diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1a667d31c..4ed1ef7e1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ tests/convergence_cyl_waveguide
diff --git a/python/Makefile.am b/python/Makefile.am
index 6d8a63795..b34526be4 100644
--- a/python/Makefile.am
+++ b/python/Makefile.am
@@ -64,14 +64,15 @@ TESTS =                                   \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_get_point.py              \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_holey_wvg_bands.py        \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_holey_wvg_cavity.py       \
-    $(KDOM_TEST)                          \
+    $(KDOM_TEST)                               \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_ldos.py                   \
-    $(MDPYTEST)                           \
+    $(TEST_DIR)/test_dump_load.py              \
+    $(MDPYTEST)                                \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_material_grid.py          \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_medium_evaluations.py     \
-    $(MPBPYTEST)                          \
-    $(MODE_COEFFS_TEST)                   \
-    $(MODE_DECOMPOSITION_TEST)            \
+    $(MPBPYTEST)                               \
+    $(MODE_COEFFS_TEST)                        \
+    $(MODE_DECOMPOSITION_TEST)                 \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_multilevel_atom.py        \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_n2f_periodic.py           \
     $(TEST_DIR)/test_oblique_source.py         \
diff --git a/python/simulation.py b/python/simulation.py
index 568995705..5485f6a94 100644
--- a/python/simulation.py
+++ b/python/simulation.py
@@ -1250,6 +1250,7 @@ def __init__(self,
         self.load_single_parallel_file = True
         self.load_structure_file = None
+        self.load_fields_file = None
         self.special_kz = False
         if self.cell_size.z == 0 and self.k_point and self.k_point.z != 0:
@@ -1874,29 +1875,48 @@ def dump_structure(self, fname, single_parallel_file=True):
         Dumps the structure to the file `fname`.
         if self.structure is None:
-            raise ValueError("Fields must be initialized before calling dump_structure")
+            raise ValueError("Structure must be initialized before calling dump_structure")
         self.structure.dump(fname, single_parallel_file)
+        print("Dumped structure to file: %s (%s)" % (fname, str(single_parallel_file)))
     def load_structure(self, fname, single_parallel_file=True):
-        Loads a structure from the file `fname`. A file name to load can also be passed to
-        the `Simulation` constructor via the `load_structure` keyword argument.
+        Loads a structure from the file `fname`.
         if self.structure is None:
-            raise ValueError("Fields must be initialized before calling load_structure")
+            raise ValueError("Structure must be initialized before loading structure from file '%s'" % fname)
         self.structure.load(fname, single_parallel_file)
+        print("Loaded structure from file: %s (%s)" % (fname, str(single_parallel_file)))
+    def dump_fields(self, fname, single_parallel_file=True):
+        """
+        Dumps the fields to the file `fname`.
+        """
+        if self.fields is None:
+            raise ValueError("Fields must be initialized before calling dump_fields")
+        self.fields.dump(fname, single_parallel_file)
+        print("Dumped fields to file: %s (%s)" % (fname, str(single_parallel_file)))
+    def load_fields(self, fname, single_parallel_file=True):
+        """
+        Loads a fields from the file `fname`.
+        """
+        if self.fields is None:
+            raise ValueError("Fields must be initialized before loading fields from file '%s'" % fname)
+        self.fields.load(fname, single_parallel_file)
+        print("Loaded fields from file: %s (%s)" % (fname, str(single_parallel_file)))
     def dump_chunk_layout(self, fname):
         Dumps the chunk layout to file `fname`.
         if self.structure is None:
-            raise ValueError("Fields must be initialized before calling load_structure")
+            raise ValueError("Structure must be initialized before calling dump_chunk_layout")
     def load_chunk_layout(self, br, source):
         if self.structure is None:
-            raise ValueError("Fields must be initialized before calling load_structure")
+            raise ValueError("Structure must be initialized before loading chunk layout from file '%s'" % fname)
         if isinstance(source, Simulation):
             vols = source.structure.get_chunk_volumes()
@@ -1918,18 +1938,22 @@ def _get_load_dump_dirname(self, dirname, single_parallel_file):
             dump_dirname = os.path.join(dirname, 'rank%02d' % mp.my_rank())
         return dump_dirname
-    def dump(self, dirname, structure=True, single_parallel_file=True):
+    def dump(self, dirname, dump_structure=True, dump_fields=True, single_parallel_file=True):
         Dumps simulation state.
         dump_dirname = self._get_load_dump_dirname(dirname, single_parallel_file)
         os.makedirs(dump_dirname, exist_ok=True)
-        if structure:
+        if dump_structure:
             structure_dump_filename = os.path.join(dump_dirname, 'structure.h5')
             self.dump_structure(structure_dump_filename, single_parallel_file)
-    def load(self, dirname, structure=True, single_parallel_file=True):
+        if dump_fields:
+            fields_dump_filename = os.path.join(dump_dirname, 'fields.h5')
+            self.dump_fields(fields_dump_filename, single_parallel_file)
+    def load(self, dirname, load_structure=True, load_fields=True, single_parallel_file=True):
         Loads simulation state.
@@ -1938,8 +1962,22 @@ def load(self, dirname, structure=True, single_parallel_file=True):
         dump_dirname = self._get_load_dump_dirname(dirname, single_parallel_file)
         self.load_single_parallel_file = single_parallel_file
-        if structure:
-          self.load_structure_file = os.path.join(dump_dirname, 'structure.h5')
+        if load_structure:
+          load_structure_file = os.path.join(dump_dirname, 'structure.h5')
+          # If structure is already initialized, load it straight away.
