Releases: NHSDigital/eps-prescription-status-update-api
Releases · NHSDigital/eps-prescription-status-update-api
1.2.2 (2024-06-13)
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.12.0 to 7.13.0 (#369) (7fe1e79), closes #369 #9280 #9233 #9226 #9225 #9231 #8893 #9281 #8304 #9167 #9054 #9308 #9261 #9258 #9266 #9253 #9281
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.123 to 1.34.124 (#376) (3586f8e), closes #376 #4161
- [dependabot] - bump cfn-lint from 0.87.5 to 0.87.6 (#375) (6d6fb42), closes #375 #3291 #3293 #3282
See code diff
Release workflow run
It was initialized by anthony-nhs
1.2.1 (2024-06-11)
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.590.0 to 3.592.0 (#360) (3c9034c), closes #360 #6172 #6171 #6168 #6175
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/util-dynamodb from 3.590.0 to 3.592.0 (#359) (8ea0fb5), closes #359 #6172 #6171 #6168 #6175
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.12.0 to 7.13.0 (#370) (643de29), closes #370 #9280 #9233 #9226 #9225 #9231 #8893 #9281 #8304 #9167 #9054
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.120 to 1.34.121 (#362) (8cf60fe), closes #362 #4157
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.121 to 1.34.122 (#367) (da869b0), closes #367
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.122 to 1.34.123 (#368) (0bd55ee), closes #368
- [dependabot] - bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (#372) (4c0afce), closes #372 #40 #37 #27
- [dependabot] - bump cfn-lint from 0.87.4 to 0.87.5 (#366) (2dcb6a7), closes #366 / / #3281 #3268 #3272
- [dependabot] - bump esbuild from 0.21.4 to 0.21.5 (#364) (f9a3923), closes #364 #3781 #3792 #3797 #3782 #3781 #3792 #3797 #3782 #3781 #3797 #3782 #3792 #3794
- [dependabot] - bump prettier from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 (#371) (c123de5), closes #371 / #16358 #16379 #16380 #16376 #16369 #16371 #16377 #16368 #16372 #16370
- [dependabot] - bump uuid from 9.0.1 to 10.0.0 (#365) (01610a2), closes #365 #750 #714 #754 #681 #750 #759 #677 #738 #759 #754 #757 #753 #752 #736 #707
See code diff
Release workflow run
It was initialized by anthony-nhs
1.2.0 (2024-06-06)
- [AEA-0000] - fix typo in capability statement (#345) (e6d6668), closes #345
- [AEA-0000] - Updates delete_stacks to cover CPSU (#358) (8b82f8e), closes #358
- [AEA-4018] - updated deployment id version (#355) (87d73ef), closes #355
- [AEA-4045] - PSU returning empty 200 response with header Content-Type set to application/fhir+json (#276) (abfde9f), closes #276
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.588.0 to 3.590.0 (#350) (993d024), closes #350 #6156 #6148
- [dependabot] - bump @nhs/fhir-middy-error-handler from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 (#341) (44a5132), closes #341 #116 #116 #110 #110 #106 #106 #108 #108 #112 #112 #117 #117 #111 #111 #115 #115 #118 #118 #109 #109 #113 #113 #107 #107 #114 #114 #119 #119 #119 #116 #114 #112
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 20.14.1 to 20.14.2 (#352) (e0ff87f), closes #352
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.11.0 to 7.12.0 (#340) (a0ed1de), closes #340 #8821 #9186 #9052 #9026 #9174 #8820 #8851 #8869 #8901 #9114 #9031 #9193 #9202 #9200 #9198 #9195 #9197 #9196 #9026
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.11.0 to 7.12.0 (#342) (b2b17d7), closes #342 #8821 #9186 #9052 #9026 #9174 #8820 #8851 #8869 #8901 #9114 #9031 #9193 #9202 #9202
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.118 to 1.34.119 (#346) (328cfee), closes #346
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.119 to 1.34.120 (#357) (5219031), closes #357
- [dependabot] - bump pratica from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 (#356) (2cfa63d), closes #356
- [dependabot] - bump prettier from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 (#351) ([1d2eeb6](1d2eeb6eb22269377ae0a212...
