diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c88c20c3..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1039 +0,0 @@
-! ###########################################################################################
-! ###########################################################################################
-module GFS_rrtmgp_lw
- use mo_gas_concentrations, only: ty_gas_concs
- use mo_fluxes, only: ty_fluxes_broadband
- use mo_fluxes_byband, only: ty_fluxes_byband
- use mo_optical_props, only: ty_optical_props_1scl,ty_optical_props_2str
- use mo_source_functions, only: ty_source_func_lw
- use mo_rte_kind, only: wl
- use mo_heating_rates, only: compute_heating_rate
- use mo_gas_optics_rrtmgp, only: ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp
- use mo_cloud_optics, only: ty_cloud_optics
- use mo_cloud_sampling, only: sampled_mask_max_ran, sampled_mask_exp_ran, draw_samples
- use machine, only: kind_phys
- use module_radlw_parameters, only: topflw_type, sfcflw_type, proflw_type
- use physparam, only: ilwcliq,isubclw,iovrlw,ilwrgas,icldflg,ilwrate
- use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_control_type
- use mo_rrtmgp_constants, only: grav, avogad
- use mo_rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics, only: rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics
- use mersenne_twister, only: random_setseed, random_number, random_stat
- use mo_rrtmgp_clr_all_sky, only: rte_lw
- implicit none
- ! Parameters
- integer,parameter :: nGases = 6
- real(kind_phys),parameter :: epsilon=1.0e-6
- character(len=3),parameter, dimension(nGases) :: &
- active_gases = (/ 'h2o', 'co2', 'o3 ', 'n2o', 'ch4', 'o2 '/)
- ! Molecular weight ratios (for converting mmr to vmr)
- real(kind_phys), parameter :: &
- amd = 28.9644_kind_phys, & ! Molecular weight of dry-air (g/mol)
- amw = 18.0154_kind_phys, & ! Molecular weight of water vapor (g/mol)
- amo3 = 47.9982_kind_phys, & ! Modelular weight of ozone (g/mol)
- amdw = amd/amw, & ! Molecular weight of dry air / water vapor
- amdo3 = amd/amo3 ! Molecular weight of dry air / ozone
- ! Module parameters (set during rrtmgp_lw_init())
- integer :: &
- rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys, & ! RRTMGP cloud-physics (0-RRTMG, 1-RRTGMP(LUT), 2-RRTMGP(Pade))
- nGptsLW, & ! Number of LW spectral g-points
- nBandsLW, & ! Number of LW bands
- nrghice, & ! Number of ice roughness categories
- ipsdlw0 ! Initial see for McICA
- integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: &
- ngb_LW ! Band index for each g-points
- public GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init, GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run, GFS_rrtmgp_lw_finalize
- ! #########################################################################################
- ! GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- ! #########################################################################################
-!! \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init Argument Table
-!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
-!! |--------------------|-------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|------|----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
-!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
-!! | mpirank | mpi_rank | current MPI rank | index | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | mpiroot | mpi_root | master MPI rank | index | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | mpicomm | mpi_comm | MPI communicator | index | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
-!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
-!! | kdist_lw | K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_LW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp | | inout | F |
-!! | kdist_lw_cldy | K_distribution_file_for_cloudy_RRTMGP_LW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for cloudy RRTMGP LW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_cloud_optics | | inout | F |
-!! | gas_concentrations | Gas_concentrations_for_RRTMGP_suite | DDT containing gas concentrations for RRTMGP radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_concs | | inout | F |
- ! #########################################################################################
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init(Model,mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, kdist_lw, kdist_lw_cldy, &
- gas_concentrations, errmsg, errflg)
- use netcdf
-#ifdef MPI
- use mpi
- ! Inputs
- type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: &
- Model ! DDT containing model control parameters
- integer,intent(in) :: &
- mpicomm, & ! MPI communicator
- mpirank, & ! Current MPI rank
- mpiroot ! Master MPI rank
- type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(inout) :: &
- kdist_lw
- type(ty_cloud_optics),intent(inout) :: &
- kdist_lw_cldy
- type(ty_gas_concs),intent(inout) :: &
- gas_concentrations
- ! Outputs
- character(len=*), intent(out) :: &
- errmsg ! Error message
- integer, intent(out) :: &
- errflg ! Error code
- ! Variables that will be passed to gas_optics%load()
- integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
- kminor_start_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- kminor_start_upper ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
- band2gpt, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- minor_limits_gpt_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- minor_limits_gpt_upper ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
- key_species ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- real(kind_phys) :: &
- press_ref_trop, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- temp_ref_p, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- temp_ref_t, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- radliq_lwr, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- radliq_upr, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- radliq_fac, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- radice_lwr, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- radice_upr, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- radice_fac ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- real(kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
- press_ref, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- temp_ref, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- pade_sizereg_extliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_sizereg_ssaliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_sizereg_asyliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_sizereg_extice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_sizereg_ssaice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_sizereg_asyice ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
- band_lims, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- totplnk, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- lut_extliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- lut_ssaliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- lut_asyliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- band_lims_cldy ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
- vmr_ref, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- kminor_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- kminor_upper, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- rayl_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- rayl_upper, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- lut_extice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- lut_ssaice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- lut_asyice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_extliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_ssaliq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_asyliq ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
- kmajor, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- planck_frac, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- pade_extice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_ssaice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- pade_asyice ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- character(len=32), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
- gas_names, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- gas_minor, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- identifier_minor, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- minor_gases_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- minor_gases_upper, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- scaling_gas_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- scaling_gas_upper ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- logical(wl), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
- minor_scales_with_density_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- minor_scales_with_density_upper, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- scale_by_complement_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- scale_by_complement_upper ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- ! Dimensions (to be broadcast across all processors)
- integer :: &
- ntemps, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- npress, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nabsorbers, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nextrabsorbers, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nminorabsorbers, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nmixingfracs, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nlayers, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nbnds, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- ngpts, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- npairs, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- ninternalSourcetemps, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nminor_absorber_intervals_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nminor_absorber_intervals_upper, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- ncontributors_lower, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- ncontributors_upper, & ! used by RRTGMP gas optics
- nbandLWcldy, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- nsize_liq, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- nsize_ice, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- nsizereg, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- ncoeff_ext, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- ncoeff_ssa_g, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- nbound, & ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- npairsLWcldy ! used by RRTGMP cloud optics
- ! Local variables
- integer :: ncid_lw,dimID,varID,status,igpt,iGas,ij,ierr,ncid_lw_clds
- integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp_log_array1,&
- temp_log_array2, temp_log_array3, temp_log_array4
- character(len=264) :: kdist_file,kdist_cldy_file
- integer,parameter :: max_strlen=256
- ! Initialize
- errmsg = ''
- errflg = 0
- ! Ensure that requested cloud overlap is reasonable.
- if ( iovrlw .lt. 0 .or. iovrlw .gt. 3 ) then
- print *,' *** Error in specification of cloud overlap flag', &
- ' IOVRLW=',iovrlw,' in RLWINIT !!'
- stop
- elseif ( iovrlw .ge. 2 .and. isubclw .eq. 0 ) then
- print *,' *** IOVRLW=',iovrlw,' is not available for', &
- ' ISUBCLW=0 setting!!'
- print *,' The program uses maximum/random overlap', &
- ' instead.'
- iovrlw = 1
- endif
- ! Check cloud flags for consistency.
- if ((icldflg .eq. 0 .and. ilwcliq .ne. 0) .or. &
- (icldflg .eq. 1 .and. ilwcliq .eq. 0)) then
- print *,' *** Model cloud scheme inconsistent with LW', &
- ' radiation cloud radiative property setup !!'
- stop
- endif
- ! How are we handling cloud-optics?
- rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys = Model%rrtmgp_cld_phys
- ! Filenames are set in the gfs_physics_nml (scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90)
- kdist_file = trim(Model%rrtmgp_root)//trim(Model%kdist_lw_file_gas)
- kdist_cldy_file = trim(Model%rrtmgp_root)//trim(Model%kdist_lw_file_clouds)
- ! Read dimensions for k-distribution fields (only on master processor(0))
- if (mpirank .eq. mpiroot) then
- if(nf90_open(trim(kdist_file), NF90_WRITE, ncid_lw) .eq. NF90_NOERR) then
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'temperature', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=ntemps)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'pressure', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=npress)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'absorber', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nabsorbers)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'minor_absorber', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nminorabsorbers)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'absorber_ext', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nextrabsorbers)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'mixing_fraction', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nmixingfracs)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'atmos_layer', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nlayers)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'bnd', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nbnds)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'gpt', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=ngpts)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'pair', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=npairs)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'contributors_lower', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=ncontributors_lower)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'contributors_upper', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=ncontributors_upper)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'minor_absorber_intervals_lower', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nminor_absorber_intervals_lower)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'minor_absorber_intervals_upper', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=nminor_absorber_intervals_upper)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw, 'temperature_Planck', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw, dimid, len=ninternalSourcetemps)
- status = nf90_close(ncid_lw)
- endif
- endif
- ! Broadcast dimensions to all processors
-#ifdef MPI
- call MPI_BCAST(ntemps, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(npress, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nabsorbers, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nminorabsorbers, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nextraabsorbers, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nmixingfracs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nlayers, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nbnds, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(ngpts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(npairs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(ncontributors_lower, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(ncontributors_upper, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(ninternalSourcetemps, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- !if (mpirank .eq. mpiroot) then
- ! Allocate space for arrays
- allocate(gas_names(nabsorbers))
- allocate(scaling_gas_lower(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(scaling_gas_upper(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(gas_minor(nminorabsorbers))
- allocate(identifier_minor(nminorabsorbers))
- allocate(minor_gases_lower(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(minor_gases_upper(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(minor_limits_gpt_lower(npairs,nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(minor_limits_gpt_upper(npairs,nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(band2gpt(2,nbnds))
- allocate(key_species(2,nlayers,nbnds))
- allocate(band_lims(2,nbnds))
- allocate(press_ref(npress))
- allocate(temp_ref(ntemps))
- allocate(vmr_ref(nlayers, nextrabsorbers, ntemps))
- allocate(kminor_lower(ncontributors_lower, nmixingfracs, ntemps))
- allocate(kmajor(ngpts, nmixingfracs, npress+1, ntemps))
- allocate(kminor_start_lower(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(kminor_upper(ncontributors_upper, nmixingfracs, ntemps))
- allocate(kminor_start_upper(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(minor_scales_with_density_lower(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(minor_scales_with_density_upper(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(scale_by_complement_lower(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(scale_by_complement_upper(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(temp1(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(temp2(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(temp3(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- allocate(temp4(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- allocate(totplnk(ninternalSourcetemps, nbnds))
- allocate(planck_frac(ngpts, nmixingfracs, npress+1, ntemps))
- if (mpirank .eq. mpiroot) then
- ! Read in fields from file
- if(nf90_open(trim(kdist_file), NF90_WRITE, ncid_lw) .eq. NF90_NOERR) then
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'gas_names',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,gas_names)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'scaling_gas_lower',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,scaling_gas_lower)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'scaling_gas_upper',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,scaling_gas_upper)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'gas_minor',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,gas_minor)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'identifier_minor',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,identifier_minor)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'minor_gases_lower',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,minor_gases_lower)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'minor_gases_upper',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,minor_gases_upper)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'minor_limits_gpt_lower',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,minor_limits_gpt_lower)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'minor_limits_gpt_upper',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,minor_limits_gpt_upper)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'bnd_limits_gpt',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,band2gpt)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'key_species',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,key_species)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'bnd_limits_wavenumber',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,band_lims)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'press_ref',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,press_ref)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'temp_ref',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,temp_ref)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'absorption_coefficient_ref_P',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,temp_ref_p)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'absorption_coefficient_ref_T',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,temp_ref_t)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'press_ref_trop',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,press_ref_trop)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'kminor_lower',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,kminor_lower)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'kminor_upper',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,kminor_upper)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'vmr_ref',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,vmr_ref)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'kmajor',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,kmajor)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'kminor_start_lower',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,kminor_start_lower)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'kminor_start_upper',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,kminor_start_upper)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'totplnk',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,totplnk)
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'plank_fraction',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,planck_frac)
- ! Logical fields are read in as integers and then converted to logicals.
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'minor_scales_with_density_lower',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,temp1)
- minor_scales_with_density_lower(:) = .false.
- where(temp1 .eq. 1) minor_scales_with_density_lower(:) = .true.
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'minor_scales_with_density_upper',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,temp2)
- minor_scales_with_density_upper(:) = .false.
- where(temp2 .eq. 1) minor_scales_with_density_upper(:) = .true.
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'scale_by_complement_lower',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,temp3)
- scale_by_complement_lower(:) = .false.
- where(temp3 .eq. 1) scale_by_complement_lower(:) = .true.
- !
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw,'scale_by_complement_upper',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw,varID,temp4)
- scale_by_complement_upper(:) = .false.
- where(temp4 .eq. 1) scale_by_complement_upper(:) = .true.
- ! Close
- status = nf90_close(ncid_lw)
- endif
- endif
- ! Broadcast arrays to all processors
-#ifdef MPI
- call MPI_BCAST(minor_limits_gpt_upper, size(minor_limits_gpt_upper), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(minor_limits_gpt_lower, size(minor_limits_gpt_lower), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(kminor_start_upper, size(kminor_start_upper), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(kminor_start_lower, size(kminor_start_lower), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(key_species, size(key_species), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(band2gpt, size(band2gpt), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(band_lims, size(band_lims), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(press_ref, size(press_ref), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(temp_ref, size(temp_ref), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(kminor_lower, size(kminor_lower), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(kminor_upper, size(kminor_upper), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(scaling_gas_lower, size(scaling_gas_lower), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(scaling_gas_upper, size(scaling_gas_upper), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(vmr_ref, size(vmr_ref), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(kmajor, size(kmajor), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(temp_ref_p, 1, kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(temp_ref_t, 1, kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(press_ref_trop, 1, kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(totplnk, size(totplnk), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(planck_frac, size(planck_frac), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- ! Character arrays
- do ij=1,nabsorbers
- call MPI_BCAST(gas_names(ij), 32, MPI_CHAR, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- enddo
- do ij=1,nminorabsorbers
- call MPI_BCAST(gas_minor(ij), 32, MPI_CHAR, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(identifier_minor(ij), 32, MPI_CHAR, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- enddo
- do ij=1,nminor_absorber_intervals_lower
- call MPI_BCAST(minor_gases_lower(ij), 32, MPI_CHAR, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- enddo
- do ij=1,nminor_absorber_intervals_upper
- call MPI_BCAST(minor_gases_upper(ij), 32, MPI_CHAR, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- enddo
- ! Logical arrays (First convert to integer-array, then broadcast)
- !
- allocate(temp_log_array1(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- where(minor_scales_with_density_lower)
- temp_log_array1 = 1
- elsewhere
- temp_log_array1 = 0
- end where
- call MPI_BCAST(temp_log_array1, size(temp_log_array1), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- !
- allocate(temp_log_array2(nminor_absorber_intervals_lower))
- where(scale_by_complement_lower)
- temp_log_array2 = 1
- elsewhere
- temp_log_array2 = 0
- end where
- call MPI_BCAST(temp_log_array2, size(temp_log_array2), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- !
- allocate(temp_log_array3(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- where(minor_scales_with_density_upper)
- temp_log_array3 = 1
- elsewhere
- temp_log_array3 = 0
- end where
- call MPI_BCAST(temp_log_array3, size(temp_log_array3), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- !
- allocate(temp_log_array4(nminor_absorber_intervals_upper))
- where(scale_by_complement_upper)
- temp_log_array4 = 1
- elsewhere
- temp_log_array4 = 0
- end where
- call MPI_BCAST(temp_log_array4, size(temp_log_array4), MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- ! Initialize gas concentrations and gas optics class with data
- do iGas=1,nGases
- call check_error_msg(gas_concentrations%set_vmr(active_gases(iGas), 0._kind_phys))
- enddo
- call check_error_msg(kdist_lw%load(gas_concentrations, gas_names, key_species, band2gpt, &
- band_lims, press_ref, press_ref_trop, temp_ref, temp_ref_p, temp_ref_t, &
- vmr_ref, kmajor, kminor_lower, kminor_upper, gas_minor,identifier_minor, &
- minor_gases_lower, minor_gases_upper, minor_limits_gpt_lower, &
- minor_limits_gpt_upper, minor_scales_with_density_lower, &
- minor_scales_with_density_upper, scaling_gas_lower, &
- scaling_gas_upper, scale_by_complement_lower, &
- scale_by_complement_upper, kminor_start_lower, kminor_start_upper, &
- totplnk, planck_frac, rayl_lower, rayl_upper))
- ! Set band index by g-point array
- nBandsLW = kdist_lw%get_nband()
- nGptsLW = kdist_lw%get_ngpt()
- ngb_LW = kdist_lw%get_gpoint_bands()
- ! Set initial permutation seed for McICA, initially set to number of G-points
- ipsdlw0 = kdist_lw%get_ngpt()
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! If RRTMGP cloud-optics are requested, read tables and broadcast.
