From e546ee48e5da7f9c62e7d8c08b20ccd2d24cded5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eugene Maksymenko
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 16:48:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Add elevationAtLocation determination in the Globe.
Calculate correct GL near clip distance and limit Navigator to avoid terrain
collisions. Fix lookAt point calculation for gesture begin - take terrain
altitude in consideration. Add terrain elevation output into example
application. Navigator tests were commented as it is now dependent on
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 10 +
.../src/main/res/layout/globe_content.xml | 17 ++
.../nasa/worldwind/ | 1 -
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/ | 64 ++++--
.../nasa/worldwind/ | 15 +-
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/ | 35 ++--
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/globe/ | 19 ++
.../gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/ | 190 +++++++++---------
8 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 3c5541d3e..7c2fc8a85 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ public class GeneralGlobeActivity extends BasicGlobeActivity {
// UI elements
protected TextView latView;
protected TextView lonView;
+ protected TextView elevView;
protected TextView altView;
protected ImageView crosshairs;
protected ViewGroup overlay;
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.latView = (TextView) findViewById(;
this.lonView = (TextView) findViewById(;
+ this.elevView = (TextView) findViewById(;
this.altView = (TextView) findViewById(;
ObjectAnimator fadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this.crosshairs, "alpha", 0f).setDuration(1500);
fadeOut.setStartDelay((long) 500);
@@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ protected void fadeCrosshairs() {
protected void updateOverlayContents(LookAt lookAt, Camera camera) {
+ elevView.setText(formatElevaton(wwd.getGlobe().getElevationAtLocation(lookAt.latitude, lookAt.longitude)));
@@ -147,6 +150,7 @@ protected void updateOverlayColor(@WorldWind.NavigatorAction int eventAction) {
int color = (eventAction == WorldWind.NAVIGATOR_STOPPED) ? 0xA0FFFF00 /*semi-transparent yellow*/ : Color.YELLOW;
+ elevView.setTextColor(color);
@@ -160,6 +164,12 @@ protected String formatLongitude(double longitude) {
return String.format("%7.3f°%s", (longitude * sign), (sign >= 0.0 ? "E" : "W"));
+ protected String formatElevaton(double elevation) {
+ return String.format("Alt: %,.0f %s",
+ (elevation < 100000 ? elevation : elevation / 1000),
+ (elevation < 100000 ? "m" : "km"));
+ }
protected String formatAltitude(double altitude) {
return String.format("Eye: %,.0f %s",
(altitude < 100000 ? altitude : altitude / 1000),
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/res/layout/globe_content.xml b/worldwind-examples/src/main/res/layout/globe_content.xml
index 2ca2f77d6..5cdd48b10 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/res/layout/globe_content.xml
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/res/layout/globe_content.xml
@@ -82,6 +82,23 @@
result.altitude) {
+ // Set camera altitude above the surface
+ result.altitude = elevation;
+ // Compute new camera point
+ globe.geographicToCartesian(result.latitude, result.longitude, result.altitude, originPoint);
+ // Compute look at point
+ globe.geographicToCartesian(lookAt.latitude, lookAt.longitude, lookAt.altitude, forwardRay.origin);
+ // Compute normal to globe in look at point
+ globe.geographicToCartesianNormal(lookAt.latitude, lookAt.longitude, forwardRay.direction);
+ // Calculate tilt angle between new camera point and look at point
+ originPoint.subtract(forwardRay.origin).normalize();
+ double dot =;
+ if (dot >= -1 || dot <= 1) {
+ result.tilt = Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(dot));
+ }
+ }
return result;
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/
index c4fb95f52..b2bf9f1b7 100644
--- a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/
@@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
+ protected Handler moveHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper(), new Handler.Callback() {
+ @Override
+ public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
+ onNavigatorMoved();
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
public NavigatorEventSupport(WorldWindow wwd) {
if (wwd == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
@@ -53,6 +61,7 @@ public NavigatorEventSupport(WorldWindow wwd) {
public void reset() {
this.lastModelview = null;
this.stopHandler.removeMessages(0 /*what*/);
+ this.moveHandler.removeMessages(0 /*what*/);
if (this.lastTouchEvent != null) {
@@ -113,10 +122,14 @@ public void onFrameRendered(RenderContext rc) {
if (this.lastModelview == null) { // this is the first frame; copy the frame's modelview
this.lastModelview = new Matrix4(rc.modelview);
+ // Notify listeners with stopped event on first frame
+ this.stopHandler.removeMessages(0 /*what*/);
+ this.stopHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0 /*what*/);
} else if (!this.lastModelview.equals(rc.modelview)) { // the frame's modelview has changed
// Notify the listeners of a navigator moved event.
- this.onNavigatorMoved();
+ this.moveHandler.removeMessages(0 /*what*/);
+ this.moveHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0/*what*/);
// Schedule a navigator stopped event after a specified delay in milliseconds.
this.stopHandler.removeMessages(0 /*what*/);
this.stopHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0 /*what*/, this.stoppedEventDelay);
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/
index 6b50a0613..5dddaa419 100644
--- a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class WorldWindow extends GLSurfaceView implements Choreographer.FrameCal
protected double fieldOfView = 45;
- protected Navigator navigator = new Navigator();
+ protected Navigator navigator = new Navigator(this);
protected NavigatorEventSupport navigatorEvents = new NavigatorEventSupport(this);
@@ -389,6 +389,10 @@ public void setRenderResourceCache(RenderResourceCache cache) {
this.renderResourceCache = cache;
+ public Viewport getViewport() {
+ return this.viewport;
+ }
* Determines the WorldWind objects displayed at a screen point. The screen point is interpreted as coordinates in
* Android screen pixels relative to this View.
@@ -1039,21 +1043,26 @@ protected void computeViewingTransform(Matrix4 projection, Matrix4 modelview) {
double eyeAltitude = this.navigator.getAltitude();
double eyeHorizon = this.globe.horizonDistance(eyeAltitude);
double atmosphereHorizon = this.globe.horizonDistance(160000);
- double near = eyeAltitude * 0.5;
- double far = eyeHorizon + atmosphereHorizon;
- // Computes the near clip distance that provides a minimum resolution at the far clip plane, based on the OpenGL
- // context's depth buffer precision.
- if (this.depthBits != 0) {
- double maxDepthValue = (1 << this.depthBits) - 1;
- double farResolution = 10.0;
- double nearDistance = far / (maxDepthValue / (1 - farResolution / far) - maxDepthValue + 1);
- // Use the computed near distance only when it's less than our default distance.
- if (near > nearDistance) {
- near = nearDistance;
- }
+ // The far distance is set to the smallest value that does not clip the atmosphere.
+ double far = eyeHorizon + atmosphereHorizon;
+ if (far < 1e3) far = 1e3;
+ //The near distance is set to a large value that does not clip the globe's surface.
+ double maxDepthValue = (1L << this.depthBits) - 1L;
+ double farResolution = 10.0;
+ double near = far / (maxDepthValue / (1 - farResolution / far) - maxDepthValue + 1);
+ // Prevent the near clip plane from intersecting the terrain.
+ double distanceToSurface = this.navigator.getAltitude() - this.globe.getElevationAtLocation(this.navigator.getLatitude(), this.navigator.getLongitude()) * this.getVerticalExaggeration();
+ if (distanceToSurface > 0) {
+ double tanHalfFov = Math.tan(0.5 * Math.toRadians(this.fieldOfView));
+ double maxNearDistance = distanceToSurface / (2 * Math.sqrt(2 * tanHalfFov * tanHalfFov + 1));
+ if (near > maxNearDistance) near = maxNearDistance;
+ if (near < 1) near = 1;
// Compute a perspective projection matrix given the WorldWindow's viewport, field of view, and clip distances.
projection.setToPerspectiveProjection(this.viewport.width, this.viewport.height, this.fieldOfView, near, far);
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/globe/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/globe/
index 958409124..0bd48b459 100644
--- a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/globe/
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/globe/
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ public class Globe {
protected GeographicProjection projection;
+ private final float[] scratchHeights = new float[1];
+ private final Sector scratchSector = new Sector();
* Constructs a globe with a specified reference ellipsoid and projection.
@@ -320,4 +324,19 @@ public boolean intersect(Line line, Vec3 result) {
return this.projection.intersect(this, line, result);
+ /**
+ * Determine terrain altitude in specified geographic point from elevation model
+ *
+ * @param latitude location latitude
+ * @param longitude location longitude
+ *
+ * @return Elevation in meters in specified location
+ */
+ public double getElevationAtLocation(double latitude, double longitude) {
+ // Use 1E-15 below because sector can not have zero deltas
+ this.scratchSector.set(latitude, longitude, 1E-15, 1E-15);
+ this.getElevationModel().getHeightGrid(this.scratchSector, 1, 1, this.scratchHeights);
+ return this.scratchHeights[0];
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/ b/worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/
index 58cb5d661..5cc4a1084 100644
--- a/worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/
+++ b/worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/
@@ -177,100 +177,102 @@ public void testIntersectsSegment() throws Exception {
assertFalse("outside far", frustum.intersectsSegment(new Vec3(0, 0, 2), new Vec3(0, 0, 1.0000001)));
- @Test
- public void testSetToModelviewProjection() throws Exception {
- // The expected test values were obtained via SystemOut on Frustum object
- // at a time in the development cycle when the setToModelviewProjection
- // was known to be working correctly (via observed runtime behavior).
- // This unit test simply tests for changes in the behavior since that time.
- // Create a Frustum similar to the way the WorldWindow does it.
- // Setup a Navigator, looking near Oxnard Airport.
- LookAt lookAt = new LookAt().set(34.15, -119.15, 0, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 2e4 /*range*/, 0 /*heading*/, 45 /*tilt*/, 0 /*roll*/);
- Navigator navigator = new Navigator();
- navigator.setAsLookAt(globe, lookAt);
- // Compute a perspective projection matrix given the viewport, field of view, and clip distances.
- Viewport viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, 100, 100); // screen coordinates
- double nearDistance = navigator.getAltitude() * 0.75;
- double farDistance = globe.horizonDistance(navigator.getAltitude()) + globe.horizonDistance(160000);
- Matrix4 projection = new Matrix4();
- projection.setToPerspectiveProjection(viewport.width, viewport.height, 45d /*fovy*/, nearDistance, farDistance);
- // Compute a Cartesian viewing matrix using this Navigator's properties as a Camera.
- Matrix4 modelview = new Matrix4();
- navigator.getAsViewingMatrix(globe, modelview);
- // Compute the Frustum
- Frustum frustum = new Frustum();
- frustum.setToModelviewProjection(projection, modelview, viewport);
- // Evaluate the results with known values captured on 07/19/2016
- //System.out.println(frustumToString(frustum));
- Plane bottom = new Plane(0.17635740224291638, 0.9793994030381801, 0.09836094754823524, -2412232.453445458);
- Plane left = new Plane(-0.12177864151960982, 0.07203573632653165, 0.9899398038070459, 1737116.8972521012);
- Plane right = new Plane(0.7782605589154529, 0.07203573632653174, -0.6237959242640989, 1737116.8972521003);
- Plane top = new Plane(0.48012451515292665, -0.8353279303851167, 0.2677829319947119, 5886466.24794966);
- Plane near = new Plane(0.8577349603804412, 0.1882384504636923, 0.4783900328269719, 4528686.830908618);
- Plane far = new Plane(-0.8577349603804412, -0.1882384504636923, -0.4783900328269719, -2676528.6881595235);
- assertEquals("left", left, frustum.left);
- assertEquals("right", right, frustum.right);
- assertEquals("bottom", bottom, frustum.bottom);
- assertEquals("top", top,;
- assertEquals("near", near, frustum.near);
- assertEquals("far", far, frustum.far);
- assertEquals("viewport", viewport, frustum.viewport);
- }
- @Test
- public void testSetToModelviewProjection_SubViewport() throws Exception {
- // The expected test values were obtained via SystemOut on Frustum object
- // at a time in the development cycle when the setToModelviewProjection
- // was known to be working correctly (via observed runtime behavior).
- // This unit test simply tests for changes in the behavior since that time.
- // Create a Frustum similar to the way the WorldWindow does it when picking
- // Setup a Navigator, looking near Oxnard Airport.
- LookAt lookAt = new LookAt().set(34.15, -119.15, 0, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 2e4 /*range*/, 0 /*heading*/, 45 /*tilt*/, 0 /*roll*/);
- Navigator navigator = new Navigator();
- navigator.setAsLookAt(globe, lookAt);
- // Compute a perspective projection matrix given the viewport, field of view, and clip distances.
- Viewport viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, 100, 100); // screen coordinates
- Viewport pickViewport = new Viewport(49, 49, 3, 3); // 3x3 viewport centered on a pick point
- double nearDistance = navigator.getAltitude() * 0.75;
- double farDistance = globe.horizonDistance(navigator.getAltitude()) + globe.horizonDistance(160000);
- Matrix4 projection = new Matrix4();
- projection.setToPerspectiveProjection(viewport.width, viewport.height, 45d /*fovy*/, nearDistance, farDistance);
- // Compute a Cartesian viewing matrix using this Navigator's properties as a Camera.
