diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90 index cccaa501c..20e37779e 100644 --- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90 +++ b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90 @@ -153,11 +153,6 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run (nCol, nLev, lslwr, do_lw_clrsky_hr, save_diag fluxr(i,30) = fluxr(i,30) + fhlwr * fluxlwDOWN_clrsky(i,iSFC) ! clear sky sfc lw dn fluxr(i,33) = fluxr(i,33) + fhlwr * fluxlwUP_clrsky( i,iSFC) ! clear sky sfc lw up enddo - - do i=1,nCol - fluxr(i,17) = fluxr(i,17) + raddt * cldsa(i,4) - fluxr(i,18) = fluxr(i,18) + raddt * cldsa(i,5) - enddo ! Save cld frac,toplyr,botlyr and top temp, note that the order of h,m,l cloud is reversed for ! the fluxr output. save interface pressure (pa) of top/bot @@ -166,10 +161,6 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run (nCol, nLev, lslwr, do_lw_clrsky_hr, save_diag tem0d = raddt * cldsa(i,j) itop = mtopa(i,j) ibtc = mbota(i,j) - fluxr(i, 8-j) = fluxr(i, 8-j) + tem0d - fluxr(i,11-j) = fluxr(i,11-j) + tem0d * p_lev(i,itop) - fluxr(i,14-j) = fluxr(i,14-j) + tem0d * p_lev(i,ibtc) - fluxr(i,17-j) = fluxr(i,17-j) + tem0d * t_lay(i,itop) ! Add optical depth and emissivity output tem2 = 0.