diff --git a/cime/cime_config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml b/cime/cime_config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml
index 1d082f468d..90a44f6905 100644
--- a/cime/cime_config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml
+++ b/cime/cime_config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml
@@ -861,10 +861,6 @@
- -np {{ num_tasks }}
- -npernode {{ tasks_per_node }}
diff --git a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCanopyStructureMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCanopyStructureMod.F90
index 00a969a78c..3b8d94e6ed 100755
--- a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCanopyStructureMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCanopyStructureMod.F90
@@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ subroutine leaf_area_profile( currentSite , snow_depth_si, frac_sno_eff_si)
currentPatch%layer_height_profile(L,ft,iv) = currentPatch%layer_height_profile(L,ft,iv) + (remainder * fleaf * &
- write(fates_log(), *) 'LHP', currentPatch%layer_height_profile(L,ft,iv)
+ if ( DEBUG ) write(fates_log(), *) 'LHP', currentPatch%layer_height_profile(L,ft,iv)
if(currentCohort%dbh <= 0._r8.or.currentCohort%n == 0._r8)then
write(fates_log(), *) 'ED: dbh or n is zero in clmedlink', currentCohort%dbh,currentCohort%n
diff --git a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCohortDynamicsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCohortDynamicsMod.F90
index 199682bdb7..2237553ccd 100755
--- a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCohortDynamicsMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCohortDynamicsMod.F90
@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p,mode)
! accounts for the fact that live biomass may decline in the off-season,
! making leaf_memory unrealistic.
real(r8) :: ratio_balive ! ratio between root+shoot biomass now and root+shoot biomass when leaves fell off.
+ real(r8) :: new_bl
+ real(r8) :: new_br
+ real(r8) :: new_bsw
integer :: ft ! functional type
integer :: leaves_off_switch
@@ -220,68 +223,69 @@ subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p,mode)
! Use different proportions if the leaves are on vs off
- ! Tracking npp/gpp diagnostics only occur after growth derivatives is called
- if(mode==1)then
- ! it will not be able to put out as many leaves as it had previous timestep
- currentcohort%npp_leaf = currentcohort%npp_leaf + &
- max(0.0_r8,currentcohort%balive*leaf_frac - currentcohort%bl)/freq_day
- end if
- currentcohort%bl = currentcohort%balive*leaf_frac
+ new_bl = currentcohort%balive*leaf_frac
+ new_br = pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) * (currentcohort%balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * leaf_frac
+ new_bsw = EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(currentcohort%balive + &
+ currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac
!diagnose the root and stem biomass from the functional balance hypothesis. This is used when the leaves are
!fully on.
- if(mode==1)then
+ if(mode==1)then
+ currentcohort%npp_leaf = currentcohort%npp_leaf + &
+ max(0.0_r8,new_bl - currentcohort%bl) / freq_day
currentcohort%npp_froot = currentcohort%npp_froot + &
- max(0._r8,pftcon%froot_leaf(ft)*(currentcohort%balive+currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac - currentcohort%br) / &
- freq_day
+ max(0._r8,new_br - currentcohort%br) / freq_day
- currentcohort%npp_bsw = max(0._r8,EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(currentcohort%balive + &
- currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac - currentcohort%bsw)/freq_day
+ currentcohort%npp_bsw = max(0.0_r8, new_bsw - currentcohort%bsw)/freq_day
currentcohort%npp_bdead = currentCohort%dbdeaddt
end if
+ currentcohort%bl = new_bl
+ currentcohort%br = new_br
+ currentcohort%bsw = new_bsw