1.1.8 (2024-06-04)
- [AEA-0000] - upgrade to latest conventional-changelog-eslint (#343) (289a1f4), closes #343
- [AEA-4018] - fix incorrect 200 response (#277) (b880f75), closes #277
- [AEA-4105] - Fix metadata 404 (#285) (b59cd62), closes #285
- [AEA-4107] - store the application name calling the api (#337) (ee266d4), closes #337
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.577.0 to 3.582.0 (#292) (8a3f5b3), closes #292 #6121 #6117 #6123 #6122 #6119 #6112 #6117
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.582.0 to 3.584.0 (#301) (9923667), closes #301 #6138 #6126 #6125
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.584.0 to 3.585.0 (#309) (27836b2), closes #309 #6142
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.585.0 to 3.587.0 (#321) (82b768a), closes #321 #6147 #6132 #6143
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.587.0 to 3.588.0 (#330) (40e0f66), closes #330 #6149
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/core from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (#329) (f0b17db), closes #329 middyjs/middy#1213 middyjs/middy#1213
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/http-header-normalizer from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (#323) (576089e), closes #323 middyjs/middy#1213 middyjs/middy#1213
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/input-output-logger from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (#324) (b2bd6e4), closes #324 middyjs/middy#1213 middyjs/middy#1213
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/validator from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (#333) (d88f566), closes #333 middyjs/middy#1213 middyjs/middy#1213
- [dependabot] - bump @semantic-release/release-notes-generator from 13.0.0 to 14.0.0 (#332) (a11d649), closes #332 #643 #643 #645 #643 #630 #629 #627 #626 #625 #624
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 20.12.12 to 20.12.13 (#314) (5899386), closes #314
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 20.12.13 to 20.14.0 (#327) (b0166a7), closes #327
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 20.14.0 to 20.14.1 (#339) (b83feeb), closes #339
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.10.0 to 7.11.0 (#308) (c94d02d), closes #308 #9081 #8892 #8826 #9127
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.10.0 to 7.11.0 (#307) (8a0c618), closes #307 #9081 #8892 #8826 #9127
- [dependabot] - bump aws-sdk-client-mock from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (#328) (9e540ed), closes #328 #218
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.110 to 1.34.111 (#291) (cac37fc), closes #291
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.111 to 1.34.112 (#296) ([7a9c37f](http...
1.1.7 (2024-05-23)
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.9.0 to 7.10.0 (#281) (a34c1e3), closes #281 #8760 #8764 #9097 #9111 #9118
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.9.0 to 7.10.0 (#279) (e488a40), closes #279 #8760 #8764 #9097 #9111
- [dependabot] - bump axios from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (#280) (1a2511c), closes #280 #6410 #6410 #6410 #6410 #6411
- [dependabot] - bump axios from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 (#289) (c14e3e6), closes #289 #6413 #6413 #6413 #6413 #6414 #6413
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.108 to 1.34.110 (#288) (0b5b221), closes #288 #4136
- [dependabot] - bump requests from 2.32.0 to 2.32.1 (#283) (e45d0dd), closes #283
- [dependabot] - bump requests from 2.32.1 to 2.32.2 (#290) (e7d1b14), closes #290 #6710 #6710 #6710
- [dependabot] - bump ts-jest from 29.1.2 to 29.1.3 (#282) (611d1fa), closes #282
See code diff
Release workflow run
It was initialized by anthony-nhs
1.1.6 (2024-05-21)
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb from 3.574.0 to 3.577.0 (#261) (38f0cff), closes #261 #6100 #6099 #6079 #6088
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.574.0 to 3.577.0 (#262) (2f20f6f), closes #262 #6100 #6099 #6079 #6088
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/core from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (#265) (97e6957), closes #265 middyjs/middy#1212
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/http-header-normalizer from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (#269) (0b6710a), closes #269 middyjs/middy#1212
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/input-output-logger from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (#266) (b22ad52), closes #266 middyjs/middy#1212
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/validator from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (#267) (50af7af), closes #267 middyjs/middy#1212
- [dependabot] - bump @types/aws-lambda from 8.10.137 to 8.10.138 (#268) (f04d11f), closes #268
- [dependabot] - bump axios from 1.6.8 to 1.7.0 (#272) (56b382a), closes #272 #6371 #6362 #6371 #6362 #6395 #6400 #6401 #6405 #6404 #6401 #6400 #6395 #6362 #6377 #6380 #6362 #6380 #6377 #6371 #6362 #6371 #6362 #6395 #6400 #6401 #6405 #6404 #6401 #6400 #6395 #6362 #6377 #6380 #6362 #6380 #6377 #6371 #6408 #6407 #6403 #6405 #6404 #6401 #6395 #6383
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.106 to 1.34.108 (#275) (bd9c76d), closes #275 #3178
- [dependabot] - bump cfn-lint from 0.87.2 to 0.87.3 (#273) (9a20385), closes #273 #3254 #3229 #3252 #3246 #3230
- [dependabot] - bump esbuild from 0.21.2 to 0.21.3 (#260) (22a7683), closes #260 #3760 #3768 #3767 #3760 #3768 #3767 #3760 #3768 #3767
- [dependabot] - bump pytest from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1 (#274) (...