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Read dimensions for k-distribution fields (only on master processor(0))
- if (mpirank .eq. mpiroot) then
- if(nf90_open(trim(kdist_cldy_file), NF90_WRITE, ncid_lw_clds) == NF90_NOERR) then
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'nband', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=nbandLWcldy)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'nrghice', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=nrghice)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'nsize_liq', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=nsize_liq)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'nsize_ice', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=nsize_ice)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'nsizereg', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=nsizereg)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'ncoeff_ext', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=ncoeff_ext)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'ncoeff_ssa_g', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=ncoeff_ssa_g)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'nbound', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=nbound)
- status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_lw_clds, 'pair', dimid)
- status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_lw_clds, dimid, len=npairsLWcldy)
- status = nf90_close(ncid_lw_clds)
- endif
- endif
- ! Broadcast dimensions to all processors
-#ifdef MPI
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 1 .or. rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 2) then
- call MPI_BCAST(nbandLWcldy, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nrghice, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nsize_liq, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nsize_ice, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nsizereg, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(ncoeff_ext, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(ncoeff_ssa_g, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(nbound, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(npairsLWcldy, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- endif
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 1) then
- allocate(lut_extliq(nsize_liq, nBandLWcldy))
- allocate(lut_ssaliq(nsize_liq, nBandLWcldy))
- allocate(lut_asyliq(nsize_liq, nBandLWcldy))
- allocate(lut_extice(nsize_ice, nBandLWcldy, nrghice))
- allocate(lut_ssaice(nsize_ice, nBandLWcldy, nrghice))
- allocate(lut_asyice(nsize_ice, nBandLWcldy, nrghice))
- allocate(band_lims_cldy(2, nBandLWcldy))
- endif
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 2) then
- allocate(pade_extliq(nbandLWcldy, nsizereg, ncoeff_ext ))
- allocate(pade_ssaliq(nbandLWcldy, nsizereg, ncoeff_ssa_g))
- allocate(pade_asyliq(nbandLWcldy, nsizereg, ncoeff_ssa_g))
- allocate(pade_extice(nbandLWcldy, nsizereg, ncoeff_ext, nrghice))
- allocate(pade_ssaice(nbandLWcldy, nsizereg, ncoeff_ssa_g, nrghice))
- allocate(pade_asyice(nbandLWcldy, nsizereg, ncoeff_ssa_g, nrghice))
- allocate(pade_sizereg_extliq(nbound))
- allocate(pade_sizereg_ssaliq(nbound))
- allocate(pade_sizereg_asyliq(nbound))
- allocate(pade_sizereg_extice(nbound))
- allocate(pade_sizereg_ssaice(nbound))
- allocate(pade_sizereg_asyice(nbound))
- allocate(band_lims_cldy(2,nbandLWcldy))
- endif
- ! On master processor, allocate space, read in fields, broadcast to all processors
- if (mpirank .eq. mpiroot) then
- !
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 1) then
- !
- if(nf90_open(trim(kdist_cldy_file), NF90_WRITE, ncid_lw_clds) == NF90_NOERR) then
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radliq_lwr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radliq_lwr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radliq_upr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radliq_upr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radliq_fac',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radliq_fac)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radice_lwr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radice_lwr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radice_upr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radice_upr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radice_fac',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radice_fac)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'lut_extliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,lut_extliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'lut_ssaliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,lut_ssaliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'lut_asyliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,lut_asyliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'lut_extice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,lut_extice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'lut_ssaice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,lut_ssaice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'lut_asyice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,lut_asyice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'bnd_limits_wavenumber',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,band_lims_cldy)
- status = nf90_close(ncid_lw_clds)
- endif
- endif
- !
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 2) then
- !
- if(nf90_open(trim(kdist_cldy_file), NF90_WRITE, ncid_lw_clds) == NF90_NOERR) then
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radliq_lwr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radliq_lwr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radliq_upr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radliq_upr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radliq_fac',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radliq_fac)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radice_lwr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radice_lwr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radice_upr',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radice_upr)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'radice_fac',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,radice_fac)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_extliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_extliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_ssaliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_ssaliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_asyliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_asyliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_extice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_extice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_ssaice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_ssaice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_asyice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_asyice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_sizreg_extliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_sizereg_extliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_sizreg_ssaliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_sizereg_ssaliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_sizreg_asyliq',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_sizereg_asyliq)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_sizreg_extice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_sizereg_extice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_sizreg_ssaice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_sizereg_ssaice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'pade_sizreg_asyice',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,pade_sizereg_asyice)
- status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_lw_clds,'bnd_limits_wavenumber',varID)
- status = nf90_get_var(ncid_lw_clds,varID,band_lims_cldy)
- status = nf90_close(ncid_lw_clds)
- endif
- endif
- endif
- ! Broadcast arrays to all processors
-#ifdef MPI
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 1) then
- call MPI_BCAST(radliq_lwr, size(radliq_lwr), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(radliq_upr, size(radliq_upr), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(radliq_fac, size(radliq_fac), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(radice_lwr, size(radice_lwr), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(radice_upr, size(radice_upr), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(radice_fac, size(radice_fac), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(lut_extliq, size(lut_extliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(lut_ssaliq, size(lut_ssaliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(lut_asyliq, size(lut_asyliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(lut_extice, size(lut_extice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(lut_ssaice, size(lut_ssaice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(lut_asyice, size(lut_asyice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(band_lims_cldy), size(band_lims_cldy), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- endif
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 2) then
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_extliq, size(pade_extliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_ssaliq, size(pade_ssaliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_asyliq, size(pade_asyliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_extice, size(pade_extice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_ssaice, size(pade_ssaice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_asyice, size(pade_asyice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_sizereg_extliq), size(pade_sizereg_extliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_sizereg_ssaliq), size(pade_sizereg_ssaliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_sizereg_asyliq), size(pade_sizereg_asyliq), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_sizereg_extice), size(pade_sizereg_extice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_sizereg_ssaice), size(pade_sizereg_ssaice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(pade_sizereg_asyice), size(pade_sizereg_asyice), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- call MPI_BCAST(band_lims_cldy), size(band_lims_cldy), kind_phys, mpiroot, mpicomm, ierr)
- endif
- ! Load tables data for RRTGMP cloud-optics
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 1) then
- call check_error_msg(kdist_lw_cldy%set_ice_roughness(nrghice))
- call check_error_msg(kdist_lw_cldy%load(band_lims_cldy, radliq_lwr, radliq_upr, &
- radliq_fac, radice_lwr, radice_upr, radice_fac, lut_extliq, lut_ssaliq, &
- lut_asyliq, lut_extice, lut_ssaice, lut_asyice))
- endif
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 2) then
- call check_error_msg(kdist_lw_cldy%set_ice_roughness(nrghice))
- call check_error_msg(kdist_lw_cldy%load(band_lims_cldy, pade_extliq, &
- pade_ssaliq, pade_asyliq, pade_extice, pade_ssaice, pade_asyice, &
- pade_sizereg_extliq, pade_sizereg_ssaliq, pade_sizereg_asyliq, &
- pade_sizereg_extice, pade_sizereg_ssaice, pade_sizereg_asyice))
- endif
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- ! #########################################################################################
- ! rrtmg_lw_run
- ! #########################################################################################
-!! \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run Argument Table
-!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
-!! |--------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|------|----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