+          # Otherwise, do a delayed load.
+          if self.structure:
+            self.load_structure(load_structure_file, self.load_single_parallel_file)
+          else:
+            self.load_structure_file = load_structure_file
+        if load_fields:
+          load_fields_file = os.path.join(dump_dirname, 'fields.h5')
+          if self.fields:
+            self.load_fields(load_fields_file, self.load_single_parallel_file)
+          else:
+            self.load_fields_file = load_fields_file
     def init_sim(self):
         if self._is_initialized:
@@ -1988,7 +2026,11 @@ def init_sim(self):
         self._is_initialized = True
+        if self.load_fields_file:
+            self.load_fields(
+                self.load_fields_file, self.load_single_parallel_file)
     def using_real_fields(self):
         cond1 = self.is_cylindrical and self.m != 0
         cond2 = any([s.phase.imag for s in self.symmetries])
diff --git a/python/tests/test_dump_load.py b/python/tests/test_dump_load.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95c843f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/tests/test_dump_load.py
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+import itertools
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import unittest
+import warnings
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import meep as mp
+    unicode
+except NameError:
+    unicode = str
+class TestLoadDump(unittest.TestCase):
+    fname_base = re.sub(r'\.py$', '', os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])
+    fname = fname_base + '-ez-000200.00.h5'
+    def setUp(self):
+        print("Running {}".format(self._testMethodName))
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        cls.temp_dir = mp.make_output_directory()
+        print("Saving temp files to dir: {}".format(cls.temp_dir))
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        mp.delete_directory(cls.temp_dir)
+    # Tests various combinations of dumping/loading structure & chunk layout.
+    def _load_dump_structure(self, chunk_file=False, chunk_sim=False, single_parallel_file=True):
+        from meep.materials import Al
+        resolution = 50
+        cell = mp.Vector3(5, 5)
+        sources = mp.Source(src=mp.GaussianSource(1, fwidth=0.2), center=mp.Vector3(), component=mp.Ez)
+        one_by_one = mp.Vector3(1, 1, mp.inf)
+        geometry = [mp.Block(material=Al, center=mp.Vector3(), size=one_by_one),
+                    mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(epsilon=13), center=mp.Vector3(1), size=one_by_one)]
+        pml_layers = [mp.PML(0.5)]
+        symmetries = [mp.Mirror(mp.Y)]
+        sim1 = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
+                             cell_size=cell,
+                             boundary_layers=pml_layers,
+                             geometry=geometry,
+                             symmetries=symmetries,
+                             sources=[sources])
+        sample_point = mp.Vector3(0.12, -0.29)
+        ref_field_points = []
+        def get_ref_field_point(sim):
+            p = sim.get_field_point(mp.Ez, sample_point)
+            ref_field_points.append(p.real)
+        sim1.run(mp.at_every(5, get_ref_field_point), until=50)
+        dump_dirname = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test_load_dump_structure')
+        sim1.dump(dump_dirname, dump_structure=True, dump_fields=False, single_parallel_file=single_parallel_file)
+        dump_chunk_fname = None
+        chunk_layout = None
+        if chunk_file:
+            dump_chunk_fname = os.path.join(dump_dirname, 'chunk_layout.h5')
+            sim1.dump_chunk_layout(dump_chunk_fname)
+            chunk_layout = dump_chunk_fname
+        if chunk_sim:
+            chunk_layout = sim1
+        sim = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
+                            cell_size=cell,
+                            boundary_layers=pml_layers,
+                            sources=[sources],
+                            symmetries=symmetries,
+                            chunk_layout=chunk_layout)
+        sim.load(dump_dirname, load_structure=True, load_fields=False, single_parallel_file=single_parallel_file)
+        field_points = []
+        def get_field_point(sim):
+            p = sim.get_field_point(mp.Ez, sample_point)
+            field_points.append(p.real)
+        sim.run(mp.at_every(5, get_field_point), until=50)
+        for ref_pt, pt in zip(ref_field_points, field_points):
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_pt, pt)
+    def test_load_dump_structure(self):
+        self._load_dump_structure()
+    @unittest.skipIf(not mp.with_mpi(), "MPI specific test")
+    def test_load_dump_structure_sharded(self):
+        self._load_dump_structure(single_parallel_file=False)
+    def test_load_dump_chunk_layout_file(self):
+        self._load_dump_structure(chunk_file=True)
+    def test_load_dump_chunk_layout_sim(self):
+        self._load_dump_structure(chunk_sim=True)
+    # Tests dumping/loading of fields & structure.
+    def _load_dump_fields(self, single_parallel_file=True):
+        resolution = 50
+        cell = mp.Vector3(5, 5)
+        sources = mp.Source(src=mp.GaussianSource(1, fwidth=0.4), center=mp.Vector3(), component=mp.Ez)
+        one_by_one = mp.Vector3(1, 1, mp.inf)
+        geometry = [mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(index=3.2), center=mp.Vector3(), size=one_by_one),
+                    mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(epsilon=13), center=mp.Vector3(1), size=one_by_one)]
+        pml_layers = [mp.PML(0.5)]
+        symmetries = [mp.Mirror(mp.Y)]
+        sim1 = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
+                             cell_size=cell,
+                             boundary_layers=pml_layers,
+                             geometry=geometry,
+                             symmetries=symmetries,
+                             sources=[sources])
+        sample_point = mp.Vector3(0.12, -0.29)
+        dump_dirname = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test_load_dump_fields')
+        os.makedirs(dump_dirname, exist_ok=True)
+        ref_field_points = {}
+        def get_ref_field_point(sim):
+            p = sim.get_field_point(mp.Ez, sample_point)
+            ref_field_points[sim.meep_time()] = p.real
+        # First run until t=15 and save structure/fields
+        sim1.run(mp.at_every(1, get_ref_field_point), until=15)
+        sim1.dump(dump_dirname, dump_structure=True, dump_fields=True, single_parallel_file=single_parallel_file)
+        # Then continue running another 5 until t=20
+        sim1.run(mp.at_every(1, get_ref_field_point), until=5)
+        # Now create a new simulation and try restoring state.
