diff --git a/design/FY2023/NFP_MultispeedFans.md b/design/FY2023/NFP_MultispeedFans.md
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+Improved Support for Multi-speed Fans
+**Lixing Gu**
+**Florida Solar Energy Center**
+ - 11/21/22
+ - Revision Date (none)
+## Justification for New Feature ##
+Many Water-to-Air Heat Pump units and VRF indoor units in the market are equipped with multi-speed components to reduce energy use and noise. During actual operation, the fan air flow is coordinated with the compressor stage control. At low compression stage, the fan is going to run at low air flow rate. To support this operation, supply air flow ratio input fields (low, medium, high) should be added to the ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump and ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow objects. In simulation, for each time step, the fan air flow shall cycle between adjacent speeds based on the cooling / heating capacity (or coordinate with the cooling / heating coil stage for variable speed water to air coils).
+## E-mail and Conference Call Conclusions ##
+## Overview ##
+The ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil object allows multi-speed cycling fan with constant water flow rate. MultiSpeedFan is one of choices defined in the Capacity Control Method field. The object has two fields to defind Low Speed Supply Air Flow Ratio, and Medium Speed Supply Air Flow Ratio. Therefore, it has 3 fan speeds to be applied to the object. The fan air flow cycles between adjacent speeds based on the cooling/heating capacity. It is obvious that 3 speed fan operation may not be general enough. If a user wants more or less speed operation, more fields are needed. In addition, water flow rate remains the same with different air flow rates.
+The AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object allows multispeed coils with two fields input: Design Specification Multispeed Object Type and Design Specification Multispeed Object Name. The advatage to introduce an object to define multispeed coils is to provide more choices for users to define fan flow ratios with heating, cooling and no load conditions.
+The proposed changes, to mimic AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem, are to add two optional fields in both ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump and ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow objects as:
+Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Type
+Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Name
+A new object is proposed as FanPerformance:Multispeed to define airflow ratios under heating and cooling conditions.
+An alternative way is to use an existing object of UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed. Since this object will not be used only for UnitarySystem, the name of the object may be changed.
+## Approach ##
+As mentioned in the previous section, two new optional fields are proposed in the both ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump and ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow objects.
+Two optional new fields are added to allow a multiple speed fan.
+ ...
+ A21, \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key FanPerformance:Multispeed
+ \note Enter the type of performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+ A22; \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list FanPerformaceNames
+ \note Enter the name of the performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+If the entered heating coil type is Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit, the multiple fan spees are allowed, the full water flow rate is assumed. The fan air flow cycles between adjacent speeds based on the cooling/heating capacity.
+If the entered heating coil type is Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit, the input of Number of Speeds should be the same number defined in FanPerformance:Multispeed. The fan air flow speed coordinates with the cooling/heating coil stage for variable speed water to air coils.
+If the entered cooling coil type is Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit, the multiple fan spees are allowed, the full water flow rate is assumed. The fan air flow cycles between adjacent speeds based on the cooling/heating capacity.
+If the entered cooling coil type is Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit, the input of Number of Speeds should be the same number defined in FanPerformance:Multispeed. The fan air flow speed coordinates with the cooling/heating coil stage for variable speed water to air coils.
+Two optional new fields are added to allow a multiple speed fan.
+ ...
+ A20, \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key FanPerformance:Multispeed
+ \note Enter the type of performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+ A21; \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list FanPerformaceNames
+ \note Enter the name of the performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+Allowed heating and cooling coils:
+ Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl
+ Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl
+Since ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow only allows single speed coils, listed below, no multiple speed coils will be applied. The multiple speed fan will be allowed after adding the FanPerformance:Multispeed field. The fan air flow cycles between adjacent speeds based on the cooling/heating capacity for Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow and Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow only.
+Since Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl and Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl require variable speed fans, the multiple speed fans are not applied to both coils.
+A new object is proposed. The advantage of the new object will be applied different fan flow ratios to single and variable speed coils.
+It should be pointed out that No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Ratio field is removed, becuase the parenet objects have a filed to defind No Load Supply Air Flow Rates.
+An alternative way is to use the existing object of UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed. Since this object will not be used only for UnitarySystem, the name of the object may be changed.
+It should be pointed out that since this object mainly specify airflow ratios at different speeds, it is OK to use the object with minor name change.