-!! | p_lay | air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa | air pressure layer | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | p_lev | air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa | air pressure level | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | t_lay | air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation | air temperature layer | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | t_lev | air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation | air temperature level | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | q_lay | water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation | specific humidity layer | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | o3_lay | ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation | ozone concentration layer | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_co2 | volume_mixing_ratio_co2 | volume mixing ratio co2 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_n2o | volume_mixing_ratio_n2o | volume mixing ratio no2 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_ch4 | volume_mixing_ratio_ch4 | volume mixing ratio ch4 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_o2 | volume_mixing_ratio_o2 | volume mixing ratio o2 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_co | volume_mixing_ratio_co | volume mixing ratio co | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_cfc11 | volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11 | volume mixing ratio cfc11 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_cfc12 | volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12 | volume mixing ratio cfc12 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_cfc22 | volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22 | volume mixing ratio cfc22 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | vmr_ccl4 | volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4 | volume mixing ratio ccl4 | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | icseed | seed_random_numbers_lw | seed for random number generation for longwave radiation | none | 1 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | tau_aer | aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01-16 | aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16 | none | 3 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | ssa_aer | aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01-16 | aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16 | frac | 3 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | sfc_emiss | surface_longwave_emissivity | surface emissivity | frac | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | skt | surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation | surface ground temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | dzlyr | layer_thickness_for_radiation | layer thickness | km | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | delpin | layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation | layer pressure thickness | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | de_lgth | cloud_decorrelation_length | cloud decorrelation length | km | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | ncol | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | nlay | adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical layers for radiation | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | lprint | flag_print | flag to print | flag | 0 | logical | | in | F |
-!! | cldfrac | total_cloud_fraction | total cloud fraction | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | lslwr | flag_to_calc_lw | flag to calculate LW irradiances | flag | 0 | logical | | in | F |
-!! | cld_lwp | cloud_liquid_water_path | cloud liquid water path | g m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_ref_liq | mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud | mean effective radius for liquid cloud | micron | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_iwp | cloud_ice_water_path | cloud ice water path | g m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_ref_ice | mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud | mean effective radius for ice cloud | micron | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_rwp | cloud_rain_water_path | cloud ice water path | g m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_ref_rain | mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop | mean effective radius for rain drop | micron | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_swp | cloud_snow_water_path | cloud snow water path | g m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_ref_snow | mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake | mean effective radius for snow flake | micron | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | cld_od | cloud_optical_depth | cloud optical depth | none | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | T |
-!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
-!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
-!! | kdist_lw | K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_LW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp | | in | F |
-!! | kdist_lw_cldy | K_distribution_file_for_cloudy_RRTMGP_LW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for cloudy RRTMGP LW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_cloud_optics | | in | F |
-!! | gas_concentrations | Gas_concentrations_for_RRTMGP_suite | DDT containing gas concentrations for RRTMGP radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_concs | | inout | F |
- ! #########################################################################################
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run(p_lay, p_lev, t_lay, t_lev, q_lay, o3_lay, vmr_co2, vmr_n2o, & ! IN
- vmr_ch4, vmr_o2, vmr_co, vmr_cfc11, vmr_cfc12, vmr_cfc22, vmr_ccl4, icseed, tau_aer, & ! IN
- ssa_aer, sfc_emiss, skt, dzlyr, delpin, de_lgth, ncol, nlay, lprint, cldfrac, lslwr, & ! IN
- kdist_lw, kdist_lw_cldy, gas_concentrations, & ! OUT
- cld_lwp, cld_ref_liq, cld_iwp, cld_ref_ice, cld_rwp, cld_ref_rain, cld_swp, & ! OPT(in)
- cld_ref_snow, cld_od, errmsg, errflg) ! OPT(in)
- ! Inputs
- integer,intent(in) :: &
- ncol, & ! Number of horizontal grid-points
- nlay ! Number of vertical layers
- integer,intent(in),dimension(ncol) :: &
- icseed ! auxiliary special cloud related array when module
- ! variable isubclw=2, it provides permutation seed
- ! for each column profile that are used for generating
- ! random numbers. when isubclw /=2, it will not be used.
- logical,intent(in) :: &
- lprint, & ! Control flag for diagnostics
- lslwr ! Flag to calculate RRTMGP LW? (1)
- type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(in) :: &
- kdist_lw ! DDT containing LW spectral information
- type(ty_cloud_optics),intent(in) :: &
- kdist_lw_cldy
- type(ty_gas_concs),intent(inout) :: &
- gas_concentrations
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol), intent(in) :: &
- sfc_emiss, & ! Surface emissivity (1)
- skt, & ! Surface(skin) temperature (K)
- de_lgth ! Cloud decorrelation length (km)
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay), intent(in) :: &
- dzlyr, & ! layer thinkness (km)
- delpin, & ! layer thickness (mb)
- cldfrac, & ! Cloud-fraction (1)
- p_lay, & ! Pressure @ model layer-centers (mb)
- t_lay, & ! Temperature (K)
- q_lay, & ! Specific humidity (kg/kg)
- o3_lay, & ! O3 mass mixing-ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_co2, & ! Co2 volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_n2o, & ! N2o volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_ch4, & ! Ch4 volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_o2, & ! O2 volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_co, & ! Co volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_cfc11, & ! CFC11 volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_cfc12, & ! CFC12 volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_cfc22, & ! CFC22 volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- vmr_ccl4 ! CCl4 volume-mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(in) :: &
- p_lev, & ! Pressure @ model layer-interfaces (mb)
- t_lev ! Temperature (K)
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay,nbandsLW),intent(in) :: &
- tau_aer, & ! Aerosol optical depth (1)
- ssa_aer ! Aerosol single-scattering albedo (1)
- ! Inputs (optional)
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay), intent(in), optional:: &
- cld_lwp, & ! Cloud liquid water path (g/m2)
- cld_ref_liq, & ! Effective radius (liquid) (micron)
- cld_iwp, & ! Cloud ice water path (g/m2)
- cld_ref_ice, & ! Effective radius (ice) (micron)
- cld_rwp, & ! Cloud rain water path (g/m2)
- cld_ref_rain, & ! Effective radius (rain-drop) (micron)
- cld_swp, & ! Cloud snow-water path (g/m2)
- cld_ref_snow, & ! Effective radius (snow-flake) (micron)
- cld_od ! Cloud optical-depth (1)
- ! Outputs (mandatory)
- character(len=*), intent(out) :: &
- errmsg ! Error message
- integer, intent(out) :: &
- errflg ! Error code
- ! Local variables
- integer :: iGpt,iCol,iLay,iBand,iTOA,iSFC
- integer,dimension(ncol) :: ipseed
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay+1),target :: &
- flux_up_allSky, flux_up_clrSky, flux_dn_allSky, flux_dn_clrSky
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,nBandsLW),target :: &
- fluxBB_up_allSky, fluxBB_dn_allSky
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay) :: &
- vmr_o3, vmr_h2o, thetaTendClrSky,thetaTendAllSky, cld_ref_liq2, &
- cld_ref_ice2,tau_snow,tau_rain
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay,nBandsLW) :: &
- tau_cld,thetaTendByBandAllSky
- real(kind_phys), dimension(nGptsLW,nlay,ncol) :: &
- rng3D
- real(kind_phys), dimension(nGptsLW*nLay) :: &
- rng1D
- logical,dimension(ncol,nlay) :: &
- liqmask,icemask
- logical, dimension(ncol,nlay,nGptsLW) :: &
- cldfracMCICA
- logical :: &
- top_at_1=.false.
- ! Types used by Random Number Generator
- type(random_stat) :: rng_stat
- ! RTE+RRTMGP classes
- type(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: &
- optical_props_clr, & ! Optical properties for gaseous atmosphere
- optical_props_cldy, & ! Optical properties for clouds (by band)
- optical_props_mcica,& ! Optical properties for clouds (sampled)
- optical_props_aer ! Optical properties for aerosols
- ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
- errmsg = ''
- errflg = 0
- if (.not. lslwr) return
- ! Some consistency checks...
- ! Check for optional input arguments, this depends on cloud method
- if (ilwcliq > 0) then ! use prognostic cloud method
- if (.not. present(cld_lwp) .or. .not. present(cld_ref_liq) .or. &
- .not. present(cld_iwp) .or. .not. present(cld_ref_ice) .or. &
- .not. present(cld_rwp) .or. .not. present(cld_ref_rain) .or. &
- .not. present(cld_swp) .or. .not. present(cld_ref_snow)) then
- write(errmsg,'(*(a))') &
- 'Logic error: ilwcliq>0 requires the following', &
- ' optional arguments to be present:', &
- ' cld_lwp, cld_ref_liq, cld_iwp, cld_ref_ice,', &
- ' cld_rwp, cld_ref_rain, cld_swp, cld_ref_snow'
- errflg = 1
- return
- end if
- else ! use diagnostic cloud method
- if (.not. present(cld_od) ) then
- write(errmsg,'(*(a))') &
- 'Logic error: ilwcliq<=0 requires the following', &
- ' optional argument to be present: cld_od'
- errflg = 1
- return
- end if
- end if
- ! Change random number seed value for each radiation invocation (isubclw =1 or 2).
- if(isubclw == 1) then ! advance prescribed permutation seed
- do iCol = 1, ncol
- ipseed(iCol) = ipsdlw0 + iCol
- enddo
- elseif (isubclw == 2) then ! use input array of permutaion seeds
- do iCol = 1, ncol
- ipseed(iCol) = icseed(iCol)
- enddo
- endif
- ! Compute volume mixing-ratios for ozone (mmr) and specific-humidity.
- vmr_h2o = merge((q_lay/(1-q_lay))*amdw, 0., q_lay .ne. 1.)
- vmr_o3 = merge(o3_lay*amdo3, 0., o3_lay .gt. 0.)