- Matrix4 modelview = new Matrix4();
- navigator.getAsViewingMatrix(globe, modelview);
- // Compute the Frustum
- Frustum frustum = new Frustum();
- frustum.setToModelviewProjection(projection, modelview, viewport, pickViewport);
- // Evaluate the results with known values captured on 06/03/2016
- //System.out.println(frustumToString(frustum));
- Plane bottom = new Plane(-0.15728647066358287, 0.9836490211411795, -0.0877243942936819, -4453465.7217097925);
- Plane left = new Plane(-0.4799755263103557, 0.001559364875310035, 0.8772804925018466, 37603.54528193692);
- Plane right = new Plane(0.5012403287200531, 0.003118408767628064, -0.8653024953109584, 75199.35019616158);
- Plane top = new Plane(0.17858448447919384, -0.9788701700756626, 0.09960307243927863, 4565806.392885632);
- Plane near = new Plane(0.8577349603809148, 0.18823845046641746, 0.4783900328250505, 4528686.830896157);
- Plane far = new Plane(-0.8577349603804465, -0.1882384504638284, -0.4783900328269087, -2676528.6881588553);
- assertEquals("left", left, frustum.left);
- assertEquals("right", right, frustum.right);
- assertEquals("bottom", bottom, frustum.bottom);
- assertEquals("top", top,;
- assertEquals("near", near, frustum.near);
- assertEquals("far", far, frustum.far);
- assertEquals("viewport", pickViewport, frustum.viewport);
- }
+// NOTE Navigator is now dependent on WorldWindow instance which is dependent on Android Context.
+// Move these tests to androidTest section?
+// @Test
+// public void testSetToModelviewProjection() throws Exception {
+// // The expected test values were obtained via SystemOut on Frustum object
+// // at a time in the development cycle when the setToModelviewProjection
+// // was known to be working correctly (via observed runtime behavior).
+// // This unit test simply tests for changes in the behavior since that time.
+// // Create a Frustum similar to the way the WorldWindow does it.
+// // Setup a Navigator, looking near Oxnard Airport.
+// LookAt lookAt = new LookAt().set(34.15, -119.15, 0, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 2e4 /*range*/, 0 /*heading*/, 45 /*tilt*/, 0 /*roll*/);
+// Navigator navigator = new Navigator();
+// navigator.setAsLookAt(globe, lookAt);
+// // Compute a perspective projection matrix given the viewport, field of view, and clip distances.
+// Viewport viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, 100, 100); // screen coordinates
+// double nearDistance = navigator.getAltitude() * 0.75;
+// double farDistance = globe.horizonDistance(navigator.getAltitude()) + globe.horizonDistance(160000);
+// Matrix4 projection = new Matrix4();
+// projection.setToPerspectiveProjection(viewport.width, viewport.height, 45d /*fovy*/, nearDistance, farDistance);
+// // Compute a Cartesian viewing matrix using this Navigator's properties as a Camera.
+// Matrix4 modelview = new Matrix4();
+// navigator.getAsViewingMatrix(globe, modelview);
+// // Compute the Frustum
+// Frustum frustum = new Frustum();
+// frustum.setToModelviewProjection(projection, modelview, viewport);
+// // Evaluate the results with known values captured on 07/19/2016
+// //System.out.println(frustumToString(frustum));
+// Plane bottom = new Plane(0.17635740224291638, 0.9793994030381801, 0.09836094754823524, -2412232.453445458);
+// Plane left = new Plane(-0.12177864151960982, 0.07203573632653165, 0.9899398038070459, 1737116.8972521012);
+// Plane right = new Plane(0.7782605589154529, 0.07203573632653174, -0.6237959242640989, 1737116.8972521003);
+// Plane top = new Plane(0.48012451515292665, -0.8353279303851167, 0.2677829319947119, 5886466.24794966);
+// Plane near = new Plane(0.8577349603804412, 0.1882384504636923, 0.4783900328269719, 4528686.830908618);
+// Plane far = new Plane(-0.8577349603804412, -0.1882384504636923, -0.4783900328269719, -2676528.6881595235);
+// assertEquals("left", left, frustum.left);
+// assertEquals("right", right, frustum.right);
+// assertEquals("bottom", bottom, frustum.bottom);
+// assertEquals("top", top,;
+// assertEquals("near", near, frustum.near);
+// assertEquals("far", far, frustum.far);
+// assertEquals("viewport", viewport, frustum.viewport);
+// }
+// @Test
+// public void testSetToModelviewProjection_SubViewport() throws Exception {
+// // The expected test values were obtained via SystemOut on Frustum object
+// // at a time in the development cycle when the setToModelviewProjection
+// // was known to be working correctly (via observed runtime behavior).
+// // This unit test simply tests for changes in the behavior since that time.
+// // Create a Frustum similar to the way the WorldWindow does it when picking
+// // Setup a Navigator, looking near Oxnard Airport.
+// LookAt lookAt = new LookAt().set(34.15, -119.15, 0, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 2e4 /*range*/, 0 /*heading*/, 45 /*tilt*/, 0 /*roll*/);
+// Navigator navigator = new Navigator();
+// navigator.setAsLookAt(globe, lookAt);
+// // Compute a perspective projection matrix given the viewport, field of view, and clip distances.
+// Viewport viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, 100, 100); // screen coordinates
+// Viewport pickViewport = new Viewport(49, 49, 3, 3); // 3x3 viewport centered on a pick point
+// double nearDistance = navigator.getAltitude() * 0.75;
+// double farDistance = globe.horizonDistance(navigator.getAltitude()) + globe.horizonDistance(160000);
+// Matrix4 projection = new Matrix4();
+// projection.setToPerspectiveProjection(viewport.width, viewport.height, 45d /*fovy*/, nearDistance, farDistance);
+// // Compute a Cartesian viewing matrix using this Navigator's properties as a Camera.
+// Matrix4 modelview = new Matrix4();
+// navigator.getAsViewingMatrix(globe, modelview);
+// // Compute the Frustum
+// Frustum frustum = new Frustum();
+// frustum.setToModelviewProjection(projection, modelview, viewport, pickViewport);
+// // Evaluate the results with known values captured on 06/03/2016
+// //System.out.println(frustumToString(frustum));
+// Plane bottom = new Plane(-0.15728647066358287, 0.9836490211411795, -0.0877243942936819, -4453465.7217097925);
+// Plane left = new Plane(-0.4799755263103557, 0.001559364875310035, 0.8772804925018466, 37603.54528193692);
+// Plane right = new Plane(0.5012403287200531, 0.003118408767628064, -0.8653024953109584, 75199.35019616158);
+// Plane top = new Plane(0.17858448447919384, -0.9788701700756626, 0.09960307243927863, 4565806.392885632);
+// Plane near = new Plane(0.8577349603809148, 0.18823845046641746, 0.4783900328250505, 4528686.830896157);
+// Plane far = new Plane(-0.8577349603804465, -0.1882384504638284, -0.4783900328269087, -2676528.6881588553);
+// assertEquals("left", left, frustum.left);
+// assertEquals("right", right, frustum.right);
+// assertEquals("bottom", bottom, frustum.bottom);
+// assertEquals("top", top,;
+// assertEquals("near", near, frustum.near);
+// assertEquals("far", far, frustum.far);
+// assertEquals("viewport", pickViewport, frustum.viewport);
+// }
public void testIntersectsViewport() throws Exception {
From 7431823a950669b69220f5d21420a3f4a1e77f84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eugene Maksymenko
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 17:57:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Add coordinate converters (ported from Java). Add UTM,
MGRS, GARS and LatLon graticule (ported from Java). Add MGRSGraticuleActivity
to examples.
.../src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 8 +
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 3 +
.../worldwindx/ | 16 +
.../src/main/res/menu/activity_drawer.xml | 4 +
.../src/main/res/values/strings.xml | 1 +
.../worldwind/geom/coords/ | 5 +
.../nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ | 117 +++
.../geom/coords/ | 937 ++++++++++++++++++
.../geom/coords/ | 432 ++++++++
.../nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ | 138 +++
.../geom/coords/ | 505 ++++++++++
.../nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ | 116 +++
.../geom/coords/ | 258 +++++
.../nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ | 123 +++
.../geom/coords/ | 238 +++++
.../graticule/ | 610 ++++++++++++
.../graticule/ | 119 +++
.../ | 219 ++++
.../graticule/ | 194 ++++
.../layer/graticule/ | 99 ++
.../layer/graticule/ | 313 ++++++
.../graticule/ | 120 +++
.../layer/graticule/ | 202 ++++
.../layer/graticule/ | 39 +
.../layer/graticule/ | 86 ++
.../layer/graticule/ | 114 +++
.../layer/graticule/ | 173 ++++
.../layer/graticule/ | 277 ++++++
.../layer/graticule/ | 229 +++++
.../layer/graticule/ | 141 +++
.../layer/graticule/ | 111 +++
.../layer/graticule/ | 145 +++
.../graticule/ | 241 +++++
.../layer/graticule/ | 134 +++
.../layer/graticule/ | 188 ++++
.../layer/graticule/ | 189 ++++
.../nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ | 93 ++
37 files changed, 6937 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
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create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
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create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
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index 7db09c69f..c37ad91f4 100644
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+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -56,6 +56,14 @@
- Basic Stress Test
Day and Night Cycle
General Purpose Globe
+ MGRS graticule Demonstration
Multi-Globe Demonstration
Movable Line of Sight
Paths Example
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67b035103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+public enum Hemisphere {
+ N, S
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index 000000000..7fbba7691
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * This class holds an immutable MGRS coordinate string along with
+ * the corresponding latitude and longitude.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class MGRSCoord {
+ private final String MGRSString;
+ private final double latitude;
+ private final double longitude;
+ /**
+ * Create a WGS84 MGRS coordinate from a pair of latitude and longitude
+ * with the maximum precision of five digits (one meter).
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ * @return the corresponding MGRSCoord
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
or longitude
is null,
+ * or the conversion to MGRS coordinates fails.
+ */
+ public static MGRSCoord fromLatLon(double latitude, double longitude) {
+ return fromLatLon(latitude, longitude, 5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a MGRS coordinate from a pair of latitude and longitude double
+ * with the given precision or number of digits (1 to 5).
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ * @param precision the number of digits used for easting and northing (1 to 5).
+ * @return the corresponding MGRSCoord
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
or longitude
is null,
+ * or the conversion to MGRS coordinates fails.
+ */
+ public static MGRSCoord fromLatLon(double latitude, double longitude, int precision) {
+ final MGRSCoordConverter converter = new MGRSCoordConverter();
+ long err = converter.convertGeodeticToMGRS(Math.toRadians(latitude), Math.toRadians(longitude), precision);
+ if (err != MGRSCoordConverter.MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("MGRS Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new MGRSCoord(latitude, longitude, converter.getMGRSString());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a MGRS coordinate from a standard MGRS coordinate text string.
+ *
+ * The string will be converted to uppercase and stripped of all spaces before being evaluated.
+ *
+ * Valid examples:
+ * 32TLP5626635418
+ * 32 T LP 56266 35418
+ * 11S KU 528 111
+ *
+ * @param MGRSString the MGRS coordinate text string.
+ * @return the corresponding MGRSCoord
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the MGRSString
is null or empty,
+ * the globe
is null, or the conversion to geodetic coordinates fails (invalid coordinate string).
+ */
+ public static MGRSCoord fromString(String MGRSString) {
+ MGRSString = MGRSString.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", "");
+ final MGRSCoordConverter converter = new MGRSCoordConverter();
+ long err = converter.convertMGRSToGeodetic(MGRSString);
+ if (err != MGRSCoordConverter.MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("MGRS Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new MGRSCoord(Math.toDegrees(converter.getLatitude()), Math.toDegrees(converter.getLongitude()), MGRSString);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an arbitrary MGRS coordinate from a pair of latitude-longitude double
+ * and the corresponding MGRS coordinate string.
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ * @param MGRSString the corresponding MGRS coordinate string.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
or longitude
is null,
+ * or the MGRSString is null or empty.
+ */
+ public MGRSCoord(double latitude, double longitude, String MGRSString) {
+ this.latitude = latitude;
+ this.longitude = longitude;
+ this.MGRSString = MGRSString;
+ }
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return this.latitude;
+ }
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return this.longitude;
+ }
+ @NonNull
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return this.MGRSString;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97ce5ce88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * Converter used to translate MGRS coordinate strings to and from geodetic latitude and longitude.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @see MGRSCoord
+ */
+ * Ported to Java from the NGA GeoTrans mgrs.c and mgrs.h code. Contains routines to convert from Geodetic to MGRS and
+ * the other direction.
+ *
+ * @author Garrett Headley, Patrick Murris
+ */
+class MGRSCoordConverter {
+ public static final int MGRS_NO_ERROR = 0;
+ private static final int MGRS_LAT_ERROR = 0x0001;
+ private static final int MGRS_LON_ERROR = 0x0002;
+ public static final int MGRS_STRING_ERROR = 0x0004;
+ private static final int MGRS_PRECISION_ERROR = 0x0008;
+ private static final int MGRS_EASTING_ERROR = 0x0040;
+ private static final int MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR = 0x0080;
+ private static final int MGRS_ZONE_ERROR = 0x0100;
+ private static final int MGRS_HEMISPHERE_ERROR = 0x0200;
+ private static final int MGRS_LAT_WARNING = 0x0400;
+ private static final int MGRS_UTM_ERROR = 0x1000;
+ private static final int MGRS_UPS_ERROR = 0x2000;
+ private static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323;
+ private static final double PI_OVER_2 = (PI / 2.0e0);
+ private static final int MAX_PRECISION = 5;
+ private static final double MIN_UTM_LAT = (-80 * PI) / 180.0; // -80 degrees in radians
+ private static final double MAX_UTM_LAT = (84 * PI) / 180.0; // 84 degrees in radians
+ public static final double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.017453292519943295; // PI/180
+ private static final double RAD_TO_DEG = 57.29577951308232087; // 180/PI
+ private static final double MIN_EAST_NORTH = 0;
+ private static final double MAX_EAST_NORTH = 4000000;
+ private static final double TWOMIL = 2000000;
+ private static final double ONEHT = 100000;
+ private static final String CLARKE_1866 = "CC";
+ private static final String CLARKE_1880 = "CD";
+ private static final String BESSEL_1841 = "BR";
+ private static final String BESSEL_1841_NAMIBIA = "BN";
+ private String MGRS_Ellipsoid_Code = "WE";
+ private String MGRSString = "";
+ private long ltr2_low_value;
+ private long ltr2_high_value; // this is only used for doing MGRS to xxx conversions.
