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An express.js api that serves project data from the Zoning Application Portal (ZAP).


You'll need git and node.js installed on your development machine.

Local development

Clone this repository git clone

Navigate to the repo and install dependencies: cd labs-zap-api && npm install

Create .env with all the required environment variables.

Start the development server. npm run devstart

Local Database

  • To start a local PostGIS instance, run docker run --name zap-development -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d mdillon/postgis
  • Update .env to include DATABASE_URL DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres
  • ssh onto the server and create a dump file of the PostgreSQL database docker exec {containername} pg_dump -U postgres postgres > {filename}
  • Transfer the file back to local machine scp {username}@{host}:{path-to-file} {localfilename}
  • Restore database on your local machine cat {localfilename} | docker exec -i zap-development psql -U postgres

Environment Variables

You'll need to create a .env file in the root of the repo, with the following environment variables:

DATABASE_URL - postgreSQL connection string

HOST - used to build out vector tile URLS, set it to 'http://localhost:3000' if developing locally

RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY - Used for validating human-ness before feedback submission

RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY - Used for validating human-ness before feedback submission

GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN - An access token that allows for creating new issues in a github repo

SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN - a token for verifying POST requests from a custom slack slash command

SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL - url for POSTing messages in a slack channel

AIRTABLE_API_KEY - api key for accessing the airtable with youtube video references

CRM_IMPOSTER_ID - ID used to simulate an "in-CRM" user — essentially force a specific CRM id to be returned

GDAL Dependency

The shapefile download endpoint requires the gdal ogr2ogr command to be available in the environment.

For local development on a Mac, use brew install gdal and make sure the command ogr2ogr works in your terminal.

You can also use docker to run the api on port 3000 in development:

docker run -it -v $PWD:/zap-api -p 3000:3000 -w /zap-api geodatagouv/node-gdal npm run devstart

This mounts your code in the docker container, and will use nodemon to restart when you save changes.


The api connects to a postgis database, and uses MapPLUTO hosted in Carto to retrieve tax lot geometries.
We are also able to serve vector tiles directly from postGIS using st_asmvt(), so no extra vector tile processing is required in node.


GET /projects - Get a paginated filtered list of projects

Use query Parameters for filtering:

`page` *default '1'* - page offset

`itemsPerPage` *default 30* - the number of projects to return with each request

`community-districts[]` - array of community district codes (mn01, bx02)

`action-types[]` - array of action types

`boroughs[]` - array of borough names, including 'Citywide'

`dcp_ceqrtype[]` - array of CEQR types

`dcp_ulurp_nonulurp[]` - array of 'ULURP' or 'Non-ULURP'

`dcp_femafloodzonev` *default false* - flood zone boolean

`dcp_femafloodzonecoastala` *default false* - flood zone boolean

`dcp_femafloodzonea` *default false* - flood zone boolean

`dcp_femafloodzoneshadedx` *default false* - flood zone boolean

`dcp_publicstatus[] ` *default ['Complete', 'Filed', 'In Public Review', 'Unknown']* - the project's public status

`dcp_certifiedreferred[]` - array of unix epoch timestamps to filter for date range

`project_applicant_text` - string for text match filtering against the project name, project brief, and applicant name

`ulurp_ceqr_text` - string for text match filtering against a project's ULURP numbers and CEQR number

`block` - string for text match filtering against the tax blocks associated with a project

GET /projects.{filetype} - Start a download of projects data

Available filetypes:
    - `csv` - tabular data only
    - `shp` - tabular data with polygon geometries
    - `geojson` - tabular data with polygon geometries

GET /projects/:projectid - Get one project

Used by the frontend to get JSON data for a single project. Example:/projects/2018K0356

GET /projects/tiles/:tileid/:z/:x/:y.mvt - Get a vector tile for the

GET /projects/:ceqrnumber - A redirect query to make predictable URLs for zap projects using only a ceqr number. if the ceqr number matches a project, returns a 301 redirect to the project page. If the ceqr number cannot be found, returns a 301 redirect to the project filter page.

GET /projects/:ulurpnumber - A redirect query to make predictable URLs for zap projects using only a ulurp number. if the ulurp number matches a project, returns a 301 redirect to the project page. If the ulurp number cannot be found, returns a 301 redirect to the project filter page.

GET /zap/:zapAcronym - Get projects for a community district

Used by the Community Profiles site to list ZAP projects for a given community district.


This api is easily deployed with dokku.

Create a new remote: git remote add dokku dokku@{host}:zap-api Deploy with a git push git push dokku master or alias another branch to master git push dokku {other-branch}:master

Dockerfile Deployment

This repo includes a Dockerfile which dokku will use to run the API. See dokku's Dockerfile Deployment docs for more info.


This api includes a worker process (see ./Procfile) that connects to the database and refreshes the materialized view normalized_projects every 30 minutes. It will send slack messages to the #labs-bots channel to notify us of its status

The worker process will not run automatically. It must be scaled using dokku ps:scale {appname } worker=1.


The /projects/:projectid endpoint uses get-video-links util to append an array of video links to a project's response. The util does multiple calls to this airtable which links project ids with videos and timestamps.

Contact us

You can find us on Twitter at @nycplanninglabs, or comment on issues and we'll follow up as soon as we can. If you'd like to send an email, use [email protected]


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