static + OUTPUT_NAME draco + TYPE STATIC + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + OBJLIB_DEPS ${draco_object_library_deps} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_lib_deps}) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) - draco_add_library(NAME - draco_shared - SOURCES - "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_version.h" - OUTPUT_NAME - draco - TYPE - SHARED - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - LIB_DEPS - draco_static) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_shared + SOURCES "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_version.h" + OUTPUT_NAME draco + TYPE SHARED + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LIB_DEPS draco_static) + add_library(draco::draco ALIAS draco_shared) + set_target_properties(draco_shared PROPERTIES EXPORT_NAME draco) + else() + add_library(draco::draco ALIAS draco_static) + set_target_properties(draco_static PROPERTIES EXPORT_NAME draco) endif() endif() @@ -869,22 +1055,20 @@ else() set(unity_decoder_lib_type MODULE) endif() - draco_add_library(NAME draco_unity_plugin TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_unity_plug_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - - draco_add_library(NAME - dracodec_unity - TYPE - ${unity_decoder_lib_type} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - OBJLIB_DEPS - draco_unity_plugin - LIB_DEPS - ${draco_plugin_dependency}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_unity_plugin + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_unity_plug_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + + draco_add_library( + NAME dracodec_unity + TYPE ${unity_decoder_lib_type} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + OBJLIB_DEPS draco_unity_plugin + LIB_DEPS ${draco_plugin_dependency}) # For Mac, we need to build a .bundle for the unity plugin. if(APPLE) @@ -893,22 +1077,20 @@ else() endif() if(DRACO_MAYA_PLUGIN) - draco_add_library(NAME draco_maya_plugin TYPE OBJECT SOURCES - ${draco_maya_plug_sources} DEFINES ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) - - draco_add_library(NAME - draco_maya_wrapper - TYPE - MODULE - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - OBJLIB_DEPS - draco_maya_plugin - LIB_DEPS - ${draco_plugin_dependency}) + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_maya_plugin + TYPE OBJECT + SOURCES ${draco_maya_plug_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths}) + + draco_add_library( + NAME draco_maya_wrapper + TYPE MODULE + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + OBJLIB_DEPS draco_maya_plugin + LIB_DEPS ${draco_plugin_dependency}) # For Mac, we need to build a .bundle for the plugin. if(APPLE) @@ -917,29 +1099,44 @@ else() endif() # Draco app targets. - draco_add_executable(NAME - draco_decoder - SOURCES - "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_decoder.cc" - ${draco_io_sources} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - LIB_DEPS - ${draco_dependency}) - - draco_add_executable(NAME - draco_encoder - SOURCES - "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_encoder.cc" - ${draco_io_sources} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_include_paths} - LIB_DEPS - ${draco_dependency}) + draco_add_executable( + NAME draco_decoder + SOURCES "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_decoder.cc" ${draco_io_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_dependency}) + + draco_add_executable( + NAME draco_encoder + SOURCES "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_encoder.cc" ${draco_io_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_dependency}) + + if(DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED) + draco_add_executable( + NAME draco_transcoder + SOURCES "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_transcoder.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.h" + ${draco_io_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_dependency}) + + if(DRACO_SIMPLIFIER_SUPPORTED) + draco_add_executable( + NAME draco_simplifier + SOURCES ${draco_pipeline_proto_header} + "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_simplifier.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_simplifier_lib.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/tools/draco_simplifier_lib.h" + ${draco_io_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_include_paths} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_dependency}) + endif() + endif() draco_setup_install_target() draco_setup_test_targets() diff --git a/contrib/draco/README.md b/contrib/draco/README.md index 0d980b387c..4cc717c8da 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/README.md +++ b/contrib/draco/README.md @@ -2,10 +2,93 @@