+        sim = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
+                            cell_size=cell,
+                            boundary_layers=pml_layers,
+                            sources=[sources],
+                            symmetries=symmetries,
+                            chunk_layout=sim1)
+        # Just restore structure first.
+        sim.load(dump_dirname, load_structure=True, load_fields=False, single_parallel_file=single_parallel_file)
+        field_points = {}
+        def get_field_point(sim):
+            p = sim.get_field_point(mp.Ez, sample_point)
+            field_points[sim.meep_time()] = p.real
+        # Now load the fields (at t=15) and then continue to t=20
+        sim.load(dump_dirname, load_structure=False, load_fields=True, single_parallel_file=single_parallel_file)
+        sim.run(mp.at_every(1, get_field_point), until=5)
+        for t, v in field_points.items():
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_field_points[t], v)
+    def test_load_dump_fields(self):
+        self._load_dump_fields()
+    @unittest.skipIf(not mp.with_mpi(), "MPI specific test")
+    def test_load_dump_fields_sharded(self):
+        self._load_dump_fields(single_parallel_file=False)
+    # This assertRaisesRegex check does not play well with MPI due to the
+    # underlying call to meep::abort
+    @unittest.skipIf(mp.with_mpi(), "MPI specific test")
+    def test_dump_fails_for_non_null_polarization_state(self):
+        resolution = 50
+        cell = mp.Vector3(5, 5)
+        sources = mp.Source(src=mp.GaussianSource(1, fwidth=0.4), center=mp.Vector3(), component=mp.Ez)
+        one_by_one = mp.Vector3(1, 1, mp.inf)
+        from meep.materials import Al
+        geometry = [mp.Block(material=Al, center=mp.Vector3(), size=one_by_one),
+                    mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(epsilon=13), center=mp.Vector3(1), size=one_by_one)]
+        sim = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
+                            cell_size=cell,
+                            boundary_layers=[],
+                            geometry=geometry,
+                            symmetries=[],
+                            sources=[sources])
+        dump_dirname = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test_load_dump_fields')
+        os.makedirs(dump_dirname, exist_ok=True)
+        sim.run(until=1)
+        # NOTE: We do not yet support checkpoint/restore when there is a
+        # non-null polarization_state
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'meep: non-null polarization_state in fields::dump'):
+          sim.dump(dump_dirname, dump_structure=True, dump_fields=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/tests/test_simulation.py b/python/tests/test_simulation.py
index f85afeb7f..24d183467 100644
--- a/python/tests/test_simulation.py
+++ b/python/tests/test_simulation.py
@@ -302,77 +302,6 @@ def test_in_box_volumes(self):
-    def _load_dump_structure(self, chunk_file=False, chunk_sim=False, single_parallel_file=True):
-        from meep.materials import Al
-        resolution = 50
-        cell = mp.Vector3(5, 5)
-        sources = mp.Source(src=mp.GaussianSource(1, fwidth=0.2), center=mp.Vector3(), component=mp.Ez)
-        one_by_one = mp.Vector3(1, 1, mp.inf)
-        geometry = [mp.Block(material=Al, center=mp.Vector3(), size=one_by_one),
-                    mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(epsilon=13), center=mp.Vector3(1), size=one_by_one)]
-        pml_layers = [mp.PML(0.5)]
-        symmetries = [mp.Mirror(mp.Y)]
-        sim1 = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
-                             cell_size=cell,
-                             boundary_layers=pml_layers,
-                             geometry=geometry,
-                             symmetries=symmetries,
-                             sources=[sources])
-        sample_point = mp.Vector3(0.12, -0.29)
-        ref_field_points = []
-        def get_ref_field_point(sim):
-            p = sim.get_field_point(mp.Ez, sample_point)
-            ref_field_points.append(p.real)
-        sim1.run(mp.at_every(5, get_ref_field_point), until=50)
-        dump_dirname = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test_load_dump')
-        sim1.dump(dump_dirname, structure=True, single_parallel_file=single_parallel_file)
-        dump_chunk_fname = None
-        chunk_layout = None
-        if chunk_file:
-            dump_chunk_fname = os.path.join(dump_dirname, 'chunk_layout.h5')
-            sim1.dump_chunk_layout(dump_chunk_fname)
-            chunk_layout = dump_chunk_fname
-        if chunk_sim:
-            chunk_layout = sim1
-        sim = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
-                            cell_size=cell,
-                            boundary_layers=pml_layers,
-                            sources=[sources],
-                            symmetries=symmetries,
-                            chunk_layout=chunk_layout)
-        sim.load(dump_dirname, structure=True, single_parallel_file=single_parallel_file)
-        field_points = []
-        def get_field_point(sim):
-            p = sim.get_field_point(mp.Ez, sample_point)
-            field_points.append(p.real)
-        sim.run(mp.at_every(5, get_field_point), until=50)
-        for ref_pt, pt in zip(ref_field_points, field_points):
-            self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_pt, pt)
-    def test_load_dump_structure(self):
-        self._load_dump_structure()
-    @unittest.skipIf(not mp.with_mpi(), "MPI specific test")
-    def test_load_dump_structure_sharded(self):
-        self._load_dump_structure(single_parallel_file=False)
-    def test_load_dump_chunk_layout_file(self):
-        self._load_dump_structure(chunk_file=True)
-    def test_load_dump_chunk_layout_sim(self):
-        self._load_dump_structure(chunk_sim=True)
