Most good, up-to date LINUX distributions should work.
Recommended distributions are:
- Debian
- Ubuntu (based on Debian)
- RedHat
- Centos (based on RedHat)
- Fedora (based on RedHat)
First, you will need to install the required packages.
See: LROSE package dependencies
mkdir ~/lrose_build
cd ~/lrose_build
Download the source tar file from:
A typical source release would be:
tar xvfz lrose-20200110.src.tgz
The distribution will be unpacked into a subdirectory:
cd ~/lrose_build/lrose-20200110.src
To see the usage:
./ --help
To build and install into the default directory: ~/lrose
Or set an install directory:
./ --prefix /my/install/dir
Look in ~/lrose or /my/install/dir for
Try the commands:
~/lrose/bin/RadxPrint -h
~/lrose/bin/RadxConvert -h
~/lrose/bin/Radx2Grid -h
If the build does not complete successfully, you will need to track down the errors.
The very first errors in the build are the most important.
If you get errors, go into the directory giving problems, and run the make as follows:
make |& less
and scroll down searchinf for error
Alternatively, run
make >& make.log
and then inspect the make.log file, searching for error
To update, just repeat the procedure in sections 2, 3 and 4 above.
The new version will be installed over the previous version.