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RNG FanClub

connects athletes, fans, and brands to revolutionize sports

Table of Contents
    users ||--o{ user_favorite_teams : has
    users ||--o{ user_favorite_sports : has
    users ||--o{ user_social_accounts : has
    users ||--o{ user_predictions : makes
    users ||--o{ user_quest_completions : completes
    users ||--o{ user_points : earns

    campaigns ||--o{ games : contains
    campaigns ||--o{ quests : offers
    campaigns ||--o{ user_points : tracks

    sports ||--o{ teams : has
    sports ||--o{ games : includes
    sports ||--o{ user_favorite_sports : belongs_to

    teams ||--o{ user_favorite_teams : belongs_to
    teams ||--o{ team_social_accounts : has
    teams ||--o{ games : plays_home
    teams ||--o{ games : plays_away
    teams ||--o{ user_predictions : predicted_winner

    games ||--o{ user_predictions : receives
    quests ||--o{ user_quest_completions : completed_by

    users {
        varchar id PK
        varchar username
        varchar email
        text avatar
        text profile_data
        datetime created_at

    campaigns {
        integer id PK
        varchar name
        text description
        datetime start_date
        datetime end_date
        varchar status
        text rules

    sports {
        integer id PK
        varchar name
        text description
        varchar abbreviation
        varchar external_id
        text api_metadata

    teams {
        integer id PK
        integer sport_id FK
        varchar name
        varchar abbreviation
        varchar external_id
        text api_metadata

    games {
        integer id PK
        integer campaign_id FK
        integer sport_id FK
        integer home_team_id FK
        integer away_team_id FK
        datetime start_time
        integer winner_team_id FK
        varchar game_type
        integer points_value

    user_predictions {
        integer id PK
        varchar user_id FK
        integer game_id FK
        integer predicted_winner_id FK
        integer points_earned

    quests {
        integer id PK
        integer campaign_id FK
        varchar name
        text description
        integer points_value
        varchar verification_type
        datetime start_date
        datetime end_date

    user_points {
        integer id PK
        varchar user_id FK
        integer campaign_id FK
        integer total_points
        integer prediction_points
        integer quest_points

Getting Started

Initializing the repository

To bootstrap the API's SQLite (Cloudflare) and install dependencies:

bun run init

You can rerun this command to reset the full database.

Running the app

First, run the development server:

bun run dev

This will run the Next.js app, and simulate a local Cloudflare worker.

Building for production

bun run build


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If you're interested in contributing to this project, please read the contribution guide.