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Adds new pre-defined coordinate WOA09INT
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In OM4, we use the "WOA09" coordinate for diagnostic z* output. This grid
was based on WOA09 but not exact because the WOA09 grid is not smooth.
We tried to construct a grid such that layer centers matched the depths
of WOA09 but this was not possible for six layers.

As an alternative, this new coordinate, "WOA09INT", uses the WOA09 depths
as interfaces so that the layer centers are always midway between the
WOA09 depths. To compare with WOA09 directly, WOA data now should be
interpolated but this is a simple half-half averaging.
  • Loading branch information
adcroft authored and marshallward committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 0344a76 commit da59eb0
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 13 deletions.
60 changes: 47 additions & 13 deletions src/ALE/MOM_regridding.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,12 +226,22 @@ subroutine initialize_regridding(CS, GV, US, max_depth, param_file, mdl, coord_m
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: dz_max ! Thicknesses used to find maximum interface depths
! [H ~> m or kg m-2] or other units
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: rho_target ! Target density used in HYBRID mode [kg m-3]
!> Thicknesses [m] that give level centers corresponding to table 2 of WOA09
real, dimension(40) :: woa09_dz = (/ 5., 10., 10., 15., 22.5, 25., 25., 25., &
37.5, 50., 50., 75., 100., 100., 100., 100., &
100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 175., &
250., 375., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., &
500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500. /)
! Thicknesses [m] that give level centers approximately corresponding to table 2 of WOA09
! These are approximate because the WOA09 depths are not smoothly spaced. Levels
! 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 24, and 36 are 2.5, 2.5, 1.25 12.5, 37.5 and 62.5 m deeper than WOA09
! but all others are identical.
real, dimension(40) :: woa09_dz_approx = (/ 5., 10., 10., 15., 22.5, 25., 25., 25., &
37.5, 50., 50., 75., 100., 100., 100., 100., &
100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 175., &
250., 375., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., &
500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500. /)
! These are the actual spacings [m] between WOA09 depths which, if used for layer thickness, places
! the interfaces at the WOA09 depths.
real, dimension(39) :: woa09_dzi = (/ 10., 10., 10., 20., 25., 25., 25., 25., &
50., 50., 50., 100., 100., 100., 100., 100., &
100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 100., 250., &
250., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., &
500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500. /)

call get_param(param_file, mdl, "INPUTDIR", inputdir, default=".")
inputdir = slasher(inputdir)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,6 +335,7 @@ subroutine initialize_regridding(CS, GV, US, max_depth, param_file, mdl, coord_m
" by a comma or space, e.g.,dz\n"//&
" or,interfaces=zw\n"//&
" WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately)\n"//&
" WOA09INT[:N] - layers spanned by the WOA09 depths\n"//&
" FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision\n"//&
" HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies\n"//&
" the filename and two variable names, separated\n"//&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,29 +469,52 @@ subroutine initialize_regridding(CS, GV, US, max_depth, param_file, mdl, coord_m
call log_param(param_file, mdl, "!TARGET_DENSITIES", rho_target, &
'HYBRID target densities for interfaces', units=coordinateUnits(coord_mode))
elseif (index(trim(string),'WOA09INT')==1) then
if (len_trim(string)==8) then ! string=='WOA09INT'
tmpReal = 0. ; ke = 0 ; dz_extra = 0.
do while (tmpReal<maximum_depth)
ke = ke + 1
if (ke > size(woa09_dzi)) then
dz_extra = maximum_depth - tmpReal
tmpReal = tmpReal + woa09_dzi(ke)
elseif (index(trim(string),'WOA09INT:')==1) then ! string starts with 'WOA09INT:'
if (len_trim(string)==9) call MOM_error(FATAL,trim(mdl)//', initialize_regridding: '// &
'Expected string of form "WOA09INT:N" but got "'//trim(string)//'".')
ke = extract_integer(string(10:len_trim(string)),'',1)
if (ke>39 .or. ke<1) call MOM_error(FATAL,trim(mdl)//', initialize_regridding: '// &
'For "WOA05INT:N" N must 0<N<40 but got "'//trim(string)//'".')
do k=1,min(ke, size(woa09_dzi))
dz(k) = woa09_dzi(k)
if (ke > size(woa09_dzi)) dz(ke) = dz_extra
elseif (index(trim(string),'WOA09')==1) then
if (len_trim(string)==5) then
if (len_trim(string)==5) then ! string=='WOA09'
tmpReal = 0. ; ke = 0 ; dz_extra = 0.
do while (tmpReal<maximum_depth)
ke = ke + 1
if (ke > size(woa09_dz)) then
if (ke > size(woa09_dz_approx)) then
dz_extra = maximum_depth - tmpReal
tmpReal = tmpReal + woa09_dz(ke)
tmpReal = tmpReal + woa09_dz_approx(ke)
elseif (index(trim(string),'WOA09:')==1) then
elseif (index(trim(string),'WOA09:')==1) then ! string starts with 'WOA09:'
if (len_trim(string)==6) call MOM_error(FATAL,trim(mdl)//', initialize_regridding: '// &
'Expected string of form "WOA09:N" but got "'//trim(string)//'".')
ke = extract_integer(string(7:len_trim(string)),'',1)
if (ke>40 .or. ke<1) call MOM_error(FATAL,trim(mdl)//', initialize_regridding: '// &
'For "WOA05:N" N must 0<N<41 but got "'//trim(string)//'".')
do k=1,min(ke, size(woa09_dz))
dz(k) = woa09_dz(k)
do k=1,min(ke, size(woa09_dz_approx))
dz(k) = woa09_dz_approx(k)
if (ke > size(woa09_dz)) dz(ke) = dz_extra
if (ke > size(woa09_dz_approx)) dz(ke) = dz_extra
call MOM_error(FATAL,trim(mdl)//", initialize_regridding: "// &
"Unrecognized coordinate configuration"//trim(string))
Expand Down

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