- currentcohort%br = pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) * (currentcohort%balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * leaf_frac
- currentcohort%bsw = EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(currentcohort%balive + &
- currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac
- else ! Leaves are on (leaves_off_switch==1)
- !the purpose of this section is to figure out the root and stem biomass when the leaves are off
- !at this point, we know the former leaf mass (laimemory) and the current alive mass
- !because balive may decline in the off-season, we need to adjust the root and stem biomass that are predicted
- !from the laimemory, for the fact that we now might not have enough live biomass to support the hypothesized root mass
- !thus, we use 'ratio_balive' to adjust br and bsw. Apologies that this is so complicated! RF
+ else ! Leaves are off (leaves_off_switch==1)
- currentcohort%bl = 0.0_r8
+ !the purpose of this section is to figure out the root and stem biomass when the leaves are off
+ !at this point, we know the former leaf mass (laimemory) and the current alive mass
+ !because balive may decline in the off-season, we need to adjust the
+ !root and stem biomass that are predicted from the laimemory, for the fact that we now might
+ !not have enough live biomass to support the hypothesized root mass
+ !thus, we use 'ratio_balive' to adjust br and bsw. Apologies that this is so complicated! RF
ideal_balive = currentcohort%laimemory * pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) + &
currentcohort%laimemory* EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite
- currentcohort%br = pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) * (ideal_balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * leaf_frac
- currentcohort%bsw = EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(ideal_balive + &
- currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac
- ratio_balive = currentcohort%balive / ideal_balive
- currentcohort%br = currentcohort%br * ratio_balive
- currentcohort%bsw = currentcohort%bsw * ratio_balive
+ ratio_balive = currentcohort%balive / ideal_balive
+ new_br = pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) * (ideal_balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * &
+ leaf_frac * ratio_balive
+ new_bsw = EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite * &
+ (ideal_balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * leaf_frac * ratio_balive
! Diagnostics
currentcohort%npp_froot = currentcohort%npp_froot + &
- max(0.0_r8,pftcon%froot_leaf(ft)*(ideal_balive + &
- currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac*ratio_balive-currentcohort%br)/freq_day
+ max(0.0_r8,new_br-currentcohort%br)/freq_day
- currentcohort%npp_bsw = max(0.0_r8,EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(ideal_balive + &
- currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac*ratio_balive - currentcohort%bsw)/freq_day
+ currentcohort%npp_bsw = max(0.0_r8, new_bsw-currentcohort%bsw)/freq_day
currentcohort%npp_bdead = currentCohort%dbdeaddt
end if
+ currentcohort%bl = 0.0_r8
+ currentcohort%br = new_br
+ currentcohort%bsw = new_bsw
if (abs(currentcohort%balive -currentcohort%bl- currentcohort%br - currentcohort%bsw)>1e-12) then
@@ -1041,12 +1045,11 @@ subroutine copy_cohort( currentCohort,copyc )
n%npp_acc_hold = o%npp_acc_hold
n%npp_tstep = o%npp_tstep
+ n%npp_acc = o%npp_acc
if ( DEBUG ) write(fates_log(),*) 'EDcohortDyn Ia ',o%npp_acc
if ( DEBUG ) write(fates_log(),*) 'EDcohortDyn Ib ',o%resp_acc
- n%npp_acc = o%npp_acc
n%resp_tstep = o%resp_tstep
n%resp_acc = o%resp_acc
n%resp_acc_hold = o%resp_acc_hold
diff --git a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDPhysiologyMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDPhysiologyMod.F90
index a496767038..430da23a4b 100755