     def test_get_array_output(self):
         sim = self.init_simple_simulation()
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 469f8aec2..bf2111a57 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ bicgstab.hpp meepgeom.hpp material_data.hpp adjust_verbosity.hpp
 libmeep_la_SOURCES = array_slice.cpp anisotropic_averaging.cpp 		\
 bands.cpp boundaries.cpp bicgstab.cpp casimir.cpp 	\
 cw_fields.cpp dft.cpp dft_ldos.cpp energy_and_flux.cpp 	\
-fields.cpp loop_in_chunks.cpp h5fields.cpp h5file.cpp 	\
+fields.cpp fields_dump.cpp loop_in_chunks.cpp h5fields.cpp h5file.cpp 	\
 initialize.cpp integrate.cpp integrate2.cpp material_data.cpp monitor.cpp mympi.cpp 	\
 multilevel-atom.cpp near2far.cpp output_directory.cpp random.cpp 	\
 sources.cpp step.cpp step_db.cpp stress.cpp structure.cpp structure_dump.cpp		\
diff --git a/src/dft.cpp b/src/dft.cpp
index ae8e4f4e4..1f15ab3d3 100644
--- a/src/dft.cpp
+++ b/src/dft.cpp
@@ -377,18 +377,33 @@ void dft_chunk::operator-=(const dft_chunk &chunk) {
-size_t dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, size_t *my_start) {
-  size_t n = 0;
+size_t my_dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, size_t *my_start) {
+  // When writing to a sharded file, we write out only the chunks we own.
+size_t n = 0;
   for (dft_chunk *cur = dft_chunks; cur; cur = cur->next_in_dft)
     n += cur->N * cur->omega.size() * 2;
+  *my_start = 0;
+  return n;
+size_t dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, size_t *my_start) {
+  // If writing to a single parallel file, we are compute our chunks offset
+  // into the single-parallel-file that has all the data.
+  size_t n = my_dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunks, my_start);
   *my_start = partial_sum_to_all(n) - n; // sum(n) for processes before this
   return sum_to_all(n);
+size_t dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, size_t *my_start, bool single_parallel_file) {
+  return single_parallel_file ? dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunks, my_start) :
+                                my_dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunks, my_start);
 // Note: the file must have been created in parallel mode, typically via fields::open_h5file.
-void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix) {
+void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix, bool single_parallel_file) {
   size_t istart;
-  size_t n = dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunks, &istart);
+  size_t n = dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunks, &istart, single_parallel_file);
   char dataname[1024];
   snprintf(dataname, 1024,
@@ -405,13 +420,13 @@ void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const
-void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix) {
-  save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunks, component_name(c), file, dprefix);
+void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix, bool single_parallel_file) {
+  save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunks, component_name(c), file, dprefix, single_parallel_file);
-void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix) {
+void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix, bool single_parallel_file) {
   size_t istart;
-  size_t n = dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunks, &istart);
+  size_t n = dft_chunks_Ntotal(dft_chunks, &istart, single_parallel_file);
   char dataname[1024];
   snprintf(dataname, 1024,
@@ -432,8 +447,8 @@ void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const
-void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix) {
-  load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunks, component_name(c), file, dprefix);
+void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix, bool single_parallel_file) {
+  load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunks, component_name(c), file, dprefix, single_parallel_file);
 dft_flux::dft_flux(const component cE_, const component cH_, dft_chunk *E_, dft_chunk *H_,
diff --git a/src/fields.cpp b/src/fields.cpp
index 6d1ba792a..d9dcda7df 100644
--- a/src/fields.cpp
+++ b/src/fields.cpp
@@ -722,6 +722,15 @@ void fields::unset_solve_cw_omega() {
+void fields::log(const char* prefix) {
+  master_printf("%sFields State:\n", prefix);
+  master_printf("%s  a = %g, dt = %g\n", prefix, a, dt);
+  master_printf("%s  m = %g, beta = %g\n", prefix, m, beta);
+  master_printf("%s  t = %d, phasein_time = %d, is_real = %d\n", prefix, t, phasein_time, is_real);
+  master_printf("\n");
+  master_printf("%s  num_chunks = %d (shared=%d)\n", prefix, num_chunks, shared_chunks);
 /* implement mirror boundary conditions for i outside 0..n-1: */
 int mirrorindex(int i, int n) { return i >= n ? 2 * n - 1 - i : (i < 0 ? -1 - i : i); }
diff --git a/src/fields_dump.cpp b/src/fields_dump.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..567a989e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fields_dump.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+%  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+%  any later version.
+%  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%  GNU General Public License for more details.
+%  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+%  Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Dump/load raw fields data to/from an HDF5 file.  Only
+// works if the number of processors/chunks is the same.
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "meep.hpp"
+#include "meep_internals.hpp"
+namespace meep {
+void fields::dump_fields_chunk_field(h5file *h5f, bool single_parallel_file,
+                                     const std::string &field_name,
+                                     FieldPtrGetter field_ptr_getter) {
+  /*
+   * make/save a num_chunks x NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS x 2 array counting
+   * the number of entries in the 'field_name' array for each chunk.