+## Testing/Validation/Data Sources ##
+Unit test and example file test will be performed to ensure all simulations results meet expectation.
+## Input Output Reference Documentation ##
+This section provides description for the two modified objects with proposed two new optional fields, and for the new object.
+## Input Description ##
+This section provides input objects, two modified objects and a new object. Any new fields in the modified objects are highlighted in red.
+ ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump,
+ \memo Water-to-air heat pump. Forced-convection heating-cooling unit with supply fan,
+ \memo water-to-air cooling and heating coils, supplemental heating coil (gas, electric, hot
+ \memo water, or steam), and fixed-position outdoor air mixer.
+ \min-fields 25
+ A1, \field Name
+ \required-field
+ \type alpha
+ \reference DOAToZonalUnit
+ \reference ZoneEquipmentNames
+ A2, \field Availability Schedule Name
+ \note Availability schedule name for this system. Schedule value > 0 means the system is available.
+ \note If this field is blank, the system is always available.
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list ScheduleNames
+ A3, \field Air Inlet Node Name
+ \required-field
+ \type node
+ A4, \field Air Outlet Node Name
+ \required-field
+ \type node
+ A5, \field Outdoor Air Mixer Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key OutdoorAir:Mixer
+ \note Currently only one OutdoorAir:Mixer object type is available.
+ \note This field should be left blank if the WSHP is connected to central
+ \note dedicated outdoor air through an AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer object.
+ A6, \field Outdoor Air Mixer Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list OutdoorAirMixers
+ \note If this field is blank, the OutdoorAir:Mixer is not used.
+ \note This optional field specifies the name of the OutdoorAir:Mixer object.
+ \note When used, this name needs to match name of the OutdoorAir:Mixer object.
+ \note This field should be left blank if the WSHP is connected to central
+ \note dedicated outdoor air through an AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer object.
+ N1 , \field Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum> 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ \note Must be less than or equal to fan size.
+ N2 , \field Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum> 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ \note Must be less than or equal to fan size.
+ N3 , \field No Load Supply Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0
+ \autosizable
+ \note Must be less than or equal to fan size.
+ \note Only used when heat pump fan operating mode is continuous. This air flow rate
+ \note is used when no heating or cooling is required and the DX coil compressor is off.
+ \note If this field is left blank or zero, the supply air flow rate from the previous
+ \note on cycle (either cooling or heating) is used.
+ N4 , \field Cooling Outdoor Air Flow Rate
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0
+ \autosizable
+ \note Must be less than or equal to supply air flow rate during cooling operation.
+ \note This field is set to zero flow when the WSHP is connected to central
+ \note dedicated outdoor air through air terminal single duct mixer object.
+ N5 , \field Heating Outdoor Air Flow Rate
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0
+ \autosizable
+ \note Must be less than or equal to supply air flow rate during heating operation.
+ \note This field is set to zero flow when the WSHP is connected to central
+ \note dedicated outdoor air through air terminal single duct mixer object.
+ N6 , \field No Load Outdoor Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0
+ \autosizable
+ \note Only used when heat pump Fan operating mode is continuous. This air flow rate
+ \note is used when no heating or cooling is required and the DX coil compressor is off.
+ \note If this field is left blank or zero, the outdoor air flow rate from the previous
+ \note on cycle (either cooling or heating) is used.
+ \note This field is set to zero flow when the PTHP is connected to central
+ \note dedicated outdoor air through air terminal single duct mixer object.