- ! Compute ice/liquid cloud masks, needed by rrtmgp_cloud_optics
- liqmask = (cldfrac .gt. 0 .and. cld_lwp .gt. 0)
- icemask = (cldfrac .gt. 0 .and. cld_iwp .gt. 0)
- ! RRTMGP cloud_optics expects particle size to be in a certain range. bound here
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .gt. 0) then
- cld_ref_ice2 = cld_ref_ice
- where(cld_ref_ice2 .gt. kdist_lw_cldy%get_max_radius_ice()) cld_ref_ice2=kdist_lw_cldy%get_max_radius_ice()
- where(cld_ref_ice2 .lt. kdist_lw_cldy%get_min_radius_ice()) cld_ref_ice2=kdist_lw_cldy%get_min_radius_ice()
- cld_ref_liq2 = cld_ref_liq
- where(cld_ref_liq2 .gt. kdist_lw_cldy%get_max_radius_liq()) cld_ref_liq2=kdist_lw_cldy%get_max_radius_liq()
- where(cld_ref_liq2 .lt. kdist_lw_cldy%get_min_radius_liq()) cld_ref_liq2=kdist_lw_cldy%get_min_radius_liq()
- endif
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Call RRTMGP
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Allocate space for source functions and gas optical properties [ncol,nlay,ngpts]
- call check_error_msg(optical_props_clr%alloc_1scl( nCol, nLay, kdist_lw))
- call check_error_msg(optical_props_mcica%alloc_1scl(nCol, nLay, kdist_lw))
- ! Cloud optics [nCol,nLay,nBands]
- call check_error_msg(optical_props_cldy%init(optical_props_clr%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
- call check_error_msg(optical_props_cldy%alloc_1scl(ncol,nlay))
- ! Aerosol optics [Ccol,nLay,nBands]
- call check_error_msg(optical_props_aer%init(optical_props_clr%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
- call check_error_msg(optical_props_aer%alloc_1scl(ncol,nlay))
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Set gas concentrations
- ! #######################################################################################
- call gas_concentrations%reset()
- call check_error_msg(gas_concentrations%set_vmr('o2', vmr_o2))
- call check_error_msg(gas_concentrations%set_vmr('co2', vmr_co2))
- call check_error_msg(gas_concentrations%set_vmr('ch4', vmr_ch4))
- call check_error_msg(gas_concentrations%set_vmr('n2o', vmr_n2o))
- call check_error_msg(gas_concentrations%set_vmr('h2o', vmr_h2o))
- call check_error_msg(gas_concentrations%set_vmr('o3', vmr_o3))
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Copy aerosol to RRTMGP DDT
- ! #######################################################################################
- optical_props_aer%tau = tau_aer * (1. - ssa_aer)
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Compute cloud-optics for RTE.
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Compute in-cloud radiative properties
- if (any(cldfrac .gt. 0)) then
- ! i) RRTMG cloud optics.
- ! If using RRTMG cloud-physics. Model can provide either cloud-optics (cld_od) or
- ! cloud-properties by type (cloud LWP,snow effective radius, etc...)
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .eq. 0) then
- ! Cloud-optical properties by type provided.
- if (.not. present(cld_od)) then
- call rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics(ncol, nlay, nBandsLW, cld_lwp, cld_ref_liq, cld_iwp, &
- cld_ref_ice, cld_rwp, cld_ref_rain, cld_swp, cld_ref_snow, cldfrac, tau_cld)
- optical_props_cldy%tau = tau_cld
- else
- ! Cloud-optical depth provided.
- do iCol=1,ncol
- do iLay=1,nlay
- if (cldfrac(iCol,iLay) .gt. 1e-20_kind_phys) then
- optical_props_cldy%tau(iCol,iLay,:) = cld_od(iCol,iLay)
- else
- optical_props_cldy%tau(iCol,iLay,:) = 0._kind_phys
- endif
- end do
- end do
- endif
- endif
- ! ii) Use RRTMGP cloud-optics.
- if (rrtmgp_lw_cld_phys .gt. 0) then
- call check_error_msg(kdist_lw_cldy%cloud_optics(ncol, nlay, nBandsLW, nrghice, &
- liqmask, icemask, cld_lwp, cld_iwp, cld_ref_liq2, cld_ref_ice2, optical_props_cldy))
- end if
- endif
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Call McICA to generate subcolumns.
- ! #######################################################################################
- if (isubclw .gt. 0) then
- ! Call RNG. Mersennse Twister accepts 1D array, so loop over columns and collapse along G-points
- ! and layers. ([nGpts,nLayer,nColumn]-> [nGpts*nLayer]*nColumn)
- do iCol=1,nCol
- call random_setseed(ipseed(icol),rng_stat)
- call random_number(rng1D,rng_stat)
- rng3D(:,:,iCol) = reshape(source = rng1D,shape=[nGptsLW,nLay])
- enddo
- ! Call McICA
- select case ( iovrlw )
- ! Maximumn-random
- case(1)
- call check_error_msg(sampled_mask_max_ran(rng3D,cldfrac,cldfracMCICA))
- end select
- ! Map band optical depth to each g-point using McICA
- call check_error_msg(draw_samples(cldfracMCICA,optical_props_cldy,optical_props_mcica))
- endif
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- !
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_finalize()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_finalize
- ! #########################################################################################
- ! Ancillary functions
- ! #########################################################################################
- subroutine check_error_msg(error_msg)
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: error_msg
- if(error_msg /= "") then
- print*,"ERROR(GFS_rrtmgp_lw_main.F90): "
- print*,trim(error_msg)
- return
- end if
- end subroutine check_error_msg
-end module GFS_rrtmgp_lw
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6016a67a1..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- mpi_rank
- current MPI rank
- index
- mpirank
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- mpi_root
- master MPI rank
- index
- mpiroot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- mpi_comm
- MPI communicator
- index
- mpicomm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_init
- air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure layer
- hPa
- p_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure level
- hPa
- p_lev
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
- air temperature layer
- K
- t_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation
- air temperature level
- K
- t_lev
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation
- specific humidity layer
- kg kg-1
- q_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation
- ozone concentration layer
- kg kg-1
- o3_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co2
- volume mixing ratio co2
- kg kg-1
- vmr_co2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_n2o
- volume mixing ratio no2
- kg kg-1
- vmr_n2o
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ch4
- volume mixing ratio ch4
- kg kg-1
- vmr_ch4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_o2
- volume mixing ratio o2
- kg kg-1
- vmr_o2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co
- volume mixing ratio co
- kg kg-1
- vmr_co
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11
- volume mixing ratio cfc11
- kg kg-1
- vmr_cfc11
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12
- volume mixing ratio cfc12
- kg kg-1
- vmr_cfc12
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22
- volume mixing ratio cfc22
- kg kg-1
- vmr_cfc22
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4
- volume mixing ratio ccl4
- kg kg-1
- vmr_ccl4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- seed_random_numbers_lw
- seed for random number generation for longwave radiation
- none
- icseed
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16
- none
- tau_aer
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16
- frac
- ssa_aer
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface emissivity
- frac
- sfc_emiss
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- skt
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- nlay
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- flag_print
- flag to print
- flag
- lprint
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- total cloud fraction
- frac
- cldfrac
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- flag_to_calc_lw
- flag to calculate LW irradiances
- flag
- lslwr
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- cloud_liquid_water_path
- cloud liquid water path
- g m-2
- cld_lwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
- mean effective radius for liquid cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_liq
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- cloud_ice_water_path
- cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- cld_iwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
- mean effective radius for ice cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- cloud_rain_water_path
- cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- cld_rwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop
- mean effective radius for rain drop
- micron
- cld_ref_rain
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- cloud_snow_water_path
- cloud snow water path
- g m-2
- cld_swp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake
- mean effective radius for snow flake
- micron
- cld_ref_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
- cloud_optical_depth
- cloud optical depth
- none
- cld_od
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b761089..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-!>\file GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post
-!!This file contains
- module GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post
- contains
-!>\defgroup GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post GFS RRTMGP scheme post
-!! @{
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_init Argument Table
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_init()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_init
-! PGI compiler does not accept lines longer than 264 characters, remove during pre-processing
-#ifndef __PGI
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run Argument Table
-!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
-!! |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|------|-----------------------|-----------|-----------|----------|
-!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
-!! | Grid | GFS_grid_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data | DDT | 0 | GFS_grid_type | | in | F |
-!! | Radtend | GFS_radtend_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields targetted for diagnostic output | DDT | 0 | GFS_radtend_type | | inout | F |
-!! | Coupling | GFS_coupling_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components | DDT | 0 | GFS_coupling_type | | inout | F |
-!! | im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | ltp | extra_top_layer | extra top layers | none | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | lm | vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical layers for radiation calculation | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | kd | vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local | vertical index difference between in/out and local | index | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | tsfa | surface_air_temperature_for_radiation | lowest model layer air temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | htlwc | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step | total sky heating rate due to longwave radiation | K s-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | htlw0 | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step | clear sky heating rate due to longwave radiation | K s-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
-!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run (Model, Grid, Radtend, Coupling, &
- im, ltp, lm, kd, tsfa, htlwc, htlw0, errmsg, errflg)
- use machine, only: kind_phys
- use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_coupling_type, &
- GFS_control_type, &
