CHIP-8 emulator Project Notes ignore setup.zig it was used to pull some dependencies that I'm leaving checked into the repo for now at least. Vulkan is setup incase I want it later and is working, but it is currently only used to print the major and minor version of Vulkan that is being used CHIP-8 Notes 4,096 bytes of RAM 0x000 (0) - 0xFFF (4095) the first 512 bytes are reserved for the interpreter and should not be used by the program user programs start at 0x200 (512) and end at 0xFFF (4095) don't use the VF register it is used as a flag the program counter is a 16 bit register that holds the address of the current instruction display is 64x32 pixels in monochrome sprite size is up to 15 bytes 36 total instructions ROMS for testing BC_test rom test_opcode Chip-8 Technical Ref