-[![Build Status](https://github.com/google/draco/workflows/Build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/google/draco/actions?query=workflow%3ABuild) +[![draco-ci](https://github.com/google/draco/workflows/draco-ci/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/google/draco/actions/workflows/ci.yml) News ======= + +Attention GStatic users: the Draco team strongly recommends using the versioned +URLs for accessing Draco GStatic content. If you are using the URLs that include +the `v1/decoders` substring within the URL, edge caching and GStatic propagation +delays can result in transient errors that can be difficult to diagnose when +new Draco releases are launched. To avoid the issue pin your sites to a +versioned release. + +### Version 1.5.6 release: +* Using the versioned www.gstatic.com WASM and Javascript decoders continues + to be recommended. To use v1.5.6, use this URL: + * https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.5.6/* +* The CMake flag DRACO_DEBUG_MSVC_WARNINGS has been replaced with + DRACO_DEBUG_COMPILER_WARNINGS, and the behavior has changed. It is now a + boolean flag defined in draco_options.cmake. +* Bug fixes. +* Security fixes. + +### Version 1.5.5 release: +* Using the versioned www.gstatic.com WASM and Javascript decoders continues + to be recommended. To use v1.5.5, use this URL: + * https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.5.5/* +* Bug fix: https://github.com/google/draco/issues/935 + +### Version 1.5.4 release: +* Using the versioned www.gstatic.com WASM and Javascript decoders continues + to be recommended. To use v1.5.4, use this URL: + * https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.5.4/* +* Added partial support for glTF extensions EXT_mesh_features and + EXT_structural_metadata. +* Bug fixes. +* Security fixes. + +### Version 1.5.3 release: +* Using the versioned www.gstatic.com WASM and Javascript decoders continues + to be recommended. To use v1.5.3, use this URL: + * https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.5.3/* +* Bug fixes. + +### Version 1.5.2 release +* This is the same as v1.5.1 with the following two bug fixes: + * Fixes DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED enabled builds. + * ABI version updated. + +### Version 1.5.1 release +* Adds assertion enabled Emscripten builds to the release, and a subset of the + assertion enabled builds to GStatic. See the file listing below. +* Custom paths to third party dependencies are now supported. See BUILDING.md + for more information. +* The CMake configuration file draco-config.cmake is now tested and known to + work for using Draco in Linux, MacOS, and Windows CMake projects. See the + `install_test` subdirectory of `src/draco/tools` for more information. +* Bug fixes. + +### Version 1.5.0 release +* Adds the draco_transcoder tool. See the section below on the glTF transcoding + tool, and BUILDING.md for build and dependency information. +* Some changes to configuration variables have been made for this release: + - The DRACO_GLTF flag has been renamed to DRACO_GLTF_BITSTREAM to help + increase understanding of its purpose, which is to limit Draco features to + those included in the Draco glTF specification. + - Variables exported in CMake via draco-config.cmake and find-draco.cmake + (formerly FindDraco.cmake) have been renamed. It's unlikely that this + impacts any existing projects as the aforementioned files were not formed + correctly. See [PR775](https://github.com/google/draco/pull/775) for full + details of the changes. +* A CMake version file has been added. +* The CMake install target now uses absolute paths direct from CMake instead + of building them using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. This was done to make Draco + easier to use for downstream packagers and should have little to no impact on + users picking up Draco from source. +* Certain MSVC warnings have had their levels changed via compiler flag to + reduce the amount of noise output by the MSVC compilers. Set MSVC warning + level to 4, or define DRACO_DEBUG_MSVC_WARNINGS at CMake configuration time + to restore previous behavior. +* Bug fixes. + +### Version 1.4.3 release +* Using the versioned www.gstatic.com WASM and Javascript decoders continues + to be recommended. To use v1.4.3, use this URL: + * https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.4.3/* +* Bug fixes + ### Version 1.4.1 release * Using the versioned www.gstatic.com WASM and Javascript decoders is now recommended. To use v1.4.1, use this URL: @@ -129,6 +212,7 @@ _**Contents**_ * [Encoding Tool](#encoding-tool) * [Encoding Point Clouds](#encoding-point-clouds) * [Decoding Tool](#decoding-tool) + * [glTF Transcoding Tool](#gltf-transcoding-tool) * [C++ Decoder API](#c-decoder-api) * [Javascript Encoder API](#javascript-encoder-api) * [Javascript Decoder API](#javascript-decoder-api) @@ -136,6 +220,7 @@ _**Contents**_ * [Metadata API](#metadata-api) * [NPM Package](#npm-package) * [three.js Renderer Example](#threejs-renderer-example) + * [GStatic Javascript Builds](#gstatic-javascript-builds) * [Support](#support) * [License](#license) * [References](#references) @@ -170,16 +255,18 @@ Command Line Applications ------------------------ The default target created from the build files will be the `draco_encoder` -and `draco_decoder` command line applications. For both applications, if you -run them without any arguments or `-h`, the applications will output usage and -options. +and `draco_decoder` command line applications. Additionally, `draco_transcoder` +is generated when CMake is run with the DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED variable set +to ON (see [BUILDING](BUILDING.md#transcoder) for more details). For all +applications, if you run them without any arguments or `-h`, the applications +will output usage and options. Encoding Tool ------------- -`draco_encoder` will read OBJ or PLY files as input, and output Draco-encoded -files. We have included Stanford's [Bunny] mesh for testing. The basic command -line looks like this: +`draco_encoder` will read OBJ, STL or PLY files as input, and output +Draco-encoded files. We have included Stanford's [Bunny] mesh for testing. The +basic command line looks like this: ~~~~~ bash ./draco_encoder -i testdata/bun_zipper.ply -o out.drc @@ -232,15 +319,34 @@ and denser point clouds. Decoding Tool ------------- -`draco_decoder` will read Draco files as input, and output OBJ or PLY files. -The basic command line looks like this: +`draco_decoder` will read Draco files as input, and output OBJ, STL or PLY +files. The basic command line looks like this: ~~~~~ bash ./draco_decoder -i in.drc -o out.obj ~~~~~ +glTF Transcoding Tool +--------------------- + +`draco_transcoder` can be used to add Draco compression to glTF assets. The +basic command line looks like this: + +~~~~~ bash +./draco_transcoder -i in.glb -o out.glb +~~~~~ + +This command line will add geometry compression to all meshes in the `in.glb` +file. Quantization values for different glTF attributes can be specified +similarly to the `draco_encoder` tool. For example `-qp` can be used to define +quantization of the position attribute: + +~~~~~ bash +./draco_transcoder -i in.glb -o out.glb -qp 12 +~~~~~ + C++ Decoder API -------------- +--------------- If you'd like to add decoding to your applications you will need to include the `draco_dec` library. In order to use the Draco decoder you need to @@ -442,6 +548,30 @@ Javascript decoder using the `three.js` renderer. Please see the [javascript/example/README.md](javascript/example/README.md) file for more information. +GStatic Javascript Builds +========================= + +Prebuilt versions of the Emscripten-built Draco javascript decoders are hosted +on www.gstatic.com in version labeled directories: + +https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/VERSION/* + +As of the v1.4.3 release the files available are: + +- [draco_decoder.js](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.4.3/draco_decoder.js) +- [draco_decoder.wasm](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.4.3/draco_decoder.wasm) +- [draco_decoder_gltf.js](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.4.3/draco_decoder_gltf.js) +- [draco_decoder_gltf.wasm](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.4.3/draco_decoder_gltf.wasm) +- [draco_wasm_wrapper.js](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.4.3/draco_wasm_wrapper.js) +- [draco_wasm_wrapper_gltf.js](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.4.3/draco_wasm_wrapper_gltf.js) + +Beginning with the v1.5.1 release assertion enabled builds of the following +files are available: + +- [draco_decoder.js](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.5.1/with_asserts/draco_decoder.js) +- [draco_decoder.wasm](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.5.1/with_asserts/draco_decoder.wasm) +- [draco_wasm_wrapper.js](https://www.gstatic.com/draco/versioned/decoders/1.5.1/with_asserts/draco_wasm_wrapper.js) + Support ======= diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/DracoConfig.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/DracoConfig.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index be5e1faefe..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/DracoConfig.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -@PACKAGE_INIT@ -set_and_check(draco_INCLUDE_DIR "@PACKAGE_draco_include_install_dir@") -set_and_check(draco_LIBRARY_DIR "@PACKAGE_draco_lib_install_dir@") diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/FindDraco.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/FindDraco.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index 0a9193065b..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/FindDraco.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -# Finddraco -# -# Locates draco and sets the following variables: -# -# draco_FOUND draco_INCLUDE_DIRS draco_LIBARY_DIRS draco_LIBRARIES -# draco_VERSION_STRING -# -# draco_FOUND is set to YES only when all other variables are successfully -# configured. - -unset(draco_FOUND) -unset(draco_INCLUDE_DIRS) -unset(draco_LIBRARY_DIRS) -unset(draco_LIBRARIES) -unset(draco_VERSION_STRING) - -mark_as_advanced(draco_FOUND) -mark_as_advanced(draco_INCLUDE_DIRS) -mark_as_advanced(draco_LIBRARY_DIRS) -mark_as_advanced(draco_LIBRARIES) -mark_as_advanced(draco_VERSION_STRING) - -set(draco_version_file_no_prefix "draco/src/draco/core/draco_version.h") - -# Set draco_INCLUDE_DIRS -find_path(draco_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES "${draco_version_file_no_prefix}") - -# Extract the version string from draco_version.h. -if(draco_INCLUDE_DIRS) - set(draco_version_file - "${draco_INCLUDE_DIRS}/draco/src/draco/core/draco_version.h") - file(STRINGS "${draco_version_file}" draco_version REGEX "kdracoVersion") - list(GET draco_version 0 draco_version) - string(REPLACE "static const char kdracoVersion[] = " "" draco_version - "${draco_version}") - string(REPLACE ";" "" draco_version "${draco_version}") - string(REPLACE "\"" "" draco_version "${draco_version}") - set(draco_VERSION_STRING ${draco_version}) -endif() - -# Find the library. -if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) - find_library(draco_LIBRARIES NAMES draco.dll libdraco.dylib libdraco.so) -else() - find_library(draco_LIBRARIES NAMES draco.lib libdraco.a) -endif() - -# Store path to library. -get_filename_component(draco_LIBRARY_DIRS ${draco_LIBRARIES} DIRECTORY) - -if(draco_INCLUDE_DIRS - AND draco_LIBRARY_DIRS - AND draco_LIBRARIES - AND draco_VERSION_STRING) - set(draco_FOUND YES) -endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/compiler_flags.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/compiler_flags.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index 8750e6f7da..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/compiler_flags.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,220 +0,0 @@ -if(DRACO_CMAKE_COMPILER_FLAGS_CMAKE_) - return() -endif() -set(DRACO_CMAKE_COMPILER_FLAGS_CMAKE_ 1) - -include(CheckCCompilerFlag) -include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) -include("${draco_root}/cmake/compiler_tests.cmake") - -# Strings used to cache failed C/CXX flags. -set(DRACO_FAILED_C_FLAGS) -set(DRACO_FAILED_CXX_FLAGS) - -# Checks C compiler for support of $c_flag. Adds $c_flag to $CMAKE_C_FLAGS when -# the compile test passes. Caches $c_flag in $DRACO_FAILED_C_FLAGS when the test -# fails. -macro(add_c_flag_if_supported c_flag) - unset(C_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" "${c_flag}" C_FLAG_FOUND) - unset(C_FLAG_FAILED CACHE) - string(FIND "${DRACO_FAILED_C_FLAGS}" "${c_flag}" C_FLAG_FAILED) - - if(${C_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1 AND ${C_FLAG_FAILED} EQUAL -1) - unset(C_FLAG_SUPPORTED CACHE) - message("Checking C compiler flag support for: " ${c_flag}) - check_c_compiler_flag("${c_flag}" C_FLAG_SUPPORTED) - if(${C_FLAG_SUPPORTED}) - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${c_flag}" CACHE STRING "") - else() - set(DRACO_FAILED_C_FLAGS - "${DRACO_FAILED_C_FLAGS} ${c_flag}" - CACHE STRING "" FORCE) - endif() - endif() -endmacro() - -# Checks C++ compiler for support of $cxx_flag. Adds $cxx_flag to -# $CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS when the compile test passes. Caches $c_flag in -# $DRACO_FAILED_CXX_FLAGS when the test fails. -macro(add_cxx_flag_if_supported cxx_flag) - unset(CXX_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" "${cxx_flag}" CXX_FLAG_FOUND) - unset(CXX_FLAG_FAILED CACHE) - string(FIND "${DRACO_FAILED_CXX_FLAGS}" "${cxx_flag}" CXX_FLAG_FAILED) - - if(${CXX_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1 AND ${CXX_FLAG_FAILED} EQUAL -1) - unset(CXX_FLAG_SUPPORTED CACHE) - message("Checking CXX compiler flag support for: " ${cxx_flag}) - check_cxx_compiler_flag("${cxx_flag}" CXX_FLAG_SUPPORTED) - if(${CXX_FLAG_SUPPORTED}) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${cxx_flag}" CACHE STRING "") - else() - set(DRACO_FAILED_CXX_FLAGS - "${DRACO_FAILED_CXX_FLAGS} ${cxx_flag}" - CACHE STRING "" FORCE) - endif() - endif() -endmacro() - -# Convenience method for adding a flag to both the C and C++ compiler command -# lines. -macro(add_compiler_flag_if_supported flag) - add_c_flag_if_supported(${flag}) - add_cxx_flag_if_supported(${flag}) -endmacro() - -# Checks C compiler for support of $c_flag and terminates generation when -# support is not present. -macro(require_c_flag c_flag update_c_flags) - unset(C_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" "${c_flag}" C_FLAG_FOUND) - - if(${C_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1) - unset(HAVE_C_FLAG CACHE) - message("Checking C compiler flag support for: " ${c_flag}) - check_c_compiler_flag("${c_flag}" HAVE_C_FLAG) - if(NOT ${HAVE_C_FLAG}) - message( - FATAL_ERROR "${PROJECT_NAME} requires support for C flag: ${c_flag}.") - endif() - if(${update_c_flags}) - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${c_flag} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) - endif() - endif() -endmacro() - -# Checks CXX compiler for support of $cxx_flag and terminates generation when -# support is not present. -macro(require_cxx_flag cxx_flag update_cxx_flags) - unset(CXX_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" "${cxx_flag}" CXX_FLAG_FOUND) - - if(${CXX_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1) - unset(HAVE_CXX_FLAG CACHE) - message("Checking CXX compiler flag support for: " ${cxx_flag}) - check_cxx_compiler_flag("${cxx_flag}" HAVE_CXX_FLAG) - if(NOT ${HAVE_CXX_FLAG}) - message( - FATAL_ERROR - "${PROJECT_NAME} requires support for CXX flag: ${cxx_flag}.") - endif() - if(${update_cxx_flags}) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS - "${cxx_flag} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" - CACHE STRING "" FORCE) - endif() - endif() -endmacro() - -# Checks for support of $flag by both the C and CXX compilers. Terminates -# generation when support is not present in both compilers. -macro(require_compiler_flag flag update_cmake_flags) - require_c_flag(${flag} ${update_cmake_flags}) - require_cxx_flag(${flag} ${update_cmake_flags}) -endmacro() - -# Checks only non-MSVC targets for support of $c_flag and terminates generation -# when support is not present. -macro(require_c_flag_nomsvc c_flag update_c_flags) - if(NOT MSVC) - require_c_flag(${c_flag} ${update_c_flags}) - endif() -endmacro() - -# Checks only non-MSVC targets for support of $cxx_flag and terminates -# generation when support is not present. -macro(require_cxx_flag_nomsvc cxx_flag update_cxx_flags) - if(NOT MSVC) - require_cxx_flag(${cxx_flag} ${update_cxx_flags}) - endif() -endmacro() - -# Checks only non-MSVC targets for support of $flag by both the C and CXX -# compilers. Terminates generation when support is not present in both -# compilers. -macro(require_compiler_flag_nomsvc flag update_cmake_flags) - require_c_flag_nomsvc(${flag} ${update_cmake_flags}) - require_cxx_flag_nomsvc(${flag} ${update_cmake_flags}) -endmacro() - -# Adds $flag to assembler command line. -macro(append_as_flag flag) - unset(AS_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${DRACO_AS_FLAGS}" "${flag}" AS_FLAG_FOUND) - - if(${AS_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1) - set(DRACO_AS_FLAGS "${DRACO_AS_FLAGS} ${flag}") - endif() -endmacro() - -# Adds $flag to the C compiler command line. -macro(append_c_flag flag) - unset(C_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" "${flag}" C_FLAG_FOUND) - - if(${C_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1) - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${flag}") - endif() -endmacro() - -# Adds $flag to the CXX compiler command line. -macro(append_cxx_flag flag) - unset(CXX_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" "${flag}" CXX_FLAG_FOUND) - - if(${CXX_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${flag}") - endif() -endmacro() - -# Adds $flag to the C and CXX compiler command lines. -macro(append_compiler_flag flag) - append_c_flag(${flag}) - append_cxx_flag(${flag}) -endmacro() - -# Adds $flag to the executable linker command line. -macro(append_exe_linker_flag flag) - unset(LINKER_FLAG_FOUND CACHE) - string(FIND "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}" "${flag}" LINKER_FLAG_FOUND) - - if(${LINKER_FLAG_FOUND} EQUAL -1) - set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${flag}") - endif() -endmacro() - -# Adds $flag to the link flags for $target. -function(append_link_flag_to_target target flags) - unset(target_link_flags) - get_target_property(target_link_flags ${target} LINK_FLAGS) - - if(target_link_flags) - unset(link_flag_found) - string(FIND "${target_link_flags}" "${flags}" link_flag_found) - - if(NOT ${link_flag_found} EQUAL -1) - return() - endif() - - set(target_link_flags "${target_link_flags} ${flags}") - else() - set(target_link_flags "${flags}") - endif() - - set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${target_link_flags}) -endfunction() - -# Adds $flag to executable linker flags, and makes sure C/CXX builds still work. -macro(require_linker_flag flag) - append_exe_linker_flag(${flag}) - - unset(c_passed) - draco_check_c_compiles("LINKER_FLAG_C_TEST(${flag})" "" c_passed) - unset(cxx_passed) - draco_check_cxx_compiles("LINKER_FLAG_CXX_TEST(${flag})" "" cxx_passed) - - if(NOT c_passed OR NOT cxx_passed) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Linker flag test for ${flag} failed.") - endif() -endmacro() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/compiler_tests.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/compiler_tests.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index e781a65374..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/compiler_tests.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -if(DRACO_CMAKE_COMPILER_TESTS_CMAKE_) - return() -endif() -set(DRACO_CMAKE_COMPILER_TESTS_CMAKE_ 1) - -include(CheckCSourceCompiles) -include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) - -# The basic main() macro used in all compile tests. -set(DRACO_C_MAIN "\nint main(void) { return 0; }") -set(DRACO_CXX_MAIN "\nint main() { return 0; }") - -# Strings containing the names of passed and failed tests. -set(DRACO_C_PASSED_TESTS) -set(DRACO_C_FAILED_TESTS) -set(DRACO_CXX_PASSED_TESTS) -set(DRACO_CXX_FAILED_TESTS) - -macro(draco_push_var var new_value) - set(SAVED_${var} ${var}) - set(${var} ${new_value}) -endmacro() - -macro(draco_pop_var var) - set(var ${SAVED_${var}}) - unset(SAVED_${var}) -endmacro() - -# Confirms $test_source compiles and stores $test_name in one of -# $DRACO_C_PASSED_TESTS or $DRACO_C_FAILED_TESTS depending on out come. When the -# test passes $result_var is set to 1. When it fails $result_var is unset. The -# test is not run if the test name is found in either of the passed or failed -# test variables. -macro(draco_check_c_compiles test_name test_source result_var) - unset(C_TEST_PASSED CACHE) - unset(C_TEST_FAILED CACHE) - string(FIND "${DRACO_C_PASSED_TESTS}" "${test_name}" C_TEST_PASSED) - string(FIND "${DRACO_C_FAILED_TESTS}" "${test_name}" C_TEST_FAILED) - if(${C_TEST_PASSED} EQUAL -1 AND ${C_TEST_FAILED} EQUAL -1) - unset(C_TEST_COMPILED CACHE) - message("Running C compiler test: ${test_name}") - check_c_source_compiles("${test_source} ${DRACO_C_MAIN}" C_TEST_COMPILED) - set(${result_var} ${C_TEST_COMPILED}) - - if(${C_TEST_COMPILED}) - set(DRACO_C_PASSED_TESTS "${DRACO_C_PASSED_TESTS} ${test_name}") - else() - set(DRACO_C_FAILED_TESTS "${DRACO_C_FAILED_TESTS} ${test_name}") - message("C Compiler test ${test_name} failed.") - endif() - elseif(NOT ${C_TEST_PASSED} EQUAL -1) - set(${result_var} 1) - else() # ${C_TEST_FAILED} NOT EQUAL -1 - unset(${result_var}) - endif() -endmacro() - -# Confirms $test_source compiles and stores $test_name in one of -# $DRACO_CXX_PASSED_TESTS or $DRACO_CXX_FAILED_TESTS depending on out come. When -# the test passes $result_var is set to 1. When it fails $result_var is unset. -# The test is not run if the test name is found in either of the passed or -# failed test variables. -macro(draco_check_cxx_compiles test_name test_source result_var) - unset(CXX_TEST_PASSED CACHE) - unset(CXX_TEST_FAILED CACHE) - string(FIND "${DRACO_CXX_PASSED_TESTS}" "${test_name}" CXX_TEST_PASSED) - string(FIND "${DRACO_CXX_FAILED_TESTS}" "${test_name}" CXX_TEST_FAILED) - if(${CXX_TEST_PASSED} EQUAL -1 AND ${CXX_TEST_FAILED} EQUAL -1) - unset(CXX_TEST_COMPILED CACHE) - message("Running CXX compiler test: ${test_name}") - check_cxx_source_compiles("${test_source} ${DRACO_CXX_MAIN}" - CXX_TEST_COMPILED) - set(${result_var} ${CXX_TEST_COMPILED}) - - if(${CXX_TEST_COMPILED}) - set(DRACO_CXX_PASSED_TESTS "${DRACO_CXX_PASSED_TESTS} ${test_name}") - else() - set(DRACO_CXX_FAILED_TESTS "${DRACO_CXX_FAILED_TESTS} ${test_name}") - message("CXX Compiler test ${test_name} failed.") - endif() - elseif(NOT ${CXX_TEST_PASSED} EQUAL -1) - set(${result_var} 1) - else() # ${CXX_TEST_FAILED} NOT EQUAL -1 - unset(${result_var}) - endif() -endmacro() - -# Convenience macro that confirms $test_source compiles as C and C++. -# $result_var is set to 1 when both tests are successful, and 0 when one or both -# tests fail. Note: This macro is intended to be used to write to result -# variables that are expanded via configure_file(). $result_var is set to 1 or 0 -# to allow direct usage of the value in generated source files. -macro(draco_check_source_compiles test_name test_source result_var) - unset(C_PASSED) - unset(CXX_PASSED) - draco_check_c_compiles(${test_name} ${test_source} C_PASSED) - draco_check_cxx_compiles(${test_name} ${test_source} CXX_PASSED) - if(${C_PASSED} AND ${CXX_PASSED}) - set(${result_var} 1) - else() - set(${result_var} 0) - endif() -endmacro() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco-config.cmake.template b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco-config.cmake.template index ca4a456bf8..ed86823ea7 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco-config.cmake.template +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco-config.cmake.template @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ -set(DRACO_INCLUDE_DIRS "@DRACO_INCLUDE_DIRS@") -set(DRACO_LIBRARIES "draco") +@PACKAGE_INIT@ + +include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/draco-targets.cmake") diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco.pc.template b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco.pc.template index b8ae482128..050219ccb1 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco.pc.template +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco.pc.template @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@ -prefix=@prefix@ -exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@ -libdir=@libdir@ -includedir=@includedir@ - Name: @PROJECT_NAME@ Description: Draco geometry de(com)pression library. Version: @DRACO_VERSION@ -Cflags: -I${includedir} -Libs: -L${libdir} -ldraco +Cflags: -I@includes_path@ +Libs: -L@libs_path@ -ldraco Libs.private: @CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT@ diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_build_definitions.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_build_definitions.cmake index f7354c15fd..4dc2323331 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_build_definitions.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_build_definitions.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_BUILD_DEFINITIONS_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_BUILD_DEFINITIONS_CMAKE_ @@ -17,10 +31,6 @@ macro(set_draco_target) endif() set(draco_plugin_dependency draco_static) endif() - - if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) - set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) - endif() endmacro() # Configures flags and sets build system globals. @@ -36,23 +46,37 @@ macro(draco_set_build_definitions) endif() draco_load_version_info() - set(DRACO_SOVERSION 1) + + # Library version info. See the libtool docs for updating the values: + # https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libtool.html#Updating-version-info + # + # c=, r=, a= + # + # libtool generates a .so file as .so.[c-a].a.r, while -version-info c:r:a is + # passed to libtool. + # + # We set DRACO_SOVERSION = [c-a].a.r + set(LT_CURRENT 8) + set(LT_REVISION 0) + set(LT_AGE 0) + math(EXPR DRACO_SOVERSION_MAJOR "${LT_CURRENT} - ${LT_AGE}") + set(DRACO_SOVERSION "${DRACO_SOVERSION_MAJOR}.${LT_AGE}.${LT_REVISION}") + unset(LT_CURRENT) + unset(LT_REVISION) + unset(LT_AGE) list(APPEND draco_include_paths "${draco_root}" "${draco_root}/src" "${draco_build}") - if(DRACO_ABSL) - list(APPEND draco_include_path "${draco_root}/third_party/abseil-cpp") + if(DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED) + draco_setup_eigen() + draco_setup_filesystem() + draco_setup_tinygltf() + + endif() - list(APPEND draco_gtest_include_paths - "${draco_root}/../googletest/googlemock/include" - "${draco_root}/../googletest/googlemock" - "${draco_root}/../googletest/googletest/include" - "${draco_root}/../googletest/googletest") - list(APPEND draco_test_include_paths ${draco_include_paths} - ${draco_gtest_include_paths}) list(APPEND draco_defines "DRACO_CMAKE=1" "DRACO_FLAGS_SRCDIR=\"${draco_root}\"" "DRACO_FLAGS_TMPDIR=\"/tmp\"") @@ -63,11 +87,22 @@ macro(draco_set_build_definitions) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS TRUE) endif() - else() + endif() + + if(NOT MSVC) if(${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 8) # Ensure 64-bit platforms can support large files. list(APPEND draco_defines "_LARGEFILE_SOURCE" "_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64") endif() + + if(NOT DRACO_DEBUG_COMPILER_WARNINGS) + if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") + list(APPEND draco_clang_cxx_flags + "-Wno-implicit-const-int-float-conversion") + else() + list(APPEND draco_base_cxx_flags "-Wno-deprecated-declarations") + endif() + endif() endif() if(ANDROID) @@ -102,13 +137,9 @@ macro(draco_set_build_definitions) set(draco_neon_source_file_suffix "neon.cc") set(draco_sse4_source_file_suffix "sse4.cc") - if((${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} - STREQUAL - "GNU" - AND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 5) - OR (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} - STREQUAL - "Clang" + if((${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} STREQUAL "GNU" AND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} + VERSION_LESS 5) + OR (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} STREQUAL "Clang" AND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 4)) message( WARNING "GNU/GCC < v5 or Clang/LLVM < v4, ENABLING COMPATIBILITY MODE.") @@ -117,7 +148,9 @@ macro(draco_set_build_definitions) if(EMSCRIPTEN) draco_check_emscripten_environment() - draco_get_required_emscripten_flags(FLAG_LIST_VAR draco_base_cxx_flags) + draco_get_required_emscripten_flags( + FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER draco_base_cxx_flags + FLAG_LIST_VAR_LINKER draco_base_exe_linker_flags) endif() draco_configure_sanitizer() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_cpu_detection.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_cpu_detection.cmake index 96e4a289ba..c3b77b80c4 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_cpu_detection.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_cpu_detection.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_CPU_DETECTION_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_CPU_DETECTION_CMAKE_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_dependencies.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_dependencies.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91ee0839b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_dependencies.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +# Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + +if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE) + return() +endif() +set(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE 1) + +include("${draco_root}/cmake/draco_variables.cmake") + +# Each variable holds a user specified custom path to a local copy of the +# sources that belong to each project that Draco depends on. When paths are +# empty the build will be generated pointing to the Draco git submodules. +# Otherwise the paths specified by the user will be used in the build +# configuration. + +# Path to the Eigen. The path must contain the Eigen directory. +set(DRACO_EIGEN_PATH) +draco_track_configuration_variable(DRACO_EIGEN_PATH) + +# Path to the gulrak/filesystem installation. The path specified must contain +# the ghc subdirectory that houses the filesystem includes. +set(DRACO_FILESYSTEM_PATH) +draco_track_configuration_variable(DRACO_FILESYSTEM_PATH) + +# Path to the googletest installation. The path must be to the root of the +# Googletest project directory. +set(DRACO_GOOGLETEST_PATH) +draco_track_configuration_variable(DRACO_GOOGLETEST_PATH) + +# Path to the syoyo/tinygltf installation. The path must be to the root of the +# project directory. +set(DRACO_TINYGLTF_PATH) +draco_track_configuration_variable(DRACO_TINYGLTF_PATH) + +# Utility macro for killing the build due to a missing submodule directory. +macro(draco_die_missing_submodule dir) + message(FATAL_ERROR "${dir} missing, run git submodule update --init") +endmacro() + +# Determines the Eigen location and updates the build configuration accordingly. +macro(draco_setup_eigen) + if(DRACO_EIGEN_PATH) + set(eigen_path "${DRACO_EIGEN_PATH}") + + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${eigen_path}") + message(FATAL_ERROR "DRACO_EIGEN_PATH does not exist.") + endif() + else() + set(eigen_path "${draco_root}/third_party/eigen") + + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${eigen_path}") + draco_die_missing_submodule("${eigen_path}") + endif() + endif() + + set(eigen_include_path "${eigen_path}/Eigen") + + if(NOT EXISTS "${eigen_path}/Eigen") + message(FATAL_ERROR "The eigen path does not contain an Eigen directory.") + endif() + + list(APPEND draco_include_paths "${eigen_path}") +endmacro() + +# Determines the gulrak/filesystem location and updates the build configuration +# accordingly. +macro(draco_setup_filesystem) + if(DRACO_FILESYSTEM_PATH) + set(fs_path "${DRACO_FILESYSTEM_PATH}") + + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${fs_path}") + message(FATAL_ERROR "DRACO_FILESYSTEM_PATH does not exist.") + endif() + else() + set(fs_path "${draco_root}/third_party/filesystem/include") + + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${fs_path}") + draco_die_missing_submodule("${fs_path}") + endif() + endif() + + list(APPEND draco_include_paths "${fs_path}") +endmacro() + +# Determines the Googletest location and sets up include and source list vars +# for the draco_tests build. +macro(draco_setup_googletest) + if(DRACO_GOOGLETEST_PATH) + set(gtest_path "${DRACO_GOOGLETEST_PATH}") + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${gtest_path}") + message(FATAL_ERROR "DRACO_GOOGLETEST_PATH does not exist.") + endif() + else() + set(gtest_path "${draco_root}/third_party/googletest") + endif() + + list(APPEND draco_test_include_paths ${draco_include_paths} + "${gtest_path}/include" "${gtest_path}/googlemock" + "${gtest_path}/googletest/include" "${gtest_path}/googletest") + + list(APPEND draco_gtest_all "${gtest_path}/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc") + list(APPEND draco_gtest_main "${gtest_path}/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc") +endmacro() + + +# Determines the location of TinyGLTF and updates the build configuration +# accordingly. +macro(draco_setup_tinygltf) + if(DRACO_TINYGLTF_PATH) + set(tinygltf_path "${DRACO_TINYGLTF_PATH}") + + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${tinygltf_path}") + message(FATAL_ERROR "DRACO_TINYGLTF_PATH does not exist.") + endif() + else() + set(tinygltf_path "${draco_root}/third_party/tinygltf") + + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${tinygltf_path}") + draco_die_missing_submodule("${tinygltf_path}") + endif() + endif() + + list(APPEND draco_include_paths "${tinygltf_path}") +endmacro() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_emscripten.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_emscripten.cmake index 10c9350431..c9616ae86e 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_emscripten.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_emscripten.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_EMSCRIPTEN_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_EMSCRIPTEN_CMAKE_ @@ -18,39 +32,64 @@ endmacro() # Obtains the required Emscripten flags for Draco targets. macro(draco_get_required_emscripten_flags) - set(em_FLAG_LIST_VAR) + set(em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER) + set(em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_LINKER) set(em_flags) - set(em_single_arg_opts FLAG_LIST_VAR) + set(em_single_arg_opts FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER FLAG_LIST_VAR_LINKER) set(em_multi_arg_opts) cmake_parse_arguments(em "${em_flags}" "${em_single_arg_opts}" "${em_multi_arg_opts}" ${ARGN}) - if(NOT em_FLAG_LIST_VAR) - message(FATAL "draco_get_required_emscripten_flags: FLAG_LIST_VAR required") + if(NOT em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER) + message( + FATAL + "draco_get_required_emscripten_flags: FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER required") + endif() + + if(NOT em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_LINKER) + message( + FATAL + "draco_get_required_emscripten_flags: FLAG_LIST_VAR_LINKER required") endif() if(DRACO_JS_GLUE) unset(required_flags) - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-Wno-almost-asm") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "--memory-init-file" "0") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-fno-omit-frame-pointer") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sMODULARIZE=1") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sNO_FILESYSTEM=1") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[]") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sPRECISE_F32=1") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sNODEJS_CATCH_EXIT=0") - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sNODEJS_CATCH_REJECTION=0") + # TODO(tomfinegan): Revisit splitting of compile/link flags for Emscripten, + # and drop -Wno-unused-command-line-argument. Emscripten complains about + # what are supposedly link-only flags sent with compile commands, but then + # proceeds to produce broken code if the warnings are heeded. + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} + "-Wno-unused-command-line-argument") + + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-Wno-almost-asm") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "--memory-init-file" "0") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-fno-omit-frame-pointer") + + # According to Emscripten the following flags are linker only, but sending + # these flags (en masse) to only the linker results in a broken Emscripten + # build with an empty DracoDecoderModule. + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sMODULARIZE=1") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sFILESYSTEM=0") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} + "-sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[\"_free\",\"_malloc\"]") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sPRECISE_F32=1") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sNODEJS_CATCH_EXIT=0") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sNODEJS_CATCH_REJECTION=0") if(DRACO_FAST) - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "--llvm-lto" "1") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "--llvm-lto" "1") endif() + + # The WASM flag is reported as linker only. if(DRACO_WASM) - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sWASM=1") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sWASM=1") else() - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sWASM=0") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sWASM=0") endif() + + # The LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT flag is reported as linker only. if(DRACO_IE_COMPATIBLE) - list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR} "-sLEGACY_VM_SUPPORT=1") + list(APPEND ${em_FLAG_LIST_VAR_COMPILER} "-sLEGACY_VM_SUPPORT=1") endif() endif() endmacro() @@ -66,10 +105,11 @@ macro(draco_generate_emscripten_glue) "${glue_multi_arg_opts}" ${ARGN}) if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 1) - message("--------- draco_generate_emscripten_glue -----------\n" - "glue_INPUT_IDL=${glue_INPUT_IDL}\n" - "glue_OUTPUT_PATH=${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}\n" ] - "----------------------------------------------------\n") + message( + "--------- draco_generate_emscripten_glue -----------\n" + "glue_INPUT_IDL=${glue_INPUT_IDL}\n" + "glue_OUTPUT_PATH=${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}\n" + "----------------------------------------------------\n") endif() if(NOT glue_INPUT_IDL OR NOT glue_OUTPUT_PATH) @@ -79,22 +119,22 @@ macro(draco_generate_emscripten_glue) endif() # Generate the glue source. - execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} - $ENV{EMSCRIPTEN}/tools/webidl_binder.py - ${glue_INPUT_IDL} ${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}) + execute_process( + COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} $ENV{EMSCRIPTEN}/tools/webidl_binder.py + ${glue_INPUT_IDL} ${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}) if(NOT EXISTS "${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}.cpp") message(FATAL_ERROR "JS glue generation failed for ${glue_INPUT_IDL}.") endif() # Create a dependency so that it regenerated on edits. - add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}.cpp" - COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} - $ENV{EMSCRIPTEN}/tools/webidl_binder.py - ${glue_INPUT_IDL} ${glue_OUTPUT_PATH} - DEPENDS ${draco_js_dec_idl} - COMMENT "Generating ${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}.cpp." - WORKING_DIRECTORY ${draco_build} - VERBATIM) + add_custom_command( + OUTPUT "${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}.cpp" + COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} $ENV{EMSCRIPTEN}/tools/webidl_binder.py + ${glue_INPUT_IDL} ${glue_OUTPUT_PATH} + DEPENDS ${draco_js_dec_idl} + COMMENT "Generating ${glue_OUTPUT_PATH}.cpp." + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${draco_build} + VERBATIM) endmacro() # Wrapper for draco_add_executable() that handles the extra work necessary for @@ -120,8 +160,14 @@ macro(draco_add_emscripten_executable) unset(emexe_LINK_FLAGS) set(optional_args) set(single_value_args NAME GLUE_PATH) - set(multi_value_args SOURCES DEFINES FEATURES INCLUDES LINK_FLAGS - PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES) + set(multi_value_args + SOURCES + DEFINES + FEATURES + INCLUDES + LINK_FLAGS + PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES + POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES) cmake_parse_arguments(emexe "${optional_args}" "${single_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN}) @@ -136,49 +182,50 @@ macro(draco_add_emscripten_executable) endif() if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 1) - message("--------- draco_add_emscripten_executable ---------\n" - "emexe_NAME=${emexe_NAME}\n" - "emexe_SOURCES=${emexe_SOURCES}\n" - "emexe_DEFINES=${emexe_DEFINES}\n" - "emexe_INCLUDES=${emexe_INCLUDES}\n" - "emexe_LINK_FLAGS=${emexe_LINK_FLAGS}\n" - "emexe_GLUE_PATH=${emexe_GLUE_PATH}\n" - "emexe_FEATURES=${emexe_FEATURES}\n" - "emexe_PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES=${emexe_PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES}\n" - "emexe_POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES=${emexe_POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES}\n" - "----------------------------------------------------\n") + message( + "--------- draco_add_emscripten_executable ---------\n" + "emexe_NAME=${emexe_NAME}\n" + "emexe_SOURCES=${emexe_SOURCES}\n" + "emexe_DEFINES=${emexe_DEFINES}\n" + "emexe_INCLUDES=${emexe_INCLUDES}\n" + "emexe_LINK_FLAGS=${emexe_LINK_FLAGS}\n" + "emexe_GLUE_PATH=${emexe_GLUE_PATH}\n" + "emexe_FEATURES=${emexe_FEATURES}\n" + "emexe_PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES=${emexe_PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES}\n" + "emexe_POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES=${emexe_POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES}\n" + "----------------------------------------------------\n") endif() # The Emscripten linker needs the C++ flags in addition to whatever has been # passed in with the target. list(APPEND emexe_LINK_FLAGS ${DRACO_CXX_FLAGS}) - if(DRACO_GLTF) - draco_add_executable(NAME - ${emexe_NAME} - OUTPUT_NAME - ${emexe_NAME}_gltf - SOURCES - ${emexe_SOURCES} - DEFINES - ${emexe_DEFINES} - INCLUDES - ${emexe_INCLUDES} - LINK_FLAGS - ${emexe_LINK_FLAGS}) + if(DRACO_GLTF_BITSTREAM) + # Add "_gltf" suffix to target output name. + draco_add_executable( + NAME ${emexe_NAME} + OUTPUT_NAME ${emexe_NAME}_gltf + SOURCES ${emexe_SOURCES} + DEFINES ${emexe_DEFINES} + INCLUDES ${emexe_INCLUDES} + LINK_FLAGS ${emexe_LINK_FLAGS}) else() - draco_add_executable(NAME ${emexe_NAME} SOURCES ${emexe_SOURCES} DEFINES - ${emexe_DEFINES} INCLUDES ${emexe_INCLUDES} LINK_FLAGS - ${emexe_LINK_FLAGS}) + draco_add_executable( + NAME ${emexe_NAME} + SOURCES ${emexe_SOURCES} + DEFINES ${emexe_DEFINES} + INCLUDES ${emexe_INCLUDES} + LINK_FLAGS ${emexe_LINK_FLAGS}) endif() foreach(feature ${emexe_FEATURES}) draco_enable_feature(FEATURE ${feature} TARGETS ${emexe_NAME}) endforeach() - set_property(SOURCE ${emexe_SOURCES} - APPEND - PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS "${emexe_GLUE_PATH}.cpp") + set_property( + SOURCE ${emexe_SOURCES} + APPEND + PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS "${emexe_GLUE_PATH}.cpp") em_link_pre_js(${emexe_NAME} ${emexe_PRE_LINK_JS_SOURCES}) em_link_post_js(${emexe_NAME} "${emexe_GLUE_PATH}.js" ${emexe_POST_LINK_JS_SOURCES}) diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_flags.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_flags.cmake index 0397859a42..f3b24c6e14 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_flags.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_flags.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_FLAGS_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_FLAGS_CMAKE_ @@ -24,7 +38,7 @@ macro(draco_set_compiler_flags_for_sources) endif() set_source_files_properties(${compiler_SOURCES} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS - ${compiler_FLAGS}) + ${compiler_FLAGS}) if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 1) foreach(source ${compiler_SOURCES}) @@ -85,8 +99,8 @@ macro(draco_test_cxx_flag) # are passed as a list it will remove the list separators, and attempt to run # a compile command using list entries concatenated together as a single # argument. Avoid the problem by forcing the argument to be a string. - draco_set_and_stringify(SOURCE_VARS all_cxx_flags DEST all_cxx_flags) - check_cxx_compiler_flag("${all_cxx_flags}" draco_all_cxx_flags_pass) + draco_set_and_stringify(SOURCE_VARS all_cxx_flags DEST all_cxx_flags_string) + check_cxx_compiler_flag("${all_cxx_flags_string}" draco_all_cxx_flags_pass) if(cxx_test_FLAG_REQUIRED AND NOT draco_all_cxx_flags_pass) draco_die("Flag test failed for required flag(s): " @@ -245,3 +259,34 @@ macro(draco_set_cxx_flags) draco_test_cxx_flag(FLAG_LIST_VAR_NAMES ${cxx_flag_lists}) endif() endmacro() + +# Collects Draco built-in and user-specified linker flags and tests them. Halts +# configuration and reports the error when any flags cause the build to fail. +# +# Note: draco_test_exe_linker_flag() does the real work of setting the flags and +# running the test compile commands. +macro(draco_set_exe_linker_flags) + unset(linker_flag_lists) + + if(DRACO_VERBOSE) + message("draco_set_exe_linker_flags: " + "draco_base_exe_linker_flags=${draco_base_exe_linker_flags}") + endif() + + if(draco_base_exe_linker_flags) + list(APPEND linker_flag_lists draco_base_exe_linker_flags) + endif() + + if(linker_flag_lists) + unset(test_linker_flags) + + if(DRACO_VERBOSE) + message("draco_set_exe_linker_flags: " + "linker_flag_lists=${linker_flag_lists}") + endif() + + draco_set_and_stringify(DEST test_linker_flags SOURCE_VARS + ${linker_flag_lists}) + draco_test_exe_linker_flag(FLAG_LIST_VAR_NAME test_linker_flags) + endif() +endmacro() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_helpers.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_helpers.cmake index 0b3b804cff..69e24c5bea 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_helpers.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_helpers.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_HELPERS_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_HELPERS_CMAKE_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_install.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_install.cmake index 09bfb591d5..3be1ba163e 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_install.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_install.cmake @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_INSTALL_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_INSTALL_CMAKE_ set(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_INSTALL_CMAKE_ 1) +include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) +include(GNUInstallDirs) + # Sets up the draco install targets. Must be called after the static library # target is created. macro(draco_setup_install_target) - include(GNUInstallDirs) - - # pkg-config: draco.pc - set(prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") - set(exec_prefix "\${prefix}") - set(libdir "\${prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") - set(includedir "\${prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") - set(draco_lib_name "draco") - - configure_file("${draco_root}/cmake/draco.pc.template" - "${draco_build}/draco.pc" @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX) - install(FILES "${draco_build}/draco.pc" - DESTINATION "${prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig") - - # CMake config: draco-config.cmake - set(DRACO_INCLUDE_DIRS "${prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") - configure_file("${draco_root}/cmake/draco-config.cmake.template" - "${draco_build}/draco-config.cmake" @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX) - install( - FILES "${draco_build}/draco-config.cmake" - DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/cmake") + set(bin_path "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") + set(data_path "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}") + set(includes_path "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") + set(libs_path "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") foreach(file ${draco_sources}) if(file MATCHES "h$") @@ -34,46 +34,88 @@ macro(draco_setup_install_target) endif() endforeach() + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES draco_api_includes) + # Strip $draco_src_root from the file paths: we need to install relative to # $include_directory. list(TRANSFORM draco_api_includes REPLACE "${draco_src_root}/" "") - set(include_directory "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") foreach(draco_api_include ${draco_api_includes}) get_filename_component(file_directory ${draco_api_include} DIRECTORY) - set(target_directory "${include_directory}/draco/${file_directory}") + set(target_directory "${includes_path}/draco/${file_directory}") install(FILES ${draco_src_root}/${draco_api_include} DESTINATION "${target_directory}") endforeach() - install( - FILES "${draco_build}/draco/draco_features.h" - DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/draco/") + install(FILES "${draco_build}/draco/draco_features.h" + DESTINATION "${includes_path}/draco/") + + install(TARGETS draco_decoder DESTINATION "${bin_path}") + install(TARGETS draco_encoder DESTINATION "${bin_path}") - install(TARGETS draco_decoder DESTINATION - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") - install(TARGETS draco_encoder DESTINATION - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") + if(DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED) + install(TARGETS draco_transcoder DESTINATION "${bin_path}") + endif() if(MSVC) - install(TARGETS draco DESTINATION - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") + install( + TARGETS draco + EXPORT dracoExport + RUNTIME DESTINATION "${bin_path}" + ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${libs_path}" + LIBRARY DESTINATION "${libs_path}") else() - install(TARGETS draco_static DESTINATION - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") + install( + TARGETS draco_static + EXPORT dracoExport + DESTINATION "${libs_path}") + if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) - install(TARGETS draco_shared DESTINATION - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") + install( + TARGETS draco_shared + EXPORT dracoExport + RUNTIME DESTINATION "${bin_path}" + ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${libs_path}" + LIBRARY DESTINATION "${libs_path}") endif() endif() if(DRACO_UNITY_PLUGIN) - install(TARGETS dracodec_unity DESTINATION - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") + install(TARGETS dracodec_unity DESTINATION "${libs_path}") endif() + if(DRACO_MAYA_PLUGIN) - install(TARGETS draco_maya_wrapper DESTINATION - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") + install(TARGETS draco_maya_wrapper DESTINATION "${libs_path}") endif() + # pkg-config: draco.pc + configure_file("${draco_root}/cmake/draco.pc.template" + "${draco_build}/draco.pc" @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX) + install(FILES "${draco_build}/draco.pc" DESTINATION "${libs_path}/pkgconfig") + + # CMake config: draco-config.cmake + configure_package_config_file( + "${draco_root}/cmake/draco-config.cmake.template" + "${draco_build}/draco-config.cmake" + INSTALL_DESTINATION "${data_path}/cmake/draco") + + write_basic_package_version_file( + "${draco_build}/draco-config-version.cmake" + VERSION ${DRACO_VERSION} + COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion) + + export( + EXPORT dracoExport + NAMESPACE draco:: + FILE "${draco_build}/draco-targets.cmake") + + install( + EXPORT dracoExport + NAMESPACE draco:: + FILE draco-targets.cmake + DESTINATION "${data_path}/cmake/draco") + + install(FILES "${draco_build}/draco-config.cmake" + "${draco_build}/draco-config-version.cmake" + DESTINATION "${data_path}/cmake/draco") endmacro() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_intrinsics.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_intrinsics.cmake index 9011c0de5a..178df97a69 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_intrinsics.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_intrinsics.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_INTRINSICS_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_INTRINSICS_CMAKE_ @@ -61,17 +75,15 @@ macro(draco_process_intrinsics_sources) unset(sse4_sources) list(APPEND sse4_sources ${arg_SOURCES}) - list(FILTER sse4_sources INCLUDE REGEX - "${draco_sse4_source_file_suffix}$") + list(FILTER sse4_sources INCLUDE REGEX "${draco_sse4_source_file_suffix}$") if(sse4_sources) unset(sse4_flags) - draco_get_intrinsics_flag_for_suffix(SUFFIX - ${draco_sse4_source_file_suffix} - VARIABLE sse4_flags) + draco_get_intrinsics_flag_for_suffix( + SUFFIX ${draco_sse4_source_file_suffix} VARIABLE sse4_flags) if(sse4_flags) draco_set_compiler_flags_for_sources(SOURCES ${sse4_sources} FLAGS - ${sse4_flags}) + ${sse4_flags}) endif() endif() endif() @@ -79,17 +91,15 @@ macro(draco_process_intrinsics_sources) if(DRACO_ENABLE_NEON AND draco_have_neon) unset(neon_sources) list(APPEND neon_sources ${arg_SOURCES}) - list(FILTER neon_sources INCLUDE REGEX - "${draco_neon_source_file_suffix}$") + list(FILTER neon_sources INCLUDE REGEX "${draco_neon_source_file_suffix}$") if(neon_sources AND DRACO_NEON_INTRINSICS_FLAG) unset(neon_flags) - draco_get_intrinsics_flag_for_suffix(SUFFIX - ${draco_neon_source_file_suffix} - VARIABLE neon_flags) + draco_get_intrinsics_flag_for_suffix( + SUFFIX ${draco_neon_source_file_suffix} VARIABLE neon_flags) if(neon_flags) draco_set_compiler_flags_for_sources(SOURCES ${neon_sources} FLAGS - ${neon_flags}) + ${neon_flags}) endif() endif() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_options.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_options.cmake index 832bfb69f8..085149774b 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_options.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_options.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_OPTIONS_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_OPTIONS_CMAKE_ @@ -18,17 +32,22 @@ macro(draco_option) cmake_parse_arguments(option "${optional_args}" "${single_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN}) - if(NOT (option_NAME AND option_HELPSTRING AND DEFINED option_VALUE)) + if(NOT + (option_NAME + AND option_HELPSTRING + AND DEFINED option_VALUE)) message(FATAL_ERROR "draco_option: NAME HELPSTRING and VALUE required.") endif() option(${option_NAME} ${option_HELPSTRING} ${option_VALUE}) if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 2) - message("--------- draco_option ---------\n" "option_NAME=${option_NAME}\n" - "option_HELPSTRING=${option_HELPSTRING}\n" - "option_VALUE=${option_VALUE}\n" - "------------------------------------------\n") + message( + "--------- draco_option ---------\n" + "option_NAME=${option_NAME}\n" + "option_HELPSTRING=${option_HELPSTRING}\n" + "option_VALUE=${option_VALUE}\n" + "------------------------------------------\n") endif() list(APPEND draco_options ${option_NAME}) @@ -44,33 +63,74 @@ endmacro() # Set default options. macro(draco_set_default_options) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_FAST HELPSTRING "Try to build faster libs." VALUE OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_JS_GLUE HELPSTRING - "Enable JS Glue and JS targets when using Emscripten." VALUE ON) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_IE_COMPATIBLE HELPSTRING - "Enable support for older IE builds when using Emscripten." VALUE - OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION HELPSTRING "Enable mesh compression." - VALUE ON) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_POINT_CLOUD_COMPRESSION HELPSTRING - "Enable point cloud compression." VALUE ON) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_PREDICTIVE_EDGEBREAKER HELPSTRING - "Enable predictive edgebreaker." VALUE ON) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_STANDARD_EDGEBREAKER HELPSTRING - "Enable stand edgebreaker." VALUE ON) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY HELPSTRING - "Enable backwards compatibility." VALUE ON) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_DECODER_ATTRIBUTE_DEDUPLICATION HELPSTRING - "Enable attribute deduping." VALUE OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_TESTS HELPSTRING "Enables tests." VALUE OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_WASM HELPSTRING "Enables WASM support." VALUE OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_UNITY_PLUGIN HELPSTRING - "Build plugin library for Unity." VALUE OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_ANIMATION_ENCODING HELPSTRING "Enable animation." - VALUE OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_GLTF HELPSTRING "Support GLTF." VALUE OFF) - draco_option(NAME DRACO_MAYA_PLUGIN HELPSTRING - "Build plugin library for Maya." VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_FAST + HELPSTRING "Try to build faster libs." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_JS_GLUE + HELPSTRING "Enable JS Glue and JS targets when using Emscripten." + VALUE ON) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_IE_COMPATIBLE + HELPSTRING "Enable support for older IE builds when using Emscripten." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION + HELPSTRING "Enable mesh compression." + VALUE ON) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_POINT_CLOUD_COMPRESSION + HELPSTRING "Enable point cloud compression." + VALUE ON) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_PREDICTIVE_EDGEBREAKER + HELPSTRING "Enable predictive edgebreaker." + VALUE ON) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_STANDARD_EDGEBREAKER + HELPSTRING "Enable stand edgebreaker." + VALUE ON) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY + HELPSTRING "Enable backwards compatibility." + VALUE ON) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_DECODER_ATTRIBUTE_DEDUPLICATION + HELPSTRING "Enable attribute deduping." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_TESTS + HELPSTRING "Enables tests." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_WASM + HELPSTRING "Enables WASM support." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_UNITY_PLUGIN + HELPSTRING "Build plugin library for Unity." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_ANIMATION_ENCODING + HELPSTRING "Enable animation." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_GLTF_BITSTREAM + HELPSTRING "Draco GLTF extension bitstream specified features only." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_MAYA_PLUGIN + HELPSTRING "Build plugin library for Maya." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + HELPSTRING "Enable the Draco transcoder." + VALUE OFF) + draco_option( + NAME DRACO_DEBUG_COMPILER_WARNINGS + HELPSTRING "Turn on more warnings." + VALUE OFF) draco_check_deprecated_options() endmacro() @@ -117,14 +177,16 @@ macro(draco_check_deprecated_options) DRACO_MAYA_PLUGIN) draco_handle_deprecated_option(OLDNAME BUILD_USD_PLUGIN NEWNAME BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) + draco_handle_deprecated_option(OLDNAME DRACO_GLTF NEWNAME + DRACO_GLTF_BITSTREAM) endmacro() # Macro for setting Draco features based on user configuration. Features enabled # by this macro are Draco global. macro(draco_set_optional_features) - if(DRACO_GLTF) - # Override settings when building for GLTF. + if(DRACO_GLTF_BITSTREAM) + # Enable only the features included in the Draco GLTF bitstream spec. draco_enable_feature(FEATURE "DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED") draco_enable_feature(FEATURE "DRACO_NORMAL_ENCODING_SUPPORTED") draco_enable_feature(FEATURE "DRACO_STANDARD_EDGEBREAKER_SUPPORTED") @@ -170,6 +232,11 @@ macro(draco_set_optional_features) set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() + if(DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED) + draco_enable_feature(FEATURE "DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED") + endif() + + endmacro() # Macro that handles tracking of Draco preprocessor symbols for the purpose of @@ -221,8 +288,56 @@ function(draco_generate_features_h) file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" "#define ${feature}\n") endforeach() + if(MSVC) + if(NOT DRACO_DEBUG_COMPILER_WARNINGS) + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "// Enable DRACO_DEBUG_COMPILER_WARNINGS at CMake generation \n" + "// time to remove these pragmas.\n") + + # warning C4018: '': signed/unsigned mismatch. + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4018)\n") + + # warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result + # still unsigned + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4146)\n") + + # warning C4244: 'return': conversion from '' to '', possible + # loss of data. + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4244)\n") + + # warning C4267: 'initializing' conversion from '' to '', + # possible loss of data. + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4267)\n") + + # warning C4305: 'context' : truncation from 'type1' to 'type2'. + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4305)\n") + + # warning C4661: 'identifier' : no suitable definition provided for + # explicit template instantiation request. + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4661)\n") + + # warning C4800: Implicit conversion from 'type' to bool. Possible + # information loss. + # Also, in older MSVC releases: + # warning C4800: 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' + # (performance warning). + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4800)\n") + + # warning C4804: '': unsafe use of type '' in operation. + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" + "#pragma warning(disable:4804)\n") + endif() + endif() + file(APPEND "${draco_features_file_name}.new" - "\n#endif // DRACO_FEATURES_H_") + "\n#endif // DRACO_FEATURES_H_\n") # Will replace ${draco_features_file_name} only if the file content has # changed. This prevents forced Draco rebuilds after CMake runs. diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_sanitizer.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_sanitizer.cmake index d2e41a6cb1..77d141481f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_sanitizer.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_sanitizer.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_SANITIZER_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_SANITIZER_CMAKE_ @@ -5,7 +19,9 @@ set(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_SANITIZER_CMAKE_ 1) # Handles the details of enabling sanitizers. macro(draco_configure_sanitizer) - if(DRACO_SANITIZE AND NOT EMSCRIPTEN AND NOT MSVC) + if(DRACO_SANITIZE + AND NOT EMSCRIPTEN + AND NOT MSVC) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") if(DRACO_SANITIZE MATCHES "cfi") list(APPEND SAN_CXX_FLAGS "-flto" "-fno-sanitize-trap=cfi") @@ -13,8 +29,8 @@ macro(draco_configure_sanitizer) "-fuse-ld=gold") endif() - if(${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 4 - AND DRACO_SANITIZE MATCHES "integer|undefined") + if(${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 4 AND DRACO_SANITIZE MATCHES + "integer|undefined") list(APPEND SAN_LINKER_FLAGS "--rtlib=compiler-rt" "-lgcc_s") endif() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_targets.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_targets.cmake index 0456c4d7b2..c8c79f5111 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_targets.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_targets.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_TARGETS_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_TARGETS_CMAKE_ @@ -51,26 +65,33 @@ macro(draco_add_executable) unset(exe_LIB_DEPS) set(optional_args TEST) set(single_value_args NAME OUTPUT_NAME) - set(multi_value_args SOURCES DEFINES INCLUDES COMPILE_FLAGS LINK_FLAGS - OBJLIB_DEPS LIB_DEPS) + set(multi_value_args + SOURCES + DEFINES + INCLUDES + COMPILE_FLAGS + LINK_FLAGS + OBJLIB_DEPS + LIB_DEPS) cmake_parse_arguments(exe "${optional_args}" "${single_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN}) if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 1) - message("--------- draco_add_executable ---------\n" - "exe_TEST=${exe_TEST}\n" - "exe_TEST_DEFINES_MAIN=${exe_TEST_DEFINES_MAIN}\n" - "exe_NAME=${exe_NAME}\n" - "exe_OUTPUT_NAME=${exe_OUTPUT_NAME}\n" - "exe_SOURCES=${exe_SOURCES}\n" - "exe_DEFINES=${exe_DEFINES}\n" - "exe_INCLUDES=${exe_INCLUDES}\n" - "exe_COMPILE_FLAGS=${exe_COMPILE_FLAGS}\n" - "exe_LINK_FLAGS=${exe_LINK_FLAGS}\n" - "exe_OBJLIB_DEPS=${exe_OBJLIB_DEPS}\n" - "exe_LIB_DEPS=${exe_LIB_DEPS}\n" - "------------------------------------------\n") + message( + "--------- draco_add_executable ---------\n" + "exe_TEST=${exe_TEST}\n" + "exe_TEST_DEFINES_MAIN=${exe_TEST_DEFINES_MAIN}\n" + "exe_NAME=${exe_NAME}\n" + "exe_OUTPUT_NAME=${exe_OUTPUT_NAME}\n" + "exe_SOURCES=${exe_SOURCES}\n" + "exe_DEFINES=${exe_DEFINES}\n" + "exe_INCLUDES=${exe_INCLUDES}\n" + "exe_COMPILE_FLAGS=${exe_COMPILE_FLAGS}\n" + "exe_LINK_FLAGS=${exe_LINK_FLAGS}\n" + "exe_OBJLIB_DEPS=${exe_OBJLIB_DEPS}\n" + "exe_LIB_DEPS=${exe_LIB_DEPS}\n" + "------------------------------------------\n") endif() if(NOT (exe_NAME AND exe_SOURCES)) @@ -87,7 +108,12 @@ macro(draco_add_executable) endif() add_executable(${exe_NAME} ${exe_SOURCES}) - set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${DRACO_VERSION}) + + target_compile_features(${exe_NAME} PUBLIC cxx_std_11) + + if(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) + set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${DRACO_VERSION}) + endif() if(exe_OUTPUT_NAME) set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${exe_OUTPUT_NAME}) @@ -104,8 +130,8 @@ macro(draco_add_executable) endif() if(exe_COMPILE_FLAGS OR DRACO_CXX_FLAGS) - target_compile_options(${exe_NAME} - PRIVATE ${exe_COMPILE_FLAGS} ${DRACO_CXX_FLAGS}) + target_compile_options(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE ${exe_COMPILE_FLAGS} + ${DRACO_CXX_FLAGS}) endif() if(exe_LINK_FLAGS OR DRACO_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS) @@ -113,8 +139,8 @@ macro(draco_add_executable) list(APPEND exe_LINK_FLAGS "${DRACO_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") # LINK_FLAGS is managed as a string. draco_set_and_stringify(SOURCE "${exe_LINK_FLAGS}" DEST exe_LINK_FLAGS) - set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} - PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${exe_LINK_FLAGS}") + set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS + "${exe_LINK_FLAGS}") else() target_link_options(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE ${exe_LINK_FLAGS} ${DRACO_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}) @@ -136,12 +162,7 @@ macro(draco_add_executable) endif() if(exe_LIB_DEPS) - unset(exe_static) - if("${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${DRACO_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}" MATCHES "static") - set(exe_static ON) - endif() - - if(exe_static AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang|GNU") + if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^Clang|^GNU") # Third party dependencies can introduce dependencies on system and test # libraries. Since the target created here is an executable, and CMake # does not provide a method of controlling order of link dependencies, @@ -149,6 +170,10 @@ macro(draco_add_executable) # ensure that dependencies of third party targets can be resolved when # those dependencies happen to be resolved by dependencies of the current # target. + # TODO(tomfinegan): For portability use LINK_GROUP with RESCAN instead of + # directly (ab)using compiler/linker specific flags once CMake v3.24 is in + # wider use. See: + # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generator-expressions.7.html#genex:LINK_GROUP list(INSERT exe_LIB_DEPS 0 -Wl,--start-group) list(APPEND exe_LIB_DEPS -Wl,--end-group) endif() @@ -209,27 +234,36 @@ macro(draco_add_library) unset(lib_TARGET_PROPERTIES) set(optional_args TEST) set(single_value_args NAME OUTPUT_NAME TYPE) - set(multi_value_args SOURCES DEFINES INCLUDES COMPILE_FLAGS LINK_FLAGS - OBJLIB_DEPS LIB_DEPS PUBLIC_INCLUDES TARGET_PROPERTIES) + set(multi_value_args + SOURCES + DEFINES + INCLUDES + COMPILE_FLAGS + LINK_FLAGS + OBJLIB_DEPS + LIB_DEPS + PUBLIC_INCLUDES + TARGET_PROPERTIES) cmake_parse_arguments(lib "${optional_args}" "${single_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN}) if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 1) - message("--------- draco_add_library ---------\n" - "lib_TEST=${lib_TEST}\n" - "lib_NAME=${lib_NAME}\n" - "lib_OUTPUT_NAME=${lib_OUTPUT_NAME}\n" - "lib_TYPE=${lib_TYPE}\n" - "lib_SOURCES=${lib_SOURCES}\n" - "lib_DEFINES=${lib_DEFINES}\n" - "lib_INCLUDES=${lib_INCLUDES}\n" - "lib_COMPILE_FLAGS=${lib_COMPILE_FLAGS}\n" - "lib_LINK_FLAGS=${lib_LINK_FLAGS}\n" - "lib_OBJLIB_DEPS=${lib_OBJLIB_DEPS}\n" - "lib_LIB_DEPS=${lib_LIB_DEPS}\n" - "lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES=${lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES}\n" - "---------------------------------------\n") + message( + "--------- draco_add_library ---------\n" + "lib_TEST=${lib_TEST}\n" + "lib_NAME=${lib_NAME}\n" + "lib_OUTPUT_NAME=${lib_OUTPUT_NAME}\n" + "lib_TYPE=${lib_TYPE}\n" + "lib_SOURCES=${lib_SOURCES}\n" + "lib_DEFINES=${lib_DEFINES}\n" + "lib_INCLUDES=${lib_INCLUDES}\n" + "lib_COMPILE_FLAGS=${lib_COMPILE_FLAGS}\n" + "lib_LINK_FLAGS=${lib_LINK_FLAGS}\n" + "lib_OBJLIB_DEPS=${lib_OBJLIB_DEPS}\n" + "lib_LIB_DEPS=${lib_LIB_DEPS}\n" + "lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES=${lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES}\n" + "---------------------------------------\n") endif() if(NOT (lib_NAME AND lib_TYPE)) @@ -256,14 +290,24 @@ macro(draco_add_library) endif() add_library(${lib_NAME} ${lib_TYPE} ${lib_SOURCES}) + + target_compile_features(${lib_NAME} PUBLIC cxx_std_11) + + target_include_directories(${lib_NAME} PUBLIC $) + + if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) + # Enable PIC for all targets in shared configurations. + set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) + endif() + if(lib_SOURCES) draco_process_intrinsics_sources(TARGET ${lib_NAME} SOURCES ${lib_SOURCES}) endif() if(lib_OUTPUT_NAME) if(NOT (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND MSVC)) - set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} - PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${lib_OUTPUT_NAME}) + set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME + ${lib_OUTPUT_NAME}) endif() endif() @@ -280,8 +324,8 @@ macro(draco_add_library) endif() if(lib_COMPILE_FLAGS OR DRACO_CXX_FLAGS) - target_compile_options(${lib_NAME} - PRIVATE ${lib_COMPILE_FLAGS} ${DRACO_CXX_FLAGS}) + target_compile_options(${lib_NAME} PRIVATE ${lib_COMPILE_FLAGS} + ${DRACO_CXX_FLAGS}) endif() if(lib_LINK_FLAGS) @@ -320,11 +364,12 @@ macro(draco_add_library) set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") endif() - # VERSION and SOVERSION as necessary - if(NOT lib_TYPE STREQUAL STATIC AND NOT lib_TYPE STREQUAL MODULE) - set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${DRACO_VERSION}) - if(NOT MSVC) - set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES SOVERSION ${DRACO_SOVERSION}) + if(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) + # VERSION and SOVERSION as necessary + if((lib_TYPE STREQUAL BUNDLE OR lib_TYPE STREQUAL SHARED) AND NOT MSVC) + set_target_properties( + ${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${DRACO_SOVERSION} + SOVERSION ${DRACO_SOVERSION_MAJOR}) endif() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_test_config.h.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_test_config.h.cmake index 77a574123f..9bb1745699 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_test_config.h.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_test_config.h.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + #ifndef DRACO_TESTING_DRACO_TEST_CONFIG_H_ #define DRACO_TESTING_DRACO_TEST_CONFIG_H_ @@ -9,5 +23,6 @@ #define DRACO_TEST_DATA_DIR "${DRACO_TEST_DATA_DIR}" #define DRACO_TEST_TEMP_DIR "${DRACO_TEST_TEMP_DIR}" +#define DRACO_TEST_ROOT_DIR "${DRACO_TEST_ROOT_DIR}" #endif // DRACO_TESTING_DRACO_TEST_CONFIG_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_tests.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_tests.cmake index a6dfc5b573..1d905a9697 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_tests.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_tests.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_TESTS_CMAKE) return() endif() @@ -10,6 +24,13 @@ set(draco_factory_test_sources "${draco_src_root}/io/file_reader_factory_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/file_writer_factory_test.cc") +list( + APPEND draco_test_common_sources + "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_test_base.h" + "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_test_utils.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_test_utils.h" + "${draco_src_root}/core/status.cc") + list( APPEND draco_test_sources @@ -30,22 +51,23 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_kd_tree_encoding_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_sequential_encoding_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/core/buffer_bit_coding_test.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_test_base.h" - "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_test_utils.cc" - "${draco_src_root}/core/draco_test_utils.h" "${draco_src_root}/core/math_utils_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/core/quantization_utils_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/core/status_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/core/vector_d_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/file_reader_test_common.h" "${draco_src_root}/io/file_utils_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/file_writer_utils_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/stdio_file_reader_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/stdio_file_writer_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/obj_decoder_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/obj_encoder_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/ply_decoder_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/ply_reader_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/stl_decoder_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/stl_encoder_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/io/point_cloud_io_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/mesh/corner_table_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/mesh/mesh_cleanup_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder_test.cc" @@ -54,47 +76,71 @@ list( "${draco_src_root}/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder_test.cc" "${draco_src_root}/point_cloud/point_cloud_test.cc") -list(APPEND draco_gtest_all - "${draco_root}/../googletest/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc") -list(APPEND draco_gtest_main - "${draco_root}/../googletest/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc") +if(DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED) + list( + APPEND draco_test_sources + "${draco_src_root}/animation/animation_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/gltf_decoder_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/gltf_encoder_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/gltf_utils_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/gltf_test_helper.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/gltf_test_helper.h" + "${draco_src_root}/io/scene_io_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/io/texture_io_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/material/material_library_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/material/material_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/metadata/property_table_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/metadata/structural_metadata_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/scene/instance_array_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/scene/light_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/scene/mesh_group_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/scene/scene_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/scene/scene_are_equivalent_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/scene/scene_utils_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/scene/trs_matrix_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/texture/texture_library_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/texture/texture_map_test.cc" + "${draco_src_root}/texture/texture_transform_test.cc") + +endif() macro(draco_setup_test_targets) if(DRACO_TESTS) + draco_setup_googletest() + if(NOT (EXISTS ${draco_gtest_all} AND EXISTS ${draco_gtest_main})) - message(FATAL "googletest must be a sibling directory of ${draco_root}.") + message(FATAL_ERROR "googletest missing, run git submodule update --init") endif() list(APPEND draco_test_defines GTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=0) - draco_add_library(TEST - NAME - draco_gtest - TYPE - STATIC - SOURCES - ${draco_gtest_all} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - ${draco_test_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_test_include_paths}) - - draco_add_library(TEST - NAME - draco_gtest_main - TYPE - STATIC - SOURCES - ${draco_gtest_main} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - ${draco_test_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_test_include_paths}) + draco_add_library( + TEST + NAME draco_test_common + TYPE STATIC + SOURCES ${draco_test_common_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} ${draco_test_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_test_include_paths}) + + draco_add_library( + TEST + NAME draco_gtest + TYPE STATIC + SOURCES ${draco_gtest_all} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} ${draco_test_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_test_include_paths}) + + draco_add_library( + TEST + NAME draco_gtest_main + TYPE STATIC + SOURCES ${draco_gtest_main} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} ${draco_test_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_test_include_paths}) set(DRACO_TEST_DATA_DIR "${draco_root}/testdata") set(DRACO_TEST_TEMP_DIR "${draco_build}/draco_test_temp") + set(DRACO_TEST_ROOT_DIR "${draco_root}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${DRACO_TEST_TEMP_DIR}") # Sets DRACO_TEST_DATA_DIR and DRACO_TEST_TEMP_DIR. @@ -102,32 +148,24 @@ macro(draco_setup_test_targets) "${draco_build}/testing/draco_test_config.h") # Create the test targets. - draco_add_executable(NAME - draco_tests - SOURCES - ${draco_test_sources} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - ${draco_test_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_test_include_paths} - LIB_DEPS - draco_static - draco_gtest - draco_gtest_main) - - draco_add_executable(NAME - draco_factory_tests - SOURCES - ${draco_factory_test_sources} - DEFINES - ${draco_defines} - ${draco_test_defines} - INCLUDES - ${draco_test_include_paths} - LIB_DEPS - draco_static - draco_gtest - draco_gtest_main) + draco_add_executable( + TEST + NAME draco_tests + SOURCES ${draco_test_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} ${draco_test_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_test_include_paths} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_dependency} draco_gtest draco_gtest_main + draco_test_common) + + draco_add_executable( + TEST + NAME draco_factory_tests + SOURCES ${draco_factory_test_sources} + DEFINES ${draco_defines} ${draco_test_defines} + INCLUDES ${draco_test_include_paths} + LIB_DEPS ${draco_dependency} draco_gtest draco_gtest_main + draco_test_common) + + endif() endmacro() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_variables.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_variables.cmake index 8dbc77a532..6d1b6a99da 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_variables.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/draco_variables.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_VARIABLES_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_VARIABLES_CMAKE_ @@ -14,8 +28,7 @@ macro(draco_variable_must_be_directory variable_name) if("${${variable_name}}" STREQUAL "") message( - FATAL_ERROR - "Empty variable ${variable_name} is required to build draco.") + FATAL_ERROR "Empty variable ${variable_name} is required to build draco.") endif() if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${${variable_name}}") @@ -44,11 +57,13 @@ macro(draco_dump_cmake_flag_variables) list(APPEND flag_variables "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT" "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS" "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT" "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS") if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) - list(APPEND flag_variables "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE" - "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}_INIT" - "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" - "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}_INIT" - "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") + list( + APPEND flag_variables + "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE" + "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}_INIT" + "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" + "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}_INIT" + "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() foreach(flag_variable ${flag_variables}) message("${flag_variable}:${${flag_variable}}") diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/sanitizers.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/sanitizers.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index e720bc0454..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/sanitizers.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -if(DRACO_CMAKE_SANITIZERS_CMAKE_) - return() -endif() -set(DRACO_CMAKE_SANITIZERS_CMAKE_ 1) - -if(MSVC OR NOT SANITIZE) - return() -endif() - -include("${draco_root}/cmake/compiler_flags.cmake") - -string(TOLOWER ${SANITIZE} SANITIZE) - -# Require the sanitizer requested. -require_linker_flag("-fsanitize=${SANITIZE}") -require_compiler_flag("-fsanitize=${SANITIZE}" YES) - -# Make callstacks accurate. -require_compiler_flag("-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls" YES) diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu.cmake index 87e0b4a45e..a55da20faf 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_AARCH64_LINUX_GNU_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_AARCH64_LINUX_GNU_CMAKE_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android-ndk-common.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android-ndk-common.cmake index 5126d6e295..80396af485 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android-ndk-common.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android-ndk-common.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ANDROID_NDK_COMMON_CMAKE_) return() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android.cmake index b8f576d5e3..ba50576b7d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/android.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ANDROID_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ANDROID_CMAKE_ @@ -16,9 +30,9 @@ if(NOT ANDROID_ABI) set(ANDROID_ABI arm64-v8a) endif() -# Force arm mode for 32-bit targets (instead of the default thumb) to improve -# performance. -if(NOT ANDROID_ARM_MODE) +# Force arm mode for 32-bit arm targets (instead of the default thumb) to +# improve performance. +if(ANDROID_ABI MATCHES "^armeabi" AND NOT ANDROID_ARM_MODE) set(ANDROID_ARM_MODE arm) endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-ios-common.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-ios-common.cmake index 65326d1c21..fab54bb398 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-ios-common.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-ios-common.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARM_IOS_COMMON_CMAKE_) return() endif() @@ -13,5 +27,3 @@ set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER clang) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1 "-arch ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang++) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1 "-arch ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") - -# TODO(tomfinegan): Handle bit code embedding. diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-linux-gnueabihf.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-linux-gnueabihf.cmake index 6e45969e98..f1f83d67c6 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-linux-gnueabihf.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm-linux-gnueabihf.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARM_LINUX_GNUEABIHF_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARM_LINUX_GNUEABIHF_CMAKE_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake index 4b6d366f03..80d452f97f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARM64_ANDROID_NDK_LIBCPP_CMAKE_) return() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-ios.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-ios.cmake index c4ec7e3fac..5365d70f15 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-ios.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-ios.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,23 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARM64_IOS_CMAKE_) return() endif() set(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARM64_IOS_CMAKE_ 1) if(XCODE) - # TODO(tomfinegan): Handle arm builds in Xcode. message(FATAL_ERROR "This toolchain does not support Xcode.") endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-linux-gcc.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-linux-gcc.cmake index 046ff01394..a332760b2e 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-linux-gcc.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/arm64-linux-gcc.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARM64_LINUX_GCC_CMAKE_) return() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake index 80ee98b186..bedcc0cad9 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARMV7_ANDROID_NDK_LIBCPP_CMAKE_) return() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-ios.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-ios.cmake index 8ddd6997b8..43e208b1fb 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-ios.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-ios.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,23 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARMV7_IOS_CMAKE_) return() endif() set(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARMV7_IOS_CMAKE_ 1) if(XCODE) - # TODO(tomfinegan): Handle arm builds in Xcode. message(FATAL_ERROR "This toolchain does not support Xcode.") endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-linux-gcc.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-linux-gcc.cmake index 9c9472319f..730a87f4b5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-linux-gcc.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7-linux-gcc.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARMV7_LINUX_GCC_CMAKE_) return() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7s-ios.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7s-ios.cmake index b433025ba3..4727561179 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7s-ios.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/armv7s-ios.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,23 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARMV7S_IOS_CMAKE_) return() endif() set(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_ARMV7S_IOS_CMAKE_ 1) if(XCODE) - # TODO(tomfinegan): Handle arm builds in Xcode. message(FATAL_ERROR "This toolchain does not support Xcode.") endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/i386-ios.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/i386-ios.cmake index e9a1055912..38989d225c 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/i386-ios.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/i386-ios.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,23 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_i386_IOS_CMAKE_) return() endif() set(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_i386_IOS_CMAKE_ 1) if(XCODE) - # TODO(tomfinegan): Handle arm builds in Xcode. message(FATAL_ERROR "This toolchain does not support Xcode.") endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake index d43383640c..6f63f2c311 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_X86_ANDROID_NDK_LIBCPP_CMAKE_) return() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake index d6fabeaccf..7a630f4d49 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-android-ndk-libcpp.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_X86_64_ANDROID_NDK_LIBCPP_CMAKE_) return() endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-ios.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-ios.cmake index 4c50a72a23..6946ce4105 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-ios.cmake +++ b/contrib/draco/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-ios.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,23 @@ +# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + if(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_X86_64_IOS_CMAKE_) return() endif() set(DRACO_CMAKE_TOOLCHAINS_X86_64_IOS_CMAKE_ 1) if(XCODE) - # TODO(tomfinegan): Handle arm builds in Xcode. message(FATAL_ERROR "This toolchain does not support Xcode.") endif() diff --git a/contrib/draco/cmake/util.cmake b/contrib/draco/cmake/util.cmake deleted file mode 100644 index 813146a62b..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/cmake/util.cmake +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -if(DRACO_CMAKE_UTIL_CMAKE_) - return() -endif() -set(DRACO_CMAKE_UTIL_CMAKE_ 1) - -# Creates dummy source file in $draco_build_dir named $basename.$extension and -# returns the full path to the dummy source file via the $out_file_path -# parameter. -function(create_dummy_source_file basename extension out_file_path) - set(dummy_source_file "${draco_build_dir}/${basename}.${extension}") - file(WRITE "${dummy_source_file}.new" - "// Generated file. DO NOT EDIT!\n" - "// ${target_name} needs a ${extension} file to force link language, \n" - "// or to silence a harmless CMake warning: Ignore me.\n" - "void ${target_name}_dummy_function(void) {}\n") - - # Will replace ${dummy_source_file} only if the file content has changed. - # This prevents forced Draco rebuilds after CMake runs. - configure_file("${dummy_source_file}.new" "${dummy_source_file}") - file(REMOVE "${dummy_source_file}.new") - - set(${out_file_path} ${dummy_source_file} PARENT_SCOPE) -endfunction() - -# Convenience function for adding a dummy source file to $target_name using -# $extension as the file extension. Wraps create_dummy_source_file(). -function(add_dummy_source_file_to_target target_name extension) - create_dummy_source_file("${target_name}" "${extension}" "dummy_source_file") - target_sources(${target_name} PRIVATE ${dummy_source_file}) -endfunction() - -# Extracts the version number from $version_file and returns it to the user via -# $version_string_out_var. This is achieved by finding the first instance of the -# kDracoVersion variable and then removing everything but the string literal -# assigned to the variable. Quotes and semicolon are stripped from the returned -# string. -function(extract_version_string version_file version_string_out_var) - file(STRINGS "${version_file}" draco_version REGEX "kDracoVersion") - list(GET draco_version 0 draco_version) - string(REPLACE "static const char kDracoVersion[] = " "" draco_version - "${draco_version}") - string(REPLACE ";" "" draco_version "${draco_version}") - string(REPLACE "\"" "" draco_version "${draco_version}") - set("${version_string_out_var}" "${draco_version}" PARENT_SCOPE) -endfunction() - -# Sets CMake compiler launcher to $launcher_name when $launcher_name is found in -# $PATH. Warns user about ignoring build flag $launcher_flag when $launcher_name -# is not found in $PATH. -function(set_compiler_launcher launcher_flag launcher_name) - find_program(launcher_path "${launcher_name}") - if(launcher_path) - set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${launcher_path}" PARENT_SCOPE) - set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${launcher_path}" PARENT_SCOPE) - message("--- Using ${launcher_name} as compiler launcher.") - else() - message( - WARNING "--- Cannot find ${launcher_name}, ${launcher_flag} ignored.") - endif() -endfunction() - -# Terminates CMake execution when $var_name is unset in the environment. Sets -# CMake variable to the value of the environment variable when the variable is -# present in the environment. -macro(require_variable var_name) - if("$ENV{${var_name}}" STREQUAL "") - message(FATAL_ERROR "${var_name} must be set in environment.") - endif() - set_variable_if_unset(${var_name} "") -endmacro() - -# Sets $var_name to $default_value if not already set. -macro(set_variable_if_unset var_name default_value) - if(NOT "$ENV{${var_name}}" STREQUAL "") - set(${var_name} $ENV{${var_name}}) - elseif(NOT ${var_name}) - set(${var_name} ${default_value}) - endif() -endmacro() diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..471cf29421 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation.cc @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/animation/animation.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +void Animation::Copy(const Animation &src) { + name_ = src.name_; + channels_.clear(); + for (int i = 0; i < src.NumChannels(); ++i) { + std::unique_ptr new_channel(new AnimationChannel()); + new_channel->Copy(*src.GetChannel(i)); + channels_.push_back(std::move(new_channel)); + } + + samplers_.clear(); + for (int i = 0; i < src.NumSamplers(); ++i) { + std::unique_ptr new_sampler(new AnimationSampler()); + new_sampler->Copy(*src.GetSampler(i)); + samplers_.push_back(std::move(new_sampler)); + } + + node_animation_data_.clear(); + for (int i = 0; i < src.NumNodeAnimationData(); ++i) { + std::unique_ptr new_data(new NodeAnimationData()); + new_data->Copy(*src.GetNodeAnimationData(i)); + node_animation_data_.push_back(std::move(new_data)); + } +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3713f98862 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation.h @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_ANIMATION_ANIMATION_H_ +#define DRACO_ANIMATION_ANIMATION_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/animation/node_animation_data.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Struct to hold information about an animation's sampler. +struct AnimationSampler { + enum class SamplerInterpolation { LINEAR, STEP, CUBICSPLINE }; + + static std::string InterpolationToString(SamplerInterpolation value) { + switch (value) { + case SamplerInterpolation::STEP: + return "STEP"; + case SamplerInterpolation::CUBICSPLINE: + return "CUBICSPLINE"; + default: + return "LINEAR"; + } + } + + AnimationSampler() + : input_index(-1), + interpolation_type(SamplerInterpolation::LINEAR), + output_index(-1) {} + + void Copy(const AnimationSampler &src) { + input_index = src.input_index; + interpolation_type = src.interpolation_type; + output_index = src.output_index; + } + + int input_index; + SamplerInterpolation interpolation_type; + int output_index; +}; + +// Struct to hold information about an animation's channel. +struct AnimationChannel { + enum class ChannelTransformation { TRANSLATION, ROTATION, SCALE, WEIGHTS }; + + static std::string TransformationToString(ChannelTransformation value) { + switch (value) { + case ChannelTransformation::ROTATION: + return "rotation"; + case ChannelTransformation::SCALE: + return "scale"; + case ChannelTransformation::WEIGHTS: + return "weights"; + default: + return "translation"; + } + } + + AnimationChannel() + : target_index(-1), + transformation_type(ChannelTransformation::TRANSLATION), + sampler_index(-1) {} + + void Copy(const AnimationChannel &src) { + target_index = src.target_index; + transformation_type = src.transformation_type; + sampler_index = src.sampler_index; + } + + int target_index; + ChannelTransformation transformation_type; + int sampler_index; +}; + +// This class is used to hold data and information of glTF animations. +class Animation { + public: + Animation() {} + + void Copy(const Animation &src); + + const std::string &GetName() const { return name_; } + void SetName(const std::string &name) { name_ = name; } + + // Returns the number of channels in an animation. + int NumChannels() const { return channels_.size(); } + // Returns the number of samplers in an animation. + int NumSamplers() const { return samplers_.size(); } + // Returns the number of accessors in an animation. + int NumNodeAnimationData() const { return node_animation_data_.size(); } + + // Returns a channel in the animation. + AnimationChannel *GetChannel(int index) { return channels_[index].get(); } + const AnimationChannel *GetChannel(int index) const { + return channels_[index].get(); + } + // Returns a sampler in the animation. + AnimationSampler *GetSampler(int index) { return samplers_[index].get(); } + const AnimationSampler *GetSampler(int index) const { + return samplers_[index].get(); + } + // Returns an accessor in the animation. + NodeAnimationData *GetNodeAnimationData(int index) { + return node_animation_data_[index].get(); + } + const NodeAnimationData *GetNodeAnimationData(int index) const { + return node_animation_data_[index].get(); + } + + void AddNodeAnimationData( + std::unique_ptr node_animation_data) { + node_animation_data_.push_back(std::move(node_animation_data)); + } + void AddSampler(std::unique_ptr sampler) { + samplers_.push_back(std::move(sampler)); + } + void AddChannel(std::unique_ptr channel) { + channels_.push_back(std::move(channel)); + } + + private: + std::string name_; + std::vector> samplers_; + std::vector> channels_; + std::vector> node_animation_data_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_ANIMATION_ANIMATION_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..473938bcaf --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/animation_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/animation/animation.h" + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +TEST(AnimationTest, TestCopy) { + // Test copying of animation data. + draco::Animation src_anim; + ASSERT_TRUE(src_anim.GetName().empty()); + src_anim.SetName("Walking"); + ASSERT_EQ(src_anim.GetName(), "Walking"); + + std::unique_ptr src_sampler_0( + new draco::AnimationSampler()); + src_sampler_0->interpolation_type = + draco::AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation::CUBICSPLINE; + std::unique_ptr src_sampler_1( + new draco::AnimationSampler()); + src_sampler_1->Copy(*src_sampler_0); + + ASSERT_EQ(src_sampler_0->interpolation_type, + src_sampler_1->interpolation_type); + + src_sampler_1->interpolation_type = + draco::AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation::STEP; + + src_anim.AddSampler(std::move(src_sampler_0)); + src_anim.AddSampler(std::move(src_sampler_1)); + ASSERT_EQ(src_anim.NumSamplers(), 2); + + std::unique_ptr src_channel( + new draco::AnimationChannel()); + src_channel->transformation_type = + draco::AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation::WEIGHTS; + src_anim.AddChannel(std::move(src_channel)); + ASSERT_EQ(src_anim.NumChannels(), 1); + + draco::Animation dst_anim; + dst_anim.Copy(src_anim); + + ASSERT_EQ(dst_anim.GetName(), src_anim.GetName()); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_anim.NumSamplers(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_anim.NumChannels(), 1); + + ASSERT_EQ(dst_anim.GetSampler(0)->interpolation_type, + src_anim.GetSampler(0)->interpolation_type); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_anim.GetSampler(1)->interpolation_type, + src_anim.GetSampler(1)->interpolation_type); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_anim.GetChannel(0)->transformation_type, + src_anim.GetChannel(0)->transformation_type); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_encoding_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_encoding_test.cc index 4a6491f9d0..fcd0eaa6f5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_encoding_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_encoding_test.cc @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ class KeyframeAnimationEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { bool CreateAndAddTimestamps(int32_t num_frames) { timestamps_.resize(num_frames); - for (int i = 0; i < timestamps_.size(); ++i) + for (int i = 0; i < timestamps_.size(); ++i) { timestamps_[i] = static_cast(i); + } return keyframe_animation_.SetTimestamps(timestamps_); } @@ -35,8 +36,9 @@ class KeyframeAnimationEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { uint32_t num_components) { // Create and add animation data with. animation_data_.resize(num_frames * num_components); - for (int i = 0; i < animation_data_.size(); ++i) + for (int i = 0; i < animation_data_.size(); ++i) { animation_data_[i] = static_cast(i); + } return keyframe_animation_.AddKeyframes(draco::DT_FLOAT32, num_components, animation_data_); } @@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class KeyframeAnimationEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { ASSERT_EQ(animation0.num_animations(), animation1.num_animations()); if (quantized) { - // TODO(hemmer) : Add test for stable quantization. + // TODO(b/199760123) : Add test for stable quantization. // Quantization will result in slightly different values. // Skip comparing values. return; @@ -109,9 +111,8 @@ class KeyframeAnimationEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { } } - ASSERT_TRUE( - encoder.EncodeKeyframeAnimation(keyframe_animation_, options, &buffer) - .ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK( + encoder.EncodeKeyframeAnimation(keyframe_animation_, options, &buffer)); draco::DecoderBuffer dec_decoder; draco::KeyframeAnimationDecoder decoder; @@ -122,8 +123,8 @@ class KeyframeAnimationEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { std::unique_ptr decoded_animation( new KeyframeAnimation()); DecoderOptions dec_options; - ASSERT_TRUE( - decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_animation.get()).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK( + decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_animation.get())); // Verify if animation before and after compression is identical. CompareAnimationData(keyframe_animation_, diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_test.cc index bc92b25ffc..94566972bf 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/keyframe_animation_test.cc @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ class KeyframeAnimationTest : public ::testing::Test { bool CreateAndAddTimestamps(int32_t num_frames) { timestamps_.resize(num_frames); - for (int i = 0; i < timestamps_.size(); ++i) + for (int i = 0; i < timestamps_.size(); ++i) { timestamps_[i] = static_cast(i); + } return keyframe_animation_.SetTimestamps(timestamps_); } @@ -33,8 +34,9 @@ class KeyframeAnimationTest : public ::testing::Test { uint32_t num_components) { // Create and add animation data with. animation_data_.resize(num_frames * num_components); - for (int i = 0; i < animation_data_.size(); ++i) + for (int i = 0; i < animation_data_.size(); ++i) { animation_data_[i] = static_cast(i); + } return keyframe_animation_.AddKeyframes(draco::DT_FLOAT32, num_components, animation_data_); } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/node_animation_data.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/node_animation_data.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7799e33768 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/node_animation_data.h @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_ANIMATION_NODE_ANIMATION_DATA_H_ +#define DRACO_ANIMATION_NODE_ANIMATION_DATA_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include "draco/core/hash_utils.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" + +namespace draco { + +// This class is used to store information and data for animations that only +// affect the nodes. +// TODO(fgalligan): Think about changing the name of this class now that Skin +// is using it. +class NodeAnimationData { + public: + enum class Type { SCALAR, VEC3, VEC4, MAT4 }; + + NodeAnimationData() : type_(Type::SCALAR), count_(0), normalized_(false) {} + + void Copy(const NodeAnimationData &src) { + type_ = src.type_; + count_ = src.count_; + normalized_ = src.normalized_; + data_ = src.data_; + } + + Type type() const { return type_; } + int count() const { return count_; } + bool normalized() const { return normalized_; } + + std::vector *GetMutableData() { return &data_; } + const std::vector *GetData() const { return &data_; } + + void SetType(Type type) { type_ = type; } + void SetCount(int count) { count_ = count; } + void SetNormalized(bool normalized) { normalized_ = normalized; } + + int ComponentSize() const { return sizeof(float); } + int NumComponents() const { + switch (type_) { + case Type::SCALAR: + return 1; + case Type::VEC3: + return 3; + case Type::MAT4: + return 16; + default: + return 4; + } + } + + std::string TypeAsString() const { + switch (type_) { + case Type::SCALAR: + return "SCALAR"; + case Type::VEC3: + return "VEC3"; + case Type::MAT4: + return "MAT4"; + default: + return "VEC4"; + } + } + + bool operator==(const NodeAnimationData &nad) const { + return type_ == nad.type_ && count_ == nad.count_ && + normalized_ == nad.normalized_ && data_ == nad.data_; + } + + private: + Type type_; + int count_; + bool normalized_; + std::vector data_; +}; + +// Wrapper class for hashing NodeAnimationData. When using different containers, +// this class is preferable instead of copying the data in NodeAnimationData +// every time. +class NodeAnimationDataHash { + public: + NodeAnimationDataHash() = delete; + NodeAnimationDataHash &operator=(const NodeAnimationDataHash &) = delete; + NodeAnimationDataHash(NodeAnimationDataHash &&) = delete; + NodeAnimationDataHash &operator=(NodeAnimationDataHash &&) = delete; + + explicit NodeAnimationDataHash(const NodeAnimationData *nad) + : node_animation_data_(nad) { + hash_ = NodeAnimationDataHash::HashNodeAnimationData(*node_animation_data_); + } + + NodeAnimationDataHash(const NodeAnimationDataHash &nadh) { + node_animation_data_ = nadh.node_animation_data_; + hash_ = nadh.hash_; + } + + bool operator==(const NodeAnimationDataHash &nadh) const { + return *node_animation_data_ == *nadh.node_animation_data_; + } + + struct Hash { + size_t operator()(const NodeAnimationDataHash &nadh) const { + return nadh.hash_; + } + }; + + const NodeAnimationData *GetNodeAnimationData() { + return node_animation_data_; + } + + private: + // Returns a hash of |nad|. + static size_t HashNodeAnimationData(const NodeAnimationData &nad) { + size_t hash = 79; // Magic number. + hash = HashCombine(static_cast(nad.type()), hash); + hash = HashCombine(nad.count(), hash); + hash = HashCombine(nad.normalized(), hash); + const uint64_t data_hash = + FingerprintString(reinterpret_cast(nad.GetData()->data()), + nad.GetData()->size() * sizeof(float)); + hash = HashCombine(data_hash, hash); + return hash; + } + + const NodeAnimationData *node_animation_data_; + size_t hash_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_ANIMATION_NODE_ANIMATION_DATA_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/skin.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/skin.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f232978c23 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/skin.cc @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/animation/skin.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +void Skin::Copy(const Skin &s) { + inverse_bind_matrices_.Copy(s.GetInverseBindMatrices()); + joints_ = s.GetJoints(); + joint_root_index_ = s.GetJointRoot(); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/skin.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/skin.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81ca997eb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/animation/skin.h @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_ANIMATION_SKIN_H_ +#define DRACO_ANIMATION_SKIN_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include + +#include "draco/animation/node_animation_data.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" + +namespace draco { + +// This class is used to store information on animation skins. +class Skin { + public: + Skin() : joint_root_index_(-1) {} + + void Copy(const Skin &s); + + NodeAnimationData &GetInverseBindMatrices() { return inverse_bind_matrices_; } + const NodeAnimationData &GetInverseBindMatrices() const { + return inverse_bind_matrices_; + } + + int AddJoint(SceneNodeIndex index) { + joints_.push_back(index); + return joints_.size() - 1; + } + int NumJoints() const { return joints_.size(); } + SceneNodeIndex GetJoint(int index) const { return joints_[index]; } + SceneNodeIndex &GetJoint(int index) { return joints_[index]; } + const std::vector &GetJoints() const { return joints_; } + + void SetJointRoot(SceneNodeIndex index) { joint_root_index_ = index; } + SceneNodeIndex GetJointRoot() const { return joint_root_index_; } + + private: + NodeAnimationData inverse_bind_matrices_; + + // List of node indices that make up the joint hierarchy. + std::vector joints_; + SceneNodeIndex joint_root_index_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_ANIMATION_SKIN_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/attribute_transform.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/attribute_transform.cc index 174e6b8222..fb2ed18297 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/attribute_transform.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/attribute_transform.cc @@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ std::unique_ptr AttributeTransform::InitTransformedAttribute( const PointAttribute &src_attribute, int num_entries) { const int num_components = GetTransformedNumComponents(src_attribute); const DataType dt = GetTransformedDataType(src_attribute); - GeometryAttribute va; - va.Init(src_attribute.attribute_type(), nullptr, num_components, dt, false, + GeometryAttribute ga; + ga.Init(src_attribute.attribute_type(), nullptr, num_components, dt, false, num_components * DataTypeLength(dt), 0); - std::unique_ptr transformed_attribute(new PointAttribute(va)); + std::unique_ptr transformed_attribute(new PointAttribute(ga)); transformed_attribute->Reset(num_entries); transformed_attribute->SetIdentityMapping(); + transformed_attribute->set_unique_id(src_attribute.unique_id()); return transformed_attribute; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.cc index b624784261..141130f43d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.cc @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ GeometryAttribute::GeometryAttribute() unique_id_(0) {} void GeometryAttribute::Init(GeometryAttribute::Type attribute_type, - DataBuffer *buffer, int8_t num_components, + DataBuffer *buffer, uint8_t num_components, DataType data_type, bool normalized, int64_t byte_stride, int64_t byte_offset) { buffer_ = buffer; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h index f4d099b1bf..28f743fa06 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h @@ -15,12 +15,18 @@ #ifndef DRACO_ATTRIBUTES_GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_H_ #define DRACO_ATTRIBUTES_GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_H_ +#include #include +#include #include #include "draco/attributes/geometry_indices.h" #include "draco/core/data_buffer.h" #include "draco/core/hash_utils.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#endif namespace draco { @@ -51,6 +57,16 @@ class GeometryAttribute { // predefined use case. Such attributes are often used for a shader specific // data. GENERIC, +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // TODO(ostava): Adding a new attribute would be bit-stream change for GLTF. + // Older decoders wouldn't know what to do with this attribute type. This + // should be open-sourced only when we are ready to increase our bit-stream + // version. + TANGENT, + MATERIAL, + JOINTS, + WEIGHTS, +#endif // Total number of different attribute types. // Always keep behind all named attributes. NAMED_ATTRIBUTES_COUNT, @@ -58,7 +74,7 @@ class GeometryAttribute { GeometryAttribute(); // Initializes and enables the attribute. - void Init(Type attribute_type, DataBuffer *buffer, int8_t num_components, + void Init(Type attribute_type, DataBuffer *buffer, uint8_t num_components, DataType data_type, bool normalized, int64_t byte_stride, int64_t byte_offset); bool IsValid() const { return buffer_ != nullptr; } @@ -129,6 +145,17 @@ class GeometryAttribute { buffer_->Write(byte_pos, value, byte_stride()); } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Sets a value of an attribute entry. The input |value| must have + // |input_num_components| entries and it will be automatically converted to + // the internal format used by the geometry attribute. If the conversion is + // not possible, an error status will be returned. + template + Status ConvertAndSetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex avi, + int input_num_components, + const InputT *value); +#endif + // DEPRECATED: Use // ConvertValue(AttributeValueIndex att_id, // int out_num_components, @@ -233,10 +260,11 @@ class GeometryAttribute { // Returns the number of components that are stored for each entry. // For position attribute this is usually three (x,y,z), // while texture coordinates have two components (u,v). - int8_t num_components() const { return num_components_; } + uint8_t num_components() const { return num_components_; } // Indicates whether the data type should be normalized before interpretation, // that is, it should be divided by the max value of the data type. bool normalized() const { return normalized_; } + void set_normalized(bool normalized) { normalized_ = normalized; } // The buffer storing the entire data of the attribute. const DataBuffer *buffer() const { return buffer_; } // Returns the number of bytes between two attribute entries, this is, at @@ -260,7 +288,7 @@ class GeometryAttribute { // T is the stored attribute data type. // OutT is the desired data type of the attribute. template - bool ConvertTypedValue(AttributeValueIndex att_id, int8_t out_num_components, + bool ConvertTypedValue(AttributeValueIndex att_id, uint8_t out_num_components, OutT *out_value) const { const uint8_t *src_address = GetAddress(att_id); @@ -270,35 +298,132 @@ class GeometryAttribute { return false; } const T in_value = *reinterpret_cast(src_address); + if (!ConvertComponentValue(in_value, normalized_, + out_value + i)) { + return false; + } + src_address += sizeof(T); + } + // Fill empty data for unused output components if needed. + for (int i = num_components_; i < out_num_components; ++i) { + out_value[i] = static_cast(0); + } + return true; + } + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Function that converts input |value| from type T to the internal attribute + // representation defined by OutT and |num_components_|. + template + Status ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue(AttributeValueIndex avi, + int8_t input_num_components, + const T *value) { + uint8_t *address = GetAddress(avi); + + // Convert all components available in both the original and output formats. + for (int i = 0; i < num_components_; ++i) { + if (!IsAddressValid(address)) { + return ErrorStatus("GeometryAttribute: Invalid address."); + } + OutT *const out_value = reinterpret_cast(address); + if (i < input_num_components) { + if (!ConvertComponentValue(*(value + i), normalized_, + out_value)) { + return ErrorStatus( + "GeometryAttribute: Failed to convert component value."); + } + } else { + *out_value = static_cast(0); + } + address += sizeof(OutT); + } + return OkStatus(); + } +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED - // Make sure the in_value fits within the range of values that OutT + // Converts |in_value| of type T into |out_value| of type OutT. If + // |normalized| is true, any conversion between floating point and integer + // values will be treating integers as normalized types (the entire integer + // range will be used to represent 0-1 floating point range). + template + static bool ConvertComponentValue(const T &in_value, bool normalized, + OutT *out_value) { + // Make sure the |in_value| can be represented as an integral type OutT. + if (std::is_integral::value) { + // Make sure the |in_value| fits within the range of values that OutT // is able to represent. Perform the check only for integral types. - if (std::is_integral::value && std::is_integral::value) { + if (!std::is_same::value && std::is_integral::value) { static constexpr OutT kOutMin = - std::is_signed::value ? std::numeric_limits::lowest() : 0; + std::is_signed::value ? std::numeric_limits::min() : 0; if (in_value < kOutMin || in_value > std::numeric_limits::max()) { return false; } } - out_value[i] = static_cast(in_value); + // Check conversion of floating point |in_value| to integral value OutT. + if (std::is_floating_point::value) { + // Make sure the floating point |in_value| is not NaN and not Inf as + // integral type OutT is unable to represent these values. + if (sizeof(in_value) > sizeof(double)) { + if (std::isnan(static_cast(in_value)) || + std::isinf(static_cast(in_value))) { + return false; + } + } else if (sizeof(in_value) > sizeof(float)) { + if (std::isnan(static_cast(in_value)) || + std::isinf(static_cast(in_value))) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (std::isnan(static_cast(in_value)) || + std::isinf(static_cast(in_value))) { + return false; + } + } + + // Make sure the floating point |in_value| fits within the range of + // values that integral type OutT is able to represent. + if (in_value < std::numeric_limits::min() || + in_value >= std::numeric_limits::max()) { + return false; + } + } + } + + if (std::is_integral::value && std::is_floating_point::value && + normalized) { // When converting integer to floating point, normalize the value if // necessary. - if (std::is_integral::value && std::is_floating_point::value && - normalized_) { - out_value[i] /= static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max()); + *out_value = static_cast(in_value); + *out_value /= static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max()); + } else if (std::is_floating_point::value && + std::is_integral::value && normalized) { + // Converting from floating point to a normalized integer. + if (in_value > 1 || in_value < 0) { + // Normalized float values need to be between 0 and 1. + return false; } - // TODO(ostava): Add handling of normalized attributes when converting - // between different integer representations. If the attribute is - // normalized, integer values should be converted as if they represent 0-1 - // range. E.g. when we convert uint16 to uint8, the range <0, 2^16 - 1> - // should be converted to range <0, 2^8 - 1>. - src_address += sizeof(T); - } - // Fill empty data for unused output components if needed. - for (int i = num_components_; i < out_num_components; ++i) { - out_value[i] = static_cast(0); + // TODO(ostava): Consider allowing float to normalized integer conversion + // for 64-bit integer types. Currently it doesn't work because we don't + // have a floating point type that could store all 64 bit integers. + if (sizeof(OutT) > 4) { + return false; + } + // Expand the float to the range of the output integer and round it to the + // nearest representable value. Use doubles for the math to ensure the + // integer values are represented properly during the conversion process. + *out_value = static_cast(std::floor( + in_value * static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max()) + + 0.5)); + } else { + *out_value = static_cast(in_value); } + + // TODO(ostava): Add handling of normalized attributes when converting + // between different integer representations. If the attribute is + // normalized, integer values should be converted as if they represent 0-1 + // range. E.g. when we convert uint16 to uint8, the range <0, 2^16 - 1> + // should be converted to range <0, 2^8 - 1>. return true; } @@ -307,7 +432,7 @@ class GeometryAttribute { // attribute. The purpose is to detect if any changes happened to the buffer // since the time it was attached. DataBufferDescriptor buffer_descriptor_; - int8_t num_components_; + uint8_t num_components_; DataType data_type_; bool normalized_; int64_t byte_stride_; @@ -323,6 +448,54 @@ class GeometryAttribute { friend struct GeometryAttributeHasher; }; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +template +Status GeometryAttribute::ConvertAndSetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex avi, + int input_num_components, + const InputT *value) { + switch (this->data_type()) { + case DT_INT8: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_UINT8: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_INT16: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_UINT16: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_INT32: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_UINT32: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_INT64: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_UINT64: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_FLOAT32: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_FLOAT64: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + case DT_BOOL: + return ConvertAndSetAttributeTypedValue( + avi, input_num_components, value); + default: + break; + } + return ErrorStatus( + "GeometryAttribute::SetAndConvertAttributeValue: Unsupported " + "attribute type."); +} +#endif + // Hashing support // Function object for using Attribute as a hash key. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.cc index b28f860c15..e54ab54278 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.cc @@ -222,4 +222,47 @@ AttributeValueIndex::ValueType PointAttribute::DeduplicateFormattedValues( } #endif +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +void PointAttribute::RemoveUnusedValues() { + if (is_mapping_identity()) { + return; // For identity mapping, all values are always used. + } + // For explicit mapping we need to check if any point is mapped to a value. + // If not we can delete the value. + IndexTypeVector is_value_used(size(), false); + int num_used_values = 0; + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < indices_map_.size(); ++pi) { + const AttributeValueIndex avi = indices_map_[pi]; + if (!is_value_used[avi]) { + is_value_used[avi] = true; + num_used_values++; + } + } + if (num_used_values == size()) { + return; // All values are used. + } + + // Remap the values and update the point to value mapping. + IndexTypeVector + old_to_new_value_map(size(), kInvalidAttributeValueIndex); + AttributeValueIndex new_avi(0); + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < size(); ++avi) { + if (!is_value_used[avi]) { + continue; + } + if (avi != new_avi) { + SetAttributeValue(new_avi, GetAddress(avi)); + } + old_to_new_value_map[avi] = new_avi++; + } + + // Remap all points to the new attribute values. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < indices_map_.size(); ++pi) { + indices_map_[pi] = old_to_new_value_map[indices_map_[pi]]; + } + + num_unique_entries_ = num_used_values; +} +#endif + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.h index ee36620313..d55c50c8a5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/attributes/point_attribute.h @@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ class PointAttribute : public GeometryAttribute { return attribute_transform_data_.get(); } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Removes unused values from the attribute. Value is unused when no point + // is mapped to the value. Only applicable when the mapping is not identity. + void RemoveUnusedValues(); +#endif + private: #ifdef DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED template diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/attributes_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/attributes_encoder.cc index 797c62f30a..480e3ff343 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/attributes_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/attributes_encoder.cc @@ -15,14 +15,16 @@ #include "draco/compression/attributes/attributes_encoder.h" #include "draco/core/varint_encoding.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" namespace draco { AttributesEncoder::AttributesEncoder() : point_cloud_encoder_(nullptr), point_cloud_(nullptr) {} -AttributesEncoder::AttributesEncoder(int att_id) : AttributesEncoder() { - AddAttributeId(att_id); +AttributesEncoder::AttributesEncoder(int point_attrib_id) + : AttributesEncoder() { + AddAttributeId(point_attrib_id); } bool AttributesEncoder::Init(PointCloudEncoder *encoder, const PointCloud *pc) { @@ -37,7 +39,15 @@ bool AttributesEncoder::EncodeAttributesEncoderData(EncoderBuffer *out_buffer) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_attributes(); ++i) { const int32_t att_id = point_attribute_ids_[i]; const PointAttribute *const pa = point_cloud_->attribute(att_id); - out_buffer->Encode(static_cast(pa->attribute_type())); + GeometryAttribute::Type type = pa->attribute_type(); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Attribute types TANGENT, MATERIAL, JOINTS, and WEIGHTS are not supported + // in the official bitstream. They will be encoded as GENERIC. + if (type > GeometryAttribute::GENERIC) { + type = GeometryAttribute::GENERIC; + } +#endif + out_buffer->Encode(static_cast(type)); out_buffer->Encode(static_cast(pa->data_type())); out_buffer->Encode(static_cast(pa->num_components())); out_buffer->Encode(static_cast(pa->normalized())); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.cc index e4d53485d2..51c41cf7a2 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.cc @@ -72,16 +72,19 @@ class PointAttributeVectorOutputIterator { Self &operator*() { return *this; } // Still needed in some cases. - // TODO(hemmer): remove. + // TODO(b/199760123): Remove. // hardcoded to 3 based on legacy usage. const Self &operator=(const VectorD &val) { DRACO_DCHECK_EQ(attributes_.size(), 1); // Expect only ONE attribute. AttributeTuple &att = attributes_[0]; PointAttribute *attribute = std::get<0>(att); + const AttributeValueIndex avi = attribute->mapped_index(point_id_); + if (avi >= static_cast(attribute->size())) { + return *this; + } const uint32_t &offset = std::get<1>(att); DRACO_DCHECK_EQ(offset, 0); // expected to be zero - attribute->SetAttributeValue(attribute->mapped_index(point_id_), - &val[0] + offset); + attribute->SetAttributeValue(avi, &val[0] + offset); return *this; } // Additional operator taking std::vector as argument. @@ -89,6 +92,10 @@ class PointAttributeVectorOutputIterator { for (auto index = 0; index < attributes_.size(); index++) { AttributeTuple &att = attributes_[index]; PointAttribute *attribute = std::get<0>(att); + const AttributeValueIndex avi = attribute->mapped_index(point_id_); + if (avi >= static_cast(attribute->size())) { + return *this; + } const uint32_t &offset = std::get<1>(att); const uint32_t &data_size = std::get<3>(att); const uint32_t &num_components = std::get<4>(att); @@ -103,10 +110,6 @@ class PointAttributeVectorOutputIterator { // redirect to copied data data_source = reinterpret_cast(data_); } - const AttributeValueIndex avi = attribute->mapped_index(point_id_); - if (avi >= static_cast(attribute->size())) { - return *this; - } attribute->SetAttributeValue(avi, data_source); } return *this; @@ -195,54 +198,55 @@ bool KdTreeAttributesDecoder::DecodePortableAttributes( data_size, num_components); total_dimensionality += num_components; } - PointAttributeVectorOutputIterator out_it(atts); + typedef PointAttributeVectorOutputIterator OutIt; + OutIt out_it(atts); switch (compression_level) { case 0: { - DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder<0> decoder(total_dimensionality); - if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, out_it)) { + if (!DecodePoints<0, OutIt>(total_dimensionality, num_points, in_buffer, + &out_it)) { return false; } break; } case 1: { - DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder<1> decoder(total_dimensionality); - if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, out_it)) { + if (!DecodePoints<1, OutIt>(total_dimensionality, num_points, in_buffer, + &out_it)) { return false; } break; } case 2: { - DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder<2> decoder(total_dimensionality); - if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, out_it)) { + if (!DecodePoints<2, OutIt>(total_dimensionality, num_points, in_buffer, + &out_it)) { return false; } break; } case 3: { - DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder<3> decoder(total_dimensionality); - if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, out_it)) { + if (!DecodePoints<3, OutIt>(total_dimensionality, num_points, in_buffer, + &out_it)) { return false; } break; } case 4: { - DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder<4> decoder(total_dimensionality); - if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, out_it)) { + if (!DecodePoints<4, OutIt>(total_dimensionality, num_points, in_buffer, + &out_it)) { return false; } break; } case 5: { - DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder<5> decoder(total_dimensionality); - if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, out_it)) { + if (!DecodePoints<5, OutIt>(total_dimensionality, num_points, in_buffer, + &out_it)) { return false; } break; } case 6: { - DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder<6> decoder(total_dimensionality); - if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, out_it)) { + if (!DecodePoints<6, OutIt>(total_dimensionality, num_points, in_buffer, + &out_it)) { return false; } break; @@ -253,6 +257,19 @@ bool KdTreeAttributesDecoder::DecodePortableAttributes( return true; } +template +bool KdTreeAttributesDecoder::DecodePoints(int total_dimensionality, + int num_expected_points, + DecoderBuffer *in_buffer, + OutIteratorT *out_iterator) { + DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder decoder(total_dimensionality); + if (!decoder.DecodePoints(in_buffer, *out_iterator, num_expected_points) || + decoder.num_decoded_points() != num_expected_points) { + return false; + } + return true; +} + bool KdTreeAttributesDecoder::DecodeDataNeededByPortableTransforms( DecoderBuffer *in_buffer) { if (in_buffer->bitstream_version() >= DRACO_BITSTREAM_VERSION(2, 3)) { @@ -336,6 +353,10 @@ bool KdTreeAttributesDecoder::DecodeDataNeededByPortableTransforms( return false; } if (method == KdTreeAttributesEncodingMethod::kKdTreeQuantizationEncoding) { + // This method only supports one attribute with exactly three components. + if (atts.size() != 1 || std::get<4>(atts[0]) != 3) { + return false; + } uint8_t compression_level = 0; if (!in_buffer->Decode(&compression_level)) { return false; @@ -376,7 +397,7 @@ bool KdTreeAttributesDecoder::DecodeDataNeededByPortableTransforms( GetDecoder()->point_cloud()->attribute(att_id); attr->Reset(num_points); attr->SetIdentityMapping(); - }; + } PointAttributeVectorOutputIterator out_it(atts); @@ -455,7 +476,11 @@ bool KdTreeAttributesDecoder::TransformAttributeBackToSignedType( att->GetValue(avi, &unsigned_val[0]); for (int c = 0; c < att->num_components(); ++c) { // Up-cast |unsigned_val| to int32_t to ensure we don't overflow it for - // smaller data types. + // smaller data types. But first check that the up-casting does not cause + // signed integer overflow. + if (unsigned_val[c] > std::numeric_limits::max()) { + return false; + } signed_val[c] = static_cast( static_cast(unsigned_val[c]) + min_signed_values_[num_processed_signed_components + c]); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.h index 87338d6b0d..4af367a1a5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/kd_tree_attributes_decoder.h @@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ class KdTreeAttributesDecoder : public AttributesDecoder { bool TransformAttributesToOriginalFormat() override; private: + template + bool DecodePoints(int total_dimensionality, int num_expected_points, + DecoderBuffer *in_buffer, OutIteratorT *out_iterator); + template bool TransformAttributeBackToSignedType(PointAttribute *att, int num_processed_signed_components); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/normal_compression_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/normal_compression_utils.h index 8a6f25b669..b717d0dbef 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/normal_compression_utils.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/normal_compression_utils.h @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class OctahedronToolBox { return false; } quantization_bits_ = q; - max_quantized_value_ = (1 << quantization_bits_) - 1; + max_quantized_value_ = (1u << quantization_bits_) - 1; max_value_ = max_quantized_value_ - 1; dequantization_scale_ = 2.f / max_value_; center_value_ = max_value_ / 2; @@ -208,7 +208,9 @@ class OctahedronToolBox { DRACO_DCHECK_LE(t, center_value_); DRACO_DCHECK_GE(s, -center_value_); DRACO_DCHECK_GE(t, -center_value_); - return std::abs(s) + std::abs(t) <= center_value_; + const uint32_t st = + static_cast(std::abs(s)) + static_cast(std::abs(t)); + return st <= center_value_; } void InvertDiamond(int32_t *s, int32_t *t) const { @@ -230,19 +232,29 @@ class OctahedronToolBox { sign_t = (*t > 0) ? 1 : -1; } - const int32_t corner_point_s = sign_s * center_value_; - const int32_t corner_point_t = sign_t * center_value_; - *s = 2 * *s - corner_point_s; - *t = 2 * *t - corner_point_t; + // Perform the addition and subtraction using unsigned integers to avoid + // signed integer overflows for bad data. Note that the result will be + // unchanged for non-overflowing cases. + const uint32_t corner_point_s = sign_s * center_value_; + const uint32_t corner_point_t = sign_t * center_value_; + uint32_t us = *s; + uint32_t ut = *t; + us = us + us - corner_point_s; + ut = ut + ut - corner_point_t; if (sign_s * sign_t >= 0) { - int32_t temp = *s; - *s = -*t; - *t = -temp; + uint32_t temp = us; + us = -ut; + ut = -temp; } else { - std::swap(*s, *t); + std::swap(us, ut); } - *s = (*s + corner_point_s) / 2; - *t = (*t + corner_point_t) / 2; + us = us + corner_point_s; + ut = ut + corner_point_t; + + *s = us; + *t = ut; + *s /= 2; + *t /= 2; } void InvertDirection(int32_t *s, int32_t *t) const { @@ -318,7 +330,7 @@ class OctahedronToolBox { // Remaining coordinate can be computed by projecting the (y, z) values onto // the surface of the octahedron. - const float x = 1.f - abs(y) - abs(z); + const float x = 1.f - std::abs(y) - std::abs(z); // |x| is essentially a signed distance from the diagonal edges of the // diamond shown on the figure above. It is positive for all points in the diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/point_d_vector.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/point_d_vector.h index 3b115d500c..6ceb454ae0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/point_d_vector.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/point_d_vector.h @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ #ifndef DRACO_COMPRESSION_ATTRIBUTES_POINT_D_VECTOR_H_ #define DRACO_COMPRESSION_ATTRIBUTES_POINT_D_VECTOR_H_ +#include #include +#include #include #include @@ -99,11 +101,17 @@ class PointDVector { data_(n_items * dimensionality), data0_(data_.data()) {} // random access iterator - class PointDVectorIterator - : public std::iterator { + class PointDVectorIterator { friend class PointDVector; public: + // Iterator traits expected by std libraries. + using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag; + using value_type = size_t; + using difference_type = size_t; + using pointer = PointDVector *; + using reference = PointDVector &; + // std::iter_swap is called inside of std::partition and needs this // specialized support PseudoPointD operator*() const { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h index 36c124baa8..17899d0540 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ #include "draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_decoder.h" #include "draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_parallelogram_shared.h" #include "draco/compression/bit_coders/rans_bit_decoder.h" +#include "draco/core/math_utils.h" #include "draco/core/varint_decoding.h" #include "draco/draco_features.h" @@ -161,7 +162,8 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeConstrainedMultiParallelogramDecoder< if (!is_crease) { ++num_used_parallelograms; for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { - multi_pred_vals[j] += pred_vals[i][j]; + multi_pred_vals[j] = + AddAsUnsigned(multi_pred_vals[j], pred_vals[i][j]); } } } @@ -210,6 +212,9 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeConstrainedMultiParallelogramDecoder< if (!DecodeVarint(&num_flags, buffer)) { return false; } + if (num_flags > this->mesh_data().corner_table()->num_corners()) { + return false; + } if (num_flags > 0) { is_crease_edge_[i].resize(num_flags); RAnsBitDecoder decoder; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_encoder.h index 77df8ee24f..736598b156 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_constrained_multi_parallelogram_encoder.h @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeConstrainedMultiParallelogramEncoder< RAnsBitEncoder encoder; encoder.StartEncoding(); // Encode the crease edge flags in the reverse vertex order that is needed - // be the decoder. Note that for the currently supported mode, each vertex + // by the decoder. Note that for the currently supported mode, each vertex // has exactly |num_used_parallelograms| edges that need to be encoded. for (int j = static_cast(is_crease_edge_[i].size()) - num_used_parallelograms; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h index fc82e0a8f7..9825c72619 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_multi_parallelogram_decoder.h @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ #include "draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_decoder.h" #include "draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_parallelogram_shared.h" +#include "draco/core/math_utils.h" #include "draco/draco_features.h" namespace draco { @@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeMultiParallelogramDecoder(data[data_offset + 1])); } - void ComputePredictedValue(CornerIndex corner_id, const DataTypeT *data, + bool ComputePredictedValue(CornerIndex corner_id, const DataTypeT *data, int data_id); private: @@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: ComputeOriginalValues(const CorrType *in_corr, DataTypeT *out_data, int /* size */, int num_components, const PointIndex *entry_to_point_id_map) { + if (num_components != 2) { + // Corrupt/malformed input. Two output components are req'd. + return false; + } num_components_ = num_components; entry_to_point_id_map_ = entry_to_point_id_map; predicted_value_ = @@ -133,7 +137,9 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: static_cast(this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->size()); for (int p = 0; p < corner_map_size; ++p) { const CornerIndex corner_id = this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->at(p); - ComputePredictedValue(corner_id, out_data, p); + if (!ComputePredictedValue(corner_id, out_data, p)) { + return false; + } const int dst_offset = p * num_components; this->transform().ComputeOriginalValue( @@ -159,6 +165,11 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: if (num_orientations == 0) { return false; } + if (num_orientations > this->mesh_data().corner_table()->num_corners()) { + // We can't have more orientations than the maximum number of decoded + // values. + return false; + } orientations_.resize(num_orientations); bool last_orientation = true; RAnsBitDecoder decoder; @@ -177,7 +188,7 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: } template -void MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: +bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: ComputePredictedValue(CornerIndex corner_id, const DataTypeT *data, int data_id) { // Compute the predicted UV coordinate from the positions on all corners @@ -206,9 +217,17 @@ void MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: const Vector2f p_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(prev_data_id, data); if (p_uv == n_uv) { // We cannot do a reliable prediction on degenerated UV triangles. - predicted_value_[0] = static_cast(p_uv[0]); - predicted_value_[1] = static_cast(p_uv[1]); - return; + // Technically floats > INT_MAX are undefined, but compilers will + // convert those values to INT_MIN. We are being explicit here for asan. + for (const int i : {0, 1}) { + if (std::isnan(p_uv[i]) || static_cast(p_uv[i]) > INT_MAX || + static_cast(p_uv[i]) < INT_MIN) { + predicted_value_[i] = INT_MIN; + } else { + predicted_value_[i] = static_cast(p_uv[i]); + } + } + return true; } // Get positions at all corners. @@ -282,32 +301,40 @@ void MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: const float pnvs = pn_uv[1] * s + n_uv[1]; const float pnvt = pn_uv[1] * t; Vector2f predicted_uv; + if (orientations_.empty()) { + return false; + } // When decoding the data, we already know which orientation to use. const bool orientation = orientations_.back(); orientations_.pop_back(); - if (orientation) + if (orientation) { predicted_uv = Vector2f(pnus - pnvt, pnvs + pnut); - else + } else { predicted_uv = Vector2f(pnus + pnvt, pnvs - pnut); - + } if (std::is_integral::value) { // Round the predicted value for integer types. - if (std::isnan(predicted_uv[0])) { + // Technically floats > INT_MAX are undefined, but compilers will + // convert those values to INT_MIN. We are being explicit here for asan. + const double u = floor(predicted_uv[0] + 0.5); + if (std::isnan(u) || u > INT_MAX || u < INT_MIN) { predicted_value_[0] = INT_MIN; } else { - predicted_value_[0] = static_cast(floor(predicted_uv[0] + 0.5)); + predicted_value_[0] = static_cast(u); } - if (std::isnan(predicted_uv[1])) { + const double v = floor(predicted_uv[1] + 0.5); + if (std::isnan(v) || v > INT_MAX || v < INT_MIN) { predicted_value_[1] = INT_MIN; } else { - predicted_value_[1] = static_cast(floor(predicted_uv[1] + 0.5)); + predicted_value_[1] = static_cast(v); } } else { predicted_value_[0] = static_cast(predicted_uv[0]); predicted_value_[1] = static_cast(predicted_uv[1]); } - return; + + return true; } // Else we don't have available textures on both corners. For such case we // can't use positions for predicting the uv value and we resort to delta @@ -330,12 +357,13 @@ void MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsDecoder:: for (int i = 0; i < num_components_; ++i) { predicted_value_[i] = 0; } - return; + return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < num_components_; ++i) { predicted_value_[i] = data[data_offset + i]; } + return true; } } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_encoder.h index 741ec66dc2..44fcc7a6a2 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_encoder.h @@ -98,7 +98,10 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortableEncoder(this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->size() - 1); p >= 0; --p) { const CornerIndex corner_id = this->mesh_data().data_to_corner_map()->at(p); - predictor_.template ComputePredictedValue(corner_id, in_data, p); + if (!predictor_.template ComputePredictedValue(corner_id, in_data, + p)) { + return false; + } const int dst_offset = p * num_components; this->transform().ComputeCorrection(in_data + dst_offset, diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_predictor.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_predictor.h index f05e5ddd71..26262fb138 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_predictor.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/mesh_prediction_scheme_tex_coords_portable_predictor.h @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ #include +#include +#include + #include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h" #include "draco/core/math_utils.h" #include "draco/core/vector_d.h" @@ -105,10 +108,14 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor< next_data_id = mesh_data_.vertex_to_data_map()->at(next_vert_id); prev_data_id = mesh_data_.vertex_to_data_map()->at(prev_vert_id); + typedef VectorD Vec2; + typedef VectorD Vec3; + typedef VectorD Vec2u; + if (prev_data_id < data_id && next_data_id < data_id) { // Both other corners have available UV coordinates for prediction. - const VectorD n_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(next_data_id, data); - const VectorD p_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(prev_data_id, data); + const Vec2 n_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(next_data_id, data); + const Vec2 p_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(prev_data_id, data); if (p_uv == n_uv) { // We cannot do a reliable prediction on degenerated UV triangles. predicted_value_[0] = p_uv[0]; @@ -117,9 +124,9 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor< } // Get positions at all corners. - const VectorD tip_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(data_id); - const VectorD next_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(next_data_id); - const VectorD prev_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(prev_data_id); + const Vec3 tip_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(data_id); + const Vec3 next_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(next_data_id); + const Vec3 prev_pos = GetPositionForEntryId(prev_data_id); // We use the positions of the above triangle to predict the texture // coordinate on the tip corner C. // To convert the triangle into the UV coordinate system we first compute @@ -135,17 +142,17 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor< // Where next_pos is point (N), prev_pos is point (P) and tip_pos is the // position of predicted coordinate (C). // - const VectorD pn = prev_pos - next_pos; + const Vec3 pn = prev_pos - next_pos; const uint64_t pn_norm2_squared = pn.SquaredNorm(); if (pn_norm2_squared != 0) { // Compute the projection of C onto PN by computing dot product of CN with // PN and normalizing it by length of PN. This gives us a factor |s| where // |s = PN.Dot(CN) / PN.SquaredNorm2()|. This factor can be used to // compute X in UV space |X_UV| as |X_UV = N_UV + s * PN_UV|. - const VectorD cn = tip_pos - next_pos; + const Vec3 cn = tip_pos - next_pos; const int64_t cn_dot_pn = pn.Dot(cn); - const VectorD pn_uv = p_uv - n_uv; + const Vec2 pn_uv = p_uv - n_uv; // Because we perform all computations with integers, we don't explicitly // compute the normalized factor |s|, but rather we perform all operations // over UV vectors in a non-normalized coordinate system scaled with a @@ -153,19 +160,30 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor< // // x_uv = X_UV * PN.Norm2Squared() // - const VectorD x_uv = - n_uv * pn_norm2_squared + (cn_dot_pn * pn_uv); - + const int64_t n_uv_absmax_element = + std::max(std::abs(n_uv[0]), std::abs(n_uv[1])); + if (n_uv_absmax_element > + std::numeric_limits::max() / pn_norm2_squared) { + // Return false if the below multiplication would overflow. + return false; + } + const int64_t pn_uv_absmax_element = + std::max(std::abs(pn_uv[0]), std::abs(pn_uv[1])); + if (cn_dot_pn > + std::numeric_limits::max() / pn_uv_absmax_element) { + // Return false if squared length calculation would overflow. + return false; + } + const Vec2 x_uv = n_uv * pn_norm2_squared + (cn_dot_pn * pn_uv); const int64_t pn_absmax_element = std::max(std::max(std::abs(pn[0]), std::abs(pn[1])), std::abs(pn[2])); if (cn_dot_pn > std::numeric_limits::max() / pn_absmax_element) { - // return false if squared length calculation would overflow. + // Return false if squared length calculation would overflow. return false; } // Compute squared length of vector CX in position coordinate system: - const VectorD x_pos = - next_pos + (cn_dot_pn * pn) / pn_norm2_squared; + const Vec3 x_pos = next_pos + (cn_dot_pn * pn) / pn_norm2_squared; const uint64_t cx_norm2_squared = (tip_pos - x_pos).SquaredNorm(); // Compute vector CX_UV in the uv space by rotating vector PN_UV by 90 @@ -182,7 +200,7 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor< // // cx_uv = CX.Norm2() * PN.Norm2() * Rot(PN_UV) // - VectorD cx_uv(pn_uv[1], -pn_uv[0]); // Rotated PN_UV. + Vec2 cx_uv(pn_uv[1], -pn_uv[0]); // Rotated PN_UV. // Compute CX.Norm2() * PN.Norm2() const uint64_t norm_squared = IntSqrt(cx_norm2_squared * pn_norm2_squared); @@ -191,17 +209,15 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor< // Predicted uv coordinate is then computed by either adding or // subtracting CX_UV to/from X_UV. - VectorD predicted_uv; + Vec2 predicted_uv; if (is_encoder_t) { // When encoding, compute both possible vectors and determine which one // results in a better prediction. // Both vectors need to be transformed back from the scaled space to // the real UV coordinate space. - const VectorD predicted_uv_0((x_uv + cx_uv) / - pn_norm2_squared); - const VectorD predicted_uv_1((x_uv - cx_uv) / - pn_norm2_squared); - const VectorD c_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(data_id, data); + const Vec2 predicted_uv_0((x_uv + cx_uv) / pn_norm2_squared); + const Vec2 predicted_uv_1((x_uv - cx_uv) / pn_norm2_squared); + const Vec2 c_uv = GetTexCoordForEntryId(data_id, data); if ((c_uv - predicted_uv_0).SquaredNorm() < (c_uv - predicted_uv_1).SquaredNorm()) { predicted_uv = predicted_uv_0; @@ -217,10 +233,12 @@ bool MeshPredictionSchemeTexCoordsPortablePredictor< } const bool orientation = orientations_.back(); orientations_.pop_back(); + // Perform operations in unsigned type to avoid signed integer overflow. + // Note that the result will be the same (for non-overflowing values). if (orientation) { - predicted_uv = (x_uv + cx_uv) / pn_norm2_squared; + predicted_uv = Vec2(Vec2u(x_uv) + Vec2u(cx_uv)) / pn_norm2_squared; } else { - predicted_uv = (x_uv - cx_uv) / pn_norm2_squared; + predicted_uv = Vec2(Vec2u(x_uv) - Vec2u(cx_uv)) / pn_norm2_squared; } } predicted_value_[0] = static_cast(predicted_uv[0]); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.cc index f410a6cd2c..2338f2f760 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.cc @@ -18,22 +18,58 @@ namespace draco { PredictionSchemeMethod SelectPredictionMethod( int att_id, const PointCloudEncoder *encoder) { - if (encoder->options()->GetSpeed() >= 10) { + return SelectPredictionMethod(att_id, *encoder->options(), encoder); +} + +PredictionSchemeMethod SelectPredictionMethod( + int att_id, const EncoderOptions &options, + const PointCloudEncoder *encoder) { + if (options.GetSpeed() >= 10) { // Selected fastest, though still doing some compression. return PREDICTION_DIFFERENCE; } if (encoder->GetGeometryType() == TRIANGULAR_MESH) { // Use speed setting to select the best encoding method. + const int att_quant = + options.GetAttributeInt(att_id, "quantization_bits", -1); const PointAttribute *const att = encoder->point_cloud()->attribute(att_id); - if (att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD) { - if (encoder->options()->GetSpeed() < 4) { + if (att_quant != -1 && + att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD && + att->num_components() == 2) { + // Texture coordinate predictor needs a position attribute that is either + // integer or quantized. For numerical reasons, we require the position + // quantization to be at most 21 bits and the 2*position_quantization + + // uv_quantization < 64 (TODO(b/231259902)). + const PointAttribute *const pos_att = + encoder->point_cloud()->GetNamedAttribute( + GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + bool is_pos_att_valid = false; + if (pos_att) { + if (IsDataTypeIntegral(pos_att->data_type())) { + is_pos_att_valid = true; + } else { + // Check quantization of the position attribute. + const int pos_att_id = encoder->point_cloud()->GetNamedAttributeId( + GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + const int pos_quant = + options.GetAttributeInt(pos_att_id, "quantization_bits", -1); + // Must be quantized but the quantization is restricted to 21 bits and + // 2*|pos_quant|+|att_quant| must be smaller than 64 bits. + if (pos_quant > 0 && pos_quant <= 21 && + 2 * pos_quant + att_quant < 64) { + is_pos_att_valid = true; + } + } + } + + if (is_pos_att_valid && options.GetSpeed() < 4) { // Use texture coordinate prediction for speeds 0, 1, 2, 3. return MESH_PREDICTION_TEX_COORDS_PORTABLE; } } if (att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::NORMAL) { #ifdef DRACO_NORMAL_ENCODING_SUPPORTED - if (encoder->options()->GetSpeed() < 4) { + if (options.GetSpeed() < 4) { // Use geometric normal prediction for speeds 0, 1, 2, 3. // For this prediction, the position attribute needs to be either // integer or quantized as well. @@ -43,8 +79,8 @@ PredictionSchemeMethod SelectPredictionMethod( encoder->point_cloud()->GetNamedAttribute( GeometryAttribute::POSITION); if (pos_att && (IsDataTypeIntegral(pos_att->data_type()) || - encoder->options()->GetAttributeInt( - pos_att_id, "quantization_bits", -1) > 0)) { + options.GetAttributeInt(pos_att_id, "quantization_bits", + -1) > 0)) { return MESH_PREDICTION_GEOMETRIC_NORMAL; } } @@ -52,11 +88,10 @@ PredictionSchemeMethod SelectPredictionMethod( return PREDICTION_DIFFERENCE; // default } // Handle other attribute types. - if (encoder->options()->GetSpeed() >= 8) { + if (options.GetSpeed() >= 8) { return PREDICTION_DIFFERENCE; } - if (encoder->options()->GetSpeed() >= 2 || - encoder->point_cloud()->num_points() < 40) { + if (options.GetSpeed() >= 2 || encoder->point_cloud()->num_points() < 40) { // Parallelogram prediction is used for speeds 2 - 7 or when the overhead // of using constrained multi-parallelogram would be too high. return MESH_PREDICTION_PARALLELOGRAM; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.h index 40a7683aa0..11db5a62e5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_encoder_factory.h @@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ namespace draco { PredictionSchemeMethod SelectPredictionMethod(int att_id, const PointCloudEncoder *encoder); +PredictionSchemeMethod SelectPredictionMethod(int att_id, + const EncoderOptions &options, + const PointCloudEncoder *encoder); + // Factory class for creating mesh prediction schemes. template struct MeshPredictionSchemeEncoderFactory { @@ -97,10 +101,11 @@ CreatePredictionSchemeForEncoder(PredictionSchemeMethod method, int att_id, // template nature of the prediction schemes). const MeshEncoder *const mesh_encoder = static_cast(encoder); + const uint16_t bitstream_version = kDracoMeshBitstreamVersion; auto ret = CreateMeshPredictionScheme< MeshEncoder, PredictionSchemeEncoder, MeshPredictionSchemeEncoderFactory>( - mesh_encoder, method, att_id, transform, kDracoMeshBitstreamVersion); + mesh_encoder, method, att_id, transform, bitstream_version); if (ret) { return ret; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_decoding_transform.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_decoding_transform.h index 5a6c7c2dd4..e9e345343d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_decoding_transform.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_decoding_transform.h @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ #include "draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_transform_base.h" #include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h" #include "draco/core/macros.h" +#include "draco/core/math_utils.h" #include "draco/core/vector_d.h" namespace draco { @@ -98,9 +99,8 @@ class PredictionSchemeNormalOctahedronCanonicalizedDecodingTransform if (!pred_is_in_bottom_left) { pred = this->RotatePoint(pred, rotation_count); } - Point2 orig = pred + corr; - orig[0] = this->ModMax(orig[0]); - orig[1] = this->ModMax(orig[1]); + Point2 orig(this->ModMax(AddAsUnsigned(pred[0], corr[0])), + this->ModMax(AddAsUnsigned(pred[1], corr[1]))); if (!pred_is_in_bottom_left) { const int32_t reverse_rotation_count = (4 - rotation_count) % 4; orig = this->RotatePoint(orig, reverse_rotation_count); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_transform_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_transform_test.cc index 8c8932f77c..298758d8c4 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_transform_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_canonicalized_transform_test.cc @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ class PredictionSchemeNormalOctahedronCanonicalizedTransformTest Transform; typedef Transform::Point2 Point2; - void TestComputeCorrection(const Transform &transform, const int32_t &ox, - const int32_t &oy, const int32_t &px, - const int32_t &py, const int32_t &cx, - const int32_t &cy) { + void TestComputeCorrection(const Transform &transform, const int32_t ox, + const int32_t oy, const int32_t px, + const int32_t py, const int32_t cx, + const int32_t cy) { const int32_t o[2] = {ox + 7, oy + 7}; const int32_t p[2] = {px + 7, py + 7}; int32_t corr[2] = {500, 500}; @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class PredictionSchemeNormalOctahedronCanonicalizedTransformTest } void TestGetRotationCount(const Transform &transform, const Point2 &pred, - const int32_t &rot_dir) { + const int32_t rot_dir) { const int32_t rotation_count = transform.GetRotationCount(pred); ASSERT_EQ(rot_dir, rotation_count); } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_decoding_transform.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_decoding_transform.h index a1bc4a327a..d3705c8ade 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_decoding_transform.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_decoding_transform.h @@ -80,19 +80,31 @@ class PredictionSchemeNormalOctahedronDecodingTransform private: Point2 ComputeOriginalValue(Point2 pred, const Point2 &corr) const { const Point2 t(this->center_value(), this->center_value()); - pred = pred - t; + typedef typename std::make_unsigned::type UnsignedDataTypeT; + typedef VectorD Point2u; + + // Perform the addition in unsigned type to avoid signed integer overflow. + // Note that the result will be the same (for non-overflowing values). + pred = Point2(Point2u(pred) - Point2u(t)); const bool pred_is_in_diamond = this->IsInDiamond(pred[0], pred[1]); if (!pred_is_in_diamond) { this->InvertDiamond(&pred[0], &pred[1]); } - Point2 orig = pred + corr; + + // Perform the addition in unsigned type to avoid signed integer overflow. + // Note that the result will be the same (for non-overflowing values). + Point2 orig(Point2u(pred) + Point2u(corr)); + orig[0] = this->ModMax(orig[0]); orig[1] = this->ModMax(orig[1]); if (!pred_is_in_diamond) { this->InvertDiamond(&orig[0], &orig[1]); } - orig = orig + t; + + // Perform the addition in unsigned type to avoid signed integer overflow. + // Note that the result will be the same (for non-overflowing values). + orig = Point2(Point2u(orig) + Point2u(t)); return orig; } }; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_transform_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_transform_test.cc index 1001b19fa5..1403973c48 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_transform_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_normal_octahedron_transform_test.cc @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ class PredictionSchemeNormalOctahedronTransformTest : public ::testing::Test { Transform; typedef Transform::Point2 Point2; - void TestComputeCorrection(const Transform &transform, const int32_t &ox, - const int32_t &oy, const int32_t &px, - const int32_t &py, const int32_t &cx, - const int32_t &cy) { + void TestComputeCorrection(const Transform &transform, const int32_t ox, + const int32_t oy, const int32_t px, + const int32_t py, const int32_t cx, + const int32_t cy) { const int32_t o[2] = {ox + 7, oy + 7}; const int32_t p[2] = {px + 7, py + 7}; int32_t corr[2] = {500, 500}; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_transform_base.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_transform_base.h index 26f61fbaf6..bba3de09c3 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_transform_base.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/prediction_schemes/prediction_scheme_wrap_transform_base.h @@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ class PredictionSchemeWrapTransformBase { clamped_value_[i] = predicted_val[i]; } } - return &clamped_value_[0]; + return clamped_value_.data(); } - // TODO(hemmer): Consider refactoring to avoid this dummy. + // TODO(b/199760123): Consider refactoring to avoid this dummy. int quantization_bits() const { DRACO_DCHECK(false); return -1; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_decoder.cc index 83f42125a5..17f32fc161 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_decoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_decoder.cc @@ -148,8 +148,9 @@ bool SequentialIntegerAttributeDecoder::DecodeIntegerValues( return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) { - if (!in_buffer->Decode(portable_attribute_data + i, num_bytes)) + if (!in_buffer->Decode(portable_attribute_data + i, num_bytes)) { return false; + } } } } @@ -228,12 +229,13 @@ void SequentialIntegerAttributeDecoder::StoreTypedValues(uint32_t num_values) { void SequentialIntegerAttributeDecoder::PreparePortableAttribute( int num_entries, int num_components) { - GeometryAttribute va; - va.Init(attribute()->attribute_type(), nullptr, num_components, DT_INT32, + GeometryAttribute ga; + ga.Init(attribute()->attribute_type(), nullptr, num_components, DT_INT32, false, num_components * DataTypeLength(DT_INT32), 0); - std::unique_ptr port_att(new PointAttribute(va)); + std::unique_ptr port_att(new PointAttribute(ga)); port_att->SetIdentityMapping(); port_att->Reset(num_entries); + port_att->set_unique_id(attribute()->unique_id()); SetPortableAttribute(std::move(port_att)); } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_encoder.cc index e66a0a8a40..5f673be422 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_integer_attribute_encoder.cc @@ -138,9 +138,11 @@ bool SequentialIntegerAttributeEncoder::EncodeValues( // All integer values are initialized. Process them using the prediction // scheme if we have one. if (prediction_scheme_) { - prediction_scheme_->ComputeCorrectionValues( - portable_attribute_data, &encoded_data[0], num_values, num_components, - point_ids.data()); + if (!prediction_scheme_->ComputeCorrectionValues( + portable_attribute_data, &encoded_data[0], num_values, + num_components, point_ids.data())) { + return false; + } } if (prediction_scheme_ == nullptr || diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_normal_attribute_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_normal_attribute_encoder.cc index 2e20e89e66..3c5ef0ebcb 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_normal_attribute_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/attributes/sequential_normal_attribute_encoder.cc @@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ namespace draco { bool SequentialNormalAttributeEncoder::Init(PointCloudEncoder *encoder, int attribute_id) { - if (!SequentialIntegerAttributeEncoder::Init(encoder, attribute_id)) + if (!SequentialIntegerAttributeEncoder::Init(encoder, attribute_id)) { return false; + } // Currently this encoder works only for 3-component normal vectors. if (attribute()->num_components() != 3) { return false; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/bit_coders/direct_bit_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/bit_coders/direct_bit_decoder.h index b9fbc2d6fe..6273692a21 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/bit_coders/direct_bit_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/bit_coders/direct_bit_decoder.h @@ -47,14 +47,13 @@ class DirectBitDecoder { // Decode the next |nbits| and return the sequence in |value|. |nbits| must be // > 0 and <= 32. - void DecodeLeastSignificantBits32(int nbits, uint32_t *value) { + bool DecodeLeastSignificantBits32(int nbits, uint32_t *value) { DRACO_DCHECK_EQ(true, nbits <= 32); DRACO_DCHECK_EQ(true, nbits > 0); const int remaining = 32 - num_used_bits_; if (nbits <= remaining) { if (pos_ == bits_.end()) { - *value = 0; - return; + return false; } *value = (*pos_ << num_used_bits_) >> (32 - nbits); num_used_bits_ += nbits; @@ -64,8 +63,7 @@ class DirectBitDecoder { } } else { if (pos_ + 1 == bits_.end()) { - *value = 0; - return; + return false; } const uint32_t value_l = ((*pos_) << num_used_bits_); num_used_bits_ = nbits - remaining; @@ -73,6 +71,7 @@ class DirectBitDecoder { const uint32_t value_r = (*pos_) >> (32 - num_used_bits_); *value = (value_l >> (32 - num_used_bits_ - remaining)) | value_r; } + return true; } void EndDecoding() {} diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/config/encoder_options.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/config/encoder_options.h index ed1b020683..e8a55bbba5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/config/encoder_options.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/config/encoder_options.h @@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ class EncoderOptionsBase : public DracoOptions { this->SetGlobalInt("encoding_speed", encoding_speed); this->SetGlobalInt("decoding_speed", decoding_speed); } + bool IsSpeedSet() const { + return this->IsGlobalOptionSet("encoding_speed") || + this->IsGlobalOptionSet("decoding_speed"); + } // Sets a given feature as supported or unsupported by the target decoder. // Encoder will always use only supported features when encoding the input diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/decode_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/decode_test.cc index 1987146903..8f3e7f4e98 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/decode_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/decode_test.cc @@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ #include #include +#include "draco/compression/encode.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" #include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/obj_encoder.h" namespace { @@ -166,4 +168,78 @@ TEST_F(DecodeTest, TestSkipAttributeTransformWithNoQuantization) { ASSERT_EQ(pos_att->GetAttributeTransformData(), nullptr); } +TEST_F(DecodeTest, TestSkipAttributeTransformUniqueId) { + // Tests that decoders preserve unique id of attributes even when their + // attribute transforms are skipped. + const std::string file_name = "cube_att.obj"; + auto src_mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name); + ASSERT_NE(src_mesh, nullptr); + + constexpr int kPosUniqueId = 7; + constexpr int kNormUniqueId = 42; + // Set unique ids for some of the attributes. + src_mesh + ->attribute( + src_mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION)) + ->set_unique_id(kPosUniqueId); + src_mesh + ->attribute( + src_mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL)) + ->set_unique_id(kNormUniqueId); + + draco::EncoderBuffer encoder_buffer; + draco::Encoder encoder; + encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 10); + encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, 11); + encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*src_mesh, &encoder_buffer); + + // Create a draco decoding buffer. + draco::DecoderBuffer buffer; + buffer.Init(encoder_buffer.data(), encoder_buffer.size()); + + // First we decode the mesh without skipping the attribute transforms. + draco::Decoder decoder_no_skip; + std::unique_ptr mesh_no_skip = + decoder_no_skip.DecodeMeshFromBuffer(&buffer).value(); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_no_skip, nullptr); + + // Now we decode it again while skipping some attributes. + draco::Decoder decoder_skip; + // Make sure we skip dequantization for the position and normal attribute. + decoder_skip.SetSkipAttributeTransform(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + decoder_skip.SetSkipAttributeTransform(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL); + + // Decode the input data into a geometry. + buffer.Init(encoder_buffer.data(), encoder_buffer.size()); + std::unique_ptr mesh_skip = + decoder_skip.DecodeMeshFromBuffer(&buffer).value(); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_skip, nullptr); + + // Compare the unique ids. + const draco::PointAttribute *const pos_att_no_skip = + mesh_no_skip->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att_no_skip, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(pos_att_no_skip->data_type(), draco::DataType::DT_FLOAT32); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const pos_att_skip = + mesh_skip->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att_skip, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(pos_att_skip->data_type(), draco::DataType::DT_INT32); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const norm_att_no_skip = + mesh_no_skip->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL); + ASSERT_NE(norm_att_no_skip, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(norm_att_no_skip->data_type(), draco::DataType::DT_FLOAT32); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const norm_att_skip = + mesh_skip->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL); + ASSERT_NE(norm_att_skip, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(norm_att_skip->data_type(), draco::DataType::DT_INT32); + + ASSERT_EQ(pos_att_skip->unique_id(), pos_att_no_skip->unique_id()); + ASSERT_EQ(norm_att_skip->unique_id(), norm_att_no_skip->unique_id()); + std::cout << pos_att_skip->unique_id() << " " << norm_att_skip->unique_id() + << std::endl; +} + } // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08171c6789 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options.cc @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +SpatialQuantizationOptions::SpatialQuantizationOptions(int quantization_bits) { + SetQuantizationBits(quantization_bits); +} + +void SpatialQuantizationOptions::SetQuantizationBits(int quantization_bits) { + mode_ = LOCAL_QUANTIZATION_BITS; + quantization_bits_ = quantization_bits; +} + +bool SpatialQuantizationOptions::AreQuantizationBitsDefined() const { + return mode_ == LOCAL_QUANTIZATION_BITS; +} + +SpatialQuantizationOptions &SpatialQuantizationOptions::SetGrid(float spacing) { + mode_ = GLOBAL_GRID; + spacing_ = spacing; + return *this; +} + +bool SpatialQuantizationOptions::operator==( + const SpatialQuantizationOptions &other) const { + if (mode_ != other.mode_) { + return false; + } + if (mode_ == LOCAL_QUANTIZATION_BITS) { + if (quantization_bits_ != other.quantization_bits_) { + return false; + } + } else if (mode_ == GLOBAL_GRID) { + if (spacing_ != other.spacing_) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31a4418ede --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_COMPRESSION_DRACO_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS_H_ +#define DRACO_COMPRESSION_DRACO_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/status.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Quantization options for positions. Currently there are two modes for +// quantizing positions: +// +// 1. Quantization bits: +// - User defined number of quantization bits that is evenly distributed +// to cover the compressed geometry. +// 2. Grid: +// - Positions are snapped to a global grid defined by grid spacing. +// - This method is primarily intended to be used when the location of +// quantized vertices needs to be consistent between multiple +// geometries. +class SpatialQuantizationOptions { + public: + explicit SpatialQuantizationOptions(int quantization_bits); + + // Sets quantization bits that are going to be used for the compressed + // geometry. If the geometry is a scene, the same number of quantization bits + // is going to be applied to each mesh of the scene. Quantized values are + // going to be distributed within the bounds of individual meshes. + void SetQuantizationBits(int quantization_bits); + + // If this returns true, quantization_bits() should be used to get the + // desired number of quantization bits for compression. Otherwise the grid + // mode is selected and spacing() should be used to get the desired grid + // spacing. + bool AreQuantizationBitsDefined() const; + const int quantization_bits() const { return quantization_bits_; } + + // Defines quantization grid used for the compressed geometry. All vertices + // are going to be snapped to the nearest grid vertex that corresponds to an + // integer quantized position. |spacing| defines the distance between two grid + // vertices. E.g. a grid with |spacing| = 10 would have grid vertices at + // locations {10 * i, 10 * j, 10 * k} where i, j, k are integer numbers. + SpatialQuantizationOptions &SetGrid(float spacing); + + const float spacing() const { return spacing_; } + + bool operator==(const SpatialQuantizationOptions &other) const; + + private: + enum Mode { LOCAL_QUANTIZATION_BITS, GLOBAL_GRID }; + Mode mode_ = LOCAL_QUANTIZATION_BITS; + int quantization_bits_; // Default quantization bits for positions. + float spacing_ = 0.f; +}; + +// TODO(fgalligan): Add support for unified_position_quantization. +// Struct to hold Draco compression options. +struct DracoCompressionOptions { + int compression_level = 7; // compression level [0-10], most=10, least=0. + SpatialQuantizationOptions quantization_position{11}; + int quantization_bits_normal = 8; + int quantization_bits_tex_coord = 10; + int quantization_bits_color = 8; + int quantization_bits_generic = 8; + int quantization_bits_tangent = 8; + int quantization_bits_weight = 8; + bool find_non_degenerate_texture_quantization = false; + + bool operator==(const DracoCompressionOptions &other) const { + return compression_level == other.compression_level && + quantization_position == other.quantization_position && + quantization_bits_normal == other.quantization_bits_normal && + quantization_bits_tex_coord == other.quantization_bits_tex_coord && + quantization_bits_color == other.quantization_bits_color && + quantization_bits_generic == other.quantization_bits_generic && + quantization_bits_tangent == other.quantization_bits_tangent && + quantization_bits_weight == other.quantization_bits_weight && + find_non_degenerate_texture_quantization == + other.find_non_degenerate_texture_quantization; + } + + bool operator!=(const DracoCompressionOptions &other) const { + return !(*this == other); + } + + Status Check() const { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Validate("Compression level", compression_level, 0, 10)); + if (quantization_position.AreQuantizationBitsDefined()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Validate("Position quantization", + quantization_position.quantization_bits(), + 0, 30)); + } else { + if (quantization_position.spacing() <= 0.f) { + return ErrorStatus("Position quantization spacing is invalid."); + } + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Validate("Normals quantization", quantization_bits_normal, 0, 30)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Validate("Tex coord quantization", quantization_bits_tex_coord, 0, 30)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Validate("Color quantization", quantization_bits_color, 0, 30)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Validate("Generic quantization", quantization_bits_generic, 0, 30)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Validate("Tangent quantization", quantization_bits_tangent, 0, 30)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Validate("Weights quantization", quantization_bits_weight, 0, 30)); + return OkStatus(); + } + + static Status Validate(const std::string &name, int value, int min, int max) { + if (value < min || value > max) { + const std::string range = + "[" + std::to_string(min) + "-" + std::to_string(max) + "]."; + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, name + " is out of range " + range); + } + return OkStatus(); + } +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_COMPRESSION_DRACO_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4152952117 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/draco_compression_options_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#include "draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h" + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace { + +TEST(DracoCompressionOptionsTest, TestPositionQuantizationBits) { + // Test verifies that we can define draco compression options using + // quantization bits. + draco::SpatialQuantizationOptions options(10); + + // Quantization bits should be used by default. + ASSERT_TRUE(options.AreQuantizationBitsDefined()); + ASSERT_EQ(options.quantization_bits(), 10); + + // Change the quantization bits. + options.SetQuantizationBits(9); + ASSERT_TRUE(options.AreQuantizationBitsDefined()); + ASSERT_EQ(options.quantization_bits(), 9); + + // If we select the grid, quantization bits should not be used. + options.SetGrid(0.5f); + ASSERT_FALSE(options.AreQuantizationBitsDefined()); +} + +TEST(DracoCompressionOptionsTest, TestPositionQuantizationGrid) { + // Test verifies that we can define draco compression options using + // quantization grid. + draco::SpatialQuantizationOptions options(10); + + // Quantization bits should be used by default. + ASSERT_TRUE(options.AreQuantizationBitsDefined()); + + // Set the grid parameters. + options.SetGrid(0.25f); + ASSERT_FALSE(options.AreQuantizationBitsDefined()); + + ASSERT_EQ(options.spacing(), 0.25f); +} + +} // namespace + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode.h index bce8b34c23..00ccb9b2e0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode.h @@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ class Encoder // call of EncodePointCloudToBuffer or EncodeMeshToBuffer is going to fail. void SetEncodingMethod(int encoding_method); - protected: // Creates encoder options for the expert encoder used during the actual // encoding. EncoderOptions CreateExpertEncoderOptions(const PointCloud &pc) const; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_base.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_base.h index c501bc4faf..6211efc221 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_base.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_base.h @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class EncoderBase { "Invalid prediction scheme for attribute type."); } } - // TODO(hemmer): Try to enable more prediction schemes for normals. + // TODO(b/199760123): Try to enable more prediction schemes for normals. if (att_type == GeometryAttribute::NORMAL) { if (!(prediction_scheme == PREDICTION_DIFFERENCE || prediction_scheme == MESH_PREDICTION_GEOMETRIC_NORMAL)) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_test.cc index fde4f6f5b1..00d834703c 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/encode_test.cc @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" #include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" #include "draco/io/obj_decoder.h" #include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" #include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h" @@ -213,16 +214,14 @@ class EncodeTest : public ::testing::Test { draco::Decoder decoder; if (mesh) { - auto maybe_mesh = decoder.DecodeMeshFromBuffer(&decoder_buffer); - ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_mesh.ok()); - auto decoded_mesh = std::move(maybe_mesh).value(); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto decoded_mesh, + decoder.DecodeMeshFromBuffer(&decoder_buffer)); ASSERT_NE(decoded_mesh, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(decoded_mesh->num_points(), encoder.num_encoded_points()); ASSERT_EQ(decoded_mesh->num_faces(), encoder.num_encoded_faces()); } else { - auto maybe_pc = decoder.DecodePointCloudFromBuffer(&decoder_buffer); - ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_pc.ok()); - auto decoded_pc = std::move(maybe_pc).value(); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + auto decoded_pc, decoder.DecodePointCloudFromBuffer(&decoder_buffer)); ASSERT_EQ(decoded_pc->num_points(), encoder.num_encoded_points()); } } @@ -274,7 +273,7 @@ TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestLinesObj) { encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 16); draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer)); } TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestQuantizedInfinity) { @@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestUnquantizedInfinity) { encoder.SetEncodingMethod(draco::POINT_CLOUD_SEQUENTIAL_ENCODING); draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer)); } TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestQuantizedAndUnquantizedAttributes) { @@ -330,7 +329,7 @@ TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestQuantizedAndUnquantizedAttributes) { encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 11); encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, 0); draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer)); } TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestKdTreeEncoding) { @@ -348,7 +347,7 @@ TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestKdTreeEncoding) { // Now set quantization for the position attribute which should make // the encoder happy. encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 16); - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodePointCloudToBuffer(*pc, &buffer)); } TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestTrackingOfNumberOfEncodedEntries) { @@ -373,7 +372,7 @@ TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestTrackingOfNumberOfEncodedEntriesNotSet) { draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; draco::Encoder encoder; - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer)); ASSERT_EQ(encoder.num_encoded_points(), 0); ASSERT_EQ(encoder.num_encoded_faces(), 0); } @@ -404,4 +403,170 @@ TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestNoPosQuantizationNormalCoding) { ASSERT_NE(decoded_mesh, nullptr); } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestDracoCompressionOptions) { + // This test verifies that we can set the encoder's compression options via + // draco::Mesh's compression options. + const auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("test_nm.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // First set compression level and quantization manually. + draco::Encoder encoder_manual; + draco::EncoderBuffer buffer_manual; + encoder_manual.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, + 8); + encoder_manual.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, 7); + encoder_manual.SetSpeedOptions(4, 4); + + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder_manual.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer_manual)); + + // Now do the same with options provided via DracoCompressionOptions. + draco::DracoCompressionOptions compression_options; + compression_options.compression_level = 6; + compression_options.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(8); + compression_options.quantization_bits_normal = 7; + mesh->SetCompressionOptions(compression_options); + mesh->SetCompressionEnabled(true); + + draco::Encoder encoder_auto; + draco::EncoderBuffer buffer_auto; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder_auto.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer_auto)); + + // Ensure that both encoders produce the same result. + ASSERT_EQ(buffer_manual.size(), buffer_auto.size()); + + // Now change some of the mesh's compression settings and ensure the + // compression changes as well. + compression_options.compression_level = 7; + mesh->SetCompressionOptions(compression_options); + buffer_auto.Clear(); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder_auto.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer_auto)); + ASSERT_NE(buffer_manual.size(), buffer_auto.size()); + + // Check that |mesh| compression options do not override the encoder options. + mesh->GetCompressionOptions().compression_level = 10; + mesh->GetCompressionOptions().quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(10); + mesh->GetCompressionOptions().quantization_bits_normal = 10; + draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder_manual.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer)); + ASSERT_EQ(buffer.size(), buffer_manual.size()); +} + +TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestDracoCompressionOptionsManualOverride) { + // This test verifies that we can use encoder's option to override compression + // options provided in draco::Mesh's compression options. + const auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("test_nm.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Set some compression options. + draco::DracoCompressionOptions compression_options; + compression_options.compression_level = 6; + compression_options.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(8); + compression_options.quantization_bits_normal = 7; + mesh->SetCompressionOptions(compression_options); + mesh->SetCompressionEnabled(true); + + draco::Encoder encoder; + draco::EncoderBuffer buffer_no_override; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer_no_override)); + + // Now override some options and ensure the compression is different. + encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 5); + draco::EncoderBuffer buffer_with_override; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer_with_override)); + ASSERT_LT(buffer_with_override.size(), buffer_no_override.size()); +} + +TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestDracoCompressionOptionsGridQuantization) { + // Test verifies that we can set position quantization via grid spacing. + + // 1x1x1 cube. + const auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + mesh->SetCompressionEnabled(true); + + // Set grid quantization for positions. + draco::DracoCompressionOptions compression_options; + // This should result in 10x10x10 quantization. + compression_options.quantization_position.SetGrid(0.1); + mesh->SetCompressionOptions(compression_options); + + draco::ExpertEncoder encoder(*mesh); + draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeToBuffer(&buffer)); + + // The grid options should be reflected in the |encoder|. Check that the + // computed values are correct. + const int pos_att_id = + mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + draco::Vector3f origin; + encoder.options().GetAttributeVector(pos_att_id, "quantization_origin", 3, + &origin[0]); + ASSERT_EQ(origin, draco::Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); + + // We need 4 quantization bits (for 10 values). + ASSERT_EQ( + encoder.options().GetAttributeInt(pos_att_id, "quantization_bits", -1), + 4); + + // The quantization range should be ((1 << quantization_bits) - 1) * spacing. + ASSERT_NEAR(encoder.options().GetAttributeFloat(pos_att_id, + "quantization_range", 0.f), + 15.f * 0.1f, 1e-6f); +} + +TEST_F(EncodeTest, TestDracoCompressionOptionsGridQuantizationWithOffset) { + // Test verifies that we can set position quantization via grid spacing when + // the geometry is not perfectly aligned with the quantization grid. + + // 1x1x1 cube. + const auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Move all positions a bit. + auto *pos_att = mesh->attribute( + mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION)); + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < pos_att->size(); ++avi) { + draco::Vector3f pos; + pos_att->GetValue(avi, &pos[0]); + pos = pos + draco::Vector3f(-0.55f, 0.65f, 10.75f); + pos_att->SetAttributeValue(avi, &pos[0]); + } + + mesh->SetCompressionEnabled(true); + + // Set grid quantization for positions. + draco::DracoCompressionOptions compression_options; + // This should result in 16x16x16 quantization if the grid was perfectly + // aligned but since it is not we should expect 17 or 18 values per component. + compression_options.quantization_position.SetGrid(0.0625f); + mesh->SetCompressionOptions(compression_options); + + draco::ExpertEncoder encoder(*mesh); + draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeToBuffer(&buffer)); + + // The grid options should be reflected in the |encoder|. Check that the + // computed values are correct. + const int pos_att_id = + mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + draco::Vector3f origin; + encoder.options().GetAttributeVector(pos_att_id, "quantization_origin", 3, + &origin[0]); + // The origin is the first lower value on the quantization grid for each + // component of the mesh. + ASSERT_EQ(origin, draco::Vector3f(-0.5625f, 0.625f, 10.75f)); + + // We need 5 quantization bits (for 17-18 values). + ASSERT_EQ( + encoder.options().GetAttributeInt(pos_att_id, "quantization_bits", -1), + 5); + + // The quantization range should be ((1 << quantization_bits) - 1) * spacing. + ASSERT_NEAR(encoder.options().GetAttributeFloat(pos_att_id, + "quantization_range", 0.f), + 31.f * 0.0625f, 1e-6f); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + } // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/ans.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/ans.h index c71d58975c..313546fee2 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/ans.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/ans.h @@ -391,7 +391,6 @@ class RAnsEncoder { ans_.buf[ans_.buf_offset++] = ans_.state % DRACO_ANS_IO_BASE; ans_.state /= DRACO_ANS_IO_BASE; } - // TODO(ostava): The division and multiplication should be optimized. ans_.state = (ans_.state / p) * rans_precision + ans_.state % p + sym->cum_prob; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_decoder.h index 10cdc6781a..3b408c0791 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_decoder.h @@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ bool RAnsSymbolDecoder::Create( return false; } } + // Check that decoded number of symbols is not unreasonably high. Remaining + // buffer size must be at least |num_symbols| / 64 bytes to contain the + // probability table. The |prob_data| below is one byte but it can be + // theoretically stored for each 64th symbol. + if (num_symbols_ / 64 > buffer->remaining_size()) { + return false; + } probability_table_.resize(num_symbols_); if (num_symbols_ == 0) { return true; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_encoder.h index 4e07ec8712..4b738b50a9 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/rans_symbol_encoder.h @@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ bool RAnsSymbolEncoder::Create( for (int i = 0; i < num_symbols; ++i) { sorted_probabilities[i] = i; } - std::sort(sorted_probabilities.begin(), sorted_probabilities.end(), - ProbabilityLess(&probability_table_)); + std::stable_sort(sorted_probabilities.begin(), sorted_probabilities.end(), + ProbabilityLess(&probability_table_)); if (total_rans_prob < rans_precision_) { // This happens rather infrequently, just add the extra needed precision // to the most frequent symbol. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/symbol_decoding.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/symbol_decoding.cc index 93d29971c8..79e8118183 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/symbol_decoding.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/entropy/symbol_decoding.cc @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ bool DecodeTaggedSymbols(uint32_t num_values, int num_components, int value_id = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_values; i += num_components) { // Decode the tag. - const int bit_length = tag_decoder.DecodeSymbol(); + const uint32_t bit_length = tag_decoder.DecodeSymbol(); // Decode the actual value. for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { uint32_t val; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.cc index f9aec15eb2..a3e649193f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.cc @@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ // #include "draco/compression/expert_encode.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + #include "draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder.h" #include "draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.h" #ifdef DRACO_POINT_CLOUD_COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED @@ -21,6 +27,9 @@ #include "draco/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_sequential_encoder.h" #endif +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/bit_utils.h" +#endif namespace draco { ExpertEncoder::ExpertEncoder(const PointCloud &point_cloud) @@ -101,6 +110,11 @@ Status ExpertEncoder::EncodePointCloudToBuffer(const PointCloud &pc, Status ExpertEncoder::EncodeMeshToBuffer(const Mesh &m, EncoderBuffer *out_buffer) { +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Apply DracoCompressionOptions associated with the mesh. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ApplyCompressionOptions(m)); +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + std::unique_ptr encoder; // Select the encoding method only based on the provided options. int encoding_method = options().GetGlobalInt("encoding_method", -1); @@ -118,6 +132,7 @@ Status ExpertEncoder::EncodeMeshToBuffer(const Mesh &m, encoder = std::unique_ptr(new MeshSequentialEncoder()); } encoder->SetMesh(m); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(encoder->Encode(options(), out_buffer)); set_num_encoded_points(encoder->num_encoded_points()); @@ -179,4 +194,107 @@ Status ExpertEncoder::SetAttributePredictionScheme( return status; } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +Status ExpertEncoder::ApplyCompressionOptions(const Mesh &mesh) { + if (!mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + const auto &compression_options = mesh.GetCompressionOptions(); + + // Set any encoder options that haven't been explicitly set by users (don't + // override existing options). + if (!options().IsSpeedSet()) { + options().SetSpeed(10 - compression_options.compression_level, + 10 - compression_options.compression_level); + } + + for (int ai = 0; ai < mesh.num_attributes(); ++ai) { + if (options().IsAttributeOptionSet(ai, "quantization_bits")) { + continue; // Don't override options that have been set. + } + int quantization_bits = 0; + const auto type = mesh.attribute(ai)->attribute_type(); + switch (type) { + case GeometryAttribute::POSITION: + if (compression_options.quantization_position + .AreQuantizationBitsDefined()) { + quantization_bits = + compression_options.quantization_position.quantization_bits(); + } else { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ApplyGridQuantization(mesh, ai)); + } + break; + case GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD: + quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_tex_coord; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::NORMAL: + quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_normal; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::COLOR: + quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_color; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::TANGENT: + quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_tangent; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::WEIGHTS: + quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_weight; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::GENERIC: + quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_generic; + break; + default: + break; + } + if (quantization_bits > 0) { + options().SetAttributeInt(ai, "quantization_bits", quantization_bits); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status ExpertEncoder::ApplyGridQuantization(const Mesh &mesh, + int attribute_index) { + const auto compression_options = mesh.GetCompressionOptions(); + if (mesh.attribute(attribute_index)->num_components() != 3) { + return ErrorStatus( + "Invalid number of components: Grid quantization is currently " + "supported only for 3D positions."); + } + const float spacing = compression_options.quantization_position.spacing(); + // Compute quantization properties based on the grid spacing. + const auto &bbox = mesh.ComputeBoundingBox(); + // Snap min and max points of the |bbox| to the quantization grid vertices. + Vector3f min_pos; + int num_values = 0; // Number of values that we need to encode. + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + // Min / max position on grid vertices in grid coordinates. + const float min_grid_pos = floor(bbox.GetMinPoint()[c] / spacing); + const float max_grid_pos = ceil(bbox.GetMaxPoint()[c] / spacing); + + // Min pos on grid vertex in mesh coordinates. + min_pos[c] = min_grid_pos * spacing; + + const float component_num_values = + static_cast(max_grid_pos) - static_cast(min_grid_pos) + 1; + if (component_num_values > num_values) { + num_values = component_num_values; + } + } + // Now compute the number of bits needed to encode |num_values|. + int bits = MostSignificantBit(num_values); + if ((1 << bits) < num_values) { + // If the |num_values| is larger than number of values representable by + // |bits|, we need to use one more bit. This will be almost always true + // unless |num_values| was equal to 1 << |bits|. + bits++; + } + // Compute the range in mesh coordinates that matches the quantization bits. + // Note there are n-1 intervals between the |n| quantization values. + const float range = ((1 << bits) - 1) * spacing; + SetAttributeExplicitQuantization(attribute_index, bits, 3, min_pos.data(), + range); + return OkStatus(); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.h index ea59393d3d..5c1485e1ef 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/expert_encode.h @@ -138,6 +138,12 @@ class ExpertEncoder : public EncoderBase { Status EncodeMeshToBuffer(const Mesh &m, EncoderBuffer *out_buffer); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Applies compression options stored in |mesh|. + Status ApplyCompressionOptions(const Mesh &mesh); + Status ApplyGridQuantization(const Mesh &mesh, int attribute_index); +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + const PointCloud *point_cloud_; const Mesh *mesh_; }; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_decoder_impl.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_decoder_impl.cc index 0bbbea4af5..21ad9959c0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_decoder_impl.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_decoder_impl.cc @@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ bool MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity() { #endif // Decode connectivity of non-position attributes. - if (attribute_data_.size() > 0) { + if (!attribute_data_.empty()) { #ifdef DRACO_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_SUPPORTED if (decoder_->bitstream_version() < DRACO_BITSTREAM_VERSION(2, 1)) { for (CornerIndex ci(0); ci < corner_table_->num_corners(); ci += 3) { @@ -484,7 +484,10 @@ bool MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity() { attribute_data_[i].connectivity_data.AddSeamEdge(CornerIndex(c)); } // Recompute vertices from the newly added seam edges. - attribute_data_[i].connectivity_data.RecomputeVertices(nullptr, nullptr); + if (!attribute_data_[i].connectivity_data.RecomputeVertices(nullptr, + nullptr)) { + return false; + } } pos_encoding_data_.Init(corner_table_->num_vertices()); @@ -574,6 +577,17 @@ int MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity( const CornerIndex corner_b = corner_table_->Next(corner_table_->LeftMostCorner(vertex_x)); + if (corner_a == corner_b) { + // All matched corners must be different. + return -1; + } + if (corner_table_->Opposite(corner_a) != kInvalidCornerIndex || + corner_table_->Opposite(corner_b) != kInvalidCornerIndex) { + // One of the corners is already opposite to an existing face, which + // should not happen unless the input was tampered with. + return -1; + } + // New tip corner. const CornerIndex corner(3 * face.value()); // Update opposite corner mappings. @@ -616,6 +630,11 @@ int MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity( return -1; } const CornerIndex corner_a = active_corner_stack.back(); + if (corner_table_->Opposite(corner_a) != kInvalidCornerIndex) { + // Active corner is already opposite to an existing face, which should + // not happen unless the input was tampered with. + return -1; + } // First corner on the new face is either corner "l" or "r". const CornerIndex corner(3 * face.value()); @@ -681,10 +700,14 @@ int MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity( } const CornerIndex corner_a = active_corner_stack.back(); + if (corner_a == corner_b) { + // All matched corners must be different. + return -1; + } if (corner_table_->Opposite(corner_a) != kInvalidCornerIndex || corner_table_->Opposite(corner_b) != kInvalidCornerIndex) { // One of the corners is already opposite to an existing face, which - // should not happen unless the input was tempered with. + // should not happen unless the input was tampered with. return -1; } @@ -713,9 +736,15 @@ int MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity( // Also update the vertex id at corner "n" and all corners that are // connected to it in the CCW direction. + const CornerIndex first_corner = corner_n; while (corner_n != kInvalidCornerIndex) { corner_table_->MapCornerToVertex(corner_n, vertex_p); corner_n = corner_table_->SwingLeft(corner_n); + if (corner_n == first_corner) { + // We reached the start again which should not happen for split + // symbols. + return -1; + } } // Make sure the old vertex n is now mapped to an invalid corner (make it // isolated). @@ -800,7 +829,7 @@ int MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity( return -1; // Unexpected number of decoded vertices. } // Decode start faces and connect them to the faces from the active stack. - while (active_corner_stack.size() > 0) { + while (!active_corner_stack.empty()) { const CornerIndex corner = active_corner_stack.back(); active_corner_stack.pop_back(); const bool interior_face = @@ -842,6 +871,18 @@ int MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity( const CornerIndex corner_c = corner_table_->Next(corner_table_->LeftMostCorner(vert_x)); + if (corner == corner_b || corner == corner_c || corner_b == corner_c) { + // All matched corners must be different. + return -1; + } + if (corner_table_->Opposite(corner) != kInvalidCornerIndex || + corner_table_->Opposite(corner_b) != kInvalidCornerIndex || + corner_table_->Opposite(corner_c) != kInvalidCornerIndex) { + // One of the corners is already opposite to an existing face, which + // should not happen unless the input was tampered with. + return -1; + } + const VertexIndex vert_p = corner_table_->Vertex(corner_table_->Next(corner_c)); @@ -894,6 +935,11 @@ int MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl::DecodeConnectivity( VertexCornersIterator vcit(corner_table_.get(), src_vert); for (; !vcit.End(); ++vcit) { const CornerIndex cid = vcit.Corner(); + if (corner_table_->Vertex(cid) != src_vert) { + // Vertex mapped to |cid| was not |src_vert|. This indicates corrupted + // data and we should terminate the decoding. + return -1; + } corner_table_->MapCornerToVertex(cid, invalid_vert); } corner_table_->SetLeftMostCorner(invalid_vert, diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder.cc index 5aff5d8cc1..a7f381480f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder.cc @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ bool MeshEdgebreakerEncoder::InitializeEncoder() { impl_ = nullptr; // For tiny meshes it's usually better to use the basic edgebreaker as the // overhead of the predictive one may turn out to be too big. - // TODO(b/111065939): Check if this can be improved. const bool is_tiny_mesh = mesh()->num_faces() < 1000; int selected_edgebreaker_method = diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.cc index 0791dc6705..4bf6aa9207 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.cc @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ Status MeshEdgebreakerEncoderImpl::EncodeConnectivity() { init_face_connectivity_corners.begin(), init_face_connectivity_corners.end()); // Encode connectivity for all non-position attributes. - if (attribute_data_.size() > 0) { + if (!attribute_data_.empty()) { // Use the same order of corner that will be used by the decoder. visited_faces_.assign(mesh_->num_faces(), false); for (CornerIndex ci : processed_connectivity_corners_) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.h index fb33771637..979e1d373d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoder_impl.h @@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ class MeshEdgebreakerEncoderImpl : public MeshEdgebreakerEncoderImplInterface { uint32_t num_split_symbols_; // Struct holding data used for encoding each non-position attribute. - // TODO(ostava): This should be probably renamed to something better. struct AttributeData { AttributeData() : attribute_index(-1), is_connectivity_used(true) {} int attribute_index; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoding_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoding_test.cc index 8313882455..523303b095 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoding_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_encoding_test.cc @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class MeshEdgebreakerEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { EncoderOptions encoder_options = EncoderOptions::CreateDefaultOptions(); encoder_options.SetSpeed(10 - compression_level, 10 - compression_level); encoder.SetMesh(*mesh); - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer)); DecoderBuffer dec_buffer; dec_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); @@ -52,15 +52,14 @@ class MeshEdgebreakerEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { std::unique_ptr decoded_mesh(new Mesh()); DecoderOptions dec_options; - ASSERT_TRUE( - decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_mesh.get()).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK( + decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_mesh.get())); // Cleanup the input mesh to make sure that input and output can be // compared (edgebreaker method discards degenerated triangles and isolated // vertices). const MeshCleanupOptions options; - MeshCleanup cleanup; - ASSERT_TRUE(cleanup(mesh, options)) << "Failed to clean the input mesh."; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(MeshCleanup::Cleanup(mesh, options)); MeshAreEquivalent eq; ASSERT_TRUE(eq(*mesh, *decoded_mesh.get())) @@ -102,8 +101,8 @@ TEST_F(MeshEdgebreakerEncodingTest, TestEncoderReuse) { EncoderOptions encoder_options = EncoderOptions::CreateDefaultOptions(); encoder.SetMesh(*mesh); EncoderBuffer buffer_0, buffer_1; - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer_0).ok()); - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer_1).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer_0)); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer_1)); // Make sure both buffer are identical. ASSERT_EQ(buffer_0.size(), buffer_1.size()); @@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ TEST_F(MeshEdgebreakerEncodingTest, TestDecoderReuse) { EncoderOptions encoder_options = EncoderOptions::CreateDefaultOptions(); encoder.SetMesh(*mesh); EncoderBuffer buffer; - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.Encode(encoder_options, &buffer)); DecoderBuffer dec_buffer; dec_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); @@ -133,13 +132,13 @@ TEST_F(MeshEdgebreakerEncodingTest, TestDecoderReuse) { // Decode the mesh two times. std::unique_ptr decoded_mesh_0(new Mesh()); DecoderOptions dec_options; - ASSERT_TRUE( - decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_mesh_0.get()).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK( + decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_mesh_0.get())); dec_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); std::unique_ptr decoded_mesh_1(new Mesh()); - ASSERT_TRUE( - decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_mesh_1.get()).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK( + decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, decoded_mesh_1.get())); // Make sure both of the meshes are identical. MeshAreEquivalent eq; @@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ TEST_F(MeshEdgebreakerEncodingTest, TestSingleConnectivityEncoding) { encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, 8); encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, 8); encoder.SetEncodingMethod(MESH_EDGEBREAKER_ENCODING); - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer)); DecoderBuffer dec_buffer; dec_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); @@ -216,7 +215,7 @@ TEST_F(MeshEdgebreakerEncodingTest, TestWrongAttributeOrder) { encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 8); encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, 8); encoder.SetEncodingMethod(MESH_EDGEBREAKER_ENCODING); - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeMeshToBuffer(*mesh, &buffer)); DecoderBuffer dec_buffer; dec_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_shared.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_shared.h index cb3c29dd66..c650bc3521 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_shared.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_shared.h @@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ namespace draco { // \ / S \ / / E \ // *-------* *-------* // -// TODO(ostava): Get rid of the topology bit pattern. It's important only for -// encoding but the algorithms should use EdgebreakerSymbol instead. enum EdgebreakerTopologyBitPattern { TOPOLOGY_C = 0x0, // 0 TOPOLOGY_S = 0x1, // 1 0 0 diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_traversal_valence_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_traversal_valence_decoder.h index c00373727d..89553e9094 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_traversal_valence_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_traversal_valence_decoder.h @@ -129,7 +129,11 @@ class MeshEdgebreakerTraversalValenceDecoder if (context_counter < 0) { return TOPOLOGY_INVALID; } - const int symbol_id = context_symbols_[active_context_][context_counter]; + const uint32_t symbol_id = + context_symbols_[active_context_][context_counter]; + if (symbol_id > 4) { + return TOPOLOGY_INVALID; + } last_symbol_ = edge_breaker_symbol_to_topology_id[symbol_id]; } else { #ifdef DRACO_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_encoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_encoder_test.cc index 55f6836969..2dfdb58ef9 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_encoder_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_encoder_test.cc @@ -78,9 +78,10 @@ class MeshEncoderTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(i, 12); } EncoderBuffer buffer; - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodeToBuffer(&buffer).ok()) - << "Failed encoding test mesh " << file_name << " with method " - << GetParam().encoding_method; + const Status status = encoder.EncodeToBuffer(&buffer); + EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "Failed encoding test mesh " << file_name + << " with method " << GetParam().encoding_method; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(status); // Check that the encoded mesh was really encoded with the selected method. DecoderBuffer decoder_buffer; decoder_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); @@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ class MeshEncoderTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { uint8_t encoded_method; ASSERT_TRUE(decoder_buffer.Decode(&encoded_method)); ASSERT_EQ(encoded_method, method); + if (!FLAGS_update_golden_files) { EXPECT_TRUE( CompareGoldenFile(golden_file_name, buffer.data(), buffer.size())) diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_decoder.cc index be349f5431..595a487a4b 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_decoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_decoder.cc @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ bool MeshSequentialDecoder::DecodeConnectivity() { } mesh()->AddFace(face); } - } else if (mesh()->num_points() < (1 << 21) && + } else if (num_points < (1 << 21) && bitstream_version() >= DRACO_BITSTREAM_VERSION(2, 2)) { // Decode indices as uint32_t. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_faces; ++i) { @@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ bool MeshSequentialDecoder::DecodeAndDecompressIndices(uint32_t num_faces) { index_diff = -index_diff; } const int32_t index_value = index_diff + last_index_value; + if (index_value < 0) { + // Negative indices are not allowed. + return false; + } face[j] = index_value; last_index_value = index_value; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.cc index 02ac7779ea..fd8b113925 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.cc @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ Status MeshSequentialEncoder::EncodeConnectivity() { EncodeVarint(static_cast(mesh()->num_points()), buffer()); // We encode all attributes in the original (possibly duplicated) format. - // TODO(ostava): This may not be optimal if we have only one attribute or if - // all attributes share the same index mapping. if (options()->GetGlobalBool("compress_connectivity", false)) { // 0 = Encode compressed indices. buffer()->Encode(static_cast(0)); @@ -44,8 +42,6 @@ Status MeshSequentialEncoder::EncodeConnectivity() { // 1 = Encode indices directly. buffer()->Encode(static_cast(1)); // Store vertex indices using a smallest data type that fits their range. - // TODO(ostava): This can be potentially improved by using a tighter - // fit that is not bound by a bit-length of any particular data type. if (mesh()->num_points() < 256) { // Serialize indices as uint8_t. for (FaceIndex i(0); i < num_faces; ++i) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.h index 672609642b..6e2b05877a 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/mesh_sequential_encoder.h @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ namespace draco { // Class that encodes mesh data using a simple binary representation of mesh's // connectivity and geometry. -// TODO(ostava): Use a better name. class MeshSequentialEncoder : public MeshEncoder { public: MeshSequentialEncoder(); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_attribute_indices_encoding_observer.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_attribute_indices_encoding_observer.h index e66dd14b23..dd9738ba2d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_attribute_indices_encoding_observer.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_attribute_indices_encoding_observer.h @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace draco { // values based on the traversal of the encoded mesh. The class should be used // as the TraversalObserverT member of a Traverser class such as the // DepthFirstTraverser (depth_first_traverser.h). -// TODO(hemmer): rename to AttributeIndicesCodingTraverserObserver +// TODO(b/199760123): Rename to AttributeIndicesCodingTraverserObserver. template class MeshAttributeIndicesEncodingObserver { public: diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_traversal_sequencer.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_traversal_sequencer.h index ebe1d5f7a9..e55c93a796 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_traversal_sequencer.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_traversal_sequencer.h @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace draco { // Sequencer that generates point sequence in an order given by a deterministic // traversal on the mesh surface. Note that all attributes encoded with this // sequence must share the same connectivity. -// TODO(hemmer): Consider refactoring such that this is an observer. +// TODO(b/199760123): Consider refactoring such that this is an observer. template class MeshTraversalSequencer : public PointsSequencer { public: diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h index 87bc2b7ef3..55bafe7c4f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h @@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ #define DRACO_COMPRESSION_POINT_CLOUD_ALGORITHMS_DYNAMIC_INTEGER_POINTS_KD_TREE_DECODER_H_ #include +#include #include #include +#include #include "draco/compression/bit_coders/adaptive_rans_bit_decoder.h" #include "draco/compression/bit_coders/direct_bit_decoder.h" @@ -92,17 +94,29 @@ class DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder { base_stack_(32 * dimension + 1, VectorUint32(dimension, 0)), levels_stack_(32 * dimension + 1, VectorUint32(dimension, 0)) {} - // Decodes a integer point cloud from |buffer|. + // Decodes an integer point cloud from |buffer|. Optional |oit_max_points| can + // be used to tell the decoder the maximum number of points accepted by the + // iterator. template bool DecodePoints(DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &oit); + template + bool DecodePoints(DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &oit, + uint32_t oit_max_points); + #ifndef DRACO_OLD_GCC template bool DecodePoints(DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &&oit); + template + bool DecodePoints(DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &&oit, + uint32_t oit_max_points); #endif // DRACO_OLD_GCC const uint32_t dimension() const { return dimension_; } + // Returns the number of decoded points. Must be called after DecodePoints(). + uint32_t num_decoded_points() const { return num_decoded_points_; } + private: uint32_t GetAxis(uint32_t num_remaining_points, const VectorUint32 &levels, uint32_t last_axis); @@ -146,8 +160,15 @@ template template bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodePoints( DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &&oit) { + return DecodePoints(buffer, oit, std::numeric_limits::max()); +} + +template +template +bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodePoints( + DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &&oit, uint32_t oit_max_points) { OutputIteratorT local = std::forward(oit); - return DecodePoints(buffer, local); + return DecodePoints(buffer, local, oit_max_points); } #endif // DRACO_OLD_GCC @@ -155,6 +176,13 @@ template template bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodePoints( DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &oit) { + return DecodePoints(buffer, oit, std::numeric_limits::max()); +} + +template +template +bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodePoints( + DecoderBuffer *buffer, OutputIteratorT &oit, uint32_t oit_max_points) { if (!buffer->Decode(&bit_length_)) { return false; } @@ -167,6 +195,9 @@ bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodePoints( if (num_points_ == 0) { return true; } + if (num_points_ > oit_max_points) { + return false; + } num_decoded_points_ = 0; if (!numbers_decoder_.StartDecoding(buffer)) { @@ -227,7 +258,7 @@ bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodeInternal( std::stack status_stack; status_stack.push(init_status); - // TODO(hemmer): use preallocated vector instead of stack. + // TODO(b/199760123): Use preallocated vector instead of stack. while (!status_stack.empty()) { const DecodingStatus status = status_stack.top(); status_stack.pop(); @@ -263,7 +294,8 @@ bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodeInternal( // Fast decoding of remaining bits if number of points is 1 or 2. if (num_remaining_points <= 2) { - // TODO(hemmer): axes_ not necessary, remove would change bitstream! + // TODO(b/199760123): |axes_| not necessary, remove would change + // bitstream! axes_[0] = axis; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < dimension_; i++) { axes_[i] = DRACO_INCREMENT_MOD(axes_[i - 1], dimension_); @@ -273,8 +305,10 @@ bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodeInternal( p_[axes_[j]] = 0; const uint32_t num_remaining_bits = bit_length_ - levels[axes_[j]]; if (num_remaining_bits) { - remaining_bits_decoder_.DecodeLeastSignificantBits32( - num_remaining_bits, &p_[axes_[j]]); + if (!remaining_bits_decoder_.DecodeLeastSignificantBits32( + num_remaining_bits, &p_[axes_[j]])) { + return false; + } } p_[axes_[j]] = old_base[axes_[j]] | p_[axes_[j]]; } @@ -299,7 +333,12 @@ bool DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder::DecodeInternal( uint32_t number = 0; DecodeNumber(incoming_bits, &number); - uint32_t first_half = num_remaining_points / 2 - number; + uint32_t first_half = num_remaining_points / 2; + if (first_half < number) { + // Invalid |number|. + return false; + } + first_half -= number; uint32_t second_half = num_remaining_points - first_half; if (first_half != second_half) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h index 14fa32d708..65b3d07a6a 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/dynamic_integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeEncoder::EncodeInternal( std::stack status_stack; status_stack.push(init_status); - // TODO(hemmer): use preallocated vector instead of stack. + // TODO(b/199760123): Use preallocated vector instead of stack. while (!status_stack.empty()) { Status status = status_stack.top(); status_stack.pop(); @@ -305,7 +305,8 @@ void DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeEncoder::EncodeInternal( // Fast encoding of remaining bits if number of points is 1 or 2. // Doing this also for 2 gives a slight additional speed up. if (num_remaining_points <= 2) { - // TODO(hemmer): axes_ not necessary, remove would change bitstream! + // TODO(b/199760123): |axes_| not necessary, remove would change + // bitstream! axes_[0] = axis; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < dimension_; i++) { axes_[i] = DRACO_INCREMENT_MOD(axes_[i - 1], dimension_); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/float_points_tree_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/float_points_tree_encoder.h index 26ba94f1f5..44c1b3d3a9 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/float_points_tree_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/float_points_tree_encoder.h @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace draco { // there are more leading zeros, which is then compressed better by the // arithmetic encoding. -// TODO(hemmer): Remove class because it duplicates quantization code. +// TODO(b/199760123): Remove class because it duplicates quantization code. class FloatPointsTreeEncoder { public: explicit FloatPointsTreeEncoder(PointCloudCompressionMethod method); @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ bool FloatPointsTreeEncoder::EncodePointCloud(InputIteratorT points_begin, // Collect necessary data for encoding. num_points_ = std::distance(points_begin, points_end); - // TODO(hemmer): Extend quantization tools to make this more automatic. + // TODO(b/199760123): Extend quantization tools to make this more automatic. // Compute range of points for quantization std::vector qpoints; qpoints.reserve(num_points_); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h index 94e523cada..bc31af5861 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_decoder.h @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // -// TODO(hemmer): Make this a wrapper using DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder. +// TODO(b/199760123): Make this a wrapper using +// DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeDecoder. // // See integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h for documentation. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h index b8811092ed..654f14a786 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/integer_points_kd_tree_encoder.h @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // -// TODO(hemmer): Make this a wrapper using DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeEncoder. +// TODO(b/199760123): Make this a wrapper using +// DynamicIntegerPointsKdTreeEncoder. #ifndef DRACO_COMPRESSION_POINT_CLOUD_ALGORITHMS_INTEGER_POINTS_KD_TREE_ENCODER_H_ #define DRACO_COMPRESSION_POINT_CLOUD_ALGORITHMS_INTEGER_POINTS_KD_TREE_ENCODER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/quantize_points_3.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/quantize_points_3.h index 01943ad9e6..8ea0741da6 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/quantize_points_3.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/algorithms/quantize_points_3.h @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace draco { -// TODO(hemmer): Make this a stable bounding box. +// TODO(b/199760123): Make this a stable bounding box. struct QuantizationInfo { uint32_t quantization_bits; float range; @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ OutputIterator QuantizePoints3(const PointIterator &begin, max_range = std::max(std::fabs((*it)[2]), max_range); } - const uint32_t max_quantized_value((1 << info->quantization_bits) - 1); + const uint32_t max_quantized_value((1u << info->quantization_bits) - 1); Quantizer quantize; quantize.Init(max_range, max_quantized_value); info->range = max_range; @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void DequantizePoints3(const QPointIterator &begin, const QPointIterator &end, const uint32_t quantization_bits = info.quantization_bits; const float range = info.range; - const uint32_t max_quantized_value((1 << quantization_bits) - 1); + const uint32_t max_quantized_value((1u << quantization_bits) - 1); Dequantizer dequantize; dequantize.Init(range, max_quantized_value); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_kd_tree_encoding_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_kd_tree_encoding_test.cc index 2249bb09e1..7a7b597f26 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_kd_tree_encoding_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/compression/point_cloud/point_cloud_kd_tree_encoding_test.cc @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class PointCloudKdTreeEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { ++compression_level) { options.SetSpeed(10 - compression_level, 10 - compression_level); encoder.SetPointCloud(pc); - ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.Encode(options, &buffer).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.Encode(options, &buffer)); DecoderBuffer dec_buffer; dec_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class PointCloudKdTreeEncodingTest : public ::testing::Test { std::unique_ptr out_pc(new PointCloud()); DecoderOptions dec_options; - ASSERT_TRUE(decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, out_pc.get()).ok()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(decoder.Decode(dec_options, &dec_buffer, out_pc.get())); ComparePointClouds(pc, *out_pc); } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.cc index 8a0709678f..8acd6687b0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.cc @@ -20,11 +20,20 @@ BoundingBox::BoundingBox() : BoundingBox(Vector3f(std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max()), - Vector3f(-std::numeric_limits::max(), - -std::numeric_limits::max(), - -std::numeric_limits::max())) {} + Vector3f(std::numeric_limits::lowest(), + std::numeric_limits::lowest(), + std::numeric_limits::lowest())) {} BoundingBox::BoundingBox(const Vector3f &min_point, const Vector3f &max_point) : min_point_(min_point), max_point_(max_point) {} +const bool BoundingBox::IsValid() const { + return GetMinPoint()[0] != std::numeric_limits::max() && + GetMinPoint()[1] != std::numeric_limits::max() && + GetMinPoint()[2] != std::numeric_limits::max() && + GetMaxPoint()[0] != std::numeric_limits::lowest() && + GetMaxPoint()[1] != std::numeric_limits::lowest() && + GetMaxPoint()[2] != std::numeric_limits::lowest(); +} + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.h index 31ba2d6834..697a73b6f3 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/bounding_box.h @@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ class BoundingBox { // Returns the maximum point of the bounding box. inline const Vector3f &GetMaxPoint() const { return max_point_; } + // Checks if the bounding box object was created with the default constructor + // then never updated. Internally, checks if the bounding box minimum and + // maximum points hold the largest positive and smallest negative values. + const bool IsValid() const; + // Conditionally updates the bounding box with a given |new_point|. void Update(const Vector3f &new_point) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/constants.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/constants.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e81992a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/constants.h @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#ifndef DRACO_CORE_CONSTANTS_H_ +#define DRACO_CORE_CONSTANTS_H_ + +#define DRACO_PI 3.14159265358979323846 + +#endif // DRACO_CORE_CONSTANTS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.cc index f0b43d67db..96a3787987 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.cc @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ void DataBuffer::Resize(int64_t size) { } void DataBuffer::WriteDataToStream(std::ostream &stream) { - if (data_.size() == 0) { + if (data_.empty()) { return; } stream.write(reinterpret_cast(data_.data()), data_.size()); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.h index 8ee690540b..8eac0f6b40 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/data_buffer.h @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class DataBuffer { int64_t update_count() const { return descriptor_.buffer_update_count; } size_t data_size() const { return data_.size(); } const uint8_t *data() const { return data_.data(); } - uint8_t *data() { return &data_[0]; } + uint8_t *data() { return data_.data(); } int64_t buffer_id() const { return descriptor_.buffer_id; } void set_buffer_id(int64_t buffer_id) { descriptor_.buffer_id = buffer_id; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/decoder_buffer.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/decoder_buffer.h index 0559abbe41..71189b7e7d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/decoder_buffer.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/decoder_buffer.h @@ -54,12 +54,11 @@ class DecoderBuffer { // Decodes up to 32 bits into out_val. Can be called only in between // StartBitDecoding and EndBitDecoding. Otherwise returns false. - bool DecodeLeastSignificantBits32(int nbits, uint32_t *out_value) { + bool DecodeLeastSignificantBits32(uint32_t nbits, uint32_t *out_value) { if (!bit_decoder_active()) { return false; } - bit_decoder_.GetBits(nbits, out_value); - return true; + return bit_decoder_.GetBits(nbits, out_value); } // Decodes an arbitrary data type. @@ -158,11 +157,12 @@ class DecoderBuffer { inline void ConsumeBits(int k) { bit_offset_ += k; } // Returns |nbits| bits in |x|. - inline bool GetBits(int32_t nbits, uint32_t *x) { - DRACO_DCHECK_GE(nbits, 0); - DRACO_DCHECK_LE(nbits, 32); + inline bool GetBits(uint32_t nbits, uint32_t *x) { + if (nbits > 32) { + return false; + } uint32_t value = 0; - for (int32_t bit = 0; bit < nbits; ++bit) { + for (uint32_t bit = 0; bit < nbits; ++bit) { value |= GetBit() << bit; } *x = value; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_index_type_vector.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_index_type_vector.h index aae1e7aaf3..f5256ded90 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_index_type_vector.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_index_type_vector.h @@ -25,25 +25,32 @@ namespace draco { // A wrapper around the standard std::vector that supports indexing of the // vector entries using the strongly typed indices as defined in -// draco_index_type.h . -// TODO(ostava): Make the interface more complete. It's currently missing -// features such as iterators. -// TODO(vytyaz): Add more unit tests for this class. +// draco_index_type.h. +// TODO(ostava): Make the interface more complete. It's currently missing some +// features. template class IndexTypeVector { public: typedef typename std::vector::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename std::vector::reference reference; + typedef typename std::vector::iterator iterator; + typedef typename std::vector::const_iterator const_iterator; IndexTypeVector() {} explicit IndexTypeVector(size_t size) : vector_(size) {} IndexTypeVector(size_t size, const ValueTypeT &val) : vector_(size, val) {} + iterator begin() { return vector_.begin(); } + const_iterator begin() const { return vector_.begin(); } + iterator end() { return vector_.end(); } + const_iterator end() const { return vector_.end(); } + void clear() { vector_.clear(); } void reserve(size_t size) { vector_.reserve(size); } void resize(size_t size) { vector_.resize(size); } void resize(size_t size, const ValueTypeT &val) { vector_.resize(size, val); } void assign(size_t size, const ValueTypeT &val) { vector_.assign(size, val); } + iterator erase(iterator position) { return vector_.erase(position); } void swap(IndexTypeVector &arg) { vector_.swap(arg.vector_); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.cc index edca9856d4..a71082a860 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.cc @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ #include +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" #include "draco/core/macros.h" #include "draco/io/file_utils.h" -#include "draco_test_base.h" namespace draco { @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ static constexpr char kTestDataDir[] = DRACO_TEST_DATA_DIR; static constexpr char kTestTempDir[] = DRACO_TEST_TEMP_DIR; } // namespace +std::string GetTestTempDir() { return std::string(kTestDataDir); } + std::string GetTestFileFullPath(const std::string &file_name) { return std::string(kTestDataDir) + std::string("/") + file_name; } @@ -55,11 +57,13 @@ bool CompareGoldenFile(const std::string &golden_file_name, const void *data, size_t remaining_data_size = data_size; int offset = 0; while ((extracted_size = in_file.read(buffer, buffer_size).gcount()) > 0) { - if (remaining_data_size <= 0) + if (remaining_data_size <= 0) { break; // Input and golden sizes are different. + } size_t size_to_check = extracted_size; - if (remaining_data_size < size_to_check) + if (remaining_data_size < size_to_check) { size_to_check = remaining_data_size; + } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size_to_check; ++i) { if (buffer[i] != data_c8[offset++]) { LOG(INFO) << "Test output differed from golden file at byte " @@ -77,4 +81,20 @@ bool CompareGoldenFile(const std::string &golden_file_name, const void *data, return true; } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +template <> +std::unique_ptr ReadGeometryFromTestFile( + const std::string &file_name) { + return ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name); +} + +template <> +std::unique_ptr ReadGeometryFromTestFile( + const std::string &file_name) { + return ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.h index fa548f52d7..658096fe16 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_test_utils.h @@ -15,12 +15,24 @@ #ifndef DRACO_CORE_DRACO_TEST_UTILS_H_ #define DRACO_CORE_DRACO_TEST_UTILS_H_ +#include +#include +#include + #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" #include "draco/io/mesh_io.h" #include "draco/io/point_cloud_io.h" +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/io/scene_io.h" +#endif + namespace draco { +// Returns test temporary directory. +std::string GetTestTempDir(); + // Returns the full path to a given file system entry, such as test file or test // directory. std::string GetTestFileFullPath(const std::string &entry_name); @@ -65,6 +77,47 @@ inline std::unique_ptr ReadPointCloudFromTestFile( return ReadPointCloudFromFile(path).value(); } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +inline std::unique_ptr ReadSceneFromTestFile( + const std::string &file_name) { + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + return ReadSceneFromFile(path).value(); +} + +// Loads geometry specified by a |file_name| that is going to be automatically +// converted to the correct path available to the testing instance. Supported +// geometry types are Mesh and Scene. +template +std::unique_ptr ReadGeometryFromTestFile(const std::string &file_name); + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +// Utility class for redirection and capture of stderr/stdout. +class CaptureStream { + public: + explicit CaptureStream(std::ostream &stream) + : old_buffer_(stream.rdbuf(buffer_.rdbuf())), stream_(stream) {} + + ~CaptureStream() { Reset(); } + + std::string GetStringAndRelease() { + Reset(); + return buffer_.str(); + } + + void Reset() { + if (old_buffer_) { + stream_.rdbuf(old_buffer_); + old_buffer_ = nullptr; + } + } + + private: + std::ostringstream buffer_; + std::streambuf *old_buffer_ = nullptr; + std::ostream &stream_; +}; + // Evaluates an expression that returns draco::Status. If the status is not OK, // the macro asserts and logs the error message. #define DRACO_ASSERT_OK(expression) \ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_version.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_version.h index 14a504a50b..88856447fe 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_version.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/draco_version.h @@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ namespace draco { // Draco version is comprised of ... -static const char kDracoVersion[] = "1.4.1"; - -const char *Version() { return kDracoVersion; } +static const char kDracoVersion[] = "1.5.6"; } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/macros.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/macros.h index 147bbaafc5..a31e7c44b8 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/macros.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/macros.h @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ #ifndef DRACO_CORE_MACROS_H_ #define DRACO_CORE_MACROS_H_ -#include "assert.h" +#include + #include "draco/draco_features.h" #ifdef ANDROID_LOGGING @@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ namespace draco { #define DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeName) \ TypeName(const TypeName &) = delete; \ void operator=(const TypeName &) = delete; -#endif +#endif // DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN #ifndef FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED #if defined(__clang__) && defined(__has_warning) @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ namespace draco { #endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 7 #define FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED [[gnu::fallthrough]] -#endif +#endif // FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED // If FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED is still not defined, define it. #ifndef FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ namespace draco { do { \ } while (0) #endif -#endif +#endif // FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED #ifndef LOG #define LOG(...) std::cout @@ -84,12 +85,16 @@ namespace draco { #define DRACO_DCHECK_LE(a, b) #define DRACO_DCHECK_LT(a, b) #define DRACO_DCHECK_NOTNULL(x) -#endif +#endif // DRACO_DEBUG // Helper macros for concatenating macro values. #define DRACO_MACROS_IMPL_CONCAT_INNER_(x, y) x##y #define DRACO_MACROS_IMPL_CONCAT_(x, y) DRACO_MACROS_IMPL_CONCAT_INNER_(x, y) +#define DRACO_MACROS_IMPL_CONCAT_INNER_3_(x, y, z) x##y##z +#define DRACO_MACROS_IMPL_CONCAT_3_(x, y, z) \ + DRACO_MACROS_IMPL_CONCAT_INNER_3_(x, y, z) + // Expand the n-th argument of the macro. Used to select an argument based on // the number of entries in a variadic macro argument. Example usage: // @@ -100,9 +105,9 @@ namespace draco { // #define VARIADIC_MACRO(...) // DRACO_SELECT_NTH_FROM_3(__VA_ARGS__, FUNC_3, FUNC_2, FUNC_1) __VA_ARGS__ // -#define DRACO_SELECT_NTH_FROM_2(_1, _2, NAME) NAME -#define DRACO_SELECT_NTH_FROM_3(_1, _2, _3, NAME) NAME -#define DRACO_SELECT_NTH_FROM_4(_1, _2, _3, _4, NAME) NAME +#define DRACO_SELECT_NTH_FROM_2(_1, _2, NAME, ...) NAME +#define DRACO_SELECT_NTH_FROM_3(_1, _2, _3, NAME, ...) NAME +#define DRACO_SELECT_NTH_FROM_4(_1, _2, _3, _4, NAME, ...) NAME // Macro that converts the Draco bit-stream into one uint16_t number. // Useful mostly when checking version numbers. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils.h index 7f382fa34d..d7732e55d5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils.h @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ #include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +namespace draco { + #define DRACO_INCREMENT_MOD(I, M) (((I) == ((M)-1)) ? 0 : ((I) + 1)) // Returns floor(sqrt(x)) where x is an integer number. The main intend of this @@ -52,4 +54,26 @@ inline uint64_t IntSqrt(uint64_t number) { return square_root; } +// Performs the addition in unsigned type to avoid signed integer overflow. Note +// that the result will be the same (for non-overflowing values). +template < + typename DataTypeT, + typename std::enable_if::value && + std::is_signed::value>::type * = nullptr> +inline DataTypeT AddAsUnsigned(DataTypeT a, DataTypeT b) { + typedef typename std::make_unsigned::type DataTypeUT; + return static_cast(static_cast(a) + + static_cast(b)); +} + +template ::value || + !std::is_signed::value>::type * = + nullptr> +inline DataTypeT AddAsUnsigned(DataTypeT a, DataTypeT b) { + return a + b; +} + +} // namespace draco + #endif // DRACO_CORE_MATH_UTILS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils_test.cc index 8c255d0468..460a67444c 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/math_utils_test.cc @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" -using draco::Vector3f; +namespace draco { TEST(MathUtils, Mod) { EXPECT_EQ(DRACO_INCREMENT_MOD(1, 1 << 1), 0); } @@ -20,3 +20,5 @@ TEST(MathUtils, IntSqrt) { ASSERT_EQ(IntSqrt(number), static_cast(floor(std::sqrt(number)))); } } + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.cc index 9b81db4898..ceb87cccc8 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.cc @@ -15,13 +15,12 @@ #include "draco/core/options.h" #include +#include #include #include namespace draco { -Options::Options() {} - void Options::MergeAndReplace(const Options &other_options) { for (const auto &item : other_options.options_) { options_[item.first] = item.second; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.h index 1bc4dc0fb7..3f15d13bae 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/options.h @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ #include #include +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + namespace draco { // Class for storing generic options as a pair in a string map. @@ -27,7 +29,8 @@ namespace draco { // data type. class Options { public: - Options(); + Options() = default; + ~Options() = default; // Merges |other_options| on top of the existing options of this instance // replacing all entries that are present in both options instances. @@ -71,8 +74,6 @@ class Options { private: // All entries are internally stored as strings and converted to the desired // return type based on the used Get* method. - // TODO(ostava): Consider adding type safety mechanism that would prevent - // unsafe operations such as a conversion from vector to int. std::map options_; }; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ecb0b536e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status.cc @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +#include "draco/core/status.h" + +#include + +namespace draco { + +std::string Status::code_string() const { + switch (code_) { + case Code::OK: + return "OK"; + case Code::DRACO_ERROR: + return "DRACO_ERROR"; + case Code::IO_ERROR: + return "IO_ERROR"; + case Code::INVALID_PARAMETER: + return "INVALID_PARAMETER"; + case Code::UNSUPPORTED_VERSION: + return "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION"; + case Code::UNKNOWN_VERSION: + return "UNKNOWN_VERSION"; + case Code::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE: + return "UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE"; + } + return "UNKNOWN_STATUS_VALUE"; +} + +std::string Status::code_and_error_string() const { + return code_string() + ": " + error_msg_string(); +} + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status.h index 449ad8566d..fac96046c3 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status.h @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ #ifndef DRACO_CORE_STATUS_H_ #define DRACO_CORE_STATUS_H_ +#include #include namespace draco { @@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ class Status { Code code() const { return code_; } const std::string &error_msg_string() const { return error_msg_; } const char *error_msg() const { return error_msg_.c_str(); } + std::string code_string() const; + std::string code_and_error_string() const; bool operator==(Code code) const { return code == code_; } bool ok() const { return code_ == OK; } @@ -61,6 +64,9 @@ inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Status &status) { } inline Status OkStatus() { return Status(Status::OK); } +inline Status ErrorStatus(const std::string &msg) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, msg); +} // Evaluates an expression that returns draco::Status. If the status is not OK, // the macro returns the status object. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status_test.cc index c1ad4ab30f..dc36496d47 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/status_test.cc @@ -29,10 +29,17 @@ TEST_F(StatusTest, TestStatusOutput) { // Tests that the Status can be stored in a provided std::ostream. const draco::Status status(draco::Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error msg."); ASSERT_EQ(status.code(), draco::Status::DRACO_ERROR); + ASSERT_EQ(status.code_string(), "DRACO_ERROR"); std::stringstream str; str << status; ASSERT_EQ(str.str(), "Error msg."); + + const draco::Status status2 = draco::ErrorStatus("Error msg2."); + ASSERT_EQ(status2.code(), draco::Status::DRACO_ERROR); + ASSERT_EQ(status2.error_msg_string(), "Error msg2."); + ASSERT_EQ(status2.code_string(), "DRACO_ERROR"); + ASSERT_EQ(status2.code_and_error_string(), "DRACO_ERROR: Error msg2."); } } // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d.h index a3c46a46af..a0ec2dedf2 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d.h @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class VectorD { typedef ScalarT Scalar; typedef VectorD Self; - // TODO(hemmer): Deprecate. + // TODO(b/199760123): Deprecate. typedef ScalarT CoefficientType; VectorD() { @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class VectorD { // The following constructor does not compile in opt mode, which for now led // to the constructors further down, which is not ideal. - // TODO(hemmer): fix constructor below and remove others. + // TODO(b/199760123): Fix constructor below and remove others. // template // explicit VectorD(Args... args) : v_({args...}) {} @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class VectorD { Scalar &operator[](int i) { return v_[i]; } const Scalar &operator[](int i) const { return v_[i]; } - // TODO(hemmer): remove. + // TODO(b/199760123): Remove. // Similar to interface of Eigen library. Scalar &operator()(int i) { return v_[i]; } const Scalar &operator()(int i) const { return v_[i]; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d_test.cc index d66128fb13..21c1ca4c5f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/core/vector_d_test.cc @@ -32,16 +32,6 @@ typedef draco::Vector5ui Vector5ui; typedef draco::VectorD Vector3i; typedef draco::VectorD Vector4i; -template -void TestSquaredDistance(const draco::VectorD v1, - const draco::VectorD v2, - const CoeffT result) { - CoeffT squared_distance = SquaredDistance(v1, v2); - ASSERT_EQ(squared_distance, result); - squared_distance = SquaredDistance(v2, v1); - ASSERT_EQ(squared_distance, result); -} - TEST(VectorDTest, TestOperators) { { const Vector3f v; @@ -170,56 +160,6 @@ TEST(VectorTest, TestGetNormalizedWithZeroLengthVector) { ASSERT_EQ(normalized[2], 0); } -TEST(VectorDTest, TestSquaredDistance) { - // Test Vector2f: float, 2D. - Vector2f v1_2f(5.5, 10.5); - Vector2f v2_2f(3.5, 15.5); - float result_f = 29; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_2f, v2_2f, result_f); - - // Test Vector3f: float, 3D. - Vector3f v1_3f(5.5, 10.5, 2.3); - Vector3f v2_3f(3.5, 15.5, 0); - result_f = 34.29; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_3f, v2_3f, result_f); - - // Test Vector4f: float, 4D. - Vector4f v1_4f(5.5, 10.5, 2.3, 7.2); - Vector4f v2_4f(3.5, 15.5, 0, 9.9); - result_f = 41.58; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_4f, v2_4f, result_f); - - // Test Vector5f: float, 5D. - Vector5f v1_5f(5.5, 10.5, 2.3, 7.2, 1.0); - Vector5f v2_5f(3.5, 15.5, 0, 9.9, 0.2); - result_f = 42.22; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_5f, v2_5f, result_f); - - // Test Vector 2ui: uint32_t, 2D. - Vector2ui v1_2ui(5, 10); - Vector2ui v2_2ui(3, 15); - uint32_t result_ui = 29; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_2ui, v2_2ui, result_ui); - - // Test Vector 3ui: uint32_t, 3D. - Vector3ui v1_3ui(5, 10, 2); - Vector3ui v2_3ui(3, 15, 0); - result_ui = 33; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_3ui, v2_3ui, result_ui); - - // Test Vector 4ui: uint32_t, 4D. - Vector4ui v1_4ui(5, 10, 2, 7); - Vector4ui v2_4ui(3, 15, 0, 9); - result_ui = 37; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_4ui, v2_4ui, result_ui); - - // Test Vector 5ui: uint32_t, 5D. - Vector5ui v1_5ui(5, 10, 2, 7, 1); - Vector5ui v2_5ui(3, 15, 0, 9, 12); - result_ui = 158; - TestSquaredDistance(v1_5ui, v2_5ui, result_ui); -} - TEST(VectorDTest, TestCrossProduct3D) { const Vector3i e1(1, 0, 0); const Vector3i e2(0, 1, 0); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_reader_factory.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_reader_factory.cc index ac7b092885..a8f15a11f8 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_reader_factory.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_reader_factory.cc @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #include "draco/io/file_reader_factory.h" +#include #include namespace draco { @@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ std::unique_ptr FileReaderFactory::OpenReader( } return reader; } - FILEREADER_LOG_ERROR("No file reader able to open input"); return nullptr; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.cc index f93cbd8991..694d259e8d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.cc @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ // #include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include + #include "draco/io/file_reader_factory.h" #include "draco/io/file_reader_interface.h" #include "draco/io/file_writer_factory.h" @@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ void SplitPath(const std::string &full_path, std::string *out_folder_path, std::string ReplaceFileExtension(const std::string &in_file_name, const std::string &new_extension) { - const auto pos = in_file_name.find_last_of("."); + const auto pos = in_file_name.find_last_of('.'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { // No extension found. return in_file_name + "." + new_extension; @@ -46,6 +48,22 @@ std::string LowercaseFileExtension(const std::string &filename) { return parser::ToLower(filename.substr(pos + 1)); } +std::string LowercaseMimeTypeExtension(const std::string &mime_type) { + const size_t pos = mime_type.find_last_of('/'); + if (pos == 0 || pos == std::string::npos || pos == mime_type.length() - 1) { + return ""; + } + return parser::ToLower(mime_type.substr(pos + 1)); +} + +std::string RemoveFileExtension(const std::string &filename) { + const size_t pos = filename.find_last_of('.'); + if (pos == 0 || pos == std::string::npos || pos == filename.length() - 1) { + return filename; + } + return filename.substr(0, pos); +} + std::string GetFullPath(const std::string &input_file_relative_path, const std::string &sibling_file_full_path) { const auto pos = sibling_file_full_path.find_last_of("/\\"); @@ -76,6 +94,23 @@ bool ReadFileToBuffer(const std::string &file_name, return file_reader->ReadFileToBuffer(buffer); } +bool ReadFileToString(const std::string &file_name, std::string *contents) { + if (!contents) { + return false; + } + std::unique_ptr file_reader = + FileReaderFactory::OpenReader(file_name); + if (file_reader == nullptr) { + return false; + } + std::vector buffer; + if (!ReadFileToBuffer(file_name, &buffer)) { + return false; + } + contents->assign(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()); + return true; +} + bool WriteBufferToFile(const char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const std::string &file_name) { std::unique_ptr file_writer = diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.h index 4b734e049f..7a5fc475bc 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils.h @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ #ifndef DRACO_IO_FILE_UTILS_H_ #define DRACO_IO_FILE_UTILS_H_ +#include #include #include @@ -37,6 +38,13 @@ std::string ReplaceFileExtension(const std::string &in_file_name, // '.' (e.g. Linux hidden files), the first delimiter is ignored. std::string LowercaseFileExtension(const std::string &filename); +// Returns the mime type extension in lowercase if present, else "". Extension +// is defined as the string after the last '/ character. +std::string LowercaseMimeTypeExtension(const std::string &mime_type); + +// Returns the file name without extension. +std::string RemoveFileExtension(const std::string &filename); + // Given a path of the input file |input_file_relative_path| relative to the // parent directory of |sibling_file_full_path|, this function returns full path // to the input file. If |sibling_file_full_path| has no directory, the relative @@ -46,13 +54,18 @@ std::string LowercaseFileExtension(const std::string &filename); std::string GetFullPath(const std::string &input_file_relative_path, const std::string &sibling_file_full_path); -// Convenience method. Uses draco::FileReaderFactory internally. Reads contents +// Convenience methods. Uses draco::FileReaderFactory internally. Reads contents // of file referenced by |file_name| into |buffer| and returns true upon // success. bool ReadFileToBuffer(const std::string &file_name, std::vector *buffer); bool ReadFileToBuffer(const std::string &file_name, std::vector *buffer); +// Convenience method for reading a file into a std::string. Reads contents +// of file referenced by |file_name| into |contents| and returns true upon +// success. +bool ReadFileToString(const std::string &file_name, std::string *contents); + // Convenience method. Uses draco::FileWriterFactory internally. Writes contents // of |buffer| to file referred to by |file_name|. File is overwritten if it // exists. Returns true after successful write. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils_test.cc index 4085ff0cde..b55b1e3beb 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_utils_test.cc @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ // #include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include + #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_factory.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_factory.cc index cb6851602d..8ffd5400ae 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_factory.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_factory.cc @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #include "draco/io/file_writer_factory.h" +#include #include namespace draco { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_utils.cc index bcadccfc61..3dab80bbff 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_utils.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_utils.cc @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ #include "draco/draco_features.h" +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "ghc/filesystem.hpp" +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + namespace draco { void SplitPathPrivate(const std::string &full_path, @@ -30,8 +34,18 @@ void SplitPathPrivate(const std::string &full_path, } } -bool DirectoryExists(const std::string &path) { +bool DirectoryExists(const std::string &path_arg) { struct stat path_stat; + std::string path = path_arg; + +#if defined(_WIN32) && not defined(__MINGW32__) + // Avoid a silly windows issue: stat() will fail on a drive letter missing the + // trailing slash. + if (path.size() > 0 && path[path.size()] != '\\' && + path[path.size()] != '/') { + path.append("\\"); + } +#endif // Check if |path| exists. if (stat(path.c_str(), &path_stat) != 0) { @@ -50,7 +64,12 @@ bool CheckAndCreatePathForFile(const std::string &filename) { std::string basename; SplitPathPrivate(filename, &path, &basename); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + const ghc::filesystem::path ghc_path(path); + ghc::filesystem::create_directories(ghc_path); +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED const bool directory_exists = DirectoryExists(path); + return directory_exists; } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_utils_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14a3013e0f --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/file_writer_utils_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +#include "draco/io/file_writer_utils.h" + +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace draco { +namespace { + +TEST(FileWriterUtilsTest, SplitPathPrivateNonWindows) { + const std::string test_path = "/path/to/file"; + std::string directory; + std::string file; + SplitPathPrivate(test_path, &directory, &file); + ASSERT_EQ(directory, "/path/to"); + ASSERT_EQ(file, "file"); +} + +TEST(FileWriterUtilsTest, SplitPathPrivateWindows) { + const std::string test_path = "C:\\path\\to\\file"; + std::string directory; + std::string file; + SplitPathPrivate(test_path, &directory, &file); + ASSERT_EQ(directory, "C:\\path\\to"); + ASSERT_EQ(file, "file"); +} + +TEST(FileWriterUtilsTest, DirectoryExistsTest) { + ASSERT_TRUE(DirectoryExists(GetTestTempDir())); + ASSERT_FALSE(DirectoryExists("fake/test/subdir")); +} + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +TEST(FileWriterUtilsTest, CheckAndCreatePathForFileTest) { + const std::string fake_file = "fake.file"; + const std::string fake_file_subdir = "a/few/dirs/down"; + const std::string test_temp_dir = GetTestTempDir(); + const std::string fake_file_directory = + test_temp_dir + "/" + fake_file_subdir; + const std::string fake_full_path = + test_temp_dir + "/" + fake_file_subdir + "/" + fake_file; + ASSERT_TRUE(CheckAndCreatePathForFile(fake_full_path)); + ASSERT_TRUE(DirectoryExists(fake_file_directory)); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..521b7524fd --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder.cc @@ -0,0 +1,2893 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/gltf_decoder.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_types.h" +#include "draco/core/hash_utils.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.h" +#include "draco/material/material_library.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_features.h" +#include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" +#include "draco/metadata/property_table.h" +#include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" +#include "draco/texture/source_image.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +namespace { +draco::DataType GltfComponentTypeToDracoType(int component_type) { + switch (component_type) { + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_BYTE: + return DT_INT8; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: + return DT_UINT8; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_SHORT: + return DT_INT16; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: + return DT_UINT16; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: + return DT_UINT32; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT: + return DT_FLOAT32; + } + return DT_INVALID; +} + +GeometryAttribute::Type GltfAttributeToDracoAttribute( + const std::string attribute_name) { + if (attribute_name == "POSITION") { + return GeometryAttribute::POSITION; + } else if (attribute_name == "NORMAL") { + return GeometryAttribute::NORMAL; + } else if (attribute_name == "TEXCOORD_0") { + return GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD; + } else if (attribute_name == "TEXCOORD_1") { + return GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD; + } else if (attribute_name == "TANGENT") { + return GeometryAttribute::TANGENT; + } else if (attribute_name == "COLOR_0") { + return GeometryAttribute::COLOR; + } else if (attribute_name == "JOINTS_0") { + return GeometryAttribute::JOINTS; + } else if (attribute_name == "WEIGHTS_0") { + return GeometryAttribute::WEIGHTS; + } else if (attribute_name.rfind("_FEATURE_ID_") == 0) { + // Feature ID attribute like _FEATURE_ID_5 from EXT_mesh_features extension. + return GeometryAttribute::GENERIC; + } + return GeometryAttribute::INVALID; +} + +StatusOr TinyGltfToDracoAxisWrappingMode( + int wrap_mode) { + switch (wrap_mode) { + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: + return TextureMap::CLAMP_TO_EDGE; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT: + return TextureMap::MIRRORED_REPEAT; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT: + return TextureMap::REPEAT; + default: + return Status(Status::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, "Unsupported wrapping mode."); + } +} + +StatusOr TinyGltfToDracoFilterType(int filter_type) { + switch (filter_type) { + case -1: + return TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST: + return TextureMap::NEAREST; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR: + return TextureMap::LINEAR; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: + return TextureMap::NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: + return TextureMap::LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: + return TextureMap::NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; + case TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: + return TextureMap::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; + default: + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Unsupported texture filter type."); + } +} + +StatusOr> CopyDataAsUint32( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor) { + if (accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_BYTE) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Byte cannot be converted to Uint32."); + } + if (accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_SHORT) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Short cannot be converted to Uint32."); + } + if (accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_INT) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Int cannot be converted to Uint32."); + } + if (accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Float cannot be converted to Uint32."); + } + if (accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_DOUBLE) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Double cannot be converted to Uint32."); + } + if (accessor.bufferView < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Error CopyDataAsUint32() bufferView < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::BufferView &buffer_view = + model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView]; + if (buffer_view.buffer < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error CopyDataAsUint32() buffer < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::Buffer &buffer = model.buffers[buffer_view.buffer]; + + const uint8_t *const data_start = + buffer.data.data() + buffer_view.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset; + const int byte_stride = accessor.ByteStride(buffer_view); + const int component_size = + tinygltf::GetComponentSizeInBytes(accessor.componentType); + const int num_components = + TinyGltfUtils::GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + const int num_elements = accessor.count * num_components; + + std::vector output; + output.resize(num_elements); + + int out_index = 0; + const uint8_t *data = data_start; + for (int i = 0; i < accessor.count; ++i) { + for (int c = 0; c < num_components; ++c) { + uint32_t value = 0; + memcpy(&value, data + (c * component_size), component_size); + output[out_index++] = value; + } + + data += byte_stride; + } + + return output; +} + +// Specialization for arithmetic types. +template < + typename TypeT, + typename std::enable_if::value>::type * = nullptr> +StatusOr> CopyDataAs(const tinygltf::Model &model, + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor) { + if (std::is_same::value) { + if (TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE != accessor.componentType) { + return ErrorStatus("Accessor data cannot be converted to Uint8."); + } + } else if (std::is_same::value) { + if (TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE != accessor.componentType && + TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT != accessor.componentType) { + return ErrorStatus("Accessor data cannot be converted to Uint16."); + } + } else if (std::is_same::value) { + if (TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE != accessor.componentType && + TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT != accessor.componentType && + TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT != accessor.componentType) { + return ErrorStatus("Accessor data cannot be converted to Uint32."); + } + } else if (std::is_same::value) { + if (TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT != accessor.componentType) { + return ErrorStatus("Accessor data cannot be converted to Float."); + } + } + if (accessor.bufferView < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error CopyDataAs() bufferView < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::BufferView &buffer_view = + model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView]; + if (buffer_view.buffer < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error CopyDataAs() buffer < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::Buffer &buffer = model.buffers[buffer_view.buffer]; + + const uint8_t *const data_start = + buffer.data.data() + buffer_view.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset; + const int byte_stride = accessor.ByteStride(buffer_view); + const int component_size = + tinygltf::GetComponentSizeInBytes(accessor.componentType); + + std::vector output; + output.resize(accessor.count); + + const int num_components = + TinyGltfUtils::GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + int out_index = 0; + const uint8_t *data = data_start; + for (int i = 0; i < accessor.count; ++i) { + for (int c = 0; c < num_components; ++c) { + TypeT value = 0; + memcpy(&value, data + (c * component_size), component_size); + output[out_index++] = value; + } + data += byte_stride; + } + return output; +} + +// Specialization for remaining types is used for draco::VectorD. +template ::value>::type * = + nullptr> +StatusOr> CopyDataAs(const tinygltf::Model &model, + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor) { + const int num_components = + TinyGltfUtils::GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + if (num_components != TypeT::dimension) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Dimension does not equal num components."); + } + if (accessor.bufferView < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error CopyDataAs() bufferView < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::BufferView &buffer_view = + model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView]; + if (buffer_view.buffer < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error CopyDataAs() buffer < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::Buffer &buffer = model.buffers[buffer_view.buffer]; + + const uint8_t *const data_start = + buffer.data.data() + buffer_view.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset; + const int byte_stride = accessor.ByteStride(buffer_view); + const int component_size = + tinygltf::GetComponentSizeInBytes(accessor.componentType); + + std::vector output; + output.resize(accessor.count); + + const uint8_t *data = data_start; + for (int i = 0; i < accessor.count; ++i) { + TypeT values; + for (int c = 0; c < num_components; ++c) { + memcpy(&values[c], data + (c * component_size), component_size); + } + output[i] = values; + data += byte_stride; + } + return output; +} + +// Copies the data referenced from |buffer_view_id| into |data|. Currently only +// supports a byte stride of 0. I.e. tightly packed. +Status CopyDataFromBufferView(const tinygltf::Model &model, int buffer_view_id, + std::vector *data) { + if (buffer_view_id < 0) { + return ErrorStatus("Error CopyDataFromBufferView() bufferView < 0."); + } + const tinygltf::BufferView &buffer_view = model.bufferViews[buffer_view_id]; + if (buffer_view.buffer < 0) { + return ErrorStatus("Error CopyDataFromBufferView() buffer < 0."); + } + if (buffer_view.byteStride != 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error buffer view byteStride != 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::Buffer &buffer = model.buffers[buffer_view.buffer]; + const uint8_t *const data_start = buffer.data.data() + buffer_view.byteOffset; + + data->resize(buffer_view.byteLength); + memcpy(&(*data)[0], data_start, buffer_view.byteLength); + return OkStatus(); +} + +// Returns a SourceImage created from |image|. +StatusOr> GetSourceImage( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Image &image, + const Texture &texture) { + std::unique_ptr source_image(new SourceImage()); + // If the image is in an external file then the buffer view is < 0. + if (image.bufferView >= 0) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyDataFromBufferView( + model, image.bufferView, &source_image->MutableEncodedData())); + } + source_image->set_filename(image.uri); + source_image->set_mime_type(image.mimeType); + + return source_image; +} + +std::unique_ptr GetNodeTrsMatrix(const tinygltf::Node &node) { + std::unique_ptr trsm(new TrsMatrix()); + if (node.matrix.size() == 16) { + Eigen::Matrix4d transformation; + // clang-format off + // |node.matrix| is in the column-major order. + transformation << + node.matrix[0], node.matrix[4], node.matrix[8], node.matrix[12], + node.matrix[1], node.matrix[5], node.matrix[9], node.matrix[13], + node.matrix[2], node.matrix[6], node.matrix[10], node.matrix[14], + node.matrix[3], node.matrix[7], node.matrix[11], node.matrix[15]; + // clang-format on + if (transformation != Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()) { + trsm->SetMatrix(transformation); + } + } + + if (node.translation.size() == 3) { + const Eigen::Vector3d default_translation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + const Eigen::Vector3d node_translation( + node.translation[0], node.translation[1], node.translation[2]); + if (node_translation != default_translation) { + trsm->SetTranslation(node_translation); + } + } + if (node.scale.size() == 3) { + const Eigen::Vector3d default_scale(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); + const Eigen::Vector3d node_scale(node.scale[0], node.scale[1], + node.scale[2]); + if (node_scale != default_scale) { + trsm->SetScale(node_scale); + } + } + if (node.rotation.size() == 4) { + // Eigen quaternion is defined in (w, x, y, z) vs glTF that uses + // (x, y, z, w). + const Eigen::Quaterniond default_rotation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); + const Eigen::Quaterniond node_rotation(node.rotation[3], node.rotation[0], + node.rotation[1], node.rotation[2]); + if (node_rotation != default_rotation) { + trsm->SetRotation(node_rotation); + } + } + + return trsm; +} + +Eigen::Matrix4d UpdateMatrixForNormals( + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix) { + Eigen::Matrix3d mat3x3; + // clang-format off + mat3x3 << + transform_matrix(0, 0), transform_matrix(0, 1), transform_matrix(0, 2), + transform_matrix(1, 0), transform_matrix(1, 1), transform_matrix(1, 2), + transform_matrix(2, 0), transform_matrix(2, 1), transform_matrix(2, 2); + // clang-format on + + mat3x3 = mat3x3.inverse().transpose(); + Eigen::Matrix4d mat4x4; + // clang-format off + mat4x4 << mat3x3(0, 0), mat3x3(0, 1), mat3x3(0, 2), 0.0, + mat3x3(1, 0), mat3x3(1, 1), mat3x3(1, 2), 0.0, + mat3x3(2, 0), mat3x3(2, 1), mat3x3(2, 2), 0.0, + 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; + // clang-format on + return mat4x4; +} + +float Determinant(const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix) { + Eigen::Matrix3d mat3x3; + // clang-format off + mat3x3 << + transform_matrix(0, 0), transform_matrix(0, 1), transform_matrix(0, 2), + transform_matrix(1, 0), transform_matrix(1, 1), transform_matrix(1, 2), + transform_matrix(2, 0), transform_matrix(2, 1), transform_matrix(2, 2); + // clang-format on + return mat3x3.determinant(); +} + +bool FileExists(const std::string &filepath, void * /*user_data*/) { + return GetFileSize(filepath) != 0; +} + +bool ReadWholeFile(std::vector *out, std::string *err, + const std::string &filepath, void *user_data) { + if (!ReadFileToBuffer(filepath, out)) { + if (err) { + *err = "Unable to read: " + filepath; + } + return false; + } + if (user_data) { + auto *files_vector = + reinterpret_cast *>(user_data); + files_vector->push_back(filepath); + } + return true; +} + +bool WriteWholeFile(std::string * /*err*/, const std::string &filepath, + const std::vector &contents, + void * /*user_data*/) { + return WriteBufferToFile(contents.data(), contents.size(), filepath); +} + +} // namespace + +GltfDecoder::GltfDecoder() + : next_face_id_(0), + next_point_id_(0), + total_face_indices_count_(0), + total_point_indices_count_(0), + material_att_id_(-1) {} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::DecodeFromFile( + const std::string &file_name) { + return DecodeFromFile(file_name, nullptr); +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::DecodeFromFile( + const std::string &file_name, std::vector *mesh_files) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(LoadFile(file_name, mesh_files)); + return BuildMesh(); +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::DecodeFromBuffer( + DecoderBuffer *buffer) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(LoadBuffer(*buffer)); + return BuildMesh(); +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::DecodeFromFileToScene( + const std::string &file_name) { + return DecodeFromFileToScene(file_name, nullptr); +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::DecodeFromFileToScene( + const std::string &file_name, std::vector *scene_files) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(LoadFile(file_name, scene_files)); + scene_ = std::unique_ptr(new Scene()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeGltfToScene()); + return std::move(scene_); +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::DecodeFromBufferToScene( + DecoderBuffer *buffer) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(LoadBuffer(*buffer)); + scene_ = std::unique_ptr(new Scene()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeGltfToScene()); + return std::move(scene_); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::LoadFile(const std::string &file_name, + std::vector *input_files) { + const std::string extension = LowercaseFileExtension(file_name); + tinygltf::TinyGLTF loader; + std::string err; + std::string warn; + + const tinygltf::FsCallbacks fs_callbacks = { + &FileExists, + // TinyGLTF's ExpandFilePath does not do filesystem i/o, so it's safe to + // use in all environments. + &tinygltf::ExpandFilePath, &ReadWholeFile, &WriteWholeFile, + reinterpret_cast(input_files)}; + + loader.SetFsCallbacks(fs_callbacks); + + if (extension == "glb") { + if (!loader.LoadBinaryFromFile(&gltf_model_, &err, &warn, file_name)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "TinyGLTF failed to load glb file: " + err); + } + } else if (extension == "gltf") { + if (!loader.LoadASCIIFromFile(&gltf_model_, &err, &warn, file_name)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "TinyGLTF failed to load glTF file: " + err); + } + } else { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Unknown input file extension."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckUnsupportedFeatures()); + input_file_name_ = file_name; + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::LoadBuffer(const DecoderBuffer &buffer) { + tinygltf::TinyGLTF loader; + std::string err; + std::string warn; + + if (!loader.LoadBinaryFromMemory( + &gltf_model_, &err, &warn, + reinterpret_cast(buffer.data_head()), + buffer.remaining_size())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "TinyGLTF failed to load glb buffer: " + err); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckUnsupportedFeatures()); + input_file_name_.clear(); + return OkStatus(); +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::BuildMesh() { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(GatherAttributeAndMaterialStats()); + if (total_face_indices_count_ > 0 && total_point_indices_count_ > 0) { + return ErrorStatus( + "Decoding to mesh can't handle triangle and point primitives at the " + "same time."); + } + if (total_face_indices_count_ > 0) { + mb_.Start(total_face_indices_count_ / 3); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributesToDracoMesh(&mb_)); + } else { + pb_.Start(total_point_indices_count_); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributesToDracoMesh(&pb_)); + } + + for (const tinygltf::Scene &scene : gltf_model_.scenes) { + for (int i = 0; i < scene.nodes.size(); ++i) { + const Eigen::Matrix4d parent_matrix = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeNode(scene.nodes[i], parent_matrix)); + } + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::unique_ptr mesh, + BuildMeshFromBuilder(total_face_indices_count_ > 0, &mb_, &pb_)); + + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyTextures(mesh.get())); + SetAttributePropertiesOnDracoMesh(mesh.get()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMaterialsToDracoMesh(mesh.get())); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMeshFeaturesToDracoMesh(mesh.get())); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddStructuralMetadataToGeometry(mesh.get())); + MoveNonMaterialTextures(mesh.get()); + return mesh; +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddMeshFeaturesToDracoMesh(Mesh *mesh) { + for (const tinygltf::Scene &scene : gltf_model_.scenes) { + for (int i = 0; i < scene.nodes.size(); ++i) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMeshFeaturesToDracoMesh(scene.nodes[i], mesh)); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddMeshFeaturesToDracoMesh(int node_index, Mesh *mesh) { + const tinygltf::Node &node = gltf_model_.nodes[node_index]; + if (node.mesh >= 0) { + const tinygltf::Mesh &gltf_mesh = gltf_model_.meshes[node.mesh]; + for (const auto &primitive : gltf_mesh.primitives) { + // Decode mesh feature ID sets if present in this primitive. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeMeshFeatures( + primitive, &mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableTextureLibrary(), + mesh)); + } + } + for (int i = 0; i < node.children.size(); ++i) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMeshFeaturesToDracoMesh(node.children[i], mesh)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::CheckUnsupportedFeatures() { + // Check for morph targets. + for (const auto &mesh : gltf_model_.meshes) { + for (const auto &primitive : mesh.primitives) { + if (!primitive.targets.empty()) { + return Status(Status::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, + "Morph targets are unsupported."); + } + } + } + + // Check for sparse accessors. + for (const auto &accessor : gltf_model_.accessors) { + if (accessor.sparse.isSparse) { + return Status(Status::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, + "Sparse accessors are unsupported."); + } + } + + // Check for extensions. + for (const auto &extension : gltf_model_.extensionsRequired) { + if (extension != "KHR_materials_unlit" && + extension != "KHR_texture_transform" && + extension != "KHR_draco_mesh_compression") { + return Status(Status::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, + extension + " is unsupported."); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeNode(int node_index, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &parent_matrix) { + const tinygltf::Node &node = gltf_model_.nodes[node_index]; + const std::unique_ptr trsm = GetNodeTrsMatrix(node); + const Eigen::Matrix4d node_matrix = + parent_matrix * trsm->ComputeTransformationMatrix(); + + if (node.mesh >= 0) { + const tinygltf::Mesh &mesh = gltf_model_.meshes[node.mesh]; + for (const auto &primitive : mesh.primitives) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodePrimitive(primitive, node_matrix)); + } + } + for (int i = 0; i < node.children.size(); ++i) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeNode(node.children[i], node_matrix)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::DecodePrimitiveAttributeCount( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) const { + // Use the first primitive attribute as all attributes have the same entry + // count according to glTF 2.0 spec. + if (primitive.attributes.empty()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Primitive has no attributes."); + } + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor = + gltf_model_.accessors[primitive.attributes.begin()->second]; + return accessor.count; +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::DecodePrimitiveIndicesCount( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) const { + if (primitive.indices < 0) { + // Primitive has implicit indices [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]. Determine indices count + // based on entry count of a primitive attribute. + return DecodePrimitiveAttributeCount(primitive); + } + const tinygltf::Accessor &indices = gltf_model_.accessors[primitive.indices]; + return indices.count; +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::DecodePrimitiveIndices( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) const { + std::vector indices_data; + if (primitive.indices < 0) { + // Primitive has implicit indices [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]. Create indices based on + // entry count of a primitive attribute. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int num_vertices, + DecodePrimitiveAttributeCount(primitive)); + indices_data.reserve(num_vertices); + for (int i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { + indices_data.push_back(i); + } + } else { + // Get indices from the primitive's indices property. + const tinygltf::Accessor &indices = + gltf_model_.accessors[primitive.indices]; + if (indices.count <= 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not convert indices."); + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(indices_data, + CopyDataAsUint32(gltf_model_, indices)); + } + return indices_data; +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodePrimitive(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix) { + if (primitive.mode != TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES && + primitive.mode != TINYGLTF_MODE_POINTS) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Primitive does not contain triangles or points."); + } + + // Store the transformation scale of this primitive loading as draco::Mesh. + if (scene_ == nullptr) { + // TODO(vytyaz): Do something for non-uniform scaling. + const float scale = transform_matrix.col(0).norm(); + gltf_primitive_material_to_scales_[primitive.material].push_back(scale); + } + + // Handle indices first. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const std::vector indices_data, + DecodePrimitiveIndices(primitive)); + const int number_of_faces = indices_data.size() / 3; + const int number_of_points = indices_data.size(); + + for (const auto &attribute : primitive.attributes) { + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor = + gltf_model_.accessors[attribute.second]; + + const int att_id = + attribute_name_to_draco_mesh_attribute_id_[attribute.first]; + if (att_id == -1) { + continue; + } + + if (primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributeValuesToBuilder( + attribute.first, accessor, indices_data, att_id, number_of_faces, + transform_matrix, &mb_)); + } else { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributeValuesToBuilder( + attribute.first, accessor, indices_data, att_id, number_of_points, + transform_matrix, &pb_)); + } + } + + // Add the material data only if there is more than one material. + if (gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.size() > 1) { + const int material_index = primitive.material; + const auto it = + gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.find(material_index); + if (it != gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.end()) { + if (primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + AddMaterialDataToBuilder(it->second, number_of_faces, &mb_)); + } else { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + AddMaterialDataToBuilder(it->second, number_of_points, &pb_)); + } + } + } + + next_face_id_ += number_of_faces; + next_point_id_ += number_of_points; + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::NodeGatherAttributeAndMaterialStats( + const tinygltf::Node &node) { + if (node.mesh >= 0) { + const tinygltf::Mesh &mesh = gltf_model_.meshes[node.mesh]; + for (const auto &primitive : mesh.primitives) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AccumulatePrimitiveStats(primitive)); + + const auto it = + gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.find(primitive.material); + if (it == gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.end()) { + gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_[primitive.material] = + gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.size(); + } + } + } + for (int i = 0; i < node.children.size(); ++i) { + const tinygltf::Node &child = gltf_model_.nodes[node.children[i]]; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(NodeGatherAttributeAndMaterialStats(child)); + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::GatherAttributeAndMaterialStats() { + for (const auto &scene : gltf_model_.scenes) { + for (int i = 0; i < scene.nodes.size(); ++i) { + const tinygltf::Node &node = gltf_model_.nodes[scene.nodes[i]]; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(NodeGatherAttributeAndMaterialStats(node)); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +void GltfDecoder::SumAttributeStats(const std::string &attribute_name, + int count) { + // We know that there must be a valid entry for |attribute_name| at this time. + mesh_attribute_data_[attribute_name].total_attribute_counts += count; +} + +Status GltfDecoder::CheckTypes(const std::string &attribute_name, + int component_type, int type, bool normalized) { + auto it_mad = mesh_attribute_data_.find(attribute_name); + + if (it_mad == mesh_attribute_data_.end()) { + MeshAttributeData mad; + mad.component_type = component_type; + mad.attribute_type = type; + mad.normalized = normalized; + mesh_attribute_data_[attribute_name] = mad; + return OkStatus(); + } + if (it_mad->second.component_type != component_type) { + return Status( + Status::DRACO_ERROR, + attribute_name + " attribute component type does not match previous."); + } + if (it_mad->second.attribute_type != type) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + attribute_name + " attribute type does not match previous."); + } + if (it_mad->second.normalized != normalized) { + return Status( + Status::DRACO_ERROR, + attribute_name + + " attribute normalized property does not match previous."); + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AccumulatePrimitiveStats( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int indices_count, + DecodePrimitiveIndicesCount(primitive)); + if (primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES) { + total_face_indices_count_ += indices_count; + } else if (primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_POINTS) { + total_point_indices_count_ += indices_count; + } else { + return ErrorStatus("Unsupported primitive indices mode."); + } + + for (const auto &attribute : primitive.attributes) { + if (attribute.second >= gltf_model_.accessors.size()) { + return ErrorStatus("Invalid accessor."); + } + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor = + gltf_model_.accessors[attribute.second]; + + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckTypes(attribute.first, accessor.componentType, + accessor.type, accessor.normalized)); + SumAttributeStats(attribute.first, accessor.count); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddAttributesToDracoMesh(BuilderT *builder) { + for (const auto &attribute : mesh_attribute_data_) { + const GeometryAttribute::Type draco_att_type = + GltfAttributeToDracoAttribute(attribute.first); + if (draco_att_type == GeometryAttribute::INVALID) { + // Map an invalid attribute to attribute id -1 that will be ignored and + // not included in the Draco mesh. + attribute_name_to_draco_mesh_attribute_id_[attribute.first] = -1; + continue; + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const int att_id, + AddAttribute(draco_att_type, attribute.second.component_type, + attribute.second.attribute_type, builder)); + attribute_name_to_draco_mesh_attribute_id_[attribute.first] = att_id; + } + + // Add the material attribute. + if (gltf_model_.materials.size() > 1) { + draco::DataType component_type = DT_UINT32; + if (gltf_model_.materials.size() < 256) { + component_type = DT_UINT8; + } else if (gltf_model_.materials.size() < (1 << 16)) { + component_type = DT_UINT16; + } + material_att_id_ = + builder->AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL, 1, component_type); + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddAttributeValuesToBuilder( + const std::string &attribute_name, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, int att_id, + int number_of_elements, const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix, + BuilderT *builder) { + const bool reverse_winding = Determinant(transform_matrix) < 0; + if (attribute_name == "TEXCOORD_0" || attribute_name == "TEXCOORD_1") { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddTexCoordToBuilder(accessor, indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, + reverse_winding, builder)); + } else if (attribute_name == "TANGENT") { + const Eigen::Matrix4d matrix = UpdateMatrixForNormals(transform_matrix); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddTangentToBuilder(accessor, indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, matrix, + reverse_winding, builder)); + } else if (attribute_name == "POSITION" || attribute_name == "NORMAL") { + const Eigen::Matrix4d matrix = + (attribute_name == "NORMAL") ? UpdateMatrixForNormals(transform_matrix) + : transform_matrix; + const bool normalize = (attribute_name == "NORMAL"); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddTransformedDataToBuilder( + accessor, indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, matrix, normalize, + reverse_winding, builder)); + } else if (attribute_name.rfind("_FEATURE_ID_") == 0) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddFeatureIdToBuilder( + accessor, indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, reverse_winding, + attribute_name, builder)); + } else { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributeDataByTypes(accessor, indices_data, + att_id, number_of_elements, + reverse_winding, builder)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddTangentToBuilder( + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, int att_id, + int number_of_elements, const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix, + bool reverse_winding, BuilderT *builder) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat(gltf_model_, accessor)); + + for (int v = 0; v < data.size(); ++v) { + Eigen::Vector4d vec4(data[v][0], data[v][1], data[v][2], 1); + vec4 = transform_matrix * vec4; + + // Normalize the data. + Eigen::Vector3d vec3(vec4[0], vec4[1], vec4[2]); + vec3 = vec3.normalized(); + for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { + vec4[i] = vec3[i]; + } + + // Add back the original w component. + vec4[3] = data[v][3]; + for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { + data[v][i] = vec4[i]; + } + } + + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddTexCoordToBuilder( + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, int att_id, + int number_of_elements, bool reverse_winding, BuilderT *builder) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat(gltf_model_, accessor)); + + // glTF stores texture coordinates flipped on the horizontal axis compared to + // how Draco stores texture coordinates. + for (auto &uv : data) { + uv[1] = 1.0 - uv[1]; + } + + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddFeatureIdToBuilder( + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, int att_id, + int number_of_elements, bool reverse_winding, + const std::string &attribute_name, BuilderT *builder) { + // Check that the feature ID attribute has correct type. + const int num_components = + TinyGltfUtils::GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + if (num_components != 1) { + return ErrorStatus("Invalid feature ID attribute type."); + } + const draco::DataType draco_component_type = + GltfComponentTypeToDracoType(accessor.componentType); + if (draco_component_type != DT_UINT8 && draco_component_type != DT_UINT16 && + draco_component_type != DT_FLOAT32) { + return ErrorStatus("Invalid feature ID attribute component type."); + } + + // Set feature ID attribute values to mesh faces. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributeDataByTypes(accessor, indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, + reverse_winding, builder)); + + // Store feature ID attribute name with index like _FEATURE_ID_5 in Draco + // attribute metadata. + std::unique_ptr metadata(new draco::AttributeMetadata()); + metadata->AddEntryString("attribute_name", attribute_name); + builder->AddAttributeMetadata(att_id, std::move(metadata)); + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddTransformedDataToBuilder( + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, int att_id, + int number_of_elements, const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix, + bool normalize, bool reverse_winding, BuilderT *builder) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat(gltf_model_, accessor)); + + for (int v = 0; v < data.size(); ++v) { + Eigen::Vector4d vec4(data[v][0], data[v][1], data[v][2], 1); + vec4 = transform_matrix * vec4; + Eigen::Vector3d vec3(vec4[0], vec4[1], vec4[2]); + if (normalize) { + vec3 = vec3.normalized(); + } + for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { + data[v][i] = vec3[i]; + } + } + + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +void GltfDecoder::SetValuesForBuilder(const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + const std::vector &data, + bool reverse_winding, + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *builder) { + SetValuesPerFace(indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); +} + +template +void GltfDecoder::SetValuesForBuilder(const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + const std::vector &data, + bool reverse_winding, + PointCloudBuilder *builder) { + for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; ++i) { + const uint32_t v_id = indices_data[i]; + const PointIndex pi(v_id + next_point_id_); + builder->SetAttributeValueForPoint(att_id, pi, + GetDataContentAddress(data[v_id])); + } +} + +template +void GltfDecoder::SetValuesPerFace(const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_faces, + const std::vector &data, + bool reverse_winding, + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *mb) { + for (int f = 0; f < number_of_faces; ++f) { + const int base_corner = f * 3; + const uint32_t v_id = indices_data[base_corner]; + const int next_offset = reverse_winding ? 2 : 1; + const int prev_offset = reverse_winding ? 1 : 2; + const uint32_t v_next_id = indices_data[base_corner + next_offset]; + const uint32_t v_prev_id = indices_data[base_corner + prev_offset]; + + const FaceIndex face_index(f + next_face_id_); + mb->SetAttributeValuesForFace(att_id, face_index, + GetDataContentAddress(data[v_id]), + GetDataContentAddress(data[v_next_id]), + GetDataContentAddress(data[v_prev_id])); + } +} + +// Get the address of data content for arithmetic types |T|. +template +const void *GetDataContentAddressImpl(const T &data, + std::true_type /* is_arithmetic */) { + return &data; +} + +// Get the address of data content for vector types |T|. +template +const void *GetDataContentAddressImpl(const T &data, + std::false_type /* is_arithmetic */) { + return data.data(); +} + +template +const void *GltfDecoder::GetDataContentAddress(const T &data) const { + return GetDataContentAddressImpl(data, std::is_arithmetic()); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddAttributeDataByTypes( + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, int att_id, + int number_of_elements, bool reverse_winding, BuilderT *builder) { + typedef VectorD Vector2u8i; + typedef VectorD Vector3u8i; + typedef VectorD Vector4u8i; + typedef VectorD Vector2u16i; + typedef VectorD Vector3u16i; + typedef VectorD Vector4u16i; + switch (accessor.type) { + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR: + switch (accessor.componentType) { + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, + data, reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, number_of_elements, + data, reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + default: + return ErrorStatus("Add attribute data, unknown component type."); + } + break; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC2: + switch (accessor.componentType) { + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + default: + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Add attribute data, unknown component type."); + } + break; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3: + switch (accessor.componentType) { + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + default: + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Add attribute data, unknown component type."); + } + break; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4: + switch (accessor.componentType) { + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + CopyDataAs(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT: { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::vector data, + TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat(gltf_model_, accessor)); + SetValuesForBuilder(indices_data, att_id, + number_of_elements, data, + reverse_winding, builder); + } break; + default: + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Add attribute data, unknown component type."); + } + break; + default: + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Add attribute data, unknown type."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::CopyTextures(T *owner) { + for (int i = 0; i < gltf_model_.images.size(); ++i) { + const tinygltf::Image &image = gltf_model_.images[i]; + if (image.width == -1 || image.height == -1 || image.component == -1) { + // TinyGLTF does not return an error when it cannot find an image. It will + // add an image with negative values. + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error loading image."); + } + + std::unique_ptr draco_texture(new Texture()); + + // Update mapping between glTF images and textures in the texture library. + gltf_image_to_draco_texture_[i] = draco_texture.get(); + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::unique_ptr source_image, + GetSourceImage(gltf_model_, image, *draco_texture)); + if (source_image->encoded_data().empty() && + !source_image->filename().empty()) { + // Update filename of source image to be relative of the glTF file. + std::string dirname; + std::string basename; + SplitPath(input_file_name_, &dirname, &basename); + source_image->set_filename(dirname + "/" + source_image->filename()); + } + draco_texture->set_source_image(*source_image); + + owner->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableTextureLibrary().PushTexture( + std::move(draco_texture)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +void GltfDecoder::SetAttributePropertiesOnDracoMesh(Mesh *mesh) { + for (const auto &mad : mesh_attribute_data_) { + const int att_id = attribute_name_to_draco_mesh_attribute_id_[mad.first]; + if (att_id == -1) { + continue; + } + if (mad.second.normalized) { + mesh->attribute(att_id)->set_normalized(true); + } + } +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddMaterialsToDracoMesh(Mesh *mesh) { + bool is_normal_map_used = false; + + int default_material_index = -1; + const auto it = gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.find(-1); + if (it != gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.end()) { + default_material_index = it->second; + } + + int output_material_index = 0; + for (int input_material_index = 0; + input_material_index < gltf_model_.materials.size(); + ++input_material_index) { + if (default_material_index == input_material_index) { + // Insert a default material here for primitives that did not have a + // material index. + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(output_material_index++); + } + + Material *const output_material = + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(output_material_index++); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + AddGltfMaterial(input_material_index, output_material)); + if (output_material->GetTextureMapByType( + TextureMap::NORMAL_TANGENT_SPACE)) { + is_normal_map_used = true; + } + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddMaterialDataToBuilder(int material_value, + int number_of_elements, + BuilderT *builder) { + if (gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.size() < 256) { + const uint8_t typed_material_value = material_value; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMaterialDataToBuilderInternal( + typed_material_value, number_of_elements, builder)); + } else if (gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.size() < (1 << 16)) { + const uint16_t typed_material_value = material_value; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMaterialDataToBuilderInternal( + typed_material_value, number_of_elements, builder)); + } else { + const uint32_t typed_material_value = material_value; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMaterialDataToBuilderInternal( + typed_material_value, number_of_elements, builder)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddMaterialDataToBuilderInternal( + T material_value, int number_of_faces, TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *builder) { + for (int f = 0; f < number_of_faces; ++f) { + const FaceIndex face_index(f + next_face_id_); + builder->SetPerFaceAttributeValueForFace(material_att_id_, face_index, + &material_value); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddMaterialDataToBuilderInternal( + T material_value, int number_of_points, PointCloudBuilder *builder) { + for (int pi = 0; pi < number_of_points; ++pi) { + const PointIndex point_index(pi + next_point_id_); + builder->SetAttributeValueForPoint(material_att_id_, point_index, + &material_value); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + int texture_index, int tex_coord_attribute_index, + const tinygltf::ExtensionMap &tex_info_ext, Material *material, + TextureMap::Type type) { + if (texture_index < 0) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + const tinygltf::Texture &input_texture = gltf_model_.textures[texture_index]; + int source_index = input_texture.source; + + const auto texture_it = gltf_image_to_draco_texture_.find(source_index); + if (texture_it != gltf_image_to_draco_texture_.end()) { + Texture *const texture = texture_it->second; + // Default GLTF 2.0 sampler uses REPEAT mode along both S and T directions. + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode(TextureMap::REPEAT); + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter = TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED; + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter = TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED; + + if (input_texture.sampler >= 0) { + const tinygltf::Sampler &sampler = + gltf_model_.samplers[input_texture.sampler]; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(wrapping_mode.s, + TinyGltfToDracoAxisWrappingMode(sampler.wrapS)); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(wrapping_mode.t, + TinyGltfToDracoAxisWrappingMode(sampler.wrapT)); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(min_filter, + TinyGltfToDracoFilterType(sampler.minFilter)); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(mag_filter, + TinyGltfToDracoFilterType(sampler.magFilter)); + } + if (tex_coord_attribute_index < 0 || tex_coord_attribute_index > 1) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Incompatible tex coord index."); + } + TextureTransform transform; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const bool has_transform, + CheckKhrTextureTransform(tex_info_ext, &transform)); + if (has_transform) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(material->SetTextureMap( + texture, type, wrapping_mode, min_filter, mag_filter, transform, + tex_coord_attribute_index)); + } else { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + material->SetTextureMap(texture, type, wrapping_mode, min_filter, + mag_filter, tex_coord_attribute_index)); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeGltfToScene() { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(GatherAttributeAndMaterialStats()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddLightsToScene()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMaterialsVariantsNamesToScene()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddStructuralMetadataToGeometry(scene_.get())); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyTextures(scene_.get())); + for (const tinygltf::Scene &scene : gltf_model_.scenes) { + for (int i = 0; i < scene.nodes.size(); ++i) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeNodeForScene(scene.nodes[i], kInvalidSceneNodeIndex)); + scene_->AddRootNodeIndex(gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_[scene.nodes[i]]); + } + } + + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAnimationsToScene()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMaterialsToScene()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddSkinsToScene()); + MoveNonMaterialTextures(scene_.get()); + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddLightsToScene() { + // Add all lights to Draco scene. + for (const auto &light : gltf_model_.lights) { + // Add a new light to the scene. + const LightIndex light_index = scene_->AddLight(); + Light *scene_light = scene_->GetLight(light_index); + + // Decode light type. + const std::map types = { + {"directional", Light::DIRECTIONAL}, + {"point", Light::POINT}, + {"spot", Light::SPOT}}; + if (types.count(light.type) == 0) { + return ErrorStatus("Light type is invalid."); + } + scene_light->SetType(types.at(light.type)); + + // Decode spot light properties. + if (scene_light->GetType() == Light::SPOT) { + scene_light->SetInnerConeAngle(light.spot.innerConeAngle); + scene_light->SetOuterConeAngle(light.spot.outerConeAngle); + } + + // Decode other light properties. + scene_light->SetName(light.name); + if (!light.color.empty()) { // Empty means that color is not specified. + if (light.color.size() != 3) { + return ErrorStatus("Light color is malformed."); + } + scene_light->SetColor( + Vector3f(light.color[0], light.color[1], light.color[2])); + } + scene_light->SetIntensity(light.intensity); + if (light.range != 0.0) { // Zero means that range is not specified. + if (light.range < 0.0) { + return ErrorStatus("Light range must be positive."); + } + scene_light->SetRange(light.range); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddMaterialsVariantsNamesToScene() { + // Check whether the scene has materials variants. + const auto &e = gltf_model_.extensions.find("KHR_materials_variants"); + if (e == gltf_model_.extensions.end()) { + // The scene has no materials variants. + return OkStatus(); + } + + // Decode all materials variants names into Draco scene from JSON like this: + // "KHR_materials_variants": { + // "variants": [ + // {"name": "Loki" }, + // {"name": "Odin" }, + // ] + // } + const tinygltf::Value::Object &o = e->second.Get(); + const auto &variants = o.find("variants"); + if (variants == o.end()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variants extension with names is malformed."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &variants_array = variants->second; + if (!variants_array.IsArray()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variants names array is malformed."); + } + for (int i = 0; i < variants_array.Size(); i++) { + const auto &variant_object = variants_array.Get(i); + if (!variant_object.IsObject() || !variant_object.Has("name")) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variants name is missing."); + } + const auto &name_string = variant_object.Get("name"); + if (!name_string.IsString()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variant name is malformed."); + } + const std::string &name = name_string.Get(); + scene_->GetMaterialLibrary().AddMaterialsVariant(name); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +Status GltfDecoder::AddStructuralMetadataToGeometry(GeometryT *geometry) { + // Check whether the glTF model has structural metadata. + const auto &e = gltf_model_.extensions.find("EXT_structural_metadata"); + if (e == gltf_model_.extensions.end()) { + // The glTF model has no structural metadata. + return OkStatus(); + } + const tinygltf::Value::Object &o = e->second.Get(); + + // Decode property table schema. + { + const auto &value = o.find("schema"); + if (value == o.end()) { + return ErrorStatus("Structural metadata extension has no schema."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &object = value->second; + if (!object.IsObject()) { + return ErrorStatus("Structural metadata extension schema is malformed."); + } + + // Decodes tinygltf::Value into PropertyTable::Schema::Object. + struct SchemaParser { + static Status Parse(const tinygltf::Value &value, + PropertyTable::Schema::Object *object) { + switch (value.Type()) { + case tinygltf::OBJECT_TYPE: { + for (auto &it : value.Get()) { + object->SetObjects().emplace_back(it.first); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Parse(it.second, &object->SetObjects().back())); + } + } break; + case tinygltf::ARRAY_TYPE: { + for (int i = 0; i < value.ArrayLen(); ++i) { + object->SetArray().emplace_back(); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + Parse(value.Get(i), &object->SetArray().back())); + } + } break; + case tinygltf::STRING_TYPE: + object->SetString(value.Get()); + break; + case tinygltf::INT_TYPE: + object->SetInteger(value.Get()); + break; + case tinygltf::BOOL_TYPE: + object->SetBoolean(value.Get()); + break; + case tinygltf::REAL_TYPE: + case tinygltf::BINARY_TYPE: + case tinygltf::NULL_TYPE: + default: + // Not used in the schema JSON. + return ErrorStatus("Unsupported JSON type in schema."); + } + return OkStatus(); + } + }; + + // Parse property table schema and set it to |geometry|. + PropertyTable::Schema schema; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(SchemaParser::Parse(object, &schema.json)); + geometry->GetStructuralMetadata().SetPropertyTableSchema(schema); + } + + // Decode property tables. + { + const auto &tables = o.find("propertyTables"); + if (tables == o.end()) { + return ErrorStatus( + "Structural metadata extension has no property tables."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &tables_array = tables->second; + if (!tables_array.IsArray()) { + return ErrorStatus("Property tables array is malformed."); + } + + // Loop over all property tables. + for (int i = 0; i < tables_array.Size(); i++) { + // Create a property table and populate it below. + std::unique_ptr property_table(new PropertyTable()); + + const auto &object = tables_array.Get(i); + if (!object.IsObject()) { + return ErrorStatus("Property table is malformed."); + } + const auto o = object.Get(); + + // The "class" property is required. + bool success; + std::string str_value; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(success, DecodeString("class", o, &str_value)); + if (success) { + property_table->SetClass(str_value); + } else { + return ErrorStatus("Property class is malformed."); + } + + // The "count" property is required. + int int_value; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(success, DecodeInt("count", o, &int_value)); + if (success) { + property_table->SetCount(int_value); + } else { + return ErrorStatus("Property count is malformed."); + } + + // The "name" property is optional. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(success, DecodeString("name", o, &str_value)); + if (success) { + property_table->SetName(str_value); + } + + // Decode property table properties (columns). + { + constexpr char kName[] = "properties"; + if (!object.Has(kName)) { + return ErrorStatus("Property table is malformed."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &value = object.Get(kName); + if (!value.IsObject()) { + return ErrorStatus( + "Property table properties property is malformed."); + } + + // Loop over property table properties. + for (const auto &key : value.Keys()) { + // Create a property table property and populate it below. + std::unique_ptr property( + new PropertyTable::Property()); + + const auto &property_object = value.Get(key); + if (!property_object.IsObject()) { + return ErrorStatus("Property entry is malformed."); + } + property->SetName(key); + const auto o = property_object.Get(); + + // The "values" property is required. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, + DecodePropertyTableData("values", o, &property->GetData())); + if (!success) { + return ErrorStatus("Property values property is malformed."); + } + + // All other properties are not required. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeString("stringOffsetType", o, &str_value)); + if (success) { + property->GetStringOffsets().type = str_value; + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeString("arrayOffsetType", o, &str_value)); + if (success) { + property->GetArrayOffsets().type = str_value; + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, + DecodePropertyTableData("arrayOffsets", o, + &property->GetArrayOffsets().data)); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, + DecodePropertyTableData("stringOffsets", o, + &property->GetStringOffsets().data)); + + // Add property to the property table. + property_table->AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + } + + // Add property table to structural metadata. + geometry->GetStructuralMetadata().AddPropertyTable( + std::move(property_table)); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddAnimationsToScene() { + for (const auto &animation : gltf_model_.animations) { + const AnimationIndex animation_index = scene_->AddAnimation(); + Animation *const encoder_animation = scene_->GetAnimation(animation_index); + encoder_animation->SetName(animation.name); + + for (const tinygltf::AnimationChannel &channel : animation.channels) { + const auto it = gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.find(channel.target_node); + if (it == gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.end()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not find Node in the scene."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(TinyGltfUtils::AddChannelToAnimation( + gltf_model_, animation, channel, it->second.value(), + encoder_animation)); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeNodeForScene(int node_index, + SceneNodeIndex parent_index) { + SceneNodeIndex scene_node_index = kInvalidSceneNodeIndex; + SceneNode *scene_node = nullptr; + bool is_new_node; + if (gltf_scene_graph_mode_ == GltfSceneGraphMode::DAG && + gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.find(node_index) != + gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.end()) { + // Node has been decoded already. + scene_node_index = gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_[node_index]; + scene_node = scene_->GetNode(scene_node_index); + is_new_node = false; + } else { + scene_node_index = scene_->AddNode(); + // Update mapping between glTF Nodes and indices in the scene. + gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_[node_index] = scene_node_index; + + scene_node = scene_->GetNode(scene_node_index); + is_new_node = true; + } + + if (parent_index != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + scene_node->AddParentIndex(parent_index); + SceneNode *const parent_node = scene_->GetNode(parent_index); + parent_node->AddChildIndex(scene_node_index); + } + + if (!is_new_node) { + return OkStatus(); + } + const tinygltf::Node &node = gltf_model_.nodes[node_index]; + if (!node.name.empty()) { + scene_node->SetName(node.name); + } + std::unique_ptr trsm = GetNodeTrsMatrix(node); + scene_node->SetTrsMatrix(*trsm); + if (node.skin >= 0) { + // Save the index to the source skins in the node. This will be updated + // later when the skins are processed. + scene_node->SetSkinIndex(SkinIndex(node.skin)); + } + if (node.mesh >= 0) { + // Check if we have already parsed this glTF Mesh. + const auto it = gltf_mesh_to_scene_mesh_group_.find(node.mesh); + if (it != gltf_mesh_to_scene_mesh_group_.end()) { + // We already processed this glTF mesh. + scene_node->SetMeshGroupIndex(it->second); + } else { + const MeshGroupIndex scene_mesh_group_index = scene_->AddMeshGroup(); + MeshGroup *const scene_mesh = + scene_->GetMeshGroup(scene_mesh_group_index); + + const tinygltf::Mesh &mesh = gltf_model_.meshes[node.mesh]; + if (!mesh.name.empty()) { + scene_mesh->SetName(mesh.name); + } + for (const auto &primitive : mesh.primitives) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodePrimitiveForScene(primitive, scene_mesh)); + } + scene_node->SetMeshGroupIndex(scene_mesh_group_index); + gltf_mesh_to_scene_mesh_group_[node.mesh] = scene_mesh_group_index; + } + } + + // Decode light index. + const auto &e = node.extensions.find("KHR_lights_punctual"); + if (e != node.extensions.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value::Object &o = e->second.Get(); + const auto &light = o.find("light"); + if (light != o.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = light->second; + if (!value.IsInt()) { + return ErrorStatus("Node light index is malformed."); + } + const int light_index = value.Get(); + if (light_index < 0 || light_index >= scene_->NumLights()) { + return ErrorStatus("Node light index is out of bounds."); + } + scene_node->SetLightIndex(LightIndex(light_index)); + } + } + + for (int i = 0; i < node.children.size(); ++i) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeNodeForScene(node.children[i], scene_node_index)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodePrimitiveForScene( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, MeshGroup *mesh_group) { + if (primitive.mode != TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES && + primitive.mode != TINYGLTF_MODE_POINTS) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Primitive does not contain triangles or points."); + } + + // Decode materials variants mappings if present in this primitive. + std::vector mappings; + const auto &e = primitive.extensions.find("KHR_materials_variants"); + if (e != primitive.extensions.end()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeMaterialsVariantsMappings( + e->second.Get(), &mappings)); + } + + const PrimitiveSignature signature(primitive); + const auto existing_mesh_index = + gltf_primitive_to_draco_mesh_index_.find(signature); + if (existing_mesh_index != gltf_primitive_to_draco_mesh_index_.end()) { + mesh_group->AddMeshInstance( + {existing_mesh_index->second, primitive.material, mappings}); + return OkStatus(); + } + + // Handle indices first. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const std::vector indices_data, + DecodePrimitiveIndices(primitive)); + const int number_of_faces = indices_data.size() / 3; + const int number_of_points = indices_data.size(); + + // Note that glTF mesh |primitive| has no name; no name is set to Draco mesh. + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder mb; + PointCloudBuilder pb; + if (primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES) { + mb.Start(number_of_faces); + } else { + pb.Start(number_of_points); + } + + std::set normalized_attributes; + for (const auto &attribute : primitive.attributes) { + if (attribute.second >= gltf_model_.accessors.size()) { + return ErrorStatus("Invalid accessor."); + } + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor = + gltf_model_.accessors[attribute.second]; + const int component_type = accessor.componentType; + const int type = accessor.type; + const bool normalized = accessor.normalized; + int att_id = -1; + if (primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + att_id, AddAttribute(attribute.first, component_type, type, &mb)); + } else { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + att_id, AddAttribute(attribute.first, component_type, type, &pb)); + } + if (att_id == -1) { + continue; + } + if (normalized) { + normalized_attributes.insert(att_id); + } + + if (primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributeValuesToBuilder( + attribute.first, accessor, indices_data, att_id, number_of_faces, + Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), &mb)); + } else { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAttributeValuesToBuilder( + attribute.first, accessor, indices_data, att_id, number_of_points, + Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), &pb)); + } + } + + int material_index = primitive.material; + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + std::unique_ptr mesh, + BuildMeshFromBuilder(primitive.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES, &mb, + &pb)); + + // Set all normalized flags for appropriate attributes. + for (const int32_t att_id : normalized_attributes) { + mesh->attribute(att_id)->set_normalized(true); + } + // Decode mesh feature ID sets if present in this primitive. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeMeshFeatures( + primitive, &scene_->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableTextureLibrary(), + mesh.get())); + + const MeshIndex mesh_index = scene_->AddMesh(std::move(mesh)); + if (mesh_index == kInvalidMeshIndex) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not add Draco mesh to scene."); + } + mesh_group->AddMeshInstance({mesh_index, material_index, mappings}); + + gltf_primitive_to_draco_mesh_index_[signature] = mesh_index; + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialsVariantsMappings( + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension, + std::vector *mappings) { + // Decode all materials variants mappings from JSON like this: + // "KHR_materials_variants" : { + // "mappings": [ + // { + // "material": 2, + // "variants": [0, 2, 4] + // }, + // { + // "material": 3, + // "variants": [1, 3] + // } + // ] + // } + const auto &mappings_object = extension.find("mappings"); + if (mappings_object == extension.end()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variants extension is malformed."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &mappings_array = mappings_object->second; + if (!mappings_array.IsArray()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variants mappings array is malformed."); + } + for (int i = 0; i < mappings_array.Size(); i++) { + const auto &mapping_object = mappings_array.Get(i); + if (!mapping_object.IsObject() || !mapping_object.Has("material") || + !mapping_object.Has("variants")) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variants mapping is malformed."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &material_int = mapping_object.Get("material"); + if (!material_int.IsInt()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variant mapping material is malformed."); + } + const int material = material_int.Get(); + const tinygltf::Value &variants_array = mapping_object.Get("variants"); + if (!variants_array.IsArray()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variant mapping variants is malformed."); + } + std::vector variants; + for (int j = 0; j < variants_array.Size(); j++) { + const tinygltf::Value &variant_int = variants_array.Get(j); + if (!variant_int.IsInt()) { + return ErrorStatus("Materials variants mapping variant is malformed."); + } + variants.push_back(variant_int.Get()); + } + mappings->push_back({material, variants}); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMeshFeatures(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, + TextureLibrary *texture_library, + Mesh *mesh) { + const auto &e = primitive.extensions.find("EXT_mesh_features"); + if (e == primitive.extensions.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + std::vector> mesh_features; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeMeshFeatures(e->second.Get(), + texture_library, &mesh_features)); + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_features.size(); i++) { + const MeshFeaturesIndex mfi = + mesh->AddMeshFeatures(std::move(mesh_features[i])); + if (scene_ == nullptr) { + // If we are decoding to a mesh, we need to restrict the mesh features to + // the primitive's material. + // TODO(ostava): This will not work properly when two primitives share the + // same material but have different mesh features. We will need to + // duplicate the materials in this case. + const auto mat_it = + gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.find(primitive.material); + if (mat_it != gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_.end()) { + mesh->AddMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, mat_it->second); + } + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMeshFeatures( + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension, TextureLibrary *texture_library, + std::vector> *mesh_features) { + // Decode all mesh feature ID sets from JSON like this: + // "EXT_mesh_features": { + // "featureIds": [ + // { + // "label": "water", + // "featureCount": 2, + // "propertyTable": 0, + // "attribute": 0 + // }, + // { + // "featureCount": 12, + // "nullFeatureId": 100, + // "texture" : { + // "index": 0, + // "texCoord": 0, + // "channels": [0, 1, 2, 3] + // } + // } + // ] + // } + const auto &object = extension.find("featureIds"); + if (object == extension.end()) { + return ErrorStatus("Mesh features extension is malformed."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &array = object->second; + if (!array.IsArray()) { + return ErrorStatus("Mesh features array is malformed."); + } + for (int i = 0; i < array.Size(); i++) { + // Create a new feature ID set object and populate it below. + mesh_features->push_back(std::unique_ptr(new MeshFeatures())); + MeshFeatures &features = *mesh_features->back(); + + const auto &object = array.Get(i); + if (!object.IsObject()) { + return ErrorStatus("Mesh features array entry is malformed."); + } + + // The "featureCount" property is required. + { + constexpr char kName[] = "featureCount"; + if (!object.Has(kName)) { + return ErrorStatus("Mesh features is malformed."); + } + const tinygltf::Value &value = object.Get(kName); + if (!value.IsInt()) { + return ErrorStatus("Feature count property is malformed."); + } + features.SetFeatureCount(value.Get()); + } + + // All other properties are optional. + { + constexpr char kName[] = "nullFeatureId"; + if (object.Has(kName)) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = object.Get(kName); + if (!value.IsInt()) { + return ErrorStatus("Null feature ID property is malformed."); + } + features.SetNullFeatureId(value.Get()); + } + } + { + constexpr char kName[] = "label"; + if (object.Has(kName)) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = object.Get(kName); + if (!value.IsString()) { + return ErrorStatus("Label property is malformed."); + } + features.SetLabel(value.Get()); + } + } + { + constexpr char kName[] = "attribute"; + if (object.Has(kName)) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = object.Get(kName); + if (!value.IsInt()) { + return ErrorStatus("Attribute property is malformed."); + } + features.SetAttributeIndex(value.Get()); + } + } + { + constexpr char kName[] = "texture"; + if (object.Has(kName)) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = object.Get(kName); + if (!value.IsObject()) { + return ErrorStatus("Texture property is malformed."); + } + + // Decode texture contining mesh feature IDs into the |features| object + // via a temporary |material| object. + Material material(texture_library); + const auto &container_object = object.Get(); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture(kName, TextureMap::GENERIC, + container_object, &material)); + features.SetTextureMap( + *material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::GENERIC)); + + // Decode array of texture channel indices. + std::vector channels; + { + constexpr char kName[] = "channels"; + if (value.Has(kName)) { + const tinygltf::Value &array = value.Get(kName); + if (!array.IsArray()) { + return ErrorStatus("Channels property is malformed."); + } + for (int i = 0; i < array.Size(); i++) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = array.Get(i); + if (!value.IsNumber()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Channels value is malformed."); + } + channels.push_back(value.Get()); + } + } else { + channels = {0}; + } + } + features.SetTextureChannels(channels); + } + } + { + constexpr char kName[] = "propertyTable"; + if (object.Has(kName)) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = object.Get(kName); + if (!value.IsInt()) { + return ErrorStatus("Property table property is malformed."); + } + features.SetPropertyTableIndex(value.Get()); + } + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +StatusOr GltfDecoder::AddAttribute(const std::string &attribute_name, + int component_type, int type, + BuilderT *builder) { + const GeometryAttribute::Type draco_att_type = + GltfAttributeToDracoAttribute(attribute_name); + if (draco_att_type == GeometryAttribute::INVALID) { + // Return attribute id -1 that will be ignored and not included in the mesh. + return -1; + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const int att_id, + AddAttribute(draco_att_type, component_type, type, builder)); + return att_id; +} + +template +StatusOr GltfDecoder::AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::Type attribute_type, + int component_type, int type, + BuilderT *builder) { + const int num_components = TinyGltfUtils::GetNumComponentsForType(type); + if (num_components == 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not add attribute with 0 components."); + } + + const draco::DataType draco_component_type = + GltfComponentTypeToDracoType(component_type); + if (draco_component_type == DT_INVALID) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not add attribute with invalid type."); + } + const int att_id = builder->AddAttribute(attribute_type, num_components, + draco_component_type); + if (att_id < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not add attribute."); + } + return att_id; +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::CheckKhrTextureTransform( + const tinygltf::ExtensionMap &extension, TextureTransform *transform) { + bool transform_set = false; + + const auto &e = extension.find("KHR_texture_transform"); + if (e == extension.end()) { + return false; + } + const tinygltf::Value::Object &o = e->second.Get(); + const auto &scale = o.find("scale"); + if (scale != o.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &array = scale->second; + if (!array.IsArray() || array.Size() != 2) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "KhrTextureTransform scale is malformed."); + } + std::array scale; + for (int i = 0; i < array.Size(); i++) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = array.Get(i); + if (!value.IsNumber()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "KhrTextureTransform scale is malformed."); + } + scale[i] = value.Get(); + transform_set = true; + } + transform->set_scale(scale); + } + const auto &rotation = o.find("rotation"); + if (rotation != o.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = rotation->second; + if (!value.IsNumber()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "KhrTextureTransform rotation is malformed."); + } + transform->set_rotation(value.Get()); + transform_set = true; + } + const auto &offset = o.find("offset"); + if (offset != o.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &array = offset->second; + if (!array.IsArray() || array.Size() != 2) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "KhrTextureTransform offset is malformed."); + } + std::array offset; + for (int i = 0; i < array.Size(); i++) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = array.Get(i); + if (!value.IsNumber()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "KhrTextureTransform offset is malformed."); + } + offset[i] = value.Get(); + transform_set = true; + } + transform->set_offset(offset); + } + const auto &tex_coord = o.find("texCoord"); + if (tex_coord != o.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = tex_coord->second; + if (!value.IsInt()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "KhrTextureTransform texCoord is malformed."); + } + transform->set_tex_coord(value.Get()); + transform_set = true; + } + return transform_set; +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddGltfMaterial(int input_material_index, + Material *output_material) { + const tinygltf::Material &input_material = + gltf_model_.materials[input_material_index]; + + output_material->SetName(input_material.name); + output_material->SetTransparencyMode( + TinyGltfUtils::TextToMaterialMode(input_material.alphaMode)); + output_material->SetAlphaCutoff(input_material.alphaCutoff); + if (input_material.emissiveFactor.size() == 3) { + output_material->SetEmissiveFactor(Vector3f( + input_material.emissiveFactor[0], input_material.emissiveFactor[1], + input_material.emissiveFactor[2])); + } + const tinygltf::PbrMetallicRoughness &pbr = + input_material.pbrMetallicRoughness; + + if (pbr.baseColorFactor.size() == 4) { + output_material->SetColorFactor( + Vector4f(pbr.baseColorFactor[0], pbr.baseColorFactor[1], + pbr.baseColorFactor[2], pbr.baseColorFactor[3])); + } + output_material->SetMetallicFactor(pbr.metallicFactor); + output_material->SetRoughnessFactor(pbr.roughnessFactor); + output_material->SetDoubleSided(input_material.doubleSided); + + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + pbr.baseColorTexture.index, pbr.baseColorTexture.texCoord, + pbr.baseColorTexture.extensions, output_material, TextureMap::COLOR)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + pbr.metallicRoughnessTexture.index, pbr.metallicRoughnessTexture.texCoord, + pbr.metallicRoughnessTexture.extensions, output_material, + TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS)); + + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + input_material.normalTexture.index, input_material.normalTexture.texCoord, + input_material.normalTexture.extensions, output_material, + TextureMap::NORMAL_TANGENT_SPACE)); + if (input_material.normalTexture.scale != 1.0) { + output_material->SetNormalTextureScale(input_material.normalTexture.scale); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + input_material.occlusionTexture.index, + input_material.occlusionTexture.texCoord, + input_material.occlusionTexture.extensions, output_material, + TextureMap::AMBIENT_OCCLUSION)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + input_material.emissiveTexture.index, + input_material.emissiveTexture.texCoord, + input_material.emissiveTexture.extensions, output_material, + TextureMap::EMISSIVE)); + + // Decode material extensions. + DecodeMaterialUnlitExtension(input_material, output_material); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeMaterialSheenExtension(input_material, output_material)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeMaterialTransmissionExtension(input_material, output_material)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeMaterialClearcoatExtension(input_material, output_material)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeMaterialVolumeExtension( + input_material, input_material_index, output_material)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeMaterialIorExtension(input_material, output_material)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + DecodeMaterialSpecularExtension(input_material, output_material)); + + return OkStatus(); +} + +void GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialUnlitExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material) { + // Do nothing if extension is absent. + const auto &extension_it = + input_material.extensions.find("KHR_materials_unlit"); + if (extension_it == input_material.extensions.end()) { + return; + } + + // Set the unlit property in Draco material. + output_material->SetUnlit(true); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialSheenExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material) { + // Do nothing if extension is absent. + const auto &extension_it = + input_material.extensions.find("KHR_materials_sheen"); + if (extension_it == input_material.extensions.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + output_material->SetHasSheen(true); + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension_object = + extension_it->second.Get(); + + // Decode sheen color factor. + Vector3f vector; + bool success; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeVector3f("sheenColorFactor", extension_object, &vector)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetSheenColorFactor(vector); + } + + // Decode sheen roughness factor. + float value; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeFloat("sheenRoughnessFactor", extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetSheenRoughnessFactor(value); + } + + // Decode sheen color texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("sheenColorTexture", + TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR, extension_object, + output_material)); + + // Decode sheen roughness texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("sheenRoughnessTexture", + TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS, + extension_object, output_material)); + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialTransmissionExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material) { + // Do nothing if extension is absent. + const auto &extension_it = + input_material.extensions.find("KHR_materials_transmission"); + if (extension_it == input_material.extensions.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + output_material->SetHasTransmission(true); + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension_object = + extension_it->second.Get(); + + // Decode transmission factor. + float value; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const bool success, + DecodeFloat("transmissionFactor", extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetTransmissionFactor(value); + } + + // Decode transmission texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("transmissionTexture", + TextureMap::TRANSMISSION, + extension_object, output_material)); + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialClearcoatExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material) { + // Do nothing if extension is absent. + const auto &extension_it = + input_material.extensions.find("KHR_materials_clearcoat"); + if (extension_it == input_material.extensions.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + output_material->SetHasClearcoat(true); + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension_object = + extension_it->second.Get(); + + // Decode clearcoat factor. + float value; + bool success; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeFloat("clearcoatFactor", extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetClearcoatFactor(value); + } + + // Decode clearcoat roughness factor. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(success, DecodeFloat("clearcoatRoughnessFactor", + extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetClearcoatRoughnessFactor(value); + } + + // Decode clearcoat texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("clearcoatTexture", TextureMap::CLEARCOAT, + extension_object, output_material)); + + // Decode clearcoat roughness texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("clearcoatRoughnessTexture", + TextureMap::CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS, + extension_object, output_material)); + + // Decode clearcoat normal texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("clearcoatNormalTexture", + TextureMap::CLEARCOAT_NORMAL, + extension_object, output_material)); + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialVolumeExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, int input_material_index, + Material *output_material) { + // Do nothing if extension is absent. + const auto &extension_it = + input_material.extensions.find("KHR_materials_volume"); + if (extension_it == input_material.extensions.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + output_material->SetHasVolume(true); + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension_object = + extension_it->second.Get(); + + // Decode thickness factor. + float value; + bool success; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeFloat("thicknessFactor", extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + // Volume thickness factor is given in the coordinate space of the model. + // When the model is loaded as draco::Mesh, the scene graph transformations + // are applied to position attribute. Since this effectively scales the + // model coordinate space, the volume thickness factor also must be scaled. + // No scaling is done when the model is loaded as draco::Scene. + float scale = 1.0f; + if (scene_ == nullptr) { + if (gltf_primitive_material_to_scales_.count(input_material_index) == 1) { + const std::vector &scales = + gltf_primitive_material_to_scales_[input_material_index]; + + // It is only possible to scale the volume thickness factor if all + // primitives using this material have the same transformation scale. + // An alternative would be to create a separate meterial for each scale. + scale = scales[0]; + for (int i = 1; i < scales.size(); i++) { + // Note that close-enough scales could also be permitted. + if (scales[i] != scale) { + return ErrorStatus("Cannot represent volume thickness in a mesh."); + } + } + } + } + output_material->SetThicknessFactor(scale * value); + } + + // Decode attenuation distance. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeFloat("attenuationDistance", extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetAttenuationDistance(value); + } + + // Decode attenuation color. + Vector3f vector; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeVector3f("attenuationColor", extension_object, &vector)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetAttenuationColor(vector); + } + + // Decode thickness texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("thicknessTexture", TextureMap::THICKNESS, + extension_object, output_material)); + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialIorExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material) { + // Do nothing if extension is absent. + const auto &extension_it = + input_material.extensions.find("KHR_materials_ior"); + if (extension_it == input_material.extensions.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + output_material->SetHasIor(true); + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension_object = + extension_it->second.Get(); + + // Decode index of refraction. + float value; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const bool success, + DecodeFloat("ior", extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetIor(value); + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeMaterialSpecularExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material) { + // Do nothing if extension is absent. + const auto &extension_it = + input_material.extensions.find("KHR_materials_specular"); + if (extension_it == input_material.extensions.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + output_material->SetHasSpecular(true); + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension_object = + extension_it->second.Get(); + + // Decode specular factor. + float value; + bool success; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + success, DecodeFloat("specularFactor", extension_object, &value)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetSpecularFactor(value); + } + + // Decode specular color factor. + Vector3f vector; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(success, DecodeVector3f("specularColorFactor", + extension_object, &vector)); + if (success) { + output_material->SetSpecularColorFactor(vector); + } + + // Decode speclar texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("specularTexture", TextureMap::SPECULAR, + extension_object, output_material)); + + // Decode specular color texture. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTexture("specularColorTexture", + TextureMap::SPECULAR_COLOR, + extension_object, output_material)); + + return OkStatus(); +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::DecodeFloat(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + float *value) { + const auto &it = object.find(name); + if (it == object.end()) { + return false; + } + const tinygltf::Value &number = it->second; + if (!number.IsNumber()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid " + name + "."); + } + *value = number.Get(); + return true; +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::DecodeInt(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + int *value) { + const auto &it = object.find(name); + if (it == object.end()) { + return false; + } + const tinygltf::Value &number = it->second; + if (!number.IsNumber()) { + return ErrorStatus("Invalid " + name + "."); + } + *value = number.Get(); + return true; +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::DecodeString(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + std::string *value) { + const auto &it = object.find(name); + if (it == object.end()) { + return false; + } + const tinygltf::Value &string = it->second; + if (!string.IsString()) { + return ErrorStatus("Invalid " + name + "."); + } + *value = string.Get(); + return true; +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::DecodePropertyTableData( + const std::string &name, const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + PropertyTable::Property::Data *data) { + int buffer_view_index; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const bool success, + DecodeInt(name, object, &buffer_view_index)); + if (!success) { + return false; + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + CopyDataFromBufferView(gltf_model_, buffer_view_index, &data->data)); + data->target = gltf_model_.bufferViews[buffer_view_index].target; + return true; +} + +StatusOr GltfDecoder::DecodeVector3f( + const std::string &name, const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + Vector3f *value) { + const auto &it = object.find(name); + if (it == object.end()) { + return false; + } + const tinygltf::Value &array = it->second; + if (!array.IsArray() || array.Size() != 3) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid " + name + "."); + } + for (int i = 0; i < array.Size(); i++) { + const tinygltf::Value &array_entry = array.Get(i); + if (!array_entry.IsNumber()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid " + name + "."); + } + (*value)[i] = array_entry.Get(); + } + return true; +} + +Status GltfDecoder::DecodeTexture(const std::string &name, + TextureMap::Type type, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + Material *material) { + tinygltf::TextureInfo info; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ParseTextureInfo(name, object, &info)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + info.index, info.texCoord, info.extensions, material, type)); + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::ParseTextureInfo( + const std::string &texture_name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &container_object, + tinygltf::TextureInfo *texture_info) { + // Note that tinygltf only parses material textures and not material extension + // textures. This method mimics the behavior of tinygltf's private function + // ParseTextureInfo() in order for Draco to decode extension textures. + + // Do nothing if texture with such name is absent. + const auto &texture_object_it = container_object.find(texture_name); + if (texture_object_it == container_object.end()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + const tinygltf::Value::Object &texture_object = + texture_object_it->second.Get(); + + // Decode texture index. + const auto &index_it = texture_object.find("index"); + if (index_it != texture_object.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = index_it->second; + if (!value.IsNumber()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid texture index."); + } + texture_info->index = value.Get(); + } + + // Decode texture coordinate index. + const auto &tex_coord_it = texture_object.find("texCoord"); + if (tex_coord_it != texture_object.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &value = tex_coord_it->second; + if (!value.IsInt()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid texture texCoord."); + } + texture_info->texCoord = value.Get(); + } + + // Decode texture extensions. + const auto &extensions_it = texture_object.find("extensions"); + if (extensions_it != texture_object.end()) { + const tinygltf::Value &extensions = extensions_it->second; + if (!extensions.IsObject()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid extension."); + } + for (const std::string &key : extensions.Keys()) { + texture_info->extensions[key] = extensions.Get(key); + } + } + + // Decode texture extras. + const auto &extras_it = texture_object.find("extras"); + if (extras_it != texture_object.end()) { + texture_info->extras = extras_it->second; + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddMaterialsToScene() { + for (int input_material_index = 0; + input_material_index < gltf_model_.materials.size(); + ++input_material_index) { + Material *const output_material = + scene_->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(input_material_index); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + AddGltfMaterial(input_material_index, output_material)); + } + + // Check if we need to add a default material for primitives without an + // assigned material. + const int default_material_index = + scene_->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(); + bool default_material_needed = false; + for (MeshGroupIndex mgi(0); mgi < scene_->NumMeshGroups(); ++mgi) { + MeshGroup *const mg = scene_->GetMeshGroup(mgi); + for (int mi = 0; mi < mg->NumMeshInstances(); ++mi) { + MeshGroup::MeshInstance &mesh_instance = mg->GetMeshInstance(mi); + if (mesh_instance.material_index == -1) { + mesh_instance.material_index = default_material_index; + default_material_needed = true; + } + } + } + if (default_material_needed) { + // Create an empty default material (our defaults correspond to glTF + // defaults). + scene_->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(default_material_index); + } + + std::unordered_set meshes_that_need_tangents; + // Check if we need to generate tangent space for any of the loaded meshes. + for (MeshGroupIndex mgi(0); mgi < scene_->NumMeshGroups(); ++mgi) { + const MeshGroup *const mg = scene_->GetMeshGroup(mgi); + for (int mi = 0; mi < mg->NumMeshInstances(); ++mi) { + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance &mesh_instance = mg->GetMeshInstance(mi); + const auto tangent_map = + scene_->GetMaterialLibrary() + .GetMaterial(mesh_instance.material_index) + ->GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::NORMAL_TANGENT_SPACE); + if (tangent_map != nullptr) { + Mesh &mesh = scene_->GetMesh(mesh_instance.mesh_index); + if (mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT) == nullptr) { + meshes_that_need_tangents.insert(&mesh); + } + } + } + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfDecoder::AddSkinsToScene() { + for (int source_skin_index = 0; source_skin_index < gltf_model_.skins.size(); + ++source_skin_index) { + const tinygltf::Skin &skin = gltf_model_.skins[source_skin_index]; + const SkinIndex skin_index = scene_->AddSkin(); + Skin *const new_skin = scene_->GetSkin(skin_index); + + // The skin index was set previously while processing the nodes. + if (skin_index.value() != source_skin_index) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Skin indices are mismatched."); + } + + if (skin.inverseBindMatrices >= 0) { + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor = + gltf_model_.accessors[skin.inverseBindMatrices]; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(TinyGltfUtils::AddAccessorToAnimationData( + gltf_model_, accessor, &new_skin->GetInverseBindMatrices())); + } + + if (skin.skeleton >= 0) { + const auto it = gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.find(skin.skeleton); + if (it == gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.end()) { + // TODO(b/200317162): If skeleton is not found set the default. + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not find skeleton in the skin."); + } + new_skin->SetJointRoot(it->second); + } + + for (int joint : skin.joints) { + const auto it = gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.find(joint); + if (it == gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_.end()) { + // TODO(b/200317162): If skeleton is not found set the default. + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not find skeleton in the skin."); + } + new_skin->AddJoint(it->second); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +void GltfDecoder::MoveNonMaterialTextures(Mesh *mesh) { + std::unordered_set non_material_textures; + for (MeshFeaturesIndex i(0); i < mesh->NumMeshFeatures(); i++) { + Texture *const texture = mesh->GetMeshFeatures(i).GetTextureMap().texture(); + if (texture != nullptr) { + non_material_textures.insert(texture); + } + } + MoveNonMaterialTextures(non_material_textures, + &mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableTextureLibrary(), + &mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary()); +} + +void GltfDecoder::MoveNonMaterialTextures(Scene *scene) { + std::unordered_set non_material_textures; + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshes(); i++) { + for (MeshFeaturesIndex j(0); j < scene->GetMesh(i).NumMeshFeatures(); j++) { + Texture *const texture = + scene->GetMesh(i).GetMeshFeatures(j).GetTextureMap().texture(); + if (texture != nullptr) { + non_material_textures.insert(texture); + } + } + } + MoveNonMaterialTextures(non_material_textures, + &scene->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableTextureLibrary(), + &scene->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary()); +} + +void GltfDecoder::MoveNonMaterialTextures( + const std::unordered_set &non_material_textures, + TextureLibrary *material_tl, TextureLibrary *non_material_tl) { + // TODO(vytyaz): Consider textures that are both material and non-material. + for (int i = 0; i < material_tl->NumTextures(); i++) { + // Move non-material texture from material to non-material texture library. + if (non_material_textures.count(material_tl->GetTexture(i)) == 1) { + non_material_tl->PushTexture(material_tl->RemoveTexture(i--)); + } + } +} + +bool GltfDecoder::PrimitiveSignature::operator==( + const PrimitiveSignature &signature) const { + return primitive.indices == signature.primitive.indices && + primitive.attributes == signature.primitive.attributes && + primitive.extras == signature.primitive.extras && + primitive.extensions == signature.primitive.extensions && + primitive.mode == signature.primitive.mode && + primitive.targets == signature.primitive.targets; +} + +size_t GltfDecoder::PrimitiveSignature::Hash::operator()( + const PrimitiveSignature &signature) const { + size_t hash = 79; // Magic number. + hash = HashCombine(signature.primitive.attributes.size(), hash); + for (auto it = signature.primitive.attributes.begin(); + it != signature.primitive.attributes.end(); ++it) { + hash = HashCombine(it->first, hash); + hash = HashCombine(it->second, hash); + } + hash = HashCombine(signature.primitive.indices, hash); + hash = HashCombine(signature.primitive.mode, hash); + return hash; +} + +StatusOr> GltfDecoder::BuildMeshFromBuilder( + bool use_mesh_builder, TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *mb, PointCloudBuilder *pb) { + std::unique_ptr mesh; + if (use_mesh_builder) { + mesh = mb->Finalize(); + } else { + std::unique_ptr pc = pb->Finalize(true); + if (pc) { + mesh.reset(new Mesh()); + PointCloud *mesh_pc = mesh.get(); + mesh_pc->Copy(*pc); + } + } + if (!mesh) { + return ErrorStatus("Failed to build Draco mesh from glTF data."); + } + return mesh; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ae12106e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder.h @@ -0,0 +1,524 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_GLTF_DECODER_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_GLTF_DECODER_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" +#include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" +#include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Decodes a glTF file and returns a draco::Mesh. All of the |mesh|'s attributes +// will be merged into one draco::Mesh +class GltfDecoder { + public: + GltfDecoder(); + + // Decodes a glTF file stored in the input |file_name| or |buffer| to a Mesh. + // The second form returns a vector of files used as input to the mesh during + // the decoding process. Returns nullptr when decode fails. + StatusOr> DecodeFromFile(const std::string &file_name); + StatusOr> DecodeFromFile( + const std::string &file_name, std::vector *mesh_files); + StatusOr> DecodeFromBuffer(DecoderBuffer *buffer); + + // Decodes a glTF file stored in the input |file_name| or |buffer| to a Scene. + // The second form returns a vector of files used as input to the scene during + // the decoding process. Returns nullptr if the decode fails. + StatusOr> DecodeFromFileToScene( + const std::string &file_name); + StatusOr> DecodeFromFileToScene( + const std::string &file_name, std::vector *scene_files); + StatusOr> DecodeFromBufferToScene( + DecoderBuffer *buffer); + + // Scene graph can be loaded either as a tree or a general directed acyclic + // graph (DAG) that allows multiple parent nodes. By default. we decode the + // scene graph as a tree. If the tree mode is selected and the input contains + // nodes with multiple parents, these nodes are duplicated to form a tree. + // TODO(ostava): Add support for DAG mode to other parts of the Draco + // library. + enum class GltfSceneGraphMode { TREE, DAG }; + void SetSceneGraphMode(GltfSceneGraphMode mode) { + gltf_scene_graph_mode_ = mode; + } + + private: + // Loads |file_name| into |gltf_model_|. Fills |input_files| with paths to all + // input files when non-null. + Status LoadFile(const std::string &file_name, + std::vector *input_files); + + // Loads |gltf_model_| from |buffer| in GLB format. + Status LoadBuffer(const DecoderBuffer &buffer); + + // Builds mesh from |gltf_model_|. + StatusOr> BuildMesh(); + + // Checks |gltf_model_| for unsupported features. If |gltf_model_| contains + // unsupported features then the function will return with a status code of + // UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE. + Status CheckUnsupportedFeatures(); + + // Decodes a glTF Node as well as any child Nodes. If |node| contains a mesh + // it will process all of the mesh's primitives. + Status DecodeNode(int node_index, const Eigen::Matrix4d &parent_matrix); + + // Decodes the number of entries in the first attribute of a given glTF + // |primitive|. Note that all attributes have the same entry count according + // to glTF 2.0 spec. + StatusOr DecodePrimitiveAttributeCount( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) const; + + // Decodes the number of indices in a given glTF |primitive|. If primitive's + // indices property is not defined, the index count is implied from the entry + // count of a primitive attribute. + StatusOr DecodePrimitiveIndicesCount( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) const; + + // Decodes indices property of a given glTF |primitive|. If primitive's + // indices property is not defined, the indices are generated based on entry + // count of a primitive attribute. + StatusOr> DecodePrimitiveIndices( + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) const; + + // Decodes a glTF Primitive. All of the |primitive|'s attributes will be + // merged into the draco::Mesh output if they are of the same type that + // already has been decoded. + Status DecodePrimitive(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix); + + // Sums the number of elements per attribute for |node|'s mesh and any of + // |node|'s children. Fills out the material index map. + Status NodeGatherAttributeAndMaterialStats(const tinygltf::Node &node); + + // Sums the number of elements per attribute for all of the meshes and + // primitives. + Status GatherAttributeAndMaterialStats(); + + // Sums the attribute counts into total_attribute_counts_. + void SumAttributeStats(const std::string &attribute_name, int count); + + // Checks that all the same glTF attribute types in different meshes and + // primitives contain the same characteristics. + Status CheckTypes(const std::string &attribute_name, int component_type, + int type, bool normalized); + + // Accumulates the number of elements per attribute for |primitive|. + Status AccumulatePrimitiveStats(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive); + + // Adds all of the attributes from the glTF file to a Draco mesh. + // GatherAttributeAndMaterialStats() must be called before this function. The + // GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL attribute will be created only if the glTF file + // contains more than one material. + template + Status AddAttributesToDracoMesh(BuilderT *builder); + + // Copies attribute data from |accessor| and adds it to a Draco mesh using the + // geometry builder |builder|. + template + Status AddAttributeValuesToBuilder(const std::string &attribute_name, + const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix, + BuilderT *builder); + + // Copies the tangent attribute data from |accessor| and adds it to a Draco + // mesh. This function will transform all of the data by |transform_matrix| + // and then normalize before adding the data to the Draco mesh. + // |indices_data| is the indices data from the glTF file. |att_id| is the + // attribute id of the tangent attribute in the Draco mesh. + // |number_of_elements| is the number of faces or points this function will + // process. |reverse_winding| if set will change the orientation of the data. + template + Status AddTangentToBuilder(const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix, + bool reverse_winding, BuilderT *builder); + + // Copies the texture coordinate attribute data from |accessor| and adds it to + // a Draco mesh. This function will flip the data on the horizontal axis as + // Draco meshes store the texture coordinates differently than glTF. + // |indices_data| is the indices data from the glTF file. |att_id| is the + // attribute id of the texture coordinate attribute in the Draco mesh. + // |number_of_elements| is the number of faces or points this function will + // process. |reverse_winding| if set will change the orientation of the data. + template + Status AddTexCoordToBuilder(const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + bool reverse_winding, BuilderT *builder); + + // Copies the mesh feature ID attribute data from |accessor| and adds it to a + // Draco mesh. |indices_data| is the indices data from the glTF file. |att_id| + // is the attribute ID of the mesh feature ID attribute in the Draco mesh. + // |number_of_elements| is the number of faces or points this function will + // process. |reverse_winding| if set will change the orientation of the data. + template + Status AddFeatureIdToBuilder(const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + bool reverse_winding, + const std::string &attribute_name, + BuilderT *builder); + + // Copies the attribute data from |accessor| and adds it to a Draco mesh. + // This function will transform all of the data by |transform_matrix| before + // adding the data to the Draco mesh. |indices_data| is the indices data + // from the glTF file. |att_id| is the attribute id of the attribute in the + // Draco mesh. |number_of_elements| is the number of faces or points this + // function will process. |normalize| if set will normalize all of the vector + // data after transformation. |reverse_winding| if set will change the + // orientation of the data. + template + Status AddTransformedDataToBuilder(const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform_matrix, + bool normalize, bool reverse_winding, + BuilderT *builder); + + // Sets values in |data| into the builder |builder| for |att_id|. + template + void SetValuesForBuilder(const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + const std::vector &data, bool reverse_winding, + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *builder); + template + void SetValuesForBuilder(const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + const std::vector &data, bool reverse_winding, + PointCloudBuilder *builder); + + // Sets values in |data| into the mesh builder |mb| for |att_id|. + // |reverse_winding| if set will change the orientation of the data. + template + void SetValuesPerFace(const std::vector &indices_data, int att_id, + int number_of_faces, const std::vector &data, + bool reverse_winding, TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *mb); + + // Returns an address pointing to the content stored in |data|. This is used + // when passing values to mesh / point cloud builder when the input type can + // be either a VectorD or an arithmetic type. + template + const void *GetDataContentAddress(const T &data) const; + + // Adds the attribute data in |accessor| to |mb| for unique attribute + // |att_id|. |indices_data| is the mesh's indices data. |reverse_winding| if + // set will change the orientation of the data. + template + Status AddAttributeDataByTypes(const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + const std::vector &indices_data, + int att_id, int number_of_elements, + bool reverse_winding, BuilderT *builder); + + // Adds the textures to |owner|. + template + Status CopyTextures(T *owner); + + // Sets extra attribute properties on a constructed draco mesh. + void SetAttributePropertiesOnDracoMesh(Mesh *mesh); + + // Adds the materials to |mesh|. + Status AddMaterialsToDracoMesh(Mesh *mesh); + + // Adds the material data for the GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL attribute to the + // Draco mesh. + template + Status AddMaterialDataToBuilder(int material_value, int number_of_elements, + BuilderT *builder); + template + Status AddMaterialDataToBuilderInternal(T material_value, int number_of_faces, + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *builder); + template + Status AddMaterialDataToBuilderInternal(T material_value, + int number_of_points, + PointCloudBuilder *builder); + + // Checks if the glTF file contains a texture. If there is a texture, this + // function will read the texture data and add it to the Draco |material|. If + // there is no texture, this function will return OkStatus(). |texture_info| + // is the data structure containing information about the texture in the glTF + // file. |type| is the type of texture defined by Draco. This is not the same + // as the texture coordinate attribute id. + Status CheckAndAddTextureToDracoMaterial( + int texture_index, int tex_coord_attribute_index, + const tinygltf::ExtensionMap &tex_info_ext, Material *material, + TextureMap::Type type); + + // Decode glTF file to scene. + Status DecodeGltfToScene(); + + // Decode glTF lights into a scene. + Status AddLightsToScene(); + + // Decodes glTF materials variants names into a scene. + Status AddMaterialsVariantsNamesToScene(); + + // Decode glTF animations into a scene. All of the glTF nodes must be decoded + // to the scene before this function is called. + Status AddAnimationsToScene(); + + // Decode glTF node into a Draco scene. |parent_index| is the index of the + // parent node. If |node| is a root node set |parent_index| to + // |kInvalidSceneNodeIndex|. All glTF lights must be decoded to the scene + // before this function is called. + Status DecodeNodeForScene(int node_index, SceneNodeIndex parent_index); + + // Decode glTF primitive into a Draco scene. + Status DecodePrimitiveForScene(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, + MeshGroup *mesh_group); + + // Decodes glTF materials variants from |extension| and adds it into materials + // variants |mappings|. Before calling this function, all materials variants + // names must be decoded by calling AddMaterialsVariantsNamesToScene(). + Status DecodeMaterialsVariantsMappings( + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension, + std::vector *mappings); + + // Decodes glTF mesh feature ID sets from all glTF primitives and adds them to + // |mesh|. + Status AddMeshFeaturesToDracoMesh(Mesh *mesh); + + // Decodes glTF mesh feature ID sets from glTF primitive in glTF node at + // |node_index| and adds them to |mesh|. + Status AddMeshFeaturesToDracoMesh(int node_index, Mesh *mesh); + + // Decodes glTF structural metadata from glTF model and adds it to |geometry|. + template + Status AddStructuralMetadataToGeometry(GeometryT *geometry); + + // Decodes glTF mesh feature ID sets from |primitive| and adds them to |mesh|. + Status DecodeMeshFeatures(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, + TextureLibrary *texture_library, Mesh *mesh); + + // Decodes glTF mesh feature ID sets from |extension| and adds them to the + // |mesh_features| vector. + Status DecodeMeshFeatures( + const tinygltf::Value::Object &extension, TextureLibrary *texture_library, + std::vector> *mesh_features); + + // Adds an attribute of type |attribute_name| to |builder|. Returns the + // attribute id. + template + StatusOr AddAttribute(const std::string &attribute_name, + int component_type, int type, BuilderT *builder); + + // Adds an attribute of |attribute_type| to |builder|. Returns the attribute + // id. + template + StatusOr AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::Type attribute_type, + int component_type, int type, BuilderT *builder); + + // Returns true if the KHR_texture_transform extension is set in |extension|. + // If the KHR_texture_transform extension is set then the values are returned + // in |transform|. + StatusOr CheckKhrTextureTransform( + const tinygltf::ExtensionMap &extension, TextureTransform *transform); + + // Adds glTF material |input_material_index| to |output_material|. + Status AddGltfMaterial(int input_material_index, Material *output_material); + + // Adds unlit property from glTF |input_material| to |output_material|. + void DecodeMaterialUnlitExtension(const tinygltf::Material &input_material, + Material *output_material); + + // Adds sheen properties from glTF |input_material| to |output_material|. + Status DecodeMaterialSheenExtension(const tinygltf::Material &input_material, + Material *output_material); + + // Adds transmission from glTF |input_material| to |output_material|. + Status DecodeMaterialTransmissionExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material); + + // Adds clearcoat properties from glTF |input_material| to |output_material|. + Status DecodeMaterialClearcoatExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material); + + // Adds volume properties from glTF |input_material| to |output_material|. + Status DecodeMaterialVolumeExtension(const tinygltf::Material &input_material, + int input_material_index, + Material *output_material); + + // Adds ior properties from glTF |input_material| to |output_material|. + Status DecodeMaterialIorExtension(const tinygltf::Material &input_material, + Material *output_material); + + // Adds specular properties from glTF |input_material| to |output_material|. + Status DecodeMaterialSpecularExtension( + const tinygltf::Material &input_material, Material *output_material); + + // Decodes a float value with |name| from |object| to |value| and returns true + // if a well-formed value with such |name| is present. + static StatusOr DecodeFloat(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + float *value); + + // Decodes an integer value with |name| from |object| to |value| and returns + // true if a well-formed value with such |name| is present. + static StatusOr DecodeInt(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + int *value); + + // Decodes a string value with |name| from |object| to |value| and returns + // true if a well-formed value with such |name| is present. + static StatusOr DecodeString(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + std::string *value); + + // Decodes data and data target from buffer view index with |name| in |object| + // to |data| and returns true if a well-formed data is present. + StatusOr DecodePropertyTableData(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + PropertyTable::Property::Data *data); + + // Decodes a 3D vector with |name| from |object| to |value| and returns true + // if a well-formed vector with such |name| is present. + static StatusOr DecodeVector3f(const std::string &name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + Vector3f *value); + + // Decodes a texture with |name| from |object| and adds it to |material| as a + // texture map of |type|. + Status DecodeTexture(const std::string &name, TextureMap::Type type, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &object, + Material *material); + + // Reads texture with |texture_name| from |container_object| into + // |texture_info|. + static Status ParseTextureInfo( + const std::string &texture_name, + const tinygltf::Value::Object &container_object, + tinygltf::TextureInfo *texture_info); + + // Adds the materials to the scene. + Status AddMaterialsToScene(); + + // Adds the skins to the scene. + Status AddSkinsToScene(); + + // All material and non-material textures (e.g., from EXT_mesh_features) are + // initially loaded into a texture library inside the the material library. + // These methods move |non_material_textures| from material texture library + // |material_tl| to non-material texture library |non_material_tl|. + static void MoveNonMaterialTextures(Mesh *mesh); + static void MoveNonMaterialTextures(Scene *scene); + static void MoveNonMaterialTextures( + const std::unordered_set &non_material_textures, + TextureLibrary *material_tl, TextureLibrary *non_material_tl); + + // Builds and returns a mesh constructed from either mesh builder |mb| or + // point cloud builder |pb|. Mesh builder is used if |use_mesh_builder| is set + // to true. + static StatusOr> BuildMeshFromBuilder( + bool use_mesh_builder, TriangleSoupMeshBuilder *mb, + PointCloudBuilder *pb); + + // Map of glTF Mesh to Draco scene mesh group. + std::map gltf_mesh_to_scene_mesh_group_; + + // Data structure that stores the glTF data. + tinygltf::Model gltf_model_; + + // Path to the glTF file. + std::string input_file_name_; + + // Class used to build the Draco mesh. + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder mb_; + PointCloudBuilder pb_; + + // Next face index used when adding attribute data to the Draco mesh. + int next_face_id_; + + // Next point index used when adding attribute data to the point cloud. + int next_point_id_; + + // Total number of indices from all the meshes and primitives. + int total_face_indices_count_; + int total_point_indices_count_; + + // This is the id of the GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL attribute added to the + // Draco mesh. + int material_att_id_; + + // Data used when decoding the entire glTF asset into a single draco::Mesh. + // The struct tracks the total number of elements across all matching + // attributes and it ensures all matching attributes are compatible. + struct MeshAttributeData { + int component_type = 0; + int attribute_type = 0; + bool normalized = false; + int total_attribute_counts = 0; + }; + + // Map of glTF attribute name to attribute component type. + std::map mesh_attribute_data_; + + // Map of glTF attribute name to Draco mesh attribute id. + std::map attribute_name_to_draco_mesh_attribute_id_; + + // Map of glTF material to Draco material index. + std::map gltf_primitive_material_to_draco_material_; + + // Map of glTF material index to transformation scales of primitives. + std::map> gltf_primitive_material_to_scales_; + + // Map of glTF image to Draco textures. + std::map gltf_image_to_draco_texture_; + + std::unique_ptr scene_; + + // Map of glTF Node to local store order. + std::map gltf_node_to_scenenode_index_; + + // Selected mode of the decoded scene graph. + GltfSceneGraphMode gltf_scene_graph_mode_ = GltfSceneGraphMode::TREE; + + // Functionality for deduping primitives on decode. + struct PrimitiveSignature { + const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive; + explicit PrimitiveSignature(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive) + : primitive(primitive) {} + bool operator==(const PrimitiveSignature &signature) const; + struct Hash { + size_t operator()(const PrimitiveSignature &signature) const; + }; + }; + std::unordered_map + gltf_primitive_to_draco_mesh_index_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_GLTF_DECODER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fade3ee26a --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_decoder_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,1402 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/gltf_decoder.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/material/material_library.h" +#include "draco/scene/mesh_group.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/constants.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_types.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_test_helper.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_utils.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +namespace { +std::unique_ptr DecodeGltfFile(const std::string &file_name) { + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + GltfDecoder decoder; + + auto maybe_geometry = decoder.DecodeFromFile(path); + if (!maybe_geometry.ok()) { + return nullptr; + } + std::unique_ptr geometry = std::move(maybe_geometry).value(); + return geometry; +} + +std::unique_ptr DecodeGltfFileToScene(const std::string &file_name) { + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + GltfDecoder decoder; + + auto maybe_scene = decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path); + if (!maybe_scene.ok()) { + return nullptr; + } + std::unique_ptr scene = std::move(maybe_scene).value(); + return scene; +} + +void CompareVectorArray(const std::array &a, + const std::array &b) { + for (int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) { + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(a[v][c], b[v][c]) << "v:" << v << " c:" << c; + } + } +} +} // namespace + +// Tests multiple textures. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SphereGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 4) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 231) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 224) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 2); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TriangleGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "one_face_123.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 1) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 3) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 1) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + + const auto *const pos_attribute = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + EXPECT_NE(pos_attribute, nullptr); + const auto &face = mesh->face(FaceIndex(0)); + std::array pos; + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + pos_attribute->GetMappedValue(face[c], &pos[c][0]); + } + + // Test position values match. + std::array pos_test; + pos_test[0] = Vector3f(1, 0.0999713, 0); + pos_test[1] = Vector3f(2.00006104, 0.01, 0); + pos_test[2] = Vector3f(3, 0.10998169, 0); + CompareVectorArray(pos, pos_test); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, MirroredTriangleGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "one_face_123_mirror.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 1) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 3) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 1) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + + const auto *const pos_attribute = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + EXPECT_NE(pos_attribute, nullptr); + const auto &face = mesh->face(FaceIndex(0)); + std::array pos; + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + pos_attribute->GetMappedValue(face[c], &pos[c][0]); + } + + // Test position values match. + std::array pos_test; + pos_test[0] = Vector3f(-1, -0.0999713, 0); + pos_test[1] = Vector3f(-3, -0.10998169, 0); + pos_test[2] = Vector3f(-2.00006104, -0.01, 0); + CompareVectorArray(pos, pos_test); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TranslateTriangleGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "one_face_123_translated.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 1) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 3) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 1) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + + const auto *const pos_attribute = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + EXPECT_NE(pos_attribute, nullptr); + const auto &face = mesh->face(FaceIndex(0)); + std::array pos; + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + pos_attribute->GetMappedValue(face[c], &pos[c][0]); + } + + // Test position values match. The glTF file contains a matrix in the main + // node. The matrix defines a translation of (-1.5, 5.0, 2.3). + std::array pos_test; + pos_test[0] = Vector3f(1, 0.0999713, 0); + pos_test[1] = Vector3f(2.00006104, 0.01, 0); + pos_test[2] = Vector3f(3, 0.10998169, 0); + const Vector3f translate(-1.5, 5.0, 2.3); + for (int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) { + pos_test[v] = pos_test[v] + translate; + } + CompareVectorArray(pos, pos_test); +} + +// Tests multiple materials. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, MilkTruckGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 4) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 3564) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 3624) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(2)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(3)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetName(), "truck"); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->GetName(), "glass"); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(2)->GetName(), + "window_trim"); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(3)->GetName(), "wheels"); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SceneMilkTruckGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumLights(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(2)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(3)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetName(), "truck"); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->GetName(), "glass"); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(2)->GetName(), + "window_trim"); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(3)->GetName(), "wheels"); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 0); + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene->NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const animation = scene->GetAnimation(i); + ASSERT_NE(animation, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumSamplers(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumChannels(), 2); + } + + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(0))->GetName(), + "Cesium_Milk_Truck"); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(1))->GetName(), "Wheels"); + + // Check all of the meshes do not have any materials. + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshes(); ++i) { + const Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(i); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 0); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, AnimatedBonesGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMan/glTF/CesiumMan.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).material_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 22); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 1); + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene->NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const animation = scene->GetAnimation(i); + ASSERT_NE(animation, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumSamplers(), 57); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumChannels(), 57); + } + + // Check all of the meshes do not have any materials. + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshes(); ++i) { + const Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(i); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 0); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, AnimatedBonesGlb) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMan/glTF_Binary/CesiumMan.glb"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).material_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 22); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 1); + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene->NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const animation = scene->GetAnimation(i); + ASSERT_NE(animation, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumSamplers(), 57); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumChannels(), 57); + } + + // Check all of the meshes do not have any materials. + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshes(); ++i) { + const Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(i); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 0); + } +} + +// Tests multiple primitives with the same material index. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, LanternGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 4) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 4145) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 5394) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 4); +} + +// Tests COLOR_0 input attribute. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, ColorAttributeGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "test_pos_color.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 2) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 114) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 224) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_NE(mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR)->data_type(), + draco::DT_UINT8); + // Ensure the normalized property for the color attribute is set properly. + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR)->normalized()); +} + +// Tests COLOR_0 input attribute when the asset is loaded into a scene. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, ColorAttributeGltfScene) { + const std::string file_name = "test_pos_color.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + const Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR)->data_type(), + draco::DT_UINT8); + // Ensure the normalized property for the color attribute is set properly. + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR)->normalized()); +} + +// Tests a mesh with two sets of texture coordinates. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TwoTexCoordAttributesGltf) { + const std::string file_name = "sphere_two_tex_coords.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 2); +} + +// Tests an input with a valid tangent attribute does not auto generate the +// tangent attribute. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TestSceneWithTangents) { + const std::string file_name = "Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Ensure no mesh has auto-generated tangents (and that some meshes have the + // tangent attribute). + int num_tangent_attributes = 0; + for (MeshIndex mi(0); mi < scene->NumMeshes(); ++mi) { + if (scene->GetMesh(mi).GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT) != + nullptr) { + num_tangent_attributes++; + ASSERT_FALSE(MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents(scene->GetMesh(mi))); + } + } + ASSERT_GT(num_tangent_attributes, 0); +} + +// Tests an input file where multiple textures share the same image asset. +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SharedImages) { + const std::string file_name = "SphereAllSame/sphere_texture_all.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 4); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TextureNamesAreNotEmpty) { + const std::string file_name = "SphereAllSame/sphere_texture_all.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 4); + const std::vector textures = { + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(0), + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(1), + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(2), + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(3)}; + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[0]), "256x256_all_orange"); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[1]), "256x256_all_blue"); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[2]), "256x256_all_red"); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[3]), "256x256_all_green"); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[0]), ImageFormat::PNG); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[1]), ImageFormat::PNG); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[2]), ImageFormat::PNG); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[3]), ImageFormat::PNG); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TestTexCoord1) { + const std::string file_name = "MultiUVTest/glTF/MultiUVTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); + const std::vector textures = { + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(0), + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(1)}; + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[0]), "uv0"); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[1]), "uv1"); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[0]), ImageFormat::PNG); + EXPECT_EQ(TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[1]), ImageFormat::PNG); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::POSITION), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT), 1); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SimpleScene) { + const std::string file_name = "Box/glTF/Box.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).material_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 0); + + // Check all of the meshes do not have any materials. + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshes(); ++i) { + const Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(i); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 0); + } + + // Check names of nodes are empty. + EXPECT_TRUE(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetName().empty()); + EXPECT_TRUE(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(1))->GetName().empty()); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, LanternScene) { + const std::string file_name = "Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 4); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 4); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetDoubleSided(), + false); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 0); + + // Check names of nodes have been populated. + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetName(), "Lantern"); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(1))->GetName(), "LanternPole_Body"); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(2))->GetName(), "LanternPole_Chain"); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(3))->GetName(), + "LanternPole_Lantern"); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SimpleTriangleMesh) { + const std::string file_name = "Triangle/glTF/Triangle.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 1) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 3) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 1) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 0); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SimpleTriangleScene) { + const std::string file_name = "Triangle/glTF/Triangle.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).material_index, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 0); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, ThreeMeshesOneNoMaterialScene) { + const std::string file_name = + "three_meshes_two_materials_one_no_material/" + "three_meshes_two_materials_one_no_material.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 4); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 0); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, ThreeMeshesOneNoMaterialMesh) { + const std::string file_name = + "three_meshes_two_materials_one_no_material/" + "three_meshes_two_materials_one_no_material.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 4) << "Unexpected number of attributes."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 72) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 36) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 3); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DoubleSidedMaterial) { + const std::string file_name = "TwoSidedPlane/glTF/TwoSidedPlane.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetDoubleSided(), true); + + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetDoubleSided(), true); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, VertexColorTest) { + const std::string file_name = "VertexColorTest/glTF/VertexColorTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::COLOR), 1); + + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 2); + const Mesh &second_mesh = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)); + EXPECT_EQ(second_mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::COLOR), 1); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, MorphTargets) { + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/AnimatedMorphCube/glTF/AnimatedMorphCube.gltf"; + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(filename); + GltfDecoder decoder; + const auto maybe_scene = decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path); + EXPECT_FALSE(maybe_scene.ok()); + EXPECT_EQ(maybe_scene.status().code(), Status::Code::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SparseAccessors) { + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/SimpleSparseAccessor/glTF/SimpleSparseAccessor.gltf"; + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(filename); + GltfDecoder decoder; + const auto maybe_scene = decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path); + EXPECT_FALSE(maybe_scene.ok()); + EXPECT_EQ(maybe_scene.status().code(), Status::Code::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, PbrSpecularGlossinessExtension) { + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/SpecGlossVsMetalRough/glTF/" + "SpecGlossVsMetalRough.gltf"; + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(filename); + GltfDecoder decoder; + const auto maybe_scene = decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path); + EXPECT_FALSE(maybe_scene.ok()); + EXPECT_EQ(maybe_scene.status().code(), Status::Code::UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DifferentWrappingModes) { + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/TextureSettingsTest/glTF/TextureSettingsTest.gltf"; + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(filename); + GltfDecoder decoder; + const auto maybe_scene = decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path); + EXPECT_TRUE(maybe_scene.ok()); + const draco::Scene &scene = *maybe_scene.value(); + ASSERT_EQ(scene.GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(scene.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 10); + const draco::Material &material = *scene.GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByIndex(0)->wrapping_mode().s, + draco::TextureMap::REPEAT); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByIndex(0)->wrapping_mode().t, + draco::TextureMap::MIRRORED_REPEAT); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, KhrMaterialsUnlitExtension) { + const std::string no_unlit_filename = "Box/glTF/Box.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene_no_unlit( + DecodeGltfFileToScene(no_unlit_filename)); + EXPECT_EQ(scene_no_unlit->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene_no_unlit->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetUnlit(), + false); + + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/UnlitTest/glTF/UnlitTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(filename)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetUnlit(), true); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->GetUnlit(), true); + + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(filename)); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetUnlit(), true); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->GetUnlit(), true); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, KhrMaterialsSheenExtension) { + // Check that a model with no sheen is loaded with no sheen. + { + const std::unique_ptr scene( + DecodeGltfFileToScene("Box/glTF/Box.gltf")); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + + // Check that material has no sheen. + const Material &material = *scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + EXPECT_FALSE(material.HasSheen()); + + // Check that sheen color and roughness factors have default values. + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetSheenColorFactor(), Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor(), 0.f); + + // Check that sheen textures are absent. + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR), nullptr); + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS), + nullptr); + } + + // Check that a model with sheen is loaded as a mesh with sheen. + { + // Load model as a mesh. + const std::unique_ptr mesh( + DecodeGltfFile("KhronosSampleModels/SheenCloth/glTF/SheenCloth.gltf")); + EXPECT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + const Material &material = *mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + + // Check that material has sheen. + EXPECT_TRUE(material.HasSheen()); + + // Check that sheen color and roughness factors are present. + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetSheenColorFactor(), Vector3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f)); + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor(), 1.f); + + // Check that sheen color and roughness textures are present. + EXPECT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS), + nullptr); + + // Check that sheen color and roughness textures are shared. + EXPECT_EQ( + material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR)->texture(), + material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS)->texture()); + } + + // Check that a model with sheen is loaded as a scene with sheen. + { + // Load model as a scene. + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene( + "KhronosSampleModels/SheenCloth/glTF/SheenCloth.gltf")); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + const Material &material = *scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + + // Check that material has sheen. + EXPECT_TRUE(material.HasSheen()); + + // Check that sheen color and roughness factors are present. + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetSheenColorFactor(), Vector3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f)); + EXPECT_EQ(material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor(), 1.f); + + // Check that sheen color and roughness textures are present. + EXPECT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS), + nullptr); + + // Check that sheen color and roughness textures are shared. + EXPECT_EQ( + material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR)->texture(), + material.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS)->texture()); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, PbrNextExtensions) { + // Check that a model with no material extensions is loaded correctly. + { + const std::unique_ptr scene( + DecodeGltfFileToScene("Box/glTF/Box.gltf")); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + const Material &m = *scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + + // Check that material has no extensions. + EXPECT_FALSE(m.HasSheen()); + EXPECT_FALSE(m.HasTransmission()); + EXPECT_FALSE(m.HasClearcoat()); + EXPECT_FALSE(m.HasVolume()); + EXPECT_FALSE(m.HasIor()); + EXPECT_FALSE(m.HasSpecular()); + } + + // Check that a model with material extensions is loaded correctly. + { + const std::unique_ptr mesh( + DecodeGltfFile("pbr_next/sphere/glTF/sphere.gltf")); + EXPECT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + const Material &m = *mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + + // Check that material has extensions. + EXPECT_TRUE(m.HasSheen()); + EXPECT_TRUE(m.HasTransmission()); + EXPECT_TRUE(m.HasClearcoat()); + EXPECT_TRUE(m.HasVolume()); + EXPECT_TRUE(m.HasIor()); + EXPECT_TRUE(m.HasSpecular()); + + // Check that material has correct extension properties. + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetSheenColorFactor(), Vector3f(1.0f, 0.329f, 0.1f)); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetSheenRoughnessFactor(), 0.8f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetTransmissionFactor(), 0.75f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetClearcoatFactor(), 0.95f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor(), 0.03f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetAttenuationColor(), Vector3f(0.921f, 0.640f, 0.064f)); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetAttenuationDistance(), 0.155f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetThicknessFactor(), 2.27f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetIor(), 1.55f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetSpecularFactor(), 0.3f); + EXPECT_EQ(m.GetSpecularColorFactor(), Vector3f(0.212f, 0.521f, 0.051f)); + + // Check that material has all extension textures. + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::TRANSMISSION), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::CLEARCOAT), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::CLEARCOAT_NORMAL), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::THICKNESS), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SPECULAR), nullptr); + EXPECT_NE(m.GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::SPECULAR_COLOR), nullptr); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TextureTransformTest) { + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/TextureTransformTest/glTF/TextureTransformTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(filename)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 9); + for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { + EXPECT_FALSE(TextureTransform::IsDefault(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary() + .GetMaterial(i) + ->GetTextureMapByIndex(0) + ->texture_transform())); + } + for (int i = 6; i < 9; ++i) { + EXPECT_TRUE(TextureTransform::IsDefault(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary() + .GetMaterial(i) + ->GetTextureMapByIndex(0) + ->texture_transform())); + } + + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(filename)); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 9); + for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { + EXPECT_FALSE(TextureTransform::IsDefault(scene->GetMaterialLibrary() + .GetMaterial(i) + ->GetTextureMapByIndex(0) + ->texture_transform())); + } + for (int i = 6; i < 9; ++i) { + EXPECT_TRUE(TextureTransform::IsDefault(scene->GetMaterialLibrary() + .GetMaterial(i) + ->GetTextureMapByIndex(0) + ->texture_transform())); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, GlbTextureSource) { + const std::string file_name = "KhronosSampleModels/Duck/glTF_Binary/Duck.glb"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).material_index, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 1); + const Texture *const texture = + scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(0); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + const SourceImage &source_image = texture->source_image(); + EXPECT_EQ(source_image.encoded_data().size(), 16302); + EXPECT_EQ(source_image.filename(), ""); + EXPECT_EQ(source_image.mime_type(), "image/png"); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, GltfTextureSource) { + const std::string file_name = "KhronosSampleModels/Duck/glTF/Duck.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).material_index, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 1); + const Texture *const texture = + scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(0); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + const SourceImage &source_image = texture->source_image(); + EXPECT_EQ(source_image.encoded_data().size(), 0); + EXPECT_FALSE(source_image.filename().empty()); + EXPECT_EQ(source_image.mime_type(), ""); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, GltfDecodeWithDraco) { + // Tests that we can decode a glTF containing Draco compressed geometry. + const std::string file_name = "Box/glTF_Binary/Box.glb"; + const std::string file_name_with_draco = "Box/glTF_Binary/Box_Draco.glb"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + const std::unique_ptr scene_draco( + DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name_with_draco)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(scene_draco, nullptr); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), scene_draco->NumMeshes()); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), scene_draco->NumMeshGroups()); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), scene_draco->NumNodes()); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), scene_draco->NumRootNodes()); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + scene_draco->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), scene_draco->NumAnimations()); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), scene_draco->NumSkins()); + + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)).num_faces(), + scene_draco->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)).num_faces()); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TestAnimationNames) { + const std::string file_name = "InterpolationTest/glTF/InterpolationTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 9); + + const std::vector animation_names{ + "Step Scale", "Linear Scale", + "CubicSpline Scale", "Step Rotation", + "CubicSpline Rotation", "Linear Rotation", + "Step Translation", "CubicSpline Translation", + "Linear Translation"}; + for (int i = 0; i < scene->NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const anim = scene->GetAnimation(AnimationIndex(i)); + ASSERT_NE(anim, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(anim->GetName(), animation_names[i]); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DuplicatePrimitives) { + const std::string file_name = "DuplicateMeshes/duplicate_meshes.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // There should be only one unique base mesh in the scene and four mesh + // groups (instances). + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 4); + + // There should be two materials used by the instances. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, SimpleSkin) { + // This is a simple skin example from glTF tutorial. + const std::string file_name = "simple_skin.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Check scene size. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0))->NumMeshInstances(), + 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumRootNodes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumAnimations(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumSkins(), 1); + + // Check animation size. + const Animation *const animation = scene->GetAnimation(AnimationIndex(0)); + ASSERT_NE(animation, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumSamplers(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumChannels(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(animation->NumNodeAnimationData(), 2); + + // Check animation sampler. + const AnimationSampler *const sampler = animation->GetSampler(0); + ASSERT_NE(sampler, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(sampler->input_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(sampler->interpolation_type, + AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation::LINEAR); + ASSERT_EQ(sampler->output_index, 1); + + // Check animation channel. + const AnimationChannel *const channel = animation->GetChannel(0); + ASSERT_NE(channel, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(channel->sampler_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(channel->target_index, 2); + ASSERT_EQ(channel->transformation_type, + AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation::ROTATION); + + // Check the first node animation data. + { + const NodeAnimationData *const node_animation = + animation->GetNodeAnimationData(0); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->ComponentSize(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->NumComponents(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->count(), 12); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->type(), NodeAnimationData::Type::SCALAR); + ASSERT_FALSE(node_animation->normalized()); + const std::vector &node_animation_data = *node_animation->GetData(); + const std::vector expected_node_animation_data{ + 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 4.0f, 4.5f, 5.0f, 5.5f}; + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation_data, expected_node_animation_data); + } + + // Check the second node animation data. + { + const NodeAnimationData *const node_animation = + animation->GetNodeAnimationData(1); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->ComponentSize(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->NumComponents(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->count(), 12); + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation->type(), NodeAnimationData::Type::VEC4); + ASSERT_FALSE(node_animation->normalized()); + const std::vector &node_animation_data = *node_animation->GetData(); + std::cout << std::endl; + // clang-format off + const std::vector expected_node_animation_data{ + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.000f, 1.000f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.383f, 0.924f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.707f, 0.707f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.707f, 0.707f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.383f, 0.924f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.000f, 1.000f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.000f, 1.000f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, -0.383f, 0.924f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, -0.707f, 0.707f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, -0.707f, 0.707f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, -0.383f, 0.924f, + 0.000f, 0.000f, 0.000f, 1.000f}; + // clang-format on + ASSERT_EQ(node_animation_data, expected_node_animation_data); + } + + // Check skin. + const Skin *const skin = scene->GetSkin(SkinIndex(0)); + ASSERT_NE(skin, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(skin->NumJoints(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(skin->GetJointRoot(), kInvalidSceneNodeIndex); + ASSERT_EQ(skin->GetJoint(0), SceneNodeIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(skin->GetJoint(1), SceneNodeIndex(2)); + + // Check inverse bind matrices. + const NodeAnimationData &bind_matrices = skin->GetInverseBindMatrices(); + ASSERT_EQ(bind_matrices.type(), NodeAnimationData::Type::MAT4); + ASSERT_EQ(bind_matrices.count(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(bind_matrices.normalized(), false); + ASSERT_NE(bind_matrices.GetData(), nullptr); + const std::vector &bind_matrices_data = *bind_matrices.GetData(); + // clang-format off + const std::vector expected_bind_matrices_data{ + // First matrix. + 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, + 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, + 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, + -0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, + // Second matrix. + 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, + 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, + 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, + -0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; + // clang-format on + ASSERT_EQ(bind_matrices_data, expected_bind_matrices_data); + + // Check mesh size. + const Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_faces(), 8); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_points(), 10); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_attributes(), 3); + + // Check vertex joint indices. + const PointAttribute *const joints_att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::JOINTS); + ASSERT_NE(joints_att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(joints_att->data_type(), DT_UINT16); + ASSERT_EQ(joints_att->num_components(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(joints_att->size(), 1); + // clang-format off + const std::array expected_joints = { + // Each vertex is associated with four joints. + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0 }; + // clang-format on + std::array joints; + for (draco::PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh.num_points(); ++pi) { + joints_att->GetMappedValue(pi, &joints[4 * pi.value()]); + } + ASSERT_EQ(joints, expected_joints); + + // Check vertex joint weights. + const PointAttribute *const weights_att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::WEIGHTS); + ASSERT_NE(weights_att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(weights_att->data_type(), DT_FLOAT32); + ASSERT_EQ(weights_att->num_components(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(weights_att->size(), 5); + // clang-format off + const std::array expected_weights = { + // Each vertex has four joint weights. + 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.75f, 0.25f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.75f, 0.25f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.50f, 0.50f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.50f, 0.50f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.25f, 0.75f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.25f, 0.75f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, + 0.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f }; + // clang-format on + std::array weights; + for (draco::PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh.num_points(); ++pi) { + weights_att->GetMappedValue(pi, &weights[4 * pi.value()]); + } + ASSERT_EQ(weights, expected_weights); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeMeshWithImplicitPrimitiveIndices) { + // Check that glTF primitives with implicit indices can be loaded as a mesh. + const std::string file_name = "Fox/glTF/Fox.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 576); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeSceneWithImplicitPrimitiveIndices) { + // Check that glTF primitives with implicit indices can be loaded as a scene. + const std::string file_name = "Fox/glTF/Fox.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)).num_faces(), 576); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeFromBufferToMesh) { + // Checks that a mesh can be decoded from buffer in GLB format. + // Read GLB file contents into a buffer. + const std::string file_name = "KhronosSampleModels/Duck/glTF_Binary/Duck.glb"; + const std::string file_path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + std::vector file_data; + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(file_path, &file_data)); + DecoderBuffer buffer; + buffer.Init(file_data.data(), file_data.size()); + + // Decode mesh from buffer. + GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, decoder.DecodeFromBuffer(&buffer)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Decode mesh from GLB file. + const std::unique_ptr expected_mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(expected_mesh, nullptr); + + // Check that meshes decoded from the buffer and from GLB file are equivalent. + MeshAreEquivalent eq; + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(*mesh, *expected_mesh)); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeGraph) { + // Checks that we can decode a scene with a general graph structure where a + // node has multiple parents. + // The input model has one root node, 4 children nodes that all point to a + // single node that contains the cube mesh. + const std::string file_name = "CubeScaledInstances/glTF/cube_att.gltf"; + const std::string file_path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + + // First decode the scene into a tree-graph. + draco::GltfDecoder dec_tree; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto scene_tree, + dec_tree.DecodeFromFileToScene(file_path)); + // We expect to have 9 nodes with 4 mesh instances. The leaf node with the + // cube is duplicated 4 times, once for each instance. + ASSERT_EQ(scene_tree->NumNodes(), 9); + auto instances_tree = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene_tree); + ASSERT_EQ(instances_tree.size(), 4); + + // Decode the scene into a scene-graph. + draco::GltfDecoder dec_graph; + dec_graph.SetSceneGraphMode(draco::GltfDecoder::GltfSceneGraphMode::DAG); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto scene_graph, + dec_graph.DecodeFromFileToScene(file_path)); + + // We expect to have 6 nodes with 4 mesh instances. The leaf node is shared + // for all mesh instances. + ASSERT_EQ(scene_graph->NumNodes(), 6); + auto instances_graph = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene_graph); + ASSERT_EQ(instances_graph.size(), 4); + + // Check that all instances share the same scene node. + for (draco::MeshInstanceIndex mii(1); mii < 4; ++mii) { + ASSERT_EQ(instances_graph[mii - 1].scene_node_index, + instances_graph[mii].scene_node_index); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, CorrectVolumeThicknessFactor) { + // Checks that when a model is decoded as draco::Mesh the PBR material volume + // thickness factor is corrected according to geometry transformation scale in + // the scene graph. + constexpr float kDragonScale = 0.25f; + constexpr float kDragonVolumeThickness = 2.27f; + + // Read model as draco::Scene and check dragon mesh transformation scale and + // its PBR material volume thickness factor. + const std::unique_ptr scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile( + "KhronosSampleModels/DragonAttenuation/glTF/DragonAttenuation.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + auto instances = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(instances.size(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(0)].transform.col(0).norm(), + kDragonScale); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->GetThicknessFactor(), + kDragonVolumeThickness); + + // Read model as draco::Mesh and check corrected volume thickness factor. + const std::unique_ptr mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile( + "KhronosSampleModels/DragonAttenuation/glTF/DragonAttenuation.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(1)->GetThicknessFactor(), + kDragonScale * kDragonVolumeThickness); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeLightsIntoMesh) { + // Checks that a model with lights can be decoded into draco::Mesh with the + // lights discarded. + const std::string file_name = "sphere_lights.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeGltfFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 224); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeLightsIntoScene) { + // Checks that a model with lights can be decoded into draco::Scene. + const std::string file_name = "sphere_lights.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumLights(), 4); + + // Check spot light with all properties specified. + Light &light = *scene->GetLight(LightIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetName(), "Blue Lightsaber"); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetColor(), draco::Vector3f(0.72f, 0.71f, 1.00f)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetIntensity(), 3.0); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetType(), draco::Light::SPOT); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetRange(), 100); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetInnerConeAngle(), 0.2); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetOuterConeAngle(), 0.8); + + // Check point light with all properties specified. + light = *scene->GetLight(LightIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetName(), "The Star of Earendil"); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetColor(), draco::Vector3f(0.90f, 0.97f, 1.0f)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetIntensity(), 5.0); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetType(), draco::Light::POINT); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetRange(), 1000); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetInnerConeAngle(), 0.0); + ASSERT_NEAR(light.GetOuterConeAngle(), DRACO_PI / 4.0f, 1e-8); + + // Check directional light with some properties specified. + light = *scene->GetLight(LightIndex(2)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetName(), "Arc Reactor"); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetColor(), draco::Vector3f(0.9f, 0.9, 0.9f)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetIntensity(), 1.0); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetType(), draco::Light::DIRECTIONAL); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetRange(), 200.0); + + // Check spot light with no properties specified. + light = *scene->GetLight(LightIndex(3)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetName(), ""); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetColor(), draco::Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetIntensity(), 1.0); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetType(), draco::Light::SPOT); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetRange(), std::numeric_limits::max()); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetInnerConeAngle(), 0.0); + ASSERT_NEAR(light.GetOuterConeAngle(), DRACO_PI / 4.0f, 1e-8); + + // Check that lights are referenced by the scene nodes. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetLightIndex(), + kInvalidLightIndex); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(1))->GetLightIndex(), LightIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(2))->GetLightIndex(), LightIndex(2)); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(3))->GetLightIndex(), LightIndex(3)); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(4))->GetLightIndex(), LightIndex(1)); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, MaterialsVariants) { + // Checks that a model with KHR_materials_variants extension can be decoded. + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto scene, + decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(GetTestFileFullPath( + "KhronosSampleModels/DragonAttenuation/glTF/" + "DragonAttenuation.gltf"))); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const draco::MaterialLibrary &library = scene->GetMaterialLibrary(); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterialsVariants(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetMaterialsVariantName(0), "Attenuation"); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetMaterialsVariantName(1), "Surface Color"); + + // Check that the cloth mesh has no material variants. + const draco::MeshGroup &cloth_group = + *scene->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(cloth_group.GetName(), "Cloth Backdrop"); + ASSERT_EQ(cloth_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + const auto &cloth_mappings = + cloth_group.GetMeshInstance(0).materials_variants_mappings; + ASSERT_EQ(cloth_mappings.size(), 0); + + // Check that the dragon has correct materials variants. + const draco::MeshGroup &dragon_group = + *scene->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_group.GetName(), "Dragon"); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_group.NumMeshInstances(), 1); + const auto &dragon_mappings = + dragon_group.GetMeshInstance(0).materials_variants_mappings; + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_mappings.size(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_mappings[0].material, 1); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_mappings[1].material, 2); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_mappings[0].variants.size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_mappings[1].variants.size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_mappings[0].variants[0], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(dragon_mappings[1].variants[0], 1); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeMeshWithMeshFeaturesWithStructuralMetadata) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with mesh features and structural metadata + // property table as draco::Mesh. + constexpr bool kDracoCompressionEnabled = false; + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath("BoxMeta/glTF/BoxMeta.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, decoder.DecodeFromFile(path)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*mesh, kDracoCompressionEnabled); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(*mesh); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeMeshWithMeshFeaturesWithDracoCompression) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with mesh features compressed with Draco + // as draco::Mesh. + constexpr bool kDracoCompressionEnabled = true; + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath("BoxMetaDraco/glTF/BoxMetaDraco.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, decoder.DecodeFromFile(path)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*mesh, kDracoCompressionEnabled); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeSceneWithMeshFeaturesWithStructuralMetadata) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with mesh features and structural metadata + // property table as draco::Scene. + constexpr bool kHasDracoCompression = false; + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath("BoxMeta/glTF/BoxMeta.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto scene, decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*scene, kHasDracoCompression); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(*scene); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeSceneWithMeshFeaturesWithDracoCompression) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with mesh features compressed with Draco + // as draco::Scene. + constexpr bool kHasDracoCompression = true; + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath("BoxMetaDraco/glTF/BoxMetaDraco.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto scene, decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*scene, kHasDracoCompression); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodePointCloudToMesh) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with point primitives (no meshes). + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath( + "SphereTwoMaterials/sphere_two_materials_point_cloud.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, decoder.DecodeFromFile(path)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Check the point cloud has expected number of points and attributes. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 462); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TANGENT), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL), 1); + + // Check the point cloud has two materials. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL)->size(), + 2); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeMeshAndPointCloudToMesh) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with a mesh and point primitives into + // draco::Mesh. This should fail (draco::Mesh can't support mixed primitives). + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath( + "SphereTwoMaterials/sphere_two_materials_mesh_and_point_cloud.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + ASSERT_FALSE(decoder.DecodeFromFile(path).ok()); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodePointCloudToScene) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with point primitives (no meshes) into + // draco::Scene. + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath( + "SphereTwoMaterials/sphere_two_materials_point_cloud.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto scene, decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 2); + + // Check that each point cloud has expected number of points and attributes. + for (draco::MeshIndex mi(0); mi < scene->NumMeshes(); ++mi) { + const auto &mesh = scene->GetMesh(mi); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_faces(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_points(), 231); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TANGENT), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL), 0); + } + + // Check the materials are properly assigned to each point cloud. + const auto instances = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(instances.size(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::GetMeshInstanceMaterialIndex( + *scene, instances[draco::MeshInstanceIndex(0)]), + 0); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::GetMeshInstanceMaterialIndex( + *scene, instances[draco::MeshInstanceIndex(1)]), + 1); +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, DecodeMeshAndPointCloudToScene) { + // Checks decoding of a simple glTF with a mesh and point primitives into + // draco::Scene. + const auto path = GetTestFileFullPath( + "SphereTwoMaterials/sphere_two_materials_mesh_and_point_cloud.gltf"); + draco::GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto scene, decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(path)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 2); + + // First mesh should be a real mesh while the other one should be a point + // cloud (no faces). Otherwise, they should have the same properties. + for (draco::MeshIndex mi(0); mi < scene->NumMeshes(); ++mi) { + const auto &mesh = scene->GetMesh(mi); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_faces(), mi.value() == 0 ? 224 : 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_points(), 231); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TANGENT), 1); + } +} + +TEST(GltfDecoderTest, TestLoadUnsupportedTexCoordAttributes) { + // Checks that unsupported attributes (TEXCOORD_2 ... TEXCOORD_7) are ignored + // without causing the decoder to fail. + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("UnusedTexCoords/TexCoord2.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)) + .NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), + 2); +} + +} // namespace draco +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0509b588f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder.cc @@ -0,0 +1,3662 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/gltf_encoder.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" +#include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h" +#include "draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h" +#include "draco/compression/expert_encode.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_types.h" +#include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/file_writer_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_features.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" +#include "draco/scene/instance_array.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_utils.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Values are specfified from glTF 2.0 sampler spec. See here for more +// information: +// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#sampler +int TextureFilterTypeToGltfValue(TextureMap::FilterType filter_type) { + switch (filter_type) { + case TextureMap::NEAREST: + return 9728; + case TextureMap::LINEAR: + return 9729; + case TextureMap::NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: + return 9984; + case TextureMap::LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: + return 9985; + case TextureMap::NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: + return 9986; + case TextureMap::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: + return 9987; + default: + return -1; + } +} + +// Values are specfified from glTF 2.0 sampler spec. See here for more +// information: +// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#sampler +int TextureAxisWrappingModeToGltfValue(TextureMap::AxisWrappingMode mode) { + switch (mode) { + case TextureMap::CLAMP_TO_EDGE: + return 33071; + case TextureMap::MIRRORED_REPEAT: + return 33648; + case TextureMap::REPEAT: + return 10497; + default: + return -1; + } +} + +// Checks |att| metadata entry in |mesh| with key "attribute_name" and returns +// entry value if it begins with "_FEATURE_ID_", or an empty string otherwise. +std::string GetFeatureIdAttributeName(const PointAttribute &att, + const Mesh &mesh) { + const auto *const metadata = + mesh.GetAttributeMetadataByAttributeId(att.unique_id()); + if (metadata) { + std::string attribute_name; + if (metadata->GetEntryString("attribute_name", &attribute_name)) { + constexpr char kPrefix[] = "_FEATURE_ID_"; + if (attribute_name.rfind(kPrefix) == 0) { + return attribute_name; + } + } + } + return std::string(); +} + +// Struct to hold glTF Scene data. +struct GltfScene { + std::vector node_indices; +}; + +// Struct to hold glTF Node data. +struct GltfNode { + GltfNode() + : mesh_index(-1), + skin_index(-1), + light_index(-1), + instance_array_index(-1), + root_node(false) {} + + std::string name; + std::vector childern_indices; + int mesh_index; + int skin_index; + int light_index; + int instance_array_index; + bool root_node; + TrsMatrix trs_matrix; +}; + +// Struct to hold image data. +struct GltfImage { + std::string image_name; + const Texture *texture; + std::unique_ptr owned_texture; + int num_components = 0; + int buffer_view = -1; + std::string mime_type; +}; + +// Struct to hold texture filtering options. The members are based on glTF 2.0 +// samplers. For more information see: +// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#samplers +struct TextureSampler { + TextureSampler(TextureMap::FilterType min, TextureMap::FilterType mag, + TextureMap::WrappingMode mode) + : min_filter(min), mag_filter(mag), wrapping_mode(mode) {} + + bool operator==(const TextureSampler &other) const { + if (min_filter != other.min_filter) { + return false; + } + if (mag_filter != other.mag_filter) { + return false; + } + return wrapping_mode.s == other.wrapping_mode.s && + wrapping_mode.t == other.wrapping_mode.t; + } + + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter = TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED; + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter = TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED; + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode = {TextureMap::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, + TextureMap::CLAMP_TO_EDGE}; +}; + +// Struct to hold texture data. Multiple textures can reference the same image. +struct GltfTexture { + GltfTexture(int image, int sampler) + : image_index(image), sampler_index(sampler) {} + bool operator==(const GltfTexture &other) const { + return image_index == other.image_index && + sampler_index == other.sampler_index; + } + int image_index; + int sampler_index; +}; + +// Struct to hold glTF Accessor data. +struct GltfAccessor { + GltfAccessor() + : buffer_view_index(-1), + byte_stride(0), + component_type(-1), + normalized(false) {} + + int buffer_view_index; + int byte_stride; + int component_type; + int64_t count; + std::vector max; + std::vector min; + std::string type; + bool normalized; +}; + +// Struct to hold glTF BufferView data. Currently there is only one Buffer, so +// there is no need to store a buffer index. +struct GltfBufferView { + int64_t buffer_byte_offset = -1; + int64_t byte_length = 0; + int target = 0; +}; + +// Struct to hold information about a Draco compressed mesh. +struct GltfDracoCompressedMesh { + int buffer_view_index = -1; + std::map attributes; +}; + +// Struct to hold glTF Primitive data. +struct GltfPrimitive { + GltfPrimitive() : indices(-1), mode(4), material(0) {} + + int indices; + int mode; + int material; + std::vector material_variants_mappings; + std::vector mesh_features; + std::map attributes; + GltfDracoCompressedMesh compressed_mesh_info; +}; + +struct GltfMesh { + std::string name; + std::vector primitives; +}; + +// Class to hold and output glTF data. +class GltfAsset { + public: + // glTF value types and values. + enum ComponentType { + BYTE = 5120, + UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121, + SHORT = 5122, + UNSIGNED_SHORT = 5123, + UNSIGNED_INT = 5125, + FLOAT = 5126 + }; + // Return the size of the component based on |max_value|. + static int UnsignedIntComponentSize(unsigned int max_value); + + // Return component type based on |max_value|. + static ComponentType UnsignedIntComponentType(unsigned int max_value); + + GltfAsset(); + + std::string generator() const { return generator_; } + std::string version() const { return version_; } + std::string buffer_name() const { return buffer_name_; } + void buffer_name(const std::string &name) { buffer_name_ = name; } + const EncoderBuffer *Buffer() const { return &buffer_; } + + // Convert a Draco Mesh to glTF data. + bool AddDracoMesh(const Mesh &mesh); + + // Convert a Draco Scene to glTF data. + Status AddScene(const Scene &scene); + + // Copy the glTF data to |buf_out|. + Status Output(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + + // Return the output image referenced by |index|. + const GltfImage *GetImage(int index) const; + + // Return the number of images added to the GltfAsset. + int NumImages() const { return images_.size(); } + + const std::string &image_name(int i) const { return images_[i].image_name; } + + void set_add_images_to_buffer(bool flag) { add_images_to_buffer_ = flag; } + bool add_images_to_buffer() const { return add_images_to_buffer_; } + void set_output_type(GltfEncoder::OutputType type) { output_type_ = type; } + GltfEncoder::OutputType output_type() const { return output_type_; } + void set_json_output_mode(JsonWriter::Mode mode) { gltf_json_.SetMode(mode); } + + private: + // Pad |buffer_| to 4 byte boundary. + bool PadBuffer(); + + // Returns the index of the scene that was added. -1 on error. + int AddScene(); + + // Add a glTF attribute index to |draco_extension|. + void AddAttributeToDracoExtension( + const Mesh &mesh, GeometryAttribute::Type type, int index, + const std::string &name, GltfDracoCompressedMesh *compressed_mesh_info); + + // Compresses |mesh| using Draco. On success returns the buffer_view in + // |primitive| and number of encoded points and faces. + Status CompressMeshWithDraco(const Mesh &mesh, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform, + GltfPrimitive *primitive, + int64_t *num_encoded_points, + int64_t *num_encoded_faces); + + // Adds a Draco mesh associated with a material id and material variants. + bool AddDracoMesh(const Mesh &mesh, int material_id, + const std::vector + &material_variants_mappings, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform); + + // Add the Draco mesh indices to the glTF data. |num_encoded_faces| is the + // number of faces encoded in |mesh|, which can be different than + // mesh.numfaces(). Returns the index of the accessor that was added. -1 on + // error. + int AddDracoIndices(const Mesh &mesh, int64_t num_encoded_faces); + + // Add the Draco mesh positions attribute to the glTF data. + // |num_encoded_points| is the number of points encoded in |mesh|, which can + // be different than mesh.num_points(). Returns the index of the accessor that + // was added. -1 on error. + int AddDracoPositions(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points); + + // Add the Draco mesh normals attribute to the glTF data. |num_encoded_points| + // is the number of points encoded in |mesh|, which can be different than + // mesh.num_points(). Returns the index of + // the accessor that was added. -1 on error. + int AddDracoNormals(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points); + + // Add the Draco mesh vertex color attribute to the glTF data. + // |num_encoded_points| is the number of points encoded in |mesh|, which can + // be different than mesh.num_points(). Returns the index of the accessor that + // was added. -1 on error. + int AddDracoColors(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points); + + // Add the Draco mesh texture attribute to the glTF data. |tex_coord_index| is + // the index into the texture coordinates added to |mesh|. + // |num_encoded_points| is the number of points encoded in |mesh|, which can + // be different than mesh.num_points(). Returns the index of the accessor that + // was added. -1 on error. + int AddDracoTexture(const Mesh &mesh, int tex_coord_index, + int num_encoded_points); + + // Add the Draco mesh tangent attribute to the glTF data. The Draco mesh + // tangents only contains the x, y, and z components and glTF needs the + // x, y, z, and w components for glTF mesh tangents. Note this is not true + // for tangents of glTF morph targets. This function will add the w component + // to the glTF tangents. |num_encoded_points| is the + // number of points encoded in |mesh|, which can be different than + // mesh.num_points(). Returns the index of the accessor that was added. + // -1 on error. + // Note: Tangents are not added if the attribute contains "auto_generated" + // metadata. See go/tangents_and_draco_simplifier for more details. + int AddDracoTangents(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points); + + int AddDracoJoints(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points); + int AddDracoWeights(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points); + std::vector> AddDracoGenerics( + const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points); + + // Iterate through the materials that are associated with |mesh| and add them + // to the asset. Returns true if |mesh| does not contain any materials or all + // the materials are supported. Returns false if |mesh| contains materials + // that are not supported. + bool AddMaterials(const Mesh &mesh); + + // Checks whether a given Draco |attribute| has data of expected |data_type| + // and whether the data has one of expected |num_components|. Returns true + // when the |attribute| meets expectations, false otherwise. + static bool CheckDracoAttribute(const PointAttribute *attribute, + const std::set &data_types, + const std::set &num_components); + + // Returns the name of |texture|. If |texture|'s name is empty then it will + // generate a name using |texture_index| and |suffix|. If it cannot generate a + // name then it will return an empty string. + std::string GetTextureName(const Texture &texture, int texture_index, + const std::string &suffix) const; + + // Adds a new glTF image to the asset and returns its index. |owned_texture| + // is an optional argument that can be used when the added image is not + // contained in the encoded MaterialLibrary (e.g. for images that are locally + // modified before they are encoded to disk). The image file name is generated + // by combining |image_stem| and image mime type contained in the |texture|. + StatusOr AddImage(const std::string &image_stem, const Texture *texture, + int num_components); + StatusOr AddImage(const std::string &image_stem, const Texture *texture, + std::unique_ptr owned_texture, + int num_components); + + // Saves an image with a given |image_index| into a buffer. + Status SaveImageToBuffer(int image_index); + + // Adds |sampler| to vector of samplers and returns the index. If |sampler| is + // equal to default values then |sampler| is not added to the vector and + // returns -1. + StatusOr AddTextureSampler(const TextureSampler &sampler); + + // Adds a Draco SceneNode, referenced by |scene_node_index|, to the glTF data. + Status AddSceneNode(const Scene &scene, SceneNodeIndex scene_node_index); + + // Iterate through the materials that are associated with |scene| and add them + // to the asset. Returns true if |scene| does not contain any materials or all + // the materials are supported. Returns false if |scene| contains materials + // that are not supported. + bool AddMaterials(const Scene &scene); + + // Iterate through the animations that are associated with |scene| and add + // them to the asset. Returns OkStatus() if |scene| does not contain any + // animations. + Status AddAnimations(const Scene &scene); + + // Converts the data associated with |node_animation_data| and adds that to + // the encoder as an accessor. + StatusOr AddNodeAnimationData( + const NodeAnimationData &node_animation_data); + + // Iterate through the skins that are associated with |scene| and add + // them to the asset. Returns OkStatus() if |scene| does not contain any + // skins. + Status AddSkins(const Scene &scene); + + // Iterate through the lights that are associated with |scene| and add them to + // the asset. Returns OkStatus() if |scene| does not contain any lights. + Status AddLights(const Scene &scene); + + // Iterate through materials variants names that are associated with |scene| + // and add them to the asset. Returns OkStatus() if |scene| does not contain + // any materials variants. + Status AddMaterialsVariantsNames(const Scene &scene); + + // Iterate through the mesh group instance arrays that are associated with + // |scene| and add them to the asset. Returns OkStatus() if |scene| does not + // contain any mesh group instance arrays. + Status AddInstanceArrays(const Scene &scene); + + // Adds structural metadata from |geometry| to the asset, if any. + template + void AddStructuralMetadata(const GeometryT &geometry); + + // Adds float |data| representing |num_components|-length vectors to the + // encoder as accessor and return the new accessor index. + StatusOr AddData(const std::vector &data, int num_components); + + // Adds property table |data| as buffer view and returns buffer view index. + StatusOr AddBufferView(const PropertyTable::Property::Data &data); + + bool EncodeAssetProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + bool EncodeScenesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + bool EncodeInitialSceneProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + bool EncodeNodesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeMeshesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodePrimitiveExtensionsProperty(const GltfPrimitive &primitive, + EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeMaterials(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + + // Encodes a color material. |red|, |green|, |blue|, |alpha|, and + // |metallic_factor| are values in the range of 0.0 - 1.0. + void EncodeColorMaterial(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, + float metallic_factor); + Status EncodeDefaultMaterial(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + + // Encodes a texture map. |object_name| is the name of the texture map. + // |image_index| is the index into the texture image array. |tex_coord_index| + // is the index into the texture coordinates. |texture_map| is a reference to + // the texture map that is going to be encoded. + Status EncodeTextureMap(const std::string &object_name, int image_index, + int tex_coord_index, const Material &material, + const TextureMap &texture_map); + + // Encodes a texture map similar to the method above. When the |object_name| + // is "texture" and |channels| is not empty, then the |channels| is encoded + // into the "channels" property as required by the "texture" object of the + // EXT_mesh_features extension. + Status EncodeTextureMap(const std::string &object_name, int image_index, + int tex_coord_index, const Material &material, + const TextureMap &texture_map, + const std::vector &channels); + Status EncodeMaterialsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + + void EncodeMaterialUnlitExtension(const Material &material); + Status EncodeMaterialSheenExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index); + Status EncodeMaterialTransmissionExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index); + Status EncodeMaterialClearcoatExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index); + Status EncodeMaterialVolumeExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index); + Status EncodeMaterialIorExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults); + Status EncodeMaterialSpecularExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index); + Status EncodeTexture(const std::string &name, const std::string &stem_suffix, + TextureMap::Type type, int num_components, + const Material &material, int material_index); + Status EncodeAnimationsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeSkinsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeTopLevelExtensionsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeLightsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeMaterialsVariantsNamesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeStructuralMetadataProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + bool EncodeAccessorsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + bool EncodeBufferViewsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + bool EncodeBuffersProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + Status EncodeExtensionsProperties(EncoderBuffer *buf_out); + + // Encodes a draco::VectorNX as a glTF array. + template + void EncodeVectorArray(const std::string &array_name, T vec) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray(array_name); + for (int i = 0; i < T::dimension; ++i) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(vec[i]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + // Add a mesh Draco attribute |att| that is comprised of floats to the glTF + // data. Returns the index accessor added to the glTF data. Returns -1 on + // error. + template + int AddAttribute(const PointAttribute &att, int num_points, + int num_encoded_points, bool compress) { + const int num_components = att.num_components(); + switch (num_components) { + case 1: + return AddAttribute<1, att_data_t>(att, num_points, num_encoded_points, + "SCALAR", compress); + break; + case 2: + return AddAttribute<2, att_data_t>(att, num_points, num_encoded_points, + "VEC2", compress); + break; + case 3: + return AddAttribute<3, att_data_t>(att, num_points, num_encoded_points, + "VEC3", compress); + break; + case 4: + return AddAttribute<4, att_data_t>(att, num_points, num_encoded_points, + "VEC4", compress); + break; + default: + break; + } + return -1; + } + + // Template method only has specialized implementations for known glTF types. + template + ComponentType GetComponentType() const = delete; + + template + int AddAttribute(const PointAttribute &att, int num_points, + int num_encoded_points, const std::string &type, + bool compress); + + std::string generator_; + std::string version_; + std::vector scenes_; + + // Initial scene to load. + int scene_index_; + + std::vector nodes_; + std::vector accessors_; + std::vector buffer_views_; + std::vector meshes_; + + // Data structure to copy the input meshes materials. + MaterialLibrary material_library_; + + std::vector images_; + std::vector textures_; + + std::unordered_map texture_to_image_index_map_; + + std::string buffer_name_; + EncoderBuffer buffer_; + JsonWriter gltf_json_; + + // Keeps track if the glTF mesh has been added. + std::map mesh_group_index_to_gltf_mesh_; + std::map> mesh_index_to_gltf_mesh_primitive_; + IndexTypeVector base_mesh_transforms_; + + struct EncoderAnimation { + std::string name; + std::vector> samplers; + std::vector> channels; + }; + std::vector> animations_; + + struct EncoderSkin { + EncoderSkin() : inverse_bind_matrices_index(-1), skeleton_index(-1) {} + int inverse_bind_matrices_index; + std::vector joints; + int skeleton_index; + }; + + // Instance array is represented by its attribute accessors. + struct EncoderInstanceArray { + EncoderInstanceArray() : translation(-1), rotation(-1), scale(-1) {} + int translation; + int rotation; + int scale; + }; + + std::vector> skins_; + std::vector> lights_; + std::vector materials_variants_names_; + std::vector instance_arrays_; + PropertyTable::Schema property_table_schema_; + std::vector property_tables_; + + // Indicates whether Draco compression is used for any of the asset meshes. + bool draco_compression_used_; + + // Indicates whether mesh features are used. + bool mesh_features_used_; + + // Counter for naming mesh feature textures. + int mesh_features_texture_index_; + + // If set GltfAsset will add the images to |buffer_| instead of writing the + // images to separate files. + bool add_images_to_buffer_; + + // Used to hold the extensions used and required by the glTF asset. + std::set extensions_used_; + std::set extensions_required_; + + std::vector texture_samplers_; + + GltfEncoder::OutputType output_type_; + + // Temporary storage for meshes created during the runtime of the GltfEncoder. + // We need to store them here to ensure their content doesn't get deleted + // before it is used by the encoder. + std::vector> local_meshes_; +}; + +int GltfAsset::UnsignedIntComponentSize(unsigned int max_value) { + // According to GLTF 2.0 spec, 0xff (and 0xffff respectively) are reserved for + // the primitive restart symbol. + if (max_value < 0xff) { + return 1; + } else if (max_value < 0xffff) { + return 2; + } + return 4; +} + +GltfAsset::ComponentType GltfAsset::UnsignedIntComponentType( + unsigned int max_value) { + // According to GLTF 2.0 spec, 0xff (and 0xffff respectively) are reserved for + // the primitive restart symbol. + if (max_value < 0xff) { + return UNSIGNED_BYTE; + } else if (max_value < 0xffff) { + return UNSIGNED_SHORT; + } + return UNSIGNED_INT; +} + +GltfAsset::GltfAsset() + : generator_("draco_decoder"), + version_("2.0"), + scene_index_(-1), + buffer_name_("buffer0.bin"), + draco_compression_used_(false), + mesh_features_used_(false), + mesh_features_texture_index_(0), + add_images_to_buffer_(false), + output_type_(GltfEncoder::COMPACT) {} + +bool GltfAsset::AddDracoMesh(const Mesh &mesh) { + const int scene_index = AddScene(); + if (scene_index < 0) { + return false; + } + if (!AddMaterials(mesh)) { + return false; + } + + GltfMesh gltf_mesh; + meshes_.push_back(gltf_mesh); + + AddStructuralMetadata(mesh); + + const int32_t material_att_id = + mesh.GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + if (material_att_id == -1) { + if (!AddDracoMesh(mesh, 0, {}, Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity())) { + return false; + } + } else { + const auto mat_att = mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + + // Split mesh using the material attribute. + MeshSplitter splitter; + auto split_maybe = splitter.SplitMesh(mesh, material_att_id); + if (!split_maybe.ok()) { + return false; + } + auto split_meshes = std::move(split_maybe).value(); + for (int i = 0; i < split_meshes.size(); ++i) { + if (split_meshes[i] == nullptr) { + continue; // Empty mesh. Ignore. + } + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(i), &mat_index); + + // Copy over mesh features for a given material index. + Mesh::CopyMeshFeaturesForMaterial(mesh, split_meshes[i].get(), mat_index); + + // Move the split mesh to a temporary storage of the GltfAsset. This will + // ensure the mesh will stay alive as long the asset needs it. We have to + // do this because the split mesh may contain mesh features data that are + // used later in the encoding process. + local_meshes_.push_back(std::move(split_meshes[i])); + + // The material index in the glTF file corresponds to the index of the + // split mesh. + if (!AddDracoMesh(*(local_meshes_.back().get()), mat_index, {}, + Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity())) { + return false; + } + } + } + + // Currently output only one mesh. + GltfNode mesh_node; + mesh_node.mesh_index = 0; + nodes_.push_back(mesh_node); + nodes_.back().root_node = true; + return true; +} + +int GltfAsset::AddScene() { + GltfScene scene; + scenes_.push_back(scene); + const int scene_index = static_cast(scenes_.size()) - 1; + + if (scene_index_ == -1) { + scene_index_ = scene_index; + } + return scene_index; +} + +Status GltfAsset::Output(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + if (!EncodeAssetProperty(buf_out)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding asset."); + } + if (!EncodeScenesProperty(buf_out)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding scenes."); + } + if (!EncodeInitialSceneProperty(buf_out)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding initial scene."); + } + if (!EncodeNodesProperty(buf_out)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding nodes."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeMeshesProperty(buf_out)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeMaterials(buf_out)); + if (!EncodeAccessorsProperty(buf_out)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding accessors."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeAnimationsProperty(buf_out)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeSkinsProperty(buf_out)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTopLevelExtensionsProperty(buf_out)); + if (!EncodeBufferViewsProperty(buf_out)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding buffer views."); + } + if (!EncodeBuffersProperty(buf_out)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding buffers."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeExtensionsProperties(buf_out)); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + if (!buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding json data."); + } + if (!buf_out->Encode("\n", 1)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed encoding json data."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +const GltfImage *GltfAsset::GetImage(int index) const { + if (index < 0 || index >= images_.size()) { + return nullptr; + } + return &images_[index]; +} + +bool GltfAsset::PadBuffer() { + if (buffer_.size() % 4 != 0) { + const int pad_bytes = 4 - buffer_.size() % 4; + const int pad_data = 0; + if (!buffer_.Encode(&pad_data, pad_bytes)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +void GltfAsset::AddAttributeToDracoExtension( + const Mesh &mesh, GeometryAttribute::Type type, int index, + const std::string &name, GltfDracoCompressedMesh *compressed_mesh_info) { + if (mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()) { + const PointAttribute *const att = mesh.GetNamedAttribute(type, index); + if (att) { + compressed_mesh_info->attributes.insert( + std::pair(name, att->unique_id())); + } + } +} + +Status GltfAsset::CompressMeshWithDraco(const Mesh &mesh, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform, + GltfPrimitive *primitive, + int64_t *num_encoded_points, + int64_t *num_encoded_faces) { + // Check that geometry comression options are valid. + DracoCompressionOptions compression_options = mesh.GetCompressionOptions(); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(compression_options.Check()); + + // Make a copy of the mesh. It will be modified and compressed. + std::unique_ptr mesh_copy(new Mesh()); + mesh_copy->Copy(mesh); + + // Delete auto-generated tangents. + if (MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents(*mesh_copy)) { + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_copy->num_attributes(); ++i) { + PointAttribute *const att = mesh_copy->attribute(i); + if (att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::TANGENT) { + while (mesh_copy->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT)) { + mesh_copy->DeleteAttribute( + mesh_copy->GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT)); + } + break; + } + } + } + + // Create Draco encoder. + EncoderBuffer buffer; + ExpertEncoder encoder(*mesh_copy); + encoder.SetTrackEncodedProperties(true); + + // Convert compression level to speed (that 0 = slowest, 10 = fastest). + const int speed = 10 - compression_options.compression_level; + encoder.SetSpeedOptions(speed, speed); + + // Configure attribute quantization. + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_copy->num_attributes(); ++i) { + const PointAttribute *const att = mesh_copy->attribute(i); + if (att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::POSITION && + !compression_options.quantization_position + .AreQuantizationBitsDefined()) { + // Desired spacing in the "global" coordinate system. + const float global_spacing = + compression_options.quantization_position.spacing(); + + // Note: Ideally we would transform the whole mesh before encoding and + // apply the original global spacing on the transformed mesh. But neither + // KHR_draco_mesh_compression, nor Draco bitstream support post-decoding + // transformations so we have to modify the grid settings here. + + // Transform this spacing to the local coordinate system of the base mesh. + // We will get the largest scale factor from the transformation matrix and + // use it to adjust the grid spacing. + const Vector3f scale_vec(transform.col(0).norm(), transform.col(1).norm(), + transform.col(2).norm()); + + const float max_scale = scale_vec.MaxCoeff(); + + // Spacing is inverse to the scale. The larger the scale, the smaller the + // spacing must be. + const float local_spacing = global_spacing / max_scale; + + // Update the compression options of the processed mesh. + compression_options.quantization_position.SetGrid(local_spacing); + } else { + int num_quantization_bits = -1; + switch (att->attribute_type()) { + case GeometryAttribute::POSITION: + num_quantization_bits = + compression_options.quantization_position.quantization_bits(); + break; + case GeometryAttribute::NORMAL: + num_quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_normal; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD: + num_quantization_bits = + compression_options.quantization_bits_tex_coord; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::TANGENT: + num_quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_tangent; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::WEIGHTS: + num_quantization_bits = compression_options.quantization_bits_weight; + break; + case GeometryAttribute::GENERIC: + if (GetFeatureIdAttributeName(*att, *mesh_copy).empty()) { + num_quantization_bits = + compression_options.quantization_bits_generic; + } else { + // Quantization is explicitly disabled for feature ID attributes. + encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(i, -1); + } + break; + default: + break; + } + if (num_quantization_bits > 0) { + encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(i, num_quantization_bits); + } + } + } + + // Flip UV values as required by glTF Draco and non-Draco files. + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_copy->num_attributes(); ++i) { + PointAttribute *const att = mesh_copy->attribute(i); + if (att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD) { + if (!MeshUtils::FlipTextureUvValues(false, true, att)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not flip texture UV values."); + } + } + } + + // Change tangents, joints, and weights attribute types to generic. The + // original mesh's attribute type is unchanged and the mapping of the glTF + // attribute type to Draco compressed attribute id is written to the output + // glTF file. + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_copy->num_attributes(); ++i) { + PointAttribute *const att = mesh_copy->attribute(i); + if (att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::TANGENT || + att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::JOINTS || + att->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::WEIGHTS) { + att->set_attribute_type(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC); + } + } + + // |compression_options| may have been modified and we need to update them + // before we start the encoding. + mesh_copy->SetCompressionOptions(compression_options); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(encoder.EncodeToBuffer(&buffer)); + *num_encoded_points = encoder.num_encoded_points(); + *num_encoded_faces = encoder.num_encoded_faces(); + const size_t buffer_start_offset = buffer_.size(); + if (!buffer_.Encode(buffer.data(), buffer.size())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not copy Draco compressed data."); + } + if (!PadBuffer()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not pad glTF buffer."); + } + + GltfBufferView buffer_view; + buffer_view.buffer_byte_offset = buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.byte_length = buffer_.size() - buffer_start_offset; + buffer_views_.push_back(buffer_view); + primitive->compressed_mesh_info.buffer_view_index = + static_cast(buffer_views_.size() - 1); + return OkStatus(); +} + +bool CheckAndGetTexCoordAttributeOrder(const Mesh &mesh, + std::vector *tex_coord_order) { + // We will only consider at most two texture coordinate attributes. + *tex_coord_order = {0, 1}; + const int num_attributes = + std::min(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 2); + + // Collect texture coordinate attribute names from metadata. + std::vector names(num_attributes, ""); + for (int i = 0; i < num_attributes; i++) { + const auto metadata = mesh.GetAttributeMetadataByAttributeId( + mesh.GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, i)); + std::string attribute_name; + if (metadata != nullptr) { + metadata->GetEntryString("attribute_name", &attribute_name); + names[i] = attribute_name; + } + } + + // Attribute names may be absent. + if (num_attributes == 0 || + std::all_of(names.begin(), names.end(), + [](const std::string &name) { return name.empty(); })) { + return true; + } + + // Attribute names must be unique. + const std::unordered_set unique_names(names.begin(), + names.end()); + if (unique_names.size() != num_attributes) { + return false; + } + + // Attribute names must be valid. + if (std::any_of(names.begin(), names.end(), [](const std::string &name) { + return name != "TEXCOORD_0" && name != "TEXCOORD_1"; + })) { + return false; + } + + // Populate texture coordinate order index based on attribute names. + if (names[0] == "TEXCOORD_1") { + *tex_coord_order = {1, 0}; + } + return true; +} + +bool GltfAsset::AddDracoMesh( + const Mesh &mesh, int material_id, + const std::vector + &material_variants_mappings, + const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform) { + GltfPrimitive primitive; + int64_t num_encoded_points = mesh.num_points(); + int64_t num_encoded_faces = mesh.num_faces(); + if (num_encoded_faces > 0 && mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()) { + const Status status = CompressMeshWithDraco( + mesh, transform, &primitive, &num_encoded_points, &num_encoded_faces); + if (!status.ok()) { + return false; + } + draco_compression_used_ = true; + } + int indices_index = -1; + if (num_encoded_faces > 0) { + indices_index = AddDracoIndices(mesh, num_encoded_faces); + if (indices_index < 0) { + return false; + } + } + const int position_index = AddDracoPositions(mesh, num_encoded_points); + if (position_index < 0) { + return false; + } + // Check texture coordinate attributes and get the desired encoding order. + std::vector tex_coord_order; + if (!CheckAndGetTexCoordAttributeOrder(mesh, &tex_coord_order)) { + return false; + } + const int normals_accessor_index = AddDracoNormals(mesh, num_encoded_points); + const int colors_accessor_index = AddDracoColors(mesh, num_encoded_points); + const int texture0_accessor_index = + AddDracoTexture(mesh, tex_coord_order[0], num_encoded_points); + const int texture1_accessor_index = + AddDracoTexture(mesh, tex_coord_order[1], num_encoded_points); + const int tangent_accessor_index = AddDracoTangents(mesh, num_encoded_points); + const int joints_accessor_index = AddDracoJoints(mesh, num_encoded_points); + const int weights_accessor_index = AddDracoWeights(mesh, num_encoded_points); + const std::vector> generics_accessors = + AddDracoGenerics(mesh, num_encoded_points); + + if (num_encoded_faces == 0) { + primitive.mode = 0; // POINTS mode. + } + primitive.material = material_id; + primitive.material_variants_mappings = material_variants_mappings; + primitive.mesh_features.reserve(mesh.NumMeshFeatures()); + for (MeshFeaturesIndex i(0); i < mesh.NumMeshFeatures(); ++i) { + primitive.mesh_features.push_back(&mesh.GetMeshFeatures(i)); + } + primitive.indices = indices_index; + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("POSITION", position_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 0, "POSITION", + &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + if (normals_accessor_index > 0) { + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("NORMAL", normals_accessor_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, 0, "NORMAL", + &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + if (colors_accessor_index > 0) { + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("COLOR_0", colors_accessor_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::COLOR, 0, "COLOR_0", + &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + if (texture0_accessor_index > 0) { + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("TEXCOORD_0", texture0_accessor_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, 0, + "TEXCOORD_0", &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + if (texture1_accessor_index > 0) { + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("TEXCOORD_1", texture1_accessor_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, 1, + "TEXCOORD_1", &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + if (tangent_accessor_index > 0) { + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("TANGENT", tangent_accessor_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::TANGENT, 0, "TANGENT", + &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + if (joints_accessor_index > 0) { + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("JOINTS_0", joints_accessor_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::JOINTS, 0, "JOINTS_0", + &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + if (weights_accessor_index > 0) { + primitive.attributes.insert( + std::pair("WEIGHTS_0", weights_accessor_index)); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::WEIGHTS, 0, + "WEIGHTS_0", &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + for (int att_index = 0; att_index < generics_accessors.size(); ++att_index) { + const std::string &attribute_name = generics_accessors[att_index].first; + if (!attribute_name.empty()) { + primitive.attributes.insert(generics_accessors[att_index]); + AddAttributeToDracoExtension(mesh, GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, att_index, + attribute_name, + &primitive.compressed_mesh_info); + } + } + + meshes_.back().primitives.push_back(primitive); + return true; +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoIndices(const Mesh &mesh, int64_t num_encoded_faces) { + // Get the min and max value for the indices. + uint32_t min_index = 0xffffffff; + uint32_t max_index = 0; + for (FaceIndex i(0); i < mesh.num_faces(); ++i) { + const auto &f = mesh.face(i); + + for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { + if (f[j] < min_index) { + min_index = f[j].value(); + } + if (f[j] > max_index) { + max_index = f[j].value(); + } + } + } + + const int component_size = GltfAsset::UnsignedIntComponentSize(max_index); + + GltfAccessor accessor; + if (!mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()) { + const size_t buffer_start_offset = buffer_.size(); + for (FaceIndex i(0); i < mesh.num_faces(); ++i) { + const auto &f = mesh.face(i); + for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { + int index = f[j].value(); + if (!buffer_.Encode(&index, component_size)) { + return -1; + } + } + } + + if (!PadBuffer()) { + return -1; + } + + GltfBufferView buffer_view; + buffer_view.buffer_byte_offset = buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.byte_length = buffer_.size() - buffer_start_offset; + buffer_views_.push_back(buffer_view); + accessor.buffer_view_index = static_cast(buffer_views_.size() - 1); + } + + accessor.component_type = UnsignedIntComponentType(max_index); + accessor.count = num_encoded_faces * 3; + if (output_type_ == GltfEncoder::VERBOSE) { + accessor.max.push_back(GltfValue(max_index)); + accessor.min.push_back(GltfValue(min_index)); + } + accessor.type = "SCALAR"; + accessors_.push_back(accessor); + return static_cast(accessors_.size() - 1); +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoPositions(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + if (!CheckDracoAttribute(att, {DT_FLOAT32}, {3})) { + return -1; + } + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoNormals(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL); + if (!CheckDracoAttribute(att, {DT_FLOAT32}, {3})) { + return -1; + } + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoColors(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR); + // TODO(b/200302561): Add support for DT_UINT16 with COLOR. + if (!CheckDracoAttribute(att, {DT_UINT8, DT_FLOAT32}, {3, 4})) { + return -1; + } + if (att->data_type() == DT_FLOAT32) { + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + } + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoTexture(const Mesh &mesh, int tex_coord_index, + int num_encoded_points) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, tex_coord_index); + // TODO(b/200303080): Add support for DT_UINT8 and DT_UINT16 with TEX_COORD. + if (!CheckDracoAttribute(att, {DT_FLOAT32}, {2})) { + return -1; + } + + // glTF stores texture coordinates flipped on the horizontal axis compared to + // how Draco stores texture coordinates. + GeometryAttribute ga; + ga.Init(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, nullptr, 2, att->data_type(), false, + DataTypeLength(att->data_type()) * 2, 0); + PointAttribute ta(ga); + ta.SetIdentityMapping(); + ta.Reset(mesh.num_points()); + + std::array value; + for (PointIndex v(0); v < mesh.num_points(); ++v) { + if (!att->GetValue(att->mapped_index(v), &value)) { + return -1; + } + + // Draco texture v component needs to be flipped. + Vector2f texture_coord(value[0], 1.0 - value[1]); + ta.SetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(v.value()), texture_coord.data()); + } + return AddAttribute(ta, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoTangents(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT); + if (!CheckDracoAttribute(att, {DT_FLOAT32}, {3, 4})) { + return -1; + } + if (MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents(mesh)) { + // Ignore auto-generated tangents. See go/tangents_and_draco_simplifier. + return -1; + } + + if (att->num_components() == 4) { + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + } + + // glTF mesh needs the w component. + GeometryAttribute ga; + ga.Init(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT, nullptr, 4, DT_FLOAT32, false, + DataTypeLength(DT_FLOAT32) * 4, 0); + PointAttribute ta(ga); + ta.SetIdentityMapping(); + ta.Reset(mesh.num_points()); + + std::array value; + for (PointIndex v(0); v < mesh.num_points(); ++v) { + if (!att->GetValue(att->mapped_index(v), &value)) { + return -1; + } + + // Draco tangent w component is always 1.0. + Vector4f tangent(value[0], value[1], value[2], 1.0); + ta.SetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(v.value()), tangent.data()); + } + return AddAttribute(ta, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoJoints(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::JOINTS); + if (!CheckDracoAttribute(att, {DT_UINT8, DT_UINT16}, {4})) { + return -1; + } + if (att->data_type() == DT_UINT16) { + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + } + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +int GltfAsset::AddDracoWeights(const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::WEIGHTS); + // TODO(b/200303026): Add support for DT_UINT8 and DT_UINT16 with WEIGHTS. + if (!CheckDracoAttribute(att, {DT_FLOAT32}, {4})) { + return -1; + } + return AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +// Adds generic attributes that have metadata describing the attribute name. +// This allows for export of application-specific attributes and feature ID +// attributes defined in glTF extension EXT_mesh_features. Returns a vector of +// attribute-name, accessor pairs for each valid attribute. The length of the +// vector is equal to the number of generic attributes. Vector entries +// corresponding to unsupported attributes (e.g., with no metadata) contain +// empty attribute names. +std::vector> GltfAsset::AddDracoGenerics( + const Mesh &mesh, int num_encoded_points) { + const int num_attributes = + mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC); + std::vector> attrs(num_attributes); + for (int i = 0; i < num_attributes; ++i) { + const PointAttribute *const att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, i); + auto const *metadata = + mesh.GetAttributeMetadataByAttributeId(att->unique_id()); + if (metadata) { + std::string attr_name; + if (metadata->GetEntryString(GltfEncoder::kDracoMetadataGltfAttributeName, + &attr_name)) { + if (att->data_type() == DT_FLOAT32) { + int accessor = + AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + attrs[i] = {attr_name, accessor}; + } + } else { + // Try to find feature ID attribute name like "_FEATURE_ID_5" then check + // that the attribute stores scalar values of complient data types as + // defined by the EXT_mesh_features glTF extension. + attr_name = GetFeatureIdAttributeName(*att, mesh); + if (!attr_name.empty() && att->num_components() == 1) { + int accessor = -1; + switch (att->data_type()) { + case DT_UINT8: + accessor = AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), + num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + break; + case DT_UINT16: + accessor = AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), + num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + break; + case DT_FLOAT32: + accessor = AddAttribute(*att, mesh.num_points(), + num_encoded_points, + mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + break; + default: + continue; + } + attrs[i] = {attr_name, accessor}; + } + } + } + } + return attrs; +} + +bool GltfAsset::AddMaterials(const Mesh &mesh) { + if (mesh.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials() == 0) { + return true; + } + material_library_.Copy(mesh.GetMaterialLibrary()); + return true; +} + +bool GltfAsset::CheckDracoAttribute(const PointAttribute *attribute, + const std::set &data_types, + const std::set &num_components) { + // Attribute must be valid. + if (attribute == nullptr || attribute->size() == 0) { + return false; + } + + // Attribute must have an expected data type. + if (data_types.find(attribute->data_type()) == data_types.end()) { + return false; + } + + // Attribute must have an expected number of components. + if (num_components.find(attribute->num_components()) == + num_components.end()) { + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +StatusOr GltfAsset::AddImage(const std::string &image_stem, + const Texture *texture, int num_components) { + return AddImage(image_stem, texture, nullptr, num_components); +} + +StatusOr GltfAsset::AddImage(const std::string &image_stem, + const Texture *texture, + std::unique_ptr owned_texture, + int num_components) { + const auto it = texture_to_image_index_map_.find(texture); + if (it != texture_to_image_index_map_.end()) { + // We already have an image for the given |texture|. Update its number of + // components if needed. + GltfImage &image = images_[it->second]; + if (image.num_components < num_components) { + image.num_components = num_components; + } + return it->second; + } + std::string extension = TextureUtils::GetTargetExtension(*texture); + if (extension.empty()) { + // Try to get extension from the source file name. + extension = LowercaseFileExtension(texture->source_image().filename()); + } + GltfImage image; + image.image_name = image_stem + "." + extension; + image.texture = texture; + image.owned_texture = std::move(owned_texture); + image.num_components = num_components; + + // Always maintain the mime_type. Used elsewhere to determine image type. + if (extension == "jpg") { + image.mime_type = "image/jpeg"; + } else { + image.mime_type = "image/" + extension; + } + + // For KTX2 with Basis compression, state that its extension is required. + if (extension == "ktx2") { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_texture_basisu"); + extensions_required_.insert("KHR_texture_basisu"); + } + + // If this is webp, state that its extension is required. + if (extension == "webp") { + extensions_used_.insert("EXT_texture_webp"); + extensions_required_.insert("EXT_texture_webp"); + } + + images_.push_back(std::move(image)); + texture_to_image_index_map_[texture] = images_.size() - 1; + return images_.size() - 1; +} + +Status GltfAsset::SaveImageToBuffer(int image_index) { + GltfImage &image = images_[image_index]; + const Texture *const texture = image.texture; + const int num_components = image.num_components; + std::vector buffer; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(WriteTextureToBuffer(*texture, &buffer)); + + // Add the image data to the buffer. + const size_t buffer_start_offset = buffer_.size(); + buffer_.Encode(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); + if (!PadBuffer()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not pad buffer in SaveImageToBuffer."); + } + + // Add a buffer view pointing to the image data in the buffer. + GltfBufferView buffer_view; + buffer_view.buffer_byte_offset = buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.byte_length = buffer_.size() - buffer_start_offset; + buffer_views_.push_back(buffer_view); + + image.buffer_view = buffer_views_.size() - 1; + return OkStatus(); +} + +// TODO(vytyaz): The return type could be int. +StatusOr GltfAsset::AddTextureSampler(const TextureSampler &sampler) { + // If sampler is equal to defaults do not add to vector and return -1. + if (sampler.min_filter == TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED && + sampler.mag_filter == TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED && + sampler.wrapping_mode.s == TextureMap::REPEAT && + sampler.wrapping_mode.t == TextureMap::REPEAT) { + return -1; + } + + const auto &it = + std::find(texture_samplers_.begin(), texture_samplers_.end(), sampler); + if (it != texture_samplers_.end()) { + const int index = std::distance(texture_samplers_.begin(), it); + return index; + } + + texture_samplers_.push_back(sampler); + return texture_samplers_.size() - 1; +} + +Status GltfAsset::AddScene(const Scene &scene) { + const int scene_index = AddScene(); + if (scene_index < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error creating a new scene."); + } + if (!AddMaterials(scene)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error adding materials to the scene."); + } + // Initialize base mesh transforms that may be needed when the base meshes are + // compressed with Draco. + base_mesh_transforms_ = SceneUtils::FindLargestBaseMeshTransforms(scene); + for (SceneNodeIndex i(0); i < scene.NumNodes(); ++i) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddSceneNode(scene, i)); + } + // There is 1:1 mapping between draco::Scene node indices and |nodes_|. + for (int i = 0; i < scene.NumRootNodes(); ++i) { + nodes_[scene.GetRootNodeIndex(i).value()].root_node = true; + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAnimations(scene)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddSkins(scene)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddLights(scene)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddMaterialsVariantsNames(scene)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddInstanceArrays(scene)); + AddStructuralMetadata(scene); + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::AddSceneNode(const Scene &scene, + SceneNodeIndex scene_node_index) { + const SceneNode *const scene_node = scene.GetNode(scene_node_index); + if (scene_node == nullptr) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not find node in scene."); + } + + GltfNode node; + node.name = scene_node->GetName(); + node.trs_matrix.Copy(scene_node->GetTrsMatrix()); + + for (int i = 0; i < scene_node->NumChildren(); ++i) { + node.childern_indices.push_back(scene_node->Child(i).value()); + } + + const MeshGroupIndex mesh_group_index = scene_node->GetMeshGroupIndex(); + if (mesh_group_index != kInvalidMeshGroupIndex) { + const auto it = mesh_group_index_to_gltf_mesh_.find(mesh_group_index); + if (it == mesh_group_index_to_gltf_mesh_.end()) { + GltfMesh gltf_mesh; + const MeshGroup *const mesh_group = scene.GetMeshGroup(mesh_group_index); + if (!mesh_group->GetName().empty()) { + gltf_mesh.name = mesh_group->GetName(); + } + meshes_.push_back(gltf_mesh); + + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(); ++i) { + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance &instance = + mesh_group->GetMeshInstance(i); + const auto mi_it = + mesh_index_to_gltf_mesh_primitive_.find(instance.mesh_index); + if (mi_it == mesh_index_to_gltf_mesh_primitive_.end()) { + // We have not added the mesh to the scene yet. + const Mesh &mesh = scene.GetMesh(instance.mesh_index); + if (!AddDracoMesh(mesh, instance.material_index, + instance.materials_variants_mappings, + base_mesh_transforms_[instance.mesh_index])) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Adding a Draco mesh failed."); + } + const int gltf_mesh_index = meshes_.size() - 1; + const int gltf_primitive_index = meshes_.back().primitives.size() - 1; + mesh_index_to_gltf_mesh_primitive_[instance.mesh_index] = + std::make_pair(gltf_mesh_index, gltf_primitive_index); + } else { + // The mesh was already added to the scene. This is a copy instance + // that may have a different material. + const int gltf_mesh_index = mi_it->second.first; + const int gltf_primitive_index = mi_it->second.second; + GltfPrimitive primitive = + meshes_[gltf_mesh_index].primitives[gltf_primitive_index]; + primitive.material = instance.material_index; + primitive.material_variants_mappings = + instance.materials_variants_mappings; + const Mesh &mesh = scene.GetMesh(instance.mesh_index); + primitive.mesh_features.clear(); + primitive.mesh_features.reserve(mesh.NumMeshFeatures()); + for (MeshFeaturesIndex j(0); j < mesh.NumMeshFeatures(); ++j) { + primitive.mesh_features.push_back(&mesh.GetMeshFeatures(j)); + } + meshes_.back().primitives.push_back(primitive); + } + } + mesh_group_index_to_gltf_mesh_[mesh_group_index] = meshes_.size() - 1; + } + node.mesh_index = mesh_group_index_to_gltf_mesh_[mesh_group_index]; + } + node.skin_index = scene_node->GetSkinIndex().value(); + node.light_index = scene_node->GetLightIndex().value(); + node.instance_array_index = scene_node->GetInstanceArrayIndex().value(); + + nodes_.push_back(node); + return OkStatus(); +} + +bool GltfAsset::AddMaterials(const Scene &scene) { + if (scene.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials() == 0) { + return true; + } + material_library_.Copy(scene.GetMaterialLibrary()); + return true; +} + +Status GltfAsset::AddAnimations(const Scene &scene) { + if (scene.NumAnimations() == 0) { + return OkStatus(); + } + // Mapping of the node animation data to the output accessors. The first part + // of the key is the animation index and the second part of the key is the + // node animation data index. + std::map, int> node_animation_data_to_accessor; + + // Mapping of the node animation data to the output accessors. + std::unordered_map + data_to_index_map; + + // First add all the accessors and create a mapping from animation accessors + // to accessors owned by the encoder. + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene.NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const animation = scene.GetAnimation(i); + + for (int j = 0; j < animation->NumNodeAnimationData(); ++j) { + const NodeAnimationData *const node_animation_data = + animation->GetNodeAnimationData(j); + + int index = -1; + + NodeAnimationDataHash nadh(node_animation_data); + if (data_to_index_map.find(nadh) == data_to_index_map.end()) { + // The current data is new, add it to the encoder. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + index, AddNodeAnimationData(*nadh.GetNodeAnimationData())); + data_to_index_map[nadh] = index; + } else { + index = data_to_index_map[nadh]; + } + + const auto key = std::make_pair(i.value(), j); + node_animation_data_to_accessor[key] = index; + } + } + + // Add all the samplers and channels. + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene.NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const animation = scene.GetAnimation(i); + std::unique_ptr new_animation(new EncoderAnimation); + new_animation->name = animation->GetName(); + + for (int j = 0; j < animation->NumSamplers(); ++j) { + const AnimationSampler *const sampler = animation->GetSampler(j); + const auto input_key = std::make_pair(i.value(), sampler->input_index); + const auto input_it = node_animation_data_to_accessor.find(input_key); + if (input_it == node_animation_data_to_accessor.end()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not find animation accessor input index."); + } + const auto output_key = std::make_pair(i.value(), sampler->output_index); + const auto output_it = node_animation_data_to_accessor.find(output_key); + if (output_it == node_animation_data_to_accessor.end()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not find animation accessor output index."); + } + + std::unique_ptr new_sampler(new AnimationSampler()); + new_sampler->input_index = input_it->second; + new_sampler->output_index = output_it->second; + + if (output_type_ == GltfEncoder::COMPACT) { + // Remove min/max from output accessor. + accessors_[new_sampler->output_index].min.clear(); + accessors_[new_sampler->output_index].max.clear(); + } + + new_sampler->interpolation_type = sampler->interpolation_type; + + new_animation->samplers.push_back(std::move(new_sampler)); + } + + for (int j = 0; j < animation->NumChannels(); ++j) { + const AnimationChannel *const channel = animation->GetChannel(j); + std::unique_ptr new_channel(new AnimationChannel()); + new_channel->Copy(*channel); + new_animation->channels.push_back(std::move(new_channel)); + } + + animations_.push_back(std::move(new_animation)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +StatusOr GltfAsset::AddNodeAnimationData( + const NodeAnimationData &node_animation_data) { + const size_t buffer_start_offset = buffer_.size(); + + const int component_size = node_animation_data.ComponentSize(); + const int num_components = node_animation_data.NumComponents(); + const std::vector *data = node_animation_data.GetData(); + + std::vector min_values; + min_values.resize(num_components); + for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { + min_values[j] = (*data)[j]; + } + std::vector max_values = min_values; + + for (int i = 0; i < node_animation_data.count(); ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { + const float value = (*data)[(i * num_components) + j]; + if (value < min_values[j]) { + min_values[j] = value; + } + if (value > max_values[j]) { + max_values[j] = value; + } + + buffer_.Encode(&value, component_size); + } + } + + if (!PadBuffer()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "AddNodeAnimationData: PadBuffer returned DRACO_ERROR."); + } + + GltfBufferView buffer_view; + buffer_view.buffer_byte_offset = buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.byte_length = buffer_.size() - buffer_start_offset; + buffer_views_.push_back(buffer_view); + + GltfAccessor accessor; + accessor.buffer_view_index = static_cast(buffer_views_.size() - 1); + accessor.component_type = ComponentType::FLOAT; + accessor.count = node_animation_data.count(); + for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { + accessor.max.push_back(GltfValue(max_values[j])); + accessor.min.push_back(GltfValue(min_values[j])); + } + accessor.type = node_animation_data.TypeAsString(); + accessor.normalized = node_animation_data.normalized(); + accessors_.push_back(accessor); + return static_cast(accessors_.size() - 1); +} + +Status GltfAsset::AddSkins(const Scene &scene) { + if (scene.NumSkins() == 0) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + for (SkinIndex i(0); i < scene.NumSkins(); ++i) { + const Skin *const skin = scene.GetSkin(i); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const int output_accessor_index, + AddNodeAnimationData(skin->GetInverseBindMatrices())); + + std::unique_ptr encoder_skin(new EncoderSkin); + encoder_skin->inverse_bind_matrices_index = output_accessor_index; + encoder_skin->joints.reserve(skin->NumJoints()); + for (int j = 0; j < skin->NumJoints(); j++) { + encoder_skin->joints.push_back(skin->GetJoint(j).value()); + } + encoder_skin->skeleton_index = skin->GetJointRoot().value(); + skins_.push_back(std::move(encoder_skin)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::AddLights(const Scene &scene) { + if (scene.NumLights() == 0) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + for (LightIndex i(0); i < scene.NumLights(); ++i) { + std::unique_ptr light = std::unique_ptr(new Light()); + light->Copy(*scene.GetLight(i)); + lights_.push_back(std::move(light)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::AddMaterialsVariantsNames(const Scene &scene) { + const MaterialLibrary &library = scene.GetMaterialLibrary(); + for (int i = 0; i < library.NumMaterialsVariants(); ++i) { + materials_variants_names_.push_back(library.GetMaterialsVariantName(i)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::AddInstanceArrays(const Scene &scene) { + if (scene.NumInstanceArrays() == 0) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + // Add each of the instance arrays. + std::vector t_data; + std::vector r_data; + std::vector s_data; + for (InstanceArrayIndex i(0); i < scene.NumInstanceArrays(); ++i) { + // Find which of the optional TRS components are set. + // TODO(vytyaz): Treat default TRS component vectors as absent. + const InstanceArray &array = *scene.GetInstanceArray(i); + bool is_t_set = false; + bool is_r_set = false; + bool is_s_set = false; + for (int i = 0; i < array.NumInstances(); i++) { + const InstanceArray::Instance &instance = array.GetInstance(i); + if (instance.trs.TranslationSet()) { + is_t_set = true; + } + if (instance.trs.RotationSet()) { + is_r_set = true; + } + if (instance.trs.ScaleSet()) { + is_s_set = true; + } + } + + // Create contiguous data vectors for individual TRS components. + t_data.clear(); + r_data.clear(); + s_data.clear(); + if (is_t_set) { + t_data.reserve(array.NumInstances() * 3); + } + if (is_r_set) { + r_data.reserve(array.NumInstances() * 4); + } + if (is_s_set) { + s_data.reserve(array.NumInstances() * 3); + } + + // Add TRS vectors of each instance to corresponding data vectors. + for (int i = 0; i < array.NumInstances(); i++) { + const InstanceArray::Instance &instance = array.GetInstance(i); + if (is_t_set) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const auto &t_vector, + instance.trs.Translation()); + t_data.push_back(t_vector.x()); + t_data.push_back(t_vector.y()); + t_data.push_back(t_vector.z()); + } + if (is_r_set) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const auto &r_vector, instance.trs.Rotation()); + r_data.push_back(r_vector.x()); + r_data.push_back(r_vector.y()); + r_data.push_back(r_vector.z()); + r_data.push_back(r_vector.w()); + } + if (is_s_set) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const auto &s_vector, instance.trs.Scale()); + s_data.push_back(s_vector.x()); + s_data.push_back(s_vector.y()); + s_data.push_back(s_vector.z()); + } + } + + // Add TRS vectors to attribute buffers and collect their accessor indices. + EncoderInstanceArray accessors; + if (is_t_set) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(accessors.translation, AddData(t_data, 3)); + } + if (is_r_set) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(accessors.rotation, AddData(r_data, 4)); + } + if (is_s_set) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(accessors.scale, AddData(s_data, 3)); + } + + // Store accessors for later to encode as EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing extension. + instance_arrays_.push_back(accessors); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +void GltfAsset::AddStructuralMetadata(const GeometryT &geometry) { + const StructuralMetadata &structural_metadata = + geometry.GetStructuralMetadata(); + if (!structural_metadata.GetPropertyTableSchema().Empty()) { + property_table_schema_ = structural_metadata.GetPropertyTableSchema(); + for (int i = 0; i < structural_metadata.NumPropertyTables(); ++i) { + property_tables_.push_back(&structural_metadata.GetPropertyTable(i)); + } + } +} + +StatusOr GltfAsset::AddData(const std::vector &data, + int num_components) { + std::string type; + switch (num_components) { + case 3: + type = "VEC3"; + break; + case 4: + type = "VEC4"; + break; + default: + return ErrorStatus("Unsupported number of components."); + } + + const size_t buffer_start_offset = buffer_.size(); + + std::vector min_values(num_components); + for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { + min_values[j] = data[j]; + } + std::vector max_values = min_values; + + const int count = data.size() / num_components; + for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { + const float value = data[(i * num_components) + j]; + if (value < min_values[j]) { + min_values[j] = value; + } + if (value > max_values[j]) { + max_values[j] = value; + } + buffer_.Encode(&value, sizeof(float)); + } + } + + if (!PadBuffer()) { + return ErrorStatus("AddArray: PadBuffer returned DRACO_ERROR."); + } + + GltfBufferView buffer_view; + buffer_view.buffer_byte_offset = buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.byte_length = buffer_.size() - buffer_start_offset; + buffer_views_.push_back(buffer_view); + + GltfAccessor accessor; + accessor.buffer_view_index = static_cast(buffer_views_.size() - 1); + accessor.component_type = ComponentType::FLOAT; + accessor.count = count; + for (int j = 0; j < num_components; ++j) { + accessor.max.push_back(GltfValue(max_values[j])); + accessor.min.push_back(GltfValue(min_values[j])); + } + accessor.type = type; + accessor.normalized = false; + accessors_.push_back(accessor); + return static_cast(accessors_.size() - 1); +} + +StatusOr GltfAsset::AddBufferView( + const PropertyTable::Property::Data &data) { + const size_t buffer_start_offset = buffer_.size(); + buffer_.Encode(data.data.data(), data.data.size()); + if (!PadBuffer()) { + return ErrorStatus("AddBufferView: PadBuffer returned DRACO_ERROR."); + } + GltfBufferView buffer_view; + buffer_view.buffer_byte_offset = buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.byte_length = buffer_.size() - buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.target = data.target; + buffer_views_.push_back(buffer_view); + return static_cast(buffer_views_.size() - 1); +} + +bool GltfAsset::EncodeAssetProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("asset"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("version", version_); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("generator", generator_); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + return buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length()); +} + +bool GltfAsset::EncodeScenesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + // We currently only support one scene. + gltf_json_.BeginArray("scenes"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("nodes"); + + for (int i = 0; i < nodes_.size(); ++i) { + if (nodes_[i].root_node) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(i); + } + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + return buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length()); +} + +bool GltfAsset::EncodeInitialSceneProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("scene", scene_index_); + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + return buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length()); +} + +bool GltfAsset::EncodeNodesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("nodes"); + + for (int i = 0; i < nodes_.size(); ++i) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + if (!nodes_[i].name.empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("name", nodes_[i].name); + } + if (nodes_[i].mesh_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("mesh", nodes_[i].mesh_index); + } + if (nodes_[i].skin_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("skin", nodes_[i].skin_index); + } + if (nodes_[i].instance_array_index >= 0 || nodes_[i].light_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("extensions"); + if (nodes_[i].instance_array_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("attributes"); + const int index = nodes_[i].instance_array_index; + const EncoderInstanceArray &accessors = instance_arrays_[index]; + if (accessors.translation != -1) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("TRANSLATION", accessors.translation); + } + if (accessors.rotation != -1) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("ROTATION", accessors.rotation); + } + if (accessors.scale != -1) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("SCALE", accessors.scale); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + if (nodes_[i].light_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_lights_punctual"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("light", nodes_[i].light_index); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + + if (!nodes_[i].childern_indices.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("children"); + for (int j = 0; j < nodes_[i].childern_indices.size(); ++j) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(nodes_[i].childern_indices[j]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + if (!nodes_[i].trs_matrix.IsMatrixIdentity()) { + const auto maybe_transformation = nodes_[i].trs_matrix.Matrix(); + const auto transformation = maybe_transformation.ValueOrDie(); + + if (nodes_[i].trs_matrix.IsMatrixTranslationOnly()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("translation"); + for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(transformation(j, 3)); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } else { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("matrix"); + for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(transformation(k, j)); + } + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + } else { + if (nodes_[i].trs_matrix.TranslationSet()) { + const auto maybe_translation = nodes_[i].trs_matrix.Translation(); + const auto translation = maybe_translation.ValueOrDie(); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("translation"); + for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(translation[j]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + if (nodes_[i].trs_matrix.RotationSet()) { + const auto maybe_rotation = nodes_[i].trs_matrix.Rotation(); + const auto rotation = maybe_rotation.ValueOrDie(); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("rotation"); + for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { + // Note: coeffs() returns quaternion values as (x, y, z, w) which is + // the expected format of glTF. + gltf_json_.OutputValue(rotation.coeffs()[j]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + if (nodes_[i].trs_matrix.ScaleSet()) { + const auto maybe_scale = nodes_[i].trs_matrix.Scale(); + const auto scale = maybe_scale.ValueOrDie(); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("scale"); + for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(scale[j]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + } + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + return buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length()); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMeshesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + mesh_features_texture_index_ = 0; + gltf_json_.BeginArray("meshes"); + + for (int i = 0; i < meshes_.size(); ++i) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + + if (!meshes_[i].name.empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("name", meshes_[i].name); + } + + if (!meshes_[i].primitives.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("primitives"); + + for (int j = 0; j < meshes_[i].primitives.size(); ++j) { + const GltfPrimitive &primitive = meshes_[i].primitives[j]; + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + + gltf_json_.BeginObject("attributes"); + for (auto const &it : primitive.attributes) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(it.first, it.second); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + + if (primitive.indices >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("indices", primitive.indices); + } + gltf_json_.OutputValue("mode", primitive.mode); + if (primitive.material >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("material", primitive.material); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodePrimitiveExtensionsProperty(primitive, buf_out)); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + if (!buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length())) { + return ErrorStatus("Failed encoding meshes."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodePrimitiveExtensionsProperty( + const GltfPrimitive &primitive, EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + // Return if the primitive has no extensions to encode. + const bool has_draco_mesh_compression = + primitive.compressed_mesh_info.buffer_view_index >= 0; + const bool has_materials_variants = + !primitive.material_variants_mappings.empty(); + const bool has_mesh_features = !primitive.mesh_features.empty(); + if (!has_draco_mesh_compression && !has_materials_variants && + !has_mesh_features) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + // Encode primitive extensions. + gltf_json_.BeginObject("extensions"); + if (has_draco_mesh_compression) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_draco_mesh_compression"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("bufferView", + primitive.compressed_mesh_info.buffer_view_index); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("attributes"); + for (auto const &it : primitive.compressed_mesh_info.attributes) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(it.first, it.second); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // attributes entry. + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_draco_mesh_compression entry. + } + if (has_materials_variants) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_variants"); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("mappings"); + for (const auto &mapping : primitive.material_variants_mappings) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("material", mapping.material); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("variants"); + for (const int variant : mapping.variants) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(variant); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); // variants array. + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); // mappings array. + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_variants entry. + } + if (has_mesh_features) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("EXT_mesh_features"); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("featureIds"); + for (int i = 0; i < primitive.mesh_features.size(); i++) { + const auto &features = primitive.mesh_features[i]; + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + if (!features->GetLabel().empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("label", features->GetLabel()); + } + gltf_json_.OutputValue("featureCount", features->GetFeatureCount()); + if (features->GetAttributeIndex() != -1) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("attribute", features->GetAttributeIndex()); + } + if (features->GetPropertyTableIndex() != -1) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("propertyTable", + features->GetPropertyTableIndex()); + } + if (features->GetTextureMap().tex_coord_index() != -1) { + const TextureMap &texture_map = features->GetTextureMap(); + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *texture_map.texture(), mesh_features_texture_index_++, + "_MeshFeatures"); + + // Save image as RGBA if the A channel is used to store feature ID. + const auto &channels = features->GetTextureChannels(); + const int num_channels = + std::count(channels.begin(), channels.end(), 3) == 1 ? 4 : 3; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const int image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, texture_map.texture(), num_channels)); + const int tex_coord_index = texture_map.tex_coord_index(); + Material dummy_material; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTextureMap("texture", image_index, + tex_coord_index, dummy_material, + texture_map, channels)); + } + if (features->GetNullFeatureId() != -1) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("nullFeatureId", features->GetNullFeatureId()); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + mesh_features_used_ = true; + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); // featureIds array. + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // EXT_mesh_features entry. + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // extensions entry. + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterials(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + // Check if we have textures to write. + if (material_library_.NumMaterials() == 0) { + return EncodeDefaultMaterial(buf_out); + } + return EncodeMaterialsProperty(buf_out); +} + +void GltfAsset::EncodeColorMaterial(float red, float green, float blue, + float alpha, float metallic_factor) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("pbrMetallicRoughness"); + + gltf_json_.BeginArray("baseColorFactor"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(red); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(green); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(blue); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(alpha); + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("metallicFactor", metallic_factor); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // pbrMetallicRoughness +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeDefaultMaterial(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("materials"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + EncodeColorMaterial(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 0.0); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + gltf_json_.EndArray(); // materials + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + if (!buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error encoding default material."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeTextureMap(const std::string &object_name, + int image_index, int tex_coord_index, + const Material &material, + const TextureMap &texture_map) { + return EncodeTextureMap(object_name, image_index, tex_coord_index, material, + texture_map, {}); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeTextureMap(const std::string &object_name, + int image_index, int tex_coord_index, + const Material &material, + const TextureMap &texture_map, + const std::vector &channels) { + // Create a new texture sampler (or reuse an existing one if possible). + const TextureSampler sampler(texture_map.min_filter(), + texture_map.mag_filter(), + texture_map.wrapping_mode()); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int sampler_index, AddTextureSampler(sampler)); + + // Check if we can reuse an existing texture object. + const GltfTexture texture(image_index, sampler_index); + const auto texture_it = + std::find(textures_.begin(), textures_.end(), texture); + int texture_index; + if (texture_it == textures_.end()) { + // Create a new texture object for this texture map. + texture_index = textures_.size(); + textures_.push_back(GltfTexture(image_index, sampler_index)); + } else { + // Reuse an existing texture object. + texture_index = std::distance(textures_.begin(), texture_it); + } + + gltf_json_.BeginObject(object_name); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("index", texture_index); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("texCoord", tex_coord_index); + if (object_name == "normalTexture") { + const float scale = material.GetNormalTextureScale(); + if (scale != 1.0f) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("scale", scale); + } + } + + // The "texture" object of the EXT_mesh_features extension has a custom + // property "channels" that is encoded here. + if (object_name == "texture" && !channels.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("channels"); + for (const int channel : channels) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(channel); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); // channels array. + } + + // Check if |texture_map| is using the KHR_texture_transform extension. + if (!TextureTransform::IsDefault(texture_map.texture_transform())) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("extensions"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_texture_transform"); + if (texture_map.texture_transform().IsOffsetSet()) { + const std::array &offset = + texture_map.texture_transform().offset(); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("offset"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(offset[0]); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(offset[1]); + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + if (texture_map.texture_transform().IsRotationSet()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("rotation", + texture_map.texture_transform().rotation()); + } + if (texture_map.texture_transform().IsScaleSet()) { + const std::array &scale = + texture_map.texture_transform().scale(); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("scale"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(scale[0]); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(scale[1]); + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + // TODO(fgalligan): The spec says the extension is not required if the + // pre-transform and the post-transform tex coords are the same. But I'm not + // sure why. I have filed a bug asking for clarification. + // https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/issues/1724 + if (texture_map.texture_transform().IsTexCoordSet()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("texCoord", + texture_map.texture_transform().tex_coord()); + } else { + extensions_required_.insert("KHR_texture_transform"); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_texture_transform"); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("materials"); + for (int i = 0; i < material_library_.NumMaterials(); ++i) { + const Material *const material = material_library_.GetMaterial(i); + if (!material) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error getting material."); + } + + const TextureMap *const color = + material->GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::COLOR); + const TextureMap *const metallic = + material->GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS); + const TextureMap *const normal = + material->GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::NORMAL_TANGENT_SPACE); + const TextureMap *const occlusion = + material->GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::AMBIENT_OCCLUSION); + const TextureMap *const emissive = + material->GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::EMISSIVE); + + // Check if material is unlit and does not have a fallback. + if (material->GetUnlit() && + (!color || metallic || normal || occlusion || emissive || + material->GetMetallicFactor() != 0.0 || + material->GetRoughnessFactor() <= 0.5 || + material->GetEmissiveFactor() != Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))) { + // If we find one material that is unlit and does not contain a fallback + // we must set "KHR_materials_unlit" in extensions reqruied for the entire + // glTF file. + extensions_required_.insert("KHR_materials_unlit"); + } + + int occlusion_metallic_roughness_image_index = -1; + + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); // material object. + + gltf_json_.BeginObject("pbrMetallicRoughness"); + if (color) { + const bool rgba = true; // Unused for now. + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *color->texture(), i, "_BaseColor"); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const int color_image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, color->texture(), rgba ? 4 : 3)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeTextureMap("baseColorTexture", color_image_index, + color->tex_coord_index(), *material, *color)); + } + // Try to combine metallic and occlusion only if they have the same tex + // coord index. + // TODO(b/145991271): Check out if we need to check texture indices. + if (metallic && occlusion && + metallic->tex_coord_index() == occlusion->tex_coord_index()) { + if (metallic->texture() == occlusion->texture()) { + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *metallic->texture(), i, "_OcclusionMetallicRoughness"); + // Metallic and occlusion textures are already combined. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(occlusion_metallic_roughness_image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, metallic->texture(), 3)); + } + if (occlusion_metallic_roughness_image_index != -1) + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTextureMap( + "metallicRoughnessTexture", + occlusion_metallic_roughness_image_index, + metallic->tex_coord_index(), *material, *metallic)); + } + + if (metallic && occlusion_metallic_roughness_image_index == -1) { + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *metallic->texture(), i, "_MetallicRoughness"); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int metallic_roughness_image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, metallic->texture(), 3)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTextureMap( + "metallicRoughnessTexture", metallic_roughness_image_index, + metallic->tex_coord_index(), *material, *metallic)); + } + + EncodeVectorArray("baseColorFactor", material->GetColorFactor()); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("metallicFactor", material->GetMetallicFactor()); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("roughnessFactor", material->GetRoughnessFactor()); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // pbrMetallicRoughness + + if (normal) { + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *normal->texture(), i, "_Normal"); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int normal_image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, normal->texture(), 3)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeTextureMap("normalTexture", normal_image_index, + normal->tex_coord_index(), *material, *normal)); + } + + if (occlusion_metallic_roughness_image_index != -1) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTextureMap( + "occlusionTexture", occlusion_metallic_roughness_image_index, + metallic->tex_coord_index(), *material, *metallic)); + } else if (occlusion) { + // Store occlusion texture in a grayscale format, unless it is used by + // metallic-roughness map of some other matierial. It is possible that + // this material uses occlusion (R channel) and some other material uses + // metallic-roughness (GB channels) from this texture. + const int num_components = TextureUtils::ComputeRequiredNumChannels( + *occlusion->texture(), material_library_); + const std::string suffix = + (num_components == 1) ? "_Occlusion" : "_OcclusionMetallicRoughness"; + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *occlusion->texture(), i, suffix); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const int occlusion_image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, occlusion->texture(), num_components)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTextureMap( + "occlusionTexture", occlusion_image_index, + occlusion->tex_coord_index(), *material, *occlusion)); + } + + if (emissive) { + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *emissive->texture(), i, "_Emissive"); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int emissive_image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, emissive->texture(), 3)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeTextureMap("emissiveTexture", emissive_image_index, + emissive->tex_coord_index(), *material, *emissive)); + } + + EncodeVectorArray("emissiveFactor", + material->GetEmissiveFactor()); + + switch (material->GetTransparencyMode()) { + case Material::TransparencyMode::TRANSPARENCY_MASK: + gltf_json_.OutputValue("alphaMode", "MASK"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("alphaCutoff", material->GetAlphaCutoff()); + break; + case Material::TransparencyMode::TRANSPARENCY_BLEND: + gltf_json_.OutputValue("alphaMode", "BLEND"); + break; + default: + gltf_json_.OutputValue("alphaMode", "OPAQUE"); + break; + } + if (!material->GetName().empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("name", material->GetName()); + } + + // Output doubleSided if different than the default. + if (material->GetDoubleSided()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("doubleSided", material->GetDoubleSided()); + } + + // Encode material extensions if any. + if (material->GetUnlit() || material->HasSheen() || + material->HasTransmission() || material->HasClearcoat() || + material->HasVolume() || material->HasIor() || + material->HasSpecular()) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("extensions"); + + // Encode individual material extensions. + if (material->GetUnlit()) { + EncodeMaterialUnlitExtension(*material); + } else { + // PBR extensions can only be added to non-unlit materials. + Material defaults; + if (material->HasSheen()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeMaterialSheenExtension(*material, defaults, i)); + } + if (material->HasTransmission()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeMaterialTransmissionExtension(*material, defaults, i)); + } + if (material->HasClearcoat()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeMaterialClearcoatExtension(*material, defaults, i)); + } + if (material->HasVolume()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeMaterialVolumeExtension(*material, defaults, i)); + } + if (material->HasIor()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeMaterialIorExtension(*material, defaults)); + } + if (material->HasSpecular()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeMaterialSpecularExtension(*material, defaults, i)); + } + } + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // extensions object. + } + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // material object. + } + + gltf_json_.EndArray(); // materials array. + + if (!textures_.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("textures"); + for (int i = 0; i < textures_.size(); ++i) { + const int image_index = textures_[i].image_index; + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + if (images_[image_index].mime_type == "image/webp") { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("extensions"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("EXT_texture_webp"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("source", image_index); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } else if (images_[image_index].mime_type == "image/ktx2") { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("extensions"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_texture_basisu"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("source", image_index); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } else { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("source", image_index); + } + if (textures_[i].sampler_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("sampler", textures_[i].sampler_index); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + if (!texture_samplers_.