From f1c5f71ca31e6b1d3e1af90fc7033a380ba31e54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Walter Kolczynski <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 06:13:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove string modulo and fix assorted bugs in rocoto_viewer

All strings still using the modulo (%) operator for substitution
are replaced with more readable f-strings instead.

Some remaining instances that were using functions from produtil
that were missed in the previous commit are updated to replace
those functions. Two functions for validating a POSIX shell string
are copied and updated from produtil for use here.

Some minor bugs and typos are resolved.

Replaced the former cPickle (which is not available for python3)
calls with pickle calls.

Fixed bugs in rocotocheck related to passing an int argument instead
of a string to syscall and not defining current_check_time.

Corrected issue with rocoto_viewer not immediately exiting when the
workflow cannot be parsed (usually because lxml could not be loaded).

Refs: #13, #14
 utils/ | 233 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 000bfbdbb6..3f6cdc82f9 100755
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -34,10 +34,12 @@
 from itertools import groupby
 from time import time
 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
+import queue
 import time as std_time
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import re
 import traceback
+import pickle
 import sqlite3
 import collections
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@
     have external entities.
     from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
-    using_lxml = True
+    using_lxml = False
@@ -172,6 +174,28 @@ def string_to_timedelta(td_string: str) -> timedelta:
+def shstrok(s):
+    """!Returns True if the specified string can be expressed as a
+    POSIX sh string, and false otherwise.
+    @param s a string"""
+    # Only allow non-whitespace ASCII and space (chr(32)-chr(126)):
+    if'\A[a-zA-Z0-9 !"#$%&?()*+,./:;<=>?@^_`{|}~\\\]\[\'-]*\Z', s):
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def shbackslash(s):
+    """!Given a Python str, returns a backslashed POSIX sh string, or
+    raises NotValidPosixShString if that cannot be done.
+    @param s a string to backslash"""
+    if not shstrok(s):
+        raise NotValidPosixShString(f'String is not expressable in POSIX sh: {repr(s)}')
+    if'(?ms)[^a-zA-Z0-9_+.,/-]', s):
+        return '"' + re.sub(r'(["\\\\$])', r"\\\1", s) + '"'
+    return s
 def get_rocoto_commands():
     global rocotoboot
     global rocotorun
@@ -359,7 +383,7 @@ def get_arguments():
 def get_entity_values(workflow_file):
     entity_values = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    with open(workflow_file, 'r') as f:
+    with open(workflow_file, 'r+') as f:
         for line in f:
             split_line = line.split()
             if ']>' in line:
@@ -719,11 +743,10 @@ def define_box():
 def get_rocoto_check(params, queue_check):
     workflow_file, database_file, task, cycle, process = params
-    cmd = syscall([rocotocheck, '-v', 10, '-w', workflow_file, '-d', database_file, '-c', cycle, '-t', task])
-    check = syscall(cmd)
+    check = syscall([rocotocheck, '-v', "10", '-w', workflow_file, '-d', database_file, '-c', cycle, '-t', task])
     if check is None:
-        print(f'rocotocheck falied: {stat}')
+        print(f'rocotocheck failed: {stat}')
@@ -732,7 +755,7 @@ def rocoto_boot(params):
     workflow_file, database_file, cycle, metatask_list, task_list = params
     stat = syscall([rocotoboot, '--workflow', workflow_file, '--database', database_file, '--cycles', cycle, '--tasks', task_list])
     if stat is None:
-        display_results('rocotoboot falied!!', '')
+        display_results('rocotoboot failed!!', '')
     return stat
@@ -740,7 +763,7 @@ def rocoto_rewind(params):
     workflow_file, database_file, cycle, process = params
     stat = syscall([rocotorewind, '-w', workflow_file, '-d', database_file, '-c', cycle, process])
     if stat is None:
-        display_results('rocotorewind falied!!', '')
+        display_results('rocotorewind failed!!', '')
     return stat
@@ -749,7 +772,7 @@ def rocoto_run(params):
     stat = syscall([rocotorun, '-w', workflow_file, '-d', database_file])
     if stat is None:
-        print(f'rocotorun falied: {stat}')
+        print(f'rocotorun failed: {stat}')
     return stat
@@ -759,8 +782,9 @@ def get_tasklist(workflow_file):
     metatask_list = collections.defaultdict(list)
         tree = ET.parse(workflow_file)
-    except ET.ParserError:
+    except ET.ParseError:
         if not using_lxml:
+            curses.endwin()
                 WARNING: Unable to parse the workflow, possibly because
                 lxml could not be imported and the workflow contains an
@@ -771,6 +795,7 @@ def get_tasklist(workflow_file):
                 > pip install lxml --user
+            raise
@@ -823,18 +848,11 @@ def get_tasklist(workflow_file):
                     start_cycle = start_cycle + inc_cycle
-                # if list_tasks:
-                # print 'cycledef=%s number of cycles %s inc: %s'%(cycle_def_name, len(cycledef_group_cycles[cycle_def_name]),inc_cycle)
-                # print 'contails cycles',cycledef_group_cycles[cycle_def_name]
         if child.tag == 'task':
             task_name = child.attrib['name']
             log_file = child.find('join').find('cyclestr').text.replace('@Y@m@d@H', 'CYCLE')
-            # if len(log_file) != 0:
-            #   print 'LOG: %s %s'%(task_name, log_file)
             if 'cycledefs' in child.attrib:
                 task_cycledefs = child.attrib['cycledefs']
-                # if list_tasks:
-                #   print 'task_cycledefs:',task_cycledefs
                 task_cycledefs = cycle_noname
             if list_tasks:
@@ -842,7 +860,7 @@ def get_tasklist(workflow_file):
                 # dependancies = child.getiterator('dependency')
                 # for dependency in dependancies:
                 #    for them in dependency.getchildren():
-                #        print them.attrib
+                #        print(them.attrib)
             tasks_ordered.append((task_name, task_cycledefs, log_file))
         elif child.tag == 'metatask':
             all_metatasks_iterator = child.getiterator('metatask')
@@ -860,18 +878,12 @@ def get_tasklist(workflow_file):
                 all_tasks_list = metatasks.findall('task')
                 for var in all_vars_list:
                     var_list_values = var.text.split()
-                    # print ' '+'  '*i+'(%d) var name:'%i,var.attrib['name'],var_list_values
                     all_vars[var.attrib['name']] = var_list_values
                 for task in all_tasks_list:
                     task_name = task.attrib['name']
                     task_log = task.find('join').find('cyclestr').text.replace('@Y@m@d@H', 'CYCLE')
-                    # if len(task_log) != 0:
-                    #    print 'testing LOG: %s %s'%(task_name, task_log)
-                    #  print 'testing '+'  '*i+'(%d) task name:'%i,task.attrib['name']
                     if 'cycledefs' in task.attrib:
                         task_cycledefs = task.attrib['cycledefs']
-                        # if list_tasks:
-                        #   print 'task_cycledefs (meta):',task_cycledefs
                         task_cycledefs = cycle_noname
                     all_tasks.append((task_name, task_cycledefs, task_log))
@@ -883,7 +895,6 @@ def get_tasklist(workflow_file):
                     for name, vars in all_vars.items():
                         replace_var = '#' + name + '#'
-                        # print 'TASK_NAME: %s | %s'%(task_name,replace_var)
                         for each_task_name in add_task:
                             if replace_var in each_task_name[0]:
                                 for var in vars:
@@ -984,20 +995,16 @@ def get_rocoto_stat(params, queue_stat):
         sq_command = ''
         column_updates = ('qtime', 'cputime', 'runtime', 'slots')
-        sqlite_merge_command = "%s=(SELECT jobs_augment.%s FROM jobs_augment WHERE"
         for column in column_updates:
-            sq_command += sqlite_merge_command % (column, column) + ','
+            sq_command += f"{column}=(SELECT jobs_augment.{column} FROM jobs_augment WHERE" + ','
         sq_command = ';'.join(sq_command.rsplit(',', 1))
         sq_command = 'UPDATE jobs_augment_tmp SET ' + sq_command
-        sq_command = 'UPDATE jobs_augment_tmp SET '
-        sqlite_update_command = "%s = '%s' WHERE jobs_augment_tmp.jobid = %s"
-        # debug.write('WRITING TO DATABASE'+'\n')
+        sq_command = 'UPDATE jobs_augment_tmp SET'
         for perf_jobid, perf_values in aug_perf.items():
             for name, each_value in perf_values.items():
-                c.execute(sq_command + sqlite_update_command % (name, each_value, perf_jobid))
-                # debug.write('SQL: '+sq_command+sqlite_update_command%(name,each_value,perf_jobid+'\n'))
+                c.execute(f"{sq_command} {name} = '{each_value}' WHERE jobs_augment_tmp.jobid = {perf_jobid}")
         c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jobs_augment;")
         c.execute("ALTER TABLE jobs_augment_tmp RENAME TO jobs_augment;")