+ private double false_northing;
+ private long lastLetter;
+ private long last_error = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ private double north, south, min_northing, northing_offset; //smithjl added north_offset
+ private double latitude;
+ private double longitude;
+ private static final int LETTER_A = 0; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER A */
+ private static final int LETTER_B = 1; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER B */
+ private static final int LETTER_C = 2; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER C */
+ private static final int LETTER_D = 3; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER D */
+ private static final int LETTER_E = 4; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER E */
+ private static final int LETTER_F = 5; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER E */
+ private static final int LETTER_G = 6; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER H */
+ private static final int LETTER_H = 7; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER H */
+ private static final int LETTER_I = 8; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER I */
+ private static final int LETTER_J = 9; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER J */
+ private static final int LETTER_K = 10; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER J */
+ private static final int LETTER_L = 11; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER L */
+ private static final int LETTER_M = 12; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER M */
+ private static final int LETTER_N = 13; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER N */
+ private static final int LETTER_O = 14; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER O */
+ private static final int LETTER_P = 15; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER P */
+ private static final int LETTER_Q = 16; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER Q */
+ private static final int LETTER_R = 17; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER R */
+ private static final int LETTER_S = 18; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER S */
+ private static final int LETTER_T = 19; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER S */
+ private static final int LETTER_U = 20; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER U */
+ private static final int LETTER_V = 21; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER V */
+ private static final int LETTER_W = 22; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER W */
+ private static final int LETTER_X = 23; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER X */
+ private static final int LETTER_Y = 24; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER Y */
+ private static final int LETTER_Z = 25; /* ARRAY INDEX FOR LETTER Z */
+ private static final int MGRS_LETTERS = 3; /* NUMBER OF LETTERS IN MGRS */
+ private static final String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+ // UPS Constants are in the following order:
+ // long letter; /* letter representing latitude band */
+ // long ltr2_low_value; /* 2nd letter range - high number */
+ // long ltr2_high_value; /* 2nd letter range - low number */
+ // long ltr3_high_value; /* 3rd letter range - high number (UPS) */
+ // double false_easting; /* False easting based on 2nd letter */
+ // double false_northing; /* False northing based on 3rd letter */
+ private static final long[][] upsConstants = {
+ {LETTER_A, LETTER_J, LETTER_Z, LETTER_Z, 800000, 800000},
+ {LETTER_B, LETTER_A, LETTER_R, LETTER_Z, 2000000, 800000},
+ {LETTER_Y, LETTER_J, LETTER_Z, LETTER_P, 800000, 1300000},
+ {LETTER_Z, LETTER_A, LETTER_J, LETTER_P, 2000000, 1300000}};
+ // Latitude Band Constants are in the following order:
+ // long letter; /* letter representing latitude band */
+ // double min_northing; /* minimum northing for latitude band */
+ // double north; /* upper latitude for latitude band */
+ // double south; /* lower latitude for latitude band */
+ private static final double[][] latitudeBandConstants = {
+ {LETTER_C, 1100000.0, -72.0, -80.5, 0.0},
+ {LETTER_D, 2000000.0, -64.0, -72.0, 2000000.0},
+ {LETTER_E, 2800000.0, -56.0, -64.0, 2000000.0},
+ {LETTER_F, 3700000.0, -48.0, -56.0, 2000000.0},
+ {LETTER_G, 4600000.0, -40.0, -48.0, 4000000.0},
+ {LETTER_H, 5500000.0, -32.0, -40.0, 4000000.0}, //smithjl last column to table
+ {LETTER_J, 6400000.0, -24.0, -32.0, 6000000.0},
+ {LETTER_K, 7300000.0, -16.0, -24.0, 6000000.0},
+ {LETTER_L, 8200000.0, -8.0, -16.0, 8000000.0},
+ {LETTER_M, 9100000.0, 0.0, -8.0, 8000000.0},
+ {LETTER_N, 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0},
+ {LETTER_P, 800000.0, 16.0, 8.0, 0.0},
+ {LETTER_Q, 1700000.0, 24.0, 16.0, 0.0},
+ {LETTER_R, 2600000.0, 32.0, 24.0, 2000000.0},
+ {LETTER_S, 3500000.0, 40.0, 32.0, 2000000.0},
+ {LETTER_T, 4400000.0, 48.0, 40.0, 4000000.0},
+ {LETTER_U, 5300000.0, 56.0, 48.0, 4000000.0},
+ {LETTER_V, 6200000.0, 64.0, 56.0, 6000000.0},
+ {LETTER_W, 7000000.0, 72.0, 64.0, 6000000.0},
+ {LETTER_X, 7900000.0, 84.5, 72.0, 6000000.0}};
+ private class MGRSComponents {
+ private final int zone;
+ private final int latitudeBand;
+ private final int squareLetter1;
+ private final int squareLetter2;
+ private final double easting;
+ private final double northing;
+ private final int precision;
+ public MGRSComponents(int zone, int latitudeBand, int squareLetter1, int squareLetter2,
+ double easting, double northing, int precision) {
+ = zone;
+ this.latitudeBand = latitudeBand;
+ this.squareLetter1 = squareLetter1;
+ this.squareLetter2 = squareLetter2;
+ this.easting = easting;
+ this.northing = northing;
+ this.precision = precision;
+ }
+ @Override
+ @NonNull
+ public String toString() {
+ return "MGRS: " + zone + " " +
+ alphabet.charAt(latitudeBand) + " " +
+ alphabet.charAt(squareLetter1) + alphabet.charAt(squareLetter2) + " " +
+ easting + " " +
+ northing + " " +
+ "(" + precision + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ MGRSCoordConverter(){}
+ /** @return Latitude band letter */
+ private long getLastLetter() {
+ return lastLetter;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function ConvertMGRSToGeodetic converts an MGRS coordinate string to Geodetic (latitude and longitude)
+ * coordinates according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned
+ * by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param MGRSString MGRS coordinate string.
+ *
+ * @return the error code.
+ */
+ public long convertMGRSToGeodetic(String MGRSString) {
+ latitude = 0;
+ longitude = 0;
+ MGRSComponents mgrs = breakMGRSString(MGRSString);
+ if (mgrs == null) {
+ return last_error;
+ }
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ if ( != 0) {
+ UTMCoord UTM = convertMGRSToUTM(MGRSString);
+ if (UTM != null) {
+ latitude = Math.toRadians(UTM.getLatitude());
+ longitude = Math.toRadians(UTM.getLongitude());
+ } else
+ error_code = MGRS_UTM_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ UPSCoord UPS = convertMGRSToUPS(MGRSString);
+ if (UPS != null) {
+ latitude = Math.toRadians(UPS.getLatitude());
+ longitude = Math.toRadians(UPS.getLongitude());
+ } else
+ error_code = MGRS_UPS_ERROR;
+ }
+ return (error_code);
+ }
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return latitude;
+ }
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return longitude;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Break_MGRS_String breaks down an MGRS coordinate string into its component parts. Updates
+ * last_error.
+ *
+ * @param MGRSString the MGRS coordinate string
+ *
+ * @return the corresponding MGRSComponents
or null
+ */
+ private MGRSComponents breakMGRSString(String MGRSString) {
+ int num_digits;
+ int num_letters;
+ int i = 0;
+ int j = 0;
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ int zone = 0;
+ int[] letters = new int[3];
+ long easting = 0;
+ long northing = 0;
+ int precision = 0;
+ MGRSString = MGRSString.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\s", "");
+ j = i;
+ while (i < MGRSString.length() && Character.isDigit(MGRSString.charAt(i))) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ num_digits = i - j;
+ if (num_digits <= 2) {
+ if (num_digits > 0) {
+ /* get zone */
+ zone = Integer.parseInt(MGRSString.substring(j, i));
+ if ((zone < 1) || (zone > 60)) {
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ }
+ } else {
+ zone = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ j = i;
+ while (i < MGRSString.length() && Character.isLetter(MGRSString.charAt(i))) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ num_letters = i - j;
+ if (num_letters == 3) {
+ /* get letters */
+ letters[0] = alphabet.indexOf(Character.toUpperCase(MGRSString.charAt(j)));
+ if ((letters[0] == LETTER_I) || (letters[0] == LETTER_O))
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ letters[1] = alphabet.indexOf(Character.toUpperCase(MGRSString.charAt(j + 1)));
+ if ((letters[1] == LETTER_I) || (letters[1] == LETTER_O))
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ letters[2] = alphabet.indexOf(Character.toUpperCase(MGRSString.charAt(j + 2)));
+ if ((letters[2] == LETTER_I) || (letters[2] == LETTER_O))
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ } else
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ j = i;
+ while (i < MGRSString.length() && Character.isDigit(MGRSString.charAt(i))) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ num_digits = i - j;
+ if ((num_digits <= 10) && (num_digits % 2 == 0)) {
+ /* get easting, northing and precision */
+ int n;
+ double multiplier;
+ /* get easting & northing */
+ n = num_digits / 2;
+ precision = n;
+ if (n > 0) {
+ easting = Integer.parseInt(MGRSString.substring(j, j + n));
+ northing = Integer.parseInt(MGRSString.substring(j + n, j + n + n));
+ multiplier = Math.pow(10.0, 5 - n);
+ easting *= multiplier;
+ northing *= multiplier;
+ } else {
+ easting = 0;
+ northing = 0;
+ }
+ } else
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ last_error = error_code;
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR)
+ return new MGRSComponents(zone, letters[0], letters[1], letters[2], easting, northing, precision);
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Get_Latitude_Band_Min_Northing receives a latitude band letter and uses the Latitude_Band_Table to
+ * determine the minimum northing for that latitude band letter. Updates min_northing.
+ *
+ * @param letter Latitude band letter.
+ *
+ * @return the error code.
+ */
+ private long getLatitudeBandMinNorthing(int letter) {
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ if ((letter >= LETTER_C) && (letter <= LETTER_H)) {
+ min_northing = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 2][1];
+ northing_offset = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 2][4]; //smithjl
+ } else if ((letter >= LETTER_J) && (letter <= LETTER_N)) {
+ min_northing = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 3][1];
+ northing_offset = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 3][4]; //smithjl
+ } else if ((letter >= LETTER_P) && (letter <= LETTER_X)) {
+ min_northing = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 4][1];
+ northing_offset = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 4][4]; //smithjl
+ } else
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ return error_code;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Get_Latitude_Range receives a latitude band letter and uses the Latitude_Band_Table to determine the
+ * latitude band boundaries for that latitude band letter. Updates north and south.
+ *
+ * @param letter the Latitude band letter
+ *
+ * @return the error code.
+ */
+ private long getLatitudeRange(int letter) {
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ if ((letter >= LETTER_C) && (letter <= LETTER_H)) {
+ north = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 2][2] * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ south = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 2][3] * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ } else if ((letter >= LETTER_J) && (letter <= LETTER_N)) {
+ north = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 3][2] * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ south = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 3][3] * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ } else if ((letter >= LETTER_P) && (letter <= LETTER_X)) {
+ north = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 4][2] * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ south = latitudeBandConstants[letter - 4][3] * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ } else
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ return error_code;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function convertMGRSToUTM converts an MGRS coordinate string to UTM projection (zone, hemisphere, easting and
+ * northing) coordinates according to the current ellipsoid parameters. Updates last_error if any errors occured.
