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Developer Setup

Ronny Mikalsen edited this page Jun 23, 2017 · 23 revisions

This is a library for Angular, implementing the Angular Package Format v4.0.


  • the Mime IIIF viewer library
  • unit test for the library
  • a demo application that consumes the library in JIT mode and runs in watch mode
  • an integration app that consumes the library in JIT and AOT mode and runs e2e tests

Common tasks are present as npm scripts:

  • npm start to run a live-reload server with the demo app
  • npm run test to test in watch mode, or npm run test:once to only run once
  • npm run build to build the library
  • npm run lint to lint
  • npm run clean to clean
  • npm run integration to run the integration e2e tests
  • npm install ./relative/path/to/lib after npm run build to test locally in another app

If you need to debug the integration app, please check ./integration/


Perform the clone-to-launch steps with these terminal commands.

git clone ngx-mime
cd ngx-mime
npm install
npm start


  1. when you land commits on your master branch, select the Squash and Merge option.
  2. add a title and body that follows the Conventional Commits Specification.
  3. when you're ready to release to npm:
  4. git checkout master; git pull origin master
  5. run npm run release -- --prerelease alpha
  6. cp package.json dist/package.json
  7. git push --follow-tags origin master; npm publish dist
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