@@ -1034,7 +1041,6 @@ def get_rocoto_stat(params, queue_stat):
             if taskname in tasks_ordered:
                 task_index = [x[0] for x in task_ordered].index(taskname)
-                # task_index = tasks_ordered.index(taskname)
                 last_task_index = task_index
                 task_index = last_task_index
@@ -1057,10 +1063,9 @@ def get_rocoto_stat(params, queue_stat):
             (theid, jobid, task_order, taskname, cycle, state, exit_status, duration, tries) = row
         if jobid != '-':
             if use_performance_metrics:
-                line = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (datetime.fromtimestamp(cycle).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), taskname, str(jobid), str(state), str(exit_status), str(tries), str(duration).split('.')[0], str(slots), str(qtime), str(cputime).split('.')[0], str(runtime))
+                line = f"{datetime.fromtimestamp(cycle).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')} {taskname} {str(jobid)} {str(state)} {str(exit_status)} {str(tries)} {str(duration).split('.')[0]} {str(slots)} {str(qtime)} {str(cputime).split('.')[0]} {str(runtime)}"
-                line = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (datetime.fromtimestamp(cycle).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), taskname, str(jobid), str(state), str(exit_status), str(tries), str(duration).split('.')[0])
-            # debug.write('LINE: '+line+'\n')
+                line = f"{datetime.fromtimestamp(cycle).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')} {taskname} {str(jobid)} {str(state)} {str(exit_status)} {str(tries)} {str(duration).split('.')[0]}"
     for every_cycle in cycles:
@@ -1079,14 +1084,10 @@ def get_rocoto_stat(params, queue_stat):
                     if job_id in job_ids:
                     cycle_string = datetime.fromtimestamp(each_cycle).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
-                    # print 'TESTB:', len(task), task[0],task[1]
                     cycledefs = task[1].split(',')
                     if len(cycledefs) > 1:
-                        # print 'Checking if %s for %s is in a gfs cycle:'%(task[0],cycle_string)
                         for each_cycledef in cycledefs:
-                            # print 'group:', each_cycledef, cycledef_group_cycles[each_cycledef]
                             if cycle_string in cycledef_group_cycles[each_cycledef]:
-                                # print 'Found:', task[0],'with cycle',cycle_string
                                 skip_task = True
@@ -1122,7 +1123,7 @@ def get_rocoto_stat(params, queue_stat):
         stat_update_time = str(':', 1)[0]
         with open(save_checkfile_path, 'w') as savefile:
             rocoto_data_and_time = (rocoto_stat, tasks_ordered, metatask_list, cycledef_group_cycles, stat_update_time)
-            cPickle.dump(rocoto_data_and_time, savefile)
+            pickle.dump(rocoto_data_and_time, savefile)
         if only_check_point:
@@ -1150,7 +1151,7 @@ def display_results(results, screen, params):
             extra_1 = '<Page Up>/<Page Down> Scroll'
         if len(params) != 0:
             extra_2 = '<s>ave results to a file'
-        screen.addstr(mlines - 1, 0, '<ENTER> Return %s %s' % (extra_1, extra_2), curses.A_BOLD)
+        screen.addstr(mlines - 1, 0, f'<ENTER> Return {extra_1} {extra_2}', curses.A_BOLD)
         event = screen.getch()
         if event == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
@@ -1176,16 +1177,16 @@ def display_results(results, screen, params):
                     strg = 'rocotoviewer_outout_file'
                 save_results_file = '_'.join(strg) + '.txt'
             inc_int = 0
-            while check_file(save_results_file):
-                if '(%d)' % inc_int in save_results_file:
-                    save_results_file = save_results_file.replace('(%d)' % inc_int, '(%d)' % (inc_int + 1))
+            while os.path.isfile(save_results_file):
+                if f'({inc_int:d})' in save_results_file:
+                    save_results_file = save_results_file.replace(f'({inc_int:d})', f'({(inc_int + 1):d})')
                     inc_int += 1
-                    save_results_file = basename(save_results_file.split('.')[0]) + '(%d)' % inc_int + '.txt'
+                    save_results_file = f"{basename(save_results_file.split('.')[0])}({inc_int:d}).txt"
             out_file = open(save_results_file, 'w')
-            screen.addstr(mlines - 1, 0, 'Saved file %s' % save_results_file + ' ' * 10)
+            screen.addstr(mlines - 1, 0, f'Saved file {save_results_file}' + ' ' * 10)