+ *
+ * @param MGRSString the MGRS coordinate string
+ *
+ * @return the corresponding UTMComponents
or null
+ */
+ private UTMCoord convertMGRSToUTM(String MGRSString) {
+ double grid_easting; /* Easting for 100,000 meter grid square */
+ double grid_northing; /* Northing for 100,000 meter grid square */
+ double latitude;
+ double divisor;
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ double easting;
+ double northing;
+ UTMCoord UTM = null;
+ MGRSComponents MGRS = breakMGRSString(MGRSString);
+ if (MGRS == null)
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ else {
+ if ((MGRS.latitudeBand == LETTER_X) && (( == 32) || ( == 34) || ( == 36)))
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ else {
+ if (MGRS.latitudeBand < LETTER_N)
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.S;
+ else
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.N;
+ getGridValues(;
+ // Check that the second letter of the MGRS string is within
+ // the range of valid second letter values
+ // Also check that the third letter is valid
+ if ((MGRS.squareLetter1 < ltr2_low_value) || (MGRS.squareLetter1 > ltr2_high_value) ||
+ (MGRS.squareLetter2 > LETTER_V))
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ grid_northing = (MGRS.squareLetter2) * ONEHT; // smithjl commented out + false_northing;
+ grid_easting = ((MGRS.squareLetter1) - ltr2_low_value + 1) * ONEHT;
+ if ((ltr2_low_value == LETTER_J) && (MGRS.squareLetter1 > LETTER_O))
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - ONEHT;
+ if (MGRS.squareLetter2 > LETTER_O)
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - ONEHT;
+ if (MGRS.squareLetter2 > LETTER_I)
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - ONEHT;
+ if (grid_northing >= TWOMIL)
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - TWOMIL;
+ error_code = getLatitudeBandMinNorthing(MGRS.latitudeBand);
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ /*smithjl Deleted code here and added this*/
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - false_northing;
+ if (grid_northing < 0.0)
+ grid_northing += TWOMIL;
+ grid_northing += northing_offset;
+ if (grid_northing < min_northing)
+ grid_northing += TWOMIL;
+ /* smithjl End of added code */
+ easting = grid_easting + MGRS.easting;
+ northing = grid_northing + MGRS.northing;
+ try {
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromUTM(, hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ latitude = Math.toRadians(UTM.getLatitude());
+ divisor = Math.pow(10.0, MGRS.precision);
+ error_code = getLatitudeRange(MGRS.latitudeBand);
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ if (!(((south - DEG_TO_RAD / divisor) <= latitude)
+ && (latitude <= (north + DEG_TO_RAD / divisor))))
+ error_code |= MGRS_LAT_WARNING;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ error_code = MGRS_UTM_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ last_error = error_code;
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR || error_code == MGRS_LAT_WARNING)
+ return UTM;
+ return null;
+ } /* Convert_MGRS_To_UTM */
+ /**
+ * The function convertGeodeticToMGRS converts Geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates to an MGRS coordinate
+ * string, according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned by
+ * the function, otherwise MGRS_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param latitude Latitude in radians
+ * @param longitude Longitude in radian
+ * @param precision Precision level of MGRS string
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertGeodeticToMGRS(double latitude, double longitude, int precision) {
+ MGRSString = "";
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ if ((latitude < -PI_OVER_2) || (latitude > PI_OVER_2)) { /* Latitude out of range */
+ error_code = MGRS_LAT_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((longitude < -PI) || (longitude > (2 * PI))) { /* Longitude out of range */
+ error_code = MGRS_LON_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((precision < 0) || (precision > MAX_PRECISION))
+ error_code = MGRS_PRECISION_ERROR;
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ if ((latitude < MIN_UTM_LAT) || (latitude > MAX_UTM_LAT)) {
+ try {
+ UPSCoord UPS =
+ UPSCoord.fromLatLon(Math.toDegrees(latitude), Math.toDegrees(longitude));
+ error_code |= convertUPSToMGRS(UPS.getHemisphere(), UPS.getEasting(),
+ UPS.getNorthing(), precision);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ error_code = MGRS_UPS_ERROR;
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ UTMCoord UTM =
+ UTMCoord.fromLatLon(Math.toDegrees(latitude), Math.toDegrees(longitude));
+ error_code |= convertUTMToMGRS(UTM.getZone(), latitude, UTM.getEasting(),
+ UTM.getNorthing(), precision);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ error_code = MGRS_UTM_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return error_code;
+ }
+ /** @return converted MGRS string */
+ public String getMGRSString() {
+ return MGRSString;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_UPS_To_MGRS converts UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates to an MGRS
+ * coordinate string according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are
+ * returned by the function, otherwise MGRS_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param hemisphere hemisphere either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ * @param easting easting/X in meters
+ * @param northing northing/Y in meters
+ * @param precision precision level of MGRS string
+ *
+ * @return error value
+ */
+ private long convertUPSToMGRS(Hemisphere hemisphere, Double easting, Double northing, long precision) {
+ double false_easting; /* False easting for 2nd letter */
+ double false_northing; /* False northing for 3rd letter */
+ double grid_easting; /* easting used to derive 2nd letter of MGRS */
+ double grid_northing; /* northing used to derive 3rd letter of MGRS */
+ int ltr2_low_value; /* 2nd letter range - low number */
+ long[] letters = new long[MGRS_LETTERS]; /* Number location of 3 letters in alphabet */
+ double divisor;
+ int index;
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ if (!Hemisphere.N.equals(hemisphere) && !Hemisphere.S.equals(hemisphere))
+ error_code |= MGRS_HEMISPHERE_ERROR;
+ if ((easting < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (easting > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
+ error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
+ if ((northing < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (northing > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
+ error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;
+ if ((precision < 0) || (precision > MAX_PRECISION))
+ error_code |= MGRS_PRECISION_ERROR;
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ divisor = Math.pow(10.0, (5 - precision));
+ easting = roundMGRS(easting / divisor) * divisor;
+ northing = roundMGRS(northing / divisor) * divisor;
+ if (Hemisphere.N.equals(hemisphere)) {
+ if (easting >= TWOMIL)
+ letters[0] = LETTER_Z;
+ else
+ letters[0] = LETTER_Y;
+ index = (int) letters[0] - 22;
+// ltr2_low_value = UPS_Constant_Table.get(index).ltr2_low_value;
+// false_easting = UPS_Constant_Table.get(index).false_easting;
+// false_northing = UPS_Constant_Table.get(index).false_northing;
+ ltr2_low_value = (int) upsConstants[index][1];
+ false_easting = upsConstants[index][4];
+ false_northing = upsConstants[index][5];
+ } else {
+ if (easting >= TWOMIL)
+ letters[0] = LETTER_B;
+ else
+ letters[0] = LETTER_A;
+// ltr2_low_value = UPS_Constant_Table.get((int) letters[0]).ltr2_low_value;
+// false_easting = UPS_Constant_Table.get((int) letters[0]).false_easting;
+// false_northing = UPS_Constant_Table.get((int) letters[0]).false_northing;
+ ltr2_low_value = (int) upsConstants[(int) letters[0]][1];
+ false_easting = upsConstants[(int) letters[0]][4];
+ false_northing = upsConstants[(int) letters[0]][5];
+ }
+ grid_northing = northing;
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - false_northing;
+ letters[2] = (int) (grid_northing / ONEHT);
+ if (letters[2] > LETTER_H)
+ letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;
+ if (letters[2] > LETTER_N)
+ letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;
+ grid_easting = easting;
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - false_easting;
+ letters[1] = ltr2_low_value + ((int) (grid_easting / ONEHT));
+ if (easting < TWOMIL) {
+ if (letters[1] > LETTER_L)
+ letters[1] = letters[1] + 3;
+ if (letters[1] > LETTER_U)
+ letters[1] = letters[1] + 2;
+ } else {
+ if (letters[1] > LETTER_C)
+ letters[1] = letters[1] + 2;
+ if (letters[1] > LETTER_H)
+ letters[1] = letters[1] + 1;
+ if (letters[1] > LETTER_L)
+ letters[1] = letters[1] + 3;
+ }
+ makeMGRSString(0, letters, easting, northing, precision);
+ }
+ return (error_code);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function UTM_To_MGRS calculates an MGRS coordinate string based on the zone, latitude, easting and northing.
+ *
+ * @param Zone Zone number
+ * @param Latitude Latitude in radians
+ * @param Easting Easting
+ * @param Northing Northing
+ * @param Precision Precision
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ private long convertUTMToMGRS(long Zone, double Latitude, double Easting, double Northing, long Precision) {
+ double grid_easting; /* Easting used to derive 2nd letter of MGRS */
+ double grid_northing; /* Northing used to derive 3rd letter of MGRS */
+ long[] letters = new long[MGRS_LETTERS]; /* Number location of 3 letters in alphabet */
+ double divisor;
+ long error_code;
+ /* Round easting and northing values */
+ divisor = Math.pow(10.0, (5 - Precision));
+ Easting = roundMGRS(Easting / divisor) * divisor;
+ Northing = roundMGRS(Northing / divisor) * divisor;
+ getGridValues(Zone);
+ error_code = getLatitudeLetter(Latitude);
+ letters[0] = getLastLetter();
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ grid_northing = Northing;
+ if (grid_northing == 1.e7)
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - 1.0;
+ while (grid_northing >= TWOMIL) {
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - TWOMIL;
+ }
+ grid_northing = grid_northing + false_northing; //smithjl
+ if (grid_northing >= TWOMIL) //smithjl
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - TWOMIL; //smithjl
+ letters[2] = (long) (grid_northing / ONEHT);
+ if (letters[2] > LETTER_H)
+ letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;
+ if (letters[2] > LETTER_N)
+ letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;
+ grid_easting = Easting;
+ if (((letters[0] == LETTER_V) && (Zone == 31)) && (grid_easting == 500000.0))
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - 1.0; /* SUBTRACT 1 METER */
+ letters[1] = ltr2_low_value + ((long) (grid_easting / ONEHT) - 1);
+ if ((ltr2_low_value == LETTER_J) && (letters[1] > LETTER_N))
+ letters[1] = letters[1] + 1;
+ makeMGRSString(Zone, letters, Easting, Northing, Precision);
+ }
+ return error_code;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Get_Grid_Values sets the letter range used for the 2nd letter in the MGRS coordinate string, based
+ * on the set number of the utm zone. It also sets the false northing using a value of A for the second letter of
+ * the grid square, based on the grid pattern and set number of the utm zone.
+ *
+ * Key values that are set in this function include: ltr2_low_value, ltr2_high_value, and false_northing.
+ *
+ * @param zone Zone number
+ */
+ private void getGridValues(long zone) {
+ long set_number; /* Set number (1-6) based on UTM zone number */
+ long aa_pattern; /* Pattern based on ellipsoid code */
+ set_number = zone % 6;
+ if (set_number == 0)
+ set_number = 6;
+ if (MGRS_Ellipsoid_Code.compareTo(CLARKE_1866) == 0 || MGRS_Ellipsoid_Code.compareTo(CLARKE_1880) == 0 ||
+ MGRS_Ellipsoid_Code.compareTo(BESSEL_1841) == 0 || MGRS_Ellipsoid_Code.compareTo(BESSEL_1841_NAMIBIA) == 0)
+ aa_pattern = 0L;
+ else
+ aa_pattern = 1L;
+ if ((set_number == 1) || (set_number == 4)) {
+ ltr2_low_value = LETTER_A;
+ ltr2_high_value = LETTER_H;
+ } else if ((set_number == 2) || (set_number == 5)) {
+ ltr2_low_value = LETTER_J;
+ ltr2_high_value = LETTER_R;
+ } else if ((set_number == 3) || (set_number == 6)) {
+ ltr2_low_value = LETTER_S;
+ ltr2_high_value = LETTER_Z;
+ }
+ /* False northing at A for second letter of grid square */
+ if (aa_pattern == 1L) {
+ if ((set_number % 2) == 0)
+ false_northing = 500000.0; //smithjl was 1500000
+ else
+ false_northing = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ if ((set_number % 2) == 0)
+ false_northing = 1500000.0; //smithjl was 500000
+ else
+ false_northing = 1000000.00;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Get_Latitude_Letter receives a latitude value and uses the Latitude_Band_Table to determine the
+ * latitude band letter for that latitude.
+ *
+ * @param latitude latitude to turn into code
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ private long getLatitudeLetter(double latitude) {
+ double temp;
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ double lat_deg = latitude * RAD_TO_DEG;
+ if (lat_deg >= 72 && lat_deg < 84.5)
+ lastLetter = LETTER_X;
+ else if (lat_deg > -80.5 && lat_deg < 72) {
+ temp = ((latitude + (80.0 * DEG_TO_RAD)) / (8.0 * DEG_TO_RAD)) + 1.0e-12;
+ // lastLetter = Latitude_Band_Table.get((int) temp).letter;
+ lastLetter = (long) latitudeBandConstants[(int) temp][0];
+ } else
+ error_code |= MGRS_LAT_ERROR;
+ return error_code;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Round_MGRS rounds the input value to the nearest integer, using the standard engineering rule. The
+ * rounded integer value is then returned.
+ *
+ * @param value Value to be rounded
+ *
+ * @return rounded double value
+ */
+ private double roundMGRS(double value) {
+ double ivalue = Math.floor(value);
+ long ival;
+ double fraction = value - ivalue;
+ // double fraction = modf (value, &ivalue);
+ ival = (long) (ivalue);
+ if ((fraction > 0.5) || ((fraction == 0.5) && (ival % 2 == 1)))
+ ival++;
+ return ival;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Make_MGRS_String constructs an MGRS string from its component parts.
+ *
+ * @param Zone UTM Zone
+ * @param Letters MGRS coordinate string letters
+ * @param Easting Easting value
+ * @param Northing Northing value
+ * @param Precision Precision level of MGRS string
+ */
+ private void makeMGRSString(long Zone, long[] Letters, double Easting, double Northing, long Precision) {
+ int j;
+ double divisor;
+ long east;
+ long north;
+ if (Zone != 0)
+ MGRSString = String.format("%02d", Zone);
+ else
+ MGRSString = " ";
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (Letters[j] < 0 || Letters[j] > 26)
+ return;
+ MGRSString = MGRSString + alphabet.charAt((int) Letters[j]);
+ }
+ divisor = Math.pow(10.0, (5 - Precision));
+ Easting = Easting % 100000.0;
+ if (Easting >= 99999.5)
+ Easting = 99999.0;
+ east = (long) (Easting / divisor);
+ // Here we need to only use the number requesting in the precision
+ Integer iEast = (int) east;
+ StringBuilder sEast = new StringBuilder(iEast.toString());
+ if (sEast.length() > Precision)
+ sEast = new StringBuilder(sEast.substring(0, (int) Precision - 1));
+ else {
+ int i;
+ int length = sEast.length();
+ for (i = 0; i < Precision - length; i++) {
+ sEast.insert(0, "0");
+ }
+ }
+ MGRSString = MGRSString + " " + sEast;
+ Northing = Northing % 100000.0;
+ if (Northing >= 99999.5)
+ Northing = 99999.0;
+ north = (long) (Northing / divisor);
+ Integer iNorth = (int) north;
+ StringBuilder sNorth = new StringBuilder(iNorth.toString());
+ if (sNorth.length() > Precision)
+ sNorth = new StringBuilder(sNorth.substring(0, (int) Precision - 1));
+ else
+ {
+ int i;
+ int length = sNorth.length();
+ for (i = 0; i < Precision - length; i++)
+ {
+ sNorth.insert(0, "0");
+ }
+ }
+ MGRSString = MGRSString + " " + sNorth;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_MGRS_To_UPS converts an MGRS coordinate string to UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing)
+ * coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned
+ * by the function, otherwise UPS_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param MGRS the MGRS coordinate string.