- GFS_grid_type, &
- GFS_radtend_type
- implicit none
- type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: Model
- type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: Coupling
- type(GFS_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid
- type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: Radtend
- integer, intent(in) :: im, ltp, LM, kd
- real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1), Model%levr+LTP), intent(in) :: htlwc
- real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1), Model%levr+LTP), intent(in) :: htlw0
- real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(in) :: tsfa
- character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
- integer, intent(out) :: errflg
- ! local variables
- integer :: k1, k
- ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
- errmsg = ''
- errflg = 0
- if (Model%lslwr) then
-!> -# Save calculation results
-!> - Save surface air temp for diurnal adjustment at model t-steps
- Radtend%tsflw (:) = tsfa(:)
- do k = 1, LM
- k1 = k + kd
- Radtend%htrlw(1:im,k) = htlwc(1:im,k1)
- enddo
- ! --- repopulate the points above levr
- if (lm < Model%levs) then
- do k = lm,Model%levs
- Radtend%htrlw (1:im,k) = Radtend%htrlw (1:im,LM)
- enddo
- endif
- if (Model%lwhtr) then
- do k = 1, lm
- k1 = k + kd
- Radtend%lwhc(1:im,k) = htlw0(1:im,k1)
- enddo
- ! --- repopulate the points above levr
- if (lm < Model%levs) then
- do k = lm,Model%levs
- Radtend%lwhc(1:im,k) = Radtend%lwhc(1:im,LM)
- enddo
- endif
- endif
-! --- radiation fluxes for other physics processes
- Coupling%sfcdlw(:) = Radtend%sfcflw(:)%dnfxc
- endif ! end_if_lslwr
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_finalize Argument Table
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_finalize ()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_finalize
-!! @}
- end module GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ee9de302d..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields targetted for diagnostic output
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- extra_top_layer
- extra top layers
- none
- ltp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky heating rate due to longwave radiation
- K s-1
- htlwc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- clear sky heating rate due to longwave radiation
- K s-1
- htlw0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 95ffc41a7..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-!>\file GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre.f90
-!! This file contains a call to module_radiation_surface::setemis() to
-!! setup surface emissivity for LW radiation.
- module GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre
- contains
-!>\defgroup GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre GFS RRTMGP scheme pre
-!! @{
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_init Argument Table
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_init ()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_init
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run Argument Table
-!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
-!! |----------------|-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|------|-----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
-!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
-!! | Grid | GFS_grid_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data | DDT | 0 | GFS_grid_type | | in | F |
-!! | Sfcprop | GFS_sfcprop_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields | DDT | 0 | GFS_sfcprop_type | | in | F |
-!! | Radtend | GFS_radtend_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies | DDT | 0 | GFS_radtend_type | | inout | F |
-!! | im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | tsfg | surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation | surface ground temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | tsfa | surface_air_temperature_for_radiation | lowest model layer air temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
-!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run (Model, Grid, Sfcprop, Radtend, im, tsfg, tsfa, errmsg, errflg)
- use machine, only: kind_phys
- use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_control_type, &
- GFS_grid_type, &
- GFS_radtend_type, &
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- use module_radiation_surface, only: setemis
- implicit none
- type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: Model
- type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: Radtend
- type(GFS_sfcprop_type), intent(in) :: Sfcprop
- type(GFS_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid
- integer, intent(in) :: im
- real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(in) :: tsfa, tsfg
- character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
- integer, intent(out) :: errflg
- ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
- errmsg = ''
- errflg = 0
- if (Model%lslwr) then
-!> - Call module_radiation_surface::setemis(),to setup surface
-!! emissivity for LW radiation.
- call setemis (Grid%xlon, Grid%xlat, Sfcprop%slmsk, & ! --- inputs
- Sfcprop%snowd, Sfcprop%sncovr, Sfcprop%zorl, &
- tsfg, tsfa, Sfcprop%hprim, IM, &
- Radtend%semis) ! --- outputs
- endif
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_finalize Argument Table
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_finalize ()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_finalize
-!! @}
- end module GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index de4025645..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
- air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure layer
- hPa
- p_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure level
- hPa
- p_lev
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
- air temperature layer
- K
- t_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation
- air temperature level
- K
- t_lev
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation
- specific humidity layer
- kg kg-1
- q_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation
- ozone concentration layer
- kg kg-1
- o3_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co2
- volume mixing ratio co2
- kg kg-1
- vmr_co2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_n2o
- volume mixing ratio no2
- kg kg-1
- vmr_n2o
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ch4
- volume mixing ratio ch4
- kg kg-1
- vmr_ch4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_o2
- volume mixing ratio o2
- kg kg-1
- vmr_o2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co
- volume mixing ratio co
- kg kg-1
- vmr_co
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11
- volume mixing ratio cfc11
- kg kg-1
- vmr_cfc11
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12
- volume mixing ratio cfc12
- kg kg-1
- vmr_cfc12
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22
- volume mixing ratio cfc22
- kg kg-1
- vmr_cfc22
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4
- volume mixing ratio ccl4
- kg kg-1
- vmr_ccl4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- seed_random_numbers_sw
- seed for random number generation for shortwave radiation
- none
- icseed
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- tau_aer
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for shortwave bands 01-16
- frac
- ssa_aer
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol asymmetry paramter for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- asy_aer
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct
- surface albedo due to near IR direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb_nir_dir
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused
- surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb_nir_dif
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb_uvis_dir
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb_uvis_dif
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- layer_thickness_for_radiation
- layer thickness
- km
- dzlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation
- layer pressure thickness
- hPa
- delpin
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_decorrelation_length
- cloud decorrelation length
- km
- de_lgth
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cosine_of_zenith_angle
- cosine of the solar zenit angle
- none
- cossza
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- solar_constant
- solar constant
- W m-2
- solcon
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- daytime_points_dimension
- daytime points dimension
- nday
- nday
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- daytime_points
- daytime points
- index
- idxday
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- nlay
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- flag_print
- flag to print
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- total cloud fraction
- frac
- cldfrac
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- flag_to_calc_sw
- flag to calculate SW irradiances
- flag
- lsswr
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- shortwave total sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hswc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- sw_fluxes_top_atmosphere
- shortwave total sky fluxes at the top of the atm
- W m-2
- topflx
- topfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- sw_fluxes_sfc
- shortwave total sky fluxes at the Earth surface
- W m-2
- sfcflx
- sfcfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_0.55mu_band
- approx .55mu band layer cloud optical depth
- none
- cldtau
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- shortwave clear sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hsw0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- sw_heating_rate_spectral
- shortwave total sky heating rate (spectral)
- K s-1
- hswb
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- sw_fluxes
- sw fluxes total sky / csk and up / down at levels
- W m-2
- flxprf
- profsw_type
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes
- derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes
- W m-2
- fdncmp
- cmpfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_liquid_water_path
- cloud liquid water path
- g m-2
- cld_lwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
- mean effective radius for liquid cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_liq
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_ice_water_path
- cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- cld_iwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
- mean effective radius for ice cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_rain_water_path
- cloud rain water path
- g m-2
- cld_rwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop
- mean effective radius for rain drop
- micron
- cld_ref_rain
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_snow_water_path
- cloud snow water path
- g m-2
- cld_swp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake
- mean effective radius for snow flake
- micron
- cld_ref_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_optical_depth
- cloud optical depth
- none
- cld_od
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_single_scattering_albedo
- cloud single scattering albedo
- frac
- cld_ssa
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- cloud_asymmetry_parameter
- cloud asymmetry parameter
- none
- cld_asy
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 695ab6d73..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- GFS_diag_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS diagnotics data
- Diag