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("samplers"); + for (int i = 0; i < texture_samplers_.size(); ++i) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + + const int mode_s = TextureAxisWrappingModeToGltfValue( + texture_samplers_[i].wrapping_mode.s); + const int mode_t = TextureAxisWrappingModeToGltfValue( + texture_samplers_[i].wrapping_mode.t); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("wrapS", mode_s); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("wrapT", mode_t); + + if (texture_samplers_[i].min_filter != TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue( + "minFilter", + TextureFilterTypeToGltfValue(texture_samplers_[i].min_filter)); + } + if (texture_samplers_[i].mag_filter != TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue( + "magFilter", + TextureFilterTypeToGltfValue(texture_samplers_[i].mag_filter)); + } + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + if (!images_.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("images"); + for (int i = 0; i < images_.size(); ++i) { + if (add_images_to_buffer_) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(SaveImageToBuffer(i)); + } + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + if (images_[i].buffer_view >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("bufferView", images_[i].buffer_view); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("mimeType", images_[i].mime_type); + } else { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("uri", images_[i].image_name); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + if (!buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error encoding materials."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +void GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialUnlitExtension(const Material &material) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_unlit"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_unlit"); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialSheenExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_sheen"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_sheen"); + + // Add sheen color factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetSheenColorFactor() != defaults.GetSheenColorFactor()) { + EncodeVectorArray("sheenColorFactor", + material.GetSheenColorFactor()); + } + + // Add sheen roughness factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor() != + defaults.GetSheenRoughnessFactor()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("sheenRoughnessFactor", + material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor()); + } + + // Add sheen color texture (RGB channels) if present. + // TODO(vytyaz): Combine sheen color and roughness images if possible. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTexture("sheenColorTexture", "_SheenColor", + TextureMap::SHEEN_COLOR, -1, material, + material_index)); + + // Add sheen roughness texture (A channel) if present. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeTexture("sheenRoughnessTexture", "_SheenRoughness", + TextureMap::SHEEN_ROUGHNESS, 4, material, material_index)); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_sheen object. + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialTransmissionExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_transmission"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_transmission"); + + // Add transmission factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetTransmissionFactor() != defaults.GetTransmissionFactor()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("transmissionFactor", + material.GetTransmissionFactor()); + } + + // Add transmission texture (R channel) if present. + // TODO(vytyaz): Store texture in a grayscale format if possible. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTexture("transmissionTexture", "_Transmission", + TextureMap::TRANSMISSION, 3, material, + material_index)); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_transmission object. + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialClearcoatExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_clearcoat"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_clearcoat"); + + // Add clearcoat factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetClearcoatFactor() != defaults.GetClearcoatFactor()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("clearcoatFactor", material.GetClearcoatFactor()); + } + + // Add clearcoat roughness factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor() != + defaults.GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("clearcoatRoughnessFactor", + material.GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor()); + } + + // Add clearcoat texture (R channel) if present. + // TODO(vytyaz): Combine clearcoat and clearcoat roughness images if possible. + // TODO(vytyaz): Store texture in a grayscale format if possible. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTexture("clearcoatTexture", "_Clearcoat", + TextureMap::CLEARCOAT, 3, material, + material_index)); + + // Add clearcoat roughness texture (G channel) if present. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTexture( + "clearcoatRoughnessTexture", "_ClearcoatRoughness", + TextureMap::CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS, 3, material, material_index)); + + // Add clearcoat normal texture (RGB channels) if present. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + EncodeTexture("clearcoatNormalTexture", "_ClearcoatNormal", + TextureMap::CLEARCOAT_NORMAL, 3, material, material_index)); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_clearcoat object. + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialVolumeExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_volume"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_volume"); + + // Add thickness factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetThicknessFactor() != defaults.GetThicknessFactor()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("thicknessFactor", material.GetThicknessFactor()); + } + + // Add attenuation distance, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetAttenuationDistance() != defaults.GetAttenuationDistance()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("attenuationDistance", + material.GetAttenuationDistance()); + } + + // Add attenuation color, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetAttenuationColor() != defaults.GetAttenuationColor()) { + EncodeVectorArray("attenuationColor", + material.GetAttenuationColor()); + } + + // Add thickness texture (G channel) if present. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTexture("thicknessTexture", "_Thickness", + TextureMap::THICKNESS, 3, material, + material_index)); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_volume object. + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialIorExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_ior"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_ior"); + + // Add ior, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetIor() != defaults.GetIor()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("ior", material.GetIor()); + } + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_ior object. + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialSpecularExtension(const Material &material, + const Material &defaults, + int material_index) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_specular"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_specular"); + + // Add specular factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetSpecularFactor() != defaults.GetSpecularFactor()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("specularFactor", material.GetSpecularFactor()); + } + + // Add specular color factor, unless it is the default. + if (material.GetSpecularColorFactor() != defaults.GetSpecularColorFactor()) { + EncodeVectorArray("specularColorFactor", + material.GetSpecularColorFactor()); + } + + // Add specular texture (A channel) if present. + // TODO(vytyaz): Combine specular and specular color images if possible. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTexture("specularTexture", "_Specular", + TextureMap::SPECULAR, 4, material, + material_index)); + + // Add specular color texture (RGB channels) if present. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTexture("specularColorTexture", "_SpecularColor", + TextureMap::SPECULAR_COLOR, -1, material, + material_index)); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_specular object. + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeTexture(const std::string &name, + const std::string &stem_suffix, + TextureMap::Type type, int num_components, + const Material &material, int material_index) { + const TextureMap *const texture_map = material.GetTextureMapByType(type); + if (texture_map) { + if (num_components == -1) { + const bool rgba = true; // Unused for now. + num_components = rgba ? 4 : 3; + } + const std::string texture_stem = TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem( + *texture_map->texture(), material_index, stem_suffix); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( + const int image_index, + AddImage(texture_stem, texture_map->texture(), num_components)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeTextureMap(name, image_index, + texture_map->tex_coord_index(), + material, *texture_map)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeAnimationsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + if (animations_.empty()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + gltf_json_.BeginArray("animations"); + for (int i = 0; i < animations_.size(); ++i) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + + if (!animations_[i]->name.empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("name", animations_[i]->name); + } + + gltf_json_.BeginArray("samplers"); + for (int j = 0; j < animations_[i]->samplers.size(); ++j) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("input", animations_[i]->samplers[j]->input_index); + gltf_json_.OutputValue( + "interpolation", + AnimationSampler::InterpolationToString( + animations_[i]->samplers[j]->interpolation_type)); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("output", + animations_[i]->samplers[j]->output_index); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + gltf_json_.BeginArray("channels"); + for (int j = 0; j < animations_[i]->channels.size(); ++j) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("sampler", + animations_[i]->channels[j]->sampler_index); + + gltf_json_.BeginObject("target"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("node", animations_[i]->channels[j]->target_index); + gltf_json_.OutputValue( + "path", AnimationChannel::TransformationToString( + animations_[i]->channels[j]->transformation_type)); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // Channel entry. + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // Animmation entry. + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + if (!buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not encode animations."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeSkinsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + if (skins_.empty()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + gltf_json_.BeginArray("skins"); + for (int i = 0; i < skins_.size(); ++i) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + + if (skins_[i]->inverse_bind_matrices_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("inverseBindMatrices", + skins_[i]->inverse_bind_matrices_index); + } + if (skins_[i]->skeleton_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("skeleton", skins_[i]->skeleton_index); + } + + if (!skins_[i]->joints.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("joints"); + for (int j = 0; j < skins_[i]->joints.size(); ++j) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(skins_[i]->joints[j]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // Skin entry. + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + if (!buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not encode animations."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeTopLevelExtensionsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + // Return if there are no top-level asset extensions to encode. + if (lights_.empty() && materials_variants_names_.empty() && + property_tables_.empty()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + // Encode top-level extensions. + gltf_json_.BeginObject("extensions"); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeLightsProperty(buf_out)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeMaterialsVariantsNamesProperty(buf_out)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeStructuralMetadataProperty(buf_out)); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // extensions entry. + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeLightsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + if (lights_.empty()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_lights_punctual"); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("lights"); + const Light defaults; + for (const auto &light : lights_) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + if (light->GetName() != defaults.GetName()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("name", light->GetName()); + } + if (light->GetColor() != defaults.GetColor()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("color"); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(light->GetColor()[0]); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(light->GetColor()[1]); + gltf_json_.OutputValue(light->GetColor()[2]); + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + if (light->GetIntensity() != defaults.GetIntensity()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("intensity", light->GetIntensity()); + } + switch (light->GetType()) { + case Light::DIRECTIONAL: + gltf_json_.OutputValue("type", "directional"); + break; + case Light::POINT: + gltf_json_.OutputValue("type", "point"); + break; + case Light::SPOT: + gltf_json_.OutputValue("type", "spot"); + break; + } + if (light->GetRange() != defaults.GetRange()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("range", light->GetRange()); + } + if (light->GetType() == Light::SPOT) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject("spot"); + if (light->GetInnerConeAngle() != defaults.GetInnerConeAngle()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("innerConeAngle", light->GetInnerConeAngle()); + } + if (light->GetOuterConeAngle() != defaults.GetOuterConeAngle()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("outerConeAngle", light->GetOuterConeAngle()); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_lights_punctual entry. + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeMaterialsVariantsNamesProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + if (materials_variants_names_.empty()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + gltf_json_.BeginObject("KHR_materials_variants"); + gltf_json_.BeginArray("variants"); + for (const std::string &name : materials_variants_names_) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("name", name); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // KHR_materials_variants entry. + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeStructuralMetadataProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + if (property_table_schema_.Empty()) { + return OkStatus(); + } + + gltf_json_.BeginObject("EXT_structural_metadata"); + + // Encodes property table schema. + struct SchemaWriter { + static void Write(const PropertyTable::Schema::Object &object, + JsonWriter *json_writer) { + switch (object.GetType()) { + case PropertyTable::Schema::Object::OBJECT: + json_writer->BeginObject(object.GetName()); + for (const PropertyTable::Schema::Object &obj : object.GetObjects()) { + Write(obj, json_writer); + } + json_writer->EndObject(); + break; + case PropertyTable::Schema::Object::ARRAY: + json_writer->BeginArray(object.GetName()); + for (const PropertyTable::Schema::Object &obj : object.GetArray()) { + Write(obj, json_writer); + } + json_writer->EndArray(); + break; + case PropertyTable::Schema::Object::STRING: + json_writer->OutputValue(object.GetName(), object.GetString()); + break; + case PropertyTable::Schema::Object::INTEGER: + json_writer->OutputValue(object.GetName(), object.GetInteger()); + break; + case PropertyTable::Schema::Object::BOOLEAN: + json_writer->OutputValue(object.GetName(), object.GetBoolean()); + break; + } + } + }; + + // Encode property table schema. + SchemaWriter::Write(property_table_schema_.json, &gltf_json_); + + // Encode all property tables. + gltf_json_.BeginArray("propertyTables"); + for (const PropertyTable *const table : property_tables_) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + if (!table->GetName().empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("name", table->GetName()); + } + if (!table->GetClass().empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("class", table->GetClass()); + } + gltf_json_.OutputValue("count", table->GetCount()); + + // Encoder all property table properties. + gltf_json_.BeginObject("properties"); + for (int i = 0; i < table->NumProperties(); ++i) { + const PropertyTable::Property &property = table->GetProperty(i); + gltf_json_.BeginObject(property.GetName()); + + // Encode property values. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int buffer_view_index, + AddBufferView(property.GetData())); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("values", buffer_view_index); + + // Encode offsets for variable-length arrays. + if (!property.GetArrayOffsets().data.data.empty()) { + if (!property.GetArrayOffsets().type.empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("arrayOffsetType", + property.GetArrayOffsets().type); + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int buffer_view_index, + AddBufferView(property.GetArrayOffsets().data)); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("arrayOffsets", buffer_view_index); + } + + // Encode offsets for strings. + if (!property.GetStringOffsets().data.data.empty()) { + if (!property.GetStringOffsets().type.empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("stringOffsetType", + property.GetStringOffsets().type); + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const int buffer_view_index, + AddBufferView(property.GetStringOffsets().data)); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("stringOffsets", buffer_view_index); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // Named property entry. + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // properties entry. + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); // propertyTables entry. + gltf_json_.EndObject(); // EXT_structural_metadata entry. + return OkStatus(); +} + +bool GltfAsset::EncodeAccessorsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("accessors"); + + for (int i = 0; i < accessors_.size(); ++i) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + + if (accessors_[i].buffer_view_index >= 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("bufferView", accessors_[i].buffer_view_index); + if (output_type_ == GltfEncoder::VERBOSE) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("byteOffset", 0); + } + } + gltf_json_.OutputValue("componentType", accessors_[i].component_type); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("count", accessors_[i].count); + if (accessors_[i].normalized) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("normalized", accessors_[i].normalized); + } + + if (!accessors_[i].max.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("max"); + for (int j = 0; j < accessors_[i].max.size(); ++j) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(accessors_[i].max[j]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + if (!accessors_[i].min.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("min"); + for (int j = 0; j < accessors_[i].min.size(); ++j) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(accessors_[i].min[j]); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + gltf_json_.OutputValue("type", accessors_[i].type); + + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + return buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length()); +} + +bool GltfAsset::EncodeBufferViewsProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + // We currently only support one buffer. + gltf_json_.BeginArray("bufferViews"); + + for (int i = 0; i < buffer_views_.size(); ++i) { + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("buffer", 0); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("byteOffset", buffer_views_[i].buffer_byte_offset); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("byteLength", buffer_views_[i].byte_length); + if (buffer_views_[i].target != 0) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("target", buffer_views_[i].target); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + } + + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + return buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length()); +} + +bool GltfAsset::EncodeBuffersProperty(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + if (buffer_.size() == 0) { + return true; + } + // We currently only support one buffer. + gltf_json_.BeginArray("buffers"); + gltf_json_.BeginObject(); + gltf_json_.OutputValue("byteLength", buffer_.size()); + if (!buffer_name_.empty()) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue("uri", buffer_name_); + } + gltf_json_.EndObject(); + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + return buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length()); +} + +Status GltfAsset::EncodeExtensionsProperties(EncoderBuffer *buf_out) { + if (draco_compression_used_) { + const std::string draco_tag = "KHR_draco_mesh_compression"; + extensions_used_.insert(draco_tag); + extensions_required_.insert(draco_tag); + } + if (!lights_.empty()) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_lights_punctual"); + } + if (!materials_variants_names_.empty()) { + extensions_used_.insert("KHR_materials_variants"); + } + if (!instance_arrays_.empty()) { + extensions_used_.insert("EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing"); + extensions_required_.insert("EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing"); + } + if (mesh_features_used_) { + extensions_used_.insert("EXT_mesh_features"); + } + if (!property_table_schema_.Empty()) { + extensions_used_.insert("EXT_structural_metadata"); + } + + if (!extensions_required_.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("extensionsRequired"); + for (const auto &extension : extensions_required_) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(extension); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + if (!extensions_used_.empty()) { + gltf_json_.BeginArray("extensionsUsed"); + for (const auto &extension : extensions_used_) { + gltf_json_.OutputValue(extension); + } + gltf_json_.EndArray(); + } + + const std::string asset_str = gltf_json_.MoveData(); + if (!asset_str.empty()) { + if (!buf_out->Encode(asset_str.data(), asset_str.length())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not encode extensions."); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template <> +GltfAsset::ComponentType GltfAsset::GetComponentType() const { + return BYTE; +} + +template <> +GltfAsset::ComponentType GltfAsset::GetComponentType() const { + return UNSIGNED_BYTE; +} + +template <> +GltfAsset::ComponentType GltfAsset::GetComponentType() const { + return SHORT; +} + +template <> +GltfAsset::ComponentType GltfAsset::GetComponentType() const { + return UNSIGNED_SHORT; +} + +template <> +GltfAsset::ComponentType GltfAsset::GetComponentType() const { + return UNSIGNED_INT; +} + +template <> +GltfAsset::ComponentType GltfAsset::GetComponentType() const { + return FLOAT; +} + +template +int GltfAsset::AddAttribute(const PointAttribute &att, int num_points, + int num_encoded_points, const std::string &type, + bool compress) { + if (att.size() == 0) { + return -1; // Attribute size must be greater than 0. + } + + std::array value; + std::array min_values; + std::array max_values; + + // Set min and max values. + if (!att.ConvertValue(AttributeValueIndex(0), + &min_values[0])) { + return -1; + } + max_values = min_values; + + if (output_type_ == GltfEncoder::VERBOSE || + att.attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::POSITION) { + for (AttributeValueIndex i(1); i < static_cast(att.size()); ++i) { + if (!att.ConvertValue(i, &value[0])) { + return -1; + } + for (int j = 0; j < att_components_t; ++j) { + if (value[j] < min_values[j]) { + min_values[j] = value[j]; + } + if (value[j] > max_values[j]) { + max_values[j] = value[j]; + } + } + } + } + + const int kComponentSize = sizeof(att_data_t); + + GltfAccessor accessor; + if (!compress) { + const size_t buffer_start_offset = buffer_.size(); + for (PointIndex v(0); v < num_points; ++v) { + if (!att.ConvertValue(att.mapped_index(v), + &value[0])) { + return -1; + } + + for (int j = 0; j < att_components_t; ++j) { + buffer_.Encode(&value[j], kComponentSize); + } + } + + if (!PadBuffer()) { + return -1; + } + + GltfBufferView buffer_view; + buffer_view.buffer_byte_offset = buffer_start_offset; + buffer_view.byte_length = buffer_.size() - buffer_start_offset; + buffer_views_.push_back(buffer_view); + accessor.buffer_view_index = static_cast(buffer_views_.size() - 1); + } + + accessor.component_type = GetComponentType(); + accessor.count = num_encoded_points; + if (output_type_ == GltfEncoder::VERBOSE || + att.attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::POSITION) { + for (int j = 0; j < att_components_t; ++j) { + accessor.max.push_back(GltfValue(max_values[j])); + accessor.min.push_back(GltfValue(min_values[j])); + } + } + accessor.type = type; + accessor.normalized = att.attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::COLOR && + att.data_type() != DT_FLOAT32; + accessors_.push_back(accessor); + return static_cast(accessors_.size() - 1); +} + +const char GltfEncoder::kDracoMetadataGltfAttributeName[] = + "//GLTF/ApplicationSpecificAttributeName"; + +GltfEncoder::GltfEncoder() : out_buffer_(nullptr), output_type_(COMPACT) {} + +template +bool GltfEncoder::EncodeToFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &file_name, + const std::string &base_dir) { + const std::string buffer_name = base_dir + "/buffer0.bin"; + return EncodeFile(geometry, file_name, buffer_name, base_dir).ok(); +} + +template +Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &filename) { + if (filename.empty()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Output parameter is empty."); + } + + std::string dir_path; + std::string basename; + draco::SplitPath(filename, &dir_path, &basename); + const std::string bin_basename = ReplaceFileExtension(basename, "bin"); + const std::string bin_filename = dir_path + "/" + bin_basename; + return EncodeFile(geometry, filename, bin_filename, dir_path); +} + +template +Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename) { + if (filename.empty()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Output parameter is empty."); + } + + std::string dir_path; + std::string basename; + draco::SplitPath(filename, &dir_path, &basename); + return EncodeFile(geometry, filename, bin_filename, dir_path); +} + +template +Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename, + const std::string &resource_dir) { + if (filename.empty() || bin_filename.empty() || resource_dir.empty()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Output parameter is empty."); + } + const std::string extension = LowercaseFileExtension(filename); + if (extension != "gltf" && extension != "glb") { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "gltf_encoder only supports .gltf or .glb output."); + } + + GltfAsset gltf_asset; + gltf_asset.set_output_type(output_type_); + + if (extension == "gltf") { + std::string bin_path; + std::string bin_basename; + draco::SplitPath(bin_filename, &bin_path, &bin_basename); + gltf_asset.buffer_name(bin_basename); + } else { + gltf_asset.buffer_name(""); + gltf_asset.set_add_images_to_buffer(true); + } + + // Encode the geometry into a buffer. + EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeToBuffer(geometry, &gltf_asset, &buffer)); + if (extension == "glb") { + return WriteGlbFile(gltf_asset, buffer, filename); + } + return WriteGltfFiles(gltf_asset, buffer, filename, bin_filename, + resource_dir); +} + +template +Status GltfEncoder::EncodeToBuffer(const T &geometry, + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer) { + GltfAsset gltf_asset; + gltf_asset.set_output_type(output_type_); + gltf_asset.buffer_name(""); + gltf_asset.set_add_images_to_buffer(true); + + // Encode the geometry into a buffer. + EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeToBuffer(geometry, &gltf_asset, &buffer)); + + // Define a function for concatenating GLB file chunks into a single buffer. + const auto encode_chunk_to_buffer = + [&out_buffer](const EncoderBuffer &chunk) -> Status { + if (!out_buffer->Encode(chunk.data(), chunk.size())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to buffer."); + } + return OkStatus(); + }; + + // Create GLB file chunks and concatenate them to a single buffer. + return ProcessGlbFileChunks(gltf_asset, buffer, encode_chunk_to_buffer); +} + +// Explicit instantiation for Mesh and Scene. +template bool GltfEncoder::EncodeToFile(const Mesh &geometry, + const std::string &file_name, + const std::string &base_dir); +template bool GltfEncoder::EncodeToFile(const Scene &geometry, + const std::string &file_name, + const std::string &base_dir); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const Mesh &geometry, + const std::string &filename); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const Scene &geometry, + const std::string &filename); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const Mesh &geometry, + const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const Scene &geometry, + const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const Mesh &geometry, + const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename, + const std::string &resource_dir); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeFile(const Scene &geometry, + const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename, + const std::string &resource_dir); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeToBuffer(const Mesh &geometry, + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer); +template Status GltfEncoder::EncodeToBuffer(const Scene &geometry, + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer); + +Status GltfEncoder::EncodeToBuffer(const Mesh &mesh, GltfAsset *gltf_asset, + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer) { + out_buffer_ = out_buffer; + SetJsonWriterMode(gltf_asset); + if (!gltf_asset->AddDracoMesh(mesh)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error adding Draco mesh."); + } + return gltf_asset->Output(out_buffer); +} + +Status GltfEncoder::EncodeToBuffer(const Scene &scene, GltfAsset *gltf_asset, + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer) { + out_buffer_ = out_buffer; + SetJsonWriterMode(gltf_asset); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gltf_asset->AddScene(scene)); + return gltf_asset->Output(out_buffer); +} + +void GltfEncoder::SetJsonWriterMode(class GltfAsset *gltf_asset) { + if (gltf_asset->output_type() == COMPACT && + gltf_asset->add_images_to_buffer()) { + gltf_asset->set_json_output_mode(JsonWriter::COMPACT); + } else { + gltf_asset->set_json_output_mode(JsonWriter::READABLE); + } +} + +Status GltfEncoder::WriteGltfFiles(const GltfAsset &gltf_asset, + const EncoderBuffer &buffer, + const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename, + const std::string &resource_dir) { + std::unique_ptr file = + FileWriterFactory::OpenWriter(filename); + if (!file) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Output glTF file could not be opened."); + } + std::unique_ptr bin_file = + FileWriterFactory::OpenWriter(bin_filename); + if (!bin_file) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Output glTF bin file could not be opened."); + } + + // Write the glTF data into the file. + if (!file->Write(buffer.data(), buffer.size())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glTF file."); + } + + // Write the glTF buffer into the file. + if (!bin_file->Write(gltf_asset.Buffer()->data(), + gltf_asset.Buffer()->size())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glTF bin file."); + } + + for (int i = 0; i < gltf_asset.NumImages(); ++i) { + const std::string name = resource_dir + "/" + gltf_asset.image_name(i); + const GltfImage *const image = gltf_asset.GetImage(i); + if (!image) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error getting glTF image."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(WriteTextureToFile(name, *image->texture)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status GltfEncoder::WriteGlbFile(const GltfAsset &gltf_asset, + const EncoderBuffer &json_data, + const std::string &filename) { + std::unique_ptr file = + FileWriterFactory::OpenWriter(filename); + if (!file) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Output glb file could not be opened."); + } + + // Define a function for writing GLB file chunks to |file|. + const auto write_chunk_to_file = + [&file](const EncoderBuffer &chunk) -> Status { + if (!file->Write(chunk.data(), chunk.size())) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + return OkStatus(); + }; + + // Create GLB file chunks and write them to file. + return ProcessGlbFileChunks(gltf_asset, json_data, write_chunk_to_file); +} + +Status GltfEncoder::ProcessGlbFileChunks( + const class GltfAsset &gltf_asset, const EncoderBuffer &json_data, + const std::function &process_chunk) const { + // The json data must be padded so the next chunk starts on a 4-byte boundary. + const uint32_t json_pad_length = + (json_data.size() % 4) ? 4 - json_data.size() % 4 : 0; + const uint32_t json_length = json_data.size() + json_pad_length; + const uint32_t total_length = + 12 + 8 + json_length + 8 + gltf_asset.Buffer()->size(); + + EncoderBuffer header; + // Write the glb file header. + const uint32_t gltf_version = 2; + if (!header.Encode("glTF", 4)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + if (!header.Encode(gltf_version)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + if (!header.Encode(total_length)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + + // Write the JSON chunk. + const uint32_t json_chunk_type = 0x4E4F534A; + if (!header.Encode(json_length)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + if (!header.Encode(json_chunk_type)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(process_chunk(header)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(process_chunk(json_data)); + + // Pad the data if needed. + header.Clear(); + if (json_pad_length > 0) { + if (!header.Encode(" ", json_pad_length)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + } + + // Write the binary buffer chunk. + const uint32_t bin_chunk_type = 0x004E4942; + const uint32_t gltf_bin_size = gltf_asset.Buffer()->size(); + if (!header.Encode(gltf_bin_size)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + if (!header.Encode(bin_chunk_type)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error writing to glb file."); + } + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(process_chunk(header)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(process_chunk(*gltf_asset.Buffer())); + return OkStatus(); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..16403ac314 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder.h @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_GLTF_ENCODER_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_GLTF_ENCODER_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/encoder_buffer.h" +#include "draco/io/file_writer_factory.h" +#include "draco/io/file_writer_interface.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Class for encoding draco::Mesh into the glTF file format. +class GltfEncoder { + public: + // Types of output modes for the glTF data encoder. |COMPACT| will output + // required and non-default glTF data. |VERBOSE| will output required and + // default glTF data as well as readable JSON even when the output is saved in + // a glTF-Binary file. + enum OutputType { COMPACT, VERBOSE }; + + GltfEncoder(); + + // Encodes the geometry and saves it into a file. Returns false when either + // the encoding failed or when the file couldn't be opened. + template + bool EncodeToFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &file_name, + const std::string &base_dir); + + // Saves |geometry| into glTF 2.0 format. |filename| is the name of the + // glTF file. The glTF bin file (if needed) will be named stem(|filename|) + + // “.bin”. The other files (if needed) will be saved to basedir(|filename|). + // If |filename| has the extension "glb" then |filename| will be written as a + // glTF-Binary file. Otherwise |filename| will be written as non-binary glTF + // file. + template + Status EncodeFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &filename); + + // Saves |geometry| into glTF 2.0 format. |filename| is the name of the + // glTF file. |bin_filename| is the name of the glTF bin file. The other + // files (if needed) will be saved to basedir(|filename|). |bin_filename| will + // be ignored if output is glTF-Binary. + template + Status EncodeFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename); + + // Saves |geometry| into glTF 2.0 format. |filename| is the name of the + // glTF file. |bin_filename| is the name of the glTF bin file. The other + // files will be saved to |resource_dir|. |bin_filename| and |resource_dir| + // will be ignored if output is glTF-Binary. + template + Status EncodeFile(const T &geometry, const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename, + const std::string &resource_dir); + + // Encodes |geometry| to |out_buffer| in glTF 2.0 GLB format. + template + Status EncodeToBuffer(const T &geometry, EncoderBuffer *out_buffer); + + void set_output_type(OutputType type) { output_type_ = type; } + OutputType output_type() const { return output_type_; } + + // The name of the attribute metadata that contains the glTF attribute + // name. For application-specific generic attributes, if the metadata for + // an attribute contains this key, then the value will be used as the + // encoded attribute name in the output GLTF. + static const char kDracoMetadataGltfAttributeName[]; + + private: + // Encodes the mesh or the point cloud into a buffer. + Status EncodeToBuffer(const Mesh &mesh, class GltfAsset *gltf_asset, + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer); + Status EncodeToBuffer(const Scene &scene, class GltfAsset *gltf_asset, + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer); + + // Sets appropriate Json writer mode based on the provided |gltf_asset| + // options. + static void SetJsonWriterMode(class GltfAsset *gltf_asset); + + // Writes the ".gltf" and associted files. |gltf_asset| holds the glTF data. + // |buffer| is the encoded glTF json data. |filename| is the name of the + // ".gltf" file. |bin_filename| is the name of the glTF bin file. The other + // files will be saved to |resource_dir|. + Status WriteGltfFiles(const class GltfAsset &gltf_asset, + const EncoderBuffer &buffer, + const std::string &filename, + const std::string &bin_filename, + const std::string &resource_dir); + + // Writes the ".glb" file. |gltf_asset| holds the glTF data. |json_data| is + // the encoded glTF json data. |filename| is the name of the ".glb" file. + Status WriteGlbFile(const class GltfAsset &gltf_asset, + const EncoderBuffer &json_data, + const std::string &filename); + + // Creates GLB file chunks and passes them to |process_chunk| function for + // processing. |gltf_asset| holds the glTF data. |json_data| is the encoded + // glTF json data. + Status ProcessGlbFileChunks( + const class GltfAsset &gltf_asset, const EncoderBuffer &json_data, + const std::function &process_chunk) const; + + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer_; + OutputType output_type_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_GLTF_ENCODER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..179256dfd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_encoder_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,1717 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/gltf_encoder.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/file_reader_factory.h" +#include "draco/io/file_reader_interface.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_decoder.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_test_helper.h" +#include "draco/io/parser_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" +#include "draco/material/material_utils.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" +#include "draco/scene/mesh_group.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_utils.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +namespace { +std::unique_ptr DecodeFullPathGltfFileToScene( + const std::string &file_name) { + GltfDecoder decoder; + + auto maybe_scene = decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(file_name); + if (!maybe_scene.ok()) { + std::cout << maybe_scene.status().error_msg_string() << std::endl; + return nullptr; + } + std::unique_ptr scene = std::move(maybe_scene).value(); + return scene; +} + +std::unique_ptr DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(const std::string &file_name) { + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + return DecodeFullPathGltfFileToScene(path); +} +} // namespace + +class GltfEncoderTest : public ::testing::Test { + protected: + // This function searches for the |search| string and checks that there are at + // least |count| occurrences. + void CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(const std::string &gltf_file, + const std::string &search, int count) { + std::vector data; + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(gltf_file, &data)); + + draco::DecoderBuffer buffer; + buffer.Init(data.data(), data.size()); + + int strings_found = 0; + do { + std::string gltf_line; + draco::parser::ParseLine(&buffer, &gltf_line); + if (gltf_line.empty()) { + break; + } + + if (gltf_line.find(search) != std::string::npos) { + strings_found++; + } + // No need to keep counting pass |count|. + } while (strings_found < count); + ASSERT_GE(strings_found, count); + } + + // This function searches for the |search| string and checks that there no + // occurrences. + void CheckGltfFileNoString(const std::string &gltf_file, + const std::string &search) { + std::vector data; + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(gltf_file, &data)); + + draco::DecoderBuffer buffer; + buffer.Init(data.data(), data.size()); + + do { + std::string gltf_line; + draco::parser::ParseLine(&buffer, &gltf_line); + if (gltf_line.empty()) { + break; + } + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_line.find(search) == std::string::npos); + } while (true); + } + + void CheckAnimationAccessors(const Scene &scene, + int expected_num_input_accessors, + int expected_num_output_accessors) { + int num_input_accessors = 0; + int num_output_accessors = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < scene.NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *anim = scene.GetAnimation(AnimationIndex(i)); + ASSERT_NE(anim, nullptr); + + // The animation accessors in Draco are relative to the Animation object. + // While in glTF the animation accessors are relative to the global + // accessors. + std::unordered_set seen_accessors; + + for (int j = 0; j < anim->NumSamplers(); ++j) { + const AnimationSampler *const sampler = anim->GetSampler(j); + ASSERT_NE(sampler, nullptr); + + if (seen_accessors.find(sampler->input_index) == seen_accessors.end()) { + seen_accessors.insert(sampler->input_index); + num_input_accessors++; + } + if (seen_accessors.find(sampler->output_index) == + seen_accessors.end()) { + seen_accessors.insert(sampler->output_index); + num_output_accessors++; + } + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_input_accessors, num_input_accessors); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_output_accessors, num_output_accessors); + } + + void CompareMeshes(const Mesh *mesh0, const Mesh *mesh1) { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->num_faces(), mesh1->num_faces()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->num_attributes(), mesh1->num_attributes()); + for (int att_id = 0; att_id < mesh0->num_attributes(); ++att_id) { + const GeometryAttribute::Type att_type = + mesh0->attribute(att_id)->attribute_type(); + const PointAttribute *const att = mesh1->GetNamedAttribute(att_type); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->attribute(att_id)->size(), att->size()) + << "Attribute id:" << att_id << " is not equal."; + } + + // Check materials are the same. + if (mesh0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials() == 0) { + // We add a default material if the source had no materials. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh1->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + } else if (mesh1->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials() == 0) { + // We add a default material if the source had no materials. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + } else { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + mesh1->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()); + for (int i = 0; i < mesh0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(); ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->NumTextureMaps(), + mesh1->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->NumTextureMaps()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->GetName(), + mesh1->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->GetName()); + } + } + } + + void CompareScenes(const Scene *scene0, const Scene *scene1) { + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumMeshes(), scene1->NumMeshes()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumMeshGroups(), scene1->NumMeshGroups()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumNodes(), scene1->NumNodes()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + scene1->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumAnimations(), scene1->NumAnimations()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumSkins(), scene1->NumSkins()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumLights(), scene1->NumLights()); + + // Check materials are the same. + for (int i = 0; i < scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(); ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->NumTextureMaps(), + scene1->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->NumTextureMaps()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->GetName(), + scene1->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(i)->GetName()); + } + + // Check that materials variants names are the same. + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterialsVariants(), + scene1->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterialsVariants()); + for (int i = 0; i < scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterialsVariants(); + i++) { + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterialsVariantName(i), + scene1->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterialsVariantName(i)); + } + + // Check Nodes are the same. + for (draco::SceneNodeIndex i(0); i < scene0->NumNodes(); ++i) { + const SceneNode *const scene_node0 = scene0->GetNode(i); + const SceneNode *const scene_node1 = scene1->GetNode(i); + ASSERT_NE(scene_node0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(scene_node1, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_node0->GetName(), scene_node1->GetName()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_node0->GetLightIndex(), scene_node1->GetLightIndex()); + } + + // Check MeshGroups are the same. + for (draco::MeshGroupIndex i(0); i < scene0->NumMeshGroups(); ++i) { + const MeshGroup *const mesh_group0 = scene0->GetMeshGroup(i); + const MeshGroup *const mesh_group1 = scene1->GetMeshGroup(i); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_group0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_group1, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group0->GetName(), mesh_group1->GetName()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group0->NumMeshInstances(), + mesh_group1->NumMeshInstances()); + + // Check that mesh instanes are the same. + for (int j = 0; j < mesh_group1->NumMeshInstances(); j++) { + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance &instance0 = + mesh_group0->GetMeshInstance(j); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance &instance1 = + mesh_group1->GetMeshInstance(j); + ASSERT_EQ(instance0.mesh_index, instance1.mesh_index); + ASSERT_EQ(instance0.material_index, instance1.material_index); + ASSERT_EQ(instance0.materials_variants_mappings.size(), + instance1.materials_variants_mappings.size()); + + // Check that materials variants mappings are the same. + for (int k = 0; k < instance0.materials_variants_mappings.size(); k++) { + const MeshGroup::MaterialsVariantsMapping &mapping0 = + instance0.materials_variants_mappings[k]; + const MeshGroup::MaterialsVariantsMapping &mapping1 = + instance1.materials_variants_mappings[k]; + ASSERT_EQ(mapping0.material, mapping1.material); + ASSERT_EQ(mapping0.variants.size(), mapping1.variants.size()); + for (int l = 0; l < mapping0.variants.size(); l++) { + ASSERT_EQ(mapping0.variants[l], mapping1.variants[l]); + } + } + } + } + + // Check Animations are the same. + for (draco::AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene0->NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const animation0 = scene0->GetAnimation(i); + const Animation *const animation1 = scene1->GetAnimation(i); + ASSERT_NE(animation0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(animation1, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(animation0->NumSamplers(), animation1->NumSamplers()); + ASSERT_EQ(animation0->NumChannels(), animation1->NumChannels()); + ASSERT_EQ(animation0->NumNodeAnimationData(), + animation1->NumNodeAnimationData()); + } + + // Check that lights are the same. + for (draco::LightIndex i(0); i < scene0->NumLights(); ++i) { + const Light *const light0 = scene0->GetLight(i); + const Light *const light1 = scene1->GetLight(i); + ASSERT_NE(light0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(light1, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(light0->GetName(), light1->GetName()); + ASSERT_EQ(light0->GetColor(), light1->GetColor()); + ASSERT_EQ(light0->GetIntensity(), light1->GetIntensity()); + ASSERT_EQ(light0->GetType(), light1->GetType()); + ASSERT_EQ(light0->GetRange(), light1->GetRange()); + if (light0->GetType() == Light::SPOT) { + ASSERT_EQ(light0->GetInnerConeAngle(), light1->GetInnerConeAngle()); + ASSERT_EQ(light0->GetOuterConeAngle(), light1->GetOuterConeAngle()); + } + } + } + + void EncodeMeshToFile(const Mesh &mesh, + const std::string &gltf_file_full_path) { + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE( + gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(mesh, gltf_file_full_path, folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + } + + void EncodeSceneToFile(const Scene &scene, + const std::string &gltf_file_full_path) { + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + } + + // Encode |mesh| to a temporary glTF file. Then decode the glTF file and + // return the mesh in |mesh_gltf|. + void MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(const Mesh &mesh, + std::unique_ptr *mesh_gltf) { + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + EncodeMeshToFile(mesh, gltf_file_full_path); + *mesh_gltf = std::move(ReadMeshFromFile(gltf_file_full_path)).value(); + ASSERT_NE(*mesh_gltf, nullptr); + } + + // Encode |mesh| to a temporary glTF file. Then decode the glTF file as a + // scene and return it in |scene_gltf|. + void MeshToDecodedGltfScene(const Mesh &mesh, + std::unique_ptr *scene_gltf) { + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + EncodeMeshToFile(mesh, gltf_file_full_path); + *scene_gltf = std::move(ReadSceneFromFile(gltf_file_full_path)).value(); + ASSERT_NE(*scene_gltf, nullptr); + } + + // Encode |scene| to a temporary glTF file. Then decode the glTF file and + // return the scene in |scene_gltf|. + void SceneToDecodedGltfScene(const Scene &scene, + const std::string &temp_basename, + std::unique_ptr *scene_gltf) { + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath(temp_basename); + EncodeSceneToFile(scene, gltf_file_full_path); + + *scene_gltf = DecodeFullPathGltfFileToScene(gltf_file_full_path); + if (SceneUtils::IsDracoCompressionEnabled(scene)) { + // Two occurrences of the Draco compression string is the least amount for + // a valid Draco compressed glTF file. + const std::string khr_draco_compression = "KHR_draco_mesh_compression"; + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(gltf_file_full_path, + khr_draco_compression, 2); + } + ASSERT_NE((*scene_gltf).get(), nullptr); + } + + void SceneToDecodedGltfScene(const Scene &scene, + std::unique_ptr *scene_gltf) { + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(scene, "test.gltf", scene_gltf); + } + + void EncodeMeshToGltfAndCompare(Mesh *mesh) { + ASSERT_GT(mesh->num_faces(), 0); + + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + + mesh->DeduplicatePointIds(); + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh->DeduplicateAttributeValues()); + CompareMeshes(mesh, mesh_from_gltf.get()); + } + + void EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(Scene *scene) { + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, &scene_from_gltf); + if (!SceneUtils::IsDracoCompressionEnabled(*scene)) { + CompareScenes(scene, scene_from_gltf.get()); + } + } + + void test_encoding(const std::string &file_name) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name, true)); + + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model " << file_name; + EncodeMeshToGltfAndCompare(mesh.get()); + } +}; + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, TestGltfEncodingAll) { + // Test decoded mesh from encoded glTF file stays the same. + test_encoding("test_nm.obj.edgebreaker.cl4.2.2.drc"); + test_encoding("cube_att.drc"); + test_encoding("car.drc"); + test_encoding("bunny_gltf.drc"); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, ImportTangentAttribute) { + auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("sphere.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const tangent_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::TANGENT); + ASSERT_NE(tangent_att, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), mesh_from_gltf->num_attributes()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeColorTexture) { + const std::string tex_file_name = draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png"); + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(tex_file_name).value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(0)->SetTextureMap( + std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + + EncodeMeshToGltfAndCompare(mesh.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeColors) { + auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("test_pos_color.ply"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const color_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::COLOR); + ASSERT_NE(color_att, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), mesh_from_gltf->num_faces()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), mesh_from_gltf->num_attributes()); + ASSERT_EQ( + mesh->NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::COLOR), + mesh_from_gltf->NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::COLOR)); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeNamedGenericAttribute) { + // Load some base mesh. + auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("test_generic.ply"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + const draco::PointAttribute *const pos_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att, nullptr); + int num_vertices = pos_att->size(); + + // Add two new scalar attributes where each value corresponds to the position + // value index (vertex). The first attribute will have metadata, the second + // attribute won't. + std::unique_ptr pa_0(new draco::PointAttribute()); + std::unique_ptr pa_1(new draco::PointAttribute()); + pa_0->Init(draco::GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, /* scalar */ 1, + draco::DT_FLOAT32, false, + /* one value per position value */ num_vertices); + pa_1->Init(draco::GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, /* scalar */ 1, + draco::DT_FLOAT32, false, + /* one value per position value */ num_vertices); + + // Set the values for the new attributes. + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < num_vertices; ++avi) { + const float att_value = avi.value(); + pa_0->SetAttributeValue(avi, &att_value); + pa_1->SetAttributeValue(avi, &att_value); + } + + // Add the attribute to the existing mesh. + const int new_att_id_0 = mesh->AddPerVertexAttribute(std::move(pa_0)); + const int new_att_id_1 = mesh->AddPerVertexAttribute(std::move(pa_1)); + ASSERT_NE(new_att_id_0, -1); + ASSERT_NE(new_att_id_1, -1); + + // Set metadata for first attribute so it gets written out by glTF encoder. + std::unique_ptr am(new draco::AttributeMetadata()); + constexpr char kAttributeName[] = "MyAttributeName"; + constexpr char kDracoMetadataGltfAttributeName[] = + "//GLTF/ApplicationSpecificAttributeName"; + am->AddEntryString(kDracoMetadataGltfAttributeName, kAttributeName); + mesh->AddAttributeMetadata(new_att_id_0, std::move(am)); + + // Make sure the GLTF contains a reference to the named attribute. + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("GenericAttribute.gltf"); + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*(mesh.get()), + gltf_file_full_path, folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(gltf_file_full_path, kAttributeName, 1); + + // The decoder does not yet support generic attribute names, so instead of + // using the decoder we compare against a golden file. + const std::string gltf_generated_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("buffer0.bin"); + std::vector generated_buffer; + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(gltf_generated_bin_filename, &generated_buffer)); + std::string generated_str(generated_buffer.data(), generated_buffer.size()); + + const std::string gltf_expected_bin_filename = + GetTestFileFullPath("test_generic_golden.bin"); + const bool kUpdateGoldens = false; + if (kUpdateGoldens) { + ASSERT_TRUE(WriteBufferToFile(generated_buffer.data(), + generated_buffer.size(), + gltf_expected_bin_filename)); + } + std::vector expected_buffer; + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(gltf_expected_bin_filename, &expected_buffer)); + std::string expected_str(expected_buffer.data(), expected_buffer.size()); + + EXPECT_TRUE(generated_str == expected_str); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeMetallicRoughnessTexture) { + const std::string tex_file_name = draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png"); + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(tex_file_name).value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(0)->SetTextureMap( + std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS, 0); + + EncodeMeshToGltfAndCompare(mesh.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeOcclusionTexture) { + const std::string tex_file_name = draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png"); + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(tex_file_name).value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(0)->SetTextureMap( + std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::AMBIENT_OCCLUSION, 0); + + EncodeMeshToGltfAndCompare(mesh.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeEmissiveTexture) { + const std::string tex_file_name = draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png"); + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(tex_file_name).value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(0)->SetTextureMap( + std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE, 0); + + EncodeMeshToGltfAndCompare(mesh.get()); +} + +// Tests splitting the mesh into multiple primitives. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeSplitMesh) { + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + const int32_t material_att_id = + mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + ASSERT_NE(material_att_id, -1); + EncodeMeshToGltfAndCompare(mesh.get()); +} + +// Tests encoding a scene from a glTF with multiple meshes and primitives, +// including mesh instances. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeInstancedScene) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr transcoded_scene; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, "EncodeInstancedScene.gltf", + &transcoded_scene); + ASSERT_NE(transcoded_scene, nullptr); + CompareScenes(scene.get(), transcoded_scene.get()); + EXPECT_EQ(transcoded_scene->NumAnimations(), 1); + + const int num_input_accessors = 2; + const int num_output_accessors = 2; + CheckAnimationAccessors(*transcoded_scene, num_input_accessors, + num_output_accessors); +} + +// Tests encoding a scene from a glTF with multiple meshes and primitives, +// including mesh instances. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeBoneAnimation) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMan/glTF/CesiumMan.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr transcoded_scene; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, "EncodeBoneAnimation.gltf", + &transcoded_scene); + ASSERT_NE(transcoded_scene, nullptr); + CompareScenes(scene.get(), transcoded_scene.get()); + EXPECT_EQ(transcoded_scene->NumAnimations(), 1); + + const Animation *anim = scene->GetAnimation(AnimationIndex(0)); + ASSERT_NE(anim, nullptr); + ASSERT_TRUE(anim->GetName().empty()); + + // TODO(b/145703399): Figure out how to test that all of the input accessors + // in animation channels in the encoded glTF file will be the same for this + // test file. + const int num_input_accessors = 57; + const int num_output_accessors = 57; + CheckAnimationAccessors(*transcoded_scene, num_input_accessors, + num_output_accessors); +} + +// Tests encoding a scene from a glTF with nodes that have names. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeSceneWithNodeNames) { + const std::string file_name = "Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(scene.get()); +} + +// Tests encoding a simple glTF with Draco compression. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeWithDracoCompression) { + const std::string file_name = "Box/glTF/Box.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const DracoCompressionOptions options; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(scene.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeWeightsJointsWithDracoCompression) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMan/glTF/CesiumMan.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const DracoCompressionOptions options; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(scene.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeTangentsWithDracoCompression) { + const std::string file_name = "Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const DracoCompressionOptions options; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(scene.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, TestDracoCompressionWithGeneratedPoints) { + const std::string basename = "test_nm.obj"; + std::unique_ptr mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile(basename); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load " << basename; + + auto maybe_scene = draco::SceneUtils::MeshToScene(std::move(mesh)); + ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_scene.ok()) << "Failed Mesh to Scene conversion."; + const std::unique_ptr scene = std::move(maybe_scene).value(); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const DracoCompressionOptions options; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(scene.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, TestDracoCompressionWithDegenerateFaces) { + const std::string basename = "deg_faces.obj"; + std::unique_ptr mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile(basename); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load " << basename; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 4); + + auto maybe_scene = draco::SceneUtils::MeshToScene(std::move(mesh)); + ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_scene.ok()) << "Failed Mesh to Scene conversion."; + const std::unique_ptr scene = std::move(maybe_scene).value(); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const Mesh &scene_first_mesh = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_first_mesh.num_faces(), 4); + + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + const DracoCompressionOptions options; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, &scene_from_gltf); + const Mesh &scene_from_gltf_first_mesh = + scene_from_gltf->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_gltf_first_mesh.num_faces(), 3); + + CompareScenes(scene.get(), scene_from_gltf.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, DracoCompressionCheckOptions) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMan/glTF/CesiumMan.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + DracoCompressionOptions options; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + + const std::string gltf_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("buffer0.bin"); + const size_t default_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + + // Test applying more quantization will make the compressed size smaller. + options.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(6); + options.quantization_bits_normal = 6; + options.quantization_bits_tex_coord = 6; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t more_quantization_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_LT(more_quantization_bin_size, default_bin_size); + + // Test setting more weight quantization then the default makes the compressed + // size smaller. + options.quantization_bits_weight = 6; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t more_weight_quantization_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_LT(more_weight_quantization_bin_size, more_quantization_bin_size); + + options.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(20); + options.quantization_bits_normal = 20; + options.quantization_bits_tex_coord = 20; + options.quantization_bits_weight = 20; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t less_quantization_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(less_quantization_bin_size, default_bin_size); + + DracoCompressionOptions level_options; + level_options.compression_level = 10; // compression level [0-10]. + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&level_options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t most_compression_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_LT(most_compression_bin_size, default_bin_size); + + level_options.compression_level = 4; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&level_options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t less_compression_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(less_compression_bin_size, default_bin_size); + + level_options.compression_level = 0; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&level_options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t least_compression_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(least_compression_bin_size, less_compression_bin_size); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, TestQuantizationPerAttribute) { + const std::string file_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + DracoCompressionOptions options; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + + const std::string gltf_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("buffer0.bin"); + const size_t default_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + + // Test setting more position quantization then the default makes the + // compressed size smaller. + options.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(6); + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t position_quantization_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_LT(position_quantization_bin_size, default_bin_size); + + // Test setting more normal quantization then the default makes the compressed + // size smaller. + options.quantization_bits_normal = 6; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t normal_quantization_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_LT(normal_quantization_bin_size, position_quantization_bin_size); + + // Test setting more tex_coord quantization then the default makes the + // compressed size smaller. + options.quantization_bits_tex_coord = 6; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t tex_coord_quantization_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_LT(tex_coord_quantization_bin_size, normal_quantization_bin_size); + + // Test setting more tangent quantization then the default makes the + // compressed size smaller. Weight is tested in DracoCompressionCheckOptions. + options.quantization_bits_tangent = 6; + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t tangent_quantization_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(gltf_bin_filename); + ASSERT_LT(tangent_quantization_bin_size, tex_coord_quantization_bin_size); +} + +// Tests encoding a glTF with multiple scaled instances with Draco compression +// using grid options for position quantization. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, TestDracoCompressionWithGridOptions) { + const std::string file_name = + "SpheresScaledInstances/glTF/spheres_scaled_instances.gltf"; + std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const auto bbox = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)).ComputeBoundingBox(); + const float mesh_size = bbox.Size().MaxCoeff(); + + // All dimensions of the original mesh are between [-1, 1]. Let's move the + // mesh to [0, 2] which will allow us to match grid quantization with the + // regular quantization (grid quantization is always aligned with 0). + Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + PointAttribute *pos_att = + mesh.attribute(mesh.GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::POSITION)); + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < pos_att->size(); ++avi) { + Vector3f pos; + pos_att->GetValue(avi, &pos[0]); + pos += Vector3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); + pos_att->SetAttributeValue(avi, &pos[0]); + } + + DracoCompressionOptions options; + + // First quantize the scene with 8 bits and save the result. + options.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(8); + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + const std::string gltf_filename = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("temp.glb"); + GltfEncoder encoder; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, gltf_filename)); + // Get the size of the generated file. + const size_t qb_file_size = draco::GetFileSize(gltf_filename); + + // Now set grid quantization and ensure the encoded file size is about the + // same. The max instance scale is 3 and model size is |mesh_size| so the grid + // scale must account for that. + options.quantization_position.SetGrid(mesh_size * 3. / 255.); + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, gltf_filename)); + // Get the size of the generated file. + const size_t grid_file_size = draco::GetFileSize(gltf_filename); + + ASSERT_EQ(grid_file_size, qb_file_size); + + // Now set grid quantization to different settings and ensure the encoded size + // changed. We reduce spacing which should increase the size. + options.quantization_position.SetGrid(mesh_size * 3. / 511.); + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, gltf_filename)); + + // Get the size of the generated file. + const size_t grid_file_size_2 = draco::GetFileSize(gltf_filename); + ASSERT_GT(grid_file_size_2, grid_file_size); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, TestOutputType) { + const std::string file_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + + const size_t default_gltf_size = draco::GetFileSize(gltf_file_full_path); + + // Test setting VERBOSE output type will increase the size of the gltf file. + gltf_encoder.set_output_type(GltfEncoder::VERBOSE); + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, gltf_file_full_path, + folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + const size_t verbose_gltf_size = draco::GetFileSize(gltf_file_full_path); + ASSERT_GT(verbose_gltf_size, default_gltf_size); +} + +// Tests copying the name of the input texture file to the encoded texture file. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, CopyTextureName) { + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + const Material *material = mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + ASSERT_NE(material, nullptr); + const Texture *texture = + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(0); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*texture), "CesiumMilkTruck"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*texture), + draco::ImageFormat::PNG); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeTexCoord1) { + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("MultiUVTest/glTF/MultiUVTest.gltf"); + + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ( + mesh_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ( + mesh_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), + 2); + const std::vector textures = { + mesh_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(0), + mesh_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().GetTextureLibrary().GetTexture(1)}; + EXPECT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[0]), "uv0"); + EXPECT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*textures[1]), "uv1"); + EXPECT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[0]), + draco::ImageFormat::PNG); + EXPECT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*textures[1]), + draco::ImageFormat::PNG); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), + 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::POSITION), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT), 1); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, TestEncodeFileFunctions) { + const std::string file_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Test encoding with only the gltf filename parameter will output the correct + // bin filename and the textures will be in the same directory as the output + // glTF file. + const std::string output_gltf_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(output_gltf_filename, &output_gltf_dir, + &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename).ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + + const std::string output_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.bin"); + const size_t output_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(output_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(output_bin_size, 0); + const std::string output_png_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("sphere_Texture0_Normal.png"); + const size_t output_png_size = draco::GetFileSize(output_png_filename); + ASSERT_GT(output_png_size, 0); + + // Test encoding with the gltf and bin filename parameter, the textures will + // be in the same directory as the output glTF file. + const std::string new_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("different_stem_name.bin"); + ASSERT_TRUE( + gltf_encoder + .EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename, new_bin_filename) + .ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + + const size_t new_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(new_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(new_bin_size, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(new_bin_size, output_bin_size); + + // Test encoding with the gltf and bin filename and resource_dir parameter, + // the textures will be in the resource_dir directory. + const std::string new_resource_dir = output_gltf_dir + "/textures"; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder + .EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename, + new_bin_filename, new_resource_dir) + .ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + + const std::string new_png_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("textures/sphere_Texture0_Normal.png"); + const size_t newest_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(new_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(new_bin_size, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(new_bin_size, output_bin_size); + ASSERT_EQ(newest_bin_size, new_bin_size); + const size_t new_png_size = draco::GetFileSize(new_png_filename); + ASSERT_GT(new_png_size, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(new_png_size, output_png_size); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, DoubleSidedMaterial) { + const std::string file_name = "TwoSidedPlane/glTF/TwoSidedPlane.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetDoubleSided(), true); + + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, &scene_from_gltf); + EXPECT_EQ(scene_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ( + scene_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0)->GetDoubleSided(), + true); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeGlb) { + const std::string file_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, "temp.gltf", &scene_from_gltf); + + std::unique_ptr scene_from_glb; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, "temp.glb", &scene_from_glb); + + CompareScenes(scene_from_gltf.get(), scene_from_glb.get()); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeVertexColor) { + const std::string file_name = "VertexColorTest/glTF/VertexColorTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + EXPECT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 2); + const Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)); + EXPECT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::COLOR), 1); + + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, "temp.gltf", &scene_from_gltf); + EXPECT_EQ(scene_from_gltf->NumMeshes(), 2); + const Mesh &encoded_mesh = scene_from_gltf->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)); + EXPECT_EQ(encoded_mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::COLOR), 1); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, InterpolationTest) { + const std::string file_name = "InterpolationTest/glTF/InterpolationTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr transcoded_scene; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, "InterpolationTest.gltf", &transcoded_scene); + ASSERT_NE(transcoded_scene, nullptr); + CompareScenes(scene.get(), transcoded_scene.get()); + EXPECT_EQ(transcoded_scene->NumAnimations(), 9); + + const std::vector animation_names{ + "Step Scale", "Linear Scale", + "CubicSpline Scale", "Step Rotation", + "CubicSpline Rotation", "Linear Rotation", + "Step Translation", "CubicSpline Translation", + "Linear Translation"}; + for (int i = 0; i < scene->NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const Animation *const anim = scene->GetAnimation(AnimationIndex(i)); + ASSERT_NE(anim, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(anim->GetName(), animation_names[i]); + } + + // Currently all animation data is unique. See b/145703399. + const int num_input_accessors = 9; + const int num_output_accessors = 9; + CheckAnimationAccessors(*transcoded_scene, num_input_accessors, + num_output_accessors); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, KhrMaterialUnlit) { + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/UnlitTest/glTF/UnlitTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string output_gltf_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(output_gltf_filename, &output_gltf_dir, + &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename).ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + // glTF file should have four occurences of "KHR_materials_unlit". Two in the + // materials and one in extensionsUsed and one in extensionsRequired. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "KHR_materials_unlit", + 4); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, OneMaterialUnlitWithFallback) { + const std::string filename = + "UnlitWithFallback/one_material_all_fallback/" + "one_material_all_fallback.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string output_gltf_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(output_gltf_filename, &output_gltf_dir, + &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename).ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + + // glTF file should have two occurences of "KHR_materials_unlit". One in the + // materials and one in extensionsUsed. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "KHR_materials_unlit", + 2); + + // The glTF file should provide a fallback to "KHR_materials_unlit", so there + // should be no "extensionsRequired" element. + CheckGltfFileNoString(output_gltf_filename, "extensionsRequired"); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, MultipleMaterialsUnlitWithFallback) { + std::string filename = + "UnlitWithFallback/three_materials_all_fallback/" + "three_materials_all_fallback.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene_all_fallback( + DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene_all_fallback, nullptr); + + const std::string output_gltf_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(output_gltf_filename, &output_gltf_dir, + &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE( + gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene_all_fallback, output_gltf_filename) + .ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + + // glTF file should have four occurences of "KHR_materials_unlit". Three in + // the materials and one in extensionsUsed. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "KHR_materials_unlit", + 4); + + // The glTF file should provide a fallback to "KHR_materials_unlit", so there + // should be no "extensionsRequired" element. + CheckGltfFileNoString(output_gltf_filename, "extensionsRequired"); + + filename = + "UnlitWithFallback/three_materials_one_fallback/" + "three_materials_one_fallback.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene_one_fallback( + DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene_one_fallback, nullptr); + + ASSERT_TRUE( + gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene_one_fallback, output_gltf_filename) + .ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + + // glTF file should have three occurences of "KHR_materials_unlit". One in the + // materials, one in extensionsUsed, and one in extensionsRequired. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "KHR_materials_unlit", + 3); + + // The glTF file only has one material with a fallback for + // "KHR_materials_unlit". The other two materials have "KHR_materials_unlit" + // set without a fallback, so there should be an "extensionsRequired" element. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "extensionsRequired", + 1); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, KhrMaterialsSheenExtension) { + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/SheenCloth/glTF/SheenCloth.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string out_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(out_filename, &output_gltf_dir, &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, out_filename).ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << out_filename; + + // The "KHR_materials_sheen" should be in material and in extensionsUsed. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(out_filename, "KHR_materials_sheen", 2); + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(out_filename, "sheenColorFactor", 1); + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(out_filename, "sheenColorTexture", 1); + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(out_filename, "sheenRoughnessFactor", 1); + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(out_filename, "sheenRoughnessTexture", 1); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, PbrNextExtensions) { + // Check that a model with PBR material extensions is encoded correctly. This + // is done by encoding an original model with all PBR material extension + // properties and textures, then decoding it and checking that it matches the + // original model. + // TODO(vytyaz): Test multiple materials with various sets of extensions. + + // Read the original model. + const std::string orig_name = "pbr_next/sphere/glTF/sphere.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr original(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(orig_name)); + ASSERT_NE(original, nullptr); + const Material &original_mat = *original->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(0); + + // Check that the original material has PBR extensions. + EXPECT_TRUE(original_mat.HasSheen()); + EXPECT_TRUE(original_mat.HasTransmission()); + EXPECT_TRUE(original_mat.HasClearcoat()); + EXPECT_TRUE(original_mat.HasVolume()); + EXPECT_TRUE(original_mat.HasIor()); + EXPECT_TRUE(original_mat.HasSpecular()); + + // Write the original model to a temporary file. + GltfEncoder encoder; + const std::string tmp_name = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("tmp.gltf"); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeFile(*original, tmp_name)); + + // Read model from the temporay file. + GltfDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto encoded, decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(tmp_name)); + ASSERT_NE(encoded, nullptr); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, KhrTextureTransformWithoutFallback) { + // This is the example from Khronos, which should have "KHR_texture_transform" + // listed in the extensionsRequired, but does not for testing out client + // implementations. + const std::string filename = + "KhronosSampleModels/TextureTransformTest/glTF/TextureTransformTest.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string output_gltf_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(output_gltf_filename, &output_gltf_dir, + &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename).ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + // glTF file should have eight occurences of "KHR_materials_unlit". Six in the + // materials and one in extensionsUsed and one in extensionsRequired. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "KHR_texture_transform", + 8); + + // glTF file should still contain only two occurences of '"sampler": 0'. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "\"sampler\": 0", 2); + + // glTF file should have one occurence of "wrapS", "wrapT", "minFilter", and + // "magFilter". + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "wrapS", 1); + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "wrapT", 1); + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "minFilter", 1); + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "magFilter", 1); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, KhrTextureTransformWithoutFallbackRequried) { + // This is the example from Khronos, changed to list "KHR_texture_transform" + // in extensionsRequired. + const std::string filename = + "glTF/TextureTransformTestWithRequired/" + "TextureTransformTestWithRequired.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string output_gltf_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(output_gltf_filename, &output_gltf_dir, + &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename).ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + // glTF file should have eight occurences of "KHR_materials_unlit". Six in the + // materials and one in extensionsUsed and one in extensionsRequired. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "KHR_texture_transform", + 8); +} + +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, KhrTextureTransformWithFallback) { + // This is an example of "KHR_texture_transform" extension with fallback data. + const std::string filename = + "glTF/KhrTextureTransformWithFallback/" + "KhrTextureTransformWithFallback.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(filename)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string output_gltf_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded_example.gltf"); + std::string output_gltf_dir; + std::string output_gltf_basename; + draco::SplitPath(output_gltf_filename, &output_gltf_dir, + &output_gltf_basename); + + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeFile(*scene, output_gltf_filename).ok()) + << "Failed to encode glTF filename:" << output_gltf_filename; + // glTF file should have two occurences of "KHR_materials_unlit". One in the + // materials and one in extensionsUsed. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(output_gltf_filename, "KHR_texture_transform", + 2); +} + +// Tests if the source file has a node with an identity matrix, that we do not +// output the identiy matrix. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, MeshWithIdentityTransformation) { + const std::string gltf_source_full_path = + GetTestFileFullPath("Triangle/glTF/Triangle_identity_matrix.gltf"); + + // Check that the source file contains one "matrix" and no "translation" + // strings. + CheckGltfFileAtLeastStringCount(gltf_source_full_path, "matrix", 1); + CheckGltfFileNoString(gltf_source_full_path, "translation"); + + std::unique_ptr scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile( + "Triangle/glTF/Triangle_identity_matrix.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + SceneNode *scene_node = scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(0)); + ASSERT_NE(scene_node, nullptr); + const TrsMatrix &trs_matrix = scene_node->GetTrsMatrix(); + + // gltf_decoder will not set the trs matrix if the matrix is identity. + ASSERT_FALSE(trs_matrix.MatrixSet()); + + // Add the identity matrix. + TrsMatrix trsm; + trsm.SetMatrix(Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()); + scene_node->SetTrsMatrix(trsm); + + const TrsMatrix &check_trs_matrix = scene_node->GetTrsMatrix(); + ASSERT_TRUE(check_trs_matrix.MatrixSet()); + ASSERT_EQ(check_trs_matrix.IsMatrixIdentity(), true); + + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("MeshWithIdentityTransformation.gltf"); + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile( + *scene.get(), gltf_file_full_path, folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + std::unique_ptr scene_gltf = + std::move(ReadSceneFromFile(gltf_file_full_path)).value(); + ASSERT_NE(scene_gltf, nullptr); + // Check that the output file contains no "matrix" or "translation" strings. + CheckGltfFileNoString(gltf_file_full_path, "matrix"); + CheckGltfFileNoString(gltf_file_full_path, "translation"); +} + +// Tests if the source file has a node with a matrix that only has the +// translation values set. If it does then instead of outputting the full matrix +// we only output the "translation" glTF element. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, MeshWithTranslationOnlyMatrix) { + std::unique_ptr scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile( + "Triangle/glTF/Triangle_translation_only_matrix.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + SceneNode *scene_node = scene->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(0)); + ASSERT_NE(scene_node, nullptr); + const TrsMatrix &input_trs_matrix = scene_node->GetTrsMatrix(); + ASSERT_TRUE(input_trs_matrix.MatrixSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(input_trs_matrix.TranslationSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(input_trs_matrix.RotationSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(input_trs_matrix.ScaleSet()); + ASSERT_TRUE(input_trs_matrix.IsMatrixTranslationOnly()); + + const std::string gltf_file_full_path = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("MeshWithTranslationOnlyMatrix.gltf"); + std::string folder_path; + std::string gltf_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(gltf_file_full_path, &folder_path, &gltf_file_name); + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + + ASSERT_TRUE(gltf_encoder.EncodeToFile( + *scene.get(), gltf_file_full_path, folder_path)) + << "Failed gltf_file_full_path:" << gltf_file_full_path + << " folder_path:" << folder_path; + std::unique_ptr scene_gltf = + std::move(ReadSceneFromFile(gltf_file_full_path)).value(); + ASSERT_NE(scene_gltf, nullptr); + SceneNode *output_scene_node = scene_gltf->GetNode(SceneNodeIndex(0)); + ASSERT_NE(output_scene_node, nullptr); + const TrsMatrix &output_trs_matrix = output_scene_node->GetTrsMatrix(); + ASSERT_FALSE(output_trs_matrix.MatrixSet()); + ASSERT_TRUE(output_trs_matrix.TranslationSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(output_trs_matrix.RotationSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(output_trs_matrix.ScaleSet()); +} + +// Tests that a scene can be encoded to buffer in GLB format. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeToBuffer) { + // Load scene from file. + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene = ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Encode scene to buffer in GLB format. + GltfEncoder encoder; + EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(encoder.EncodeToBuffer(*scene, &buffer)); + ASSERT_NE(buffer.size(), 0); + + // Write scene to file in GLB format. + const std::string glb_file_path = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("temp.glb"); + std::string folder_path; + std::string glb_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(glb_file_path, &folder_path, &glb_file_name); + encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, glb_file_path, folder_path); + + // Check that the buffer contents match the GLB file contents. + ASSERT_EQ(buffer.size(), draco::GetFileSize(glb_file_path)); + std::vector file_data; + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(glb_file_path, &file_data)); + ASSERT_EQ(std::memcmp(file_data.data(), buffer.data(), buffer.size()), 0); +} + +// Tests that a scene with lights can be encoded into a file. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeLights) { + const std::string file_name = "sphere_lights.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene = ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumLights(), 4); + EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(scene.get()); +} + +// Helper method for adding mesh group GPU instancing to the milk truck scene. +draco::Status AddGpuInstancingToMilkTruck(draco::Scene *scene) { + // Create an instance and set its transformation TRS vectors. + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_0; + instance_0.trs.SetTranslation(Eigen::Vector3d(-0.2, 0.0, 0.0)); + instance_0.trs.SetScale(Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); + + // Create another instance. + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_1; + instance_1.trs.SetTranslation(Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); + instance_1.trs.SetScale(Eigen::Vector3d(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)); + + // Add an empty GPU instancing object to the scene. + const draco::InstanceArrayIndex index = scene->AddInstanceArray(); + draco::InstanceArray *gpu_instancing = scene->GetInstanceArray(index); + + // Add two instances to the GPU instancing object stored in the scene. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gpu_instancing->AddInstance(instance_0)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gpu_instancing->AddInstance(instance_1)); + + // Assign the GPU instancing object to two mesh groups in two scene nodes. + scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2))->SetInstanceArrayIndex(index); + scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(4))->SetInstanceArrayIndex(index); + + return draco::OkStatus(); +} + +// Tests that a scene with instance arrays can be encoded into a file. Decoder +// has no GPU instancing support, so we will compare encoded file to a golden +// file. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeInstanceArrays) { + // Read the milk truck. + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Add GPU instancing to the scene for testing. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(AddGpuInstancingToMilkTruck(scene.get())); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumInstanceArrays(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 5); + + // Prepare file paths. + const std::string temp_path = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("Truck.glb"); + const std::string golden_path = + GetTestFileFullPath("CesiumRowingTruckWithGpuInstancing.glb"); + + // Encode scene to a temporary file in GLB format. + std::string folder; + std::string name; + draco::SplitPath(temp_path, &folder, &name); + GltfEncoder encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(encoder.EncodeToFile(*scene, temp_path, folder)) + << "Failed to encode to temporary file:" << temp_path; + + // Read encoded file to buffer. + std::vector encoded_data; + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(temp_path, &encoded_data)); +} + +// Tests that a scene with materials variants can be encoded into a file. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeMaterialsVariants) { + const std::string file_name = + "KhronosSampleModels/DragonAttenuation/glTF/DragonAttenuation.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene = ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterialsVariants(), 2); + EncodeSceneToGltfAndCompare(scene.get()); +} + +// Tests encoding of draco::Scene to glTF with various mesh feature ID sets and +// structural metadata property table. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeSceneWithMeshFeaturesWithStructuralMetadata) { + const std::string file_name = "BoxMeta/glTF/BoxMeta.gltf"; + constexpr bool kHasMeshFeatures = true; + constexpr bool kHasStructuralMetadata = true; + constexpr bool kHasDracoCompression = false; + + // Read test file from file. + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Encode the scene to glTF and decode it back to draco::Scene and check. + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, &scene_from_gltf); + ASSERT_NE(scene_from_gltf, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*scene_from_gltf, + kHasDracoCompression); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(*scene_from_gltf); +} + +// Tests encoding of draco::Scene with Draco compression to glTF with various +// mesh feature ID sets. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeSceneWithMeshFeaturesWithDracoCompression) { + const std::string file_name = "BoxMetaDraco/glTF/BoxMetaDraco.gltf"; + constexpr bool kHasMeshFeatures = true; + constexpr bool kHasStructuralMetadata = false; + constexpr bool kHasDracoCompression = true; + + // Read test file from file. + const std::unique_ptr scene(DecodeTestGltfFileToScene(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Encode the scene to glTF and decode it back to draco::Scene and check. + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + SceneToDecodedGltfScene(*scene, &scene_from_gltf); + ASSERT_NE(scene_from_gltf, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*scene_from_gltf, + kHasDracoCompression); +} + +// Tests encoding of draco::Mesh to glTF with various mesh feature ID sets and +// structural metadata property table. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeMeshWithMeshFeaturesWithStructuralMetadata) { + const std::string file_name = "BoxMeta/glTF/BoxMeta.gltf"; + constexpr bool kHasDracoCompression = false; + + // Read test file from file. + const std::unique_ptr mesh(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Encode the scene to glTF and decode it back to draco::Mesh and check. + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_from_gltf, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*mesh_from_gltf, + kHasDracoCompression); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(*mesh_from_gltf); +} + +// Tests encoding of draco::Mesh with Draco compression to glTF with various +// mesh feature ID sets. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeMeshWithMeshFeaturesWithDracoCompression) { + constexpr bool kHasDracoCompression = true; + const std::string file_name = "BoxMetaDraco/glTF/BoxMetaDraco.gltf"; + + // Read test file from file. + const std::unique_ptr mesh(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Encode the scene to glTF and decode it back to draco::Mesh and check. + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_from_gltf, nullptr); + GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(*mesh_from_gltf, + kHasDracoCompression); +} + +// Tests encoding of draco::Mesh with mesh features associated with different +// mesh primitives. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodeMeshWithMeshFeaturesWithMultiplePrimitives) { + const std::string file_name = "BoxesMeta/glTF/BoxesMeta.gltf"; + + // Read test file from file. + const std::unique_ptr mesh(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + // All mesh features should share two textures. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); + + // Encode the scene to glTF and decode it back to draco::Mesh and check. + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_from_gltf, nullptr); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->NumMeshFeatures(), 5); + + // First two mesh features should be used by material 0 and the reamining by + // material 1. + for (draco::MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < 5; ++mfi) { + // Each mesh feature should be used by a single material. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi), 1); + if (mfi.value() < 2) { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, 0), 0); + } else { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, 0), 1); + } + } + // All mesh features should share two textures. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); + + // Ensure it still works correctly when we re-encode the source |mesh| as a + // scene. + std::unique_ptr scene_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfScene(*mesh, &scene_from_gltf); + ASSERT_NE(scene_from_gltf, nullptr); + + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_gltf->NumMeshes(), 2); + + // First mesh should have 2 mesh features and the other one 3 mesh features. + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_gltf->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)).NumMeshFeatures(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_gltf->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(1)).NumMeshFeatures(), 3); + + // All mesh features should share two textures. + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_gltf->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); +} + +// Tests encoding of draco::Mesh containing a point cloud and two materials. +TEST_F(GltfEncoderTest, EncodePointCloudWithMaterials) { + const std::string file_name = + "SphereTwoMaterials/sphere_two_materials_point_cloud.gltf"; + + // Read test file from file. + const std::unique_ptr mesh(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Input should have no faces. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 0); + + // There should be two materials + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + + // Encode the mesh to glTF and decode it back to draco::Mesh and check. + std::unique_ptr mesh_from_gltf; + MeshToDecodedGltfMesh(*mesh, &mesh_from_gltf); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_from_gltf, nullptr); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->num_faces(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_from_gltf->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_test_helper.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_test_helper.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13cce6f4ec --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_test_helper.cc @@ -0,0 +1,823 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/gltf_test_helper.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/metadata/property_table.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_library.h" + +namespace draco { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +void GltfTestHelper::AddBoxMetaMeshFeatures(Scene *scene) { + // Check the scene. + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + TextureLibrary &texture_library = scene->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(); + ASSERT_EQ(texture_library.NumTextures(), 0); + + // Check the mesh. + Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_faces(), 12); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_attributes(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_points(), 24); + + // Get mesh element counts. + const int num_faces = mesh.num_faces(); + const int num_corners = 3 * mesh.num_faces(); + const int num_vertices = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION)->size(); + + // Add feature ID set with per-face Uint8 attribute named _FEATURE_ID_0. + { + // Create feature ID attribute. + constexpr DataType kType = DataType::DT_UINT8; + std::unique_ptr pa(new PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, 1, kType, false, mesh.num_faces()); + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < num_faces; ++avi) { + const int8_t val = avi.value(); + pa->SetAttributeValue(avi, &val); + } + const int att_id = mesh.AddPerFaceAttribute(std::move(pa)); + std::unique_ptr metadata(new AttributeMetadata()); + metadata->AddEntryString("attribute_name", "_FEATURE_ID_0"); + mesh.AddAttributeMetadata(att_id, std::move(metadata)); + + // Add feature ID set to the mesh. + std::unique_ptr features(new MeshFeatures()); + features->SetLabel("faces"); + features->SetFeatureCount(num_faces); + features->SetNullFeatureId(100); + features->SetPropertyTableIndex(0); + features->SetAttributeIndex(0); + mesh.AddMeshFeatures(std::move(features)); + } + + // Add feature ID set with per-vertex Uint16 attribute named _FEATURE_ID_1. + { + // Create feature ID attribute. + constexpr DataType kType = DataType::DT_UINT16; + std::unique_ptr pa(new PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, 1, kType, false, num_vertices); + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < num_vertices; ++avi) { + const uint16_t val = avi.value(); + pa->SetAttributeValue(avi, &val); + } + const int att_id = mesh.AddPerVertexAttribute(std::move(pa)); + std::unique_ptr metadata(new AttributeMetadata()); + metadata->AddEntryString("attribute_name", "_FEATURE_ID_1"); + mesh.AddAttributeMetadata(att_id, std::move(metadata)); + + // Add feature ID set to the mesh. + std::unique_ptr features(new MeshFeatures()); + features->SetLabel("vertices"); + features->SetFeatureCount(num_vertices); + features->SetNullFeatureId(101); + features->SetPropertyTableIndex(1); + features->SetAttributeIndex(1); + mesh.AddMeshFeatures(std::move(features)); + } + + // Add feature ID set with per-corner Float attribute named _FEATURE_ID_2. + { + // Create feature ID attribute. + constexpr DataType kType = DataType::DT_FLOAT32; + std::unique_ptr pa(new PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, 1, kType, false, num_corners); + IndexTypeVector corner_to_value( + num_corners); + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < num_corners; ++avi) { + const float val = avi.value(); + pa->SetAttributeValue(avi, &val); + corner_to_value[CornerIndex(avi.value())] = avi; + } + const int att_id = + mesh.AddAttributeWithConnectivity(std::move(pa), corner_to_value); + std::unique_ptr metadata(new AttributeMetadata()); + metadata->AddEntryString("attribute_name", "_FEATURE_ID_2"); + mesh.AddAttributeMetadata(att_id, std::move(metadata)); + + // Add feature ID set to the mesh. + std::unique_ptr features(new MeshFeatures()); + features->SetFeatureCount(num_corners); + features->SetAttributeIndex(2); + mesh.AddMeshFeatures(std::move(features)); + } + + // Add feature ID set with the IDs stored in the R texture channel and + // accessible via the first texture coordinate attribute. + { + // Add the first texture coordinate attribute. + constexpr DataType kType = DataType::DT_FLOAT32; + std::unique_ptr pa(new PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, 2, kType, false, num_vertices); + std::vector> uv = { + {0.0000f, 0.0000f}, {0.0000f, 0.5000f}, {0.0000f, 1.0000f}, + {0.5000f, 0.0000f}, {0.5000f, 0.5000f}, {0.5000f, 1.0000f}, + {1.0000f, 0.0000f}, {1.0000f, 0.5000f}}; + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < num_vertices; ++avi) { + const int index = avi.value(); + pa->SetAttributeValue(avi, uv[index].data()); + } + mesh.AddPerVertexAttribute(std::move(pa)); + } + + // Add feature ID set with the IDs stored in the GBA texture channels and + // accessible via the second texture coordinate attribute. + { + // Add the second texture coordinate attribute. + constexpr DataType kType = DataType::DT_FLOAT32; + std::unique_ptr pa(new PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, 2, kType, false, num_vertices); + std::vector> uv = { + {0.0000f, 0.0000f}, {0.0000f, 0.5000f}, {0.0000f, 1.0000f}, + {0.5000f, 0.0000f}, {0.5000f, 0.5000f}, {0.5000f, 1.0000f}, + {1.0000f, 0.0000f}, {1.0000f, 0.5000f}}; + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < num_vertices; ++avi) { + const int index = avi.value(); + pa->SetAttributeValue(avi, uv[index].data()); + } + mesh.AddPerVertexAttribute(std::move(pa)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 2); + } +} + +void GltfTestHelper::AddBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(Scene *scene) { + // Add structural metadata property table schema in the following JSON: + // "schema": { + // "id": "galaxy", + // "classes": { + // "planet": { + // "properties": { + // "color": { + // "componentType": "UINT8", + // "description": "The RGB color.", + // "required": true, + // "type": "VEC3" + // }, + // "name": { + // "description": "The name.", + // "required": true, + // "type": "STRING" + // } + // "sequence": { + // "description": "The number sequence.", + // "required": false, + // "type": "SCALAR" + // } + // } + // } + // }, + // "enums": { + // "classifications": { + // "description": "Classifications of planets.", + // "name": "classifications", + // "values": [ + // { "name": "Unspecified", "value": 0 }, + // { "name": "Gas Giant", "value": 1 }, + // { "name": "Waterworld", "value": 2 }, + // { "name": "Agriworld", "value": 3 }, + // { "name": "Ordnance", "value": 4 } + // ] + // } + // } + // } + typedef PropertyTable::Schema::Object Object; + PropertyTable::Schema schema; + Object &json = schema.json; + json.SetObjects().emplace_back("id", "galaxy"); + json.SetObjects().emplace_back("classes"); + json.SetObjects().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("planet"); + Object &planet = json.SetObjects().back().SetObjects().back(); + planet.SetObjects().emplace_back("properties"); + Object &properties = planet.SetObjects().back(); + + properties.SetObjects().emplace_back("color"); + Object &color = properties.SetObjects().back(); + color.SetObjects().emplace_back("componentType", "UINT8"); + color.SetObjects().emplace_back("description", "The RGB color."); + color.SetObjects().emplace_back("required", true); + color.SetObjects().emplace_back("type", "VEC3"); + + properties.SetObjects().emplace_back("name"); + Object &name = properties.SetObjects().back(); + name.SetObjects().emplace_back("description", "The name."); + name.SetObjects().emplace_back("required", true); + name.SetObjects().emplace_back("type", "STRING"); + + properties.SetObjects().emplace_back("sequence"); + Object &sequence = properties.SetObjects().back(); + sequence.SetObjects().emplace_back("description", "The number sequence."); + sequence.SetObjects().emplace_back("required", false); + sequence.SetObjects().emplace_back("type", "SCALAR"); + + json.SetObjects().emplace_back("enums"); + json.SetObjects().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("classifications"); + Object &classifications = json.SetObjects().back().SetObjects().back(); + classifications.SetObjects().emplace_back("description", + "Classifications of planets."); + classifications.SetObjects().emplace_back("name", "classifications"); + classifications.SetObjects().emplace_back("values"); + Object &values = classifications.SetObjects().back(); + + values.SetArray().emplace_back(); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("name", "Unspecified"); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("value", 0); + + values.SetArray().emplace_back(); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("name", "Gas Giant"); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("value", 1); + + values.SetArray().emplace_back(); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("name", "Waterworld"); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("value", 2); + + values.SetArray().emplace_back(); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("name", "Agriworld"); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("value", 3); + + values.SetArray().emplace_back(); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("name", "Ordnance"); + values.SetArray().back().SetObjects().emplace_back("value", 4); + + // Add property table schema to the scene. + scene->GetStructuralMetadata().SetPropertyTableSchema(schema); + + // Add structural metadata property table. + std::unique_ptr table(new PropertyTable()); + table->SetName("Galaxy far far away."); + table->SetClass("planet"); + table->SetCount(16); + + // Add property describing RGB color components of the planet class. + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("color"); + property->GetData().target = 34962; // ARRAY_BUFFER. + property->GetData().data = {94, 94, 194, // Tatooine + 94, 145, 161, // Corusant + 118, 171, 91, // Naboo + 103, 139, 178, // Alderaan + 83, 98, 154, // Dagobah + 91, 177, 175, // Mandalore + 190, 92, 108, // Corellia + 72, 69, 169, // Kamino + 154, 90, 101, // Kashyyyk + 174, 85, 175, // Dantooine + 184, 129, 96, // Hoth + 185, 91, 180, // Mustafar + 194, 150, 83, // Bespin + 204, 111, 134, // Yavin + 182, 90, 89, // Geonosis + 0, 0, 0}; // UNLABELED + table->AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + + // Add property that describes names of the planet class. + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("name"); + property->GetData().target = 34963; // ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. + const std::string data = + "named_class:Tatooine" + "named_class:Corusant" + "named_class:Naboo" + "named_class:Alderaan" + "named_class:Dagobah" + "named_class:Mandalore" + "named_class:Corellia" + "named_class:Kamino" + "named_class:Kashyyyk" + "named_class:Dantooine" + "named_class:Hoth" + "named_class:Mustafar" + "named_class:Bespin" + "named_class:Yavin" + "named_class:Geonosis" + "UNLABELED"; + property->GetData().data.assign(data.begin(), data.end()); + property->GetStringOffsets().type = "UINT32"; + property->GetStringOffsets().data.target = 34963; // ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. + property->GetStringOffsets().data.data = {0, 0, 0, 0, // Tatooine + 20, 0, 0, 0, // Corusant + 40, 0, 0, 0, // Naboo + 57, 0, 0, 0, // Alderaan + 77, 0, 0, 0, // Dagobah + 96, 0, 0, 0, // Mandalore + 117, 0, 0, 0, // Corellia + 137, 0, 0, 0, // Kamino + 155, 0, 0, 0, // Kashyyyk + 175, 0, 0, 0, // Dantooine + 196, 0, 0, 0, // Hoth + 212, 0, 0, 0, // Mustafar + 232, 0, 0, 0, // Bespin + 250, 0, 0, 0, // Yavin + 12, 1, 0, 0, // Geonosis + 32, 1, 0, 0, // UNLABELED + 41, 1, 0, 0}; + table->AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + + // Add property that contains variable-length number sequence of the planet + // class. + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("sequence"); + property->GetData().target = 34963; // ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. + const std::vector data = { + 0.5f, 1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f, 4.5f, 5.5f, // Tatooine + 6.5f, 7.5f, // Corusant + 8.5f, // Naboo + 9.5f, // Alderaan + 10.5f, 11.5f, // Dagobah + 12.5f, 13.5f, 14.5f, 15.5f, // Mandalore + 16.5f, 17.5f, // Corellia + 18.5f, 19.5f, // Kamino + 20.5f, 21.5f, 22.5f, // Kashyyyk + 23.5f, 24.5f, 25.5f, // Dantooine + 26.5f, 27.5f, // Hoth + 28.5f, 29.5f, // Mustafar + 30.5f, 31.5f, 32.5f, // Bespin + 33.5f, 34.5f, 35.5f, // Yavin + 36.5f, 37.5f, 38.5f, 39.5f, 40.5f // Geonosis + }; // UNLABELED (empty array). + property->GetData().data.resize(4 * data.size()); + memcpy(property->GetData().data.data(), data.data(), 4 * data.size()); + property->GetArrayOffsets().type = "UINT8"; + property->GetArrayOffsets().data.target = 34963; // ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. + property->GetArrayOffsets().data.data = { + 0 * 4, // Tatooine + 6 * 4, // Corusant + 8 * 4, // Naboo + 9 * 4, // Alderaan + 10 * 4, // Dagobah + 12 * 4, // Mandalore + 16 * 4, // Corellia + 18 * 4, // Kamino + 20 * 4, // Kashyyyk + 23 * 4, // Dantooine + 26 * 4, // Hoth + 28 * 4, // Mustafar + 30 * 4, // Bespin + 33 * 4, // Yavin + 36 * 4, // Geonosis + 41 * 4, // UNLABELED (empty array). + 41 * 4}; + table->AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + + // Add property table to the scene. + scene->GetStructuralMetadata().AddPropertyTable(std::move(table)); +} + +template <> +void GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(const Mesh &geometry, + bool has_draco_compression) { + CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(geometry, geometry.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(), + has_draco_compression); +} + +template <> +void GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(const Scene &geometry, + bool has_draco_compression) { + ASSERT_EQ(geometry.NumMeshes(), 1); + CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(geometry.GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)), + geometry.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(), + has_draco_compression); +} + +void GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(const Mesh &mesh, + const TextureLibrary &texture_lib, + bool has_draco_compression) { + // Check texture library. + ASSERT_EQ(texture_lib.NumTextures(), 2); + + // Check basic mesh properties. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumMeshFeatures(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_faces(), 12); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_attributes(), 7); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.num_points(), 36); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), 2); + + // Get mesh element counts. + const int num_faces = mesh.num_faces(); + const int num_corners = 3 * mesh.num_faces(); + const int num_vertices = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION)->size(); + + // Check mesh feature ID set at index 0. + { + // Check mesh features. + const MeshFeatures &features = mesh.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetLabel(), "faces"); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetFeatureCount(), num_faces); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetNullFeatureId(), 100); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetPropertyTableIndex(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetAttributeIndex(), 0); + ASSERT_TRUE(features.GetTextureChannels().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetTextureMap().texture(), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetTextureMap().tex_coord_index(), -1); + + // Check per-face Uint8 attribute named _FEATURE_ID_0. + const int att_id = + mesh.GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry("attribute_name", "_FEATURE_ID_0"); + auto att = mesh.GetAttributeByUniqueId(att_id); + ASSERT_NE(att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(att->attribute_type(), GeometryAttribute::GENERIC); + ASSERT_EQ(att->data_type(), DataType::DT_UINT8); + ASSERT_EQ(att->num_components(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(att->size(), num_faces); + ASSERT_EQ(att->indices_map_size(), num_corners); + + // Check that the values are all the numbers from 0 to 12. + const std::vector expected_values = + has_draco_compression + ? std::vector{7, 11, 10, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 0} + : std::vector{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}; + for (int i = 0; i < num_faces; i++) { + uint8_t val; + att->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(i), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, expected_values[i]); + } + + // Check that the corners of each face have a common value. + for (int i = 0; i < num_faces; i++) { + const auto face = mesh.face(FaceIndex(i)); + ASSERT_EQ(*att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[0]), + *att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[1])); + ASSERT_EQ(*att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[0]), + *att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[2])); + } + } + + // Check the 2nd mesh feature ID set at index 1. + { + // Check mesh features. + const MeshFeatures &features = mesh.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetLabel(), "vertices"); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetFeatureCount(), num_vertices); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetNullFeatureId(), 101); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetPropertyTableIndex(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetAttributeIndex(), 1); + ASSERT_TRUE(features.GetTextureChannels().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetTextureMap().texture(), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetTextureMap().tex_coord_index(), -1); + + // Check per-vertex Uint16 attribute named _FEATURE_ID_1. + const int att_id = + mesh.GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry("attribute_name", "_FEATURE_ID_1"); + auto att = mesh.GetAttributeByUniqueId(att_id); + ASSERT_NE(att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(att->attribute_type(), GeometryAttribute::GENERIC); + ASSERT_EQ(att->data_type(), DataType::DT_UINT16); + ASSERT_EQ(att->num_components(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(att->size(), num_vertices); + ASSERT_EQ(att->indices_map_size(), num_corners); + + // Check that the values are all the numbers from 0 to 7. + const std::vector expected_values = + has_draco_compression ? std::vector{3, 6, 7, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2} + : std::vector{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; + for (int i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { + uint16_t val; + att->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(i), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, expected_values[i]); + } + + // Check that the corners of a face have unique values. + for (int i = 0; i < num_faces; i++) { + const auto face = mesh.face(FaceIndex(i)); + ASSERT_NE(*att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[0]), + *att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[1])); + ASSERT_NE(*att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[1]), + *att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[2])); + ASSERT_NE(*att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[2]), + *att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[0])); + } + } + + // Check the 3rd mesh feature ID set at index 2. + { + // Check mesh features. + const MeshFeatures &features = mesh.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(2)); + ASSERT_TRUE(features.GetLabel().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetFeatureCount(), num_corners); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetNullFeatureId(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetPropertyTableIndex(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetAttributeIndex(), 2); + ASSERT_TRUE(features.GetTextureChannels().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetTextureMap().texture(), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetTextureMap().tex_coord_index(), -1); + + // Check per-corner Float attribute named _FEATURE_ID_2. + const int att_id = + mesh.GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry("attribute_name", "_FEATURE_ID_2"); + auto att = mesh.GetAttributeByUniqueId(att_id); + ASSERT_NE(att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(att->attribute_type(), GeometryAttribute::GENERIC); + ASSERT_EQ(att->data_type(), DataType::DT_FLOAT32); + ASSERT_EQ(att->num_components(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(att->size(), num_corners); + ASSERT_EQ(att->indices_map_size(), 0); + ASSERT_TRUE(att->is_mapping_identity()); + + // Check that the values are from 0 to 35. + const std::vector expected_values = + has_draco_compression + ? std::vector{23, 21, 22, 33, 34, 35, 31, 32, 30, 9, 10, 11, + 7, 8, 6, 15, 16, 17, 14, 12, 13, 5, 3, 4, + 19, 20, 18, 27, 28, 29, 26, 24, 25, 1, 2, 0} + : std::vector{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, + 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, + 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, + 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35}; + for (int i = 0; i < num_corners; i++) { + float val; + att->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(i), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, expected_values[i]); + } + + // Check that the corners have unique values. + for (int i = 0; i < num_faces; i++) { + const auto face = mesh.face(FaceIndex(i)); + float v0, v1, v2; + att->GetMappedValue(face[0], &v0); + att->GetMappedValue(face[1], &v1); + att->GetMappedValue(face[2], &v2); + ASSERT_EQ(v0, expected_values[3 * i + 0]); + ASSERT_EQ(v1, expected_values[3 * i + 1]); + ASSERT_EQ(v2, expected_values[3 * i + 2]); + } + } + + // Check mesh feature ID set at index 3. + { + // Check mesh features. + const MeshFeatures &features = mesh.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(3)); + ASSERT_TRUE(features.GetLabel().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetFeatureCount(), 6); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetNullFeatureId(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetPropertyTableIndex(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetAttributeIndex(), -1); + } + + // Check mesh feature ID set at index 4. + { + // Check mesh features. + const MeshFeatures &features = mesh.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(4)); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetLabel(), "water"); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetFeatureCount(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetNullFeatureId(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetPropertyTableIndex(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(features.GetAttributeIndex(), -1); + } +} + +void GltfTestHelper::CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata( + const StructuralMetadata &structural_metadata) { + // Check property table schema. + { + const PropertyTable::Schema &schema = + structural_metadata.GetPropertyTableSchema(); + ASSERT_FALSE(schema.Empty()); + const PropertyTable::Schema::Object &json = schema.json; + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects().size(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "classes"); + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects()[0].GetObjects().size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects()[0].GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "planet"); + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects()[0].GetObjects()[0].GetObjects().size(), 1); + + const auto &properties = + json.GetObjects()[0].GetObjects()[0].GetObjects()[0]; + ASSERT_EQ(properties.GetName(), "properties"); + ASSERT_EQ(properties.GetObjects().size(), 3); + + const auto &color = properties.GetObjects()[0]; + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetName(), "color"); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects().size(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "componentType"); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "description"); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects()[2].GetName(), "required"); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects()[3].GetName(), "type"); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "UINT8"); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects()[1].GetString(), "The RGB color."); + ASSERT_TRUE(color.GetObjects()[2].GetBoolean()); + ASSERT_EQ(color.GetObjects()[3].GetString(), "VEC3"); + + const auto &name = properties.GetObjects()[1]; + ASSERT_EQ(name.GetName(), "name"); + ASSERT_EQ(name.GetObjects().size(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(name.GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "description"); + ASSERT_EQ(name.GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "required"); + ASSERT_EQ(name.GetObjects()[2].GetName(), "type"); + ASSERT_EQ(name.GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "The name."); + ASSERT_TRUE(name.GetObjects()[1].GetBoolean()); + ASSERT_EQ(name.GetObjects()[2].GetString(), "STRING"); + + const auto &sequence = properties.GetObjects()[2]; + ASSERT_EQ(sequence.GetName(), "sequence"); + ASSERT_EQ(sequence.GetObjects().size(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(sequence.GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "description"); + ASSERT_EQ(sequence.GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "required"); + ASSERT_EQ(sequence.GetObjects()[2].GetName(), "type"); + ASSERT_EQ(sequence.GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "The number sequence."); + ASSERT_FALSE(sequence.GetObjects()[1].GetBoolean()); + ASSERT_EQ(sequence.GetObjects()[2].GetString(), "SCALAR"); + + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "enums"); + const auto &classifications = json.GetObjects()[1].GetObjects()[0]; + ASSERT_EQ(classifications.GetName(), "classifications"); + ASSERT_EQ(classifications.GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "description"); + ASSERT_EQ(classifications.GetObjects()[0].GetString(), + "Classifications of planets."); + ASSERT_EQ(classifications.GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "name"); + ASSERT_EQ(classifications.GetObjects()[1].GetString(), "classifications"); + ASSERT_EQ(classifications.GetObjects()[2].GetName(), "values"); + const auto &values = classifications.GetObjects()[2]; + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[0].GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "name"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[1].GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "name"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[2].GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "name"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[3].GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "name"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[4].GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "name"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[0].GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "Unspecified"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[1].GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "Gas Giant"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[2].GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "Waterworld"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[3].GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "Agriworld"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[4].GetObjects()[0].GetString(), "Ordnance"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[0].GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "value"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[1].GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "value"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[2].GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "value"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[3].GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "value"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[4].GetObjects()[1].GetName(), "value"); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[0].GetObjects()[1].GetInteger(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[1].GetObjects()[1].GetInteger(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[2].GetObjects()[1].GetInteger(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[3].GetObjects()[1].GetInteger(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(values.GetArray()[4].GetObjects()[1].GetInteger(), 4); + + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects()[2].GetName(), "id"); + ASSERT_EQ(json.GetObjects()[2].GetString(), "galaxy"); + } + + // Check property table. + constexpr int kRows = 16; + ASSERT_EQ(structural_metadata.NumPropertyTables(), 1); + const PropertyTable &table = structural_metadata.GetPropertyTable(0); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetName(), "Galaxy far far away."); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetClass(), "planet"); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetCount(), kRows); + ASSERT_EQ(table.NumProperties(), 3); + + // Check property that describes RGB color components of the planet class. + { + const PropertyTable::Property &property = table.GetProperty(0); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetName(), "color"); + + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data.size(), kRows * 3); // RGB components. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().target, 34962); // ARRAY_BUFFER. + + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[0], 94); // Tatooine [94, 94, 194]. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[1], 94); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[2], 194); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[18], 190); // Corellia [190, 92, 108]. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[19], 92); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[20], 108); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[45], 0); // UNLABELED [0, 0, 0]. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[46], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[47], 0); + + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetArrayOffsets().type.empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetArrayOffsets().data.data.empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetArrayOffsets().data.target, 0); + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetStringOffsets().type.empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetStringOffsets().data.data.empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetStringOffsets().data.target, 0); + } + + // Check property that describes names of the planet class. + { + const PropertyTable::Property &property = table.GetProperty(1); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetName(), "name"); + const std::vector &data = property.GetData().data; + const std::vector &offsets = property.GetStringOffsets().data.data; + + ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 296); // Concatenated label strings. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().target, 34963); // ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. + + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetStringOffsets().type, "UINT32"); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets.size(), 4 * (kRows + 1)); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetStringOffsets().data.target, 34963); + + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[0], 0); // Tatooine 0. + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[1], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[2], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[3], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[60], 32); // UNLABELED 287. + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[61], 1); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[62], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[63], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[64], 41); // Beyond UNLABELED 296. + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[65], 1); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[66], 0); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[67], 0); + + struct Name { + static std::string Extract(const std::vector &data, + const std::vector &offsets, int row) { + const int b = offsets[4 * (row + 0)] + 255 * offsets[4 * (row + 0) + 1]; + const int e = offsets[4 * (row + 1)] + 255 * offsets[4 * (row + 1) + 1]; + return std::string(data.begin() + b, data.begin() + e); + } + }; + + // Check that the names can be extracted from the data. + ASSERT_EQ(Name::Extract(data, offsets, 0), "named_class:Tatooine"); + ASSERT_EQ(Name::Extract(data, offsets, 6), "named_class:Corellia"); + ASSERT_EQ(Name::Extract(data, offsets, 15), "UNLABELED"); + + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetArrayOffsets().type.empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetArrayOffsets().data.data.empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetArrayOffsets().data.target, 0); + } + + // Check property that describes number sequence of the planet class. + { + const PropertyTable::Property &property = table.GetProperty(2); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetName(), "sequence"); + const std::vector &data = property.GetData().data; + const std::vector &offsets = property.GetArrayOffsets().data.data; + + ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 41 * 4); // Concatenated float arrays. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().target, 34963); // ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. + + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetArrayOffsets().type, "UINT8"); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets.size(), 20); // kRows + 1 + padding. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetArrayOffsets().data.target, 34963); + + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[0], 0 * 4); // Tatooine + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[1], 6 * 4); // Corusant + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[6], 16 * 4); // Corellia + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[14], 36 * 4); // Geonosis + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[15], 41 * 4); // UNLABELED (empty array). + ASSERT_EQ(offsets[16], 41 * 4); // Beyond UNLABELED (empty array). + + struct Sequence { + static std::vector Extract(const std::vector &data, + const std::vector &offsets, + int row) { + const int n = (offsets[row + 1] - offsets[row]) / 4; + std::vector result; + result.reserve(n); + for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + const void *const pointer = &data[offsets[row] + 4 * i]; + result.push_back(*static_cast(pointer)); + } + return result; + } + }; + + // Check that the number sequence arrays can be extracted from the data. + ASSERT_EQ( + Sequence::Extract(data, offsets, 0), + (std::vector{0.5f, 1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f, 4.5f, 5.5f})); // Tatooine + ASSERT_EQ(Sequence::Extract(data, offsets, 1), + (std::vector{6.5f, 7.5f})); // Corusant + ASSERT_EQ( + Sequence::Extract(data, offsets, 14), + (std::vector{36.5f, 37.5f, 38.5f, 39.5f, 40.5f})); // Geonosis + ASSERT_TRUE(Sequence::Extract(data, offsets, 15) + .empty()); // UNLABELED (empty array). + + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetStringOffsets().type.empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetStringOffsets().data.data.empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetStringOffsets().data.target, 0); + } +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_test_helper.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_test_helper.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91aec9b081 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_test_helper.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_GLTF_DECODER_TEST_HELPER_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_GLTF_DECODER_TEST_HELPER_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Helper class for testing Draco glTF encoder and decoder. +class GltfTestHelper { + public: + // Adds various mesh feature ID sets (via attributes and via textures) and + // structural metadata property table and property table schema to the box + // |scene| loaded from the test file testdata/Box/glTF/Box.gltf. + static void AddBoxMetaMeshFeatures(Scene *scene); + static void AddBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(Scene *scene); + + // Checks the box |geometry| (draco::Mesh or draco::Scene) with mesh features + // loaded from one of these test files, with or without Draco compression: + // 1. testdata/BoxMeta/glTF/BoxMeta.gltf + // 2. testdata/BoxMetaDraco/glTF/BoxMetaDraco.gltf + template + static void CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(const GeometryT &geometry, + bool has_draco_compression); + + // Checks the box |geometry| (draco::Mesh or draco::Scene) with structural + // metadata that includes property table and property table schema loaded from + // test file testdata/BoxMeta/glTF/BoxMeta.gltf. + template + static void CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(const GeometryT &geometry) { + CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata(geometry.GetStructuralMetadata()); + } + + private: + static void CheckBoxMetaMeshFeatures(const Mesh &mesh, + const TextureLibrary &texture_lib, + bool has_draco_compression); + static void CheckBoxMetaStructuralMetadata( + const StructuralMetadata &structural_metadata); +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_GLTF_DECODER_TEST_HELPER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf5c048ef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils.cc @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/gltf_utils.h" + +#include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +namespace draco { + +std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GltfValue &value) { + if (value.type_ == GltfValue::INT) { + os << value.value_int_; + } else { + os << value.value_double_; + } + return os; +} + +Indent::Indent() : indent_space_count_(2) {} + +void Indent::Increase() { indent_ += std::string(indent_space_count_, ' '); } + +void Indent::Decrease() { indent_.erase(0, indent_space_count_); } + +std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Indent &indent) { + return os << indent.indent_; +} + +std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, + const JsonWriter::IndentWrapper &indent) { + if (indent.writer.mode_ == JsonWriter::READABLE) { + os << indent.writer.indent_writer_; + } + return os; +} + +std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, + const JsonWriter::Separator &separator) { + if (separator.writer.mode_ == JsonWriter::READABLE) { + os << " "; + } + return os; +} + +void JsonWriter::Reset() { + last_type_ = START; + o_.clear(); + o_.str(""); +} + +void JsonWriter::BeginObject() { BeginObject(""); } + +void JsonWriter::BeginObject(const std::string &name) { + FinishPreviousLine(BEGIN); + o_ << indent_; + if (!name.empty()) { + o_ << "\"" << name << "\":" << separator_; + } + o_ << "{"; + indent_writer_.Increase(); +} + +void JsonWriter::EndObject() { + FinishPreviousLine(END); + indent_writer_.Decrease(); + o_ << indent_ << "}"; +} + +void JsonWriter::BeginArray(const std::string &name) { + FinishPreviousLine(BEGIN); + o_ << indent_ << "\"" << name << "\":" << separator_ << "["; + indent_writer_.Increase(); +} + +void JsonWriter::EndArray() { + FinishPreviousLine(END); + indent_writer_.Decrease(); + o_ << indent_ << "]"; +} + +void JsonWriter::FinishPreviousLine(OutputType curr_type) { + if (last_type_ != START) { + if ((last_type_ == VALUE && curr_type == VALUE) || + (last_type_ == VALUE && curr_type == BEGIN) || + (last_type_ == END && curr_type == BEGIN) || + (last_type_ == END && curr_type == VALUE)) { + o_ << ","; + } + if (mode_ == READABLE) { + o_ << std::endl; + } + } + last_type_ = curr_type; +} + +std::string JsonWriter::MoveData() { + const std::string str = o_.str(); + o_.str(""); + return str; +} + +std::string JsonWriter::EscapeCharacter(const std::string &str, + const char character) { + size_t start = 0; + if ((start = str.find(character, start)) != std::string::npos) { + std::string s = str; + std::string escaped_character = "\\"; + escaped_character += character; + do { + s.replace(start, 1, escaped_character); + start += escaped_character.length(); + } while ((start = s.find(character, start)) != std::string::npos); + return s; + } + return str; +} + +std::string JsonWriter::EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(const std::string &str) { + std::string s = str; + const char backspace = '\b'; + const char form_feed = '\f'; + const char newline = '\n'; + const char carriage_return = '\r'; + const char tab = '\t'; + const char double_quote = '\"'; + const char backslash = '\\'; + + // Backslash must come first. + s = EscapeCharacter(s, backslash); + s = EscapeCharacter(s, backspace); + s = EscapeCharacter(s, form_feed); + s = EscapeCharacter(s, newline); + s = EscapeCharacter(s, carriage_return); + s = EscapeCharacter(s, tab); + s = EscapeCharacter(s, double_quote); + return s; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2cf12fdc75 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_GLTF_UTILS_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_GLTF_UTILS_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include + +namespace draco { + +// Class used to store integer or float values supported by glTF. +class GltfValue { + public: + enum ValueType { INT, DOUBLE }; + + explicit GltfValue(int8_t value) + : type_(INT), value_int_(value), value_double_(-1.0) {} + + explicit GltfValue(uint8_t value) + : type_(INT), value_int_(value), value_double_(-1.0) {} + + explicit GltfValue(int16_t value) + : type_(INT), value_int_(value), value_double_(-1.0) {} + + explicit GltfValue(uint16_t value) + : type_(INT), value_int_(value), value_double_(-1.0) {} + + explicit GltfValue(uint32_t value) + : type_(INT), value_int_(value), value_double_(-1.0) {} + + explicit GltfValue(float value) + : type_(DOUBLE), value_int_(-1), value_double_(value) {} + + friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GltfValue &value); + + private: + ValueType type_; + int64_t value_int_; + double value_double_; +}; + +// Utility class used to help with indentation of glTF file. +class Indent { + public: + Indent(); + + void Increase(); + void Decrease(); + + friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Indent &indent); + + private: + // Variables used for spacing of the glTF file. + std::string indent_; + const int indent_space_count_; +}; + +// Class used to keep track of the json state. +class JsonWriter { + public: + enum OutputType { START, BEGIN, END, VALUE }; + enum Mode { READABLE, COMPACT }; + + JsonWriter() + : last_type_(START), mode_(READABLE), indent_(*this), separator_(*this) {} + void SetMode(Mode mode) { mode_ = mode; } + + // Clear the stringstream and set last type to START. + void Reset(); + + // Every call to BeginObject should have a matching call to EndObject. + void BeginObject(); + void BeginObject(const std::string &name); + void EndObject(); + + // Every call to BeginArray should have a matching call to EndArray. + void BeginArray(const std::string &name); + void EndArray(); + + template + void OutputValue(const T &value) { + FinishPreviousLine(VALUE); + o_ << indent_ << std::setprecision(17) << value; + } + + void OutputValue(const bool &value) { + FinishPreviousLine(VALUE); + o_ << indent_ << ToString(value); + } + + void OutputValue(const std::string &name) { + const std::string escaped_name = EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(name); + FinishPreviousLine(VALUE); + o_ << indent_ << "\"" << escaped_name << "\""; + } + + void OutputValue(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) { + const std::string escaped_name = EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(name); + const std::string escaped_value = EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(value); + FinishPreviousLine(VALUE); + o_ << indent_ << "\"" << escaped_name << "\":" << separator_ << "\"" + << escaped_value << "\""; + } + + void OutputValue(const std::string &name, const char *value) { + const std::string escaped_name = EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(name); + const std::string escaped_value = EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(value); + FinishPreviousLine(VALUE); + o_ << indent_ << "\"" << escaped_name << "\":" << separator_ << "\"" + << escaped_value << "\""; + } + + template + void OutputValue(const std::string &name, const T &value) { + const std::string escaped_name = EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(name); + FinishPreviousLine(VALUE); + o_ << indent_ << "\"" << escaped_name << "\":" << separator_ << value; + } + + void OutputValue(const std::string &name, const bool &value) { + const std::string escaped_name = EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(name); + FinishPreviousLine(VALUE); + o_ << indent_ << "\"" << escaped_name << "\":" << separator_ + << ToString(value); + } + + // Return the current output and then clear the stringstream. + std::string MoveData(); + + private: + // Check if a comma needs to be added to the output and then add a new line. + void FinishPreviousLine(OutputType curr_type); + + // Returns a string escaping all instances of |character| in |str|. + std::string EscapeCharacter(const std::string &str, const char character); + + // Returns a string escaping all of the Json special characters in |str|. + // Carriage return is not handled. + std::string EscapeJsonSpecialCharacters(const std::string &str); + + // Returns string representation of a Boolean |value|. + static std::string ToString(bool value) { return value ? "true" : "false"; } + + // Helper struct used for conditional indent writing to the output stream. + struct IndentWrapper { + explicit IndentWrapper(const JsonWriter &writer) : writer(writer) {} + const JsonWriter &writer; + }; + friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, + const IndentWrapper &indent); + + // Helper struct used for conditional separator writing to the output stream. + struct Separator { + explicit Separator(const JsonWriter &writer) : writer(writer) {} + const JsonWriter &writer; + }; + friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Separator &separator); + + std::stringstream o_; + Indent indent_writer_; + OutputType last_type_; + Mode mode_; + IndentWrapper indent_; + Separator separator_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_GLTF_UTILS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01a2d144c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/gltf_utils_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/gltf_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +class GltfUtilsTest : public ::testing::Test { + protected: + void CompareGolden(JsonWriter *json_writer, const std::string &golden_str) { + const std::string json = json_writer->MoveData(); + ASSERT_EQ(golden_str, json); + } +}; + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestNoData) { + const std::string golden = ""; + JsonWriter json_writer; + CompareGolden(&json_writer, golden); +} + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestValues) { + JsonWriter json_writer; + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "0"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(1); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "1"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(-1); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "-1"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(0.0); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "0"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(1.0); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "1"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(0.25); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "0.25"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(-0.25); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "-0.25"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(false); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "false"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue(true); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "true"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue("test int", -1); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test int\": -1"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue("test float", -10.25); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test float\": -10.25"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue("test char*", "I am the string!"); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test char*\": \"I am the string!\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const std::string value = "I am the string!"; + json_writer.OutputValue("test string", value); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test string\": \"I am the string!\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue("test bool", false); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test bool\": false"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.OutputValue("test bool", true); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test bool\": true"); +} + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestSpecialCharacters) { + JsonWriter json_writer; + const std::string test_double_quote = "I am double quote\""; + json_writer.OutputValue("test double quote", test_double_quote); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, + "\"test double quote\": \"I am double quote\\\"\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const std::string test_backspace = "I am backspace\b"; + json_writer.OutputValue("test backspace", test_backspace); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test backspace\": \"I am backspace\\\b\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const std::string test_form_feed = "I am form feed\f"; + json_writer.OutputValue("test form feed", test_form_feed); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test form feed\": \"I am form feed\\\f\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const std::string test_newline = "I am newline\n"; + json_writer.OutputValue("test newline", test_newline); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test newline\": \"I am newline\\\n\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const std::string test_tab = "I am tab\t"; + json_writer.OutputValue("test tab", test_tab); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test tab\": \"I am tab\\\t\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const std::string test_backslash = "I am backslash\\"; + json_writer.OutputValue("test backslash", test_backslash); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"test backslash\": \"I am backslash\\\\\""); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const std::string test_multiple_special_characters = "\"break\"and\\more\"\\"; + json_writer.OutputValue("test multiple_special_characters", + test_multiple_special_characters); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, + "\"test multiple_special_characters\": " + "\"\\\"break\\\"and\\\\more\\\"\\\\\""); +} + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestObjects) { + JsonWriter json_writer; + json_writer.BeginObject(); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "{\n}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object\": {\n}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object\": {\n 0\n}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.OutputValue(1); + json_writer.OutputValue(2); + json_writer.OutputValue(3); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object\": {\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object1"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object2"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object1\": {\n},\n\"object2\": {\n}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object1"); + json_writer.BeginObject("object2"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object1\": {\n \"object2\": {\n }\n}"); +} + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestArrays) { + JsonWriter json_writer; + json_writer.BeginArray("array"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array\": [\n]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array\": [\n 0\n]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.OutputValue(1); + json_writer.OutputValue(2); + json_writer.OutputValue(3); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array\": [\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array1"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array2"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array1\": [\n],\n\"array2\": [\n]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array1"); + json_writer.BeginArray("array2"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array1\": [\n \"array2\": [\n ]\n]"); +} + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestGltfValues) { + JsonWriter json_writer; + const int8_t int8_value_min = std::numeric_limits::min(); + const int8_t int8_value_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + const GltfValue int8_value_low(int8_value_min); + const GltfValue int8_value_high(int8_value_max); + json_writer.OutputValue(int8_value_low); + json_writer.OutputValue(int8_value_high); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "-128,\n127"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const uint8_t uint8_value_min = std::numeric_limits::min(); + const uint8_t uint8_value_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + const GltfValue uint8_value_low(uint8_value_min); + const GltfValue uint8_value_high(uint8_value_max); + json_writer.OutputValue(uint8_value_low); + json_writer.OutputValue(uint8_value_high); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "0,\n255"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const int16_t int16_value_min = std::numeric_limits::min(); + const int16_t int16_value_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + const GltfValue int16_value_low(int16_value_min); + const GltfValue int16_value_high(int16_value_max); + json_writer.OutputValue(int16_value_low); + json_writer.OutputValue(int16_value_high); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "-32768,\n32767"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const uint16_t uint16_value_min = std::numeric_limits::min(); + const uint16_t uint16_value_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + const GltfValue uint16_value_low(uint16_value_min); + const GltfValue uint16_value_high(uint16_value_max); + json_writer.OutputValue(uint16_value_low); + json_writer.OutputValue(uint16_value_high); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "0,\n65535"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const uint32_t uint32_value_min = std::numeric_limits::min(); + const uint32_t uint32_value_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + const GltfValue uint32_value_low(uint32_value_min); + const GltfValue uint32_value_high(uint32_value_max); + json_writer.OutputValue(uint32_value_low); + json_writer.OutputValue(uint32_value_high); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "0,\n4294967295"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const float float_value_min = std::numeric_limits::min(); + const float float_value_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + const GltfValue float_value_low(float_value_min); + const GltfValue float_value_high(float_value_max); + json_writer.OutputValue(float_value_low); + json_writer.OutputValue(float_value_high); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, + "1.1754943508222875e-38,\n3.4028234663852886e+38"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + const GltfValue float_value_0(0.1f); + const GltfValue float_value_1(1.f); + json_writer.OutputValue(float_value_0); + json_writer.OutputValue(float_value_1); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "0.10000000149011612,\n1"); +} + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestObjectsCompact) { + JsonWriter json_writer; + json_writer.SetMode(JsonWriter::COMPACT); + json_writer.BeginObject(); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "{}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object\":{}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object\":{0}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.OutputValue(1); + json_writer.OutputValue(2); + json_writer.OutputValue(3); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object\":{0,1,2,3}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object1"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object2"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object1\":{},\"object2\":{}"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginObject("object1"); + json_writer.BeginObject("object2"); + json_writer.EndObject(); + json_writer.EndObject(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"object1\":{\"object2\":{}}"); +} + +TEST_F(GltfUtilsTest, TestArraysCompact) { + JsonWriter json_writer; + json_writer.SetMode(JsonWriter::COMPACT); + json_writer.BeginArray("array"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array\":[]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array\":[0]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array"); + json_writer.OutputValue(0); + json_writer.OutputValue(1); + json_writer.OutputValue(2); + json_writer.OutputValue(3); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array\":[0,1,2,3]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array1"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array2"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array1\":[],\"array2\":[]"); + + json_writer.Reset(); + json_writer.BeginArray("array1"); + json_writer.BeginArray("array2"); + json_writer.EndArray(); + json_writer.EndArray(); + CompareGolden(&json_writer, "\"array1\":[\"array2\":[]]"); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/image_compression_options.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/image_compression_options.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..722bdbd643 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/image_compression_options.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +namespace draco { + +// Enum defining image compression formats. +enum class ImageFormat { NONE, PNG, JPEG, BASIS, WEBP }; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/mesh_io.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/mesh_io.cc index e0dc69c6f5..4975d9236e 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/mesh_io.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/mesh_io.cc @@ -18,8 +18,18 @@ #include #include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/file_writer_interface.h" #include "draco/io/obj_decoder.h" #include "draco/io/ply_decoder.h" +#include "draco/io/stl_decoder.h" +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h" +#include "draco/compression/encode.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_decoder.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_encoder.h" +#include "draco/io/obj_encoder.h" +#include "draco/io/ply_encoder.h" +#endif namespace draco { @@ -46,27 +56,40 @@ StatusOr> ReadMeshFromFile( std::unique_ptr mesh(new Mesh()); // Analyze file extension. const std::string extension = LowercaseFileExtension(file_name); - if (extension != "gltf" && mesh_files) { - // The GLTF decoder will fill |mesh_files|, but for other file types we set - // the root file here to avoid duplicating code. + if (extension != "gltf" && extension != "obj" && mesh_files) { + // The GLTF/OBJ decoder will fill |mesh_files|, but for other file types we + // set the root file here to avoid duplicating code. mesh_files->push_back(file_name); } if (extension == "obj") { // Wavefront OBJ file format. ObjDecoder obj_decoder; obj_decoder.set_use_metadata(options.GetBool("use_metadata", false)); - const Status obj_status = obj_decoder.DecodeFromFile(file_name, mesh.get()); + obj_decoder.set_preserve_polygons(options.GetBool("preserve_polygons")); + const Status obj_status = + obj_decoder.DecodeFromFile(file_name, mesh.get(), mesh_files); if (!obj_status.ok()) { return obj_status; } return std::move(mesh); } if (extension == "ply") { - // Wavefront PLY file format. + // Stanford PLY file format. PlyDecoder ply_decoder; DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ply_decoder.DecodeFromFile(file_name, mesh.get())); return std::move(mesh); } + if (extension == "stl") { + // STL file format. + StlDecoder stl_decoder; + return stl_decoder.DecodeFromFile(file_name); + } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + if (extension == "gltf" || extension == "glb") { + GltfDecoder gltf_decoder; + return gltf_decoder.DecodeFromFile(file_name, mesh_files); + } +#endif // Otherwise not an obj file. Assume the file was encoded with one of the // draco encoding methods. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.cc index 9b4eab626a..c233c2b562 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.cc @@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ // #include "draco/io/obj_decoder.h" +#include #include #include +#include #include "draco/io/file_utils.h" #include "draco/io/parser_utils.h" @@ -36,15 +38,25 @@ ObjDecoder::ObjDecoder() norm_att_id_(-1), material_att_id_(-1), sub_obj_att_id_(-1), + added_edge_att_id_(-1), deduplicate_input_values_(true), last_material_id_(0), use_metadata_(false), + preserve_polygons_(false), + has_polygons_(false), + mesh_files_(nullptr), out_mesh_(nullptr), out_point_cloud_(nullptr) {} Status ObjDecoder::DecodeFromFile(const std::string &file_name, Mesh *out_mesh) { + return DecodeFromFile(file_name, out_mesh, nullptr); +} + +Status ObjDecoder::DecodeFromFile(const std::string &file_name, Mesh *out_mesh, + std::vector *mesh_files) { out_mesh_ = out_mesh; + mesh_files_ = mesh_files; return DecodeFromFile(file_name, static_cast(out_mesh)); } @@ -90,6 +102,10 @@ Status ObjDecoder::DecodeInternal() { return status; } + if (mesh_files_ && !input_file_name_.empty()) { + mesh_files_->push_back(input_file_name_); + } + bool use_identity_mapping = false; if (num_obj_faces_ == 0) { // Mesh has no faces. In this case we try to read the geometry as a point @@ -146,6 +162,24 @@ Status ObjDecoder::DecodeInternal() { norm_att_id_ = out_point_cloud_->AddAttribute(va, use_identity_mapping, num_normals_); } + if (preserve_polygons_ && has_polygons_) { + // Create attribute for polygon reconstruction. + GeometryAttribute va; + va.Init(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, nullptr, 1, DT_UINT8, false, 1, 0); + PointCloud *const pc = out_point_cloud_; + added_edge_att_id_ = pc->AddAttribute(va, false, 2); + + // Set attribute values to zero and one representing old edge and new edge. + for (const uint8_t i : {0, 1}) { + const AttributeValueIndex avi(i); + pc->attribute(added_edge_att_id_)->SetAttributeValue(avi, &i); + } + + // Add attribute metadata with name. + std::unique_ptr metadata(new draco::AttributeMetadata()); + metadata->AddEntryString("name", "added_edges"); + pc->AddAttributeMetadata(added_edge_att_id_, std::move(metadata)); + } if (num_materials_ > 0 && num_obj_faces_ > 0) { GeometryAttribute va; const auto geometry_attribute_type = GeometryAttribute::GENERIC; @@ -381,6 +415,7 @@ bool ObjDecoder::ParseTexCoord(Status *status) { } bool ObjDecoder::ParseFace(Status *status) { + constexpr int kMaxCorners = 8; char c; if (!buffer()->Peek(&c)) { return false; @@ -391,37 +426,35 @@ bool ObjDecoder::ParseFace(Status *status) { // Face definition found! buffer()->Advance(1); if (!counting_mode_) { - std::array indices[4]; - // Parse face indices (we try to look for up to four to support quads). + std::array indices[kMaxCorners]; + // Parse face indices. int num_valid_indices = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < kMaxCorners; ++i) { if (!ParseVertexIndices(&indices[i])) { - if (i == 3) { - break; // It's OK if there is no fourth vertex index. + if (i >= 3) { + break; // It's OK if there is no fourth or higher vertex index. } *status = Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed to parse vertex indices"); return true; } ++num_valid_indices; } - // Process the first face. - for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { - const PointIndex vert_id(3 * num_obj_faces_ + i); - MapPointToVertexIndices(vert_id, indices[i]); - } - ++num_obj_faces_; - if (num_valid_indices == 4) { - // Add an additional triangle for the quad. - // - // 3----2 - // | / | - // | / | - // 0----1 - // - const PointIndex vert_id(3 * num_obj_faces_); - MapPointToVertexIndices(vert_id, indices[0]); - MapPointToVertexIndices(vert_id + 1, indices[2]); - MapPointToVertexIndices(vert_id + 2, indices[3]); + // Split quads and other n-gons into n - 2 triangles. + const int nt = num_valid_indices - 2; + // Iterate over triangles. + for (int t = 0; t < nt; t++) { + // Iterate over corners. + for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { + const PointIndex vert_id(3 * num_obj_faces_ + c); + const int triangulated_index = Triangulate(t, c); + MapPointToVertexIndices(vert_id, indices[triangulated_index]); + // Save info about new edges that will allow us to reconstruct polygons. + if (added_edge_att_id_ >= 0) { + const AttributeValueIndex avi(IsNewEdge(nt, t, c)); + out_point_cloud_->attribute(added_edge_att_id_) + ->SetPointMapEntry(vert_id, avi); + } + } ++num_obj_faces_; } } else { @@ -443,12 +476,14 @@ bool ObjDecoder::ParseFace(Status *status) { } } } - if (num_indices < 3 || num_indices > 4) { - *status = - Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid number of indices on a face"); + if (num_indices > 3) { + has_polygons_ = true; + } + if (num_indices < 3 || num_indices > kMaxCorners) { + *status = ErrorStatus("Invalid number of indices on a face"); return false; } - // Either one or two new triangles. + // Either one or more new triangles. num_obj_faces_ += num_indices - 2; } parser::SkipLine(buffer()); @@ -478,6 +513,9 @@ bool ObjDecoder::ParseMaterialLib(Status *status) { parser::SkipLine(&line_buffer); if (!material_file_name_.empty()) { + if (mesh_files_) { + mesh_files_->push_back(material_file_name_); + } if (!ParseMaterialFile(material_file_name_, status)) { // Silently ignore problems with material files for now. return true; @@ -705,4 +743,44 @@ bool ObjDecoder::ParseMaterialFileDefinition(Status * /* status */) { return true; } +// Methods Triangulate() and IsNewEdge() are used for polygon triangulation and +// representation as an attribute for reconstruction in the decoder. +// +// Polygon reconstruction attribute is associated with every triangle corner and +// has values zero or one. Zero indicates that an edge opposite to the corner is +// present in the original mesh (dashed lines), and one indicates that the +// opposite edge has been added during polygon triangulation (dotted lines). +// +// Polygon triangulation is illustrated below. Pentagon ABCDE is split into +// three triangles ABC, ACD, ADE. It is sufficient to set polygon reconstruction +// attribute at corners ABC and ACD. The attribute at the second corner of all +// triangles except for the last is set to one. +// +// C D +// * --------- * +// /. 1 0 .| +// / . . | +// / . . | +// / 0 . . 0 | +// / . . | +// B * 1 . . | +// \ . . | +// \ 0 . 0 . | +// \ . . | +// \ . . | +// \.. 0 0 | +// *-----------* +// A E +// +inline int ObjDecoder::Triangulate(int tri_index, int tri_corner) { + return tri_corner == 0 ? 0 : tri_index + tri_corner; +} + +inline bool ObjDecoder::IsNewEdge(int tri_count, int tri_index, + int tri_corner) { + // All but the last triangle of the triangulated polygon have an added edge + // opposite of corner 1. + return tri_index != tri_count - 1 && tri_corner == 1; +} + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.h index baeab5b0c9..18dc9aaddd 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder.h @@ -34,8 +34,12 @@ class ObjDecoder { ObjDecoder(); // Decodes an obj file stored in the input file. - // Returns nullptr if the decoding failed. + // Optional argument |mesh_files| will be populated with all paths to files + // relevant to the loaded mesh. Status DecodeFromFile(const std::string &file_name, Mesh *out_mesh); + Status DecodeFromFile(const std::string &file_name, Mesh *out_mesh, + std::vector *mesh_files); + Status DecodeFromFile(const std::string &file_name, PointCloud *out_point_cloud); @@ -50,6 +54,8 @@ class ObjDecoder { // Flag for whether using metadata to record other information in the obj // file, e.g. material names, object names. void set_use_metadata(bool flag) { use_metadata_ = flag; } + // Enables preservation of polygons. + void set_preserve_polygons(bool flag) { preserve_polygons_ = flag; } protected: Status DecodeInternal(); @@ -88,6 +94,11 @@ class ObjDecoder { bool ParseMaterialFile(const std::string &file_name, Status *status); bool ParseMaterialFileDefinition(Status *status); + // Methods related to polygon triangulation and preservation. + static int Triangulate(int tri_index, int tri_corner); + static bool IsNewEdge(int tri_count, int tri_index, int tri_corner); + + private: // If set to true, the parser will count the number of various definitions // but it will not parse the actual data or add any new entries to the mesh. bool counting_mode_; @@ -102,7 +113,8 @@ class ObjDecoder { int tex_att_id_; int norm_att_id_; int material_att_id_; - int sub_obj_att_id_; // Attribute id for storing sub-objects. + int sub_obj_att_id_; // Attribute id for storing sub-objects. + int added_edge_att_id_; // Attribute id for polygon reconstruction. bool deduplicate_input_values_; @@ -116,6 +128,12 @@ class ObjDecoder { bool use_metadata_; + // Polygon preservation flags. + bool preserve_polygons_; + bool has_polygons_; + + std::vector *mesh_files_; + DecoderBuffer buffer_; // Data structure that stores the decoded data. |out_point_cloud_| must be diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder_test.cc index b19fe6e2ce..a46a15a8b5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_decoder_test.cc @@ -54,6 +54,20 @@ class ObjDecoderTest : public ::testing::Test { return geometry; } + template + std::unique_ptr DecodeObjWithPolygons( + const std::string &file_name, bool regularize_quads, + bool store_added_edges_per_vertex) const { + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + ObjDecoder decoder; + decoder.set_preserve_polygons(true); + std::unique_ptr geometry(new Geometry()); + if (!decoder.DecodeFromFile(path, geometry.get()).ok()) { + return nullptr; + } + return geometry; + } + void test_decoding(const std::string &file_name) { const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeObj(file_name)); ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model " << file_name; @@ -113,7 +127,7 @@ TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, SubObjectsWithMetadata) { ASSERT_EQ(sub_obj_id, 2); } -TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, QuadOBJ) { +TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, QuadTriangulateOBJ) { // Tests loading an Obj with quad faces. const std::string file_name = "cube_quads.obj"; const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeObj(file_name)); @@ -124,11 +138,114 @@ TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, QuadOBJ) { ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 4 * 6); // Four points per quad face. } -TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, ComplexPolyOBJ) { - // Tests that we fail to load an obj with complex polygon (expected failure). - const std::string file_name = "invalid/complex_poly.obj"; +TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, QuadPreserveOBJ) { + // Tests loading an Obj with quad faces preserved as an attribute. + const std::string file_name = "cube_quads.obj"; + constexpr bool kRegularizeQuads = false; + constexpr bool kStoreAddedEdgesPerVertex = false; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeObjWithPolygons( + file_name, kRegularizeQuads, kStoreAddedEdgesPerVertex)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model " << file_name; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 12); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 4 * 6); // Four points per quad face. + + // Expect a new generic attribute. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(3)->attribute_type(), GeometryAttribute::GENERIC); + + // Expect the new attribute to have two values to describe old and new edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(3)->size(), 2); + const auto new_edge_value = + mesh->attribute(3)->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(0))[0]; + const auto old_edge_value = + mesh->attribute(3)->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(1))[0]; + ASSERT_EQ(new_edge_value, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(old_edge_value, 1); + + // Expect one new edge on each of the six cube quads. + for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(3)->mapped_index(PointIndex(4 * i + 0)), 0); + // New edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(3)->mapped_index(PointIndex(4 * i + 1)), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(3)->mapped_index(PointIndex(4 * i + 2)), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(3)->mapped_index(PointIndex(4 * i + 3)), 0); + } + + // Expect metadata entry on the new attribute. + const AttributeMetadata *const metadata = + mesh->GetAttributeMetadataByAttributeId(3); + ASSERT_NE(metadata, nullptr); + ASSERT_TRUE(metadata->sub_metadatas().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(metadata->entries().size(), 1); + std::string name; + metadata->GetEntryString("name", &name); + ASSERT_EQ(name, "added_edges"); +} + +TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, OctagonTriangulatedOBJ) { + // Tests that we can load an obj with an octagon triangulated. + const std::string file_name = "octagon.obj"; const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeObj(file_name)); - ASSERT_EQ(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model " << file_name; + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 8); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(0)->attribute_type(), GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(0)->size(), 8); +} + +TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, OctagonPreservedOBJ) { + // Tests that we can load an obj with an octagon preserved as an attribute. + const std::string file_name = "octagon.obj"; + constexpr bool kRegularizeQuads = false; + constexpr bool kStoreAddedEdgesPerVertex = false; + const std::unique_ptr mesh(DecodeObjWithPolygons( + file_name, kRegularizeQuads, kStoreAddedEdgesPerVertex)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model " << file_name; + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(0)->attribute_type(), GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(0)->size(), 8); + + // Expect a new generic attribute. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->attribute_type(), GeometryAttribute::GENERIC); + + // There are four vertices with both old and new edges in their ring. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 8 + 4); + + // Expect the new attribute to have two values to describe old and new edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->size(), 2); + const auto new_edge_value = + mesh->attribute(1)->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(0))[0]; + const auto old_edge_value = + mesh->attribute(1)->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(1))[0]; + ASSERT_EQ(new_edge_value, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(old_edge_value, 1); + + // Five new edges are introduced while triangulating as octagon. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(0)), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(1)), 1); // New edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(2)), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(3)), 1); // New edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(4)), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(5)), 1); // New edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(6)), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(7)), 1); // New edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(8)), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(9)), 1); // New edge. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(10)), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->mapped_index(PointIndex(11)), 0); + + // Expect metadata entry on the new attribute. + const AttributeMetadata *const metadata = + mesh->GetAttributeMetadataByAttributeId(1); + ASSERT_NE(metadata, nullptr); + ASSERT_TRUE(metadata->sub_metadatas().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(metadata->entries().size(), 1); + std::string name; + metadata->GetEntryString("name", &name); + ASSERT_EQ(name, "added_edges"); } TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, EmptyNameOBJ) { @@ -167,7 +284,6 @@ TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, WrongAttributeMapping) { TEST_F(ObjDecoderTest, TestObjDecodingAll) { // test if we can read all obj that are currently in test folder. test_decoding("bunny_norm.obj"); - // test_decoding("complex_poly.obj"); // not supported see test above test_decoding("cube_att.obj"); test_decoding("cube_att_partial.obj"); test_decoding("cube_att_sub_o.obj"); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.cc index 29c6ca8f0a..1ddfd92bd8 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.cc @@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ #include +#include "draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" #include "draco/io/file_writer_factory.h" #include "draco/io/file_writer_interface.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_misc_functions.h" #include "draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.h" namespace draco { @@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ ObjEncoder::ObjEncoder() normal_att_(nullptr), material_att_(nullptr), sub_obj_att_(nullptr), + added_edges_att_(nullptr), out_buffer_(nullptr), in_point_cloud_(nullptr), in_mesh_(nullptr), @@ -78,11 +81,15 @@ bool ObjEncoder::EncodeInternal() { normal_att_ = nullptr; material_att_ = nullptr; sub_obj_att_ = nullptr; + added_edges_att_ = nullptr; current_sub_obj_id_ = -1; current_material_id_ = -1; if (!GetSubObjects()) { return false; } + if (in_mesh_ && !GetAddedEdges()) { + return false; + } if (!EncodeMaterialFileName()) { return false; } @@ -110,12 +117,38 @@ bool ObjEncoder::ExitAndCleanup(bool return_value) { normal_att_ = nullptr; material_att_ = nullptr; sub_obj_att_ = nullptr; + added_edges_att_ = nullptr; current_sub_obj_id_ = -1; current_material_id_ = -1; file_name_.clear(); return return_value; } +bool ObjEncoder::GetAddedEdges() { + const GeometryMetadata *mesh_metadata = in_mesh_->GetMetadata(); + if (!mesh_metadata) { + return true; + } + + // Try to get a per-corner attribute describing added edges. + { + const AttributeMetadata *att_metadata = + mesh_metadata->GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry("name", "added_edges"); + if (att_metadata) { + const auto att = + in_mesh_->GetAttributeByUniqueId(att_metadata->att_unique_id()); + if (att->size() == 0 || att->num_components() != 1 || + att->data_type() != DataType::DT_UINT8) { + return false; + } + added_edges_att_ = att; + return true; + } + } + + return true; +} + bool ObjEncoder::GetSubObjects() { const GeometryMetadata *pc_metadata = in_point_cloud_->GetMetadata(); if (!pc_metadata) { @@ -137,7 +170,8 @@ bool ObjEncoder::GetSubObjects() { } sub_obj_att_ = in_point_cloud_->GetAttributeByUniqueId( sub_obj_metadata->att_unique_id()); - if (sub_obj_att_ == nullptr || sub_obj_att_->size() == 0) { + if (sub_obj_att_ == nullptr || sub_obj_att_->size() == 0 || + sub_obj_att_->num_components() != 1) { return false; } return true; @@ -236,17 +270,11 @@ bool ObjEncoder::EncodeNormals() { } bool ObjEncoder::EncodeFaces() { + if (added_edges_att_ != nullptr) { + return EncodePolygonalFaces(); + } for (FaceIndex i(0); i < in_mesh_->num_faces(); ++i) { - if (sub_obj_att_) { - if (!EncodeSubObject(i)) { - return false; - } - } - if (material_att_) { - if (!EncodeMaterial(i)) { - return false; - } - } + EncodeFaceAttributes(i); buffer()->Encode('f'); for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { if (!EncodeFaceCorner(i, j)) { @@ -258,6 +286,56 @@ bool ObjEncoder::EncodeFaces() { return true; } +bool ObjEncoder::EncodePolygonalFaces() { + // TODO(vytyaz): This could be a much smaller set of visited face indices. + std::vector triangle_visited(in_mesh_->num_faces(), false); + PolygonEdges polygon_edges; + std::unique_ptr corner_table = + CreateCornerTableFromPositionAttribute(in_mesh_); + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < in_mesh_->num_faces(); ++fi) { + EncodeFaceAttributes(fi); + // Reconstruct polygon from the added edges attribute if available. + polygon_edges.clear(); + FindOriginalFaceEdges(fi, *corner_table, &triangle_visited, &polygon_edges); + + // Polygon edges could be empty if this triangle has been visited as part + // of a polygon discovery that started from an earler face. + if (polygon_edges.empty()) { + continue; + } + + // Traverse a polygon by following its edges. The starting point is not + // guaranteed to be the same as in the original polygon. It is + // deterministic, however, and defined by std::map behavior. + const AttributeValueIndex first_position_index = + polygon_edges.begin()->first; + AttributeValueIndex position_index = first_position_index; + buffer()->Encode('f'); + do { + // Get the next polygon point index by following polygon edge. + const PointIndex pi = polygon_edges[position_index]; + EncodeFaceCorner(pi); + position_index = pos_att_->mapped_index(pi).value(); + } while (position_index != first_position_index); + buffer()->Encode("\n", 1); + } + return true; +} + +bool ObjEncoder::EncodeFaceAttributes(FaceIndex face_id) { + if (sub_obj_att_) { + if (!EncodeSubObject(face_id)) { + return false; + } + } + if (material_att_) { + if (!EncodeMaterial(face_id)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + bool ObjEncoder::EncodeMaterial(FaceIndex face_id) { int material_id = 0; // Pick the first corner, all corners of a face should have same id. @@ -304,8 +382,12 @@ bool ObjEncoder::EncodeSubObject(FaceIndex face_id) { } bool ObjEncoder::EncodeFaceCorner(FaceIndex face_id, int local_corner_id) { - buffer()->Encode(' '); const PointIndex vert_index = in_mesh_->face(face_id)[local_corner_id]; + return EncodeFaceCorner(vert_index); +} + +bool ObjEncoder::EncodeFaceCorner(PointIndex vert_index) { + buffer()->Encode(' '); // Note that in the OBJ format, all indices are encoded starting from index 1. // Encode position index. EncodeInt(pos_att_->mapped_index(vert_index).value() + 1); @@ -343,4 +425,67 @@ void ObjEncoder::EncodeInt(int32_t val) { buffer()->Encode(num_buffer_, strlen(num_buffer_)); } +bool ObjEncoder::IsNewEdge(const CornerTable &ct, CornerIndex ci) const { + const PointIndex pi = in_mesh_->CornerToPointId(ci); + if (added_edges_att_ != nullptr) { + uint8_t value; + added_edges_att_->GetMappedValue(pi, &value); + return value == 1; + } + return false; +} + +void ObjEncoder::FindOriginalFaceEdges(FaceIndex face_index, + const CornerTable &corner_table, + std::vector *triangle_visited, + PolygonEdges *polygon_edges) { + // Do not add any edges if this triangular face has already been visited. + if ((*triangle_visited)[face_index.value()]) { + return; + } + (*triangle_visited)[face_index.value()] = true; + const Mesh::Face &face = in_mesh_->face(face_index); + for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { + // Check for added edge using this corner. + const CornerIndex ci = corner_table.FirstCorner(face_index) + c; + const CornerIndex co = corner_table.Opposite(ci); + bool is_new_edge = IsNewEdge(corner_table, ci); + + // Check for the new edge using the opposite corner. + if (!is_new_edge && co != kInvalidCornerIndex) { + is_new_edge = IsNewEdge(corner_table, co); + } + // The new edge may become a boundary edge when a degenerate triangle + // created by polygon triangulation is removed by Draco encoder, hence |co| + // is checked below. This can happen when an isolated (boundary) quad only + // has three distinct vertex positions. + // + // TODO(vytyaz): Fix polygon reconstruction with other possible cases of + // degenerate triangles. There are two known sources of degenerate triangles + // that affect polygon reconstruction: + // + // 1. Degenerate triangles created during polygon triangulation are removed + // by Draco encoder, which invalidates the "added_edges" attribute. + // Solution is to discard those triangles before creating the attribute. + // + // 2. Degenerate triangles created by position quantization are encoded and + // decoded by Draco, but not captured into the |corner_table|, causing a + // mismatch between the corner table and the "added_edges" attribute. + // Solution is to use corner table from draco::MeshDecoder here. + // + if (is_new_edge && co != kInvalidCornerIndex) { + // Visit triangle across the new edge. + const FaceIndex opposite_face_index = corner_table.Face(co); + FindOriginalFaceEdges(opposite_face_index, corner_table, triangle_visited, + polygon_edges); + } else { + // Insert the original edge to the map. + const PointIndex point_from = face[(c + 1) % 3]; + const PointIndex point_to = face[(c + 2) % 3]; + polygon_edges->insert( + {PositionIndex(pos_att_->mapped_index(point_from)), point_to}); + } + } +} + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.h index 509d39baf3..1d67b53060 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder.h @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ #include #include "draco/core/encoder_buffer.h" +#include "draco/mesh/corner_table.h" #include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" namespace draco { @@ -44,19 +45,30 @@ class ObjEncoder { bool ExitAndCleanup(bool return_value); private: + typedef AttributeValueIndex PositionIndex; + typedef std::map PolygonEdges; + bool GetAddedEdges(); bool GetSubObjects(); bool EncodeMaterialFileName(); bool EncodePositions(); bool EncodeTextureCoordinates(); bool EncodeNormals(); bool EncodeFaces(); + bool EncodePolygonalFaces(); + bool EncodeFaceAttributes(FaceIndex face_id); bool EncodeSubObject(FaceIndex face_id); bool EncodeMaterial(FaceIndex face_id); bool EncodeFaceCorner(FaceIndex face_id, int local_corner_id); + bool EncodeFaceCorner(PointIndex vert_index); void EncodeFloat(float val); void EncodeFloatList(float *vals, int num_vals); void EncodeInt(int32_t val); + bool IsNewEdge(const CornerTable &ct, CornerIndex ci) const; + void FindOriginalFaceEdges(FaceIndex face_index, + const CornerTable &corner_table, + std::vector *triangle_visited, + PolygonEdges *polygon_edges); // Various attributes used by the encoder. If an attribute is not used, it is // set to nullptr. @@ -66,6 +78,9 @@ class ObjEncoder { const PointAttribute *material_att_; const PointAttribute *sub_obj_att_; + // Stores per-corner triangulation information for polygon reconstruction. + const PointAttribute *added_edges_att_; + // Buffer used for encoding float/int numbers. char num_buffer_[20]; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder_test.cc index 4838e56ca6..782983fad3 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/obj_encoder_test.cc @@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ #include +#include "draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" #include "draco/io/file_reader_factory.h" #include "draco/io/file_reader_interface.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" #include "draco/io/obj_decoder.h" namespace draco { @@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ namespace draco { class ObjEncoderTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void CompareMeshes(const Mesh *mesh0, const Mesh *mesh1) { + ASSERT_NE(mesh0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(mesh1, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->num_faces(), mesh1->num_faces()); ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->num_attributes(), mesh1->num_attributes()); for (size_t att_id = 0; att_id < mesh0->num_attributes(); ++att_id) { @@ -107,4 +111,34 @@ TEST_F(ObjEncoderTest, TestObjEncodingAll) { test_encoding("two_faces_312.obj"); } +TEST_F(ObjEncoderTest, TestObjOctagonPreserved) { + // Test verifies that OBJ encoder can reconstruct and encode an octagon. + // Decode triangulated octagon and an extra attribute for reconstruction. + std::unique_ptr mesh = + ReadMeshFromTestFile("octagon_preserved.drc"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 6); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::GENERIC), 1); + ASSERT_NE(mesh->GetMetadata()->GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry( + "name", "added_edges"), + nullptr); + + // Reconstruct octagon and encode it into an OBJ file. + draco::ObjEncoder obj_encoder; + ASSERT_TRUE(obj_encoder.EncodeToFile( + *mesh, draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded.obj"))); + + // Read encoded OBJ file and golden OBJ file contents into buffers. + std::vector data_encoded; + std::vector data_golden; + ASSERT_TRUE( + ReadFileToBuffer(GetTestTempFileFullPath("encoded.obj"), &data_encoded)); + ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToBuffer(GetTestFileFullPath("octagon_preserved.obj"), + &data_golden)); + + // Check that encoded OBJ file contents are correct. + ASSERT_EQ(data_encoded.size(), data_golden.size()); + ASSERT_EQ(data_encoded, data_golden); +} + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/parser_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/parser_utils.cc index 12afacff67..378de73785 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/parser_utils.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/parser_utils.cc @@ -203,31 +203,40 @@ void ParseLine(DecoderBuffer *buffer, std::string *out_string) { out_string->clear(); } char c; - bool delim_reached = false; + int num_delims = 0; + char last_delim; while (buffer->Peek(&c)) { - // Check if |c| is a delimeter. We want to parse all delimeters until we - // reach a non-delimeter symbol. (E.g. we want to ignore '\r\n' at the end - // of the line). + // Check if |c| is a delimiter symbol. We want to identify all possible + // delimiters that can occur on different platforms (i.e. we want to detect + // '\r\n', '\r', '\n'). const bool is_delim = (c == '\r' || c == '\n'); - // If |c| is a delimeter or it is a non-delimeter symbol before any - // delimeter was found, we advance the buffer to the next character. - if (is_delim || !delim_reached) { - buffer->Advance(1); - } - if (is_delim) { - // Mark that we found a delimeter symbol. - delim_reached = true; - continue; + if (num_delims == 0) { + last_delim = c; + } else if (num_delims == 1) { + // We already parsed either '\r' or '\n'. Ensure the new delim symbol is + // '\n' and different from the previous symbol. + if (c == last_delim || c != '\n') { + return; // Same delimiter symbol already processed. + } + } else { + // Too many delimiter symbols. + return; + } + num_delims++; } - if (delim_reached) { - // We reached a non-delimeter symbol after a delimeter was already found. + + if (!is_delim && num_delims > 0) { + // We reached a non-delimiter symbol after a delimiter was already found. // Stop the parsing. return; } - // Otherwise we put the non-delimeter symbol into the output string. - if (out_string) { + + buffer->Advance(1); + + // We put the non-delimiter symbol into the output string. + if (!is_delim && out_string) { out_string->push_back(c); } } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_decoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_decoder_test.cc index 97977c8cc1..1dd70d5cb1 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_decoder_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_decoder_test.cc @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ TEST_F(PlyDecoderTest, TestPlyDecodingAll) { // test_decoding("test_pos_color.ply"); // tested test_decoding("cube_quads.ply"); test_decoding("Box.ply"); + test_decoding("delim_test.ply"); } } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_encoder.cc index 2f6a1a2a88..0fe611f1c1 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_encoder.cc @@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ bool PlyEncoder::EncodeInternal() { buffer()->Encode(header_str.data(), header_str.length()); // Store point attributes. - for (PointIndex v(0); v < in_point_cloud_->num_points(); ++v) { + const int num_points = in_point_cloud_->num_points(); + for (PointIndex v(0); v < num_points; ++v) { const auto *const pos_att = in_point_cloud_->attribute(pos_att_id); buffer()->Encode(pos_att->GetAddress(pos_att->mapped_index(v)), pos_att->byte_stride()); @@ -166,9 +167,13 @@ bool PlyEncoder::EncodeInternal() { buffer()->Encode(static_cast(3)); const auto &f = in_mesh_->face(i); - buffer()->Encode(f[0]); - buffer()->Encode(f[1]); - buffer()->Encode(f[2]); + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + if (f[c] >= num_points) { + // Invalid point stored on the |in_mesh_| face. + return false; + } + buffer()->Encode(f[c]); + } if (tex_coord_att_id >= 0) { // Two coordinates for every corner -> 6. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_reader_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_reader_test.cc index 05ff63dd4d..9612f6377f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_reader_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/ply_reader_test.cc @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ TEST_F(PlyReaderTest, TestReader) { buf.Init(data.data(), data.size()); PlyReader reader; Status status = reader.Read(&buf); - ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQ(reader.num_elements(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(reader.element(0).num_properties(), 7); ASSERT_EQ(reader.element(1).num_properties(), 1); @@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ TEST_F(PlyReaderTest, TestReaderAscii) { buf.Init(data.data(), data.size()); PlyReader reader; Status status = reader.Read(&buf); - ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(status); const std::string file_name_ascii = "test_pos_color_ascii.ply"; const std::vector data_ascii = ReadPlyFile(file_name_ascii); buf.Init(data_ascii.data(), data_ascii.size()); PlyReader reader_ascii; status = reader_ascii.Read(&buf); - ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQ(reader.num_elements(), reader_ascii.num_elements()); ASSERT_EQ(reader.element(0).num_properties(), reader_ascii.element(0).num_properties()); @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ TEST_F(PlyReaderTest, TestReaderExtraWhitespace) { buf.Init(data.data(), data.size()); PlyReader reader; Status status = reader.Read(&buf); - ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQ(reader.num_elements(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(reader.element(0).num_properties(), 7); @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ TEST_F(PlyReaderTest, TestReaderMoreDataTypes) { buf.Init(data.data(), data.size()); PlyReader reader; Status status = reader.Read(&buf); - ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQ(reader.num_elements(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(reader.element(0).num_properties(), 7); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e41d2e1fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io.cc @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/scene_io.h" + +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_decoder.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_encoder.h" +#include "draco/io/obj_encoder.h" +#include "draco/io/ply_encoder.h" + +namespace draco { + +enum SceneFileFormat { UNKNOWN, GLTF, USD, PLY, OBJ }; + +SceneFileFormat GetSceneFileFormat(const std::string &file_name) { + const std::string extension = LowercaseFileExtension(file_name); + if (extension == "gltf" || extension == "glb") { + return GLTF; + } + if (extension == "usd" || extension == "usda" || extension == "usdc" || + extension == "usdz") { + return USD; + } + if (extension == "obj") { + return OBJ; + } + if (extension == "ply") { + return PLY; + } + return UNKNOWN; +} + +StatusOr> ReadSceneFromFile( + const std::string &file_name) { + return ReadSceneFromFile(file_name, nullptr); +} + +StatusOr> ReadSceneFromFile( + const std::string &file_name, std::vector *scene_files) { + std::unique_ptr scene(new Scene()); + switch (GetSceneFileFormat(file_name)) { + case GLTF: { + GltfDecoder decoder; + return decoder.DecodeFromFileToScene(file_name, scene_files); + } + case USD: { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "USD is not supported yet."); + } + default: { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Unknown input file format."); + } + } +} + +Status WriteSceneToFile(const std::string &file_name, const Scene &scene) { + Options options; + return WriteSceneToFile(file_name, scene, options); +} + +Status WriteSceneToFile(const std::string &file_name, const Scene &scene, + const Options &options) { + const std::string extension = LowercaseFileExtension(file_name); + std::string folder_path; + std::string out_file_name; + draco::SplitPath(file_name, &folder_path, &out_file_name); + const auto format = GetSceneFileFormat(file_name); + switch (format) { + case GLTF: { + GltfEncoder encoder; + if (!encoder.EncodeToFile(scene, file_name, folder_path)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed to encode the scene."); + } + return OkStatus(); + } + case USD: { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "USD is not supported yet."); + } + case PLY: + case OBJ: { + // Convert the scene to mesh and save the scene as a mesh. For now we do + // that by converting the scene to GLB and decoding the GLB into a mesh. + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder; + EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gltf_encoder.EncodeToBuffer(scene, &buffer)); + GltfDecoder gltf_decoder; + DecoderBuffer dec_buffer; + dec_buffer.Init(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto mesh, + gltf_decoder.DecodeFromBuffer(&dec_buffer)); + if (format == PLY) { + PlyEncoder ply_encoder; + if (!ply_encoder.EncodeToFile(*mesh, file_name)) { + return ErrorStatus("Failed to encode the scene as PLY."); + } + } + if (format == OBJ) { + ObjEncoder obj_encoder; + if (!obj_encoder.EncodeToFile(*mesh, file_name)) { + return ErrorStatus("Failed to encode the scene as OBJ."); + } + } + return OkStatus(); + } + default: { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Unknown output file format."); + } + } +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..964faac3c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_SCENE_IO_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_SCENE_IO_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/options.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Reads a scene from a file. Currently only GLTF 2.0 scene files are supported. +// The second form returns the files associated with the scene via the +// |scene_files| argument. +StatusOr> ReadSceneFromFile( + const std::string &file_name); +StatusOr> ReadSceneFromFile( + const std::string &file_name, std::vector *scene_files); + +// Writes a scene into a file. +Status WriteSceneToFile(const std::string &file_name, const Scene &scene); + +// Writes a scene into a file, configurable with |options|. +// +// Supported options: +// +// force_usd_vertex_interpolation= - forces implicit vertex +// interpolation while exporting to USD +// (default = false) +// +Status WriteSceneToFile(const std::string &file_name, const Scene &scene, + const Options &options); + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_SCENE_IO_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8280656939 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/scene_io_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/scene_io.h" + +#include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/mesh_io.h" + +namespace { + +TEST(SceneTest, TestSceneIO) { + // A simple test that verifies that the scene is loaded and saved using the + // scene_io.h API. + const std::string file_name = + draco::GetTestFileFullPath("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + draco::StatusOr> maybe_scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromFile(file_name); + ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_scene.status().ok()); + std::unique_ptr scene = std::move(maybe_scene).value(); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::string out_file_name = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("out_scene.gltf"); + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::WriteSceneToFile(out_file_name, *scene).ok()); + + // Ensure all files related to the scene are saved. + ASSERT_GT(draco::GetFileSize(out_file_name), 0); + ASSERT_GT( + draco::GetFileSize(draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("CesiumMilkTruck.png")), + 0); + ASSERT_GT(draco::GetFileSize(draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("buffer0.bin")), + 0); +} + +TEST(SceneTest, TestSaveToPly) { + // A simple test that verifies that a loaded scene can be stored in a PLY file + // format. + const std::string file_name = + draco::GetTestFileFullPath("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr scene, + draco::ReadSceneFromFile(file_name)); + + const std::string out_file_name = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("out_scene.ply"); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(draco::WriteSceneToFile(out_file_name, *scene)); + + // Verify that we can read the saved mesh. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, draco::ReadMeshFromFile(out_file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); +} + +TEST(SceneTest, TestSaveToObj) { + // A simple test that verifies that a loaded scene can be stored in an OBJ + // file format. + const std::string file_name = + draco::GetTestFileFullPath("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr scene, + draco::ReadSceneFromFile(file_name)); + + const std::string out_file_name = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("out_scene.obj"); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(draco::WriteSceneToFile(out_file_name, *scene)); + + // Verify that we can read the saved mesh. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, draco::ReadMeshFromFile(out_file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); +} + +} // namespace +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stdio_file_reader_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stdio_file_reader_test.cc index 487819a023..212945f902 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stdio_file_reader_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stdio_file_reader_test.cc @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace { TEST(StdioFileReaderTest, FailOpen) { EXPECT_EQ(StdioFileReader::Open(""), nullptr); - EXPECT_EQ(StdioFileReader::Open("fake file"), nullptr); + EXPECT_EQ(StdioFileReader::Open("stdio reader fake file"), nullptr); } TEST(StdioFileReaderTest, Open) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e5d3a9384 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder.cc @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/stl_decoder.h" + +#include + +#include "draco/core/macros.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" + +namespace draco { + +StatusOr> StlDecoder::DecodeFromFile( + const std::string &file_name) { + std::vector data; + if (!ReadFileToBuffer(file_name, &data)) { + return Status(Status::IO_ERROR, "Unable to read input file."); + } + DecoderBuffer buffer; + buffer.Init(data.data(), data.size()); + return DecodeFromBuffer(&buffer); +} + +StatusOr> StlDecoder::DecodeFromBuffer( + DecoderBuffer *buffer) { + if (!strncmp(buffer->data_head(), "solid ", 6)) { + return Status(Status::IO_ERROR, + "Currently only binary STL files are supported."); + } + buffer->Advance(80); + uint32_t face_count; + buffer->Decode(&face_count, 4); + + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder builder; + builder.Start(face_count); + + const int32_t pos_att_id = + builder.AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 3, DT_FLOAT32); + const int32_t norm_att_id = + builder.AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, 3, DT_FLOAT32); + + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < face_count; i++) { + float data[48]; + buffer->Decode(data, 48); + uint16_t unused; + buffer->Decode(&unused, 2); + + builder.SetPerFaceAttributeValueForFace( + norm_att_id, draco::FaceIndex(i), + draco::Vector3f(data[0], data[1], data[2]).data()); + + builder.SetAttributeValuesForFace( + pos_att_id, draco::FaceIndex(i), + draco::Vector3f(data[3], data[4], data[5]).data(), + draco::Vector3f(data[6], data[7], data[8]).data(), + draco::Vector3f(data[9], data[10], data[11]).data()); + } + + std::unique_ptr mesh = builder.Finalize(); + return mesh; +} + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44b35d8499 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_STL_DECODER_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_STL_DECODER_H_ + +#include + +#include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Decodes an STL file into draco::Mesh (or draco::PointCloud if the +// connectivity data is not needed). +class StlDecoder { + public: + StatusOr> DecodeFromFile(const std::string &file_name); + StatusOr> DecodeFromBuffer(DecoderBuffer *buffer); +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_IO_STL_DECODER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8868819252 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_decoder_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/stl_decoder.h" + +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +class StlDecoderTest : public ::testing::Test { + protected: + void test_decoding(const std::string &file_name) { + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + StlDecoder decoder; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr mesh, + decoder.DecodeFromFile(path)); + ASSERT_GT(mesh->num_faces(), 0); + ASSERT_GT(mesh->num_points(), 0); + } + + void test_decoding_should_fail(const std::string &file_name) { + StlDecoder decoder; + StatusOr> statusOrMesh = + decoder.DecodeFromFile(GetTestFileFullPath(file_name)); + ASSERT_FALSE(statusOrMesh.ok()); + } +}; + +TEST_F(StlDecoderTest, TestStlDecoding) { + test_decoding("STL/bunny.stl"); + test_decoding("STL/test_sphere.stl"); + test_decoding_should_fail("STL/test_sphere_ascii.stl"); +} + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5aa4a0a970 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder.cc @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/stl_encoder.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/io/file_writer_factory.h" +#include "draco/io/file_writer_interface.h" + +namespace draco { + +StlEncoder::StlEncoder() + : out_buffer_(nullptr), in_point_cloud_(nullptr), in_mesh_(nullptr) {} + +Status StlEncoder::EncodeToFile(const Mesh &mesh, + const std::string &file_name) { + in_mesh_ = &mesh; + std::unique_ptr file = + FileWriterFactory::OpenWriter(file_name); + if (!file) { + return Status(Status::IO_ERROR, "File couldn't be opened"); + } + // Encode the mesh into a buffer. + EncoderBuffer buffer; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeToBuffer(mesh, &buffer)); + // Write the buffer into the file. + file->Write(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status StlEncoder::EncodeToBuffer(const Mesh &mesh, EncoderBuffer *out_buffer) { + in_mesh_ = &mesh; + out_buffer_ = out_buffer; + Status s = EncodeInternal(); + in_mesh_ = nullptr; // cleanup + in_point_cloud_ = nullptr; + out_buffer_ = nullptr; + return s; +} + +Status StlEncoder::EncodeInternal() { + // Write STL header. + std::stringstream out; + out << std::left << std::setw(80) + << "generated using Draco"; // header is 80 bytes fixed size. + const std::string header_str = out.str(); + buffer()->Encode(header_str.data(), header_str.length()); + + uint32_t num_faces = in_mesh_->num_faces(); + buffer()->Encode(&num_faces, 4); + + std::vector stl_face; + + const int pos_att_id = + in_mesh_->GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + + if (pos_att_id < 0) { + return ErrorStatus("Mesh is missing the position attribute."); + } + + if (in_mesh_->attribute(pos_att_id)->data_type() != DT_FLOAT32) { + return ErrorStatus("Mesh position attribute is not of type float32."); + } + + uint16_t unused = 0; + + if (in_mesh_) { + for (FaceIndex i(0); i < in_mesh_->num_faces(); ++i) { + const auto &f = in_mesh_->face(i); + const auto *const pos_att = in_mesh_->attribute(pos_att_id); + + // The normal attribute can contain arbitrary normals that may not + // correspond to the winding of the face. + // Therefor we simply always calculate them + // using the points of the triangle face: norm(cross(p2-p1, p3-p1)) + + Vector3f pos[3]; + pos_att->GetMappedValue(f[0], &pos[0][0]); + pos_att->GetMappedValue(f[1], &pos[1][0]); + pos_att->GetMappedValue(f[2], &pos[2][0]); + Vector3f norm = CrossProduct(pos[1] - pos[0], pos[2] - pos[0]); + norm.Normalize(); + buffer()->Encode(norm.data(), sizeof(float) * 3); + + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + buffer()->Encode(pos_att->GetAddress(pos_att->mapped_index(f[c])), + pos_att->byte_stride()); + } + + buffer()->Encode(&unused, 2); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b185b7383 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder.h @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_STL_ENCODER_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_STL_ENCODER_H_ + +#include + +#include "draco/core/encoder_buffer.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Class for encoding draco::Mesh into the STL file format. +class StlEncoder { + public: + StlEncoder(); + + // Encodes the mesh and saves it into a file. + // Returns false when either the encoding failed or when the file couldn't be + // opened. + Status EncodeToFile(const Mesh &mesh, const std::string &file_name); + + // Encodes the mesh into a buffer. + Status EncodeToBuffer(const Mesh &mesh, EncoderBuffer *out_buffer); + + protected: + Status EncodeInternal(); + EncoderBuffer *buffer() const { return out_buffer_; } + + private: + EncoderBuffer *out_buffer_; + + const PointCloud *in_point_cloud_; + const Mesh *in_mesh_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_IO_STL_ENCODER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da6298d648 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/stl_encoder_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/stl_encoder.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/file_reader_factory.h" +#include "draco/io/file_reader_interface.h" +#include "draco/io/stl_decoder.h" + +namespace draco { + +class StlEncoderTest : public ::testing::Test { + protected: + void CompareMeshes(const Mesh *mesh0, const Mesh *mesh1) { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->num_faces(), mesh1->num_faces()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->num_attributes(), mesh1->num_attributes()); + for (size_t att_id = 0; att_id < mesh0->num_attributes(); ++att_id) { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh0->attribute(att_id)->size(), + mesh1->attribute(att_id)->size()); + } + } + + // Encode a mesh using the StlEncoder and then decode to verify the encoding. + std::unique_ptr EncodeAndDecodeMesh(const Mesh *mesh) { + EncoderBuffer encoder_buffer; + StlEncoder encoder; + Status status = encoder.EncodeToBuffer(*mesh, &encoder_buffer); + if (!status.ok()) { + return nullptr; + } + + DecoderBuffer decoder_buffer; + decoder_buffer.Init(encoder_buffer.data(), encoder_buffer.size()); + StlDecoder decoder; + StatusOr> status_or_mesh = + decoder.DecodeFromBuffer(&decoder_buffer); + if (!status_or_mesh.ok()) { + return nullptr; + } + std::unique_ptr decoded_mesh = std::move(status_or_mesh).value(); + return decoded_mesh; + } + + void test_encoding(const std::string &file_name) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name, true)); + + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model " << file_name; + ASSERT_GT(mesh->num_faces(), 0); + + const std::unique_ptr decoded_mesh = EncodeAndDecodeMesh(mesh.get()); + CompareMeshes(mesh.get(), decoded_mesh.get()); + } +}; + +TEST_F(StlEncoderTest, TestStlEncoding) { + // Test decoded mesh from encoded stl file stays the same. + test_encoding("STL/bunny.stl"); + test_encoding("STL/test_sphere.stl"); +} + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cbe2915b01 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io.cc @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +namespace { + +StatusOr> CreateDracoTextureInternal( + const std::vector &image_data, SourceImage *out_source_image) { + std::unique_ptr draco_texture(new Texture()); + out_source_image->MutableEncodedData() = image_data; + return std::move(draco_texture); +} + +} // namespace + +StatusOr> ReadTextureFromFile( + const std::string &file_name) { + std::vector image_data; + if (!ReadFileToBuffer(file_name, &image_data)) { + return Status(Status::IO_ERROR, "Unable to read input texture file."); + } + + SourceImage source_image; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto texture, + CreateDracoTextureInternal(image_data, &source_image)); + source_image.set_filename(file_name); + const std::string extension = LowercaseFileExtension(file_name); + const std::string mime_type = + "image/" + (extension == "jpg" ? "jpeg" : extension); + source_image.set_mime_type(mime_type); + texture->set_source_image(source_image); + return texture; +} + +StatusOr> ReadTextureFromBuffer( + const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const std::string &mime_type) { + SourceImage source_image; + std::vector image_data(buffer, buffer + buffer_size); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto texture, + CreateDracoTextureInternal(image_data, &source_image)); + source_image.set_mime_type(mime_type); + texture->set_source_image(source_image); + return texture; +} + +Status WriteTextureToFile(const std::string &file_name, + const Texture &texture) { + std::vector buffer; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(WriteTextureToBuffer(texture, &buffer)); + + if (!WriteBufferToFile(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), file_name)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Failed to write image."); + } + + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status WriteTextureToBuffer(const Texture &texture, + std::vector *buffer) { + // Copy data from the encoded source image if possible, otherwise load the + // data from the source file. + if (!texture.source_image().encoded_data().empty()) { + *buffer = texture.source_image().encoded_data(); + } else if (!texture.source_image().filename().empty()) { + if (!ReadFileToBuffer(texture.source_image().filename(), buffer)) { + return Status(Status::IO_ERROR, "Unable to read input texture file."); + } + } else { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid source data for the texture."); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4dbea75542 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_TEXTURE_IO_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_TEXTURE_IO_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_types.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Reads a texture from a file. Reads PNG, JPEG and WEBP texture files. +// Returns nullptr with an error status if the decoding failed. +StatusOr> ReadTextureFromFile( + const std::string &file_name); + +// Same as ReadTextureFromFile() but the texture data is parsed from a |buffer|. +// |mime_type| should be set to a type of the texture encoded in |buffer|. +// Supported mime types are "image/jpeg", "image/png" and "image/webp". +// TODO(ostava): We should be able to get the mime type directly from the +// |buffer| but our image decoding library doesn't support this at this time. +StatusOr> ReadTextureFromBuffer( + const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const std::string &mime_type); + +// Writes a texture into a file. Can write PNG, JPEG, WEBP, and KTX2 (with Basis +// compression) texture files depending on the extension specified in +// |file_name| and image format specified in |texture|. Note that images with +// Basis compression can only be saved to files in KTX2 format and not to files +// with "basis" extension. Returns an error status if the writing failed. +Status WriteTextureToFile(const std::string &file_name, const Texture &texture); + +// Writes a |texture| into |buffer|. +Status WriteTextureToBuffer(const Texture &texture, + std::vector *buffer); + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_TEXTURE_IO_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13f36e44a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/texture_io_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" + +namespace { + +// Tests loading of textures from a buffer. +TEST(TextureIoTest, TestLoadFromBuffer) { + const std::string file_name = draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png"); + std::vector image_data; + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::ReadFileToBuffer(file_name, &image_data)); + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + std::unique_ptr texture, + draco::ReadTextureFromBuffer(image_data.data(), image_data.size(), + "image/png")); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + + ASSERT_EQ(texture->source_image().mime_type(), "image/png"); + + // Re-encode the texture again to ensure the content hasn't changed. + std::vector encoded_buffer; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(draco::WriteTextureToBuffer(*texture, &encoded_buffer)); + + ASSERT_EQ(image_data.size(), encoded_buffer.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < encoded_buffer.size(); ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(image_data[i], encoded_buffer[i]); + } +} + +} // namespace + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d57e1093c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.cc @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/animation/animation.h" +#include "draco/animation/node_animation_data.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +#include "tiny_gltf.h" + +namespace draco { + +int TinyGltfUtils::GetNumComponentsForType(int type) { + switch (type) { + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR: + return 1; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC2: + return 2; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3: + return 3; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4: + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT2: + return 4; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT3: + return 9; + case TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT4: + return 16; + } + return 0; +} + +Material::TransparencyMode TinyGltfUtils::TextToMaterialMode( + const std::string &mode) { + if (mode == "MASK") { + return Material::TRANSPARENCY_MASK; + } else if (mode == "BLEND") { + return Material::TRANSPARENCY_BLEND; + } else { + return Material::TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE; + } +} + +AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation +TinyGltfUtils::TextToSamplerInterpolation(const std::string &interpolation) { + if (interpolation == "STEP") { + return AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation::STEP; + } else if (interpolation == "CUBICSPLINE") { + return AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation::CUBICSPLINE; + } else { + return AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation::LINEAR; + } +} + +AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation +TinyGltfUtils::TextToChannelTransformation(const std::string &path) { + if (path == "rotation") { + return AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation::ROTATION; + } else if (path == "scale") { + return AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation::SCALE; + } else if (path == "weights") { + return AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation::WEIGHTS; + } else { + return AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation::TRANSLATION; + } +} + +Status TinyGltfUtils::AddChannelToAnimation( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Animation &input_animation, + const tinygltf::AnimationChannel &channel, int node_index, + Animation *animation) { + std::unique_ptr new_channel(new AnimationChannel()); + + const tinygltf::AnimationSampler &sampler = + input_animation.samplers[channel.sampler]; + // Add the sampler associated with the channel. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + TinyGltfUtils::AddSamplerToAnimation(model, sampler, animation)); + new_channel->sampler_index = animation->NumSamplers() - 1; + new_channel->target_index = node_index; + new_channel->transformation_type = + TinyGltfUtils::TextToChannelTransformation(channel.target_path); + + animation->AddChannel(std::move(new_channel)); + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status TinyGltfUtils::AddSamplerToAnimation( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::AnimationSampler &sampler, + Animation *animation) { + std::unique_ptr node_animation_data( + new NodeAnimationData()); + // TODO(fgalligan): Add support to not copy the accessor data if it is + // referenced more than once. Currently we duplicate all animation data so + // that it is referenced only once in the glTF file. + const tinygltf::Accessor &input_accessor = model.accessors[sampler.input]; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAccessorToAnimationData(model, input_accessor, + node_animation_data.get())); + animation->AddNodeAnimationData(std::move(node_animation_data)); + std::unique_ptr new_sampler(new AnimationSampler()); + new_sampler->input_index = animation->NumNodeAnimationData() - 1; + + node_animation_data.reset(new NodeAnimationData()); + const tinygltf::Accessor &output_accessor = model.accessors[sampler.output]; + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddAccessorToAnimationData(model, output_accessor, + node_animation_data.get())); + animation->AddNodeAnimationData(std::move(node_animation_data)); + new_sampler->output_index = animation->NumNodeAnimationData() - 1; + + new_sampler->interpolation_type = + TinyGltfUtils::TextToSamplerInterpolation(sampler.interpolation); + animation->AddSampler(std::move(new_sampler)); + return OkStatus(); +} + +// Specialization for returning the data from |accessor| as a vector of float. +template <> +StatusOr> TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor) { + const int num_components = GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + if (num_components != 1) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Dimension does not equal num components."); + } + return CopyDataAsFloatImpl(model, accessor); +} + +// Specialization for returing the data from |accessor| as a vector of +// Matrix4x4. +template <> +StatusOr> TinyGltfUtils::CopyDataAsFloat( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor) { + const int num_components = GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + if (num_components != 16) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Dimension does not equal num components."); + } + return CopyDataAsFloatImpl(model, accessor); +} + +Status TinyGltfUtils::AddAccessorToAnimationData( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + NodeAnimationData *node_animation_data) { + if (accessor.componentType != TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Unsupported ComponentType for NodeAnimationData."); + } + + std::vector *dest_data = node_animation_data->GetMutableData(); + if (accessor.type == TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAsFloat(model, accessor)); + + for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { + dest_data->push_back(data[i]); + } + node_animation_data->SetType(NodeAnimationData::Type::SCALAR); + } else if (accessor.type == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAsFloat(model, accessor)); + + for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { + dest_data->push_back(data[i][j]); + } + } + node_animation_data->SetType(NodeAnimationData::Type::VEC3); + } else if (accessor.type == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAsFloat(model, accessor)); + + for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { + dest_data->push_back(data[i][j]); + } + } + node_animation_data->SetType(NodeAnimationData::Type::VEC4); + } else if (accessor.type == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT4) { + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::vector data, + CopyDataAsFloat(model, accessor)); + + for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { + dest_data->push_back(data[i](j)); + } + } + node_animation_data->SetType(NodeAnimationData::Type::MAT4); + } else { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Unsupported Type for GltfNodeAnimationData."); + } + node_animation_data->SetCount(accessor.count); + node_animation_data->SetNormalized(accessor.normalized); + return OkStatus(); +} + +template <> +void TinyGltfUtils::SetDataImpl(float value, int index, float *values) { + *values = value; +} + +template <> +void TinyGltfUtils::SetDataImpl(float value, int index, + Eigen::Matrix4f *values) { + (*values)(index) = value; +} + +} // namespace draco + +// Actual definitions needed by the tinygltf library using our configuration. +#define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION +#define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION +#define TINYGLTF_ENABLE_DRACO +#define TINYGLTF_IMPLEMENTATION + +#include "tiny_gltf.h" + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a536a70fb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/io/tiny_gltf_utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_IO_TINY_GLTF_UTILS_H_ +#define DRACO_IO_TINY_GLTF_UTILS_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "Eigen/Geometry" +#include "draco/animation/animation.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/material/material.h" + +#define TINYGLTF_ENCLOSING_NAMESPACE draco +#include "tiny_gltf.h" + +namespace draco { + +class TinyGltfUtils { + public: + TinyGltfUtils() {} + + // Returns the number of components for the attribute type. + static int GetNumComponentsForType(int type); + + // Returns the material transparency mode in |mode|. + static Material::TransparencyMode TextToMaterialMode(const std::string &mode); + + // Returns the animation sampler interpolation in |interpolation|. + static AnimationSampler::SamplerInterpolation TextToSamplerInterpolation( + const std::string &interpolation); + + // Returns the animation channel transformation in |path|. + static AnimationChannel::ChannelTransformation TextToChannelTransformation( + const std::string &path); + + // Adds all of the animation data associated with a channel. + // The channel references a sampler, whose data will be added to the + // |animation|. The sampler references input and output accessors, + // whose data will be added to the |animation|. + static Status AddChannelToAnimation( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Animation &input_animation, + const tinygltf::AnimationChannel &channel, int node_index, + Animation *animation); + + // Adds all of the sampler data. The sampler references + // input and output accessors, whose data will be added to the |animation|. + static Status AddSamplerToAnimation(const tinygltf::Model &model, + const tinygltf::AnimationSampler &sampler, + Animation *animation); + + // Converts the gltf2 animation accessor and adds it to + // |node_animation_data|. + static Status AddAccessorToAnimationData( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor, + NodeAnimationData *node_animation_data); + + // Returns the data from |accessor| as a vector of |T|. + template + static StatusOr> CopyDataAsFloat( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor) { + const int num_components = GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + if (num_components != T::dimension) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Dimension does not equal num components."); + } + return CopyDataAsFloatImpl(model, accessor); + } + + private: + template + static StatusOr> CopyDataAsFloatImpl( + const tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor) { + if (accessor.componentType != TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Non-float data is not supported by CopyDataAsFloat()."); + } + if (accessor.bufferView < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Error CopyDataAsFloat() bufferView < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::BufferView &buffer_view = + model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView]; + if (buffer_view.buffer < 0) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Error CopyDataAsFloat() buffer < 0."); + } + + const tinygltf::Buffer &buffer = model.buffers[buffer_view.buffer]; + + const unsigned char *const data_start = + buffer.data.data() + buffer_view.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset; + const int byte_stride = accessor.ByteStride(buffer_view); + const int component_size = + tinygltf::GetComponentSizeInBytes(accessor.componentType); + + std::vector output; + output.resize(accessor.count); + + const int num_components = GetNumComponentsForType(accessor.type); + const unsigned char *data = data_start; + for (int i = 0; i < accessor.count; ++i) { + T values; + + for (int c = 0; c < num_components; ++c) { + float value = 0.0f; + memcpy(&value, data + (c * component_size), component_size); + SetDataImpl(value, c, &values); + } + + output[i] = values; + data += byte_stride; + } + + return output; + } + + template + static void SetDataImpl(float value, int index, T *values) { + (*values)[index] = value; + } +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_IO_TINY_GLTF_UTILS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.cc deleted file mode 100644 index 7e9e6d15d2..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.cc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// -#include "draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.h" - -#include - -#include "draco/compression/decode.h" -#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" -#include "draco/mesh/mesh_stripifier.h" - -using draco::DecoderBuffer; -using draco::PointAttribute; -using draco::Status; - -DracoFloat32Array::DracoFloat32Array() {} - -float DracoFloat32Array::GetValue(int index) const { return values_[index]; } - -bool DracoFloat32Array::SetValues(const float *values, int count) { - if (values) { - values_.assign(values, values + count); - } else { - values_.resize(count); - } - return true; -} - -AnimationDecoder::AnimationDecoder() {} - -// Decodes animation data from the provided buffer. -const draco::Status *AnimationDecoder::DecodeBufferToKeyframeAnimation( - draco::DecoderBuffer *in_buffer, draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation) { - draco::DecoderOptions dec_options; - last_status_ = decoder_.Decode(dec_options, in_buffer, animation); - return &last_status_; -} - -bool AnimationDecoder::GetTimestamps(const draco::KeyframeAnimation &animation, - DracoFloat32Array *timestamp) { - if (!timestamp) { - return false; - } - const int num_frames = animation.num_frames(); - const draco::PointAttribute *timestamp_att = animation.timestamps(); - // Timestamp attribute has only 1 component, so the number of components is - // equal to the number of frames. - timestamp->SetValues(nullptr, num_frames); - int entry_id = 0; - float timestamp_value = -1.0; - for (draco::PointIndex i(0); i < num_frames; ++i) { - const draco::AttributeValueIndex val_index = timestamp_att->mapped_index(i); - if (!timestamp_att->ConvertValue(val_index, ×tamp_value)) { - return false; - } - timestamp->SetValue(entry_id++, timestamp_value); - } - return true; -} - -bool AnimationDecoder::GetKeyframes(const draco::KeyframeAnimation &animation, - int keyframes_id, - DracoFloat32Array *animation_data) { - const int num_frames = animation.num_frames(); - // Get animation data. - const draco::PointAttribute *animation_data_att = - animation.keyframes(keyframes_id); - if (!animation_data_att) { - return false; - } - - const int components = animation_data_att->num_components(); - const int num_entries = num_frames * components; - const int kMaxAttributeFloatValues = 4; - - std::vector values(components, -1.0); - int entry_id = 0; - animation_data->SetValues(nullptr, num_entries); - for (draco::PointIndex i(0); i < num_frames; ++i) { - const draco::AttributeValueIndex val_index = - animation_data_att->mapped_index(i); - if (!animation_data_att->ConvertValue(val_index, &values[0])) { - return false; - } - for (int j = 0; j < components; ++j) { - animation_data->SetValue(entry_id++, values[j]); - } - } - return true; -} diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.h deleted file mode 100644 index 7486d15033..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// -#ifndef DRACO_JAVASCRIPT_EMSCRIPTEN_ANIMATION_DECODER_WEBIDL_WRAPPER_H_ -#define DRACO_JAVASCRIPT_EMSCRIPTEN_ANIMATION_DECODER_WEBIDL_WRAPPER_H_ - -#include - -#include "draco/animation/keyframe_animation_decoder.h" -#include "draco/attributes/attribute_transform_type.h" -#include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h" -#include "draco/compression/config/compression_shared.h" -#include "draco/compression/decode.h" -#include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h" - -typedef draco::AttributeTransformType draco_AttributeTransformType; -typedef draco::GeometryAttribute draco_GeometryAttribute; -typedef draco_GeometryAttribute::Type draco_GeometryAttribute_Type; -typedef draco::EncodedGeometryType draco_EncodedGeometryType; -typedef draco::Status draco_Status; -typedef draco::Status::Code draco_StatusCode; - -class DracoFloat32Array { - public: - DracoFloat32Array(); - float GetValue(int index) const; - - // In case |values| is nullptr, the data is allocated but not initialized. - bool SetValues(const float *values, int count); - - // Directly sets a value for a specific index. The array has to be already - // allocated at this point (using SetValues() method). - void SetValue(int index, float val) { values_[index] = val; } - - int size() const { return values_.size(); } - - private: - std::vector values_; -}; - -// Class used by emscripten WebIDL Binder [1] to wrap calls to decode animation -// data. -class AnimationDecoder { - public: - AnimationDecoder(); - - // Decodes animation data from the provided buffer. - const draco::Status *DecodeBufferToKeyframeAnimation( - draco::DecoderBuffer *in_buffer, draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation); - - static bool GetTimestamps(const draco::KeyframeAnimation &animation, - DracoFloat32Array *timestamp); - - static bool GetKeyframes(const draco::KeyframeAnimation &animation, - int keyframes_id, DracoFloat32Array *animation_data); - - private: - draco::KeyframeAnimationDecoder decoder_; - draco::Status last_status_; -}; - -#endif // DRACO_JAVASCRIPT_EMSCRIPTEN_ANIMATION_DECODER_WEBIDL_WRAPPER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.cc deleted file mode 100644 index 53a10e5e4e..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.cc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// -#include "draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.h" - -#include "draco/animation/keyframe_animation.h" -#include "draco/animation/keyframe_animation_encoder.h" - -DracoInt8Array::DracoInt8Array() {} - -int DracoInt8Array::GetValue(int index) const { return values_[index]; } - -bool DracoInt8Array::SetValues(const char *values, int count) { - values_.assign(values, values + count); - return true; -} - -AnimationBuilder::AnimationBuilder() {} - -bool AnimationBuilder::SetTimestamps(draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation, - long num_frames, const float *timestamps) { - if (!animation || !timestamps) { - return false; - } - std::vector timestamps_arr( - timestamps, timestamps + num_frames); - return animation->SetTimestamps(timestamps_arr); -} - -int AnimationBuilder::AddKeyframes(draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation, - long num_frames, long num_components, - const float *animation_data) { - if (!animation || !animation_data) { - return -1; - } - std::vector keyframes_arr( - animation_data, animation_data + num_frames * num_components); - return animation->AddKeyframes(draco::DT_FLOAT32, num_components, - keyframes_arr); -} - -AnimationEncoder::AnimationEncoder() - : timestamps_quantization_bits_(-1), - keyframes_quantization_bits_(-1), - options_(draco::EncoderOptions::CreateDefaultOptions()) {} - -void AnimationEncoder::SetTimestampsQuantization(long quantization_bits) { - timestamps_quantization_bits_ = quantization_bits; -} - -void AnimationEncoder::SetKeyframesQuantization(long quantization_bits) { - keyframes_quantization_bits_ = quantization_bits; -} - -int AnimationEncoder::EncodeAnimationToDracoBuffer( - draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation, DracoInt8Array *draco_buffer) { - if (!animation) { - return 0; - } - draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; - - if (timestamps_quantization_bits_ > 0) { - options_.SetAttributeInt(0, "quantization_bits", - timestamps_quantization_bits_); - } - if (keyframes_quantization_bits_ > 0) { - for (int i = 1; i <= animation->num_animations(); ++i) { - options_.SetAttributeInt(i, "quantization_bits", - keyframes_quantization_bits_); - } - } - if (!encoder_.EncodeKeyframeAnimation(*animation, options_, &buffer).ok()) { - return 0; - } - - draco_buffer->SetValues(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); - return buffer.size(); -} diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.h deleted file mode 100644 index f2ac733d1c..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// -#ifndef DRACO_JAVASCRIPT_EMSCRIPTEN_ANIMATION_ENCODER_WEBIDL_WRAPPER_H_ -#define DRACO_JAVASCRIPT_EMSCRIPTEN_ANIMATION_ENCODER_WEBIDL_WRAPPER_H_ - -#include - -#include "draco/animation/keyframe_animation_encoder.h" -#include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h" -#include "draco/compression/config/compression_shared.h" -#include "draco/compression/config/encoder_options.h" -#include "draco/compression/encode.h" - -class DracoInt8Array { - public: - DracoInt8Array(); - int GetValue(int index) const; - bool SetValues(const char *values, int count); - - size_t size() { return values_.size(); } - - private: - std::vector values_; -}; - -class AnimationBuilder { - public: - AnimationBuilder(); - - bool SetTimestamps(draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation, long num_frames, - const float *timestamps); - - int AddKeyframes(draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation, long num_frames, - long num_components, const float *animation_data); -}; - -class AnimationEncoder { - public: - AnimationEncoder(); - - void SetTimestampsQuantization(long quantization_bits); - // TODO: Use expert encoder to set per attribute quantization. - void SetKeyframesQuantization(long quantization_bits); - int EncodeAnimationToDracoBuffer(draco::KeyframeAnimation *animation, - DracoInt8Array *draco_buffer); - - private: - draco::KeyframeAnimationEncoder encoder_; - long timestamps_quantization_bits_; - long keyframes_quantization_bits_; - draco::EncoderOptions options_; -}; - -#endif // DRACO_JAVASCRIPT_EMSCRIPTEN_ANIMATION_ENCODER_WEBIDL_WRAPPER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/decoder_webidl_wrapper.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/decoder_webidl_wrapper.cc index 66fe77dbda..034f3c3b4f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/decoder_webidl_wrapper.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/decoder_webidl_wrapper.cc @@ -221,14 +221,13 @@ bool Decoder::GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints(const PointCloud &pc, const int components = pa.num_components(); const int num_points = pc.num_points(); const int num_entries = num_points * components; - const int kMaxAttributeFloatValues = 4; - float values[kMaxAttributeFloatValues] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0}; + std::vector values(components, -2.f); int entry_id = 0; out_values->Resize(num_entries); for (draco::PointIndex i(0); i < num_points; ++i) { const draco::AttributeValueIndex val_index = pa.mapped_index(i); - if (!pa.ConvertValue(val_index, values)) { + if (!pa.ConvertValue(val_index, &values[0])) { return false; } for (int j = 0; j < components; ++j) { @@ -249,17 +248,16 @@ bool Decoder::GetAttributeFloatArrayForAllPoints(const PointCloud &pc, return false; } const bool requested_type_is_float = pa.data_type() == draco::DT_FLOAT32; - const int kMaxAttributeFloatValues = 4; - float values[kMaxAttributeFloatValues] = {-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0}; + std::vector values(components, -2.f); int entry_id = 0; float *const floats = reinterpret_cast(out_values); for (draco::PointIndex i(0); i < num_points; ++i) { const draco::AttributeValueIndex val_index = pa.mapped_index(i); if (requested_type_is_float) { - pa.GetValue(val_index, values); + pa.GetValue(val_index, &values[0]); } else { - if (!pa.ConvertValue(val_index, values)) { + if (!pa.ConvertValue(val_index, &values[0])) { return false; } } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_decoder_glue_wrapper.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_decoder_glue_wrapper.cc deleted file mode 100644 index 83ed98fdcd..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_decoder_glue_wrapper.cc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// -// This file is used by emscripten's WebIDL Binder. -// http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/porting/connecting_cpp_and_javascript/WebIDL-Binder.html -#include "draco/attributes/attribute_octahedron_transform.h" -#include "draco/attributes/attribute_quantization_transform.h" -#include "draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" -#include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h" -#include "draco/compression/decode.h" -#include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h" -#include "draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_decoder_webidl_wrapper.h" -#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" -#include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h" - -// glue_animation_decoder.cpp is generated by Makefile.emcc build_glue target. -#include "glue_animation_decoder.cpp" diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_web_decoder.idl b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_web_decoder.idl deleted file mode 100644 index c9fe76b59d..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_web_decoder.idl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -// Interface exposed to emscripten's WebIDL Binder. -// http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/porting/connecting_cpp_and_javascript/WebIDL-Binder.html -[Prefix="draco::"] -interface DecoderBuffer { - void DecoderBuffer(); - void Init([Const] byte[] data, unsigned long data_size); -}; - -enum draco_StatusCode { - "draco_Status::OK", - "draco_Status::DRACO_ERROR", - "draco_Status::IO_ERROR", - "draco_Status::INVALID_PARAMETER", - "draco_Status::UNSUPPORTED_VERSION", - "draco_Status::UNKNOWN_VERSION", -}; - -[Prefix="draco::"] -interface Status { - draco_StatusCode code(); - boolean ok(); - [Const] DOMString error_msg(); -}; - -// Draco version of typed arrays. The memory of these arrays is allocated on the -// emscripten heap. -interface DracoFloat32Array { - void DracoFloat32Array(); - float GetValue(long index); - long size(); -}; - -[Prefix="draco::"] -interface KeyframeAnimation { - void KeyframeAnimation(); - long num_frames(); - long num_animations(); -}; - -interface AnimationDecoder { - void AnimationDecoder(); - - [Const] Status DecodeBufferToKeyframeAnimation(DecoderBuffer in_buffer, - KeyframeAnimation animation); - - boolean GetTimestamps([Ref, Const] KeyframeAnimation animation, - DracoFloat32Array timestamp); - - boolean GetKeyframes([Ref, Const] KeyframeAnimation animation, - long keyframes_id, - DracoFloat32Array animation_data); -}; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_web_encoder.idl b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_web_encoder.idl deleted file mode 100644 index e74a4c9e46..0000000000 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_web_encoder.idl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -// Interface exposed to emscripten's WebIDL Binder. -// http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/porting/connecting_cpp_and_javascript/WebIDL-Binder.html -// Draco version of typed arrays. The memory of these arrays is allocated on the -// emscripten heap. -interface DracoInt8Array { - void DracoInt8Array(); - long GetValue(long index); - long size(); -}; - -[Prefix="draco::"] -interface KeyframeAnimation { - void KeyframeAnimation(); - long num_frames(); -}; - -interface AnimationBuilder { - void AnimationBuilder(); - boolean SetTimestamps(KeyframeAnimation animation, long num_frames, - [Const] float[] timestamps); - - long AddKeyframes(KeyframeAnimation animation, long num_frames, - long num_components, [Const] float[] animation_data); -}; - -interface AnimationEncoder { - void AnimationEncoder(); - - void SetTimestampsQuantization(long quantization_bits); - void SetKeyframesQuantization(long quantization_bits); - - long EncodeAnimationToDracoBuffer(KeyframeAnimation animation, - DracoInt8Array encoded_data); -}; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/version.js b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/version.js index 46fb25271c..b21f3b5e22 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/version.js +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/version.js @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function isVersionSupported(versionString) { const version = versionString.split('.'); if (version.length < 2 || version.length > 3) return false; // Unexpected version string. - if (version[0] == 1 && version[1] >= 0 && version[1] <= 4) + if (version[0] == 1 && version[1] >= 0 && version[1] <= 5) return true; if (version[0] != 0 || version[1] > 10) return false; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da854a1728 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material.cc @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/material/material.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +Material::Material() : Material(nullptr) {} + +Material::Material(TextureLibrary *texture_library) + : texture_library_(texture_library) { + Clear(); +} + +void Material::Copy(const Material &src) { + name_ = src.name_; + color_factor_ = src.color_factor_; + metallic_factor_ = src.metallic_factor_; + roughness_factor_ = src.roughness_factor_; + emissive_factor_ = src.emissive_factor_; + transparency_mode_ = src.transparency_mode_; + alpha_cutoff_ = src.alpha_cutoff_; + double_sided_ = src.double_sided_; + normal_texture_scale_ = src.normal_texture_scale_; + + // Copy properties of material extensions. + unlit_ = src.unlit_; + has_sheen_ = src.has_sheen_; + sheen_color_factor_ = src.sheen_color_factor_; + sheen_roughness_factor_ = src.sheen_roughness_factor_; + has_transmission_ = src.has_transmission_; + transmission_factor_ = src.transmission_factor_; + has_clearcoat_ = src.has_clearcoat_; + clearcoat_factor_ = src.clearcoat_factor_; + clearcoat_roughness_factor_ = src.clearcoat_roughness_factor_; + has_volume_ = src.has_volume_; + thickness_factor_ = src.thickness_factor_; + attenuation_distance_ = src.attenuation_distance_; + attenuation_color_ = src.attenuation_color_; + has_ior_ = src.has_ior_; + ior_ = src.ior_; + has_specular_ = src.has_specular_; + specular_factor_ = src.specular_factor_; + specular_color_factor_ = src.specular_color_factor_; + + // Copy texture maps. + texture_map_type_to_index_map_ = src.texture_map_type_to_index_map_; + texture_maps_.resize(src.texture_maps_.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < texture_maps_.size(); ++i) { + texture_maps_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new TextureMap()); + texture_maps_[i]->Copy(*src.texture_maps_[i]); + } +} + +void Material::Clear() { + ClearTextureMaps(); + + // Defaults correspond to the GLTF 2.0 spec. + name_.clear(); + color_factor_ = Vector4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); + metallic_factor_ = 1.f; + roughness_factor_ = 1.f; + emissive_factor_ = Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); + transparency_mode_ = TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE; + alpha_cutoff_ = 0.5f; + double_sided_ = false; + normal_texture_scale_ = 1.0f; + + // Clear properties of material extensions to glTF 2.0 spec defaults. + unlit_ = false; + has_sheen_ = false; + sheen_color_factor_ = Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); + sheen_roughness_factor_ = 0.f; + has_transmission_ = false; + transmission_factor_ = 0.f; + has_clearcoat_ = false; + clearcoat_factor_ = 0.f; + clearcoat_roughness_factor_ = 0.f; + has_volume_ = false; + thickness_factor_ = 0.f; + attenuation_distance_ = std::numeric_limits::max(); // Infinity. + attenuation_color_ = Vector3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); + has_ior_ = false; + ior_ = 1.5f; + has_specular_ = false; + specular_factor_ = 1.f; + specular_color_factor_ = Vector3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); +} + +void Material::ClearTextureMaps() { + texture_maps_.clear(); + texture_map_type_to_index_map_.clear(); +} + +void Material::SetTextureMap(TextureMap &&texture_map) { + std::unique_ptr new_texture_map(new TextureMap); + *new_texture_map = std::move(texture_map); + SetTextureMap(std::move(new_texture_map)); +} + +void Material::SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture_map) { + const TextureMap::Type type = texture_map->type(); + const auto it = texture_map_type_to_index_map_.find(type); + // Only one texture of a given type is allowed to exist. + if (it == texture_map_type_to_index_map_.end()) { + texture_maps_.push_back(std::move(texture_map)); + texture_map_type_to_index_map_[type] = texture_maps_.size() - 1; + } else { + texture_maps_[it->second] = std::move(texture_map); + } +} + +void Material::SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + int tex_coord_index) { + SetTextureMap(std::move(texture), texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode(TextureMap::CLAMP_TO_EDGE), + tex_coord_index); +} + +void Material::SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + int tex_coord_index) { + std::unique_ptr texture_map(new TextureMap); + texture_map->SetProperties(texture_map_type, wrapping_mode, tex_coord_index); + + if (texture_library_) { + texture_map->SetTexture(texture.get()); + texture_library_->PushTexture(std::move(texture)); + } else { + texture_map->SetTexture(std::move(texture)); + } + SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_map)); +} + +Status Material::SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + int tex_coord_index) { + return SetTextureMap(texture, texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode(TextureMap::CLAMP_TO_EDGE), + TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED, TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED, + tex_coord_index); +} + +Status Material::SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + int tex_coord_index) { + std::unique_ptr texture_map(new TextureMap); + return SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_map), texture, texture_map_type, + wrapping_mode, TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED, + TextureMap::UNSPECIFIED, tex_coord_index); +} + +Status Material::SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter, + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter, + int tex_coord_index) { + std::unique_ptr texture_map(new TextureMap); + return SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_map), texture, texture_map_type, + wrapping_mode, min_filter, mag_filter, tex_coord_index); +} + +Status Material::SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter, + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter, + const TextureTransform &transform, + int tex_coord_index) { + std::unique_ptr texture_map(new TextureMap); + texture_map->SetTransform(transform); + return SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_map), texture, texture_map_type, + wrapping_mode, min_filter, mag_filter, tex_coord_index); +} + +Status Material::SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture_map, + Texture *texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter, + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter, + int tex_coord_index) { + if (!IsTextureOwned(*texture)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Provided texture is not owned by the material."); + } + texture_map->SetProperties(texture_map_type, wrapping_mode, tex_coord_index, + min_filter, mag_filter); + texture_map->SetTexture(texture); + SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_map)); + return OkStatus(); +} + +bool Material::IsTextureOwned(const Texture &texture) { + if (texture_library_) { + // Ensure the texture is owned by the texture library. + for (int ti = 0; ti < texture_library_->NumTextures(); ++ti) { + if (texture_library_->GetTexture(ti) == &texture) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + // Else we need to check every texture map of this material. + for (int ti = 0; ti < NumTextureMaps(); ++ti) { + if (GetTextureMapByIndex(ti)->texture() == &texture) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +std::unique_ptr Material::RemoveTextureMapByIndex(int index) { + if (index < 0 || index >= texture_maps_.size()) { + return nullptr; + } + std::unique_ptr ret = std::move(texture_maps_[index]); + texture_maps_.erase(texture_maps_.begin() + index); + // A texture map was removed and we need to update + // |texture_map_type_to_index_map_| to reflect the changes. + for (int i = index; i < texture_maps_.size(); ++i) { + texture_map_type_to_index_map_[texture_maps_[i]->type()] = i; + } + // Delete the removed texture map type. + texture_map_type_to_index_map_.erase( + texture_map_type_to_index_map_.find(ret->type())); + return ret; +} + +std::unique_ptr Material::RemoveTextureMapByType( + TextureMap::Type texture_type) { + const auto it = texture_map_type_to_index_map_.find(texture_type); + if (it == texture_map_type_to_index_map_.end()) { + return nullptr; + } + return RemoveTextureMapByIndex(it->second); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c405b45c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material.h @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_MATERIAL_MATERIAL_H_ +#define DRACO_MATERIAL_MATERIAL_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_library.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_map.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Material specification for Draco geometry. Parameters are based on the +// metallic-roughness PBR model adopted by GLTF 2.0 standard: +// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#materials +class Material { + public: + enum TransparencyMode { + TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE = 0, + TRANSPARENCY_MASK, + TRANSPARENCY_BLEND + }; + + Material(); + explicit Material(TextureLibrary *texture_library); + + // Copies all material data from the |src| material to this material. + void Copy(const Material &src); + + // Deletes all texture maps and resets all material properties to default + // values. + void Clear(); + + // Deletes all texture maps from the material while keeping other material + // properties unchanged. + void ClearTextureMaps(); + + const std::string &GetName() const { return name_; } + void SetName(const std::string &name) { name_ = name; } + Vector4f GetColorFactor() const { return color_factor_; } + void SetColorFactor(const Vector4f &color_factor) { + color_factor_ = color_factor; + } + float GetMetallicFactor() const { return metallic_factor_; } + void SetMetallicFactor(float metallic_factor) { + metallic_factor_ = metallic_factor; + } + float GetRoughnessFactor() const { return roughness_factor_; } + void SetRoughnessFactor(float roughness_factor) { + roughness_factor_ = roughness_factor; + } + Vector3f GetEmissiveFactor() const { return emissive_factor_; } + void SetEmissiveFactor(const Vector3f &emissive_factor) { + emissive_factor_ = emissive_factor; + } + bool GetDoubleSided() const { return double_sided_; } + void SetDoubleSided(bool double_sided) { double_sided_ = double_sided; } + TransparencyMode GetTransparencyMode() const { return transparency_mode_; } + void SetTransparencyMode(TransparencyMode mode) { transparency_mode_ = mode; } + float GetAlphaCutoff() const { return alpha_cutoff_; } + void SetAlphaCutoff(float alpha_cutoff) { alpha_cutoff_ = alpha_cutoff; } + float GetNormalTextureScale() const { return normal_texture_scale_; } + void SetNormalTextureScale(float scale) { normal_texture_scale_ = scale; } + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_unlit. + bool GetUnlit() const { return unlit_; } + void SetUnlit(bool unlit) { unlit_ = unlit; } + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_sheen. + bool HasSheen() const { return has_sheen_; } + void SetHasSheen(bool value) { has_sheen_ = value; } + Vector3f GetSheenColorFactor() const { return sheen_color_factor_; } + void SetSheenColorFactor(const Vector3f &value) { + sheen_color_factor_ = value; + } + float GetSheenRoughnessFactor() const { return sheen_roughness_factor_; } + void SetSheenRoughnessFactor(float value) { sheen_roughness_factor_ = value; } + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_transmission. + bool HasTransmission() const { return has_transmission_; } + void SetHasTransmission(bool value) { has_transmission_ = value; } + float GetTransmissionFactor() const { return transmission_factor_; } + void SetTransmissionFactor(float value) { transmission_factor_ = value; } + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_clearcoat. + bool HasClearcoat() const { return has_clearcoat_; } + void SetHasClearcoat(bool value) { has_clearcoat_ = value; } + float GetClearcoatFactor() const { return clearcoat_factor_; } + void SetClearcoatFactor(float value) { clearcoat_factor_ = value; } + float GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor() const { + return clearcoat_roughness_factor_; + } + void SetClearcoatRoughnessFactor(float value) { + clearcoat_roughness_factor_ = value; + } + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_volume. + bool HasVolume() const { return has_volume_; } + void SetHasVolume(bool value) { has_volume_ = value; } + float GetThicknessFactor() const { return thickness_factor_; } + void SetThicknessFactor(float value) { thickness_factor_ = value; } + float GetAttenuationDistance() const { return attenuation_distance_; } + void SetAttenuationDistance(float value) { attenuation_distance_ = value; } + Vector3f GetAttenuationColor() const { return attenuation_color_; } + void SetAttenuationColor(const Vector3f &value) { + attenuation_color_ = value; + } + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_ior. + bool HasIor() const { return has_ior_; } + void SetHasIor(bool value) { has_ior_ = value; } + float GetIor() const { return ior_; } + void SetIor(float value) { ior_ = value; } + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_specular. + bool HasSpecular() const { return has_specular_; } + void SetHasSpecular(bool value) { has_specular_ = value; } + float GetSpecularFactor() const { return specular_factor_; } + void SetSpecularFactor(float value) { specular_factor_ = value; } + Vector3f GetSpecularColorFactor() const { return specular_color_factor_; } + void SetSpecularColorFactor(const Vector3f &value) { + specular_color_factor_ = value; + } + + // Methods for working with texture maps. + size_t NumTextureMaps() const { return texture_maps_.size(); } + const TextureMap *GetTextureMapByIndex(int index) const { + return texture_maps_[index].get(); + } + TextureMap *GetTextureMapByIndex(int index) { + return texture_maps_[index].get(); + } + const TextureMap *GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::Type texture_type) const { + const auto it = texture_map_type_to_index_map_.find(texture_type); + if (it == texture_map_type_to_index_map_.end()) { + return nullptr; + } + return GetTextureMapByIndex(it->second); + } + TextureMap *GetTextureMapByType(TextureMap::Type texture_type) { + const auto it = texture_map_type_to_index_map_.find(texture_type); + if (it == texture_map_type_to_index_map_.end()) { + return nullptr; + } + return GetTextureMapByIndex(it->second); + } + + // TODO(b/146061359): Refactor the set texture map code. + // Specifies a new texture map using a texture with a given type. + // |tex_coord_index| defines which texture coordinate attribute should be used + // to map the texture on the underlying geometry (e.g. tex_coord_index 0 would + // use the first texture coordinate attribute). + void SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, int tex_coord_index); + void SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture, + TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + int tex_coord_index); + + // Sets a new texture map using a |texture| that is already owned by this + // material (that is by one of its texture maps or by the unerlying + // |texture_library_|). |transform| is the texture map's transform if set. + // |min_filter| and |mag_filter| are the texture filter types. Returns error + // status if provided |texture| is not owned by the material. + Status SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + int tex_coord_index); + Status SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + int tex_coord_index); + Status SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter, + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter, int tex_coord_index); + Status SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter, + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter, + const TextureTransform &transform, int tex_coord_index); + + // Removes a texture map from the material based on its index or texture type. + // The material releases the ownership of the texture map and returns it as + // a unique_ptr to allow the caller to use the texture map for other purposes. + std::unique_ptr RemoveTextureMapByIndex(int index); + std::unique_ptr RemoveTextureMapByType( + TextureMap::Type texture_type); + + private: + void SetTextureMap(TextureMap &&texture_map); + void SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture_map); + Status SetTextureMap(std::unique_ptr texture_map, + Texture *texture, TextureMap::Type texture_map_type, + TextureMap::WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + TextureMap::FilterType min_filter, + TextureMap::FilterType mag_filter, int tex_coord_index); + + // Returns true if the |texture| is owned by the material. + bool IsTextureOwned(const Texture &texture); + + private: + std::string name_; + Vector4f color_factor_; + float metallic_factor_; + float roughness_factor_; + Vector3f emissive_factor_; + bool double_sided_; + TransparencyMode transparency_mode_; + float alpha_cutoff_; + float normal_texture_scale_; + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_unlit. + bool unlit_; + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_sheen. + bool has_sheen_; + Vector3f sheen_color_factor_; + float sheen_roughness_factor_; + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_transmission. + bool has_transmission_; + float transmission_factor_; + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_clearcoat. + bool has_clearcoat_; + float clearcoat_factor_; + float clearcoat_roughness_factor_; + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_volume. + bool has_volume_; + float thickness_factor_; + float attenuation_distance_; + Vector3f attenuation_color_; + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_ior. + bool has_ior_; + float ior_; + + // Properties of glTF material extension KHR_materials_specular. + bool has_specular_; + float specular_factor_; + Vector3f specular_color_factor_; + + // Texture maps. + std::vector> texture_maps_; + + // Map between a texture type to texture index in |texture_maps_|. Allows fast + // retrieval of texture maps based on their type. + std::unordered_map texture_map_type_to_index_map_; + + // Optional pointer to a library that holds ownership of textures used for + // this material. If set to nullptr, the texture ownership will be assigned + // to the newly created TextureMaps directly. + TextureLibrary *texture_library_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_MATERIAL_MATERIAL_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2165295fa --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library.cc @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/material/material_library.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +namespace draco { + +void MaterialLibrary::Copy(const MaterialLibrary &src) { + Clear(); + Append(src); +} + +void MaterialLibrary::Append(const MaterialLibrary &src) { + const size_t old_num_materials = materials_.size(); + materials_.resize(old_num_materials + src.materials_.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < src.materials_.size(); ++i) { + materials_[old_num_materials + i] = + std::unique_ptr(new Material(&texture_library_)); + materials_[old_num_materials + i]->Copy(*src.materials_[i]); + } + + const size_t old_num_textures = texture_library_.NumTextures(); + texture_library_.Append(src.texture_library_); + for (int i = 0; i < src.materials_variants_names_.size(); i++) { + materials_variants_names_.push_back(src.materials_variants_names_[i]); + } + + // Remap all texture maps to the textures in the new texture library. + + // First gather mapping between texture maps and textures in the old material + // library. + const auto texture_map_to_index = + ComputeTextureMapToTextureIndexMapping(src.texture_library_); + + // Remap all texture maps to textures stored in the new texture library. + for (auto it = texture_map_to_index.begin(); it != texture_map_to_index.end(); + ++it) { + TextureMap *const texture_map = it->first; + const int texture_index = old_num_textures + it->second; + texture_map->SetTexture(texture_library_.GetTexture(texture_index)); + } +} + +std::unique_ptr MaterialLibrary::RemoveMaterial(int index) { + std::unique_ptr ret = std::move(materials_[index]); + materials_.erase(materials_.begin() + index); + return ret; +} + +void MaterialLibrary::RemoveUnusedTextures() { + const auto texture_map_to_index = + ComputeTextureMapToTextureIndexMapping(texture_library_); + + // Mark which textures are used. + std::vector is_texture_used(texture_library_.NumTextures(), false); + for (auto it = texture_map_to_index.begin(); it != texture_map_to_index.end(); + ++it) { + is_texture_used[it->second] = true; + } + + // Remove all textures that are not used (from backwards to avoid updating + // entries in the |is_texture_used| vector). + for (int i = texture_library_.NumTextures() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { + if (!is_texture_used[i]) { + texture_library_.RemoveTexture(i); + } + } +} + +std::map +MaterialLibrary::ComputeTextureMapToTextureIndexMapping( + const TextureLibrary &library) const { + std::map map_to_index; + for (int mi = 0; mi < materials_.size(); ++mi) { + for (int ti = 0; ti < materials_[mi]->NumTextureMaps(); ++ti) { + TextureMap *const texture_map = materials_[mi]->GetTextureMapByIndex(ti); + for (int tli = 0; tli < library.NumTextures(); ++tli) { + if (library.GetTexture(tli) != texture_map->texture()) { + continue; + } + map_to_index[texture_map] = tli; + break; + } + } + } + return map_to_index; +} + +void MaterialLibrary::Clear() { + materials_.clear(); + texture_library_.Clear(); + materials_variants_names_.clear(); +} + +Material *MaterialLibrary::MutableMaterial(int index) { + if (index < 0) { + return nullptr; + } + if (materials_.size() <= index) { + const int old_size = materials_.size(); + materials_.resize(index + 1); + // Ensure all newly created materials are valid. + for (int i = old_size; i < index + 1; ++i) { + materials_[i] = + std::unique_ptr(new Material(&texture_library_)); + } + } + return materials_[index].get(); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..574d86b239 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library.h @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_MATERIAL_MATERIAL_LIBRARY_H_ +#define DRACO_MATERIAL_MATERIAL_LIBRARY_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/material/material.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_library.h" + +namespace draco { + +// MaterialLibrary holds an array of materials that are applied to a single +// model. +class MaterialLibrary { + public: + MaterialLibrary() = default; + + // Copies the |src| into this instance. + void Copy(const MaterialLibrary &src); + + // Appends materials from the |src| library to this library. All materials + // and textures are copied over. + void Append(const MaterialLibrary &src); + + // Deletes all materials from the material library. + void Clear(); + + // The number of materials stored in the library. All materials are stored + // with indices <0, num_materials() - 1>. + size_t NumMaterials() const { return materials_.size(); } + + // Returns a material with a given index or nullptr if the index is not valid. + const Material *GetMaterial(int index) const { + if (index < 0 || index >= materials_.size()) { + return nullptr; + } + return materials_[index].get(); + } + + // Returns a mutable pointer to a given material. If the material with the + // specified |index| does not exist, it is automatically created. + Material *MutableMaterial(int index); + + // Removes a material with a given index and returns it. Caller can ignore the + // returned value, in which case the material will be automatically deleted. + // Index of all subsequent materials will be decremented by one. + std::unique_ptr RemoveMaterial(int index); + + const TextureLibrary &GetTextureLibrary() const { return texture_library_; } + TextureLibrary &MutableTextureLibrary() { return texture_library_; } + + // Removes all textures that are not referenced by a TextureMap from the + // texture library. + void RemoveUnusedTextures(); + + // Returns a map between each TextureMap object and associated texture index + // in the texture |library|. + std::map ComputeTextureMapToTextureIndexMapping( + const TextureLibrary &library) const; + + // Creates a named materials variant and returns its index. + int AddMaterialsVariant(const std::string &name) { + materials_variants_names_.push_back(name); + return materials_variants_names_.size() - 1; + } + + // Returns the number of materials variants. + int NumMaterialsVariants() const { return materials_variants_names_.size(); } + + // Returns the name of a materials variant. + const std::string &GetMaterialsVariantName(int index) const { + return materials_variants_names_[index]; + } + + private: + std::vector> materials_; + std::vector materials_variants_names_; + + // Container for storing all textures used by materials of this library. + TextureLibrary texture_library_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_MATERIAL_MATERIAL_LIBRARY_H_ +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a110fa4db0 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_library_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/material/material_library.h" + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +TEST(MaterialLibraryTest, TestMaterials) { + // Test verifies that we can modify materials in a library. + draco::MaterialLibrary library; + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 0); + + // Add a new material to the library. + const draco::Material *const new_mat = library.MutableMaterial(0); + ASSERT_NE(new_mat, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 1); + + const draco::Material *const new_mat2 = library.MutableMaterial(2); + ASSERT_NE(new_mat2, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetMaterial(2), new_mat2); + + // Ensure that even though we call mutable_material multiple times, it does + // not increase the number of materials associated to the library. + for (int i = 0; i < library.NumMaterials(); ++i) { + ASSERT_NE(library.MutableMaterial(i), nullptr); + } + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 3); + + // Check that material variants can be added and cleared. + library.AddMaterialsVariant("Milk Truck"); + library.AddMaterialsVariant("Ice Cream Truck"); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterialsVariants(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetMaterialsVariantName(0), "Milk Truck"); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetMaterialsVariantName(1), "Ice Cream Truck"); + + library.Clear(); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterialsVariants(), 0); +} + +TEST(MaterialLibraryTest, TestMaterialsCopy) { + // Test verifies that we can copy a material library. + draco::MaterialLibrary library; + library.MutableMaterial(0)->SetMetallicFactor(2.4f); + library.MutableMaterial(3)->SetRoughnessFactor(1.2f); + library.AddMaterialsVariant("Milk Truck"); + library.AddMaterialsVariant("Ice Cream Truck"); + + draco::MaterialLibrary new_library; + new_library.Copy(library); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), new_library.NumMaterials()); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetMaterial(0)->GetMetallicFactor(), + new_library.GetMaterial(0)->GetMetallicFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetMaterial(3)->GetRoughnessFactor(), + new_library.GetMaterial(3)->GetRoughnessFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(new_library.NumMaterialsVariants(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(new_library.GetMaterialsVariantName(0), "Milk Truck"); + ASSERT_EQ(new_library.GetMaterialsVariantName(1), "Ice Cream Truck"); +} + +TEST(MaterialLibraryTest, TestTextureLibrary) { + // Tests that texture library is properly updated when we add new textures + // to a material belonging to the material library. + std::unique_ptr texture_0(new draco::Texture()); + std::unique_ptr texture_1(new draco::Texture()); + + draco::MaterialLibrary library; + library.MutableMaterial(0)->SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_0), + draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 1); + library.MutableMaterial(3)->SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_1), + draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); +} + +TEST(MaterialLibraryTest, RemoveUnusedTextures) { + // Test verifies that we can remove unusued textures from the material + // library. + draco::MaterialLibrary library; + + // Create dummy textures. + std::unique_ptr texture_0(new draco::Texture()); + std::unique_ptr texture_1(new draco::Texture()); + std::unique_ptr texture_2(new draco::Texture()); + + // Add them to the materials of the library. + library.MutableMaterial(0)->SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_0), + draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + library.MutableMaterial(0)->SetTextureMap( + std::move(texture_1), draco::TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS, 0); + library.MutableMaterial(1)->SetTextureMap(std::move(texture_2), + draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 3); + + library.RemoveUnusedTextures(); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 3); + + // Remove texture map from a material. + library.MutableMaterial(0)->RemoveTextureMapByType( + draco::TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS); + library.RemoveUnusedTextures(); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); + + library.MutableMaterial(1)->RemoveTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR); + library.RemoveUnusedTextures(); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 1); + + library.MutableMaterial(0)->RemoveTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR); + library.RemoveUnusedTextures(); + ASSERT_EQ(library.GetTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 0); +} + +TEST(MaterialLibraryTest, RemoveMaterial) { + // Tests that we can safely remove materials from the material library. + draco::MaterialLibrary library; + library.MutableMaterial(0)->SetMetallicFactor(0.f); + library.MutableMaterial(1)->SetMetallicFactor(1.f); + library.MutableMaterial(2)->SetMetallicFactor(2.f); + library.MutableMaterial(3)->SetMetallicFactor(3.f); + + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 4); + + ASSERT_EQ(library.RemoveMaterial(0)->GetMetallicFactor(), 0.f); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 3); + + ASSERT_EQ(library.RemoveMaterial(1)->GetMetallicFactor(), 2.f); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 2); + + ASSERT_EQ(library.RemoveMaterial(1)->GetMetallicFactor(), 3.f); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 1); + + ASSERT_EQ(library.RemoveMaterial(0)->GetMetallicFactor(), 1.f); + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumMaterials(), 0); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c999a532c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/material/material.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" + +namespace { + +TEST(MaterialTest, TestMaterialAccess) { + // Tests that we can set and get material properties. + draco::Material material; + + material.SetName("Superalloy"); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetName(), "Superalloy"); + material.SetColorFactor(draco::Vector4f(1.f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.9f)); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetColorFactor(), draco::Vector4f(1.f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.9f)); + material.SetMetallicFactor(0.3f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetMetallicFactor(), 0.3f); + material.SetRoughnessFactor(0.2f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetRoughnessFactor(), 0.2f); + material.SetEmissiveFactor(draco::Vector3f(0.2f, 0.f, 0.1f)); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetEmissiveFactor(), draco::Vector3f(0.2f, 0.f, 0.1f)); + + // Set and check the properties of material extensions. + material.SetUnlit(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.GetUnlit()); + material.SetHasSheen(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasSheen()); + material.SetSheenColorFactor(draco::Vector3f(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.8f)); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSheenColorFactor(), draco::Vector3f(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.8f)); + material.SetSheenRoughnessFactor(0.428f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor(), 0.428f); + material.SetHasTransmission(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasTransmission()); + material.SetTransmissionFactor(0.5f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTransmissionFactor(), 0.5f); + material.SetHasClearcoat(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasClearcoat()); + material.SetClearcoatFactor(0.6f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetClearcoatFactor(), 0.6f); + material.SetClearcoatRoughnessFactor(0.7f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor(), 0.7f); + material.SetHasVolume(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasVolume()); + material.SetThicknessFactor(0.8f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetThicknessFactor(), 0.8f); + material.SetAttenuationDistance(0.9f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetAttenuationDistance(), 0.9f); + material.SetAttenuationColor(draco::Vector3f(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.8f)); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetAttenuationColor(), draco::Vector3f(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.8f)); + material.SetHasIor(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasIor()); + material.SetIor(1.1f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetIor(), 1.1f); + material.SetHasSpecular(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasSpecular()); + material.SetSpecularFactor(0.01f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSpecularFactor(), 0.01f); + material.SetSpecularColorFactor(draco::Vector3f(0.4f, 1.f, 1.f)); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSpecularColorFactor(), draco::Vector3f(0.4f, 1.f, 1.f)); + + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 0); + + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + + ASSERT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByIndex(0), + material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR)); + + std::unique_ptr texture2 = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture2, nullptr); + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture2), draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE, 1); + + ASSERT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE) + ->tex_coord_index(), + 1); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 2); + + // Try to add the emissive texture one more time. This should replace the + // previous instance of the emissive texture on the material. + std::unique_ptr texture3 = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture3, nullptr); + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture2), draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE, 2); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE) + ->tex_coord_index(), + 2); + + std::unique_ptr texture_map4(new draco::TextureMap()); + std::unique_ptr texture4 = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture4), draco::TextureMap::ROUGHNESS, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 3); + ASSERT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::ROUGHNESS), + nullptr); + + material.SetTransparencyMode(draco::Material::TRANSPARENCY_BLEND); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTransparencyMode(), + draco::Material::TRANSPARENCY_BLEND); + material.SetAlphaCutoff(0.2f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetAlphaCutoff(), 0.2f); + material.SetNormalTextureScale(0.75f); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetNormalTextureScale(), 0.75f); + + material.ClearTextureMaps(); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR), nullptr); + + // Metallic factor should be unchanged. + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetMetallicFactor(), 0.3f); + + material.Clear(); + // Metallic factor should be reset to default. + ASSERT_NE(material.GetMetallicFactor(), 0.3f); + + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetDoubleSided(), false); + material.SetDoubleSided(true); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetDoubleSided(), true); +} + +TEST(MaterialTest, TestMaterialCopy) { + draco::Material material; + material.SetName("Antimatter"); + material.SetColorFactor(draco::Vector4f(0.3f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.9f)); + material.SetMetallicFactor(0.2f); + material.SetRoughnessFactor(0.4f); + material.SetEmissiveFactor(draco::Vector3f(0.3f, 0.1f, 0.2f)); + material.SetTransparencyMode(draco::Material::TRANSPARENCY_MASK); + material.SetAlphaCutoff(0.25f); + material.SetDoubleSided(true); + material.SetNormalTextureScale(0.75f); + + // Set the properties of material extensions. + material.SetUnlit(true); + material.SetHasSheen(true); + material.SetSheenColorFactor(draco::Vector3f(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.8f)); + material.SetSheenRoughnessFactor(0.428f); + material.SetHasTransmission(true); + material.SetTransmissionFactor(0.5f); + material.SetHasClearcoat(true); + material.SetClearcoatFactor(0.6f); + material.SetClearcoatRoughnessFactor(0.7f); + material.SetHasVolume(true); + material.SetThicknessFactor(0.8f); + material.SetAttenuationDistance(0.9f); + material.SetAttenuationColor(draco::Vector3f(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.8f)); + material.SetHasIor(true); + material.SetIor(1.1f); + material.SetHasSpecular(true); + material.SetSpecularFactor(0.01f); + material.SetSpecularColorFactor(draco::Vector3f(0.4f, 1.f, 1.f)); + + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE, 2); + + draco::Material new_material; + new_material.Copy(material); + + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetName(), new_material.GetName()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetColorFactor(), new_material.GetColorFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetMetallicFactor(), new_material.GetMetallicFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetRoughnessFactor(), new_material.GetRoughnessFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetEmissiveFactor(), new_material.GetEmissiveFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTransparencyMode(), new_material.GetTransparencyMode()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetAlphaCutoff(), new_material.GetAlphaCutoff()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetDoubleSided(), new_material.GetDoubleSided()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetNormalTextureScale(), + new_material.GetNormalTextureScale()); + + // Check that the properties of material extensions have been copied. + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetUnlit(), new_material.GetUnlit()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.HasSheen(), new_material.HasSheen()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSheenColorFactor(), new_material.GetSheenColorFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor(), + new_material.GetSheenRoughnessFactor()); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasTransmission()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTransmissionFactor(), + new_material.GetTransmissionFactor()); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasClearcoat()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetClearcoatFactor(), new_material.GetClearcoatFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor(), + new_material.GetClearcoatRoughnessFactor()); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasVolume()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetThicknessFactor(), new_material.GetThicknessFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetAttenuationDistance(), + new_material.GetAttenuationDistance()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetAttenuationColor(), new_material.GetAttenuationColor()); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasIor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetIor(), new_material.GetIor()); + ASSERT_TRUE(material.HasSpecular()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSpecularFactor(), new_material.GetSpecularFactor()); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetSpecularColorFactor(), + new_material.GetSpecularColorFactor()); + + for (int i = 0; i < draco::TextureMap::TEXTURE_TYPES_COUNT; ++i) { + const draco::TextureMap::Type texture_map_type = + static_cast(i); + if (material.GetTextureMapByType(texture_map_type) == nullptr) { + ASSERT_EQ(new_material.GetTextureMapByType(texture_map_type), nullptr); + continue; + } + if (material.GetTextureMapByType(texture_map_type)->texture() == nullptr) { + ASSERT_EQ(new_material.GetTextureMapByType(texture_map_type)->texture(), + nullptr); + } else { + ASSERT_NE(new_material.GetTextureMapByType(texture_map_type)->texture(), + nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ( + material.GetTextureMapByType(texture_map_type)->tex_coord_index(), + new_material.GetTextureMapByType(texture_map_type) + ->tex_coord_index()); + } + } + + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), new_material.NumTextureMaps()); + for (int i = 0; i < material.NumTextureMaps(); ++i) { + const draco::TextureMap *const tm0 = material.GetTextureMapByIndex(i); + const draco::TextureMap *const tm1 = new_material.GetTextureMapByIndex(i); + ASSERT_NE(tm0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(tm1, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(tm0->type(), tm1->type()); + } +} + +TEST(MaterialTest, RemoveTextureMap) { + // Tests that we can remove existing texture maps from a material. + draco::Material material; + + // Add some dummy textures to the material. + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + + std::unique_ptr texture_2 = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE, 0); + + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 2); + + // Try to delete the color texture. + std::unique_ptr removed_texture = + material.RemoveTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR); + ASSERT_NE(removed_texture, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(removed_texture->type(), draco::TextureMap::COLOR); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_NE(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByIndex(0)->type(), + draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::COLOR), nullptr); + + removed_texture = material.RemoveTextureMapByIndex(0); + ASSERT_NE(removed_texture, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(removed_texture->type(), draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE); + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(material.GetTextureMapByType(draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE), nullptr); +} + +TEST(MaterialTest, SharedTexture) { + // Tests adding shared textures. + draco::Material material; + + // Add some dummy textures to the material. + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + draco::Texture *texture_raw = texture.get(); + material.SetTextureMap(std::move(texture), draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + + DRACO_ASSERT_OK( + material.SetTextureMap(texture_raw, draco::TextureMap::EMISSIVE, 0)); + + ASSERT_EQ(material.NumTextureMaps(), 2); + + // Read a new texture. + texture = draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png")) + .value(); + // Texture is not owned by the material so we expect a failure. + ASSERT_FALSE( + material + .SetTextureMap(texture.get(), draco::TextureMap::AMBIENT_OCCLUSION, 0) + .ok()); +} + +} // namespace +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f9fcb6219 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils.cc @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f9fcb6219 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82a1227a2b --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/material/material_utils_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/material/material_utils.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" + +namespace {} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.cc index 3f92f651ab..6494c1572e 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.cc @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ #include "draco/mesh/corner_table.h" #include +#include #include "draco/attributes/geometry_indices.h" #include "draco/mesh/corner_table_iterators.h" diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.h index 3aa720fdeb..3088931c1f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table.h @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ #include "draco/attributes/geometry_indices.h" #include "draco/core/draco_index_type_vector.h" #include "draco/core/macros.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" #include "draco/mesh/valence_cache.h" namespace draco { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table_iterators.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table_iterators.h index 7122aa1be0..72c70ac32c 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table_iterators.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table_iterators.h @@ -15,15 +15,23 @@ #ifndef DRACO_MESH_CORNER_TABLE_ITERATORS_H_ #define DRACO_MESH_CORNER_TABLE_ITERATORS_H_ +#include + #include "draco/mesh/corner_table.h" namespace draco { // Class for iterating over vertices in a 1-ring around the specified vertex. template -class VertexRingIterator - : public std::iterator { +class VertexRingIterator { public: + // Iterator traits expected by std libraries. + using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; + using value_type = VertexIndex; + using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; + using pointer = VertexIndex *; + using reference = VertexIndex &; + // std::iterator interface requires a default constructor. VertexRingIterator() : corner_table_(nullptr), @@ -111,9 +119,15 @@ class VertexRingIterator // Class for iterating over faces adjacent to the specified input face. template -class FaceAdjacencyIterator - : public std::iterator { +class FaceAdjacencyIterator { public: + // Iterator traits expected by std libraries. + using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; + using value_type = FaceIndex; + using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; + using pointer = FaceIndex *; + using reference = FaceIndex &; + // std::iterator interface requires a default constructor. FaceAdjacencyIterator() : corner_table_(nullptr), @@ -193,9 +207,15 @@ class FaceAdjacencyIterator // Class for iterating over corners attached to a specified vertex. template -class VertexCornersIterator - : public std::iterator { +class VertexCornersIterator { public: + // Iterator traits expected by std libraries. + using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; + using value_type = CornerIndex; + using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; + using pointer = CornerIndex *; + using reference = CornerIndex &; + // std::iterator interface requires a default constructor. VertexCornersIterator() : corner_table_(nullptr), diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f88d3ec966 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/corner_table_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +#include "draco/mesh/corner_table.h" + +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/obj_decoder.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_connected_components.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_misc_functions.h" + +namespace draco { + +class CornerTableTest : public ::testing::Test { + protected: + std::unique_ptr DecodeObj(const std::string &file_name) const { + const std::string path = GetTestFileFullPath(file_name); + ObjDecoder decoder; + std::unique_ptr mesh(new Mesh()); + if (!decoder.DecodeFromFile(path, mesh.get()).ok()) { + return nullptr; + } + return mesh; + } + + void TestEncodingCube() { + // Build a CornerTable looking at the mesh and verify that the caching of + // valences are reasonably correct and within range of expectations. This + // test is built specifically for working with 'cubes' and has expectations + // about the degree of each corner. + const std::string file_name = "cube_att.obj"; + std::unique_ptr in_mesh = DecodeObj(file_name); + ASSERT_NE(in_mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model " << file_name; + draco::Mesh *mesh = nullptr; + mesh = in_mesh.get(); + + std::unique_ptr utable = + draco::CreateCornerTableFromPositionAttribute(mesh); + draco::CornerTable *table = utable.get(); + + table->GetValenceCache().CacheValences(); + table->GetValenceCache().CacheValencesInaccurate(); + + for (VertexIndex index = static_cast(0); + index < static_cast(table->num_vertices()); index++) { + const auto valence = table->Valence(index); + const auto valence2 = table->GetValenceCache().ValenceFromCache(index); + const auto valence3 = + table->GetValenceCache().ValenceFromCacheInaccurate(index); + ASSERT_EQ(valence, valence2); + ASSERT_GE(valence, valence3); // may be clipped. + + // No more than 6 triangles can touch a cube corner. + ASSERT_LE(valence, 6); + ASSERT_LE(valence2, 6); + ASSERT_LE(valence3, 6); + + // No less than 3 triangles can touch a cube corner. + ASSERT_GE(valence, 3); + ASSERT_GE(valence2, 3); + ASSERT_GE(valence3, 3); + } + + for (CornerIndex index = static_cast(0); + index < static_cast(table->num_corners()); index++) { + const auto valence = table->Valence(index); + const auto valence2 = table->GetValenceCache().ValenceFromCache(index); + const auto valence3 = + table->GetValenceCache().ValenceFromCacheInaccurate(index); + ASSERT_EQ(valence, valence2); + ASSERT_GE(valence, valence3); // may be clipped. + + // No more than 6 triangles can touch a cube corner, 6 edges result. + ASSERT_LE(valence, 6); + ASSERT_LE(valence2, 6); + ASSERT_LE(valence3, 6); + + // No less than 3 triangles can touch a cube corner, 3 edges result. + ASSERT_GE(valence, 3); + ASSERT_GE(valence2, 3); + ASSERT_GE(valence3, 3); + } + + table->GetValenceCache().ClearValenceCache(); + table->GetValenceCache().ClearValenceCacheInaccurate(); + } +}; + +TEST_F(CornerTableTest, NormalWithSeams) { TestEncodingCube(); } + +TEST_F(CornerTableTest, TestNonManifoldEdges) { + std::unique_ptr mesh = DecodeObj("non_manifold_wrap.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + std::unique_ptr ct = + draco::CreateCornerTableFromPositionAttribute(mesh.get()); + ASSERT_NE(ct, nullptr); + + MeshConnectedComponents connected_components; + connected_components.FindConnectedComponents(ct.get()); + ASSERT_EQ(connected_components.NumConnectedComponents(), 2); +} + +TEST_F(CornerTableTest, TestNewFace) { + // Tests that we can add a new face to the corner table. + const std::string file_name = "cube_att.obj"; + std::unique_ptr mesh = DecodeObj(file_name); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr ct = + draco::CreateCornerTableFromPositionAttribute(mesh.get()); + ASSERT_NE(ct, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->num_faces(), 12); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->num_corners(), 3 * 12); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->num_vertices(), 8); + + const VertexIndex new_vi = ct->AddNewVertex(); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->num_vertices(), 9); + + ASSERT_EQ(ct->AddNewFace({VertexIndex(6), VertexIndex(7), new_vi}), 12); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->num_faces(), 13); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->num_corners(), 3 * 13); + + ASSERT_EQ(ct->Vertex(CornerIndex(3 * 12 + 0)), 6); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->Vertex(CornerIndex(3 * 12) + 1), 7); + ASSERT_EQ(ct->Vertex(CornerIndex(3 * 12) + 2), new_vi); +} + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.cc index 3be4b1494e..b287ecb45e 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.cc @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ #include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" #include +#include +#include +#include +#include namespace draco { @@ -22,7 +26,436 @@ namespace draco { template using conditional_t = typename std::conditional::type; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +Mesh::Mesh() : compression_enabled_(false) {} +#else Mesh::Mesh() {} +#endif + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +void Mesh::Copy(const Mesh &src) { + PointCloud::Copy(src); + name_ = src.name_; + faces_ = src.faces_; + attribute_data_ = src.attribute_data_; + material_library_.Copy(src.material_library_); + compression_enabled_ = src.compression_enabled_; + compression_options_ = src.compression_options_; + + // Copy mesh feature ID sets. + mesh_features_.clear(); + for (MeshFeaturesIndex i(0); i < src.NumMeshFeatures(); i++) { + std::unique_ptr mesh_features(new MeshFeatures()); + mesh_features->Copy(src.GetMeshFeatures(i)); + AddMeshFeatures(std::move(mesh_features)); + } + mesh_features_material_mask_ = src.mesh_features_material_mask_; + + // Copy non-material textures. + non_material_texture_library_.Copy(src.non_material_texture_library_); + + // Update pointers to non-material textures in mesh feature ID sets. + if (non_material_texture_library_.NumTextures() != 0) { + const auto texture_to_index_map = + src.non_material_texture_library_.ComputeTextureToIndexMap(); + for (MeshFeaturesIndex j(0); j < NumMeshFeatures(); ++j) { + Mesh::UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturePointer(texture_to_index_map, + &non_material_texture_library_, + &GetMeshFeatures(j)); + } + } + + // Copy structural metadata. + structural_metadata_.Copy(src.structural_metadata_); +} + +namespace { +// A helper struct that augments a point index with an attribute value index. +// A unique combination of |point_index| and |attribute_value_index| +// corresponds to a unique point on the mesh. Used to identify unique points +// after a new attribute is added to the mesh. +struct AugmentedPointData { + PointIndex point_index; + AttributeValueIndex attribute_value_index; + bool operator<(const AugmentedPointData &pd) const { + if (point_index < pd.point_index) { + return true; + } + if (point_index > pd.point_index) { + return false; + } + return attribute_value_index < pd.attribute_value_index; + } +}; +} // namespace + +int32_t Mesh::AddAttributeWithConnectivity( + std::unique_ptr att, + const IndexTypeVector &corner_to_value) { + // Map between augmented point and new point indices (one augmented point + // corresponds to one PointIndex). + std::map old_to_new_point_map; + + // Map between corners and the new point indices. + IndexTypeVector corner_to_point(num_faces() * 3, + kInvalidPointIndex); + + // Flag whether a given existing point index has been used. Used to ensure + // that mapping between existing and new point indices that are smaller + // than num_points() is identity. In other words, we want to keep indices of + // the existing points intact and add new points to end. + IndexTypeVector is_point_used(num_points(), false); + + int new_num_points = num_points(); + for (CornerIndex ci(0); ci < num_faces() * 3; ++ci) { + AugmentedPointData apd; + apd.point_index = CornerToPointId(ci); + apd.attribute_value_index = corner_to_value[ci]; + const auto it = old_to_new_point_map.find(apd); + if (it != old_to_new_point_map.end()) { + // Augmented point is already mapped to a point index. Reuse it. + corner_to_point[ci] = it->second; + } else { + // New combination of point index + attribute value index. Map it to a + // unique point index. + PointIndex new_point_index; + if (!is_point_used[apd.point_index]) { + // Reuse the existing (old) point index. + new_point_index = apd.point_index; + is_point_used[apd.point_index] = true; + } else { + // Add a new point index to the end. + new_point_index = PointIndex(new_num_points++); + } + old_to_new_point_map[apd] = new_point_index; + corner_to_point[ci] = new_point_index; + } + } + + // Update point to attribute value mapping for the new attribute. + att->SetExplicitMapping(new_num_points); + for (CornerIndex ci(0); ci < num_faces() * 3; ++ci) { + att->SetPointMapEntry(corner_to_point[ci], corner_to_value[ci]); + } + + // Update point to attribute value mapping on the remaining attributes if + // needed. + if (new_num_points > num_points()) { + set_num_points(new_num_points); + + // Setup attributes for the new number of points. + for (int ai = 0; ai < num_attributes(); ++ai) { + const bool mapping_was_identity = attribute(ai)->is_mapping_identity(); + attribute(ai)->SetExplicitMapping(new_num_points); + if (mapping_was_identity) { + // Convert all old points from identity to explicit mapping. + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < attribute(ai)->size(); ++avi) { + attribute(ai)->SetPointMapEntry(PointIndex(avi.value()), avi); + } + } + } + + for (CornerIndex ci(0); ci < num_faces() * 3; ++ci) { + const PointIndex old_point_index = CornerToPointId(ci); + const PointIndex new_point_index = corner_to_point[ci]; + if (old_point_index == new_point_index) { + continue; + } + // Update point to value mapping for all existing attributes. + for (int ai = 0; ai < num_attributes(); ++ai) { + attribute(ai)->SetPointMapEntry( + new_point_index, attribute(ai)->mapped_index(old_point_index)); + } + // Update mapping between the corner and the new point index. + faces_[FaceIndex(ci.value() / 3)][ci.value() % 3] = new_point_index; + } + } + + // If any of the old points have not been used, initialize dummy mapping for + // the new attribute. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < is_point_used.size(); ++pi) { + if (!is_point_used[pi]) { + att->SetPointMapEntry(pi, AttributeValueIndex(0)); + } + } + + return PointCloud::AddAttribute(std::move(att)); +} + +int32_t Mesh::AddPerVertexAttribute(std::unique_ptr att) { + const PointAttribute *const pos_att = + GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + if (pos_att == nullptr) { + return -1; + } + if (att->size() != pos_att->size()) { + return -1; // Number of values must be same as in the position attribute. + } + + if (pos_att->is_mapping_identity()) { + att->SetIdentityMapping(); + } else { + // Copy point to attribute value mapping from the position attribute to + // |att|. + att->SetExplicitMapping(num_points()); + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < num_points(); ++pi) { + att->SetPointMapEntry(pi, pos_att->mapped_index(pi)); + } + } + + return PointCloud::AddAttribute(std::move(att)); +} + +void Mesh::RemoveIsolatedPoints() { + // For each point, check if it is mapped to a face. + IndexTypeVector is_point_used(num_points(), false); + int num_used_points = 0; + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < num_faces(); ++fi) { + const auto &f = face(fi); + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + if (!is_point_used[f[c]]) { + num_used_points++; + is_point_used[f[c]] = true; + } + } + } + if (num_used_points == num_points()) { + return; // All points are used. + } + + // Create mapping between the old and new point indices. + IndexTypeVector old_to_new_point_map( + num_points(), kInvalidPointIndex); + PointIndex new_point_index(0); + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < num_points(); ++pi) { + if (is_point_used[pi]) { + old_to_new_point_map[pi] = new_point_index++; + } + } + + // Update point to attribute value index map for all attributes. + for (int ai = 0; ai < num_attributes(); ++ai) { + PointAttribute *att = attribute(ai); + if (att->is_mapping_identity()) { + // When the attribute uses identity mapping we need to reorder to the + // attribute values to match the new point indices. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < num_points(); ++pi) { + const PointIndex new_pi = old_to_new_point_map[pi]; + if (new_pi == pi || new_pi == kInvalidPointIndex) { + continue; + } + att->SetAttributeValue( + AttributeValueIndex(new_pi.value()), + att->GetAddress(AttributeValueIndex(pi.value()))); + } + att->Resize(num_used_points); + } else { + // For explicitly mapped attributes, we first update the point to + // attribute value mapping and then we remove all unused values from the + // attribute. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < num_points(); ++pi) { + const PointIndex new_pi = old_to_new_point_map[pi]; + if (new_pi == pi || new_pi == kInvalidPointIndex) { + continue; + } + att->SetPointMapEntry(new_pi, att->mapped_index(pi)); + } + att->SetExplicitMapping(num_used_points); + + att->RemoveUnusedValues(); + } + } + + // Update the mapping between faces and point indices. + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < num_faces(); ++fi) { + auto &f = faces_[fi]; + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + f[c] = old_to_new_point_map[f[c]]; + } + } + + set_num_points(num_used_points); +} + +void Mesh::RemoveUnusedMaterials() { RemoveUnusedMaterials(true); } + +void Mesh::RemoveUnusedMaterials(bool remove_unused_material_indices) { + const int mat_att_index = GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + if (mat_att_index == -1) { + // Remove all materials except for the first one. + while (GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials() > 1) { + GetMaterialLibrary().RemoveMaterial(1); + } + GetMaterialLibrary().RemoveUnusedTextures(); + return; + } + auto mat_att = attribute(mat_att_index); + + // Deduplicate attribute values in the material attribute to ensure that one + // attribute value index corresponds to one unique material index. + // Note that this does not remove unused material indices. + mat_att->DeduplicateValues(*mat_att); + + // Gather all material indices that are referenced by faces of the mesh. + const int num_materials = GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(); + std::vector is_material_used(num_materials, false); + int num_used_materials = 0; + + // Helper function that updates |is_material_used| for the processed mesh. + auto update_used_materials = [&is_material_used, &num_used_materials, mat_att, + num_materials](PointIndex pi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetMappedValue(pi, &mat_index); + if (mat_index < num_materials) { + if (!is_material_used[mat_index]) { + is_material_used[mat_index] = true; + num_used_materials++; + } + } + }; + + if (num_faces() > 0) { + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < num_faces(); ++fi) { + update_used_materials(faces_[fi][0]); + } + } else { + // Handle the mesh as a point cloud and check materials used by points. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < num_points(); ++pi) { + update_used_materials(pi); + } + } + + // Check if any of the (unused) materials is used by mesh features. If so, + // user should remove unused mesh features first. + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + for (int mask_index = 0; mask_index < NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi); + ++mask_index) { + const int mat_index = GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, mask_index); + if (mat_index < num_materials && !is_material_used[mat_index]) { + is_material_used[mat_index] = true; + num_used_materials++; + } + } + } + + if (num_used_materials == num_materials) { + return; // All materials are used, don't do anything. + } + + // Remove unused materials from the material library or replace them with + // default materials if we do not remove unused material indices. + for (int mi = num_materials - 1; mi >= 0; --mi) { + if (!is_material_used[mi] && mi < GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()) { + if (remove_unused_material_indices) { + GetMaterialLibrary().RemoveMaterial(mi); + } else { + GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(mi)->Clear(); + } + } + } + GetMaterialLibrary().RemoveUnusedTextures(); + + if (!remove_unused_material_indices) { + // All the code below handles updating of material indices. Since we do not + // want to update them, we can return early. + return; + } + + // Compute map between old and new material indices. + std::vector old_to_new_material_index_map(num_materials, -1); + for (int mi = 0, new_material_index = 0; mi < num_materials; ++mi) { + if (is_material_used[mi]) { + old_to_new_material_index_map[mi] = new_material_index; + ++new_material_index; + } + } + IndexTypeVector + old_to_new_material_attribute_value_index_map(mat_att->size(), -1); + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < mat_att->size(); ++avi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetValue(avi, &mat_index); + if (mat_index < num_materials && is_material_used[mat_index]) { + old_to_new_material_attribute_value_index_map[avi] = + old_to_new_material_index_map[mat_index]; + } + } + + // Update attribute values with the new number of materials. + mat_att->Reset(num_used_materials); + + // Set identity mapping between AttributeValueIndex and material indices. + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < mat_att->size(); ++avi) { + const uint32_t mat_index = avi.value(); + mat_att->SetAttributeValue(avi, &mat_index); + } + + // Update mapping between points and attribute values. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < num_points(); ++pi) { + const AttributeValueIndex old_avi = mat_att->mapped_index(pi); + mat_att->SetPointMapEntry( + pi, AttributeValueIndex( + old_to_new_material_attribute_value_index_map[old_avi])); + } + + // Update material indices on mesh features. + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + for (int mask_index = 0; mask_index < NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi); + ++mask_index) { + const int old_mat_index = GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, mask_index); + if (old_mat_index < num_materials && is_material_used[old_mat_index]) { + mesh_features_material_mask_[mfi][mask_index] = + old_to_new_material_index_map[old_mat_index]; + } + } + } +} + +void Mesh::UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturePointer( + const std::unordered_map &texture_to_index_map, + TextureLibrary *texture_library, MeshFeatures *mesh_features) { + TextureMap &texture_map = mesh_features->GetTextureMap(); + if (texture_map.texture() == nullptr) { + return; + } + const auto it = texture_to_index_map.find(texture_map.texture()); + DRACO_DCHECK(it != texture_to_index_map.end()); + const int texture_index = it->second; + DRACO_DCHECK(texture_index < texture_library->NumTextures()); + texture_map.SetTexture(texture_library->GetTexture(texture_index)); +} + +void Mesh::CopyMeshFeaturesForMaterial(const Mesh &source_mesh, + Mesh *target_mesh, int material_index) { + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < source_mesh.NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + // Mesh features is used if it doesn't have any material mask or if one + // of the material masks matches |material_index|. + bool is_used = source_mesh.NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi) == 0; + for (int mask_index = 0; + !is_used && mask_index < source_mesh.NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi); + ++mask_index) { + if (source_mesh.GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, mask_index) == + material_index) { + is_used = true; + } + } + if (is_used) { + // Copy over the mesh features to the target mesh. Note that texture + // pointers are not updated at this step. + std::unique_ptr new_mf(new MeshFeatures()); + new_mf->Copy(source_mesh.GetMeshFeatures(mfi)); + target_mesh->AddMeshFeatures(std::move(new_mf)); + } + } +} + +int32_t Mesh::AddPerFaceAttribute(std::unique_ptr att) { + IndexTypeVector corner_map(num_faces() * 3); + for (CornerIndex ci(0); ci < num_faces() * 3; ++ci) { + corner_map[ci] = AttributeValueIndex(ci.value() / 3); + } + return AddAttributeWithConnectivity(std::move(att), corner_map); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED #ifdef DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_INDICES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED void Mesh::ApplyPointIdDeduplication( diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.h index f4506da81c..652c2c010b 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh.h @@ -16,12 +16,20 @@ #define DRACO_MESH_MESH_H_ #include +#include #include "draco/attributes/geometry_indices.h" #include "draco/core/hash_utils.h" #include "draco/core/macros.h" #include "draco/core/status.h" #include "draco/draco_features.h" +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h" +#include "draco/material/material_library.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_features.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_indices.h" +#include "draco/metadata/structural_metadata.h" +#endif #include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h" namespace draco { @@ -47,6 +55,11 @@ class Mesh : public PointCloud { Mesh(); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Copies all data from the |src| mesh. + void Copy(const Mesh &src); +#endif + void AddFace(const Face &face) { faces_.push_back(face); } void SetFace(FaceIndex face_id, const Face &face) { @@ -83,6 +96,38 @@ class Mesh : public PointCloud { } } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Adds a point attribute |att| to the mesh and returns the index of the + // newly inserted attribute. Attribute connectivity data is specified in + // |corner_to_value| array that contains mapping between face corners and + // attribute value indices. + // The purpose of this function is to allow users to add attributes with + // arbitrary connectivity to an existing mesh. New points will be + // automatically created if needed. + int32_t AddAttributeWithConnectivity( + std::unique_ptr att, + const IndexTypeVector &corner_to_value); + + // Adds a point attribute |att| to the mesh and returns the index of the + // newly inserted attribute. The inserted attribute must have the same + // connectivity as the position attribute of the mesh (that is, the attribute + // values are defined per-vertex). Each attribute value entry in |att| + // corresponds to the corresponding attribute value entry in the position + // attribute (AttributeValueIndex in both attributes refer to the same + // spatial vertex). + // Returns -1 in case of error. + int32_t AddPerVertexAttribute(std::unique_ptr att); + + // Removes points that are not mapped to any face of the mesh. All attribute + // values are going to be removed as well. + void RemoveIsolatedPoints(); + + // Adds a point attribute |att| to the mesh and returns the index of the + // newly inserted attribute. Attribute values are mapped 1:1 to face indices. + // Returns -1 in case of error. + int32_t AddPerFaceAttribute(std::unique_ptr att); +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + MeshAttributeElementType GetAttributeElementType(int att_id) const { return attribute_data_[att_id].element_type; } @@ -109,6 +154,103 @@ class Mesh : public PointCloud { MeshAttributeElementType element_type; }; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + void SetName(const std::string &name) { name_ = name; } + const std::string &GetName() const { return name_; } + const MaterialLibrary &GetMaterialLibrary() const { + return material_library_; + } + MaterialLibrary &GetMaterialLibrary() { return material_library_; } + + // Removes all materials that are not referenced by any face of the mesh. + // Optional argument |remove_unused_material_indices| can be used to control + // whether unusued material indices are removed as well (default = true). + // If material indices are not removed, the unused material indices will + // point to empty (default) materials. + void RemoveUnusedMaterials(); + void RemoveUnusedMaterials(bool remove_unused_material_indices); + + // Enables or disables Draco geometry compression for this mesh. + void SetCompressionEnabled(bool enabled) { compression_enabled_ = enabled; } + bool IsCompressionEnabled() const { return compression_enabled_; } + + // Sets |options| that configure Draco geometry compression. This does not + // enable or disable compression. + void SetCompressionOptions(const DracoCompressionOptions &options) { + compression_options_ = options; + } + const DracoCompressionOptions &GetCompressionOptions() const { + return compression_options_; + } + DracoCompressionOptions &GetCompressionOptions() { + return compression_options_; + } + + // Library that contains non-material textures. + const TextureLibrary &GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary() const { + return non_material_texture_library_; + } + TextureLibrary &GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary() { + return non_material_texture_library_; + } + + // Mesh feature ID sets as defined by EXT_mesh_features glTF extension. + MeshFeaturesIndex AddMeshFeatures( + std::unique_ptr mesh_features) { + mesh_features_.push_back(std::move(mesh_features)); + mesh_features_material_mask_.push_back({}); + return MeshFeaturesIndex(mesh_features_.size() - 1); + } + int NumMeshFeatures() const { return mesh_features_.size(); } + const MeshFeatures &GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex index) const { + return *mesh_features_[index]; + } + MeshFeatures &GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex index) { + return *mesh_features_[index]; + } + void RemoveMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex index) { + mesh_features_.erase(mesh_features_.begin() + index.value()); + mesh_features_material_mask_.erase(mesh_features_material_mask_.begin() + + index.value()); + } + + // Restricts given mesh features to faces mapped to a material with + // |material_index|. Note that single mesh features can be restricted to + // multiple materials. + void AddMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(MeshFeaturesIndex index, + int material_index) { + mesh_features_material_mask_[index].push_back(material_index); + } + + size_t NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(MeshFeaturesIndex index) const { + return mesh_features_material_mask_[index].size(); + } + int GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(MeshFeaturesIndex index, + int mask_index) const { + return mesh_features_material_mask_[index][mask_index]; + } + + // Updates mesh features texture pointer to point to a new |texture_library|. + // The current texture pointer is used to determine the texture index in the + // new texture library via a given |texture_to_index_map|. + static void UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturePointer( + const std::unordered_map &texture_to_index_map, + TextureLibrary *texture_library, MeshFeatures *mesh_features); + + // Copies over mesh features from |source_mesh| and stores them in + // |target_mesh| as long as the mesh features material mask is valid for + // given |material_index|. + static void CopyMeshFeaturesForMaterial(const Mesh &source_mesh, + Mesh *target_mesh, + int material_index); + + // Structural metadata. + const StructuralMetadata &GetStructuralMetadata() const { + return structural_metadata_; + } + StructuralMetadata &GetStructuralMetadata() { return structural_metadata_; } +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + protected: #ifdef DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_INDICES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED // Extends the point deduplication to face corners. This method is called from @@ -119,6 +261,10 @@ class Mesh : public PointCloud { const std::vector &unique_point_ids) override; #endif + // Exposes |faces_|. Use |faces_| at your own risk. DO NOT store the + // reference: the |faces_| object is destroyed with the mesh. + IndexTypeVector &faces() { return faces_; } + private: // Mesh specific per-attribute data. std::vector attribute_data_; @@ -127,6 +273,40 @@ class Mesh : public PointCloud { // that converts vertex indices into attribute indices. IndexTypeVector faces_; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Mesh name. + std::string name_; + + // Materials applied to to this mesh. + MaterialLibrary material_library_; + + // Compression options for this mesh. + // TODO(vytyaz): Store encoded bitstream that this mesh compresses into. + bool compression_enabled_; + DracoCompressionOptions compression_options_; + + // Sets of feature IDs as defined by EXT_mesh_features glTF extension. + IndexTypeVector> + mesh_features_; + + // When the Mesh contains multiple materials, |mesh_features_material_mask_| + // can be used to limit specific MeshFeaturesIndex to a vector of material + // indices. If for a given mesh feature index, the material indices are empty, + // the corresponding mesh features are applied to the entire mesh. + IndexTypeVector> + mesh_features_material_mask_; + + // Texture library for storing non-material textures used by this mesh, e.g., + // textures containing mesh feature IDs of EXT_mesh_features glTF extension. + // If the mesh is part of the scene then the textures are stored in the scene. + // Note that mesh features contain pointers to non-material textures. It is + // responsibility of class user to update these pointers when updating the + // textures. See Mesh::Copy() for example. + TextureLibrary non_material_texture_library_; + + // Structural metadata defined by the EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension. + StructuralMetadata structural_metadata_; +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED friend struct MeshHasher; }; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.cc index b832379afe..305811f10d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.cc @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ #include "draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.h" #include +#include + +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" namespace draco { @@ -114,6 +117,55 @@ bool MeshAreEquivalent::operator()(const Mesh &mesh0, const Mesh &mesh1) { // face with respect to lex order. Init(mesh0, mesh1); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Compare geometry compression settings. + if (mesh0.IsCompressionEnabled() != mesh1.IsCompressionEnabled()) { + return false; + } + if (mesh0.GetCompressionOptions() != mesh1.GetCompressionOptions()) { + return false; + } + + // Compare non-material texture library sizes. + if (mesh0.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures() != + mesh1.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures()) { + return false; + } + + // Compare mesh feature ID sets. + if (mesh0.NumMeshFeatures() != mesh1.NumMeshFeatures()) { + return false; + } + for (MeshFeaturesIndex i(0); i < mesh0.NumMeshFeatures(); ++i) { + const MeshFeatures &features0 = mesh0.GetMeshFeatures(i); + const MeshFeatures &features1 = mesh1.GetMeshFeatures(i); + if (features0.GetAttributeIndex() != features1.GetAttributeIndex()) { + return false; + } + if (features0.GetFeatureCount() != features1.GetFeatureCount()) { + return false; + } + if (features0.GetLabel() != features1.GetLabel()) { + return false; + } + if (features0.GetNullFeatureId() != features1.GetNullFeatureId()) { + return false; + } + if (features0.GetTextureChannels() != features1.GetTextureChannels()) { + return false; + } + if (features0.GetPropertyTableIndex() != + features1.GetPropertyTableIndex()) { + return false; + } + const TextureMap &map0 = features0.GetTextureMap(); + const TextureMap &map1 = features1.GetTextureMap(); + if (map0.tex_coord_index() != map1.tex_coord_index()) { + return false; + } + } +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Check for every attribute that is valid that every corner is identical. typedef GeometryAttribute::Type AttributeType; const int att_max = AttributeType::NAMED_ATTRIBUTES_COUNT; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent_test.cc index 74db3f7def..94d8c9c16a 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent_test.cc @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ #include "draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.h" #include +#include #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" @@ -30,6 +31,14 @@ TEST_F(MeshAreEquivalentTest, TestOnIndenticalMesh) { const std::string file_name = "test_nm.obj"; const std::unique_ptr mesh(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name)); ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to load test model." << file_name; + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Add mesh feature ID set to the mesh. + std::unique_ptr mesh_features(new MeshFeatures()); + mesh->AddMeshFeatures(std::move(mesh_features)); +#endif + + // Check that mesh is equivalent to itself. MeshAreEquivalent equiv; ASSERT_TRUE(equiv(*mesh, *mesh)); } @@ -95,4 +104,32 @@ TEST_F(MeshAreEquivalentTest, TestOnBigMesh) { ASSERT_TRUE(equiv(*mesh0, *mesh1)); } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +TEST_F(MeshAreEquivalentTest, TestMeshFeatures) { + const std::string file_name = "test_nm.obj"; + const std::unique_ptr mesh0(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name)); + const std::unique_ptr mesh1(ReadMeshFromTestFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(mesh1, nullptr); + + // Add identical mesh feature ID sets to meshes. + mesh0->AddMeshFeatures(std::unique_ptr(new MeshFeatures())); + mesh1->AddMeshFeatures(std::unique_ptr(new MeshFeatures())); + + // Empty feature sets should match. + MeshAreEquivalent equiv; + ASSERT_TRUE(equiv(*mesh0, *mesh1)); + + // Make mesh features different and check that the meshes are not equivalent. + mesh0->GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(5); + mesh1->GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(6); + ASSERT_FALSE(equiv(*mesh0, *mesh1)); + + // Make mesh features identical and check that the meshes are equivalent. + mesh0->GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(1); + mesh1->GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(1); + ASSERT_TRUE(equiv(*mesh0, *mesh1)); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.cc index 28b68d5fd4..54801ce5c9 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.cc @@ -126,18 +126,18 @@ void MeshAttributeCornerTable::AddSeamEdge(CornerIndex c) { } } -void MeshAttributeCornerTable::RecomputeVertices(const Mesh *mesh, +bool MeshAttributeCornerTable::RecomputeVertices(const Mesh *mesh, const PointAttribute *att) { DRACO_DCHECK(GetValenceCache().IsCacheEmpty()); if (mesh != nullptr && att != nullptr) { - RecomputeVerticesInternal(mesh, att); + return RecomputeVerticesInternal(mesh, att); } else { - RecomputeVerticesInternal(nullptr, nullptr); + return RecomputeVerticesInternal(nullptr, nullptr); } } template -void MeshAttributeCornerTable::RecomputeVerticesInternal( +bool MeshAttributeCornerTable::RecomputeVerticesInternal( const Mesh *mesh, const PointAttribute *att) { DRACO_DCHECK(GetValenceCache().IsCacheEmpty()); vertex_to_attribute_entry_id_map_.clear(); @@ -167,6 +167,11 @@ void MeshAttributeCornerTable::RecomputeVerticesInternal( while (act_c != kInvalidCornerIndex) { first_c = act_c; act_c = SwingLeft(act_c); + if (act_c == c) { + // We reached the initial corner which shouldn't happen when we swing + // left from |c|. + return false; + } } } corner_to_vertex_map_[first_c.value()] = VertexIndex(first_vert_id.value()); @@ -189,6 +194,7 @@ void MeshAttributeCornerTable::RecomputeVerticesInternal( act_c = corner_table_->SwingRight(act_c); } } + return true; } int MeshAttributeCornerTable::Valence(VertexIndex v) const { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.h index 7dad25cf1d..c60be7c866 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.h @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class MeshAttributeCornerTable { // whenever the seam edges are updated). // |mesh| and |att| can be null, in which case mapping between vertices and // attribute value ids is set to identity. - void RecomputeVertices(const Mesh *mesh, const PointAttribute *att); + bool RecomputeVertices(const Mesh *mesh, const PointAttribute *att); inline bool IsCornerOppositeToSeamEdge(CornerIndex corner) const { return is_edge_on_seam_[corner.value()]; @@ -130,6 +130,12 @@ class MeshAttributeCornerTable { return false; } + bool IsDegenerated(FaceIndex face) const { + // Introducing seams can't change the degeneracy of the individual faces, + // therefore we can delegate the check to the original |corner_table_|. + return corner_table_->IsDegenerated(face); + } + bool no_interior_seams() const { return no_interior_seams_; } const CornerTable *corner_table() const { return corner_table_; } @@ -166,7 +172,7 @@ class MeshAttributeCornerTable { private: template - void RecomputeVerticesInternal(const Mesh *mesh, const PointAttribute *att); + bool RecomputeVerticesInternal(const Mesh *mesh, const PointAttribute *att); std::vector is_edge_on_seam_; std::vector is_vertex_on_seam_; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.cc index 75b55f045a..a6dc1823e5 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.cc @@ -14,21 +14,25 @@ // #include "draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.h" +#include +#include #include +#include +#include #include "draco/core/hash_utils.h" namespace draco { -bool MeshCleanup::operator()(Mesh *mesh, const MeshCleanupOptions &options) { +Status MeshCleanup::Cleanup(Mesh *mesh, const MeshCleanupOptions &options) { if (!options.remove_degenerated_faces && !options.remove_unused_attributes && !options.remove_duplicate_faces && !options.make_geometry_manifold) { - return true; // Nothing to cleanup. + return OkStatus(); // Nothing to cleanup. } const PointAttribute *const pos_att = mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); if (pos_att == nullptr) { - return false; + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Missing position attribute."); } if (options.remove_degenerated_faces) { @@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ bool MeshCleanup::operator()(Mesh *mesh, const MeshCleanupOptions &options) { RemoveUnusedAttributes(mesh); } - return true; + return OkStatus(); } void MeshCleanup::RemoveDegeneratedFaces(Mesh *mesh) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.h index 09aae2e1c7..c6bdfc6c09 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.h @@ -16,42 +16,38 @@ #define DRACO_MESH_MESH_CLEANUP_H_ #include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" #include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" namespace draco { // Options used by the MeshCleanup class. struct MeshCleanupOptions { - MeshCleanupOptions() - : remove_degenerated_faces(true), - remove_duplicate_faces(true), - remove_unused_attributes(true), - make_geometry_manifold(false) {} // If true, the cleanup tool removes any face where two or more vertices // share the same position index. - bool remove_degenerated_faces; + bool remove_degenerated_faces = true; // If true, the cleanup tool removes all duplicate faces. A pair of faces is // duplicate if both faces share the same position indices on all vertices // (that is, position values have to be duduplicated). Note that all // non-position properties are currently ignored. - bool remove_duplicate_faces; + bool remove_duplicate_faces = true; // If true, the cleanup tool removes any unused attribute value or unused // point id. For example, it can be used to remove isolated vertices. - bool remove_unused_attributes; + bool remove_unused_attributes = true; // If true, the cleanup tool splits vertices along non-manifold edges and // vertices. This ensures that the connectivity defined by position indices // is manifold. - bool make_geometry_manifold; + bool make_geometry_manifold = false; }; // Tool that can be used for removing bad or unused data from draco::Meshes. class MeshCleanup { public: // Performs in-place cleanup of the input mesh according to the input options. - bool operator()(Mesh *mesh, const MeshCleanupOptions &options); + static Status Cleanup(Mesh *mesh, const MeshCleanupOptions &options); private: static void RemoveDegeneratedFaces(Mesh *mesh); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup_test.cc index 89c350e942..76e5206ae0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup_test.cc @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ #include "draco/mesh/mesh_cleanup.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" #include "draco/core/vector_d.h" #include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" @@ -43,9 +44,7 @@ TEST_F(MeshCleanupTest, TestDegneratedFaces) { ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to build the test mesh."; ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 2) << "Wrong number of faces in the input mesh."; MeshCleanupOptions cleanup_options; - MeshCleanup cleanup; - ASSERT_TRUE(cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)) - << "Failed to cleanup the mesh."; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(MeshCleanup::Cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)); ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 1) << "Failed to remove degenerated faces."; } @@ -89,9 +88,7 @@ TEST_F(MeshCleanupTest, TestDegneratedFacesAndIsolatedVertices) { << "Wrong number of point ids in the input mesh."; ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(int_att_id)->size(), 3); const MeshCleanupOptions cleanup_options; - MeshCleanup cleanup; - ASSERT_TRUE(cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)) - << "Failed to cleanup the mesh."; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(MeshCleanup::Cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)); ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 1) << "Failed to remove degenerated faces."; ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 3) << "Failed to remove isolated attribute indices."; @@ -133,9 +130,7 @@ TEST_F(MeshCleanupTest, TestAttributes) { ASSERT_EQ(mesh->attribute(1)->size(), 2u) << "Wrong number of generic attribute entries."; const MeshCleanupOptions cleanup_options; - MeshCleanup cleanup; - ASSERT_TRUE(cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)) - << "Failed to cleanup the mesh."; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(MeshCleanup::Cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)); ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 1) << "Failed to remove degenerated faces."; ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 3) << "Failed to remove isolated attribute indices."; @@ -184,8 +179,7 @@ TEST_F(MeshCleanupTest, TestDuplicateFaces) { ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 5); const MeshCleanupOptions cleanup_options; - MeshCleanup cleanup; - ASSERT_TRUE(cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(MeshCleanup::Cleanup(mesh.get(), cleanup_options)); ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 2); } diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_connected_components.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_connected_components.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ee30551e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_connected_components.h @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_MESH_MESH_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS_H_ +#define DRACO_MESH_MESH_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS_H_ + +#include + +#include "draco/mesh/corner_table.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Class for detecting connected components on an input mesh defined by a +// corner table. Degenerated faces and their vertices are not assigned to any +// component. +class MeshConnectedComponents { + public: + MeshConnectedComponents() = default; + + // Initializes the class with the component data of the input mesh. No other + // method should be called before this one. + template + void FindConnectedComponents(const CornerTableT *corner_table); + int NumConnectedComponents() const { return components_.size(); } + + struct ConnectedComponent { + std::vector vertices; + std::vector faces; + std::vector boundary_edges; + }; + + const ConnectedComponent &GetConnectedComponent(int index) const { + return components_[index]; + } + + // Returns the id of an component attached to a given vertex. Returns -1 when + // the vertex was not assigned to any component. + int GetConnectedComponentIdAtVertex(int vertex_id) const { + return vertex_to_component_map_[vertex_id]; + } + + // Returns the number of vertices that belong to the input component. + int NumConnectedComponentVertices(int component_id) const { + return components_[component_id].vertices.size(); + } + + // Returns the i-th vertex of the input component. + int GetConnectedComponentVertex(int component_id, int i) const { + return components_[component_id].vertices[i]; + } + + // Returns the id of an component attached to a given face. Returns -1 when + // the face was not assigned to any component. + int GetConnectedComponentIdAtFace(int face_id) const { + return face_to_component_map_[face_id]; + } + + // Returns the number of faces that belong to the input component. + int NumConnectedComponentFaces(int component_id) const { + return components_[component_id].faces.size(); + } + + // Returns the i-th face of the input component. + int GetConnectedComponentFace(int component_id, int i) const { + return components_[component_id].faces[i]; + } + + // Returns the number of boundary edges that belong to the input component. + int NumConnectedComponentBoundaryEdges(int component_id) const { + return components_[component_id].boundary_edges.size(); + } + + // Returns the i-th boundary edge of the input component. + int GetConnectedComponentBoundaryEdge(int component_id, int i) const { + return components_[component_id].boundary_edges[i]; + } + + private: + std::vector vertex_to_component_map_; + std::vector face_to_component_map_; + std::vector boundary_corner_to_component_map_; + std::vector components_; +}; + +template +void MeshConnectedComponents::FindConnectedComponents( + const CornerTableT *corner_table) { + components_.clear(); + vertex_to_component_map_.assign(corner_table->num_vertices(), -1); + face_to_component_map_.assign(corner_table->num_faces(), -1); + boundary_corner_to_component_map_.assign(corner_table->num_corners(), -1); + std::vector is_face_visited(corner_table->num_faces(), false); + std::vector face_stack; + // Go over all faces of the mesh and for each unvisited face, recursively + // traverse its neighborhood and mark all traversed faces as visited. All + // faces visited during one traversal belong to one mesh component. + for (int face_id = 0; face_id < corner_table->num_faces(); ++face_id) { + if (is_face_visited[face_id]) { + continue; + } + if (corner_table->IsDegenerated(FaceIndex(face_id))) { + continue; + } + const int component_id = components_.size(); + components_.push_back(ConnectedComponent()); + face_stack.push_back(face_id); + is_face_visited[face_id] = true; + while (!face_stack.empty()) { + const int act_face_id = face_stack.back(); + if (face_to_component_map_[act_face_id] == -1) { + face_to_component_map_[act_face_id] = component_id; + components_[component_id].faces.push_back(act_face_id); + } + face_stack.pop_back(); + // Gather all neighboring faces. + std::array corners = + corner_table->AllCorners(FaceIndex(act_face_id)); + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + // Update vertex to component mapping. + const int vertex_id = corner_table->Vertex(corners[c]).value(); + if (vertex_to_component_map_[vertex_id] == -1) { + vertex_to_component_map_[vertex_id] = component_id; + components_[component_id].vertices.push_back(vertex_id); + } + // Traverse component to neighboring faces (add the faces to the stack). + const CornerIndex opp_corner = corner_table->Opposite(corners[c]); + if (opp_corner == kInvalidCornerIndex) { + if (boundary_corner_to_component_map_[corners[c].value()] == -1) { + boundary_corner_to_component_map_[corners[c].value()] = + component_id; + components_[component_id].boundary_edges.push_back( + corners[c].value()); + } + continue; // Invalid corner (mesh boundary). + } + + const int opp_face_id = corner_table->Face(opp_corner).value(); + if (is_face_visited[opp_face_id]) { + continue; // Opposite face has been already reached. + } + is_face_visited[opp_face_id] = true; + face_stack.push_back(opp_face_id); + } + } + } +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_MESH_MESH_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f859ae4118 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features.cc @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_features.h" + +#include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +MeshFeatures::MeshFeatures() + : feature_count_(0), + null_feature_id_(-1), + attribute_index_(-1), + property_table_index_(-1) {} + +void MeshFeatures::Copy(const MeshFeatures &src) { + label_ = src.label_; + feature_count_ = src.feature_count_; + null_feature_id_ = src.null_feature_id_; + attribute_index_ = src.attribute_index_; + texture_map_.Copy(src.texture_map_); + texture_channels_ = src.texture_channels_; + property_table_index_ = src.property_table_index_; +} + +void MeshFeatures::SetLabel(const std::string &label) { label_ = label; } + +const std::string &MeshFeatures::GetLabel() const { return label_; } + +void MeshFeatures::SetFeatureCount(int feature_count) { + feature_count_ = feature_count; +} + +int MeshFeatures::GetFeatureCount() const { return feature_count_; } + +void MeshFeatures::SetNullFeatureId(int null_feature_id) { + null_feature_id_ = null_feature_id; +} + +int MeshFeatures::GetNullFeatureId() const { return null_feature_id_; } + +void MeshFeatures::SetAttributeIndex(int attribute_index) { + attribute_index_ = attribute_index; +} + +int MeshFeatures::GetAttributeIndex() const { return attribute_index_; } + +void MeshFeatures::SetTextureMap(const TextureMap &texture_map) { + texture_map_.Copy(texture_map); +} + +void MeshFeatures::SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, int tex_coord_index) { + texture_map_.SetProperties(TextureMap::GENERIC, tex_coord_index); + texture_map_.SetTexture(texture); +} + +const TextureMap &MeshFeatures::GetTextureMap() const { return texture_map_; } + +TextureMap &MeshFeatures::GetTextureMap() { return texture_map_; } + +void MeshFeatures::SetTextureChannels( + const std::vector &texture_channels) { + texture_channels_ = texture_channels; +} + +const std::vector &MeshFeatures::GetTextureChannels() const { + return texture_channels_; +} + +std::vector &MeshFeatures::GetTextureChannels() { + return texture_channels_; +} + +void MeshFeatures::SetPropertyTableIndex(int property_table_index) { + property_table_index_ = property_table_index; +} + +int MeshFeatures::GetPropertyTableIndex() const { + return property_table_index_; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af024013fc --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_MESH_MESH_FEATURES_H_ +#define DRACO_MESH_MESH_FEATURES_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/texture/texture_library.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_map.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Describes a mesh feature ID set according to the EXT_mesh_features glTF +// extension. Feature IDs are either associated with geometry vertices or with +// texture pixels and stored in a geometry attribute or in texture channels, +// respectively. Optionally, the feature ID set may be associated with a +// property table defined in the EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension. +class MeshFeatures { + public: + // Creates an empty feature ID set that is associated neither with vertices, + // nor with texture pixels, nor with property tables. + MeshFeatures(); + + // Copies all data from |src| mesh feature ID set. + void Copy(const MeshFeatures &src); + + // Label assigned to this feature ID set. + void SetLabel(const std::string &label); + const std::string &GetLabel() const; + + // The number of unique features in this feature ID set. + void SetFeatureCount(int feature_count); + int GetFeatureCount() const; + + // Non-negative null feature ID value indicating the absence of an associated + // feature. The value of -1 indicates that the null feature ID is not set. + void SetNullFeatureId(int null_feature_id); + int GetNullFeatureId() const; + + // Index of the feature ID vertex attribute, e.g., 5 for an attribute named + // _FEATURE_ID_5, or -1 if the feature ID is not associated with vertices. + void SetAttributeIndex(int attribute_index); + int GetAttributeIndex() const; + + // Feature ID texture map and texture channels containing feature IDs + // associated with texture pixels. Only used when |attribute_index_| is -1. + // The RGBA channels are numbered from 0 to 3. See the glTF extension + // documentation for reconstruction of feature ID from the channel values. + void SetTextureMap(const TextureMap &texture_map); + void SetTextureMap(Texture *texture, int tex_coord_index); + const TextureMap &GetTextureMap() const; + TextureMap &GetTextureMap(); + void SetTextureChannels(const std::vector &texture_channels); + const std::vector &GetTextureChannels() const; + std::vector &GetTextureChannels(); + + // Non-negative index of the property table this feature ID set is associated + // with. Property tables are defined in the EXT_structural_metadata glTF + // extension. The value of -1 indicates that this feature ID set is not + // associated with any property tables. + void SetPropertyTableIndex(int property_table_index); + int GetPropertyTableIndex() const; + + private: + std::string label_; + int feature_count_; + int null_feature_id_; + int attribute_index_; + TextureMap texture_map_; + std::vector texture_channels_; + int property_table_index_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_MESH_MESH_FEATURES_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e67af2b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_features_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_features.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_map.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +TEST(MeshFeaturesTest, TestDefaults) { + // Test construction of an empty feature ID set. + draco::MeshFeatures mesh_features; + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh_features.GetLabel().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetFeatureCount(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetNullFeatureId(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetAttributeIndex(), -1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetPropertyTableIndex(), -1); + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh_features.GetTextureChannels().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetTextureMap().texture(), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetTextureMap().type(), draco::TextureMap::GENERIC); +} + +TEST(MeshFeaturesTest, TestSettersAndGetters) { + // Test setter and getter methods of the feature ID set. + draco::MeshFeatures mesh_features; + mesh_features.SetLabel("continent"); + mesh_features.SetFeatureCount(8); + mesh_features.SetNullFeatureId(0); + mesh_features.SetAttributeIndex(2); + mesh_features.SetPropertyTableIndex(10); + std::vector channels = {2, 3}; + mesh_features.SetTextureChannels({2, 3}); + draco::TextureMap texture_map; + texture_map.SetProperties(draco::TextureMap::GENERIC, 1); + std::unique_ptr texture(new draco::Texture()); + texture_map.SetTexture(texture.get()); + mesh_features.SetTextureMap(texture_map); + + // Check that mesh feature set properties can be accessed via getters. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetLabel(), "continent"); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetFeatureCount(), 8); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetNullFeatureId(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetAttributeIndex(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetPropertyTableIndex(), 10); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetTextureChannels(), channels); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetTextureMap().texture(), texture.get()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_features.GetTextureMap().type(), draco::TextureMap::GENERIC); +} + +TEST(MeshFeaturesTest, TestCopy) { + // Test that feature ID set can be copied. + draco::MeshFeatures mesh_features; + mesh_features.SetLabel("continent"); + mesh_features.SetFeatureCount(8); + mesh_features.SetNullFeatureId(0); + mesh_features.SetAttributeIndex(2); + mesh_features.SetPropertyTableIndex(10); + std::vector channels = {2, 3}; + mesh_features.SetTextureChannels({2, 3}); + std::unique_ptr texture(new draco::Texture()); + mesh_features.SetTextureMap(texture.get(), 1); + + // Make a copy. + draco::MeshFeatures copy; + copy.Copy(mesh_features); + + // Check the copy. + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetLabel(), "continent"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetFeatureCount(), 8); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetNullFeatureId(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetAttributeIndex(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTableIndex(), 10); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetTextureChannels(), channels); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetTextureMap().texture(), texture.get()); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetTextureMap().type(), draco::TextureMap::GENERIC); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_indices.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_indices.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5df28d5507 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_indices.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#ifndef DRACO_MESH_MESH_INDICES_H_ +#define DRACO_MESH_MESH_INDICES_H_ + +#include + +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_index_type.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Index of a mesh feature ID set. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, MeshFeaturesIndex) + +// Constants denoting invalid indices. +static constexpr MeshFeaturesIndex kInvalidMeshFeaturesIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_MESH_MESH_INDICES_H_ +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_misc_functions.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_misc_functions.h index b450bc80cd..0a3bcf4978 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_misc_functions.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_misc_functions.h @@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ inline bool IsCornerOppositeToAttributeSeam(CornerIndex ci, // Interpolates an attribute value on a face using given barycentric // coordinates. InterpolatedVectorT should be a VectorD that corresponds to the // values stored in the attribute. -// TODO(ostava): Find a better place for this. template InterpolatedVectorT ComputeInterpolatedAttributeValueOnMeshFace( const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &attribute, FaceIndex fi, diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac3c4661ca --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.cc @@ -0,0 +1,451 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" +#include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" +#include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Helper class that handles splitting of meshes with faces / without faces, +// i.e. point clouds. +template +class MeshSplitterInternal { + public: + struct WorkData : public MeshSplitter::WorkData { + // TriangleSoupMeshBuilder or PointCloudBuilder. + std::vector builders; + }; + + // Computes number of elements (faces or points) for each sub-mesh. + Status InitializeWorkDataNumElements(const Mesh &mesh, int split_attribute_id, + WorkData *work_data) const; + // Initializes a builder for a given sub-mesh. + void InitializeBuilder(int b_index, int num_elements, const Mesh &mesh, + int ignored_attribute_id, WorkData *work_data) const; + // Add all faces or points to the builders. + void AddElementsToBuilder(const Mesh &mesh, + const PointAttribute *split_attribute, + WorkData *work_data) const; + // Builds the meshes from the data accumulated in the builders. + StatusOr BuildMeshes(const Mesh &mesh, + WorkData *work_data) const; +}; + +namespace { + +// Helper functions for copying single element from source |mesh| to a target +// builder |b_index| stored in |work_data|. +void AddElementToBuilder( + int b_index, FaceIndex source_i, FaceIndex target_i, const Mesh &mesh, + MeshSplitterInternal::WorkData *work_data); +void AddElementToBuilder( + int b_index, PointIndex source_i, PointIndex target_i, const Mesh &mesh, + MeshSplitterInternal::WorkData *work_data); +} // namespace + +MeshSplitter::MeshSplitter() + : preserve_materials_(false), + remove_unused_material_indices_(true), + preserve_mesh_features_(false) {} + +StatusOr MeshSplitter::SplitMesh( + const Mesh &mesh, uint32_t split_attribute_id) { + if (mesh.num_attributes() <= split_attribute_id) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Invalid attribute id."); + } + if (mesh.num_faces() == 0) { + return SplitMeshInternal(mesh, split_attribute_id); + } else { + return SplitMeshInternal(mesh, split_attribute_id); + } +} + +template +StatusOr MeshSplitter::SplitMeshInternal( + const Mesh &mesh, int split_attribute_id) { + const PointAttribute *const split_attribute = + mesh.attribute(split_attribute_id); + + // Preserve the split attribute only if it is the material attribute and the + // |preserve_materials_| flag is set. Othwerwise the split attribute will get + // discarded. + // TODO(ostava): We may revisit this later and add an option to always + // preserve the split attribute. + const bool preserve_split_attribute = + preserve_materials_ && + split_attribute->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL; + + const int num_out_meshes = split_attribute->size(); + MeshSplitterInternal splitter_internal; + typename MeshSplitterInternal::WorkData work_data; + work_data.num_sub_mesh_elements.resize(num_out_meshes, 0); + work_data.split_by_materials = + (split_attribute->attribute_type() == GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(splitter_internal.InitializeWorkDataNumElements( + mesh, split_attribute_id, &work_data)); + + // Create the sub-meshes. + work_data.builders.resize(num_out_meshes); + // Map between attribute ids of the input and output meshes. + work_data.att_id_map.resize(mesh.num_attributes(), -1); + const int ignored_att_id = + (!preserve_split_attribute ? split_attribute_id : -1); + for (int mi = 0; mi < num_out_meshes; ++mi) { + if (work_data.num_sub_mesh_elements[mi] == 0) { + continue; // Empty mesh, don't initialize it. + } + + const int num_elements = work_data.num_sub_mesh_elements[mi]; + splitter_internal.InitializeBuilder(mi, num_elements, mesh, ignored_att_id, + &work_data); + + // Reset the element counter for the sub-mesh. It will be used to keep track + // of number of elements added to the sub-mesh. + work_data.num_sub_mesh_elements[mi] = 0; + } + + splitter_internal.AddElementsToBuilder(mesh, split_attribute, &work_data); + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(MeshVector out_meshes, + splitter_internal.BuildMeshes(mesh, &work_data)); + return FinalizeMeshes(mesh, work_data, std::move(out_meshes)); +} + +template <> +Status +MeshSplitterInternal::InitializeWorkDataNumElements( + const Mesh &mesh, int split_attribute_id, WorkData *work_data) const { + const PointAttribute *const split_attribute = + mesh.attribute(split_attribute_id); + // Verify that the attribute values are defined "per-face", i.e., all points + // on a face are always mapped to the same attribute value. + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < mesh.num_faces(); ++fi) { + const auto face = mesh.face(fi); + const AttributeValueIndex avi = split_attribute->mapped_index(face[0]); + for (int c = 1; c < 3; ++c) { + if (split_attribute->mapped_index(face[c]) != avi) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Attribute values not consistent on a face."); + } + } + work_data->num_sub_mesh_elements[avi.value()] += 1; + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template <> +Status MeshSplitterInternal::InitializeWorkDataNumElements( + const Mesh &mesh, int split_attribute_id, WorkData *work_data) const { + const PointAttribute *const split_attribute = + mesh.attribute(split_attribute_id); + // Each point can have a different value. Just accumulate the number of points + // with the same attribute value index. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh.num_points(); ++pi) { + const AttributeValueIndex avi = split_attribute->mapped_index(pi); + work_data->num_sub_mesh_elements[avi.value()] += 1; + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +template +void MeshSplitterInternal::InitializeBuilder( + int b_index, int num_elements, const Mesh &mesh, int ignored_attribute_id, + WorkData *work_data) const { + work_data->builders[b_index].Start(num_elements); + + // Add all attributes. + for (int ai = 0; ai < mesh.num_attributes(); ++ai) { + if (ai == ignored_attribute_id) { + continue; + } + const GeometryAttribute *const src_att = mesh.attribute(ai); + work_data->att_id_map[ai] = work_data->builders[b_index].AddAttribute( + src_att->attribute_type(), src_att->num_components(), + src_att->data_type()); + } +} + +template <> +void MeshSplitterInternal::AddElementsToBuilder( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute *split_attribute, + WorkData *work_data) const { + // Go over all faces of the input mesh and add them to the appropriate + // sub-mesh. + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < mesh.num_faces(); ++fi) { + const auto face = mesh.face(fi); + const int sub_mesh_id = split_attribute->mapped_index(face[0]).value(); + const FaceIndex target_fi(work_data->num_sub_mesh_elements[sub_mesh_id]++); + AddElementToBuilder(sub_mesh_id, fi, target_fi, mesh, work_data); + } +} + +template <> +void MeshSplitterInternal::AddElementsToBuilder( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute *split_attribute, + WorkData *work_data) const { + // Go over all points of the input mesh and add them to the appropriate + // sub-mesh. + for (PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh.num_points(); ++pi) { + const int sub_mesh_id = split_attribute->mapped_index(pi).value(); + const PointIndex target_pi(work_data->num_sub_mesh_elements[sub_mesh_id]++); + AddElementToBuilder(sub_mesh_id, pi, target_pi, mesh, work_data); + } +} + +namespace { + +void AddElementToBuilder( + int b_index, FaceIndex source_i, FaceIndex target_i, const Mesh &mesh, + MeshSplitterInternal::WorkData *work_data) { + const auto &face = mesh.face(source_i); + for (int ai = 0; ai < mesh.num_attributes(); ++ai) { + const PointAttribute *const src_att = mesh.attribute(ai); + const int target_att_id = work_data->att_id_map[ai]; + if (target_att_id == -1) { + continue; + } + // Add value for each corner of the face. + work_data->builders[b_index].SetAttributeValuesForFace( + target_att_id, target_i, src_att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[0]), + src_att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[1]), + src_att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(face[2])); + } +} + +void AddElementToBuilder( + int b_index, PointIndex source_i, PointIndex target_i, const Mesh &mesh, + MeshSplitterInternal::WorkData *work_data) { + for (int ai = 0; ai < mesh.num_attributes(); ++ai) { + const PointAttribute *const src_att = mesh.attribute(ai); + const int target_att_id = work_data->att_id_map[ai]; + if (target_att_id == -1) { + continue; + } + // Add value for the point |target_i|. + work_data->builders[b_index].SetAttributeValueForPoint( + target_att_id, target_i, src_att->GetAddressOfMappedIndex(source_i)); + } +} + +} // namespace + +template <> +StatusOr +MeshSplitterInternal::BuildMeshes( + const Mesh &mesh, WorkData *work_data) const { + const int num_out_meshes = work_data->builders.size(); + MeshSplitter::MeshVector out_meshes(num_out_meshes); + for (int mi = 0; mi < num_out_meshes; ++mi) { + if (work_data->num_sub_mesh_elements[mi] == 0) { + continue; + } + out_meshes[mi] = work_data->builders[mi].Finalize(); + if (out_meshes[mi] == nullptr) { + continue; + } + } + return out_meshes; +} + +template <> +StatusOr +MeshSplitterInternal::BuildMeshes( + const Mesh &mesh, WorkData *work_data) const { + const int num_out_meshes = work_data->builders.size(); + MeshSplitter::MeshVector out_meshes(num_out_meshes); + for (int mi = 0; mi < num_out_meshes; ++mi) { + if (work_data->num_sub_mesh_elements[mi] == 0) { + continue; + } + // For point clouds, we first build a point cloud and copy it over into + // a draco::Mesh. + std::unique_ptr pc = work_data->builders[mi].Finalize(true); + if (pc == nullptr) { + continue; + } + std::unique_ptr mesh(new Mesh()); + PointCloud *mesh_pc = mesh.get(); + mesh_pc->Copy(*pc); + out_meshes[mi] = std::move(mesh); + } + return out_meshes; +} + +StatusOr MeshSplitter::FinalizeMeshes( + const Mesh &mesh, const WorkData &work_data, MeshVector out_meshes) const { + // Finalize meshes. + const int num_out_meshes = out_meshes.size(); + + // If we are going to preserve mesh features, we will need to update texture + // pointers for all mesh feature textures. Here we store the mapping between + // the old texture pointers and their indices. + std::unordered_map features_texture_to_index_map; + if (preserve_mesh_features_) { + features_texture_to_index_map = + mesh.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().ComputeTextureToIndexMap(); + } + + for (int mi = 0; mi < num_out_meshes; ++mi) { + if (out_meshes[mi] == nullptr) { + continue; + } + out_meshes[mi]->SetName(mesh.GetName()); + if (preserve_materials_) { + out_meshes[mi]->GetMaterialLibrary().Copy(mesh.GetMaterialLibrary()); + } + + // Copy metadata of the original mesh to the output meshes. + if (mesh.GetMetadata() != nullptr) { + const GeometryMetadata &metadata = *mesh.GetMetadata(); + out_meshes[mi]->AddMetadata( + std::unique_ptr(new GeometryMetadata(metadata))); + } + + // Copy over attribute unique ids. + for (int att_id = 0; att_id < mesh.num_attributes(); ++att_id) { + const int mapped_att_id = work_data.att_id_map[att_id]; + if (mapped_att_id == -1) { + continue; + } + const PointAttribute *const src_att = mesh.attribute(att_id); + PointAttribute *const dst_att = out_meshes[mi]->attribute(mapped_att_id); + dst_att->set_unique_id(src_att->unique_id()); + } + + // Copy compression settings of the original mesh to the output meshes. + out_meshes[mi]->SetCompressionEnabled(mesh.IsCompressionEnabled()); + out_meshes[mi]->SetCompressionOptions(mesh.GetCompressionOptions()); + + if (preserve_mesh_features_) { + // Copy mesh features from the source |mesh| to the |out_meshes[mi]|. + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < mesh.NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + if (work_data.split_by_materials) { + // Copy over only those mesh features that were masked to the material + // corresponding to |mi|. + bool is_used = false; + if (mesh.NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi) == 0) { + is_used = true; + } else { + for (int mask_index = 0; + mask_index < mesh.NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi); + ++mask_index) { + if (mesh.GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, mask_index) == mi) { + is_used = true; + break; + } + } + } + if (!is_used) { + // Ignore this mesh features. + continue; + } + } + // Create a copy of source mesh features. + std::unique_ptr mf(new MeshFeatures()); + mf->Copy(mesh.GetMeshFeatures(mfi)); + const MeshFeaturesIndex new_mfi = + out_meshes[mi]->AddMeshFeatures(std::move(mf)); + if (work_data.split_by_materials && !preserve_materials_) { + // If the input |mesh| was split by materials and we didn't preserve + // the materials, all mesh features must be masked to material 0. + out_meshes[mi]->AddMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(new_mfi, 0); + } else { + // Otherwise mesh features use same masking as the source mesh because + // the material attribute is still present in the split meshes. + // Note that this masking can be later changed in + // RemoveUnusedMaterials() call below. + for (int mask_index = 0; + mask_index < mesh.NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi); + ++mask_index) { + out_meshes[mi]->AddMeshFeaturesMaterialMask( + new_mfi, mesh.GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, mask_index)); + } + } + } + + // Copy over all features textures to the split mesh. + out_meshes[mi]->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().Copy( + mesh.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary()); + + // Update mesh features texture pointers to the new library. + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < out_meshes[mi]->NumMeshFeatures(); + ++mfi) { + Mesh::UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturePointer( + features_texture_to_index_map, + &out_meshes[mi]->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(), + &out_meshes[mi]->GetMeshFeatures(mfi)); + } + + // This will remove any mesh features that may not be be actually used + // by this |out_meshes[mi]| (e.g. because corresponding material indices + // were not present in this split mesh). This also removes any unused + // features textures from the non-material texture library. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + MeshUtils::RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures(out_meshes[mi].get())); + } + + // Remove unused materials after we remove mesh features because some of + // the mesh features may have referenced old material indices. + if (preserve_materials_) { + out_meshes[mi]->RemoveUnusedMaterials(remove_unused_material_indices_); + } + + // Copy structural metadata from input mesh to each of the output meshes. + out_meshes[mi]->GetStructuralMetadata().Copy(mesh.GetStructuralMetadata()); + } + return std::move(out_meshes); +} + +StatusOr MeshSplitter::SplitMeshToComponents( + const Mesh &mesh, const MeshConnectedComponents &connected_components) { + // Create the sub-meshes. + const int num_out_meshes = connected_components.NumConnectedComponents(); + MeshSplitterInternal splitter_internal; + typename MeshSplitterInternal::WorkData work_data; + work_data.builders.resize(num_out_meshes); + work_data.num_sub_mesh_elements.resize(num_out_meshes, 0); + work_data.att_id_map.resize(mesh.num_attributes(), -1); + for (int mi = 0; mi < num_out_meshes; ++mi) { + const int num_faces = connected_components.NumConnectedComponentFaces(mi); + work_data.num_sub_mesh_elements[mi] = num_faces; + splitter_internal.InitializeBuilder(mi, num_faces, mesh, -1, &work_data); + } + + // Go over all faces of the input mesh and add them to the appropriate + // sub-mesh. + for (int mi = 0; mi < num_out_meshes; ++mi) { + for (int cfi = 0; cfi < connected_components.NumConnectedComponentFaces(mi); + ++cfi) { + const FaceIndex fi( + connected_components.GetConnectedComponent(mi).faces[cfi]); + const FaceIndex target_fi(cfi); + AddElementToBuilder(mi, fi, target_fi, mesh, &work_data); + } + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto out_meshes, + splitter_internal.BuildMeshes(mesh, &work_data)); + return FinalizeMeshes(mesh, work_data, std::move(out_meshes)); +} + +} // namespace draco +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf5cd9794f --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.h @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_MESH_MESH_SPLITTER_H_ +#define DRACO_MESH_MESH_SPLITTER_H_ + +#include +#include + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_connected_components.h" +#include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Class that can be used to split a single mesh into multiple sub-meshes +// according to specified criteria. +class MeshSplitter { + public: + typedef std::vector> MeshVector; + MeshSplitter(); + + // Sets a flag that tells the splitter to preserve all materials on the input + // mesh during mesh splitting. When set, the materials used on sub-meshes are + // going to be copied over. Any redundant materials on sub-meshes are going to + // be deleted but material indices may still be preserved depending on the + // SetRemoveUnusedMaterialIndices() flag. + // Default = false. + void SetPreserveMaterials(bool flag) { preserve_materials_ = flag; } + + // Sets a flag that tells the splitter to delete any unused material indices + // on the generated sub-meshes. This option is currently used only when + // SetPreserveMaterials() was set to true. If this option is set to false, the + // material indices of the MATERIAL attribute will be the same as in the + // source mesh. If the flag is true, then the unused material indices will be + // removed and they may no longer correspond to the source mesh. Note that + // when this flag is false, any unused materials would be replaced with empty + // (default) materials. + // Default = true. + void SetRemoveUnusedMaterialIndices(bool flag) { + remove_unused_material_indices_ = flag; + } + + // Sets a flag that tells the splitter to preserve all mesh features on the + // input mesh during mesh splitting. When set, the mesh features used on + // sub-meshes are going to be copied over. Any redundant mesh features on + // sub-meshes are going to be deleted. + // Default = false. + void SetPreserveMeshFeatures(bool flag) { preserve_mesh_features_ = flag; } + + // Splits the input |mesh| according to attribute values stored in the + // specified attribute. If the |mesh| contains faces, the attribute values + // need to be defined per-face, that is, all points attached to a single face + // must share the same attribute value. Meshes without faces are treated as + // point clouds and the attribute values can be defined per-point. Each + // attribute value (AttributeValueIndex) is mapped to a single output mesh. If + // an AttributeValueIndex is unused, no mesh is created for the given value. + StatusOr SplitMesh(const Mesh &mesh, uint32_t split_attribute_id); + + // Splits the input |mesh| into separate components defined in + // |connected_components|. That is, all faces associated with a given + // component index will be stored in the same mesh. The number of generated + // meshes will correspond to |connected_components.NumConnectedComponents()|. + StatusOr SplitMeshToComponents( + const Mesh &mesh, const MeshConnectedComponents &connected_components); + + private: + struct WorkData { + // Map between attribute ids of the input and output meshes. + std::vector att_id_map; + std::vector num_sub_mesh_elements; + bool split_by_materials = false; + }; + + template + StatusOr SplitMeshInternal(const Mesh &mesh, + int split_attribute_id); + + StatusOr FinalizeMeshes(const Mesh &mesh, + const WorkData &work_data, + MeshVector out_meshes) const; + + bool preserve_materials_; + bool remove_unused_material_indices_; + bool preserve_mesh_features_; + + template + friend class MeshSplitterInternal; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_MESH_MESH_SPLITTER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_encoder_glue_wrapper.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter_test.cc similarity index 51% rename from contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_encoder_glue_wrapper.cc rename to contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter_test.cc index 29e7ed3bad..7432c4736e 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/javascript/emscripten/draco_animation_encoder_glue_wrapper.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_splitter_test.cc @@ -12,14 +12,17 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // -// This file is used by emscripten's WebIDL Binder. -// http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/porting/connecting_cpp_and_javascript/WebIDL-Binder.html -#include "draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" -#include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h" -#include "draco/compression/encode.h" -#include "draco/javascript/emscripten/animation_encoder_webidl_wrapper.h" -#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" -#include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.h" -// glue_animation_encoder.cpp is generated by Makefile.emcc build_glue target. -#include "glue_animation_encoder.cpp" +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +#include "draco/io/mesh_io.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_misc_functions.h" + +namespace {} // namespace +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_stripifier.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_stripifier.h index 262e3c7928..8e8d8d9f21 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_stripifier.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_stripifier.h @@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ class MeshStripifier { mesh_ = &mesh; num_strips_ = 0; num_encoded_faces_ = 0; - // TODO(ostava): We may be able to avoid computing the corner table if we - // already have it stored somewhere. corner_table_ = CreateCornerTableFromPositionAttribute(mesh_); if (corner_table_ == nullptr) { return false; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7cc046a7e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,644 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h" +#include "draco/material/material_utils.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_features.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" +#include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +// Tests naming of a mesh. +TEST(MeshTest, MeshName) { + draco::Mesh mesh; + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh.GetName().empty()); + mesh.SetName("Bob"); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetName(), "Bob"); +} + +// Tests copying of a mesh. +TEST(MeshTest, MeshCopy) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + draco::Mesh mesh_copy; + mesh_copy.Copy(*mesh); + draco::MeshAreEquivalent eq; + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(*mesh, mesh_copy)); +} + +// Tests that we can copy a mesh to a different mesh that already contains some +// data. +TEST(MeshTest, MeshCopyToExistingMesh) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh_0 = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + const std::unique_ptr mesh_1 = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("test_nm.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_1, nullptr); + draco::MeshAreEquivalent eq; + ASSERT_FALSE(eq(*mesh_0, *mesh_1)); + + mesh_1->Copy(*mesh_0); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(*mesh_0, *mesh_1)); +} + +// Tests that we can remove unused materials from a mesh. +TEST(MeshTest, RemoveUnusedMaterials) { + // Input mesh has 29 materials defined in the source file but only 7 are + // actually used. + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("mat_test.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const mat_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + ASSERT_NE(mat_att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mat_att->size(), 29); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), mat_att->size()); + + // Get materials on all faces. + std::vector face_materials(mesh->num_faces(), + nullptr); + for (draco::FaceIndex fi(0); fi < mesh->num_faces(); ++fi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetMappedValue(mesh->face(fi)[0], &mat_index); + face_materials[fi.value()] = + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(mat_index); + } + + mesh->RemoveUnusedMaterials(); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 7); + + // Ensure the material attribute contains material indices in the valid range. + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < mat_att->size(); ++avi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetValue(avi, &mat_index); + ASSERT_LT(mat_index, mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()); + } + + // Ensure all materials are still the same for all faces. + for (draco::FaceIndex fi(0); fi < mesh->num_faces(); ++fi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetMappedValue(mesh->face(fi)[0], &mat_index); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(mat_index), + face_materials[fi.value()]); + } +} + +TEST(MeshTest, RemoveUnusedMaterialsOnPointClud) { + // Input mesh has 29 materials defined in the source file but only 7 are + // actually used. Same as above test but we remove all faces and treat the + // model as a point cloud. + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("mat_test.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Make it a point cloud. + mesh->SetNumFaces(0); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const mat_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + ASSERT_NE(mat_att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mat_att->size(), 29); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), mat_att->size()); + + // Get materials on all points. + std::vector point_materials(mesh->num_points(), + nullptr); + for (draco::PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh->num_points(); ++pi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetMappedValue(pi, &mat_index); + point_materials[pi.value()] = + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(mat_index); + } + + mesh->RemoveUnusedMaterials(); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 7); + + // Ensure the material attribute contains material indices in the valid range. + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < mat_att->size(); ++avi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetValue(avi, &mat_index); + ASSERT_LT(mat_index, mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()); + } + + // Ensure all materials are still the same for all points. + for (draco::PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh->num_points(); ++pi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetMappedValue(pi, &mat_index); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(mat_index), + point_materials[pi.value()]); + } +} + +TEST(MeshTest, RemoveUnusedMaterialsNoIndices) { + // The same as above but we actually want to remove only materials and not + // material indices. Therefore we should end up with the same number of + // materials as source but all unused materials should be "default". + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("mat_test.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const mat_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + ASSERT_NE(mat_att, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mat_att->size(), 29); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), mat_att->size()); + + // Do not remove unused material indices. + mesh->RemoveUnusedMaterials(false); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 29); + + // Gether which materials were actually used and check that all remaining + // materials are "default". + std::vector is_mat_used(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + false); + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < mat_att->size(); ++avi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetValue(avi, &mat_index); + is_mat_used[mat_index] = true; + } + + for (int mi = 0; mi < mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(); ++mi) { + if (!is_mat_used[mi]) { + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::MaterialUtils::AreMaterialsEquivalent( + *mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().GetMaterial(mi), draco::Material())); + } + } +} + +TEST(MeshTest, TestAddNewAttributeWithConnectivity) { + // Tests that we can add new attributes with arbitrary connectivity to an + // existing mesh. + + // Create a simple quad. See corner indices of the quad on the figure below: + // + // *-------* + // |2\3 5| + // | \ | + // | \ | + // | \ | + // | \4| + // |0 1\| + // *-------* + // + draco::TriangleSoupMeshBuilder mb; + mb.Start(2); + mb.AddAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 3, draco::DT_FLOAT32); + mb.SetAttributeValuesForFace( + 0, draco::FaceIndex(0), draco::Vector3f(0, 0, 0).data(), + draco::Vector3f(1, 0, 0).data(), draco::Vector3f(1, 1, 0).data()); + mb.SetAttributeValuesForFace( + 0, draco::FaceIndex(1), draco::Vector3f(1, 1, 0).data(), + draco::Vector3f(1, 0, 0).data(), draco::Vector3f(1, 1, 1).data()); + std::unique_ptr mesh = mb.Finalize(); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION)->size(), + 4); + + // Create a simple attribute that has a constant value on every corner. + std::unique_ptr pa(new draco::PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(draco::GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, 1 /*One components*/, + draco::DT_UINT8, false, 1); + uint8_t val = 10; + pa->SetAttributeValue(draco::AttributeValueIndex(0), &val); + + // Map all corners to the same value. + draco::IndexTypeVector + corner_to_point(6, draco::AttributeValueIndex(0)); + + // Adding this attribute to the mesh should not increase the number of points. + const int new_att_id_0 = + mesh->AddAttributeWithConnectivity(std::move(pa), corner_to_point); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 4); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const new_att_0 = mesh->attribute(new_att_id_0); + ASSERT_NE(new_att_0, nullptr); + + // All points of the mesh should be mapped to the same attribute value. + for (draco::PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh->num_points(); ++pi) { + uint8_t att_val = 0; + new_att_0->GetMappedValue(pi, &att_val); + ASSERT_EQ(att_val, 10); + } + + // Add a new attribute with two values and different connectivity. + pa = std::unique_ptr(new draco::PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(draco::GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, 1 /*One components*/, + draco::DT_UINT8, false, 2); + val = 11; + pa->SetAttributeValue(draco::AttributeValueIndex(0), &val); + val = 12; + pa->SetAttributeValue(draco::AttributeValueIndex(1), &val); + + // Map all corners to the value index 0 except for corner 1 that is mapped to + // value index 1. This should result in a new point being created on either + // corner 1 or corner 4 (see figure at the beginning of this test). + corner_to_point.assign(6, draco::AttributeValueIndex(0)); + corner_to_point[draco::CornerIndex(1)] = draco::AttributeValueIndex(1); + + const int new_att_id_1 = + mesh->AddAttributeWithConnectivity(std::move(pa), corner_to_point); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_attributes(), 3); + + // One new point should have been created by adding the new attribute. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 5); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const new_att_1 = mesh->attribute(new_att_id_1); + ASSERT_NE(new_att_1, nullptr); + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh->CornerToPointId(1) == draco::PointIndex(4) || + mesh->CornerToPointId(4) == draco::PointIndex(4)); + + new_att_1->GetMappedValue(mesh->CornerToPointId(1), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, 12); + + new_att_1->GetMappedValue(mesh->CornerToPointId(4), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, 11); + + // Ensure the attribute values of the remaining attributes are well defined + // on the new point. + draco::Vector3f pos; + mesh->attribute(0)->GetMappedValue(draco::PointIndex(4), &pos[0]); + ASSERT_EQ(pos, draco::Vector3f(1, 0, 0)); + + new_att_0->GetMappedValue(draco::PointIndex(4), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, 10); + + new_att_0->GetMappedValue(mesh->CornerToPointId(1), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, 10); + new_att_0->GetMappedValue(mesh->CornerToPointId(4), &val); + ASSERT_EQ(val, 10); +} + +TEST(MeshTest, TestAddNewAttributeWithConnectivityWithIsolatedVertices) { + // Tests that we can add a new attribute with connectivity to a mesh that + // contains isolated vertices. + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("isolated_vertices.ply"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + const draco::PointAttribute *const pos_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att, nullptr); + ASSERT_TRUE(pos_att->is_mapping_identity()); + ASSERT_EQ(pos_att->size(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 2); + + // Add a new attribute with two values (one for each face). + auto pa = std::unique_ptr(new draco::PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(draco::GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, 1 /*One component*/, + draco::DT_UINT8, false, 2); + uint8_t val = 11; + pa->SetAttributeValue(draco::AttributeValueIndex(0), &val); + val = 12; + pa->SetAttributeValue(draco::AttributeValueIndex(1), &val); + + draco::IndexTypeVector + corner_to_point(6, draco::AttributeValueIndex(0)); + // All corners on the second face are mapped to the value 1. + for (draco::CornerIndex ci(3); ci < 6; ++ci) { + corner_to_point[ci] = draco::AttributeValueIndex(1); + } + + const draco::PointAttribute *const pa_raw = pa.get(); + mesh->AddAttributeWithConnectivity(std::move(pa), corner_to_point); + + // Two new point should have been added. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 7); + + for (draco::PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh->num_points(); ++pi) { + ASSERT_NE(pa_raw->mapped_index(pi), draco::kInvalidAttributeValueIndex); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att->mapped_index(pi), draco::kInvalidAttributeValueIndex); + } +} + +TEST(MeshTest, TestAddPerVertexAttribute) { + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + const draco::PointAttribute *const pos_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att, nullptr); + + // The input mesh should have 8 spatial vertices. + ASSERT_EQ(pos_att->size(), 8); + + // Add a new scalar attribute where each value corresponds to the position + // value index (vertex). + std::unique_ptr pa(new draco::PointAttribute()); + pa->Init(draco::GeometryAttribute::GENERIC, /* scalar */ 1, draco::DT_FLOAT32, + false, /* one value per position value */ 8); + + // Set the value for the new attribute. + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < 8; ++avi) { + const float att_value = avi.value(); + pa->SetAttributeValue(avi, &att_value); + } + + // Add the attribute to the existing mesh. + const int new_att_id = mesh->AddPerVertexAttribute(std::move(pa)); + ASSERT_NE(new_att_id, -1); + + // Make sure all the attribute values are set correctly for every point of the + // mesh. + for (draco::PointIndex pi(0); pi < mesh->num_points(); ++pi) { + const draco::AttributeValueIndex pos_avi = pos_att->mapped_index(pi); + const draco::AttributeValueIndex new_att_avi = + mesh->attribute(new_att_id)->mapped_index(pi); + ASSERT_EQ(pos_avi, new_att_avi); + + float new_att_value; + mesh->attribute(new_att_id)->GetValue(new_att_avi, &new_att_value); + ASSERT_EQ(new_att_value, new_att_avi.value()); + } +} + +TEST(MeshTest, TestRemovalOfIsolatedPoints) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("isolated_vertices.ply"); + + draco::Mesh mesh_copy; + mesh_copy.Copy(*mesh); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_copy.num_points(), 5); + mesh_copy.RemoveIsolatedPoints(); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_copy.num_points(), 4); + + draco::MeshAreEquivalent eq; + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(*mesh, mesh_copy)); +} + +TEST(MeshTest, TestCompressionSettings) { + // Tests compression settings of a mesh. + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Check that compression is disabled and compression settings are default. + ASSERT_FALSE(mesh->IsCompressionEnabled()); + const draco::DracoCompressionOptions default_compression_options; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetCompressionOptions(), default_compression_options); + + // Check that compression options can be set without enabling compression. + draco::DracoCompressionOptions compression_options; + compression_options.quantization_bits_normal = 12; + mesh->SetCompressionOptions(compression_options); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetCompressionOptions(), compression_options); + ASSERT_FALSE(mesh->IsCompressionEnabled()); + + // Check that compression can be enabled. + mesh->SetCompressionEnabled(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh->IsCompressionEnabled()); + + // Check that individual compression options can be updated. + mesh->GetCompressionOptions().compression_level++; + mesh->GetCompressionOptions().compression_level--; + + // Check that compression settings can be copied. + draco::Mesh mesh_copy; + mesh_copy.Copy(*mesh); + ASSERT_TRUE(mesh_copy.IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_copy.GetCompressionOptions(), compression_options); +} + +// Tests adding and removing of mesh features to a mesh. +TEST(MeshTest, TestMeshFeatures) { + // Create a mesh with two feature ID sets. + draco::Mesh mesh; + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumMeshFeatures(), 0); + std::unique_ptr oceans(new draco::MeshFeatures()); + std::unique_ptr continents(new draco::MeshFeatures()); + oceans->SetLabel("oceans"); + continents->SetLabel("continents"); + const draco::MeshFeaturesIndex index_0 = + mesh.AddMeshFeatures(std::move(oceans)); + const draco::MeshFeaturesIndex index_1 = + mesh.AddMeshFeatures(std::move(continents)); + ASSERT_EQ(index_0, draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(index_1, draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(1)); + + // Check that the mesh has two feature ID sets. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumMeshFeatures(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetMeshFeatures(index_0).GetLabel(), "oceans"); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetMeshFeatures(index_1).GetLabel(), "continents"); + + // Remove one feature ID set and check the remaining feature ID set. + mesh.RemoveMeshFeatures(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumMeshFeatures(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetMeshFeatures(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).GetLabel(), + "oceans"); + + // Remove the remaining feature ID set and check that no sets remain. + mesh.RemoveMeshFeatures(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumMeshFeatures(), 0); +} + +// Tests copying of a mesh with feature ID sets. +TEST(MeshTest, MeshCopyWithMeshFeatures) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Add two textures to the non-material texture library of the mesh. + std::unique_ptr texture0(new draco::Texture()); + std::unique_ptr texture1(new draco::Texture()); + texture0->Resize(128, 128); + texture1->Resize(256, 256); + texture0->FillImage(draco::RGBA(100, 0, 0, 0)); + texture1->FillImage(draco::RGBA(200, 0, 0, 0)); + draco::TextureLibrary &library = mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(); + library.PushTexture(std::move(texture0)); + library.PushTexture(std::move(texture1)); + + // Add feature ID set referring to an attribute. + const draco::MeshFeaturesIndex index_0 = mesh->AddMeshFeatures( + std::unique_ptr(new draco::MeshFeatures())); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_0).SetLabel("planet"); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_0).SetFeatureCount(2); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_0).SetAttributeIndex(1); + + // Add feature ID set referring to texture at index 0. + const draco::MeshFeaturesIndex index_1 = mesh->AddMeshFeatures( + std::unique_ptr(new draco::MeshFeatures())); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_1).SetLabel("continents"); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_1).SetFeatureCount(7); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_1).GetTextureMap().SetTexture( + library.GetTexture(0)); + + // Add feature ID set referring to a texture at index 1. + const draco::MeshFeaturesIndex index_2 = mesh->AddMeshFeatures( + std::unique_ptr(new draco::MeshFeatures())); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_2).SetLabel("oceans"); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_2).SetFeatureCount(5); + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_2).GetTextureMap().SetTexture( + library.GetTexture(1)); + + // Check mesh feature ID set texture pointers. + ASSERT_EQ(library.NumTextures(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_0).GetTextureMap().texture(), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_1).GetTextureMap().texture(), + library.GetTexture(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeatures(index_2).GetTextureMap().texture(), + library.GetTexture(1)); + + // Copy the mesh. + draco::Mesh mesh_copy; + mesh_copy.Copy(*mesh); + + // Check that the meshes are equivalent. + draco::MeshAreEquivalent eq; + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(*mesh, mesh_copy)); + + // Also check that the texture pointers have been updated correctly. + const draco::TextureLibrary &library_copy = + mesh_copy.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(); + ASSERT_EQ(library_copy.NumTextures(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_copy.NumMeshFeatures(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_copy.GetMeshFeatures(index_0).GetTextureMap().texture(), + nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_copy.GetMeshFeatures(index_1).GetTextureMap().texture(), + library_copy.GetTexture(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_copy.GetMeshFeatures(index_2).GetTextureMap().texture(), + library_copy.GetTexture(1)); +} + +// Tests copying of a mesh with structural metadata. +TEST(MeshTest, TestCopyWithStructuralMetadata) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Add structural metadata to the mesh. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema schema; + schema.json.SetString("Data"); + mesh->GetStructuralMetadata().SetPropertyTableSchema(schema); + + // Copy the mesh. + draco::Mesh copy; + copy.Copy(*mesh); + + // Check that the structural metadata has been copied. + ASSERT_EQ( + copy.GetStructuralMetadata().GetPropertyTableSchema().json.GetString(), + "Data"); +} + +// Tests removing of unused materials for a mesh with mesh features. +TEST(MeshTest, RemoveUnusedMaterialsWithMeshFeatures) { + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("BoxesMeta/glTF/BoxesMeta.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Input has five mesh features, two associated with material 0 and three with + // material 1. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(0), 0), + 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(1), 0), + 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(2), 0), + 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(3), 0), + 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(4), 0), + 1); + + // Remove material 0. + draco::PointAttribute *mat_att = mesh->attribute( + mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL)); + // Map mat value 0 to 1. + uint32_t new_mat_index = 1; + mat_att->SetAttributeValue(draco::AttributeValueIndex(0), &new_mat_index); + + // This should not do anything because we still have the material 0 referenced + // by mesh features 0 and 1. + mesh->RemoveUnusedMaterials(); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 5); + + // Now remove unused mesh features (should be 0 and 1). + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(draco::MeshUtils::RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures(mesh.get())); + + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 3); + // All remaining mesh features should be still mapped to material 1. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(0), 0), + 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(1), 0), + 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(2), 0), + 1); + + // Now remove the unused materials (0). + mesh->RemoveUnusedMaterials(); + + // Only one material should be remaining and all the mesh features should now + // be mapped to material 0. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(0), 0), + 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(1), 0), + 0); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(draco::MeshFeaturesIndex(2), 0), + 0); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +// Test bounding box. +TEST(MeshTest, TestMeshBoundingBox) { + const draco::Vector3f max_pt(1, 1, 1); + const draco::Vector3f min_pt(0, 0, 0); + + const std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed in Loading: " + << "cube_att.obj"; + const draco::BoundingBox bounding_box = mesh->ComputeBoundingBox(); + + EXPECT_EQ(max_pt[0], bounding_box.GetMaxPoint()[0]); + EXPECT_EQ(max_pt[1], bounding_box.GetMaxPoint()[1]); + EXPECT_EQ(max_pt[2], bounding_box.GetMaxPoint()[2]); + + EXPECT_EQ(min_pt[0], bounding_box.GetMinPoint()[0]); + EXPECT_EQ(min_pt[1], bounding_box.GetMinPoint()[1]); + EXPECT_EQ(min_pt[2], bounding_box.GetMinPoint()[2]); +} + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fbe366c15 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils.cc @@ -0,0 +1,492 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/attributes/attribute_quantization_transform.h" +#include "draco/core/quantization_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +void MeshUtils::TransformMesh(const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform, Mesh *mesh) { + // Transform positions. + PointAttribute *pos_att = + mesh->attribute(mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::POSITION)); + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < pos_att->size(); ++avi) { + Vector3f pos_val; + pos_att->GetValue(avi, &pos_val[0]); + Eigen::Vector4d transformed_val(pos_val[0], pos_val[1], pos_val[2], 1); + transformed_val = transform * transformed_val; + pos_val = + Vector3f(transformed_val[0], transformed_val[1], transformed_val[2]); + pos_att->SetAttributeValue(avi, &pos_val[0]); + } + + // Transform normals and tangents. + PointAttribute *normal_att = nullptr; + PointAttribute *tangent_att = nullptr; + if (mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL) > 0) { + normal_att = + mesh->attribute(mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::NORMAL)); + } + if (mesh->NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT) > 0) { + tangent_att = + mesh->attribute(mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::TANGENT)); + } + + if (normal_att || tangent_att) { + // Use inverse-transpose matrix to transform normals and tangents. + Eigen::Matrix3d it_transform = transform.block<3, 3>(0, 0); + + it_transform = it_transform.inverse().transpose(); + + if (normal_att) { + TransformNormalizedAttribute(it_transform, normal_att); + } + if (tangent_att) { + TransformNormalizedAttribute(it_transform, tangent_att); + } + } +} + +namespace { + +// Merges entries from |src_metadata| to |dst_metadata|. Any metadata entries +// with the same names are left unchanged. +void MergeMetadataInternal(const Metadata &src_metadata, + Metadata *dst_metadata) { + const auto &src_entries = src_metadata.entries(); + const auto &dst_entries = dst_metadata->entries(); + for (const auto &it : src_entries) { + if (dst_entries.find(it.first) != dst_entries.end()) { + // Source entry already exists in the target metadata. + continue; + } + // Copy over the entry (entries don't store the data type so binary copy + // is ok). + dst_metadata->AddEntryBinary(it.first, it.second.data()); + } + + // Merge any sub-metadata. + const auto &src_sub_metadata = src_metadata.sub_metadatas(); + const auto &dst_sub_metadata = dst_metadata->sub_metadatas(); + for (const auto &it : src_sub_metadata) { + if (dst_sub_metadata.find(it.first) == dst_sub_metadata.end()) { + // Source sub-metadata doesn't exists in the target metadata, copy it + // over. + std::unique_ptr sub_metadata(new Metadata(*it.second)); + dst_metadata->AddSubMetadata(it.first, std::move(sub_metadata)); + continue; + } + // Merge entries on the sub-metadata. + MergeMetadataInternal(*it.second, dst_metadata->sub_metadata(it.first)); + } +} + +} // namespace + +void MeshUtils::MergeMetadata(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh *dst_mesh) { + const auto *src_metadata = src_mesh.GetMetadata(); + if (src_metadata == nullptr) { + return; // Nothing to merge. + } + if (dst_mesh->GetMetadata() == nullptr) { + // Create new metadata for the |dst_mesh|. We do not copy the metadata + // directly because some of the underlying attribute metadata may need to + // be remapped to the format used by |dst_mesh| (e.g. unique ids of the + // attributes may have changed or some attributes may be missing on the + // |dst_mesh|). + std::unique_ptr new_metadata(new GeometryMetadata()); + dst_mesh->AddMetadata(std::move(new_metadata)); + } + auto *dst_metadata = dst_mesh->metadata(); + + // First go over all entries of the geometry part of |src_metadata|. + MergeMetadataInternal(*src_metadata, dst_metadata); + + // Go over attribute metadata. Merges only metadata for attributes that exist + // both on the source and target meshes. Attribute unique ids are remapped + // if needed. + for (int att_type_i = 0; + att_type_i < GeometryAttribute::NAMED_ATTRIBUTES_COUNT; ++att_type_i) { + const GeometryAttribute::Type att_type = + static_cast(att_type_i); + // TODO(ostava): Handle case when the number of attributes of a given type + // does not match. + if (src_mesh.NumNamedAttributes(att_type) != + dst_mesh->NumNamedAttributes(att_type)) { + continue; + } + for (int j = 0; j < src_mesh.NumNamedAttributes(att_type); ++j) { + // First check if we have a metadata for this attribute. + const PointAttribute *const src_att = + src_mesh.GetNamedAttribute(att_type, j); + const auto *src_metadata = + src_mesh.GetMetadata()->GetAttributeMetadataByUniqueId( + src_att->unique_id()); + if (src_metadata == nullptr) { + // No metadata at the source, ignore the attribute. + continue; + } + // Find target attribute corresponding to the source. + const PointAttribute *const dst_att = + dst_mesh->GetNamedAttribute(att_type, j); + if (dst_att == nullptr) { + // No corresponding attribute found, ignore the source metadata. + continue; + } + auto *dst_metadata = + dst_mesh->metadata()->attribute_metadata(dst_att->unique_id()); + if (dst_metadata == nullptr) { + // Copy over the metadata (with remapped attribute unique id). + std::unique_ptr new_metadata( + new AttributeMetadata(*src_metadata)); + new_metadata->set_att_unique_id(dst_att->unique_id()); + dst_mesh->metadata()->AddAttributeMetadata(std::move(new_metadata)); + continue; + } + // Merge metadata entries. + MergeMetadataInternal(*src_metadata, dst_metadata); + } + } +} + +Status MeshUtils::RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures(Mesh *mesh) { + // Unused mesh features are features that are not used by any face / vertex + // of the |mesh|. Currently, each mesh feature can be "masked" for specific + // materials, in which case we need to check whether the mask materials + // are present in the |mesh|. If not, we can remove the mesh features from the + // mesh. + const PointAttribute *const mat_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + // Find which materials are used. + std::unordered_set used_materials; + if (mat_att == nullptr) { + // Only material with index 0 is assumed to be used. + used_materials.insert(0); + } else { + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < mat_att->size(); ++avi) { + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->GetValue(avi, &mat_index); + used_materials.insert(mat_index); + } + } + + std::vector unused_mesh_features; + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < mesh->NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + bool is_used = false; + if (mesh->NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi) == 0) { + is_used = true; + } else { + for (int mask_i = 0; mask_i < mesh->NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi); + ++mask_i) { + const int material_index = + mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, mask_i); + if (used_materials.count(material_index)) { + is_used = true; + break; + } + } + } + if (!is_used) { + unused_mesh_features.push_back(mfi); + } + } + + // Remove the unused mesh features (from back). + for (auto it = unused_mesh_features.rbegin(); + it != unused_mesh_features.rend(); ++it) { + const MeshFeaturesIndex mfi = *it; + mesh->RemoveMeshFeatures(mfi); + } + + // Remove all features textures that are not used anymore. + + // First find which textures are referenced by the mesh features. + std::unordered_set used_textures; + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < mesh->NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + const Texture *const texture = + mesh->GetMeshFeatures(mfi).GetTextureMap().texture(); + if (texture) { + used_textures.insert(texture); + } + } + + if (!used_textures.empty() && + mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures() == 0) { + return ErrorStatus( + "Trying to remove mesh features textures that are not owned by the " + "mesh."); + } + + // Remove all unreferenced textures from the non-material texture library. + for (int ti = mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures() - 1; ti >= 0; + --ti) { + const Texture *const texture = + mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().GetTexture(ti); + if (used_textures.count(texture) == 0) { + mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().RemoveTexture(ti); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +bool MeshUtils::FlipTextureUvValues(bool flip_u, bool flip_v, + PointAttribute *att) { + if (att->attribute_type() != GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD) { + return false; + } + if (att->data_type() != DataType::DT_FLOAT32) { + return false; + } + if (att->num_components() != 2) { + return false; + } + + std::array value; + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < att->size(); ++avi) { + if (!att->GetValue(avi, &value)) { + return false; + } + if (flip_u) { + value[0] = 1.0 - value[0]; + } + if (flip_v) { + value[1] = 1.0 - value[1]; + } + att->SetAttributeValue(avi, value.data()); + } + return true; +} + +// TODO(fgalligan): Change att_id to be of type const PointAttribute &. +int MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(const Mesh &mesh, int att_id) { + const PointAttribute *const att = mesh.attribute(att_id); + if (att == nullptr) { + return -1; + } + const int num_components = att->num_components(); + switch (num_components) { + case 2: + return MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(mesh, *att); + case 3: + return MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(mesh, *att); + case 4: + return MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(mesh, *att); + default: + break; + } + return -1; +} + +StatusOr MeshUtils::FindLowestTextureQuantization( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &pos_att, int pos_quantization_bits, + const PointAttribute &tex_att, int tex_target_quantization_bits) { + if (tex_target_quantization_bits < 0 || tex_target_quantization_bits >= 30) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Target texture quantization is out of range."); + } + // The target quantization is no quantization, so return 0. + if (tex_target_quantization_bits == 0) { + return 0; + } + const uint32_t pos_max_quantized_value = (1 << (pos_quantization_bits)) - 1; + AttributeQuantizationTransform pos_transform; + if (!pos_transform.ComputeParameters(pos_att, pos_quantization_bits)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Failed computing position quantization parameters."); + } + + // Get all degenerate faces for positions. If the model already has + // degenerate faces for positions, but valid faces for texture coordinates, + // those will not count as new degenerate faces for texture coordinates, + // because the faces would not have been rendered anyway. + const std::vector pos_degenerate_faces_sorted = + MeshUtils::ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces( + mesh, pos_att, pos_transform.range(), pos_max_quantized_value, false); + + // Initialize return value to zero signifying that it could not find a + // quantization that did not cause any new degenerate faces. + int lowest_quantization_bits = 0; + int min_quantization_bits = tex_target_quantization_bits; + int max_quantization_bits = 29; + while (true) { + const int curr_quantization_bits = + min_quantization_bits + + (max_quantization_bits - min_quantization_bits) / 2; + AttributeQuantizationTransform transform; + if (!transform.ComputeParameters(tex_att, curr_quantization_bits)) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Failed computing texture quantization parameters."); + } + + const uint32_t max_quantized_value = (1 << (curr_quantization_bits)) - 1; + + // Get only new degenerate faces for texture coordinates. If the model + // already has degenerate faces for texture coordinates, we don't want to + // take into account those faces in the source, because those faces would + // not have been rendered correctly anyway. + const std::vector tex_degenerate_faces_sorted = + MeshUtils::ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces( + mesh, tex_att, transform.range(), max_quantized_value, true); + + if (tex_degenerate_faces_sorted.size() <= + pos_degenerate_faces_sorted.size()) { + if (std::includes(pos_degenerate_faces_sorted.begin(), + pos_degenerate_faces_sorted.end(), + tex_degenerate_faces_sorted.begin(), + tex_degenerate_faces_sorted.end())) { + // Degenerate texture coordinate faces are a subset of position + // degenerate faces. + lowest_quantization_bits = curr_quantization_bits; + } + } + + if (lowest_quantization_bits == curr_quantization_bits) { + // The lowest quantization is the current quantization, see if lower + // quantization is possible. + max_quantization_bits = curr_quantization_bits - 1; + } else { + min_quantization_bits = curr_quantization_bits + 1; + } + if (min_quantization_bits > max_quantization_bits) { + break; + } + } + return lowest_quantization_bits; +} + +void MeshUtils::TransformNormalizedAttribute(const Eigen::Matrix3d &transform, + PointAttribute *att) { + for (AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < att->size(); ++avi) { + // Store up to 4 component values. + Vector4f val(0, 0, 0, 1); + att->GetValue(avi, &val); + // Ignore the last component during transformation. + Eigen::Vector3d transformed_val(val[0], val[1], val[2]); + transformed_val = transform * transformed_val; + transformed_val = transformed_val.normalized(); + // Last component is passed to the transformed value. + val = Vector4f(transformed_val[0], transformed_val[1], transformed_val[2], + val[3]); + + // Set the value to the attribute. Note that in case the attribute is using + // fewer than 4 components, the 4th component is going to be ignored. + att->SetAttributeValue(avi, &val[0]); + } +} + +template +int MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(const Mesh &mesh, + const PointAttribute &att) { + if (att.data_type() != DataType::DT_FLOAT32) { + return -1; + } + std::array values; + int degenerate_values = 0; + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < mesh.num_faces(); ++fi) { + const auto &face = mesh.face(fi); + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + att.GetMappedValue(face[c], &values[c][0]); + } + if (values[0] == values[1] || values[0] == values[2] || + values[1] == values[2]) { + degenerate_values++; + } + } + return degenerate_values; +} + +std::vector MeshUtils::ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &att, float range, + uint32_t max_quantized_value, bool quantized_degenerate_only) { + const int num_components = att.num_components(); + switch (num_components) { + case 2: + return MeshUtils::ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces>( + mesh, att, range, max_quantized_value, quantized_degenerate_only); + case 3: + return MeshUtils::ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces>( + mesh, att, range, max_quantized_value, quantized_degenerate_only); + case 4: + return MeshUtils::ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces>( + mesh, att, range, max_quantized_value, quantized_degenerate_only); + default: + break; + } + return std::vector(); +} + +template +std::vector MeshUtils::ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &att, float range, + uint32_t max_quantized_value, bool quantized_degenerate_only) { + std::array values; + std::array quantized_values; + + Quantizer quantizer; + quantizer.Init(range, max_quantized_value); + std::vector degenerate_faces; + + for (FaceIndex fi(0); fi < mesh.num_faces(); ++fi) { + const auto &face = mesh.face(fi); + for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { + att.GetMappedValue(face[c], &values[c][0]); + for (int i = 0; i < att_components_t::dimension; ++i) { + quantized_values[c][i] = quantizer.QuantizeFloat(values[c][i]); + } + } + + if (quantized_degenerate_only && + (values[0] == values[1] || values[0] == values[2] || + values[1] == values[2])) { + continue; + } + if (quantized_values[0] == quantized_values[1] || + quantized_values[0] == quantized_values[2] || + quantized_values[1] == quantized_values[2]) { + degenerate_faces.push_back(fi); + } + } + return degenerate_faces; +} + +bool MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents(const Mesh &mesh) { + const int tangent_att_id = + mesh.GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::TANGENT); + if (tangent_att_id == -1) { + return false; + } + const auto metadata = mesh.GetAttributeMetadataByAttributeId(tangent_att_id); + if (metadata) { + int is_auto_generated = 0; + if (metadata->GetEntryInt("auto_generated", &is_auto_generated) && + is_auto_generated == 1) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e17dfd8edd --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_MESH_MESH_UTILS_H_ +#define DRACO_MESH_MESH_UTILS_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "Eigen/Geometry" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Helper class containing various utilities operating on draco::Mesh. +// TODO(ostava): Move scattered functions in this folder here (e.g. corner table +// construction). +class MeshUtils { + public: + // Transforms |mesh| using the |transform| matrix. The mesh is transformed + // in-place. + static void TransformMesh(const Eigen::Matrix4d &transform, Mesh *mesh); + + // Merges metadata from |src_mesh| to |dst_mesh|. Any metadata with the same + // names are left unchanged. + static void MergeMetadata(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh *dst_mesh); + + // Removes unused MeshFeatures from |mesh|. If the |mesh| contains any mesh + // feature textures, the textures must be owned by the |mesh| otherwise an + // error is returned. + static Status RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures(Mesh *mesh); + + // Flips the UV values of |att|. + static bool FlipTextureUvValues(bool flip_u, bool flip_v, + PointAttribute *att); + + // Counts the number of degenerate faces in |mesh| for attribute |att_id|. + // Returns < 0 if counting of degenerate faces is not supported for |att_id|. + static int CountDegenerateFaces(const Mesh &mesh, int att_id); + + // Searches for the lowest texture quantization bits for |tex_att| that does + // not introduce any new texture coordinate degenerate faces. The range for + // the search is |tex_target_quantization_bits| - 29, inclusive. The function + // does not count texture coordinate degenerate faces already in the source. + // Nor does it count any new texture coordinate degenerate faces that are a + // subset of new position degenerate faces created from the quantization of + // |pos_att| using |pos_quantization_bits|. Returns the lowest quantization + // bits within the specified range or zero signifying that it could not find a + // quantization that did not cause any new degenerate faces. + static StatusOr FindLowestTextureQuantization( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &pos_att, + int pos_quantization_bits, const PointAttribute &tex_att, + int tex_target_quantization_bits); + + // Helper function that checks whether a mesh has auto-generated tangents. + // See go/tangents_and_draco_simplifier. + static bool HasAutoGeneratedTangents(const Mesh &mesh); + + private: + static void TransformNormalizedAttribute(const Eigen::Matrix3d &transform, + PointAttribute *att); + + template + static int CountDegenerateFaces(const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &att); + + // Returns a sorted list of degenerate faces for |att|. |att| must use |mesh| + // for its connectivity. |range| and |max_quantized_value| are the values + // passed into the quantizer. |quantized_degenerate_only|, is true will only + // include degenerate faces caused by the quantization. Otherwise all + // degenerate faces will be included, those made by the quantization and those + // already in the source. + static std::vector ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &att, float range, + uint32_t max_quantized_value, bool quantized_degenerate_only); + + // Returns a sorted list of degenerate faces for |att|. |att_components_t| is + // the component count for |att| as a VectorD. E.g. Vector2f, Vector3f, or + // Vector4f. |quantized_components_t| is the quantized component count for + // |att| as a VectorD. E.g. VectorD, VectorD, or + // VectorD. + template + static std::vector ListDegenerateQuantizedFaces( + const Mesh &mesh, const PointAttribute &att, float range, + uint32_t max_quantized_value, bool quantized_degenerate_only); +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_MESH_MESH_UTILS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..022669cb0b --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/mesh_utils_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace { + +// Compare normal vector rotated by |angle| around the x-axis. +void CompareRotatedNormals(const draco::Mesh &mesh_0, const draco::Mesh &mesh_1, + float angle) { + const draco::PointAttribute *const norm_att_0 = + mesh_0.GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL); + const draco::PointAttribute *const norm_att_1 = + mesh_1.GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL); + ASSERT_EQ(norm_att_0->size(), norm_att_1->size()); + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < norm_att_0->size(); ++avi) { + Eigen::Vector3f norm_0, norm_1; + norm_att_0->GetValue(avi, norm_0.data()); + norm_att_1->GetValue(avi, norm_1.data()); + + // Project the normals into yz plane + norm_0[0] = 0.f; + norm_1[0] = 0.f; + + if (norm_0.squaredNorm() < 1e-6f) { + // Normal pointing towards X. Make sure the rotated normal is about the + // same. + ASSERT_NEAR(norm_1.squaredNorm(), 0.f, 1e-6f); + continue; + } + + // Ensure the angle between the normals is as expected. + norm_0.normalize(); + norm_1.normalize(); + const float norm_angle = + std::atan2(norm_0.cross(norm_1).norm(), norm_0.dot(norm_1)); + ASSERT_NEAR(std::abs(norm_angle), angle, 1e-6f); + } +} + +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, TestTransform) { + auto mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + draco::Mesh transformed_mesh; + transformed_mesh.Copy(*mesh); + Eigen::Matrix4d transform = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + draco::MeshUtils::TransformMesh(transform, &transformed_mesh); + + // Rotate the mesh by 45 deg around the x-axis. + transform.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = + Eigen::Quaterniond( + Eigen::AngleAxisd(M_PI / 4.f, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())) + .normalized() + .toRotationMatrix(); + draco::MeshUtils::TransformMesh(transform, &transformed_mesh); + CompareRotatedNormals(*mesh, transformed_mesh, M_PI / 4.f); + + // Now rotate the cube back. + transform.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = + Eigen::Quaterniond( + Eigen::AngleAxisd(-M_PI / 4.f, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())) + .normalized() + .toRotationMatrix(); + + draco::MeshUtils::TransformMesh(transform, &transformed_mesh); + CompareRotatedNormals(*mesh, transformed_mesh, 0.f); +} + +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, TestTextureUvFlips) { + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // Check that FlipTextureUvValues() only works on texture coordinates. + draco::PointAttribute *att = mesh->attribute(0); + ASSERT_EQ(att->attribute_type(), draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + ASSERT_FALSE(draco::MeshUtils::FlipTextureUvValues(false, true, att)); + + att = mesh->attribute(1); + ASSERT_EQ(att->attribute_type(), draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD); + + // Get the values and flip the V values. + std::vector> check_uv_values; + check_uv_values.resize(att->size()); + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < att->size(); ++avi) { + att->GetValue(avi, &check_uv_values[avi.value()]); + check_uv_values[avi.value()][1] = 1.0 - check_uv_values[avi.value()][1]; + } + + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::MeshUtils::FlipTextureUvValues(false, true, att)); + + std::array value; + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < att->size(); ++avi) { + att->GetValue(avi, &value); + ASSERT_EQ(value[0], check_uv_values[avi.value()][0]); + ASSERT_EQ(value[1], check_uv_values[avi.value()][1]); + } + + // Flip the U values. + for (int i = 0; i < check_uv_values.size(); ++i) { + check_uv_values[i][0] = 1.0 - check_uv_values[i][0]; + } + + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::MeshUtils::FlipTextureUvValues(true, false, att)); + + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < att->size(); ++avi) { + att->GetValue(avi, &value); + ASSERT_EQ(value[0], check_uv_values[avi.value()][0]); + ASSERT_EQ(value[1], check_uv_values[avi.value()][1]); + } +} + +// Tests counting degenerate values for positions and texture coordinates for +// both scene and mesh. +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, CountDegenerateValuesLantern) { + int degenerate_positions_scene = 0; + int degenerate_tex_coords_scene = 0; + std::unique_ptr scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + for (int mgi = 0; mgi < scene->NumMeshGroups(); ++mgi) { + const draco::MeshGroup *const mesh_group = + scene->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(mgi)); + ASSERT_NE(mesh_group, nullptr); + + for (int mi = 0; mi < mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(); ++mi) { + const draco::MeshIndex mesh_index = + mesh_group->GetMeshInstance(mi).mesh_index; + const draco::Mesh &m = scene->GetMesh(mesh_index); + + for (int i = 0; i < m.num_attributes(); ++i) { + const draco::PointAttribute *const att = m.attribute(i); + ASSERT_NE(att, nullptr); + + if (att->attribute_type() == draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::POSITION) { + degenerate_positions_scene += + draco::MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(m, i); + } else if (att->attribute_type() == + draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::TEX_COORD) { + degenerate_tex_coords_scene += + draco::MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(m, i); + } + } + } + } + EXPECT_EQ(degenerate_positions_scene, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(degenerate_tex_coords_scene, 2); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + for (int i = 0; i < mesh->num_attributes(); ++i) { + const draco::PointAttribute *const att = mesh->attribute(i); + ASSERT_NE(att, nullptr); + if (att->attribute_type() == draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::POSITION) { + EXPECT_EQ(draco::MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(*mesh, i), + degenerate_positions_scene); + } else if (att->attribute_type() == + draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::TEX_COORD) { + EXPECT_EQ(draco::MeshUtils::CountDegenerateFaces(*mesh, i), + degenerate_tex_coords_scene); + } + } +} + +// Tests finding the lowest quantization bits for the texture coordinate in a +// mesh. +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, FindLowsetTextureQuantizationLanternMesh) { + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + const int pos_quantization_bits = 11; + const draco::PointAttribute *const pos_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::POSITION, 0); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att, nullptr); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const tex_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::TEX_COORD, 0); + ASSERT_NE(tex_att, nullptr); + + // Tests target no quantization returns no quantization. + const int target_no_quantization_bits = 0; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(const int no_quantization_bits, + draco::MeshUtils::FindLowestTextureQuantization( + *mesh, *pos_att, pos_quantization_bits, *tex_att, + target_no_quantization_bits)); + ASSERT_EQ(no_quantization_bits, 0); + + // Test failures. + const int out_of_range_low = -1; + const auto statusor_low = draco::MeshUtils::FindLowestTextureQuantization( + *mesh, *pos_att, pos_quantization_bits, *tex_att, out_of_range_low); + ASSERT_FALSE(statusor_low.ok()); + + const int out_of_range_high = 30; + const auto statusor_high = draco::MeshUtils::FindLowestTextureQuantization( + *mesh, *pos_att, pos_quantization_bits, *tex_att, out_of_range_high); + ASSERT_FALSE(statusor_high.ok()); + + // Tests finding the lowest quantization bits for the texture coordinate. + const int target_bits = 6; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + const int lowest_bits, + draco::MeshUtils::FindLowestTextureQuantization( + *mesh, *pos_att, pos_quantization_bits, *tex_att, target_bits)); + ASSERT_EQ(lowest_bits, 14); +} + +// Tests finding the lowest quantization bits for the texture coordinates for +// the three meshes in the scene. +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, FindLowsetTextureQuantizationLanternScene) { + std::unique_ptr scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + const std::vector expected_mesh_quantization_bits{11, 8, 14}; + for (int mi = 0; mi < scene->NumMeshes(); ++mi) { + const draco::Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(mi)); + + const int pos_quantization_bits = 11; + const draco::PointAttribute *const pos_att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::POSITION, 0); + ASSERT_NE(pos_att, nullptr); + + const draco::PointAttribute *const tex_att = + mesh.GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::Type::TEX_COORD, 0); + ASSERT_NE(tex_att, nullptr); + + const int target_bits = 8; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + const int lowest_bits, + draco::MeshUtils::FindLowestTextureQuantization( + mesh, *pos_att, pos_quantization_bits, *tex_att, target_bits)); + ASSERT_EQ(lowest_bits, expected_mesh_quantization_bits[mi]); + } +} + +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, CheckAutoGeneratedTangents) { + // Test verifies that MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents works as intended. + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("sphere_no_tangents.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents(*mesh)); +} + +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, CheckMergeMetadata) { + // Test verifies that we can merge metadata using MeshUtils::MergeMetadata(). + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("sphere_no_tangents.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr other_mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("cube_att.obj"); + + ASSERT_NE(mesh->GetMetadata(), nullptr); + // One attribute metadata (for the tangent attribute) and no other entries. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMetadata()->attribute_metadatas().size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMetadata()->num_entries(), 0); + + // No metadata at the other attribute. + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata(), nullptr); + + // First try to merge |other_mesh| metadata to |mesh|. This shouldn't do + // anything. + draco::MeshUtils::MergeMetadata(*other_mesh, mesh.get()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMetadata()->attribute_metadatas().size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMetadata()->num_entries(), 0); + + // Merge |mesh| metadata to |other_mesh|. This will create empty metadata but + // not any attribute metadata because |other_mesh| doesn't have the tangent + // attribute. + draco::MeshUtils::MergeMetadata(*mesh, other_mesh.get()); + ASSERT_NE(other_mesh->GetMetadata(), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->attribute_metadatas().size(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->num_entries(), 0); + ASSERT_FALSE(draco::MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents(*other_mesh)); + + // Add dummy tangent attribute to the |other_mesh|. + std::unique_ptr tang_att(new draco::PointAttribute()); + draco::PointAttribute *const tang_att_ptr = tang_att.get(); + tang_att->set_attribute_type(draco::GeometryAttribute::TANGENT); + other_mesh->AddAttribute(std::move(tang_att)); + + // Merge |mesh| metadata to |other_mesh|. This time the tangent metadata + // should be copied over. + draco::MeshUtils::MergeMetadata(*mesh, other_mesh.get()); + ASSERT_NE(other_mesh->GetMetadata(), nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->attribute_metadatas().size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->num_entries(), 0); + ASSERT_NE(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->GetAttributeMetadataByUniqueId( + tang_att_ptr->unique_id()), + nullptr); + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::MeshUtils::HasAutoGeneratedTangents(*other_mesh)); + + // Now add some entries to the geometry metadata and merge again. + mesh->metadata()->AddEntryInt("test_int_0", 0); + mesh->metadata()->AddEntryInt("test_int_1", 1); + mesh->metadata()->AddEntryInt("test_int_shared", 2); + other_mesh->metadata()->AddEntryInt("test_int_shared", 3); + + // "test_int_0" and "test_int_1" should be copied over while + // "test_entry_shared" should stay unchanged. + draco::MeshUtils::MergeMetadata(*mesh, other_mesh.get()); + ASSERT_NE(other_mesh->GetMetadata(), nullptr); + // Attribute metadata should stay unchanged. + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->attribute_metadatas().size(), 1); + ASSERT_NE(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->GetAttributeMetadataByUniqueId( + tang_att_ptr->unique_id()), + nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata() + ->GetAttributeMetadataByUniqueId(tang_att_ptr->unique_id()) + ->num_entries(), + 1); + + // Check the geometry metadata entries. + ASSERT_EQ(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->num_entries(), 3); + int metadata_value; + ASSERT_TRUE( + other_mesh->GetMetadata()->GetEntryInt("test_int_0", &metadata_value)); + ASSERT_EQ(metadata_value, 0); + ASSERT_TRUE( + other_mesh->GetMetadata()->GetEntryInt("test_int_1", &metadata_value)); + ASSERT_EQ(metadata_value, 1); + + // The shared entry should have an unchanged value. + ASSERT_TRUE(other_mesh->GetMetadata()->GetEntryInt("test_int_shared", + &metadata_value)); + ASSERT_EQ(metadata_value, 3); +} + +TEST(MeshUtilsTest, RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures) { + // Test verifies that MeshUtils::RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures works as intended. + std::unique_ptr mesh = + draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile("BoxesMeta/glTF/BoxesMeta.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + + // The input mesh should have five mesh features and two features textures. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); + + // All of those features and textures should be used so calling the method + // below shouldn't do anything. + draco::MeshUtils::RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures(mesh.get()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 2); + + // Now remove material 1 that is mapped to first two mesh features. + draco::PointAttribute *mat_att = mesh->attribute( + mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(draco::GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL)); + + // This basically remaps all faces from material 1 to material 0. + uint32_t mat_index = 0; + mat_att->SetAttributeValue(draco::AttributeValueIndex(1), &mat_index); + + // Try to remove the mesh features again. + draco::MeshUtils::RemoveUnusedMeshFeatures(mesh.get()); + + // Three of the mesh features should have been removed as well as one mesh + // features texture. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures(), 1); + + // Ensure the remaining mesh features are mapped to the correct material. + for (draco::MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < mesh->NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeaturesMaterialMasks(mfi), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMeshFeaturesMaterialMask(mfi, 0), 0); + } +} + +} // namespace + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.cc index 60b0c50b8d..2af94a052f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.cc @@ -23,11 +23,23 @@ void TriangleSoupMeshBuilder::Start(int num_faces) { attribute_element_types_.clear(); } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +void TriangleSoupMeshBuilder::SetName(const std::string &name) { + mesh_->SetName(name); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + int TriangleSoupMeshBuilder::AddAttribute( GeometryAttribute::Type attribute_type, int8_t num_components, DataType data_type) { + return AddAttribute(attribute_type, num_components, data_type, false); +} + +int TriangleSoupMeshBuilder::AddAttribute( + GeometryAttribute::Type attribute_type, int8_t num_components, + DataType data_type, bool normalized) { GeometryAttribute va; - va.Init(attribute_type, nullptr, num_components, data_type, false, + va.Init(attribute_type, nullptr, num_components, data_type, normalized, DataTypeLength(data_type) * num_components, 0); attribute_element_types_.push_back(-1); return mesh_->AddAttribute(va, true, mesh_->num_points()); @@ -41,8 +53,6 @@ void TriangleSoupMeshBuilder::SetAttributeValuesForFace( att->SetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(start_index), corner_value_0); att->SetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(start_index + 1), corner_value_1); att->SetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(start_index + 2), corner_value_2); - // TODO(ostava): The below code should be called only for one attribute. - // It will work OK even for multiple attributes, but it's redundant. mesh_->SetFace(face_id, {{PointIndex(start_index), PointIndex(start_index + 1), PointIndex(start_index + 2)}}); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h index 89466e1d84..503fe84c5c 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h @@ -15,7 +15,14 @@ #ifndef DRACO_MESH_TRIANGLE_SOUP_MESH_BUILDER_H_ #define DRACO_MESH_TRIANGLE_SOUP_MESH_BUILDER_H_ +#include +#include + #include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#endif #include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" namespace draco { @@ -25,15 +32,25 @@ namespace draco { // deduplicated. class TriangleSoupMeshBuilder { public: + // Index type of the inserted element. + typedef FaceIndex ElementIndex; + // Starts mesh building for a given number of faces. // TODO(ostava): Currently it's necessary to select the correct number of // faces upfront. This should be generalized, but it will require us to // rewrite our attribute resizing functions. void Start(int num_faces); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Sets mesh name. + void SetName(const std::string &name); +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Adds an empty attribute to the mesh. Returns the new attribute's id. int AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::Type attribute_type, int8_t num_components, DataType data_type); + int AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::Type attribute_type, + int8_t num_components, DataType data_type, bool normalized); // Sets values for a given attribute on all corners of a given face. void SetAttributeValuesForFace(int att_id, FaceIndex face_id, @@ -41,12 +58,34 @@ class TriangleSoupMeshBuilder { const void *corner_value_1, const void *corner_value_2); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Converts input values of type T into internal representation used by + // |att_id|. Each input value needs to have |input_num_components| entries. + template + Status ConvertAndSetAttributeValuesForFace(int att_id, FaceIndex face_id, + int input_num_components, + const T *corner_value_0, + const T *corner_value_1, + const T *corner_value_2); +#endif + // Sets value for a per-face attribute. If all faces of a given attribute are // set with this method, the attribute will be marked as per-face, otherwise // it will be marked as per-corner attribute. void SetPerFaceAttributeValueForFace(int att_id, FaceIndex face_id, const void *value); + // Add metadata. + void AddMetadata(std::unique_ptr metadata) { + mesh_->AddMetadata(std::move(metadata)); + } + + // Add metadata for an attribute. + void AddAttributeMetadata(int32_t att_id, + std::unique_ptr metadata) { + mesh_->AddAttributeMetadata(att_id, std::move(metadata)); + } + // Finalizes the mesh or returns nullptr on error. // Once this function is called, the builder becomes invalid and cannot be // used until the method Start() is called again. @@ -58,6 +97,30 @@ class TriangleSoupMeshBuilder { std::unique_ptr mesh_; }; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +template +Status TriangleSoupMeshBuilder::ConvertAndSetAttributeValuesForFace( + int att_id, FaceIndex face_id, int input_num_components, + const T *corner_value_0, const T *corner_value_1, const T *corner_value_2) { + const int start_index = 3 * face_id.value(); + PointAttribute *const att = mesh_->attribute(att_id); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + att->ConvertAndSetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(start_index + 0), + input_num_components, corner_value_0)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + att->ConvertAndSetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(start_index + 1), + input_num_components, corner_value_1)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + att->ConvertAndSetAttributeValue(AttributeValueIndex(start_index + 2), + input_num_components, corner_value_2)); + mesh_->SetFace(face_id, + {{PointIndex(start_index), PointIndex(start_index + 1), + PointIndex(start_index + 2)}}); + attribute_element_types_[att_id] = MESH_CORNER_ATTRIBUTE; + return OkStatus(); +} +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + } // namespace draco #endif // DRACO_MESH_TRIANGLE_SOUP_MESH_BUILDER_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder_test.cc index 171f8fe24a..b236417608 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder_test.cc @@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ // #include "draco/mesh/triangle_soup_mesh_builder.h" +#include +#include + #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" #include "draco/core/vector_d.h" namespace draco { @@ -26,6 +30,9 @@ TEST_F(TriangleSoupMeshBuilderTest, CubeTest) { // of the provided triangle soup data. TriangleSoupMeshBuilder mb; mb.Start(12); +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + mb.SetName("Cube"); +#endif const int pos_att_id = mb.AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 3, DT_FLOAT32); // clang-format off @@ -92,6 +99,9 @@ TEST_F(TriangleSoupMeshBuilderTest, CubeTest) { std::unique_ptr mesh = mb.Finalize(); ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to build the cube mesh."; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetName(), "Cube"); +#endif EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 8) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 12) << "Unexpected number of faces."; } @@ -139,7 +149,7 @@ TEST_F(TriangleSoupMeshBuilderTest, TestPerFaceAttribs) { Vector3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f).data(), Vector3f(1.f, 1.f, 0.f).data(), Vector3f(0.f, 1.f, 1.f).data()); - mb.SetPerFaceAttributeValueForFace(gen_att_id, FaceIndex(4), &bool_false);; + mb.SetPerFaceAttributeValueForFace(gen_att_id, FaceIndex(4), &bool_false); mb.SetAttributeValuesForFace(pos_att_id, FaceIndex(5), Vector3f(0.f, 1.f, 1.f).data(), @@ -189,9 +199,69 @@ TEST_F(TriangleSoupMeshBuilderTest, TestPerFaceAttribs) { std::unique_ptr mesh = mb.Finalize(); ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to build the cube mesh."; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + EXPECT_TRUE(mesh->GetName().empty()); +#endif EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 12) << "Unexpected number of faces."; EXPECT_EQ(mesh->GetAttributeElementType(gen_att_id), MESH_FACE_ATTRIBUTE) << "Unexpected attribute element type."; } +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +TEST_F(TriangleSoupMeshBuilderTest, NormalizedColor) { + // This tests, verifies that the mesh builder constructs a valid model with + // normalized integer colors using floating points as input. + TriangleSoupMeshBuilder mb; + mb.Start(2); + const int pos_att_id = + mb.AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION, 3, DT_FLOAT32); + const int color_att_id = + mb.AddAttribute(GeometryAttribute::COLOR, 3, DT_UINT8, true); + + mb.SetAttributeValuesForFace( + pos_att_id, FaceIndex(0), Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f).data(), + Vector3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f).data(), Vector3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f).data()); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(mb.ConvertAndSetAttributeValuesForFace( + color_att_id, FaceIndex(0), 4, Vector4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f).data(), + Vector4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f).data(), + Vector4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f).data())); + mb.SetAttributeValuesForFace( + pos_att_id, FaceIndex(1), Vector3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f).data(), + Vector3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f).data(), Vector3f(1.f, 1.f, 0.f).data()); + + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(mb.ConvertAndSetAttributeValuesForFace( + color_att_id, FaceIndex(1), 4, Vector4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f).data(), + Vector4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f).data(), + Vector4f(0.25f, 0.0f, 1.f, 1.f).data())); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = mb.Finalize(); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr) << "Failed to build the test mesh."; + + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_points(), 4) << "Unexpected number of vertices."; + EXPECT_EQ(mesh->num_faces(), 2) << "Unexpected number of faces."; + + const auto *col_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(draco::GeometryAttribute::COLOR); + ASSERT_NE(col_att, nullptr) << "Missing color attribute."; + ASSERT_EQ(col_att->size(), 4); + + // All colors should be in range 0-255. + uint8_t max_val = 0, min_val = 255; + for (draco::AttributeValueIndex avi(0); avi < col_att->size(); ++avi) { + VectorD cval; + col_att->GetValue(avi, &cval); + const uint8_t max = cval.MaxCoeff(); + const uint8_t min = cval.MinCoeff(); + if (max > max_val) { + max_val = max; + } + if (min < min_val) { + min_val = min; + } + } + ASSERT_EQ(max_val, 255); + ASSERT_EQ(min_val, 0); +} +#endif + } // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.cc index b83898140a..b6a882c0b1 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.cc @@ -18,6 +18,19 @@ namespace draco { +AttributeMetadata::AttributeMetadata(const AttributeMetadata &metadata) + : Metadata(metadata) { + att_unique_id_ = metadata.att_unique_id_; +} + +GeometryMetadata::GeometryMetadata(const GeometryMetadata &metadata) + : Metadata(metadata) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < metadata.att_metadatas_.size(); ++i) { + att_metadatas_.push_back(std::unique_ptr( + new AttributeMetadata(*metadata.att_metadatas_[i]))); + } +} + const AttributeMetadata *GeometryMetadata::GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry( const std::string &entry_name, const std::string &entry_value) const { for (auto &&att_metadata : att_metadatas_) { @@ -35,7 +48,7 @@ const AttributeMetadata *GeometryMetadata::GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry( bool GeometryMetadata::AddAttributeMetadata( std::unique_ptr att_metadata) { - if (!att_metadata.get()) { + if (!att_metadata) { return false; } att_metadatas_.push_back(std::move(att_metadata)); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.h index ec7ecb9ee6..531bdef254 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.h @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace draco { class AttributeMetadata : public Metadata { public: AttributeMetadata() : att_unique_id_(0) {} + AttributeMetadata(const AttributeMetadata &metadata); explicit AttributeMetadata(const Metadata &metadata) : Metadata(metadata), att_unique_id_(0) {} @@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ struct AttributeMetadataHasher { class GeometryMetadata : public Metadata { public: GeometryMetadata() {} + GeometryMetadata(const GeometryMetadata &metadata); explicit GeometryMetadata(const Metadata &metadata) : Metadata(metadata) {} const AttributeMetadata *GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry( diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.cc index 9141907ed7..51b4e93a32 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.cc @@ -122,6 +122,14 @@ const Metadata *Metadata::GetSubMetadata(const std::string &name) const { return sub_ptr->second.get(); } +Metadata *Metadata::sub_metadata(const std::string &name) { + auto sub_ptr = sub_metadatas_.find(name); + if (sub_ptr == sub_metadatas_.end()) { + return nullptr; + } + return sub_ptr->second.get(); +} + void Metadata::RemoveEntry(const std::string &name) { // Actually just remove "name", no need to check if it exists. auto entry_ptr = entries_.find(name); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.h index 56d05e46a3..12c1ba9743 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata.h @@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ class Metadata { bool AddSubMetadata(const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr sub_metadata); const Metadata *GetSubMetadata(const std::string &name) const; + Metadata *sub_metadata(const std::string &name); void RemoveEntry(const std::string &name); diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_decoder.cc index a8e66f854c..6468e3207d 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_decoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_decoder.cc @@ -59,18 +59,25 @@ bool MetadataDecoder::DecodeGeometryMetadata(DecoderBuffer *in_buffer, } bool MetadataDecoder::DecodeMetadata(Metadata *metadata) { - struct MetadataPair { + // Limit metadata nesting depth to avoid stack overflow in destructor. + constexpr int kMaxSubmetadataLevel = 1000; + + struct MetadataTuple { Metadata *parent_metadata; Metadata *decoded_metadata; + int level; }; - std::vector metadata_stack; - metadata_stack.push_back({nullptr, metadata}); + std::vector metadata_stack; + metadata_stack.push_back({nullptr, metadata, 0}); while (!metadata_stack.empty()) { - const MetadataPair mp = metadata_stack.back(); + const MetadataTuple mp = metadata_stack.back(); metadata_stack.pop_back(); metadata = mp.decoded_metadata; if (mp.parent_metadata != nullptr) { + if (mp.level > kMaxSubmetadataLevel) { + return false; + } std::string sub_metadata_name; if (!DecodeName(&sub_metadata_name)) { return false; @@ -105,7 +112,8 @@ bool MetadataDecoder::DecodeMetadata(Metadata *metadata) { return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_sub_metadata; ++i) { - metadata_stack.push_back({metadata, nullptr}); + metadata_stack.push_back( + {metadata, nullptr, mp.parent_metadata ? mp.level + 1 : mp.level}); } } return true; @@ -123,6 +131,9 @@ bool MetadataDecoder::DecodeEntry(Metadata *metadata) { if (data_size == 0) { return false; } + if (data_size > buffer_->remaining_size()) { + return false; + } std::vector entry_value(data_size); if (!buffer_->Decode(&entry_value[0], data_size)) { return false; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_test.cc index cf7ae6eee2..03104e03e0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/metadata_test.cc @@ -104,12 +104,16 @@ TEST_F(MetadataTest, TestNestedMetadata) { sub_metadata->AddEntryInt("int", 100); metadata.AddSubMetadata("sub0", std::move(sub_metadata)); - const auto sub_metadata_ptr = metadata.GetSubMetadata("sub0"); + const auto sub_metadata_ptr = metadata.sub_metadata("sub0"); ASSERT_NE(sub_metadata_ptr, nullptr); int32_t int_value = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(sub_metadata_ptr->GetEntryInt("int", &int_value)); ASSERT_EQ(int_value, 100); + + sub_metadata_ptr->AddEntryInt("new_entry", 20); + ASSERT_TRUE(sub_metadata_ptr->GetEntryInt("new_entry", &int_value)); + ASSERT_EQ(int_value, 20); } TEST_F(MetadataTest, TestHardCopyMetadata) { diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c6a5fd984e --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table.cc @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/metadata/property_table.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +bool PropertyTable::Schema::Object::operator==(const Object& other) const { + if (type_ != other.type_ || name_ != other.name_) { + return false; + } + switch (type_) { + case OBJECT: + if (objects_.size() != other.objects_.size()) { + return false; + } + for (int i = 0; i < objects_.size(); ++i) { + if (objects_[i] != other.objects_[i]) { + return false; + } + } + break; + case ARRAY: + if (array_.size() != other.array_.size()) { + return false; + } + for (int i = 0; i < array_.size(); ++i) { + if (array_[i] != other.array_[i]) { + return false; + } + } + break; + case STRING: + return string_ == other.string_; + case INTEGER: + return integer_ == other.integer_; + case BOOLEAN: + return boolean_ == other.boolean_; + } + return true; +} + +void PropertyTable::Schema::Object::Copy(const Object& src) { + name_ = src.name_; + type_ = src.type_; + objects_.reserve(src.objects_.size()); + for (const Object& obj : src.objects_) { + objects_.emplace_back(); + objects_.back().Copy(obj); + } + array_.reserve(src.array_.size()); + for (const Object& obj : src.array_) { + array_.emplace_back(); + array_.back().Copy(obj); + } + string_ = src.string_; + integer_ = src.integer_; + boolean_ = src.boolean_; +} + +PropertyTable::Property::Property() {} + +bool PropertyTable::Property::Data::operator==(const Data& other) const { + return data == other.data && target == other.target; +} + +bool PropertyTable::Property::Offsets::operator==(const Offsets& other) const { + return data == other.data && type == other.type; +} + +bool PropertyTable::Property::operator==(const Property& other) const { + return name_ == other.name_ && data_ == other.data_ && + array_offsets_ == other.array_offsets_ && + string_offsets_ == other.string_offsets_; +} + +void PropertyTable::Property::Copy(const Property& src) { + name_ = src.name_; + data_ = src.data_; + array_offsets_ = src.array_offsets_; + string_offsets_ = src.string_offsets_; +} + +void PropertyTable::Property::SetName(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; } +const std::string& PropertyTable::Property::GetName() const { return name_; } + +PropertyTable::Property::Data& PropertyTable::Property::GetData() { + return data_; +} +const PropertyTable::Property::Data& PropertyTable::Property::GetData() const { + return data_; +} + +const PropertyTable::Property::Offsets& +PropertyTable::Property::GetArrayOffsets() const { + return array_offsets_; +} +PropertyTable::Property::Offsets& PropertyTable::Property::GetArrayOffsets() { + return array_offsets_; +} + +const PropertyTable::Property::Offsets& +PropertyTable::Property::GetStringOffsets() const { + return string_offsets_; +} +PropertyTable::Property::Offsets& PropertyTable::Property::GetStringOffsets() { + return string_offsets_; +} + +PropertyTable::PropertyTable() : count_(0) {} + +bool PropertyTable::operator==(const PropertyTable& other) const { + if (name_ != other.name_ || class_ != other.class_ || + count_ != other.count_ || + properties_.size() != other.properties_.size()) { + return false; + } + for (int i = 0; i < properties_.size(); ++i) { + if (*properties_[i] != *other.properties_[i]) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +void PropertyTable::Copy(const PropertyTable& src) { + name_ = src.name_; + class_ = src.class_; + count_ = src.count_; + properties_.clear(); + properties_.reserve(src.properties_.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < src.properties_.size(); ++i) { + std::unique_ptr property(new Property()); + property->Copy(src.GetProperty(i)); + properties_.push_back(std::move(property)); + } +} + +void PropertyTable::SetName(const std::string& value) { name_ = value; } +const std::string& PropertyTable::GetName() const { return name_; } + +void PropertyTable::SetClass(const std::string& value) { class_ = value; } +const std::string& PropertyTable::GetClass() const { return class_; } + +void PropertyTable::SetCount(int count) { count_ = count; } +int PropertyTable::GetCount() const { return count_; } + +int PropertyTable::AddProperty(std::unique_ptr property) { + properties_.push_back(std::move(property)); + return properties_.size() - 1; +} +int PropertyTable::NumProperties() const { return properties_.size(); } +const PropertyTable::Property& PropertyTable::GetProperty(int index) const { + return *properties_[index]; +} +PropertyTable::Property& PropertyTable::GetProperty(int index) { + return *properties_[index]; +} +void PropertyTable::RemoveProperty(int index) { + properties_.erase(properties_.begin() + index); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41efb01638 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table.h @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_METADATA_PROPERTY_TABLE_H_ +#define DRACO_METADATA_PROPERTY_TABLE_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include +#include +#include + +namespace draco { + +// Describes a property table as defined in the EXT_structural_metadata glTF +// extension, including property table schema and table properties (columns). +class PropertyTable { + public: + // Describes property table schema in the form of a JSON object. + struct Schema { + // JSON object of the schema. + // TODO(vytyaz): Consider using a third_party/json library. Currently there + // is a conflict between Filament's assert_invariant() macro and JSON + // library's assert_invariant() method that causes compile errors in Draco + // visualization library. + class Object { + public: + enum Type { OBJECT, ARRAY, STRING, INTEGER, BOOLEAN }; + + // Constructors. + Object() : Object("") {} + explicit Object(const std::string& name) + : name_(name), type_(OBJECT), integer_(0), boolean_(false) {} + Object(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) : Object(name) { + SetString(value); + } + Object(const std::string& name, const char* value) : Object(name) { + SetString(value); + } + Object(const std::string& name, int value) : Object(name) { + SetInteger(value); + } + Object(const std::string& name, bool value) : Object(name) { + SetBoolean(value); + } + + // Methods for comparing two objects. + bool operator==(const Object& other) const; + bool operator!=(const Object& other) const { return !(*this == other); } + + // Method for copying the object. + void Copy(const Object& src); + + // Methods for getting object name and type. + const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; } + Type GetType() const { return type_; } + + // Methods for getting object value. + const std::vector& GetObjects() const { return objects_; } + const std::vector& GetArray() const { return array_; } + const std::string& GetString() const { return string_; } + int GetInteger() const { return integer_; } + bool GetBoolean() const { return boolean_; } + + // Methods for setting object value. + std::vector& SetObjects() { + type_ = OBJECT; + return objects_; + } + std::vector& SetArray() { + type_ = ARRAY; + return array_; + } + void SetString(const std::string& value) { + type_ = STRING; + string_ = value; + } + void SetInteger(int value) { + type_ = INTEGER; + integer_ = value; + } + void SetBoolean(bool value) { + type_ = BOOLEAN; + boolean_ = value; + } + + private: + std::string name_; + Type type_; + std::vector objects_; + std::vector array_; + std::string string_; + int integer_; + bool boolean_; + }; + + // Valid schema top-level JSON object name is "schema". + Schema() : json("schema") {} + + // Methods for comparing two schemas. + bool operator==(const Schema& other) const { return json == other.json; } + bool operator!=(const Schema& other) const { return !(*this == other); } + + // Valid schema top-level JSON object is required to have child objects. + bool Empty() const { return json.GetObjects().empty(); } + + // Top-level JSON object of the schema. + Object json; + }; + + // Describes a property (column) of a property table. + class Property { + public: + // Describes glTF buffer view data. + struct Data { + // Methods for comparing two data objects. + bool operator==(const Data& other) const; + bool operator!=(const Data& other) const { return !(*this == other); } + + // Buffer view data. + std::vector data; + + // Data target corresponds to the target property of the glTF bufferView + // object and classifies the type or nature of the data. + int target = 0; + }; + + // Describes offsets of the entries in property data when the data + // represents an array of strings or an array of variable-length number + // arrays. + struct Offsets { + // Methods for comparing two offsets. + bool operator==(const Offsets& other) const; + bool operator!=(const Offsets& other) const { return !(*this == other); } + + // Data containing the offset entries. + Data data; + + // Data type of the offset entries. + std::string type; + }; + + // Creates an empty property. + Property(); + + // Methods for comparing two properties. + bool operator==(const Property& other) const; + bool operator!=(const Property& other) const { return !(*this == other); } + + // Copies all data from |src| property. + void Copy(const Property& src); + + // Name of this property. + void SetName(const std::string& name); + const std::string& GetName() const; + + // Property data stores one table column worth of data. For example, when + // the data of type UINT8 is [11, 22] then the property values are 11 and 22 + // for the first and second table rows. See EXT_structural_metadata glTF + // extension documentation for more details. + Data& GetData(); + const Data& GetData() const; + + // Array offsets are used when property data contains a variable-length + // number arrays. For example, when the data is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and the + // array offsets are [0, 2, 5] for a two-row table, then the property value + // arrays are [0, 1] and [2, 3, 4] for the first and second table rows, + // respectively. See EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension documentation + // for more details. + const Offsets& GetArrayOffsets() const; + Offsets& GetArrayOffsets(); + + // String offsets are used when property data contains strings. For example, + // when the data is "SeaLand" and the array offsets are [0, 3, 7] for a + // two-row table, then the property strings are "Sea" and "Land" for the + // first and second table rows, respectively. See EXT_structural_metadata + // glTF extension documentation for more details. + const Offsets& GetStringOffsets() const; + Offsets& GetStringOffsets(); + + private: + std::string name_; + Data data_; + Offsets array_offsets_; + Offsets string_offsets_; + // TODO(vytyaz): Support property value modifiers min, max, offset, scale. + }; + + // Creates an empty property table. + PropertyTable(); + + // Methods for comparing two property tables. + bool operator==(const PropertyTable& other) const; + bool operator!=(const PropertyTable& other) const { + return !(*this == other); + } + + // Copies all data from |src| property table. + void Copy(const PropertyTable& src); + + // Name of this property table. + void SetName(const std::string& value); + const std::string& GetName() const; + + // Class of this property table. + void SetClass(const std::string& value); + const std::string& GetClass() const; + + // Number of rows in this property table. + void SetCount(int count); + int GetCount() const; + + // Table properties (columns). + int AddProperty(std::unique_ptr property); + int NumProperties() const; + const Property& GetProperty(int index) const; + Property& GetProperty(int index); + void RemoveProperty(int index); + + private: + std::string name_; + std::string class_; + int count_; + std::vector> properties_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_METADATA_PROPERTY_TABLE_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d5ee2d2c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/property_table_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,624 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/metadata/property_table.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyDataDefaults) { + // Test construction of an empty property data. + draco::PropertyTable::Property::Data data; + ASSERT_TRUE(data.data.empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(data.target, 0); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyDefaults) { + // Test construction of an empty property table property. + draco::PropertyTable::Property property; + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetName().empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(property.GetData().data.empty()); + { + const auto &offsets = property.GetArrayOffsets(); + ASSERT_TRUE(offsets.type.empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(offsets.data.data.empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets.data.target, 0); + } + { + const auto &offsets = property.GetStringOffsets(); + ASSERT_TRUE(offsets.type.empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(offsets.data.data.empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(offsets.data.target, 0); + } +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyTableDefaults) { + // Test construction of an empty property table. + draco::PropertyTable table; + ASSERT_TRUE(table.GetName().empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(table.GetClass().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetCount(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(table.NumProperties(), 0); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaDefaults) { + // Test construction of an empty property table schema. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema schema; + ASSERT_TRUE(schema.Empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(schema.json.GetName(), "schema"); + ASSERT_EQ(schema.json.GetType(), + draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object::OBJECT); + ASSERT_TRUE(schema.json.GetObjects().empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(schema.json.GetArray().empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(schema.json.GetString().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(schema.json.GetInteger(), 0); + ASSERT_FALSE(schema.json.GetBoolean()); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaObjectDefaultConstructor) { + // Test construction of an empty property table schema object. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object object; + ASSERT_TRUE(object.GetName().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object::OBJECT); + ASSERT_TRUE(object.GetObjects().empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(object.GetArray().empty()); + ASSERT_TRUE(object.GetString().empty()); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetInteger(), 0); + ASSERT_FALSE(object.GetBoolean()); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaObjectNamedConstructor) { + // Test construction of a named property table schema object. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object object("Flexible Demeanour"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetName(), "Flexible Demeanour"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object::OBJECT); + ASSERT_TRUE(object.GetObjects().empty()); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaObjectStringConstructor) { + // Test construction of property table schema object storing a string. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object object("Flexible Demeanour", "GCU"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetName(), "Flexible Demeanour"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object::STRING); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetString(), "GCU"); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaObjectIntegerConstructor) { + // Test construction of property table schema object storing an integer. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object object("Flexible Demeanour", 12); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetName(), "Flexible Demeanour"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object::INTEGER); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetInteger(), 12); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaObjectBooleanConstructor) { + // Test construction of property table schema object storing a boolean. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object object("Flexible Demeanour", true); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetName(), "Flexible Demeanour"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object::BOOLEAN); + ASSERT_TRUE(object.GetBoolean()); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaObjectSettersAndGetters) { + // Test value setters and getters of property table schema object. + typedef draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object Object; + Object object; + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), Object::OBJECT); + + object.SetArray().push_back(Object("entry", 12)); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), Object::ARRAY); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetArray().size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetArray()[0].GetName(), "entry"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetArray()[0].GetInteger(), 12); + + object.SetObjects().push_back(Object("object", 9)); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), Object::OBJECT); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetObjects().size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetObjects()[0].GetName(), "object"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetObjects()[0].GetInteger(), 9); + + object.SetString("matter"); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), Object::STRING); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetString(), "matter"); + + object.SetInteger(5); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), Object::INTEGER); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetInteger(), 5); + + object.SetBoolean(true); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetType(), Object::BOOLEAN); + ASSERT_EQ(object.GetBoolean(), true); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaCompare) { + typedef draco::PropertyTable::Schema Schema; + // Test comparison of two schema objects. + { + // Compare the same empty schema object. + Schema a; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == a); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != a); + } + { + // Compare two empty schema objects. + Schema a; + Schema b; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two schema objects with different JSON objects. + Schema a; + Schema b; + a.json.SetBoolean(true); + b.json.SetBoolean(false); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestSchemaObjectCompare) { + // Test comparison of two schema JSON objects. + typedef draco::PropertyTable::Schema::Object Object; + { + // Compare the same object. + Object a; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == a); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != a); + } + { + // Compare two default objects. + Object a; + Object b; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two objects with different names. + Object a("one"); + Object b("two"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two objects with different types. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetInteger(1); + b.SetString("one"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two identical string-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetString("one"); + b.SetString("one"); + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two different string-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetString("one"); + b.SetString("two"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two identical integer-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetInteger(1); + b.SetInteger(1); + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two different integer-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetInteger(1); + b.SetInteger(2); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two identical boolean-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetBoolean(true); + b.SetBoolean(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two different boolean-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetBoolean(true); + b.SetBoolean(false); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two identical object-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetObjects().emplace_back("one"); + b.SetObjects().emplace_back("one"); + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two different object-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetObjects().emplace_back("one"); + b.SetObjects().emplace_back("two"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two object-type objects with different counts. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetObjects().emplace_back("one"); + b.SetObjects().emplace_back("one"); + b.SetObjects().emplace_back("two"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two identical array-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetArray().emplace_back("", 1); + b.SetArray().emplace_back("", 1); + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two different array-type objects. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetArray().emplace_back("", 1); + b.SetArray().emplace_back("", 2); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two array-type objects with different counts. + Object a; + Object b; + a.SetArray().emplace_back("", 1); + b.SetArray().emplace_back("", 1); + b.SetArray().emplace_back("", 2); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertySettersAndGetters) { + // Test setter and getter methods of the property table property. + draco::PropertyTable::Property property; + property.SetName("Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence"); + property.GetData().data.push_back(2); + + // Check that property members can be accessed via getters. + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetName(), "Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence"); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data.size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(property.GetData().data[0], 2); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyTableSettersAndGetters) { + // Test setter and getter methods of the property table. + draco::PropertyTable table; + table.SetName("Just Read The Instructions"); + table.SetClass("General Contact Unit"); + table.SetCount(456); + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new draco::PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("Determinist"); + ASSERT_EQ(table.AddProperty(std::move(property)), 0); + } + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new draco::PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("Revisionist"); + ASSERT_EQ(table.AddProperty(std::move(property)), 1); + } + + // Check that property table members can be accessed via getters. + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetName(), "Just Read The Instructions"); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetClass(), "General Contact Unit"); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetCount(), 456); + ASSERT_EQ(table.NumProperties(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetProperty(0).GetName(), "Determinist"); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetProperty(1).GetName(), "Revisionist"); + + // Check that proeprties can be removed. + table.RemoveProperty(0); + ASSERT_EQ(table.NumProperties(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(table.GetProperty(0).GetName(), "Revisionist"); + table.RemoveProperty(0); + ASSERT_EQ(table.NumProperties(), 0); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyCopy) { + // Test that property table property can be copied. + draco::PropertyTable::Property property; + property.SetName("Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence"); + property.GetData().data.push_back(2); + + // Make a copy. + draco::PropertyTable::Property copy; + copy.Copy(property); + + // Check the copy. + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetName(), "Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetData().data.size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetData().data[0], 2); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyTableCopy) { + // Test that property table can be copied. + draco::PropertyTable table; + table.SetName("Just Read The Instructions"); + table.SetClass("General Contact Unit"); + table.SetCount(456); + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new draco::PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("Determinist"); + table.AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new draco::PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("Revisionist"); + table.AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + + // Make a copy. + draco::PropertyTable copy; + copy.Copy(table); + + // Check the copy. + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetName(), "Just Read The Instructions"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetClass(), "General Contact Unit"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetCount(), 456); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.NumProperties(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetProperty(0).GetName(), "Determinist"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetProperty(1).GetName(), "Revisionist"); +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyDataCompare) { + // Test comparison of two property data objects. + typedef draco::PropertyTable::Property::Data Data; + { + // Compare the same data object. + Data a; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == a); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != a); + } + { + // Compare two default data objects. + Data a; + Data b; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two data objects with different targets. + Data a; + Data b; + a.target = 1; + b.target = 2; + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two data objects with different data vectors. + Data a; + Data b; + a.data = {1}; + a.data = {2}; + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyOffsets) { + // Test comparison of two property offsets. + typedef draco::PropertyTable::Property::Offsets Offsets; + { + // Compare the same offsets object. + Offsets a; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == a); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != a); + } + { + // Compare two default offsets objects. + Offsets a; + Offsets b; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two offsets objects with different types. + Offsets a; + Offsets b; + a.type = 1; + b.type = 2; + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two offsets objects with different data objects. + Offsets a; + Offsets b; + a.data.target = 1; + b.data.target = 2; + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyCompare) { + // Test comparison of two properties. + typedef draco::PropertyTable::Property Property; + { + // Compare the same property object. + Property a; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == a); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != a); + } + { + // Compare two default property objects. + Property a; + Property b; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property objects with different names. + Property a; + Property b; + a.SetName("one"); + b.SetName("two"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property objects with different data. + Property a; + Property b; + a.GetData().target = 1; + b.GetData().target = 2; + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property objects with different array offsets. + Property a; + Property b; + a.GetArrayOffsets().data.target = 1; + b.GetArrayOffsets().data.target = 2; + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property objects with different string offsets. + Property a; + Property b; + a.GetStringOffsets().data.target = 1; + b.GetStringOffsets().data.target = 2; + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } +} + +TEST(PropertyTableTest, TestPropertyTableCompare) { + // Test comparison of two property tables. + typedef draco::PropertyTable PropertyTable; + typedef draco::PropertyTable::Property Property; + { + // Compare the same property table object. + PropertyTable a; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == a); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != a); + } + { + // Compare two default property tables. + PropertyTable a; + PropertyTable b; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property tables with different names. + PropertyTable a; + PropertyTable b; + a.SetName("one"); + b.SetName("two"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property tables with different classes. + PropertyTable a; + PropertyTable b; + a.SetClass("one"); + b.SetClass("two"); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property tables with different counts. + PropertyTable a; + PropertyTable b; + a.SetCount(1); + b.SetCount(2); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property tables with identical properties. + PropertyTable a; + PropertyTable b; + a.AddProperty(std::unique_ptr(new Property)); + b.AddProperty(std::unique_ptr(new Property)); + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property tables with different number of properties. + PropertyTable a; + PropertyTable b; + a.AddProperty(std::unique_ptr(new Property)); + b.AddProperty(std::unique_ptr(new Property)); + b.AddProperty(std::unique_ptr(new Property)); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two property tables with different properties. + PropertyTable a; + PropertyTable b; + std::unique_ptr p1(new Property); + std::unique_ptr p2(new Property); + p1->SetName("one"); + p2->SetName("two"); + a.AddProperty(std::move(p1)); + b.AddProperty(std::move(p2)); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..48fff2b25e --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata.cc @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/metadata/structural_metadata.h" + +#include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +StructuralMetadata::StructuralMetadata() {} + +bool StructuralMetadata::operator==(const StructuralMetadata &other) const { + return property_table_schema_ == other.property_table_schema_ && + property_tables_ == other.property_tables_; +} + +void StructuralMetadata::Copy(const StructuralMetadata &src) { + property_table_schema_.json.Copy(src.property_table_schema_.json); + property_tables_.resize(src.property_tables_.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < property_tables_.size(); ++i) { + property_tables_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new PropertyTable()); + property_tables_[i]->Copy(*src.property_tables_[i]); + } +} + +void StructuralMetadata::SetPropertyTableSchema( + const PropertyTable::Schema &schema) { + property_table_schema_ = schema; +} + +const PropertyTable::Schema &StructuralMetadata::GetPropertyTableSchema() + const { + return property_table_schema_; +} + +int StructuralMetadata::AddPropertyTable( + std::unique_ptr property_table) { + property_tables_.push_back(std::move(property_table)); + return property_tables_.size() - 1; +} + +int StructuralMetadata::NumPropertyTables() const { + return property_tables_.size(); +} + +const PropertyTable &StructuralMetadata::GetPropertyTable(int index) const { + return *property_tables_[index]; +} + +PropertyTable &StructuralMetadata::GetPropertyTable(int index) { + return *property_tables_[index]; +} + +void StructuralMetadata::RemovePropertyTable(int index) { + property_tables_.erase(property_tables_.begin() + index); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24756c70c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata.h @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_METADATA_STRUCTURAL_METADATA_H_ +#define DRACO_METADATA_STRUCTURAL_METADATA_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/metadata/property_table.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Holds data associated with EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension. +class StructuralMetadata { + public: + StructuralMetadata(); + + // Methods for comparing two structural metadata objects. + bool operator==(const StructuralMetadata &other) const; + bool operator!=(const StructuralMetadata &other) const { + return !(*this == other); + } + + // Copies |src| structural metadata into this object. + void Copy(const StructuralMetadata &src); + + // Property table schema. + void SetPropertyTableSchema(const PropertyTable::Schema &schema); + const PropertyTable::Schema &GetPropertyTableSchema() const; + + // Property tables. + int AddPropertyTable(std::unique_ptr property_table); + int NumPropertyTables() const; + const PropertyTable &GetPropertyTable(int index) const; + PropertyTable &GetPropertyTable(int index); + void RemovePropertyTable(int index); + + private: + // Property table schema and property tables. + PropertyTable::Schema property_table_schema_; + std::vector> property_tables_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_METADATA_STRUCTURAL_METADATA_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d0429a5681 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/metadata/structural_metadata_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/metadata/structural_metadata.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +TEST(StructuralMetadataTest, TestCopy) { + // Tests copying of structural metadata. + draco::StructuralMetadata structural_metadata; + + // Add property table schema to structural metadata. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema schema; + schema.json.SetString("Culture"); + structural_metadata.SetPropertyTableSchema(schema); + + // Add property table to structural metadata. + std::unique_ptr table(new draco::PropertyTable()); + table->SetName("Just Read The Instructions"); + table->SetClass("General Contact Unit"); + table->SetCount(456); + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new draco::PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("Determinist"); + table->AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + { + std::unique_ptr property( + new draco::PropertyTable::Property()); + property->SetName("Revisionist"); + table->AddProperty(std::move(property)); + } + ASSERT_EQ(structural_metadata.AddPropertyTable(std::move(table)), 0); + + // Copy the structural metadata. + draco::StructuralMetadata copy; + copy.Copy(structural_metadata); + + // Check that the structural metadata property table schema has been copied. + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTableSchema().json.GetString(), "Culture"); + + // Check that the structural metadata property table has been copied. + ASSERT_EQ(copy.NumPropertyTables(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTable(0).GetName(), "Just Read The Instructions"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTable(0).GetClass(), "General Contact Unit"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTable(0).GetCount(), 456); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTable(0).NumProperties(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTable(0).GetProperty(0).GetName(), "Determinist"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetPropertyTable(0).GetProperty(1).GetName(), "Revisionist"); +} + +TEST(StructuralMetadataTest, TestPropertyTables) { + // Tests adding and removing of property tables to structural metadata. + draco::StructuralMetadata structural_metadata; + + // Check that property tables can be added. + { + std::unique_ptr table(new draco::PropertyTable()); + table->SetName("Just Read The Instructions"); + ASSERT_EQ(structural_metadata.AddPropertyTable(std::move(table)), 0); + } + { + std::unique_ptr table(new draco::PropertyTable()); + table->SetName("So Much For Subtlety"); + ASSERT_EQ(structural_metadata.AddPropertyTable(std::move(table)), 1); + } + { + std::unique_ptr table(new draco::PropertyTable()); + table->SetName("Of Course I Still Love You"); + ASSERT_EQ(structural_metadata.AddPropertyTable(std::move(table)), 2); + } + draco::StructuralMetadata &sm = structural_metadata; + + // Check that the property tables can be removed. + ASSERT_EQ(sm.NumPropertyTables(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.GetPropertyTable(0).GetName(), "Just Read The Instructions"); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.GetPropertyTable(1).GetName(), "So Much For Subtlety"); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.GetPropertyTable(2).GetName(), "Of Course I Still Love You"); + + sm.RemovePropertyTable(1); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.NumPropertyTables(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.GetPropertyTable(0).GetName(), "Just Read The Instructions"); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.GetPropertyTable(1).GetName(), "Of Course I Still Love You"); + + sm.RemovePropertyTable(1); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.NumPropertyTables(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.GetPropertyTable(0).GetName(), "Just Read The Instructions"); + + sm.RemovePropertyTable(0); + ASSERT_EQ(sm.NumPropertyTables(), 0); +} + +TEST(StructuralMetadataTest, TestCompare) { + // Test comparison of two structural metadata objects. + typedef draco::PropertyTable PropertyTable; + { + // Compare the same structural metadata object. + draco::StructuralMetadata a; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == a); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != a); + } + { + // Compare two identical structural metadata objects. + draco::StructuralMetadata a; + draco::StructuralMetadata b; + ASSERT_TRUE(a == b); + ASSERT_FALSE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two structural metadata objects with different schemas. + draco::StructuralMetadata a; + draco::StructuralMetadata b; + PropertyTable::Schema s1; + PropertyTable::Schema s2; + s1.json.SetString("one"); + s2.json.SetString("two"); + a.SetPropertyTableSchema(s1); + b.SetPropertyTableSchema(s2); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two objects with different number of proeprty tables. + draco::StructuralMetadata a; + draco::StructuralMetadata b; + a.AddPropertyTable(std::unique_ptr(new PropertyTable())); + b.AddPropertyTable(std::unique_ptr(new PropertyTable())); + b.AddPropertyTable(std::unique_ptr(new PropertyTable())); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } + { + // Compare two objects with different proeprty tables. + draco::StructuralMetadata a; + draco::StructuralMetadata b; + auto p1 = std::unique_ptr(new PropertyTable()); + auto p2 = std::unique_ptr(new PropertyTable()); + p1->SetName("one"); + p2->SetName("two"); + a.AddPropertyTable(std::move(p1)); + b.AddPropertyTable(std::move(p2)); + ASSERT_FALSE(a == b); + ASSERT_TRUE(a != b); + } +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.cc index a9f9ea2af3..039c4f2010 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.cc @@ -16,11 +16,41 @@ #include #include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h" +#endif namespace draco { PointCloud::PointCloud() : num_points_(0) {} +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +void PointCloud::Copy(const PointCloud &src) { + num_points_ = src.num_points_; + for (int i = 0; i < GeometryAttribute::NAMED_ATTRIBUTES_COUNT; ++i) { + named_attribute_index_[i] = src.named_attribute_index_[i]; + } + attributes_.resize(src.attributes_.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < src.attributes_.size(); ++i) { + attributes_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new PointAttribute()); + attributes_[i]->CopyFrom(*src.attributes_[i]); + } + CopyMetadata(src); +} + +void PointCloud::CopyMetadata(const PointCloud &src) { + if (src.metadata_ == nullptr) { + metadata_ = nullptr; + } else { + // Copy base metadata. + const GeometryMetadata *const metadata = src.metadata_.get(); + metadata_.reset(new GeometryMetadata(*metadata)); + } +} +#endif + int32_t PointCloud::NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::Type type) const { if (type == GeometryAttribute::INVALID || type >= GeometryAttribute::NAMED_ATTRIBUTES_COUNT) { @@ -253,11 +283,16 @@ bool PointCloud::DeduplicateAttributeValues() { } #endif -// TODO(xiaoxumeng): Consider to cash the BBox. +// TODO(b/199760503): Consider to cache the BBox. BoundingBox PointCloud::ComputeBoundingBox() const { BoundingBox bounding_box; auto pc_att = GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); - // TODO(xiaoxumeng): Make the BoundingBox a template type, it may not be easy + if (pc_att == nullptr) { + // Return default invalid bounding box. + return bounding_box; + } + + // TODO(b/199760503): Make the BoundingBox a template type, it may not be easy // because PointCloud is not a template. // Or simply add some preconditioning here to make sure the position attribute // is valid, because the current code works only if the position attribute is diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h index d11bd47a36..17d0bc3926 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h @@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ class PointCloud { PointCloud(); virtual ~PointCloud() = default; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Copies all data from the |src| point cloud. + void Copy(const PointCloud &src); +#endif + // Returns the number of named attributes of a given type. int32_t NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::Type type) const; @@ -185,6 +190,11 @@ class PointCloud { void set_num_points(PointIndex::ValueType num) { num_points_ = num; } protected: +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Copies metadata from the |src| point cloud. + void CopyMetadata(const PointCloud &src); +#endif + #ifdef DRACO_ATTRIBUTE_INDICES_DEDUPLICATION_SUPPORTED // Applies id mapping of deduplicated points (called by DeduplicatePointIds). virtual void ApplyPointIdDeduplication( diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.cc index 431ae505f5..90ec379621 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.cc @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ // #include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h" +#include + namespace draco { PointCloudBuilder::PointCloudBuilder() {} diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h index cf55a728b1..512b0f71f0 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_builder.h @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ #ifndef DRACO_POINT_CLOUD_POINT_CLOUD_BUILDER_H_ #define DRACO_POINT_CLOUD_POINT_CLOUD_BUILDER_H_ +#include + #include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h" namespace draco { @@ -37,6 +39,9 @@ namespace draco { class PointCloudBuilder { public: + // Index type of the inserted element. + typedef PointIndex ElementIndex; + PointCloudBuilder(); // Starts collecting point cloud data. @@ -71,6 +76,12 @@ class PointCloudBuilder { // used until the method Start() is called again. std::unique_ptr Finalize(bool deduplicate_points); + // Add metadata for an attribute. + void AddAttributeMetadata(int32_t att_id, + std::unique_ptr metadata) { + point_cloud_->AddAttributeMetadata(att_id, std::move(metadata)); + } + private: std::unique_ptr point_cloud_; }; diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_test.cc index 4e94603704..1cd780db27 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_test.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/point_cloud/point_cloud_test.cc @@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ // #include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h" +#include +#include + #include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" #include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" #include "draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.h" @@ -25,6 +28,57 @@ class PointCloudTest : public ::testing::Test { PointCloudTest() {} }; +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +TEST_F(PointCloudTest, PointCloudCopy) { + // Tests that we can copy a point cloud. + std::unique_ptr pc = + draco::ReadPointCloudFromTestFile("pc_kd_color.drc"); + ASSERT_NE(pc, nullptr); + + // Add metadata to the point cloud. + std::unique_ptr metadata( + new draco::GeometryMetadata()); + metadata->AddEntryInt("speed", 1050); + metadata->AddEntryString("code", "YT-1300f"); + + // Add attribute metadata. + std::unique_ptr a_metadata( + new draco::AttributeMetadata()); + a_metadata->set_att_unique_id(pc->attribute(0)->unique_id()); + a_metadata->AddEntryInt("attribute_test", 3); + metadata->AddAttributeMetadata(std::move(a_metadata)); + pc->AddMetadata(std::move(metadata)); + + // Create a copy of the point cloud. + draco::PointCloud pc_copy; + pc_copy.Copy(*pc); + + // Check the point cloud data. + ASSERT_EQ(pc->num_points(), pc_copy.num_points()); + ASSERT_EQ(pc->num_attributes(), pc_copy.num_attributes()); + for (int i = 0; i < pc->num_attributes(); ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(pc->attribute(i)->attribute_type(), + pc_copy.attribute(i)->attribute_type()); + } + + // Check the point cloud metadata. + int speed; + std::string code; + ASSERT_NE(pc->GetMetadata(), nullptr); + ASSERT_TRUE(pc->GetMetadata()->GetEntryInt("speed", &speed)); + ASSERT_TRUE(pc->GetMetadata()->GetEntryString("code", &code)); + ASSERT_EQ(speed, 1050); + ASSERT_EQ(code, "YT-1300f"); + + const auto *const att_metadata_copy = + pc->GetMetadata()->GetAttributeMetadataByUniqueId(0); + ASSERT_NE(att_metadata_copy, nullptr); + int att_test; + ASSERT_TRUE(att_metadata_copy->GetEntryInt("attribute_test", &att_test)); + ASSERT_EQ(att_test, 3); +} +#endif + TEST_F(PointCloudTest, TestAttributeDeletion) { draco::PointCloud pc; // Test whether we can correctly delete an attribute from a point cloud. diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bcd49996a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array.cc @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/instance_array.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include + +namespace draco { + +void InstanceArray::Copy(const InstanceArray &other) { + instances_.resize(other.instances_.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < instances_.size(); i++) { + instances_[i].trs.Copy(other.instances_[i].trs); + } +} + +Status InstanceArray::AddInstance(const Instance &instance) { + // Check that the |instance.trs| does not have the transformation matrix set, + // because the EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing glTF extension dictates that only the + // individual TRS vectors are stored. + if (instance.trs.MatrixSet()) { + return ErrorStatus("Instance must have no matrix set."); + } + + // Move the |instance| to the end of the instances vector. + instances_.push_back(instance); + return OkStatus(); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb1fbde1e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_INSTANCE_ARRAY_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_INSTANCE_ARRAY_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +#include "draco/scene/trs_matrix.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Describes a mesh group instancing array that includes TRS transformation +// for multiple instance positions and possibly other custom instance attributes +// (not yet supported), following the EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing glTF extension. +class InstanceArray { + public: + struct Instance { + // Translation, rotation, and scale vectors. + TrsMatrix trs; + // TODO(vytyaz): Support custom instance attributes, e.g., _ID, _COLOR, etc. + }; + + InstanceArray() = default; + + void Copy(const InstanceArray &other); + + // Adds one |instance| into this mesh group instance array where the + // |instance.trs| may have optional translation, rotation, and scale set. + Status AddInstance(const Instance &instance); + + // Returns the count of instances in this mesh group instance array. + int NumInstances() const { return instances_.size(); } + + // Returns an instance from this mesh group instance array. + const Instance &GetInstance(int index) const { return instances_[index]; } + + private: + std::vector instances_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_INSTANCE_ARRAY_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d3802f9013 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/instance_array_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/instance_array.h" + +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/constants.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +TEST(InstanceArrayTest, TestInstance) { + // Test construction of an empty draco::InstanceArray::Instance struct. + const draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance; + ASSERT_FALSE(instance.trs.TranslationSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(instance.trs.RotationSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(instance.trs.ScaleSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(instance.trs.MatrixSet()); +} + +TEST(InstanceArrayTest, TestDefaults) { + // Test construction of an empty draco::InstanceArray object. + const draco::InstanceArray array; + ASSERT_EQ(array.NumInstances(), 0); +} + +TEST(InstanceArrayTest, TestAddInstance) { + // Test population of draco::InstanceArray object with instances. + draco::InstanceArray array; + + // Create an instance and set its transformation TRS vectors. + const Eigen::Vector3d translation_0(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); + const Eigen::Quaterniond rotation_0(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0); + const Eigen::Vector3d scale_0(8.0, 9.0, 10.0); + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_0; + instance_0.trs.SetTranslation(translation_0); + instance_0.trs.SetRotation(rotation_0); + instance_0.trs.SetScale(scale_0); + + // Create another instance. + const Eigen::Vector3d translation_1(1.1, 2.1, 3.1); + const Eigen::Quaterniond rotation_1(4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1); + const Eigen::Vector3d scale_1(8.1, 9.1, 10.1); + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_1; + instance_1.trs.SetTranslation(translation_1); + instance_1.trs.SetRotation(rotation_1); + instance_1.trs.SetScale(scale_1); + + // Add two instances to instance array. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(array.AddInstance(instance_0)); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(array.AddInstance(instance_1)); + + // Check that the instances have been added. + ASSERT_EQ(array.NumInstances(), 2); + + // Check transformation of the first instance. + const draco::TrsMatrix &trs_0 = array.GetInstance(0).trs; + ASSERT_TRUE(trs_0.TranslationSet()); + ASSERT_TRUE(trs_0.RotationSet()); + ASSERT_TRUE(trs_0.ScaleSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(trs_0.MatrixSet()); + ASSERT_EQ(trs_0.Translation().value(), translation_0); + ASSERT_EQ(trs_0.Rotation().value(), rotation_0); + ASSERT_EQ(trs_0.Scale().value(), scale_0); + + // Check transformation of the second instance. + const draco::TrsMatrix &trs_1 = array.GetInstance(1).trs; + ASSERT_TRUE(trs_1.TranslationSet()); + ASSERT_TRUE(trs_1.RotationSet()); + ASSERT_TRUE(trs_1.ScaleSet()); + ASSERT_FALSE(trs_1.MatrixSet()); + ASSERT_EQ(trs_1.Translation().value(), translation_1); + ASSERT_EQ(trs_1.Rotation().value(), rotation_1); + ASSERT_EQ(trs_1.Scale().value(), scale_1); +} + +TEST(InstanceArrayTest, TestAddInstanceWithoutTransform) { + // Test that instance without any transformation can be added. + draco::InstanceArray array; + + // Do not set any transformation. + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance; + + // Check that such instance can be added. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(array.AddInstance(instance)); +} + +TEST(InstanceArrayTest, TestAddInstanceWithoutScale) { + // Test that instance without scale can be added. + draco::InstanceArray array; + + // Set only instance translation and rotation. + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance; + instance.trs.SetTranslation(Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); + instance.trs.SetRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0)); + + // Check that such instance can be added. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(array.AddInstance(instance)); +} + +TEST(InstanceArrayTest, TestAddInstanceWithMatrixFails) { + // Test that instance without scale cannot be added. + draco::InstanceArray array; + + // Set TRS vectors, as well as the matrix. + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance; + instance.trs.SetTranslation(Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); + instance.trs.SetRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0)); + instance.trs.SetScale(Eigen::Vector3d(8.0, 9.0, 10.0)); + // clang-format off + Eigen::Matrix4d matrix; + matrix << 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, + 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, + 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, + 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0; + // clang-format on + instance.trs.SetMatrix(matrix); + + // Check that such instance cannot be added. + const draco::Status status = array.AddInstance(instance); + ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok()); + ASSERT_EQ(status.error_msg_string(), "Instance must have no matrix set."); +} + +TEST(InstanceArrayTest, TestCopy) { + // Test copying of draco::InstanceArray object. + draco::InstanceArray array; + + // Create an instance and set its transformation TRS vectors. + const Eigen::Vector3d translation_0(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); + const Eigen::Quaterniond rotation_0(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0); + const Eigen::Vector3d scale_0(8.0, 9.0, 10.0); + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_0; + instance_0.trs.SetTranslation(translation_0); + instance_0.trs.SetRotation(rotation_0); + instance_0.trs.SetScale(scale_0); + + // Create another instance. + const Eigen::Vector3d translation_1(1.1, 2.1, 3.1); + const Eigen::Quaterniond rotation_1(4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1); + const Eigen::Vector3d scale_1(8.1, 9.1, 10.1); + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_1; + instance_1.trs.SetTranslation(translation_1); + instance_1.trs.SetRotation(rotation_1); + instance_1.trs.SetScale(scale_1); + + // Add two instances to the instance array. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(array.AddInstance(instance_0)); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(array.AddInstance(instance_1)); + + // Create a copy of the populated instance array object. + draco::InstanceArray copy; + copy.Copy(array); + + // Check that the instances have been copied. + ASSERT_EQ(copy.NumInstances(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetInstance(0).trs, instance_0.trs); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetInstance(1).trs, instance_1.trs); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fef98c0cf --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light.cc @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/light.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include + +#include "draco/core/constants.h" + +namespace draco { + +Light::Light() + : color_(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), + intensity_(1.0), + type_(POINT), + range_(std::numeric_limits::max()), // Infinity. + inner_cone_angle_(0.0), + outer_cone_angle_(DRACO_PI / 4.0) {} + +void Light::Copy(const Light &light) { + name_ = light.name_; + color_ = light.color_; + intensity_ = light.intensity_; + type_ = light.type_; + range_ = light.range_; + inner_cone_angle_ = light.inner_cone_angle_; + outer_cone_angle_ = light.outer_cone_angle_; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ff0d4a6b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_LIGHT_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_LIGHT_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +#include "draco/core/vector_d.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Describes a light in a scene according to the KHR_lights_punctual extension. +class Light { + public: + enum Type { DIRECTIONAL, POINT, SPOT }; + + Light(); + + void Copy(const Light &light); + + // Name. + void SetName(const std::string &name) { name_ = name; } + const std::string &GetName() const { return name_; } + + // Color. + void SetColor(const Vector3f &color) { color_ = color; } + const Vector3f &GetColor() const { return color_; } + + // Intensity. + void SetIntensity(double intensity) { intensity_ = intensity; } + double GetIntensity() const { return intensity_; } + + // Type. + void SetType(Type type) { type_ = type; } + Type GetType() const { return type_; } + + // Range. + void SetRange(double range) { range_ = range; } + double GetRange() const { return range_; } + + // Inner cone angle. + void SetInnerConeAngle(double angle) { inner_cone_angle_ = angle; } + double GetInnerConeAngle() const { return inner_cone_angle_; } + + // Outer cone angle. + void SetOuterConeAngle(double angle) { outer_cone_angle_ = angle; } + double GetOuterConeAngle() const { return outer_cone_angle_; } + + private: + std::string name_; + Vector3f color_; + double intensity_; + Type type_; + + // The range is only applicable to lights with Type::POINT or Type::SPOT. + double range_; + + // The cone angles are only applicable to lights with Type::SPOT. + double inner_cone_angle_; + double outer_cone_angle_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_LIGHT_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc24a14ad0 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/light_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/light.h" + +#include + +#include "draco/core/constants.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +TEST(LightTest, TestDefaults) { + // Text constructing draco::Light object with default properties. + const draco::Light light; + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetName(), ""); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetColor(), draco::Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetIntensity(), 1.0); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetType(), draco::Light::POINT); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetRange(), std::numeric_limits::max()); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetInnerConeAngle(), 0.0); + ASSERT_EQ(light.GetOuterConeAngle(), DRACO_PI / 4.0); +} + +TEST(LightTest, TestCopy) { + // Test copying of draco::Light object. + draco::Light light; + light.SetName("The Star of Earendil"); + light.SetColor(draco::Vector3f(0.90, 0.97, 1.00)); + light.SetIntensity(5.0); + light.SetType(draco::Light::SPOT); + light.SetRange(1000.0); + light.SetInnerConeAngle(DRACO_PI / 8.0); + light.SetOuterConeAngle(DRACO_PI / 2.0); + + // Create a copy of the initialized light and check all properties. + draco::Light copy; + copy.Copy(light); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetName(), "The Star of Earendil"); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetColor(), draco::Vector3f(0.90, 0.97, 1.00)); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetIntensity(), 5.0); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetType(), draco::Light::SPOT); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetRange(), 1000.0); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetInnerConeAngle(), DRACO_PI / 8.0); + ASSERT_EQ(copy.GetOuterConeAngle(), DRACO_PI / 2.0); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/mesh_group.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/mesh_group.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..852318f16d --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/mesh_group.h @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_MESH_GROUP_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_MESH_GROUP_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/macros.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" + +namespace draco { + +// This class is used to hold ordered mesh instances that refer to one or more +// base meshes, materials, and materials variants mappings. +class MeshGroup { + public: + // Stores a mapping from material index to materials variant indices. Each + // mesh instance may have multiple such mappings associated with it. See glTF + // extension KHR_materials_variants for more details. + struct MaterialsVariantsMapping { + MaterialsVariantsMapping() = delete; + MaterialsVariantsMapping(int material, const std::vector &variants) + : material(material), variants(variants) {} + bool operator==(const MaterialsVariantsMapping &other) const { + if (material != other.material) { + return false; + } + if (variants != other.variants) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + bool operator!=(const MaterialsVariantsMapping &other) const { + return !(*this == other); + } + int material; + std::vector variants; + }; + + // Describes mesh instance stored in a mesh group, including base mesh index, + // material index, and materials variants mappings. + struct MeshInstance { + MeshInstance() = delete; + MeshInstance(MeshIndex mesh_index, int material_index) + : MeshInstance(mesh_index, material_index, {}) {} + MeshInstance(MeshIndex mesh_index, int material_index, + const std::vector + &materials_variants_mappings) + : mesh_index(mesh_index), + material_index(material_index), + materials_variants_mappings(materials_variants_mappings) {} + bool operator==(const MeshInstance &other) const { + if (mesh_index != other.mesh_index) { + return false; + } + if (material_index != other.material_index) { + return false; + } + if (materials_variants_mappings.size() != + other.materials_variants_mappings.size()) { + return false; + } + if (materials_variants_mappings != other.materials_variants_mappings) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + bool operator!=(const MeshInstance &other) const { + return !(*this == other); + } + MeshIndex mesh_index; + int material_index; + std::vector materials_variants_mappings; + }; + + MeshGroup() {} + + void Copy(const MeshGroup &mg) { + name_ = mg.name_; + mesh_instances_ = mg.mesh_instances_; + } + + const std::string &GetName() const { return name_; } + void SetName(const std::string &name) { name_ = name; } + + void AddMeshInstance(const MeshInstance &instance) { + mesh_instances_.push_back(instance); + } + + void SetMeshInstance(int index, const MeshInstance &instance) { + mesh_instances_[index] = instance; + } + + const MeshInstance &GetMeshInstance(int index) const { + return mesh_instances_[index]; + } + + MeshInstance &GetMeshInstance(int index) { return mesh_instances_[index]; } + + int NumMeshInstances() const { return mesh_instances_.size(); } + + // Removes all mesh instances referring to base mesh at |mesh_index|. + void RemoveMeshInstances(MeshIndex mesh_index) { + int i = 0; + while (i != mesh_instances_.size()) { + if (mesh_instances_[i].mesh_index == mesh_index) { + mesh_instances_.erase(mesh_instances_.begin() + i); + } else { + i++; + } + } + } + + private: + std::string name_; + std::vector mesh_instances_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_MESH_GROUP_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/mesh_group_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/mesh_group_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76f1bf33ef --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/mesh_group_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/mesh_group.h" + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +using draco::MeshGroup; +using draco::MeshIndex; + +// Test helper method generates materials variants mappings based on a |seed|. +std::vector MakeMappings(int seed) { + MeshGroup::MaterialsVariantsMapping a(10 * seed + 0, {seed + 0, seed + 1}); + MeshGroup::MaterialsVariantsMapping b(10 * seed + 1, {seed + 2, seed + 3}); + return {a, b}; +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestMeshInstanceTwoArgumentConstructor) { + MeshGroup::MeshInstance instance(MeshIndex(2), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(instance.mesh_index, MeshIndex(2)); + ASSERT_EQ(instance.material_index, 3); + ASSERT_EQ(instance.materials_variants_mappings.size(), 0); +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestMeshInstanceThreeArgumentConstructor) { + const auto mappings = MakeMappings(4); + MeshGroup::MeshInstance instance(MeshIndex(2), 3, mappings); + ASSERT_EQ(instance.mesh_index, MeshIndex(2)); + ASSERT_EQ(instance.material_index, 3); + ASSERT_EQ(instance.materials_variants_mappings, mappings); +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestMeshInstanceEqualsOperator) { + MeshGroup::MeshInstance instance_a(MeshIndex(2), 3, MakeMappings(4)); + MeshGroup::MeshInstance instance_b(MeshIndex(2), 3, MakeMappings(4)); + ASSERT_TRUE(instance_a == instance_b); + ASSERT_FALSE(instance_a != instance_b); + + MeshGroup::MeshInstance instance_c(MeshIndex(1), 3, MakeMappings(4)); + MeshGroup::MeshInstance instance_d(MeshIndex(2), 1, MakeMappings(4)); + MeshGroup::MeshInstance instance_e(MeshIndex(2), 3, MakeMappings(1)); + ASSERT_FALSE(instance_a == instance_c); + ASSERT_FALSE(instance_a == instance_d); + ASSERT_FALSE(instance_a == instance_e); + ASSERT_TRUE(instance_a != instance_c); + ASSERT_TRUE(instance_a != instance_d); + ASSERT_TRUE(instance_a != instance_e); +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestRemoveMeshInstanceWithNoOccurrences) { + // Test that no mesh instances are removed from mesh group when removing the + // instances by the base mesh index that is not in the mesh group. + + // Create test mesh group. + MeshGroup mesh_group; + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(1), 0, {}}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(3), 0, {}}); + + // Try to remove mesh that is not in the mesh group. + mesh_group.RemoveMeshInstances(MeshIndex(2)); + + // Check result. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).mesh_index, MeshIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(1).mesh_index, MeshIndex(3)); +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestRemoveTheOnlyMeshInstance) { + // Test that the only mesh instance can be removed from mesh group. + + // Create test mesh group. + MeshGroup mesh_group; + MeshGroup::MaterialsVariantsMapping mapping(70, {0, 1}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(7), 70, {mapping}}); + + // Remove a mesh instance. + mesh_group.RemoveMeshInstances(MeshIndex(7)); + + // Check result. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 0); +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestRemoveOneMeshInstances) { + // Test a mesh instance can be removed from mesh group. + + // Create test mesh group. + MeshGroup mesh_group; + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(1), 0, {}}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(3), 0, {}}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(5), 0, {}}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(7), 0, {}}); + + // Remove a mesh. + mesh_group.RemoveMeshInstances(MeshIndex(3)); + + // Check result. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0).mesh_index, MeshIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(1).mesh_index, MeshIndex(5)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(2).mesh_index, MeshIndex(7)); +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestRemoveThreeMeshInstances) { + // Test that multiple mesh instances can be removed from a mesh group. + + // Create test mesh group. + MeshGroup mesh_group; + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(1), 10, MakeMappings(1)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(3), 30, MakeMappings(3)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(5), 50, MakeMappings(5)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(1), 10, MakeMappings(1)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(7), 70, MakeMappings(7)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(1), 10, MakeMappings(1)}); + + // Remove mesh instances. + mesh_group.RemoveMeshInstances(MeshIndex(1)); + + // Check result. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 3); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance mi0 = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance mi1 = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(1); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance mi2 = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(2); + ASSERT_EQ(mi0.mesh_index, MeshIndex(3)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi1.mesh_index, MeshIndex(5)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi2.mesh_index, MeshIndex(7)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi0.material_index, 30); + ASSERT_EQ(mi1.material_index, 50); + ASSERT_EQ(mi2.material_index, 70); + ASSERT_EQ(mi0.materials_variants_mappings, MakeMappings(3)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi1.materials_variants_mappings, MakeMappings(5)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi2.materials_variants_mappings, MakeMappings(7)); +} + +TEST(MeshGroupTest, TestCopy) { + // Tests that a mesh group can be copied. + + // Create test mesh group. + MeshGroup mesh_group; + mesh_group.SetName("Mesh-1-3-5-7"); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(1), 10, MakeMappings(1)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(3), 30, MakeMappings(3)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(5), 50, MakeMappings(5)}); + mesh_group.AddMeshInstance({MeshIndex(7), 70, MakeMappings(7)}); + + // Verify source MeshGroup. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetName(), "Mesh-1-3-5-7"); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 4); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance mi0 = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance mi1 = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(1); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance mi2 = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(2); + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance mi3 = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(3); + ASSERT_EQ(mi0.mesh_index, MeshIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi1.mesh_index, MeshIndex(3)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi2.mesh_index, MeshIndex(5)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi3.mesh_index, MeshIndex(7)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi0.material_index, 10); + ASSERT_EQ(mi1.material_index, 30); + ASSERT_EQ(mi2.material_index, 50); + ASSERT_EQ(mi3.material_index, 70); + ASSERT_EQ(mi0.materials_variants_mappings, MakeMappings(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi1.materials_variants_mappings, MakeMappings(3)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi2.materials_variants_mappings, MakeMappings(5)); + ASSERT_EQ(mi3.materials_variants_mappings, MakeMappings(7)); + + MeshGroup copy; + copy.Copy(mesh_group); + + // Verify that Copy worked. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetName(), copy.GetName()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), copy.NumMeshInstances()); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(0), copy.GetMeshInstance(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(1), copy.GetMeshInstance(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(2), copy.GetMeshInstance(2)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(3), copy.GetMeshInstance(3)); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ad574835c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene.cc @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/macros.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" + +namespace draco { + +void Scene::Copy(const Scene &s) { + meshes_.resize(s.meshes_.size()); + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < meshes_.size(); ++i) { + meshes_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new Mesh()); + meshes_[i]->Copy(*s.meshes_[i]); + } + + mesh_groups_.resize(s.mesh_groups_.size()); + for (MeshGroupIndex i(0); i < mesh_groups_.size(); ++i) { + mesh_groups_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new MeshGroup()); + mesh_groups_[i]->Copy(*s.mesh_groups_[i]); + } + + nodes_.resize(s.nodes_.size()); + for (SceneNodeIndex i(0); i < nodes_.size(); ++i) { + nodes_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new SceneNode()); + nodes_[i]->Copy(*s.nodes_[i]); + } + + root_node_indices_ = s.root_node_indices_; + + animations_.resize(s.animations_.size()); + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < animations_.size(); ++i) { + animations_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new Animation()); + animations_[i]->Copy(*s.animations_[i]); + } + + skins_.resize(s.skins_.size()); + for (SkinIndex i(0); i < skins_.size(); ++i) { + skins_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new Skin()); + skins_[i]->Copy(*s.skins_[i]); + } + + lights_.resize(s.lights_.size()); + for (LightIndex i(0); i < lights_.size(); ++i) { + lights_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new Light()); + lights_[i]->Copy(*s.lights_[i]); + } + + instance_arrays_.resize(s.instance_arrays_.size()); + for (InstanceArrayIndex i(0); i < instance_arrays_.size(); ++i) { + instance_arrays_[i] = std::unique_ptr(new InstanceArray()); + instance_arrays_[i]->Copy(*s.instance_arrays_[i]); + } + + material_library_.Copy(s.material_library_); + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + // Copy non-material textures. + non_material_texture_library_.Copy(s.non_material_texture_library_); + + // Update pointers to non-material textures in mesh feature ID sets of all + // scene meshes. + if (non_material_texture_library_.NumTextures() != 0) { + const auto texture_to_index_map = + s.non_material_texture_library_.ComputeTextureToIndexMap(); + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < NumMeshes(); ++i) { + for (MeshFeaturesIndex j(0); j < GetMesh(i).NumMeshFeatures(); ++j) { + Mesh::UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturePointer(texture_to_index_map, + &non_material_texture_library_, + &GetMesh(i).GetMeshFeatures(j)); + } + } + } +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + + // Copy structural metadata. + structural_metadata_.Copy(s.structural_metadata_); +} + +Status Scene::RemoveMesh(MeshIndex index) { + // Remove base mesh at |index| from |meshes_| and corresponding material index + // from |mesh_material_indices_|. + const int new_num_meshes = meshes_.size() - 1; + for (MeshIndex i(index); i < new_num_meshes; i++) { + meshes_[i] = std::move(meshes_[i + 1]); + } + meshes_.resize(new_num_meshes); + + // Remove references to removed base mesh and corresponding materials from + // mesh groups, and update references to remaining base meshes in mesh groups. + for (MeshGroupIndex mgi(0); mgi < NumMeshGroups(); ++mgi) { + MeshGroup *const mesh_group = GetMeshGroup(mgi); + if (!mesh_group) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "MeshGroup is null."); + } + mesh_group->RemoveMeshInstances(index); + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(); ++i) { + MeshGroup::MeshInstance &mesh_instance = mesh_group->GetMeshInstance(i); + if (mesh_instance.mesh_index > index && + mesh_instance.mesh_index != kInvalidMeshIndex) { + mesh_instance.mesh_index--; + } + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status Scene::RemoveMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex index) { + // Remove mesh group at |index| from |mesh_groups_| vector. + const int new_num_mesh_groups = mesh_groups_.size() - 1; + for (MeshGroupIndex i(index); i < new_num_mesh_groups; i++) { + mesh_groups_[i] = std::move(mesh_groups_[i + 1]); + } + mesh_groups_.resize(new_num_mesh_groups); + + // Invalidate references to removed mesh group in scene nodes, and update + // references to remaining mesh groups in scene nodes. + for (SceneNodeIndex sni(0); sni < NumNodes(); ++sni) { + SceneNode *node = GetNode(sni); + if (!node) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Node is null."); + } + const MeshGroupIndex mgi = node->GetMeshGroupIndex(); + if (mgi == index) { + // TODO(vytyaz): Remove the node if possible, e.g., when node has no + // geometry, no child nodes, no skins, no lights, and no mesh group + // instance arrays. + node->SetMeshGroupIndex(kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); + } else if (mgi > index && mgi != kInvalidMeshGroupIndex) { + node->SetMeshGroupIndex(mgi - 1); + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status Scene::RemoveMaterial(int index) { + if (index < 0 || index >= material_library_.NumMaterials()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Material index is out of range."); + } + material_library_.RemoveMaterial(index); + + // Update material indices of mesh instances. + for (MeshGroupIndex mgi(0); mgi < NumMeshGroups(); ++mgi) { + MeshGroup *const mesh_group = GetMeshGroup(mgi); + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(); i++) { + MeshGroup::MeshInstance &mesh_instance = mesh_group->GetMeshInstance(i); + if (mesh_instance.material_index > index) { + mesh_instance.material_index--; + } else if (mesh_instance.material_index == index) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Removed material has references."); + } + } + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c76ead7ad --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene.h @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +#include "draco/animation/animation.h" +#include "draco/animation/skin.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" +#include "draco/metadata/structural_metadata.h" +#include "draco/scene/instance_array.h" +#include "draco/scene/light.h" +#include "draco/scene/mesh_group.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_node.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Class used to hold all of the geometry to create a scene. A scene is +// comprised of one or more meshes, one or more scene nodes, one or more +// mesh groups, and a material library. The meshes are defined in their +// local space. A mesh group is a list of meshes. The scene nodes create +// a scene hierarchy to transform meshes in their local space into scene space. +// The material library contains all of the materials and textures used by the +// meshes in this scene. +class Scene { + public: + Scene() {} + + void Copy(const Scene &s); + + // Adds a Draco |mesh| to the scene. Returns the index to the stored mesh or + // |kInvalidMeshIndex| if the mesh is a nullptr. + MeshIndex AddMesh(std::unique_ptr mesh) { + if (mesh == nullptr) { + return kInvalidMeshIndex; + } + meshes_.push_back(std::move(mesh)); + return MeshIndex(meshes_.size() - 1); + } + + // Removes base mesh and corresponding material at |index|, removes references + // to removed base mesh and corresponding materials from mesh groups, and + // updates references to remaining base meshes in mesh groups. + Status RemoveMesh(MeshIndex index); + + // Returns the number of meshes in a scene before instancing is applied. + int NumMeshes() const { return meshes_.size(); } + + // Returns a mesh in the scene before instancing is applied. The mesh + // coordinates are local to the mesh. + Mesh &GetMesh(MeshIndex index) { return *meshes_[index]; } + const Mesh &GetMesh(MeshIndex index) const { return *meshes_[index]; } + + // Creates a mesh group and returns the index to the mesh group. + MeshGroupIndex AddMeshGroup() { + std::unique_ptr mesh(new MeshGroup()); + mesh_groups_.push_back(std::move(mesh)); + return MeshGroupIndex(mesh_groups_.size() - 1); + } + + // Removes mesh group at |index|, invalidates references to removed mesh group + // in scene nodes, and updates references to remaining mesh groups in scene + // nodes. + Status RemoveMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex index); + + // Removes unused material at |index| and updates references to materials at + // indices greater than |index|. Returns error status when |index| is out of + // valid range and when material at |index| is used in the scene. + Status RemoveMaterial(int index); + + // Returns the number of mesh groups in a scene. + int NumMeshGroups() const { return mesh_groups_.size(); } + + // Returns a mesh group in the scene. + MeshGroup *GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex index) { + return mesh_groups_[index].get(); + } + const MeshGroup *GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex index) const { + return mesh_groups_[index].get(); + } + + // Creates a scene node and returns the index to the node. + SceneNodeIndex AddNode() { + std::unique_ptr node(new SceneNode()); + nodes_.push_back(std::move(node)); + return SceneNodeIndex(nodes_.size() - 1); + } + + // Returns the number of nodes in a scene. + int NumNodes() const { return nodes_.size(); } + + // Returns a node in the scene. + SceneNode *GetNode(SceneNodeIndex index) { return nodes_[index].get(); } + const SceneNode *GetNode(SceneNodeIndex index) const { + return nodes_[index].get(); + } + + // Either allocates new nodes or removes existing nodes that are beyond + // |num_nodes|. + void ResizeNodes(int num_nodes) { + const size_t old_num_nodes = nodes_.size(); + nodes_.resize(num_nodes); + for (SceneNodeIndex i(old_num_nodes); i < num_nodes; ++i) { + nodes_[i].reset(new SceneNode()); + } + } + + // Returns the number of root node indices in a scene. + int NumRootNodes() const { return root_node_indices_.size(); } + SceneNodeIndex GetRootNodeIndex(int i) const { return root_node_indices_[i]; } + const std::vector &GetRootNodeIndices() const { + return root_node_indices_; + } + void AddRootNodeIndex(SceneNodeIndex index) { + root_node_indices_.push_back(index); + } + void SetRootNodeIndex(int i, SceneNodeIndex index) { + root_node_indices_[i] = index; + } + void RemoveAllRootNodeIndices() { root_node_indices_.clear(); } + + const MaterialLibrary &GetMaterialLibrary() const { + return material_library_; + } + MaterialLibrary &GetMaterialLibrary() { return material_library_; } + + // Library that contains non-material textures. + const TextureLibrary &GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary() const { + return non_material_texture_library_; + } + TextureLibrary &GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary() { + return non_material_texture_library_; + } + + // Structural metadata. + const StructuralMetadata &GetStructuralMetadata() const { + return structural_metadata_; + } + StructuralMetadata &GetStructuralMetadata() { return structural_metadata_; } + + // Creates an animation and returns the index to the animation. + AnimationIndex AddAnimation() { + std::unique_ptr animation(new Animation()); + animations_.push_back(std::move(animation)); + return AnimationIndex(animations_.size() - 1); + } + + // Returns the number of animations in a scene. + int NumAnimations() const { return animations_.size(); } + + // Returns an animation in the scene. + Animation *GetAnimation(AnimationIndex index) { + return animations_[index].get(); + } + const Animation *GetAnimation(AnimationIndex index) const { + return animations_[index].get(); + } + + // Creates a skin and returns the index to the skin. + SkinIndex AddSkin() { + std::unique_ptr skin(new Skin()); + skins_.push_back(std::move(skin)); + return SkinIndex(skins_.size() - 1); + } + + // Returns the number of skins in a scene. + int NumSkins() const { return skins_.size(); } + + // Returns a skin in the scene. + Skin *GetSkin(SkinIndex index) { return skins_[index].get(); } + const Skin *GetSkin(SkinIndex index) const { return skins_[index].get(); } + + // Creates a light and returns the index to the light. + LightIndex AddLight() { + std::unique_ptr light(new Light()); + lights_.push_back(std::move(light)); + return LightIndex(lights_.size() - 1); + } + + // Returns the number of lights in a scene. + int NumLights() const { return lights_.size(); } + + // Returns a light in the scene. + Light *GetLight(LightIndex index) { return lights_[index].get(); } + const Light *GetLight(LightIndex index) const { return lights_[index].get(); } + + // Creates a mesh group instance array and returns the index to it. This array + // is used for storing the attributes of the EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing glTF + // extension. + InstanceArrayIndex AddInstanceArray() { + std::unique_ptr array(new InstanceArray()); + instance_arrays_.push_back(std::move(array)); + return InstanceArrayIndex(instance_arrays_.size() - 1); + } + + // Returns the number of mesh group instance arrays in a scene. + int NumInstanceArrays() const { return instance_arrays_.size(); } + + // Returns a mesh group instance array in the scene. + InstanceArray *GetInstanceArray(InstanceArrayIndex index) { + return instance_arrays_[index].get(); + } + const InstanceArray *GetInstanceArray(InstanceArrayIndex index) const { + return instance_arrays_[index].get(); + } + + private: + IndexTypeVector> meshes_; + IndexTypeVector> mesh_groups_; + IndexTypeVector> nodes_; + std::vector root_node_indices_; + IndexTypeVector> animations_; + IndexTypeVector> skins_; + + // The lights will be written to the output scene but not used for internal + // rendering in Draco, e.g, while computing distortion metric. + IndexTypeVector> lights_; + + // The mesh group instance array information will be written to the output + // scene but not processed by Draco simplifier modules. + IndexTypeVector> + instance_arrays_; + + // Materials used by this scene. + MaterialLibrary material_library_; + + // Texture library for storing non-material textures used by this scene, e.g., + // textures containing mesh feature IDs of EXT_mesh_features glTF extension. + // Note that scene meshes contain pointers to non-material textures. It is + // responsibility of class user to update these pointers when updating the + // textures. See Scene::Copy() for example. + TextureLibrary non_material_texture_library_; + + // Structural metadata defined by the EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension. + StructuralMetadata structural_metadata_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d0663e081 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.cc @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.h" + +namespace draco { + +bool SceneAreEquivalent::operator()(const Scene &scene0, const Scene &scene1) { + // Check scene component sizes. + if (scene0.NumAnimations() != scene1.NumAnimations()) { + return false; + } + if (scene0.NumMeshGroups() != scene1.NumMeshGroups()) { + return false; + } + if (scene0.NumSkins() != scene1.NumSkins()) { + return false; + } + + // Check equivalence of each mesh. + if (scene0.NumMeshes() != scene1.NumMeshes()) { + return false; + } + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene0.NumMeshes(); i++) { + if (!AreEquivalent(scene0.GetMesh(i), scene1.GetMesh(i))) { + return false; + } + } + + // Check eqiuvalence of each node. + if (scene0.NumNodes() != scene1.NumNodes()) { + return false; + } + for (SceneNodeIndex i(0); i < scene0.NumNodes(); i++) { + if (!AreEquivalent(*scene0.GetNode(i), *scene1.GetNode(i))) { + return false; + } + } + + // Check non-material texture library sizes. + if (scene0.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures() != + scene1.GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().NumTextures()) { + return false; + } + + // TODO(vytyaz): Check remaining scene properties like animations and skins. + return true; +} + +bool SceneAreEquivalent::AreEquivalent(const Mesh &mesh0, const Mesh &mesh1) { + MeshAreEquivalent eq; + return eq(mesh0, mesh1); +} + +bool SceneAreEquivalent::AreEquivalent(const SceneNode &node0, + const SceneNode &node1) { + // Check equivalence of node indices. + if (node0.GetMeshGroupIndex() != node1.GetMeshGroupIndex()) { + return false; + } + if (node0.GetSkinIndex() != node1.GetSkinIndex()) { + return false; + } + + // Check equivalence of node transformations. + if (node0.GetTrsMatrix().ComputeTransformationMatrix() != + node1.GetTrsMatrix().ComputeTransformationMatrix()) { + return false; + } + + // Check equivalence of node children. + if (node0.NumChildren() != node1.NumChildren()) { + return false; + } + for (int i = 0; i < node0.NumChildren(); i++) { + if (node0.Child(i) != node1.Child(i)) { + return false; + } + } + + // Check equivalence of node parents. + if (node0.NumParents() != node1.NumParents()) { + return false; + } + for (int i = 0; i < node0.NumParents(); i++) { + if (node0.Parent(i) != node1.Parent(i)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b309c03386 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_ARE_EQUIVALENT_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_ARE_EQUIVALENT_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +namespace draco { + +// A functor to compare two scenes for equivalency up to permutation of mesh +// vertices. +class SceneAreEquivalent { + public: + // Returns true if both scenes are equivalent up to permutation of + // the internal order of mesh vertices. This includes all attributes. + bool operator()(const Scene &scene0, const Scene &scene1); + + private: + static bool AreEquivalent(const Mesh &mesh0, const Mesh &mesh1); + static bool AreEquivalent(const SceneNode &node0, const SceneNode &node1); +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_ARE_EQUIVALENT_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a9edc6c3e --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/scene_io.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +namespace draco { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +class SceneAreEquivalentTest : public ::testing::Test {}; + +TEST_F(SceneAreEquivalentTest, TestOnIndenticalScenes) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene(ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr) << "Failed to load test scene: " << file_name; + + // Add mesh feature ID set to a scene mesh. + std::unique_ptr mesh_features(new MeshFeatures()); + scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(2)).AddMeshFeatures(std::move(mesh_features)); + + SceneAreEquivalent equiv; + ASSERT_TRUE(equiv(*scene, *scene)); +} + +TEST_F(SceneAreEquivalentTest, TestOnDifferentScenes) { + const std::string file_name0 = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + const std::string file_name1 = "Lantern/glTF/Lantern.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene0(ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name0)); + const std::unique_ptr scene1(ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name1)); + ASSERT_NE(scene0, nullptr) << "Failed to load test scene: " << file_name0; + ASSERT_NE(scene1, nullptr) << "Failed to load test scene: " << file_name1; + SceneAreEquivalent equiv; + ASSERT_FALSE(equiv(*scene0, *scene1)); +} + +TEST_F(SceneAreEquivalentTest, TestMeshFeatures) { + const std::string file_name = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + const std::unique_ptr scene0(ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name)); + const std::unique_ptr scene1(ReadSceneFromTestFile(file_name)); + ASSERT_NE(scene0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(scene1, nullptr); + + // Add identical mesh feature ID sets to mesh at index 0. + Mesh &mesh0 = scene0->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + Mesh &mesh1 = scene1->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)); + mesh0.AddMeshFeatures(std::unique_ptr(new MeshFeatures())); + mesh1.AddMeshFeatures(std::unique_ptr(new MeshFeatures())); + + // Empty feature sets should match. + SceneAreEquivalent equiv; + ASSERT_TRUE(equiv(*scene0, *scene1)); + + // Make mesh features different and check that the meshes are not equivalent. + mesh0.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(5); + mesh1.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(6); + ASSERT_FALSE(equiv(*scene0, *scene1)); + + // Make mesh features identical and check that the meshes are equivalent. + mesh0.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(1); + mesh1.GetMeshFeatures(MeshFeaturesIndex(0)).SetFeatureCount(1); + ASSERT_TRUE(equiv(*scene0, *scene1)); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace draco diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_indices.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_indices.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b57e3e4a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_indices.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_INDICES_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_INDICES_H_ + +#include + +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_index_type.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Index of a mesh in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, MeshIndex) + +// Index of a mesh instance in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, MeshInstanceIndex) + +// Index of a mesh group in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, MeshGroupIndex) + +// Index of a node in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, SceneNodeIndex) + +// Index of an animation in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, AnimationIndex) + +// Index of a skin in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, SkinIndex) + +// Index of a light in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, LightIndex) + +// Index of a mesh group GPU instancing in a scene. +DEFINE_NEW_DRACO_INDEX_TYPE(uint32_t, InstanceArrayIndex) + +// Constants denoting invalid indices. +static constexpr MeshIndex kInvalidMeshIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); +static constexpr MeshInstanceIndex kInvalidMeshInstanceIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); +static constexpr MeshGroupIndex kInvalidMeshGroupIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); +static constexpr SceneNodeIndex kInvalidSceneNodeIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); +static constexpr AnimationIndex kInvalidAnimationIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); +static constexpr SkinIndex kInvalidSkinIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); +static constexpr LightIndex kInvalidLightIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); +static constexpr InstanceArrayIndex kInvalidInstanceArrayIndex( + std::numeric_limits::max()); + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_INDICES_H_ +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_node.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_node.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6cfe04e2e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_node.h @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_NODE_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_NODE_H_ + +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" +#include "draco/scene/trs_matrix.h" + +namespace draco { + +// This class is used to create a scene hierarchy from meshes in their local +// space transformed into scene space. +class SceneNode { + public: + SceneNode() + : mesh_group_index_(-1), + skin_index_(-1), + light_index_(-1), + instance_array_index_(-1) {} + + void Copy(const SceneNode &sn) { + name_ = sn.name_; + trs_matrix_.Copy(sn.trs_matrix_); + mesh_group_index_ = sn.mesh_group_index_; + skin_index_ = sn.skin_index_; + parents_ = sn.parents_; + children_ = sn.children_; + light_index_ = sn.light_index_; + instance_array_index_ = sn.instance_array_index_; + } + + // Sets a name. + void SetName(const std::string &name) { name_ = name; } + + // Returns the name. + const std::string &GetName() const { return name_; } + + // Set transformation from mesh local space to scene space. + void SetTrsMatrix(const TrsMatrix &trsm) { trs_matrix_.Copy(trsm); } + const TrsMatrix &GetTrsMatrix() const { return trs_matrix_; } + + // Set the index to the mesh group in the scene. + void SetMeshGroupIndex(MeshGroupIndex index) { mesh_group_index_ = index; } + MeshGroupIndex GetMeshGroupIndex() const { return mesh_group_index_; } + + // Set the index to the skin in the scene. + void SetSkinIndex(SkinIndex index) { skin_index_ = index; } + SkinIndex GetSkinIndex() const { return skin_index_; } + + // Set the index to the light in the scene. + void SetLightIndex(LightIndex index) { light_index_ = index; } + LightIndex GetLightIndex() const { return light_index_; } + + // Set the index to the mesh group instance array in the scene. Note that + // according to EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing glTF extension there is no defined + // behavior for a node with instance array and without a mesh group. + void SetInstanceArrayIndex(InstanceArrayIndex index) { + instance_array_index_ = index; + } + InstanceArrayIndex GetInstanceArrayIndex() const { + return instance_array_index_; + } + + // Functions to set and get zero or more parent nodes of this node. + SceneNodeIndex Parent(int index) const { return parents_[index]; } + const std::vector &Parents() const { return parents_; } + void AddParentIndex(SceneNodeIndex index) { parents_.push_back(index); } + int NumParents() const { return parents_.size(); } + void RemoveAllParents() { parents_.clear(); } + + // Functions to set and get zero or more child nodes of this node. + SceneNodeIndex Child(int index) const { return children_[index]; } + const std::vector &Children() const { return children_; } + void AddChildIndex(SceneNodeIndex index) { children_.push_back(index); } + int NumChildren() const { return children_.size(); } + void RemoveAllChildren() { children_.clear(); } + + private: + std::string name_; + TrsMatrix trs_matrix_; + draco::MeshGroupIndex mesh_group_index_; + draco::SkinIndex skin_index_; + std::vector parents_; + std::vector children_; + LightIndex light_index_; + InstanceArrayIndex instance_array_index_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_NODE_H_ +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d639614c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_are_equivalent.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_are_equivalent.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +// Helper method for adding mesh group GPU instancing to the milk truck scene. +draco::Status AddGpuInstancingToMilkTruck(draco::Scene *scene) { + // Create an instance and set its transformation TRS vectors. + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_0; + instance_0.trs.SetTranslation(Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); + instance_0.trs.SetRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0)); + instance_0.trs.SetScale(Eigen::Vector3d(8.0, 9.0, 10.0)); + + // Create another instance. + draco::InstanceArray::Instance instance_1; + instance_1.trs.SetTranslation(Eigen::Vector3d(1.1, 2.1, 3.1)); + instance_1.trs.SetRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1)); + instance_1.trs.SetScale(Eigen::Vector3d(8.1, 9.1, 10.1)); + + // Add an empty GPU instancing object to the scene. + const draco::InstanceArrayIndex index = scene->AddInstanceArray(); + draco::InstanceArray *gpu_instancing = scene->GetInstanceArray(index); + + // Add two instances to the GPU instancing object stored in the scene. + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gpu_instancing->AddInstance(instance_0)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gpu_instancing->AddInstance(instance_1)); + + // Assign the GPU instancing object to two mesh groups in two scene nodes. + scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2))->SetInstanceArrayIndex(index); + scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(4))->SetInstanceArrayIndex(index); + + return draco::OkStatus(); +} + +TEST(SceneTest, TestCopy) { + // Test copying of scene data. + auto src_scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(src_scene, nullptr); + + // Add GPU instancing to the scene for testing. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(AddGpuInstancingToMilkTruck(src_scene.get())); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumInstanceArrays(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumNodes(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ( + src_scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetInstanceArrayIndex(), + draco::kInvalidInstanceArrayIndex); + ASSERT_EQ( + src_scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(1))->GetInstanceArrayIndex(), + draco::kInvalidInstanceArrayIndex); + ASSERT_EQ( + src_scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2))->GetInstanceArrayIndex(), + draco::InstanceArrayIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ( + src_scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(3))->GetInstanceArrayIndex(), + draco::kInvalidInstanceArrayIndex); + ASSERT_EQ( + src_scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(4))->GetInstanceArrayIndex(), + draco::InstanceArrayIndex(0)); + + // Make a copy of the scene. + draco::Scene dst_scene; + dst_scene.Copy(*src_scene); + + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumMeshes(), dst_scene.NumMeshes()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumMeshGroups(), dst_scene.NumMeshGroups()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumNodes(), dst_scene.NumNodes()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumAnimations(), dst_scene.NumAnimations()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumSkins(), dst_scene.NumSkins()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumLights(), dst_scene.NumLights()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->NumInstanceArrays(), dst_scene.NumInstanceArrays()); + + for (draco::MeshIndex i(0); i < src_scene->NumMeshes(); ++i) { + draco::MeshAreEquivalent eq; + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(src_scene->GetMesh(i), dst_scene.GetMesh(i))); + } + for (draco::MeshGroupIndex i(0); i < src_scene->NumMeshGroups(); ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetMeshGroup(i)->NumMeshInstances(), + dst_scene.GetMeshGroup(i)->NumMeshInstances()); + for (int j = 0; j < src_scene->GetMeshGroup(i)->NumMeshInstances(); ++j) { + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetMeshGroup(i)->GetMeshInstance(j).mesh_index, + dst_scene.GetMeshGroup(i)->GetMeshInstance(j).mesh_index); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetMeshGroup(i)->GetMeshInstance(j).material_index, + dst_scene.GetMeshGroup(i)->GetMeshInstance(j).material_index); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetMeshGroup(i) + ->GetMeshInstance(j) + .materials_variants_mappings.size(), + dst_scene.GetMeshGroup(i) + ->GetMeshInstance(j) + .materials_variants_mappings.size()); + } + } + for (draco::SceneNodeIndex i(0); i < src_scene->NumNodes(); ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->NumParents(), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->NumParents()); + for (int j = 0; j < src_scene->GetNode(i)->NumParents(); ++j) { + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->Parent(j), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->Parent(j)); + } + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->NumChildren(), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->NumChildren()); + for (int j = 0; j < src_scene->GetNode(i)->NumChildren(); ++j) { + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->Child(j), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->Child(j)); + } + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->GetMeshGroupIndex()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->GetSkinIndex(), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->GetSkinIndex()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->GetLightIndex(), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->GetLightIndex()); + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene->GetNode(i)->GetInstanceArrayIndex(), + dst_scene.GetNode(i)->GetInstanceArrayIndex()); + } +} + +TEST(SceneTest, TestRemoveMesh) { + // Test that a base mesh can be removed from scene. + auto src_scene_ptr = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(src_scene_ptr, nullptr); + const draco::Scene &src_scene = *src_scene_ptr; + + // Copy scene. + draco::Scene dst_scene; + dst_scene.Copy(src_scene); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumMeshes(), 4); + draco::MeshAreEquivalent eq; + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)))); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(1)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(1)))); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(2)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(2)))); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(3)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(3)))); + + // Remove base mesh from scene. + dst_scene.RemoveMesh(draco::MeshIndex(2)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumMeshes(), 3); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)))); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(1)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(1)))); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(2)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(3)))); + + // Remove another base mesh from scene. + dst_scene.RemoveMesh(draco::MeshIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumMeshes(), 2); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)))); + ASSERT_TRUE(eq(dst_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(1)), + src_scene.GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(3)))); +} + +TEST(SceneTest, TestRemoveMeshGroup) { + // Test that a mesh group can be removed from scene. + auto src_scene_ptr = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(src_scene_ptr, nullptr); + const draco::Scene &src_scene = *src_scene_ptr; + + // Copy scene. + draco::Scene dst_scene; + dst_scene.Copy(src_scene); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumMeshGroups(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumNodes(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::MeshGroupIndex(1)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(4))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::MeshGroupIndex(1)); + + // Remove mesh group from scene. + dst_scene.RemoveMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumMeshGroups(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumNodes(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(4))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + + // Remove another mesh group from scene. + dst_scene.RemoveMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.NumMeshGroups(), 0); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(4))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); +} + +void CheckMeshMaterials(const draco::Scene &scene, + const std::vector &expected_material_indices) { + ASSERT_EQ(scene.NumMeshes(), expected_material_indices.size()); + std::vector scene_material_indices; + for (draco::MeshGroupIndex i(0); i < scene.NumMeshGroups(); i++) { + const auto mg = scene.GetMeshGroup(i); + for (int mi = 0; mi < mg->NumMeshInstances(); ++mi) { + scene_material_indices.push_back(mg->GetMeshInstance(mi).material_index); + } + } + ASSERT_EQ(scene_material_indices, expected_material_indices); +} + +TEST(SceneTest, TestRemoveMaterial) { + // Test that materials can be removed from a scene. + auto src_scene_ptr = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(src_scene_ptr, nullptr); + const draco::Scene &src_scene = *src_scene_ptr; + ASSERT_EQ(src_scene.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 4); + CheckMeshMaterials(src_scene, {0, 1, 2, 3}); + + // Copy scene. + draco::Scene dst_scene; + dst_scene.Copy(src_scene); + + // Check that referenced material cannot be removed from the scene. + ASSERT_FALSE(dst_scene.RemoveMaterial(2).ok()); + + // Copy scene again, since failed material removal corrupts the scene. + dst_scene.Copy(src_scene); + + // Remove base mesh from scene. Material at index 2 becomes unreferenced. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dst_scene.RemoveMesh(draco::MeshIndex(2))); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 4); + CheckMeshMaterials(dst_scene, {0, 1, 3}); + + // Check that unreferenced material can be removed from the scene. + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dst_scene.RemoveMaterial(2)); + ASSERT_EQ(dst_scene.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 3); + CheckMeshMaterials(dst_scene, {0, 1, 2}); + + // Check that material cannot be removed when material index is out of range. + ASSERT_FALSE(dst_scene.RemoveMaterial(-1).ok()); + ASSERT_FALSE(dst_scene.RemoveMaterial(3).ok()); +} + +TEST(SceneTest, TestCopyWithStructuralMetadata) { + // Tests copying of a scene with structural metadata. + auto scene_ptr = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene_ptr, nullptr); + draco::Scene &scene = *scene_ptr; + + // Add structural metadata to the scene. + draco::PropertyTable::Schema schema; + schema.json.SetString("Data"); + scene.GetStructuralMetadata().SetPropertyTableSchema(schema); + + // Copy the scene. + draco::Scene copy; + copy.Copy(scene); + + // Check that the structural metadata has been copied. + ASSERT_EQ( + copy.GetStructuralMetadata().GetPropertyTableSchema().json.GetString(), + "Data"); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7bf1dcb95 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils.cc @@ -0,0 +1,962 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +#include "draco/scene/scene_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_index_type_vector.h" +#include "draco/core/hash_utils.h" +#include "draco/core/vector_d.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_splitter.h" +#include "draco/mesh/mesh_utils.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +IndexTypeVector +SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(const Scene &scene) { + IndexTypeVector instances; + + // Traverse the scene assuming multiple root nodes. + const Eigen::Matrix4d transform = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + + struct Node { + const SceneNodeIndex scene_node_index; + Eigen::Matrix4d transform; + }; + std::vector nodes; + nodes.reserve(scene.NumRootNodes()); + for (int i = 0; i < scene.NumRootNodes(); ++i) { + nodes.push_back({scene.GetRootNodeIndex(i), transform}); + } + + while (!nodes.empty()) { + const Node node = nodes.back(); + nodes.pop_back(); + const SceneNode &scene_node = *scene.GetNode(node.scene_node_index); + const Eigen::Matrix4d combined_transform = + node.transform * + scene_node.GetTrsMatrix().ComputeTransformationMatrix(); + + // Create instances from node meshes. + const MeshGroupIndex mesh_group_index = scene_node.GetMeshGroupIndex(); + if (mesh_group_index != kInvalidMeshGroupIndex) { + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene.GetMeshGroup(mesh_group_index); + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(); i++) { + const MeshIndex mesh_index = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(i).mesh_index; + if (mesh_index != kInvalidMeshIndex) { + instances.push_back( + {mesh_index, node.scene_node_index, i, combined_transform}); + } + } + } + + // Traverse children nodes. + for (int i = 0; i < scene_node.NumChildren(); i++) { + nodes.push_back({scene_node.Child(i), combined_transform}); + } + } + return instances; +} + +Eigen::Matrix4d SceneUtils::ComputeGlobalNodeTransform(const Scene &scene, + SceneNodeIndex index) { + Eigen::Matrix4d transform = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + while (index != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + const SceneNode *const node = scene.GetNode(index); + transform = node->GetTrsMatrix().ComputeTransformationMatrix() * transform; + index = node->NumParents() == 1 ? node->Parent(0) : kInvalidSceneNodeIndex; + } + return transform; +} + +IndexTypeVector SceneUtils::NumMeshInstances( + const Scene &scene) { + const auto instances = ComputeAllInstances(scene); + IndexTypeVector num_mesh_instances(scene.NumMeshes(), 0); + for (MeshInstanceIndex i(0); i < instances.size(); i++) { + const MeshInstance &instance = instances[i]; + num_mesh_instances[instance.mesh_index]++; + } + return num_mesh_instances; +} + +int SceneUtils::GetMeshInstanceMaterialIndex(const Scene &scene, + const MeshInstance &instance) { + const auto *const node = scene.GetNode(instance.scene_node_index); + return scene.GetMeshGroup(node->GetMeshGroupIndex()) + ->GetMeshInstance(instance.mesh_group_mesh_index) + .material_index; +} + +int SceneUtils::NumFacesOnBaseMeshes(const Scene &scene) { + int num_faces = 0; + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene.NumMeshes(); ++i) { + num_faces += scene.GetMesh(i).num_faces(); + } + return num_faces; +} + +int SceneUtils::NumFacesOnInstancedMeshes(const Scene &scene) { + const auto instances = ComputeAllInstances(scene); + int num_faces = 0; + for (MeshInstanceIndex i(0); i < instances.size(); i++) { + const MeshInstance &instance = instances[i]; + num_faces += scene.GetMesh(instance.mesh_index).num_faces(); + } + return num_faces; +} + +int SceneUtils::NumPointsOnBaseMeshes(const Scene &scene) { + int num_points = 0; + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene.NumMeshes(); ++i) { + num_points += scene.GetMesh(i).num_points(); + } + return num_points; +} + +int SceneUtils::NumPointsOnInstancedMeshes(const Scene &scene) { + const auto instances = ComputeAllInstances(scene); + int num_points = 0; + for (MeshInstanceIndex i(0); i < instances.size(); i++) { + const MeshInstance &instance = instances[i]; + num_points += scene.GetMesh(instance.mesh_index).num_points(); + } + return num_points; +} + +int SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnBaseMeshes(const Scene &scene, + GeometryAttribute::Type att_type) { + int num_att_entries = 0; + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene.NumMeshes(); ++i) { + const Mesh &mesh = scene.GetMesh(i); + const PointAttribute *att = mesh.GetNamedAttribute(att_type); + if (att != nullptr) { + num_att_entries += att->size(); + } + } + return num_att_entries; +} + +int SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnInstancedMeshes( + const Scene &scene, GeometryAttribute::Type att_type) { + const auto instances = ComputeAllInstances(scene); + int num_att_entries = 0; + for (MeshInstanceIndex i(0); i < instances.size(); i++) { + const MeshInstance &instance = instances[i]; + const Mesh &mesh = scene.GetMesh(instance.mesh_index); + const PointAttribute *att = mesh.GetNamedAttribute(att_type); + if (att != nullptr) { + num_att_entries += att->size(); + } + } + return num_att_entries; +} + +BoundingBox SceneUtils::ComputeBoundingBox(const Scene &scene) { + // Compute bounding box that includes all scene mesh instances. + const auto instances = ComputeAllInstances(scene); + BoundingBox scene_bbox; + for (MeshInstanceIndex i(0); i < instances.size(); i++) { + const MeshInstance &instance = instances[i]; + const BoundingBox mesh_bbox = + ComputeMeshInstanceBoundingBox(scene, instance); + scene_bbox.Update(mesh_bbox); + } + return scene_bbox; +} + +BoundingBox SceneUtils::ComputeMeshInstanceBoundingBox( + const Scene &scene, const MeshInstance &instance) { + const Mesh &mesh = scene.GetMesh(instance.mesh_index); + BoundingBox mesh_bbox; + auto pc_att = mesh.GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + Eigen::Vector4d position; + position[3] = 1.0; + for (AttributeValueIndex i(0); i < pc_att->size(); ++i) { + pc_att->ConvertValue(i, &position[0]); + const Eigen::Vector4d transformed = instance.transform * position; + mesh_bbox.Update({static_cast(transformed[0]), + static_cast(transformed[1]), + static_cast(transformed[2])}); + } + return mesh_bbox; +} + +namespace { + +// Updates texture pointers in mesh features of |mesh| to texture pointers +// stored in |new_texture_library|. |texture_to_index_map| stores texture +// indices of the old texture pointers within |mesh|. +void UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturesOnMesh( + const std::unordered_map &texture_to_index_map, + TextureLibrary *new_texture_library, Mesh *mesh) { + for (MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); mfi < mesh->NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + mesh->UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturePointer( + texture_to_index_map, new_texture_library, &mesh->GetMeshFeatures(mfi)); + } +} + +} // namespace + +StatusOr> SceneUtils::MeshToScene( + std::unique_ptr mesh) { + const size_t num_mesh_materials = mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(); + std::unique_ptr scene(new Scene()); + if (num_mesh_materials > 0) { + scene->GetMaterialLibrary().Copy(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary()); + mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().Clear(); + } else { + // Create a default material for the scene. + scene->GetMaterialLibrary().MutableMaterial(0); + } + + // Copy mesh feature textures. + scene->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().Copy( + mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary()); + + const auto old_texture_to_index_map = + mesh->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary().ComputeTextureToIndexMap(); + + const SceneNodeIndex scene_node_index = scene->AddNode(); + SceneNode *const scene_node = scene->GetNode(scene_node_index); + const MeshGroupIndex mesh_group_index = scene->AddMeshGroup(); + MeshGroup *const mesh_group = scene->GetMeshGroup(mesh_group_index); + + if (num_mesh_materials <= 1) { + const MeshIndex mesh_index = scene->AddMesh(std::move(mesh)); + if (mesh_index == kInvalidMeshIndex) { + // No idea whether this can happen. It's not covered by any unit test. + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Could not add Draco mesh to scene."); + } + mesh_group->AddMeshInstance({mesh_index, 0, {}}); + + UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturesOnMesh(old_texture_to_index_map, + &scene->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(), + &scene->GetMesh(mesh_index)); + + } else { + const int32_t mat_att_id = + mesh->GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + if (mat_att_id == -1) { + // Probably dead code, not covered by any unit test. + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Internal error in MeshToScene: " + "GetNamedAttributeId(MATERIAL) returned -1"); + } + const PointAttribute *const mat_att = + mesh->GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::MATERIAL); + if (mat_att == nullptr) { + // Probably dead code, not covered by any unit test. + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Internal error in MeshToScene: " + "GetNamedAttribute(MATERIAL) returned nullptr"); + } + + MeshSplitter splitter; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(MeshSplitter::MeshVector split_meshes, + splitter.SplitMesh(*mesh, mat_att_id)); + // Note: cannot clear mesh here, since mat_att points into it. + for (size_t i = 0; i < split_meshes.size(); ++i) { + if (split_meshes[i] == nullptr) { + // Probably dead code, not covered by any unit test. + continue; + } + const MeshIndex mesh_index = scene->AddMesh(std::move(split_meshes[i])); + if (mesh_index == kInvalidMeshIndex) { + // No idea whether this can happen. It's not covered by any unit test. + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, + "Could not add Draco mesh to scene."); + } + + int material_index = 0; + mat_att->GetValue(AttributeValueIndex(i), &material_index); + mesh_group->AddMeshInstance({mesh_index, material_index, {}}); + + // Copy over mesh features that were associated with the |material_index|. + Mesh &scene_mesh = scene->GetMesh(mesh_index); + Mesh::CopyMeshFeaturesForMaterial(*mesh, &scene_mesh, material_index); + UpdateMeshFeaturesTexturesOnMesh(old_texture_to_index_map, + &scene->GetNonMaterialTextureLibrary(), + &scene_mesh); + } + } + + scene_node->SetMeshGroupIndex(mesh_group_index); + scene->AddRootNodeIndex(scene_node_index); + return scene; +} + +void SceneUtils::PrintInfo(const Scene &input, const Scene &simplified, + bool verbose) { + struct Printer { + Printer(const Scene &input, const Scene &simplified) + : input(input), simplified(simplified), print_instanced_info(false) { + // Info about the instanced meshes is printed if some of the meshes have + // multiple instances and also if the number of base meshes has changed. + auto input_instances = SceneUtils::NumMeshInstances(input); + auto simplified_instances = SceneUtils::NumMeshInstances(simplified); + if (input_instances.size() != simplified_instances.size()) { + print_instanced_info = true; + return; + } + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < input_instances.size(); i++) { + if (input_instances[i] != 1 || simplified_instances[i] != 1) { + print_instanced_info = true; + return; + } + } + } + + void PrintInfoHeader() const { + printf("\n"); + printf("%21s | geometry: base", ""); + if (print_instanced_info) { + printf(" instanced"); + } + printf("\n"); + } + + void PrintInfoRow(const std::string &label, int count_input_base, + int count_input_instanced, int count_simplified_base, + int count_simplified_instanced) const { + // Do not clutter the printout with empty info. + if (count_input_base == 0 && count_input_instanced == 0) { + return; + } + printf(" ----------------------------------------------"); + if (print_instanced_info) { + printf("-------------"); + } + printf("\n"); + printf("%21s | input: %12d", label.c_str(), count_input_base); + if (print_instanced_info) { + printf(" %12d", count_input_instanced); + } + printf("\n"); + printf("%21s | simplified: %12d", "", count_simplified_base); + if (print_instanced_info) { + printf(" %12d", count_simplified_instanced); + } + printf("\n"); + } + + void PrintAttInfoRow(const std::string &label, const draco::Scene &input, + const draco::Scene &simplified, + draco::GeometryAttribute::Type att_type) const { + PrintInfoRow(label, NumAttEntriesOnBaseMeshes(input, att_type), + NumAttEntriesOnInstancedMeshes(input, att_type), + NumAttEntriesOnBaseMeshes(simplified, att_type), + NumAttEntriesOnInstancedMeshes(simplified, att_type)); + } + + const Scene &input; + const Scene &simplified; + bool print_instanced_info; + }; + + // Print information about input and simplified scenes. + const Printer printer(input, simplified); + printer.PrintInfoHeader(); + if (verbose) { + const int num_meshes_input_base = input.NumMeshes(); + const int num_meshes_simplified_base = simplified.NumMeshes(); + const int num_meshes_input_instanced = ComputeAllInstances(input).size(); + const int num_meshes_simplified_instanced = + ComputeAllInstances(simplified).size(); + printer.PrintInfoRow("Number of meshes", num_meshes_input_base, + num_meshes_input_instanced, num_meshes_simplified_base, + num_meshes_simplified_instanced); + } + printer.PrintInfoRow("Number of faces", NumFacesOnBaseMeshes(input), + NumFacesOnInstancedMeshes(input), + NumFacesOnBaseMeshes(simplified), + NumFacesOnInstancedMeshes(simplified)); + if (verbose) { + printer.PrintInfoRow("Number of points", NumPointsOnBaseMeshes(input), + NumPointsOnInstancedMeshes(input), + NumPointsOnBaseMeshes(simplified), + NumPointsOnInstancedMeshes(simplified)); + printer.PrintAttInfoRow("Number of positions", input, simplified, + draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + printer.PrintAttInfoRow("Number of normals", input, simplified, + draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL); + printer.PrintAttInfoRow("Number of colors", input, simplified, + draco::GeometryAttribute::COLOR); + printer.PrintInfoRow("Number of materials", + input.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + simplified.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + input.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + simplified.GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()); + } +} + +StatusOr> SceneUtils::InstantiateMesh( + const Scene &scene, const MeshInstance &instance) { + // Check if the |scene| has base mesh corresponding to mesh |instance|. + if (scene.NumMeshes() <= instance.mesh_index.value()) { + Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Scene has no corresponding base mesh."); + } + + // Check that mesh has valid positions. + const Mesh &base_mesh = scene.GetMesh(instance.mesh_index); + const int32_t pos_id = + base_mesh.GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::POSITION); + const PointAttribute *const pos_att = base_mesh.attribute(pos_id); + if (pos_att == nullptr) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Mesh has no positions."); + } + if (pos_att->data_type() != DT_FLOAT32 || pos_att->num_components() != 3) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Mesh has invalid positions."); + } + + // Copy the base mesh from |scene|. + std::unique_ptr mesh(new Mesh()); + mesh->Copy(base_mesh); + + // Apply transformation to mesh unless transformation is identity. + if (instance.transform != Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()) { + MeshUtils::TransformMesh(instance.transform, mesh.get()); + } + return mesh; +} + +namespace { + +// Helper class for deleting unused nodes from the scene. +class SceneUnusedNodeRemover { + public: + // Removes unused nodes from the |scene|. + void RemoveUnusedNodes(Scene *scene) { + // Finds all unused nodes and initializes |node_map_| that maps old node + // indices to new node indices. + const int num_unused_nodes = FindUnusedNodes(*scene); + if (num_unused_nodes == 0) { + return; // All nodes are used. + } + + // Update indices of all scene elements accounting for nodes that are going + // to be removed from the scene. + UpdateNodeIndices(scene); + RemoveUnusedNodesFromScene(scene); + } + + private: + // Returns the number of unused nodes. + int FindUnusedNodes(const Scene &scene) { + // First all nodes are considered unused (mapped to invalid index). + // Initially if a node is used, we just map it to its own index. The final + // mapping will be updated once we know all used nodes. + node_map_.resize(scene.NumNodes(), kInvalidSceneNodeIndex); + for (SceneNodeIndex sni(0); sni < scene.NumNodes(); ++sni) { + // If the scene node has a valid mesh group, mark it as used. + if (scene.GetNode(sni)->GetMeshGroupIndex() != kInvalidMeshGroupIndex) { + node_map_[sni] = sni; + } + } + + // Preserve nodes used by animations. + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene.NumAnimations(); i++) { + const Animation &animation = *scene.GetAnimation(i); + for (int channel_i = 0; channel_i < animation.NumChannels(); + channel_i++) { + const SceneNodeIndex node_index( + animation.GetChannel(channel_i)->target_index); + node_map_[node_index] = node_index; + } + } + for (SkinIndex i(0); i < scene.NumSkins(); i++) { + const Skin &skin = *scene.GetSkin(i); + for (int j = 0; j < skin.NumJoints(); j++) { + const SceneNodeIndex node_index = skin.GetJoint(j); + node_map_[node_index] = node_index; + } + const SceneNodeIndex root_index = skin.GetJointRoot(); + if (root_index != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + node_map_[root_index] = root_index; + } + } + + // Ensure that "unused" nodes with used child nodes are marked as used + // (a node can't be deleted as long as it has a used child node). + for (int r = 0; r < scene.NumRootNodes(); ++r) { + UpdateUsedNodesFromSceneGraph(scene, scene.GetRootNodeIndex(r)); + } + + // All used / unused nodes are known. Find new indices for all scene nodes. + int num_valid_nodes = 0; + for (SceneNodeIndex sni(0); sni < scene.NumNodes(); ++sni) { + if (node_map_[sni] != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + node_map_[sni] = SceneNodeIndex(num_valid_nodes++); + } + } + // Return the number of nodes that were unused. + return scene.NumNodes() - num_valid_nodes; + } + + // Recursively traverse node |sni| and mark it as used as long as it has a + // used child node. The function returns true when |sni| is a used node. + bool UpdateUsedNodesFromSceneGraph(const Scene &scene, SceneNodeIndex sni) { + const auto &node = scene.GetNode(sni); + bool is_any_child_node_used = false; + for (int c = 0; c < node->NumChildren(); ++c) { + const SceneNodeIndex cni = node->Child(c); + // Check if the child node is used. + const bool is_c_used = UpdateUsedNodesFromSceneGraph(scene, cni); + if (is_c_used) { + is_any_child_node_used = true; + } + } + if (is_any_child_node_used) { + // The node must be used even if it was previously marked as unused. + node_map_[sni] = sni; + } + // Returns whether this node is used or not. + return node_map_[sni] != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex; + } + + // Remaps existing node indices at various scene elements to new node indices + // defined by |node_map_|. + void UpdateNodeIndices(Scene *scene) const { + // Update node indices on child / parent nodes. + std::vector indices; + for (SceneNodeIndex sni(0); sni < scene->NumNodes(); ++sni) { + indices = scene->GetNode(sni)->Children(); + scene->GetNode(sni)->RemoveAllChildren(); + for (int j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j) { + const SceneNodeIndex new_sni = node_map_[indices[j]]; + if (new_sni != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + scene->GetNode(sni)->AddChildIndex(new_sni); + } + } + indices = scene->GetNode(sni)->Parents(); + scene->GetNode(sni)->RemoveAllParents(); + for (int j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j) { + const SceneNodeIndex new_sni = node_map_[indices[j]]; + if (new_sni != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + scene->GetNode(sni)->AddParentIndex(new_sni); + } + } + } + + // Update root node indices. + indices = scene->GetRootNodeIndices(); + scene->RemoveAllRootNodeIndices(); + for (int ri = 0; ri < indices.size(); ++ri) { + const SceneNodeIndex new_rni = node_map_[indices[ri]]; + if (new_rni != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + scene->AddRootNodeIndex(new_rni); + } + } + + // Update node indices used by animations. + for (AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene->NumAnimations(); i++) { + Animation &animation = *scene->GetAnimation(i); + for (int i = 0; i < animation.NumChannels(); i++) { + const SceneNodeIndex node_index(animation.GetChannel(i)->target_index); + animation.GetChannel(i)->target_index = node_map_[node_index].value(); + } + } + for (SkinIndex i(0); i < scene->NumSkins(); i++) { + Skin &skin = *scene->GetSkin(i); + for (int j = 0; j < skin.NumJoints(); j++) { + const SceneNodeIndex node_index = skin.GetJoint(j); + skin.GetJoint(j) = node_map_[node_index]; + } + const SceneNodeIndex root_index = skin.GetJointRoot(); + if (root_index != kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + skin.SetJointRoot(node_map_[root_index]); + } + } + } + + // Removes all unused nodes from the scene. + void RemoveUnusedNodesFromScene(Scene *scene) const { + int num_valid_nodes = 0; + // Copy over nodes to their new position in the nodes array. + for (SceneNodeIndex sni(0); sni < scene->NumNodes(); ++sni) { + const SceneNodeIndex new_sni = node_map_[sni]; + if (new_sni == kInvalidSceneNodeIndex) { + continue; + } + num_valid_nodes++; + if (sni != new_sni) { + // Copy over the |sni| node to the new location (|new_sni| is lower than + // |sni|). + scene->GetNode(new_sni)->Copy(*scene->GetNode(sni)); + } + } + // Resize the nodes in the scene to account for the unused ones. This will + // delete all unused nodes. + scene->ResizeNodes(num_valid_nodes); + } + + IndexTypeVector node_map_; +}; + +} // namespace + +void SceneUtils::Cleanup(Scene *scene) { Cleanup(scene, CleanupOptions()); } + +void SceneUtils::Cleanup(Scene *scene, const CleanupOptions &options) { + // Remove invalid mesh indices from mesh groups. + if (options.remove_invalid_mesh_instances) { + for (MeshGroupIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshGroups(); i++) { + scene->GetMeshGroup(i)->RemoveMeshInstances(kInvalidMeshIndex); + } + } + + // Find references to mesh groups. + std::vector is_mesh_group_referenced(scene->NumMeshGroups(), false); + for (SceneNodeIndex i(0); i < scene->NumNodes(); i++) { + const SceneNode &node = *scene->GetNode(i); + const MeshGroupIndex mesh_group_index = node.GetMeshGroupIndex(); + if (mesh_group_index != kInvalidMeshGroupIndex) { + is_mesh_group_referenced[mesh_group_index.value()] = true; + } + } + + // Find references to base meshes from referenced mesh groups and find mesh + // groups that have no valid references to base meshes. + std::vector is_base_mesh_referenced(scene->NumMeshes(), false); + std::vector is_mesh_group_empty(scene->NumMeshGroups(), false); + for (MeshGroupIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshGroups(); i++) { + if (!is_mesh_group_referenced[i.value()]) { + continue; + } + const MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(i); + bool mesh_group_is_empty = true; + for (int j = 0; j < mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(); j++) { + const MeshIndex mesh_index = mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(j).mesh_index; + mesh_group_is_empty = false; + is_base_mesh_referenced[mesh_index.value()] = true; + } + if (mesh_group_is_empty) { + is_mesh_group_empty[i.value()] = true; + } + } + + if (options.remove_unused_meshes) { + // Remove base meshes with no references to them. + for (int i = scene->NumMeshes() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + const MeshIndex mi(i); + if (!is_base_mesh_referenced[mi.value()]) { + scene->RemoveMesh(mi); + } + } + } + + if (options.remove_unused_mesh_groups) { + // Remove empty mesh groups with no geometry or no references to them. + for (int i = scene->NumMeshGroups() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + const MeshGroupIndex mgi(i); + if (is_mesh_group_empty[mgi.value()] || + !is_mesh_group_referenced[mgi.value()]) { + scene->RemoveMeshGroup(mgi); + } + } + } + + // Find materials that reference a texture. + MaterialLibrary &material_library = scene->GetMaterialLibrary(); + std::vector materials_with_textures(material_library.NumMaterials(), + false); + for (int i = 0; i < material_library.NumMaterials(); ++i) { + if (material_library.GetMaterial(i)->NumTextureMaps() > 0) { + materials_with_textures[i] = true; + } + } + + // Maps material index to a set of meshes that use that material. + std::vector> material_meshes( + material_library.NumMaterials()); + + // Maps mesh index to a set of materials used by that mesh. + IndexTypeVector> mesh_materials( + scene->NumMeshes()); + + // Maps mesh index to a set of tex coord indices referenced by materials. + IndexTypeVector> tex_coord_referenced( + scene->NumMeshes()); + + // Populate the maps that will be used to remove unused texture coordinates. + for (int mgi = 0; mgi < scene->NumMeshGroups(); ++mgi) { + const MeshGroup *const mesh_group = + scene->GetMeshGroup(MeshGroupIndex(mgi)); + for (int mi = 0; mi < mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(); ++mi) { + const MeshIndex mesh_index = mesh_group->GetMeshInstance(mi).mesh_index; + const int material_index = mesh_group->GetMeshInstance(mi).material_index; + if (material_index == -1) { + continue; + } + + // Populate mesh-material mapping. + material_meshes[material_index].insert(mesh_index); + mesh_materials[mesh_index].insert(material_index); + + // Populate texture coordinate indices referenced by material textures. + const auto material = material_library.GetMaterial(material_index); + for (int i = 0; i < material->NumTextureMaps(); i++) { + const TextureMap *const texture_map = material->GetTextureMapByIndex(i); + const int tex_coord_index = texture_map->tex_coord_index(); + tex_coord_referenced[mesh_index].insert(tex_coord_index); + } + } + } + + // From each mesh, remove texture coordinate attributes that are not + // referenced by any materials and decrement texture coordinate indices in + // texture maps of the mesh materials accordingly. + if (options.remove_unused_tex_coords) { + for (MeshIndex mi(0); mi < scene->NumMeshes(); ++mi) { + // Do not remove unreferenced texture coordinates when the mesh materials + // are used by any other meshes to avoid corrupting those other meshes. + // TODO(vytyaz): Consider removing this limitation. + bool remove_tex_coord = true; + for (const int material_index : mesh_materials[mi]) { + if (material_meshes[material_index].size() != 1) { + // Materials of this mesh are used by other meshes. + remove_tex_coord = false; + break; + } + } + if (!remove_tex_coord) { + continue; + } + + // Remove unreferenced texture coordinate sets from this mesh. + Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(mi); + const int tex_coord_count = + mesh.NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD); + for (int tci = tex_coord_count - 1; tci >= 0; tci--) { + if (tex_coord_referenced[mi].count(tci) != 0) { + // Texture coordinate set is referenced. + continue; + } + mesh.DeleteAttribute( + mesh.GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, tci)); + + // Decrement texture coordinate indices in all materials of this mesh. + for (const int material_index : mesh_materials[mi]) { + auto material = material_library.MutableMaterial(material_index); + for (int i = 0; i < material->NumTextureMaps(); i++) { + auto texture_map = material->GetTextureMapByIndex(i); + // Decrement the indices that are greater than the removed index. + if (texture_map->tex_coord_index() > tci) { + texture_map->SetProperties(texture_map->type(), + texture_map->tex_coord_index() - 1); + } + } + } + } + } + } + + if (options.remove_unused_materials) { + // Remove materials that are not used by any mesh. + for (int i = material_library.NumMaterials() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { + if (material_meshes[i].empty()) { + // Material |i| is not used. + scene->RemoveMaterial(i); + } + } + } + + if (options.remove_unused_nodes) { + SceneUnusedNodeRemover node_remover; + node_remover.RemoveUnusedNodes(scene); + } +} + +void SceneUtils::RemoveMeshInstances(const std::vector &instances, + Scene *scene) { + // Remove mesh instances from the scene. + for (const SceneUtils::MeshInstance &instance : instances) { + const MeshGroupIndex mgi = + scene->GetNode(instance.scene_node_index)->GetMeshGroupIndex(); + + // Create a new mesh group with removed instance (we can't just delete the + // instance from the mesh group directly, because the same mesh group may + // be used by multiple scene nodes). + const MeshGroupIndex new_mesh_group_index = scene->AddMeshGroup(); + MeshGroup &new_mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(new_mesh_group_index); + + new_mesh_group.Copy(*scene->GetMeshGroup(mgi)); + new_mesh_group.RemoveMeshInstances(instance.mesh_index); + + // Assign the new mesh group to the scene node. Unused mesh groups will be + // automatically removed later during a scene cleanup operation. + scene->GetNode(instance.scene_node_index) + ->SetMeshGroupIndex(new_mesh_group_index); + } + + // Remove duplicate mesh groups that may have been created during the instance + // removal process. + DeduplicateMeshGroups(scene); +} + +void SceneUtils::DeduplicateMeshGroups(Scene *scene) { + if (scene->NumMeshGroups() <= 1) { + return; + } + + // Signature of a mesh group used for detecting duplicates. + struct MeshGroupSignature { + const MeshGroupIndex mesh_group_index; + const MeshGroup &mesh_group; + MeshGroupSignature(MeshGroupIndex mgi, const MeshGroup &mesh_group) + : mesh_group_index(mgi), mesh_group(mesh_group) {} + + bool operator==(const MeshGroupSignature &signature) const { + if (mesh_group.GetName() != signature.mesh_group.GetName()) { + return false; + } + if (mesh_group.NumMeshInstances() != + signature.mesh_group.NumMeshInstances()) { + return false; + } + // TODO(ostava): We may consider sorting meshes within a mesh group to + // make the order of meshes irrelevant. This should be done only for + // meshes with opaque materials though, because for transparent + // geometries, the order matters. + for (int i = 0; i < mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(); ++i) { + if (mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(i) != + signature.mesh_group.GetMeshInstance(i)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + struct Hash { + size_t operator()(const MeshGroupSignature &signature) const { + size_t hash = 79; // Magic number. + const MeshGroup &group = signature.mesh_group; + hash = HashCombine(group.GetName(), hash); + hash = HashCombine(group.NumMeshInstances(), hash); + for (int i = 0; i < group.NumMeshInstances(); ++i) { + const MeshGroup::MeshInstance &instance = group.GetMeshInstance(i); + hash = HashCombine(instance.mesh_index, hash); + hash = HashCombine(instance.material_index, hash); + hash = HashCombine(instance.materials_variants_mappings.size(), hash); + for (const MeshGroup::MaterialsVariantsMapping &mapping : + instance.materials_variants_mappings) { + hash = HashCombine(mapping.material, hash); + hash = HashCombine(mapping.variants.size(), hash); + for (const int &variant : mapping.variants) { + hash = HashCombine(variant, hash); + } + } + } + return hash; + } + }; + }; + + // Set holding unique mesh groups. + std::unordered_set + unique_mesh_groups; + IndexTypeVector parent_mesh_group( + scene->NumMeshGroups()); + for (MeshGroupIndex mgi(0); mgi < scene->NumMeshGroups(); ++mgi) { + const MeshGroup *mg = scene->GetMeshGroup(mgi); + const MeshGroupSignature signature(mgi, *mg); + auto it = unique_mesh_groups.find(signature); + if (it != unique_mesh_groups.end()) { + parent_mesh_group[mgi] = it->mesh_group_index; + } else { + parent_mesh_group[mgi] = kInvalidMeshGroupIndex; + unique_mesh_groups.insert(signature); + } + } + + // Go over all nodes and update mesh groups if needed. + for (SceneNodeIndex sni(0); sni < scene->NumNodes(); ++sni) { + const MeshGroupIndex mgi = scene->GetNode(sni)->GetMeshGroupIndex(); + if (mgi == kInvalidMeshGroupIndex || + parent_mesh_group[mgi] == kInvalidMeshGroupIndex) { + continue; // Nothing to update. + } + scene->GetNode(sni)->SetMeshGroupIndex(parent_mesh_group[mgi]); + } + + // Remove any unused mesh groups. + Cleanup(scene); +} + +void SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions( + const DracoCompressionOptions *options, Scene *scene) { + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene->NumMeshes(); ++i) { + Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(i); + if (options == nullptr) { + mesh.SetCompressionEnabled(false); + } else { + mesh.SetCompressionEnabled(true); + mesh.SetCompressionOptions(*options); + } + } +} + +bool SceneUtils::IsDracoCompressionEnabled(const Scene &scene) { + for (MeshIndex i(0); i < scene.NumMeshes(); ++i) { + if (scene.GetMesh(i).IsCompressionEnabled()) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +IndexTypeVector +SceneUtils::FindLargestBaseMeshTransforms(const Scene &scene) { + IndexTypeVector transforms( + scene.NumMeshes(), Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()); + + // In case a mesh has multiple instances we want to use the instance with + // the largest scale. + IndexTypeVector transform_scale(scene.NumMeshes(), 0.f); + + const auto instances = SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(scene); + for (MeshInstanceIndex i(0); i < instances.size(); ++i) { + const auto &instance = instances[i]; + + // Compute the scale of the transform. + const Vector3f scale_vec(instance.transform.col(0).norm(), + instance.transform.col(1).norm(), + instance.transform.col(2).norm()); + + // In our framework we support uniform scale only. For now, just take the + // maximum scale across all axes. + // TODO(ostava): Investigate how to properly support non-uniform scaling. + const float max_scale = scale_vec.MaxCoeff(); + + if (transform_scale[instance.mesh_index] < max_scale) { + transform_scale[instance.mesh_index] = max_scale; + transforms[instance.mesh_index] = instance.transform; + } + } + + return transforms; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b978c3c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_UTILS_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_UTILS_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/attributes/geometry_attribute.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Helper class containing various utility functions operating on draco::Scene. +class SceneUtils { + public: + // Helper struct holding instanced meshes and their transformations. + struct MeshInstance { + // Index of the parent mesh in the draco::Scene. + MeshIndex mesh_index; + // Index of the node in the draco::Scene. + SceneNodeIndex scene_node_index; + // Index of the mesh in the mesh group. + int mesh_group_mesh_index; + // Transform of the instance from the mesh local space to the global space + // of the scene. + Eigen::Matrix4d transform; + }; + + // Computes all mesh instances in the |scene|. + static IndexTypeVector ComputeAllInstances( + const Scene &scene); + + // Computes global transform matrix of a |scene| node given by its |index|. + static Eigen::Matrix4d ComputeGlobalNodeTransform(const Scene &scene, + SceneNodeIndex index); + + // Returns a vector of mesh instance counts for all base meshes. + static IndexTypeVector NumMeshInstances(const Scene &scene); + + // Returns the material index of the given |instance| or -1 if the mesh + // |instance| has a default material. + static int GetMeshInstanceMaterialIndex(const Scene &scene, + const MeshInstance &instance); + + // Returns the total number of faces on all base meshes of the scene (not + // counting instances). + static int NumFacesOnBaseMeshes(const Scene &scene); + + // Returns the total number of faces on all meshes of the scenes, including + // all instances of the same mesh. + static int NumFacesOnInstancedMeshes(const Scene &scene); + + // Returns the total number of points on all base meshes of the scene (not + // counting instances). + static int NumPointsOnBaseMeshes(const Scene &scene); + + // Returns the total number of points on all meshes of the scenes, including + // all instances of the same mesh. + static int NumPointsOnInstancedMeshes(const Scene &scene); + + // Returns the total number of attribute entries on all base meshes of the + // scene (not counting instances) for the first attribute of |att_type|. + static int NumAttEntriesOnBaseMeshes(const Scene &scene, + GeometryAttribute::Type att_type); + + // Returns the total number of attribute ent on all meshes of the scenes, + // including all instances of the same mesh for the first attribute of + // |att_type|. + static int NumAttEntriesOnInstancedMeshes(const Scene &scene, + GeometryAttribute::Type att_type); + + // Returns the bounding box of the scene. + static BoundingBox ComputeBoundingBox(const Scene &scene); + + // Returns the bounding box of a mesh instance. + static BoundingBox ComputeMeshInstanceBoundingBox( + const Scene &scene, const MeshInstance &instance); + + // Prints info about input and simplified scenes. + static void PrintInfo(const Scene &input, const Scene &simplified, + bool verbose); + + // Converts a draco::Mesh into a draco::Scene. If the passed-in `mesh` has + // multiple materials, the returned scene will contain multiple meshes, one + // for each of the source mesh's materials; if `mesh` has no material, one + // will be created for it. + static StatusOr> MeshToScene( + std::unique_ptr mesh); + + // Creates a mesh according to mesh |instance| in |scene|. Error is returned + // if there is no corresponding base mesh in the |scene| or the base mesh has + // no valid positions. + static StatusOr> InstantiateMesh( + const Scene &scene, const MeshInstance &instance); + + // Cleans up a |scene| by removing unused base meshes, unused and empty mesh + // groups, unused materials, unused texture coordinates and unused scene + // nodes. The actual behavior of the cleanup operation can be controller via + // the user provided |options|. + struct CleanupOptions { + bool remove_invalid_mesh_instances = true; + bool remove_unused_mesh_groups = true; + bool remove_unused_meshes = true; + bool remove_unused_nodes = false; + bool remove_unused_tex_coords = false; + bool remove_unused_materials = true; + }; + static void Cleanup(Scene *scene); + static void Cleanup(Scene *scene, const CleanupOptions &options); + + // Removes mesh |instances| from |scene|. + static void RemoveMeshInstances(const std::vector &instances, + Scene *scene); + + // Removes duplicate mesh groups that have the same name and that contain + // exactly the same meshes and materials. + static void DeduplicateMeshGroups(Scene *scene); + + // Enables geometry compression and sets compression |options| to all meshes + // in the |scene|. If |options| is nullptr then geometry compression is + // disabled for all meshes in the |scene|. + static void SetDracoCompressionOptions(const DracoCompressionOptions *options, + Scene *scene); + + // Returns true if geometry compression is eabled for any of |scene| meshes. + static bool IsDracoCompressionEnabled(const Scene &scene); + + // Returns a single tranformation matrix for each base mesh of the |scene| + // corresponding to the instance with the maximum scale. + static IndexTypeVector + FindLargestBaseMeshTransforms(const Scene &scene); +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_SCENE_UTILS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d6bd731d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/scene_utils_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,763 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/scene_utils.h" + +#include +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/bounding_box.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_indices.h" + +namespace { + +using draco::MeshIndex; +using draco::MeshInstanceIndex; + +void AssertMatrixNear(const Eigen::Matrix4d &a, const Eigen::Matrix4d &b, + float tolerance) { + Eigen::Matrix4d diff = a - b; + ASSERT_NEAR(diff.norm(), 0.f, tolerance) << a << " vs " << b; +} + +// TODO(fgalligan): Re-factor this code with gltf_encoder_test. +void CompareScenes(const draco::Scene *scene0, const draco::Scene *scene1) { + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumMeshGroups(), scene1->NumMeshGroups()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumMeshes(), scene1->NumMeshes()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), + scene1->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumAnimations(), scene1->NumAnimations()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene0->NumSkins(), scene1->NumSkins()); + for (draco::AnimationIndex i(0); i < scene0->NumAnimations(); ++i) { + const draco::Animation *const animation0 = scene0->GetAnimation(i); + const draco::Animation *const animation1 = scene1->GetAnimation(i); + ASSERT_NE(animation0, nullptr); + ASSERT_NE(animation1, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(animation0->NumSamplers(), animation1->NumSamplers()); + ASSERT_EQ(animation0->NumChannels(), animation1->NumChannels()); + ASSERT_EQ(animation0->NumNodeAnimationData(), + animation1->NumNodeAnimationData()); + } +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestComputeAllInstances) { + // Tests that we can compute all instances in an input scene along with their + // transformations. + + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + + // Compute mesh instances. + const auto instances = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(instances.size(), 5); + + // Check base mesh indices. + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(0)].mesh_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(1)].mesh_index, 1); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(2)].mesh_index, 2); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(3)].mesh_index, 3); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(4)].mesh_index, 3); + + // Check scene node indices. + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(0)].scene_node_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(1)].scene_node_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(2)].scene_node_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(3)].scene_node_index, 4); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(4)].scene_node_index, 2); + + // Check indices of meshes in mesh group. + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(0)].mesh_group_mesh_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(1)].mesh_group_mesh_index, 1); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(2)].mesh_group_mesh_index, 2); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(3)].mesh_group_mesh_index, 0); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(4)].mesh_group_mesh_index, 0); + + // The first three instances should have identity transformation. + for (MeshInstanceIndex i(0); i < 3; ++i) { + AssertMatrixNear(instances[i].transform, Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), + 1e-6f); + } + + // Fourth and fifth instances are transformed. + Eigen::Matrix4d expected_transform = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + // Expected translation. + expected_transform(0, 3) = -1.352329969406128; + expected_transform(1, 3) = 0.4277220070362091; + expected_transform(2, 3) = -2.98022992950564e-8; + + // Expected rotation. + Eigen::Matrix4d expected_rotation = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + expected_rotation.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = + Eigen::Quaterniond(-0.9960774183273317, -0.0, -0.0, 0.08848590403795243) + .normalized() + .toRotationMatrix(); + expected_transform = expected_transform * expected_rotation; + + AssertMatrixNear(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(3)].transform, + expected_transform, 1e-6f); + + // Last instance differs only in the translation part in X axis. + expected_transform(0, 3) = 1.432669997215271; + + AssertMatrixNear(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(4)].transform, + expected_transform, 1e-6f); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestComputeAllInstancesWithShiftedGeometryRoot) { + // Tests that we can compute all instances in an input scene along with their + // transformations. This scene has light and camera nodes before the geometry + // node. + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile( + "SphereWithCircleTexture/sphere_with_circle_texture.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // There is one base mesh. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + + // There is a single mesh instance. + const auto instances = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(instances.size(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(0)].mesh_index, 0); + + // There is no transformation. + AssertMatrixNear(instances[MeshInstanceIndex(0)].transform, + Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), 1e-6); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestNumMeshInstances) { + // Tests that we can compute mesh instance counts for all base meshes in an + // input scene. + + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + + const auto num_mesh_instances = draco::SceneUtils::NumMeshInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(num_mesh_instances.size(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(num_mesh_instances[draco::MeshIndex(0)], 1); + ASSERT_EQ(num_mesh_instances[draco::MeshIndex(1)], 1); + ASSERT_EQ(num_mesh_instances[draco::MeshIndex(2)], 1); + ASSERT_EQ(num_mesh_instances[draco::MeshIndex(3)], 2); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestNumFacesOnScene) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumFacesOnBaseMeshes(*scene), 2856); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumFacesOnInstancedMeshes(*scene), 3624); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestNumPointsOnScene) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumPointsOnBaseMeshes(*scene), 2978); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumPointsOnInstancedMeshes(*scene), 3564); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestNumPositionsOnScene) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnBaseMeshes( + *scene, draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION), + 1572); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnInstancedMeshes( + *scene, draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION), + 1960); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestNumNormalsOnScene) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnBaseMeshes( + *scene, draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL), + 1252); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnInstancedMeshes( + *scene, draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL), + 1612); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestNumColorsOnScene) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnBaseMeshes( + *scene, draco::GeometryAttribute::COLOR), + 0); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::NumAttEntriesOnInstancedMeshes( + *scene, draco::GeometryAttribute::COLOR), + 0); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestComputeBoundingBox) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const draco::BoundingBox bbox = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeBoundingBox(*scene); + const draco::Vector3f min_point = bbox.GetMinPoint(); + const draco::Vector3f max_point = bbox.GetMaxPoint(); + constexpr float tolerance = 1e-4f; + EXPECT_NEAR(min_point[0], -2.43091, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(min_point[1], +0.00145, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(min_point[2], -1.39600, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(max_point[0], +2.43800, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(max_point[1], +2.58437, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(max_point[2], +1.39600, tolerance); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestComputeMeshInstanceBoundingBox) { + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile( + "SphereWithCircleTexture/sphere_with_circle_texture.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + const draco::BoundingBox scene_bbox = + draco::SceneUtils::ComputeBoundingBox(*scene); + const auto instances = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(instances.size(), 1); + const draco::BoundingBox mesh_bbox = + draco::SceneUtils::ComputeMeshInstanceBoundingBox( + *scene, instances[draco::MeshInstanceIndex(0)]); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_bbox.GetMinPoint(), mesh_bbox.GetMinPoint()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_bbox.GetMaxPoint(), mesh_bbox.GetMaxPoint()); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestMeshToSceneZeroMaterials) { + const std::string filename = "cube_att.obj"; + std::unique_ptr mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile(filename); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 0); + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(const std::unique_ptr scene_from_mesh, + draco::SceneUtils::MeshToScene(std::move(mesh))); + ASSERT_NE(scene_from_mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const draco::MeshGroup *const mesh_group = + scene_from_mesh->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(), 1); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestMeshToSceneOneMaterial) { + const std::string filename = + "SphereWithCircleTexture/sphere_with_circle_texture.gltf"; + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile(filename); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile(filename); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(const std::unique_ptr scene_from_mesh, + draco::SceneUtils::MeshToScene(std::move(mesh))); + ASSERT_NE(scene_from_mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const draco::MeshGroup *const mesh_group = + scene_from_mesh->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(), 1); + + CompareScenes(scene.get(), scene_from_mesh.get()); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestMeshToSceneMultipleMaterials) { + const std::string filename = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile(filename); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + std::unique_ptr mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile(filename); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 4); + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(const std::unique_ptr scene_from_mesh, + draco::SceneUtils::MeshToScene(std::move(mesh))); + ASSERT_NE(scene_from_mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshes(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const draco::MeshGroup *const mesh_group = + scene_from_mesh->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(), 4); + + // Unfortunately we can't CompareScenes(scene.get(), scene_from_mesh.get()), + // because scene has two mesh groups and scene_from_mesh has only one. +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestMeshToSceneMultipleMeshFeatures) { + const std::string filename = "BoxesMeta/glTF/BoxesMeta.gltf"; + std::unique_ptr scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile(filename); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + std::unique_ptr mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromTestFile(filename); + ASSERT_NE(mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh->NumMeshFeatures(), 5); + + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(const std::unique_ptr scene_from_mesh, + draco::SceneUtils::MeshToScene(std::move(mesh))); + ASSERT_NE(scene_from_mesh, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshes(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->GetMaterialLibrary().NumMaterials(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_from_mesh->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + const draco::MeshGroup *const mesh_group = + scene_from_mesh->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group->NumMeshInstances(), 2); + + // Meshes of the new scene should have the same properties as meshes loaded + // directly into |scene|. + for (draco::MeshIndex mi(0); mi < scene->NumMeshes(); ++mi) { + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(mi).NumMeshFeatures(), + scene_from_mesh->GetMesh(mi).NumMeshFeatures()); + for (draco::MeshFeaturesIndex mfi(0); + mfi < scene->GetMesh(mi).NumMeshFeatures(); ++mfi) { + const auto &scene_mf = scene->GetMesh(mi).GetMeshFeatures(mfi); + const auto &scene_from_mesh_mf = + scene_from_mesh->GetMesh(mi).GetMeshFeatures(mfi); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_mf.GetAttributeIndex(), + scene_from_mesh_mf.GetAttributeIndex()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_mf.GetPropertyTableIndex(), + scene_from_mesh_mf.GetPropertyTableIndex()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_mf.GetLabel(), scene_from_mesh_mf.GetLabel()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_mf.GetNullFeatureId(), + scene_from_mesh_mf.GetNullFeatureId()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_mf.GetFeatureCount(), + scene_from_mesh_mf.GetFeatureCount()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_mf.GetTextureChannels(), + scene_from_mesh_mf.GetTextureChannels()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene_mf.GetTextureMap().texture() != nullptr, + scene_from_mesh_mf.GetTextureMap().texture() != nullptr); + } + } +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestInstantiateMeshWithIdentityTransformation) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Compute scene mesh instances. + const auto instances = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(instances.size(), 5); + + // Check instantiation of mesh with identity transformation. + const draco::SceneUtils::MeshInstance instance = + instances[MeshInstanceIndex(0)]; + ASSERT_EQ(instance.transform, Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()); + + // Instantiate this mesh instance. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, + draco::SceneUtils::InstantiateMesh(*scene, instance)); + const draco::Mesh &base_mesh = scene->GetMesh(instance.mesh_index); + + // Check that bounding box of the instanced mesh is same as box of base mesh. + const draco::BoundingBox instanced_bbox = mesh->ComputeBoundingBox(); + const draco::BoundingBox base_bbox = base_mesh.ComputeBoundingBox(); + ASSERT_EQ(instanced_bbox.GetMinPoint()[0], base_bbox.GetMinPoint()[0]); + ASSERT_EQ(instanced_bbox.GetMinPoint()[1], base_bbox.GetMinPoint()[1]); + ASSERT_EQ(instanced_bbox.GetMinPoint()[2], base_bbox.GetMinPoint()[2]); + ASSERT_EQ(instanced_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[0], base_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[0]); + ASSERT_EQ(instanced_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[1], base_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[1]); + ASSERT_EQ(instanced_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[2], base_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[2]); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestInstantiateMesh) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // Compute scene mesh instances. + const auto instances = draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene); + ASSERT_EQ(instances.size(), 5); + + // Check instantiation of mesh with identity transformation. + const draco::SceneUtils::MeshInstance instance = + instances[MeshInstanceIndex(3)]; + ASSERT_NE(instance.transform, Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()); + + // Instantiate this mesh instance. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(auto mesh, + draco::SceneUtils::InstantiateMesh(*scene, instance)); + const draco::Mesh &base_mesh = scene->GetMesh(instance.mesh_index); + + // Check bounding box of the base mesh. + constexpr float tolerance = 1e-4f; + const draco::BoundingBox base_bbox = base_mesh.ComputeBoundingBox(); + EXPECT_NEAR(base_bbox.GetMinPoint()[0], -0.42780, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(base_bbox.GetMinPoint()[1], -0.42780, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(base_bbox.GetMinPoint()[2], -1.05800, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(base_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[0], +0.42780, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(base_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[1], +0.42780, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(base_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[2], +1.05800, tolerance); + + // Check bounding box of the instanced mesh. It should differ. + const draco::BoundingBox instanced_bbox = mesh->ComputeBoundingBox(); + EXPECT_NEAR(instanced_bbox.GetMinPoint()[0], -1.77860, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(instanced_bbox.GetMinPoint()[1], +0.00145, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(instanced_bbox.GetMinPoint()[2], -1.05800, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(instanced_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[0], -0.92606, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(instanced_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[1], +0.85399, tolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(instanced_bbox.GetMaxPoint()[2], +1.05800, tolerance); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestCleanupEmptyMeshGroup) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + + // Invalidate references to the three truck body parts in mesh group. + draco::MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + mesh_group.SetMeshInstance(0, {draco::kInvalidMeshIndex, 0}); + mesh_group.SetMeshInstance(1, {draco::kInvalidMeshIndex, 0}); + mesh_group.SetMeshInstance(2, {draco::kInvalidMeshIndex, 0}); + + // Cleanup scene. + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get()); + + // Check cleaned up scene. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestCleanupUnreferencedMeshGroup) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 5); + + // Invalidate references to truck axle mesh group. + scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2)) + ->SetMeshGroupIndex(draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); + scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(4)) + ->SetMeshGroupIndex(draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); + + // Cleanup scene. + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get()); + + // Check cleaned up scene. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 3); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestCleanupInvalidMeshIndex) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 5); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(0))->GetMeshGroupIndex(), + draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + + // Invalidate references to two truck body parts in mesh group. + draco::MeshGroup &mesh_group = *scene->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh_group.NumMeshInstances(), 3); + mesh_group.SetMeshInstance(0, {draco::kInvalidMeshIndex, 0}); + mesh_group.SetMeshInstance(2, {draco::kInvalidMeshIndex, 0}); + + // Cleanup scene. + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get()); + + // Check cleaned up scene. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 3); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMeshGroup(draco::MeshGroupIndex(0))->NumMeshInstances(), + 1); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestCleanupUnusedNodes) { + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 5); + + draco::SceneUtils::CleanupOptions options; + options.remove_unused_nodes = true; + + // Delete mesh on node 2 and try to remove unused nodes. + // Node 2 is connected to node 1 that has no mesh as well. But node 2 is also + // used in an animation so we don't actually expect anything to be deleted. + scene->GetNode(draco::SceneNodeIndex(2)) + ->SetMeshGroupIndex(draco::kInvalidMeshGroupIndex); + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get(), options); + + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 5); + + // Now remove the animation channel that used the node and try it again. This + // time, we expect two nodes to be deleted (node 1 and node 2). Node 1 will be + // deleted because it doesn't contain a mesh and all its children are unused. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetAnimation(draco::AnimationIndex(0)) + ->GetChannel(0) + ->target_index, + 2); + // Change the mapped node to node 4 (we can't actually remove channel as of + // the time this test was written). + scene->GetAnimation(draco::AnimationIndex(0))->GetChannel(0)->target_index = + 4; + + // Cleanup again. + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get(), options); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 3); // Two nodes should be deleted. + + // Ensure all node indices are remapped to the new values. + for (draco::SceneNodeIndex sni(0); sni < scene->NumNodes(); ++sni) { + const auto *node = scene->GetNode(sni); + for (int i = 0; i < node->NumChildren(); ++i) { + ASSERT_LT(node->Child(i).value(), 3); + } + for (int i = 0; i < node->NumParents(); ++i) { + ASSERT_LT(node->Parent(i).value(), 3); + } + } + + // Ensure the animation channels are mapped to the updated node indices (node + // 4 should be new node 2 because two nodes were removed). + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetAnimation(draco::AnimationIndex(0)) + ->GetChannel(0) + ->target_index, + 2); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestDeduplicateMeshGroups) { + // Input scene has four different mesh groups but only two of them should + // contain unique set of meshes. + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("DuplicateMeshes/duplicate_meshes.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 7); + + draco::SceneUtils::DeduplicateMeshGroups(scene.get()); + + // Check deduplicated scene. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshGroups(), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 7); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestCleanupUnusedTexCoordsNoTextures) { + // The glTF file has two tex coords that are unused because the materials do + // not reference any textures. + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("UnusedTexCoords/NoTextures.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)) + .NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), + 2); + + // Cleanup scene and check that unused UV are not removed by default. + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)) + .NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), + 2); + + // Cleanup scene and check that unused UV are removed when requested. + draco::SceneUtils::CleanupOptions options; + options.remove_unused_tex_coords = true; + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get(), options); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)) + .NumNamedAttributes(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD), + 0); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestCleanupUnusedTexCoords0NoReferences) { + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile( + "UnusedTexCoords/TexCoord0InvalidTexCoord1Valid.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + typedef draco::GeometryAttribute Att; + + draco::Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(Att::TEX_COORD), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(Att::TEX_COORD, 0)->size(), 14); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(Att::TEX_COORD, 1)->size(), 4); + auto &ml = scene->GetMaterialLibrary(); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->GetTextureMapByIndex(0)->tex_coord_index(), 1); + + // Cleanup unused texture coordinate attributes. + draco::SceneUtils::CleanupOptions options; + options.remove_unused_tex_coords = true; + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get(), options); + + // Check that the unreferenced attribute was removed. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(Att::TEX_COORD), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(Att::TEX_COORD, 0)->size(), 4); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->GetTextureMapByIndex(0)->tex_coord_index(), 0); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestCleanupUnusedTexCoords1NoReferences) { + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile( + "UnusedTexCoords/TexCoord0ValidTexCoord1Invalid.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + typedef draco::GeometryAttribute Att; + + draco::Mesh &mesh = scene->GetMesh(draco::MeshIndex(0)); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(Att::TEX_COORD), 2); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(Att::TEX_COORD, 0)->size(), 14); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(Att::TEX_COORD, 1)->size(), 4); + auto &ml = scene->GetMaterialLibrary(); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->GetTextureMapByIndex(0)->tex_coord_index(), 0); + + // Cleanup unused texture coordinate attributes. + draco::SceneUtils::CleanupOptions options; + options.remove_unused_tex_coords = true; + draco::SceneUtils::Cleanup(scene.get(), options); + + // Check that the unreferenced attribute was removed. + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.NumNamedAttributes(Att::TEX_COORD), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(mesh.GetNamedAttribute(Att::TEX_COORD, 0)->size(), 14); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.NumMaterials(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->NumTextureMaps(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(ml.GetMaterial(0)->GetTextureMapByIndex(0)->tex_coord_index(), 0); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestComputeGlobalNodeTransform) { + // Tests that we can compute global transformation of scene nodes. + + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("simple_skin.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumNodes(), 3); + + // Compute and check global node transforms. + constexpr float kTolerance = 1e-6; + // clang-format off + AssertMatrixNear(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeGlobalNodeTransform( + *scene, draco::SceneNodeIndex(0)), + Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), + kTolerance); + AssertMatrixNear(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeGlobalNodeTransform( + *scene, draco::SceneNodeIndex(1)), + Eigen::Matrix4d{{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, + {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, + {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, + {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, + kTolerance); + AssertMatrixNear(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeGlobalNodeTransform( + *scene, draco::SceneNodeIndex(2)), + Eigen::Matrix4d{{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, + {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, + {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, + {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, + kTolerance); + // clang-format on +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestIsDracoCompressionEnabled) { + // Tests that we can determine whether any of the scene meshes have geometry + // compression enabled. + const std::string file = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile(file); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + + // Check that the scene has geometry compression disabled by default. + ASSERT_FALSE(draco::SceneUtils::IsDracoCompressionEnabled(*scene)); + + // Check that geometry compression can be enabled. + scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(2)).SetCompressionEnabled(true); + ASSERT_TRUE(draco::SceneUtils::IsDracoCompressionEnabled(*scene)); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestSetDracoCompressionOptions) { + // Tests that geometry compression settings can be set for all scene meshes. + const std::string file = "CesiumMilkTruck/glTF/CesiumMilkTruck.gltf"; + auto scene = draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile(file); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 4); + + // Check that compression is initially disabled for all scene meshes. + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(2)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(3)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + + // Check that initially all scene meshes have default compression options. + draco::DracoCompressionOptions defaults; + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)).GetCompressionOptions(), defaults); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)).GetCompressionOptions(), defaults); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(2)).GetCompressionOptions(), defaults); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(3)).GetCompressionOptions(), defaults); + + // Check geometry compression options can be set to all scene meshes and that + // this also enables compression for all scnene meshes. + draco::DracoCompressionOptions options; + options.compression_level = 10; + options.quantization_bits_normal = 12; + draco::SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&options, scene.get()); + ASSERT_TRUE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_TRUE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_TRUE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(2)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_TRUE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(3)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)).GetCompressionOptions(), options); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)).GetCompressionOptions(), options); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(2)).GetCompressionOptions(), options); + ASSERT_EQ(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(3)).GetCompressionOptions(), options); + + // Check that geometry compression can be disabled for all scene meshes. + draco::SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(nullptr, scene.get()); + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(0)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(1)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(2)).IsCompressionEnabled()); + ASSERT_FALSE(scene->GetMesh(MeshIndex(3)).IsCompressionEnabled()); +} + +TEST(SceneUtilsTest, TestFindLargestBaseMeshTransforms) { + // Tests that FindLargestBaseMeshTransforms() works as expected. + auto scene = + draco::ReadSceneFromTestFile("CubeScaledInstances/glTF/cube_att.gltf"); + ASSERT_NE(scene, nullptr); + + // There should be one base mesh with four instances. + ASSERT_EQ(scene->NumMeshes(), 1); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::SceneUtils::ComputeAllInstances(*scene).size(), 4); + + const auto transforms = + draco::SceneUtils::FindLargestBaseMeshTransforms(*scene); + + ASSERT_EQ(transforms.size(), 1); // One transform for the single base mesh. + + // The largest instance should have a uniform scale 4. + const draco::MeshIndex mi(0); + ASSERT_EQ(transforms[mi].diagonal(), Eigen::Vector4d(4, 4, 4, 1)); +} + +} // namespace + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e6dac251b --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix.cc @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/trs_matrix.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +void TrsMatrix::Copy(const TrsMatrix &tm) { + matrix_ = tm.matrix_; + translation_ = tm.translation_; + rotation_ = tm.rotation_; + scale_ = tm.scale_; + matrix_set_ = tm.matrix_set_; + translation_set_ = tm.translation_set_; + rotation_set_ = tm.rotation_set_; + scale_set_ = tm.scale_set_; +} + +Eigen::Matrix4d TrsMatrix::ComputeTransformationMatrix() const { + // Return transformation matrix if it has been set. + if (matrix_set_) { + return matrix_; + } + + // Populate translation matrix. + Eigen::Matrix4d translation_matrix = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + translation_matrix(0, 3) = translation_[0]; + translation_matrix(1, 3) = translation_[1]; + translation_matrix(2, 3) = translation_[2]; + + // Populate rotation matrix using rotation quaternion. + Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_matrix_3 = rotation_.normalized().toRotationMatrix(); + + // Convert the 3x3 matrix to a 4x4 matrix that can be multiplied with the + // other TRS matrices. + Eigen::Matrix4d rotation_matrix = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); + rotation_matrix.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = rotation_matrix_3; + + // Populate scale matrix. + const Eigen::Matrix4d scale_matrix( + Eigen::Vector4d(scale_.x(), scale_.y(), scale_.z(), 1.0).asDiagonal()); + + // Return transformation matrix computed by combining TRS matrices. + return translation_matrix * rotation_matrix * scale_matrix; +} + +bool TrsMatrix::IsMatrixIdentity() const { + if (!matrix_set_) { + return true; + } + return matrix_ == Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); +} + +bool TrsMatrix::IsMatrixTranslationOnly() const { + if (!matrix_set_) { + return false; + } + Eigen::Matrix4d translation_check = matrix_; + translation_check(0, 3) = 0.0; + translation_check(1, 3) = 0.0; + translation_check(2, 3) = 0.0; + return translation_check == Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); +} + +bool TrsMatrix::operator==(const TrsMatrix &trs_matrix) const { + if (matrix_set_ != trs_matrix.matrix_set_ || + translation_set_ != trs_matrix.translation_set_ || + rotation_set_ != trs_matrix.rotation_set_ || + scale_set_ != trs_matrix.scale_set_) { + return false; + } + if (matrix_set_ && matrix_ != trs_matrix.matrix_) { + return false; + } + if (translation_set_ && translation_ != trs_matrix.translation_) { + return false; + } + if (rotation_set_ && rotation_ != trs_matrix.rotation_) { + return false; + } + if (scale_set_ && scale_set_ != trs_matrix.scale_set_) { + return false; + } + return true; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c2ab73883 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_SCENE_TRS_MATRIX_H_ +#define DRACO_SCENE_TRS_MATRIX_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "Eigen/Geometry" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" + +namespace draco { + +// This class is used to store one or more of a translation, rotation, scale +// vectors or a transformation matrix. +class TrsMatrix { + public: + TrsMatrix() + : matrix_(Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()), + translation_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), + rotation_(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // (w, x, y, z) + scale_(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), + matrix_set_(false), + translation_set_(false), + rotation_set_(false), + scale_set_(false) {} + + void Copy(const TrsMatrix &tm); + + void SetMatrix(const Eigen::Matrix4d &matrix) { + matrix_ = matrix; + matrix_set_ = true; + } + bool MatrixSet() const { return matrix_set_; } + StatusOr Matrix() const { + if (!matrix_set_) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Matrix is not set."); + } + return matrix_; + } + + void SetTranslation(const Eigen::Vector3d &translation) { + translation_ = translation; + translation_set_ = true; + } + bool TranslationSet() const { return translation_set_; } + StatusOr Translation() const { + if (!translation_set_) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Translation is not set."); + } + return translation_; + } + + void SetRotation(const Eigen::Quaterniond &rotation) { + rotation_ = rotation; + rotation_set_ = true; + } + bool RotationSet() const { return rotation_set_; } + StatusOr Rotation() const { + if (!rotation_set_) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Rotation is not set."); + } + return rotation_; + } + + void SetScale(const Eigen::Vector3d &scale) { + scale_ = scale; + scale_set_ = true; + } + bool ScaleSet() const { return scale_set_; } + StatusOr Scale() const { + if (!scale_set_) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Scale is not set."); + } + return scale_; + } + + // Returns true if the matrix is not set or if matrix is set and is equal to + // identity. + bool IsMatrixIdentity() const; + + // Returns true if matrix is set and only the translation elements may differ + // from identity. Returns false if matrix is not set. + bool IsMatrixTranslationOnly() const; + + // Returns transformation matrix if it has been set. Otherwise, computes + // transformation matrix from TRS vectors and returns it. + Eigen::Matrix4d ComputeTransformationMatrix() const; + + // Returns a boolean indicating whether any of the transforms have been set. + // Can be used to check whether this object represents a default transform. + bool TransformSet() const { + return matrix_set_ || translation_set_ || rotation_set_ || scale_set_; + } + + bool operator==(const TrsMatrix &trs_matrix) const; + + private: + Eigen::Matrix4d matrix_; + Eigen::Vector3d translation_; + Eigen::Quaterniond rotation_; + Eigen::Vector3d scale_; + bool matrix_set_; + bool translation_set_; + bool rotation_set_; + bool scale_set_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_SCENE_TRS_MATRIX_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7938e974c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/scene/trs_matrix_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/scene/trs_matrix.h" + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" + +namespace { + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +TEST(TrsMatrixTest, TestIsMatrixIdentity) { + draco::TrsMatrix trs; + ASSERT_EQ(trs.MatrixSet(), false); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.IsMatrixIdentity(), true); + + // clang-format off + Eigen::Matrix4d matrix; + matrix << 1, 2, 3, 4, + 5, 6, 7, 8, + 9, 10, 11, 12, + 13, 14, 15, 16; + // clang-format on + trs.SetMatrix(matrix); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.MatrixSet(), true); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.IsMatrixIdentity(), false); + + trs.SetMatrix(Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.MatrixSet(), true); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.IsMatrixIdentity(), true); +} + +TEST(TrsMatrixTest, TestIsMatrixTranslationOnly) { + draco::TrsMatrix trs; + ASSERT_EQ(trs.MatrixSet(), false); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.IsMatrixTranslationOnly(), false); + + trs.SetMatrix(Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.MatrixSet(), true); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.IsMatrixTranslationOnly(), true); + + // clang-format off + Eigen::Matrix4d matrix; + matrix << 1, 2, 3, 4, + 5, 6, 7, 8, + 9, 10, 11, 12, + 13, 14, 15, 16; + // clang-format on + trs.SetMatrix(matrix); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.MatrixSet(), true); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.IsMatrixTranslationOnly(), false); + + // clang-format off + Eigen::Matrix4d translation; + translation << 1, 0, 0, 1, + 0, 1, 0, 2, + 0, 0, 1, 3, + 0, 0, 0, 1; + // clang-format on + trs.SetMatrix(translation); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.MatrixSet(), true); + ASSERT_EQ(trs.IsMatrixTranslationOnly(), true); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/source_image.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/source_image.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b4d4932504 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/source_image.cc @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/texture/source_image.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +void SourceImage::Copy(const SourceImage &src) { + mime_type_ = src.mime_type_; + filename_ = src.filename_; + encoded_data_ = src.encoded_data_; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/source_image.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/source_image.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5827918e47 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/source_image.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_TEXTURE_SOURCE_IMAGE_H_ +#define DRACO_TEXTURE_SOURCE_IMAGE_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/status.h" + +namespace draco { + +// This class is used to hold the encoded and decoded data and characteristics +// for an image. In order for the image to contain "valid" encoded data, either +// the |filename_| must point to a valid image file or the |mime_type_| and +// |encoded_data_| must contain valid image data. +class SourceImage { + public: + SourceImage() {} + + // No copy constructors. + SourceImage(const SourceImage &) = delete; + SourceImage &operator=(const SourceImage &) = delete; + // No move constructors. + SourceImage(SourceImage &&) = delete; + SourceImage &operator=(SourceImage &&) = delete; + + void Copy(const SourceImage &src); + + // Sets the name of the source image file. + void set_filename(const std::string &filename) { filename_ = filename; } + const std::string &filename() const { return filename_; } + + void set_mime_type(const std::string &mime_type) { mime_type_ = mime_type; } + const std::string &mime_type() const { return mime_type_; } + + std::vector &MutableEncodedData() { return encoded_data_; } + const std::vector &encoded_data() const { return encoded_data_; } + + private: + // The filename of the image. This field can be empty as long as |mime_type_| + // and |encoded_data_| is not empty. + std::string filename_; + + // The mimetype of the |encoded_data_|. + std::string mime_type_; + + // The encoded data of the image. This field can be empty as long as + // |filename_| is not empty. + std::vector encoded_data_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_TEXTURE_SOURCE_IMAGE_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d3b6e382a --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_H_ +#define DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +#include "draco/io/image_compression_options.h" +#include "draco/texture/source_image.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Texture class storing the source image data. +class Texture { + public: + void Copy(Texture &other) { source_image_.Copy(other.source_image_); } + + void set_source_image(const SourceImage &image) { source_image_.Copy(image); } + const SourceImage &source_image() const { return source_image_; } + SourceImage &source_image() { return source_image_; } + + private: + // If set this is the image that this texture is based from. + SourceImage source_image_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..221ff28d4b --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library.cc @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/texture/texture_library.h" + +#include + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +void TextureLibrary::Copy(const TextureLibrary &src) { + Clear(); + Append(src); +} + +void TextureLibrary::Append(const TextureLibrary &src) { + const size_t old_num_textures = textures_.size(); + textures_.resize(old_num_textures + src.textures_.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < src.textures_.size(); ++i) { + textures_[old_num_textures + i] = std::unique_ptr(new Texture()); + textures_[old_num_textures + i]->Copy(*src.textures_[i]); + } +} + +void TextureLibrary::Clear() { textures_.clear(); } + +int TextureLibrary::PushTexture(std::unique_ptr texture) { + textures_.push_back(std::move(texture)); + return textures_.size() - 1; +} + +std::unordered_map +TextureLibrary::ComputeTextureToIndexMap() const { + std::unordered_map ret; + for (int i = 0; i < textures_.size(); ++i) { + ret[textures_[i].get()] = i; + } + return ret; +} + +std::unique_ptr TextureLibrary::RemoveTexture(int index) { + std::unique_ptr ret = std::move(textures_[index]); + textures_.erase(textures_.begin() + index); + return ret; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a377d8fbcd --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_LIBRARY_H_ +#define DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_LIBRARY_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include + +#include "draco/texture/texture.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Container class for storing draco::Texture objects in an indexed list. +class TextureLibrary { + public: + // Copies textures from the source library to this library. Order of the + // copied textures is preserved. + void Copy(const TextureLibrary &src); + + // Appends all textures from the source library to this library. All textures + // are copied over. + void Append(const TextureLibrary &src); + + // Removes all textures from the library. + void Clear(); + + // Pushes a new texture into the library. Returns an index of the newly + // inserted texture. + int PushTexture(std::unique_ptr texture); + + size_t NumTextures() const { return textures_.size(); } + + Texture *GetTexture(int index) { return textures_[index].get(); } + const Texture *GetTexture(int index) const { return textures_[index].get(); } + + // Returns a map from texture pointer to texture index for all textures. + std::unordered_map ComputeTextureToIndexMap() const; + + // Removes and returns a texture from the library. The returned texture can be + // either used by the caller or ignored in which case it would be + // automatically deleted. + std::unique_ptr RemoveTexture(int index); + + private: + std::vector> textures_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_LIBRARY_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d681fdd2c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_library_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/texture/texture_library.h" + +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" + +namespace {} // namespace diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..459d3f600a --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map.cc @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/texture/texture_map.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +TextureMap::TextureMap() + : type_(TextureMap::GENERIC), + wrapping_mode_(CLAMP_TO_EDGE), + tex_coord_index_(-1), + min_filter_(UNSPECIFIED), + mag_filter_(UNSPECIFIED), + texture_(nullptr) {} + +void TextureMap::Copy(const TextureMap &src) { + type_ = src.type_; + wrapping_mode_ = src.wrapping_mode_; + tex_coord_index_ = src.tex_coord_index_; + min_filter_ = src.min_filter_; + mag_filter_ = src.mag_filter_; + if (src.owned_texture_ == nullptr) { + owned_texture_ = nullptr; + texture_ = src.texture_; + } else { + std::unique_ptr new_texture(new Texture()); + new_texture->Copy(*src.owned_texture_); + owned_texture_ = std::move(new_texture); + texture_ = owned_texture_.get(); + } + texture_transform_.Copy(src.texture_transform_); +} + +void TextureMap::SetProperties(Type type) { + SetProperties(type, WrappingMode(CLAMP_TO_EDGE), 0); +} + +void TextureMap::SetProperties(TextureMap::Type type, int tex_coord_index) { + SetProperties(type, WrappingMode(CLAMP_TO_EDGE), tex_coord_index); +} + +void TextureMap::SetProperties(Type type, WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + int tex_coord_index) { + SetProperties(type, wrapping_mode, tex_coord_index, UNSPECIFIED, UNSPECIFIED); +} + +void TextureMap::SetProperties(Type type, WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + int tex_coord_index, FilterType min_filter, + FilterType mag_filter) { + type_ = type; + wrapping_mode_ = wrapping_mode; + tex_coord_index_ = tex_coord_index; + min_filter_ = min_filter; + mag_filter_ = mag_filter; +} + +void TextureMap::SetTexture(std::unique_ptr texture) { + owned_texture_ = std::move(texture); + texture_ = owned_texture_.get(); +} + +void TextureMap::SetTexture(Texture *texture) { + owned_texture_ = nullptr; + texture_ = texture; +} + +void TextureMap::SetTransform(const TextureTransform &transform) { + texture_transform_.Copy(transform); +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f3a95b5010 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map.h @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_MAP_H_ +#define DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_MAP_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +#include "draco/texture/texture.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_transform.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Class representing mapping of one texture to a mesh. A texture map +// specifies the mesh attribute that contains texture coordinates used by the +// texture. The class also defines an intended use of the texture as a so called +// mapping type (COLOR, NORMAL_TANGENT_SPACE, etc..). Mapping types are roughly +// based on GLTF 2.0 material spec that describes a metallic-roughness PBR +// material model. More details can be found here: +// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#materials +class TextureMap { + public: + enum Type { + // Generic purpose texture (not GLTF compliant). + GENERIC = 0, + // Color data with optional alpha channel for transparency (GLTF compliant). + COLOR = 1, + // Dedicated texture for storing transparency (not GLTF compliant). + OPACITY = 2, + // Dedicated texture for storing metallic property (not GLTF compliant). + METALLIC = 3, + // Dedicated texture for storing roughness property (not GLTF compliant). + ROUGHNESS = 4, + // Combined texture for storing metallic and roughness properties. + // B == metallic, G == roughness (GLTF compliant). + METALLIC_ROUGHNESS = 5, + // Normal map defined in the object space of the mesh (not GLTF compliant). + NORMAL_OBJECT_SPACE = 6, + // Normal map defined in the tangent space of the mesh (GLTF compliant). + NORMAL_TANGENT_SPACE = 7, + // Precomputed ambient occlusion on the surface (GLTF compliant). + AMBIENT_OCCLUSION = 8, + // Emissive color (GLTF compliant). + EMISSIVE = 9, + // Texture types of glTF material extension KHR_materials_sheen. + SHEEN_COLOR = 10, + SHEEN_ROUGHNESS = 11, + // Texture types of glTF material extension KHR_materials_transmission. + TRANSMISSION = 12, + // Texture types of glTF material extension KHR_materials_clearcoat. + CLEARCOAT = 13, + CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 14, + CLEARCOAT_NORMAL = 15, + // Texture types of glTF material extension KHR_materials_volume. + THICKNESS = 16, + // Texture types of glTF material extension KHR_materials_specular. + SPECULAR = 17, + SPECULAR_COLOR = 18, + // The number of texture types. + TEXTURE_TYPES_COUNT + }; + + enum AxisWrappingMode { + // Out of bounds access along a texture axis should be clamped to the + // nearest edge (default). + CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 0, + // Texture is repeated along a texture axis in a mirrored pattern. + MIRRORED_REPEAT, + // Texture is repeated along a texture axis (tiled textures). + REPEAT + }; + + struct WrappingMode { + explicit WrappingMode(AxisWrappingMode mode) : WrappingMode(mode, mode) {} + WrappingMode(AxisWrappingMode s, AxisWrappingMode t) : s(s), t(t) {} + AxisWrappingMode s; + AxisWrappingMode t; + }; + + // Filter types are roughly based on glTF 2.0 samplers spec. + // https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#samplers + enum FilterType { + UNSPECIFIED = 0, + NEAREST, + LINEAR, + NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, + LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, + NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, + LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR + }; + + TextureMap(); + TextureMap(TextureMap &&) = default; + + // Copies texture map data from the |src| texture map to this texture map. + void Copy(const TextureMap &src); + + // Sets the mapping information between the texture and the target mesh. + // |tex_coord_index| is the local index of the texture coordinates that is + // used to map the texture on the mesh. + void SetProperties(Type type); + void SetProperties(Type type, int tex_coord_index); + void SetProperties(Type type, WrappingMode wrapping_mode, + int tex_coord_index); + void SetProperties(Type type, WrappingMode wrapping_mode, int tex_coord_index, + FilterType min_filter, FilterType mag_filter); + + // Set texture and transfer its ownership to the TextureMap object. + // + // Note that this should not be used if this TextureMap is part of a + // MaterialLibrary. For such cases, the TextureMap's texture should refer to + // an entry in the MaterialLibrary's TextureLibrary. + void SetTexture(std::unique_ptr texture); + + // Set texture and without transferring the ownership. The caller needs to + // ensure the texture is valid during the lifetime of the TextureMap object. + void SetTexture(Texture *texture); + + void SetTransform(const TextureTransform &transform); + const TextureTransform &texture_transform() const { + return texture_transform_; + } + + const Texture *texture() const { return texture_; } + Texture *texture() { return texture_; } + Type type() const { return type_; } + WrappingMode wrapping_mode() const { return wrapping_mode_; } + int tex_coord_index() const { return tex_coord_index_; } + FilterType min_filter() const { return min_filter_; } + FilterType mag_filter() const { return mag_filter_; } + + TextureMap &operator=(TextureMap &&) = default; + + private: + Type type_; + WrappingMode wrapping_mode_; + + // Local index of the texture coordinates that is used to map the texture on + // the mesh. For example, |tex_coord_index_ == 0| would correspond to the + // first TEX_COORD attribute of the mesh. + int tex_coord_index_; + + FilterType min_filter_; + FilterType mag_filter_; + + // Used when the texture object is owned by TextureMap, otherwise set to + // nullptr. + std::unique_ptr owned_texture_; + + // Either raw pointer owned by |owned_texture_| or a pointer to a user + // specified texture in case |owned_texture_| is nullptr. + Texture *texture_; + + // Transformation values of the texture map. + TextureTransform texture_transform_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_MAP_H_ diff --git a/test/models/glTF2/textureTransform/License.txt b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map_test.cc similarity index 100% rename from test/models/glTF2/textureTransform/License.txt rename to contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_map_test.cc diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccb00d59f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform.cc @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/texture/texture_transform.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +namespace draco { + +TextureTransform::TextureTransform() { Clear(); } + +void TextureTransform::Clear() { + offset_ = TextureTransform::GetDefaultOffset(); + rotation_ = TextureTransform::GetDefaultRotation(); + scale_ = TextureTransform::GetDefaultScale(); + tex_coord_ = TextureTransform::GetDefaultTexCoord(); +} + +void TextureTransform::Copy(const TextureTransform &src) { + offset_ = src.offset_; + rotation_ = src.rotation_; + scale_ = src.scale_; + tex_coord_ = src.tex_coord_; +} + +bool TextureTransform::IsDefault(const TextureTransform &tt) { + const TextureTransform defaults; + if (tt == defaults) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +bool TextureTransform::IsOffsetSet() const { + return offset_ != TextureTransform::GetDefaultOffset(); +} + +bool TextureTransform::IsRotationSet() const { + return rotation_ != TextureTransform::GetDefaultRotation(); +} + +bool TextureTransform::IsScaleSet() const { + return scale_ != TextureTransform::GetDefaultScale(); +} + +bool TextureTransform::IsTexCoordSet() const { + return tex_coord_ != TextureTransform::GetDefaultTexCoord(); +} + +bool TextureTransform::operator==(const TextureTransform &tt) const { + if (tex_coord_ != tt.tex_coord_) { + return false; + } + if (rotation_ != tt.rotation_) { + return false; + } + if (offset_ != tt.offset_) { + return false; + } + if (scale_ != tt.scale_) { + return false; + } + return true; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b2ec47f2eb --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_H_ +#define DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include + +namespace draco { + +// Class to hold texture transformations. Parameters are based on the glTF 2.0 +// extension KHR_texture_transform: +// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/extensions/2.0/Khronos/KHR_texture_transform +class TextureTransform { + public: + TextureTransform(); + + // Resets the values back to defaults. + void Clear(); + + // Copies texture transform data from the |src| texture transform to this + // texture transform. + void Copy(const TextureTransform &src); + + // Returns true if |tt| contains all default values. + static bool IsDefault(const TextureTransform &tt); + + bool IsOffsetSet() const; + bool IsRotationSet() const; + bool IsScaleSet() const; + bool IsTexCoordSet() const; + + void set_offset(const std::array &offset) { offset_ = offset; } + const std::array &offset() const { return offset_; } + void set_scale(const std::array &scale) { scale_ = scale; } + const std::array &scale() const { return scale_; } + + void set_rotation(double rotation) { rotation_ = rotation; } + double rotation() const { return rotation_; } + void set_tex_coord(int tex_coord) { tex_coord_ = tex_coord; } + int tex_coord() const { return tex_coord_; } + + bool operator==(const TextureTransform &tt) const; + + private: + static std::array GetDefaultOffset() { return {0.0, 0.0}; } + static float GetDefaultRotation() { return 0.0; } + static std::array GetDefaultScale() { return {0.0, 0.0}; } + static int GetDefaultTexCoord() { return -1; } + + std::array offset_; + double rotation_; + std::array scale_; + int tex_coord_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_transform_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7598ac7802 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils.cc @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace draco { + +std::string TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(const Texture &texture) { + // Return stem of the source image if there is one. + if (!texture.source_image().filename().empty()) { + const std::string &full_path = texture.source_image().filename(); + std::string folder_path; + std::string filename; + SplitPath(full_path, &folder_path, &filename); + return RemoveFileExtension(filename); + } + + // Return an empty stem. + return ""; +} + +std::string TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem(const Texture &texture, + int index, + const std::string &suffix) { + // Return target stem from |texture| if there is one. + const std::string name = GetTargetStem(texture); + if (!name.empty()) { + return name; + } + + // Return target stem generated from |index| and |suffix|. + return "Texture" + std::to_string(index) + suffix; +} + +ImageFormat TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(const Texture &texture) { + // Return format based on source image mime type. + return GetSourceFormat(texture); +} + +std::string TextureUtils::GetTargetExtension(const Texture &texture) { + return GetExtension(GetTargetFormat(texture)); +} + +ImageFormat TextureUtils::GetSourceFormat(const Texture &texture) { + // Try to get the extension based on source image mime type. + std::string extension = + LowercaseMimeTypeExtension(texture.source_image().mime_type()); + if (extension.empty() && !texture.source_image().filename().empty()) { + // Try to get the extension from the source image filename. + extension = LowercaseFileExtension(texture.source_image().filename()); + } + if (extension.empty()) { + // Default to png. + extension = "png"; + } + return GetFormat(extension); +} + +ImageFormat TextureUtils::GetFormat(const std::string &extension) { + if (extension == "png") { + return ImageFormat::PNG; + } else if (extension == "jpg" || extension == "jpeg") { + return ImageFormat::JPEG; + } else if (extension == "basis" || extension == "ktx2") { + return ImageFormat::BASIS; + } else if (extension == "webp") { + return ImageFormat::WEBP; + } + return ImageFormat::NONE; +} + +std::string TextureUtils::GetExtension(ImageFormat format) { + switch (format) { + case ImageFormat::PNG: + return "png"; + case ImageFormat::JPEG: + return "jpg"; + case ImageFormat::BASIS: + return "ktx2"; + case ImageFormat::WEBP: + return "webp"; + case ImageFormat::NONE: + default: + return ""; + } +} + +int TextureUtils::ComputeRequiredNumChannels( + const Texture &texture, const MaterialLibrary &material_library) { + // TODO(vytyaz): Consider a case where |texture| is not only used in OMR but + // also in other texture map types. + const auto mr_textures = TextureUtils::FindTextures( + TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS, &material_library); + if (std::find(mr_textures.begin(), mr_textures.end(), &texture) == + mr_textures.end()) { + // Occlusion-only texture. + return 1; + } + // Occlusion-metallic-roughness texture. + return 3; +} + +std::vector TextureUtils::FindTextures( + const TextureMap::Type texture_type, + const MaterialLibrary *material_library) { + // Find textures with no duplicates. + std::unordered_set textures; + for (int i = 0; i < material_library->NumMaterials(); ++i) { + const TextureMap *const texture_map = + material_library->GetMaterial(i)->GetTextureMapByType(texture_type); + if (texture_map != nullptr && texture_map->texture() != nullptr) { + textures.insert(texture_map->texture()); + } + } + + // Return the textures as a vector. + std::vector result; + result.insert(result.end(), textures.begin(), textures.end()); + return result; +} + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..18d29950a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_UTILS_H_ +#define DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_UTILS_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/material/material_library.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_library.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_map.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Helper class implementing various utilities operating on draco::Texture. +class TextureUtils { + public: + // Returns |texture| image stem (file basename without extension) based on the + // source image filename or an empty string when source image is not set. + static std::string GetTargetStem(const Texture &texture); + + // Returns |texture| image stem (file basename without extension) based on the + // source image filename or a name generated from |index| and |suffix| like + // "Texture5_BaseColor" when source image is not set. + static std::string GetOrGenerateTargetStem(const Texture &texture, int index, + const std::string &suffix); + + // Returns |texture| format based on compression settings, the source image + // mime type or the source image filename. + static ImageFormat GetTargetFormat(const Texture &texture); + + // Returns |texture| image file extension based on compression settings, the + // source image mime type or the source image filename. + static std::string GetTargetExtension(const Texture &texture); + + // Returns |texture| format based on source image mime type or the source + // image filename. + static ImageFormat GetSourceFormat(const Texture &texture); + + // Returns image format corresponding to a given image file |extension|. NONE + // is returned when |extension| is empty or unknown. + static ImageFormat GetFormat(const std::string &extension); + + // Returns image file extension corresponding to a given image |format|. Empty + // extension is returned when the |format| is NONE. + static std::string GetExtension(ImageFormat format); + + // Returns the number of channels required for encoding a |texture| from a + // given |material_library|, taking into account texture opacity and assuming + // that occlusion and metallic-roughness texture maps may share a texture. + // TODO(vytyaz): Move this and FindTextures() to MaterialLibrary class. + static int ComputeRequiredNumChannels( + const Texture &texture, const MaterialLibrary &material_library); + + static std::vector FindTextures( + const TextureMap::Type texture_type, + const MaterialLibrary *material_library); +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_TEXTURE_TEXTURE_UTILS_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45873ea7ac --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/texture/texture_utils_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/texture_io.h" +#include "draco/texture/color_utils.h" + +namespace { + +TEST(TextureUtilsTest, TestGetTargetNameForTextureLoadedFromFile) { + // Tests that correct target stem and format are returned by texture utils for + // texture loaded from image file (stem and format from source file). + std::unique_ptr texture = + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("fast.jpg")) + .value(); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*texture), "fast"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetExtension(*texture), "jpg"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*texture), + draco::ImageFormat::JPEG); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem(*texture, 5, "_Color"), + "fast"); +} + +TEST(TextureUtilsTest, TestGetTargetNameForNewTexture) { + // Tests that correct target stem and format are returned by texture utils for + // a newly created texture (empty stem and PNG image type by default). + std::unique_ptr texture(new draco::Texture()); + ASSERT_NE(texture, nullptr); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetStem(*texture), ""); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetOrGenerateTargetStem(*texture, 5, "_Color"), + "Texture5_Color"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetExtension(*texture), "png"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetTargetFormat(*texture), + draco::ImageFormat::PNG); +} + +TEST(TextureUtilsTest, TestGetSourceFormat) { + // Tests that the source format is determined correctly for new textures and + // for textures loaded from file. + std::unique_ptr new_texture(new draco::Texture()); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + std::unique_ptr png_texture, + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("test.png"))); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + std::unique_ptr jpg_texture, + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("fast.jpg"))); + + // Check source formats. + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetSourceFormat(*new_texture), + draco::ImageFormat::PNG); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetSourceFormat(*png_texture), + draco::ImageFormat::PNG); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetSourceFormat(*jpg_texture), + draco::ImageFormat::JPEG); + + // Remove the mime-type from the jpeg texture and ensure the source format is + // still detected properly based on the filename. + jpg_texture->source_image().set_mime_type(""); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetSourceFormat(*jpg_texture), + draco::ImageFormat::JPEG); +} + +TEST(TextureUtilsTest, TestGetFormat) { + typedef draco::ImageFormat ImageFormat; + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat("png"), ImageFormat::PNG); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat("jpg"), ImageFormat::JPEG); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat("jpeg"), ImageFormat::JPEG); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat("basis"), ImageFormat::BASIS); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat("ktx2"), ImageFormat::BASIS); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat("webp"), ImageFormat::WEBP); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat(""), ImageFormat::NONE); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetFormat("bmp"), ImageFormat::NONE); +} + +TEST(TextureUtilsTest, TestGetExtension) { + typedef draco::ImageFormat ImageFormat; + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetExtension(ImageFormat::PNG), "png"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetExtension(ImageFormat::JPEG), "jpg"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetExtension(ImageFormat::BASIS), "ktx2"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetExtension(ImageFormat::WEBP), "webp"); + ASSERT_EQ(draco::TextureUtils::GetExtension(ImageFormat::NONE), ""); +} + +TEST(TextureUtilsTest, TestComputeRequiredNumChannels) { + // Tests that the number of texture channels can be computed. Material library + // under test is created programmatically. + + // Load textures. + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + auto texture0, draco::ReadTextureFromFile( + draco::GetTestFileFullPath("fully_transparent.png"))); + ASSERT_NE(texture0, nullptr); + draco::Texture *texture0_ptr = texture0.get(); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + auto texture1, + draco::ReadTextureFromFile(draco::GetTestFileFullPath("squares.png"))); + ASSERT_NE(texture1, nullptr); + const draco::Texture *texture1_ptr = texture1.get(); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT( + auto texture2, draco::ReadTextureFromFile( + draco::GetTestFileFullPath("fully_transparent.png"))); + ASSERT_NE(texture2, nullptr); + const draco::Texture *texture2_ptr = texture2.get(); + + // Compute number of channels for occlusion-only texture. + draco::MaterialLibrary library; + draco::Material *const material0 = library.MutableMaterial(0); + material0->SetTextureMap(std::move(texture0), + draco::TextureMap::AMBIENT_OCCLUSION, 0); + ASSERT_EQ( + draco::TextureUtils::ComputeRequiredNumChannels(*texture0_ptr, library), + 1); + + // Compute number of channels for occlusion-only texture with MR present but + // not using the same texture. + draco::Material *const material1 = library.MutableMaterial(1); + material1->SetTextureMap(std::move(texture1), + draco::TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS, 0); + ASSERT_EQ( + draco::TextureUtils::ComputeRequiredNumChannels(*texture0_ptr, library), + 1); + + // Compute number of channels for metallic-roughness texture. + ASSERT_EQ( + draco::TextureUtils::ComputeRequiredNumChannels(*texture1_ptr, library), + 3); + + // Compute number of channels texture that is used for occlusin map in one + // material and also shared with metallic-roughness map in another material. + draco::Material *const material2 = library.MutableMaterial(2); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(material2->SetTextureMap( + texture0_ptr, draco::TextureMap::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS, 0)); + ASSERT_EQ( + draco::TextureUtils::ComputeRequiredNumChannels(*texture0_ptr, library), + 3); + + // Compute number of channels for non-opaque texture. + material0->SetTextureMap(std::move(texture2), draco::TextureMap::COLOR, 0); + ASSERT_EQ( + draco::TextureUtils::ComputeRequiredNumChannels(*texture2_ptr, library), + 4); +} + +} // namespace + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_decoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_decoder.cc index 610709d629..cf5f18094f 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_decoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_decoder.cc @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include "draco/io/obj_encoder.h" #include "draco/io/parser_utils.h" #include "draco/io/ply_encoder.h" +#include "draco/io/stl_encoder.h" namespace { @@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { } // Save the decoded geometry into a file. - // TODO(fgalligan): Change extension code to look for '.'. const std::string extension = draco::parser::ToLower( options.output.size() >= 4 ? options.output.substr(options.output.size() - 4) @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { return -1; } } else { - if (!obj_encoder.EncodeToFile(*pc.get(), options.output)) { + if (!obj_encoder.EncodeToFile(*pc, options.output)) { printf("Failed to store the decoded point cloud as OBJ.\n"); return -1; } @@ -153,13 +153,25 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { return -1; } } else { - if (!ply_encoder.EncodeToFile(*pc.get(), options.output)) { + if (!ply_encoder.EncodeToFile(*pc, options.output)) { printf("Failed to store the decoded point cloud as PLY.\n"); return -1; } } + } else if (extension == ".stl") { + draco::StlEncoder stl_encoder; + if (mesh) { + draco::Status s = stl_encoder.EncodeToFile(*mesh, options.output); + if (s.code() != draco::Status::OK) { + printf("Failed to store the decoded mesh as STL.\n"); + return -1; + } + } else { + printf("Can't store a point cloud as STL.\n"); + return -1; + } } else { - printf("Invalid extension of the output file. Use either .ply or .obj.\n"); + printf("Invalid output file extension. Use .obj .ply or .stl.\n"); return -1; } printf("Decoded geometry saved to %s (%" PRId64 " ms to decode)\n", diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_encoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_encoder.cc index 7e3632d7d2..ec639453b6 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_encoder.cc +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_encoder.cc @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ #include #include +#include "draco/compression/config/compression_shared.h" #include "draco/compression/encode.h" +#include "draco/compression/expert_encode.h" #include "draco/core/cycle_timer.h" #include "draco/io/file_utils.h" #include "draco/io/mesh_io.h" @@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ struct Options { int generic_quantization_bits; bool generic_deleted; int compression_level; + bool preserve_polygons; bool use_metadata; std::string input; std::string output; @@ -50,6 +53,7 @@ Options::Options() generic_quantization_bits(8), generic_deleted(false), compression_level(7), + preserve_polygons(false), use_metadata(false) {} void Usage() { @@ -83,6 +87,11 @@ void Usage() { printf( " --metadata use metadata to encode extra information in " "mesh files.\n"); + // Mesh with polygonal faces loaded from OBJ format is converted to triangular + // mesh and polygon reconstruction information is encoded into a new generic + // attribute. + printf(" -preserve_polygons encode polygon info as an attribute.\n"); + printf( "\nUse negative quantization values to skip the specified attribute\n"); } @@ -138,12 +147,12 @@ void PrintOptions(const draco::PointCloud &pc, const Options &options) { } int EncodePointCloudToFile(const draco::PointCloud &pc, const std::string &file, - draco::Encoder *encoder) { + draco::ExpertEncoder *encoder) { draco::CycleTimer timer; // Encode the geometry. draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; timer.Start(); - const draco::Status status = encoder->EncodePointCloudToBuffer(pc, &buffer); + const draco::Status status = encoder->EncodeToBuffer(&buffer); if (!status.ok()) { printf("Failed to encode the point cloud.\n"); printf("%s\n", status.error_msg()); @@ -162,12 +171,12 @@ int EncodePointCloudToFile(const draco::PointCloud &pc, const std::string &file, } int EncodeMeshToFile(const draco::Mesh &mesh, const std::string &file, - draco::Encoder *encoder) { + draco::ExpertEncoder *encoder) { draco::CycleTimer timer; // Encode the geometry. draco::EncoderBuffer buffer; timer.Start(); - const draco::Status status = encoder->EncodeMeshToBuffer(mesh, &buffer); + const draco::Status status = encoder->EncodeToBuffer(&buffer); if (!status.ok()) { printf("Failed to encode the mesh.\n"); printf("%s\n", status.error_msg()); @@ -249,6 +258,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { ++i; } else if (!strcmp("--metadata", argv[i])) { options.use_metadata = true; + } else if (!strcmp("-preserve_polygons", argv[i])) { + options.preserve_polygons = true; } } if (argc < 3 || options.input.empty()) { @@ -259,8 +270,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::unique_ptr pc; draco::Mesh *mesh = nullptr; if (!options.is_point_cloud) { - auto maybe_mesh = - draco::ReadMeshFromFile(options.input, options.use_metadata); + draco::Options load_options; + load_options.SetBool("use_metadata", options.use_metadata); + load_options.SetBool("preserve_polygons", options.preserve_polygons); + auto maybe_mesh = draco::ReadMeshFromFile(options.input, load_options); if (!maybe_mesh.ok()) { printf("Failed loading the input mesh: %s.\n", maybe_mesh.status().error_msg()); @@ -350,14 +363,36 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { options.output = options.input + ".drc"; } - PrintOptions(*pc.get(), options); + PrintOptions(*pc, options); - int ret = -1; const bool input_is_mesh = mesh && mesh->num_faces() > 0; - if (input_is_mesh) - ret = EncodeMeshToFile(*mesh, options.output, &encoder); - else - ret = EncodePointCloudToFile(*pc.get(), options.output, &encoder); + + // Convert to ExpertEncoder that allows us to set per-attribute options. + std::unique_ptr expert_encoder; + if (input_is_mesh) { + expert_encoder.reset(new draco::ExpertEncoder(*mesh)); + } else { + expert_encoder.reset(new draco::ExpertEncoder(*pc)); + } + expert_encoder->Reset(encoder.CreateExpertEncoderOptions(*pc)); + + // Check if there is an attribute that stores polygon edges. If so, we disable + // the default prediction scheme for the attribute as it actually makes the + // compression worse. + const int poly_att_id = + pc->GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry("name", "added_edges"); + if (poly_att_id != -1) { + expert_encoder->SetAttributePredictionScheme( + poly_att_id, draco::PredictionSchemeMethod::PREDICTION_NONE); + } + + int ret = -1; + + if (input_is_mesh) { + ret = EncodeMeshToFile(*mesh, options.output, expert_encoder.get()); + } else { + ret = EncodePointCloudToFile(*pc, options.output, expert_encoder.get()); + } if (ret != -1 && options.compression_level < 10) { printf( diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad0f277143 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder.cc @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/cycle_timer.h" +#include "draco/core/status.h" +#include "draco/draco_features.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" +#include "draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.h" + +namespace { + +// TODO(fgalligan): Add support for no compression to the transcoder lib. +void Usage() { + // TODO(b/204212351): Revisit using a raw string literal here for readability. + printf("Usage: draco_transcoder [options] -i input -o output\n\n"); + printf("Main options:\n"); + printf(" -h | -? show help.\n"); + printf(" -i input file name.\n"); + printf(" -o output file name.\n"); + printf(" -qp quantization bits for the position attribute, "); + printf("default=11.\n"); + printf(" -qt quantization bits for the texture coordinate "); + printf("attribute, default=10.\n"); + printf(" -qn quantization bits for the normal vector attribute"); + printf(", default=8.\n"); + printf(" -qc quantization bits for the color attribute, "); + printf("default=8.\n"); + printf(" -qtg quantization bits for the tangent attribute, "); + printf("default=8.\n"); + printf(" -qw quantization bits for the weight attribute, "); + printf("default=8.\n"); + printf(" -qg quantization bits for any generic attribute, "); + printf("default=8.\n"); + + printf("\nBoolean options may be negated by prefixing 'no'.\n"); +} + +int StringToInt(const std::string &s) { + char *end; + return strtol(s.c_str(), &end, 10); // NOLINT +} + +bool MatchesBooleanOption(const std::string &option, const std::string &value) { + const std::string opt = "-" + option; + const std::string noopt = "-no" + option; + return value == opt || value == noopt; +} + +draco::Status TranscodeFile( + const draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions &file_options, + const draco::DracoTranscodingOptions &transcode_options) { + draco::CycleTimer timer; + timer.Start(); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::unique_ptr dt, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(transcode_options)); + + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + timer.Stop(); + printf("Transcode\t%s\t%" PRId64 "\n", file_options.input_filename.c_str(), + timer.GetInMs()); + + return draco::OkStatus(); +} + +} // anonymous namespace + +int main(int argc, char **argv) { + draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions file_options; + draco::DracoTranscodingOptions transcode_options; + const int argc_check = argc - 1; + + for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { + if (!strcmp("-h", argv[i]) || !strcmp("-?", argv[i])) { + Usage(); + return 0; + } else if (!strcmp("-i", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + file_options.input_filename = argv[++i]; + } else if (!strcmp("-o", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + file_options.output_filename = argv[++i]; + } else if (!strcmp("-qp", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + transcode_options.geometry.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits( + StringToInt(argv[++i])); + } else if (!strcmp("-qt", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + transcode_options.geometry.quantization_bits_tex_coord = + StringToInt(argv[++i]); + } else if (!strcmp("-qn", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + transcode_options.geometry.quantization_bits_normal = + StringToInt(argv[++i]); + } else if (!strcmp("-qc", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + transcode_options.geometry.quantization_bits_color = + StringToInt(argv[++i]); + } else if (!strcmp("-qtg", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + transcode_options.geometry.quantization_bits_tangent = + StringToInt(argv[++i]); + } else if (!strcmp("-qw", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + transcode_options.geometry.quantization_bits_weight = + StringToInt(argv[++i]); + } else if (!strcmp("-qg", argv[i]) && i < argc_check) { + transcode_options.geometry.quantization_bits_generic = + StringToInt(argv[++i]); + } + } + if (argc < 3 || file_options.input_filename.empty() || + file_options.output_filename.empty()) { + Usage(); + return -1; + } + + const draco::Status status = TranscodeFile(file_options, transcode_options); + if (!status.ok()) { + printf("Failed\t%s\t%s\n", file_options.input_filename.c_str(), + status.error_msg()); + return -1; + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b0bc438437 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.cc @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#include "draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/core/status_or.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/scene_io.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_utils.h" +#include "draco/texture/texture_utils.h" + +namespace draco { + +DracoTranscoder::DracoTranscoder() {} + +StatusOr> DracoTranscoder::Create( + const DracoTranscodingOptions &options) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(options.geometry.Check()); + std::unique_ptr dt(new DracoTranscoder()); + dt->transcoding_options_ = options; + return dt; +} + +StatusOr> DracoTranscoder::Create( + const DracoCompressionOptions &options) { + DracoTranscodingOptions new_options; + new_options.geometry = options; + return Create(new_options); +} + +Status DracoTranscoder::Transcode(const FileOptions &file_options) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadScene(file_options)); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CompressScene()); + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(WriteScene(file_options)); + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status DracoTranscoder::ReadScene(const FileOptions &file_options) { + if (file_options.input_filename.empty()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Input filename is empty."); + } else if (file_options.output_filename.empty()) { + return Status(Status::DRACO_ERROR, "Output filename is empty."); + } + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(scene_, + ReadSceneFromFile(file_options.input_filename)); + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status DracoTranscoder::WriteScene(const FileOptions &file_options) { + if (!file_options.output_bin_filename.empty() && + !file_options.output_resource_directory.empty()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gltf_encoder_.EncodeFile( + *scene_, file_options.output_filename, file_options.output_bin_filename, + file_options.output_resource_directory)); + } else if (!file_options.output_bin_filename.empty()) { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + gltf_encoder_.EncodeFile(*scene_, file_options.output_filename, + file_options.output_bin_filename)); + } else { + DRACO_RETURN_IF_ERROR( + gltf_encoder_.EncodeFile(*scene_, file_options.output_filename)); + } + return OkStatus(); +} + +Status DracoTranscoder::CompressScene() { + // Apply geometry compression settings to all scene meshes. + SceneUtils::SetDracoCompressionOptions(&transcoding_options_.geometry, + scene_.get()); + return OkStatus(); +} + +} // namespace draco +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.h b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c94d19de7b --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.h @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifndef DRACO_TOOLS_DRACO_TRANSCODER_LIB_H_ +#define DRACO_TOOLS_DRACO_TRANSCODER_LIB_H_ + +#include "draco/draco_features.h" + +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include + +#include "draco/compression/draco_compression_options.h" +#include "draco/core/options.h" +#include "draco/io/gltf_encoder.h" +#include "draco/io/image_compression_options.h" + +namespace draco { + +// Struct to hold Draco transcoding options. +struct DracoTranscodingOptions { + DracoTranscodingOptions() {} + + // Options used when geometry compression optimization is disabled. + DracoCompressionOptions geometry; +}; + +// Class that supports input of glTF (and some simple USD) files, encodes +// them with Draco compression, and outputs glTF Draco compressed files. +// +// glTF supported extensions: +// Input and Output: +// KHR_draco_mesh_compression. http://shortn/_L5tPQqdwWf +// KHR_materials_unlit. http://shortn/_3eaDLoIGam +// KHR_texture_transform. http://shortn/_PORWgVTEe8 +// +// glTF unsupported features: +// Input and Output: +// Morph targets. http://shortn/_zE5DLw8a9B +// Sparse accessors. http://shortn/_h3FwbzQl4f +// KHR_lights_punctual. http://shortn/_nzGk80wKtK +// KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness. http://shortn/_iz0VC6dIKe +// All vendor extensions. +class DracoTranscoder { + public: + struct FileOptions { + std::string input_filename; // Must be non-empty. + std::string output_filename; // Must be non-empty. + std::string output_bin_filename = ""; + std::string output_resource_directory = ""; + }; + + DracoTranscoder(); + + // Creates a DracoTranscoder object. |options| sets the compression options + // used in the Encode function. + static StatusOr> Create( + const DracoTranscodingOptions &options); + + // Deprecated. + // TODO(fgalligan): Remove when function is not being used anymore. + static StatusOr> Create( + const DracoCompressionOptions &options); + + // Encodes the input with Draco compression using the compression options + // passed in the Create function. The recommended use case is to create a + // transcoder once and call Transcode for multiple files. + Status Transcode(const FileOptions &file_options); + + private: + // Read scene from file. + Status ReadScene(const FileOptions &file_options); + + // Write scene to file. + Status WriteScene(const FileOptions &file_options); + + // Apply compression settings to the scene. + Status CompressScene(); + + private: + GltfEncoder gltf_encoder_; + + // The scene being transcoded. + std::unique_ptr scene_; + + // Copy of the transcoding options passed into the Create function. + DracoTranscodingOptions transcoding_options_; +}; + +} // namespace draco + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#endif // DRACO_TOOLS_DRACO_TRANSCODER_LIB_H_ diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib_test.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a87a158e07 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +#ifdef DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + +#include "draco/tools/draco_transcoder_lib.h" + +#include "draco/core/draco_test_base.h" +#include "draco/core/draco_test_utils.h" +#include "draco/io/file_utils.h" + +// Tests encoding a .gltf file with default Draco compression. +TEST(DracoTranscoderTest, DefaultDracoCompression) { + const std::string input_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::string input_filename = draco::GetTestFileFullPath(input_name); + const std::string output_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + + const draco::DracoTranscodingOptions options; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr dt, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(options)); + + draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions file_options; + file_options.input_filename = input_filename; + file_options.output_filename = output_filename; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + + const std::string output_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.bin"); + const size_t output_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(output_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(output_bin_size, 0); +} + +// Tests setting the output glTF .bin name. +TEST(DracoTranscoderTest, TestBinName) { + const std::string input_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::string input_filename = draco::GetTestFileFullPath(input_name); + const std::string output_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + const std::string output_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("different_name.bin"); + + const draco::DracoTranscodingOptions options; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr dt, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(options)); + + draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions file_options; + file_options.input_filename = input_filename; + file_options.output_filename = output_filename; + file_options.output_bin_filename = output_bin_filename; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + + const size_t output_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(output_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(output_bin_size, 0); +} + +// Tests setting the output glTF resource directory. +TEST(DracoTranscoderTest, TestResourceDirName) { + const std::string input_name = "sphere.gltf"; + const std::string input_filename = draco::GetTestFileFullPath(input_name); + const std::string output_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + const std::string output_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("another_name.bin"); + const std::string output_resource_directory = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("res/other_files"); + + const draco::DracoTranscodingOptions options; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr dt, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(options)); + + draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions file_options; + file_options.input_filename = input_filename; + file_options.output_filename = output_filename; + file_options.output_bin_filename = output_bin_filename; + file_options.output_resource_directory = output_resource_directory; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + + const size_t output_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(output_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(output_bin_size, 0); + + const std::string res_dir_png_filename = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath( + "res/other_files/sphere_Texture0_Normal.png"); + const size_t output_png_size = draco::GetFileSize(res_dir_png_filename); + ASSERT_GT(output_png_size, 0); +} + +// Tests creating one transcoder to encode multiple files. +TEST(DracoTranscoderTest, EncodeMultipleFiles) { + const draco::DracoTranscodingOptions options; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr dt, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(options)); + + draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions file_options; + file_options.input_filename = draco::GetTestFileFullPath("sphere.gltf"); + file_options.output_filename = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("first.gltf"); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + const size_t first_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("first.bin")); + ASSERT_GT(first_bin_size, 0); + + file_options.input_filename = + draco::GetTestFileFullPath("CesiumMan/glTF/CesiumMan.gltf"); + file_options.output_filename = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("second.gltf"); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + const size_t second_bin_size = + draco::GetFileSize(draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("second.bin")); + ASSERT_GT(second_bin_size, 0); +} + +// Tests using glTF binary as input. +TEST(DracoTranscoderTest, SimpleGlbInput) { + const std::string input_name = "Box/glTF_Binary/Box.glb"; + const std::string input_filename = draco::GetTestFileFullPath(input_name); + const std::string output_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.gltf"); + + const draco::DracoTranscodingOptions options; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr dt, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(options)); + + draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions file_options; + file_options.input_filename = input_filename; + file_options.output_filename = output_filename; + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + + const std::string output_bin_filename = + draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("test.bin"); + const size_t output_bin_size = draco::GetFileSize(output_bin_filename); + ASSERT_GT(output_bin_size, 0); +} + +// Simple test to check glb input and setting smaller position quantizations +// outputs a smaller file overall. +TEST(DracoTranscoderTest, TestPositionQuantization) { + const std::string input_name = + "KhronosSampleModels/Duck/glTF_Binary/Duck.glb"; + const std::string input_filename = draco::GetTestFileFullPath(input_name); + + draco::DracoTranscodingOptions options; + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr dt, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(options)); + + draco::DracoTranscoder::FileOptions file_options; + file_options.input_filename = input_filename; + file_options.output_filename = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("first.glb"); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt->Transcode(file_options)); + const size_t first_glb_size = + draco::GetFileSize(draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("first.glb")); + + options.geometry.quantization_position.SetQuantizationBits(10); + DRACO_ASSIGN_OR_ASSERT(std::unique_ptr dt2, + draco::DracoTranscoder::Create(options)); + file_options.output_filename = draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("second.glb"); + DRACO_ASSERT_OK(dt2->Transcode(file_options)); + const size_t second_glb_size = + draco::GetFileSize(draco::GetTestTempFileFullPath("second.glb")); + ASSERT_GT(first_glb_size, second_glb_size); +} + +#endif // DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/fuzz/build.sh b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/fuzz/build.sh index bbeb10591c..3e48409fcf 100644 --- a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/fuzz/build.sh +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/fuzz/build.sh @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ cmake $SRC/draco # The draco_decoder and draco_encoder binaries don't build nicely with OSS-Fuzz # options, so just build the Draco shared libraries. -make -j$(nproc) draco +make -j$(nproc) # build fuzzers for fuzzer in $(find $SRC/draco/src/draco/tools/fuzz -name '*.cc'); do diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..800dc9c9b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not +# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of +# the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under +# the License. + +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) +project(install_test C CXX) + +include(GNUInstallDirs) + +find_package(draco REQUIRED CONFIG) + +add_executable(install_check main.cc) +target_link_libraries(install_check PRIVATE draco::draco) + +install(TARGETS install_check DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/main.cc b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/main.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e76793b64c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/main.cc @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +// This program is used to test the installed version of Draco. It does just +// enough to confirm that an application using Draco can compile and link +// against an installed version of Draco without errors. It does not perform +// any sort of library tests. + +#include +#include + +#include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h" + +#if defined DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +#include "draco/scene/scene.h" +#include "draco/scene/scene_utils.h" +#endif + +int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { + std::vector empty_buffer; + draco::DecoderBuffer buffer; + buffer.Init(empty_buffer.data(), empty_buffer.size()); + +#if defined DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED + draco::Scene empty_scene; + const int num_meshes = empty_scene.NumMeshes(); + (void)num_meshes; +#endif + + printf("Partial sanity test passed.\n"); + return 0; +} diff --git a/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/test.py b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/test.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8612e70b54 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/draco/src/draco/tools/install_test/test.py @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python3 +# +# Copyright 2022 The Draco Authors +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +"""Tests installations of the Draco library. + +Builds the library in shared and static configurations on the current host +system, and then confirms that a simple test application can link in both +configurations. +""" + +import argparse +import multiprocessing +import os +import pathlib +import shlex +import shutil +import subprocess +import sys + +# CMake executable. +CMAKE = shutil.which('cmake') + +# List of generators available in the current CMake executable. +CMAKE_AVAILABLE_GENERATORS = [] + +# List of variable defs to be passed through to CMake via its -D argument. +CMAKE_DEFINES = [] + +# CMake builds use the specified generator. +CMAKE_GENERATOR = None + +# Enable the transcoder before running tests (sets DRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED +# and builds transcoder support dependencies). +ENABLE_TRANSCODER = False + +# The Draco tree that this script uses. +DRACO_SOURCES_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..')) + +# Path to this script and the rest of the test project files. +TEST_SOURCES_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + +# The Draco build directories. +DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, '_draco_build_shared') +DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, '_draco_build_static') + +# The Draco install roots. +DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, + '_draco_install_shared') +DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, + '_draco_install_static') + +DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_BIN_PATH = os.path.join(DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH, 'bin') + +DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_LIB_PATH = os.path.join(DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH, 'lib') + +# Argument for -j when using make, or -m when using Visual Studio. Number of +# build jobs. +NUM_PROCESSES = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1 + +# The test project build directories. +TEST_SHARED_BUILD_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, '_test_build_shared') +TEST_STATIC_BUILD_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, '_test_build_static') + +# The test project install directories. +TEST_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, + '_test_install_shared') +TEST_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_SOURCES_PATH, + '_test_install_static') + +# Show configuration and build output. +VERBOSE = False + + +def cmake_get_available_generators(): + """Returns list of generators available in current CMake executable.""" + result = run_process_and_capture_output(f'{CMAKE} --help') + + if result[0] != 0: + raise Exception(f'cmake --help failed, exit code: {result[0]}\n{result[1]}') + + help_text = result[1].splitlines() + generators_start_index = help_text.index('Generators') + 3 + generators_text = help_text[generators_start_index::] + + generators = [] + for gen in generators_text: + gen = gen.split('=')[0].strip().replace('* ', '') + + if gen and gen[0] != '=': + generators.append(gen) + + return generators + + +def cmake_get_generator(): + """Returns the CMake generator from CMakeCache.txt in the current dir.""" + cmake_cache_file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'CMakeCache.txt') + cmake_cache_text = '' + with open(cmake_cache_file_path, 'r') as cmake_cache_file: + cmake_cache_text = cmake_cache_file.read() + + if not cmake_cache_text: + raise FileNotFoundError(f'{cmake_cache_file_path} missing or empty.') + + generator = '' + for line in cmake_cache_text.splitlines(): + if line.startswith('CMAKE_GENERATOR:INTERNAL='): + generator = line.split('=')[1] + + return generator + + +def run_process_and_capture_output(cmd, env=None): + """Runs |cmd| as a child process. + + Returns process exit code and output. Streams process output to stdout when + VERBOSE is true. + + Args: + cmd: String containing the command to execute. + env: Optional dict of environment variables. + + Returns: + Tuple of exit code and output. + """ + if not cmd: + raise ValueError('run_process_and_capture_output requires cmd argument.') + + if os.name == 'posix': + # On posix systems subprocess.Popen will treat |cmd| as the program name + # when it is passed as a string. Unconditionally split the command so + # callers don't need to care about this detail. + cmd = shlex.split(cmd) + + proc = subprocess.Popen( + cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) + + if VERBOSE: + print('COMMAND output:') + + stdout = '' + for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): + decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8') + if VERBOSE: + sys.stdout.write(decoded_line) + sys.stdout.flush() + stdout += decoded_line + + # Wait for the process to exit so that the exit code is available. + proc.wait() + return [proc.returncode, stdout] + + +def create_output_directories(): + """Creates the build output directores for the test.""" + pathlib.Path(DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + pathlib.Path(DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + pathlib.Path(TEST_SHARED_BUILD_PATH).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + pathlib.Path(TEST_STATIC_BUILD_PATH).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + + +def cleanup(): + """Removes the build output directories from the test.""" + shutil.rmtree(DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH) + shutil.rmtree(DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH) + shutil.rmtree(DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH) + shutil.rmtree(DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH) + shutil.rmtree(TEST_SHARED_BUILD_PATH) + shutil.rmtree(TEST_STATIC_BUILD_PATH) + shutil.rmtree(TEST_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH) + shutil.rmtree(TEST_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH) + + +def cmake_configure(source_path, cmake_args=None): + """Configures a CMake build.""" + command = f'{CMAKE} {source_path}' + + if CMAKE_GENERATOR: + if ' ' in CMAKE_GENERATOR: + command += f' -G "{CMAKE_GENERATOR}"' + else: + command += f' -G {CMAKE_GENERATOR}' + + if cmake_args: + for arg in cmake_args: + command += f' {arg}' + + if CMAKE_DEFINES: + for arg in CMAKE_DEFINES: + command += f' -D{arg}' + + if VERBOSE: + print(f'CONFIGURE command:\n{command}') + + result = run_process_and_capture_output(command) + + if result[0] != 0: + raise Exception(f'CONFIGURE failed!\nexit_code: {result[0]}\n{result[1]}') + + +def cmake_build(cmake_args=None, build_args=None): + """Runs a CMake build.""" + command = f'{CMAKE} --build .' + + if cmake_args: + for arg in cmake_args: + command += f' {arg}' + + if not build_args: + build_args = [] + + generator = cmake_get_generator() + if generator.endswith('Makefiles'): + build_args.append(f'-j {NUM_PROCESSES}') + elif generator.startswith('Visual'): + build_args.append(f'-m:{NUM_PROCESSES}') + + if build_args: + command += ' --' + for arg in build_args: + command += f' {arg}' + + if VERBOSE: + print(f'BUILD command:\n{command}') + + result = run_process_and_capture_output(f'{command}') + + if result[0] != 0: + raise Exception(f'BUILD failed!\nexit_code: {result[0]}\n{result[1]}') + + +def run_install_check(install_path): + """Runs the install_check program.""" + cmd = os.path.join(install_path, 'bin', 'install_check') + if VERBOSE: + print(f'RUN command: {cmd}') + + result = run_process_and_capture_output( + cmd, + # On Windows, add location of draco.dll into PATH env var + {'PATH': DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_BIN_PATH + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']}, + ) + if result[0] != 0: + raise Exception( + f'install_check run failed!\nexit_code: {result[0]}\n{result[1]}') + + +def build_and_install_transcoder_dependencies(): + """Builds and installs Draco dependencies for transcoder enabled builds.""" + orig_dir = os.getcwd() + + # The Eigen CMake build in the release Draco has pinned is, to put it mildly, + # user unfriendly. Instead of wasting time trying to integrate it here, just + # shutil.copytree() everything in $eigen_submodule_path to + # $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/include/Eigen. + # Eigen claims to be header-only, so this should be adequate for Draco's + # needs here. + eigen_submodule_path = os.path.join( + DRACO_SOURCES_PATH, 'third_party', 'eigen', 'Eigen') + + # "Install" Eigen for the shared install root. + eigen_install_path = os.path.join( + DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH, 'include', 'Eigen') + shutil.copytree(src=eigen_submodule_path, dst=eigen_install_path) + + # "Install" Eigen for the static install root. + eigen_install_path = os.path.join( + DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH, 'include', 'Eigen') + shutil.copytree(src=eigen_submodule_path, dst=eigen_install_path) + + # Build and install gulrak/filesystem for shared and static configurations. + # Note that this is basically running gulrak/filesystem's CMake build as an + # install script. + fs_submodule_path = os.path.join( + DRACO_SOURCES_PATH, 'third_party', 'filesystem') + + # Install gulrak/filesystem in the shared draco install root. + fs_shared_build = os.path.join(DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH, '_fs') + pathlib.Path(fs_shared_build).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + os.chdir(fs_shared_build) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON') + cmake_args.append('-DGHC_FILESYSTEM_BUILD_TESTING=OFF') + cmake_args.append('-DGHC_FILESYSTEM_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF') + cmake_configure(source_path=fs_submodule_path, cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + + # Install gulrak/filesystem in the shared draco install root. + fs_static_build = os.path.join(DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH, '_fs') + pathlib.Path(fs_static_build).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + os.chdir(fs_static_build) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF') + cmake_args.append('-DGHC_FILESYSTEM_BUILD_TESTING=OFF') + cmake_args.append('-DGHC_FILESYSTEM_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF') + cmake_configure(source_path=fs_submodule_path, cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + + # Build and install TinyGLTF for shared and static configurations. + # Note, as above, that this is basically running TinyGLTF's CMake build as an + # install script. + tinygltf_submodule_path = os.path.join( + DRACO_SOURCES_PATH, 'third_party', 'tinygltf') + + # Install TinyGLTF in the shared draco install root. + tinygltf_shared_build = os.path.join(DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH, '_TinyGLTF') + pathlib.Path(tinygltf_shared_build).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + os.chdir(tinygltf_shared_build) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append('-DTINYGLTF_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF') + cmake_configure(source_path=tinygltf_submodule_path, cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + + # Install TinyGLTF in the static draco install root. + tinygltf_static_build = os.path.join(DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH, '_TinyGLTF') + pathlib.Path(tinygltf_static_build).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + os.chdir(tinygltf_static_build) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append('-DTINYGLTF_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF') + cmake_configure(source_path=tinygltf_submodule_path, cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + + os.chdir(orig_dir) + + +def build_and_install_draco(): + """Builds Draco in shared and static configurations.""" + orig_dir = os.getcwd() + + if ENABLE_TRANSCODER: + build_and_install_transcoder_dependencies() + + # Build and install Draco in shared library config for the current host + # machine. + os.chdir(DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON') + if ENABLE_TRANSCODER: + cmake_args.append('-DDRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED=ON') + cmake_configure(source_path=DRACO_SOURCES_PATH, cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + + # Build and install Draco in the static config for the current host machine. + os.chdir(DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF') + if ENABLE_TRANSCODER: + cmake_args.append('-DDRACO_TRANSCODER_SUPPORTED=ON') + cmake_configure(source_path=DRACO_SOURCES_PATH, cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + + os.chdir(orig_dir) + + +def build_test_project(): + """Builds the test application in shared and static configurations.""" + orig_dir = os.getcwd() + + # Configure the test project against draco shared and build it. + os.chdir(TEST_SHARED_BUILD_PATH) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={TEST_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH={DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_LIB_PATH}') + cmake_configure(source_path=f'{TEST_SOURCES_PATH}', cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + run_install_check(TEST_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH) + + # Configure the test project against draco static and build it. + os.chdir(TEST_STATIC_BUILD_PATH) + cmake_args = [] + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={TEST_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_args.append(f'-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH}') + cmake_configure(source_path=f'{TEST_SOURCES_PATH}', cmake_args=cmake_args) + cmake_build(cmake_args=['--target install']) + run_install_check(TEST_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH) + + os.chdir(orig_dir) + + +def test_draco_install(): + create_output_directories() + build_and_install_draco() + build_test_project() + cleanup() + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + CMAKE_AVAILABLE_GENERATORS = cmake_get_available_generators() + + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument( + '-G', '--generator', help='CMake builds use the specified generator.') + parser.add_argument( + '-D', '--cmake_define', + action='append', + help='Passes argument through to CMake as a CMake variable via cmake -D.') + parser.add_argument( + '-t', '--with_transcoder', + action='store_true', + help='Run tests with Draco transcoder support enabled.') + parser.add_argument( + '-v', + '--verbose', + action='store_true', + help='Show configuration and build output.') + args = parser.parse_args() + + if args.cmake_define: + CMAKE_DEFINES = args.cmake_define + if args.generator: + CMAKE_GENERATOR = args.generator + if args.verbose: + VERBOSE = True + if args.with_transcoder: + ENABLE_TRANSCODER = True + + if VERBOSE: + print(f'CMAKE={CMAKE}') + print(f'CMAKE_DEFINES={CMAKE_DEFINES}') + print(f'CMAKE_GENERATOR={CMAKE_GENERATOR}') + print(f'CMAKE_AVAILABLE_GENERATORS={CMAKE_AVAILABLE_GENERATORS}') + print(f'ENABLE_TRANSCODER={ENABLE_TRANSCODER}') + print(f'DRACO_SOURCES_PATH={DRACO_SOURCES_PATH}') + print(f'DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH={DRACO_SHARED_BUILD_PATH}') + print(f'DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH={DRACO_STATIC_BUILD_PATH}') + print(f'DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH={DRACO_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH}') + print(f'DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH={DRACO_STATIC_INSTALL_PATH}') + print(f'NUM_PROCESSES={NUM_PROCESSES}') + print(f'TEST_SHARED_BUILD_PATH={TEST_SHARED_BUILD_PATH}') + print(f'TEST_STATIC_BUILD_PATH={TEST_STATIC_BUILD_PATH}') + print(f'TEST_SOURCES_PATH={TEST_SOURCES_PATH}') + print(f'VERBOSE={VERBOSE}') + + if CMAKE_GENERATOR and CMAKE_GENERATOR not in CMAKE_AVAILABLE_GENERATORS: + raise ValueError(f'CMake generator unavailable: {CMAKE_GENERATOR}.') + + test_draco_install() diff --git a/contrib/openddlparser/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/openddlparser/CMakeLists.txt index 51f18077cb..28f3d59864 100644 --- a/contrib/openddlparser/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/contrib/openddlparser/CMakeLists.txt @@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ option( DDL_STATIC_LIBRARY "Deprecated, use BUILD_SHARED_LIBS instead." # for backwards compatibility use DDL_STATIC_LIBRARY as initial value for cmake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.html if ( DDL_STATIC_LIBRARY ) - set ( build_shared_libs_default OFF ) + message("Building shared lib.") + set ( build_shared_libs_default OFF ) else() - set ( build_shared_libs_default ON ) + message("Building static lib.") + set ( build_shared_libs_default ON ) endif() option( DDL_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Set to ON to build shared libary of OpenDDL Parser." ${build_shared_libs_default} ) option( COVERALLS "Generate coveralls data" OFF ) @@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ endif() add_definitions( -D_VARIADIC_MAX=10 ) add_definitions( -DGTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=0 ) if ( DDL_DEBUG_OUTPUT ) + message("Enable debug output.") add_definitions( -DDDL_DEBUG_HEADER_NAME) endif() @@ -62,10 +65,12 @@ if (COVERALLS) include(Coveralls) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") + message("Enable coveralls.") endif() # Include the doc component. if(DDL_DOCUMENTATION) + message("Generate doxygen documentation.") find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED) CONFIGURE_FILE( doc/openddlparser_doc.in doc/doxygenfile @ONLY ) add_custom_target(doc ALL diff --git a/contrib/openddlparser/README.md b/contrib/openddlparser/README.md index a48ea1be05..78db2a3105 100644 --- a/contrib/openddlparser/README.md +++ b/contrib/openddlparser/README.md @@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ The OpenDDL-Parser is a small and easy to use library for OpenDDL-file-format-pa Build status ============ -Linux build status: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/kimkulling/openddl-parser.png)](https://travis-ci.org/kimkulling/openddl-parser) + +Linux build status: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/kimkulling/openddl-parser.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/kimkulling/openddl-parser) Current coverity check status: Coverity Scan Build Status Current test coverage:[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/kimkulling/openddl-parser/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/kimkulling/openddl-parser?branch=cpp_coveralls) + Get the source code =================== You can get the code from our git repository, which is located at GitHub. You can clone the repository with the following command: @@ -57,11 +59,11 @@ USE_ODDLPARSER_NS; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if( argc < 3 ) { - return 1; + return Error; } char *filename( nullptr ); - if( 0 == strncmp( FileOption, argv[ 1 ], strlen( FileOption ) ) ) { + if( 0 == strncmp( FileOption, argv[1], strlen( FileOption ) ) ) { filename = argv[ 2 ]; } std::cout << "file to import: " << filename << std::endl; @@ -73,24 +75,27 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { FILE *fileStream = fopen( filename, "r+" ); if( NULL == filename ) { std::cerr << "Cannot open file " << filename << std::endl; - return 1; + return Error; } // obtain file size: fseek( fileStream, 0, SEEK_END ); - const size_t size( ftell( fileStream ) ); + const size_t size = ftell( fileStream ); rewind( fileStream ); if( size > 0 ) { char *buffer = new char[ size ]; - const size_t readSize( fread( buffer, sizeof( char ), size, fileStream ) ); + const size_t readSize = fread( buffer, sizeof( char ), size, fileStream ); assert( readSize == size ); + + // Set the memory buffer OpenDDLParser theParser; theParser.setBuffer( buffer, size ); - const bool result( theParser.parse() ); - if( !result ) { + if( !theParser.parse() ) { std::cerr << "Error while parsing file " << filename << "." << std::endl; + return Error; } } + return 0; } @@ -106,9 +111,9 @@ theParser.setBuffer( buffer, size ); const bool result( theParser.parse() ); if ( result ) { DDLNode *root = theParser.getRoot(); - DDLNode::DllNodeList childs = root->getChildNodeList(); - for ( size_t i=0; igetChildNodeList(); + for ( size_t i=0; igetProperty(); // to get properties std::string type = child->getType(); // to get the node type Value *values = child->getValue(); // to get the data; diff --git a/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLExport.cpp b/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLExport.cpp index 8768ca64f4..f8d33c48d2 100644 --- a/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLExport.cpp +++ b/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLExport.cpp @@ -134,9 +134,10 @@ bool OpenDDLExport::writeToStream(const std::string &statement) { } bool OpenDDLExport::writeNode(DDLNode *node, std::string &statement) { + bool success(true); writeNodeHeader(node, statement); if (node->hasProperties()) { - writeProperties(node, statement); + success = writeProperties(node, statement); } writeLineEnd(statement); @@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ bool OpenDDLExport::writeNode(DDLNode *node, std::string &statement) { writeToStream(statement); - return true; + return success; } bool OpenDDLExport::writeNodeHeader(DDLNode *node, std::string &statement) { diff --git a/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLParser.cpp b/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLParser.cpp index fe9d23ab5e..3d7dce45ec 100644 --- a/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLParser.cpp +++ b/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLParser.cpp @@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include #ifdef _WIN32 -#include +# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# endif +# include #endif // _WIN32 BEGIN_ODDLPARSER_NS @@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ const char *getTypeToken(Value::ValueType type) { return Grammar::PrimitiveTypeToken[(size_t)type]; } -static void logInvalidTokenError(char *in, const std::string &exp, OpenDDLParser::logCallback callback) { +static void logInvalidTokenError(const char *in, const std::string &exp, OpenDDLParser::logCallback callback) { if (callback) { std::string full(in); std::string part(full.substr(0, 50)); @@ -338,20 +341,25 @@ char *OpenDDLParser::parseStructure(char *in, char *end) { bool error(false); in = lookForNextToken(in, end); - if (*in == *Grammar::OpenBracketToken) { - // loop over all children ( data and nodes ) - do { - in = parseStructureBody(in, end, error); - if (in == nullptr) { - return nullptr; + if (in != end) { + if (*in == *Grammar::OpenBracketToken) { + // loop over all children ( data and nodes ) + do { + in = parseStructureBody(in, end, error); + if (in == nullptr) { + return nullptr; + } + } while (in != end && + *in != *Grammar::CloseBracketToken); + if (in != end) { + ++in; } - } while (*in != *Grammar::CloseBracketToken); - ++in; - } else { - ++in; - logInvalidTokenError(in, std::string(Grammar::OpenBracketToken), m_logCallback); - error = true; - return nullptr; + } else { + ++in; + logInvalidTokenError(in, std::string(Grammar::OpenBracketToken), m_logCallback); + error = true; + return nullptr; + } } in = lookForNextToken(in, end); @@ -418,8 +426,8 @@ char *OpenDDLParser::parseStructureBody(char *in, char *end, bool &error) { } in = lookForNextToken(in, end); - if (*in != '}') { - logInvalidTokenError(in, std::string(Grammar::CloseBracketToken), m_logCallback); + if (in == end || *in != '}') { + logInvalidTokenError(in == end ? "" : in, std::string(Grammar::CloseBracketToken), m_logCallback); return nullptr; } else { //in++; @@ -455,7 +463,7 @@ DDLNode *OpenDDLParser::top() { return nullptr; } - DDLNode *top(m_stack.back()); + DDLNode *top = m_stack.back(); return top; } @@ -647,12 +655,15 @@ char *OpenDDLParser::parseBooleanLiteral(char *in, char *end, Value **boolean) { in = lookForNextToken(in, end); char *start(in); + + size_t len(0); while (!isSeparator(*in) && in != end) { ++in; + ++len; } - int res = ::strncmp(Grammar::BoolTrue, start, strlen(Grammar::BoolTrue)); + int res = ::strncmp(Grammar::BoolTrue, start, len); if (0 != res) { - res = ::strncmp(Grammar::BoolFalse, start, strlen(Grammar::BoolFalse)); + res = ::strncmp(Grammar::BoolFalse, start, len); if (0 != res) { *boolean = nullptr; return in; @@ -733,7 +744,7 @@ char *OpenDDLParser::parseFloatingLiteral(char *in, char *end, Value **floating, in = lookForNextToken(in, end); char *start(in); - while (!isSeparator(*in) && in != end) { + while (in != end && !isSeparator(*in)) { ++in; } @@ -838,6 +849,13 @@ char *OpenDDLParser::parseHexaLiteral(char *in, char *end, Value **data) { int value(0); while (pos > 0) { int v = hex2Decimal(*start); + if (v < 0) { + while (isEndofLine(*in)) { + ++in; + } + return in; + } + --pos; value = (value << 4) | v; ++start; @@ -901,10 +919,10 @@ char *OpenDDLParser::parseDataList(char *in, char *end, Value::ValueType type, V } in = lookForNextToken(in, end); - if (*in == '{') { + if (in != end && *in == '{') { ++in; Value *current(nullptr), *prev(nullptr); - while ('}' != *in) { + while (in != end && '}' != *in) { current = nullptr; in = lookForNextToken(in, end); if (Value::ValueType::ddl_ref == type) { @@ -962,11 +980,12 @@ char *OpenDDLParser::parseDataList(char *in, char *end, Value::ValueType type, V } in = getNextSeparator(in, end); - if (',' != *in && Grammar::CloseBracketToken[0] != *in && !isSpace(*in)) { + if (in == end || (',' != *in && Grammar::CloseBracketToken[0] != *in && !isSpace(*in))) { break; } } - ++in; + if (in != end) + ++in; } return in; diff --git a/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLCommon.h b/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLCommon.h index 6ccc83b88c..4b92d1406f 100644 --- a/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLCommon.h +++ b/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLCommon.h @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include #include -#include -#include +#include +#include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif diff --git a/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParser.h b/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParser.h index 3fbb4b6af6..735e784e30 100644 --- a/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParser.h +++ b/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParser.h @@ -40,15 +40,6 @@ struct Identifier; struct Reference; struct Property; -template -inline bool isEmbeddedCommentOpenTag(T *in, T *end) { - if (in == '/' && in + 1 == '*') { - return true; - } - - return false; -} - /// @brief Utility function to search for the next token or the end of the buffer. /// @param in [in] The start position in the buffer. /// @param end [in] The end position in the buffer. diff --git a/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParserUtils.h b/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParserUtils.h index 42ad675f8d..62144a01ce 100644 --- a/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParserUtils.h +++ b/contrib/openddlparser/include/openddlparser/OpenDDLParserUtils.h @@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ inline bool isSeparator(T in) { return false; } -static const unsigned char chartype_table[256] = { +const size_t CharTableSize = 256; + +static const unsigned char chartype_table[CharTableSize] = { 0, 0, 0, @@ -318,6 +320,10 @@ static const unsigned char chartype_table[256] = { template inline bool isNumeric(const T in) { + if (static_cast(in) >= CharTableSize) { + return '\0'; + } + size_t idx = static_cast(in); return idx < sizeof(chartype_table) && (chartype_table[idx] == 1); } @@ -433,7 +439,7 @@ inline bool isEndofLine(const T in) { template inline static T *getNextSeparator(T *in, T *end) { - while (!isSeparator(*in) || in == end) { + while (in != end && !isSeparator(*in)) { ++in; } return in; diff --git a/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc b/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc index 8e3d794c0a..565a198d8a 100644 --- a/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc +++ b/contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ void Sweep::EdgeEvent(SweepContext& tcx, Point& ep, Point& eq, Triangle* triangl Point* p1 = triangle->PointCCW(point); Orientation o1 = Orient2d(eq, *p1, ep); if (o1 == COLLINEAR) { - // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) - throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); + + if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p1)) { triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p1 ); // We are modifying the constraint maybe it would be better to @@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ void Sweep::EdgeEvent(SweepContext& tcx, Point& ep, Point& eq, Triangle* triangl Point* p2 = triangle->PointCW(point); Orientation o2 = Orient2d(eq, *p2, ep); if (o2 == COLLINEAR) { - // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) - throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); + + if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p2)) { triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p2 ); diff --git a/contrib/poly2tri_patch.txt b/contrib/poly2tri_patch.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e9cca4cec5..0000000000 --- a/contrib/poly2tri_patch.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -diff -r 5de9623d6a50 poly2tri/common/shapes.h ---- a/poly2tri/common/shapes.h Mon Aug 08 22:26:41 2011 -0400 -+++ b/poly2tri/common/shapes.h Tue Jan 17 02:36:52 2012 +0100 -@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ - - #include - #include -+#include - #include - #include - -@@ -136,7 +137,9 @@ - p = &p2; - } else if (p1.x == p2.x) { - // Repeat points -- assert(false); -+ // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) -+ throw std::runtime_error("repeat points"); -+ //assert(false); - } - } - -diff -r 5de9623d6a50 poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc ---- a/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc Mon Aug 08 22:26:41 2011 -0400 -+++ b/poly2tri/sweep/sweep.cc Tue Jan 17 02:36:52 2012 +0100 -@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ - Point* p1 = triangle->PointCCW(point); - Orientation o1 = Orient2d(eq, *p1, ep); - if (o1 == COLLINEAR) { -+ // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) -+ throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); - if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p1)) { - triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p1 ); - // We are modifying the constraint maybe it would be better to -@@ -121,8 +123,8 @@ - triangle = &triangle->NeighborAcross(point); - EdgeEvent( tcx, ep, *p1, triangle, *p1 ); - } else { -+ // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) - std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); -- assert(0); - } - return; - } -@@ -130,6 +132,9 @@ - Point* p2 = triangle->PointCW(point); - Orientation o2 = Orient2d(eq, *p2, ep); - if (o2 == COLLINEAR) { -+ // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) -+ throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); -+ - if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p2)) { - triangle->MarkConstrainedEdge(&eq, p2 ); - // We are modifying the constraint maybe it would be better to -@@ -138,8 +143,8 @@ - triangle = &triangle->NeighborAcross(point); - EdgeEvent( tcx, ep, *p2, triangle, *p2 ); - } else { -- std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); -- assert(0); -+ // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) -+ throw std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported"); - } - return; - } -@@ -712,7 +717,8 @@ - return *ot.PointCW(op); - } else{ - //throw new RuntimeException("[Unsupported] Opposing point on constrained edge"); -- assert(0); -+ // ASSIMP_CHANGE (aramis_acg) -+ throw std::runtime_error("[Unsupported] Opposing point on constrained edge"); - } - } - diff --git a/contrib/pugixml/readme.txt b/contrib/pugixml/readme.txt index 747fc0b7e2..9dffb72a1d 100644 --- a/contrib/pugixml/readme.txt +++ b/contrib/pugixml/readme.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -pugixml 1.12 - an XML processing library +pugixml 1.13 - an XML processing library Copyright (C) 2006-2022, by Arseny Kapoulkine (arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com) Report bugs and download new versions at https://pugixml.org/ diff --git a/contrib/pugixml/src/pugiconfig.hpp b/contrib/pugixml/src/pugiconfig.hpp index e07060c4d6..9bf2efd39d 100644 --- a/contrib/pugixml/src/pugiconfig.hpp +++ b/contrib/pugixml/src/pugiconfig.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * pugixml parser - version 1.12 + * pugixml parser - version 1.13 * -------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2006-2022, by Arseny Kapoulkine (arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com) * Report bugs and download new versions at https://pugixml.org/ diff --git a/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.cpp b/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.cpp index 60b55da3ab..c63645b67f 100644 --- a/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.cpp +++ b/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * pugixml parser - version 1.12 + * pugixml parser - version 1.13 * -------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2006-2022, by Arseny Kapoulkine (arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com) * Report bugs and download new versions at https://pugixml.org/ @@ -1276,12 +1276,14 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN child->parent = parent; - if (node->next_sibling) - node->next_sibling->prev_sibling_c = child; + xml_node_struct* next = node->next_sibling; + + if (next) + next->prev_sibling_c = child; else parent->first_child->prev_sibling_c = child; - child->next_sibling = node->next_sibling; + child->next_sibling = next; child->prev_sibling_c = node; node->next_sibling = child; @@ -1293,12 +1295,14 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN child->parent = parent; - if (node->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling) - node->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling = child; + xml_node_struct* prev = node->prev_sibling_c; + + if (prev->next_sibling) + prev->next_sibling = child; else parent->first_child = child; - child->prev_sibling_c = node->prev_sibling_c; + child->prev_sibling_c = prev; child->next_sibling = node; node->prev_sibling_c = child; @@ -1308,15 +1312,18 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN { xml_node_struct* parent = node->parent; - if (node->next_sibling) - node->next_sibling->prev_sibling_c = node->prev_sibling_c; + xml_node_struct* next = node->next_sibling; + xml_node_struct* prev = node->prev_sibling_c; + + if (next) + next->prev_sibling_c = prev; else - parent->first_child->prev_sibling_c = node->prev_sibling_c; + parent->first_child->prev_sibling_c = prev; - if (node->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling) - node->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling = node->next_sibling; + if (prev->next_sibling) + prev->next_sibling = next; else - parent->first_child = node->next_sibling; + parent->first_child = next; node->parent = 0; node->prev_sibling_c = 0; @@ -1360,39 +1367,46 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN inline void insert_attribute_after(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_attribute_struct* place, xml_node_struct* node) { - if (place->next_attribute) - place->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr; + xml_attribute_struct* next = place->next_attribute; + + if (next) + next->prev_attribute_c = attr; else node->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr; - attr->next_attribute = place->next_attribute; + attr->next_attribute = next; attr->prev_attribute_c = place; place->next_attribute = attr; } inline void insert_attribute_before(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_attribute_struct* place, xml_node_struct* node) { - if (place->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) - place->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = attr; + xml_attribute_struct* prev = place->prev_attribute_c; + + if (prev->next_attribute) + prev->next_attribute = attr; else node->first_attribute = attr; - attr->prev_attribute_c = place->prev_attribute_c; + attr->prev_attribute_c = prev; attr->next_attribute = place; place->prev_attribute_c = attr; } inline void remove_attribute(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_node_struct* node) { - if (attr->next_attribute) - attr->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr->prev_attribute_c; + xml_attribute_struct* next = attr->next_attribute; + xml_attribute_struct* prev = attr->prev_attribute_c; + + if (next) + next->prev_attribute_c = prev; else - node->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr->prev_attribute_c; + node->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = prev; - if (attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) - attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = attr->next_attribute; + if (prev->next_attribute) + prev->next_attribute = next; else - node->first_attribute = attr->next_attribute; + node->first_attribute = next; attr->prev_attribute_c = 0; attr->next_attribute = 0; @@ -4707,6 +4721,9 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN // get actual encoding xml_encoding buffer_encoding = impl::get_buffer_encoding(encoding, contents, size); + // if convert_buffer below throws bad_alloc, we still need to deallocate contents if we own it + auto_deleter contents_guard(own ? contents : 0, xml_memory::deallocate); + // get private buffer char_t* buffer = 0; size_t length = 0; @@ -4714,6 +4731,9 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN // coverity[var_deref_model] if (!impl::convert_buffer(buffer, length, buffer_encoding, contents, size, is_mutable)) return impl::make_parse_result(status_out_of_memory); + // after this we either deallocate contents (below) or hold on to it via doc->buffer, so we don't need to guard it + contents_guard.release(); + // delete original buffer if we performed a conversion if (own && buffer != contents && contents) impl::xml_memory::deallocate(contents); @@ -5050,7 +5070,7 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN xml_writer_file writer(file); doc.save(writer, indent, flags, encoding); - return ferror(file) == 0; + return fflush(file) == 0 && ferror(file) == 0; } struct name_null_sentry @@ -5185,53 +5205,72 @@ namespace pugi PUGI__FN xml_attribute xml_attribute::next_attribute() const { - return _attr ? xml_attribute(_attr->next_attribute) : xml_attribute(); + if (!_attr) return xml_attribute(); + return xml_attribute(_attr->next_attribute); } PUGI__FN xml_attribute xml_attribute::previous_attribute() const { - return _attr && _attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute ? xml_attribute(_attr->prev_attribute_c) : xml_attribute(); + if (!_attr) return xml_attribute(); + xml_attribute_struct* prev = _attr->prev_attribute_c; + return prev->next_attribute ? xml_attribute(prev) : xml_attribute(); } PUGI__FN const char_t* xml_attribute::as_string(const char_t* def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? _attr->value + 0 : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? value : def; } PUGI__FN int xml_attribute::as_int(int def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? impl::get_value_int(_attr->value) : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_int(value) : def; } PUGI__FN unsigned int xml_attribute::as_uint(unsigned int def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? impl::get_value_uint(_attr->value) : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_uint(value) : def; } PUGI__FN double xml_attribute::as_double(double def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? impl::get_value_double(_attr->value) : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_double(value) : def; } PUGI__FN float xml_attribute::as_float(float def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? impl::get_value_float(_attr->value) : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_float(value) : def; } PUGI__FN bool xml_attribute::as_bool(bool def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? impl::get_value_bool(_attr->value) : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_bool(value) : def; } #ifdef PUGIXML_HAS_LONG_LONG PUGI__FN long long xml_attribute::as_llong(long long def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? impl::get_value_llong(_attr->value) : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_llong(value) : def; } PUGI__FN unsigned long long xml_attribute::as_ullong(unsigned long long def) const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? impl::get_value_ullong(_attr->value) : def; + if (!_attr) return def; + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_ullong(value) : def; } #endif @@ -5242,12 +5281,16 @@ namespace pugi PUGI__FN const char_t* xml_attribute::name() const { - return (_attr && _attr->name) ? _attr->name + 0 : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + if (!_attr) return PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + const char_t* name = _attr->name; + return name ? name : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); } PUGI__FN const char_t* xml_attribute::value() const { - return (_attr && _attr->value) ? _attr->value + 0 : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + if (!_attr) return PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + const char_t* value = _attr->value; + return value ? value : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); } PUGI__FN size_t xml_attribute::hash_value() const @@ -5329,6 +5372,13 @@ namespace pugi return impl::strcpy_insitu(_attr->name, _attr->header, impl::xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask, rhs, impl::strlength(rhs)); } + PUGI__FN bool xml_attribute::set_value(const char_t* rhs, size_t sz) + { + if (!_attr) return false; + + return impl::strcpy_insitu(_attr->value, _attr->header, impl::xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask, rhs, sz); + } + PUGI__FN bool xml_attribute::set_value(const char_t* rhs) { if (!_attr) return false; @@ -5521,7 +5571,9 @@ namespace pugi PUGI__FN const char_t* xml_node::name() const { - return (_root && _root->name) ? _root->name + 0 : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + if (!_root) return PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + const char_t* name = _root->name; + return name ? name : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); } PUGI__FN xml_node_type xml_node::type() const @@ -5531,7 +5583,9 @@ namespace pugi PUGI__FN const char_t* xml_node::value() const { - return (_root && _root->value) ? _root->value + 0 : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + if (!_root) return PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + const char_t* value = _root->value; + return value ? value : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); } PUGI__FN xml_node xml_node::child(const char_t* name_) const @@ -5539,7 +5593,11 @@ namespace pugi if (!_root) return xml_node(); for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling) - if (i->name && impl::strequal(name_, i->name)) return xml_node(i); + { + const char_t* iname = i->name; + if (iname && impl::strequal(name_, iname)) + return xml_node(i); + } return xml_node(); } @@ -5549,8 +5607,11 @@ namespace pugi if (!_root) return xml_attribute(); for (xml_attribute_struct* i = _root->first_attribute; i; i = i->next_attribute) - if (i->name && impl::strequal(name_, i->name)) + { + const char_t* iname = i->name; + if (iname && impl::strequal(name_, iname)) return xml_attribute(i); + } return xml_attribute(); } @@ -5560,7 +5621,11 @@ namespace pugi if (!_root) return xml_node(); for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->next_sibling; i; i = i->next_sibling) - if (i->name && impl::strequal(name_, i->name)) return xml_node(i); + { + const char_t* iname = i->name; + if (iname && impl::strequal(name_, iname)) + return xml_node(i); + } return xml_node(); } @@ -5575,7 +5640,11 @@ namespace pugi if (!_root) return xml_node(); for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->prev_sibling_c; i->next_sibling; i = i->prev_sibling_c) - if (i->name && impl::strequal(name_, i->name)) return xml_node(i); + { + const char_t* iname = i->name; + if (iname && impl::strequal(name_, iname)) + return xml_node(i); + } return xml_node(); } @@ -5591,24 +5660,30 @@ namespace pugi // optimistically search from hint up until the end for (xml_attribute_struct* i = hint; i; i = i->next_attribute) - if (i->name && impl::strequal(name_, i->name)) + { + const char_t* iname = i->name; + if (iname && impl::strequal(name_, iname)) { // update hint to maximize efficiency of searching for consecutive attributes hint_._attr = i->next_attribute; return xml_attribute(i); } + } // wrap around and search from the first attribute until the hint // 'j' null pointer check is technically redundant, but it prevents a crash in case the assertion above fails for (xml_attribute_struct* j = _root->first_attribute; j && j != hint; j = j->next_attribute) - if (j->name && impl::strequal(name_, j->name)) + { + const char_t* jname = j->name; + if (jname && impl::strequal(name_, jname)) { // update hint to maximize efficiency of searching for consecutive attributes hint_._attr = j->next_attribute; return xml_attribute(j); } + } return xml_attribute(); } @@ -5616,9 +5691,8 @@ namespace pugi PUGI__FN xml_node xml_node::previous_sibling() const { if (!_root) return xml_node(); - - if (_root->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling) return xml_node(_root->prev_sibling_c); - else return xml_node(); + xml_node_struct* prev = _root->prev_sibling_c; + return prev->next_sibling ? xml_node(prev) : xml_node(); } PUGI__FN xml_node xml_node::parent() const @@ -5645,8 +5719,11 @@ namespace pugi return _root->value; for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling) - if (impl::is_text_node(i) && i->value) - return i->value; + { + const char_t* ivalue = i->value; + if (impl::is_text_node(i) && ivalue) + return ivalue; + } return PUGIXML_TEXT(""); } @@ -5658,22 +5735,28 @@ namespace pugi PUGI__FN xml_attribute xml_node::first_attribute() const { - return _root ? xml_attribute(_root->first_attribute) : xml_attribute(); + if (!_root) return xml_attribute(); + return xml_attribute(_root->first_attribute); } PUGI__FN xml_attribute xml_node::last_attribute() const { - return _root && _root->first_attribute ? xml_attribute(_root->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c) : xml_attribute(); + if (!_root) return xml_attribute(); + xml_attribute_struct* first = _root->first_attribute; + return first ? xml_attribute(first->prev_attribute_c) : xml_attribute(); } PUGI__FN xml_node xml_node::first_child() const { - return _root ? xml_node(_root->first_child) : xml_node(); + if (!_root) return xml_node(); + return xml_node(_root->first_child); } PUGI__FN xml_node xml_node::last_child() const { - return _root && _root->first_child ? xml_node(_root->first_child->prev_sibling_c) : xml_node(); + if (!_root) return xml_node(); + xml_node_struct* first = _root->first_child; + return first ? xml_node(first->prev_sibling_c) : xml_node(); } PUGI__FN bool xml_node::set_name(const char_t* rhs) @@ -5686,6 +5769,16 @@ namespace pugi return impl::strcpy_insitu(_root->name, _root->header, impl::xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask, rhs, impl::strlength(rhs)); } + PUGI__FN bool xml_node::set_value(const char_t* rhs, size_t sz) + { + xml_node_type type_ = _root ? PUGI__NODETYPE(_root) : node_null; + + if (type_ != node_pcdata && type_ != node_cdata && type_ != node_comment && type_ != node_pi && type_ != node_doctype) + return false; + + return impl::strcpy_insitu(_root->value, _root->header, impl::xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask, rhs, sz); + } + PUGI__FN bool xml_node::set_value(const char_t* rhs) { xml_node_type type_ = _root ? PUGI__NODETYPE(_root) : node_null; @@ -6199,12 +6292,22 @@ namespace pugi if (!_root) return xml_node(); for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling) - if (i->name && impl::strequal(name_, i->name)) + { + const char_t* iname = i->name; + if (iname && impl::strequal(name_, iname)) { for (xml_attribute_struct* a = i->first_attribute; a; a = a->next_attribute) - if (a->name && impl::strequal(attr_name, a->name) && impl::strequal(attr_value, a->value ? a->value + 0 : PUGIXML_TEXT(""))) - return xml_node(i); + { + const char_t* aname = a->name; + if (aname && impl::strequal(attr_name, aname)) + { + const char_t* avalue = a->value; + if (impl::strequal(attr_value, avalue ? avalue : PUGIXML_TEXT(""))) + return xml_node(i); + } + } } + } return xml_node(); } @@ -6215,8 +6318,15 @@ namespace pugi for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling) for (xml_attribute_struct* a = i->first_attribute; a; a = a->next_attribute) - if (a->name && impl::strequal(attr_name, a->name) && impl::strequal(attr_value, a->value ? a->value + 0 : PUGIXML_TEXT(""))) - return xml_node(i); + { + const char_t* aname = a->name; + if (aname && impl::strequal(attr_name, aname)) + { + const char_t* avalue = a->value; + if (impl::strequal(attr_value, avalue ? avalue : PUGIXML_TEXT(""))) + return xml_node(i); + } + } return xml_node(); } @@ -6230,8 +6340,9 @@ namespace pugi for (xml_node_struct* i = _root; i; i = i->parent) { + const char_t* iname = i->name; offset += (i != _root); - offset += i->name ? impl::strlength(i->name) : 0; + offset += iname ? impl::strlength(iname) : 0; } string_t result; @@ -6242,12 +6353,13 @@ namespace pugi if (j != _root) result[--offset] = delimiter; - if (j->name) + const char_t* jname = j->name; + if (jname) { - size_t length = impl::strlength(j->name); + size_t length = impl::strlength(jname); offset -= length; - memcpy(&result[offset], j->name, length * sizeof(char_t)); + memcpy(&result[offset], jname, length * sizeof(char_t)); } } @@ -6285,7 +6397,8 @@ namespace pugi { for (xml_node_struct* j = context._root->first_child; j; j = j->next_sibling) { - if (j->name && impl::strequalrange(j->name, path_segment, static_cast(path_segment_end - path_segment))) + const char_t* jname = j->name; + if (jname && impl::strequalrange(jname, path_segment, static_cast(path_segment_end - path_segment))) { xml_node subsearch = xml_node(j).first_element_by_path(next_segment, delimiter); @@ -6477,68 +6590,84 @@ namespace pugi PUGI__FN const char_t* xml_text::get() const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? d->value + 0 : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + if (!d) return PUGIXML_TEXT(""); + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? value : PUGIXML_TEXT(""); } PUGI__FN const char_t* xml_text::as_string(const char_t* def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? d->value + 0 : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? value : def; } PUGI__FN int xml_text::as_int(int def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? impl::get_value_int(d->value) : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_int(value) : def; } PUGI__FN unsigned int xml_text::as_uint(unsigned int def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? impl::get_value_uint(d->value) : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_uint(value) : def; } PUGI__FN double xml_text::as_double(double def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? impl::get_value_double(d->value) : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_double(value) : def; } PUGI__FN float xml_text::as_float(float def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? impl::get_value_float(d->value) : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_float(value) : def; } PUGI__FN bool xml_text::as_bool(bool def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? impl::get_value_bool(d->value) : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_bool(value) : def; } #ifdef PUGIXML_HAS_LONG_LONG PUGI__FN long long xml_text::as_llong(long long def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? impl::get_value_llong(d->value) : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_llong(value) : def; } PUGI__FN unsigned long long xml_text::as_ullong(unsigned long long def) const { xml_node_struct* d = _data(); - - return (d && d->value) ? impl::get_value_ullong(d->value) : def; + if (!d) return def; + const char_t* value = d->value; + return value ? impl::get_value_ullong(value) : def; } #endif + PUGI__FN bool xml_text::set(const char_t* rhs, size_t sz) + { + xml_node_struct* dn = _data_new(); + + return dn ? impl::strcpy_insitu(dn->value, dn->header, impl::xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask, rhs, sz) : false; + } + PUGI__FN bool xml_text::set(const char_t* rhs) { xml_node_struct* dn = _data_new(); @@ -7294,7 +7423,7 @@ namespace pugi using impl::auto_deleter; // MSVC7 workaround auto_deleter file(impl::open_file(path_, (flags & format_save_file_text) ? "w" : "wb"), impl::close_file); - return impl::save_file_impl(*this, file.data, indent, flags, encoding); + return impl::save_file_impl(*this, file.data, indent, flags, encoding) && fclose(file.release()) == 0; } PUGI__FN bool xml_document::save_file(const wchar_t* path_, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, xml_encoding encoding) const @@ -7302,7 +7431,7 @@ namespace pugi using impl::auto_deleter; // MSVC7 workaround auto_deleter file(impl::open_file_wide(path_, (flags & format_save_file_text) ? L"w" : L"wb"), impl::close_file); - return impl::save_file_impl(*this, file.data, indent, flags, encoding); + return impl::save_file_impl(*this, file.data, indent, flags, encoding) && fclose(file.release()) == 0; } PUGI__FN xml_node xml_document::document_element() const diff --git a/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp b/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp index 579f143990..050df154cc 100644 --- a/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp +++ b/contrib/pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * pugixml parser - version 1.12 + * pugixml parser - version 1.13 * -------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2006-2022, by Arseny Kapoulkine (arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com) * Report bugs and download new versions at https://pugixml.org/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ // Define version macro; evaluates to major * 1000 + minor * 10 + patch so that it's safe to use in less-than comparisons // Note: pugixml used major * 100 + minor * 10 + patch format up until 1.9 (which had version identifier 190); starting from pugixml 1.10, the minor version number is two digits #ifndef PUGIXML_VERSION -# define PUGIXML_VERSION 1120 // 1.12 +# define PUGIXML_VERSION 1130 // 1.13 #endif // Include user configuration file (this can define various configuration macros) @@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ #ifndef PUGIXML_NULL # if __cplusplus >= 201103 # define PUGIXML_NULL nullptr +# elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600 +# define PUGIXML_NULL nullptr # else # define PUGIXML_NULL 0 # endif @@ -416,6 +418,7 @@ namespace pugi // Set attribute name/value (returns false if attribute is empty or there is not enough memory) bool set_name(const char_t* rhs); + bool set_value(const char_t* rhs, size_t sz); bool set_value(const char_t* rhs); // Set attribute value with type conversion (numbers are converted to strings, boolean is converted to "true"/"false") @@ -550,6 +553,7 @@ namespace pugi // Set node name/value (returns false if node is empty, there is not enough memory, or node can not have name/value) bool set_name(const char_t* rhs); + bool set_value(const char_t* rhs, size_t sz); bool set_value(const char_t* rhs); // Add attribute with specified name. Returns added attribute, or empty attribute on errors. @@ -775,6 +779,7 @@ namespace pugi bool as_bool(bool def = false) const; // Set text (returns false if object is empty or there is not enough memory) + bool set(const char_t* rhs, size_t sz); bool set(const char_t* rhs); // Set text with type conversion (numbers are converted to strings, boolean is converted to "true"/"false") diff --git a/contrib/stb/stb_image.h b/contrib/stb/stb_image.h index 8d173c66ab..5e807a0a6e 100644 --- a/contrib/stb/stb_image.h +++ b/contrib/stb/stb_image.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* stb_image - v2.26 - public domain image loader - http://nothings.org/stb +/* stb_image - v2.28 - public domain image loader - http://nothings.org/stb no warranty implied; use at your own risk Do this: @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ LICENSE RECENT REVISION HISTORY: + 2.28 (2023-01-29) many error fixes, security errors, just tons of stuff + 2.27 (2021-07-11) document stbi_info better, 16-bit PNM support, bug fixes 2.26 (2020-07-13) many minor fixes 2.25 (2020-02-02) fix warnings 2.24 (2020-02-02) fix warnings; thread-local failure_reason and flip_vertically @@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ RECENT REVISION HISTORY: Jeremy Sawicki (handle all ImageNet JPGs) Optimizations & bugfixes Mikhail Morozov (1-bit BMP) Fabian "ryg" Giesen Anael Seghezzi (is-16-bit query) - Arseny Kapoulkine + Arseny Kapoulkine Simon Breuss (16-bit PNM) John-Mark Allen Carmelo J Fdez-Aguera @@ -102,19 +104,21 @@ RECENT REVISION HISTORY: Thomas Ruf Ronny Chevalier github:rlyeh Janez Zemva John Bartholomew Michal Cichon github:romigrou Jonathan Blow Ken Hamada Tero Hanninen github:svdijk - Laurent Gomila Cort Stratton github:snagar + Eugene Golushkov Laurent Gomila Cort Stratton github:snagar Aruelien Pocheville Sergio Gonzalez Thibault Reuille github:Zelex Cass Everitt Ryamond Barbiero github:grim210 Paul Du Bois Engin Manap Aldo Culquicondor github:sammyhw Philipp Wiesemann Dale Weiler Oriol Ferrer Mesia github:phprus - Josh Tobin Matthew Gregan github:poppolopoppo + Josh Tobin Neil Bickford Matthew Gregan github:poppolopoppo Julian Raschke Gregory Mullen Christian Floisand github:darealshinji Baldur Karlsson Kevin Schmidt JR Smith github:Michaelangel007 - Brad Weinberger Matvey Cherevko [reserved] + Brad Weinberger Matvey Cherevko github:mosra Luca Sas Alexander Veselov Zack Middleton [reserved] Ryan C. Gordon [reserved] [reserved] DO NOT ADD YOUR NAME HERE + Jacko Dirks + To add your name to the credits, pick a random blank space in the middle and fill it. 80% of merge conflicts on stb PRs are due to people adding their name at the end of the credits. @@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ RECENT REVISION HISTORY: // // ... x = width, y = height, n = # 8-bit components per pixel ... // // ... replace '0' with '1'..'4' to force that many components per pixel // // ... but 'n' will always be the number that it would have been if you said 0 -// stbi_image_free(data) +// stbi_image_free(data); // // Standard parameters: // int *x -- outputs image width in pixels @@ -176,6 +180,32 @@ RECENT REVISION HISTORY: // // Paletted PNG, BMP, GIF, and PIC images are automatically depalettized. // +// To query the width, height and component count of an image without having to +// decode the full file, you can use the stbi_info family of functions: +// +// int x,y,n,ok; +// ok = stbi_info(filename, &x, &y, &n); +// // returns ok=1 and sets x, y, n if image is a supported format, +// // 0 otherwise. +// +// Note that stb_image pervasively uses ints in its public API for sizes, +// including sizes of memory buffers. This is now part of the API and thus +// hard to change without causing breakage. As a result, the various image +// loaders all have certain limits on image size; these differ somewhat +// by format but generally boil down to either just under 2GB or just under +// 1GB. When the decoded image would be larger than this, stb_image decoding +// will fail. +// +// Additionally, stb_image will reject image files that have any of their +// dimensions set to a larger value than the configurable STBI_MAX_DIMENSIONS, +// which defaults to 2**24 = 16777216 pixels. Due to the above memory limit, +// the only way to have an image with such dimensions load correctly +// is for it to have a rather extreme aspect ratio. Either way, the +// assumption here is that such larger images are likely to be malformed +// or malicious. If you do need to load an image with individual dimensions +// larger than that, and it still fits in the overall size limit, you can +// #define STBI_MAX_DIMENSIONS on your own to be something larger. +// // =========================================================================== // // UNICODE: @@ -281,11 +311,10 @@ RECENT REVISION HISTORY: // // iPhone PNG support: // -// By default we convert iphone-formatted PNGs back to RGB, even though -// they are internally encoded differently. You can disable this conversion -// by calling stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb(0), in which case -// you will always just get the native iphone "format" through (which -// is BGR stored in RGB). +// We optionally support converting iPhone-formatted PNGs (which store +// premultiplied BGRA) back to RGB, even though they're internally encoded +// differently. To enable this conversion, call +// stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb(1). // // Call stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load(1) as well to force a divide per // pixel to remove any premultiplied alpha *only* if the image file explicitly @@ -489,6 +518,8 @@ STBIDEF void stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(int flag_true_if_should_flip); // as above, but only applies to images loaded on the thread that calls the function // this function is only available if your compiler supports thread-local variables; // calling it will fail to link if your compiler doesn't +STBIDEF void stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load_thread(int flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply); +STBIDEF void stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb_thread(int flag_true_if_should_convert); STBIDEF void stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load_thread(int flag_true_if_should_flip); // ZLIB client - used by PNG, available for other purposes @@ -605,7 +636,7 @@ STBIDEF int stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_buffer(char *obuffer, int olen, const ch #endif #endif -#ifdef _MSC_VER +#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__SYMBIAN32__) typedef unsigned short stbi__uint16; typedef signed short stbi__int16; typedef unsigned int stbi__uint32; @@ -634,7 +665,7 @@ typedef unsigned char validate_uint32[sizeof(stbi__uint32)==4 ? 1 : -1]; #ifdef STBI_HAS_LROTL #define stbi_lrot(x,y) _lrotl(x,y) #else - #define stbi_lrot(x,y) (((x) << (y)) | ((x) >> (32 - (y)))) + #define stbi_lrot(x,y) (((x) << (y)) | ((x) >> (-(y) & 31))) #endif #if defined(STBI_MALLOC) && defined(STBI_FREE) && (defined(STBI_REALLOC) || defined(STBI_REALLOC_SIZED)) @@ -748,9 +779,12 @@ static int stbi__sse2_available(void) #ifdef STBI_NEON #include -// assume GCC or Clang on ARM targets +#ifdef _MSC_VER +#define STBI_SIMD_ALIGN(type, name) __declspec(align(16)) type name +#else #define STBI_SIMD_ALIGN(type, name) type name __attribute__((aligned(16))) #endif +#endif #ifndef STBI_SIMD_ALIGN #define STBI_SIMD_ALIGN(type, name) type name @@ -924,6 +958,7 @@ static int stbi__gif_info(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp); static int stbi__pnm_test(stbi__context *s); static void *stbi__pnm_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info *ri); static int stbi__pnm_info(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp); +static int stbi__pnm_is16(stbi__context *s); #endif static @@ -998,7 +1033,7 @@ static int stbi__mad3sizes_valid(int a, int b, int c, int add) } // returns 1 if "a*b*c*d + add" has no negative terms/factors and doesn't overflow -#if !defined(STBI_NO_LINEAR) || !defined(STBI_NO_HDR) +#if !defined(STBI_NO_LINEAR) || !defined(STBI_NO_HDR) || !defined(STBI_NO_PNM) static int stbi__mad4sizes_valid(int a, int b, int c, int d, int add) { return stbi__mul2sizes_valid(a, b) && stbi__mul2sizes_valid(a*b, c) && @@ -1021,7 +1056,7 @@ static void *stbi__malloc_mad3(int a, int b, int c, int add) return stbi__malloc(a*b*c + add); } -#if !defined(STBI_NO_LINEAR) || !defined(STBI_NO_HDR) +#if !defined(STBI_NO_LINEAR) || !defined(STBI_NO_HDR) || !defined(STBI_NO_PNM) static void *stbi__malloc_mad4(int a, int b, int c, int d, int add) { if (!stbi__mad4sizes_valid(a, b, c, d, add)) return NULL; @@ -1029,6 +1064,23 @@ static void *stbi__malloc_mad4(int a, int b, int c, int d, int add) } #endif +// returns 1 if the sum of two signed ints is valid (between -2^31 and 2^31-1 inclusive), 0 on overflow. +static int stbi__addints_valid(int a, int b) +{ + if ((a >= 0) != (b >= 0)) return 1; // a and b have different signs, so no overflow + if (a < 0 && b < 0) return a >= INT_MIN - b; // same as a + b >= INT_MIN; INT_MIN - b cannot overflow since b < 0. + return a <= INT_MAX - b; +} + +// returns 1 if the product of two signed shorts is valid, 0 on overflow. +static int stbi__mul2shorts_valid(short a, short b) +{ + if (b == 0 || b == -1) return 1; // multiplication by 0 is always 0; check for -1 so SHRT_MIN/b doesn't overflow + if ((a >= 0) == (b >= 0)) return a <= SHRT_MAX/b; // product is positive, so similar to mul2sizes_valid + if (b < 0) return a <= SHRT_MIN / b; // same as a * b >= SHRT_MIN + return a >= SHRT_MIN / b; +} + // stbi__err - error // stbi__errpf - error returning pointer to float // stbi__errpuc - error returning pointer to unsigned char @@ -1087,9 +1139,8 @@ static void *stbi__load_main(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int re ri->channel_order = STBI_ORDER_RGB; // all current input & output are this, but this is here so we can add BGR order ri->num_channels = 0; - #ifndef STBI_NO_JPEG - if (stbi__jpeg_test(s)) return stbi__jpeg_load(s,x,y,comp,req_comp, ri); - #endif + // test the formats with a very explicit header first (at least a FOURCC + // or distinctive magic number first) #ifndef STBI_NO_PNG if (stbi__png_test(s)) return stbi__png_load(s,x,y,comp,req_comp, ri); #endif @@ -1107,6 +1158,13 @@ static void *stbi__load_main(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int re #ifndef STBI_NO_PIC if (stbi__pic_test(s)) return stbi__pic_load(s,x,y,comp,req_comp, ri); #endif + + // then the formats that can end up attempting to load with just 1 or 2 + // bytes matching expectations; these are prone to false positives, so + // try them later + #ifndef STBI_NO_JPEG + if (stbi__jpeg_test(s)) return stbi__jpeg_load(s,x,y,comp,req_comp, ri); + #endif #ifndef STBI_NO_PNM if (stbi__pnm_test(s)) return stbi__pnm_load(s,x,y,comp,req_comp, ri); #endif @@ -1262,12 +1320,12 @@ static void stbi__float_postprocess(float *result, int *x, int *y, int *comp, in #ifndef STBI_NO_STDIO -#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8) +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8) STBI_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall MultiByteToWideChar(unsigned int cp, unsigned long flags, const char *str, int cbmb, wchar_t *widestr, int cchwide); STBI_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall WideCharToMultiByte(unsigned int cp, unsigned long flags, const wchar_t *widestr, int cchwide, char *str, int cbmb, const char *defchar, int *used_default); #endif -#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8) +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8) STBIDEF int stbi_convert_wchar_to_utf8(char *buffer, size_t bufferlen, const wchar_t* input) { return WideCharToMultiByte(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, input, -1, buffer, (int) bufferlen, NULL, NULL); @@ -1277,16 +1335,16 @@ STBIDEF int stbi_convert_wchar_to_utf8(char *buffer, size_t bufferlen, const wch static FILE *stbi__fopen(char const *filename, char const *mode) { FILE *f; -#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8) +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8) wchar_t wMode[64]; wchar_t wFilename[1024]; - if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, filename, -1, wFilename, sizeof(wFilename))) + if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, filename, -1, wFilename, sizeof(wFilename)/sizeof(*wFilename))) return 0; - if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, mode, -1, wMode, sizeof(wMode))) + if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, mode, -1, wMode, sizeof(wMode)/sizeof(*wMode))) return 0; -#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 if (0 != _wfopen_s(&f, wFilename, wMode)) f = 0; #else @@ -1662,7 +1720,8 @@ static int stbi__get16le(stbi__context *s) static stbi__uint32 stbi__get32le(stbi__context *s) { stbi__uint32 z = stbi__get16le(s); - return z + (stbi__get16le(s) << 16); + z += (stbi__uint32)stbi__get16le(s) << 16; + return z; } #endif @@ -1944,9 +2003,12 @@ static int stbi__build_huffman(stbi__huffman *h, int *count) int i,j,k=0; unsigned int code; // build size list for each symbol (from JPEG spec) - for (i=0; i < 16; ++i) - for (j=0; j < count[i]; ++j) + for (i=0; i < 16; ++i) { + for (j=0; j < count[i]; ++j) { h->size[k++] = (stbi_uc) (i+1); + if(k >= 257) return stbi__err("bad size list","Corrupt JPEG"); + } + } h->size[k] = 0; // compute actual symbols (from jpeg spec) @@ -2071,6 +2133,8 @@ stbi_inline static int stbi__jpeg_huff_decode(stbi__jpeg *j, stbi__huffman *h) // convert the huffman code to the symbol id c = ((j->code_buffer >> (32 - k)) & stbi__bmask[k]) + h->delta[k]; + if(c < 0 || c >= 256) // symbol id out of bounds! + return -1; STBI_ASSERT((((j->code_buffer) >> (32 - h->size[c])) & stbi__bmask[h->size[c]]) == h->code[c]); // convert the id to a symbol @@ -2089,14 +2153,14 @@ stbi_inline static int stbi__extend_receive(stbi__jpeg *j, int n) unsigned int k; int sgn; if (j->code_bits < n) stbi__grow_buffer_unsafe(j); + if (j->code_bits < n) return 0; // ran out of bits from stream, return 0s intead of continuing - sgn = (stbi__int32)j->code_buffer >> 31; // sign bit is always in MSB + sgn = j->code_buffer >> 31; // sign bit always in MSB; 0 if MSB clear (positive), 1 if MSB set (negative) k = stbi_lrot(j->code_buffer, n); - if (n < 0 || n >= (int) (sizeof(stbi__bmask)/sizeof(*stbi__bmask))) return 0; j->code_buffer = k & ~stbi__bmask[n]; k &= stbi__bmask[n]; j->code_bits -= n; - return k + (stbi__jbias[n] & ~sgn); + return k + (stbi__jbias[n] & (sgn - 1)); } // get some unsigned bits @@ -2104,6 +2168,7 @@ stbi_inline static int stbi__jpeg_get_bits(stbi__jpeg *j, int n) { unsigned int k; if (j->code_bits < n) stbi__grow_buffer_unsafe(j); + if (j->code_bits < n) return 0; // ran out of bits from stream, return 0s intead of continuing k = stbi_lrot(j->code_buffer, n); j->code_buffer = k & ~stbi__bmask[n]; k &= stbi__bmask[n]; @@ -2115,6 +2180,7 @@ stbi_inline static int stbi__jpeg_get_bit(stbi__jpeg *j) { unsigned int k; if (j->code_bits < 1) stbi__grow_buffer_unsafe(j); + if (j->code_bits < 1) return 0; // ran out of bits from stream, return 0s intead of continuing k = j->code_buffer; j->code_buffer <<= 1; --j->code_bits; @@ -2146,14 +2212,16 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block(stbi__jpeg *j, short data[64], stbi__huffman if (j->code_bits < 16) stbi__grow_buffer_unsafe(j); t = stbi__jpeg_huff_decode(j, hdc); - if (t < 0) return stbi__err("bad huffman code","Corrupt JPEG"); + if (t < 0 || t > 15) return stbi__err("bad huffman code","Corrupt JPEG"); // 0 all the ac values now so we can do it 32-bits at a time memset(data,0,64*sizeof(data[0])); diff = t ? stbi__extend_receive(j, t) : 0; + if (!stbi__addints_valid(j->img_comp[b].dc_pred, diff)) return stbi__err("bad delta","Corrupt JPEG"); dc = j->img_comp[b].dc_pred + diff; j->img_comp[b].dc_pred = dc; + if (!stbi__mul2shorts_valid(dc, dequant[0])) return stbi__err("can't merge dc and ac", "Corrupt JPEG"); data[0] = (short) (dc * dequant[0]); // decode AC components, see JPEG spec @@ -2167,6 +2235,7 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block(stbi__jpeg *j, short data[64], stbi__huffman if (r) { // fast-AC path k += (r >> 4) & 15; // run s = r & 15; // combined length + if (s > j->code_bits) return stbi__err("bad huffman code", "Combined length longer than code bits available"); j->code_buffer <<= s; j->code_bits -= s; // decode into unzigzag'd location @@ -2203,12 +2272,14 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_dc(stbi__jpeg *j, short data[64], stbi__ // first scan for DC coefficient, must be first memset(data,0,64*sizeof(data[0])); // 0 all the ac values now t = stbi__jpeg_huff_decode(j, hdc); - if (t == -1) return stbi__err("can't merge dc and ac", "Corrupt JPEG"); + if (t < 0 || t > 15) return stbi__err("can't merge dc and ac", "Corrupt JPEG"); diff = t ? stbi__extend_receive(j, t) : 0; + if (!stbi__addints_valid(j->img_comp[b].dc_pred, diff)) return stbi__err("bad delta", "Corrupt JPEG"); dc = j->img_comp[b].dc_pred + diff; j->img_comp[b].dc_pred = dc; - data[0] = (short) (dc << j->succ_low); + if (!stbi__mul2shorts_valid(dc, 1 << j->succ_low)) return stbi__err("can't merge dc and ac", "Corrupt JPEG"); + data[0] = (short) (dc * (1 << j->succ_low)); } else { // refinement scan for DC coefficient if (stbi__jpeg_get_bit(j)) @@ -2242,10 +2313,11 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(stbi__jpeg *j, short data[64], stbi__ if (r) { // fast-AC path k += (r >> 4) & 15; // run s = r & 15; // combined length + if (s > j->code_bits) return stbi__err("bad huffman code", "Combined length longer than code bits available"); j->code_buffer <<= s; j->code_bits -= s; zig = stbi__jpeg_dezigzag[k++]; - data[zig] = (short) ((r >> 8) << shift); + data[zig] = (short) ((r >> 8) * (1 << shift)); } else { int rs = stbi__jpeg_huff_decode(j, hac); if (rs < 0) return stbi__err("bad huffman code","Corrupt JPEG"); @@ -2263,7 +2335,7 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(stbi__jpeg *j, short data[64], stbi__ } else { k += r; zig = stbi__jpeg_dezigzag[k++]; - data[zig] = (short) (stbi__extend_receive(j,s) << shift); + data[zig] = (short) (stbi__extend_receive(j,s) * (1 << shift)); } } } while (k <= j->spec_end); @@ -3062,6 +3134,7 @@ static int stbi__process_marker(stbi__jpeg *z, int m) sizes[i] = stbi__get8(z->s); n += sizes[i]; } + if(n > 256) return stbi__err("bad DHT header","Corrupt JPEG"); // Loop over i < n would write past end of values! L -= 17; if (tc == 0) { if (!stbi__build_huffman(z->huff_dc+th, sizes)) return 0; @@ -3227,6 +3300,13 @@ static int stbi__process_frame_header(stbi__jpeg *z, int scan) if (z->img_comp[i].v > v_max) v_max = z->img_comp[i].v; } + // check that plane subsampling factors are integer ratios; our resamplers can't deal with fractional ratios + // and I've never seen a non-corrupted JPEG file actually use them + for (i=0; i < s->img_n; ++i) { + if (h_max % z->img_comp[i].h != 0) return stbi__err("bad H","Corrupt JPEG"); + if (v_max % z->img_comp[i].v != 0) return stbi__err("bad V","Corrupt JPEG"); + } + // compute interleaved mcu info z->img_h_max = h_max; z->img_v_max = v_max; @@ -3304,6 +3384,28 @@ static int stbi__decode_jpeg_header(stbi__jpeg *z, int scan) return 1; } +static int stbi__skip_jpeg_junk_at_end(stbi__jpeg *j) +{ + // some JPEGs have junk at end, skip over it but if we find what looks + // like a valid marker, resume there + while (!stbi__at_eof(j->s)) { + int x = stbi__get8(j->s); + while (x == 255) { // might be a marker + if (stbi__at_eof(j->s)) return STBI__MARKER_none; + x = stbi__get8(j->s); + if (x != 0x00 && x != 0xff) { + // not a stuffed zero or lead-in to another marker, looks + // like an actual marker, return it + return x; + } + // stuffed zero has x=0 now which ends the loop, meaning we go + // back to regular scan loop. + // repeated 0xff keeps trying to read the next byte of the marker. + } + } + return STBI__MARKER_none; +} + // decode image to YCbCr format static int stbi__decode_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg *j) { @@ -3320,25 +3422,22 @@ static int stbi__decode_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg *j) if (!stbi__process_scan_header(j)) return 0; if (!stbi__parse_entropy_coded_data(j)) return 0; if (j->marker == STBI__MARKER_none ) { - // handle 0s at the end of image data from IP Kamera 9060 - while (!stbi__at_eof(j->s)) { - int x = stbi__get8(j->s); - if (x == 255) { - j->marker = stbi__get8(j->s); - break; - } - } + j->marker = stbi__skip_jpeg_junk_at_end(j); // if we reach eof without hitting a marker, stbi__get_marker() below will fail and we'll eventually return 0 } + m = stbi__get_marker(j); + if (STBI__RESTART(m)) + m = stbi__get_marker(j); } else if (stbi__DNL(m)) { int Ld = stbi__get16be(j->s); stbi__uint32 NL = stbi__get16be(j->s); if (Ld != 4) return stbi__err("bad DNL len", "Corrupt JPEG"); if (NL != j->s->img_y) return stbi__err("bad DNL height", "Corrupt JPEG"); + m = stbi__get_marker(j); } else { - if (!stbi__process_marker(j, m)) return 0; + if (!stbi__process_marker(j, m)) return 1; + m = stbi__get_marker(j); } - m = stbi__get_marker(j); } if (j->progressive) stbi__jpeg_finish(j); @@ -3782,6 +3881,10 @@ static stbi_uc *load_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg *z, int *out_x, int *out_y, int *comp else decode_n = z->s->img_n; + // nothing to do if no components requested; check this now to avoid + // accessing uninitialized coutput[0] later + if (decode_n <= 0) { stbi__cleanup_jpeg(z); return NULL; } + // resample and color-convert { int k; @@ -3924,6 +4027,8 @@ static void *stbi__jpeg_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int re { unsigned char* result; stbi__jpeg* j = (stbi__jpeg*) stbi__malloc(sizeof(stbi__jpeg)); + if (!j) return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory"); + memset(j, 0, sizeof(stbi__jpeg)); STBI_NOTUSED(ri); j->s = s; stbi__setup_jpeg(j); @@ -3936,6 +4041,8 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_test(stbi__context *s) { int r; stbi__jpeg* j = (stbi__jpeg*)stbi__malloc(sizeof(stbi__jpeg)); + if (!j) return stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory"); + memset(j, 0, sizeof(stbi__jpeg)); j->s = s; stbi__setup_jpeg(j); r = stbi__decode_jpeg_header(j, STBI__SCAN_type); @@ -3960,6 +4067,8 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_info(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp) { int result; stbi__jpeg* j = (stbi__jpeg*) (stbi__malloc(sizeof(stbi__jpeg))); + if (!j) return stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory"); + memset(j, 0, sizeof(stbi__jpeg)); j->s = s; result = stbi__jpeg_info_raw(j, x, y, comp); STBI_FREE(j); @@ -3979,6 +4088,7 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_info(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp) // fast-way is faster to check than jpeg huffman, but slow way is slower #define STBI__ZFAST_BITS 9 // accelerate all cases in default tables #define STBI__ZFAST_MASK ((1 << STBI__ZFAST_BITS) - 1) +#define STBI__ZNSYMS 288 // number of symbols in literal/length alphabet // zlib-style huffman encoding // (jpegs packs from left, zlib from right, so can't share code) @@ -3988,8 +4098,8 @@ typedef struct stbi__uint16 firstcode[16]; int maxcode[17]; stbi__uint16 firstsymbol[16]; - stbi_uc size[288]; - stbi__uint16 value[288]; + stbi_uc size[STBI__ZNSYMS]; + stbi__uint16 value[STBI__ZNSYMS]; } stbi__zhuffman; stbi_inline static int stbi__bitreverse16(int n) @@ -4120,7 +4230,7 @@ static int stbi__zhuffman_decode_slowpath(stbi__zbuf *a, stbi__zhuffman *z) if (s >= 16) return -1; // invalid code! // code size is s, so: b = (k >> (16-s)) - z->firstcode[s] + z->firstsymbol[s]; - if ((unsigned int)b >= sizeof (z->size)) return -1; // some data was corrupt somewhere! + if (b >= STBI__ZNSYMS) return -1; // some data was corrupt somewhere! if (z->size[b] != s) return -1; // was originally an assert, but report failure instead. a->code_buffer >>= s; a->num_bits -= s; @@ -4201,11 +4311,12 @@ static int stbi__parse_huffman_block(stbi__zbuf *a) a->zout = zout; return 1; } + if (z >= 286) return stbi__err("bad huffman code","Corrupt PNG"); // per DEFLATE, length codes 286 and 287 must not appear in compressed data z -= 257; len = stbi__zlength_base[z]; if (stbi__zlength_extra[z]) len += stbi__zreceive(a, stbi__zlength_extra[z]); z = stbi__zhuffman_decode(a, &a->z_distance); - if (z < 0) return stbi__err("bad huffman code","Corrupt PNG"); + if (z < 0 || z >= 30) return stbi__err("bad huffman code","Corrupt PNG"); // per DEFLATE, distance codes 30 and 31 must not appear in compressed data dist = stbi__zdist_base[z]; if (stbi__zdist_extra[z]) dist += stbi__zreceive(a, stbi__zdist_extra[z]); if (zout - a->zout_start < dist) return stbi__err("bad dist","Corrupt PNG"); @@ -4317,7 +4428,7 @@ static int stbi__parse_zlib_header(stbi__zbuf *a) return 1; } -static const stbi_uc stbi__zdefault_length[288] = +static const stbi_uc stbi__zdefault_length[STBI__ZNSYMS] = { 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, @@ -4363,7 +4474,7 @@ static int stbi__parse_zlib(stbi__zbuf *a, int parse_header) } else { if (type == 1) { // use fixed code lengths - if (!stbi__zbuild_huffman(&a->z_length , stbi__zdefault_length , 288)) return 0; + if (!stbi__zbuild_huffman(&a->z_length , stbi__zdefault_length , STBI__ZNSYMS)) return 0; if (!stbi__zbuild_huffman(&a->z_distance, stbi__zdefault_distance, 32)) return 0; } else { if (!stbi__compute_huffman_codes(a)) return 0; @@ -4759,6 +4870,7 @@ static int stbi__create_png_image(stbi__png *a, stbi_uc *image_data, stbi__uint3 // de-interlacing final = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad3(a->s->img_x, a->s->img_y, out_bytes, 0); + if (!final) return stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory"); for (p=0; p < 7; ++p) { int xorig[] = { 0,4,0,2,0,1,0 }; int yorig[] = { 0,0,4,0,2,0,1 }; @@ -4879,19 +4991,46 @@ static int stbi__expand_png_palette(stbi__png *a, stbi_uc *palette, int len, int return 1; } -static int stbi__unpremultiply_on_load = 0; -static int stbi__de_iphone_flag = 0; +static int stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_global = 0; +static int stbi__de_iphone_flag_global = 0; STBIDEF void stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load(int flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply) { - stbi__unpremultiply_on_load = flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply; + stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_global = flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply; } STBIDEF void stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb(int flag_true_if_should_convert) { - stbi__de_iphone_flag = flag_true_if_should_convert; + stbi__de_iphone_flag_global = flag_true_if_should_convert; } +#ifndef STBI_THREAD_LOCAL +#define stbi__unpremultiply_on_load stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_global +#define stbi__de_iphone_flag stbi__de_iphone_flag_global +#else +static STBI_THREAD_LOCAL int stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_local, stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_set; +static STBI_THREAD_LOCAL int stbi__de_iphone_flag_local, stbi__de_iphone_flag_set; + +STBIDEF void stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load_thread(int flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply) +{ + stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_local = flag_true_if_should_unpremultiply; + stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_set = 1; +} + +STBIDEF void stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb_thread(int flag_true_if_should_convert) +{ + stbi__de_iphone_flag_local = flag_true_if_should_convert; + stbi__de_iphone_flag_set = 1; +} + +#define stbi__unpremultiply_on_load (stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_set \ + ? stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_local \ + : stbi__unpremultiply_on_load_global) +#define stbi__de_iphone_flag (stbi__de_iphone_flag_set \ + ? stbi__de_iphone_flag_local \ + : stbi__de_iphone_flag_global) +#endif // STBI_THREAD_LOCAL + static void stbi__de_iphone(stbi__png *z) { stbi__context *s = z->s; @@ -4941,7 +5080,7 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png *z, int scan, int req_comp) { stbi_uc palette[1024], pal_img_n=0; stbi_uc has_trans=0, tc[3]={0}; - stbi__uint16 tc16[3]={0}; + stbi__uint16 tc16[3]; stbi__uint32 ioff=0, idata_limit=0, i, pal_len=0; int first=1,k,interlace=0, color=0, is_iphone=0; stbi__context *s = z->s; @@ -4981,14 +5120,13 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png *z, int scan, int req_comp) if (!pal_img_n) { s->img_n = (color & 2 ? 3 : 1) + (color & 4 ? 1 : 0); if ((1 << 30) / s->img_x / s->img_n < s->img_y) return stbi__err("too large", "Image too large to decode"); - if (scan == STBI__SCAN_header) return 1; } else { // if paletted, then pal_n is our final components, and // img_n is # components to decompress/filter. s->img_n = 1; if ((1 << 30) / s->img_x / 4 < s->img_y) return stbi__err("too large","Corrupt PNG"); - // if SCAN_header, have to scan to see if we have a tRNS } + // even with SCAN_header, have to scan to see if we have a tRNS break; } @@ -5020,6 +5158,8 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png *z, int scan, int req_comp) if (!(s->img_n & 1)) return stbi__err("tRNS with alpha","Corrupt PNG"); if (c.length != (stbi__uint32) s->img_n*2) return stbi__err("bad tRNS len","Corrupt PNG"); has_trans = 1; + // non-paletted with tRNS = constant alpha. if header-scanning, we can stop now. + if (scan == STBI__SCAN_header) { ++s->img_n; return 1; } if (z->depth == 16) { for (k = 0; k < s->img_n; ++k) tc16[k] = (stbi__uint16)stbi__get16be(s); // copy the values as-is } else { @@ -5032,7 +5172,13 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png *z, int scan, int req_comp) case STBI__PNG_TYPE('I','D','A','T'): { if (first) return stbi__err("first not IHDR", "Corrupt PNG"); if (pal_img_n && !pal_len) return stbi__err("no PLTE","Corrupt PNG"); - if (scan == STBI__SCAN_header) { s->img_n = pal_img_n; return 1; } + if (scan == STBI__SCAN_header) { + // header scan definitely stops at first IDAT + if (pal_img_n) + s->img_n = pal_img_n; + return 1; + } + if (c.length > (1u << 30)) return stbi__err("IDAT size limit", "IDAT section larger than 2^30 bytes"); if ((int)(ioff + c.length) < (int)ioff) return 0; if (ioff + c.length > idata_limit) { stbi__uint32 idata_limit_old = idata_limit; @@ -5272,6 +5418,32 @@ typedef struct int extra_read; } stbi__bmp_data; +static int stbi__bmp_set_mask_defaults(stbi__bmp_data *info, int compress) +{ + // BI_BITFIELDS specifies masks explicitly, don't override + if (compress == 3) + return 1; + + if (compress == 0) { + if (info->bpp == 16) { + info->mr = 31u << 10; + info->mg = 31u << 5; + info->mb = 31u << 0; + } else if (info->bpp == 32) { + info->mr = 0xffu << 16; + info->mg = 0xffu << 8; + info->mb = 0xffu << 0; + info->ma = 0xffu << 24; + info->all_a = 0; // if all_a is 0 at end, then we loaded alpha channel but it was all 0 + } else { + // otherwise, use defaults, which is all-0 + info->mr = info->mg = info->mb = info->ma = 0; + } + return 1; + } + return 0; // error +} + static void *stbi__bmp_parse_header(stbi__context *s, stbi__bmp_data *info) { int hsz; @@ -5299,6 +5471,8 @@ static void *stbi__bmp_parse_header(stbi__context *s, stbi__bmp_data *info) if (hsz != 12) { int compress = stbi__get32le(s); if (compress == 1 || compress == 2) return stbi__errpuc("BMP RLE", "BMP type not supported: RLE"); + if (compress >= 4) return stbi__errpuc("BMP JPEG/PNG", "BMP type not supported: unsupported compression"); // this includes PNG/JPEG modes + if (compress == 3 && info->bpp != 16 && info->bpp != 32) return stbi__errpuc("bad BMP", "bad BMP"); // bitfields requires 16 or 32 bits/pixel stbi__get32le(s); // discard sizeof stbi__get32le(s); // discard hres stbi__get32le(s); // discard vres @@ -5313,17 +5487,7 @@ static void *stbi__bmp_parse_header(stbi__context *s, stbi__bmp_data *info) } if (info->bpp == 16 || info->bpp == 32) { if (compress == 0) { - if (info->bpp == 32) { - info->mr = 0xffu << 16; - info->mg = 0xffu << 8; - info->mb = 0xffu << 0; - info->ma = 0xffu << 24; - info->all_a = 0; // if all_a is 0 at end, then we loaded alpha channel but it was all 0 - } else { - info->mr = 31u << 10; - info->mg = 31u << 5; - info->mb = 31u << 0; - } + stbi__bmp_set_mask_defaults(info, compress); } else if (compress == 3) { info->mr = stbi__get32le(s); info->mg = stbi__get32le(s); @@ -5338,6 +5502,7 @@ static void *stbi__bmp_parse_header(stbi__context *s, stbi__bmp_data *info) return stbi__errpuc("bad BMP", "bad BMP"); } } else { + // V4/V5 header int i; if (hsz != 108 && hsz != 124) return stbi__errpuc("bad BMP", "bad BMP"); @@ -5345,6 +5510,8 @@ static void *stbi__bmp_parse_header(stbi__context *s, stbi__bmp_data *info) info->mg = stbi__get32le(s); info->mb = stbi__get32le(s); info->ma = stbi__get32le(s); + if (compress != 3) // override mr/mg/mb unless in BI_BITFIELDS mode, as per docs + stbi__bmp_set_mask_defaults(info, compress); stbi__get32le(s); // discard color space for (i=0; i < 12; ++i) stbi__get32le(s); // discard color space parameters @@ -5394,9 +5561,22 @@ static void *stbi__bmp_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req psize = (info.offset - info.extra_read - info.hsz) >> 2; } if (psize == 0) { - STBI_ASSERT(info.offset == s->callback_already_read + (int) (s->img_buffer - s->img_buffer_original)); - if (info.offset != s->callback_already_read + (s->img_buffer - s->buffer_start)) { - return stbi__errpuc("bad offset", "Corrupt BMP"); + // accept some number of extra bytes after the header, but if the offset points either to before + // the header ends or implies a large amount of extra data, reject the file as malformed + int bytes_read_so_far = s->callback_already_read + (int)(s->img_buffer - s->img_buffer_original); + int header_limit = 1024; // max we actually read is below 256 bytes currently. + int extra_data_limit = 256*4; // what ordinarily goes here is a palette; 256 entries*4 bytes is its max size. + if (bytes_read_so_far <= 0 || bytes_read_so_far > header_limit) { + return stbi__errpuc("bad header", "Corrupt BMP"); + } + // we established that bytes_read_so_far is positive and sensible. + // the first half of this test rejects offsets that are either too small positives, or + // negative, and guarantees that info.offset >= bytes_read_so_far > 0. this in turn + // ensures the number computed in the second half of the test can't overflow. + if (info.offset < bytes_read_so_far || info.offset - bytes_read_so_far > extra_data_limit) { + return stbi__errpuc("bad offset", "Corrupt BMP"); + } else { + stbi__skip(s, info.offset - bytes_read_so_far); } } @@ -6342,6 +6522,7 @@ static void *stbi__pic_load(stbi__context *s,int *px,int *py,int *comp,int req_c // intermediate buffer is RGBA result = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad3(x, y, 4, 0); + if (!result) return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory"); memset(result, 0xff, x*y*4); if (!stbi__pic_load_core(s,x,y,comp, result)) { @@ -6457,6 +6638,7 @@ static int stbi__gif_header(stbi__context *s, stbi__gif *g, int *comp, int is_in static int stbi__gif_info_raw(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp) { stbi__gif* g = (stbi__gif*) stbi__malloc(sizeof(stbi__gif)); + if (!g) return stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory"); if (!stbi__gif_header(s, g, comp, 1)) { STBI_FREE(g); stbi__rewind( s ); @@ -6766,6 +6948,17 @@ static stbi_uc *stbi__gif_load_next(stbi__context *s, stbi__gif *g, int *comp, i } } +static void *stbi__load_gif_main_outofmem(stbi__gif *g, stbi_uc *out, int **delays) +{ + STBI_FREE(g->out); + STBI_FREE(g->history); + STBI_FREE(g->background); + + if (out) STBI_FREE(out); + if (delays && *delays) STBI_FREE(*delays); + return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory"); +} + static void *stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context *s, int **delays, int *x, int *y, int *z, int *comp, int req_comp) { if (stbi__gif_test(s)) { @@ -6775,6 +6968,12 @@ static void *stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context *s, int **delays, int *x, int *y, stbi_uc *two_back = 0; stbi__gif g; int stride; + int out_size = 0; + int delays_size = 0; + + STBI_NOTUSED(out_size); + STBI_NOTUSED(delays_size); + memset(&g, 0, sizeof(g)); if (delays) { *delays = 0; @@ -6791,24 +6990,31 @@ static void *stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context *s, int **delays, int *x, int *y, stride = g.w * g.h * 4; if (out) { - void *tmp = (stbi_uc*) STBI_REALLOC( out, layers * stride ); - if (NULL == tmp) { - STBI_FREE(g.out); - STBI_FREE(g.history); - STBI_FREE(g.background); - return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory"); - } + void *tmp = (stbi_uc*) STBI_REALLOC_SIZED( out, out_size, layers * stride ); + if (!tmp) + return stbi__load_gif_main_outofmem(&g, out, delays); else { out = (stbi_uc*) tmp; + out_size = layers * stride; } if (delays) { - *delays = (int*) STBI_REALLOC( *delays, sizeof(int) * layers ); + int *new_delays = (int*) STBI_REALLOC_SIZED( *delays, delays_size, sizeof(int) * layers ); + if (!new_delays) + return stbi__load_gif_main_outofmem(&g, out, delays); + *delays = new_delays; + delays_size = layers * sizeof(int); } } else { out = (stbi_uc*)stbi__malloc( layers * stride ); + if (!out) + return stbi__load_gif_main_outofmem(&g, out, delays); + out_size = layers * stride; if (delays) { *delays = (int*) stbi__malloc( layers * sizeof(int) ); + if (!*delays) + return stbi__load_gif_main_outofmem(&g, out, delays); + delays_size = layers * sizeof(int); } } memcpy( out + ((layers - 1) * stride), u, stride ); @@ -7058,12 +7264,12 @@ static float *stbi__hdr_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int re // Run value = stbi__get8(s); count -= 128; - if (count > nleft) { STBI_FREE(hdr_data); STBI_FREE(scanline); return stbi__errpf("corrupt", "bad RLE data in HDR"); } + if ((count == 0) || (count > nleft)) { STBI_FREE(hdr_data); STBI_FREE(scanline); return stbi__errpf("corrupt", "bad RLE data in HDR"); } for (z = 0; z < count; ++z) scanline[i++ * 4 + k] = value; } else { // Dump - if (count > nleft) { STBI_FREE(hdr_data); STBI_FREE(scanline); return stbi__errpf("corrupt", "bad RLE data in HDR"); } + if ((count == 0) || (count > nleft)) { STBI_FREE(hdr_data); STBI_FREE(scanline); return stbi__errpf("corrupt", "bad RLE data in HDR"); } for (z = 0; z < count; ++z) scanline[i++ * 4 + k] = stbi__get8(s); } @@ -7132,9 +7338,10 @@ static int stbi__bmp_info(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp) info.all_a = 255; p = stbi__bmp_parse_header(s, &info); - stbi__rewind( s ); - if (p == NULL) + if (p == NULL) { + stbi__rewind( s ); return 0; + } if (x) *x = s->img_x; if (y) *y = s->img_y; if (comp) { @@ -7200,8 +7407,8 @@ static int stbi__psd_is16(stbi__context *s) stbi__rewind( s ); return 0; } - (void) stbi__get32be(s); - (void) stbi__get32be(s); + STBI_NOTUSED(stbi__get32be(s)); + STBI_NOTUSED(stbi__get32be(s)); depth = stbi__get16be(s); if (depth != 16) { stbi__rewind( s ); @@ -7280,7 +7487,6 @@ static int stbi__pic_info(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp) // Known limitations: // Does not support comments in the header section // Does not support ASCII image data (formats P2 and P3) -// Does not support 16-bit-per-channel #ifndef STBI_NO_PNM @@ -7301,7 +7507,8 @@ static void *stbi__pnm_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req stbi_uc *out; STBI_NOTUSED(ri); - if (!stbi__pnm_info(s, (int *)&s->img_x, (int *)&s->img_y, (int *)&s->img_n)) + ri->bits_per_channel = stbi__pnm_info(s, (int *)&s->img_x, (int *)&s->img_y, (int *)&s->img_n); + if (ri->bits_per_channel == 0) return 0; if (s->img_y > STBI_MAX_DIMENSIONS) return stbi__errpuc("too large","Very large image (corrupt?)"); @@ -7311,15 +7518,22 @@ static void *stbi__pnm_load(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp, int req *y = s->img_y; if (comp) *comp = s->img_n; - if (!stbi__mad3sizes_valid(s->img_n, s->img_x, s->img_y, 0)) + if (!stbi__mad4sizes_valid(s->img_n, s->img_x, s->img_y, ri->bits_per_channel / 8, 0)) return stbi__errpuc("too large", "PNM too large"); - out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad3(s->img_n, s->img_x, s->img_y, 0); + out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad4(s->img_n, s->img_x, s->img_y, ri->bits_per_channel / 8, 0); if (!out) return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory"); - stbi__getn(s, out, s->img_n * s->img_x * s->img_y); + if (!stbi__getn(s, out, s->img_n * s->img_x * s->img_y * (ri->bits_per_channel / 8))) { + STBI_FREE(out); + return stbi__errpuc("bad PNM", "PNM file truncated"); + } if (req_comp && req_comp != s->img_n) { - out = stbi__convert_format(out, s->img_n, req_comp, s->img_x, s->img_y); + if (ri->bits_per_channel == 16) { + out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__convert_format16((stbi__uint16 *) out, s->img_n, req_comp, s->img_x, s->img_y); + } else { + out = stbi__convert_format(out, s->img_n, req_comp, s->img_x, s->img_y); + } if (out == NULL) return out; // stbi__convert_format frees input on failure } return out; @@ -7356,6 +7570,8 @@ static int stbi__pnm_getinteger(stbi__context *s, char *c) while (!stbi__at_eof(s) && stbi__pnm_isdigit(*c)) { value = value*10 + (*c - '0'); *c = (char) stbi__get8(s); + if((value > 214748364) || (value == 214748364 && *c > '7')) + return stbi__err("integer parse overflow", "Parsing an integer in the PPM header overflowed a 32-bit int"); } return value; @@ -7386,17 +7602,29 @@ static int stbi__pnm_info(stbi__context *s, int *x, int *y, int *comp) stbi__pnm_skip_whitespace(s, &c); *x = stbi__pnm_getinteger(s, &c); // read width + if(*x == 0) + return stbi__err("invalid width", "PPM image header had zero or overflowing width"); stbi__pnm_skip_whitespace(s, &c); *y = stbi__pnm_getinteger(s, &c); // read height + if (*y == 0) + return stbi__err("invalid width", "PPM image header had zero or overflowing width"); stbi__pnm_skip_whitespace(s, &c); maxv = stbi__pnm_getinteger(s, &c); // read max value - - if (maxv > 255) - return stbi__err("max value > 255", "PPM image not 8-bit"); + if (maxv > 65535) + return stbi__err("max value > 65535", "PPM image supports only 8-bit and 16-bit images"); + else if (maxv > 255) + return 16; else - return 1; + return 8; +} + +static int stbi__pnm_is16(stbi__context *s) +{ + if (stbi__pnm_info(s, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 16) + return 1; + return 0; } #endif @@ -7452,6 +7680,9 @@ static int stbi__is_16_main(stbi__context *s) if (stbi__psd_is16(s)) return 1; #endif + #ifndef STBI_NO_PNM + if (stbi__pnm_is16(s)) return 1; + #endif return 0; } diff --git a/contrib/unzip/crypt.c b/contrib/unzip/crypt.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4cc731b3e3..0000000000 --- a/contrib/unzip/crypt.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@ -/* crypt.c -- base code for traditional PKWARE encryption - Version 1.01e, February 12th, 2005 - - Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Gilles Vollant - Modifications for Info-ZIP crypting - Copyright (C) 2003 Terry Thorsen - - This code is a modified version of crypting code in Info-ZIP distribution - - Copyright (C) 1990-2000 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. - - This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. - See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. - - This encryption code is a direct transcription of the algorithm from - Roger Schlafly, described by Phil Katz in the file appnote.txt. This - file (appnote.txt) is distributed with the PKZIP program (even in the - version without encryption capabilities). - - If you don't need crypting in your application, just define symbols - NOCRYPT and NOUNCRYPT. -*/ - -#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) - #define MICROSOFT_WINDOWS_WINBASE_H_DEFINE_INTERLOCKED_CPLUSPLUS_OVERLOADS 0 -#endif - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#ifdef _WIN32 -# include -# include -#else -# include -# include -# include -#endif - -#include "zlib.h" - -#include "crypt.h" - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -# pragma warning(push) -# pragma warning(disable : 4244) -#endif // _MSC_VER - -/***************************************************************************/ - -#define CRC32(c, b) ((*(pcrc_32_tab+(((uint32_t)(c) ^ (b)) & 0xff))) ^ ((c) >> 8)) - -#ifndef ZCR_SEED2 -# define ZCR_SEED2 3141592654UL /* use PI as default pattern */ -#endif - -/***************************************************************************/ - -uint8_t decrypt_byte(uint32_t *pkeys) -{ - unsigned temp; /* POTENTIAL BUG: temp*(temp^1) may overflow in an - * unpredictable manner on 16-bit systems; not a problem - * with any known compiler so far, though */ - - temp = ((uint32_t)(*(pkeys+2)) & 0xffff) | 2; - return (uint8_t)(((temp * (temp ^ 1)) >> 8) & 0xff); -} - -uint8_t update_keys(uint32_t *pkeys, const z_crc_t *pcrc_32_tab, int32_t c) -{ - (*(pkeys+0)) = (uint32_t)CRC32((*(pkeys+0)), c); - (*(pkeys+1)) += (*(pkeys+0)) & 0xff; - (*(pkeys+1)) = (*(pkeys+1)) * 134775813L + 1; - { - register int32_t keyshift = (int32_t)((*(pkeys + 1)) >> 24); - (*(pkeys+2)) = (uint32_t)CRC32((*(pkeys+2)), keyshift); - } - return c; -} - -void init_keys(const char *passwd, uint32_t *pkeys, const z_crc_t *pcrc_32_tab) -{ - *(pkeys+0) = 305419896L; - *(pkeys+1) = 591751049L; - *(pkeys+2) = 878082192L; - while (*passwd != 0) - { - update_keys(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, *passwd); - passwd += 1; - } -} - -/***************************************************************************/ - -int cryptrand(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len) -{ - static unsigned calls = 0; - int rlen = 0; -#ifdef _WIN32 - HCRYPTPROV provider; - unsigned __int64 pentium_tsc[1]; - int result = 0; - - - if (CryptAcquireContext(&provider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT | CRYPT_SILENT)) - { - result = CryptGenRandom(provider, len, buf); - CryptReleaseContext(provider, 0); - if (result) - return len; - } - - for (rlen = 0; rlen < (int)len; ++rlen) - { - if (rlen % 8 == 0) - QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)pentium_tsc); - buf[rlen] = ((unsigned char*)pentium_tsc)[rlen % 8]; - } -#else - int frand = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); - if (frand != -1) - { - rlen = (int)read(frand, buf, len); - close(frand); - } -#endif - if (rlen < (int)len) - { - /* Ensure different random header each time */ - if (++calls == 1) - srand((unsigned)(time(NULL) ^ ZCR_SEED2)); - - while (rlen < (int)len) - buf[rlen++] = (rand() >> 7) & 0xff; - } - return rlen; -} - -int crypthead(const char *passwd, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, uint32_t *pkeys, - const z_crc_t *pcrc_32_tab, uint8_t verify1, uint8_t verify2) -{ - uint8_t n = 0; /* index in random header */ - uint8_t header[RAND_HEAD_LEN-2]; /* random header */ - uint16_t t = 0; /* temporary */ - - if (buf_size < RAND_HEAD_LEN) - return 0; - - init_keys(passwd, pkeys, pcrc_32_tab); - - /* First generate RAND_HEAD_LEN-2 random bytes. */ - cryptrand(header, RAND_HEAD_LEN-2); - - /* Encrypt random header (last two bytes is high word of crc) */ - init_keys(passwd, pkeys, pcrc_32_tab); - - for (n = 0; n < RAND_HEAD_LEN-2; n++) - buf[n] = (uint8_t)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, header[n], t); - - buf[n++] = (uint8_t)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, verify1, t); - buf[n++] = (uint8_t)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, verify2, t); - return n; -} - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -# pragma warning(pop) -#endif // _MSC_VER - -/***************************************************************************/ diff --git a/contrib/unzip/crypt.h b/contrib/unzip/crypt.h index 78146eb832..1cc41f19d7 100644 --- a/contrib/unzip/crypt.h +++ b/contrib/unzip/crypt.h @@ -1,63 +1,132 @@ -/* crypt.h -- base code for traditional PKWARE encryption +/* crypt.h -- base code for crypt/uncrypt ZIPfile + + Version 1.01e, February 12th, 2005 Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Gilles Vollant - Modifications for Info-ZIP crypting - Copyright (C) 2003 Terry Thorsen - This code is a modified version of crypting code in Info-ZIP distribution + This code is a modified version of crypting code in Infozip distribution - Copyright (C) 1990-2000 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. + The encryption/decryption parts of this source code (as opposed to the + non-echoing password parts) were originally written in Europe. The + whole source package can be freely distributed, including from the USA. + (Prior to January 2000, re-export from the US was a violation of US law.) - This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. - See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. -*/ + This encryption code is a direct transcription of the algorithm from + Roger Schlafly, described by Phil Katz in the file appnote.txt. This + file (appnote.txt) is distributed with the PKZIP program (even in the + version without encryption capabilities). -#ifndef _MINICRYPT_H -#define _MINICRYPT_H - -#if ZLIB_VERNUM < 0x1270 -#if !defined(Z_U4) -typedef unsigned long z_crc_t; -#endif -#endif + If you don't need crypting in your application, just define symbols + NOCRYPT and NOUNCRYPT. -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif + This code support the "Traditional PKWARE Encryption". -#define RAND_HEAD_LEN 12 + The new AES encryption added on Zip format by Winzip (see the page + http://www.winzip.com/aes_info.htm ) and PKWare PKZip 5.x Strong + Encryption is not supported. +*/ -/***************************************************************************/ +#define CRC32(c, b) ((*(pcrc_32_tab+(((int)(c) ^ (b)) & 0xff))) ^ ((c) >> 8)) -#define zdecode(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c) \ - (update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab, c ^= decrypt_byte(pkeys))) +/*********************************************************************** + * Return the next byte in the pseudo-random sequence + */ +static int decrypt_byte(unsigned long* pkeys, const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab) +{ + unsigned temp; /* POTENTIAL BUG: temp*(temp^1) may overflow in an + * unpredictable manner on 16-bit systems; not a problem + * with any known compiler so far, though */ -#define zencode(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c,t) \ - (t = decrypt_byte(pkeys), update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c), t^(c)) - -/***************************************************************************/ + (void)pcrc_32_tab; + temp = ((unsigned)(*(pkeys+2)) & 0xffff) | 2; + return (int)(((temp * (temp ^ 1)) >> 8) & 0xff); +} -/* Return the next byte in the pseudo-random sequence */ -uint8_t decrypt_byte(uint32_t *pkeys); +/*********************************************************************** + * Update the encryption keys with the next byte of plain text + */ +static int update_keys(unsigned long* pkeys,const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab,int c) +{ + (*(pkeys+0)) = CRC32((*(pkeys+0)), c); + (*(pkeys+1)) += (*(pkeys+0)) & 0xff; + (*(pkeys+1)) = (*(pkeys+1)) * 134775813L + 1; + { + register int keyshift = (int)((*(pkeys+1)) >> 24); + (*(pkeys+2)) = CRC32((*(pkeys+2)), keyshift); + } + return c; +} -/* Update the encryption keys with the next byte of plain text */ -uint8_t update_keys(uint32_t *pkeys, const z_crc_t *pcrc_32_tab, int32_t c); -/* Initialize the encryption keys and the random header according to the given password. */ -void init_keys(const char *passwd, uint32_t *pkeys, const z_crc_t *pcrc_32_tab); +/*********************************************************************** + * Initialize the encryption keys and the random header according to + * the given password. + */ +static void init_keys(const char* passwd,unsigned long* pkeys,const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab) +{ + *(pkeys+0) = 305419896L; + *(pkeys+1) = 591751049L; + *(pkeys+2) = 878082192L; + while (*passwd != '\0') { + update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,(int)*passwd); + passwd++; + } +} -/* Generate cryptographically secure random numbers */ -int cryptrand(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); +#define zdecode(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c) \ + (update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c ^= decrypt_byte(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab))) -/* Create encryption header */ -int crypthead(const char *passwd, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, uint32_t *pkeys, - const z_crc_t *pcrc_32_tab, uint8_t verify1, uint8_t verify2); +#define zencode(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c,t) \ + (t=decrypt_byte(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab), update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c), (Byte)t^(c)) -/***************************************************************************/ +#ifdef INCLUDECRYPTINGCODE_IFCRYPTALLOWED -#ifdef __cplusplus +#define RAND_HEAD_LEN 12 + /* "last resort" source for second part of crypt seed pattern */ +# ifndef ZCR_SEED2 +# define ZCR_SEED2 3141592654UL /* use PI as default pattern */ +# endif + +static unsigned crypthead(const char* passwd, /* password string */ + unsigned char* buf, /* where to write header */ + int bufSize, + unsigned long* pkeys, + const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab, + unsigned long crcForCrypting) +{ + unsigned n; /* index in random header */ + int t; /* temporary */ + int c; /* random byte */ + unsigned char header[RAND_HEAD_LEN-2]; /* random header */ + static unsigned calls = 0; /* ensure different random header each time */ + + if (bufSize> 7) & 0xff; + header[n] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, c, t); + } + /* Encrypt random header (last two bytes is high word of crc) */ + init_keys(passwd, pkeys, pcrc_32_tab); + for (n = 0; n < RAND_HEAD_LEN-2; n++) + { + buf[n] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, header[n], t); + } + buf[n++] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, (int)(crcForCrypting >> 16) & 0xff, t); + buf[n++] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, (int)(crcForCrypting >> 24) & 0xff, t); + return n; } -#endif #endif diff --git a/contrib/unzip/ioapi.c b/contrib/unzip/ioapi.c index d9ae01e7d8..0ca29db6af 100644 --- a/contrib/unzip/ioapi.c +++ b/contrib/unzip/ioapi.c @@ -1,81 +1,75 @@ -/* ioapi.c -- IO base function header for compress/uncompress .zip - part of the MiniZip project +/* ioapi.h -- IO base function header for compress/uncompress .zip + part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) - Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant - http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html - Modifications for Zip64 support - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson - http://result42.com + Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) - This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. - See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. -*/ + Modifications for Zip64 support + Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com ) -#include -#include + For more info read MiniZip_info.txt -#if defined unix || defined __APPLE__ -#include -#include -#endif +*/ -#include "ioapi.h" +#if defined(_WIN32) && (!(defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS))) + #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS +#endif -#ifdef _WIN32 -# define snprintf _snprintf -#ifdef _MSC_VER -# pragma warning(push) -# pragma warning(disable : 4131 4100) +#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(IOAPI_NO_64) +// In darwin and perhaps other BSD variants off_t is a 64 bit value, hence no need for specific 64 bit functions +#define FOPEN_FUNC(filename, mode) fopen(filename, mode) +#define FTELLO_FUNC(stream) ftello(stream) +#define FSEEKO_FUNC(stream, offset, origin) fseeko(stream, offset, origin) +#else +#define FOPEN_FUNC(filename, mode) fopen64(filename, mode) +#define FTELLO_FUNC(stream) ftello64(stream) +#define FSEEKO_FUNC(stream, offset, origin) fseeko64(stream, offset, origin) #endif -# ifdef __clang__ -# pragma clang diagnostic push -# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" -# endif -#endif // _WIN32 -voidpf call_zopen64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc, const void *filename, int mode) -{ - if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopen64_file != NULL) - return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopen64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque, filename, mode); - return (*(pfilefunc->zopen32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque, (const char*)filename, mode); -} +#include "ioapi.h" -voidpf call_zopendisk64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc, voidpf filestream, uint32_t number_disk, int mode) +voidpf call_zopen64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,const void*filename,int mode) { - if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopendisk64_file != NULL) - return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopendisk64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque, filestream, number_disk, mode); - return (*(pfilefunc->zopendisk32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque, filestream, number_disk, mode); + if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopen64_file != NULL) + return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopen64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filename,mode); + else + { + return (*(pfilefunc->zopen32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,(const char*)filename,mode); + } } -long call_zseek64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc, voidpf filestream, uint64_t offset, int origin) +long call_zseek64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin) { - uint32_t offset_truncated = 0; if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zseek64_file != NULL) return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zseek64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,offset,origin); - offset_truncated = (uint32_t)offset; - if (offset_truncated != offset) - return -1; - return (*(pfilefunc->zseek32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream, offset_truncated, origin); + else + { + uLong offsetTruncated = (uLong)offset; + if (offsetTruncated != offset) + return -1; + else + return (*(pfilefunc->zseek32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,offsetTruncated,origin); + } } -uint64_t call_ztell64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc, voidpf filestream) +ZPOS64_T call_ztell64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream) { - uint64_t position; if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zseek64_file != NULL) - return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.ztell64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque, filestream); - position = (*(pfilefunc->ztell32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque, filestream); - if ((position) == UINT32_MAX) - return (uint64_t)-1; - return position; + return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.ztell64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream); + else + { + uLong tell_uLong = (uLong)(*(pfilefunc->ztell32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream); + if ((tell_uLong) == MAXU32) + return (ZPOS64_T)-1; + else + return tell_uLong; + } } -void fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(zlib_filefunc64_32_def *p_filefunc64_32, const zlib_filefunc_def *p_filefunc32) +void fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(zlib_filefunc64_32_def* p_filefunc64_32,const zlib_filefunc_def* p_filefunc32) { p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zopen64_file = NULL; - p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zopendisk64_file = NULL; p_filefunc64_32->zopen32_file = p_filefunc32->zopen_file; - p_filefunc64_32->zopendisk32_file = p_filefunc32->zopendisk_file; p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zerror_file = p_filefunc32->zerror_file; p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zread_file = p_filefunc32->zread_file; p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zwrite_file = p_filefunc32->zwrite_file; @@ -88,255 +82,158 @@ void fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(zlib_filefunc64_32_def *p_filef p_filefunc64_32->ztell32_file = p_filefunc32->ztell_file; } -static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func(voidpf opaque, const char *filename, int mode); -static uint32_t ZCALLBACK fread_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uint32_t size); -static uint32_t ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void *buf, uint32_t size); -static uint64_t ZCALLBACK ftell64_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream); -static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint64_t offset, int origin); -static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream); -static int ZCALLBACK ferror_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream); -typedef struct -{ - FILE *file; - int filenameLength; - void *filename; -} FILE_IOPOSIX; -static voidpf file_build_ioposix(FILE *file, const char *filename) -{ - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - if (file == NULL) - return NULL; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)malloc(sizeof(FILE_IOPOSIX)); - ioposix->file = file; - ioposix->filenameLength = (int)strlen(filename) + 1; - ioposix->filename = (char*)malloc(ioposix->filenameLength * sizeof(char)); - memcpy((char*)ioposix->filename, filename, ioposix->filenameLength); - return (voidpf)ioposix; -} +static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode)); +static uLong ZCALLBACK fread_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size)); +static uLong ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf,uLong size)); +static ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK ftell64_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)); +static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)); +static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)); +static int ZCALLBACK ferror_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)); -static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func(voidpf opaque, const char *filename, int mode) +static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func (voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode) { FILE* file = NULL; - const char *mode_fopen = NULL; - if ((mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER) == ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ) + const char* mode_fopen = NULL; + (void)opaque; + if ((mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER)==ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ) mode_fopen = "rb"; - else if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING) + else + if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING) mode_fopen = "r+b"; - else if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_CREATE) + else + if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_CREATE) mode_fopen = "wb"; - if ((filename != NULL) && (mode_fopen != NULL)) - { + if ((filename!=NULL) && (mode_fopen != NULL)) file = fopen(filename, mode_fopen); - return file_build_ioposix(file, filename); - } return file; } -static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen64_file_func(voidpf opaque, const void *filename, int mode) +static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen64_file_func (voidpf opaque, const void* filename, int mode) { FILE* file = NULL; - const char *mode_fopen = NULL; - if ((mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER) == ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ) + const char* mode_fopen = NULL; + (void)opaque; + if ((mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER)==ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ) mode_fopen = "rb"; - else if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING) + else + if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING) mode_fopen = "r+b"; - else if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_CREATE) + else + if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_CREATE) mode_fopen = "wb"; - if ((filename != NULL) && (mode_fopen != NULL)) - { - file = fopen64((const char*)filename, mode_fopen); - return file_build_ioposix(file, (const char*)filename); - } + if ((filename!=NULL) && (mode_fopen != NULL)) + file = FOPEN_FUNC((const char*)filename, mode_fopen); return file; } -static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopendisk64_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint32_t number_disk, int mode) -{ - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - char *diskFilename = NULL; - voidpf ret = NULL; - int i = 0; - - if (stream == NULL) - return NULL; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - diskFilename = (char*)malloc(ioposix->filenameLength * sizeof(char)); - strncpy(diskFilename, (const char*)ioposix->filename, ioposix->filenameLength); - for (i = ioposix->filenameLength - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) - { - if (diskFilename[i] != '.') - continue; - snprintf(&diskFilename[i], ioposix->filenameLength - i, ".z%02u", number_disk + 1); - break; - } - if (i >= 0) - ret = fopen64_file_func(opaque, diskFilename, mode); - free(diskFilename); - return ret; -} -static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopendisk_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint32_t number_disk, int mode) +static uLong ZCALLBACK fread_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - char *diskFilename = NULL; - voidpf ret = NULL; - int i = 0; - - if (stream == NULL) - return NULL; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - diskFilename = (char*)malloc(ioposix->filenameLength * sizeof(char)); - strncpy(diskFilename, (const char*)ioposix->filename, ioposix->filenameLength); - for (i = ioposix->filenameLength - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) - { - if (diskFilename[i] != '.') - continue; - snprintf(&diskFilename[i], ioposix->filenameLength - i, ".z%02u", number_disk + 1); - break; - } - if (i >= 0) - ret = fopen_file_func(opaque, diskFilename, mode); - free(diskFilename); + uLong ret; + (void)opaque; + ret = (uLong)fread(buf, 1, (size_t)size, (FILE *)stream); return ret; } -static uint32_t ZCALLBACK fread_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uint32_t size) +static uLong ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf, uLong size) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - uint32_t read = (uint32_t)-1; - if (stream == NULL) - return read; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - read = (uint32_t)fread(buf, 1, (size_t)size, ioposix->file); - return read; -} - -static uint32_t ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void *buf, uint32_t size) -{ - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - uint32_t written = (uint32_t)-1; - if (stream == NULL) - return written; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - written = (uint32_t)fwrite(buf, 1, (size_t)size, ioposix->file); - return written; + uLong ret; + (void)opaque; + ret = (uLong)fwrite(buf, 1, (size_t)size, (FILE *)stream); + return ret; } -static long ZCALLBACK ftell_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) +static long ZCALLBACK ftell_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - long ret = -1; - if (stream == NULL) - return ret; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - ret = ftell(ioposix->file); + long ret; + (void)opaque; + ret = ftell((FILE *)stream); return ret; } -static uint64_t ZCALLBACK ftell64_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) + +static ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK ftell64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - uint64_t ret = (uint64_t)-1; - if (stream == NULL) - return ret; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - ret = ftello64(ioposix->file); + ZPOS64_T ret; + (void)opaque; + ret = (ZPOS64_T)FTELLO_FUNC((FILE *)stream); return ret; } -static long ZCALLBACK fseek_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint32_t offset, int origin) +static long ZCALLBACK fseek_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uLong offset, int origin) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - int fseek_origin = 0; - long ret = 0; - - if (stream == NULL) - return -1; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - + int fseek_origin=0; + long ret; + (void)opaque; switch (origin) { - case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR: - fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR; - break; - case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END: - fseek_origin = SEEK_END; - break; - case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET: - fseek_origin = SEEK_SET; - break; - default: - return -1; + case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR : + fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR; + break; + case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END : + fseek_origin = SEEK_END; + break; + case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET : + fseek_origin = SEEK_SET; + break; + default: return -1; } - if (fseek(ioposix->file, offset, fseek_origin) != 0) + ret = 0; + if (fseek((FILE *)stream, (long)offset, fseek_origin) != 0) ret = -1; return ret; } -static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint64_t offset, int origin) +static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - int fseek_origin = 0; - long ret = 0; - - if (stream == NULL) - return -1; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - + int fseek_origin=0; + long ret; + (void)opaque; switch (origin) { - case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR: - fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR; - break; - case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END: - fseek_origin = SEEK_END; - break; - case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET: - fseek_origin = SEEK_SET; - break; - default: - return -1; + case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR : + fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR; + break; + case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END : + fseek_origin = SEEK_END; + break; + case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET : + fseek_origin = SEEK_SET; + break; + default: return -1; } + ret = 0; - if (fseeko64(ioposix->file, offset, fseek_origin) != 0) - ret = -1; + if(FSEEKO_FUNC((FILE *)stream, (z_off_t)offset, fseek_origin) != 0) + ret = -1; return ret; } -static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) + +static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - int ret = -1; - if (stream == NULL) - return ret; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - if (ioposix->filename != NULL) - free(ioposix->filename); - ret = fclose(ioposix->file); - free(ioposix); + int ret; + (void)opaque; + ret = fclose((FILE *)stream); return ret; } -static int ZCALLBACK ferror_file_func(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) +static int ZCALLBACK ferror_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { - FILE_IOPOSIX *ioposix = NULL; - int ret = -1; - if (stream == NULL) - return ret; - ioposix = (FILE_IOPOSIX*)stream; - ret = ferror(ioposix->file); + int ret; + (void)opaque; + ret = ferror((FILE *)stream); return ret; } -void fill_fopen_filefunc(zlib_filefunc_def *pzlib_filefunc_def) +void fill_fopen_filefunc (zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def) { pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen_file = fopen_file_func; - pzlib_filefunc_def->zopendisk_file = fopendisk_file_func; pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = fread_file_func; pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = fwrite_file_func; pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell_file = ftell_file_func; @@ -346,10 +243,9 @@ void fill_fopen_filefunc(zlib_filefunc_def *pzlib_filefunc_def) pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL; } -void fill_fopen64_filefunc(zlib_filefunc64_def *pzlib_filefunc_def) +void fill_fopen64_filefunc (zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def) { pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen64_file = fopen64_file_func; - pzlib_filefunc_def->zopendisk64_file = fopendisk64_file_func; pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = fread_file_func; pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = fwrite_file_func; pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell64_file = ftell64_file_func; @@ -358,10 +254,3 @@ void fill_fopen64_filefunc(zlib_filefunc64_def *pzlib_filefunc_def) pzlib_filefunc_def->zerror_file = ferror_file_func; pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL; } - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -# pragma warning(pop) -# ifdef __clang__ -# pragma clang diagnostic pop -# endif -#endif // _MSC_VER diff --git a/contrib/unzip/ioapi.h b/contrib/unzip/ioapi.h index 0e49543e5e..ae9ca7e833 100644 --- a/contrib/unzip/ioapi.h +++ b/contrib/unzip/ioapi.h @@ -1,142 +1,207 @@ /* ioapi.h -- IO base function header for compress/uncompress .zip - part of the MiniZip project + part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) - Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant - http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html - Modifications for Zip64 support - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson - http://result42.com + Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) + + Modifications for Zip64 support + Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com ) + + For more info read MiniZip_info.txt + + Changes + + Oct-2009 - Defined ZPOS64_T to fpos_t on windows and u_int64_t on linux. (might need to find a better why for this) + Oct-2009 - Change to fseeko64, ftello64 and fopen64 so large files would work on linux. + More if/def section may be needed to support other platforms + Oct-2009 - Defined fxxxx64 calls to normal fopen/ftell/fseek so they would compile on windows. + (but you should use iowin32.c for windows instead) - This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. - See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. */ #ifndef _ZLIBIOAPI64_H #define _ZLIBIOAPI64_H +#if (!defined(_WIN32)) && (!defined(WIN32)) && (!defined(__APPLE__)) + + // Linux needs this to support file operation on files larger then 4+GB + // But might need better if/def to select just the platforms that needs them. + + #ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 + #define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 + #endif + #ifndef __USE_LARGEFILE64 + #define __USE_LARGEFILE64 + #endif + #ifndef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE + #define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE + #endif + #ifndef _FILE_OFFSET_BIT + #define _FILE_OFFSET_BIT 64 + #endif + +#endif + #include #include -#include - #include "zlib.h" #if defined(USE_FILE32API) -# define fopen64 fopen -# define ftello64 ftell -# define fseeko64 fseek +#define fopen64 fopen +#define ftello64 ftell +#define fseeko64 fseek +#else +#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) +#define fopen64 fopen +#define ftello64 ftello +#define fseeko64 fseeko +#endif +#ifdef _MSC_VER + #define fopen64 fopen + #if (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (!(defined(NO_MSCVER_FILE64_FUNC))) + #define ftello64 _ftelli64 + #define fseeko64 _fseeki64 + #else // old MSC + #define ftello64 ftell + #define fseeko64 fseek + #endif +#endif +#endif + +/* +#ifndef ZPOS64_T + #ifdef _WIN32 + #define ZPOS64_T fpos_t + #else + #include + #define ZPOS64_T uint64_t + #endif +#endif +*/ + +#ifdef HAVE_MINIZIP64_CONF_H +#include "mz64conf.h" +#endif + +/* a type choosen by DEFINE */ +#ifdef HAVE_64BIT_INT_CUSTOM +typedef 64BIT_INT_CUSTOM_TYPE ZPOS64_T; #else -#if defined(_MSC_VER) -# define fopen64 fopen -# if (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (!(defined(NO_MSCVER_FILE64_FUNC))) -# define ftello64 _ftelli64 -# define fseeko64 _fseeki64 -# else /* old MSC */ -# define ftello64 ftell -# define fseeko64 fseek -# endif +#ifdef HAS_STDINT_H +#include "stdint.h" +typedef uint64_t ZPOS64_T; #else -# define fopen64 fopen -# define ftello64 ftello -# define fseeko64 fseeko + + + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) +typedef unsigned __int64 ZPOS64_T; +#else +typedef unsigned long long int ZPOS64_T; +#endif #endif #endif +/* Maximum unsigned 32-bit value used as placeholder for zip64 */ +#ifndef MAXU32 +#define MAXU32 (0xffffffff) +#endif + #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif + #define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR (1) #define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END (2) #define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET (0) -#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ (1) -#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_WRITE (2) -#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER (3) -#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING (4) -#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_CREATE (8) +#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ (1) +#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_WRITE (2) +#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER (3) + +#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING (4) +#define ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_CREATE (8) + #ifndef ZCALLBACK -# if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined (WINDOWS) || \ - defined (_WINDOWS)) && defined(CALLBACK) && defined (USEWINDOWS_CALLBACK) -# define ZCALLBACK CALLBACK -# else -# define ZCALLBACK -# endif + #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined (WINDOWS) || defined (_WINDOWS)) && defined(CALLBACK) && defined (USEWINDOWS_CALLBACK) + #define ZCALLBACK CALLBACK + #else + #define ZCALLBACK + #endif #endif -typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *open_file_func) (voidpf opaque, const char *filename, int mode); -typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *opendisk_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint32_t number_disk, int mode); -typedef uint32_t (ZCALLBACK *read_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uint32_t size); -typedef uint32_t (ZCALLBACK *write_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void *buf, uint32_t size); -typedef int (ZCALLBACK *close_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream); -typedef int (ZCALLBACK *error_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream); -typedef long (ZCALLBACK *tell_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream); -typedef long (ZCALLBACK *seek_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint32_t offset, int origin); + + +typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *open_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode)); +typedef uLong (ZCALLBACK *read_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size)); +typedef uLong (ZCALLBACK *write_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf, uLong size)); +typedef int (ZCALLBACK *close_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)); +typedef int (ZCALLBACK *testerror_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)); + +typedef long (ZCALLBACK *tell_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)); +typedef long (ZCALLBACK *seek_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uLong offset, int origin)); + /* here is the "old" 32 bits structure structure */ typedef struct zlib_filefunc_def_s { open_file_func zopen_file; - opendisk_file_func zopendisk_file; read_file_func zread_file; write_file_func zwrite_file; tell_file_func ztell_file; seek_file_func zseek_file; close_file_func zclose_file; - error_file_func zerror_file; + testerror_file_func zerror_file; voidpf opaque; } zlib_filefunc_def; -typedef uint64_t (ZCALLBACK *tell64_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream); -typedef long (ZCALLBACK *seek64_file_func) (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint64_t offset, int origin); -typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *open64_file_func) (voidpf opaque, const void *filename, int mode); -typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *opendisk64_file_func)(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uint32_t number_disk, int mode); +typedef ZPOS64_T (ZCALLBACK *tell64_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)); +typedef long (ZCALLBACK *seek64_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)); +typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *open64_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, const void* filename, int mode)); typedef struct zlib_filefunc64_def_s { - open64_file_func zopen64_file; - opendisk64_file_func zopendisk64_file; - read_file_func zread_file; - write_file_func zwrite_file; - tell64_file_func ztell64_file; - seek64_file_func zseek64_file; - close_file_func zclose_file; - error_file_func zerror_file; - voidpf opaque; + open64_file_func zopen64_file; + read_file_func zread_file; + write_file_func zwrite_file; + tell64_file_func ztell64_file; + seek64_file_func zseek64_file; + close_file_func zclose_file; + testerror_file_func zerror_file; + voidpf opaque; } zlib_filefunc64_def; -void fill_fopen_filefunc(zlib_filefunc_def *pzlib_filefunc_def); -void fill_fopen64_filefunc(zlib_filefunc64_def *pzlib_filefunc_def); +void fill_fopen64_filefunc OF((zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)); +void fill_fopen_filefunc OF((zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)); /* now internal definition, only for zip.c and unzip.h */ typedef struct zlib_filefunc64_32_def_s { zlib_filefunc64_def zfile_func64; open_file_func zopen32_file; - opendisk_file_func zopendisk32_file; tell_file_func ztell32_file; seek_file_func zseek32_file; } zlib_filefunc64_32_def; -#define ZREAD64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zread_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size)) -#define ZWRITE64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zwrite_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size)) -/*#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).ztell64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream))*/ -/*#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) ((*((filefunc).zseek64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream,pos,mode))*/ -#define ZCLOSE64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zclose_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream)) -#define ZERROR64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zerror_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream)) -voidpf call_zopen64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc,const void*filename, int mode); -voidpf call_zopendisk64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc, voidpf filestream, uint32_t number_disk, int mode); -long call_zseek64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc, voidpf filestream, uint64_t offset, int origin); -uint64_t call_ztell64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pfilefunc, voidpf filestream); +#define ZREAD64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zread_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size)) +#define ZWRITE64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zwrite_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size)) +//#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).ztell64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream)) +//#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) ((*((filefunc).zseek64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream,pos,mode)) +#define ZCLOSE64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zclose_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream)) +#define ZERROR64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zerror_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream)) + +voidpf call_zopen64 OF((const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,const void*filename,int mode)); +long call_zseek64 OF((const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)); +ZPOS64_T call_ztell64 OF((const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream)); -void fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(zlib_filefunc64_32_def *p_filefunc64_32, const zlib_filefunc_def *p_filefunc32); +void fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(zlib_filefunc64_32_def* p_filefunc64_32,const zlib_filefunc_def* p_filefunc32); -#define ZOPEN64(filefunc,filename,mode) (call_zopen64((&(filefunc)),(filename),(mode))) -#define ZOPENDISK64(filefunc,filestream,diskn,mode) (call_zopendisk64((&(filefunc)),(filestream),(diskn),(mode))) -#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) (call_ztell64((&(filefunc)),(filestream))) -#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) (call_zseek64((&(filefunc)),(filestream),(pos),(mode))) +#define ZOPEN64(filefunc,filename,mode) (call_zopen64((&(filefunc)),(filename),(mode))) +#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) (call_ztell64((&(filefunc)),(filestream))) +#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) (call_zseek64((&(filefunc)),(filestream),(pos),(mode))) #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/contrib/unzip/unzip.c b/contrib/unzip/unzip.c index ba15257a95..e703549d25 100644 --- a/contrib/unzip/unzip.c +++ b/contrib/unzip/unzip.c @@ -1,524 +1,782 @@ /* unzip.c -- IO for uncompress .zip files using zlib Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010 - part of the MiniZip project - - Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant - http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html - Modifications of Unzip for Zip64 - Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault - Modifications for Zip64 support on both zip and unzip - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson - http://result42.com - Modifications for AES, PKWARE disk spanning - Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Nathan Moinvaziri - - This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. - See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. + part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) + + Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) + + Modifications of Unzip for Zip64 + Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault + + Modifications for Zip64 support on both zip and unzip + Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com ) + + For more info read MiniZip_info.txt + + + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Decryption code comes from crypt.c by Info-ZIP but has been greatly reduced in terms of + compatibility with older software. The following is from the original crypt.c. + Code woven in by Terry Thorsen 1/2003. + + Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. + + See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2000-Apr-09 or later + (the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use. + If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license + also may be found at: ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/license.html + + crypt.c (full version) by Info-ZIP. Last revised: [see crypt.h] + + The encryption/decryption parts of this source code (as opposed to the + non-echoing password parts) were originally written in Europe. The + whole source package can be freely distributed, including from the USA. + (Prior to January 2000, re-export from the US was a violation of US law.) + + This encryption code is a direct transcription of the algorithm from + Roger Schlafly, described by Phil Katz in the file appnote.txt. This + file (appnote.txt) is distributed with the PKZIP program (even in the + version without encryption capabilities). + + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + Changes in unzip.c + + 2007-2008 - Even Rouault - Addition of cpl_unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos + 2007-2008 - Even Rouault - Decoration of symbol names unz* -> cpl_unz* + 2007-2008 - Even Rouault - Remove old C style function prototypes + 2007-2008 - Even Rouault - Add unzip support for ZIP64 + + Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault + + + Oct-2009 - Mathias Svensson - Removed cpl_* from symbol names (Even Rouault added them but since this is now moved to a new project (minizip64) I renamed them again). + Oct-2009 - Mathias Svensson - Fixed problem if uncompressed size was > 4G and compressed size was <4G + should only read the compressed/uncompressed size from the Zip64 format if + the size from normal header was 0xFFFFFFFF + Oct-2009 - Mathias Svensson - Applied some bug fixes from paches recived from Gilles Vollant + Oct-2009 - Mathias Svensson - Applied support to unzip files with compression mathod BZIP2 (bzip2 lib is required) + Patch created by Daniel Borca + + Jan-2010 - back to unzip and minizip 1.0 name scheme, with compatibility layer + + Copyright (C) 1998 - 2010 Gilles Vollant, Even Rouault, Mathias Svensson + */ + #include #include -#include #include -#include + +#ifndef NOUNCRYPT + #define NOUNCRYPT +#endif #include "zlib.h" #include "unzip.h" -#ifdef HAVE_AES -# define AES_METHOD (99) -# define AES_PWVERIFYSIZE (2) -# define AES_MAXSALTLENGTH (16) -# define AES_AUTHCODESIZE (10) -# define AES_HEADERSIZE (11) -# define AES_KEYSIZE(mode) (64 + (mode * 64)) - -# include "aes/aes.h" -# include "aes/fileenc.h" +#ifdef STDC +# include +# include +# include #endif -#ifdef HAVE_APPLE_COMPRESSION -# include +#ifdef NO_ERRNO_H + extern int errno; +#else +# include #endif -#ifndef NOUNCRYPT -# include "crypt.h" -#endif -#define DISKHEADERMAGIC (0x08074b50) -#define LOCALHEADERMAGIC (0x04034b50) -#define CENTRALHEADERMAGIC (0x02014b50) -#define ENDHEADERMAGIC (0x06054b50) -#define ZIP64ENDHEADERMAGIC (0x06064b50) -#define ZIP64ENDLOCHEADERMAGIC (0x07064b50) +#ifndef local +# define local static +#endif +/* compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols */ -#define SIZECENTRALDIRITEM (0x2e) -#define SIZECENTRALHEADERLOCATOR (0x14) -#define SIZEZIPLOCALHEADER (0x1e) -#ifndef BUFREADCOMMENT -# define BUFREADCOMMENT (0x400) +#ifndef CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULT_NO +# if !defined(unix) && !defined(CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULT_YES) +# define CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULT_NO +# endif #endif + #ifndef UNZ_BUFSIZE -# define UNZ_BUFSIZE (UINT16_MAX) +#define UNZ_BUFSIZE (16384) #endif + #ifndef UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP -# define UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP (256) +#define UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP (256) #endif #ifndef ALLOC -# define ALLOC(size) (malloc(size)) +# define ALLOC(size) (malloc(size)) #endif #ifndef TRYFREE -# define TRYFREE(p) {if (p) free(p);} +# define TRYFREE(p) { free(p);} #endif -#ifdef _MSC_VER -# pragma warning(push) -# pragma warning(disable : 4131 4244 4189 4245) -#endif // _MSC_VER +#define SIZECENTRALDIRITEM (0x2e) +#define SIZEZIPLOCALHEADER (0x1e) + const char unz_copyright[] = " unzip 1.01 Copyright 1998-2004 Gilles Vollant - http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll"; -/* unz_file_info_internal contain internal info about a file in zipfile*/ +/* unz_file_info_interntal contain internal info about a file in zipfile*/ typedef struct unz_file_info64_internal_s { - uint64_t offset_curfile; /* relative offset of local header 8 bytes */ - uint64_t byte_before_the_zipfile; /* byte before the zipfile, (>0 for sfx) */ -#ifdef HAVE_AES - uint8_t aes_encryption_mode; - uint16_t aes_compression_method; - uint16_t aes_version; -#endif + ZPOS64_T offset_curfile;/* relative offset of local header 8 bytes */ } unz_file_info64_internal; -/* file_in_zip_read_info_s contain internal information about a file in zipfile */ + +/* file_in_zip_read_info_s contain internal information about a file in zipfile, + when reading and decompress it */ typedef struct { - uint8_t *read_buffer; /* internal buffer for compressed data */ - z_stream stream; /* zLib stream structure for inflate */ + char *read_buffer; /* internal buffer for compressed data */ + z_stream stream; /* zLib stream structure for inflate */ + #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 - bz_stream bstream; /* bzLib stream structure for bziped */ + bz_stream bstream; /* bzLib stream structure for bziped */ #endif -#ifdef HAVE_APPLE_COMPRESSION - compression_stream astream; /* libcompression stream structure */ -#endif -#ifdef HAVE_AES - fcrypt_ctx aes_ctx; -#endif - uint64_t pos_in_zipfile; /* position in byte on the zipfile, for fseek */ - uint8_t stream_initialised; /* flag set if stream structure is initialised */ - uint64_t offset_local_extrafield; /* offset of the local extra field */ - uint16_t size_local_extrafield; /* size of the local extra field */ - uint64_t pos_local_extrafield; /* position in the local extra field in read */ - uint64_t total_out_64; + ZPOS64_T pos_in_zipfile; /* position in byte on the zipfile, for fseek*/ + uLong stream_initialised; /* flag set if stream structure is initialised*/ - uint32_t crc32; /* crc32 of all data uncompressed */ - uint32_t crc32_wait; /* crc32 we must obtain after decompress all */ - uint64_t rest_read_compressed; /* number of byte to be decompressed */ - uint64_t rest_read_uncompressed; /* number of byte to be obtained after decomp */ + ZPOS64_T offset_local_extrafield;/* offset of the local extra field */ + uInt size_local_extrafield;/* size of the local extra field */ + ZPOS64_T pos_local_extrafield; /* position in the local extra field in read*/ + ZPOS64_T total_out_64; + uLong crc32; /* crc32 of all data uncompressed */ + uLong crc32_wait; /* crc32 we must obtain after decompress all */ + ZPOS64_T rest_read_compressed; /* number of byte to be decompressed */ + ZPOS64_T rest_read_uncompressed;/*number of byte to be obtained after decomp*/ zlib_filefunc64_32_def z_filefunc; - - voidpf filestream; /* io structore of the zipfile */ - uint16_t compression_method; /* compression method (0==store) */ - uint64_t byte_before_the_zipfile; /* byte before the zipfile, (>0 for sfx) */ - int raw; + voidpf filestream; /* io structore of the zipfile */ + uLong compression_method; /* compression method (0==store) */ + ZPOS64_T byte_before_the_zipfile;/* byte before the zipfile, (>0 for sfx)*/ + int raw; } file_in_zip64_read_info_s; -/* unz64_s contain internal information about the zipfile */ + +/* unz64_s contain internal information about the zipfile +*/ typedef struct { zlib_filefunc64_32_def z_filefunc; + int is64bitOpenFunction; + voidpf filestream; /* io structore of the zipfile */ + unz_global_info64 gi; /* public global information */ + ZPOS64_T byte_before_the_zipfile;/* byte before the zipfile, (>0 for sfx)*/ + ZPOS64_T num_file; /* number of the current file in the zipfile*/ + ZPOS64_T pos_in_central_dir; /* pos of the current file in the central dir*/ + ZPOS64_T current_file_ok; /* flag about the usability of the current file*/ + ZPOS64_T central_pos; /* position of the beginning of the central dir*/ + + ZPOS64_T size_central_dir; /* size of the central directory */ + ZPOS64_T offset_central_dir; /* offset of start of central directory with + respect to the starting disk number */ + + unz_file_info64 cur_file_info; /* public info about the current file in zip*/ + unz_file_info64_internal cur_file_info_internal; /* private info about it*/ + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read; /* structure about the current + file if we are decompressing it */ + int encrypted; + + int isZip64; + +# ifndef NOUNCRYPT + unsigned long keys[3]; /* keys defining the pseudo-random sequence */ + const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab; +# endif +} unz64_s; + - voidpf filestream; /* io structure of the current zipfile */ - voidpf filestream_with_CD; /* io structure of the disk with the central directory */ - - unz_global_info64 gi; /* public global information */ - - uint64_t byte_before_the_zipfile; /* byte before the zipfile, (>0 for sfx) */ - uint64_t num_file; /* number of the current file in the zipfile */ - uint64_t pos_in_central_dir; /* pos of the current file in the central dir */ - uint64_t current_file_ok; /* flag about the usability of the current file */ - uint64_t central_pos; /* position of the beginning of the central dir */ - uint32_t number_disk; /* number of the current disk, used for spanning ZIP */ - uint64_t size_central_dir; /* size of the central directory */ - uint64_t offset_central_dir; /* offset of start of central directory with - respect to the starting disk number */ - - unz_file_info64 cur_file_info; /* public info about the current file in zip*/ - unz_file_info64_internal cur_file_info_internal; - /* private info about it*/ - file_in_zip64_read_info_s *pfile_in_zip_read; - /* structure about the current file if we are decompressing it */ - int is_zip64; /* is the current file zip64 */ #ifndef NOUNCRYPT - uint32_t keys[3]; /* keys defining the pseudo-random sequence */ - const z_crc_t *pcrc_32_tab; +#include "crypt.h" #endif -} unz64_s; -/* Read a byte from a gz_stream; Return EOF for end of file. */ -static int unzReadUInt8(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream, uint8_t *value) +/* =========================================================================== + Read a byte from a gz_stream; update next_in and avail_in. Return EOF + for end of file. + IN assertion: the stream s has been successfully opened for reading. +*/ + + +local int unz64local_getByte OF(( + const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream, + int *pi)); + +local int unz64local_getByte(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream, int *pi) { - uint8_t c = 0; - if (ZREAD64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &c, 1) == 1) + unsigned char c; + int err = (int)ZREAD64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&c,1); + if (err==1) { - *value = (uint8_t)c; + *pi = (int)c; return UNZ_OK; } - *value = 0; - if (ZERROR64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream)) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - return UNZ_EOF; + else + { + if (ZERROR64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream)) + return UNZ_ERRNO; + else + return UNZ_EOF; + } } -static int unzReadUInt16(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream, uint16_t *value) + +/* =========================================================================== + Reads a long in LSB order from the given gz_stream. Sets +*/ +local int unz64local_getShort OF(( + const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream, + uLong *pX)); + +local int unz64local_getShort (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream, + uLong *pX) { - uint16_t x; - uint8_t c = 0; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &c); - x = (uint16_t)c; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &c); - x |= ((uint16_t)c) << 8; - - if (err == UNZ_OK) - *value = x; + uLong x ; + int i = 0; + int err; + + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x = (uLong)i; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((uLong)i)<<8; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + *pX = x; else - *value = 0; + *pX = 0; return err; } -static int unzReadUInt32(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream, uint32_t *value) +local int unz64local_getLong OF(( + const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream, + uLong *pX)); + +local int unz64local_getLong (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream, + uLong *pX) { - uint32_t x = 0; - uint8_t c = 0; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &c); - x = (uint32_t)c; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &c); - x |= ((uint32_t)c) << 8; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &c); - x |= ((uint32_t)c) << 16; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &c); - x += ((uint32_t)c) << 24; - - if (err == UNZ_OK) - *value = x; + uLong x ; + int i = 0; + int err; + + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x = (uLong)i; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((uLong)i)<<8; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((uLong)i)<<16; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x += ((uLong)i)<<24; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + *pX = x; else - *value = 0; + *pX = 0; return err; } -static int unzReadUInt64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream, uint64_t *value) +local int unz64local_getLong64 OF(( + const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream, + ZPOS64_T *pX)); + + +local int unz64local_getLong64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream, + ZPOS64_T *pX) { - uint64_t x = 0; - uint8_t i = 0; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x = (uint64_t)i; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x |= ((uint64_t)i) << 8; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x |= ((uint64_t)i) << 16; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x |= ((uint64_t)i) << 24; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x |= ((uint64_t)i) << 32; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x |= ((uint64_t)i) << 40; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x |= ((uint64_t)i) << 48; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzReadUInt8(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &i); - x |= ((uint64_t)i) << 56; - - if (err == UNZ_OK) - *value = x; + ZPOS64_T x ; + int i = 0; + int err; + + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x = (ZPOS64_T)i; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((ZPOS64_T)i)<<8; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((ZPOS64_T)i)<<16; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((ZPOS64_T)i)<<24; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((ZPOS64_T)i)<<32; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((ZPOS64_T)i)<<40; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((ZPOS64_T)i)<<48; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + err = unz64local_getByte(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&i); + x |= ((ZPOS64_T)i)<<56; + + if (err==UNZ_OK) + *pX = x; else - *value = 0; + *pX = 0; return err; } -/* Locate the Central directory of a zip file (at the end, just before the global comment) */ -static uint64_t unzSearchCentralDir(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream) +/* My own strcmpi / strcasecmp */ +local int strcmpcasenosensitive_internal (const char* fileName1, const char* fileName2) +{ + for (;;) + { + char c1=*(fileName1++); + char c2=*(fileName2++); + if ((c1>='a') && (c1<='z')) + c1 -= 0x20; + if ((c2>='a') && (c2<='z')) + c2 -= 0x20; + if (c1=='\0') + return ((c2=='\0') ? 0 : -1); + if (c2=='\0') + return 1; + if (c1c2) + return 1; + } +} + + +#ifdef CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULT_NO +#define CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULTVALUE 2 +#else +#define CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULTVALUE 1 +#endif + +#ifndef STRCMPCASENOSENTIVEFUNCTION +#define STRCMPCASENOSENTIVEFUNCTION strcmpcasenosensitive_internal +#endif + +/* + Compare two filename (fileName1,fileName2). + If iCaseSenisivity = 1, comparision is case sensitivity (like strcmp) + If iCaseSenisivity = 2, comparision is not case sensitivity (like strcmpi + or strcasecmp) + If iCaseSenisivity = 0, case sensitivity is defaut of your operating system + (like 1 on Unix, 2 on Windows) + +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzStringFileNameCompare (const char* fileName1, + const char* fileName2, + int iCaseSensitivity) + +{ + if (iCaseSensitivity==0) + iCaseSensitivity=CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULTVALUE; + + if (iCaseSensitivity==1) + return strcmp(fileName1,fileName2); + + return STRCMPCASENOSENTIVEFUNCTION(fileName1,fileName2); +} + +#ifndef BUFREADCOMMENT +#define BUFREADCOMMENT (0x400) +#endif + +/* + Locate the Central directory of a zipfile (at the end, just before + the global comment) +*/ +local ZPOS64_T unz64local_SearchCentralDir OF((const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream)); +local ZPOS64_T unz64local_SearchCentralDir(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream) { - uint8_t buf[BUFREADCOMMENT + 4]; - uint64_t file_size = 0; - uint64_t back_read = 4; - uint64_t max_back = UINT16_MAX; /* maximum size of global comment */ - uint64_t pos_found = 0; - uint32_t read_size = 0; - uint64_t read_pos = 0; - uint32_t i = 0; - - if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, 0, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END) != 0) + unsigned char* buf; + ZPOS64_T uSizeFile; + ZPOS64_T uBackRead; + ZPOS64_T uMaxBack=0xffff; /* maximum size of global comment */ + ZPOS64_T uPosFound=0; + + if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,0,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END) != 0) return 0; - file_size = ZTELL64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream); - if (max_back > file_size) - max_back = file_size; + uSizeFile = ZTELL64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream); + + if (uMaxBack>uSizeFile) + uMaxBack = uSizeFile; + + buf = (unsigned char*)ALLOC(BUFREADCOMMENT+4); + if (buf==NULL) + return 0; - while (back_read < max_back) + uBackRead = 4; + while (uBackRead max_back) - back_read = max_back; + uLong uReadSize; + ZPOS64_T uReadPos ; + int i; + if (uBackRead+BUFREADCOMMENT>uMaxBack) + uBackRead = uMaxBack; else - back_read += BUFREADCOMMENT; - - read_pos = file_size - back_read; - read_size = ((BUFREADCOMMENT + 4) < (file_size - read_pos)) ? - (BUFREADCOMMENT + 4) : (uint32_t)(file_size - read_pos); + uBackRead+=BUFREADCOMMENT; + uReadPos = uSizeFile-uBackRead ; - if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, read_pos, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) + uReadSize = ((BUFREADCOMMENT+4) < (uSizeFile-uReadPos)) ? + (BUFREADCOMMENT+4) : (uLong)(uSizeFile-uReadPos); + if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,uReadPos,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) break; - if (ZREAD64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, buf, read_size) != read_size) + + if (ZREAD64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,buf,uReadSize)!=uReadSize) break; - for (i = read_size - 3; (i--) > 0;) - if (((*(buf+i)) == (ENDHEADERMAGIC & 0xff)) && - ((*(buf+i+1)) == (ENDHEADERMAGIC >> 8 & 0xff)) && - ((*(buf+i+2)) == (ENDHEADERMAGIC >> 16 & 0xff)) && - ((*(buf+i+3)) == (ENDHEADERMAGIC >> 24 & 0xff))) + for (i=(int)uReadSize-3; (i--)>0;) + if (((*(buf+i))==0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1))==0x4b) && + ((*(buf+i+2))==0x05) && ((*(buf+i+3))==0x06)) { - pos_found = read_pos+i; + uPosFound = uReadPos+(unsigned)i; break; } - if (pos_found != 0) + if (uPosFound!=0) break; } - - return pos_found; + TRYFREE(buf); + return uPosFound; } -/* Locate the Central directory 64 of a zipfile (at the end, just before the global comment) */ -static uint64_t unzSearchCentralDir64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pzlib_filefunc_def, voidpf filestream, - const uint64_t endcentraloffset) + +/* + Locate the Central directory 64 of a zipfile (at the end, just before + the global comment) +*/ +local ZPOS64_T unz64local_SearchCentralDir64 OF(( + const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream)); + +local ZPOS64_T unz64local_SearchCentralDir64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, + voidpf filestream) { - uint64_t offset = 0; - uint32_t value32 = 0; + unsigned char* buf; + ZPOS64_T uSizeFile; + ZPOS64_T uBackRead; + ZPOS64_T uMaxBack=0xffff; /* maximum size of global comment */ + ZPOS64_T uPosFound=0; + uLong uL; + ZPOS64_T relativeOffset; + + if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,0,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_END) != 0) + return 0; + + + uSizeFile = ZTELL64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream); + + if (uMaxBack>uSizeFile) + uMaxBack = uSizeFile; + + buf = (unsigned char*)ALLOC(BUFREADCOMMENT+4); + if (buf==NULL) + return 0; + + uBackRead = 4; + while (uBackReaduMaxBack) + uBackRead = uMaxBack; + else + uBackRead+=BUFREADCOMMENT; + uReadPos = uSizeFile-uBackRead ; + + uReadSize = ((BUFREADCOMMENT+4) < (uSizeFile-uReadPos)) ? + (BUFREADCOMMENT+4) : (uLong)(uSizeFile-uReadPos); + if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,uReadPos,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + break; + + if (ZREAD64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,buf,uReadSize)!=uReadSize) + break; + + for (i=(int)uReadSize-3; (i--)>0;) + if (((*(buf+i))==0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1))==0x4b) && + ((*(buf+i+2))==0x06) && ((*(buf+i+3))==0x07)) + { + uPosFound = uReadPos+(unsigned)i; + break; + } + + if (uPosFound!=0) + break; + } + TRYFREE(buf); + if (uPosFound == 0) + return 0; /* Zip64 end of central directory locator */ - if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, endcentraloffset - SIZECENTRALHEADERLOCATOR, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) + if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream, uPosFound,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + return 0; + + /* the signature, already checked */ + if (unz64local_getLong(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) return 0; - /* Read locator signature */ - if (unzReadUInt32(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) + /* number of the disk with the start of the zip64 end of central directory */ + if (unz64local_getLong(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) return 0; - if (value32 != ZIP64ENDLOCHEADERMAGIC) + if (uL != 0) return 0; - /* Number of the disk with the start of the zip64 end of central directory */ - if (unzReadUInt32(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) + + /* relative offset of the zip64 end of central directory record */ + if (unz64local_getLong64(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&relativeOffset)!=UNZ_OK) return 0; - /* Relative offset of the zip64 end of central directory record */ - if (unzReadUInt64(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &offset) != UNZ_OK) + + /* total number of disks */ + if (unz64local_getLong(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) return 0; - /* Total number of disks */ - if (unzReadUInt32(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) + if (uL != 1) return 0; + /* Goto end of central directory record */ - if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, offset, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) + if (ZSEEK64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream, relativeOffset,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) return 0; - /* The signature */ - if (unzReadUInt32(pzlib_filefunc_def, filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) + + /* the signature */ + if (unz64local_getLong(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) return 0; - if (value32 != ZIP64ENDHEADERMAGIC) + + if (uL != 0x06064b50) return 0; - return offset; + return relativeOffset; } -static unzFile unzOpenInternal(const void *path, zlib_filefunc64_32_def *pzlib_filefunc64_32_def) +/* + Open a Zip file. path contain the full pathname (by example, + on a Windows NT computer "c:\\test\\zlib114.zip" or on an Unix computer + "zlib/zlib114.zip". + If the zipfile cannot be opened (file doesn't exist or in not valid), the + return value is NULL. + Else, the return value is a unzFile Handle, usable with other function + of this unzip package. +*/ +local unzFile unzOpenInternal (const void *path, + zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc64_32_def, + int is64bitOpenFunction) { unz64_s us; - unz64_s *s = NULL; - uint64_t central_pos = 0; - uint64_t central_pos64 = 0; - uint64_t number_entry_CD = 0; - uint16_t value16 = 0; - uint32_t value32 = 0; - uint64_t value64 = 0; - voidpf filestream = NULL; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - if (unz_copyright[0] != ' ') + unz64_s *s; + ZPOS64_T central_pos; + uLong uL; + + uLong number_disk; /* number of the current dist, used for + spaning ZIP, unsupported, always 0*/ + uLong number_disk_with_CD; /* number the the disk with central dir, used + for spaning ZIP, unsupported, always 0*/ + ZPOS64_T number_entry_CD; /* total number of entries in + the central dir + (same than number_entry on nospan) */ + + int err=UNZ_OK; + + if (unz_copyright[0]!=' ') return NULL; - us.filestream = NULL; - us.filestream_with_CD = NULL; us.z_filefunc.zseek32_file = NULL; us.z_filefunc.ztell32_file = NULL; - - if (pzlib_filefunc64_32_def == NULL) + if (pzlib_filefunc64_32_def==NULL) fill_fopen64_filefunc(&us.z_filefunc.zfile_func64); else us.z_filefunc = *pzlib_filefunc64_32_def; + us.is64bitOpenFunction = is64bitOpenFunction; - us.filestream = ZOPEN64(us.z_filefunc, path, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ | ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING); - if (us.filestream == NULL) - return NULL; - us.filestream_with_CD = us.filestream; - us.is_zip64 = 0; + us.filestream = ZOPEN64(us.z_filefunc, + path, + ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ | + ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING); + if (us.filestream==NULL) + return NULL; - /* Search for end of central directory header */ - central_pos = unzSearchCentralDir(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream); + central_pos = unz64local_SearchCentralDir64(&us.z_filefunc,us.filestream); if (central_pos) { - if (ZSEEK64(us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, central_pos, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - - /* The signature, already checked */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* Number of this disk */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - us.number_disk = value16; - /* Number of the disk with the start of the central directory */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - us.gi.number_disk_with_CD = value16; - /* Total number of entries in the central directory on this disk */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - us.gi.number_entry = value16; - /* Total number of entries in the central directory */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - number_entry_CD = value16; - if (number_entry_CD != us.gi.number_entry) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - /* Size of the central directory */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - us.size_central_dir = value32; - /* Offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - us.offset_central_dir = value32; - /* Zipfile comment length */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &us.gi.size_comment) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; + uLong uS; + ZPOS64_T uL64; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - { - /* Search for Zip64 end of central directory header */ - central_pos64 = unzSearchCentralDir64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, central_pos); - if (central_pos64) - { - central_pos = central_pos64; - us.is_zip64 = 1; - - if (ZSEEK64(us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, central_pos, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - - /* the signature, already checked */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* size of zip64 end of central directory record */ - if (unzReadUInt64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value64) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* version made by */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* version needed to extract */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* number of this disk */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &us.number_disk) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* number of the disk with the start of the central directory */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &us.gi.number_disk_with_CD) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* total number of entries in the central directory on this disk */ - if (unzReadUInt64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &us.gi.number_entry) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* total number of entries in the central directory */ - if (unzReadUInt64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &number_entry_CD) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (number_entry_CD != us.gi.number_entry) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - /* size of the central directory */ - if (unzReadUInt64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &us.size_central_dir) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number */ - if (unzReadUInt64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, &us.offset_central_dir) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - } - else if ((us.gi.number_entry == UINT16_MAX) || (us.size_central_dir == UINT16_MAX) || (us.offset_central_dir == UINT32_MAX)) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - } + us.isZip64 = 1; + + if (ZSEEK64(us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, + central_pos,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* the signature, already checked */ + if (unz64local_getLong(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* size of zip64 end of central directory record */ + if (unz64local_getLong64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uL64)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* version made by */ + if (unz64local_getShort(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uS)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* version needed to extract */ + if (unz64local_getShort(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uS)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* number of this disk */ + if (unz64local_getLong(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&number_disk)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* number of the disk with the start of the central directory */ + if (unz64local_getLong(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&number_disk_with_CD)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* total number of entries in the central directory on this disk */ + if (unz64local_getLong64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&us.gi.number_entry)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* total number of entries in the central directory */ + if (unz64local_getLong64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&number_entry_CD)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if ((number_entry_CD!=us.gi.number_entry) || + (number_disk_with_CD!=0) || + (number_disk!=0)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + /* size of the central directory */ + if (unz64local_getLong64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&us.size_central_dir)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* offset of start of central directory with respect to the + starting disk number */ + if (unz64local_getLong64(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&us.offset_central_dir)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + us.gi.size_comment = 0; } else - err = UNZ_ERRNO; + { + central_pos = unz64local_SearchCentralDir(&us.z_filefunc,us.filestream); + if (central_pos==0) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + us.isZip64 = 0; + + if (ZSEEK64(us.z_filefunc, us.filestream, + central_pos,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* the signature, already checked */ + if (unz64local_getLong(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* number of this disk */ + if (unz64local_getShort(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&number_disk)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* number of the disk with the start of the central directory */ + if (unz64local_getShort(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&number_disk_with_CD)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + /* total number of entries in the central dir on this disk */ + if (unz64local_getShort(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + us.gi.number_entry = uL; + + /* total number of entries in the central dir */ + if (unz64local_getShort(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + number_entry_CD = uL; + + if ((number_entry_CD!=us.gi.number_entry) || + (number_disk_with_CD!=0) || + (number_disk!=0)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + /* size of the central directory */ + if (unz64local_getLong(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + us.size_central_dir = uL; + + /* offset of start of central directory with respect to the + starting disk number */ + if (unz64local_getLong(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&uL)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + us.offset_central_dir = uL; + + /* zipfile comment length */ + if (unz64local_getShort(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&us.gi.size_comment)!=UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + } - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (central_pos < us.offset_central_dir + us.size_central_dir)) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + if ((central_pos 0xffffffff) && (us.offset_central_dir < 0xffffffff)) - us.offset_central_dir = central_pos - us.size_central_dir;*/ - - us.byte_before_the_zipfile = central_pos - (us.offset_central_dir + us.size_central_dir); + us.byte_before_the_zipfile = central_pos - + (us.offset_central_dir+us.size_central_dir); us.central_pos = central_pos; us.pfile_in_zip_read = NULL; + us.encrypted = 0; + - s = (unz64_s*)ALLOC(sizeof(unz64_s)); - if (s != NULL) + s=(unz64_s*)ALLOC(sizeof(unz64_s)); + if( s != NULL) { - *s = us; + *s=us; unzGoToFirstFile((unzFile)s); } return (unzFile)s; } -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2(const char *path, zlib_filefunc_def *pzlib_filefunc32_def) + +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2 (const char *path, + zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc32_def) { if (pzlib_filefunc32_def != NULL) { zlib_filefunc64_32_def zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill; - fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(&zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill, pzlib_filefunc32_def); - return unzOpenInternal(path, &zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill); + fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(&zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill,pzlib_filefunc32_def); + return unzOpenInternal(path, &zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill, 0); } - return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL); + else + return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL, 0); } -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2_64(const void *path, zlib_filefunc64_def *pzlib_filefunc_def) +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2_64 (const void *path, + zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def) { if (pzlib_filefunc_def != NULL) { @@ -526,515 +784,683 @@ extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2_64(const void *path, zlib_filefunc64_def *pzlib_ zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill.zfile_func64 = *pzlib_filefunc_def; zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill.ztell32_file = NULL; zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill.zseek32_file = NULL; - return unzOpenInternal(path, &zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill); + return unzOpenInternal(path, &zlib_filefunc64_32_def_fill, 1); } - return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL); + else + return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL, 1); } -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen(const char *path) +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen (const char *path) { - return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL); + return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL, 0); } -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen64(const void *path) +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen64 (const void *path) { - return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL); + return unzOpenInternal(path, NULL, 1); } -extern int ZEXPORT unzClose(unzFile file) +/* + Close a ZipFile opened with unzOpen. + If there is files inside the .Zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile (see later), + these files MUST be closed with unzCloseCurrentFile before call unzClose. + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem. */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzClose (unzFile file) { - unz64_s *s; - if (file == NULL) + unz64_s* s; + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; + s=(unz64_s*)file; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read != NULL) + if (s->pfile_in_zip_read!=NULL) unzCloseCurrentFile(file); - if ((s->filestream != NULL) && (s->filestream != s->filestream_with_CD)) - ZCLOSE64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream); - if (s->filestream_with_CD != NULL) - ZCLOSE64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD); - - s->filestream = NULL; - s->filestream_with_CD = NULL; + ZCLOSE64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream); TRYFREE(s); return UNZ_OK; } -/* Goto to the next available disk for spanned archives */ -static int unzGoToNextDisk(unzFile file) -{ - unz64_s *s; - uint32_t number_disk_next = 0; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - if (s == NULL) +/* + Write info about the ZipFile in the *pglobal_info structure. + No preparation of the structure is needed + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem. */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo64 (unzFile file, unz_global_info64* pglobal_info) +{ + unz64_s* s; + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - number_disk_next = s->number_disk; - - if ((s->pfile_in_zip_read != NULL) && (s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed > 0)) - /* We are currently reading a file and we need the next sequential disk */ - number_disk_next += 1; - else - /* Goto the disk for the current file */ - number_disk_next = s->cur_file_info.disk_num_start; - - if (number_disk_next != s->number_disk) - { - /* Switch disks */ - if ((s->filestream != NULL) && (s->filestream != s->filestream_with_CD)) - ZCLOSE64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream); - - if (number_disk_next == s->gi.number_disk_with_CD) - { - s->filestream = s->filestream_with_CD; - } - else - { - s->filestream = ZOPENDISK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, number_disk_next, - ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ | ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING); - } - - if (s->filestream == NULL) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - - s->number_disk = number_disk_next; - } - + s=(unz64_s*)file; + *pglobal_info=s->gi; return UNZ_OK; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo(unzFile file, unz_global_info* pglobal_info32) +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo (unzFile file, unz_global_info* pglobal_info32) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - if (file == NULL) + unz64_s* s; + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - - pglobal_info32->number_entry = (uint32_t)s->gi.number_entry; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + /* to do : check if number_entry is not truncated */ + pglobal_info32->number_entry = (uLong)s->gi.number_entry; pglobal_info32->size_comment = s->gi.size_comment; - pglobal_info32->number_disk_with_CD = s->gi.number_disk_with_CD; return UNZ_OK; } - -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo64(unzFile file, unz_global_info64 *pglobal_info) +/* + Translate date/time from Dos format to tm_unz (readable more easilty) +*/ +local void unz64local_DosDateToTmuDate (ZPOS64_T ulDosDate, tm_unz* ptm) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - *pglobal_info = s->gi; - return UNZ_OK; + ZPOS64_T uDate; + uDate = (ZPOS64_T)(ulDosDate>>16); + ptm->tm_mday = (int)(uDate&0x1f) ; + ptm->tm_mon = (int)((((uDate)&0x1E0)/0x20)-1) ; + ptm->tm_year = (int)(((uDate&0x0FE00)/0x0200)+1980) ; + + ptm->tm_hour = (int) ((ulDosDate &0xF800)/0x800); + ptm->tm_min = (int) ((ulDosDate&0x7E0)/0x20) ; + ptm->tm_sec = (int) (2*(ulDosDate&0x1f)) ; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalComment(unzFile file, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size) +/* + Get Info about the current file in the zipfile, with internal only info +*/ +local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal OF((unzFile file, + unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, + unz_file_info64_internal + *pfile_info_internal, + char *szFileName, + uLong fileNameBufferSize, + void *extraField, + uLong extraFieldBufferSize, + char *szComment, + uLong commentBufferSize)); + +local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal (unzFile file, + unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, + unz_file_info64_internal + *pfile_info_internal, + char *szFileName, + uLong fileNameBufferSize, + void *extraField, + uLong extraFieldBufferSize, + char *szComment, + uLong commentBufferSize) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - uint16_t bytes_to_read = comment_size; - if (file == NULL) - return (int)UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; + unz64_s* s; + unz_file_info64 file_info; + unz_file_info64_internal file_info_internal; + int err=UNZ_OK; + uLong uMagic; + long lSeek=0; + uLong uL; - if (bytes_to_read > s->gi.size_comment) - bytes_to_read = s->gi.size_comment; + if (file==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, + s->pos_in_central_dir+s->byte_before_the_zipfile, + ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, s->central_pos + 22, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - if (bytes_to_read > 0) + /* we check the magic */ + if (err==UNZ_OK) { - *comment = 0; - if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, comment, bytes_to_read) != bytes_to_read) - return UNZ_ERRNO; + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uMagic) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + else if (uMagic!=0x02014b50) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; } - if ((comment != NULL) && (comment_size > s->gi.size_comment)) - *(comment + s->gi.size_comment) = 0; + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.version) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; - return (int)bytes_to_read; -} + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.version_needed) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; -static int unzGetCurrentFileInfoField(unzFile file, uint32_t *seek, void *field, uint16_t field_size, uint16_t size_file_field, int null_terminated_field) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - uint32_t bytes_to_read = 0; - int err = UNZ_OK; + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.flag) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; - if (file == NULL) - return (int)UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.compression_method) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.dosDate) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + unz64local_DosDateToTmuDate(file_info.dosDate,&file_info.tmu_date); + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.crc) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uL) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + file_info.compressed_size = uL; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uL) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + file_info.uncompressed_size = uL; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.size_filename) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.size_file_extra) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; - /* Read field */ - if (field != NULL) + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.size_file_comment) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.disk_num_start) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.internal_fa) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.external_fa) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + // relative offset of local header + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uL) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + file_info_internal.offset_curfile = uL; + + lSeek+=file_info.size_filename; + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (szFileName!=NULL)) { - if (size_file_field < field_size) + uLong uSizeRead ; + if (file_info.size_filenamez_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, *seek, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR) == 0) - *seek = 0; - else - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - } - - if ((size_file_field > 0) && (field_size > 0)) - { - if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, field, bytes_to_read) != bytes_to_read) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - } - *seek += size_file_field - bytes_to_read; - } - else - { - *seek += size_file_field; + uSizeRead = fileNameBufferSize; + + if ((file_info.size_filename>0) && (fileNameBufferSize>0)) + if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,szFileName,uSizeRead)!=uSizeRead) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + lSeek -= uSizeRead; } - return err; -} + // Read extrafield + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (extraField!=NULL)) + { + ZPOS64_T uSizeRead ; + if (file_info.size_file_extraz_filefunc, s->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) + lSeek=0; + else + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + } - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, - s->pos_in_central_dir + s->byte_before_the_zipfile, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; + if ((file_info.size_file_extra>0) && (extraFieldBufferSize>0)) + if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,extraField,(uLong)uSizeRead)!=uSizeRead) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; - /* Check the magic */ - if (err == UNZ_OK) - { - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &magic) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - else if (magic != CENTRALHEADERMAGIC) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + lSeek += file_info.size_file_extra - (uLong)uSizeRead; } + else + lSeek += file_info.size_file_extra; - /* Read central directory header */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.version) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.version_needed) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.flag) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.compression_method) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.dos_date) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.crc) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value32) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - file_info.compressed_size = value32; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value32) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - file_info.uncompressed_size = value32; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.size_filename) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.size_file_extra) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.size_file_comment) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - file_info.disk_num_start = value16; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.internal_fa) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.external_fa) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* Relative offset of local header */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value32) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - - file_info.size_file_extra_internal = 0; - file_info.disk_offset = value32; - file_info_internal.offset_curfile = value32; -#ifdef HAVE_AES - file_info_internal.aes_compression_method = 0; - file_info_internal.aes_encryption_mode = 0; - file_info_internal.aes_version = 0; -#endif - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoField(file, &seek, filename, filename_size, file_info.size_filename, 1); + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (file_info.size_file_extra != 0)) + { + uLong acc = 0; - /* Read extrafield */ - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoField(file, &seek, extrafield, extrafield_size, file_info.size_file_extra, 0); + // since lSeek now points to after the extra field we need to move back + lSeek -= file_info.size_file_extra; - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (file_info.size_file_extra != 0)) - { - if (seek != 0) + if (lSeek!=0) { - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, seek, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR) == 0) - seek = 0; + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) + lSeek=0; else - err = UNZ_ERRNO; + err=UNZ_ERRNO; } - /* We are going to parse the extra field so we need to move back */ - current_pos = ZTELL64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD); - if (current_pos < file_info.size_file_extra) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - current_pos -= file_info.size_file_extra; - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, current_pos, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - - while ((err != UNZ_ERRNO) && (extra_pos < file_info.size_file_extra)) + while(acc < file_info.size_file_extra) { - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &extra_header_id) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &extra_data_size) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; + uLong headerId; + uLong dataSize; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&headerId) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&dataSize) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; /* ZIP64 extra fields */ - if (extra_header_id == 0x0001) - { - /* Subtract size of ZIP64 field, since ZIP64 is handled internally */ - file_info.size_file_extra_internal += 2 + 2 + extra_data_size; - - if (file_info.uncompressed_size == UINT32_MAX) - { - if (unzReadUInt64(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.uncompressed_size) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - } - if (file_info.compressed_size == UINT32_MAX) - { - if (unzReadUInt64(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.compressed_size) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - } - if (file_info_internal.offset_curfile == UINT32_MAX) - { - /* Relative Header offset */ - if (unzReadUInt64(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value64) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - file_info_internal.offset_curfile = value64; - file_info.disk_offset = value64; - } - if (file_info.disk_num_start == UINT32_MAX) - { - /* Disk Start Number */ - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &file_info.disk_num_start) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - } - } -#ifdef HAVE_AES - /* AES header */ - else if (extra_header_id == 0x9901) + if (headerId == 0x0001) { - uint8_t value8 = 0; - - /* Subtract size of AES field, since AES is handled internally */ - file_info.size_file_extra_internal += 2 + 2 + extra_data_size; - - /* Verify version info */ - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* Support AE-1 and AE-2 */ - if (value16 != 1 && value16 != 2) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - file_info_internal.aes_version = value16; - if (unzReadUInt8(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value8) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if ((char)value8 != 'A') - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt8(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value8) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if ((char)value8 != 'E') - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - /* Get AES encryption strength and actual compression method */ - if (unzReadUInt8(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value8) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - file_info_internal.aes_encryption_mode = value8; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - file_info_internal.aes_compression_method = value16; + uLong uL1; + + if(file_info.uncompressed_size == MAXU32) + { + if (unz64local_getLong64(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.uncompressed_size) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + } + + if(file_info.compressed_size == MAXU32) + { + if (unz64local_getLong64(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.compressed_size) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + } + + if(file_info_internal.offset_curfile == MAXU32) + { + /* Relative Header offset */ + if (unz64local_getLong64(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info_internal.offset_curfile) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + } + + if(file_info.disk_num_start == MAXU32) + { + /* Disk Start Number */ + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uL1) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + } + } -#endif else { - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream_with_CD,extra_data_size, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR) != 0) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,dataSize,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)!=0) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; } - extra_pos += 2 + 2 + extra_data_size; + acc += 2 + 2 + dataSize; } } - if (file_info.disk_num_start == s->gi.number_disk_with_CD) - file_info_internal.byte_before_the_zipfile = s->byte_before_the_zipfile; + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (szComment!=NULL)) + { + uLong uSizeRead ; + if (file_info.size_file_commentz_filefunc, s->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) + lSeek=0; + else + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + } + + if ((file_info.size_file_comment>0) && (commentBufferSize>0)) + if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,szComment,uSizeRead)!=uSizeRead) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + lSeek+=file_info.size_file_comment - uSizeRead; + } else - file_info_internal.byte_before_the_zipfile = 0; + lSeek+=file_info.size_file_comment; - if (err == UNZ_OK) - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoField(file, &seek, comment, comment_size, file_info.size_file_comment, 1); - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info != NULL)) - *pfile_info = file_info; - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info_internal != NULL)) - *pfile_info_internal = file_info_internal; + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info!=NULL)) + *pfile_info=file_info; + + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info_internal!=NULL)) + *pfile_info_internal=file_info_internal; return err; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo(unzFile file, unz_file_info *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size) -{ - unz_file_info64 file_info64; - int err = UNZ_OK; - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file, &file_info64, NULL, filename, filename_size, - extrafield, extrafield_size, comment, comment_size); - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info != NULL)) +/* + Write info about the ZipFile in the *pglobal_info structure. + No preparation of the structure is needed + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem. +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 (unzFile file, + unz_file_info64 * pfile_info, + char * szFileName, uLong fileNameBufferSize, + void *extraField, uLong extraFieldBufferSize, + char* szComment, uLong commentBufferSize) +{ + return unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file,pfile_info,NULL, + szFileName,fileNameBufferSize, + extraField,extraFieldBufferSize, + szComment,commentBufferSize); +} + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo (unzFile file, + unz_file_info * pfile_info, + char * szFileName, uLong fileNameBufferSize, + void *extraField, uLong extraFieldBufferSize, + char* szComment, uLong commentBufferSize) +{ + int err; + unz_file_info64 file_info64; + err = unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file,&file_info64,NULL, + szFileName,fileNameBufferSize, + extraField,extraFieldBufferSize, + szComment,commentBufferSize); + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info != NULL)) { pfile_info->version = file_info64.version; pfile_info->version_needed = file_info64.version_needed; pfile_info->flag = file_info64.flag; pfile_info->compression_method = file_info64.compression_method; - pfile_info->dos_date = file_info64.dos_date; + pfile_info->dosDate = file_info64.dosDate; pfile_info->crc = file_info64.crc; pfile_info->size_filename = file_info64.size_filename; - pfile_info->size_file_extra = file_info64.size_file_extra - file_info64.size_file_extra_internal; + pfile_info->size_file_extra = file_info64.size_file_extra; pfile_info->size_file_comment = file_info64.size_file_comment; - pfile_info->disk_num_start = (uint16_t)file_info64.disk_num_start; + pfile_info->disk_num_start = file_info64.disk_num_start; pfile_info->internal_fa = file_info64.internal_fa; pfile_info->external_fa = file_info64.external_fa; - pfile_info->compressed_size = (uint32_t)file_info64.compressed_size; - pfile_info->uncompressed_size = (uint32_t)file_info64.uncompressed_size; + pfile_info->tmu_date = file_info64.tmu_date, + + + pfile_info->compressed_size = (uLong)file_info64.compressed_size; + pfile_info->uncompressed_size = (uLong)file_info64.uncompressed_size; + } return err; } +/* + Set the current file of the zipfile to the first file. + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFirstFile (unzFile file) +{ + int err=UNZ_OK; + unz64_s* s; + if (file==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + s->pos_in_central_dir=s->offset_central_dir; + s->num_file=0; + err=unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file,&s->cur_file_info, + &s->cur_file_info_internal, + NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0); + s->current_file_ok = (err == UNZ_OK); + return err; +} -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(unzFile file, unz_file_info64 * pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size) +/* + Set the current file of the zipfile to the next file. + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem + return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the actual file was the latest. +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToNextFile (unzFile file) { - return unzGetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file, pfile_info, NULL, filename, filename_size, - extrafield, extrafield_size, comment,comment_size); + unz64_s* s; + int err; + + if (file==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + if (!s->current_file_ok) + return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; + if (s->gi.number_entry != 0xffff) /* 2^16 files overflow hack */ + if (s->num_file+1==s->gi.number_entry) + return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; + + s->pos_in_central_dir += SIZECENTRALDIRITEM + s->cur_file_info.size_filename + + s->cur_file_info.size_file_extra + s->cur_file_info.size_file_comment ; + s->num_file++; + err = unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file,&s->cur_file_info, + &s->cur_file_info_internal, + NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0); + s->current_file_ok = (err == UNZ_OK); + return err; } -/* Read the local header of the current zipfile. Check the coherency of the local header and info in the - end of central directory about this file store in *piSizeVar the size of extra info in local header - (filename and size of extra field data) */ -static int unzCheckCurrentFileCoherencyHeader(unz64_s *s, uint32_t *psize_variable, uint64_t *poffset_local_extrafield, - uint16_t *psize_local_extrafield) + +/* + Try locate the file szFileName in the zipfile. + For the iCaseSensitivity signification, see unzStringFileNameCompare + + return value : + UNZ_OK if the file is found. It becomes the current file. + UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the file is not found +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzLocateFile (unzFile file, const char *szFileName, int iCaseSensitivity) { - uint32_t magic = 0; - uint16_t value16 = 0; - uint32_t value32 = 0; - uint32_t flags = 0; - uint16_t size_filename = 0; - uint16_t size_extra_field = 0; - uint16_t compression_method = 0; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - if (psize_variable == NULL) + unz64_s* s; + int err; + + /* We remember the 'current' position in the file so that we can jump + * back there if we fail. + */ + unz_file_info64 cur_file_infoSaved; + unz_file_info64_internal cur_file_info_internalSaved; + ZPOS64_T num_fileSaved; + ZPOS64_T pos_in_central_dirSaved; + + + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - *psize_variable = 0; - if (poffset_local_extrafield == NULL) + + if (strlen(szFileName)>=UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - *poffset_local_extrafield = 0; - if (psize_local_extrafield == NULL) + + s=(unz64_s*)file; + if (!s->current_file_ok) + return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; + + /* Save the current state */ + num_fileSaved = s->num_file; + pos_in_central_dirSaved = s->pos_in_central_dir; + cur_file_infoSaved = s->cur_file_info; + cur_file_info_internalSaved = s->cur_file_info_internal; + + err = unzGoToFirstFile(file); + + while (err == UNZ_OK) + { + char szCurrentFileName[UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP+1]; + err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(file,NULL, + szCurrentFileName,sizeof(szCurrentFileName)-1, + NULL,0,NULL,0); + if (err == UNZ_OK) + { + if (unzStringFileNameCompare(szCurrentFileName, + szFileName,iCaseSensitivity)==0) + return UNZ_OK; + err = unzGoToNextFile(file); + } + } + + /* We failed, so restore the state of the 'current file' to where we + * were. + */ + s->num_file = num_fileSaved ; + s->pos_in_central_dir = pos_in_central_dirSaved ; + s->cur_file_info = cur_file_infoSaved; + s->cur_file_info_internal = cur_file_info_internalSaved; + return err; +} + + +/* +/////////////////////////////////////////// +// Contributed by Ryan Haksi (mailto://cryogen@infoserve.net) +// I need random access +// +// Further optimization could be realized by adding an ability +// to cache the directory in memory. The goal being a single +// comprehensive file read to put the file I need in a memory. +*/ + +/* +typedef struct unz_file_pos_s +{ + ZPOS64_T pos_in_zip_directory; // offset in file + ZPOS64_T num_of_file; // # of file +} unz_file_pos; +*/ + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos64(unzFile file, unz64_file_pos* file_pos) +{ + unz64_s* s; + + if (file==NULL || file_pos==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - *psize_local_extrafield = 0; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + if (!s->current_file_ok) + return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; - err = unzGoToNextDisk((unzFile)s); - if (err != UNZ_OK) - return err; + file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory = s->pos_in_central_dir; + file_pos->num_of_file = s->num_file; - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, s->cur_file_info_internal.offset_curfile + - s->cur_file_info_internal.byte_before_the_zipfile, ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) - return UNZ_ERRNO; + return UNZ_OK; +} - if (err == UNZ_OK) +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos( + unzFile file, + unz_file_pos* file_pos) +{ + unz64_file_pos file_pos64; + int err = unzGetFilePos64(file,&file_pos64); + if (err==UNZ_OK) { - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &magic) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - else if (magic != LOCALHEADERMAGIC) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory = (uLong)file_pos64.pos_in_zip_directory; + file_pos->num_of_file = (uLong)file_pos64.num_of_file; } + return err; +} - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - flags = value16; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &value16) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - else if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (value16 != s->cur_file_info.compression_method)) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - - compression_method = s->cur_file_info.compression_method; -#ifdef HAVE_AES - if (compression_method == AES_METHOD) - compression_method = s->cur_file_info_internal.aes_compression_method; -#endif +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos64(unzFile file, const unz64_file_pos* file_pos) +{ + unz64_s* s; + int err; + + if (file==NULL || file_pos==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (compression_method != 0) && (compression_method != Z_DEFLATED)) + /* jump to the right spot */ + s->pos_in_central_dir = file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory; + s->num_file = file_pos->num_of_file; + + /* set the current file */ + err = unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file,&s->cur_file_info, + &s->cur_file_info_internal, + NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0); + /* return results */ + s->current_file_ok = (err == UNZ_OK); + return err; +} + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos( + unzFile file, + unz_file_pos* file_pos) +{ + unz64_file_pos file_pos64; + if (file_pos == NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + + file_pos64.pos_in_zip_directory = file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory; + file_pos64.num_of_file = file_pos->num_of_file; + return unzGoToFilePos64(file,&file_pos64); +} + +/* +// Unzip Helper Functions - should be here? +/////////////////////////////////////////// +*/ + +/* + Read the local header of the current zipfile + Check the coherency of the local header and info in the end of central + directory about this file + store in *piSizeVar the size of extra info in local header + (filename and size of extra field data) +*/ +local int unz64local_CheckCurrentFileCoherencyHeader (unz64_s* s, uInt* piSizeVar, + ZPOS64_T * poffset_local_extrafield, + uInt * psize_local_extrafield) +{ + uLong uMagic,uData,uFlags; + uLong size_filename; + uLong size_extra_field; + int err=UNZ_OK; + + *piSizeVar = 0; + *poffset_local_extrafield = 0; + *psize_local_extrafield = 0; + + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,s->cur_file_info_internal.offset_curfile + + s->byte_before_the_zipfile,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + return UNZ_ERRNO; + + + if (err==UNZ_OK) { -#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 - if (compression_method != Z_BZIP2ED) -#endif - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uMagic) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + else if (uMagic!=0x04034b50) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; } - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) /* date/time */ - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) /* crc */ - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - else if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (value32 != s->cur_file_info.crc) && ((flags & 8) == 0)) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) /* size compr */ - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - else if ((value32 != UINT32_MAX) && (err == UNZ_OK) && (value32 != s->cur_file_info.compressed_size) && ((flags & 8) == 0)) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - if (unzReadUInt32(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &value32) != UNZ_OK) /* size uncompr */ - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - else if ((value32 != UINT32_MAX) && (err == UNZ_OK) && (value32 != s->cur_file_info.uncompressed_size) && ((flags & 8) == 0)) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &size_filename) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - else if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (size_filename != s->cur_file_info.size_filename)) - err = UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - - *psize_variable += size_filename; - - if (unzReadUInt16(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, &size_extra_field) != UNZ_OK) - err = UNZ_ERRNO; - - *poffset_local_extrafield = s->cur_file_info_internal.offset_curfile + SIZEZIPLOCALHEADER + size_filename; - *psize_local_extrafield = size_extra_field; - *psize_variable += size_extra_field; + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uData) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; +/* + else if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (uData!=s->cur_file_info.wVersion)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; +*/ + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uFlags) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uData) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + else if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (uData!=s->cur_file_info.compression_method)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (s->cur_file_info.compression_method!=0) && +/* #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 */ + (s->cur_file_info.compression_method!=Z_BZIP2ED) && +/* #endif */ + (s->cur_file_info.compression_method!=Z_DEFLATED)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uData) != UNZ_OK) /* date/time */ + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uData) != UNZ_OK) /* crc */ + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + else if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (uData!=s->cur_file_info.crc) && ((uFlags & 8)==0)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uData) != UNZ_OK) /* size compr */ + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + else if (uData != 0xFFFFFFFF && (err==UNZ_OK) && (uData!=s->cur_file_info.compressed_size) && ((uFlags & 8)==0)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uData) != UNZ_OK) /* size uncompr */ + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + else if (uData != 0xFFFFFFFF && (err==UNZ_OK) && (uData!=s->cur_file_info.uncompressed_size) && ((uFlags & 8)==0)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&size_filename) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + else if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (size_filename!=s->cur_file_info.size_filename)) + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + *piSizeVar += (uInt)size_filename; + + if (unz64local_getShort(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&size_extra_field) != UNZ_OK) + err=UNZ_ERRNO; + *poffset_local_extrafield= s->cur_file_info_internal.offset_curfile + + SIZEZIPLOCALHEADER + size_filename; + *psize_local_extrafield = (uInt)size_extra_field; + + *piSizeVar += (uInt)size_extra_field; return err; } @@ -1043,68 +1469,56 @@ static int unzCheckCurrentFileCoherencyHeader(unz64_s *s, uint32_t *psize_variab Open for reading data the current file in the zipfile. If there is no error and the file is opened, the return value is UNZ_OK. */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3(unzFile file, int *method, int *level, int raw, const char *password) +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3 (unzFile file, int* method, + int* level, int raw, const char* password) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - file_in_zip64_read_info_s *pfile_in_zip_read_info = NULL; - uint16_t compression_method = 0; - uint64_t offset_local_extrafield = 0; - uint16_t size_local_extrafield = 0; - uint32_t size_variable = 0; - int err = UNZ_OK; -#ifndef NOUNCRYPT + int err=UNZ_OK; + uInt iSizeVar; + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + ZPOS64_T offset_local_extrafield; /* offset of the local extra field */ + uInt size_local_extrafield; /* size of the local extra field */ +# ifndef NOUNCRYPT char source[12]; -#else +# else if (password != NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; -#endif - if (file == NULL) +# endif + + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; + s=(unz64_s*)file; if (!s->current_file_ok) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; if (s->pfile_in_zip_read != NULL) unzCloseCurrentFile(file); - if (unzCheckCurrentFileCoherencyHeader(s, &size_variable, &offset_local_extrafield, &size_local_extrafield) != UNZ_OK) + if (unz64local_CheckCurrentFileCoherencyHeader(s,&iSizeVar, &offset_local_extrafield,&size_local_extrafield)!=UNZ_OK) return UNZ_BADZIPFILE; pfile_in_zip_read_info = (file_in_zip64_read_info_s*)ALLOC(sizeof(file_in_zip64_read_info_s)); - if (pfile_in_zip_read_info == NULL) + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer = (uint8_t*)ALLOC(UNZ_BUFSIZE); + pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer=(char*)ALLOC(UNZ_BUFSIZE); pfile_in_zip_read_info->offset_local_extrafield = offset_local_extrafield; pfile_in_zip_read_info->size_local_extrafield = size_local_extrafield; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_local_extrafield = 0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw = raw; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_local_extrafield=0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw=raw; - if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer == NULL) + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer==NULL) { TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; } - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised = 0; - - compression_method = s->cur_file_info.compression_method; -#ifdef HAVE_AES - if (compression_method == AES_METHOD) - { - compression_method = s->cur_file_info_internal.aes_compression_method; - if (password == NULL) - { - TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - } - } -#endif + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised=0; - if (method != NULL) - *method = compression_method; + if (method!=NULL) + *method = (int)s->cur_file_info.compression_method; - if (level != NULL) + if (level!=NULL) { *level = 6; switch (s->cur_file_info.flag & 0x06) @@ -1115,430 +1529,323 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3(unzFile file, int *method, int *level, in } } - if ((compression_method != 0) && (compression_method != Z_DEFLATED)) - { -#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 - if (compression_method != Z_BZIP2ED) -#endif - { - TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); - return UNZ_BADZIPFILE; - } - } + if ((s->cur_file_info.compression_method!=0) && +/* #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 */ + (s->cur_file_info.compression_method!=Z_BZIP2ED) && +/* #endif */ + (s->cur_file_info.compression_method!=Z_DEFLATED)) + + err=UNZ_BADZIPFILE; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32_wait=s->cur_file_info.crc; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32=0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64=0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->compression_method = s->cur_file_info.compression_method; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->filestream=s->filestream; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->z_filefunc=s->z_filefunc; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->byte_before_the_zipfile=s->byte_before_the_zipfile; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32_wait = s->cur_file_info.crc; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32 = 0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 = 0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->compression_method = compression_method; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->filestream = s->filestream; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->z_filefunc = s->z_filefunc; - if (s->number_disk == s->gi.number_disk_with_CD) - pfile_in_zip_read_info->byte_before_the_zipfile = s->byte_before_the_zipfile; - else - pfile_in_zip_read_info->byte_before_the_zipfile = 0; pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out = 0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_in = 0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in = NULL; - if (!raw) + if ((s->cur_file_info.compression_method==Z_BZIP2ED) && (!raw)) { - if (compression_method == Z_BZIP2ED) - { #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 - pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.bzalloc = (void *(*) (void *, int, int))0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.bzfree = (free_func)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.opaque = (voidpf)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.state = (voidpf)0; - - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zfree = (free_func)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.opaque = (voidpf)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in = (voidpf)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = 0; - - err = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream, 0, 0); - if (err == Z_OK) - { - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised = Z_BZIP2ED; - } - else - { - TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); - return err; - } -#else - pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw = 1; -#endif - } - else if (compression_method == Z_DEFLATED) - { - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zfree = (free_func)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.opaque = (voidpf)s; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in = (voidpf)0; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = 0; - -#ifdef HAVE_APPLE_COMPRESSION - err = compression_stream_init(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->astream, COMPRESSION_STREAM_DECODE, COMPRESSION_ZLIB); - if (err == COMPRESSION_STATUS_ERROR) - err = UNZ_INTERNALERROR; - else - err = Z_OK; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.bzalloc = (void *(*) (void *, int, int))0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.bzfree = (free_func)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.opaque = (voidpf)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.state = (voidpf)0; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zfree = (free_func)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.opaque = (voidpf)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in = (voidpf)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = 0; + + err=BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream, 0, 0); + if (err == Z_OK) + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised=Z_BZIP2ED; + else + { + TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer); + TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); + return err; + } #else - err = inflateInit2(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream, -MAX_WBITS); + pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw=1; #endif - if (err == Z_OK) - { - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised = Z_DEFLATED; - } - else - { - TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); - return err; - } - /* windowBits is passed < 0 to tell that there is no zlib header. - * Note that in this case inflate *requires* an extra "dummy" byte - * after the compressed stream in order to complete decompression and - * return Z_STREAM_END. - * In unzip, i don't wait absolutely Z_STREAM_END because I known the - * size of both compressed and uncompressed data - */ - } } + else if ((s->cur_file_info.compression_method==Z_DEFLATED) && (!raw)) + { + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.zfree = (free_func)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.opaque = (voidpf)0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in = 0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = 0; + + err=inflateInit2(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream, -MAX_WBITS); + if (err == Z_OK) + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised=Z_DEFLATED; + else + { + TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer); + TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); + return err; + } + /* windowBits is passed < 0 to tell that there is no zlib header. + * Note that in this case inflate *requires* an extra "dummy" byte + * after the compressed stream in order to complete decompression and + * return Z_STREAM_END. + * In unzip, i don't wait absolutely Z_STREAM_END because I known the + * size of both compressed and uncompressed data + */ + } + pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed = + s->cur_file_info.compressed_size ; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed = + s->cur_file_info.uncompressed_size ; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed = s->cur_file_info.compressed_size; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed = s->cur_file_info.uncompressed_size; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_in_zipfile = s->cur_file_info_internal.offset_curfile + SIZEZIPLOCALHEADER + size_variable; - pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = 0; - s->pfile_in_zip_read = pfile_in_zip_read_info; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_in_zipfile = + s->cur_file_info_internal.offset_curfile + SIZEZIPLOCALHEADER + + iSizeVar; -#ifndef NOUNCRYPT - s->pcrc_32_tab = NULL; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = (uInt)0; - if ((password != NULL) && ((s->cur_file_info.flag & 1) != 0)) + s->pfile_in_zip_read = pfile_in_zip_read_info; + s->encrypted = 0; + +# ifndef NOUNCRYPT + if (password != NULL) { + int i; + s->pcrc_32_tab = get_crc_table(); + init_keys(password,s->keys,s->pcrc_32_tab); if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile + s->pfile_in_zip_read->byte_before_the_zipfile, - ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) + s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile + + s->pfile_in_zip_read->byte_before_the_zipfile, + SEEK_SET)!=0) + return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; + if(ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,source, 12)<12) return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; -#ifdef HAVE_AES - if (s->cur_file_info.compression_method == AES_METHOD) - { - unsigned char passverify_archive[AES_PWVERIFYSIZE]; - unsigned char passverify_password[AES_PWVERIFYSIZE]; - unsigned char salt_value[AES_MAXSALTLENGTH]; - uint32_t salt_length = 0; - - if ((s->cur_file_info_internal.aes_encryption_mode < 1) || - (s->cur_file_info_internal.aes_encryption_mode > 3)) - return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; - - salt_length = SALT_LENGTH(s->cur_file_info_internal.aes_encryption_mode); - - if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, salt_value, salt_length) != salt_length) - return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; - if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, passverify_archive, AES_PWVERIFYSIZE) != AES_PWVERIFYSIZE) - return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; - - fcrypt_init(s->cur_file_info_internal.aes_encryption_mode, (uint8_t *)password, - (uint32_t)strlen(password), salt_value, passverify_password, &s->pfile_in_zip_read->aes_ctx); - - if (memcmp(passverify_archive, passverify_password, AES_PWVERIFYSIZE) != 0) - return UNZ_BADPASSWORD; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed -= salt_length + AES_PWVERIFYSIZE; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed -= AES_AUTHCODESIZE; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile += salt_length + AES_PWVERIFYSIZE; - } - else -#endif - { - int i; - s->pcrc_32_tab = (const z_crc_t*)get_crc_table(); - init_keys(password, s->keys, s->pcrc_32_tab); - - if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, source, 12) < 12) - return UNZ_INTERNALERROR; - for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) - zdecode(s->keys, s->pcrc_32_tab, source[i]); + for (i = 0; i<12; i++) + zdecode(s->keys,s->pcrc_32_tab,source[i]); - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed -= 12; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile += 12; - } + s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile+=12; + s->encrypted=1; } -#endif +# endif + return UNZ_OK; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile(unzFile file) +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile (unzFile file) { return unzOpenCurrentFile3(file, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(unzFile file, const char *password) +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFilePassword (unzFile file, const char* password) { return unzOpenCurrentFile3(file, NULL, NULL, 0, password); } -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile2(unzFile file, int *method, int *level, int raw) +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile2 (unzFile file, int* method, int* level, int raw) { return unzOpenCurrentFile3(file, method, level, raw, NULL); } -/* Read bytes from the current file. - buf contain buffer where data must be copied - len the size of buf. +/** Addition for GDAL : START */ - return the number of byte copied if some bytes are copied - return 0 if the end of file was reached - return <0 with error code if there is an error (UNZ_ERRNO for IO error, or zLib error for uncompress error) */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile(unzFile file, voidp buf, uint32_t len) +extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64( unzFile file) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - uint32_t read = 0; - int err = UNZ_OK; + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + if (file==NULL) + return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR; + pfile_in_zip_read_info=s->pfile_in_zip_read; + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) + return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR; + return pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_in_zipfile + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->byte_before_the_zipfile; +} + +/** Addition for GDAL : END */ - if (file == NULL) +/* + Read bytes from the current file. + buf contain buffer where data must be copied + len the size of buf. + + return the number of byte copied if somes bytes are copied + return 0 if the end of file was reached + return <0 with error code if there is an error + (UNZ_ERRNO for IO error, or zLib error for uncompress error) +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile (unzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len) +{ + int err=UNZ_OK; + uInt iRead = 0; + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + pfile_in_zip_read_info=s->pfile_in_zip_read; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read == NULL) + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer == NULL) + + + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer == NULL) return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; - if (len == 0) + if (len==0) return 0; - if (len > UINT16_MAX) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out = (uint8_t*)buf; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out = (uint16_t)len; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_out = (Bytef*)buf; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->raw) - { - if (len > s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed + s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in) - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out = (uint16_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed + - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in; - } - else - { - if (len > s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed) - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out = (uint16_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed; - } + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out = (uInt)len; - do + if ((len>pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed) && + (!(pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw))) + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out = + (uInt)pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed; + + if ((len>pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed+ + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in) && + (pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw)) + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out = + (uInt)pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed+ + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in; + + while (pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out>0) { - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in == 0) + if ((pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in==0) && + (pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed>0)) { - uint32_t bytes_to_read = UNZ_BUFSIZE; - uint32_t bytes_not_read = 0; - uint32_t bytes_read = 0; - uint32_t total_bytes_read = 0; - - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in != NULL) - bytes_not_read = (uint32_t)(s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer + UNZ_BUFSIZE - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in); - bytes_to_read -= bytes_not_read; - if (bytes_not_read > 0) - memcpy(s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer, s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in, bytes_not_read); - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed < bytes_to_read) - bytes_to_read = (uint16_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed; - - while (total_bytes_read != bytes_to_read) + uInt uReadThis = UNZ_BUFSIZE; + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressedrest_read_compressed; + if (uReadThis == 0) + return UNZ_EOF; + if (ZSEEK64(pfile_in_zip_read_info->z_filefunc, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->filestream, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_in_zipfile + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->byte_before_the_zipfile, + ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + return UNZ_ERRNO; + if (ZREAD64(pfile_in_zip_read_info->z_filefunc, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->filestream, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer, + uReadThis)!=uReadThis) + return UNZ_ERRNO; + + +# ifndef NOUNCRYPT + if(s->encrypted) { - if (ZSEEK64(s->pfile_in_zip_read->z_filefunc, s->pfile_in_zip_read->filestream, - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile + s->pfile_in_zip_read->byte_before_the_zipfile, - ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - - bytes_read = ZREAD64(s->pfile_in_zip_read->z_filefunc, s->pfile_in_zip_read->filestream, - s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer + bytes_not_read + total_bytes_read, - bytes_to_read - total_bytes_read); - - total_bytes_read += bytes_read; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile += bytes_read; - - if (bytes_read == 0) - { - if (ZERROR64(s->pfile_in_zip_read->z_filefunc, s->pfile_in_zip_read->filestream)) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - - err = unzGoToNextDisk(file); - if (err != UNZ_OK) - return err; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile = 0; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->filestream = s->filestream; - } + uInt i; + for(i=0;iread_buffer[i] = + zdecode(s->keys,s->pcrc_32_tab, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer[i]); } +# endif -#ifndef NOUNCRYPT - if ((s->cur_file_info.flag & 1) != 0) - { -#ifdef HAVE_AES - if (s->cur_file_info.compression_method == AES_METHOD) - { - fcrypt_decrypt(s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer, bytes_to_read, &s->pfile_in_zip_read->aes_ctx); - } - else -#endif - if (s->pcrc_32_tab != NULL) - { - uint32_t i = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < total_bytes_read; i++) - s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer[i] = - zdecode(s->keys, s->pcrc_32_tab, s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer[i]); - } - } -#endif - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed -= total_bytes_read; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in = (uint8_t*)s->pfile_in_zip_read->read_buffer; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in = (uint16_t)(bytes_not_read + total_bytes_read); + pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_in_zipfile += uReadThis; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed-=uReadThis; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in = + (Bytef*)pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = (uInt)uReadThis; } - if ((s->pfile_in_zip_read->compression_method == 0) || (s->pfile_in_zip_read->raw)) + if ((pfile_in_zip_read_info->compression_method==0) || (pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw)) { - uint32_t i = 0; - uint32_t copy = 0; + uInt uDoCopy,i ; - if ((s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in == 0) && - (s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed == 0)) - return (read == 0) ? UNZ_EOF : read; + if ((pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in == 0) && + (pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed == 0)) + return (iRead==0) ? UNZ_EOF : (int)iRead; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out < s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in) - copy = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out; + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out < + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in) + uDoCopy = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out ; else - copy = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in; - - for (i = 0; i < copy; i++) - *(s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out + i) = - *(s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in + i); - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 = s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 + copy; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed -= copy; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32 = (uint32_t)crc32(s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32, - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out, copy); - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in -= copy; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out -= copy; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out += copy; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in += copy; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out += copy; - - read += copy; + uDoCopy = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in ; + + for (i=0;istream.next_out+i) = + *(pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in+i); + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 = pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 + uDoCopy; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32 = crc32(pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_out, + uDoCopy); + pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed-=uDoCopy; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in -= uDoCopy; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out -= uDoCopy; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_out += uDoCopy; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in += uDoCopy; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out += uDoCopy; + iRead += uDoCopy; } - else if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->compression_method == Z_BZIP2ED) + else if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->compression_method==Z_BZIP2ED) { #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 - uint64_t total_out_before = 0; - uint64_t total_out_after = 0; - uint64_t out_bytes = 0; - const uint8_t *buf_before = NULL; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.next_in = (char*)s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.avail_in = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_in_lo32 = (uint32_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_in; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_in_hi32 = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_in >> 32; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.next_out = (char*)s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.avail_out = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_out_lo32 = (uint32_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_out_hi32 = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out >> 32; - - total_out_before = s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_out_lo32 + - (((uint32_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_out_hi32) << 32); - buf_before = (const uint8_t*)s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.next_out; - - err = BZ2_bzDecompress(&s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream); - - total_out_after = s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_out_lo32 + - (((uint32_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_out_hi32) << 32); - - out_bytes = total_out_after - total_out_before; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 = s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 + out_bytes; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed -= out_bytes; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32 = crc32(s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32, buf_before, (uint32_t)out_bytes); - - read += (uint32_t)out_bytes; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in = (uint8_t*)s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.next_in; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in = s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.avail_in; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_in = s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_in_lo32; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out = (uint8_t*)s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.next_out; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out = s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.avail_out; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out = s->pfile_in_zip_read->bstream.total_out_lo32; - - if (err == BZ_STREAM_END) - return (read == 0) ? UNZ_EOF : read; - if (err != BZ_OK) - break; + uLong uTotalOutBefore,uTotalOutAfter; + const Bytef *bufBefore; + uLong uOutThis; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.next_in = (char*)pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.avail_in = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_in_lo32 = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_in; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_in_hi32 = 0; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.next_out = (char*)pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_out; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.avail_out = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_out_lo32 = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_out_hi32 = 0; + + uTotalOutBefore = pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_out_lo32; + bufBefore = (const Bytef *)pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.next_out; + + err=BZ2_bzDecompress(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream); + + uTotalOutAfter = pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_out_lo32; + uOutThis = uTotalOutAfter-uTotalOutBefore; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 = pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 + uOutThis; + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32 = crc32(pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32,bufBefore, (uInt)(uOutThis)); + pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed -= uOutThis; + iRead += (uInt)(uTotalOutAfter - uTotalOutBefore); + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_in = (Bytef*)pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.next_in; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in = pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.avail_in; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_in = pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_in_lo32; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_out = (Bytef*)pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.next_out; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out = pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.avail_out; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out = pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream.total_out_lo32; + + if (err==BZ_STREAM_END) + return (iRead==0) ? UNZ_EOF : iRead; + if (err!=BZ_OK) + break; #endif - } -#ifdef HAVE_APPLE_COMPRESSION - else - { - uint64_t total_out_before = 0; - uint64_t total_out_after = 0; - uint64_t out_bytes = 0; - const uint8_t *buf_before = NULL; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.src_ptr = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.src_size = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.dst_ptr = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.dst_size = len; - - total_out_before = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out; - buf_before = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out; - - compression_status status; - compression_stream_flags flags; - - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in == 0) - { - flags = COMPRESSION_STREAM_FINALIZE; - } - - status = compression_stream_process(&s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream, flags); - - total_out_after = len - s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.dst_size; - out_bytes = total_out_after - total_out_before; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 += out_bytes; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed -= out_bytes; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32 = - crc32(s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32, buf_before, (uint32_t)out_bytes); - - read += (uint32_t)out_bytes; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in = s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.src_ptr; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in = s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.src_size; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out = s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.dst_ptr; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out = s->pfile_in_zip_read->astream.dst_size; - - if (status == COMPRESSION_STATUS_END) - return (read == 0) ? UNZ_EOF : read; - if (status == COMPRESSION_STATUS_ERROR) - return Z_DATA_ERROR; - return read; - } -#else + } // end Z_BZIP2ED else { - uint64_t total_out_before = 0; - uint64_t total_out_after = 0; - uint64_t out_bytes = 0; - const uint8_t *buf_before = NULL; - int flush = Z_SYNC_FLUSH; + ZPOS64_T uTotalOutBefore,uTotalOutAfter; + const Bytef *bufBefore; + ZPOS64_T uOutThis; + int flush=Z_SYNC_FLUSH; - total_out_before = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out; - buf_before = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_out; + uTotalOutBefore = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out; + bufBefore = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.next_out; /* if ((pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed == @@ -1546,455 +1853,278 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile(unzFile file, voidp buf, uint32_t len) (pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed == 0)) flush = Z_FINISH; */ - err = inflate(&s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream, flush); + err=inflate(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream,flush); + + if ((err>=0) && (pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.msg!=NULL)) + err = Z_DATA_ERROR; + + uTotalOutAfter = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out; + /* Detect overflow, because z_stream.total_out is uLong (32 bits) */ + if (uTotalOutAfter= 0) && (s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.msg != NULL)) - err = Z_DATA_ERROR; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 = pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 + uOutThis; - total_out_after = s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out; - out_bytes = total_out_after - total_out_before; + pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32 = + crc32(pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32,bufBefore, + (uInt)(uOutThis)); - s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 += out_bytes; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed -= out_bytes; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32 = - (uint32_t)crc32(s->pfile_in_zip_read->crc32,buf_before, (uint32_t)out_bytes); + pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed -= + uOutThis; - read += (uint32_t)out_bytes; + iRead += (uInt)(uTotalOutAfter - uTotalOutBefore); - if (err == Z_STREAM_END) - return (read == 0) ? UNZ_EOF : read; - if (err != Z_OK) + if (err==Z_STREAM_END) + return (iRead==0) ? UNZ_EOF : (int)iRead; + if (err!=Z_OK) break; } -#endif } - while (s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_out > 0); - if (err == Z_OK) - return read; + if (err==Z_OK) + return (int)iRead; return err; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetLocalExtrafield(unzFile file, voidp buf, uint32_t len) + +/* + Give the current position in uncompressed data +*/ +extern z_off_t ZEXPORT unztell (unzFile file) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - uint64_t size_to_read = 0; - uint32_t read_now = 0; + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + if (file==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + pfile_in_zip_read_info=s->pfile_in_zip_read; - if (file == NULL) + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read == NULL) + + return (z_off_t)pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out; +} + +extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unztell64 (unzFile file) +{ + + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + if (file==NULL) + return (ZPOS64_T)-1; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + pfile_in_zip_read_info=s->pfile_in_zip_read; + + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) + return (ZPOS64_T)-1; + + return pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64; +} + + +/* + return 1 if the end of file was reached, 0 elsewhere +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzeof (unzFile file) +{ + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + pfile_in_zip_read_info=s->pfile_in_zip_read; - size_to_read = s->pfile_in_zip_read->size_local_extrafield - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_local_extrafield; + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - if (buf == NULL) + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed == 0) + return 1; + else + return 0; +} + + + +/* +Read extra field from the current file (opened by unzOpenCurrentFile) +This is the local-header version of the extra field (sometimes, there is +more info in the local-header version than in the central-header) + + if buf==NULL, it return the size of the local extra field that can be read + + if buf!=NULL, len is the size of the buffer, the extra header is copied in + buf. + the return value is the number of bytes copied in buf, or (if <0) + the error code +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetLocalExtrafield (unzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len) +{ + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + uInt read_now; + ZPOS64_T size_to_read; + + if (file==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + pfile_in_zip_read_info=s->pfile_in_zip_read; + + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + + size_to_read = (pfile_in_zip_read_info->size_local_extrafield - + pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_local_extrafield); + + if (buf==NULL) return (int)size_to_read; - if (len > size_to_read) - read_now = (uint32_t)size_to_read; + if (len>size_to_read) + read_now = (uInt)size_to_read; else - read_now = len; + read_now = (uInt)len ; - if (read_now == 0) + if (read_now==0) return 0; - if (ZSEEK64(s->pfile_in_zip_read->z_filefunc, s->pfile_in_zip_read->filestream, - s->pfile_in_zip_read->offset_local_extrafield + s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_local_extrafield, - ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET) != 0) + if (ZSEEK64(pfile_in_zip_read_info->z_filefunc, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->filestream, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->offset_local_extrafield + + pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_local_extrafield, + ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) return UNZ_ERRNO; - if (ZREAD64(s->pfile_in_zip_read->z_filefunc, s->pfile_in_zip_read->filestream, buf, read_now) != read_now) + if (ZREAD64(pfile_in_zip_read_info->z_filefunc, + pfile_in_zip_read_info->filestream, + buf,read_now)!=read_now) return UNZ_ERRNO; return (int)read_now; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzCloseCurrentFile(unzFile file) +/* + Close the file in zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile + Return UNZ_CRCERROR if all the file was read but the CRC is not good +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzCloseCurrentFile (unzFile file) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - file_in_zip64_read_info_s *pfile_in_zip_read_info = NULL; - int err = UNZ_OK; + int err=UNZ_OK; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - pfile_in_zip_read_info = s->pfile_in_zip_read; - if (pfile_in_zip_read_info == NULL) + unz64_s* s; + file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info; + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; + pfile_in_zip_read_info=s->pfile_in_zip_read; -#ifdef HAVE_AES - if (s->cur_file_info.compression_method == AES_METHOD) - { - unsigned char authcode[AES_AUTHCODESIZE]; - unsigned char rauthcode[AES_AUTHCODESIZE]; + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL) + return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream, authcode, AES_AUTHCODESIZE) != AES_AUTHCODESIZE) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - if (fcrypt_end(rauthcode, &s->pfile_in_zip_read->aes_ctx) != AES_AUTHCODESIZE) - err = UNZ_CRCERROR; - if (memcmp(authcode, rauthcode, AES_AUTHCODESIZE) != 0) - err = UNZ_CRCERROR; - } - /* AES zip version AE-1 will expect a valid crc as well */ - if ((s->cur_file_info.compression_method != AES_METHOD) || - (s->cur_file_info_internal.aes_version == 0x0001)) -#endif + if ((pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed == 0) && + (!pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw)) { - if ((pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_uncompressed == 0) && - (!pfile_in_zip_read_info->raw)) - { - if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32 != pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32_wait) - err = UNZ_CRCERROR; - } + if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32 != pfile_in_zip_read_info->crc32_wait) + err=UNZ_CRCERROR; } + TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer); pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer = NULL; if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised == Z_DEFLATED) - { -#ifdef HAVE_APPLE_COMPRESSION - if (compression_stream_destroy) - compression_stream_destroy(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->astream); -#else inflateEnd(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream); -#endif - - } #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 else if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised == Z_BZIP2ED) BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&pfile_in_zip_read_info->bstream); #endif + pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised = 0; TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); - s->pfile_in_zip_read = NULL; - - return err; -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFirstFile2(unzFile file, unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - - s->pos_in_central_dir = s->offset_central_dir; - s->num_file = 0; - - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file, &s->cur_file_info, &s->cur_file_info_internal, - filename, filename_size, extrafield, extrafield_size, comment,comment_size); - - s->current_file_ok = (err == UNZ_OK); - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info != NULL)) - memcpy(pfile_info, &s->cur_file_info, sizeof(unz_file_info64)); + s->pfile_in_zip_read=NULL; return err; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFirstFile(unzFile file) -{ - return unzGoToFirstFile2(file, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToNextFile2(unzFile file, unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - int err = UNZ_OK; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - - if (!s->current_file_ok) - return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; - if (s->gi.number_entry != UINT16_MAX) /* 2^16 files overflow hack */ - { - if (s->num_file+1 == s->gi.number_entry) - return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; - } - - s->pos_in_central_dir += SIZECENTRALDIRITEM + s->cur_file_info.size_filename + - s->cur_file_info.size_file_extra + s->cur_file_info.size_file_comment; - s->num_file += 1; - - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file, &s->cur_file_info, &s->cur_file_info_internal, - filename, filename_size, extrafield,extrafield_size, comment, comment_size); - - s->current_file_ok = (err == UNZ_OK); - if ((err == UNZ_OK) && (pfile_info != NULL)) - memcpy(pfile_info, &s->cur_file_info, sizeof(unz_file_info64)); - - return err; -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToNextFile(unzFile file) -{ - return unzGoToNextFile2(file, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzLocateFile(unzFile file, const char *filename, unzFileNameComparer filename_compare_func) +/* + Get the global comment string of the ZipFile, in the szComment buffer. + uSizeBuf is the size of the szComment buffer. + return the number of byte copied or an error code <0 +*/ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalComment (unzFile file, char * szComment, uLong uSizeBuf) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - unz_file_info64 cur_file_info_saved; - unz_file_info64_internal cur_file_info_internal_saved; - uint64_t num_file_saved = 0; - uint64_t pos_in_central_dir_saved = 0; - char current_filename[UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP+1]; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - if (strlen(filename) >= UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - if (!s->current_file_ok) - return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; - - /* Save the current state */ - num_file_saved = s->num_file; - pos_in_central_dir_saved = s->pos_in_central_dir; - cur_file_info_saved = s->cur_file_info; - cur_file_info_internal_saved = s->cur_file_info_internal; - - err = unzGoToFirstFile2(file, NULL, current_filename, sizeof(current_filename)-1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + unz64_s* s; + uLong uReadThis ; + if (file==NULL) + return (int)UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; - while (err == UNZ_OK) - { - if (filename_compare_func != NULL) - err = filename_compare_func(file, current_filename, filename); - else - err = strcmp(current_filename, filename); - if (err == 0) - return UNZ_OK; - err = unzGoToNextFile2(file, NULL, current_filename, sizeof(current_filename)-1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); - } + uReadThis = uSizeBuf; + if (uReadThis>s->gi.size_comment) + uReadThis = s->gi.size_comment; - /* We failed, so restore the state of the 'current file' to where we were. */ - s->num_file = num_file_saved; - s->pos_in_central_dir = pos_in_central_dir_saved; - s->cur_file_info = cur_file_info_saved; - s->cur_file_info_internal = cur_file_info_internal_saved; - return err; -} + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc,s->filestream,s->central_pos+22,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0) + return UNZ_ERRNO; -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos(unzFile file, unz_file_pos *file_pos) -{ - unz64_file_pos file_pos64; - int err = unzGetFilePos64(file, &file_pos64); - if (err == UNZ_OK) + if (uReadThis>0) { - file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory = (uint32_t)file_pos64.pos_in_zip_directory; - file_pos->num_of_file = (uint32_t)file_pos64.num_of_file; + *szComment='\0'; + if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc,s->filestream,szComment,uReadThis)!=uReadThis) + return UNZ_ERRNO; } - return err; -} -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos(unzFile file, unz_file_pos *file_pos) -{ - unz64_file_pos file_pos64; - if (file_pos == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - file_pos64.pos_in_zip_directory = file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory; - file_pos64.num_of_file = file_pos->num_of_file; - return unzGoToFilePos64(file, &file_pos64); + if ((szComment != NULL) && (uSizeBuf > s->gi.size_comment)) + *(szComment+s->gi.size_comment)='\0'; + return (int)uReadThis; } -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos64(unzFile file, unz64_file_pos *file_pos) +/* Additions by RX '2004 */ +extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetOffset64(unzFile file) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; + unz64_s* s; - if (file == NULL || file_pos == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; + if (file==NULL) + return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR; + s=(unz64_s*)file; if (!s->current_file_ok) - return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE; - - file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory = s->pos_in_central_dir; - file_pos->num_of_file = s->num_file; - return UNZ_OK; -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos64(unzFile file, const unz64_file_pos *file_pos) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - int err = UNZ_OK; - - if (file == NULL || file_pos == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - - /* Jump to the right spot */ - s->pos_in_central_dir = file_pos->pos_in_zip_directory; - s->num_file = file_pos->num_of_file; - - /* Set the current file */ - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file, &s->cur_file_info, &s->cur_file_info_internal, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); - /* Return results */ - s->current_file_ok = (err == UNZ_OK); - return err; + return 0; + if (s->gi.number_entry != 0 && s->gi.number_entry != 0xffff) + if (s->num_file==s->gi.number_entry) + return 0; + return s->pos_in_central_dir; } -extern int32_t ZEXPORT unzGetOffset(unzFile file) +extern uLong ZEXPORT unzGetOffset (unzFile file) { - uint64_t offset64 = 0; + ZPOS64_T offset64; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; + if (file==NULL) + return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR; offset64 = unzGetOffset64(file); - return (int32_t)offset64; + return (uLong)offset64; } -extern int64_t ZEXPORT unzGetOffset64(unzFile file) +extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset64(unzFile file, ZPOS64_T pos) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; + unz64_s* s; + int err; - if (file == NULL) + if (file==NULL) return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - if (!s->current_file_ok) - return 0; - if (s->gi.number_entry != 0 && s->gi.number_entry != UINT16_MAX) - { - if (s->num_file == s->gi.number_entry) - return 0; - } - return s->pos_in_central_dir; -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset(unzFile file, uint32_t pos) -{ - return unzSetOffset64(file, pos); -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset64(unzFile file, uint64_t pos) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - int err = UNZ_OK; + s=(unz64_s*)file; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; s->pos_in_central_dir = pos; - s->num_file = s->gi.number_entry; /* hack */ - - err = unzGetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file, &s->cur_file_info, &s->cur_file_info_internal, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); - + s->num_file = s->gi.number_entry; /* hack */ + err = unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(file,&s->cur_file_info, + &s->cur_file_info_internal, + NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0); s->current_file_ok = (err == UNZ_OK); return err; } -extern int32_t ZEXPORT unzTell(unzFile file) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - return (int32_t)s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out; -} - -extern int64_t ZEXPORT unzTell64(unzFile file) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - return s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64; -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzSeek(unzFile file, uint32_t offset, int origin) -{ - return unzSeek64(file, offset, origin); -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzSeek64(unzFile file, uint64_t offset, int origin) -{ - unz64_s *s = NULL; - uint64_t stream_pos_begin = 0; - uint64_t stream_pos_end = 0; - uint64_t position = 0; - int is_within_buffer = 0; - - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read == NULL) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->compression_method != 0) - return UNZ_ERRNO; - - if (origin == SEEK_SET) - position = offset; - else if (origin == SEEK_CUR) - position = s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 + offset; - else if (origin == SEEK_END) - position = s->cur_file_info.compressed_size + offset; - else - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - - if (position > s->cur_file_info.compressed_size) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - - stream_pos_end = s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile; - stream_pos_begin = stream_pos_end; - - if (stream_pos_begin > UNZ_BUFSIZE) - stream_pos_begin -= UNZ_BUFSIZE; - else - stream_pos_begin = 0; - - is_within_buffer = - (s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in != 0) && - (s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed != 0 || s->cur_file_info.compressed_size < UNZ_BUFSIZE) && - (position >= stream_pos_begin && position < stream_pos_end); - - if (is_within_buffer) - { - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in += position - s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in = (uInt)(stream_pos_end - position); - } - else - { - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.avail_in = 0; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.next_in = 0; - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->pos_in_zipfile = s->pfile_in_zip_read->offset_local_extrafield + position; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_compressed = s->cur_file_info.compressed_size - position; - } - - s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed -= (position - s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64); - s->pfile_in_zip_read->stream.total_out = (uint32_t)position; - s->pfile_in_zip_read->total_out_64 = position; - - return UNZ_OK; -} - -extern int ZEXPORT unzEndOfFile(unzFile file) +extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset (unzFile file, uLong pos) { - unz64_s *s = NULL; - if (file == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - s = (unz64_s*)file; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read == NULL) - return UNZ_PARAMERROR; - if (s->pfile_in_zip_read->rest_read_uncompressed == 0) - return 1; - return 0; + return unzSetOffset64(file,pos); } - -#ifdef _MSC_VER -# pragma warning(pop) -#endif // _MSC_VER diff --git a/contrib/unzip/unzip.h b/contrib/unzip/unzip.h index ea4c90a4dd..6f95e94d75 100644 --- a/contrib/unzip/unzip.h +++ b/contrib/unzip/unzip.h @@ -1,21 +1,47 @@ /* unzip.h -- IO for uncompress .zip files using zlib Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010 - part of the MiniZip project - - Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant - http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html - Modifications of Unzip for Zip64 - Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault - Modifications for Zip64 support on both zip and unzip - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson - http://result42.com - - This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. - See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. + part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) + + Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html ) + + Modifications of Unzip for Zip64 + Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault + + Modifications for Zip64 support on both zip and unzip + Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com ) + + For more info read MiniZip_info.txt + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + Condition of use and distribution are the same than zlib : + + This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied + warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages + arising from the use of this software. + + Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, + including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it + freely, subject to the following restrictions: + + 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not + claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software + in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be + appreciated but is not required. + 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be + misrepresented as being the original software. + 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + Changes + + See header of unzip64.c + */ -#ifndef _UNZ_H -#define _UNZ_H +#ifndef _unz64_H +#define _unz64_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { @@ -25,7 +51,7 @@ extern "C" { #include "zlib.h" #endif -#ifndef _ZLIBIOAPI_H +#ifndef _ZLIBIOAPI_H #include "ioapi.h" #endif @@ -38,12 +64,13 @@ extern "C" { #if defined(STRICTUNZIP) || defined(STRICTZIPUNZIP) /* like the STRICT of WIN32, we define a pointer that cannot be converted from (void*) without cast */ -typedef struct TagunzFile__ { int unused; } unz_file__; -typedef unz_file__ *unzFile; +typedef struct TagunzFile__ { int unused; } unzFile__; +typedef unzFile__ *unzFile; #else typedef voidp unzFile; #endif + #define UNZ_OK (0) #define UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE (-100) #define UNZ_ERRNO (Z_ERRNO) @@ -52,255 +79,359 @@ typedef voidp unzFile; #define UNZ_BADZIPFILE (-103) #define UNZ_INTERNALERROR (-104) #define UNZ_CRCERROR (-105) -#define UNZ_BADPASSWORD (-106) + +/* tm_unz contain date/time info */ +typedef struct tm_unz_s +{ + int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ + int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ + int tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ + int tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ + int tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */ + int tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */ +} tm_unz; /* unz_global_info structure contain global data about the ZIPfile These data comes from the end of central dir */ typedef struct unz_global_info64_s { - uint64_t number_entry; /* total number of entries in the central dir on this disk */ - uint32_t number_disk_with_CD; /* number the the disk with central dir, used for spanning ZIP*/ - uint16_t size_comment; /* size of the global comment of the zipfile */ + ZPOS64_T number_entry; /* total number of entries in + the central dir on this disk */ + uLong size_comment; /* size of the global comment of the zipfile */ } unz_global_info64; typedef struct unz_global_info_s { - uint32_t number_entry; /* total number of entries in the central dir on this disk */ - uint32_t number_disk_with_CD; /* number the the disk with central dir, used for spanning ZIP*/ - uint16_t size_comment; /* size of the global comment of the zipfile */ + uLong number_entry; /* total number of entries in + the central dir on this disk */ + uLong size_comment; /* size of the global comment of the zipfile */ } unz_global_info; /* unz_file_info contain information about a file in the zipfile */ typedef struct unz_file_info64_s { - uint16_t version; /* version made by 2 bytes */ - uint16_t version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */ - uint16_t flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */ - uint16_t compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */ - uint32_t dos_date; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */ - uint32_t crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */ - uint64_t compressed_size; /* compressed size 8 bytes */ - uint64_t uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 8 bytes */ - uint16_t size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */ - uint16_t size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */ - uint16_t size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */ - - uint32_t disk_num_start; /* disk number start 4 bytes */ - uint16_t internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */ - uint32_t external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */ - - uint64_t disk_offset; - - uint16_t size_file_extra_internal; + uLong version; /* version made by 2 bytes */ + uLong version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */ + uLong flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */ + uLong compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */ + uLong dosDate; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */ + uLong crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */ + ZPOS64_T compressed_size; /* compressed size 8 bytes */ + ZPOS64_T uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 8 bytes */ + uLong size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */ + uLong size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */ + uLong size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */ + + uLong disk_num_start; /* disk number start 2 bytes */ + uLong internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */ + uLong external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */ + + tm_unz tmu_date; } unz_file_info64; typedef struct unz_file_info_s { - uint16_t version; /* version made by 2 bytes */ - uint16_t version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */ - uint16_t flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */ - uint16_t compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */ - uint32_t dos_date; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */ - uint32_t crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */ - uint32_t compressed_size; /* compressed size 4 bytes */ - uint32_t uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 4 bytes */ - uint16_t size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */ - uint16_t size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */ - uint16_t size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */ - - uint16_t disk_num_start; /* disk number start 2 bytes */ - uint16_t internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */ - uint32_t external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */ - - uint64_t disk_offset; + uLong version; /* version made by 2 bytes */ + uLong version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */ + uLong flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */ + uLong compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */ + uLong dosDate; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */ + uLong crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */ + uLong compressed_size; /* compressed size 4 bytes */ + uLong uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 4 bytes */ + uLong size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */ + uLong size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */ + uLong size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */ + + uLong disk_num_start; /* disk number start 2 bytes */ + uLong internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */ + uLong external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */ + + tm_unz tmu_date; } unz_file_info; -/***************************************************************************/ -/* Opening and close a zip file */ - -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen(const char *path); -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen64(const void *path); -/* Open a Zip file. - - path should contain the full path (by example, on a Windows XP computer - "c:\\zlib\\zlib113.zip" or on an Unix computer "zlib/zlib113.zip". - return NULL if zipfile cannot be opened or doesn't exist - return unzFile handle if no error - - NOTE: The "64" function take a const void *pointer, because the path is just the value passed to the - open64_file_func callback. Under Windows, if UNICODE is defined, using fill_fopen64_filefunc, the path - is a pointer to a wide unicode string (LPCTSTR is LPCWSTR), so const char *does not describe the reality */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzStringFileNameCompare OF ((const char* fileName1, + const char* fileName2, + int iCaseSensitivity)); +/* + Compare two filename (fileName1,fileName2). + If iCaseSenisivity = 1, comparision is case sensitivity (like strcmp) + If iCaseSenisivity = 2, comparision is not case sensitivity (like strcmpi + or strcasecmp) + If iCaseSenisivity = 0, case sensitivity is defaut of your operating system + (like 1 on Unix, 2 on Windows) +*/ -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2(const char *path, zlib_filefunc_def *pzlib_filefunc_def); -/* Open a Zip file, like unzOpen, but provide a set of file low level API for read/write operations */ -extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2_64(const void *path, zlib_filefunc64_def *pzlib_filefunc_def); -/* Open a Zip file, like unz64Open, but provide a set of file low level API for read/write 64-bit operations */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzClose(unzFile file); -/* Close a ZipFile opened with unzOpen. If there is files inside the .Zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile, - these files MUST be closed with unzipCloseCurrentFile before call unzipClose. +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen OF((const char *path)); +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen64 OF((const void *path)); +/* + Open a Zip file. path contain the full pathname (by example, + on a Windows XP computer "c:\\zlib\\zlib113.zip" or on an Unix computer + "zlib/zlib113.zip". + If the zipfile cannot be opened (file don't exist or in not valid), the + return value is NULL. + Else, the return value is a unzFile Handle, usable with other function + of this unzip package. + the "64" function take a const void* pointer, because the path is just the + value passed to the open64_file_func callback. + Under Windows, if UNICODE is defined, using fill_fopen64_filefunc, the path + is a pointer to a wide unicode string (LPCTSTR is LPCWSTR), so const char* + does not describe the reality +*/ - return UNZ_OK if there is no error */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo(unzFile file, unz_global_info *pglobal_info); -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo64(unzFile file, unz_global_info64 *pglobal_info); -/* Write info about the ZipFile in the *pglobal_info structure. +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2 OF((const char *path, + zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)); +/* + Open a Zip file, like unzOpen, but provide a set of file low level API + for read/write the zip file (see ioapi.h) +*/ - return UNZ_OK if no error */ +extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2_64 OF((const void *path, + zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)); +/* + Open a Zip file, like unz64Open, but provide a set of file low level API + for read/write the zip file (see ioapi.h) +*/ -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalComment(unzFile file, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size); -/* Get the global comment string of the ZipFile, in the comment buffer. +extern int ZEXPORT unzClose OF((unzFile file)); +/* + Close a ZipFile opened with unzOpen. + If there is files inside the .Zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile (see later), + these files MUST be closed with unzCloseCurrentFile before call unzClose. + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem. */ + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo OF((unzFile file, + unz_global_info *pglobal_info)); + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo64 OF((unzFile file, + unz_global_info64 *pglobal_info)); +/* + Write info about the ZipFile in the *pglobal_info structure. + No preparation of the structure is needed + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem. */ + + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalComment OF((unzFile file, + char *szComment, + uLong uSizeBuf)); +/* + Get the global comment string of the ZipFile, in the szComment buffer. + uSizeBuf is the size of the szComment buffer. + return the number of byte copied or an error code <0 +*/ - uSizeBuf is the size of the szComment buffer. - return the number of byte copied or an error code <0 */ /***************************************************************************/ -/* Reading the content of the current zipfile, you can open it, read data from it, and close it - (you can close it before reading all the file) */ +/* Unzip package allow you browse the directory of the zipfile */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile(unzFile file); -/* Open for reading data the current file in the zipfile. - - return UNZ_OK if no error */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFirstFile OF((unzFile file)); +/* + Set the current file of the zipfile to the first file. + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem +*/ -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(unzFile file, const char *password); -/* Open for reading data the current file in the zipfile. - password is a crypting password +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToNextFile OF((unzFile file)); +/* + Set the current file of the zipfile to the next file. + return UNZ_OK if there is no problem + return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the actual file was the latest. +*/ - return UNZ_OK if no error */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzLocateFile OF((unzFile file, + const char *szFileName, + int iCaseSensitivity)); +/* + Try locate the file szFileName in the zipfile. + For the iCaseSensitivity signification, see unzStringFileNameCompare -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile2(unzFile file, int *method, int *level, int raw); -/* Same as unzOpenCurrentFile, but open for read raw the file (not uncompress) - if raw==1 *method will receive method of compression, *level will receive level of compression + return value : + UNZ_OK if the file is found. It becomes the current file. + UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the file is not found +*/ - NOTE: you can set level parameter as NULL (if you did not want known level, - but you CANNOT set method parameter as NULL */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3(unzFile file, int *method, int *level, int raw, const char *password); -/* Same as unzOpenCurrentFile, but takes extra parameter password for encrypted files */ +/* ****************************************** */ +/* Ryan supplied functions */ +/* unz_file_info contain information about a file in the zipfile */ +typedef struct unz_file_pos_s +{ + uLong pos_in_zip_directory; /* offset in zip file directory */ + uLong num_of_file; /* # of file */ +} unz_file_pos; -extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile(unzFile file, voidp buf, uint32_t len); -/* Read bytes from the current file (opened by unzOpenCurrentFile) - buf contain buffer where data must be copied - len the size of buf. +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos( + unzFile file, + unz_file_pos* file_pos); - return the number of byte copied if somes bytes are copied - return 0 if the end of file was reached - return <0 with error code if there is an error (UNZ_ERRNO for IO error, or zLib error for uncompress error) */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos( + unzFile file, + unz_file_pos* file_pos); -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo(unzFile file, unz_file_info *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size); -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(unzFile file, unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size); -/* Get Info about the current file +typedef struct unz64_file_pos_s +{ + ZPOS64_T pos_in_zip_directory; /* offset in zip file directory */ + ZPOS64_T num_of_file; /* # of file */ +} unz64_file_pos; - pfile_info if != NULL, the *pfile_info structure will contain somes info about the current file - filename if != NULL, the file name string will be copied in filename - filename_size is the size of the filename buffer - extrafield if != NULL, the extra field information from the central header will be copied in to - extrafield_size is the size of the extraField buffer - comment if != NULL, the comment string of the file will be copied in to - comment_size is the size of the comment buffer */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos64( + unzFile file, + unz64_file_pos* file_pos); + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos64( + unzFile file, + const unz64_file_pos* file_pos); + +/* ****************************************** */ + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 OF((unzFile file, + unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, + char *szFileName, + uLong fileNameBufferSize, + void *extraField, + uLong extraFieldBufferSize, + char *szComment, + uLong commentBufferSize)); + +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo OF((unzFile file, + unz_file_info *pfile_info, + char *szFileName, + uLong fileNameBufferSize, + void *extraField, + uLong extraFieldBufferSize, + char *szComment, + uLong commentBufferSize)); +/* + Get Info about the current file + if pfile_info!=NULL, the *pfile_info structure will contain somes info about + the current file + if szFileName!=NULL, the filemane string will be copied in szFileName + (fileNameBufferSize is the size of the buffer) + if extraField!=NULL, the extra field information will be copied in extraField + (extraFieldBufferSize is the size of the buffer). + This is the Central-header version of the extra field + if szComment!=NULL, the comment string of the file will be copied in szComment + (commentBufferSize is the size of the buffer) +*/ -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetLocalExtrafield(unzFile file, voidp buf, uint32_t len); -/* Read extra field from the current file (opened by unzOpenCurrentFile) - This is the local-header version of the extra field (sometimes, there is - more info in the local-header version than in the central-header) - if buf == NULL, it return the size of the local extra field - if buf != NULL, len is the size of the buffer, the extra header is copied in buf. +/** Addition for GDAL : START */ - return number of bytes copied in buf, or (if <0) the error code */ +extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 OF((unzFile file)); -extern int ZEXPORT unzCloseCurrentFile(unzFile file); -/* Close the file in zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile +/** Addition for GDAL : END */ - return UNZ_CRCERROR if all the file was read but the CRC is not good */ /***************************************************************************/ -/* Browse the directory of the zipfile */ - -typedef int (*unzFileNameComparer)(unzFile file, const char *filename1, const char *filename2); -typedef int (*unzIteratorFunction)(unzFile file); -typedef int (*unzIteratorFunction2)(unzFile file, unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size); - -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFirstFile(unzFile file); -/* Set the current file of the zipfile to the first file. - - return UNZ_OK if no error */ +/* for reading the content of the current zipfile, you can open it, read data + from it, and close it (you can close it before reading all the file) + */ + +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile OF((unzFile file)); +/* + Open for reading data the current file in the zipfile. + If there is no error, the return value is UNZ_OK. +*/ -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFirstFile2(unzFile file, unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size); -/* Set the current file of the zipfile to the first file and retrieves the current info on success. - Not as seek intensive as unzGoToFirstFile + unzGetCurrentFileInfo. +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFilePassword OF((unzFile file, + const char* password)); +/* + Open for reading data the current file in the zipfile. + password is a crypting password + If there is no error, the return value is UNZ_OK. +*/ - return UNZ_OK if no error */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile2 OF((unzFile file, + int* method, + int* level, + int raw)); +/* + Same than unzOpenCurrentFile, but open for read raw the file (not uncompress) + if raw==1 + *method will receive method of compression, *level will receive level of + compression + note : you can set level parameter as NULL (if you did not want known level, + but you CANNOT set method parameter as NULL +*/ -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToNextFile(unzFile file); -/* Set the current file of the zipfile to the next file. +extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3 OF((unzFile file, + int* method, + int* level, + int raw, + const char* password)); +/* + Same than unzOpenCurrentFile, but open for read raw the file (not uncompress) + if raw==1 + *method will receive method of compression, *level will receive level of + compression + note : you can set level parameter as NULL (if you did not want known level, + but you CANNOT set method parameter as NULL +*/ - return UNZ_OK if no error - return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the actual file was the latest */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToNextFile2(unzFile file, unz_file_info64 *pfile_info, char *filename, - uint16_t filename_size, void *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size, char *comment, uint16_t comment_size); -/* Set the current file of the zipfile to the next file and retrieves the current - info on success. Does less seeking around than unzGotoNextFile + unzGetCurrentFileInfo. +extern int ZEXPORT unzCloseCurrentFile OF((unzFile file)); +/* + Close the file in zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile + Return UNZ_CRCERROR if all the file was read but the CRC is not good +*/ - return UNZ_OK if no error - return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the actual file was the latest */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile OF((unzFile file, + voidp buf, + unsigned len)); +/* + Read bytes from the current file (opened by unzOpenCurrentFile) + buf contain buffer where data must be copied + len the size of buf. + + return the number of byte copied if somes bytes are copied + return 0 if the end of file was reached + return <0 with error code if there is an error + (UNZ_ERRNO for IO error, or zLib error for uncompress error) +*/ -extern int ZEXPORT unzLocateFile(unzFile file, const char *filename, unzFileNameComparer filename_compare_func); -/* Try locate the file szFileName in the zipfile. For custom filename comparison pass in comparison function. +extern z_off_t ZEXPORT unztell OF((unzFile file)); - return UNZ_OK if the file is found (it becomes the current file) - return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the file is not found */ +extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unztell64 OF((unzFile file)); +/* + Give the current position in uncompressed data +*/ -/***************************************************************************/ -/* Raw access to zip file */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzeof OF((unzFile file)); +/* + return 1 if the end of file was reached, 0 elsewhere +*/ -typedef struct unz_file_pos_s -{ - uint32_t pos_in_zip_directory; /* offset in zip file directory */ - uint32_t num_of_file; /* # of file */ -} unz_file_pos; +extern int ZEXPORT unzGetLocalExtrafield OF((unzFile file, + voidp buf, + unsigned len)); +/* + Read extra field from the current file (opened by unzOpenCurrentFile) + This is the local-header version of the extra field (sometimes, there is + more info in the local-header version than in the central-header) -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos(unzFile file, unz_file_pos *file_pos); -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos(unzFile file, unz_file_pos *file_pos); + if buf==NULL, it return the size of the local extra field -typedef struct unz64_file_pos_s -{ - uint64_t pos_in_zip_directory; /* offset in zip file directory */ - uint64_t num_of_file; /* # of file */ -} unz64_file_pos; + if buf!=NULL, len is the size of the buffer, the extra header is copied in + buf. + the return value is the number of bytes copied in buf, or (if <0) + the error code +*/ -extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos64(unzFile file, unz64_file_pos *file_pos); -extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos64(unzFile file, const unz64_file_pos *file_pos); +/***************************************************************************/ -extern int32_t ZEXPORT unzGetOffset(unzFile file); -extern int64_t ZEXPORT unzGetOffset64(unzFile file); /* Get the current file offset */ +extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetOffset64 (unzFile file); +extern uLong ZEXPORT unzGetOffset (unzFile file); -extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset(unzFile file, uint32_t pos); -extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset64(unzFile file, uint64_t pos); /* Set the current file offset */ +extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset64 (unzFile file, ZPOS64_T pos); +extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset (unzFile file, uLong pos); -extern int32_t ZEXPORT unzTell(unzFile file); -extern int64_t ZEXPORT unzTell64(unzFile file); -/* return current position in uncompressed data */ -extern int ZEXPORT unzSeek(unzFile file, uint32_t offset, int origin); -extern int ZEXPORT unzSeek64(unzFile file, uint64_t offset, int origin); -/* Seek within the uncompressed data if compression method is storage */ - -extern int ZEXPORT unzEndOfFile(unzFile file); -/* return 1 if the end of file was reached, 0 elsewhere */ - -/***************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif -#endif /* _UNZ_H */ +#endif /* _unz64_H */ diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/LICENSE b/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36b7cd93cd --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization +obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by +this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, +execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the +Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to +do so, all subject to the following: + +The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including +the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, +must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and +all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative +works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by +a source language processor. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT +SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE +FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, +ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/README.md b/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a519cdb963 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,1503 @@ +# UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way + + +## Introduction + +C++ developers miss an easy and portable way of handling Unicode encoded strings. The original C++ Standard (known as C++98 or C++03) is Unicode agnostic. C++11 provides some support for Unicode on core language and library level: u8, u, and U character and string literals, char16_t and char32_t character types, u16string and u32string library classes, and codecvt support for conversions between Unicode encoding forms. In the meantime, developers use third party libraries like ICU, OS specific capabilities, or simply roll out their own solutions. + +In order to easily handle UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings, I came up with a small, C++98 compatible generic library. For anybody used to work with STL algorithms and iterators, it should be easy and natural to use. The code is freely available for any purpose - check out the [license](./LICENSE). The library has been used a lot in the past ten years both in commercial and open-source projects and is considered feature-complete now. If you run into bugs or performance issues, please let me know and I'll do my best to address them. + +The purpose of this article is not to offer an introduction to Unicode in general, and UTF-8 in particular. If you are not familiar with Unicode, be sure to check out [Unicode Home Page](http://www.unicode.org/) or some other source of information for Unicode. Also, it is not my aim to advocate the use of UTF-8 encoded strings in C++ programs; if you want to handle UTF-8 encoded strings from C++, I am sure you have good reasons for it. + +## Examples of use + +### Introductionary Sample + +To illustrate the use of the library, let's start with a small but complete program that opens a file containing UTF-8 encoded text, reads it line by line, checks each line for invalid UTF-8 byte sequences, and converts it to UTF-16 encoding and back to UTF-8: + +```cpp +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "utf8.h" +using namespace std; +int main(int argc, char** argv) +{ + if (argc != 2) { + cout << "\nUsage: docsample filename\n"; + return 0; + } + const char* test_file_path = argv[1]; + // Open the test file (must be UTF-8 encoded) + ifstream fs8(test_file_path); + if (!fs8.is_open()) { + cout << "Could not open " << test_file_path << endl; + return 0; + } + + unsigned line_count = 1; + string line; + // Play with all the lines in the file + while (getline(fs8, line)) { + // check for invalid utf-8 (for a simple yes/no check, there is also utf8::is_valid function) +#if __cplusplus >= 201103L // C++ 11 or later + auto end_it = utf8::find_invalid(line.begin(), line.end()); +#else + string::iterator end_it = utf8::find_invalid(line.begin(), line.end()); +#endif // C++ 11 + if (end_it != line.end()) { + cout << "Invalid UTF-8 encoding detected at line " << line_count << "\n"; + cout << "This part is fine: " << string(line.begin(), end_it) << "\n"; + } + // Get the line length (at least for the valid part) + int length = utf8::distance(line.begin(), end_it); + cout << "Length of line " << line_count << " is " << length << "\n"; + + // Convert it to utf-16 +#if __cplusplus >= 201103L // C++ 11 or later + u16string utf16line = utf8::utf8to16(line); +#else + vector utf16line; + utf8::utf8to16(line.begin(), end_it, back_inserter(utf16line)); +#endif // C++ 11 + // And back to utf-8; +#if __cplusplus >= 201103L // C++ 11 or later + string utf8line = utf8::utf16to8(utf16line); +#else + string utf8line; + utf8::utf16to8(utf16line.begin(), utf16line.end(), back_inserter(utf8line)); +#endif // C++ 11 + // Confirm that the conversion went OK: + if (utf8line != string(line.begin(), end_it)) + cout << "Error in UTF-16 conversion at line: " << line_count << "\n"; + + line_count++; + } + + return 0; +} +``` + +In the previous code sample, for each line we performed a detection of invalid UTF-8 sequences with `find_invalid`; the number of characters (more precisely - the number of Unicode code points, including the end of line and even BOM if there is one) in each line was determined with a use of `utf8::distance`; finally, we have converted each line to UTF-16 encoding with `utf8to16` and back to UTF-8 with `utf16to8`. + +Note a different pattern of usage for old compilers. For instance, this is how we convert +a UTF-8 encoded string to a UTF-16 encoded one with a pre - C++11 compiler: +```cpp + vector utf16line; + utf8::utf8to16(line.begin(), end_it, back_inserter(utf16line)); +``` + +With a more modern compiler, the same operation would look like: +```cpp + u16string utf16line = utf8::utf8to16(line); +``` +If `__cplusplus` macro points to a C++ 11 or later, the library exposes API that takes into +account C++ standard Unicode strings and move semantics. With an older compiler, it is still +possible to use the same functionality, just in a little less convenient way + +In case you do not trust the `__cplusplus` macro or, for instance, do not want to include +the C++ 11 helper functions even with a modern compiler, define `UTF_CPP_CPLUSPLUS` macro +before including `utf8.h` and assign it a value for the standard you want to use - the values are the same as for the `__cplusplus` macro. This can be also useful with compilers that are conservative in setting the `__cplusplus` macro even if they have a good support for a recent standard edition - Microsoft's Visual C++ is one example. + +### Checking if a file contains valid UTF-8 text + +Here is a function that checks whether the content of a file is valid UTF-8 encoded text without reading the content into the memory: + +```cpp +bool valid_utf8_file(const char* file_name) +{ + ifstream ifs(file_name); + if (!ifs) + return false; // even better, throw here + + istreambuf_iterator it(ifs.rdbuf()); + istreambuf_iterator eos; + + return utf8::is_valid(it, eos); +} +``` + +Because the function `utf8::is_valid()` works with input iterators, we were able to pass an `istreambuf_iterator` to `it` and read the content of the file directly without loading it to the memory first. + +Note that other functions that take input iterator arguments can be used in a similar way. For instance, to read the content of a UTF-8 encoded text file and convert the text to UTF-16, just do something like: + +```cpp + utf8::utf8to16(it, eos, back_inserter(u16string)); +``` + +### Ensure that a string contains valid UTF-8 text + +If we have some text that "probably" contains UTF-8 encoded text and we want to replace any invalid UTF-8 sequence with a replacement character, something like the following function may be used: + +```cpp +void fix_utf8_string(std::string& str) +{ + std::string temp; + utf8::replace_invalid(str.begin(), str.end(), back_inserter(temp)); + str = temp; +} +``` + +The function will replace any invalid UTF-8 sequence with a Unicode replacement character. There is an overloaded function that enables the caller to supply their own replacement character. + + +## Points of interest + +#### Design goals and decisions + +The library was designed to be: + +1. Generic: for better or worse, there are many C++ string classes out there, and the library should work with as many of them as possible. +2. Portable: the library should be portable both accross different platforms and compilers. The only non-portable code is a small section that declares unsigned integers of different sizes: three typedefs. They can be changed by the users of the library if they don't match their platform. The default setting should work for Windows (both 32 and 64 bit), and most 32 bit and 64 bit Unix derivatives. Support for post C++03 language features is included for modern compilers at API level only, so the library should work even with pretty old compilers. +3. Lightweight: follow the "pay only for what you use" guideline. +4. Unintrusive: avoid forcing any particular design or even programming style on the user. This is a library, not a framework. + +#### Alternatives + +In case you want to look into other means of working with UTF-8 strings from C++, here is the list of solutions I am aware of: + +1. [ICU Library](http://icu.sourceforge.net/). It is very powerful, complete, feature-rich, mature, and widely used. Also big, intrusive, non-generic, and doesn't play well with the Standard Library. I definitelly recommend looking at ICU even if you don't plan to use it. +2. C++11 language and library features. Still far from complete, and not easy to use. +3. [Glib::ustring](http://www.gtkmm.org/gtkmm2/docs/tutorial/html/ch03s04.html). A class specifically made to work with UTF-8 strings, and also feel like `std::string`. If you prefer to have yet another string class in your code, it may be worth a look. Be aware of the licensing issues, though. +4. Platform dependent solutions: Windows and POSIX have functions to convert strings from one encoding to another. That is only a subset of what my library offers, but if that is all you need it may be good enough. + + +## Reference + +### Functions From utf8 Namespace + +#### utf8::append + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Encodes a 32 bit code point as a UTF-8 sequence of octets and appends the sequence to a UTF-8 string. + +```cpp +void append(char32_t cp, std::string& s); +``` + +`cp`: a code point to append to the string. +`s`: a utf-8 encoded string to append the code point to. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +std::string u; +append(0x0448, u); +assert (u[0] == char(0xd1) && u[1] == char(0x88) && u.length() == 2); +``` + +In case of an invalid code point, a `utf8::invalid_code_point` exception is thrown. + + +#### utf8::append + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Encodes a 32 bit code point as a UTF-8 sequence of octets and appends the sequence to a UTF-8 string. + +```cpp +template +octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an output iterator. +`cp`: a 32 bit integer representing a code point to append to the sequence. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the sequence where to append the code point. +Return value: an iterator pointing to the place after the newly appended sequence. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +unsigned char u[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; +unsigned char* end = append(0x0448, u); +assert (u[0] == 0xd1 && u[1] == 0x88 && u[2] == 0 && u[3] == 0 && u[4] == 0); +``` + +Note that `append` does not allocate any memory - it is the burden of the caller to make sure there is enough memory allocated for the operation. To make things more interesting, `append` can add anywhere between 1 and 4 octets to the sequence. In practice, you would most often want to use `std::back_inserter` to ensure that the necessary memory is allocated. + +In case of an invalid code point, a `utf8::invalid_code_point` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::next + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Given the iterator to the beginning of the UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code point and moves the iterator to the next position. + +```cpp +template +uint32_t next(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator end); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`it`: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the beginning of the next code point. +`end`: end of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If `it` gets equal to `end` during the extraction of a code point, an `utf8::not_enough_room` exception is thrown. +Return value: the 32 bit representation of the processed UTF-8 code point. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +char* w = twochars; +int cp = next(w, twochars + 6); +assert (cp == 0x65e5); +assert (w == twochars + 3); +``` + +This function is typically used to iterate through a UTF-8 encoded string. + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::peek_next + +Available in version 2.1 and later. + +Given the iterator to the beginning of the UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code point for the following sequence without changing the value of the iterator. + +```cpp +template +uint32_t peek_next(octet_iterator it, octet_iterator end); +``` + + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`it`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. +`end`: end of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If `it` gets equal to `end` during the extraction of a code point, an `utf8::not_enough_room` exception is thrown. +Return value: the 32 bit representation of the processed UTF-8 code point. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +char* w = twochars; +int cp = peek_next(w, twochars + 6); +assert (cp == 0x65e5); +assert (w == twochars); +``` + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::prior + +Available in version 1.02 and later. + +Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 sequence, it decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point. + +```cpp +template +uint32_t prior(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator start); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: a bidirectional iterator. +`it`: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the previous code point. +`start`: an iterator to the beginning of the sequence where the search for the beginning of a code point is performed. It is a safety measure to prevent passing the beginning of the string in the search for a UTF-8 lead octet. + Return value: the 32 bit representation of the previous code point. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +unsigned char* w = twochars + 3; +int cp = prior (w, twochars); +assert (cp == 0x65e5); +assert (w == twochars); +``` + +This function has two purposes: one is two iterate backwards through a UTF-8 encoded string. Note that it is usually a better idea to iterate forward instead, since `utf8::next` is faster. The second purpose is to find a beginning of a UTF-8 sequence if we have a random position within a string. Note that in that case `utf8::prior` may not detect an invalid UTF-8 sequence in some scenarios: for instance if there are superfluous trail octets, it will just skip them. + +`it` will typically point to the beginning of a code point, and `start` will point to the beginning of the string to ensure we don't go backwards too far. `it` is decreased until it points to a lead UTF-8 octet, and then the UTF-8 sequence beginning with that octet is decoded to a 32 bit representation and returned. + +In case `start` is reached before a UTF-8 lead octet is hit, or if an invalid UTF-8 sequence is started by the lead octet, an `invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. + +In case `start` equals `it`, a `not_enough_room` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::advance +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Advances an iterator by the specified number of code points within an UTF-8 sequence. + +```cpp +template +void advance (octet_iterator& it, distance_type n, octet_iterator end); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`distance_type`: an integral type convertible to `octet_iterator`'s difference type. +`it`: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the nth following code point. +`n`: number of code points `it` should be advanced. A negative value means decrement. +`end`: limit of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If `n` is positive and `it` gets equal to `end` during the extraction of a code point, an `utf8::not_enough_room` exception is thrown. If `n` is negative and `it` reaches `end` while `it` points t a trail byte of a UTF-8 sequence, a `utf8::invalid_code_point` exception is thrown. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +unsigned char* w = twochars; +advance (w, 2, twochars + 6); +assert (w == twochars + 5); +advance (w, -2, twochars); +assert (w == twochars); +``` + +In case of an invalid code point, a `utf8::invalid_code_point` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::distance + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Given the iterators to two UTF-8 encoded code points in a seqence, returns the number of code points between them. + +```cpp +template +typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type distance (octet_iterator first, octet_iterator last); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`first`: an iterator to a beginning of a UTF-8 encoded code point. +`last`: an iterator to a "post-end" of the last UTF-8 encoded code point in the sequence we are trying to determine the length. It can be the beginning of a new code point, or not. + Return value the distance between the iterators, in code points. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +size_t dist = utf8::distance(twochars, twochars + 5); +assert (dist == 2); +``` + +This function is used to find the length (in code points) of a UTF-8 encoded string. The reason it is called _distance_, rather than, say, _length_ is mainly because developers are used that _length_ is an O(1) function. Computing the length of an UTF-8 string is a linear operation, and it looked better to model it after `std::distance` algorithm. + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. If `last` does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::not_enough_room` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf16to8 + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +std::string utf16to8(const std::u16string& s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-16 encoded string. +Return value: A UTF-8 encoded string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp + u16string utf16string = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e}; + string u = utf16to8(utf16string); + assert (u.size() == 10); +``` + +In case of invalid UTF-16 sequence, a `utf8::invalid_utf16` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf16to8 + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +std::string utf16to8(std::u16string_view s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-16 encoded string. +Return value: A UTF-8 encoded string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp + u16string utf16string = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e}; + u16string_view utf16stringview(u16string); + string u = utf16to8(utf16string); + assert (u.size() == 10); +``` + +In case of invalid UTF-16 sequence, a `utf8::invalid_utf16` exception is thrown. + + +#### utf8::utf16to8 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +template +octet_iterator utf16to8 (u16bit_iterator start, u16bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result); +``` + +`u16bit_iterator`: an input iterator. +`octet_iterator`: an output iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-16 encoded string to convert. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-16 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-8 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +unsigned short utf16string[] = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e}; +vector utf8result; +utf16to8(utf16string, utf16string + 5, back_inserter(utf8result)); +assert (utf8result.size() == 10); +``` + +In case of invalid UTF-16 sequence, a `utf8::invalid_utf16` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf8to16 + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16. + +```cpp +std::u16string utf8to16(const std::string& s); +``` + +`s`: an UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +Return value: A UTF-16 encoded string + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string utf8_with_surrogates = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e"; +u16string utf16result = utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates); +assert (utf16result.length() == 4); +assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834); +assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e); +``` + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf8to16 + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16. + +```cpp +std::u16string utf8to16(std::string_view s); +``` + +`s`: an UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +Return value: A UTF-16 encoded string + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string_view utf8_with_surrogates = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e"; +u16string utf16result = utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates); +assert (utf16result.length() == 4); +assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834); +assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e); +``` + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. + + +#### utf8::utf8to16 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16 + +```cpp +template +u16bit_iterator utf8to16 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u16bit_iterator result); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`u16bit_iterator`: an output iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. < br /> `end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-16 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-16 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char utf8_with_surrogates[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e"; +vector utf16result; +utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates, utf8_with_surrogates + 9, back_inserter(utf16result)); +assert (utf16result.size() == 4); +assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834); +assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e); +``` + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. If `end` does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::not_enough_room` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf32to8 + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Converts a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +std::string utf32to8(const std::u32string& s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-32 encoded string. +Return value: a UTF-8 encoded string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +u32string utf32string = {0x448, 0x65E5, 0x10346}; +string utf8result = utf32to8(utf32string); +assert (utf8result.size() == 9); +``` + +In case of invalid UTF-32 string, a `utf8::invalid_code_point` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf32to8 + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Converts a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +std::string utf32to8(std::u32string_view s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-32 encoded string. +Return value: a UTF-8 encoded string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +u32string utf32string = {0x448, 0x65E5, 0x10346}; +u32string_view utf32stringview(utf32string); +string utf8result = utf32to8(utf32stringview); +assert (utf8result.size() == 9); +``` + +In case of invalid UTF-32 string, a `utf8::invalid_code_point` exception is thrown. + + +#### utf8::utf32to8 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +template +octet_iterator utf32to8 (u32bit_iterator start, u32bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an output iterator. +`u32bit_iterator`: an input iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-32 encoded string to convert. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-32 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-8 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +int utf32string[] = {0x448, 0x65E5, 0x10346, 0}; +vector utf8result; +utf32to8(utf32string, utf32string + 3, back_inserter(utf8result)); +assert (utf8result.size() == 9); +``` + +In case of invalid UTF-32 string, a `utf8::invalid_code_point` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf8to32 + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32. + +```cpp +std::u32string utf8to32(const std::string& s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: a UTF-32 encoded string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +const char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +u32string utf32result = utf8to32(twochars); +assert (utf32result.size() == 2); +``` + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::utf8to32 + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32. + +```cpp +std::u32string utf8to32(std::string_view s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: a UTF-32 encoded string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string_view twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +u32string utf32result = utf8to32(twochars); +assert (utf32result.size() == 2); +``` + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. + + +#### utf8::utf8to32 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32. + +```cpp +template +u32bit_iterator utf8to32 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u32bit_iterator result); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`u32bit_iterator`: an output iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-32 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-32 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +vector utf32result; +utf8to32(twochars, twochars + 5, back_inserter(utf32result)); +assert (utf32result.size() == 2); +``` + +In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::invalid_utf8` exception is thrown. If `end` does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, a `utf8::not_enough_room` exception is thrown. + +#### utf8::find_invalid + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Detects an invalid sequence within a UTF-8 string. + +```cpp +std::size_t find_invalid(const std::string& s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: the index of the first invalid octet in the UTF-8 string. In case none were found, equals `std::string::npos`. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string utf_invalid = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa"; +auto invalid = find_invalid(utf_invalid); +assert (invalid == 5); +``` + +This function is typically used to make sure a UTF-8 string is valid before processing it with other functions. It is especially important to call it if before doing any of the _unchecked_ operations on it. + +#### utf8::find_invalid + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Detects an invalid sequence within a UTF-8 string. + +```cpp +std::size_t find_invalid(std::string_view s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: the index of the first invalid octet in the UTF-8 string. In case none were found, equals `std::string_view::npos`. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string_view utf_invalid = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa"; +auto invalid = find_invalid(utf_invalid); +assert (invalid == 5); +``` + +This function is typically used to make sure a UTF-8 string is valid before processing it with other functions. It is especially important to call it if before doing any of the _unchecked_ operations on it. + + +#### utf8::find_invalid + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Detects an invalid sequence within a UTF-8 string. + +```cpp +template +octet_iterator find_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 string to test for validity. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 string to test for validity. +Return value: an iterator pointing to the first invalid octet in the UTF-8 string. In case none were found, equals `end`. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char utf_invalid[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa"; +char* invalid = find_invalid(utf_invalid, utf_invalid + 6); +assert (invalid == utf_invalid + 5); +``` + +This function is typically used to make sure a UTF-8 string is valid before processing it with other functions. It is especially important to call it if before doing any of the _unchecked_ operations on it. + +#### utf8::is_valid + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Checks whether a string object contains valid UTF-8 encoded text. + +```cpp +bool is_valid(const std::string& s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: `true` if the string contains valid UTF-8 encoded text; `false` if not. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char utf_invalid[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa"; +bool bvalid = is_valid(utf_invalid); +assert (bvalid == false); +``` + +You may want to use `is_valid` to make sure that a string contains valid UTF-8 text without the need to know where it fails if it is not valid. + +#### utf8::is_valid + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Checks whether a string object contains valid UTF-8 encoded text. + +```cpp +bool is_valid(std::string_view s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: `true` if the string contains valid UTF-8 encoded text; `false` if not. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string_view utf_invalid = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa"; +bool bvalid = is_valid(utf_invalid); +assert (bvalid == false); +``` + +You may want to use `is_valid` to make sure that a string contains valid UTF-8 text without the need to know where it fails if it is not valid. + + +#### utf8::is_valid + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Checks whether a sequence of octets is a valid UTF-8 string. + +```cpp +template +bool is_valid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 string to test for validity. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 string to test for validity. +Return value: `true` if the sequence is a valid UTF-8 string; `false` if not. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char utf_invalid[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa"; +bool bvalid = is_valid(utf_invalid, utf_invalid + 6); +assert (bvalid == false); +``` + +`is_valid` is a shorthand for `find_invalid(start, end) == end;`. You may want to use it to make sure that a byte seqence is a valid UTF-8 string without the need to know where it fails if it is not valid. + +#### utf8::replace_invalid + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Replaces all invalid UTF-8 sequences within a string with a replacement marker. + +```cpp +std::string replace_invalid(const std::string& s, char32_t replacement); +std::string replace_invalid(const std::string& s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +`replacement`: A Unicode code point for the replacement marker. The version without this parameter assumes the value `0xfffd` +Return value: A UTF-8 encoded string with replaced invalid sequences. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string invalid_sequence = "a\x80\xe0\xa0\xc0\xaf\xed\xa0\x80z"; +string replace_invalid_result = replace_invalid(invalid_sequence, '?'); +bvalid = is_valid(replace_invalid_result); +assert (bvalid); +const string fixed_invalid_sequence = "a????z"; +assert (fixed_invalid_sequence == replace_invalid_result); +``` + +#### utf8::replace_invalid + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Replaces all invalid UTF-8 sequences within a string with a replacement marker. + +```cpp +std::string replace_invalid(std::string_view s, char32_t replacement); +std::string replace_invalid(std::string_view s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +`replacement`: A Unicode code point for the replacement marker. The version without this parameter assumes the value `0xfffd` +Return value: A UTF-8 encoded string with replaced invalid sequences. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string_view invalid_sequence = "a\x80\xe0\xa0\xc0\xaf\xed\xa0\x80z"; +string replace_invalid_result = replace_invalid(invalid_sequence, '?'); +bool bvalid = is_valid(replace_invalid_result); +assert (bvalid); +const string fixed_invalid_sequence = "a????z"; +assert(fixed_invalid_sequence, replace_invalid_result); +``` + + +#### utf8::replace_invalid + +Available in version 2.0 and later. + +Replaces all invalid UTF-8 sequences within a string with a replacement marker. + +```cpp +template +output_iterator replace_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, output_iterator out, uint32_t replacement); +template +output_iterator replace_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, output_iterator out); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`output_iterator`: an output iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 string to look for invalid UTF-8 sequences. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 string to look for invalid UTF-8 sequences. +`out`: An output iterator to the range where the result of replacement is stored. +`replacement`: A Unicode code point for the replacement marker. The version without this parameter assumes the value `0xfffd` +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the UTF-8 string with replaced invalid sequences. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char invalid_sequence[] = "a\x80\xe0\xa0\xc0\xaf\xed\xa0\x80z"; +vector replace_invalid_result; +replace_invalid (invalid_sequence, invalid_sequence + sizeof(invalid_sequence), back_inserter(replace_invalid_result), '?'); +bvalid = is_valid(replace_invalid_result.begin(), replace_invalid_result.end()); +assert (bvalid); +char* fixed_invalid_sequence = "a????z"; +assert (std::equal(replace_invalid_result.begin(), replace_invalid_result.end(), fixed_invalid_sequence)); +``` + +`replace_invalid` does not perform in-place replacement of invalid sequences. Rather, it produces a copy of the original string with the invalid sequences replaced with a replacement marker. Therefore, `out` must not be in the `[start, end]` range. + +#### utf8::starts_with_bom + +Available in version 3.0 and later. Requires a C++ 11 compliant compiler. + +Checks whether a string starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) + +```cpp +bool starts_with_bom(const std::string& s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: `true` if the string starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark; `false` if not. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string byte_order_mark = {char(0xef), char(0xbb), char(0xbf)}; +bool bbom = starts_with_bom(byte_order_mark); +assert (bbom == true); +string threechars = "\xf0\x90\x8d\x86\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +bool no_bbom = starts_with_bom(threechars); +assert (no_bbom == false); + ``` + +The typical use of this function is to check the first three bytes of a file. If they form the UTF-8 BOM, we want to skip them before processing the actual UTF-8 encoded text. + + +#### utf8::starts_with_bom + +Available in version 3.2 and later. Requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. + +Checks whether a string starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) + +```cpp +bool starts_with_bom(std::string_view s); +``` + +`s`: a UTF-8 encoded string. +Return value: `true` if the string starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark; `false` if not. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +string byte_order_mark = {char(0xef), char(0xbb), char(0xbf)}; +string_view byte_order_mark_view(byte_order_mark); +bool bbom = starts_with_bom(byte_order_mark_view); +assert (bbom); +string_view threechars = "\xf0\x90\x8d\x86\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +bool no_bbom = starts_with_bom(threechars); +assert (!no_bbom); + ``` + +The typical use of this function is to check the first three bytes of a file. If they form the UTF-8 BOM, we want to skip them before processing the actual UTF-8 encoded text. + + +#### utf8::starts_with_bom + +Available in version 2.3 and later. + +Checks whether an octet sequence starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) + +```cpp +template +bool starts_with_bom (octet_iterator it, octet_iterator end); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`it`: beginning of the octet sequence to check +`end`: pass-end of the sequence to check +Return value: `true` if the sequence starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark; `false` if not. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +unsigned char byte_order_mark[] = {0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf}; +bool bbom = starts_with_bom(byte_order_mark, byte_order_mark + sizeof(byte_order_mark)); +assert (bbom == true); +``` + +The typical use of this function is to check the first three bytes of a file. If they form the UTF-8 BOM, we want to skip them before processing the actual UTF-8 encoded text. + +### Types From utf8 Namespace + +#### utf8::exception + +Available in version 2.3 and later. + +Base class for the exceptions thrown by UTF CPP library functions. + +```cpp +class exception : public std::exception {}; +``` + +Example of use: + +```cpp +try { + code_that_uses_utf_cpp_library(); +} +catch(const utf8::exception& utfcpp_ex) { + cerr << utfcpp_ex.what(); +} +``` + +#### utf8::invalid_code_point + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Thrown by UTF8 CPP functions such as `advance` and `next` if an UTF-8 sequence represents and invalid code point. + +```cpp +class invalid_code_point : public exception { +public: + uint32_t code_point() const; +}; +``` + +Member function `code_point()` can be used to determine the invalid code point that caused the exception to be thrown. + +#### utf8::invalid_utf8 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Thrown by UTF8 CPP functions such as `next` and `prior` if an invalid UTF-8 sequence is detected during decoding. + +```cpp +class invalid_utf8 : public exception { +public: + uint8_t utf8_octet() const; +}; +``` + +Member function `utf8_octet()` can be used to determine the beginning of the byte sequence that caused the exception to be thrown. + +#### utf8::invalid_utf16 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Thrown by UTF8 CPP function `utf16to8` if an invalid UTF-16 sequence is detected during decoding. + +```cpp +class invalid_utf16 : public exception { +public: + uint16_t utf16_word() const; +}; +``` + +Member function `utf16_word()` can be used to determine the UTF-16 code unit that caused the exception to be thrown. + +#### utf8::not_enough_room + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Thrown by UTF8 CPP functions such as `next` if the end of the decoded UTF-8 sequence was reached before the code point was decoded. + +```cpp +class not_enough_room : public exception {}; +``` + +#### utf8::iterator + +Available in version 2.0 and later. + +Adapts the underlying octet iterator to iterate over the sequence of code points, rather than raw octets. + +```cpp +template +class iterator; +``` + +##### Member functions + +`iterator();` the deafult constructor; the underlying octet_iterator is constructed with its default constructor. + +`explicit iterator (const octet_iterator& octet_it, const octet_iterator& range_start, const octet_iterator& range_end);` a constructor that initializes the underlying octet_iterator with octet_it and sets the range in which the iterator is considered valid. + +`octet_iterator base () const;` returns the underlying octet_iterator. + +`uint32_t operator * () const;` decodes the utf-8 sequence the underlying octet_iterator is pointing to and returns the code point. + +`bool operator == (const iterator& rhs) const;` returns `true` if the two underlaying iterators are equal. + +`bool operator != (const iterator& rhs) const;` returns `true` if the two underlaying iterators are not equal. + +`iterator& operator ++ ();` the prefix increment - moves the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point. + +`iterator operator ++ (int);` the postfix increment - moves the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. + +`iterator& operator -- ();` the prefix decrement - moves the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point. + +`iterator operator -- (int);` the postfix decrement - moves the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* threechars = "\xf0\x90\x8d\x86\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +utf8::iterator it(threechars, threechars, threechars + 9); +utf8::iterator it2 = it; +assert (it2 == it); +assert (*it == 0x10346); +assert (*(++it) == 0x65e5); +assert ((*it++) == 0x65e5); +assert (*it == 0x0448); +assert (it != it2); +utf8::iterator endit (threechars + 9, threechars, threechars + 9); +assert (++it == endit); +assert (*(--it) == 0x0448); +assert ((*it--) == 0x0448); +assert (*it == 0x65e5); +assert (--it == utf8::iterator(threechars, threechars, threechars + 9)); +assert (*it == 0x10346); +``` + +The purpose of `utf8::iterator` adapter is to enable easy iteration as well as the use of STL algorithms with UTF-8 encoded strings. Increment and decrement operators are implemented in terms of `utf8::next()` and `utf8::prior()` functions. + +Note that `utf8::iterator` adapter is a checked iterator. It operates on the range specified in the constructor; any attempt to go out of that range will result in an exception. Even the comparison operators require both iterator object to be constructed against the same range - otherwise an exception is thrown. Typically, the range will be determined by sequence container functions `begin` and `end`, i.e.: + +```cpp +std::string s = "example"; +utf8::iterator i (s.begin(), s.begin(), s.end()); +``` + +### Functions From utf8::unchecked Namespace + +#### utf8::unchecked::append + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Encodes a 32 bit code point as a UTF-8 sequence of octets and appends the sequence to a UTF-8 string. + +```cpp +template +octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result); +``` + +`cp`: A 32 bit integer representing a code point to append to the sequence. +`result`: An output iterator to the place in the sequence where to append the code point. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the newly appended sequence. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +unsigned char u[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; +unsigned char* end = unchecked::append(0x0448, u); +assert (u[0] == 0xd1 && u[1] == 0x88 && u[2] == 0 && u[3] == 0 && u[4] == 0); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::append`. It does not check for validity of the supplied code point, and may produce an invalid UTF-8 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::next + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Given the iterator to the beginning of a UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code point and moves the iterator to the next position. + +```cpp +template +uint32_t next(octet_iterator& it); +``` + +`it`: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the beginning of the next code point. + Return value: the 32 bit representation of the processed UTF-8 code point. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +char* w = twochars; +int cp = unchecked::next(w); +assert (cp == 0x65e5); +assert (w == twochars + 3); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::next`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::peek_next + +Available in version 2.1 and later. + +Given the iterator to the beginning of a UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code point. + +```cpp +template +uint32_t peek_next(octet_iterator it); +``` + +`it`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. +Return value: the 32 bit representation of the processed UTF-8 code point. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +char* w = twochars; +int cp = unchecked::peek_next(w); +assert (cp == 0x65e5); +assert (w == twochars); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::peek_next`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::prior + +Available in version 1.02 and later. + +Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 seqence, it decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point. + +```cpp +template +uint32_t prior(octet_iterator& it); +``` + +`it`: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the previous code point. + Return value: the 32 bit representation of the previous code point. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +char* w = twochars + 3; +int cp = unchecked::prior (w); +assert (cp == 0x65e5); +assert (w == twochars); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::prior`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence and offers no boundary checking. + +#### utf8::unchecked::advance + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Advances an iterator by the specified number of code points within an UTF-8 sequence. + +```cpp +template +void advance (octet_iterator& it, distance_type n); +``` + +`it`: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the nth following code point. +`n`: number of code points `it` should be advanced. A negative value means decrement. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +char* w = twochars; +unchecked::advance (w, 2); +assert (w == twochars + 5); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::advance`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence and offers no boundary checking. + +#### utf8::unchecked::distance + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Given the iterators to two UTF-8 encoded code points in a seqence, returns the number of code points between them. + +```cpp +template +typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type distance (octet_iterator first, octet_iterator last); +``` + +`first`: an iterator to a beginning of a UTF-8 encoded code point. +`last`: an iterator to a "post-end" of the last UTF-8 encoded code point in the sequence we are trying to determine the length. It can be the beginning of a new code point, or not. +Return value: the distance between the iterators, in code points. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +size_t dist = utf8::unchecked::distance(twochars, twochars + 5); +assert (dist == 2); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::distance`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::utf16to8 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +template +octet_iterator utf16to8 (u16bit_iterator start, u16bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result); +``` + +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-16 encoded string to convert. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-16 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-8 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +unsigned short utf16string[] = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e}; +vector utf8result; +unchecked::utf16to8(utf16string, utf16string + 5, back_inserter(utf8result)); +assert (utf8result.size() == 10); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::utf16to8`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-16 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::utf8to16 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16 + +```cpp +template +u16bit_iterator utf8to16 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u16bit_iterator result); +``` + +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. < br /> `end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-16 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-16 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char utf8_with_surrogates[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e"; +vector utf16result; +unchecked::utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates, utf8_with_surrogates + 9, back_inserter(utf16result)); +assert (utf16result.size() == 4); +assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834); +assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::utf8to16`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::utf32to8 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8. + +```cpp +template +octet_iterator utf32to8 (u32bit_iterator start, u32bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result); +``` + +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-32 encoded string to convert. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-32 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-8 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +int utf32string[] = {0x448, 0x65e5, 0x10346, 0}; +vector utf8result; +utf32to8(utf32string, utf32string + 3, back_inserter(utf8result)); +assert (utf8result.size() == 9); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::utf32to8`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-32 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::utf8to32 + +Available in version 1.0 and later. + +Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32. + +```cpp +template +u32bit_iterator utf8to32 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u32bit_iterator result); +``` + +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert. +`result`: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-32 string where to append the result of conversion. +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the appended UTF-32 string. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +vector utf32result; +unchecked::utf8to32(twochars, twochars + 5, back_inserter(utf32result)); +assert (utf32result.size() == 2); +``` + +This is a faster but less safe version of `utf8::utf8to32`. It does not check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. + +#### utf8::unchecked::replace_invalid + +Available in version 3.1 and later. + +Replaces all invalid UTF-8 sequences within a string with a replacement marker. + +```cpp +template +output_iterator replace_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, output_iterator out, uint32_t replacement); +template +output_iterator replace_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, output_iterator out); +``` + +`octet_iterator`: an input iterator. +`output_iterator`: an output iterator. +`start`: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 string to look for invalid UTF-8 sequences. +`end`: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 string to look for invalid UTF-8 sequences. +`out`: An output iterator to the range where the result of replacement is stored. +`replacement`: A Unicode code point for the replacement marker. The version without this parameter assumes the value `0xfffd` +Return value: An iterator pointing to the place after the UTF-8 string with replaced invalid sequences. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char invalid_sequence[] = "a\x80\xe0\xa0\xc0\xaf\xed\xa0\x80z"; +vector replace_invalid_result; +unchecked::replace_invalid (invalid_sequence, invalid_sequence + sizeof(invalid_sequence), back_inserter(replace_invalid_result), '?'); +bvalid = utf8::is_valid(replace_invalid_result.begin(), replace_invalid_result.end()); +assert (bvalid); +char* fixed_invalid_sequence = "a????z"; +assert (std::equal(replace_invalid_result.begin(), replace_invalid_result.end(), fixed_invalid_sequence)); +``` + +`replace_invalid` does not perform in-place replacement of invalid sequences. Rather, it produces a copy of the original string with the invalid sequences replaced with a replacement marker. Therefore, `out` must not be in the `[start, end]` range. + +Unlike `utf8::replace_invalid`, this function does not verify validity of the replacement marker. + +### Types From utf8::unchecked Namespace + +#### utf8::iterator + +Available in version 2.0 and later. + +Adapts the underlying octet iterator to iterate over the sequence of code points, rather than raw octets. + +```cpp +template +class iterator; +``` + +##### Member functions + +`iterator();` the deafult constructor; the underlying octet_iterator is constructed with its default constructor. + +`explicit iterator (const octet_iterator& octet_it);` a constructor that initializes the underlying octet_iterator with `octet_it`. + +`octet_iterator base () const;` returns the underlying octet_iterator. + +`uint32_t operator * () const;` decodes the utf-8 sequence the underlying octet_iterator is pointing to and returns the code point. + +`bool operator == (const iterator& rhs) const;` returns `true` if the two underlaying iterators are equal. + +`bool operator != (const iterator& rhs) const;` returns `true` if the two underlaying iterators are not equal. + +`iterator& operator ++ ();` the prefix increment - moves the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point. + +`iterator operator ++ (int);` the postfix increment - moves the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. + +`iterator& operator -- ();` the prefix decrement - moves the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point. + +`iterator operator -- (int);` the postfix decrement - moves the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. + +Example of use: + +```cpp +char* threechars = "\xf0\x90\x8d\x86\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88"; +utf8::unchecked::iterator un_it(threechars); +utf8::unchecked::iterator un_it2 = un_it; +assert (un_it2 == un_it); +assert (*un_it == 0x10346); +assert (*(++un_it) == 0x65e5); +assert ((*un_it++) == 0x65e5); +assert (*un_it == 0x0448); +assert (un_it != un_it2); +utf8::::unchecked::iterator un_endit (threechars + 9); +assert (++un_it == un_endit); +assert (*(--un_it) == 0x0448); +assert ((*un_it--) == 0x0448); +assert (*un_it == 0x65e5); +assert (--un_it == utf8::unchecked::iterator(threechars)); +assert (*un_it == 0x10346); +``` + +This is an unchecked version of `utf8::iterator`. It is faster in many cases, but offers no validity or range checks. + +## Links + +1. [The Unicode Consortium](http://www.unicode.org/). +2. [ICU Library](http://icu.sourceforge.net/). +3. [UTF-8 at Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8) +4. [UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ for Unix/Linux](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html) diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/ReleaseNotes b/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/ReleaseNotes deleted file mode 100644 index 364411a23d..0000000000 --- a/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/ReleaseNotes +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -utf8 cpp library -Release 2.3.4 - -A minor bug fix release. Thanks to all who reported bugs. - -Note: Version 2.3.3 contained a regression, and therefore was removed. - -Changes from version 2.3.2 -- Bug fix [39]: checked.h Line 273 and unchecked.h Line 182 have an extra ';' -- Bug fix [36]: replace_invalid() only works with back_inserter - -Files included in the release: utf8.h, core.h, checked.h, unchecked.h, utf8cpp.html, ReleaseNotes diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/utf8cpp.html b/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/utf8cpp.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6f2aacbe7b..0000000000 --- a/contrib/utf8cpp/doc/utf8cpp.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1789 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way - - - - -

- UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way -


- The Sourceforge project page -

- -

- Introduction -


- Many C++ developers miss an easy and portable way of handling Unicode encoded - strings. The original C++ Standard (known as C++98 or C++03) is Unicode agnostic. - C++11 provides some support for Unicode on core language and library level: - u8, u, and U character and string literals, char16_t and char32_t character types, - u16string and u32string library classes, and codecvt support for conversions - between Unicode encoding forms. - In the meantime, developers use third party libraries like ICU, OS specific capabilities, or simply - roll out their own solutions. -


- In order to easily handle UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings, I came up with a small - generic library. For anybody used to work with STL algorithms and iterators, it should be - easy and natural to use. The code is freely available for any purpose - check out - the license at the beginning of the utf8.h file. If you run into - bugs or performance issues, please let me know and I'll do my best to address them. -


- The purpose of this article is not to offer an introduction to Unicode in general, - and UTF-8 in particular. If you are not familiar with Unicode, be sure to check out - Unicode Home Page or some other source of - information for Unicode. Also, it is not my aim to advocate the use of UTF-8 - encoded strings in C++ programs; if you want to handle UTF-8 encoded strings from - C++, I am sure you have good reasons for it. -


- Examples of use -


- Introductionary Sample -


- To illustrate the use of the library, let's start with a small but complete program - that opens a file containing UTF-8 encoded text, reads it line by line, checks each line - for invalid UTF-8 byte sequences, and converts it to UTF-16 encoding and back to UTF-8: -

-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "utf8.h"
-using namespace std;
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-    if (argc != 2) {
-        cout << "\nUsage: docsample filename\n";
-        return 0;
-    }
-    const char* test_file_path = argv[1];
-    // Open the test file (contains UTF-8 encoded text)
-    ifstream fs8(test_file_path);
-    if (!fs8.is_open()) {
-    cout << "Could not open " << test_file_path << endl;
-    return 0;
-    }
-    unsigned line_count = 1;
-    string line;
-    // Play with all the lines in the file
-    while (getline(fs8, line)) {
-       // check for invalid utf-8 (for a simple yes/no check, there is also utf8::is_valid function)
-        string::iterator end_it = utf8::find_invalid(line.begin(), line.end());
-        if (end_it != line.end()) {
-            cout << "Invalid UTF-8 encoding detected at line " << line_count << "\n";
-            cout << "This part is fine: " << string(line.begin(), end_it) << "\n";
-        }
-        // Get the line length (at least for the valid part)
-        int length = utf8::distance(line.begin(), end_it);
-        cout << "Length of line " << line_count << " is " << length <<  "\n";
-        // Convert it to utf-16
-        vector<unsigned short> utf16line;
-        utf8::utf8to16(line.begin(), end_it, back_inserter(utf16line));
-        // And back to utf-8
-        string utf8line; 
-        utf8::utf16to8(utf16line.begin(), utf16line.end(), back_inserter(utf8line));
-        // Confirm that the conversion went OK:
-        if (utf8line != string(line.begin(), end_it))
-            cout << "Error in UTF-16 conversion at line: " << line_count << "\n";        
-        line_count++;
-    }
-    return 0;

- In the previous code sample, for each line we performed - a detection of invalid UTF-8 sequences with find_invalid; the number - of characters (more precisely - the number of Unicode code points, including the end - of line and even BOM if there is one) in each line was - determined with a use of utf8::distance; finally, we have converted - each line to UTF-16 encoding with utf8to16 and back to UTF-8 with - utf16to8. -


Checking if a file contains valid UTF-8 text


-Here is a function that checks whether the content of a file is valid UTF-8 encoded text without -reading the content into the memory: -

-bool valid_utf8_file(iconst char* file_name)
-    ifstream ifs(file_name);
-    if (!ifs)
-        return false; // even better, throw here
-    istreambuf_iterator<char> it(ifs.rdbuf());
-    istreambuf_iterator<char> eos;
-    return utf8::is_valid(it, eos);

-Because the function utf8::is_valid() works with input iterators, we were able -to pass an istreambuf_iterator to it and read the content of the file directly -without loading it to the memory first.


-Note that other functions that take input iterator arguments can be used in a similar way. For -instance, to read the content of a UTF-8 encoded text file and convert the text to UTF-16, just -do something like: -

-    utf8::utf8to16(it, eos, back_inserter(u16string));

Ensure that a string contains valid UTF-8 text


-If we have some text that "probably" contains UTF-8 encoded text and we want to -replace any invalid UTF-8 sequence with a replacement character, something like -the following function may be used: -

-void fix_utf8_string(std::string& str)
-    std::string temp;
-    utf8::replace_invalid(str.begin(), str.end(), back_inserter(temp));
-    str = temp;

The function will replace any invalid UTF-8 sequence with a Unicode replacement character. -There is an overloaded function that enables the caller to supply their own replacement character. -


- Reference -


- Functions From utf8 Namespace -


- utf8::append -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Encodes a 32 bit code point as a UTF-8 sequence of octets and appends the sequence - to a UTF-8 string. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result);

- octet_iterator: an output iterator.
- cp: a 32 bit integer representing a code point to append to the - sequence.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the sequence where to - append the code point.
- Return value: an iterator pointing to the place - after the newly appended sequence. -


- Example of use: -

-unsigned char u[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
-unsigned char* end = append(0x0448, u);
-assert (u[0] == 0xd1 && u[1] == 0x88 && u[2] == 0 && u[3] == 0 && u[4] == 0);

- Note that append does not allocate any memory - it is the burden of - the caller to make sure there is enough memory allocated for the operation. To make - things more interesting, append can add anywhere between 1 and 4 - octets to the sequence. In practice, you would most often want to use - std::back_inserter to ensure that the necessary memory is allocated. -


- In case of an invalid code point, a utf8::invalid_code_point exception - is thrown. -


- utf8::next -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Given the iterator to the beginning of the UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code - point and moves the iterator to the next position. -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-uint32_t next(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator end);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- it: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 - encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the - beginning of the next code point.
- end: end of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If it - gets equal to end during the extraction of a code point, an - utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - processed UTF-8 code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-char* w = twochars;
-int cp = next(w, twochars + 6);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars + 3);

- This function is typically used to iterate through a UTF-8 encoded string. -


- In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is - thrown. -


- utf8::peek_next -


- Available in version 2.1 and later. -


- Given the iterator to the beginning of the UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code - point for the following sequence without changing the value of the iterator. -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-uint32_t peek_next(octet_iterator it, octet_iterator end);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- it: an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 - encoded code point.
- end: end of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If it - gets equal to end during the extraction of a code point, an - utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - processed UTF-8 code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-char* w = twochars;
-int cp = peek_next(w, twochars + 6);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars);

- In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is - thrown. -


- utf8::prior -


- Available in version 1.02 and later. -


- Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 sequence, it - decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded - code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point. -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-uint32_t prior(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator start);

- octet_iterator: a bidirectional iterator.
- it: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. - After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the - previous code point.
- start: an iterator to the beginning of the sequence where the search - for the beginning of a code point is performed. It is a - safety measure to prevent passing the beginning of the string in the search for a - UTF-8 lead octet.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - previous code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-unsigned char* w = twochars + 3;
-int cp = prior (w, twochars);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars);

- This function has two purposes: one is two iterate backwards through a UTF-8 - encoded string. Note that it is usually a better idea to iterate forward instead, - since utf8::next is faster. The second purpose is to find a beginning - of a UTF-8 sequence if we have a random position within a string. Note that in that - case utf8::prior may not detect an invalid UTF-8 sequence in some scenarios: - for instance if there are superfluous trail octets, it will just skip them. -


- it will typically point to the beginning of - a code point, and start will point to the - beginning of the string to ensure we don't go backwards too far. it is - decreased until it points to a lead UTF-8 octet, and then the UTF-8 sequence - beginning with that octet is decoded to a 32 bit representation and returned. -


- In case start is reached before a UTF-8 lead octet is hit, or if an - invalid UTF-8 sequence is started by the lead octet, an invalid_utf8 - exception is thrown. -


In case start equals it, a not_enough_room - exception is thrown. -

- utf8::previous -


- Deprecated in version 1.02 and later. -


- Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 seqence, it - decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded - code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point. -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-uint32_t previous(octet_iterator& it, octet_iterator pass_start);

- octet_iterator: a random access iterator.
- it: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. - After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the - previous code point.
- pass_start: an iterator to the point in the sequence where the search - for the beginning of a code point is aborted if no result was reached. It is a - safety measure to prevent passing the beginning of the string in the search for a - UTF-8 lead octet.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - previous code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-unsigned char* w = twochars + 3;
-int cp = previous (w, twochars - 1);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars);

- utf8::previous is deprecated, and utf8::prior should - be used instead, although the existing code can continue using this function. - The problem is the parameter pass_start that points to the position - just before the beginning of the sequence. Standard containers don't have the - concept of "pass start" and the function can not be used with their iterators. -


- it will typically point to the beginning of - a code point, and pass_start will point to the octet just before the - beginning of the string to ensure we don't go backwards too far. it is - decreased until it points to a lead UTF-8 octet, and then the UTF-8 sequence - beginning with that octet is decoded to a 32 bit representation and returned. -


- In case pass_start is reached before a UTF-8 lead octet is hit, or if an - invalid UTF-8 sequence is started by the lead octet, an invalid_utf8 - exception is thrown -


- utf8::advance -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Advances an iterator by the specified number of code points within an UTF-8 - sequence. -

-template <typename octet_iterator, typename distance_type> 
-void advance (octet_iterator& it, distance_type n, octet_iterator end);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- distance_type: an integral type convertible to octet_iterator's difference type.
- it: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 - encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the - nth following code point.
- n: a positive integer that shows how many code points we want to - advance.
- end: end of the UTF-8 sequence to be processed. If it - gets equal to end during the extraction of a code point, an - utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown.


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-unsigned char* w = twochars;
-advance (w, 2, twochars + 6);
-assert (w == twochars + 5);

- This function works only "forward". In case of a negative n, there is - no effect. -


- In case of an invalid code point, a utf8::invalid_code_point exception - is thrown. -


- utf8::distance -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Given the iterators to two UTF-8 encoded code points in a seqence, returns the - number of code points between them. -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-typename std::iterator_traits<octet_iterator>::difference_type distance (octet_iterator first, octet_iterator last);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- first: an iterator to a beginning of a UTF-8 encoded code point.
- last: an iterator to a "post-end" of the last UTF-8 encoded code - point in the sequence we are trying to determine the length. It can be the - beginning of a new code point, or not.
- Return value the distance between the iterators, - in code points. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-size_t dist = utf8::distance(twochars, twochars + 5);
-assert (dist == 2);

- This function is used to find the length (in code points) of a UTF-8 encoded - string. The reason it is called distance, rather than, say, - length is mainly because developers are used that length is an - O(1) function. Computing the length of an UTF-8 string is a linear operation, and - it looked better to model it after std::distance algorithm. -


- In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is - thrown. If last does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, - a utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown. -


- utf8::utf16to8 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8. -

-template <typename u16bit_iterator, typename octet_iterator>
-octet_iterator utf16to8 (u16bit_iterator start, u16bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result);

- u16bit_iterator: an input iterator.
- octet_iterator: an output iterator.
- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-16 encoded - string to convert.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-16 encoded - string to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-8 string. -


- Example of use: -

-unsigned short utf16string[] = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e};
-vector<unsigned char> utf8result;
-utf16to8(utf16string, utf16string + 5, back_inserter(utf8result));
-assert (utf8result.size() == 10);    

- In case of invalid UTF-16 sequence, a utf8::invalid_utf16 exception is - thrown. -


- utf8::utf8to16 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16 -

-template <typename u16bit_iterator, typename octet_iterator>
-u16bit_iterator utf8to16 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u16bit_iterator result);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- u16bit_iterator: an output iterator.
- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded - string to convert. < br /> end: an iterator pointing to - pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-16 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-16 string. -


- Example of use: -

-char utf8_with_surrogates[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e";
-vector <unsigned short> utf16result;
-utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates, utf8_with_surrogates + 9, back_inserter(utf16result));
-assert (utf16result.size() == 4);
-assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834);
-assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e);

- In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is - thrown. If end does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, a - utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown. -


- utf8::utf32to8 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8. -

-template <typename octet_iterator, typename u32bit_iterator>
-octet_iterator utf32to8 (u32bit_iterator start, u32bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result);

- octet_iterator: an output iterator.
- u32bit_iterator: an input iterator.
- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-32 encoded - string to convert.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-32 encoded - string to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-8 string. -


- Example of use: -

-int utf32string[] = {0x448, 0x65E5, 0x10346, 0};
-vector<unsigned char> utf8result;
-utf32to8(utf32string, utf32string + 3, back_inserter(utf8result));
-assert (utf8result.size() == 9);

- In case of invalid UTF-32 string, a utf8::invalid_code_point exception - is thrown. -


- utf8::utf8to32 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32. -

-template <typename octet_iterator, typename u32bit_iterator>
-u32bit_iterator utf8to32 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u32bit_iterator result);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- u32bit_iterator: an output iterator.
- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded - string to convert.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string - to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-32 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-32 string. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-vector<int> utf32result;
-utf8to32(twochars, twochars + 5, back_inserter(utf32result));
-assert (utf32result.size() == 2);

- In case of an invalid UTF-8 seqence, a utf8::invalid_utf8 exception is - thrown. If end does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 seqence, a - utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown. -


- utf8::find_invalid -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Detects an invalid sequence within a UTF-8 string. -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-octet_iterator find_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 string to - test for validity.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 string to test - for validity.
- Return value: an iterator pointing to the first - invalid octet in the UTF-8 string. In case none were found, equals - end. -


- Example of use: -

-char utf_invalid[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa";
-char* invalid = find_invalid(utf_invalid, utf_invalid + 6);
-assert (invalid == utf_invalid + 5);

- This function is typically used to make sure a UTF-8 string is valid before - processing it with other functions. It is especially important to call it if before - doing any of the unchecked operations on it. -


- utf8::is_valid -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Checks whether a sequence of octets is a valid UTF-8 string. -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-bool is_valid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 string to - test for validity.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 string to test - for validity.
- Return value: true if the sequence - is a valid UTF-8 string; false if not. -

- Example of use: -
-char utf_invalid[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa";
-bool bvalid = is_valid(utf_invalid, utf_invalid + 6);
-assert (bvalid == false);

- is_valid is a shorthand for find_invalid(start, end) == - end;. You may want to use it to make sure that a byte seqence is a valid - UTF-8 string without the need to know where it fails if it is not valid. -


- utf8::replace_invalid -


- Available in version 2.0 and later. -


- Replaces all invalid UTF-8 sequences within a string with a replacement marker. -

-template <typename octet_iterator, typename output_iterator>
-output_iterator replace_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, output_iterator out, uint32_t replacement);
-template <typename octet_iterator, typename output_iterator>
-output_iterator replace_invalid(octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, output_iterator out);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- output_iterator: an output iterator.
- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 string to - look for invalid UTF-8 sequences.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 string to look - for invalid UTF-8 sequences.
- out: An output iterator to the range where the result of replacement - is stored.
- replacement: A Unicode code point for the replacement marker. The - version without this parameter assumes the value 0xfffd
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the UTF-8 string with replaced invalid sequences. -


- Example of use: -

-char invalid_sequence[] = "a\x80\xe0\xa0\xc0\xaf\xed\xa0\x80z";
-vector<char> replace_invalid_result;
-replace_invalid (invalid_sequence, invalid_sequence + sizeof(invalid_sequence), back_inserter(replace_invalid_result), '?');
-bvalid = is_valid(replace_invalid_result.begin(), replace_invalid_result.end());
-assert (bvalid);
-char* fixed_invalid_sequence = "a????z";
-assert (std::equal(replace_invalid_result.begin(), replace_invalid_result.end(), fixed_invalid_sequence));

- replace_invalid does not perform in-place replacement of invalid - sequences. Rather, it produces a copy of the original string with the invalid - sequences replaced with a replacement marker. Therefore, out must not - be in the [start, end] range. -


- If end does not point to the past-of-end of a UTF-8 sequence, a - utf8::not_enough_room exception is thrown. -


- utf8::starts_with_bom -


- Available in version 2.3 and later. Relaces deprecated is_bom() function. -


- Checks whether an octet sequence starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-bool starts_with_bom (octet_iterator it, octet_iterator end);

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- it: beginning of the octet sequence to check
- end: pass-end of the sequence to check
- Return value: true if the sequence - starts with a UTF-8 byte order mark; false if not. -


- Example of use: -

-unsigned char byte_order_mark[] = {0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf};
-bool bbom = starts_with_bom(byte_order_mark, byte_order_mark + sizeof(byte_order_mark));
-assert (bbom == true);

- The typical use of this function is to check the first three bytes of a file. If - they form the UTF-8 BOM, we want to skip them before processing the actual UTF-8 - encoded text. -


- utf8::is_bom -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. Deprecated in version 2.3. starts_with_bom() should be used - instead. -


- Checks whether a sequence of three octets is a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) -

-template <typename octet_iterator> 
-bool is_bom (octet_iterator it);  // Deprecated

- octet_iterator: an input iterator.
- it: beginning of the 3-octet sequence to check
- Return value: true if the sequence - is UTF-8 byte order mark; false if not. -


- Example of use: -

-unsigned char byte_order_mark[] = {0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf};
-bool bbom = is_bom(byte_order_mark);
-assert (bbom == true);

- The typical use of this function is to check the first three bytes of a file. If - they form the UTF-8 BOM, we want to skip them before processing the actual UTF-8 - encoded text. -


- If a sequence is - shorter than three bytes, an invalid iterator will be dereferenced. Therefore, this function is deprecated - in favor of starts_with_bom()that takes the end of sequence as an argument. -


- Types From utf8 Namespace -


utf8::exception -


- Available in version 2.3 and later. -


- Base class for the exceptions thrown by UTF CPP library functions. -

-class exception : public std::exception {};

- Example of use: -

-try {
-  code_that_uses_utf_cpp_library();
-catch(const utf8::exception& utfcpp_ex) {
-  cerr << utfcpp_ex.what();
- -

utf8::invalid_code_point -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Thrown by UTF8 CPP functions such as advance and next if an UTF-8 sequence represents and invalid code point. -

- -
-class invalid_code_point : public exception {
-    uint32_t code_point() const;

- Member function code_point() can be used to determine the invalid code point that - caused the exception to be thrown. -


utf8::invalid_utf8 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Thrown by UTF8 CPP functions such as next and prior if an invalid UTF-8 sequence - is detected during decoding. -

- -
-class invalid_utf8 : public exception {
-    uint8_t utf8_octet() const;
- -

- Member function utf8_octet() can be used to determine the beginning of the byte - sequence that caused the exception to be thrown. -

- -

utf8::invalid_utf16 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Thrown by UTF8 CPP function utf16to8 if an invalid UTF-16 sequence - is detected during decoding. -

- -
-class invalid_utf16 : public exception {
-    uint16_t utf16_word() const;
- -

- Member function utf16_word() can be used to determine the UTF-16 code unit - that caused the exception to be thrown. -


utf8::not_enough_room -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Thrown by UTF8 CPP functions such as next if the end of the decoded UTF-8 sequence - was reached before the code point was decoded. -

- -
-class not_enough_room : public exception {};

- utf8::iterator -


- Available in version 2.0 and later. -


- Adapts the underlying octet iterator to iterate over the sequence of code points, - rather than raw octets. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-class iterator;
- -
Member functions
the deafult constructor; the underlying octet_iterator is - constructed with its default constructor. -
explicit iterator (const octet_iterator& octet_it, - const octet_iterator& range_start, - const octet_iterator& range_end);
a constructor - that initializes the underlying octet_iterator with octet_it - and sets the range in which the iterator is considered valid. -
octet_iterator base () const;
returns the - underlying octet_iterator. -
uint32_t operator * () const;
decodes the utf-8 sequence - the underlying octet_iterator is pointing to and returns the code point. -
bool operator == (const iterator& rhs) - const;
returns true - if the two underlaying iterators are equal. -
bool operator != (const iterator& rhs) - const;
returns true - if the two underlaying iterators are not equal. -
iterator& operator ++ ();
the prefix increment - moves - the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point. -
iterator operator ++ (int);
- the postfix increment - moves the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. -
iterator& operator -- ();
the prefix decrement - moves - the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point. -
iterator operator -- (int);
- the postfix decrement - moves the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. -

- Example of use: -

-char* threechars = "\xf0\x90\x8d\x86\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-utf8::iterator<char*> it(threechars, threechars, threechars + 9);
-utf8::iterator<char*> it2 = it;
-assert (it2 == it);
-assert (*it == 0x10346);
-assert (*(++it) == 0x65e5);
-assert ((*it++) == 0x65e5);
-assert (*it == 0x0448);
-assert (it != it2);
-utf8::iterator<char*> endit (threechars + 9, threechars, threechars + 9);  
-assert (++it == endit);
-assert (*(--it) == 0x0448);
-assert ((*it--) == 0x0448);
-assert (*it == 0x65e5);
-assert (--it == utf8::iterator<char*>(threechars, threechars, threechars + 9));
-assert (*it == 0x10346);

- The purpose of utf8::iterator adapter is to enable easy iteration as well as the use of STL - algorithms with UTF-8 encoded strings. Increment and decrement operators are implemented in terms of - utf8::next() and utf8::prior() functions. -


- Note that utf8::iterator adapter is a checked iterator. It operates on the range specified in - the constructor; any attempt to go out of that range will result in an exception. Even the comparison operators - require both iterator object to be constructed against the same range - otherwise an exception is thrown. Typically, - the range will be determined by sequence container functions begin and end, i.e.: -

-std::string s = "example";
-utf8::iterator i (s.begin(), s.begin(), s.end());

- Functions From utf8::unchecked Namespace -


- utf8::unchecked::append -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Encodes a 32 bit code point as a UTF-8 sequence of octets and appends the sequence - to a UTF-8 string. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result);

- cp: A 32 bit integer representing a code point to append to the - sequence.
- result: An output iterator to the place in the sequence where to - append the code point.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the newly appended sequence. -


- Example of use: -

-unsigned char u[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
-unsigned char* end = unchecked::append(0x0448, u);
-assert (u[0] == 0xd1 && u[1] == 0x88 && u[2] == 0 && u[3] == 0 && u[4] == 0);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::append. It does not - check for validity of the supplied code point, and may produce an invalid UTF-8 - sequence. -


- utf8::unchecked::next -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Given the iterator to the beginning of a UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code point - and moves the iterator to the next position. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-uint32_t next(octet_iterator& it);

- it: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 - encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the - beginning of the next code point.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - processed UTF-8 code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-char* w = twochars;
-int cp = unchecked::next(w);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars + 3);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::next. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. -


- utf8::unchecked::peek_next -


- Available in version 2.1 and later. -


- Given the iterator to the beginning of a UTF-8 sequence, it returns the code point. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-uint32_t peek_next(octet_iterator it);

- it: an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 - encoded code point.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - processed UTF-8 code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-char* w = twochars;
-int cp = unchecked::peek_next(w);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::peek_next. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. -


- utf8::unchecked::prior -


- Available in version 1.02 and later. -


- Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 seqence, it - decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded - code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-uint32_t prior(octet_iterator& it);

- it: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. - After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the - previous code point.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - previous code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-char* w = twochars + 3;
-int cp = unchecked::prior (w);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::prior. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence and offers no boundary checking. -


- utf8::unchecked::previous (deprecated, see utf8::unchecked::prior) -


- Deprecated in version 1.02 and later. -


- Given a reference to an iterator pointing to an octet in a UTF-8 seqence, it - decreases the iterator until it hits the beginning of the previous UTF-8 encoded - code point and returns the 32 bits representation of the code point. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-uint32_t previous(octet_iterator& it);

- it: a reference pointing to an octet within a UTF-8 encoded string. - After the function returns, it is decremented to point to the beginning of the - previous code point.
- Return value: the 32 bit representation of the - previous code point. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-char* w = twochars + 3;
-int cp = unchecked::previous (w);
-assert (cp == 0x65e5);
-assert (w == twochars);

- The reason this function is deprecated is just the consistency with the "checked" - versions, where prior should be used instead of previous. - In fact, unchecked::previous behaves exactly the same as - unchecked::prior -


- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::previous. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence and offers no boundary checking. -


- utf8::unchecked::advance -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Advances an iterator by the specified number of code points within an UTF-8 - sequence. -

-template <typename octet_iterator, typename distance_type>
-void advance (octet_iterator& it, distance_type n);

- it: a reference to an iterator pointing to the beginning of an UTF-8 - encoded code point. After the function returns, it is incremented to point to the - nth following code point.
- n: a positive integer that shows how many code points we want to - advance.


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-char* w = twochars;
-unchecked::advance (w, 2);
-assert (w == twochars + 5);

- This function works only "forward". In case of a negative n, there is - no effect. -


- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::advance. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence and offers no boundary checking. -


- utf8::unchecked::distance -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Given the iterators to two UTF-8 encoded code points in a seqence, returns the - number of code points between them. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-typename std::iterator_traits<octet_iterator>::difference_type distance (octet_iterator first, octet_iterator last);

- first: an iterator to a beginning of a UTF-8 encoded code point.
- last: an iterator to a "post-end" of the last UTF-8 encoded code - point in the sequence we are trying to determine the length. It can be the - beginning of a new code point, or not.
- Return value the distance between the iterators, - in code points. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-size_t dist = utf8::unchecked::distance(twochars, twochars + 5);
-assert (dist == 2);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::distance. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. -


- utf8::unchecked::utf16to8 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8. -

-template <typename u16bit_iterator, typename octet_iterator>
-octet_iterator utf16to8 (u16bit_iterator start, u16bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result);

- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-16 encoded - string to convert.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-16 encoded - string to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-8 string. -


- Example of use: -

-unsigned short utf16string[] = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e};
-vector<unsigned char> utf8result;
-unchecked::utf16to8(utf16string, utf16string + 5, back_inserter(utf8result));
-assert (utf8result.size() == 10);    

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::utf16to8. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-16 sequence. -


- utf8::unchecked::utf8to16 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16 -

-template <typename u16bit_iterator, typename octet_iterator>
-u16bit_iterator utf8to16 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u16bit_iterator result);

- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded - string to convert. < br /> end: an iterator pointing to - pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-16 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-16 string. -


- Example of use: -

-char utf8_with_surrogates[] = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e";
-vector <unsigned short> utf16result;
-unchecked::utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates, utf8_with_surrogates + 9, back_inserter(utf16result));
-assert (utf16result.size() == 4);
-assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834);
-assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::utf8to16. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. -


- utf8::unchecked::utf32to8 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8. -

-template <typename octet_iterator, typename u32bit_iterator>
-octet_iterator utf32to8 (u32bit_iterator start, u32bit_iterator end, octet_iterator result);

- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-32 encoded - string to convert.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-32 encoded - string to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-8 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-8 string. -


- Example of use: -

-int utf32string[] = {0x448, 0x65e5, 0x10346, 0};
-vector<unsigned char> utf8result;
-utf32to8(utf32string, utf32string + 3, back_inserter(utf8result));
-assert (utf8result.size() == 9);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::utf32to8. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-32 sequence. -


- utf8::unchecked::utf8to32 -


- Available in version 1.0 and later. -


- Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32. -

-template <typename octet_iterator, typename u32bit_iterator>
-u32bit_iterator utf8to32 (octet_iterator start, octet_iterator end, u32bit_iterator result);

- start: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the UTF-8 encoded - string to convert.
- end: an iterator pointing to pass-the-end of the UTF-8 encoded string - to convert.
- result: an output iterator to the place in the UTF-32 string where to - append the result of conversion.
- Return value: An iterator pointing to the place - after the appended UTF-32 string. -


- Example of use: -

-char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-vector<int> utf32result;
-unchecked::utf8to32(twochars, twochars + 5, back_inserter(utf32result));
-assert (utf32result.size() == 2);

- This is a faster but less safe version of utf8::utf8to32. It does not - check for validity of the supplied UTF-8 sequence. -


- Types From utf8::unchecked Namespace -


- utf8::iterator -


- Available in version 2.0 and later. -


- Adapts the underlying octet iterator to iterate over the sequence of code points, - rather than raw octets. -

-template <typename octet_iterator>
-class iterator;
- -
Member functions
the deafult constructor; the underlying octet_iterator is - constructed with its default constructor. -
explicit iterator (const octet_iterator& octet_it); -
a constructor - that initializes the underlying octet_iterator with octet_it -
octet_iterator base () const;
returns the - underlying octet_iterator. -
uint32_t operator * () const;
decodes the utf-8 sequence - the underlying octet_iterator is pointing to and returns the code point. -
bool operator == (const iterator& rhs) - const;
returns true - if the two underlaying iterators are equal. -
bool operator != (const iterator& rhs) - const;
returns true - if the two underlaying iterators are not equal. -
iterator& operator ++ ();
the prefix increment - moves - the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point. -
iterator operator ++ (int);
- the postfix increment - moves the iterator to the next UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. -
iterator& operator -- ();
the prefix decrement - moves - the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point. -
iterator operator -- (int);
- the postfix decrement - moves the iterator to the previous UTF-8 encoded code point and returns the current one. -

- Example of use: -

-char* threechars = "\xf0\x90\x8d\x86\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
-utf8::unchecked::iterator<char*> un_it(threechars);
-utf8::unchecked::iterator<char*> un_it2 = un_it;
-assert (un_it2 == un_it);
-assert (*un_it == 0x10346);
-assert (*(++un_it) == 0x65e5);
-assert ((*un_it++) == 0x65e5);
-assert (*un_it == 0x0448);
-assert (un_it != un_it2);
-utf8::::unchecked::iterator<char*> un_endit (threechars + 9);  
-assert (++un_it == un_endit);
-assert (*(--un_it) == 0x0448);
-assert ((*un_it--) == 0x0448);
-assert (*un_it == 0x65e5);
-assert (--un_it == utf8::unchecked::iterator<char*>(threechars));
-assert (*un_it == 0x10346);

- This is an unchecked version of utf8::iterator. It is faster in many cases, but offers - no validity or range checks. -


- Points of interest -


- Design goals and decisions -


- The library was designed to be: -

  1. - Generic: for better or worse, there are many C++ string classes out there, and - the library should work with as many of them as possible. -
  2. -
  3. - Portable: the library should be portable both accross different platforms and - compilers. The only non-portable code is a small section that declares unsigned - integers of different sizes: three typedefs. They can be changed by the users of - the library if they don't match their platform. The default setting should work - for Windows (both 32 and 64 bit), and most 32 bit and 64 bit Unix derivatives. -
  4. -
  5. - Lightweight: follow the "pay only for what you use" guideline. -
  6. -
  7. - Unintrusive: avoid forcing any particular design or even programming style on the - user. This is a library, not a framework. -
  8. -

- Alternatives -


- In case you want to look into other means of working with UTF-8 strings from C++, - here is the list of solutions I am aware of: -