+   *
+   * When 'single_parallel_file' is true, we are creating a single block of data
+   * for ALL chunks (that are merged using MPI). Otherwise, we are just
+   * making a copy of just the chunks that are ours.
+   */
+  int my_num_chunks = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    my_num_chunks += (single_parallel_file || chunks[i]->is_mine());
+  }
+  size_t num_f_size = my_num_chunks * NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS * 2;
+  std::vector<size_t> num_f_(num_f_size);
+  size_t my_ntot = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, chunk_i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    if (chunks[i]->is_mine()) {
+      FOR_FIELD_TYPES(ft) {
+        if (chunks[i]->pol[ft] != NULL)
+          meep::abort("non-null polarization_state in fields::dump (unsupported)");
+      }
+      size_t ntot = chunks[i]->gv.ntot();
+      for (int c = 0; c < NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS; ++c) {
+        for (int d = 0; d < 2; ++d) {
+          realnum **f = field_ptr_getter(chunks[i], c, d);
+          if (*f) {
+            my_ntot += (num_f_[(chunk_i * NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS + c) * 2 + d] = ntot);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    chunk_i += (chunks[i]->is_mine() || single_parallel_file);
+  }
+  std::vector<size_t> num_f;
+  if (single_parallel_file) {
+    num_f.resize(num_f_size);
+    sum_to_master(num_f_.data(), num_f.data(), num_f_size);
+  } else {
+    num_f = std::move(num_f_);
+  }
+  /* determine total dataset size and offset of this process's data */
+  size_t my_start = 0;
+  size_t ntotal = my_ntot;
+  if (single_parallel_file) {
+    my_start = partial_sum_to_all(my_ntot) - my_ntot;
+    ntotal = sum_to_all(my_ntot);
+  }
+  size_t dims[3] = {(size_t)my_num_chunks, NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS, 2};
+  size_t start[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+  std::string num_f_name = std::string("num_") + field_name;
+  h5f->create_data(num_f_name.c_str(), 3, dims);
+  if (am_master() || !single_parallel_file) {
+    h5f->write_chunk(3, start, dims, num_f.data());
+  }
+  /* write the data */
+  h5f->create_data(field_name.c_str(), 1, &ntotal, false /* append_data */, false /* single_precision */);
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    if (chunks[i]->is_mine()) {
+      size_t ntot = chunks[i]->gv.ntot();
+      for (int c = 0; c < NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS; ++c) {
+        for (int d = 0; d < 2; ++d) {
+          realnum **f = field_ptr_getter(chunks[i], c, d);
+          if (*f) {
+            h5f->write_chunk(1, &my_start, &ntot, *f);
+            my_start += ntot;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void fields::dump(const char *filename, bool single_parallel_file) {
+  if (verbosity > 0) {
+    printf("creating fields output file \"%s\" (%d)...\n", filename, single_parallel_file);
+    log();
+  }
+  h5file file(filename, h5file::WRITE, single_parallel_file, !single_parallel_file);
+  // Write out the current time 't'
+  size_t dims[1] = {1};
+  size_t start[1] = {0};
+  size_t _t[1] = {(size_t)t};
+  file.create_data("t", 1, dims);
+  if (am_master() || !single_parallel_file) file.write_chunk(1, start, dims, _t);
+  dump_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f[c][d]); });
+  dump_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_u",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_u[c][d]); });
+  dump_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_w",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_w[c][d]); });
+  dump_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_cond",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_cond[c][d]); });
+  dump_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_w_prev",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_w_prev[c][d]); });
+  // Dump DFT chunks.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    if (single_parallel_file || chunks[i]->is_mine()) {
+      char dataname[1024];
+      snprintf(dataname, 1024, "chunk%02d", i);
+      save_dft_hdf5(chunks[i]->dft_chunks, dataname, &file, 0, single_parallel_file);
+    }
+  }
+void fields::load_fields_chunk_field(h5file *h5f, bool single_parallel_file,
+                                     const std::string &field_name,
+                                     FieldPtrGetter field_ptr_getter) {
+  int my_num_chunks = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    my_num_chunks += (single_parallel_file || chunks[i]->is_mine());
+  }
+  size_t num_f_size = my_num_chunks * NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS * 2;
+  std::vector<size_t> num_f(num_f_size);
+  int rank;
+  size_t dims[3], _dims[3] = {(size_t)my_num_chunks, NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS, 2};
+  size_t start[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+  std::string num_f_name = std::string("num_") + field_name;
+  h5f->read_size(num_f_name.c_str(), &rank, dims, 3);
+  if (rank != 3 || _dims[0] != dims[0] || _dims[1] != dims[1] || _dims[2] != dims[2])
+    meep::abort("chunk mismatch in fields::load");
+  if (am_master() || !single_parallel_file) h5f->read_chunk(3, start, dims, num_f.data());
+  if (single_parallel_file) {
+    h5f->prevent_deadlock();
+    broadcast(0, num_f.data(), dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2]);
+  }
+  /* allocate data as needed and check sizes */
+  size_t my_ntot = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, chunk_i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    if (chunks[i]->is_mine()) {
