Contribute to the software
Setting up environment
- Download and install anaconda (python version: >3.0)
- Download and install Qt Designer (Qt version: 5.0)
Preparing your own descriptor function:
All the core functions are arranged in separate modules. The generic structure of a module is as follows:
def your_function_name (data_stack, **vars): ... code ... return your_descriptor
data_stack : 3-D array of the polarimetric matrix (N x N x 9 (T3/C3); N x N x 4 (C2/T2)).
**vars : list of required variables(E.g. window_size, ellipticity etc.)
A template module is provided in the functions folder mod_template
- Updating the GUI
- Open the mainWindow.ui file in the Qt Designer and update the elements.
- link the module with the ui elements in
Please contribute by forking and sending a pull request.