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+Implemented integral_BT_cont options for OBCs
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  Added code to implement new integral_BT_cont options within the barotropic
open boundary condition code.  A number of new arguments were added to
apply_velocity_OBCS.  In addition, the handling of updates to ubt_sum, uhbt_sum
and ubt_wtd with open boundary conditions were simplified.  There are minor
answer changes if INTEGRAL_BT_CONTINUITY=True, but all answers in the existing
MOM6-examples tess cases are bitwise identical.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Jul 14, 2020
1 parent 6374aaf commit 4743f8c
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 38 deletions.
98 changes: 60 additions & 38 deletions src/core/MOM_barotropic.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ subroutine btstep(U_in, V_in, eta_in, dt, bc_accel_u, bc_accel_v, forces, pbce,
! velocity point [H ~> m or kg m-2]
logical :: do_hifreq_output ! If true, output occurs every barotropic step.
logical :: use_BT_cont, do_ave, find_etaav, find_PF, find_Cor
logical :: integral_BT_cont ! If true, update the continuity directly from the initial
! condition using the time-integrated barotropic velocity.
logical :: integral_BT_cont ! If true, update the barotropic continuity equation directly
! from the initial condition using the time-integrated barotropic velocity.
logical :: ice_is_rigid, nonblock_setup, interp_eta_PF
logical :: project_velocity, add_uh0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2185,46 +2185,31 @@ subroutine btstep(U_in, V_in, eta_in, dt, bc_accel_u, bc_accel_v, forces, pbce,
!GOMP end parallel

if (apply_OBCs) then
if (CS%BT_OBC%apply_u_OBCs) then ! copy back the value for u-points on the boundary.
!GOMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie
if (OBC%segnum_u(I,j) /= OBC_NONE) then
ubt_sum(I,j) = ubt_sum_prev(I,j) ; uhbt_sum(I,j) = uhbt_sum_prev(I,j)
ubt_wtd(I,j) = ubt_wtd_prev(I,j)
enddo ; enddo

if (CS%BT_OBC%apply_v_OBCs) then ! copy back the value for v-points on the boundary.
!GOMP parallel do default(shared)
do J=js-1,je ; do I=is,ie
if (OBC%segnum_v(i,J) /= OBC_NONE) then
vbt_sum(i,J) = vbt_sum_prev(i,J) ; vhbt_sum(i,J) = vhbt_sum_prev(i,J)
vbt_wtd(i,J) = vbt_wtd_prev(i,J)
enddo ; enddo

call apply_velocity_OBCs(OBC, ubt, vbt, uhbt, vhbt, &
ubt_trans, vbt_trans, eta, ubt_old, vbt_old, CS%BT_OBC, &
G, MS, US, iev-ie, dtbt, bebt, use_BT_cont, Datu, Datv, BTCL_u, BTCL_v, &
uhbt0, vhbt0)
G, MS, US, iev-ie, dtbt, bebt, use_BT_cont, integral_BT_cont, &
n*dtbt, dt, Datu, Datv, BTCL_u, BTCL_v, uhbt0, vhbt0, &
ubt_int_prev, vbt_int_prev, uhbt_int_prev, vhbt_int_prev)