--- a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDPhysiologyMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDPhysiologyMod.F90
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ module EDPhysiologyMod
use EDTypesMod , only : ncwd, cp_nlevcan, numpft_ed, senes
use EDTypesMod , only : ed_site_type, ed_patch_type, ed_cohort_type
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use FatesGlobals , only : fates_log
implicit none
@@ -40,7 +46,8 @@ module EDPhysiologyMod
public :: flux_into_litter_pools
logical, parameter :: DEBUG = .false. ! local debug flag
+ character(len=*), parameter, private :: sourcefile = &
+ __FILE__
! ============================================================================
@@ -817,12 +824,12 @@ subroutine Growth_Derivatives( currentSite, currentCohort, bc_in)
currentCohort%carbon_balance = currentCohort%npp_acc_hold - &
currentCohort%md * EDecophyscon%leaf_stor_priority(currentCohort%pft)
- ! Allowing only carbon from NPP pool to account for npp flux into the maintenance pools
+ ! Allowing only carbon from NPP pool to account for npp flux into the maintenance turnover pools
! ie this does not include any use of storage carbon or balive to make up for missing carbon balance in the transfer
- currentCohort%npp_leaf = min(currentCohort%npp_acc_hold*currentCohort%leaf_md/currentCohort%md, &
- currentCohort%leaf_md*EDecophyscon%leaf_stor_priority(currentCohort%pft))
- currentCohort%npp_froot = min(currentCohort%npp_acc_hold*currentCohort%root_md/currentCohort%md, &
- currentCohort%root_md*EDecophyscon%leaf_stor_priority(currentCohort%pft))
+ currentCohort%npp_leaf = max(0.0_r8,min(currentCohort%npp_acc_hold*currentCohort%leaf_md/currentCohort%md, &
+ currentCohort%leaf_md*EDecophyscon%leaf_stor_priority(currentCohort%pft)))
+ currentCohort%npp_froot = max(0.0_r8,min(currentCohort%npp_acc_hold*currentCohort%root_md/currentCohort%md, &
+ currentCohort%root_md*EDecophyscon%leaf_stor_priority(currentCohort%pft)))
if (Bleaf(currentCohort) > 0._r8)then
@@ -839,21 +846,26 @@ subroutine Growth_Derivatives( currentSite, currentCohort, bc_in)
!what is the flux into the store?
currentCohort%storage_flux = currentCohort%carbon_balance * f_store
+ currentCohort%npp_store = currentCohort%carbon_balance * f_store
if ( DEBUG ) write(fates_log(),*) 'EDphys B ',f_store
!what is the tax on the carbon available for growth?
currentCohort%carbon_balance = currentCohort%carbon_balance * (1.0_r8 - f_store)
else !cbalance is negative. Take C out of store to pay for maintenance respn.
currentCohort%storage_flux = currentCohort%carbon_balance
+ ! Note that npp_store only tracks the flux between NPP and storage. Storage can
+ ! also be drawn down to support some turnover demand.
+ currentCohort%npp_store = min(0.0_r8,currentCohort%npp_acc_hold)
currentCohort%carbon_balance = 0._r8
- currentCohort%storage_flux = 0._r8
- currentCohort%carbon_balance = 0._r8
- write(fates_log(),*) 'ED: no leaf area in gd',currentCohort%n,currentCohort%bdead, &
- currentCohort%dbh,currentCohort%balive
+ write(fates_log(),*) 'No target leaf area in GrowthDerivs? Bleaf(cohort) <= 0?'
+ call endrun(msg=errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))
@@ -947,7 +959,6 @@ subroutine Growth_Derivatives( currentSite, currentCohort, bc_in)
currentCohort%npp_bseed = currentCohort%seed_prod
- currentCohort%npp_store = max(0.0_r8,currentCohort%storage_flux)
! calculate change in diameter and height
currentCohort%ddbhdt = currentCohort%dbdeaddt * dDbhdBd(currentCohort)
diff --git a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDAccumulateFluxesMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDAccumulateFluxesMod.F90
index 78563a3a2d..bd2437c92f 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDAccumulateFluxesMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDAccumulateFluxesMod.F90
@@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ module EDAccumulateFluxesMod
! Rosie Fisher. March 2014.