+      size_t ntot = chunks[i]->gv.ntot();
+      for (int c = 0; c < NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS; ++c) {
+        for (int d = 0; d < 2; ++d) {
+          size_t n = num_f[(chunk_i * NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS + c) * 2 + d];
+          realnum **f = field_ptr_getter(chunks[i], c, d);
+          if (n == 0) {
+            delete[] * f;
+            *f = NULL;
+          } else {
+            if (n != ntot)
+              meep::abort("grid size mismatch %zd vs %zd in fields::load", n, ntot);
+            *f = new realnum[ntot];
+            my_ntot += ntot;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    chunk_i += (chunks[i]->is_mine() || single_parallel_file);
+  }
+  /* determine total dataset size and offset of this process's data */
+  size_t my_start = 0;
+  size_t ntotal = my_ntot;
+  if (single_parallel_file) {
+    my_start = partial_sum_to_all(my_ntot) - my_ntot;
+    ntotal = sum_to_all(my_ntot);
+  }
+  /* read the data */
+  h5f->read_size(field_name.c_str(), &rank, dims, 1);
+  if (rank != 1 || dims[0] != ntotal) {
+    meep::abort(
+        "inconsistent data size for '%s' in fields::load (rank, dims[0]): "
+        "(%d, %zu) != (1, %zu)",
+        field_name.c_str(), rank, dims[0], ntotal);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    if (chunks[i]->is_mine()) {
+      size_t ntot = chunks[i]->gv.ntot();
+      for (int c = 0; c < NUM_FIELD_COMPONENTS; ++c) {
+        for (int d = 0; d < 2; ++d) {
+          realnum **f = field_ptr_getter(chunks[i], c, d);
+          if (*f) {
+            h5f->read_chunk(1, &my_start, &ntot, *f);
+            my_start += ntot;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void fields::load(const char *filename, bool single_parallel_file) {
+  if (verbosity > 0)
+    printf("reading fields from file \"%s\" (%d)...\n", filename, single_parallel_file);
+  h5file file(filename, h5file::READONLY, single_parallel_file, !single_parallel_file);
+  // Read in the current time 't'
+  int rank;
+  size_t dims[1] = {1};
+  size_t start[1] = {0};
+  size_t _t[1];
+  file.read_size("t", &rank, dims, 1);
+  if (rank != 1 || dims[0] != 1) meep::abort("time size mismatch in fields::load");
+  if (am_master() || !single_parallel_file) file.read_chunk(1, start, dims, _t);
+  if (single_parallel_file) {
+    file.prevent_deadlock();
+    broadcast(0, _t, dims[0]);
+  }
+  t = static_cast<int>(_t[0]);
+  calc_sources(time());
+  load_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f[c][d]); });
+  load_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_u",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_u[c][d]); });
+  load_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_w",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_w[c][d]); });
+  load_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_cond",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_cond[c][d]); });
+  load_fields_chunk_field(
+      &file, single_parallel_file, "f_w_prev",
+      [](fields_chunk *chunk, int c, int d) { return &(chunk->f_w_prev[c][d]); });
+  // Load DFT chunks.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+    if (single_parallel_file || chunks[i]->is_mine()) {
+      char dataname[1024];
+      snprintf(dataname, 1024, "chunk%02d", i);
+      load_dft_hdf5(chunks[i]->dft_chunks, dataname, &file, 0, single_parallel_file);
+    }
+  }
+  if (verbosity > 0)
+    log();
+}  // namespace meep
diff --git a/src/meep.hpp b/src/meep.hpp
index 3caeb9366..9c1a95fd8 100644
--- a/src/meep.hpp
+++ b/src/meep.hpp
@@ -1199,10 +1199,10 @@ class dft_chunk {
    int decimation_factor;
-void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0);
-void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0);
-void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0);
-void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0);
+void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0, bool single_parallel_file=true);
+void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, component c, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0, bool single_parallel_file=true);
+void save_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0, bool single_parallel_file=true);
+void load_dft_hdf5(dft_chunk *dft_chunks, const char *name, h5file *file, const char *dprefix = 0, bool single_parallel_file=true);
 // dft.cpp (normally created with fields::add_dft_flux)
 class dft_flux {
@@ -1730,6 +1730,7 @@ class fields {
   void remove_susceptibilities();
   void remove_fluxes();
   void reset();
+  void log(const char* prefix = "");
   // time.cpp
   std::vector<double> time_spent_on(time_sink sink);
@@ -1746,6 +1747,15 @@ class fields {
   volume total_volume(void) const;
+  // fields_dump.cpp
+  // Dump fields to specified file. If 'single_parallel_file'
+  // is 'true' (the default) - then all processes write to the same/single file
+  // file after computing their respective offsets into this file. When set to
+  // 'false', each process writes data for the chunks it owns to a separate
+  // (process unique) file.
+  void dump(const char *filename, bool single_parallel_file=true);
+  void load(const char *filename, bool single_parallel_file=true);
   // h5fields.cpp:
   // low-level function:
   void output_hdf5(h5file *file, const char *dataname, int num_fields, const component *components,
@@ -2223,6 +2233,14 @@ class fields {
                                std::complex<double> A(const vec &), std::complex<double> amp,
                                component c0, direction d, int has_tm, int has_te);
+  // fields_dump.cpp
+  // Helper methods for dumping field chunks.