- GFS_diag_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields targetted for diagnostic output
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- extra_top_layer
- extra top layers
- none
- ltp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- daytime_points_dimension
- daytime points dimension
- count
- nday
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky heating rate due to shortwave radiation
- K s-1
- htswc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- clear sky heating rates due to shortwave radiation
- K s-1
- htsw0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct
- surface albedo due to near IR direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused
- surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb3
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb4
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes
- derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes
- W m-2
- scmpsw
- cmpfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f2a3164..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- daytime_points_dimension
- daytime points dimension
- count
- nday
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- daytime_points
- daytime points
- index
- idxday
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfg
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct
- surface albedo due to near IR direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb1
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused
- surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb2
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb3
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb4
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_perturbation
- surface albedo perturbation
- frac
- alb1d
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_lw.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6140924fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_lw.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+! ###########################################################################################
+! ###########################################################################################
+module rrtmgp_lw
+ use machine, only: kind_phys
+ use mo_gas_optics_rrtmgp, only: ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp
+ use mo_cloud_optics, only: ty_cloud_optics
+ use mo_optical_props, only: ty_optical_props_1scl
+ use mo_rrtmgp_clr_all_sky, only: rte_lw
+ use mo_gas_concentrations, only: ty_gas_concs
+ use mo_fluxes_byband, only: ty_fluxes_byband
+ public rrtmgp_lw_init, rrtmgp_lw_run, rrtmgp_lw_finalize
+ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_init()
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_lw_init
+ ! #########################################################################################
+ ! #########################################################################################
+!! \section arg_table_rrtmgp_lw_run Argument Table
+!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
+!! |-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|------|-----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
+!! | ncol | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
+!! | nlay | adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation | number of vertical layers for radiation | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
+!! | p_lay | air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa | air pressure layer | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | p_lev | air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa | air pressure level | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | t_lay | air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation | air temperature layer | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | skt | surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation | surface ground temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | sfc_emiss | surface_longwave_emissivity_in_each_band | surface lw emissivity in fraction in each LW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | kdist_lw | K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_LW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp | | in | F |
+!! | optical_props_clds | optical_properties_for_cloudy_atmosphere | Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties | DDT | 0 | ty_optical_props_1scl | | in | F |
+!! | optical_props_aerosol | optical_properties_for_aerosols | Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties | DDT | 0 | ty_optical_props_1scl | | in | F |
+!! | gas_concentrations | Gas_concentrations_for_RRTMGP_suite | DDT containing gas concentrations for RRTMGP radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_concs | | in | F |
+!! | fluxLW_allsky | lw_flux_profiles_byband_allsky | Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP 3D fluxes | DDT | 0 | ty_fluxes_byband | | out | F |
+!! | fluxLW_clrsky | lw_flux_profiles_byband_clrsky | Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP 3D fluxes | DDT | 0 | ty_fluxes_byband | | out | F |
+!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
+!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
+ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_run(ncol, nlay, kdist_lw, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, skt, &
+ sfc_emiss, gas_concentrations, optical_props_clds, optical_props_aerosol,&
+ fluxLW_allsky, fluxLW_clrsky, errmsg, errflg)
+ ! Inputs
+ integer, intent(in) :: &
+ ncol, & ! Number of horizontal gridpoints
+ nlay ! Number of vertical layers
+ real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay), intent(in) :: &
+ p_lay, & ! Pressure @ model layer-centers (hPa)
+ t_lay ! Temperature (K)
+ real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(in) :: &
+ p_lev ! Pressure @ model layer-interfaces (hPa)
+ real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol), intent(in) :: &
+ skt ! Surface(skin) temperature (K)
+ type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(in) :: &
+ kdist_lw ! DDT containing LW spectral information
+ real(kind_phys), dimension(kdist_lw%get_nband(),ncol) :: &
+ sfc_emiss ! Surface emissivity (1)
+ type(ty_optical_props_1scl),intent(in) :: &
+ optical_props_clds, &
+ optical_props_aerosol
+ type(ty_gas_concs),intent(in) :: &
+ gas_concentrations
+ type(ty_fluxes_byband),intent(out) :: &
+ fluxLW_allsky, & ! All-sky flux (W/m2)
+ fluxLW_clrsky ! Clear-sky flux (W/m2)
+ ! Outputs
+ character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
+ integer, intent(out) :: errflg
+ ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
+ errmsg = ''
+ errflg = 0
+ ! Call RRTMGP LW scheme
+ call check_error_msg(rte_lw( &
+ kdist_lw, & ! IN - spectral information
+ gas_concentrations, & ! IN - gas concentrations (vmr)
+ p_lay, & ! IN - pressure at layer interfaces (Pa)
+ t_lay, & ! IN - temperature at layer interfaes (K)
+ p_lev, & ! IN - pressure at layer centers (Pa)
+ skt, & ! IN - skin temperature (K)
+ sfc_emiss, & ! IN - surface emissivity in each LW band
+ optical_props_clds, & ! IN - DDT containing cloud optical information
+ fluxLW_allsky, & ! OUT - Fluxes, all-sky, 3D (nCol,nLay,nBand)
+ fluxLW_clrsky, & ! OUT - Fluxes, clear-sky, 3D (nCol,nLay,nBand)
+ aer_props = optical_props_aerosol)) ! IN(optional) - DDT containing aerosol optical information
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_lw_run
+ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_finalize()
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_lw_finalize
+ subroutine check_error_msg(error_msg)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: error_msg
+ if(error_msg /= "") then
+ print*,"ERROR(rrtmgp_sw_main.F90): "
+ print*,trim(error_msg)
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine check_error_msg
+end module rrtmgp_lw
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_main.xml b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_main.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ac5c73e..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_main.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- nlay
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure layer
- hPa
- p_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure level
- hPa
- p_lev
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
- air temperature layer
- K
- t_lay
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- skt
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface emissivity
- frac
- sfc_emiss
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_LW_scheme
- DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme
- kdist_lw
- ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- optical_properties_for_cloudy_atmosphere
- Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties
- optical_props_clds
- ty_optical_props_1scl
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- optical_properties_for_aerosols
- Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties
- optical_props_aerosol
- ty_optical_props_1scl
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- Gas_concentrations_for_RRTMGP_suite
- Fortran DDT containing gas concentrations for RRTMGP radiation scheme
- gas_concentrations
- ty_gas_concs
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- lw_flux_profiles_byband_allsky
- Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP 3D fluxes
- fluxLW_allsky
- ty_fluxes_byband
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- lw_flux_profiles_byband_clrsky
- Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP 3D fluxes
- fluxLW_clrsky
- ty_fluxes_byband
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_main_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_post.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
index 9743b5b22..797c28de5 100644
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module rrtmgp_lw_post
use mo_gas_optics_rrtmgp, only: ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp
use mo_fluxes_byband, only: ty_fluxes_byband
use mo_heating_rates, only: compute_heating_rate
- use GFS_rrtmgp_lw, only: check_error_msg
+ use rrtmgp_lw, only: check_error_msg
use module_radlw_parameters, only: topflw_type, sfcflw_type, proflw_type
implicit none
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_sw.F90
similarity index 99%
rename from physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw.F90
rename to physics/rrtmgp_sw.F90
index b0cc94e32..9b1d66a42 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_sw.F90
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! ###########################################################################################
! ###########################################################################################
-module GFS_rrtmgp_sw
+module rrtmgp_sw
use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_control_type
use physparam, only: iovrsw, icldflg, iswcliq, isubcsw
use machine, only: kind_phys
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ module GFS_rrtmgp_sw
real (kind_phys), parameter :: &
s0 = 1368.22 ! Solar constant (W/m2)
- ! Logical flags for optional output fields in GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run(), default=.false.
+ ! Logical flags for optional output fields in rrtmgp_sw_run(), default=.false.
logical :: &
l_AllSky_HR_byband = .false., & ! 2D [ncol,nlay] all-sky heating rates, in each band [ncol,nlay,nBandsSW]?
l_ClrSky_HR = .false., & ! 2D [ncol,nlay] clear-sky heating rate?
l_fluxes2D = .false., & ! 2D [ncol,nlay] radiative fluxes *Note* fluxes is a DDT w/ 4 fields.
l_sfcFluxes1D = .false. ! 1D [ncol] surface fluxes *Note* fluxes is a DDT w/ 6 fields.