  1. - ICU Library. It is very powerful, - complete, feature-rich, mature, and widely used. Also big, intrusive, - non-generic, and doesn't play well with the Standard Library. I definitelly - recommend looking at ICU even if you don't plan to use it. -
  2. -
  3. - C++11 language and library features. Still far from complete, and not widely - supported by compiler vendors. -
  4. -
  5. - Glib::ustring. - A class specifically made to work with UTF-8 strings, and also feel like - std::string. If you prefer to have yet another string class in your - code, it may be worth a look. Be aware of the licensing issues, though. -
  6. -
  7. - Platform dependent solutions: Windows and POSIX have functions to convert strings - from one encoding to another. That is only a subset of what my library offers, - but if that is all you need it may be good enough. -
  8. -
- -
  1. - The Unicode Consortium. -
  2. -
  3. - ICU Library. -
  4. -
  5. - UTF-8 at Wikipedia -
  6. -
  7. - UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ for - Unix/Linux -
  8. -
- - diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/checked.h b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/checked.h index 648636e468..512dcc2fba 100644 --- a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/checked.h +++ b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/checked.h @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace utf8 uint32_t cp; public: invalid_code_point(uint32_t codepoint) : cp(codepoint) {} - virtual const char* what() const NOEXCEPT OVERRIDE { return "Invalid code point"; } + virtual const char* what() const UTF_CPP_NOEXCEPT UTF_CPP_OVERRIDE { return "Invalid code point"; } uint32_t code_point() const {return cp;} }; @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ namespace utf8 uint8_t u8; public: invalid_utf8 (uint8_t u) : u8(u) {} - virtual const char* what() const NOEXCEPT OVERRIDE { return "Invalid UTF-8"; } + invalid_utf8 (char c) : u8(static_cast(c)) {} + virtual const char* what() const UTF_CPP_NOEXCEPT UTF_CPP_OVERRIDE { return "Invalid UTF-8"; } uint8_t utf8_octet() const {return u8;} }; @@ -58,13 +59,13 @@ namespace utf8 uint16_t u16; public: invalid_utf16 (uint16_t u) : u16(u) {} - virtual const char* what() const NOEXCEPT OVERRIDE { return "Invalid UTF-16"; } + virtual const char* what() const UTF_CPP_NOEXCEPT UTF_CPP_OVERRIDE { return "Invalid UTF-16"; } uint16_t utf16_word() const {return u16;} }; class not_enough_room : public exception { public: - virtual const char* what() const NOEXCEPT OVERRIDE { return "Not enough space"; } + virtual const char* what() const UTF_CPP_NOEXCEPT UTF_CPP_OVERRIDE { return "Not enough space"; } }; /// The library API - functions intended to be called by the users @@ -75,24 +76,7 @@ namespace utf8 if (!utf8::internal::is_code_point_valid(cp)) throw invalid_code_point(cp); - if (cp < 0x80) // one octet - *(result++) = static_cast(cp); - else if (cp < 0x800) { // two octets - *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 6) | 0xc0); - *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); - } - else if (cp < 0x10000) { // three octets - *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 12) | 0xe0); - *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80); - *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); - } - else { // four octets - *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 18) | 0xf0); - *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80); - *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80); - *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); - } - return result; + return internal::append(cp, result); } template @@ -148,7 +132,7 @@ namespace utf8 case internal::INVALID_LEAD : case internal::INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCE : case internal::OVERLONG_SEQUENCE : - throw invalid_utf8(*it); + throw invalid_utf8(static_cast(*it)); case internal::INVALID_CODE_POINT : throw invalid_code_point(cp); } @@ -325,7 +309,9 @@ namespace utf8 } // namespace utf8 -#if UTF_CPP_CPLUSPLUS >= 201103L // C++ 11 or later +#if UTF_CPP_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L // C++ 17 or later +#include "cpp17.h" +#elif UTF_CPP_CPLUSPLUS >= 201103L // C++ 11 or later #include "cpp11.h" #endif // C++ 11 or later diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/core.h b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/core.h index 244e892311..34371ee31c 100644 --- a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/core.h +++ b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/core.h @@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #endif #if UTF_CPP_CPLUSPLUS >= 201103L // C++ 11 or later - #define OVERRIDE override - #define NOEXCEPT noexcept + #define UTF_CPP_OVERRIDE override + #define UTF_CPP_NOEXCEPT noexcept #else // C++ 98/03 - #define OVERRIDE - #define NOEXCEPT throw() + #define UTF_CPP_OVERRIDE + #define UTF_CPP_NOEXCEPT throw() #endif // C++ 11 or later @@ -297,6 +297,55 @@ namespace internal return utf8::internal::validate_next(it, end, ignored); } + // Internal implementation of both checked and unchecked append() function + // This function will be invoked by the overloads below, as they will know + // the octet_type. + template + octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result) { + if (cp < 0x80) // one octet + *(result++) = static_cast(cp); + else if (cp < 0x800) { // two octets + *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 6) | 0xc0); + *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); + } + else if (cp < 0x10000) { // three octets + *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 12) | 0xe0); + *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80); + *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); + } + else { // four octets + *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 18) | 0xf0); + *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 12) & 0x3f)| 0x80); + *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80); + *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); + } + return result; + } + + // One of the following overloads will be invoked from the API calls + + // A simple (but dangerous) case: the caller appends byte(s) to a char array + inline char* append(uint32_t cp, char* result) { + return append(cp, result); + } + + // Hopefully, most common case: the caller uses back_inserter + // i.e. append(cp, std::back_inserter(str)); + template + std::back_insert_iterator append + (uint32_t cp, std::back_insert_iterator result) { + return append, + typename container_type::value_type>(cp, result); + } + + // The caller uses some other kind of output operator - not covered above + // Note that in this case we are not able to determine octet_type + // so we assume it's uint_8; that can cause a conversion warning if we are wrong. + template + octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result) { + return append(cp, result); + } + } // namespace internal /// The library API - functions intended to be called by the users diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/cpp11.h b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/cpp11.h index d93961b04f..2366f12915 100644 --- a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/cpp11.h +++ b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/cpp11.h @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace utf8 inline std::size_t find_invalid(const std::string& s) { std::string::const_iterator invalid = find_invalid(s.begin(), s.end()); - return (invalid == s.end()) ? std::string::npos : (invalid - s.begin()); + return (invalid == s.end()) ? std::string::npos : static_cast(invalid - s.begin()); } inline bool is_valid(const std::string& s) diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/cpp17.h b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/cpp17.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32a77ce307 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/cpp17.h @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Nemanja Trifunovic + +/* +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization +obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by +this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, +execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the +Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to +do so, all subject to the following: + +The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including +the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, +must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and +all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative +works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by +a source language processor. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT +SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE +FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, +ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + + +#ifndef UTF8_FOR_CPP_7e906c01_03a3_4daf_b420_ea7ea952b3c9 +#define UTF8_FOR_CPP_7e906c01_03a3_4daf_b420_ea7ea952b3c9 + +#include "checked.h" +#include + +namespace utf8 +{ + + inline void append(char32_t cp, std::string& s) + { + append(uint32_t(cp), std::back_inserter(s)); + } + + inline std::string utf16to8(std::u16string_view s) + { + std::string result; + utf16to8(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); + return result; + } + + inline std::u16string utf8to16(std::string_view s) + { + std::u16string result; + utf8to16(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); + return result; + } + + inline std::string utf32to8(std::u32string_view s) + { + std::string result; + utf32to8(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); + return result; + } + + inline std::u32string utf8to32(std::string_view s) + { + std::u32string result; + utf8to32(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); + return result; + } + + inline std::size_t find_invalid(std::string_view s) + { + std::string_view::const_iterator invalid = find_invalid(s.begin(), s.end()); + return (invalid == s.end()) ? std::string_view::npos : static_cast(invalid - s.begin()); + } + + inline bool is_valid(std::string_view s) + { + return is_valid(s.begin(), s.end()); + } + + inline std::string replace_invalid(std::string_view s, char32_t replacement) + { + std::string result; + replace_invalid(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(result), replacement); + return result; + } + + inline std::string replace_invalid(std::string_view s) + { + std::string result; + replace_invalid(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); + return result; + } + + inline bool starts_with_bom(std::string_view s) + { + return starts_with_bom(s.begin(), s.end()); + } + +} // namespace utf8 + +#endif // header guard + diff --git a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/unchecked.h b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/unchecked.h index 0e1b51cc7d..8fe83c9ecb 100644 --- a/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/unchecked.h +++ b/contrib/utf8cpp/source/utf8/unchecked.h @@ -37,24 +37,7 @@ namespace utf8 template octet_iterator append(uint32_t cp, octet_iterator result) { - if (cp < 0x80) // one octet - *(result++) = static_cast(cp); - else if (cp < 0x800) { // two octets - *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 6) | 0xc0); - *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); - } - else if (cp < 0x10000) { // three octets - *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 12) | 0xe0); - *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80); - *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); - } - else { // four octets - *(result++) = static_cast((cp >> 18) | 0xf0); - *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 12) & 0x3f)| 0x80); - *(result++) = static_cast(((cp >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80); - *(result++) = static_cast((cp & 0x3f) | 0x80); - } - return result; + return internal::append(cp, result); } template diff --git a/contrib/zip/src/miniz.h b/contrib/zip/src/miniz.h index 0a5560b247..7a6ff8d1a1 100644 --- a/contrib/zip/src/miniz.h +++ b/contrib/zip/src/miniz.h @@ -6092,8 +6092,8 @@ mz_zip_writer_compute_padding_needed_for_file_alignment(mz_zip_archive *pZip) { if (!pZip->m_file_offset_alignment) return 0; n = (mz_uint32)(pZip->m_archive_size & (pZip->m_file_offset_alignment - 1)); - return (pZip->m_file_offset_alignment - n) & - (pZip->m_file_offset_alignment - 1); + return (mz_uint)((pZip->m_file_offset_alignment - n) & + (pZip->m_file_offset_alignment - 1)); } static mz_bool mz_zip_writer_write_zeros(mz_zip_archive *pZip, diff --git a/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt index 469151ff6e..e7897d6a13 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/contrib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ endif() project(zlib C) SET (ZLIB_VERSION_MAJOR 1) SET (ZLIB_VERSION_MINOR 2) -SET (ZLIB_VERSION_PATCH 11) +SET (ZLIB_VERSION_PATCH 13) SET (ZLIB_VERSION ${ZLIB_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ZLIB_VERSION_MINOR}.${ZLIB_VERSION_PATCH}) SET (ZLIB_SOVERSION 1) SET (PROJECT_VERSION "${ZLIB_VERSION}") @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ if(NOT CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR) message(STATUS "to 'zconf.h.included' because this file is included with zlib") message(STATUS "but CMake generates it automatically in the build directory.") file(RENAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zconf.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zconf.h.included) - endif() + endif() endif() set(ZLIB_PC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zlib.pc) diff --git a/contrib/zlib/ChangeLog b/contrib/zlib/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..457526bc6a --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/zlib/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,1590 @@ + + ChangeLog file for zlib + +Changes in 1.2.13 (13 Oct 2022) +- Fix configure issue that discarded provided CC definition +- Correct incorrect inputs provided to the CRC functions +- Repair prototypes and exporting of new CRC functions +- Fix inflateBack to detect invalid input with distances too far +- Have infback() deliver all of the available output up to any error +- Fix a bug when getting a gzip header extra field with inflate() +- Fix bug in block type selection when Z_FIXED used +- Tighten deflateBound bounds +- Remove deleted assembler code references +- Various portability and appearance improvements + +Changes in 1.2.12 (27 Mar 2022) +- Cygwin does not have _wopen(), so do not create gzopen_w() there +- Permit a deflateParams() parameter change as soon as possible +- Limit hash table inserts after switch from stored deflate +- Fix bug when window full in deflate_stored() +- Fix CLEAR_HASH macro to be usable as a single statement +- Avoid a conversion error in gzseek when off_t type too small +- Have Makefile return non-zero error code on test failure +- Avoid some conversion warnings in gzread.c and gzwrite.c +- Update use of errno for newer Windows CE versions +- Small speedup to inflate [psumbera] +- Return an error if the gzputs string length can't fit in an int +- Add address checking in clang to -w option of configure +- Don't compute check value for raw inflate if asked to validate +- Handle case where inflateSync used when header never processed +- Avoid the use of ptrdiff_t +- Avoid an undefined behavior of memcpy() in gzappend() +- Avoid undefined behaviors of memcpy() in gz*printf() +- Avoid an undefined behavior of memcpy() in _tr_stored_block() +- Make the names in functions declarations identical to definitions +- Remove old assembler code in which bugs have manifested +- Fix deflateEnd() to not report an error at start of raw deflate +- Add legal disclaimer to README +- Emphasize the need to continue decompressing gzip members +- Correct the initialization requirements for deflateInit2() +- Fix a bug that can crash deflate on some input when using Z_FIXED +- Assure that the number of bits for deflatePrime() is valid +- Use a structure to make globals in enough.c evident +- Use a macro for the printf format of big_t in enough.c +- Clean up code style in enough.c, update version +- Use inline function instead of macro for index in enough.c +- Clarify that prefix codes are counted in enough.c +- Show all the codes for the maximum tables size in enough.c +- Add gznorm.c example, which normalizes gzip files +- Fix the zran.c example to work on a multiple-member gzip file +- Add tables for crc32_combine(), to speed it up by a factor of 200 +- Add crc32_combine_gen() and crc32_combine_op() for fast combines +- Speed up software CRC-32 computation by a factor of 1.5 to 3 +- Use atomic test and set, if available, for dynamic CRC tables +- Don't bother computing check value after successful inflateSync() +- Correct comment in crc32.c +- Add use of the ARMv8 crc32 instructions when requested +- Use ARM crc32 instructions if the ARM architecture has them +- Explicitly note that the 32-bit check values are 32 bits +- Avoid adding empty gzip member after gzflush with Z_FINISH +- Fix memory leak on error in gzlog.c +- Fix error in comment on the polynomial representation of a byte +- Clarify gz* function interfaces, referring to parameter names +- Change macro name in inflate.c to avoid collision in VxWorks +- Correct typo in blast.c +- Improve portability of contrib/minizip +- Fix indentation in minizip's zip.c +- Replace black/white with allow/block. (theresa-m) +- minizip warning fix if MAXU32 already defined. (gvollant) +- Fix unztell64() in minizip to work past 4GB. (Daniël Hörchner) +- Clean up minizip to reduce warnings for testing +- Add fallthrough comments for gcc +- Eliminate use of ULL constants +- Separate out address sanitizing from warnings in configure +- Remove destructive aspects of make distclean +- Check for cc masquerading as gcc or clang in configure +- Fix crc32.c to compile local functions only if used + +Changes in 1.2.11 (15 Jan 2017) +- Fix deflate stored bug when pulling last block from window +- Permit immediate deflateParams changes before any deflate input + +Changes in 1.2.10 (2 Jan 2017) +- Avoid warnings on snprintf() return value +- Fix bug in deflate_stored() for zero-length input +- Fix bug in gzwrite.c that produced corrupt gzip files +- Remove files to be installed before copying them in Makefile.in +- Add warnings when compiling with assembler code + +Changes in 1.2.9 (31 Dec 2016) +- Fix contrib/minizip to permit unzipping with desktop API [Zouzou] +- Improve contrib/blast to return unused bytes +- Assure that gzoffset() is correct when appending +- Improve compress() and uncompress() to support large lengths +- Fix bug in test/example.c where error code not saved +- Remedy Coverity warning [Randers-Pehrson] +- Improve speed of gzprintf() in transparent mode +- Fix inflateInit2() bug when windowBits is 16 or 32 +- Change DEBUG macro to ZLIB_DEBUG +- Avoid uninitialized access by gzclose_w() +- Allow building zlib outside of the source directory +- Fix bug that accepted invalid zlib header when windowBits is zero +- Fix gzseek() problem on MinGW due to buggy _lseeki64 there +- Loop on write() calls in gzwrite.c in case of non-blocking I/O +- Add --warn (-w) option to ./configure for more compiler warnings +- Reject a window size of 256 bytes if not using the zlib wrapper +- Fix bug when level 0 used with Z_HUFFMAN or Z_RLE +- Add --debug (-d) option to ./configure to define ZLIB_DEBUG +- Fix bugs in creating a very large gzip header +- Add uncompress2() function, which returns the input size used +- Assure that deflateParams() will not switch functions mid-block +- Dramatically speed up deflation for level 0 (storing) +- Add gzfread(), duplicating the interface of fread() +- Add gzfwrite(), duplicating the interface of fwrite() +- Add deflateGetDictionary() function +- Use snprintf() for later versions of Microsoft C +- Fix *Init macros to use z_ prefix when requested +- Replace as400 with os400 for OS/400 support [Monnerat] +- Add crc32_z() and adler32_z() functions with size_t lengths +- Update Visual Studio project files [AraHaan] + +Changes in 1.2.8 (28 Apr 2013) +- Update contrib/minizip/iowin32.c for Windows RT [Vollant] +- Do not force Z_CONST for C++ +- Clean up contrib/vstudio [Roß] +- Correct spelling error in zlib.h +- Fix mixed line endings in contrib/vstudio + +Changes in (13 Apr 2013) +- Fix version numbers and DLL names in contrib/vstudio/*/zlib.rc + +Changes in (13 Apr 2013) +- Change check for a four-byte type back to hexadecimal +- Fix typo in win32/Makefile.msc +- Add casts in gzwrite.c for pointer differences + +Changes in (24 Mar 2013) +- Replace use of unsafe string functions with snprintf if available +- Avoid including stddef.h on Windows for Z_SOLO compile [Niessink] +- Fix gzgetc undefine when Z_PREFIX set [Turk] +- Eliminate use of mktemp in Makefile (not always available) +- Fix bug in 'F' mode for gzopen() +- Add inflateGetDictionary() function +- Correct comment in deflate.h +- Use _snprintf for snprintf in Microsoft C +- On Darwin, only use /usr/bin/libtool if libtool is not Apple +- Delete "--version" file if created by "ar --version" [Richard G.] +- Fix configure check for veracity of compiler error return codes +- Fix CMake compilation of static lib for MSVC2010 x64 +- Remove unused variable in infback9.c +- Fix argument checks in gzlog_compress() and gzlog_write() +- Clean up the usage of z_const and respect const usage within zlib +- Clean up examples/gzlog.[ch] comparisons of different types +- Avoid shift equal to bits in type (caused endless loop) +- Fix uninitialized value bug in gzputc() introduced by const patches +- Fix memory allocation error in examples/zran.c [Nor] +- Fix bug where gzopen(), gzclose() would write an empty file +- Fix bug in gzclose() when gzwrite() runs out of memory +- Check for input buffer malloc failure in examples/gzappend.c +- Add note to contrib/blast to use binary mode in stdio +- Fix comparisons of differently signed integers in contrib/blast +- Check for invalid code length codes in contrib/puff +- Fix serious but very rare decompression bug in inftrees.c +- Update inflateBack() comments, since inflate() can be faster +- Use underscored I/O function names for WINAPI_FAMILY +- Add _tr_flush_bits to the external symbols prefixed by --zprefix +- Add contrib/vstudio/vc10 pre-build step for static only +- Quote --version-script argument in CMakeLists.txt +- Don't specify --version-script on Apple platforms in CMakeLists.txt +- Fix casting error in contrib/testzlib/testzlib.c +- Fix types in contrib/minizip to match result of get_crc_table() +- Simplify contrib/vstudio/vc10 with 'd' suffix +- Add TOP support to win32/Makefile.msc +- Support i686 and amd64 assembler builds in CMakeLists.txt +- Fix typos in the use of _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE in zconf.h +- Add vc11 and vc12 build files to contrib/vstudio +- Add gzvprintf() as an undocumented function in zlib +- Fix configure for Sun shell +- Remove runtime check in configure for four-byte integer type +- Add casts and consts to ease user conversion to C++ +- Add man pages for minizip and miniunzip +- In Makefile uninstall, don't rm if preceding cd fails +- Do not return Z_BUF_ERROR if deflateParam() has nothing to write + +Changes in 1.2.7 (2 May 2012) +- Replace use of memmove() with a simple copy for portability +- Test for existence of strerror +- Restore gzgetc_ for backward compatibility with 1.2.6 +- Fix build with non-GNU make on Solaris +- Require gcc 4.0 or later on Mac OS X to use the hidden attribute +- Include unistd.h for Watcom C +- Use __WATCOMC__ instead of __WATCOM__ +- Do not use the visibility attribute if NO_VIZ defined +- Improve the detection of no hidden visibility attribute +- Avoid using __int64 for gcc or solo compilation +- Cast to char * in gzprintf to avoid warnings [Zinser] +- Fix make_vms.com for VAX [Zinser] +- Don't use library or built-in byte swaps +- Simplify test and use of gcc hidden attribute +- Fix bug in gzclose_w() when gzwrite() fails to allocate memory +- Add "x" (O_EXCL) and "e" (O_CLOEXEC) modes support to gzopen() +- Fix bug in test/minigzip.c for configure --solo +- Fix contrib/vstudio project link errors [Mohanathas] +- Add ability to choose the builder in make_vms.com [Schweda] +- Add DESTDIR support to mingw32 win32/Makefile.gcc +- Fix comments in win32/Makefile.gcc for proper usage +- Allow overriding the default install locations for cmake +- Generate and install the pkg-config file with cmake +- Build both a static and a shared version of zlib with cmake +- Include version symbols for cmake builds +- If using cmake with MSVC, add the source directory to the includes +- Remove unneeded EXTRA_CFLAGS from win32/Makefile.gcc [Truta] +- Move obsolete emx makefile to old [Truta] +- Allow the use of -Wundef when compiling or using zlib +- Avoid the use of the -u option with mktemp +- Improve inflate() documentation on the use of Z_FINISH +- Recognize clang as gcc +- Add gzopen_w() in Windows for wide character path names +- Rename zconf.h in CMakeLists.txt to move it out of the way +- Add source directory in CMakeLists.txt for building examples +- Look in build directory for zlib.pc in CMakeLists.txt +- Remove gzflags from zlibvc.def in vc9 and vc10 +- Fix contrib/minizip compilation in the MinGW environment +- Update ./configure for Solaris, support --64 [Mooney] +- Remove -R. from Solaris shared build (possible security issue) +- Avoid race condition for parallel make (-j) running example +- Fix type mismatch between get_crc_table() and crc_table +- Fix parsing of version with "-" in CMakeLists.txt [Snider, Ziegler] +- Fix the path to zlib.map in CMakeLists.txt +- Force the native libtool in Mac OS X to avoid GNU libtool [Beebe] +- Add instructions to win32/Makefile.gcc for shared install [Torri] + +Changes in (12 Feb 2012) +- Avoid the use of the Objective-C reserved name "id" +- Include io.h in gzguts.h for Microsoft compilers +- Fix problem with ./configure --prefix and gzgetc macro +- Include gz_header definition when compiling zlib solo +- Put gzflags() functionality back in zutil.c +- Avoid library header include in crc32.c for Z_SOLO +- Use name in GCC_CLASSIC as C compiler for coverage testing, if set +- Minor cleanup in contrib/minizip/zip.c [Vollant] +- Update make_vms.com [Zinser] +- Remove unnecessary gzgetc_ function +- Use optimized byte swap operations for Microsoft and GNU [Snyder] +- Fix minor typo in zlib.h comments [Rzesniowiecki] + +Changes in 1.2.6 (29 Jan 2012) +- Update the Pascal interface in contrib/pascal +- Fix function numbers for gzgetc_ in zlibvc.def files +- Fix configure.ac for contrib/minizip [Schiffer] +- Fix large-entry detection in minizip on 64-bit systems [Schiffer] +- Have ./configure use the compiler return code for error indication +- Fix CMakeLists.txt for cross compilation [McClure] +- Fix contrib/minizip/zip.c for 64-bit architectures [Dalsnes] +- Fix compilation of contrib/minizip on FreeBSD [Marquez] +- Correct suggested usages in win32/Makefile.msc [Shachar, Horvath] +- Include io.h for Turbo C / Borland C on all platforms [Truta] +- Make version explicit in contrib/minizip/configure.ac [Bosmans] +- Avoid warning for no encryption in contrib/minizip/zip.c [Vollant] +- Minor cleanup up contrib/minizip/unzip.c [Vollant] +- Fix bug when compiling minizip with C++ [Vollant] +- Protect for long name and extra fields in contrib/minizip [Vollant] +- Avoid some warnings in contrib/minizip [Vollant] +- Add -I../.. -L../.. to CFLAGS for minizip and miniunzip +- Add missing libs to minizip linker command +- Add support for VPATH builds in contrib/minizip +- Add an --enable-demos option to contrib/minizip/configure +- Add the generation of configure.log by ./configure +- Exit when required parameters not provided to win32/Makefile.gcc +- Have gzputc return the character written instead of the argument +- Use the -m option on ldconfig for BSD systems [Tobias] +- Correct in zlib.map when deflateResetKeep was added + +Changes in (15 Jan 2012) +- Restore gzgetc function for binary compatibility +- Do not use _lseeki64 under Borland C++ [Truta] +- Update win32/Makefile.msc to build test/*.c [Truta] +- Remove old/visualc6 given CMakefile and other alternatives +- Update AS400 build files and documentation [Monnerat] +- Update win32/Makefile.gcc to build test/*.c [Truta] +- Permit stronger flushes after Z_BLOCK flushes +- Avoid extraneous empty blocks when doing empty flushes +- Permit Z_NULL arguments to deflatePending +- Allow deflatePrime() to insert bits in the middle of a stream +- Remove second empty static block for Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH +- Write out all of the available bits when using Z_BLOCK +- Insert the first two strings in the hash table after a flush + +Changes in (17 Dec 2011) +- fix ld error: unable to find version dependency 'ZLIB_1.2.5' +- use relative symlinks for shared libs +- Avoid searching past window for Z_RLE strategy +- Assure that high-water mark initialization is always applied in deflate +- Add assertions to fill_window() in deflate.c to match comments +- Update python link in README +- Correct spelling error in gzread.c +- Fix bug in gzgets() for a concatenated empty gzip stream +- Correct error in comment for gz_make() +- Change gzread() and related to ignore junk after gzip streams +- Allow gzread() and related to continue after gzclearerr() +- Allow gzrewind() and gzseek() after a premature end-of-file +- Simplify gzseek() now that raw after gzip is ignored +- Change gzgetc() to a macro for speed (~40% speedup in testing) +- Fix gzclose() to return the actual error last encountered +- Always add large file support for windows +- Include zconf.h for windows large file support +- Include zconf.h.cmakein for windows large file support +- Update zconf.h.cmakein on make distclean +- Merge vestigial vsnprintf determination from zutil.h to gzguts.h +- Clarify how gzopen() appends in zlib.h comments +- Correct documentation of gzdirect() since junk at end now ignored +- Add a transparent write mode to gzopen() when 'T' is in the mode +- Update python link in zlib man page +- Get inffixed.h and MAKEFIXED result to match +- Add a ./config --solo option to make zlib subset with no library use +- Add undocumented inflateResetKeep() function for CAB file decoding +- Add --cover option to ./configure for gcc coverage testing +- Add #define ZLIB_CONST option to use const in the z_stream interface +- Add comment to gzdopen() in zlib.h to use dup() when using fileno() +- Note behavior of uncompress() to provide as much data as it can +- Add files in contrib/minizip to aid in building libminizip +- Split off AR options in Makefile.in and configure +- Change ON macro to Z_ARG to avoid application conflicts +- Facilitate compilation with Borland C++ for pragmas and vsnprintf +- Include io.h for Turbo C / Borland C++ +- Move example.c and minigzip.c to test/ +- Simplify incomplete code table filling in inflate_table() +- Remove code from inflate.c and infback.c that is impossible to execute +- Test the inflate code with full coverage +- Allow deflateSetDictionary, inflateSetDictionary at any time (in raw) +- Add deflateResetKeep and fix inflateResetKeep to retain dictionary +- Fix gzwrite.c to accommodate reduced memory zlib compilation +- Have inflate() with Z_FINISH avoid the allocation of a window +- Do not set strm->adler when doing raw inflate +- Fix gzeof() to behave just like feof() when read is not past end of file +- Fix bug in gzread.c when end-of-file is reached +- Avoid use of Z_BUF_ERROR in gz* functions except for premature EOF +- Document gzread() capability to read concurrently written files +- Remove hard-coding of resource compiler in CMakeLists.txt [Blammo] + +Changes in (10 Sep 2011) +- Update FAQ entry on shared builds (#13) +- Avoid symbolic argument to chmod in Makefile.in +- Fix bug and add consts in contrib/puff [Oberhumer] +- Update contrib/puff/zeros.raw test file to have all block types +- Add full coverage test for puff in contrib/puff/Makefile +- Fix static-only-build install in Makefile.in +- Fix bug in unzGetCurrentFileInfo() in contrib/minizip [Kuno] +- Add libz.a dependency to shared in Makefile.in for parallel builds +- Spell out "number" (instead of "nb") in zlib.h for total_in, total_out +- Replace $(...) with `...` in configure for non-bash sh [Bowler] +- Add darwin* to Darwin* and solaris* to SunOS\ 5* in configure [Groffen] +- Add solaris* to Linux* in configure to allow gcc use [Groffen] +- Add *bsd* to Linux* case in configure [Bar-Lev] +- Add inffast.obj to dependencies in win32/Makefile.msc +- Correct spelling error in deflate.h [Kohler] +- Change libzdll.a again to libz.dll.a (!) in win32/Makefile.gcc +- Add test to configure for GNU C looking for gcc in output of $cc -v +- Add zlib.pc generation to win32/Makefile.gcc [Weigelt] +- Fix bug in zlib.h for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS set and _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE not +- Add comment in zlib.h that adler32_combine with len2 < 0 makes no sense +- Make NO_DIVIDE option in adler32.c much faster (thanks to John Reiser) +- Make stronger test in zconf.h to include unistd.h for LFS +- Apply Darwin patches for 64-bit file offsets to contrib/minizip [Slack] +- Fix zlib.h LFS support when Z_PREFIX used +- Add updated as400 support (removed from old) [Monnerat] +- Avoid deflate sensitivity to volatile input data +- Avoid division in adler32_combine for NO_DIVIDE +- Clarify the use of Z_FINISH with deflateBound() amount of space +- Set binary for output file in puff.c +- Use u4 type for crc_table to avoid conversion warnings +- Apply casts in zlib.h to avoid conversion warnings +- Add OF to prototypes for adler32_combine_ and crc32_combine_ [Miller] +- Improve inflateSync() documentation to note indeterminacy +- Add deflatePending() function to return the amount of pending output +- Correct the spelling of "specification" in FAQ [Randers-Pehrson] +- Add a check in configure for stdarg.h, use for gzprintf() +- Check that pointers fit in ints when gzprint() compiled old style +- Add dummy name before $(SHAREDLIBV) in Makefile [Bar-Lev, Bowler] +- Delete line in configure that adds -L. libz.a to LDFLAGS [Weigelt] +- Add debug records in assembler code [Londer] +- Update RFC references to use http://tools.ietf.org/html/... [Li] +- Add --archs option, use of libtool to configure for Mac OS X [Borstel] + +Changes in 1.2.5 (19 Apr 2010) +- Disable visibility attribute in win32/Makefile.gcc [Bar-Lev] +- Default to libdir as sharedlibdir in configure [Nieder] +- Update copyright dates on modified source files +- Update trees.c to be able to generate modified trees.h +- Exit configure for MinGW, suggesting win32/Makefile.gcc +- Check for NULL path in gz_open [Homurlu] + +Changes in (18 Apr 2010) +- Set sharedlibdir in configure [Torok] +- Set LDFLAGS in Makefile.in [Bar-Lev] +- Avoid mkdir objs race condition in Makefile.in [Bowler] +- Add ZLIB_INTERNAL in front of internal inter-module functions and arrays +- Define ZLIB_INTERNAL to hide internal functions and arrays for GNU C +- Don't use hidden attribute when it is a warning generator (e.g. Solaris) + +Changes in (18 Apr 2010) +- Fix CROSS_PREFIX executable testing, CHOST extract, mingw* [Torok] +- Undefine _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE in zconf.h if it is zero, but not if empty +- Try to use bash or ksh regardless of functionality of /bin/sh +- Fix configure incompatibility with NetBSD sh +- Remove attempt to run under bash or ksh since have better NetBSD fix +- Fix win32/Makefile.gcc for MinGW [Bar-Lev] +- Add diagnostic messages when using CROSS_PREFIX in configure +- Added --sharedlibdir option to configure [Weigelt] +- Use hidden visibility attribute when available [Frysinger] + +Changes in (10 Apr 2010) +- Only use CROSS_PREFIX in configure for ar and ranlib if they exist +- Use CROSS_PREFIX for nm [Bar-Lev] +- Assume _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE defined is equivalent to true +- Avoid use of undefined symbols in #if with && and || +- Make *64 prototypes in gzguts.h consistent with functions +- Add -shared load option for MinGW in configure [Bowler] +- Move z_off64_t to public interface, use instead of off64_t +- Remove ! from shell test in configure (not portable to Solaris) +- Change +0 macro tests to -0 for possibly increased portability + +Changes in (9 Apr 2010) +- Add consistent carriage returns to readme.txt's in masmx86 and masmx64 +- Really provide prototypes for *64 functions when building without LFS +- Only define unlink() in minigzip.c if unistd.h not included +- Update README to point to contrib/vstudio project files +- Move projects/vc6 to old/ and remove projects/ +- Include stdlib.h in minigzip.c for setmode() definition under WinCE +- Clean up assembler builds in win32/Makefile.msc [Rowe] +- Include sys/types.h for Microsoft for off_t definition +- Fix memory leak on error in gz_open() +- Symbolize nm as $NM in configure [Weigelt] +- Use TEST_LDSHARED instead of LDSHARED to link test programs [Weigelt] +- Add +0 to _FILE_OFFSET_BITS and _LFS64_LARGEFILE in case not defined +- Fix bug in gzeof() to take into account unused input data +- Avoid initialization of structures with variables in puff.c +- Updated win32/README-WIN32.txt [Rowe] + +Changes in (28 Mar 2010) +- Remove the use of [a-z] constructs for sed in configure [gentoo 310225] +- Remove $(SHAREDLIB) from LIBS in Makefile.in [Creech] +- Restore "for debugging" comment on sprintf() in gzlib.c +- Remove fdopen for MVS from gzguts.h +- Put new README-WIN32.txt in win32 [Rowe] +- Add check for shell to configure and invoke another shell if needed +- Fix big fat stinking bug in gzseek() on uncompressed files +- Remove vestigial F_OPEN64 define in zutil.h +- Set and check the value of _LARGEFILE_SOURCE and _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE +- Avoid errors on non-LFS systems when applications define LFS macros +- Set EXE to ".exe" in configure for MINGW [Kahle] +- Match crc32() in crc32.c exactly to the prototype in zlib.h [Sherrill] +- Add prefix for cross-compilation in win32/makefile.gcc [Bar-Lev] +- Add DLL install in win32/makefile.gcc [Bar-Lev] +- Allow Linux* or linux* from uname in configure [Bar-Lev] +- Allow ldconfig to be redefined in configure and Makefile.in [Bar-Lev] +- Add cross-compilation prefixes to configure [Bar-Lev] +- Match type exactly in gz_load() invocation in gzread.c +- Match type exactly of zcalloc() in zutil.c to zlib.h alloc_func +- Provide prototypes for *64 functions when building zlib without LFS +- Don't use -lc when linking shared library on MinGW +- Remove errno.h check in configure and vestigial errno code in zutil.h + +Changes in 1.2.4 (14 Mar 2010) +- Fix VER3 extraction in configure for no fourth subversion +- Update zlib.3, add docs to Makefile.in to make .pdf out of it +- Add zlib.3.pdf to distribution +- Don't set error code in gzerror() if passed pointer is NULL +- Apply destination directory fixes to CMakeLists.txt [Lowman] +- Move #cmakedefine's to a new zconf.in.cmakein +- Restore zconf.h for builds that don't use configure or cmake +- Add distclean to dummy Makefile for convenience +- Update and improve INDEX, README, and FAQ +- Update CMakeLists.txt for the return of zconf.h [Lowman] +- Update contrib/vstudio/vc9 and vc10 [Vollant] +- Change libz.dll.a back to libzdll.a in win32/Makefile.gcc +- Apply license and readme changes to contrib/asm686 [Raiter] +- Check file name lengths and add -c option in minigzip.c [Li] +- Update contrib/amd64 and contrib/masmx86/ [Vollant] +- Avoid use of "eof" parameter in trees.c to not shadow library variable +- Update make_vms.com for removal of zlibdefs.h [Zinser] +- Update assembler code and vstudio projects in contrib [Vollant] +- Remove outdated assembler code contrib/masm686 and contrib/asm586 +- Remove old vc7 and vc8 from contrib/vstudio +- Update win32/Makefile.msc, add ZLIB_VER_SUBREVISION [Rowe] +- Fix memory leaks in gzclose_r() and gzclose_w(), file leak in gz_open() +- Add contrib/gcc_gvmat64 for longest_match and inflate_fast [Vollant] +- Remove *64 functions from win32/zlib.def (they're not 64-bit yet) +- Fix bug in void-returning vsprintf() case in gzwrite.c +- Fix name change from inflate.h in contrib/inflate86/inffas86.c +- Check if temporary file exists before removing in make_vms.com [Zinser] +- Fix make install and uninstall for --static option +- Fix usage of _MSC_VER in gzguts.h and zutil.h [Truta] +- Update readme.txt in contrib/masmx64 and masmx86 to assemble + +Changes in (21 Feb 2010) +- Expunge gzio.c +- Move as400 build information to old +- Fix updates in contrib/minizip and contrib/vstudio +- Add const to vsnprintf test in configure to avoid warnings [Weigelt] +- Delete zconf.h (made by configure) [Weigelt] +- Change zconf.in.h to zconf.h.in per convention [Weigelt] +- Check for NULL buf in gzgets() +- Return empty string for gzgets() with len == 1 (like fgets()) +- Fix description of gzgets() in zlib.h for end-of-file, NULL return +- Update minizip to 1.1 [Vollant] +- Avoid MSVC loss of data warnings in gzread.c, gzwrite.c +- Note in zlib.h that gzerror() should be used to distinguish from EOF +- Remove use of snprintf() from gzlib.c +- Fix bug in gzseek() +- Update contrib/vstudio, adding vc9 and vc10 [Kuno, Vollant] +- Fix zconf.h generation in CMakeLists.txt [Lowman] +- Improve comments in zconf.h where modified by configure + +Changes in (13 Feb 2010) +- Clean up text files (tabs, trailing whitespace, etc.) [Oberhumer] +- Use z_off64_t in gz_zero() and gz_skip() to match state->skip +- Avoid comparison problem when sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t) +- Revert to Makefile.in from (live with the clutter) +- Fix missing error return in gzflush(), add zlib.h note +- Add *64 functions to zlib.map [Levin] +- Fix signed/unsigned comparison in gz_comp() +- Use SFLAGS when testing shared linking in configure +- Add --64 option to ./configure to use -m64 with gcc +- Fix ./configure --help to correctly name options +- Have make fail if a test fails [Levin] +- Avoid buffer overrun in contrib/masmx64/gvmat64.asm [Simpson] +- Remove assembler object files from contrib + +Changes in (24 Jan 2010) +- Always gzopen() with O_LARGEFILE if available +- Fix gzdirect() to work immediately after gzopen() or gzdopen() +- Make gzdirect() more precise when the state changes while reading +- Improve zlib.h documentation in many places +- Catch memory allocation failure in gz_open() +- Complete close operation if seek forward in gzclose_w() fails +- Return Z_ERRNO from gzclose_r() if close() fails +- Return Z_STREAM_ERROR instead of EOF for gzclose() being passed NULL +- Return zero for gzwrite() errors to match zlib.h description +- Return -1 on gzputs() error to match zlib.h description +- Add zconf.in.h to allow recovery from configure modification [Weigelt] +- Fix static library permissions in Makefile.in [Weigelt] +- Avoid warnings in configure tests that hide functionality [Weigelt] +- Add *BSD and DragonFly to Linux case in configure [gentoo 123571] +- Change libzdll.a to libz.dll.a in win32/Makefile.gcc [gentoo 288212] +- Avoid access of uninitialized data for first inflateReset2 call [Gomes] +- Keep object files in subdirectories to reduce the clutter somewhat +- Remove default Makefile and zlibdefs.h, add dummy Makefile +- Add new external functions to Z_PREFIX, remove duplicates, z_z_ -> z_ +- Remove zlibdefs.h completely -- modify zconf.h instead + +Changes in (17 Jan 2010) +- Avoid void * arithmetic in gzread.c and gzwrite.c +- Make compilers happier with const char * for gz_error message +- Avoid unused parameter warning in inflate.c +- Avoid signed-unsigned comparison warning in inflate.c +- Indent #pragma's for traditional C +- Fix usage of strwinerror() in glib.c, change to gz_strwinerror() +- Correct email address in configure for system options +- Update make_vms.com and add make_vms.com to contrib/minizip [Zinser] +- Update zlib.map [Brown] +- Fix Makefile.in for Solaris 10 make of example64 and minizip64 [Torok] +- Apply various fixes to CMakeLists.txt [Lowman] +- Add checks on len in gzread() and gzwrite() +- Add error message for no more room for gzungetc() +- Remove zlib version check in gzwrite() +- Defer compression of gzprintf() result until need to +- Use snprintf() in gzdopen() if available +- Remove USE_MMAP configuration determination (only used by minigzip) +- Remove examples/pigz.c (available separately) +- Update examples/gun.c to 1.6 + +Changes in (8 Jan 2010) +- Add space after #if in zutil.h for some compilers +- Fix relatively harmless bug in deflate_fast() [Exarevsky] +- Fix same problem in deflate_slow() +- Add $(SHAREDLIBV) to LIBS in Makefile.in [Brown] +- Add deflate_rle() for faster Z_RLE strategy run-length encoding +- Add deflate_huff() for faster Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY encoding +- Change name of "write" variable in inffast.c to avoid library collisions +- Fix premature EOF from gzread() in gzio.c [Brown] +- Use zlib header window size if windowBits is 0 in inflateInit2() +- Remove compressBound() call in deflate.c to avoid linking compress.o +- Replace use of errno in gz* with functions, support WinCE [Alves] +- Provide alternative to perror() in minigzip.c for WinCE [Alves] +- Don't use _vsnprintf on later versions of MSVC [Lowman] +- Add CMake build script and input file [Lowman] +- Update contrib/minizip to 1.1 [Svensson, Vollant] +- Moved nintendods directory from contrib to root +- Replace gzio.c with a new set of routines with the same functionality +- Add gzbuffer(), gzoffset(), gzclose_r(), gzclose_w() as part of above +- Update contrib/minizip to 1.1b +- Change gzeof() to return 0 on error instead of -1 to agree with zlib.h + +Changes in (21 Dec 2009) +- Use old school .SUFFIXES in Makefile.in for FreeBSD compatibility +- Update comments in configure and Makefile.in for default --shared +- Fix test -z's in configure [Marquess] +- Build examplesh and minigzipsh when not testing +- Change NULL's to Z_NULL's in deflate.c and in comments in zlib.h +- Import LDFLAGS from the environment in configure +- Fix configure to populate SFLAGS with discovered CFLAGS options +- Adapt make_vms.com to the new Makefile.in [Zinser] +- Add zlib2ansi script for C++ compilation [Marquess] +- Add _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 test to make test (when applicable) +- Add AMD64 assembler code for longest match to contrib [Teterin] +- Include options from $SFLAGS when doing $LDSHARED +- Simplify 64-bit file support by introducing z_off64_t type +- Make shared object files in objs directory to work around old Sun cc +- Use only three-part version number for Darwin shared compiles +- Add rc option to ar in Makefile.in for when ./configure not run +- Add -WI,-rpath,. to LDFLAGS for OSF 1 V4* +- Set LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH for SGI IRIX shared compile +- Protect against _FILE_OFFSET_BITS being defined when compiling zlib +- Rename Makefile.in targets allstatic to static and allshared to shared +- Fix static and shared Makefile.in targets to be independent +- Correct error return bug in gz_open() by setting state [Brown] +- Put spaces before ;;'s in configure for better sh compatibility +- Add pigz.c (parallel implementation of gzip) to examples/ +- Correct constant in crc32.c to UL [Leventhal] +- Reject negative lengths in crc32_combine() +- Add inflateReset2() function to work like inflateEnd()/inflateInit2() +- Include sys/types.h for _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE [Brown] +- Correct typo in doc/algorithm.txt [Janik] +- Fix bug in adler32_combine() [Zhu] +- Catch missing-end-of-block-code error in all inflates and in puff + Assures that random input to inflate eventually results in an error +- Added enough.c (calculation of ENOUGH for inftrees.h) to examples/ +- Update ENOUGH and its usage to reflect discovered bounds +- Fix gzerror() error report on empty input file [Brown] +- Add ush casts in trees.c to avoid pedantic runtime errors +- Fix typo in zlib.h uncompress() description [Reiss] +- Correct inflate() comments with regard to automatic header detection +- Remove deprecation comment on Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH (it stays) +- Put new version of gzlog (2.0) in examples with interruption recovery +- Add puff compile option to permit invalid distance-too-far streams +- Add puff TEST command options, ability to read piped input +- Prototype the *64 functions in zlib.h when _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64, but + _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE not defined +- Fix Z_FULL_FLUSH to truly erase the past by resetting s->strstart +- Fix deflateSetDictionary() to use all 32K for output consistency +- Remove extraneous #define MIN_LOOKAHEAD in deflate.c (in deflate.h) +- Clear bytes after deflate lookahead to avoid use of uninitialized data +- Change a limit in inftrees.c to be more transparent to Coverity Prevent +- Update win32/zlib.def with exported symbols from zlib.h +- Correct spelling errors in zlib.h [Willem, Sobrado] +- Allow Z_BLOCK for deflate() to force a new block +- Allow negative bits in inflatePrime() to delete existing bit buffer +- Add Z_TREES flush option to inflate() to return at end of trees +- Add inflateMark() to return current state information for random access +- Add Makefile for NintendoDS to contrib [Costa] +- Add -w in configure compile tests to avoid spurious warnings [Beucler] +- Fix typos in zlib.h comments for deflateSetDictionary() +- Fix EOF detection in transparent gzread() [Maier] + +Changes in (2 October 2006) +- Make --shared the default for configure, add a --static option +- Add compile option to permit invalid distance-too-far streams +- Add inflateUndermine() function which is required to enable above +- Remove use of "this" variable name for C++ compatibility [Marquess] +- Add testing of shared library in make test, if shared library built +- Use ftello() and fseeko() if available instead of ftell() and fseek() +- Provide two versions of all functions that use the z_off_t type for + binary compatibility -- a normal version and a 64-bit offset version, + per the Large File Support Extension when _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE is + defined; use the 64-bit versions by default when _FILE_OFFSET_BITS + is defined to be 64 +- Add a --uname= option to configure to perhaps help with cross-compiling + +Changes in (3 September 2006) +- Turn off silly Borland warnings [Hay] +- Use off64_t and define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE when present +- Fix missing dependency on inffixed.h in Makefile.in +- Rig configure --shared to build both shared and static [Teredesai, Truta] +- Remove zconf.in.h and instead create a new zlibdefs.h file +- Fix contrib/minizip/unzip.c non-encrypted after encrypted [Vollant] +- Add treebuild.xml (see http://treebuild.metux.de/) [Weigelt] + +Changes in (16 August 2006) +- Add watcom directory with OpenWatcom make files [Daniel] +- Remove #undef of FAR in zconf.in.h for MVS [Fedtke] +- Update make_vms.com [Zinser] +- Use -fPIC for shared build in configure [Teredesai, Nicholson] +- Use only major version number for libz.so on IRIX and OSF1 [Reinholdtsen] +- Use fdopen() (not _fdopen()) for Interix in zutil.h [Bäck] +- Add some FAQ entries about the contrib directory +- Update the MVS question in the FAQ +- Avoid extraneous reads after EOF in gzio.c [Brown] +- Correct spelling of "successfully" in gzio.c [Randers-Pehrson] +- Add comments to zlib.h about gzerror() usage [Brown] +- Set extra flags in gzip header in gzopen() like deflate() does +- Make configure options more compatible with double-dash conventions + [Weigelt] +- Clean up compilation under Solaris SunStudio cc [Rowe, Reinholdtsen] +- Fix uninstall target in Makefile.in [Truta] +- Add pkgconfig support [Weigelt] +- Use $(DESTDIR) macro in Makefile.in [Reinholdtsen, Weigelt] +- Replace set_data_type() with a more accurate detect_data_type() in + trees.c, according to the txtvsbin.txt document [Truta] +- Swap the order of #include and #include "zlib.h" in + gzio.c, example.c and minigzip.c [Truta] +- Shut up annoying VS2005 warnings about standard C deprecation [Rowe, + Truta] (where?) +- Fix target "clean" from win32/Makefile.bor [Truta] +- Create .pdb and .manifest files in win32/makefile.msc [Ziegler, Rowe] +- Update zlib www home address in win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta] +- Update contrib/masmx86/inffas32.asm for VS2005 [Vollant, Van Wassenhove] +- Enable browse info in the "Debug" and "ASM Debug" configurations in + the Visual C++ 6 project, and set (non-ASM) "Debug" as default [Truta] +- Add pkgconfig support [Weigelt] +- Add ZLIB_VER_MAJOR, ZLIB_VER_MINOR and ZLIB_VER_REVISION in zlib.h, + for use in win32/zlib1.rc [Polushin, Rowe, Truta] +- Add a document that explains the new text detection scheme to + doc/txtvsbin.txt [Truta] +- Add rfc1950.txt, rfc1951.txt and rfc1952.txt to doc/ [Truta] +- Move algorithm.txt into doc/ [Truta] +- Synchronize FAQ with website +- Fix compressBound(), was low for some pathological cases [Fearnley] +- Take into account wrapper variations in deflateBound() +- Set examples/zpipe.c input and output to binary mode for Windows +- Update examples/zlib_how.html with new zpipe.c (also web site) +- Fix some warnings in examples/gzlog.c and examples/zran.c (it seems + that gcc became pickier in 4.0) +- Add zlib.map for Linux: "All symbols from zlib-1.1.4 remain + un-versioned, the patch adds versioning only for symbols introduced in + zlib-1.2.0 or later. It also declares as local those symbols which are + not designed to be exported." [Levin] +- Update Z_PREFIX list in zconf.in.h, add --zprefix option to configure +- Do not initialize global static by default in trees.c, add a response + NO_INIT_GLOBAL_POINTERS to initialize them if needed [Marquess] +- Don't use strerror() in gzio.c under WinCE [Yakimov] +- Don't use errno.h in zutil.h under WinCE [Yakimov] +- Move arguments for AR to its usage to allow replacing ar [Marot] +- Add HAVE_VISIBILITY_PRAGMA in zconf.in.h for Mozilla [Randers-Pehrson] +- Improve inflateInit() and inflateInit2() documentation +- Fix structure size comment in inflate.h +- Change configure help option from --h* to --help [Santos] + +Changes in 1.2.3 (18 July 2005) +- Apply security vulnerability fixes to contrib/infback9 as well +- Clean up some text files (carriage returns, trailing space) +- Update testzlib, vstudio, masmx64, and masmx86 in contrib [Vollant] + +Changes in (11 July 2005) +- Add inflatePrime() function for starting inflation at bit boundary +- Avoid some Visual C warnings in deflate.c +- Avoid more silly Visual C warnings in inflate.c and inftrees.c for 64-bit + compile +- Fix some spelling errors in comments [Betts] +- Correct inflateInit2() error return documentation in zlib.h +- Add zran.c example of compressed data random access to examples + directory, shows use of inflatePrime() +- Fix cast for assignments to strm->state in inflate.c and infback.c +- Fix zlibCompileFlags() in zutil.c to use 1L for long shifts [Oberhumer] +- Move declarations of gf2 functions to right place in crc32.c [Oberhumer] +- Add cast in trees.c t avoid a warning [Oberhumer] +- Avoid some warnings in fitblk.c, gun.c, gzjoin.c in examples [Oberhumer] +- Update make_vms.com [Zinser] +- Initialize state->write in inflateReset() since copied in inflate_fast() +- Be more strict on incomplete code sets in inflate_table() and increase + ENOUGH and MAXD -- this repairs a possible security vulnerability for + invalid inflate input. Thanks to Tavis Ormandy and Markus Oberhumer for + discovering the vulnerability and providing test cases +- Add ia64 support to configure for HP-UX [Smith] +- Add error return to gzread() for format or i/o error [Levin] +- Use malloc.h for OS/2 [Necasek] + +Changes in (27 May 2005) +- Replace 1U constants in inflate.c and inftrees.c for 64-bit compile +- Typecast fread() return values in gzio.c [Vollant] +- Remove trailing space in minigzip.c outmode (VC++ can't deal with it) +- Fix crc check bug in gzread() after gzungetc() [Heiner] +- Add the deflateTune() function to adjust internal compression parameters +- Add a fast gzip decompressor, gun.c, to examples (use of inflateBack) +- Remove an incorrect assertion in examples/zpipe.c +- Add C++ wrapper in infback9.h [Donais] +- Fix bug in inflateCopy() when decoding fixed codes +- Note in zlib.h how much deflateSetDictionary() actually uses +- Remove USE_DICT_HEAD in deflate.c (would mess up inflate if used) +- Add _WIN32_WCE to define WIN32 in zconf.in.h [Spencer] +- Don't include stderr.h or errno.h for _WIN32_WCE in zutil.h [Spencer] +- Add gzdirect() function to indicate transparent reads +- Update contrib/minizip [Vollant] +- Fix compilation of deflate.c when both ASMV and FASTEST [Oberhumer] +- Add casts in crc32.c to avoid warnings [Oberhumer] +- Add contrib/masmx64 [Vollant] +- Update contrib/asm586, asm686, masmx86, testzlib, vstudio [Vollant] + +Changes in (30 December 2004) +- Replace structure assignments in deflate.c and inflate.c with zmemcpy to + avoid implicit memcpy calls (portability for no-library compilation) +- Increase sprintf() buffer size in gzdopen() to allow for large numbers +- Add INFLATE_STRICT to check distances against zlib header +- Improve WinCE errno handling and comments [Chang] +- Remove comment about no gzip header processing in FAQ +- Add Z_FIXED strategy option to deflateInit2() to force fixed trees +- Add updated make_vms.com [Coghlan], update README +- Create a new "examples" directory, move gzappend.c there, add zpipe.c, + fitblk.c, gzlog.[ch], gzjoin.c, and zlib_how.html +- Add FAQ entry and comments in deflate.c on uninitialized memory access +- Add Solaris 9 make options in configure [Gilbert] +- Allow strerror() usage in gzio.c for STDC +- Fix DecompressBuf in contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas [ManChesTer] +- Update contrib/masmx86/inffas32.asm and gvmat32.asm [Vollant] +- Use z_off_t for adler32_combine() and crc32_combine() lengths +- Make adler32() much faster for small len +- Use OS_CODE in deflate() default gzip header + +Changes in (31 October 2004) +- Allow inflateSetDictionary() call for raw inflate +- Fix inflate header crc check bug for file names and comments +- Add deflateSetHeader() and gz_header structure for custom gzip headers +- Add inflateGetheader() to retrieve gzip headers +- Add crc32_combine() and adler32_combine() functions +- Add alloc_func, free_func, in_func, out_func to Z_PREFIX list +- Use zstreamp consistently in zlib.h (inflate_back functions) +- Remove GUNZIP condition from definition of inflate_mode in inflate.h + and in contrib/inflate86/inffast.S [Truta, Anderson] +- Add support for AMD64 in contrib/inflate86/inffas86.c [Anderson] +- Update projects/README.projects and projects/visualc6 [Truta] +- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta] +- Avoid warning under NO_GZCOMPRESS in gzio.c; fix typo [Truta] +- Deprecate Z_ASCII; use Z_TEXT instead [Truta] +- Use a new algorithm for setting strm->data_type in trees.c [Truta] +- Do not define an exit() prototype in zutil.c unless DEBUG defined +- Remove prototype of exit() from zutil.c, example.c, minigzip.c [Truta] +- Add comment in zlib.h for Z_NO_FLUSH parameter to deflate() +- Fix Darwin build version identification [Peterson] + +Changes in 1.2.2 (3 October 2004) +- Update zlib.h comments on gzip in-memory processing +- Set adler to 1 in inflateReset() to support Java test suite [Walles] +- Add contrib/dotzlib [Ravn] +- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta] +- Update contrib/minizip [Vollant] +- Move contrib/visual-basic.txt to old/ [Truta] +- Fix assembler builds in projects/visualc6/ [Truta] + +Changes in (9 September 2004) +- Update INDEX file +- Fix trees.c to update strm->data_type (no one ever noticed!) +- Fix bug in error case in inflate.c, infback.c, and infback9.c [Brown] +- Add "volatile" to crc table flag declaration (for DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE) +- Add limited multitasking protection to DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE +- Add NO_vsnprintf for VMS in zutil.h [Mozilla] +- Don't declare strerror() under VMS [Mozilla] +- Add comment to DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE to use get_crc_table() to initialize +- Update contrib/ada [Anisimkov] +- Update contrib/minizip [Vollant] +- Fix configure to not hardcode directories for Darwin [Peterson] +- Fix gzio.c to not return error on empty files [Brown] +- Fix indentation; update version in contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas and + contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas [Truta] +- Update mkasm.bat in contrib/masmx86 [Truta] +- Update contrib/untgz [Truta] +- Add projects/README.projects [Truta] +- Add project for MS Visual C++ 6.0 in projects/visualc6 [Cadieux, Truta] +- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta] +- Update list of Z_PREFIX symbols in zconf.h [Randers-Pehrson, Truta] +- Remove an unnecessary assignment to curr in inftrees.c [Truta] +- Add OS/2 to exe builds in configure [Poltorak] +- Remove err dummy parameter in zlib.h [Kientzle] + +Changes in (9 January 2004) +- Update email address in README +- Several FAQ updates +- Fix a big fat bug in inftrees.c that prevented decoding valid + dynamic blocks with only literals and no distance codes -- + Thanks to "Hot Emu" for the bug report and sample file +- Add a note to puff.c on no distance codes case + +Changes in 1.2.1 (17 November 2003) +- Remove a tab in contrib/gzappend/gzappend.c +- Update some interfaces in contrib for new zlib functions +- Update zlib version number in some contrib entries +- Add Windows CE definition for ptrdiff_t in zutil.h [Mai, Truta] +- Support shared libraries on Hurd and KFreeBSD [Brown] +- Fix error in NO_DIVIDE option of adler32.c + +Changes in (4 November 2003) +- Update version in contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas and contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas +- Add experimental NO_DIVIDE #define in adler32.c + - Possibly faster on some processors (let me know if it is) +- Correct Z_BLOCK to not return on first inflate call if no wrap +- Fix strm->data_type on inflate() return to correctly indicate EOB +- Add deflatePrime() function for appending in the middle of a byte +- Add contrib/gzappend for an example of appending to a stream +- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta] +- Delete Turbo C comment in README [Truta] +- Improve some indentation in zconf.h [Truta] +- Fix infinite loop on bad input in configure script [Church] +- Fix gzeof() for concatenated gzip files [Johnson] +- Add example to contrib/visual-basic.txt [Michael B.] +- Add -p to mkdir's in Makefile.in [vda] +- Fix configure to properly detect presence or lack of printf functions +- Add AS400 support [Monnerat] +- Add a little Cygwin support [Wilson] + +Changes in (21 September 2003) +- Correct some debug formats in contrib/infback9 +- Cast a type in a debug statement in trees.c +- Change search and replace delimiter in configure from % to # [Beebe] +- Update contrib/untgz to 0.2 with various fixes [Truta] +- Add build support for Amiga [Nikl] +- Remove some directories in old that have been updated to 1.2 +- Add dylib building for Mac OS X in configure and Makefile.in +- Remove old distribution stuff from Makefile +- Update README to point to DLL_FAQ.txt, and add comment on Mac OS X +- Update links in README + +Changes in (13 September 2003) +- Minor FAQ updates +- Update contrib/minizip to 1.00 [Vollant] +- Remove test of gz functions in example.c when GZ_COMPRESS defined [Truta] +- Update POSTINC comment for 68060 [Nikl] +- Add contrib/infback9 with deflate64 decoding (unsupported) +- For MVS define NO_vsnprintf and undefine FAR [van Burik] +- Add pragma for fdopen on MVS [van Burik] + +Changes in (8 September 2003) +- Add OF to inflateBackEnd() declaration in zlib.h +- Remember start when using gzdopen in the middle of a file +- Use internal off_t counters in gz* functions to properly handle seeks +- Perform more rigorous check for distance-too-far in inffast.c +- Add Z_BLOCK flush option to return from inflate at block boundary +- Set strm->data_type on return from inflate + - Indicate bits unused, if at block boundary, and if in last block +- Replace size_t with ptrdiff_t in crc32.c, and check for correct size +- Add condition so old NO_DEFLATE define still works for compatibility +- FAQ update regarding the Windows DLL [Truta] +- INDEX update: add qnx entry, remove aix entry [Truta] +- Install zlib.3 into mandir [Wilson] +- Move contrib/zlib_dll_FAQ.txt to win32/DLL_FAQ.txt; update [Truta] +- Adapt the zlib interface to the new DLL convention guidelines [Truta] +- Introduce ZLIB_WINAPI macro to allow the export of functions using + the WINAPI calling convention, for Visual Basic [Vollant, Truta] +- Update msdos and win32 scripts and makefiles [Truta] +- Export symbols by name, not by ordinal, in win32/zlib.def [Truta] +- Add contrib/ada [Anisimkov] +- Move asm files from contrib/vstudio/vc70_32 to contrib/asm386 [Truta] +- Rename contrib/asm386 to contrib/masmx86 [Truta, Vollant] +- Add contrib/masm686 [Truta] +- Fix offsets in contrib/inflate86 and contrib/masmx86/inffas32.asm + [Truta, Vollant] +- Update contrib/delphi; rename to contrib/pascal; add example [Truta] +- Remove contrib/delphi2; add a new contrib/delphi [Truta] +- Avoid inclusion of the nonstandard in contrib/iostream, + and fix some method prototypes [Truta] +- Fix the ZCR_SEED2 constant to avoid warnings in contrib/minizip + [Truta] +- Avoid the use of backslash (\) in contrib/minizip [Vollant] +- Fix file time handling in contrib/untgz; update makefiles [Truta] +- Update contrib/vstudio/vc70_32 to comply with the new DLL guidelines + [Vollant] +- Remove contrib/vstudio/vc15_16 [Vollant] +- Rename contrib/vstudio/vc70_32 to contrib/vstudio/vc7 [Truta] +- Update README.contrib [Truta] +- Invert the assignment order of match_head and s->prev[...] in + INSERT_STRING [Truta] +- Compare TOO_FAR with 32767 instead of 32768, to avoid 16-bit warnings + [Truta] +- Compare function pointers with 0, not with NULL or Z_NULL [Truta] +- Fix prototype of syncsearch in inflate.c [Truta] +- Introduce ASMINF macro to be enabled when using an ASM implementation + of inflate_fast [Truta] +- Change NO_DEFLATE to NO_GZCOMPRESS [Truta] +- Modify test_gzio in example.c to take a single file name as a + parameter [Truta] +- Exit the example.c program if gzopen fails [Truta] +- Add type casts around strlen in example.c [Truta] +- Remove casting to sizeof in minigzip.c; give a proper type + to the variable compared with SUFFIX_LEN [Truta] +- Update definitions of STDC and STDC99 in zconf.h [Truta] +- Synchronize zconf.h with the new Windows DLL interface [Truta] +- Use SYS16BIT instead of __32BIT__ to distinguish between + 16- and 32-bit platforms [Truta] +- Use far memory allocators in small 16-bit memory models for + Turbo C [Truta] +- Add info about the use of ASMV, ASMINF and ZLIB_WINAPI in + zlibCompileFlags [Truta] +- Cygwin has vsnprintf [Wilson] +- In Windows16, OS_CODE is 0, as in MSDOS [Truta] +- In Cygwin, OS_CODE is 3 (Unix), not 11 (Windows32) [Wilson] + +Changes in (10 August 2003) +- Minor FAQ updates +- Be more strict when checking inflateInit2's windowBits parameter +- Change NO_GUNZIP compile option to NO_GZIP to cover deflate as well +- Add gzip wrapper option to deflateInit2 using windowBits +- Add updated QNX rule in configure and qnx directory [Bonnefoy] +- Make inflate distance-too-far checks more rigorous +- Clean up FAR usage in inflate +- Add casting to sizeof() in gzio.c and minigzip.c + +Changes in (19 July 2003) +- Fix silly error in gzungetc() implementation [Vollant] +- Update contrib/minizip and contrib/vstudio [Vollant] +- Fix printf format in example.c +- Correct cdecl support in zconf.in.h [Anisimkov] +- Minor FAQ updates + +Changes in (13 July 2003) +- Add ZLIB_VERNUM in zlib.h for numerical preprocessor comparisons +- Attempt to avoid warnings in crc32.c for pointer-int conversion +- Add AIX to configure, remove aix directory [Bakker] +- Add some casts to minigzip.c +- Improve checking after insecure sprintf() or vsprintf() calls +- Remove #elif's from crc32.c +- Change leave label to inf_leave in inflate.c and infback.c to avoid + library conflicts +- Remove inflate gzip decoding by default--only enable gzip decoding by + special request for stricter backward compatibility +- Add zlibCompileFlags() function to return compilation information +- More typecasting in deflate.c to avoid warnings +- Remove leading underscore from _Capital #defines [Truta] +- Fix configure to link shared library when testing +- Add some Windows CE target adjustments [Mai] +- Remove #define ZLIB_DLL in zconf.h [Vollant] +- Add zlib.3 [Rodgers] +- Update RFC URL in deflate.c and algorithm.txt [Mai] +- Add zlib_dll_FAQ.txt to contrib [Truta] +- Add UL to some constants [Truta] +- Update minizip and vstudio [Vollant] +- Remove vestigial NEED_DUMMY_RETURN from zconf.in.h +- Expand use of NO_DUMMY_DECL to avoid all dummy structures +- Added iostream3 to contrib [Schwardt] +- Replace rewind() with fseek() for WinCE [Truta] +- Improve setting of zlib format compression level flags + - Report 0 for huffman and rle strategies and for level == 0 or 1 + - Report 2 only for level == 6 +- Only deal with 64K limit when necessary at compile time [Truta] +- Allow TOO_FAR check to be turned off at compile time [Truta] +- Add gzclearerr() function [Souza] +- Add gzungetc() function + +Changes in (17 March 2003) +- Add Z_RLE strategy for run-length encoding [Truta] + - When Z_RLE requested, restrict matches to distance one + - Update zlib.h, minigzip.c, gzopen(), gzdopen() for Z_RLE +- Correct FASTEST compilation to allow level == 0 +- Clean up what gets compiled for FASTEST +- Incorporate changes to zconf.in.h [Vollant] + - Refine detection of Turbo C need for dummy returns + - Refine ZLIB_DLL compilation + - Include additional header file on VMS for off_t typedef +- Try to use _vsnprintf where it supplants vsprintf [Vollant] +- Add some casts in inffast.c +- Enhance comments in zlib.h on what happens if gzprintf() tries to + write more than 4095 bytes before compression +- Remove unused state from inflateBackEnd() +- Remove exit(0) from minigzip.c, example.c +- Get rid of all those darn tabs +- Add "check" target to Makefile.in that does the same thing as "test" +- Add "mostlyclean" and "maintainer-clean" targets to Makefile.in +- Update contrib/inflate86 [Anderson] +- Update contrib/testzlib, contrib/vstudio, contrib/minizip [Vollant] +- Add msdos and win32 directories with makefiles [Truta] +- More additions and improvements to the FAQ + +Changes in 1.2.0 (9 March 2003) +- New and improved inflate code + - About 20% faster + - Does not allocate 32K window unless and until needed + - Automatically detects and decompresses gzip streams + - Raw inflate no longer needs an extra dummy byte at end + - Added inflateBack functions using a callback interface--even faster + than inflate, useful for file utilities (gzip, zip) + - Added inflateCopy() function to record state for random access on + externally generated deflate streams (e.g. in gzip files) + - More readable code (I hope) +- New and improved crc32() + - About 50% faster, thanks to suggestions from Rodney Brown +- Add deflateBound() and compressBound() functions +- Fix memory leak in deflateInit2() +- Permit setting dictionary for raw deflate (for parallel deflate) +- Fix const declaration for gzwrite() +- Check for some malloc() failures in gzio.c +- Fix bug in gzopen() on single-byte file 0x1f +- Fix bug in gzread() on concatenated file with 0x1f at end of buffer + and next buffer doesn't start with 0x8b +- Fix uncompress() to return Z_DATA_ERROR on truncated input +- Free memory at end of example.c +- Remove MAX #define in trees.c (conflicted with some libraries) +- Fix static const's in deflate.c, gzio.c, and zutil.[ch] +- Declare malloc() and free() in gzio.c if STDC not defined +- Use malloc() instead of calloc() in zutil.c if int big enough +- Define STDC for AIX +- Add aix/ with approach for compiling shared library on AIX +- Add HP-UX support for shared libraries in configure +- Add OpenUNIX support for shared libraries in configure +- Use $cc instead of gcc to build shared library +- Make prefix directory if needed when installing +- Correct Macintosh avoidance of typedef Byte in zconf.h +- Correct Turbo C memory allocation when under Linux +- Use libz.a instead of -lz in Makefile (assure use of compiled library) +- Update configure to check for snprintf or vsnprintf functions and their + return value, warn during make if using an insecure function +- Fix configure problem with compile-time knowledge of HAVE_UNISTD_H that + is lost when library is used--resolution is to build new zconf.h +- Documentation improvements (in zlib.h): + - Document raw deflate and inflate + - Update RFCs URL + - Point out that zlib and gzip formats are different + - Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal + - Document string limit for gzprintf() and possible buffer overflow + - Note requirement on avail_out when flushing + - Note permitted values of flush parameter of inflate() +- Add some FAQs (and even answers) to the FAQ +- Add contrib/inflate86/ for x86 faster inflate +- Add contrib/blast/ for PKWare Data Compression Library decompression +- Add contrib/puff/ simple inflate for deflate format description + +Changes in 1.1.4 (11 March 2002) +- ZFREE was repeated on same allocation on some error conditions + This creates a security problem described in + http://www.zlib.org/advisory-2002-03-11.txt +- Returned incorrect error (Z_MEM_ERROR) on some invalid data +- Avoid accesses before window for invalid distances with inflate window + less than 32K +- force windowBits > 8 to avoid a bug in the encoder for a window size + of 256 bytes. (A complete fix will be available in 1.1.5) + +Changes in 1.1.3 (9 July 1998) +- fix "an inflate input buffer bug that shows up on rare but persistent + occasions" (Mark) +- fix gzread and gztell for concatenated .gz files (Didier Le Botlan) +- fix gzseek(..., SEEK_SET) in write mode +- fix crc check after a gzeek (Frank Faubert) +- fix miniunzip when the last entry in a zip file is itself a zip file + (J Lillge) +- add contrib/asm586 and contrib/asm686 (Brian Raiter) + See http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html +- add support for Delphi 3 in contrib/delphi (Bob Dellaca) +- add support for C++Builder 3 and Delphi 3 in contrib/delphi2 (Davide Moretti) +- do not exit prematurely in untgz if 0 at start of block (Magnus Holmgren) +- use macro EXTERN instead of extern to support DLL for BeOS (Sander Stoks) +- added a FAQ file + +- Support gzdopen on Mac with Metrowerks (Jason Linhart) +- Do not redefine Byte on Mac (Brad Pettit & Jason Linhart) +- define SEEK_END too if SEEK_SET is not defined (Albert Chin-A-Young) +- avoid some warnings with Borland C (Tom Tanner) +- fix a problem in contrib/minizip/zip.c for 16-bit MSDOS (Gilles Vollant) +- emulate utime() for WIN32 in contrib/untgz (Gilles Vollant) +- allow several arguments to configure (Tim Mooney, Frodo Looijaard) +- use libdir and includedir in Makefile.in (Tim Mooney) +- support shared libraries on OSF1 V4 (Tim Mooney) +- remove so_locations in "make clean" (Tim Mooney) +- fix maketree.c compilation error (Glenn, Mark) +- Python interface to zlib now in Python 1.5 (Jeremy Hylton) +- new Makefile.riscos (Rich Walker) +- initialize static descriptors in trees.c for embedded targets (Nick Smith) +- use "foo-gz" in example.c for RISCOS and VMS (Nick Smith) +- add the OS/2 files in Makefile.in too (Andrew Zabolotny) +- fix fdopen and halloc macros for Microsoft C 6.0 (Tom Lane) +- fix maketree.c to allow clean compilation of inffixed.h (Mark) +- fix parameter check in deflateCopy (Gunther Nikl) +- cleanup trees.c, use compressed_len only in debug mode (Christian Spieler) +- Many portability patches by Christian Spieler: + . zutil.c, zutil.h: added "const" for zmem* + . Make_vms.com: fixed some typos + . Make_vms.com: msdos/Makefile.*: removed zutil.h from some dependency lists + . msdos/Makefile.msc: remove "default rtl link library" info from obj files + . msdos/Makefile.*: use model-dependent name for the built zlib library + . msdos/Makefile.emx, nt/Makefile.emx, nt/Makefile.gcc: + new makefiles, for emx (DOS/OS2), emx&rsxnt and mingw32 (Windows 9x / NT) +- use define instead of typedef for Bytef also for MSC small/medium (Tom Lane) +- replace __far with _far for better portability (Christian Spieler, Tom Lane) +- fix test for errno.h in configure (Tim Newsham) + +Changes in 1.1.2 (19 March 98) +- added contrib/minzip, mini zip and unzip based on zlib (Gilles Vollant) + See http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/unzip.html +- preinitialize the inflate tables for fixed codes, to make the code + completely thread safe (Mark) +- some simplifications and slight speed-up to the inflate code (Mark) +- fix gzeof on non-compressed files (Allan Schrum) +- add -std1 option in configure for OSF1 to fix gzprintf (Martin Mokrejs) +- use default value of 4K for Z_BUFSIZE for 16-bit MSDOS (Tim Wegner + Glenn) +- added os2/Makefile.def and os2/zlib.def (Andrew Zabolotny) +- add shared lib support for UNIX_SV4.2MP (MATSUURA Takanori) +- do not wrap extern "C" around system includes (Tom Lane) +- mention zlib binding for TCL in README (Andreas Kupries) +- added amiga/Makefile.pup for Amiga powerUP SAS/C PPC (Andreas Kleinert) +- allow "make install prefix=..." even after configure (Glenn Randers-Pehrson) +- allow "configure --prefix $HOME" (Tim Mooney) +- remove warnings in example.c and gzio.c (Glenn Randers-Pehrson) +- move Makefile.sas to amiga/Makefile.sas + +Changes in 1.1.1 (27 Feb 98) +- fix macros _tr_tally_* in deflate.h for debug mode (Glenn Randers-Pehrson) +- remove block truncation heuristic which had very marginal effect for zlib + (smaller lit_bufsize than in gzip 1.2.4) and degraded a little the + compression ratio on some files. This also allows inlining _tr_tally for + matches in deflate_slow +- added msdos/Makefile.w32 for WIN32 Microsoft Visual C++ (Bob Frazier) + +Changes in 1.1.0 (24 Feb 98) +- do not return STREAM_END prematurely in inflate (John Bowler) +- revert to the zlib 1.0.8 inflate to avoid the gcc 2.8.0 bug (Jeremy Buhler) +- compile with -DFASTEST to get compression code optimized for speed only +- in minigzip, try mmap'ing the input file first (Miguel Albrecht) +- increase size of I/O buffers in minigzip.c and gzio.c (not a big gain + on Sun but significant on HP) + +- add a pointer to experimental unzip library in README (Gilles Vollant) +- initialize variable gcc in configure (Chris Herborth) + +Changes in 1.0.9 (17 Feb 1998) +- added gzputs and gzgets functions +- do not clear eof flag in gzseek (Mark Diekhans) +- fix gzseek for files in transparent mode (Mark Diekhans) +- do not assume that vsprintf returns the number of bytes written (Jens Krinke) +- replace EXPORT with ZEXPORT to avoid conflict with other programs +- added compress2 in zconf.h, zlib.def, zlib.dnt +- new asm code from Gilles Vollant in contrib/asm386 +- simplify the inflate code (Mark): + . Replace ZALLOC's in huft_build() with single ZALLOC in inflate_blocks_new() + . ZALLOC the length list in inflate_trees_fixed() instead of using stack + . ZALLOC the value area for huft_build() instead of using stack + . Simplify Z_FINISH check in inflate() + +- Avoid gcc 2.8.0 comparison bug a little differently than zlib 1.0.8 +- in inftrees.c, avoid cc -O bug on HP (Farshid Elahi) +- in zconf.h move the ZLIB_DLL stuff earlier to avoid problems with + the declaration of FAR (Gilles Vollant) +- install libz.so* with mode 755 (executable) instead of 644 (Marc Lehmann) +- read_buf buf parameter of type Bytef* instead of charf* +- zmemcpy parameters are of type Bytef*, not charf* (Joseph Strout) +- do not redeclare unlink in minigzip.c for WIN32 (John Bowler) +- fix check for presence of directories in "make install" (Ian Willis) + +Changes in 1.0.8 (27 Jan 1998) +- fixed offsets in contrib/asm386/gvmat32.asm (Gilles Vollant) +- fix gzgetc and gzputc for big endian systems (Markus Oberhumer) +- added compress2() to allow setting the compression level +- include sys/types.h to get off_t on some systems (Marc Lehmann & QingLong) +- use constant arrays for the static trees in trees.c instead of computing + them at run time (thanks to Ken Raeburn for this suggestion). To create + trees.h, compile with GEN_TREES_H and run "make test" +- check return code of example in "make test" and display result +- pass minigzip command line options to file_compress +- simplifying code of inflateSync to avoid gcc 2.8 bug + +- support CC="gcc -Wall" in configure -s (QingLong) +- avoid a flush caused by ftell in gzopen for write mode (Ken Raeburn) +- fix test for shared library support to avoid compiler warnings +- zlib.lib -> zlib.dll in msdos/zlib.rc (Gilles Vollant) +- check for TARGET_OS_MAC in addition to MACOS (Brad Pettit) +- do not use fdopen for Metrowerks on Mac (Brad Pettit)) +- add checks for gzputc and gzputc in example.c +- avoid warnings in gzio.c and deflate.c (Andreas Kleinert) +- use const for the CRC table (Ken Raeburn) +- fixed "make uninstall" for shared libraries +- use Tracev instead of Trace in infblock.c +- in example.c use correct compressed length for test_sync +- suppress +vnocompatwarnings in configure for HPUX (not always supported) + +Changes in 1.0.7 (20 Jan 1998) +- fix gzseek which was broken in write mode +- return error for gzseek to negative absolute position +- fix configure for Linux (Chun-Chung Chen) +- increase stack space for MSC (Tim Wegner) +- get_crc_table and inflateSyncPoint are EXPORTed (Gilles Vollant) +- define EXPORTVA for gzprintf (Gilles Vollant) +- added man page zlib.3 (Rick Rodgers) +- for contrib/untgz, fix makedir() and improve Makefile + +- check gzseek in write mode in example.c +- allocate extra buffer for seeks only if gzseek is actually called +- avoid signed/unsigned comparisons (Tim Wegner, Gilles Vollant) +- add inflateSyncPoint in zconf.h +- fix list of exported functions in nt/zlib.dnt and mdsos/zlib.def + +Changes in 1.0.6 (19 Jan 1998) +- add functions gzprintf, gzputc, gzgetc, gztell, gzeof, gzseek, gzrewind and + gzsetparams (thanks to Roland Giersig and Kevin Ruland for some of this code) +- Fix a deflate bug occurring only with compression level 0 (thanks to + Andy Buckler for finding this one) +- In minigzip, pass transparently also the first byte for .Z files +- return Z_BUF_ERROR instead of Z_OK if output buffer full in uncompress() +- check Z_FINISH in inflate (thanks to Marc Schluper) +- Implement deflateCopy (thanks to Adam Costello) +- make static libraries by default in configure, add --shared option +- move MSDOS or Windows specific files to directory msdos +- suppress the notion of partial flush to simplify the interface + (but the symbol Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH is kept for compatibility with 1.0.4) +- suppress history buffer provided by application to simplify the interface + (this feature was not implemented anyway in 1.0.4) +- next_in and avail_in must be initialized before calling inflateInit or + inflateInit2 +- add EXPORT in all exported functions (for Windows DLL) +- added Makefile.nt (thanks to Stephen Williams) +- added the unsupported "contrib" directory: + contrib/asm386/ by Gilles Vollant + 386 asm code replacing longest_match() + contrib/iostream/ by Kevin Ruland + A C++ I/O streams interface to the zlib gz* functions + contrib/iostream2/ by Tyge Løvset + Another C++ I/O streams interface + contrib/untgz/ by "Pedro A. Aranda Guti\irrez" + A very simple tar.gz file extractor using zlib + contrib/visual-basic.txt by Carlos Rios + How to use compress(), uncompress() and the gz* functions from VB +- pass params -f (filtered data), -h (huffman only), -1 to -9 (compression + level) in minigzip (thanks to Tom Lane) + +- use const for rommable constants in deflate +- added test for gzseek and gztell in example.c +- add undocumented function inflateSyncPoint() (hack for Paul Mackerras) +- add undocumented function zError to convert error code to string + (for Tim Smithers) +- Allow compilation of gzio with -DNO_DEFLATE to avoid the compression code +- Use default memcpy for Symantec MSDOS compiler +- Add EXPORT keyword for check_func (needed for Windows DLL) +- add current directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for "make test" +- create also a link for libz.so.1 +- added support for FUJITSU UXP/DS (thanks to Toshiaki Nomura) +- use $(SHAREDLIB) instead of libz.so in Makefile.in (for HPUX) +- added -soname for Linux in configure (Chun-Chung Chen, +- assign numbers to the exported functions in zlib.def (for Windows DLL) +- add advice in zlib.h for best usage of deflateSetDictionary +- work around compiler bug on Atari (cast Z_NULL in call of s->checkfn) +- allow compilation with ANSI keywords only enabled for TurboC in large model +- avoid "versionString"[0] (Borland bug) +- add NEED_DUMMY_RETURN for Borland +- use variable z_verbose for tracing in debug mode (L. Peter Deutsch) +- allow compilation with CC +- defined STDC for OS/2 (David Charlap) +- limit external names to 8 chars for MVS (Thomas Lund) +- in minigzip.c, use static buffers only for 16-bit systems +- fix suffix check for "minigzip -d foo.gz" +- do not return an error for the 2nd of two consecutive gzflush() (Felix Lee) +- use _fdopen instead of fdopen for MSC >= 6.0 (Thomas Fanslau) +- added makelcc.bat for lcc-win32 (Tom St Denis) +- in Makefile.dj2, use copy and del instead of install and rm (Frank Donahoe) +- Avoid expanded $Id$. Use "rcs -kb" or "cvs admin -kb" to avoid Id expansion +- check for unistd.h in configure (for off_t) +- remove useless check parameter in inflate_blocks_free +- avoid useless assignment of s->check to itself in inflate_blocks_new +- do not flush twice in gzclose (thanks to Ken Raeburn) +- rename FOPEN as F_OPEN to avoid clash with /usr/include/sys/file.h +- use NO_ERRNO_H instead of enumeration of operating systems with errno.h +- work around buggy fclose on pipes for HP/UX +- support zlib DLL with BORLAND C++ 5.0 (thanks to Glenn Randers-Pehrson) +- fix configure if CC is already equal to gcc + +Changes in 1.0.5 (3 Jan 98) +- Fix inflate to terminate gracefully when fed corrupted or invalid data +- Use const for rommable constants in inflate +- Eliminate memory leaks on error conditions in inflate +- Removed some vestigial code in inflate +- Update web address in README + +Changes in 1.0.4 (24 Jul 96) +- In very rare conditions, deflate(s, Z_FINISH) could fail to produce an EOF + bit, so the decompressor could decompress all the correct data but went + on to attempt decompressing extra garbage data. This affected minigzip too +- zlibVersion and gzerror return const char* (needed for DLL) +- port to RISCOS (no fdopen, no multiple dots, no unlink, no fileno) +- use z_error only for DEBUG (avoid problem with DLLs) + +Changes in 1.0.3 (2 Jul 96) +- use z_streamp instead of z_stream *, which is now a far pointer in MSDOS + small and medium models; this makes the library incompatible with previous + versions for these models. (No effect in large model or on other systems.) +- return OK instead of BUF_ERROR if previous deflate call returned with + avail_out as zero but there is nothing to do +- added memcmp for non STDC compilers +- define NO_DUMMY_DECL for more Mac compilers (.h files merged incorrectly) +- define __32BIT__ if __386__ or i386 is defined (pb. with Watcom and SCO) +- better check for 16-bit mode MSC (avoids problem with Symantec) + +Changes in 1.0.2 (23 May 96) +- added Windows DLL support +- added a function zlibVersion (for the DLL support) +- fixed declarations using Bytef in infutil.c (pb with MSDOS medium model) +- Bytef is define's instead of typedef'd only for Borland C +- avoid reading uninitialized memory in example.c +- mention in README that the zlib format is now RFC1950 +- updated Makefile.dj2 +- added algorithm.doc + +Changes in 1.0.1 (20 May 96) [1.0 skipped to avoid confusion] +- fix array overlay in deflate.c which sometimes caused bad compressed data +- fix inflate bug with empty stored block +- fix MSDOS medium model which was broken in 0.99 +- fix deflateParams() which could generate bad compressed data +- Bytef is define'd instead of typedef'ed (work around Borland bug) +- added an INDEX file +- new makefiles for DJGPP (Makefile.dj2), 32-bit Borland (Makefile.b32), + Watcom (Makefile.wat), Amiga SAS/C (Makefile.sas) +- speed up adler32 for modern machines without auto-increment +- added -ansi for IRIX in configure +- static_init_done in trees.c is an int +- define unlink as delete for VMS +- fix configure for QNX +- add configure branch for SCO and HPUX +- avoid many warnings (unused variables, dead assignments, etc...) +- no fdopen for BeOS +- fix the Watcom fix for 32 bit mode (define FAR as empty) +- removed redefinition of Byte for MKWERKS +- work around an MWKERKS bug (incorrect merge of all .h files) + +Changes in 0.99 (27 Jan 96) +- allow preset dictionary shared between compressor and decompressor +- allow compression level 0 (no compression) +- add deflateParams in zlib.h: allow dynamic change of compression level + and compression strategy +- test large buffers and deflateParams in example.c +- add optional "configure" to build zlib as a shared library +- suppress Makefile.qnx, use configure instead +- fixed deflate for 64-bit systems (detected on Cray) +- fixed inflate_blocks for 64-bit systems (detected on Alpha) +- declare Z_DEFLATED in zlib.h (possible parameter for deflateInit2) +- always return Z_BUF_ERROR when deflate() has nothing to do +- deflateInit and inflateInit are now macros to allow version checking +- prefix all global functions and types with z_ with -DZ_PREFIX +- make falloc completely reentrant (inftrees.c) +- fixed very unlikely race condition in ct_static_init +- free in reverse order of allocation to help memory manager +- use zlib-1.0/* instead of zlib/* inside the tar.gz +- make zlib warning-free with "gcc -O3 -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith + -Wconversion -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes" +- allow gzread on concatenated .gz files +- deflateEnd now returns Z_DATA_ERROR if it was premature +- deflate is finally (?) fully deterministic (no matches beyond end of input) +- Document Z_SYNC_FLUSH +- add uninstall in Makefile +- Check for __cpluplus in zlib.h +- Better test in ct_align for partial flush +- avoid harmless warnings for Borland C++ +- initialize hash_head in deflate.c +- avoid warning on fdopen (gzio.c) for HP cc -Aa +- include stdlib.h for STDC compilers +- include errno.h for Cray +- ignore error if ranlib doesn't exist +- call ranlib twice for NeXTSTEP +- use exec_prefix instead of prefix for libz.a +- renamed ct_* as _tr_* to avoid conflict with applications +- clear z->msg in inflateInit2 before any error return +- initialize opaque in example.c, gzio.c, deflate.c and inflate.c +- fixed typo in zconf.h (_GNUC__ => __GNUC__) +- check for WIN32 in zconf.h and zutil.c (avoid farmalloc in 32-bit mode) +- fix typo in Make_vms.com (f$trnlnm -> f$getsyi) +- in fcalloc, normalize pointer if size > 65520 bytes +- don't use special fcalloc for 32 bit Borland C++ +- use STDC instead of __GO32__ to avoid redeclaring exit, calloc, etc... +- use Z_BINARY instead of BINARY +- document that gzclose after gzdopen will close the file +- allow "a" as mode in gzopen +- fix error checking in gzread +- allow skipping .gz extra-field on pipes +- added reference to Perl interface in README +- put the crc table in FAR data (I dislike more and more the medium model :) +- added get_crc_table +- added a dimension to all arrays (Borland C can't count) +- workaround Borland C bug in declaration of inflate_codes_new & inflate_fast +- guard against multiple inclusion of *.h (for precompiled header on Mac) +- Watcom C pretends to be Microsoft C small model even in 32 bit mode +- don't use unsized arrays to avoid silly warnings by Visual C++: + warning C4746: 'inflate_mask' : unsized array treated as '__far' + (what's wrong with far data in far model?) +- define enum out of inflate_blocks_state to allow compilation with C++ + +Changes in 0.95 (16 Aug 95) +- fix MSDOS small and medium model (now easier to adapt to any compiler) +- inlined send_bits +- fix the final (:-) bug for deflate with flush (output was correct but + not completely flushed in rare occasions) +- default window size is same for compression and decompression + (it's now sufficient to set MAX_WBITS in zconf.h) +- voidp -> voidpf and voidnp -> voidp (for consistency with other + typedefs and because voidnp was not near in large model) + +Changes in 0.94 (13 Aug 95) +- support MSDOS medium model +- fix deflate with flush (could sometimes generate bad output) +- fix deflateReset (zlib header was incorrectly suppressed) +- added support for VMS +- allow a compression level in gzopen() +- gzflush now calls fflush +- For deflate with flush, flush even if no more input is provided +- rename libgz.a as libz.a +- avoid complex expression in infcodes.c triggering Turbo C bug +- work around a problem with gcc on Alpha (in INSERT_STRING) +- don't use inline functions (problem with some gcc versions) +- allow renaming of Byte, uInt, etc... with #define +- avoid warning about (unused) pointer before start of array in deflate.c +- avoid various warnings in gzio.c, example.c, infblock.c, adler32.c, zutil.c +- avoid reserved word 'new' in trees.c + +Changes in 0.93 (25 June 95) +- temporarily disable inline functions +- make deflate deterministic +- give enough lookahead for PARTIAL_FLUSH +- Set binary mode for stdin/stdout in minigzip.c for OS/2 +- don't even use signed char in inflate (not portable enough) +- fix inflate memory leak for segmented architectures + +Changes in 0.92 (3 May 95) +- don't assume that char is signed (problem on SGI) +- Clear bit buffer when starting a stored block +- no memcpy on Pyramid +- suppressed inftest.c +- optimized fill_window, put longest_match inline for gcc +- optimized inflate on stored blocks +- untabify all sources to simplify patches + +Changes in 0.91 (2 May 95) +- Default MEM_LEVEL is 8 (not 9 for Unix) as documented in zlib.h +- Document the memory requirements in zconf.h +- added "make install" +- fix sync search logic in inflateSync +- deflate(Z_FULL_FLUSH) now works even if output buffer too short +- after inflateSync, don't scare people with just "lo world" +- added support for DJGPP + +Changes in 0.9 (1 May 95) +- don't assume that zalloc clears the allocated memory (the TurboC bug + was Mark's bug after all :) +- let again gzread copy uncompressed data unchanged (was working in 0.71) +- deflate(Z_FULL_FLUSH), inflateReset and inflateSync are now fully implemented +- added a test of inflateSync in example.c +- moved MAX_WBITS to zconf.h because users might want to change that +- document explicitly that zalloc(64K) on MSDOS must return a normalized + pointer (zero offset) +- added Makefiles for Microsoft C, Turbo C, Borland C++ +- faster crc32() + +Changes in 0.8 (29 April 95) +- added fast inflate (inffast.c) +- deflate(Z_FINISH) now returns Z_STREAM_END when done. Warning: this + is incompatible with previous versions of zlib which returned Z_OK +- work around a TurboC compiler bug (bad code for b << 0, see infutil.h) + (actually that was not a compiler bug, see 0.81 above) +- gzread no longer reads one extra byte in certain cases +- In gzio destroy(), don't reference a freed structure +- avoid many warnings for MSDOS +- avoid the ERROR symbol which is used by MS Windows + +Changes in 0.71 (14 April 95) +- Fixed more MSDOS compilation problems :( There is still a bug with + TurboC large model + +Changes in 0.7 (14 April 95) +- Added full inflate support +- Simplified the crc32() interface. The pre- and post-conditioning + (one's complement) is now done inside crc32(). WARNING: this is + incompatible with previous versions; see zlib.h for the new usage + +Changes in 0.61 (12 April 95) +- workaround for a bug in TurboC. example and minigzip now work on MSDOS + +Changes in 0.6 (11 April 95) +- added minigzip.c +- added gzdopen to reopen a file descriptor as gzFile +- added transparent reading of non-gziped files in gzread +- fixed bug in gzread (don't read crc as data) +- fixed bug in destroy (gzio.c) (don't return Z_STREAM_END for gzclose) +- don't allocate big arrays in the stack (for MSDOS) +- fix some MSDOS compilation problems + +Changes in 0.5: +- do real compression in deflate.c. Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH is supported but + not yet Z_FULL_FLUSH +- support decompression but only in a single step (forced Z_FINISH) +- added opaque object for zalloc and zfree +- added deflateReset and inflateReset +- added a variable zlib_version for consistency checking +- renamed the 'filter' parameter of deflateInit2 as 'strategy' + Added Z_FILTERED and Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY constants + +Changes in 0.4: +- avoid "zip" everywhere, use zlib instead of ziplib +- suppress Z_BLOCK_FLUSH, interpret Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH as block flush + if compression method == 8 +- added adler32 and crc32 +- renamed deflateOptions as deflateInit2, call one or the other but not both +- added the method parameter for deflateInit2 +- added inflateInit2 +- simplified considerably deflateInit and inflateInit by not supporting + user-provided history buffer. This is supported only in deflateInit2 + and inflateInit2 + +Changes in 0.3: +- prefix all macro names with Z_ +- use Z_FINISH instead of deflateEnd to finish compression +- added Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY +- added gzerror() diff --git a/contrib/zlib/LICENSE b/contrib/zlib/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab8ee6f714 --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/zlib/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright notice: + + (C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler + + This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied + warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages + arising from the use of this software. + + Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, + including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it + freely, subject to the following restrictions: + + 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not + claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software + in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be + appreciated but is not required. + 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be + misrepresented as being the original software. + 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. + + Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler + jloup@gzip.org madler@alumni.caltech.edu diff --git a/contrib/zlib/compress.c b/contrib/zlib/compress.c index e2db404abf..2ad5326c14 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/compress.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/compress.c @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid. */ -int ZEXPORT compress2 (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, level) +int ZEXPORT compress2(dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, level) Bytef *dest; uLongf *destLen; const Bytef *source; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int ZEXPORT compress2 (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, level) /* =========================================================================== */ -int ZEXPORT compress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) +int ZEXPORT compress(dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) Bytef *dest; uLongf *destLen; const Bytef *source; @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ int ZEXPORT compress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) If the default memLevel or windowBits for deflateInit() is changed, then this function needs to be updated. */ -uLong ZEXPORT compressBound (sourceLen) +uLong ZEXPORT compressBound(sourceLen) uLong sourceLen; { return sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12) + (sourceLen >> 14) + diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/README.contrib b/contrib/zlib/contrib/README.contrib index a411d5c396..5e5f950540 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/README.contrib +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/README.contrib @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -All files under this contrib directory are UNSUPPORTED. There were +All files under this contrib directory are UNSUPPORTED. They were provided by users of zlib and were not tested by the authors of zlib. Use at your own risk. Please contact the authors of the contributions for help about these, not the zlib authors. Thanks. @@ -8,14 +8,6 @@ ada/ by Dmitriy Anisimkov Support for Ada See http://zlib-ada.sourceforge.net/ -amd64/ by Mikhail Teterin - asm code for AMD64 - See patch at http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=bin/96393 - -asm686/ by Brian Raiter - asm code for Pentium and PPro/PII, using the AT&T (GNU as) syntax - See http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html - blast/ by Mark Adler Decompressor for output of PKWare Data Compression Library (DCL) @@ -32,9 +24,6 @@ gcc_gvmat64/by Gilles Vollant infback9/ by Mark Adler Unsupported diffs to infback to decode the deflate64 format -inflate86/ by Chris Anderson - Tuned x86 gcc asm code to replace inflate_fast() - iostream/ by Kevin Ruland A C++ I/O streams interface to the zlib gz* functions @@ -45,16 +34,6 @@ iostream3/ by Ludwig Schwardt and Kevin Ruland Yet another C++ I/O streams interface -masmx64/ by Gilles Vollant - x86 64-bit (AMD64 and Intel EM64t) code for x64 assembler to - replace longest_match() and inflate_fast(), also masm x86 - 64-bits translation of Chris Anderson inflate_fast() - -masmx86/ by Gilles Vollant - x86 asm code to replace longest_match() and inflate_fast(), - for Visual C++ and MASM (32 bits). - Based on Brian Raiter (asm686) and Chris Anderson (inflate86) - minizip/ by Gilles Vollant Mini zip and unzip based on zlib Includes Zip64 support by Mathias Svensson diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/blast.h b/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/blast.h index 6cf65eda16..ef8544c53b 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/blast.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/blast.h @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ int blast(blast_in infun, void *inhow, blast_out outfun, void *outhow, * use by the application to pass an input descriptor to infun(), if desired. * * If left and in are not NULL and *left is not zero when blast() is called, - * then the *left bytes are *in are consumed for input before infun() is used. + * then the *left bytes at *in are consumed for input before infun() is used. * * The output function is invoked: err = outfun(how, buf, len), where the bytes * to be written are buf[0..len-1]. If err is not zero, then blast() returns diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/test.txt b/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/test.txt index 159002de5e..bfdf1c5dca 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/test.txt +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/blast/test.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -AIAIAIAIAIAIA +AIAIAIAIAIAIA \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas b/contrib/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas index 060e199118..8be5fa22c4 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ procedure DecompressToUserBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer; const OutBuf: Pointer; BufSize: Integer); const - zlib_version = '1.2.11'; + zlib_version = '1.2.13'; type EZlibError = class(Exception); diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.build b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.build index e69630cec2..7f90d6bc7c 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.build +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.build @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ - - - A .Net wrapper library around ZLib1.dll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + A .Net wrapper library around ZLib1.dll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs index 724c5347f3..0491bfc2b0 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -1,58 +1,58 @@ -using System.Reflection; -using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; - -// -// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following -// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information -// associated with an assembly. -// -[assembly: AssemblyTitle("DotZLib")] -[assembly: AssemblyDescription(".Net bindings for ZLib compression dll 1.2.x")] -[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] -[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Henrik Ravn")] -[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")] -[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("(c) 2004 by Henrik Ravn")] -[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] -[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] - -// -// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: -// -// Major Version -// Minor Version -// Build Number -// Revision -// -// You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers -// by using the '*' as shown below: - -[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] - -// -// In order to sign your assembly you must specify a key to use. Refer to the -// Microsoft .NET Framework documentation for more information on assembly signing. -// -// Use the attributes below to control which key is used for signing. -// -// Notes: -// (*) If no key is specified, the assembly is not signed. -// (*) KeyName refers to a key that has been installed in the Crypto Service -// Provider (CSP) on your machine. KeyFile refers to a file which contains -// a key. -// (*) If the KeyFile and the KeyName values are both specified, the -// following processing occurs: -// (1) If the KeyName can be found in the CSP, that key is used. -// (2) If the KeyName does not exist and the KeyFile does exist, the key -// in the KeyFile is installed into the CSP and used. -// (*) In order to create a KeyFile, you can use the sn.exe (Strong Name) utility. -// When specifying the KeyFile, the location of the KeyFile should be -// relative to the project output directory which is -// %Project Directory%\obj\. For example, if your KeyFile is -// located in the project directory, you would specify the AssemblyKeyFile -// attribute as [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("..\\..\\mykey.snk")] -// (*) Delay Signing is an advanced option - see the Microsoft .NET Framework -// documentation for more information on this. -// -[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)] -[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")] -[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")] +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; + +// +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +// +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("DotZLib")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription(".Net bindings for ZLib compression dll 1.2.x")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Henrik Ravn")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("(c) 2004 by Henrik Ravn")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] + +// +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: + +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] + +// +// In order to sign your assembly you must specify a key to use. Refer to the +// Microsoft .NET Framework documentation for more information on assembly signing. +// +// Use the attributes below to control which key is used for signing. +// +// Notes: +// (*) If no key is specified, the assembly is not signed. +// (*) KeyName refers to a key that has been installed in the Crypto Service +// Provider (CSP) on your machine. KeyFile refers to a file which contains +// a key. +// (*) If the KeyFile and the KeyName values are both specified, the +// following processing occurs: +// (1) If the KeyName can be found in the CSP, that key is used. +// (2) If the KeyName does not exist and the KeyFile does exist, the key +// in the KeyFile is installed into the CSP and used. +// (*) In order to create a KeyFile, you can use the sn.exe (Strong Name) utility. +// When specifying the KeyFile, the location of the KeyFile should be +// relative to the project output directory which is +// %Project Directory%\obj\. For example, if your KeyFile is +// located in the project directory, you would specify the AssemblyKeyFile +// attribute as [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("..\\..\\mykey.snk")] +// (*) Delay Signing is an advanced option - see the Microsoft .NET Framework +// documentation for more information on this. +// +[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)] +[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")] +[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")] diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs index cd1ef44eb1..788b2fcece 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs @@ -1,202 +1,202 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.Runtime.InteropServices; -using System.Text; - - -namespace DotZLib -{ - #region ChecksumGeneratorBase - /// - /// Implements the common functionality needed for all s - /// - /// - public abstract class ChecksumGeneratorBase : ChecksumGenerator - { - /// - /// The value of the current checksum - /// - protected uint _current; - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the checksum generator base - the current checksum is - /// set to zero - /// - public ChecksumGeneratorBase() - { - _current = 0; - } - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the checksum generator basewith a specified value - /// - /// The value to set the current checksum to - public ChecksumGeneratorBase(uint initialValue) - { - _current = initialValue; - } - - /// - /// Resets the current checksum to zero - /// - public void Reset() { _current = 0; } - - /// - /// Gets the current checksum value - /// - public uint Value { get { return _current; } } - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes - /// - /// The data to update the checksum with - /// Where in data to start updating - /// The number of bytes from data to use - /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data - /// data is a null reference - /// Offset or count is negative. - /// All the other Update methods are implmeneted in terms of this one. - /// This is therefore the only method a derived class has to implement - public abstract void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count); - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with an array of bytes. - /// - /// The data to update the checksum with - public void Update(byte[] data) - { - Update(data, 0, data.Length); - } - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string - /// - /// The string to update the checksum with - /// The characters in the string are converted by the UTF-8 encoding - public void Update(string data) - { - Update(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)); - } - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string, using a specific encoding - /// - /// The string to update the checksum with - /// The encoding to use - public void Update(string data, Encoding encoding) - { - Update(encoding.GetBytes(data)); - } - - } - #endregion - - #region CRC32 - /// - /// Implements a CRC32 checksum generator - /// - public sealed class CRC32Checksum : ChecksumGeneratorBase - { - #region DLL imports - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern uint crc32(uint crc, int data, uint length); - - #endregion - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the CRC32 checksum generator - /// - public CRC32Checksum() : base() {} - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the CRC32 checksum generator with a specified value - /// - /// The value to set the current checksum to - public CRC32Checksum(uint initialValue) : base(initialValue) {} - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes - /// - /// The data to update the checksum with - /// Where in data to start updating - /// The number of bytes from data to use - /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data - /// data is a null reference - /// Offset or count is negative. - public override void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count) - { - if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); - if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); - GCHandle hData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); - try - { - _current = crc32(_current, hData.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32()+offset, (uint)count); - } - finally - { - hData.Free(); - } - } - - } - #endregion - - #region Adler - /// - /// Implements a checksum generator that computes the Adler checksum on data - /// - public sealed class AdlerChecksum : ChecksumGeneratorBase - { - #region DLL imports - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern uint adler32(uint adler, int data, uint length); - - #endregion - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the Adler checksum generator - /// - public AdlerChecksum() : base() {} - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the Adler checksum generator with a specified value - /// - /// The value to set the current checksum to - public AdlerChecksum(uint initialValue) : base(initialValue) {} - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes - /// - /// The data to update the checksum with - /// Where in data to start updating - /// The number of bytes from data to use - /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data - /// data is a null reference - /// Offset or count is negative. - public override void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count) - { - if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); - if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); - GCHandle hData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); - try - { - _current = adler32(_current, hData.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32()+offset, (uint)count); - } - finally - { - hData.Free(); - } - } - - } - #endregion - -} +// +// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; +using System.Text; + + +namespace DotZLib +{ + #region ChecksumGeneratorBase + /// + /// Implements the common functionality needed for all s + /// + /// + public abstract class ChecksumGeneratorBase : ChecksumGenerator + { + /// + /// The value of the current checksum + /// + protected uint _current; + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the checksum generator base - the current checksum is + /// set to zero + /// + public ChecksumGeneratorBase() + { + _current = 0; + } + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the checksum generator basewith a specified value + /// + /// The value to set the current checksum to + public ChecksumGeneratorBase(uint initialValue) + { + _current = initialValue; + } + + /// + /// Resets the current checksum to zero + /// + public void Reset() { _current = 0; } + + /// + /// Gets the current checksum value + /// + public uint Value { get { return _current; } } + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes + /// + /// The data to update the checksum with + /// Where in data to start updating + /// The number of bytes from data to use + /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data + /// data is a null reference + /// Offset or count is negative. + /// All the other Update methods are implmeneted in terms of this one. + /// This is therefore the only method a derived class has to implement + public abstract void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count); + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with an array of bytes. + /// + /// The data to update the checksum with + public void Update(byte[] data) + { + Update(data, 0, data.Length); + } + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string + /// + /// The string to update the checksum with + /// The characters in the string are converted by the UTF-8 encoding + public void Update(string data) + { + Update(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)); + } + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string, using a specific encoding + /// + /// The string to update the checksum with + /// The encoding to use + public void Update(string data, Encoding encoding) + { + Update(encoding.GetBytes(data)); + } + + } + #endregion + + #region CRC32 + /// + /// Implements a CRC32 checksum generator + /// + public sealed class CRC32Checksum : ChecksumGeneratorBase + { + #region DLL imports + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern uint crc32(uint crc, int data, uint length); + + #endregion + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the CRC32 checksum generator + /// + public CRC32Checksum() : base() {} + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the CRC32 checksum generator with a specified value + /// + /// The value to set the current checksum to + public CRC32Checksum(uint initialValue) : base(initialValue) {} + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes + /// + /// The data to update the checksum with + /// Where in data to start updating + /// The number of bytes from data to use + /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data + /// data is a null reference + /// Offset or count is negative. + public override void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count) + { + if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); + if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); + GCHandle hData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); + try + { + _current = crc32(_current, hData.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32()+offset, (uint)count); + } + finally + { + hData.Free(); + } + } + + } + #endregion + + #region Adler + /// + /// Implements a checksum generator that computes the Adler checksum on data + /// + public sealed class AdlerChecksum : ChecksumGeneratorBase + { + #region DLL imports + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern uint adler32(uint adler, int data, uint length); + + #endregion + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the Adler checksum generator + /// + public AdlerChecksum() : base() {} + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the Adler checksum generator with a specified value + /// + /// The value to set the current checksum to + public AdlerChecksum(uint initialValue) : base(initialValue) {} + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes + /// + /// The data to update the checksum with + /// Where in data to start updating + /// The number of bytes from data to use + /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data + /// data is a null reference + /// Offset or count is negative. + public override void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count) + { + if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); + if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); + GCHandle hData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); + try + { + _current = adler32(_current, hData.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32()+offset, (uint)count); + } + finally + { + hData.Free(); + } + } + + } + #endregion + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CircularBuffer.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CircularBuffer.cs index e7a88b9f4d..c1cab3a02c 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CircularBuffer.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CircularBuffer.cs @@ -1,83 +1,83 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.Diagnostics; - -namespace DotZLib -{ - - /// - /// This class implements a circular buffer - /// - internal class CircularBuffer - { - #region Private data - private int _capacity; - private int _head; - private int _tail; - private int _size; - private byte[] _buffer; - #endregion - - public CircularBuffer(int capacity) - { - Debug.Assert( capacity > 0 ); - _buffer = new byte[capacity]; - _capacity = capacity; - _head = 0; - _tail = 0; - _size = 0; - } - - public int Size { get { return _size; } } - - public int Put(byte[] source, int offset, int count) - { - Debug.Assert( count > 0 ); - int trueCount = Math.Min(count, _capacity - Size); - for (int i = 0; i < trueCount; ++i) - _buffer[(_tail+i) % _capacity] = source[offset+i]; - _tail += trueCount; - _tail %= _capacity; - _size += trueCount; - return trueCount; - } - - public bool Put(byte b) - { - if (Size == _capacity) // no room - return false; - _buffer[_tail++] = b; - _tail %= _capacity; - ++_size; - return true; - } - - public int Get(byte[] destination, int offset, int count) - { - int trueCount = Math.Min(count,Size); - for (int i = 0; i < trueCount; ++i) - destination[offset + i] = _buffer[(_head+i) % _capacity]; - _head += trueCount; - _head %= _capacity; - _size -= trueCount; - return trueCount; - } - - public int Get() - { - if (Size == 0) - return -1; - - int result = (int)_buffer[_head++ % _capacity]; - --_size; - return result; - } - - } -} +// +// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.Diagnostics; + +namespace DotZLib +{ + + /// + /// This class implements a circular buffer + /// + internal class CircularBuffer + { + #region Private data + private int _capacity; + private int _head; + private int _tail; + private int _size; + private byte[] _buffer; + #endregion + + public CircularBuffer(int capacity) + { + Debug.Assert( capacity > 0 ); + _buffer = new byte[capacity]; + _capacity = capacity; + _head = 0; + _tail = 0; + _size = 0; + } + + public int Size { get { return _size; } } + + public int Put(byte[] source, int offset, int count) + { + Debug.Assert( count > 0 ); + int trueCount = Math.Min(count, _capacity - Size); + for (int i = 0; i < trueCount; ++i) + _buffer[(_tail+i) % _capacity] = source[offset+i]; + _tail += trueCount; + _tail %= _capacity; + _size += trueCount; + return trueCount; + } + + public bool Put(byte b) + { + if (Size == _capacity) // no room + return false; + _buffer[_tail++] = b; + _tail %= _capacity; + ++_size; + return true; + } + + public int Get(byte[] destination, int offset, int count) + { + int trueCount = Math.Min(count,Size); + for (int i = 0; i < trueCount; ++i) + destination[offset + i] = _buffer[(_head+i) % _capacity]; + _head += trueCount; + _head %= _capacity; + _size -= trueCount; + return trueCount; + } + + public int Get() + { + if (Size == 0) + return -1; + + int result = (int)_buffer[_head++ % _capacity]; + --_size; + return result; + } + + } +} diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CodecBase.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CodecBase.cs index 6ef6d8fab9..42e6da3a56 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CodecBase.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CodecBase.cs @@ -1,198 +1,198 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.Runtime.InteropServices; - -namespace DotZLib -{ - /// - /// Implements the common functionality needed for all s - /// - public abstract class CodecBase : Codec, IDisposable - { - - #region Data members - - /// - /// Instance of the internal zlib buffer structure that is - /// passed to all functions in the zlib dll - /// - internal ZStream _ztream = new ZStream(); - - /// - /// True if the object instance has been disposed, false otherwise - /// - protected bool _isDisposed = false; - - /// - /// The size of the internal buffers - /// - protected const int kBufferSize = 16384; - - private byte[] _outBuffer = new byte[kBufferSize]; - private byte[] _inBuffer = new byte[kBufferSize]; - - private GCHandle _hInput; - private GCHandle _hOutput; - - private uint _checksum = 0; - - #endregion - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the CodeBase class. - /// - public CodecBase() - { - try - { - _hInput = GCHandle.Alloc(_inBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); - _hOutput = GCHandle.Alloc(_outBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); - } - catch (Exception) - { - CleanUp(false); - throw; - } - } - - - #region Codec Members - - /// - /// Occurs when more processed data are available. - /// - public event DataAvailableHandler DataAvailable; - - /// - /// Fires the event - /// - protected void OnDataAvailable() - { - if (_ztream.total_out > 0) - { - if (DataAvailable != null) - DataAvailable( _outBuffer, 0, (int)_ztream.total_out); - resetOutput(); - } - } - - /// - /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. - /// - /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec - /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event - public void Add(byte[] data) - { - Add(data,0,data.Length); - } - - /// - /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. - /// - /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec - /// The index of the first byte to add from data - /// The number of bytes to add - /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event - /// This must be implemented by a derived class - public abstract void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count); - - /// - /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. - /// - /// This must be implemented by a derived class - public abstract void Finish(); - - /// - /// Gets the checksum of the data that has been added so far - /// - public uint Checksum { get { return _checksum; } } - - #endregion - - #region Destructor & IDisposable stuff - - /// - /// Destroys this instance - /// - ~CodecBase() - { - CleanUp(false); - } - - /// - /// Releases any unmanaged resources and calls the method of the derived class - /// - public void Dispose() - { - CleanUp(true); - } - - /// - /// Performs any codec specific cleanup - /// - /// This must be implemented by a derived class - protected abstract void CleanUp(); - - // performs the release of the handles and calls the dereived CleanUp() - private void CleanUp(bool isDisposing) - { - if (!_isDisposed) - { - CleanUp(); - if (_hInput.IsAllocated) - _hInput.Free(); - if (_hOutput.IsAllocated) - _hOutput.Free(); - - _isDisposed = true; - } - } - - - #endregion - - #region Helper methods - - /// - /// Copies a number of bytes to the internal codec buffer - ready for proccesing - /// - /// The byte array that contains the data to copy - /// The index of the first byte to copy - /// The number of bytes to copy from data - protected void copyInput(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count) - { - Array.Copy(data, startIndex, _inBuffer,0, count); - _ztream.next_in = _hInput.AddrOfPinnedObject(); - _ztream.total_in = 0; - _ztream.avail_in = (uint)count; - - } - - /// - /// Resets the internal output buffers to a known state - ready for processing - /// - protected void resetOutput() - { - _ztream.total_out = 0; - _ztream.avail_out = kBufferSize; - _ztream.next_out = _hOutput.AddrOfPinnedObject(); - } - - /// - /// Updates the running checksum property - /// - /// The new checksum value - protected void setChecksum(uint newSum) - { - _checksum = newSum; - } - #endregion - - } -} +// +// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +namespace DotZLib +{ + /// + /// Implements the common functionality needed for all s + /// + public abstract class CodecBase : Codec, IDisposable + { + + #region Data members + + /// + /// Instance of the internal zlib buffer structure that is + /// passed to all functions in the zlib dll + /// + internal ZStream _ztream = new ZStream(); + + /// + /// True if the object instance has been disposed, false otherwise + /// + protected bool _isDisposed = false; + + /// + /// The size of the internal buffers + /// + protected const int kBufferSize = 16384; + + private byte[] _outBuffer = new byte[kBufferSize]; + private byte[] _inBuffer = new byte[kBufferSize]; + + private GCHandle _hInput; + private GCHandle _hOutput; + + private uint _checksum = 0; + + #endregion + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the CodeBase class. + /// + public CodecBase() + { + try + { + _hInput = GCHandle.Alloc(_inBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); + _hOutput = GCHandle.Alloc(_outBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); + } + catch (Exception) + { + CleanUp(false); + throw; + } + } + + + #region Codec Members + + /// + /// Occurs when more processed data are available. + /// + public event DataAvailableHandler DataAvailable; + + /// + /// Fires the event + /// + protected void OnDataAvailable() + { + if (_ztream.total_out > 0) + { + if (DataAvailable != null) + DataAvailable( _outBuffer, 0, (int)_ztream.total_out); + resetOutput(); + } + } + + /// + /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. + /// + /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec + /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event + public void Add(byte[] data) + { + Add(data,0,data.Length); + } + + /// + /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. + /// + /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec + /// The index of the first byte to add from data + /// The number of bytes to add + /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event + /// This must be implemented by a derived class + public abstract void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count); + + /// + /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. + /// + /// This must be implemented by a derived class + public abstract void Finish(); + + /// + /// Gets the checksum of the data that has been added so far + /// + public uint Checksum { get { return _checksum; } } + + #endregion + + #region Destructor & IDisposable stuff + + /// + /// Destroys this instance + /// + ~CodecBase() + { + CleanUp(false); + } + + /// + /// Releases any unmanaged resources and calls the method of the derived class + /// + public void Dispose() + { + CleanUp(true); + } + + /// + /// Performs any codec specific cleanup + /// + /// This must be implemented by a derived class + protected abstract void CleanUp(); + + // performs the release of the handles and calls the dereived CleanUp() + private void CleanUp(bool isDisposing) + { + if (!_isDisposed) + { + CleanUp(); + if (_hInput.IsAllocated) + _hInput.Free(); + if (_hOutput.IsAllocated) + _hOutput.Free(); + + _isDisposed = true; + } + } + + + #endregion + + #region Helper methods + + /// + /// Copies a number of bytes to the internal codec buffer - ready for proccesing + /// + /// The byte array that contains the data to copy + /// The index of the first byte to copy + /// The number of bytes to copy from data + protected void copyInput(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count) + { + Array.Copy(data, startIndex, _inBuffer,0, count); + _ztream.next_in = _hInput.AddrOfPinnedObject(); + _ztream.total_in = 0; + _ztream.avail_in = (uint)count; + + } + + /// + /// Resets the internal output buffers to a known state - ready for processing + /// + protected void resetOutput() + { + _ztream.total_out = 0; + _ztream.avail_out = kBufferSize; + _ztream.next_out = _hOutput.AddrOfPinnedObject(); + } + + /// + /// Updates the running checksum property + /// + /// The new checksum value + protected void setChecksum(uint newSum) + { + _checksum = newSum; + } + #endregion + + } +} diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Deflater.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Deflater.cs index 778a6794dd..c2477925b6 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Deflater.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Deflater.cs @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.Diagnostics; -using System.Runtime.InteropServices; - -namespace DotZLib -{ - - /// - /// Implements a data compressor, using the deflate algorithm in the ZLib dll - /// - public sealed class Deflater : CodecBase - { - #region Dll imports - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] - private static extern int deflateInit_(ref ZStream sz, int level, string vs, int size); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int deflate(ref ZStream sz, int flush); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int deflateReset(ref ZStream sz); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int deflateEnd(ref ZStream sz); - #endregion - - /// - /// Constructs an new instance of the Deflater - /// - /// The compression level to use for this Deflater - public Deflater(CompressLevel level) : base() - { - int retval = deflateInit_(ref _ztream, (int)level, Info.Version, Marshal.SizeOf(_ztream)); - if (retval != 0) - throw new ZLibException(retval, "Could not initialize deflater"); - - resetOutput(); - } - - /// - /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. - /// - /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec - /// The index of the first byte to add from data - /// The number of bytes to add - /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event - public override void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count) - { - if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); - if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); - if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); - - int total = count; - int inputIndex = offset; - int err = 0; - - while (err >= 0 && inputIndex < total) - { - copyInput(data, inputIndex, Math.Min(total - inputIndex, kBufferSize)); - while (err >= 0 && _ztream.avail_in > 0) - { - err = deflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); - if (err == 0) - while (_ztream.avail_out == 0) - { - OnDataAvailable(); - err = deflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); - } - inputIndex += (int)_ztream.total_in; - } - } - setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); - } - - - /// - /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. - /// - public override void Finish() - { - int err; - do - { - err = deflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.Finish); - OnDataAvailable(); - } - while (err == 0); - setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); - deflateReset(ref _ztream); - resetOutput(); - } - - /// - /// Closes the internal zlib deflate stream - /// - protected override void CleanUp() { deflateEnd(ref _ztream); } - - } -} +// +// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +namespace DotZLib +{ + + /// + /// Implements a data compressor, using the deflate algorithm in the ZLib dll + /// + public sealed class Deflater : CodecBase + { + #region Dll imports + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] + private static extern int deflateInit_(ref ZStream sz, int level, string vs, int size); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int deflate(ref ZStream sz, int flush); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int deflateReset(ref ZStream sz); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int deflateEnd(ref ZStream sz); + #endregion + + /// + /// Constructs an new instance of the Deflater + /// + /// The compression level to use for this Deflater + public Deflater(CompressLevel level) : base() + { + int retval = deflateInit_(ref _ztream, (int)level, Info.Version, Marshal.SizeOf(_ztream)); + if (retval != 0) + throw new ZLibException(retval, "Could not initialize deflater"); + + resetOutput(); + } + + /// + /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. + /// + /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec + /// The index of the first byte to add from data + /// The number of bytes to add + /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event + public override void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count) + { + if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); + if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); + if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); + + int total = count; + int inputIndex = offset; + int err = 0; + + while (err >= 0 && inputIndex < total) + { + copyInput(data, inputIndex, Math.Min(total - inputIndex, kBufferSize)); + while (err >= 0 && _ztream.avail_in > 0) + { + err = deflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); + if (err == 0) + while (_ztream.avail_out == 0) + { + OnDataAvailable(); + err = deflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); + } + inputIndex += (int)_ztream.total_in; + } + } + setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); + } + + + /// + /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. + /// + public override void Finish() + { + int err; + do + { + err = deflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.Finish); + OnDataAvailable(); + } + while (err == 0); + setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); + deflateReset(ref _ztream); + resetOutput(); + } + + /// + /// Closes the internal zlib deflate stream + /// + protected override void CleanUp() { deflateEnd(ref _ztream); } + + } +} diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.cs index a48ed4974d..be184b4c71 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.cs @@ -1,288 +1,288 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.IO; -using System.Runtime.InteropServices; -using System.Text; - - -namespace DotZLib -{ - - #region Internal types - - /// - /// Defines constants for the various flush types used with zlib - /// - internal enum FlushTypes - { - None, Partial, Sync, Full, Finish, Block - } - - #region ZStream structure - // internal mapping of the zlib zstream structure for marshalling - [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=4, Size=0, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] - internal struct ZStream - { - public IntPtr next_in; - public uint avail_in; - public uint total_in; - - public IntPtr next_out; - public uint avail_out; - public uint total_out; - - [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] - string msg; - uint state; - - uint zalloc; - uint zfree; - uint opaque; - - int data_type; - public uint adler; - uint reserved; - } - - #endregion - - #endregion - - #region Public enums - /// - /// Defines constants for the available compression levels in zlib - /// - public enum CompressLevel : int - { - /// - /// The default compression level with a reasonable compromise between compression and speed - /// - Default = -1, - /// - /// No compression at all. The data are passed straight through. - /// - None = 0, - /// - /// The maximum compression rate available. - /// - Best = 9, - /// - /// The fastest available compression level. - /// - Fastest = 1 - } - #endregion - - #region Exception classes - /// - /// The exception that is thrown when an error occurs on the zlib dll - /// - public class ZLibException : ApplicationException - { - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified - /// error message and error code - /// - /// The zlib error code that caused the exception - /// A message that (hopefully) describes the error - public ZLibException(int errorCode, string msg) : base(String.Format("ZLib error {0} {1}", errorCode, msg)) - { - } - - /// - /// Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified - /// error code - /// - /// The zlib error code that caused the exception - public ZLibException(int errorCode) : base(String.Format("ZLib error {0}", errorCode)) - { - } - } - #endregion - - #region Interfaces - - /// - /// Declares methods and properties that enables a running checksum to be calculated - /// - public interface ChecksumGenerator - { - /// - /// Gets the current value of the checksum - /// - uint Value { get; } - - /// - /// Clears the current checksum to 0 - /// - void Reset(); - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with an array of bytes - /// - /// The data to update the checksum with - void Update(byte[] data); - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes - /// - /// The data to update the checksum with - /// Where in data to start updating - /// The number of bytes from data to use - /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data - /// data is a null reference - /// Offset or count is negative. - void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count); - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string - /// - /// The string to update the checksum with - /// The characters in the string are converted by the UTF-8 encoding - void Update(string data); - - /// - /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string, using a specific encoding - /// - /// The string to update the checksum with - /// The encoding to use - void Update(string data, Encoding encoding); - } - - - /// - /// Represents the method that will be called from a codec when new data - /// are available. - /// - /// The byte array containing the processed data - /// The index of the first processed byte in data - /// The number of processed bytes available - /// On return from this method, the data may be overwritten, so grab it while you can. - /// You cannot assume that startIndex will be zero. - /// - public delegate void DataAvailableHandler(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count); - - /// - /// Declares methods and events for implementing compressors/decompressors - /// - public interface Codec - { - /// - /// Occurs when more processed data are available. - /// - event DataAvailableHandler DataAvailable; - - /// - /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. - /// - /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec - /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event - void Add(byte[] data); - - /// - /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. - /// - /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec - /// The index of the first byte to add from data - /// The number of bytes to add - /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event - void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count); - - /// - /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. - /// - void Finish(); - - /// - /// Gets the checksum of the data that has been added so far - /// - uint Checksum { get; } - - - } - - #endregion - - #region Classes - /// - /// Encapsulates general information about the ZLib library - /// - public class Info - { - #region DLL imports - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern uint zlibCompileFlags(); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern string zlibVersion(); - #endregion - - #region Private stuff - private uint _flags; - - // helper function that unpacks a bitsize mask - private static int bitSize(uint bits) - { - switch (bits) - { - case 0: return 16; - case 1: return 32; - case 2: return 64; - } - return -1; - } - #endregion - - /// - /// Constructs an instance of the Info class. - /// - public Info() - { - _flags = zlibCompileFlags(); - } - - /// - /// True if the library is compiled with debug info - /// - public bool HasDebugInfo { get { return 0 != (_flags & 0x100); } } - - /// - /// True if the library is compiled with assembly optimizations - /// - public bool UsesAssemblyCode { get { return 0 != (_flags & 0x200); } } - - /// - /// Gets the size of the unsigned int that was compiled into Zlib - /// - public int SizeOfUInt { get { return bitSize(_flags & 3); } } - - /// - /// Gets the size of the unsigned long that was compiled into Zlib - /// - public int SizeOfULong { get { return bitSize((_flags >> 2) & 3); } } - - /// - /// Gets the size of the pointers that were compiled into Zlib - /// - public int SizeOfPointer { get { return bitSize((_flags >> 4) & 3); } } - - /// - /// Gets the size of the z_off_t type that was compiled into Zlib - /// - public int SizeOfOffset { get { return bitSize((_flags >> 6) & 3); } } - - /// - /// Gets the version of ZLib as a string, e.g. "1.2.1" - /// - public static string Version { get { return zlibVersion(); } } - } - - #endregion - -} +// +// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.IO; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; +using System.Text; + + +namespace DotZLib +{ + + #region Internal types + + /// + /// Defines constants for the various flush types used with zlib + /// + internal enum FlushTypes + { + None, Partial, Sync, Full, Finish, Block + } + + #region ZStream structure + // internal mapping of the zlib zstream structure for marshalling + [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=4, Size=0, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] + internal struct ZStream + { + public IntPtr next_in; + public uint avail_in; + public uint total_in; + + public IntPtr next_out; + public uint avail_out; + public uint total_out; + + [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] + string msg; + uint state; + + uint zalloc; + uint zfree; + uint opaque; + + int data_type; + public uint adler; + uint reserved; + } + + #endregion + + #endregion + + #region Public enums + /// + /// Defines constants for the available compression levels in zlib + /// + public enum CompressLevel : int + { + /// + /// The default compression level with a reasonable compromise between compression and speed + /// + Default = -1, + /// + /// No compression at all. The data are passed straight through. + /// + None = 0, + /// + /// The maximum compression rate available. + /// + Best = 9, + /// + /// The fastest available compression level. + /// + Fastest = 1 + } + #endregion + + #region Exception classes + /// + /// The exception that is thrown when an error occurs on the zlib dll + /// + public class ZLibException : ApplicationException + { + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified + /// error message and error code + /// + /// The zlib error code that caused the exception + /// A message that (hopefully) describes the error + public ZLibException(int errorCode, string msg) : base(String.Format("ZLib error {0} {1}", errorCode, msg)) + { + } + + /// + /// Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified + /// error code + /// + /// The zlib error code that caused the exception + public ZLibException(int errorCode) : base(String.Format("ZLib error {0}", errorCode)) + { + } + } + #endregion + + #region Interfaces + + /// + /// Declares methods and properties that enables a running checksum to be calculated + /// + public interface ChecksumGenerator + { + /// + /// Gets the current value of the checksum + /// + uint Value { get; } + + /// + /// Clears the current checksum to 0 + /// + void Reset(); + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with an array of bytes + /// + /// The data to update the checksum with + void Update(byte[] data); + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes + /// + /// The data to update the checksum with + /// Where in data to start updating + /// The number of bytes from data to use + /// The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data + /// data is a null reference + /// Offset or count is negative. + void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count); + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string + /// + /// The string to update the checksum with + /// The characters in the string are converted by the UTF-8 encoding + void Update(string data); + + /// + /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string, using a specific encoding + /// + /// The string to update the checksum with + /// The encoding to use + void Update(string data, Encoding encoding); + } + + + /// + /// Represents the method that will be called from a codec when new data + /// are available. + /// + /// The byte array containing the processed data + /// The index of the first processed byte in data + /// The number of processed bytes available + /// On return from this method, the data may be overwritten, so grab it while you can. + /// You cannot assume that startIndex will be zero. + /// + public delegate void DataAvailableHandler(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count); + + /// + /// Declares methods and events for implementing compressors/decompressors + /// + public interface Codec + { + /// + /// Occurs when more processed data are available. + /// + event DataAvailableHandler DataAvailable; + + /// + /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. + /// + /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec + /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event + void Add(byte[] data); + + /// + /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. + /// + /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec + /// The index of the first byte to add from data + /// The number of bytes to add + /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event + void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count); + + /// + /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. + /// + void Finish(); + + /// + /// Gets the checksum of the data that has been added so far + /// + uint Checksum { get; } + + + } + + #endregion + + #region Classes + /// + /// Encapsulates general information about the ZLib library + /// + public class Info + { + #region DLL imports + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern uint zlibCompileFlags(); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern string zlibVersion(); + #endregion + + #region Private stuff + private uint _flags; + + // helper function that unpacks a bitsize mask + private static int bitSize(uint bits) + { + switch (bits) + { + case 0: return 16; + case 1: return 32; + case 2: return 64; + } + return -1; + } + #endregion + + /// + /// Constructs an instance of the Info class. + /// + public Info() + { + _flags = zlibCompileFlags(); + } + + /// + /// True if the library is compiled with debug info + /// + public bool HasDebugInfo { get { return 0 != (_flags & 0x100); } } + + /// + /// True if the library is compiled with assembly optimizations + /// + public bool UsesAssemblyCode { get { return 0 != (_flags & 0x200); } } + + /// + /// Gets the size of the unsigned int that was compiled into Zlib + /// + public int SizeOfUInt { get { return bitSize(_flags & 3); } } + + /// + /// Gets the size of the unsigned long that was compiled into Zlib + /// + public int SizeOfULong { get { return bitSize((_flags >> 2) & 3); } } + + /// + /// Gets the size of the pointers that were compiled into Zlib + /// + public int SizeOfPointer { get { return bitSize((_flags >> 4) & 3); } } + + /// + /// Gets the size of the z_off_t type that was compiled into Zlib + /// + public int SizeOfOffset { get { return bitSize((_flags >> 6) & 3); } } + + /// + /// Gets the version of ZLib as a string, e.g. "1.2.1" + /// + public static string Version { get { return zlibVersion(); } } + } + + #endregion + +} diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.csproj b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.csproj index dea7fb16a9..71eeb8590a 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.csproj +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.csproj @@ -1,141 +1,141 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/GZipStream.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/GZipStream.cs index 07b2f7a9b5..b161300b18 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/GZipStream.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/GZipStream.cs @@ -1,301 +1,301 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.IO; -using System.Runtime.InteropServices; - -namespace DotZLib -{ - /// - /// Implements a compressed , in GZip (.gz) format. - /// - public class GZipStream : Stream, IDisposable - { - #region Dll Imports - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] - private static extern IntPtr gzopen(string name, string mode); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int gzclose(IntPtr gzFile); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int gzwrite(IntPtr gzFile, int data, int length); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int gzread(IntPtr gzFile, int data, int length); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int gzgetc(IntPtr gzFile); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int gzputc(IntPtr gzFile, int c); - - #endregion - - #region Private data - private IntPtr _gzFile; - private bool _isDisposed = false; - private bool _isWriting; - #endregion - - #region Constructors - /// - /// Creates a new file as a writeable GZipStream - /// - /// The name of the compressed file to create - /// The compression level to use when adding data - /// If an error occurred in the internal zlib function - public GZipStream(string fileName, CompressLevel level) - { - _isWriting = true; - _gzFile = gzopen(fileName, String.Format("wb{0}", (int)level)); - if (_gzFile == IntPtr.Zero) - throw new ZLibException(-1, "Could not open " + fileName); - } - - /// - /// Opens an existing file as a readable GZipStream - /// - /// The name of the file to open - /// If an error occurred in the internal zlib function - public GZipStream(string fileName) - { - _isWriting = false; - _gzFile = gzopen(fileName, "rb"); - if (_gzFile == IntPtr.Zero) - throw new ZLibException(-1, "Could not open " + fileName); - - } - #endregion - - #region Access properties - /// - /// Returns true of this stream can be read from, false otherwise - /// - public override bool CanRead - { - get - { - return !_isWriting; - } - } - - - /// - /// Returns false. - /// - public override bool CanSeek - { - get - { - return false; - } - } - - /// - /// Returns true if this tsream is writeable, false otherwise - /// - public override bool CanWrite - { - get - { - return _isWriting; - } - } - #endregion - - #region Destructor & IDispose stuff - - /// - /// Destroys this instance - /// - ~GZipStream() - { - cleanUp(false); - } - - /// - /// Closes the external file handle - /// - public void Dispose() - { - cleanUp(true); - } - - // Does the actual closing of the file handle. - private void cleanUp(bool isDisposing) - { - if (!_isDisposed) - { - gzclose(_gzFile); - _isDisposed = true; - } - } - #endregion - - #region Basic reading and writing - /// - /// Attempts to read a number of bytes from the stream. - /// - /// The destination data buffer - /// The index of the first destination byte in buffer - /// The number of bytes requested - /// The number of bytes read - /// If buffer is null - /// If count or offset are negative - /// If offset + count is > buffer.Length - /// If this stream is not readable. - /// If this stream has been disposed. - public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) - { - if (!CanRead) throw new NotSupportedException(); - if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); - if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); - if ((offset+count) > buffer.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); - if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); - - GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); - int result; - try - { - result = gzread(_gzFile, h.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32() + offset, count); - if (result < 0) - throw new IOException(); - } - finally - { - h.Free(); - } - return result; - } - - /// - /// Attempts to read a single byte from the stream. - /// - /// The byte that was read, or -1 in case of error or End-Of-File - public override int ReadByte() - { - if (!CanRead) throw new NotSupportedException(); - if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); - return gzgetc(_gzFile); - } - - /// - /// Writes a number of bytes to the stream - /// - /// - /// - /// - /// If buffer is null - /// If count or offset are negative - /// If offset + count is > buffer.Length - /// If this stream is not writeable. - /// If this stream has been disposed. - public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) - { - if (!CanWrite) throw new NotSupportedException(); - if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); - if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); - if ((offset+count) > buffer.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); - if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); - - GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); - try - { - int result = gzwrite(_gzFile, h.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32() + offset, count); - if (result < 0) - throw new IOException(); - } - finally - { - h.Free(); - } - } - - /// - /// Writes a single byte to the stream - /// - /// The byte to add to the stream. - /// If this stream is not writeable. - /// If this stream has been disposed. - public override void WriteByte(byte value) - { - if (!CanWrite) throw new NotSupportedException(); - if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); - - int result = gzputc(_gzFile, (int)value); - if (result < 0) - throw new IOException(); - } - #endregion - - #region Position & length stuff - /// - /// Not supported. - /// - /// - /// Always thrown - public override void SetLength(long value) - { - throw new NotSupportedException(); - } - - /// - /// Not suppported. - /// - /// - /// - /// - /// Always thrown - public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) - { - throw new NotSupportedException(); - } - - /// - /// Flushes the GZipStream. - /// - /// In this implementation, this method does nothing. This is because excessive - /// flushing may degrade the achievable compression rates. - public override void Flush() - { - // left empty on purpose - } - - /// - /// Gets/sets the current position in the GZipStream. Not suppported. - /// - /// In this implementation this property is not supported - /// Always thrown - public override long Position - { - get - { - throw new NotSupportedException(); - } - set - { - throw new NotSupportedException(); - } - } - - /// - /// Gets the size of the stream. Not suppported. - /// - /// In this implementation this property is not supported - /// Always thrown - public override long Length - { - get - { - throw new NotSupportedException(); - } - } - #endregion - } -} +// +// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.IO; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +namespace DotZLib +{ + /// + /// Implements a compressed , in GZip (.gz) format. + /// + public class GZipStream : Stream, IDisposable + { + #region Dll Imports + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] + private static extern IntPtr gzopen(string name, string mode); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int gzclose(IntPtr gzFile); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int gzwrite(IntPtr gzFile, int data, int length); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int gzread(IntPtr gzFile, int data, int length); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int gzgetc(IntPtr gzFile); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int gzputc(IntPtr gzFile, int c); + + #endregion + + #region Private data + private IntPtr _gzFile; + private bool _isDisposed = false; + private bool _isWriting; + #endregion + + #region Constructors + /// + /// Creates a new file as a writeable GZipStream + /// + /// The name of the compressed file to create + /// The compression level to use when adding data + /// If an error occurred in the internal zlib function + public GZipStream(string fileName, CompressLevel level) + { + _isWriting = true; + _gzFile = gzopen(fileName, String.Format("wb{0}", (int)level)); + if (_gzFile == IntPtr.Zero) + throw new ZLibException(-1, "Could not open " + fileName); + } + + /// + /// Opens an existing file as a readable GZipStream + /// + /// The name of the file to open + /// If an error occurred in the internal zlib function + public GZipStream(string fileName) + { + _isWriting = false; + _gzFile = gzopen(fileName, "rb"); + if (_gzFile == IntPtr.Zero) + throw new ZLibException(-1, "Could not open " + fileName); + + } + #endregion + + #region Access properties + /// + /// Returns true of this stream can be read from, false otherwise + /// + public override bool CanRead + { + get + { + return !_isWriting; + } + } + + + /// + /// Returns false. + /// + public override bool CanSeek + { + get + { + return false; + } + } + + /// + /// Returns true if this tsream is writeable, false otherwise + /// + public override bool CanWrite + { + get + { + return _isWriting; + } + } + #endregion + + #region Destructor & IDispose stuff + + /// + /// Destroys this instance + /// + ~GZipStream() + { + cleanUp(false); + } + + /// + /// Closes the external file handle + /// + public void Dispose() + { + cleanUp(true); + } + + // Does the actual closing of the file handle. + private void cleanUp(bool isDisposing) + { + if (!_isDisposed) + { + gzclose(_gzFile); + _isDisposed = true; + } + } + #endregion + + #region Basic reading and writing + /// + /// Attempts to read a number of bytes from the stream. + /// + /// The destination data buffer + /// The index of the first destination byte in buffer + /// The number of bytes requested + /// The number of bytes read + /// If buffer is null + /// If count or offset are negative + /// If offset + count is > buffer.Length + /// If this stream is not readable. + /// If this stream has been disposed. + public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) + { + if (!CanRead) throw new NotSupportedException(); + if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); + if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); + if ((offset+count) > buffer.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); + if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); + + GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); + int result; + try + { + result = gzread(_gzFile, h.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32() + offset, count); + if (result < 0) + throw new IOException(); + } + finally + { + h.Free(); + } + return result; + } + + /// + /// Attempts to read a single byte from the stream. + /// + /// The byte that was read, or -1 in case of error or End-Of-File + public override int ReadByte() + { + if (!CanRead) throw new NotSupportedException(); + if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); + return gzgetc(_gzFile); + } + + /// + /// Writes a number of bytes to the stream + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// If buffer is null + /// If count or offset are negative + /// If offset + count is > buffer.Length + /// If this stream is not writeable. + /// If this stream has been disposed. + public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) + { + if (!CanWrite) throw new NotSupportedException(); + if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); + if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); + if ((offset+count) > buffer.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); + if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); + + GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); + try + { + int result = gzwrite(_gzFile, h.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32() + offset, count); + if (result < 0) + throw new IOException(); + } + finally + { + h.Free(); + } + } + + /// + /// Writes a single byte to the stream + /// + /// The byte to add to the stream. + /// If this stream is not writeable. + /// If this stream has been disposed. + public override void WriteByte(byte value) + { + if (!CanWrite) throw new NotSupportedException(); + if (_isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("GZipStream"); + + int result = gzputc(_gzFile, (int)value); + if (result < 0) + throw new IOException(); + } + #endregion + + #region Position & length stuff + /// + /// Not supported. + /// + /// + /// Always thrown + public override void SetLength(long value) + { + throw new NotSupportedException(); + } + + /// + /// Not suppported. + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// Always thrown + public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) + { + throw new NotSupportedException(); + } + + /// + /// Flushes the GZipStream. + /// + /// In this implementation, this method does nothing. This is because excessive + /// flushing may degrade the achievable compression rates. + public override void Flush() + { + // left empty on purpose + } + + /// + /// Gets/sets the current position in the GZipStream. Not suppported. + /// + /// In this implementation this property is not supported + /// Always thrown + public override long Position + { + get + { + throw new NotSupportedException(); + } + set + { + throw new NotSupportedException(); + } + } + + /// + /// Gets the size of the stream. Not suppported. + /// + /// In this implementation this property is not supported + /// Always thrown + public override long Length + { + get + { + throw new NotSupportedException(); + } + } + #endregion + } +} diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Inflater.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Inflater.cs index 8e900ae204..8ed5451d66 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Inflater.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Inflater.cs @@ -1,105 +1,105 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.Diagnostics; -using System.Runtime.InteropServices; - -namespace DotZLib -{ - - /// - /// Implements a data decompressor, using the inflate algorithm in the ZLib dll - /// - public class Inflater : CodecBase - { - #region Dll imports - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] - private static extern int inflateInit_(ref ZStream sz, string vs, int size); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int inflate(ref ZStream sz, int flush); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int inflateReset(ref ZStream sz); - - [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] - private static extern int inflateEnd(ref ZStream sz); - #endregion - - /// - /// Constructs an new instance of the Inflater - /// - public Inflater() : base() - { - int retval = inflateInit_(ref _ztream, Info.Version, Marshal.SizeOf(_ztream)); - if (retval != 0) - throw new ZLibException(retval, "Could not initialize inflater"); - - resetOutput(); - } - - - /// - /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. - /// - /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec - /// The index of the first byte to add from data - /// The number of bytes to add - /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event - public override void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count) - { - if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); - if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); - if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); - - int total = count; - int inputIndex = offset; - int err = 0; - - while (err >= 0 && inputIndex < total) - { - copyInput(data, inputIndex, Math.Min(total - inputIndex, kBufferSize)); - err = inflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); - if (err == 0) - while (_ztream.avail_out == 0) - { - OnDataAvailable(); - err = inflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); - } - - inputIndex += (int)_ztream.total_in; - } - setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); - } - - - /// - /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. - /// - public override void Finish() - { - int err; - do - { - err = inflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.Finish); - OnDataAvailable(); - } - while (err == 0); - setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); - inflateReset(ref _ztream); - resetOutput(); - } - - /// - /// Closes the internal zlib inflate stream - /// - protected override void CleanUp() { inflateEnd(ref _ztream); } - - - } -} +// +// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +namespace DotZLib +{ + + /// + /// Implements a data decompressor, using the inflate algorithm in the ZLib dll + /// + public class Inflater : CodecBase + { + #region Dll imports + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] + private static extern int inflateInit_(ref ZStream sz, string vs, int size); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int inflate(ref ZStream sz, int flush); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int inflateReset(ref ZStream sz); + + [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] + private static extern int inflateEnd(ref ZStream sz); + #endregion + + /// + /// Constructs an new instance of the Inflater + /// + public Inflater() : base() + { + int retval = inflateInit_(ref _ztream, Info.Version, Marshal.SizeOf(_ztream)); + if (retval != 0) + throw new ZLibException(retval, "Could not initialize inflater"); + + resetOutput(); + } + + + /// + /// Adds more data to the codec to be processed. + /// + /// Byte array containing the data to be added to the codec + /// The index of the first byte to add from data + /// The number of bytes to add + /// Adding data may, or may not, raise the DataAvailable event + public override void Add(byte[] data, int offset, int count) + { + if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); + if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); + if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); + + int total = count; + int inputIndex = offset; + int err = 0; + + while (err >= 0 && inputIndex < total) + { + copyInput(data, inputIndex, Math.Min(total - inputIndex, kBufferSize)); + err = inflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); + if (err == 0) + while (_ztream.avail_out == 0) + { + OnDataAvailable(); + err = inflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.None); + } + + inputIndex += (int)_ztream.total_in; + } + setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); + } + + + /// + /// Finishes up any pending data that needs to be processed and handled. + /// + public override void Finish() + { + int err; + do + { + err = inflate(ref _ztream, (int)FlushTypes.Finish); + OnDataAvailable(); + } + while (err == 0); + setChecksum( _ztream.adler ); + inflateReset(ref _ztream); + resetOutput(); + } + + /// + /// Closes the internal zlib inflate stream + /// + protected override void CleanUp() { inflateEnd(ref _ztream); } + + + } +} diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/UnitTests.cs b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/UnitTests.cs index 6d8aebb799..16a0ebb072 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/UnitTests.cs +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/UnitTests.cs @@ -1,274 +1,274 @@ -// -// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 -// -// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. -// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) -// - -using System; -using System.Collections; -using System.IO; - -// uncomment the define below to include unit tests -//#define nunit -#if nunit -using NUnit.Framework; - -// Unit tests for the DotZLib class library -// ---------------------------------------- -// -// Use this with NUnit 2 from http://www.nunit.org -// - -namespace DotZLibTests -{ - using DotZLib; - - // helper methods - internal class Utils - { - public static bool byteArrEqual( byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs ) - { - if (lhs.Length != rhs.Length) - return false; - for (int i = lhs.Length-1; i >= 0; --i) - if (lhs[i] != rhs[i]) - return false; - return true; - } - - } - - - [TestFixture] - public class CircBufferTests - { - #region Circular buffer tests - [Test] - public void SinglePutGet() - { - CircularBuffer buf = new CircularBuffer(10); - Assert.AreEqual( 0, buf.Size ); - Assert.AreEqual( -1, buf.Get() ); - - Assert.IsTrue(buf.Put( 1 )); - Assert.AreEqual( 1, buf.Size ); - Assert.AreEqual( 1, buf.Get() ); - Assert.AreEqual( 0, buf.Size ); - Assert.AreEqual( -1, buf.Get() ); - } - - [Test] - public void BlockPutGet() - { - CircularBuffer buf = new CircularBuffer(10); - byte[] arr = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; - Assert.AreEqual( 10, buf.Put(arr,0,10) ); - Assert.AreEqual( 10, buf.Size ); - Assert.IsFalse( buf.Put(11) ); - Assert.AreEqual( 1, buf.Get() ); - Assert.IsTrue( buf.Put(11) ); - - byte[] arr2 = (byte[])arr.Clone(); - Assert.AreEqual( 9, buf.Get(arr2,1,9) ); - Assert.IsTrue( Utils.byteArrEqual(arr,arr2) ); - } - - #endregion - } - - [TestFixture] - public class ChecksumTests - { - #region CRC32 Tests - [Test] - public void CRC32_Null() - { - CRC32Checksum crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(); - Assert.AreEqual( 0, crc32.Value ); - - crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(1); - Assert.AreEqual( 1, crc32.Value ); - - crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(556); - Assert.AreEqual( 556, crc32.Value ); - } - - [Test] - public void CRC32_Data() - { - CRC32Checksum crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(); - byte[] data = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }; - crc32.Update(data); - Assert.AreEqual( 0x70e46888, crc32.Value ); - - crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(); - crc32.Update("penguin"); - Assert.AreEqual( 0x0e5c1a120, crc32.Value ); - - crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(1); - crc32.Update("penguin"); - Assert.AreEqual(0x43b6aa94, crc32.Value); - - } - #endregion - - #region Adler tests - - [Test] - public void Adler_Null() - { - AdlerChecksum adler = new AdlerChecksum(); - Assert.AreEqual(0, adler.Value); - - adler = new AdlerChecksum(1); - Assert.AreEqual( 1, adler.Value ); - - adler = new AdlerChecksum(556); - Assert.AreEqual( 556, adler.Value ); - } - - [Test] - public void Adler_Data() - { - AdlerChecksum adler = new AdlerChecksum(1); - byte[] data = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }; - adler.Update(data); - Assert.AreEqual( 0x5b001d, adler.Value ); - - adler = new AdlerChecksum(); - adler.Update("penguin"); - Assert.AreEqual(0x0bcf02f6, adler.Value ); - - adler = new AdlerChecksum(1); - adler.Update("penguin"); - Assert.AreEqual(0x0bd602f7, adler.Value); - - } - #endregion - } - - [TestFixture] - public class InfoTests - { - #region Info tests - [Test] - public void Info_Version() - { - Info info = new Info(); - Assert.AreEqual("1.2.11", Info.Version); - Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfUInt); - Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfULong); - Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfPointer); - Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfOffset); - } - #endregion - } - - [TestFixture] - public class DeflateInflateTests - { - #region Deflate tests - [Test] - public void Deflate_Init() - { - using (Deflater def = new Deflater(CompressLevel.Default)) - { - } - } - - private ArrayList compressedData = new ArrayList(); - private uint adler1; - - private ArrayList uncompressedData = new ArrayList(); - private uint adler2; - - public void CDataAvail(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count) - { - for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) - compressedData.Add(data[i+startIndex]); - } - - [Test] - public void Deflate_Compress() - { - compressedData.Clear(); - - byte[] testData = new byte[35000]; - for (int i = 0; i < testData.Length; ++i) - testData[i] = 5; - - using (Deflater def = new Deflater((CompressLevel)5)) - { - def.DataAvailable += new DataAvailableHandler(CDataAvail); - def.Add(testData); - def.Finish(); - adler1 = def.Checksum; - } - } - #endregion - - #region Inflate tests - [Test] - public void Inflate_Init() - { - using (Inflater inf = new Inflater()) - { - } - } - - private void DDataAvail(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count) - { - for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) - uncompressedData.Add(data[i+startIndex]); - } - - [Test] - public void Inflate_Expand() - { - uncompressedData.Clear(); - - using (Inflater inf = new Inflater()) - { - inf.DataAvailable += new DataAvailableHandler(DDataAvail); - inf.Add((byte[])compressedData.ToArray(typeof(byte))); - inf.Finish(); - adler2 = inf.Checksum; - } - Assert.AreEqual( adler1, adler2 ); - } - #endregion - } - - [TestFixture] - public class GZipStreamTests - { - #region GZipStream test - [Test] - public void GZipStream_WriteRead() - { - using (GZipStream gzOut = new GZipStream("gzstream.gz", CompressLevel.Best)) - { - BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(gzOut); - writer.Write("hi there"); - writer.Write(Math.PI); - writer.Write(42); - } - - using (GZipStream gzIn = new GZipStream("gzstream.gz")) - { - BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(gzIn); - string s = reader.ReadString(); - Assert.AreEqual("hi there",s); - double d = reader.ReadDouble(); - Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI, d); - int i = reader.ReadInt32(); - Assert.AreEqual(42,i); - } - - } - #endregion - } -} - -#endif +// +// © Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004 +// +// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) +// + +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.IO; + +// uncomment the define below to include unit tests +//#define nunit +#if nunit +using NUnit.Framework; + +// Unit tests for the DotZLib class library +// ---------------------------------------- +// +// Use this with NUnit 2 from http://www.nunit.org +// + +namespace DotZLibTests +{ + using DotZLib; + + // helper methods + internal class Utils + { + public static bool byteArrEqual( byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs ) + { + if (lhs.Length != rhs.Length) + return false; + for (int i = lhs.Length-1; i >= 0; --i) + if (lhs[i] != rhs[i]) + return false; + return true; + } + + } + + + [TestFixture] + public class CircBufferTests + { + #region Circular buffer tests + [Test] + public void SinglePutGet() + { + CircularBuffer buf = new CircularBuffer(10); + Assert.AreEqual( 0, buf.Size ); + Assert.AreEqual( -1, buf.Get() ); + + Assert.IsTrue(buf.Put( 1 )); + Assert.AreEqual( 1, buf.Size ); + Assert.AreEqual( 1, buf.Get() ); + Assert.AreEqual( 0, buf.Size ); + Assert.AreEqual( -1, buf.Get() ); + } + + [Test] + public void BlockPutGet() + { + CircularBuffer buf = new CircularBuffer(10); + byte[] arr = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; + Assert.AreEqual( 10, buf.Put(arr,0,10) ); + Assert.AreEqual( 10, buf.Size ); + Assert.IsFalse( buf.Put(11) ); + Assert.AreEqual( 1, buf.Get() ); + Assert.IsTrue( buf.Put(11) ); + + byte[] arr2 = (byte[])arr.Clone(); + Assert.AreEqual( 9, buf.Get(arr2,1,9) ); + Assert.IsTrue( Utils.byteArrEqual(arr,arr2) ); + } + + #endregion + } + + [TestFixture] + public class ChecksumTests + { + #region CRC32 Tests + [Test] + public void CRC32_Null() + { + CRC32Checksum crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(); + Assert.AreEqual( 0, crc32.Value ); + + crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(1); + Assert.AreEqual( 1, crc32.Value ); + + crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(556); + Assert.AreEqual( 556, crc32.Value ); + } + + [Test] + public void CRC32_Data() + { + CRC32Checksum crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(); + byte[] data = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }; + crc32.Update(data); + Assert.AreEqual( 0x70e46888, crc32.Value ); + + crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(); + crc32.Update("penguin"); + Assert.AreEqual( 0x0e5c1a120, crc32.Value ); + + crc32 = new CRC32Checksum(1); + crc32.Update("penguin"); + Assert.AreEqual(0x43b6aa94, crc32.Value); + + } + #endregion + + #region Adler tests + + [Test] + public void Adler_Null() + { + AdlerChecksum adler = new AdlerChecksum(); + Assert.AreEqual(0, adler.Value); + + adler = new AdlerChecksum(1); + Assert.AreEqual( 1, adler.Value ); + + adler = new AdlerChecksum(556); + Assert.AreEqual( 556, adler.Value ); + } + + [Test] + public void Adler_Data() + { + AdlerChecksum adler = new AdlerChecksum(1); + byte[] data = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }; + adler.Update(data); + Assert.AreEqual( 0x5b001d, adler.Value ); + + adler = new AdlerChecksum(); + adler.Update("penguin"); + Assert.AreEqual(0x0bcf02f6, adler.Value ); + + adler = new AdlerChecksum(1); + adler.Update("penguin"); + Assert.AreEqual(0x0bd602f7, adler.Value); + + } + #endregion + } + + [TestFixture] + public class InfoTests + { + #region Info tests + [Test] + public void Info_Version() + { + Info info = new Info(); + Assert.AreEqual("1.2.13", Info.Version); + Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfUInt); + Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfULong); + Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfPointer); + Assert.AreEqual(32, info.SizeOfOffset); + } + #endregion + } + + [TestFixture] + public class DeflateInflateTests + { + #region Deflate tests + [Test] + public void Deflate_Init() + { + using (Deflater def = new Deflater(CompressLevel.Default)) + { + } + } + + private ArrayList compressedData = new ArrayList(); + private uint adler1; + + private ArrayList uncompressedData = new ArrayList(); + private uint adler2; + + public void CDataAvail(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count) + { + for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) + compressedData.Add(data[i+startIndex]); + } + + [Test] + public void Deflate_Compress() + { + compressedData.Clear(); + + byte[] testData = new byte[35000]; + for (int i = 0; i < testData.Length; ++i) + testData[i] = 5; + + using (Deflater def = new Deflater((CompressLevel)5)) + { + def.DataAvailable += new DataAvailableHandler(CDataAvail); + def.Add(testData); + def.Finish(); + adler1 = def.Checksum; + } + } + #endregion + + #region Inflate tests + [Test] + public void Inflate_Init() + { + using (Inflater inf = new Inflater()) + { + } + } + + private void DDataAvail(byte[] data, int startIndex, int count) + { + for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) + uncompressedData.Add(data[i+startIndex]); + } + + [Test] + public void Inflate_Expand() + { + uncompressedData.Clear(); + + using (Inflater inf = new Inflater()) + { + inf.DataAvailable += new DataAvailableHandler(DDataAvail); + inf.Add((byte[])compressedData.ToArray(typeof(byte))); + inf.Finish(); + adler2 = inf.Checksum; + } + Assert.AreEqual( adler1, adler2 ); + } + #endregion + } + + [TestFixture] + public class GZipStreamTests + { + #region GZipStream test + [Test] + public void GZipStream_WriteRead() + { + using (GZipStream gzOut = new GZipStream("gzstream.gz", CompressLevel.Best)) + { + BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(gzOut); + writer.Write("hi there"); + writer.Write(Math.PI); + writer.Write(42); + } + + using (GZipStream gzIn = new GZipStream("gzstream.gz")) + { + BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(gzIn); + string s = reader.ReadString(); + Assert.AreEqual("hi there",s); + double d = reader.ReadDouble(); + Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI, d); + int i = reader.ReadInt32(); + Assert.AreEqual(42,i); + } + + } + #endregion + } +} + +#endif diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/LICENSE_1_0.txt b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/LICENSE_1_0.txt index 36b7cd93cd..127a5bc39b 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/LICENSE_1_0.txt +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/LICENSE_1_0.txt @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S b/contrib/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S index 23309fa286..dd858ddbd1 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S @@ -1,574 +1,574 @@ -/* -;uInt longest_match_x64( -; deflate_state *s, -; IPos cur_match); // current match - -; gvmat64.S -- Asm portion of the optimized longest_match for 32 bits x86_64 -; (AMD64 on Athlon 64, Opteron, Phenom -; and Intel EM64T on Pentium 4 with EM64T, Pentium D, Core 2 Duo, Core I5/I7) -; this file is translation from gvmat64.asm to GCC 4.x (for Linux, Mac XCode) -; Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly, Brian Raiter and Gilles Vollant. -; -; File written by Gilles Vollant, by converting to assembly the longest_match -; from Jean-loup Gailly in deflate.c of zLib and infoZip zip. -; and by taking inspiration on asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code -; from Brian Raiter, written 1998 -; -; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied -; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages -; arising from the use of this software. -; -; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, -; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it -; freely, subject to the following restrictions: -; -; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not -; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software -; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be -; appreciated but is not required. -; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be -; misrepresented as being the original software -; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -; -; http://www.zlib.net -; http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll -; http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html -; -; to compile this file for zLib, I use option: -; gcc -c -arch x86_64 gvmat64.S - - -;uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) -; deflate_state *s; -; IPos cur_match; // current match / -; -; with XCode for Mac, I had strange error with some jump on intel syntax -; this is why BEFORE_JMP and AFTER_JMP are used - */ - - -#define BEFORE_JMP .att_syntax -#define AFTER_JMP .intel_syntax noprefix - -#ifndef NO_UNDERLINE -# define match_init _match_init -# define longest_match _longest_match -#endif - -.intel_syntax noprefix - -.globl match_init, longest_match -.text -longest_match: - - - -#define LocalVarsSize 96 -/* -; register used : rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12 -; free register : r14,r15 -; register can be saved : rsp -*/ - -#define chainlenwmask (rsp + 8 - LocalVarsSize) -#define nicematch (rsp + 16 - LocalVarsSize) - -#define save_rdi (rsp + 24 - LocalVarsSize) -#define save_rsi (rsp + 32 - LocalVarsSize) -#define save_rbx (rsp + 40 - LocalVarsSize) -#define save_rbp (rsp + 48 - LocalVarsSize) -#define save_r12 (rsp + 56 - LocalVarsSize) -#define save_r13 (rsp + 64 - LocalVarsSize) -#define save_r14 (rsp + 72 - LocalVarsSize) -#define save_r15 (rsp + 80 - LocalVarsSize) - - -/* -; all the +4 offsets are due to the addition of pending_buf_size (in zlib -; in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written -; (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, remove the +4). -; Note : these value are good with a 8 bytes boundary pack structure -*/ - -#define MAX_MATCH 258 -#define MIN_MATCH 3 -#define MIN_LOOKAHEAD (MAX_MATCH+MIN_MATCH+1) - -/* -;;; Offsets for fields in the deflate_state structure. These numbers -;;; are calculated from the definition of deflate_state, with the -;;; assumption that the compiler will dword-align the fields. (Thus, -;;; changing the definition of deflate_state could easily cause this -;;; program to crash horribly, without so much as a warning at -;;; compile time. Sigh.) - -; all the +zlib1222add offsets are due to the addition of fields -; in zlib in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written -; (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, use "zlib1222add equ (-4)"). -; (if you compile with zlib between 1.0.5 and, use "zlib1222add equ 0"). -; if you compile with zlib or later , use "zlib1222add equ 8"). -*/ - - - -/* you can check the structure offset by running - -#include -#include -#include "deflate.h" - -void print_depl() -{ -deflate_state ds; -deflate_state *s=&ds; -printf("size pointer=%u\n",(int)sizeof(void*)); - -printf("#define dsWSize %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_size))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsWMask %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_mask))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsWindow %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->window))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsPrev %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsMatchLen %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_length))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsPrevMatch %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_match))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsStrStart %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->strstart))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsMatchStart %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_start))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsLookahead %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->lookahead))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsPrevLen %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_length))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsMaxChainLen %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->max_chain_length))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsGoodMatch %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->good_match))-((char*)s))); -printf("#define dsNiceMatch %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->nice_match))-((char*)s))); -} -*/ - -#define dsWSize 68 -#define dsWMask 76 -#define dsWindow 80 -#define dsPrev 96 -#define dsMatchLen 144 -#define dsPrevMatch 148 -#define dsStrStart 156 -#define dsMatchStart 160 -#define dsLookahead 164 -#define dsPrevLen 168 -#define dsMaxChainLen 172 -#define dsGoodMatch 188 -#define dsNiceMatch 192 - -#define window_size [ rcx + dsWSize] -#define WMask [ rcx + dsWMask] -#define window_ad [ rcx + dsWindow] -#define prev_ad [ rcx + dsPrev] -#define strstart [ rcx + dsStrStart] -#define match_start [ rcx + dsMatchStart] -#define Lookahead [ rcx + dsLookahead] //; 0ffffffffh on infozip -#define prev_length [ rcx + dsPrevLen] -#define max_chain_length [ rcx + dsMaxChainLen] -#define good_match [ rcx + dsGoodMatch] -#define nice_match [ rcx + dsNiceMatch] - -/* -; windows: -; parameter 1 in rcx(deflate state s), param 2 in rdx (cur match) - -; see http://weblogs.asp.net/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/14/58579.aspx and -; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/kmarch/hh/kmarch/64bitAMD_8e951dd2-ee77-4728-8702-55ce4b5dd24a.xml.asp -; -; All registers must be preserved across the call, except for -; rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r9, r10, and r11, which are scratch. - -; -; gcc on macosx-linux: -; see http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi-0.99.pdf -; param 1 in rdi, param 2 in rsi -; rbx, rsp, rbp, r12 to r15 must be preserved - -;;; Save registers that the compiler may be using, and adjust esp to -;;; make room for our stack frame. - - -;;; Retrieve the function arguments. r8d will hold cur_match -;;; throughout the entire function. edx will hold the pointer to the -;;; deflate_state structure during the function's setup (before -;;; entering the main loop. - -; ms: parameter 1 in rcx (deflate_state* s), param 2 in edx -> r8 (cur match) -; mac: param 1 in rdi, param 2 rsi -; this clear high 32 bits of r8, which can be garbage in both r8 and rdx -*/ - mov [save_rbx],rbx - mov [save_rbp],rbp - - - mov rcx,rdi - - mov r8d,esi - - - mov [save_r12],r12 - mov [save_r13],r13 - mov [save_r14],r14 - mov [save_r15],r15 - - -//;;; uInt wmask = s->w_mask; -//;;; unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length; -//;;; if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) { -//;;; chain_length >>= 2; -//;;; } - - - mov edi, prev_length - mov esi, good_match - mov eax, WMask - mov ebx, max_chain_length - cmp edi, esi - jl LastMatchGood - shr ebx, 2 -LastMatchGood: - -//;;; chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can -//;;; use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test. -//;;; It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask -//;;; value, which it will always accompany. - - dec ebx - shl ebx, 16 - or ebx, eax - -//;;; on zlib only -//;;; if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead; - - - - mov eax, nice_match - mov [chainlenwmask], ebx - mov r10d, Lookahead - cmp r10d, eax - cmovnl r10d, eax - mov [nicematch],r10d - - - -//;;; register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart; - mov r10, window_ad - mov ebp, strstart - lea r13, [r10 + rbp] - -//;;; Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being -//;;; dword-aligned. - - mov r9,r13 - neg r13 - and r13,3 - -//;;; IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ? -//;;; s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL; - - - mov eax, window_size - sub eax, MIN_LOOKAHEAD - - - xor edi,edi - sub ebp, eax - - mov r11d, prev_length - - cmovng ebp,edi - -//;;; int best_len = s->prev_length; - - -//;;; Store the sum of s->window + best_len in esi locally, and in esi. - - lea rsi,[r10+r11] - -//;;; register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan; -//;;; register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); -//;;; Posf *prev = s->prev; - - movzx r12d,word ptr [r9] - movzx ebx, word ptr [r9 + r11 - 1] - - mov rdi, prev_ad - -//;;; Jump into the main loop. - - mov edx, [chainlenwmask] - - cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] - jz LookupLoopIsZero - - - -LookupLoop1: - and r8d, edx - - movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] - cmp r8d, ebp - jbe LeaveNow - - - - sub edx, 0x00010000 - BEFORE_JMP - js LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - -LoopEntry1: - cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] - BEFORE_JMP - jz LookupLoopIsZero - AFTER_JMP - -LookupLoop2: - and r8d, edx - - movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] - cmp r8d, ebp - BEFORE_JMP - jbe LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - sub edx, 0x00010000 - BEFORE_JMP - js LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - -LoopEntry2: - cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] - BEFORE_JMP - jz LookupLoopIsZero - AFTER_JMP - -LookupLoop4: - and r8d, edx - - movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] - cmp r8d, ebp - BEFORE_JMP - jbe LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - sub edx, 0x00010000 - BEFORE_JMP - js LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - -LoopEntry4: - - cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] - BEFORE_JMP - jnz LookupLoop1 - jmp LookupLoopIsZero - AFTER_JMP -/* -;;; do { -;;; match = s->window + cur_match; -;;; if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end || -;;; *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue; -;;; [...] -;;; } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit -;;; && --chain_length != 0); -;;; -;;; Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the -;;; majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will -;;; be spent in the first ten instructions. -;;; -;;; Within this loop: -;;; ebx = scanend -;;; r8d = curmatch -;;; edx = chainlenwmask - i.e., ((chainlen << 16) | wmask) -;;; esi = windowbestlen - i.e., (window + bestlen) -;;; edi = prev -;;; ebp = limit -*/ -.balign 16 -LookupLoop: - and r8d, edx - - movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] - cmp r8d, ebp - BEFORE_JMP - jbe LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - sub edx, 0x00010000 - BEFORE_JMP - js LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - -LoopEntry: - - cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] - BEFORE_JMP - jnz LookupLoop1 - AFTER_JMP -LookupLoopIsZero: - cmp r12w, word ptr [r10 + r8] - BEFORE_JMP - jnz LookupLoop1 - AFTER_JMP - - -//;;; Store the current value of chainlen. - mov [chainlenwmask], edx -/* -;;; Point edi to the string under scrutiny, and esi to the string we -;;; are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, esi and edi are -;;; both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and edx is -;;; initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign). -*/ - lea rsi,[r8+r10] - mov rdx, 0xfffffffffffffef8 //; -(MAX_MATCH_8) - lea rsi, [rsi + r13 + 0x0108] //;MAX_MATCH_8] - lea rdi, [r9 + r13 + 0x0108] //;MAX_MATCH_8] - - prefetcht1 [rsi+rdx] - prefetcht1 [rdi+rdx] - -/* -;;; Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end, -;;; adjust rdx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched. -;;; -;;; We already know at this point that the first three bytes of the -;;; strings match each other, and they can be safely passed over before -;;; starting the compare loop. So what this code does is skip over 0-3 -;;; bytes, as much as necessary in order to dword-align the edi -;;; pointer. (rsi will still be misaligned three times out of four.) -;;; -;;; It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent -;;; much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more -;;; straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade -;;; performance. -*/ - -LoopCmps: - mov rax, [rsi + rdx] - xor rax, [rdi + rdx] - jnz LeaveLoopCmps - - mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8] - xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8] - jnz LeaveLoopCmps8 - - - mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8+8] - xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8+8] - jnz LeaveLoopCmps16 - - add rdx,8+8+8 - - BEFORE_JMP - jnz LoopCmps - jmp LenMaximum - AFTER_JMP - -LeaveLoopCmps16: add rdx,8 -LeaveLoopCmps8: add rdx,8 -LeaveLoopCmps: - - test eax, 0x0000FFFF - jnz LenLower - - test eax,0xffffffff - - jnz LenLower32 - - add rdx,4 - shr rax,32 - or ax,ax - BEFORE_JMP - jnz LenLower - AFTER_JMP - -LenLower32: - shr eax,16 - add rdx,2 - -LenLower: - sub al, 1 - adc rdx, 0 -//;;; Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH, -//;;; then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave. - - lea rax, [rdi + rdx] - sub rax, r9 - cmp eax, MAX_MATCH - BEFORE_JMP - jge LenMaximum - AFTER_JMP -/* -;;; If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we -;;; have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop. -;/////////////////////////////////// -*/ - cmp eax, r11d - jg LongerMatch - - lea rsi,[r10+r11] - - mov rdi, prev_ad - mov edx, [chainlenwmask] - BEFORE_JMP - jmp LookupLoop - AFTER_JMP -/* -;;; s->match_start = cur_match; -;;; best_len = len; -;;; if (len >= nice_match) break; -;;; scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); -*/ -LongerMatch: - mov r11d, eax - mov match_start, r8d - cmp eax, [nicematch] - BEFORE_JMP - jge LeaveNow - AFTER_JMP - - lea rsi,[r10+rax] - - movzx ebx, word ptr [r9 + rax - 1] - mov rdi, prev_ad - mov edx, [chainlenwmask] - BEFORE_JMP - jmp LookupLoop - AFTER_JMP - -//;;; Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length. - -LenMaximum: - mov r11d,MAX_MATCH - mov match_start, r8d - -//;;; if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len; -//;;; return s->lookahead; - -LeaveNow: - mov eax, Lookahead - cmp r11d, eax - cmovng eax, r11d - - - -//;;; Restore the stack and return from whence we came. - - -// mov rsi,[save_rsi] -// mov rdi,[save_rdi] - mov rbx,[save_rbx] - mov rbp,[save_rbp] - mov r12,[save_r12] - mov r13,[save_r13] - mov r14,[save_r14] - mov r15,[save_r15] - - - ret 0 -//; please don't remove this string ! -//; Your can freely use gvmat64 in any free or commercial app -//; but it is far better don't remove the string in the binary! - // db 0dh,0ah,"asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code from Brian Raiter, written 1998, converted to amd 64 by Gilles Vollant 2005",0dh,0ah,0 - - -match_init: - ret 0 - - +/* +;uInt longest_match_x64( +; deflate_state *s, +; IPos cur_match); // current match + +; gvmat64.S -- Asm portion of the optimized longest_match for 32 bits x86_64 +; (AMD64 on Athlon 64, Opteron, Phenom +; and Intel EM64T on Pentium 4 with EM64T, Pentium D, Core 2 Duo, Core I5/I7) +; this file is translation from gvmat64.asm to GCC 4.x (for Linux, Mac XCode) +; Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly, Brian Raiter and Gilles Vollant. +; +; File written by Gilles Vollant, by converting to assembly the longest_match +; from Jean-loup Gailly in deflate.c of zLib and infoZip zip. +; and by taking inspiration on asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code +; from Brian Raiter, written 1998 +; +; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied +; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages +; arising from the use of this software. +; +; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, +; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it +; freely, subject to the following restrictions: +; +; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not +; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software +; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be +; appreciated but is not required. +; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be +; misrepresented as being the original software +; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. +; +; http://www.zlib.net +; http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll +; http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html +; +; to compile this file for zLib, I use option: +; gcc -c -arch x86_64 gvmat64.S + + +;uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) +; deflate_state *s; +; IPos cur_match; // current match / +; +; with XCode for Mac, I had strange error with some jump on intel syntax +; this is why BEFORE_JMP and AFTER_JMP are used + */ + + +#define BEFORE_JMP .att_syntax +#define AFTER_JMP .intel_syntax noprefix + +#ifndef NO_UNDERLINE +# define match_init _match_init +# define longest_match _longest_match +#endif + +.intel_syntax noprefix + +.globl match_init, longest_match +.text +longest_match: + + + +#define LocalVarsSize 96 +/* +; register used : rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12 +; free register : r14,r15 +; register can be saved : rsp +*/ + +#define chainlenwmask (rsp + 8 - LocalVarsSize) +#define nicematch (rsp + 16 - LocalVarsSize) + +#define save_rdi (rsp + 24 - LocalVarsSize) +#define save_rsi (rsp + 32 - LocalVarsSize) +#define save_rbx (rsp + 40 - LocalVarsSize) +#define save_rbp (rsp + 48 - LocalVarsSize) +#define save_r12 (rsp + 56 - LocalVarsSize) +#define save_r13 (rsp + 64 - LocalVarsSize) +#define save_r14 (rsp + 72 - LocalVarsSize) +#define save_r15 (rsp + 80 - LocalVarsSize) + + +/* +; all the +4 offsets are due to the addition of pending_buf_size (in zlib +; in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written +; (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, remove the +4). +; Note : these value are good with a 8 bytes boundary pack structure +*/ + +#define MAX_MATCH 258 +#define MIN_MATCH 3 +#define MIN_LOOKAHEAD (MAX_MATCH+MIN_MATCH+1) + +/* +;;; Offsets for fields in the deflate_state structure. These numbers +;;; are calculated from the definition of deflate_state, with the +;;; assumption that the compiler will dword-align the fields. (Thus, +;;; changing the definition of deflate_state could easily cause this +;;; program to crash horribly, without so much as a warning at +;;; compile time. Sigh.) + +; all the +zlib1222add offsets are due to the addition of fields +; in zlib in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written +; (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, use "zlib1222add equ (-4)"). +; (if you compile with zlib between 1.0.5 and, use "zlib1222add equ 0"). +; if you compile with zlib or later , use "zlib1222add equ 8"). +*/ + + + +/* you can check the structure offset by running + +#include +#include +#include "deflate.h" + +void print_depl() +{ +deflate_state ds; +deflate_state *s=&ds; +printf("size pointer=%u\n",(int)sizeof(void*)); + +printf("#define dsWSize %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_size))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsWMask %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_mask))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsWindow %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->window))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsPrev %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsMatchLen %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_length))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsPrevMatch %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_match))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsStrStart %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->strstart))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsMatchStart %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_start))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsLookahead %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->lookahead))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsPrevLen %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_length))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsMaxChainLen %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->max_chain_length))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsGoodMatch %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->good_match))-((char*)s))); +printf("#define dsNiceMatch %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->nice_match))-((char*)s))); +} +*/ + +#define dsWSize 68 +#define dsWMask 76 +#define dsWindow 80 +#define dsPrev 96 +#define dsMatchLen 144 +#define dsPrevMatch 148 +#define dsStrStart 156 +#define dsMatchStart 160 +#define dsLookahead 164 +#define dsPrevLen 168 +#define dsMaxChainLen 172 +#define dsGoodMatch 188 +#define dsNiceMatch 192 + +#define window_size [ rcx + dsWSize] +#define WMask [ rcx + dsWMask] +#define window_ad [ rcx + dsWindow] +#define prev_ad [ rcx + dsPrev] +#define strstart [ rcx + dsStrStart] +#define match_start [ rcx + dsMatchStart] +#define Lookahead [ rcx + dsLookahead] //; 0ffffffffh on infozip +#define prev_length [ rcx + dsPrevLen] +#define max_chain_length [ rcx + dsMaxChainLen] +#define good_match [ rcx + dsGoodMatch] +#define nice_match [ rcx + dsNiceMatch] + +/* +; windows: +; parameter 1 in rcx(deflate state s), param 2 in rdx (cur match) + +; see http://weblogs.asp.net/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/14/58579.aspx and +; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/kmarch/hh/kmarch/64bitAMD_8e951dd2-ee77-4728-8702-55ce4b5dd24a.xml.asp +; +; All registers must be preserved across the call, except for +; rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r9, r10, and r11, which are scratch. + +; +; gcc on macosx-linux: +; see http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi-0.99.pdf +; param 1 in rdi, param 2 in rsi +; rbx, rsp, rbp, r12 to r15 must be preserved + +;;; Save registers that the compiler may be using, and adjust esp to +;;; make room for our stack frame. + + +;;; Retrieve the function arguments. r8d will hold cur_match +;;; throughout the entire function. edx will hold the pointer to the +;;; deflate_state structure during the function's setup (before +;;; entering the main loop. + +; ms: parameter 1 in rcx (deflate_state* s), param 2 in edx -> r8 (cur match) +; mac: param 1 in rdi, param 2 rsi +; this clear high 32 bits of r8, which can be garbage in both r8 and rdx +*/ + mov [save_rbx],rbx + mov [save_rbp],rbp + + + mov rcx,rdi + + mov r8d,esi + + + mov [save_r12],r12 + mov [save_r13],r13 + mov [save_r14],r14 + mov [save_r15],r15 + + +//;;; uInt wmask = s->w_mask; +//;;; unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length; +//;;; if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) { +//;;; chain_length >>= 2; +//;;; } + + + mov edi, prev_length + mov esi, good_match + mov eax, WMask + mov ebx, max_chain_length + cmp edi, esi + jl LastMatchGood + shr ebx, 2 +LastMatchGood: + +//;;; chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can +//;;; use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test. +//;;; It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask +//;;; value, which it will always accompany. + + dec ebx + shl ebx, 16 + or ebx, eax + +//;;; on zlib only +//;;; if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead; + + + + mov eax, nice_match + mov [chainlenwmask], ebx + mov r10d, Lookahead + cmp r10d, eax + cmovnl r10d, eax + mov [nicematch],r10d + + + +//;;; register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart; + mov r10, window_ad + mov ebp, strstart + lea r13, [r10 + rbp] + +//;;; Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being +//;;; dword-aligned. + + mov r9,r13 + neg r13 + and r13,3 + +//;;; IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ? +//;;; s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL; + + + mov eax, window_size + sub eax, MIN_LOOKAHEAD + + + xor edi,edi + sub ebp, eax + + mov r11d, prev_length + + cmovng ebp,edi + +//;;; int best_len = s->prev_length; + + +//;;; Store the sum of s->window + best_len in esi locally, and in esi. + + lea rsi,[r10+r11] + +//;;; register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan; +//;;; register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); +//;;; Posf *prev = s->prev; + + movzx r12d,word ptr [r9] + movzx ebx, word ptr [r9 + r11 - 1] + + mov rdi, prev_ad + +//;;; Jump into the main loop. + + mov edx, [chainlenwmask] + + cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] + jz LookupLoopIsZero + + + +LookupLoop1: + and r8d, edx + + movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] + cmp r8d, ebp + jbe LeaveNow + + + + sub edx, 0x00010000 + BEFORE_JMP + js LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + +LoopEntry1: + cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] + BEFORE_JMP + jz LookupLoopIsZero + AFTER_JMP + +LookupLoop2: + and r8d, edx + + movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] + cmp r8d, ebp + BEFORE_JMP + jbe LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + sub edx, 0x00010000 + BEFORE_JMP + js LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + +LoopEntry2: + cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] + BEFORE_JMP + jz LookupLoopIsZero + AFTER_JMP + +LookupLoop4: + and r8d, edx + + movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] + cmp r8d, ebp + BEFORE_JMP + jbe LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + sub edx, 0x00010000 + BEFORE_JMP + js LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + +LoopEntry4: + + cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] + BEFORE_JMP + jnz LookupLoop1 + jmp LookupLoopIsZero + AFTER_JMP +/* +;;; do { +;;; match = s->window + cur_match; +;;; if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end || +;;; *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue; +;;; [...] +;;; } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit +;;; && --chain_length != 0); +;;; +;;; Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the +;;; majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will +;;; be spent in the first ten instructions. +;;; +;;; Within this loop: +;;; ebx = scanend +;;; r8d = curmatch +;;; edx = chainlenwmask - i.e., ((chainlen << 16) | wmask) +;;; esi = windowbestlen - i.e., (window + bestlen) +;;; edi = prev +;;; ebp = limit +*/ +.balign 16 +LookupLoop: + and r8d, edx + + movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2] + cmp r8d, ebp + BEFORE_JMP + jbe LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + sub edx, 0x00010000 + BEFORE_JMP + js LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + +LoopEntry: + + cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1] + BEFORE_JMP + jnz LookupLoop1 + AFTER_JMP +LookupLoopIsZero: + cmp r12w, word ptr [r10 + r8] + BEFORE_JMP + jnz LookupLoop1 + AFTER_JMP + + +//;;; Store the current value of chainlen. + mov [chainlenwmask], edx +/* +;;; Point edi to the string under scrutiny, and esi to the string we +;;; are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, esi and edi are +;;; both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and edx is +;;; initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign). +*/ + lea rsi,[r8+r10] + mov rdx, 0xfffffffffffffef8 //; -(MAX_MATCH_8) + lea rsi, [rsi + r13 + 0x0108] //;MAX_MATCH_8] + lea rdi, [r9 + r13 + 0x0108] //;MAX_MATCH_8] + + prefetcht1 [rsi+rdx] + prefetcht1 [rdi+rdx] + +/* +;;; Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end, +;;; adjust rdx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched. +;;; +;;; We already know at this point that the first three bytes of the +;;; strings match each other, and they can be safely passed over before +;;; starting the compare loop. So what this code does is skip over 0-3 +;;; bytes, as much as necessary in order to dword-align the edi +;;; pointer. (rsi will still be misaligned three times out of four.) +;;; +;;; It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent +;;; much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more +;;; straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade +;;; performance. +*/ + +LoopCmps: + mov rax, [rsi + rdx] + xor rax, [rdi + rdx] + jnz LeaveLoopCmps + + mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8] + xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8] + jnz LeaveLoopCmps8 + + + mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8+8] + xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8+8] + jnz LeaveLoopCmps16 + + add rdx,8+8+8 + + BEFORE_JMP + jnz LoopCmps + jmp LenMaximum + AFTER_JMP + +LeaveLoopCmps16: add rdx,8 +LeaveLoopCmps8: add rdx,8 +LeaveLoopCmps: + + test eax, 0x0000FFFF + jnz LenLower + + test eax,0xffffffff + + jnz LenLower32 + + add rdx,4 + shr rax,32 + or ax,ax + BEFORE_JMP + jnz LenLower + AFTER_JMP + +LenLower32: + shr eax,16 + add rdx,2 + +LenLower: + sub al, 1 + adc rdx, 0 +//;;; Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH, +//;;; then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave. + + lea rax, [rdi + rdx] + sub rax, r9 + cmp eax, MAX_MATCH + BEFORE_JMP + jge LenMaximum + AFTER_JMP +/* +;;; If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we +;;; have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop. +;/////////////////////////////////// +*/ + cmp eax, r11d + jg LongerMatch + + lea rsi,[r10+r11] + + mov rdi, prev_ad + mov edx, [chainlenwmask] + BEFORE_JMP + jmp LookupLoop + AFTER_JMP +/* +;;; s->match_start = cur_match; +;;; best_len = len; +;;; if (len >= nice_match) break; +;;; scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); +*/ +LongerMatch: + mov r11d, eax + mov match_start, r8d + cmp eax, [nicematch] + BEFORE_JMP + jge LeaveNow + AFTER_JMP + + lea rsi,[r10+rax] + + movzx ebx, word ptr [r9 + rax - 1] + mov rdi, prev_ad + mov edx, [chainlenwmask] + BEFORE_JMP + jmp LookupLoop + AFTER_JMP + +//;;; Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length. + +LenMaximum: + mov r11d,MAX_MATCH + mov match_start, r8d + +//;;; if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len; +//;;; return s->lookahead; + +LeaveNow: + mov eax, Lookahead + cmp r11d, eax + cmovng eax, r11d + + + +//;;; Restore the stack and return from whence we came. + + +// mov rsi,[save_rsi] +// mov rdi,[save_rdi] + mov rbx,[save_rbx] + mov rbp,[save_rbp] + mov r12,[save_r12] + mov r13,[save_r13] + mov r14,[save_r14] + mov r15,[save_r15] + + + ret 0 +//; please don't remove this string ! +//; Your can freely use gvmat64 in any free or commercial app +//; but it is far better don't remove the string in the binary! + // db 0dh,0ah,"asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code from Brian Raiter, written 1998, converted to amd 64 by Gilles Vollant 2005",0dh,0ah,0 + + +match_init: + ret 0 + + diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.c index 5f4a76798d..10827a6aa0 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* inftree9.c -- generate Huffman trees for efficient decoding - * Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #define MAXBITS 15 const char inflate9_copyright[] = - " inflate9 1.2.11 Copyright 1995-2017 Mark Adler "; + " inflate9 1.2.13 Copyright 1995-2022 Mark Adler "; /* If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ unsigned short FAR *work; static const unsigned short lext[31] = { /* Length codes 257..285 extra */ 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 129, 129, 129, 129, 130, 130, 130, 130, 131, 131, 131, 131, 132, 132, 132, 132, - 133, 133, 133, 133, 144, 77, 202}; + 133, 133, 133, 133, 144, 194, 65}; static const unsigned short dbase[32] = { /* Distance codes 0..31 base */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.h b/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.h index 5ab21f0c6d..3b394978e3 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.h @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ typedef struct { /* Maximum size of the dynamic table. The maximum number of code structures is 1446, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 594 for distance codes. These values were found by exhaustive searches using the program - examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribtution. The arguments to that + examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribution. The arguments to that program are the number of symbols, the initial root table size, and the maximum bit length of a code. "enough 286 9 15" for literal/length codes returns returns 852, and "enough 32 6 15" for distance codes returns 594. diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/configure.ac b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/configure.ac index 5b11970977..bff300b304 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/configure.ac +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/configure.ac @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. -AC_INIT([minizip], [1.2.11], [bugzilla.redhat.com]) +AC_INIT([minizip], [1.2.13], [bugzilla.redhat.com]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([minizip.c]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) LT_INIT diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/crypt.h b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/crypt.h index 1e9e8200b2..1cc41f19d7 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/crypt.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/crypt.h @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ static int decrypt_byte(unsigned long* pkeys, const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab) * unpredictable manner on 16-bit systems; not a problem * with any known compiler so far, though */ + (void)pcrc_32_tab; temp = ((unsigned)(*(pkeys+2)) & 0xffff) | 2; return (int)(((temp * (temp ^ 1)) >> 8) & 0xff); } @@ -77,24 +78,24 @@ static void init_keys(const char* passwd,unsigned long* pkeys,const z_crc_t* pcr (update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c ^= decrypt_byte(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab))) #define zencode(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c,t) \ - (t=decrypt_byte(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab), update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c), t^(c)) + (t=decrypt_byte(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab), update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c), (Byte)t^(c)) #ifdef INCLUDECRYPTINGCODE_IFCRYPTALLOWED #define RAND_HEAD_LEN 12 /* "last resort" source for second part of crypt seed pattern */ # ifndef ZCR_SEED2 -# define ZCR_SEED2 3141592654UL /* use PI as default pattern */ +# define ZCR_SEED2 3141592654UL /* use PI as default pattern */ # endif -static int crypthead(const char* passwd, /* password string */ - unsigned char* buf, /* where to write header */ - int bufSize, - unsigned long* pkeys, - const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab, - unsigned long crcForCrypting) +static unsigned crypthead(const char* passwd, /* password string */ + unsigned char* buf, /* where to write header */ + int bufSize, + unsigned long* pkeys, + const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab, + unsigned long crcForCrypting) { - int n; /* index in random header */ + unsigned n; /* index in random header */ int t; /* temporary */ int c; /* random byte */ unsigned char header[RAND_HEAD_LEN-2]; /* random header */ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.c index 7f5c191b2a..814a6fd38c 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.c @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ZPOS64_T call_ztell64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.ztell64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream); else { - uLong tell_uLong = (*(pfilefunc->ztell32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream); + uLong tell_uLong = (uLong)(*(pfilefunc->ztell32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream); if ((tell_uLong) == MAXU32) return (ZPOS64_T)-1; else @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func (voidpf opaque, const char* filename, in { FILE* file = NULL; const char* mode_fopen = NULL; + (void)opaque; if ((mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER)==ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ) mode_fopen = "rb"; else @@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen64_file_func (voidpf opaque, const void* filename, { FILE* file = NULL; const char* mode_fopen = NULL; + (void)opaque; if ((mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER)==ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ) mode_fopen = "rb"; else @@ -132,6 +134,7 @@ static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen64_file_func (voidpf opaque, const void* filename, static uLong ZCALLBACK fread_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size) { uLong ret; + (void)opaque; ret = (uLong)fread(buf, 1, (size_t)size, (FILE *)stream); return ret; } @@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ static uLong ZCALLBACK fread_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, static uLong ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf, uLong size) { uLong ret; + (void)opaque; ret = (uLong)fwrite(buf, 1, (size_t)size, (FILE *)stream); return ret; } @@ -146,6 +150,7 @@ static uLong ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const voi static long ZCALLBACK ftell_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { long ret; + (void)opaque; ret = ftell((FILE *)stream); return ret; } @@ -154,7 +159,8 @@ static long ZCALLBACK ftell_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) static ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK ftell64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { ZPOS64_T ret; - ret = FTELLO_FUNC((FILE *)stream); + (void)opaque; + ret = (ZPOS64_T)FTELLO_FUNC((FILE *)stream); return ret; } @@ -162,6 +168,7 @@ static long ZCALLBACK fseek_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uLong offs { int fseek_origin=0; long ret; + (void)opaque; switch (origin) { case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR : @@ -176,7 +183,7 @@ static long ZCALLBACK fseek_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uLong offs default: return -1; } ret = 0; - if (fseek((FILE *)stream, offset, fseek_origin) != 0) + if (fseek((FILE *)stream, (long)offset, fseek_origin) != 0) ret = -1; return ret; } @@ -185,6 +192,7 @@ static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T { int fseek_origin=0; long ret; + (void)opaque; switch (origin) { case ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR : @@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T } ret = 0; - if(FSEEKO_FUNC((FILE *)stream, offset, fseek_origin) != 0) + if(FSEEKO_FUNC((FILE *)stream, (z_off_t)offset, fseek_origin) != 0) ret = -1; return ret; @@ -210,6 +218,7 @@ static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { int ret; + (void)opaque; ret = fclose((FILE *)stream); return ret; } @@ -217,6 +226,7 @@ static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) static int ZCALLBACK ferror_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { int ret; + (void)opaque; ret = ferror((FILE *)stream); return ret; } diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.h b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.h index 8dcbdb06e3..ae9ca7e833 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.h @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ #define ftello64 ftell #define fseeko64 fseek #else -#ifdef __FreeBSD__ +#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) #define fopen64 fopen #define ftello64 ftello #define fseeko64 fseeko @@ -91,8 +91,7 @@ typedef 64BIT_INT_CUSTOM_TYPE ZPOS64_T; typedef uint64_t ZPOS64_T; #else -/* Maximum unsigned 32-bit value used as placeholder for zip64 */ -#define MAXU32 0xffffffff + #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) typedef unsigned __int64 ZPOS64_T; @@ -102,7 +101,10 @@ typedef unsigned long long int ZPOS64_T; #endif #endif - +/* Maximum unsigned 32-bit value used as placeholder for zip64 */ +#ifndef MAXU32 +#define MAXU32 (0xffffffff) +#endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/iowin32.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/iowin32.c index 274f39eb1d..7df525172b 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/iowin32.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/iowin32.c @@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ // see Include/shared/winapifamily.h in the Windows Kit #if defined(WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION) && (!(defined(IOWIN32_USING_WINRT_API))) + +#if !defined(WINAPI_FAMILY_ONE_PARTITION) +#define WINAPI_FAMILY_ONE_PARTITION(PartitionSet, Partition) ((WINAPI_FAMILY & PartitionSet) == Partition) +#endif + #if WINAPI_FAMILY_ONE_PARTITION(WINAPI_FAMILY, WINAPI_PARTITION_APP) #define IOWIN32_USING_WINRT_API 1 #endif diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/miniunz.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/miniunz.c index 3d65401be5..0dc9b50815 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/miniunz.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/miniunz.c @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #ifdef _WIN32 # include @@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ filename : the filename of the file where date/time must be modified dosdate : the new date at the MSDos format (4 bytes) tmu_date : the SAME new date at the tm_unz format */ -void change_file_date(filename,dosdate,tmu_date) +static void change_file_date(filename,dosdate,tmu_date) const char *filename; uLong dosdate; tm_unz tmu_date; @@ -97,7 +98,8 @@ void change_file_date(filename,dosdate,tmu_date) SetFileTime(hFile,&ftm,&ftLastAcc,&ftm); CloseHandle(hFile); #else -#ifdef unix || __APPLE__ +#if defined(unix) || defined(__APPLE__) + (void)dosdate; struct utimbuf ut; struct tm newdate; newdate.tm_sec = tmu_date.tm_sec; @@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ void change_file_date(filename,dosdate,tmu_date) /* mymkdir and change_file_date are not 100 % portable As I don't know well Unix, I wait feedback for the unix portion */ -int mymkdir(dirname) +static int mymkdir(dirname) const char* dirname; { int ret=0; @@ -135,14 +137,14 @@ int mymkdir(dirname) return ret; } -int makedir (newdir) - char *newdir; +static int makedir (newdir) + const char *newdir; { char *buffer ; char *p; - int len = (int)strlen(newdir); + size_t len = strlen(newdir); - if (len <= 0) + if (len == 0) return 0; buffer = (char*)malloc(len+1); @@ -185,13 +187,13 @@ int makedir (newdir) return 1; } -void do_banner() +static void do_banner() { printf("MiniUnz 1.01b, demo of zLib + Unz package written by Gilles Vollant\n"); printf("more info at http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/unzip.html\n\n"); } -void do_help() +static void do_help() { printf("Usage : miniunz [-e] [-x] [-v] [-l] [-o] [-p password] file.zip [file_to_extr.] [-d extractdir]\n\n" \ " -e Extract without pathname (junk paths)\n" \ @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ void do_help() " -p extract crypted file using password\n\n"); } -void Display64BitsSize(ZPOS64_T n, int size_char) +static void Display64BitsSize(ZPOS64_T n, int size_char) { /* to avoid compatibility problem , we do here the conversion */ char number[21]; @@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ void Display64BitsSize(ZPOS64_T n, int size_char) printf("%s",&number[pos_string]); } -int do_list(uf) +static int do_list(uf) unzFile uf; { uLong i; @@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ int do_list(uf) } -int do_extract_currentfile(uf,popt_extract_without_path,popt_overwrite,password) +static int do_extract_currentfile(uf,popt_extract_without_path,popt_overwrite,password) unzFile uf; const int* popt_extract_without_path; int* popt_overwrite; @@ -324,7 +326,6 @@ int do_extract_currentfile(uf,popt_extract_without_path,popt_overwrite,password) uInt size_buf; unz_file_info64 file_info; - uLong ratio=0; err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(uf,&file_info,filename_inzip,sizeof(filename_inzip),NULL,0,NULL,0); if (err!=UNZ_OK) @@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ int do_extract_currentfile(uf,popt_extract_without_path,popt_overwrite,password) break; } if (err>0) - if (fwrite(buf,err,1,fout)!=1) + if (fwrite(buf,(unsigned)err,1,fout)!=1) { printf("error in writing extracted file\n"); err=UNZ_ERRNO; @@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ int do_extract_currentfile(uf,popt_extract_without_path,popt_overwrite,password) } -int do_extract(uf,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password) +static int do_extract(uf,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password) unzFile uf; int opt_extract_without_path; int opt_overwrite; @@ -481,7 +482,6 @@ int do_extract(uf,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password) uLong i; unz_global_info64 gi; int err; - FILE* fout=NULL; err = unzGetGlobalInfo64(uf,&gi); if (err!=UNZ_OK) @@ -508,14 +508,13 @@ int do_extract(uf,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password) return 0; } -int do_extract_onefile(uf,filename,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password) +static int do_extract_onefile(uf,filename,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password) unzFile uf; const char* filename; int opt_extract_without_path; int opt_overwrite; const char* password; { - int err = UNZ_OK; if (unzLocateFile(uf,filename,CASESENSITIVITY)!=UNZ_OK) { printf("file %s not found in the zipfile\n",filename); @@ -565,7 +564,7 @@ int main(argc,argv) while ((*p)!='\0') { - char c=*(p++);; + char c=*(p++); if ((c=='l') || (c=='L')) opt_do_list = 1; if ((c=='v') || (c=='V')) diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/minizip.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/minizip.c index 4288962ece..e8561b15f9 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/minizip.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/minizip.c @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ #define MAXFILENAME (256) #ifdef _WIN32 -uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt) - char *f; /* name of file to get info on */ +static int filetime(f, tmzip, dt) + const char *f; /* name of file to get info on */ tm_zip *tmzip; /* return value: access, modific. and creation times */ uLong *dt; /* dostime */ { @@ -94,12 +94,13 @@ uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt) return ret; } #else -#ifdef unix || __APPLE__ -uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt) - char *f; /* name of file to get info on */ +#if defined(unix) || defined(__APPLE__) +static int filetime(f, tmzip, dt) + const char *f; /* name of file to get info on */ tm_zip *tmzip; /* return value: access, modific. and creation times */ uLong *dt; /* dostime */ { + (void)dt; int ret=0; struct stat s; /* results of stat() */ struct tm* filedate; @@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt) if (strcmp(f,"-")!=0) { char name[MAXFILENAME+1]; - int len = strlen(f); + size_t len = strlen(f); if (len > MAXFILENAME) len = MAXFILENAME; @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt) } #else uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt) - char *f; /* name of file to get info on */ + const char *f; /* name of file to get info on */ tm_zip *tmzip; /* return value: access, modific. and creation times */ uLong *dt; /* dostime */ { @@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt) -int check_exist_file(filename) +static int check_exist_file(filename) const char* filename; { FILE* ftestexist; @@ -163,13 +164,13 @@ int check_exist_file(filename) return ret; } -void do_banner() +static void do_banner() { printf("MiniZip 1.1, demo of zLib + MiniZip64 package, written by Gilles Vollant\n"); printf("more info on MiniZip at http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html\n\n"); } -void do_help() +static void do_help() { printf("Usage : minizip [-o] [-a] [-0 to -9] [-p password] [-j] file.zip [files_to_add]\n\n" \ " -o Overwrite existing file.zip\n" \ @@ -182,14 +183,14 @@ void do_help() /* calculate the CRC32 of a file, because to encrypt a file, we need known the CRC32 of the file before */ -int getFileCrc(const char* filenameinzip,void*buf,unsigned long size_buf,unsigned long* result_crc) +static int getFileCrc(const char* filenameinzip,void*buf,unsigned long size_buf,unsigned long* result_crc) { unsigned long calculate_crc=0; int err=ZIP_OK; FILE * fin = FOPEN_FUNC(filenameinzip,"rb"); unsigned long size_read = 0; - unsigned long total_read = 0; + /* unsigned long total_read = 0; */ if (fin==NULL) { err = ZIP_ERRNO; @@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ int getFileCrc(const char* filenameinzip,void*buf,unsigned long size_buf,unsigne do { err = ZIP_OK; - size_read = (int)fread(buf,1,size_buf,fin); + size_read = fread(buf,1,size_buf,fin); if (size_read < size_buf) if (feof(fin)==0) { @@ -208,8 +209,8 @@ int getFileCrc(const char* filenameinzip,void*buf,unsigned long size_buf,unsigne } if (size_read>0) - calculate_crc = crc32(calculate_crc,buf,size_read); - total_read += size_read; + calculate_crc = crc32_z(calculate_crc,buf,size_read); + /* total_read += size_read; */ } while ((err == ZIP_OK) && (size_read>0)); @@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ int getFileCrc(const char* filenameinzip,void*buf,unsigned long size_buf,unsigne return err; } -int isLargeFile(const char* filename) +static int isLargeFile(const char* filename) { int largeFile = 0; ZPOS64_T pos = 0; @@ -229,8 +230,8 @@ int isLargeFile(const char* filename) if(pFile != NULL) { - int n = FSEEKO_FUNC(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); - pos = FTELLO_FUNC(pFile); + FSEEKO_FUNC(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); + pos = (ZPOS64_T)FTELLO_FUNC(pFile); printf("File : %s is %lld bytes\n", filename, pos); @@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ int main(argc,argv) char filename_try[MAXFILENAME+16]; int zipok; int err=0; - int size_buf=0; + size_t size_buf=0; void* buf=NULL; const char* password=NULL; @@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ int main(argc,argv) while ((*p)!='\0') { - char c=*(p++);; + char c=*(p++); if ((c=='o') || (c=='O')) opt_overwrite = 1; if ((c=='a') || (c=='A')) @@ -396,7 +397,7 @@ int main(argc,argv) (strlen(argv[i]) == 2))) { FILE * fin; - int size_read; + size_t size_read; const char* filenameinzip = argv[i]; const char *savefilenameinzip; zip_fileinfo zi; @@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ int main(argc,argv) do { err = ZIP_OK; - size_read = (int)fread(buf,1,size_buf,fin); + size_read = fread(buf,1,size_buf,fin); if (size_read < size_buf) if (feof(fin)==0) { @@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ int main(argc,argv) if (size_read>0) { - err = zipWriteInFileInZip (zf,buf,size_read); + err = zipWriteInFileInZip (zf,buf,(unsigned)size_read); if (err<0) { printf("error in writing %s in the zipfile\n", diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.c index bcfb9416ec..3036b470b7 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.c @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ # define ALLOC(size) (malloc(size)) #endif #ifndef TRYFREE -# define TRYFREE(p) {if (p) free(p);} +# define TRYFREE(p) { free(p);} #endif #define SIZECENTRALDIRITEM (0x2e) @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ local ZPOS64_T unz64local_SearchCentralDir(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_f if (((*(buf+i))==0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1))==0x4b) && ((*(buf+i+2))==0x05) && ((*(buf+i+3))==0x06)) { - uPosFound = uReadPos+i; + uPosFound = uReadPos+(unsigned)i; break; } @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ local ZPOS64_T unz64local_SearchCentralDir64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib if (((*(buf+i))==0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1))==0x4b) && ((*(buf+i+2))==0x06) && ((*(buf+i+3))==0x07)) { - uPosFound = uReadPos+i; + uPosFound = uReadPos+(unsigned)i; break; } @@ -853,13 +853,13 @@ local void unz64local_DosDateToTmuDate (ZPOS64_T ulDosDate, tm_unz* ptm) { ZPOS64_T uDate; uDate = (ZPOS64_T)(ulDosDate>>16); - ptm->tm_mday = (uInt)(uDate&0x1f) ; - ptm->tm_mon = (uInt)((((uDate)&0x1E0)/0x20)-1) ; - ptm->tm_year = (uInt)(((uDate&0x0FE00)/0x0200)+1980) ; + ptm->tm_mday = (int)(uDate&0x1f) ; + ptm->tm_mon = (int)((((uDate)&0x1E0)/0x20)-1) ; + ptm->tm_year = (int)(((uDate&0x0FE00)/0x0200)+1980) ; - ptm->tm_hour = (uInt) ((ulDosDate &0xF800)/0x800); - ptm->tm_min = (uInt) ((ulDosDate&0x7E0)/0x20) ; - ptm->tm_sec = (uInt) (2*(ulDosDate&0x1f)) ; + ptm->tm_hour = (int) ((ulDosDate &0xF800)/0x800); + ptm->tm_min = (int) ((ulDosDate&0x7E0)/0x20) ; + ptm->tm_sec = (int) (2*(ulDosDate&0x1f)) ; } /* @@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal (unzFile file, if (lSeek!=0) { - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) lSeek=0; else err=UNZ_ERRNO; @@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal (unzFile file, if (lSeek!=0) { - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) lSeek=0; else err=UNZ_ERRNO; @@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal (unzFile file, if (lSeek!=0) { - if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) + if (ZSEEK64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) lSeek=0; else err=UNZ_ERRNO; @@ -1566,6 +1566,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3 (unzFile file, int* method, pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised=Z_BZIP2ED; else { + TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer); TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); return err; } @@ -1586,6 +1587,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3 (unzFile file, int* method, pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream_initialised=Z_DEFLATED; else { + TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info->read_buffer); TRYFREE(pfile_in_zip_read_info); return err; } @@ -1767,7 +1769,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile (unzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len) if ((pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in == 0) && (pfile_in_zip_read_info->rest_read_compressed == 0)) - return (iRead==0) ? UNZ_EOF : iRead; + return (iRead==0) ? UNZ_EOF : (int)iRead; if (pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_out < pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.avail_in) @@ -1857,6 +1859,9 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile (unzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len) err = Z_DATA_ERROR; uTotalOutAfter = pfile_in_zip_read_info->stream.total_out; + /* Detect overflow, because z_stream.total_out is uLong (32 bits) */ + if (uTotalOutAftertotal_out_64 = pfile_in_zip_read_info->total_out_64 + uOutThis; @@ -1871,14 +1876,14 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile (unzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len) iRead += (uInt)(uTotalOutAfter - uTotalOutBefore); if (err==Z_STREAM_END) - return (iRead==0) ? UNZ_EOF : iRead; + return (iRead==0) ? UNZ_EOF : (int)iRead; if (err!=Z_OK) break; } } if (err==Z_OK) - return iRead; + return (int)iRead; return err; } diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h index 2104e39150..6f95e94d75 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ typedef voidp unzFile; /* tm_unz contain date/time info */ typedef struct tm_unz_s { - uInt tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ - uInt tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ - uInt tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ - uInt tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ - uInt tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */ - uInt tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */ + int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ + int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ + int tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ + int tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ + int tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */ + int tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */ } tm_unz; /* unz_global_info structure contain global data about the ZIPfile diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.c index 44e88a9cb9..66d693f85a 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.c @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ typedef struct #ifndef NOCRYPT unsigned long keys[3]; /* keys defining the pseudo-random sequence */ const z_crc_t* pcrc_32_tab; - int crypt_header_size; + unsigned crypt_header_size; #endif } curfile64_info; @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ local int zip64local_putValue (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def, } } - if (ZWRITE64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,buf,nbByte)!=(uLong)nbByte) + if (ZWRITE64(*pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,buf,(uLong)nbByte)!=(uLong)nbByte) return ZIP_ERRNO; else return ZIP_OK; @@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ local uLong zip64local_TmzDateToDosDate(const tm_zip* ptm) else if (year>=80) year-=80; return - (uLong) (((ptm->tm_mday) + (32 * (ptm->tm_mon+1)) + (512 * year)) << 16) | - ((ptm->tm_sec/2) + (32* ptm->tm_min) + (2048 * (uLong)ptm->tm_hour)); + (uLong) (((uLong)(ptm->tm_mday) + (32 * (uLong)(ptm->tm_mon+1)) + (512 * year)) << 16) | + (((uLong)ptm->tm_sec/2) + (32 * (uLong)ptm->tm_min) + (2048 * (uLong)ptm->tm_hour)); } @@ -522,12 +522,12 @@ local ZPOS64_T zip64local_SearchCentralDir(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_f if (((*(buf+i))==0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1))==0x4b) && ((*(buf+i+2))==0x05) && ((*(buf+i+3))==0x06)) { - uPosFound = uReadPos+i; + uPosFound = uReadPos+(unsigned)i; break; } - if (uPosFound!=0) - break; + if (uPosFound!=0) + break; } TRYFREE(buf); return uPosFound; @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ local ZPOS64_T zip64local_SearchCentralDir64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib // Signature "0x07064b50" Zip64 end of central directory locater if (((*(buf+i))==0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1))==0x4b) && ((*(buf+i+2))==0x06) && ((*(buf+i+3))==0x07)) { - uPosFound = uReadPos+i; + uPosFound = uReadPos+(unsigned)i; break; } } @@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ local ZPOS64_T zip64local_SearchCentralDir64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib return relativeOffset; } -int LoadCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* pziinit) +local int LoadCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* pziinit) { int err=ZIP_OK; ZPOS64_T byte_before_the_zipfile;/* byte before the zipfile, (>0 for sfx)*/ @@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen64 (const void* pathname, int append) return zipOpen3(pathname,append,NULL,NULL); } -int Write_LocalFileHeader(zip64_internal* zi, const char* filename, uInt size_extrafield_local, const void* extrafield_local) +local int Write_LocalFileHeader(zip64_internal* zi, const char* filename, uInt size_extrafield_local, const void* extrafield_local) { /* write the local header */ int err; @@ -1034,8 +1034,8 @@ int Write_LocalFileHeader(zip64_internal* zi, const char* filename, uInt size_ex // Remember position of Zip64 extended info for the local file header. (needed when we update size after done with file) zi->ci.pos_zip64extrainfo = ZTELL64(zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream); - err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, (short)HeaderID,2); - err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, (short)DataSize,2); + err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, (ZPOS64_T)HeaderID,2); + err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, (ZPOS64_T)DataSize,2); err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, (ZPOS64_T)UncompressedSize,8); err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, (ZPOS64_T)CompressedSize,8); @@ -1471,11 +1471,6 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipWriteInFileInZip (zipFile file,const void* buf,unsigned in { uLong uTotalOutBefore = zi->ci.stream.total_out; err=deflate(&zi->ci.stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); - if(uTotalOutBefore > zi->ci.stream.total_out) - { - int bBreak = 0; - bBreak++; - } zi->ci.pos_in_buffered_data += (uInt)(zi->ci.stream.total_out - uTotalOutBefore) ; } @@ -1516,7 +1511,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 (zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_s zip64_internal* zi; ZPOS64_T compressed_size; uLong invalidValue = 0xffffffff; - short datasize = 0; + unsigned datasize = 0; int err=ZIP_OK; if (file == NULL) @@ -1752,7 +1747,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZip (zipFile file) return zipCloseFileInZipRaw (file,0,0); } -int Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(zip64_internal* zi, ZPOS64_T zip64eocd_pos_inzip) +local int Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(zip64_internal* zi, ZPOS64_T zip64eocd_pos_inzip) { int err = ZIP_OK; ZPOS64_T pos = zip64eocd_pos_inzip - zi->add_position_when_writing_offset; @@ -1774,7 +1769,7 @@ int Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(zip64_internal* zi, ZPOS64_T zip64eo return err; } -int Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centraldir, ZPOS64_T centraldir_pos_inzip) +local int Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centraldir, ZPOS64_T centraldir_pos_inzip) { int err = ZIP_OK; @@ -1813,7 +1808,7 @@ int Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centra } return err; } -int Write_EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centraldir, ZPOS64_T centraldir_pos_inzip) +local int Write_EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centraldir, ZPOS64_T centraldir_pos_inzip) { int err = ZIP_OK; @@ -1861,7 +1856,7 @@ int Write_EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centraldir, return err; } -int Write_GlobalComment(zip64_internal* zi, const char* global_comment) +local int Write_GlobalComment(zip64_internal* zi, const char* global_comment) { int err = ZIP_OK; uInt size_global_comment = 0; @@ -1959,10 +1954,10 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock (char* pData, int* dataLen, short sHe int retVal = ZIP_OK; - if(pData == NULL || *dataLen < 4) + if(pData == NULL || dataLen == NULL || *dataLen < 4) return ZIP_PARAMERROR; - pNewHeader = (char*)ALLOC(*dataLen); + pNewHeader = (char*)ALLOC((unsigned)*dataLen); pTmp = pNewHeader; while(p < (pData + *dataLen)) diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.h b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.h index 8aaebb6234..7e4509d77b 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.h @@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ typedef voidp zipFile; /* tm_zip contain date/time info */ typedef struct tm_zip_s { - uInt tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ - uInt tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ - uInt tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ - uInt tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ - uInt tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */ - uInt tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */ + int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ + int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ + int tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ + int tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ + int tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */ + int tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */ } tm_zip; typedef struct @@ -144,6 +144,11 @@ extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen2_64 OF((const void *pathname, zipcharpc* globalcomment, zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)); +extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen3 OF((const void *pathname, + int append, + zipcharpc* globalcomment, + zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc64_32_def)); + extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip OF((zipFile file, const char* filename, const zip_fileinfo* zipfi, diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas b/contrib/zlib/contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas index a0dff11b50..bf3fff6ff6 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface const - ZLIB_VERSION = '1.2.11'; + ZLIB_VERSION = '1.2.13'; ZLIB_VERNUM = $12a0; type diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/README b/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/README index bbc4cb595e..d8192c7874 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/README +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/README @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Then you can call puff() to decompress a deflate stream that is in memory in its entirety at source, to a sufficiently sized block of memory for the decompressed data at dest. puff() is the only external symbol in puff.c The only C library functions that puff.c needs are setjmp() and longjmp(), which -are used to simplify error checking in the code to improve readabilty. puff.c +are used to simplify error checking in the code to improve readability. puff.c does no memory allocation, and uses less than 2K bytes off of the stack. If destlen is not enough space for the uncompressed data, then inflate will diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/puff.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/puff.c index c6c90d7142..6737ff6153 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/puff.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/puff.c @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ * - Use pointers instead of long to specify source and * destination sizes to avoid arbitrary 4 GB limits * 1.2 17 Mar 2002 - Add faster version of decode(), doubles speed (!), - * but leave simple version for readabilty + * but leave simple version for readability * - Make sure invalid distances detected if pointers * are 16 bits * - Fix fixed codes table error @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ local int fixed(struct state *s) * are themselves compressed using Huffman codes and run-length encoding. In * the list of code lengths, a 0 symbol means no code, a 1..15 symbol means * that length, and the symbols 16, 17, and 18 are run-length instructions. - * Each of 16, 17, and 18 are follwed by extra bits to define the length of + * Each of 16, 17, and 18 are followed by extra bits to define the length of * the run. 16 copies the last length 3 to 6 times. 17 represents 3 to 10 * zero lengths, and 18 represents 11 to 138 zero lengths. Unused symbols * are common, hence the special coding for zero lengths. diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/pufftest.c b/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/pufftest.c index 776481488c..5f72ecc827 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/pufftest.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/puff/pufftest.c @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) len - sourcelen); } - /* if requested, inflate again and write decompressd data to stdout */ + /* if requested, inflate again and write decompressed data to stdout */ if (put && ret == 0) { if (fail) destlen >>= 1; diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/testzlib/testzlib.txt b/contrib/zlib/contrib/testzlib/testzlib.txt index ba1bb3db64..e508bb22ff 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/testzlib/testzlib.txt +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/testzlib/testzlib.txt @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ copy to a directory file from : - contrib/masmx64 - contrib/vstudio/vc7 -and open testzlib8.sln +and open testzlib8.sln \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/readme.txt b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/readme.txt index 48cccc0d2a..a2e2b8d94f 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/readme.txt +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/readme.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Building instructions for the DLL versions of Zlib 1.2.11 +Building instructions for the DLL versions of Zlib 1.2.13 ======================================================== This directory contains projects that build zlib and minizip using @@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ More information can be found at this site. Build instructions for Visual Studio 2008 (32 bits or 64 bits) -------------------------------------------------------------- - Decompress current zlib, including all contrib/* files -- Compile assembly code (with Visual Studio Command Prompt) by running: - bld_ml64.bat (in contrib\masmx64) - bld_ml32.bat (in contrib\masmx86) - Open contrib\vstudio\vc9\zlibvc.sln with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 - Or run: vcbuild /rebuild contrib\vstudio\vc9\zlibvc.sln "Release|Win32" diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlib.rc b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlib.rc index c4e4b016e9..cdd7985d41 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlib.rc +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlib.rc @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ #define IDR_VERSION1 1 IDR_VERSION1 VERSIONINFO MOVEABLE IMPURE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE - FILEVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 - PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 + FILEVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 + PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK FILEFLAGS 0 FILEOS VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ BEGIN BEGIN VALUE "FileDescription", "zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library\0" - VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.11\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.13\0" VALUE "InternalName", "zlib\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "zlibwapi.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "ZLib.DLL\0" VALUE "Comments","DLL support by Alessandro Iacopetti & Gilles Vollant\0" - VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.def b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.def index f876c3bcab..ba09bc1b98 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.def +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.def @@ -1,153 +1,158 @@ -LIBRARY -; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library - -VERSION 1.2 - -EXPORTS - adler32 @1 - compress @2 - crc32 @3 - deflate @4 - deflateCopy @5 - deflateEnd @6 - deflateInit2_ @7 - deflateInit_ @8 - deflateParams @9 - deflateReset @10 - deflateSetDictionary @11 - gzclose @12 - gzdopen @13 - gzerror @14 - gzflush @15 - gzopen @16 - gzread @17 - gzwrite @18 - inflate @19 - inflateEnd @20 - inflateInit2_ @21 - inflateInit_ @22 - inflateReset @23 - inflateSetDictionary @24 - inflateSync @25 - uncompress @26 - zlibVersion @27 - gzprintf @28 - gzputc @29 - gzgetc @30 - gzseek @31 - gzrewind @32 - gztell @33 - gzeof @34 - gzsetparams @35 - zError @36 - inflateSyncPoint @37 - get_crc_table @38 - compress2 @39 - gzputs @40 - gzgets @41 - inflateCopy @42 - inflateBackInit_ @43 - inflateBack @44 - inflateBackEnd @45 - compressBound @46 - deflateBound @47 - gzclearerr @48 - gzungetc @49 - zlibCompileFlags @50 - deflatePrime @51 - deflatePending @52 - - unzOpen @61 - unzClose @62 - unzGetGlobalInfo @63 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 - unzGoToFirstFile @65 - unzGoToNextFile @66 - unzOpenCurrentFile @67 - unzReadCurrentFile @68 - unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 - unztell @70 - unzeof @71 - unzCloseCurrentFile @72 - unzGetGlobalComment @73 - unzStringFileNameCompare @74 - unzLocateFile @75 - unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 - unzOpen2 @77 - unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 - unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 - - zipOpen @80 - zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 - zipWriteInFileInZip @82 - zipCloseFileInZip @83 - zipClose @84 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 - zipOpen2 @88 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 - - unzGetFilePos @100 - unzGoToFilePos @101 - - fill_win32_filefunc @110 - -; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: - fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 - fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 - fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 - - unzOpen64 @120 - unzOpen2_64 @121 - unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 - unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 - unztell64 @126 - unzGetFilePos64 @127 - unzGoToFilePos64 @128 - - zipOpen64 @130 - zipOpen2_64 @131 - zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 - zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 - -; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: - adler32_combine @140 - crc32_combine @142 - deflateSetHeader @144 - deflateTune @145 - gzbuffer @146 - gzclose_r @147 - gzclose_w @148 - gzdirect @149 - gzoffset @150 - inflateGetHeader @156 - inflateMark @157 - inflatePrime @158 - inflateReset2 @159 - inflateUndermine @160 - -; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: - gzgetc_ @161 - inflateResetKeep @163 - deflateResetKeep @164 - -; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: - gzopen_w @165 - -; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: - inflateGetDictionary @166 - gzvprintf @167 - -; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: - inflateCodesUsed @168 - inflateValidate @169 - uncompress2 @170 - gzfread @171 - gzfwrite @172 - deflateGetDictionary @173 - adler32_z @174 - crc32_z @175 +LIBRARY +; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library + +VERSION 1.2 + +EXPORTS + adler32 @1 + compress @2 + crc32 @3 + deflate @4 + deflateCopy @5 + deflateEnd @6 + deflateInit2_ @7 + deflateInit_ @8 + deflateParams @9 + deflateReset @10 + deflateSetDictionary @11 + gzclose @12 + gzdopen @13 + gzerror @14 + gzflush @15 + gzopen @16 + gzread @17 + gzwrite @18 + inflate @19 + inflateEnd @20 + inflateInit2_ @21 + inflateInit_ @22 + inflateReset @23 + inflateSetDictionary @24 + inflateSync @25 + uncompress @26 + zlibVersion @27 + gzprintf @28 + gzputc @29 + gzgetc @30 + gzseek @31 + gzrewind @32 + gztell @33 + gzeof @34 + gzsetparams @35 + zError @36 + inflateSyncPoint @37 + get_crc_table @38 + compress2 @39 + gzputs @40 + gzgets @41 + inflateCopy @42 + inflateBackInit_ @43 + inflateBack @44 + inflateBackEnd @45 + compressBound @46 + deflateBound @47 + gzclearerr @48 + gzungetc @49 + zlibCompileFlags @50 + deflatePrime @51 + deflatePending @52 + + unzOpen @61 + unzClose @62 + unzGetGlobalInfo @63 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 + unzGoToFirstFile @65 + unzGoToNextFile @66 + unzOpenCurrentFile @67 + unzReadCurrentFile @68 + unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 + unztell @70 + unzeof @71 + unzCloseCurrentFile @72 + unzGetGlobalComment @73 + unzStringFileNameCompare @74 + unzLocateFile @75 + unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 + unzOpen2 @77 + unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 + unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 + + zipOpen @80 + zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 + zipWriteInFileInZip @82 + zipCloseFileInZip @83 + zipClose @84 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 + zipOpen2 @88 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 + + unzGetFilePos @100 + unzGoToFilePos @101 + + fill_win32_filefunc @110 + +; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: + fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 + fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 + fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 + + unzOpen64 @120 + unzOpen2_64 @121 + unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 + unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 + unztell64 @126 + unzGetFilePos64 @127 + unzGoToFilePos64 @128 + + zipOpen64 @130 + zipOpen2_64 @131 + zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 + zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 + +; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: + adler32_combine @140 + crc32_combine @142 + deflateSetHeader @144 + deflateTune @145 + gzbuffer @146 + gzclose_r @147 + gzclose_w @148 + gzdirect @149 + gzoffset @150 + inflateGetHeader @156 + inflateMark @157 + inflatePrime @158 + inflateReset2 @159 + inflateUndermine @160 + +; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: + gzgetc_ @161 + inflateResetKeep @163 + deflateResetKeep @164 + +; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: + gzopen_w @165 + +; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: + inflateGetDictionary @166 + gzvprintf @167 + +; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: + inflateCodesUsed @168 + inflateValidate @169 + uncompress2 @170 + gzfread @171 + gzfwrite @172 + deflateGetDictionary @173 + adler32_z @174 + crc32_z @175 + +; zlib1 v1.2.12 added: + crc32_combine_gen @176 + crc32_combine_gen64 @177 + crc32_combine_op @178 diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlib.rc b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlib.rc index c4e4b016e9..cdd7985d41 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlib.rc +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlib.rc @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ #define IDR_VERSION1 1 IDR_VERSION1 VERSIONINFO MOVEABLE IMPURE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE - FILEVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 - PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 + FILEVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 + PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK FILEFLAGS 0 FILEOS VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ BEGIN BEGIN VALUE "FileDescription", "zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library\0" - VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.11\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.13\0" VALUE "InternalName", "zlib\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "zlibwapi.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "ZLib.DLL\0" VALUE "Comments","DLL support by Alessandro Iacopetti & Gilles Vollant\0" - VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibvc.def b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibvc.def index f876c3bcab..ba09bc1b98 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibvc.def +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibvc.def @@ -1,153 +1,158 @@ -LIBRARY -; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library - -VERSION 1.2 - -EXPORTS - adler32 @1 - compress @2 - crc32 @3 - deflate @4 - deflateCopy @5 - deflateEnd @6 - deflateInit2_ @7 - deflateInit_ @8 - deflateParams @9 - deflateReset @10 - deflateSetDictionary @11 - gzclose @12 - gzdopen @13 - gzerror @14 - gzflush @15 - gzopen @16 - gzread @17 - gzwrite @18 - inflate @19 - inflateEnd @20 - inflateInit2_ @21 - inflateInit_ @22 - inflateReset @23 - inflateSetDictionary @24 - inflateSync @25 - uncompress @26 - zlibVersion @27 - gzprintf @28 - gzputc @29 - gzgetc @30 - gzseek @31 - gzrewind @32 - gztell @33 - gzeof @34 - gzsetparams @35 - zError @36 - inflateSyncPoint @37 - get_crc_table @38 - compress2 @39 - gzputs @40 - gzgets @41 - inflateCopy @42 - inflateBackInit_ @43 - inflateBack @44 - inflateBackEnd @45 - compressBound @46 - deflateBound @47 - gzclearerr @48 - gzungetc @49 - zlibCompileFlags @50 - deflatePrime @51 - deflatePending @52 - - unzOpen @61 - unzClose @62 - unzGetGlobalInfo @63 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 - unzGoToFirstFile @65 - unzGoToNextFile @66 - unzOpenCurrentFile @67 - unzReadCurrentFile @68 - unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 - unztell @70 - unzeof @71 - unzCloseCurrentFile @72 - unzGetGlobalComment @73 - unzStringFileNameCompare @74 - unzLocateFile @75 - unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 - unzOpen2 @77 - unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 - unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 - - zipOpen @80 - zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 - zipWriteInFileInZip @82 - zipCloseFileInZip @83 - zipClose @84 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 - zipOpen2 @88 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 - - unzGetFilePos @100 - unzGoToFilePos @101 - - fill_win32_filefunc @110 - -; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: - fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 - fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 - fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 - - unzOpen64 @120 - unzOpen2_64 @121 - unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 - unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 - unztell64 @126 - unzGetFilePos64 @127 - unzGoToFilePos64 @128 - - zipOpen64 @130 - zipOpen2_64 @131 - zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 - zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 - -; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: - adler32_combine @140 - crc32_combine @142 - deflateSetHeader @144 - deflateTune @145 - gzbuffer @146 - gzclose_r @147 - gzclose_w @148 - gzdirect @149 - gzoffset @150 - inflateGetHeader @156 - inflateMark @157 - inflatePrime @158 - inflateReset2 @159 - inflateUndermine @160 - -; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: - gzgetc_ @161 - inflateResetKeep @163 - deflateResetKeep @164 - -; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: - gzopen_w @165 - -; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: - inflateGetDictionary @166 - gzvprintf @167 - -; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: - inflateCodesUsed @168 - inflateValidate @169 - uncompress2 @170 - gzfread @171 - gzfwrite @172 - deflateGetDictionary @173 - adler32_z @174 - crc32_z @175 +LIBRARY +; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library + +VERSION 1.2 + +EXPORTS + adler32 @1 + compress @2 + crc32 @3 + deflate @4 + deflateCopy @5 + deflateEnd @6 + deflateInit2_ @7 + deflateInit_ @8 + deflateParams @9 + deflateReset @10 + deflateSetDictionary @11 + gzclose @12 + gzdopen @13 + gzerror @14 + gzflush @15 + gzopen @16 + gzread @17 + gzwrite @18 + inflate @19 + inflateEnd @20 + inflateInit2_ @21 + inflateInit_ @22 + inflateReset @23 + inflateSetDictionary @24 + inflateSync @25 + uncompress @26 + zlibVersion @27 + gzprintf @28 + gzputc @29 + gzgetc @30 + gzseek @31 + gzrewind @32 + gztell @33 + gzeof @34 + gzsetparams @35 + zError @36 + inflateSyncPoint @37 + get_crc_table @38 + compress2 @39 + gzputs @40 + gzgets @41 + inflateCopy @42 + inflateBackInit_ @43 + inflateBack @44 + inflateBackEnd @45 + compressBound @46 + deflateBound @47 + gzclearerr @48 + gzungetc @49 + zlibCompileFlags @50 + deflatePrime @51 + deflatePending @52 + + unzOpen @61 + unzClose @62 + unzGetGlobalInfo @63 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 + unzGoToFirstFile @65 + unzGoToNextFile @66 + unzOpenCurrentFile @67 + unzReadCurrentFile @68 + unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 + unztell @70 + unzeof @71 + unzCloseCurrentFile @72 + unzGetGlobalComment @73 + unzStringFileNameCompare @74 + unzLocateFile @75 + unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 + unzOpen2 @77 + unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 + unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 + + zipOpen @80 + zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 + zipWriteInFileInZip @82 + zipCloseFileInZip @83 + zipClose @84 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 + zipOpen2 @88 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 + + unzGetFilePos @100 + unzGoToFilePos @101 + + fill_win32_filefunc @110 + +; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: + fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 + fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 + fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 + + unzOpen64 @120 + unzOpen2_64 @121 + unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 + unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 + unztell64 @126 + unzGetFilePos64 @127 + unzGoToFilePos64 @128 + + zipOpen64 @130 + zipOpen2_64 @131 + zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 + zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 + +; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: + adler32_combine @140 + crc32_combine @142 + deflateSetHeader @144 + deflateTune @145 + gzbuffer @146 + gzclose_r @147 + gzclose_w @148 + gzdirect @149 + gzoffset @150 + inflateGetHeader @156 + inflateMark @157 + inflatePrime @158 + inflateReset2 @159 + inflateUndermine @160 + +; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: + gzgetc_ @161 + inflateResetKeep @163 + deflateResetKeep @164 + +; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: + gzopen_w @165 + +; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: + inflateGetDictionary @166 + gzvprintf @167 + +; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: + inflateCodesUsed @168 + inflateValidate @169 + uncompress2 @170 + gzfread @171 + gzfwrite @172 + deflateGetDictionary @173 + adler32_z @174 + crc32_z @175 + +; zlib1 v1.2.12 added: + crc32_combine_gen @176 + crc32_combine_gen64 @177 + crc32_combine_op @178 diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlib.rc b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlib.rc index c4e4b016e9..cdd7985d41 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlib.rc +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlib.rc @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ #define IDR_VERSION1 1 IDR_VERSION1 VERSIONINFO MOVEABLE IMPURE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE - FILEVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 - PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 + FILEVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 + PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK FILEFLAGS 0 FILEOS VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ BEGIN BEGIN VALUE "FileDescription", "zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library\0" - VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.11\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.13\0" VALUE "InternalName", "zlib\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "zlibwapi.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "ZLib.DLL\0" VALUE "Comments","DLL support by Alessandro Iacopetti & Gilles Vollant\0" - VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlibvc.def b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlibvc.def index f876c3bcab..ba09bc1b98 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlibvc.def +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc12/zlibvc.def @@ -1,153 +1,158 @@ -LIBRARY -; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library - -VERSION 1.2 - -EXPORTS - adler32 @1 - compress @2 - crc32 @3 - deflate @4 - deflateCopy @5 - deflateEnd @6 - deflateInit2_ @7 - deflateInit_ @8 - deflateParams @9 - deflateReset @10 - deflateSetDictionary @11 - gzclose @12 - gzdopen @13 - gzerror @14 - gzflush @15 - gzopen @16 - gzread @17 - gzwrite @18 - inflate @19 - inflateEnd @20 - inflateInit2_ @21 - inflateInit_ @22 - inflateReset @23 - inflateSetDictionary @24 - inflateSync @25 - uncompress @26 - zlibVersion @27 - gzprintf @28 - gzputc @29 - gzgetc @30 - gzseek @31 - gzrewind @32 - gztell @33 - gzeof @34 - gzsetparams @35 - zError @36 - inflateSyncPoint @37 - get_crc_table @38 - compress2 @39 - gzputs @40 - gzgets @41 - inflateCopy @42 - inflateBackInit_ @43 - inflateBack @44 - inflateBackEnd @45 - compressBound @46 - deflateBound @47 - gzclearerr @48 - gzungetc @49 - zlibCompileFlags @50 - deflatePrime @51 - deflatePending @52 - - unzOpen @61 - unzClose @62 - unzGetGlobalInfo @63 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 - unzGoToFirstFile @65 - unzGoToNextFile @66 - unzOpenCurrentFile @67 - unzReadCurrentFile @68 - unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 - unztell @70 - unzeof @71 - unzCloseCurrentFile @72 - unzGetGlobalComment @73 - unzStringFileNameCompare @74 - unzLocateFile @75 - unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 - unzOpen2 @77 - unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 - unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 - - zipOpen @80 - zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 - zipWriteInFileInZip @82 - zipCloseFileInZip @83 - zipClose @84 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 - zipOpen2 @88 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 - - unzGetFilePos @100 - unzGoToFilePos @101 - - fill_win32_filefunc @110 - -; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: - fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 - fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 - fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 - - unzOpen64 @120 - unzOpen2_64 @121 - unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 - unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 - unztell64 @126 - unzGetFilePos64 @127 - unzGoToFilePos64 @128 - - zipOpen64 @130 - zipOpen2_64 @131 - zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 - zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 - -; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: - adler32_combine @140 - crc32_combine @142 - deflateSetHeader @144 - deflateTune @145 - gzbuffer @146 - gzclose_r @147 - gzclose_w @148 - gzdirect @149 - gzoffset @150 - inflateGetHeader @156 - inflateMark @157 - inflatePrime @158 - inflateReset2 @159 - inflateUndermine @160 - -; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: - gzgetc_ @161 - inflateResetKeep @163 - deflateResetKeep @164 - -; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: - gzopen_w @165 - -; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: - inflateGetDictionary @166 - gzvprintf @167 - -; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: - inflateCodesUsed @168 - inflateValidate @169 - uncompress2 @170 - gzfread @171 - gzfwrite @172 - deflateGetDictionary @173 - adler32_z @174 - crc32_z @175 +LIBRARY +; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library + +VERSION 1.2 + +EXPORTS + adler32 @1 + compress @2 + crc32 @3 + deflate @4 + deflateCopy @5 + deflateEnd @6 + deflateInit2_ @7 + deflateInit_ @8 + deflateParams @9 + deflateReset @10 + deflateSetDictionary @11 + gzclose @12 + gzdopen @13 + gzerror @14 + gzflush @15 + gzopen @16 + gzread @17 + gzwrite @18 + inflate @19 + inflateEnd @20 + inflateInit2_ @21 + inflateInit_ @22 + inflateReset @23 + inflateSetDictionary @24 + inflateSync @25 + uncompress @26 + zlibVersion @27 + gzprintf @28 + gzputc @29 + gzgetc @30 + gzseek @31 + gzrewind @32 + gztell @33 + gzeof @34 + gzsetparams @35 + zError @36 + inflateSyncPoint @37 + get_crc_table @38 + compress2 @39 + gzputs @40 + gzgets @41 + inflateCopy @42 + inflateBackInit_ @43 + inflateBack @44 + inflateBackEnd @45 + compressBound @46 + deflateBound @47 + gzclearerr @48 + gzungetc @49 + zlibCompileFlags @50 + deflatePrime @51 + deflatePending @52 + + unzOpen @61 + unzClose @62 + unzGetGlobalInfo @63 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 + unzGoToFirstFile @65 + unzGoToNextFile @66 + unzOpenCurrentFile @67 + unzReadCurrentFile @68 + unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 + unztell @70 + unzeof @71 + unzCloseCurrentFile @72 + unzGetGlobalComment @73 + unzStringFileNameCompare @74 + unzLocateFile @75 + unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 + unzOpen2 @77 + unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 + unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 + + zipOpen @80 + zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 + zipWriteInFileInZip @82 + zipCloseFileInZip @83 + zipClose @84 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 + zipOpen2 @88 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 + + unzGetFilePos @100 + unzGoToFilePos @101 + + fill_win32_filefunc @110 + +; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: + fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 + fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 + fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 + + unzOpen64 @120 + unzOpen2_64 @121 + unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 + unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 + unztell64 @126 + unzGetFilePos64 @127 + unzGoToFilePos64 @128 + + zipOpen64 @130 + zipOpen2_64 @131 + zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 + zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 + +; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: + adler32_combine @140 + crc32_combine @142 + deflateSetHeader @144 + deflateTune @145 + gzbuffer @146 + gzclose_r @147 + gzclose_w @148 + gzdirect @149 + gzoffset @150 + inflateGetHeader @156 + inflateMark @157 + inflatePrime @158 + inflateReset2 @159 + inflateUndermine @160 + +; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: + gzgetc_ @161 + inflateResetKeep @163 + deflateResetKeep @164 + +; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: + gzopen_w @165 + +; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: + inflateGetDictionary @166 + gzvprintf @167 + +; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: + inflateCodesUsed @168 + inflateValidate @169 + uncompress2 @170 + gzfread @171 + gzfwrite @172 + deflateGetDictionary @173 + adler32_z @174 + crc32_z @175 + +; zlib1 v1.2.12 added: + crc32_combine_gen @176 + crc32_combine_gen64 @177 + crc32_combine_op @178 diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlib.rc b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlib.rc index c4e4b016e9..cdd7985d41 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlib.rc +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlib.rc @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ #define IDR_VERSION1 1 IDR_VERSION1 VERSIONINFO MOVEABLE IMPURE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE - FILEVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 - PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 + FILEVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 + PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK FILEFLAGS 0 FILEOS VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ BEGIN BEGIN VALUE "FileDescription", "zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library\0" - VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.11\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.13\0" VALUE "InternalName", "zlib\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "zlibwapi.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "ZLib.DLL\0" VALUE "Comments","DLL support by Alessandro Iacopetti & Gilles Vollant\0" - VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlibvc.def b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlibvc.def index f876c3bcab..ba09bc1b98 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlibvc.def +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlibvc.def @@ -1,153 +1,158 @@ -LIBRARY -; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library - -VERSION 1.2 - -EXPORTS - adler32 @1 - compress @2 - crc32 @3 - deflate @4 - deflateCopy @5 - deflateEnd @6 - deflateInit2_ @7 - deflateInit_ @8 - deflateParams @9 - deflateReset @10 - deflateSetDictionary @11 - gzclose @12 - gzdopen @13 - gzerror @14 - gzflush @15 - gzopen @16 - gzread @17 - gzwrite @18 - inflate @19 - inflateEnd @20 - inflateInit2_ @21 - inflateInit_ @22 - inflateReset @23 - inflateSetDictionary @24 - inflateSync @25 - uncompress @26 - zlibVersion @27 - gzprintf @28 - gzputc @29 - gzgetc @30 - gzseek @31 - gzrewind @32 - gztell @33 - gzeof @34 - gzsetparams @35 - zError @36 - inflateSyncPoint @37 - get_crc_table @38 - compress2 @39 - gzputs @40 - gzgets @41 - inflateCopy @42 - inflateBackInit_ @43 - inflateBack @44 - inflateBackEnd @45 - compressBound @46 - deflateBound @47 - gzclearerr @48 - gzungetc @49 - zlibCompileFlags @50 - deflatePrime @51 - deflatePending @52 - - unzOpen @61 - unzClose @62 - unzGetGlobalInfo @63 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 - unzGoToFirstFile @65 - unzGoToNextFile @66 - unzOpenCurrentFile @67 - unzReadCurrentFile @68 - unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 - unztell @70 - unzeof @71 - unzCloseCurrentFile @72 - unzGetGlobalComment @73 - unzStringFileNameCompare @74 - unzLocateFile @75 - unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 - unzOpen2 @77 - unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 - unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 - - zipOpen @80 - zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 - zipWriteInFileInZip @82 - zipCloseFileInZip @83 - zipClose @84 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 - zipOpen2 @88 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 - - unzGetFilePos @100 - unzGoToFilePos @101 - - fill_win32_filefunc @110 - -; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: - fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 - fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 - fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 - - unzOpen64 @120 - unzOpen2_64 @121 - unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 - unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 - unztell64 @126 - unzGetFilePos64 @127 - unzGoToFilePos64 @128 - - zipOpen64 @130 - zipOpen2_64 @131 - zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 - zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 - -; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: - adler32_combine @140 - crc32_combine @142 - deflateSetHeader @144 - deflateTune @145 - gzbuffer @146 - gzclose_r @147 - gzclose_w @148 - gzdirect @149 - gzoffset @150 - inflateGetHeader @156 - inflateMark @157 - inflatePrime @158 - inflateReset2 @159 - inflateUndermine @160 - -; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: - gzgetc_ @161 - inflateResetKeep @163 - deflateResetKeep @164 - -; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: - gzopen_w @165 - -; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: - inflateGetDictionary @166 - gzvprintf @167 - -; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: - inflateCodesUsed @168 - inflateValidate @169 - uncompress2 @170 - gzfread @171 - gzfwrite @172 - deflateGetDictionary @173 - adler32_z @174 - crc32_z @175 +LIBRARY +; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library + +VERSION 1.2 + +EXPORTS + adler32 @1 + compress @2 + crc32 @3 + deflate @4 + deflateCopy @5 + deflateEnd @6 + deflateInit2_ @7 + deflateInit_ @8 + deflateParams @9 + deflateReset @10 + deflateSetDictionary @11 + gzclose @12 + gzdopen @13 + gzerror @14 + gzflush @15 + gzopen @16 + gzread @17 + gzwrite @18 + inflate @19 + inflateEnd @20 + inflateInit2_ @21 + inflateInit_ @22 + inflateReset @23 + inflateSetDictionary @24 + inflateSync @25 + uncompress @26 + zlibVersion @27 + gzprintf @28 + gzputc @29 + gzgetc @30 + gzseek @31 + gzrewind @32 + gztell @33 + gzeof @34 + gzsetparams @35 + zError @36 + inflateSyncPoint @37 + get_crc_table @38 + compress2 @39 + gzputs @40 + gzgets @41 + inflateCopy @42 + inflateBackInit_ @43 + inflateBack @44 + inflateBackEnd @45 + compressBound @46 + deflateBound @47 + gzclearerr @48 + gzungetc @49 + zlibCompileFlags @50 + deflatePrime @51 + deflatePending @52 + + unzOpen @61 + unzClose @62 + unzGetGlobalInfo @63 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 + unzGoToFirstFile @65 + unzGoToNextFile @66 + unzOpenCurrentFile @67 + unzReadCurrentFile @68 + unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 + unztell @70 + unzeof @71 + unzCloseCurrentFile @72 + unzGetGlobalComment @73 + unzStringFileNameCompare @74 + unzLocateFile @75 + unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 + unzOpen2 @77 + unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 + unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 + + zipOpen @80 + zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 + zipWriteInFileInZip @82 + zipCloseFileInZip @83 + zipClose @84 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 + zipOpen2 @88 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 + + unzGetFilePos @100 + unzGoToFilePos @101 + + fill_win32_filefunc @110 + +; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: + fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 + fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 + fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 + + unzOpen64 @120 + unzOpen2_64 @121 + unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 + unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 + unztell64 @126 + unzGetFilePos64 @127 + unzGoToFilePos64 @128 + + zipOpen64 @130 + zipOpen2_64 @131 + zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 + zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 + +; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: + adler32_combine @140 + crc32_combine @142 + deflateSetHeader @144 + deflateTune @145 + gzbuffer @146 + gzclose_r @147 + gzclose_w @148 + gzdirect @149 + gzoffset @150 + inflateGetHeader @156 + inflateMark @157 + inflatePrime @158 + inflateReset2 @159 + inflateUndermine @160 + +; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: + gzgetc_ @161 + inflateResetKeep @163 + deflateResetKeep @164 + +; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: + gzopen_w @165 + +; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: + inflateGetDictionary @166 + gzvprintf @167 + +; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: + inflateCodesUsed @168 + inflateValidate @169 + uncompress2 @170 + gzfread @171 + gzfwrite @172 + deflateGetDictionary @173 + adler32_z @174 + crc32_z @175 + +; zlib1 v1.2.12 added: + crc32_combine_gen @176 + crc32_combine_gen64 @177 + crc32_combine_op @178 diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlib.rc b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlib.rc index c4e4b016e9..cdd7985d41 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlib.rc +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlib.rc @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ #define IDR_VERSION1 1 IDR_VERSION1 VERSIONINFO MOVEABLE IMPURE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE - FILEVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 - PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 11, 0 + FILEVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 + PRODUCTVERSION 1, 2, 13, 0 FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK FILEFLAGS 0 FILEOS VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ BEGIN BEGIN VALUE "FileDescription", "zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library\0" - VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.11\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", "1.2.13\0" VALUE "InternalName", "zlib\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "zlibwapi.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "ZLib.DLL\0" VALUE "Comments","DLL support by Alessandro Iacopetti & Gilles Vollant\0" - VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibvc.def b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibvc.def index f876c3bcab..ba09bc1b98 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibvc.def +++ b/contrib/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibvc.def @@ -1,153 +1,158 @@ -LIBRARY -; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library - -VERSION 1.2 - -EXPORTS - adler32 @1 - compress @2 - crc32 @3 - deflate @4 - deflateCopy @5 - deflateEnd @6 - deflateInit2_ @7 - deflateInit_ @8 - deflateParams @9 - deflateReset @10 - deflateSetDictionary @11 - gzclose @12 - gzdopen @13 - gzerror @14 - gzflush @15 - gzopen @16 - gzread @17 - gzwrite @18 - inflate @19 - inflateEnd @20 - inflateInit2_ @21 - inflateInit_ @22 - inflateReset @23 - inflateSetDictionary @24 - inflateSync @25 - uncompress @26 - zlibVersion @27 - gzprintf @28 - gzputc @29 - gzgetc @30 - gzseek @31 - gzrewind @32 - gztell @33 - gzeof @34 - gzsetparams @35 - zError @36 - inflateSyncPoint @37 - get_crc_table @38 - compress2 @39 - gzputs @40 - gzgets @41 - inflateCopy @42 - inflateBackInit_ @43 - inflateBack @44 - inflateBackEnd @45 - compressBound @46 - deflateBound @47 - gzclearerr @48 - gzungetc @49 - zlibCompileFlags @50 - deflatePrime @51 - deflatePending @52 - - unzOpen @61 - unzClose @62 - unzGetGlobalInfo @63 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 - unzGoToFirstFile @65 - unzGoToNextFile @66 - unzOpenCurrentFile @67 - unzReadCurrentFile @68 - unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 - unztell @70 - unzeof @71 - unzCloseCurrentFile @72 - unzGetGlobalComment @73 - unzStringFileNameCompare @74 - unzLocateFile @75 - unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 - unzOpen2 @77 - unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 - unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 - - zipOpen @80 - zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 - zipWriteInFileInZip @82 - zipCloseFileInZip @83 - zipClose @84 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 - zipOpen2 @88 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 - - unzGetFilePos @100 - unzGoToFilePos @101 - - fill_win32_filefunc @110 - -; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: - fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 - fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 - fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 - - unzOpen64 @120 - unzOpen2_64 @121 - unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 - unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 - unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 - unztell64 @126 - unzGetFilePos64 @127 - unzGoToFilePos64 @128 - - zipOpen64 @130 - zipOpen2_64 @131 - zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 - zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 - zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 - zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 - zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 - -; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: - adler32_combine @140 - crc32_combine @142 - deflateSetHeader @144 - deflateTune @145 - gzbuffer @146 - gzclose_r @147 - gzclose_w @148 - gzdirect @149 - gzoffset @150 - inflateGetHeader @156 - inflateMark @157 - inflatePrime @158 - inflateReset2 @159 - inflateUndermine @160 - -; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: - gzgetc_ @161 - inflateResetKeep @163 - deflateResetKeep @164 - -; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: - gzopen_w @165 - -; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: - inflateGetDictionary @166 - gzvprintf @167 - -; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: - inflateCodesUsed @168 - inflateValidate @169 - uncompress2 @170 - gzfread @171 - gzfwrite @172 - deflateGetDictionary @173 - adler32_z @174 - crc32_z @175 +LIBRARY +; zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library + +VERSION 1.2 + +EXPORTS + adler32 @1 + compress @2 + crc32 @3 + deflate @4 + deflateCopy @5 + deflateEnd @6 + deflateInit2_ @7 + deflateInit_ @8 + deflateParams @9 + deflateReset @10 + deflateSetDictionary @11 + gzclose @12 + gzdopen @13 + gzerror @14 + gzflush @15 + gzopen @16 + gzread @17 + gzwrite @18 + inflate @19 + inflateEnd @20 + inflateInit2_ @21 + inflateInit_ @22 + inflateReset @23 + inflateSetDictionary @24 + inflateSync @25 + uncompress @26 + zlibVersion @27 + gzprintf @28 + gzputc @29 + gzgetc @30 + gzseek @31 + gzrewind @32 + gztell @33 + gzeof @34 + gzsetparams @35 + zError @36 + inflateSyncPoint @37 + get_crc_table @38 + compress2 @39 + gzputs @40 + gzgets @41 + inflateCopy @42 + inflateBackInit_ @43 + inflateBack @44 + inflateBackEnd @45 + compressBound @46 + deflateBound @47 + gzclearerr @48 + gzungetc @49 + zlibCompileFlags @50 + deflatePrime @51 + deflatePending @52 + + unzOpen @61 + unzClose @62 + unzGetGlobalInfo @63 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo @64 + unzGoToFirstFile @65 + unzGoToNextFile @66 + unzOpenCurrentFile @67 + unzReadCurrentFile @68 + unzOpenCurrentFile3 @69 + unztell @70 + unzeof @71 + unzCloseCurrentFile @72 + unzGetGlobalComment @73 + unzStringFileNameCompare @74 + unzLocateFile @75 + unzGetLocalExtrafield @76 + unzOpen2 @77 + unzOpenCurrentFile2 @78 + unzOpenCurrentFilePassword @79 + + zipOpen @80 + zipOpenNewFileInZip @81 + zipWriteInFileInZip @82 + zipCloseFileInZip @83 + zipClose @84 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2 @86 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw @87 + zipOpen2 @88 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3 @89 + + unzGetFilePos @100 + unzGoToFilePos @101 + + fill_win32_filefunc @110 + +; zlibwapi v1.2.4 added: + fill_win32_filefunc64 @111 + fill_win32_filefunc64A @112 + fill_win32_filefunc64W @113 + + unzOpen64 @120 + unzOpen2_64 @121 + unzGetGlobalInfo64 @122 + unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 @124 + unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 @125 + unztell64 @126 + unzGetFilePos64 @127 + unzGoToFilePos64 @128 + + zipOpen64 @130 + zipOpen2_64 @131 + zipOpenNewFileInZip64 @132 + zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 @133 + zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 @134 + zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 @135 + zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 @136 + +; zlib1 v1.2.4 added: + adler32_combine @140 + crc32_combine @142 + deflateSetHeader @144 + deflateTune @145 + gzbuffer @146 + gzclose_r @147 + gzclose_w @148 + gzdirect @149 + gzoffset @150 + inflateGetHeader @156 + inflateMark @157 + inflatePrime @158 + inflateReset2 @159 + inflateUndermine @160 + +; zlib1 v1.2.6 added: + gzgetc_ @161 + inflateResetKeep @163 + deflateResetKeep @164 + +; zlib1 v1.2.7 added: + gzopen_w @165 + +; zlib1 v1.2.8 added: + inflateGetDictionary @166 + gzvprintf @167 + +; zlib1 v1.2.9 added: + inflateCodesUsed @168 + inflateValidate @169 + uncompress2 @170 + gzfread @171 + gzfwrite @172 + deflateGetDictionary @173 + adler32_z @174 + crc32_z @175 + +; zlib1 v1.2.12 added: + crc32_combine_gen @176 + crc32_combine_gen64 @177 + crc32_combine_op @178 diff --git a/contrib/zlib/crc32.c b/contrib/zlib/crc32.c index e72636a505..f8357b083f 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/crc32.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/crc32.c @@ -1,12 +1,10 @@ /* crc32.c -- compute the CRC-32 of a data stream - * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h * - * Thanks to Rodney Brown for his contribution of faster - * CRC methods: exclusive-oring 32 bits of data at a time, and pre-computing - * tables for updating the shift register in one step with three exclusive-ors - * instead of four steps with four exclusive-ors. This results in about a - * factor of two increase in speed on a Power PC G4 (PPC7455) using gcc -O3. + * This interleaved implementation of a CRC makes use of pipelined multiple + * arithmetic-logic units, commonly found in modern CPU cores. It is due to + * Kadatch and Jenkins (2010). See doc/crc-doc.1.0.pdf in this distribution. */ /* @(#) $Id$ */ @@ -14,11 +12,12 @@ /* Note on the use of DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE: there is no mutex or semaphore protection on the static variables used to control the first-use generation - of the crc tables. Therefore, if you #define DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE, you should + of the crc tables. Therefore, if you #define DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE, you should first call get_crc_table() to initialize the tables before allowing more than one thread to use crc32(). - DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE and MAKECRCH can be #defined to write out crc32.h. + MAKECRCH can be #defined to write out crc32.h. A main() routine is also + produced, so that this one source file can be compiled to an executable. */ #ifdef MAKECRCH @@ -28,415 +27,1099 @@ # endif /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ #endif /* MAKECRCH */ -#include "zutil.h" /* for STDC and FAR definitions */ +#include "zutil.h" /* for Z_U4, Z_U8, z_crc_t, and FAR definitions */ -/* Definitions for doing the crc four data bytes at a time. */ -#if !defined(NOBYFOUR) && defined(Z_U4) -# define BYFOUR + /* + A CRC of a message is computed on N braids of words in the message, where + each word consists of W bytes (4 or 8). If N is 3, for example, then three + running sparse CRCs are calculated respectively on each braid, at these + indices in the array of words: 0, 3, 6, ..., 1, 4, 7, ..., and 2, 5, 8, ... + This is done starting at a word boundary, and continues until as many blocks + of N * W bytes as are available have been processed. The results are combined + into a single CRC at the end. For this code, N must be in the range 1..6 and + W must be 4 or 8. The upper limit on N can be increased if desired by adding + more #if blocks, extending the patterns apparent in the code. In addition, + crc32.h would need to be regenerated, if the maximum N value is increased. + + N and W are chosen empirically by benchmarking the execution time on a given + processor. The choices for N and W below were based on testing on Intel Kaby + Lake i7, AMD Ryzen 7, ARM Cortex-A57, Sparc64-VII, PowerPC POWER9, and MIPS64 + Octeon II processors. The Intel, AMD, and ARM processors were all fastest + with N=5, W=8. The Sparc, PowerPC, and MIPS64 were all fastest at N=5, W=4. + They were all tested with either gcc or clang, all using the -O3 optimization + level. Your mileage may vary. + */ + +/* Define N */ +#ifdef Z_TESTN +# define N Z_TESTN +#else +# define N 5 +#endif +#if N < 1 || N > 6 +# error N must be in 1..6 #endif -#ifdef BYFOUR - local unsigned long crc32_little OF((unsigned long, - const unsigned char FAR *, z_size_t)); - local unsigned long crc32_big OF((unsigned long, - const unsigned char FAR *, z_size_t)); -# define TBLS 8 + +/* + z_crc_t must be at least 32 bits. z_word_t must be at least as long as + z_crc_t. It is assumed here that z_word_t is either 32 bits or 64 bits, and + that bytes are eight bits. + */ + +/* + Define W and the associated z_word_t type. If W is not defined, then a + braided calculation is not used, and the associated tables and code are not + compiled. + */ +#ifdef Z_TESTW +# if Z_TESTW-1 != -1 +# define W Z_TESTW +# endif #else -# define TBLS 1 -#endif /* BYFOUR */ +# ifdef MAKECRCH +# define W 8 /* required for MAKECRCH */ +# else +# if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__aarch64__) +# define W 8 +# else +# define W 4 +# endif +# endif +#endif +#ifdef W +# if W == 8 && defined(Z_U8) + typedef Z_U8 z_word_t; +# elif defined(Z_U4) +# undef W +# define W 4 + typedef Z_U4 z_word_t; +# else +# undef W +# endif +#endif + +/* If available, use the ARM processor CRC32 instruction. */ +#if defined(__aarch64__) && defined(__ARM_FEATURE_CRC32) && W == 8 +# define ARMCRC32 +#endif + +/* Local functions. */ +local z_crc_t multmodp OF((z_crc_t a, z_crc_t b)); +local z_crc_t x2nmodp OF((z_off64_t n, unsigned k)); + +#if defined(W) && (!defined(ARMCRC32) || defined(DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE)) + local z_word_t byte_swap OF((z_word_t word)); +#endif + +#if defined(W) && !defined(ARMCRC32) + local z_crc_t crc_word OF((z_word_t data)); + local z_word_t crc_word_big OF((z_word_t data)); +#endif -/* Local functions for crc concatenation */ -local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times OF((unsigned long *mat, - unsigned long vec)); -local void gf2_matrix_square OF((unsigned long *square, unsigned long *mat)); -local uLong crc32_combine_ OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, z_off64_t len2)); +#if defined(W) && (!defined(ARMCRC32) || defined(DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE)) +/* + Swap the bytes in a z_word_t to convert between little and big endian. Any + self-respecting compiler will optimize this to a single machine byte-swap + instruction, if one is available. This assumes that word_t is either 32 bits + or 64 bits. + */ +local z_word_t byte_swap(word) + z_word_t word; +{ +# if W == 8 + return + (word & 0xff00000000000000) >> 56 | + (word & 0xff000000000000) >> 40 | + (word & 0xff0000000000) >> 24 | + (word & 0xff00000000) >> 8 | + (word & 0xff000000) << 8 | + (word & 0xff0000) << 24 | + (word & 0xff00) << 40 | + (word & 0xff) << 56; +# else /* W == 4 */ + return + (word & 0xff000000) >> 24 | + (word & 0xff0000) >> 8 | + (word & 0xff00) << 8 | + (word & 0xff) << 24; +# endif +} +#endif +/* CRC polynomial. */ +#define POLY 0xedb88320 /* p(x) reflected, with x^32 implied */ #ifdef DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE -local volatile int crc_table_empty = 1; -local z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256]; +local z_crc_t FAR crc_table[256]; +local z_crc_t FAR x2n_table[32]; local void make_crc_table OF((void)); +#ifdef W + local z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[256]; + local z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[W][256]; + local z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[W][256]; + local void braid OF((z_crc_t [][256], z_word_t [][256], int, int)); +#endif #ifdef MAKECRCH - local void write_table OF((FILE *, const z_crc_t FAR *)); + local void write_table OF((FILE *, const z_crc_t FAR *, int)); + local void write_table32hi OF((FILE *, const z_word_t FAR *, int)); + local void write_table64 OF((FILE *, const z_word_t FAR *, int)); #endif /* MAKECRCH */ + +/* + Define a once() function depending on the availability of atomics. If this is + compiled with DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE defined, and if CRCs will be computed in + multiple threads, and if atomics are not available, then get_crc_table() must + be called to initialize the tables and must return before any threads are + allowed to compute or combine CRCs. + */ + +/* Definition of once functionality. */ +typedef struct once_s once_t; +local void once OF((once_t *, void (*)(void))); + +/* Check for the availability of atomics. */ +#if defined(__STDC__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L && \ + !defined(__STDC_NO_ATOMICS__) + +#include + +/* Structure for once(), which must be initialized with ONCE_INIT. */ +struct once_s { + atomic_flag begun; + atomic_int done; +}; +#define ONCE_INIT {ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT, 0} + +/* + Run the provided init() function exactly once, even if multiple threads + invoke once() at the same time. The state must be a once_t initialized with + ONCE_INIT. + */ +local void once(state, init) + once_t *state; + void (*init)(void); +{ + if (!atomic_load(&state->done)) { + if (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&state->begun)) + while (!atomic_load(&state->done)) + ; + else { + init(); + atomic_store(&state->done, 1); + } + } +} + +#else /* no atomics */ + +/* Structure for once(), which must be initialized with ONCE_INIT. */ +struct once_s { + volatile int begun; + volatile int done; +}; +#define ONCE_INIT {0, 0} + +/* Test and set. Alas, not atomic, but tries to minimize the period of + vulnerability. */ +local int test_and_set OF((int volatile *)); +local int test_and_set(flag) + int volatile *flag; +{ + int was; + + was = *flag; + *flag = 1; + return was; +} + +/* Run the provided init() function once. This is not thread-safe. */ +local void once(state, init) + once_t *state; + void (*init)(void); +{ + if (!state->done) { + if (test_and_set(&state->begun)) + while (!state->done) + ; + else { + init(); + state->done = 1; + } + } +} + +#endif + +/* State for once(). */ +local once_t made = ONCE_INIT; + /* Generate tables for a byte-wise 32-bit CRC calculation on the polynomial: x^32+x^26+x^23+x^22+x^16+x^12+x^11+x^10+x^8+x^7+x^5+x^4+x^2+x+1. Polynomials over GF(2) are represented in binary, one bit per coefficient, - with the lowest powers in the most significant bit. Then adding polynomials + with the lowest powers in the most significant bit. Then adding polynomials is just exclusive-or, and multiplying a polynomial by x is a right shift by - one. If we call the above polynomial p, and represent a byte as the + one. If we call the above polynomial p, and represent a byte as the polynomial q, also with the lowest power in the most significant bit (so the - byte 0xb1 is the polynomial x^7+x^3+x+1), then the CRC is (q*x^32) mod p, + byte 0xb1 is the polynomial x^7+x^3+x^2+1), then the CRC is (q*x^32) mod p, where a mod b means the remainder after dividing a by b. This calculation is done using the shift-register method of multiplying and - taking the remainder. The register is initialized to zero, and for each + taking the remainder. The register is initialized to zero, and for each incoming bit, x^32 is added mod p to the register if the bit is a one (where - x^32 mod p is p+x^32 = x^26+...+1), and the register is multiplied mod p by - x (which is shifting right by one and adding x^32 mod p if the bit shifted - out is a one). We start with the highest power (least significant bit) of - q and repeat for all eight bits of q. - - The first table is simply the CRC of all possible eight bit values. This is - all the information needed to generate CRCs on data a byte at a time for all - combinations of CRC register values and incoming bytes. The remaining tables - allow for word-at-a-time CRC calculation for both big-endian and little- - endian machines, where a word is four bytes. -*/ + x^32 mod p is p+x^32 = x^26+...+1), and the register is multiplied mod p by x + (which is shifting right by one and adding x^32 mod p if the bit shifted out + is a one). We start with the highest power (least significant bit) of q and + repeat for all eight bits of q. + + The table is simply the CRC of all possible eight bit values. This is all the + information needed to generate CRCs on data a byte at a time for all + combinations of CRC register values and incoming bytes. + */ + local void make_crc_table() { - z_crc_t c; - int n, k; - z_crc_t poly; /* polynomial exclusive-or pattern */ - /* terms of polynomial defining this crc (except x^32): */ - static volatile int first = 1; /* flag to limit concurrent making */ - static const unsigned char p[] = {0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,16,22,23,26}; - - /* See if another task is already doing this (not thread-safe, but better - than nothing -- significantly reduces duration of vulnerability in - case the advice about DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE is ignored) */ - if (first) { - first = 0; - - /* make exclusive-or pattern from polynomial (0xedb88320UL) */ - poly = 0; - for (n = 0; n < (int)(sizeof(p)/sizeof(unsigned char)); n++) - poly |= (z_crc_t)1 << (31 - p[n]); - - /* generate a crc for every 8-bit value */ - for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { - c = (z_crc_t)n; - for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) - c = c & 1 ? poly ^ (c >> 1) : c >> 1; - crc_table[0][n] = c; - } - -#ifdef BYFOUR - /* generate crc for each value followed by one, two, and three zeros, - and then the byte reversal of those as well as the first table */ - for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { - c = crc_table[0][n]; - crc_table[4][n] = ZSWAP32(c); - for (k = 1; k < 4; k++) { - c = crc_table[0][c & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8); - crc_table[k][n] = c; - crc_table[k + 4][n] = ZSWAP32(c); - } - } -#endif /* BYFOUR */ + unsigned i, j, n; + z_crc_t p; - crc_table_empty = 0; - } - else { /* not first */ - /* wait for the other guy to finish (not efficient, but rare) */ - while (crc_table_empty) - ; + /* initialize the CRC of bytes tables */ + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { + p = i; + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) + p = p & 1 ? (p >> 1) ^ POLY : p >> 1; + crc_table[i] = p; +#ifdef W + crc_big_table[i] = byte_swap(p); +#endif } + /* initialize the x^2^n mod p(x) table */ + p = (z_crc_t)1 << 30; /* x^1 */ + x2n_table[0] = p; + for (n = 1; n < 32; n++) + x2n_table[n] = p = multmodp(p, p); + +#ifdef W + /* initialize the braiding tables -- needs x2n_table[] */ + braid(crc_braid_table, crc_braid_big_table, N, W); +#endif + #ifdef MAKECRCH - /* write out CRC tables to crc32.h */ { + /* + The crc32.h header file contains tables for both 32-bit and 64-bit + z_word_t's, and so requires a 64-bit type be available. In that case, + z_word_t must be defined to be 64-bits. This code then also generates + and writes out the tables for the case that z_word_t is 32 bits. + */ +#if !defined(W) || W != 8 +# error Need a 64-bit integer type in order to generate crc32.h. +#endif FILE *out; + int k, n; + z_crc_t ltl[8][256]; + z_word_t big[8][256]; out = fopen("crc32.h", "w"); if (out == NULL) return; - fprintf(out, "/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation\n"); - fprintf(out, " * Generated automatically by crc32.c\n */\n\n"); - fprintf(out, "local const z_crc_t FAR "); - fprintf(out, "crc_table[TBLS][256] =\n{\n {\n"); - write_table(out, crc_table[0]); -# ifdef BYFOUR - fprintf(out, "#ifdef BYFOUR\n"); - for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) { - fprintf(out, " },\n {\n"); - write_table(out, crc_table[k]); + + /* write out little-endian CRC table to crc32.h */ + fprintf(out, + "/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation\n" + " * Generated automatically by crc32.c\n */\n" + "\n" + "local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[] = {\n" + " "); + write_table(out, crc_table, 256); + fprintf(out, + "};\n"); + + /* write out big-endian CRC table for 64-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */ + fprintf(out, + "\n" + "#ifdef W\n" + "\n" + "#if W == 8\n" + "\n" + "local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = {\n" + " "); + write_table64(out, crc_big_table, 256); + fprintf(out, + "};\n"); + + /* write out big-endian CRC table for 32-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */ + fprintf(out, + "\n" + "#else /* W == 4 */\n" + "\n" + "local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = {\n" + " "); + write_table32hi(out, crc_big_table, 256); + fprintf(out, + "};\n" + "\n" + "#endif\n"); + + /* write out braid tables for each value of N */ + for (n = 1; n <= 6; n++) { + fprintf(out, + "\n" + "#if N == %d\n", n); + + /* compute braid tables for this N and 64-bit word_t */ + braid(ltl, big, n, 8); + + /* write out braid tables for 64-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */ + fprintf(out, + "\n" + "#if W == 8\n" + "\n" + "local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {\n"); + for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { + fprintf(out, " {"); + write_table(out, ltl[k], 256); + fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 7 ? ",\n" : ""); + } + fprintf(out, + "};\n" + "\n" + "local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {\n"); + for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { + fprintf(out, " {"); + write_table64(out, big[k], 256); + fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 7 ? ",\n" : ""); + } + fprintf(out, + "};\n"); + + /* compute braid tables for this N and 32-bit word_t */ + braid(ltl, big, n, 4); + + /* write out braid tables for 32-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */ + fprintf(out, + "\n" + "#else /* W == 4 */\n" + "\n" + "local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {\n"); + for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { + fprintf(out, " {"); + write_table(out, ltl[k], 256); + fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 3 ? ",\n" : ""); + } + fprintf(out, + "};\n" + "\n" + "local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {\n"); + for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { + fprintf(out, " {"); + write_table32hi(out, big[k], 256); + fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 3 ? ",\n" : ""); + } + fprintf(out, + "};\n" + "\n" + "#endif\n" + "\n" + "#endif\n"); } - fprintf(out, "#endif\n"); -# endif /* BYFOUR */ - fprintf(out, " }\n};\n"); + fprintf(out, + "\n" + "#endif\n"); + + /* write out zeros operator table to crc32.h */ + fprintf(out, + "\n" + "local const z_crc_t FAR x2n_table[] = {\n" + " "); + write_table(out, x2n_table, 32); + fprintf(out, + "};\n"); fclose(out); } #endif /* MAKECRCH */ } #ifdef MAKECRCH -local void write_table(out, table) + +/* + Write the 32-bit values in table[0..k-1] to out, five per line in + hexadecimal separated by commas. + */ +local void write_table(out, table, k) FILE *out; const z_crc_t FAR *table; + int k; { int n; - for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) - fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lxUL%s", n % 5 ? "" : " ", + for (n = 0; n < k; n++) + fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lx%s", n == 0 || n % 5 ? "" : " ", (unsigned long)(table[n]), - n == 255 ? "\n" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", ")); + n == k - 1 ? "" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", ")); +} + +/* + Write the high 32-bits of each value in table[0..k-1] to out, five per line + in hexadecimal separated by commas. + */ +local void write_table32hi(out, table, k) +FILE *out; +const z_word_t FAR *table; +int k; +{ + int n; + + for (n = 0; n < k; n++) + fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lx%s", n == 0 || n % 5 ? "" : " ", + (unsigned long)(table[n] >> 32), + n == k - 1 ? "" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", ")); +} + +/* + Write the 64-bit values in table[0..k-1] to out, three per line in + hexadecimal separated by commas. This assumes that if there is a 64-bit + type, then there is also a long long integer type, and it is at least 64 + bits. If not, then the type cast and format string can be adjusted + accordingly. + */ +local void write_table64(out, table, k) + FILE *out; + const z_word_t FAR *table; + int k; +{ + int n; + + for (n = 0; n < k; n++) + fprintf(out, "%s0x%016llx%s", n == 0 || n % 3 ? "" : " ", + (unsigned long long)(table[n]), + n == k - 1 ? "" : (n % 3 == 2 ? ",\n" : ", ")); } + +/* Actually do the deed. */ +int main() +{ + make_crc_table(); + return 0; +} + #endif /* MAKECRCH */ +#ifdef W +/* + Generate the little and big-endian braid tables for the given n and z_word_t + size w. Each array must have room for w blocks of 256 elements. + */ +local void braid(ltl, big, n, w) + z_crc_t ltl[][256]; + z_word_t big[][256]; + int n; + int w; +{ + int k; + z_crc_t i, p, q; + for (k = 0; k < w; k++) { + p = x2nmodp((n * w + 3 - k) << 3, 0); + ltl[k][0] = 0; + big[w - 1 - k][0] = 0; + for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) { + ltl[k][i] = q = multmodp(i << 24, p); + big[w - 1 - k][i] = byte_swap(q); + } + } +} +#endif + #else /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ /* ======================================================================== - * Tables of CRC-32s of all single-byte values, made by make_crc_table(). + * Tables for byte-wise and braided CRC-32 calculations, and a table of powers + * of x for combining CRC-32s, all made by make_crc_table(). */ #include "crc32.h" #endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ +/* ======================================================================== + * Routines used for CRC calculation. Some are also required for the table + * generation above. + */ + +/* + Return a(x) multiplied by b(x) modulo p(x), where p(x) is the CRC polynomial, + reflected. For speed, this requires that a not be zero. + */ +local z_crc_t multmodp(a, b) + z_crc_t a; + z_crc_t b; +{ + z_crc_t m, p; + + m = (z_crc_t)1 << 31; + p = 0; + for (;;) { + if (a & m) { + p ^= b; + if ((a & (m - 1)) == 0) + break; + } + m >>= 1; + b = b & 1 ? (b >> 1) ^ POLY : b >> 1; + } + return p; +} + +/* + Return x^(n * 2^k) modulo p(x). Requires that x2n_table[] has been + initialized. + */ +local z_crc_t x2nmodp(n, k) + z_off64_t n; + unsigned k; +{ + z_crc_t p; + + p = (z_crc_t)1 << 31; /* x^0 == 1 */ + while (n) { + if (n & 1) + p = multmodp(x2n_table[k & 31], p); + n >>= 1; + k++; + } + return p; +} + /* ========================================================================= - * This function can be used by asm versions of crc32() + * This function can be used by asm versions of crc32(), and to force the + * generation of the CRC tables in a threaded application. */ const z_crc_t FAR * ZEXPORT get_crc_table() { #ifdef DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE - if (crc_table_empty) - make_crc_table(); + once(&made, make_crc_table); #endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ return (const z_crc_t FAR *)crc_table; } -/* ========================================================================= */ -#define DO1 crc = crc_table[0][((int)crc ^ (*buf++)) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8) -#define DO8 DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1 +/* ========================================================================= + * Use ARM machine instructions if available. This will compute the CRC about + * ten times faster than the braided calculation. This code does not check for + * the presence of the CRC instruction at run time. __ARM_FEATURE_CRC32 will + * only be defined if the compilation specifies an ARM processor architecture + * that has the instructions. For example, compiling with -march=armv8.1-a or + * -march=armv8-a+crc, or -march=native if the compile machine has the crc32 + * instructions. + */ +#ifdef ARMCRC32 + +/* + Constants empirically determined to maximize speed. These values are from + measurements on a Cortex-A57. Your mileage may vary. + */ +#define Z_BATCH 3990 /* number of words in a batch */ +#define Z_BATCH_ZEROS 0xa10d3d0c /* computed from Z_BATCH = 3990 */ +#define Z_BATCH_MIN 800 /* fewest words in a final batch */ -/* ========================================================================= */ unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32_z(crc, buf, len) unsigned long crc; const unsigned char FAR *buf; z_size_t len; { - if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0UL; + z_crc_t val; + z_word_t crc1, crc2; + const z_word_t *word; + z_word_t val0, val1, val2; + z_size_t last, last2, i; + z_size_t num; + + /* Return initial CRC, if requested. */ + if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0; #ifdef DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE - if (crc_table_empty) - make_crc_table(); + once(&made, make_crc_table); #endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ -#ifdef BYFOUR - if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(z_size_t)) { - z_crc_t endian; + /* Pre-condition the CRC */ + crc = (~crc) & 0xffffffff; - endian = 1; - if (*((unsigned char *)(&endian))) - return crc32_little(crc, buf, len); - else - return crc32_big(crc, buf, len); + /* Compute the CRC up to a word boundary. */ + while (len && ((z_size_t)buf & 7) != 0) { + len--; + val = *buf++; + __asm__ volatile("crc32b %w0, %w0, %w1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val)); } -#endif /* BYFOUR */ - crc = crc ^ 0xffffffffUL; - while (len >= 8) { - DO8; - len -= 8; + + /* Prepare to compute the CRC on full 64-bit words word[0..num-1]. */ + word = (z_word_t const *)buf; + num = len >> 3; + len &= 7; + + /* Do three interleaved CRCs to realize the throughput of one crc32x + instruction per cycle. Each CRC is calculated on Z_BATCH words. The + three CRCs are combined into a single CRC after each set of batches. */ + while (num >= 3 * Z_BATCH) { + crc1 = 0; + crc2 = 0; + for (i = 0; i < Z_BATCH; i++) { + val0 = word[i]; + val1 = word[i + Z_BATCH]; + val2 = word[i + 2 * Z_BATCH]; + __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val0)); + __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc1) : "r"(val1)); + __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc2) : "r"(val2)); + } + word += 3 * Z_BATCH; + num -= 3 * Z_BATCH; + crc = multmodp(Z_BATCH_ZEROS, crc) ^ crc1; + crc = multmodp(Z_BATCH_ZEROS, crc) ^ crc2; } - if (len) do { - DO1; - } while (--len); - return crc ^ 0xffffffffUL; -} -/* ========================================================================= */ -unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32(crc, buf, len) - unsigned long crc; - const unsigned char FAR *buf; - uInt len; -{ - return crc32_z(crc, buf, len); + /* Do one last smaller batch with the remaining words, if there are enough + to pay for the combination of CRCs. */ + last = num / 3; + if (last >= Z_BATCH_MIN) { + last2 = last << 1; + crc1 = 0; + crc2 = 0; + for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { + val0 = word[i]; + val1 = word[i + last]; + val2 = word[i + last2]; + __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val0)); + __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc1) : "r"(val1)); + __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc2) : "r"(val2)); + } + word += 3 * last; + num -= 3 * last; + val = x2nmodp(last, 6); + crc = multmodp(val, crc) ^ crc1; + crc = multmodp(val, crc) ^ crc2; + } + + /* Compute the CRC on any remaining words. */ + for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { + val0 = word[i]; + __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val0)); + } + word += num; + + /* Complete the CRC on any remaining bytes. */ + buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)word; + while (len) { + len--; + val = *buf++; + __asm__ volatile("crc32b %w0, %w0, %w1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val)); + } + + /* Return the CRC, post-conditioned. */ + return crc ^ 0xffffffff; } -#ifdef BYFOUR +#else + +#ifdef W /* - This BYFOUR code accesses the passed unsigned char * buffer with a 32-bit - integer pointer type. This violates the strict aliasing rule, where a - compiler can assume, for optimization purposes, that two pointers to - fundamentally different types won't ever point to the same memory. This can - manifest as a problem only if one of the pointers is written to. This code - only reads from those pointers. So long as this code remains isolated in - this compilation unit, there won't be a problem. For this reason, this code - should not be copied and pasted into a compilation unit in which other code - writes to the buffer that is passed to these routines. + Return the CRC of the W bytes in the word_t data, taking the + least-significant byte of the word as the first byte of data, without any pre + or post conditioning. This is used to combine the CRCs of each braid. */ +local z_crc_t crc_word(data) + z_word_t data; +{ + int k; + for (k = 0; k < W; k++) + data = (data >> 8) ^ crc_table[data & 0xff]; + return (z_crc_t)data; +} -/* ========================================================================= */ -#define DOLIT4 c ^= *buf4++; \ - c = crc_table[3][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[2][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \ - crc_table[1][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[0][c >> 24] -#define DOLIT32 DOLIT4; DOLIT4; DOLIT4; DOLIT4; DOLIT4; DOLIT4; DOLIT4; DOLIT4 +local z_word_t crc_word_big(data) + z_word_t data; +{ + int k; + for (k = 0; k < W; k++) + data = (data << 8) ^ + crc_big_table[(data >> ((W - 1) << 3)) & 0xff]; + return data; +} + +#endif /* ========================================================================= */ -local unsigned long crc32_little(crc, buf, len) +unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32_z(crc, buf, len) unsigned long crc; const unsigned char FAR *buf; z_size_t len; { - register z_crc_t c; - register const z_crc_t FAR *buf4; + /* Return initial CRC, if requested. */ + if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0; - c = (z_crc_t)crc; - c = ~c; - while (len && ((z_size_t)buf & 3)) { - c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8); - len--; - } +#ifdef DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE + once(&made, make_crc_table); +#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ - buf4 = (const z_crc_t FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf; - while (len >= 32) { - DOLIT32; - len -= 32; - } - while (len >= 4) { - DOLIT4; - len -= 4; - } - buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4; + /* Pre-condition the CRC */ + crc = (~crc) & 0xffffffff; - if (len) do { - c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8); - } while (--len); - c = ~c; - return (unsigned long)c; -} +#ifdef W -/* ========================================================================= */ -#define DOBIG4 c ^= *buf4++; \ - c = crc_table[4][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[5][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \ - crc_table[6][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[7][c >> 24] -#define DOBIG32 DOBIG4; DOBIG4; DOBIG4; DOBIG4; DOBIG4; DOBIG4; DOBIG4; DOBIG4 + /* If provided enough bytes, do a braided CRC calculation. */ + if (len >= N * W + W - 1) { + z_size_t blks; + z_word_t const *words; + unsigned endian; + int k; -/* ========================================================================= */ -local unsigned long crc32_big(crc, buf, len) - unsigned long crc; - const unsigned char FAR *buf; - z_size_t len; -{ - register z_crc_t c; - register const z_crc_t FAR *buf4; + /* Compute the CRC up to a z_word_t boundary. */ + while (len && ((z_size_t)buf & (W - 1)) != 0) { + len--; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + } - c = ZSWAP32((z_crc_t)crc); - c = ~c; - while (len && ((z_size_t)buf & 3)) { - c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8); - len--; + /* Compute the CRC on as many N z_word_t blocks as are available. */ + blks = len / (N * W); + len -= blks * N * W; + words = (z_word_t const *)buf; + + /* Do endian check at execution time instead of compile time, since ARM + processors can change the endianess at execution time. If the + compiler knows what the endianess will be, it can optimize out the + check and the unused branch. */ + endian = 1; + if (*(unsigned char *)&endian) { + /* Little endian. */ + + z_crc_t crc0; + z_word_t word0; +#if N > 1 + z_crc_t crc1; + z_word_t word1; +#if N > 2 + z_crc_t crc2; + z_word_t word2; +#if N > 3 + z_crc_t crc3; + z_word_t word3; +#if N > 4 + z_crc_t crc4; + z_word_t word4; +#if N > 5 + z_crc_t crc5; + z_word_t word5; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + + /* Initialize the CRC for each braid. */ + crc0 = crc; +#if N > 1 + crc1 = 0; +#if N > 2 + crc2 = 0; +#if N > 3 + crc3 = 0; +#if N > 4 + crc4 = 0; +#if N > 5 + crc5 = 0; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + + /* + Process the first blks-1 blocks, computing the CRCs on each braid + independently. + */ + while (--blks) { + /* Load the word for each braid into registers. */ + word0 = crc0 ^ words[0]; +#if N > 1 + word1 = crc1 ^ words[1]; +#if N > 2 + word2 = crc2 ^ words[2]; +#if N > 3 + word3 = crc3 ^ words[3]; +#if N > 4 + word4 = crc4 ^ words[4]; +#if N > 5 + word5 = crc5 ^ words[5]; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + words += N; + + /* Compute and update the CRC for each word. The loop should + get unrolled. */ + crc0 = crc_braid_table[0][word0 & 0xff]; +#if N > 1 + crc1 = crc_braid_table[0][word1 & 0xff]; +#if N > 2 + crc2 = crc_braid_table[0][word2 & 0xff]; +#if N > 3 + crc3 = crc_braid_table[0][word3 & 0xff]; +#if N > 4 + crc4 = crc_braid_table[0][word4 & 0xff]; +#if N > 5 + crc5 = crc_braid_table[0][word5 & 0xff]; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + for (k = 1; k < W; k++) { + crc0 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word0 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 1 + crc1 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word1 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 2 + crc2 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word2 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 3 + crc3 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word3 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 4 + crc4 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word4 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 5 + crc5 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word5 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + } + } + + /* + Process the last block, combining the CRCs of the N braids at the + same time. + */ + crc = crc_word(crc0 ^ words[0]); +#if N > 1 + crc = crc_word(crc1 ^ words[1] ^ crc); +#if N > 2 + crc = crc_word(crc2 ^ words[2] ^ crc); +#if N > 3 + crc = crc_word(crc3 ^ words[3] ^ crc); +#if N > 4 + crc = crc_word(crc4 ^ words[4] ^ crc); +#if N > 5 + crc = crc_word(crc5 ^ words[5] ^ crc); +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + words += N; + } + else { + /* Big endian. */ + + z_word_t crc0, word0, comb; +#if N > 1 + z_word_t crc1, word1; +#if N > 2 + z_word_t crc2, word2; +#if N > 3 + z_word_t crc3, word3; +#if N > 4 + z_word_t crc4, word4; +#if N > 5 + z_word_t crc5, word5; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + + /* Initialize the CRC for each braid. */ + crc0 = byte_swap(crc); +#if N > 1 + crc1 = 0; +#if N > 2 + crc2 = 0; +#if N > 3 + crc3 = 0; +#if N > 4 + crc4 = 0; +#if N > 5 + crc5 = 0; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + + /* + Process the first blks-1 blocks, computing the CRCs on each braid + independently. + */ + while (--blks) { + /* Load the word for each braid into registers. */ + word0 = crc0 ^ words[0]; +#if N > 1 + word1 = crc1 ^ words[1]; +#if N > 2 + word2 = crc2 ^ words[2]; +#if N > 3 + word3 = crc3 ^ words[3]; +#if N > 4 + word4 = crc4 ^ words[4]; +#if N > 5 + word5 = crc5 ^ words[5]; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + words += N; + + /* Compute and update the CRC for each word. The loop should + get unrolled. */ + crc0 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word0 & 0xff]; +#if N > 1 + crc1 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word1 & 0xff]; +#if N > 2 + crc2 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word2 & 0xff]; +#if N > 3 + crc3 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word3 & 0xff]; +#if N > 4 + crc4 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word4 & 0xff]; +#if N > 5 + crc5 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word5 & 0xff]; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + for (k = 1; k < W; k++) { + crc0 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word0 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 1 + crc1 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word1 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 2 + crc2 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word2 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 3 + crc3 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word3 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 4 + crc4 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word4 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#if N > 5 + crc5 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word5 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff]; +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + } + } + + /* + Process the last block, combining the CRCs of the N braids at the + same time. + */ + comb = crc_word_big(crc0 ^ words[0]); +#if N > 1 + comb = crc_word_big(crc1 ^ words[1] ^ comb); +#if N > 2 + comb = crc_word_big(crc2 ^ words[2] ^ comb); +#if N > 3 + comb = crc_word_big(crc3 ^ words[3] ^ comb); +#if N > 4 + comb = crc_word_big(crc4 ^ words[4] ^ comb); +#if N > 5 + comb = crc_word_big(crc5 ^ words[5] ^ comb); +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif +#endif + words += N; + crc = byte_swap(comb); + } + + /* + Update the pointer to the remaining bytes to process. + */ + buf = (unsigned char const *)words; } - buf4 = (const z_crc_t FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf; - while (len >= 32) { - DOBIG32; - len -= 32; +#endif /* W */ + + /* Complete the computation of the CRC on any remaining bytes. */ + while (len >= 8) { + len -= 8; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; } - while (len >= 4) { - DOBIG4; - len -= 4; + while (len) { + len--; + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff]; } - buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4; - if (len) do { - c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8); - } while (--len); - c = ~c; - return (unsigned long)(ZSWAP32(c)); + /* Return the CRC, post-conditioned. */ + return crc ^ 0xffffffff; } -#endif /* BYFOUR */ - -#define GF2_DIM 32 /* dimension of GF(2) vectors (length of CRC) */ +#endif /* ========================================================================= */ -local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times(mat, vec) - unsigned long *mat; - unsigned long vec; +unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32(crc, buf, len) + unsigned long crc; + const unsigned char FAR *buf; + uInt len; { - unsigned long sum; - - sum = 0; - while (vec) { - if (vec & 1) - sum ^= *mat; - vec >>= 1; - mat++; - } - return sum; + return crc32_z(crc, buf, len); } /* ========================================================================= */ -local void gf2_matrix_square(square, mat) - unsigned long *square; - unsigned long *mat; +uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, len2) + uLong crc1; + uLong crc2; + z_off64_t len2; { - int n; - - for (n = 0; n < GF2_DIM; n++) - square[n] = gf2_matrix_times(mat, mat[n]); +#ifdef DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE + once(&made, make_crc_table); +#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ + return multmodp(x2nmodp(len2, 3), crc1) ^ (crc2 & 0xffffffff); } /* ========================================================================= */ -local uLong crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2) +uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine(crc1, crc2, len2) uLong crc1; uLong crc2; - z_off64_t len2; + z_off_t len2; { - int n; - unsigned long row; - unsigned long even[GF2_DIM]; /* even-power-of-two zeros operator */ - unsigned long odd[GF2_DIM]; /* odd-power-of-two zeros operator */ - - /* degenerate case (also disallow negative lengths) */ - if (len2 <= 0) - return crc1; - - /* put operator for one zero bit in odd */ - odd[0] = 0xedb88320UL; /* CRC-32 polynomial */ - row = 1; - for (n = 1; n < GF2_DIM; n++) { - odd[n] = row; - row <<= 1; - } + return crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, (z_off64_t)len2); +} - /* put operator for two zero bits in even */ - gf2_matrix_square(even, odd); - - /* put operator for four zero bits in odd */ - gf2_matrix_square(odd, even); - - /* apply len2 zeros to crc1 (first square will put the operator for one - zero byte, eight zero bits, in even) */ - do { - /* apply zeros operator for this bit of len2 */ - gf2_matrix_square(even, odd); - if (len2 & 1) - crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(even, crc1); - len2 >>= 1; - - /* if no more bits set, then done */ - if (len2 == 0) - break; - - /* another iteration of the loop with odd and even swapped */ - gf2_matrix_square(odd, even); - if (len2 & 1) - crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(odd, crc1); - len2 >>= 1; - - /* if no more bits set, then done */ - } while (len2 != 0); - - /* return combined crc */ - crc1 ^= crc2; - return crc1; +/* ========================================================================= */ +uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64(len2) + z_off64_t len2; +{ +#ifdef DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE + once(&made, make_crc_table); +#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */ + return x2nmodp(len2, 3); } /* ========================================================================= */ -uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine(crc1, crc2, len2) - uLong crc1; - uLong crc2; +uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen(len2) z_off_t len2; { - return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2); + return crc32_combine_gen64((z_off64_t)len2); } -uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, len2) +/* ========================================================================= */ +uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_op(crc1, crc2, op) uLong crc1; uLong crc2; - z_off64_t len2; + uLong op; { - return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2); + return multmodp(op, crc1) ^ (crc2 & 0xffffffff); } diff --git a/contrib/zlib/crc32.h b/contrib/zlib/crc32.h index 9e0c778102..137df68d61 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/crc32.