if (CS%BT_OBC%apply_u_OBCs) then ; do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie
if (OBC%segnum_u(I,j) /= OBC_NONE) then
ubt_sum(I,j) = ubt_sum(I,j) + wt_trans(n) * ubt_trans(I,j)
! Update the summed and integrated quantities from the saved previous values.
ubt_sum(I,j) = ubt_sum_prev(I,j) + wt_trans(n) * ubt_trans(I,j)
ubt_int(I,j) = ubt_int_prev(I,j) + dtbt * ubt_trans(I,j)
uhbt_sum(I,j) = uhbt_sum(I,j) + wt_trans(n) * uhbt(I,j)
uhbt_sum(I,j) = uhbt_sum_prev(I,j) + wt_trans(n) * uhbt(I,j)
uhbt_int(I,j) = uhbt_int_prev(I,j) + dtbt * uhbt(I,j)
ubt_wtd(I,j) = ubt_wtd(I,j) + wt_vel(n) * ubt(I,j)
ubt_wtd(I,j) = ubt_wtd_prev(I,j) + wt_vel(n) * ubt(I,j)
enddo ; enddo ; endif
if (CS%BT_OBC%apply_v_OBCs) then ; do J=js-1,je ; do i=is,ie
if (OBC%segnum_v(i,J) /= OBC_NONE) then
vbt_sum(i,J) = vbt_sum(i,J) + wt_trans(n) * vbt_trans(i,J)
! Update the summed and integrated quantities from the saved previous values.
vbt_sum(i,J) = vbt_sum_prev(i,J) + wt_trans(n) * vbt_trans(i,J)
vbt_int(i,J) = vbt_int_prev(i,J) + dtbt * vbt_trans(i,J)
vhbt_sum(i,J) = vhbt_sum(i,J) + wt_trans(n) * vhbt(i,J)
vhbt_sum(i,J) = vhbt_sum_prev(i,J) + wt_trans(n) * vhbt(i,J)
vhbt_int(i,J) = vhbt_int_prev(i,J) + dtbt * vhbt(i,J)
vbt_wtd(i,J) = vbt_wtd(i,J) + wt_vel(n) * vbt(i,J)
vbt_wtd(i,J) = vbt_wtd_prev(i,J) + wt_vel(n) * vbt(i,J)
enddo ; enddo ; endif
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2706,8 +2691,9 @@ end subroutine set_dtbt
!! velocities and mass transports, as developed by Mehmet Ilicak.
subroutine apply_velocity_OBCs(OBC, ubt, vbt, uhbt, vhbt, ubt_trans, vbt_trans, &
eta, ubt_old, vbt_old, BT_OBC, &
G, MS, US, halo, dtbt, bebt, use_BT_cont, Datu, Datv, &
BTCL_u, BTCL_v, uhbt0, vhbt0)
G, MS, US, halo, dtbt, bebt, use_BT_cont, integral_BT_cont, &
dt_elapsed, dt_baroclinic, Datu, Datv, BTCL_u, BTCL_v, &
uhbt0, vhbt0, ubt_int, vbt_int, uhbt_int_prev, vhbt_int_prev)
type(ocean_OBC_type), pointer :: OBC !< An associated pointer to an OBC type.
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure.
type(memory_size_type), intent(in) :: MS !< A type that describes the memory sizes of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2739,6 +2725,13 @@ subroutine apply_velocity_OBCs(OBC, ubt, vbt, uhbt, vhbt, ubt_trans, vbt_trans,
!! in determining the transport.
logical, intent(in) :: use_BT_cont !< If true, use the BT_cont_types to calculate
!! transports.
logical, intent(in) :: integral_BT_cont ! If true, update the barotropic continuity
!! equation directly from the initial condition
!! using the time-integrated barotropic velocity.
real, intent(in) :: dt_elapsed !< The amount of time in the barotropic stepping
!! that will have elapsed [T ~> s].
real, intent(in) :: dt_baroclinic !< The baroclinic timestep for this cycle of
!! updates to the barotropic solver [T ~> s]
real, dimension(SZIBW_(MS),SZJW_(MS)), intent(in) :: Datu !< A fixed estimate of the face areas at u points
!! [H L ~> m2 or kg m-1].
real, dimension(SZIW_(MS),SZJBW_(MS)), intent(in) :: Datv !< A fixed estimate of the face areas at v points
Expand All @@ -2757,6 +2750,14 @@ subroutine apply_velocity_OBCs(OBC, ubt, vbt, uhbt, vhbt, ubt_trans, vbt_trans,
!! the barotropic functions agree with the sum
!! of the layer transports
!! [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1].
real, dimension(SZIBW_(MS),SZJW_(MS)), intent(in) :: ubt_int !< The time-integrated zonal barotropic
!! velocity [L T-1 ~> m s-1].
real, dimension(SZIBW_(MS),SZJW_(MS)), intent(in) :: uhbt_int_prev !< The time-integrated zonal barotropic
!! transport [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1].
real, dimension(SZIW_(MS),SZJBW_(MS)), intent(in) :: vbt_int !< The time-integrated meridional barotropic
!! velocity [L T-1 ~> m s-1].
real, dimension(SZIW_(MS),SZJBW_(MS)), intent(in) :: vhbt_int_prev !< The time-integrated meridional barotropic
!! transport [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1].

