This project will run CI jobs using collaboration account bdtest
. You can login to this user via laptop. We recommend using sshproxy
so you can avoid typing password
for every ssh connection.
This account has a gitlab runner installed on several login nodes. If you want to upgrade the gitlab runner to new version, please see Install Gitlab Runner for more details.
The gitlab-runner
should be accessible when you login, if you need to upgrade to new version, please put this in the same path
bdtest@perlmutter:login07:~/bin> which gitlab-runner
The gitlab runner configuration is located in $HOME/.gitlab-runner
directory, shown below are the runner configuration files on Perlmutter and Muller. Note we have
runners on different login nodes.
bdtest@perlmutter:login07:~/bin> ls -l ~/.gitlab-runner/*.config.toml
-rw------- 1 bdtest bdtest 1119 Jul 11 10:01 /global/homes/b/bdtest/.gitlab-runner/muller-login01.config.toml
-rw------- 1 bdtest bdtest 1123 Jul 11 09:55 /global/homes/b/bdtest/.gitlab-runner/perlmutter-login07.config.toml
-rw------- 1 bdtest bdtest 1123 Jul 11 09:56 /global/homes/b/bdtest/.gitlab-runner/perlmutter-login08.config.toml
Once you are logged in, you can check status of the gitlab runner using systemctl. For instance to check status of runner on Perlmutter you can run
bdtest@perlmutter:login07:> systemctl --user status perlmutter-login07
● perlmutter-login07.service - Gitlab runner for bdtest on perlmutter
Loaded: loaded (/global/homes/b/bdtest/.config/systemd/user/perlmutter-login07.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-07-17 10:07:38 PDT; 3h 10min ago
Main PID: 1027247 (gitlab-runner)
Tasks: 47 (limit: 353894)
Memory: 20.8M
CPU: 6.016s
CGroup: /user.slice/user-99914.slice/[email protected]/app.slice/perlmutter-login07.service
└─ 1027247 /global/homes/b/bdtest/bin/gitlab-runner run -c /global/homes/b/bdtest/.gitlab-runner/perlmutter-login07.config.toml
The systemd service configuration are located in directory $HOME/.config/systemd/user
, shown below are the systemd service files (*.service).
bdtest@perlmutter:login07:~/bin> ls -l $HOME/.config/systemd/user/*.service
-rw-rw---- 1 bdtest bdtest 326 Jul 11 10:02 /global/homes/b/bdtest/.config/systemd/user/muller-login01.service
-rw-rw---- 1 bdtest bdtest 330 Jul 11 09:53 /global/homes/b/bdtest/.config/systemd/user/perlmutter-login07.service
-rw-rw---- 1 bdtest bdtest 330 Jul 11 09:56 /global/homes/b/bdtest/.config/systemd/user/perlmutter-login08.service
If you want to start/stop/restart the service, please login to the appropriate node and do the following.
Shown below are changes to runner perlmutter-login07
performed on login07
# restart service
systemctl --user restart perlmutter-login07
# stop service
systemctl --user stop perlmutter-login07
# start service
systemctl --user start perlmutter-login07
If you want to register a new runner, please use the
script and go to the appropriate login node. The script is the following
bdtest@perlmutter:login07:~> cat
read -sp "Registration Token?" TOKEN
gitlab-runner register \
--url \
--registration-token ${TOKEN} \
--tag-list ${NERSC_HOST}-${USER} \
--name "bdtest Runner on ${NERSC_HOST} at login: ${HOSTNAME}" \
--executor custom \
--custom-config-exec "/global/homes/b/bdtest/jacamar/binaries/jacamar-auth" \
--custom-config-args "-u" \
--custom-config-args "config" \
--custom-config-args "--configuration" \
--custom-config-args "/global/homes/b/bdtest/.gitlab-runner/jacamar.toml" \
--custom-prepare-exec "/global/homes/b/bdtest/jacamar/binaries/jacamar-auth" \
--custom-prepare-args "prepare" \
--custom-run-exec "/global/homes/b/bdtest/jacamar/binaries/jacamar-auth" \
--custom-run-args "run" \
--custom-cleanup-exec "/global/homes/b/bdtest/jacamar/binaries/jacamar-auth" \
--custom-cleanup-args "cleanup" \
--custom-cleanup-args "--configuration" \
--custom-cleanup-args "/global/homes/b/bdtest/.gitlab-runner/jacamar.toml" \
--config "/global/homes/b/bdtest/.gitlab-runner/${NERSC_HOST}-${HOSTNAME}.config.toml"
The script will request a runner token that can be obtained at Settings > CI/CD > Runners. Please copy the token when prompted and paste it in the terminal.
This script will create a gitlab runner configuration for Perlmutter in $HOME/.gitlab-runner
directory. Once you
have registered the runner, you can create a new systemd service file in $HOME/.config/systemd/user
Please copy one of the service file and make the necessary change.
Jacamar CI is a HPC focused CI/CD driver for gitlab custom executor that allows us to run jobs on NERSC systems easily. The jacamar
binaries are available in $HOME/jacamar
denoted by each version to allow us to switch between versions easily. The binaries are symlinked to $HOME/jacamar/binaries
to allow
a single place to reference the binary for gitlab runner configuration.
bdtest@perlmutter:login07:~> ls -l ~/jacamar/
total 2
drwxrwx--- 2 bdtest bdtest 512 Jul 11 07:43 binaries
drwxrwx--- 2 bdtest bdtest 512 Jul 11 07:42 v0.15.0
bdtest@perlmutter:login07:~> ls -l ~/jacamar/binaries/
total 2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bdtest bdtest 18 Jul 11 07:43 jacamar -> ../v0.15.0/jacamar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bdtest bdtest 23 Jul 11 07:43 jacamar-auth -> ../v0.15.0/jacamar-auth
If you want to change the jacamar version, please install the latest version and create a directory naming the version and store the files in their. Next, update the symbolic link to the latest version.
The jacamar configuration can be found at ~/.gitlab-runner/jacamar.toml