+ A7, \field Supply Air Fan Object Type
+ \required-field
+ \type choice
+ \key Fan:SystemModel
+ \key Fan:OnOff
+ A8, \field Supply Air Fan Name
+ \required-field
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list FansOnOff
+ \object-list FansSystemModel
+ \note Needs to match Fan:SystemModel or Fan:OnOff object
+ A9, \field Heating Coil Object Type
+ \required-field
+ \type choice
+ \key Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit
+ \key Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit
+ A10, \field Heating Coil Name
+ \required-field
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list HeatingCoilsWaterToAirHP
+ \object-list HeatingCoilsWaterToAirVSHP
+ \note Needs to match in the water-to-air heat pump heating coil object
+ A11, \field Cooling Coil Object Type
+ \required-field
+ \type choice
+ \key Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit
+ \key Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit
+ A12, \field Cooling Coil Name
+ \required-field
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list CoolingCoilsWaterToAirHP
+ \object-list CoolingCoilsWaterToAirVSHP
+ \note Needs to match in the water-to-air heat pump cooling coil object
+ N7, \field Maximum Cycling Rate
+ \type real
+ \units cycles/hr
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \maximum 5.0
+ \default 2.5
+ \note The maximum on-off cycling rate for the compressor
+ \note Suggested value is 2.5 for a typical heat pump
+ N8, \field Heat Pump Time Constant
+ \type real
+ \units s
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \maximum 500.0
+ \default 60.0
+ \note Time constant for the cooling coil's capacity to reach steady state after startup
+ \note Suggested value is 60 for a typical heat pump
+ N9, \field Fraction of On-Cycle Power Use
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \maximum 0.05
+ \default 0.01
+ \note The fraction of on-cycle power use to adjust the part load fraction based on
+ \note the off-cycle power consumption due to crankcase heaters, controls, fans, and etc.
+ \note Suggested value is 0.01 for a typical heat pump
+ N10, \field Heat Pump Fan Delay Time
+ \units s
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \default 60
+ \note Programmed time delay for heat pump fan to shut off after compressor cycle off.
+ \note Only required when fan operating mode is cycling
+ \note Enter 0 when fan operating mode is continuous
+ A13, \field Supplemental Heating Coil Object Type
+ \required-field
+ \type choice
+ \key Coil:Heating:Fuel
+ \key Coil:Heating:Electric
+ \key Coil:Heating:Water
+ \key Coil:Heating:Steam
+ \note works with gas, electric, hot water and steam heating coils
+ A14, \field Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ \required-field
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list HeatingCoilName
+ \note Needs to match in the supplemental heating coil object
+ N11, \field Maximum Supply Air Temperature from Supplemental Heater
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \units C
+ \autosizable
+ \default autosize
+ \note Supply air temperature from the supplemental heater will not exceed this value.
+ N12, \field Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation
+ \type real
+ \maximum 21.0
+ \default 21.0
+ \units C
+ A15, \field Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ \type node
+ A16, \field Fan Placement
+ \type choice
+ \key BlowThrough
+ \key DrawThrough
+ \default BlowThrough
+ A17, \field Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list ScheduleNames
+ \note Enter the name of a schedule that controls fan operation. Schedule values of 0 denote
+ \note cycling fan operation (fan cycles with cooling or heating coil). Schedule values greater
+ \note than 0 denote constant fan operation (fan runs continually regardless of coil operation).
+ \note The fan operating mode defaults to cycling fan operation if this field is left blank.
+ A18, \field Availability Manager List Name
+ \note Enter the name of an AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList object.
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list SystemAvailabilityManagerLists
+ A19, \field Heat Pump Coil Water Flow Mode
+ \type choice
+ \key Constant
+ \key Cycling
+ \key ConstantOnDemand
+ \default Cycling
+ \note used only when the heat pump coils are of the type WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit
+ \note Constant results in 100% water flow regardless of compressor PLR
+ \note Cycling results in water flow that matches compressor PLR
+ \note ConstantOnDemand results in 100% water flow whenever the coil is on, but is 0% whenever the coil has no load
+ A20, \field Design Specification ZoneHVAC Sizing Object Name
+ \note Enter the name of a DesignSpecificationZoneHVACSizing object.
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list DesignSpecificationZoneHVACSizingName
+ A21, \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key FanPerformance:Multispeed
+ \note Enter the type of performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+ A22; \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list FanPerformaceNames
+ \note Enter the name of the performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+ ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow,
+ \memo A terminal unit with variable refrigerant flow (VRF) DX cooling and heating coils
+ \memo (air-to-air heat pump). The VRF terminal units are served by an
+ \memo AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow or
+ \memo AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl:* system.
+ \memo Terminal units can be configured as zone, air loop or outside air system equipment.