@@ -1271,7 +1272,7 @@ def main(screen):
         if not send_html_to_rzdm and len(rzdm_path) != 0:
             html_output_dir = shbackslash(rzdm_path)
-            html_output_dir = shbackslash('%s/pr%s' % (workflow_name, PSLOT))
+            html_output_dir = shbackslash(f'{workflow_name}/pr{PSLOT}')
         print(f'writing html to directory: {html_output_dir}')
         html_output_file = shbackslash(html_output_dir + '/index.html')
         html_header_line = '<table>\n<thead><tr><td>CYCLE</td><td>TASK</td><td>JOBID</td><td>STATE</td><td>EXIT</td><td>TRIES</td><td>DURATION</td>'
@@ -1281,12 +1282,12 @@ def main(screen):
             html_header_line = html_header_line + '</tr></thead>\n<tbody>'
         print(f'Generating html folder html: {html_output_file} ...')
         stat = syscall(['rm', '-Rf', html_output_dir])
-        makedirs(html_output_dir)
+        os.makedirs(html_output_dir)
         html_ptr = open(html_output_file, 'w')
         stat_update_time = str(':', 1)[0]
-        html_discribe_line = '\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr><td><a href="index_exp.html">Expand</a></td><td>Refreshed: %s</td><td>PSLOT: %s</td></tr>\n' % (stat_update_time, PSLOT)
-        html_discribe_line += '<tr><td colspan="2">ROTDIR: %s</td><td><a href="../%s_perf_%s.pdf">Turn Around Times</a></td></tr>\n</thead>\n</table>\n<br>\n' % (workflow_name, ROTDIR, PSLOT)
+        html_discribe_line = f'\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr><td><a href="index_exp.html">Expand</a></td><td>Refreshed: {stat_update_time}</td><td>PSLOT: {PSLOT}</td></tr>\n'
+        html_discribe_line += f'<tr><td colspan="2">ROTDIR: {workflow_name}</td><td><a href="../{ROTDIR}_perf_{PSLOT}.pdf">Turn Around Times</a></td></tr>\n</thead>\n</table>\n<br>\n'
         html_discribe_line += html_header_line
@@ -1354,9 +1355,9 @@ def main(screen):
     dot_check = 0
     current_time = time()
-    if save_checkfile_path is not None and check_file(save_checkfile_path):
+    if save_checkfile_path is not None and os.path.isfile(save_checkfile_path):
         with open(save_checkfile_path) as savefile:
-            rocoto_data_and_time = cPickle.load(savefile)
+            rocoto_data_and_time = pickle.load(savefile)
             rocoto_stat, tasks_ordered, metatask_list, cycledef_group_cycles, stat_update_time = rocoto_data_and_time
             start_time = time() - stat_read_time_delay - 10
             header = header_string
@@ -1379,7 +1380,7 @@ def main(screen):
         sys.stdout = os.fdopen(0, 'w', 0)
-    if save_checkfile_path is None or (save_checkfile_path is not None and not check_file(save_checkfile_path)):
+    if save_checkfile_path is None or (save_checkfile_path is not None and not os.path.isfile(save_checkfile_path)):
         params = (workflow_file, database_file, tasks_ordered, metatask_list, cycledef_group_cycles)
         if use_multiprocessing:
             process_get_rocoto_stat = Process(target=get_rocoto_stat, args=[params, queue_stat])
@@ -1419,8 +1420,12 @@ def main(screen):
                 rocoto_stat_params = queue_stat.get_nowait()
-            except Exception:
-                pass
+            except queue.Empty:
+                if process_get_rocoto_stat.is_alive():
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    sys.exit(1)
             if len(rocoto_stat_params) != 0:
                 (rocoto_stat, tasks_ordered, metatask_list, cycledef_group_cycles) = rocoto_stat_params
                 if use_multiprocessing:
@@ -1558,16 +1563,13 @@ def main(screen):
             cycle -= 2
         html_output_firstpass = True
-        # debug.write('num cycles: %s\n'%str(len(rocoto_stat)))
         while True:
             num_columns = default_column_length
             mlines, mcols = 90, 125
             if header is None:
                 header = ' '
             if update_pad is True:
-                # debug.write('cycle: %s\n'%str(cycle))
                 num_lines = len(rocoto_stat[cycle])
-                # debug.write('len rocoto_stat[cycle]: %s\n'%str(num_lines))
                 line_correction = 0
                 for count_meta_tasks in meta_tasks[cycle]:
                     if count_meta_tasks[1] and metatasks_state_cycle[cycle][count_meta_tasks[0]]:
@@ -1616,13 +1618,13 @@ def main(screen):
                                         metatask_state = columns[3]
                                         if 'SUCCEEDED' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d SUCCEEDED' % (get_state_list.count('SUCCEEDED'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('SUCCEEDED'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} SUCCEEDED"