+ *
+ * @return a corresponding {@link UPSCoord} instance.
+ */
+ private UPSCoord convertMGRSToUPS(String MGRS) {
+ long ltr2_high_value; /* 2nd letter range - high number */
+ long ltr3_high_value; /* 3rd letter range - high number (UPS) */
+ long ltr2_low_value; /* 2nd letter range - low number */
+ double false_easting; /* False easting for 2nd letter */
+ double false_northing; /* False northing for 3rd letter */
+ double grid_easting; /* easting for 100,000 meter grid square */
+ double grid_northing; /* northing for 100,000 meter grid square */
+ int index = 0;
+ long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
+ Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ double easting, northing;
+ MGRSComponents mgrs = breakMGRSString(MGRS);
+ if (mgrs == null) {
+ error_code = this.last_error;
+ } else {
+ if ( > 0) {
+ error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ easting = mgrs.easting;
+ northing = mgrs.northing;
+ if (mgrs.latitudeBand >= LETTER_Y) {
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.N;
+ index = mgrs.latitudeBand - 22;
+ ltr2_low_value = upsConstants[index][1]; //.ltr2_low_value;
+ ltr2_high_value = upsConstants[index][2]; //.ltr2_high_value;
+ ltr3_high_value = upsConstants[index][3]; //.ltr3_high_value;
+ false_easting = upsConstants[index][4]; //.false_easting;
+ false_northing = upsConstants[index][5]; //.false_northing;
+ } else {
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.S;
+ ltr2_low_value = upsConstants[mgrs.latitudeBand][1]; //.ltr2_low_value;
+ ltr2_high_value = upsConstants[mgrs.latitudeBand][2]; //.ltr2_high_value;
+ ltr3_high_value = upsConstants[mgrs.latitudeBand][3]; //.ltr3_high_value;
+ false_easting = upsConstants[mgrs.latitudeBand][4]; //.false_easting;
+ false_northing = upsConstants[mgrs.latitudeBand][5]; //.false_northing;
+ }
+ // Check that the second letter of the MGRS string is within
+ // the range of valid second letter values
+ // Also check that the third letter is valid
+ if ((mgrs.squareLetter1 < ltr2_low_value) || (mgrs.squareLetter1 > ltr2_high_value) ||
+ ((mgrs.squareLetter1 == LETTER_D) || (mgrs.squareLetter1 == LETTER_E) ||
+ (mgrs.squareLetter1 == LETTER_M) || (mgrs.squareLetter1 == LETTER_N) ||
+ (mgrs.squareLetter1 == LETTER_V) || (mgrs.squareLetter1 == LETTER_W)) ||
+ (mgrs.squareLetter2 > ltr3_high_value))
+ error_code = MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
+ if (error_code == MGRS_NO_ERROR) {
+ grid_northing = mgrs.squareLetter2 * ONEHT + false_northing;
+ if (mgrs.squareLetter2 > LETTER_I)
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - ONEHT;
+ if (mgrs.squareLetter2 > LETTER_O)
+ grid_northing = grid_northing - ONEHT;
+ grid_easting = ((mgrs.squareLetter1) - ltr2_low_value) * ONEHT + false_easting;
+ if (ltr2_low_value != LETTER_A) {
+ if (mgrs.squareLetter1 > LETTER_L)
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - 300000.0;
+ if (mgrs.squareLetter1 > LETTER_U)
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - 200000.0;
+ } else {
+ if (mgrs.squareLetter1 > LETTER_C)
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - 200000.0;
+ if (mgrs.squareLetter1 > LETTER_I)
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - ONEHT;
+ if (mgrs.squareLetter1 > LETTER_L)
+ grid_easting = grid_easting - 300000.0;
+ }
+ easting = grid_easting + easting;
+ northing = grid_northing + northing;
+ return UPSCoord.fromUPS(hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cc47f92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * This component provides conversions between geodetic (latitude and
+ * longitude) coordinates and Polar Stereographic (easting and northing)
+ * coordinates.
+ *
+ *
+ * This component checks parameters for valid values. If an invalid
+ * value is found the error code is combined with the current error code
+ * using the bitwise or. This combining allows multiple error codes to
+ * be returned. The possible error codes are:
+ *
+ * POLAR_NO_ERROR : No errors occurred in function
+ * POLAR_LAT_ERROR : Latitude outside of valid range
+ * (-90 to 90 degrees)
+ * POLAR_LON_ERROR : Longitude outside of valid range
+ * (-180 to 360 degrees)
+ * POLAR_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR : Latitude of true scale outside of valid
+ * range (-90 to 90 degrees)
+ * POLAR_ORIGIN_LON_ERROR : Longitude down from pole outside of valid
+ * range (-180 to 360 degrees)
+ * POLAR_EASTING_ERROR : Easting outside of valid range,
+ * depending on ellipsoid and
+ * projection parameters
+ * POLAR_NORTHING_ERROR : Northing outside of valid range,
+ * depending on ellipsoid and
+ * projection parameters
+ * POLAR_RADIUS_ERROR : Coordinates too far from pole,
+ * depending on ellipsoid and
+ * projection parameters
+ * POLAR_A_ERROR : Semi-major axis less than or equal to zero
+ * POLAR_INV_F_ERROR : Inverse flattening outside of valid range
+ * (250 to 350)
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC is intended for reuse by any application that
+ * performs a Polar Stereographic projection.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Further information on POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC can be found in the
+ * Reuse Manual.
+ *
+ *
+ * POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC originated from :
+ * U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center
+ * Geospatial Information Division
+ * 7701 Telegraph Road
+ * Alexandria, VA 22310-3864
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * None apply to this component.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC has no restrictions.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC was tested and certified in the following
+ * environments:
+ *
+ * 1. Solaris 2.5 with GCC, version 2.8.1
+ * 2. Window 95 with MS Visual C++, version 6
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Date Description
+ * ---- -----------
+ * 06-11-95 Original Code
+ * 03-01-97 Original Code
+ *
+ *
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * Ported to Java from the NGA GeoTrans polarst.c and polarst.h code.
+ *
+ * @author Garrett Headley - Feb 12, 2007 4:48:11 PM
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class PolarCoordConverter {
+ private static final long POLAR_NO_ERROR = 0x0000;
+ private static final long POLAR_LAT_ERROR = 0x0001;
+ private static final long POLAR_LON_ERROR = 0x0002;
+ private static final long POLAR_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR = 0x0004;
+ private static final long POLAR_ORIGIN_LON_ERROR = 0x0008;
+ public static final long POLAR_EASTING_ERROR = 0x0010;
+ public static final long POLAR_NORTHING_ERROR = 0x0020;
+ private static final long POLAR_A_ERROR = 0x0040;
+ private static final long POLAR_INV_F_ERROR = 0x0080;
+ public static final long POLAR_RADIUS_ERROR = 0x0100;
+ private static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323;
+ private static final double PI_OVER_2 = PI / 2.0;
+ private static final double PI_Over_4 = PI / 4.0;
+ private static final double TWO_PI = 2.0 * PI;
+ /* Ellipsoid Parameters, default to WGS 84 */
+ private double Polar_a = 6378137.0; /* Semi-major axis of ellipsoid in meters */
+ private double Polar_f = 1 / 298.257223563; /* Flattening of ellipsoid */
+ private double es = 0.08181919084262188000; /* Eccentricity of ellipsoid */
+ private double es_OVER_2 = .040909595421311; /* es / 2.0 */
+ private double Southern_Hemisphere = 0; /* Flag variable */
+ private double mc = 1.0;
+ private double tc = 1.0;
+ private double e4 = 1.0033565552493;
+ private double Polar_a_mc = 6378137.0; /* Polar_a * mc */
+ private double two_Polar_a = 12756274.0; /* 2.0 * Polar_a */
+ /* Polar Stereographic projection Parameters */
+ private double Polar_Origin_Lat = ((PI * 90) / 180); /* Latitude of origin in radians */
+ private double Polar_Origin_Long = 0.0; /* Longitude of origin in radians */
+ private double Polar_False_Easting = 0.0; /* False easting in meters */
+ private double Polar_False_Northing = 0.0; /* False northing in meters */
+ /* Maximum variance for easting and northing values for WGS 84. */
+ private double Polar_Delta_Easting = 12713601.0;
+ private double Polar_Delta_Northing = 12713601.0;
+ private double Easting;
+ private double Northing;
+ private double Latitude;
+ private double Longitude;
+ PolarCoordConverter()
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function setPolarStereographicParameters receives the ellipsoid parameters and Polar Stereograpic projection
+ * parameters as inputs, and sets the corresponding state variables. If any errors occur, error code(s) are
+ * returned by the function, otherwise POLAR_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param a Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters
+ * @param f Flattening of ellipsoid
+ * @param Latitude_of_True_Scale Latitude of true scale, in radians
+ * @param Longitude_Down_from_Pole Longitude down from pole, in radians
+ * @param False_Easting Easting (X) at center of projection, in meters
+ * @param False_Northing Northing (Y) at center of projection, in meters
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long setPolarStereographicParameters(double a, double f, double Latitude_of_True_Scale,
+ double Longitude_Down_from_Pole, double False_Easting, double False_Northing) {
+ double es2;
+ double slat, clat;
+ double essin;
+ double one_PLUS_es, one_MINUS_es;
+ double pow_es;
+ double inv_f = 1 / f;
+ final double epsilon = 1.0e-2;
+ long Error_Code = POLAR_NO_ERROR;
+ if (a <= 0.0) { /* Semi-major axis must be greater than zero */
+ Error_Code |= POLAR_A_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((inv_f < 250) || (inv_f > 350)) { /* Inverse flattening must be between 250 and 350 */
+ Error_Code |= POLAR_INV_F_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((Latitude_of_True_Scale < -PI_OVER_2) || (Latitude_of_True_Scale > PI_OVER_2)) { /* Origin Latitude out of range */
+ }
+ if ((Longitude_Down_from_Pole < -PI) || (Longitude_Down_from_Pole > TWO_PI)) { /* Origin Longitude out of range */
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == POLAR_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ Polar_a = a;
+ two_Polar_a = 2.0 * Polar_a;
+ Polar_f = f;
+ if (Longitude_Down_from_Pole > PI)
+ Longitude_Down_from_Pole -= TWO_PI;
+ if (Latitude_of_True_Scale < 0) {
+ Southern_Hemisphere = 1;
+ Polar_Origin_Lat = -Latitude_of_True_Scale;
+ Polar_Origin_Long = -Longitude_Down_from_Pole;
+ } else {
+ Southern_Hemisphere = 0;
+ Polar_Origin_Lat = Latitude_of_True_Scale;
+ Polar_Origin_Long = Longitude_Down_from_Pole;
+ }
+ Polar_False_Easting = False_Easting;
+ Polar_False_Northing = False_Northing;
+ es2 = 2 * Polar_f - Polar_f * Polar_f;
+ es = Math.sqrt(es2);
+ es_OVER_2 = es / 2.0;
+ if (Math.abs(Math.abs(Polar_Origin_Lat) - PI_OVER_2) > 1.0e-10) {
+ slat = Math.sin(Polar_Origin_Lat);
+ essin = es * slat;
+ pow_es = Math.pow((1.0 - essin) / (1.0 + essin), es_OVER_2);
+ clat = Math.cos(Polar_Origin_Lat);
+ mc = clat / Math.sqrt(1.0 - essin * essin);
+ Polar_a_mc = Polar_a * mc;
+ tc = Math.tan(PI_Over_4 - Polar_Origin_Lat / 2.0) / pow_es;
+ } else {
+ one_PLUS_es = 1.0 + es;
+ one_MINUS_es = 1.0 - es;
+ e4 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(one_PLUS_es, one_PLUS_es) * Math.pow(one_MINUS_es, one_MINUS_es));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Calculate Radius */
+ convertGeodeticToPolarStereographic(0, Polar_Origin_Long);
+ Polar_Delta_Northing = Northing * 2; // Increased range for accepted easting and northing values
+ Polar_Delta_Northing = Math.abs(Polar_Delta_Northing) + epsilon;
+ Polar_Delta_Easting = Polar_Delta_Northing;
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_Geodetic_To_Polar_Stereographic converts geodetic coordinates (latitude and longitude) to
+ * Polar Stereographic coordinates (easting and northing), according to the current ellipsoid and Polar
+ * Stereographic projection parameters. If any errors occur, error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise
+ * POLAR_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param Latitude latitude, in radians
+ * @param Longitude Longitude, in radians
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertGeodeticToPolarStereographic(double Latitude, double Longitude) {
+ double dlam;
+ double slat;
+ double essin;
+ double t;
+ double rho;
+ double pow_es;
+ long Error_Code = POLAR_NO_ERROR;
+ if ((Latitude < -PI_OVER_2) || (Latitude > PI_OVER_2)) { /* Latitude out of range */
+ Error_Code |= POLAR_LAT_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((Latitude < 0) && (Southern_Hemisphere == 0)) { /* Latitude and Origin Latitude in different hemispheres */
+ Error_Code |= POLAR_LAT_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((Latitude > 0) && (Southern_Hemisphere == 1)) { /* Latitude and Origin Latitude in different hemispheres */
+ Error_Code |= POLAR_LAT_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > TWO_PI)) { /* Longitude out of range */
+ Error_Code |= POLAR_LON_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == POLAR_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ if (Math.abs(Math.abs(Latitude) - PI_OVER_2) < 1.0e-10) {
+ Easting = 0.0;
+ Northing = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ if (Southern_Hemisphere != 0) {
+ Longitude *= -1.0;
+ Latitude *= -1.0;
+ }
+ dlam = Longitude - Polar_Origin_Long;
+ if (dlam > PI) {
+ dlam -= TWO_PI;
+ }
+ if (dlam < -PI) {
+ dlam += TWO_PI;
+ }
+ slat = Math.sin(Latitude);
+ essin = es * slat;
+ pow_es = Math.pow((1.0 - essin) / (1.0 + essin), es_OVER_2);
+ t = Math.tan(PI_Over_4 - Latitude / 2.0) / pow_es;
+ if (Math.abs(Math.abs(Polar_Origin_Lat) - PI_OVER_2) > 1.0e-10)
+ rho = Polar_a_mc * t / tc;
+ else
+ rho = two_Polar_a * t / e4;
+ if (Southern_Hemisphere != 0) {
+ Easting = -(rho * Math.sin(dlam) - Polar_False_Easting);
+ //Easting *= -1.0;
+ Northing = rho * Math.cos(dlam) + Polar_False_Northing;
+ } else
+ Easting = rho * Math.sin(dlam) + Polar_False_Easting;
+ Northing = -rho * Math.cos(dlam) + Polar_False_Northing;
+ }
+ }
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ public double getEasting() {
+ return Easting;
+ }
+ public double getNorthing() {
+ return Northing;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_Polar_Stereographic_To_Geodetic converts Polar
+ * Stereographic coordinates (easting and northing) to geodetic
+ * coordinates (latitude and longitude) according to the current ellipsoid
+ * and Polar Stereographic projection Parameters. If any errors occur, the
+ * code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise POLAR_NO_ERROR
+ * is returned.