+ \min-fields 19
+ A1 , \field Zone Terminal Unit Name
+ \required-field
+ \type alpha
+ \reference ZoneTerminalUnitNames
+ \reference DOAToZonalUnit
+ \reference ZoneEquipmentNames
+ \reference-class-name validBranchEquipmentTypes
+ \reference validBranchEquipmentNames
+ \reference-class-name validOASysEquipmentTypes
+ \reference validOASysEquipmentNames
+ A2 , \field Terminal Unit Availability Schedule
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list ScheduleNames
+ \note The unit is available the entire simulation if this field is left blank
+ \note Schedule values of 0 denote the unit is off.
+ A3 , \field Terminal Unit Air Inlet Node Name
+ \required-field
+ \type node
+ \note the inlet node to the terminal unit
+ A4 , \field Terminal Unit Air Outlet Node Name
+ \required-field
+ \type node
+ \note the outlet node of the terminal unit
+ N1 , \field Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum> 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ N2 , \field No Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ N3 , \field Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum> 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ N4 , \field No Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ N5 , \field Cooling Outdoor Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ \note This field is used only when an oudoor air mixer is included.
+ \note This field is set to zero flow when the VRF terminal unit is connected to
+ \note central dedicated outdoor air through air terminal single duct mixer object.
+ \note When this VRF terminal is used as air loop equipment the autosized flow
+ \note rate will be set to 0 when an outdoor air system is connected to this air loop,
+ \note otherwise the outdoor air flow rate will equal the maximum outdoor air flow rate.
+ N6 , \field Heating Outdoor Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ \note This field is used only when an oudoor air mixer is included.
+ \note This field is set to zero flow when the VRF terminal unit is connected to
+ \note central dedicated outdoor air through air terminal single duct mixer object.
+ \note When this VRF terminal is used as air loop equipment the autosized flow
+ \note rate will be set to 0 when an outdoor air system is connected to this air loop,
+ \note otherwise the outdoor air flow rate will equal the maximum outdoor air flow rate.
+ N7 , \field No Load Outdoor Air Flow Rate
+ \type real
+ \units m3/s
+ \minimum 0.0
+ \autosizable
+ \note This field is used only when an oudoor air mixer is included.
+ \note This field is set to zero flow when the VRF terminal unit is connected to
+ \note central dedicated outdoor air through air terminal single duct mixer object.
+ \note When this VRF terminal is used as air loop equipment the autosized flow
+ \note rate will be set to 0 when an outdoor air system is connected to this air loop,
+ \note otherwise the outdoor air flow rate will equal the maximum outdoor air flow rate.
+ A5 , \field Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list ScheduleNames
+ \note Required for zone equipment. Leave blank if terminal unit is used in AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList.
+ \note Also leave blank if terminal unit is used on main AirloopHVAC branch and terminal unit has no fan.
+ A6 , \field Supply Air Fan Placement
+ \type choice
+ \key BlowThrough
+ \key DrawThrough
+ \default BlowThrough
+ \note Select fan placement as either blow through or draw through.
+ \note Required for zone equipment. This field is ignored if the VRF terminal unit is used
+ \note in AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList.
+ \note This field is also ignored if VRF terminal unit is used on main AirloopHVAC branch
+ \note and terminal unit has no fan.
+ A7 , \field Supply Air Fan Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key Fan:SystemModel
+ \key Fan:OnOff
+ \key Fan:ConstantVolume
+ \key Fan:VariableVolume
+ \default Fan:ConstantVolume
+ \note Supply Air Fan Object Type must be Fan:SystemModel, Fan:OnOff, or Fan:ConstantVolume
+ \note if AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow is used to model VRF outdoor unit
+ \note Supply Air Fan Object Type must be Fan:SystemModel or Fan:VariableVolume if
+ \note AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl or
+ \note AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl:HR
+ \note is used to model VRF outdoor unit
+ \note Required for zone equipment. Leave blank if terminal unit is used in AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList.
+ \note Also leave blank if terminal unit is used on main AirloopHVAC branch and terminal unit has no fan.
+ A8 , \field Supply Air Fan Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list FansCVandOnOffandVAV
+ \object-list FansSystemModel
+ A9 , \field Outside Air Mixer Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key OutdoorAir:Mixer
+ \note Currently only one type OutdoorAir:Mixer object is available.
+ \note If this field is blank, and outside air mixer is not used.
+ \note This field should be left blank if the VRF terminal unit is connected to
+ \note central dedicated outdoor air through an AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer object.
+ \note This field may also be left blank when the VRF terminal is used in the air
+ \note loop or outdoor air system.