                                         if 'QUEUED' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d QUEUED' % (get_state_list.count('QUEUED'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('QUEUED'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} QUEUED"
                                         if 'RUNNING' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d RUNNING' % (get_state_list.count('RUNNING'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('RUNNING'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} RUNNING"
                                         if 'DEAD' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d DEAD' % (get_state_list.count('DEAD'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('DEAD'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} DEAD"
                                         metatasks_state_string_cycle[cycle][columns[1]] = metatask_state
                             html_line += '<td>' + column + '</td>'
                         elif i == 1:
@@ -1638,59 +1640,59 @@ def main(screen):
                                 for find_task in tasks_ordered:
                                     if find_task[0] == column:
                                         log_file = find_task[2].replace('CYCLE', execute_cycle[:-2])
-                                if check_file(shbackslash(log_file)):
-                                    deliver_file(log_file, html_output_dir)
+                                if os.path.isfile(shbackslash(log_file)):
+                                    shutil.copy(log_file, html_output_dir)
                                     log_file_base = os.path.basename(log_file)
-                                    html_line += '<td><a href="%s">' % log_file_base + display_column + '</a></td>'
+                                    html_line += f'<td><a href="{log_file_base}">{display_column}</a></td>'
-                                    html_line += '<td>' + display_column + '</td>'
+                                    html_line += f'<td>{display_column}</td>'
                         elif i == 2:
                             if len(column) > 7:
                                 column = column[:7]
-                            html_line += '<td>' + column + '</td>'
+                            html_line += f'<td>{column}</td>'
                         elif i == 3:
                             if meta_tasks[cycle][line_num][1] and len(metatasks_state_string_cycle[cycle][columns[1]].split()) != 1 and metatasks_state_cycle[cycle][columns[1]]:
                                 column = metatasks_state_string_cycle[cycle][columns[1]]
                                 if len(column) > 15:
                                     if column.split()[1] == 'SUCCEEDED':
-                                        html_line += '<td><green>' + column[:15] + '</green></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><green>{column[:15]}</green></td>'
                                     elif column.split()[1] == 'QUEUED':
-                                        html_line += '<td><yellow>' + column[:15] + '</yellow></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><yellow>{column[:15]}</yellow></td>'
                                     elif column.split()[1] in ('DEAD', 'FAILED'):
-                                        html_line += '<td><red>' + column[:15] + '</red></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><red>{column[:15]}</red></td>'
                                     elif column.split()[1] == 'RUNNING':
-                                        html_line += '<td><blue>' + column[:15] + '</blue></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><blue>{column[:15]}</blue></td>'
-                                        html_line += '<td>' + column[:15] + '</td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td>{column[:15]}</td>'
                                     if column.split()[1] == 'SUCCEEDED':
-                                        html_line += '<td><green>' + column + '</green></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><green>{column}</green></td>'
                                     elif column.split()[1] == 'QUEUED':
-                                        html_line += '<td><yellow>' + column + '</yellow></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><yellow>{column}</yellow></td>'
                                     elif column.split()[1] in ('DEAD', 'FAILED'):
-                                        html_line += '<td><red>' + column + '</red></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><red>{column}</red></td>'