1.1.5 (2024-05-17)
- [AEA-0000] - fix delete stacks (#256) (00d8e02), closes #256
- [AEA-4028] - Add Capability Statement (#257) (6ee62ca), closes #257
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-lambda-powertools/logger from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (#244) (79f13ce), closes #244
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-lambda-powertools/parameters from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (#243) (63ef089), closes #243 #2506 #2514 #2508 #2495 #2489 #2487 #2475 #2460 #2439 #2430 #2465 #2429 #2518 #2506 #2516 #2510 #2515 #2514 #2509 #2513 #2507
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 20.12.11 to 20.12.12 (#251) (02cac49), closes #251
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.8.0 to 7.9.0 (#248) (71cabd0), closes #248 #9039 #9042 #9045 #8192 #9064 #9048 #9034 #8981
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.8.0 to 7.9.0 (#245) (52b7ba6), closes #245
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.103 to 1.34.104 (#242) (335efd5), closes #242
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.104 to 1.34.105 (#255) (03152dc), closes #255 #4128
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.105 to 1.34.106 (#258) (c7daf97), closes #258 #4130
See code diff
Release workflow run
It was initialized by anthony-nhs
1.1.4 (2024-05-14)
- [AEA-0000] - fix status endpoint (#241) (338de09), closes #241
- [AEA-0000] - pin conventional-changelog-eslint and stop it updating automatically (#217) (56000c3), closes #217
- [AEA-4049] - pass headers and body to FHIR validator lambda (#150) (8da15b4), closes #150
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.572.0 to 3.574.0 (#240) (59b5f33), closes #240 #6072 #6078
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/core from 5.3.2 to 5.3.4 (#232) (2ed1b9d), closes #232 middyjs/middy#1209 middyjs/middy#1198 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196 middyjs/middy#1199 middyjs/middy#1205 middyjs/middy#1209 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/http-header-normalizer from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (#229) (ee0513e), closes #229 middyjs/middy#1198 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196 middyjs/middy#1199 middyjs/middy#1205 middyjs/middy#1209 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/http-header-normalizer from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (#237) (65930af), closes #237 middyjs/middy#1209
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/input-output-logger from 5.3.2 to 5.3.4 (#231) (543a3fe), closes #231 middyjs/middy#1209 middyjs/middy#1198 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196 middyjs/middy#1199 middyjs/middy#1205 middyjs/middy#1209 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/validator from 5.3.2 to 5.3.4 (#230) (1b358fb), closes #230 middyjs/middy#1209 middyjs/middy#1198 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196 middyjs/middy#1199 middyjs/middy#1205 middyjs/middy#1209 middyjs/middy#1193 middyjs/middy#1196
- [dependabot] - bump @nhs/fhir-middy-error-handler from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 (#220) (530b740), closes #220 #104 #104 #103 #103
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.100 to 1.34.101 (#218) (72d8823), closes #218
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.101 to 1.34.102 (#224) (f93da4e), closes #224
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.102 to 1.34.103 (#234) (b38bf38), closes #234
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.99 to 1.34.100 (#216) (0a890f2), closes #216 #4085
- [dependabot] - bump cfn-lint from 0.87.1 to 0.87.2 (#225) (1191604), closes #225 / / #3227 #3215 #3226 #3224
- [dependabot] - bump conventional-changelog-eslint from 5.0.0 to 6.0.0 (#214) (56b606f), closes #214 #1215 #1150 #1215 #1150 #1226 #1112 #1144 [#1111](#1111...