+ A10, \field Outside Air Mixer Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list OutdoorAirMixers
+ \note If this field is blank, the OutdoorAir:Mixer is not used.
+ \note This optional field specifies the name of the OutdoorAir:Mixer object.
+ \note When used, this name needs to match name of the OutdoorAir:Mixer object.
+ \note This field should be left blank if the VRF terminal unit is connected to
+ \note central dedicated outdoor air through an AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer object.
+ \note This field may also be left blank when the VRF terminal is used in the air
+ \note loop or outdoor air system.
+ A11, \field Cooling Coil Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ \key Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl
+ \note Cooling Coil Type must be Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ \note if AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow is used
+ \note to model VRF outdoor unit
+ \note Cooling Coil Type must be
+ \note Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl
+ \note if AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl or
+ \note if AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl:HR
+ \note is used to model VRF outdoor unit
+ \note This field may be left blank if heating-only mode is used
+ A12, \field Cooling Coil Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list CoolingCoilsDXVarRefrigFlow
+ \object-list CoolingCoilsDXVarRefrigFlowFluidTemperatureControl
+ \note Cooling Coil Type must be Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ \note This field may be left blank if heating-only mode is used
+ A13, \field Heating Coil Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ \key Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl
+ \note Heating Coil Type must be Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ \note if AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow is used
+ \note to model VRF outdoor unit
+ \note Heating Coil Type must be
+ \note Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl
+ \note if AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl or
+ \note if AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl:HR
+ \note is used to model VRF outdoor unit
+ \note This field may be left blank if cooling-only mode is used
+ A14, \field Heating Coil Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list HeatingCoilsDXVarRefrigFlow
+ \object-list HeatingCoilsDXVarRefrigFlowFluidTemperatureControl
+ \note Heating Coil Type must be Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow
+ \note This field may be left blank if cooling-only mode is used
+ N8 , \field Zone Terminal Unit On Parasitic Electric Energy Use
+ \type real
+ \units W
+ \minimum 0
+ \default 0
+ N9 , \field Zone Terminal Unit Off Parasitic Electric Energy Use
+ \type real
+ \units W
+ \minimum 0
+ \default 0
+ N10, \field Rated Heating Capacity Sizing Ratio
+ \type real
+ \units W/W
+ \minimum 1.0
+ \default 1.0
+ \note If this terminal unit's heating coil is autosized, the heating capacity is sized
+ \note to be equal to the cooling capacity multiplied by this sizing ratio.
+ \note This input applies to the terminal unit heating coil and overrides the sizing
+ \note ratio entered in the AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow object.
+ A15, \field Availability Manager List Name
+ \note Enter the name of an AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList object.
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list SystemAvailabilityManagerLists
+ A16, \field Design Specification ZoneHVAC Sizing Object Name
+ \note Enter the name of a DesignSpecificationZoneHVACSizing object.
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list DesignSpecificationZoneHVACSizingName
+ A17, \field Supplemental Heating Coil Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key Coil:Heating:Fuel
+ \key Coil:Heating:Electric
+ \key Coil:Heating:Water
+ \key Coil:Heating:Steam
+ \note works with gas, electric, hot water and steam heating coil.
+ A18, \field Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list HeatingCoilName
+ \note Needs to match in the supplemental heating coil object.
+ N11, \field Maximum Supply Air Temperature from Supplemental Heater
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \units C
+ \autosizable
+ \default autosize
+ \note Supply air temperature from the supplemental heater will not exceed this value.
+ N12, \field Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation
+ \type real
+ \maximum 21.0
+ \default 21.0
+ \units C
+ \note Supplemental heater will not operate when outdoor temperature exceeds this value.
+ A19, \field Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list ZoneNames
+ \note Used only for AirloopHVAC equipment on a main branch and defines zone name where thermostat is located.
+ \note Not required for zone equipment. Leave blank if terminal unit is used in AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList.
+ \note Required when terminal unit is used on main AirloopHVAC branch and coils are not set point controlled.
+ \note When terminal unit is used in air loop and is load controlled, this zone's thermostat will control operation.
+ A20, \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Type
+ \type choice
+ \key FanPerformance:Multispeed
+ \note Enter the type of performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+ A21; \field Design Specification Multispeed Fan Object Name
+ \type object-list
+ \object-list FanPerformaceNames
+ \note Enter the name of the performance specification object used to describe the multispeed fan.