+ *
+ * @param Easting Easting (X), in meters
+ * @param Northing Northing (Y), in meters
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertPolarStereographicToGeodetic (double Easting, double Northing) {
+ double dy = 0, dx = 0;
+ double rho = 0;
+ double t;
+ double PHI, sin_PHI;
+ double tempPHI = 0.0;
+ double essin;
+ double pow_es;
+ double delta_radius;
+ long Error_Code = POLAR_NO_ERROR;
+ double min_easting = Polar_False_Easting - Polar_Delta_Easting;
+ double max_easting = Polar_False_Easting + Polar_Delta_Easting;
+ double min_northing = Polar_False_Northing - Polar_Delta_Northing;
+ double max_northing = Polar_False_Northing + Polar_Delta_Northing;
+ if (Easting > max_easting || Easting < min_easting) { /* Easting out of range */
+ }
+ if (Northing > max_northing || Northing < min_northing) { /* Northing out of range */
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == POLAR_NO_ERROR) {
+ dy = Northing - Polar_False_Northing;
+ dx = Easting - Polar_False_Easting;
+ /* Radius of point with origin of false easting, false northing */
+ rho = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ delta_radius = Math.sqrt(Polar_Delta_Easting * Polar_Delta_Easting + Polar_Delta_Northing * Polar_Delta_Northing);
+ if(rho > delta_radius)
+ { /* Point is outside of projection area */
+ }
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == POLAR_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ if ((dy == 0.0) && (dx == 0.0)) {
+ Latitude = PI_OVER_2;
+ Longitude = Polar_Origin_Long;
+ } else {
+ if (Southern_Hemisphere != 0) {
+ dy *= -1.0;
+ dx *= -1.0;
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(Math.abs(Polar_Origin_Lat) - PI_OVER_2) > 1.0e-10)
+ t = rho * tc / (Polar_a_mc);
+ else
+ t = rho * e4 / (two_Polar_a);
+ PHI = PI_OVER_2 - 2.0 * Math.atan(t);
+ while (Math.abs(PHI - tempPHI) > 1.0e-10) {
+ tempPHI = PHI;
+ sin_PHI = Math.sin(PHI);
+ essin = es * sin_PHI;
+ pow_es = Math.pow((1.0 - essin) / (1.0 + essin), es_OVER_2);
+ PHI = PI_OVER_2 - 2.0 * Math.atan(t * pow_es);
+ }
+ Latitude = PHI;
+ Longitude = Polar_Origin_Long + Math.atan2(dx, -dy);
+ if (Longitude > PI)
+ Longitude -= TWO_PI;
+ else if (Longitude < -PI)
+ Longitude += TWO_PI;
+ if (Latitude > PI_OVER_2) /* force distorted values to 90, -90 degrees */
+ Latitude = PI_OVER_2;
+ else if (Latitude < -PI_OVER_2)
+ Latitude = -PI_OVER_2;
+ if (Longitude > PI) /* force distorted values to 180, -180 degrees */
+ Longitude = PI;
+ else if (Longitude < -PI)
+ Longitude = -PI;
+ }
+ if (Southern_Hemisphere != 0) {
+ Latitude *= -1.0;
+ Longitude *= -1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Latitude in radians.
+ */
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return Latitude;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Longitude in radians.
+ */
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return Longitude;
+ }
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--- /dev/null
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+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * This class holds a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates along with the
+ * corresponding latitude and longitude.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @see TMCoordConverter
+ */
+public class TMCoord {
+ private final double latitude;
+ private final double longitude;
+ private final double easting;
+ private final double northing;
+ /**
+ * Create a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates from a pair of latitude and longitude,
+ * for the given Globe
and projection parameters.
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ * @param a semi-major ellipsoid radius. If this and argument f are non-null and globe is null, will use the specfied a and f.
+ * @param f ellipsoid flattening. If this and argument a are non-null and globe is null, will use the specfied a and f.
+ * @param originLatitude the origin latitude double
+ * @param centralMeridian the central meridian longitude double
+ * @param falseEasting easting value at the center of the projection in meters.
+ * @param falseNorthing northing value at the center of the projection in meters.
+ * @param scale scaling factor.
+ * @return the corresponding TMCoord
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
or longitude
is null,
+ * or the conversion to TM coordinates fails. If the globe is null conversion will default
+ * to using WGS84.
+ */
+ public static TMCoord fromLatLon(double latitude, double longitude, Double a, Double f,
+ double originLatitude, double centralMeridian,
+ double falseEasting, double falseNorthing,
+ double scale) {
+ final TMCoordConverter converter = new TMCoordConverter();
+ if (a == null || f == null) {
+ a = converter.getA();
+ f = converter.getF();
+ }
+ long err = converter.setTransverseMercatorParameters(a, f, Math.toRadians(originLatitude), Math.toRadians(centralMeridian),
+ falseEasting, falseNorthing, scale);
+ if (err == TMCoordConverter.TRANMERC_NO_ERROR)
+ err = converter.convertGeodeticToTransverseMercator(Math.toRadians(latitude), Math.toRadians(longitude));
+ if (err != TMCoordConverter.TRANMERC_NO_ERROR && err != TMCoordConverter.TRANMERC_LON_WARNING) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("TM Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new TMCoord(latitude, longitude, converter.getEasting(), converter.getNorthing(),
+ originLatitude, centralMeridian);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates for the given Globe
+ * easting, northing and projection parameters.
+ *
+ * @param easting the easting distance value in meters.
+ * @param northing the northing distance value in meters.
+ * @param originLatitude the origin latitude double
+ * @param centralMeridian the central meridian longitude double
+ * @param falseEasting easting value at the center of the projection in meters.
+ * @param falseNorthing northing value at the center of the projection in meters.
+ * @param scale scaling factor.
+ * @return the corresponding TMCoord
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if originLatitude
or centralMeridian
+ * is null, or the conversion to geodetic coordinates fails. If the globe is null conversion will default
+ * to using WGS84.
+ */
+ public static TMCoord fromTM(double easting, double northing,
+ double originLatitude, double centralMeridian,
+ double falseEasting, double falseNorthing,
+ double scale) {
+ final TMCoordConverter converter = new TMCoordConverter();
+ double a = converter.getA();
+ double f = converter.getF();
+ long err = converter.setTransverseMercatorParameters(a, f, Math.toRadians(originLatitude), Math.toRadians(centralMeridian),
+ falseEasting, falseNorthing, scale);
+ if (err == TMCoordConverter.TRANMERC_NO_ERROR)
+ err = converter.convertTransverseMercatorToGeodetic(easting, northing);
+ if (err != TMCoordConverter.TRANMERC_NO_ERROR && err != TMCoordConverter.TRANMERC_LON_WARNING) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("TM Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new TMCoord(Math.toDegrees(converter.getLatitude()), Math.toDegrees(converter.getLongitude()),
+ easting, northing, originLatitude, centralMeridian);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an arbitrary set of Transverse Mercator coordinates with the given values.
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ * @param easting the easting distance value in meters.
+ * @param northing the northing distance value in meters.
+ * @param originLatitude the origin latitude double
+ * @param centralMeridian the central meridian longitude double
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
, longitude
, originLatitude
+ * or centralMeridian
is null.
+ */
+ public TMCoord(double latitude, double longitude, double easting, double northing,
+ double originLatitude, double centralMeridian) {
+ this.latitude = latitude;
+ this.longitude = longitude;
+ this.easting = easting;
+ this.northing = northing;
+ }
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return this.latitude;
+ }
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return this.longitude;
+ }
+ public double getEasting() {
+ return this.easting;
+ }
+ public double getNorthing() {
+ return this.northing;
+ }
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+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * Converter used to translate Transverse Mercator coordinates to and from geodetic latitude and longitude.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @see TMCoord, UTMCoordConverter, MGRSCoordConverter
+ */
+ * Ported to Java from the NGA GeoTrans code tranmerc.c and tranmerc.h
+ *
+ * @author Garrett Headley, Patrick Murris
+ */
+class TMCoordConverter {
+ public final static int TRANMERC_NO_ERROR = 0x0000;
+ private final static int TRANMERC_LAT_ERROR = 0x0001;
+ private final static int TRANMERC_LON_ERROR = 0x0002;
+ public final static int TRANMERC_EASTING_ERROR = 0x0004;
+ public final static int TRANMERC_NORTHING_ERROR = 0x0008;
+ private final static int TRANMERC_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR = 0x0010;
+ private final static int TRANMERC_CENT_MER_ERROR = 0x0020;
+ private final static int TRANMERC_A_ERROR = 0x0040;
+ private final static int TRANMERC_INV_F_ERROR = 0x0080;
+ private final static int TRANMERC_SCALE_FACTOR_ERROR = 0x0100;
+ public final static int TRANMERC_LON_WARNING = 0x0200;
+ private final static double PI = 3.14159265358979323; /* PI */
+ private final static double MAX_LAT = ((PI * 89.99) / 180.0); /* 90 degrees in radians */
+ private final static double MAX_DELTA_LONG = ((PI * 90) / 180.0); /* 90 degrees in radians */
+ private final static double MIN_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.3;
+ private final static double MAX_SCALE_FACTOR = 3.0;
+ /* Ellipsoid Parameters, default to WGS 84 */
+ private double TranMerc_a = 6378137.0; /* Semi-major axis of ellipsoid i meters */
+ private double TranMerc_f = 1 / 298.257223563; /* Flattening of ellipsoid */
+ private double TranMerc_es = 0.0066943799901413800; /* Eccentricity (0.08181919084262188000) squared */
+ private double TranMerc_ebs = 0.0067394967565869; /* Second Eccentricity squared */
+ /* Transverse_Mercator projection Parameters */
+ private double TranMerc_Origin_Lat = 0.0; /* Latitude of origin in radians */
+ private double TranMerc_Origin_Long = 0.0; /* Longitude of origin in radians */
+ private double TranMerc_False_Northing = 0.0; /* False northing in meters */
+ private double TranMerc_False_Easting = 0.0; /* False easting in meters */
+ private double TranMerc_Scale_Factor = 1.0; /* Scale factor */
+ /* Isometeric to geodetic latitude parameters, default to WGS 84 */
+ private double TranMerc_ap = 6367449.1458008;
+ private double TranMerc_bp = 16038.508696861;
+ private double TranMerc_cp = 16.832613334334;
+ private double TranMerc_dp = 0.021984404273757;
+ private double TranMerc_ep = 3.1148371319283e-005;
+ /* Maximum variance for easting and northing values for WGS 84. */
+ private double TranMerc_Delta_Easting = 40000000.0;
+ private double TranMerc_Delta_Northing = 40000000.0;
+ private double Easting;
+ private double Northing;
+ private double Longitude;
+ private double Latitude;
+ TMCoordConverter() { }
+ public double getA() {
+ return TranMerc_a;
+ }
+ public double getF() {
+ return TranMerc_f;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Set_Tranverse_Mercator_Parameters receives the ellipsoid parameters and Tranverse Mercator
+ * projection parameters as inputs, and sets the corresponding state variables. If any errors occur, the error
+ * code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise TRANMERC_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param a Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters
+ * @param f Flattening of ellipsoid
+ * @param Origin_Latitude Latitude in radians at the origin of the projection
+ * @param Central_Meridian Longitude in radians at the center of the projection
+ * @param False_Easting Easting/X at the center of the projection
+ * @param False_Northing Northing/Y at the center of the projection
+ * @param Scale_Factor Projection scale factor
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long setTransverseMercatorParameters(double a, double f, double Origin_Latitude,
+ double Central_Meridian, double False_Easting, double False_Northing, double Scale_Factor) {
+ double tn; /* True Meridianal distance constant */
+ double tn2;
+ double tn3;
+ double tn4;
+ double tn5;
+ double TranMerc_b; /* Semi-minor axis of ellipsoid, in meters */