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/crc32.h @@ -2,440 +2,9445 @@ * Generated automatically by crc32.c */ -local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256] = -{ - { - 0x00000000UL, 0x77073096UL, 0xee0e612cUL, 0x990951baUL, 0x076dc419UL, - 0x706af48fUL, 0xe963a535UL, 0x9e6495a3UL, 0x0edb8832UL, 0x79dcb8a4UL, - 0xe0d5e91eUL, 0x97d2d988UL, 0x09b64c2bUL, 0x7eb17cbdUL, 0xe7b82d07UL, - 0x90bf1d91UL, 0x1db71064UL, 0x6ab020f2UL, 0xf3b97148UL, 0x84be41deUL, - 0x1adad47dUL, 0x6ddde4ebUL, 0xf4d4b551UL, 0x83d385c7UL, 0x136c9856UL, - 0x646ba8c0UL, 0xfd62f97aUL, 0x8a65c9ecUL, 0x14015c4fUL, 0x63066cd9UL, - 0xfa0f3d63UL, 0x8d080df5UL, 0x3b6e20c8UL, 0x4c69105eUL, 0xd56041e4UL, - 0xa2677172UL, 0x3c03e4d1UL, 0x4b04d447UL, 0xd20d85fdUL, 0xa50ab56bUL, - 0x35b5a8faUL, 0x42b2986cUL, 0xdbbbc9d6UL, 0xacbcf940UL, 0x32d86ce3UL, - 0x45df5c75UL, 0xdcd60dcfUL, 0xabd13d59UL, 0x26d930acUL, 0x51de003aUL, - 0xc8d75180UL, 0xbfd06116UL, 0x21b4f4b5UL, 0x56b3c423UL, 0xcfba9599UL, - 0xb8bda50fUL, 0x2802b89eUL, 0x5f058808UL, 0xc60cd9b2UL, 0xb10be924UL, - 0x2f6f7c87UL, 0x58684c11UL, 0xc1611dabUL, 0xb6662d3dUL, 0x76dc4190UL, - 0x01db7106UL, 0x98d220bcUL, 0xefd5102aUL, 0x71b18589UL, 0x06b6b51fUL, - 0x9fbfe4a5UL, 0xe8b8d433UL, 0x7807c9a2UL, 0x0f00f934UL, 0x9609a88eUL, - 0xe10e9818UL, 0x7f6a0dbbUL, 0x086d3d2dUL, 0x91646c97UL, 0xe6635c01UL, - 0x6b6b51f4UL, 0x1c6c6162UL, 0x856530d8UL, 0xf262004eUL, 0x6c0695edUL, - 0x1b01a57bUL, 0x8208f4c1UL, 0xf50fc457UL, 0x65b0d9c6UL, 0x12b7e950UL, - 0x8bbeb8eaUL, 0xfcb9887cUL, 0x62dd1ddfUL, 0x15da2d49UL, 0x8cd37cf3UL, - 0xfbd44c65UL, 0x4db26158UL, 0x3ab551ceUL, 0xa3bc0074UL, 0xd4bb30e2UL, - 0x4adfa541UL, 0x3dd895d7UL, 0xa4d1c46dUL, 0xd3d6f4fbUL, 0x4369e96aUL, - 0x346ed9fcUL, 0xad678846UL, 0xda60b8d0UL, 0x44042d73UL, 0x33031de5UL, - 0xaa0a4c5fUL, 0xdd0d7cc9UL, 0x5005713cUL, 0x270241aaUL, 0xbe0b1010UL, - 0xc90c2086UL, 0x5768b525UL, 0x206f85b3UL, 0xb966d409UL, 0xce61e49fUL, - 0x5edef90eUL, 0x29d9c998UL, 0xb0d09822UL, 0xc7d7a8b4UL, 0x59b33d17UL, - 0x2eb40d81UL, 0xb7bd5c3bUL, 0xc0ba6cadUL, 0xedb88320UL, 0x9abfb3b6UL, - 0x03b6e20cUL, 0x74b1d29aUL, 0xead54739UL, 0x9dd277afUL, 0x04db2615UL, - 0x73dc1683UL, 0xe3630b12UL, 0x94643b84UL, 0x0d6d6a3eUL, 0x7a6a5aa8UL, - 0xe40ecf0bUL, 0x9309ff9dUL, 0x0a00ae27UL, 0x7d079eb1UL, 0xf00f9344UL, - 0x8708a3d2UL, 0x1e01f268UL, 0x6906c2feUL, 0xf762575dUL, 0x806567cbUL, - 0x196c3671UL, 0x6e6b06e7UL, 0xfed41b76UL, 0x89d32be0UL, 0x10da7a5aUL, - 0x67dd4accUL, 0xf9b9df6fUL, 0x8ebeeff9UL, 0x17b7be43UL, 0x60b08ed5UL, - 0xd6d6a3e8UL, 0xa1d1937eUL, 0x38d8c2c4UL, 0x4fdff252UL, 0xd1bb67f1UL, - 0xa6bc5767UL, 0x3fb506ddUL, 0x48b2364bUL, 0xd80d2bdaUL, 0xaf0a1b4cUL, - 0x36034af6UL, 0x41047a60UL, 0xdf60efc3UL, 0xa867df55UL, 0x316e8eefUL, - 0x4669be79UL, 0xcb61b38cUL, 0xbc66831aUL, 0x256fd2a0UL, 0x5268e236UL, - 0xcc0c7795UL, 0xbb0b4703UL, 0x220216b9UL, 0x5505262fUL, 0xc5ba3bbeUL, - 0xb2bd0b28UL, 0x2bb45a92UL, 0x5cb36a04UL, 0xc2d7ffa7UL, 0xb5d0cf31UL, - 0x2cd99e8bUL, 0x5bdeae1dUL, 0x9b64c2b0UL, 0xec63f226UL, 0x756aa39cUL, - 0x026d930aUL, 0x9c0906a9UL, 0xeb0e363fUL, 0x72076785UL, 0x05005713UL, - 0x95bf4a82UL, 0xe2b87a14UL, 0x7bb12baeUL, 0x0cb61b38UL, 0x92d28e9bUL, - 0xe5d5be0dUL, 0x7cdcefb7UL, 0x0bdbdf21UL, 0x86d3d2d4UL, 0xf1d4e242UL, - 0x68ddb3f8UL, 0x1fda836eUL, 0x81be16cdUL, 0xf6b9265bUL, 0x6fb077e1UL, - 0x18b74777UL, 0x88085ae6UL, 0xff0f6a70UL, 0x66063bcaUL, 0x11010b5cUL, - 0x8f659effUL, 0xf862ae69UL, 0x616bffd3UL, 0x166ccf45UL, 0xa00ae278UL, - 0xd70dd2eeUL, 0x4e048354UL, 0x3903b3c2UL, 0xa7672661UL, 0xd06016f7UL, - 0x4969474dUL, 0x3e6e77dbUL, 0xaed16a4aUL, 0xd9d65adcUL, 0x40df0b66UL, - 0x37d83bf0UL, 0xa9bcae53UL, 0xdebb9ec5UL, 0x47b2cf7fUL, 0x30b5ffe9UL, - 0xbdbdf21cUL, 0xcabac28aUL, 0x53b39330UL, 0x24b4a3a6UL, 0xbad03605UL, - 0xcdd70693UL, 0x54de5729UL, 0x23d967bfUL, 0xb3667a2eUL, 0xc4614ab8UL, - 0x5d681b02UL, 0x2a6f2b94UL, 0xb40bbe37UL, 0xc30c8ea1UL, 0x5a05df1bUL, - 0x2d02ef8dUL -#ifdef BYFOUR - }, - { - 0x00000000UL, 0x191b3141UL, 0x32366282UL, 0x2b2d53c3UL, 0x646cc504UL, - 0x7d77f445UL, 0x565aa786UL, 0x4f4196c7UL, 0xc8d98a08UL, 0xd1c2bb49UL, - 0xfaefe88aUL, 0xe3f4d9cbUL, 0xacb54f0cUL, 0xb5ae7e4dUL, 0x9e832d8eUL, - 0x87981ccfUL, 0x4ac21251UL, 0x53d92310UL, 0x78f470d3UL, 0x61ef4192UL, - 0x2eaed755UL, 0x37b5e614UL, 0x1c98b5d7UL, 0x05838496UL, 0x821b9859UL, - 0x9b00a918UL, 0xb02dfadbUL, 0xa936cb9aUL, 0xe6775d5dUL, 0xff6c6c1cUL, - 0xd4413fdfUL, 0xcd5a0e9eUL, 0x958424a2UL, 0x8c9f15e3UL, 0xa7b24620UL, - 0xbea97761UL, 0xf1e8e1a6UL, 0xe8f3d0e7UL, 0xc3de8324UL, 0xdac5b265UL, - 0x5d5daeaaUL, 0x44469febUL, 0x6f6bcc28UL, 0x7670fd69UL, 0x39316baeUL, - 0x202a5aefUL, 0x0b07092cUL, 0x121c386dUL, 0xdf4636f3UL, 0xc65d07b2UL, - 0xed705471UL, 0xf46b6530UL, 0xbb2af3f7UL, 0xa231c2b6UL, 0x891c9175UL, - 0x9007a034UL, 0x179fbcfbUL, 0x0e848dbaUL, 0x25a9de79UL, 0x3cb2ef38UL, - 0x73f379ffUL, 0x6ae848beUL, 0x41c51b7dUL, 0x58de2a3cUL, 0xf0794f05UL, - 0xe9627e44UL, 0xc24f2d87UL, 0xdb541cc6UL, 0x94158a01UL, 0x8d0ebb40UL, - 0xa623e883UL, 0xbf38d9c2UL, 0x38a0c50dUL, 0x21bbf44cUL, 0x0a96a78fUL, - 0x138d96ceUL, 0x5ccc0009UL, 0x45d73148UL, 0x6efa628bUL, 0x77e153caUL, - 0xbabb5d54UL, 0xa3a06c15UL, 0x888d3fd6UL, 0x91960e97UL, 0xded79850UL, - 0xc7cca911UL, 0xece1fad2UL, 0xf5facb93UL, 0x7262d75cUL, 0x6b79e61dUL, - 0x4054b5deUL, 0x594f849fUL, 0x160e1258UL, 0x0f152319UL, 0x243870daUL, - 0x3d23419bUL, 0x65fd6ba7UL, 0x7ce65ae6UL, 0x57cb0925UL, 0x4ed03864UL, - 0x0191aea3UL, 0x188a9fe2UL, 0x33a7cc21UL, 0x2abcfd60UL, 0xad24e1afUL, - 0xb43fd0eeUL, 0x9f12832dUL, 0x8609b26cUL, 0xc94824abUL, 0xd05315eaUL, - 0xfb7e4629UL, 0xe2657768UL, 0x2f3f79f6UL, 0x362448b7UL, 0x1d091b74UL, - 0x04122a35UL, 0x4b53bcf2UL, 0x52488db3UL, 0x7965de70UL, 0x607eef31UL, - 0xe7e6f3feUL, 0xfefdc2bfUL, 0xd5d0917cUL, 0xcccba03dUL, 0x838a36faUL, - 0x9a9107bbUL, 0xb1bc5478UL, 0xa8a76539UL, 0x3b83984bUL, 0x2298a90aUL, - 0x09b5fac9UL, 0x10aecb88UL, 0x5fef5d4fUL, 0x46f46c0eUL, 0x6dd93fcdUL, - 0x74c20e8cUL, 0xf35a1243UL, 0xea412302UL, 0xc16c70c1UL, 0xd8774180UL, - 0x9736d747UL, 0x8e2de606UL, 0xa500b5c5UL, 0xbc1b8484UL, 0x71418a1aUL, - 0x685abb5bUL, 0x4377e898UL, 0x5a6cd9d9UL, 0x152d4f1eUL, 0x0c367e5fUL, - 0x271b2d9cUL, 0x3e001cddUL, 0xb9980012UL, 0xa0833153UL, 0x8bae6290UL, - 0x92b553d1UL, 0xddf4c516UL, 0xc4eff457UL, 0xefc2a794UL, 0xf6d996d5UL, - 0xae07bce9UL, 0xb71c8da8UL, 0x9c31de6bUL, 0x852aef2aUL, 0xca6b79edUL, - 0xd37048acUL, 0xf85d1b6fUL, 0xe1462a2eUL, 0x66de36e1UL, 0x7fc507a0UL, - 0x54e85463UL, 0x4df36522UL, 0x02b2f3e5UL, 0x1ba9c2a4UL, 0x30849167UL, - 0x299fa026UL, 0xe4c5aeb8UL, 0xfdde9ff9UL, 0xd6f3cc3aUL, 0xcfe8fd7bUL, - 0x80a96bbcUL, 0x99b25afdUL, 0xb29f093eUL, 0xab84387fUL, 0x2c1c24b0UL, - 0x350715f1UL, 0x1e2a4632UL, 0x07317773UL, 0x4870e1b4UL, 0x516bd0f5UL, - 0x7a468336UL, 0x635db277UL, 0xcbfad74eUL, 0xd2e1e60fUL, 0xf9ccb5ccUL, - 0xe0d7848dUL, 0xaf96124aUL, 0xb68d230bUL, 0x9da070c8UL, 0x84bb4189UL, - 0x03235d46UL, 0x1a386c07UL, 0x31153fc4UL, 0x280e0e85UL, 0x674f9842UL, - 0x7e54a903UL, 0x5579fac0UL, 0x4c62cb81UL, 0x8138c51fUL, 0x9823f45eUL, - 0xb30ea79dUL, 0xaa1596dcUL, 0xe554001bUL, 0xfc4f315aUL, 0xd7626299UL, - 0xce7953d8UL, 0x49e14f17UL, 0x50fa7e56UL, 0x7bd72d95UL, 0x62cc1cd4UL, - 0x2d8d8a13UL, 0x3496bb52UL, 0x1fbbe891UL, 0x06a0d9d0UL, 0x5e7ef3ecUL, - 0x4765c2adUL, 0x6c48916eUL, 0x7553a02fUL, 0x3a1236e8UL, 0x230907a9UL, - 0x0824546aUL, 0x113f652bUL, 0x96a779e4UL, 0x8fbc48a5UL, 0xa4911b66UL, - 0xbd8a2a27UL, 0xf2cbbce0UL, 0xebd08da1UL, 0xc0fdde62UL, 0xd9e6ef23UL, - 0x14bce1bdUL, 0x0da7d0fcUL, 0x268a833fUL, 0x3f91b27eUL, 0x70d024b9UL, - 0x69cb15f8UL, 0x42e6463bUL, 0x5bfd777aUL, 0xdc656bb5UL, 0xc57e5af4UL, - 0xee530937UL, 0xf7483876UL, 0xb809aeb1UL, 0xa1129ff0UL, 0x8a3fcc33UL, - 0x9324fd72UL - }, - { - 0x00000000UL, 0x01c26a37UL, 0x0384d46eUL, 0x0246be59UL, 0x0709a8dcUL, - 0x06cbc2ebUL, 0x048d7cb2UL, 0x054f1685UL, 0x0e1351b8UL, 0x0fd13b8fUL, - 0x0d9785d6UL, 0x0c55efe1UL, 0x091af964UL, 0x08d89353UL, 0x0a9e2d0aUL, - 0x0b5c473dUL, 0x1c26a370UL, 0x1de4c947UL, 0x1fa2771eUL, 0x1e601d29UL, - 0x1b2f0bacUL, 0x1aed619bUL, 0x18abdfc2UL, 0x1969b5f5UL, 0x1235f2c8UL, - 0x13f798ffUL, 0x11b126a6UL, 0x10734c91UL, 0x153c5a14UL, 0x14fe3023UL, - 0x16b88e7aUL, 0x177ae44dUL, 0x384d46e0UL, 0x398f2cd7UL, 0x3bc9928eUL, - 0x3a0bf8b9UL, 0x3f44ee3cUL, 0x3e86840bUL, 0x3cc03a52UL, 0x3d025065UL, - 0x365e1758UL, 0x379c7d6fUL, 0x35dac336UL, 0x3418a901UL, 0x3157bf84UL, - 0x3095d5b3UL, 0x32d36beaUL, 0x331101ddUL, 0x246be590UL, 0x25a98fa7UL, - 0x27ef31feUL, 0x262d5bc9UL, 0x23624d4cUL, 0x22a0277bUL, 0x20e69922UL, - 0x2124f315UL, 0x2a78b428UL, 0x2bbade1fUL, 0x29fc6046UL, 0x283e0a71UL, - 0x2d711cf4UL, 0x2cb376c3UL, 0x2ef5c89aUL, 0x2f37a2adUL, 0x709a8dc0UL, - 0x7158e7f7UL, 0x731e59aeUL, 0x72dc3399UL, 0x7793251cUL, 0x76514f2bUL, - 0x7417f172UL, 0x75d59b45UL, 0x7e89dc78UL, 0x7f4bb64fUL, 0x7d0d0816UL, - 0x7ccf6221UL, 0x798074a4UL, 0x78421e93UL, 0x7a04a0caUL, 0x7bc6cafdUL, - 0x6cbc2eb0UL, 0x6d7e4487UL, 0x6f38fadeUL, 0x6efa90e9UL, 0x6bb5866cUL, - 0x6a77ec5bUL, 0x68315202UL, 0x69f33835UL, 0x62af7f08UL, 0x636d153fUL, - 0x612bab66UL, 0x60e9c151UL, 0x65a6d7d4UL, 0x6464bde3UL, 0x662203baUL, - 0x67e0698dUL, 0x48d7cb20UL, 0x4915a117UL, 0x4b531f4eUL, 0x4a917579UL, - 0x4fde63fcUL, 0x4e1c09cbUL, 0x4c5ab792UL, 0x4d98dda5UL, 0x46c49a98UL, - 0x4706f0afUL, 0x45404ef6UL, 0x448224c1UL, 0x41cd3244UL, 0x400f5873UL, - 0x4249e62aUL, 0x438b8c1dUL, 0x54f16850UL, 0x55330267UL, 0x5775bc3eUL, - 0x56b7d609UL, 0x53f8c08cUL, 0x523aaabbUL, 0x507c14e2UL, 0x51be7ed5UL, - 0x5ae239e8UL, 0x5b2053dfUL, 0x5966ed86UL, 0x58a487b1UL, 0x5deb9134UL, - 0x5c29fb03UL, 0x5e6f455aUL, 0x5fad2f6dUL, 0xe1351b80UL, 0xe0f771b7UL, - 0xe2b1cfeeUL, 0xe373a5d9UL, 0xe63cb35cUL, 0xe7fed96bUL, 0xe5b86732UL, - 0xe47a0d05UL, 0xef264a38UL, 0xeee4200fUL, 0xeca29e56UL, 0xed60f461UL, - 0xe82fe2e4UL, 0xe9ed88d3UL, 0xebab368aUL, 0xea695cbdUL, 0xfd13b8f0UL, - 0xfcd1d2c7UL, 0xfe976c9eUL, 0xff5506a9UL, 0xfa1a102cUL, 0xfbd87a1bUL, - 0xf99ec442UL, 0xf85cae75UL, 0xf300e948UL, 0xf2c2837fUL, 0xf0843d26UL, - 0xf1465711UL, 0xf4094194UL, 0xf5cb2ba3UL, 0xf78d95faUL, 0xf64fffcdUL, - 0xd9785d60UL, 0xd8ba3757UL, 0xdafc890eUL, 0xdb3ee339UL, 0xde71f5bcUL, - 0xdfb39f8bUL, 0xddf521d2UL, 0xdc374be5UL, 0xd76b0cd8UL, 0xd6a966efUL, - 0xd4efd8b6UL, 0xd52db281UL, 0xd062a404UL, 0xd1a0ce33UL, 0xd3e6706aUL, - 0xd2241a5dUL, 0xc55efe10UL, 0xc49c9427UL, 0xc6da2a7eUL, 0xc7184049UL, - 0xc25756ccUL, 0xc3953cfbUL, 0xc1d382a2UL, 0xc011e895UL, 0xcb4dafa8UL, - 0xca8fc59fUL, 0xc8c97bc6UL, 0xc90b11f1UL, 0xcc440774UL, 0xcd866d43UL, - 0xcfc0d31aUL, 0xce02b92dUL, 0x91af9640UL, 0x906dfc77UL, 0x922b422eUL, - 0x93e92819UL, 0x96a63e9cUL, 0x976454abUL, 0x9522eaf2UL, 0x94e080c5UL, - 0x9fbcc7f8UL, 0x9e7eadcfUL, 0x9c381396UL, 0x9dfa79a1UL, 0x98b56f24UL, - 0x99770513UL, 0x9b31bb4aUL, 0x9af3d17dUL, 0x8d893530UL, 0x8c4b5f07UL, - 0x8e0de15eUL, 0x8fcf8b69UL, 0x8a809decUL, 0x8b42f7dbUL, 0x89044982UL, - 0x88c623b5UL, 0x839a6488UL, 0x82580ebfUL, 0x801eb0e6UL, 0x81dcdad1UL, - 0x8493cc54UL, 0x8551a663UL, 0x8717183aUL, 0x86d5720dUL, 0xa9e2d0a0UL, - 0xa820ba97UL, 0xaa6604ceUL, 0xaba46ef9UL, 0xaeeb787cUL, 0xaf29124bUL, - 0xad6fac12UL, 0xacadc625UL, 0xa7f18118UL, 0xa633eb2fUL, 0xa4755576UL, - 0xa5b73f41UL, 0xa0f829c4UL, 0xa13a43f3UL, 0xa37cfdaaUL, 0xa2be979dUL, - 0xb5c473d0UL, 0xb40619e7UL, 0xb640a7beUL, 0xb782cd89UL, 0xb2cddb0cUL, - 0xb30fb13bUL, 0xb1490f62UL, 0xb08b6555UL, 0xbbd72268UL, 0xba15485fUL, - 0xb853f606UL, 0xb9919c31UL, 0xbcde8ab4UL, 0xbd1ce083UL, 0xbf5a5edaUL, - 0xbe9834edUL - }, - { - 0x00000000UL, 0xb8bc6765UL, 0xaa09c88bUL, 0x12b5afeeUL, 0x8f629757UL, - 0x37def032UL, 0x256b5fdcUL, 0x9dd738b9UL, 0xc5b428efUL, 0x7d084f8aUL, - 0x6fbde064UL, 0xd7018701UL, 0x4ad6bfb8UL, 0xf26ad8ddUL, 0xe0df7733UL, - 0x58631056UL, 0x5019579fUL, 0xe8a530faUL, 0xfa109f14UL, 0x42acf871UL, - 0xdf7bc0c8UL, 0x67c7a7adUL, 0x75720843UL, 0xcdce6f26UL, 0x95ad7f70UL, - 0x2d111815UL, 0x3fa4b7fbUL, 0x8718d09eUL, 0x1acfe827UL, 0xa2738f42UL, - 0xb0c620acUL, 0x087a47c9UL, 0xa032af3eUL, 0x188ec85bUL, 0x0a3b67b5UL, - 0xb28700d0UL, 0x2f503869UL, 0x97ec5f0cUL, 0x8559f0e2UL, 0x3de59787UL, - 0x658687d1UL, 0xdd3ae0b4UL, 0xcf8f4f5aUL, 0x7733283fUL, 0xeae41086UL, - 0x525877e3UL, 0x40edd80dUL, 0xf851bf68UL, 0xf02bf8a1UL, 0x48979fc4UL, - 0x5a22302aUL, 0xe29e574fUL, 0x7f496ff6UL, 0xc7f50893UL, 0xd540a77dUL, - 0x6dfcc018UL, 0x359fd04eUL, 0x8d23b72bUL, 0x9f9618c5UL, 0x272a7fa0UL, - 0xbafd4719UL, 0x0241207cUL, 0x10f48f92UL, 0xa848e8f7UL, 0x9b14583dUL, - 0x23a83f58UL, 0x311d90b6UL, 0x89a1f7d3UL, 0x1476cf6aUL, 0xaccaa80fUL, - 0xbe7f07e1UL, 0x06c36084UL, 0x5ea070d2UL, 0xe61c17b7UL, 0xf4a9b859UL, - 0x4c15df3cUL, 0xd1c2e785UL, 0x697e80e0UL, 0x7bcb2f0eUL, 0xc377486bUL, - 0xcb0d0fa2UL, 0x73b168c7UL, 0x6104c729UL, 0xd9b8a04cUL, 0x446f98f5UL, - 0xfcd3ff90UL, 0xee66507eUL, 0x56da371bUL, 0x0eb9274dUL, 0xb6054028UL, - 0xa4b0efc6UL, 0x1c0c88a3UL, 0x81dbb01aUL, 0x3967d77fUL, 0x2bd27891UL, - 0x936e1ff4UL, 0x3b26f703UL, 0x839a9066UL, 0x912f3f88UL, 0x299358edUL, - 0xb4446054UL, 0x0cf80731UL, 0x1e4da8dfUL, 0xa6f1cfbaUL, 0xfe92dfecUL, - 0x462eb889UL, 0x549b1767UL, 0xec277002UL, 0x71f048bbUL, 0xc94c2fdeUL, - 0xdbf98030UL, 0x6345e755UL, 0x6b3fa09cUL, 0xd383c7f9UL, 0xc1366817UL, - 0x798a0f72UL, 0xe45d37cbUL, 0x5ce150aeUL, 0x4e54ff40UL, 0xf6e89825UL, - 0xae8b8873UL, 0x1637ef16UL, 0x048240f8UL, 0xbc3e279dUL, 0x21e91f24UL, - 0x99557841UL, 0x8be0d7afUL, 0x335cb0caUL, 0xed59b63bUL, 0x55e5d15eUL, - 0x47507eb0UL, 0xffec19d5UL, 0x623b216cUL, 0xda874609UL, 0xc832e9e7UL, - 0x708e8e82UL, 0x28ed9ed4UL, 0x9051f9b1UL, 0x82e4565fUL, 0x3a58313aUL, - 0xa78f0983UL, 0x1f336ee6UL, 0x0d86c108UL, 0xb53aa66dUL, 0xbd40e1a4UL, - 0x05fc86c1UL, 0x1749292fUL, 0xaff54e4aUL, 0x322276f3UL, 0x8a9e1196UL, - 0x982bbe78UL, 0x2097d91dUL, 0x78f4c94bUL, 0xc048ae2eUL, 0xd2fd01c0UL, - 0x6a4166a5UL, 0xf7965e1cUL, 0x4f2a3979UL, 0x5d9f9697UL, 0xe523f1f2UL, - 0x4d6b1905UL, 0xf5d77e60UL, 0xe762d18eUL, 0x5fdeb6ebUL, 0xc2098e52UL, - 0x7ab5e937UL, 0x680046d9UL, 0xd0bc21bcUL, 0x88df31eaUL, 0x3063568fUL, - 0x22d6f961UL, 0x9a6a9e04UL, 0x07bda6bdUL, 0xbf01c1d8UL, 0xadb46e36UL, - 0x15080953UL, 0x1d724e9aUL, 0xa5ce29ffUL, 0xb77b8611UL, 0x0fc7e174UL, - 0x9210d9cdUL, 0x2aacbea8UL, 0x38191146UL, 0x80a57623UL, 0xd8c66675UL, - 0x607a0110UL, 0x72cfaefeUL, 0xca73c99bUL, 0x57a4f122UL, 0xef189647UL, - 0xfdad39a9UL, 0x45115eccUL, 0x764dee06UL, 0xcef18963UL, 0xdc44268dUL, - 0x64f841e8UL, 0xf92f7951UL, 0x41931e34UL, 0x5326b1daUL, 0xeb9ad6bfUL, - 0xb3f9c6e9UL, 0x0b45a18cUL, 0x19f00e62UL, 0xa14c6907UL, 0x3c9b51beUL, - 0x842736dbUL, 0x96929935UL, 0x2e2efe50UL, 0x2654b999UL, 0x9ee8defcUL, - 0x8c5d7112UL, 0x34e11677UL, 0xa9362eceUL, 0x118a49abUL, 0x033fe645UL, - 0xbb838120UL, 0xe3e09176UL, 0x5b5cf613UL, 0x49e959fdUL, 0xf1553e98UL, - 0x6c820621UL, 0xd43e6144UL, 0xc68bceaaUL, 0x7e37a9cfUL, 0xd67f4138UL, - 0x6ec3265dUL, 0x7c7689b3UL, 0xc4caeed6UL, 0x591dd66fUL, 0xe1a1b10aUL, - 0xf3141ee4UL, 0x4ba87981UL, 0x13cb69d7UL, 0xab770eb2UL, 0xb9c2a15cUL, - 0x017ec639UL, 0x9ca9fe80UL, 0x241599e5UL, 0x36a0360bUL, 0x8e1c516eUL, - 0x866616a7UL, 0x3eda71c2UL, 0x2c6fde2cUL, 0x94d3b949UL, 0x090481f0UL, - 0xb1b8e695UL, 0xa30d497bUL, 0x1bb12e1eUL, 0x43d23e48UL, 0xfb6e592dUL, - 0xe9dbf6c3UL, 0x516791a6UL, 0xccb0a91fUL, 0x740cce7aUL, 0x66b96194UL, - 0xde0506f1UL - }, - { - 0x00000000UL, 0x96300777UL, 0x2c610eeeUL, 0xba510999UL, 0x19c46d07UL, - 0x8ff46a70UL, 0x35a563e9UL, 0xa395649eUL, 0x3288db0eUL, 0xa4b8dc79UL, - 0x1ee9d5e0UL, 0x88d9d297UL, 0x2b4cb609UL, 0xbd7cb17eUL, 0x072db8e7UL, - 0x911dbf90UL, 0x6410b71dUL, 0xf220b06aUL, 0x4871b9f3UL, 0xde41be84UL, - 0x7dd4da1aUL, 0xebe4dd6dUL, 0x51b5d4f4UL, 0xc785d383UL, 0x56986c13UL, - 0xc0a86b64UL, 0x7af962fdUL, 0xecc9658aUL, 0x4f5c0114UL, 0xd96c0663UL, - 0x633d0ffaUL, 0xf50d088dUL, 0xc8206e3bUL, 0x5e10694cUL, 0xe44160d5UL, - 0x727167a2UL, 0xd1e4033cUL, 0x47d4044bUL, 0xfd850dd2UL, 0x6bb50aa5UL, - 0xfaa8b535UL, 0x6c98b242UL, 0xd6c9bbdbUL, 0x40f9bcacUL, 0xe36cd832UL, - 0x755cdf45UL, 0xcf0dd6dcUL, 0x593dd1abUL, 0xac30d926UL, 0x3a00de51UL, - 0x8051d7c8UL, 0x1661d0bfUL, 0xb5f4b421UL, 0x23c4b356UL, 0x9995bacfUL, - 0x0fa5bdb8UL, 0x9eb80228UL, 0x0888055fUL, 0xb2d90cc6UL, 0x24e90bb1UL, - 0x877c6f2fUL, 0x114c6858UL, 0xab1d61c1UL, 0x3d2d66b6UL, 0x9041dc76UL, - 0x0671db01UL, 0xbc20d298UL, 0x2a10d5efUL, 0x8985b171UL, 0x1fb5b606UL, - 0xa5e4bf9fUL, 0x33d4b8e8UL, 0xa2c90778UL, 0x34f9000fUL, 0x8ea80996UL, - 0x18980ee1UL, 0xbb0d6a7fUL, 0x2d3d6d08UL, 0x976c6491UL, 0x015c63e6UL, - 0xf4516b6bUL, 0x62616c1cUL, 0xd8306585UL, 0x4e0062f2UL, 0xed95066cUL, - 0x7ba5011bUL, 0xc1f40882UL, 0x57c40ff5UL, 0xc6d9b065UL, 0x50e9b712UL, - 0xeab8be8bUL, 0x7c88b9fcUL, 0xdf1ddd62UL, 0x492dda15UL, 0xf37cd38cUL, - 0x654cd4fbUL, 0x5861b24dUL, 0xce51b53aUL, 0x7400bca3UL, 0xe230bbd4UL, - 0x41a5df4aUL, 0xd795d83dUL, 0x6dc4d1a4UL, 0xfbf4d6d3UL, 0x6ae96943UL, - 0xfcd96e34UL, 0x468867adUL, 0xd0b860daUL, 0x732d0444UL, 0xe51d0333UL, - 0x5f4c0aaaUL, 0xc97c0dddUL, 0x3c710550UL, 0xaa410227UL, 0x10100bbeUL, - 0x86200cc9UL, 0x25b56857UL, 0xb3856f20UL, 0x09d466b9UL, 0x9fe461ceUL, - 0x0ef9de5eUL, 0x98c9d929UL, 0x2298d0b0UL, 0xb4a8d7c7UL, 0x173db359UL, - 0x810db42eUL, 0x3b5cbdb7UL, 0xad6cbac0UL, 0x2083b8edUL, 0xb6b3bf9aUL, - 0x0ce2b603UL, 0x9ad2b174UL, 0x3947d5eaUL, 0xaf77d29dUL, 0x1526db04UL, - 0x8316dc73UL, 0x120b63e3UL, 0x843b6494UL, 0x3e6a6d0dUL, 0xa85a6a7aUL, - 0x0bcf0ee4UL, 0x9dff0993UL, 0x27ae000aUL, 0xb19e077dUL, 0x44930ff0UL, - 0xd2a30887UL, 0x68f2011eUL, 0xfec20669UL, 0x5d5762f7UL, 0xcb676580UL, - 0x71366c19UL, 0xe7066b6eUL, 0x761bd4feUL, 0xe02bd389UL, 0x5a7ada10UL, - 0xcc4add67UL, 0x6fdfb9f9UL, 0xf9efbe8eUL, 0x43beb717UL, 0xd58eb060UL, - 0xe8a3d6d6UL, 0x7e93d1a1UL, 0xc4c2d838UL, 0x52f2df4fUL, 0xf167bbd1UL, - 0x6757bca6UL, 0xdd06b53fUL, 0x4b36b248UL, 0xda2b0dd8UL, 0x4c1b0aafUL, - 0xf64a0336UL, 0x607a0441UL, 0xc3ef60dfUL, 0x55df67a8UL, 0xef8e6e31UL, - 0x79be6946UL, 0x8cb361cbUL, 0x1a8366bcUL, 0xa0d26f25UL, 0x36e26852UL, - 0x95770cccUL, 0x03470bbbUL, 0xb9160222UL, 0x2f260555UL, 0xbe3bbac5UL, - 0x280bbdb2UL, 0x925ab42bUL, 0x046ab35cUL, 0xa7ffd7c2UL, 0x31cfd0b5UL, - 0x8b9ed92cUL, 0x1daede5bUL, 0xb0c2649bUL, 0x26f263ecUL, 0x9ca36a75UL, - 0x0a936d02UL, 0xa906099cUL, 0x3f360eebUL, 0x85670772UL, 0x13570005UL, - 0x824abf95UL, 0x147ab8e2UL, 0xae2bb17bUL, 0x381bb60cUL, 0x9b8ed292UL, - 0x0dbed5e5UL, 0xb7efdc7cUL, 0x21dfdb0bUL, 0xd4d2d386UL, 0x42e2d4f1UL, - 0xf8b3dd68UL, 0x6e83da1fUL, 0xcd16be81UL, 0x5b26b9f6UL, 0xe177b06fUL, - 0x7747b718UL, 0xe65a0888UL, 0x706a0fffUL, 0xca3b0666UL, 0x5c0b0111UL, - 0xff9e658fUL, 0x69ae62f8UL, 0xd3ff6b61UL, 0x45cf6c16UL, 0x78e20aa0UL, - 0xeed20dd7UL, 0x5483044eUL, 0xc2b30339UL, 0x612667a7UL, 0xf71660d0UL, - 0x4d476949UL, 0xdb776e3eUL, 0x4a6ad1aeUL, 0xdc5ad6d9UL, 0x660bdf40UL, - 0xf03bd837UL, 0x53aebca9UL, 0xc59ebbdeUL, 0x7fcfb247UL, 0xe9ffb530UL, - 0x1cf2bdbdUL, 0x8ac2bacaUL, 0x3093b353UL, 0xa6a3b424UL, 0x0536d0baUL, - 0x9306d7cdUL, 0x2957de54UL, 0xbf67d923UL, 0x2e7a66b3UL, 0xb84a61c4UL, - 0x021b685dUL, 0x942b6f2aUL, 0x37be0bb4UL, 0xa18e0cc3UL, 0x1bdf055aUL, - 0x8def022dUL - }, - { - 0x00000000UL, 0x41311b19UL, 0x82623632UL, 0xc3532d2bUL, 0x04c56c64UL, - 0x45f4777dUL, 0x86a75a56UL, 0xc796414fUL, 0x088ad9c8UL, 0x49bbc2d1UL, - 0x8ae8effaUL, 0xcbd9f4e3UL, 0x0c4fb5acUL, 0x4d7eaeb5UL, 0x8e2d839eUL, - 0xcf1c9887UL, 0x5112c24aUL, 0x1023d953UL, 0xd370f478UL, 0x9241ef61UL, - 0x55d7ae2eUL, 0x14e6b537UL, 0xd7b5981cUL, 0x96848305UL, 0x59981b82UL, - 0x18a9009bUL, 0xdbfa2db0UL, 0x9acb36a9UL, 0x5d5d77e6UL, 0x1c6c6cffUL, - 0xdf3f41d4UL, 0x9e0e5acdUL, 0xa2248495UL, 0xe3159f8cUL, 0x2046b2a7UL, - 0x6177a9beUL, 0xa6e1e8f1UL, 0xe7d0f3e8UL, 0x2483dec3UL, 0x65b2c5daUL, - 0xaaae5d5dUL, 0xeb9f4644UL, 0x28cc6b6fUL, 0x69fd7076UL, 0xae6b3139UL, - 0xef5a2a20UL, 0x2c09070bUL, 0x6d381c12UL, 0xf33646dfUL, 0xb2075dc6UL, - 0x715470edUL, 0x30656bf4UL, 0xf7f32abbUL, 0xb6c231a2UL, 0x75911c89UL, - 0x34a00790UL, 0xfbbc9f17UL, 0xba8d840eUL, 0x79dea925UL, 0x38efb23cUL, - 0xff79f373UL, 0xbe48e86aUL, 0x7d1bc541UL, 0x3c2ade58UL, 0x054f79f0UL, - 0x447e62e9UL, 0x872d4fc2UL, 0xc61c54dbUL, 0x018a1594UL, 0x40bb0e8dUL, - 0x83e823a6UL, 0xc2d938bfUL, 0x0dc5a038UL, 0x4cf4bb21UL, 0x8fa7960aUL, - 0xce968d13UL, 0x0900cc5cUL, 0x4831d745UL, 0x8b62fa6eUL, 0xca53e177UL, - 0x545dbbbaUL, 0x156ca0a3UL, 0xd63f8d88UL, 0x970e9691UL, 0x5098d7deUL, - 0x11a9ccc7UL, 0xd2fae1ecUL, 0x93cbfaf5UL, 0x5cd76272UL, 0x1de6796bUL, - 0xdeb55440UL, 0x9f844f59UL, 0x58120e16UL, 0x1923150fUL, 0xda703824UL, - 0x9b41233dUL, 0xa76bfd65UL, 0xe65ae67cUL, 0x2509cb57UL, 0x6438d04eUL, - 0xa3ae9101UL, 0xe29f8a18UL, 0x21cca733UL, 0x60fdbc2aUL, 0xafe124adUL, - 0xeed03fb4UL, 0x2d83129fUL, 0x6cb20986UL, 0xab2448c9UL, 0xea1553d0UL, - 0x29467efbUL, 0x687765e2UL, 0xf6793f2fUL, 0xb7482436UL, 0x741b091dUL, - 0x352a1204UL, 0xf2bc534bUL, 0xb38d4852UL, 0x70de6579UL, 0x31ef7e60UL, - 0xfef3e6e7UL, 0xbfc2fdfeUL, 0x7c91d0d5UL, 0x3da0cbccUL, 0xfa368a83UL, - 0xbb07919aUL, 0x7854bcb1UL, 0x3965a7a8UL, 0x4b98833bUL, 0x0aa99822UL, - 0xc9fab509UL, 0x88cbae10UL, 0x4f5def5fUL, 0x0e6cf446UL, 0xcd3fd96dUL, - 0x8c0ec274UL, 0x43125af3UL, 0x022341eaUL, 0xc1706cc1UL, 0x804177d8UL, - 0x47d73697UL, 0x06e62d8eUL, 0xc5b500a5UL, 0x84841bbcUL, 0x1a8a4171UL, - 0x5bbb5a68UL, 0x98e87743UL, 0xd9d96c5aUL, 0x1e4f2d15UL, 0x5f7e360cUL, - 0x9c2d1b27UL, 0xdd1c003eUL, 0x120098b9UL, 0x533183a0UL, 0x9062ae8bUL, - 0xd153b592UL, 0x16c5f4ddUL, 0x57f4efc4UL, 0x94a7c2efUL, 0xd596d9f6UL, - 0xe9bc07aeUL, 0xa88d1cb7UL, 0x6bde319cUL, 0x2aef2a85UL, 0xed796bcaUL, - 0xac4870d3UL, 0x6f1b5df8UL, 0x2e2a46e1UL, 0xe136de66UL, 0xa007c57fUL, - 0x6354e854UL, 0x2265f34dUL, 0xe5f3b202UL, 0xa4c2a91bUL, 0x67918430UL, - 0x26a09f29UL, 0xb8aec5e4UL, 0xf99fdefdUL, 0x3accf3d6UL, 0x7bfde8cfUL, - 0xbc6ba980UL, 0xfd5ab299UL, 0x3e099fb2UL, 0x7f3884abUL, 0xb0241c2cUL, - 0xf1150735UL, 0x32462a1eUL, 0x73773107UL, 0xb4e17048UL, 0xf5d06b51UL, - 0x3683467aUL, 0x77b25d63UL, 0x4ed7facbUL, 0x0fe6e1d2UL, 0xccb5ccf9UL, - 0x8d84d7e0UL, 0x4a1296afUL, 0x0b238db6UL, 0xc870a09dUL, 0x8941bb84UL, - 0x465d2303UL, 0x076c381aUL, 0xc43f1531UL, 0x850e0e28UL, 0x42984f67UL, - 0x03a9547eUL, 0xc0fa7955UL, 0x81cb624cUL, 0x1fc53881UL, 0x5ef42398UL, - 0x9da70eb3UL, 0xdc9615aaUL, 0x1b0054e5UL, 0x5a314ffcUL, 0x996262d7UL, - 0xd85379ceUL, 0x174fe149UL, 0x567efa50UL, 0x952dd77bUL, 0xd41ccc62UL, - 0x138a8d2dUL, 0x52bb9634UL, 0x91e8bb1fUL, 0xd0d9a006UL, 0xecf37e5eUL, - 0xadc26547UL, 0x6e91486cUL, 0x2fa05375UL, 0xe836123aUL, 0xa9070923UL, - 0x6a542408UL, 0x2b653f11UL, 0xe479a796UL, 0xa548bc8fUL, 0x661b91a4UL, - 0x272a8abdUL, 0xe0bccbf2UL, 0xa18dd0ebUL, 0x62defdc0UL, 0x23efe6d9UL, - 0xbde1bc14UL, 0xfcd0a70dUL, 0x3f838a26UL, 0x7eb2913fUL, 0xb924d070UL, - 0xf815cb69UL, 0x3b46e642UL, 0x7a77fd5bUL, 0xb56b65dcUL, 0xf45a7ec5UL, - 0x370953eeUL, 0x763848f7UL, 0xb1ae09b8UL, 0xf09f12a1UL, 0x33cc3f8aUL, - 0x72fd2493UL - }, - { - 0x00000000UL, 0x376ac201UL, 0x6ed48403UL, 0x59be4602UL, 0xdca80907UL, - 0xebc2cb06UL, 0xb27c8d04UL, 0x85164f05UL, 0xb851130eUL, 0x8f3bd10fUL, - 0xd685970dUL, 0xe1ef550cUL, 0x64f91a09UL, 0x5393d808UL, 0x0a2d9e0aUL, - 0x3d475c0bUL, 0x70a3261cUL, 0x47c9e41dUL, 0x1e77a21fUL, 0x291d601eUL, - 0xac0b2f1bUL, 0x9b61ed1aUL, 0xc2dfab18UL, 0xf5b56919UL, 0xc8f23512UL, - 0xff98f713UL, 0xa626b111UL, 0x914c7310UL, 0x145a3c15UL, 0x2330fe14UL, - 0x7a8eb816UL, 0x4de47a17UL, 0xe0464d38UL, 0xd72c8f39UL, 0x8e92c93bUL, - 0xb9f80b3aUL, 0x3cee443fUL, 0x0b84863eUL, 0x523ac03cUL, 0x6550023dUL, - 0x58175e36UL, 0x6f7d9c37UL, 0x36c3da35UL, 0x01a91834UL, 0x84bf5731UL, - 0xb3d59530UL, 0xea6bd332UL, 0xdd011133UL, 0x90e56b24UL, 0xa78fa925UL, - 0xfe31ef27UL, 0xc95b2d26UL, 0x4c4d6223UL, 0x7b27a022UL, 0x2299e620UL, - 0x15f32421UL, 0x28b4782aUL, 0x1fdeba2bUL, 0x4660fc29UL, 0x710a3e28UL, - 0xf41c712dUL, 0xc376b32cUL, 0x9ac8f52eUL, 0xada2372fUL, 0xc08d9a70UL, - 0xf7e75871UL, 0xae591e73UL, 0x9933dc72UL, 0x1c259377UL, 0x2b4f5176UL, - 0x72f11774UL, 0x459bd575UL, 0x78dc897eUL, 0x4fb64b7fUL, 0x16080d7dUL, - 0x2162cf7cUL, 0xa4748079UL, 0x931e4278UL, 0xcaa0047aUL, 0xfdcac67bUL, - 0xb02ebc6cUL, 0x87447e6dUL, 0xdefa386fUL, 0xe990fa6eUL, 0x6c86b56bUL, - 0x5bec776aUL, 0x02523168UL, 0x3538f369UL, 0x087faf62UL, 0x3f156d63UL, - 0x66ab2b61UL, 0x51c1e960UL, 0xd4d7a665UL, 0xe3bd6464UL, 0xba032266UL, - 0x8d69e067UL, 0x20cbd748UL, 0x17a11549UL, 0x4e1f534bUL, 0x7975914aUL, - 0xfc63de4fUL, 0xcb091c4eUL, 0x92b75a4cUL, 0xa5dd984dUL, 0x989ac446UL, - 0xaff00647UL, 0xf64e4045UL, 0xc1248244UL, 0x4432cd41UL, 0x73580f40UL, - 0x2ae64942UL, 0x1d8c8b43UL, 0x5068f154UL, 0x67023355UL, 0x3ebc7557UL, - 0x09d6b756UL, 0x8cc0f853UL, 0xbbaa3a52UL, 0xe2147c50UL, 0xd57ebe51UL, - 0xe839e25aUL, 0xdf53205bUL, 0x86ed6659UL, 0xb187a458UL, 0x3491eb5dUL, - 0x03fb295cUL, 0x5a456f5eUL, 0x6d2fad5fUL, 0x801b35e1UL, 0xb771f7e0UL, - 0xeecfb1e2UL, 0xd9a573e3UL, 0x5cb33ce6UL, 0x6bd9fee7UL, 0x3267b8e5UL, - 0x050d7ae4UL, 0x384a26efUL, 0x0f20e4eeUL, 0x569ea2ecUL, 0x61f460edUL, - 0xe4e22fe8UL, 0xd388ede9UL, 0x8a36abebUL, 0xbd5c69eaUL, 0xf0b813fdUL, - 0xc7d2d1fcUL, 0x9e6c97feUL, 0xa90655ffUL, 0x2c101afaUL, 0x1b7ad8fbUL, - 0x42c49ef9UL, 0x75ae5cf8UL, 0x48e900f3UL, 0x7f83c2f2UL, 0x263d84f0UL, - 0x115746f1UL, 0x944109f4UL, 0xa32bcbf5UL, 0xfa958df7UL, 0xcdff4ff6UL, - 0x605d78d9UL, 0x5737bad8UL, 0x0e89fcdaUL, 0x39e33edbUL, 0xbcf571deUL, - 0x8b9fb3dfUL, 0xd221f5ddUL, 0xe54b37dcUL, 0xd80c6bd7UL, 0xef66a9d6UL, - 0xb6d8efd4UL, 0x81b22dd5UL, 0x04a462d0UL, 0x33cea0d1UL, 0x6a70e6d3UL, - 0x5d1a24d2UL, 0x10fe5ec5UL, 0x27949cc4UL, 0x7e2adac6UL, 0x494018c7UL, - 0xcc5657c2UL, 0xfb3c95c3UL, 0xa282d3c1UL, 0x95e811c0UL, 0xa8af4dcbUL, - 0x9fc58fcaUL, 0xc67bc9c8UL, 0xf1110bc9UL, 0x740744ccUL, 0x436d86cdUL, - 0x1ad3c0cfUL, 0x2db902ceUL, 0x4096af91UL, 0x77fc6d90UL, 0x2e422b92UL, - 0x1928e993UL, 0x9c3ea696UL, 0xab546497UL, 0xf2ea2295UL, 0xc580e094UL, - 0xf8c7bc9fUL, 0xcfad7e9eUL, 0x9613389cUL, 0xa179fa9dUL, 0x246fb598UL, - 0x13057799UL, 0x4abb319bUL, 0x7dd1f39aUL, 0x3035898dUL, 0x075f4b8cUL, - 0x5ee10d8eUL, 0x698bcf8fUL, 0xec9d808aUL, 0xdbf7428bUL, 0x82490489UL, - 0xb523c688UL, 0x88649a83UL, 0xbf0e5882UL, 0xe6b01e80UL, 0xd1dadc81UL, - 0x54cc9384UL, 0x63a65185UL, 0x3a181787UL, 0x0d72d586UL, 0xa0d0e2a9UL, - 0x97ba20a8UL, 0xce0466aaUL, 0xf96ea4abUL, 0x7c78ebaeUL, 0x4b1229afUL, - 0x12ac6fadUL, 0x25c6adacUL, 0x1881f1a7UL, 0x2feb33a6UL, 0x765575a4UL, - 0x413fb7a5UL, 0xc429f8a0UL, 0xf3433aa1UL, 0xaafd7ca3UL, 0x9d97bea2UL, - 0xd073c4b5UL, 0xe71906b4UL, 0xbea740b6UL, 0x89cd82b7UL, 0x0cdbcdb2UL, - 0x3bb10fb3UL, 0x620f49b1UL, 0x55658bb0UL, 0x6822d7bbUL, 0x5f4815baUL, - 0x06f653b8UL, 0x319c91b9UL, 0xb48adebcUL, 0x83e01cbdUL, 0xda5e5abfUL, - 0xed3498beUL - }, - { - 0x00000000UL, 0x6567bcb8UL, 0x8bc809aaUL, 0xeeafb512UL, 0x5797628fUL, - 0x32f0de37UL, 0xdc5f6b25UL, 0xb938d79dUL, 0xef28b4c5UL, 0x8a4f087dUL, - 0x64e0bd6fUL, 0x018701d7UL, 0xb8bfd64aUL, 0xddd86af2UL, 0x3377dfe0UL, - 0x56106358UL, 0x9f571950UL, 0xfa30a5e8UL, 0x149f10faUL, 0x71f8ac42UL, - 0xc8c07bdfUL, 0xada7c767UL, 0x43087275UL, 0x266fcecdUL, 0x707fad95UL, - 0x1518112dUL, 0xfbb7a43fUL, 0x9ed01887UL, 0x27e8cf1aUL, 0x428f73a2UL, - 0xac20c6b0UL, 0xc9477a08UL, 0x3eaf32a0UL, 0x5bc88e18UL, 0xb5673b0aUL, - 0xd00087b2UL, 0x6938502fUL, 0x0c5fec97UL, 0xe2f05985UL, 0x8797e53dUL, - 0xd1878665UL, 0xb4e03addUL, 0x5a4f8fcfUL, 0x3f283377UL, 0x8610e4eaUL, - 0xe3775852UL, 0x0dd8ed40UL, 0x68bf51f8UL, 0xa1f82bf0UL, 0xc49f9748UL, - 0x2a30225aUL, 0x4f579ee2UL, 0xf66f497fUL, 0x9308f5c7UL, 0x7da740d5UL, - 0x18c0fc6dUL, 0x4ed09f35UL, 0x2bb7238dUL, 0xc518969fUL, 0xa07f2a27UL, - 0x1947fdbaUL, 0x7c204102UL, 0x928ff410UL, 0xf7e848a8UL, 0x3d58149bUL, - 0x583fa823UL, 0xb6901d31UL, 0xd3f7a189UL, 0x6acf7614UL, 0x0fa8caacUL, - 0xe1077fbeUL, 0x8460c306UL, 0xd270a05eUL, 0xb7171ce6UL, 0x59b8a9f4UL, - 0x3cdf154cUL, 0x85e7c2d1UL, 0xe0807e69UL, 0x0e2fcb7bUL, 0x6b4877c3UL, - 0xa20f0dcbUL, 0xc768b173UL, 0x29c70461UL, 0x4ca0b8d9UL, 0xf5986f44UL, - 0x90ffd3fcUL, 0x7e5066eeUL, 0x1b37da56UL, 0x4d27b90eUL, 0x284005b6UL, - 0xc6efb0a4UL, 0xa3880c1cUL, 0x1ab0db81UL, 0x7fd76739UL, 0x9178d22bUL, - 0xf41f6e93UL, 0x03f7263bUL, 0x66909a83UL, 0x883f2f91UL, 0xed589329UL, - 0x546044b4UL, 0x3107f80cUL, 0xdfa84d1eUL, 0xbacff1a6UL, 0xecdf92feUL, - 0x89b82e46UL, 0x67179b54UL, 0x027027ecUL, 0xbb48f071UL, 0xde2f4cc9UL, - 0x3080f9dbUL, 0x55e74563UL, 0x9ca03f6bUL, 0xf9c783d3UL, 0x176836c1UL, - 0x720f8a79UL, 0xcb375de4UL, 0xae50e15cUL, 0x40ff544eUL, 0x2598e8f6UL, - 0x73888baeUL, 0x16ef3716UL, 0xf8408204UL, 0x9d273ebcUL, 0x241fe921UL, - 0x41785599UL, 0xafd7e08bUL, 0xcab05c33UL, 0x3bb659edUL, 0x5ed1e555UL, - 0xb07e5047UL, 0xd519ecffUL, 0x6c213b62UL, 0x094687daUL, 0xe7e932c8UL, - 0x828e8e70UL, 0xd49eed28UL, 0xb1f95190UL, 0x5f56e482UL, 0x3a31583aUL, - 0x83098fa7UL, 0xe66e331fUL, 0x08c1860dUL, 0x6da63ab5UL, 0xa4e140bdUL, - 0xc186fc05UL, 0x2f294917UL, 0x4a4ef5afUL, 0xf3762232UL, 0x96119e8aUL, - 0x78be2b98UL, 0x1dd99720UL, 0x4bc9f478UL, 0x2eae48c0UL, 0xc001fdd2UL, - 0xa566416aUL, 0x1c5e96f7UL, 0x79392a4fUL, 0x97969f5dUL, 0xf2f123e5UL, - 0x05196b4dUL, 0x607ed7f5UL, 0x8ed162e7UL, 0xebb6de5fUL, 0x528e09c2UL, - 0x37e9b57aUL, 0xd9460068UL, 0xbc21bcd0UL, 0xea31df88UL, 0x8f566330UL, - 0x61f9d622UL, 0x049e6a9aUL, 0xbda6bd07UL, 0xd8c101bfUL, 0x366eb4adUL, - 0x53090815UL, 0x9a4e721dUL, 0xff29cea5UL, 0x11867bb7UL, 0x74e1c70fUL, - 0xcdd91092UL, 0xa8beac2aUL, 0x46111938UL, 0x2376a580UL, 0x7566c6d8UL, - 0x10017a60UL, 0xfeaecf72UL, 0x9bc973caUL, 0x22f1a457UL, 0x479618efUL, - 0xa939adfdUL, 0xcc5e1145UL, 0x06ee4d76UL, 0x6389f1ceUL, 0x8d2644dcUL, - 0xe841f864UL, 0x51792ff9UL, 0x341e9341UL, 0xdab12653UL, 0xbfd69aebUL, - 0xe9c6f9b3UL, 0x8ca1450bUL, 0x620ef019UL, 0x07694ca1UL, 0xbe519b3cUL, - 0xdb362784UL, 0x35999296UL, 0x50fe2e2eUL, 0x99b95426UL, 0xfcdee89eUL, - 0x12715d8cUL, 0x7716e134UL, 0xce2e36a9UL, 0xab498a11UL, 0x45e63f03UL, - 0x208183bbUL, 0x7691e0e3UL, 0x13f65c5bUL, 0xfd59e949UL, 0x983e55f1UL, - 0x2106826cUL, 0x44613ed4UL, 0xaace8bc6UL, 0xcfa9377eUL, 0x38417fd6UL, - 0x5d26c36eUL, 0xb389767cUL, 0xd6eecac4UL, 0x6fd61d59UL, 0x0ab1a1e1UL, - 0xe41e14f3UL, 0x8179a84bUL, 0xd769cb13UL, 0xb20e77abUL, 0x5ca1c2b9UL, - 0x39c67e01UL, 0x80fea99cUL, 0xe5991524UL, 0x0b36a036UL, 0x6e511c8eUL, - 0xa7166686UL, 0xc271da3eUL, 0x2cde6f2cUL, 0x49b9d394UL, 0xf0810409UL, - 0x95e6b8b1UL, 0x7b490da3UL, 0x1e2eb11bUL, 0x483ed243UL, 0x2d596efbUL, - 0xc3f6dbe9UL, 0xa6916751UL, 0x1fa9b0ccUL, 0x7ace0c74UL, 0x9461b966UL, - 0xf10605deUL +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[] = { + 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, + 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, + 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, + 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, + 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, + 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, + 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, + 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, + 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, + 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, + 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, + 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, + 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, + 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, + 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, + 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, + 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, + 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, + 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, + 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, + 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, + 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, + 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, + 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, + 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, + 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, + 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, + 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, + 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, + 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, + 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, + 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, + 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, + 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, + 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, + 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, + 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, + 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, + 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, + 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, + 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, + 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, + 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, + 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, + 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, + 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, + 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, + 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, + 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, + 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, + 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, + 0x2d02ef8d}; + +#ifdef W + +#if W == 8 + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = { + 0x0000000000000000, 0x9630077700000000, 0x2c610eee00000000, + 0xba51099900000000, 0x19c46d0700000000, 0x8ff46a7000000000, + 0x35a563e900000000, 0xa395649e00000000, 0x3288db0e00000000, + 0xa4b8dc7900000000, 0x1ee9d5e000000000, 0x88d9d29700000000, + 0x2b4cb60900000000, 0xbd7cb17e00000000, 0x072db8e700000000, + 0x911dbf9000000000, 0x6410b71d00000000, 0xf220b06a00000000, + 0x4871b9f300000000, 0xde41be8400000000, 0x7dd4da1a00000000, + 0xebe4dd6d00000000, 0x51b5d4f400000000, 0xc785d38300000000, + 0x56986c1300000000, 0xc0a86b6400000000, 0x7af962fd00000000, + 0xecc9658a00000000, 0x4f5c011400000000, 0xd96c066300000000, + 0x633d0ffa00000000, 0xf50d088d00000000, 0xc8206e3b00000000, + 0x5e10694c00000000, 0xe44160d500000000, 0x727167a200000000, + 0xd1e4033c00000000, 0x47d4044b00000000, 0xfd850dd200000000, + 0x6bb50aa500000000, 0xfaa8b53500000000, 0x6c98b24200000000, + 0xd6c9bbdb00000000, 0x40f9bcac00000000, 0xe36cd83200000000, + 0x755cdf4500000000, 0xcf0dd6dc00000000, 0x593dd1ab00000000, + 0xac30d92600000000, 0x3a00de5100000000, 0x8051d7c800000000, + 0x1661d0bf00000000, 0xb5f4b42100000000, 0x23c4b35600000000, + 0x9995bacf00000000, 0x0fa5bdb800000000, 0x9eb8022800000000, + 0x0888055f00000000, 0xb2d90cc600000000, 0x24e90bb100000000, + 0x877c6f2f00000000, 0x114c685800000000, 0xab1d61c100000000, + 0x3d2d66b600000000, 0x9041dc7600000000, 0x0671db0100000000, + 0xbc20d29800000000, 0x2a10d5ef00000000, 0x8985b17100000000, + 0x1fb5b60600000000, 0xa5e4bf9f00000000, 0x33d4b8e800000000, + 0xa2c9077800000000, 0x34f9000f00000000, 0x8ea8099600000000, + 0x18980ee100000000, 0xbb0d6a7f00000000, 0x2d3d6d0800000000, + 0x976c649100000000, 0x015c63e600000000, 0xf4516b6b00000000, + 0x62616c1c00000000, 0xd830658500000000, 0x4e0062f200000000, + 0xed95066c00000000, 0x7ba5011b00000000, 0xc1f4088200000000, + 0x57c40ff500000000, 0xc6d9b06500000000, 0x50e9b71200000000, + 0xeab8be8b00000000, 0x7c88b9fc00000000, 0xdf1ddd6200000000, + 0x492dda1500000000, 0xf37cd38c00000000, 0x654cd4fb00000000, + 0x5861b24d00000000, 0xce51b53a00000000, 0x7400bca300000000, + 0xe230bbd400000000, 0x41a5df4a00000000, 0xd795d83d00000000, + 0x6dc4d1a400000000, 0xfbf4d6d300000000, 0x6ae9694300000000, + 0xfcd96e3400000000, 0x468867ad00000000, 0xd0b860da00000000, + 0x732d044400000000, 0xe51d033300000000, 0x5f4c0aaa00000000, + 0xc97c0ddd00000000, 0x3c71055000000000, 0xaa41022700000000, + 0x10100bbe00000000, 0x86200cc900000000, 0x25b5685700000000, + 0xb3856f2000000000, 0x09d466b900000000, 0x9fe461ce00000000, + 0x0ef9de5e00000000, 0x98c9d92900000000, 0x2298d0b000000000, + 0xb4a8d7c700000000, 0x173db35900000000, 0x810db42e00000000, + 0x3b5cbdb700000000, 0xad6cbac000000000, 0x2083b8ed00000000, + 0xb6b3bf9a00000000, 0x0ce2b60300000000, 0x9ad2b17400000000, + 0x3947d5ea00000000, 0xaf77d29d00000000, 0x1526db0400000000, + 0x8316dc7300000000, 0x120b63e300000000, 0x843b649400000000, + 0x3e6a6d0d00000000, 0xa85a6a7a00000000, 0x0bcf0ee400000000, + 0x9dff099300000000, 0x27ae000a00000000, 0xb19e077d00000000, + 0x44930ff000000000, 0xd2a3088700000000, 0x68f2011e00000000, + 0xfec2066900000000, 0x5d5762f700000000, 0xcb67658000000000, + 0x71366c1900000000, 0xe7066b6e00000000, 0x761bd4fe00000000, + 0xe02bd38900000000, 0x5a7ada1000000000, 0xcc4add6700000000, + 0x6fdfb9f900000000, 0xf9efbe8e00000000, 0x43beb71700000000, + 0xd58eb06000000000, 0xe8a3d6d600000000, 0x7e93d1a100000000, + 0xc4c2d83800000000, 0x52f2df4f00000000, 0xf167bbd100000000, + 0x6757bca600000000, 0xdd06b53f00000000, 0x4b36b24800000000, + 0xda2b0dd800000000, 0x4c1b0aaf00000000, 0xf64a033600000000, + 0x607a044100000000, 0xc3ef60df00000000, 0x55df67a800000000, + 0xef8e6e3100000000, 0x79be694600000000, 0x8cb361cb00000000, + 0x1a8366bc00000000, 0xa0d26f2500000000, 0x36e2685200000000, + 0x95770ccc00000000, 0x03470bbb00000000, 0xb916022200000000, + 0x2f26055500000000, 0xbe3bbac500000000, 0x280bbdb200000000, + 0x925ab42b00000000, 0x046ab35c00000000, 0xa7ffd7c200000000, + 0x31cfd0b500000000, 0x8b9ed92c00000000, 0x1daede5b00000000, + 0xb0c2649b00000000, 0x26f263ec00000000, 0x9ca36a7500000000, + 0x0a936d0200000000, 0xa906099c00000000, 0x3f360eeb00000000, + 0x8567077200000000, 0x1357000500000000, 0x824abf9500000000, + 0x147ab8e200000000, 0xae2bb17b00000000, 0x381bb60c00000000, + 0x9b8ed29200000000, 0x0dbed5e500000000, 0xb7efdc7c00000000, + 0x21dfdb0b00000000, 0xd4d2d38600000000, 0x42e2d4f100000000, + 0xf8b3dd6800000000, 0x6e83da1f00000000, 0xcd16be8100000000, + 0x5b26b9f600000000, 0xe177b06f00000000, 0x7747b71800000000, + 0xe65a088800000000, 0x706a0fff00000000, 0xca3b066600000000, + 0x5c0b011100000000, 0xff9e658f00000000, 0x69ae62f800000000, + 0xd3ff6b6100000000, 0x45cf6c1600000000, 0x78e20aa000000000, + 0xeed20dd700000000, 0x5483044e00000000, 0xc2b3033900000000, + 0x612667a700000000, 0xf71660d000000000, 0x4d47694900000000, + 0xdb776e3e00000000, 0x4a6ad1ae00000000, 0xdc5ad6d900000000, + 0x660bdf4000000000, 0xf03bd83700000000, 0x53aebca900000000, + 0xc59ebbde00000000, 0x7fcfb24700000000, 0xe9ffb53000000000, + 0x1cf2bdbd00000000, 0x8ac2baca00000000, 0x3093b35300000000, + 0xa6a3b42400000000, 0x0536d0ba00000000, 0x9306d7cd00000000, + 0x2957de5400000000, 0xbf67d92300000000, 0x2e7a66b300000000, + 0xb84a61c400000000, 0x021b685d00000000, 0x942b6f2a00000000, + 0x37be0bb400000000, 0xa18e0cc300000000, 0x1bdf055a00000000, + 0x8def022d00000000}; + +#else /* W == 4 */ + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = { + 0x00000000, 0x96300777, 0x2c610eee, 0xba510999, 0x19c46d07, + 0x8ff46a70, 0x35a563e9, 0xa395649e, 0x3288db0e, 0xa4b8dc79, + 0x1ee9d5e0, 0x88d9d297, 0x2b4cb609, 0xbd7cb17e, 0x072db8e7, + 0x911dbf90, 0x6410b71d, 0xf220b06a, 0x4871b9f3, 0xde41be84, + 0x7dd4da1a, 0xebe4dd6d, 0x51b5d4f4, 0xc785d383, 0x56986c13, + 0xc0a86b64, 0x7af962fd, 0xecc9658a, 0x4f5c0114, 0xd96c0663, + 0x633d0ffa, 0xf50d088d, 0xc8206e3b, 0x5e10694c, 0xe44160d5, + 0x727167a2, 0xd1e4033c, 0x47d4044b, 0xfd850dd2, 0x6bb50aa5, + 0xfaa8b535, 0x6c98b242, 0xd6c9bbdb, 0x40f9bcac, 0xe36cd832, + 0x755cdf45, 0xcf0dd6dc, 0x593dd1ab, 0xac30d926, 0x3a00de51, + 0x8051d7c8, 0x1661d0bf, 0xb5f4b421, 0x23c4b356, 0x9995bacf, + 0x0fa5bdb8, 0x9eb80228, 0x0888055f, 0xb2d90cc6, 0x24e90bb1, + 0x877c6f2f, 0x114c6858, 0xab1d61c1, 0x3d2d66b6, 0x9041dc76, + 0x0671db01, 0xbc20d298, 0x2a10d5ef, 0x8985b171, 0x1fb5b606, + 0xa5e4bf9f, 0x33d4b8e8, 0xa2c90778, 0x34f9000f, 0x8ea80996, + 0x18980ee1, 0xbb0d6a7f, 0x2d3d6d08, 0x976c6491, 0x015c63e6, + 0xf4516b6b, 0x62616c1c, 0xd8306585, 0x4e0062f2, 0xed95066c, + 0x7ba5011b, 0xc1f40882, 0x57c40ff5, 0xc6d9b065, 0x50e9b712, + 0xeab8be8b, 0x7c88b9fc, 0xdf1ddd62, 0x492dda15, 0xf37cd38c, + 0x654cd4fb, 0x5861b24d, 0xce51b53a, 0x7400bca3, 0xe230bbd4, + 0x41a5df4a, 0xd795d83d, 0x6dc4d1a4, 0xfbf4d6d3, 0x6ae96943, + 0xfcd96e34, 0x468867ad, 0xd0b860da, 0x732d0444, 0xe51d0333, + 0x5f4c0aaa, 0xc97c0ddd, 0x3c710550, 0xaa410227, 0x10100bbe, + 0x86200cc9, 0x25b56857, 0xb3856f20, 0x09d466b9, 0x9fe461ce, + 0x0ef9de5e, 0x98c9d929, 0x2298d0b0, 0xb4a8d7c7, 0x173db359, + 0x810db42e, 0x3b5cbdb7, 0xad6cbac0, 0x2083b8ed, 0xb6b3bf9a, + 0x0ce2b603, 0x9ad2b174, 0x3947d5ea, 0xaf77d29d, 0x1526db04, + 0x8316dc73, 0x120b63e3, 0x843b6494, 0x3e6a6d0d, 0xa85a6a7a, + 0x0bcf0ee4, 0x9dff0993, 0x27ae000a, 0xb19e077d, 0x44930ff0, + 0xd2a30887, 0x68f2011e, 0xfec20669, 0x5d5762f7, 0xcb676580, + 0x71366c19, 0xe7066b6e, 0x761bd4fe, 0xe02bd389, 0x5a7ada10, + 0xcc4add67, 0x6fdfb9f9, 0xf9efbe8e, 0x43beb717, 0xd58eb060, + 0xe8a3d6d6, 0x7e93d1a1, 0xc4c2d838, 0x52f2df4f, 0xf167bbd1, + 0x6757bca6, 0xdd06b53f, 0x4b36b248, 0xda2b0dd8, 0x4c1b0aaf, + 0xf64a0336, 0x607a0441, 0xc3ef60df, 0x55df67a8, 0xef8e6e31, + 0x79be6946, 0x8cb361cb, 0x1a8366bc, 0xa0d26f25, 0x36e26852, + 0x95770ccc, 0x03470bbb, 0xb9160222, 0x2f260555, 0xbe3bbac5, + 0x280bbdb2, 0x925ab42b, 0x046ab35c, 0xa7ffd7c2, 0x31cfd0b5, + 0x8b9ed92c, 0x1daede5b, 0xb0c2649b, 0x26f263ec, 0x9ca36a75, + 0x0a936d02, 0xa906099c, 0x3f360eeb, 0x85670772, 0x13570005, + 0x824abf95, 0x147ab8e2, 0xae2bb17b, 0x381bb60c, 0x9b8ed292, + 0x0dbed5e5, 0xb7efdc7c, 0x21dfdb0b, 0xd4d2d386, 0x42e2d4f1, + 0xf8b3dd68, 0x6e83da1f, 0xcd16be81, 0x5b26b9f6, 0xe177b06f, + 0x7747b718, 0xe65a0888, 0x706a0fff, 0xca3b0666, 0x5c0b0111, + 0xff9e658f, 0x69ae62f8, 0xd3ff6b61, 0x45cf6c16, 0x78e20aa0, + 0xeed20dd7, 0x5483044e, 0xc2b30339, 0x612667a7, 0xf71660d0, + 0x4d476949, 0xdb776e3e, 0x4a6ad1ae, 0xdc5ad6d9, 0x660bdf40, + 0xf03bd837, 0x53aebca9, 0xc59ebbde, 0x7fcfb247, 0xe9ffb530, + 0x1cf2bdbd, 0x8ac2baca, 0x3093b353, 0xa6a3b424, 0x0536d0ba, + 0x9306d7cd, 0x2957de54, 0xbf67d923, 0x2e7a66b3, 0xb84a61c4, + 0x021b685d, 0x942b6f2a, 0x37be0bb4, 0xa18e0cc3, 0x1bdf055a, + 0x8def022d}; + +#endif + +#if N == 1 + +#if W == 8 + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xccaa009e, 0x4225077d, 0x8e8f07e3, 0x844a0efa, + 0x48e00e64, 0xc66f0987, 0x0ac50919, 0xd3e51bb5, 0x1f4f1b2b, + 0x91c01cc8, 0x5d6a1c56, 0x57af154f, 0x9b0515d1, 0x158a1232, + 0xd92012ac, 0x7cbb312b, 0xb01131b5, 0x3e9e3656, 0xf23436c8, + 0xf8f13fd1, 0x345b3f4f, 0xbad438ac, 0x767e3832, 0xaf5e2a9e, + 0x63f42a00, 0xed7b2de3, 0x21d12d7d, 0x2b142464, 0xe7be24fa, + 0x69312319, 0xa59b2387, 0xf9766256, 0x35dc62c8, 0xbb53652b, + 0x77f965b5, 0x7d3c6cac, 0xb1966c32, 0x3f196bd1, 0xf3b36b4f, + 0x2a9379e3, 0xe639797d, 0x68b67e9e, 0xa41c7e00, 0xaed97719, + 0x62737787, 0xecfc7064, 0x205670fa, 0x85cd537d, 0x496753e3, + 0xc7e85400, 0x0b42549e, 0x01875d87, 0xcd2d5d19, 0x43a25afa, + 0x8f085a64, 0x562848c8, 0x9a824856, 0x140d4fb5, 0xd8a74f2b, + 0xd2624632, 0x1ec846ac, 0x9047414f, 0x5ced41d1, 0x299dc2ed, + 0xe537c273, 0x6bb8c590, 0xa712c50e, 0xadd7cc17, 0x617dcc89, + 0xeff2cb6a, 0x2358cbf4, 0xfa78d958, 0x36d2d9c6, 0xb85dde25, + 0x74f7debb, 0x7e32d7a2, 0xb298d73c, 0x3c17d0df, 0xf0bdd041, + 0x5526f3c6, 0x998cf358, 0x1703f4bb, 0xdba9f425, 0xd16cfd3c, + 0x1dc6fda2, 0x9349fa41, 0x5fe3fadf, 0x86c3e873, 0x4a69e8ed, + 0xc4e6ef0e, 0x084cef90, 0x0289e689, 0xce23e617, 0x40ace1f4, + 0x8c06e16a, 0xd0eba0bb, 0x1c41a025, 0x92cea7c6, 0x5e64a758, + 0x54a1ae41, 0x980baedf, 0x1684a93c, 0xda2ea9a2, 0x030ebb0e, + 0xcfa4bb90, 0x412bbc73, 0x8d81bced, 0x8744b5f4, 0x4beeb56a, + 0xc561b289, 0x09cbb217, 0xac509190, 0x60fa910e, 0xee7596ed, + 0x22df9673, 0x281a9f6a, 0xe4b09ff4, 0x6a3f9817, 0xa6959889, + 0x7fb58a25, 0xb31f8abb, 0x3d908d58, 0xf13a8dc6, 0xfbff84df, + 0x37558441, 0xb9da83a2, 0x7570833c, 0x533b85da, 0x9f918544, + 0x111e82a7, 0xddb48239, 0xd7718b20, 0x1bdb8bbe, 0x95548c5d, + 0x59fe8cc3, 0x80de9e6f, 0x4c749ef1, 0xc2fb9912, 0x0e51998c, + 0x04949095, 0xc83e900b, 0x46b197e8, 0x8a1b9776, 0x2f80b4f1, + 0xe32ab46f, 0x6da5b38c, 0xa10fb312, 0xabcaba0b, 0x6760ba95, + 0xe9efbd76, 0x2545bde8, 0xfc65af44, 0x30cfafda, 0xbe40a839, + 0x72eaa8a7, 0x782fa1be, 0xb485a120, 0x3a0aa6c3, 0xf6a0a65d, + 0xaa4de78c, 0x66e7e712, 0xe868e0f1, 0x24c2e06f, 0x2e07e976, + 0xe2ade9e8, 0x6c22ee0b, 0xa088ee95, 0x79a8fc39, 0xb502fca7, + 0x3b8dfb44, 0xf727fbda, 0xfde2f2c3, 0x3148f25d, 0xbfc7f5be, + 0x736df520, 0xd6f6d6a7, 0x1a5cd639, 0x94d3d1da, 0x5879d144, + 0x52bcd85d, 0x9e16d8c3, 0x1099df20, 0xdc33dfbe, 0x0513cd12, + 0xc9b9cd8c, 0x4736ca6f, 0x8b9ccaf1, 0x8159c3e8, 0x4df3c376, + 0xc37cc495, 0x0fd6c40b, 0x7aa64737, 0xb60c47a9, 0x3883404a, + 0xf42940d4, 0xfeec49cd, 0x32464953, 0xbcc94eb0, 0x70634e2e, + 0xa9435c82, 0x65e95c1c, 0xeb665bff, 0x27cc5b61, 0x2d095278, + 0xe1a352e6, 0x6f2c5505, 0xa386559b, 0x061d761c, 0xcab77682, + 0x44387161, 0x889271ff, 0x825778e6, 0x4efd7878, 0xc0727f9b, + 0x0cd87f05, 0xd5f86da9, 0x19526d37, 0x97dd6ad4, 0x5b776a4a, + 0x51b26353, 0x9d1863cd, 0x1397642e, 0xdf3d64b0, 0x83d02561, + 0x4f7a25ff, 0xc1f5221c, 0x0d5f2282, 0x079a2b9b, 0xcb302b05, + 0x45bf2ce6, 0x89152c78, 0x50353ed4, 0x9c9f3e4a, 0x121039a9, + 0xdeba3937, 0xd47f302e, 0x18d530b0, 0x965a3753, 0x5af037cd, + 0xff6b144a, 0x33c114d4, 0xbd4e1337, 0x71e413a9, 0x7b211ab0, + 0xb78b1a2e, 0x39041dcd, 0xf5ae1d53, 0x2c8e0fff, 0xe0240f61, + 0x6eab0882, 0xa201081c, 0xa8c40105, 0x646e019b, 0xeae10678, + 0x264b06e6}, + {0x00000000, 0xa6770bb4, 0x979f1129, 0x31e81a9d, 0xf44f2413, + 0x52382fa7, 0x63d0353a, 0xc5a73e8e, 0x33ef4e67, 0x959845d3, + 0xa4705f4e, 0x020754fa, 0xc7a06a74, 0x61d761c0, 0x503f7b5d, + 0xf64870e9, 0x67de9cce, 0xc1a9977a, 0xf0418de7, 0x56368653, + 0x9391b8dd, 0x35e6b369, 0x040ea9f4, 0xa279a240, 0x5431d2a9, + 0xf246d91d, 0xc3aec380, 0x65d9c834, 0xa07ef6ba, 0x0609fd0e, + 0x37e1e793, 0x9196ec27, 0xcfbd399c, 0x69ca3228, 0x582228b5, + 0xfe552301, 0x3bf21d8f, 0x9d85163b, 0xac6d0ca6, 0x0a1a0712, + 0xfc5277fb, 0x5a257c4f, 0x6bcd66d2, 0xcdba6d66, 0x081d53e8, + 0xae6a585c, 0x9f8242c1, 0x39f54975, 0xa863a552, 0x0e14aee6, + 0x3ffcb47b, 0x998bbfcf, 0x5c2c8141, 0xfa5b8af5, 0xcbb39068, + 0x6dc49bdc, 0x9b8ceb35, 0x3dfbe081, 0x0c13fa1c, 0xaa64f1a8, + 0x6fc3cf26, 0xc9b4c492, 0xf85cde0f, 0x5e2bd5bb, 0x440b7579, + 0xe27c7ecd, 0xd3946450, 0x75e36fe4, 0xb044516a, 0x16335ade, + 0x27db4043, 0x81ac4bf7, 0x77e43b1e, 0xd19330aa, 0xe07b2a37, + 0x460c2183, 0x83ab1f0d, 0x25dc14b9, 0x14340e24, 0xb2430590, + 0x23d5e9b7, 0x85a2e203, 0xb44af89e, 0x123df32a, 0xd79acda4, + 0x71edc610, 0x4005dc8d, 0xe672d739, 0x103aa7d0, 0xb64dac64, + 0x87a5b6f9, 0x21d2bd4d, 0xe47583c3, 0x42028877, 0x73ea92ea, + 0xd59d995e, 0x8bb64ce5, 0x2dc14751, 0x1c295dcc, 0xba5e5678, + 0x7ff968f6, 0xd98e6342, 0xe86679df, 0x4e11726b, 0xb8590282, + 0x1e2e0936, 0x2fc613ab, 0x89b1181f, 0x4c162691, 0xea612d25, + 0xdb8937b8, 0x7dfe3c0c, 0xec68d02b, 0x4a1fdb9f, 0x7bf7c102, + 0xdd80cab6, 0x1827f438, 0xbe50ff8c, 0x8fb8e511, 0x29cfeea5, + 0xdf879e4c, 0x79f095f8, 0x48188f65, 0xee6f84d1, 0x2bc8ba5f, + 0x8dbfb1eb, 0xbc57ab76, 0x1a20a0c2, 0x8816eaf2, 0x2e61e146, + 0x1f89fbdb, 0xb9fef06f, 0x7c59cee1, 0xda2ec555, 0xebc6dfc8, + 0x4db1d47c, 0xbbf9a495, 0x1d8eaf21, 0x2c66b5bc, 0x8a11be08, + 0x4fb68086, 0xe9c18b32, 0xd82991af, 0x7e5e9a1b, 0xefc8763c, + 0x49bf7d88, 0x78576715, 0xde206ca1, 0x1b87522f, 0xbdf0599b, + 0x8c184306, 0x2a6f48b2, 0xdc27385b, 0x7a5033ef, 0x4bb82972, + 0xedcf22c6, 0x28681c48, 0x8e1f17fc, 0xbff70d61, 0x198006d5, + 0x47abd36e, 0xe1dcd8da, 0xd034c247, 0x7643c9f3, 0xb3e4f77d, + 0x1593fcc9, 0x247be654, 0x820cede0, 0x74449d09, 0xd23396bd, + 0xe3db8c20, 0x45ac8794, 0x800bb91a, 0x267cb2ae, 0x1794a833, + 0xb1e3a387, 0x20754fa0, 0x86024414, 0xb7ea5e89, 0x119d553d, + 0xd43a6bb3, 0x724d6007, 0x43a57a9a, 0xe5d2712e, 0x139a01c7, + 0xb5ed0a73, 0x840510ee, 0x22721b5a, 0xe7d525d4, 0x41a22e60, + 0x704a34fd, 0xd63d3f49, 0xcc1d9f8b, 0x6a6a943f, 0x5b828ea2, + 0xfdf58516, 0x3852bb98, 0x9e25b02c, 0xafcdaab1, 0x09baa105, + 0xfff2d1ec, 0x5985da58, 0x686dc0c5, 0xce1acb71, 0x0bbdf5ff, + 0xadcafe4b, 0x9c22e4d6, 0x3a55ef62, 0xabc30345, 0x0db408f1, + 0x3c5c126c, 0x9a2b19d8, 0x5f8c2756, 0xf9fb2ce2, 0xc813367f, + 0x6e643dcb, 0x982c4d22, 0x3e5b4696, 0x0fb35c0b, 0xa9c457bf, + 0x6c636931, 0xca146285, 0xfbfc7818, 0x5d8b73ac, 0x03a0a617, + 0xa5d7ada3, 0x943fb73e, 0x3248bc8a, 0xf7ef8204, 0x519889b0, + 0x6070932d, 0xc6079899, 0x304fe870, 0x9638e3c4, 0xa7d0f959, + 0x01a7f2ed, 0xc400cc63, 0x6277c7d7, 0x539fdd4a, 0xf5e8d6fe, + 0x647e3ad9, 0xc209316d, 0xf3e12bf0, 0x55962044, 0x90311eca, + 0x3646157e, 0x07ae0fe3, 0xa1d90457, 0x579174be, 0xf1e67f0a, + 0xc00e6597, 0x66796e23, 0xa3de50ad, 0x05a95b19, 0x34414184, + 0x92364a30}, + {0x00000000, 0xcb5cd3a5, 0x4dc8a10b, 0x869472ae, 0x9b914216, + 0x50cd91b3, 0xd659e31d, 0x1d0530b8, 0xec53826d, 0x270f51c8, + 0xa19b2366, 0x6ac7f0c3, 0x77c2c07b, 0xbc9e13de, 0x3a0a6170, + 0xf156b2d5, 0x03d6029b, 0xc88ad13e, 0x4e1ea390, 0x85427035, + 0x9847408d, 0x531b9328, 0xd58fe186, 0x1ed33223, 0xef8580f6, + 0x24d95353, 0xa24d21fd, 0x6911f258, 0x7414c2e0, 0xbf481145, + 0x39dc63eb, 0xf280b04e, 0x07ac0536, 0xccf0d693, 0x4a64a43d, + 0x81387798, 0x9c3d4720, 0x57619485, 0xd1f5e62b, 0x1aa9358e, + 0xebff875b, 0x20a354fe, 0xa6372650, 0x6d6bf5f5, 0x706ec54d, + 0xbb3216e8, 0x3da66446, 0xf6fab7e3, 0x047a07ad, 0xcf26d408, + 0x49b2a6a6, 0x82ee7503, 0x9feb45bb, 0x54b7961e, 0xd223e4b0, + 0x197f3715, 0xe82985c0, 0x23755665, 0xa5e124cb, 0x6ebdf76e, + 0x73b8c7d6, 0xb8e41473, 0x3e7066dd, 0xf52cb578, 0x0f580a6c, + 0xc404d9c9, 0x4290ab67, 0x89cc78c2, 0x94c9487a, 0x5f959bdf, + 0xd901e971, 0x125d3ad4, 0xe30b8801, 0x28575ba4, 0xaec3290a, + 0x659ffaaf, 0x789aca17, 0xb3c619b2, 0x35526b1c, 0xfe0eb8b9, + 0x0c8e08f7, 0xc7d2db52, 0x4146a9fc, 0x8a1a7a59, 0x971f4ae1, + 0x5c439944, 0xdad7ebea, 0x118b384f, 0xe0dd8a9a, 0x2b81593f, + 0xad152b91, 0x6649f834, 0x7b4cc88c, 0xb0101b29, 0x36846987, + 0xfdd8ba22, 0x08f40f5a, 0xc3a8dcff, 0x453cae51, 0x8e607df4, + 0x93654d4c, 0x58399ee9, 0xdeadec47, 0x15f13fe2, 0xe4a78d37, + 0x2ffb5e92, 0xa96f2c3c, 0x6233ff99, 0x7f36cf21, 0xb46a1c84, + 0x32fe6e2a, 0xf9a2bd8f, 0x0b220dc1, 0xc07ede64, 0x46eaacca, + 0x8db67f6f, 0x90b34fd7, 0x5bef9c72, 0xdd7beedc, 0x16273d79, + 0xe7718fac, 0x2c2d5c09, 0xaab92ea7, 0x61e5fd02, 0x7ce0cdba, + 0xb7bc1e1f, 0x31286cb1, 0xfa74bf14, 0x1eb014d8, 0xd5ecc77d, + 0x5378b5d3, 0x98246676, 0x852156ce, 0x4e7d856b, 0xc8e9f7c5, + 0x03b52460, 0xf2e396b5, 0x39bf4510, 0xbf2b37be, 0x7477e41b, + 0x6972d4a3, 0xa22e0706, 0x24ba75a8, 0xefe6a60d, 0x1d661643, + 0xd63ac5e6, 0x50aeb748, 0x9bf264ed, 0x86f75455, 0x4dab87f0, + 0xcb3ff55e, 0x006326fb, 0xf135942e, 0x3a69478b, 0xbcfd3525, + 0x77a1e680, 0x6aa4d638, 0xa1f8059d, 0x276c7733, 0xec30a496, + 0x191c11ee, 0xd240c24b, 0x54d4b0e5, 0x9f886340, 0x828d53f8, + 0x49d1805d, 0xcf45f2f3, 0x04192156, 0xf54f9383, 0x3e134026, + 0xb8873288, 0x73dbe12d, 0x6eded195, 0xa5820230, 0x2316709e, + 0xe84aa33b, 0x1aca1375, 0xd196c0d0, 0x5702b27e, 0x9c5e61db, + 0x815b5163, 0x4a0782c6, 0xcc93f068, 0x07cf23cd, 0xf6999118, + 0x3dc542bd, 0xbb513013, 0x700de3b6, 0x6d08d30e, 0xa65400ab, + 0x20c07205, 0xeb9ca1a0, 0x11e81eb4, 0xdab4cd11, 0x5c20bfbf, + 0x977c6c1a, 0x8a795ca2, 0x41258f07, 0xc7b1fda9, 0x0ced2e0c, + 0xfdbb9cd9, 0x36e74f7c, 0xb0733dd2, 0x7b2fee77, 0x662adecf, + 0xad760d6a, 0x2be27fc4, 0xe0beac61, 0x123e1c2f, 0xd962cf8a, + 0x5ff6bd24, 0x94aa6e81, 0x89af5e39, 0x42f38d9c, 0xc467ff32, + 0x0f3b2c97, 0xfe6d9e42, 0x35314de7, 0xb3a53f49, 0x78f9ecec, + 0x65fcdc54, 0xaea00ff1, 0x28347d5f, 0xe368aefa, 0x16441b82, + 0xdd18c827, 0x5b8cba89, 0x90d0692c, 0x8dd55994, 0x46898a31, + 0xc01df89f, 0x0b412b3a, 0xfa1799ef, 0x314b4a4a, 0xb7df38e4, + 0x7c83eb41, 0x6186dbf9, 0xaada085c, 0x2c4e7af2, 0xe712a957, + 0x15921919, 0xdececabc, 0x585ab812, 0x93066bb7, 0x8e035b0f, + 0x455f88aa, 0xc3cbfa04, 0x089729a1, 0xf9c19b74, 0x329d48d1, + 0xb4093a7f, 0x7f55e9da, 0x6250d962, 0xa90c0ac7, 0x2f987869, + 0xe4c4abcc}, + {0x00000000, 0x3d6029b0, 0x7ac05360, 0x47a07ad0, 0xf580a6c0, + 0xc8e08f70, 0x8f40f5a0, 0xb220dc10, 0x30704bc1, 0x0d106271, + 0x4ab018a1, 0x77d03111, 0xc5f0ed01, 0xf890c4b1, 0xbf30be61, + 0x825097d1, 0x60e09782, 0x5d80be32, 0x1a20c4e2, 0x2740ed52, + 0x95603142, 0xa80018f2, 0xefa06222, 0xd2c04b92, 0x5090dc43, + 0x6df0f5f3, 0x2a508f23, 0x1730a693, 0xa5107a83, 0x98705333, + 0xdfd029e3, 0xe2b00053, 0xc1c12f04, 0xfca106b4, 0xbb017c64, + 0x866155d4, 0x344189c4, 0x0921a074, 0x4e81daa4, 0x73e1f314, + 0xf1b164c5, 0xccd14d75, 0x8b7137a5, 0xb6111e15, 0x0431c205, + 0x3951ebb5, 0x7ef19165, 0x4391b8d5, 0xa121b886, 0x9c419136, + 0xdbe1ebe6, 0xe681c256, 0x54a11e46, 0x69c137f6, 0x2e614d26, + 0x13016496, 0x9151f347, 0xac31daf7, 0xeb91a027, 0xd6f18997, + 0x64d15587, 0x59b17c37, 0x1e1106e7, 0x23712f57, 0x58f35849, + 0x659371f9, 0x22330b29, 0x1f532299, 0xad73fe89, 0x9013d739, + 0xd7b3ade9, 0xead38459, 0x68831388, 0x55e33a38, 0x124340e8, + 0x2f236958, 0x9d03b548, 0xa0639cf8, 0xe7c3e628, 0xdaa3cf98, + 0x3813cfcb, 0x0573e67b, 0x42d39cab, 0x7fb3b51b, 0xcd93690b, + 0xf0f340bb, 0xb7533a6b, 0x8a3313db, 0x0863840a, 0x3503adba, + 0x72a3d76a, 0x4fc3feda, 0xfde322ca, 0xc0830b7a, 0x872371aa, + 0xba43581a, 0x9932774d, 0xa4525efd, 0xe3f2242d, 0xde920d9d, + 0x6cb2d18d, 0x51d2f83d, 0x167282ed, 0x2b12ab5d, 0xa9423c8c, + 0x9422153c, 0xd3826fec, 0xeee2465c, 0x5cc29a4c, 0x61a2b3fc, + 0x2602c92c, 0x1b62e09c, 0xf9d2e0cf, 0xc4b2c97f, 0x8312b3af, + 0xbe729a1f, 0x0c52460f, 0x31326fbf, 0x7692156f, 0x4bf23cdf, + 0xc9a2ab0e, 0xf4c282be, 0xb362f86e, 0x8e02d1de, 0x3c220dce, + 0x0142247e, 0x46e25eae, 0x7b82771e, 0xb1e6b092, 0x8c869922, + 0xcb26e3f2, 0xf646ca42, 0x44661652, 0x79063fe2, 0x3ea64532, + 0x03c66c82, 0x8196fb53, 0xbcf6d2e3, 0xfb56a833, 0xc6368183, + 0x74165d93, 0x49767423, 0x0ed60ef3, 0x33b62743, 0xd1062710, + 0xec660ea0, 0xabc67470, 0x96a65dc0, 0x248681d0, 0x19e6a860, + 0x5e46d2b0, 0x6326fb00, 0xe1766cd1, 0xdc164561, 0x9bb63fb1, + 0xa6d61601, 0x14f6ca11, 0x2996e3a1, 0x6e369971, 0x5356b0c1, + 0x70279f96, 0x4d47b626, 0x0ae7ccf6, 0x3787e546, 0x85a73956, + 0xb8c710e6, 0xff676a36, 0xc2074386, 0x4057d457, 0x7d37fde7, + 0x3a978737, 0x07f7ae87, 0xb5d77297, 0x88b75b27, 0xcf1721f7, + 0xf2770847, 0x10c70814, 0x2da721a4, 0x6a075b74, 0x576772c4, + 0xe547aed4, 0xd8278764, 0x9f87fdb4, 0xa2e7d404, 0x20b743d5, + 0x1dd76a65, 0x5a7710b5, 0x67173905, 0xd537e515, 0xe857cca5, + 0xaff7b675, 0x92979fc5, 0xe915e8db, 0xd475c16b, 0x93d5bbbb, + 0xaeb5920b, 0x1c954e1b, 0x21f567ab, 0x66551d7b, 0x5b3534cb, + 0xd965a31a, 0xe4058aaa, 0xa3a5f07a, 0x9ec5d9ca, 0x2ce505da, + 0x11852c6a, 0x562556ba, 0x6b457f0a, 0x89f57f59, 0xb49556e9, + 0xf3352c39, 0xce550589, 0x7c75d999, 0x4115f029, 0x06b58af9, + 0x3bd5a349, 0xb9853498, 0x84e51d28, 0xc34567f8, 0xfe254e48, + 0x4c059258, 0x7165bbe8, 0x36c5c138, 0x0ba5e888, 0x28d4c7df, + 0x15b4ee6f, 0x521494bf, 0x6f74bd0f, 0xdd54611f, 0xe03448af, + 0xa794327f, 0x9af41bcf, 0x18a48c1e, 0x25c4a5ae, 0x6264df7e, + 0x5f04f6ce, 0xed242ade, 0xd044036e, 0x97e479be, 0xaa84500e, + 0x4834505d, 0x755479ed, 0x32f4033d, 0x0f942a8d, 0xbdb4f69d, + 0x80d4df2d, 0xc774a5fd, 0xfa148c4d, 0x78441b9c, 0x4524322c, + 0x028448fc, 0x3fe4614c, 0x8dc4bd5c, 0xb0a494ec, 0xf704ee3c, + 0xca64c78c}, + {0x00000000, 0xb8bc6765, 0xaa09c88b, 0x12b5afee, 0x8f629757, + 0x37def032, 0x256b5fdc, 0x9dd738b9, 0xc5b428ef, 0x7d084f8a, + 0x6fbde064, 0xd7018701, 0x4ad6bfb8, 0xf26ad8dd, 0xe0df7733, + 0x58631056, 0x5019579f, 0xe8a530fa, 0xfa109f14, 0x42acf871, + 0xdf7bc0c8, 0x67c7a7ad, 0x75720843, 0xcdce6f26, 0x95ad7f70, + 0x2d111815, 0x3fa4b7fb, 0x8718d09e, 0x1acfe827, 0xa2738f42, + 0xb0c620ac, 0x087a47c9, 0xa032af3e, 0x188ec85b, 0x0a3b67b5, + 0xb28700d0, 0x2f503869, 0x97ec5f0c, 0x8559f0e2, 0x3de59787, + 0x658687d1, 0xdd3ae0b4, 0xcf8f4f5a, 0x7733283f, 0xeae41086, + 0x525877e3, 0x40edd80d, 0xf851bf68, 0xf02bf8a1, 0x48979fc4, + 0x5a22302a, 0xe29e574f, 0x7f496ff6, 0xc7f50893, 0xd540a77d, + 0x6dfcc018, 0x359fd04e, 0x8d23b72b, 0x9f9618c5, 0x272a7fa0, + 0xbafd4719, 0x0241207c, 0x10f48f92, 0xa848e8f7, 0x9b14583d, + 0x23a83f58, 0x311d90b6, 0x89a1f7d3, 0x1476cf6a, 0xaccaa80f, + 0xbe7f07e1, 0x06c36084, 0x5ea070d2, 0xe61c17b7, 0xf4a9b859, + 0x4c15df3c, 0xd1c2e785, 0x697e80e0, 0x7bcb2f0e, 0xc377486b, + 0xcb0d0fa2, 0x73b168c7, 0x6104c729, 0xd9b8a04c, 0x446f98f5, + 0xfcd3ff90, 0xee66507e, 0x56da371b, 0x0eb9274d, 0xb6054028, + 0xa4b0efc6, 0x1c0c88a3, 0x81dbb01a, 0x3967d77f, 0x2bd27891, + 0x936e1ff4, 0x3b26f703, 0x839a9066, 0x912f3f88, 0x299358ed, + 0xb4446054, 0x0cf80731, 0x1e4da8df, 0xa6f1cfba, 0xfe92dfec, + 0x462eb889, 0x549b1767, 0xec277002, 0x71f048bb, 0xc94c2fde, + 0xdbf98030, 0x6345e755, 0x6b3fa09c, 0xd383c7f9, 0xc1366817, + 0x798a0f72, 0xe45d37cb, 0x5ce150ae, 0x4e54ff40, 0xf6e89825, + 0xae8b8873, 0x1637ef16, 0x048240f8, 0xbc3e279d, 0x21e91f24, + 0x99557841, 0x8be0d7af, 0x335cb0ca, 0xed59b63b, 0x55e5d15e, + 0x47507eb0, 0xffec19d5, 0x623b216c, 0xda874609, 0xc832e9e7, + 0x708e8e82, 0x28ed9ed4, 0x9051f9b1, 0x82e4565f, 0x3a58313a, + 0xa78f0983, 0x1f336ee6, 0x0d86c108, 0xb53aa66d, 0xbd40e1a4, + 0x05fc86c1, 0x1749292f, 0xaff54e4a, 0x322276f3, 0x8a9e1196, + 0x982bbe78, 0x2097d91d, 0x78f4c94b, 0xc048ae2e, 0xd2fd01c0, + 0x6a4166a5, 0xf7965e1c, 0x4f2a3979, 0x5d9f9697, 0xe523f1f2, + 0x4d6b1905, 0xf5d77e60, 0xe762d18e, 0x5fdeb6eb, 0xc2098e52, + 0x7ab5e937, 0x680046d9, 0xd0bc21bc, 0x88df31ea, 0x3063568f, + 0x22d6f961, 0x9a6a9e04, 0x07bda6bd, 0xbf01c1d8, 0xadb46e36, + 0x15080953, 0x1d724e9a, 0xa5ce29ff, 0xb77b8611, 0x0fc7e174, + 0x9210d9cd, 0x2aacbea8, 0x38191146, 0x80a57623, 0xd8c66675, + 0x607a0110, 0x72cfaefe, 0xca73c99b, 0x57a4f122, 0xef189647, + 0xfdad39a9, 0x45115ecc, 0x764dee06, 0xcef18963, 0xdc44268d, + 0x64f841e8, 0xf92f7951, 0x41931e34, 0x5326b1da, 0xeb9ad6bf, + 0xb3f9c6e9, 0x0b45a18c, 0x19f00e62, 0xa14c6907, 0x3c9b51be, + 0x842736db, 0x96929935, 0x2e2efe50, 0x2654b999, 0x9ee8defc, + 0x8c5d7112, 0x34e11677, 0xa9362ece, 0x118a49ab, 0x033fe645, + 0xbb838120, 0xe3e09176, 0x5b5cf613, 0x49e959fd, 0xf1553e98, + 0x6c820621, 0xd43e6144, 0xc68bceaa, 0x7e37a9cf, 0xd67f4138, + 0x6ec3265d, 0x7c7689b3, 0xc4caeed6, 0x591dd66f, 0xe1a1b10a, + 0xf3141ee4, 0x4ba87981, 0x13cb69d7, 0xab770eb2, 0xb9c2a15c, + 0x017ec639, 0x9ca9fe80, 0x241599e5, 0x36a0360b, 0x8e1c516e, + 0x866616a7, 0x3eda71c2, 0x2c6fde2c, 0x94d3b949, 0x090481f0, + 0xb1b8e695, 0xa30d497b, 0x1bb12e1e, 0x43d23e48, 0xfb6e592d, + 0xe9dbf6c3, 0x516791a6, 0xccb0a91f, 0x740cce7a, 0x66b96194, + 0xde0506f1}, + {0x00000000, 0x01c26a37, 0x0384d46e, 0x0246be59, 0x0709a8dc, + 0x06cbc2eb, 0x048d7cb2, 0x054f1685, 0x0e1351b8, 0x0fd13b8f, + 0x0d9785d6, 0x0c55efe1, 0x091af964, 0x08d89353, 0x0a9e2d0a, + 0x0b5c473d, 0x1c26a370, 0x1de4c947, 0x1fa2771e, 0x1e601d29, + 0x1b2f0bac, 0x1aed619b, 0x18abdfc2, 0x1969b5f5, 0x1235f2c8, + 0x13f798ff, 0x11b126a6, 0x10734c91, 0x153c5a14, 0x14fe3023, + 0x16b88e7a, 0x177ae44d, 0x384d46e0, 0x398f2cd7, 0x3bc9928e, + 0x3a0bf8b9, 0x3f44ee3c, 0x3e86840b, 0x3cc03a52, 0x3d025065, + 0x365e1758, 0x379c7d6f, 0x35dac336, 0x3418a901, 0x3157bf84, + 0x3095d5b3, 0x32d36bea, 0x331101dd, 0x246be590, 0x25a98fa7, + 0x27ef31fe, 0x262d5bc9, 0x23624d4c, 0x22a0277b, 0x20e69922, + 0x2124f315, 0x2a78b428, 0x2bbade1f, 0x29fc6046, 0x283e0a71, + 0x2d711cf4, 0x2cb376c3, 0x2ef5c89a, 0x2f37a2ad, 0x709a8dc0, + 0x7158e7f7, 0x731e59ae, 0x72dc3399, 0x7793251c, 0x76514f2b, + 0x7417f172, 0x75d59b45, 0x7e89dc78, 0x7f4bb64f, 0x7d0d0816, + 0x7ccf6221, 0x798074a4, 0x78421e93, 0x7a04a0ca, 0x7bc6cafd, + 0x6cbc2eb0, 0x6d7e4487, 0x6f38fade, 0x6efa90e9, 0x6bb5866c, + 0x6a77ec5b, 0x68315202, 0x69f33835, 0x62af7f08, 0x636d153f, + 0x612bab66, 0x60e9c151, 0x65a6d7d4, 0x6464bde3, 0x662203ba, + 0x67e0698d, 0x48d7cb20, 0x4915a117, 0x4b531f4e, 0x4a917579, + 0x4fde63fc, 0x4e1c09cb, 0x4c5ab792, 0x4d98dda5, 0x46c49a98, + 0x4706f0af, 0x45404ef6, 0x448224c1, 0x41cd3244, 0x400f5873, + 0x4249e62a, 0x438b8c1d, 0x54f16850, 0x55330267, 0x5775bc3e, + 0x56b7d609, 0x53f8c08c, 0x523aaabb, 0x507c14e2, 0x51be7ed5, + 0x5ae239e8, 0x5b2053df, 0x5966ed86, 0x58a487b1, 0x5deb9134, + 0x5c29fb03, 0x5e6f455a, 0x5fad2f6d, 0xe1351b80, 0xe0f771b7, + 0xe2b1cfee, 0xe373a5d9, 0xe63cb35c, 0xe7fed96b, 0xe5b86732, + 0xe47a0d05, 0xef264a38, 0xeee4200f, 0xeca29e56, 0xed60f461, + 0xe82fe2e4, 0xe9ed88d3, 0xebab368a, 0xea695cbd, 0xfd13b8f0, + 0xfcd1d2c7, 0xfe976c9e, 0xff5506a9, 0xfa1a102c, 0xfbd87a1b, + 0xf99ec442, 0xf85cae75, 0xf300e948, 0xf2c2837f, 0xf0843d26, + 0xf1465711, 0xf4094194, 0xf5cb2ba3, 0xf78d95fa, 0xf64fffcd, + 0xd9785d60, 0xd8ba3757, 0xdafc890e, 0xdb3ee339, 0xde71f5bc, + 0xdfb39f8b, 0xddf521d2, 0xdc374be5, 0xd76b0cd8, 0xd6a966ef, + 0xd4efd8b6, 0xd52db281, 0xd062a404, 0xd1a0ce33, 0xd3e6706a, + 0xd2241a5d, 0xc55efe10, 0xc49c9427, 0xc6da2a7e, 0xc7184049, + 0xc25756cc, 0xc3953cfb, 0xc1d382a2, 0xc011e895, 0xcb4dafa8, + 0xca8fc59f, 0xc8c97bc6, 0xc90b11f1, 0xcc440774, 0xcd866d43, + 0xcfc0d31a, 0xce02b92d, 0x91af9640, 0x906dfc77, 0x922b422e, + 0x93e92819, 0x96a63e9c, 0x976454ab, 0x9522eaf2, 0x94e080c5, + 0x9fbcc7f8, 0x9e7eadcf, 0x9c381396, 0x9dfa79a1, 0x98b56f24, + 0x99770513, 0x9b31bb4a, 0x9af3d17d, 0x8d893530, 0x8c4b5f07, + 0x8e0de15e, 0x8fcf8b69, 0x8a809dec, 0x8b42f7db, 0x89044982, + 0x88c623b5, 0x839a6488, 0x82580ebf, 0x801eb0e6, 0x81dcdad1, + 0x8493cc54, 0x8551a663, 0x8717183a, 0x86d5720d, 0xa9e2d0a0, + 0xa820ba97, 0xaa6604ce, 0xaba46ef9, 0xaeeb787c, 0xaf29124b, + 0xad6fac12, 0xacadc625, 0xa7f18118, 0xa633eb2f, 0xa4755576, + 0xa5b73f41, 0xa0f829c4, 0xa13a43f3, 0xa37cfdaa, 0xa2be979d, + 0xb5c473d0, 0xb40619e7, 0xb640a7be, 0xb782cd89, 0xb2cddb0c, + 0xb30fb13b, 0xb1490f62, 0xb08b6555, 0xbbd72268, 0xba15485f, + 0xb853f606, 0xb9919c31, 0xbcde8ab4, 0xbd1ce083, 0xbf5a5eda, + 0xbe9834ed}, + {0x00000000, 0x191b3141, 0x32366282, 0x2b2d53c3, 0x646cc504, + 0x7d77f445, 0x565aa786, 0x4f4196c7, 0xc8d98a08, 0xd1c2bb49, + 0xfaefe88a, 0xe3f4d9cb, 0xacb54f0c, 0xb5ae7e4d, 0x9e832d8e, + 0x87981ccf, 0x4ac21251, 0x53d92310, 0x78f470d3, 0x61ef4192, + 0x2eaed755, 0x37b5e614, 0x1c98b5d7, 0x05838496, 0x821b9859, + 0x9b00a918, 0xb02dfadb, 0xa936cb9a, 0xe6775d5d, 0xff6c6c1c, + 0xd4413fdf, 0xcd5a0e9e, 0x958424a2, 0x8c9f15e3, 0xa7b24620, + 0xbea97761, 0xf1e8e1a6, 0xe8f3d0e7, 0xc3de8324, 0xdac5b265, + 0x5d5daeaa, 0x44469feb, 0x6f6bcc28, 0x7670fd69, 0x39316bae, + 0x202a5aef, 0x0b07092c, 0x121c386d, 0xdf4636f3, 0xc65d07b2, + 0xed705471, 0xf46b6530, 0xbb2af3f7, 0xa231c2b6, 0x891c9175, + 0x9007a034, 0x179fbcfb, 0x0e848dba, 0x25a9de79, 0x3cb2ef38, + 0x73f379ff, 0x6ae848be, 0x41c51b7d, 0x58de2a3c, 0xf0794f05, + 0xe9627e44, 0xc24f2d87, 0xdb541cc6, 0x94158a01, 0x8d0ebb40, + 0xa623e883, 0xbf38d9c2, 0x38a0c50d, 0x21bbf44c, 0x0a96a78f, + 0x138d96ce, 0x5ccc0009, 0x45d73148, 0x6efa628b, 0x77e153ca, + 0xbabb5d54, 0xa3a06c15, 0x888d3fd6, 0x91960e97, 0xded79850, + 0xc7cca911, 0xece1fad2, 0xf5facb93, 0x7262d75c, 0x6b79e61d, + 0x4054b5de, 0x594f849f, 0x160e1258, 0x0f152319, 0x243870da, + 0x3d23419b, 0x65fd6ba7, 0x7ce65ae6, 0x57cb0925, 0x4ed03864, + 0x0191aea3, 0x188a9fe2, 0x33a7cc21, 0x2abcfd60, 0xad24e1af, + 0xb43fd0ee, 0x9f12832d, 0x8609b26c, 0xc94824ab, 0xd05315ea, + 0xfb7e4629, 0xe2657768, 0x2f3f79f6, 0x362448b7, 0x1d091b74, + 0x04122a35, 0x4b53bcf2, 0x52488db3, 0x7965de70, 0x607eef31, + 0xe7e6f3fe, 0xfefdc2bf, 0xd5d0917c, 0xcccba03d, 0x838a36fa, + 0x9a9107bb, 0xb1bc5478, 0xa8a76539, 0x3b83984b, 0x2298a90a, + 0x09b5fac9, 0x10aecb88, 0x5fef5d4f, 0x46f46c0e, 0x6dd93fcd, + 0x74c20e8c, 0xf35a1243, 0xea412302, 0xc16c70c1, 0xd8774180, + 0x9736d747, 0x8e2de606, 0xa500b5c5, 0xbc1b8484, 0x71418a1a, + 0x685abb5b, 0x4377e898, 0x5a6cd9d9, 0x152d4f1e, 0x0c367e5f, + 0x271b2d9c, 0x3e001cdd, 0xb9980012, 0xa0833153, 0x8bae6290, + 0x92b553d1, 0xddf4c516, 0xc4eff457, 0xefc2a794, 0xf6d996d5, + 0xae07bce9, 0xb71c8da8, 0x9c31de6b, 0x852aef2a, 0xca6b79ed, + 0xd37048ac, 0xf85d1b6f, 0xe1462a2e, 0x66de36e1, 0x7fc507a0, + 0x54e85463, 0x4df36522, 0x02b2f3e5, 0x1ba9c2a4, 0x30849167, + 0x299fa026, 0xe4c5aeb8, 0xfdde9ff9, 0xd6f3cc3a, 0xcfe8fd7b, + 0x80a96bbc, 0x99b25afd, 0xb29f093e, 0xab84387f, 0x2c1c24b0, + 0x350715f1, 0x1e2a4632, 0x07317773, 0x4870e1b4, 0x516bd0f5, + 0x7a468336, 0x635db277, 0xcbfad74e, 0xd2e1e60f, 0xf9ccb5cc, + 0xe0d7848d, 0xaf96124a, 0xb68d230b, 0x9da070c8, 0x84bb4189, + 0x03235d46, 0x1a386c07, 0x31153fc4, 0x280e0e85, 0x674f9842, + 0x7e54a903, 0x5579fac0, 0x4c62cb81, 0x8138c51f, 0x9823f45e, + 0xb30ea79d, 0xaa1596dc, 0xe554001b, 0xfc4f315a, 0xd7626299, + 0xce7953d8, 0x49e14f17, 0x50fa7e56, 0x7bd72d95, 0x62cc1cd4, + 0x2d8d8a13, 0x3496bb52, 0x1fbbe891, 0x06a0d9d0, 0x5e7ef3ec, + 0x4765c2ad, 0x6c48916e, 0x7553a02f, 0x3a1236e8, 0x230907a9, + 0x0824546a, 0x113f652b, 0x96a779e4, 0x8fbc48a5, 0xa4911b66, + 0xbd8a2a27, 0xf2cbbce0, 0xebd08da1, 0xc0fdde62, 0xd9e6ef23, + 0x14bce1bd, 0x0da7d0fc, 0x268a833f, 0x3f91b27e, 0x70d024b9, + 0x69cb15f8, 0x42e6463b, 0x5bfd777a, 0xdc656bb5, 0xc57e5af4, + 0xee530937, 0xf7483876, 0xb809aeb1, 0xa1129ff0, 0x8a3fcc33, + 0x9324fd72}, + {0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, + 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, + 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, + 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, + 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, + 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, + 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, + 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, + 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, + 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, + 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, + 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, + 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, + 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, + 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, + 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, + 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, + 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, + 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, + 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, + 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, + 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, + 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, + 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, + 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, + 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, + 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, + 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, + 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, + 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, + 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, + 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, + 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, + 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, + 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, + 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, + 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, + 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, + 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, + 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, + 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, + 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, + 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, + 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, + 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, + 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, + 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, + 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, + 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, + 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, + 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, + 0x2d02ef8d}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x0000000000000000, 0x9630077700000000, 0x2c610eee00000000, + 0xba51099900000000, 0x19c46d0700000000, 0x8ff46a7000000000, + 0x35a563e900000000, 0xa395649e00000000, 0x3288db0e00000000, + 0xa4b8dc7900000000, 0x1ee9d5e000000000, 0x88d9d29700000000, + 0x2b4cb60900000000, 0xbd7cb17e00000000, 0x072db8e700000000, + 0x911dbf9000000000, 0x6410b71d00000000, 0xf220b06a00000000, + 0x4871b9f300000000, 0xde41be8400000000, 0x7dd4da1a00000000, + 0xebe4dd6d00000000, 0x51b5d4f400000000, 0xc785d38300000000, + 0x56986c1300000000, 0xc0a86b6400000000, 0x7af962fd00000000, + 0xecc9658a00000000, 0x4f5c011400000000, 0xd96c066300000000, + 0x633d0ffa00000000, 0xf50d088d00000000, 0xc8206e3b00000000, + 0x5e10694c00000000, 0xe44160d500000000, 0x727167a200000000, + 0xd1e4033c00000000, 0x47d4044b00000000, 0xfd850dd200000000, + 0x6bb50aa500000000, 0xfaa8b53500000000, 0x6c98b24200000000, + 0xd6c9bbdb00000000, 0x40f9bcac00000000, 0xe36cd83200000000, + 0x755cdf4500000000, 0xcf0dd6dc00000000, 0x593dd1ab00000000, + 0xac30d92600000000, 0x3a00de5100000000, 0x8051d7c800000000, + 0x1661d0bf00000000, 0xb5f4b42100000000, 0x23c4b35600000000, + 0x9995bacf00000000, 0x0fa5bdb800000000, 0x9eb8022800000000, + 0x0888055f00000000, 0xb2d90cc600000000, 0x24e90bb100000000, + 0x877c6f2f00000000, 0x114c685800000000, 0xab1d61c100000000, + 0x3d2d66b600000000, 0x9041dc7600000000, 0x0671db0100000000, + 0xbc20d29800000000, 0x2a10d5ef00000000, 0x8985b17100000000, + 0x1fb5b60600000000, 0xa5e4bf9f00000000, 0x33d4b8e800000000, + 0xa2c9077800000000, 0x34f9000f00000000, 0x8ea8099600000000, + 0x18980ee100000000, 0xbb0d6a7f00000000, 0x2d3d6d0800000000, + 0x976c649100000000, 0x015c63e600000000, 0xf4516b6b00000000, + 0x62616c1c00000000, 0xd830658500000000, 0x4e0062f200000000, + 0xed95066c00000000, 0x7ba5011b00000000, 0xc1f4088200000000, + 0x57c40ff500000000, 0xc6d9b06500000000, 0x50e9b71200000000, + 0xeab8be8b00000000, 0x7c88b9fc00000000, 0xdf1ddd6200000000, + 0x492dda1500000000, 0xf37cd38c00000000, 0x654cd4fb00000000, + 0x5861b24d00000000, 0xce51b53a00000000, 0x7400bca300000000, + 0xe230bbd400000000, 0x41a5df4a00000000, 0xd795d83d00000000, + 0x6dc4d1a400000000, 0xfbf4d6d300000000, 0x6ae9694300000000, + 0xfcd96e3400000000, 0x468867ad00000000, 0xd0b860da00000000, + 0x732d044400000000, 0xe51d033300000000, 0x5f4c0aaa00000000, + 0xc97c0ddd00000000, 0x3c71055000000000, 0xaa41022700000000, + 0x10100bbe00000000, 0x86200cc900000000, 0x25b5685700000000, + 0xb3856f2000000000, 0x09d466b900000000, 0x9fe461ce00000000, + 0x0ef9de5e00000000, 0x98c9d92900000000, 0x2298d0b000000000, + 0xb4a8d7c700000000, 0x173db35900000000, 0x810db42e00000000, + 0x3b5cbdb700000000, 0xad6cbac000000000, 0x2083b8ed00000000, + 0xb6b3bf9a00000000, 0x0ce2b60300000000, 0x9ad2b17400000000, + 0x3947d5ea00000000, 0xaf77d29d00000000, 0x1526db0400000000, + 0x8316dc7300000000, 0x120b63e300000000, 0x843b649400000000, + 0x3e6a6d0d00000000, 0xa85a6a7a00000000, 0x0bcf0ee400000000, + 0x9dff099300000000, 0x27ae000a00000000, 0xb19e077d00000000, + 0x44930ff000000000, 0xd2a3088700000000, 0x68f2011e00000000, + 0xfec2066900000000, 0x5d5762f700000000, 0xcb67658000000000, + 0x71366c1900000000, 0xe7066b6e00000000, 0x761bd4fe00000000, + 0xe02bd38900000000, 0x5a7ada1000000000, 0xcc4add6700000000, + 0x6fdfb9f900000000, 0xf9efbe8e00000000, 0x43beb71700000000, + 0xd58eb06000000000, 0xe8a3d6d600000000, 0x7e93d1a100000000, + 0xc4c2d83800000000, 0x52f2df4f00000000, 0xf167bbd100000000, + 0x6757bca600000000, 0xdd06b53f00000000, 0x4b36b24800000000, + 0xda2b0dd800000000, 0x4c1b0aaf00000000, 0xf64a033600000000, + 0x607a044100000000, 0xc3ef60df00000000, 0x55df67a800000000, + 0xef8e6e3100000000, 0x79be694600000000, 0x8cb361cb00000000, + 0x1a8366bc00000000, 0xa0d26f2500000000, 0x36e2685200000000, + 0x95770ccc00000000, 0x03470bbb00000000, 0xb916022200000000, + 0x2f26055500000000, 0xbe3bbac500000000, 0x280bbdb200000000, + 0x925ab42b00000000, 0x046ab35c00000000, 0xa7ffd7c200000000, + 0x31cfd0b500000000, 0x8b9ed92c00000000, 0x1daede5b00000000, + 0xb0c2649b00000000, 0x26f263ec00000000, 0x9ca36a7500000000, + 0x0a936d0200000000, 0xa906099c00000000, 0x3f360eeb00000000, + 0x8567077200000000, 0x1357000500000000, 0x824abf9500000000, + 0x147ab8e200000000, 0xae2bb17b00000000, 0x381bb60c00000000, + 0x9b8ed29200000000, 0x0dbed5e500000000, 0xb7efdc7c00000000, + 0x21dfdb0b00000000, 0xd4d2d38600000000, 0x42e2d4f100000000, + 0xf8b3dd6800000000, 0x6e83da1f00000000, 0xcd16be8100000000, + 0x5b26b9f600000000, 0xe177b06f00000000, 0x7747b71800000000, + 0xe65a088800000000, 0x706a0fff00000000, 0xca3b066600000000, + 0x5c0b011100000000, 0xff9e658f00000000, 0x69ae62f800000000, + 0xd3ff6b6100000000, 0x45cf6c1600000000, 0x78e20aa000000000, + 0xeed20dd700000000, 0x5483044e00000000, 0xc2b3033900000000, + 0x612667a700000000, 0xf71660d000000000, 0x4d47694900000000, + 0xdb776e3e00000000, 0x4a6ad1ae00000000, 0xdc5ad6d900000000, + 0x660bdf4000000000, 0xf03bd83700000000, 0x53aebca900000000, + 0xc59ebbde00000000, 0x7fcfb24700000000, 0xe9ffb53000000000, + 0x1cf2bdbd00000000, 0x8ac2baca00000000, 0x3093b35300000000, + 0xa6a3b42400000000, 0x0536d0ba00000000, 0x9306d7cd00000000, + 0x2957de5400000000, 0xbf67d92300000000, 0x2e7a66b300000000, + 0xb84a61c400000000, 0x021b685d00000000, 0x942b6f2a00000000, + 0x37be0bb400000000, 0xa18e0cc300000000, 0x1bdf055a00000000, + 0x8def022d00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x41311b1900000000, 0x8262363200000000, + 0xc3532d2b00000000, 0x04c56c6400000000, 0x45f4777d00000000, + 0x86a75a5600000000, 0xc796414f00000000, 0x088ad9c800000000, + 0x49bbc2d100000000, 0x8ae8effa00000000, 0xcbd9f4e300000000, + 0x0c4fb5ac00000000, 0x4d7eaeb500000000, 0x8e2d839e00000000, + 0xcf1c988700000000, 0x5112c24a00000000, 0x1023d95300000000, + 0xd370f47800000000, 0x9241ef6100000000, 0x55d7ae2e00000000, + 0x14e6b53700000000, 0xd7b5981c00000000, 0x9684830500000000, + 0x59981b8200000000, 0x18a9009b00000000, 0xdbfa2db000000000, + 0x9acb36a900000000, 0x5d5d77e600000000, 0x1c6c6cff00000000, + 0xdf3f41d400000000, 0x9e0e5acd00000000, 0xa224849500000000, + 0xe3159f8c00000000, 0x2046b2a700000000, 0x6177a9be00000000, + 0xa6e1e8f100000000, 0xe7d0f3e800000000, 0x2483dec300000000, + 0x65b2c5da00000000, 0xaaae5d5d00000000, 0xeb9f464400000000, + 0x28cc6b6f00000000, 0x69fd707600000000, 0xae6b313900000000, + 0xef5a2a2000000000, 0x2c09070b00000000, 0x6d381c1200000000, + 0xf33646df00000000, 0xb2075dc600000000, 0x715470ed00000000, + 0x30656bf400000000, 0xf7f32abb00000000, 0xb6c231a200000000, + 0x75911c8900000000, 0x34a0079000000000, 0xfbbc9f1700000000, + 0xba8d840e00000000, 0x79dea92500000000, 0x38efb23c00000000, + 0xff79f37300000000, 0xbe48e86a00000000, 0x7d1bc54100000000, + 0x3c2ade5800000000, 0x054f79f000000000, 0x447e62e900000000, + 0x872d4fc200000000, 0xc61c54db00000000, 0x018a159400000000, + 0x40bb0e8d00000000, 0x83e823a600000000, 0xc2d938bf00000000, + 0x0dc5a03800000000, 0x4cf4bb2100000000, 0x8fa7960a00000000, + 0xce968d1300000000, 0x0900cc5c00000000, 0x4831d74500000000, + 0x8b62fa6e00000000, 0xca53e17700000000, 0x545dbbba00000000, + 0x156ca0a300000000, 0xd63f8d8800000000, 0x970e969100000000, + 0x5098d7de00000000, 0x11a9ccc700000000, 0xd2fae1ec00000000, + 0x93cbfaf500000000, 0x5cd7627200000000, 0x1de6796b00000000, + 0xdeb5544000000000, 0x9f844f5900000000, 0x58120e1600000000, + 0x1923150f00000000, 0xda70382400000000, 0x9b41233d00000000, + 0xa76bfd6500000000, 0xe65ae67c00000000, 0x2509cb5700000000, + 0x6438d04e00000000, 0xa3ae910100000000, 0xe29f8a1800000000, + 0x21cca73300000000, 0x60fdbc2a00000000, 0xafe124ad00000000, + 0xeed03fb400000000, 0x2d83129f00000000, 0x6cb2098600000000, + 0xab2448c900000000, 0xea1553d000000000, 0x29467efb00000000, + 0x687765e200000000, 0xf6793f2f00000000, 0xb748243600000000, + 0x741b091d00000000, 0x352a120400000000, 0xf2bc534b00000000, + 0xb38d485200000000, 0x70de657900000000, 0x31ef7e6000000000, + 0xfef3e6e700000000, 0xbfc2fdfe00000000, 0x7c91d0d500000000, + 0x3da0cbcc00000000, 0xfa368a8300000000, 0xbb07919a00000000, + 0x7854bcb100000000, 0x3965a7a800000000, 0x4b98833b00000000, + 0x0aa9982200000000, 0xc9fab50900000000, 0x88cbae1000000000, + 0x4f5def5f00000000, 0x0e6cf44600000000, 0xcd3fd96d00000000, + 0x8c0ec27400000000, 0x43125af300000000, 0x022341ea00000000, + 0xc1706cc100000000, 0x804177d800000000, 0x47d7369700000000, + 0x06e62d8e00000000, 0xc5b500a500000000, 0x84841bbc00000000, + 0x1a8a417100000000, 0x5bbb5a6800000000, 0x98e8774300000000, + 0xd9d96c5a00000000, 0x1e4f2d1500000000, 0x5f7e360c00000000, + 0x9c2d1b2700000000, 0xdd1c003e00000000, 0x120098b900000000, + 0x533183a000000000, 0x9062ae8b00000000, 0xd153b59200000000, + 0x16c5f4dd00000000, 0x57f4efc400000000, 0x94a7c2ef00000000, + 0xd596d9f600000000, 0xe9bc07ae00000000, 0xa88d1cb700000000, + 0x6bde319c00000000, 0x2aef2a8500000000, 0xed796bca00000000, + 0xac4870d300000000, 0x6f1b5df800000000, 0x2e2a46e100000000, + 0xe136de6600000000, 0xa007c57f00000000, 0x6354e85400000000, + 0x2265f34d00000000, 0xe5f3b20200000000, 0xa4c2a91b00000000, + 0x6791843000000000, 0x26a09f2900000000, 0xb8aec5e400000000, + 0xf99fdefd00000000, 0x3accf3d600000000, 0x7bfde8cf00000000, + 0xbc6ba98000000000, 0xfd5ab29900000000, 0x3e099fb200000000, + 0x7f3884ab00000000, 0xb0241c2c00000000, 0xf115073500000000, + 0x32462a1e00000000, 0x7377310700000000, 0xb4e1704800000000, + 0xf5d06b5100000000, 0x3683467a00000000, 0x77b25d6300000000, + 0x4ed7facb00000000, 0x0fe6e1d200000000, 0xccb5ccf900000000, + 0x8d84d7e000000000, 0x4a1296af00000000, 0x0b238db600000000, + 0xc870a09d00000000, 0x8941bb8400000000, 0x465d230300000000, + 0x076c381a00000000, 0xc43f153100000000, 0x850e0e2800000000, + 0x42984f6700000000, 0x03a9547e00000000, 0xc0fa795500000000, + 0x81cb624c00000000, 0x1fc5388100000000, 0x5ef4239800000000, + 0x9da70eb300000000, 0xdc9615aa00000000, 0x1b0054e500000000, + 0x5a314ffc00000000, 0x996262d700000000, 0xd85379ce00000000, + 0x174fe14900000000, 0x567efa5000000000, 0x952dd77b00000000, + 0xd41ccc6200000000, 0x138a8d2d00000000, 0x52bb963400000000, + 0x91e8bb1f00000000, 0xd0d9a00600000000, 0xecf37e5e00000000, + 0xadc2654700000000, 0x6e91486c00000000, 0x2fa0537500000000, + 0xe836123a00000000, 0xa907092300000000, 0x6a54240800000000, + 0x2b653f1100000000, 0xe479a79600000000, 0xa548bc8f00000000, + 0x661b91a400000000, 0x272a8abd00000000, 0xe0bccbf200000000, + 0xa18dd0eb00000000, 0x62defdc000000000, 0x23efe6d900000000, + 0xbde1bc1400000000, 0xfcd0a70d00000000, 0x3f838a2600000000, + 0x7eb2913f00000000, 0xb924d07000000000, 0xf815cb6900000000, + 0x3b46e64200000000, 0x7a77fd5b00000000, 0xb56b65dc00000000, + 0xf45a7ec500000000, 0x370953ee00000000, 0x763848f700000000, + 0xb1ae09b800000000, 0xf09f12a100000000, 0x33cc3f8a00000000, + 0x72fd249300000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x376ac20100000000, 0x6ed4840300000000, + 0x59be460200000000, 0xdca8090700000000, 0xebc2cb0600000000, + 0xb27c8d0400000000, 0x85164f0500000000, 0xb851130e00000000, + 0x8f3bd10f00000000, 0xd685970d00000000, 0xe1ef550c00000000, + 0x64f91a0900000000, 0x5393d80800000000, 0x0a2d9e0a00000000, + 0x3d475c0b00000000, 0x70a3261c00000000, 0x47c9e41d00000000, + 0x1e77a21f00000000, 0x291d601e00000000, 0xac0b2f1b00000000, + 0x9b61ed1a00000000, 0xc2dfab1800000000, 0xf5b5691900000000, + 0xc8f2351200000000, 0xff98f71300000000, 0xa626b11100000000, + 0x914c731000000000, 0x145a3c1500000000, 0x2330fe1400000000, + 0x7a8eb81600000000, 0x4de47a1700000000, 0xe0464d3800000000, + 0xd72c8f3900000000, 0x8e92c93b00000000, 0xb9f80b3a00000000, + 0x3cee443f00000000, 0x0b84863e00000000, 0x523ac03c00000000, + 0x6550023d00000000, 0x58175e3600000000, 0x6f7d9c3700000000, + 0x36c3da3500000000, 0x01a9183400000000, 0x84bf573100000000, + 0xb3d5953000000000, 0xea6bd33200000000, 0xdd01113300000000, + 0x90e56b2400000000, 0xa78fa92500000000, 0xfe31ef2700000000, + 0xc95b2d2600000000, 0x4c4d622300000000, 0x7b27a02200000000, + 0x2299e62000000000, 0x15f3242100000000, 0x28b4782a00000000, + 0x1fdeba2b00000000, 0x4660fc2900000000, 0x710a3e2800000000, + 0xf41c712d00000000, 0xc376b32c00000000, 0x9ac8f52e00000000, + 0xada2372f00000000, 0xc08d9a7000000000, 0xf7e7587100000000, + 0xae591e7300000000, 0x9933dc7200000000, 0x1c25937700000000, + 0x2b4f517600000000, 0x72f1177400000000, 0x459bd57500000000, + 0x78dc897e00000000, 0x4fb64b7f00000000, 0x16080d7d00000000, + 0x2162cf7c00000000, 0xa474807900000000, 0x931e427800000000, + 0xcaa0047a00000000, 0xfdcac67b00000000, 0xb02ebc6c00000000, + 0x87447e6d00000000, 0xdefa386f00000000, 0xe990fa6e00000000, + 0x6c86b56b00000000, 0x5bec776a00000000, 0x0252316800000000, + 0x3538f36900000000, 0x087faf6200000000, 0x3f156d6300000000, + 0x66ab2b6100000000, 0x51c1e96000000000, 0xd4d7a66500000000, + 0xe3bd646400000000, 0xba03226600000000, 0x8d69e06700000000, + 0x20cbd74800000000, 0x17a1154900000000, 0x4e1f534b00000000, + 0x7975914a00000000, 0xfc63de4f00000000, 0xcb091c4e00000000, + 0x92b75a4c00000000, 0xa5dd984d00000000, 0x989ac44600000000, + 0xaff0064700000000, 0xf64e404500000000, 0xc124824400000000, + 0x4432cd4100000000, 0x73580f4000000000, 0x2ae6494200000000, + 0x1d8c8b4300000000, 0x5068f15400000000, 0x6702335500000000, + 0x3ebc755700000000, 0x09d6b75600000000, 0x8cc0f85300000000, + 0xbbaa3a5200000000, 0xe2147c5000000000, 0xd57ebe5100000000, + 0xe839e25a00000000, 0xdf53205b00000000, 0x86ed665900000000, + 0xb187a45800000000, 0x3491eb5d00000000, 0x03fb295c00000000, + 0x5a456f5e00000000, 0x6d2fad5f00000000, 0x801b35e100000000, + 0xb771f7e000000000, 0xeecfb1e200000000, 0xd9a573e300000000, + 0x5cb33ce600000000, 0x6bd9fee700000000, 0x3267b8e500000000, + 0x050d7ae400000000, 0x384a26ef00000000, 0x0f20e4ee00000000, + 0x569ea2ec00000000, 0x61f460ed00000000, 0xe4e22fe800000000, + 0xd388ede900000000, 0x8a36abeb00000000, 0xbd5c69ea00000000, + 0xf0b813fd00000000, 0xc7d2d1fc00000000, 0x9e6c97fe00000000, + 0xa90655ff00000000, 0x2c101afa00000000, 0x1b7ad8fb00000000, + 0x42c49ef900000000, 0x75ae5cf800000000, 0x48e900f300000000, + 0x7f83c2f200000000, 0x263d84f000000000, 0x115746f100000000, + 0x944109f400000000, 0xa32bcbf500000000, 0xfa958df700000000, + 0xcdff4ff600000000, 0x605d78d900000000, 0x5737bad800000000, + 0x0e89fcda00000000, 0x39e33edb00000000, 0xbcf571de00000000, + 0x8b9fb3df00000000, 0xd221f5dd00000000, 0xe54b37dc00000000, + 0xd80c6bd700000000, 0xef66a9d600000000, 0xb6d8efd400000000, + 0x81b22dd500000000, 0x04a462d000000000, 0x33cea0d100000000, + 0x6a70e6d300000000, 0x5d1a24d200000000, 0x10fe5ec500000000, + 0x27949cc400000000, 0x7e2adac600000000, 0x494018c700000000, + 0xcc5657c200000000, 0xfb3c95c300000000, 0xa282d3c100000000, + 0x95e811c000000000, 0xa8af4dcb00000000, 0x9fc58fca00000000, + 0xc67bc9c800000000, 0xf1110bc900000000, 0x740744cc00000000, + 0x436d86cd00000000, 0x1ad3c0cf00000000, 0x2db902ce00000000, + 0x4096af9100000000, 0x77fc6d9000000000, 0x2e422b9200000000, + 0x1928e99300000000, 0x9c3ea69600000000, 0xab54649700000000, + 0xf2ea229500000000, 0xc580e09400000000, 0xf8c7bc9f00000000, + 0xcfad7e9e00000000, 0x9613389c00000000, 0xa179fa9d00000000, + 0x246fb59800000000, 0x1305779900000000, 0x4abb319b00000000, + 0x7dd1f39a00000000, 0x3035898d00000000, 0x075f4b8c00000000, + 0x5ee10d8e00000000, 0x698bcf8f00000000, 0xec9d808a00000000, + 0xdbf7428b00000000, 0x8249048900000000, 0xb523c68800000000, + 0x88649a8300000000, 0xbf0e588200000000, 0xe6b01e8000000000, + 0xd1dadc8100000000, 0x54cc938400000000, 0x63a6518500000000, + 0x3a18178700000000, 0x0d72d58600000000, 0xa0d0e2a900000000, + 0x97ba20a800000000, 0xce0466aa00000000, 0xf96ea4ab00000000, + 0x7c78ebae00000000, 0x4b1229af00000000, 0x12ac6fad00000000, + 0x25c6adac00000000, 0x1881f1a700000000, 0x2feb33a600000000, + 0x765575a400000000, 0x413fb7a500000000, 0xc429f8a000000000, + 0xf3433aa100000000, 0xaafd7ca300000000, 0x9d97bea200000000, + 0xd073c4b500000000, 0xe71906b400000000, 0xbea740b600000000, + 0x89cd82b700000000, 0x0cdbcdb200000000, 0x3bb10fb300000000, + 0x620f49b100000000, 0x55658bb000000000, 0x6822d7bb00000000, + 0x5f4815ba00000000, 0x06f653b800000000, 0x319c91b900000000, + 0xb48adebc00000000, 0x83e01cbd00000000, 0xda5e5abf00000000, + 0xed3498be00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x6567bcb800000000, 0x8bc809aa00000000, + 0xeeafb51200000000, 0x5797628f00000000, 0x32f0de3700000000, + 0xdc5f6b2500000000, 0xb938d79d00000000, 0xef28b4c500000000, + 0x8a4f087d00000000, 0x64e0bd6f00000000, 0x018701d700000000, + 0xb8bfd64a00000000, 0xddd86af200000000, 0x3377dfe000000000, + 0x5610635800000000, 0x9f57195000000000, 0xfa30a5e800000000, + 0x149f10fa00000000, 0x71f8ac4200000000, 0xc8c07bdf00000000, + 0xada7c76700000000, 0x4308727500000000, 0x266fcecd00000000, + 0x707fad9500000000, 0x1518112d00000000, 0xfbb7a43f00000000, + 0x9ed0188700000000, 0x27e8cf1a00000000, 0x428f73a200000000, + 0xac20c6b000000000, 0xc9477a0800000000, 0x3eaf32a000000000, + 0x5bc88e1800000000, 0xb5673b0a00000000, 0xd00087b200000000, + 0x6938502f00000000, 0x0c5fec9700000000, 0xe2f0598500000000, + 0x8797e53d00000000, 0xd187866500000000, 0xb4e03add00000000, + 0x5a4f8fcf00000000, 0x3f28337700000000, 0x8610e4ea00000000, + 0xe377585200000000, 0x0dd8ed4000000000, 0x68bf51f800000000, + 0xa1f82bf000000000, 0xc49f974800000000, 0x2a30225a00000000, + 0x4f579ee200000000, 0xf66f497f00000000, 0x9308f5c700000000, + 0x7da740d500000000, 0x18c0fc6d00000000, 0x4ed09f3500000000, + 0x2bb7238d00000000, 0xc518969f00000000, 0xa07f2a2700000000, + 0x1947fdba00000000, 0x7c20410200000000, 0x928ff41000000000, + 0xf7e848a800000000, 0x3d58149b00000000, 0x583fa82300000000, + 0xb6901d3100000000, 0xd3f7a18900000000, 0x6acf761400000000, + 0x0fa8caac00000000, 0xe1077fbe00000000, 0x8460c30600000000, + 0xd270a05e00000000, 0xb7171ce600000000, 0x59b8a9f400000000, + 0x3cdf154c00000000, 0x85e7c2d100000000, 0xe0807e6900000000, + 0x0e2fcb7b00000000, 0x6b4877c300000000, 0xa20f0dcb00000000, + 0xc768b17300000000, 0x29c7046100000000, 0x4ca0b8d900000000, + 0xf5986f4400000000, 0x90ffd3fc00000000, 0x7e5066ee00000000, + 0x1b37da5600000000, 0x4d27b90e00000000, 0x284005b600000000, + 0xc6efb0a400000000, 0xa3880c1c00000000, 0x1ab0db8100000000, + 0x7fd7673900000000, 0x9178d22b00000000, 0xf41f6e9300000000, + 0x03f7263b00000000, 0x66909a8300000000, 0x883f2f9100000000, + 0xed58932900000000, 0x546044b400000000, 0x3107f80c00000000, + 0xdfa84d1e00000000, 0xbacff1a600000000, 0xecdf92fe00000000, + 0x89b82e4600000000, 0x67179b5400000000, 0x027027ec00000000, + 0xbb48f07100000000, 0xde2f4cc900000000, 0x3080f9db00000000, + 0x55e7456300000000, 0x9ca03f6b00000000, 0xf9c783d300000000, + 0x176836c100000000, 0x720f8a7900000000, 0xcb375de400000000, + 0xae50e15c00000000, 0x40ff544e00000000, 0x2598e8f600000000, + 0x73888bae00000000, 0x16ef371600000000, 0xf840820400000000, + 0x9d273ebc00000000, 0x241fe92100000000, 0x4178559900000000, + 0xafd7e08b00000000, 0xcab05c3300000000, 0x3bb659ed00000000, + 0x5ed1e55500000000, 0xb07e504700000000, 0xd519ecff00000000, + 0x6c213b6200000000, 0x094687da00000000, 0xe7e932c800000000, + 0x828e8e7000000000, 0xd49eed2800000000, 0xb1f9519000000000, + 0x5f56e48200000000, 0x3a31583a00000000, 0x83098fa700000000, + 0xe66e331f00000000, 0x08c1860d00000000, 0x6da63ab500000000, + 0xa4e140bd00000000, 0xc186fc0500000000, 0x2f29491700000000, + 0x4a4ef5af00000000, 0xf376223200000000, 0x96119e8a00000000, + 0x78be2b9800000000, 0x1dd9972000000000, 0x4bc9f47800000000, + 0x2eae48c000000000, 0xc001fdd200000000, 0xa566416a00000000, + 0x1c5e96f700000000, 0x79392a4f00000000, 0x97969f5d00000000, + 0xf2f123e500000000, 0x05196b4d00000000, 0x607ed7f500000000, + 0x8ed162e700000000, 0xebb6de5f00000000, 0x528e09c200000000, + 0x37e9b57a00000000, 0xd946006800000000, 0xbc21bcd000000000, + 0xea31df8800000000, 0x8f56633000000000, 0x61f9d62200000000, + 0x049e6a9a00000000, 0xbda6bd0700000000, 0xd8c101bf00000000, + 0x366eb4ad00000000, 0x5309081500000000, 0x9a4e721d00000000, + 0xff29cea500000000, 0x11867bb700000000, 0x74e1c70f00000000, + 0xcdd9109200000000, 0xa8beac2a00000000, 0x4611193800000000, + 0x2376a58000000000, 0x7566c6d800000000, 0x10017a6000000000, + 0xfeaecf7200000000, 0x9bc973ca00000000, 0x22f1a45700000000, + 0x479618ef00000000, 0xa939adfd00000000, 0xcc5e114500000000, + 0x06ee4d7600000000, 0x6389f1ce00000000, 0x8d2644dc00000000, + 0xe841f86400000000, 0x51792ff900000000, 0x341e934100000000, + 0xdab1265300000000, 0xbfd69aeb00000000, 0xe9c6f9b300000000, + 0x8ca1450b00000000, 0x620ef01900000000, 0x07694ca100000000, + 0xbe519b3c00000000, 0xdb36278400000000, 0x3599929600000000, + 0x50fe2e2e00000000, 0x99b9542600000000, 0xfcdee89e00000000, + 0x12715d8c00000000, 0x7716e13400000000, 0xce2e36a900000000, + 0xab498a1100000000, 0x45e63f0300000000, 0x208183bb00000000, + 0x7691e0e300000000, 0x13f65c5b00000000, 0xfd59e94900000000, + 0x983e55f100000000, 0x2106826c00000000, 0x44613ed400000000, + 0xaace8bc600000000, 0xcfa9377e00000000, 0x38417fd600000000, + 0x5d26c36e00000000, 0xb389767c00000000, 0xd6eecac400000000, + 0x6fd61d5900000000, 0x0ab1a1e100000000, 0xe41e14f300000000, + 0x8179a84b00000000, 0xd769cb1300000000, 0xb20e77ab00000000, + 0x5ca1c2b900000000, 0x39c67e0100000000, 0x80fea99c00000000, + 0xe599152400000000, 0x0b36a03600000000, 0x6e511c8e00000000, + 0xa716668600000000, 0xc271da3e00000000, 0x2cde6f2c00000000, + 0x49b9d39400000000, 0xf081040900000000, 0x95e6b8b100000000, + 0x7b490da300000000, 0x1e2eb11b00000000, 0x483ed24300000000, + 0x2d596efb00000000, 0xc3f6dbe900000000, 0xa691675100000000, + 0x1fa9b0cc00000000, 0x7ace0c7400000000, 0x9461b96600000000, + 0xf10605de00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xb029603d00000000, 0x6053c07a00000000, + 0xd07aa04700000000, 0xc0a680f500000000, 0x708fe0c800000000, + 0xa0f5408f00000000, 0x10dc20b200000000, 0xc14b703000000000, + 0x7162100d00000000, 0xa118b04a00000000, 0x1131d07700000000, + 0x01edf0c500000000, 0xb1c490f800000000, 0x61be30bf00000000, + 0xd197508200000000, 0x8297e06000000000, 0x32be805d00000000, + 0xe2c4201a00000000, 0x52ed402700000000, 0x4231609500000000, + 0xf21800a800000000, 0x2262a0ef00000000, 0x924bc0d200000000, + 0x43dc905000000000, 0xf3f5f06d00000000, 0x238f502a00000000, + 0x93a6301700000000, 0x837a10a500000000, 0x3353709800000000, + 0xe329d0df00000000, 0x5300b0e200000000, 0x042fc1c100000000, + 0xb406a1fc00000000, 0x647c01bb00000000, 0xd455618600000000, + 0xc489413400000000, 0x74a0210900000000, 0xa4da814e00000000, + 0x14f3e17300000000, 0xc564b1f100000000, 0x754dd1cc00000000, + 0xa537718b00000000, 0x151e11b600000000, 0x05c2310400000000, + 0xb5eb513900000000, 0x6591f17e00000000, 0xd5b8914300000000, + 0x86b821a100000000, 0x3691419c00000000, 0xe6ebe1db00000000, + 0x56c281e600000000, 0x461ea15400000000, 0xf637c16900000000, + 0x264d612e00000000, 0x9664011300000000, 0x47f3519100000000, + 0xf7da31ac00000000, 0x27a091eb00000000, 0x9789f1d600000000, + 0x8755d16400000000, 0x377cb15900000000, 0xe706111e00000000, + 0x572f712300000000, 0x4958f35800000000, 0xf971936500000000, + 0x290b332200000000, 0x9922531f00000000, 0x89fe73ad00000000, + 0x39d7139000000000, 0xe9adb3d700000000, 0x5984d3ea00000000, + 0x8813836800000000, 0x383ae35500000000, 0xe840431200000000, + 0x5869232f00000000, 0x48b5039d00000000, 0xf89c63a000000000, + 0x28e6c3e700000000, 0x98cfa3da00000000, 0xcbcf133800000000, + 0x7be6730500000000, 0xab9cd34200000000, 0x1bb5b37f00000000, + 0x0b6993cd00000000, 0xbb40f3f000000000, 0x6b3a53b700000000, + 0xdb13338a00000000, 0x0a84630800000000, 0xbaad033500000000, + 0x6ad7a37200000000, 0xdafec34f00000000, 0xca22e3fd00000000, + 0x7a0b83c000000000, 0xaa71238700000000, 0x1a5843ba00000000, + 0x4d77329900000000, 0xfd5e52a400000000, 0x2d24f2e300000000, + 0x9d0d92de00000000, 0x8dd1b26c00000000, 0x3df8d25100000000, + 0xed82721600000000, 0x5dab122b00000000, 0x8c3c42a900000000, + 0x3c15229400000000, 0xec6f82d300000000, 0x5c46e2ee00000000, + 0x4c9ac25c00000000, 0xfcb3a26100000000, 0x2cc9022600000000, + 0x9ce0621b00000000, 0xcfe0d2f900000000, 0x7fc9b2c400000000, + 0xafb3128300000000, 0x1f9a72be00000000, 0x0f46520c00000000, + 0xbf6f323100000000, 0x6f15927600000000, 0xdf3cf24b00000000, + 0x0eaba2c900000000, 0xbe82c2f400000000, 0x6ef862b300000000, + 0xded1028e00000000, 0xce0d223c00000000, 0x7e24420100000000, + 0xae5ee24600000000, 0x1e77827b00000000, 0x92b0e6b100000000, + 0x2299868c00000000, 0xf2e326cb00000000, 0x42ca46f600000000, + 0x5216664400000000, 0xe23f067900000000, 0x3245a63e00000000, + 0x826cc60300000000, 0x53fb968100000000, 0xe3d2f6bc00000000, + 0x33a856fb00000000, 0x838136c600000000, 0x935d167400000000, + 0x2374764900000000, 0xf30ed60e00000000, 0x4327b63300000000, + 0x102706d100000000, 0xa00e66ec00000000, 0x7074c6ab00000000, + 0xc05da69600000000, 0xd081862400000000, 0x60a8e61900000000, + 0xb0d2465e00000000, 0x00fb266300000000, 0xd16c76e100000000, + 0x614516dc00000000, 0xb13fb69b00000000, 0x0116d6a600000000, + 0x11caf61400000000, 0xa1e3962900000000, 0x7199366e00000000, + 0xc1b0565300000000, 0x969f277000000000, 0x26b6474d00000000, + 0xf6cce70a00000000, 0x46e5873700000000, 0x5639a78500000000, + 0xe610c7b800000000, 0x366a67ff00000000, 0x864307c200000000, + 0x57d4574000000000, 0xe7fd377d00000000, 0x3787973a00000000, + 0x87aef70700000000, 0x9772d7b500000000, 0x275bb78800000000, + 0xf72117cf00000000, 0x470877f200000000, 0x1408c71000000000, + 0xa421a72d00000000, 0x745b076a00000000, 0xc472675700000000, + 0xd4ae47e500000000, 0x648727d800000000, 0xb4fd879f00000000, + 0x04d4e7a200000000, 0xd543b72000000000, 0x656ad71d00000000, + 0xb510775a00000000, 0x0539176700000000, 0x15e537d500000000, + 0xa5cc57e800000000, 0x75b6f7af00000000, 0xc59f979200000000, + 0xdbe815e900000000, 0x6bc175d400000000, 0xbbbbd59300000000, + 0x0b92b5ae00000000, 0x1b4e951c00000000, 0xab67f52100000000, + 0x7b1d556600000000, 0xcb34355b00000000, 0x1aa365d900000000, + 0xaa8a05e400000000, 0x7af0a5a300000000, 0xcad9c59e00000000, + 0xda05e52c00000000, 0x6a2c851100000000, 0xba56255600000000, + 0x0a7f456b00000000, 0x597ff58900000000, 0xe95695b400000000, + 0x392c35f300000000, 0x890555ce00000000, 0x99d9757c00000000, + 0x29f0154100000000, 0xf98ab50600000000, 0x49a3d53b00000000, + 0x983485b900000000, 0x281de58400000000, 0xf86745c300000000, + 0x484e25fe00000000, 0x5892054c00000000, 0xe8bb657100000000, + 0x38c1c53600000000, 0x88e8a50b00000000, 0xdfc7d42800000000, + 0x6feeb41500000000, 0xbf94145200000000, 0x0fbd746f00000000, + 0x1f6154dd00000000, 0xaf4834e000000000, 0x7f3294a700000000, + 0xcf1bf49a00000000, 0x1e8ca41800000000, 0xaea5c42500000000, + 0x7edf646200000000, 0xcef6045f00000000, 0xde2a24ed00000000, + 0x6e0344d000000000, 0xbe79e49700000000, 0x0e5084aa00000000, + 0x5d50344800000000, 0xed79547500000000, 0x3d03f43200000000, + 0x8d2a940f00000000, 0x9df6b4bd00000000, 0x2ddfd48000000000, + 0xfda574c700000000, 0x4d8c14fa00000000, 0x9c1b447800000000, + 0x2c32244500000000, 0xfc48840200000000, 0x4c61e43f00000000, + 0x5cbdc48d00000000, 0xec94a4b000000000, 0x3cee04f700000000, + 0x8cc764ca00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xa5d35ccb00000000, 0x0ba1c84d00000000, + 0xae72948600000000, 0x1642919b00000000, 0xb391cd5000000000, + 0x1de359d600000000, 0xb830051d00000000, 0x6d8253ec00000000, + 0xc8510f2700000000, 0x66239ba100000000, 0xc3f0c76a00000000, + 0x7bc0c27700000000, 0xde139ebc00000000, 0x70610a3a00000000, + 0xd5b256f100000000, 0x9b02d60300000000, 0x3ed18ac800000000, + 0x90a31e4e00000000, 0x3570428500000000, 0x8d40479800000000, + 0x28931b5300000000, 0x86e18fd500000000, 0x2332d31e00000000, + 0xf68085ef00000000, 0x5353d92400000000, 0xfd214da200000000, + 0x58f2116900000000, 0xe0c2147400000000, 0x451148bf00000000, + 0xeb63dc3900000000, 0x4eb080f200000000, 0x3605ac0700000000, + 0x93d6f0cc00000000, 0x3da4644a00000000, 0x9877388100000000, + 0x20473d9c00000000, 0x8594615700000000, 0x2be6f5d100000000, + 0x8e35a91a00000000, 0x5b87ffeb00000000, 0xfe54a32000000000, + 0x502637a600000000, 0xf5f56b6d00000000, 0x4dc56e7000000000, + 0xe81632bb00000000, 0x4664a63d00000000, 0xe3b7faf600000000, + 0xad077a0400000000, 0x08d426cf00000000, 0xa6a6b24900000000, + 0x0375ee8200000000, 0xbb45eb9f00000000, 0x1e96b75400000000, + 0xb0e423d200000000, 0x15377f1900000000, 0xc08529e800000000, + 0x6556752300000000, 0xcb24e1a500000000, 0x6ef7bd6e00000000, + 0xd6c7b87300000000, 0x7314e4b800000000, 0xdd66703e00000000, + 0x78b52cf500000000, 0x6c0a580f00000000, 0xc9d904c400000000, + 0x67ab904200000000, 0xc278cc8900000000, 0x7a48c99400000000, + 0xdf9b955f00000000, 0x71e901d900000000, 0xd43a5d1200000000, + 0x01880be300000000, 0xa45b572800000000, 0x0a29c3ae00000000, + 0xaffa9f6500000000, 0x17ca9a7800000000, 0xb219c6b300000000, + 0x1c6b523500000000, 0xb9b80efe00000000, 0xf7088e0c00000000, + 0x52dbd2c700000000, 0xfca9464100000000, 0x597a1a8a00000000, + 0xe14a1f9700000000, 0x4499435c00000000, 0xeaebd7da00000000, + 0x4f388b1100000000, 0x9a8adde000000000, 0x3f59812b00000000, + 0x912b15ad00000000, 0x34f8496600000000, 0x8cc84c7b00000000, + 0x291b10b000000000, 0x8769843600000000, 0x22bad8fd00000000, + 0x5a0ff40800000000, 0xffdca8c300000000, 0x51ae3c4500000000, + 0xf47d608e00000000, 0x4c4d659300000000, 0xe99e395800000000, + 0x47ecadde00000000, 0xe23ff11500000000, 0x378da7e400000000, + 0x925efb2f00000000, 0x3c2c6fa900000000, 0x99ff336200000000, + 0x21cf367f00000000, 0x841c6ab400000000, 0x2a6efe3200000000, + 0x8fbda2f900000000, 0xc10d220b00000000, 0x64de7ec000000000, + 0xcaacea4600000000, 0x6f7fb68d00000000, 0xd74fb39000000000, + 0x729cef5b00000000, 0xdcee7bdd00000000, 0x793d271600000000, + 0xac8f71e700000000, 0x095c2d2c00000000, 0xa72eb9aa00000000, + 0x02fde56100000000, 0xbacde07c00000000, 0x1f1ebcb700000000, + 0xb16c283100000000, 0x14bf74fa00000000, 0xd814b01e00000000, + 0x7dc7ecd500000000, 0xd3b5785300000000, 0x7666249800000000, + 0xce56218500000000, 0x6b857d4e00000000, 0xc5f7e9c800000000, + 0x6024b50300000000, 0xb596e3f200000000, 0x1045bf3900000000, + 0xbe372bbf00000000, 0x1be4777400000000, 0xa3d4726900000000, + 0x06072ea200000000, 0xa875ba2400000000, 0x0da6e6ef00000000, + 0x4316661d00000000, 0xe6c53ad600000000, 0x48b7ae5000000000, + 0xed64f29b00000000, 0x5554f78600000000, 0xf087ab4d00000000, + 0x5ef53fcb00000000, 0xfb26630000000000, 0x2e9435f100000000, + 0x8b47693a00000000, 0x2535fdbc00000000, 0x80e6a17700000000, + 0x38d6a46a00000000, 0x9d05f8a100000000, 0x33776c2700000000, + 0x96a430ec00000000, 0xee111c1900000000, 0x4bc240d200000000, + 0xe5b0d45400000000, 0x4063889f00000000, 0xf8538d8200000000, + 0x5d80d14900000000, 0xf3f245cf00000000, 0x5621190400000000, + 0x83934ff500000000, 0x2640133e00000000, 0x883287b800000000, + 0x2de1db7300000000, 0x95d1de6e00000000, 0x300282a500000000, + 0x9e70162300000000, 0x3ba34ae800000000, 0x7513ca1a00000000, + 0xd0c096d100000000, 0x7eb2025700000000, 0xdb615e9c00000000, + 0x63515b8100000000, 0xc682074a00000000, 0x68f093cc00000000, + 0xcd23cf0700000000, 0x189199f600000000, 0xbd42c53d00000000, + 0x133051bb00000000, 0xb6e30d7000000000, 0x0ed3086d00000000, + 0xab0054a600000000, 0x0572c02000000000, 0xa0a19ceb00000000, + 0xb41ee81100000000, 0x11cdb4da00000000, 0xbfbf205c00000000, + 0x1a6c7c9700000000, 0xa25c798a00000000, 0x078f254100000000, + 0xa9fdb1c700000000, 0x0c2eed0c00000000, 0xd99cbbfd00000000, + 0x7c4fe73600000000, 0xd23d73b000000000, 0x77ee2f7b00000000, + 0xcfde2a6600000000, 0x6a0d76ad00000000, 0xc47fe22b00000000, + 0x61acbee000000000, 0x2f1c3e1200000000, 0x8acf62d900000000, + 0x24bdf65f00000000, 0x816eaa9400000000, 0x395eaf8900000000, + 0x9c8df34200000000, 0x32ff67c400000000, 0x972c3b0f00000000, + 0x429e6dfe00000000, 0xe74d313500000000, 0x493fa5b300000000, + 0xececf97800000000, 0x54dcfc6500000000, 0xf10fa0ae00000000, + 0x5f7d342800000000, 0xfaae68e300000000, 0x821b441600000000, + 0x27c818dd00000000, 0x89ba8c5b00000000, 0x2c69d09000000000, + 0x9459d58d00000000, 0x318a894600000000, 0x9ff81dc000000000, + 0x3a2b410b00000000, 0xef9917fa00000000, 0x4a4a4b3100000000, + 0xe438dfb700000000, 0x41eb837c00000000, 0xf9db866100000000, + 0x5c08daaa00000000, 0xf27a4e2c00000000, 0x57a912e700000000, + 0x1919921500000000, 0xbccacede00000000, 0x12b85a5800000000, + 0xb76b069300000000, 0x0f5b038e00000000, 0xaa885f4500000000, + 0x04facbc300000000, 0xa129970800000000, 0x749bc1f900000000, + 0xd1489d3200000000, 0x7f3a09b400000000, 0xdae9557f00000000, + 0x62d9506200000000, 0xc70a0ca900000000, 0x6978982f00000000, + 0xccabc4e400000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xb40b77a600000000, 0x29119f9700000000, + 0x9d1ae83100000000, 0x13244ff400000000, 0xa72f385200000000, + 0x3a35d06300000000, 0x8e3ea7c500000000, 0x674eef3300000000, + 0xd345989500000000, 0x4e5f70a400000000, 0xfa54070200000000, + 0x746aa0c700000000, 0xc061d76100000000, 0x5d7b3f5000000000, + 0xe97048f600000000, 0xce9cde6700000000, 0x7a97a9c100000000, + 0xe78d41f000000000, 0x5386365600000000, 0xddb8919300000000, + 0x69b3e63500000000, 0xf4a90e0400000000, 0x40a279a200000000, + 0xa9d2315400000000, 0x1dd946f200000000, 0x80c3aec300000000, + 0x34c8d96500000000, 0xbaf67ea000000000, 0x0efd090600000000, + 0x93e7e13700000000, 0x27ec969100000000, 0x9c39bdcf00000000, + 0x2832ca6900000000, 0xb528225800000000, 0x012355fe00000000, + 0x8f1df23b00000000, 0x3b16859d00000000, 0xa60c6dac00000000, + 0x12071a0a00000000, 0xfb7752fc00000000, 0x4f7c255a00000000, + 0xd266cd6b00000000, 0x666dbacd00000000, 0xe8531d0800000000, + 0x5c586aae00000000, 0xc142829f00000000, 0x7549f53900000000, + 0x52a563a800000000, 0xe6ae140e00000000, 0x7bb4fc3f00000000, + 0xcfbf8b9900000000, 0x41812c5c00000000, 0xf58a5bfa00000000, + 0x6890b3cb00000000, 0xdc9bc46d00000000, 0x35eb8c9b00000000, + 0x81e0fb3d00000000, 0x1cfa130c00000000, 0xa8f164aa00000000, + 0x26cfc36f00000000, 0x92c4b4c900000000, 0x0fde5cf800000000, + 0xbbd52b5e00000000, 0x79750b4400000000, 0xcd7e7ce200000000, + 0x506494d300000000, 0xe46fe37500000000, 0x6a5144b000000000, + 0xde5a331600000000, 0x4340db2700000000, 0xf74bac8100000000, + 0x1e3be47700000000, 0xaa3093d100000000, 0x372a7be000000000, + 0x83210c4600000000, 0x0d1fab8300000000, 0xb914dc2500000000, + 0x240e341400000000, 0x900543b200000000, 0xb7e9d52300000000, + 0x03e2a28500000000, 0x9ef84ab400000000, 0x2af33d1200000000, + 0xa4cd9ad700000000, 0x10c6ed7100000000, 0x8ddc054000000000, + 0x39d772e600000000, 0xd0a73a1000000000, 0x64ac4db600000000, + 0xf9b6a58700000000, 0x4dbdd22100000000, 0xc38375e400000000, + 0x7788024200000000, 0xea92ea7300000000, 0x5e999dd500000000, + 0xe54cb68b00000000, 0x5147c12d00000000, 0xcc5d291c00000000, + 0x78565eba00000000, 0xf668f97f00000000, 0x42638ed900000000, + 0xdf7966e800000000, 0x6b72114e00000000, 0x820259b800000000, + 0x36092e1e00000000, 0xab13c62f00000000, 0x1f18b18900000000, + 0x9126164c00000000, 0x252d61ea00000000, 0xb83789db00000000, + 0x0c3cfe7d00000000, 0x2bd068ec00000000, 0x9fdb1f4a00000000, + 0x02c1f77b00000000, 0xb6ca80dd00000000, 0x38f4271800000000, + 0x8cff50be00000000, 0x11e5b88f00000000, 0xa5eecf2900000000, + 0x4c9e87df00000000, 0xf895f07900000000, 0x658f184800000000, + 0xd1846fee00000000, 0x5fbac82b00000000, 0xebb1bf8d00000000, + 0x76ab57bc00000000, 0xc2a0201a00000000, 0xf2ea168800000000, + 0x46e1612e00000000, 0xdbfb891f00000000, 0x6ff0feb900000000, + 0xe1ce597c00000000, 0x55c52eda00000000, 0xc8dfc6eb00000000, + 0x7cd4b14d00000000, 0x95a4f9bb00000000, 0x21af8e1d00000000, + 0xbcb5662c00000000, 0x08be118a00000000, 0x8680b64f00000000, + 0x328bc1e900000000, 0xaf9129d800000000, 0x1b9a5e7e00000000, + 0x3c76c8ef00000000, 0x887dbf4900000000, 0x1567577800000000, + 0xa16c20de00000000, 0x2f52871b00000000, 0x9b59f0bd00000000, + 0x0643188c00000000, 0xb2486f2a00000000, 0x5b3827dc00000000, + 0xef33507a00000000, 0x7229b84b00000000, 0xc622cfed00000000, + 0x481c682800000000, 0xfc171f8e00000000, 0x610df7bf00000000, + 0xd506801900000000, 0x6ed3ab4700000000, 0xdad8dce100000000, + 0x47c234d000000000, 0xf3c9437600000000, 0x7df7e4b300000000, + 0xc9fc931500000000, 0x54e67b2400000000, 0xe0ed0c8200000000, + 0x099d447400000000, 0xbd9633d200000000, 0x208cdbe300000000, + 0x9487ac4500000000, 0x1ab90b8000000000, 0xaeb27c2600000000, + 0x33a8941700000000, 0x87a3e3b100000000, 0xa04f752000000000, + 0x1444028600000000, 0x895eeab700000000, 0x3d559d1100000000, + 0xb36b3ad400000000, 0x07604d7200000000, 0x9a7aa54300000000, + 0x2e71d2e500000000, 0xc7019a1300000000, 0x730aedb500000000, + 0xee10058400000000, 0x5a1b722200000000, 0xd425d5e700000000, + 0x602ea24100000000, 0xfd344a7000000000, 0x493f3dd600000000, + 0x8b9f1dcc00000000, 0x3f946a6a00000000, 0xa28e825b00000000, + 0x1685f5fd00000000, 0x98bb523800000000, 0x2cb0259e00000000, + 0xb1aacdaf00000000, 0x05a1ba0900000000, 0xecd1f2ff00000000, + 0x58da855900000000, 0xc5c06d6800000000, 0x71cb1ace00000000, + 0xfff5bd0b00000000, 0x4bfecaad00000000, 0xd6e4229c00000000, + 0x62ef553a00000000, 0x4503c3ab00000000, 0xf108b40d00000000, + 0x6c125c3c00000000, 0xd8192b9a00000000, 0x56278c5f00000000, + 0xe22cfbf900000000, 0x7f3613c800000000, 0xcb3d646e00000000, + 0x224d2c9800000000, 0x96465b3e00000000, 0x0b5cb30f00000000, + 0xbf57c4a900000000, 0x3169636c00000000, 0x856214ca00000000, + 0x1878fcfb00000000, 0xac738b5d00000000, 0x17a6a00300000000, + 0xa3add7a500000000, 0x3eb73f9400000000, 0x8abc483200000000, + 0x0482eff700000000, 0xb089985100000000, 0x2d93706000000000, + 0x999807c600000000, 0x70e84f3000000000, 0xc4e3389600000000, + 0x59f9d0a700000000, 0xedf2a70100000000, 0x63cc00c400000000, + 0xd7c7776200000000, 0x4add9f5300000000, 0xfed6e8f500000000, + 0xd93a7e6400000000, 0x6d3109c200000000, 0xf02be1f300000000, + 0x4420965500000000, 0xca1e319000000000, 0x7e15463600000000, + 0xe30fae0700000000, 0x5704d9a100000000, 0xbe74915700000000, + 0x0a7fe6f100000000, 0x97650ec000000000, 0x236e796600000000, + 0xad50dea300000000, 0x195ba90500000000, 0x8441413400000000, + 0x304a369200000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x9e00aacc00000000, 0x7d07254200000000, + 0xe3078f8e00000000, 0xfa0e4a8400000000, 0x640ee04800000000, + 0x87096fc600000000, 0x1909c50a00000000, 0xb51be5d300000000, + 0x2b1b4f1f00000000, 0xc81cc09100000000, 0x561c6a5d00000000, + 0x4f15af5700000000, 0xd115059b00000000, 0x32128a1500000000, + 0xac1220d900000000, 0x2b31bb7c00000000, 0xb53111b000000000, + 0x56369e3e00000000, 0xc83634f200000000, 0xd13ff1f800000000, + 0x4f3f5b3400000000, 0xac38d4ba00000000, 0x32387e7600000000, + 0x9e2a5eaf00000000, 0x002af46300000000, 0xe32d7bed00000000, + 0x7d2dd12100000000, 0x6424142b00000000, 0xfa24bee700000000, + 0x1923316900000000, 0x87239ba500000000, 0x566276f900000000, + 0xc862dc3500000000, 0x2b6553bb00000000, 0xb565f97700000000, + 0xac6c3c7d00000000, 0x326c96b100000000, 0xd16b193f00000000, + 0x4f6bb3f300000000, 0xe379932a00000000, 0x7d7939e600000000, + 0x9e7eb66800000000, 0x007e1ca400000000, 0x1977d9ae00000000, + 0x8777736200000000, 0x6470fcec00000000, 0xfa70562000000000, + 0x7d53cd8500000000, 0xe353674900000000, 0x0054e8c700000000, + 0x9e54420b00000000, 0x875d870100000000, 0x195d2dcd00000000, + 0xfa5aa24300000000, 0x645a088f00000000, 0xc848285600000000, + 0x5648829a00000000, 0xb54f0d1400000000, 0x2b4fa7d800000000, + 0x324662d200000000, 0xac46c81e00000000, 0x4f41479000000000, + 0xd141ed5c00000000, 0xedc29d2900000000, 0x73c237e500000000, + 0x90c5b86b00000000, 0x0ec512a700000000, 0x17ccd7ad00000000, + 0x89cc7d6100000000, 0x6acbf2ef00000000, 0xf4cb582300000000, + 0x58d978fa00000000, 0xc6d9d23600000000, 0x25de5db800000000, + 0xbbdef77400000000, 0xa2d7327e00000000, 0x3cd798b200000000, + 0xdfd0173c00000000, 0x41d0bdf000000000, 0xc6f3265500000000, + 0x58f38c9900000000, 0xbbf4031700000000, 0x25f4a9db00000000, + 0x3cfd6cd100000000, 0xa2fdc61d00000000, 0x41fa499300000000, + 0xdffae35f00000000, 0x73e8c38600000000, 0xede8694a00000000, + 0x0eefe6c400000000, 0x90ef4c0800000000, 0x89e6890200000000, + 0x17e623ce00000000, 0xf4e1ac4000000000, 0x6ae1068c00000000, + 0xbba0ebd000000000, 0x25a0411c00000000, 0xc6a7ce9200000000, + 0x58a7645e00000000, 0x41aea15400000000, 0xdfae0b9800000000, + 0x3ca9841600000000, 0xa2a92eda00000000, 0x0ebb0e0300000000, + 0x90bba4cf00000000, 0x73bc2b4100000000, 0xedbc818d00000000, + 0xf4b5448700000000, 0x6ab5ee4b00000000, 0x89b261c500000000, + 0x17b2cb0900000000, 0x909150ac00000000, 0x0e91fa6000000000, + 0xed9675ee00000000, 0x7396df2200000000, 0x6a9f1a2800000000, + 0xf49fb0e400000000, 0x17983f6a00000000, 0x899895a600000000, + 0x258ab57f00000000, 0xbb8a1fb300000000, 0x588d903d00000000, + 0xc68d3af100000000, 0xdf84fffb00000000, 0x4184553700000000, + 0xa283dab900000000, 0x3c83707500000000, 0xda853b5300000000, + 0x4485919f00000000, 0xa7821e1100000000, 0x3982b4dd00000000, + 0x208b71d700000000, 0xbe8bdb1b00000000, 0x5d8c549500000000, + 0xc38cfe5900000000, 0x6f9ede8000000000, 0xf19e744c00000000, + 0x1299fbc200000000, 0x8c99510e00000000, 0x9590940400000000, + 0x0b903ec800000000, 0xe897b14600000000, 0x76971b8a00000000, + 0xf1b4802f00000000, 0x6fb42ae300000000, 0x8cb3a56d00000000, + 0x12b30fa100000000, 0x0bbacaab00000000, 0x95ba606700000000, + 0x76bdefe900000000, 0xe8bd452500000000, 0x44af65fc00000000, + 0xdaafcf3000000000, 0x39a840be00000000, 0xa7a8ea7200000000, + 0xbea12f7800000000, 0x20a185b400000000, 0xc3a60a3a00000000, + 0x5da6a0f600000000, 0x8ce74daa00000000, 0x12e7e76600000000, + 0xf1e068e800000000, 0x6fe0c22400000000, 0x76e9072e00000000, + 0xe8e9ade200000000, 0x0bee226c00000000, 0x95ee88a000000000, + 0x39fca87900000000, 0xa7fc02b500000000, 0x44fb8d3b00000000, + 0xdafb27f700000000, 0xc3f2e2fd00000000, 0x5df2483100000000, + 0xbef5c7bf00000000, 0x20f56d7300000000, 0xa7d6f6d600000000, + 0x39d65c1a00000000, 0xdad1d39400000000, 0x44d1795800000000, + 0x5dd8bc5200000000, 0xc3d8169e00000000, 0x20df991000000000, + 0xbedf33dc00000000, 0x12cd130500000000, 0x8ccdb9c900000000, + 0x6fca364700000000, 0xf1ca9c8b00000000, 0xe8c3598100000000, + 0x76c3f34d00000000, 0x95c47cc300000000, 0x0bc4d60f00000000, + 0x3747a67a00000000, 0xa9470cb600000000, 0x4a40833800000000, + 0xd44029f400000000, 0xcd49ecfe00000000, 0x5349463200000000, + 0xb04ec9bc00000000, 0x2e4e637000000000, 0x825c43a900000000, + 0x1c5ce96500000000, 0xff5b66eb00000000, 0x615bcc2700000000, + 0x7852092d00000000, 0xe652a3e100000000, 0x05552c6f00000000, + 0x9b5586a300000000, 0x1c761d0600000000, 0x8276b7ca00000000, + 0x6171384400000000, 0xff71928800000000, 0xe678578200000000, + 0x7878fd4e00000000, 0x9b7f72c000000000, 0x057fd80c00000000, + 0xa96df8d500000000, 0x376d521900000000, 0xd46add9700000000, + 0x4a6a775b00000000, 0x5363b25100000000, 0xcd63189d00000000, + 0x2e64971300000000, 0xb0643ddf00000000, 0x6125d08300000000, + 0xff257a4f00000000, 0x1c22f5c100000000, 0x82225f0d00000000, + 0x9b2b9a0700000000, 0x052b30cb00000000, 0xe62cbf4500000000, + 0x782c158900000000, 0xd43e355000000000, 0x4a3e9f9c00000000, + 0xa939101200000000, 0x3739bade00000000, 0x2e307fd400000000, + 0xb030d51800000000, 0x53375a9600000000, 0xcd37f05a00000000, + 0x4a146bff00000000, 0xd414c13300000000, 0x37134ebd00000000, + 0xa913e47100000000, 0xb01a217b00000000, 0x2e1a8bb700000000, + 0xcd1d043900000000, 0x531daef500000000, 0xff0f8e2c00000000, + 0x610f24e000000000, 0x8208ab6e00000000, 0x1c0801a200000000, + 0x0501c4a800000000, 0x9b016e6400000000, 0x7806e1ea00000000, + 0xe6064b2600000000}}; + +#else /* W == 4 */ + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xb8bc6765, 0xaa09c88b, 0x12b5afee, 0x8f629757, + 0x37def032, 0x256b5fdc, 0x9dd738b9, 0xc5b428ef, 0x7d084f8a, + 0x6fbde064, 0xd7018701, 0x4ad6bfb8, 0xf26ad8dd, 0xe0df7733, + 0x58631056, 0x5019579f, 0xe8a530fa, 0xfa109f14, 0x42acf871, + 0xdf7bc0c8, 0x67c7a7ad, 0x75720843, 0xcdce6f26, 0x95ad7f70, + 0x2d111815, 0x3fa4b7fb, 0x8718d09e, 0x1acfe827, 0xa2738f42, + 0xb0c620ac, 0x087a47c9, 0xa032af3e, 0x188ec85b, 0x0a3b67b5, + 0xb28700d0, 0x2f503869, 0x97ec5f0c, 0x8559f0e2, 0x3de59787, + 0x658687d1, 0xdd3ae0b4, 0xcf8f4f5a, 0x7733283f, 0xeae41086, + 0x525877e3, 0x40edd80d, 0xf851bf68, 0xf02bf8a1, 0x48979fc4, + 0x5a22302a, 0xe29e574f, 0x7f496ff6, 0xc7f50893, 0xd540a77d, + 0x6dfcc018, 0x359fd04e, 0x8d23b72b, 0x9f9618c5, 0x272a7fa0, + 0xbafd4719, 0x0241207c, 0x10f48f92, 0xa848e8f7, 0x9b14583d, + 0x23a83f58, 0x311d90b6, 0x89a1f7d3, 0x1476cf6a, 0xaccaa80f, + 0xbe7f07e1, 0x06c36084, 0x5ea070d2, 0xe61c17b7, 0xf4a9b859, + 0x4c15df3c, 0xd1c2e785, 0x697e80e0, 0x7bcb2f0e, 0xc377486b, + 0xcb0d0fa2, 0x73b168c7, 0x6104c729, 0xd9b8a04c, 0x446f98f5, + 0xfcd3ff90, 0xee66507e, 0x56da371b, 0x0eb9274d, 0xb6054028, + 0xa4b0efc6, 0x1c0c88a3, 0x81dbb01a, 0x3967d77f, 0x2bd27891, + 0x936e1ff4, 0x3b26f703, 0x839a9066, 0x912f3f88, 0x299358ed, + 0xb4446054, 0x0cf80731, 0x1e4da8df, 0xa6f1cfba, 0xfe92dfec, + 0x462eb889, 0x549b1767, 0xec277002, 0x71f048bb, 0xc94c2fde, + 0xdbf98030, 0x6345e755, 0x6b3fa09c, 0xd383c7f9, 0xc1366817, + 0x798a0f72, 0xe45d37cb, 0x5ce150ae, 0x4e54ff40, 0xf6e89825, + 0xae8b8873, 0x1637ef16, 0x048240f8, 0xbc3e279d, 0x21e91f24, + 0x99557841, 0x8be0d7af, 0x335cb0ca, 0xed59b63b, 0x55e5d15e, + 0x47507eb0, 0xffec19d5, 0x623b216c, 0xda874609, 0xc832e9e7, + 0x708e8e82, 0x28ed9ed4, 0x9051f9b1, 0x82e4565f, 0x3a58313a, + 0xa78f0983, 0x1f336ee6, 0x0d86c108, 0xb53aa66d, 0xbd40e1a4, + 0x05fc86c1, 0x1749292f, 0xaff54e4a, 0x322276f3, 0x8a9e1196, + 0x982bbe78, 0x2097d91d, 0x78f4c94b, 0xc048ae2e, 0xd2fd01c0, + 0x6a4166a5, 0xf7965e1c, 0x4f2a3979, 0x5d9f9697, 0xe523f1f2, + 0x4d6b1905, 0xf5d77e60, 0xe762d18e, 0x5fdeb6eb, 0xc2098e52, + 0x7ab5e937, 0x680046d9, 0xd0bc21bc, 0x88df31ea, 0x3063568f, + 0x22d6f961, 0x9a6a9e04, 0x07bda6bd, 0xbf01c1d8, 0xadb46e36, + 0x15080953, 0x1d724e9a, 0xa5ce29ff, 0xb77b8611, 0x0fc7e174, + 0x9210d9cd, 0x2aacbea8, 0x38191146, 0x80a57623, 0xd8c66675, + 0x607a0110, 0x72cfaefe, 0xca73c99b, 0x57a4f122, 0xef189647, + 0xfdad39a9, 0x45115ecc, 0x764dee06, 0xcef18963, 0xdc44268d, + 0x64f841e8, 0xf92f7951, 0x41931e34, 0x5326b1da, 0xeb9ad6bf, + 0xb3f9c6e9, 0x0b45a18c, 0x19f00e62, 0xa14c6907, 0x3c9b51be, + 0x842736db, 0x96929935, 0x2e2efe50, 0x2654b999, 0x9ee8defc, + 0x8c5d7112, 0x34e11677, 0xa9362ece, 0x118a49ab, 0x033fe645, + 0xbb838120, 0xe3e09176, 0x5b5cf613, 0x49e959fd, 0xf1553e98, + 0x6c820621, 0xd43e6144, 0xc68bceaa, 0x7e37a9cf, 0xd67f4138, + 0x6ec3265d, 0x7c7689b3, 0xc4caeed6, 0x591dd66f, 0xe1a1b10a, + 0xf3141ee4, 0x4ba87981, 0x13cb69d7, 0xab770eb2, 0xb9c2a15c, + 0x017ec639, 0x9ca9fe80, 0x241599e5, 0x36a0360b, 0x8e1c516e, + 0x866616a7, 0x3eda71c2, 0x2c6fde2c, 0x94d3b949, 0x090481f0, + 0xb1b8e695, 0xa30d497b, 0x1bb12e1e, 0x43d23e48, 0xfb6e592d, + 0xe9dbf6c3, 0x516791a6, 0xccb0a91f, 0x740cce7a, 0x66b96194, + 0xde0506f1}, + {0x00000000, 0x01c26a37, 0x0384d46e, 0x0246be59, 0x0709a8dc, + 0x06cbc2eb, 0x048d7cb2, 0x054f1685, 0x0e1351b8, 0x0fd13b8f, + 0x0d9785d6, 0x0c55efe1, 0x091af964, 0x08d89353, 0x0a9e2d0a, + 0x0b5c473d, 0x1c26a370, 0x1de4c947, 0x1fa2771e, 0x1e601d29, + 0x1b2f0bac, 0x1aed619b, 0x18abdfc2, 0x1969b5f5, 0x1235f2c8, + 0x13f798ff, 0x11b126a6, 0x10734c91, 0x153c5a14, 0x14fe3023, + 0x16b88e7a, 0x177ae44d, 0x384d46e0, 0x398f2cd7, 0x3bc9928e, + 0x3a0bf8b9, 0x3f44ee3c, 0x3e86840b, 0x3cc03a52, 0x3d025065, + 0x365e1758, 0x379c7d6f, 0x35dac336, 0x3418a901, 0x3157bf84, + 0x3095d5b3, 0x32d36bea, 0x331101dd, 0x246be590, 0x25a98fa7, + 0x27ef31fe, 0x262d5bc9, 0x23624d4c, 0x22a0277b, 0x20e69922, + 0x2124f315, 0x2a78b428, 0x2bbade1f, 0x29fc6046, 0x283e0a71, + 0x2d711cf4, 0x2cb376c3, 0x2ef5c89a, 0x2f37a2ad, 0x709a8dc0, + 0x7158e7f7, 0x731e59ae, 0x72dc3399, 0x7793251c, 0x76514f2b, + 0x7417f172, 0x75d59b45, 0x7e89dc78, 0x7f4bb64f, 0x7d0d0816, + 0x7ccf6221, 0x798074a4, 0x78421e93, 0x7a04a0ca, 0x7bc6cafd, + 0x6cbc2eb0, 0x6d7e4487, 0x6f38fade, 0x6efa90e9, 0x6bb5866c, + 0x6a77ec5b, 0x68315202, 0x69f33835, 0x62af7f08, 0x636d153f, + 0x612bab66, 0x60e9c151, 0x65a6d7d4, 0x6464bde3, 0x662203ba, + 0x67e0698d, 0x48d7cb20, 0x4915a117, 0x4b531f4e, 0x4a917579, + 0x4fde63fc, 0x4e1c09cb, 0x4c5ab792, 0x4d98dda5, 0x46c49a98, + 0x4706f0af, 0x45404ef6, 0x448224c1, 0x41cd3244, 0x400f5873, + 0x4249e62a, 0x438b8c1d, 0x54f16850, 0x55330267, 0x5775bc3e, + 0x56b7d609, 0x53f8c08c, 0x523aaabb, 0x507c14e2, 0x51be7ed5, + 0x5ae239e8, 0x5b2053df, 0x5966ed86, 0x58a487b1, 0x5deb9134, + 0x5c29fb03, 0x5e6f455a, 0x5fad2f6d, 0xe1351b80, 0xe0f771b7, + 0xe2b1cfee, 0xe373a5d9, 0xe63cb35c, 0xe7fed96b, 0xe5b86732, + 0xe47a0d05, 0xef264a38, 0xeee4200f, 0xeca29e56, 0xed60f461, + 0xe82fe2e4, 0xe9ed88d3, 0xebab368a, 0xea695cbd, 0xfd13b8f0, + 0xfcd1d2c7, 0xfe976c9e, 0xff5506a9, 0xfa1a102c, 0xfbd87a1b, + 0xf99ec442, 0xf85cae75, 0xf300e948, 0xf2c2837f, 0xf0843d26, + 0xf1465711, 0xf4094194, 0xf5cb2ba3, 0xf78d95fa, 0xf64fffcd, + 0xd9785d60, 0xd8ba3757, 0xdafc890e, 0xdb3ee339, 0xde71f5bc, + 0xdfb39f8b, 0xddf521d2, 0xdc374be5, 0xd76b0cd8, 0xd6a966ef, + 0xd4efd8b6, 0xd52db281, 0xd062a404, 0xd1a0ce33, 0xd3e6706a, + 0xd2241a5d, 0xc55efe10, 0xc49c9427, 0xc6da2a7e, 0xc7184049, + 0xc25756cc, 0xc3953cfb, 0xc1d382a2, 0xc011e895, 0xcb4dafa8, + 0xca8fc59f, 0xc8c97bc6, 0xc90b11f1, 0xcc440774, 0xcd866d43, + 0xcfc0d31a, 0xce02b92d, 0x91af9640, 0x906dfc77, 0x922b422e, + 0x93e92819, 0x96a63e9c, 0x976454ab, 0x9522eaf2, 0x94e080c5, + 0x9fbcc7f8, 0x9e7eadcf, 0x9c381396, 0x9dfa79a1, 0x98b56f24, + 0x99770513, 0x9b31bb4a, 0x9af3d17d, 0x8d893530, 0x8c4b5f07, + 0x8e0de15e, 0x8fcf8b69, 0x8a809dec, 0x8b42f7db, 0x89044982, + 0x88c623b5, 0x839a6488, 0x82580ebf, 0x801eb0e6, 0x81dcdad1, + 0x8493cc54, 0x8551a663, 0x8717183a, 0x86d5720d, 0xa9e2d0a0, + 0xa820ba97, 0xaa6604ce, 0xaba46ef9, 0xaeeb787c, 0xaf29124b, + 0xad6fac12, 0xacadc625, 0xa7f18118, 0xa633eb2f, 0xa4755576, + 0xa5b73f41, 0xa0f829c4, 0xa13a43f3, 0xa37cfdaa, 0xa2be979d, + 0xb5c473d0, 0xb40619e7, 0xb640a7be, 0xb782cd89, 0xb2cddb0c, + 0xb30fb13b, 0xb1490f62, 0xb08b6555, 0xbbd72268, 0xba15485f, + 0xb853f606, 0xb9919c31, 0xbcde8ab4, 0xbd1ce083, 0xbf5a5eda, + 0xbe9834ed}, + {0x00000000, 0x191b3141, 0x32366282, 0x2b2d53c3, 0x646cc504, + 0x7d77f445, 0x565aa786, 0x4f4196c7, 0xc8d98a08, 0xd1c2bb49, + 0xfaefe88a, 0xe3f4d9cb, 0xacb54f0c, 0xb5ae7e4d, 0x9e832d8e, + 0x87981ccf, 0x4ac21251, 0x53d92310, 0x78f470d3, 0x61ef4192, + 0x2eaed755, 0x37b5e614, 0x1c98b5d7, 0x05838496, 0x821b9859, + 0x9b00a918, 0xb02dfadb, 0xa936cb9a, 0xe6775d5d, 0xff6c6c1c, + 0xd4413fdf, 0xcd5a0e9e, 0x958424a2, 0x8c9f15e3, 0xa7b24620, + 0xbea97761, 0xf1e8e1a6, 0xe8f3d0e7, 0xc3de8324, 0xdac5b265, + 0x5d5daeaa, 0x44469feb, 0x6f6bcc28, 0x7670fd69, 0x39316bae, + 0x202a5aef, 0x0b07092c, 0x121c386d, 0xdf4636f3, 0xc65d07b2, + 0xed705471, 0xf46b6530, 0xbb2af3f7, 0xa231c2b6, 0x891c9175, + 0x9007a034, 0x179fbcfb, 0x0e848dba, 0x25a9de79, 0x3cb2ef38, + 0x73f379ff, 0x6ae848be, 0x41c51b7d, 0x58de2a3c, 0xf0794f05, + 0xe9627e44, 0xc24f2d87, 0xdb541cc6, 0x94158a01, 0x8d0ebb40, + 0xa623e883, 0xbf38d9c2, 0x38a0c50d, 0x21bbf44c, 0x0a96a78f, + 0x138d96ce, 0x5ccc0009, 0x45d73148, 0x6efa628b, 0x77e153ca, + 0xbabb5d54, 0xa3a06c15, 0x888d3fd6, 0x91960e97, 0xded79850, + 0xc7cca911, 0xece1fad2, 0xf5facb93, 0x7262d75c, 0x6b79e61d, + 0x4054b5de, 0x594f849f, 0x160e1258, 0x0f152319, 0x243870da, + 0x3d23419b, 0x65fd6ba7, 0x7ce65ae6, 0x57cb0925, 0x4ed03864, + 0x0191aea3, 0x188a9fe2, 0x33a7cc21, 0x2abcfd60, 0xad24e1af, + 0xb43fd0ee, 0x9f12832d, 0x8609b26c, 0xc94824ab, 0xd05315ea, + 0xfb7e4629, 0xe2657768, 0x2f3f79f6, 0x362448b7, 0x1d091b74, + 0x04122a35, 0x4b53bcf2, 0x52488db3, 0x7965de70, 0x607eef31, + 0xe7e6f3fe, 0xfefdc2bf, 0xd5d0917c, 0xcccba03d, 0x838a36fa, + 0x9a9107bb, 0xb1bc5478, 0xa8a76539, 0x3b83984b, 0x2298a90a, + 0x09b5fac9, 0x10aecb88, 0x5fef5d4f, 0x46f46c0e, 0x6dd93fcd, + 0x74c20e8c, 0xf35a1243, 0xea412302, 0xc16c70c1, 0xd8774180, + 0x9736d747, 0x8e2de606, 0xa500b5c5, 0xbc1b8484, 0x71418a1a, + 0x685abb5b, 0x4377e898, 0x5a6cd9d9, 0x152d4f1e, 0x0c367e5f, + 0x271b2d9c, 0x3e001cdd, 0xb9980012, 0xa0833153, 0x8bae6290, + 0x92b553d1, 0xddf4c516, 0xc4eff457, 0xefc2a794, 0xf6d996d5, + 0xae07bce9, 0xb71c8da8, 0x9c31de6b, 0x852aef2a, 0xca6b79ed, + 0xd37048ac, 0xf85d1b6f, 0xe1462a2e, 0x66de36e1, 0x7fc507a0, + 0x54e85463, 0x4df36522, 0x02b2f3e5, 0x1ba9c2a4, 0x30849167, + 0x299fa026, 0xe4c5aeb8, 0xfdde9ff9, 0xd6f3cc3a, 0xcfe8fd7b, + 0x80a96bbc, 0x99b25afd, 0xb29f093e, 0xab84387f, 0x2c1c24b0, + 0x350715f1, 0x1e2a4632, 0x07317773, 0x4870e1b4, 0x516bd0f5, + 0x7a468336, 0x635db277, 0xcbfad74e, 0xd2e1e60f, 0xf9ccb5cc, + 0xe0d7848d, 0xaf96124a, 0xb68d230b, 0x9da070c8, 0x84bb4189, + 0x03235d46, 0x1a386c07, 0x31153fc4, 0x280e0e85, 0x674f9842, + 0x7e54a903, 0x5579fac0, 0x4c62cb81, 0x8138c51f, 0x9823f45e, + 0xb30ea79d, 0xaa1596dc, 0xe554001b, 0xfc4f315a, 0xd7626299, + 0xce7953d8, 0x49e14f17, 0x50fa7e56, 0x7bd72d95, 0x62cc1cd4, + 0x2d8d8a13, 0x3496bb52, 0x1fbbe891, 0x06a0d9d0, 0x5e7ef3ec, + 0x4765c2ad, 0x6c48916e, 0x7553a02f, 0x3a1236e8, 0x230907a9, + 0x0824546a, 0x113f652b, 0x96a779e4, 0x8fbc48a5, 0xa4911b66, + 0xbd8a2a27, 0xf2cbbce0, 0xebd08da1, 0xc0fdde62, 0xd9e6ef23, + 0x14bce1bd, 0x0da7d0fc, 0x268a833f, 0x3f91b27e, 0x70d024b9, + 0x69cb15f8, 0x42e6463b, 0x5bfd777a, 0xdc656bb5, 0xc57e5af4, + 0xee530937, 0xf7483876, 0xb809aeb1, 0xa1129ff0, 0x8a3fcc33, + 0x9324fd72}, + {0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, + 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, + 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, + 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, + 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, + 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, + 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, + 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, + 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, + 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, + 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, + 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, + 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, + 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, + 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, + 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, + 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, + 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, + 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, + 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, + 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, + 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, + 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, + 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, + 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, + 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, + 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, + 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, + 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, + 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, + 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, + 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, + 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, + 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, + 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, + 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, + 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, + 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, + 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, + 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, + 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, + 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, + 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, + 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, + 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, + 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, + 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, + 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, + 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, + 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, + 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, + 0x2d02ef8d}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x96300777, 0x2c610eee, 0xba510999, 0x19c46d07, + 0x8ff46a70, 0x35a563e9, 0xa395649e, 0x3288db0e, 0xa4b8dc79, + 0x1ee9d5e0, 0x88d9d297, 0x2b4cb609, 0xbd7cb17e, 0x072db8e7, + 0x911dbf90, 0x6410b71d, 0xf220b06a, 0x4871b9f3, 0xde41be84, + 0x7dd4da1a, 0xebe4dd6d, 0x51b5d4f4, 0xc785d383, 0x56986c13, + 0xc0a86b64, 0x7af962fd, 0xecc9658a, 0x4f5c0114, 0xd96c0663, + 0x633d0ffa, 0xf50d088d, 0xc8206e3b, 0x5e10694c, 0xe44160d5, + 0x727167a2, 0xd1e4033c, 0x47d4044b, 0xfd850dd2, 0x6bb50aa5, + 0xfaa8b535, 0x6c98b242, 0xd6c9bbdb, 0x40f9bcac, 0xe36cd832, + 0x755cdf45, 0xcf0dd6dc, 0x593dd1ab, 0xac30d926, 0x3a00de51, + 0x8051d7c8, 0x1661d0bf, 0xb5f4b421, 0x23c4b356, 0x9995bacf, + 0x0fa5bdb8, 0x9eb80228, 0x0888055f, 0xb2d90cc6, 0x24e90bb1, + 0x877c6f2f, 0x114c6858, 0xab1d61c1, 0x3d2d66b6, 0x9041dc76, + 0x0671db01, 0xbc20d298, 0x2a10d5ef, 0x8985b171, 0x1fb5b606, + 0xa5e4bf9f, 0x33d4b8e8, 0xa2c90778, 0x34f9000f, 0x8ea80996, + 0x18980ee1, 0xbb0d6a7f, 0x2d3d6d08, 0x976c6491, 0x015c63e6, + 0xf4516b6b, 0x62616c1c, 0xd8306585, 0x4e0062f2, 0xed95066c, + 0x7ba5011b, 0xc1f40882, 0x57c40ff5, 0xc6d9b065, 0x50e9b712, + 0xeab8be8b, 0x7c88b9fc, 0xdf1ddd62, 0x492dda15, 0xf37cd38c, + 0x654cd4fb, 0x5861b24d, 0xce51b53a, 0x7400bca3, 0xe230bbd4, + 0x41a5df4a, 0xd795d83d, 0x6dc4d1a4, 0xfbf4d6d3, 0x6ae96943, + 0xfcd96e34, 0x468867ad, 0xd0b860da, 0x732d0444, 0xe51d0333, + 0x5f4c0aaa, 0xc97c0ddd, 0x3c710550, 0xaa410227, 0x10100bbe, + 0x86200cc9, 0x25b56857, 0xb3856f20, 0x09d466b9, 0x9fe461ce, + 0x0ef9de5e, 0x98c9d929, 0x2298d0b0, 0xb4a8d7c7, 0x173db359, + 0x810db42e, 0x3b5cbdb7, 0xad6cbac0, 0x2083b8ed, 0xb6b3bf9a, + 0x0ce2b603, 0x9ad2b174, 0x3947d5ea, 0xaf77d29d, 0x1526db04, + 0x8316dc73, 0x120b63e3, 0x843b6494, 0x3e6a6d0d, 0xa85a6a7a, + 0x0bcf0ee4, 0x9dff0993, 0x27ae000a, 0xb19e077d, 0x44930ff0, + 0xd2a30887, 0x68f2011e, 0xfec20669, 0x5d5762f7, 0xcb676580, + 0x71366c19, 0xe7066b6e, 0x761bd4fe, 0xe02bd389, 0x5a7ada10, + 0xcc4add67, 0x6fdfb9f9, 0xf9efbe8e, 0x43beb717, 0xd58eb060, + 0xe8a3d6d6, 0x7e93d1a1, 0xc4c2d838, 0x52f2df4f, 0xf167bbd1, + 0x6757bca6, 0xdd06b53f, 0x4b36b248, 0xda2b0dd8, 0x4c1b0aaf, + 0xf64a0336, 0x607a0441, 0xc3ef60df, 0x55df67a8, 0xef8e6e31, + 0x79be6946, 0x8cb361cb, 0x1a8366bc, 0xa0d26f25, 0x36e26852, + 0x95770ccc, 0x03470bbb, 0xb9160222, 0x2f260555, 0xbe3bbac5, + 0x280bbdb2, 0x925ab42b, 0x046ab35c, 0xa7ffd7c2, 0x31cfd0b5, + 0x8b9ed92c, 0x1daede5b, 0xb0c2649b, 0x26f263ec, 0x9ca36a75, + 0x0a936d02, 0xa906099c, 0x3f360eeb, 0x85670772, 0x13570005, + 0x824abf95, 0x147ab8e2, 0xae2bb17b, 0x381bb60c, 0x9b8ed292, + 0x0dbed5e5, 0xb7efdc7c, 0x21dfdb0b, 0xd4d2d386, 0x42e2d4f1, + 0xf8b3dd68, 0x6e83da1f, 0xcd16be81, 0x5b26b9f6, 0xe177b06f, + 0x7747b718, 0xe65a0888, 0x706a0fff, 0xca3b0666, 0x5c0b0111, + 0xff9e658f, 0x69ae62f8, 0xd3ff6b61, 0x45cf6c16, 0x78e20aa0, + 0xeed20dd7, 0x5483044e, 0xc2b30339, 0x612667a7, 0xf71660d0, + 0x4d476949, 0xdb776e3e, 0x4a6ad1ae, 0xdc5ad6d9, 0x660bdf40, + 0xf03bd837, 0x53aebca9, 0xc59ebbde, 0x7fcfb247, 0xe9ffb530, + 0x1cf2bdbd, 0x8ac2baca, 0x3093b353, 0xa6a3b424, 0x0536d0ba, + 0x9306d7cd, 0x2957de54, 0xbf67d923, 0x2e7a66b3, 0xb84a61c4, + 0x021b685d, 0x942b6f2a, 0x37be0bb4, 0xa18e0cc3, 0x1bdf055a, + 0x8def022d}, + {0x00000000, 0x41311b19, 0x82623632, 0xc3532d2b, 0x04c56c64, + 0x45f4777d, 0x86a75a56, 0xc796414f, 0x088ad9c8, 0x49bbc2d1, + 0x8ae8effa, 0xcbd9f4e3, 0x0c4fb5ac, 0x4d7eaeb5, 0x8e2d839e, + 0xcf1c9887, 0x5112c24a, 0x1023d953, 0xd370f478, 0x9241ef61, + 0x55d7ae2e, 0x14e6b537, 0xd7b5981c, 0x96848305, 0x59981b82, + 0x18a9009b, 0xdbfa2db0, 0x9acb36a9, 0x5d5d77e6, 0x1c6c6cff, + 0xdf3f41d4, 0x9e0e5acd, 0xa2248495, 0xe3159f8c, 0x2046b2a7, + 0x6177a9be, 0xa6e1e8f1, 0xe7d0f3e8, 0x2483dec3, 0x65b2c5da, + 0xaaae5d5d, 0xeb9f4644, 0x28cc6b6f, 0x69fd7076, 0xae6b3139, + 0xef5a2a20, 0x2c09070b, 0x6d381c12, 0xf33646df, 0xb2075dc6, + 0x715470ed, 0x30656bf4, 0xf7f32abb, 0xb6c231a2, 0x75911c89, + 0x34a00790, 0xfbbc9f17, 0xba8d840e, 0x79dea925, 0x38efb23c, + 0xff79f373, 0xbe48e86a, 0x7d1bc541, 0x3c2ade58, 0x054f79f0, + 0x447e62e9, 0x872d4fc2, 0xc61c54db, 0x018a1594, 0x40bb0e8d, + 0x83e823a6, 0xc2d938bf, 0x0dc5a038, 0x4cf4bb21, 0x8fa7960a, + 0xce968d13, 0x0900cc5c, 0x4831d745, 0x8b62fa6e, 0xca53e177, + 0x545dbbba, 0x156ca0a3, 0xd63f8d88, 0x970e9691, 0x5098d7de, + 0x11a9ccc7, 0xd2fae1ec, 0x93cbfaf5, 0x5cd76272, 0x1de6796b, + 0xdeb55440, 0x9f844f59, 0x58120e16, 0x1923150f, 0xda703824, + 0x9b41233d, 0xa76bfd65, 0xe65ae67c, 0x2509cb57, 0x6438d04e, + 0xa3ae9101, 0xe29f8a18, 0x21cca733, 0x60fdbc2a, 0xafe124ad, + 0xeed03fb4, 0x2d83129f, 0x6cb20986, 0xab2448c9, 0xea1553d0, + 0x29467efb, 0x687765e2, 0xf6793f2f, 0xb7482436, 0x741b091d, + 0x352a1204, 0xf2bc534b, 0xb38d4852, 0x70de6579, 0x31ef7e60, + 0xfef3e6e7, 0xbfc2fdfe, 0x7c91d0d5, 0x3da0cbcc, 0xfa368a83, + 0xbb07919a, 0x7854bcb1, 0x3965a7a8, 0x4b98833b, 0x0aa99822, + 0xc9fab509, 0x88cbae10, 0x4f5def5f, 0x0e6cf446, 0xcd3fd96d, + 0x8c0ec274, 0x43125af3, 0x022341ea, 0xc1706cc1, 0x804177d8, + 0x47d73697, 0x06e62d8e, 0xc5b500a5, 0x84841bbc, 0x1a8a4171, + 0x5bbb5a68, 0x98e87743, 0xd9d96c5a, 0x1e4f2d15, 0x5f7e360c, + 0x9c2d1b27, 0xdd1c003e, 0x120098b9, 0x533183a0, 0x9062ae8b, + 0xd153b592, 0x16c5f4dd, 0x57f4efc4, 0x94a7c2ef, 0xd596d9f6, + 0xe9bc07ae, 0xa88d1cb7, 0x6bde319c, 0x2aef2a85, 0xed796bca, + 0xac4870d3, 0x6f1b5df8, 0x2e2a46e1, 0xe136de66, 0xa007c57f, + 0x6354e854, 0x2265f34d, 0xe5f3b202, 0xa4c2a91b, 0x67918430, + 0x26a09f29, 0xb8aec5e4, 0xf99fdefd, 0x3accf3d6, 0x7bfde8cf, + 0xbc6ba980, 0xfd5ab299, 0x3e099fb2, 0x7f3884ab, 0xb0241c2c, + 0xf1150735, 0x32462a1e, 0x73773107, 0xb4e17048, 0xf5d06b51, + 0x3683467a, 0x77b25d63, 0x4ed7facb, 0x0fe6e1d2, 0xccb5ccf9, + 0x8d84d7e0, 0x4a1296af, 0x0b238db6, 0xc870a09d, 0x8941bb84, + 0x465d2303, 0x076c381a, 0xc43f1531, 0x850e0e28, 0x42984f67, + 0x03a9547e, 0xc0fa7955, 0x81cb624c, 0x1fc53881, 0x5ef42398, + 0x9da70eb3, 0xdc9615aa, 0x1b0054e5, 0x5a314ffc, 0x996262d7, + 0xd85379ce, 0x174fe149, 0x567efa50, 0x952dd77b, 0xd41ccc62, + 0x138a8d2d, 0x52bb9634, 0x91e8bb1f, 0xd0d9a006, 0xecf37e5e, + 0xadc26547, 0x6e91486c, 0x2fa05375, 0xe836123a, 0xa9070923, + 0x6a542408, 0x2b653f11, 0xe479a796, 0xa548bc8f, 0x661b91a4, + 0x272a8abd, 0xe0bccbf2, 0xa18dd0eb, 0x62defdc0, 0x23efe6d9, + 0xbde1bc14, 0xfcd0a70d, 0x3f838a26, 0x7eb2913f, 0xb924d070, + 0xf815cb69, 0x3b46e642, 0x7a77fd5b, 0xb56b65dc, 0xf45a7ec5, + 0x370953ee, 0x763848f7, 0xb1ae09b8, 0xf09f12a1, 0x33cc3f8a, + 0x72fd2493}, + {0x00000000, 0x376ac201, 0x6ed48403, 0x59be4602, 0xdca80907, + 0xebc2cb06, 0xb27c8d04, 0x85164f05, 0xb851130e, 0x8f3bd10f, + 0xd685970d, 0xe1ef550c, 0x64f91a09, 0x5393d808, 0x0a2d9e0a, + 0x3d475c0b, 0x70a3261c, 0x47c9e41d, 0x1e77a21f, 0x291d601e, + 0xac0b2f1b, 0x9b61ed1a, 0xc2dfab18, 0xf5b56919, 0xc8f23512, + 0xff98f713, 0xa626b111, 0x914c7310, 0x145a3c15, 0x2330fe14, + 0x7a8eb816, 0x4de47a17, 0xe0464d38, 0xd72c8f39, 0x8e92c93b, + 0xb9f80b3a, 0x3cee443f, 0x0b84863e, 0x523ac03c, 0x6550023d, + 0x58175e36, 0x6f7d9c37, 0x36c3da35, 0x01a91834, 0x84bf5731, + 0xb3d59530, 0xea6bd332, 0xdd011133, 0x90e56b24, 0xa78fa925, + 0xfe31ef27, 0xc95b2d26, 0x4c4d6223, 0x7b27a022, 0x2299e620, + 0x15f32421, 0x28b4782a, 0x1fdeba2b, 0x4660fc29, 0x710a3e28, + 0xf41c712d, 0xc376b32c, 0x9ac8f52e, 0xada2372f, 0xc08d9a70, + 0xf7e75871, 0xae591e73, 0x9933dc72, 0x1c259377, 0x2b4f5176, + 0x72f11774, 0x459bd575, 0x78dc897e, 0x4fb64b7f, 0x16080d7d, + 0x2162cf7c, 0xa4748079, 0x931e4278, 0xcaa0047a, 0xfdcac67b, + 0xb02ebc6c, 0x87447e6d, 0xdefa386f, 0xe990fa6e, 0x6c86b56b, + 0x5bec776a, 0x02523168, 0x3538f369, 0x087faf62, 0x3f156d63, + 0x66ab2b61, 0x51c1e960, 0xd4d7a665, 0xe3bd6464, 0xba032266, + 0x8d69e067, 0x20cbd748, 0x17a11549, 0x4e1f534b, 0x7975914a, + 0xfc63de4f, 0xcb091c4e, 0x92b75a4c, 0xa5dd984d, 0x989ac446, + 0xaff00647, 0xf64e4045, 0xc1248244, 0x4432cd41, 0x73580f40, + 0x2ae64942, 0x1d8c8b43, 0x5068f154, 0x67023355, 0x3ebc7557, + 0x09d6b756, 0x8cc0f853, 0xbbaa3a52, 0xe2147c50, 0xd57ebe51, + 0xe839e25a, 0xdf53205b, 0x86ed6659, 0xb187a458, 0x3491eb5d, + 0x03fb295c, 0x5a456f5e, 0x6d2fad5f, 0x801b35e1, 0xb771f7e0, + 0xeecfb1e2, 0xd9a573e3, 0x5cb33ce6, 0x6bd9fee7, 0x3267b8e5, + 0x050d7ae4, 0x384a26ef, 0x0f20e4ee, 0x569ea2ec, 0x61f460ed, + 0xe4e22fe8, 0xd388ede9, 0x8a36abeb, 0xbd5c69ea, 0xf0b813fd, + 0xc7d2d1fc, 0x9e6c97fe, 0xa90655ff, 0x2c101afa, 0x1b7ad8fb, + 0x42c49ef9, 0x75ae5cf8, 0x48e900f3, 0x7f83c2f2, 0x263d84f0, + 0x115746f1, 0x944109f4, 0xa32bcbf5, 0xfa958df7, 0xcdff4ff6, + 0x605d78d9, 0x5737bad8, 0x0e89fcda, 0x39e33edb, 0xbcf571de, + 0x8b9fb3df, 0xd221f5dd, 0xe54b37dc, 0xd80c6bd7, 0xef66a9d6, + 0xb6d8efd4, 0x81b22dd5, 0x04a462d0, 0x33cea0d1, 0x6a70e6d3, + 0x5d1a24d2, 0x10fe5ec5, 0x27949cc4, 0x7e2adac6, 0x494018c7, + 0xcc5657c2, 0xfb3c95c3, 0xa282d3c1, 0x95e811c0, 0xa8af4dcb, + 0x9fc58fca, 0xc67bc9c8, 0xf1110bc9, 0x740744cc, 0x436d86cd, + 0x1ad3c0cf, 0x2db902ce, 0x4096af91, 0x77fc6d90, 0x2e422b92, + 0x1928e993, 0x9c3ea696, 0xab546497, 0xf2ea2295, 0xc580e094, + 0xf8c7bc9f, 0xcfad7e9e, 0x9613389c, 0xa179fa9d, 0x246fb598, + 0x13057799, 0x4abb319b, 0x7dd1f39a, 0x3035898d, 0x075f4b8c, + 0x5ee10d8e, 0x698bcf8f, 0xec9d808a, 0xdbf7428b, 0x82490489, + 0xb523c688, 0x88649a83, 0xbf0e5882, 0xe6b01e80, 0xd1dadc81, + 0x54cc9384, 0x63a65185, 0x3a181787, 0x0d72d586, 0xa0d0e2a9, + 0x97ba20a8, 0xce0466aa, 0xf96ea4ab, 0x7c78ebae, 0x4b1229af, + 0x12ac6fad, 0x25c6adac, 0x1881f1a7, 0x2feb33a6, 0x765575a4, + 0x413fb7a5, 0xc429f8a0, 0xf3433aa1, 0xaafd7ca3, 0x9d97bea2, + 0xd073c4b5, 0xe71906b4, 0xbea740b6, 0x89cd82b7, 0x0cdbcdb2, + 0x3bb10fb3, 0x620f49b1, 0x55658bb0, 0x6822d7bb, 0x5f4815ba, + 0x06f653b8, 0x319c91b9, 0xb48adebc, 0x83e01cbd, 0xda5e5abf, + 0xed3498be}, + {0x00000000, 0x6567bcb8, 0x8bc809aa, 0xeeafb512, 0x5797628f, + 0x32f0de37, 0xdc5f6b25, 0xb938d79d, 0xef28b4c5, 0x8a4f087d, + 0x64e0bd6f, 0x018701d7, 0xb8bfd64a, 0xddd86af2, 0x3377dfe0, + 0x56106358, 0x9f571950, 0xfa30a5e8, 0x149f10fa, 0x71f8ac42, + 0xc8c07bdf, 0xada7c767, 0x43087275, 0x266fcecd, 0x707fad95, + 0x1518112d, 0xfbb7a43f, 0x9ed01887, 0x27e8cf1a, 0x428f73a2, + 0xac20c6b0, 0xc9477a08, 0x3eaf32a0, 0x5bc88e18, 0xb5673b0a, + 0xd00087b2, 0x6938502f, 0x0c5fec97, 0xe2f05985, 0x8797e53d, + 0xd1878665, 0xb4e03add, 0x5a4f8fcf, 0x3f283377, 0x8610e4ea, + 0xe3775852, 0x0dd8ed40, 0x68bf51f8, 0xa1f82bf0, 0xc49f9748, + 0x2a30225a, 0x4f579ee2, 0xf66f497f, 0x9308f5c7, 0x7da740d5, + 0x18c0fc6d, 0x4ed09f35, 0x2bb7238d, 0xc518969f, 0xa07f2a27, + 0x1947fdba, 0x7c204102, 0x928ff410, 0xf7e848a8, 0x3d58149b, + 0x583fa823, 0xb6901d31, 0xd3f7a189, 0x6acf7614, 0x0fa8caac, + 0xe1077fbe, 0x8460c306, 0xd270a05e, 0xb7171ce6, 0x59b8a9f4, + 0x3cdf154c, 0x85e7c2d1, 0xe0807e69, 0x0e2fcb7b, 0x6b4877c3, + 0xa20f0dcb, 0xc768b173, 0x29c70461, 0x4ca0b8d9, 0xf5986f44, + 0x90ffd3fc, 0x7e5066ee, 0x1b37da56, 0x4d27b90e, 0x284005b6, + 0xc6efb0a4, 0xa3880c1c, 0x1ab0db81, 0x7fd76739, 0x9178d22b, + 0xf41f6e93, 0x03f7263b, 0x66909a83, 0x883f2f91, 0xed589329, + 0x546044b4, 0x3107f80c, 0xdfa84d1e, 0xbacff1a6, 0xecdf92fe, + 0x89b82e46, 0x67179b54, 0x027027ec, 0xbb48f071, 0xde2f4cc9, + 0x3080f9db, 0x55e74563, 0x9ca03f6b, 0xf9c783d3, 0x176836c1, + 0x720f8a79, 0xcb375de4, 0xae50e15c, 0x40ff544e, 0x2598e8f6, + 0x73888bae, 0x16ef3716, 0xf8408204, 0x9d273ebc, 0x241fe921, + 0x41785599, 0xafd7e08b, 0xcab05c33, 0x3bb659ed, 0x5ed1e555, + 0xb07e5047, 0xd519ecff, 0x6c213b62, 0x094687da, 0xe7e932c8, + 0x828e8e70, 0xd49eed28, 0xb1f95190, 0x5f56e482, 0x3a31583a, + 0x83098fa7, 0xe66e331f, 0x08c1860d, 0x6da63ab5, 0xa4e140bd, + 0xc186fc05, 0x2f294917, 0x4a4ef5af, 0xf3762232, 0x96119e8a, + 0x78be2b98, 0x1dd99720, 0x4bc9f478, 0x2eae48c0, 0xc001fdd2, + 0xa566416a, 0x1c5e96f7, 0x79392a4f, 0x97969f5d, 0xf2f123e5, + 0x05196b4d, 0x607ed7f5, 0x8ed162e7, 0xebb6de5f, 0x528e09c2, + 0x37e9b57a, 0xd9460068, 0xbc21bcd0, 0xea31df88, 0x8f566330, + 0x61f9d622, 0x049e6a9a, 0xbda6bd07, 0xd8c101bf, 0x366eb4ad, + 0x53090815, 0x9a4e721d, 0xff29cea5, 0x11867bb7, 0x74e1c70f, + 0xcdd91092, 0xa8beac2a, 0x46111938, 0x2376a580, 0x7566c6d8, + 0x10017a60, 0xfeaecf72, 0x9bc973ca, 0x22f1a457, 0x479618ef, + 0xa939adfd, 0xcc5e1145, 0x06ee4d76, 0x6389f1ce, 0x8d2644dc, + 0xe841f864, 0x51792ff9, 0x341e9341, 0xdab12653, 0xbfd69aeb, + 0xe9c6f9b3, 0x8ca1450b, 0x620ef019, 0x07694ca1, 0xbe519b3c, + 0xdb362784, 0x35999296, 0x50fe2e2e, 0x99b95426, 0xfcdee89e, + 0x12715d8c, 0x7716e134, 0xce2e36a9, 0xab498a11, 0x45e63f03, + 0x208183bb, 0x7691e0e3, 0x13f65c5b, 0xfd59e949, 0x983e55f1, + 0x2106826c, 0x44613ed4, 0xaace8bc6, 0xcfa9377e, 0x38417fd6, + 0x5d26c36e, 0xb389767c, 0xd6eecac4, 0x6fd61d59, 0x0ab1a1e1, + 0xe41e14f3, 0x8179a84b, 0xd769cb13, 0xb20e77ab, 0x5ca1c2b9, + 0x39c67e01, 0x80fea99c, 0xe5991524, 0x0b36a036, 0x6e511c8e, + 0xa7166686, 0xc271da3e, 0x2cde6f2c, 0x49b9d394, 0xf0810409, + 0x95e6b8b1, 0x7b490da3, 0x1e2eb11b, 0x483ed243, 0x2d596efb, + 0xc3f6dbe9, 0xa6916751, 0x1fa9b0cc, 0x7ace0c74, 0x9461b966, + 0xf10605de}}; + +#endif + +#endif + +#if N == 2 + +#if W == 8 + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xae689191, 0x87a02563, 0x29c8b4f2, 0xd4314c87, + 0x7a59dd16, 0x539169e4, 0xfdf9f875, 0x73139f4f, 0xdd7b0ede, + 0xf4b3ba2c, 0x5adb2bbd, 0xa722d3c8, 0x094a4259, 0x2082f6ab, + 0x8eea673a, 0xe6273e9e, 0x484faf0f, 0x61871bfd, 0xcfef8a6c, + 0x32167219, 0x9c7ee388, 0xb5b6577a, 0x1bdec6eb, 0x9534a1d1, + 0x3b5c3040, 0x129484b2, 0xbcfc1523, 0x4105ed56, 0xef6d7cc7, + 0xc6a5c835, 0x68cd59a4, 0x173f7b7d, 0xb957eaec, 0x909f5e1e, + 0x3ef7cf8f, 0xc30e37fa, 0x6d66a66b, 0x44ae1299, 0xeac68308, + 0x642ce432, 0xca4475a3, 0xe38cc151, 0x4de450c0, 0xb01da8b5, + 0x1e753924, 0x37bd8dd6, 0x99d51c47, 0xf11845e3, 0x5f70d472, + 0x76b86080, 0xd8d0f111, 0x25290964, 0x8b4198f5, 0xa2892c07, + 0x0ce1bd96, 0x820bdaac, 0x2c634b3d, 0x05abffcf, 0xabc36e5e, + 0x563a962b, 0xf85207ba, 0xd19ab348, 0x7ff222d9, 0x2e7ef6fa, + 0x8016676b, 0xa9ded399, 0x07b64208, 0xfa4fba7d, 0x54272bec, + 0x7def9f1e, 0xd3870e8f, 0x5d6d69b5, 0xf305f824, 0xdacd4cd6, + 0x74a5dd47, 0x895c2532, 0x2734b4a3, 0x0efc0051, 0xa09491c0, + 0xc859c864, 0x663159f5, 0x4ff9ed07, 0xe1917c96, 0x1c6884e3, + 0xb2001572, 0x9bc8a180, 0x35a03011, 0xbb4a572b, 0x1522c6ba, + 0x3cea7248, 0x9282e3d9, 0x6f7b1bac, 0xc1138a3d, 0xe8db3ecf, + 0x46b3af5e, 0x39418d87, 0x97291c16, 0xbee1a8e4, 0x10893975, + 0xed70c100, 0x43185091, 0x6ad0e463, 0xc4b875f2, 0x4a5212c8, + 0xe43a8359, 0xcdf237ab, 0x639aa63a, 0x9e635e4f, 0x300bcfde, + 0x19c37b2c, 0xb7abeabd, 0xdf66b319, 0x710e2288, 0x58c6967a, + 0xf6ae07eb, 0x0b57ff9e, 0xa53f6e0f, 0x8cf7dafd, 0x229f4b6c, + 0xac752c56, 0x021dbdc7, 0x2bd50935, 0x85bd98a4, 0x784460d1, + 0xd62cf140, 0xffe445b2, 0x518cd423, 0x5cfdedf4, 0xf2957c65, + 0xdb5dc897, 0x75355906, 0x88cca173, 0x26a430e2, 0x0f6c8410, + 0xa1041581, 0x2fee72bb, 0x8186e32a, 0xa84e57d8, 0x0626c649, + 0xfbdf3e3c, 0x55b7afad, 0x7c7f1b5f, 0xd2178ace, 0xbadad36a, + 0x14b242fb, 0x3d7af609, 0x93126798, 0x6eeb9fed, 0xc0830e7c, + 0xe94bba8e, 0x47232b1f, 0xc9c94c25, 0x67a1ddb4, 0x4e696946, + 0xe001f8d7, 0x1df800a2, 0xb3909133, 0x9a5825c1, 0x3430b450, + 0x4bc29689, 0xe5aa0718, 0xcc62b3ea, 0x620a227b, 0x9ff3da0e, + 0x319b4b9f, 0x1853ff6d, 0xb63b6efc, 0x38d109c6, 0x96b99857, + 0xbf712ca5, 0x1119bd34, 0xece04541, 0x4288d4d0, 0x6b406022, + 0xc528f1b3, 0xade5a817, 0x038d3986, 0x2a458d74, 0x842d1ce5, + 0x79d4e490, 0xd7bc7501, 0xfe74c1f3, 0x501c5062, 0xdef63758, + 0x709ea6c9, 0x5956123b, 0xf73e83aa, 0x0ac77bdf, 0xa4afea4e, + 0x8d675ebc, 0x230fcf2d, 0x72831b0e, 0xdceb8a9f, 0xf5233e6d, + 0x5b4baffc, 0xa6b25789, 0x08dac618, 0x211272ea, 0x8f7ae37b, + 0x01908441, 0xaff815d0, 0x8630a122, 0x285830b3, 0xd5a1c8c6, + 0x7bc95957, 0x5201eda5, 0xfc697c34, 0x94a42590, 0x3accb401, + 0x130400f3, 0xbd6c9162, 0x40956917, 0xeefdf886, 0xc7354c74, + 0x695ddde5, 0xe7b7badf, 0x49df2b4e, 0x60179fbc, 0xce7f0e2d, + 0x3386f658, 0x9dee67c9, 0xb426d33b, 0x1a4e42aa, 0x65bc6073, + 0xcbd4f1e2, 0xe21c4510, 0x4c74d481, 0xb18d2cf4, 0x1fe5bd65, + 0x362d0997, 0x98459806, 0x16afff3c, 0xb8c76ead, 0x910fda5f, + 0x3f674bce, 0xc29eb3bb, 0x6cf6222a, 0x453e96d8, 0xeb560749, + 0x839b5eed, 0x2df3cf7c, 0x043b7b8e, 0xaa53ea1f, 0x57aa126a, + 0xf9c283fb, 0xd00a3709, 0x7e62a698, 0xf088c1a2, 0x5ee05033, + 0x7728e4c1, 0xd9407550, 0x24b98d25, 0x8ad11cb4, 0xa319a846, + 0x0d7139d7}, + {0x00000000, 0xb9fbdbe8, 0xa886b191, 0x117d6a79, 0x8a7c6563, + 0x3387be8b, 0x22fad4f2, 0x9b010f1a, 0xcf89cc87, 0x7672176f, + 0x670f7d16, 0xdef4a6fe, 0x45f5a9e4, 0xfc0e720c, 0xed731875, + 0x5488c39d, 0x44629f4f, 0xfd9944a7, 0xece42ede, 0x551ff536, + 0xce1efa2c, 0x77e521c4, 0x66984bbd, 0xdf639055, 0x8beb53c8, + 0x32108820, 0x236de259, 0x9a9639b1, 0x019736ab, 0xb86ced43, + 0xa911873a, 0x10ea5cd2, 0x88c53e9e, 0x313ee576, 0x20438f0f, + 0x99b854e7, 0x02b95bfd, 0xbb428015, 0xaa3fea6c, 0x13c43184, + 0x474cf219, 0xfeb729f1, 0xefca4388, 0x56319860, 0xcd30977a, + 0x74cb4c92, 0x65b626eb, 0xdc4dfd03, 0xcca7a1d1, 0x755c7a39, + 0x64211040, 0xdddacba8, 0x46dbc4b2, 0xff201f5a, 0xee5d7523, + 0x57a6aecb, 0x032e6d56, 0xbad5b6be, 0xaba8dcc7, 0x1253072f, + 0x89520835, 0x30a9d3dd, 0x21d4b9a4, 0x982f624c, 0xcafb7b7d, + 0x7300a095, 0x627dcaec, 0xdb861104, 0x40871e1e, 0xf97cc5f6, + 0xe801af8f, 0x51fa7467, 0x0572b7fa, 0xbc896c12, 0xadf4066b, + 0x140fdd83, 0x8f0ed299, 0x36f50971, 0x27886308, 0x9e73b8e0, + 0x8e99e432, 0x37623fda, 0x261f55a3, 0x9fe48e4b, 0x04e58151, + 0xbd1e5ab9, 0xac6330c0, 0x1598eb28, 0x411028b5, 0xf8ebf35d, + 0xe9969924, 0x506d42cc, 0xcb6c4dd6, 0x7297963e, 0x63eafc47, + 0xda1127af, 0x423e45e3, 0xfbc59e0b, 0xeab8f472, 0x53432f9a, + 0xc8422080, 0x71b9fb68, 0x60c49111, 0xd93f4af9, 0x8db78964, + 0x344c528c, 0x253138f5, 0x9ccae31d, 0x07cbec07, 0xbe3037ef, + 0xaf4d5d96, 0x16b6867e, 0x065cdaac, 0xbfa70144, 0xaeda6b3d, + 0x1721b0d5, 0x8c20bfcf, 0x35db6427, 0x24a60e5e, 0x9d5dd5b6, + 0xc9d5162b, 0x702ecdc3, 0x6153a7ba, 0xd8a87c52, 0x43a97348, + 0xfa52a8a0, 0xeb2fc2d9, 0x52d41931, 0x4e87f0bb, 0xf77c2b53, + 0xe601412a, 0x5ffa9ac2, 0xc4fb95d8, 0x7d004e30, 0x6c7d2449, + 0xd586ffa1, 0x810e3c3c, 0x38f5e7d4, 0x29888dad, 0x90735645, + 0x0b72595f, 0xb28982b7, 0xa3f4e8ce, 0x1a0f3326, 0x0ae56ff4, + 0xb31eb41c, 0xa263de65, 0x1b98058d, 0x80990a97, 0x3962d17f, + 0x281fbb06, 0x91e460ee, 0xc56ca373, 0x7c97789b, 0x6dea12e2, + 0xd411c90a, 0x4f10c610, 0xf6eb1df8, 0xe7967781, 0x5e6dac69, + 0xc642ce25, 0x7fb915cd, 0x6ec47fb4, 0xd73fa45c, 0x4c3eab46, + 0xf5c570ae, 0xe4b81ad7, 0x5d43c13f, 0x09cb02a2, 0xb030d94a, + 0xa14db333, 0x18b668db, 0x83b767c1, 0x3a4cbc29, 0x2b31d650, + 0x92ca0db8, 0x8220516a, 0x3bdb8a82, 0x2aa6e0fb, 0x935d3b13, + 0x085c3409, 0xb1a7efe1, 0xa0da8598, 0x19215e70, 0x4da99ded, + 0xf4524605, 0xe52f2c7c, 0x5cd4f794, 0xc7d5f88e, 0x7e2e2366, + 0x6f53491f, 0xd6a892f7, 0x847c8bc6, 0x3d87502e, 0x2cfa3a57, + 0x9501e1bf, 0x0e00eea5, 0xb7fb354d, 0xa6865f34, 0x1f7d84dc, + 0x4bf54741, 0xf20e9ca9, 0xe373f6d0, 0x5a882d38, 0xc1892222, + 0x7872f9ca, 0x690f93b3, 0xd0f4485b, 0xc01e1489, 0x79e5cf61, + 0x6898a518, 0xd1637ef0, 0x4a6271ea, 0xf399aa02, 0xe2e4c07b, + 0x5b1f1b93, 0x0f97d80e, 0xb66c03e6, 0xa711699f, 0x1eeab277, + 0x85ebbd6d, 0x3c106685, 0x2d6d0cfc, 0x9496d714, 0x0cb9b558, + 0xb5426eb0, 0xa43f04c9, 0x1dc4df21, 0x86c5d03b, 0x3f3e0bd3, + 0x2e4361aa, 0x97b8ba42, 0xc33079df, 0x7acba237, 0x6bb6c84e, + 0xd24d13a6, 0x494c1cbc, 0xf0b7c754, 0xe1caad2d, 0x583176c5, + 0x48db2a17, 0xf120f1ff, 0xe05d9b86, 0x59a6406e, 0xc2a74f74, + 0x7b5c949c, 0x6a21fee5, 0xd3da250d, 0x8752e690, 0x3ea93d78, + 0x2fd45701, 0x962f8ce9, 0x0d2e83f3, 0xb4d5581b, 0xa5a83262, + 0x1c53e98a}, + {0x00000000, 0x9d0fe176, 0xe16ec4ad, 0x7c6125db, 0x19ac8f1b, + 0x84a36e6d, 0xf8c24bb6, 0x65cdaac0, 0x33591e36, 0xae56ff40, + 0xd237da9b, 0x4f383bed, 0x2af5912d, 0xb7fa705b, 0xcb9b5580, + 0x5694b4f6, 0x66b23c6c, 0xfbbddd1a, 0x87dcf8c1, 0x1ad319b7, + 0x7f1eb377, 0xe2115201, 0x9e7077da, 0x037f96ac, 0x55eb225a, + 0xc8e4c32c, 0xb485e6f7, 0x298a0781, 0x4c47ad41, 0xd1484c37, + 0xad2969ec, 0x3026889a, 0xcd6478d8, 0x506b99ae, 0x2c0abc75, + 0xb1055d03, 0xd4c8f7c3, 0x49c716b5, 0x35a6336e, 0xa8a9d218, + 0xfe3d66ee, 0x63328798, 0x1f53a243, 0x825c4335, 0xe791e9f5, + 0x7a9e0883, 0x06ff2d58, 0x9bf0cc2e, 0xabd644b4, 0x36d9a5c2, + 0x4ab88019, 0xd7b7616f, 0xb27acbaf, 0x2f752ad9, 0x53140f02, + 0xce1bee74, 0x988f5a82, 0x0580bbf4, 0x79e19e2f, 0xe4ee7f59, + 0x8123d599, 0x1c2c34ef, 0x604d1134, 0xfd42f042, 0x41b9f7f1, + 0xdcb61687, 0xa0d7335c, 0x3dd8d22a, 0x581578ea, 0xc51a999c, + 0xb97bbc47, 0x24745d31, 0x72e0e9c7, 0xefef08b1, 0x938e2d6a, + 0x0e81cc1c, 0x6b4c66dc, 0xf64387aa, 0x8a22a271, 0x172d4307, + 0x270bcb9d, 0xba042aeb, 0xc6650f30, 0x5b6aee46, 0x3ea74486, + 0xa3a8a5f0, 0xdfc9802b, 0x42c6615d, 0x1452d5ab, 0x895d34dd, + 0xf53c1106, 0x6833f070, 0x0dfe5ab0, 0x90f1bbc6, 0xec909e1d, + 0x719f7f6b, 0x8cdd8f29, 0x11d26e5f, 0x6db34b84, 0xf0bcaaf2, + 0x95710032, 0x087ee144, 0x741fc49f, 0xe91025e9, 0xbf84911f, + 0x228b7069, 0x5eea55b2, 0xc3e5b4c4, 0xa6281e04, 0x3b27ff72, + 0x4746daa9, 0xda493bdf, 0xea6fb345, 0x77605233, 0x0b0177e8, + 0x960e969e, 0xf3c33c5e, 0x6eccdd28, 0x12adf8f3, 0x8fa21985, + 0xd936ad73, 0x44394c05, 0x385869de, 0xa55788a8, 0xc09a2268, + 0x5d95c31e, 0x21f4e6c5, 0xbcfb07b3, 0x8373efe2, 0x1e7c0e94, + 0x621d2b4f, 0xff12ca39, 0x9adf60f9, 0x07d0818f, 0x7bb1a454, + 0xe6be4522, 0xb02af1d4, 0x2d2510a2, 0x51443579, 0xcc4bd40f, + 0xa9867ecf, 0x34899fb9, 0x48e8ba62, 0xd5e75b14, 0xe5c1d38e, + 0x78ce32f8, 0x04af1723, 0x99a0f655, 0xfc6d5c95, 0x6162bde3, + 0x1d039838, 0x800c794e, 0xd698cdb8, 0x4b972cce, 0x37f60915, + 0xaaf9e863, 0xcf3442a3, 0x523ba3d5, 0x2e5a860e, 0xb3556778, + 0x4e17973a, 0xd318764c, 0xaf795397, 0x3276b2e1, 0x57bb1821, + 0xcab4f957, 0xb6d5dc8c, 0x2bda3dfa, 0x7d4e890c, 0xe041687a, + 0x9c204da1, 0x012facd7, 0x64e20617, 0xf9ede761, 0x858cc2ba, + 0x188323cc, 0x28a5ab56, 0xb5aa4a20, 0xc9cb6ffb, 0x54c48e8d, + 0x3109244d, 0xac06c53b, 0xd067e0e0, 0x4d680196, 0x1bfcb560, + 0x86f35416, 0xfa9271cd, 0x679d90bb, 0x02503a7b, 0x9f5fdb0d, + 0xe33efed6, 0x7e311fa0, 0xc2ca1813, 0x5fc5f965, 0x23a4dcbe, + 0xbeab3dc8, 0xdb669708, 0x4669767e, 0x3a0853a5, 0xa707b2d3, + 0xf1930625, 0x6c9ce753, 0x10fdc288, 0x8df223fe, 0xe83f893e, + 0x75306848, 0x09514d93, 0x945eace5, 0xa478247f, 0x3977c509, + 0x4516e0d2, 0xd81901a4, 0xbdd4ab64, 0x20db4a12, 0x5cba6fc9, + 0xc1b58ebf, 0x97213a49, 0x0a2edb3f, 0x764ffee4, 0xeb401f92, + 0x8e8db552, 0x13825424, 0x6fe371ff, 0xf2ec9089, 0x0fae60cb, + 0x92a181bd, 0xeec0a466, 0x73cf4510, 0x1602efd0, 0x8b0d0ea6, + 0xf76c2b7d, 0x6a63ca0b, 0x3cf77efd, 0xa1f89f8b, 0xdd99ba50, + 0x40965b26, 0x255bf1e6, 0xb8541090, 0xc435354b, 0x593ad43d, + 0x691c5ca7, 0xf413bdd1, 0x8872980a, 0x157d797c, 0x70b0d3bc, + 0xedbf32ca, 0x91de1711, 0x0cd1f667, 0x5a454291, 0xc74aa3e7, + 0xbb2b863c, 0x2624674a, 0x43e9cd8a, 0xdee62cfc, 0xa2870927, + 0x3f88e851}, + {0x00000000, 0xdd96d985, 0x605cb54b, 0xbdca6cce, 0xc0b96a96, + 0x1d2fb313, 0xa0e5dfdd, 0x7d730658, 0x5a03d36d, 0x87950ae8, + 0x3a5f6626, 0xe7c9bfa3, 0x9abab9fb, 0x472c607e, 0xfae60cb0, + 0x2770d535, 0xb407a6da, 0x69917f5f, 0xd45b1391, 0x09cdca14, + 0x74becc4c, 0xa92815c9, 0x14e27907, 0xc974a082, 0xee0475b7, + 0x3392ac32, 0x8e58c0fc, 0x53ce1979, 0x2ebd1f21, 0xf32bc6a4, + 0x4ee1aa6a, 0x937773ef, 0xb37e4bf5, 0x6ee89270, 0xd322febe, + 0x0eb4273b, 0x73c72163, 0xae51f8e6, 0x139b9428, 0xce0d4dad, + 0xe97d9898, 0x34eb411d, 0x89212dd3, 0x54b7f456, 0x29c4f20e, + 0xf4522b8b, 0x49984745, 0x940e9ec0, 0x0779ed2f, 0xdaef34aa, + 0x67255864, 0xbab381e1, 0xc7c087b9, 0x1a565e3c, 0xa79c32f2, + 0x7a0aeb77, 0x5d7a3e42, 0x80ece7c7, 0x3d268b09, 0xe0b0528c, + 0x9dc354d4, 0x40558d51, 0xfd9fe19f, 0x2009381a, 0xbd8d91ab, + 0x601b482e, 0xddd124e0, 0x0047fd65, 0x7d34fb3d, 0xa0a222b8, + 0x1d684e76, 0xc0fe97f3, 0xe78e42c6, 0x3a189b43, 0x87d2f78d, + 0x5a442e08, 0x27372850, 0xfaa1f1d5, 0x476b9d1b, 0x9afd449e, + 0x098a3771, 0xd41ceef4, 0x69d6823a, 0xb4405bbf, 0xc9335de7, + 0x14a58462, 0xa96fe8ac, 0x74f93129, 0x5389e41c, 0x8e1f3d99, + 0x33d55157, 0xee4388d2, 0x93308e8a, 0x4ea6570f, 0xf36c3bc1, + 0x2efae244, 0x0ef3da5e, 0xd36503db, 0x6eaf6f15, 0xb339b690, + 0xce4ab0c8, 0x13dc694d, 0xae160583, 0x7380dc06, 0x54f00933, + 0x8966d0b6, 0x34acbc78, 0xe93a65fd, 0x944963a5, 0x49dfba20, + 0xf415d6ee, 0x29830f6b, 0xbaf47c84, 0x6762a501, 0xdaa8c9cf, + 0x073e104a, 0x7a4d1612, 0xa7dbcf97, 0x1a11a359, 0xc7877adc, + 0xe0f7afe9, 0x3d61766c, 0x80ab1aa2, 0x5d3dc327, 0x204ec57f, + 0xfdd81cfa, 0x40127034, 0x9d84a9b1, 0xa06a2517, 0x7dfcfc92, + 0xc036905c, 0x1da049d9, 0x60d34f81, 0xbd459604, 0x008ffaca, + 0xdd19234f, 0xfa69f67a, 0x27ff2fff, 0x9a354331, 0x47a39ab4, + 0x3ad09cec, 0xe7464569, 0x5a8c29a7, 0x871af022, 0x146d83cd, + 0xc9fb5a48, 0x74313686, 0xa9a7ef03, 0xd4d4e95b, 0x094230de, + 0xb4885c10, 0x691e8595, 0x4e6e50a0, 0x93f88925, 0x2e32e5eb, + 0xf3a43c6e, 0x8ed73a36, 0x5341e3b3, 0xee8b8f7d, 0x331d56f8, + 0x13146ee2, 0xce82b767, 0x7348dba9, 0xaede022c, 0xd3ad0474, + 0x0e3bddf1, 0xb3f1b13f, 0x6e6768ba, 0x4917bd8f, 0x9481640a, + 0x294b08c4, 0xf4ddd141, 0x89aed719, 0x54380e9c, 0xe9f26252, + 0x3464bbd7, 0xa713c838, 0x7a8511bd, 0xc74f7d73, 0x1ad9a4f6, + 0x67aaa2ae, 0xba3c7b2b, 0x07f617e5, 0xda60ce60, 0xfd101b55, + 0x2086c2d0, 0x9d4cae1e, 0x40da779b, 0x3da971c3, 0xe03fa846, + 0x5df5c488, 0x80631d0d, 0x1de7b4bc, 0xc0716d39, 0x7dbb01f7, + 0xa02dd872, 0xdd5ede2a, 0x00c807af, 0xbd026b61, 0x6094b2e4, + 0x47e467d1, 0x9a72be54, 0x27b8d29a, 0xfa2e0b1f, 0x875d0d47, + 0x5acbd4c2, 0xe701b80c, 0x3a976189, 0xa9e01266, 0x7476cbe3, + 0xc9bca72d, 0x142a7ea8, 0x695978f0, 0xb4cfa175, 0x0905cdbb, + 0xd493143e, 0xf3e3c10b, 0x2e75188e, 0x93bf7440, 0x4e29adc5, + 0x335aab9d, 0xeecc7218, 0x53061ed6, 0x8e90c753, 0xae99ff49, + 0x730f26cc, 0xcec54a02, 0x13539387, 0x6e2095df, 0xb3b64c5a, + 0x0e7c2094, 0xd3eaf911, 0xf49a2c24, 0x290cf5a1, 0x94c6996f, + 0x495040ea, 0x342346b2, 0xe9b59f37, 0x547ff3f9, 0x89e92a7c, + 0x1a9e5993, 0xc7088016, 0x7ac2ecd8, 0xa754355d, 0xda273305, + 0x07b1ea80, 0xba7b864e, 0x67ed5fcb, 0x409d8afe, 0x9d0b537b, + 0x20c13fb5, 0xfd57e630, 0x8024e068, 0x5db239ed, 0xe0785523, + 0x3dee8ca6}, + {0x00000000, 0x9ba54c6f, 0xec3b9e9f, 0x779ed2f0, 0x03063b7f, + 0x98a37710, 0xef3da5e0, 0x7498e98f, 0x060c76fe, 0x9da93a91, + 0xea37e861, 0x7192a40e, 0x050a4d81, 0x9eaf01ee, 0xe931d31e, + 0x72949f71, 0x0c18edfc, 0x97bda193, 0xe0237363, 0x7b863f0c, + 0x0f1ed683, 0x94bb9aec, 0xe325481c, 0x78800473, 0x0a149b02, + 0x91b1d76d, 0xe62f059d, 0x7d8a49f2, 0x0912a07d, 0x92b7ec12, + 0xe5293ee2, 0x7e8c728d, 0x1831dbf8, 0x83949797, 0xf40a4567, + 0x6faf0908, 0x1b37e087, 0x8092ace8, 0xf70c7e18, 0x6ca93277, + 0x1e3dad06, 0x8598e169, 0xf2063399, 0x69a37ff6, 0x1d3b9679, + 0x869eda16, 0xf10008e6, 0x6aa54489, 0x14293604, 0x8f8c7a6b, + 0xf812a89b, 0x63b7e4f4, 0x172f0d7b, 0x8c8a4114, 0xfb1493e4, + 0x60b1df8b, 0x122540fa, 0x89800c95, 0xfe1ede65, 0x65bb920a, + 0x11237b85, 0x8a8637ea, 0xfd18e51a, 0x66bda975, 0x3063b7f0, + 0xabc6fb9f, 0xdc58296f, 0x47fd6500, 0x33658c8f, 0xa8c0c0e0, + 0xdf5e1210, 0x44fb5e7f, 0x366fc10e, 0xadca8d61, 0xda545f91, + 0x41f113fe, 0x3569fa71, 0xaeccb61e, 0xd95264ee, 0x42f72881, + 0x3c7b5a0c, 0xa7de1663, 0xd040c493, 0x4be588fc, 0x3f7d6173, + 0xa4d82d1c, 0xd346ffec, 0x48e3b383, 0x3a772cf2, 0xa1d2609d, + 0xd64cb26d, 0x4de9fe02, 0x3971178d, 0xa2d45be2, 0xd54a8912, + 0x4eefc57d, 0x28526c08, 0xb3f72067, 0xc469f297, 0x5fccbef8, + 0x2b545777, 0xb0f11b18, 0xc76fc9e8, 0x5cca8587, 0x2e5e1af6, + 0xb5fb5699, 0xc2658469, 0x59c0c806, 0x2d582189, 0xb6fd6de6, + 0xc163bf16, 0x5ac6f379, 0x244a81f4, 0xbfefcd9b, 0xc8711f6b, + 0x53d45304, 0x274cba8b, 0xbce9f6e4, 0xcb772414, 0x50d2687b, + 0x2246f70a, 0xb9e3bb65, 0xce7d6995, 0x55d825fa, 0x2140cc75, + 0xbae5801a, 0xcd7b52ea, 0x56de1e85, 0x60c76fe0, 0xfb62238f, + 0x8cfcf17f, 0x1759bd10, 0x63c1549f, 0xf86418f0, 0x8ffaca00, + 0x145f866f, 0x66cb191e, 0xfd6e5571, 0x8af08781, 0x1155cbee, + 0x65cd2261, 0xfe686e0e, 0x89f6bcfe, 0x1253f091, 0x6cdf821c, + 0xf77ace73, 0x80e41c83, 0x1b4150ec, 0x6fd9b963, 0xf47cf50c, + 0x83e227fc, 0x18476b93, 0x6ad3f4e2, 0xf176b88d, 0x86e86a7d, + 0x1d4d2612, 0x69d5cf9d, 0xf27083f2, 0x85ee5102, 0x1e4b1d6d, + 0x78f6b418, 0xe353f877, 0x94cd2a87, 0x0f6866e8, 0x7bf08f67, + 0xe055c308, 0x97cb11f8, 0x0c6e5d97, 0x7efac2e6, 0xe55f8e89, + 0x92c15c79, 0x09641016, 0x7dfcf999, 0xe659b5f6, 0x91c76706, + 0x0a622b69, 0x74ee59e4, 0xef4b158b, 0x98d5c77b, 0x03708b14, + 0x77e8629b, 0xec4d2ef4, 0x9bd3fc04, 0x0076b06b, 0x72e22f1a, + 0xe9476375, 0x9ed9b185, 0x057cfdea, 0x71e41465, 0xea41580a, + 0x9ddf8afa, 0x067ac695, 0x50a4d810, 0xcb01947f, 0xbc9f468f, + 0x273a0ae0, 0x53a2e36f, 0xc807af00, 0xbf997df0, 0x243c319f, + 0x56a8aeee, 0xcd0de281, 0xba933071, 0x21367c1e, 0x55ae9591, + 0xce0bd9fe, 0xb9950b0e, 0x22304761, 0x5cbc35ec, 0xc7197983, + 0xb087ab73, 0x2b22e71c, 0x5fba0e93, 0xc41f42fc, 0xb381900c, + 0x2824dc63, 0x5ab04312, 0xc1150f7d, 0xb68bdd8d, 0x2d2e91e2, + 0x59b6786d, 0xc2133402, 0xb58de6f2, 0x2e28aa9d, 0x489503e8, + 0xd3304f87, 0xa4ae9d77, 0x3f0bd118, 0x4b933897, 0xd03674f8, + 0xa7a8a608, 0x3c0dea67, 0x4e997516, 0xd53c3979, 0xa2a2eb89, + 0x3907a7e6, 0x4d9f4e69, 0xd63a0206, 0xa1a4d0f6, 0x3a019c99, + 0x448dee14, 0xdf28a27b, 0xa8b6708b, 0x33133ce4, 0x478bd56b, + 0xdc2e9904, 0xabb04bf4, 0x3015079b, 0x428198ea, 0xd924d485, + 0xaeba0675, 0x351f4a1a, 0x4187a395, 0xda22effa, 0xadbc3d0a, + 0x36197165}, + {0x00000000, 0xc18edfc0, 0x586cb9c1, 0x99e26601, 0xb0d97382, + 0x7157ac42, 0xe8b5ca43, 0x293b1583, 0xbac3e145, 0x7b4d3e85, + 0xe2af5884, 0x23218744, 0x0a1a92c7, 0xcb944d07, 0x52762b06, + 0x93f8f4c6, 0xaef6c4cb, 0x6f781b0b, 0xf69a7d0a, 0x3714a2ca, + 0x1e2fb749, 0xdfa16889, 0x46430e88, 0x87cdd148, 0x1435258e, + 0xd5bbfa4e, 0x4c599c4f, 0x8dd7438f, 0xa4ec560c, 0x656289cc, + 0xfc80efcd, 0x3d0e300d, 0x869c8fd7, 0x47125017, 0xdef03616, + 0x1f7ee9d6, 0x3645fc55, 0xf7cb2395, 0x6e294594, 0xafa79a54, + 0x3c5f6e92, 0xfdd1b152, 0x6433d753, 0xa5bd0893, 0x8c861d10, + 0x4d08c2d0, 0xd4eaa4d1, 0x15647b11, 0x286a4b1c, 0xe9e494dc, + 0x7006f2dd, 0xb1882d1d, 0x98b3389e, 0x593de75e, 0xc0df815f, + 0x01515e9f, 0x92a9aa59, 0x53277599, 0xcac51398, 0x0b4bcc58, + 0x2270d9db, 0xe3fe061b, 0x7a1c601a, 0xbb92bfda, 0xd64819ef, + 0x17c6c62f, 0x8e24a02e, 0x4faa7fee, 0x66916a6d, 0xa71fb5ad, + 0x3efdd3ac, 0xff730c6c, 0x6c8bf8aa, 0xad05276a, 0x34e7416b, + 0xf5699eab, 0xdc528b28, 0x1ddc54e8, 0x843e32e9, 0x45b0ed29, + 0x78bedd24, 0xb93002e4, 0x20d264e5, 0xe15cbb25, 0xc867aea6, + 0x09e97166, 0x900b1767, 0x5185c8a7, 0xc27d3c61, 0x03f3e3a1, + 0x9a1185a0, 0x5b9f5a60, 0x72a44fe3, 0xb32a9023, 0x2ac8f622, + 0xeb4629e2, 0x50d49638, 0x915a49f8, 0x08b82ff9, 0xc936f039, + 0xe00de5ba, 0x21833a7a, 0xb8615c7b, 0x79ef83bb, 0xea17777d, + 0x2b99a8bd, 0xb27bcebc, 0x73f5117c, 0x5ace04ff, 0x9b40db3f, + 0x02a2bd3e, 0xc32c62fe, 0xfe2252f3, 0x3fac8d33, 0xa64eeb32, + 0x67c034f2, 0x4efb2171, 0x8f75feb1, 0x169798b0, 0xd7194770, + 0x44e1b3b6, 0x856f6c76, 0x1c8d0a77, 0xdd03d5b7, 0xf438c034, + 0x35b61ff4, 0xac5479f5, 0x6ddaa635, 0x77e1359f, 0xb66fea5f, + 0x2f8d8c5e, 0xee03539e, 0xc738461d, 0x06b699dd, 0x9f54ffdc, + 0x5eda201c, 0xcd22d4da, 0x0cac0b1a, 0x954e6d1b, 0x54c0b2db, + 0x7dfba758, 0xbc757898, 0x25971e99, 0xe419c159, 0xd917f154, + 0x18992e94, 0x817b4895, 0x40f59755, 0x69ce82d6, 0xa8405d16, + 0x31a23b17, 0xf02ce4d7, 0x63d41011, 0xa25acfd1, 0x3bb8a9d0, + 0xfa367610, 0xd30d6393, 0x1283bc53, 0x8b61da52, 0x4aef0592, + 0xf17dba48, 0x30f36588, 0xa9110389, 0x689fdc49, 0x41a4c9ca, + 0x802a160a, 0x19c8700b, 0xd846afcb, 0x4bbe5b0d, 0x8a3084cd, + 0x13d2e2cc, 0xd25c3d0c, 0xfb67288f, 0x3ae9f74f, 0xa30b914e, + 0x62854e8e, 0x5f8b7e83, 0x9e05a143, 0x07e7c742, 0xc6691882, + 0xef520d01, 0x2edcd2c1, 0xb73eb4c0, 0x76b06b00, 0xe5489fc6, + 0x24c64006, 0xbd242607, 0x7caaf9c7, 0x5591ec44, 0x941f3384, + 0x0dfd5585, 0xcc738a45, 0xa1a92c70, 0x6027f3b0, 0xf9c595b1, + 0x384b4a71, 0x11705ff2, 0xd0fe8032, 0x491ce633, 0x889239f3, + 0x1b6acd35, 0xdae412f5, 0x430674f4, 0x8288ab34, 0xabb3beb7, + 0x6a3d6177, 0xf3df0776, 0x3251d8b6, 0x0f5fe8bb, 0xced1377b, + 0x5733517a, 0x96bd8eba, 0xbf869b39, 0x7e0844f9, 0xe7ea22f8, + 0x2664fd38, 0xb59c09fe, 0x7412d63e, 0xedf0b03f, 0x2c7e6fff, + 0x05457a7c, 0xc4cba5bc, 0x5d29c3bd, 0x9ca71c7d, 0x2735a3a7, + 0xe6bb7c67, 0x7f591a66, 0xbed7c5a6, 0x97ecd025, 0x56620fe5, + 0xcf8069e4, 0x0e0eb624, 0x9df642e2, 0x5c789d22, 0xc59afb23, + 0x041424e3, 0x2d2f3160, 0xeca1eea0, 0x754388a1, 0xb4cd5761, + 0x89c3676c, 0x484db8ac, 0xd1afdead, 0x1021016d, 0x391a14ee, + 0xf894cb2e, 0x6176ad2f, 0xa0f872ef, 0x33008629, 0xf28e59e9, + 0x6b6c3fe8, 0xaae2e028, 0x83d9f5ab, 0x42572a6b, 0xdbb54c6a, + 0x1a3b93aa}, + {0x00000000, 0xefc26b3e, 0x04f5d03d, 0xeb37bb03, 0x09eba07a, + 0xe629cb44, 0x0d1e7047, 0xe2dc1b79, 0x13d740f4, 0xfc152bca, + 0x172290c9, 0xf8e0fbf7, 0x1a3ce08e, 0xf5fe8bb0, 0x1ec930b3, + 0xf10b5b8d, 0x27ae81e8, 0xc86cead6, 0x235b51d5, 0xcc993aeb, + 0x2e452192, 0xc1874aac, 0x2ab0f1af, 0xc5729a91, 0x3479c11c, + 0xdbbbaa22, 0x308c1121, 0xdf4e7a1f, 0x3d926166, 0xd2500a58, + 0x3967b15b, 0xd6a5da65, 0x4f5d03d0, 0xa09f68ee, 0x4ba8d3ed, + 0xa46ab8d3, 0x46b6a3aa, 0xa974c894, 0x42437397, 0xad8118a9, + 0x5c8a4324, 0xb348281a, 0x587f9319, 0xb7bdf827, 0x5561e35e, + 0xbaa38860, 0x51943363, 0xbe56585d, 0x68f38238, 0x8731e906, + 0x6c065205, 0x83c4393b, 0x61182242, 0x8eda497c, 0x65edf27f, + 0x8a2f9941, 0x7b24c2cc, 0x94e6a9f2, 0x7fd112f1, 0x901379cf, + 0x72cf62b6, 0x9d0d0988, 0x763ab28b, 0x99f8d9b5, 0x9eba07a0, + 0x71786c9e, 0x9a4fd79d, 0x758dbca3, 0x9751a7da, 0x7893cce4, + 0x93a477e7, 0x7c661cd9, 0x8d6d4754, 0x62af2c6a, 0x89989769, + 0x665afc57, 0x8486e72e, 0x6b448c10, 0x80733713, 0x6fb15c2d, + 0xb9148648, 0x56d6ed76, 0xbde15675, 0x52233d4b, 0xb0ff2632, + 0x5f3d4d0c, 0xb40af60f, 0x5bc89d31, 0xaac3c6bc, 0x4501ad82, + 0xae361681, 0x41f47dbf, 0xa32866c6, 0x4cea0df8, 0xa7ddb6fb, + 0x481fddc5, 0xd1e70470, 0x3e256f4e, 0xd512d44d, 0x3ad0bf73, + 0xd80ca40a, 0x37cecf34, 0xdcf97437, 0x333b1f09, 0xc2304484, + 0x2df22fba, 0xc6c594b9, 0x2907ff87, 0xcbdbe4fe, 0x24198fc0, + 0xcf2e34c3, 0x20ec5ffd, 0xf6498598, 0x198beea6, 0xf2bc55a5, + 0x1d7e3e9b, 0xffa225e2, 0x10604edc, 0xfb57f5df, 0x14959ee1, + 0xe59ec56c, 0x0a5cae52, 0xe16b1551, 0x0ea97e6f, 0xec756516, + 0x03b70e28, 0xe880b52b, 0x0742de15, 0xe6050901, 0x09c7623f, + 0xe2f0d93c, 0x0d32b202, 0xefeea97b, 0x002cc245, 0xeb1b7946, + 0x04d91278, 0xf5d249f5, 0x1a1022cb, 0xf12799c8, 0x1ee5f2f6, + 0xfc39e98f, 0x13fb82b1, 0xf8cc39b2, 0x170e528c, 0xc1ab88e9, + 0x2e69e3d7, 0xc55e58d4, 0x2a9c33ea, 0xc8402893, 0x278243ad, + 0xccb5f8ae, 0x23779390, 0xd27cc81d, 0x3dbea323, 0xd6891820, + 0x394b731e, 0xdb976867, 0x34550359, 0xdf62b85a, 0x30a0d364, + 0xa9580ad1, 0x469a61ef, 0xadaddaec, 0x426fb1d2, 0xa0b3aaab, + 0x4f71c195, 0xa4467a96, 0x4b8411a8, 0xba8f4a25, 0x554d211b, + 0xbe7a9a18, 0x51b8f126, 0xb364ea5f, 0x5ca68161, 0xb7913a62, + 0x5853515c, 0x8ef68b39, 0x6134e007, 0x8a035b04, 0x65c1303a, + 0x871d2b43, 0x68df407d, 0x83e8fb7e, 0x6c2a9040, 0x9d21cbcd, + 0x72e3a0f3, 0x99d41bf0, 0x761670ce, 0x94ca6bb7, 0x7b080089, + 0x903fbb8a, 0x7ffdd0b4, 0x78bf0ea1, 0x977d659f, 0x7c4ade9c, + 0x9388b5a2, 0x7154aedb, 0x9e96c5e5, 0x75a17ee6, 0x9a6315d8, + 0x6b684e55, 0x84aa256b, 0x6f9d9e68, 0x805ff556, 0x6283ee2f, + 0x8d418511, 0x66763e12, 0x89b4552c, 0x5f118f49, 0xb0d3e477, + 0x5be45f74, 0xb426344a, 0x56fa2f33, 0xb938440d, 0x520fff0e, + 0xbdcd9430, 0x4cc6cfbd, 0xa304a483, 0x48331f80, 0xa7f174be, + 0x452d6fc7, 0xaaef04f9, 0x41d8bffa, 0xae1ad4c4, 0x37e20d71, + 0xd820664f, 0x3317dd4c, 0xdcd5b672, 0x3e09ad0b, 0xd1cbc635, + 0x3afc7d36, 0xd53e1608, 0x24354d85, 0xcbf726bb, 0x20c09db8, + 0xcf02f686, 0x2ddeedff, 0xc21c86c1, 0x292b3dc2, 0xc6e956fc, + 0x104c8c99, 0xff8ee7a7, 0x14b95ca4, 0xfb7b379a, 0x19a72ce3, + 0xf66547dd, 0x1d52fcde, 0xf29097e0, 0x039bcc6d, 0xec59a753, + 0x076e1c50, 0xe8ac776e, 0x0a706c17, 0xe5b20729, 0x0e85bc2a, + 0xe147d714}, + {0x00000000, 0x177b1443, 0x2ef62886, 0x398d3cc5, 0x5dec510c, + 0x4a97454f, 0x731a798a, 0x64616dc9, 0xbbd8a218, 0xaca3b65b, + 0x952e8a9e, 0x82559edd, 0xe634f314, 0xf14fe757, 0xc8c2db92, + 0xdfb9cfd1, 0xacc04271, 0xbbbb5632, 0x82366af7, 0x954d7eb4, + 0xf12c137d, 0xe657073e, 0xdfda3bfb, 0xc8a12fb8, 0x1718e069, + 0x0063f42a, 0x39eec8ef, 0x2e95dcac, 0x4af4b165, 0x5d8fa526, + 0x640299e3, 0x73798da0, 0x82f182a3, 0x958a96e0, 0xac07aa25, + 0xbb7cbe66, 0xdf1dd3af, 0xc866c7ec, 0xf1ebfb29, 0xe690ef6a, + 0x392920bb, 0x2e5234f8, 0x17df083d, 0x00a41c7e, 0x64c571b7, + 0x73be65f4, 0x4a335931, 0x5d484d72, 0x2e31c0d2, 0x394ad491, + 0x00c7e854, 0x17bcfc17, 0x73dd91de, 0x64a6859d, 0x5d2bb958, + 0x4a50ad1b, 0x95e962ca, 0x82927689, 0xbb1f4a4c, 0xac645e0f, + 0xc80533c6, 0xdf7e2785, 0xe6f31b40, 0xf1880f03, 0xde920307, + 0xc9e91744, 0xf0642b81, 0xe71f3fc2, 0x837e520b, 0x94054648, + 0xad887a8d, 0xbaf36ece, 0x654aa11f, 0x7231b55c, 0x4bbc8999, + 0x5cc79dda, 0x38a6f013, 0x2fdde450, 0x1650d895, 0x012bccd6, + 0x72524176, 0x65295535, 0x5ca469f0, 0x4bdf7db3, 0x2fbe107a, + 0x38c50439, 0x014838fc, 0x16332cbf, 0xc98ae36e, 0xdef1f72d, + 0xe77ccbe8, 0xf007dfab, 0x9466b262, 0x831da621, 0xba909ae4, + 0xadeb8ea7, 0x5c6381a4, 0x4b1895e7, 0x7295a922, 0x65eebd61, + 0x018fd0a8, 0x16f4c4eb, 0x2f79f82e, 0x3802ec6d, 0xe7bb23bc, + 0xf0c037ff, 0xc94d0b3a, 0xde361f79, 0xba5772b0, 0xad2c66f3, + 0x94a15a36, 0x83da4e75, 0xf0a3c3d5, 0xe7d8d796, 0xde55eb53, + 0xc92eff10, 0xad4f92d9, 0xba34869a, 0x83b9ba5f, 0x94c2ae1c, + 0x4b7b61cd, 0x5c00758e, 0x658d494b, 0x72f65d08, 0x169730c1, + 0x01ec2482, 0x38611847, 0x2f1a0c04, 0x6655004f, 0x712e140c, + 0x48a328c9, 0x5fd83c8a, 0x3bb95143, 0x2cc24500, 0x154f79c5, + 0x02346d86, 0xdd8da257, 0xcaf6b614, 0xf37b8ad1, 0xe4009e92, + 0x8061f35b, 0x971ae718, 0xae97dbdd, 0xb9eccf9e, 0xca95423e, + 0xddee567d, 0xe4636ab8, 0xf3187efb, 0x97791332, 0x80020771, + 0xb98f3bb4, 0xaef42ff7, 0x714de026, 0x6636f465, 0x5fbbc8a0, + 0x48c0dce3, 0x2ca1b12a, 0x3bdaa569, 0x025799ac, 0x152c8def, + 0xe4a482ec, 0xf3df96af, 0xca52aa6a, 0xdd29be29, 0xb948d3e0, + 0xae33c7a3, 0x97befb66, 0x80c5ef25, 0x5f7c20f4, 0x480734b7, + 0x718a0872, 0x66f11c31, 0x029071f8, 0x15eb65bb, 0x2c66597e, + 0x3b1d4d3d, 0x4864c09d, 0x5f1fd4de, 0x6692e81b, 0x71e9fc58, + 0x15889191, 0x02f385d2, 0x3b7eb917, 0x2c05ad54, 0xf3bc6285, + 0xe4c776c6, 0xdd4a4a03, 0xca315e40, 0xae503389, 0xb92b27ca, + 0x80a61b0f, 0x97dd0f4c, 0xb8c70348, 0xafbc170b, 0x96312bce, + 0x814a3f8d, 0xe52b5244, 0xf2504607, 0xcbdd7ac2, 0xdca66e81, + 0x031fa150, 0x1464b513, 0x2de989d6, 0x3a929d95, 0x5ef3f05c, + 0x4988e41f, 0x7005d8da, 0x677ecc99, 0x14074139, 0x037c557a, + 0x3af169bf, 0x2d8a7dfc, 0x49eb1035, 0x5e900476, 0x671d38b3, + 0x70662cf0, 0xafdfe321, 0xb8a4f762, 0x8129cba7, 0x9652dfe4, + 0xf233b22d, 0xe548a66e, 0xdcc59aab, 0xcbbe8ee8, 0x3a3681eb, + 0x2d4d95a8, 0x14c0a96d, 0x03bbbd2e, 0x67dad0e7, 0x70a1c4a4, + 0x492cf861, 0x5e57ec22, 0x81ee23f3, 0x969537b0, 0xaf180b75, + 0xb8631f36, 0xdc0272ff, 0xcb7966bc, 0xf2f45a79, 0xe58f4e3a, + 0x96f6c39a, 0x818dd7d9, 0xb800eb1c, 0xaf7bff5f, 0xcb1a9296, + 0xdc6186d5, 0xe5ecba10, 0xf297ae53, 0x2d2e6182, 0x3a5575c1, + 0x03d84904, 0x14a35d47, 0x70c2308e, 0x67b924cd, 0x5e341808, + 0x494f0c4b}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x0000000000000000, 0x43147b1700000000, 0x8628f62e00000000, + 0xc53c8d3900000000, 0x0c51ec5d00000000, 0x4f45974a00000000, + 0x8a791a7300000000, 0xc96d616400000000, 0x18a2d8bb00000000, + 0x5bb6a3ac00000000, 0x9e8a2e9500000000, 0xdd9e558200000000, + 0x14f334e600000000, 0x57e74ff100000000, 0x92dbc2c800000000, + 0xd1cfb9df00000000, 0x7142c0ac00000000, 0x3256bbbb00000000, + 0xf76a368200000000, 0xb47e4d9500000000, 0x7d132cf100000000, + 0x3e0757e600000000, 0xfb3bdadf00000000, 0xb82fa1c800000000, + 0x69e0181700000000, 0x2af4630000000000, 0xefc8ee3900000000, + 0xacdc952e00000000, 0x65b1f44a00000000, 0x26a58f5d00000000, + 0xe399026400000000, 0xa08d797300000000, 0xa382f18200000000, + 0xe0968a9500000000, 0x25aa07ac00000000, 0x66be7cbb00000000, + 0xafd31ddf00000000, 0xecc766c800000000, 0x29fbebf100000000, + 0x6aef90e600000000, 0xbb20293900000000, 0xf834522e00000000, + 0x3d08df1700000000, 0x7e1ca40000000000, 0xb771c56400000000, + 0xf465be7300000000, 0x3159334a00000000, 0x724d485d00000000, + 0xd2c0312e00000000, 0x91d44a3900000000, 0x54e8c70000000000, + 0x17fcbc1700000000, 0xde91dd7300000000, 0x9d85a66400000000, + 0x58b92b5d00000000, 0x1bad504a00000000, 0xca62e99500000000, + 0x8976928200000000, 0x4c4a1fbb00000000, 0x0f5e64ac00000000, + 0xc63305c800000000, 0x85277edf00000000, 0x401bf3e600000000, + 0x030f88f100000000, 0x070392de00000000, 0x4417e9c900000000, + 0x812b64f000000000, 0xc23f1fe700000000, 0x0b527e8300000000, + 0x4846059400000000, 0x8d7a88ad00000000, 0xce6ef3ba00000000, + 0x1fa14a6500000000, 0x5cb5317200000000, 0x9989bc4b00000000, + 0xda9dc75c00000000, 0x13f0a63800000000, 0x50e4dd2f00000000, + 0x95d8501600000000, 0xd6cc2b0100000000, 0x7641527200000000, + 0x3555296500000000, 0xf069a45c00000000, 0xb37ddf4b00000000, + 0x7a10be2f00000000, 0x3904c53800000000, 0xfc38480100000000, + 0xbf2c331600000000, 0x6ee38ac900000000, 0x2df7f1de00000000, + 0xe8cb7ce700000000, 0xabdf07f000000000, 0x62b2669400000000, + 0x21a61d8300000000, 0xe49a90ba00000000, 0xa78eebad00000000, + 0xa481635c00000000, 0xe795184b00000000, 0x22a9957200000000, + 0x61bdee6500000000, 0xa8d08f0100000000, 0xebc4f41600000000, + 0x2ef8792f00000000, 0x6dec023800000000, 0xbc23bbe700000000, + 0xff37c0f000000000, 0x3a0b4dc900000000, 0x791f36de00000000, + 0xb07257ba00000000, 0xf3662cad00000000, 0x365aa19400000000, + 0x754eda8300000000, 0xd5c3a3f000000000, 0x96d7d8e700000000, + 0x53eb55de00000000, 0x10ff2ec900000000, 0xd9924fad00000000, + 0x9a8634ba00000000, 0x5fbab98300000000, 0x1caec29400000000, + 0xcd617b4b00000000, 0x8e75005c00000000, 0x4b498d6500000000, + 0x085df67200000000, 0xc130971600000000, 0x8224ec0100000000, + 0x4718613800000000, 0x040c1a2f00000000, 0x4f00556600000000, + 0x0c142e7100000000, 0xc928a34800000000, 0x8a3cd85f00000000, + 0x4351b93b00000000, 0x0045c22c00000000, 0xc5794f1500000000, + 0x866d340200000000, 0x57a28ddd00000000, 0x14b6f6ca00000000, + 0xd18a7bf300000000, 0x929e00e400000000, 0x5bf3618000000000, + 0x18e71a9700000000, 0xdddb97ae00000000, 0x9ecfecb900000000, + 0x3e4295ca00000000, 0x7d56eedd00000000, 0xb86a63e400000000, + 0xfb7e18f300000000, 0x3213799700000000, 0x7107028000000000, + 0xb43b8fb900000000, 0xf72ff4ae00000000, 0x26e04d7100000000, + 0x65f4366600000000, 0xa0c8bb5f00000000, 0xe3dcc04800000000, + 0x2ab1a12c00000000, 0x69a5da3b00000000, 0xac99570200000000, + 0xef8d2c1500000000, 0xec82a4e400000000, 0xaf96dff300000000, + 0x6aaa52ca00000000, 0x29be29dd00000000, 0xe0d348b900000000, + 0xa3c733ae00000000, 0x66fbbe9700000000, 0x25efc58000000000, + 0xf4207c5f00000000, 0xb734074800000000, 0x72088a7100000000, + 0x311cf16600000000, 0xf871900200000000, 0xbb65eb1500000000, + 0x7e59662c00000000, 0x3d4d1d3b00000000, 0x9dc0644800000000, + 0xded41f5f00000000, 0x1be8926600000000, 0x58fce97100000000, + 0x9191881500000000, 0xd285f30200000000, 0x17b97e3b00000000, + 0x54ad052c00000000, 0x8562bcf300000000, 0xc676c7e400000000, + 0x034a4add00000000, 0x405e31ca00000000, 0x893350ae00000000, + 0xca272bb900000000, 0x0f1ba68000000000, 0x4c0fdd9700000000, + 0x4803c7b800000000, 0x0b17bcaf00000000, 0xce2b319600000000, + 0x8d3f4a8100000000, 0x44522be500000000, 0x074650f200000000, + 0xc27addcb00000000, 0x816ea6dc00000000, 0x50a11f0300000000, + 0x13b5641400000000, 0xd689e92d00000000, 0x959d923a00000000, + 0x5cf0f35e00000000, 0x1fe4884900000000, 0xdad8057000000000, + 0x99cc7e6700000000, 0x3941071400000000, 0x7a557c0300000000, + 0xbf69f13a00000000, 0xfc7d8a2d00000000, 0x3510eb4900000000, + 0x7604905e00000000, 0xb3381d6700000000, 0xf02c667000000000, + 0x21e3dfaf00000000, 0x62f7a4b800000000, 0xa7cb298100000000, + 0xe4df529600000000, 0x2db233f200000000, 0x6ea648e500000000, + 0xab9ac5dc00000000, 0xe88ebecb00000000, 0xeb81363a00000000, + 0xa8954d2d00000000, 0x6da9c01400000000, 0x2ebdbb0300000000, + 0xe7d0da6700000000, 0xa4c4a17000000000, 0x61f82c4900000000, + 0x22ec575e00000000, 0xf323ee8100000000, 0xb037959600000000, + 0x750b18af00000000, 0x361f63b800000000, 0xff7202dc00000000, + 0xbc6679cb00000000, 0x795af4f200000000, 0x3a4e8fe500000000, + 0x9ac3f69600000000, 0xd9d78d8100000000, 0x1ceb00b800000000, + 0x5fff7baf00000000, 0x96921acb00000000, 0xd58661dc00000000, + 0x10baece500000000, 0x53ae97f200000000, 0x82612e2d00000000, + 0xc175553a00000000, 0x0449d80300000000, 0x475da31400000000, + 0x8e30c27000000000, 0xcd24b96700000000, 0x0818345e00000000, + 0x4b0c4f4900000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x3e6bc2ef00000000, 0x3dd0f50400000000, + 0x03bb37eb00000000, 0x7aa0eb0900000000, 0x44cb29e600000000, + 0x47701e0d00000000, 0x791bdce200000000, 0xf440d71300000000, + 0xca2b15fc00000000, 0xc990221700000000, 0xf7fbe0f800000000, + 0x8ee03c1a00000000, 0xb08bfef500000000, 0xb330c91e00000000, + 0x8d5b0bf100000000, 0xe881ae2700000000, 0xd6ea6cc800000000, + 0xd5515b2300000000, 0xeb3a99cc00000000, 0x9221452e00000000, + 0xac4a87c100000000, 0xaff1b02a00000000, 0x919a72c500000000, + 0x1cc1793400000000, 0x22aabbdb00000000, 0x21118c3000000000, + 0x1f7a4edf00000000, 0x6661923d00000000, 0x580a50d200000000, + 0x5bb1673900000000, 0x65daa5d600000000, 0xd0035d4f00000000, + 0xee689fa000000000, 0xedd3a84b00000000, 0xd3b86aa400000000, + 0xaaa3b64600000000, 0x94c874a900000000, 0x9773434200000000, + 0xa91881ad00000000, 0x24438a5c00000000, 0x1a2848b300000000, + 0x19937f5800000000, 0x27f8bdb700000000, 0x5ee3615500000000, + 0x6088a3ba00000000, 0x6333945100000000, 0x5d5856be00000000, + 0x3882f36800000000, 0x06e9318700000000, 0x0552066c00000000, + 0x3b39c48300000000, 0x4222186100000000, 0x7c49da8e00000000, + 0x7ff2ed6500000000, 0x41992f8a00000000, 0xccc2247b00000000, + 0xf2a9e69400000000, 0xf112d17f00000000, 0xcf79139000000000, + 0xb662cf7200000000, 0x88090d9d00000000, 0x8bb23a7600000000, + 0xb5d9f89900000000, 0xa007ba9e00000000, 0x9e6c787100000000, + 0x9dd74f9a00000000, 0xa3bc8d7500000000, 0xdaa7519700000000, + 0xe4cc937800000000, 0xe777a49300000000, 0xd91c667c00000000, + 0x54476d8d00000000, 0x6a2caf6200000000, 0x6997988900000000, + 0x57fc5a6600000000, 0x2ee7868400000000, 0x108c446b00000000, + 0x1337738000000000, 0x2d5cb16f00000000, 0x488614b900000000, + 0x76edd65600000000, 0x7556e1bd00000000, 0x4b3d235200000000, + 0x3226ffb000000000, 0x0c4d3d5f00000000, 0x0ff60ab400000000, + 0x319dc85b00000000, 0xbcc6c3aa00000000, 0x82ad014500000000, + 0x811636ae00000000, 0xbf7df44100000000, 0xc66628a300000000, + 0xf80dea4c00000000, 0xfbb6dda700000000, 0xc5dd1f4800000000, + 0x7004e7d100000000, 0x4e6f253e00000000, 0x4dd412d500000000, + 0x73bfd03a00000000, 0x0aa40cd800000000, 0x34cfce3700000000, + 0x3774f9dc00000000, 0x091f3b3300000000, 0x844430c200000000, + 0xba2ff22d00000000, 0xb994c5c600000000, 0x87ff072900000000, + 0xfee4dbcb00000000, 0xc08f192400000000, 0xc3342ecf00000000, + 0xfd5fec2000000000, 0x988549f600000000, 0xa6ee8b1900000000, + 0xa555bcf200000000, 0x9b3e7e1d00000000, 0xe225a2ff00000000, + 0xdc4e601000000000, 0xdff557fb00000000, 0xe19e951400000000, + 0x6cc59ee500000000, 0x52ae5c0a00000000, 0x51156be100000000, + 0x6f7ea90e00000000, 0x166575ec00000000, 0x280eb70300000000, + 0x2bb580e800000000, 0x15de420700000000, 0x010905e600000000, + 0x3f62c70900000000, 0x3cd9f0e200000000, 0x02b2320d00000000, + 0x7ba9eeef00000000, 0x45c22c0000000000, 0x46791beb00000000, + 0x7812d90400000000, 0xf549d2f500000000, 0xcb22101a00000000, + 0xc89927f100000000, 0xf6f2e51e00000000, 0x8fe939fc00000000, + 0xb182fb1300000000, 0xb239ccf800000000, 0x8c520e1700000000, + 0xe988abc100000000, 0xd7e3692e00000000, 0xd4585ec500000000, + 0xea339c2a00000000, 0x932840c800000000, 0xad43822700000000, + 0xaef8b5cc00000000, 0x9093772300000000, 0x1dc87cd200000000, + 0x23a3be3d00000000, 0x201889d600000000, 0x1e734b3900000000, + 0x676897db00000000, 0x5903553400000000, 0x5ab862df00000000, + 0x64d3a03000000000, 0xd10a58a900000000, 0xef619a4600000000, + 0xecdaadad00000000, 0xd2b16f4200000000, 0xabaab3a000000000, + 0x95c1714f00000000, 0x967a46a400000000, 0xa811844b00000000, + 0x254a8fba00000000, 0x1b214d5500000000, 0x189a7abe00000000, + 0x26f1b85100000000, 0x5fea64b300000000, 0x6181a65c00000000, + 0x623a91b700000000, 0x5c51535800000000, 0x398bf68e00000000, + 0x07e0346100000000, 0x045b038a00000000, 0x3a30c16500000000, + 0x432b1d8700000000, 0x7d40df6800000000, 0x7efbe88300000000, + 0x40902a6c00000000, 0xcdcb219d00000000, 0xf3a0e37200000000, + 0xf01bd49900000000, 0xce70167600000000, 0xb76bca9400000000, + 0x8900087b00000000, 0x8abb3f9000000000, 0xb4d0fd7f00000000, + 0xa10ebf7800000000, 0x9f657d9700000000, 0x9cde4a7c00000000, + 0xa2b5889300000000, 0xdbae547100000000, 0xe5c5969e00000000, + 0xe67ea17500000000, 0xd815639a00000000, 0x554e686b00000000, + 0x6b25aa8400000000, 0x689e9d6f00000000, 0x56f55f8000000000, + 0x2fee836200000000, 0x1185418d00000000, 0x123e766600000000, + 0x2c55b48900000000, 0x498f115f00000000, 0x77e4d3b000000000, + 0x745fe45b00000000, 0x4a3426b400000000, 0x332ffa5600000000, + 0x0d4438b900000000, 0x0eff0f5200000000, 0x3094cdbd00000000, + 0xbdcfc64c00000000, 0x83a404a300000000, 0x801f334800000000, + 0xbe74f1a700000000, 0xc76f2d4500000000, 0xf904efaa00000000, + 0xfabfd84100000000, 0xc4d41aae00000000, 0x710de23700000000, + 0x4f6620d800000000, 0x4cdd173300000000, 0x72b6d5dc00000000, + 0x0bad093e00000000, 0x35c6cbd100000000, 0x367dfc3a00000000, + 0x08163ed500000000, 0x854d352400000000, 0xbb26f7cb00000000, + 0xb89dc02000000000, 0x86f602cf00000000, 0xffedde2d00000000, + 0xc1861cc200000000, 0xc23d2b2900000000, 0xfc56e9c600000000, + 0x998c4c1000000000, 0xa7e78eff00000000, 0xa45cb91400000000, + 0x9a377bfb00000000, 0xe32ca71900000000, 0xdd4765f600000000, + 0xdefc521d00000000, 0xe09790f200000000, 0x6dcc9b0300000000, + 0x53a759ec00000000, 0x501c6e0700000000, 0x6e77ace800000000, + 0x176c700a00000000, 0x2907b2e500000000, 0x2abc850e00000000, + 0x14d747e100000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xc0df8ec100000000, 0xc1b96c5800000000, + 0x0166e29900000000, 0x8273d9b000000000, 0x42ac577100000000, + 0x43cab5e800000000, 0x83153b2900000000, 0x45e1c3ba00000000, + 0x853e4d7b00000000, 0x8458afe200000000, 0x4487212300000000, + 0xc7921a0a00000000, 0x074d94cb00000000, 0x062b765200000000, + 0xc6f4f89300000000, 0xcbc4f6ae00000000, 0x0b1b786f00000000, + 0x0a7d9af600000000, 0xcaa2143700000000, 0x49b72f1e00000000, + 0x8968a1df00000000, 0x880e434600000000, 0x48d1cd8700000000, + 0x8e25351400000000, 0x4efabbd500000000, 0x4f9c594c00000000, + 0x8f43d78d00000000, 0x0c56eca400000000, 0xcc89626500000000, + 0xcdef80fc00000000, 0x0d300e3d00000000, 0xd78f9c8600000000, + 0x1750124700000000, 0x1636f0de00000000, 0xd6e97e1f00000000, + 0x55fc453600000000, 0x9523cbf700000000, 0x9445296e00000000, + 0x549aa7af00000000, 0x926e5f3c00000000, 0x52b1d1fd00000000, + 0x53d7336400000000, 0x9308bda500000000, 0x101d868c00000000, + 0xd0c2084d00000000, 0xd1a4ead400000000, 0x117b641500000000, + 0x1c4b6a2800000000, 0xdc94e4e900000000, 0xddf2067000000000, + 0x1d2d88b100000000, 0x9e38b39800000000, 0x5ee73d5900000000, + 0x5f81dfc000000000, 0x9f5e510100000000, 0x59aaa99200000000, + 0x9975275300000000, 0x9813c5ca00000000, 0x58cc4b0b00000000, + 0xdbd9702200000000, 0x1b06fee300000000, 0x1a601c7a00000000, + 0xdabf92bb00000000, 0xef1948d600000000, 0x2fc6c61700000000, + 0x2ea0248e00000000, 0xee7faa4f00000000, 0x6d6a916600000000, + 0xadb51fa700000000, 0xacd3fd3e00000000, 0x6c0c73ff00000000, + 0xaaf88b6c00000000, 0x6a2705ad00000000, 0x6b41e73400000000, + 0xab9e69f500000000, 0x288b52dc00000000, 0xe854dc1d00000000, + 0xe9323e8400000000, 0x29edb04500000000, 0x24ddbe7800000000, + 0xe40230b900000000, 0xe564d22000000000, 0x25bb5ce100000000, + 0xa6ae67c800000000, 0x6671e90900000000, 0x67170b9000000000, + 0xa7c8855100000000, 0x613c7dc200000000, 0xa1e3f30300000000, + 0xa085119a00000000, 0x605a9f5b00000000, 0xe34fa47200000000, + 0x23902ab300000000, 0x22f6c82a00000000, 0xe22946eb00000000, + 0x3896d45000000000, 0xf8495a9100000000, 0xf92fb80800000000, + 0x39f036c900000000, 0xbae50de000000000, 0x7a3a832100000000, + 0x7b5c61b800000000, 0xbb83ef7900000000, 0x7d7717ea00000000, + 0xbda8992b00000000, 0xbcce7bb200000000, 0x7c11f57300000000, + 0xff04ce5a00000000, 0x3fdb409b00000000, 0x3ebda20200000000, + 0xfe622cc300000000, 0xf35222fe00000000, 0x338dac3f00000000, + 0x32eb4ea600000000, 0xf234c06700000000, 0x7121fb4e00000000, + 0xb1fe758f00000000, 0xb098971600000000, 0x704719d700000000, + 0xb6b3e14400000000, 0x766c6f8500000000, 0x770a8d1c00000000, + 0xb7d503dd00000000, 0x34c038f400000000, 0xf41fb63500000000, + 0xf57954ac00000000, 0x35a6da6d00000000, 0x9f35e17700000000, + 0x5fea6fb600000000, 0x5e8c8d2f00000000, 0x9e5303ee00000000, + 0x1d4638c700000000, 0xdd99b60600000000, 0xdcff549f00000000, + 0x1c20da5e00000000, 0xdad422cd00000000, 0x1a0bac0c00000000, + 0x1b6d4e9500000000, 0xdbb2c05400000000, 0x58a7fb7d00000000, + 0x987875bc00000000, 0x991e972500000000, 0x59c119e400000000, + 0x54f117d900000000, 0x942e991800000000, 0x95487b8100000000, + 0x5597f54000000000, 0xd682ce6900000000, 0x165d40a800000000, + 0x173ba23100000000, 0xd7e42cf000000000, 0x1110d46300000000, + 0xd1cf5aa200000000, 0xd0a9b83b00000000, 0x107636fa00000000, + 0x93630dd300000000, 0x53bc831200000000, 0x52da618b00000000, + 0x9205ef4a00000000, 0x48ba7df100000000, 0x8865f33000000000, + 0x890311a900000000, 0x49dc9f6800000000, 0xcac9a44100000000, + 0x0a162a8000000000, 0x0b70c81900000000, 0xcbaf46d800000000, + 0x0d5bbe4b00000000, 0xcd84308a00000000, 0xcce2d21300000000, + 0x0c3d5cd200000000, 0x8f2867fb00000000, 0x4ff7e93a00000000, + 0x4e910ba300000000, 0x8e4e856200000000, 0x837e8b5f00000000, + 0x43a1059e00000000, 0x42c7e70700000000, 0x821869c600000000, + 0x010d52ef00000000, 0xc1d2dc2e00000000, 0xc0b43eb700000000, + 0x006bb07600000000, 0xc69f48e500000000, 0x0640c62400000000, + 0x072624bd00000000, 0xc7f9aa7c00000000, 0x44ec915500000000, + 0x84331f9400000000, 0x8555fd0d00000000, 0x458a73cc00000000, + 0x702ca9a100000000, 0xb0f3276000000000, 0xb195c5f900000000, + 0x714a4b3800000000, 0xf25f701100000000, 0x3280fed000000000, + 0x33e61c4900000000, 0xf339928800000000, 0x35cd6a1b00000000, + 0xf512e4da00000000, 0xf474064300000000, 0x34ab888200000000, + 0xb7beb3ab00000000, 0x77613d6a00000000, 0x7607dff300000000, + 0xb6d8513200000000, 0xbbe85f0f00000000, 0x7b37d1ce00000000, + 0x7a51335700000000, 0xba8ebd9600000000, 0x399b86bf00000000, + 0xf944087e00000000, 0xf822eae700000000, 0x38fd642600000000, + 0xfe099cb500000000, 0x3ed6127400000000, 0x3fb0f0ed00000000, + 0xff6f7e2c00000000, 0x7c7a450500000000, 0xbca5cbc400000000, + 0xbdc3295d00000000, 0x7d1ca79c00000000, 0xa7a3352700000000, + 0x677cbbe600000000, 0x661a597f00000000, 0xa6c5d7be00000000, + 0x25d0ec9700000000, 0xe50f625600000000, 0xe46980cf00000000, + 0x24b60e0e00000000, 0xe242f69d00000000, 0x229d785c00000000, + 0x23fb9ac500000000, 0xe324140400000000, 0x60312f2d00000000, + 0xa0eea1ec00000000, 0xa188437500000000, 0x6157cdb400000000, + 0x6c67c38900000000, 0xacb84d4800000000, 0xaddeafd100000000, + 0x6d01211000000000, 0xee141a3900000000, 0x2ecb94f800000000, + 0x2fad766100000000, 0xef72f8a000000000, 0x2986003300000000, + 0xe9598ef200000000, 0xe83f6c6b00000000, 0x28e0e2aa00000000, + 0xabf5d98300000000, 0x6b2a574200000000, 0x6a4cb5db00000000, + 0xaa933b1a00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x6f4ca59b00000000, 0x9f9e3bec00000000, + 0xf0d29e7700000000, 0x7f3b060300000000, 0x1077a39800000000, + 0xe0a53def00000000, 0x8fe9987400000000, 0xfe760c0600000000, + 0x913aa99d00000000, 0x61e837ea00000000, 0x0ea4927100000000, + 0x814d0a0500000000, 0xee01af9e00000000, 0x1ed331e900000000, + 0x719f947200000000, 0xfced180c00000000, 0x93a1bd9700000000, + 0x637323e000000000, 0x0c3f867b00000000, 0x83d61e0f00000000, + 0xec9abb9400000000, 0x1c4825e300000000, 0x7304807800000000, + 0x029b140a00000000, 0x6dd7b19100000000, 0x9d052fe600000000, + 0xf2498a7d00000000, 0x7da0120900000000, 0x12ecb79200000000, + 0xe23e29e500000000, 0x8d728c7e00000000, 0xf8db311800000000, + 0x9797948300000000, 0x67450af400000000, 0x0809af6f00000000, + 0x87e0371b00000000, 0xe8ac928000000000, 0x187e0cf700000000, + 0x7732a96c00000000, 0x06ad3d1e00000000, 0x69e1988500000000, + 0x993306f200000000, 0xf67fa36900000000, 0x79963b1d00000000, + 0x16da9e8600000000, 0xe60800f100000000, 0x8944a56a00000000, + 0x0436291400000000, 0x6b7a8c8f00000000, 0x9ba812f800000000, + 0xf4e4b76300000000, 0x7b0d2f1700000000, 0x14418a8c00000000, + 0xe49314fb00000000, 0x8bdfb16000000000, 0xfa40251200000000, + 0x950c808900000000, 0x65de1efe00000000, 0x0a92bb6500000000, + 0x857b231100000000, 0xea37868a00000000, 0x1ae518fd00000000, + 0x75a9bd6600000000, 0xf0b7633000000000, 0x9ffbc6ab00000000, + 0x6f2958dc00000000, 0x0065fd4700000000, 0x8f8c653300000000, + 0xe0c0c0a800000000, 0x10125edf00000000, 0x7f5efb4400000000, + 0x0ec16f3600000000, 0x618dcaad00000000, 0x915f54da00000000, + 0xfe13f14100000000, 0x71fa693500000000, 0x1eb6ccae00000000, + 0xee6452d900000000, 0x8128f74200000000, 0x0c5a7b3c00000000, + 0x6316dea700000000, 0x93c440d000000000, 0xfc88e54b00000000, + 0x73617d3f00000000, 0x1c2dd8a400000000, 0xecff46d300000000, + 0x83b3e34800000000, 0xf22c773a00000000, 0x9d60d2a100000000, + 0x6db24cd600000000, 0x02fee94d00000000, 0x8d17713900000000, + 0xe25bd4a200000000, 0x12894ad500000000, 0x7dc5ef4e00000000, + 0x086c522800000000, 0x6720f7b300000000, 0x97f269c400000000, + 0xf8becc5f00000000, 0x7757542b00000000, 0x181bf1b000000000, + 0xe8c96fc700000000, 0x8785ca5c00000000, 0xf61a5e2e00000000, + 0x9956fbb500000000, 0x698465c200000000, 0x06c8c05900000000, + 0x8921582d00000000, 0xe66dfdb600000000, 0x16bf63c100000000, + 0x79f3c65a00000000, 0xf4814a2400000000, 0x9bcdefbf00000000, + 0x6b1f71c800000000, 0x0453d45300000000, 0x8bba4c2700000000, + 0xe4f6e9bc00000000, 0x142477cb00000000, 0x7b68d25000000000, + 0x0af7462200000000, 0x65bbe3b900000000, 0x95697dce00000000, + 0xfa25d85500000000, 0x75cc402100000000, 0x1a80e5ba00000000, + 0xea527bcd00000000, 0x851ede5600000000, 0xe06fc76000000000, + 0x8f2362fb00000000, 0x7ff1fc8c00000000, 0x10bd591700000000, + 0x9f54c16300000000, 0xf01864f800000000, 0x00cafa8f00000000, + 0x6f865f1400000000, 0x1e19cb6600000000, 0x71556efd00000000, + 0x8187f08a00000000, 0xeecb551100000000, 0x6122cd6500000000, + 0x0e6e68fe00000000, 0xfebcf68900000000, 0x91f0531200000000, + 0x1c82df6c00000000, 0x73ce7af700000000, 0x831ce48000000000, + 0xec50411b00000000, 0x63b9d96f00000000, 0x0cf57cf400000000, + 0xfc27e28300000000, 0x936b471800000000, 0xe2f4d36a00000000, + 0x8db876f100000000, 0x7d6ae88600000000, 0x12264d1d00000000, + 0x9dcfd56900000000, 0xf28370f200000000, 0x0251ee8500000000, + 0x6d1d4b1e00000000, 0x18b4f67800000000, 0x77f853e300000000, + 0x872acd9400000000, 0xe866680f00000000, 0x678ff07b00000000, + 0x08c355e000000000, 0xf811cb9700000000, 0x975d6e0c00000000, + 0xe6c2fa7e00000000, 0x898e5fe500000000, 0x795cc19200000000, + 0x1610640900000000, 0x99f9fc7d00000000, 0xf6b559e600000000, + 0x0667c79100000000, 0x692b620a00000000, 0xe459ee7400000000, + 0x8b154bef00000000, 0x7bc7d59800000000, 0x148b700300000000, + 0x9b62e87700000000, 0xf42e4dec00000000, 0x04fcd39b00000000, + 0x6bb0760000000000, 0x1a2fe27200000000, 0x756347e900000000, + 0x85b1d99e00000000, 0xeafd7c0500000000, 0x6514e47100000000, + 0x0a5841ea00000000, 0xfa8adf9d00000000, 0x95c67a0600000000, + 0x10d8a45000000000, 0x7f9401cb00000000, 0x8f469fbc00000000, + 0xe00a3a2700000000, 0x6fe3a25300000000, 0x00af07c800000000, + 0xf07d99bf00000000, 0x9f313c2400000000, 0xeeaea85600000000, + 0x81e20dcd00000000, 0x713093ba00000000, 0x1e7c362100000000, + 0x9195ae5500000000, 0xfed90bce00000000, 0x0e0b95b900000000, + 0x6147302200000000, 0xec35bc5c00000000, 0x837919c700000000, + 0x73ab87b000000000, 0x1ce7222b00000000, 0x930eba5f00000000, + 0xfc421fc400000000, 0x0c9081b300000000, 0x63dc242800000000, + 0x1243b05a00000000, 0x7d0f15c100000000, 0x8ddd8bb600000000, + 0xe2912e2d00000000, 0x6d78b65900000000, 0x023413c200000000, + 0xf2e68db500000000, 0x9daa282e00000000, 0xe803954800000000, + 0x874f30d300000000, 0x779daea400000000, 0x18d10b3f00000000, + 0x9738934b00000000, 0xf87436d000000000, 0x08a6a8a700000000, + 0x67ea0d3c00000000, 0x1675994e00000000, 0x79393cd500000000, + 0x89eba2a200000000, 0xe6a7073900000000, 0x694e9f4d00000000, + 0x06023ad600000000, 0xf6d0a4a100000000, 0x999c013a00000000, + 0x14ee8d4400000000, 0x7ba228df00000000, 0x8b70b6a800000000, + 0xe43c133300000000, 0x6bd58b4700000000, 0x04992edc00000000, + 0xf44bb0ab00000000, 0x9b07153000000000, 0xea98814200000000, + 0x85d424d900000000, 0x7506baae00000000, 0x1a4a1f3500000000, + 0x95a3874100000000, 0xfaef22da00000000, 0x0a3dbcad00000000, + 0x6571193600000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x85d996dd00000000, 0x4bb55c6000000000, + 0xce6ccabd00000000, 0x966ab9c000000000, 0x13b32f1d00000000, + 0xdddfe5a000000000, 0x5806737d00000000, 0x6dd3035a00000000, + 0xe80a958700000000, 0x26665f3a00000000, 0xa3bfc9e700000000, + 0xfbb9ba9a00000000, 0x7e602c4700000000, 0xb00ce6fa00000000, + 0x35d5702700000000, 0xdaa607b400000000, 0x5f7f916900000000, + 0x91135bd400000000, 0x14cacd0900000000, 0x4cccbe7400000000, + 0xc91528a900000000, 0x0779e21400000000, 0x82a074c900000000, + 0xb77504ee00000000, 0x32ac923300000000, 0xfcc0588e00000000, + 0x7919ce5300000000, 0x211fbd2e00000000, 0xa4c62bf300000000, + 0x6aaae14e00000000, 0xef73779300000000, 0xf54b7eb300000000, + 0x7092e86e00000000, 0xbefe22d300000000, 0x3b27b40e00000000, + 0x6321c77300000000, 0xe6f851ae00000000, 0x28949b1300000000, + 0xad4d0dce00000000, 0x98987de900000000, 0x1d41eb3400000000, + 0xd32d218900000000, 0x56f4b75400000000, 0x0ef2c42900000000, + 0x8b2b52f400000000, 0x4547984900000000, 0xc09e0e9400000000, + 0x2fed790700000000, 0xaa34efda00000000, 0x6458256700000000, + 0xe181b3ba00000000, 0xb987c0c700000000, 0x3c5e561a00000000, + 0xf2329ca700000000, 0x77eb0a7a00000000, 0x423e7a5d00000000, + 0xc7e7ec8000000000, 0x098b263d00000000, 0x8c52b0e000000000, + 0xd454c39d00000000, 0x518d554000000000, 0x9fe19ffd00000000, + 0x1a38092000000000, 0xab918dbd00000000, 0x2e481b6000000000, + 0xe024d1dd00000000, 0x65fd470000000000, 0x3dfb347d00000000, + 0xb822a2a000000000, 0x764e681d00000000, 0xf397fec000000000, + 0xc6428ee700000000, 0x439b183a00000000, 0x8df7d28700000000, + 0x082e445a00000000, 0x5028372700000000, 0xd5f1a1fa00000000, + 0x1b9d6b4700000000, 0x9e44fd9a00000000, 0x71378a0900000000, + 0xf4ee1cd400000000, 0x3a82d66900000000, 0xbf5b40b400000000, + 0xe75d33c900000000, 0x6284a51400000000, 0xace86fa900000000, + 0x2931f97400000000, 0x1ce4895300000000, 0x993d1f8e00000000, + 0x5751d53300000000, 0xd28843ee00000000, 0x8a8e309300000000, + 0x0f57a64e00000000, 0xc13b6cf300000000, 0x44e2fa2e00000000, + 0x5edaf30e00000000, 0xdb0365d300000000, 0x156faf6e00000000, + 0x90b639b300000000, 0xc8b04ace00000000, 0x4d69dc1300000000, + 0x830516ae00000000, 0x06dc807300000000, 0x3309f05400000000, + 0xb6d0668900000000, 0x78bcac3400000000, 0xfd653ae900000000, + 0xa563499400000000, 0x20badf4900000000, 0xeed615f400000000, + 0x6b0f832900000000, 0x847cf4ba00000000, 0x01a5626700000000, + 0xcfc9a8da00000000, 0x4a103e0700000000, 0x12164d7a00000000, + 0x97cfdba700000000, 0x59a3111a00000000, 0xdc7a87c700000000, + 0xe9aff7e000000000, 0x6c76613d00000000, 0xa21aab8000000000, + 0x27c33d5d00000000, 0x7fc54e2000000000, 0xfa1cd8fd00000000, + 0x3470124000000000, 0xb1a9849d00000000, 0x17256aa000000000, + 0x92fcfc7d00000000, 0x5c9036c000000000, 0xd949a01d00000000, + 0x814fd36000000000, 0x049645bd00000000, 0xcafa8f0000000000, + 0x4f2319dd00000000, 0x7af669fa00000000, 0xff2fff2700000000, + 0x3143359a00000000, 0xb49aa34700000000, 0xec9cd03a00000000, + 0x694546e700000000, 0xa7298c5a00000000, 0x22f01a8700000000, + 0xcd836d1400000000, 0x485afbc900000000, 0x8636317400000000, + 0x03efa7a900000000, 0x5be9d4d400000000, 0xde30420900000000, + 0x105c88b400000000, 0x95851e6900000000, 0xa0506e4e00000000, + 0x2589f89300000000, 0xebe5322e00000000, 0x6e3ca4f300000000, + 0x363ad78e00000000, 0xb3e3415300000000, 0x7d8f8bee00000000, + 0xf8561d3300000000, 0xe26e141300000000, 0x67b782ce00000000, + 0xa9db487300000000, 0x2c02deae00000000, 0x7404add300000000, + 0xf1dd3b0e00000000, 0x3fb1f1b300000000, 0xba68676e00000000, + 0x8fbd174900000000, 0x0a64819400000000, 0xc4084b2900000000, + 0x41d1ddf400000000, 0x19d7ae8900000000, 0x9c0e385400000000, + 0x5262f2e900000000, 0xd7bb643400000000, 0x38c813a700000000, + 0xbd11857a00000000, 0x737d4fc700000000, 0xf6a4d91a00000000, + 0xaea2aa6700000000, 0x2b7b3cba00000000, 0xe517f60700000000, + 0x60ce60da00000000, 0x551b10fd00000000, 0xd0c2862000000000, + 0x1eae4c9d00000000, 0x9b77da4000000000, 0xc371a93d00000000, + 0x46a83fe000000000, 0x88c4f55d00000000, 0x0d1d638000000000, + 0xbcb4e71d00000000, 0x396d71c000000000, 0xf701bb7d00000000, + 0x72d82da000000000, 0x2ade5edd00000000, 0xaf07c80000000000, + 0x616b02bd00000000, 0xe4b2946000000000, 0xd167e44700000000, + 0x54be729a00000000, 0x9ad2b82700000000, 0x1f0b2efa00000000, + 0x470d5d8700000000, 0xc2d4cb5a00000000, 0x0cb801e700000000, + 0x8961973a00000000, 0x6612e0a900000000, 0xe3cb767400000000, + 0x2da7bcc900000000, 0xa87e2a1400000000, 0xf078596900000000, + 0x75a1cfb400000000, 0xbbcd050900000000, 0x3e1493d400000000, + 0x0bc1e3f300000000, 0x8e18752e00000000, 0x4074bf9300000000, + 0xc5ad294e00000000, 0x9dab5a3300000000, 0x1872ccee00000000, + 0xd61e065300000000, 0x53c7908e00000000, 0x49ff99ae00000000, + 0xcc260f7300000000, 0x024ac5ce00000000, 0x8793531300000000, + 0xdf95206e00000000, 0x5a4cb6b300000000, 0x94207c0e00000000, + 0x11f9ead300000000, 0x242c9af400000000, 0xa1f50c2900000000, + 0x6f99c69400000000, 0xea40504900000000, 0xb246233400000000, + 0x379fb5e900000000, 0xf9f37f5400000000, 0x7c2ae98900000000, + 0x93599e1a00000000, 0x168008c700000000, 0xd8ecc27a00000000, + 0x5d3554a700000000, 0x053327da00000000, 0x80eab10700000000, + 0x4e867bba00000000, 0xcb5fed6700000000, 0xfe8a9d4000000000, + 0x7b530b9d00000000, 0xb53fc12000000000, 0x30e657fd00000000, + 0x68e0248000000000, 0xed39b25d00000000, 0x235578e000000000, + 0xa68cee3d00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x76e10f9d00000000, 0xadc46ee100000000, + 0xdb25617c00000000, 0x1b8fac1900000000, 0x6d6ea38400000000, + 0xb64bc2f800000000, 0xc0aacd6500000000, 0x361e593300000000, + 0x40ff56ae00000000, 0x9bda37d200000000, 0xed3b384f00000000, + 0x2d91f52a00000000, 0x5b70fab700000000, 0x80559bcb00000000, + 0xf6b4945600000000, 0x6c3cb26600000000, 0x1addbdfb00000000, + 0xc1f8dc8700000000, 0xb719d31a00000000, 0x77b31e7f00000000, + 0x015211e200000000, 0xda77709e00000000, 0xac967f0300000000, + 0x5a22eb5500000000, 0x2cc3e4c800000000, 0xf7e685b400000000, + 0x81078a2900000000, 0x41ad474c00000000, 0x374c48d100000000, + 0xec6929ad00000000, 0x9a88263000000000, 0xd87864cd00000000, + 0xae996b5000000000, 0x75bc0a2c00000000, 0x035d05b100000000, + 0xc3f7c8d400000000, 0xb516c74900000000, 0x6e33a63500000000, + 0x18d2a9a800000000, 0xee663dfe00000000, 0x9887326300000000, + 0x43a2531f00000000, 0x35435c8200000000, 0xf5e991e700000000, + 0x83089e7a00000000, 0x582dff0600000000, 0x2eccf09b00000000, + 0xb444d6ab00000000, 0xc2a5d93600000000, 0x1980b84a00000000, + 0x6f61b7d700000000, 0xafcb7ab200000000, 0xd92a752f00000000, + 0x020f145300000000, 0x74ee1bce00000000, 0x825a8f9800000000, + 0xf4bb800500000000, 0x2f9ee17900000000, 0x597feee400000000, + 0x99d5238100000000, 0xef342c1c00000000, 0x34114d6000000000, + 0x42f042fd00000000, 0xf1f7b94100000000, 0x8716b6dc00000000, + 0x5c33d7a000000000, 0x2ad2d83d00000000, 0xea78155800000000, + 0x9c991ac500000000, 0x47bc7bb900000000, 0x315d742400000000, + 0xc7e9e07200000000, 0xb108efef00000000, 0x6a2d8e9300000000, + 0x1ccc810e00000000, 0xdc664c6b00000000, 0xaa8743f600000000, + 0x71a2228a00000000, 0x07432d1700000000, 0x9dcb0b2700000000, + 0xeb2a04ba00000000, 0x300f65c600000000, 0x46ee6a5b00000000, + 0x8644a73e00000000, 0xf0a5a8a300000000, 0x2b80c9df00000000, + 0x5d61c64200000000, 0xabd5521400000000, 0xdd345d8900000000, + 0x06113cf500000000, 0x70f0336800000000, 0xb05afe0d00000000, + 0xc6bbf19000000000, 0x1d9e90ec00000000, 0x6b7f9f7100000000, + 0x298fdd8c00000000, 0x5f6ed21100000000, 0x844bb36d00000000, + 0xf2aabcf000000000, 0x3200719500000000, 0x44e17e0800000000, + 0x9fc41f7400000000, 0xe92510e900000000, 0x1f9184bf00000000, + 0x69708b2200000000, 0xb255ea5e00000000, 0xc4b4e5c300000000, + 0x041e28a600000000, 0x72ff273b00000000, 0xa9da464700000000, + 0xdf3b49da00000000, 0x45b36fea00000000, 0x3352607700000000, + 0xe877010b00000000, 0x9e960e9600000000, 0x5e3cc3f300000000, + 0x28ddcc6e00000000, 0xf3f8ad1200000000, 0x8519a28f00000000, + 0x73ad36d900000000, 0x054c394400000000, 0xde69583800000000, + 0xa88857a500000000, 0x68229ac000000000, 0x1ec3955d00000000, + 0xc5e6f42100000000, 0xb307fbbc00000000, 0xe2ef738300000000, + 0x940e7c1e00000000, 0x4f2b1d6200000000, 0x39ca12ff00000000, + 0xf960df9a00000000, 0x8f81d00700000000, 0x54a4b17b00000000, + 0x2245bee600000000, 0xd4f12ab000000000, 0xa210252d00000000, + 0x7935445100000000, 0x0fd44bcc00000000, 0xcf7e86a900000000, + 0xb99f893400000000, 0x62bae84800000000, 0x145be7d500000000, + 0x8ed3c1e500000000, 0xf832ce7800000000, 0x2317af0400000000, + 0x55f6a09900000000, 0x955c6dfc00000000, 0xe3bd626100000000, + 0x3898031d00000000, 0x4e790c8000000000, 0xb8cd98d600000000, + 0xce2c974b00000000, 0x1509f63700000000, 0x63e8f9aa00000000, + 0xa34234cf00000000, 0xd5a33b5200000000, 0x0e865a2e00000000, + 0x786755b300000000, 0x3a97174e00000000, 0x4c7618d300000000, + 0x975379af00000000, 0xe1b2763200000000, 0x2118bb5700000000, + 0x57f9b4ca00000000, 0x8cdcd5b600000000, 0xfa3dda2b00000000, + 0x0c894e7d00000000, 0x7a6841e000000000, 0xa14d209c00000000, + 0xd7ac2f0100000000, 0x1706e26400000000, 0x61e7edf900000000, + 0xbac28c8500000000, 0xcc23831800000000, 0x56aba52800000000, + 0x204aaab500000000, 0xfb6fcbc900000000, 0x8d8ec45400000000, + 0x4d24093100000000, 0x3bc506ac00000000, 0xe0e067d000000000, + 0x9601684d00000000, 0x60b5fc1b00000000, 0x1654f38600000000, + 0xcd7192fa00000000, 0xbb909d6700000000, 0x7b3a500200000000, + 0x0ddb5f9f00000000, 0xd6fe3ee300000000, 0xa01f317e00000000, + 0x1318cac200000000, 0x65f9c55f00000000, 0xbedca42300000000, + 0xc83dabbe00000000, 0x089766db00000000, 0x7e76694600000000, + 0xa553083a00000000, 0xd3b207a700000000, 0x250693f100000000, + 0x53e79c6c00000000, 0x88c2fd1000000000, 0xfe23f28d00000000, + 0x3e893fe800000000, 0x4868307500000000, 0x934d510900000000, + 0xe5ac5e9400000000, 0x7f2478a400000000, 0x09c5773900000000, + 0xd2e0164500000000, 0xa40119d800000000, 0x64abd4bd00000000, + 0x124adb2000000000, 0xc96fba5c00000000, 0xbf8eb5c100000000, + 0x493a219700000000, 0x3fdb2e0a00000000, 0xe4fe4f7600000000, + 0x921f40eb00000000, 0x52b58d8e00000000, 0x2454821300000000, + 0xff71e36f00000000, 0x8990ecf200000000, 0xcb60ae0f00000000, + 0xbd81a19200000000, 0x66a4c0ee00000000, 0x1045cf7300000000, + 0xd0ef021600000000, 0xa60e0d8b00000000, 0x7d2b6cf700000000, + 0x0bca636a00000000, 0xfd7ef73c00000000, 0x8b9ff8a100000000, + 0x50ba99dd00000000, 0x265b964000000000, 0xe6f15b2500000000, + 0x901054b800000000, 0x4b3535c400000000, 0x3dd43a5900000000, + 0xa75c1c6900000000, 0xd1bd13f400000000, 0x0a98728800000000, + 0x7c797d1500000000, 0xbcd3b07000000000, 0xca32bfed00000000, + 0x1117de9100000000, 0x67f6d10c00000000, 0x9142455a00000000, + 0xe7a34ac700000000, 0x3c862bbb00000000, 0x4a67242600000000, + 0x8acde94300000000, 0xfc2ce6de00000000, 0x270987a200000000, + 0x51e8883f00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xe8dbfbb900000000, 0x91b186a800000000, + 0x796a7d1100000000, 0x63657c8a00000000, 0x8bbe873300000000, + 0xf2d4fa2200000000, 0x1a0f019b00000000, 0x87cc89cf00000000, + 0x6f17727600000000, 0x167d0f6700000000, 0xfea6f4de00000000, + 0xe4a9f54500000000, 0x0c720efc00000000, 0x751873ed00000000, + 0x9dc3885400000000, 0x4f9f624400000000, 0xa74499fd00000000, + 0xde2ee4ec00000000, 0x36f51f5500000000, 0x2cfa1ece00000000, + 0xc421e57700000000, 0xbd4b986600000000, 0x559063df00000000, + 0xc853eb8b00000000, 0x2088103200000000, 0x59e26d2300000000, + 0xb139969a00000000, 0xab36970100000000, 0x43ed6cb800000000, + 0x3a8711a900000000, 0xd25cea1000000000, 0x9e3ec58800000000, + 0x76e53e3100000000, 0x0f8f432000000000, 0xe754b89900000000, + 0xfd5bb90200000000, 0x158042bb00000000, 0x6cea3faa00000000, + 0x8431c41300000000, 0x19f24c4700000000, 0xf129b7fe00000000, + 0x8843caef00000000, 0x6098315600000000, 0x7a9730cd00000000, + 0x924ccb7400000000, 0xeb26b66500000000, 0x03fd4ddc00000000, + 0xd1a1a7cc00000000, 0x397a5c7500000000, 0x4010216400000000, + 0xa8cbdadd00000000, 0xb2c4db4600000000, 0x5a1f20ff00000000, + 0x23755dee00000000, 0xcbaea65700000000, 0x566d2e0300000000, + 0xbeb6d5ba00000000, 0xc7dca8ab00000000, 0x2f07531200000000, + 0x3508528900000000, 0xddd3a93000000000, 0xa4b9d42100000000, + 0x4c622f9800000000, 0x7d7bfbca00000000, 0x95a0007300000000, + 0xecca7d6200000000, 0x041186db00000000, 0x1e1e874000000000, + 0xf6c57cf900000000, 0x8faf01e800000000, 0x6774fa5100000000, + 0xfab7720500000000, 0x126c89bc00000000, 0x6b06f4ad00000000, + 0x83dd0f1400000000, 0x99d20e8f00000000, 0x7109f53600000000, + 0x0863882700000000, 0xe0b8739e00000000, 0x32e4998e00000000, + 0xda3f623700000000, 0xa3551f2600000000, 0x4b8ee49f00000000, + 0x5181e50400000000, 0xb95a1ebd00000000, 0xc03063ac00000000, + 0x28eb981500000000, 0xb528104100000000, 0x5df3ebf800000000, + 0x249996e900000000, 0xcc426d5000000000, 0xd64d6ccb00000000, + 0x3e96977200000000, 0x47fcea6300000000, 0xaf2711da00000000, + 0xe3453e4200000000, 0x0b9ec5fb00000000, 0x72f4b8ea00000000, + 0x9a2f435300000000, 0x802042c800000000, 0x68fbb97100000000, + 0x1191c46000000000, 0xf94a3fd900000000, 0x6489b78d00000000, + 0x8c524c3400000000, 0xf538312500000000, 0x1de3ca9c00000000, + 0x07eccb0700000000, 0xef3730be00000000, 0x965d4daf00000000, + 0x7e86b61600000000, 0xacda5c0600000000, 0x4401a7bf00000000, + 0x3d6bdaae00000000, 0xd5b0211700000000, 0xcfbf208c00000000, + 0x2764db3500000000, 0x5e0ea62400000000, 0xb6d55d9d00000000, + 0x2b16d5c900000000, 0xc3cd2e7000000000, 0xbaa7536100000000, + 0x527ca8d800000000, 0x4873a94300000000, 0xa0a852fa00000000, + 0xd9c22feb00000000, 0x3119d45200000000, 0xbbf0874e00000000, + 0x532b7cf700000000, 0x2a4101e600000000, 0xc29afa5f00000000, + 0xd895fbc400000000, 0x304e007d00000000, 0x49247d6c00000000, + 0xa1ff86d500000000, 0x3c3c0e8100000000, 0xd4e7f53800000000, + 0xad8d882900000000, 0x4556739000000000, 0x5f59720b00000000, + 0xb78289b200000000, 0xcee8f4a300000000, 0x26330f1a00000000, + 0xf46fe50a00000000, 0x1cb41eb300000000, 0x65de63a200000000, + 0x8d05981b00000000, 0x970a998000000000, 0x7fd1623900000000, + 0x06bb1f2800000000, 0xee60e49100000000, 0x73a36cc500000000, + 0x9b78977c00000000, 0xe212ea6d00000000, 0x0ac911d400000000, + 0x10c6104f00000000, 0xf81debf600000000, 0x817796e700000000, + 0x69ac6d5e00000000, 0x25ce42c600000000, 0xcd15b97f00000000, + 0xb47fc46e00000000, 0x5ca43fd700000000, 0x46ab3e4c00000000, + 0xae70c5f500000000, 0xd71ab8e400000000, 0x3fc1435d00000000, + 0xa202cb0900000000, 0x4ad930b000000000, 0x33b34da100000000, + 0xdb68b61800000000, 0xc167b78300000000, 0x29bc4c3a00000000, + 0x50d6312b00000000, 0xb80dca9200000000, 0x6a51208200000000, + 0x828adb3b00000000, 0xfbe0a62a00000000, 0x133b5d9300000000, + 0x09345c0800000000, 0xe1efa7b100000000, 0x9885daa000000000, + 0x705e211900000000, 0xed9da94d00000000, 0x054652f400000000, + 0x7c2c2fe500000000, 0x94f7d45c00000000, 0x8ef8d5c700000000, + 0x66232e7e00000000, 0x1f49536f00000000, 0xf792a8d600000000, + 0xc68b7c8400000000, 0x2e50873d00000000, 0x573afa2c00000000, + 0xbfe1019500000000, 0xa5ee000e00000000, 0x4d35fbb700000000, + 0x345f86a600000000, 0xdc847d1f00000000, 0x4147f54b00000000, + 0xa99c0ef200000000, 0xd0f673e300000000, 0x382d885a00000000, + 0x222289c100000000, 0xcaf9727800000000, 0xb3930f6900000000, + 0x5b48f4d000000000, 0x89141ec000000000, 0x61cfe57900000000, + 0x18a5986800000000, 0xf07e63d100000000, 0xea71624a00000000, + 0x02aa99f300000000, 0x7bc0e4e200000000, 0x931b1f5b00000000, + 0x0ed8970f00000000, 0xe6036cb600000000, 0x9f6911a700000000, + 0x77b2ea1e00000000, 0x6dbdeb8500000000, 0x8566103c00000000, + 0xfc0c6d2d00000000, 0x14d7969400000000, 0x58b5b90c00000000, + 0xb06e42b500000000, 0xc9043fa400000000, 0x21dfc41d00000000, + 0x3bd0c58600000000, 0xd30b3e3f00000000, 0xaa61432e00000000, + 0x42bab89700000000, 0xdf7930c300000000, 0x37a2cb7a00000000, + 0x4ec8b66b00000000, 0xa6134dd200000000, 0xbc1c4c4900000000, + 0x54c7b7f000000000, 0x2dadcae100000000, 0xc576315800000000, + 0x172adb4800000000, 0xfff120f100000000, 0x869b5de000000000, + 0x6e40a65900000000, 0x744fa7c200000000, 0x9c945c7b00000000, + 0xe5fe216a00000000, 0x0d25dad300000000, 0x90e6528700000000, + 0x783da93e00000000, 0x0157d42f00000000, 0xe98c2f9600000000, + 0xf3832e0d00000000, 0x1b58d5b400000000, 0x6232a8a500000000, + 0x8ae9531c00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x919168ae00000000, 0x6325a08700000000, + 0xf2b4c82900000000, 0x874c31d400000000, 0x16dd597a00000000, + 0xe469915300000000, 0x75f8f9fd00000000, 0x4f9f137300000000, + 0xde0e7bdd00000000, 0x2cbab3f400000000, 0xbd2bdb5a00000000, + 0xc8d322a700000000, 0x59424a0900000000, 0xabf6822000000000, + 0x3a67ea8e00000000, 0x9e3e27e600000000, 0x0faf4f4800000000, + 0xfd1b876100000000, 0x6c8aefcf00000000, 0x1972163200000000, + 0x88e37e9c00000000, 0x7a57b6b500000000, 0xebc6de1b00000000, + 0xd1a1349500000000, 0x40305c3b00000000, 0xb284941200000000, + 0x2315fcbc00000000, 0x56ed054100000000, 0xc77c6def00000000, + 0x35c8a5c600000000, 0xa459cd6800000000, 0x7d7b3f1700000000, + 0xecea57b900000000, 0x1e5e9f9000000000, 0x8fcff73e00000000, + 0xfa370ec300000000, 0x6ba6666d00000000, 0x9912ae4400000000, + 0x0883c6ea00000000, 0x32e42c6400000000, 0xa37544ca00000000, + 0x51c18ce300000000, 0xc050e44d00000000, 0xb5a81db000000000, + 0x2439751e00000000, 0xd68dbd3700000000, 0x471cd59900000000, + 0xe34518f100000000, 0x72d4705f00000000, 0x8060b87600000000, + 0x11f1d0d800000000, 0x6409292500000000, 0xf598418b00000000, + 0x072c89a200000000, 0x96bde10c00000000, 0xacda0b8200000000, + 0x3d4b632c00000000, 0xcfffab0500000000, 0x5e6ec3ab00000000, + 0x2b963a5600000000, 0xba0752f800000000, 0x48b39ad100000000, + 0xd922f27f00000000, 0xfaf67e2e00000000, 0x6b67168000000000, + 0x99d3dea900000000, 0x0842b60700000000, 0x7dba4ffa00000000, + 0xec2b275400000000, 0x1e9fef7d00000000, 0x8f0e87d300000000, + 0xb5696d5d00000000, 0x24f805f300000000, 0xd64ccdda00000000, + 0x47dda57400000000, 0x32255c8900000000, 0xa3b4342700000000, + 0x5100fc0e00000000, 0xc09194a000000000, 0x64c859c800000000, + 0xf559316600000000, 0x07edf94f00000000, 0x967c91e100000000, + 0xe384681c00000000, 0x721500b200000000, 0x80a1c89b00000000, + 0x1130a03500000000, 0x2b574abb00000000, 0xbac6221500000000, + 0x4872ea3c00000000, 0xd9e3829200000000, 0xac1b7b6f00000000, + 0x3d8a13c100000000, 0xcf3edbe800000000, 0x5eafb34600000000, + 0x878d413900000000, 0x161c299700000000, 0xe4a8e1be00000000, + 0x7539891000000000, 0x00c170ed00000000, 0x9150184300000000, + 0x63e4d06a00000000, 0xf275b8c400000000, 0xc812524a00000000, + 0x59833ae400000000, 0xab37f2cd00000000, 0x3aa69a6300000000, + 0x4f5e639e00000000, 0xdecf0b3000000000, 0x2c7bc31900000000, + 0xbdeaabb700000000, 0x19b366df00000000, 0x88220e7100000000, + 0x7a96c65800000000, 0xeb07aef600000000, 0x9eff570b00000000, + 0x0f6e3fa500000000, 0xfddaf78c00000000, 0x6c4b9f2200000000, + 0x562c75ac00000000, 0xc7bd1d0200000000, 0x3509d52b00000000, + 0xa498bd8500000000, 0xd160447800000000, 0x40f12cd600000000, + 0xb245e4ff00000000, 0x23d48c5100000000, 0xf4edfd5c00000000, + 0x657c95f200000000, 0x97c85ddb00000000, 0x0659357500000000, + 0x73a1cc8800000000, 0xe230a42600000000, 0x10846c0f00000000, + 0x811504a100000000, 0xbb72ee2f00000000, 0x2ae3868100000000, + 0xd8574ea800000000, 0x49c6260600000000, 0x3c3edffb00000000, + 0xadafb75500000000, 0x5f1b7f7c00000000, 0xce8a17d200000000, + 0x6ad3daba00000000, 0xfb42b21400000000, 0x09f67a3d00000000, + 0x9867129300000000, 0xed9feb6e00000000, 0x7c0e83c000000000, + 0x8eba4be900000000, 0x1f2b234700000000, 0x254cc9c900000000, + 0xb4dda16700000000, 0x4669694e00000000, 0xd7f801e000000000, + 0xa200f81d00000000, 0x339190b300000000, 0xc125589a00000000, + 0x50b4303400000000, 0x8996c24b00000000, 0x1807aae500000000, + 0xeab362cc00000000, 0x7b220a6200000000, 0x0edaf39f00000000, + 0x9f4b9b3100000000, 0x6dff531800000000, 0xfc6e3bb600000000, + 0xc609d13800000000, 0x5798b99600000000, 0xa52c71bf00000000, + 0x34bd191100000000, 0x4145e0ec00000000, 0xd0d4884200000000, + 0x2260406b00000000, 0xb3f128c500000000, 0x17a8e5ad00000000, + 0x86398d0300000000, 0x748d452a00000000, 0xe51c2d8400000000, + 0x90e4d47900000000, 0x0175bcd700000000, 0xf3c174fe00000000, + 0x62501c5000000000, 0x5837f6de00000000, 0xc9a69e7000000000, + 0x3b12565900000000, 0xaa833ef700000000, 0xdf7bc70a00000000, + 0x4eeaafa400000000, 0xbc5e678d00000000, 0x2dcf0f2300000000, + 0x0e1b837200000000, 0x9f8aebdc00000000, 0x6d3e23f500000000, + 0xfcaf4b5b00000000, 0x8957b2a600000000, 0x18c6da0800000000, + 0xea72122100000000, 0x7be37a8f00000000, 0x4184900100000000, + 0xd015f8af00000000, 0x22a1308600000000, 0xb330582800000000, + 0xc6c8a1d500000000, 0x5759c97b00000000, 0xa5ed015200000000, + 0x347c69fc00000000, 0x9025a49400000000, 0x01b4cc3a00000000, + 0xf300041300000000, 0x62916cbd00000000, 0x1769954000000000, + 0x86f8fdee00000000, 0x744c35c700000000, 0xe5dd5d6900000000, + 0xdfbab7e700000000, 0x4e2bdf4900000000, 0xbc9f176000000000, + 0x2d0e7fce00000000, 0x58f6863300000000, 0xc967ee9d00000000, + 0x3bd326b400000000, 0xaa424e1a00000000, 0x7360bc6500000000, + 0xe2f1d4cb00000000, 0x10451ce200000000, 0x81d4744c00000000, + 0xf42c8db100000000, 0x65bde51f00000000, 0x97092d3600000000, + 0x0698459800000000, 0x3cffaf1600000000, 0xad6ec7b800000000, + 0x5fda0f9100000000, 0xce4b673f00000000, 0xbbb39ec200000000, + 0x2a22f66c00000000, 0xd8963e4500000000, 0x490756eb00000000, + 0xed5e9b8300000000, 0x7ccff32d00000000, 0x8e7b3b0400000000, + 0x1fea53aa00000000, 0x6a12aa5700000000, 0xfb83c2f900000000, + 0x09370ad000000000, 0x98a6627e00000000, 0xa2c188f000000000, + 0x3350e05e00000000, 0xc1e4287700000000, 0x507540d900000000, + 0x258db92400000000, 0xb41cd18a00000000, 0x46a819a300000000, + 0xd739710d00000000}}; + +#else /* W == 4 */ + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xccaa009e, 0x4225077d, 0x8e8f07e3, 0x844a0efa, + 0x48e00e64, 0xc66f0987, 0x0ac50919, 0xd3e51bb5, 0x1f4f1b2b, + 0x91c01cc8, 0x5d6a1c56, 0x57af154f, 0x9b0515d1, 0x158a1232, + 0xd92012ac, 0x7cbb312b, 0xb01131b5, 0x3e9e3656, 0xf23436c8, + 0xf8f13fd1, 0x345b3f4f, 0xbad438ac, 0x767e3832, 0xaf5e2a9e, + 0x63f42a00, 0xed7b2de3, 0x21d12d7d, 0x2b142464, 0xe7be24fa, + 0x69312319, 0xa59b2387, 0xf9766256, 0x35dc62c8, 0xbb53652b, + 0x77f965b5, 0x7d3c6cac, 0xb1966c32, 0x3f196bd1, 0xf3b36b4f, + 0x2a9379e3, 0xe639797d, 0x68b67e9e, 0xa41c7e00, 0xaed97719, + 0x62737787, 0xecfc7064, 0x205670fa, 0x85cd537d, 0x496753e3, + 0xc7e85400, 0x0b42549e, 0x01875d87, 0xcd2d5d19, 0x43a25afa, + 0x8f085a64, 0x562848c8, 0x9a824856, 0x140d4fb5, 0xd8a74f2b, + 0xd2624632, 0x1ec846ac, 0x9047414f, 0x5ced41d1, 0x299dc2ed, + 0xe537c273, 0x6bb8c590, 0xa712c50e, 0xadd7cc17, 0x617dcc89, + 0xeff2cb6a, 0x2358cbf4, 0xfa78d958, 0x36d2d9c6, 0xb85dde25, + 0x74f7debb, 0x7e32d7a2, 0xb298d73c, 0x3c17d0df, 0xf0bdd041, + 0x5526f3c6, 0x998cf358, 0x1703f4bb, 0xdba9f425, 0xd16cfd3c, + 0x1dc6fda2, 0x9349fa41, 0x5fe3fadf, 0x86c3e873, 0x4a69e8ed, + 0xc4e6ef0e, 0x084cef90, 0x0289e689, 0xce23e617, 0x40ace1f4, + 0x8c06e16a, 0xd0eba0bb, 0x1c41a025, 0x92cea7c6, 0x5e64a758, + 0x54a1ae41, 0x980baedf, 0x1684a93c, 0xda2ea9a2, 0x030ebb0e, + 0xcfa4bb90, 0x412bbc73, 0x8d81bced, 0x8744b5f4, 0x4beeb56a, + 0xc561b289, 0x09cbb217, 0xac509190, 0x60fa910e, 0xee7596ed, + 0x22df9673, 0x281a9f6a, 0xe4b09ff4, 0x6a3f9817, 0xa6959889, + 0x7fb58a25, 0xb31f8abb, 0x3d908d58, 0xf13a8dc6, 0xfbff84df, + 0x37558441, 0xb9da83a2, 0x7570833c, 0x533b85da, 0x9f918544, + 0x111e82a7, 0xddb48239, 0xd7718b20, 0x1bdb8bbe, 0x95548c5d, + 0x59fe8cc3, 0x80de9e6f, 0x4c749ef1, 0xc2fb9912, 0x0e51998c, + 0x04949095, 0xc83e900b, 0x46b197e8, 0x8a1b9776, 0x2f80b4f1, + 0xe32ab46f, 0x6da5b38c, 0xa10fb312, 0xabcaba0b, 0x6760ba95, + 0xe9efbd76, 0x2545bde8, 0xfc65af44, 0x30cfafda, 0xbe40a839, + 0x72eaa8a7, 0x782fa1be, 0xb485a120, 0x3a0aa6c3, 0xf6a0a65d, + 0xaa4de78c, 0x66e7e712, 0xe868e0f1, 0x24c2e06f, 0x2e07e976, + 0xe2ade9e8, 0x6c22ee0b, 0xa088ee95, 0x79a8fc39, 0xb502fca7, + 0x3b8dfb44, 0xf727fbda, 0xfde2f2c3, 0x3148f25d, 0xbfc7f5be, + 0x736df520, 0xd6f6d6a7, 0x1a5cd639, 0x94d3d1da, 0x5879d144, + 0x52bcd85d, 0x9e16d8c3, 0x1099df20, 0xdc33dfbe, 0x0513cd12, + 0xc9b9cd8c, 0x4736ca6f, 0x8b9ccaf1, 0x8159c3e8, 0x4df3c376, + 0xc37cc495, 0x0fd6c40b, 0x7aa64737, 0xb60c47a9, 0x3883404a, + 0xf42940d4, 0xfeec49cd, 0x32464953, 0xbcc94eb0, 0x70634e2e, + 0xa9435c82, 0x65e95c1c, 0xeb665bff, 0x27cc5b61, 0x2d095278, + 0xe1a352e6, 0x6f2c5505, 0xa386559b, 0x061d761c, 0xcab77682, + 0x44387161, 0x889271ff, 0x825778e6, 0x4efd7878, 0xc0727f9b, + 0x0cd87f05, 0xd5f86da9, 0x19526d37, 0x97dd6ad4, 0x5b776a4a, + 0x51b26353, 0x9d1863cd, 0x1397642e, 0xdf3d64b0, 0x83d02561, + 0x4f7a25ff, 0xc1f5221c, 0x0d5f2282, 0x079a2b9b, 0xcb302b05, + 0x45bf2ce6, 0x89152c78, 0x50353ed4, 0x9c9f3e4a, 0x121039a9, + 0xdeba3937, 0xd47f302e, 0x18d530b0, 0x965a3753, 0x5af037cd, + 0xff6b144a, 0x33c114d4, 0xbd4e1337, 0x71e413a9, 0x7b211ab0, + 0xb78b1a2e, 0x39041dcd, 0xf5ae1d53, 0x2c8e0fff, 0xe0240f61, + 0x6eab0882, 0xa201081c, 0xa8c40105, 0x646e019b, 0xeae10678, + 0x264b06e6}, + {0x00000000, 0xa6770bb4, 0x979f1129, 0x31e81a9d, 0xf44f2413, + 0x52382fa7, 0x63d0353a, 0xc5a73e8e, 0x33ef4e67, 0x959845d3, + 0xa4705f4e, 0x020754fa, 0xc7a06a74, 0x61d761c0, 0x503f7b5d, + 0xf64870e9, 0x67de9cce, 0xc1a9977a, 0xf0418de7, 0x56368653, + 0x9391b8dd, 0x35e6b369, 0x040ea9f4, 0xa279a240, 0x5431d2a9, + 0xf246d91d, 0xc3aec380, 0x65d9c834, 0xa07ef6ba, 0x0609fd0e, + 0x37e1e793, 0x9196ec27, 0xcfbd399c, 0x69ca3228, 0x582228b5, + 0xfe552301, 0x3bf21d8f, 0x9d85163b, 0xac6d0ca6, 0x0a1a0712, + 0xfc5277fb, 0x5a257c4f, 0x6bcd66d2, 0xcdba6d66, 0x081d53e8, + 0xae6a585c, 0x9f8242c1, 0x39f54975, 0xa863a552, 0x0e14aee6, + 0x3ffcb47b, 0x998bbfcf, 0x5c2c8141, 0xfa5b8af5, 0xcbb39068, + 0x6dc49bdc, 0x9b8ceb35, 0x3dfbe081, 0x0c13fa1c, 0xaa64f1a8, + 0x6fc3cf26, 0xc9b4c492, 0xf85cde0f, 0x5e2bd5bb, 0x440b7579, + 0xe27c7ecd, 0xd3946450, 0x75e36fe4, 0xb044516a, 0x16335ade, + 0x27db4043, 0x81ac4bf7, 0x77e43b1e, 0xd19330aa, 0xe07b2a37, + 0x460c2183, 0x83ab1f0d, 0x25dc14b9, 0x14340e24, 0xb2430590, + 0x23d5e9b7, 0x85a2e203, 0xb44af89e, 0x123df32a, 0xd79acda4, + 0x71edc610, 0x4005dc8d, 0xe672d739, 0x103aa7d0, 0xb64dac64, + 0x87a5b6f9, 0x21d2bd4d, 0xe47583c3, 0x42028877, 0x73ea92ea, + 0xd59d995e, 0x8bb64ce5, 0x2dc14751, 0x1c295dcc, 0xba5e5678, + 0x7ff968f6, 0xd98e6342, 0xe86679df, 0x4e11726b, 0xb8590282, + 0x1e2e0936, 0x2fc613ab, 0x89b1181f, 0x4c162691, 0xea612d25, + 0xdb8937b8, 0x7dfe3c0c, 0xec68d02b, 0x4a1fdb9f, 0x7bf7c102, + 0xdd80cab6, 0x1827f438, 0xbe50ff8c, 0x8fb8e511, 0x29cfeea5, + 0xdf879e4c, 0x79f095f8, 0x48188f65, 0xee6f84d1, 0x2bc8ba5f, + 0x8dbfb1eb, 0xbc57ab76, 0x1a20a0c2, 0x8816eaf2, 0x2e61e146, + 0x1f89fbdb, 0xb9fef06f, 0x7c59cee1, 0xda2ec555, 0xebc6dfc8, + 0x4db1d47c, 0xbbf9a495, 0x1d8eaf21, 0x2c66b5bc, 0x8a11be08, + 0x4fb68086, 0xe9c18b32, 0xd82991af, 0x7e5e9a1b, 0xefc8763c, + 0x49bf7d88, 0x78576715, 0xde206ca1, 0x1b87522f, 0xbdf0599b, + 0x8c184306, 0x2a6f48b2, 0xdc27385b, 0x7a5033ef, 0x4bb82972, + 0xedcf22c6, 0x28681c48, 0x8e1f17fc, 0xbff70d61, 0x198006d5, + 0x47abd36e, 0xe1dcd8da, 0xd034c247, 0x7643c9f3, 0xb3e4f77d, + 0x1593fcc9, 0x247be654, 0x820cede0, 0x74449d09, 0xd23396bd, + 0xe3db8c20, 0x45ac8794, 0x800bb91a, 0x267cb2ae, 0x1794a833, + 0xb1e3a387, 0x20754fa0, 0x86024414, 0xb7ea5e89, 0x119d553d, + 0xd43a6bb3, 0x724d6007, 0x43a57a9a, 0xe5d2712e, 0x139a01c7, + 0xb5ed0a73, 0x840510ee, 0x22721b5a, 0xe7d525d4, 0x41a22e60, + 0x704a34fd, 0xd63d3f49, 0xcc1d9f8b, 0x6a6a943f, 0x5b828ea2, + 0xfdf58516, 0x3852bb98, 0x9e25b02c, 0xafcdaab1, 0x09baa105, + 0xfff2d1ec, 0x5985da58, 0x686dc0c5, 0xce1acb71, 0x0bbdf5ff, + 0xadcafe4b, 0x9c22e4d6, 0x3a55ef62, 0xabc30345, 0x0db408f1, + 0x3c5c126c, 0x9a2b19d8, 0x5f8c2756, 0xf9fb2ce2, 0xc813367f, + 0x6e643dcb, 0x982c4d22, 0x3e5b4696, 0x0fb35c0b, 0xa9c457bf, + 0x6c636931, 0xca146285, 0xfbfc7818, 0x5d8b73ac, 0x03a0a617, + 0xa5d7ada3, 0x943fb73e, 0x3248bc8a, 0xf7ef8204, 0x519889b0, + 0x6070932d, 0xc6079899, 0x304fe870, 0x9638e3c4, 0xa7d0f959, + 0x01a7f2ed, 0xc400cc63, 0x6277c7d7, 0x539fdd4a, 0xf5e8d6fe, + 0x647e3ad9, 0xc209316d, 0xf3e12bf0, 0x55962044, 0x90311eca, + 0x3646157e, 0x07ae0fe3, 0xa1d90457, 0x579174be, 0xf1e67f0a, + 0xc00e6597, 0x66796e23, 0xa3de50ad, 0x05a95b19, 0x34414184, + 0x92364a30}, + {0x00000000, 0xcb5cd3a5, 0x4dc8a10b, 0x869472ae, 0x9b914216, + 0x50cd91b3, 0xd659e31d, 0x1d0530b8, 0xec53826d, 0x270f51c8, + 0xa19b2366, 0x6ac7f0c3, 0x77c2c07b, 0xbc9e13de, 0x3a0a6170, + 0xf156b2d5, 0x03d6029b, 0xc88ad13e, 0x4e1ea390, 0x85427035, + 0x9847408d, 0x531b9328, 0xd58fe186, 0x1ed33223, 0xef8580f6, + 0x24d95353, 0xa24d21fd, 0x6911f258, 0x7414c2e0, 0xbf481145, + 0x39dc63eb, 0xf280b04e, 0x07ac0536, 0xccf0d693, 0x4a64a43d, + 0x81387798, 0x9c3d4720, 0x57619485, 0xd1f5e62b, 0x1aa9358e, + 0xebff875b, 0x20a354fe, 0xa6372650, 0x6d6bf5f5, 0x706ec54d, + 0xbb3216e8, 0x3da66446, 0xf6fab7e3, 0x047a07ad, 0xcf26d408, + 0x49b2a6a6, 0x82ee7503, 0x9feb45bb, 0x54b7961e, 0xd223e4b0, + 0x197f3715, 0xe82985c0, 0x23755665, 0xa5e124cb, 0x6ebdf76e, + 0x73b8c7d6, 0xb8e41473, 0x3e7066dd, 0xf52cb578, 0x0f580a6c, + 0xc404d9c9, 0x4290ab67, 0x89cc78c2, 0x94c9487a, 0x5f959bdf, + 0xd901e971, 0x125d3ad4, 0xe30b8801, 0x28575ba4, 0xaec3290a, + 0x659ffaaf, 0x789aca17, 0xb3c619b2, 0x35526b1c, 0xfe0eb8b9, + 0x0c8e08f7, 0xc7d2db52, 0x4146a9fc, 0x8a1a7a59, 0x971f4ae1, + 0x5c439944, 0xdad7ebea, 0x118b384f, 0xe0dd8a9a, 0x2b81593f, + 0xad152b91, 0x6649f834, 0x7b4cc88c, 0xb0101b29, 0x36846987, + 0xfdd8ba22, 0x08f40f5a, 0xc3a8dcff, 0x453cae51, 0x8e607df4, + 0x93654d4c, 0x58399ee9, 0xdeadec47, 0x15f13fe2, 0xe4a78d37, + 0x2ffb5e92, 0xa96f2c3c, 0x6233ff99, 0x7f36cf21, 0xb46a1c84, + 0x32fe6e2a, 0xf9a2bd8f, 0x0b220dc1, 0xc07ede64, 0x46eaacca, + 0x8db67f6f, 0x90b34fd7, 0x5bef9c72, 0xdd7beedc, 0x16273d79, + 0xe7718fac, 0x2c2d5c09, 0xaab92ea7, 0x61e5fd02, 0x7ce0cdba, + 0xb7bc1e1f, 0x31286cb1, 0xfa74bf14, 0x1eb014d8, 0xd5ecc77d, + 0x5378b5d3, 0x98246676, 0x852156ce, 0x4e7d856b, 0xc8e9f7c5, + 0x03b52460, 0xf2e396b5, 0x39bf4510, 0xbf2b37be, 0x7477e41b, + 0x6972d4a3, 0xa22e0706, 0x24ba75a8, 0xefe6a60d, 0x1d661643, + 0xd63ac5e6, 0x50aeb748, 0x9bf264ed, 0x86f75455, 0x4dab87f0, + 0xcb3ff55e, 0x006326fb, 0xf135942e, 0x3a69478b, 0xbcfd3525, + 0x77a1e680, 0x6aa4d638, 0xa1f8059d, 0x276c7733, 0xec30a496, + 0x191c11ee, 0xd240c24b, 0x54d4b0e5, 0x9f886340, 0x828d53f8, + 0x49d1805d, 0xcf45f2f3, 0x04192156, 0xf54f9383, 0x3e134026, + 0xb8873288, 0x73dbe12d, 0x6eded195, 0xa5820230, 0x2316709e, + 0xe84aa33b, 0x1aca1375, 0xd196c0d0, 0x5702b27e, 0x9c5e61db, + 0x815b5163, 0x4a0782c6, 0xcc93f068, 0x07cf23cd, 0xf6999118, + 0x3dc542bd, 0xbb513013, 0x700de3b6, 0x6d08d30e, 0xa65400ab, + 0x20c07205, 0xeb9ca1a0, 0x11e81eb4, 0xdab4cd11, 0x5c20bfbf, + 0x977c6c1a, 0x8a795ca2, 0x41258f07, 0xc7b1fda9, 0x0ced2e0c, + 0xfdbb9cd9, 0x36e74f7c, 0xb0733dd2, 0x7b2fee77, 0x662adecf, + 0xad760d6a, 0x2be27fc4, 0xe0beac61, 0x123e1c2f, 0xd962cf8a, + 0x5ff6bd24, 0x94aa6e81, 0x89af5e39, 0x42f38d9c, 0xc467ff32, + 0x0f3b2c97, 0xfe6d9e42, 0x35314de7, 0xb3a53f49, 0x78f9ecec, + 0x65fcdc54, 0xaea00ff1, 0x28347d5f, 0xe368aefa, 0x16441b82, + 0xdd18c827, 0x5b8cba89, 0x90d0692c, 0x8dd55994, 0x46898a31, + 0xc01df89f, 0x0b412b3a, 0xfa1799ef, 0x314b4a4a, 0xb7df38e4, + 0x7c83eb41, 0x6186dbf9, 0xaada085c, 0x2c4e7af2, 0xe712a957, + 0x15921919, 0xdececabc, 0x585ab812, 0x93066bb7, 0x8e035b0f, + 0x455f88aa, 0xc3cbfa04, 0x089729a1, 0xf9c19b74, 0x329d48d1, + 0xb4093a7f, 0x7f55e9da, 0x6250d962, 0xa90c0ac7, 0x2f987869, + 0xe4c4abcc}, + {0x00000000, 0x3d6029b0, 0x7ac05360, 0x47a07ad0, 0xf580a6c0, + 0xc8e08f70, 0x8f40f5a0, 0xb220dc10, 0x30704bc1, 0x0d106271, + 0x4ab018a1, 0x77d03111, 0xc5f0ed01, 0xf890c4b1, 0xbf30be61, + 0x825097d1, 0x60e09782, 0x5d80be32, 0x1a20c4e2, 0x2740ed52, + 0x95603142, 0xa80018f2, 0xefa06222, 0xd2c04b92, 0x5090dc43, + 0x6df0f5f3, 0x2a508f23, 0x1730a693, 0xa5107a83, 0x98705333, + 0xdfd029e3, 0xe2b00053, 0xc1c12f04, 0xfca106b4, 0xbb017c64, + 0x866155d4, 0x344189c4, 0x0921a074, 0x4e81daa4, 0x73e1f314, + 0xf1b164c5, 0xccd14d75, 0x8b7137a5, 0xb6111e15, 0x0431c205, + 0x3951ebb5, 0x7ef19165, 0x4391b8d5, 0xa121b886, 0x9c419136, + 0xdbe1ebe6, 0xe681c256, 0x54a11e46, 0x69c137f6, 0x2e614d26, + 0x13016496, 0x9151f347, 0xac31daf7, 0xeb91a027, 0xd6f18997, + 0x64d15587, 0x59b17c37, 0x1e1106e7, 0x23712f57, 0x58f35849, + 0x659371f9, 0x22330b29, 0x1f532299, 0xad73fe89, 0x9013d739, + 0xd7b3ade9, 0xead38459, 0x68831388, 0x55e33a38, 0x124340e8, + 0x2f236958, 0x9d03b548, 0xa0639cf8, 0xe7c3e628, 0xdaa3cf98, + 0x3813cfcb, 0x0573e67b, 0x42d39cab, 0x7fb3b51b, 0xcd93690b, + 0xf0f340bb, 0xb7533a6b, 0x8a3313db, 0x0863840a, 0x3503adba, + 0x72a3d76a, 0x4fc3feda, 0xfde322ca, 0xc0830b7a, 0x872371aa, + 0xba43581a, 0x9932774d, 0xa4525efd, 0xe3f2242d, 0xde920d9d, + 0x6cb2d18d, 0x51d2f83d, 0x167282ed, 0x2b12ab5d, 0xa9423c8c, + 0x9422153c, 0xd3826fec, 0xeee2465c, 0x5cc29a4c, 0x61a2b3fc, + 0x2602c92c, 0x1b62e09c, 0xf9d2e0cf, 0xc4b2c97f, 0x8312b3af, + 0xbe729a1f, 0x0c52460f, 0x31326fbf, 0x7692156f, 0x4bf23cdf, + 0xc9a2ab0e, 0xf4c282be, 0xb362f86e, 0x8e02d1de, 0x3c220dce, + 0x0142247e, 0x46e25eae, 0x7b82771e, 0xb1e6b092, 0x8c869922, + 0xcb26e3f2, 0xf646ca42, 0x44661652, 0x79063fe2, 0x3ea64532, + 0x03c66c82, 0x8196fb53, 0xbcf6d2e3, 0xfb56a833, 0xc6368183, + 0x74165d93, 0x49767423, 0x0ed60ef3, 0x33b62743, 0xd1062710, + 0xec660ea0, 0xabc67470, 0x96a65dc0, 0x248681d0, 0x19e6a860, + 0x5e46d2b0, 0x6326fb00, 0xe1766cd1, 0xdc164561, 0x9bb63fb1, + 0xa6d61601, 0x14f6ca11, 0x2996e3a1, 0x6e369971, 0x5356b0c1, + 0x70279f96, 0x4d47b626, 0x0ae7ccf6, 0x3787e546, 0x85a73956, + 0xb8c710e6, 0xff676a36, 0xc2074386, 0x4057d457, 0x7d37fde7, + 0x3a978737, 0x07f7ae87, 0xb5d77297, 0x88b75b27, 0xcf1721f7, + 0xf2770847, 0x10c70814, 0x2da721a4, 0x6a075b74, 0x576772c4, + 0xe547aed4, 0xd8278764, 0x9f87fdb4, 0xa2e7d404, 0x20b743d5, + 0x1dd76a65, 0x5a7710b5, 0x67173905, 0xd537e515, 0xe857cca5, + 0xaff7b675, 0x92979fc5, 0xe915e8db, 0xd475c16b, 0x93d5bbbb, + 0xaeb5920b, 0x1c954e1b, 0x21f567ab, 0x66551d7b, 0x5b3534cb, + 0xd965a31a, 0xe4058aaa, 0xa3a5f07a, 0x9ec5d9ca, 0x2ce505da, + 0x11852c6a, 0x562556ba, 0x6b457f0a, 0x89f57f59, 0xb49556e9, + 0xf3352c39, 0xce550589, 0x7c75d999, 0x4115f029, 0x06b58af9, + 0x3bd5a349, 0xb9853498, 0x84e51d28, 0xc34567f8, 0xfe254e48, + 0x4c059258, 0x7165bbe8, 0x36c5c138, 0x0ba5e888, 0x28d4c7df, + 0x15b4ee6f, 0x521494bf, 0x6f74bd0f, 0xdd54611f, 0xe03448af, + 0xa794327f, 0x9af41bcf, 0x18a48c1e, 0x25c4a5ae, 0x6264df7e, + 0x5f04f6ce, 0xed242ade, 0xd044036e, 0x97e479be, 0xaa84500e, + 0x4834505d, 0x755479ed, 0x32f4033d, 0x0f942a8d, 0xbdb4f69d, + 0x80d4df2d, 0xc774a5fd, 0xfa148c4d, 0x78441b9c, 0x4524322c, + 0x028448fc, 0x3fe4614c, 0x8dc4bd5c, 0xb0a494ec, 0xf704ee3c, + 0xca64c78c}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xb029603d, 0x6053c07a, 0xd07aa047, 0xc0a680f5, + 0x708fe0c8, 0xa0f5408f, 0x10dc20b2, 0xc14b7030, 0x7162100d, + 0xa118b04a, 0x1131d077, 0x01edf0c5, 0xb1c490f8, 0x61be30bf, + 0xd1975082, 0x8297e060, 0x32be805d, 0xe2c4201a, 0x52ed4027, + 0x42316095, 0xf21800a8, 0x2262a0ef, 0x924bc0d2, 0x43dc9050, + 0xf3f5f06d, 0x238f502a, 0x93a63017, 0x837a10a5, 0x33537098, + 0xe329d0df, 0x5300b0e2, 0x042fc1c1, 0xb406a1fc, 0x647c01bb, + 0xd4556186, 0xc4894134, 0x74a02109, 0xa4da814e, 0x14f3e173, + 0xc564b1f1, 0x754dd1cc, 0xa537718b, 0x151e11b6, 0x05c23104, + 0xb5eb5139, 0x6591f17e, 0xd5b89143, 0x86b821a1, 0x3691419c, + 0xe6ebe1db, 0x56c281e6, 0x461ea154, 0xf637c169, 0x264d612e, + 0x96640113, 0x47f35191, 0xf7da31ac, 0x27a091eb, 0x9789f1d6, + 0x8755d164, 0x377cb159, 0xe706111e, 0x572f7123, 0x4958f358, + 0xf9719365, 0x290b3322, 0x9922531f, 0x89fe73ad, 0x39d71390, + 0xe9adb3d7, 0x5984d3ea, 0x88138368, 0x383ae355, 0xe8404312, + 0x5869232f, 0x48b5039d, 0xf89c63a0, 0x28e6c3e7, 0x98cfa3da, + 0xcbcf1338, 0x7be67305, 0xab9cd342, 0x1bb5b37f, 0x0b6993cd, + 0xbb40f3f0, 0x6b3a53b7, 0xdb13338a, 0x0a846308, 0xbaad0335, + 0x6ad7a372, 0xdafec34f, 0xca22e3fd, 0x7a0b83c0, 0xaa712387, + 0x1a5843ba, 0x4d773299, 0xfd5e52a4, 0x2d24f2e3, 0x9d0d92de, + 0x8dd1b26c, 0x3df8d251, 0xed827216, 0x5dab122b, 0x8c3c42a9, + 0x3c152294, 0xec6f82d3, 0x5c46e2ee, 0x4c9ac25c, 0xfcb3a261, + 0x2cc90226, 0x9ce0621b, 0xcfe0d2f9, 0x7fc9b2c4, 0xafb31283, + 0x1f9a72be, 0x0f46520c, 0xbf6f3231, 0x6f159276, 0xdf3cf24b, + 0x0eaba2c9, 0xbe82c2f4, 0x6ef862b3, 0xded1028e, 0xce0d223c, + 0x7e244201, 0xae5ee246, 0x1e77827b, 0x92b0e6b1, 0x2299868c, + 0xf2e326cb, 0x42ca46f6, 0x52166644, 0xe23f0679, 0x3245a63e, + 0x826cc603, 0x53fb9681, 0xe3d2f6bc, 0x33a856fb, 0x838136c6, + 0x935d1674, 0x23747649, 0xf30ed60e, 0x4327b633, 0x102706d1, + 0xa00e66ec, 0x7074c6ab, 0xc05da696, 0xd0818624, 0x60a8e619, + 0xb0d2465e, 0x00fb2663, 0xd16c76e1, 0x614516dc, 0xb13fb69b, + 0x0116d6a6, 0x11caf614, 0xa1e39629, 0x7199366e, 0xc1b05653, + 0x969f2770, 0x26b6474d, 0xf6cce70a, 0x46e58737, 0x5639a785, + 0xe610c7b8, 0x366a67ff, 0x864307c2, 0x57d45740, 0xe7fd377d, + 0x3787973a, 0x87aef707, 0x9772d7b5, 0x275bb788, 0xf72117cf, + 0x470877f2, 0x1408c710, 0xa421a72d, 0x745b076a, 0xc4726757, + 0xd4ae47e5, 0x648727d8, 0xb4fd879f, 0x04d4e7a2, 0xd543b720, + 0x656ad71d, 0xb510775a, 0x05391767, 0x15e537d5, 0xa5cc57e8, + 0x75b6f7af, 0xc59f9792, 0xdbe815e9, 0x6bc175d4, 0xbbbbd593, + 0x0b92b5ae, 0x1b4e951c, 0xab67f521, 0x7b1d5566, 0xcb34355b, + 0x1aa365d9, 0xaa8a05e4, 0x7af0a5a3, 0xcad9c59e, 0xda05e52c, + 0x6a2c8511, 0xba562556, 0x0a7f456b, 0x597ff589, 0xe95695b4, + 0x392c35f3, 0x890555ce, 0x99d9757c, 0x29f01541, 0xf98ab506, + 0x49a3d53b, 0x983485b9, 0x281de584, 0xf86745c3, 0x484e25fe, + 0x5892054c, 0xe8bb6571, 0x38c1c536, 0x88e8a50b, 0xdfc7d428, + 0x6feeb415, 0xbf941452, 0x0fbd746f, 0x1f6154dd, 0xaf4834e0, + 0x7f3294a7, 0xcf1bf49a, 0x1e8ca418, 0xaea5c425, 0x7edf6462, + 0xcef6045f, 0xde2a24ed, 0x6e0344d0, 0xbe79e497, 0x0e5084aa, + 0x5d503448, 0xed795475, 0x3d03f432, 0x8d2a940f, 0x9df6b4bd, + 0x2ddfd480, 0xfda574c7, 0x4d8c14fa, 0x9c1b4478, 0x2c322445, + 0xfc488402, 0x4c61e43f, 0x5cbdc48d, 0xec94a4b0, 0x3cee04f7, + 0x8cc764ca}, + {0x00000000, 0xa5d35ccb, 0x0ba1c84d, 0xae729486, 0x1642919b, + 0xb391cd50, 0x1de359d6, 0xb830051d, 0x6d8253ec, 0xc8510f27, + 0x66239ba1, 0xc3f0c76a, 0x7bc0c277, 0xde139ebc, 0x70610a3a, + 0xd5b256f1, 0x9b02d603, 0x3ed18ac8, 0x90a31e4e, 0x35704285, + 0x8d404798, 0x28931b53, 0x86e18fd5, 0x2332d31e, 0xf68085ef, + 0x5353d924, 0xfd214da2, 0x58f21169, 0xe0c21474, 0x451148bf, + 0xeb63dc39, 0x4eb080f2, 0x3605ac07, 0x93d6f0cc, 0x3da4644a, + 0x98773881, 0x20473d9c, 0x85946157, 0x2be6f5d1, 0x8e35a91a, + 0x5b87ffeb, 0xfe54a320, 0x502637a6, 0xf5f56b6d, 0x4dc56e70, + 0xe81632bb, 0x4664a63d, 0xe3b7faf6, 0xad077a04, 0x08d426cf, + 0xa6a6b249, 0x0375ee82, 0xbb45eb9f, 0x1e96b754, 0xb0e423d2, + 0x15377f19, 0xc08529e8, 0x65567523, 0xcb24e1a5, 0x6ef7bd6e, + 0xd6c7b873, 0x7314e4b8, 0xdd66703e, 0x78b52cf5, 0x6c0a580f, + 0xc9d904c4, 0x67ab9042, 0xc278cc89, 0x7a48c994, 0xdf9b955f, + 0x71e901d9, 0xd43a5d12, 0x01880be3, 0xa45b5728, 0x0a29c3ae, + 0xaffa9f65, 0x17ca9a78, 0xb219c6b3, 0x1c6b5235, 0xb9b80efe, + 0xf7088e0c, 0x52dbd2c7, 0xfca94641, 0x597a1a8a, 0xe14a1f97, + 0x4499435c, 0xeaebd7da, 0x4f388b11, 0x9a8adde0, 0x3f59812b, + 0x912b15ad, 0x34f84966, 0x8cc84c7b, 0x291b10b0, 0x87698436, + 0x22bad8fd, 0x5a0ff408, 0xffdca8c3, 0x51ae3c45, 0xf47d608e, + 0x4c4d6593, 0xe99e3958, 0x47ecadde, 0xe23ff115, 0x378da7e4, + 0x925efb2f, 0x3c2c6fa9, 0x99ff3362, 0x21cf367f, 0x841c6ab4, + 0x2a6efe32, 0x8fbda2f9, 0xc10d220b, 0x64de7ec0, 0xcaacea46, + 0x6f7fb68d, 0xd74fb390, 0x729cef5b, 0xdcee7bdd, 0x793d2716, + 0xac8f71e7, 0x095c2d2c, 0xa72eb9aa, 0x02fde561, 0xbacde07c, + 0x1f1ebcb7, 0xb16c2831, 0x14bf74fa, 0xd814b01e, 0x7dc7ecd5, + 0xd3b57853, 0x76662498, 0xce562185, 0x6b857d4e, 0xc5f7e9c8, + 0x6024b503, 0xb596e3f2, 0x1045bf39, 0xbe372bbf, 0x1be47774, + 0xa3d47269, 0x06072ea2, 0xa875ba24, 0x0da6e6ef, 0x4316661d, + 0xe6c53ad6, 0x48b7ae50, 0xed64f29b, 0x5554f786, 0xf087ab4d, + 0x5ef53fcb, 0xfb266300, 0x2e9435f1, 0x8b47693a, 0x2535fdbc, + 0x80e6a177, 0x38d6a46a, 0x9d05f8a1, 0x33776c27, 0x96a430ec, + 0xee111c19, 0x4bc240d2, 0xe5b0d454, 0x4063889f, 0xf8538d82, + 0x5d80d149, 0xf3f245cf, 0x56211904, 0x83934ff5, 0x2640133e, + 0x883287b8, 0x2de1db73, 0x95d1de6e, 0x300282a5, 0x9e701623, + 0x3ba34ae8, 0x7513ca1a, 0xd0c096d1, 0x7eb20257, 0xdb615e9c, + 0x63515b81, 0xc682074a, 0x68f093cc, 0xcd23cf07, 0x189199f6, + 0xbd42c53d, 0x133051bb, 0xb6e30d70, 0x0ed3086d, 0xab0054a6, + 0x0572c020, 0xa0a19ceb, 0xb41ee811, 0x11cdb4da, 0xbfbf205c, + 0x1a6c7c97, 0xa25c798a, 0x078f2541, 0xa9fdb1c7, 0x0c2eed0c, + 0xd99cbbfd, 0x7c4fe736, 0xd23d73b0, 0x77ee2f7b, 0xcfde2a66, + 0x6a0d76ad, 0xc47fe22b, 0x61acbee0, 0x2f1c3e12, 0x8acf62d9, + 0x24bdf65f, 0x816eaa94, 0x395eaf89, 0x9c8df342, 0x32ff67c4, + 0x972c3b0f, 0x429e6dfe, 0xe74d3135, 0x493fa5b3, 0xececf978, + 0x54dcfc65, 0xf10fa0ae, 0x5f7d3428, 0xfaae68e3, 0x821b4416, + 0x27c818dd, 0x89ba8c5b, 0x2c69d090, 0x9459d58d, 0x318a8946, + 0x9ff81dc0, 0x3a2b410b, 0xef9917fa, 0x4a4a4b31, 0xe438dfb7, + 0x41eb837c, 0xf9db8661, 0x5c08daaa, 0xf27a4e2c, 0x57a912e7, + 0x19199215, 0xbccacede, 0x12b85a58, 0xb76b0693, 0x0f5b038e, + 0xaa885f45, 0x04facbc3, 0xa1299708, 0x749bc1f9, 0xd1489d32, + 0x7f3a09b4, 0xdae9557f, 0x62d95062, 0xc70a0ca9, 0x6978982f, + 0xccabc4e4}, + {0x00000000, 0xb40b77a6, 0x29119f97, 0x9d1ae831, 0x13244ff4, + 0xa72f3852, 0x3a35d063, 0x8e3ea7c5, 0x674eef33, 0xd3459895, + 0x4e5f70a4, 0xfa540702, 0x746aa0c7, 0xc061d761, 0x5d7b3f50, + 0xe97048f6, 0xce9cde67, 0x7a97a9c1, 0xe78d41f0, 0x53863656, + 0xddb89193, 0x69b3e635, 0xf4a90e04, 0x40a279a2, 0xa9d23154, + 0x1dd946f2, 0x80c3aec3, 0x34c8d965, 0xbaf67ea0, 0x0efd0906, + 0x93e7e137, 0x27ec9691, 0x9c39bdcf, 0x2832ca69, 0xb5282258, + 0x012355fe, 0x8f1df23b, 0x3b16859d, 0xa60c6dac, 0x12071a0a, + 0xfb7752fc, 0x4f7c255a, 0xd266cd6b, 0x666dbacd, 0xe8531d08, + 0x5c586aae, 0xc142829f, 0x7549f539, 0x52a563a8, 0xe6ae140e, + 0x7bb4fc3f, 0xcfbf8b99, 0x41812c5c, 0xf58a5bfa, 0x6890b3cb, + 0xdc9bc46d, 0x35eb8c9b, 0x81e0fb3d, 0x1cfa130c, 0xa8f164aa, + 0x26cfc36f, 0x92c4b4c9, 0x0fde5cf8, 0xbbd52b5e, 0x79750b44, + 0xcd7e7ce2, 0x506494d3, 0xe46fe375, 0x6a5144b0, 0xde5a3316, + 0x4340db27, 0xf74bac81, 0x1e3be477, 0xaa3093d1, 0x372a7be0, + 0x83210c46, 0x0d1fab83, 0xb914dc25, 0x240e3414, 0x900543b2, + 0xb7e9d523, 0x03e2a285, 0x9ef84ab4, 0x2af33d12, 0xa4cd9ad7, + 0x10c6ed71, 0x8ddc0540, 0x39d772e6, 0xd0a73a10, 0x64ac4db6, + 0xf9b6a587, 0x4dbdd221, 0xc38375e4, 0x77880242, 0xea92ea73, + 0x5e999dd5, 0xe54cb68b, 0x5147c12d, 0xcc5d291c, 0x78565eba, + 0xf668f97f, 0x42638ed9, 0xdf7966e8, 0x6b72114e, 0x820259b8, + 0x36092e1e, 0xab13c62f, 0x1f18b189, 0x9126164c, 0x252d61ea, + 0xb83789db, 0x0c3cfe7d, 0x2bd068ec, 0x9fdb1f4a, 0x02c1f77b, + 0xb6ca80dd, 0x38f42718, 0x8cff50be, 0x11e5b88f, 0xa5eecf29, + 0x4c9e87df, 0xf895f079, 0x658f1848, 0xd1846fee, 0x5fbac82b, + 0xebb1bf8d, 0x76ab57bc, 0xc2a0201a, 0xf2ea1688, 0x46e1612e, + 0xdbfb891f, 0x6ff0feb9, 0xe1ce597c, 0x55c52eda, 0xc8dfc6eb, + 0x7cd4b14d, 0x95a4f9bb, 0x21af8e1d, 0xbcb5662c, 0x08be118a, + 0x8680b64f, 0x328bc1e9, 0xaf9129d8, 0x1b9a5e7e, 0x3c76c8ef, + 0x887dbf49, 0x15675778, 0xa16c20de, 0x2f52871b, 0x9b59f0bd, + 0x0643188c, 0xb2486f2a, 0x5b3827dc, 0xef33507a, 0x7229b84b, + 0xc622cfed, 0x481c6828, 0xfc171f8e, 0x610df7bf, 0xd5068019, + 0x6ed3ab47, 0xdad8dce1, 0x47c234d0, 0xf3c94376, 0x7df7e4b3, + 0xc9fc9315, 0x54e67b24, 0xe0ed0c82, 0x099d4474, 0xbd9633d2, + 0x208cdbe3, 0x9487ac45, 0x1ab90b80, 0xaeb27c26, 0x33a89417, + 0x87a3e3b1, 0xa04f7520, 0x14440286, 0x895eeab7, 0x3d559d11, + 0xb36b3ad4, 0x07604d72, 0x9a7aa543, 0x2e71d2e5, 0xc7019a13, + 0x730aedb5, 0xee100584, 0x5a1b7222, 0xd425d5e7, 0x602ea241, + 0xfd344a70, 0x493f3dd6, 0x8b9f1dcc, 0x3f946a6a, 0xa28e825b, + 0x1685f5fd, 0x98bb5238, 0x2cb0259e, 0xb1aacdaf, 0x05a1ba09, + 0xecd1f2ff, 0x58da8559, 0xc5c06d68, 0x71cb1ace, 0xfff5bd0b, + 0x4bfecaad, 0xd6e4229c, 0x62ef553a, 0x4503c3ab, 0xf108b40d, + 0x6c125c3c, 0xd8192b9a, 0x56278c5f, 0xe22cfbf9, 0x7f3613c8, + 0xcb3d646e, 0x224d2c98, 0x96465b3e, 0x0b5cb30f, 0xbf57c4a9, + 0x3169636c, 0x856214ca, 0x1878fcfb, 0xac738b5d, 0x17a6a003, + 0xa3add7a5, 0x3eb73f94, 0x8abc4832, 0x0482eff7, 0xb0899851, + 0x2d937060, 0x999807c6, 0x70e84f30, 0xc4e33896, 0x59f9d0a7, + 0xedf2a701, 0x63cc00c4, 0xd7c77762, 0x4add9f53, 0xfed6e8f5, + 0xd93a7e64, 0x6d3109c2, 0xf02be1f3, 0x44209655, 0xca1e3190, + 0x7e154636, 0xe30fae07, 0x5704d9a1, 0xbe749157, 0x0a7fe6f1, + 0x97650ec0, 0x236e7966, 0xad50dea3, 0x195ba905, 0x84414134, + 0x304a3692}, + {0x00000000, 0x9e00aacc, 0x7d072542, 0xe3078f8e, 0xfa0e4a84, + 0x640ee048, 0x87096fc6, 0x1909c50a, 0xb51be5d3, 0x2b1b4f1f, + 0xc81cc091, 0x561c6a5d, 0x4f15af57, 0xd115059b, 0x32128a15, + 0xac1220d9, 0x2b31bb7c, 0xb53111b0, 0x56369e3e, 0xc83634f2, + 0xd13ff1f8, 0x4f3f5b34, 0xac38d4ba, 0x32387e76, 0x9e2a5eaf, + 0x002af463, 0xe32d7bed, 0x7d2dd121, 0x6424142b, 0xfa24bee7, + 0x19233169, 0x87239ba5, 0x566276f9, 0xc862dc35, 0x2b6553bb, + 0xb565f977, 0xac6c3c7d, 0x326c96b1, 0xd16b193f, 0x4f6bb3f3, + 0xe379932a, 0x7d7939e6, 0x9e7eb668, 0x007e1ca4, 0x1977d9ae, + 0x87777362, 0x6470fcec, 0xfa705620, 0x7d53cd85, 0xe3536749, + 0x0054e8c7, 0x9e54420b, 0x875d8701, 0x195d2dcd, 0xfa5aa243, + 0x645a088f, 0xc8482856, 0x5648829a, 0xb54f0d14, 0x2b4fa7d8, + 0x324662d2, 0xac46c81e, 0x4f414790, 0xd141ed5c, 0xedc29d29, + 0x73c237e5, 0x90c5b86b, 0x0ec512a7, 0x17ccd7ad, 0x89cc7d61, + 0x6acbf2ef, 0xf4cb5823, 0x58d978fa, 0xc6d9d236, 0x25de5db8, + 0xbbdef774, 0xa2d7327e, 0x3cd798b2, 0xdfd0173c, 0x41d0bdf0, + 0xc6f32655, 0x58f38c99, 0xbbf40317, 0x25f4a9db, 0x3cfd6cd1, + 0xa2fdc61d, 0x41fa4993, 0xdffae35f, 0x73e8c386, 0xede8694a, + 0x0eefe6c4, 0x90ef4c08, 0x89e68902, 0x17e623ce, 0xf4e1ac40, + 0x6ae1068c, 0xbba0ebd0, 0x25a0411c, 0xc6a7ce92, 0x58a7645e, + 0x41aea154, 0xdfae0b98, 0x3ca98416, 0xa2a92eda, 0x0ebb0e03, + 0x90bba4cf, 0x73bc2b41, 0xedbc818d, 0xf4b54487, 0x6ab5ee4b, + 0x89b261c5, 0x17b2cb09, 0x909150ac, 0x0e91fa60, 0xed9675ee, + 0x7396df22, 0x6a9f1a28, 0xf49fb0e4, 0x17983f6a, 0x899895a6, + 0x258ab57f, 0xbb8a1fb3, 0x588d903d, 0xc68d3af1, 0xdf84fffb, + 0x41845537, 0xa283dab9, 0x3c837075, 0xda853b53, 0x4485919f, + 0xa7821e11, 0x3982b4dd, 0x208b71d7, 0xbe8bdb1b, 0x5d8c5495, + 0xc38cfe59, 0x6f9ede80, 0xf19e744c, 0x1299fbc2, 0x8c99510e, + 0x95909404, 0x0b903ec8, 0xe897b146, 0x76971b8a, 0xf1b4802f, + 0x6fb42ae3, 0x8cb3a56d, 0x12b30fa1, 0x0bbacaab, 0x95ba6067, + 0x76bdefe9, 0xe8bd4525, 0x44af65fc, 0xdaafcf30, 0x39a840be, + 0xa7a8ea72, 0xbea12f78, 0x20a185b4, 0xc3a60a3a, 0x5da6a0f6, + 0x8ce74daa, 0x12e7e766, 0xf1e068e8, 0x6fe0c224, 0x76e9072e, + 0xe8e9ade2, 0x0bee226c, 0x95ee88a0, 0x39fca879, 0xa7fc02b5, + 0x44fb8d3b, 0xdafb27f7, 0xc3f2e2fd, 0x5df24831, 0xbef5c7bf, + 0x20f56d73, 0xa7d6f6d6, 0x39d65c1a, 0xdad1d394, 0x44d17958, + 0x5dd8bc52, 0xc3d8169e, 0x20df9910, 0xbedf33dc, 0x12cd1305, + 0x8ccdb9c9, 0x6fca3647, 0xf1ca9c8b, 0xe8c35981, 0x76c3f34d, + 0x95c47cc3, 0x0bc4d60f, 0x3747a67a, 0xa9470cb6, 0x4a408338, + 0xd44029f4, 0xcd49ecfe, 0x53494632, 0xb04ec9bc, 0x2e4e6370, + 0x825c43a9, 0x1c5ce965, 0xff5b66eb, 0x615bcc27, 0x7852092d, + 0xe652a3e1, 0x05552c6f, 0x9b5586a3, 0x1c761d06, 0x8276b7ca, + 0x61713844, 0xff719288, 0xe6785782, 0x7878fd4e, 0x9b7f72c0, + 0x057fd80c, 0xa96df8d5, 0x376d5219, 0xd46add97, 0x4a6a775b, + 0x5363b251, 0xcd63189d, 0x2e649713, 0xb0643ddf, 0x6125d083, + 0xff257a4f, 0x1c22f5c1, 0x82225f0d, 0x9b2b9a07, 0x052b30cb, + 0xe62cbf45, 0x782c1589, 0xd43e3550, 0x4a3e9f9c, 0xa9391012, + 0x3739bade, 0x2e307fd4, 0xb030d518, 0x53375a96, 0xcd37f05a, + 0x4a146bff, 0xd414c133, 0x37134ebd, 0xa913e471, 0xb01a217b, + 0x2e1a8bb7, 0xcd1d0439, 0x531daef5, 0xff0f8e2c, 0x610f24e0, + 0x8208ab6e, 0x1c0801a2, 0x0501c4a8, 0x9b016e64, 0x7806e1ea, + 0xe6064b26}}; + #endif - } -}; + +#endif + +#if N == 3 + +#if W == 8 + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x81256527, 0xd93bcc0f, 0x581ea928, 0x69069e5f, + 0xe823fb78, 0xb03d5250, 0x31183777, 0xd20d3cbe, 0x53285999, + 0x0b36f0b1, 0x8a139596, 0xbb0ba2e1, 0x3a2ec7c6, 0x62306eee, + 0xe3150bc9, 0x7f6b7f3d, 0xfe4e1a1a, 0xa650b332, 0x2775d615, + 0x166de162, 0x97488445, 0xcf562d6d, 0x4e73484a, 0xad664383, + 0x2c4326a4, 0x745d8f8c, 0xf578eaab, 0xc460dddc, 0x4545b8fb, + 0x1d5b11d3, 0x9c7e74f4, 0xfed6fe7a, 0x7ff39b5d, 0x27ed3275, + 0xa6c85752, 0x97d06025, 0x16f50502, 0x4eebac2a, 0xcfcec90d, + 0x2cdbc2c4, 0xadfea7e3, 0xf5e00ecb, 0x74c56bec, 0x45dd5c9b, + 0xc4f839bc, 0x9ce69094, 0x1dc3f5b3, 0x81bd8147, 0x0098e460, + 0x58864d48, 0xd9a3286f, 0xe8bb1f18, 0x699e7a3f, 0x3180d317, + 0xb0a5b630, 0x53b0bdf9, 0xd295d8de, 0x8a8b71f6, 0x0bae14d1, + 0x3ab623a6, 0xbb934681, 0xe38defa9, 0x62a88a8e, 0x26dcfab5, + 0xa7f99f92, 0xffe736ba, 0x7ec2539d, 0x4fda64ea, 0xceff01cd, + 0x96e1a8e5, 0x17c4cdc2, 0xf4d1c60b, 0x75f4a32c, 0x2dea0a04, + 0xaccf6f23, 0x9dd75854, 0x1cf23d73, 0x44ec945b, 0xc5c9f17c, + 0x59b78588, 0xd892e0af, 0x808c4987, 0x01a92ca0, 0x30b11bd7, + 0xb1947ef0, 0xe98ad7d8, 0x68afb2ff, 0x8bbab936, 0x0a9fdc11, + 0x52817539, 0xd3a4101e, 0xe2bc2769, 0x6399424e, 0x3b87eb66, + 0xbaa28e41, 0xd80a04cf, 0x592f61e8, 0x0131c8c0, 0x8014ade7, + 0xb10c9a90, 0x3029ffb7, 0x6837569f, 0xe91233b8, 0x0a073871, + 0x8b225d56, 0xd33cf47e, 0x52199159, 0x6301a62e, 0xe224c309, + 0xba3a6a21, 0x3b1f0f06, 0xa7617bf2, 0x26441ed5, 0x7e5ab7fd, + 0xff7fd2da, 0xce67e5ad, 0x4f42808a, 0x175c29a2, 0x96794c85, + 0x756c474c, 0xf449226b, 0xac578b43, 0x2d72ee64, 0x1c6ad913, + 0x9d4fbc34, 0xc551151c, 0x4474703b, 0x4db9f56a, 0xcc9c904d, + 0x94823965, 0x15a75c42, 0x24bf6b35, 0xa59a0e12, 0xfd84a73a, + 0x7ca1c21d, 0x9fb4c9d4, 0x1e91acf3, 0x468f05db, 0xc7aa60fc, + 0xf6b2578b, 0x779732ac, 0x2f899b84, 0xaeacfea3, 0x32d28a57, + 0xb3f7ef70, 0xebe94658, 0x6acc237f, 0x5bd41408, 0xdaf1712f, + 0x82efd807, 0x03cabd20, 0xe0dfb6e9, 0x61fad3ce, 0x39e47ae6, + 0xb8c11fc1, 0x89d928b6, 0x08fc4d91, 0x50e2e4b9, 0xd1c7819e, + 0xb36f0b10, 0x324a6e37, 0x6a54c71f, 0xeb71a238, 0xda69954f, + 0x5b4cf068, 0x03525940, 0x82773c67, 0x616237ae, 0xe0475289, + 0xb859fba1, 0x397c9e86, 0x0864a9f1, 0x8941ccd6, 0xd15f65fe, + 0x507a00d9, 0xcc04742d, 0x4d21110a, 0x153fb822, 0x941add05, + 0xa502ea72, 0x24278f55, 0x7c39267d, 0xfd1c435a, 0x1e094893, + 0x9f2c2db4, 0xc732849c, 0x4617e1bb, 0x770fd6cc, 0xf62ab3eb, + 0xae341ac3, 0x2f117fe4, 0x6b650fdf, 0xea406af8, 0xb25ec3d0, + 0x337ba6f7, 0x02639180, 0x8346f4a7, 0xdb585d8f, 0x5a7d38a8, + 0xb9683361, 0x384d5646, 0x6053ff6e, 0xe1769a49, 0xd06ead3e, + 0x514bc819, 0x09556131, 0x88700416, 0x140e70e2, 0x952b15c5, + 0xcd35bced, 0x4c10d9ca, 0x7d08eebd, 0xfc2d8b9a, 0xa43322b2, + 0x25164795, 0xc6034c5c, 0x4726297b, 0x1f388053, 0x9e1de574, + 0xaf05d203, 0x2e20b724, 0x763e1e0c, 0xf71b7b2b, 0x95b3f1a5, + 0x14969482, 0x4c883daa, 0xcdad588d, 0xfcb56ffa, 0x7d900add, + 0x258ea3f5, 0xa4abc6d2, 0x47becd1b, 0xc69ba83c, 0x9e850114, + 0x1fa06433, 0x2eb85344, 0xaf9d3663, 0xf7839f4b, 0x76a6fa6c, + 0xead88e98, 0x6bfdebbf, 0x33e34297, 0xb2c627b0, 0x83de10c7, + 0x02fb75e0, 0x5ae5dcc8, 0xdbc0b9ef, 0x38d5b226, 0xb9f0d701, + 0xe1ee7e29, 0x60cb1b0e, 0x51d32c79, 0xd0f6495e, 0x88e8e076, + 0x09cd8551}, + {0x00000000, 0x9b73ead4, 0xed96d3e9, 0x76e5393d, 0x005ca193, + 0x9b2f4b47, 0xedca727a, 0x76b998ae, 0x00b94326, 0x9bcaa9f2, + 0xed2f90cf, 0x765c7a1b, 0x00e5e2b5, 0x9b960861, 0xed73315c, + 0x7600db88, 0x0172864c, 0x9a016c98, 0xece455a5, 0x7797bf71, + 0x012e27df, 0x9a5dcd0b, 0xecb8f436, 0x77cb1ee2, 0x01cbc56a, + 0x9ab82fbe, 0xec5d1683, 0x772efc57, 0x019764f9, 0x9ae48e2d, + 0xec01b710, 0x77725dc4, 0x02e50c98, 0x9996e64c, 0xef73df71, + 0x740035a5, 0x02b9ad0b, 0x99ca47df, 0xef2f7ee2, 0x745c9436, + 0x025c4fbe, 0x992fa56a, 0xefca9c57, 0x74b97683, 0x0200ee2d, + 0x997304f9, 0xef963dc4, 0x74e5d710, 0x03978ad4, 0x98e46000, + 0xee01593d, 0x7572b3e9, 0x03cb2b47, 0x98b8c193, 0xee5df8ae, + 0x752e127a, 0x032ec9f2, 0x985d2326, 0xeeb81a1b, 0x75cbf0cf, + 0x03726861, 0x980182b5, 0xeee4bb88, 0x7597515c, 0x05ca1930, + 0x9eb9f3e4, 0xe85ccad9, 0x732f200d, 0x0596b8a3, 0x9ee55277, + 0xe8006b4a, 0x7373819e, 0x05735a16, 0x9e00b0c2, 0xe8e589ff, + 0x7396632b, 0x052ffb85, 0x9e5c1151, 0xe8b9286c, 0x73cac2b8, + 0x04b89f7c, 0x9fcb75a8, 0xe92e4c95, 0x725da641, 0x04e43eef, + 0x9f97d43b, 0xe972ed06, 0x720107d2, 0x0401dc5a, 0x9f72368e, + 0xe9970fb3, 0x72e4e567, 0x045d7dc9, 0x9f2e971d, 0xe9cbae20, + 0x72b844f4, 0x072f15a8, 0x9c5cff7c, 0xeab9c641, 0x71ca2c95, + 0x0773b43b, 0x9c005eef, 0xeae567d2, 0x71968d06, 0x0796568e, + 0x9ce5bc5a, 0xea008567, 0x71736fb3, 0x07caf71d, 0x9cb91dc9, + 0xea5c24f4, 0x712fce20, 0x065d93e4, 0x9d2e7930, 0xebcb400d, + 0x70b8aad9, 0x06013277, 0x9d72d8a3, 0xeb97e19e, 0x70e40b4a, + 0x06e4d0c2, 0x9d973a16, 0xeb72032b, 0x7001e9ff, 0x06b87151, + 0x9dcb9b85, 0xeb2ea2b8, 0x705d486c, 0x0b943260, 0x90e7d8b4, + 0xe602e189, 0x7d710b5d, 0x0bc893f3, 0x90bb7927, 0xe65e401a, + 0x7d2daace, 0x0b2d7146, 0x905e9b92, 0xe6bba2af, 0x7dc8487b, + 0x0b71d0d5, 0x90023a01, 0xe6e7033c, 0x7d94e9e8, 0x0ae6b42c, + 0x91955ef8, 0xe77067c5, 0x7c038d11, 0x0aba15bf, 0x91c9ff6b, + 0xe72cc656, 0x7c5f2c82, 0x0a5ff70a, 0x912c1dde, 0xe7c924e3, + 0x7cbace37, 0x0a035699, 0x9170bc4d, 0xe7958570, 0x7ce66fa4, + 0x09713ef8, 0x9202d42c, 0xe4e7ed11, 0x7f9407c5, 0x092d9f6b, + 0x925e75bf, 0xe4bb4c82, 0x7fc8a656, 0x09c87dde, 0x92bb970a, + 0xe45eae37, 0x7f2d44e3, 0x0994dc4d, 0x92e73699, 0xe4020fa4, + 0x7f71e570, 0x0803b8b4, 0x93705260, 0xe5956b5d, 0x7ee68189, + 0x085f1927, 0x932cf3f3, 0xe5c9cace, 0x7eba201a, 0x08bafb92, + 0x93c91146, 0xe52c287b, 0x7e5fc2af, 0x08e65a01, 0x9395b0d5, + 0xe57089e8, 0x7e03633c, 0x0e5e2b50, 0x952dc184, 0xe3c8f8b9, + 0x78bb126d, 0x0e028ac3, 0x95716017, 0xe394592a, 0x78e7b3fe, + 0x0ee76876, 0x959482a2, 0xe371bb9f, 0x7802514b, 0x0ebbc9e5, + 0x95c82331, 0xe32d1a0c, 0x785ef0d8, 0x0f2cad1c, 0x945f47c8, + 0xe2ba7ef5, 0x79c99421, 0x0f700c8f, 0x9403e65b, 0xe2e6df66, + 0x799535b2, 0x0f95ee3a, 0x94e604ee, 0xe2033dd3, 0x7970d707, + 0x0fc94fa9, 0x94baa57d, 0xe25f9c40, 0x792c7694, 0x0cbb27c8, + 0x97c8cd1c, 0xe12df421, 0x7a5e1ef5, 0x0ce7865b, 0x97946c8f, + 0xe17155b2, 0x7a02bf66, 0x0c0264ee, 0x97718e3a, 0xe194b707, + 0x7ae75dd3, 0x0c5ec57d, 0x972d2fa9, 0xe1c81694, 0x7abbfc40, + 0x0dc9a184, 0x96ba4b50, 0xe05f726d, 0x7b2c98b9, 0x0d950017, + 0x96e6eac3, 0xe003d3fe, 0x7b70392a, 0x0d70e2a2, 0x96030876, + 0xe0e6314b, 0x7b95db9f, 0x0d2c4331, 0x965fa9e5, 0xe0ba90d8, + 0x7bc97a0c}, + {0x00000000, 0x172864c0, 0x2e50c980, 0x3978ad40, 0x5ca19300, + 0x4b89f7c0, 0x72f15a80, 0x65d93e40, 0xb9432600, 0xae6b42c0, + 0x9713ef80, 0x803b8b40, 0xe5e2b500, 0xf2cad1c0, 0xcbb27c80, + 0xdc9a1840, 0xa9f74a41, 0xbedf2e81, 0x87a783c1, 0x908fe701, + 0xf556d941, 0xe27ebd81, 0xdb0610c1, 0xcc2e7401, 0x10b46c41, + 0x079c0881, 0x3ee4a5c1, 0x29ccc101, 0x4c15ff41, 0x5b3d9b81, + 0x624536c1, 0x756d5201, 0x889f92c3, 0x9fb7f603, 0xa6cf5b43, + 0xb1e73f83, 0xd43e01c3, 0xc3166503, 0xfa6ec843, 0xed46ac83, + 0x31dcb4c3, 0x26f4d003, 0x1f8c7d43, 0x08a41983, 0x6d7d27c3, + 0x7a554303, 0x432dee43, 0x54058a83, 0x2168d882, 0x3640bc42, + 0x0f381102, 0x181075c2, 0x7dc94b82, 0x6ae12f42, 0x53998202, + 0x44b1e6c2, 0x982bfe82, 0x8f039a42, 0xb67b3702, 0xa15353c2, + 0xc48a6d82, 0xd3a20942, 0xeadaa402, 0xfdf2c0c2, 0xca4e23c7, + 0xdd664707, 0xe41eea47, 0xf3368e87, 0x96efb0c7, 0x81c7d407, + 0xb8bf7947, 0xaf971d87, 0x730d05c7, 0x64256107, 0x5d5dcc47, + 0x4a75a887, 0x2fac96c7, 0x3884f207, 0x01fc5f47, 0x16d43b87, + 0x63b96986, 0x74910d46, 0x4de9a006, 0x5ac1c4c6, 0x3f18fa86, + 0x28309e46, 0x11483306, 0x066057c6, 0xdafa4f86, 0xcdd22b46, + 0xf4aa8606, 0xe382e2c6, 0x865bdc86, 0x9173b846, 0xa80b1506, + 0xbf2371c6, 0x42d1b104, 0x55f9d5c4, 0x6c817884, 0x7ba91c44, + 0x1e702204, 0x095846c4, 0x3020eb84, 0x27088f44, 0xfb929704, + 0xecbaf3c4, 0xd5c25e84, 0xc2ea3a44, 0xa7330404, 0xb01b60c4, + 0x8963cd84, 0x9e4ba944, 0xeb26fb45, 0xfc0e9f85, 0xc57632c5, + 0xd25e5605, 0xb7876845, 0xa0af0c85, 0x99d7a1c5, 0x8effc505, + 0x5265dd45, 0x454db985, 0x7c3514c5, 0x6b1d7005, 0x0ec44e45, + 0x19ec2a85, 0x209487c5, 0x37bce305, 0x4fed41cf, 0x58c5250f, + 0x61bd884f, 0x7695ec8f, 0x134cd2cf, 0x0464b60f, 0x3d1c1b4f, + 0x2a347f8f, 0xf6ae67cf, 0xe186030f, 0xd8feae4f, 0xcfd6ca8f, + 0xaa0ff4cf, 0xbd27900f, 0x845f3d4f, 0x9377598f, 0xe61a0b8e, + 0xf1326f4e, 0xc84ac20e, 0xdf62a6ce, 0xbabb988e, 0xad93fc4e, + 0x94eb510e, 0x83c335ce, 0x5f592d8e, 0x4871494e, 0x7109e40e, + 0x662180ce, 0x03f8be8e, 0x14d0da4e, 0x2da8770e, 0x3a8013ce, + 0xc772d30c, 0xd05ab7cc, 0xe9221a8c, 0xfe0a7e4c, 0x9bd3400c, + 0x8cfb24cc, 0xb583898c, 0xa2abed4c, 0x7e31f50c, 0x691991cc, + 0x50613c8c, 0x4749584c, 0x2290660c, 0x35b802cc, 0x0cc0af8c, + 0x1be8cb4c, 0x6e85994d, 0x79adfd8d, 0x40d550cd, 0x57fd340d, + 0x32240a4d, 0x250c6e8d, 0x1c74c3cd, 0x0b5ca70d, 0xd7c6bf4d, + 0xc0eedb8d, 0xf99676cd, 0xeebe120d, 0x8b672c4d, 0x9c4f488d, + 0xa537e5cd, 0xb21f810d, 0x85a36208, 0x928b06c8, 0xabf3ab88, + 0xbcdbcf48, 0xd902f108, 0xce2a95c8, 0xf7523888, 0xe07a5c48, + 0x3ce04408, 0x2bc820c8, 0x12b08d88, 0x0598e948, 0x6041d708, + 0x7769b3c8, 0x4e111e88, 0x59397a48, 0x2c542849, 0x3b7c4c89, + 0x0204e1c9, 0x152c8509, 0x70f5bb49, 0x67dddf89, 0x5ea572c9, + 0x498d1609, 0x95170e49, 0x823f6a89, 0xbb47c7c9, 0xac6fa309, + 0xc9b69d49, 0xde9ef989, 0xe7e654c9, 0xf0ce3009, 0x0d3cf0cb, + 0x1a14940b, 0x236c394b, 0x34445d8b, 0x519d63cb, 0x46b5070b, + 0x7fcdaa4b, 0x68e5ce8b, 0xb47fd6cb, 0xa357b20b, 0x9a2f1f4b, + 0x8d077b8b, 0xe8de45cb, 0xfff6210b, 0xc68e8c4b, 0xd1a6e88b, + 0xa4cbba8a, 0xb3e3de4a, 0x8a9b730a, 0x9db317ca, 0xf86a298a, + 0xef424d4a, 0xd63ae00a, 0xc11284ca, 0x1d889c8a, 0x0aa0f84a, + 0x33d8550a, 0x24f031ca, 0x41290f8a, 0x56016b4a, 0x6f79c60a, + 0x7851a2ca}, + {0x00000000, 0x9fda839e, 0xe4c4017d, 0x7b1e82e3, 0x12f904bb, + 0x8d238725, 0xf63d05c6, 0x69e78658, 0x25f20976, 0xba288ae8, + 0xc136080b, 0x5eec8b95, 0x370b0dcd, 0xa8d18e53, 0xd3cf0cb0, + 0x4c158f2e, 0x4be412ec, 0xd43e9172, 0xaf201391, 0x30fa900f, + 0x591d1657, 0xc6c795c9, 0xbdd9172a, 0x220394b4, 0x6e161b9a, + 0xf1cc9804, 0x8ad21ae7, 0x15089979, 0x7cef1f21, 0xe3359cbf, + 0x982b1e5c, 0x07f19dc2, 0x97c825d8, 0x0812a646, 0x730c24a5, + 0xecd6a73b, 0x85312163, 0x1aeba2fd, 0x61f5201e, 0xfe2fa380, + 0xb23a2cae, 0x2de0af30, 0x56fe2dd3, 0xc924ae4d, 0xa0c32815, + 0x3f19ab8b, 0x44072968, 0xdbddaaf6, 0xdc2c3734, 0x43f6b4aa, + 0x38e83649, 0xa732b5d7, 0xced5338f, 0x510fb011, 0x2a1132f2, + 0xb5cbb16c, 0xf9de3e42, 0x6604bddc, 0x1d1a3f3f, 0x82c0bca1, + 0xeb273af9, 0x74fdb967, 0x0fe33b84, 0x9039b81a, 0xf4e14df1, + 0x6b3bce6f, 0x10254c8c, 0x8fffcf12, 0xe618494a, 0x79c2cad4, + 0x02dc4837, 0x9d06cba9, 0xd1134487, 0x4ec9c719, 0x35d745fa, + 0xaa0dc664, 0xc3ea403c, 0x5c30c3a2, 0x272e4141, 0xb8f4c2df, + 0xbf055f1d, 0x20dfdc83, 0x5bc15e60, 0xc41bddfe, 0xadfc5ba6, + 0x3226d838, 0x49385adb, 0xd6e2d945, 0x9af7566b, 0x052dd5f5, + 0x7e335716, 0xe1e9d488, 0x880e52d0, 0x17d4d14e, 0x6cca53ad, + 0xf310d033, 0x63296829, 0xfcf3ebb7, 0x87ed6954, 0x1837eaca, + 0x71d06c92, 0xee0aef0c, 0x95146def, 0x0aceee71, 0x46db615f, + 0xd901e2c1, 0xa21f6022, 0x3dc5e3bc, 0x542265e4, 0xcbf8e67a, + 0xb0e66499, 0x2f3ce707, 0x28cd7ac5, 0xb717f95b, 0xcc097bb8, + 0x53d3f826, 0x3a347e7e, 0xa5eefde0, 0xdef07f03, 0x412afc9d, + 0x0d3f73b3, 0x92e5f02d, 0xe9fb72ce, 0x7621f150, 0x1fc67708, + 0x801cf496, 0xfb027675, 0x64d8f5eb, 0x32b39da3, 0xad691e3d, + 0xd6779cde, 0x49ad1f40, 0x204a9918, 0xbf901a86, 0xc48e9865, + 0x5b541bfb, 0x174194d5, 0x889b174b, 0xf38595a8, 0x6c5f1636, + 0x05b8906e, 0x9a6213f0, 0xe17c9113, 0x7ea6128d, 0x79578f4f, + 0xe68d0cd1, 0x9d938e32, 0x02490dac, 0x6bae8bf4, 0xf474086a, + 0x8f6a8a89, 0x10b00917, 0x5ca58639, 0xc37f05a7, 0xb8618744, + 0x27bb04da, 0x4e5c8282, 0xd186011c, 0xaa9883ff, 0x35420061, + 0xa57bb87b, 0x3aa13be5, 0x41bfb906, 0xde653a98, 0xb782bcc0, + 0x28583f5e, 0x5346bdbd, 0xcc9c3e23, 0x8089b10d, 0x1f533293, + 0x644db070, 0xfb9733ee, 0x9270b5b6, 0x0daa3628, 0x76b4b4cb, + 0xe96e3755, 0xee9faa97, 0x71452909, 0x0a5babea, 0x95812874, + 0xfc66ae2c, 0x63bc2db2, 0x18a2af51, 0x87782ccf, 0xcb6da3e1, + 0x54b7207f, 0x2fa9a29c, 0xb0732102, 0xd994a75a, 0x464e24c4, + 0x3d50a627, 0xa28a25b9, 0xc652d052, 0x598853cc, 0x2296d12f, + 0xbd4c52b1, 0xd4abd4e9, 0x4b715777, 0x306fd594, 0xafb5560a, + 0xe3a0d924, 0x7c7a5aba, 0x0764d859, 0x98be5bc7, 0xf159dd9f, + 0x6e835e01, 0x159ddce2, 0x8a475f7c, 0x8db6c2be, 0x126c4120, + 0x6972c3c3, 0xf6a8405d, 0x9f4fc605, 0x0095459b, 0x7b8bc778, + 0xe45144e6, 0xa844cbc8, 0x379e4856, 0x4c80cab5, 0xd35a492b, + 0xbabdcf73, 0x25674ced, 0x5e79ce0e, 0xc1a34d90, 0x519af58a, + 0xce407614, 0xb55ef4f7, 0x2a847769, 0x4363f131, 0xdcb972af, + 0xa7a7f04c, 0x387d73d2, 0x7468fcfc, 0xebb27f62, 0x90acfd81, + 0x0f767e1f, 0x6691f847, 0xf94b7bd9, 0x8255f93a, 0x1d8f7aa4, + 0x1a7ee766, 0x85a464f8, 0xfebae61b, 0x61606585, 0x0887e3dd, + 0x975d6043, 0xec43e2a0, 0x7399613e, 0x3f8cee10, 0xa0566d8e, + 0xdb48ef6d, 0x44926cf3, 0x2d75eaab, 0xb2af6935, 0xc9b1ebd6, + 0x566b6848}, + {0x00000000, 0x65673b46, 0xcace768c, 0xafa94dca, 0x4eedeb59, + 0x2b8ad01f, 0x84239dd5, 0xe144a693, 0x9ddbd6b2, 0xf8bcedf4, + 0x5715a03e, 0x32729b78, 0xd3363deb, 0xb65106ad, 0x19f84b67, + 0x7c9f7021, 0xe0c6ab25, 0x85a19063, 0x2a08dda9, 0x4f6fe6ef, + 0xae2b407c, 0xcb4c7b3a, 0x64e536f0, 0x01820db6, 0x7d1d7d97, + 0x187a46d1, 0xb7d30b1b, 0xd2b4305d, 0x33f096ce, 0x5697ad88, + 0xf93ee042, 0x9c59db04, 0x1afc500b, 0x7f9b6b4d, 0xd0322687, + 0xb5551dc1, 0x5411bb52, 0x31768014, 0x9edfcdde, 0xfbb8f698, + 0x872786b9, 0xe240bdff, 0x4de9f035, 0x288ecb73, 0xc9ca6de0, + 0xacad56a6, 0x03041b6c, 0x6663202a, 0xfa3afb2e, 0x9f5dc068, + 0x30f48da2, 0x5593b6e4, 0xb4d71077, 0xd1b02b31, 0x7e1966fb, + 0x1b7e5dbd, 0x67e12d9c, 0x028616da, 0xad2f5b10, 0xc8486056, + 0x290cc6c5, 0x4c6bfd83, 0xe3c2b049, 0x86a58b0f, 0x35f8a016, + 0x509f9b50, 0xff36d69a, 0x9a51eddc, 0x7b154b4f, 0x1e727009, + 0xb1db3dc3, 0xd4bc0685, 0xa82376a4, 0xcd444de2, 0x62ed0028, + 0x078a3b6e, 0xe6ce9dfd, 0x83a9a6bb, 0x2c00eb71, 0x4967d037, + 0xd53e0b33, 0xb0593075, 0x1ff07dbf, 0x7a9746f9, 0x9bd3e06a, + 0xfeb4db2c, 0x511d96e6, 0x347aada0, 0x48e5dd81, 0x2d82e6c7, + 0x822bab0d, 0xe74c904b, 0x060836d8, 0x636f0d9e, 0xccc64054, + 0xa9a17b12, 0x2f04f01d, 0x4a63cb5b, 0xe5ca8691, 0x80adbdd7, + 0x61e91b44, 0x048e2002, 0xab276dc8, 0xce40568e, 0xb2df26af, + 0xd7b81de9, 0x78115023, 0x1d766b65, 0xfc32cdf6, 0x9955f6b0, + 0x36fcbb7a, 0x539b803c, 0xcfc25b38, 0xaaa5607e, 0x050c2db4, + 0x606b16f2, 0x812fb061, 0xe4488b27, 0x4be1c6ed, 0x2e86fdab, + 0x52198d8a, 0x377eb6cc, 0x98d7fb06, 0xfdb0c040, 0x1cf466d3, + 0x79935d95, 0xd63a105f, 0xb35d2b19, 0x6bf1402c, 0x0e967b6a, + 0xa13f36a0, 0xc4580de6, 0x251cab75, 0x407b9033, 0xefd2ddf9, + 0x8ab5e6bf, 0xf62a969e, 0x934dadd8, 0x3ce4e012, 0x5983db54, + 0xb8c77dc7, 0xdda04681, 0x72090b4b, 0x176e300d, 0x8b37eb09, + 0xee50d04f, 0x41f99d85, 0x249ea6c3, 0xc5da0050, 0xa0bd3b16, + 0x0f1476dc, 0x6a734d9a, 0x16ec3dbb, 0x738b06fd, 0xdc224b37, + 0xb9457071, 0x5801d6e2, 0x3d66eda4, 0x92cfa06e, 0xf7a89b28, + 0x710d1027, 0x146a2b61, 0xbbc366ab, 0xdea45ded, 0x3fe0fb7e, + 0x5a87c038, 0xf52e8df2, 0x9049b6b4, 0xecd6c695, 0x89b1fdd3, + 0x2618b019, 0x437f8b5f, 0xa23b2dcc, 0xc75c168a, 0x68f55b40, + 0x0d926006, 0x91cbbb02, 0xf4ac8044, 0x5b05cd8e, 0x3e62f6c8, + 0xdf26505b, 0xba416b1d, 0x15e826d7, 0x708f1d91, 0x0c106db0, + 0x697756f6, 0xc6de1b3c, 0xa3b9207a, 0x42fd86e9, 0x279abdaf, + 0x8833f065, 0xed54cb23, 0x5e09e03a, 0x3b6edb7c, 0x94c796b6, + 0xf1a0adf0, 0x10e40b63, 0x75833025, 0xda2a7def, 0xbf4d46a9, + 0xc3d23688, 0xa6b50dce, 0x091c4004, 0x6c7b7b42, 0x8d3fddd1, + 0xe858e697, 0x47f1ab5d, 0x2296901b, 0xbecf4b1f, 0xdba87059, + 0x74013d93, 0x116606d5, 0xf022a046, 0x95459b00, 0x3aecd6ca, + 0x5f8bed8c, 0x23149dad, 0x4673a6eb, 0xe9daeb21, 0x8cbdd067, + 0x6df976f4, 0x089e4db2, 0xa7370078, 0xc2503b3e, 0x44f5b031, + 0x21928b77, 0x8e3bc6bd, 0xeb5cfdfb, 0x0a185b68, 0x6f7f602e, + 0xc0d62de4, 0xa5b116a2, 0xd92e6683, 0xbc495dc5, 0x13e0100f, + 0x76872b49, 0x97c38dda, 0xf2a4b69c, 0x5d0dfb56, 0x386ac010, + 0xa4331b14, 0xc1542052, 0x6efd6d98, 0x0b9a56de, 0xeadef04d, + 0x8fb9cb0b, 0x201086c1, 0x4577bd87, 0x39e8cda6, 0x5c8ff6e0, + 0xf326bb2a, 0x9641806c, 0x770526ff, 0x12621db9, 0xbdcb5073, + 0xd8ac6b35}, + {0x00000000, 0xd7e28058, 0x74b406f1, 0xa35686a9, 0xe9680de2, + 0x3e8a8dba, 0x9ddc0b13, 0x4a3e8b4b, 0x09a11d85, 0xde439ddd, + 0x7d151b74, 0xaaf79b2c, 0xe0c91067, 0x372b903f, 0x947d1696, + 0x439f96ce, 0x13423b0a, 0xc4a0bb52, 0x67f63dfb, 0xb014bda3, + 0xfa2a36e8, 0x2dc8b6b0, 0x8e9e3019, 0x597cb041, 0x1ae3268f, + 0xcd01a6d7, 0x6e57207e, 0xb9b5a026, 0xf38b2b6d, 0x2469ab35, + 0x873f2d9c, 0x50ddadc4, 0x26847614, 0xf166f64c, 0x523070e5, + 0x85d2f0bd, 0xcfec7bf6, 0x180efbae, 0xbb587d07, 0x6cbafd5f, + 0x2f256b91, 0xf8c7ebc9, 0x5b916d60, 0x8c73ed38, 0xc64d6673, + 0x11afe62b, 0xb2f96082, 0x651be0da, 0x35c64d1e, 0xe224cd46, + 0x41724bef, 0x9690cbb7, 0xdcae40fc, 0x0b4cc0a4, 0xa81a460d, + 0x7ff8c655, 0x3c67509b, 0xeb85d0c3, 0x48d3566a, 0x9f31d632, + 0xd50f5d79, 0x02eddd21, 0xa1bb5b88, 0x7659dbd0, 0x4d08ec28, + 0x9aea6c70, 0x39bcead9, 0xee5e6a81, 0xa460e1ca, 0x73826192, + 0xd0d4e73b, 0x07366763, 0x44a9f1ad, 0x934b71f5, 0x301df75c, + 0xe7ff7704, 0xadc1fc4f, 0x7a237c17, 0xd975fabe, 0x0e977ae6, + 0x5e4ad722, 0x89a8577a, 0x2afed1d3, 0xfd1c518b, 0xb722dac0, + 0x60c05a98, 0xc396dc31, 0x14745c69, 0x57ebcaa7, 0x80094aff, + 0x235fcc56, 0xf4bd4c0e, 0xbe83c745, 0x6961471d, 0xca37c1b4, + 0x1dd541ec, 0x6b8c9a3c, 0xbc6e1a64, 0x1f389ccd, 0xc8da1c95, + 0x82e497de, 0x55061786, 0xf650912f, 0x21b21177, 0x622d87b9, + 0xb5cf07e1, 0x16998148, 0xc17b0110, 0x8b458a5b, 0x5ca70a03, + 0xfff18caa, 0x28130cf2, 0x78cea136, 0xaf2c216e, 0x0c7aa7c7, + 0xdb98279f, 0x91a6acd4, 0x46442c8c, 0xe512aa25, 0x32f02a7d, + 0x716fbcb3, 0xa68d3ceb, 0x05dbba42, 0xd2393a1a, 0x9807b151, + 0x4fe53109, 0xecb3b7a0, 0x3b5137f8, 0x9a11d850, 0x4df35808, + 0xeea5dea1, 0x39475ef9, 0x7379d5b2, 0xa49b55ea, 0x07cdd343, + 0xd02f531b, 0x93b0c5d5, 0x4452458d, 0xe704c324, 0x30e6437c, + 0x7ad8c837, 0xad3a486f, 0x0e6ccec6, 0xd98e4e9e, 0x8953e35a, + 0x5eb16302, 0xfde7e5ab, 0x2a0565f3, 0x603beeb8, 0xb7d96ee0, + 0x148fe849, 0xc36d6811, 0x80f2fedf, 0x57107e87, 0xf446f82e, + 0x23a47876, 0x699af33d, 0xbe787365, 0x1d2ef5cc, 0xcacc7594, + 0xbc95ae44, 0x6b772e1c, 0xc821a8b5, 0x1fc328ed, 0x55fda3a6, + 0x821f23fe, 0x2149a557, 0xf6ab250f, 0xb534b3c1, 0x62d63399, + 0xc180b530, 0x16623568, 0x5c5cbe23, 0x8bbe3e7b, 0x28e8b8d2, + 0xff0a388a, 0xafd7954e, 0x78351516, 0xdb6393bf, 0x0c8113e7, + 0x46bf98ac, 0x915d18f4, 0x320b9e5d, 0xe5e91e05, 0xa67688cb, + 0x71940893, 0xd2c28e3a, 0x05200e62, 0x4f1e8529, 0x98fc0571, + 0x3baa83d8, 0xec480380, 0xd7193478, 0x00fbb420, 0xa3ad3289, + 0x744fb2d1, 0x3e71399a, 0xe993b9c2, 0x4ac53f6b, 0x9d27bf33, + 0xdeb829fd, 0x095aa9a5, 0xaa0c2f0c, 0x7deeaf54, 0x37d0241f, + 0xe032a447, 0x436422ee, 0x9486a2b6, 0xc45b0f72, 0x13b98f2a, + 0xb0ef0983, 0x670d89db, 0x2d330290, 0xfad182c8, 0x59870461, + 0x8e658439, 0xcdfa12f7, 0x1a1892af, 0xb94e1406, 0x6eac945e, + 0x24921f15, 0xf3709f4d, 0x502619e4, 0x87c499bc, 0xf19d426c, + 0x267fc234, 0x8529449d, 0x52cbc4c5, 0x18f54f8e, 0xcf17cfd6, + 0x6c41497f, 0xbba3c927, 0xf83c5fe9, 0x2fdedfb1, 0x8c885918, + 0x5b6ad940, 0x1154520b, 0xc6b6d253, 0x65e054fa, 0xb202d4a2, + 0xe2df7966, 0x353df93e, 0x966b7f97, 0x4189ffcf, 0x0bb77484, + 0xdc55f4dc, 0x7f037275, 0xa8e1f22d, 0xeb7e64e3, 0x3c9ce4bb, + 0x9fca6212, 0x4828e24a, 0x02166901, 0xd5f4e959, 0x76a26ff0, + 0xa140efa8}, + {0x00000000, 0xef52b6e1, 0x05d46b83, 0xea86dd62, 0x0ba8d706, + 0xe4fa61e7, 0x0e7cbc85, 0xe12e0a64, 0x1751ae0c, 0xf80318ed, + 0x1285c58f, 0xfdd7736e, 0x1cf9790a, 0xf3abcfeb, 0x192d1289, + 0xf67fa468, 0x2ea35c18, 0xc1f1eaf9, 0x2b77379b, 0xc425817a, + 0x250b8b1e, 0xca593dff, 0x20dfe09d, 0xcf8d567c, 0x39f2f214, + 0xd6a044f5, 0x3c269997, 0xd3742f76, 0x325a2512, 0xdd0893f3, + 0x378e4e91, 0xd8dcf870, 0x5d46b830, 0xb2140ed1, 0x5892d3b3, + 0xb7c06552, 0x56ee6f36, 0xb9bcd9d7, 0x533a04b5, 0xbc68b254, + 0x4a17163c, 0xa545a0dd, 0x4fc37dbf, 0xa091cb5e, 0x41bfc13a, + 0xaeed77db, 0x446baab9, 0xab391c58, 0x73e5e428, 0x9cb752c9, + 0x76318fab, 0x9963394a, 0x784d332e, 0x971f85cf, 0x7d9958ad, + 0x92cbee4c, 0x64b44a24, 0x8be6fcc5, 0x616021a7, 0x8e329746, + 0x6f1c9d22, 0x804e2bc3, 0x6ac8f6a1, 0x859a4040, 0xba8d7060, + 0x55dfc681, 0xbf591be3, 0x500bad02, 0xb125a766, 0x5e771187, + 0xb4f1cce5, 0x5ba37a04, 0xaddcde6c, 0x428e688d, 0xa808b5ef, + 0x475a030e, 0xa674096a, 0x4926bf8b, 0xa3a062e9, 0x4cf2d408, + 0x942e2c78, 0x7b7c9a99, 0x91fa47fb, 0x7ea8f11a, 0x9f86fb7e, + 0x70d44d9f, 0x9a5290fd, 0x7500261c, 0x837f8274, 0x6c2d3495, + 0x86abe9f7, 0x69f95f16, 0x88d75572, 0x6785e393, 0x8d033ef1, + 0x62518810, 0xe7cbc850, 0x08997eb1, 0xe21fa3d3, 0x0d4d1532, + 0xec631f56, 0x0331a9b7, 0xe9b774d5, 0x06e5c234, 0xf09a665c, + 0x1fc8d0bd, 0xf54e0ddf, 0x1a1cbb3e, 0xfb32b15a, 0x146007bb, + 0xfee6dad9, 0x11b46c38, 0xc9689448, 0x263a22a9, 0xccbcffcb, + 0x23ee492a, 0xc2c0434e, 0x2d92f5af, 0xc71428cd, 0x28469e2c, + 0xde393a44, 0x316b8ca5, 0xdbed51c7, 0x34bfe726, 0xd591ed42, + 0x3ac35ba3, 0xd04586c1, 0x3f173020, 0xae6be681, 0x41395060, + 0xabbf8d02, 0x44ed3be3, 0xa5c33187, 0x4a918766, 0xa0175a04, + 0x4f45ece5, 0xb93a488d, 0x5668fe6c, 0xbcee230e, 0x53bc95ef, + 0xb2929f8b, 0x5dc0296a, 0xb746f408, 0x581442e9, 0x80c8ba99, + 0x6f9a0c78, 0x851cd11a, 0x6a4e67fb, 0x8b606d9f, 0x6432db7e, + 0x8eb4061c, 0x61e6b0fd, 0x97991495, 0x78cba274, 0x924d7f16, + 0x7d1fc9f7, 0x9c31c393, 0x73637572, 0x99e5a810, 0x76b71ef1, + 0xf32d5eb1, 0x1c7fe850, 0xf6f93532, 0x19ab83d3, 0xf88589b7, + 0x17d73f56, 0xfd51e234, 0x120354d5, 0xe47cf0bd, 0x0b2e465c, + 0xe1a89b3e, 0x0efa2ddf, 0xefd427bb, 0x0086915a, 0xea004c38, + 0x0552fad9, 0xdd8e02a9, 0x32dcb448, 0xd85a692a, 0x3708dfcb, + 0xd626d5af, 0x3974634e, 0xd3f2be2c, 0x3ca008cd, 0xcadfaca5, + 0x258d1a44, 0xcf0bc726, 0x205971c7, 0xc1777ba3, 0x2e25cd42, + 0xc4a31020, 0x2bf1a6c1, 0x14e696e1, 0xfbb42000, 0x1132fd62, + 0xfe604b83, 0x1f4e41e7, 0xf01cf706, 0x1a9a2a64, 0xf5c89c85, + 0x03b738ed, 0xece58e0c, 0x0663536e, 0xe931e58f, 0x081fefeb, + 0xe74d590a, 0x0dcb8468, 0xe2993289, 0x3a45caf9, 0xd5177c18, + 0x3f91a17a, 0xd0c3179b, 0x31ed1dff, 0xdebfab1e, 0x3439767c, + 0xdb6bc09d, 0x2d1464f5, 0xc246d214, 0x28c00f76, 0xc792b997, + 0x26bcb3f3, 0xc9ee0512, 0x2368d870, 0xcc3a6e91, 0x49a02ed1, + 0xa6f29830, 0x4c744552, 0xa326f3b3, 0x4208f9d7, 0xad5a4f36, + 0x47dc9254, 0xa88e24b5, 0x5ef180dd, 0xb1a3363c, 0x5b25eb5e, + 0xb4775dbf, 0x555957db, 0xba0be13a, 0x508d3c58, 0xbfdf8ab9, + 0x670372c9, 0x8851c428, 0x62d7194a, 0x8d85afab, 0x6caba5cf, + 0x83f9132e, 0x697fce4c, 0x862d78ad, 0x7052dcc5, 0x9f006a24, + 0x7586b746, 0x9ad401a7, 0x7bfa0bc3, 0x94a8bd22, 0x7e2e6040, + 0x917cd6a1}, + {0x00000000, 0x87a6cb43, 0xd43c90c7, 0x539a5b84, 0x730827cf, + 0xf4aeec8c, 0xa734b708, 0x20927c4b, 0xe6104f9e, 0x61b684dd, + 0x322cdf59, 0xb58a141a, 0x95186851, 0x12bea312, 0x4124f896, + 0xc68233d5, 0x1751997d, 0x90f7523e, 0xc36d09ba, 0x44cbc2f9, + 0x6459beb2, 0xe3ff75f1, 0xb0652e75, 0x37c3e536, 0xf141d6e3, + 0x76e71da0, 0x257d4624, 0xa2db8d67, 0x8249f12c, 0x05ef3a6f, + 0x567561eb, 0xd1d3aaa8, 0x2ea332fa, 0xa905f9b9, 0xfa9fa23d, + 0x7d39697e, 0x5dab1535, 0xda0dde76, 0x899785f2, 0x0e314eb1, + 0xc8b37d64, 0x4f15b627, 0x1c8feda3, 0x9b2926e0, 0xbbbb5aab, + 0x3c1d91e8, 0x6f87ca6c, 0xe821012f, 0x39f2ab87, 0xbe5460c4, + 0xedce3b40, 0x6a68f003, 0x4afa8c48, 0xcd5c470b, 0x9ec61c8f, + 0x1960d7cc, 0xdfe2e419, 0x58442f5a, 0x0bde74de, 0x8c78bf9d, + 0xaceac3d6, 0x2b4c0895, 0x78d65311, 0xff709852, 0x5d4665f4, + 0xdae0aeb7, 0x897af533, 0x0edc3e70, 0x2e4e423b, 0xa9e88978, + 0xfa72d2fc, 0x7dd419bf, 0xbb562a6a, 0x3cf0e129, 0x6f6abaad, + 0xe8cc71ee, 0xc85e0da5, 0x4ff8c6e6, 0x1c629d62, 0x9bc45621, + 0x4a17fc89, 0xcdb137ca, 0x9e2b6c4e, 0x198da70d, 0x391fdb46, + 0xbeb91005, 0xed234b81, 0x6a8580c2, 0xac07b317, 0x2ba17854, + 0x783b23d0, 0xff9de893, 0xdf0f94d8, 0x58a95f9b, 0x0b33041f, + 0x8c95cf5c, 0x73e5570e, 0xf4439c4d, 0xa7d9c7c9, 0x207f0c8a, + 0x00ed70c1, 0x874bbb82, 0xd4d1e006, 0x53772b45, 0x95f51890, + 0x1253d3d3, 0x41c98857, 0xc66f4314, 0xe6fd3f5f, 0x615bf41c, + 0x32c1af98, 0xb56764db, 0x64b4ce73, 0xe3120530, 0xb0885eb4, + 0x372e95f7, 0x17bce9bc, 0x901a22ff, 0xc380797b, 0x4426b238, + 0x82a481ed, 0x05024aae, 0x5698112a, 0xd13eda69, 0xf1aca622, + 0x760a6d61, 0x259036e5, 0xa236fda6, 0xba8ccbe8, 0x3d2a00ab, + 0x6eb05b2f, 0xe916906c, 0xc984ec27, 0x4e222764, 0x1db87ce0, + 0x9a1eb7a3, 0x5c9c8476, 0xdb3a4f35, 0x88a014b1, 0x0f06dff2, + 0x2f94a3b9, 0xa83268fa, 0xfba8337e, 0x7c0ef83d, 0xaddd5295, + 0x2a7b99d6, 0x79e1c252, 0xfe470911, 0xded5755a, 0x5973be19, + 0x0ae9e59d, 0x8d4f2ede, 0x4bcd1d0b, 0xcc6bd648, 0x9ff18dcc, + 0x1857468f, 0x38c53ac4, 0xbf63f187, 0xecf9aa03, 0x6b5f6140, + 0x942ff912, 0x13893251, 0x401369d5, 0xc7b5a296, 0xe727dedd, + 0x6081159e, 0x331b4e1a, 0xb4bd8559, 0x723fb68c, 0xf5997dcf, + 0xa603264b, 0x21a5ed08, 0x01379143, 0x86915a00, 0xd50b0184, + 0x52adcac7, 0x837e606f, 0x04d8ab2c, 0x5742f0a8, 0xd0e43beb, + 0xf07647a0, 0x77d08ce3, 0x244ad767, 0xa3ec1c24, 0x656e2ff1, + 0xe2c8e4b2, 0xb152bf36, 0x36f47475, 0x1666083e, 0x91c0c37d, + 0xc25a98f9, 0x45fc53ba, 0xe7caae1c, 0x606c655f, 0x33f63edb, + 0xb450f598, 0x94c289d3, 0x13644290, 0x40fe1914, 0xc758d257, + 0x01dae182, 0x867c2ac1, 0xd5e67145, 0x5240ba06, 0x72d2c64d, + 0xf5740d0e, 0xa6ee568a, 0x21489dc9, 0xf09b3761, 0x773dfc22, + 0x24a7a7a6, 0xa3016ce5, 0x839310ae, 0x0435dbed, 0x57af8069, + 0xd0094b2a, 0x168b78ff, 0x912db3bc, 0xc2b7e838, 0x4511237b, + 0x65835f30, 0xe2259473, 0xb1bfcff7, 0x361904b4, 0xc9699ce6, + 0x4ecf57a5, 0x1d550c21, 0x9af3c762, 0xba61bb29, 0x3dc7706a, + 0x6e5d2bee, 0xe9fbe0ad, 0x2f79d378, 0xa8df183b, 0xfb4543bf, + 0x7ce388fc, 0x5c71f4b7, 0xdbd73ff4, 0x884d6470, 0x0febaf33, + 0xde38059b, 0x599eced8, 0x0a04955c, 0x8da25e1f, 0xad302254, + 0x2a96e917, 0x790cb293, 0xfeaa79d0, 0x38284a05, 0xbf8e8146, + 0xec14dac2, 0x6bb21181, 0x4b206dca, 0xcc86a689, 0x9f1cfd0d, + 0x18ba364e}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x0000000000000000, 0x43cba68700000000, 0xc7903cd400000000, + 0x845b9a5300000000, 0xcf27087300000000, 0x8cecaef400000000, + 0x08b734a700000000, 0x4b7c922000000000, 0x9e4f10e600000000, + 0xdd84b66100000000, 0x59df2c3200000000, 0x1a148ab500000000, + 0x5168189500000000, 0x12a3be1200000000, 0x96f8244100000000, + 0xd53382c600000000, 0x7d99511700000000, 0x3e52f79000000000, + 0xba096dc300000000, 0xf9c2cb4400000000, 0xb2be596400000000, + 0xf175ffe300000000, 0x752e65b000000000, 0x36e5c33700000000, + 0xe3d641f100000000, 0xa01de77600000000, 0x24467d2500000000, + 0x678ddba200000000, 0x2cf1498200000000, 0x6f3aef0500000000, + 0xeb61755600000000, 0xa8aad3d100000000, 0xfa32a32e00000000, + 0xb9f905a900000000, 0x3da29ffa00000000, 0x7e69397d00000000, + 0x3515ab5d00000000, 0x76de0dda00000000, 0xf285978900000000, + 0xb14e310e00000000, 0x647db3c800000000, 0x27b6154f00000000, + 0xa3ed8f1c00000000, 0xe026299b00000000, 0xab5abbbb00000000, + 0xe8911d3c00000000, 0x6cca876f00000000, 0x2f0121e800000000, + 0x87abf23900000000, 0xc46054be00000000, 0x403bceed00000000, + 0x03f0686a00000000, 0x488cfa4a00000000, 0x0b475ccd00000000, + 0x8f1cc69e00000000, 0xccd7601900000000, 0x19e4e2df00000000, + 0x5a2f445800000000, 0xde74de0b00000000, 0x9dbf788c00000000, + 0xd6c3eaac00000000, 0x95084c2b00000000, 0x1153d67800000000, + 0x529870ff00000000, 0xf465465d00000000, 0xb7aee0da00000000, + 0x33f57a8900000000, 0x703edc0e00000000, 0x3b424e2e00000000, + 0x7889e8a900000000, 0xfcd272fa00000000, 0xbf19d47d00000000, + 0x6a2a56bb00000000, 0x29e1f03c00000000, 0xadba6a6f00000000, + 0xee71cce800000000, 0xa50d5ec800000000, 0xe6c6f84f00000000, + 0x629d621c00000000, 0x2156c49b00000000, 0x89fc174a00000000, + 0xca37b1cd00000000, 0x4e6c2b9e00000000, 0x0da78d1900000000, + 0x46db1f3900000000, 0x0510b9be00000000, 0x814b23ed00000000, + 0xc280856a00000000, 0x17b307ac00000000, 0x5478a12b00000000, + 0xd0233b7800000000, 0x93e89dff00000000, 0xd8940fdf00000000, + 0x9b5fa95800000000, 0x1f04330b00000000, 0x5ccf958c00000000, + 0x0e57e57300000000, 0x4d9c43f400000000, 0xc9c7d9a700000000, + 0x8a0c7f2000000000, 0xc170ed0000000000, 0x82bb4b8700000000, + 0x06e0d1d400000000, 0x452b775300000000, 0x9018f59500000000, + 0xd3d3531200000000, 0x5788c94100000000, 0x14436fc600000000, + 0x5f3ffde600000000, 0x1cf45b6100000000, 0x98afc13200000000, + 0xdb6467b500000000, 0x73ceb46400000000, 0x300512e300000000, + 0xb45e88b000000000, 0xf7952e3700000000, 0xbce9bc1700000000, + 0xff221a9000000000, 0x7b7980c300000000, 0x38b2264400000000, + 0xed81a48200000000, 0xae4a020500000000, 0x2a11985600000000, + 0x69da3ed100000000, 0x22a6acf100000000, 0x616d0a7600000000, + 0xe536902500000000, 0xa6fd36a200000000, 0xe8cb8cba00000000, + 0xab002a3d00000000, 0x2f5bb06e00000000, 0x6c9016e900000000, + 0x27ec84c900000000, 0x6427224e00000000, 0xe07cb81d00000000, + 0xa3b71e9a00000000, 0x76849c5c00000000, 0x354f3adb00000000, + 0xb114a08800000000, 0xf2df060f00000000, 0xb9a3942f00000000, + 0xfa6832a800000000, 0x7e33a8fb00000000, 0x3df80e7c00000000, + 0x9552ddad00000000, 0xd6997b2a00000000, 0x52c2e17900000000, + 0x110947fe00000000, 0x5a75d5de00000000, 0x19be735900000000, + 0x9de5e90a00000000, 0xde2e4f8d00000000, 0x0b1dcd4b00000000, + 0x48d66bcc00000000, 0xcc8df19f00000000, 0x8f46571800000000, + 0xc43ac53800000000, 0x87f163bf00000000, 0x03aaf9ec00000000, + 0x40615f6b00000000, 0x12f92f9400000000, 0x5132891300000000, + 0xd569134000000000, 0x96a2b5c700000000, 0xddde27e700000000, + 0x9e15816000000000, 0x1a4e1b3300000000, 0x5985bdb400000000, + 0x8cb63f7200000000, 0xcf7d99f500000000, 0x4b2603a600000000, + 0x08eda52100000000, 0x4391370100000000, 0x005a918600000000, + 0x84010bd500000000, 0xc7caad5200000000, 0x6f607e8300000000, + 0x2cabd80400000000, 0xa8f0425700000000, 0xeb3be4d000000000, + 0xa04776f000000000, 0xe38cd07700000000, 0x67d74a2400000000, + 0x241ceca300000000, 0xf12f6e6500000000, 0xb2e4c8e200000000, + 0x36bf52b100000000, 0x7574f43600000000, 0x3e08661600000000, + 0x7dc3c09100000000, 0xf9985ac200000000, 0xba53fc4500000000, + 0x1caecae700000000, 0x5f656c6000000000, 0xdb3ef63300000000, + 0x98f550b400000000, 0xd389c29400000000, 0x9042641300000000, + 0x1419fe4000000000, 0x57d258c700000000, 0x82e1da0100000000, + 0xc12a7c8600000000, 0x4571e6d500000000, 0x06ba405200000000, + 0x4dc6d27200000000, 0x0e0d74f500000000, 0x8a56eea600000000, + 0xc99d482100000000, 0x61379bf000000000, 0x22fc3d7700000000, + 0xa6a7a72400000000, 0xe56c01a300000000, 0xae10938300000000, + 0xeddb350400000000, 0x6980af5700000000, 0x2a4b09d000000000, + 0xff788b1600000000, 0xbcb32d9100000000, 0x38e8b7c200000000, + 0x7b23114500000000, 0x305f836500000000, 0x739425e200000000, + 0xf7cfbfb100000000, 0xb404193600000000, 0xe69c69c900000000, + 0xa557cf4e00000000, 0x210c551d00000000, 0x62c7f39a00000000, + 0x29bb61ba00000000, 0x6a70c73d00000000, 0xee2b5d6e00000000, + 0xade0fbe900000000, 0x78d3792f00000000, 0x3b18dfa800000000, + 0xbf4345fb00000000, 0xfc88e37c00000000, 0xb7f4715c00000000, + 0xf43fd7db00000000, 0x70644d8800000000, 0x33afeb0f00000000, + 0x9b0538de00000000, 0xd8ce9e5900000000, 0x5c95040a00000000, + 0x1f5ea28d00000000, 0x542230ad00000000, 0x17e9962a00000000, + 0x93b20c7900000000, 0xd079aafe00000000, 0x054a283800000000, + 0x46818ebf00000000, 0xc2da14ec00000000, 0x8111b26b00000000, + 0xca6d204b00000000, 0x89a686cc00000000, 0x0dfd1c9f00000000, + 0x4e36ba1800000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xe1b652ef00000000, 0x836bd40500000000, + 0x62dd86ea00000000, 0x06d7a80b00000000, 0xe761fae400000000, + 0x85bc7c0e00000000, 0x640a2ee100000000, 0x0cae511700000000, + 0xed1803f800000000, 0x8fc5851200000000, 0x6e73d7fd00000000, + 0x0a79f91c00000000, 0xebcfabf300000000, 0x89122d1900000000, + 0x68a47ff600000000, 0x185ca32e00000000, 0xf9eaf1c100000000, + 0x9b37772b00000000, 0x7a8125c400000000, 0x1e8b0b2500000000, + 0xff3d59ca00000000, 0x9de0df2000000000, 0x7c568dcf00000000, + 0x14f2f23900000000, 0xf544a0d600000000, 0x9799263c00000000, + 0x762f74d300000000, 0x12255a3200000000, 0xf39308dd00000000, + 0x914e8e3700000000, 0x70f8dcd800000000, 0x30b8465d00000000, + 0xd10e14b200000000, 0xb3d3925800000000, 0x5265c0b700000000, + 0x366fee5600000000, 0xd7d9bcb900000000, 0xb5043a5300000000, + 0x54b268bc00000000, 0x3c16174a00000000, 0xdda045a500000000, + 0xbf7dc34f00000000, 0x5ecb91a000000000, 0x3ac1bf4100000000, + 0xdb77edae00000000, 0xb9aa6b4400000000, 0x581c39ab00000000, + 0x28e4e57300000000, 0xc952b79c00000000, 0xab8f317600000000, + 0x4a39639900000000, 0x2e334d7800000000, 0xcf851f9700000000, + 0xad58997d00000000, 0x4ceecb9200000000, 0x244ab46400000000, + 0xc5fce68b00000000, 0xa721606100000000, 0x4697328e00000000, + 0x229d1c6f00000000, 0xc32b4e8000000000, 0xa1f6c86a00000000, + 0x40409a8500000000, 0x60708dba00000000, 0x81c6df5500000000, + 0xe31b59bf00000000, 0x02ad0b5000000000, 0x66a725b100000000, + 0x8711775e00000000, 0xe5ccf1b400000000, 0x047aa35b00000000, + 0x6cdedcad00000000, 0x8d688e4200000000, 0xefb508a800000000, + 0x0e035a4700000000, 0x6a0974a600000000, 0x8bbf264900000000, + 0xe962a0a300000000, 0x08d4f24c00000000, 0x782c2e9400000000, + 0x999a7c7b00000000, 0xfb47fa9100000000, 0x1af1a87e00000000, + 0x7efb869f00000000, 0x9f4dd47000000000, 0xfd90529a00000000, + 0x1c26007500000000, 0x74827f8300000000, 0x95342d6c00000000, + 0xf7e9ab8600000000, 0x165ff96900000000, 0x7255d78800000000, + 0x93e3856700000000, 0xf13e038d00000000, 0x1088516200000000, + 0x50c8cbe700000000, 0xb17e990800000000, 0xd3a31fe200000000, + 0x32154d0d00000000, 0x561f63ec00000000, 0xb7a9310300000000, + 0xd574b7e900000000, 0x34c2e50600000000, 0x5c669af000000000, + 0xbdd0c81f00000000, 0xdf0d4ef500000000, 0x3ebb1c1a00000000, + 0x5ab132fb00000000, 0xbb07601400000000, 0xd9dae6fe00000000, + 0x386cb41100000000, 0x489468c900000000, 0xa9223a2600000000, + 0xcbffbccc00000000, 0x2a49ee2300000000, 0x4e43c0c200000000, + 0xaff5922d00000000, 0xcd2814c700000000, 0x2c9e462800000000, + 0x443a39de00000000, 0xa58c6b3100000000, 0xc751eddb00000000, + 0x26e7bf3400000000, 0x42ed91d500000000, 0xa35bc33a00000000, + 0xc18645d000000000, 0x2030173f00000000, 0x81e66bae00000000, + 0x6050394100000000, 0x028dbfab00000000, 0xe33bed4400000000, + 0x8731c3a500000000, 0x6687914a00000000, 0x045a17a000000000, + 0xe5ec454f00000000, 0x8d483ab900000000, 0x6cfe685600000000, + 0x0e23eebc00000000, 0xef95bc5300000000, 0x8b9f92b200000000, + 0x6a29c05d00000000, 0x08f446b700000000, 0xe942145800000000, + 0x99bac88000000000, 0x780c9a6f00000000, 0x1ad11c8500000000, + 0xfb674e6a00000000, 0x9f6d608b00000000, 0x7edb326400000000, + 0x1c06b48e00000000, 0xfdb0e66100000000, 0x9514999700000000, + 0x74a2cb7800000000, 0x167f4d9200000000, 0xf7c91f7d00000000, + 0x93c3319c00000000, 0x7275637300000000, 0x10a8e59900000000, + 0xf11eb77600000000, 0xb15e2df300000000, 0x50e87f1c00000000, + 0x3235f9f600000000, 0xd383ab1900000000, 0xb78985f800000000, + 0x563fd71700000000, 0x34e251fd00000000, 0xd554031200000000, + 0xbdf07ce400000000, 0x5c462e0b00000000, 0x3e9ba8e100000000, + 0xdf2dfa0e00000000, 0xbb27d4ef00000000, 0x5a91860000000000, + 0x384c00ea00000000, 0xd9fa520500000000, 0xa9028edd00000000, + 0x48b4dc3200000000, 0x2a695ad800000000, 0xcbdf083700000000, + 0xafd526d600000000, 0x4e63743900000000, 0x2cbef2d300000000, + 0xcd08a03c00000000, 0xa5acdfca00000000, 0x441a8d2500000000, + 0x26c70bcf00000000, 0xc771592000000000, 0xa37b77c100000000, + 0x42cd252e00000000, 0x2010a3c400000000, 0xc1a6f12b00000000, + 0xe196e61400000000, 0x0020b4fb00000000, 0x62fd321100000000, + 0x834b60fe00000000, 0xe7414e1f00000000, 0x06f71cf000000000, + 0x642a9a1a00000000, 0x859cc8f500000000, 0xed38b70300000000, + 0x0c8ee5ec00000000, 0x6e53630600000000, 0x8fe531e900000000, + 0xebef1f0800000000, 0x0a594de700000000, 0x6884cb0d00000000, + 0x893299e200000000, 0xf9ca453a00000000, 0x187c17d500000000, + 0x7aa1913f00000000, 0x9b17c3d000000000, 0xff1ded3100000000, + 0x1eabbfde00000000, 0x7c76393400000000, 0x9dc06bdb00000000, + 0xf564142d00000000, 0x14d246c200000000, 0x760fc02800000000, + 0x97b992c700000000, 0xf3b3bc2600000000, 0x1205eec900000000, + 0x70d8682300000000, 0x916e3acc00000000, 0xd12ea04900000000, + 0x3098f2a600000000, 0x5245744c00000000, 0xb3f326a300000000, + 0xd7f9084200000000, 0x364f5aad00000000, 0x5492dc4700000000, + 0xb5248ea800000000, 0xdd80f15e00000000, 0x3c36a3b100000000, + 0x5eeb255b00000000, 0xbf5d77b400000000, 0xdb57595500000000, + 0x3ae10bba00000000, 0x583c8d5000000000, 0xb98adfbf00000000, + 0xc972036700000000, 0x28c4518800000000, 0x4a19d76200000000, + 0xabaf858d00000000, 0xcfa5ab6c00000000, 0x2e13f98300000000, + 0x4cce7f6900000000, 0xad782d8600000000, 0xc5dc527000000000, + 0x246a009f00000000, 0x46b7867500000000, 0xa701d49a00000000, + 0xc30bfa7b00000000, 0x22bda89400000000, 0x40602e7e00000000, + 0xa1d67c9100000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x5880e2d700000000, 0xf106b47400000000, + 0xa98656a300000000, 0xe20d68e900000000, 0xba8d8a3e00000000, + 0x130bdc9d00000000, 0x4b8b3e4a00000000, 0x851da10900000000, + 0xdd9d43de00000000, 0x741b157d00000000, 0x2c9bf7aa00000000, + 0x6710c9e000000000, 0x3f902b3700000000, 0x96167d9400000000, + 0xce969f4300000000, 0x0a3b421300000000, 0x52bba0c400000000, + 0xfb3df66700000000, 0xa3bd14b000000000, 0xe8362afa00000000, + 0xb0b6c82d00000000, 0x19309e8e00000000, 0x41b07c5900000000, + 0x8f26e31a00000000, 0xd7a601cd00000000, 0x7e20576e00000000, + 0x26a0b5b900000000, 0x6d2b8bf300000000, 0x35ab692400000000, + 0x9c2d3f8700000000, 0xc4addd5000000000, 0x1476842600000000, + 0x4cf666f100000000, 0xe570305200000000, 0xbdf0d28500000000, + 0xf67beccf00000000, 0xaefb0e1800000000, 0x077d58bb00000000, + 0x5ffdba6c00000000, 0x916b252f00000000, 0xc9ebc7f800000000, + 0x606d915b00000000, 0x38ed738c00000000, 0x73664dc600000000, + 0x2be6af1100000000, 0x8260f9b200000000, 0xdae01b6500000000, + 0x1e4dc63500000000, 0x46cd24e200000000, 0xef4b724100000000, + 0xb7cb909600000000, 0xfc40aedc00000000, 0xa4c04c0b00000000, + 0x0d461aa800000000, 0x55c6f87f00000000, 0x9b50673c00000000, + 0xc3d085eb00000000, 0x6a56d34800000000, 0x32d6319f00000000, + 0x795d0fd500000000, 0x21dded0200000000, 0x885bbba100000000, + 0xd0db597600000000, 0x28ec084d00000000, 0x706cea9a00000000, + 0xd9eabc3900000000, 0x816a5eee00000000, 0xcae160a400000000, + 0x9261827300000000, 0x3be7d4d000000000, 0x6367360700000000, + 0xadf1a94400000000, 0xf5714b9300000000, 0x5cf71d3000000000, + 0x0477ffe700000000, 0x4ffcc1ad00000000, 0x177c237a00000000, + 0xbefa75d900000000, 0xe67a970e00000000, 0x22d74a5e00000000, + 0x7a57a88900000000, 0xd3d1fe2a00000000, 0x8b511cfd00000000, + 0xc0da22b700000000, 0x985ac06000000000, 0x31dc96c300000000, + 0x695c741400000000, 0xa7caeb5700000000, 0xff4a098000000000, + 0x56cc5f2300000000, 0x0e4cbdf400000000, 0x45c783be00000000, + 0x1d47616900000000, 0xb4c137ca00000000, 0xec41d51d00000000, + 0x3c9a8c6b00000000, 0x641a6ebc00000000, 0xcd9c381f00000000, + 0x951cdac800000000, 0xde97e48200000000, 0x8617065500000000, + 0x2f9150f600000000, 0x7711b22100000000, 0xb9872d6200000000, + 0xe107cfb500000000, 0x4881991600000000, 0x10017bc100000000, + 0x5b8a458b00000000, 0x030aa75c00000000, 0xaa8cf1ff00000000, + 0xf20c132800000000, 0x36a1ce7800000000, 0x6e212caf00000000, + 0xc7a77a0c00000000, 0x9f2798db00000000, 0xd4aca69100000000, + 0x8c2c444600000000, 0x25aa12e500000000, 0x7d2af03200000000, + 0xb3bc6f7100000000, 0xeb3c8da600000000, 0x42badb0500000000, + 0x1a3a39d200000000, 0x51b1079800000000, 0x0931e54f00000000, + 0xa0b7b3ec00000000, 0xf837513b00000000, 0x50d8119a00000000, + 0x0858f34d00000000, 0xa1dea5ee00000000, 0xf95e473900000000, + 0xb2d5797300000000, 0xea559ba400000000, 0x43d3cd0700000000, + 0x1b532fd000000000, 0xd5c5b09300000000, 0x8d45524400000000, + 0x24c304e700000000, 0x7c43e63000000000, 0x37c8d87a00000000, + 0x6f483aad00000000, 0xc6ce6c0e00000000, 0x9e4e8ed900000000, + 0x5ae3538900000000, 0x0263b15e00000000, 0xabe5e7fd00000000, + 0xf365052a00000000, 0xb8ee3b6000000000, 0xe06ed9b700000000, + 0x49e88f1400000000, 0x11686dc300000000, 0xdffef28000000000, + 0x877e105700000000, 0x2ef846f400000000, 0x7678a42300000000, + 0x3df39a6900000000, 0x657378be00000000, 0xccf52e1d00000000, + 0x9475ccca00000000, 0x44ae95bc00000000, 0x1c2e776b00000000, + 0xb5a821c800000000, 0xed28c31f00000000, 0xa6a3fd5500000000, + 0xfe231f8200000000, 0x57a5492100000000, 0x0f25abf600000000, + 0xc1b334b500000000, 0x9933d66200000000, 0x30b580c100000000, + 0x6835621600000000, 0x23be5c5c00000000, 0x7b3ebe8b00000000, + 0xd2b8e82800000000, 0x8a380aff00000000, 0x4e95d7af00000000, + 0x1615357800000000, 0xbf9363db00000000, 0xe713810c00000000, + 0xac98bf4600000000, 0xf4185d9100000000, 0x5d9e0b3200000000, + 0x051ee9e500000000, 0xcb8876a600000000, 0x9308947100000000, + 0x3a8ec2d200000000, 0x620e200500000000, 0x29851e4f00000000, + 0x7105fc9800000000, 0xd883aa3b00000000, 0x800348ec00000000, + 0x783419d700000000, 0x20b4fb0000000000, 0x8932ada300000000, + 0xd1b24f7400000000, 0x9a39713e00000000, 0xc2b993e900000000, + 0x6b3fc54a00000000, 0x33bf279d00000000, 0xfd29b8de00000000, + 0xa5a95a0900000000, 0x0c2f0caa00000000, 0x54afee7d00000000, + 0x1f24d03700000000, 0x47a432e000000000, 0xee22644300000000, + 0xb6a2869400000000, 0x720f5bc400000000, 0x2a8fb91300000000, + 0x8309efb000000000, 0xdb890d6700000000, 0x9002332d00000000, + 0xc882d1fa00000000, 0x6104875900000000, 0x3984658e00000000, + 0xf712facd00000000, 0xaf92181a00000000, 0x06144eb900000000, + 0x5e94ac6e00000000, 0x151f922400000000, 0x4d9f70f300000000, + 0xe419265000000000, 0xbc99c48700000000, 0x6c429df100000000, + 0x34c27f2600000000, 0x9d44298500000000, 0xc5c4cb5200000000, + 0x8e4ff51800000000, 0xd6cf17cf00000000, 0x7f49416c00000000, + 0x27c9a3bb00000000, 0xe95f3cf800000000, 0xb1dfde2f00000000, + 0x1859888c00000000, 0x40d96a5b00000000, 0x0b52541100000000, + 0x53d2b6c600000000, 0xfa54e06500000000, 0xa2d402b200000000, + 0x6679dfe200000000, 0x3ef93d3500000000, 0x977f6b9600000000, + 0xcfff894100000000, 0x8474b70b00000000, 0xdcf455dc00000000, + 0x7572037f00000000, 0x2df2e1a800000000, 0xe3647eeb00000000, + 0xbbe49c3c00000000, 0x1262ca9f00000000, 0x4ae2284800000000, + 0x0169160200000000, 0x59e9f4d500000000, 0xf06fa27600000000, + 0xa8ef40a100000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x463b676500000000, 0x8c76ceca00000000, + 0xca4da9af00000000, 0x59ebed4e00000000, 0x1fd08a2b00000000, + 0xd59d238400000000, 0x93a644e100000000, 0xb2d6db9d00000000, + 0xf4edbcf800000000, 0x3ea0155700000000, 0x789b723200000000, + 0xeb3d36d300000000, 0xad0651b600000000, 0x674bf81900000000, + 0x21709f7c00000000, 0x25abc6e000000000, 0x6390a18500000000, + 0xa9dd082a00000000, 0xefe66f4f00000000, 0x7c402bae00000000, + 0x3a7b4ccb00000000, 0xf036e56400000000, 0xb60d820100000000, + 0x977d1d7d00000000, 0xd1467a1800000000, 0x1b0bd3b700000000, + 0x5d30b4d200000000, 0xce96f03300000000, 0x88ad975600000000, + 0x42e03ef900000000, 0x04db599c00000000, 0x0b50fc1a00000000, + 0x4d6b9b7f00000000, 0x872632d000000000, 0xc11d55b500000000, + 0x52bb115400000000, 0x1480763100000000, 0xdecddf9e00000000, + 0x98f6b8fb00000000, 0xb986278700000000, 0xffbd40e200000000, + 0x35f0e94d00000000, 0x73cb8e2800000000, 0xe06dcac900000000, + 0xa656adac00000000, 0x6c1b040300000000, 0x2a20636600000000, + 0x2efb3afa00000000, 0x68c05d9f00000000, 0xa28df43000000000, + 0xe4b6935500000000, 0x7710d7b400000000, 0x312bb0d100000000, + 0xfb66197e00000000, 0xbd5d7e1b00000000, 0x9c2de16700000000, + 0xda16860200000000, 0x105b2fad00000000, 0x566048c800000000, + 0xc5c60c2900000000, 0x83fd6b4c00000000, 0x49b0c2e300000000, + 0x0f8ba58600000000, 0x16a0f83500000000, 0x509b9f5000000000, + 0x9ad636ff00000000, 0xdced519a00000000, 0x4f4b157b00000000, + 0x0970721e00000000, 0xc33ddbb100000000, 0x8506bcd400000000, + 0xa47623a800000000, 0xe24d44cd00000000, 0x2800ed6200000000, + 0x6e3b8a0700000000, 0xfd9dcee600000000, 0xbba6a98300000000, + 0x71eb002c00000000, 0x37d0674900000000, 0x330b3ed500000000, + 0x753059b000000000, 0xbf7df01f00000000, 0xf946977a00000000, + 0x6ae0d39b00000000, 0x2cdbb4fe00000000, 0xe6961d5100000000, + 0xa0ad7a3400000000, 0x81dde54800000000, 0xc7e6822d00000000, + 0x0dab2b8200000000, 0x4b904ce700000000, 0xd836080600000000, + 0x9e0d6f6300000000, 0x5440c6cc00000000, 0x127ba1a900000000, + 0x1df0042f00000000, 0x5bcb634a00000000, 0x9186cae500000000, + 0xd7bdad8000000000, 0x441be96100000000, 0x02208e0400000000, + 0xc86d27ab00000000, 0x8e5640ce00000000, 0xaf26dfb200000000, + 0xe91db8d700000000, 0x2350117800000000, 0x656b761d00000000, + 0xf6cd32fc00000000, 0xb0f6559900000000, 0x7abbfc3600000000, + 0x3c809b5300000000, 0x385bc2cf00000000, 0x7e60a5aa00000000, + 0xb42d0c0500000000, 0xf2166b6000000000, 0x61b02f8100000000, + 0x278b48e400000000, 0xedc6e14b00000000, 0xabfd862e00000000, + 0x8a8d195200000000, 0xccb67e3700000000, 0x06fbd79800000000, + 0x40c0b0fd00000000, 0xd366f41c00000000, 0x955d937900000000, + 0x5f103ad600000000, 0x192b5db300000000, 0x2c40f16b00000000, + 0x6a7b960e00000000, 0xa0363fa100000000, 0xe60d58c400000000, + 0x75ab1c2500000000, 0x33907b4000000000, 0xf9ddd2ef00000000, + 0xbfe6b58a00000000, 0x9e962af600000000, 0xd8ad4d9300000000, + 0x12e0e43c00000000, 0x54db835900000000, 0xc77dc7b800000000, + 0x8146a0dd00000000, 0x4b0b097200000000, 0x0d306e1700000000, + 0x09eb378b00000000, 0x4fd050ee00000000, 0x859df94100000000, + 0xc3a69e2400000000, 0x5000dac500000000, 0x163bbda000000000, + 0xdc76140f00000000, 0x9a4d736a00000000, 0xbb3dec1600000000, + 0xfd068b7300000000, 0x374b22dc00000000, 0x717045b900000000, + 0xe2d6015800000000, 0xa4ed663d00000000, 0x6ea0cf9200000000, + 0x289ba8f700000000, 0x27100d7100000000, 0x612b6a1400000000, + 0xab66c3bb00000000, 0xed5da4de00000000, 0x7efbe03f00000000, + 0x38c0875a00000000, 0xf28d2ef500000000, 0xb4b6499000000000, + 0x95c6d6ec00000000, 0xd3fdb18900000000, 0x19b0182600000000, + 0x5f8b7f4300000000, 0xcc2d3ba200000000, 0x8a165cc700000000, + 0x405bf56800000000, 0x0660920d00000000, 0x02bbcb9100000000, + 0x4480acf400000000, 0x8ecd055b00000000, 0xc8f6623e00000000, + 0x5b5026df00000000, 0x1d6b41ba00000000, 0xd726e81500000000, + 0x911d8f7000000000, 0xb06d100c00000000, 0xf656776900000000, + 0x3c1bdec600000000, 0x7a20b9a300000000, 0xe986fd4200000000, + 0xafbd9a2700000000, 0x65f0338800000000, 0x23cb54ed00000000, + 0x3ae0095e00000000, 0x7cdb6e3b00000000, 0xb696c79400000000, + 0xf0ada0f100000000, 0x630be41000000000, 0x2530837500000000, + 0xef7d2ada00000000, 0xa9464dbf00000000, 0x8836d2c300000000, + 0xce0db5a600000000, 0x04401c0900000000, 0x427b7b6c00000000, + 0xd1dd3f8d00000000, 0x97e658e800000000, 0x5dabf14700000000, + 0x1b90962200000000, 0x1f4bcfbe00000000, 0x5970a8db00000000, + 0x933d017400000000, 0xd506661100000000, 0x46a022f000000000, + 0x009b459500000000, 0xcad6ec3a00000000, 0x8ced8b5f00000000, + 0xad9d142300000000, 0xeba6734600000000, 0x21ebdae900000000, + 0x67d0bd8c00000000, 0xf476f96d00000000, 0xb24d9e0800000000, + 0x780037a700000000, 0x3e3b50c200000000, 0x31b0f54400000000, + 0x778b922100000000, 0xbdc63b8e00000000, 0xfbfd5ceb00000000, + 0x685b180a00000000, 0x2e607f6f00000000, 0xe42dd6c000000000, + 0xa216b1a500000000, 0x83662ed900000000, 0xc55d49bc00000000, + 0x0f10e01300000000, 0x492b877600000000, 0xda8dc39700000000, + 0x9cb6a4f200000000, 0x56fb0d5d00000000, 0x10c06a3800000000, + 0x141b33a400000000, 0x522054c100000000, 0x986dfd6e00000000, + 0xde569a0b00000000, 0x4df0deea00000000, 0x0bcbb98f00000000, + 0xc186102000000000, 0x87bd774500000000, 0xa6cde83900000000, + 0xe0f68f5c00000000, 0x2abb26f300000000, 0x6c80419600000000, + 0xff26057700000000, 0xb91d621200000000, 0x7350cbbd00000000, + 0x356bacd800000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x9e83da9f00000000, 0x7d01c4e400000000, + 0xe3821e7b00000000, 0xbb04f91200000000, 0x2587238d00000000, + 0xc6053df600000000, 0x5886e76900000000, 0x7609f22500000000, + 0xe88a28ba00000000, 0x0b0836c100000000, 0x958bec5e00000000, + 0xcd0d0b3700000000, 0x538ed1a800000000, 0xb00ccfd300000000, + 0x2e8f154c00000000, 0xec12e44b00000000, 0x72913ed400000000, + 0x911320af00000000, 0x0f90fa3000000000, 0x57161d5900000000, + 0xc995c7c600000000, 0x2a17d9bd00000000, 0xb494032200000000, + 0x9a1b166e00000000, 0x0498ccf100000000, 0xe71ad28a00000000, + 0x7999081500000000, 0x211fef7c00000000, 0xbf9c35e300000000, + 0x5c1e2b9800000000, 0xc29df10700000000, 0xd825c89700000000, + 0x46a6120800000000, 0xa5240c7300000000, 0x3ba7d6ec00000000, + 0x6321318500000000, 0xfda2eb1a00000000, 0x1e20f56100000000, + 0x80a32ffe00000000, 0xae2c3ab200000000, 0x30afe02d00000000, + 0xd32dfe5600000000, 0x4dae24c900000000, 0x1528c3a000000000, + 0x8bab193f00000000, 0x6829074400000000, 0xf6aadddb00000000, + 0x34372cdc00000000, 0xaab4f64300000000, 0x4936e83800000000, + 0xd7b532a700000000, 0x8f33d5ce00000000, 0x11b00f5100000000, + 0xf232112a00000000, 0x6cb1cbb500000000, 0x423edef900000000, + 0xdcbd046600000000, 0x3f3f1a1d00000000, 0xa1bcc08200000000, + 0xf93a27eb00000000, 0x67b9fd7400000000, 0x843be30f00000000, + 0x1ab8399000000000, 0xf14de1f400000000, 0x6fce3b6b00000000, + 0x8c4c251000000000, 0x12cfff8f00000000, 0x4a4918e600000000, + 0xd4cac27900000000, 0x3748dc0200000000, 0xa9cb069d00000000, + 0x874413d100000000, 0x19c7c94e00000000, 0xfa45d73500000000, + 0x64c60daa00000000, 0x3c40eac300000000, 0xa2c3305c00000000, + 0x41412e2700000000, 0xdfc2f4b800000000, 0x1d5f05bf00000000, + 0x83dcdf2000000000, 0x605ec15b00000000, 0xfedd1bc400000000, + 0xa65bfcad00000000, 0x38d8263200000000, 0xdb5a384900000000, + 0x45d9e2d600000000, 0x6b56f79a00000000, 0xf5d52d0500000000, + 0x1657337e00000000, 0x88d4e9e100000000, 0xd0520e8800000000, + 0x4ed1d41700000000, 0xad53ca6c00000000, 0x33d010f300000000, + 0x2968296300000000, 0xb7ebf3fc00000000, 0x5469ed8700000000, + 0xcaea371800000000, 0x926cd07100000000, 0x0cef0aee00000000, + 0xef6d149500000000, 0x71eece0a00000000, 0x5f61db4600000000, + 0xc1e201d900000000, 0x22601fa200000000, 0xbce3c53d00000000, + 0xe465225400000000, 0x7ae6f8cb00000000, 0x9964e6b000000000, + 0x07e73c2f00000000, 0xc57acd2800000000, 0x5bf917b700000000, + 0xb87b09cc00000000, 0x26f8d35300000000, 0x7e7e343a00000000, + 0xe0fdeea500000000, 0x037ff0de00000000, 0x9dfc2a4100000000, + 0xb3733f0d00000000, 0x2df0e59200000000, 0xce72fbe900000000, + 0x50f1217600000000, 0x0877c61f00000000, 0x96f41c8000000000, + 0x757602fb00000000, 0xebf5d86400000000, 0xa39db33200000000, + 0x3d1e69ad00000000, 0xde9c77d600000000, 0x401fad4900000000, + 0x18994a2000000000, 0x861a90bf00000000, 0x65988ec400000000, + 0xfb1b545b00000000, 0xd594411700000000, 0x4b179b8800000000, + 0xa89585f300000000, 0x36165f6c00000000, 0x6e90b80500000000, + 0xf013629a00000000, 0x13917ce100000000, 0x8d12a67e00000000, + 0x4f8f577900000000, 0xd10c8de600000000, 0x328e939d00000000, + 0xac0d490200000000, 0xf48bae6b00000000, 0x6a0874f400000000, + 0x898a6a8f00000000, 0x1709b01000000000, 0x3986a55c00000000, + 0xa7057fc300000000, 0x448761b800000000, 0xda04bb2700000000, + 0x82825c4e00000000, 0x1c0186d100000000, 0xff8398aa00000000, + 0x6100423500000000, 0x7bb87ba500000000, 0xe53ba13a00000000, + 0x06b9bf4100000000, 0x983a65de00000000, 0xc0bc82b700000000, + 0x5e3f582800000000, 0xbdbd465300000000, 0x233e9ccc00000000, + 0x0db1898000000000, 0x9332531f00000000, 0x70b04d6400000000, + 0xee3397fb00000000, 0xb6b5709200000000, 0x2836aa0d00000000, + 0xcbb4b47600000000, 0x55376ee900000000, 0x97aa9fee00000000, + 0x0929457100000000, 0xeaab5b0a00000000, 0x7428819500000000, + 0x2cae66fc00000000, 0xb22dbc6300000000, 0x51afa21800000000, + 0xcf2c788700000000, 0xe1a36dcb00000000, 0x7f20b75400000000, + 0x9ca2a92f00000000, 0x022173b000000000, 0x5aa794d900000000, + 0xc4244e4600000000, 0x27a6503d00000000, 0xb9258aa200000000, + 0x52d052c600000000, 0xcc53885900000000, 0x2fd1962200000000, + 0xb1524cbd00000000, 0xe9d4abd400000000, 0x7757714b00000000, + 0x94d56f3000000000, 0x0a56b5af00000000, 0x24d9a0e300000000, + 0xba5a7a7c00000000, 0x59d8640700000000, 0xc75bbe9800000000, + 0x9fdd59f100000000, 0x015e836e00000000, 0xe2dc9d1500000000, + 0x7c5f478a00000000, 0xbec2b68d00000000, 0x20416c1200000000, + 0xc3c3726900000000, 0x5d40a8f600000000, 0x05c64f9f00000000, + 0x9b45950000000000, 0x78c78b7b00000000, 0xe64451e400000000, + 0xc8cb44a800000000, 0x56489e3700000000, 0xb5ca804c00000000, + 0x2b495ad300000000, 0x73cfbdba00000000, 0xed4c672500000000, + 0x0ece795e00000000, 0x904da3c100000000, 0x8af59a5100000000, + 0x147640ce00000000, 0xf7f45eb500000000, 0x6977842a00000000, + 0x31f1634300000000, 0xaf72b9dc00000000, 0x4cf0a7a700000000, + 0xd2737d3800000000, 0xfcfc687400000000, 0x627fb2eb00000000, + 0x81fdac9000000000, 0x1f7e760f00000000, 0x47f8916600000000, + 0xd97b4bf900000000, 0x3af9558200000000, 0xa47a8f1d00000000, + 0x66e77e1a00000000, 0xf864a48500000000, 0x1be6bafe00000000, + 0x8565606100000000, 0xdde3870800000000, 0x43605d9700000000, + 0xa0e243ec00000000, 0x3e61997300000000, 0x10ee8c3f00000000, + 0x8e6d56a000000000, 0x6def48db00000000, 0xf36c924400000000, + 0xabea752d00000000, 0x3569afb200000000, 0xd6ebb1c900000000, + 0x48686b5600000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xc064281700000000, 0x80c9502e00000000, + 0x40ad783900000000, 0x0093a15c00000000, 0xc0f7894b00000000, + 0x805af17200000000, 0x403ed96500000000, 0x002643b900000000, + 0xc0426bae00000000, 0x80ef139700000000, 0x408b3b8000000000, + 0x00b5e2e500000000, 0xc0d1caf200000000, 0x807cb2cb00000000, + 0x40189adc00000000, 0x414af7a900000000, 0x812edfbe00000000, + 0xc183a78700000000, 0x01e78f9000000000, 0x41d956f500000000, + 0x81bd7ee200000000, 0xc11006db00000000, 0x01742ecc00000000, + 0x416cb41000000000, 0x81089c0700000000, 0xc1a5e43e00000000, + 0x01c1cc2900000000, 0x41ff154c00000000, 0x819b3d5b00000000, + 0xc136456200000000, 0x01526d7500000000, 0xc3929f8800000000, + 0x03f6b79f00000000, 0x435bcfa600000000, 0x833fe7b100000000, + 0xc3013ed400000000, 0x036516c300000000, 0x43c86efa00000000, + 0x83ac46ed00000000, 0xc3b4dc3100000000, 0x03d0f42600000000, + 0x437d8c1f00000000, 0x8319a40800000000, 0xc3277d6d00000000, + 0x0343557a00000000, 0x43ee2d4300000000, 0x838a055400000000, + 0x82d8682100000000, 0x42bc403600000000, 0x0211380f00000000, + 0xc275101800000000, 0x824bc97d00000000, 0x422fe16a00000000, + 0x0282995300000000, 0xc2e6b14400000000, 0x82fe2b9800000000, + 0x429a038f00000000, 0x02377bb600000000, 0xc25353a100000000, + 0x826d8ac400000000, 0x4209a2d300000000, 0x02a4daea00000000, + 0xc2c0f2fd00000000, 0xc7234eca00000000, 0x074766dd00000000, + 0x47ea1ee400000000, 0x878e36f300000000, 0xc7b0ef9600000000, + 0x07d4c78100000000, 0x4779bfb800000000, 0x871d97af00000000, + 0xc7050d7300000000, 0x0761256400000000, 0x47cc5d5d00000000, + 0x87a8754a00000000, 0xc796ac2f00000000, 0x07f2843800000000, + 0x475ffc0100000000, 0x873bd41600000000, 0x8669b96300000000, + 0x460d917400000000, 0x06a0e94d00000000, 0xc6c4c15a00000000, + 0x86fa183f00000000, 0x469e302800000000, 0x0633481100000000, + 0xc657600600000000, 0x864ffada00000000, 0x462bd2cd00000000, + 0x0686aaf400000000, 0xc6e282e300000000, 0x86dc5b8600000000, + 0x46b8739100000000, 0x06150ba800000000, 0xc67123bf00000000, + 0x04b1d14200000000, 0xc4d5f95500000000, 0x8478816c00000000, + 0x441ca97b00000000, 0x0422701e00000000, 0xc446580900000000, + 0x84eb203000000000, 0x448f082700000000, 0x049792fb00000000, + 0xc4f3baec00000000, 0x845ec2d500000000, 0x443aeac200000000, + 0x040433a700000000, 0xc4601bb000000000, 0x84cd638900000000, + 0x44a94b9e00000000, 0x45fb26eb00000000, 0x859f0efc00000000, + 0xc53276c500000000, 0x05565ed200000000, 0x456887b700000000, + 0x850cafa000000000, 0xc5a1d79900000000, 0x05c5ff8e00000000, + 0x45dd655200000000, 0x85b94d4500000000, 0xc514357c00000000, + 0x05701d6b00000000, 0x454ec40e00000000, 0x852aec1900000000, + 0xc587942000000000, 0x05e3bc3700000000, 0xcf41ed4f00000000, + 0x0f25c55800000000, 0x4f88bd6100000000, 0x8fec957600000000, + 0xcfd24c1300000000, 0x0fb6640400000000, 0x4f1b1c3d00000000, + 0x8f7f342a00000000, 0xcf67aef600000000, 0x0f0386e100000000, + 0x4faefed800000000, 0x8fcad6cf00000000, 0xcff40faa00000000, + 0x0f9027bd00000000, 0x4f3d5f8400000000, 0x8f59779300000000, + 0x8e0b1ae600000000, 0x4e6f32f100000000, 0x0ec24ac800000000, + 0xcea662df00000000, 0x8e98bbba00000000, 0x4efc93ad00000000, + 0x0e51eb9400000000, 0xce35c38300000000, 0x8e2d595f00000000, + 0x4e49714800000000, 0x0ee4097100000000, 0xce80216600000000, + 0x8ebef80300000000, 0x4edad01400000000, 0x0e77a82d00000000, + 0xce13803a00000000, 0x0cd372c700000000, 0xccb75ad000000000, + 0x8c1a22e900000000, 0x4c7e0afe00000000, 0x0c40d39b00000000, + 0xcc24fb8c00000000, 0x8c8983b500000000, 0x4cedaba200000000, + 0x0cf5317e00000000, 0xcc91196900000000, 0x8c3c615000000000, + 0x4c58494700000000, 0x0c66902200000000, 0xcc02b83500000000, + 0x8cafc00c00000000, 0x4ccbe81b00000000, 0x4d99856e00000000, + 0x8dfdad7900000000, 0xcd50d54000000000, 0x0d34fd5700000000, + 0x4d0a243200000000, 0x8d6e0c2500000000, 0xcdc3741c00000000, + 0x0da75c0b00000000, 0x4dbfc6d700000000, 0x8ddbeec000000000, + 0xcd7696f900000000, 0x0d12beee00000000, 0x4d2c678b00000000, + 0x8d484f9c00000000, 0xcde537a500000000, 0x0d811fb200000000, + 0x0862a38500000000, 0xc8068b9200000000, 0x88abf3ab00000000, + 0x48cfdbbc00000000, 0x08f102d900000000, 0xc8952ace00000000, + 0x883852f700000000, 0x485c7ae000000000, 0x0844e03c00000000, + 0xc820c82b00000000, 0x888db01200000000, 0x48e9980500000000, + 0x08d7416000000000, 0xc8b3697700000000, 0x881e114e00000000, + 0x487a395900000000, 0x4928542c00000000, 0x894c7c3b00000000, + 0xc9e1040200000000, 0x09852c1500000000, 0x49bbf57000000000, + 0x89dfdd6700000000, 0xc972a55e00000000, 0x09168d4900000000, + 0x490e179500000000, 0x896a3f8200000000, 0xc9c747bb00000000, + 0x09a36fac00000000, 0x499db6c900000000, 0x89f99ede00000000, + 0xc954e6e700000000, 0x0930cef000000000, 0xcbf03c0d00000000, + 0x0b94141a00000000, 0x4b396c2300000000, 0x8b5d443400000000, + 0xcb639d5100000000, 0x0b07b54600000000, 0x4baacd7f00000000, + 0x8bcee56800000000, 0xcbd67fb400000000, 0x0bb257a300000000, + 0x4b1f2f9a00000000, 0x8b7b078d00000000, 0xcb45dee800000000, + 0x0b21f6ff00000000, 0x4b8c8ec600000000, 0x8be8a6d100000000, + 0x8abacba400000000, 0x4adee3b300000000, 0x0a739b8a00000000, + 0xca17b39d00000000, 0x8a296af800000000, 0x4a4d42ef00000000, + 0x0ae03ad600000000, 0xca8412c100000000, 0x8a9c881d00000000, + 0x4af8a00a00000000, 0x0a55d83300000000, 0xca31f02400000000, + 0x8a0f294100000000, 0x4a6b015600000000, 0x0ac6796f00000000, + 0xcaa2517800000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xd4ea739b00000000, 0xe9d396ed00000000, + 0x3d39e57600000000, 0x93a15c0000000000, 0x474b2f9b00000000, + 0x7a72caed00000000, 0xae98b97600000000, 0x2643b90000000000, + 0xf2a9ca9b00000000, 0xcf902fed00000000, 0x1b7a5c7600000000, + 0xb5e2e50000000000, 0x6108969b00000000, 0x5c3173ed00000000, + 0x88db007600000000, 0x4c86720100000000, 0x986c019a00000000, + 0xa555e4ec00000000, 0x71bf977700000000, 0xdf272e0100000000, + 0x0bcd5d9a00000000, 0x36f4b8ec00000000, 0xe21ecb7700000000, + 0x6ac5cb0100000000, 0xbe2fb89a00000000, 0x83165dec00000000, + 0x57fc2e7700000000, 0xf964970100000000, 0x2d8ee49a00000000, + 0x10b701ec00000000, 0xc45d727700000000, 0x980ce50200000000, + 0x4ce6969900000000, 0x71df73ef00000000, 0xa535007400000000, + 0x0badb90200000000, 0xdf47ca9900000000, 0xe27e2fef00000000, + 0x36945c7400000000, 0xbe4f5c0200000000, 0x6aa52f9900000000, + 0x579ccaef00000000, 0x8376b97400000000, 0x2dee000200000000, + 0xf904739900000000, 0xc43d96ef00000000, 0x10d7e57400000000, + 0xd48a970300000000, 0x0060e49800000000, 0x3d5901ee00000000, + 0xe9b3727500000000, 0x472bcb0300000000, 0x93c1b89800000000, + 0xaef85dee00000000, 0x7a122e7500000000, 0xf2c92e0300000000, + 0x26235d9800000000, 0x1b1ab8ee00000000, 0xcff0cb7500000000, + 0x6168720300000000, 0xb582019800000000, 0x88bbe4ee00000000, + 0x5c51977500000000, 0x3019ca0500000000, 0xe4f3b99e00000000, + 0xd9ca5ce800000000, 0x0d202f7300000000, 0xa3b8960500000000, + 0x7752e59e00000000, 0x4a6b00e800000000, 0x9e81737300000000, + 0x165a730500000000, 0xc2b0009e00000000, 0xff89e5e800000000, + 0x2b63967300000000, 0x85fb2f0500000000, 0x51115c9e00000000, + 0x6c28b9e800000000, 0xb8c2ca7300000000, 0x7c9fb80400000000, + 0xa875cb9f00000000, 0x954c2ee900000000, 0x41a65d7200000000, + 0xef3ee40400000000, 0x3bd4979f00000000, 0x06ed72e900000000, + 0xd207017200000000, 0x5adc010400000000, 0x8e36729f00000000, + 0xb30f97e900000000, 0x67e5e47200000000, 0xc97d5d0400000000, + 0x1d972e9f00000000, 0x20aecbe900000000, 0xf444b87200000000, + 0xa8152f0700000000, 0x7cff5c9c00000000, 0x41c6b9ea00000000, + 0x952cca7100000000, 0x3bb4730700000000, 0xef5e009c00000000, + 0xd267e5ea00000000, 0x068d967100000000, 0x8e56960700000000, + 0x5abce59c00000000, 0x678500ea00000000, 0xb36f737100000000, + 0x1df7ca0700000000, 0xc91db99c00000000, 0xf4245cea00000000, + 0x20ce2f7100000000, 0xe4935d0600000000, 0x30792e9d00000000, + 0x0d40cbeb00000000, 0xd9aab87000000000, 0x7732010600000000, + 0xa3d8729d00000000, 0x9ee197eb00000000, 0x4a0be47000000000, + 0xc2d0e40600000000, 0x163a979d00000000, 0x2b0372eb00000000, + 0xffe9017000000000, 0x5171b80600000000, 0x859bcb9d00000000, + 0xb8a22eeb00000000, 0x6c485d7000000000, 0x6032940b00000000, + 0xb4d8e79000000000, 0x89e102e600000000, 0x5d0b717d00000000, + 0xf393c80b00000000, 0x2779bb9000000000, 0x1a405ee600000000, + 0xceaa2d7d00000000, 0x46712d0b00000000, 0x929b5e9000000000, + 0xafa2bbe600000000, 0x7b48c87d00000000, 0xd5d0710b00000000, + 0x013a029000000000, 0x3c03e7e600000000, 0xe8e9947d00000000, + 0x2cb4e60a00000000, 0xf85e959100000000, 0xc56770e700000000, + 0x118d037c00000000, 0xbf15ba0a00000000, 0x6bffc99100000000, + 0x56c62ce700000000, 0x822c5f7c00000000, 0x0af75f0a00000000, + 0xde1d2c9100000000, 0xe324c9e700000000, 0x37ceba7c00000000, + 0x9956030a00000000, 0x4dbc709100000000, 0x708595e700000000, + 0xa46fe67c00000000, 0xf83e710900000000, 0x2cd4029200000000, + 0x11ede7e400000000, 0xc507947f00000000, 0x6b9f2d0900000000, + 0xbf755e9200000000, 0x824cbbe400000000, 0x56a6c87f00000000, + 0xde7dc80900000000, 0x0a97bb9200000000, 0x37ae5ee400000000, + 0xe3442d7f00000000, 0x4ddc940900000000, 0x9936e79200000000, + 0xa40f02e400000000, 0x70e5717f00000000, 0xb4b8030800000000, + 0x6052709300000000, 0x5d6b95e500000000, 0x8981e67e00000000, + 0x27195f0800000000, 0xf3f32c9300000000, 0xcecac9e500000000, + 0x1a20ba7e00000000, 0x92fbba0800000000, 0x4611c99300000000, + 0x7b282ce500000000, 0xafc25f7e00000000, 0x015ae60800000000, + 0xd5b0959300000000, 0xe88970e500000000, 0x3c63037e00000000, + 0x502b5e0e00000000, 0x84c12d9500000000, 0xb9f8c8e300000000, + 0x6d12bb7800000000, 0xc38a020e00000000, 0x1760719500000000, + 0x2a5994e300000000, 0xfeb3e77800000000, 0x7668e70e00000000, + 0xa282949500000000, 0x9fbb71e300000000, 0x4b51027800000000, + 0xe5c9bb0e00000000, 0x3123c89500000000, 0x0c1a2de300000000, + 0xd8f05e7800000000, 0x1cad2c0f00000000, 0xc8475f9400000000, + 0xf57ebae200000000, 0x2194c97900000000, 0x8f0c700f00000000, + 0x5be6039400000000, 0x66dfe6e200000000, 0xb235957900000000, + 0x3aee950f00000000, 0xee04e69400000000, 0xd33d03e200000000, + 0x07d7707900000000, 0xa94fc90f00000000, 0x7da5ba9400000000, + 0x409c5fe200000000, 0x94762c7900000000, 0xc827bb0c00000000, + 0x1ccdc89700000000, 0x21f42de100000000, 0xf51e5e7a00000000, + 0x5b86e70c00000000, 0x8f6c949700000000, 0xb25571e100000000, + 0x66bf027a00000000, 0xee64020c00000000, 0x3a8e719700000000, + 0x07b794e100000000, 0xd35de77a00000000, 0x7dc55e0c00000000, + 0xa92f2d9700000000, 0x9416c8e100000000, 0x40fcbb7a00000000, + 0x84a1c90d00000000, 0x504bba9600000000, 0x6d725fe000000000, + 0xb9982c7b00000000, 0x1700950d00000000, 0xc3eae69600000000, + 0xfed303e000000000, 0x2a39707b00000000, 0xa2e2700d00000000, + 0x7608039600000000, 0x4b31e6e000000000, 0x9fdb957b00000000, + 0x31432c0d00000000, 0xe5a95f9600000000, 0xd890bae000000000, + 0x0c7ac97b00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x2765258100000000, 0x0fcc3bd900000000, + 0x28a91e5800000000, 0x5f9e066900000000, 0x78fb23e800000000, + 0x50523db000000000, 0x7737183100000000, 0xbe3c0dd200000000, + 0x9959285300000000, 0xb1f0360b00000000, 0x9695138a00000000, + 0xe1a20bbb00000000, 0xc6c72e3a00000000, 0xee6e306200000000, + 0xc90b15e300000000, 0x3d7f6b7f00000000, 0x1a1a4efe00000000, + 0x32b350a600000000, 0x15d6752700000000, 0x62e16d1600000000, + 0x4584489700000000, 0x6d2d56cf00000000, 0x4a48734e00000000, + 0x834366ad00000000, 0xa426432c00000000, 0x8c8f5d7400000000, + 0xabea78f500000000, 0xdcdd60c400000000, 0xfbb8454500000000, + 0xd3115b1d00000000, 0xf4747e9c00000000, 0x7afed6fe00000000, + 0x5d9bf37f00000000, 0x7532ed2700000000, 0x5257c8a600000000, + 0x2560d09700000000, 0x0205f51600000000, 0x2aaceb4e00000000, + 0x0dc9cecf00000000, 0xc4c2db2c00000000, 0xe3a7fead00000000, + 0xcb0ee0f500000000, 0xec6bc57400000000, 0x9b5cdd4500000000, + 0xbc39f8c400000000, 0x9490e69c00000000, 0xb3f5c31d00000000, + 0x4781bd8100000000, 0x60e4980000000000, 0x484d865800000000, + 0x6f28a3d900000000, 0x181fbbe800000000, 0x3f7a9e6900000000, + 0x17d3803100000000, 0x30b6a5b000000000, 0xf9bdb05300000000, + 0xded895d200000000, 0xf6718b8a00000000, 0xd114ae0b00000000, + 0xa623b63a00000000, 0x814693bb00000000, 0xa9ef8de300000000, + 0x8e8aa86200000000, 0xb5fadc2600000000, 0x929ff9a700000000, + 0xba36e7ff00000000, 0x9d53c27e00000000, 0xea64da4f00000000, + 0xcd01ffce00000000, 0xe5a8e19600000000, 0xc2cdc41700000000, + 0x0bc6d1f400000000, 0x2ca3f47500000000, 0x040aea2d00000000, + 0x236fcfac00000000, 0x5458d79d00000000, 0x733df21c00000000, + 0x5b94ec4400000000, 0x7cf1c9c500000000, 0x8885b75900000000, + 0xafe092d800000000, 0x87498c8000000000, 0xa02ca90100000000, + 0xd71bb13000000000, 0xf07e94b100000000, 0xd8d78ae900000000, + 0xffb2af6800000000, 0x36b9ba8b00000000, 0x11dc9f0a00000000, + 0x3975815200000000, 0x1e10a4d300000000, 0x6927bce200000000, + 0x4e42996300000000, 0x66eb873b00000000, 0x418ea2ba00000000, + 0xcf040ad800000000, 0xe8612f5900000000, 0xc0c8310100000000, + 0xe7ad148000000000, 0x909a0cb100000000, 0xb7ff293000000000, + 0x9f56376800000000, 0xb83312e900000000, 0x7138070a00000000, + 0x565d228b00000000, 0x7ef43cd300000000, 0x5991195200000000, + 0x2ea6016300000000, 0x09c324e200000000, 0x216a3aba00000000, + 0x060f1f3b00000000, 0xf27b61a700000000, 0xd51e442600000000, + 0xfdb75a7e00000000, 0xdad27fff00000000, 0xade567ce00000000, + 0x8a80424f00000000, 0xa2295c1700000000, 0x854c799600000000, + 0x4c476c7500000000, 0x6b2249f400000000, 0x438b57ac00000000, + 0x64ee722d00000000, 0x13d96a1c00000000, 0x34bc4f9d00000000, + 0x1c1551c500000000, 0x3b70744400000000, 0x6af5b94d00000000, + 0x4d909ccc00000000, 0x6539829400000000, 0x425ca71500000000, + 0x356bbf2400000000, 0x120e9aa500000000, 0x3aa784fd00000000, + 0x1dc2a17c00000000, 0xd4c9b49f00000000, 0xf3ac911e00000000, + 0xdb058f4600000000, 0xfc60aac700000000, 0x8b57b2f600000000, + 0xac32977700000000, 0x849b892f00000000, 0xa3feacae00000000, + 0x578ad23200000000, 0x70eff7b300000000, 0x5846e9eb00000000, + 0x7f23cc6a00000000, 0x0814d45b00000000, 0x2f71f1da00000000, + 0x07d8ef8200000000, 0x20bdca0300000000, 0xe9b6dfe000000000, + 0xced3fa6100000000, 0xe67ae43900000000, 0xc11fc1b800000000, + 0xb628d98900000000, 0x914dfc0800000000, 0xb9e4e25000000000, + 0x9e81c7d100000000, 0x100b6fb300000000, 0x376e4a3200000000, + 0x1fc7546a00000000, 0x38a271eb00000000, 0x4f9569da00000000, + 0x68f04c5b00000000, 0x4059520300000000, 0x673c778200000000, + 0xae37626100000000, 0x895247e000000000, 0xa1fb59b800000000, + 0x869e7c3900000000, 0xf1a9640800000000, 0xd6cc418900000000, + 0xfe655fd100000000, 0xd9007a5000000000, 0x2d7404cc00000000, + 0x0a11214d00000000, 0x22b83f1500000000, 0x05dd1a9400000000, + 0x72ea02a500000000, 0x558f272400000000, 0x7d26397c00000000, + 0x5a431cfd00000000, 0x9348091e00000000, 0xb42d2c9f00000000, + 0x9c8432c700000000, 0xbbe1174600000000, 0xccd60f7700000000, + 0xebb32af600000000, 0xc31a34ae00000000, 0xe47f112f00000000, + 0xdf0f656b00000000, 0xf86a40ea00000000, 0xd0c35eb200000000, + 0xf7a67b3300000000, 0x8091630200000000, 0xa7f4468300000000, + 0x8f5d58db00000000, 0xa8387d5a00000000, 0x613368b900000000, + 0x46564d3800000000, 0x6eff536000000000, 0x499a76e100000000, + 0x3ead6ed000000000, 0x19c84b5100000000, 0x3161550900000000, + 0x1604708800000000, 0xe2700e1400000000, 0xc5152b9500000000, + 0xedbc35cd00000000, 0xcad9104c00000000, 0xbdee087d00000000, + 0x9a8b2dfc00000000, 0xb22233a400000000, 0x9547162500000000, + 0x5c4c03c600000000, 0x7b29264700000000, 0x5380381f00000000, + 0x74e51d9e00000000, 0x03d205af00000000, 0x24b7202e00000000, + 0x0c1e3e7600000000, 0x2b7b1bf700000000, 0xa5f1b39500000000, + 0x8294961400000000, 0xaa3d884c00000000, 0x8d58adcd00000000, + 0xfa6fb5fc00000000, 0xdd0a907d00000000, 0xf5a38e2500000000, + 0xd2c6aba400000000, 0x1bcdbe4700000000, 0x3ca89bc600000000, + 0x1401859e00000000, 0x3364a01f00000000, 0x4453b82e00000000, + 0x63369daf00000000, 0x4b9f83f700000000, 0x6cfaa67600000000, + 0x988ed8ea00000000, 0xbfebfd6b00000000, 0x9742e33300000000, + 0xb027c6b200000000, 0xc710de8300000000, 0xe075fb0200000000, + 0xc8dce55a00000000, 0xefb9c0db00000000, 0x26b2d53800000000, + 0x01d7f0b900000000, 0x297eeee100000000, 0x0e1bcb6000000000, + 0x792cd35100000000, 0x5e49f6d000000000, 0x76e0e88800000000, + 0x5185cd0900000000}}; + +#else /* W == 4 */ + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x9ba54c6f, 0xec3b9e9f, 0x779ed2f0, 0x03063b7f, + 0x98a37710, 0xef3da5e0, 0x7498e98f, 0x060c76fe, 0x9da93a91, + 0xea37e861, 0x7192a40e, 0x050a4d81, 0x9eaf01ee, 0xe931d31e, + 0x72949f71, 0x0c18edfc, 0x97bda193, 0xe0237363, 0x7b863f0c, + 0x0f1ed683, 0x94bb9aec, 0xe325481c, 0x78800473, 0x0a149b02, + 0x91b1d76d, 0xe62f059d, 0x7d8a49f2, 0x0912a07d, 0x92b7ec12, + 0xe5293ee2, 0x7e8c728d, 0x1831dbf8, 0x83949797, 0xf40a4567, + 0x6faf0908, 0x1b37e087, 0x8092ace8, 0xf70c7e18, 0x6ca93277, + 0x1e3dad06, 0x8598e169, 0xf2063399, 0x69a37ff6, 0x1d3b9679, + 0x869eda16, 0xf10008e6, 0x6aa54489, 0x14293604, 0x8f8c7a6b, + 0xf812a89b, 0x63b7e4f4, 0x172f0d7b, 0x8c8a4114, 0xfb1493e4, + 0x60b1df8b, 0x122540fa, 0x89800c95, 0xfe1ede65, 0x65bb920a, + 0x11237b85, 0x8a8637ea, 0xfd18e51a, 0x66bda975, 0x3063b7f0, + 0xabc6fb9f, 0xdc58296f, 0x47fd6500, 0x33658c8f, 0xa8c0c0e0, + 0xdf5e1210, 0x44fb5e7f, 0x366fc10e, 0xadca8d61, 0xda545f91, + 0x41f113fe, 0x3569fa71, 0xaeccb61e, 0xd95264ee, 0x42f72881, + 0x3c7b5a0c, 0xa7de1663, 0xd040c493, 0x4be588fc, 0x3f7d6173, + 0xa4d82d1c, 0xd346ffec, 0x48e3b383, 0x3a772cf2, 0xa1d2609d, + 0xd64cb26d, 0x4de9fe02, 0x3971178d, 0xa2d45be2, 0xd54a8912, + 0x4eefc57d, 0x28526c08, 0xb3f72067, 0xc469f297, 0x5fccbef8, + 0x2b545777, 0xb0f11b18, 0xc76fc9e8, 0x5cca8587, 0x2e5e1af6, + 0xb5fb5699, 0xc2658469, 0x59c0c806, 0x2d582189, 0xb6fd6de6, + 0xc163bf16, 0x5ac6f379, 0x244a81f4, 0xbfefcd9b, 0xc8711f6b, + 0x53d45304, 0x274cba8b, 0xbce9f6e4, 0xcb772414, 0x50d2687b, + 0x2246f70a, 0xb9e3bb65, 0xce7d6995, 0x55d825fa, 0x2140cc75, + 0xbae5801a, 0xcd7b52ea, 0x56de1e85, 0x60c76fe0, 0xfb62238f, + 0x8cfcf17f, 0x1759bd10, 0x63c1549f, 0xf86418f0, 0x8ffaca00, + 0x145f866f, 0x66cb191e, 0xfd6e5571, 0x8af08781, 0x1155cbee, + 0x65cd2261, 0xfe686e0e, 0x89f6bcfe, 0x1253f091, 0x6cdf821c, + 0xf77ace73, 0x80e41c83, 0x1b4150ec, 0x6fd9b963, 0xf47cf50c, + 0x83e227fc, 0x18476b93, 0x6ad3f4e2, 0xf176b88d, 0x86e86a7d, + 0x1d4d2612, 0x69d5cf9d, 0xf27083f2, 0x85ee5102, 0x1e4b1d6d, + 0x78f6b418, 0xe353f877, 0x94cd2a87, 0x0f6866e8, 0x7bf08f67, + 0xe055c308, 0x97cb11f8, 0x0c6e5d97, 0x7efac2e6, 0xe55f8e89, + 0x92c15c79, 0x09641016, 0x7dfcf999, 0xe659b5f6, 0x91c76706, + 0x0a622b69, 0x74ee59e4, 0xef4b158b, 0x98d5c77b, 0x03708b14, + 0x77e8629b, 0xec4d2ef4, 0x9bd3fc04, 0x0076b06b, 0x72e22f1a, + 0xe9476375, 0x9ed9b185, 0x057cfdea, 0x71e41465, 0xea41580a, + 0x9ddf8afa, 0x067ac695, 0x50a4d810, 0xcb01947f, 0xbc9f468f, + 0x273a0ae0, 0x53a2e36f, 0xc807af00, 0xbf997df0, 0x243c319f, + 0x56a8aeee, 0xcd0de281, 0xba933071, 0x21367c1e, 0x55ae9591, + 0xce0bd9fe, 0xb9950b0e, 0x22304761, 0x5cbc35ec, 0xc7197983, + 0xb087ab73, 0x2b22e71c, 0x5fba0e93, 0xc41f42fc, 0xb381900c, + 0x2824dc63, 0x5ab04312, 0xc1150f7d, 0xb68bdd8d, 0x2d2e91e2, + 0x59b6786d, 0xc2133402, 0xb58de6f2, 0x2e28aa9d, 0x489503e8, + 0xd3304f87, 0xa4ae9d77, 0x3f0bd118, 0x4b933897, 0xd03674f8, + 0xa7a8a608, 0x3c0dea67, 0x4e997516, 0xd53c3979, 0xa2a2eb89, + 0x3907a7e6, 0x4d9f4e69, 0xd63a0206, 0xa1a4d0f6, 0x3a019c99, + 0x448dee14, 0xdf28a27b, 0xa8b6708b, 0x33133ce4, 0x478bd56b, + 0xdc2e9904, 0xabb04bf4, 0x3015079b, 0x428198ea, 0xd924d485, + 0xaeba0675, 0x351f4a1a, 0x4187a395, 0xda22effa, 0xadbc3d0a, + 0x36197165}, + {0x00000000, 0xc18edfc0, 0x586cb9c1, 0x99e26601, 0xb0d97382, + 0x7157ac42, 0xe8b5ca43, 0x293b1583, 0xbac3e145, 0x7b4d3e85, + 0xe2af5884, 0x23218744, 0x0a1a92c7, 0xcb944d07, 0x52762b06, + 0x93f8f4c6, 0xaef6c4cb, 0x6f781b0b, 0xf69a7d0a, 0x3714a2ca, + 0x1e2fb749, 0xdfa16889, 0x46430e88, 0x87cdd148, 0x1435258e, + 0xd5bbfa4e, 0x4c599c4f, 0x8dd7438f, 0xa4ec560c, 0x656289cc, + 0xfc80efcd, 0x3d0e300d, 0x869c8fd7, 0x47125017, 0xdef03616, + 0x1f7ee9d6, 0x3645fc55, 0xf7cb2395, 0x6e294594, 0xafa79a54, + 0x3c5f6e92, 0xfdd1b152, 0x6433d753, 0xa5bd0893, 0x8c861d10, + 0x4d08c2d0, 0xd4eaa4d1, 0x15647b11, 0x286a4b1c, 0xe9e494dc, + 0x7006f2dd, 0xb1882d1d, 0x98b3389e, 0x593de75e, 0xc0df815f, + 0x01515e9f, 0x92a9aa59, 0x53277599, 0xcac51398, 0x0b4bcc58, + 0x2270d9db, 0xe3fe061b, 0x7a1c601a, 0xbb92bfda, 0xd64819ef, + 0x17c6c62f, 0x8e24a02e, 0x4faa7fee, 0x66916a6d, 0xa71fb5ad, + 0x3efdd3ac, 0xff730c6c, 0x6c8bf8aa, 0xad05276a, 0x34e7416b, + 0xf5699eab, 0xdc528b28, 0x1ddc54e8, 0x843e32e9, 0x45b0ed29, + 0x78bedd24, 0xb93002e4, 0x20d264e5, 0xe15cbb25, 0xc867aea6, + 0x09e97166, 0x900b1767, 0x5185c8a7, 0xc27d3c61, 0x03f3e3a1, + 0x9a1185a0, 0x5b9f5a60, 0x72a44fe3, 0xb32a9023, 0x2ac8f622, + 0xeb4629e2, 0x50d49638, 0x915a49f8, 0x08b82ff9, 0xc936f039, + 0xe00de5ba, 0x21833a7a, 0xb8615c7b, 0x79ef83bb, 0xea17777d, + 0x2b99a8bd, 0xb27bcebc, 0x73f5117c, 0x5ace04ff, 0x9b40db3f, + 0x02a2bd3e, 0xc32c62fe, 0xfe2252f3, 0x3fac8d33, 0xa64eeb32, + 0x67c034f2, 0x4efb2171, 0x8f75feb1, 0x169798b0, 0xd7194770, + 0x44e1b3b6, 0x856f6c76, 0x1c8d0a77, 0xdd03d5b7, 0xf438c034, + 0x35b61ff4, 0xac5479f5, 0x6ddaa635, 0x77e1359f, 0xb66fea5f, + 0x2f8d8c5e, 0xee03539e, 0xc738461d, 0x06b699dd, 0x9f54ffdc, + 0x5eda201c, 0xcd22d4da, 0x0cac0b1a, 0x954e6d1b, 0x54c0b2db, + 0x7dfba758, 0xbc757898, 0x25971e99, 0xe419c159, 0xd917f154, + 0x18992e94, 0x817b4895, 0x40f59755, 0x69ce82d6, 0xa8405d16, + 0x31a23b17, 0xf02ce4d7, 0x63d41011, 0xa25acfd1, 0x3bb8a9d0, + 0xfa367610, 0xd30d6393, 0x1283bc53, 0x8b61da52, 0x4aef0592, + 0xf17dba48, 0x30f36588, 0xa9110389, 0x689fdc49, 0x41a4c9ca, + 0x802a160a, 0x19c8700b, 0xd846afcb, 0x4bbe5b0d, 0x8a3084cd, + 0x13d2e2cc, 0xd25c3d0c, 0xfb67288f, 0x3ae9f74f, 0xa30b914e, + 0x62854e8e, 0x5f8b7e83, 0x9e05a143, 0x07e7c742, 0xc6691882, + 0xef520d01, 0x2edcd2c1, 0xb73eb4c0, 0x76b06b00, 0xe5489fc6, + 0x24c64006, 0xbd242607, 0x7caaf9c7, 0x5591ec44, 0x941f3384, + 0x0dfd5585, 0xcc738a45, 0xa1a92c70, 0x6027f3b0, 0xf9c595b1, + 0x384b4a71, 0x11705ff2, 0xd0fe8032, 0x491ce633, 0x889239f3, + 0x1b6acd35, 0xdae412f5, 0x430674f4, 0x8288ab34, 0xabb3beb7, + 0x6a3d6177, 0xf3df0776, 0x3251d8b6, 0x0f5fe8bb, 0xced1377b, + 0x5733517a, 0x96bd8eba, 0xbf869b39, 0x7e0844f9, 0xe7ea22f8, + 0x2664fd38, 0xb59c09fe, 0x7412d63e, 0xedf0b03f, 0x2c7e6fff, + 0x05457a7c, 0xc4cba5bc, 0x5d29c3bd, 0x9ca71c7d, 0x2735a3a7, + 0xe6bb7c67, 0x7f591a66, 0xbed7c5a6, 0x97ecd025, 0x56620fe5, + 0xcf8069e4, 0x0e0eb624, 0x9df642e2, 0x5c789d22, 0xc59afb23, + 0x041424e3, 0x2d2f3160, 0xeca1eea0, 0x754388a1, 0xb4cd5761, + 0x89c3676c, 0x484db8ac, 0xd1afdead, 0x1021016d, 0x391a14ee, + 0xf894cb2e, 0x6176ad2f, 0xa0f872ef, 0x33008629, 0xf28e59e9, + 0x6b6c3fe8, 0xaae2e028, 0x83d9f5ab, 0x42572a6b, 0xdbb54c6a, + 0x1a3b93aa}, + {0x00000000, 0xefc26b3e, 0x04f5d03d, 0xeb37bb03, 0x09eba07a, + 0xe629cb44, 0x0d1e7047, 0xe2dc1b79, 0x13d740f4, 0xfc152bca, + 0x172290c9, 0xf8e0fbf7, 0x1a3ce08e, 0xf5fe8bb0, 0x1ec930b3, + 0xf10b5b8d, 0x27ae81e8, 0xc86cead6, 0x235b51d5, 0xcc993aeb, + 0x2e452192, 0xc1874aac, 0x2ab0f1af, 0xc5729a91, 0x3479c11c, + 0xdbbbaa22, 0x308c1121, 0xdf4e7a1f, 0x3d926166, 0xd2500a58, + 0x3967b15b, 0xd6a5da65, 0x4f5d03d0, 0xa09f68ee, 0x4ba8d3ed, + 0xa46ab8d3, 0x46b6a3aa, 0xa974c894, 0x42437397, 0xad8118a9, + 0x5c8a4324, 0xb348281a, 0x587f9319, 0xb7bdf827, 0x5561e35e, + 0xbaa38860, 0x51943363, 0xbe56585d, 0x68f38238, 0x8731e906, + 0x6c065205, 0x83c4393b, 0x61182242, 0x8eda497c, 0x65edf27f, + 0x8a2f9941, 0x7b24c2cc, 0x94e6a9f2, 0x7fd112f1, 0x901379cf, + 0x72cf62b6, 0x9d0d0988, 0x763ab28b, 0x99f8d9b5, 0x9eba07a0, + 0x71786c9e, 0x9a4fd79d, 0x758dbca3, 0x9751a7da, 0x7893cce4, + 0x93a477e7, 0x7c661cd9, 0x8d6d4754, 0x62af2c6a, 0x89989769, + 0x665afc57, 0x8486e72e, 0x6b448c10, 0x80733713, 0x6fb15c2d, + 0xb9148648, 0x56d6ed76, 0xbde15675, 0x52233d4b, 0xb0ff2632, + 0x5f3d4d0c, 0xb40af60f, 0x5bc89d31, 0xaac3c6bc, 0x4501ad82, + 0xae361681, 0x41f47dbf, 0xa32866c6, 0x4cea0df8, 0xa7ddb6fb, + 0x481fddc5, 0xd1e70470, 0x3e256f4e, 0xd512d44d, 0x3ad0bf73, + 0xd80ca40a, 0x37cecf34, 0xdcf97437, 0x333b1f09, 0xc2304484, + 0x2df22fba, 0xc6c594b9, 0x2907ff87, 0xcbdbe4fe, 0x24198fc0, + 0xcf2e34c3, 0x20ec5ffd, 0xf6498598, 0x198beea6, 0xf2bc55a5, + 0x1d7e3e9b, 0xffa225e2, 0x10604edc, 0xfb57f5df, 0x14959ee1, + 0xe59ec56c, 0x0a5cae52, 0xe16b1551, 0x0ea97e6f, 0xec756516, + 0x03b70e28, 0xe880b52b, 0x0742de15, 0xe6050901, 0x09c7623f, + 0xe2f0d93c, 0x0d32b202, 0xefeea97b, 0x002cc245, 0xeb1b7946, + 0x04d91278, 0xf5d249f5, 0x1a1022cb, 0xf12799c8, 0x1ee5f2f6, + 0xfc39e98f, 0x13fb82b1, 0xf8cc39b2, 0x170e528c, 0xc1ab88e9, + 0x2e69e3d7, 0xc55e58d4, 0x2a9c33ea, 0xc8402893, 0x278243ad, + 0xccb5f8ae, 0x23779390, 0xd27cc81d, 0x3dbea323, 0xd6891820, + 0x394b731e, 0xdb976867, 0x34550359, 0xdf62b85a, 0x30a0d364, + 0xa9580ad1, 0x469a61ef, 0xadaddaec, 0x426fb1d2, 0xa0b3aaab, + 0x4f71c195, 0xa4467a96, 0x4b8411a8, 0xba8f4a25, 0x554d211b, + 0xbe7a9a18, 0x51b8f126, 0xb364ea5f, 0x5ca68161, 0xb7913a62, + 0x5853515c, 0x8ef68b39, 0x6134e007, 0x8a035b04, 0x65c1303a, + 0x871d2b43, 0x68df407d, 0x83e8fb7e, 0x6c2a9040, 0x9d21cbcd, + 0x72e3a0f3, 0x99d41bf0, 0x761670ce, 0x94ca6bb7, 0x7b080089, + 0x903fbb8a, 0x7ffdd0b4, 0x78bf0ea1, 0x977d659f, 0x7c4ade9c, + 0x9388b5a2, 0x7154aedb, 0x9e96c5e5, 0x75a17ee6, 0x9a6315d8, + 0x6b684e55, 0x84aa256b, 0x6f9d9e68, 0x805ff556, 0x6283ee2f, + 0x8d418511, 0x66763e12, 0x89b4552c, 0x5f118f49, 0xb0d3e477, + 0x5be45f74, 0xb426344a, 0x56fa2f33, 0xb938440d, 0x520fff0e, + 0xbdcd9430, 0x4cc6cfbd, 0xa304a483, 0x48331f80, 0xa7f174be, + 0x452d6fc7, 0xaaef04f9, 0x41d8bffa, 0xae1ad4c4, 0x37e20d71, + 0xd820664f, 0x3317dd4c, 0xdcd5b672, 0x3e09ad0b, 0xd1cbc635, + 0x3afc7d36, 0xd53e1608, 0x24354d85, 0xcbf726bb, 0x20c09db8, + 0xcf02f686, 0x2ddeedff, 0xc21c86c1, 0x292b3dc2, 0xc6e956fc, + 0x104c8c99, 0xff8ee7a7, 0x14b95ca4, 0xfb7b379a, 0x19a72ce3, + 0xf66547dd, 0x1d52fcde, 0xf29097e0, 0x039bcc6d, 0xec59a753, + 0x076e1c50, 0xe8ac776e, 0x0a706c17, 0xe5b20729, 0x0e85bc2a, + 0xe147d714}, + {0x00000000, 0x177b1443, 0x2ef62886, 0x398d3cc5, 0x5dec510c, + 0x4a97454f, 0x731a798a, 0x64616dc9, 0xbbd8a218, 0xaca3b65b, + 0x952e8a9e, 0x82559edd, 0xe634f314, 0xf14fe757, 0xc8c2db92, + 0xdfb9cfd1, 0xacc04271, 0xbbbb5632, 0x82366af7, 0x954d7eb4, + 0xf12c137d, 0xe657073e, 0xdfda3bfb, 0xc8a12fb8, 0x1718e069, + 0x0063f42a, 0x39eec8ef, 0x2e95dcac, 0x4af4b165, 0x5d8fa526, + 0x640299e3, 0x73798da0, 0x82f182a3, 0x958a96e0, 0xac07aa25, + 0xbb7cbe66, 0xdf1dd3af, 0xc866c7ec, 0xf1ebfb29, 0xe690ef6a, + 0x392920bb, 0x2e5234f8, 0x17df083d, 0x00a41c7e, 0x64c571b7, + 0x73be65f4, 0x4a335931, 0x5d484d72, 0x2e31c0d2, 0x394ad491, + 0x00c7e854, 0x17bcfc17, 0x73dd91de, 0x64a6859d, 0x5d2bb958, + 0x4a50ad1b, 0x95e962ca, 0x82927689, 0xbb1f4a4c, 0xac645e0f, + 0xc80533c6, 0xdf7e2785, 0xe6f31b40, 0xf1880f03, 0xde920307, + 0xc9e91744, 0xf0642b81, 0xe71f3fc2, 0x837e520b, 0x94054648, + 0xad887a8d, 0xbaf36ece, 0x654aa11f, 0x7231b55c, 0x4bbc8999, + 0x5cc79dda, 0x38a6f013, 0x2fdde450, 0x1650d895, 0x012bccd6, + 0x72524176, 0x65295535, 0x5ca469f0, 0x4bdf7db3, 0x2fbe107a, + 0x38c50439, 0x014838fc, 0x16332cbf, 0xc98ae36e, 0xdef1f72d, + 0xe77ccbe8, 0xf007dfab, 0x9466b262, 0x831da621, 0xba909ae4, + 0xadeb8ea7, 0x5c6381a4, 0x4b1895e7, 0x7295a922, 0x65eebd61, + 0x018fd0a8, 0x16f4c4eb, 0x2f79f82e, 0x3802ec6d, 0xe7bb23bc, + 0xf0c037ff, 0xc94d0b3a, 0xde361f79, 0xba5772b0, 0xad2c66f3, + 0x94a15a36, 0x83da4e75, 0xf0a3c3d5, 0xe7d8d796, 0xde55eb53, + 0xc92eff10, 0xad4f92d9, 0xba34869a, 0x83b9ba5f, 0x94c2ae1c, + 0x4b7b61cd, 0x5c00758e, 0x658d494b, 0x72f65d08, 0x169730c1, + 0x01ec2482, 0x38611847, 0x2f1a0c04, 0x6655004f, 0x712e140c, + 0x48a328c9, 0x5fd83c8a, 0x3bb95143, 0x2cc24500, 0x154f79c5, + 0x02346d86, 0xdd8da257, 0xcaf6b614, 0xf37b8ad1, 0xe4009e92, + 0x8061f35b, 0x971ae718, 0xae97dbdd, 0xb9eccf9e, 0xca95423e, + 0xddee567d, 0xe4636ab8, 0xf3187efb, 0x97791332, 0x80020771, + 0xb98f3bb4, 0xaef42ff7, 0x714de026, 0x6636f465, 0x5fbbc8a0, + 0x48c0dce3, 0x2ca1b12a, 0x3bdaa569, 0x025799ac, 0x152c8def, + 0xe4a482ec, 0xf3df96af, 0xca52aa6a, 0xdd29be29, 0xb948d3e0, + 0xae33c7a3, 0x97befb66, 0x80c5ef25, 0x5f7c20f4, 0x480734b7, + 0x718a0872, 0x66f11c31, 0x029071f8, 0x15eb65bb, 0x2c66597e, + 0x3b1d4d3d, 0x4864c09d, 0x5f1fd4de, 0x6692e81b, 0x71e9fc58, + 0x15889191, 0x02f385d2, 0x3b7eb917, 0x2c05ad54, 0xf3bc6285, + 0xe4c776c6, 0xdd4a4a03, 0xca315e40, 0xae503389, 0xb92b27ca, + 0x80a61b0f, 0x97dd0f4c, 0xb8c70348, 0xafbc170b, 0x96312bce, + 0x814a3f8d, 0xe52b5244, 0xf2504607, 0xcbdd7ac2, 0xdca66e81, + 0x031fa150, 0x1464b513, 0x2de989d6, 0x3a929d95, 0x5ef3f05c, + 0x4988e41f, 0x7005d8da, 0x677ecc99, 0x14074139, 0x037c557a, + 0x3af169bf, 0x2d8a7dfc, 0x49eb1035, 0x5e900476, 0x671d38b3, + 0x70662cf0, 0xafdfe321, 0xb8a4f762, 0x8129cba7, 0x9652dfe4, + 0xf233b22d, 0xe548a66e, 0xdcc59aab, 0xcbbe8ee8, 0x3a3681eb, + 0x2d4d95a8, 0x14c0a96d, 0x03bbbd2e, 0x67dad0e7, 0x70a1c4a4, + 0x492cf861, 0x5e57ec22, 0x81ee23f3, 0x969537b0, 0xaf180b75, + 0xb8631f36, 0xdc0272ff, 0xcb7966bc, 0xf2f45a79, 0xe58f4e3a, + 0x96f6c39a, 0x818dd7d9, 0xb800eb1c, 0xaf7bff5f, 0xcb1a9296, + 0xdc6186d5, 0xe5ecba10, 0xf297ae53, 0x2d2e6182, 0x3a5575c1, + 0x03d84904, 0x14a35d47, 0x70c2308e, 0x67b924cd, 0x5e341808, + 0x494f0c4b}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x43147b17, 0x8628f62e, 0xc53c8d39, 0x0c51ec5d, + 0x4f45974a, 0x8a791a73, 0xc96d6164, 0x18a2d8bb, 0x5bb6a3ac, + 0x9e8a2e95, 0xdd9e5582, 0x14f334e6, 0x57e74ff1, 0x92dbc2c8, + 0xd1cfb9df, 0x7142c0ac, 0x3256bbbb, 0xf76a3682, 0xb47e4d95, + 0x7d132cf1, 0x3e0757e6, 0xfb3bdadf, 0xb82fa1c8, 0x69e01817, + 0x2af46300, 0xefc8ee39, 0xacdc952e, 0x65b1f44a, 0x26a58f5d, + 0xe3990264, 0xa08d7973, 0xa382f182, 0xe0968a95, 0x25aa07ac, + 0x66be7cbb, 0xafd31ddf, 0xecc766c8, 0x29fbebf1, 0x6aef90e6, + 0xbb202939, 0xf834522e, 0x3d08df17, 0x7e1ca400, 0xb771c564, + 0xf465be73, 0x3159334a, 0x724d485d, 0xd2c0312e, 0x91d44a39, + 0x54e8c700, 0x17fcbc17, 0xde91dd73, 0x9d85a664, 0x58b92b5d, + 0x1bad504a, 0xca62e995, 0x89769282, 0x4c4a1fbb, 0x0f5e64ac, + 0xc63305c8, 0x85277edf, 0x401bf3e6, 0x030f88f1, 0x070392de, + 0x4417e9c9, 0x812b64f0, 0xc23f1fe7, 0x0b527e83, 0x48460594, + 0x8d7a88ad, 0xce6ef3ba, 0x1fa14a65, 0x5cb53172, 0x9989bc4b, + 0xda9dc75c, 0x13f0a638, 0x50e4dd2f, 0x95d85016, 0xd6cc2b01, + 0x76415272, 0x35552965, 0xf069a45c, 0xb37ddf4b, 0x7a10be2f, + 0x3904c538, 0xfc384801, 0xbf2c3316, 0x6ee38ac9, 0x2df7f1de, + 0xe8cb7ce7, 0xabdf07f0, 0x62b26694, 0x21a61d83, 0xe49a90ba, + 0xa78eebad, 0xa481635c, 0xe795184b, 0x22a99572, 0x61bdee65, + 0xa8d08f01, 0xebc4f416, 0x2ef8792f, 0x6dec0238, 0xbc23bbe7, + 0xff37c0f0, 0x3a0b4dc9, 0x791f36de, 0xb07257ba, 0xf3662cad, + 0x365aa194, 0x754eda83, 0xd5c3a3f0, 0x96d7d8e7, 0x53eb55de, + 0x10ff2ec9, 0xd9924fad, 0x9a8634ba, 0x5fbab983, 0x1caec294, + 0xcd617b4b, 0x8e75005c, 0x4b498d65, 0x085df672, 0xc1309716, + 0x8224ec01, 0x47186138, 0x040c1a2f, 0x4f005566, 0x0c142e71, + 0xc928a348, 0x8a3cd85f, 0x4351b93b, 0x0045c22c, 0xc5794f15, + 0x866d3402, 0x57a28ddd, 0x14b6f6ca, 0xd18a7bf3, 0x929e00e4, + 0x5bf36180, 0x18e71a97, 0xdddb97ae, 0x9ecfecb9, 0x3e4295ca, + 0x7d56eedd, 0xb86a63e4, 0xfb7e18f3, 0x32137997, 0x71070280, + 0xb43b8fb9, 0xf72ff4ae, 0x26e04d71, 0x65f43666, 0xa0c8bb5f, + 0xe3dcc048, 0x2ab1a12c, 0x69a5da3b, 0xac995702, 0xef8d2c15, + 0xec82a4e4, 0xaf96dff3, 0x6aaa52ca, 0x29be29dd, 0xe0d348b9, + 0xa3c733ae, 0x66fbbe97, 0x25efc580, 0xf4207c5f, 0xb7340748, + 0x72088a71, 0x311cf166, 0xf8719002, 0xbb65eb15, 0x7e59662c, + 0x3d4d1d3b, 0x9dc06448, 0xded41f5f, 0x1be89266, 0x58fce971, + 0x91918815, 0xd285f302, 0x17b97e3b, 0x54ad052c, 0x8562bcf3, + 0xc676c7e4, 0x034a4add, 0x405e31ca, 0x893350ae, 0xca272bb9, + 0x0f1ba680, 0x4c0fdd97, 0x4803c7b8, 0x0b17bcaf, 0xce2b3196, + 0x8d3f4a81, 0x44522be5, 0x074650f2, 0xc27addcb, 0x816ea6dc, + 0x50a11f03, 0x13b56414, 0xd689e92d, 0x959d923a, 0x5cf0f35e, + 0x1fe48849, 0xdad80570, 0x99cc7e67, 0x39410714, 0x7a557c03, + 0xbf69f13a, 0xfc7d8a2d, 0x3510eb49, 0x7604905e, 0xb3381d67, + 0xf02c6670, 0x21e3dfaf, 0x62f7a4b8, 0xa7cb2981, 0xe4df5296, + 0x2db233f2, 0x6ea648e5, 0xab9ac5dc, 0xe88ebecb, 0xeb81363a, + 0xa8954d2d, 0x6da9c014, 0x2ebdbb03, 0xe7d0da67, 0xa4c4a170, + 0x61f82c49, 0x22ec575e, 0xf323ee81, 0xb0379596, 0x750b18af, + 0x361f63b8, 0xff7202dc, 0xbc6679cb, 0x795af4f2, 0x3a4e8fe5, + 0x9ac3f696, 0xd9d78d81, 0x1ceb00b8, 0x5fff7baf, 0x96921acb, + 0xd58661dc, 0x10baece5, 0x53ae97f2, 0x82612e2d, 0xc175553a, + 0x0449d803, 0x475da314, 0x8e30c270, 0xcd24b967, 0x0818345e, + 0x4b0c4f49}, + {0x00000000, 0x3e6bc2ef, 0x3dd0f504, 0x03bb37eb, 0x7aa0eb09, + 0x44cb29e6, 0x47701e0d, 0x791bdce2, 0xf440d713, 0xca2b15fc, + 0xc9902217, 0xf7fbe0f8, 0x8ee03c1a, 0xb08bfef5, 0xb330c91e, + 0x8d5b0bf1, 0xe881ae27, 0xd6ea6cc8, 0xd5515b23, 0xeb3a99cc, + 0x9221452e, 0xac4a87c1, 0xaff1b02a, 0x919a72c5, 0x1cc17934, + 0x22aabbdb, 0x21118c30, 0x1f7a4edf, 0x6661923d, 0x580a50d2, + 0x5bb16739, 0x65daa5d6, 0xd0035d4f, 0xee689fa0, 0xedd3a84b, + 0xd3b86aa4, 0xaaa3b646, 0x94c874a9, 0x97734342, 0xa91881ad, + 0x24438a5c, 0x1a2848b3, 0x19937f58, 0x27f8bdb7, 0x5ee36155, + 0x6088a3ba, 0x63339451, 0x5d5856be, 0x3882f368, 0x06e93187, + 0x0552066c, 0x3b39c483, 0x42221861, 0x7c49da8e, 0x7ff2ed65, + 0x41992f8a, 0xccc2247b, 0xf2a9e694, 0xf112d17f, 0xcf791390, + 0xb662cf72, 0x88090d9d, 0x8bb23a76, 0xb5d9f899, 0xa007ba9e, + 0x9e6c7871, 0x9dd74f9a, 0xa3bc8d75, 0xdaa75197, 0xe4cc9378, + 0xe777a493, 0xd91c667c, 0x54476d8d, 0x6a2caf62, 0x69979889, + 0x57fc5a66, 0x2ee78684, 0x108c446b, 0x13377380, 0x2d5cb16f, + 0x488614b9, 0x76edd656, 0x7556e1bd, 0x4b3d2352, 0x3226ffb0, + 0x0c4d3d5f, 0x0ff60ab4, 0x319dc85b, 0xbcc6c3aa, 0x82ad0145, + 0x811636ae, 0xbf7df441, 0xc66628a3, 0xf80dea4c, 0xfbb6dda7, + 0xc5dd1f48, 0x7004e7d1, 0x4e6f253e, 0x4dd412d5, 0x73bfd03a, + 0x0aa40cd8, 0x34cfce37, 0x3774f9dc, 0x091f3b33, 0x844430c2, + 0xba2ff22d, 0xb994c5c6, 0x87ff0729, 0xfee4dbcb, 0xc08f1924, + 0xc3342ecf, 0xfd5fec20, 0x988549f6, 0xa6ee8b19, 0xa555bcf2, + 0x9b3e7e1d, 0xe225a2ff, 0xdc4e6010, 0xdff557fb, 0xe19e9514, + 0x6cc59ee5, 0x52ae5c0a, 0x51156be1, 0x6f7ea90e, 0x166575ec, + 0x280eb703, 0x2bb580e8, 0x15de4207, 0x010905e6, 0x3f62c709, + 0x3cd9f0e2, 0x02b2320d, 0x7ba9eeef, 0x45c22c00, 0x46791beb, + 0x7812d904, 0xf549d2f5, 0xcb22101a, 0xc89927f1, 0xf6f2e51e, + 0x8fe939fc, 0xb182fb13, 0xb239ccf8, 0x8c520e17, 0xe988abc1, + 0xd7e3692e, 0xd4585ec5, 0xea339c2a, 0x932840c8, 0xad438227, + 0xaef8b5cc, 0x90937723, 0x1dc87cd2, 0x23a3be3d, 0x201889d6, + 0x1e734b39, 0x676897db, 0x59035534, 0x5ab862df, 0x64d3a030, + 0xd10a58a9, 0xef619a46, 0xecdaadad, 0xd2b16f42, 0xabaab3a0, + 0x95c1714f, 0x967a46a4, 0xa811844b, 0x254a8fba, 0x1b214d55, + 0x189a7abe, 0x26f1b851, 0x5fea64b3, 0x6181a65c, 0x623a91b7, + 0x5c515358, 0x398bf68e, 0x07e03461, 0x045b038a, 0x3a30c165, + 0x432b1d87, 0x7d40df68, 0x7efbe883, 0x40902a6c, 0xcdcb219d, + 0xf3a0e372, 0xf01bd499, 0xce701676, 0xb76bca94, 0x8900087b, + 0x8abb3f90, 0xb4d0fd7f, 0xa10ebf78, 0x9f657d97, 0x9cde4a7c, + 0xa2b58893, 0xdbae5471, 0xe5c5969e, 0xe67ea175, 0xd815639a, + 0x554e686b, 0x6b25aa84, 0x689e9d6f, 0x56f55f80, 0x2fee8362, + 0x1185418d, 0x123e7666, 0x2c55b489, 0x498f115f, 0x77e4d3b0, + 0x745fe45b, 0x4a3426b4, 0x332ffa56, 0x0d4438b9, 0x0eff0f52, + 0x3094cdbd, 0xbdcfc64c, 0x83a404a3, 0x801f3348, 0xbe74f1a7, + 0xc76f2d45, 0xf904efaa, 0xfabfd841, 0xc4d41aae, 0x710de237, + 0x4f6620d8, 0x4cdd1733, 0x72b6d5dc, 0x0bad093e, 0x35c6cbd1, + 0x367dfc3a, 0x08163ed5, 0x854d3524, 0xbb26f7cb, 0xb89dc020, + 0x86f602cf, 0xffedde2d, 0xc1861cc2, 0xc23d2b29, 0xfc56e9c6, + 0x998c4c10, 0xa7e78eff, 0xa45cb914, 0x9a377bfb, 0xe32ca719, + 0xdd4765f6, 0xdefc521d, 0xe09790f2, 0x6dcc9b03, 0x53a759ec, + 0x501c6e07, 0x6e77ace8, 0x176c700a, 0x2907b2e5, 0x2abc850e, + 0x14d747e1}, + {0x00000000, 0xc0df8ec1, 0xc1b96c58, 0x0166e299, 0x8273d9b0, + 0x42ac5771, 0x43cab5e8, 0x83153b29, 0x45e1c3ba, 0x853e4d7b, + 0x8458afe2, 0x44872123, 0xc7921a0a, 0x074d94cb, 0x062b7652, + 0xc6f4f893, 0xcbc4f6ae, 0x0b1b786f, 0x0a7d9af6, 0xcaa21437, + 0x49b72f1e, 0x8968a1df, 0x880e4346, 0x48d1cd87, 0x8e253514, + 0x4efabbd5, 0x4f9c594c, 0x8f43d78d, 0x0c56eca4, 0xcc896265, + 0xcdef80fc, 0x0d300e3d, 0xd78f9c86, 0x17501247, 0x1636f0de, + 0xd6e97e1f, 0x55fc4536, 0x9523cbf7, 0x9445296e, 0x549aa7af, + 0x926e5f3c, 0x52b1d1fd, 0x53d73364, 0x9308bda5, 0x101d868c, + 0xd0c2084d, 0xd1a4ead4, 0x117b6415, 0x1c4b6a28, 0xdc94e4e9, + 0xddf20670, 0x1d2d88b1, 0x9e38b398, 0x5ee73d59, 0x5f81dfc0, + 0x9f5e5101, 0x59aaa992, 0x99752753, 0x9813c5ca, 0x58cc4b0b, + 0xdbd97022, 0x1b06fee3, 0x1a601c7a, 0xdabf92bb, 0xef1948d6, + 0x2fc6c617, 0x2ea0248e, 0xee7faa4f, 0x6d6a9166, 0xadb51fa7, + 0xacd3fd3e, 0x6c0c73ff, 0xaaf88b6c, 0x6a2705ad, 0x6b41e734, + 0xab9e69f5, 0x288b52dc, 0xe854dc1d, 0xe9323e84, 0x29edb045, + 0x24ddbe78, 0xe40230b9, 0xe564d220, 0x25bb5ce1, 0xa6ae67c8, + 0x6671e909, 0x67170b90, 0xa7c88551, 0x613c7dc2, 0xa1e3f303, + 0xa085119a, 0x605a9f5b, 0xe34fa472, 0x23902ab3, 0x22f6c82a, + 0xe22946eb, 0x3896d450, 0xf8495a91, 0xf92fb808, 0x39f036c9, + 0xbae50de0, 0x7a3a8321, 0x7b5c61b8, 0xbb83ef79, 0x7d7717ea, + 0xbda8992b, 0xbcce7bb2, 0x7c11f573, 0xff04ce5a, 0x3fdb409b, + 0x3ebda202, 0xfe622cc3, 0xf35222fe, 0x338dac3f, 0x32eb4ea6, + 0xf234c067, 0x7121fb4e, 0xb1fe758f, 0xb0989716, 0x704719d7, + 0xb6b3e144, 0x766c6f85, 0x770a8d1c, 0xb7d503dd, 0x34c038f4, + 0xf41fb635, 0xf57954ac, 0x35a6da6d, 0x9f35e177, 0x5fea6fb6, + 0x5e8c8d2f, 0x9e5303ee, 0x1d4638c7, 0xdd99b606, 0xdcff549f, + 0x1c20da5e, 0xdad422cd, 0x1a0bac0c, 0x1b6d4e95, 0xdbb2c054, + 0x58a7fb7d, 0x987875bc, 0x991e9725, 0x59c119e4, 0x54f117d9, + 0x942e9918, 0x95487b81, 0x5597f540, 0xd682ce69, 0x165d40a8, + 0x173ba231, 0xd7e42cf0, 0x1110d463, 0xd1cf5aa2, 0xd0a9b83b, + 0x107636fa, 0x93630dd3, 0x53bc8312, 0x52da618b, 0x9205ef4a, + 0x48ba7df1, 0x8865f330, 0x890311a9, 0x49dc9f68, 0xcac9a441, + 0x0a162a80, 0x0b70c819, 0xcbaf46d8, 0x0d5bbe4b, 0xcd84308a, + 0xcce2d213, 0x0c3d5cd2, 0x8f2867fb, 0x4ff7e93a, 0x4e910ba3, + 0x8e4e8562, 0x837e8b5f, 0x43a1059e, 0x42c7e707, 0x821869c6, + 0x010d52ef, 0xc1d2dc2e, 0xc0b43eb7, 0x006bb076, 0xc69f48e5, + 0x0640c624, 0x072624bd, 0xc7f9aa7c, 0x44ec9155, 0x84331f94, + 0x8555fd0d, 0x458a73cc, 0x702ca9a1, 0xb0f32760, 0xb195c5f9, + 0x714a4b38, 0xf25f7011, 0x3280fed0, 0x33e61c49, 0xf3399288, + 0x35cd6a1b, 0xf512e4da, 0xf4740643, 0x34ab8882, 0xb7beb3ab, + 0x77613d6a, 0x7607dff3, 0xb6d85132, 0xbbe85f0f, 0x7b37d1ce, + 0x7a513357, 0xba8ebd96, 0x399b86bf, 0xf944087e, 0xf822eae7, + 0x38fd6426, 0xfe099cb5, 0x3ed61274, 0x3fb0f0ed, 0xff6f7e2c, + 0x7c7a4505, 0xbca5cbc4, 0xbdc3295d, 0x7d1ca79c, 0xa7a33527, + 0x677cbbe6, 0x661a597f, 0xa6c5d7be, 0x25d0ec97, 0xe50f6256, + 0xe46980cf, 0x24b60e0e, 0xe242f69d, 0x229d785c, 0x23fb9ac5, + 0xe3241404, 0x60312f2d, 0xa0eea1ec, 0xa1884375, 0x6157cdb4, + 0x6c67c389, 0xacb84d48, 0xaddeafd1, 0x6d012110, 0xee141a39, + 0x2ecb94f8, 0x2fad7661, 0xef72f8a0, 0x29860033, 0xe9598ef2, + 0xe83f6c6b, 0x28e0e2aa, 0xabf5d983, 0x6b2a5742, 0x6a4cb5db, + 0xaa933b1a}, + {0x00000000, 0x6f4ca59b, 0x9f9e3bec, 0xf0d29e77, 0x7f3b0603, + 0x1077a398, 0xe0a53def, 0x8fe99874, 0xfe760c06, 0x913aa99d, + 0x61e837ea, 0x0ea49271, 0x814d0a05, 0xee01af9e, 0x1ed331e9, + 0x719f9472, 0xfced180c, 0x93a1bd97, 0x637323e0, 0x0c3f867b, + 0x83d61e0f, 0xec9abb94, 0x1c4825e3, 0x73048078, 0x029b140a, + 0x6dd7b191, 0x9d052fe6, 0xf2498a7d, 0x7da01209, 0x12ecb792, + 0xe23e29e5, 0x8d728c7e, 0xf8db3118, 0x97979483, 0x67450af4, + 0x0809af6f, 0x87e0371b, 0xe8ac9280, 0x187e0cf7, 0x7732a96c, + 0x06ad3d1e, 0x69e19885, 0x993306f2, 0xf67fa369, 0x79963b1d, + 0x16da9e86, 0xe60800f1, 0x8944a56a, 0x04362914, 0x6b7a8c8f, + 0x9ba812f8, 0xf4e4b763, 0x7b0d2f17, 0x14418a8c, 0xe49314fb, + 0x8bdfb160, 0xfa402512, 0x950c8089, 0x65de1efe, 0x0a92bb65, + 0x857b2311, 0xea37868a, 0x1ae518fd, 0x75a9bd66, 0xf0b76330, + 0x9ffbc6ab, 0x6f2958dc, 0x0065fd47, 0x8f8c6533, 0xe0c0c0a8, + 0x10125edf, 0x7f5efb44, 0x0ec16f36, 0x618dcaad, 0x915f54da, + 0xfe13f141, 0x71fa6935, 0x1eb6ccae, 0xee6452d9, 0x8128f742, + 0x0c5a7b3c, 0x6316dea7, 0x93c440d0, 0xfc88e54b, 0x73617d3f, + 0x1c2dd8a4, 0xecff46d3, 0x83b3e348, 0xf22c773a, 0x9d60d2a1, + 0x6db24cd6, 0x02fee94d, 0x8d177139, 0xe25bd4a2, 0x12894ad5, + 0x7dc5ef4e, 0x086c5228, 0x6720f7b3, 0x97f269c4, 0xf8becc5f, + 0x7757542b, 0x181bf1b0, 0xe8c96fc7, 0x8785ca5c, 0xf61a5e2e, + 0x9956fbb5, 0x698465c2, 0x06c8c059, 0x8921582d, 0xe66dfdb6, + 0x16bf63c1, 0x79f3c65a, 0xf4814a24, 0x9bcdefbf, 0x6b1f71c8, + 0x0453d453, 0x8bba4c27, 0xe4f6e9bc, 0x142477cb, 0x7b68d250, + 0x0af74622, 0x65bbe3b9, 0x95697dce, 0xfa25d855, 0x75cc4021, + 0x1a80e5ba, 0xea527bcd, 0x851ede56, 0xe06fc760, 0x8f2362fb, + 0x7ff1fc8c, 0x10bd5917, 0x9f54c163, 0xf01864f8, 0x00cafa8f, + 0x6f865f14, 0x1e19cb66, 0x71556efd, 0x8187f08a, 0xeecb5511, + 0x6122cd65, 0x0e6e68fe, 0xfebcf689, 0x91f05312, 0x1c82df6c, + 0x73ce7af7, 0x831ce480, 0xec50411b, 0x63b9d96f, 0x0cf57cf4, + 0xfc27e283, 0x936b4718, 0xe2f4d36a, 0x8db876f1, 0x7d6ae886, + 0x12264d1d, 0x9dcfd569, 0xf28370f2, 0x0251ee85, 0x6d1d4b1e, + 0x18b4f678, 0x77f853e3, 0x872acd94, 0xe866680f, 0x678ff07b, + 0x08c355e0, 0xf811cb97, 0x975d6e0c, 0xe6c2fa7e, 0x898e5fe5, + 0x795cc192, 0x16106409, 0x99f9fc7d, 0xf6b559e6, 0x0667c791, + 0x692b620a, 0xe459ee74, 0x8b154bef, 0x7bc7d598, 0x148b7003, + 0x9b62e877, 0xf42e4dec, 0x04fcd39b, 0x6bb07600, 0x1a2fe272, + 0x756347e9, 0x85b1d99e, 0xeafd7c05, 0x6514e471, 0x0a5841ea, + 0xfa8adf9d, 0x95c67a06, 0x10d8a450, 0x7f9401cb, 0x8f469fbc, + 0xe00a3a27, 0x6fe3a253, 0x00af07c8, 0xf07d99bf, 0x9f313c24, + 0xeeaea856, 0x81e20dcd, 0x713093ba, 0x1e7c3621, 0x9195ae55, + 0xfed90bce, 0x0e0b95b9, 0x61473022, 0xec35bc5c, 0x837919c7, + 0x73ab87b0, 0x1ce7222b, 0x930eba5f, 0xfc421fc4, 0x0c9081b3, + 0x63dc2428, 0x1243b05a, 0x7d0f15c1, 0x8ddd8bb6, 0xe2912e2d, + 0x6d78b659, 0x023413c2, 0xf2e68db5, 0x9daa282e, 0xe8039548, + 0x874f30d3, 0x779daea4, 0x18d10b3f, 0x9738934b, 0xf87436d0, + 0x08a6a8a7, 0x67ea0d3c, 0x1675994e, 0x79393cd5, 0x89eba2a2, + 0xe6a70739, 0x694e9f4d, 0x06023ad6, 0xf6d0a4a1, 0x999c013a, + 0x14ee8d44, 0x7ba228df, 0x8b70b6a8, 0xe43c1333, 0x6bd58b47, + 0x04992edc, 0xf44bb0ab, 0x9b071530, 0xea988142, 0x85d424d9, + 0x7506baae, 0x1a4a1f35, 0x95a38741, 0xfaef22da, 0x0a3dbcad, + 0x65711936}}; + +#endif + +#endif + +#if N == 4 + +#if W == 8 + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xf1da05aa, 0x38c50d15, 0xc91f08bf, 0x718a1a2a, + 0x80501f80, 0x494f173f, 0xb8951295, 0xe3143454, 0x12ce31fe, + 0xdbd13941, 0x2a0b3ceb, 0x929e2e7e, 0x63442bd4, 0xaa5b236b, + 0x5b8126c1, 0x1d596ee9, 0xec836b43, 0x259c63fc, 0xd4466656, + 0x6cd374c3, 0x9d097169, 0x541679d6, 0xa5cc7c7c, 0xfe4d5abd, + 0x0f975f17, 0xc68857a8, 0x37525202, 0x8fc74097, 0x7e1d453d, + 0xb7024d82, 0x46d84828, 0x3ab2ddd2, 0xcb68d878, 0x0277d0c7, + 0xf3add56d, 0x4b38c7f8, 0xbae2c252, 0x73fdcaed, 0x8227cf47, + 0xd9a6e986, 0x287cec2c, 0xe163e493, 0x10b9e139, 0xa82cf3ac, + 0x59f6f606, 0x90e9feb9, 0x6133fb13, 0x27ebb33b, 0xd631b691, + 0x1f2ebe2e, 0xeef4bb84, 0x5661a911, 0xa7bbacbb, 0x6ea4a404, + 0x9f7ea1ae, 0xc4ff876f, 0x352582c5, 0xfc3a8a7a, 0x0de08fd0, + 0xb5759d45, 0x44af98ef, 0x8db09050, 0x7c6a95fa, 0x7565bba4, + 0x84bfbe0e, 0x4da0b6b1, 0xbc7ab31b, 0x04efa18e, 0xf535a424, + 0x3c2aac9b, 0xcdf0a931, 0x96718ff0, 0x67ab8a5a, 0xaeb482e5, + 0x5f6e874f, 0xe7fb95da, 0x16219070, 0xdf3e98cf, 0x2ee49d65, + 0x683cd54d, 0x99e6d0e7, 0x50f9d858, 0xa123ddf2, 0x19b6cf67, + 0xe86ccacd, 0x2173c272, 0xd0a9c7d8, 0x8b28e119, 0x7af2e4b3, + 0xb3edec0c, 0x4237e9a6, 0xfaa2fb33, 0x0b78fe99, 0xc267f626, + 0x33bdf38c, 0x4fd76676, 0xbe0d63dc, 0x77126b63, 0x86c86ec9, + 0x3e5d7c5c, 0xcf8779f6, 0x06987149, 0xf74274e3, 0xacc35222, + 0x5d195788, 0x94065f37, 0x65dc5a9d, 0xdd494808, 0x2c934da2, + 0xe58c451d, 0x145640b7, 0x528e089f, 0xa3540d35, 0x6a4b058a, + 0x9b910020, 0x230412b5, 0xd2de171f, 0x1bc11fa0, 0xea1b1a0a, + 0xb19a3ccb, 0x40403961, 0x895f31de, 0x78853474, 0xc01026e1, + 0x31ca234b, 0xf8d52bf4, 0x090f2e5e, 0xeacb7748, 0x1b1172e2, + 0xd20e7a5d, 0x23d47ff7, 0x9b416d62, 0x6a9b68c8, 0xa3846077, + 0x525e65dd, 0x09df431c, 0xf80546b6, 0x311a4e09, 0xc0c04ba3, + 0x78555936, 0x898f5c9c, 0x40905423, 0xb14a5189, 0xf79219a1, + 0x06481c0b, 0xcf5714b4, 0x3e8d111e, 0x8618038b, 0x77c20621, + 0xbedd0e9e, 0x4f070b34, 0x14862df5, 0xe55c285f, 0x2c4320e0, + 0xdd99254a, 0x650c37df, 0x94d63275, 0x5dc93aca, 0xac133f60, + 0xd079aa9a, 0x21a3af30, 0xe8bca78f, 0x1966a225, 0xa1f3b0b0, + 0x5029b51a, 0x9936bda5, 0x68ecb80f, 0x336d9ece, 0xc2b79b64, + 0x0ba893db, 0xfa729671, 0x42e784e4, 0xb33d814e, 0x7a2289f1, + 0x8bf88c5b, 0xcd20c473, 0x3cfac1d9, 0xf5e5c966, 0x043fcccc, + 0xbcaade59, 0x4d70dbf3, 0x846fd34c, 0x75b5d6e6, 0x2e34f027, + 0xdfeef58d, 0x16f1fd32, 0xe72bf898, 0x5fbeea0d, 0xae64efa7, + 0x677be718, 0x96a1e2b2, 0x9faeccec, 0x6e74c946, 0xa76bc1f9, + 0x56b1c453, 0xee24d6c6, 0x1ffed36c, 0xd6e1dbd3, 0x273bde79, + 0x7cbaf8b8, 0x8d60fd12, 0x447ff5ad, 0xb5a5f007, 0x0d30e292, + 0xfceae738, 0x35f5ef87, 0xc42fea2d, 0x82f7a205, 0x732da7af, + 0xba32af10, 0x4be8aaba, 0xf37db82f, 0x02a7bd85, 0xcbb8b53a, + 0x3a62b090, 0x61e39651, 0x903993fb, 0x59269b44, 0xa8fc9eee, + 0x10698c7b, 0xe1b389d1, 0x28ac816e, 0xd97684c4, 0xa51c113e, + 0x54c61494, 0x9dd91c2b, 0x6c031981, 0xd4960b14, 0x254c0ebe, + 0xec530601, 0x1d8903ab, 0x4608256a, 0xb7d220c0, 0x7ecd287f, + 0x8f172dd5, 0x37823f40, 0xc6583aea, 0x0f473255, 0xfe9d37ff, + 0xb8457fd7, 0x499f7a7d, 0x808072c2, 0x715a7768, 0xc9cf65fd, + 0x38156057, 0xf10a68e8, 0x00d06d42, 0x5b514b83, 0xaa8b4e29, + 0x63944696, 0x924e433c, 0x2adb51a9, 0xdb015403, 0x121e5cbc, + 0xe3c45916}, + {0x00000000, 0x0ee7e8d1, 0x1dcfd1a2, 0x13283973, 0x3b9fa344, + 0x35784b95, 0x265072e6, 0x28b79a37, 0x773f4688, 0x79d8ae59, + 0x6af0972a, 0x64177ffb, 0x4ca0e5cc, 0x42470d1d, 0x516f346e, + 0x5f88dcbf, 0xee7e8d10, 0xe09965c1, 0xf3b15cb2, 0xfd56b463, + 0xd5e12e54, 0xdb06c685, 0xc82efff6, 0xc6c91727, 0x9941cb98, + 0x97a62349, 0x848e1a3a, 0x8a69f2eb, 0xa2de68dc, 0xac39800d, + 0xbf11b97e, 0xb1f651af, 0x078c1c61, 0x096bf4b0, 0x1a43cdc3, + 0x14a42512, 0x3c13bf25, 0x32f457f4, 0x21dc6e87, 0x2f3b8656, + 0x70b35ae9, 0x7e54b238, 0x6d7c8b4b, 0x639b639a, 0x4b2cf9ad, + 0x45cb117c, 0x56e3280f, 0x5804c0de, 0xe9f29171, 0xe71579a0, + 0xf43d40d3, 0xfadaa802, 0xd26d3235, 0xdc8adae4, 0xcfa2e397, + 0xc1450b46, 0x9ecdd7f9, 0x902a3f28, 0x8302065b, 0x8de5ee8a, + 0xa55274bd, 0xabb59c6c, 0xb89da51f, 0xb67a4dce, 0x0f1838c2, + 0x01ffd013, 0x12d7e960, 0x1c3001b1, 0x34879b86, 0x3a607357, + 0x29484a24, 0x27afa2f5, 0x78277e4a, 0x76c0969b, 0x65e8afe8, + 0x6b0f4739, 0x43b8dd0e, 0x4d5f35df, 0x5e770cac, 0x5090e47d, + 0xe166b5d2, 0xef815d03, 0xfca96470, 0xf24e8ca1, 0xdaf91696, + 0xd41efe47, 0xc736c734, 0xc9d12fe5, 0x9659f35a, 0x98be1b8b, + 0x8b9622f8, 0x8571ca29, 0xadc6501e, 0xa321b8cf, 0xb00981bc, + 0xbeee696d, 0x089424a3, 0x0673cc72, 0x155bf501, 0x1bbc1dd0, + 0x330b87e7, 0x3dec6f36, 0x2ec45645, 0x2023be94, 0x7fab622b, + 0x714c8afa, 0x6264b389, 0x6c835b58, 0x4434c16f, 0x4ad329be, + 0x59fb10cd, 0x571cf81c, 0xe6eaa9b3, 0xe80d4162, 0xfb257811, + 0xf5c290c0, 0xdd750af7, 0xd392e226, 0xc0badb55, 0xce5d3384, + 0x91d5ef3b, 0x9f3207ea, 0x8c1a3e99, 0x82fdd648, 0xaa4a4c7f, + 0xa4ada4ae, 0xb7859ddd, 0xb962750c, 0x1e307184, 0x10d79955, + 0x03ffa026, 0x0d1848f7, 0x25afd2c0, 0x2b483a11, 0x38600362, + 0x3687ebb3, 0x690f370c, 0x67e8dfdd, 0x74c0e6ae, 0x7a270e7f, + 0x52909448, 0x5c777c99, 0x4f5f45ea, 0x41b8ad3b, 0xf04efc94, + 0xfea91445, 0xed812d36, 0xe366c5e7, 0xcbd15fd0, 0xc536b701, + 0xd61e8e72, 0xd8f966a3, 0x8771ba1c, 0x899652cd, 0x9abe6bbe, + 0x9459836f, 0xbcee1958, 0xb209f189, 0xa121c8fa, 0xafc6202b, + 0x19bc6de5, 0x175b8534, 0x0473bc47, 0x0a945496, 0x2223cea1, + 0x2cc42670, 0x3fec1f03, 0x310bf7d2, 0x6e832b6d, 0x6064c3bc, + 0x734cfacf, 0x7dab121e, 0x551c8829, 0x5bfb60f8, 0x48d3598b, + 0x4634b15a, 0xf7c2e0f5, 0xf9250824, 0xea0d3157, 0xe4ead986, + 0xcc5d43b1, 0xc2baab60, 0xd1929213, 0xdf757ac2, 0x80fda67d, + 0x8e1a4eac, 0x9d3277df, 0x93d59f0e, 0xbb620539, 0xb585ede8, + 0xa6add49b, 0xa84a3c4a, 0x11284946, 0x1fcfa197, 0x0ce798e4, + 0x02007035, 0x2ab7ea02, 0x245002d3, 0x37783ba0, 0x399fd371, + 0x66170fce, 0x68f0e71f, 0x7bd8de6c, 0x753f36bd, 0x5d88ac8a, + 0x536f445b, 0x40477d28, 0x4ea095f9, 0xff56c456, 0xf1b12c87, + 0xe29915f4, 0xec7efd25, 0xc4c96712, 0xca2e8fc3, 0xd906b6b0, + 0xd7e15e61, 0x886982de, 0x868e6a0f, 0x95a6537c, 0x9b41bbad, + 0xb3f6219a, 0xbd11c94b, 0xae39f038, 0xa0de18e9, 0x16a45527, + 0x1843bdf6, 0x0b6b8485, 0x058c6c54, 0x2d3bf663, 0x23dc1eb2, + 0x30f427c1, 0x3e13cf10, 0x619b13af, 0x6f7cfb7e, 0x7c54c20d, + 0x72b32adc, 0x5a04b0eb, 0x54e3583a, 0x47cb6149, 0x492c8998, + 0xf8dad837, 0xf63d30e6, 0xe5150995, 0xebf2e144, 0xc3457b73, + 0xcda293a2, 0xde8aaad1, 0xd06d4200, 0x8fe59ebf, 0x8102766e, + 0x922a4f1d, 0x9ccda7cc, 0xb47a3dfb, 0xba9dd52a, 0xa9b5ec59, + 0xa7520488}, + {0x00000000, 0x3c60e308, 0x78c1c610, 0x44a12518, 0xf1838c20, + 0xcde36f28, 0x89424a30, 0xb522a938, 0x38761e01, 0x0416fd09, + 0x40b7d811, 0x7cd73b19, 0xc9f59221, 0xf5957129, 0xb1345431, + 0x8d54b739, 0x70ec3c02, 0x4c8cdf0a, 0x082dfa12, 0x344d191a, + 0x816fb022, 0xbd0f532a, 0xf9ae7632, 0xc5ce953a, 0x489a2203, + 0x74fac10b, 0x305be413, 0x0c3b071b, 0xb919ae23, 0x85794d2b, + 0xc1d86833, 0xfdb88b3b, 0xe1d87804, 0xddb89b0c, 0x9919be14, + 0xa5795d1c, 0x105bf424, 0x2c3b172c, 0x689a3234, 0x54fad13c, + 0xd9ae6605, 0xe5ce850d, 0xa16fa015, 0x9d0f431d, 0x282dea25, + 0x144d092d, 0x50ec2c35, 0x6c8ccf3d, 0x91344406, 0xad54a70e, + 0xe9f58216, 0xd595611e, 0x60b7c826, 0x5cd72b2e, 0x18760e36, + 0x2416ed3e, 0xa9425a07, 0x9522b90f, 0xd1839c17, 0xede37f1f, + 0x58c1d627, 0x64a1352f, 0x20001037, 0x1c60f33f, 0x18c1f649, + 0x24a11541, 0x60003059, 0x5c60d351, 0xe9427a69, 0xd5229961, + 0x9183bc79, 0xade35f71, 0x20b7e848, 0x1cd70b40, 0x58762e58, + 0x6416cd50, 0xd1346468, 0xed548760, 0xa9f5a278, 0x95954170, + 0x682dca4b, 0x544d2943, 0x10ec0c5b, 0x2c8cef53, 0x99ae466b, + 0xa5cea563, 0xe16f807b, 0xdd0f6373, 0x505bd44a, 0x6c3b3742, + 0x289a125a, 0x14faf152, 0xa1d8586a, 0x9db8bb62, 0xd9199e7a, + 0xe5797d72, 0xf9198e4d, 0xc5796d45, 0x81d8485d, 0xbdb8ab55, + 0x089a026d, 0x34fae165, 0x705bc47d, 0x4c3b2775, 0xc16f904c, + 0xfd0f7344, 0xb9ae565c, 0x85ceb554, 0x30ec1c6c, 0x0c8cff64, + 0x482dda7c, 0x744d3974, 0x89f5b24f, 0xb5955147, 0xf134745f, + 0xcd549757, 0x78763e6f, 0x4416dd67, 0x00b7f87f, 0x3cd71b77, + 0xb183ac4e, 0x8de34f46, 0xc9426a5e, 0xf5228956, 0x4000206e, + 0x7c60c366, 0x38c1e67e, 0x04a10576, 0x3183ec92, 0x0de30f9a, + 0x49422a82, 0x7522c98a, 0xc00060b2, 0xfc6083ba, 0xb8c1a6a2, + 0x84a145aa, 0x09f5f293, 0x3595119b, 0x71343483, 0x4d54d78b, + 0xf8767eb3, 0xc4169dbb, 0x80b7b8a3, 0xbcd75bab, 0x416fd090, + 0x7d0f3398, 0x39ae1680, 0x05cef588, 0xb0ec5cb0, 0x8c8cbfb8, + 0xc82d9aa0, 0xf44d79a8, 0x7919ce91, 0x45792d99, 0x01d80881, + 0x3db8eb89, 0x889a42b1, 0xb4faa1b9, 0xf05b84a1, 0xcc3b67a9, + 0xd05b9496, 0xec3b779e, 0xa89a5286, 0x94fab18e, 0x21d818b6, + 0x1db8fbbe, 0x5919dea6, 0x65793dae, 0xe82d8a97, 0xd44d699f, + 0x90ec4c87, 0xac8caf8f, 0x19ae06b7, 0x25cee5bf, 0x616fc0a7, + 0x5d0f23af, 0xa0b7a894, 0x9cd74b9c, 0xd8766e84, 0xe4168d8c, + 0x513424b4, 0x6d54c7bc, 0x29f5e2a4, 0x159501ac, 0x98c1b695, + 0xa4a1559d, 0xe0007085, 0xdc60938d, 0x69423ab5, 0x5522d9bd, + 0x1183fca5, 0x2de31fad, 0x29421adb, 0x1522f9d3, 0x5183dccb, + 0x6de33fc3, 0xd8c196fb, 0xe4a175f3, 0xa00050eb, 0x9c60b3e3, + 0x113404da, 0x2d54e7d2, 0x69f5c2ca, 0x559521c2, 0xe0b788fa, + 0xdcd76bf2, 0x98764eea, 0xa416ade2, 0x59ae26d9, 0x65cec5d1, + 0x216fe0c9, 0x1d0f03c1, 0xa82daaf9, 0x944d49f1, 0xd0ec6ce9, + 0xec8c8fe1, 0x61d838d8, 0x5db8dbd0, 0x1919fec8, 0x25791dc0, + 0x905bb4f8, 0xac3b57f0, 0xe89a72e8, 0xd4fa91e0, 0xc89a62df, + 0xf4fa81d7, 0xb05ba4cf, 0x8c3b47c7, 0x3919eeff, 0x05790df7, + 0x41d828ef, 0x7db8cbe7, 0xf0ec7cde, 0xcc8c9fd6, 0x882dbace, + 0xb44d59c6, 0x016ff0fe, 0x3d0f13f6, 0x79ae36ee, 0x45ced5e6, + 0xb8765edd, 0x8416bdd5, 0xc0b798cd, 0xfcd77bc5, 0x49f5d2fd, + 0x759531f5, 0x313414ed, 0x0d54f7e5, 0x800040dc, 0xbc60a3d4, + 0xf8c186cc, 0xc4a165c4, 0x7183ccfc, 0x4de32ff4, 0x09420aec, + 0x3522e9e4}, + {0x00000000, 0x6307d924, 0xc60fb248, 0xa5086b6c, 0x576e62d1, + 0x3469bbf5, 0x9161d099, 0xf26609bd, 0xaedcc5a2, 0xcddb1c86, + 0x68d377ea, 0x0bd4aece, 0xf9b2a773, 0x9ab57e57, 0x3fbd153b, + 0x5cbacc1f, 0x86c88d05, 0xe5cf5421, 0x40c73f4d, 0x23c0e669, + 0xd1a6efd4, 0xb2a136f0, 0x17a95d9c, 0x74ae84b8, 0x281448a7, + 0x4b139183, 0xee1bfaef, 0x8d1c23cb, 0x7f7a2a76, 0x1c7df352, + 0xb975983e, 0xda72411a, 0xd6e01c4b, 0xb5e7c56f, 0x10efae03, + 0x73e87727, 0x818e7e9a, 0xe289a7be, 0x4781ccd2, 0x248615f6, + 0x783cd9e9, 0x1b3b00cd, 0xbe336ba1, 0xdd34b285, 0x2f52bb38, + 0x4c55621c, 0xe95d0970, 0x8a5ad054, 0x5028914e, 0x332f486a, + 0x96272306, 0xf520fa22, 0x0746f39f, 0x64412abb, 0xc14941d7, + 0xa24e98f3, 0xfef454ec, 0x9df38dc8, 0x38fbe6a4, 0x5bfc3f80, + 0xa99a363d, 0xca9def19, 0x6f958475, 0x0c925d51, 0x76b13ed7, + 0x15b6e7f3, 0xb0be8c9f, 0xd3b955bb, 0x21df5c06, 0x42d88522, + 0xe7d0ee4e, 0x84d7376a, 0xd86dfb75, 0xbb6a2251, 0x1e62493d, + 0x7d659019, 0x8f0399a4, 0xec044080, 0x490c2bec, 0x2a0bf2c8, + 0xf079b3d2, 0x937e6af6, 0x3676019a, 0x5571d8be, 0xa717d103, + 0xc4100827, 0x6118634b, 0x021fba6f, 0x5ea57670, 0x3da2af54, + 0x98aac438, 0xfbad1d1c, 0x09cb14a1, 0x6acccd85, 0xcfc4a6e9, + 0xacc37fcd, 0xa051229c, 0xc356fbb8, 0x665e90d4, 0x055949f0, + 0xf73f404d, 0x94389969, 0x3130f205, 0x52372b21, 0x0e8de73e, + 0x6d8a3e1a, 0xc8825576, 0xab858c52, 0x59e385ef, 0x3ae45ccb, + 0x9fec37a7, 0xfcebee83, 0x2699af99, 0x459e76bd, 0xe0961dd1, + 0x8391c4f5, 0x71f7cd48, 0x12f0146c, 0xb7f87f00, 0xd4ffa624, + 0x88456a3b, 0xeb42b31f, 0x4e4ad873, 0x2d4d0157, 0xdf2b08ea, + 0xbc2cd1ce, 0x1924baa2, 0x7a236386, 0xed627dae, 0x8e65a48a, + 0x2b6dcfe6, 0x486a16c2, 0xba0c1f7f, 0xd90bc65b, 0x7c03ad37, + 0x1f047413, 0x43beb80c, 0x20b96128, 0x85b10a44, 0xe6b6d360, + 0x14d0dadd, 0x77d703f9, 0xd2df6895, 0xb1d8b1b1, 0x6baaf0ab, + 0x08ad298f, 0xada542e3, 0xcea29bc7, 0x3cc4927a, 0x5fc34b5e, + 0xfacb2032, 0x99ccf916, 0xc5763509, 0xa671ec2d, 0x03798741, + 0x607e5e65, 0x921857d8, 0xf11f8efc, 0x5417e590, 0x37103cb4, + 0x3b8261e5, 0x5885b8c1, 0xfd8dd3ad, 0x9e8a0a89, 0x6cec0334, + 0x0febda10, 0xaae3b17c, 0xc9e46858, 0x955ea447, 0xf6597d63, + 0x5351160f, 0x3056cf2b, 0xc230c696, 0xa1371fb2, 0x043f74de, + 0x6738adfa, 0xbd4aece0, 0xde4d35c4, 0x7b455ea8, 0x1842878c, + 0xea248e31, 0x89235715, 0x2c2b3c79, 0x4f2ce55d, 0x13962942, + 0x7091f066, 0xd5999b0a, 0xb69e422e, 0x44f84b93, 0x27ff92b7, + 0x82f7f9db, 0xe1f020ff, 0x9bd34379, 0xf8d49a5d, 0x5ddcf131, + 0x3edb2815, 0xccbd21a8, 0xafbaf88c, 0x0ab293e0, 0x69b54ac4, + 0x350f86db, 0x56085fff, 0xf3003493, 0x9007edb7, 0x6261e40a, + 0x01663d2e, 0xa46e5642, 0xc7698f66, 0x1d1bce7c, 0x7e1c1758, + 0xdb147c34, 0xb813a510, 0x4a75acad, 0x29727589, 0x8c7a1ee5, + 0xef7dc7c1, 0xb3c70bde, 0xd0c0d2fa, 0x75c8b996, 0x16cf60b2, + 0xe4a9690f, 0x87aeb02b, 0x22a6db47, 0x41a10263, 0x4d335f32, + 0x2e348616, 0x8b3ced7a, 0xe83b345e, 0x1a5d3de3, 0x795ae4c7, + 0xdc528fab, 0xbf55568f, 0xe3ef9a90, 0x80e843b4, 0x25e028d8, + 0x46e7f1fc, 0xb481f841, 0xd7862165, 0x728e4a09, 0x1189932d, + 0xcbfbd237, 0xa8fc0b13, 0x0df4607f, 0x6ef3b95b, 0x9c95b0e6, + 0xff9269c2, 0x5a9a02ae, 0x399ddb8a, 0x65271795, 0x0620ceb1, + 0xa328a5dd, 0xc02f7cf9, 0x32497544, 0x514eac60, 0xf446c70c, + 0x97411e28}, + {0x00000000, 0x01b5fd1d, 0x036bfa3a, 0x02de0727, 0x06d7f474, + 0x07620969, 0x05bc0e4e, 0x0409f353, 0x0dafe8e8, 0x0c1a15f5, + 0x0ec412d2, 0x0f71efcf, 0x0b781c9c, 0x0acde181, 0x0813e6a6, + 0x09a61bbb, 0x1b5fd1d0, 0x1aea2ccd, 0x18342bea, 0x1981d6f7, + 0x1d8825a4, 0x1c3dd8b9, 0x1ee3df9e, 0x1f562283, 0x16f03938, + 0x1745c425, 0x159bc302, 0x142e3e1f, 0x1027cd4c, 0x11923051, + 0x134c3776, 0x12f9ca6b, 0x36bfa3a0, 0x370a5ebd, 0x35d4599a, + 0x3461a487, 0x306857d4, 0x31ddaac9, 0x3303adee, 0x32b650f3, + 0x3b104b48, 0x3aa5b655, 0x387bb172, 0x39ce4c6f, 0x3dc7bf3c, + 0x3c724221, 0x3eac4506, 0x3f19b81b, 0x2de07270, 0x2c558f6d, + 0x2e8b884a, 0x2f3e7557, 0x2b378604, 0x2a827b19, 0x285c7c3e, + 0x29e98123, 0x204f9a98, 0x21fa6785, 0x232460a2, 0x22919dbf, + 0x26986eec, 0x272d93f1, 0x25f394d6, 0x244669cb, 0x6d7f4740, + 0x6ccaba5d, 0x6e14bd7a, 0x6fa14067, 0x6ba8b334, 0x6a1d4e29, + 0x68c3490e, 0x6976b413, 0x60d0afa8, 0x616552b5, 0x63bb5592, + 0x620ea88f, 0x66075bdc, 0x67b2a6c1, 0x656ca1e6, 0x64d95cfb, + 0x76209690, 0x77956b8d, 0x754b6caa, 0x74fe91b7, 0x70f762e4, + 0x71429ff9, 0x739c98de, 0x722965c3, 0x7b8f7e78, 0x7a3a8365, + 0x78e48442, 0x7951795f, 0x7d588a0c, 0x7ced7711, 0x7e337036, + 0x7f868d2b, 0x5bc0e4e0, 0x5a7519fd, 0x58ab1eda, 0x591ee3c7, + 0x5d171094, 0x5ca2ed89, 0x5e7ceaae, 0x5fc917b3, 0x566f0c08, + 0x57daf115, 0x5504f632, 0x54b10b2f, 0x50b8f87c, 0x510d0561, + 0x53d30246, 0x5266ff5b, 0x409f3530, 0x412ac82d, 0x43f4cf0a, + 0x42413217, 0x4648c144, 0x47fd3c59, 0x45233b7e, 0x4496c663, + 0x4d30ddd8, 0x4c8520c5, 0x4e5b27e2, 0x4feedaff, 0x4be729ac, + 0x4a52d4b1, 0x488cd396, 0x49392e8b, 0xdafe8e80, 0xdb4b739d, + 0xd99574ba, 0xd82089a7, 0xdc297af4, 0xdd9c87e9, 0xdf4280ce, + 0xdef77dd3, 0xd7516668, 0xd6e49b75, 0xd43a9c52, 0xd58f614f, + 0xd186921c, 0xd0336f01, 0xd2ed6826, 0xd358953b, 0xc1a15f50, + 0xc014a24d, 0xc2caa56a, 0xc37f5877, 0xc776ab24, 0xc6c35639, + 0xc41d511e, 0xc5a8ac03, 0xcc0eb7b8, 0xcdbb4aa5, 0xcf654d82, + 0xced0b09f, 0xcad943cc, 0xcb6cbed1, 0xc9b2b9f6, 0xc80744eb, + 0xec412d20, 0xedf4d03d, 0xef2ad71a, 0xee9f2a07, 0xea96d954, + 0xeb232449, 0xe9fd236e, 0xe848de73, 0xe1eec5c8, 0xe05b38d5, + 0xe2853ff2, 0xe330c2ef, 0xe73931bc, 0xe68ccca1, 0xe452cb86, + 0xe5e7369b, 0xf71efcf0, 0xf6ab01ed, 0xf47506ca, 0xf5c0fbd7, + 0xf1c90884, 0xf07cf599, 0xf2a2f2be, 0xf3170fa3, 0xfab11418, + 0xfb04e905, 0xf9daee22, 0xf86f133f, 0xfc66e06c, 0xfdd31d71, + 0xff0d1a56, 0xfeb8e74b, 0xb781c9c0, 0xb63434dd, 0xb4ea33fa, + 0xb55fcee7, 0xb1563db4, 0xb0e3c0a9, 0xb23dc78e, 0xb3883a93, + 0xba2e2128, 0xbb9bdc35, 0xb945db12, 0xb8f0260f, 0xbcf9d55c, + 0xbd4c2841, 0xbf922f66, 0xbe27d27b, 0xacde1810, 0xad6be50d, + 0xafb5e22a, 0xae001f37, 0xaa09ec64, 0xabbc1179, 0xa962165e, + 0xa8d7eb43, 0xa171f0f8, 0xa0c40de5, 0xa21a0ac2, 0xa3aff7df, + 0xa7a6048c, 0xa613f991, 0xa4cdfeb6, 0xa57803ab, 0x813e6a60, + 0x808b977d, 0x8255905a, 0x83e06d47, 0x87e99e14, 0x865c6309, + 0x8482642e, 0x85379933, 0x8c918288, 0x8d247f95, 0x8ffa78b2, + 0x8e4f85af, 0x8a4676fc, 0x8bf38be1, 0x892d8cc6, 0x889871db, + 0x9a61bbb0, 0x9bd446ad, 0x990a418a, 0x98bfbc97, 0x9cb64fc4, + 0x9d03b2d9, 0x9fddb5fe, 0x9e6848e3, 0x97ce5358, 0x967bae45, + 0x94a5a962, 0x9510547f, 0x9119a72c, 0x90ac5a31, 0x92725d16, + 0x93c7a00b}, + {0x00000000, 0x6e8c1b41, 0xdd183682, 0xb3942dc3, 0x61416b45, + 0x0fcd7004, 0xbc595dc7, 0xd2d54686, 0xc282d68a, 0xac0ecdcb, + 0x1f9ae008, 0x7116fb49, 0xa3c3bdcf, 0xcd4fa68e, 0x7edb8b4d, + 0x1057900c, 0x5e74ab55, 0x30f8b014, 0x836c9dd7, 0xede08696, + 0x3f35c010, 0x51b9db51, 0xe22df692, 0x8ca1edd3, 0x9cf67ddf, + 0xf27a669e, 0x41ee4b5d, 0x2f62501c, 0xfdb7169a, 0x933b0ddb, + 0x20af2018, 0x4e233b59, 0xbce956aa, 0xd2654deb, 0x61f16028, + 0x0f7d7b69, 0xdda83def, 0xb32426ae, 0x00b00b6d, 0x6e3c102c, + 0x7e6b8020, 0x10e79b61, 0xa373b6a2, 0xcdffade3, 0x1f2aeb65, + 0x71a6f024, 0xc232dde7, 0xacbec6a6, 0xe29dfdff, 0x8c11e6be, + 0x3f85cb7d, 0x5109d03c, 0x83dc96ba, 0xed508dfb, 0x5ec4a038, + 0x3048bb79, 0x201f2b75, 0x4e933034, 0xfd071df7, 0x938b06b6, + 0x415e4030, 0x2fd25b71, 0x9c4676b2, 0xf2ca6df3, 0xa2a3ab15, + 0xcc2fb054, 0x7fbb9d97, 0x113786d6, 0xc3e2c050, 0xad6edb11, + 0x1efaf6d2, 0x7076ed93, 0x60217d9f, 0x0ead66de, 0xbd394b1d, + 0xd3b5505c, 0x016016da, 0x6fec0d9b, 0xdc782058, 0xb2f43b19, + 0xfcd70040, 0x925b1b01, 0x21cf36c2, 0x4f432d83, 0x9d966b05, + 0xf31a7044, 0x408e5d87, 0x2e0246c6, 0x3e55d6ca, 0x50d9cd8b, + 0xe34de048, 0x8dc1fb09, 0x5f14bd8f, 0x3198a6ce, 0x820c8b0d, + 0xec80904c, 0x1e4afdbf, 0x70c6e6fe, 0xc352cb3d, 0xadded07c, + 0x7f0b96fa, 0x11878dbb, 0xa213a078, 0xcc9fbb39, 0xdcc82b35, + 0xb2443074, 0x01d01db7, 0x6f5c06f6, 0xbd894070, 0xd3055b31, + 0x609176f2, 0x0e1d6db3, 0x403e56ea, 0x2eb24dab, 0x9d266068, + 0xf3aa7b29, 0x217f3daf, 0x4ff326ee, 0xfc670b2d, 0x92eb106c, + 0x82bc8060, 0xec309b21, 0x5fa4b6e2, 0x3128ada3, 0xe3fdeb25, + 0x8d71f064, 0x3ee5dda7, 0x5069c6e6, 0x9e36506b, 0xf0ba4b2a, + 0x432e66e9, 0x2da27da8, 0xff773b2e, 0x91fb206f, 0x226f0dac, + 0x4ce316ed, 0x5cb486e1, 0x32389da0, 0x81acb063, 0xef20ab22, + 0x3df5eda4, 0x5379f6e5, 0xe0eddb26, 0x8e61c067, 0xc042fb3e, + 0xaecee07f, 0x1d5acdbc, 0x73d6d6fd, 0xa103907b, 0xcf8f8b3a, + 0x7c1ba6f9, 0x1297bdb8, 0x02c02db4, 0x6c4c36f5, 0xdfd81b36, + 0xb1540077, 0x638146f1, 0x0d0d5db0, 0xbe997073, 0xd0156b32, + 0x22df06c1, 0x4c531d80, 0xffc73043, 0x914b2b02, 0x439e6d84, + 0x2d1276c5, 0x9e865b06, 0xf00a4047, 0xe05dd04b, 0x8ed1cb0a, + 0x3d45e6c9, 0x53c9fd88, 0x811cbb0e, 0xef90a04f, 0x5c048d8c, + 0x328896cd, 0x7cabad94, 0x1227b6d5, 0xa1b39b16, 0xcf3f8057, + 0x1deac6d1, 0x7366dd90, 0xc0f2f053, 0xae7eeb12, 0xbe297b1e, + 0xd0a5605f, 0x63314d9c, 0x0dbd56dd, 0xdf68105b, 0xb1e40b1a, + 0x027026d9, 0x6cfc3d98, 0x3c95fb7e, 0x5219e03f, 0xe18dcdfc, + 0x8f01d6bd, 0x5dd4903b, 0x33588b7a, 0x80cca6b9, 0xee40bdf8, + 0xfe172df4, 0x909b36b5, 0x230f1b76, 0x4d830037, 0x9f5646b1, + 0xf1da5df0, 0x424e7033, 0x2cc26b72, 0x62e1502b, 0x0c6d4b6a, + 0xbff966a9, 0xd1757de8, 0x03a03b6e, 0x6d2c202f, 0xdeb80dec, + 0xb03416ad, 0xa06386a1, 0xceef9de0, 0x7d7bb023, 0x13f7ab62, + 0xc122ede4, 0xafaef6a5, 0x1c3adb66, 0x72b6c027, 0x807cadd4, + 0xeef0b695, 0x5d649b56, 0x33e88017, 0xe13dc691, 0x8fb1ddd0, + 0x3c25f013, 0x52a9eb52, 0x42fe7b5e, 0x2c72601f, 0x9fe64ddc, + 0xf16a569d, 0x23bf101b, 0x4d330b5a, 0xfea72699, 0x902b3dd8, + 0xde080681, 0xb0841dc0, 0x03103003, 0x6d9c2b42, 0xbf496dc4, + 0xd1c57685, 0x62515b46, 0x0cdd4007, 0x1c8ad00b, 0x7206cb4a, + 0xc192e689, 0xaf1efdc8, 0x7dcbbb4e, 0x1347a00f, 0xa0d38dcc, + 0xce5f968d}, + {0x00000000, 0xe71da697, 0x154a4b6f, 0xf257edf8, 0x2a9496de, + 0xcd893049, 0x3fdeddb1, 0xd8c37b26, 0x55292dbc, 0xb2348b2b, + 0x406366d3, 0xa77ec044, 0x7fbdbb62, 0x98a01df5, 0x6af7f00d, + 0x8dea569a, 0xaa525b78, 0x4d4ffdef, 0xbf181017, 0x5805b680, + 0x80c6cda6, 0x67db6b31, 0x958c86c9, 0x7291205e, 0xff7b76c4, + 0x1866d053, 0xea313dab, 0x0d2c9b3c, 0xd5efe01a, 0x32f2468d, + 0xc0a5ab75, 0x27b80de2, 0x8fd5b0b1, 0x68c81626, 0x9a9ffbde, + 0x7d825d49, 0xa541266f, 0x425c80f8, 0xb00b6d00, 0x5716cb97, + 0xdafc9d0d, 0x3de13b9a, 0xcfb6d662, 0x28ab70f5, 0xf0680bd3, + 0x1775ad44, 0xe52240bc, 0x023fe62b, 0x2587ebc9, 0xc29a4d5e, + 0x30cda0a6, 0xd7d00631, 0x0f137d17, 0xe80edb80, 0x1a593678, + 0xfd4490ef, 0x70aec675, 0x97b360e2, 0x65e48d1a, 0x82f92b8d, + 0x5a3a50ab, 0xbd27f63c, 0x4f701bc4, 0xa86dbd53, 0xc4da6723, + 0x23c7c1b4, 0xd1902c4c, 0x368d8adb, 0xee4ef1fd, 0x0953576a, + 0xfb04ba92, 0x1c191c05, 0x91f34a9f, 0x76eeec08, 0x84b901f0, + 0x63a4a767, 0xbb67dc41, 0x5c7a7ad6, 0xae2d972e, 0x493031b9, + 0x6e883c5b, 0x89959acc, 0x7bc27734, 0x9cdfd1a3, 0x441caa85, + 0xa3010c12, 0x5156e1ea, 0xb64b477d, 0x3ba111e7, 0xdcbcb770, + 0x2eeb5a88, 0xc9f6fc1f, 0x11358739, 0xf62821ae, 0x047fcc56, + 0xe3626ac1, 0x4b0fd792, 0xac127105, 0x5e459cfd, 0xb9583a6a, + 0x619b414c, 0x8686e7db, 0x74d10a23, 0x93ccacb4, 0x1e26fa2e, + 0xf93b5cb9, 0x0b6cb141, 0xec7117d6, 0x34b26cf0, 0xd3afca67, + 0x21f8279f, 0xc6e58108, 0xe15d8cea, 0x06402a7d, 0xf417c785, + 0x130a6112, 0xcbc91a34, 0x2cd4bca3, 0xde83515b, 0x399ef7cc, + 0xb474a156, 0x536907c1, 0xa13eea39, 0x46234cae, 0x9ee03788, + 0x79fd911f, 0x8baa7ce7, 0x6cb7da70, 0x52c5c807, 0xb5d86e90, + 0x478f8368, 0xa09225ff, 0x78515ed9, 0x9f4cf84e, 0x6d1b15b6, + 0x8a06b321, 0x07ece5bb, 0xe0f1432c, 0x12a6aed4, 0xf5bb0843, + 0x2d787365, 0xca65d5f2, 0x3832380a, 0xdf2f9e9d, 0xf897937f, + 0x1f8a35e8, 0xedddd810, 0x0ac07e87, 0xd20305a1, 0x351ea336, + 0xc7494ece, 0x2054e859, 0xadbebec3, 0x4aa31854, 0xb8f4f5ac, + 0x5fe9533b, 0x872a281d, 0x60378e8a, 0x92606372, 0x757dc5e5, + 0xdd1078b6, 0x3a0dde21, 0xc85a33d9, 0x2f47954e, 0xf784ee68, + 0x109948ff, 0xe2cea507, 0x05d30390, 0x8839550a, 0x6f24f39d, + 0x9d731e65, 0x7a6eb8f2, 0xa2adc3d4, 0x45b06543, 0xb7e788bb, + 0x50fa2e2c, 0x774223ce, 0x905f8559, 0x620868a1, 0x8515ce36, + 0x5dd6b510, 0xbacb1387, 0x489cfe7f, 0xaf8158e8, 0x226b0e72, + 0xc576a8e5, 0x3721451d, 0xd03ce38a, 0x08ff98ac, 0xefe23e3b, + 0x1db5d3c3, 0xfaa87554, 0x961faf24, 0x710209b3, 0x8355e44b, + 0x644842dc, 0xbc8b39fa, 0x5b969f6d, 0xa9c17295, 0x4edcd402, + 0xc3368298, 0x242b240f, 0xd67cc9f7, 0x31616f60, 0xe9a21446, + 0x0ebfb2d1, 0xfce85f29, 0x1bf5f9be, 0x3c4df45c, 0xdb5052cb, + 0x2907bf33, 0xce1a19a4, 0x16d96282, 0xf1c4c415, 0x039329ed, + 0xe48e8f7a, 0x6964d9e0, 0x8e797f77, 0x7c2e928f, 0x9b333418, + 0x43f04f3e, 0xa4ede9a9, 0x56ba0451, 0xb1a7a2c6, 0x19ca1f95, + 0xfed7b902, 0x0c8054fa, 0xeb9df26d, 0x335e894b, 0xd4432fdc, + 0x2614c224, 0xc10964b3, 0x4ce33229, 0xabfe94be, 0x59a97946, + 0xbeb4dfd1, 0x6677a4f7, 0x816a0260, 0x733def98, 0x9420490f, + 0xb39844ed, 0x5485e27a, 0xa6d20f82, 0x41cfa915, 0x990cd233, + 0x7e1174a4, 0x8c46995c, 0x6b5b3fcb, 0xe6b16951, 0x01accfc6, + 0xf3fb223e, 0x14e684a9, 0xcc25ff8f, 0x2b385918, 0xd96fb4e0, + 0x3e721277}, + {0x00000000, 0xa58b900e, 0x9066265d, 0x35edb653, 0xfbbd4afb, + 0x5e36daf5, 0x6bdb6ca6, 0xce50fca8, 0x2c0b93b7, 0x898003b9, + 0xbc6db5ea, 0x19e625e4, 0xd7b6d94c, 0x723d4942, 0x47d0ff11, + 0xe25b6f1f, 0x5817276e, 0xfd9cb760, 0xc8710133, 0x6dfa913d, + 0xa3aa6d95, 0x0621fd9b, 0x33cc4bc8, 0x9647dbc6, 0x741cb4d9, + 0xd19724d7, 0xe47a9284, 0x41f1028a, 0x8fa1fe22, 0x2a2a6e2c, + 0x1fc7d87f, 0xba4c4871, 0xb02e4edc, 0x15a5ded2, 0x20486881, + 0x85c3f88f, 0x4b930427, 0xee189429, 0xdbf5227a, 0x7e7eb274, + 0x9c25dd6b, 0x39ae4d65, 0x0c43fb36, 0xa9c86b38, 0x67989790, + 0xc213079e, 0xf7feb1cd, 0x527521c3, 0xe83969b2, 0x4db2f9bc, + 0x785f4fef, 0xddd4dfe1, 0x13842349, 0xb60fb347, 0x83e20514, + 0x2669951a, 0xc432fa05, 0x61b96a0b, 0x5454dc58, 0xf1df4c56, + 0x3f8fb0fe, 0x9a0420f0, 0xafe996a3, 0x0a6206ad, 0xbb2d9bf9, + 0x1ea60bf7, 0x2b4bbda4, 0x8ec02daa, 0x4090d102, 0xe51b410c, + 0xd0f6f75f, 0x757d6751, 0x9726084e, 0x32ad9840, 0x07402e13, + 0xa2cbbe1d, 0x6c9b42b5, 0xc910d2bb, 0xfcfd64e8, 0x5976f4e6, + 0xe33abc97, 0x46b12c99, 0x735c9aca, 0xd6d70ac4, 0x1887f66c, + 0xbd0c6662, 0x88e1d031, 0x2d6a403f, 0xcf312f20, 0x6ababf2e, + 0x5f57097d, 0xfadc9973, 0x348c65db, 0x9107f5d5, 0xa4ea4386, + 0x0161d388, 0x0b03d525, 0xae88452b, 0x9b65f378, 0x3eee6376, + 0xf0be9fde, 0x55350fd0, 0x60d8b983, 0xc553298d, 0x27084692, + 0x8283d69c, 0xb76e60cf, 0x12e5f0c1, 0xdcb50c69, 0x793e9c67, + 0x4cd32a34, 0xe958ba3a, 0x5314f24b, 0xf69f6245, 0xc372d416, + 0x66f94418, 0xa8a9b8b0, 0x0d2228be, 0x38cf9eed, 0x9d440ee3, + 0x7f1f61fc, 0xda94f1f2, 0xef7947a1, 0x4af2d7af, 0x84a22b07, + 0x2129bb09, 0x14c40d5a, 0xb14f9d54, 0xad2a31b3, 0x08a1a1bd, + 0x3d4c17ee, 0x98c787e0, 0x56977b48, 0xf31ceb46, 0xc6f15d15, + 0x637acd1b, 0x8121a204, 0x24aa320a, 0x11478459, 0xb4cc1457, + 0x7a9ce8ff, 0xdf1778f1, 0xeafacea2, 0x4f715eac, 0xf53d16dd, + 0x50b686d3, 0x655b3080, 0xc0d0a08e, 0x0e805c26, 0xab0bcc28, + 0x9ee67a7b, 0x3b6dea75, 0xd936856a, 0x7cbd1564, 0x4950a337, + 0xecdb3339, 0x228bcf91, 0x87005f9f, 0xb2ede9cc, 0x176679c2, + 0x1d047f6f, 0xb88fef61, 0x8d625932, 0x28e9c93c, 0xe6b93594, + 0x4332a59a, 0x76df13c9, 0xd35483c7, 0x310fecd8, 0x94847cd6, + 0xa169ca85, 0x04e25a8b, 0xcab2a623, 0x6f39362d, 0x5ad4807e, + 0xff5f1070, 0x45135801, 0xe098c80f, 0xd5757e5c, 0x70feee52, + 0xbeae12fa, 0x1b2582f4, 0x2ec834a7, 0x8b43a4a9, 0x6918cbb6, + 0xcc935bb8, 0xf97eedeb, 0x5cf57de5, 0x92a5814d, 0x372e1143, + 0x02c3a710, 0xa748371e, 0x1607aa4a, 0xb38c3a44, 0x86618c17, + 0x23ea1c19, 0xedbae0b1, 0x483170bf, 0x7ddcc6ec, 0xd85756e2, + 0x3a0c39fd, 0x9f87a9f3, 0xaa6a1fa0, 0x0fe18fae, 0xc1b17306, + 0x643ae308, 0x51d7555b, 0xf45cc555, 0x4e108d24, 0xeb9b1d2a, + 0xde76ab79, 0x7bfd3b77, 0xb5adc7df, 0x102657d1, 0x25cbe182, + 0x8040718c, 0x621b1e93, 0xc7908e9d, 0xf27d38ce, 0x57f6a8c0, + 0x99a65468, 0x3c2dc466, 0x09c07235, 0xac4be23b, 0xa629e496, + 0x03a27498, 0x364fc2cb, 0x93c452c5, 0x5d94ae6d, 0xf81f3e63, + 0xcdf28830, 0x6879183e, 0x8a227721, 0x2fa9e72f, 0x1a44517c, + 0xbfcfc172, 0x719f3dda, 0xd414add4, 0xe1f91b87, 0x44728b89, + 0xfe3ec3f8, 0x5bb553f6, 0x6e58e5a5, 0xcbd375ab, 0x05838903, + 0xa008190d, 0x95e5af5e, 0x306e3f50, 0xd235504f, 0x77bec041, + 0x42537612, 0xe7d8e61c, 0x29881ab4, 0x8c038aba, 0xb9ee3ce9, + 0x1c65ace7}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x0000000000000000, 0x0e908ba500000000, 0x5d26669000000000, + 0x53b6ed3500000000, 0xfb4abdfb00000000, 0xf5da365e00000000, + 0xa66cdb6b00000000, 0xa8fc50ce00000000, 0xb7930b2c00000000, + 0xb903808900000000, 0xeab56dbc00000000, 0xe425e61900000000, + 0x4cd9b6d700000000, 0x42493d7200000000, 0x11ffd04700000000, + 0x1f6f5be200000000, 0x6e27175800000000, 0x60b79cfd00000000, + 0x330171c800000000, 0x3d91fa6d00000000, 0x956daaa300000000, + 0x9bfd210600000000, 0xc84bcc3300000000, 0xc6db479600000000, + 0xd9b41c7400000000, 0xd72497d100000000, 0x84927ae400000000, + 0x8a02f14100000000, 0x22fea18f00000000, 0x2c6e2a2a00000000, + 0x7fd8c71f00000000, 0x71484cba00000000, 0xdc4e2eb000000000, + 0xd2dea51500000000, 0x8168482000000000, 0x8ff8c38500000000, + 0x2704934b00000000, 0x299418ee00000000, 0x7a22f5db00000000, + 0x74b27e7e00000000, 0x6bdd259c00000000, 0x654dae3900000000, + 0x36fb430c00000000, 0x386bc8a900000000, 0x9097986700000000, + 0x9e0713c200000000, 0xcdb1fef700000000, 0xc321755200000000, + 0xb26939e800000000, 0xbcf9b24d00000000, 0xef4f5f7800000000, + 0xe1dfd4dd00000000, 0x4923841300000000, 0x47b30fb600000000, + 0x1405e28300000000, 0x1a95692600000000, 0x05fa32c400000000, + 0x0b6ab96100000000, 0x58dc545400000000, 0x564cdff100000000, + 0xfeb08f3f00000000, 0xf020049a00000000, 0xa396e9af00000000, + 0xad06620a00000000, 0xf99b2dbb00000000, 0xf70ba61e00000000, + 0xa4bd4b2b00000000, 0xaa2dc08e00000000, 0x02d1904000000000, + 0x0c411be500000000, 0x5ff7f6d000000000, 0x51677d7500000000, + 0x4e08269700000000, 0x4098ad3200000000, 0x132e400700000000, + 0x1dbecba200000000, 0xb5429b6c00000000, 0xbbd210c900000000, + 0xe864fdfc00000000, 0xe6f4765900000000, 0x97bc3ae300000000, + 0x992cb14600000000, 0xca9a5c7300000000, 0xc40ad7d600000000, + 0x6cf6871800000000, 0x62660cbd00000000, 0x31d0e18800000000, + 0x3f406a2d00000000, 0x202f31cf00000000, 0x2ebfba6a00000000, + 0x7d09575f00000000, 0x7399dcfa00000000, 0xdb658c3400000000, + 0xd5f5079100000000, 0x8643eaa400000000, 0x88d3610100000000, + 0x25d5030b00000000, 0x2b4588ae00000000, 0x78f3659b00000000, + 0x7663ee3e00000000, 0xde9fbef000000000, 0xd00f355500000000, + 0x83b9d86000000000, 0x8d2953c500000000, 0x9246082700000000, + 0x9cd6838200000000, 0xcf606eb700000000, 0xc1f0e51200000000, + 0x690cb5dc00000000, 0x679c3e7900000000, 0x342ad34c00000000, + 0x3aba58e900000000, 0x4bf2145300000000, 0x45629ff600000000, + 0x16d472c300000000, 0x1844f96600000000, 0xb0b8a9a800000000, + 0xbe28220d00000000, 0xed9ecf3800000000, 0xe30e449d00000000, + 0xfc611f7f00000000, 0xf2f194da00000000, 0xa14779ef00000000, + 0xafd7f24a00000000, 0x072ba28400000000, 0x09bb292100000000, + 0x5a0dc41400000000, 0x549d4fb100000000, 0xb3312aad00000000, + 0xbda1a10800000000, 0xee174c3d00000000, 0xe087c79800000000, + 0x487b975600000000, 0x46eb1cf300000000, 0x155df1c600000000, + 0x1bcd7a6300000000, 0x04a2218100000000, 0x0a32aa2400000000, + 0x5984471100000000, 0x5714ccb400000000, 0xffe89c7a00000000, + 0xf17817df00000000, 0xa2cefaea00000000, 0xac5e714f00000000, + 0xdd163df500000000, 0xd386b65000000000, 0x80305b6500000000, + 0x8ea0d0c000000000, 0x265c800e00000000, 0x28cc0bab00000000, + 0x7b7ae69e00000000, 0x75ea6d3b00000000, 0x6a8536d900000000, + 0x6415bd7c00000000, 0x37a3504900000000, 0x3933dbec00000000, + 0x91cf8b2200000000, 0x9f5f008700000000, 0xcce9edb200000000, + 0xc279661700000000, 0x6f7f041d00000000, 0x61ef8fb800000000, + 0x3259628d00000000, 0x3cc9e92800000000, 0x9435b9e600000000, + 0x9aa5324300000000, 0xc913df7600000000, 0xc78354d300000000, + 0xd8ec0f3100000000, 0xd67c849400000000, 0x85ca69a100000000, + 0x8b5ae20400000000, 0x23a6b2ca00000000, 0x2d36396f00000000, + 0x7e80d45a00000000, 0x70105fff00000000, 0x0158134500000000, + 0x0fc898e000000000, 0x5c7e75d500000000, 0x52eefe7000000000, + 0xfa12aebe00000000, 0xf482251b00000000, 0xa734c82e00000000, + 0xa9a4438b00000000, 0xb6cb186900000000, 0xb85b93cc00000000, + 0xebed7ef900000000, 0xe57df55c00000000, 0x4d81a59200000000, + 0x43112e3700000000, 0x10a7c30200000000, 0x1e3748a700000000, + 0x4aaa071600000000, 0x443a8cb300000000, 0x178c618600000000, + 0x191cea2300000000, 0xb1e0baed00000000, 0xbf70314800000000, + 0xecc6dc7d00000000, 0xe25657d800000000, 0xfd390c3a00000000, + 0xf3a9879f00000000, 0xa01f6aaa00000000, 0xae8fe10f00000000, + 0x0673b1c100000000, 0x08e33a6400000000, 0x5b55d75100000000, + 0x55c55cf400000000, 0x248d104e00000000, 0x2a1d9beb00000000, + 0x79ab76de00000000, 0x773bfd7b00000000, 0xdfc7adb500000000, + 0xd157261000000000, 0x82e1cb2500000000, 0x8c71408000000000, + 0x931e1b6200000000, 0x9d8e90c700000000, 0xce387df200000000, + 0xc0a8f65700000000, 0x6854a69900000000, 0x66c42d3c00000000, + 0x3572c00900000000, 0x3be24bac00000000, 0x96e429a600000000, + 0x9874a20300000000, 0xcbc24f3600000000, 0xc552c49300000000, + 0x6dae945d00000000, 0x633e1ff800000000, 0x3088f2cd00000000, + 0x3e18796800000000, 0x2177228a00000000, 0x2fe7a92f00000000, + 0x7c51441a00000000, 0x72c1cfbf00000000, 0xda3d9f7100000000, + 0xd4ad14d400000000, 0x871bf9e100000000, 0x898b724400000000, + 0xf8c33efe00000000, 0xf653b55b00000000, 0xa5e5586e00000000, + 0xab75d3cb00000000, 0x0389830500000000, 0x0d1908a000000000, + 0x5eafe59500000000, 0x503f6e3000000000, 0x4f5035d200000000, + 0x41c0be7700000000, 0x1276534200000000, 0x1ce6d8e700000000, + 0xb41a882900000000, 0xba8a038c00000000, 0xe93ceeb900000000, + 0xe7ac651c00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x97a61de700000000, 0x6f4b4a1500000000, + 0xf8ed57f200000000, 0xde96942a00000000, 0x493089cd00000000, + 0xb1ddde3f00000000, 0x267bc3d800000000, 0xbc2d295500000000, + 0x2b8b34b200000000, 0xd366634000000000, 0x44c07ea700000000, + 0x62bbbd7f00000000, 0xf51da09800000000, 0x0df0f76a00000000, + 0x9a56ea8d00000000, 0x785b52aa00000000, 0xeffd4f4d00000000, + 0x171018bf00000000, 0x80b6055800000000, 0xa6cdc68000000000, + 0x316bdb6700000000, 0xc9868c9500000000, 0x5e20917200000000, + 0xc4767bff00000000, 0x53d0661800000000, 0xab3d31ea00000000, + 0x3c9b2c0d00000000, 0x1ae0efd500000000, 0x8d46f23200000000, + 0x75aba5c000000000, 0xe20db82700000000, 0xb1b0d58f00000000, + 0x2616c86800000000, 0xdefb9f9a00000000, 0x495d827d00000000, + 0x6f2641a500000000, 0xf8805c4200000000, 0x006d0bb000000000, + 0x97cb165700000000, 0x0d9dfcda00000000, 0x9a3be13d00000000, + 0x62d6b6cf00000000, 0xf570ab2800000000, 0xd30b68f000000000, + 0x44ad751700000000, 0xbc4022e500000000, 0x2be63f0200000000, + 0xc9eb872500000000, 0x5e4d9ac200000000, 0xa6a0cd3000000000, + 0x3106d0d700000000, 0x177d130f00000000, 0x80db0ee800000000, + 0x7836591a00000000, 0xef9044fd00000000, 0x75c6ae7000000000, + 0xe260b39700000000, 0x1a8de46500000000, 0x8d2bf98200000000, + 0xab503a5a00000000, 0x3cf627bd00000000, 0xc41b704f00000000, + 0x53bd6da800000000, 0x2367dac400000000, 0xb4c1c72300000000, + 0x4c2c90d100000000, 0xdb8a8d3600000000, 0xfdf14eee00000000, + 0x6a57530900000000, 0x92ba04fb00000000, 0x051c191c00000000, + 0x9f4af39100000000, 0x08ecee7600000000, 0xf001b98400000000, + 0x67a7a46300000000, 0x41dc67bb00000000, 0xd67a7a5c00000000, + 0x2e972dae00000000, 0xb931304900000000, 0x5b3c886e00000000, + 0xcc9a958900000000, 0x3477c27b00000000, 0xa3d1df9c00000000, + 0x85aa1c4400000000, 0x120c01a300000000, 0xeae1565100000000, + 0x7d474bb600000000, 0xe711a13b00000000, 0x70b7bcdc00000000, + 0x885aeb2e00000000, 0x1ffcf6c900000000, 0x3987351100000000, + 0xae2128f600000000, 0x56cc7f0400000000, 0xc16a62e300000000, + 0x92d70f4b00000000, 0x057112ac00000000, 0xfd9c455e00000000, + 0x6a3a58b900000000, 0x4c419b6100000000, 0xdbe7868600000000, + 0x230ad17400000000, 0xb4accc9300000000, 0x2efa261e00000000, + 0xb95c3bf900000000, 0x41b16c0b00000000, 0xd61771ec00000000, + 0xf06cb23400000000, 0x67caafd300000000, 0x9f27f82100000000, + 0x0881e5c600000000, 0xea8c5de100000000, 0x7d2a400600000000, + 0x85c717f400000000, 0x12610a1300000000, 0x341ac9cb00000000, + 0xa3bcd42c00000000, 0x5b5183de00000000, 0xccf79e3900000000, + 0x56a174b400000000, 0xc107695300000000, 0x39ea3ea100000000, + 0xae4c234600000000, 0x8837e09e00000000, 0x1f91fd7900000000, + 0xe77caa8b00000000, 0x70dab76c00000000, 0x07c8c55200000000, + 0x906ed8b500000000, 0x68838f4700000000, 0xff2592a000000000, + 0xd95e517800000000, 0x4ef84c9f00000000, 0xb6151b6d00000000, + 0x21b3068a00000000, 0xbbe5ec0700000000, 0x2c43f1e000000000, + 0xd4aea61200000000, 0x4308bbf500000000, 0x6573782d00000000, + 0xf2d565ca00000000, 0x0a38323800000000, 0x9d9e2fdf00000000, + 0x7f9397f800000000, 0xe8358a1f00000000, 0x10d8dded00000000, + 0x877ec00a00000000, 0xa10503d200000000, 0x36a31e3500000000, + 0xce4e49c700000000, 0x59e8542000000000, 0xc3bebead00000000, + 0x5418a34a00000000, 0xacf5f4b800000000, 0x3b53e95f00000000, + 0x1d282a8700000000, 0x8a8e376000000000, 0x7263609200000000, + 0xe5c57d7500000000, 0xb67810dd00000000, 0x21de0d3a00000000, + 0xd9335ac800000000, 0x4e95472f00000000, 0x68ee84f700000000, + 0xff48991000000000, 0x07a5cee200000000, 0x9003d30500000000, + 0x0a55398800000000, 0x9df3246f00000000, 0x651e739d00000000, + 0xf2b86e7a00000000, 0xd4c3ada200000000, 0x4365b04500000000, + 0xbb88e7b700000000, 0x2c2efa5000000000, 0xce23427700000000, + 0x59855f9000000000, 0xa168086200000000, 0x36ce158500000000, + 0x10b5d65d00000000, 0x8713cbba00000000, 0x7ffe9c4800000000, + 0xe85881af00000000, 0x720e6b2200000000, 0xe5a876c500000000, + 0x1d45213700000000, 0x8ae33cd000000000, 0xac98ff0800000000, + 0x3b3ee2ef00000000, 0xc3d3b51d00000000, 0x5475a8fa00000000, + 0x24af1f9600000000, 0xb309027100000000, 0x4be4558300000000, + 0xdc42486400000000, 0xfa398bbc00000000, 0x6d9f965b00000000, + 0x9572c1a900000000, 0x02d4dc4e00000000, 0x988236c300000000, + 0x0f242b2400000000, 0xf7c97cd600000000, 0x606f613100000000, + 0x4614a2e900000000, 0xd1b2bf0e00000000, 0x295fe8fc00000000, + 0xbef9f51b00000000, 0x5cf44d3c00000000, 0xcb5250db00000000, + 0x33bf072900000000, 0xa4191ace00000000, 0x8262d91600000000, + 0x15c4c4f100000000, 0xed29930300000000, 0x7a8f8ee400000000, + 0xe0d9646900000000, 0x777f798e00000000, 0x8f922e7c00000000, + 0x1834339b00000000, 0x3e4ff04300000000, 0xa9e9eda400000000, + 0x5104ba5600000000, 0xc6a2a7b100000000, 0x951fca1900000000, + 0x02b9d7fe00000000, 0xfa54800c00000000, 0x6df29deb00000000, + 0x4b895e3300000000, 0xdc2f43d400000000, 0x24c2142600000000, + 0xb36409c100000000, 0x2932e34c00000000, 0xbe94feab00000000, + 0x4679a95900000000, 0xd1dfb4be00000000, 0xf7a4776600000000, + 0x60026a8100000000, 0x98ef3d7300000000, 0x0f49209400000000, + 0xed4498b300000000, 0x7ae2855400000000, 0x820fd2a600000000, + 0x15a9cf4100000000, 0x33d20c9900000000, 0xa474117e00000000, + 0x5c99468c00000000, 0xcb3f5b6b00000000, 0x5169b1e600000000, + 0xc6cfac0100000000, 0x3e22fbf300000000, 0xa984e61400000000, + 0x8fff25cc00000000, 0x1859382b00000000, 0xe0b46fd900000000, + 0x7712723e00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x411b8c6e00000000, 0x823618dd00000000, + 0xc32d94b300000000, 0x456b416100000000, 0x0470cd0f00000000, + 0xc75d59bc00000000, 0x8646d5d200000000, 0x8ad682c200000000, + 0xcbcd0eac00000000, 0x08e09a1f00000000, 0x49fb167100000000, + 0xcfbdc3a300000000, 0x8ea64fcd00000000, 0x4d8bdb7e00000000, + 0x0c90571000000000, 0x55ab745e00000000, 0x14b0f83000000000, + 0xd79d6c8300000000, 0x9686e0ed00000000, 0x10c0353f00000000, + 0x51dbb95100000000, 0x92f62de200000000, 0xd3eda18c00000000, + 0xdf7df69c00000000, 0x9e667af200000000, 0x5d4bee4100000000, + 0x1c50622f00000000, 0x9a16b7fd00000000, 0xdb0d3b9300000000, + 0x1820af2000000000, 0x593b234e00000000, 0xaa56e9bc00000000, + 0xeb4d65d200000000, 0x2860f16100000000, 0x697b7d0f00000000, + 0xef3da8dd00000000, 0xae2624b300000000, 0x6d0bb00000000000, + 0x2c103c6e00000000, 0x20806b7e00000000, 0x619be71000000000, + 0xa2b673a300000000, 0xe3adffcd00000000, 0x65eb2a1f00000000, + 0x24f0a67100000000, 0xe7dd32c200000000, 0xa6c6beac00000000, + 0xfffd9de200000000, 0xbee6118c00000000, 0x7dcb853f00000000, + 0x3cd0095100000000, 0xba96dc8300000000, 0xfb8d50ed00000000, + 0x38a0c45e00000000, 0x79bb483000000000, 0x752b1f2000000000, + 0x3430934e00000000, 0xf71d07fd00000000, 0xb6068b9300000000, + 0x30405e4100000000, 0x715bd22f00000000, 0xb276469c00000000, + 0xf36dcaf200000000, 0x15aba3a200000000, 0x54b02fcc00000000, + 0x979dbb7f00000000, 0xd686371100000000, 0x50c0e2c300000000, + 0x11db6ead00000000, 0xd2f6fa1e00000000, 0x93ed767000000000, + 0x9f7d216000000000, 0xde66ad0e00000000, 0x1d4b39bd00000000, + 0x5c50b5d300000000, 0xda16600100000000, 0x9b0dec6f00000000, + 0x582078dc00000000, 0x193bf4b200000000, 0x4000d7fc00000000, + 0x011b5b9200000000, 0xc236cf2100000000, 0x832d434f00000000, + 0x056b969d00000000, 0x44701af300000000, 0x875d8e4000000000, + 0xc646022e00000000, 0xcad6553e00000000, 0x8bcdd95000000000, + 0x48e04de300000000, 0x09fbc18d00000000, 0x8fbd145f00000000, + 0xcea6983100000000, 0x0d8b0c8200000000, 0x4c9080ec00000000, + 0xbffd4a1e00000000, 0xfee6c67000000000, 0x3dcb52c300000000, + 0x7cd0dead00000000, 0xfa960b7f00000000, 0xbb8d871100000000, + 0x78a013a200000000, 0x39bb9fcc00000000, 0x352bc8dc00000000, + 0x743044b200000000, 0xb71dd00100000000, 0xf6065c6f00000000, + 0x704089bd00000000, 0x315b05d300000000, 0xf276916000000000, + 0xb36d1d0e00000000, 0xea563e4000000000, 0xab4db22e00000000, + 0x6860269d00000000, 0x297baaf300000000, 0xaf3d7f2100000000, + 0xee26f34f00000000, 0x2d0b67fc00000000, 0x6c10eb9200000000, + 0x6080bc8200000000, 0x219b30ec00000000, 0xe2b6a45f00000000, + 0xa3ad283100000000, 0x25ebfde300000000, 0x64f0718d00000000, + 0xa7dde53e00000000, 0xe6c6695000000000, 0x6b50369e00000000, + 0x2a4bbaf000000000, 0xe9662e4300000000, 0xa87da22d00000000, + 0x2e3b77ff00000000, 0x6f20fb9100000000, 0xac0d6f2200000000, + 0xed16e34c00000000, 0xe186b45c00000000, 0xa09d383200000000, + 0x63b0ac8100000000, 0x22ab20ef00000000, 0xa4edf53d00000000, + 0xe5f6795300000000, 0x26dbede000000000, 0x67c0618e00000000, + 0x3efb42c000000000, 0x7fe0ceae00000000, 0xbccd5a1d00000000, + 0xfdd6d67300000000, 0x7b9003a100000000, 0x3a8b8fcf00000000, + 0xf9a61b7c00000000, 0xb8bd971200000000, 0xb42dc00200000000, + 0xf5364c6c00000000, 0x361bd8df00000000, 0x770054b100000000, + 0xf146816300000000, 0xb05d0d0d00000000, 0x737099be00000000, + 0x326b15d000000000, 0xc106df2200000000, 0x801d534c00000000, + 0x4330c7ff00000000, 0x022b4b9100000000, 0x846d9e4300000000, + 0xc576122d00000000, 0x065b869e00000000, 0x47400af000000000, + 0x4bd05de000000000, 0x0acbd18e00000000, 0xc9e6453d00000000, + 0x88fdc95300000000, 0x0ebb1c8100000000, 0x4fa090ef00000000, + 0x8c8d045c00000000, 0xcd96883200000000, 0x94adab7c00000000, + 0xd5b6271200000000, 0x169bb3a100000000, 0x57803fcf00000000, + 0xd1c6ea1d00000000, 0x90dd667300000000, 0x53f0f2c000000000, + 0x12eb7eae00000000, 0x1e7b29be00000000, 0x5f60a5d000000000, + 0x9c4d316300000000, 0xdd56bd0d00000000, 0x5b1068df00000000, + 0x1a0be4b100000000, 0xd926700200000000, 0x983dfc6c00000000, + 0x7efb953c00000000, 0x3fe0195200000000, 0xfccd8de100000000, + 0xbdd6018f00000000, 0x3b90d45d00000000, 0x7a8b583300000000, + 0xb9a6cc8000000000, 0xf8bd40ee00000000, 0xf42d17fe00000000, + 0xb5369b9000000000, 0x761b0f2300000000, 0x3700834d00000000, + 0xb146569f00000000, 0xf05ddaf100000000, 0x33704e4200000000, + 0x726bc22c00000000, 0x2b50e16200000000, 0x6a4b6d0c00000000, + 0xa966f9bf00000000, 0xe87d75d100000000, 0x6e3ba00300000000, + 0x2f202c6d00000000, 0xec0db8de00000000, 0xad1634b000000000, + 0xa18663a000000000, 0xe09defce00000000, 0x23b07b7d00000000, + 0x62abf71300000000, 0xe4ed22c100000000, 0xa5f6aeaf00000000, + 0x66db3a1c00000000, 0x27c0b67200000000, 0xd4ad7c8000000000, + 0x95b6f0ee00000000, 0x569b645d00000000, 0x1780e83300000000, + 0x91c63de100000000, 0xd0ddb18f00000000, 0x13f0253c00000000, + 0x52eba95200000000, 0x5e7bfe4200000000, 0x1f60722c00000000, + 0xdc4de69f00000000, 0x9d566af100000000, 0x1b10bf2300000000, + 0x5a0b334d00000000, 0x9926a7fe00000000, 0xd83d2b9000000000, + 0x810608de00000000, 0xc01d84b000000000, 0x0330100300000000, + 0x422b9c6d00000000, 0xc46d49bf00000000, 0x8576c5d100000000, + 0x465b516200000000, 0x0740dd0c00000000, 0x0bd08a1c00000000, + 0x4acb067200000000, 0x89e692c100000000, 0xc8fd1eaf00000000, + 0x4ebbcb7d00000000, 0x0fa0471300000000, 0xcc8dd3a000000000, + 0x8d965fce00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x1dfdb50100000000, 0x3afa6b0300000000, + 0x2707de0200000000, 0x74f4d70600000000, 0x6909620700000000, + 0x4e0ebc0500000000, 0x53f3090400000000, 0xe8e8af0d00000000, + 0xf5151a0c00000000, 0xd212c40e00000000, 0xcfef710f00000000, + 0x9c1c780b00000000, 0x81e1cd0a00000000, 0xa6e6130800000000, + 0xbb1ba60900000000, 0xd0d15f1b00000000, 0xcd2cea1a00000000, + 0xea2b341800000000, 0xf7d6811900000000, 0xa425881d00000000, + 0xb9d83d1c00000000, 0x9edfe31e00000000, 0x8322561f00000000, + 0x3839f01600000000, 0x25c4451700000000, 0x02c39b1500000000, + 0x1f3e2e1400000000, 0x4ccd271000000000, 0x5130921100000000, + 0x76374c1300000000, 0x6bcaf91200000000, 0xa0a3bf3600000000, + 0xbd5e0a3700000000, 0x9a59d43500000000, 0x87a4613400000000, + 0xd457683000000000, 0xc9aadd3100000000, 0xeead033300000000, + 0xf350b63200000000, 0x484b103b00000000, 0x55b6a53a00000000, + 0x72b17b3800000000, 0x6f4cce3900000000, 0x3cbfc73d00000000, + 0x2142723c00000000, 0x0645ac3e00000000, 0x1bb8193f00000000, + 0x7072e02d00000000, 0x6d8f552c00000000, 0x4a888b2e00000000, + 0x57753e2f00000000, 0x0486372b00000000, 0x197b822a00000000, + 0x3e7c5c2800000000, 0x2381e92900000000, 0x989a4f2000000000, + 0x8567fa2100000000, 0xa260242300000000, 0xbf9d912200000000, + 0xec6e982600000000, 0xf1932d2700000000, 0xd694f32500000000, + 0xcb69462400000000, 0x40477f6d00000000, 0x5dbaca6c00000000, + 0x7abd146e00000000, 0x6740a16f00000000, 0x34b3a86b00000000, + 0x294e1d6a00000000, 0x0e49c36800000000, 0x13b4766900000000, + 0xa8afd06000000000, 0xb552656100000000, 0x9255bb6300000000, + 0x8fa80e6200000000, 0xdc5b076600000000, 0xc1a6b26700000000, + 0xe6a16c6500000000, 0xfb5cd96400000000, 0x9096207600000000, + 0x8d6b957700000000, 0xaa6c4b7500000000, 0xb791fe7400000000, + 0xe462f77000000000, 0xf99f427100000000, 0xde989c7300000000, + 0xc365297200000000, 0x787e8f7b00000000, 0x65833a7a00000000, + 0x4284e47800000000, 0x5f79517900000000, 0x0c8a587d00000000, + 0x1177ed7c00000000, 0x3670337e00000000, 0x2b8d867f00000000, + 0xe0e4c05b00000000, 0xfd19755a00000000, 0xda1eab5800000000, + 0xc7e31e5900000000, 0x9410175d00000000, 0x89eda25c00000000, + 0xaeea7c5e00000000, 0xb317c95f00000000, 0x080c6f5600000000, + 0x15f1da5700000000, 0x32f6045500000000, 0x2f0bb15400000000, + 0x7cf8b85000000000, 0x61050d5100000000, 0x4602d35300000000, + 0x5bff665200000000, 0x30359f4000000000, 0x2dc82a4100000000, + 0x0acff44300000000, 0x1732414200000000, 0x44c1484600000000, + 0x593cfd4700000000, 0x7e3b234500000000, 0x63c6964400000000, + 0xd8dd304d00000000, 0xc520854c00000000, 0xe2275b4e00000000, + 0xffdaee4f00000000, 0xac29e74b00000000, 0xb1d4524a00000000, + 0x96d38c4800000000, 0x8b2e394900000000, 0x808efeda00000000, + 0x9d734bdb00000000, 0xba7495d900000000, 0xa78920d800000000, + 0xf47a29dc00000000, 0xe9879cdd00000000, 0xce8042df00000000, + 0xd37df7de00000000, 0x686651d700000000, 0x759be4d600000000, + 0x529c3ad400000000, 0x4f618fd500000000, 0x1c9286d100000000, + 0x016f33d000000000, 0x2668edd200000000, 0x3b9558d300000000, + 0x505fa1c100000000, 0x4da214c000000000, 0x6aa5cac200000000, + 0x77587fc300000000, 0x24ab76c700000000, 0x3956c3c600000000, + 0x1e511dc400000000, 0x03aca8c500000000, 0xb8b70ecc00000000, + 0xa54abbcd00000000, 0x824d65cf00000000, 0x9fb0d0ce00000000, + 0xcc43d9ca00000000, 0xd1be6ccb00000000, 0xf6b9b2c900000000, + 0xeb4407c800000000, 0x202d41ec00000000, 0x3dd0f4ed00000000, + 0x1ad72aef00000000, 0x072a9fee00000000, 0x54d996ea00000000, + 0x492423eb00000000, 0x6e23fde900000000, 0x73de48e800000000, + 0xc8c5eee100000000, 0xd5385be000000000, 0xf23f85e200000000, + 0xefc230e300000000, 0xbc3139e700000000, 0xa1cc8ce600000000, + 0x86cb52e400000000, 0x9b36e7e500000000, 0xf0fc1ef700000000, + 0xed01abf600000000, 0xca0675f400000000, 0xd7fbc0f500000000, + 0x8408c9f100000000, 0x99f57cf000000000, 0xbef2a2f200000000, + 0xa30f17f300000000, 0x1814b1fa00000000, 0x05e904fb00000000, + 0x22eedaf900000000, 0x3f136ff800000000, 0x6ce066fc00000000, + 0x711dd3fd00000000, 0x561a0dff00000000, 0x4be7b8fe00000000, + 0xc0c981b700000000, 0xdd3434b600000000, 0xfa33eab400000000, + 0xe7ce5fb500000000, 0xb43d56b100000000, 0xa9c0e3b000000000, + 0x8ec73db200000000, 0x933a88b300000000, 0x28212eba00000000, + 0x35dc9bbb00000000, 0x12db45b900000000, 0x0f26f0b800000000, + 0x5cd5f9bc00000000, 0x41284cbd00000000, 0x662f92bf00000000, + 0x7bd227be00000000, 0x1018deac00000000, 0x0de56bad00000000, + 0x2ae2b5af00000000, 0x371f00ae00000000, 0x64ec09aa00000000, + 0x7911bcab00000000, 0x5e1662a900000000, 0x43ebd7a800000000, + 0xf8f071a100000000, 0xe50dc4a000000000, 0xc20a1aa200000000, + 0xdff7afa300000000, 0x8c04a6a700000000, 0x91f913a600000000, + 0xb6fecda400000000, 0xab0378a500000000, 0x606a3e8100000000, + 0x7d978b8000000000, 0x5a90558200000000, 0x476de08300000000, + 0x149ee98700000000, 0x09635c8600000000, 0x2e64828400000000, + 0x3399378500000000, 0x8882918c00000000, 0x957f248d00000000, + 0xb278fa8f00000000, 0xaf854f8e00000000, 0xfc76468a00000000, + 0xe18bf38b00000000, 0xc68c2d8900000000, 0xdb71988800000000, + 0xb0bb619a00000000, 0xad46d49b00000000, 0x8a410a9900000000, + 0x97bcbf9800000000, 0xc44fb69c00000000, 0xd9b2039d00000000, + 0xfeb5dd9f00000000, 0xe348689e00000000, 0x5853ce9700000000, + 0x45ae7b9600000000, 0x62a9a59400000000, 0x7f54109500000000, + 0x2ca7199100000000, 0x315aac9000000000, 0x165d729200000000, + 0x0ba0c79300000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x24d9076300000000, 0x48b20fc600000000, + 0x6c6b08a500000000, 0xd1626e5700000000, 0xf5bb693400000000, + 0x99d0619100000000, 0xbd0966f200000000, 0xa2c5dcae00000000, + 0x861cdbcd00000000, 0xea77d36800000000, 0xceaed40b00000000, + 0x73a7b2f900000000, 0x577eb59a00000000, 0x3b15bd3f00000000, + 0x1fccba5c00000000, 0x058dc88600000000, 0x2154cfe500000000, + 0x4d3fc74000000000, 0x69e6c02300000000, 0xd4efa6d100000000, + 0xf036a1b200000000, 0x9c5da91700000000, 0xb884ae7400000000, + 0xa748142800000000, 0x8391134b00000000, 0xeffa1bee00000000, + 0xcb231c8d00000000, 0x762a7a7f00000000, 0x52f37d1c00000000, + 0x3e9875b900000000, 0x1a4172da00000000, 0x4b1ce0d600000000, + 0x6fc5e7b500000000, 0x03aeef1000000000, 0x2777e87300000000, + 0x9a7e8e8100000000, 0xbea789e200000000, 0xd2cc814700000000, + 0xf615862400000000, 0xe9d93c7800000000, 0xcd003b1b00000000, + 0xa16b33be00000000, 0x85b234dd00000000, 0x38bb522f00000000, + 0x1c62554c00000000, 0x70095de900000000, 0x54d05a8a00000000, + 0x4e91285000000000, 0x6a482f3300000000, 0x0623279600000000, + 0x22fa20f500000000, 0x9ff3460700000000, 0xbb2a416400000000, + 0xd74149c100000000, 0xf3984ea200000000, 0xec54f4fe00000000, + 0xc88df39d00000000, 0xa4e6fb3800000000, 0x803ffc5b00000000, + 0x3d369aa900000000, 0x19ef9dca00000000, 0x7584956f00000000, + 0x515d920c00000000, 0xd73eb17600000000, 0xf3e7b61500000000, + 0x9f8cbeb000000000, 0xbb55b9d300000000, 0x065cdf2100000000, + 0x2285d84200000000, 0x4eeed0e700000000, 0x6a37d78400000000, + 0x75fb6dd800000000, 0x51226abb00000000, 0x3d49621e00000000, + 0x1990657d00000000, 0xa499038f00000000, 0x804004ec00000000, + 0xec2b0c4900000000, 0xc8f20b2a00000000, 0xd2b379f000000000, + 0xf66a7e9300000000, 0x9a01763600000000, 0xbed8715500000000, + 0x03d117a700000000, 0x270810c400000000, 0x4b63186100000000, + 0x6fba1f0200000000, 0x7076a55e00000000, 0x54afa23d00000000, + 0x38c4aa9800000000, 0x1c1dadfb00000000, 0xa114cb0900000000, + 0x85cdcc6a00000000, 0xe9a6c4cf00000000, 0xcd7fc3ac00000000, + 0x9c2251a000000000, 0xb8fb56c300000000, 0xd4905e6600000000, + 0xf049590500000000, 0x4d403ff700000000, 0x6999389400000000, + 0x05f2303100000000, 0x212b375200000000, 0x3ee78d0e00000000, + 0x1a3e8a6d00000000, 0x765582c800000000, 0x528c85ab00000000, + 0xef85e35900000000, 0xcb5ce43a00000000, 0xa737ec9f00000000, + 0x83eeebfc00000000, 0x99af992600000000, 0xbd769e4500000000, + 0xd11d96e000000000, 0xf5c4918300000000, 0x48cdf77100000000, + 0x6c14f01200000000, 0x007ff8b700000000, 0x24a6ffd400000000, + 0x3b6a458800000000, 0x1fb342eb00000000, 0x73d84a4e00000000, + 0x57014d2d00000000, 0xea082bdf00000000, 0xced12cbc00000000, + 0xa2ba241900000000, 0x8663237a00000000, 0xae7d62ed00000000, + 0x8aa4658e00000000, 0xe6cf6d2b00000000, 0xc2166a4800000000, + 0x7f1f0cba00000000, 0x5bc60bd900000000, 0x37ad037c00000000, + 0x1374041f00000000, 0x0cb8be4300000000, 0x2861b92000000000, + 0x440ab18500000000, 0x60d3b6e600000000, 0xdddad01400000000, + 0xf903d77700000000, 0x9568dfd200000000, 0xb1b1d8b100000000, + 0xabf0aa6b00000000, 0x8f29ad0800000000, 0xe342a5ad00000000, + 0xc79ba2ce00000000, 0x7a92c43c00000000, 0x5e4bc35f00000000, + 0x3220cbfa00000000, 0x16f9cc9900000000, 0x093576c500000000, + 0x2dec71a600000000, 0x4187790300000000, 0x655e7e6000000000, + 0xd857189200000000, 0xfc8e1ff100000000, 0x90e5175400000000, + 0xb43c103700000000, 0xe561823b00000000, 0xc1b8855800000000, + 0xadd38dfd00000000, 0x890a8a9e00000000, 0x3403ec6c00000000, + 0x10daeb0f00000000, 0x7cb1e3aa00000000, 0x5868e4c900000000, + 0x47a45e9500000000, 0x637d59f600000000, 0x0f16515300000000, + 0x2bcf563000000000, 0x96c630c200000000, 0xb21f37a100000000, + 0xde743f0400000000, 0xfaad386700000000, 0xe0ec4abd00000000, + 0xc4354dde00000000, 0xa85e457b00000000, 0x8c87421800000000, + 0x318e24ea00000000, 0x1557238900000000, 0x793c2b2c00000000, + 0x5de52c4f00000000, 0x4229961300000000, 0x66f0917000000000, + 0x0a9b99d500000000, 0x2e429eb600000000, 0x934bf84400000000, + 0xb792ff2700000000, 0xdbf9f78200000000, 0xff20f0e100000000, + 0x7943d39b00000000, 0x5d9ad4f800000000, 0x31f1dc5d00000000, + 0x1528db3e00000000, 0xa821bdcc00000000, 0x8cf8baaf00000000, + 0xe093b20a00000000, 0xc44ab56900000000, 0xdb860f3500000000, + 0xff5f085600000000, 0x933400f300000000, 0xb7ed079000000000, + 0x0ae4616200000000, 0x2e3d660100000000, 0x42566ea400000000, + 0x668f69c700000000, 0x7cce1b1d00000000, 0x58171c7e00000000, + 0x347c14db00000000, 0x10a513b800000000, 0xadac754a00000000, + 0x8975722900000000, 0xe51e7a8c00000000, 0xc1c77def00000000, + 0xde0bc7b300000000, 0xfad2c0d000000000, 0x96b9c87500000000, + 0xb260cf1600000000, 0x0f69a9e400000000, 0x2bb0ae8700000000, + 0x47dba62200000000, 0x6302a14100000000, 0x325f334d00000000, + 0x1686342e00000000, 0x7aed3c8b00000000, 0x5e343be800000000, + 0xe33d5d1a00000000, 0xc7e45a7900000000, 0xab8f52dc00000000, + 0x8f5655bf00000000, 0x909aefe300000000, 0xb443e88000000000, + 0xd828e02500000000, 0xfcf1e74600000000, 0x41f881b400000000, + 0x652186d700000000, 0x094a8e7200000000, 0x2d93891100000000, + 0x37d2fbcb00000000, 0x130bfca800000000, 0x7f60f40d00000000, + 0x5bb9f36e00000000, 0xe6b0959c00000000, 0xc26992ff00000000, + 0xae029a5a00000000, 0x8adb9d3900000000, 0x9517276500000000, + 0xb1ce200600000000, 0xdda528a300000000, 0xf97c2fc000000000, + 0x4475493200000000, 0x60ac4e5100000000, 0x0cc746f400000000, + 0x281e419700000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x08e3603c00000000, 0x10c6c17800000000, + 0x1825a14400000000, 0x208c83f100000000, 0x286fe3cd00000000, + 0x304a428900000000, 0x38a922b500000000, 0x011e763800000000, + 0x09fd160400000000, 0x11d8b74000000000, 0x193bd77c00000000, + 0x2192f5c900000000, 0x297195f500000000, 0x315434b100000000, + 0x39b7548d00000000, 0x023cec7000000000, 0x0adf8c4c00000000, + 0x12fa2d0800000000, 0x1a194d3400000000, 0x22b06f8100000000, + 0x2a530fbd00000000, 0x3276aef900000000, 0x3a95cec500000000, + 0x03229a4800000000, 0x0bc1fa7400000000, 0x13e45b3000000000, + 0x1b073b0c00000000, 0x23ae19b900000000, 0x2b4d798500000000, + 0x3368d8c100000000, 0x3b8bb8fd00000000, 0x0478d8e100000000, + 0x0c9bb8dd00000000, 0x14be199900000000, 0x1c5d79a500000000, + 0x24f45b1000000000, 0x2c173b2c00000000, 0x34329a6800000000, + 0x3cd1fa5400000000, 0x0566aed900000000, 0x0d85cee500000000, + 0x15a06fa100000000, 0x1d430f9d00000000, 0x25ea2d2800000000, + 0x2d094d1400000000, 0x352cec5000000000, 0x3dcf8c6c00000000, + 0x0644349100000000, 0x0ea754ad00000000, 0x1682f5e900000000, + 0x1e6195d500000000, 0x26c8b76000000000, 0x2e2bd75c00000000, + 0x360e761800000000, 0x3eed162400000000, 0x075a42a900000000, + 0x0fb9229500000000, 0x179c83d100000000, 0x1f7fe3ed00000000, + 0x27d6c15800000000, 0x2f35a16400000000, 0x3710002000000000, + 0x3ff3601c00000000, 0x49f6c11800000000, 0x4115a12400000000, + 0x5930006000000000, 0x51d3605c00000000, 0x697a42e900000000, + 0x619922d500000000, 0x79bc839100000000, 0x715fe3ad00000000, + 0x48e8b72000000000, 0x400bd71c00000000, 0x582e765800000000, + 0x50cd166400000000, 0x686434d100000000, 0x608754ed00000000, + 0x78a2f5a900000000, 0x7041959500000000, 0x4bca2d6800000000, + 0x43294d5400000000, 0x5b0cec1000000000, 0x53ef8c2c00000000, + 0x6b46ae9900000000, 0x63a5cea500000000, 0x7b806fe100000000, + 0x73630fdd00000000, 0x4ad45b5000000000, 0x42373b6c00000000, + 0x5a129a2800000000, 0x52f1fa1400000000, 0x6a58d8a100000000, + 0x62bbb89d00000000, 0x7a9e19d900000000, 0x727d79e500000000, + 0x4d8e19f900000000, 0x456d79c500000000, 0x5d48d88100000000, + 0x55abb8bd00000000, 0x6d029a0800000000, 0x65e1fa3400000000, + 0x7dc45b7000000000, 0x75273b4c00000000, 0x4c906fc100000000, + 0x44730ffd00000000, 0x5c56aeb900000000, 0x54b5ce8500000000, + 0x6c1cec3000000000, 0x64ff8c0c00000000, 0x7cda2d4800000000, + 0x74394d7400000000, 0x4fb2f58900000000, 0x475195b500000000, + 0x5f7434f100000000, 0x579754cd00000000, 0x6f3e767800000000, + 0x67dd164400000000, 0x7ff8b70000000000, 0x771bd73c00000000, + 0x4eac83b100000000, 0x464fe38d00000000, 0x5e6a42c900000000, + 0x568922f500000000, 0x6e20004000000000, 0x66c3607c00000000, + 0x7ee6c13800000000, 0x7605a10400000000, 0x92ec833100000000, + 0x9a0fe30d00000000, 0x822a424900000000, 0x8ac9227500000000, + 0xb26000c000000000, 0xba8360fc00000000, 0xa2a6c1b800000000, + 0xaa45a18400000000, 0x93f2f50900000000, 0x9b11953500000000, + 0x8334347100000000, 0x8bd7544d00000000, 0xb37e76f800000000, + 0xbb9d16c400000000, 0xa3b8b78000000000, 0xab5bd7bc00000000, + 0x90d06f4100000000, 0x98330f7d00000000, 0x8016ae3900000000, + 0x88f5ce0500000000, 0xb05cecb000000000, 0xb8bf8c8c00000000, + 0xa09a2dc800000000, 0xa8794df400000000, 0x91ce197900000000, + 0x992d794500000000, 0x8108d80100000000, 0x89ebb83d00000000, + 0xb1429a8800000000, 0xb9a1fab400000000, 0xa1845bf000000000, + 0xa9673bcc00000000, 0x96945bd000000000, 0x9e773bec00000000, + 0x86529aa800000000, 0x8eb1fa9400000000, 0xb618d82100000000, + 0xbefbb81d00000000, 0xa6de195900000000, 0xae3d796500000000, + 0x978a2de800000000, 0x9f694dd400000000, 0x874cec9000000000, + 0x8faf8cac00000000, 0xb706ae1900000000, 0xbfe5ce2500000000, + 0xa7c06f6100000000, 0xaf230f5d00000000, 0x94a8b7a000000000, + 0x9c4bd79c00000000, 0x846e76d800000000, 0x8c8d16e400000000, + 0xb424345100000000, 0xbcc7546d00000000, 0xa4e2f52900000000, + 0xac01951500000000, 0x95b6c19800000000, 0x9d55a1a400000000, + 0x857000e000000000, 0x8d9360dc00000000, 0xb53a426900000000, + 0xbdd9225500000000, 0xa5fc831100000000, 0xad1fe32d00000000, + 0xdb1a422900000000, 0xd3f9221500000000, 0xcbdc835100000000, + 0xc33fe36d00000000, 0xfb96c1d800000000, 0xf375a1e400000000, + 0xeb5000a000000000, 0xe3b3609c00000000, 0xda04341100000000, + 0xd2e7542d00000000, 0xcac2f56900000000, 0xc221955500000000, + 0xfa88b7e000000000, 0xf26bd7dc00000000, 0xea4e769800000000, + 0xe2ad16a400000000, 0xd926ae5900000000, 0xd1c5ce6500000000, + 0xc9e06f2100000000, 0xc1030f1d00000000, 0xf9aa2da800000000, + 0xf1494d9400000000, 0xe96cecd000000000, 0xe18f8cec00000000, + 0xd838d86100000000, 0xd0dbb85d00000000, 0xc8fe191900000000, + 0xc01d792500000000, 0xf8b45b9000000000, 0xf0573bac00000000, + 0xe8729ae800000000, 0xe091fad400000000, 0xdf629ac800000000, + 0xd781faf400000000, 0xcfa45bb000000000, 0xc7473b8c00000000, + 0xffee193900000000, 0xf70d790500000000, 0xef28d84100000000, + 0xe7cbb87d00000000, 0xde7cecf000000000, 0xd69f8ccc00000000, + 0xceba2d8800000000, 0xc6594db400000000, 0xfef06f0100000000, + 0xf6130f3d00000000, 0xee36ae7900000000, 0xe6d5ce4500000000, + 0xdd5e76b800000000, 0xd5bd168400000000, 0xcd98b7c000000000, + 0xc57bd7fc00000000, 0xfdd2f54900000000, 0xf531957500000000, + 0xed14343100000000, 0xe5f7540d00000000, 0xdc40008000000000, + 0xd4a360bc00000000, 0xcc86c1f800000000, 0xc465a1c400000000, + 0xfccc837100000000, 0xf42fe34d00000000, 0xec0a420900000000, + 0xe4e9223500000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xd1e8e70e00000000, 0xa2d1cf1d00000000, + 0x7339281300000000, 0x44a39f3b00000000, 0x954b783500000000, + 0xe672502600000000, 0x379ab72800000000, 0x88463f7700000000, + 0x59aed87900000000, 0x2a97f06a00000000, 0xfb7f176400000000, + 0xcce5a04c00000000, 0x1d0d474200000000, 0x6e346f5100000000, + 0xbfdc885f00000000, 0x108d7eee00000000, 0xc16599e000000000, + 0xb25cb1f300000000, 0x63b456fd00000000, 0x542ee1d500000000, + 0x85c606db00000000, 0xf6ff2ec800000000, 0x2717c9c600000000, + 0x98cb419900000000, 0x4923a69700000000, 0x3a1a8e8400000000, + 0xebf2698a00000000, 0xdc68dea200000000, 0x0d8039ac00000000, + 0x7eb911bf00000000, 0xaf51f6b100000000, 0x611c8c0700000000, + 0xb0f46b0900000000, 0xc3cd431a00000000, 0x1225a41400000000, + 0x25bf133c00000000, 0xf457f43200000000, 0x876edc2100000000, + 0x56863b2f00000000, 0xe95ab37000000000, 0x38b2547e00000000, + 0x4b8b7c6d00000000, 0x9a639b6300000000, 0xadf92c4b00000000, + 0x7c11cb4500000000, 0x0f28e35600000000, 0xdec0045800000000, + 0x7191f2e900000000, 0xa07915e700000000, 0xd3403df400000000, + 0x02a8dafa00000000, 0x35326dd200000000, 0xe4da8adc00000000, + 0x97e3a2cf00000000, 0x460b45c100000000, 0xf9d7cd9e00000000, + 0x283f2a9000000000, 0x5b06028300000000, 0x8aeee58d00000000, + 0xbd7452a500000000, 0x6c9cb5ab00000000, 0x1fa59db800000000, + 0xce4d7ab600000000, 0xc238180f00000000, 0x13d0ff0100000000, + 0x60e9d71200000000, 0xb101301c00000000, 0x869b873400000000, + 