+This section provides inputs of the new object.
+An alternative way is to use the existing object of UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed. Since this object is not used only for UnitarySystem, the name of the object may be changed.
+It should be pointed out that since this object mainly specify airflow ratios at different speeds, it is OK to use the object with minor name change.
+ FanPerformance:Multispeed,
+ \memo The FanPerformance object is used to specify the air flow ratio at each
+ \memo operating speed. This object is primarily used for ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump and
+ \memo ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow objects to allow operation at
+ \memo different fan flow rates.
+ \extensible:2 - repeat last two fields, remembering to remove ; from "inner" fields.
+ A1 , \field Name
+ \required-field
+ \reference FanPerformaceNames
+ N1 , \field Number of Speeds for Heating
+ \required-field
+ \type integer
+ \minimum 0
+ \maximum 10
+ \note Used only for Multi speed fans
+ \note Enter the number of the following sets of data for air flow rates.
+ N2 , \field Number of Speeds for Cooling
+ \required-field
+ \type integer
+ \minimum 0
+ \maximum 10
+ \note Used only for Multi speed fans
+ \note Enter the number of the following sets of data for air flow rates.
+ N3 , \field Heating Speed 1 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \begin-extensible
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the lowest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N4 , \field Cooling Speed 1 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \required-field
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the lowest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N5 , \field Heating Speed 2 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N6 , \field Cooling Speed 2 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N7 , \field Heating Speed 3 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N8 , \field Cooling Speed 3 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N9, \field Heating Speed 4 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N10, \field Cooling Speed 4 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N11, \field Heating Speed 5 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N12, \field Cooling Speed 5 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N13, \field Heating Speed 6 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N14, \field Cooling Speed 6 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N15, \field Heating Speed 7 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N16, \field Cooling Speed 7 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N17, \field Heating Speed 8 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N18, \field Cooling Speed 8 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N19, \field Heating Speed 9 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N20, \field Cooling Speed 9 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N21, \field Heating Speed 10 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during heating
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+ N22; \field Cooling Speed 10 Supply Air Flow Ratio
+ \type real
+ \autosizable
+ \minimum> 0
+ \note Used only for Multi speed coils
+ \note Enter the next highest operating supply air flow ratio during cooling
+ \note operation or specify autosize. This value is the ratio of air flow
+ \note at this speed to the maximum air flow rate.
+## Outputs Description ##
+insert text
+## Engineering Reference ##
+insert text
+## Example File and Transition Changes ##
+An existing eample file will be modified by adding multiple fan performance. If not found, a new example file will be created and uploded in GitHub
+## References ##
+• https://www.shareddocs.com/hvac/docs/1005/Public/08/50PT-12PD.pdf Carrier - on page 28, it mentioned a 3-speed fan control and the control sequence during cooling and heating operation.
+• https://files.climatemaster.com/TY_Unit_Spec.doc ClimateMaster - on Page 7, it mentioned about coordinating the fan air flow speed with compressor stage.
+• https://tahoeweb.daikinapplied.com/api/general/DownloadDocumentByName/media/CAT_1114-12_WS_SS_GTH-GTV_026-072_LR.pdf/ Daikin - on page 7, it mentioned that unit will operate at lower fan speed under part load to reduce noise, energy and operating cost.
+• https://www.daikinac.com/content/assets/DOC/Product%20Brochures/CT-VRV-Catalog-08-15.pdf Daikin - on page 67, the FXEQ-PVJU series terminal units have a 5 speed fan.
+• https://www.lg.com//global/business/download/airsolution/2020 MULTI V Catalogue_EU[20200713_184653935].pdf LG indoor unit documentation on pages 55-80 shows 3-speed capabilities across multiple product lines.
+• https://www.shareddocs.com/hvac/docs/1001/Public/0A/TCTC-E20-VRF007.pdf For Carrier VRF terminals, on page 2, the indoor unit has 3 speed fan control.
+• https://www.shareddocs.com/hvac/docs/1001/Public/0B/A10-1604-3.pdf Toshiba-Carrier MMDB service manual. See pages 8 and 9 for relevant unit data. See pages 17 and 18 for multi-speed fan “auto” control explanations