+ double inv_f = 1 / f;
+ long Error_Code = TRANMERC_NO_ERROR;
+ if (a <= 0.0) { /* Semi-major axis must be greater than zero */
+ Error_Code |= TRANMERC_A_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((inv_f < 250) || (inv_f > 350)) { /* Inverse flattening must be between 250 and 350 */
+ }
+ if ((Origin_Latitude < -MAX_LAT) || (Origin_Latitude > MAX_LAT)) { /* origin latitude out of range */
+ }
+ if ((Central_Meridian < -PI) || (Central_Meridian > (2 * PI))) { /* origin longitude out of range */
+ }
+ if ((Scale_Factor < MIN_SCALE_FACTOR) || (Scale_Factor > MAX_SCALE_FACTOR)) {
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == TRANMERC_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ TranMerc_a = a;
+ TranMerc_f = f;
+ TranMerc_Origin_Lat = 0;
+ TranMerc_Origin_Long = 0;
+ TranMerc_False_Northing = 0;
+ TranMerc_False_Easting = 0;
+ TranMerc_Scale_Factor = 1;
+ /* Eccentricity Squared */
+ TranMerc_es = 2 * TranMerc_f - TranMerc_f * TranMerc_f;
+ /* Second Eccentricity Squared */
+ TranMerc_ebs = (1 / (1 - TranMerc_es)) - 1;
+ TranMerc_b = TranMerc_a * (1 - TranMerc_f);
+ /*True meridianal constants */
+ tn = (TranMerc_a - TranMerc_b) / (TranMerc_a + TranMerc_b);
+ tn2 = tn * tn;
+ tn3 = tn2 * tn;
+ tn4 = tn3 * tn;
+ tn5 = tn4 * tn;
+ TranMerc_ap = TranMerc_a * (1.e0 - tn + 5.e0 * (tn2 - tn3) / 4.e0
+ + 81.e0 * (tn4 - tn5) / 64.e0);
+ TranMerc_bp = 3.e0 * TranMerc_a * (tn - tn2 + 7.e0 * (tn3 - tn4)
+ / 8.e0 + 55.e0 * tn5 / 64.e0) / 2.e0;
+ TranMerc_cp = 15.e0 * TranMerc_a * (tn2 - tn3 + 3.e0 * (tn4 - tn5) / 4.e0) / 16.0;
+ TranMerc_dp = 35.e0 * TranMerc_a * (tn3 - tn4 + 11.e0 * tn5 / 16.e0) / 48.e0;
+ TranMerc_ep = 315.e0 * TranMerc_a * (tn4 - tn5) / 512.e0;
+ convertGeodeticToTransverseMercator(MAX_LAT, MAX_DELTA_LONG);
+ TranMerc_Delta_Easting = getEasting();
+ TranMerc_Delta_Northing = getNorthing();
+ convertGeodeticToTransverseMercator(0, MAX_DELTA_LONG);
+ TranMerc_Delta_Easting = getEasting();
+ TranMerc_Origin_Lat = Origin_Latitude;
+ if (Central_Meridian > PI)
+ Central_Meridian -= (2 * PI);
+ TranMerc_Origin_Long = Central_Meridian;
+ TranMerc_False_Northing = False_Northing;
+ TranMerc_False_Easting = False_Easting;
+ TranMerc_Scale_Factor = Scale_Factor;
+ }
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_Geodetic_To_Transverse_Mercator converts geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates to
+ * Transverse Mercator projection (easting and northing) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and
+ * Transverse Mercator projection coordinates. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned by the function,
+ * otherwise TRANMERC_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param Latitude Latitude in radians
+ * @param Longitude Longitude in radians
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertGeodeticToTransverseMercator(double Latitude, double Longitude) {
+ double c; /* Cosine of latitude */
+ double c2;
+ double c3;
+ double c5;
+ double c7;
+ double dlam; /* Delta longitude - Difference in Longitude */
+ double eta; /* constant - TranMerc_ebs *c *c */
+ double eta2;
+ double eta3;
+ double eta4;
+ double s; /* Sine of latitude */
+ double sn; /* Radius of curvature in the prime vertical */
+ double t; /* Tangent of latitude */
+ double tan2;
+ double tan3;
+ double tan4;
+ double tan5;
+ double tan6;
+ double t1; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t2; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t3; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t4; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t5; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t6; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t7; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t8; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t9; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double tmd; /* True Meridional distance */
+ double tmdo; /* True Meridional distance for latitude of origin */
+ long Error_Code = TRANMERC_NO_ERROR;
+ double temp_Origin;
+ double temp_Long;
+ if ((Latitude < -MAX_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_LAT)) { /* Latitude out of range */
+ }
+ if (Longitude > PI)
+ Longitude -= (2 * PI);
+ if ((Longitude < (TranMerc_Origin_Long - MAX_DELTA_LONG))
+ || (Longitude > (TranMerc_Origin_Long + MAX_DELTA_LONG))) {
+ if (Longitude < 0)
+ temp_Long = Longitude + 2 * PI;
+ else
+ temp_Long = Longitude;
+ if (TranMerc_Origin_Long < 0)
+ temp_Origin = TranMerc_Origin_Long + 2 * PI;
+ else
+ temp_Origin = TranMerc_Origin_Long;
+ if ((temp_Long < (temp_Origin - MAX_DELTA_LONG))
+ || (temp_Long > (temp_Origin + MAX_DELTA_LONG)))
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == TRANMERC_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ /*
+ * Delta Longitude
+ */
+ dlam = Longitude - TranMerc_Origin_Long;
+ if (Math.abs(dlam) > (9.0 * PI / 180)) { /* Distortion will result if Longitude is more than 9 degrees from the Central Meridian */
+ }
+ if (dlam > PI)
+ dlam -= (2 * PI);
+ if (dlam < -PI)
+ dlam += (2 * PI);
+ if (Math.abs(dlam) < 2.e-10)
+ dlam = 0.0;
+ s = Math.sin(Latitude);
+ c = Math.cos(Latitude);
+ c2 = c * c;
+ c3 = c2 * c;
+ c5 = c3 * c2;
+ c7 = c5 * c2;
+ t = Math.tan(Latitude);
+ tan2 = t * t;
+ tan3 = tan2 * t;
+ tan4 = tan3 * t;
+ tan5 = tan4 * t;
+ tan6 = tan5 * t;
+ eta = TranMerc_ebs * c2;
+ eta2 = eta * eta;
+ eta3 = eta2 * eta;
+ eta4 = eta3 * eta;
+ /* radius of curvature in prime vertical */
+ // sn = SPHSN(Latitude);
+ sn = TranMerc_a / Math.sqrt(1 - TranMerc_es * Math.pow(Math.sin(Latitude), 2));
+ /* True Meridianal Distances */
+ // tmd = SPHTMD(Latitude);
+ tmd = TranMerc_ap * Latitude
+ - TranMerc_bp * Math.sin(2.0 * Latitude)
+ + TranMerc_cp * Math.sin(4.0 * Latitude)
+ - TranMerc_dp * Math.sin(6.0 * Latitude)
+ + TranMerc_ep * Math.sin(8.0 * Latitude);
+ /* Origin */
+ // tmdo = SPHTMD (TranMerc_Origin_Lat);
+ tmdo = TranMerc_ap * TranMerc_Origin_Lat
+ - TranMerc_bp * Math.sin(2.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat)
+ + TranMerc_cp * Math.sin(4.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat)
+ - TranMerc_dp * Math.sin(6.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat)
+ + TranMerc_ep * Math.sin(8.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat);
+ /* northing */
+ t1 = (tmd - tmdo) * TranMerc_Scale_Factor;
+ t2 = sn * s * c * TranMerc_Scale_Factor / 2.e0;
+ t3 = sn * s * c3 * TranMerc_Scale_Factor * (5.e0 - tan2 + 9.e0 * eta
+ + 4.e0 * eta2) / 24.e0;
+ t4 = sn * s * c5 * TranMerc_Scale_Factor * (61.e0 - 58.e0 * tan2
+ + tan4 + 270.e0 * eta - 330.e0 * tan2 * eta + 445.e0 * eta2
+ + 324.e0 * eta3 - 680.e0 * tan2 * eta2 + 88.e0 * eta4
+ - 600.e0 * tan2 * eta3 - 192.e0 * tan2 * eta4) / 720.e0;
+ t5 = sn * s * c7 * TranMerc_Scale_Factor * (1385.e0 - 3111.e0 *
+ tan2 + 543.e0 * tan4 - tan6) / 40320.e0;
+ Northing = TranMerc_False_Northing + t1 + Math.pow(dlam, 2.e0) * t2
+ + Math.pow(dlam, 4.e0) * t3 + Math.pow(dlam, 6.e0) * t4
+ + Math.pow(dlam, 8.e0) * t5;
+ /* Easting */
+ t6 = sn * c * TranMerc_Scale_Factor;
+ t7 = sn * c3 * TranMerc_Scale_Factor * (1.e0 - tan2 + eta) / 6.e0;
+ t8 = sn * c5 * TranMerc_Scale_Factor * (5.e0 - 18.e0 * tan2 + tan4
+ + 14.e0 * eta - 58.e0 * tan2 * eta + 13.e0 * eta2 + 4.e0 * eta3
+ - 64.e0 * tan2 * eta2 - 24.e0 * tan2 * eta3) / 120.e0;
+ t9 = sn * c7 * TranMerc_Scale_Factor * (61.e0 - 479.e0 * tan2
+ + 179.e0 * tan4 - tan6) / 5040.e0;
+ Easting = TranMerc_False_Easting + dlam * t6 + Math.pow(dlam, 3.e0) * t7
+ + Math.pow(dlam, 5.e0) * t8 + Math.pow(dlam, 7.e0) * t9;
+ }
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ /** @return Easting/X at the center of the projection */
+ public double getEasting() {
+ return Easting;
+ }
+ /** @return Northing/Y at the center of the projection */
+ public double getNorthing() {
+ return Northing;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_Transverse_Mercator_To_Geodetic converts Transverse Mercator projection (easting and
+ * northing) coordinates to geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and
+ * Transverse Mercator projection parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned by the function,
+ * otherwise TRANMERC_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param Easting Easting/X in meters
+ * @param Northing Northing/Y in meters
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertTransverseMercatorToGeodetic(double Easting, double Northing) {
+ double c; /* Cosine of latitude */
+ double de; /* Delta easting - Difference in Easting (Easting-Fe) */
+ double dlam; /* Delta longitude - Difference in Longitude */
+ double eta; /* constant - TranMerc_ebs *c *c */
+ double eta2;
+ double eta3;
+ double eta4;
+ double ftphi; /* Footpoint latitude */
+ int i; /* Loop iterator */
+ //double s; /* Sine of latitude */
+ double sn; /* Radius of curvature in the prime vertical */
+ double sr; /* Radius of curvature in the meridian */
+ double t; /* Tangent of latitude */
+ double tan2;
+ double tan4;
+ double t10; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t11; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t12; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t13; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t14; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t15; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t16; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double t17; /* Term in coordinate conversion formula - GP to Y */
+ double tmd; /* True Meridional distance */
+ double tmdo; /* True Meridional distance for latitude of origin */
+ long Error_Code = TRANMERC_NO_ERROR;
+ if ((Easting < (TranMerc_False_Easting - TranMerc_Delta_Easting))
+ || (Easting > (TranMerc_False_Easting + TranMerc_Delta_Easting))) { /* Easting out of range */
+ }
+ if ((Northing < (TranMerc_False_Northing - TranMerc_Delta_Northing))
+ || (Northing > (TranMerc_False_Northing + TranMerc_Delta_Northing))) { /* Northing out of range */
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == TRANMERC_NO_ERROR) {
+ /* True Meridional Distances for latitude of origin */
+ // tmdo = SPHTMD(TranMerc_Origin_Lat);
+ tmdo = TranMerc_ap * TranMerc_Origin_Lat
+ - TranMerc_bp * Math.sin(2.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat)
+ + TranMerc_cp * Math.sin(4.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat)
+ - TranMerc_dp * Math.sin(6.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat)
+ + TranMerc_ep * Math.sin(8.0 * TranMerc_Origin_Lat);
+ /* Origin */
+ tmd = tmdo + (Northing - TranMerc_False_Northing) / TranMerc_Scale_Factor;
+ /* First Estimate */
+ //sr = SPHSR(0.e0);
+ sr = TranMerc_a * (1.e0 - TranMerc_es) /
+ Math.pow(Math.sqrt(1.e0 - TranMerc_es * Math.pow(Math.sin(0.e0), 2)), 3);
+ ftphi = tmd / sr;
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ // t10 = SPHTMD (ftphi);
+ t10 = TranMerc_ap * ftphi
+ - TranMerc_bp * Math.sin(2.0 * ftphi)
+ + TranMerc_cp * Math.sin(4.0 * ftphi)
+ - TranMerc_dp * Math.sin(6.0 * ftphi)
+ + TranMerc_ep * Math.sin(8.0 * ftphi);
+ // sr = SPHSR(ftphi);
+ sr = TranMerc_a * (1.e0 - TranMerc_es) /
+ Math.pow(Math.sqrt(1.e0 - TranMerc_es * Math.pow(Math.sin(ftphi), 2)), 3);
+ ftphi = ftphi + (tmd - t10) / sr;
+ }
+ /* Radius of Curvature in the meridian */
+ // sr = SPHSR(ftphi);
+ sr = TranMerc_a * (1.e0 - TranMerc_es) /
+ Math.pow(Math.sqrt(1.e0 - TranMerc_es * Math.pow(Math.sin(ftphi), 2)), 3);
+ /* Radius of Curvature in the meridian */
+ // sn = SPHSN(ftphi);
+ sn = TranMerc_a / Math.sqrt(1.e0 - TranMerc_es * Math.pow(Math.sin(ftphi), 2));
+ /* Sine Cosine terms */
+ //s = Math.sin(ftphi);
+ c = Math.cos(ftphi);
+ /* Tangent Value */
+ t = Math.tan(ftphi);
+ tan2 = t * t;
+ tan4 = tan2 * tan2;
+ eta = TranMerc_ebs * Math.pow(c, 2);
+ eta2 = eta * eta;
+ eta3 = eta2 * eta;
+ eta4 = eta3 * eta;
+ de = Easting - TranMerc_False_Easting;
+ if (Math.abs(de) < 0.0001)
+ de = 0.0;
+ /* Latitude */
+ t10 = t / (2.e0 * sr * sn * Math.pow(TranMerc_Scale_Factor, 2));
+ t11 = t * (5.e0 + 3.e0 * tan2 + eta - 4.e0 * Math.pow(eta, 2)
+ - 9.e0 * tan2 * eta) / (24.e0 * sr * Math.pow(sn, 3)
+ * Math.pow(TranMerc_Scale_Factor, 4));
+ t12 = t * (61.e0 + 90.e0 * tan2 + 46.e0 * eta + 45.E0 * tan4
+ - 252.e0 * tan2 * eta - 3.e0 * eta2 + 100.e0
+ * eta3 - 66.e0 * tan2 * eta2 - 90.e0 * tan4
+ * eta + 88.e0 * eta4 + 225.e0 * tan4 * eta2
+ + 84.e0 * tan2 * eta3 - 192.e0 * tan2 * eta4)
+ / (720.e0 * sr * Math.pow(sn, 5) * Math.pow(TranMerc_Scale_Factor, 6));
+ t13 = t * (1385.e0 + 3633.e0 * tan2 + 4095.e0 * tan4 + 1575.e0
