- default set of instructions to send to the board on startup via command line
- make a proper package
- requirements.txt for pip
- fix long recording crash (might be hardware or software fix)
Make sure that the plugin shows up in the active plugins [abhi]
To start collecting data use /start on the openbci command line
Proper shutdown sequence is to type in /stop
By default it doesn't use the plotly plugin, to use it supply True value for graph argument
Flask, sklearn, yapsy, plotly, scipy
0.00015592575073242188 0.00015497207641601562 0.00018215179443359375 0.00017786026000976562 0.00017309188842773438 0.0001628398895263672 0.00019121170043945312 0.00016379356384277344 0.00017714500427246094 0.00018906593322753906 0.0001659393310546875 0.00016307830810546875 0.00015783309936523438 0.0001671314239501953 0.00015783309936523438 0.00020003318786621094 0.00017499923706054688 0.00018596649169921875 0.00016617774963378906 0.00015997886657714844 0.0001590251922607422 0.000186920166015625
in addition to the instructions in the "To run the plugin" section, if you need to limit the number of samples being collected add the argument "window_size" followed by the number of samples (in thousands) to collect (default value is 10).
To mark data as attentive pass "attentive" as an argument to the above command, passing nothing means that it will store the data under the inattentive folder under the data folder
To choose the recording session use recording_session_number followed by a space and the number so it will save to different files