                                     elif column.split()[1] == 'RUNNING':
-                                        html_line += '<td><blue>' + column + '</blue></td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td><blue>{column}</blue></td>'
-                                        html_line += '<td>' + column + '</td>'
+                                        html_line += f'<td>{column}</td>'
                             elif column in text_color:
                                 if column == 'SUCCEEDED':
-                                    html_line += '<td><green>' + column + '</green></td>'
+                                    html_line += f'<td><green>{column}</green></td>'
                                 elif column == 'QUEUED':
-                                    html_line += '<td><yellow>' + column + '</yellow></td>'
+                                    html_line += f'<td><yellow>{column}</yellow></td>'
                                 elif column in ('DEAD', 'FAILED'):
-                                    html_line += '<td><red>' + column + '</red></td>'
+                                    html_line += f'<td><red>{column}</red></td>'
                                 elif column == 'RUNNING':
-                                    html_line += '<td><blue>' + column + '</blue></td>'
+                                    html_line += f'<td><blue>{column}</blue></td>'
-                                    html_line += '<td>' + column + '</td>'
+                                    html_line += f'<td>{column}</td>'
-                                html_line += '<td>' + column + '</td>'
+                                html_line += f'<td>{column}</td>'
                             if len(column) < 6:
-                                html_line += '<td>' + column + '</td>'
+                                html_line += f'<td>{column}</td>'
-                                html_line += '<td>' + column + '</td>'
+                                html_line += f'<td>{column}</td>'
                     if not skip_task:
                         html_line += '</tr>\n'
@@ -1728,8 +1730,8 @@ def main(screen):
                     html_ptr = open(html_output_file, 'w')
                     stat_update_time = str(':', 1)[0]
-                    html_discribe_line = '\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr><td><a href="index.html">Collapse</a></td><td>Refreshed: %s</td><td>PSLOT: %s</td></tr>\n' % (stat_update_time, PSLOT)
-                    html_discribe_line += '<tr><td colspan="2">ROTDIR: %s</td><td><a href="../%s_perf_%s.pdf">Turn Around Times</a></td></tr>\n</thead>\n</table>\n<br>\n' % (workflow_name, ROTDIR, PSLOT)
+                    html_discribe_line = f'\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr><td><a href="index.html">Collapse</a></td><td>Refreshed: {stat_update_time}</td><td>PSLOT: {PSLOT}</td></tr>\n'
+                    html_discribe_line += f'<tr><td colspan="2">ROTDIR: {workflow_name}</td><td><a href="../{ROTDIR}_perf_{PSLOT}.pdf">Turn Around Times</a></td></tr>\n</thead>\n</table>\n<br>\n'
                     html_discribe_line += html_header_line
                     html_output_firstpass = False
@@ -1834,17 +1836,17 @@ def main(screen):
                                         red_override = False
                                         metatask_state = columns[3]
                                         if 'SUCCEEDED' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d SUCCEEDED' % (get_state_list.count('SUCCEEDED'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('SUCCEEDED'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} SUCCEEDED"
                                         if 'QUEUED' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d QUEUED' % (get_state_list.count('QUEUED'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('QUEUED'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} QUEUED"
                                         if 'RUNNING' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d RUNNING' % (get_state_list.count('RUNNING'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('RUNNING'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} RUNNING"
                                         if 'FAILED' in get_state_list:
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d FAILED' % (get_state_list.count('FAILED'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('FAILED'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} FAILED"
                                             red_override = True
                                         if 'DEAD' in get_state_list:
                                             red_override = True