0x5773603a00000000, 0x244a482900000000, 0xf5a2af2700000000, + 0x4a7e277800000000, 0x9b96c07600000000, 0xe8afe86500000000, + 0x39470f6b00000000, 0x0eddb84300000000, 0xdf355f4d00000000, + 0xac0c775e00000000, 0x7de4905000000000, 0xd2b566e100000000, + 0x035d81ef00000000, 0x7064a9fc00000000, 0xa18c4ef200000000, + 0x9616f9da00000000, 0x47fe1ed400000000, 0x34c736c700000000, + 0xe52fd1c900000000, 0x5af3599600000000, 0x8b1bbe9800000000, + 0xf822968b00000000, 0x29ca718500000000, 0x1e50c6ad00000000, + 0xcfb821a300000000, 0xbc8109b000000000, 0x6d69eebe00000000, + 0xa324940800000000, 0x72cc730600000000, 0x01f55b1500000000, + 0xd01dbc1b00000000, 0xe7870b3300000000, 0x366fec3d00000000, + 0x4556c42e00000000, 0x94be232000000000, 0x2b62ab7f00000000, + 0xfa8a4c7100000000, 0x89b3646200000000, 0x585b836c00000000, + 0x6fc1344400000000, 0xbe29d34a00000000, 0xcd10fb5900000000, + 0x1cf81c5700000000, 0xb3a9eae600000000, 0x62410de800000000, + 0x117825fb00000000, 0xc090c2f500000000, 0xf70a75dd00000000, + 0x26e292d300000000, 0x55dbbac000000000, 0x84335dce00000000, + 0x3befd59100000000, 0xea07329f00000000, 0x993e1a8c00000000, + 0x48d6fd8200000000, 0x7f4c4aaa00000000, 0xaea4ada400000000, + 0xdd9d85b700000000, 0x0c7562b900000000, 0x8471301e00000000, + 0x5599d71000000000, 0x26a0ff0300000000, 0xf748180d00000000, + 0xc0d2af2500000000, 0x113a482b00000000, 0x6203603800000000, + 0xb3eb873600000000, 0x0c370f6900000000, 0xdddfe86700000000, + 0xaee6c07400000000, 0x7f0e277a00000000, 0x4894905200000000, + 0x997c775c00000000, 0xea455f4f00000000, 0x3badb84100000000, + 0x94fc4ef000000000, 0x4514a9fe00000000, 0x362d81ed00000000, + 0xe7c566e300000000, 0xd05fd1cb00000000, 0x01b736c500000000, + 0x728e1ed600000000, 0xa366f9d800000000, 0x1cba718700000000, + 0xcd52968900000000, 0xbe6bbe9a00000000, 0x6f83599400000000, + 0x5819eebc00000000, 0x89f109b200000000, 0xfac821a100000000, + 0x2b20c6af00000000, 0xe56dbc1900000000, 0x34855b1700000000, + 0x47bc730400000000, 0x9654940a00000000, 0xa1ce232200000000, + 0x7026c42c00000000, 0x031fec3f00000000, 0xd2f70b3100000000, + 0x6d2b836e00000000, 0xbcc3646000000000, 0xcffa4c7300000000, + 0x1e12ab7d00000000, 0x29881c5500000000, 0xf860fb5b00000000, + 0x8b59d34800000000, 0x5ab1344600000000, 0xf5e0c2f700000000, + 0x240825f900000000, 0x57310dea00000000, 0x86d9eae400000000, + 0xb1435dcc00000000, 0x60abbac200000000, 0x139292d100000000, + 0xc27a75df00000000, 0x7da6fd8000000000, 0xac4e1a8e00000000, + 0xdf77329d00000000, 0x0e9fd59300000000, 0x390562bb00000000, + 0xe8ed85b500000000, 0x9bd4ada600000000, 0x4a3c4aa800000000, + 0x4649281100000000, 0x97a1cf1f00000000, 0xe498e70c00000000, + 0x3570000200000000, 0x02eab72a00000000, 0xd302502400000000, + 0xa03b783700000000, 0x71d39f3900000000, 0xce0f176600000000, + 0x1fe7f06800000000, 0x6cded87b00000000, 0xbd363f7500000000, + 0x8aac885d00000000, 0x5b446f5300000000, 0x287d474000000000, + 0xf995a04e00000000, 0x56c456ff00000000, 0x872cb1f100000000, + 0xf41599e200000000, 0x25fd7eec00000000, 0x1267c9c400000000, + 0xc38f2eca00000000, 0xb0b606d900000000, 0x615ee1d700000000, + 0xde82698800000000, 0x0f6a8e8600000000, 0x7c53a69500000000, + 0xadbb419b00000000, 0x9a21f6b300000000, 0x4bc911bd00000000, + 0x38f039ae00000000, 0xe918dea000000000, 0x2755a41600000000, + 0xf6bd431800000000, 0x85846b0b00000000, 0x546c8c0500000000, + 0x63f63b2d00000000, 0xb21edc2300000000, 0xc127f43000000000, + 0x10cf133e00000000, 0xaf139b6100000000, 0x7efb7c6f00000000, + 0x0dc2547c00000000, 0xdc2ab37200000000, 0xebb0045a00000000, + 0x3a58e35400000000, 0x4961cb4700000000, 0x98892c4900000000, + 0x37d8daf800000000, 0xe6303df600000000, 0x950915e500000000, + 0x44e1f2eb00000000, 0x737b45c300000000, 0xa293a2cd00000000, + 0xd1aa8ade00000000, 0x00426dd000000000, 0xbf9ee58f00000000, + 0x6e76028100000000, 0x1d4f2a9200000000, 0xcca7cd9c00000000, + 0xfb3d7ab400000000, 0x2ad59dba00000000, 0x59ecb5a900000000, + 0x880452a700000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xaa05daf100000000, 0x150dc53800000000, + 0xbf081fc900000000, 0x2a1a8a7100000000, 0x801f508000000000, + 0x3f174f4900000000, 0x951295b800000000, 0x543414e300000000, + 0xfe31ce1200000000, 0x4139d1db00000000, 0xeb3c0b2a00000000, + 0x7e2e9e9200000000, 0xd42b446300000000, 0x6b235baa00000000, + 0xc126815b00000000, 0xe96e591d00000000, 0x436b83ec00000000, + 0xfc639c2500000000, 0x566646d400000000, 0xc374d36c00000000, + 0x6971099d00000000, 0xd679165400000000, 0x7c7ccca500000000, + 0xbd5a4dfe00000000, 0x175f970f00000000, 0xa85788c600000000, + 0x0252523700000000, 0x9740c78f00000000, 0x3d451d7e00000000, + 0x824d02b700000000, 0x2848d84600000000, 0xd2ddb23a00000000, + 0x78d868cb00000000, 0xc7d0770200000000, 0x6dd5adf300000000, + 0xf8c7384b00000000, 0x52c2e2ba00000000, 0xedcafd7300000000, + 0x47cf278200000000, 0x86e9a6d900000000, 0x2cec7c2800000000, + 0x93e463e100000000, 0x39e1b91000000000, 0xacf32ca800000000, + 0x06f6f65900000000, 0xb9fee99000000000, 0x13fb336100000000, + 0x3bb3eb2700000000, 0x91b631d600000000, 0x2ebe2e1f00000000, + 0x84bbf4ee00000000, 0x11a9615600000000, 0xbbacbba700000000, + 0x04a4a46e00000000, 0xaea17e9f00000000, 0x6f87ffc400000000, + 0xc582253500000000, 0x7a8a3afc00000000, 0xd08fe00d00000000, + 0x459d75b500000000, 0xef98af4400000000, 0x5090b08d00000000, + 0xfa956a7c00000000, 0xa4bb657500000000, 0x0ebebf8400000000, + 0xb1b6a04d00000000, 0x1bb37abc00000000, 0x8ea1ef0400000000, + 0x24a435f500000000, 0x9bac2a3c00000000, 0x31a9f0cd00000000, + 0xf08f719600000000, 0x5a8aab6700000000, 0xe582b4ae00000000, + 0x4f876e5f00000000, 0xda95fbe700000000, 0x7090211600000000, + 0xcf983edf00000000, 0x659de42e00000000, 0x4dd53c6800000000, + 0xe7d0e69900000000, 0x58d8f95000000000, 0xf2dd23a100000000, + 0x67cfb61900000000, 0xcdca6ce800000000, 0x72c2732100000000, + 0xd8c7a9d000000000, 0x19e1288b00000000, 0xb3e4f27a00000000, + 0x0cecedb300000000, 0xa6e9374200000000, 0x33fba2fa00000000, + 0x99fe780b00000000, 0x26f667c200000000, 0x8cf3bd3300000000, + 0x7666d74f00000000, 0xdc630dbe00000000, 0x636b127700000000, + 0xc96ec88600000000, 0x5c7c5d3e00000000, 0xf67987cf00000000, + 0x4971980600000000, 0xe37442f700000000, 0x2252c3ac00000000, + 0x8857195d00000000, 0x375f069400000000, 0x9d5adc6500000000, + 0x084849dd00000000, 0xa24d932c00000000, 0x1d458ce500000000, + 0xb740561400000000, 0x9f088e5200000000, 0x350d54a300000000, + 0x8a054b6a00000000, 0x2000919b00000000, 0xb512042300000000, + 0x1f17ded200000000, 0xa01fc11b00000000, 0x0a1a1bea00000000, + 0xcb3c9ab100000000, 0x6139404000000000, 0xde315f8900000000, + 0x7434857800000000, 0xe12610c000000000, 0x4b23ca3100000000, + 0xf42bd5f800000000, 0x5e2e0f0900000000, 0x4877cbea00000000, + 0xe272111b00000000, 0x5d7a0ed200000000, 0xf77fd42300000000, + 0x626d419b00000000, 0xc8689b6a00000000, 0x776084a300000000, + 0xdd655e5200000000, 0x1c43df0900000000, 0xb64605f800000000, + 0x094e1a3100000000, 0xa34bc0c000000000, 0x3659557800000000, + 0x9c5c8f8900000000, 0x2354904000000000, 0x89514ab100000000, + 0xa11992f700000000, 0x0b1c480600000000, 0xb41457cf00000000, + 0x1e118d3e00000000, 0x8b03188600000000, 0x2106c27700000000, + 0x9e0eddbe00000000, 0x340b074f00000000, 0xf52d861400000000, + 0x5f285ce500000000, 0xe020432c00000000, 0x4a2599dd00000000, + 0xdf370c6500000000, 0x7532d69400000000, 0xca3ac95d00000000, + 0x603f13ac00000000, 0x9aaa79d000000000, 0x30afa32100000000, + 0x8fa7bce800000000, 0x25a2661900000000, 0xb0b0f3a100000000, + 0x1ab5295000000000, 0xa5bd369900000000, 0x0fb8ec6800000000, + 0xce9e6d3300000000, 0x649bb7c200000000, 0xdb93a80b00000000, + 0x719672fa00000000, 0xe484e74200000000, 0x4e813db300000000, + 0xf189227a00000000, 0x5b8cf88b00000000, 0x73c420cd00000000, + 0xd9c1fa3c00000000, 0x66c9e5f500000000, 0xcccc3f0400000000, + 0x59deaabc00000000, 0xf3db704d00000000, 0x4cd36f8400000000, + 0xe6d6b57500000000, 0x27f0342e00000000, 0x8df5eedf00000000, + 0x32fdf11600000000, 0x98f82be700000000, 0x0deabe5f00000000, + 0xa7ef64ae00000000, 0x18e77b6700000000, 0xb2e2a19600000000, + 0xecccae9f00000000, 0x46c9746e00000000, 0xf9c16ba700000000, + 0x53c4b15600000000, 0xc6d624ee00000000, 0x6cd3fe1f00000000, + 0xd3dbe1d600000000, 0x79de3b2700000000, 0xb8f8ba7c00000000, + 0x12fd608d00000000, 0xadf57f4400000000, 0x07f0a5b500000000, + 0x92e2300d00000000, 0x38e7eafc00000000, 0x87eff53500000000, + 0x2dea2fc400000000, 0x05a2f78200000000, 0xafa72d7300000000, + 0x10af32ba00000000, 0xbaaae84b00000000, 0x2fb87df300000000, + 0x85bda70200000000, 0x3ab5b8cb00000000, 0x90b0623a00000000, + 0x5196e36100000000, 0xfb93399000000000, 0x449b265900000000, + 0xee9efca800000000, 0x7b8c691000000000, 0xd189b3e100000000, + 0x6e81ac2800000000, 0xc48476d900000000, 0x3e111ca500000000, + 0x9414c65400000000, 0x2b1cd99d00000000, 0x8119036c00000000, + 0x140b96d400000000, 0xbe0e4c2500000000, 0x010653ec00000000, + 0xab03891d00000000, 0x6a25084600000000, 0xc020d2b700000000, + 0x7f28cd7e00000000, 0xd52d178f00000000, 0x403f823700000000, + 0xea3a58c600000000, 0x5532470f00000000, 0xff379dfe00000000, + 0xd77f45b800000000, 0x7d7a9f4900000000, 0xc272808000000000, + 0x68775a7100000000, 0xfd65cfc900000000, 0x5760153800000000, + 0xe8680af100000000, 0x426dd00000000000, 0x834b515b00000000, + 0x294e8baa00000000, 0x9646946300000000, 0x3c434e9200000000, + 0xa951db2a00000000, 0x035401db00000000, 0xbc5c1e1200000000, + 0x1659c4e300000000}}; + +#else /* W == 4 */ + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xae689191, 0x87a02563, 0x29c8b4f2, 0xd4314c87, + 0x7a59dd16, 0x539169e4, 0xfdf9f875, 0x73139f4f, 0xdd7b0ede, + 0xf4b3ba2c, 0x5adb2bbd, 0xa722d3c8, 0x094a4259, 0x2082f6ab, + 0x8eea673a, 0xe6273e9e, 0x484faf0f, 0x61871bfd, 0xcfef8a6c, + 0x32167219, 0x9c7ee388, 0xb5b6577a, 0x1bdec6eb, 0x9534a1d1, + 0x3b5c3040, 0x129484b2, 0xbcfc1523, 0x4105ed56, 0xef6d7cc7, + 0xc6a5c835, 0x68cd59a4, 0x173f7b7d, 0xb957eaec, 0x909f5e1e, + 0x3ef7cf8f, 0xc30e37fa, 0x6d66a66b, 0x44ae1299, 0xeac68308, + 0x642ce432, 0xca4475a3, 0xe38cc151, 0x4de450c0, 0xb01da8b5, + 0x1e753924, 0x37bd8dd6, 0x99d51c47, 0xf11845e3, 0x5f70d472, + 0x76b86080, 0xd8d0f111, 0x25290964, 0x8b4198f5, 0xa2892c07, + 0x0ce1bd96, 0x820bdaac, 0x2c634b3d, 0x05abffcf, 0xabc36e5e, + 0x563a962b, 0xf85207ba, 0xd19ab348, 0x7ff222d9, 0x2e7ef6fa, + 0x8016676b, 0xa9ded399, 0x07b64208, 0xfa4fba7d, 0x54272bec, + 0x7def9f1e, 0xd3870e8f, 0x5d6d69b5, 0xf305f824, 0xdacd4cd6, + 0x74a5dd47, 0x895c2532, 0x2734b4a3, 0x0efc0051, 0xa09491c0, + 0xc859c864, 0x663159f5, 0x4ff9ed07, 0xe1917c96, 0x1c6884e3, + 0xb2001572, 0x9bc8a180, 0x35a03011, 0xbb4a572b, 0x1522c6ba, + 0x3cea7248, 0x9282e3d9, 0x6f7b1bac, 0xc1138a3d, 0xe8db3ecf, + 0x46b3af5e, 0x39418d87, 0x97291c16, 0xbee1a8e4, 0x10893975, + 0xed70c100, 0x43185091, 0x6ad0e463, 0xc4b875f2, 0x4a5212c8, + 0xe43a8359, 0xcdf237ab, 0x639aa63a, 0x9e635e4f, 0x300bcfde, + 0x19c37b2c, 0xb7abeabd, 0xdf66b319, 0x710e2288, 0x58c6967a, + 0xf6ae07eb, 0x0b57ff9e, 0xa53f6e0f, 0x8cf7dafd, 0x229f4b6c, + 0xac752c56, 0x021dbdc7, 0x2bd50935, 0x85bd98a4, 0x784460d1, + 0xd62cf140, 0xffe445b2, 0x518cd423, 0x5cfdedf4, 0xf2957c65, + 0xdb5dc897, 0x75355906, 0x88cca173, 0x26a430e2, 0x0f6c8410, + 0xa1041581, 0x2fee72bb, 0x8186e32a, 0xa84e57d8, 0x0626c649, + 0xfbdf3e3c, 0x55b7afad, 0x7c7f1b5f, 0xd2178ace, 0xbadad36a, + 0x14b242fb, 0x3d7af609, 0x93126798, 0x6eeb9fed, 0xc0830e7c, + 0xe94bba8e, 0x47232b1f, 0xc9c94c25, 0x67a1ddb4, 0x4e696946, + 0xe001f8d7, 0x1df800a2, 0xb3909133, 0x9a5825c1, 0x3430b450, + 0x4bc29689, 0xe5aa0718, 0xcc62b3ea, 0x620a227b, 0x9ff3da0e, + 0x319b4b9f, 0x1853ff6d, 0xb63b6efc, 0x38d109c6, 0x96b99857, + 0xbf712ca5, 0x1119bd34, 0xece04541, 0x4288d4d0, 0x6b406022, + 0xc528f1b3, 0xade5a817, 0x038d3986, 0x2a458d74, 0x842d1ce5, + 0x79d4e490, 0xd7bc7501, 0xfe74c1f3, 0x501c5062, 0xdef63758, + 0x709ea6c9, 0x5956123b, 0xf73e83aa, 0x0ac77bdf, 0xa4afea4e, + 0x8d675ebc, 0x230fcf2d, 0x72831b0e, 0xdceb8a9f, 0xf5233e6d, + 0x5b4baffc, 0xa6b25789, 0x08dac618, 0x211272ea, 0x8f7ae37b, + 0x01908441, 0xaff815d0, 0x8630a122, 0x285830b3, 0xd5a1c8c6, + 0x7bc95957, 0x5201eda5, 0xfc697c34, 0x94a42590, 0x3accb401, + 0x130400f3, 0xbd6c9162, 0x40956917, 0xeefdf886, 0xc7354c74, + 0x695ddde5, 0xe7b7badf, 0x49df2b4e, 0x60179fbc, 0xce7f0e2d, + 0x3386f658, 0x9dee67c9, 0xb426d33b, 0x1a4e42aa, 0x65bc6073, + 0xcbd4f1e2, 0xe21c4510, 0x4c74d481, 0xb18d2cf4, 0x1fe5bd65, + 0x362d0997, 0x98459806, 0x16afff3c, 0xb8c76ead, 0x910fda5f, + 0x3f674bce, 0xc29eb3bb, 0x6cf6222a, 0x453e96d8, 0xeb560749, + 0x839b5eed, 0x2df3cf7c, 0x043b7b8e, 0xaa53ea1f, 0x57aa126a, + 0xf9c283fb, 0xd00a3709, 0x7e62a698, 0xf088c1a2, 0x5ee05033, + 0x7728e4c1, 0xd9407550, 0x24b98d25, 0x8ad11cb4, 0xa319a846, + 0x0d7139d7}, + {0x00000000, 0xb9fbdbe8, 0xa886b191, 0x117d6a79, 0x8a7c6563, + 0x3387be8b, 0x22fad4f2, 0x9b010f1a, 0xcf89cc87, 0x7672176f, + 0x670f7d16, 0xdef4a6fe, 0x45f5a9e4, 0xfc0e720c, 0xed731875, + 0x5488c39d, 0x44629f4f, 0xfd9944a7, 0xece42ede, 0x551ff536, + 0xce1efa2c, 0x77e521c4, 0x66984bbd, 0xdf639055, 0x8beb53c8, + 0x32108820, 0x236de259, 0x9a9639b1, 0x019736ab, 0xb86ced43, + 0xa911873a, 0x10ea5cd2, 0x88c53e9e, 0x313ee576, 0x20438f0f, + 0x99b854e7, 0x02b95bfd, 0xbb428015, 0xaa3fea6c, 0x13c43184, + 0x474cf219, 0xfeb729f1, 0xefca4388, 0x56319860, 0xcd30977a, + 0x74cb4c92, 0x65b626eb, 0xdc4dfd03, 0xcca7a1d1, 0x755c7a39, + 0x64211040, 0xdddacba8, 0x46dbc4b2, 0xff201f5a, 0xee5d7523, + 0x57a6aecb, 0x032e6d56, 0xbad5b6be, 0xaba8dcc7, 0x1253072f, + 0x89520835, 0x30a9d3dd, 0x21d4b9a4, 0x982f624c, 0xcafb7b7d, + 0x7300a095, 0x627dcaec, 0xdb861104, 0x40871e1e, 0xf97cc5f6, + 0xe801af8f, 0x51fa7467, 0x0572b7fa, 0xbc896c12, 0xadf4066b, + 0x140fdd83, 0x8f0ed299, 0x36f50971, 0x27886308, 0x9e73b8e0, + 0x8e99e432, 0x37623fda, 0x261f55a3, 0x9fe48e4b, 0x04e58151, + 0xbd1e5ab9, 0xac6330c0, 0x1598eb28, 0x411028b5, 0xf8ebf35d, + 0xe9969924, 0x506d42cc, 0xcb6c4dd6, 0x7297963e, 0x63eafc47, + 0xda1127af, 0x423e45e3, 0xfbc59e0b, 0xeab8f472, 0x53432f9a, + 0xc8422080, 0x71b9fb68, 0x60c49111, 0xd93f4af9, 0x8db78964, + 0x344c528c, 0x253138f5, 0x9ccae31d, 0x07cbec07, 0xbe3037ef, + 0xaf4d5d96, 0x16b6867e, 0x065cdaac, 0xbfa70144, 0xaeda6b3d, + 0x1721b0d5, 0x8c20bfcf, 0x35db6427, 0x24a60e5e, 0x9d5dd5b6, + 0xc9d5162b, 0x702ecdc3, 0x6153a7ba, 0xd8a87c52, 0x43a97348, + 0xfa52a8a0, 0xeb2fc2d9, 0x52d41931, 0x4e87f0bb, 0xf77c2b53, + 0xe601412a, 0x5ffa9ac2, 0xc4fb95d8, 0x7d004e30, 0x6c7d2449, + 0xd586ffa1, 0x810e3c3c, 0x38f5e7d4, 0x29888dad, 0x90735645, + 0x0b72595f, 0xb28982b7, 0xa3f4e8ce, 0x1a0f3326, 0x0ae56ff4, + 0xb31eb41c, 0xa263de65, 0x1b98058d, 0x80990a97, 0x3962d17f, + 0x281fbb06, 0x91e460ee, 0xc56ca373, 0x7c97789b, 0x6dea12e2, + 0xd411c90a, 0x4f10c610, 0xf6eb1df8, 0xe7967781, 0x5e6dac69, + 0xc642ce25, 0x7fb915cd, 0x6ec47fb4, 0xd73fa45c, 0x4c3eab46, + 0xf5c570ae, 0xe4b81ad7, 0x5d43c13f, 0x09cb02a2, 0xb030d94a, + 0xa14db333, 0x18b668db, 0x83b767c1, 0x3a4cbc29, 0x2b31d650, + 0x92ca0db8, 0x8220516a, 0x3bdb8a82, 0x2aa6e0fb, 0x935d3b13, + 0x085c3409, 0xb1a7efe1, 0xa0da8598, 0x19215e70, 0x4da99ded, + 0xf4524605, 0xe52f2c7c, 0x5cd4f794, 0xc7d5f88e, 0x7e2e2366, + 0x6f53491f, 0xd6a892f7, 0x847c8bc6, 0x3d87502e, 0x2cfa3a57, + 0x9501e1bf, 0x0e00eea5, 0xb7fb354d, 0xa6865f34, 0x1f7d84dc, + 0x4bf54741, 0xf20e9ca9, 0xe373f6d0, 0x5a882d38, 0xc1892222, + 0x7872f9ca, 0x690f93b3, 0xd0f4485b, 0xc01e1489, 0x79e5cf61, + 0x6898a518, 0xd1637ef0, 0x4a6271ea, 0xf399aa02, 0xe2e4c07b, + 0x5b1f1b93, 0x0f97d80e, 0xb66c03e6, 0xa711699f, 0x1eeab277, + 0x85ebbd6d, 0x3c106685, 0x2d6d0cfc, 0x9496d714, 0x0cb9b558, + 0xb5426eb0, 0xa43f04c9, 0x1dc4df21, 0x86c5d03b, 0x3f3e0bd3, + 0x2e4361aa, 0x97b8ba42, 0xc33079df, 0x7acba237, 0x6bb6c84e, + 0xd24d13a6, 0x494c1cbc, 0xf0b7c754, 0xe1caad2d, 0x583176c5, + 0x48db2a17, 0xf120f1ff, 0xe05d9b86, 0x59a6406e, 0xc2a74f74, + 0x7b5c949c, 0x6a21fee5, 0xd3da250d, 0x8752e690, 0x3ea93d78, + 0x2fd45701, 0x962f8ce9, 0x0d2e83f3, 0xb4d5581b, 0xa5a83262, + 0x1c53e98a}, + {0x00000000, 0x9d0fe176, 0xe16ec4ad, 0x7c6125db, 0x19ac8f1b, + 0x84a36e6d, 0xf8c24bb6, 0x65cdaac0, 0x33591e36, 0xae56ff40, + 0xd237da9b, 0x4f383bed, 0x2af5912d, 0xb7fa705b, 0xcb9b5580, + 0x5694b4f6, 0x66b23c6c, 0xfbbddd1a, 0x87dcf8c1, 0x1ad319b7, + 0x7f1eb377, 0xe2115201, 0x9e7077da, 0x037f96ac, 0x55eb225a, + 0xc8e4c32c, 0xb485e6f7, 0x298a0781, 0x4c47ad41, 0xd1484c37, + 0xad2969ec, 0x3026889a, 0xcd6478d8, 0x506b99ae, 0x2c0abc75, + 0xb1055d03, 0xd4c8f7c3, 0x49c716b5, 0x35a6336e, 0xa8a9d218, + 0xfe3d66ee, 0x63328798, 0x1f53a243, 0x825c4335, 0xe791e9f5, + 0x7a9e0883, 0x06ff2d58, 0x9bf0cc2e, 0xabd644b4, 0x36d9a5c2, + 0x4ab88019, 0xd7b7616f, 0xb27acbaf, 0x2f752ad9, 0x53140f02, + 0xce1bee74, 0x988f5a82, 0x0580bbf4, 0x79e19e2f, 0xe4ee7f59, + 0x8123d599, 0x1c2c34ef, 0x604d1134, 0xfd42f042, 0x41b9f7f1, + 0xdcb61687, 0xa0d7335c, 0x3dd8d22a, 0x581578ea, 0xc51a999c, + 0xb97bbc47, 0x24745d31, 0x72e0e9c7, 0xefef08b1, 0x938e2d6a, + 0x0e81cc1c, 0x6b4c66dc, 0xf64387aa, 0x8a22a271, 0x172d4307, + 0x270bcb9d, 0xba042aeb, 0xc6650f30, 0x5b6aee46, 0x3ea74486, + 0xa3a8a5f0, 0xdfc9802b, 0x42c6615d, 0x1452d5ab, 0x895d34dd, + 0xf53c1106, 0x6833f070, 0x0dfe5ab0, 0x90f1bbc6, 0xec909e1d, + 0x719f7f6b, 0x8cdd8f29, 0x11d26e5f, 0x6db34b84, 0xf0bcaaf2, + 0x95710032, 0x087ee144, 0x741fc49f, 0xe91025e9, 0xbf84911f, + 0x228b7069, 0x5eea55b2, 0xc3e5b4c4, 0xa6281e04, 0x3b27ff72, + 0x4746daa9, 0xda493bdf, 0xea6fb345, 0x77605233, 0x0b0177e8, + 0x960e969e, 0xf3c33c5e, 0x6eccdd28, 0x12adf8f3, 0x8fa21985, + 0xd936ad73, 0x44394c05, 0x385869de, 0xa55788a8, 0xc09a2268, + 0x5d95c31e, 0x21f4e6c5, 0xbcfb07b3, 0x8373efe2, 0x1e7c0e94, + 0x621d2b4f, 0xff12ca39, 0x9adf60f9, 0x07d0818f, 0x7bb1a454, + 0xe6be4522, 0xb02af1d4, 0x2d2510a2, 0x51443579, 0xcc4bd40f, + 0xa9867ecf, 0x34899fb9, 0x48e8ba62, 0xd5e75b14, 0xe5c1d38e, + 0x78ce32f8, 0x04af1723, 0x99a0f655, 0xfc6d5c95, 0x6162bde3, + 0x1d039838, 0x800c794e, 0xd698cdb8, 0x4b972cce, 0x37f60915, + 0xaaf9e863, 0xcf3442a3, 0x523ba3d5, 0x2e5a860e, 0xb3556778, + 0x4e17973a, 0xd318764c, 0xaf795397, 0x3276b2e1, 0x57bb1821, + 0xcab4f957, 0xb6d5dc8c, 0x2bda3dfa, 0x7d4e890c, 0xe041687a, + 0x9c204da1, 0x012facd7, 0x64e20617, 0xf9ede761, 0x858cc2ba, + 0x188323cc, 0x28a5ab56, 0xb5aa4a20, 0xc9cb6ffb, 0x54c48e8d, + 0x3109244d, 0xac06c53b, 0xd067e0e0, 0x4d680196, 0x1bfcb560, + 0x86f35416, 0xfa9271cd, 0x679d90bb, 0x02503a7b, 0x9f5fdb0d, + 0xe33efed6, 0x7e311fa0, 0xc2ca1813, 0x5fc5f965, 0x23a4dcbe, + 0xbeab3dc8, 0xdb669708, 0x4669767e, 0x3a0853a5, 0xa707b2d3, + 0xf1930625, 0x6c9ce753, 0x10fdc288, 0x8df223fe, 0xe83f893e, + 0x75306848, 0x09514d93, 0x945eace5, 0xa478247f, 0x3977c509, + 0x4516e0d2, 0xd81901a4, 0xbdd4ab64, 0x20db4a12, 0x5cba6fc9, + 0xc1b58ebf, 0x97213a49, 0x0a2edb3f, 0x764ffee4, 0xeb401f92, + 0x8e8db552, 0x13825424, 0x6fe371ff, 0xf2ec9089, 0x0fae60cb, + 0x92a181bd, 0xeec0a466, 0x73cf4510, 0x1602efd0, 0x8b0d0ea6, + 0xf76c2b7d, 0x6a63ca0b, 0x3cf77efd, 0xa1f89f8b, 0xdd99ba50, + 0x40965b26, 0x255bf1e6, 0xb8541090, 0xc435354b, 0x593ad43d, + 0x691c5ca7, 0xf413bdd1, 0x8872980a, 0x157d797c, 0x70b0d3bc, + 0xedbf32ca, 0x91de1711, 0x0cd1f667, 0x5a454291, 0xc74aa3e7, + 0xbb2b863c, 0x2624674a, 0x43e9cd8a, 0xdee62cfc, 0xa2870927, + 0x3f88e851}, + {0x00000000, 0xdd96d985, 0x605cb54b, 0xbdca6cce, 0xc0b96a96, + 0x1d2fb313, 0xa0e5dfdd, 0x7d730658, 0x5a03d36d, 0x87950ae8, + 0x3a5f6626, 0xe7c9bfa3, 0x9abab9fb, 0x472c607e, 0xfae60cb0, + 0x2770d535, 0xb407a6da, 0x69917f5f, 0xd45b1391, 0x09cdca14, + 0x74becc4c, 0xa92815c9, 0x14e27907, 0xc974a082, 0xee0475b7, + 0x3392ac32, 0x8e58c0fc, 0x53ce1979, 0x2ebd1f21, 0xf32bc6a4, + 0x4ee1aa6a, 0x937773ef, 0xb37e4bf5, 0x6ee89270, 0xd322febe, + 0x0eb4273b, 0x73c72163, 0xae51f8e6, 0x139b9428, 0xce0d4dad, + 0xe97d9898, 0x34eb411d, 0x89212dd3, 0x54b7f456, 0x29c4f20e, + 0xf4522b8b, 0x49984745, 0x940e9ec0, 0x0779ed2f, 0xdaef34aa, + 0x67255864, 0xbab381e1, 0xc7c087b9, 0x1a565e3c, 0xa79c32f2, + 0x7a0aeb77, 0x5d7a3e42, 0x80ece7c7, 0x3d268b09, 0xe0b0528c, + 0x9dc354d4, 0x40558d51, 0xfd9fe19f, 0x2009381a, 0xbd8d91ab, + 0x601b482e, 0xddd124e0, 0x0047fd65, 0x7d34fb3d, 0xa0a222b8, + 0x1d684e76, 0xc0fe97f3, 0xe78e42c6, 0x3a189b43, 0x87d2f78d, + 0x5a442e08, 0x27372850, 0xfaa1f1d5, 0x476b9d1b, 0x9afd449e, + 0x098a3771, 0xd41ceef4, 0x69d6823a, 0xb4405bbf, 0xc9335de7, + 0x14a58462, 0xa96fe8ac, 0x74f93129, 0x5389e41c, 0x8e1f3d99, + 0x33d55157, 0xee4388d2, 0x93308e8a, 0x4ea6570f, 0xf36c3bc1, + 0x2efae244, 0x0ef3da5e, 0xd36503db, 0x6eaf6f15, 0xb339b690, + 0xce4ab0c8, 0x13dc694d, 0xae160583, 0x7380dc06, 0x54f00933, + 0x8966d0b6, 0x34acbc78, 0xe93a65fd, 0x944963a5, 0x49dfba20, + 0xf415d6ee, 0x29830f6b, 0xbaf47c84, 0x6762a501, 0xdaa8c9cf, + 0x073e104a, 0x7a4d1612, 0xa7dbcf97, 0x1a11a359, 0xc7877adc, + 0xe0f7afe9, 0x3d61766c, 0x80ab1aa2, 0x5d3dc327, 0x204ec57f, + 0xfdd81cfa, 0x40127034, 0x9d84a9b1, 0xa06a2517, 0x7dfcfc92, + 0xc036905c, 0x1da049d9, 0x60d34f81, 0xbd459604, 0x008ffaca, + 0xdd19234f, 0xfa69f67a, 0x27ff2fff, 0x9a354331, 0x47a39ab4, + 0x3ad09cec, 0xe7464569, 0x5a8c29a7, 0x871af022, 0x146d83cd, + 0xc9fb5a48, 0x74313686, 0xa9a7ef03, 0xd4d4e95b, 0x094230de, + 0xb4885c10, 0x691e8595, 0x4e6e50a0, 0x93f88925, 0x2e32e5eb, + 0xf3a43c6e, 0x8ed73a36, 0x5341e3b3, 0xee8b8f7d, 0x331d56f8, + 0x13146ee2, 0xce82b767, 0x7348dba9, 0xaede022c, 0xd3ad0474, + 0x0e3bddf1, 0xb3f1b13f, 0x6e6768ba, 0x4917bd8f, 0x9481640a, + 0x294b08c4, 0xf4ddd141, 0x89aed719, 0x54380e9c, 0xe9f26252, + 0x3464bbd7, 0xa713c838, 0x7a8511bd, 0xc74f7d73, 0x1ad9a4f6, + 0x67aaa2ae, 0xba3c7b2b, 0x07f617e5, 0xda60ce60, 0xfd101b55, + 0x2086c2d0, 0x9d4cae1e, 0x40da779b, 0x3da971c3, 0xe03fa846, + 0x5df5c488, 0x80631d0d, 0x1de7b4bc, 0xc0716d39, 0x7dbb01f7, + 0xa02dd872, 0xdd5ede2a, 0x00c807af, 0xbd026b61, 0x6094b2e4, + 0x47e467d1, 0x9a72be54, 0x27b8d29a, 0xfa2e0b1f, 0x875d0d47, + 0x5acbd4c2, 0xe701b80c, 0x3a976189, 0xa9e01266, 0x7476cbe3, + 0xc9bca72d, 0x142a7ea8, 0x695978f0, 0xb4cfa175, 0x0905cdbb, + 0xd493143e, 0xf3e3c10b, 0x2e75188e, 0x93bf7440, 0x4e29adc5, + 0x335aab9d, 0xeecc7218, 0x53061ed6, 0x8e90c753, 0xae99ff49, + 0x730f26cc, 0xcec54a02, 0x13539387, 0x6e2095df, 0xb3b64c5a, + 0x0e7c2094, 0xd3eaf911, 0xf49a2c24, 0x290cf5a1, 0x94c6996f, + 0x495040ea, 0x342346b2, 0xe9b59f37, 0x547ff3f9, 0x89e92a7c, + 0x1a9e5993, 0xc7088016, 0x7ac2ecd8, 0xa754355d, 0xda273305, + 0x07b1ea80, 0xba7b864e, 0x67ed5fcb, 0x409d8afe, 0x9d0b537b, + 0x20c13fb5, 0xfd57e630, 0x8024e068, 0x5db239ed, 0xe0785523, + 0x3dee8ca6}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x85d996dd, 0x4bb55c60, 0xce6ccabd, 0x966ab9c0, + 0x13b32f1d, 0xdddfe5a0, 0x5806737d, 0x6dd3035a, 0xe80a9587, + 0x26665f3a, 0xa3bfc9e7, 0xfbb9ba9a, 0x7e602c47, 0xb00ce6fa, + 0x35d57027, 0xdaa607b4, 0x5f7f9169, 0x91135bd4, 0x14cacd09, + 0x4cccbe74, 0xc91528a9, 0x0779e214, 0x82a074c9, 0xb77504ee, + 0x32ac9233, 0xfcc0588e, 0x7919ce53, 0x211fbd2e, 0xa4c62bf3, + 0x6aaae14e, 0xef737793, 0xf54b7eb3, 0x7092e86e, 0xbefe22d3, + 0x3b27b40e, 0x6321c773, 0xe6f851ae, 0x28949b13, 0xad4d0dce, + 0x98987de9, 0x1d41eb34, 0xd32d2189, 0x56f4b754, 0x0ef2c429, + 0x8b2b52f4, 0x45479849, 0xc09e0e94, 0x2fed7907, 0xaa34efda, + 0x64582567, 0xe181b3ba, 0xb987c0c7, 0x3c5e561a, 0xf2329ca7, + 0x77eb0a7a, 0x423e7a5d, 0xc7e7ec80, 0x098b263d, 0x8c52b0e0, + 0xd454c39d, 0x518d5540, 0x9fe19ffd, 0x1a380920, 0xab918dbd, + 0x2e481b60, 0xe024d1dd, 0x65fd4700, 0x3dfb347d, 0xb822a2a0, + 0x764e681d, 0xf397fec0, 0xc6428ee7, 0x439b183a, 0x8df7d287, + 0x082e445a, 0x50283727, 0xd5f1a1fa, 0x1b9d6b47, 0x9e44fd9a, + 0x71378a09, 0xf4ee1cd4, 0x3a82d669, 0xbf5b40b4, 0xe75d33c9, + 0x6284a514, 0xace86fa9, 0x2931f974, 0x1ce48953, 0x993d1f8e, + 0x5751d533, 0xd28843ee, 0x8a8e3093, 0x0f57a64e, 0xc13b6cf3, + 0x44e2fa2e, 0x5edaf30e, 0xdb0365d3, 0x156faf6e, 0x90b639b3, + 0xc8b04ace, 0x4d69dc13, 0x830516ae, 0x06dc8073, 0x3309f054, + 0xb6d06689, 0x78bcac34, 0xfd653ae9, 0xa5634994, 0x20badf49, + 0xeed615f4, 0x6b0f8329, 0x847cf4ba, 0x01a56267, 0xcfc9a8da, + 0x4a103e07, 0x12164d7a, 0x97cfdba7, 0x59a3111a, 0xdc7a87c7, + 0xe9aff7e0, 0x6c76613d, 0xa21aab80, 0x27c33d5d, 0x7fc54e20, + 0xfa1cd8fd, 0x34701240, 0xb1a9849d, 0x17256aa0, 0x92fcfc7d, + 0x5c9036c0, 0xd949a01d, 0x814fd360, 0x049645bd, 0xcafa8f00, + 0x4f2319dd, 0x7af669fa, 0xff2fff27, 0x3143359a, 0xb49aa347, + 0xec9cd03a, 0x694546e7, 0xa7298c5a, 0x22f01a87, 0xcd836d14, + 0x485afbc9, 0x86363174, 0x03efa7a9, 0x5be9d4d4, 0xde304209, + 0x105c88b4, 0x95851e69, 0xa0506e4e, 0x2589f893, 0xebe5322e, + 0x6e3ca4f3, 0x363ad78e, 0xb3e34153, 0x7d8f8bee, 0xf8561d33, + 0xe26e1413, 0x67b782ce, 0xa9db4873, 0x2c02deae, 0x7404add3, + 0xf1dd3b0e, 0x3fb1f1b3, 0xba68676e, 0x8fbd1749, 0x0a648194, + 0xc4084b29, 0x41d1ddf4, 0x19d7ae89, 0x9c0e3854, 0x5262f2e9, + 0xd7bb6434, 0x38c813a7, 0xbd11857a, 0x737d4fc7, 0xf6a4d91a, + 0xaea2aa67, 0x2b7b3cba, 0xe517f607, 0x60ce60da, 0x551b10fd, + 0xd0c28620, 0x1eae4c9d, 0x9b77da40, 0xc371a93d, 0x46a83fe0, + 0x88c4f55d, 0x0d1d6380, 0xbcb4e71d, 0x396d71c0, 0xf701bb7d, + 0x72d82da0, 0x2ade5edd, 0xaf07c800, 0x616b02bd, 0xe4b29460, + 0xd167e447, 0x54be729a, 0x9ad2b827, 0x1f0b2efa, 0x470d5d87, + 0xc2d4cb5a, 0x0cb801e7, 0x8961973a, 0x6612e0a9, 0xe3cb7674, + 0x2da7bcc9, 0xa87e2a14, 0xf0785969, 0x75a1cfb4, 0xbbcd0509, + 0x3e1493d4, 0x0bc1e3f3, 0x8e18752e, 0x4074bf93, 0xc5ad294e, + 0x9dab5a33, 0x1872ccee, 0xd61e0653, 0x53c7908e, 0x49ff99ae, + 0xcc260f73, 0x024ac5ce, 0x87935313, 0xdf95206e, 0x5a4cb6b3, + 0x94207c0e, 0x11f9ead3, 0x242c9af4, 0xa1f50c29, 0x6f99c694, + 0xea405049, 0xb2462334, 0x379fb5e9, 0xf9f37f54, 0x7c2ae989, + 0x93599e1a, 0x168008c7, 0xd8ecc27a, 0x5d3554a7, 0x053327da, + 0x80eab107, 0x4e867bba, 0xcb5fed67, 0xfe8a9d40, 0x7b530b9d, + 0xb53fc120, 0x30e657fd, 0x68e02480, 0xed39b25d, 0x235578e0, + 0xa68cee3d}, + {0x00000000, 0x76e10f9d, 0xadc46ee1, 0xdb25617c, 0x1b8fac19, + 0x6d6ea384, 0xb64bc2f8, 0xc0aacd65, 0x361e5933, 0x40ff56ae, + 0x9bda37d2, 0xed3b384f, 0x2d91f52a, 0x5b70fab7, 0x80559bcb, + 0xf6b49456, 0x6c3cb266, 0x1addbdfb, 0xc1f8dc87, 0xb719d31a, + 0x77b31e7f, 0x015211e2, 0xda77709e, 0xac967f03, 0x5a22eb55, + 0x2cc3e4c8, 0xf7e685b4, 0x81078a29, 0x41ad474c, 0x374c48d1, + 0xec6929ad, 0x9a882630, 0xd87864cd, 0xae996b50, 0x75bc0a2c, + 0x035d05b1, 0xc3f7c8d4, 0xb516c749, 0x6e33a635, 0x18d2a9a8, + 0xee663dfe, 0x98873263, 0x43a2531f, 0x35435c82, 0xf5e991e7, + 0x83089e7a, 0x582dff06, 0x2eccf09b, 0xb444d6ab, 0xc2a5d936, + 0x1980b84a, 0x6f61b7d7, 0xafcb7ab2, 0xd92a752f, 0x020f1453, + 0x74ee1bce, 0x825a8f98, 0xf4bb8005, 0x2f9ee179, 0x597feee4, + 0x99d52381, 0xef342c1c, 0x34114d60, 0x42f042fd, 0xf1f7b941, + 0x8716b6dc, 0x5c33d7a0, 0x2ad2d83d, 0xea781558, 0x9c991ac5, + 0x47bc7bb9, 0x315d7424, 0xc7e9e072, 0xb108efef, 0x6a2d8e93, + 0x1ccc810e, 0xdc664c6b, 0xaa8743f6, 0x71a2228a, 0x07432d17, + 0x9dcb0b27, 0xeb2a04ba, 0x300f65c6, 0x46ee6a5b, 0x8644a73e, + 0xf0a5a8a3, 0x2b80c9df, 0x5d61c642, 0xabd55214, 0xdd345d89, + 0x06113cf5, 0x70f03368, 0xb05afe0d, 0xc6bbf190, 0x1d9e90ec, + 0x6b7f9f71, 0x298fdd8c, 0x5f6ed211, 0x844bb36d, 0xf2aabcf0, + 0x32007195, 0x44e17e08, 0x9fc41f74, 0xe92510e9, 0x1f9184bf, + 0x69708b22, 0xb255ea5e, 0xc4b4e5c3, 0x041e28a6, 0x72ff273b, + 0xa9da4647, 0xdf3b49da, 0x45b36fea, 0x33526077, 0xe877010b, + 0x9e960e96, 0x5e3cc3f3, 0x28ddcc6e, 0xf3f8ad12, 0x8519a28f, + 0x73ad36d9, 0x054c3944, 0xde695838, 0xa88857a5, 0x68229ac0, + 0x1ec3955d, 0xc5e6f421, 0xb307fbbc, 0xe2ef7383, 0x940e7c1e, + 0x4f2b1d62, 0x39ca12ff, 0xf960df9a, 0x8f81d007, 0x54a4b17b, + 0x2245bee6, 0xd4f12ab0, 0xa210252d, 0x79354451, 0x0fd44bcc, + 0xcf7e86a9, 0xb99f8934, 0x62bae848, 0x145be7d5, 0x8ed3c1e5, + 0xf832ce78, 0x2317af04, 0x55f6a099, 0x955c6dfc, 0xe3bd6261, + 0x3898031d, 0x4e790c80, 0xb8cd98d6, 0xce2c974b, 0x1509f637, + 0x63e8f9aa, 0xa34234cf, 0xd5a33b52, 0x0e865a2e, 0x786755b3, + 0x3a97174e, 0x4c7618d3, 0x975379af, 0xe1b27632, 0x2118bb57, + 0x57f9b4ca, 0x8cdcd5b6, 0xfa3dda2b, 0x0c894e7d, 0x7a6841e0, + 0xa14d209c, 0xd7ac2f01, 0x1706e264, 0x61e7edf9, 0xbac28c85, + 0xcc238318, 0x56aba528, 0x204aaab5, 0xfb6fcbc9, 0x8d8ec454, + 0x4d240931, 0x3bc506ac, 0xe0e067d0, 0x9601684d, 0x60b5fc1b, + 0x1654f386, 0xcd7192fa, 0xbb909d67, 0x7b3a5002, 0x0ddb5f9f, + 0xd6fe3ee3, 0xa01f317e, 0x1318cac2, 0x65f9c55f, 0xbedca423, + 0xc83dabbe, 0x089766db, 0x7e766946, 0xa553083a, 0xd3b207a7, + 0x250693f1, 0x53e79c6c, 0x88c2fd10, 0xfe23f28d, 0x3e893fe8, + 0x48683075, 0x934d5109, 0xe5ac5e94, 0x7f2478a4, 0x09c57739, + 0xd2e01645, 0xa40119d8, 0x64abd4bd, 0x124adb20, 0xc96fba5c, + 0xbf8eb5c1, 0x493a2197, 0x3fdb2e0a, 0xe4fe4f76, 0x921f40eb, + 0x52b58d8e, 0x24548213, 0xff71e36f, 0x8990ecf2, 0xcb60ae0f, + 0xbd81a192, 0x66a4c0ee, 0x1045cf73, 0xd0ef0216, 0xa60e0d8b, + 0x7d2b6cf7, 0x0bca636a, 0xfd7ef73c, 0x8b9ff8a1, 0x50ba99dd, + 0x265b9640, 0xe6f15b25, 0x901054b8, 0x4b3535c4, 0x3dd43a59, + 0xa75c1c69, 0xd1bd13f4, 0x0a987288, 0x7c797d15, 0xbcd3b070, + 0xca32bfed, 0x1117de91, 0x67f6d10c, 0x9142455a, 0xe7a34ac7, + 0x3c862bbb, 0x4a672426, 0x8acde943, 0xfc2ce6de, 0x270987a2, + 0x51e8883f}, + {0x00000000, 0xe8dbfbb9, 0x91b186a8, 0x796a7d11, 0x63657c8a, + 0x8bbe8733, 0xf2d4fa22, 0x1a0f019b, 0x87cc89cf, 0x6f177276, + 0x167d0f67, 0xfea6f4de, 0xe4a9f545, 0x0c720efc, 0x751873ed, + 0x9dc38854, 0x4f9f6244, 0xa74499fd, 0xde2ee4ec, 0x36f51f55, + 0x2cfa1ece, 0xc421e577, 0xbd4b9866, 0x559063df, 0xc853eb8b, + 0x20881032, 0x59e26d23, 0xb139969a, 0xab369701, 0x43ed6cb8, + 0x3a8711a9, 0xd25cea10, 0x9e3ec588, 0x76e53e31, 0x0f8f4320, + 0xe754b899, 0xfd5bb902, 0x158042bb, 0x6cea3faa, 0x8431c413, + 0x19f24c47, 0xf129b7fe, 0x8843caef, 0x60983156, 0x7a9730cd, + 0x924ccb74, 0xeb26b665, 0x03fd4ddc, 0xd1a1a7cc, 0x397a5c75, + 0x40102164, 0xa8cbdadd, 0xb2c4db46, 0x5a1f20ff, 0x23755dee, + 0xcbaea657, 0x566d2e03, 0xbeb6d5ba, 0xc7dca8ab, 0x2f075312, + 0x35085289, 0xddd3a930, 0xa4b9d421, 0x4c622f98, 0x7d7bfbca, + 0x95a00073, 0xecca7d62, 0x041186db, 0x1e1e8740, 0xf6c57cf9, + 0x8faf01e8, 0x6774fa51, 0xfab77205, 0x126c89bc, 0x6b06f4ad, + 0x83dd0f14, 0x99d20e8f, 0x7109f536, 0x08638827, 0xe0b8739e, + 0x32e4998e, 0xda3f6237, 0xa3551f26, 0x4b8ee49f, 0x5181e504, + 0xb95a1ebd, 0xc03063ac, 0x28eb9815, 0xb5281041, 0x5df3ebf8, + 0x249996e9, 0xcc426d50, 0xd64d6ccb, 0x3e969772, 0x47fcea63, + 0xaf2711da, 0xe3453e42, 0x0b9ec5fb, 0x72f4b8ea, 0x9a2f4353, + 0x802042c8, 0x68fbb971, 0x1191c460, 0xf94a3fd9, 0x6489b78d, + 0x8c524c34, 0xf5383125, 0x1de3ca9c, 0x07eccb07, 0xef3730be, + 0x965d4daf, 0x7e86b616, 0xacda5c06, 0x4401a7bf, 0x3d6bdaae, + 0xd5b02117, 0xcfbf208c, 0x2764db35, 0x5e0ea624, 0xb6d55d9d, + 0x2b16d5c9, 0xc3cd2e70, 0xbaa75361, 0x527ca8d8, 0x4873a943, + 0xa0a852fa, 0xd9c22feb, 0x3119d452, 0xbbf0874e, 0x532b7cf7, + 0x2a4101e6, 0xc29afa5f, 0xd895fbc4, 0x304e007d, 0x49247d6c, + 0xa1ff86d5, 0x3c3c0e81, 0xd4e7f538, 0xad8d8829, 0x45567390, + 0x5f59720b, 0xb78289b2, 0xcee8f4a3, 0x26330f1a, 0xf46fe50a, + 0x1cb41eb3, 0x65de63a2, 0x8d05981b, 0x970a9980, 0x7fd16239, + 0x06bb1f28, 0xee60e491, 0x73a36cc5, 0x9b78977c, 0xe212ea6d, + 0x0ac911d4, 0x10c6104f, 0xf81debf6, 0x817796e7, 0x69ac6d5e, + 0x25ce42c6, 0xcd15b97f, 0xb47fc46e, 0x5ca43fd7, 0x46ab3e4c, + 0xae70c5f5, 0xd71ab8e4, 0x3fc1435d, 0xa202cb09, 0x4ad930b0, + 0x33b34da1, 0xdb68b618, 0xc167b783, 0x29bc4c3a, 0x50d6312b, + 0xb80dca92, 0x6a512082, 0x828adb3b, 0xfbe0a62a, 0x133b5d93, + 0x09345c08, 0xe1efa7b1, 0x9885daa0, 0x705e2119, 0xed9da94d, + 0x054652f4, 0x7c2c2fe5, 0x94f7d45c, 0x8ef8d5c7, 0x66232e7e, + 0x1f49536f, 0xf792a8d6, 0xc68b7c84, 0x2e50873d, 0x573afa2c, + 0xbfe10195, 0xa5ee000e, 0x4d35fbb7, 0x345f86a6, 0xdc847d1f, + 0x4147f54b, 0xa99c0ef2, 0xd0f673e3, 0x382d885a, 0x222289c1, + 0xcaf97278, 0xb3930f69, 0x5b48f4d0, 0x89141ec0, 0x61cfe579, + 0x18a59868, 0xf07e63d1, 0xea71624a, 0x02aa99f3, 0x7bc0e4e2, + 0x931b1f5b, 0x0ed8970f, 0xe6036cb6, 0x9f6911a7, 0x77b2ea1e, + 0x6dbdeb85, 0x8566103c, 0xfc0c6d2d, 0x14d79694, 0x58b5b90c, + 0xb06e42b5, 0xc9043fa4, 0x21dfc41d, 0x3bd0c586, 0xd30b3e3f, + 0xaa61432e, 0x42bab897, 0xdf7930c3, 0x37a2cb7a, 0x4ec8b66b, + 0xa6134dd2, 0xbc1c4c49, 0x54c7b7f0, 0x2dadcae1, 0xc5763158, + 0x172adb48, 0xfff120f1, 0x869b5de0, 0x6e40a659, 0x744fa7c2, + 0x9c945c7b, 0xe5fe216a, 0x0d25dad3, 0x90e65287, 0x783da93e, + 0x0157d42f, 0xe98c2f96, 0xf3832e0d, 0x1b58d5b4, 0x6232a8a5, + 0x8ae9531c}, + {0x00000000, 0x919168ae, 0x6325a087, 0xf2b4c829, 0x874c31d4, + 0x16dd597a, 0xe4699153, 0x75f8f9fd, 0x4f9f1373, 0xde0e7bdd, + 0x2cbab3f4, 0xbd2bdb5a, 0xc8d322a7, 0x59424a09, 0xabf68220, + 0x3a67ea8e, 0x9e3e27e6, 0x0faf4f48, 0xfd1b8761, 0x6c8aefcf, + 0x19721632, 0x88e37e9c, 0x7a57b6b5, 0xebc6de1b, 0xd1a13495, + 0x40305c3b, 0xb2849412, 0x2315fcbc, 0x56ed0541, 0xc77c6def, + 0x35c8a5c6, 0xa459cd68, 0x7d7b3f17, 0xecea57b9, 0x1e5e9f90, + 0x8fcff73e, 0xfa370ec3, 0x6ba6666d, 0x9912ae44, 0x0883c6ea, + 0x32e42c64, 0xa37544ca, 0x51c18ce3, 0xc050e44d, 0xb5a81db0, + 0x2439751e, 0xd68dbd37, 0x471cd599, 0xe34518f1, 0x72d4705f, + 0x8060b876, 0x11f1d0d8, 0x64092925, 0xf598418b, 0x072c89a2, + 0x96bde10c, 0xacda0b82, 0x3d4b632c, 0xcfffab05, 0x5e6ec3ab, + 0x2b963a56, 0xba0752f8, 0x48b39ad1, 0xd922f27f, 0xfaf67e2e, + 0x6b671680, 0x99d3dea9, 0x0842b607, 0x7dba4ffa, 0xec2b2754, + 0x1e9fef7d, 0x8f0e87d3, 0xb5696d5d, 0x24f805f3, 0xd64ccdda, + 0x47dda574, 0x32255c89, 0xa3b43427, 0x5100fc0e, 0xc09194a0, + 0x64c859c8, 0xf5593166, 0x07edf94f, 0x967c91e1, 0xe384681c, + 0x721500b2, 0x80a1c89b, 0x1130a035, 0x2b574abb, 0xbac62215, + 0x4872ea3c, 0xd9e38292, 0xac1b7b6f, 0x3d8a13c1, 0xcf3edbe8, + 0x5eafb346, 0x878d4139, 0x161c2997, 0xe4a8e1be, 0x75398910, + 0x00c170ed, 0x91501843, 0x63e4d06a, 0xf275b8c4, 0xc812524a, + 0x59833ae4, 0xab37f2cd, 0x3aa69a63, 0x4f5e639e, 0xdecf0b30, + 0x2c7bc319, 0xbdeaabb7, 0x19b366df, 0x88220e71, 0x7a96c658, + 0xeb07aef6, 0x9eff570b, 0x0f6e3fa5, 0xfddaf78c, 0x6c4b9f22, + 0x562c75ac, 0xc7bd1d02, 0x3509d52b, 0xa498bd85, 0xd1604478, + 0x40f12cd6, 0xb245e4ff, 0x23d48c51, 0xf4edfd5c, 0x657c95f2, + 0x97c85ddb, 0x06593575, 0x73a1cc88, 0xe230a426, 0x10846c0f, + 0x811504a1, 0xbb72ee2f, 0x2ae38681, 0xd8574ea8, 0x49c62606, + 0x3c3edffb, 0xadafb755, 0x5f1b7f7c, 0xce8a17d2, 0x6ad3daba, + 0xfb42b214, 0x09f67a3d, 0x98671293, 0xed9feb6e, 0x7c0e83c0, + 0x8eba4be9, 0x1f2b2347, 0x254cc9c9, 0xb4dda167, 0x4669694e, + 0xd7f801e0, 0xa200f81d, 0x339190b3, 0xc125589a, 0x50b43034, + 0x8996c24b, 0x1807aae5, 0xeab362cc, 0x7b220a62, 0x0edaf39f, + 0x9f4b9b31, 0x6dff5318, 0xfc6e3bb6, 0xc609d138, 0x5798b996, + 0xa52c71bf, 0x34bd1911, 0x4145e0ec, 0xd0d48842, 0x2260406b, + 0xb3f128c5, 0x17a8e5ad, 0x86398d03, 0x748d452a, 0xe51c2d84, + 0x90e4d479, 0x0175bcd7, 0xf3c174fe, 0x62501c50, 0x5837f6de, + 0xc9a69e70, 0x3b125659, 0xaa833ef7, 0xdf7bc70a, 0x4eeaafa4, + 0xbc5e678d, 0x2dcf0f23, 0x0e1b8372, 0x9f8aebdc, 0x6d3e23f5, + 0xfcaf4b5b, 0x8957b2a6, 0x18c6da08, 0xea721221, 0x7be37a8f, + 0x41849001, 0xd015f8af, 0x22a13086, 0xb3305828, 0xc6c8a1d5, + 0x5759c97b, 0xa5ed0152, 0x347c69fc, 0x9025a494, 0x01b4cc3a, + 0xf3000413, 0x62916cbd, 0x17699540, 0x86f8fdee, 0x744c35c7, + 0xe5dd5d69, 0xdfbab7e7, 0x4e2bdf49, 0xbc9f1760, 0x2d0e7fce, + 0x58f68633, 0xc967ee9d, 0x3bd326b4, 0xaa424e1a, 0x7360bc65, + 0xe2f1d4cb, 0x10451ce2, 0x81d4744c, 0xf42c8db1, 0x65bde51f, + 0x97092d36, 0x06984598, 0x3cffaf16, 0xad6ec7b8, 0x5fda0f91, + 0xce4b673f, 0xbbb39ec2, 0x2a22f66c, 0xd8963e45, 0x490756eb, + 0xed5e9b83, 0x7ccff32d, 0x8e7b3b04, 0x1fea53aa, 0x6a12aa57, + 0xfb83c2f9, 0x09370ad0, 0x98a6627e, 0xa2c188f0, 0x3350e05e, + 0xc1e42877, 0x507540d9, 0x258db924, 0xb41cd18a, 0x46a819a3, + 0xd739710d}}; + +#endif + +#endif + +#if N == 5 + +#if W == 8 + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0xaf449247, 0x85f822cf, 0x2abcb088, 0xd08143df, + 0x7fc5d198, 0x55796110, 0xfa3df357, 0x7a7381ff, 0xd53713b8, + 0xff8ba330, 0x50cf3177, 0xaaf2c220, 0x05b65067, 0x2f0ae0ef, + 0x804e72a8, 0xf4e703fe, 0x5ba391b9, 0x711f2131, 0xde5bb376, + 0x24664021, 0x8b22d266, 0xa19e62ee, 0x0edaf0a9, 0x8e948201, + 0x21d01046, 0x0b6ca0ce, 0xa4283289, 0x5e15c1de, 0xf1515399, + 0xdbede311, 0x74a97156, 0x32bf01bd, 0x9dfb93fa, 0xb7472372, + 0x1803b135, 0xe23e4262, 0x4d7ad025, 0x67c660ad, 0xc882f2ea, + 0x48cc8042, 0xe7881205, 0xcd34a28d, 0x627030ca, 0x984dc39d, + 0x370951da, 0x1db5e152, 0xb2f17315, 0xc6580243, 0x691c9004, + 0x43a0208c, 0xece4b2cb, 0x16d9419c, 0xb99dd3db, 0x93216353, + 0x3c65f114, 0xbc2b83bc, 0x136f11fb, 0x39d3a173, 0x96973334, + 0x6caac063, 0xc3ee5224, 0xe952e2ac, 0x461670eb, 0x657e037a, + 0xca3a913d, 0xe08621b5, 0x4fc2b3f2, 0xb5ff40a5, 0x1abbd2e2, + 0x3007626a, 0x9f43f02d, 0x1f0d8285, 0xb04910c2, 0x9af5a04a, + 0x35b1320d, 0xcf8cc15a, 0x60c8531d, 0x4a74e395, 0xe53071d2, + 0x91990084, 0x3edd92c3, 0x1461224b, 0xbb25b00c, 0x4118435b, + 0xee5cd11c, 0xc4e06194, 0x6ba4f3d3, 0xebea817b, 0x44ae133c, + 0x6e12a3b4, 0xc15631f3, 0x3b6bc2a4, 0x942f50e3, 0xbe93e06b, + 0x11d7722c, 0x57c102c7, 0xf8859080, 0xd2392008, 0x7d7db24f, + 0x87404118, 0x2804d35f, 0x02b863d7, 0xadfcf190, 0x2db28338, + 0x82f6117f, 0xa84aa1f7, 0x070e33b0, 0xfd33c0e7, 0x527752a0, + 0x78cbe228, 0xd78f706f, 0xa3260139, 0x0c62937e, 0x26de23f6, + 0x899ab1b1, 0x73a742e6, 0xdce3d0a1, 0xf65f6029, 0x591bf26e, + 0xd95580c6, 0x76111281, 0x5cada209, 0xf3e9304e, 0x09d4c319, + 0xa690515e, 0x8c2ce1d6, 0x23687391, 0xcafc06f4, 0x65b894b3, + 0x4f04243b, 0xe040b67c, 0x1a7d452b, 0xb539d76c, 0x9f8567e4, + 0x30c1f5a3, 0xb08f870b, 0x1fcb154c, 0x3577a5c4, 0x9a333783, + 0x600ec4d4, 0xcf4a5693, 0xe5f6e61b, 0x4ab2745c, 0x3e1b050a, + 0x915f974d, 0xbbe327c5, 0x14a7b582, 0xee9a46d5, 0x41ded492, + 0x6b62641a, 0xc426f65d, 0x446884f5, 0xeb2c16b2, 0xc190a63a, + 0x6ed4347d, 0x94e9c72a, 0x3bad556d, 0x1111e5e5, 0xbe5577a2, + 0xf8430749, 0x5707950e, 0x7dbb2586, 0xd2ffb7c1, 0x28c24496, + 0x8786d6d1, 0xad3a6659, 0x027ef41e, 0x823086b6, 0x2d7414f1, + 0x07c8a479, 0xa88c363e, 0x52b1c569, 0xfdf5572e, 0xd749e7a6, + 0x780d75e1, 0x0ca404b7, 0xa3e096f0, 0x895c2678, 0x2618b43f, + 0xdc254768, 0x7361d52f, 0x59dd65a7, 0xf699f7e0, 0x76d78548, + 0xd993170f, 0xf32fa787, 0x5c6b35c0, 0xa656c697, 0x091254d0, + 0x23aee458, 0x8cea761f, 0xaf82058e, 0x00c697c9, 0x2a7a2741, + 0x853eb506, 0x7f034651, 0xd047d416, 0xfafb649e, 0x55bff6d9, + 0xd5f18471, 0x7ab51636, 0x5009a6be, 0xff4d34f9, 0x0570c7ae, + 0xaa3455e9, 0x8088e561, 0x2fcc7726, 0x5b650670, 0xf4219437, + 0xde9d24bf, 0x71d9b6f8, 0x8be445af, 0x24a0d7e8, 0x0e1c6760, + 0xa158f527, 0x2116878f, 0x8e5215c8, 0xa4eea540, 0x0baa3707, + 0xf197c450, 0x5ed35617, 0x746fe69f, 0xdb2b74d8, 0x9d3d0433, + 0x32799674, 0x18c526fc, 0xb781b4bb, 0x4dbc47ec, 0xe2f8d5ab, + 0xc8446523, 0x6700f764, 0xe74e85cc, 0x480a178b, 0x62b6a703, + 0xcdf23544, 0x37cfc613, 0x988b5454, 0xb237e4dc, 0x1d73769b, + 0x69da07cd, 0xc69e958a, 0xec222502, 0x4366b745, 0xb95b4412, + 0x161fd655, 0x3ca366dd, 0x93e7f49a, 0x13a98632, 0xbced1475, + 0x9651a4fd, 0x391536ba, 0xc328c5ed, 0x6c6c57aa, 0x46d0e722, + 0xe9947565}, + {0x00000000, 0x4e890ba9, 0x9d121752, 0xd39b1cfb, 0xe15528e5, + 0xafdc234c, 0x7c473fb7, 0x32ce341e, 0x19db578b, 0x57525c22, + 0x84c940d9, 0xca404b70, 0xf88e7f6e, 0xb60774c7, 0x659c683c, + 0x2b156395, 0x33b6af16, 0x7d3fa4bf, 0xaea4b844, 0xe02db3ed, + 0xd2e387f3, 0x9c6a8c5a, 0x4ff190a1, 0x01789b08, 0x2a6df89d, + 0x64e4f334, 0xb77fefcf, 0xf9f6e466, 0xcb38d078, 0x85b1dbd1, + 0x562ac72a, 0x18a3cc83, 0x676d5e2c, 0x29e45585, 0xfa7f497e, + 0xb4f642d7, 0x863876c9, 0xc8b17d60, 0x1b2a619b, 0x55a36a32, + 0x7eb609a7, 0x303f020e, 0xe3a41ef5, 0xad2d155c, 0x9fe32142, + 0xd16a2aeb, 0x02f13610, 0x4c783db9, 0x54dbf13a, 0x1a52fa93, + 0xc9c9e668, 0x8740edc1, 0xb58ed9df, 0xfb07d276, 0x289cce8d, + 0x6615c524, 0x4d00a6b1, 0x0389ad18, 0xd012b1e3, 0x9e9bba4a, + 0xac558e54, 0xe2dc85fd, 0x31479906, 0x7fce92af, 0xcedabc58, + 0x8053b7f1, 0x53c8ab0a, 0x1d41a0a3, 0x2f8f94bd, 0x61069f14, + 0xb29d83ef, 0xfc148846, 0xd701ebd3, 0x9988e07a, 0x4a13fc81, + 0x049af728, 0x3654c336, 0x78ddc89f, 0xab46d464, 0xe5cfdfcd, + 0xfd6c134e, 0xb3e518e7, 0x607e041c, 0x2ef70fb5, 0x1c393bab, + 0x52b03002, 0x812b2cf9, 0xcfa22750, 0xe4b744c5, 0xaa3e4f6c, + 0x79a55397, 0x372c583e, 0x05e26c20, 0x4b6b6789, 0x98f07b72, + 0xd67970db, 0xa9b7e274, 0xe73ee9dd, 0x34a5f526, 0x7a2cfe8f, + 0x48e2ca91, 0x066bc138, 0xd5f0ddc3, 0x9b79d66a, 0xb06cb5ff, + 0xfee5be56, 0x2d7ea2ad, 0x63f7a904, 0x51399d1a, 0x1fb096b3, + 0xcc2b8a48, 0x82a281e1, 0x9a014d62, 0xd48846cb, 0x07135a30, + 0x499a5199, 0x7b546587, 0x35dd6e2e, 0xe64672d5, 0xa8cf797c, + 0x83da1ae9, 0xcd531140, 0x1ec80dbb, 0x50410612, 0x628f320c, + 0x2c0639a5, 0xff9d255e, 0xb1142ef7, 0x46c47ef1, 0x084d7558, + 0xdbd669a3, 0x955f620a, 0xa7915614, 0xe9185dbd, 0x3a834146, + 0x740a4aef, 0x5f1f297a, 0x119622d3, 0xc20d3e28, 0x8c843581, + 0xbe4a019f, 0xf0c30a36, 0x235816cd, 0x6dd11d64, 0x7572d1e7, + 0x3bfbda4e, 0xe860c6b5, 0xa6e9cd1c, 0x9427f902, 0xdaaef2ab, + 0x0935ee50, 0x47bce5f9, 0x6ca9866c, 0x22208dc5, 0xf1bb913e, + 0xbf329a97, 0x8dfcae89, 0xc375a520, 0x10eeb9db, 0x5e67b272, + 0x21a920dd, 0x6f202b74, 0xbcbb378f, 0xf2323c26, 0xc0fc0838, + 0x8e750391, 0x5dee1f6a, 0x136714c3, 0x38727756, 0x76fb7cff, + 0xa5606004, 0xebe96bad, 0xd9275fb3, 0x97ae541a, 0x443548e1, + 0x0abc4348, 0x121f8fcb, 0x5c968462, 0x8f0d9899, 0xc1849330, + 0xf34aa72e, 0xbdc3ac87, 0x6e58b07c, 0x20d1bbd5, 0x0bc4d840, + 0x454dd3e9, 0x96d6cf12, 0xd85fc4bb, 0xea91f0a5, 0xa418fb0c, + 0x7783e7f7, 0x390aec5e, 0x881ec2a9, 0xc697c900, 0x150cd5fb, + 0x5b85de52, 0x694bea4c, 0x27c2e1e5, 0xf459fd1e, 0xbad0f6b7, + 0x91c59522, 0xdf4c9e8b, 0x0cd78270, 0x425e89d9, 0x7090bdc7, + 0x3e19b66e, 0xed82aa95, 0xa30ba13c, 0xbba86dbf, 0xf5216616, + 0x26ba7aed, 0x68337144, 0x5afd455a, 0x14744ef3, 0xc7ef5208, + 0x896659a1, 0xa2733a34, 0xecfa319d, 0x3f612d66, 0x71e826cf, + 0x432612d1, 0x0daf1978, 0xde340583, 0x90bd0e2a, 0xef739c85, + 0xa1fa972c, 0x72618bd7, 0x3ce8807e, 0x0e26b460, 0x40afbfc9, + 0x9334a332, 0xddbda89b, 0xf6a8cb0e, 0xb821c0a7, 0x6bbadc5c, + 0x2533d7f5, 0x17fde3eb, 0x5974e842, 0x8aeff4b9, 0xc466ff10, + 0xdcc53393, 0x924c383a, 0x41d724c1, 0x0f5e2f68, 0x3d901b76, + 0x731910df, 0xa0820c24, 0xee0b078d, 0xc51e6418, 0x8b976fb1, + 0x580c734a, 0x168578e3, 0x244b4cfd, 0x6ac24754, 0xb9595baf, + 0xf7d05006}, + {0x00000000, 0x8d88fde2, 0xc060fd85, 0x4de80067, 0x5bb0fd4b, + 0xd63800a9, 0x9bd000ce, 0x1658fd2c, 0xb761fa96, 0x3ae90774, + 0x77010713, 0xfa89faf1, 0xecd107dd, 0x6159fa3f, 0x2cb1fa58, + 0xa13907ba, 0xb5b2f36d, 0x383a0e8f, 0x75d20ee8, 0xf85af30a, + 0xee020e26, 0x638af3c4, 0x2e62f3a3, 0xa3ea0e41, 0x02d309fb, + 0x8f5bf419, 0xc2b3f47e, 0x4f3b099c, 0x5963f4b0, 0xd4eb0952, + 0x99030935, 0x148bf4d7, 0xb014e09b, 0x3d9c1d79, 0x70741d1e, + 0xfdfce0fc, 0xeba41dd0, 0x662ce032, 0x2bc4e055, 0xa64c1db7, + 0x07751a0d, 0x8afde7ef, 0xc715e788, 0x4a9d1a6a, 0x5cc5e746, + 0xd14d1aa4, 0x9ca51ac3, 0x112de721, 0x05a613f6, 0x882eee14, + 0xc5c6ee73, 0x484e1391, 0x5e16eebd, 0xd39e135f, 0x9e761338, + 0x13feeeda, 0xb2c7e960, 0x3f4f1482, 0x72a714e5, 0xff2fe907, + 0xe977142b, 0x64ffe9c9, 0x2917e9ae, 0xa49f144c, 0xbb58c777, + 0x36d03a95, 0x7b383af2, 0xf6b0c710, 0xe0e83a3c, 0x6d60c7de, + 0x2088c7b9, 0xad003a5b, 0x0c393de1, 0x81b1c003, 0xcc59c064, + 0x41d13d86, 0x5789c0aa, 0xda013d48, 0x97e93d2f, 0x1a61c0cd, + 0x0eea341a, 0x8362c9f8, 0xce8ac99f, 0x4302347d, 0x555ac951, + 0xd8d234b3, 0x953a34d4, 0x18b2c936, 0xb98bce8c, 0x3403336e, + 0x79eb3309, 0xf463ceeb, 0xe23b33c7, 0x6fb3ce25, 0x225bce42, + 0xafd333a0, 0x0b4c27ec, 0x86c4da0e, 0xcb2cda69, 0x46a4278b, + 0x50fcdaa7, 0xdd742745, 0x909c2722, 0x1d14dac0, 0xbc2ddd7a, + 0x31a52098, 0x7c4d20ff, 0xf1c5dd1d, 0xe79d2031, 0x6a15ddd3, + 0x27fdddb4, 0xaa752056, 0xbefed481, 0x33762963, 0x7e9e2904, + 0xf316d4e6, 0xe54e29ca, 0x68c6d428, 0x252ed44f, 0xa8a629ad, + 0x099f2e17, 0x8417d3f5, 0xc9ffd392, 0x44772e70, 0x522fd35c, + 0xdfa72ebe, 0x924f2ed9, 0x1fc7d33b, 0xadc088af, 0x2048754d, + 0x6da0752a, 0xe02888c8, 0xf67075e4, 0x7bf88806, 0x36108861, + 0xbb987583, 0x1aa17239, 0x97298fdb, 0xdac18fbc, 0x5749725e, + 0x41118f72, 0xcc997290, 0x817172f7, 0x0cf98f15, 0x18727bc2, + 0x95fa8620, 0xd8128647, 0x559a7ba5, 0x43c28689, 0xce4a7b6b, + 0x83a27b0c, 0x0e2a86ee, 0xaf138154, 0x229b7cb6, 0x6f737cd1, + 0xe2fb8133, 0xf4a37c1f, 0x792b81fd, 0x34c3819a, 0xb94b7c78, + 0x1dd46834, 0x905c95d6, 0xddb495b1, 0x503c6853, 0x4664957f, + 0xcbec689d, 0x860468fa, 0x0b8c9518, 0xaab592a2, 0x273d6f40, + 0x6ad56f27, 0xe75d92c5, 0xf1056fe9, 0x7c8d920b, 0x3165926c, + 0xbced6f8e, 0xa8669b59, 0x25ee66bb, 0x680666dc, 0xe58e9b3e, + 0xf3d66612, 0x7e5e9bf0, 0x33b69b97, 0xbe3e6675, 0x1f0761cf, + 0x928f9c2d, 0xdf679c4a, 0x52ef61a8, 0x44b79c84, 0xc93f6166, + 0x84d76101, 0x095f9ce3, 0x16984fd8, 0x9b10b23a, 0xd6f8b25d, + 0x5b704fbf, 0x4d28b293, 0xc0a04f71, 0x8d484f16, 0x00c0b2f4, + 0xa1f9b54e, 0x2c7148ac, 0x619948cb, 0xec11b529, 0xfa494805, + 0x77c1b5e7, 0x3a29b580, 0xb7a14862, 0xa32abcb5, 0x2ea24157, + 0x634a4130, 0xeec2bcd2, 0xf89a41fe, 0x7512bc1c, 0x38fabc7b, + 0xb5724199, 0x144b4623, 0x99c3bbc1, 0xd42bbba6, 0x59a34644, + 0x4ffbbb68, 0xc273468a, 0x8f9b46ed, 0x0213bb0f, 0xa68caf43, + 0x2b0452a1, 0x66ec52c6, 0xeb64af24, 0xfd3c5208, 0x70b4afea, + 0x3d5caf8d, 0xb0d4526f, 0x11ed55d5, 0x9c65a837, 0xd18da850, + 0x5c0555b2, 0x4a5da89e, 0xc7d5557c, 0x8a3d551b, 0x07b5a8f9, + 0x133e5c2e, 0x9eb6a1cc, 0xd35ea1ab, 0x5ed65c49, 0x488ea165, + 0xc5065c87, 0x88ee5ce0, 0x0566a102, 0xa45fa6b8, 0x29d75b5a, + 0x643f5b3d, 0xe9b7a6df, 0xffef5bf3, 0x7267a611, 0x3f8fa676, + 0xb2075b94}, + {0x00000000, 0x80f0171f, 0xda91287f, 0x5a613f60, 0x6e5356bf, + 0xeea341a0, 0xb4c27ec0, 0x343269df, 0xdca6ad7e, 0x5c56ba61, + 0x06378501, 0x86c7921e, 0xb2f5fbc1, 0x3205ecde, 0x6864d3be, + 0xe894c4a1, 0x623c5cbd, 0xe2cc4ba2, 0xb8ad74c2, 0x385d63dd, + 0x0c6f0a02, 0x8c9f1d1d, 0xd6fe227d, 0x560e3562, 0xbe9af1c3, + 0x3e6ae6dc, 0x640bd9bc, 0xe4fbcea3, 0xd0c9a77c, 0x5039b063, + 0x0a588f03, 0x8aa8981c, 0xc478b97a, 0x4488ae65, 0x1ee99105, + 0x9e19861a, 0xaa2befc5, 0x2adbf8da, 0x70bac7ba, 0xf04ad0a5, + 0x18de1404, 0x982e031b, 0xc24f3c7b, 0x42bf2b64, 0x768d42bb, + 0xf67d55a4, 0xac1c6ac4, 0x2cec7ddb, 0xa644e5c7, 0x26b4f2d8, + 0x7cd5cdb8, 0xfc25daa7, 0xc817b378, 0x48e7a467, 0x12869b07, + 0x92768c18, 0x7ae248b9, 0xfa125fa6, 0xa07360c6, 0x208377d9, + 0x14b11e06, 0x94410919, 0xce203679, 0x4ed02166, 0x538074b5, + 0xd37063aa, 0x89115cca, 0x09e14bd5, 0x3dd3220a, 0xbd233515, + 0xe7420a75, 0x67b21d6a, 0x8f26d9cb, 0x0fd6ced4, 0x55b7f1b4, + 0xd547e6ab, 0xe1758f74, 0x6185986b, 0x3be4a70b, 0xbb14b014, + 0x31bc2808, 0xb14c3f17, 0xeb2d0077, 0x6bdd1768, 0x5fef7eb7, + 0xdf1f69a8, 0x857e56c8, 0x058e41d7, 0xed1a8576, 0x6dea9269, + 0x378bad09, 0xb77bba16, 0x8349d3c9, 0x03b9c4d6, 0x59d8fbb6, + 0xd928eca9, 0x97f8cdcf, 0x1708dad0, 0x4d69e5b0, 0xcd99f2af, + 0xf9ab9b70, 0x795b8c6f, 0x233ab30f, 0xa3caa410, 0x4b5e60b1, + 0xcbae77ae, 0x91cf48ce, 0x113f5fd1, 0x250d360e, 0xa5fd2111, + 0xff9c1e71, 0x7f6c096e, 0xf5c49172, 0x7534866d, 0x2f55b90d, + 0xafa5ae12, 0x9b97c7cd, 0x1b67d0d2, 0x4106efb2, 0xc1f6f8ad, + 0x29623c0c, 0xa9922b13, 0xf3f31473, 0x7303036c, 0x47316ab3, + 0xc7c17dac, 0x9da042cc, 0x1d5055d3, 0xa700e96a, 0x27f0fe75, + 0x7d91c115, 0xfd61d60a, 0xc953bfd5, 0x49a3a8ca, 0x13c297aa, + 0x933280b5, 0x7ba64414, 0xfb56530b, 0xa1376c6b, 0x21c77b74, + 0x15f512ab, 0x950505b4, 0xcf643ad4, 0x4f942dcb, 0xc53cb5d7, + 0x45cca2c8, 0x1fad9da8, 0x9f5d8ab7, 0xab6fe368, 0x2b9ff477, + 0x71fecb17, 0xf10edc08, 0x199a18a9, 0x996a0fb6, 0xc30b30d6, + 0x43fb27c9, 0x77c94e16, 0xf7395909, 0xad586669, 0x2da87176, + 0x63785010, 0xe388470f, 0xb9e9786f, 0x39196f70, 0x0d2b06af, + 0x8ddb11b0, 0xd7ba2ed0, 0x574a39cf, 0xbfdefd6e, 0x3f2eea71, + 0x654fd511, 0xe5bfc20e, 0xd18dabd1, 0x517dbcce, 0x0b1c83ae, + 0x8bec94b1, 0x01440cad, 0x81b41bb2, 0xdbd524d2, 0x5b2533cd, + 0x6f175a12, 0xefe74d0d, 0xb586726d, 0x35766572, 0xdde2a1d3, + 0x5d12b6cc, 0x077389ac, 0x87839eb3, 0xb3b1f76c, 0x3341e073, + 0x6920df13, 0xe9d0c80c, 0xf4809ddf, 0x74708ac0, 0x2e11b5a0, + 0xaee1a2bf, 0x9ad3cb60, 0x1a23dc7f, 0x4042e31f, 0xc0b2f400, + 0x282630a1, 0xa8d627be, 0xf2b718de, 0x72470fc1, 0x4675661e, + 0xc6857101, 0x9ce44e61, 0x1c14597e, 0x96bcc162, 0x164cd67d, + 0x4c2de91d, 0xccddfe02, 0xf8ef97dd, 0x781f80c2, 0x227ebfa2, + 0xa28ea8bd, 0x4a1a6c1c, 0xcaea7b03, 0x908b4463, 0x107b537c, + 0x24493aa3, 0xa4b92dbc, 0xfed812dc, 0x7e2805c3, 0x30f824a5, + 0xb00833ba, 0xea690cda, 0x6a991bc5, 0x5eab721a, 0xde5b6505, + 0x843a5a65, 0x04ca4d7a, 0xec5e89db, 0x6cae9ec4, 0x36cfa1a4, + 0xb63fb6bb, 0x820ddf64, 0x02fdc87b, 0x589cf71b, 0xd86ce004, + 0x52c47818, 0xd2346f07, 0x88555067, 0x08a54778, 0x3c972ea7, + 0xbc6739b8, 0xe60606d8, 0x66f611c7, 0x8e62d566, 0x0e92c279, + 0x54f3fd19, 0xd403ea06, 0xe03183d9, 0x60c194c6, 0x3aa0aba6, + 0xba50bcb9}, + {0x00000000, 0x9570d495, 0xf190af6b, 0x64e07bfe, 0x38505897, + 0xad208c02, 0xc9c0f7fc, 0x5cb02369, 0x70a0b12e, 0xe5d065bb, + 0x81301e45, 0x1440cad0, 0x48f0e9b9, 0xdd803d2c, 0xb96046d2, + 0x2c109247, 0xe141625c, 0x7431b6c9, 0x10d1cd37, 0x85a119a2, + 0xd9113acb, 0x4c61ee5e, 0x288195a0, 0xbdf14135, 0x91e1d372, + 0x049107e7, 0x60717c19, 0xf501a88c, 0xa9b18be5, 0x3cc15f70, + 0x5821248e, 0xcd51f01b, 0x19f3c2f9, 0x8c83166c, 0xe8636d92, + 0x7d13b907, 0x21a39a6e, 0xb4d34efb, 0xd0333505, 0x4543e190, + 0x695373d7, 0xfc23a742, 0x98c3dcbc, 0x0db30829, 0x51032b40, + 0xc473ffd5, 0xa093842b, 0x35e350be, 0xf8b2a0a5, 0x6dc27430, + 0x09220fce, 0x9c52db5b, 0xc0e2f832, 0x55922ca7, 0x31725759, + 0xa40283cc, 0x8812118b, 0x1d62c51e, 0x7982bee0, 0xecf26a75, + 0xb042491c, 0x25329d89, 0x41d2e677, 0xd4a232e2, 0x33e785f2, + 0xa6975167, 0xc2772a99, 0x5707fe0c, 0x0bb7dd65, 0x9ec709f0, + 0xfa27720e, 0x6f57a69b, 0x434734dc, 0xd637e049, 0xb2d79bb7, + 0x27a74f22, 0x7b176c4b, 0xee67b8de, 0x8a87c320, 0x1ff717b5, + 0xd2a6e7ae, 0x47d6333b, 0x233648c5, 0xb6469c50, 0xeaf6bf39, + 0x7f866bac, 0x1b661052, 0x8e16c4c7, 0xa2065680, 0x37768215, + 0x5396f9eb, 0xc6e62d7e, 0x9a560e17, 0x0f26da82, 0x6bc6a17c, + 0xfeb675e9, 0x2a14470b, 0xbf64939e, 0xdb84e860, 0x4ef43cf5, + 0x12441f9c, 0x8734cb09, 0xe3d4b0f7, 0x76a46462, 0x5ab4f625, + 0xcfc422b0, 0xab24594e, 0x3e548ddb, 0x62e4aeb2, 0xf7947a27, + 0x937401d9, 0x0604d54c, 0xcb552557, 0x5e25f1c2, 0x3ac58a3c, + 0xafb55ea9, 0xf3057dc0, 0x6675a955, 0x0295d2ab, 0x97e5063e, + 0xbbf59479, 0x2e8540ec, 0x4a653b12, 0xdf15ef87, 0x83a5ccee, + 0x16d5187b, 0x72356385, 0xe745b710, 0x67cf0be4, 0xf2bfdf71, + 0x965fa48f, 0x032f701a, 0x5f9f5373, 0xcaef87e6, 0xae0ffc18, + 0x3b7f288d, 0x176fbaca, 0x821f6e5f, 0xe6ff15a1, 0x738fc134, + 0x2f3fe25d, 0xba4f36c8, 0xdeaf4d36, 0x4bdf99a3, 0x868e69b8, + 0x13febd2d, 0x771ec6d3, 0xe26e1246, 0xbede312f, 0x2baee5ba, + 0x4f4e9e44, 0xda3e4ad1, 0xf62ed896, 0x635e0c03, 0x07be77fd, + 0x92cea368, 0xce7e8001, 0x5b0e5494, 0x3fee2f6a, 0xaa9efbff, + 0x7e3cc91d, 0xeb4c1d88, 0x8fac6676, 0x1adcb2e3, 0x466c918a, + 0xd31c451f, 0xb7fc3ee1, 0x228cea74, 0x0e9c7833, 0x9becaca6, + 0xff0cd758, 0x6a7c03cd, 0x36cc20a4, 0xa3bcf431, 0xc75c8fcf, + 0x522c5b5a, 0x9f7dab41, 0x0a0d7fd4, 0x6eed042a, 0xfb9dd0bf, + 0xa72df3d6, 0x325d2743, 0x56bd5cbd, 0xc3cd8828, 0xefdd1a6f, + 0x7aadcefa, 0x1e4db504, 0x8b3d6191, 0xd78d42f8, 0x42fd966d, + 0x261ded93, 0xb36d3906, 0x54288e16, 0xc1585a83, 0xa5b8217d, + 0x30c8f5e8, 0x6c78d681, 0xf9080214, 0x9de879ea, 0x0898ad7f, + 0x24883f38, 0xb1f8ebad, 0xd5189053, 0x406844c6, 0x1cd867af, + 0x89a8b33a, 0xed48c8c4, 0x78381c51, 0xb569ec4a, 0x201938df, + 0x44f94321, 0xd18997b4, 0x8d39b4dd, 0x18496048, 0x7ca91bb6, + 0xe9d9cf23, 0xc5c95d64, 0x50b989f1, 0x3459f20f, 0xa129269a, + 0xfd9905f3, 0x68e9d166, 0x0c09aa98, 0x99797e0d, 0x4ddb4cef, + 0xd8ab987a, 0xbc4be384, 0x293b3711, 0x758b1478, 0xe0fbc0ed, + 0x841bbb13, 0x116b6f86, 0x3d7bfdc1, 0xa80b2954, 0xcceb52aa, + 0x599b863f, 0x052ba556, 0x905b71c3, 0xf4bb0a3d, 0x61cbdea8, + 0xac9a2eb3, 0x39eafa26, 0x5d0a81d8, 0xc87a554d, 0x94ca7624, + 0x01baa2b1, 0x655ad94f, 0xf02a0dda, 0xdc3a9f9d, 0x494a4b08, + 0x2daa30f6, 0xb8dae463, 0xe46ac70a, 0x711a139f, 0x15fa6861, + 0x808abcf4}, + {0x00000000, 0xcf9e17c8, 0x444d29d1, 0x8bd33e19, 0x889a53a2, + 0x4704446a, 0xccd77a73, 0x03496dbb, 0xca45a105, 0x05dbb6cd, + 0x8e0888d4, 0x41969f1c, 0x42dff2a7, 0x8d41e56f, 0x0692db76, + 0xc90cccbe, 0x4ffa444b, 0x80645383, 0x0bb76d9a, 0xc4297a52, + 0xc76017e9, 0x08fe0021, 0x832d3e38, 0x4cb329f0, 0x85bfe54e, + 0x4a21f286, 0xc1f2cc9f, 0x0e6cdb57, 0x0d25b6ec, 0xc2bba124, + 0x49689f3d, 0x86f688f5, 0x9ff48896, 0x506a9f5e, 0xdbb9a147, + 0x1427b68f, 0x176edb34, 0xd8f0ccfc, 0x5323f2e5, 0x9cbde52d, + 0x55b12993, 0x9a2f3e5b, 0x11fc0042, 0xde62178a, 0xdd2b7a31, + 0x12b56df9, 0x996653e0, 0x56f84428, 0xd00eccdd, 0x1f90db15, + 0x9443e50c, 0x5bddf2c4, 0x58949f7f, 0x970a88b7, 0x1cd9b6ae, + 0xd347a166, 0x1a4b6dd8, 0xd5d57a10, 0x5e064409, 0x919853c1, + 0x92d13e7a, 0x5d4f29b2, 0xd69c17ab, 0x19020063, 0xe498176d, + 0x2b0600a5, 0xa0d53ebc, 0x6f4b2974, 0x6c0244cf, 0xa39c5307, + 0x284f6d1e, 0xe7d17ad6, 0x2eddb668, 0xe143a1a0, 0x6a909fb9, + 0xa50e8871, 0xa647e5ca, 0x69d9f202, 0xe20acc1b, 0x2d94dbd3, + 0xab625326, 0x64fc44ee, 0xef2f7af7, 0x20b16d3f, 0x23f80084, + 0xec66174c, 0x67b52955, 0xa82b3e9d, 0x6127f223, 0xaeb9e5eb, + 0x256adbf2, 0xeaf4cc3a, 0xe9bda181, 0x2623b649, 0xadf08850, + 0x626e9f98, 0x7b6c9ffb, 0xb4f28833, 0x3f21b62a, 0xf0bfa1e2, + 0xf3f6cc59, 0x3c68db91, 0xb7bbe588, 0x7825f240, 0xb1293efe, + 0x7eb72936, 0xf564172f, 0x3afa00e7, 0x39b36d5c, 0xf62d7a94, + 0x7dfe448d, 0xb2605345, 0x3496dbb0, 0xfb08cc78, 0x70dbf261, + 0xbf45e5a9, 0xbc0c8812, 0x73929fda, 0xf841a1c3, 0x37dfb60b, + 0xfed37ab5, 0x314d6d7d, 0xba9e5364, 0x750044ac, 0x76492917, + 0xb9d73edf, 0x320400c6, 0xfd9a170e, 0x1241289b, 0xdddf3f53, + 0x560c014a, 0x99921682, 0x9adb7b39, 0x55456cf1, 0xde9652e8, + 0x11084520, 0xd804899e, 0x179a9e56, 0x9c49a04f, 0x53d7b787, + 0x509eda3c, 0x9f00cdf4, 0x14d3f3ed, 0xdb4de425, 0x5dbb6cd0, + 0x92257b18, 0x19f64501, 0xd66852c9, 0xd5213f72, 0x1abf28ba, + 0x916c16a3, 0x5ef2016b, 0x97fecdd5, 0x5860da1d, 0xd3b3e404, + 0x1c2df3cc, 0x1f649e77, 0xd0fa89bf, 0x5b29b7a6, 0x94b7a06e, + 0x8db5a00d, 0x422bb7c5, 0xc9f889dc, 0x06669e14, 0x052ff3af, + 0xcab1e467, 0x4162da7e, 0x8efccdb6, 0x47f00108, 0x886e16c0, + 0x03bd28d9, 0xcc233f11, 0xcf6a52aa, 0x00f44562, 0x8b277b7b, + 0x44b96cb3, 0xc24fe446, 0x0dd1f38e, 0x8602cd97, 0x499cda5f, + 0x4ad5b7e4, 0x854ba02c, 0x0e989e35, 0xc10689fd, 0x080a4543, + 0xc794528b, 0x4c476c92, 0x83d97b5a, 0x809016e1, 0x4f0e0129, + 0xc4dd3f30, 0x0b4328f8, 0xf6d93ff6, 0x3947283e, 0xb2941627, + 0x7d0a01ef, 0x7e436c54, 0xb1dd7b9c, 0x3a0e4585, 0xf590524d, + 0x3c9c9ef3, 0xf302893b, 0x78d1b722, 0xb74fa0ea, 0xb406cd51, + 0x7b98da99, 0xf04be480, 0x3fd5f348, 0xb9237bbd, 0x76bd6c75, + 0xfd6e526c, 0x32f045a4, 0x31b9281f, 0xfe273fd7, 0x75f401ce, + 0xba6a1606, 0x7366dab8, 0xbcf8cd70, 0x372bf369, 0xf8b5e4a1, + 0xfbfc891a, 0x34629ed2, 0xbfb1a0cb, 0x702fb703, 0x692db760, + 0xa6b3a0a8, 0x2d609eb1, 0xe2fe8979, 0xe1b7e4c2, 0x2e29f30a, + 0xa5facd13, 0x6a64dadb, 0xa3681665, 0x6cf601ad, 0xe7253fb4, + 0x28bb287c, 0x2bf245c7, 0xe46c520f, 0x6fbf6c16, 0xa0217bde, + 0x26d7f32b, 0xe949e4e3, 0x629adafa, 0xad04cd32, 0xae4da089, + 0x61d3b741, 0xea008958, 0x259e9e90, 0xec92522e, 0x230c45e6, + 0xa8df7bff, 0x67416c37, 0x6408018c, 0xab961644, 0x2045285d, + 0xefdb3f95}, + {0x00000000, 0x24825136, 0x4904a26c, 0x6d86f35a, 0x920944d8, + 0xb68b15ee, 0xdb0de6b4, 0xff8fb782, 0xff638ff1, 0xdbe1dec7, + 0xb6672d9d, 0x92e57cab, 0x6d6acb29, 0x49e89a1f, 0x246e6945, + 0x00ec3873, 0x25b619a3, 0x01344895, 0x6cb2bbcf, 0x4830eaf9, + 0xb7bf5d7b, 0x933d0c4d, 0xfebbff17, 0xda39ae21, 0xdad59652, + 0xfe57c764, 0x93d1343e, 0xb7536508, 0x48dcd28a, 0x6c5e83bc, + 0x01d870e6, 0x255a21d0, 0x4b6c3346, 0x6fee6270, 0x0268912a, + 0x26eac01c, 0xd965779e, 0xfde726a8, 0x9061d5f2, 0xb4e384c4, + 0xb40fbcb7, 0x908ded81, 0xfd0b1edb, 0xd9894fed, 0x2606f86f, + 0x0284a959, 0x6f025a03, 0x4b800b35, 0x6eda2ae5, 0x4a587bd3, + 0x27de8889, 0x035cd9bf, 0xfcd36e3d, 0xd8513f0b, 0xb5d7cc51, + 0x91559d67, 0x91b9a514, 0xb53bf422, 0xd8bd0778, 0xfc3f564e, + 0x03b0e1cc, 0x2732b0fa, 0x4ab443a0, 0x6e361296, 0x96d8668c, + 0xb25a37ba, 0xdfdcc4e0, 0xfb5e95d6, 0x04d12254, 0x20537362, + 0x4dd58038, 0x6957d10e, 0x69bbe97d, 0x4d39b84b, 0x20bf4b11, + 0x043d1a27, 0xfbb2ada5, 0xdf30fc93, 0xb2b60fc9, 0x96345eff, + 0xb36e7f2f, 0x97ec2e19, 0xfa6add43, 0xdee88c75, 0x21673bf7, + 0x05e56ac1, 0x6863999b, 0x4ce1c8ad, 0x4c0df0de, 0x688fa1e8, + 0x050952b2, 0x218b0384, 0xde04b406, 0xfa86e530, 0x9700166a, + 0xb382475c, 0xddb455ca, 0xf93604fc, 0x94b0f7a6, 0xb032a690, + 0x4fbd1112, 0x6b3f4024, 0x06b9b37e, 0x223be248, 0x22d7da3b, + 0x06558b0d, 0x6bd37857, 0x4f512961, 0xb0de9ee3, 0x945ccfd5, + 0xf9da3c8f, 0xdd586db9, 0xf8024c69, 0xdc801d5f, 0xb106ee05, + 0x9584bf33, 0x6a0b08b1, 0x4e895987, 0x230faadd, 0x078dfbeb, + 0x0761c398, 0x23e392ae, 0x4e6561f4, 0x6ae730c2, 0x95688740, + 0xb1ead676, 0xdc6c252c, 0xf8ee741a, 0xf6c1cb59, 0xd2439a6f, + 0xbfc56935, 0x9b473803, 0x64c88f81, 0x404adeb7, 0x2dcc2ded, + 0x094e7cdb, 0x09a244a8, 0x2d20159e, 0x40a6e6c4, 0x6424b7f2, + 0x9bab0070, 0xbf295146, 0xd2afa21c, 0xf62df32a, 0xd377d2fa, + 0xf7f583cc, 0x9a737096, 0xbef121a0, 0x417e9622, 0x65fcc714, + 0x087a344e, 0x2cf86578, 0x2c145d0b, 0x08960c3d, 0x6510ff67, + 0x4192ae51, 0xbe1d19d3, 0x9a9f48e5, 0xf719bbbf, 0xd39bea89, + 0xbdadf81f, 0x992fa929, 0xf4a95a73, 0xd02b0b45, 0x2fa4bcc7, + 0x0b26edf1, 0x66a01eab, 0x42224f9d, 0x42ce77ee, 0x664c26d8, + 0x0bcad582, 0x2f4884b4, 0xd0c73336, 0xf4456200, 0x99c3915a, + 0xbd41c06c, 0x981be1bc, 0xbc99b08a, 0xd11f43d0, 0xf59d12e6, + 0x0a12a564, 0x2e90f452, 0x43160708, 0x6794563e, 0x67786e4d, + 0x43fa3f7b, 0x2e7ccc21, 0x0afe9d17, 0xf5712a95, 0xd1f37ba3, + 0xbc7588f9, 0x98f7d9cf, 0x6019add5, 0x449bfce3, 0x291d0fb9, + 0x0d9f5e8f, 0xf210e90d, 0xd692b83b, 0xbb144b61, 0x9f961a57, + 0x9f7a2224, 0xbbf87312, 0xd67e8048, 0xf2fcd17e, 0x0d7366fc, + 0x29f137ca, 0x4477c490, 0x60f595a6, 0x45afb476, 0x612de540, + 0x0cab161a, 0x2829472c, 0xd7a6f0ae, 0xf324a198, 0x9ea252c2, + 0xba2003f4, 0xbacc3b87, 0x9e4e6ab1, 0xf3c899eb, 0xd74ac8dd, + 0x28c57f5f, 0x0c472e69, 0x61c1dd33, 0x45438c05, 0x2b759e93, + 0x0ff7cfa5, 0x62713cff, 0x46f36dc9, 0xb97cda4b, 0x9dfe8b7d, + 0xf0787827, 0xd4fa2911, 0xd4161162, 0xf0944054, 0x9d12b30e, + 0xb990e238, 0x461f55ba, 0x629d048c, 0x0f1bf7d6, 0x2b99a6e0, + 0x0ec38730, 0x2a41d606, 0x47c7255c, 0x6345746a, 0x9ccac3e8, + 0xb84892de, 0xd5ce6184, 0xf14c30b2, 0xf1a008c1, 0xd52259f7, + 0xb8a4aaad, 0x9c26fb9b, 0x63a94c19, 0x472b1d2f, 0x2aadee75, + 0x0e2fbf43}, + {0x00000000, 0x36f290f3, 0x6de521e6, 0x5b17b115, 0xdbca43cc, + 0xed38d33f, 0xb62f622a, 0x80ddf2d9, 0x6ce581d9, 0x5a17112a, + 0x0100a03f, 0x37f230cc, 0xb72fc215, 0x81dd52e6, 0xdacae3f3, + 0xec387300, 0xd9cb03b2, 0xef399341, 0xb42e2254, 0x82dcb2a7, + 0x0201407e, 0x34f3d08d, 0x6fe46198, 0x5916f16b, 0xb52e826b, + 0x83dc1298, 0xd8cba38d, 0xee39337e, 0x6ee4c1a7, 0x58165154, + 0x0301e041, 0x35f370b2, 0x68e70125, 0x5e1591d6, 0x050220c3, + 0x33f0b030, 0xb32d42e9, 0x85dfd21a, 0xdec8630f, 0xe83af3fc, + 0x040280fc, 0x32f0100f, 0x69e7a11a, 0x5f1531e9, 0xdfc8c330, + 0xe93a53c3, 0xb22de2d6, 0x84df7225, 0xb12c0297, 0x87de9264, + 0xdcc92371, 0xea3bb382, 0x6ae6415b, 0x5c14d1a8, 0x070360bd, + 0x31f1f04e, 0xddc9834e, 0xeb3b13bd, 0xb02ca2a8, 0x86de325b, + 0x0603c082, 0x30f15071, 0x6be6e164, 0x5d147197, 0xd1ce024a, + 0xe73c92b9, 0xbc2b23ac, 0x8ad9b35f, 0x0a044186, 0x3cf6d175, + 0x67e16060, 0x5113f093, 0xbd2b8393, 0x8bd91360, 0xd0cea275, + 0xe63c3286, 0x66e1c05f, 0x501350ac, 0x0b04e1b9, 0x3df6714a, + 0x080501f8, 0x3ef7910b, 0x65e0201e, 0x5312b0ed, 0xd3cf4234, + 0xe53dd2c7, 0xbe2a63d2, 0x88d8f321, 0x64e08021, 0x521210d2, + 0x0905a1c7, 0x3ff73134, 0xbf2ac3ed, 0x89d8531e, 0xd2cfe20b, + 0xe43d72f8, 0xb929036f, 0x8fdb939c, 0xd4cc2289, 0xe23eb27a, + 0x62e340a3, 0x5411d050, 0x0f066145, 0x39f4f1b6, 0xd5cc82b6, + 0xe33e1245, 0xb829a350, 0x8edb33a3, 0x0e06c17a, 0x38f45189, + 0x63e3e09c, 0x5511706f, 0x60e200dd, 0x5610902e, 0x0d07213b, + 0x3bf5b1c8, 0xbb284311, 0x8ddad3e2, 0xd6cd62f7, 0xe03ff204, + 0x0c078104, 0x3af511f7, 0x61e2a0e2, 0x57103011, 0xd7cdc2c8, + 0xe13f523b, 0xba28e32e, 0x8cda73dd, 0x78ed02d5, 0x4e1f9226, + 0x15082333, 0x23fab3c0, 0xa3274119, 0x95d5d1ea, 0xcec260ff, + 0xf830f00c, 0x1408830c, 0x22fa13ff, 0x79eda2ea, 0x4f1f3219, + 0xcfc2c0c0, 0xf9305033, 0xa227e126, 0x94d571d5, 0xa1260167, + 0x97d49194, 0xccc32081, 0xfa31b072, 0x7aec42ab, 0x4c1ed258, + 0x1709634d, 0x21fbf3be, 0xcdc380be, 0xfb31104d, 0xa026a158, + 0x96d431ab, 0x1609c372, 0x20fb5381, 0x7bece294, 0x4d1e7267, + 0x100a03f0, 0x26f89303, 0x7def2216, 0x4b1db2e5, 0xcbc0403c, + 0xfd32d0cf, 0xa62561da, 0x90d7f129, 0x7cef8229, 0x4a1d12da, + 0x110aa3cf, 0x27f8333c, 0xa725c1e5, 0x91d75116, 0xcac0e003, + 0xfc3270f0, 0xc9c10042, 0xff3390b1, 0xa42421a4, 0x92d6b157, + 0x120b438e, 0x24f9d37d, 0x7fee6268, 0x491cf29b, 0xa524819b, + 0x93d61168, 0xc8c1a07d, 0xfe33308e, 0x7eeec257, 0x481c52a4, + 0x130be3b1, 0x25f97342, 0xa923009f, 0x9fd1906c, 0xc4c62179, + 0xf234b18a, 0x72e94353, 0x441bd3a0, 0x1f0c62b5, 0x29fef246, + 0xc5c68146, 0xf33411b5, 0xa823a0a0, 0x9ed13053, 0x1e0cc28a, + 0x28fe5279, 0x73e9e36c, 0x451b739f, 0x70e8032d, 0x461a93de, + 0x1d0d22cb, 0x2bffb238, 0xab2240e1, 0x9dd0d012, 0xc6c76107, + 0xf035f1f4, 0x1c0d82f4, 0x2aff1207, 0x71e8a312, 0x471a33e1, + 0xc7c7c138, 0xf13551cb, 0xaa22e0de, 0x9cd0702d, 0xc1c401ba, + 0xf7369149, 0xac21205c, 0x9ad3b0af, 0x1a0e4276, 0x2cfcd285, + 0x77eb6390, 0x4119f363, 0xad218063, 0x9bd31090, 0xc0c4a185, + 0xf6363176, 0x76ebc3af, 0x4019535c, 0x1b0ee249, 0x2dfc72ba, + 0x180f0208, 0x2efd92fb, 0x75ea23ee, 0x4318b31d, 0xc3c541c4, + 0xf537d137, 0xae206022, 0x98d2f0d1, 0x74ea83d1, 0x42181322, + 0x190fa237, 0x2ffd32c4, 0xaf20c01d, 0x99d250ee, 0xc2c5e1fb, + 0xf4377108}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x0000000000000000, 0xf390f23600000000, 0xe621e56d00000000, + 0x15b1175b00000000, 0xcc43cadb00000000, 0x3fd338ed00000000, + 0x2a622fb600000000, 0xd9f2dd8000000000, 0xd981e56c00000000, + 0x2a11175a00000000, 0x3fa0000100000000, 0xcc30f23700000000, + 0x15c22fb700000000, 0xe652dd8100000000, 0xf3e3cada00000000, + 0x007338ec00000000, 0xb203cbd900000000, 0x419339ef00000000, + 0x54222eb400000000, 0xa7b2dc8200000000, 0x7e40010200000000, + 0x8dd0f33400000000, 0x9861e46f00000000, 0x6bf1165900000000, + 0x6b822eb500000000, 0x9812dc8300000000, 0x8da3cbd800000000, + 0x7e3339ee00000000, 0xa7c1e46e00000000, 0x5451165800000000, + 0x41e0010300000000, 0xb270f33500000000, 0x2501e76800000000, + 0xd691155e00000000, 0xc320020500000000, 0x30b0f03300000000, + 0xe9422db300000000, 0x1ad2df8500000000, 0x0f63c8de00000000, + 0xfcf33ae800000000, 0xfc80020400000000, 0x0f10f03200000000, + 0x1aa1e76900000000, 0xe931155f00000000, 0x30c3c8df00000000, + 0xc3533ae900000000, 0xd6e22db200000000, 0x2572df8400000000, + 0x97022cb100000000, 0x6492de8700000000, 0x7123c9dc00000000, + 0x82b33bea00000000, 0x5b41e66a00000000, 0xa8d1145c00000000, + 0xbd60030700000000, 0x4ef0f13100000000, 0x4e83c9dd00000000, + 0xbd133beb00000000, 0xa8a22cb000000000, 0x5b32de8600000000, + 0x82c0030600000000, 0x7150f13000000000, 0x64e1e66b00000000, + 0x9771145d00000000, 0x4a02ced100000000, 0xb9923ce700000000, + 0xac232bbc00000000, 0x5fb3d98a00000000, 0x8641040a00000000, + 0x75d1f63c00000000, 0x6060e16700000000, 0x93f0135100000000, + 0x93832bbd00000000, 0x6013d98b00000000, 0x75a2ced000000000, + 0x86323ce600000000, 0x5fc0e16600000000, 0xac50135000000000, + 0xb9e1040b00000000, 0x4a71f63d00000000, 0xf801050800000000, + 0x0b91f73e00000000, 0x1e20e06500000000, 0xedb0125300000000, + 0x3442cfd300000000, 0xc7d23de500000000, 0xd2632abe00000000, + 0x21f3d88800000000, 0x2180e06400000000, 0xd210125200000000, + 0xc7a1050900000000, 0x3431f73f00000000, 0xedc32abf00000000, + 0x1e53d88900000000, 0x0be2cfd200000000, 0xf8723de400000000, + 0x6f0329b900000000, 0x9c93db8f00000000, 0x8922ccd400000000, + 0x7ab23ee200000000, 0xa340e36200000000, 0x50d0115400000000, + 0x4561060f00000000, 0xb6f1f43900000000, 0xb682ccd500000000, + 0x45123ee300000000, 0x50a329b800000000, 0xa333db8e00000000, + 0x7ac1060e00000000, 0x8951f43800000000, 0x9ce0e36300000000, + 0x6f70115500000000, 0xdd00e26000000000, 0x2e90105600000000, + 0x3b21070d00000000, 0xc8b1f53b00000000, 0x114328bb00000000, + 0xe2d3da8d00000000, 0xf762cdd600000000, 0x04f23fe000000000, + 0x0481070c00000000, 0xf711f53a00000000, 0xe2a0e26100000000, + 0x1130105700000000, 0xc8c2cdd700000000, 0x3b523fe100000000, + 0x2ee328ba00000000, 0xdd73da8c00000000, 0xd502ed7800000000, + 0x26921f4e00000000, 0x3323081500000000, 0xc0b3fa2300000000, + 0x194127a300000000, 0xead1d59500000000, 0xff60c2ce00000000, + 0x0cf030f800000000, 0x0c83081400000000, 0xff13fa2200000000, + 0xeaa2ed7900000000, 0x19321f4f00000000, 0xc0c0c2cf00000000, + 0x335030f900000000, 0x26e127a200000000, 0xd571d59400000000, + 0x670126a100000000, 0x9491d49700000000, 0x8120c3cc00000000, + 0x72b031fa00000000, 0xab42ec7a00000000, 0x58d21e4c00000000, + 0x4d63091700000000, 0xbef3fb2100000000, 0xbe80c3cd00000000, + 0x4d1031fb00000000, 0x58a126a000000000, 0xab31d49600000000, + 0x72c3091600000000, 0x8153fb2000000000, 0x94e2ec7b00000000, + 0x67721e4d00000000, 0xf0030a1000000000, 0x0393f82600000000, + 0x1622ef7d00000000, 0xe5b21d4b00000000, 0x3c40c0cb00000000, + 0xcfd032fd00000000, 0xda6125a600000000, 0x29f1d79000000000, + 0x2982ef7c00000000, 0xda121d4a00000000, 0xcfa30a1100000000, + 0x3c33f82700000000, 0xe5c125a700000000, 0x1651d79100000000, + 0x03e0c0ca00000000, 0xf07032fc00000000, 0x4200c1c900000000, + 0xb19033ff00000000, 0xa42124a400000000, 0x57b1d69200000000, + 0x8e430b1200000000, 0x7dd3f92400000000, 0x6862ee7f00000000, + 0x9bf21c4900000000, 0x9b8124a500000000, 0x6811d69300000000, + 0x7da0c1c800000000, 0x8e3033fe00000000, 0x57c2ee7e00000000, + 0xa4521c4800000000, 0xb1e30b1300000000, 0x4273f92500000000, + 0x9f0023a900000000, 0x6c90d19f00000000, 0x7921c6c400000000, + 0x8ab134f200000000, 0x5343e97200000000, 0xa0d31b4400000000, + 0xb5620c1f00000000, 0x46f2fe2900000000, 0x4681c6c500000000, + 0xb51134f300000000, 0xa0a023a800000000, 0x5330d19e00000000, + 0x8ac20c1e00000000, 0x7952fe2800000000, 0x6ce3e97300000000, + 0x9f731b4500000000, 0x2d03e87000000000, 0xde931a4600000000, + 0xcb220d1d00000000, 0x38b2ff2b00000000, 0xe14022ab00000000, + 0x12d0d09d00000000, 0x0761c7c600000000, 0xf4f135f000000000, + 0xf4820d1c00000000, 0x0712ff2a00000000, 0x12a3e87100000000, + 0xe1331a4700000000, 0x38c1c7c700000000, 0xcb5135f100000000, + 0xdee022aa00000000, 0x2d70d09c00000000, 0xba01c4c100000000, + 0x499136f700000000, 0x5c2021ac00000000, 0xafb0d39a00000000, + 0x76420e1a00000000, 0x85d2fc2c00000000, 0x9063eb7700000000, + 0x63f3194100000000, 0x638021ad00000000, 0x9010d39b00000000, + 0x85a1c4c000000000, 0x763136f600000000, 0xafc3eb7600000000, + 0x5c53194000000000, 0x49e20e1b00000000, 0xba72fc2d00000000, + 0x08020f1800000000, 0xfb92fd2e00000000, 0xee23ea7500000000, + 0x1db3184300000000, 0xc441c5c300000000, 0x37d137f500000000, + 0x226020ae00000000, 0xd1f0d29800000000, 0xd183ea7400000000, + 0x2213184200000000, 0x37a20f1900000000, 0xc432fd2f00000000, + 0x1dc020af00000000, 0xee50d29900000000, 0xfbe1c5c200000000, + 0x087137f400000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x3651822400000000, 0x6ca2044900000000, + 0x5af3866d00000000, 0xd844099200000000, 0xee158bb600000000, + 0xb4e60ddb00000000, 0x82b78fff00000000, 0xf18f63ff00000000, + 0xc7dee1db00000000, 0x9d2d67b600000000, 0xab7ce59200000000, + 0x29cb6a6d00000000, 0x1f9ae84900000000, 0x45696e2400000000, + 0x7338ec0000000000, 0xa319b62500000000, 0x9548340100000000, + 0xcfbbb26c00000000, 0xf9ea304800000000, 0x7b5dbfb700000000, + 0x4d0c3d9300000000, 0x17ffbbfe00000000, 0x21ae39da00000000, + 0x5296d5da00000000, 0x64c757fe00000000, 0x3e34d19300000000, + 0x086553b700000000, 0x8ad2dc4800000000, 0xbc835e6c00000000, + 0xe670d80100000000, 0xd0215a2500000000, 0x46336c4b00000000, + 0x7062ee6f00000000, 0x2a91680200000000, 0x1cc0ea2600000000, + 0x9e7765d900000000, 0xa826e7fd00000000, 0xf2d5619000000000, + 0xc484e3b400000000, 0xb7bc0fb400000000, 0x81ed8d9000000000, + 0xdb1e0bfd00000000, 0xed4f89d900000000, 0x6ff8062600000000, + 0x59a9840200000000, 0x035a026f00000000, 0x350b804b00000000, + 0xe52ada6e00000000, 0xd37b584a00000000, 0x8988de2700000000, + 0xbfd95c0300000000, 0x3d6ed3fc00000000, 0x0b3f51d800000000, + 0x51ccd7b500000000, 0x679d559100000000, 0x14a5b99100000000, + 0x22f43bb500000000, 0x7807bdd800000000, 0x4e563ffc00000000, + 0xcce1b00300000000, 0xfab0322700000000, 0xa043b44a00000000, + 0x9612366e00000000, 0x8c66d89600000000, 0xba375ab200000000, + 0xe0c4dcdf00000000, 0xd6955efb00000000, 0x5422d10400000000, + 0x6273532000000000, 0x3880d54d00000000, 0x0ed1576900000000, + 0x7de9bb6900000000, 0x4bb8394d00000000, 0x114bbf2000000000, + 0x271a3d0400000000, 0xa5adb2fb00000000, 0x93fc30df00000000, + 0xc90fb6b200000000, 0xff5e349600000000, 0x2f7f6eb300000000, + 0x192eec9700000000, 0x43dd6afa00000000, 0x758ce8de00000000, + 0xf73b672100000000, 0xc16ae50500000000, 0x9b99636800000000, + 0xadc8e14c00000000, 0xdef00d4c00000000, 0xe8a18f6800000000, + 0xb252090500000000, 0x84038b2100000000, 0x06b404de00000000, + 0x30e586fa00000000, 0x6a16009700000000, 0x5c4782b300000000, + 0xca55b4dd00000000, 0xfc0436f900000000, 0xa6f7b09400000000, + 0x90a632b000000000, 0x1211bd4f00000000, 0x24403f6b00000000, + 0x7eb3b90600000000, 0x48e23b2200000000, 0x3bdad72200000000, + 0x0d8b550600000000, 0x5778d36b00000000, 0x6129514f00000000, + 0xe39edeb000000000, 0xd5cf5c9400000000, 0x8f3cdaf900000000, + 0xb96d58dd00000000, 0x694c02f800000000, 0x5f1d80dc00000000, + 0x05ee06b100000000, 0x33bf849500000000, 0xb1080b6a00000000, + 0x8759894e00000000, 0xddaa0f2300000000, 0xebfb8d0700000000, + 0x98c3610700000000, 0xae92e32300000000, 0xf461654e00000000, + 0xc230e76a00000000, 0x4087689500000000, 0x76d6eab100000000, + 0x2c256cdc00000000, 0x1a74eef800000000, 0x59cbc1f600000000, + 0x6f9a43d200000000, 0x3569c5bf00000000, 0x0338479b00000000, + 0x818fc86400000000, 0xb7de4a4000000000, 0xed2dcc2d00000000, + 0xdb7c4e0900000000, 0xa844a20900000000, 0x9e15202d00000000, + 0xc4e6a64000000000, 0xf2b7246400000000, 0x7000ab9b00000000, + 0x465129bf00000000, 0x1ca2afd200000000, 0x2af32df600000000, + 0xfad277d300000000, 0xcc83f5f700000000, 0x9670739a00000000, + 0xa021f1be00000000, 0x22967e4100000000, 0x14c7fc6500000000, + 0x4e347a0800000000, 0x7865f82c00000000, 0x0b5d142c00000000, + 0x3d0c960800000000, 0x67ff106500000000, 0x51ae924100000000, + 0xd3191dbe00000000, 0xe5489f9a00000000, 0xbfbb19f700000000, + 0x89ea9bd300000000, 0x1ff8adbd00000000, 0x29a92f9900000000, + 0x735aa9f400000000, 0x450b2bd000000000, 0xc7bca42f00000000, + 0xf1ed260b00000000, 0xab1ea06600000000, 0x9d4f224200000000, + 0xee77ce4200000000, 0xd8264c6600000000, 0x82d5ca0b00000000, + 0xb484482f00000000, 0x3633c7d000000000, 0x006245f400000000, + 0x5a91c39900000000, 0x6cc041bd00000000, 0xbce11b9800000000, + 0x8ab099bc00000000, 0xd0431fd100000000, 0xe6129df500000000, + 0x64a5120a00000000, 0x52f4902e00000000, 0x0807164300000000, + 0x3e56946700000000, 0x4d6e786700000000, 0x7b3ffa4300000000, + 0x21cc7c2e00000000, 0x179dfe0a00000000, 0x952a71f500000000, + 0xa37bf3d100000000, 0xf98875bc00000000, 0xcfd9f79800000000, + 0xd5ad196000000000, 0xe3fc9b4400000000, 0xb90f1d2900000000, + 0x8f5e9f0d00000000, 0x0de910f200000000, 0x3bb892d600000000, + 0x614b14bb00000000, 0x571a969f00000000, 0x24227a9f00000000, + 0x1273f8bb00000000, 0x48807ed600000000, 0x7ed1fcf200000000, + 0xfc66730d00000000, 0xca37f12900000000, 0x90c4774400000000, + 0xa695f56000000000, 0x76b4af4500000000, 0x40e52d6100000000, + 0x1a16ab0c00000000, 0x2c47292800000000, 0xaef0a6d700000000, + 0x98a124f300000000, 0xc252a29e00000000, 0xf40320ba00000000, + 0x873bccba00000000, 0xb16a4e9e00000000, 0xeb99c8f300000000, + 0xddc84ad700000000, 0x5f7fc52800000000, 0x692e470c00000000, + 0x33ddc16100000000, 0x058c434500000000, 0x939e752b00000000, + 0xa5cff70f00000000, 0xff3c716200000000, 0xc96df34600000000, + 0x4bda7cb900000000, 0x7d8bfe9d00000000, 0x277878f000000000, + 0x1129fad400000000, 0x621116d400000000, 0x544094f000000000, + 0x0eb3129d00000000, 0x38e290b900000000, 0xba551f4600000000, + 0x8c049d6200000000, 0xd6f71b0f00000000, 0xe0a6992b00000000, + 0x3087c30e00000000, 0x06d6412a00000000, 0x5c25c74700000000, + 0x6a74456300000000, 0xe8c3ca9c00000000, 0xde9248b800000000, + 0x8461ced500000000, 0xb2304cf100000000, 0xc108a0f100000000, + 0xf75922d500000000, 0xadaaa4b800000000, 0x9bfb269c00000000, + 0x194ca96300000000, 0x2f1d2b4700000000, 0x75eead2a00000000, + 0x43bf2f0e00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xc8179ecf00000000, 0xd1294d4400000000, + 0x193ed38b00000000, 0xa2539a8800000000, 0x6a44044700000000, + 0x737ad7cc00000000, 0xbb6d490300000000, 0x05a145ca00000000, + 0xcdb6db0500000000, 0xd488088e00000000, 0x1c9f964100000000, + 0xa7f2df4200000000, 0x6fe5418d00000000, 0x76db920600000000, + 0xbecc0cc900000000, 0x4b44fa4f00000000, 0x8353648000000000, + 0x9a6db70b00000000, 0x527a29c400000000, 0xe91760c700000000, + 0x2100fe0800000000, 0x383e2d8300000000, 0xf029b34c00000000, + 0x4ee5bf8500000000, 0x86f2214a00000000, 0x9fccf2c100000000, + 0x57db6c0e00000000, 0xecb6250d00000000, 0x24a1bbc200000000, + 0x3d9f684900000000, 0xf588f68600000000, 0x9688f49f00000000, + 0x5e9f6a5000000000, 0x47a1b9db00000000, 0x8fb6271400000000, + 0x34db6e1700000000, 0xfcccf0d800000000, 0xe5f2235300000000, + 0x2de5bd9c00000000, 0x9329b15500000000, 0x5b3e2f9a00000000, + 0x4200fc1100000000, 0x8a1762de00000000, 0x317a2bdd00000000, + 0xf96db51200000000, 0xe053669900000000, 0x2844f85600000000, + 0xddcc0ed000000000, 0x15db901f00000000, 0x0ce5439400000000, + 0xc4f2dd5b00000000, 0x7f9f945800000000, 0xb7880a9700000000, + 0xaeb6d91c00000000, 0x66a147d300000000, 0xd86d4b1a00000000, + 0x107ad5d500000000, 0x0944065e00000000, 0xc153989100000000, + 0x7a3ed19200000000, 0xb2294f5d00000000, 0xab179cd600000000, + 0x6300021900000000, 0x6d1798e400000000, 0xa500062b00000000, + 0xbc3ed5a000000000, 0x74294b6f00000000, 0xcf44026c00000000, + 0x07539ca300000000, 0x1e6d4f2800000000, 0xd67ad1e700000000, + 0x68b6dd2e00000000, 0xa0a143e100000000, 0xb99f906a00000000, + 0x71880ea500000000, 0xcae547a600000000, 0x02f2d96900000000, + 0x1bcc0ae200000000, 0xd3db942d00000000, 0x265362ab00000000, + 0xee44fc6400000000, 0xf77a2fef00000000, 0x3f6db12000000000, + 0x8400f82300000000, 0x4c1766ec00000000, 0x5529b56700000000, + 0x9d3e2ba800000000, 0x23f2276100000000, 0xebe5b9ae00000000, + 0xf2db6a2500000000, 0x3accf4ea00000000, 0x81a1bde900000000, + 0x49b6232600000000, 0x5088f0ad00000000, 0x989f6e6200000000, + 0xfb9f6c7b00000000, 0x3388f2b400000000, 0x2ab6213f00000000, + 0xe2a1bff000000000, 0x59ccf6f300000000, 0x91db683c00000000, + 0x88e5bbb700000000, 0x40f2257800000000, 0xfe3e29b100000000, + 0x3629b77e00000000, 0x2f1764f500000000, 0xe700fa3a00000000, + 0x5c6db33900000000, 0x947a2df600000000, 0x8d44fe7d00000000, + 0x455360b200000000, 0xb0db963400000000, 0x78cc08fb00000000, + 0x61f2db7000000000, 0xa9e545bf00000000, 0x12880cbc00000000, + 0xda9f927300000000, 0xc3a141f800000000, 0x0bb6df3700000000, + 0xb57ad3fe00000000, 0x7d6d4d3100000000, 0x64539eba00000000, + 0xac44007500000000, 0x1729497600000000, 0xdf3ed7b900000000, + 0xc600043200000000, 0x0e179afd00000000, 0x9b28411200000000, + 0x533fdfdd00000000, 0x4a010c5600000000, 0x8216929900000000, + 0x397bdb9a00000000, 0xf16c455500000000, 0xe85296de00000000, + 0x2045081100000000, 0x9e8904d800000000, 0x569e9a1700000000, + 0x4fa0499c00000000, 0x87b7d75300000000, 0x3cda9e5000000000, + 0xf4cd009f00000000, 0xedf3d31400000000, 0x25e44ddb00000000, + 0xd06cbb5d00000000, 0x187b259200000000, 0x0145f61900000000, + 0xc95268d600000000, 0x723f21d500000000, 0xba28bf1a00000000, + 0xa3166c9100000000, 0x6b01f25e00000000, 0xd5cdfe9700000000, + 0x1dda605800000000, 0x04e4b3d300000000, 0xccf32d1c00000000, + 0x779e641f00000000, 0xbf89fad000000000, 0xa6b7295b00000000, + 0x6ea0b79400000000, 0x0da0b58d00000000, 0xc5b72b4200000000, + 0xdc89f8c900000000, 0x149e660600000000, 0xaff32f0500000000, + 0x67e4b1ca00000000, 0x7eda624100000000, 0xb6cdfc8e00000000, + 0x0801f04700000000, 0xc0166e8800000000, 0xd928bd0300000000, + 0x113f23cc00000000, 0xaa526acf00000000, 0x6245f40000000000, + 0x7b7b278b00000000, 0xb36cb94400000000, 0x46e44fc200000000, + 0x8ef3d10d00000000, 0x97cd028600000000, 0x5fda9c4900000000, + 0xe4b7d54a00000000, 0x2ca04b8500000000, 0x359e980e00000000, + 0xfd8906c100000000, 0x43450a0800000000, 0x8b5294c700000000, + 0x926c474c00000000, 0x5a7bd98300000000, 0xe116908000000000, + 0x29010e4f00000000, 0x303fddc400000000, 0xf828430b00000000, + 0xf63fd9f600000000, 0x3e28473900000000, 0x271694b200000000, + 0xef010a7d00000000, 0x546c437e00000000, 0x9c7bddb100000000, + 0x85450e3a00000000, 0x4d5290f500000000, 0xf39e9c3c00000000, + 0x3b8902f300000000, 0x22b7d17800000000, 0xeaa04fb700000000, + 0x51cd06b400000000, 0x99da987b00000000, 0x80e44bf000000000, + 0x48f3d53f00000000, 0xbd7b23b900000000, 0x756cbd7600000000, + 0x6c526efd00000000, 0xa445f03200000000, 0x1f28b93100000000, + 0xd73f27fe00000000, 0xce01f47500000000, 0x06166aba00000000, + 0xb8da667300000000, 0x70cdf8bc00000000, 0x69f32b3700000000, + 0xa1e4b5f800000000, 0x1a89fcfb00000000, 0xd29e623400000000, + 0xcba0b1bf00000000, 0x03b72f7000000000, 0x60b72d6900000000, + 0xa8a0b3a600000000, 0xb19e602d00000000, 0x7989fee200000000, + 0xc2e4b7e100000000, 0x0af3292e00000000, 0x13cdfaa500000000, + 0xdbda646a00000000, 0x651668a300000000, 0xad01f66c00000000, + 0xb43f25e700000000, 0x7c28bb2800000000, 0xc745f22b00000000, + 0x0f526ce400000000, 0x166cbf6f00000000, 0xde7b21a000000000, + 0x2bf3d72600000000, 0xe3e449e900000000, 0xfada9a6200000000, + 0x32cd04ad00000000, 0x89a04dae00000000, 0x41b7d36100000000, + 0x588900ea00000000, 0x909e9e2500000000, 0x2e5292ec00000000, + 0xe6450c2300000000, 0xff7bdfa800000000, 0x376c416700000000, + 0x8c01086400000000, 0x441696ab00000000, 0x5d28452000000000, + 0x953fdbef00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x95d4709500000000, 0x6baf90f100000000, + 0xfe7be06400000000, 0x9758503800000000, 0x028c20ad00000000, + 0xfcf7c0c900000000, 0x6923b05c00000000, 0x2eb1a07000000000, + 0xbb65d0e500000000, 0x451e308100000000, 0xd0ca401400000000, + 0xb9e9f04800000000, 0x2c3d80dd00000000, 0xd24660b900000000, + 0x4792102c00000000, 0x5c6241e100000000, 0xc9b6317400000000, + 0x37cdd11000000000, 0xa219a18500000000, 0xcb3a11d900000000, + 0x5eee614c00000000, 0xa095812800000000, 0x3541f1bd00000000, + 0x72d3e19100000000, 0xe707910400000000, 0x197c716000000000, + 0x8ca801f500000000, 0xe58bb1a900000000, 0x705fc13c00000000, + 0x8e24215800000000, 0x1bf051cd00000000, 0xf9c2f31900000000, + 0x6c16838c00000000, 0x926d63e800000000, 0x07b9137d00000000, + 0x6e9aa32100000000, 0xfb4ed3b400000000, 0x053533d000000000, + 0x90e1434500000000, 0xd773536900000000, 0x42a723fc00000000, + 0xbcdcc39800000000, 0x2908b30d00000000, 0x402b035100000000, + 0xd5ff73c400000000, 0x2b8493a000000000, 0xbe50e33500000000, + 0xa5a0b2f800000000, 0x3074c26d00000000, 0xce0f220900000000, + 0x5bdb529c00000000, 0x32f8e2c000000000, 0xa72c925500000000, + 0x5957723100000000, 0xcc8302a400000000, 0x8b11128800000000, + 0x1ec5621d00000000, 0xe0be827900000000, 0x756af2ec00000000, + 0x1c4942b000000000, 0x899d322500000000, 0x77e6d24100000000, + 0xe232a2d400000000, 0xf285e73300000000, 0x675197a600000000, + 0x992a77c200000000, 0x0cfe075700000000, 0x65ddb70b00000000, + 0xf009c79e00000000, 0x0e7227fa00000000, 0x9ba6576f00000000, + 0xdc34474300000000, 0x49e037d600000000, 0xb79bd7b200000000, + 0x224fa72700000000, 0x4b6c177b00000000, 0xdeb867ee00000000, + 0x20c3878a00000000, 0xb517f71f00000000, 0xaee7a6d200000000, + 0x3b33d64700000000, 0xc548362300000000, 0x509c46b600000000, + 0x39bff6ea00000000, 0xac6b867f00000000, 0x5210661b00000000, + 0xc7c4168e00000000, 0x805606a200000000, 0x1582763700000000, + 0xebf9965300000000, 0x7e2de6c600000000, 0x170e569a00000000, + 0x82da260f00000000, 0x7ca1c66b00000000, 0xe975b6fe00000000, + 0x0b47142a00000000, 0x9e9364bf00000000, 0x60e884db00000000, + 0xf53cf44e00000000, 0x9c1f441200000000, 0x09cb348700000000, + 0xf7b0d4e300000000, 0x6264a47600000000, 0x25f6b45a00000000, + 0xb022c4cf00000000, 0x4e5924ab00000000, 0xdb8d543e00000000, + 0xb2aee46200000000, 0x277a94f700000000, 0xd901749300000000, + 0x4cd5040600000000, 0x572555cb00000000, 0xc2f1255e00000000, + 0x3c8ac53a00000000, 0xa95eb5af00000000, 0xc07d05f300000000, + 0x55a9756600000000, 0xabd2950200000000, 0x3e06e59700000000, + 0x7994f5bb00000000, 0xec40852e00000000, 0x123b654a00000000, + 0x87ef15df00000000, 0xeecca58300000000, 0x7b18d51600000000, + 0x8563357200000000, 0x10b745e700000000, 0xe40bcf6700000000, + 0x71dfbff200000000, 0x8fa45f9600000000, 0x1a702f0300000000, + 0x73539f5f00000000, 0xe687efca00000000, 0x18fc0fae00000000, + 0x8d287f3b00000000, 0xcaba6f1700000000, 0x5f6e1f8200000000, + 0xa115ffe600000000, 0x34c18f7300000000, 0x5de23f2f00000000, + 0xc8364fba00000000, 0x364dafde00000000, 0xa399df4b00000000, + 0xb8698e8600000000, 0x2dbdfe1300000000, 0xd3c61e7700000000, + 0x46126ee200000000, 0x2f31debe00000000, 0xbae5ae2b00000000, + 0x449e4e4f00000000, 0xd14a3eda00000000, 0x96d82ef600000000, + 0x030c5e6300000000, 0xfd77be0700000000, 0x68a3ce9200000000, + 0x01807ece00000000, 0x94540e5b00000000, 0x6a2fee3f00000000, + 0xfffb9eaa00000000, 0x1dc93c7e00000000, 0x881d4ceb00000000, + 0x7666ac8f00000000, 0xe3b2dc1a00000000, 0x8a916c4600000000, + 0x1f451cd300000000, 0xe13efcb700000000, 0x74ea8c2200000000, + 0x33789c0e00000000, 0xa6acec9b00000000, 0x58d70cff00000000, + 0xcd037c6a00000000, 0xa420cc3600000000, 0x31f4bca300000000, + 0xcf8f5cc700000000, 0x5a5b2c5200000000, 0x41ab7d9f00000000, + 0xd47f0d0a00000000, 0x2a04ed6e00000000, 0xbfd09dfb00000000, + 0xd6f32da700000000, 0x43275d3200000000, 0xbd5cbd5600000000, + 0x2888cdc300000000, 0x6f1addef00000000, 0xfacead7a00000000, + 0x04b54d1e00000000, 0x91613d8b00000000, 0xf8428dd700000000, + 0x6d96fd4200000000, 0x93ed1d2600000000, 0x06396db300000000, + 0x168e285400000000, 0x835a58c100000000, 0x7d21b8a500000000, + 0xe8f5c83000000000, 0x81d6786c00000000, 0x140208f900000000, + 0xea79e89d00000000, 0x7fad980800000000, 0x383f882400000000, + 0xadebf8b100000000, 0x539018d500000000, 0xc644684000000000, + 0xaf67d81c00000000, 0x3ab3a88900000000, 0xc4c848ed00000000, + 0x511c387800000000, 0x4aec69b500000000, 0xdf38192000000000, + 0x2143f94400000000, 0xb49789d100000000, 0xddb4398d00000000, + 0x4860491800000000, 0xb61ba97c00000000, 0x23cfd9e900000000, + 0x645dc9c500000000, 0xf189b95000000000, 0x0ff2593400000000, + 0x9a2629a100000000, 0xf30599fd00000000, 0x66d1e96800000000, + 0x98aa090c00000000, 0x0d7e799900000000, 0xef4cdb4d00000000, + 0x7a98abd800000000, 0x84e34bbc00000000, 0x11373b2900000000, + 0x78148b7500000000, 0xedc0fbe000000000, 0x13bb1b8400000000, + 0x866f6b1100000000, 0xc1fd7b3d00000000, 0x54290ba800000000, + 0xaa52ebcc00000000, 0x3f869b5900000000, 0x56a52b0500000000, + 0xc3715b9000000000, 0x3d0abbf400000000, 0xa8decb6100000000, + 0xb32e9aac00000000, 0x26faea3900000000, 0xd8810a5d00000000, + 0x4d557ac800000000, 0x2476ca9400000000, 0xb1a2ba0100000000, + 0x4fd95a6500000000, 0xda0d2af000000000, 0x9d9f3adc00000000, + 0x084b4a4900000000, 0xf630aa2d00000000, 0x63e4dab800000000, + 0x0ac76ae400000000, 0x9f131a7100000000, 0x6168fa1500000000, + 0xf4bc8a8000000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x1f17f08000000000, 0x7f2891da00000000, + 0x603f615a00000000, 0xbf56536e00000000, 0xa041a3ee00000000, + 0xc07ec2b400000000, 0xdf69323400000000, 0x7eada6dc00000000, + 0x61ba565c00000000, 0x0185370600000000, 0x1e92c78600000000, + 0xc1fbf5b200000000, 0xdeec053200000000, 0xbed3646800000000, + 0xa1c494e800000000, 0xbd5c3c6200000000, 0xa24bcce200000000, + 0xc274adb800000000, 0xdd635d3800000000, 0x020a6f0c00000000, + 0x1d1d9f8c00000000, 0x7d22fed600000000, 0x62350e5600000000, + 0xc3f19abe00000000, 0xdce66a3e00000000, 0xbcd90b6400000000, + 0xa3cefbe400000000, 0x7ca7c9d000000000, 0x63b0395000000000, + 0x038f580a00000000, 0x1c98a88a00000000, 0x7ab978c400000000, + 0x65ae884400000000, 0x0591e91e00000000, 0x1a86199e00000000, + 0xc5ef2baa00000000, 0xdaf8db2a00000000, 0xbac7ba7000000000, + 0xa5d04af000000000, 0x0414de1800000000, 0x1b032e9800000000, + 0x7b3c4fc200000000, 0x642bbf4200000000, 0xbb428d7600000000, + 0xa4557df600000000, 0xc46a1cac00000000, 0xdb7dec2c00000000, + 0xc7e544a600000000, 0xd8f2b42600000000, 0xb8cdd57c00000000, + 0xa7da25fc00000000, 0x78b317c800000000, 0x67a4e74800000000, + 0x079b861200000000, 0x188c769200000000, 0xb948e27a00000000, + 0xa65f12fa00000000, 0xc66073a000000000, 0xd977832000000000, + 0x061eb11400000000, 0x1909419400000000, 0x793620ce00000000, + 0x6621d04e00000000, 0xb574805300000000, 0xaa6370d300000000, + 0xca5c118900000000, 0xd54be10900000000, 0x0a22d33d00000000, + 0x153523bd00000000, 0x750a42e700000000, 0x6a1db26700000000, + 0xcbd9268f00000000, 0xd4ced60f00000000, 0xb4f1b75500000000, + 0xabe647d500000000, 0x748f75e100000000, 0x6b98856100000000, + 0x0ba7e43b00000000, 0x14b014bb00000000, 0x0828bc3100000000, + 0x173f4cb100000000, 0x77002deb00000000, 0x6817dd6b00000000, + 0xb77eef5f00000000, 0xa8691fdf00000000, 0xc8567e8500000000, + 0xd7418e0500000000, 0x76851aed00000000, 0x6992ea6d00000000, + 0x09ad8b3700000000, 0x16ba7bb700000000, 0xc9d3498300000000, + 0xd6c4b90300000000, 0xb6fbd85900000000, 0xa9ec28d900000000, + 0xcfcdf89700000000, 0xd0da081700000000, 0xb0e5694d00000000, + 0xaff299cd00000000, 0x709babf900000000, 0x6f8c5b7900000000, + 0x0fb33a2300000000, 0x10a4caa300000000, 0xb1605e4b00000000, + 0xae77aecb00000000, 0xce48cf9100000000, 0xd15f3f1100000000, + 0x0e360d2500000000, 0x1121fda500000000, 0x711e9cff00000000, + 0x6e096c7f00000000, 0x7291c4f500000000, 0x6d86347500000000, + 0x0db9552f00000000, 0x12aea5af00000000, 0xcdc7979b00000000, + 0xd2d0671b00000000, 0xb2ef064100000000, 0xadf8f6c100000000, + 0x0c3c622900000000, 0x132b92a900000000, 0x7314f3f300000000, + 0x6c03037300000000, 0xb36a314700000000, 0xac7dc1c700000000, + 0xcc42a09d00000000, 0xd355501d00000000, 0x6ae900a700000000, + 0x75fef02700000000, 0x15c1917d00000000, 0x0ad661fd00000000, + 0xd5bf53c900000000, 0xcaa8a34900000000, 0xaa97c21300000000, + 0xb580329300000000, 0x1444a67b00000000, 0x0b5356fb00000000, + 0x6b6c37a100000000, 0x747bc72100000000, 0xab12f51500000000, + 0xb405059500000000, 0xd43a64cf00000000, 0xcb2d944f00000000, + 0xd7b53cc500000000, 0xc8a2cc4500000000, 0xa89dad1f00000000, + 0xb78a5d9f00000000, 0x68e36fab00000000, 0x77f49f2b00000000, + 0x17cbfe7100000000, 0x08dc0ef100000000, 0xa9189a1900000000, + 0xb60f6a9900000000, 0xd6300bc300000000, 0xc927fb4300000000, + 0x164ec97700000000, 0x095939f700000000, 0x696658ad00000000, + 0x7671a82d00000000, 0x1050786300000000, 0x0f4788e300000000, + 0x6f78e9b900000000, 0x706f193900000000, 0xaf062b0d00000000, + 0xb011db8d00000000, 0xd02ebad700000000, 0xcf394a5700000000, + 0x6efddebf00000000, 0x71ea2e3f00000000, 0x11d54f6500000000, + 0x0ec2bfe500000000, 0xd1ab8dd100000000, 0xcebc7d5100000000, + 0xae831c0b00000000, 0xb194ec8b00000000, 0xad0c440100000000, + 0xb21bb48100000000, 0xd224d5db00000000, 0xcd33255b00000000, + 0x125a176f00000000, 0x0d4de7ef00000000, 0x6d7286b500000000, + 0x7265763500000000, 0xd3a1e2dd00000000, 0xccb6125d00000000, + 0xac89730700000000, 0xb39e838700000000, 0x6cf7b1b300000000, + 0x73e0413300000000, 0x13df206900000000, 0x0cc8d0e900000000, + 0xdf9d80f400000000, 0xc08a707400000000, 0xa0b5112e00000000, + 0xbfa2e1ae00000000, 0x60cbd39a00000000, 0x7fdc231a00000000, + 0x1fe3424000000000, 0x00f4b2c000000000, 0xa130262800000000, + 0xbe27d6a800000000, 0xde18b7f200000000, 0xc10f477200000000, + 0x1e66754600000000, 0x017185c600000000, 0x614ee49c00000000, + 0x7e59141c00000000, 0x62c1bc9600000000, 0x7dd64c1600000000, + 0x1de92d4c00000000, 0x02feddcc00000000, 0xdd97eff800000000, + 0xc2801f7800000000, 0xa2bf7e2200000000, 0xbda88ea200000000, + 0x1c6c1a4a00000000, 0x037beaca00000000, 0x63448b9000000000, + 0x7c537b1000000000, 0xa33a492400000000, 0xbc2db9a400000000, + 0xdc12d8fe00000000, 0xc305287e00000000, 0xa524f83000000000, + 0xba3308b000000000, 0xda0c69ea00000000, 0xc51b996a00000000, + 0x1a72ab5e00000000, 0x05655bde00000000, 0x655a3a8400000000, + 0x7a4dca0400000000, 0xdb895eec00000000, 0xc49eae6c00000000, + 0xa4a1cf3600000000, 0xbbb63fb600000000, 0x64df0d8200000000, + 0x7bc8fd0200000000, 0x1bf79c5800000000, 0x04e06cd800000000, + 0x1878c45200000000, 0x076f34d200000000, 0x6750558800000000, + 0x7847a50800000000, 0xa72e973c00000000, 0xb83967bc00000000, + 0xd80606e600000000, 0xc711f66600000000, 0x66d5628e00000000, + 0x79c2920e00000000, 0x19fdf35400000000, 0x06ea03d400000000, + 0xd98331e000000000, 0xc694c16000000000, 0xa6aba03a00000000, + 0xb9bc50ba00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xe2fd888d00000000, 0x85fd60c000000000, + 0x6700e84d00000000, 0x4bfdb05b00000000, 0xa90038d600000000, + 0xce00d09b00000000, 0x2cfd581600000000, 0x96fa61b700000000, + 0x7407e93a00000000, 0x1307017700000000, 0xf1fa89fa00000000, + 0xdd07d1ec00000000, 0x3ffa596100000000, 0x58fab12c00000000, + 0xba0739a100000000, 0x6df3b2b500000000, 0x8f0e3a3800000000, + 0xe80ed27500000000, 0x0af35af800000000, 0x260e02ee00000000, + 0xc4f38a6300000000, 0xa3f3622e00000000, 0x410eeaa300000000, + 0xfb09d30200000000, 0x19f45b8f00000000, 0x7ef4b3c200000000, + 0x9c093b4f00000000, 0xb0f4635900000000, 0x5209ebd400000000, + 0x3509039900000000, 0xd7f48b1400000000, 0x9be014b000000000, + 0x791d9c3d00000000, 0x1e1d747000000000, 0xfce0fcfd00000000, + 0xd01da4eb00000000, 0x32e02c6600000000, 0x55e0c42b00000000, + 0xb71d4ca600000000, 0x0d1a750700000000, 0xefe7fd8a00000000, + 0x88e715c700000000, 0x6a1a9d4a00000000, 0x46e7c55c00000000, + 0xa41a4dd100000000, 0xc31aa59c00000000, 0x21e72d1100000000, + 0xf613a60500000000, 0x14ee2e8800000000, 0x73eec6c500000000, + 0x91134e4800000000, 0xbdee165e00000000, 0x5f139ed300000000, + 0x3813769e00000000, 0xdaeefe1300000000, 0x60e9c7b200000000, + 0x82144f3f00000000, 0xe514a77200000000, 0x07e92fff00000000, + 0x2b1477e900000000, 0xc9e9ff6400000000, 0xaee9172900000000, + 0x4c149fa400000000, 0x77c758bb00000000, 0x953ad03600000000, + 0xf23a387b00000000, 0x10c7b0f600000000, 0x3c3ae8e000000000, + 0xdec7606d00000000, 0xb9c7882000000000, 0x5b3a00ad00000000, + 0xe13d390c00000000, 0x03c0b18100000000, 0x64c059cc00000000, + 0x863dd14100000000, 0xaac0895700000000, 0x483d01da00000000, + 0x2f3de99700000000, 0xcdc0611a00000000, 0x1a34ea0e00000000, + 0xf8c9628300000000, 0x9fc98ace00000000, 0x7d34024300000000, + 0x51c95a5500000000, 0xb334d2d800000000, 0xd4343a9500000000, + 0x36c9b21800000000, 0x8cce8bb900000000, 0x6e33033400000000, + 0x0933eb7900000000, 0xebce63f400000000, 0xc7333be200000000, + 0x25ceb36f00000000, 0x42ce5b2200000000, 0xa033d3af00000000, + 0xec274c0b00000000, 0x0edac48600000000, 0x69da2ccb00000000, + 0x8b27a44600000000, 0xa7dafc5000000000, 0x452774dd00000000, + 0x22279c9000000000, 0xc0da141d00000000, 0x7add2dbc00000000, + 0x9820a53100000000, 0xff204d7c00000000, 0x1dddc5f100000000, + 0x31209de700000000, 0xd3dd156a00000000, 0xb4ddfd2700000000, + 0x562075aa00000000, 0x81d4febe00000000, 0x6329763300000000, + 0x04299e7e00000000, 0xe6d416f300000000, 0xca294ee500000000, + 0x28d4c66800000000, 0x4fd42e2500000000, 0xad29a6a800000000, + 0x172e9f0900000000, 0xf5d3178400000000, 0x92d3ffc900000000, + 0x702e774400000000, 0x5cd32f5200000000, 0xbe2ea7df00000000, + 0xd92e4f9200000000, 0x3bd3c71f00000000, 0xaf88c0ad00000000, + 0x4d75482000000000, 0x2a75a06d00000000, 0xc88828e000000000, + 0xe47570f600000000, 0x0688f87b00000000, 0x6188103600000000, + 0x837598bb00000000, 0x3972a11a00000000, 0xdb8f299700000000, + 0xbc8fc1da00000000, 0x5e72495700000000, 0x728f114100000000, + 0x907299cc00000000, 0xf772718100000000, 0x158ff90c00000000, + 0xc27b721800000000, 0x2086fa9500000000, 0x478612d800000000, + 0xa57b9a5500000000, 0x8986c24300000000, 0x6b7b4ace00000000, + 0x0c7ba28300000000, 0xee862a0e00000000, 0x548113af00000000, + 0xb67c9b2200000000, 0xd17c736f00000000, 0x3381fbe200000000, + 0x1f7ca3f400000000, 0xfd812b7900000000, 0x9a81c33400000000, + 0x787c4bb900000000, 0x3468d41d00000000, 0xd6955c9000000000, + 0xb195b4dd00000000, 0x53683c5000000000, 0x7f95644600000000, + 0x9d68eccb00000000, 0xfa68048600000000, 0x18958c0b00000000, + 0xa292b5aa00000000, 0x406f3d2700000000, 0x276fd56a00000000, + 0xc5925de700000000, 0xe96f05f100000000, 0x0b928d7c00000000, + 0x6c92653100000000, 0x8e6fedbc00000000, 0x599b66a800000000, + 0xbb66ee2500000000, 0xdc66066800000000, 0x3e9b8ee500000000, + 0x1266d6f300000000, 0xf09b5e7e00000000, 0x979bb63300000000, + 0x75663ebe00000000, 0xcf61071f00000000, 0x2d9c8f9200000000, + 0x4a9c67df00000000, 0xa861ef5200000000, 0x849cb74400000000, + 0x66613fc900000000, 0x0161d78400000000, 0xe39c5f0900000000, + 0xd84f981600000000, 0x3ab2109b00000000, 0x5db2f8d600000000, + 0xbf4f705b00000000, 0x93b2284d00000000, 0x714fa0c000000000, + 0x164f488d00000000, 0xf4b2c00000000000, 0x4eb5f9a100000000, + 0xac48712c00000000, 0xcb48996100000000, 0x29b511ec00000000, + 0x054849fa00000000, 0xe7b5c17700000000, 0x80b5293a00000000, + 0x6248a1b700000000, 0xb5bc2aa300000000, 0x5741a22e00000000, + 0x30414a6300000000, 0xd2bcc2ee00000000, 0xfe419af800000000, + 0x1cbc127500000000, 0x7bbcfa3800000000, 0x994172b500000000, + 0x23464b1400000000, 0xc1bbc39900000000, 0xa6bb2bd400000000, + 0x4446a35900000000, 0x68bbfb4f00000000, 0x8a4673c200000000, + 0xed469b8f00000000, 0x0fbb130200000000, 0x43af8ca600000000, + 0xa152042b00000000, 0xc652ec6600000000, 0x24af64eb00000000, + 0x08523cfd00000000, 0xeaafb47000000000, 0x8daf5c3d00000000, + 0x6f52d4b000000000, 0xd555ed1100000000, 0x37a8659c00000000, + 0x50a88dd100000000, 0xb255055c00000000, 0x9ea85d4a00000000, + 0x7c55d5c700000000, 0x1b553d8a00000000, 0xf9a8b50700000000, + 0x2e5c3e1300000000, 0xcca1b69e00000000, 0xaba15ed300000000, + 0x495cd65e00000000, 0x65a18e4800000000, 0x875c06c500000000, + 0xe05cee8800000000, 0x02a1660500000000, 0xb8a65fa400000000, + 0x5a5bd72900000000, 0x3d5b3f6400000000, 0xdfa6b7e900000000, + 0xf35befff00000000, 0x11a6677200000000, 0x76a68f3f00000000, + 0x945b07b200000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xa90b894e00000000, 0x5217129d00000000, + 0xfb1c9bd300000000, 0xe52855e100000000, 0x4c23dcaf00000000, + 0xb73f477c00000000, 0x1e34ce3200000000, 0x8b57db1900000000, + 0x225c525700000000, 0xd940c98400000000, 0x704b40ca00000000, + 0x6e7f8ef800000000, 0xc77407b600000000, 0x3c689c6500000000, + 0x9563152b00000000, 0x16afb63300000000, 0xbfa43f7d00000000, + 0x44b8a4ae00000000, 0xedb32de000000000, 0xf387e3d200000000, + 0x5a8c6a9c00000000, 0xa190f14f00000000, 0x089b780100000000, + 0x9df86d2a00000000, 0x34f3e46400000000, 0xcfef7fb700000000, + 0x66e4f6f900000000, 0x78d038cb00000000, 0xd1dbb18500000000, + 0x2ac72a5600000000, 0x83cca31800000000, 0x2c5e6d6700000000, + 0x8555e42900000000, 0x7e497ffa00000000, 0xd742f6b400000000, + 0xc976388600000000, 0x607db1c800000000, 0x9b612a1b00000000, + 0x326aa35500000000, 0xa709b67e00000000, 0x0e023f3000000000, + 0xf51ea4e300000000, 0x5c152dad00000000, 0x4221e39f00000000, + 0xeb2a6ad100000000, 0x1036f10200000000, 0xb93d784c00000000, + 0x3af1db5400000000, 0x93fa521a00000000, 0x68e6c9c900000000, + 0xc1ed408700000000, 0xdfd98eb500000000, 0x76d207fb00000000, + 0x8dce9c2800000000, 0x24c5156600000000, 0xb1a6004d00000000, + 0x18ad890300000000, 0xe3b112d000000000, 0x4aba9b9e00000000, + 0x548e55ac00000000, 0xfd85dce200000000, 0x0699473100000000, + 0xaf92ce7f00000000, 0x58bcdace00000000, 0xf1b7538000000000, + 0x0aabc85300000000, 0xa3a0411d00000000, 0xbd948f2f00000000, + 0x149f066100000000, 0xef839db200000000, 0x468814fc00000000, + 0xd3eb01d700000000, 0x7ae0889900000000, 0x81fc134a00000000, + 0x28f79a0400000000, 0x36c3543600000000, 0x9fc8dd7800000000, + 0x64d446ab00000000, 0xcddfcfe500000000, 0x4e136cfd00000000, + 0xe718e5b300000000, 0x1c047e6000000000, 0xb50ff72e00000000, + 0xab3b391c00000000, 0x0230b05200000000, 0xf92c2b8100000000, + 0x5027a2cf00000000, 0xc544b7e400000000, 0x6c4f3eaa00000000, + 0x9753a57900000000, 0x3e582c3700000000, 0x206ce20500000000, + 0x89676b4b00000000, 0x727bf09800000000, 0xdb7079d600000000, + 0x74e2b7a900000000, 0xdde93ee700000000, 0x26f5a53400000000, + 0x8ffe2c7a00000000, 0x91cae24800000000, 0x38c16b0600000000, + 0xc3ddf0d500000000, 0x6ad6799b00000000, 0xffb56cb000000000, + 0x56bee5fe00000000, 0xada27e2d00000000, 0x04a9f76300000000, + 0x1a9d395100000000, 0xb396b01f00000000, 0x488a2bcc00000000, + 0xe181a28200000000, 0x624d019a00000000, 0xcb4688d400000000, + 0x305a130700000000, 0x99519a4900000000, 0x8765547b00000000, + 0x2e6edd3500000000, 0xd57246e600000000, 0x7c79cfa800000000, + 0xe91ada8300000000, 0x401153cd00000000, 0xbb0dc81e00000000, + 0x1206415000000000, 0x0c328f6200000000, 0xa539062c00000000, + 0x5e259dff00000000, 0xf72e14b100000000, 0xf17ec44600000000, + 0x58754d0800000000, 0xa369d6db00000000, 0x0a625f9500000000, + 0x145691a700000000, 0xbd5d18e900000000, 0x4641833a00000000, + 0xef4a0a7400000000, 0x7a291f5f00000000, 0xd322961100000000, + 0x283e0dc200000000, 0x8135848c00000000, 0x9f014abe00000000, + 0x360ac3f000000000, 0xcd16582300000000, 0x641dd16d00000000, + 0xe7d1727500000000, 0x4edafb3b00000000, 0xb5c660e800000000, + 0x1ccde9a600000000, 0x02f9279400000000, 0xabf2aeda00000000, + 0x50ee350900000000, 0xf9e5bc4700000000, 0x6c86a96c00000000, + 0xc58d202200000000, 0x3e91bbf100000000, 0x979a32bf00000000, + 0x89aefc8d00000000, 0x20a575c300000000, 0xdbb9ee1000000000, + 0x72b2675e00000000, 0xdd20a92100000000, 0x742b206f00000000, + 0x8f37bbbc00000000, 0x263c32f200000000, 0x3808fcc000000000, + 0x9103758e00000000, 0x6a1fee5d00000000, 0xc314671300000000, + 0x5677723800000000, 0xff7cfb7600000000, 0x046060a500000000, + 0xad6be9eb00000000, 0xb35f27d900000000, 0x1a54ae9700000000, + 0xe148354400000000, 0x4843bc0a00000000, 0xcb8f1f1200000000, + 0x6284965c00000000, 0x99980d8f00000000, 0x309384c100000000, + 0x2ea74af300000000, 0x87acc3bd00000000, 0x7cb0586e00000000, + 0xd5bbd12000000000, 0x40d8c40b00000000, 0xe9d34d4500000000, + 0x12cfd69600000000, 0xbbc45fd800000000, 0xa5f091ea00000000, + 0x0cfb18a400000000, 0xf7e7837700000000, 0x5eec0a3900000000, + 0xa9c21e8800000000, 0x00c997c600000000, 0xfbd50c1500000000, + 0x52de855b00000000, 0x4cea4b6900000000, 0xe5e1c22700000000, + 0x1efd59f400000000, 0xb7f6d0ba00000000, 0x2295c59100000000, + 0x8b9e4cdf00000000, 0x7082d70c00000000, 0xd9895e4200000000, + 0xc7bd907000000000, 0x6eb6193e00000000, 0x95aa82ed00000000, + 0x3ca10ba300000000, 0xbf6da8bb00000000, 0x166621f500000000, + 0xed7aba2600000000, 0x4471336800000000, 0x5a45fd5a00000000, + 0xf34e741400000000, 0x0852efc700000000, 0xa159668900000000, + 0x343a73a200000000, 0x9d31faec00000000, 0x662d613f00000000, + 0xcf26e87100000000, 0xd112264300000000, 0x7819af0d00000000, + 0x830534de00000000, 0x2a0ebd9000000000, 0x859c73ef00000000, + 0x2c97faa100000000, 0xd78b617200000000, 0x7e80e83c00000000, + 0x60b4260e00000000, 0xc9bfaf4000000000, 0x32a3349300000000, + 0x9ba8bddd00000000, 0x0ecba8f600000000, 0xa7c021b800000000, + 0x5cdcba6b00000000, 0xf5d7332500000000, 0xebe3fd1700000000, + 0x42e8745900000000, 0xb9f4ef8a00000000, 0x10ff66c400000000, + 0x9333c5dc00000000, 0x3a384c9200000000, 0xc124d74100000000, + 0x682f5e0f00000000, 0x761b903d00000000, 0xdf10197300000000, + 0x240c82a000000000, 0x8d070bee00000000, 0x18641ec500000000, + 0xb16f978b00000000, 0x4a730c5800000000, 0xe378851600000000, + 0xfd4c4b2400000000, 0x5447c26a00000000, 0xaf5b59b900000000, + 0x0650d0f700000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x479244af00000000, 0xcf22f88500000000, + 0x88b0bc2a00000000, 0xdf4381d000000000, 0x98d1c57f00000000, + 0x1061795500000000, 0x57f33dfa00000000, 0xff81737a00000000, + 0xb81337d500000000, 0x30a38bff00000000, 0x7731cf5000000000, + 0x20c2f2aa00000000, 0x6750b60500000000, 0xefe00a2f00000000, + 0xa8724e8000000000, 0xfe03e7f400000000, 0xb991a35b00000000, + 0x31211f7100000000, 0x76b35bde00000000, 0x2140662400000000, + 0x66d2228b00000000, 0xee629ea100000000, 0xa9f0da0e00000000, + 0x0182948e00000000, 0x4610d02100000000, 0xcea06c0b00000000, + 0x893228a400000000, 0xdec1155e00000000, 0x995351f100000000, + 0x11e3eddb00000000, 0x5671a97400000000, 0xbd01bf3200000000, + 0xfa93fb9d00000000, 0x722347b700000000, 0x35b1031800000000, + 0x62423ee200000000, 0x25d07a4d00000000, 0xad60c66700000000, + 0xeaf282c800000000, 0x4280cc4800000000, 0x051288e700000000, + 0x8da234cd00000000, 0xca30706200000000, 0x9dc34d9800000000, + 0xda51093700000000, 0x52e1b51d00000000, 0x1573f1b200000000, + 0x430258c600000000, 0x04901c6900000000, 0x8c20a04300000000, + 0xcbb2e4ec00000000, 0x9c41d91600000000, 0xdbd39db900000000, + 0x5363219300000000, 0x14f1653c00000000, 0xbc832bbc00000000, + 0xfb116f1300000000, 0x73a1d33900000000, 0x3433979600000000, + 0x63c0aa6c00000000, 0x2452eec300000000, 0xace252e900000000, + 0xeb70164600000000, 0x7a037e6500000000, 0x3d913aca00000000, + 0xb52186e000000000, 0xf2b3c24f00000000, 0xa540ffb500000000, + 0xe2d2bb1a00000000, 0x6a62073000000000, 0x2df0439f00000000, + 0x85820d1f00000000, 0xc21049b000000000, 0x4aa0f59a00000000, + 0x0d32b13500000000, 0x5ac18ccf00000000, 0x1d53c86000000000, + 0x95e3744a00000000, 0xd27130e500000000, 0x8400999100000000, + 0xc392dd3e00000000, 0x4b22611400000000, 0x0cb025bb00000000, + 0x5b43184100000000, 0x1cd15cee00000000, 0x9461e0c400000000, + 0xd3f3a46b00000000, 0x7b81eaeb00000000, 0x3c13ae4400000000, + 0xb4a3126e00000000, 0xf33156c100000000, 0xa4c26b3b00000000, + 0xe3502f9400000000, 0x6be093be00000000, 0x2c72d71100000000, + 0xc702c15700000000, 0x809085f800000000, 0x082039d200000000, + 0x4fb27d7d00000000, 0x1841408700000000, 0x5fd3042800000000, + 0xd763b80200000000, 0x90f1fcad00000000, 0x3883b22d00000000, + 0x7f11f68200000000, 0xf7a14aa800000000, 0xb0330e0700000000, + 0xe7c033fd00000000, 0xa052775200000000, 0x28e2cb7800000000, + 0x6f708fd700000000, 0x390126a300000000, 0x7e93620c00000000, + 0xf623de2600000000, 0xb1b19a8900000000, 0xe642a77300000000, + 0xa1d0e3dc00000000, 0x29605ff600000000, 0x6ef21b5900000000, + 0xc68055d900000000, 0x8112117600000000, 0x09a2ad5c00000000, + 0x4e30e9f300000000, 0x19c3d40900000000, 0x5e5190a600000000, + 0xd6e12c8c00000000, 0x9173682300000000, 0xf406fcca00000000, + 0xb394b86500000000, 0x3b24044f00000000, 0x7cb640e000000000, + 0x2b457d1a00000000, 0x6cd739b500000000, 0xe467859f00000000, + 0xa3f5c13000000000, 0x0b878fb000000000, 0x4c15cb1f00000000, + 0xc4a5773500000000, 0x8337339a00000000, 0xd4c40e6000000000, + 0x93564acf00000000, 0x1be6f6e500000000, 0x5c74b24a00000000, + 0x0a051b3e00000000, 0x4d975f9100000000, 0xc527e3bb00000000, + 0x82b5a71400000000, 0xd5469aee00000000, 0x92d4de4100000000, + 0x1a64626b00000000, 0x5df626c400000000, 0xf584684400000000, + 0xb2162ceb00000000, 0x3aa690c100000000, 0x7d34d46e00000000, + 0x2ac7e99400000000, 0x6d55ad3b00000000, 0xe5e5111100000000, + 0xa27755be00000000, 0x490743f800000000, 0x0e95075700000000, + 0x8625bb7d00000000, 0xc1b7ffd200000000, 0x9644c22800000000, + 0xd1d6868700000000, 0x59663aad00000000, 0x1ef47e0200000000, + 0xb686308200000000, 0xf114742d00000000, 0x79a4c80700000000, + 0x3e368ca800000000, 0x69c5b15200000000, 0x2e57f5fd00000000, + 0xa6e749d700000000, 0xe1750d7800000000, 0xb704a40c00000000, + 0xf096e0a300000000, 0x78265c8900000000, 0x3fb4182600000000, + 0x684725dc00000000, 0x2fd5617300000000, 0xa765dd5900000000, + 0xe0f799f600000000, 0x4885d77600000000, 0x0f1793d900000000, + 0x87a72ff300000000, 0xc0356b5c00000000, 0x97c656a600000000, + 0xd054120900000000, 0x58e4ae2300000000, 0x1f76ea8c00000000, + 0x8e0582af00000000, 0xc997c60000000000, 0x41277a2a00000000, + 0x06b53e8500000000, 0x5146037f00000000, 0x16d447d000000000, + 0x9e64fbfa00000000, 0xd9f6bf5500000000, 0x7184f1d500000000, + 0x3616b57a00000000, 0xbea6095000000000, 0xf9344dff00000000, + 0xaec7700500000000, 0xe95534aa00000000, 0x61e5888000000000, + 0x2677cc2f00000000, 0x7006655b00000000, 0x379421f400000000, + 0xbf249dde00000000, 0xf8b6d97100000000, 0xaf45e48b00000000, + 0xe8d7a02400000000, 0x60671c0e00000000, 0x27f558a100000000, + 0x8f87162100000000, 0xc815528e00000000, 0x40a5eea400000000, + 0x0737aa0b00000000, 0x50c497f100000000, 0x1756d35e00000000, + 0x9fe66f7400000000, 0xd8742bdb00000000, 0x33043d9d00000000, + 0x7496793200000000, 0xfc26c51800000000, 0xbbb481b700000000, + 0xec47bc4d00000000, 0xabd5f8e200000000, 0x236544c800000000, + 0x64f7006700000000, 0xcc854ee700000000, 0x8b170a4800000000, + 0x03a7b66200000000, 0x4435f2cd00000000, 0x13c6cf3700000000, + 0x54548b9800000000, 0xdce437b200000000, 0x9b76731d00000000, + 0xcd07da6900000000, 0x8a959ec600000000, 0x022522ec00000000, + 0x45b7664300000000, 0x12445bb900000000, 0x55d61f1600000000, + 0xdd66a33c00000000, 0x9af4e79300000000, 0x3286a91300000000, + 0x7514edbc00000000, 0xfda4519600000000, 0xba36153900000000, + 0xedc528c300000000, 0xaa576c6c00000000, 0x22e7d04600000000, + 0x657594e900000000}}; + +#else /* W == 4 */ + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x65673b46, 0xcace768c, 0xafa94dca, 0x4eedeb59, + 0x2b8ad01f, 0x84239dd5, 0xe144a693, 0x9ddbd6b2, 0xf8bcedf4, + 0x5715a03e, 0x32729b78, 0xd3363deb, 0xb65106ad, 0x19f84b67, + 0x7c9f7021, 0xe0c6ab25, 0x85a19063, 0x2a08dda9, 0x4f6fe6ef, + 0xae2b407c, 0xcb4c7b3a, 0x64e536f0, 0x01820db6, 0x7d1d7d97, + 0x187a46d1, 0xb7d30b1b, 0xd2b4305d, 0x33f096ce, 0x5697ad88, + 0xf93ee042, 0x9c59db04, 0x1afc500b, 0x7f9b6b4d, 0xd0322687, + 0xb5551dc1, 0x5411bb52, 0x31768014, 0x9edfcdde, 0xfbb8f698, + 0x872786b9, 0xe240bdff, 0x4de9f035, 0x288ecb73, 0xc9ca6de0, + 0xacad56a6, 0x03041b6c, 0x6663202a, 0xfa3afb2e, 0x9f5dc068, + 0x30f48da2, 0x5593b6e4, 0xb4d71077, 0xd1b02b31, 0x7e1966fb, + 0x1b7e5dbd, 0x67e12d9c, 0x028616da, 0xad2f5b10, 0xc8486056, + 0x290cc6c5, 0x4c6bfd83, 0xe3c2b049, 0x86a58b0f, 0x35f8a016, + 0x509f9b50, 0xff36d69a, 0x9a51eddc, 0x7b154b4f, 0x1e727009, + 0xb1db3dc3, 0xd4bc0685, 0xa82376a4, 0xcd444de2, 0x62ed0028, + 0x078a3b6e, 0xe6ce9dfd, 0x83a9a6bb, 0x2c00eb71, 0x4967d037, + 0xd53e0b33, 0xb0593075, 0x1ff07dbf, 0x7a9746f9, 0x9bd3e06a, + 0xfeb4db2c, 0x511d96e6, 0x347aada0, 0x48e5dd81, 0x2d82e6c7, + 0x822bab0d, 0xe74c904b, 0x060836d8, 0x636f0d9e, 0xccc64054, + 0xa9a17b12, 0x2f04f01d, 0x4a63cb5b, 0xe5ca8691, 0x80adbdd7, + 0x61e91b44, 0x048e2002, 0xab276dc8, 0xce40568e, 0xb2df26af, + 0xd7b81de9, 0x78115023, 0x1d766b65, 0xfc32cdf6, 0x9955f6b0, + 0x36fcbb7a, 0x539b803c, 0xcfc25b38, 0xaaa5607e, 0x050c2db4, + 0x606b16f2, 0x812fb061, 0xe4488b27, 0x4be1c6ed, 0x2e86fdab, + 0x52198d8a, 0x377eb6cc, 0x98d7fb06, 0xfdb0c040, 0x1cf466d3, + 0x79935d95, 0xd63a105f, 0xb35d2b19, 0x6bf1402c, 0x0e967b6a, + 0xa13f36a0, 0xc4580de6, 0x251cab75, 0x407b9033, 0xefd2ddf9, + 0x8ab5e6bf, 0xf62a969e, 0x934dadd8, 0x3ce4e012, 0x5983db54, + 0xb8c77dc7, 0xdda04681, 0x72090b4b, 0x176e300d, 0x8b37eb09, + 0xee50d04f, 0x41f99d85, 0x249ea6c3, 0xc5da0050, 0xa0bd3b16, + 0x0f1476dc, 0x6a734d9a, 0x16ec3dbb, 0x738b06fd, 0xdc224b37, + 0xb9457071, 0x5801d6e2, 0x3d66eda4, 0x92cfa06e, 0xf7a89b28, + 0x710d1027, 0x146a2b61, 0xbbc366ab, 0xdea45ded, 0x3fe0fb7e, + 0x5a87c038, 0xf52e8df2, 0x9049b6b4, 0xecd6c695, 0x89b1fdd3, + 0x2618b019, 0x437f8b5f, 0xa23b2dcc, 0xc75c168a, 0x68f55b40, + 0x0d926006, 0x91cbbb02, 0xf4ac8044, 0x5b05cd8e, 0x3e62f6c8, + 0xdf26505b, 0xba416b1d, 0x15e826d7, 0x708f1d91, 0x0c106db0, + 0x697756f6, 0xc6de1b3c, 0xa3b9207a, 0x42fd86e9, 0x279abdaf, + 0x8833f065, 0xed54cb23, 0x5e09e03a, 0x3b6edb7c, 0x94c796b6, + 0xf1a0adf0, 0x10e40b63, 0x75833025, 0xda2a7def, 0xbf4d46a9, + 0xc3d23688, 0xa6b50dce, 0x091c4004, 0x6c7b7b42, 0x8d3fddd1, + 0xe858e697, 0x47f1ab5d, 0x2296901b, 0xbecf4b1f, 0xdba87059, + 0x74013d93, 0x116606d5, 0xf022a046, 0x95459b00, 0x3aecd6ca, + 0x5f8bed8c, 0x23149dad, 0x4673a6eb, 0xe9daeb21, 0x8cbdd067, + 0x6df976f4, 0x089e4db2, 0xa7370078, 0xc2503b3e, 0x44f5b031, + 0x21928b77, 0x8e3bc6bd, 0xeb5cfdfb, 0x0a185b68, 0x6f7f602e, + 0xc0d62de4, 0xa5b116a2, 0xd92e6683, 0xbc495dc5, 0x13e0100f, + 0x76872b49, 0x97c38dda, 0xf2a4b69c, 0x5d0dfb56, 0x386ac010, + 0xa4331b14, 0xc1542052, 0x6efd6d98, 0x0b9a56de, 0xeadef04d, + 0x8fb9cb0b, 0x201086c1, 0x4577bd87, 0x39e8cda6, 0x5c8ff6e0, + 0xf326bb2a, 0x9641806c, 0x770526ff, 0x12621db9, 0xbdcb5073, + 0xd8ac6b35}, + {0x00000000, 0xd7e28058, 0x74b406f1, 0xa35686a9, 0xe9680de2, + 0x3e8a8dba, 0x9ddc0b13, 0x4a3e8b4b, 0x09a11d85, 0xde439ddd, + 0x7d151b74, 0xaaf79b2c, 0xe0c91067, 0x372b903f, 0x947d1696, + 0x439f96ce, 0x13423b0a, 0xc4a0bb52, 0x67f63dfb, 0xb014bda3, + 0xfa2a36e8, 0x2dc8b6b0, 0x8e9e3019, 0x597cb041, 0x1ae3268f, + 0xcd01a6d7, 0x6e57207e, 0xb9b5a026, 0xf38b2b6d, 0x2469ab35, + 0x873f2d9c, 0x50ddadc4, 0x26847614, 0xf166f64c, 0x523070e5, + 0x85d2f0bd, 0xcfec7bf6, 0x180efbae, 0xbb587d07, 0x6cbafd5f, + 0x2f256b91, 0xf8c7ebc9, 0x5b916d60, 0x8c73ed38, 0xc64d6673, + 0x11afe62b, 0xb2f96082, 0x651be0da, 0x35c64d1e, 0xe224cd46, + 0x41724bef, 0x9690cbb7, 0xdcae40fc, 0x0b4cc0a4, 0xa81a460d, + 0x7ff8c655, 0x3c67509b, 0xeb85d0c3, 0x48d3566a, 0x9f31d632, + 0xd50f5d79, 0x02eddd21, 0xa1bb5b88, 0x7659dbd0, 0x4d08ec28, + 0x9aea6c70, 0x39bcead9, 0xee5e6a81, 0xa460e1ca, 0x73826192, + 0xd0d4e73b, 0x07366763, 0x44a9f1ad, 0x934b71f5, 0x301df75c, + 0xe7ff7704, 0xadc1fc4f, 0x7a237c17, 0xd975fabe, 0x0e977ae6, + 0x5e4ad722, 0x89a8577a, 0x2afed1d3, 0xfd1c518b, 0xb722dac0, + 0x60c05a98, 0xc396dc31, 0x14745c69, 0x57ebcaa7, 0x80094aff, + 0x235fcc56, 0xf4bd4c0e, 0xbe83c745, 0x6961471d, 0xca37c1b4, + 0x1dd541ec, 0x6b8c9a3c, 0xbc6e1a64, 0x1f389ccd, 0xc8da1c95, + 0x82e497de, 0x55061786, 0xf650912f, 0x21b21177, 0x622d87b9, + 0xb5cf07e1, 0x16998148, 0xc17b0110, 0x8b458a5b, 0x5ca70a03, + 0xfff18caa, 0x28130cf2, 0x78cea136, 0xaf2c216e, 0x0c7aa7c7, + 0xdb98279f, 0x91a6acd4, 0x46442c8c, 0xe512aa25, 0x32f02a7d, + 0x716fbcb3, 0xa68d3ceb, 0x05dbba42, 0xd2393a1a, 0x9807b151, + 0x4fe53109, 0xecb3b7a0, 0x3b5137f8, 0x9a11d850, 0x4df35808, + 0xeea5dea1, 0x39475ef9, 0x7379d5b2, 0xa49b55ea, 0x07cdd343, + 0xd02f531b, 0x93b0c5d5, 0x4452458d, 0xe704c324, 0x30e6437c, + 0x7ad8c837, 0xad3a486f, 0x0e6ccec6, 0xd98e4e9e, 0x8953e35a, + 0x5eb16302, 0xfde7e5ab, 0x2a0565f3, 0x603beeb8, 0xb7d96ee0, + 0x148fe849, 0xc36d6811, 0x80f2fedf, 0x57107e87, 0xf446f82e, + 0x23a47876, 0x699af33d, 0xbe787365, 0x1d2ef5cc, 0xcacc7594, + 0xbc95ae44, 0x6b772e1c, 0xc821a8b5, 0x1fc328ed, 0x55fda3a6, + 0x821f23fe, 0x2149a557, 0xf6ab250f, 0xb534b3c1, 0x62d63399, + 0xc180b530, 0x16623568, 0x5c5cbe23, 0x8bbe3e7b, 0x28e8b8d2, + 0xff0a388a, 0xafd7954e, 0x78351516, 0xdb6393bf, 0x0c8113e7, + 0x46bf98ac, 0x915d18f4, 0x320b9e5d, 0xe5e91e05, 0xa67688cb, + 0x71940893, 0xd2c28e3a, 0x05200e62, 0x4f1e8529, 0x98fc0571, + 0x3baa83d8, 0xec480380, 0xd7193478, 0x00fbb420, 0xa3ad3289, + 0x744fb2d1, 0x3e71399a, 0xe993b9c2, 0x4ac53f6b, 0x9d27bf33, + 0xdeb829fd, 0x095aa9a5, 0xaa0c2f0c, 0x7deeaf54, 0x37d0241f, + 0xe032a447, 0x436422ee, 0x9486a2b6, 0xc45b0f72, 0x13b98f2a, + 0xb0ef0983, 0x670d89db, 0x2d330290, 0xfad182c8, 0x59870461, + 0x8e658439, 0xcdfa12f7, 0x1a1892af, 0xb94e1406, 0x6eac945e, + 0x24921f15, 0xf3709f4d, 0x502619e4, 0x87c499bc, 0xf19d426c, + 0x267fc234, 0x8529449d, 0x52cbc4c5, 0x18f54f8e, 0xcf17cfd6, + 0x6c41497f, 0xbba3c927, 0xf83c5fe9, 0x2fdedfb1, 0x8c885918, + 0x5b6ad940, 0x1154520b, 0xc6b6d253, 0x65e054fa, 0xb202d4a2, + 0xe2df7966, 0x353df93e, 0x966b7f97, 0x4189ffcf, 0x0bb77484, + 0xdc55f4dc, 0x7f037275, 0xa8e1f22d, 0xeb7e64e3, 0x3c9ce4bb, + 0x9fca6212, 0x4828e24a, 0x02166901, 0xd5f4e959, 0x76a26ff0, + 0xa140efa8}, + {0x00000000, 0xef52b6e1, 0x05d46b83, 0xea86dd62, 0x0ba8d706, + 0xe4fa61e7, 0x0e7cbc85, 0xe12e0a64, 0x1751ae0c, 0xf80318ed, + 0x1285c58f, 0xfdd7736e, 0x1cf9790a, 0xf3abcfeb, 0x192d1289, + 0xf67fa468, 0x2ea35c18, 0xc1f1eaf9, 0x2b77379b, 0xc425817a, + 0x250b8b1e, 0xca593dff, 0x20dfe09d, 0xcf8d567c, 0x39f2f214, + 0xd6a044f5, 0x3c269997, 0xd3742f76, 0x325a2512, 0xdd0893f3, + 0x378e4e91, 0xd8dcf870, 0x5d46b830, 0xb2140ed1, 0x5892d3b3, + 0xb7c06552, 0x56ee6f36, 0xb9bcd9d7, 0x533a04b5, 0xbc68b254, + 0x4a17163c, 0xa545a0dd, 0x4fc37dbf, 0xa091cb5e, 0x41bfc13a, + 0xaeed77db, 0x446baab9, 0xab391c58, 0x73e5e428, 0x9cb752c9, + 0x76318fab, 0x9963394a, 0x784d332e, 0x971f85cf, 0x7d9958ad, + 0x92cbee4c, 0x64b44a24, 0x8be6fcc5, 0x616021a7, 0x8e329746, + 0x6f1c9d22, 0x804e2bc3, 0x6ac8f6a1, 0x859a4040, 0xba8d7060, + 0x55dfc681, 0xbf591be3, 0x500bad02, 0xb125a766, 0x5e771187, + 0xb4f1cce5, 0x5ba37a04, 0xaddcde6c, 0x428e688d, 0xa808b5ef, + 0x475a030e, 0xa674096a, 0x4926bf8b, 0xa3a062e9, 0x4cf2d408, + 0x942e2c78, 0x7b7c9a99, 0x91fa47fb, 0x7ea8f11a, 0x9f86fb7e, + 0x70d44d9f, 0x9a5290fd, 0x7500261c, 0x837f8274, 0x6c2d3495, + 0x86abe9f7, 0x69f95f16, 0x88d75572, 0x6785e393, 0x8d033ef1, + 0x62518810, 0xe7cbc850, 0x08997eb1, 0xe21fa3d3, 0x0d4d1532, + 0xec631f56, 0x0331a9b7, 0xe9b774d5, 0x06e5c234, 0xf09a665c, + 0x1fc8d0bd, 0xf54e0ddf, 0x1a1cbb3e, 0xfb32b15a, 0x146007bb, + 0xfee6dad9, 0x11b46c38, 0xc9689448, 0x263a22a9, 0xccbcffcb, + 0x23ee492a, 0xc2c0434e, 0x2d92f5af, 0xc71428cd, 0x28469e2c, + 0xde393a44, 0x316b8ca5, 0xdbed51c7, 0x34bfe726, 0xd591ed42, + 0x3ac35ba3, 0xd04586c1, 0x3f173020, 0xae6be681, 0x41395060, + 0xabbf8d02, 0x44ed3be3, 0xa5c33187, 0x4a918766, 0xa0175a04, + 0x4f45ece5, 0xb93a488d, 0x5668fe6c, 0xbcee230e, 0x53bc95ef, + 0xb2929f8b, 0x5dc0296a, 0xb746f408, 0x581442e9, 0x80c8ba99, + 0x6f9a0c78, 0x851cd11a, 0x6a4e67fb, 0x8b606d9f, 0x6432db7e, + 0x8eb4061c, 0x61e6b0fd, 0x97991495, 0x78cba274, 0x924d7f16, + 0x7d1fc9f7, 0x9c31c393, 0x73637572, 0x99e5a810, 0x76b71ef1, + 0xf32d5eb1, 0x1c7fe850, 0xf6f93532, 0x19ab83d3, 0xf88589b7, + 0x17d73f56, 0xfd51e234, 0x120354d5, 0xe47cf0bd, 0x0b2e465c, + 0xe1a89b3e, 0x0efa2ddf, 0xefd427bb, 0x0086915a, 0xea004c38, + 0x0552fad9, 0xdd8e02a9, 0x32dcb448, 0xd85a692a, 0x3708dfcb, + 0xd626d5af, 0x3974634e, 0xd3f2be2c, 0x3ca008cd, 0xcadfaca5, + 0x258d1a44, 0xcf0bc726, 0x205971c7, 0xc1777ba3, 0x2e25cd42, + 0xc4a31020, 0x2bf1a6c1, 0x14e696e1, 0xfbb42000, 0x1132fd62, + 0xfe604b83, 0x1f4e41e7, 0xf01cf706, 0x1a9a2a64, 0xf5c89c85, + 0x03b738ed, 0xece58e0c, 0x0663536e, 0xe931e58f, 0x081fefeb, + 0xe74d590a, 0x0dcb8468, 0xe2993289, 0x3a45caf9, 0xd5177c18, + 0x3f91a17a, 0xd0c3179b, 0x31ed1dff, 0xdebfab1e, 0x3439767c, + 0xdb6bc09d, 0x2d1464f5, 0xc246d214, 0x28c00f76, 0xc792b997, + 0x26bcb3f3, 0xc9ee0512, 0x2368d870, 0xcc3a6e91, 0x49a02ed1, + 0xa6f29830, 0x4c744552, 0xa326f3b3, 0x4208f9d7, 0xad5a4f36, + 0x47dc9254, 0xa88e24b5, 0x5ef180dd, 0xb1a3363c, 0x5b25eb5e, + 0xb4775dbf, 0x555957db, 0xba0be13a, 0x508d3c58, 0xbfdf8ab9, + 0x670372c9, 0x8851c428, 0x62d7194a, 0x8d85afab, 0x6caba5cf, + 0x83f9132e, 0x697fce4c, 0x862d78ad, 0x7052dcc5, 0x9f006a24, + 0x7586b746, 0x9ad401a7, 0x7bfa0bc3, 0x94a8bd22, 0x7e2e6040, + 0x917cd6a1}, + {0x00000000, 0x87a6cb43, 0xd43c90c7, 0x539a5b84, 0x730827cf, + 0xf4aeec8c, 0xa734b708, 0x20927c4b, 0xe6104f9e, 0x61b684dd, + 0x322cdf59, 0xb58a141a, 0x95186851, 0x12bea312, 0x4124f896, + 0xc68233d5, 0x1751997d, 0x90f7523e, 0xc36d09ba, 0x44cbc2f9, + 0x6459beb2, 0xe3ff75f1, 0xb0652e75, 0x37c3e536, 0xf141d6e3, + 0x76e71da0, 0x257d4624, 0xa2db8d67, 0x8249f12c, 0x05ef3a6f, + 0x567561eb, 0xd1d3aaa8, 0x2ea332fa, 0xa905f9b9, 0xfa9fa23d, + 0x7d39697e, 0x5dab1535, 0xda0dde76, 0x899785f2, 0x0e314eb1, + 0xc8b37d64, 0x4f15b627, 0x1c8feda3, 0x9b2926e0, 0xbbbb5aab, + 0x3c1d91e8, 0x6f87ca6c, 0xe821012f, 0x39f2ab87, 0xbe5460c4, + 0xedce3b40, 0x6a68f003, 0x4afa8c48, 0xcd5c470b, 0x9ec61c8f, + 0x1960d7cc, 0xdfe2e419, 0x58442f5a, 0x0bde74de, 0x8c78bf9d, + 0xaceac3d6, 0x2b4c0895, 0x78d65311, 0xff709852, 0x5d4665f4, + 0xdae0aeb7, 0x897af533, 0x0edc3e70, 0x2e4e423b, 0xa9e88978, + 0xfa72d2fc, 0x7dd419bf, 0xbb562a6a, 0x3cf0e129, 0x6f6abaad, + 0xe8cc71ee, 0xc85e0da5, 0x4ff8c6e6, 0x1c629d62, 0x9bc45621, + 0x4a17fc89, 0xcdb137ca, 0x9e2b6c4e, 0x198da70d, 0x391fdb46, + 0xbeb91005, 0xed234b81, 0x6a8580c2, 0xac07b317, 0x2ba17854, + 0x783b23d0, 0xff9de893, 0xdf0f94d8, 0x58a95f9b, 0x0b33041f, + 0x8c95cf5c, 0x73e5570e, 0xf4439c4d, 0xa7d9c7c9, 0x207f0c8a, + 0x00ed70c1, 0x874bbb82, 0xd4d1e006, 0x53772b45, 0x95f51890, + 0x1253d3d3, 0x41c98857, 0xc66f4314, 0xe6fd3f5f, 0x615bf41c, + 0x32c1af98, 0xb56764db, 0x64b4ce73, 0xe3120530, 0xb0885eb4, + 0x372e95f7, 0x17bce9bc, 0x901a22ff, 0xc380797b, 0x4426b238, + 0x82a481ed, 0x05024aae, 0x5698112a, 0xd13eda69, 0xf1aca622, + 0x760a6d61, 0x259036e5, 0xa236fda6, 0xba8ccbe8, 0x3d2a00ab, + 0x6eb05b2f, 0xe916906c, 0xc984ec27, 0x4e222764, 0x1db87ce0, + 0x9a1eb7a3, 0x5c9c8476, 0xdb3a4f35, 0x88a014b1, 0x0f06dff2, + 0x2f94a3b9, 0xa83268fa, 0xfba8337e, 0x7c0ef83d, 0xaddd5295, + 0x2a7b99d6, 0x79e1c252, 0xfe470911, 0xded5755a, 0x5973be19, + 0x0ae9e59d, 0x8d4f2ede, 0x4bcd1d0b, 0xcc6bd648, 0x9ff18dcc, + 0x1857468f, 0x38c53ac4, 0xbf63f187, 0xecf9aa03, 0x6b5f6140, + 0x942ff912, 0x13893251, 0x401369d5, 0xc7b5a296, 0xe727dedd, + 0x6081159e, 0x331b4e1a, 0xb4bd8559, 0x723fb68c, 0xf5997dcf, + 0xa603264b, 0x21a5ed08, 0x01379143, 0x86915a00, 0xd50b0184, + 0x52adcac7, 0x837e606f, 0x04d8ab2c, 0x5742f0a8, 0xd0e43beb, + 0xf07647a0, 0x77d08ce3, 0x244ad767, 0xa3ec1c24, 0x656e2ff1, + 0xe2c8e4b2, 0xb152bf36, 0x36f47475, 0x1666083e, 0x91c0c37d, + 0xc25a98f9, 0x45fc53ba, 0xe7caae1c, 0x606c655f, 0x33f63edb, + 0xb450f598, 0x94c289d3, 0x13644290, 0x40fe1914, 0xc758d257, + 0x01dae182, 0x867c2ac1, 0xd5e67145, 0x5240ba06, 0x72d2c64d, + 0xf5740d0e, 0xa6ee568a, 0x21489dc9, 0xf09b3761, 0x773dfc22, + 0x24a7a7a6, 0xa3016ce5, 0x839310ae, 0x0435dbed, 0x57af8069, + 0xd0094b2a, 0x168b78ff, 0x912db3bc, 0xc2b7e838, 0x4511237b, + 0x65835f30, 0xe2259473, 0xb1bfcff7, 0x361904b4, 0xc9699ce6, + 0x4ecf57a5, 0x1d550c21, 0x9af3c762, 0xba61bb29, 0x3dc7706a, + 0x6e5d2bee, 0xe9fbe0ad, 0x2f79d378, 0xa8df183b, 0xfb4543bf, + 0x7ce388fc, 0x5c71f4b7, 0xdbd73ff4, 0x884d6470, 0x0febaf33, + 0xde38059b, 0x599eced8, 0x0a04955c, 0x8da25e1f, 0xad302254, + 0x2a96e917, 0x790cb293, 0xfeaa79d0, 0x38284a05, 0xbf8e8146, + 0xec14dac2, 0x6bb21181, 0x4b206dca, 0xcc86a689, 0x9f1cfd0d, + 0x18ba364e}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x43cba687, 0xc7903cd4, 0x845b9a53, 0xcf270873, + 0x8cecaef4, 0x08b734a7, 0x4b7c9220, 0x9e4f10e6, 0xdd84b661, + 0x59df2c32, 0x1a148ab5, 0x51681895, 0x12a3be12, 0x96f82441, + 0xd53382c6, 0x7d995117, 0x3e52f790, 0xba096dc3, 0xf9c2cb44, + 0xb2be5964, 0xf175ffe3, 0x752e65b0, 0x36e5c337, 0xe3d641f1, + 0xa01de776, 0x24467d25, 0x678ddba2, 0x2cf14982, 0x6f3aef05, + 0xeb617556, 0xa8aad3d1, 0xfa32a32e, 0xb9f905a9, 0x3da29ffa, + 0x7e69397d, 0x3515ab5d, 0x76de0dda, 0xf2859789, 0xb14e310e, + 0x647db3c8, 0x27b6154f, 0xa3ed8f1c, 0xe026299b, 0xab5abbbb, + 0xe8911d3c, 0x6cca876f, 0x2f0121e8, 0x87abf239, 0xc46054be, + 0x403bceed, 0x03f0686a, 0x488cfa4a, 0x0b475ccd, 0x8f1cc69e, + 0xccd76019, 0x19e4e2df, 0x5a2f4458, 0xde74de0b, 0x9dbf788c, + 0xd6c3eaac, 0x95084c2b, 0x1153d678, 0x529870ff, 0xf465465d, + 0xb7aee0da, 0x33f57a89, 0x703edc0e, 0x3b424e2e, 0x7889e8a9, + 0xfcd272fa, 0xbf19d47d, 0x6a2a56bb, 0x29e1f03c, 0xadba6a6f, + 0xee71cce8, 0xa50d5ec8, 0xe6c6f84f, 0x629d621c, 0x2156c49b, + 0x89fc174a, 0xca37b1cd, 0x4e6c2b9e, 0x0da78d19, 0x46db1f39, + 0x0510b9be, 0x814b23ed, 0xc280856a, 0x17b307ac, 0x5478a12b, + 0xd0233b78, 0x93e89dff, 0xd8940fdf, 0x9b5fa958, 0x1f04330b, + 0x5ccf958c, 0x0e57e573, 0x4d9c43f4, 0xc9c7d9a7, 0x8a0c7f20, + 0xc170ed00, 0x82bb4b87, 0x06e0d1d4, 0x452b7753, 0x9018f595, + 0xd3d35312, 0x5788c941, 0x14436fc6, 0x5f3ffde6, 0x1cf45b61, + 0x98afc132, 0xdb6467b5, 0x73ceb464, 0x300512e3, 0xb45e88b0, + 0xf7952e37, 0xbce9bc17, 0xff221a90, 0x7b7980c3, 0x38b22644, + 0xed81a482, 0xae4a0205, 0x2a119856, 0x69da3ed1, 0x22a6acf1, + 0x616d0a76, 0xe5369025, 0xa6fd36a2, 0xe8cb8cba, 0xab002a3d, + 0x2f5bb06e, 0x6c9016e9, 0x27ec84c9, 0x6427224e, 0xe07cb81d, + 0xa3b71e9a, 0x76849c5c, 0x354f3adb, 0xb114a088, 0xf2df060f, + 0xb9a3942f, 0xfa6832a8, 0x7e33a8fb, 0x3df80e7c, 0x9552ddad, + 0xd6997b2a, 0x52c2e179, 0x110947fe, 0x5a75d5de, 0x19be7359, + 0x9de5e90a, 0xde2e4f8d, 0x0b1dcd4b, 0x48d66bcc, 0xcc8df19f, + 0x8f465718, 0xc43ac538, 0x87f163bf, 0x03aaf9ec, 0x40615f6b, + 0x12f92f94, 0x51328913, 0xd5691340, 0x96a2b5c7, 0xddde27e7, + 0x9e158160, 0x1a4e1b33, 0x5985bdb4, 0x8cb63f72, 0xcf7d99f5, + 0x4b2603a6, 0x08eda521, 0x43913701, 0x005a9186, 0x84010bd5, + 0xc7caad52, 0x6f607e83, 0x2cabd804, 0xa8f04257, 0xeb3be4d0, + 0xa04776f0, 0xe38cd077, 0x67d74a24, 0x241ceca3, 0xf12f6e65, + 0xb2e4c8e2, 0x36bf52b1, 0x7574f436, 0x3e086616, 0x7dc3c091, + 0xf9985ac2, 0xba53fc45, 0x1caecae7, 0x5f656c60, 0xdb3ef633, + 0x98f550b4, 0xd389c294, 0x90426413, 0x1419fe40, 0x57d258c7, + 0x82e1da01, 0xc12a7c86, 0x4571e6d5, 0x06ba4052, 0x4dc6d272, + 0x0e0d74f5, 0x8a56eea6, 0xc99d4821, 0x61379bf0, 0x22fc3d77, + 0xa6a7a724, 0xe56c01a3, 0xae109383, 0xeddb3504, 0x6980af57, + 0x2a4b09d0, 0xff788b16, 0xbcb32d91, 0x38e8b7c2, 0x7b231145, + 0x305f8365, 0x739425e2, 0xf7cfbfb1, 0xb4041936, 0xe69c69c9, + 0xa557cf4e, 0x210c551d, 0x62c7f39a, 0x29bb61ba, 0x6a70c73d, + 0xee2b5d6e, 0xade0fbe9, 0x78d3792f, 0x3b18dfa8, 0xbf4345fb, + 0xfc88e37c, 0xb7f4715c, 0xf43fd7db, 0x70644d88, 0x33afeb0f, + 0x9b0538de, 0xd8ce9e59, 0x5c95040a, 0x1f5ea28d, 0x542230ad, + 0x17e9962a, 0x93b20c79, 0xd079aafe, 0x054a2838, 0x46818ebf, + 0xc2da14ec, 0x8111b26b, 0xca6d204b, 0x89a686cc, 0x0dfd1c9f, + 0x4e36ba18}, + {0x00000000, 0xe1b652ef, 0x836bd405, 0x62dd86ea, 0x06d7a80b, + 0xe761fae4, 0x85bc7c0e, 0x640a2ee1, 0x0cae5117, 0xed1803f8, + 0x8fc58512, 0x6e73d7fd, 0x0a79f91c, 0xebcfabf3, 0x89122d19, + 0x68a47ff6, 0x185ca32e, 0xf9eaf1c1, 0x9b37772b, 0x7a8125c4, + 0x1e8b0b25, 0xff3d59ca, 0x9de0df20, 0x7c568dcf, 0x14f2f239, + 0xf544a0d6, 0x9799263c, 0x762f74d3, 0x12255a32, 0xf39308dd, + 0x914e8e37, 0x70f8dcd8, 0x30b8465d, 0xd10e14b2, 0xb3d39258, + 0x5265c0b7, 0x366fee56, 0xd7d9bcb9, 0xb5043a53, 0x54b268bc, + 0x3c16174a, 0xdda045a5, 0xbf7dc34f, 0x5ecb91a0, 0x3ac1bf41, + 0xdb77edae, 0xb9aa6b44, 0x581c39ab, 0x28e4e573, 0xc952b79c, + 0xab8f3176, 0x4a396399, 0x2e334d78, 0xcf851f97, 0xad58997d, + 0x4ceecb92, 0x244ab464, 0xc5fce68b, 0xa7216061, 0x4697328e, + 0x229d1c6f, 0xc32b4e80, 0xa1f6c86a, 0x40409a85, 0x60708dba, + 0x81c6df55, 0xe31b59bf, 0x02ad0b50, 0x66a725b1, 0x8711775e, + 0xe5ccf1b4, 0x047aa35b, 0x6cdedcad, 0x8d688e42, 0xefb508a8, + 0x0e035a47, 0x6a0974a6, 0x8bbf2649, 0xe962a0a3, 0x08d4f24c, + 0x782c2e94, 0x999a7c7b, 0xfb47fa91, 0x1af1a87e, 0x7efb869f, + 0x9f4dd470, 0xfd90529a, 0x1c260075, 0x74827f83, 0x95342d6c, + 0xf7e9ab86, 0x165ff969, 0x7255d788, 0x93e38567, 0xf13e038d, + 0x10885162, 0x50c8cbe7, 0xb17e9908, 0xd3a31fe2, 0x32154d0d, + 0x561f63ec, 0xb7a93103, 0xd574b7e9, 0x34c2e506, 0x5c669af0, + 0xbdd0c81f, 0xdf0d4ef5, 0x3ebb1c1a, 0x5ab132fb, 0xbb076014, + 0xd9dae6fe, 0x386cb411, 0x489468c9, 0xa9223a26, 0xcbffbccc, + 0x2a49ee23, 0x4e43c0c2, 0xaff5922d, 0xcd2814c7, 0x2c9e4628, + 0x443a39de, 0xa58c6b31, 0xc751eddb, 0x26e7bf34, 0x42ed91d5, + 0xa35bc33a, 0xc18645d0, 0x2030173f, 0x81e66bae, 0x60503941, + 0x028dbfab, 0xe33bed44, 0x8731c3a5, 0x6687914a, 0x045a17a0, + 0xe5ec454f, 0x8d483ab9, 0x6cfe6856, 0x0e23eebc, 0xef95bc53, + 0x8b9f92b2, 0x6a29c05d, 0x08f446b7, 0xe9421458, 0x99bac880, + 0x780c9a6f, 0x1ad11c85, 0xfb674e6a, 0x9f6d608b, 0x7edb3264, + 0x1c06b48e, 0xfdb0e661, 0x95149997, 0x74a2cb78, 0x167f4d92, + 0xf7c91f7d, 0x93c3319c, 0x72756373, 0x10a8e599, 0xf11eb776, + 0xb15e2df3, 0x50e87f1c, 0x3235f9f6, 0xd383ab19, 0xb78985f8, + 0x563fd717, 0x34e251fd, 0xd5540312, 0xbdf07ce4, 0x5c462e0b, + 0x3e9ba8e1, 0xdf2dfa0e, 0xbb27d4ef, 0x5a918600, 0x384c00ea, + 0xd9fa5205, 0xa9028edd, 0x48b4dc32, 0x2a695ad8, 0xcbdf0837, + 0xafd526d6, 0x4e637439, 0x2cbef2d3, 0xcd08a03c, 0xa5acdfca, + 0x441a8d25, 0x26c70bcf, 0xc7715920, 0xa37b77c1, 0x42cd252e, + 0x2010a3c4, 0xc1a6f12b, 0xe196e614, 0x0020b4fb, 0x62fd3211, + 0x834b60fe, 0xe7414e1f, 0x06f71cf0, 0x642a9a1a, 0x859cc8f5, + 0xed38b703, 0x0c8ee5ec, 0x6e536306, 0x8fe531e9, 0xebef1f08, + 0x0a594de7, 0x6884cb0d, 0x893299e2, 0xf9ca453a, 0x187c17d5, + 0x7aa1913f, 0x9b17c3d0, 0xff1ded31, 0x1eabbfde, 0x7c763934, + 0x9dc06bdb, 0xf564142d, 0x14d246c2, 0x760fc028, 0x97b992c7, + 0xf3b3bc26, 0x1205eec9, 0x70d86823, 0x916e3acc, 0xd12ea049, + 0x3098f2a6, 0x5245744c, 0xb3f326a3, 0xd7f90842, 0x364f5aad, + 0x5492dc47, 0xb5248ea8, 0xdd80f15e, 0x3c36a3b1, 0x5eeb255b, + 0xbf5d77b4, 0xdb575955, 0x3ae10bba, 0x583c8d50, 0xb98adfbf, + 0xc9720367, 0x28c45188, 0x4a19d762, 0xabaf858d, 0xcfa5ab6c, + 0x2e13f983, 0x4cce7f69, 0xad782d86, 0xc5dc5270, 0x246a009f, + 0x46b78675, 0xa701d49a, 0xc30bfa7b, 0x22bda894, 0x40602e7e, + 0xa1d67c91}, + {0x00000000, 0x5880e2d7, 0xf106b474, 0xa98656a3, 0xe20d68e9, + 0xba8d8a3e, 0x130bdc9d, 0x4b8b3e4a, 0x851da109, 0xdd9d43de, + 0x741b157d, 0x2c9bf7aa, 0x6710c9e0, 0x3f902b37, 0x96167d94, + 0xce969f43, 0x0a3b4213, 0x52bba0c4, 0xfb3df667, 0xa3bd14b0, + 0xe8362afa, 0xb0b6c82d, 0x19309e8e, 0x41b07c59, 0x8f26e31a, + 0xd7a601cd, 0x7e20576e, 0x26a0b5b9, 0x6d2b8bf3, 0x35ab6924, + 0x9c2d3f87, 0xc4addd50, 0x14768426, 0x4cf666f1, 0xe5703052, + 0xbdf0d285, 0xf67beccf, 0xaefb0e18, 0x077d58bb, 0x5ffdba6c, + 0x916b252f, 0xc9ebc7f8, 0x606d915b, 0x38ed738c, 0x73664dc6, + 0x2be6af11, 0x8260f9b2, 0xdae01b65, 0x1e4dc635, 0x46cd24e2, + 0xef4b7241, 0xb7cb9096, 0xfc40aedc, 0xa4c04c0b, 0x0d461aa8, + 0x55c6f87f, 0x9b50673c, 0xc3d085eb, 0x6a56d348, 0x32d6319f, + 0x795d0fd5, 0x21dded02, 0x885bbba1, 0xd0db5976, 0x28ec084d, + 0x706cea9a, 0xd9eabc39, 0x816a5eee, 0xcae160a4, 0x92618273, + 0x3be7d4d0, 0x63673607, 0xadf1a944, 0xf5714b93, 0x5cf71d30, + 0x0477ffe7, 0x4ffcc1ad, 0x177c237a, 0xbefa75d9, 0xe67a970e, + 0x22d74a5e, 0x7a57a889, 0xd3d1fe2a, 0x8b511cfd, 0xc0da22b7, + 0x985ac060, 0x31dc96c3, 0x695c7414, 0xa7caeb57, 0xff4a0980, + 0x56cc5f23, 0x0e4cbdf4, 0x45c783be, 0x1d476169, 0xb4c137ca, + 0xec41d51d, 0x3c9a8c6b, 0x641a6ebc, 0xcd9c381f, 0x951cdac8, + 0xde97e482, 0x86170655, 0x2f9150f6, 0x7711b221, 0xb9872d62, + 0xe107cfb5, 0x48819916, 0x10017bc1, 0x5b8a458b, 0x030aa75c, + 0xaa8cf1ff, 0xf20c1328, 0x36a1ce78, 0x6e212caf, 0xc7a77a0c, + 0x9f2798db, 0xd4aca691, 0x8c2c4446, 0x25aa12e5, 0x7d2af032, + 0xb3bc6f71, 0xeb3c8da6, 0x42badb05, 0x1a3a39d2, 0x51b10798, + 0x0931e54f, 0xa0b7b3ec, 0xf837513b, 0x50d8119a, 0x0858f34d, + 0xa1dea5ee, 0xf95e4739, 0xb2d57973, 0xea559ba4, 0x43d3cd07, + 0x1b532fd0, 0xd5c5b093, 0x8d455244, 0x24c304e7, 0x7c43e630, + 0x37c8d87a, 0x6f483aad, 0xc6ce6c0e, 0x9e4e8ed9, 0x5ae35389, + 0x0263b15e, 0xabe5e7fd, 0xf365052a, 0xb8ee3b60, 0xe06ed9b7, + 0x49e88f14, 0x11686dc3, 0xdffef280, 0x877e1057, 0x2ef846f4, + 0x7678a423, 0x3df39a69, 0x657378be, 0xccf52e1d, 0x9475ccca, + 0x44ae95bc, 0x1c2e776b, 0xb5a821c8, 0xed28c31f, 0xa6a3fd55, + 0xfe231f82, 0x57a54921, 0x0f25abf6, 0xc1b334b5, 0x9933d662, + 0x30b580c1, 0x68356216, 0x23be5c5c, 0x7b3ebe8b, 0xd2b8e828, + 0x8a380aff, 0x4e95d7af, 0x16153578, 0xbf9363db, 0xe713810c, + 0xac98bf46, 0xf4185d91, 0x5d9e0b32, 0x051ee9e5, 0xcb8876a6, + 0x93089471, 0x3a8ec2d2, 0x620e2005, 0x29851e4f, 0x7105fc98, + 0xd883aa3b, 0x800348ec, 0x783419d7, 0x20b4fb00, 0x8932ada3, + 0xd1b24f74, 0x9a39713e, 0xc2b993e9, 0x6b3fc54a, 0x33bf279d, + 0xfd29b8de, 0xa5a95a09, 0x0c2f0caa, 0x54afee7d, 0x1f24d037, + 0x47a432e0, 0xee226443, 0xb6a28694, 0x720f5bc4, 0x2a8fb913, + 0x8309efb0, 0xdb890d67, 0x9002332d, 0xc882d1fa, 0x61048759, + 0x3984658e, 0xf712facd, 0xaf92181a, 0x06144eb9, 0x5e94ac6e, + 0x151f9224, 0x4d9f70f3, 0xe4192650, 0xbc99c487, 0x6c429df1, + 0x34c27f26, 0x9d442985, 0xc5c4cb52, 0x8e4ff518, 0xd6cf17cf, + 0x7f49416c, 0x27c9a3bb, 0xe95f3cf8, 0xb1dfde2f, 0x1859888c, + 0x40d96a5b, 0x0b525411, 0x53d2b6c6, 0xfa54e065, 0xa2d402b2, + 0x6679dfe2, 0x3ef93d35, 0x977f6b96, 0xcfff8941, 0x8474b70b, + 0xdcf455dc, 0x7572037f, 0x2df2e1a8, 0xe3647eeb, 0xbbe49c3c, + 0x1262ca9f, 0x4ae22848, 0x01691602, 0x59e9f4d5, 0xf06fa276, + 0xa8ef40a1}, + {0x00000000, 0x463b6765, 0x8c76ceca, 0xca4da9af, 0x59ebed4e, + 0x1fd08a2b, 0xd59d2384, 0x93a644e1, 0xb2d6db9d, 0xf4edbcf8, + 0x3ea01557, 0x789b7232, 0xeb3d36d3, 0xad0651b6, 0x674bf819, + 0x21709f7c, 0x25abc6e0, 0x6390a185, 0xa9dd082a, 0xefe66f4f, + 0x7c402bae, 0x3a7b4ccb, 0xf036e564, 0xb60d8201, 0x977d1d7d, + 0xd1467a18, 0x1b0bd3b7, 0x5d30b4d2, 0xce96f033, 0x88ad9756, + 0x42e03ef9, 0x04db599c, 0x0b50fc1a, 0x4d6b9b7f, 0x872632d0, + 0xc11d55b5, 0x52bb1154, 0x14807631, 0xdecddf9e, 0x98f6b8fb, + 0xb9862787, 0xffbd40e2, 0x35f0e94d, 0x73cb8e28, 0xe06dcac9, + 0xa656adac, 0x6c1b0403, 0x2a206366, 0x2efb3afa, 0x68c05d9f, + 0xa28df430, 0xe4b69355, 0x7710d7b4, 0x312bb0d1, 0xfb66197e, + 0xbd5d7e1b, 0x9c2de167, 0xda168602, 0x105b2fad, 0x566048c8, + 0xc5c60c29, 0x83fd6b4c, 0x49b0c2e3, 0x0f8ba586, 0x16a0f835, + 0x509b9f50, 0x9ad636ff, 0xdced519a, 0x4f4b157b, 0x0970721e, + 0xc33ddbb1, 0x8506bcd4, 0xa47623a8, 0xe24d44cd, 0x2800ed62, + 0x6e3b8a07, 0xfd9dcee6, 0xbba6a983, 0x71eb002c, 0x37d06749, + 0x330b3ed5, 0x753059b0, 0xbf7df01f, 0xf946977a, 0x6ae0d39b, + 0x2cdbb4fe, 0xe6961d51, 0xa0ad7a34, 0x81dde548, 0xc7e6822d, + 0x0dab2b82, 0x4b904ce7, 0xd8360806, 0x9e0d6f63, 0x5440c6cc, + 0x127ba1a9, 0x1df0042f, 0x5bcb634a, 0x9186cae5, 0xd7bdad80, + 0x441be961, 0x02208e04, 0xc86d27ab, 0x8e5640ce, 0xaf26dfb2, + 0xe91db8d7, 0x23501178, 0x656b761d, 0xf6cd32fc, 0xb0f65599, + 0x7abbfc36, 0x3c809b53, 0x385bc2cf, 0x7e60a5aa, 0xb42d0c05, + 0xf2166b60, 0x61b02f81, 0x278b48e4, 0xedc6e14b, 0xabfd862e, + 0x8a8d1952, 0xccb67e37, 0x06fbd798, 0x40c0b0fd, 0xd366f41c, + 0x955d9379, 0x5f103ad6, 0x192b5db3, 0x2c40f16b, 0x6a7b960e, + 0xa0363fa1, 0xe60d58c4, 0x75ab1c25, 0x33907b40, 0xf9ddd2ef, + 0xbfe6b58a, 0x9e962af6, 0xd8ad4d93, 0x12e0e43c, 0x54db8359, + 0xc77dc7b8, 0x8146a0dd, 0x4b0b0972, 0x0d306e17, 0x09eb378b, + 0x4fd050ee, 0x859df941, 0xc3a69e24, 0x5000dac5, 0x163bbda0, + 0xdc76140f, 0x9a4d736a, 0xbb3dec16, 0xfd068b73, 0x374b22dc, + 0x717045b9, 0xe2d60158, 0xa4ed663d, 0x6ea0cf92, 0x289ba8f7, + 0x27100d71, 0x612b6a14, 0xab66c3bb, 0xed5da4de, 0x7efbe03f, + 0x38c0875a, 0xf28d2ef5, 0xb4b64990, 0x95c6d6ec, 0xd3fdb189, + 0x19b01826, 0x5f8b7f43, 0xcc2d3ba2, 0x8a165cc7, 0x405bf568, + 0x0660920d, 0x02bbcb91, 0x4480acf4, 0x8ecd055b, 0xc8f6623e, + 0x5b5026df, 0x1d6b41ba, 0xd726e815, 0x911d8f70, 0xb06d100c, + 0xf6567769, 0x3c1bdec6, 0x7a20b9a3, 0xe986fd42, 0xafbd9a27, + 0x65f03388, 0x23cb54ed, 0x3ae0095e, 0x7cdb6e3b, 0xb696c794, + 0xf0ada0f1, 0x630be410, 0x25308375, 0xef7d2ada, 0xa9464dbf, + 0x8836d2c3, 0xce0db5a6, 0x04401c09, 0x427b7b6c, 0xd1dd3f8d, + 0x97e658e8, 0x5dabf147, 0x1b909622, 0x1f4bcfbe, 0x5970a8db, + 0x933d0174, 0xd5066611, 0x46a022f0, 0x009b4595, 0xcad6ec3a, + 0x8ced8b5f, 0xad9d1423, 0xeba67346, 0x21ebdae9, 0x67d0bd8c, + 0xf476f96d, 0xb24d9e08, 0x780037a7, 0x3e3b50c2, 0x31b0f544, + 0x778b9221, 0xbdc63b8e, 0xfbfd5ceb, 0x685b180a, 0x2e607f6f, + 0xe42dd6c0, 0xa216b1a5, 0x83662ed9, 0xc55d49bc, 0x0f10e013, + 0x492b8776, 0xda8dc397, 0x9cb6a4f2, 0x56fb0d5d, 0x10c06a38, + 0x141b33a4, 0x522054c1, 0x986dfd6e, 0xde569a0b, 0x4df0deea, + 0x0bcbb98f, 0xc1861020, 0x87bd7745, 0xa6cde839, 0xe0f68f5c, + 0x2abb26f3, 0x6c804196, 0xff260577, 0xb91d6212, 0x7350cbbd, + 0x356bacd8}}; + +#endif + +#endif + +#if N == 6 + +#if W == 8 + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x3db1ecdc, 0x7b63d9b8, 0x46d23564, 0xf6c7b370, + 0xcb765fac, 0x8da46ac8, 0xb0158614, 0x36fe60a1, 0x0b4f8c7d, + 0x4d9db919, 0x702c55c5, 0xc039d3d1, 0xfd883f0d, 0xbb5a0a69, + 0x86ebe6b5, 0x6dfcc142, 0x504d2d9e, 0x169f18fa, 0x2b2ef426, + 0x9b3b7232, 0xa68a9eee, 0xe058ab8a, 0xdde94756, 0x5b02a1e3, + 0x66b34d3f, 0x2061785b, 0x1dd09487, 0xadc51293, 0x9074fe4f, + 0xd6a6cb2b, 0xeb1727f7, 0xdbf98284, 0xe6486e58, 0xa09a5b3c, + 0x9d2bb7e0, 0x2d3e31f4, 0x108fdd28, 0x565de84c, 0x6bec0490, + 0xed07e225, 0xd0b60ef9, 0x96643b9d, 0xabd5d741, 0x1bc05155, + 0x2671bd89, 0x60a388ed, 0x5d126431, 0xb60543c6, 0x8bb4af1a, + 0xcd669a7e, 0xf0d776a2, 0x40c2f0b6, 0x7d731c6a, 0x3ba1290e, + 0x0610c5d2, 0x80fb2367, 0xbd4acfbb, 0xfb98fadf, 0xc6291603, + 0x763c9017, 0x4b8d7ccb, 0x0d5f49af, 0x30eea573, 0x6c820349, + 0x5133ef95, 0x17e1daf1, 0x2a50362d, 0x9a45b039, 0xa7f45ce5, + 0xe1266981, 0xdc97855d, 0x5a7c63e8, 0x67cd8f34, 0x211fba50, + 0x1cae568c, 0xacbbd098, 0x910a3c44, 0xd7d80920, 0xea69e5fc, + 0x017ec20b, 0x3ccf2ed7, 0x7a1d1bb3, 0x47acf76f, 0xf7b9717b, + 0xca089da7, 0x8cdaa8c3, 0xb16b441f, 0x3780a2aa, 0x0a314e76, + 0x4ce37b12, 0x715297ce, 0xc14711da, 0xfcf6fd06, 0xba24c862, + 0x879524be, 0xb77b81cd, 0x8aca6d11, 0xcc185875, 0xf1a9b4a9, + 0x41bc32bd, 0x7c0dde61, 0x3adfeb05, 0x076e07d9, 0x8185e16c, + 0xbc340db0, 0xfae638d4, 0xc757d408, 0x7742521c, 0x4af3bec0, + 0x0c218ba4, 0x31906778, 0xda87408f, 0xe736ac53, 0xa1e49937, + 0x9c5575eb, 0x2c40f3ff, 0x11f11f23, 0x57232a47, 0x6a92c69b, + 0xec79202e, 0xd1c8ccf2, 0x971af996, 0xaaab154a, 0x1abe935e, + 0x270f7f82, 0x61dd4ae6, 0x5c6ca63a, 0xd9040692, 0xe4b5ea4e, + 0xa267df2a, 0x9fd633f6, 0x2fc3b5e2, 0x1272593e, 0x54a06c5a, + 0x69118086, 0xeffa6633, 0xd24b8aef, 0x9499bf8b, 0xa9285357, + 0x193dd543, 0x248c399f, 0x625e0cfb, 0x5fefe027, 0xb4f8c7d0, + 0x89492b0c, 0xcf9b1e68, 0xf22af2b4, 0x423f74a0, 0x7f8e987c, + 0x395cad18, 0x04ed41c4, 0x8206a771, 0xbfb74bad, 0xf9657ec9, + 0xc4d49215, 0x74c11401, 0x4970f8dd, 0x0fa2cdb9, 0x32132165, + 0x02fd8416, 0x3f4c68ca, 0x799e5dae, 0x442fb172, 0xf43a3766, + 0xc98bdbba, 0x8f59eede, 0xb2e80202, 0x3403e4b7, 0x09b2086b, + 0x4f603d0f, 0x72d1d1d3, 0xc2c457c7, 0xff75bb1b, 0xb9a78e7f, + 0x841662a3, 0x6f014554, 0x52b0a988, 0x14629cec, 0x29d37030, + 0x99c6f624, 0xa4771af8, 0xe2a52f9c, 0xdf14c340, 0x59ff25f5, + 0x644ec929, 0x229cfc4d, 0x1f2d1091, 0xaf389685, 0x92897a59, + 0xd45b4f3d, 0xe9eaa3e1, 0xb58605db, 0x8837e907, 0xcee5dc63, + 0xf35430bf, 0x4341b6ab, 0x7ef05a77, 0x38226f13, 0x059383cf, + 0x8378657a, 0xbec989a6, 0xf81bbcc2, 0xc5aa501e, 0x75bfd60a, + 0x480e3ad6, 0x0edc0fb2, 0x336de36e, 0xd87ac499, 0xe5cb2845, + 0xa3191d21, 0x9ea8f1fd, 0x2ebd77e9, 0x130c9b35, 0x55deae51, + 0x686f428d, 0xee84a438, 0xd33548e4, 0x95e77d80, 0xa856915c, + 0x18431748, 0x25f2fb94, 0x6320cef0, 0x5e91222c, 0x6e7f875f, + 0x53ce6b83, 0x151c5ee7, 0x28adb23b, 0x98b8342f, 0xa509d8f3, + 0xe3dbed97, 0xde6a014b, 0x5881e7fe, 0x65300b22, 0x23e23e46, + 0x1e53d29a, 0xae46548e, 0x93f7b852, 0xd5258d36, 0xe89461ea, + 0x0383461d, 0x3e32aac1, 0x78e09fa5, 0x45517379, 0xf544f56d, + 0xc8f519b1, 0x8e272cd5, 0xb396c009, 0x357d26bc, 0x08ccca60, + 0x4e1eff04, 0x73af13d8, 0xc3ba95cc, 0xfe0b7910, 0xb8d94c74, + 0x8568a0a8}, + {0x00000000, 0x69790b65, 0xd2f216ca, 0xbb8b1daf, 0x7e952bd5, + 0x17ec20b0, 0xac673d1f, 0xc51e367a, 0xfd2a57aa, 0x94535ccf, + 0x2fd84160, 0x46a14a05, 0x83bf7c7f, 0xeac6771a, 0x514d6ab5, + 0x383461d0, 0x2125a915, 0x485ca270, 0xf3d7bfdf, 0x9aaeb4ba, + 0x5fb082c0, 0x36c989a5, 0x8d42940a, 0xe43b9f6f, 0xdc0ffebf, + 0xb576f5da, 0x0efde875, 0x6784e310, 0xa29ad56a, 0xcbe3de0f, + 0x7068c3a0, 0x1911c8c5, 0x424b522a, 0x2b32594f, 0x90b944e0, + 0xf9c04f85, 0x3cde79ff, 0x55a7729a, 0xee2c6f35, 0x87556450, + 0xbf610580, 0xd6180ee5, 0x6d93134a, 0x04ea182f, 0xc1f42e55, + 0xa88d2530, 0x1306389f, 0x7a7f33fa, 0x636efb3f, 0x0a17f05a, + 0xb19cedf5, 0xd8e5e690, 0x1dfbd0ea, 0x7482db8f, 0xcf09c620, + 0xa670cd45, 0x9e44ac95, 0xf73da7f0, 0x4cb6ba5f, 0x25cfb13a, + 0xe0d18740, 0x89a88c25, 0x3223918a, 0x5b5a9aef, 0x8496a454, + 0xedefaf31, 0x5664b29e, 0x3f1db9fb, 0xfa038f81, 0x937a84e4, + 0x28f1994b, 0x4188922e, 0x79bcf3fe, 0x10c5f89b, 0xab4ee534, + 0xc237ee51, 0x0729d82b, 0x6e50d34e, 0xd5dbcee1, 0xbca2c584, + 0xa5b30d41, 0xccca0624, 0x77411b8b, 0x1e3810ee, 0xdb262694, + 0xb25f2df1, 0x09d4305e, 0x60ad3b3b, 0x58995aeb, 0x31e0518e, + 0x8a6b4c21, 0xe3124744, 0x260c713e, 0x4f757a5b, 0xf4fe67f4, + 0x9d876c91, 0xc6ddf67e, 0xafa4fd1b, 0x142fe0b4, 0x7d56ebd1, + 0xb848ddab, 0xd131d6ce, 0x6abacb61, 0x03c3c004, 0x3bf7a1d4, + 0x528eaab1, 0xe905b71e, 0x807cbc7b, 0x45628a01, 0x2c1b8164, + 0x97909ccb, 0xfee997ae, 0xe7f85f6b, 0x8e81540e, 0x350a49a1, + 0x5c7342c4, 0x996d74be, 0xf0147fdb, 0x4b9f6274, 0x22e66911, + 0x1ad208c1, 0x73ab03a4, 0xc8201e0b, 0xa159156e, 0x64472314, + 0x0d3e2871, 0xb6b535de, 0xdfcc3ebb, 0xd25c4ee9, 0xbb25458c, + 0x00ae5823, 0x69d75346, 0xacc9653c, 0xc5b06e59, 0x7e3b73f6, + 0x17427893, 0x2f761943, 0x460f1226, 0xfd840f89, 0x94fd04ec, + 0x51e33296, 0x389a39f3, 0x8311245c, 0xea682f39, 0xf379e7fc, + 0x9a00ec99, 0x218bf136, 0x48f2fa53, 0x8deccc29, 0xe495c74c, + 0x5f1edae3, 0x3667d186, 0x0e53b056, 0x672abb33, 0xdca1a69c, + 0xb5d8adf9, 0x70c69b83, 0x19bf90e6, 0xa2348d49, 0xcb4d862c, + 0x90171cc3, 0xf96e17a6, 0x42e50a09, 0x2b9c016c, 0xee823716, + 0x87fb3c73, 0x3c7021dc, 0x55092ab9, 0x6d3d4b69, 0x0444400c, + 0xbfcf5da3, 0xd6b656c6, 0x13a860bc, 0x7ad16bd9, 0xc15a7676, + 0xa8237d13, 0xb132b5d6, 0xd84bbeb3, 0x63c0a31c, 0x0ab9a879, + 0xcfa79e03, 0xa6de9566, 0x1d5588c9, 0x742c83ac, 0x4c18e27c, + 0x2561e919, 0x9eeaf4b6, 0xf793ffd3, 0x328dc9a9, 0x5bf4c2cc, + 0xe07fdf63, 0x8906d406, 0x56caeabd, 0x3fb3e1d8, 0x8438fc77, + 0xed41f712, 0x285fc168, 0x4126ca0d, 0xfaadd7a2, 0x93d4dcc7, + 0xabe0bd17, 0xc299b672, 0x7912abdd, 0x106ba0b8, 0xd57596c2, + 0xbc0c9da7, 0x07878008, 0x6efe8b6d, 0x77ef43a8, 0x1e9648cd, + 0xa51d5562, 0xcc645e07, 0x097a687d, 0x60036318, 0xdb887eb7, + 0xb2f175d2, 0x8ac51402, 0xe3bc1f67, 0x583702c8, 0x314e09ad, + 0xf4503fd7, 0x9d2934b2, 0x26a2291d, 0x4fdb2278, 0x1481b897, + 0x7df8b3f2, 0xc673ae5d, 0xaf0aa538, 0x6a149342, 0x036d9827, + 0xb8e68588, 0xd19f8eed, 0xe9abef3d, 0x80d2e458, 0x3b59f9f7, + 0x5220f292, 0x973ec4e8, 0xfe47cf8d, 0x45ccd222, 0x2cb5d947, + 0x35a41182, 0x5cdd1ae7, 0xe7560748, 0x8e2f0c2d, 0x4b313a57, + 0x22483132, 0x99c32c9d, 0xf0ba27f8, 0xc88e4628, 0xa1f74d4d, + 0x1a7c50e2, 0x73055b87, 0xb61b6dfd, 0xdf626698, 0x64e97b37, + 0x0d907052}, + {0x00000000, 0x7fc99b93, 0xff933726, 0x805aacb5, 0x2457680d, + 0x5b9ef39e, 0xdbc45f2b, 0xa40dc4b8, 0x48aed01a, 0x37674b89, + 0xb73de73c, 0xc8f47caf, 0x6cf9b817, 0x13302384, 0x936a8f31, + 0xeca314a2, 0x915da034, 0xee943ba7, 0x6ece9712, 0x11070c81, + 0xb50ac839, 0xcac353aa, 0x4a99ff1f, 0x3550648c, 0xd9f3702e, + 0xa63aebbd, 0x26604708, 0x59a9dc9b, 0xfda41823, 0x826d83b0, + 0x02372f05, 0x7dfeb496, 0xf9ca4629, 0x8603ddba, 0x0659710f, + 0x7990ea9c, 0xdd9d2e24, 0xa254b5b7, 0x220e1902, 0x5dc78291, + 0xb1649633, 0xcead0da0, 0x4ef7a115, 0x313e3a86, 0x9533fe3e, + 0xeafa65ad, 0x6aa0c918, 0x1569528b, 0x6897e61d, 0x175e7d8e, + 0x9704d13b, 0xe8cd4aa8, 0x4cc08e10, 0x33091583, 0xb353b936, + 0xcc9a22a5, 0x20393607, 0x5ff0ad94, 0xdfaa0121, 0xa0639ab2, + 0x046e5e0a, 0x7ba7c599, 0xfbfd692c, 0x8434f2bf, 0x28e58a13, + 0x572c1180, 0xd776bd35, 0xa8bf26a6, 0x0cb2e21e, 0x737b798d, + 0xf321d538, 0x8ce84eab, 0x604b5a09, 0x1f82c19a, 0x9fd86d2f, + 0xe011f6bc, 0x441c3204, 0x3bd5a997, 0xbb8f0522, 0xc4469eb1, + 0xb9b82a27, 0xc671b1b4, 0x462b1d01, 0x39e28692, 0x9def422a, + 0xe226d9b9, 0x627c750c, 0x1db5ee9f, 0xf116fa3d, 0x8edf61ae, + 0x0e85cd1b, 0x714c5688, 0xd5419230, 0xaa8809a3, 0x2ad2a516, + 0x551b3e85, 0xd12fcc3a, 0xaee657a9, 0x2ebcfb1c, 0x5175608f, + 0xf578a437, 0x8ab13fa4, 0x0aeb9311, 0x75220882, 0x99811c20, + 0xe64887b3, 0x66122b06, 0x19dbb095, 0xbdd6742d, 0xc21fefbe, + 0x4245430b, 0x3d8cd898, 0x40726c0e, 0x3fbbf79d, 0xbfe15b28, + 0xc028c0bb, 0x64250403, 0x1bec9f90, 0x9bb63325, 0xe47fa8b6, + 0x08dcbc14, 0x77152787, 0xf74f8b32, 0x888610a1, 0x2c8bd419, + 0x53424f8a, 0xd318e33f, 0xacd178ac, 0x51cb1426, 0x2e028fb5, + 0xae582300, 0xd191b893, 0x759c7c2b, 0x0a55e7b8, 0x8a0f4b0d, + 0xf5c6d09e, 0x1965c43c, 0x66ac5faf, 0xe6f6f31a, 0x993f6889, + 0x3d32ac31, 0x42fb37a2, 0xc2a19b17, 0xbd680084, 0xc096b412, + 0xbf5f2f81, 0x3f058334, 0x40cc18a7, 0xe4c1dc1f, 0x9b08478c, + 0x1b52eb39, 0x649b70aa, 0x88386408, 0xf7f1ff9b, 0x77ab532e, + 0x0862c8bd, 0xac6f0c05, 0xd3a69796, 0x53fc3b23, 0x2c35a0b0, + 0xa801520f, 0xd7c8c99c, 0x57926529, 0x285bfeba, 0x8c563a02, + 0xf39fa191, 0x73c50d24, 0x0c0c96b7, 0xe0af8215, 0x9f661986, + 0x1f3cb533, 0x60f52ea0, 0xc4f8ea18, 0xbb31718b, 0x3b6bdd3e, + 0x44a246ad, 0x395cf23b, 0x469569a8, 0xc6cfc51d, 0xb9065e8e, + 0x1d0b9a36, 0x62c201a5, 0xe298ad10, 0x9d513683, 0x71f22221, + 0x0e3bb9b2, 0x8e611507, 0xf1a88e94, 0x55a54a2c, 0x2a6cd1bf, + 0xaa367d0a, 0xd5ffe699, 0x792e9e35, 0x06e705a6, 0x86bda913, + 0xf9743280, 0x5d79f638, 0x22b06dab, 0xa2eac11e, 0xdd235a8d, + 0x31804e2f, 0x4e49d5bc, 0xce137909, 0xb1dae29a, 0x15d72622, + 0x6a1ebdb1, 0xea441104, 0x958d8a97, 0xe8733e01, 0x97baa592, + 0x17e00927, 0x682992b4, 0xcc24560c, 0xb3edcd9f, 0x33b7612a, + 0x4c7efab9, 0xa0ddee1b, 0xdf147588, 0x5f4ed93d, 0x208742ae, + 0x848a8616, 0xfb431d85, 0x7b19b130, 0x04d02aa3, 0x80e4d81c, + 0xff2d438f, 0x7f77ef3a, 0x00be74a9, 0xa4b3b011, 0xdb7a2b82, + 0x5b208737, 0x24e91ca4, 0xc84a0806, 0xb7839395, 0x37d93f20, + 0x4810a4b3, 0xec1d600b, 0x93d4fb98, 0x138e572d, 0x6c47ccbe, + 0x11b97828, 0x6e70e3bb, 0xee2a4f0e, 0x91e3d49d, 0x35ee1025, + 0x4a278bb6, 0xca7d2703, 0xb5b4bc90, 0x5917a832, 0x26de33a1, + 0xa6849f14, 0xd94d0487, 0x7d40c03f, 0x02895bac, 0x82d3f719, + 0xfd1a6c8a}, + {0x00000000, 0xa396284c, 0x9c5d56d9, 0x3fcb7e95, 0xe3cbabf3, + 0x405d83bf, 0x7f96fd2a, 0xdc00d566, 0x1ce651a7, 0xbf7079eb, + 0x80bb077e, 0x232d2f32, 0xff2dfa54, 0x5cbbd218, 0x6370ac8d, + 0xc0e684c1, 0x39cca34e, 0x9a5a8b02, 0xa591f597, 0x0607dddb, + 0xda0708bd, 0x799120f1, 0x465a5e64, 0xe5cc7628, 0x252af2e9, + 0x86bcdaa5, 0xb977a430, 0x1ae18c7c, 0xc6e1591a, 0x65777156, + 0x5abc0fc3, 0xf92a278f, 0x7399469c, 0xd00f6ed0, 0xefc41045, + 0x4c523809, 0x9052ed6f, 0x33c4c523, 0x0c0fbbb6, 0xaf9993fa, + 0x6f7f173b, 0xcce93f77, 0xf32241e2, 0x50b469ae, 0x8cb4bcc8, + 0x2f229484, 0x10e9ea11, 0xb37fc25d, 0x4a55e5d2, 0xe9c3cd9e, + 0xd608b30b, 0x759e9b47, 0xa99e4e21, 0x0a08666d, 0x35c318f8, + 0x965530b4, 0x56b3b475, 0xf5259c39, 0xcaeee2ac, 0x6978cae0, + 0xb5781f86, 0x16ee37ca, 0x2925495f, 0x8ab36113, 0xe7328d38, + 0x44a4a574, 0x7b6fdbe1, 0xd8f9f3ad, 0x04f926cb, 0xa76f0e87, + 0x98a47012, 0x3b32585e, 0xfbd4dc9f, 0x5842f4d3, 0x67898a46, + 0xc41fa20a, 0x181f776c, 0xbb895f20, 0x844221b5, 0x27d409f9, + 0xdefe2e76, 0x7d68063a, 0x42a378af, 0xe13550e3, 0x3d358585, + 0x9ea3adc9, 0xa168d35c, 0x02fefb10, 0xc2187fd1, 0x618e579d, + 0x5e452908, 0xfdd30144, 0x21d3d422, 0x8245fc6e, 0xbd8e82fb, + 0x1e18aab7, 0x94abcba4, 0x373de3e8, 0x08f69d7d, 0xab60b531, + 0x77606057, 0xd4f6481b, 0xeb3d368e, 0x48ab1ec2, 0x884d9a03, + 0x2bdbb24f, 0x1410ccda, 0xb786e496, 0x6b8631f0, 0xc81019bc, + 0xf7db6729, 0x544d4f65, 0xad6768ea, 0x0ef140a6, 0x313a3e33, + 0x92ac167f, 0x4eacc319, 0xed3aeb55, 0xd2f195c0, 0x7167bd8c, + 0xb181394d, 0x12171101, 0x2ddc6f94, 0x8e4a47d8, 0x524a92be, + 0xf1dcbaf2, 0xce17c467, 0x6d81ec2b, 0x15141c31, 0xb682347d, + 0x89494ae8, 0x2adf62a4, 0xf6dfb7c2, 0x55499f8e, 0x6a82e11b, + 0xc914c957, 0x09f24d96, 0xaa6465da, 0x95af1b4f, 0x36393303, + 0xea39e665, 0x49afce29, 0x7664b0bc, 0xd5f298f0, 0x2cd8bf7f, + 0x8f4e9733, 0xb085e9a6, 0x1313c1ea, 0xcf13148c, 0x6c853cc0, + 0x534e4255, 0xf0d86a19, 0x303eeed8, 0x93a8c694, 0xac63b801, + 0x0ff5904d, 0xd3f5452b, 0x70636d67, 0x4fa813f2, 0xec3e3bbe, + 0x668d5aad, 0xc51b72e1, 0xfad00c74, 0x59462438, 0x8546f15e, + 0x26d0d912, 0x191ba787, 0xba8d8fcb, 0x7a6b0b0a, 0xd9fd2346, + 0xe6365dd3, 0x45a0759f, 0x99a0a0f9, 0x3a3688b5, 0x05fdf620, + 0xa66bde6c, 0x5f41f9e3, 0xfcd7d1af, 0xc31caf3a, 0x608a8776, + 0xbc8a5210, 0x1f1c7a5c, 0x20d704c9, 0x83412c85, 0x43a7a844, + 0xe0318008, 0xdffafe9d, 0x7c6cd6d1, 0xa06c03b7, 0x03fa2bfb, + 0x3c31556e, 0x9fa77d22, 0xf2269109, 0x51b0b945, 0x6e7bc7d0, + 0xcdedef9c, 0x11ed3afa, 0xb27b12b6, 0x8db06c23, 0x2e26446f, + 0xeec0c0ae, 0x4d56e8e2, 0x729d9677, 0xd10bbe3b, 0x0d0b6b5d, + 0xae9d4311, 0x91563d84, 0x32c015c8, 0xcbea3247, 0x687c1a0b, + 0x57b7649e, 0xf4214cd2, 0x282199b4, 0x8bb7b1f8, 0xb47ccf6d, + 0x17eae721, 0xd70c63e0, 0x749a4bac, 0x4b513539, 0xe8c71d75, + 0x34c7c813, 0x9751e05f, 0xa89a9eca, 0x0b0cb686, 0x81bfd795, + 0x2229ffd9, 0x1de2814c, 0xbe74a900, 0x62747c66, 0xc1e2542a, + 0xfe292abf, 0x5dbf02f3, 0x9d598632, 0x3ecfae7e, 0x0104d0eb, + 0xa292f8a7, 0x7e922dc1, 0xdd04058d, 0xe2cf7b18, 0x41595354, + 0xb87374db, 0x1be55c97, 0x242e2202, 0x87b80a4e, 0x5bb8df28, + 0xf82ef764, 0xc7e589f1, 0x6473a1bd, 0xa495257c, 0x07030d30, + 0x38c873a5, 0x9b5e5be9, 0x475e8e8f, 0xe4c8a6c3, 0xdb03d856, + 0x7895f01a}, + {0x00000000, 0x2a283862, 0x545070c4, 0x7e7848a6, 0xa8a0e188, + 0x8288d9ea, 0xfcf0914c, 0xd6d8a92e, 0x8a30c551, 0xa018fd33, + 0xde60b595, 0xf4488df7, 0x229024d9, 0x08b81cbb, 0x76c0541d, + 0x5ce86c7f, 0xcf108ce3, 0xe538b481, 0x9b40fc27, 0xb168c445, + 0x67b06d6b, 0x4d985509, 0x33e01daf, 0x19c825cd, 0x452049b2, + 0x6f0871d0, 0x11703976, 0x3b580114, 0xed80a83a, 0xc7a89058, + 0xb9d0d8fe, 0x93f8e09c, 0x45501f87, 0x6f7827e5, 0x11006f43, + 0x3b285721, 0xedf0fe0f, 0xc7d8c66d, 0xb9a08ecb, 0x9388b6a9, + 0xcf60dad6, 0xe548e2b4, 0x9b30aa12, 0xb1189270, 0x67c03b5e, + 0x4de8033c, 0x33904b9a, 0x19b873f8, 0x8a409364, 0xa068ab06, + 0xde10e3a0, 0xf438dbc2, 0x22e072ec, 0x08c84a8e, 0x76b00228, + 0x5c983a4a, 0x00705635, 0x2a586e57, 0x542026f1, 0x7e081e93, + 0xa8d0b7bd, 0x82f88fdf, 0xfc80c779, 0xd6a8ff1b, 0x8aa03f0e, + 0xa088076c, 0xdef04fca, 0xf4d877a8, 0x2200de86, 0x0828e6e4, + 0x7650ae42, 0x5c789620, 0x0090fa5f, 0x2ab8c23d, 0x54c08a9b, + 0x7ee8b2f9, 0xa8301bd7, 0x821823b5, 0xfc606b13, 0xd6485371, + 0x45b0b3ed, 0x6f988b8f, 0x11e0c329, 0x3bc8fb4b, 0xed105265, + 0xc7386a07, 0xb94022a1, 0x93681ac3, 0xcf8076bc, 0xe5a84ede, + 0x9bd00678, 0xb1f83e1a, 0x67209734, 0x4d08af56, 0x3370e7f0, + 0x1958df92, 0xcff02089, 0xe5d818eb, 0x9ba0504d, 0xb188682f, + 0x6750c101, 0x4d78f963, 0x3300b1c5, 0x192889a7, 0x45c0e5d8, + 0x6fe8ddba, 0x1190951c, 0x3bb8ad7e, 0xed600450, 0xc7483c32, + 0xb9307494, 0x93184cf6, 0x00e0ac6a, 0x2ac89408, 0x54b0dcae, + 0x7e98e4cc, 0xa8404de2, 0x82687580, 0xfc103d26, 0xd6380544, + 0x8ad0693b, 0xa0f85159, 0xde8019ff, 0xf4a8219d, 0x227088b3, + 0x0858b0d1, 0x7620f877, 0x5c08c015, 0xce31785d, 0xe419403f, + 0x9a610899, 0xb04930fb, 0x669199d5, 0x4cb9a1b7, 0x32c1e911, + 0x18e9d173, 0x4401bd0c, 0x6e29856e, 0x1051cdc8, 0x3a79f5aa, + 0xeca15c84, 0xc68964e6, 0xb8f12c40, 0x92d91422, 0x0121f4be, + 0x2b09ccdc, 0x5571847a, 0x7f59bc18, 0xa9811536, 0x83a92d54, + 0xfdd165f2, 0xd7f95d90, 0x8b1131ef, 0xa139098d, 0xdf41412b, + 0xf5697949, 0x23b1d067, 0x0999e805, 0x77e1a0a3, 0x5dc998c1, + 0x8b6167da, 0xa1495fb8, 0xdf31171e, 0xf5192f7c, 0x23c18652, + 0x09e9be30, 0x7791f696, 0x5db9cef4, 0x0151a28b, 0x2b799ae9, + 0x5501d24f, 0x7f29ea2d, 0xa9f14303, 0x83d97b61, 0xfda133c7, + 0xd7890ba5, 0x4471eb39, 0x6e59d35b, 0x10219bfd, 0x3a09a39f, + 0xecd10ab1, 0xc6f932d3, 0xb8817a75, 0x92a94217, 0xce412e68, + 0xe469160a, 0x9a115eac, 0xb03966ce, 0x66e1cfe0, 0x4cc9f782, + 0x32b1bf24, 0x18998746, 0x44914753, 0x6eb97f31, 0x10c13797, + 0x3ae90ff5, 0xec31a6db, 0xc6199eb9, 0xb861d61f, 0x9249ee7d, + 0xcea18202, 0xe489ba60, 0x9af1f2c6, 0xb0d9caa4, 0x6601638a, + 0x4c295be8, 0x3251134e, 0x18792b2c, 0x8b81cbb0, 0xa1a9f3d2, + 0xdfd1bb74, 0xf5f98316, 0x23212a38, 0x0909125a, 0x77715afc, + 0x5d59629e, 0x01b10ee1, 0x2b993683, 0x55e17e25, 0x7fc94647, + 0xa911ef69, 0x8339d70b, 0xfd419fad, 0xd769a7cf, 0x01c158d4, + 0x2be960b6, 0x55912810, 0x7fb91072, 0xa961b95c, 0x8349813e, + 0xfd31c998, 0xd719f1fa, 0x8bf19d85, 0xa1d9a5e7, 0xdfa1ed41, + 0xf589d523, 0x23517c0d, 0x0979446f, 0x77010cc9, 0x5d2934ab, + 0xced1d437, 0xe4f9ec55, 0x9a81a4f3, 0xb0a99c91, 0x667135bf, + 0x4c590ddd, 0x3221457b, 0x18097d19, 0x44e11166, 0x6ec92904, + 0x10b161a2, 0x3a9959c0, 0xec41f0ee, 0xc669c88c, 0xb811802a, + 0x9239b848}, + {0x00000000, 0x4713f6fb, 0x8e27edf6, 0xc9341b0d, 0xc73eddad, + 0x802d2b56, 0x4919305b, 0x0e0ac6a0, 0x550cbd1b, 0x121f4be0, + 0xdb2b50ed, 0x9c38a616, 0x923260b6, 0xd521964d, 0x1c158d40, + 0x5b067bbb, 0xaa197a36, 0xed0a8ccd, 0x243e97c0, 0x632d613b, + 0x6d27a79b, 0x2a345160, 0xe3004a6d, 0xa413bc96, 0xff15c72d, + 0xb80631d6, 0x71322adb, 0x3621dc20, 0x382b1a80, 0x7f38ec7b, + 0xb60cf776, 0xf11f018d, 0x8f43f22d, 0xc85004d6, 0x01641fdb, + 0x4677e920, 0x487d2f80, 0x0f6ed97b, 0xc65ac276, 0x8149348d, + 0xda4f4f36, 0x9d5cb9cd, 0x5468a2c0, 0x137b543b, 0x1d71929b, + 0x5a626460, 0x93567f6d, 0xd4458996, 0x255a881b, 0x62497ee0, + 0xab7d65ed, 0xec6e9316, 0xe26455b6, 0xa577a34d, 0x6c43b840, + 0x2b504ebb, 0x70563500, 0x3745c3fb, 0xfe71d8f6, 0xb9622e0d, + 0xb768e8ad, 0xf07b1e56, 0x394f055b, 0x7e5cf3a0, 0xc5f6e21b, + 0x82e514e0, 0x4bd10fed, 0x0cc2f916, 0x02c83fb6, 0x45dbc94d, + 0x8cefd240, 0xcbfc24bb, 0x90fa5f00, 0xd7e9a9fb, 0x1eddb2f6, + 0x59ce440d, 0x57c482ad, 0x10d77456, 0xd9e36f5b, 0x9ef099a0, + 0x6fef982d, 0x28fc6ed6, 0xe1c875db, 0xa6db8320, 0xa8d14580, + 0xefc2b37b, 0x26f6a876, 0x61e55e8d, 0x3ae32536, 0x7df0d3cd, + 0xb4c4c8c0, 0xf3d73e3b, 0xfdddf89b, 0xbace0e60, 0x73fa156d, + 0x34e9e396, 0x4ab51036, 0x0da6e6cd, 0xc492fdc0, 0x83810b3b, + 0x8d8bcd9b, 0xca983b60, 0x03ac206d, 0x44bfd696, 0x1fb9ad2d, + 0x58aa5bd6, 0x919e40db, 0xd68db620, 0xd8877080, 0x9f94867b, + 0x56a09d76, 0x11b36b8d, 0xe0ac6a00, 0xa7bf9cfb, 0x6e8b87f6, + 0x2998710d, 0x2792b7ad, 0x60814156, 0xa9b55a5b, 0xeea6aca0, + 0xb5a0d71b, 0xf2b321e0, 0x3b873aed, 0x7c94cc16, 0x729e0ab6, + 0x358dfc4d, 0xfcb9e740, 0xbbaa11bb, 0x509cc277, 0x178f348c, + 0xdebb2f81, 0x99a8d97a, 0x97a21fda, 0xd0b1e921, 0x1985f22c, + 0x5e9604d7, 0x05907f6c, 0x42838997, 0x8bb7929a, 0xcca46461, + 0xc2aea2c1, 0x85bd543a, 0x4c894f37, 0x0b9ab9cc, 0xfa85b841, + 0xbd964eba, 0x74a255b7, 0x33b1a34c, 0x3dbb65ec, 0x7aa89317, + 0xb39c881a, 0xf48f7ee1, 0xaf89055a, 0xe89af3a1, 0x21aee8ac, + 0x66bd1e57, 0x68b7d8f7, 0x2fa42e0c, 0xe6903501, 0xa183c3fa, + 0xdfdf305a, 0x98ccc6a1, 0x51f8ddac, 0x16eb2b57, 0x18e1edf7, + 0x5ff21b0c, 0x96c60001, 0xd1d5f6fa, 0x8ad38d41, 0xcdc07bba, + 0x04f460b7, 0x43e7964c, 0x4ded50ec, 0x0afea617, 0xc3cabd1a, + 0x84d94be1, 0x75c64a6c, 0x32d5bc97, 0xfbe1a79a, 0xbcf25161, + 0xb2f897c1, 0xf5eb613a, 0x3cdf7a37, 0x7bcc8ccc, 0x20caf777, + 0x67d9018c, 0xaeed1a81, 0xe9feec7a, 0xe7f42ada, 0xa0e7dc21, + 0x69d3c72c, 0x2ec031d7, 0x956a206c, 0xd279d697, 0x1b4dcd9a, + 0x5c5e3b61, 0x5254fdc1, 0x15470b3a, 0xdc731037, 0x9b60e6cc, + 0xc0669d77, 0x87756b8c, 0x4e417081, 0x0952867a, 0x075840da, + 0x404bb621, 0x897fad2c, 0xce6c5bd7, 0x3f735a5a, 0x7860aca1, + 0xb154b7ac, 0xf6474157, 0xf84d87f7, 0xbf5e710c, 0x766a6a01, + 0x31799cfa, 0x6a7fe741, 0x2d6c11ba, 0xe4580ab7, 0xa34bfc4c, + 0xad413aec, 0xea52cc17, 0x2366d71a, 0x647521e1, 0x1a29d241, + 0x5d3a24ba, 0x940e3fb7, 0xd31dc94c, 0xdd170fec, 0x9a04f917, + 0x5330e21a, 0x142314e1, 0x4f256f5a, 0x083699a1, 0xc10282ac, + 0x86117457, 0x881bb2f7, 0xcf08440c, 0x063c5f01, 0x412fa9fa, + 0xb030a877, 0xf7235e8c, 0x3e174581, 0x7904b37a, 0x770e75da, + 0x301d8321, 0xf929982c, 0xbe3a6ed7, 0xe53c156c, 0xa22fe397, + 0x6b1bf89a, 0x2c080e61, 0x2202c8c1, 0x65113e3a, 0xac252537, + 0xeb36d3cc}, + {0x00000000, 0xa13984ee, 0x99020f9d, 0x383b8b73, 0xe975197b, + 0x484c9d95, 0x707716e6, 0xd14e9208, 0x099b34b7, 0xa8a2b059, + 0x90993b2a, 0x31a0bfc4, 0xe0ee2dcc, 0x41d7a922, 0x79ec2251, + 0xd8d5a6bf, 0x1336696e, 0xb20fed80, 0x8a3466f3, 0x2b0de21d, + 0xfa437015, 0x5b7af4fb, 0x63417f88, 0xc278fb66, 0x1aad5dd9, + 0xbb94d937, 0x83af5244, 0x2296d6aa, 0xf3d844a2, 0x52e1c04c, + 0x6ada4b3f, 0xcbe3cfd1, 0x266cd2dc, 0x87555632, 0xbf6edd41, + 0x1e5759af, 0xcf19cba7, 0x6e204f49, 0x561bc43a, 0xf72240d4, + 0x2ff7e66b, 0x8ece6285, 0xb6f5e9f6, 0x17cc6d18, 0xc682ff10, + 0x67bb7bfe, 0x5f80f08d, 0xfeb97463, 0x355abbb2, 0x94633f5c, + 0xac58b42f, 0x0d6130c1, 0xdc2fa2c9, 0x7d162627, 0x452dad54, + 0xe41429ba, 0x3cc18f05, 0x9df80beb, 0xa5c38098, 0x04fa0476, + 0xd5b4967e, 0x748d1290, 0x4cb699e3, 0xed8f1d0d, 0x4cd9a5b8, + 0xede02156, 0xd5dbaa25, 0x74e22ecb, 0xa5acbcc3, 0x0495382d, + 0x3caeb35e, 0x9d9737b0, 0x4542910f, 0xe47b15e1, 0xdc409e92, + 0x7d791a7c, 0xac378874, 0x0d0e0c9a, 0x353587e9, 0x940c0307, + 0x5fefccd6, 0xfed64838, 0xc6edc34b, 0x67d447a5, 0xb69ad5ad, + 0x17a35143, 0x2f98da30, 0x8ea15ede, 0x5674f861, 0xf74d7c8f, + 0xcf76f7fc, 0x6e4f7312, 0xbf01e11a, 0x1e3865f4, 0x2603ee87, + 0x873a6a69, 0x6ab57764, 0xcb8cf38a, 0xf3b778f9, 0x528efc17, + 0x83c06e1f, 0x22f9eaf1, 0x1ac26182, 0xbbfbe56c, 0x632e43d3, + 0xc217c73d, 0xfa2c4c4e, 0x5b15c8a0, 0x8a5b5aa8, 0x2b62de46, + 0x13595535, 0xb260d1db, 0x79831e0a, 0xd8ba9ae4, 0xe0811197, + 0x41b89579, 0x90f60771, 0x31cf839f, 0x09f408ec, 0xa8cd8c02, + 0x70182abd, 0xd121ae53, 0xe91a2520, 0x4823a1ce, 0x996d33c6, + 0x3854b728, 0x006f3c5b, 0xa156b8b5, 0x99b34b70, 0x388acf9e, + 0x00b144ed, 0xa188c003, 0x70c6520b, 0xd1ffd6e5, 0xe9c45d96, + 0x48fdd978, 0x90287fc7, 0x3111fb29, 0x092a705a, 0xa813f4b4, + 0x795d66bc, 0xd864e252, 0xe05f6921, 0x4166edcf, 0x8a85221e, + 0x2bbca6f0, 0x13872d83, 0xb2bea96d, 0x63f03b65, 0xc2c9bf8b, + 0xfaf234f8, 0x5bcbb016, 0x831e16a9, 0x22279247, 0x1a1c1934, + 0xbb259dda, 0x6a6b0fd2, 0xcb528b3c, 0xf369004f, 0x525084a1, + 0xbfdf99ac, 0x1ee61d42, 0x26dd9631, 0x87e412df, 0x56aa80d7, + 0xf7930439, 0xcfa88f4a, 0x6e910ba4, 0xb644ad1b, 0x177d29f5, + 0x2f46a286, 0x8e7f2668, 0x5f31b460, 0xfe08308e, 0xc633bbfd, + 0x670a3f13, 0xace9f0c2, 0x0dd0742c, 0x35ebff5f, 0x94d27bb1, + 0x459ce9b9, 0xe4a56d57, 0xdc9ee624, 0x7da762ca, 0xa572c475, + 0x044b409b, 0x3c70cbe8, 0x9d494f06, 0x4c07dd0e, 0xed3e59e0, + 0xd505d293, 0x743c567d, 0xd56aeec8, 0x74536a26, 0x4c68e155, + 0xed5165bb, 0x3c1ff7b3, 0x9d26735d, 0xa51df82e, 0x04247cc0, + 0xdcf1da7f, 0x7dc85e91, 0x45f3d5e2, 0xe4ca510c, 0x3584c304, + 0x94bd47ea, 0xac86cc99, 0x0dbf4877, 0xc65c87a6, 0x67650348, + 0x5f5e883b, 0xfe670cd5, 0x2f299edd, 0x8e101a33, 0xb62b9140, + 0x171215ae, 0xcfc7b311, 0x6efe37ff, 0x56c5bc8c, 0xf7fc3862, + 0x26b2aa6a, 0x878b2e84, 0xbfb0a5f7, 0x1e892119, 0xf3063c14, + 0x523fb8fa, 0x6a043389, 0xcb3db767, 0x1a73256f, 0xbb4aa181, + 0x83712af2, 0x2248ae1c, 0xfa9d08a3, 0x5ba48c4d, 0x639f073e, + 0xc2a683d0, 0x13e811d8, 0xb2d19536, 0x8aea1e45, 0x2bd39aab, + 0xe030557a, 0x4109d194, 0x79325ae7, 0xd80bde09, 0x09454c01, + 0xa87cc8ef, 0x9047439c, 0x317ec772, 0xe9ab61cd, 0x4892e523, + 0x70a96e50, 0xd190eabe, 0x00de78b6, 0xa1e7fc58, 0x99dc772b, + 0x38e5f3c5}, + {0x00000000, 0xe81790a1, 0x0b5e2703, 0xe349b7a2, 0x16bc4e06, + 0xfeabdea7, 0x1de26905, 0xf5f5f9a4, 0x2d789c0c, 0xc56f0cad, + 0x2626bb0f, 0xce312bae, 0x3bc4d20a, 0xd3d342ab, 0x309af509, + 0xd88d65a8, 0x5af13818, 0xb2e6a8b9, 0x51af1f1b, 0xb9b88fba, + 0x4c4d761e, 0xa45ae6bf, 0x4713511d, 0xaf04c1bc, 0x7789a414, + 0x9f9e34b5, 0x7cd78317, 0x94c013b6, 0x6135ea12, 0x89227ab3, + 0x6a6bcd11, 0x827c5db0, 0xb5e27030, 0x5df5e091, 0xbebc5733, + 0x56abc792, 0xa35e3e36, 0x4b49ae97, 0xa8001935, 0x40178994, + 0x989aec3c, 0x708d7c9d, 0x93c4cb3f, 0x7bd35b9e, 0x8e26a23a, + 0x6631329b, 0x85788539, 0x6d6f1598, 0xef134828, 0x0704d889, + 0xe44d6f2b, 0x0c5aff8a, 0xf9af062e, 0x11b8968f, 0xf2f1212d, + 0x1ae6b18c, 0xc26bd424, 0x2a7c4485, 0xc935f327, 0x21226386, + 0xd4d79a22, 0x3cc00a83, 0xdf89bd21, 0x379e2d80, 0xb0b5e621, + 0x58a27680, 0xbbebc122, 0x53fc5183, 0xa609a827, 0x4e1e3886, + 0xad578f24, 0x45401f85, 0x9dcd7a2d, 0x75daea8c, 0x96935d2e, + 0x7e84cd8f, 0x8b71342b, 0x6366a48a, 0x802f1328, 0x68388389, + 0xea44de39, 0x02534e98, 0xe11af93a, 0x090d699b, 0xfcf8903f, + 0x14ef009e, 0xf7a6b73c, 0x1fb1279d, 0xc73c4235, 0x2f2bd294, + 0xcc626536, 0x2475f597, 0xd1800c33, 0x39979c92, 0xdade2b30, + 0x32c9bb91, 0x05579611, 0xed4006b0, 0x0e09b112, 0xe61e21b3, + 0x13ebd817, 0xfbfc48b6, 0x18b5ff14, 0xf0a26fb5, 0x282f0a1d, + 0xc0389abc, 0x23712d1e, 0xcb66bdbf, 0x3e93441b, 0xd684d4ba, + 0x35cd6318, 0xdddaf3b9, 0x5fa6ae09, 0xb7b13ea8, 0x54f8890a, + 0xbcef19ab, 0x491ae00f, 0xa10d70ae, 0x4244c70c, 0xaa5357ad, + 0x72de3205, 0x9ac9a2a4, 0x79801506, 0x919785a7, 0x64627c03, + 0x8c75eca2, 0x6f3c5b00, 0x872bcba1, 0xba1aca03, 0x520d5aa2, + 0xb144ed00, 0x59537da1, 0xaca68405, 0x44b114a4, 0xa7f8a306, + 0x4fef33a7, 0x9762560f, 0x7f75c6ae, 0x9c3c710c, 0x742be1ad, + 0x81de1809, 0x69c988a8, 0x8a803f0a, 0x6297afab, 0xe0ebf21b, + 0x08fc62ba, 0xebb5d518, 0x03a245b9, 0xf657bc1d, 0x1e402cbc, + 0xfd099b1e, 0x151e0bbf, 0xcd936e17, 0x2584feb6, 0xc6cd4914, + 0x2edad9b5, 0xdb2f2011, 0x3338b0b0, 0xd0710712, 0x386697b3, + 0x0ff8ba33, 0xe7ef2a92, 0x04a69d30, 0xecb10d91, 0x1944f435, + 0xf1536494, 0x121ad336, 0xfa0d4397, 0x2280263f, 0xca97b69e, + 0x29de013c, 0xc1c9919d, 0x343c6839, 0xdc2bf898, 0x3f624f3a, + 0xd775df9b, 0x5509822b, 0xbd1e128a, 0x5e57a528, 0xb6403589, + 0x43b5cc2d, 0xaba25c8c, 0x48ebeb2e, 0xa0fc7b8f, 0x78711e27, + 0x90668e86, 0x732f3924, 0x9b38a985, 0x6ecd5021, 0x86dac080, + 0x65937722, 0x8d84e783, 0x0aaf2c22, 0xe2b8bc83, 0x01f10b21, + 0xe9e69b80, 0x1c136224, 0xf404f285, 0x174d4527, 0xff5ad586, + 0x27d7b02e, 0xcfc0208f, 0x2c89972d, 0xc49e078c, 0x316bfe28, + 0xd97c6e89, 0x3a35d92b, 0xd222498a, 0x505e143a, 0xb849849b, + 0x5b003339, 0xb317a398, 0x46e25a3c, 0xaef5ca9d, 0x4dbc7d3f, + 0xa5abed9e, 0x7d268836, 0x95311897, 0x7678af35, 0x9e6f3f94, + 0x6b9ac630, 0x838d5691, 0x60c4e133, 0x88d37192, 0xbf4d5c12, + 0x575accb3, 0xb4137b11, 0x5c04ebb0, 0xa9f11214, 0x41e682b5, + 0xa2af3517, 0x4ab8a5b6, 0x9235c01e, 0x7a2250bf, 0x996be71d, + 0x717c77bc, 0x84898e18, 0x6c9e1eb9, 0x8fd7a91b, 0x67c039ba, + 0xe5bc640a, 0x0dabf4ab, 0xeee24309, 0x06f5d3a8, 0xf3002a0c, + 0x1b17baad, 0xf85e0d0f, 0x10499dae, 0xc8c4f806, 0x20d368a7, + 0xc39adf05, 0x2b8d4fa4, 0xde78b600, 0x366f26a1, 0xd5269103, + 0x3d3101a2}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x0000000000000000, 0xa19017e800000000, 0x03275e0b00000000, + 0xa2b749e300000000, 0x064ebc1600000000, 0xa7deabfe00000000, + 0x0569e21d00000000, 0xa4f9f5f500000000, 0x0c9c782d00000000, + 0xad0c6fc500000000, 0x0fbb262600000000, 0xae2b31ce00000000, + 0x0ad2c43b00000000, 0xab42d3d300000000, 0x09f59a3000000000, + 0xa8658dd800000000, 0x1838f15a00000000, 0xb9a8e6b200000000, + 0x1b1faf5100000000, 0xba8fb8b900000000, 0x1e764d4c00000000, + 0xbfe65aa400000000, 0x1d51134700000000, 0xbcc104af00000000, + 0x14a4897700000000, 0xb5349e9f00000000, 0x1783d77c00000000, + 0xb613c09400000000, 0x12ea356100000000, 0xb37a228900000000, + 0x11cd6b6a00000000, 0xb05d7c8200000000, 0x3070e2b500000000, + 0x91e0f55d00000000, 0x3357bcbe00000000, 0x92c7ab5600000000, + 0x363e5ea300000000, 0x97ae494b00000000, 0x351900a800000000, + 0x9489174000000000, 0x3cec9a9800000000, 0x9d7c8d7000000000, + 0x3fcbc49300000000, 0x9e5bd37b00000000, 0x3aa2268e00000000, + 0x9b32316600000000, 0x3985788500000000, 0x98156f6d00000000, + 0x284813ef00000000, 0x89d8040700000000, 0x2b6f4de400000000, + 0x8aff5a0c00000000, 0x2e06aff900000000, 0x8f96b81100000000, + 0x2d21f1f200000000, 0x8cb1e61a00000000, 0x24d46bc200000000, + 0x85447c2a00000000, 0x27f335c900000000, 0x8663222100000000, + 0x229ad7d400000000, 0x830ac03c00000000, 0x21bd89df00000000, + 0x802d9e3700000000, 0x21e6b5b000000000, 0x8076a25800000000, + 0x22c1ebbb00000000, 0x8351fc5300000000, 0x27a809a600000000, + 0x86381e4e00000000, 0x248f57ad00000000, 0x851f404500000000, + 0x2d7acd9d00000000, 0x8ceada7500000000, 0x2e5d939600000000, + 0x8fcd847e00000000, 0x2b34718b00000000, 0x8aa4666300000000, + 0x28132f8000000000, 0x8983386800000000, 0x39de44ea00000000, + 0x984e530200000000, 0x3af91ae100000000, 0x9b690d0900000000, + 0x3f90f8fc00000000, 0x9e00ef1400000000, 0x3cb7a6f700000000, + 0x9d27b11f00000000, 0x35423cc700000000, 0x94d22b2f00000000, + 0x366562cc00000000, 0x97f5752400000000, 0x330c80d100000000, + 0x929c973900000000, 0x302bdeda00000000, 0x91bbc93200000000, + 0x1196570500000000, 0xb00640ed00000000, 0x12b1090e00000000, + 0xb3211ee600000000, 0x17d8eb1300000000, 0xb648fcfb00000000, + 0x14ffb51800000000, 0xb56fa2f000000000, 0x1d0a2f2800000000, + 0xbc9a38c000000000, 0x1e2d712300000000, 0xbfbd66cb00000000, + 0x1b44933e00000000, 0xbad484d600000000, 0x1863cd3500000000, + 0xb9f3dadd00000000, 0x09aea65f00000000, 0xa83eb1b700000000, + 0x0a89f85400000000, 0xab19efbc00000000, 0x0fe01a4900000000, + 0xae700da100000000, 0x0cc7444200000000, 0xad5753aa00000000, + 0x0532de7200000000, 0xa4a2c99a00000000, 0x0615807900000000, + 0xa785979100000000, 0x037c626400000000, 0xa2ec758c00000000, + 0x005b3c6f00000000, 0xa1cb2b8700000000, 0x03ca1aba00000000, + 0xa25a0d5200000000, 0x00ed44b100000000, 0xa17d535900000000, + 0x0584a6ac00000000, 0xa414b14400000000, 0x06a3f8a700000000, + 0xa733ef4f00000000, 0x0f56629700000000, 0xaec6757f00000000, + 0x0c713c9c00000000, 0xade12b7400000000, 0x0918de8100000000, + 0xa888c96900000000, 0x0a3f808a00000000, 0xabaf976200000000, + 0x1bf2ebe000000000, 0xba62fc0800000000, 0x18d5b5eb00000000, + 0xb945a20300000000, 0x1dbc57f600000000, 0xbc2c401e00000000, + 0x1e9b09fd00000000, 0xbf0b1e1500000000, 0x176e93cd00000000, + 0xb6fe842500000000, 0x1449cdc600000000, 0xb5d9da2e00000000, + 0x11202fdb00000000, 0xb0b0383300000000, 0x120771d000000000, + 0xb397663800000000, 0x33baf80f00000000, 0x922aefe700000000, + 0x309da60400000000, 0x910db1ec00000000, 0x35f4441900000000, + 0x946453f100000000, 0x36d31a1200000000, 0x97430dfa00000000, + 0x3f26802200000000, 0x9eb697ca00000000, 0x3c01de2900000000, + 0x9d91c9c100000000, 0x39683c3400000000, 0x98f82bdc00000000, + 0x3a4f623f00000000, 0x9bdf75d700000000, 0x2b82095500000000, + 0x8a121ebd00000000, 0x28a5575e00000000, 0x893540b600000000, + 0x2dccb54300000000, 0x8c5ca2ab00000000, 0x2eebeb4800000000, + 0x8f7bfca000000000, 0x271e717800000000, 0x868e669000000000, + 0x24392f7300000000, 0x85a9389b00000000, 0x2150cd6e00000000, + 0x80c0da8600000000, 0x2277936500000000, 0x83e7848d00000000, + 0x222caf0a00000000, 0x83bcb8e200000000, 0x210bf10100000000, + 0x809be6e900000000, 0x2462131c00000000, 0x85f204f400000000, + 0x27454d1700000000, 0x86d55aff00000000, 0x2eb0d72700000000, + 0x8f20c0cf00000000, 0x2d97892c00000000, 0x8c079ec400000000, + 0x28fe6b3100000000, 0x896e7cd900000000, 0x2bd9353a00000000, + 0x8a4922d200000000, 0x3a145e5000000000, 0x9b8449b800000000, + 0x3933005b00000000, 0x98a317b300000000, 0x3c5ae24600000000, + 0x9dcaf5ae00000000, 0x3f7dbc4d00000000, 0x9eedaba500000000, + 0x3688267d00000000, 0x9718319500000000, 0x35af787600000000, + 0x943f6f9e00000000, 0x30c69a6b00000000, 0x91568d8300000000, + 0x33e1c46000000000, 0x9271d38800000000, 0x125c4dbf00000000, + 0xb3cc5a5700000000, 0x117b13b400000000, 0xb0eb045c00000000, + 0x1412f1a900000000, 0xb582e64100000000, 0x1735afa200000000, + 0xb6a5b84a00000000, 0x1ec0359200000000, 0xbf50227a00000000, + 0x1de76b9900000000, 0xbc777c7100000000, 0x188e898400000000, + 0xb91e9e6c00000000, 0x1ba9d78f00000000, 0xba39c06700000000, + 0x0a64bce500000000, 0xabf4ab0d00000000, 0x0943e2ee00000000, + 0xa8d3f50600000000, 0x0c2a00f300000000, 0xadba171b00000000, + 0x0f0d5ef800000000, 0xae9d491000000000, 0x06f8c4c800000000, + 0xa768d32000000000, 0x05df9ac300000000, 0xa44f8d2b00000000, + 0x00b678de00000000, 0xa1266f3600000000, 0x039126d500000000, + 0xa201313d00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xee8439a100000000, 0x9d0f029900000000, + 0x738b3b3800000000, 0x7b1975e900000000, 0x959d4c4800000000, + 0xe616777000000000, 0x08924ed100000000, 0xb7349b0900000000, + 0x59b0a2a800000000, 0x2a3b999000000000, 0xc4bfa03100000000, + 0xcc2deee000000000, 0x22a9d74100000000, 0x5122ec7900000000, + 0xbfa6d5d800000000, 0x6e69361300000000, 0x80ed0fb200000000, + 0xf366348a00000000, 0x1de20d2b00000000, 0x157043fa00000000, + 0xfbf47a5b00000000, 0x887f416300000000, 0x66fb78c200000000, + 0xd95dad1a00000000, 0x37d994bb00000000, 0x4452af8300000000, + 0xaad6962200000000, 0xa244d8f300000000, 0x4cc0e15200000000, + 0x3f4bda6a00000000, 0xd1cfe3cb00000000, 0xdcd26c2600000000, + 0x3256558700000000, 0x41dd6ebf00000000, 0xaf59571e00000000, + 0xa7cb19cf00000000, 0x494f206e00000000, 0x3ac41b5600000000, + 0xd44022f700000000, 0x6be6f72f00000000, 0x8562ce8e00000000, + 0xf6e9f5b600000000, 0x186dcc1700000000, 0x10ff82c600000000, + 0xfe7bbb6700000000, 0x8df0805f00000000, 0x6374b9fe00000000, + 0xb2bb5a3500000000, 0x5c3f639400000000, 0x2fb458ac00000000, + 0xc130610d00000000, 0xc9a22fdc00000000, 0x2726167d00000000, + 0x54ad2d4500000000, 0xba2914e400000000, 0x058fc13c00000000, + 0xeb0bf89d00000000, 0x9880c3a500000000, 0x7604fa0400000000, + 0x7e96b4d500000000, 0x90128d7400000000, 0xe399b64c00000000, + 0x0d1d8fed00000000, 0xb8a5d94c00000000, 0x5621e0ed00000000, + 0x25aadbd500000000, 0xcb2ee27400000000, 0xc3bcaca500000000, + 0x2d38950400000000, 0x5eb3ae3c00000000, 0xb037979d00000000, + 0x0f91424500000000, 0xe1157be400000000, 0x929e40dc00000000, + 0x7c1a797d00000000, 0x748837ac00000000, 0x9a0c0e0d00000000, + 0xe987353500000000, 0x07030c9400000000, 0xd6ccef5f00000000, + 0x3848d6fe00000000, 0x4bc3edc600000000, 0xa547d46700000000, + 0xadd59ab600000000, 0x4351a31700000000, 0x30da982f00000000, + 0xde5ea18e00000000, 0x61f8745600000000, 0x8f7c4df700000000, + 0xfcf776cf00000000, 0x12734f6e00000000, 0x1ae101bf00000000, + 0xf465381e00000000, 0x87ee032600000000, 0x696a3a8700000000, + 0x6477b56a00000000, 0x8af38ccb00000000, 0xf978b7f300000000, + 0x17fc8e5200000000, 0x1f6ec08300000000, 0xf1eaf92200000000, + 0x8261c21a00000000, 0x6ce5fbbb00000000, 0xd3432e6300000000, + 0x3dc717c200000000, 0x4e4c2cfa00000000, 0xa0c8155b00000000, + 0xa85a5b8a00000000, 0x46de622b00000000, 0x3555591300000000, + 0xdbd160b200000000, 0x0a1e837900000000, 0xe49abad800000000, + 0x971181e000000000, 0x7995b84100000000, 0x7107f69000000000, + 0x9f83cf3100000000, 0xec08f40900000000, 0x028ccda800000000, + 0xbd2a187000000000, 0x53ae21d100000000, 0x20251ae900000000, + 0xcea1234800000000, 0xc6336d9900000000, 0x28b7543800000000, + 0x5b3c6f0000000000, 0xb5b856a100000000, 0x704bb39900000000, + 0x9ecf8a3800000000, 0xed44b10000000000, 0x03c088a100000000, + 0x0b52c67000000000, 0xe5d6ffd100000000, 0x965dc4e900000000, + 0x78d9fd4800000000, 0xc77f289000000000, 0x29fb113100000000, + 0x5a702a0900000000, 0xb4f413a800000000, 0xbc665d7900000000, + 0x52e264d800000000, 0x21695fe000000000, 0xcfed664100000000, + 0x1e22858a00000000, 0xf0a6bc2b00000000, 0x832d871300000000, + 0x6da9beb200000000, 0x653bf06300000000, 0x8bbfc9c200000000, + 0xf834f2fa00000000, 0x16b0cb5b00000000, 0xa9161e8300000000, + 0x4792272200000000, 0x34191c1a00000000, 0xda9d25bb00000000, + 0xd20f6b6a00000000, 0x3c8b52cb00000000, 0x4f0069f300000000, + 0xa184505200000000, 0xac99dfbf00000000, 0x421de61e00000000, + 0x3196dd2600000000, 0xdf12e48700000000, 0xd780aa5600000000, + 0x390493f700000000, 0x4a8fa8cf00000000, 0xa40b916e00000000, + 0x1bad44b600000000, 0xf5297d1700000000, 0x86a2462f00000000, + 0x68267f8e00000000, 0x60b4315f00000000, 0x8e3008fe00000000, + 0xfdbb33c600000000, 0x133f0a6700000000, 0xc2f0e9ac00000000, + 0x2c74d00d00000000, 0x5fffeb3500000000, 0xb17bd29400000000, + 0xb9e99c4500000000, 0x576da5e400000000, 0x24e69edc00000000, + 0xca62a77d00000000, 0x75c472a500000000, 0x9b404b0400000000, + 0xe8cb703c00000000, 0x064f499d00000000, 0x0edd074c00000000, + 0xe0593eed00000000, 0x93d205d500000000, 0x7d563c7400000000, + 0xc8ee6ad500000000, 0x266a537400000000, 0x55e1684c00000000, + 0xbb6551ed00000000, 0xb3f71f3c00000000, 0x5d73269d00000000, + 0x2ef81da500000000, 0xc07c240400000000, 0x7fdaf1dc00000000, + 0x915ec87d00000000, 0xe2d5f34500000000, 0x0c51cae400000000, + 0x04c3843500000000, 0xea47bd9400000000, 0x99cc86ac00000000, + 0x7748bf0d00000000, 0xa6875cc600000000, 0x4803656700000000, + 0x3b885e5f00000000, 0xd50c67fe00000000, 0xdd9e292f00000000, + 0x331a108e00000000, 0x40912bb600000000, 0xae15121700000000, + 0x11b3c7cf00000000, 0xff37fe6e00000000, 0x8cbcc55600000000, + 0x6238fcf700000000, 0x6aaab22600000000, 0x842e8b8700000000, + 0xf7a5b0bf00000000, 0x1921891e00000000, 0x143c06f300000000, + 0xfab83f5200000000, 0x8933046a00000000, 0x67b73dcb00000000, + 0x6f25731a00000000, 0x81a14abb00000000, 0xf22a718300000000, + 0x1cae482200000000, 0xa3089dfa00000000, 0x4d8ca45b00000000, + 0x3e079f6300000000, 0xd083a6c200000000, 0xd811e81300000000, + 0x3695d1b200000000, 0x451eea8a00000000, 0xab9ad32b00000000, + 0x7a5530e000000000, 0x94d1094100000000, 0xe75a327900000000, + 0x09de0bd800000000, 0x014c450900000000, 0xefc87ca800000000, + 0x9c43479000000000, 0x72c77e3100000000, 0xcd61abe900000000, + 0x23e5924800000000, 0x506ea97000000000, 0xbeea90d100000000, + 0xb678de0000000000, 0x58fce7a100000000, 0x2b77dc9900000000, + 0xc5f3e53800000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xfbf6134700000000, 0xf6ed278e00000000, + 0x0d1b34c900000000, 0xaddd3ec700000000, 0x562b2d8000000000, + 0x5b30194900000000, 0xa0c60a0e00000000, 0x1bbd0c5500000000, + 0xe04b1f1200000000, 0xed502bdb00000000, 0x16a6389c00000000, + 0xb660329200000000, 0x4d9621d500000000, 0x408d151c00000000, + 0xbb7b065b00000000, 0x367a19aa00000000, 0xcd8c0aed00000000, + 0xc0973e2400000000, 0x3b612d6300000000, 0x9ba7276d00000000, + 0x6051342a00000000, 0x6d4a00e300000000, 0x96bc13a400000000, + 0x2dc715ff00000000, 0xd63106b800000000, 0xdb2a327100000000, + 0x20dc213600000000, 0x801a2b3800000000, 0x7bec387f00000000, + 0x76f70cb600000000, 0x8d011ff100000000, 0x2df2438f00000000, + 0xd60450c800000000, 0xdb1f640100000000, 0x20e9774600000000, + 0x802f7d4800000000, 0x7bd96e0f00000000, 0x76c25ac600000000, + 0x8d34498100000000, 0x364f4fda00000000, 0xcdb95c9d00000000, + 0xc0a2685400000000, 0x3b547b1300000000, 0x9b92711d00000000, + 0x6064625a00000000, 0x6d7f569300000000, 0x968945d400000000, + 0x1b885a2500000000, 0xe07e496200000000, 0xed657dab00000000, + 0x16936eec00000000, 0xb65564e200000000, 0x4da377a500000000, + 0x40b8436c00000000, 0xbb4e502b00000000, 0x0035567000000000, + 0xfbc3453700000000, 0xf6d871fe00000000, 0x0d2e62b900000000, + 0xade868b700000000, 0x561e7bf000000000, 0x5b054f3900000000, + 0xa0f35c7e00000000, 0x1be2f6c500000000, 0xe014e58200000000, + 0xed0fd14b00000000, 0x16f9c20c00000000, 0xb63fc80200000000, + 0x4dc9db4500000000, 0x40d2ef8c00000000, 0xbb24fccb00000000, + 0x005ffa9000000000, 0xfba9e9d700000000, 0xf6b2dd1e00000000, + 0x0d44ce5900000000, 0xad82c45700000000, 0x5674d71000000000, + 0x5b6fe3d900000000, 0xa099f09e00000000, 0x2d98ef6f00000000, + 0xd66efc2800000000, 0xdb75c8e100000000, 0x2083dba600000000, + 0x8045d1a800000000, 0x7bb3c2ef00000000, 0x76a8f62600000000, + 0x8d5ee56100000000, 0x3625e33a00000000, 0xcdd3f07d00000000, + 0xc0c8c4b400000000, 0x3b3ed7f300000000, 0x9bf8ddfd00000000, + 0x600eceba00000000, 0x6d15fa7300000000, 0x96e3e93400000000, + 0x3610b54a00000000, 0xcde6a60d00000000, 0xc0fd92c400000000, + 0x3b0b818300000000, 0x9bcd8b8d00000000, 0x603b98ca00000000, + 0x6d20ac0300000000, 0x96d6bf4400000000, 0x2dadb91f00000000, + 0xd65baa5800000000, 0xdb409e9100000000, 0x20b68dd600000000, + 0x807087d800000000, 0x7b86949f00000000, 0x769da05600000000, + 0x8d6bb31100000000, 0x006aace000000000, 0xfb9cbfa700000000, + 0xf6878b6e00000000, 0x0d71982900000000, 0xadb7922700000000, + 0x5641816000000000, 0x5b5ab5a900000000, 0xa0aca6ee00000000, + 0x1bd7a0b500000000, 0xe021b3f200000000, 0xed3a873b00000000, + 0x16cc947c00000000, 0xb60a9e7200000000, 0x4dfc8d3500000000, + 0x40e7b9fc00000000, 0xbb11aabb00000000, 0x77c29c5000000000, + 0x8c348f1700000000, 0x812fbbde00000000, 0x7ad9a89900000000, + 0xda1fa29700000000, 0x21e9b1d000000000, 0x2cf2851900000000, + 0xd704965e00000000, 0x6c7f900500000000, 0x9789834200000000, + 0x9a92b78b00000000, 0x6164a4cc00000000, 0xc1a2aec200000000, + 0x3a54bd8500000000, 0x374f894c00000000, 0xccb99a0b00000000, + 0x41b885fa00000000, 0xba4e96bd00000000, 0xb755a27400000000, + 0x4ca3b13300000000, 0xec65bb3d00000000, 0x1793a87a00000000, + 0x1a889cb300000000, 0xe17e8ff400000000, 0x5a0589af00000000, + 0xa1f39ae800000000, 0xace8ae2100000000, 0x571ebd6600000000, + 0xf7d8b76800000000, 0x0c2ea42f00000000, 0x013590e600000000, + 0xfac383a100000000, 0x5a30dfdf00000000, 0xa1c6cc9800000000, + 0xacddf85100000000, 0x572beb1600000000, 0xf7ede11800000000, + 0x0c1bf25f00000000, 0x0100c69600000000, 0xfaf6d5d100000000, + 0x418dd38a00000000, 0xba7bc0cd00000000, 0xb760f40400000000, + 0x4c96e74300000000, 0xec50ed4d00000000, 0x17a6fe0a00000000, + 0x1abdcac300000000, 0xe14bd98400000000, 0x6c4ac67500000000, + 0x97bcd53200000000, 0x9aa7e1fb00000000, 0x6151f2bc00000000, + 0xc197f8b200000000, 0x3a61ebf500000000, 0x377adf3c00000000, + 0xcc8ccc7b00000000, 0x77f7ca2000000000, 0x8c01d96700000000, + 0x811aedae00000000, 0x7aecfee900000000, 0xda2af4e700000000, + 0x21dce7a000000000, 0x2cc7d36900000000, 0xd731c02e00000000, + 0x6c206a9500000000, 0x97d679d200000000, 0x9acd4d1b00000000, + 0x613b5e5c00000000, 0xc1fd545200000000, 0x3a0b471500000000, + 0x371073dc00000000, 0xcce6609b00000000, 0x779d66c000000000, + 0x8c6b758700000000, 0x8170414e00000000, 0x7a86520900000000, + 0xda40580700000000, 0x21b64b4000000000, 0x2cad7f8900000000, + 0xd75b6cce00000000, 0x5a5a733f00000000, 0xa1ac607800000000, + 0xacb754b100000000, 0x574147f600000000, 0xf7874df800000000, + 0x0c715ebf00000000, 0x016a6a7600000000, 0xfa9c793100000000, + 0x41e77f6a00000000, 0xba116c2d00000000, 0xb70a58e400000000, + 0x4cfc4ba300000000, 0xec3a41ad00000000, 0x17cc52ea00000000, + 0x1ad7662300000000, 0xe121756400000000, 0x41d2291a00000000, + 0xba243a5d00000000, 0xb73f0e9400000000, 0x4cc91dd300000000, + 0xec0f17dd00000000, 0x17f9049a00000000, 0x1ae2305300000000, + 0xe114231400000000, 0x5a6f254f00000000, 0xa199360800000000, + 0xac8202c100000000, 0x5774118600000000, 0xf7b21b8800000000, + 0x0c4408cf00000000, 0x015f3c0600000000, 0xfaa92f4100000000, + 0x77a830b000000000, 0x8c5e23f700000000, 0x8145173e00000000, + 0x7ab3047900000000, 0xda750e7700000000, 0x21831d3000000000, + 0x2c9829f900000000, 0xd76e3abe00000000, 0x6c153ce500000000, + 0x97e32fa200000000, 0x9af81b6b00000000, 0x610e082c00000000, + 0xc1c8022200000000, 0x3a3e116500000000, 0x372525ac00000000, + 0xccd336eb00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x6238282a00000000, 0xc470505400000000, + 0xa648787e00000000, 0x88e1a0a800000000, 0xead9888200000000, + 0x4c91f0fc00000000, 0x2ea9d8d600000000, 0x51c5308a00000000, + 0x33fd18a000000000, 0x95b560de00000000, 0xf78d48f400000000, + 0xd924902200000000, 0xbb1cb80800000000, 0x1d54c07600000000, + 0x7f6ce85c00000000, 0xe38c10cf00000000, 0x81b438e500000000, + 0x27fc409b00000000, 0x45c468b100000000, 0x6b6db06700000000, + 0x0955984d00000000, 0xaf1de03300000000, 0xcd25c81900000000, + 0xb249204500000000, 0xd071086f00000000, 0x7639701100000000, + 0x1401583b00000000, 0x3aa880ed00000000, 0x5890a8c700000000, + 0xfed8d0b900000000, 0x9ce0f89300000000, 0x871f504500000000, + 0xe527786f00000000, 0x436f001100000000, 0x2157283b00000000, + 0x0ffef0ed00000000, 0x6dc6d8c700000000, 0xcb8ea0b900000000, + 0xa9b6889300000000, 0xd6da60cf00000000, 0xb4e248e500000000, + 0x12aa309b00000000, 0x709218b100000000, 0x5e3bc06700000000, + 0x3c03e84d00000000, 0x9a4b903300000000, 0xf873b81900000000, + 0x6493408a00000000, 0x06ab68a000000000, 0xa0e310de00000000, + 0xc2db38f400000000, 0xec72e02200000000, 0x8e4ac80800000000, + 0x2802b07600000000, 0x4a3a985c00000000, 0x3556700000000000, + 0x576e582a00000000, 0xf126205400000000, 0x931e087e00000000, + 0xbdb7d0a800000000, 0xdf8ff88200000000, 0x79c780fc00000000, + 0x1bffa8d600000000, 0x0e3fa08a00000000, 0x6c0788a000000000, + 0xca4ff0de00000000, 0xa877d8f400000000, 0x86de002200000000, + 0xe4e6280800000000, 0x42ae507600000000, 0x2096785c00000000, + 0x5ffa900000000000, 0x3dc2b82a00000000, 0x9b8ac05400000000, + 0xf9b2e87e00000000, 0xd71b30a800000000, 0xb523188200000000, + 0x136b60fc00000000, 0x715348d600000000, 0xedb3b04500000000, + 0x8f8b986f00000000, 0x29c3e01100000000, 0x4bfbc83b00000000, + 0x655210ed00000000, 0x076a38c700000000, 0xa12240b900000000, + 0xc31a689300000000, 0xbc7680cf00000000, 0xde4ea8e500000000, + 0x7806d09b00000000, 0x1a3ef8b100000000, 0x3497206700000000, + 0x56af084d00000000, 0xf0e7703300000000, 0x92df581900000000, + 0x8920f0cf00000000, 0xeb18d8e500000000, 0x4d50a09b00000000, + 0x2f6888b100000000, 0x01c1506700000000, 0x63f9784d00000000, + 0xc5b1003300000000, 0xa789281900000000, 0xd8e5c04500000000, + 0xbadde86f00000000, 0x1c95901100000000, 0x7eadb83b00000000, + 0x500460ed00000000, 0x323c48c700000000, 0x947430b900000000, + 0xf64c189300000000, 0x6aace00000000000, 0x0894c82a00000000, + 0xaedcb05400000000, 0xcce4987e00000000, 0xe24d40a800000000, + 0x8075688200000000, 0x263d10fc00000000, 0x440538d600000000, + 0x3b69d08a00000000, 0x5951f8a000000000, 0xff1980de00000000, + 0x9d21a8f400000000, 0xb388702200000000, 0xd1b0580800000000, + 0x77f8207600000000, 0x15c0085c00000000, 0x5d7831ce00000000, + 0x3f4019e400000000, 0x9908619a00000000, 0xfb3049b000000000, + 0xd599916600000000, 0xb7a1b94c00000000, 0x11e9c13200000000, + 0x73d1e91800000000, 0x0cbd014400000000, 0x6e85296e00000000, + 0xc8cd511000000000, 0xaaf5793a00000000, 0x845ca1ec00000000, + 0xe66489c600000000, 0x402cf1b800000000, 0x2214d99200000000, + 0xbef4210100000000, 0xdccc092b00000000, 0x7a84715500000000, + 0x18bc597f00000000, 0x361581a900000000, 0x542da98300000000, + 0xf265d1fd00000000, 0x905df9d700000000, 0xef31118b00000000, + 0x8d0939a100000000, 0x2b4141df00000000, 0x497969f500000000, + 0x67d0b12300000000, 0x05e8990900000000, 0xa3a0e17700000000, + 0xc198c95d00000000, 0xda67618b00000000, 0xb85f49a100000000, + 0x1e1731df00000000, 0x7c2f19f500000000, 0x5286c12300000000, + 0x30bee90900000000, 0x96f6917700000000, 0xf4ceb95d00000000, + 0x8ba2510100000000, 0xe99a792b00000000, 0x4fd2015500000000, + 0x2dea297f00000000, 0x0343f1a900000000, 0x617bd98300000000, + 0xc733a1fd00000000, 0xa50b89d700000000, 0x39eb714400000000, + 0x5bd3596e00000000, 0xfd9b211000000000, 0x9fa3093a00000000, + 0xb10ad1ec00000000, 0xd332f9c600000000, 0x757a81b800000000, + 0x1742a99200000000, 0x682e41ce00000000, 0x0a1669e400000000, + 0xac5e119a00000000, 0xce6639b000000000, 0xe0cfe16600000000, + 0x82f7c94c00000000, 0x24bfb13200000000, 0x4687991800000000, + 0x5347914400000000, 0x317fb96e00000000, 0x9737c11000000000, + 0xf50fe93a00000000, 0xdba631ec00000000, 0xb99e19c600000000, + 0x1fd661b800000000, 0x7dee499200000000, 0x0282a1ce00000000, + 0x60ba89e400000000, 0xc6f2f19a00000000, 0xa4cad9b000000000, + 0x8a63016600000000, 0xe85b294c00000000, 0x4e13513200000000, + 0x2c2b791800000000, 0xb0cb818b00000000, 0xd2f3a9a100000000, + 0x74bbd1df00000000, 0x1683f9f500000000, 0x382a212300000000, + 0x5a12090900000000, 0xfc5a717700000000, 0x9e62595d00000000, + 0xe10eb10100000000, 0x8336992b00000000, 0x257ee15500000000, + 0x4746c97f00000000, 0x69ef11a900000000, 0x0bd7398300000000, + 0xad9f41fd00000000, 0xcfa769d700000000, 0xd458c10100000000, + 0xb660e92b00000000, 0x1028915500000000, 0x7210b97f00000000, + 0x5cb961a900000000, 0x3e81498300000000, 0x98c931fd00000000, + 0xfaf119d700000000, 0x859df18b00000000, 0xe7a5d9a100000000, + 0x41eda1df00000000, 0x23d589f500000000, 0x0d7c512300000000, + 0x6f44790900000000, 0xc90c017700000000, 0xab34295d00000000, + 0x37d4d1ce00000000, 0x55ecf9e400000000, 0xf3a4819a00000000, + 0x919ca9b000000000, 0xbf35716600000000, 0xdd0d594c00000000, + 0x7b45213200000000, 0x197d091800000000, 0x6611e14400000000, + 0x0429c96e00000000, 0xa261b11000000000, 0xc059993a00000000, + 0xeef041ec00000000, 0x8cc869c600000000, 0x2a8011b800000000, + 0x48b8399200000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x4c2896a300000000, 0xd9565d9c00000000, + 0x957ecb3f00000000, 0xf3abcbe300000000, 0xbf835d4000000000, + 0x2afd967f00000000, 0x66d500dc00000000, 0xa751e61c00000000, + 0xeb7970bf00000000, 0x7e07bb8000000000, 0x322f2d2300000000, + 0x54fa2dff00000000, 0x18d2bb5c00000000, 0x8dac706300000000, + 0xc184e6c000000000, 0x4ea3cc3900000000, 0x028b5a9a00000000, + 0x97f591a500000000, 0xdbdd070600000000, 0xbd0807da00000000, + 0xf120917900000000, 0x645e5a4600000000, 0x2876cce500000000, + 0xe9f22a2500000000, 0xa5dabc8600000000, 0x30a477b900000000, + 0x7c8ce11a00000000, 0x1a59e1c600000000, 0x5671776500000000, + 0xc30fbc5a00000000, 0x8f272af900000000, 0x9c46997300000000, + 0xd06e0fd000000000, 0x4510c4ef00000000, 0x0938524c00000000, + 0x6fed529000000000, 0x23c5c43300000000, 0xb6bb0f0c00000000, + 0xfa9399af00000000, 0x3b177f6f00000000, 0x773fe9cc00000000, + 0xe24122f300000000, 0xae69b45000000000, 0xc8bcb48c00000000, + 0x8494222f00000000, 0x11eae91000000000, 0x5dc27fb300000000, + 0xd2e5554a00000000, 0x9ecdc3e900000000, 0x0bb308d600000000, + 0x479b9e7500000000, 0x214e9ea900000000, 0x6d66080a00000000, + 0xf818c33500000000, 0xb430559600000000, 0x75b4b35600000000, + 0x399c25f500000000, 0xace2eeca00000000, 0xe0ca786900000000, + 0x861f78b500000000, 0xca37ee1600000000, 0x5f49252900000000, + 0x1361b38a00000000, 0x388d32e700000000, 0x74a5a44400000000, + 0xe1db6f7b00000000, 0xadf3f9d800000000, 0xcb26f90400000000, + 0x870e6fa700000000, 0x1270a49800000000, 0x5e58323b00000000, + 0x9fdcd4fb00000000, 0xd3f4425800000000, 0x468a896700000000, + 0x0aa21fc400000000, 0x6c771f1800000000, 0x205f89bb00000000, + 0xb521428400000000, 0xf909d42700000000, 0x762efede00000000, + 0x3a06687d00000000, 0xaf78a34200000000, 0xe35035e100000000, + 0x8585353d00000000, 0xc9ada39e00000000, 0x5cd368a100000000, + 0x10fbfe0200000000, 0xd17f18c200000000, 0x9d578e6100000000, + 0x0829455e00000000, 0x4401d3fd00000000, 0x22d4d32100000000, + 0x6efc458200000000, 0xfb828ebd00000000, 0xb7aa181e00000000, + 0xa4cbab9400000000, 0xe8e33d3700000000, 0x7d9df60800000000, + 0x31b560ab00000000, 0x5760607700000000, 0x1b48f6d400000000, + 0x8e363deb00000000, 0xc21eab4800000000, 0x039a4d8800000000, + 0x4fb2db2b00000000, 0xdacc101400000000, 0x96e486b700000000, + 0xf031866b00000000, 0xbc1910c800000000, 0x2967dbf700000000, + 0x654f4d5400000000, 0xea6867ad00000000, 0xa640f10e00000000, + 0x333e3a3100000000, 0x7f16ac9200000000, 0x19c3ac4e00000000, + 0x55eb3aed00000000, 0xc095f1d200000000, 0x8cbd677100000000, + 0x4d3981b100000000, 0x0111171200000000, 0x946fdc2d00000000, + 0xd8474a8e00000000, 0xbe924a5200000000, 0xf2badcf100000000, + 0x67c417ce00000000, 0x2bec816d00000000, 0x311c141500000000, + 0x7d3482b600000000, 0xe84a498900000000, 0xa462df2a00000000, + 0xc2b7dff600000000, 0x8e9f495500000000, 0x1be1826a00000000, + 0x57c914c900000000, 0x964df20900000000, 0xda6564aa00000000, + 0x4f1baf9500000000, 0x0333393600000000, 0x65e639ea00000000, + 0x29ceaf4900000000, 0xbcb0647600000000, 0xf098f2d500000000, + 0x7fbfd82c00000000, 0x33974e8f00000000, 0xa6e985b000000000, + 0xeac1131300000000, 0x8c1413cf00000000, 0xc03c856c00000000, + 0x55424e5300000000, 0x196ad8f000000000, 0xd8ee3e3000000000, + 0x94c6a89300000000, 0x01b863ac00000000, 0x4d90f50f00000000, + 0x2b45f5d300000000, 0x676d637000000000, 0xf213a84f00000000, + 0xbe3b3eec00000000, 0xad5a8d6600000000, 0xe1721bc500000000, + 0x740cd0fa00000000, 0x3824465900000000, 0x5ef1468500000000, + 0x12d9d02600000000, 0x87a71b1900000000, 0xcb8f8dba00000000, + 0x0a0b6b7a00000000, 0x4623fdd900000000, 0xd35d36e600000000, + 0x9f75a04500000000, 0xf9a0a09900000000, 0xb588363a00000000, + 0x20f6fd0500000000, 0x6cde6ba600000000, 0xe3f9415f00000000, + 0xafd1d7fc00000000, 0x3aaf1cc300000000, 0x76878a6000000000, + 0x10528abc00000000, 0x5c7a1c1f00000000, 0xc904d72000000000, + 0x852c418300000000, 0x44a8a74300000000, 0x088031e000000000, + 0x9dfefadf00000000, 0xd1d66c7c00000000, 0xb7036ca000000000, + 0xfb2bfa0300000000, 0x6e55313c00000000, 0x227da79f00000000, + 0x099126f200000000, 0x45b9b05100000000, 0xd0c77b6e00000000, + 0x9cefedcd00000000, 0xfa3aed1100000000, 0xb6127bb200000000, + 0x236cb08d00000000, 0x6f44262e00000000, 0xaec0c0ee00000000, + 0xe2e8564d00000000, 0x77969d7200000000, 0x3bbe0bd100000000, + 0x5d6b0b0d00000000, 0x11439dae00000000, 0x843d569100000000, + 0xc815c03200000000, 0x4732eacb00000000, 0x0b1a7c6800000000, + 0x9e64b75700000000, 0xd24c21f400000000, 0xb499212800000000, + 0xf8b1b78b00000000, 0x6dcf7cb400000000, 0x21e7ea1700000000, + 0xe0630cd700000000, 0xac4b9a7400000000, 0x3935514b00000000, + 0x751dc7e800000000, 0x13c8c73400000000, 0x5fe0519700000000, + 0xca9e9aa800000000, 0x86b60c0b00000000, 0x95d7bf8100000000, + 0xd9ff292200000000, 0x4c81e21d00000000, 0x00a974be00000000, + 0x667c746200000000, 0x2a54e2c100000000, 0xbf2a29fe00000000, + 0xf302bf5d00000000, 0x3286599d00000000, 0x7eaecf3e00000000, + 0xebd0040100000000, 0xa7f892a200000000, 0xc12d927e00000000, + 0x8d0504dd00000000, 0x187bcfe200000000, 0x5453594100000000, + 0xdb7473b800000000, 0x975ce51b00000000, 0x02222e2400000000, + 0x4e0ab88700000000, 0x28dfb85b00000000, 0x64f72ef800000000, + 0xf189e5c700000000, 0xbda1736400000000, 0x7c2595a400000000, + 0x300d030700000000, 0xa573c83800000000, 0xe95b5e9b00000000, + 0x8f8e5e4700000000, 0xc3a6c8e400000000, 0x56d803db00000000, + 0x1af0957800000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x939bc97f00000000, 0x263793ff00000000, + 0xb5ac5a8000000000, 0x0d68572400000000, 0x9ef39e5b00000000, + 0x2b5fc4db00000000, 0xb8c40da400000000, 0x1ad0ae4800000000, + 0x894b673700000000, 0x3ce73db700000000, 0xaf7cf4c800000000, + 0x17b8f96c00000000, 0x8423301300000000, 0x318f6a9300000000, + 0xa214a3ec00000000, 0x34a05d9100000000, 0xa73b94ee00000000, + 0x1297ce6e00000000, 0x810c071100000000, 0x39c80ab500000000, + 0xaa53c3ca00000000, 0x1fff994a00000000, 0x8c64503500000000, + 0x2e70f3d900000000, 0xbdeb3aa600000000, 0x0847602600000000, + 0x9bdca95900000000, 0x2318a4fd00000000, 0xb0836d8200000000, + 0x052f370200000000, 0x96b4fe7d00000000, 0x2946caf900000000, + 0xbadd038600000000, 0x0f71590600000000, 0x9cea907900000000, + 0x242e9ddd00000000, 0xb7b554a200000000, 0x02190e2200000000, + 0x9182c75d00000000, 0x339664b100000000, 0xa00dadce00000000, + 0x15a1f74e00000000, 0x863a3e3100000000, 0x3efe339500000000, + 0xad65faea00000000, 0x18c9a06a00000000, 0x8b52691500000000, + 0x1de6976800000000, 0x8e7d5e1700000000, 0x3bd1049700000000, + 0xa84acde800000000, 0x108ec04c00000000, 0x8315093300000000, + 0x36b953b300000000, 0xa5229acc00000000, 0x0736392000000000, + 0x94adf05f00000000, 0x2101aadf00000000, 0xb29a63a000000000, + 0x0a5e6e0400000000, 0x99c5a77b00000000, 0x2c69fdfb00000000, + 0xbff2348400000000, 0x138ae52800000000, 0x80112c5700000000, + 0x35bd76d700000000, 0xa626bfa800000000, 0x1ee2b20c00000000, + 0x8d797b7300000000, 0x38d521f300000000, 0xab4ee88c00000000, + 0x095a4b6000000000, 0x9ac1821f00000000, 0x2f6dd89f00000000, + 0xbcf611e000000000, 0x04321c4400000000, 0x97a9d53b00000000, + 0x22058fbb00000000, 0xb19e46c400000000, 0x272ab8b900000000, + 0xb4b171c600000000, 0x011d2b4600000000, 0x9286e23900000000, + 0x2a42ef9d00000000, 0xb9d926e200000000, 0x0c757c6200000000, + 0x9feeb51d00000000, 0x3dfa16f100000000, 0xae61df8e00000000, + 0x1bcd850e00000000, 0x88564c7100000000, 0x309241d500000000, + 0xa30988aa00000000, 0x16a5d22a00000000, 0x853e1b5500000000, + 0x3acc2fd100000000, 0xa957e6ae00000000, 0x1cfbbc2e00000000, + 0x8f60755100000000, 0x37a478f500000000, 0xa43fb18a00000000, + 0x1193eb0a00000000, 0x8208227500000000, 0x201c819900000000, + 0xb38748e600000000, 0x062b126600000000, 0x95b0db1900000000, + 0x2d74d6bd00000000, 0xbeef1fc200000000, 0x0b43454200000000, + 0x98d88c3d00000000, 0x0e6c724000000000, 0x9df7bb3f00000000, + 0x285be1bf00000000, 0xbbc028c000000000, 0x0304256400000000, + 0x909fec1b00000000, 0x2533b69b00000000, 0xb6a87fe400000000, + 0x14bcdc0800000000, 0x8727157700000000, 0x328b4ff700000000, + 0xa110868800000000, 0x19d48b2c00000000, 0x8a4f425300000000, + 0x3fe318d300000000, 0xac78d1ac00000000, 0x2614cb5100000000, + 0xb58f022e00000000, 0x002358ae00000000, 0x93b891d100000000, + 0x2b7c9c7500000000, 0xb8e7550a00000000, 0x0d4b0f8a00000000, + 0x9ed0c6f500000000, 0x3cc4651900000000, 0xaf5fac6600000000, + 0x1af3f6e600000000, 0x89683f9900000000, 0x31ac323d00000000, + 0xa237fb4200000000, 0x179ba1c200000000, 0x840068bd00000000, + 0x12b496c000000000, 0x812f5fbf00000000, 0x3483053f00000000, + 0xa718cc4000000000, 0x1fdcc1e400000000, 0x8c47089b00000000, + 0x39eb521b00000000, 0xaa709b6400000000, 0x0864388800000000, + 0x9bfff1f700000000, 0x2e53ab7700000000, 0xbdc8620800000000, + 0x050c6fac00000000, 0x9697a6d300000000, 0x233bfc5300000000, + 0xb0a0352c00000000, 0x0f5201a800000000, 0x9cc9c8d700000000, + 0x2965925700000000, 0xbafe5b2800000000, 0x023a568c00000000, + 0x91a19ff300000000, 0x240dc57300000000, 0xb7960c0c00000000, + 0x1582afe000000000, 0x8619669f00000000, 0x33b53c1f00000000, + 0xa02ef56000000000, 0x18eaf8c400000000, 0x8b7131bb00000000, + 0x3edd6b3b00000000, 0xad46a24400000000, 0x3bf25c3900000000, + 0xa869954600000000, 0x1dc5cfc600000000, 0x8e5e06b900000000, + 0x369a0b1d00000000, 0xa501c26200000000, 0x10ad98e200000000, + 0x8336519d00000000, 0x2122f27100000000, 0xb2b93b0e00000000, + 0x0715618e00000000, 0x948ea8f100000000, 0x2c4aa55500000000, + 0xbfd16c2a00000000, 0x0a7d36aa00000000, 0x99e6ffd500000000, + 0x359e2e7900000000, 0xa605e70600000000, 0x13a9bd8600000000, + 0x803274f900000000, 0x38f6795d00000000, 0xab6db02200000000, + 0x1ec1eaa200000000, 0x8d5a23dd00000000, 0x2f4e803100000000, + 0xbcd5494e00000000, 0x097913ce00000000, 0x9ae2dab100000000, + 0x2226d71500000000, 0xb1bd1e6a00000000, 0x041144ea00000000, + 0x978a8d9500000000, 0x013e73e800000000, 0x92a5ba9700000000, + 0x2709e01700000000, 0xb492296800000000, 0x0c5624cc00000000, + 0x9fcdedb300000000, 0x2a61b73300000000, 0xb9fa7e4c00000000, + 0x1beedda000000000, 0x887514df00000000, 0x3dd94e5f00000000, + 0xae42872000000000, 0x16868a8400000000, 0x851d43fb00000000, + 0x30b1197b00000000, 0xa32ad00400000000, 0x1cd8e48000000000, + 0x8f432dff00000000, 0x3aef777f00000000, 0xa974be0000000000, + 0x11b0b3a400000000, 0x822b7adb00000000, 0x3787205b00000000, + 0xa41ce92400000000, 0x06084ac800000000, 0x959383b700000000, + 0x203fd93700000000, 0xb3a4104800000000, 0x0b601dec00000000, + 0x98fbd49300000000, 0x2d578e1300000000, 0xbecc476c00000000, + 0x2878b91100000000, 0xbbe3706e00000000, 0x0e4f2aee00000000, + 0x9dd4e39100000000, 0x2510ee3500000000, 0xb68b274a00000000, + 0x03277dca00000000, 0x90bcb4b500000000, 0x32a8175900000000, + 0xa133de2600000000, 0x149f84a600000000, 0x87044dd900000000, + 0x3fc0407d00000000, 0xac5b890200000000, 0x19f7d38200000000, + 0x8a6c1afd00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0x650b796900000000, 0xca16f2d200000000, + 0xaf1d8bbb00000000, 0xd52b957e00000000, 0xb020ec1700000000, + 0x1f3d67ac00000000, 0x7a361ec500000000, 0xaa572afd00000000, + 0xcf5c539400000000, 0x6041d82f00000000, 0x054aa14600000000, + 0x7f7cbf8300000000, 0x1a77c6ea00000000, 0xb56a4d5100000000, + 0xd061343800000000, 0x15a9252100000000, 0x70a25c4800000000, + 0xdfbfd7f300000000, 0xbab4ae9a00000000, 0xc082b05f00000000, + 0xa589c93600000000, 0x0a94428d00000000, 0x6f9f3be400000000, + 0xbffe0fdc00000000, 0xdaf576b500000000, 0x75e8fd0e00000000, + 0x10e3846700000000, 0x6ad59aa200000000, 0x0fdee3cb00000000, + 0xa0c3687000000000, 0xc5c8111900000000, 0x2a524b4200000000, + 0x4f59322b00000000, 0xe044b99000000000, 0x854fc0f900000000, + 0xff79de3c00000000, 0x9a72a75500000000, 0x356f2cee00000000, + 0x5064558700000000, 0x800561bf00000000, 0xe50e18d600000000, + 0x4a13936d00000000, 0x2f18ea0400000000, 0x552ef4c100000000, + 0x30258da800000000, 0x9f38061300000000, 0xfa337f7a00000000, + 0x3ffb6e6300000000, 0x5af0170a00000000, 0xf5ed9cb100000000, + 0x90e6e5d800000000, 0xead0fb1d00000000, 0x8fdb827400000000, + 0x20c609cf00000000, 0x45cd70a600000000, 0x95ac449e00000000, + 0xf0a73df700000000, 0x5fbab64c00000000, 0x3ab1cf2500000000, + 0x4087d1e000000000, 0x258ca88900000000, 0x8a91233200000000, + 0xef9a5a5b00000000, 0x54a4968400000000, 0x31afefed00000000, + 0x9eb2645600000000, 0xfbb91d3f00000000, 0x818f03fa00000000, + 0xe4847a9300000000, 0x4b99f12800000000, 0x2e92884100000000, + 0xfef3bc7900000000, 0x9bf8c51000000000, 0x34e54eab00000000, + 0x51ee37c200000000, 0x2bd8290700000000, 0x4ed3506e00000000, + 0xe1cedbd500000000, 0x84c5a2bc00000000, 0x410db3a500000000, + 0x2406cacc00000000, 0x8b1b417700000000, 0xee10381e00000000, + 0x942626db00000000, 0xf12d5fb200000000, 0x5e30d40900000000, + 0x3b3bad6000000000, 0xeb5a995800000000, 0x8e51e03100000000, + 0x214c6b8a00000000, 0x444712e300000000, 0x3e710c2600000000, + 0x5b7a754f00000000, 0xf467fef400000000, 0x916c879d00000000, + 0x7ef6ddc600000000, 0x1bfda4af00000000, 0xb4e02f1400000000, + 0xd1eb567d00000000, 0xabdd48b800000000, 0xced631d100000000, + 0x61cbba6a00000000, 0x04c0c30300000000, 0xd4a1f73b00000000, + 0xb1aa8e5200000000, 0x1eb705e900000000, 0x7bbc7c8000000000, + 0x018a624500000000, 0x64811b2c00000000, 0xcb9c909700000000, + 0xae97e9fe00000000, 0x6b5ff8e700000000, 0x0e54818e00000000, + 0xa1490a3500000000, 0xc442735c00000000, 0xbe746d9900000000, + 0xdb7f14f000000000, 0x74629f4b00000000, 0x1169e62200000000, + 0xc108d21a00000000, 0xa403ab7300000000, 0x0b1e20c800000000, + 0x6e1559a100000000, 0x1423476400000000, 0x71283e0d00000000, + 0xde35b5b600000000, 0xbb3eccdf00000000, 0xe94e5cd200000000, + 0x8c4525bb00000000, 0x2358ae0000000000, 0x4653d76900000000, + 0x3c65c9ac00000000, 0x596eb0c500000000, 0xf6733b7e00000000, + 0x9378421700000000, 0x4319762f00000000, 0x26120f4600000000, + 0x890f84fd00000000, 0xec04fd9400000000, 0x9632e35100000000, + 0xf3399a3800000000, 0x5c24118300000000, 0x392f68ea00000000, + 0xfce779f300000000, 0x99ec009a00000000, 0x36f18b2100000000, + 0x53faf24800000000, 0x29ccec8d00000000, 0x4cc795e400000000, + 0xe3da1e5f00000000, 0x86d1673600000000, 0x56b0530e00000000, + 0x33bb2a6700000000, 0x9ca6a1dc00000000, 0xf9add8b500000000, + 0x839bc67000000000, 0xe690bf1900000000, 0x498d34a200000000, + 0x2c864dcb00000000, 0xc31c179000000000, 0xa6176ef900000000, + 0x090ae54200000000, 0x6c019c2b00000000, 0x163782ee00000000, + 0x733cfb8700000000, 0xdc21703c00000000, 0xb92a095500000000, + 0x694b3d6d00000000, 0x0c40440400000000, 0xa35dcfbf00000000, + 0xc656b6d600000000, 0xbc60a81300000000, 0xd96bd17a00000000, + 0x76765ac100000000, 0x137d23a800000000, 0xd6b532b100000000, + 0xb3be4bd800000000, 0x1ca3c06300000000, 0x79a8b90a00000000, + 0x039ea7cf00000000, 0x6695dea600000000, 0xc988551d00000000, + 0xac832c7400000000, 0x7ce2184c00000000, 0x19e9612500000000, + 0xb6f4ea9e00000000, 0xd3ff93f700000000, 0xa9c98d3200000000, + 0xccc2f45b00000000, 0x63df7fe000000000, 0x06d4068900000000, + 0xbdeaca5600000000, 0xd8e1b33f00000000, 0x77fc388400000000, + 0x12f741ed00000000, 0x68c15f2800000000, 0x0dca264100000000, + 0xa2d7adfa00000000, 0xc7dcd49300000000, 0x17bde0ab00000000, + 0x72b699c200000000, 0xddab127900000000, 0xb8a06b1000000000, + 0xc29675d500000000, 0xa79d0cbc00000000, 0x0880870700000000, + 0x6d8bfe6e00000000, 0xa843ef7700000000, 0xcd48961e00000000, + 0x62551da500000000, 0x075e64cc00000000, 0x7d687a0900000000, + 0x1863036000000000, 0xb77e88db00000000, 0xd275f1b200000000, + 0x0214c58a00000000, 0x671fbce300000000, 0xc802375800000000, + 0xad094e3100000000, 0xd73f50f400000000, 0xb234299d00000000, + 0x1d29a22600000000, 0x7822db4f00000000, 0x97b8811400000000, + 0xf2b3f87d00000000, 0x5dae73c600000000, 0x38a50aaf00000000, + 0x4293146a00000000, 0x27986d0300000000, 0x8885e6b800000000, + 0xed8e9fd100000000, 0x3defabe900000000, 0x58e4d28000000000, + 0xf7f9593b00000000, 0x92f2205200000000, 0xe8c43e9700000000, + 0x8dcf47fe00000000, 0x22d2cc4500000000, 0x47d9b52c00000000, + 0x8211a43500000000, 0xe71add5c00000000, 0x480756e700000000, + 0x2d0c2f8e00000000, 0x573a314b00000000, 0x3231482200000000, + 0x9d2cc39900000000, 0xf827baf000000000, 0x28468ec800000000, + 0x4d4df7a100000000, 0xe2507c1a00000000, 0x875b057300000000, + 0xfd6d1bb600000000, 0x986662df00000000, 0x377be96400000000, + 0x5270900d00000000}, + {0x0000000000000000, 0xdcecb13d00000000, 0xb8d9637b00000000, + 0x6435d24600000000, 0x70b3c7f600000000, 0xac5f76cb00000000, + 0xc86aa48d00000000, 0x148615b000000000, 0xa160fe3600000000, + 0x7d8c4f0b00000000, 0x19b99d4d00000000, 0xc5552c7000000000, + 0xd1d339c000000000, 0x0d3f88fd00000000, 0x690a5abb00000000, + 0xb5e6eb8600000000, 0x42c1fc6d00000000, 0x9e2d4d5000000000, + 0xfa189f1600000000, 0x26f42e2b00000000, 0x32723b9b00000000, + 0xee9e8aa600000000, 0x8aab58e000000000, 0x5647e9dd00000000, + 0xe3a1025b00000000, 0x3f4db36600000000, 0x5b78612000000000, + 0x8794d01d00000000, 0x9312c5ad00000000, 0x4ffe749000000000, + 0x2bcba6d600000000, 0xf72717eb00000000, 0x8482f9db00000000, + 0x586e48e600000000, 0x3c5b9aa000000000, 0xe0b72b9d00000000, + 0xf4313e2d00000000, 0x28dd8f1000000000, 0x4ce85d5600000000, + 0x9004ec6b00000000, 0x25e207ed00000000, 0xf90eb6d000000000, + 0x9d3b649600000000, 0x41d7d5ab00000000, 0x5551c01b00000000, + 0x89bd712600000000, 0xed88a36000000000, 0x3164125d00000000, + 0xc64305b600000000, 0x1aafb48b00000000, 0x7e9a66cd00000000, + 0xa276d7f000000000, 0xb6f0c24000000000, 0x6a1c737d00000000, + 0x0e29a13b00000000, 0xd2c5100600000000, 0x6723fb8000000000, + 0xbbcf4abd00000000, 0xdffa98fb00000000, 0x031629c600000000, + 0x17903c7600000000, 0xcb7c8d4b00000000, 0xaf495f0d00000000, + 0x73a5ee3000000000, 0x4903826c00000000, 0x95ef335100000000, + 0xf1dae11700000000, 0x2d36502a00000000, 0x39b0459a00000000, + 0xe55cf4a700000000, 0x816926e100000000, 0x5d8597dc00000000, + 0xe8637c5a00000000, 0x348fcd6700000000, 0x50ba1f2100000000, + 0x8c56ae1c00000000, 0x98d0bbac00000000, 0x443c0a9100000000, + 0x2009d8d700000000, 0xfce569ea00000000, 0x0bc27e0100000000, + 0xd72ecf3c00000000, 0xb31b1d7a00000000, 0x6ff7ac4700000000, + 0x7b71b9f700000000, 0xa79d08ca00000000, 0xc3a8da8c00000000, + 0x1f446bb100000000, 0xaaa2803700000000, 0x764e310a00000000, + 0x127be34c00000000, 0xce97527100000000, 0xda1147c100000000, + 0x06fdf6fc00000000, 0x62c824ba00000000, 0xbe24958700000000, + 0xcd817bb700000000, 0x116dca8a00000000, 0x755818cc00000000, + 0xa9b4a9f100000000, 0xbd32bc4100000000, 0x61de0d7c00000000, + 0x05ebdf3a00000000, 0xd9076e0700000000, 0x6ce1858100000000, + 0xb00d34bc00000000, 0xd438e6fa00000000, 0x08d457c700000000, + 0x1c52427700000000, 0xc0bef34a00000000, 0xa48b210c00000000, + 0x7867903100000000, 0x8f4087da00000000, 0x53ac36e700000000, + 0x3799e4a100000000, 0xeb75559c00000000, 0xfff3402c00000000, + 0x231ff11100000000, 0x472a235700000000, 0x9bc6926a00000000, + 0x2e2079ec00000000, 0xf2ccc8d100000000, 0x96f91a9700000000, + 0x4a15abaa00000000, 0x5e93be1a00000000, 0x827f0f2700000000, + 0xe64add6100000000, 0x3aa66c5c00000000, 0x920604d900000000, + 0x4eeab5e400000000, 0x2adf67a200000000, 0xf633d69f00000000, + 0xe2b5c32f00000000, 0x3e59721200000000, 0x5a6ca05400000000, + 0x8680116900000000, 0x3366faef00000000, 0xef8a4bd200000000, + 0x8bbf999400000000, 0x575328a900000000, 0x43d53d1900000000, + 0x9f398c2400000000, 0xfb0c5e6200000000, 0x27e0ef5f00000000, + 0xd0c7f8b400000000, 0x0c2b498900000000, 0x681e9bcf00000000, + 0xb4f22af200000000, 0xa0743f4200000000, 0x7c988e7f00000000, + 0x18ad5c3900000000, 0xc441ed0400000000, 0x71a7068200000000, + 0xad4bb7bf00000000, 0xc97e65f900000000, 0x1592d4c400000000, + 0x0114c17400000000, 0xddf8704900000000, 0xb9cda20f00000000, + 0x6521133200000000, 0x1684fd0200000000, 0xca684c3f00000000, + 0xae5d9e7900000000, 0x72b12f4400000000, 0x66373af400000000, + 0xbadb8bc900000000, 0xdeee598f00000000, 0x0202e8b200000000, + 0xb7e4033400000000, 0x6b08b20900000000, 0x0f3d604f00000000, + 0xd3d1d17200000000, 0xc757c4c200000000, 0x1bbb75ff00000000, + 0x7f8ea7b900000000, 0xa362168400000000, 0x5445016f00000000, + 0x88a9b05200000000, 0xec9c621400000000, 0x3070d32900000000, + 0x24f6c69900000000, 0xf81a77a400000000, 0x9c2fa5e200000000, + 0x40c314df00000000, 0xf525ff5900000000, 0x29c94e6400000000, + 0x4dfc9c2200000000, 0x91102d1f00000000, 0x859638af00000000, + 0x597a899200000000, 0x3d4f5bd400000000, 0xe1a3eae900000000, + 0xdb0586b500000000, 0x07e9378800000000, 0x63dce5ce00000000, + 0xbf3054f300000000, 0xabb6414300000000, 0x775af07e00000000, + 0x136f223800000000, 0xcf83930500000000, 0x7a65788300000000, + 0xa689c9be00000000, 0xc2bc1bf800000000, 0x1e50aac500000000, + 0x0ad6bf7500000000, 0xd63a0e4800000000, 0xb20fdc0e00000000, + 0x6ee36d3300000000, 0x99c47ad800000000, 0x4528cbe500000000, + 0x211d19a300000000, 0xfdf1a89e00000000, 0xe977bd2e00000000, + 0x359b0c1300000000, 0x51aede5500000000, 0x8d426f6800000000, + 0x38a484ee00000000, 0xe44835d300000000, 0x807de79500000000, + 0x5c9156a800000000, 0x4817431800000000, 0x94fbf22500000000, + 0xf0ce206300000000, 0x2c22915e00000000, 0x5f877f6e00000000, + 0x836bce5300000000, 0xe75e1c1500000000, 0x3bb2ad2800000000, + 0x2f34b89800000000, 0xf3d809a500000000, 0x97eddbe300000000, + 0x4b016ade00000000, 0xfee7815800000000, 0x220b306500000000, + 0x463ee22300000000, 0x9ad2531e00000000, 0x8e5446ae00000000, + 0x52b8f79300000000, 0x368d25d500000000, 0xea6194e800000000, + 0x1d46830300000000, 0xc1aa323e00000000, 0xa59fe07800000000, + 0x7973514500000000, 0x6df544f500000000, 0xb119f5c800000000, + 0xd52c278e00000000, 0x09c096b300000000, 0xbc267d3500000000, + 0x60cacc0800000000, 0x04ff1e4e00000000, 0xd813af7300000000, + 0xcc95bac300000000, 0x10790bfe00000000, 0x744cd9b800000000, + 0xa8a0688500000000}}; + +#else /* W == 4 */ + +local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x81256527, 0xd93bcc0f, 0x581ea928, 0x69069e5f, + 0xe823fb78, 0xb03d5250, 0x31183777, 0xd20d3cbe, 0x53285999, + 0x0b36f0b1, 0x8a139596, 0xbb0ba2e1, 0x3a2ec7c6, 0x62306eee, + 0xe3150bc9, 0x7f6b7f3d, 0xfe4e1a1a, 0xa650b332, 0x2775d615, + 0x166de162, 0x97488445, 0xcf562d6d, 0x4e73484a, 0xad664383, + 0x2c4326a4, 0x745d8f8c, 0xf578eaab, 0xc460dddc, 0x4545b8fb, + 0x1d5b11d3, 0x9c7e74f4, 0xfed6fe7a, 0x7ff39b5d, 0x27ed3275, + 0xa6c85752, 0x97d06025, 0x16f50502, 0x4eebac2a, 0xcfcec90d, + 0x2cdbc2c4, 0xadfea7e3, 0xf5e00ecb, 0x74c56bec, 0x45dd5c9b, + 0xc4f839bc, 0x9ce69094, 0x1dc3f5b3, 0x81bd8147, 0x0098e460, + 0x58864d48, 0xd9a3286f, 0xe8bb1f18, 0x699e7a3f, 0x3180d317, + 0xb0a5b630, 0x53b0bdf9, 0xd295d8de, 0x8a8b71f6, 0x0bae14d1, + 0x3ab623a6, 0xbb934681, 0xe38defa9, 0x62a88a8e, 0x26dcfab5, + 0xa7f99f92, 0xffe736ba, 0x7ec2539d, 0x4fda64ea, 0xceff01cd, + 0x96e1a8e5, 0x17c4cdc2, 0xf4d1c60b, 0x75f4a32c, 0x2dea0a04, + 0xaccf6f23, 0x9dd75854, 0x1cf23d73, 0x44ec945b, 0xc5c9f17c, + 0x59b78588, 0xd892e0af, 0x808c4987, 0x01a92ca0, 0x30b11bd7, + 0xb1947ef0, 0xe98ad7d8, 0x68afb2ff, 0x8bbab936, 0x0a9fdc11, + 0x52817539, 0xd3a4101e, 0xe2bc2769, 0x6399424e, 0x3b87eb66, + 0xbaa28e41, 0xd80a04cf, 0x592f61e8, 0x0131c8c0, 0x8014ade7, + 0xb10c9a90, 0x3029ffb7, 0x6837569f, 0xe91233b8, 0x0a073871, + 0x8b225d56, 0xd33cf47e, 0x52199159, 0x6301a62e, 0xe224c309, + 0xba3a6a21, 0x3b1f0f06, 0xa7617bf2, 0x26441ed5, 0x7e5ab7fd, + 0xff7fd2da, 0xce67e5ad, 0x4f42808a, 0x175c29a2, 0x96794c85, + 0x756c474c, 0xf449226b, 0xac578b43, 0x2d72ee64, 0x1c6ad913, + 0x9d4fbc34, 0xc551151c, 0x4474703b, 0x4db9f56a, 0xcc9c904d, + 0x94823965, 0x15a75c42, 0x24bf6b35, 0xa59a0e12, 0xfd84a73a, + 0x7ca1c21d, 0x9fb4c9d4, 0x1e91acf3, 0x468f05db, 0xc7aa60fc, + 0xf6b2578b, 0x779732ac, 0x2f899b84, 0xaeacfea3, 0x32d28a57, + 0xb3f7ef70, 0xebe94658, 0x6acc237f, 0x5bd41408, 0xdaf1712f, + 0x82efd807, 0x03cabd20, 0xe0dfb6e9, 0x61fad3ce, 0x39e47ae6, + 0xb8c11fc1, 0x89d928b6, 0x08fc4d91, 0x50e2e4b9, 0xd1c7819e, + 0xb36f0b10, 0x324a6e37, 0x6a54c71f, 0xeb71a238, 0xda69954f, + 0x5b4cf068, 0x03525940, 0x82773c67, 0x616237ae, 0xe0475289, + 0xb859fba1, 0x397c9e86, 0x0864a9f1, 0x8941ccd6, 0xd15f65fe, + 0x507a00d9, 0xcc04742d, 0x4d21110a, 0x153fb822, 0x941add05, + 0xa502ea72, 0x24278f55, 0x7c39267d, 0xfd1c435a, 0x1e094893, + 0x9f2c2db4, 0xc732849c, 0x4617e1bb, 0x770fd6cc, 0xf62ab3eb, + 0xae341ac3, 0x2f117fe4, 0x6b650fdf, 0xea406af8, 0xb25ec3d0, + 0x337ba6f7, 0x02639180, 0x8346f4a7, 0xdb585d8f, 0x5a7d38a8, + 0xb9683361, 0x384d5646, 0x6053ff6e, 0xe1769a49, 0xd06ead3e, + 0x514bc819, 0x09556131, 0x88700416, 0x140e70e2, 0x952b15c5, + 0xcd35bced, 0x4c10d9ca, 0x7d08eebd, 0xfc2d8b9a, 0xa43322b2, + 0x25164795, 0xc6034c5c, 0x4726297b, 0x1f388053, 0x9e1de574, + 0xaf05d203, 0x2e20b724, 0x763e1e0c, 0xf71b7b2b, 0x95b3f1a5, + 0x14969482, 0x4c883daa, 0xcdad588d, 0xfcb56ffa, 0x7d900add, + 0x258ea3f5, 0xa4abc6d2, 0x47becd1b, 0xc69ba83c, 0x9e850114, + 0x1fa06433, 0x2eb85344, 0xaf9d3663, 0xf7839f4b, 0x76a6fa6c, + 0xead88e98, 0x6bfdebbf, 0x33e34297, 0xb2c627b0, 0x83de10c7, + 0x02fb75e0, 0x5ae5dcc8, 0xdbc0b9ef, 0x38d5b226, 0xb9f0d701, + 0xe1ee7e29, 0x60cb1b0e, 0x51d32c79, 0xd0f6495e, 0x88e8e076, + 0x09cd8551}, + {0x00000000, 0x9b73ead4, 0xed96d3e9, 0x76e5393d, 0x005ca193, + 0x9b2f4b47, 0xedca727a, 0x76b998ae, 0x00b94326, 0x9bcaa9f2, + 0xed2f90cf, 0x765c7a1b, 0x00e5e2b5, 0x9b960861, 0xed73315c, + 0x7600db88, 0x0172864c, 0x9a016c98, 0xece455a5, 0x7797bf71, + 0x012e27df, 0x9a5dcd0b, 0xecb8f436, 0x77cb1ee2, 0x01cbc56a, + 0x9ab82fbe, 0xec5d1683, 0x772efc57, 0x019764f9, 0x9ae48e2d, + 0xec01b710, 0x77725dc4, 0x02e50c98, 0x9996e64c, 0xef73df71, + 0x740035a5, 0x02b9ad0b, 0x99ca47df, 0xef2f7ee2, 0x745c9436, + 0x025c4fbe, 0x992fa56a, 0xefca9c57, 0x74b97683, 0x0200ee2d, + 0x997304f9, 0xef963dc4, 0x74e5d710, 0x03978ad4, 0x98e46000, + 0xee01593d, 0x7572b3e9, 0x03cb2b47, 0x98b8c193, 0xee5df8ae, + 0x752e127a, 0x032ec9f2, 0x985d2326, 0xeeb81a1b, 0x75cbf0cf, + 0x03726861, 0x980182b5, 0xeee4bb88, 0x7597515c, 0x05ca1930, + 0x9eb9f3e4, 0xe85ccad9, 0x732f200d, 0x0596b8a3, 0x9ee55277, + 0xe8006b4a, 0x7373819e, 0x05735a16, 0x9e00b0c2, 0xe8e589ff, + 0x7396632b, 0x052ffb85, 0x9e5c1151, 0xe8b9286c, 0x73cac2b8, + 0x04b89f7c, 0x9fcb75a8, 0xe92e4c95, 0x725da641, 0x04e43eef, + 0x9f97d43b, 0xe972ed06, 0x720107d2, 0x0401dc5a, 0x9f72368e, + 0xe9970fb3, 0x72e4e567, 0x045d7dc9, 0x9f2e971d, 0xe9cbae20, + 0x72b844f4, 0x072f15a8, 0x9c5cff7c, 0xeab9c641, 0x71ca2c95, + 0x0773b43b, 0x9c005eef, 0xeae567d2, 0x71968d06, 0x0796568e, + 0x9ce5bc5a, 0xea008567, 0x71736fb3, 0x07caf71d, 0x9cb91dc9, + 0xea5c24f4, 0x712fce20, 0x065d93e4, 0x9d2e7930, 0xebcb400d, + 0x70b8aad9, 0x06013277, 0x9d72d8a3, 0xeb97e19e, 0x70e40b4a, + 0x06e4d0c2, 0x9d973a16, 0xeb72032b, 0x7001e9ff, 0x06b87151, + 0x9dcb9b85, 0xeb2ea2b8, 0x705d486c, 0x0b943260, 0x90e7d8b4, + 0xe602e189, 0x7d710b5d, 0x0bc893f3, 0x90bb7927, 0xe65e401a, + 0x7d2daace, 0x0b2d7146, 0x905e9b92, 0xe6bba2af, 0x7dc8487b, + 0x0b71d0d5, 0x90023a01, 0xe6e7033c, 0x7d94e9e8, 0x0ae6b42c, + 0x91955ef8, 0xe77067c5, 0x7c038d11, 0x0aba15bf, 0x91c9ff6b, + 0xe72cc656, 0x7c5f2c82, 0x0a5ff70a, 0x912c1dde, 0xe7c924e3, + 0x7cbace37, 0x0a035699, 0x9170bc4d, 0xe7958570, 0x7ce66fa4, + 0x09713ef8, 0x9202d42c, 0xe4e7ed11, 0x7f9407c5, 0x092d9f6b, + 0x925e75bf, 0xe4bb4c82, 0x7fc8a656, 0x09c87dde, 0x92bb970a, + 0xe45eae37, 0x7f2d44e3, 0x0994dc4d, 0x92e73699, 0xe4020fa4, + 0x7f71e570, 0x0803b8b4, 0x93705260, 0xe5956b5d, 0x7ee68189, + 0x085f1927, 0x932cf3f3, 0xe5c9cace, 0x7eba201a, 0x08bafb92, + 0x93c91146, 0xe52c287b, 0x7e5fc2af, 0x08e65a01, 0x9395b0d5, + 0xe57089e8, 0x7e03633c, 0x0e5e2b50, 0x952dc184, 0xe3c8f8b9, + 0x78bb126d, 0x0e028ac3, 0x95716017, 0xe394592a, 0x78e7b3fe, + 0x0ee76876, 0x959482a2, 0xe371bb9f, 0x7802514b, 0x0ebbc9e5, + 0x95c82331, 0xe32d1a0c, 0x785ef0d8, 0x0f2cad1c, 0x945f47c8, + 0xe2ba7ef5, 0x79c99421, 0x0f700c8f, 0x9403e65b, 0xe2e6df66, + 0x799535b2, 0x0f95ee3a, 0x94e604ee, 0xe2033dd3, 0x7970d707, + 0x0fc94fa9, 0x94baa57d, 0xe25f9c40, 0x792c7694, 0x0cbb27c8, + 0x97c8cd1c, 0xe12df421, 0x7a5e1ef5, 0x0ce7865b, 0x97946c8f, + 0xe17155b2, 0x7a02bf66, 0x0c0264ee, 0x97718e3a, 0xe194b707, + 0x7ae75dd3, 0x0c5ec57d, 0x972d2fa9, 0xe1c81694, 0x7abbfc40, + 0x0dc9a184, 0x96ba4b50, 0xe05f726d, 0x7b2c98b9, 0x0d950017, + 0x96e6eac3, 0xe003d3fe, 0x7b70392a, 0x0d70e2a2, 0x96030876, + 0xe0e6314b, 0x7b95db9f, 0x0d2c4331, 0x965fa9e5, 0xe0ba90d8, + 0x7bc97a0c}, + {0x00000000, 0x172864c0, 0x2e50c980, 0x3978ad40, 0x5ca19300, + 0x4b89f7c0, 0x72f15a80, 0x65d93e40, 0xb9432600, 0xae6b42c0, + 0x9713ef80, 0x803b8b40, 0xe5e2b500, 0xf2cad1c0, 0xcbb27c80, + 0xdc9a1840, 0xa9f74a41, 0xbedf2e81, 0x87a783c1, 0x908fe701, + 0xf556d941, 0xe27ebd81, 0xdb0610c1, 0xcc2e7401, 0x10b46c41, + 0x079c0881, 0x3ee4a5c1, 0x29ccc101, 0x4c15ff41, 0x5b3d9b81, + 0x624536c1, 0x756d5201, 0x889f92c3, 0x9fb7f603, 0xa6cf5b43, + 0xb1e73f83, 0xd43e01c3, 0xc3166503, 0xfa6ec843, 0xed46ac83, + 0x31dcb4c3, 0x26f4d003, 0x1f8c7d43, 0x08a41983, 0x6d7d27c3, + 0x7a554303, 0x432dee43, 0x54058a83, 0x2168d882, 0x3640bc42, + 0x0f381102, 0x181075c2, 0x7dc94b82, 0x6ae12f42, 0x53998202, + 0x44b1e6c2, 0x982bfe82, 0x8f039a42, 0xb67b3702, 0xa15353c2, + 0xc48a6d82, 0xd3a20942, 0xeadaa402, 0xfdf2c0c2, 0xca4e23c7, + 0xdd664707, 0xe41eea47, 0xf3368e87, 0x96efb0c7, 0x81c7d407, + 0xb8bf7947, 0xaf971d87, 0x730d05c7, 0x64256107, 0x5d5dcc47, + 0x4a75a887, 0x2fac96c7, 0x3884f207, 0x01fc5f47, 0x16d43b87, + 0x63b96986, 0x74910d46, 0x4de9a006, 0x5ac1c4c6, 0x3f18fa86, + 0x28309e46, 0x11483306, 0x066057c6, 0xdafa4f86, 0xcdd22b46, + 0xf4aa8606, 0xe382e2c6, 0x865bdc86, 0x9173b846, 0xa80b1506, + 0xbf2371c6, 0x42d1b104, 0x55f9d5c4, 0x6c817884, 0x7ba91c44, + 0x1e702204, 0x095846c4, 0x3020eb84, 0x27088f44, 0xfb929704, + 0xecbaf3c4, 0xd5c25e84, 0xc2ea3a44, 0xa7330404, 0xb01b60c4, + 0x8963cd84, 0x9e4ba944, 0xeb26fb45, 0xfc0e9f85, 0xc57632c5, + 0xd25e5605, 0xb7876845, 0xa0af0c85, 0x99d7a1c5, 0x8effc505, + 0x5265dd45, 0x454db985, 0x7c3514c5, 0x6b1d7005, 0x0ec44e45, + 0x19ec2a85, 0x209487c5, 0x37bce305, 0x4fed41cf, 0x58c5250f, + 0x61bd884f, 0x7695ec8f, 0x134cd2cf, 0x0464b60f, 0x3d1c1b4f, + 0x2a347f8f, 0xf6ae67cf, 0xe186030f, 0xd8feae4f, 0xcfd6ca8f, + 0xaa0ff4cf, 0xbd27900f, 0x845f3d4f, 0x9377598f, 0xe61a0b8e, + 0xf1326f4e, 0xc84ac20e, 0xdf62a6ce, 0xbabb988e, 0xad93fc4e, + 0x94eb510e, 0x83c335ce, 0x5f592d8e, 0x4871494e, 0x7109e40e, + 0x662180ce, 0x03f8be8e, 0x14d0da4e, 0x2da8770e, 0x3a8013ce, + 0xc772d30c, 0xd05ab7cc, 0xe9221a8c, 0xfe0a7e4c, 0x9bd3400c, + 0x8cfb24cc, 0xb583898c, 0xa2abed4c, 0x7e31f50c, 0x691991cc, + 0x50613c8c, 0x4749584c, 0x2290660c, 0x35b802cc, 0x0cc0af8c, + 0x1be8cb4c, 0x6e85994d, 0x79adfd8d, 0x40d550cd, 0x57fd340d, + 0x32240a4d, 0x250c6e8d, 0x1c74c3cd, 0x0b5ca70d, 0xd7c6bf4d, + 0xc0eedb8d, 0xf99676cd, 0xeebe120d, 0x8b672c4d, 0x9c4f488d, + 0xa537e5cd, 0xb21f810d, 0x85a36208, 0x928b06c8, 0xabf3ab88, + 0xbcdbcf48, 0xd902f108, 0xce2a95c8, 0xf7523888, 0xe07a5c48, + 0x3ce04408, 0x2bc820c8, 0x12b08d88, 0x0598e948, 0x6041d708, + 0x7769b3c8, 0x4e111e88, 0x59397a48, 0x2c542849, 0x3b7c4c89, + 0x0204e1c9, 0x152c8509, 0x70f5bb49, 0x67dddf89, 0x5ea572c9, + 0x498d1609, 0x95170e49, 0x823f6a89, 0xbb47c7c9, 0xac6fa309, + 0xc9b69d49, 0xde9ef989, 0xe7e654c9, 0xf0ce3009, 0x0d3cf0cb, + 0x1a14940b, 0x236c394b, 0x34445d8b, 0x519d63cb, 0x46b5070b, + 0x7fcdaa4b, 0x68e5ce8b, 0xb47fd6cb, 0xa357b20b, 0x9a2f1f4b, + 0x8d077b8b, 0xe8de45cb, 0xfff6210b, 0xc68e8c4b, 0xd1a6e88b, + 0xa4cbba8a, 0xb3e3de4a, 0x8a9b730a, 0x9db317ca, 0xf86a298a, + 0xef424d4a, 0xd63ae00a, 0xc11284ca, 0x1d889c8a, 0x0aa0f84a, + 0x33d8550a, 0x24f031ca, 0x41290f8a, 0x56016b4a, 0x6f79c60a, + 0x7851a2ca}, + {0x00000000, 0x9fda839e, 0xe4c4017d, 0x7b1e82e3, 0x12f904bb, + 0x8d238725, 0xf63d05c6, 0x69e78658, 0x25f20976, 0xba288ae8, + 0xc136080b, 0x5eec8b95, 0x370b0dcd, 0xa8d18e53, 0xd3cf0cb0, + 0x4c158f2e, 0x4be412ec, 0xd43e9172, 0xaf201391, 0x30fa900f, + 0x591d1657, 0xc6c795c9, 0xbdd9172a, 0x220394b4, 0x6e161b9a, + 0xf1cc9804, 0x8ad21ae7, 0x15089979, 0x7cef1f21, 0xe3359cbf, + 0x982b1e5c, 0x07f19dc2, 0x97c825d8, 0x0812a646, 0x730c24a5, + 0xecd6a73b, 0x85312163, 0x1aeba2fd, 0x61f5201e, 0xfe2fa380, + 0xb23a2cae, 0x2de0af30, 0x56fe2dd3, 0xc924ae4d, 0xa0c32815, + 0x3f19ab8b, 0x44072968, 0xdbddaaf6, 0xdc2c3734, 0x43f6b4aa, + 0x38e83649, 0xa732b5d7, 0xced5338f, 0x510fb011, 0x2a1132f2, + 0xb5cbb16c, 0xf9de3e42, 0x6604bddc, 0x1d1a3f3f, 0x82c0bca1, + 0xeb273af9, 0x74fdb967, 0x0fe33b84, 0x9039b81a, 0xf4e14df1, + 0x6b3bce6f, 0x10254c8c, 0x8fffcf12, 0xe618494a, 0x79c2cad4, + 0x02dc4837, 0x9d06cba9, 0xd1134487, 0x4ec9c719, 0x35d745fa, + 0xaa0dc664, 0xc3ea403c, 0x5c30c3a2, 0x272e4141, 0xb8f4c2df, + 0xbf055f1d, 0x20dfdc83, 0x5bc15e60, 0xc41bddfe, 0xadfc5ba6, + 0x3226d838, 0x49385adb, 0xd6e2d945, 0x9af7566b, 0x052dd5f5, + 0x7e335716, 0xe1e9d488, 0x880e52d0, 0x17d4d14e, 0x6cca53ad, + 0xf310d033, 0x63296829, 0xfcf3ebb7, 0x87ed6954, 0x1837eaca, + 0x71d06c92, 0xee0aef0c, 0x95146def, 0x0aceee71, 0x46db615f, + 0xd901e2c1, 0xa21f6022, 0x3dc5e3bc, 0x542265e4, 0xcbf8e67a, + 0xb0e66499, 0x2f3ce707, 0x28cd7ac5, 0xb717f95b, 0xcc097bb8, + 0x53d3f826, 0x3a347e7e, 0xa5eefde0, 0xdef07f03, 0x412afc9d, + 0x0d3f73b3, 0x92e5f02d, 0xe9fb72ce, 0x7621f150, 0x1fc67708, + 0x801cf496, 0xfb027675, 0x64d8f5eb, 0x32b39da3, 0xad691e3d, + 0xd6779cde, 0x49ad1f40, 0x204a9918, 0xbf901a86, 0xc48e9865, + 0x5b541bfb, 0x174194d5, 0x889b174b, 0xf38595a8, 0x6c5f1636, + 0x05b8906e, 0x9a6213f0, 0xe17c9113, 0x7ea6128d, 0x79578f4f, + 0xe68d0cd1, 0x9d938e32, 0x02490dac, 0x6bae8bf4, 0xf474086a, + 0x8f6a8a89, 0x10b00917, 0x5ca58639, 0xc37f05a7, 0xb8618744, + 0x27bb04da, 0x4e5c8282, 0xd186011c, 0xaa9883ff, 0x35420061, + 0xa57bb87b, 0x3aa13be5, 0x41bfb906, 0xde653a98, 0xb782bcc0, + 0x28583f5e, 0x5346bdbd, 0xcc9c3e23, 0x8089b10d, 0x1f533293, + 0x644db070, 0xfb9733ee, 0x9270b5b6, 0x0daa3628, 0x76b4b4cb, + 0xe96e3755, 0xee9faa97, 0x71452909, 0x0a5babea, 0x95812874, + 0xfc66ae2c, 0x63bc2db2, 0x18a2af51, 0x87782ccf, 0xcb6da3e1, + 0x54b7207f, 0x2fa9a29c, 0xb0732102, 0xd994a75a, 0x464e24c4, + 0x3d50a627, 0xa28a25b9, 0xc652d052, 0x598853cc, 0x2296d12f, + 0xbd4c52b1, 0xd4abd4e9, 0x4b715777, 0x306fd594, 0xafb5560a, + 0xe3a0d924, 0x7c7a5aba, 0x0764d859, 0x98be5bc7, 0xf159dd9f, + 0x6e835e01, 0x159ddce2, 0x8a475f7c, 0x8db6c2be, 0x126c4120, + 0x6972c3c3, 0xf6a8405d, 0x9f4fc605, 0x0095459b, 0x7b8bc778, + 0xe45144e6, 0xa844cbc8, 0x379e4856, 0x4c80cab5, 0xd35a492b, + 0xbabdcf73, 0x25674ced, 0x5e79ce0e, 0xc1a34d90, 0x519af58a, + 0xce407614, 0xb55ef4f7, 0x2a847769, 0x4363f131, 0xdcb972af, + 0xa7a7f04c, 0x387d73d2, 0x7468fcfc, 0xebb27f62, 0x90acfd81, + 0x0f767e1f, 0x6691f847, 0xf94b7bd9, 0x8255f93a, 0x1d8f7aa4, + 0x1a7ee766, 0x85a464f8, 0xfebae61b, 0x61606585, 0x0887e3dd, + 0x975d6043, 0xec43e2a0, 0x7399613e, 0x3f8cee10, 0xa0566d8e, + 0xdb48ef6d, 0x44926cf3, 0x2d75eaab, 0xb2af6935, 0xc9b1ebd6, + 0x566b6848}}; + +local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = { + {0x00000000, 0x9e83da9f, 0x7d01c4e4, 0xe3821e7b, 0xbb04f912, + 0x2587238d, 0xc6053df6, 0x5886e769, 0x7609f225, 0xe88a28ba, + 0x0b0836c1, 0x958bec5e, 0xcd0d0b37, 0x538ed1a8, 0xb00ccfd3, + 0x2e8f154c, 0xec12e44b, 0x72913ed4, 0x911320af, 0x0f90fa30, + 0x57161d59, 0xc995c7c6, 0x2a17d9bd, 0xb4940322, 0x9a1b166e, + 0x0498ccf1, 0xe71ad28a, 0x79990815, 0x211fef7c, 0xbf9c35e3, + 0x5c1e2b98, 0xc29df107, 0xd825c897, 0x46a61208, 0xa5240c73, + 0x3ba7d6ec, 0x63213185, 0xfda2eb1a, 0x1e20f561, 0x80a32ffe, + 0xae2c3ab2, 0x30afe02d, 0xd32dfe56, 0x4dae24c9, 0x1528c3a0, + 0x8bab193f, 0x68290744, 0xf6aadddb, 0x34372cdc, 0xaab4f643, + 0x4936e838, 0xd7b532a7, 0x8f33d5ce, 0x11b00f51, 0xf232112a, + 0x6cb1cbb5, 0x423edef9, 0xdcbd0466, 0x3f3f1a1d, 0xa1bcc082, + 0xf93a27eb, 0x67b9fd74, 0x843be30f, 0x1ab83990, 0xf14de1f4, + 0x6fce3b6b, 0x8c4c2510, 0x12cfff8f, 0x4a4918e6, 0xd4cac279, + 0x3748dc02, 0xa9cb069d, 0x874413d1, 0x19c7c94e, 0xfa45d735, + 0x64c60daa, 0x3c40eac3, 0xa2c3305c, 0x41412e27, 0xdfc2f4b8, + 0x1d5f05bf, 0x83dcdf20, 0x605ec15b, 0xfedd1bc4, 0xa65bfcad, + 0x38d82632, 0xdb5a3849, 0x45d9e2d6, 0x6b56f79a, 0xf5d52d05, + 0x1657337e, 0x88d4e9e1, 0xd0520e88, 0x4ed1d417, 0xad53ca6c, + 0x33d010f3, 0x29682963, 0xb7ebf3fc, 0x5469ed87, 0xcaea3718, + 0x926cd071, 0x0cef0aee, 0xef6d1495, 0x71eece0a, 0x5f61db46, + 0xc1e201d9, 0x22601fa2, 0xbce3c53d, 0xe4652254, 0x7ae6f8cb, + 0x9964e6b0, 0x07e73c2f, 0xc57acd28, 0x5bf917b7, 0xb87b09cc, + 0x26f8d353, 0x7e7e343a, 0xe0fdeea5, 0x037ff0de, 0x9dfc2a41, + 0xb3733f0d, 0x2df0e592, 0xce72fbe9, 0x50f12176, 0x0877c61f, + 0x96f41c80, 0x757602fb, 0xebf5d864, 0xa39db332, 0x3d1e69ad, + 0xde9c77d6, 0x401fad49, 0x18994a20, 0x861a90bf, 0x65988ec4, + 0xfb1b545b, 0xd5944117, 0x4b179b88, 0xa89585f3, 0x36165f6c, + 0x6e90b805, 0xf013629a, 0x13917ce1, 0x8d12a67e, 0x4f8f5779, + 0xd10c8de6, 0x328e939d, 0xac0d4902, 0xf48bae6b, 0x6a0874f4, + 0x898a6a8f, 0x1709b010, 0x3986a55c, 0xa7057fc3, 0x448761b8, + 0xda04bb27, 0x82825c4e, 0x1c0186d1, 0xff8398aa, 0x61004235, + 0x7bb87ba5, 0xe53ba13a, 0x06b9bf41, 0x983a65de, 0xc0bc82b7, + 0x5e3f5828, 0xbdbd4653, 0x233e9ccc, 0x0db18980, 0x9332531f, + 0x70b04d64, 0xee3397fb, 0xb6b57092, 0x2836aa0d, 0xcbb4b476, + 0x55376ee9, 0x97aa9fee, 0x09294571, 0xeaab5b0a, 0x74288195, + 0x2cae66fc, 0xb22dbc63, 0x51afa218, 0xcf2c7887, 0xe1a36dcb, + 0x7f20b754, 0x9ca2a92f, 0x022173b0, 0x5aa794d9, 0xc4244e46, + 0x27a6503d, 0xb9258aa2, 0x52d052c6, 0xcc538859, 0x2fd19622, + 0xb1524cbd, 0xe9d4abd4, 0x7757714b, 0x94d56f30, 0x0a56b5af, + 0x24d9a0e3, 0xba5a7a7c, 0x59d86407, 0xc75bbe98, 0x9fdd59f1, + 0x015e836e, 0xe2dc9d15, 0x7c5f478a, 0xbec2b68d, 0x20416c12, + 0xc3c37269, 0x5d40a8f6, 0x05c64f9f, 0x9b459500, 0x78c78b7b, + 0xe64451e4, 0xc8cb44a8, 0x56489e37, 0xb5ca804c, 0x2b495ad3, + 0x73cfbdba, 0xed4c6725, 0x0ece795e, 0x904da3c1, 0x8af59a51, + 0x147640ce, 0xf7f45eb5, 0x6977842a, 0x31f16343, 0xaf72b9dc, + 0x4cf0a7a7, 0xd2737d38, 0xfcfc6874, 0x627fb2eb, 0x81fdac90, + 0x1f7e760f, 0x47f89166, 0xd97b4bf9, 0x3af95582, 0xa47a8f1d, + 0x66e77e1a, 0xf864a485, 0x1be6bafe, 0x85656061, 0xdde38708, + 0x43605d97, 0xa0e243ec, 0x3e619973, 0x10ee8c3f, 0x8e6d56a0, + 0x6def48db, 0xf36c9244, 0xabea752d, 0x3569afb2, 0xd6ebb1c9, + 0x48686b56}, + {0x00000000, 0xc0642817, 0x80c9502e, 0x40ad7839, 0x0093a15c, + 0xc0f7894b, 0x805af172, 0x403ed965, 0x002643b9, 0xc0426bae, + 0x80ef1397, 0x408b3b80, 0x00b5e2e5, 0xc0d1caf2, 0x807cb2cb, + 0x40189adc, 0x414af7a9, 0x812edfbe, 0xc183a787, 0x01e78f90, + 0x41d956f5, 0x81bd7ee2, 0xc11006db, 0x01742ecc, 0x416cb410, + 0x81089c07, 0xc1a5e43e, 0x01c1cc29, 0x41ff154c, 0x819b3d5b, + 0xc1364562, 0x01526d75, 0xc3929f88, 0x03f6b79f, 0x435bcfa6, + 0x833fe7b1, 0xc3013ed4, 0x036516c3, 0x43c86efa, 0x83ac46ed, + 0xc3b4dc31, 0x03d0f426, 0x437d8c1f, 0x8319a408, 0xc3277d6d, + 0x0343557a, 0x43ee2d43, 0x838a0554, 0x82d86821, 0x42bc4036, + 0x0211380f, 0xc2751018, 0x824bc97d, 0x422fe16a, 0x02829953, + 0xc2e6b144, 0x82fe2b98, 0x429a038f, 0x02377bb6, 0xc25353a1, + 0x826d8ac4, 0x4209a2d3, 0x02a4daea, 0xc2c0f2fd, 0xc7234eca, + 0x074766dd, 0x47ea1ee4, 0x878e36f3, 0xc7b0ef96, 0x07d4c781, + 0x4779bfb8, 0x871d97af, 0xc7050d73, 0x07612564, 0x47cc5d5d, + 0x87a8754a, 0xc796ac2f, 0x07f28438, 0x475ffc01, 0x873bd416, + 0x8669b963, 0x460d9174, 0x06a0e94d, 0xc6c4c15a, 0x86fa183f, + 0x469e3028, 0x06334811, 0xc6576006, 0x864ffada, 0x462bd2cd, + 0x0686aaf4, 0xc6e282e3, 0x86dc5b86, 0x46b87391, 0x06150ba8, + 0xc67123bf, 0x04b1d142, 0xc4d5f955, 0x8478816c, 0x441ca97b, + 0x0422701e, 0xc4465809, 0x84eb2030, 0x448f0827, 0x049792fb, + 0xc4f3baec, 0x845ec2d5, 0x443aeac2, 0x040433a7, 0xc4601bb0, + 0x84cd6389, 0x44a94b9e, 0x45fb26eb, 0x859f0efc, 0xc53276c5, + 0x05565ed2, 0x456887b7, 0x850cafa0, 0xc5a1d799, 0x05c5ff8e, + 0x45dd6552, 0x85b94d45, 0xc514357c, 0x05701d6b, 0x454ec40e, + 0x852aec19, 0xc5879420, 0x05e3bc37, 0xcf41ed4f, 0x0f25c558, + 0x4f88bd61, 0x8fec9576, 0xcfd24c13, 0x0fb66404, 0x4f1b1c3d, + 0x8f7f342a, 0xcf67aef6, 0x0f0386e1, 0x4faefed8, 0x8fcad6cf, + 0xcff40faa, 0x0f9027bd, 0x4f3d5f84, 0x8f597793, 0x8e0b1ae6, + 0x4e6f32f1, 0x0ec24ac8, 0xcea662df, 0x8e98bbba, 0x4efc93ad, + 0x0e51eb94, 0xce35c383, 0x8e2d595f, 0x4e497148, 0x0ee40971, + 0xce802166, 0x8ebef803, 0x4edad014, 0x0e77a82d, 0xce13803a, + 0x0cd372c7, 0xccb75ad0, 0x8c1a22e9, 0x4c7e0afe, 0x0c40d39b, + 0xcc24fb8c, 0x8c8983b5, 0x4cedaba2, 0x0cf5317e, 0xcc911969, + 0x8c3c6150, 0x4c584947, 0x0c669022, 0xcc02b835, 0x8cafc00c, + 0x4ccbe81b, 0x4d99856e, 0x8dfdad79, 0xcd50d540, 0x0d34fd57, + 0x4d0a2432, 0x8d6e0c25, 0xcdc3741c, 0x0da75c0b, 0x4dbfc6d7, + 0x8ddbeec0, 0xcd7696f9, 0x0d12beee, 0x4d2c678b, 0x8d484f9c, + 0xcde537a5, 0x0d811fb2, 0x0862a385, 0xc8068b92, 0x88abf3ab, + 0x48cfdbbc, 0x08f102d9, 0xc8952ace, 0x883852f7, 0x485c7ae0, + 0x0844e03c, 0xc820c82b, 0x888db012, 0x48e99805, 0x08d74160, + 0xc8b36977, 0x881e114e, 0x487a3959, 0x4928542c, 0x894c7c3b, + 0xc9e10402, 0x09852c15, 0x49bbf570, 0x89dfdd67, 0xc972a55e, + 0x09168d49, 0x490e1795, 0x896a3f82, 0xc9c747bb, 0x09a36fac, + 0x499db6c9, 0x89f99ede, 0xc954e6e7, 0x0930cef0, 0xcbf03c0d, + 0x0b94141a, 0x4b396c23, 0x8b5d4434, 0xcb639d51, 0x0b07b546, + 0x4baacd7f, 0x8bcee568, 0xcbd67fb4, 0x0bb257a3, 0x4b1f2f9a, + 0x8b7b078d, 0xcb45dee8, 0x0b21f6ff, 0x4b8c8ec6, 0x8be8a6d1, + 0x8abacba4, 0x4adee3b3, 0x0a739b8a, 0xca17b39d, 0x8a296af8, + 0x4a4d42ef, 0x0ae03ad6, 0xca8412c1, 0x8a9c881d, 0x4af8a00a, + 0x0a55d833, 0xca31f024, 0x8a0f2941, 0x4a6b0156, 0x0ac6796f, + 0xcaa25178}, + {0x00000000, 0xd4ea739b, 0xe9d396ed, 0x3d39e576, 0x93a15c00, + 0x474b2f9b, 0x7a72caed, 0xae98b976, 0x2643b900, 0xf2a9ca9b, + 0xcf902fed, 0x1b7a5c76, 0xb5e2e500, 0x6108969b, 0x5c3173ed, + 0x88db0076, 0x4c867201, 0x986c019a, 0xa555e4ec, 0x71bf9777, + 0xdf272e01, 0x0bcd5d9a, 0x36f4b8ec, 0xe21ecb77, 0x6ac5cb01, + 0xbe2fb89a, 0x83165dec, 0x57fc2e77, 0xf9649701, 0x2d8ee49a, + 0x10b701ec, 0xc45d7277, 0x980ce502, 0x4ce69699, 0x71df73ef, + 0xa5350074, 0x0badb902, 0xdf47ca99, 0xe27e2fef, 0x36945c74, + 0xbe4f5c02, 0x6aa52f99, 0x579ccaef, 0x8376b974, 0x2dee0002, + 0xf9047399, 0xc43d96ef, 0x10d7e574, 0xd48a9703, 0x0060e498, + 0x3d5901ee, 0xe9b37275, 0x472bcb03, 0x93c1b898, 0xaef85dee, + 0x7a122e75, 0xf2c92e03, 0x26235d98, 0x1b1ab8ee, 0xcff0cb75, + 0x61687203, 0xb5820198, 0x88bbe4ee, 0x5c519775, 0x3019ca05, + 0xe4f3b99e, 0xd9ca5ce8, 0x0d202f73, 0xa3b89605, 0x7752e59e, + 0x4a6b00e8, 0x9e817373, 0x165a7305, 0xc2b0009e, 0xff89e5e8, + 0x2b639673, 0x85fb2f05, 0x51115c9e, 0x6c28b9e8, 0xb8c2ca73, + 0x7c9fb804, 0xa875cb9f, 0x954c2ee9, 0x41a65d72, 0xef3ee404, + 0x3bd4979f, 0x06ed72e9, 0xd2070172, 0x5adc0104, 0x8e36729f, + 0xb30f97e9, 0x67e5e472, 0xc97d5d04, 0x1d972e9f, 0x20aecbe9, + 0xf444b872, 0xa8152f07, 0x7cff5c9c, 0x41c6b9ea, 0x952cca71, + 0x3bb47307, 0xef5e009c, 0xd267e5ea, 0x068d9671, 0x8e569607, + 0x5abce59c, 0x678500ea, 0xb36f7371, 0x1df7ca07, 0xc91db99c, + 0xf4245cea, 0x20ce2f71, 0xe4935d06, 0x30792e9d, 0x0d40cbeb, + 0xd9aab870, 0x77320106, 0xa3d8729d, 0x9ee197eb, 0x4a0be470, + 0xc2d0e406, 0x163a979d, 0x2b0372eb, 0xffe90170, 0x5171b806, + 0x859bcb9d, 0xb8a22eeb, 0x6c485d70, 0x6032940b, 0xb4d8e790, + 0x89e102e6, 0x5d0b717d, 0xf393c80b, 0x2779bb90, 0x1a405ee6, + 0xceaa2d7d, 0x46712d0b, 0x929b5e90, 0xafa2bbe6, 0x7b48c87d, + 0xd5d0710b, 0x013a0290, 0x3c03e7e6, 0xe8e9947d, 0x2cb4e60a, + 0xf85e9591, 0xc56770e7, 0x118d037c, 0xbf15ba0a, 0x6bffc991, + 0x56c62ce7, 0x822c5f7c, 0x0af75f0a, 0xde1d2c91, 0xe324c9e7, + 0x37ceba7c, 0x9956030a, 0x4dbc7091, 0x708595e7, 0xa46fe67c, + 0xf83e7109, 0x2cd40292, 0x11ede7e4, 0xc507947f, 0x6b9f2d09, + 0xbf755e92, 0x824cbbe4, 0x56a6c87f, 0xde7dc809, 0x0a97bb92, + 0x37ae5ee4, 0xe3442d7f, 0x4ddc9409, 0x9936e792, 0xa40f02e4, + 0x70e5717f, 0xb4b80308, 0x60527093, 0x5d6b95e5, 0x8981e67e, + 0x27195f08, 0xf3f32c93, 0xcecac9e5, 0x1a20ba7e, 0x92fbba08, + 0x4611c993, 0x7b282ce5, 0xafc25f7e, 0x015ae608, 0xd5b09593, + 0xe88970e5, 0x3c63037e, 0x502b5e0e, 0x84c12d95, 0xb9f8c8e3, + 0x6d12bb78, 0xc38a020e, 0x17607195, 0x2a5994e3, 0xfeb3e778, + 0x7668e70e, 0xa2829495, 0x9fbb71e3, 0x4b510278, 0xe5c9bb0e, + 0x3123c895, 0x0c1a2de3, 0xd8f05e78, 0x1cad2c0f, 0xc8475f94, + 0xf57ebae2, 0x2194c979, 0x8f0c700f, 0x5be60394, 0x66dfe6e2, + 0xb2359579, 0x3aee950f, 0xee04e694, 0xd33d03e2, 0x07d77079, + 0xa94fc90f, 0x7da5ba94, 0x409c5fe2, 0x94762c79, 0xc827bb0c, + 0x1ccdc897, 0x21f42de1, 0xf51e5e7a, 0x5b86e70c, 0x8f6c9497, + 0xb25571e1, 0x66bf027a, 0xee64020c, 0x3a8e7197, 0x07b794e1, + 0xd35de77a, 0x7dc55e0c, 0xa92f2d97, 0x9416c8e1, 0x40fcbb7a, + 0x84a1c90d, 0x504bba96, 0x6d725fe0, 0xb9982c7b, 0x1700950d, + 0xc3eae696, 0xfed303e0, 0x2a39707b, 0xa2e2700d, 0x76080396, + 0x4b31e6e0, 0x9fdb957b, 0x31432c0d, 0xe5a95f96, 0xd890bae0, + 0x0c7ac97b}, + {0x00000000, 0x27652581, 0x0fcc3bd9, 0x28a91e58, 0x5f9e0669, + 0x78fb23e8, 0x50523db0, 0x77371831, 0xbe3c0dd2, 0x99592853, + 0xb1f0360b, 0x9695138a, 0xe1a20bbb, 0xc6c72e3a, 0xee6e3062, + 0xc90b15e3, 0x3d7f6b7f, 0x1a1a4efe, 0x32b350a6, 0x15d67527, + 0x62e16d16, 0x45844897, 0x6d2d56cf, 0x4a48734e, 0x834366ad, + 0xa426432c, 0x8c8f5d74, 0xabea78f5, 0xdcdd60c4, 0xfbb84545, + 0xd3115b1d, 0xf4747e9c, 0x7afed6fe, 0x5d9bf37f, 0x7532ed27, + 0x5257c8a6, 0x2560d097, 0x0205f516, 0x2aaceb4e, 0x0dc9cecf, + 0xc4c2db2c, 0xe3a7fead, 0xcb0ee0f5, 0xec6bc574, 0x9b5cdd45, + 0xbc39f8c4, 0x9490e69c, 0xb3f5c31d, 0x4781bd81, 0x60e49800, + 0x484d8658, 0x6f28a3d9, 0x181fbbe8, 0x3f7a9e69, 0x17d38031, + 0x30b6a5b0, 0xf9bdb053, 0xded895d2, 0xf6718b8a, 0xd114ae0b, + 0xa623b63a, 0x814693bb, 0xa9ef8de3, 0x8e8aa862, 0xb5fadc26, + 0x929ff9a7, 0xba36e7ff, 0x9d53c27e, 0xea64da4f, 0xcd01ffce, + 0xe5a8e196, 0xc2cdc417, 0x0bc6d1f4, 0x2ca3f475, 0x040aea2d, + 0x236fcfac, 0x5458d79d, 0x733df21c, 0x5b94ec44, 0x7cf1c9c5, + 0x8885b759, 0xafe092d8, 0x87498c80, 0xa02ca901, 0xd71bb130, + 0xf07e94b1, 0xd8d78ae9, 0xffb2af68, 0x36b9ba8b, 0x11dc9f0a, + 0x39758152, 0x1e10a4d3, 0x6927bce2, 0x4e429963, 0x66eb873b, + 0x418ea2ba, 0xcf040ad8, 0xe8612f59, 0xc0c83101, 0xe7ad1480, + 0x909a0cb1, 0xb7ff2930, 0x9f563768, 0xb83312e9, 0x7138070a, + 0x565d228b, 0x7ef43cd3, 0x59911952, 0x2ea60163, 0x09c324e2, + 0x216a3aba, 0x060f1f3b, 0xf27b61a7, 0xd51e4426, 0xfdb75a7e, + 0xdad27fff, 0xade567ce, 0x8a80424f, 0xa2295c17, 0x854c7996, + 0x4c476c75, 0x6b2249f4, 0x438b57ac, 0x64ee722d, 0x13d96a1c, + 0x34bc4f9d, 0x1c1551c5, 0x3b707444, 0x6af5b94d, 0x4d909ccc, + 0x65398294, 0x425ca715, 0x356bbf24, 0x120e9aa5, 0x3aa784fd, + 0x1dc2a17c, 0xd4c9b49f, 0xf3ac911e, 0xdb058f46, 0xfc60aac7, + 0x8b57b2f6, 0xac329777, 0x849b892f, 0xa3feacae, 0x578ad232, + 0x70eff7b3, 0x5846e9eb, 0x7f23cc6a, 0x0814d45b, 0x2f71f1da, + 0x07d8ef82, 0x20bdca03, 0xe9b6dfe0, 0xced3fa61, 0xe67ae439, + 0xc11fc1b8, 0xb628d989, 0x914dfc08, 0xb9e4e250, 0x9e81c7d1, + 0x100b6fb3, 0x376e4a32, 0x1fc7546a, 0x38a271eb, 0x4f9569da, + 0x68f04c5b, 0x40595203, 0x673c7782, 0xae376261, 0x895247e0, + 0xa1fb59b8, 0x869e7c39, 0xf1a96408, 0xd6cc4189, 0xfe655fd1, + 0xd9007a50, 0x2d7404cc, 0x0a11214d, 0x22b83f15, 0x05dd1a94, + 0x72ea02a5, 0x558f2724, 0x7d26397c, 0x5a431cfd, 0x9348091e, + 0xb42d2c9f, 0x9c8432c7, 0xbbe11746, 0xccd60f77, 0xebb32af6, + 0xc31a34ae, 0xe47f112f, 0xdf0f656b, 0xf86a40ea, 0xd0c35eb2, + 0xf7a67b33, 0x80916302, 0xa7f44683, 0x8f5d58db, 0xa8387d5a, + 0x613368b9, 0x46564d38, 0x6eff5360, 0x499a76e1, 0x3ead6ed0, + 0x19c84b51, 0x31615509, 0x16047088, 0xe2700e14, 0xc5152b95, + 0xedbc35cd, 0xcad9104c, 0xbdee087d, 0x9a8b2dfc, 0xb22233a4, + 0x95471625, 0x5c4c03c6, 0x7b292647, 0x5380381f, 0x74e51d9e, + 0x03d205af, 0x24b7202e, 0x0c1e3e76, 0x2b7b1bf7, 0xa5f1b395, + 0x82949614, 0xaa3d884c, 0x8d58adcd, 0xfa6fb5fc, 0xdd0a907d, + 0xf5a38e25, 0xd2c6aba4, 0x1bcdbe47, 0x3ca89bc6, 0x1401859e, + 0x3364a01f, 0x4453b82e, 0x63369daf, 0x4b9f83f7, 0x6cfaa676, + 0x988ed8ea, 0xbfebfd6b, 0x9742e333, 0xb027c6b2, 0xc710de83, + 0xe075fb02, 0xc8dce55a, 0xefb9c0db, 0x26b2d538, 0x01d7f0b9, + 0x297eeee1, 0x0e1bcb60, 0x792cd351, 0x5e49f6d0, 0x76e0e888, + 0x5185cd09}}; + +#endif + +#endif + +#endif + +local const z_crc_t FAR x2n_table[] = { + 0x40000000, 0x20000000, 0x08000000, 0x00800000, 0x00008000, + 0xedb88320, 0xb1e6b092, 0xa06a2517, 0xed627dae, 0x88d14467, + 0xd7bbfe6a, 0xec447f11, 0x8e7ea170, 0x6427800e, 0x4d47bae0, + 0x09fe548f, 0x83852d0f, 0x30362f1a, 0x7b5a9cc3, 0x31fec169, + 0x9fec022a, 0x6c8dedc4, 0x15d6874d, 0x5fde7a4e, 0xbad90e37, + 0x2e4e5eef, 0x4eaba214, 0xa8a472c0, 0x429a969e, 0x148d302a, + 0xc40ba6d0, 0xc4e22c3c}; diff --git a/contrib/zlib/deflate.c b/contrib/zlib/deflate.c index 568eaddbe9..4a689db359 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/deflate.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/deflate.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* deflate.c -- compress data using the deflation algorithm - * Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ #include "deflate.h" const char deflate_copyright[] = - " deflate Copyright 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler "; + " deflate 1.2.13 Copyright 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler "; /* If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot @@ -87,13 +87,7 @@ local void lm_init OF((deflate_state *s)); local void putShortMSB OF((deflate_state *s, uInt b)); local void flush_pending OF((z_streamp strm)); local unsigned read_buf OF((z_streamp strm, Bytef *buf, unsigned size)); -#ifdef ASMV -# pragma message("Assembler code may have bugs -- use at your own risk") - void match_init OF((void)); /* asm code initialization */ - uInt longest_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match)); -#else local uInt longest_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match)); -#endif #ifdef ZLIB_DEBUG local void check_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos start, IPos match, @@ -160,7 +154,7 @@ local const config configuration_table[10] = { * characters, so that a running hash key can be computed from the previous * key instead of complete recalculation each time. */ -#define UPDATE_HASH(s,h,c) (h = (((h)<hash_shift) ^ (c)) & s->hash_mask) +#define UPDATE_HASH(s,h,c) (h = (((h) << s->hash_shift) ^ (c)) & s->hash_mask) /* =========================================================================== @@ -191,9 +185,9 @@ local const config configuration_table[10] = { */ #define CLEAR_HASH(s) \ do { \ - s->head[s->hash_size-1] = NIL; \ + s->head[s->hash_size - 1] = NIL; \ zmemzero((Bytef *)s->head, \ - (unsigned)(s->hash_size-1)*sizeof(*s->head)); \ + (unsigned)(s->hash_size - 1)*sizeof(*s->head)); \ } while (0) /* =========================================================================== @@ -255,11 +249,6 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, int wrap = 1; static const char my_version[] = ZLIB_VERSION; - ushf *overlay; - /* We overlay pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf. This works since the average - * output size for (length,distance) codes is <= 24 bits. - */ - if (version == Z_NULL || version[0] != my_version[0] || stream_size != sizeof(z_stream)) { return Z_VERSION_ERROR; @@ -290,6 +279,8 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, if (windowBits < 0) { /* suppress zlib wrapper */ wrap = 0; + if (windowBits < -15) + return Z_STREAM_ERROR; windowBits = -windowBits; } #ifdef GZIP @@ -319,7 +310,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, s->hash_bits = (uInt)memLevel + 7; s->hash_size = 1 << s->hash_bits; s->hash_mask = s->hash_size - 1; - s->hash_shift = ((s->hash_bits+MIN_MATCH-1)/MIN_MATCH); + s->hash_shift = ((s->hash_bits + MIN_MATCH-1) / MIN_MATCH); s->window = (Bytef *) ZALLOC(strm, s->w_size, 2*sizeof(Byte)); s->prev = (Posf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->w_size, sizeof(Pos)); @@ -329,9 +320,47 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, s->lit_bufsize = 1 << (memLevel + 6); /* 16K elements by default */ - overlay = (ushf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->lit_bufsize, sizeof(ush)+2); - s->pending_buf = (uchf *) overlay; - s->pending_buf_size = (ulg)s->lit_bufsize * (sizeof(ush)+2L); + /* We overlay pending_buf and sym_buf. This works since the average size + * for length/distance pairs over any compressed block is assured to be 31 + * bits or less. + * + * Analysis: The longest fixed codes are a length code of 8 bits plus 5 + * extra bits, for lengths 131 to 257. The longest fixed distance codes are + * 5 bits plus 13 extra bits, for distances 16385 to 32768. The longest + * possible fixed-codes length/distance pair is then 31 bits total. + * + * sym_buf starts one-fourth of the way into pending_buf. So there are + * three bytes in sym_buf for every four bytes in pending_buf. Each symbol + * in sym_buf is three bytes -- two for the distance and one for the + * literal/length. As each symbol is consumed, the pointer to the next + * sym_buf value to read moves forward three bytes. From that symbol, up to + * 31 bits are written to pending_buf. The closest the written pending_buf + * bits gets to the next sym_buf symbol to read is just before the last + * code is written. At that time, 31*(n - 2) bits have been written, just + * after 24*(n - 2) bits have been consumed from sym_buf. sym_buf starts at + * 8*n bits into pending_buf. (Note that the symbol buffer fills when n - 1 + * symbols are written.) The closest the writing gets to what is unread is + * then n + 14 bits. Here n is lit_bufsize, which is 16384 by default, and + * can range from 128 to 32768. + * + * Therefore, at a minimum, there are 142 bits of space between what is + * written and what is read in the overlain buffers, so the symbols cannot + * be overwritten by the compressed data. That space is actually 139 bits, + * due to the three-bit fixed-code block header. + * + * That covers the case where either Z_FIXED is specified, forcing fixed + * codes, or when the use of fixed codes is chosen, because that choice + * results in a smaller compressed block than dynamic codes. That latter + * condition then assures that the above analysis also covers all dynamic + * blocks. A dynamic-code block will only be chosen to be emitted if it has + * fewer bits than a fixed-code block would for the same set of symbols. + * Therefore its average symbol length is assured to be less than 31. So + * the compressed data for a dynamic block also cannot overwrite the + * symbols from which it is being constructed. + */ + + s->pending_buf = (uchf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->lit_bufsize, 4); + s->pending_buf_size = (ulg)s->lit_bufsize * 4; if (s->window == Z_NULL || s->prev == Z_NULL || s->head == Z_NULL || s->pending_buf == Z_NULL) { @@ -340,8 +369,12 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, deflateEnd (strm); return Z_MEM_ERROR; } - s->d_buf = overlay + s->lit_bufsize/sizeof(ush); - s->l_buf = s->pending_buf + (1+sizeof(ush))*s->lit_bufsize; + s->sym_buf = s->pending_buf + s->lit_bufsize; + s->sym_end = (s->lit_bufsize - 1) * 3; + /* We avoid equality with lit_bufsize*3 because of wraparound at 64K + * on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to + * 64K-1 bytes. + */ s->level = level; s->strategy = strategy; @@ -353,7 +386,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, /* ========================================================================= * Check for a valid deflate stream state. Return 0 if ok, 1 if not. */ -local int deflateStateCheck (strm) +local int deflateStateCheck(strm) z_streamp strm; { deflate_state *s; @@ -376,7 +409,7 @@ local int deflateStateCheck (strm) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary (strm, dictionary, dictLength) +int ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary(strm, dictionary, dictLength) z_streamp strm; const Bytef *dictionary; uInt dictLength; @@ -445,7 +478,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary (strm, dictionary, dictLength) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflateGetDictionary (strm, dictionary, dictLength) +int ZEXPORT deflateGetDictionary(strm, dictionary, dictLength) z_streamp strm; Bytef *dictionary; uInt *dictLength; @@ -467,7 +500,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateGetDictionary (strm, dictionary, dictLength) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep (strm) +int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep(strm) z_streamp strm; { deflate_state *s; @@ -491,7 +524,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep (strm) #ifdef GZIP s->wrap == 2 ? GZIP_STATE : #endif - s->wrap ? INIT_STATE : BUSY_STATE; + INIT_STATE; strm->adler = #ifdef GZIP s->wrap == 2 ? crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0) : @@ -505,7 +538,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep (strm) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflateReset (strm) +int ZEXPORT deflateReset(strm) z_streamp strm; { int ret; @@ -517,7 +550,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateReset (strm) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflateSetHeader (strm, head) +int ZEXPORT deflateSetHeader(strm, head) z_streamp strm; gz_headerp head; { @@ -528,7 +561,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateSetHeader (strm, head) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflatePending (strm, pending, bits) +int ZEXPORT deflatePending(strm, pending, bits) unsigned *pending; int *bits; z_streamp strm; @@ -542,7 +575,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflatePending (strm, pending, bits) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflatePrime (strm, bits, value) +int ZEXPORT deflatePrime(strm, bits, value) z_streamp strm; int bits; int value; @@ -552,7 +585,8 @@ int ZEXPORT deflatePrime (strm, bits, value) if (deflateStateCheck(strm)) return Z_STREAM_ERROR; s = strm->state; - if ((Bytef *)(s->d_buf) < s->pending_out + ((Buf_size + 7) >> 3)) + if (bits < 0 || bits > 16 || + s->sym_buf < s->pending_out + ((Buf_size + 7) >> 3)) return Z_BUF_ERROR; do { put = Buf_size - s->bi_valid; @@ -636,36 +670,50 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateTune(strm, good_length, max_lazy, nice_length, max_chain) } /* ========================================================================= - * For the default windowBits of 15 and memLevel of 8, this function returns - * a close to exact, as well as small, upper bound on the compressed size. - * They are coded as constants here for a reason--if the #define's are - * changed, then this function needs to be changed as well. The return - * value for 15 and 8 only works for those exact settings. + * For the default windowBits of 15 and memLevel of 8, this function returns a + * close to exact, as well as small, upper bound on the compressed size. This + * is an expansion of ~0.03%, plus a small constant. + * + * For any setting other than those defaults for windowBits and memLevel, one + * of two worst case bounds is returned. This is at most an expansion of ~4% or + * ~13%, plus a small constant. + * + * Both the 0.03% and 4% derive from the overhead of stored blocks. The first + * one is for stored blocks of 16383 bytes (memLevel == 8), whereas the second + * is for stored blocks of 127 bytes (the worst case memLevel == 1). The + * expansion results from five bytes of header for each stored block. * - * For any setting other than those defaults for windowBits and memLevel, - * the value returned is a conservative worst case for the maximum expansion - * resulting from using fixed blocks instead of stored blocks, which deflate - * can emit on compressed data for some combinations of the parameters. + * The larger expansion of 13% results from a window size less than or equal to + * the symbols buffer size (windowBits <= memLevel + 7). In that case some of + * the data being compressed may have slid out of the sliding window, impeding + * a stored block from being emitted. Then the only choice is a fixed or + * dynamic block, where a fixed block limits the maximum expansion to 9 bits + * per 8-bit byte, plus 10 bits for every block. The smallest block size for + * which this can occur is 255 (memLevel == 2). * - * This function could be more sophisticated to provide closer upper bounds for - * every combination of windowBits and memLevel. But even the conservative - * upper bound of about 14% expansion does not seem onerous for output buffer - * allocation. + * Shifts are used to approximate divisions, for speed. */ uLong ZEXPORT deflateBound(strm, sourceLen) z_streamp strm; uLong sourceLen; { deflate_state *s; - uLong complen, wraplen; + uLong fixedlen, storelen, wraplen; - /* conservative upper bound for compressed data */ - complen = sourceLen + - ((sourceLen + 7) >> 3) + ((sourceLen + 63) >> 6) + 5; + /* upper bound for fixed blocks with 9-bit literals and length 255 + (memLevel == 2, which is the lowest that may not use stored blocks) -- + ~13% overhead plus a small constant */ + fixedlen = sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 3) + (sourceLen >> 8) + + (sourceLen >> 9) + 4; - /* if can't get parameters, return conservative bound plus zlib wrapper */ + /* upper bound for stored blocks with length 127 (memLevel == 1) -- + ~4% overhead plus a small constant */ + storelen = sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 5) + (sourceLen >> 7) + + (sourceLen >> 11) + 7; + + /* if can't get parameters, return larger bound plus a zlib wrapper */ if (deflateStateCheck(strm)) - return complen + 6; + return (fixedlen > storelen ? fixedlen : storelen) + 6; /* compute wrapper length */ s = strm->state; @@ -702,11 +750,12 @@ uLong ZEXPORT deflateBound(strm, sourceLen) wraplen = 6; } - /* if not default parameters, return conservative bound */ + /* if not default parameters, return one of the conservative bounds */ if (s->w_bits != 15 || s->hash_bits != 8 + 7) - return complen + wraplen; + return (s->w_bits <= s->hash_bits ? fixedlen : storelen) + wraplen; - /* default settings: return tight bound for that case */ + /* default settings: return tight bound for that case -- ~0.03% overhead + plus a small constant */ return sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12) + (sourceLen >> 14) + (sourceLen >> 25) + 13 - 6 + wraplen; } @@ -716,7 +765,7 @@ uLong ZEXPORT deflateBound(strm, sourceLen) * IN assertion: the stream state is correct and there is enough room in * pending_buf. */ -local void putShortMSB (s, b) +local void putShortMSB(s, b) deflate_state *s; uInt b; { @@ -763,7 +812,7 @@ local void flush_pending(strm) } while (0) /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflate (strm, flush) +int ZEXPORT deflate(strm, flush) z_streamp strm; int flush; { @@ -814,9 +863,11 @@ int ZEXPORT deflate (strm, flush) } /* Write the header */ + if (s->status == INIT_STATE && s->wrap == 0) + s->status = BUSY_STATE; if (s->status == INIT_STATE) { /* zlib header */ - uInt header = (Z_DEFLATED + ((s->w_bits-8)<<4)) << 8; + uInt header = (Z_DEFLATED + ((s->w_bits - 8) << 4)) << 8; uInt level_flags; if (s->strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s->level < 2) @@ -1076,7 +1127,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflate (strm, flush) } /* ========================================================================= */ -int ZEXPORT deflateEnd (strm) +int ZEXPORT deflateEnd(strm) z_streamp strm; { int status; @@ -1102,7 +1153,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateEnd (strm) * To simplify the source, this is not supported for 16-bit MSDOS (which * doesn't have enough memory anyway to duplicate compression states). */ -int ZEXPORT deflateCopy (dest, source) +int ZEXPORT deflateCopy(dest, source) z_streamp dest; z_streamp source; { @@ -1111,7 +1162,6 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateCopy (dest, source) #else deflate_state *ds; deflate_state *ss; - ushf *overlay; if (deflateStateCheck(source) || dest == Z_NULL) { @@ -1131,8 +1181,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateCopy (dest, source) ds->window = (Bytef *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->w_size, 2*sizeof(Byte)); ds->prev = (Posf *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->w_size, sizeof(Pos)); ds->head = (Posf *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->hash_size, sizeof(Pos)); - overlay = (ushf *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->lit_bufsize, sizeof(ush)+2); - ds->pending_buf = (uchf *) overlay; + ds->pending_buf = (uchf *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->lit_bufsize, 4); if (ds->window == Z_NULL || ds->prev == Z_NULL || ds->head == Z_NULL || ds->pending_buf == Z_NULL) { @@ -1146,8 +1195,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateCopy (dest, source) zmemcpy(ds->pending_buf, ss->pending_buf, (uInt)ds->pending_buf_size); ds->pending_out = ds->pending_buf + (ss->pending_out - ss->pending_buf); - ds->d_buf = overlay + ds->lit_bufsize/sizeof(ush); - ds->l_buf = ds->pending_buf + (1+sizeof(ush))*ds->lit_bufsize; + ds->sym_buf = ds->pending_buf + ds->lit_bufsize; ds->l_desc.dyn_tree = ds->dyn_ltree; ds->d_desc.dyn_tree = ds->dyn_dtree; @@ -1194,7 +1242,7 @@ local unsigned read_buf(strm, buf, size) /* =========================================================================== * Initialize the "longest match" routines for a new zlib stream */ -local void lm_init (s) +local void lm_init(s) deflate_state *s; { s->window_size = (ulg)2L*s->w_size; @@ -1215,11 +1263,6 @@ local void lm_init (s) s->match_length = s->prev_length = MIN_MATCH-1; s->match_available = 0; s->ins_h = 0; -#ifndef FASTEST -#ifdef ASMV - match_init(); /* initialize the asm code */ -#endif -#endif } #ifndef FASTEST @@ -1232,10 +1275,6 @@ local void lm_init (s) * string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1 * OUT assertion: the match length is not greater than s->lookahead. */ -#ifndef ASMV -/* For 80x86 and 680x0, an optimized version will be provided in match.asm or - * match.S. The code will be functionally equivalent. - */ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) deflate_state *s; IPos cur_match; /* current match */ @@ -1260,10 +1299,10 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) */ register Bytef *strend = s->window + s->strstart + MAX_MATCH - 1; register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan; - register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); + register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan + best_len - 1); #else register Bytef *strend = s->window + s->strstart + MAX_MATCH; - register Byte scan_end1 = scan[best_len-1]; + register Byte scan_end1 = scan[best_len - 1]; register Byte scan_end = scan[best_len]; #endif @@ -1281,7 +1320,8 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) */ if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = (int)s->lookahead; - Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "need lookahead"); + Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD, + "need lookahead"); do { Assert(cur_match < s->strstart, "no future"); @@ -1299,43 +1339,44 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) /* This code assumes sizeof(unsigned short) == 2. Do not use * UNALIGNED_OK if your compiler uses a different size. */ - if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end || + if (*(ushf*)(match + best_len - 1) != scan_end || *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue; /* It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they are * always equal when the other bytes match, given that the hash keys * are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8. Compare 2 bytes at a time at - * strstart+3, +5, ... up to strstart+257. We check for insufficient + * strstart + 3, + 5, up to strstart + 257. We check for insufficient * lookahead only every 4th comparison; the 128th check will be made - * at strstart+257. If MAX_MATCH-2 is not a multiple of 8, it is + * at strstart + 257. If MAX_MATCH-2 is not a multiple of 8, it is * necessary to put more guard bytes at the end of the window, or * to check more often for insufficient lookahead. */ Assert(scan[2] == match[2], "scan[2]?"); scan++, match++; do { - } while (*(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) && - *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) && - *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) && - *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) && + } while (*(ushf*)(scan += 2) == *(ushf*)(match += 2) && + *(ushf*)(scan += 2) == *(ushf*)(match += 2) && + *(ushf*)(scan += 2) == *(ushf*)(match += 2) && + *(ushf*)(scan += 2) == *(ushf*)(match += 2) && scan < strend); /* The funny "do {}" generates better code on most compilers */ - /* Here, scan <= window+strstart+257 */ - Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan"); + /* Here, scan <= window + strstart + 257 */ + Assert(scan <= s->window + (unsigned)(s->window_size - 1), + "wild scan"); if (*scan == *match) scan++; - len = (MAX_MATCH - 1) - (int)(strend-scan); + len = (MAX_MATCH - 1) - (int)(strend - scan); scan = strend - (MAX_MATCH-1); #else /* UNALIGNED_OK */ - if (match[best_len] != scan_end || - match[best_len-1] != scan_end1 || - *match != *scan || - *++match != scan[1]) continue; + if (match[best_len] != scan_end || + match[best_len - 1] != scan_end1 || + *match != *scan || + *++match != scan[1]) continue; - /* The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made + /* The check at best_len - 1 can be removed because it will be made * again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.) * It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they * are always equal when the other bytes match, given that @@ -1345,7 +1386,7 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) Assert(*scan == *match, "match[2]?"); /* We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison; - * the 256th check will be made at strstart+258. + * the 256th check will be made at strstart + 258. */ do { } while (*++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && @@ -1354,7 +1395,8 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && scan < strend); - Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan"); + Assert(scan <= s->window + (unsigned)(s->window_size - 1), + "wild scan"); len = MAX_MATCH - (int)(strend - scan); scan = strend - MAX_MATCH; @@ -1366,9 +1408,9 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) best_len = len; if (len >= nice_match) break; #ifdef UNALIGNED_OK - scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); + scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan + best_len - 1); #else - scan_end1 = scan[best_len-1]; + scan_end1 = scan[best_len - 1]; scan_end = scan[best_len]; #endif } @@ -1378,7 +1420,6 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len; return s->lookahead; } -#endif /* ASMV */ #else /* FASTEST */ @@ -1399,7 +1440,8 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) */ Assert(s->hash_bits >= 8 && MAX_MATCH == 258, "Code too clever"); - Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "need lookahead"); + Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD, + "need lookahead"); Assert(cur_match < s->strstart, "no future"); @@ -1409,7 +1451,7 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) */ if (match[0] != scan[0] || match[1] != scan[1]) return MIN_MATCH-1; - /* The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made + /* The check at best_len - 1 can be removed because it will be made * again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.) * It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they * are always equal when the other bytes match, given that @@ -1419,7 +1461,7 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) Assert(*scan == *match, "match[2]?"); /* We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison; - * the 256th check will be made at strstart+258. + * the 256th check will be made at strstart + 258. */ do { } while (*++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && @@ -1428,7 +1470,7 @@ local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match) *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && scan < strend); - Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan"); + Assert(scan <= s->window + (unsigned)(s->window_size - 1), "wild scan"); len = MAX_MATCH - (int)(strend - scan); @@ -1464,7 +1506,7 @@ local void check_match(s, start, match, length) z_error("invalid match"); } if (z_verbose > 1) { - fprintf(stderr,"\\[%d,%d]", start-match, length); + fprintf(stderr,"\\[%d,%d]", start - match, length); do { putc(s->window[start++], stderr); } while (--length != 0); } } @@ -1510,9 +1552,9 @@ local void fill_window(s) /* If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead, * move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half. */ - if (s->strstart >= wsize+MAX_DIST(s)) { + if (s->strstart >= wsize + MAX_DIST(s)) { - zmemcpy(s->window, s->window+wsize, (unsigned)wsize - more); + zmemcpy(s->window, s->window + wsize, (unsigned)wsize - more); s->match_start -= wsize; s->strstart -= wsize; /* we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST */ s->block_start -= (long) wsize; @@ -1643,7 +1685,7 @@ local void fill_window(s) * * deflate_stored() is written to minimize the number of times an input byte is * copied. It is most efficient with large input and output buffers, which - * maximizes the opportunites to have a single copy from next_in to next_out. + * maximizes the opportunities to have a single copy from next_in to next_out. */ local block_state deflate_stored(s, flush) deflate_state *s; @@ -1853,7 +1895,7 @@ local block_state deflate_fast(s, flush) if (s->lookahead == 0) break; /* flush the current block */ } - /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the + /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart + 2] in the * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain: */ hash_head = NIL; @@ -1901,7 +1943,7 @@ local block_state deflate_fast(s, flush) s->strstart += s->match_length; s->match_length = 0; s->ins_h = s->window[s->strstart]; - UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[s->strstart+1]); + UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[s->strstart + 1]); #if MIN_MATCH != 3 Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times #endif @@ -1912,7 +1954,7 @@ local block_state deflate_fast(s, flush) } else { /* No match, output a literal byte */ Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart])); - _tr_tally_lit (s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush); + _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush); s->lookahead--; s->strstart++; } @@ -1923,7 +1965,7 @@ local block_state deflate_fast(s, flush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); return finish_done; } - if (s->last_lit) + if (s->sym_next) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); return block_done; } @@ -1956,7 +1998,7 @@ local block_state deflate_slow(s, flush) if (s->lookahead == 0) break; /* flush the current block */ } - /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the + /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart + 2] in the * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain: */ hash_head = NIL; @@ -1998,17 +2040,17 @@ local block_state deflate_slow(s, flush) uInt max_insert = s->strstart + s->lookahead - MIN_MATCH; /* Do not insert strings in hash table beyond this. */ - check_match(s, s->strstart-1, s->prev_match, s->prev_length); + check_match(s, s->strstart - 1, s->prev_match, s->prev_length); - _tr_tally_dist(s, s->strstart -1 - s->prev_match, + _tr_tally_dist(s, s->strstart - 1 - s->prev_match, s->prev_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush); /* Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match. - * strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not + * strstart - 1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not * enough lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted in * the hash table. */ - s->lookahead -= s->prev_length-1; + s->lookahead -= s->prev_length - 1; s->prev_length -= 2; do { if (++s->strstart <= max_insert) { @@ -2026,8 +2068,8 @@ local block_state deflate_slow(s, flush) * single literal. If there was a match but the current match * is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal. */ - Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart-1])); - _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart-1], bflush); + Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart - 1])); + _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart - 1], bflush); if (bflush) { FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY(s, 0); } @@ -2045,8 +2087,8 @@ local block_state deflate_slow(s, flush) } Assert (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH, "no flush?"); if (s->match_available) { - Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart-1])); - _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart-1], bflush); + Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart - 1])); + _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart - 1], bflush); s->match_available = 0; } s->insert = s->strstart < MIN_MATCH-1 ? s->strstart : MIN_MATCH-1; @@ -2054,7 +2096,7 @@ local block_state deflate_slow(s, flush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); return finish_done; } - if (s->last_lit) + if (s->sym_next) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); return block_done; } @@ -2103,7 +2145,8 @@ local block_state deflate_rle(s, flush) if (s->match_length > s->lookahead) s->match_length = s->lookahead; } - Assert(scan <= s->window+(uInt)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan"); + Assert(scan <= s->window + (uInt)(s->window_size - 1), + "wild scan"); } /* Emit match if have run of MIN_MATCH or longer, else emit literal */ @@ -2118,7 +2161,7 @@ local block_state deflate_rle(s, flush) } else { /* No match, output a literal byte */ Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart])); - _tr_tally_lit (s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush); + _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush); s->lookahead--; s->strstart++; } @@ -2129,7 +2172,7 @@ local block_state deflate_rle(s, flush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); return finish_done; } - if (s->last_lit) + if (s->sym_next) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); return block_done; } @@ -2158,7 +2201,7 @@ local block_state deflate_huff(s, flush) /* Output a literal byte */ s->match_length = 0; Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart])); - _tr_tally_lit (s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush); + _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush); s->lookahead--; s->strstart++; if (bflush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); @@ -2168,7 +2211,7 @@ local block_state deflate_huff(s, flush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); return finish_done; } - if (s->last_lit) + if (s->sym_next) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); return block_done; } diff --git a/contrib/zlib/deflate.h b/contrib/zlib/deflate.h index 23ecdd312b..1a06cd5f25 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/deflate.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/deflate.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* deflate.h -- internal compression state - * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Jean-loup Gailly + * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 Jean-loup Gailly * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ typedef struct internal_state { /* Depth of each subtree used as tie breaker for trees of equal frequency */ - uchf *l_buf; /* buffer for literals or lengths */ + uchf *sym_buf; /* buffer for distances and literals/lengths */ uInt lit_bufsize; /* Size of match buffer for literals/lengths. There are 4 reasons for @@ -239,13 +239,8 @@ typedef struct internal_state { * - I can't count above 4 */ - uInt last_lit; /* running index in l_buf */ - - ushf *d_buf; - /* Buffer for distances. To simplify the code, d_buf and l_buf have - * the same number of elements. To use different lengths, an extra flag - * array would be necessary. - */ + uInt sym_next; /* running index in sym_buf */ + uInt sym_end; /* symbol table full when sym_next reaches this */ ulg opt_len; /* bit length of current block with optimal trees */ ulg static_len; /* bit length of current block with static trees */ @@ -325,20 +320,22 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_stored_block OF((deflate_state *s, charf *buf, # define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) \ { uch cc = (c); \ - s->d_buf[s->last_lit] = 0; \ - s->l_buf[s->last_lit++] = cc; \ + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = 0; \ + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = 0; \ + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = cc; \ s->dyn_ltree[cc].Freq++; \ - flush = (s->last_lit == s->lit_bufsize-1); \ + flush = (s->sym_next == s->sym_end); \ } # define _tr_tally_dist(s, distance, length, flush) \ { uch len = (uch)(length); \ ush dist = (ush)(distance); \ - s->d_buf[s->last_lit] = dist; \ - s->l_buf[s->last_lit++] = len; \ + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = (uch)dist; \ + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = (uch)(dist >> 8); \ + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = len; \ dist--; \ s->dyn_ltree[_length_code[len]+LITERALS+1].Freq++; \ s->dyn_dtree[d_code(dist)].Freq++; \ - flush = (s->last_lit == s->lit_bufsize-1); \ + flush = (s->sym_next == s->sym_end); \ } #else # define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) flush = _tr_tally(s, 0, c) diff --git a/contrib/zlib/gzguts.h b/contrib/zlib/gzguts.h index 6378d468a2..57faf37165 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/gzguts.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/gzguts.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* gzguts.h -- zlib internal header definitions for gz* operations - * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ typedef struct { /* just for writing */ int level; /* compression level */ int strategy; /* compression strategy */ + int reset; /* true if a reset is pending after a Z_FINISH */ /* seek request */ z_off64_t skip; /* amount to skip (already rewound if backwards) */ int seek; /* true if seek request pending */ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/gzlib.c b/contrib/zlib/gzlib.c index 4838bf0474..55da46a453 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/gzlib.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/gzlib.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* gzlib.c -- zlib functions common to reading and writing gzip files - * Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ local gzFile gz_open OF((const void *, int, const char *)); The gz_strwinerror function does not change the current setting of GetLastError. */ -char ZLIB_INTERNAL *gz_strwinerror (error) +char ZLIB_INTERNAL *gz_strwinerror(error) DWORD error; { static char buf[1024]; @@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ local void gz_reset(state) state->past = 0; /* have not read past end yet */ state->how = LOOK; /* look for gzip header */ } + else /* for writing ... */ + state->reset = 0; /* no deflateReset pending */ state->seek = 0; /* no seek request pending */ gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL); /* clear error */ state->x.pos = 0; /* no uncompressed data yet */ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/gzread.c b/contrib/zlib/gzread.c index f94abfed39..dd77381596 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/gzread.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/gzread.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* gzread.c -- zlib functions for reading gzip files - * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -157,11 +157,9 @@ local int gz_look(state) the output buffer is larger than the input buffer, which also assures space for gzungetc() */ state->x.next = state->out; - if (strm->avail_in) { - memcpy(state->x.next, strm->next_in, strm->avail_in); - state->x.have = strm->avail_in; - strm->avail_in = 0; - } + memcpy(state->x.next, strm->next_in, strm->avail_in); + state->x.have = strm->avail_in; + strm->avail_in = 0; state->how = COPY; state->direct = 1; return 0; diff --git a/contrib/zlib/gzwrite.c b/contrib/zlib/gzwrite.c index 3560193b8e..eb8a0e5893 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/gzwrite.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/gzwrite.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* gzwrite.c -- zlib functions for writing gzip files - * Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -97,6 +97,15 @@ local int gz_comp(state, flush) return 0; } + /* check for a pending reset */ + if (state->reset) { + /* don't start a new gzip member unless there is data to write */ + if (strm->avail_in == 0) + return 0; + deflateReset(strm); + state->reset = 0; + } + /* run deflate() on provided input until it produces no more output */ ret = Z_OK; do { @@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ local int gz_comp(state, flush) /* if that completed a deflate stream, allow another to start */ if (flush == Z_FINISH) - deflateReset(strm); + state->reset = 1; /* all done, no errors */ return 0; @@ -349,9 +358,9 @@ int ZEXPORT gzputc(file, c) } /* -- see zlib.h -- */ -int ZEXPORT gzputs(file, str) +int ZEXPORT gzputs(file, s) gzFile file; - const char *str; + const char *s; { z_size_t len, put; gz_statep state; @@ -366,12 +375,12 @@ int ZEXPORT gzputs(file, str) return -1; /* write string */ - len = strlen(str); + len = strlen(s); if ((int)len < 0 || (unsigned)len != len) { gz_error(state, Z_STREAM_ERROR, "string length does not fit in int"); return -1; } - put = gz_write(state, str, len); + put = gz_write(state, s, len); return put < len ? -1 : (int)len; } @@ -444,7 +453,7 @@ int ZEXPORTVA gzvprintf(gzFile file, const char *format, va_list va) strm->avail_in = state->size; if (gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1) return state->err; - memcpy(state->in, state->in + state->size, left); + memmove(state->in, state->in + state->size, left); strm->next_in = state->in; strm->avail_in = left; } @@ -465,7 +474,7 @@ int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf(gzFile file, const char *format, ...) #else /* !STDC && !Z_HAVE_STDARG_H */ /* -- see zlib.h -- */ -int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (file, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, +int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf(file, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20) gzFile file; const char *format; @@ -543,7 +552,7 @@ int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (file, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, strm->avail_in = state->size; if (gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1) return state->err; - memcpy(state->in, state->in + state->size, left); + memmove(state->in, state->in + state->size, left); strm->next_in = state->in; strm->avail_in = left; } diff --git a/contrib/zlib/infback.c b/contrib/zlib/infback.c index 59679ecbfc..babeaf1806 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/infback.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/infback.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* infback.c -- inflate using a call-back interface - * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ int stream_size; state->window = window; state->wnext = 0; state->whave = 0; + state->sane = 1; return Z_OK; } @@ -477,6 +478,7 @@ void FAR *out_desc; } Tracev((stderr, "inflate: codes ok\n")); state->mode = LEN; + /* fallthrough */ case LEN: /* use inflate_fast() if we have enough input and output */ @@ -604,25 +606,27 @@ void FAR *out_desc; break; case DONE: - /* inflate stream terminated properly -- write leftover output */ + /* inflate stream terminated properly */ ret = Z_STREAM_END; - if (left < state->wsize) { - if (out(out_desc, state->window, state->wsize - left)) - ret = Z_BUF_ERROR; - } goto inf_leave; case BAD: ret = Z_DATA_ERROR; goto inf_leave; - default: /* can't happen, but makes compilers happy */ + default: + /* can't happen, but makes compilers happy */ ret = Z_STREAM_ERROR; goto inf_leave; } - /* Return unused input */ + /* Write leftover output and return unused input */ inf_leave: + if (left < state->wsize) { + if (out(out_desc, state->window, state->wsize - left) && + ret == Z_STREAM_END) + ret = Z_BUF_ERROR; + } strm->next_in = next; strm->avail_in = have; return ret; diff --git a/contrib/zlib/inflate.c b/contrib/zlib/inflate.c index 575fcdf82a..8acbef44e9 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/inflate.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/inflate.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* inflate.c -- zlib decompression - * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ z_streamp strm; state->mode = HEAD; state->last = 0; state->havedict = 0; + state->flags = -1; state->dmax = 32768U; state->head = Z_NULL; state->hold = 0; @@ -167,6 +168,8 @@ int windowBits; /* extract wrap request from windowBits parameter */ if (windowBits < 0) { + if (windowBits < -15) + return Z_STREAM_ERROR; wrap = 0; windowBits = -windowBits; } @@ -447,10 +450,10 @@ unsigned copy; /* check function to use adler32() for zlib or crc32() for gzip */ #ifdef GUNZIP -# define UPDATE(check, buf, len) \ +# define UPDATE_CHECK(check, buf, len) \ (state->flags ? crc32(check, buf, len) : adler32(check, buf, len)) #else -# define UPDATE(check, buf, len) adler32(check, buf, len) +# define UPDATE_CHECK(check, buf, len) adler32(check, buf, len) #endif /* check macros for header crc */ @@ -670,7 +673,6 @@ int flush; state->mode = FLAGS; break; } - state->flags = 0; /* expect zlib header */ if (state->head != Z_NULL) state->head->done = -1; if (!(state->wrap & 1) || /* check if zlib header allowed */ @@ -697,6 +699,7 @@ int flush; break; } state->dmax = 1U << len; + state->flags = 0; /* indicate zlib header */ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: zlib header ok\n")); strm->adler = state->check = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); state->mode = hold & 0x200 ? DICTID : TYPE; @@ -722,6 +725,7 @@ int flush; CRC2(state->check, hold); INITBITS(); state->mode = TIME; + /* fallthrough */ case TIME: NEEDBITS(32); if (state->head != Z_NULL) @@ -730,6 +734,7 @@ int flush; CRC4(state->check, hold); INITBITS(); state->mode = OS; + /* fallthrough */ case OS: NEEDBITS(16); if (state->head != Z_NULL) { @@ -740,6 +745,7 @@ int flush; CRC2(state->check, hold); INITBITS(); state->mode = EXLEN; + /* fallthrough */ case EXLEN: if (state->flags & 0x0400) { NEEDBITS(16); @@ -753,14 +759,16 @@ int flush; else if (state->head != Z_NULL) state->head->extra = Z_NULL; state->mode = EXTRA; + /* fallthrough */ case EXTRA: if (state->flags & 0x0400) { copy = state->length; if (copy > have) copy = have; if (copy) { if (state->head != Z_NULL && - state->head->extra != Z_NULL) { - len = state->head->extra_len - state->length; + state->head->extra != Z_NULL && + (len = state->head->extra_len - state->length) < + state->head->extra_max) { zmemcpy(state->head->extra + len, next, len + copy > state->head->extra_max ? state->head->extra_max - len : copy); @@ -775,6 +783,7 @@ int flush; } state->length = 0; state->mode = NAME; + /* fallthrough */ case NAME: if (state->flags & 0x0800) { if (have == 0) goto inf_leave; @@ -796,6 +805,7 @@ int flush; state->head->name = Z_NULL; state->length = 0; state->mode = COMMENT; + /* fallthrough */ case COMMENT: if (state->flags & 0x1000) { if (have == 0) goto inf_leave; @@ -816,6 +826,7 @@ int flush; else if (state->head != Z_NULL) state->head->comment = Z_NULL; state->mode = HCRC; + /* fallthrough */ case HCRC: if (state->flags & 0x0200) { NEEDBITS(16); @@ -839,6 +850,7 @@ int flush; strm->adler = state->check = ZSWAP32(hold); INITBITS(); state->mode = DICT; + /* fallthrough */ case DICT: if (state->havedict == 0) { RESTORE(); @@ -846,8 +858,10 @@ int flush; } strm->adler = state->check = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); state->mode = TYPE; + /* fallthrough */ case TYPE: if (flush == Z_BLOCK || flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave; + /* fallthrough */ case TYPEDO: if (state->last) { BYTEBITS(); @@ -898,8 +912,10 @@ int flush; INITBITS(); state->mode = COPY_; if (flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave; + /* fallthrough */ case COPY_: state->mode = COPY; + /* fallthrough */ case COPY: copy = state->length; if (copy) { @@ -935,6 +951,7 @@ int flush; Tracev((stderr, "inflate: table sizes ok\n")); state->have = 0; state->mode = LENLENS; + /* fallthrough */ case LENLENS: while (state->have < state->ncode) { NEEDBITS(3); @@ -956,6 +973,7 @@ int flush; Tracev((stderr, "inflate: code lengths ok\n")); state->have = 0; state->mode = CODELENS; + /* fallthrough */ case CODELENS: while (state->have < state->nlen + state->ndist) { for (;;) { @@ -1039,8 +1057,10 @@ int flush; Tracev((stderr, "inflate: codes ok\n")); state->mode = LEN_; if (flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave; + /* fallthrough */ case LEN_: state->mode = LEN; + /* fallthrough */ case LEN: if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) { RESTORE(); @@ -1090,6 +1110,7 @@ int flush; } state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15; state->mode = LENEXT; + /* fallthrough */ case LENEXT: if (state->extra) { NEEDBITS(state->extra); @@ -1100,6 +1121,7 @@ int flush; Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", state->length)); state->was = state->length; state->mode = DIST; + /* fallthrough */ case DIST: for (;;) { here = state->distcode[BITS(state->distbits)]; @@ -1127,6 +1149,7 @@ int flush; state->offset = (unsigned)here.val; state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15; state->mode = DISTEXT; + /* fallthrough */ case DISTEXT: if (state->extra) { NEEDBITS(state->extra); @@ -1143,6 +1166,7 @@ int flush; #endif Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", state->offset)); state->mode = MATCH; + /* fallthrough */ case MATCH: if (left == 0) goto inf_leave; copy = out - left; @@ -1202,7 +1226,7 @@ int flush; state->total += out; if ((state->wrap & 4) && out) strm->adler = state->check = - UPDATE(state->check, put - out, out); + UPDATE_CHECK(state->check, put - out, out); out = left; if ((state->wrap & 4) && ( #ifdef GUNZIP @@ -1218,10 +1242,11 @@ int flush; } #ifdef GUNZIP state->mode = LENGTH; + /* fallthrough */ case LENGTH: if (state->wrap && state->flags) { NEEDBITS(32); - if (hold != (state->total & 0xffffffffUL)) { + if ((state->wrap & 4) && hold != (state->total & 0xffffffff)) { strm->msg = (char *)"incorrect length check"; state->mode = BAD; break; @@ -1231,6 +1256,7 @@ int flush; } #endif state->mode = DONE; + /* fallthrough */ case DONE: ret = Z_STREAM_END; goto inf_leave; @@ -1240,6 +1266,7 @@ int flush; case MEM: return Z_MEM_ERROR; case SYNC: + /* fallthrough */ default: return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } @@ -1265,7 +1292,7 @@ int flush; state->total += out; if ((state->wrap & 4) && out) strm->adler = state->check = - UPDATE(state->check, strm->next_out - out, out); + UPDATE_CHECK(state->check, strm->next_out - out, out); strm->data_type = (int)state->bits + (state->last ? 64 : 0) + (state->mode == TYPE ? 128 : 0) + (state->mode == LEN_ || state->mode == COPY_ ? 256 : 0); @@ -1401,6 +1428,7 @@ int ZEXPORT inflateSync(strm) z_streamp strm; { unsigned len; /* number of bytes to look at or looked at */ + int flags; /* temporary to save header status */ unsigned long in, out; /* temporary to save total_in and total_out */ unsigned char buf[4]; /* to restore bit buffer to byte string */ struct inflate_state FAR *state; @@ -1433,11 +1461,15 @@ z_streamp strm; /* return no joy or set up to restart inflate() on a new block */ if (state->have != 4) return Z_DATA_ERROR; - if (state->mode == HEAD) - state->wrap = 0; /* never processed header, so assume raw */ + if (state->flags == -1) + state->wrap = 0; /* if no header yet, treat as raw */ + else + state->wrap &= ~4; /* no point in computing a check value now */ + flags = state->flags; in = strm->total_in; out = strm->total_out; inflateReset(strm); strm->total_in = in; strm->total_out = out; + state->flags = flags; state->mode = TYPE; return Z_OK; } diff --git a/contrib/zlib/inflate.h b/contrib/zlib/inflate.h index a46cce6b6d..f127b6b1fa 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/inflate.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/inflate.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* inflate.h -- internal inflate state definition - * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2019 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ struct inflate_state { int wrap; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip, bit 2 true to validate check value */ int havedict; /* true if dictionary provided */ - int flags; /* gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib) */ + int flags; /* gzip header method and flags, 0 if zlib, or + -1 if raw or no header yet */ unsigned dmax; /* zlib header max distance (INFLATE_STRICT) */ unsigned long check; /* protected copy of check value */ unsigned long total; /* protected copy of output count */ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/inftrees.c b/contrib/zlib/inftrees.c index 716c988424..57d2793bec 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/inftrees.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/inftrees.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* inftrees.c -- generate Huffman trees for efficient decoding - * Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #define MAXBITS 15 const char inflate_copyright[] = - " inflate Copyright 1995-2017 Mark Adler "; + " inflate 1.2.13 Copyright 1995-2022 Mark Adler "; /* If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ unsigned short FAR *work; 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0}; static const unsigned short lext[31] = { /* Length codes 257..285 extra */ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, - 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 198, 196}; + 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 194, 65}; static const unsigned short dbase[32] = { /* Distance codes 0..29 base */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, diff --git a/contrib/zlib/inftrees.h b/contrib/zlib/inftrees.h index baa53a0b1a..f53665311c 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/inftrees.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/inftrees.h @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ typedef struct { /* Maximum size of the dynamic table. The maximum number of code structures is 1444, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 592 for distance codes. These values were found by exhaustive searches using the program - examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribtution. The arguments to that + examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribution. The arguments to that program are the number of symbols, the initial root table size, and the maximum bit length of a code. "enough 286 9 15" for literal/length codes returns returns 852, and "enough 30 6 15" for distance codes returns 592. diff --git a/contrib/zlib/trees.c b/contrib/zlib/trees.c index 50cf4b4571..5f305c4722 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/trees.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/trees.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* trees.c -- output deflated data using Huffman coding - * Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly + * Copyright (C) 1995-2021 Jean-loup Gailly * detect_data_type() function provided freely by Cosmin Truta, 2006 * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ local void send_all_trees OF((deflate_state *s, int lcodes, int dcodes, local void compress_block OF((deflate_state *s, const ct_data *ltree, const ct_data *dtree)); local int detect_data_type OF((deflate_state *s)); -local unsigned bi_reverse OF((unsigned value, int length)); +local unsigned bi_reverse OF((unsigned code, int len)); local void bi_windup OF((deflate_state *s)); local void bi_flush OF((deflate_state *s)); @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ local void send_bits(s, value, length) s->bits_sent += (ulg)length; /* If not enough room in bi_buf, use (valid) bits from bi_buf and - * (16 - bi_valid) bits from value, leaving (width - (16-bi_valid)) + * (16 - bi_valid) bits from value, leaving (width - (16 - bi_valid)) * unused bits in value. */ if (s->bi_valid > (int)Buf_size - length) { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ local void tr_static_init() length = 0; for (code = 0; code < LENGTH_CODES-1; code++) { base_length[code] = length; - for (n = 0; n < (1< dist code (0..29) */ dist = 0; for (code = 0 ; code < 16; code++) { base_dist[code] = dist; - for (n = 0; n < (1<>= 7; /* from now on, all distances are divided by 128 */ for ( ; code < D_CODES; code++) { base_dist[code] = dist << 7; - for (n = 0; n < (1<<(extra_dbits[code]-7)); n++) { + for (n = 0; n < (1 << (extra_dbits[code] - 7)); n++) { _dist_code[256 + dist++] = (uch)code; } } - Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: 256+dist != 512"); + Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: 256 + dist != 512"); /* Construct the codes of the static literal tree */ for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) bl_count[bits] = 0; @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ local void tr_static_init() } /* =========================================================================== - * Genererate the file trees.h describing the static trees. + * Generate the file trees.h describing the static trees. */ #ifdef GEN_TREES_H # ifndef ZLIB_DEBUG @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ local void tr_static_init() # define SEPARATOR(i, last, width) \ ((i) == (last)? "\n};\n\n" : \ - ((i) % (width) == (width)-1 ? ",\n" : ", ")) + ((i) % (width) == (width) - 1 ? ",\n" : ", ")) void gen_trees_header() { @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ local void init_block(s) s->dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK].Freq = 1; s->opt_len = s->static_len = 0L; - s->last_lit = s->matches = 0; + s->sym_next = s->matches = 0; } #define SMALLEST 1 @@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ local void pqdownheap(s, tree, k) while (j <= s->heap_len) { /* Set j to the smallest of the two sons: */ if (j < s->heap_len && - smaller(tree, s->heap[j+1], s->heap[j], s->depth)) { + smaller(tree, s->heap[j + 1], s->heap[j], s->depth)) { j++; } /* Exit if v is smaller than both sons */ @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ local void gen_bitlen(s, desc) */ tree[s->heap[s->heap_max]].Len = 0; /* root of the heap */ - for (h = s->heap_max+1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) { + for (h = s->heap_max + 1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) { n = s->heap[h]; bits = tree[tree[n].Dad].Len + 1; if (bits > max_length) bits = max_length, overflow++; @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ local void gen_bitlen(s, desc) s->bl_count[bits]++; xbits = 0; - if (n >= base) xbits = extra[n-base]; + if (n >= base) xbits = extra[n - base]; f = tree[n].Freq; s->opt_len += (ulg)f * (unsigned)(bits + xbits); if (stree) s->static_len += (ulg)f * (unsigned)(stree[n].Len + xbits); @@ -530,10 +530,10 @@ local void gen_bitlen(s, desc) /* Find the first bit length which could increase: */ do { - bits = max_length-1; + bits = max_length - 1; while (s->bl_count[bits] == 0) bits--; - s->bl_count[bits]--; /* move one leaf down the tree */ - s->bl_count[bits+1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */ + s->bl_count[bits]--; /* move one leaf down the tree */ + s->bl_count[bits + 1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */ s->bl_count[max_length]--; /* The brother of the overflow item also moves one step up, * but this does not affect bl_count[max_length] @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ local void gen_bitlen(s, desc) * OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non * zero code length. */ -local void gen_codes (tree, max_code, bl_count) +local void gen_codes(tree, max_code, bl_count) ct_data *tree; /* the tree to decorate */ int max_code; /* largest code with non zero frequency */ ushf *bl_count; /* number of codes at each bit length */ @@ -583,13 +583,13 @@ local void gen_codes (tree, max_code, bl_count) * without bit reversal. */ for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) { - code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1; + code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1; next_code[bits] = (ush)code; } /* Check that the bit counts in bl_count are consistent. The last code * must be all ones. */ - Assert (code + bl_count[MAX_BITS]-1 == (1<heap_len = 0, s->heap_max = HEAP_SIZE; @@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ local void build_tree(s, desc) } desc->max_code = max_code; - /* The elements heap[heap_len/2+1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree, + /* The elements heap[heap_len/2 + 1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree, * establish sub-heaps of increasing lengths: */ for (n = s->heap_len/2; n >= 1; n--) pqdownheap(s, tree, n); @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ local void build_tree(s, desc) * Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes * in the bit length tree. */ -local void scan_tree (s, tree, max_code) +local void scan_tree(s, tree, max_code) deflate_state *s; ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */ int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */ @@ -714,10 +714,10 @@ local void scan_tree (s, tree, max_code) int min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */ if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3; - tree[max_code+1].Len = (ush)0xffff; /* guard */ + tree[max_code + 1].Len = (ush)0xffff; /* guard */ for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) { - curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len; + curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n + 1].Len; if (++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen) { continue; } else if (count < min_count) { @@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ local void scan_tree (s, tree, max_code) * Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in * bl_tree. */ -local void send_tree (s, tree, max_code) +local void send_tree(s, tree, max_code) deflate_state *s; ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */ int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */ @@ -758,11 +758,11 @@ local void send_tree (s, tree, max_code) int max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */ int min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */ - /* tree[max_code+1].Len = -1; */ /* guard already set */ + /* tree[max_code + 1].Len = -1; */ /* guard already set */ if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3; for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) { - curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len; + curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n + 1].Len; if (++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen) { continue; } else if (count < min_count) { @@ -773,13 +773,13 @@ local void send_tree (s, tree, max_code) send_code(s, curlen, s->bl_tree); count--; } Assert(count >= 3 && count <= 6, " 3_6?"); - send_code(s, REP_3_6, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 2); + send_code(s, REP_3_6, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count - 3, 2); } else if (count <= 10) { - send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 3); + send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count - 3, 3); } else { - send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-11, 7); + send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count - 11, 7); } count = 0; prevlen = curlen; if (nextlen == 0) { @@ -807,8 +807,8 @@ local int build_bl_tree(s) /* Build the bit length tree: */ build_tree(s, (tree_desc *)(&(s->bl_desc))); - /* opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except - * the lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5+5+4 bits for the counts. + /* opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except the + * lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5 + 5 + 4 bits for the counts. */ /* Determine the number of bit length codes to send. The pkzip format @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ local int build_bl_tree(s) if (s->bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex]].Len != 0) break; } /* Update opt_len to include the bit length tree and counts */ - s->opt_len += 3*((ulg)max_blindex+1) + 5+5+4; + s->opt_len += 3*((ulg)max_blindex + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4; Tracev((stderr, "\ndyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld", s->opt_len, s->static_len)); @@ -841,19 +841,19 @@ local void send_all_trees(s, lcodes, dcodes, blcodes) Assert (lcodes <= L_CODES && dcodes <= D_CODES && blcodes <= BL_CODES, "too many codes"); Tracev((stderr, "\nbl counts: ")); - send_bits(s, lcodes-257, 5); /* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */ - send_bits(s, dcodes-1, 5); - send_bits(s, blcodes-4, 4); /* not -3 as stated in appnote.txt */ + send_bits(s, lcodes - 257, 5); /* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */ + send_bits(s, dcodes - 1, 5); + send_bits(s, blcodes - 4, 4); /* not -3 as stated in appnote.txt */ for (rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++) { Tracev((stderr, "\nbl code %2d ", bl_order[rank])); send_bits(s, s->bl_tree[bl_order[rank]].Len, 3); } Tracev((stderr, "\nbl tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent)); - send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, lcodes-1); /* literal tree */ + send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, lcodes - 1); /* literal tree */ Tracev((stderr, "\nlit tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent)); - send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree, dcodes-1); /* distance tree */ + send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree, dcodes - 1); /* distance tree */ Tracev((stderr, "\ndist tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent)); } @@ -866,17 +866,18 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */ int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */ { - send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK<<1)+last, 3); /* send block type */ + send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK<<1) + last, 3); /* send block type */ bi_windup(s); /* align on byte boundary */ put_short(s, (ush)stored_len); put_short(s, (ush)~stored_len); - zmemcpy(s->pending_buf + s->pending, (Bytef *)buf, stored_len); + if (stored_len) + zmemcpy(s->pending_buf + s->pending, (Bytef *)buf, stored_len); s->pending += stored_len; #ifdef ZLIB_DEBUG s->compressed_len = (s->compressed_len + 3 + 7) & (ulg)~7L; s->compressed_len += (stored_len + 4) << 3; s->bits_sent += 2*16; - s->bits_sent += stored_len<<3; + s->bits_sent += stored_len << 3; #endif } @@ -942,14 +943,17 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) max_blindex = build_bl_tree(s); /* Determine the best encoding. Compute the block lengths in bytes. */ - opt_lenb = (s->opt_len+3+7)>>3; - static_lenb = (s->static_len+3+7)>>3; + opt_lenb = (s->opt_len + 3 + 7) >> 3; + static_lenb = (s->static_len + 3 + 7) >> 3; Tracev((stderr, "\nopt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u ", opt_lenb, s->opt_len, static_lenb, s->static_len, stored_len, - s->last_lit)); + s->sym_next / 3)); - if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) opt_lenb = static_lenb; +#ifndef FORCE_STATIC + if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb || s->strategy == Z_FIXED) +#endif + opt_lenb = static_lenb; } else { Assert(buf != (char*)0, "lost buf"); @@ -959,7 +963,7 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) #ifdef FORCE_STORED if (buf != (char*)0) { /* force stored block */ #else - if (stored_len+4 <= opt_lenb && buf != (char*)0) { + if (stored_len + 4 <= opt_lenb && buf != (char*)0) { /* 4: two words for the lengths */ #endif /* The test buf != NULL is only necessary if LIT_BUFSIZE > WSIZE. @@ -970,21 +974,17 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) */ _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last); -#ifdef FORCE_STATIC - } else if (static_lenb >= 0) { /* force static trees */ -#else - } else if (s->strategy == Z_FIXED || static_lenb == opt_lenb) { -#endif - send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES<<1)+last, 3); + } else if (static_lenb == opt_lenb) { + send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES<<1) + last, 3); compress_block(s, (const ct_data *)static_ltree, (const ct_data *)static_dtree); #ifdef ZLIB_DEBUG s->compressed_len += 3 + s->static_len; #endif } else { - send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES<<1)+last, 3); - send_all_trees(s, s->l_desc.max_code+1, s->d_desc.max_code+1, - max_blindex+1); + send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES<<1) + last, 3); + send_all_trees(s, s->l_desc.max_code + 1, s->d_desc.max_code + 1, + max_blindex + 1); compress_block(s, (const ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, (const ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree); #ifdef ZLIB_DEBUG @@ -1003,21 +1003,22 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) s->compressed_len += 7; /* align on byte boundary */ #endif } - Tracev((stderr,"\ncomprlen %lu(%lu) ", s->compressed_len>>3, - s->compressed_len-7*last)); + Tracev((stderr,"\ncomprlen %lu(%lu) ", s->compressed_len >> 3, + s->compressed_len - 7*last)); } /* =========================================================================== * Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if * the current block must be flushed. */ -int ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_tally (s, dist, lc) +int ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_tally(s, dist, lc) deflate_state *s; unsigned dist; /* distance of matched string */ - unsigned lc; /* match length-MIN_MATCH or unmatched char (if dist==0) */ + unsigned lc; /* match length - MIN_MATCH or unmatched char (dist==0) */ { - s->d_buf[s->last_lit] = (ush)dist; - s->l_buf[s->last_lit++] = (uch)lc; + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = (uch)dist; + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = (uch)(dist >> 8); + s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = (uch)lc; if (dist == 0) { /* lc is the unmatched char */ s->dyn_ltree[lc].Freq++; @@ -1029,33 +1030,10 @@ int ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_tally (s, dist, lc) (ush)lc <= (ush)(MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH) && (ush)d_code(dist) < (ush)D_CODES, "_tr_tally: bad match"); - s->dyn_ltree[_length_code[lc]+LITERALS+1].Freq++; + s->dyn_ltree[_length_code[lc] + LITERALS + 1].Freq++; s->dyn_dtree[d_code(dist)].Freq++; } - -#ifdef TRUNCATE_BLOCK - /* Try to guess if it is profitable to stop the current block here */ - if ((s->last_lit & 0x1fff) == 0 && s->level > 2) { - /* Compute an upper bound for the compressed length */ - ulg out_length = (ulg)s->last_lit*8L; - ulg in_length = (ulg)((long)s->strstart - s->block_start); - int dcode; - for (dcode = 0; dcode < D_CODES; dcode++) { - out_length += (ulg)s->dyn_dtree[dcode].Freq * - (5L+extra_dbits[dcode]); - } - out_length >>= 3; - Tracev((stderr,"\nlast_lit %u, in %ld, out ~%ld(%ld%%) ", - s->last_lit, in_length, out_length, - 100L - out_length*100L/in_length)); - if (s->matches < s->last_lit/2 && out_length < in_length/2) return 1; - } -#endif - return (s->last_lit == s->lit_bufsize-1); - /* We avoid equality with lit_bufsize because of wraparound at 64K - * on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to - * 64K-1 bytes. - */ + return (s->sym_next == s->sym_end); } /* =========================================================================== @@ -1068,20 +1046,21 @@ local void compress_block(s, ltree, dtree) { unsigned dist; /* distance of matched string */ int lc; /* match length or unmatched char (if dist == 0) */ - unsigned lx = 0; /* running index in l_buf */ + unsigned sx = 0; /* running index in sym_buf */ unsigned code; /* the code to send */ int extra; /* number of extra bits to send */ - if (s->last_lit != 0) do { - dist = s->d_buf[lx]; - lc = s->l_buf[lx++]; + if (s->sym_next != 0) do { + dist = s->sym_buf[sx++] & 0xff; + dist += (unsigned)(s->sym_buf[sx++] & 0xff) << 8; + lc = s->sym_buf[sx++]; if (dist == 0) { send_code(s, lc, ltree); /* send a literal byte */ Tracecv(isgraph(lc), (stderr," '%c' ", lc)); } else { /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */ code = _length_code[lc]; - send_code(s, code+LITERALS+1, ltree); /* send the length code */ + send_code(s, code + LITERALS + 1, ltree); /* send length code */ extra = extra_lbits[code]; if (extra != 0) { lc -= base_length[code]; @@ -1099,11 +1078,10 @@ local void compress_block(s, ltree, dtree) } } /* literal or match pair ? */ - /* Check that the overlay between pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf is ok: */ - Assert((uInt)(s->pending) < s->lit_bufsize + 2*lx, - "pendingBuf overflow"); + /* Check that the overlay between pending_buf and sym_buf is ok: */ + Assert(s->pending < s->lit_bufsize + sx, "pendingBuf overflow"); - } while (lx < s->last_lit); + } while (sx < s->sym_next); send_code(s, END_BLOCK, ltree); } @@ -1112,9 +1090,9 @@ local void compress_block(s, ltree, dtree) * Check if the data type is TEXT or BINARY, using the following algorithm: * - TEXT if the two conditions below are satisfied: * a) There are no non-portable control characters belonging to the - * "black list" (0..6, 14..25, 28..31). + * "block list" (0..6, 14..25, 28..31). * b) There is at least one printable character belonging to the - * "white list" (9 {TAB}, 10 {LF}, 13 {CR}, 32..255). + * "allow list" (9 {TAB}, 10 {LF}, 13 {CR}, 32..255). * - BINARY otherwise. * - The following partially-portable control characters form a * "gray list" that is ignored in this detection algorithm: @@ -1124,19 +1102,19 @@ local void compress_block(s, ltree, dtree) local int detect_data_type(s) deflate_state *s; { - /* black_mask is the bit mask of black-listed bytes + /* block_mask is the bit mask of block-listed bytes * set bits 0..6, 14..25, and 28..31 * 0xf3ffc07f = binary 11110011111111111100000001111111 */ - unsigned long black_mask = 0xf3ffc07fUL; + unsigned long block_mask = 0xf3ffc07fUL; int n; - /* Check for non-textual ("black-listed") bytes. */ - for (n = 0; n <= 31; n++, black_mask >>= 1) - if ((black_mask & 1) && (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0)) + /* Check for non-textual ("block-listed") bytes. */ + for (n = 0; n <= 31; n++, block_mask >>= 1) + if ((block_mask & 1) && (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0)) return Z_BINARY; - /* Check for textual ("white-listed") bytes. */ + /* Check for textual ("allow-listed") bytes. */ if (s->dyn_ltree[9].Freq != 0 || s->dyn_ltree[10].Freq != 0 || s->dyn_ltree[13].Freq != 0) return Z_TEXT; @@ -1144,7 +1122,7 @@ local int detect_data_type(s) if (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0) return Z_TEXT; - /* There are no "black-listed" or "white-listed" bytes: + /* There are no "block-listed" or "allow-listed" bytes: * this stream either is empty or has tolerated ("gray-listed") bytes only. */ return Z_BINARY; @@ -1198,6 +1176,6 @@ local void bi_windup(s) s->bi_buf = 0; s->bi_valid = 0; #ifdef ZLIB_DEBUG - s->bits_sent = (s->bits_sent+7) & ~7; + s->bits_sent = (s->bits_sent + 7) & ~7; #endif } diff --git a/contrib/zlib/uncompr.c b/contrib/zlib/uncompr.c index f03a1a865e..f9532f46c1 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/uncompr.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/uncompr.c @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted, including if the input data is an incomplete zlib stream. */ -int ZEXPORT uncompress2 (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) +int ZEXPORT uncompress2(dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) Bytef *dest; uLongf *destLen; const Bytef *source; @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ int ZEXPORT uncompress2 (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) err; } -int ZEXPORT uncompress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) +int ZEXPORT uncompress(dest, destLen, source, sourceLen) Bytef *dest; uLongf *destLen; const Bytef *source; diff --git a/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor b/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor index d152bbb7ff..4495353f3f 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor +++ b/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ # # Usage: # make -f win32/Makefile.bor -# make -f win32/Makefile.bor LOCAL_ZLIB=-DASMV OBJA=match.obj OBJPA=+match.obj # ------------ Borland C++ ------------ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc b/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc index 305be50afe..081e391eb2 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc +++ b/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc @@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ # # make -fwin32/Makefile.gcc; make test testdll -fwin32/Makefile.gcc # -# To use the asm code, type: -# cp contrib/asm?86/match.S ./match.S -# make LOC=-DASMV OBJA=match.o -fwin32/Makefile.gcc -# # To install libz.a, zconf.h and zlib.h in the system directories, type: # # make install -fwin32/Makefile.gcc @@ -38,7 +34,6 @@ IMPLIB = libz.dll.a # SHARED_MODE=0 -#LOC = -DASMV #LOC = -DZLIB_DEBUG -g PREFIX = diff --git a/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc b/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc index 6831882de4..9c6515360e 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc +++ b/contrib/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc @@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ # Usage: # nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc (standard build) # nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc LOC=-DFOO (nonstandard build) -# nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc LOC="-DASMV -DASMINF" \ -# OBJA="inffas32.obj match686.obj" (use ASM code, x86) -# nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc AS=ml64 LOC="-DASMV -DASMINF -I." \ -# OBJA="inffasx64.obj gvmat64.obj inffas8664.obj" (use ASM code, x64) # The toplevel directory of the source tree. # diff --git a/contrib/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt b/contrib/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt index a1de359a30..050197d80f 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt +++ b/contrib/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ZLIB DATA COMPRESSION LIBRARY -zlib is a general purpose data compression library. All the code is +zlib 1.2.13 is a general purpose data compression library. All the code is thread safe. The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt (zlib format), rfc1951.txt (deflate format) @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ before asking for help. Manifest: -The package zlib- will contain the following files: +The package zlib-1.2.13-win32-x86.zip will contain the following files: README-WIN32.txt This document ChangeLog Changes since previous zlib packages diff --git a/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib.def b/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib.def index a2188b0006..53c80115fc 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib.def +++ b/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib.def @@ -1,94 +1,97 @@ -; zlib data compression library -EXPORTS -; basic functions - zlibVersion - deflate - deflateEnd - inflate - inflateEnd -; advanced functions - deflateSetDictionary - deflateGetDictionary - deflateCopy - deflateReset - deflateParams - deflateTune - deflateBound - deflatePending - deflatePrime - deflateSetHeader - inflateSetDictionary - inflateGetDictionary - inflateSync - inflateCopy - inflateReset - inflateReset2 - inflatePrime - inflateMark - inflateGetHeader - inflateBack - inflateBackEnd - zlibCompileFlags -; utility functions - compress - compress2 - compressBound - uncompress - uncompress2 - gzopen - gzdopen - gzbuffer - gzsetparams - gzread - gzfread - gzwrite - gzfwrite - gzprintf - gzvprintf - gzputs - gzgets - gzputc - gzgetc - gzungetc - gzflush - gzseek - gzrewind - gztell - gzoffset - gzeof - gzdirect - gzclose - gzclose_r - gzclose_w - gzerror - gzclearerr -; large file functions - gzopen64 - gzseek64 - gztell64 - gzoffset64 - adler32_combine64 - crc32_combine64 -; checksum functions - adler32 - adler32_z - crc32 - crc32_z - adler32_combine - crc32_combine -; various hacks, don't look :) - deflateInit_ - deflateInit2_ - inflateInit_ - inflateInit2_ - inflateBackInit_ - gzgetc_ - zError - inflateSyncPoint - get_crc_table - inflateUndermine - inflateValidate - inflateCodesUsed - inflateResetKeep - deflateResetKeep - gzopen_w +; zlib data compression library +EXPORTS +; basic functions + zlibVersion + deflate + deflateEnd + inflate + inflateEnd +; advanced functions + deflateSetDictionary + deflateGetDictionary + deflateCopy + deflateReset + deflateParams + deflateTune + deflateBound + deflatePending + deflatePrime + deflateSetHeader + inflateSetDictionary + inflateGetDictionary + inflateSync + inflateCopy + inflateReset + inflateReset2 + inflatePrime + inflateMark + inflateGetHeader + inflateBack + inflateBackEnd + zlibCompileFlags +; utility functions + compress + compress2 + compressBound + uncompress + uncompress2 + gzopen + gzdopen + gzbuffer + gzsetparams + gzread + gzfread + gzwrite + gzfwrite + gzprintf + gzvprintf + gzputs + gzgets + gzputc + gzgetc + gzungetc + gzflush + gzseek + gzrewind + gztell + gzoffset + gzeof + gzdirect + gzclose + gzclose_r + gzclose_w + gzerror + gzclearerr +; large file functions + gzopen64 + gzseek64 + gztell64 + gzoffset64 + adler32_combine64 + crc32_combine64 + crc32_combine_gen64 +; checksum functions + adler32 + adler32_z + crc32 + crc32_z + adler32_combine + crc32_combine + crc32_combine_gen + crc32_combine_op +; various hacks, don't look :) + deflateInit_ + deflateInit2_ + inflateInit_ + inflateInit2_ + inflateBackInit_ + gzgetc_ + zError + inflateSyncPoint + get_crc_table + inflateUndermine + inflateValidate + inflateCodesUsed + inflateResetKeep + deflateResetKeep + gzopen_w diff --git a/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc b/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc index 234e641c32..ceb4ee5c69 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc +++ b/contrib/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ BEGIN VALUE "FileDescription", "zlib data compression library\0" VALUE "FileVersion", ZLIB_VERSION "\0" VALUE "InternalName", "zlib1.dll\0" - VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "zlib1.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "zlib\0" VALUE "ProductVersion", ZLIB_VERSION "\0" diff --git a/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein b/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein index a7f24cce60..247ba2461d 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein +++ b/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ # define crc32 z_crc32 # define crc32_combine z_crc32_combine # define crc32_combine64 z_crc32_combine64 +# define crc32_combine_gen z_crc32_combine_gen +# define crc32_combine_gen64 z_crc32_combine_gen64 +# define crc32_combine_op z_crc32_combine_op # define crc32_z z_crc32_z # define deflate z_deflate # define deflateBound z_deflateBound @@ -351,6 +354,9 @@ # ifdef FAR # undef FAR # endif +# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# endif # include /* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */ /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */ @@ -469,11 +475,18 @@ typedef uLong FAR uLongf; # undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #endif -#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) -# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +#ifndef Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# ifdef __WATCOMC__ +# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# endif +#endif +#ifndef Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && !defined(_WIN32) +# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# endif #endif #ifndef Z_SOLO -# if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) || defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) +# if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) # include /* for SEEK_*, off_t, and _LFS64_LARGEFILE */ # ifdef VMS # include /* for off_t */ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.in b/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.in index 5e1d68a004..bf977d3e70 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.in +++ b/contrib/zlib/zconf.h.in @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ # define crc32 z_crc32 # define crc32_combine z_crc32_combine # define crc32_combine64 z_crc32_combine64 +# define crc32_combine_gen z_crc32_combine_gen +# define crc32_combine_gen64 z_crc32_combine_gen64 +# define crc32_combine_op z_crc32_combine_op # define crc32_z z_crc32_z # define deflate z_deflate # define deflateBound z_deflateBound @@ -349,6 +352,9 @@ # ifdef FAR # undef FAR # endif +# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# endif # include /* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */ /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */ @@ -467,11 +473,18 @@ typedef uLong FAR uLongf; # undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #endif -#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) -# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +#ifndef Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# ifdef __WATCOMC__ +# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# endif +#endif +#ifndef Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && !defined(_WIN32) +# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H +# endif #endif #ifndef Z_SOLO -# if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) || defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) +# if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) # include /* for SEEK_*, off_t, and _LFS64_LARGEFILE */ # ifdef VMS # include /* for off_t */ diff --git a/contrib/zlib/zlib.h b/contrib/zlib/zlib.h index dcb7b50638..953cb5012d 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/zlib.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/zlib.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library - version, January xxth, 2017 + version 1.2.13, October 13th, 2022 - Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler + Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ extern "C" { #endif -#define ZLIB_VERSION "" -#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b1 +#define ZLIB_VERSION "1.2.13" +#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12d0 #define ZLIB_VER_MAJOR 1 #define ZLIB_VER_MINOR 2 -#define ZLIB_VER_REVISION 11 -#define ZLIB_VER_SUBREVISION 1 +#define ZLIB_VER_REVISION 13 +#define ZLIB_VER_SUBREVISION 0 /* The 'zlib' compression library provides in-memory compression and @@ -78,10 +78,6 @@ extern "C" { even in the case of corrupted input. */ -#ifdef __ANDROID__ -typedef unsigned long zcrc_t; -#endif - typedef voidpf (*alloc_func) OF((voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size)); typedef void (*free_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf address)); @@ -280,7 +276,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush)); == 0), or after each call of deflate(). If deflate returns Z_OK and with zero avail_out, it must be called again after making room in the output buffer because there might be more output pending. See deflatePending(), - which can be used if desired to determine whether or not there is more ouput + which can be used if desired to determine whether or not there is more output in that case. Normally the parameter flush is set to Z_NO_FLUSH, which allows deflate to @@ -547,8 +543,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit2 OF((z_streamp strm, int strategy)); This is another version of deflateInit with more compression options. The - fields next_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the - caller. + fields zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller. The method parameter is the compression method. It must be Z_DEFLATED in this version of the library. @@ -665,7 +660,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateGetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm, to dictionary. dictionary must have enough space, where 32768 bytes is always enough. If deflateGetDictionary() is called with dictionary equal to Z_NULL, then only the dictionary length is returned, and nothing is copied. - Similary, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set. + Similarly, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set. deflateGetDictionary() may return a length less than the window size, even when more than the window size in input has been provided. It may return up @@ -870,9 +865,11 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit2 OF((z_streamp strm, detection, or add 16 to decode only the gzip format (the zlib format will return a Z_DATA_ERROR). If a gzip stream is being decoded, strm->adler is a CRC-32 instead of an Adler-32. Unlike the gunzip utility and gzread() (see - below), inflate() will not automatically decode concatenated gzip streams. - inflate() will return Z_STREAM_END at the end of the gzip stream. The state - would need to be reset to continue decoding a subsequent gzip stream. + below), inflate() will *not* automatically decode concatenated gzip members. + inflate() will return Z_STREAM_END at the end of the gzip member. The state + would need to be reset to continue decoding a subsequent gzip member. This + *must* be done if there is more data after a gzip member, in order for the + decompression to be compliant with the gzip standard (RFC 1952). inflateInit2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version is incompatible with the @@ -918,7 +915,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateGetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm, to dictionary. dictionary must have enough space, where 32768 bytes is always enough. If inflateGetDictionary() is called with dictionary equal to Z_NULL, then only the dictionary length is returned, and nothing is copied. - Similary, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set. + Similarly, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set. inflateGetDictionary returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state is inconsistent. @@ -1307,14 +1304,14 @@ typedef struct gzFile_s *gzFile; /* semi-opaque gzip file descriptor */ /* ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *path, const char *mode)); - Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing. The mode parameter is as - in fopen ("rb" or "wb") but can also include a compression level ("wb9") or - a strategy: 'f' for filtered data as in "wb6f", 'h' for Huffman-only - compression as in "wb1h", 'R' for run-length encoding as in "wb1R", or 'F' - for fixed code compression as in "wb9F". (See the description of - deflateInit2 for more information about the strategy parameter.) 'T' will - request transparent writing or appending with no compression and not using - the gzip format. + Open the gzip (.gz) file at path for reading and decompressing, or + compressing and writing. The mode parameter is as in fopen ("rb" or "wb") + but can also include a compression level ("wb9") or a strategy: 'f' for + filtered data as in "wb6f", 'h' for Huffman-only compression as in "wb1h", + 'R' for run-length encoding as in "wb1R", or 'F' for fixed code compression + as in "wb9F". (See the description of deflateInit2 for more information + about the strategy parameter.) 'T' will request transparent writing or + appending with no compression and not using the gzip format. "a" can be used instead of "w" to request that the gzip stream that will be written be appended to the file. "+" will result in an error, since @@ -1344,9 +1341,9 @@ ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *path, const char *mode)); ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen OF((int fd, const char *mode)); /* - gzdopen associates a gzFile with the file descriptor fd. File descriptors - are obtained from calls like open, dup, creat, pipe or fileno (if the file - has been previously opened with fopen). The mode parameter is as in gzopen. + Associate a gzFile with the file descriptor fd. File descriptors are + obtained from calls like open, dup, creat, pipe or fileno (if the file has + been previously opened with fopen). The mode parameter is as in gzopen. The next call of gzclose on the returned gzFile will also close the file descriptor fd, just like fclose(fdopen(fd, mode)) closes the file descriptor @@ -1367,13 +1364,13 @@ ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen OF((int fd, const char *mode)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzbuffer OF((gzFile file, unsigned size)); /* - Set the internal buffer size used by this library's functions. The - default buffer size is 8192 bytes. This function must be called after - gzopen() or gzdopen(), and before any other calls that read or write the - file. The buffer memory allocation is always deferred to the first read or - write. Three times that size in buffer space is allocated. A larger buffer - size of, for example, 64K or 128K bytes will noticeably increase the speed - of decompression (reading). + Set the internal buffer size used by this library's functions for file to + size. The default buffer size is 8192 bytes. This function must be called + after gzopen() or gzdopen(), and before any other calls that read or write + the file. The buffer memory allocation is always deferred to the first read + or write. Three times that size in buffer space is allocated. A larger + buffer size of, for example, 64K or 128K bytes will noticeably increase the + speed of decompression (reading). The new buffer size also affects the maximum length for gzprintf(). @@ -1383,9 +1380,9 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzbuffer OF((gzFile file, unsigned size)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzsetparams OF((gzFile file, int level, int strategy)); /* - Dynamically update the compression level or strategy. See the description - of deflateInit2 for the meaning of these parameters. Previously provided - data is flushed before the parameter change. + Dynamically update the compression level and strategy for file. See the + description of deflateInit2 for the meaning of these parameters. Previously + provided data is flushed before applying the parameter changes. gzsetparams returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the file was not opened for writing, Z_ERRNO if there is an error writing the flushed data, @@ -1394,7 +1391,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzsetparams OF((gzFile file, int level, int strategy)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzread OF((gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len)); /* - Reads the given number of uncompressed bytes from the compressed file. If + Read and decompress up to len uncompressed bytes from file into buf. If the input file is not in gzip format, gzread copies the given number of bytes into the buffer directly from the file. @@ -1425,11 +1422,11 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzread OF((gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len)); ZEXTERN z_size_t ZEXPORT gzfread OF((voidp buf, z_size_t size, z_size_t nitems, gzFile file)); /* - Read up to nitems items of size size from file to buf, otherwise operating - as gzread() does. This duplicates the interface of stdio's fread(), with - size_t request and return types. If the library defines size_t, then - z_size_t is identical to size_t. If not, then z_size_t is an unsigned - integer type that can contain a pointer. + Read and decompress up to nitems items of size size from file into buf, + otherwise operating as gzread() does. This duplicates the interface of + stdio's fread(), with size_t request and return types. If the library + defines size_t, then z_size_t is identical to size_t. If not, then z_size_t + is an unsigned integer type that can contain a pointer. gzfread() returns the number of full items read of size size, or zero if the end of the file was reached and a full item could not be read, or if @@ -1440,26 +1437,24 @@ ZEXTERN z_size_t ZEXPORT gzfread OF((voidp buf, z_size_t size, z_size_t nitems, In the event that the end of file is reached and only a partial item is available at the end, i.e. the remaining uncompressed data length is not a - multiple of size, then the final partial item is nevetheless read into buf + multiple of size, then the final partial item is nevertheless read into buf and the end-of-file flag is set. The length of the partial item read is not provided, but could be inferred from the result of gztell(). This behavior is the same as the behavior of fread() implementations in common libraries, but it prevents the direct use of gzfread() to read a concurrently written - file, reseting and retrying on end-of-file, when size is not 1. + file, resetting and retrying on end-of-file, when size is not 1. */ -ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzwrite OF((gzFile file, - voidpc buf, unsigned len)); +ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzwrite OF((gzFile file, voidpc buf, unsigned len)); /* - Writes the given number of uncompressed bytes into the compressed file. - gzwrite returns the number of uncompressed bytes written or 0 in case of - error. + Compress and write the len uncompressed bytes at buf to file. gzwrite + returns the number of uncompressed bytes written or 0 in case of error. */ ZEXTERN z_size_t ZEXPORT gzfwrite OF((voidpc buf, z_size_t size, z_size_t nitems, gzFile file)); /* - gzfwrite() writes nitems items of size size from buf to file, duplicating + Compress and write nitems items of size size from buf to file, duplicating the interface of stdio's fwrite(), with size_t request and return types. If the library defines size_t, then z_size_t is identical to size_t. If not, then z_size_t is an unsigned integer type that can contain a pointer. @@ -1472,22 +1467,22 @@ ZEXTERN z_size_t ZEXPORT gzfwrite OF((voidpc buf, z_size_t size, ZEXTERN int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf Z_ARG((gzFile file, const char *format, ...)); /* - Converts, formats, and writes the arguments to the compressed file under - control of the format string, as in fprintf. gzprintf returns the number of + Convert, format, compress, and write the arguments (...) to file under + control of the string format, as in fprintf. gzprintf returns the number of uncompressed bytes actually written, or a negative zlib error code in case of error. The number of uncompressed bytes written is limited to 8191, or one less than the buffer size given to gzbuffer(). The caller should assure that this limit is not exceeded. If it is exceeded, then gzprintf() will return an error (0) with nothing written. In this case, there may also be a buffer overflow with unpredictable consequences, which is possible only if - zlib was compiled with the insecure functions sprintf() or vsprintf() + zlib was compiled with the insecure functions sprintf() or vsprintf(), because the secure snprintf() or vsnprintf() functions were not available. This can be determined using zlibCompileFlags(). */ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputs OF((gzFile file, const char *s)); /* - Writes the given null-terminated string to the compressed file, excluding + Compress and write the given null-terminated string s to file, excluding the terminating null character. gzputs returns the number of characters written, or -1 in case of error. @@ -1495,11 +1490,12 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputs OF((gzFile file, const char *s)); ZEXTERN char * ZEXPORT gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len)); /* - Reads bytes from the compressed file until len-1 characters are read, or a - newline character is read and transferred to buf, or an end-of-file - condition is encountered. If any characters are read or if len == 1, the - string is terminated with a null character. If no characters are read due - to an end-of-file or len < 1, then the buffer is left untouched. + Read and decompress bytes from file into buf, until len-1 characters are + read, or until a newline character is read and transferred to buf, or an + end-of-file condition is encountered. If any characters are read or if len + is one, the string is terminated with a null character. If no characters + are read due to an end-of-file or len is less than one, then the buffer is + left untouched. gzgets returns buf which is a null-terminated string, or it returns NULL for end-of-file or in case of error. If there was an error, the contents at @@ -1508,13 +1504,13 @@ ZEXTERN char * ZEXPORT gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputc OF((gzFile file, int c)); /* - Writes c, converted to an unsigned char, into the compressed file. gzputc + Compress and write c, converted to an unsigned char, into file. gzputc returns the value that was written, or -1 in case of error. */ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc OF((gzFile file)); /* - Reads one byte from the compressed file. gzgetc returns this byte or -1 + Read and decompress one byte from file. gzgetc returns this byte or -1 in case of end of file or error. This is implemented as a macro for speed. As such, it does not do all of the checking the other functions do. I.e. it does not check to see if file is NULL, nor whether the structure file @@ -1523,8 +1519,8 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc OF((gzFile file)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzungetc OF((int c, gzFile file)); /* - Push one character back onto the stream to be read as the first character - on the next read. At least one character of push-back is allowed. + Push c back onto the stream for file to be read as the first character on + the next read. At least one character of push-back is always allowed. gzungetc() returns the character pushed, or -1 on failure. gzungetc() will fail if c is -1, and may fail if a character has been pushed but not read yet. If gzungetc is used immediately after gzopen or gzdopen, at least the @@ -1535,9 +1531,9 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzungetc OF((int c, gzFile file)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzflush OF((gzFile file, int flush)); /* - Flushes all pending output into the compressed file. The parameter flush - is as in the deflate() function. The return value is the zlib error number - (see function gzerror below). gzflush is only permitted when writing. + Flush all pending output to file. The parameter flush is as in the + deflate() function. The return value is the zlib error number (see function + gzerror below). gzflush is only permitted when writing. If the flush parameter is Z_FINISH, the remaining data is written and the gzip stream is completed in the output. If gzwrite() is called again, a new @@ -1552,8 +1548,8 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzflush OF((gzFile file, int flush)); ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile file, z_off_t offset, int whence)); - Sets the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given - compressed file. The offset represents a number of bytes in the + Set the starting position to offset relative to whence for the next gzread + or gzwrite on file. The offset represents a number of bytes in the uncompressed data stream. The whence parameter is defined as in lseek(2); the value SEEK_END is not supported. @@ -1570,18 +1566,18 @@ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile file, ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzrewind OF((gzFile file)); /* - Rewinds the given file. This function is supported only for reading. + Rewind file. This function is supported only for reading. - gzrewind(file) is equivalent to (int)gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET) + gzrewind(file) is equivalent to (int)gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET). */ /* ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile file)); - Returns the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given - compressed file. This position represents a number of bytes in the - uncompressed data stream, and is zero when starting, even if appending or - reading a gzip stream from the middle of a file using gzdopen(). + Return the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on file. + This position represents a number of bytes in the uncompressed data stream, + and is zero when starting, even if appending or reading a gzip stream from + the middle of a file using gzdopen(). gztell(file) is equivalent to gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_CUR) */ @@ -1589,22 +1585,22 @@ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile file)); /* ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset OF((gzFile file)); - Returns the current offset in the file being read or written. This offset - includes the count of bytes that precede the gzip stream, for example when - appending or when using gzdopen() for reading. When reading, the offset - does not include as yet unused buffered input. This information can be used - for a progress indicator. On error, gzoffset() returns -1. + Return the current compressed (actual) read or write offset of file. This + offset includes the count of bytes that precede the gzip stream, for example + when appending or when using gzdopen() for reading. When reading, the + offset does not include as yet unused buffered input. This information can + be used for a progress indicator. On error, gzoffset() returns -1. */ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzeof OF((gzFile file)); /* - Returns true (1) if the end-of-file indicator has been set while reading, - false (0) otherwise. Note that the end-of-file indicator is set only if the - read tried to go past the end of the input, but came up short. Therefore, - just like feof(), gzeof() may return false even if there is no more data to - read, in the event that the last read request was for the exact number of - bytes remaining in the input file. This will happen if the input file size - is an exact multiple of the buffer size. + Return true (1) if the end-of-file indicator for file has been set while + reading, false (0) otherwise. Note that the end-of-file indicator is set + only if the read tried to go past the end of the input, but came up short. + Therefore, just like feof(), gzeof() may return false even if there is no + more data to read, in the event that the last read request was for the exact + number of bytes remaining in the input file. This will happen if the input + file size is an exact multiple of the buffer size. If gzeof() returns true, then the read functions will return no more data, unless the end-of-file indicator is reset by gzclearerr() and the input file @@ -1613,7 +1609,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzeof OF((gzFile file)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzdirect OF((gzFile file)); /* - Returns true (1) if file is being copied directly while reading, or false + Return true (1) if file is being copied directly while reading, or false (0) if file is a gzip stream being decompressed. If the input file is empty, gzdirect() will return true, since the input @@ -1634,8 +1630,8 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzdirect OF((gzFile file)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzclose OF((gzFile file)); /* - Flushes all pending output if necessary, closes the compressed file and - deallocates the (de)compression state. Note that once file is closed, you + Flush all pending output for file, if necessary, close file and + deallocate the (de)compression state. Note that once file is closed, you cannot call gzerror with file, since its structures have been deallocated. gzclose must not be called more than once on the same file, just as free must not be called more than once on the same allocation. @@ -1659,10 +1655,10 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzclose_w OF((gzFile file)); ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum)); /* - Returns the error message for the last error which occurred on the given - compressed file. errnum is set to zlib error number. If an error occurred - in the file system and not in the compression library, errnum is set to - Z_ERRNO and the application may consult errno to get the exact error code. + Return the error message for the last error which occurred on file. + errnum is set to zlib error number. If an error occurred in the file system + and not in the compression library, errnum is set to Z_ERRNO and the + application may consult errno to get the exact error code. The application must not modify the returned string. Future calls to this function may invalidate the previously returned string. If file is @@ -1675,7 +1671,7 @@ ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum)); ZEXTERN void ZEXPORT gzclearerr OF((gzFile file)); /* - Clears the error and end-of-file flags for file. This is analogous to the + Clear the error and end-of-file flags for file. This is analogous to the clearerr() function in stdio. This is useful for continuing to read a gzip file that is being written concurrently. */ @@ -1693,8 +1689,9 @@ ZEXTERN void ZEXPORT gzclearerr OF((gzFile file)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32 OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); /* Update a running Adler-32 checksum with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and - return the updated checksum. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the - required initial value for the checksum. + return the updated checksum. An Adler-32 value is in the range of a 32-bit + unsigned integer. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required + initial value for the checksum. An Adler-32 checksum is almost as reliable as a CRC-32 but can be computed much faster. @@ -1727,12 +1724,13 @@ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong adler1, uLong adler2, negative, the result has no meaning or utility. */ -ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); +ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); /* Update a running CRC-32 with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and return the - updated CRC-32. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required - initial value for the crc. Pre- and post-conditioning (one's complement) is - performed within this function so it shouldn't be done by the application. + updated CRC-32. A CRC-32 value is in the range of a 32-bit unsigned integer. + If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required initial value for the + crc. Pre- and post-conditioning (one's complement) is performed within this + function so it shouldn't be done by the application. Usage example: @@ -1744,7 +1742,7 @@ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)); if (crc != original_crc) error(); */ -ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_z OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, +ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_z OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, z_size_t len)); /* Same as crc32(), but with a size_t length. @@ -1760,6 +1758,20 @@ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, z_off_t len2)); len2. */ +/* +ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen OF((z_off_t len2)); + + Return the operator corresponding to length len2, to be used with + crc32_combine_op(). +*/ + +ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_op OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, uLong op)); +/* + Give the same result as crc32_combine(), using op in place of len2. op is + is generated from len2 by crc32_combine_gen(). This will be faster than + crc32_combine() if the generated op is used more than once. +*/ + /* various hacks, don't look :) */ @@ -1847,6 +1859,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc_ OF((gzFile file)); /* backward compatibility */ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off64_t)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off64_t)); + ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64 OF((z_off64_t)); #endif #if !defined(ZLIB_INTERNAL) && defined(Z_WANT64) @@ -1857,6 +1870,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc_ OF((gzFile file)); /* backward compatibility */ # define z_gzoffset z_gzoffset64 # define z_adler32_combine z_adler32_combine64 # define z_crc32_combine z_crc32_combine64 +# define z_crc32_combine_gen z_crc32_combine_gen64 # else # define gzopen gzopen64 # define gzseek gzseek64 @@ -1864,6 +1878,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc_ OF((gzFile file)); /* backward compatibility */ # define gzoffset gzoffset64 # define adler32_combine adler32_combine64 # define crc32_combine crc32_combine64 +# define crc32_combine_gen crc32_combine_gen64 # endif # ifndef Z_LARGE64 ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *)); @@ -1872,6 +1887,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc_ OF((gzFile file)); /* backward compatibility */ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); + ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64 OF((z_off_t)); # endif #else ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *, const char *)); @@ -1880,12 +1896,14 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc_ OF((gzFile file)); /* backward compatibility */ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset OF((gzFile)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); + ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen OF((z_off_t)); #endif #else /* Z_SOLO */ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); + ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen OF((z_off_t)); #endif /* !Z_SOLO */ @@ -1895,7 +1913,7 @@ ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateSyncPoint OF((z_streamp)); ZEXTERN const z_crc_t FAR * ZEXPORT get_crc_table OF((void)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateUndermine OF((z_streamp, int)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateValidate OF((z_streamp, int)); -ZEXTERN unsigned long ZEXPORT inflateCodesUsed OF ((z_streamp)); +ZEXTERN unsigned long ZEXPORT inflateCodesUsed OF((z_streamp)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateResetKeep OF((z_streamp)); ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep OF((z_streamp)); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(Z_SOLO) diff --git a/contrib/zlib/zutil.c b/contrib/zlib/zutil.c index dcab28a0d5..9543ae825e 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/zutil.c +++ b/contrib/zlib/zutil.c @@ -61,9 +61,11 @@ uLong ZEXPORT zlibCompileFlags() #ifdef ZLIB_DEBUG flags += 1 << 8; #endif + /* #if defined(ASMV) || defined(ASMINF) flags += 1 << 9; #endif + */ #ifdef ZLIB_WINAPI flags += 1 << 10; #endif @@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ uLong ZEXPORT zlibCompileFlags() # endif int ZLIB_INTERNAL z_verbose = verbose; -void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error (m) +void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error(m) char *m; { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m); @@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ local ptr_table table[MAX_PTR]; * a protected system like OS/2. Use Microsoft C instead. */ -voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size) +voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc(voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size) { voidpf buf; ulg bsize = (ulg)items*size; @@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size) return buf; } -void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr) +void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree(voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr) { int n; @@ -277,13 +279,13 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr) # define _hfree hfree #endif -voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size) +voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc(voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size) { (void)opaque; return _halloc((long)items, size); } -void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr) +void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree(voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr) { (void)opaque; _hfree(ptr); @@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ extern voidp calloc OF((uInt items, uInt size)); extern void free OF((voidpf ptr)); #endif -voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (opaque, items, size) +voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc(opaque, items, size) voidpf opaque; unsigned items; unsigned size; @@ -312,7 +314,7 @@ voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (opaque, items, size) (voidpf)calloc(items, size); } -void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (opaque, ptr) +void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree(opaque, ptr) voidpf opaque; voidpf ptr; { diff --git a/contrib/zlib/zutil.h b/contrib/zlib/zutil.h index 60a0bca793..0bc7f4ecd1 100644 --- a/contrib/zlib/zutil.h +++ b/contrib/zlib/zutil.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* zutil.h -- internal interface and configuration of the compression library - * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler + * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h */ @@ -42,6 +42,17 @@ typedef unsigned short ush; typedef ush FAR ushf; typedef unsigned long ulg; +#if !defined(Z_U8) && !defined(Z_SOLO) && defined(STDC) +# include +# if (ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff) +# define Z_U8 unsigned long +# elif (ULLONG_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff) +# define Z_U8 unsigned long long +# elif (UINT_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff) +# define Z_U8 unsigned +# endif +#endif + extern z_const char * const z_errmsg[10]; /* indexed by 2-zlib_error */ /* (size given to avoid silly warnings with Visual C++) */ @@ -182,6 +193,7 @@ extern z_const char * const z_errmsg[10]; /* indexed by 2-zlib_error */ (!defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) || _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0 == 0) ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t)); + ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64 OF((z_off_t)); #endif /* common defaults */ diff --git a/contrib/zlib_note.txt b/contrib/zlib_note.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a7ca986344..0000000000 --- a/contrib/zlib_note.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -This is a heavily modified and shrinked version of zlib 1.2.3 - -- Removed comments from zlib.h -- Removed gzip/zip archive I/O -- Removed infback.c -- Added Assimp #idefs to exclude it if not needed -- Disabled debug macros in zutil.h - -Assimp itself does not use the compression part yet, so -it needn't be compiled (trees.c, deflate.c, compress.c). -Currently these units are just used by assimp_cmd. diff --git a/doc/Fileformats.md b/doc/Fileformats.md index 89b68e17f7..118d798f2a 100644 --- a/doc/Fileformats.md +++ b/doc/Fileformats.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ __Importers__: - B3D - [BLEND](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.blend_(file_format)) - [BVH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biovision_Hierarchy) -- CMS +- CSM - COB - [DAE/Collada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COLLADA) - [DXF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoCAD_DXF) diff --git a/fuzz/assimp_fuzzer.cc b/fuzz/assimp_fuzzer.cc index 33748c10f1..e347f59cbb 100644 --- a/fuzz/assimp_fuzzer.cc +++ b/fuzz/assimp_fuzzer.cc @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Copyright (c) 2006-2020, assimp team +Copyright (c) 2006-2023, assimp team All rights reserved. @@ -40,20 +40,29 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include +#include #include #include using namespace Assimp; extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t dataSize) { - aiLogStream stream = aiGetPredefinedLogStream(aiDefaultLogStream_STDOUT,NULL); - aiAttachLogStream(&stream); + aiLogStream stream = aiGetPredefinedLogStream(aiDefaultLogStream_STDOUT,NULL); + aiAttachLogStream(&stream); Importer importer; const aiScene *sc = importer.ReadFileFromMemory(data, dataSize, aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality, nullptr ); + if (sc == nullptr) { + return 0; + } + + Exporter exporter; + exporter.ExportToBlob(sc, "fbx"); + aiDetachLogStream(&stream); return 0; } + diff --git a/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h b/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h index 365a924b06..1247ff4901 100644 --- a/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h +++ b/include/assimp/AssertHandler.h @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ ASSIMP_API void setAiAssertHandler(AiAssertHandler handler); * * @brief This issues a message to stderr and calls abort. */ -ASSIMP_API void defaultAiAssertHandler(const char* failedExpression, const char* file, int line); +AI_WONT_RETURN ASSIMP_API void defaultAiAssertHandler(const char* failedExpression, const char* file, int line) AI_WONT_RETURN_SUFFIX; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** diff --git a/include/assimp/Base64.hpp b/include/assimp/Base64.hpp index 403723857b..10288713c5 100644 --- a/include/assimp/Base64.hpp +++ b/include/assimp/Base64.hpp @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ifndef AI_BASE64_HPP_INC #define AI_BASE64_HPP_INC +#include + #include #include #include @@ -54,35 +56,35 @@ namespace Base64 { /// @param in The UTF-64 buffer. /// @param inLength The size of the buffer /// @param out The encoded ASCII string. -void Encode(const uint8_t *in, size_t inLength, std::string &out); +ASSIMP_API void Encode(const uint8_t *in, size_t inLength, std::string &out); /// @brief Will encode the given character buffer from UTF64 to ASCII. /// @param in A vector, which contains the buffer for encoding. /// @param out The encoded ASCII string. -void Encode(const std::vector& in, std::string &out); +ASSIMP_API void Encode(const std::vector &in, std::string &out); /// @brief Will encode the given character buffer from UTF64 to ASCII. /// @param in A vector, which contains the buffer for encoding. /// @return The encoded ASCII string. -std::string Encode(const std::vector& in); +ASSIMP_API std::string Encode(const std::vector &in); /// @brief Will decode the given character buffer from ASCII to UTF64. /// @param in The ASCII buffer to decode. /// @param inLength The size of the buffer. /// @param out The decoded buffer. /// @return The new buffer size. -size_t Decode(const char *in, size_t inLength, uint8_t *&out); +ASSIMP_API size_t Decode(const char *in, size_t inLength, uint8_t *&out); /// @brief Will decode the given character buffer from ASCII to UTF64. /// @param in The ASCII buffer to decode as a std::string. /// @param out The decoded buffer. /// @return The new buffer size. -size_t Decode(const std::string& in, std::vector& out); +ASSIMP_API size_t Decode(const std::string &in, std::vector &out); /// @brief Will decode the given character buffer from ASCII to UTF64. /// @param in The ASCII string. /// @return The decoded buffer in a vector. -std::vector Decode(const std::string& in); +ASSIMP_API std::vector Decode(const std::string &in); } // namespace Base64 } // namespace Assimp diff --git a/include/assimp/BaseImporter.h b/include/assimp/BaseImporter.h index 5a3c764d43..d0b1731710 100644 --- a/include/assimp/BaseImporter.h +++ b/include/assimp/BaseImporter.h @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API BaseImporter { std::size_t numTokens, unsigned int searchBytes = 200, bool tokensSol = false, - bool noAlphaBeforeTokens = false); + bool noGraphBeforeTokens = false); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Check whether a file has a specific file extension @@ -274,6 +275,16 @@ class ASSIMP_API BaseImporter { const char *ext1 = nullptr, const char *ext2 = nullptr); + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- + /** @brief Check whether a file has one of the passed file extensions + * @param pFile Input file + * @param extensions Extensions to check for. Lowercase characters only, no dot! + * @note Case-insensitive + */ + static bool HasExtension( + const std::string &pFile, + const std::set &extensions); + // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Extract file extension from a string * @param pFile Input file diff --git a/include/assimp/Bitmap.h b/include/assimp/Bitmap.h index 94dd0b81ba..2678b5f640 100644 --- a/include/assimp/Bitmap.h +++ b/include/assimp/Bitmap.h @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace Assimp { class IOStream; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/** +/** * This class is used to store and write bitmap information. */ class ASSIMP_API Bitmap { diff --git a/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h b/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h index aa298a6672..67cba3c5c5 100644 --- a/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h +++ b/include/assimp/DefaultIOStream.h @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API DefaultIOStream : public IOStream { #endif // __ANDROID__ protected: - /// @brief + /// @brief DefaultIOStream() AI_NO_EXCEPT; /// @brief The class constructor with the file name and the stream. @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API DefaultIOStream : public IOStream { public: /** Destructor public to allow simple deletion to close the file. */ - ~DefaultIOStream (); + ~DefaultIOStream () override; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Read from stream diff --git a/include/assimp/Hash.h b/include/assimp/Hash.h index 188e98a943..cf889362c9 100644 --- a/include/assimp/Hash.h +++ b/include/assimp/Hash.h @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. inline uint32_t SuperFastHash (const char * data, uint32_t len = 0, uint32_t hash = 0) { uint32_t tmp; int rem; - + if (data == NULL) return 0; if (len == 0)len = (uint32_t)::strlen(data); diff --git a/include/assimp/IOStream.hpp b/include/assimp/IOStream.hpp index 3b9b3c3f8f..12beb0dbbd 100644 --- a/include/assimp/IOStream.hpp +++ b/include/assimp/IOStream.hpp @@ -128,9 +128,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API IOStream // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AI_FORCE_INLINE -IOStream::IOStream() AI_NO_EXCEPT { - // empty -} +IOStream::IOStream() AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AI_FORCE_INLINE diff --git a/include/assimp/IOStreamBuffer.h b/include/assimp/IOStreamBuffer.h index 09ca1c962e..fae480e715 100644 --- a/include/assimp/IOStreamBuffer.h +++ b/include/assimp/IOStreamBuffer.h @@ -141,9 +141,7 @@ AI_FORCE_INLINE IOStreamBuffer::IOStreamBuffer(size_t cache) : } template -AI_FORCE_INLINE IOStreamBuffer::~IOStreamBuffer() { - // empty -} +AI_FORCE_INLINE IOStreamBuffer::~IOStreamBuffer() = default; template AI_FORCE_INLINE bool IOStreamBuffer::open(IOStream *stream) { @@ -325,7 +323,9 @@ AI_FORCE_INLINE bool IOStreamBuffer::getNextLine(std::vector &buffer) { } } buffer[i] = '\n'; - ++m_cachePos; + while (m_cachePos < m_cacheSize && (m_cache[m_cachePos] == '\r' || m_cache[m_cachePos] == '\n')) { + ++m_cachePos; + } return true; } diff --git a/include/assimp/IOSystem.hpp b/include/assimp/IOSystem.hpp index b4531f96a7..30f48b81c1 100644 --- a/include/assimp/IOSystem.hpp +++ b/include/assimp/IOSystem.hpp @@ -237,10 +237,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API IOSystem }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -AI_FORCE_INLINE IOSystem::IOSystem() AI_NO_EXCEPT : - m_pathStack() { - // empty -} +AI_FORCE_INLINE IOSystem::IOSystem() AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AI_FORCE_INLINE IOSystem::~IOSystem() = default; diff --git a/include/assimp/Importer.hpp b/include/assimp/Importer.hpp index 05a15139a5..418643f1fc 100644 --- a/include/assimp/Importer.hpp +++ b/include/assimp/Importer.hpp @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ namespace Assimp { * If you need the Importer to do custom file handling to access the files, * implement IOSystem and IOStream and supply an instance of your custom * IOSystem implementation by calling SetIOHandler() before calling ReadFile(). -* If you do not assign a custion IO handler, a default handler using the +* If you do not assign a custom IO handler, a default handler using the * standard C++ IO logic will be used. * * @note One Importer instance is not thread-safe. If you use multiple diff --git a/include/assimp/LineSplitter.h b/include/assimp/LineSplitter.h index a8aa665dbd..379821f039 100644 --- a/include/assimp/LineSplitter.h +++ b/include/assimp/LineSplitter.h @@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ class LineSplitter { AI_FORCE_INLINE LineSplitter::LineSplitter(StreamReaderLE& stream, bool skip_empty_lines, bool trim ) : mIdx(0), - mCur(), mStream(stream), mSwallow(), mSkip_empty_lines(skip_empty_lines), @@ -155,9 +154,7 @@ AI_FORCE_INLINE LineSplitter::LineSplitter(StreamReaderLE& stream, bool skip_emp mIdx = 0; } -AI_FORCE_INLINE LineSplitter::~LineSplitter() { - // empty -} +AI_FORCE_INLINE LineSplitter::~LineSplitter() = default; AI_FORCE_INLINE LineSplitter& LineSplitter::operator++() { if (mSwallow) { diff --git a/include/assimp/LogAux.h b/include/assimp/LogAux.h index c7b86a185c..a8cb8f24c1 100644 --- a/include/assimp/LogAux.h +++ b/include/assimp/LogAux.h @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. namespace Assimp { /// @brief Logger class, which will extend the class by log-functions. -/// @tparam TDeriving +/// @tparam TDeriving template class LogFunctions { public: diff --git a/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h b/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h index b4c37763de..4023f75291 100644 --- a/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h +++ b/include/assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -66,23 +65,21 @@ namespace Assimp { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MemoryIOStream : public IOStream { public: - MemoryIOStream (const uint8_t* buff, size_t len, bool own = false) - : buffer (buff) - , length(len) - , pos((size_t)0) - , own(own) { + MemoryIOStream (const uint8_t* buff, size_t len, bool own = false) : + buffer (buff), + length(len), + pos(static_cast(0)), + own(own) { // empty } - ~MemoryIOStream () { + ~MemoryIOStream() override { if(own) { delete[] buffer; } } - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Read from stream - size_t Read(void* pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) { + size_t Read(void* pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) override { ai_assert(nullptr != pvBuffer); ai_assert(0 != pSize); @@ -95,16 +92,12 @@ class MemoryIOStream : public IOStream { return cnt; } - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Write to stream - size_t Write(const void* /*pvBuffer*/, size_t /*pSize*/,size_t /*pCount*/) { + size_t Write(const void*, size_t, size_t ) override { ai_assert(false); // won't be needed return 0; } - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Seek specific position - aiReturn Seek(size_t pOffset, aiOrigin pOrigin) { + aiReturn Seek(size_t pOffset, aiOrigin pOrigin) override { if (aiOrigin_SET == pOrigin) { if (pOffset > length) { return AI_FAILURE; @@ -124,21 +117,15 @@ class MemoryIOStream : public IOStream { return AI_SUCCESS; } - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Get current seek position - size_t Tell() const { + size_t Tell() const override { return pos; } - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Get size of file - size_t FileSize() const { + size_t FileSize() const override { return length; } - // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Flush file contents - void Flush() { + void Flush() override{ ai_assert(false); // won't be needed } @@ -149,24 +136,19 @@ class MemoryIOStream : public IOStream { }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/** Dummy IO system to read from a memory buffer */ +/// @brief Dummy IO system to read from a memory buffer. class MemoryIOSystem : public IOSystem { public: - /** Constructor. */ - MemoryIOSystem(const uint8_t* buff, size_t len, IOSystem* io) - : buffer(buff) - , length(len) - , existing_io(io) - , created_streams() { + /// @brief Constructor. + MemoryIOSystem(const uint8_t* buff, size_t len, IOSystem* io) : buffer(buff), length(len), existing_io(io) { // empty } - /** Destructor. */ - ~MemoryIOSystem() { - } + /// @brief Destructor. + ~MemoryIOSystem() override = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Tests for the existence of a file at the given path. */ + /// @brief Tests for the existence of a file at the given path. bool Exists(const char* pFile) const override { if (0 == strncmp( pFile, AI_MEMORYIO_MAGIC_FILENAME, AI_MEMORYIO_MAGIC_FILENAME_LENGTH ) ) { return true; @@ -175,24 +157,24 @@ class MemoryIOSystem : public IOSystem { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Returns the directory separator. */ + /// @brief Returns the directory separator. char getOsSeparator() const override { return existing_io ? existing_io->getOsSeparator() : '/'; // why not? it doesn't care } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Open a new file with a given path. */ + /// @brief Open a new file with a given path. IOStream* Open(const char* pFile, const char* pMode = "rb") override { if ( 0 == strncmp( pFile, AI_MEMORYIO_MAGIC_FILENAME, AI_MEMORYIO_MAGIC_FILENAME_LENGTH ) ) { created_streams.emplace_back(new MemoryIOStream(buffer, length)); return created_streams.back(); } - return existing_io ? existing_io->Open(pFile, pMode) : NULL; + return existing_io ? existing_io->Open(pFile, pMode) : nullptr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Closes the given file and releases all resources associated with it. */ + /// @brief Closes the given file and releases all resources associated with it. void Close( IOStream* pFile) override { auto it = std::find(created_streams.begin(), created_streams.end(), pFile); if (it != created_streams.end()) { @@ -204,36 +186,43 @@ class MemoryIOSystem : public IOSystem { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Compare two paths */ + /// @brief Compare two paths bool ComparePaths(const char* one, const char* second) const override { return existing_io ? existing_io->ComparePaths(one, second) : false; } + /// @brief Will push the directory. bool PushDirectory( const std::string &path ) override { return existing_io ? existing_io->PushDirectory(path) : false; } + /// @brief Will return the current directory from the stack top. const std::string &CurrentDirectory() const override { static std::string empty; return existing_io ? existing_io->CurrentDirectory() : empty; } + /// @brief Returns the stack size. size_t StackSize() const override { return existing_io ? existing_io->StackSize() : 0; } + /// @brief Will pop the upper directory. bool PopDirectory() override { return existing_io ? existing_io->PopDirectory() : false; } + /// @brief Will create the directory. bool CreateDirectory( const std::string &path ) override { return existing_io ? existing_io->CreateDirectory(path) : false; } + /// @brief Will change the directory. bool ChangeDirectory( const std::string &path ) override { return existing_io ? existing_io->ChangeDirectory(path) : false; } + /// @brief Will delete the file. bool DeleteFile( const std::string &file ) override { return existing_io ? existing_io->DeleteFile(file) : false; } @@ -247,4 +236,4 @@ class MemoryIOSystem : public IOSystem { } // end namespace Assimp -#endif +#endif // AI_MEMORYIOSTREAM_H_INC diff --git a/include/assimp/ObjMaterial.h b/include/assimp/ObjMaterial.h index bba207638c..9c511916ae 100644 --- a/include/assimp/ObjMaterial.h +++ b/include/assimp/ObjMaterial.h @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** @file OBJMATERIAL.h * @brief Obj-specific material macros - * + * */ #ifndef AI_OBJMATERIAL_H_INC @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Pure key names for all obj texture-related properties //! @cond MATS_DOC_FULL -// support for bump -bm +// support for bump -bm #define _AI_MATKEY_OBJ_BUMPMULT_BASE "$tex.bumpmult" //! @endcond diff --git a/include/assimp/Profiler.h b/include/assimp/Profiler.h index fe0ffbb103..3b9263b40a 100644 --- a/include/assimp/Profiler.h +++ b/include/assimp/Profiler.h @@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ using namespace Formatter; */ class Profiler { public: - Profiler() { - // empty - } + Profiler() = default; /** Start a named timer */ diff --git a/include/assimp/ProgressHandler.hpp b/include/assimp/ProgressHandler.hpp index 1a272bb871..93d881659d 100644 --- a/include/assimp/ProgressHandler.hpp +++ b/include/assimp/ProgressHandler.hpp @@ -67,15 +67,11 @@ class ASSIMP_API ProgressHandler { protected: /// @brief Default constructor - ProgressHandler () AI_NO_EXCEPT { - // empty - } + ProgressHandler () AI_NO_EXCEPT = default; public: /// @brief Virtual destructor. - virtual ~ProgressHandler () { - // empty - } + virtual ~ProgressHandler () = default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @brief Progress callback. diff --git a/include/assimp/SceneCombiner.h b/include/assimp/SceneCombiner.h index 6da38cd15a..d6096900cf 100644 --- a/include/assimp/SceneCombiner.h +++ b/include/assimp/SceneCombiner.h @@ -191,13 +191,9 @@ struct SceneHelper { */ class ASSIMP_API SceneCombiner { // class cannot be instanced - SceneCombiner() { - // empty - } + SceneCombiner() = delete; - ~SceneCombiner() { - // empty - } + ~SceneCombiner() = delete; public: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/include/assimp/SpatialSort.h b/include/assimp/SpatialSort.h index 87b009da70..cd055450e8 100644 --- a/include/assimp/SpatialSort.h +++ b/include/assimp/SpatialSort.h @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class ASSIMP_API SpatialSort { unsigned int mIndex; ///< The vertex referred by this entry aiVector3D mPosition; ///< Position /// Distance of this vertex to the sorting plane. This is set by Finalize. - ai_real mDistance; + ai_real mDistance; Entry() AI_NO_EXCEPT : mIndex(std::numeric_limits::max()), diff --git a/include/assimp/StreamWriter.h b/include/assimp/StreamWriter.h index 1bdfcc6509..50e28447cf 100644 --- a/include/assimp/StreamWriter.h +++ b/include/assimp/StreamWriter.h @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Open Asset Import Library (assimp) Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team - - All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, @@ -68,8 +66,7 @@ namespace Assimp { */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template -class StreamWriter -{ +class StreamWriter { enum { INITIAL_CAPACITY = 1024 }; diff --git a/include/assimp/StringUtils.h b/include/assimp/StringUtils.h index 59c6e9ead0..cd87267851 100644 --- a/include/assimp/StringUtils.h +++ b/include/assimp/StringUtils.h @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include -#ifdef _MSC_VER +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) #define AI_SIZEFMT "%Iu" #else #define AI_SIZEFMT "%zu" diff --git a/include/assimp/Vertex.h b/include/assimp/Vertex.h index fd7eb037e5..3fc974504f 100644 --- a/include/assimp/Vertex.h +++ b/include/assimp/Vertex.h @@ -97,15 +97,21 @@ namespace Assimp { * to *all* vertex components equally. This is useful for stuff like interpolation * or subdivision, but won't work if special handling is required for some vertex components. */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -class Vertex { +struct Vertex { friend Vertex operator + (const Vertex&,const Vertex&); friend Vertex operator - (const Vertex&,const Vertex&); friend Vertex operator * (const Vertex&,ai_real); friend Vertex operator / (const Vertex&,ai_real); friend Vertex operator * (ai_real, const Vertex&); -public: - Vertex() {} + aiVector3D position; + aiVector3D normal; + aiVector3D tangent, bitangent; + + aiVector3D texcoords[AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS]; + aiColor4D colors[AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS]; + + Vertex() = default; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Extract a particular vertex from a mesh and interleave all components */ @@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ class Vertex { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Convert back to non-interleaved storage */ + /// Convert back to non-interleaved storage void SortBack(aiMesh* out, unsigned int idx) const { ai_assert(idxmNumVertices); out->mVertices[idx] = position; @@ -204,7 +210,7 @@ class Vertex { private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - /** Construct from two operands and a binary operation to combine them */ + /// Construct from two operands and a binary operation to combine them template