! !USES:
+ use abortutils, only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
implicit none
public :: AccumulateFluxes_ED
logical :: DEBUG = .false. ! for debugging this module
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ character(len=*), parameter, private :: sourcefile = &
+ __FILE__
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@ subroutine AccumulateFluxes_ED(nsites, sites, bc_in, bc_out, dt_time)
use EDTypesMod , only : ed_patch_type, ed_cohort_type, &
ed_site_type, AREA
use FatesInterfaceMod , only : bc_in_type,bc_out_type
+ use, intrinsic :: IEEE_ARITHMETIC
integer, intent(in) :: nsites
@@ -67,12 +73,11 @@ subroutine AccumulateFluxes_ED(nsites, sites, bc_in, bc_out, dt_time)
! _tstep fluxes are KgC/indiv/timestep _acc are KgC/indiv/day
if ( DEBUG ) then
- write(iulog,*) 'EDAccumFlux 64 ',ccohort%npp_acc, &
- ccohort%npp_tstep
+ write(iulog,*) 'EDAccumFlux 64 ',ccohort%npp_tstep
write(iulog,*) 'EDAccumFlux 66 ',ccohort%gpp_tstep
write(iulog,*) 'EDAccumFlux 67 ',ccohort%resp_tstep
ccohort%npp_acc = ccohort%npp_acc + ccohort%npp_tstep
ccohort%gpp_acc = ccohort%gpp_acc + ccohort%gpp_tstep
ccohort%resp_acc = ccohort%resp_acc + ccohort%resp_tstep
diff --git a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDBtranMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDBtranMod.F90
index 8ac4a51b36..8283a4d52d 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDBtranMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDBtranMod.F90
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ subroutine btran_ed( nsites, sites, bc_in, bc_out)
end if
!weight patch level output BTRAN for the
bc_out(s)%btran_pa(ifp) = 0.0_r8
do ft = 1,numpft_ed
@@ -203,10 +203,11 @@ subroutine btran_ed( nsites, sites, bc_in, bc_out)
bc_out(s)%btran_pa(ifp) = bc_out(s)%btran_pa(ifp) + cpatch%btran_ft(ft) * 1./numpft_ed
end if
- temprootr = sum(bc_out(s)%rootr_pagl(ifp,:))
+ ! While the in-pft root profiles summed to unity, averaging them weighted
+ ! by conductance, or not, will break sum to unity. Thus, re-normalize.
+ temprootr = sum(bc_out(s)%rootr_pagl(ifp,1:cp_numlevgrnd))
if(abs(1.0_r8-temprootr) > 1.0e-10_r8 .and. temprootr > 1.0e-10_r8)then
- write(iulog,*) 'error with rootr in canopy fluxes',temprootr,sum(pftgs),sum(cpatch%rootr_ft(1:2,:),dim=2)
do j = 1,cp_numlevgrnd
bc_out(s)%rootr_pagl(ifp,j) = bc_out(s)%rootr_pagl(ifp,j)/temprootr
diff --git a/components/clm/src/ED/main/ChecksBalancesMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/ED/main/ChecksBalancesMod.F90
index 91d8d844fd..7a9e3e7467 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/ED/main/ChecksBalancesMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/ED/main/ChecksBalancesMod.F90
@@ -206,7 +206,6 @@ subroutine FATES_BGC_Carbon_Balancecheck(nsites, sites, bc_in, is_beg_day, dtime
sites(s)%cbal_err_fates = sites(s)%cbal_err_fates / SHR_CONST_CDAY
sites(s)%cbal_err_bgc = sites(s)%totbgcc - &
sites(s)%totbgcc_old - &
(sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_last_ts*SHR_CONST_CDAY - &
diff --git a/components/clm/src/ED/main/FatesConstantsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/ED/main/FatesConstantsMod.F90
index b7bf5edb9b..bf1f7e562f 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/ED/main/FatesConstantsMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/ED/main/FatesConstantsMod.F90
@@ -58,10 +58,16 @@ module FatesConstantsMod
real(fates_r8), parameter :: t_water_freeze_k_triple = 273.16_fates_r8
+ ! For numerical inquiry
+ real(fates_r8), parameter :: fates_huge = huge(g_per_kg)
+ real(fates_r8), parameter :: fates_tiny = tiny(g_per_kg)
! Geometric Constants
! PI
real(fates_r8), parameter :: pi_const = 3.14159265359_fates_r8
end module FatesConstantsMod