-                                            metatask_state = '%d/%d DEAD' % (get_state_list.count('DEAD'), total_numer_of_tasks)
+                                            metatask_state = f"{get_state_list.count('DEAD'):d}/{total_numer_of_tasks:d} DEAD"
                                         metatasks_state_string_cycle[cycle][columns[1]] = metatask_state
                                     if highlight_CYCLE:
@@ -1973,7 +1975,7 @@ def main(screen):
                     if reduce_header_size > 0:
                         header = header[:-reduce_header_size]
                         header = header[reduce_header_size:]
-                    screen.addstr(mlines - 2, 0, 'Updated new rocotostatus: %s' % stat_update_time + ' ' * 48)
+                    screen.addstr(mlines - 2, 0, f'Updated new rocotostatus: {stat_update_time}' + ' ' * 48)
                     screen.addstr(mlines - 2, 0, ' ' * 100)
@@ -1997,7 +1999,7 @@ def main(screen):
                         event = screen.getch()
                         time_inc = 0.0
                         while event != curses.KEY_ENTER and event != 10:
-                            message_string = 'rocotocheck for %s %s is ready for vieweing' % (params_check[2], params_check[3])
+                            message_string = f'rocotocheck for {params_check[2]} {params_check[3]} is ready for vieweing'
                             message_string = (message_string if len(message_string) < mcols else message_string[:mcols - 1])
                             time_inc += 1
                             if time_inc > 4:
@@ -2066,7 +2068,6 @@ def main(screen):
                 task = pad_pos
                 screen_resized = False
                 curses.resizeterm(mlines, mcols)
-                # debug.write('SCREEN RESIZED %s (%d,%d)\n'%(pad_pos,mlines,mcols))
                 if mcols < default_column_length:
                     print(f'\nYour terminal is only {mcols} characters must be at least {default_column_length} to display workflow status')
@@ -2158,19 +2159,27 @@ def main(screen):
                     params_check = (workflow_file, database_file, execute_task, execute_cycle, 'check')
                     process_get_rocoto_check = Process(target=get_rocoto_check, args=[params_check, queue_check])
+                    current_check_time = time()
                     loading_check = True
             elif event == ord('f'):
                 log_file = ''
                 for find_task in tasks_ordered:
                     if find_task[0] == execute_task:
                         log_file = find_task[2].replace('CYCLE', execute_cycle[:-2])
-                        if check_file(log_file):
+                        if os.path.isfile(log_file):
                             links = []
-                            try:
-                                make_symlinks_in(links, EXPDIR, force=True)
-                            except Exception:
-                                pass
+                            for link in links:
+                                try:
+                                    os.symlink(link, EXPDIR)
+                                except FileExistsError:
+                                    tmpfile = f"{EXPDIR}/{link}.tmp"
+                                    try:
+                                        os.symlink(link, tmpfile)
+                                        os.rename(tmpfile, f"{EXPDIR}/link")
+                                    except Exception:
+                                        pass
             elif event in (curses.KEY_ENTER, 10, 13):
                 if execute_metatask_check:
@@ -2187,13 +2196,13 @@ def main(screen):
                 process = ''
                 if highlight_CYCLE:
-                    screen.addstr('Are you sure you want to rewind all the tasks in the cycle %s by running:\n\n' % execute_cycle)
+                    screen.addstr(f'Are you sure you want to rewind all the tasks in the cycle {execute_cycle} by running:\n\n')
                     process = '-a'
                 # highlight_WORKFLOW = False
                 elif execute_metatask_check and len(selected_tasks[execute_cycle]) == 0:
                     for tasks in metatask_list_of_selected_metatask:
                         process += '-t ' + tasks + ' '
-                    screen.addstr('Are you sure you want to rewind all the tasks in the metatask (%s) by running:\n\n' % execute_task)
+                    screen.addstr(f'Are you sure you want to rewind all the tasks in the metatask ({execute_task}) by running:\n\n')
                 elif len(selected_tasks[execute_cycle]) != 0 or len(selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle]) != 0:
                     if len(selected_tasks[execute_cycle]) != 0:
                         selected_tasks_string = ''
@@ -2204,7 +2213,7 @@ def main(screen):
                         screen.addstr(selected_tasks_string + '\n\n')
                     if len(selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle]) != 0:
                         selected_tasks_string = ''
-                        screen.addstr('Selected %d entire meta-tasks and their tasks:\n\n' % len(selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle]))
+                        screen.addstr(f'Selected {len(selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle]):d} entire meta-tasks and their tasks:\n\n')
                         for meta_task_selected in selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle]:
                             for tasks in metatask_list_by_name[meta_task_selected]:
                                 selected_tasks_string += tasks + '\t'
@@ -2213,8 +2222,8 @@ def main(screen):
                     screen.addstr('\nAre you sure you want to rewind all these seleted tasks by running:\n\n')
                 elif len(selected_tasks[execute_cycle]) == 0:
                     process = '-t ' + execute_task
-                    screen.addstr('Are you sure you want to rewind the single task %s by running:\n\n' % execute_task)
-                screen.addstr('rocotorewind -c %s -d %s -w %s %s\n\n' % (execute_cycle, basename(database_file), basename(workflow_file), process))
+                    screen.addstr(f'Are you sure you want to rewind the single task {execute_task} by running:\n\n')
+                screen.addstr(f'rocotorewind -c {execute_cycle} -d {basename(database_file)} -w {basename(workflow_file)} {process}\n\n')
                 screen.addstr('Enter: <Y>es or <N>o', curses.A_BOLD)
                 while True:
                     event = screen.getch()
@@ -2253,16 +2262,16 @@ def main(screen):
                 tasks_to_boot = []
                 boot_metatask_list = ''
                 if highlight_CYCLE:
-                    screen.addstr('You have selected to boot the entire cycle %s:\n\n' % execute_cycle, curses.A_BOLD)
+                    screen.addstr(f'You have selected to boot the entire cycle {execute_cycle}:\n\n', curses.A_BOLD)
                     tasks_to_boot = tasks_in_cycle[cycle]
                 elif len(selected_tasks[execute_cycle]) != 0:
                     screen.addstr('You have a list selected tasks boot:\n\n', curses.A_BOLD)
                     tasks_to_boot = selected_tasks[execute_cycle]
                 elif len(selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle]) != 0:
-                    screen.addstr('Are you sure you want boot the metatask %s by running rocotoboot with:' % selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle][0])
+                    screen.addstr(f'Are you sure you want boot the metatask {selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle][0]} by running rocotoboot with:')
                     execute_task = selected_meta_tasks[execute_cycle]
-                    screen.addstr('Are you sure you want boot the task %s by running rocotoboot with:' % execute_task)
+                    screen.addstr(f'Are you sure you want boot the task {execute_task} by running rocotoboot with:')
                 if len(tasks_to_boot) > 0:
@@ -2274,10 +2283,10 @@ def main(screen):
                     boot_task_list = boot_task_list[:-1]
-                screen.addstr('\n\nAre you sure you want to boot all the tasks and/or metatasks in the cycle %s by running:\n\n' % execute_cycle, curses.A_BOLD)
+                screen.addstr(f'\n\nAre you sure you want to boot all the tasks and/or metatasks in the cycle {execute_cycle} by running:\n\n', curses.A_BOLD)
                 if len(boot_task_list) != 0:
                     list_of_tasks = ' --tasks ' + "'" + boot_task_list + "'"
-                screen.addstr(rocotoboot + ' -c %s -d %s -w %s %s\n\n' % (execute_cycle, basename(database_file), basename(workflow_file), list_meta_tasks + list_of_tasks))
+                screen.addstr(f'rocotoboot -c {execute_cycle} -d {basename(database_file)} -w {basename(workflow_file)} {list_meta_tasks + list_of_tasks}\n\n')
                 screen.addstr('Enter: <Y>es or <N>o', curses.A_BOLD)
                 while True:
@@ -2425,6 +2434,6 @@ def main(screen):
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
         print("Got KeyboardInterrupt exception. Exiting...")
-    except Exception as e:
-        traceback(e)
+    except Exception:
+        traceback.print_exc()