- ! Module parameters (set during GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init())
+ ! Module parameters (set during rrtmgp_sw_init())
integer :: &
rrtmgp_sw_cld_phys, & ! RRTMGP cloud-physics (0-RRTMG, 1-RRTGMP(LUT), 2-RRTMGP(Pade))
nGptsSW, & ! Number of SW spectral g-points
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ module GFS_rrtmgp_sw
type(ty_gas_concs) :: &
- public GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init, GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run, GFS_rrtmgp_sw_finalize
+ public rrtmgp_sw_init, rrtmgp_sw_run, rrtmgp_sw_finalize
! #########################################################################################
- ! GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init
+ ! rrtmgp_sw_init
! #########################################################################################
-!! \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init Argument Table
+!! \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_init Argument Table
!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
!! |-----------------|-------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|------|----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module GFS_rrtmgp_sw
!! | kdist_sw_cldy | K_distribution_file_for_cloudy_RRTMGP_SW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for cloudy RRTMGP SW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_cloud_optics | | inout | F |
! #########################################################################################
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init(Model,mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, kdist_sw, kdist_sw_cldy, &
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_init(Model,mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, kdist_sw, kdist_sw_cldy, &
errmsg, errflg)
use netcdf
#ifdef MPI
@@ -723,11 +723,11 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init(Model,mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, kdist_sw, kdist_s
pade_sizereg_extice_sw, pade_sizereg_ssaice_sw, pade_sizereg_asyice_sw))
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_init
! #########################################################################################
! #########################################################################################
-!! \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run Argument Table
+!! \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_run Argument Table
!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
!! |-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|------|---------------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | p_lay | air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa | air pressure layer | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_init
!! | kdist_sw | K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_SW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP SW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp | | in | F |
!! | kdist_sw_cldy | K_distribution_file_for_cloudy_RRTMGP_SW_scheme | DDT containing spectral information for cloudy RRTMGP SW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_cloud_optics | | inout | F |
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run(p_lay, p_lev, t_lay, t_lev, q_lay, o3_lay, vmr_co2, vmr_n2o, & ! IN
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_run(p_lay, p_lev, t_lay, t_lev, q_lay, o3_lay, vmr_co2, vmr_n2o, & ! IN
vmr_ch4, vmr_o2, vmr_co, vmr_cfc11, vmr_cfc12, vmr_cfc22, vmr_ccl4, icseed, tau_aer, & ! IN
ssa_aer, asy_aer, sfcalb_nir_dir, sfcalb_nir_dif, sfcalb_uvis_dir, sfcalb_uvis_dif, & ! IN
dzlyr, delpin, de_lgth, cossza, solcon, nday, idxday, ncol, nlay, lprint, cldfrac, & ! IN
@@ -1258,11 +1258,11 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run(p_lay, p_lev, t_lay, t_lev, q_lay, o3_lay, vmr_co2,
if (l_ClrSky_HR) then
hsw0(idxday,:) = thetaTendClrSky
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_run
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_run
! #########################################################################################
! #########################################################################################
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_finalize()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_finalize
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_finalize()
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_finalize
! #########################################################################################
! Ancillary functions
@@ -1271,11 +1271,11 @@ subroutine check_error_msg(error_msg)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: error_msg
if(error_msg /= "") then
- print*,"ERROR(GFS_rrtmgp_sw_main.F90): "
+ print*,"ERROR(rrtmgp_sw_main.F90): "
end if
end subroutine check_error_msg
! #########################################################################################
! #########################################################################################
-end module GFS_rrtmgp_sw
+end module rrtmgp_sw
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
similarity index 93%
rename from physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
rename to physics/rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
index 44508e697..d5bc2692e 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-!>\file GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post
+!>\file rrtmgp_sw_post
!! This file contains
- module GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post
- contains
+ module rrtmgp_sw_post
+ contains
-!>\defgroup GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post GFS RRTMGP scheme post
+!>\defgroup rrtmgp_sw_post GFS RRTMGP scheme post
!! @{
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_init Argument Table
+!> \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_post_init Argument Table
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_init ()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_init
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_post_init ()
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_post_init
! PGI compiler does not accept lines longer than 264 characters, remove during pre-processing
#ifndef __PGI
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run Argument Table
+!> \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_post_run Argument Table
!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
!! |----------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|------|-----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_init
!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Coupling, &
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Coupling, &
im, ltp, nday, lm, kd, htswc, htsw0, &
sfcalb1, sfcalb2, sfcalb3, sfcalb4, scmpsw, errmsg, errflg)
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Coupling, &
endif ! end_if_lsswr
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_post_run
-!> \section arg_table_GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_finalize Argument Table
+!> \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_post_finalize Argument Table
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_finalize ()
- end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_finalize
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_post_finalize ()
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_post_finalize
!! @}
- end module GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post
+ end module rrtmgp_sw_post
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_sw_pre.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_pre.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba9b1d054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_pre.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+!>\file rrtmgp_sw_pre.f90
+!! This file contains a subroutine to module_radiation_surface::setalb() to
+!! setup surface albedo for SW radiation.
+ module rrtmgp_sw_pre
+ contains
+!>\defgroup rrtmgp_sw_pre GFS RRTMGP scheme Pre
+!! @{
+!> \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_pre_init Argument Table
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_pre_init ()
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_pre_init
+!> \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_pre_run Argument Table
+!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
+!! |----------------|-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|------|------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
+!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
+!! | Grid | GFS_grid_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data | DDT | 0 | GFS_grid_type | | in | F |
+!! | Sfcprop | GFS_sfcprop_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields | DDT | 0 | GFS_sfcprop_type | | in | F |
+!! | Radtend | GFS_radtend_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies | DDT | 0 | GFS_radtend_type | | inout | F |
+!! | im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
+!! | nday | daytime_points_dimension | daytime points dimension | count | 0 | integer | | out | F |
+!! | idxday | daytime_points | daytime points | index | 1 | integer | | out | F |
+!! | tsfg | surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation | surface ground temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | tsfa | surface_air_temperature_for_radiation | lowest model layer air temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | sfcalb1 | surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct | surface albedo due to near IR direct beam | frac | 1 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
+!! | sfcalb2 | surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused | surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam | frac | 1 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
+!! | sfcalb3 | surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct | surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam | frac | 1 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
+!! | sfcalb4 | surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused | surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam | frac | 1 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
+!! | alb1d | surface_albedo_perturbation | surface albedo perturbation | frac | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
+!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
+!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_pre_run (Model, Grid, Sfcprop, Radtend, im, &
+ nday, idxday, tsfg, tsfa, sfcalb1, sfcalb2, sfcalb3, sfcalb4, &
+ alb1d, errmsg, errflg)
+ use machine, only: kind_phys
+ use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_control_type, &
+ GFS_grid_type, &
+ GFS_radtend_type, &
+ GFS_sfcprop_type
+ use module_radiation_surface, only: NF_ALBD, setalb
+ implicit none
+ type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: Model
+ type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: Radtend
+ type(GFS_sfcprop_type), intent(in) :: Sfcprop
+ type(GFS_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ integer, intent(out) :: nday
+ integer, dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(out) :: idxday
+ real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(in) :: tsfa, tsfg
+ real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(out) :: sfcalb1, sfcalb2, sfcalb3, sfcalb4
+ real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(in) :: alb1d
+ character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
+ integer, intent(out) :: errflg
+ ! Local variables
+ integer :: i
+ real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),NF_ALBD) :: sfcalb
+ ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
+ errmsg = ''
+ errflg = 0
+! --- ... start radiation calculations
+! remember to set heating rate unit to k/sec!
+!> -# Start SW radiation calculations
+ if (Model%lsswr) then
+!> - Check for daytime points for SW radiation.
+ nday = 0
+ idxday = 0
+ do i = 1, IM
+ if (Radtend%coszen(i) >= 0.0001) then
+ nday = nday + 1
+ idxday(nday) = i
+ endif
+ enddo
+!> - Call module_radiation_surface::setalb() to setup surface albedo.
+!! for SW radiation.
+ call setalb (Sfcprop%slmsk, Sfcprop%snowd, Sfcprop%sncovr,& ! --- inputs:
+ Sfcprop%snoalb, Sfcprop%zorl, Radtend%coszen,&
+ tsfg, tsfa, Sfcprop%hprim, Sfcprop%alvsf, &
+ Sfcprop%alnsf, Sfcprop%alvwf, Sfcprop%alnwf, &
+ Sfcprop%facsf, Sfcprop%facwf, Sfcprop%fice, &
+ Sfcprop%tisfc, IM, &
+ alb1d, Model%pertalb, & ! mg, sfc-perts
+ sfcalb) ! --- outputs
+!> -# Approximate mean surface albedo from vis- and nir- diffuse values.
+ Radtend%sfalb(:) = max(0.01, 0.5 * (sfcalb(:,2) + sfcalb(:,4)))
+ else
+ nday = 0
+ idxday = 0
+ sfcalb = 0.0
+ endif
+ do i = 1, im
+ sfcalb1(i) = sfcalb(i,1)
+ sfcalb2(i) = sfcalb(i,2)
+ sfcalb3(i) = sfcalb(i,3)
+ sfcalb4(i) = sfcalb(i,4)
+ enddo
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_pre_run
+!> \section arg_table_rrtmgp_sw_pre_finalize Argument Table
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_pre_finalize ()
+ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_pre_finalize
+!! @}
+ end module rrtmgp_sw_pre