+  using FieldPtrGetter = std::function<realnum **(fields_chunk *, int, int)>;
+  void dump_fields_chunk_field(h5file *h5f, bool single_parallel_file,
+                               const std::string& field_name, FieldPtrGetter field_ptr_getter);
+  void load_fields_chunk_field(h5file *h5f, bool single_parallel_file,
+                               const std::string& field_name, FieldPtrGetter field_ptr_getter);
   // monitor.cpp
   std::complex<double> get_field(component c, const ivec &iloc, bool parallel = true) const;
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index 53eae02ae..1ce61b95b 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 SRC = aniso_disp.cpp bench.cpp bragg_transmission.cpp			\
-convergence_cyl_waveguide.cpp cylindrical.cpp flux.cpp harmonics.cpp	\
-integrate.cpp known_results.cpp near2far.cpp one_dimensional.cpp	\
-physical.cpp stress_tensor.cpp symmetry.cpp three_d.cpp			\
-two_dimensional.cpp 2D_convergence.cpp h5test.cpp pml.cpp
+convergence_cyl_waveguide.cpp cylindrical.cpp dump_load.cpp flux.cpp    \
+harmonics.cpp integrate.cpp known_results.cpp near2far.cpp              \
+one_dimensional.cpp physical.cpp stress_tensor.cpp symmetry.cpp 	\
+three_d.cpp two_dimensional.cpp 2D_convergence.cpp h5test.cpp pml.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -DDATADIR=\"$(srcdir)/\"
 .SUFFIXES = .dac .done
-check_PROGRAMS = aniso_disp bench bragg_transmission convergence_cyl_waveguide cylindrical flux harmonics integrate known_results near2far one_dimensional physical stress_tensor symmetry three_d two_dimensional 2D_convergence h5test pml pw-source-ll ring-ll cyl-ellipsoid-ll absorber-1d-ll array-slice-ll user-defined-material dft-fields gdsII-3d bend-flux-ll array-metadata
+check_PROGRAMS = aniso_disp bench bragg_transmission convergence_cyl_waveguide cylindrical dump_load flux harmonics integrate known_results near2far one_dimensional physical stress_tensor symmetry three_d two_dimensional 2D_convergence h5test pml pw-source-ll ring-ll cyl-ellipsoid-ll absorber-1d-ll array-slice-ll user-defined-material dft-fields gdsII-3d bend-flux-ll array-metadata
 array_metadata_SOURCES = array-metadata.cpp
 array_metadata_LDADD   = $(MEEPLIBS)
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ convergence_cyl_waveguide_LDADD = $(MEEPLIBS)
 cylindrical_SOURCES = cylindrical.cpp
 cylindrical_LDADD = $(MEEPLIBS)
+dump_load_SOURCES = dump_load.cpp
+dump_load_LDADD = $(MEEPLIBS)
 flux_SOURCES = flux.cpp
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ user_defined_material_LDADD   = $(MEEPLIBS)
 dist_noinst_DATA = cyl-ellipsoid-eps-ref.h5 array-slice-ll-ref.h5 gdsII-3d.gds
-TESTS = aniso_disp bench bragg_transmission convergence_cyl_waveguide cylindrical flux harmonics integrate known_results near2far one_dimensional physical stress_tensor symmetry three_d two_dimensional 2D_convergence h5test pml
+TESTS = aniso_disp bench bragg_transmission convergence_cyl_waveguide cylindrical dump_load flux harmonics integrate known_results near2far one_dimensional physical stress_tensor symmetry three_d two_dimensional 2D_convergence h5test pml
diff --git a/tests/dump_load.cpp b/tests/dump_load.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78685a4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dump_load.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+%  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+%  any later version.
+%  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%  GNU General Public License for more details.
+%  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+%  Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <meep.hpp>
+using namespace meep;
+using std::complex;
+double one(const vec &) { return 1.0; }
+double targets(const vec &pt) {
+  const double r = sqrt(pt.x() * pt.x() + pt.y() * pt.y());
+  double dr = r;
+  while (dr > 1) dr -= 1;
+  if (dr > 0.7001) return 12.0;
+  return 1.0;
+static const double tol = 1e-3, thresh = 1e-3;
+static const double tol = 1e-9, thresh = 1e-15;
+int compare(double a, double b, const char *n) {
+  if (fabs(a - b) > fabs(b) * tol && fabs(b) > thresh) {
+    master_printf("%s differs by\t%g out of\t%g\n", n, a - b, b);
+    master_printf("This gives a fractional error of %g\n",
+                  fabs(a - b) / fabs(b));
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    return 1;
+  }
+int compare_point(fields &f1, fields &f2, const vec &p) {
+  monitor_point m1, m_test;
+  f1.get_point(&m_test, p);
+  f2.get_point(&m1, p);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+    component c = (component)i;
+    if (f1.gv.has_field(c)) {
+      complex<double> v1 = m_test.get_component(c), v2 = m1.get_component(c);
+      if (abs(v1 - v2) > tol * abs(v2) && abs(v2) > thresh) {
+        master_printf("%s differs:  %g %g out of %g %g\n", component_name(c),
+                      real(v2 - v1), imag(v2 - v1), real(v2), imag(v2));
+        master_printf("This comes out to a fractional error of %g\n",
+                      abs(v1 - v2) / abs(v2));
+        master_printf("Right now I'm looking at %g %g %g, time %g\n", p.x(),
+                      p.y(), p.z(), f1.time());
+        return 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+int approx_point(fields &f1, fields &f2, const vec &p) {
+  monitor_point m1, m_test;
+  f1.get_point(&m_test, p);
+  f2.get_point(&m1, p);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+    component c = (component)i;
+    if (f1.gv.has_field(c)) {
+      complex<double> v1 = m_test.get_component(c), v2 = m1.get_component(c);