! Local variables
real :: vel_prev ! The previous velocity [L T-1 ~> m s-1].
Expand All @@ -2767,14 +2768,23 @@ subroutine apply_velocity_OBCs(OBC, ubt, vbt, uhbt, vhbt, ubt_trans, vbt_trans,
real :: cfl ! The CFL number at the point in question [nondim]
real :: u_inlet ! The zonal inflow velocity [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
real :: v_inlet ! The meridional inflow velocity [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
real :: h_in
real :: uhbt_int_new ! The updated time-integrated zonal transport [H L2 ~> m3]
real :: vhbt_int_new ! The updated time-integrated meridional transport [H L2 ~> m3]
real :: h_in ! The inflow thickess [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real :: cff, Cx, Cy, tau
real :: dhdt, dhdx, dhdy
real :: Idt2 ! The inverse square of the baroclinic time interval [T-2 ~> s-2].
real :: Idtbt ! The inverse of the barotropic time step [T-1 ~> s-1]
integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJB_(G)) :: grad
real, parameter :: eps = 1.0e-20
is = G%isc-halo ; ie = G%iec+halo ; js = G%jsc-halo ; je = G%jec+halo

if (.not.(BT_OBC%apply_u_OBCs .or. BT_OBC%apply_v_OBCs)) return

Idtbt = 1.0 / dtbt
Idt2 = (1.0 / dt_baroclinic)**2

if (BT_OBC%apply_u_OBCs) then
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie ; if (OBC%segnum_u(I,j) /= OBC_NONE) then
if (OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_u(I,j))%specified) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2814,7 +2824,12 @@ subroutine apply_velocity_OBCs(OBC, ubt, vbt, uhbt, vhbt, ubt_trans, vbt_trans,

if (.not. OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_u(I,j))%specified) then
if (use_BT_cont) then
!Need: ubt_int, uhbt_int_prev, dt, Idt2, n, Idtbt.
if (integral_BT_cont) then
uhbt_int_new = find_uhbt_int(ubt_int(I,j) + dtbt*vel_trans, BTCL_u(I,j), dt_baroclinic, Idt2) + &
uhbt(I,j) = (uhbt_int_new - uhbt_int_prev(I,j)) * Idtbt
elseif (use_BT_cont) then
uhbt(I,j) = find_uhbt(vel_trans, BTCL_u(I,j)) + uhbt0(I,j)
uhbt(I,j) = Datu(I,j)*vel_trans + uhbt0(I,j)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2866,10 +2881,15 @@ subroutine apply_velocity_OBCs(OBC, ubt, vbt, uhbt, vhbt, ubt_trans, vbt_trans,

if (.not. OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_v(i,J))%specified) then
if (use_BT_cont) then
vhbt(i,J) = find_vhbt(vel_trans, BTCL_v(i,J)) + vhbt0(i,J)
!Need: vbt_int, vhbt_int_prev.
if (integral_BT_cont) then
vhbt_int_new = find_vhbt_int(vbt_int(i,J) + dtbt*vel_trans, BTCL_v(i,J), dt_baroclinic, Idt2) + &
vhbt(i,J) = (vhbt_int_new - vhbt_int_prev(i,J)) * Idtbt
elseif (use_BT_cont) then
vhbt(i,J) = find_vhbt(vel_trans, BTCL_v(i,J)) + vhbt0(i,J)
vhbt(i,J) = vel_trans*Datv(i,J) + vhbt0(i,J)
vhbt(i,J) = vel_trans*Datv(i,J) + vhbt0(i,J)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3873,8 +3893,10 @@ subroutine set_local_BT_cont_types(BT_cont, BTCL_u, BTCL_v, G, US, MS, BT_Domain
end subroutine set_local_BT_cont_types

!> Adjust_local_BT_cont_types sets up reordered versions of the BT_cont type
!! in the local_BT_cont types, which have wide halos properly filled in.
!> Adjust_local_BT_cont_types expands the range of velocities with a cubic curve
!! translating velocities into transports to match the inital values of velocities and
!! summed transports when the velocities are larger than the first guesses of the cubic
!! transition velocities used to set up the local_BT_cont types.
subroutine adjust_local_BT_cont_types(ubt, uhbt, vbt, vhbt, BTCL_u, BTCL_v, &
G, US, MS, halo)
type(memory_size_type), intent(in) :: MS !< A type that describes the memory sizes of the argument arrays.
Expand Down

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