1.1.3 (2024-05-07)
- [AEA-0000] - error if can not get next tag (#212) (104103d), closes #212
- [AEA-0000] - fix int sandbox deployment (#186) (7348e31), closes #186
- [AEA-0000] - pin conventional-changelog-eslint to v5 (#213) (17c4b38), closes #213
- [AEA-4006] - normalise headers (#192) (7d15d3d), closes #192
- [AEA-4027] - Invalid NHS Numbers accepted in PSU (#165) (363fedc), closes #165
- [AEA-4040] - ensure API gateway changes are deployed properly (#187) (6ffddcc), closes #187
- [AEA-4005] - Update PSU Validation to allow 'Ready to Dispatch' and 'Ready to Rispatch - Partial' status (#193) (d0f40cc), closes #193
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.564.0 to 3.569.0 (#201) (f3ee080), closes #201 #6054 #6055 #6051 #6047 #6023 #6034 #6047 #6034 #6031
- [dependabot] - bump @nhs/fhir-middy-error-handler from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 (#188) (3925c54), closes #188 #100 #100 #99 #99 #99
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 20.12.7 to 20.12.8 (#196) (65b9e15), closes #196
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 20.12.8 to 20.12.10 (#210) (bb2add5), closes #210
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.94 to 1.34.95 (#191) (615cde5), closes #191
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.95 to 1.34.96 (#197) (4b4c1fd), closes #197 #4108
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.96 to 1.34.97 (#200) (239ea08), closes #200
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.97 to 1.34.98 (#208) (0b65a48), closes #208
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.34.98 to 1.34.99 (#209) (e2acebc), closes #209
- [dependabot] - bump cfn-lint from 0.86.4 to 0.87.0 (#189) (b1623f4), closes #189 / / / / #3179 #3160 #3177 #3171 #3170 #3169 #3158 #3157 #3156
- [dependabot] - bump cfn-lint from 0.87.0 to 0.87.1 (#207) (92afd39), closes #207 #3207 #3181 #3203 #3189 #3202 #3201 #3200 #3199 #3197 #3196
- [dependabot] - bump conventional-changelog-eslint from 5.0.0 to 6.0.0 (#205) (ccc8c66), closes #205 #1215 #1150 #1215 #1150 #1226 #1112 #1144 #1111 #1215 [#1150](
1.1.2 (2024-04-30)
- [AEA-0000] - delete aws sandbox stacks (#174) (c561171), closes #174
- [AEA-0000] - delete sandbox stacks on apigee (#166) (c0f257a), closes #166
- [AEA-0000] - do not deploy apigee to prod (#154) (ad0b392), closes #154
- [AEA-0000] - fix deployment following adding status endpoint (#184) (d82db54), closes #184
- [AEA-0000] - fix getting prod and int deployed tag (#147) (43924a7), closes #147
- [AEA-0000] - fix proxygen version used in deployment (#148) (4f81064), closes #148
- [AEA-0000] - Fixed aws vs apigee environment configuration for sandboxes (#158) (7ba4514), closes #158
- [AEA-3935] - add get status update lambda (#98) (5136065), closes #98
- [AEA-4019] - fix response when bad json sent (#157) (cec76d9), closes #157
- [AEA-4024] - changed case of word (#141) (bdfa765), closes #141
- [AEA-4025] - make field optional (#145) (25e9744), closes #145
- [AEA-4034] - Sandbox returns 200 status code instead of 201 (#173) (6dc40ab), closes #173
- [AEA-3861] - Provide error response if data store update times out (#146) (fae978d), closes #146
- [AEA-3901] - Create status lambda for PSU API (#105) (8d7b94a), closes #105
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb from 3.556.0 to 3.563.0 (#162) (d2e1dbf), closes #162 #6026
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb from 3.563.0 to 3.564.0 (#169) (99b37e7), closes #169 #6028 #6028
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.556.0 to 3.563.0 (#163) (f76bbdf), closes #163 #6026
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.563.0 to 3.564.0 (#167) (40c8888), closes #167 #6028
- [dependabot] - bump @nhs/fhir-middy-error-handler from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (#152) (eb2ceb3), closes #152 #96 #96 #97 #97 #98 #98 #98
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.7.0 to 7.7.1 (#140) (f89fdd7), closes #140 #8800 #8809 #8559 #8874 #8912 #8874
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.7.1 to 7.8.0 (#180) (52c08e7), closes #180 #8995 #8925 #8746 #8717 #8993 #9001 #8640 #8976 #8640 #9001 #8993 #8746 #8966
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.7.0 to 7.7.1 (#139) (997d178), closes #139 #8800 #8809 #8559 #8874 #8912
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.7.1 to 7.8.0 (#181) (34844f7), closes [#181](https://gith...