+      if (abs(v1 - v2) > tol * abs(v2) && abs(v2) > thresh) {
+        master_printf("%s differs:  %g %g out of %g %g\n", component_name(c),
+                      real(v2 - v1), imag(v2 - v1), real(v2), imag(v2));
+        master_printf("This comes out to a fractional error of %g\n",
+                      abs(v1 - v2) / abs(v2));
+        master_printf("Right now I'm looking at %g %g %g, time %g\n", p.x(),
+                      p.y(), p.z(), f1.time());
+        return 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+std::string structure_dump(structure *s, const std::string &filename_prefix,
+                           const std::string &output_name) {
+  std::string filename = filename_prefix + "-structure-" + output_name;
+  s->dump(filename.c_str());
+  master_printf("Dumping structure: %s\n", filename.c_str());
+  return filename;
+void structure_load(structure *s, const std::string &filename) {
+  master_printf("Loading structure: %s\n", filename.c_str());
+  s->load(filename.c_str());
+std::string fields_dump(fields *f, const std::string &filename_prefix,
+                        const std::string &output_name) {
+  std::string filename = filename_prefix + "-fields-" + output_name;
+  f->dump(filename.c_str());
+  master_printf("Dumping fields: %s\n", filename.c_str());
+  return filename;
+void fields_load(fields *f, const std::string &filename) {
+  master_printf("Loading fields: %s\n", filename.c_str());
+  f->load(filename.c_str());
+int test_metal(double eps(const vec &), int splitting, const char *tmpdir) {
+  double a = 10.0;
+  double ttot = 17.0;
+  grid_volume gv = vol3d(1.5, 0.5, 1.0, a);
+  structure s(gv, eps, no_pml(), identity(), splitting);
+  std::string filename_prefix =
+      std::string(tmpdir) + "/test_metal_" + std::to_string(splitting);
+  std::string structure_filename =
+      structure_dump(&s, filename_prefix, "original");
+  master_printf("Metal test using %d chunks...\n", splitting);
+  fields f(&s);
+  f.add_point_source(Ez, 0.8, 0.6, 0.0, 4.0, vec(1.299, 0.299, 0.401), 1.0);
+  while (f.time() < ttot) f.step();
+  std::string fields_filename =
+      fields_dump(&f, filename_prefix, "original");
+  structure s_load(gv, eps, no_pml(), identity(), splitting);
+  structure_load(&s_load, structure_filename);
+  fields f_load(&s_load);
+  f_load.add_point_source(Ez, 0.8, 0.6, 0.0, 4.0, vec(1.299, 0.299, 0.401),
+                          1.0);
+  fields_load(&f_load, fields_filename);
+  if (!compare_point(f, f_load, vec(0.5, 0.5, 0.01))) return 0;
+  if (!compare_point(f, f_load, vec(0.46, 0.33, 0.33))) return 0;
+  if (!compare_point(f, f_load, vec(1.301, 0.301, 0.399))) return 0;
+  if (!compare(f.field_energy(), f_load.field_energy(), "   total energy"))
+    return 0;
+  if (!compare(f.electric_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               f_load.electric_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               "electric energy"))
+    return 0;
+  if (!compare(f.magnetic_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               f_load.magnetic_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               "magnetic energy"))
+    return 0;
+  return 1;
+int test_periodic(double eps(const vec &), int splitting, const char *tmpdir) {
+  double a = 10.0;
+  double ttot = 17.0;
+  grid_volume gv = vol3d(1.5, 0.5, 1.0, a);
+  structure s1(gv, eps);
+  structure s(gv, eps, no_pml(), identity(), splitting);
+  std::string filename_prefix =
+      std::string(tmpdir) + "/test_periodic_" + std::to_string(splitting);
+  std::string structure_filename =
+      structure_dump(&s, filename_prefix, "original");
+  master_printf("Periodic test using %d chunks...\n", splitting);
+  fields f(&s);
+  f.use_bloch(vec(0.1, 0.7, 0.3));
+  f.add_point_source(Ez, 0.7, 2.5, 0.0, 4.0, vec(0.3, 0.25, 0.5), 1.0);
+  while (f.time() < ttot) f.step();
+  std::string fields_filename =
+      fields_dump(&f, filename_prefix, "original");
+  structure s_load(gv, eps, no_pml(), identity(), splitting);
+  structure_load(&s_load, structure_filename);
+  fields f_load(&s_load);
+  f_load.use_bloch(vec(0.1, 0.7, 0.3));
+  f_load.add_point_source(Ez, 0.7, 2.5, 0.0, 4.0, vec(0.3, 0.25, 0.5), 1.0);
+  fields_load(&f_load, fields_filename);
+  if (!compare_point(f, f_load, vec(0.5, 0.01, 0.5))) return 0;
+  if (!compare_point(f, f_load, vec(0.46, 0.33, 0.2))) return 0;
+  if (!compare_point(f, f_load, vec(1.0, 0.25, 0.301))) return 0;
+  if (!compare(f.field_energy(), f_load.field_energy(), "   total energy"))
+    return 0;
+  if (!compare(f.electric_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               f_load.electric_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               "electric energy"))
+    return 0;
+  if (!compare(f.magnetic_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               f_load.magnetic_energy_in_box(gv.surroundings()),
+               "magnetic energy"))
+    return 0;
+  return 1;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  initialize mpi(argc, argv);
+  verbosity = 0;
+  std::unique_ptr<const char[]> temp_dir(make_output_directory());
+  master_printf("Testing 3D dump/load: temp_dir = %s...\n", temp_dir.get());
+  for (int s = 2; s < 7; s++)
+    if (!test_periodic(targets, s, temp_dir.get()))
+      abort("error in test_periodic targets\n");
+  for (int s = 2; s < 8; s++)
+    if (!test_metal(one, s, temp_dir.get()))
+      abort("error in test_metal vacuum\n");
+  delete_directory(temp_dir.get());
+  return 0;