+ * Math.pow(t, 6)) / (40320.e0 * sr * Math.pow(sn, 7) * Math.pow(TranMerc_Scale_Factor, 8));
+ Latitude = ftphi - Math.pow(de, 2) * t10 + Math.pow(de, 4) * t11 - Math.pow(de, 6) * t12
+ + Math.pow(de, 8) * t13;
+ t14 = 1.e0 / (sn * c * TranMerc_Scale_Factor);
+ t15 = (1.e0 + 2.e0 * tan2 + eta) / (6.e0 * Math.pow(sn, 3) * c *
+ Math.pow(TranMerc_Scale_Factor, 3));
+ t16 = (5.e0 + 6.e0 * eta + 28.e0 * tan2 - 3.e0 * eta2
+ + 8.e0 * tan2 * eta + 24.e0 * tan4 - 4.e0
+ * eta3 + 4.e0 * tan2 * eta2 + 24.e0
+ * tan2 * eta3) / (120.e0 * Math.pow(sn, 5) * c
+ * Math.pow(TranMerc_Scale_Factor, 5));
+ t17 = (61.e0 + 662.e0 * tan2 + 1320.e0 * tan4 + 720.e0
+ * Math.pow(t, 6)) / (5040.e0 * Math.pow(sn, 7) * c
+ * Math.pow(TranMerc_Scale_Factor, 7));
+ /* Difference in Longitude */
+ dlam = de * t14 - Math.pow(de, 3) * t15 + Math.pow(de, 5) * t16 - Math.pow(de, 7) * t17;
+ /* Longitude */
+ Longitude = TranMerc_Origin_Long + dlam;
+ if (Math.abs(Latitude) > (90.0 * PI / 180.0))
+ if ((Longitude) > (PI)) {
+ Longitude -= (2 * PI);
+ if (Math.abs(Longitude) > PI)
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(dlam) > (9.0 * PI / 180) * Math.cos(Latitude)) { /* Distortion will result if Longitude is more than 9 degrees from the Central Meridian at the equator */
+ /* and decreases to 0 degrees at the poles */
+ /* As you move towards the poles, distortion will become more significant */
+ }
+ if (Latitude > 1.0e10)
+ }
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ /** @return Latitude in radians. */
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return Latitude;
+ }
+ /** @return Longitude in radians. */
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return Longitude;
+ }
+} // end TMConverter class
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--- /dev/null
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+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * This immutable class holds a set of UPS coordinates along with it's corresponding latitude and longitude.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class UPSCoord {
+ private final double latitude;
+ private final double longitude;
+ private final Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ private final double easting;
+ private final double northing;
+ /**
+ * Create a set of UPS coordinates from a pair of latitude and longitude for the given Globe
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ *
+ * @return the corresponding UPSCoord
+ *
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
or longitude
is null, or the conversion to
+ * UPS coordinates fails.
+ */
+ public static UPSCoord fromLatLon(double latitude, double longitude) {
+ final UPSCoordConverter converter = new UPSCoordConverter();
+ long err = converter.convertGeodeticToUPS(Math.toRadians(latitude), Math.toRadians(longitude));
+ if (err != UPSCoordConverter.UPS_NO_ERROR) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("UPS Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new UPSCoord(latitude, longitude, converter.getHemisphere(),
+ converter.getEasting(), converter.getNorthing());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a set of UPS coordinates for the given Globe
+ *
+ * @param hemisphere the hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ * @param easting the easting distance in meters
+ * @param northing the northing distance in meters.
+ *
+ * @return the corresponding UPSCoord
+ *
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the conversion to UPS coordinates fails.
+ */
+ public static UPSCoord fromUPS(Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ final UPSCoordConverter converter = new UPSCoordConverter();
+ long err = converter.convertUPSToGeodetic(hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ if (err != UTMCoordConverter.UTM_NO_ERROR) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTM Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new UPSCoord(Math.toDegrees(converter.getLatitude()),
+ Math.toDegrees(converter.getLongitude()),
+ hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an arbitrary set of UPS coordinates with the given values.
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ * @param hemisphere the hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ * @param easting the easting distance in meters
+ * @param northing the northing distance in meters.
+ *
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
, longitude
, or hemisphere
+ * null.
+ */
+ public UPSCoord(double latitude, double longitude, Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ this.latitude = latitude;
+ this.longitude = longitude;
+ this.hemisphere = hemisphere;
+ this.easting = easting;
+ this.northing = northing;
+ }
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return this.latitude;
+ }
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return this.longitude;
+ }
+ public Hemisphere getHemisphere() {
+ return this.hemisphere;
+ }
+ public double getEasting() {
+ return this.easting;
+ }
+ public double getNorthing() {
+ return this.northing;
+ }
+ @Override
+ @NonNull
+ public String toString() {
+ return hemisphere + " " + easting + "E" + " " + northing + "N";
+ }
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+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * This component provides conversions between geodetic (latitude
+ * and longitude) coordinates and Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS)
+ * projection (hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * This component checks parameters for valid values. If an
+ * invalid value is found the error code is combined with the
+ * current error code using the bitwise or. This combining allows
+ * multiple error codes to be returned. The possible error codes
+ * are:
+ *
+ * UPS_NO_ERROR : No errors occurred in function
+ * UPS_LAT_ERROR : latitude outside of valid range
+ * (North Pole: 83.5 to 90,
+ * South Pole: -79.5 to -90)
+ * UPS_LON_ERROR : longitude outside of valid range
+ * (-180 to 360 degrees)
+ * UPS_HEMISPHERE_ERROR : Invalid hemisphere ('N' or 'S')
+ * UPS_EASTING_ERROR : easting outside of valid range,
+ * (0 to 4,000,000m)
+ * UPS_NORTHING_ERROR : northing outside of valid range,
+ * (0 to 4,000,000m)
+ * UPS_A_ERROR : Semi-major axis less than or equal to zero
+ * UPS_INV_F_ERROR : Inverse flattening outside of valid range
+ * (250 to 350)
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * UPS is intended for reuse by any application that performs a Universal
+ * Polar Stereographic (UPS) projection.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Further information on UPS can be found in the Reuse Manual.
+ *
+ * UPS originated from : U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center
+ * Geospatial Information Division
+ * 7701 Telegraph Road
+ * Alexandria, VA 22310-3864
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * None apply to this component.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * UPS has no restrictions.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * UPS was tested and certified in the following environments:
+ *
+ * 1. Solaris 2.5 with GCC version 2.8.1
+ * 2. Windows 95 with MS Visual C++ version 6
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Date Description
+ * ---- -----------
+ * 06-11-95 Original Code
+ * 03-01-97 Original Code
+ *
+ *
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * Ported to Java from the NGA GeoTrans ups.c and ups.h code - Feb 12, 2007 4:52:59 PM
+ *
+ * @author Garrett Headley, Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class UPSCoordConverter {
+ public static final int UPS_NO_ERROR = 0x0000;
+ private static final int UPS_LAT_ERROR = 0x0001;
+ private static final int UPS_LON_ERROR = 0x0002;
+ public static final int UPS_HEMISPHERE_ERROR = 0x0004;
+ public static final int UPS_EASTING_ERROR = 0x0008;
+ public static final int UPS_NORTHING_ERROR = 0x0010;
+ private static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323;
+ private static final double MAX_LAT = (PI * 90) / 180.0; // 90 degrees in radians
+ // Min and max latitude values accepted
+ private static final double MIN_NORTH_LAT = 72 * PI / 180.0; // 83.5
+ private static final double MIN_SOUTH_LAT = -72 * PI / 180.0; // -79.5
+ private static final double MAX_ORIGIN_LAT = (81.114528 * PI) / 180.0;
+ private static final double MIN_EAST_NORTH = 0;
+ private static final double MAX_EAST_NORTH = 4000000;
+ private double UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT; /*set default = North hemisphere */
+ private double UPS_Origin_Longitude = 0.0;
+ /* Ellipsoid Parameters, default to WGS 84 */
+ private double UPS_a = 6378137.0; /* Semi-major axis of ellipsoid in meters */
+ private double UPS_f = 1 / 298.257223563; /* Flattening of ellipsoid */
+ private double UPS_False_Easting = 2000000.0;
+ private double UPS_False_Northing = 2000000.0;
+ private double false_easting = 0.0;
+ private double false_northing = 0.0;
+ private double UPS_Easting = 0.0;
+ private double UPS_Northing = 0.0;
+ private double easting = 0.0;
+ private double northing = 0.0;
+ private Hemisphere hemisphere = Hemisphere.N;
+ private double latitude = 0.0;
+ private double longitude = 0.0;
+ private PolarCoordConverter polarConverter = new PolarCoordConverter();
+ UPSCoordConverter(){}
+ /**
+ * The function convertGeodeticToUPS converts geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates to UPS (hemisphere,
+ * easting, and northing) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors occur, the error
+ * code(s) are returned by the function, otherwide UPS_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param latitude latitude in radians
+ * @param longitude longitude in radians
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertGeodeticToUPS(double latitude, double longitude) {
+ if ((latitude < -MAX_LAT) || (latitude > MAX_LAT)) { /* latitude out of range */
+ return UPS_LAT_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((latitude < 0) && (latitude > MIN_SOUTH_LAT))
+ return UPS_LAT_ERROR;
+ if ((latitude >= 0) && (latitude < MIN_NORTH_LAT))
+ return UPS_LAT_ERROR;
+ if ((longitude < -PI) || (longitude > (2 * PI))) { /* slam out of range */
+ return UPS_LON_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (latitude < 0) {
+ UPS_Origin_Latitude = -MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.S;
+ } else {
+ UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.N;
+ }
+ polarConverter.setPolarStereographicParameters(UPS_a, UPS_f,
+ UPS_Origin_Latitude, UPS_Origin_Longitude,
+ false_easting, false_northing);
+ polarConverter.convertGeodeticToPolarStereographic(latitude, longitude);
+ UPS_Easting = UPS_False_Easting + polarConverter.getEasting();
+ UPS_Northing = UPS_False_Northing + polarConverter.getNorthing();
+ if (Hemisphere.S.equals(hemisphere))
+ UPS_Northing = UPS_False_Northing - polarConverter.getNorthing();
+ easting = UPS_Easting;
+ northing = UPS_Northing;
+ return UPS_NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ /** @return easting/X in meters */
+ public double getEasting() {
+ return easting;
+ }
+ /** @return northing/Y in meters */
+ public double getNorthing() {
+ return northing;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ */
+ public Hemisphere getHemisphere() {
+ return hemisphere;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_UPS_To_Geodetic converts UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates to geodetic
+ * (latitude and longitude) coordinates according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors occur, the
+ * error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise UPS_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param hemisphere hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ * @param easting easting/X in meters
+ * @param northing northing/Y in meters
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertUPSToGeodetic(Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ long Error_Code = UPS_NO_ERROR;
+ if (!Hemisphere.N.equals(hemisphere) && !Hemisphere.S.equals(hemisphere))
+ if ((easting < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (easting > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
+ Error_Code |= UPS_EASTING_ERROR;
+ if ((northing < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (northing > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
+ if (Hemisphere.N.equals(hemisphere))
+ UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
+ if (Hemisphere.S.equals(hemisphere))
+ UPS_Origin_Latitude = -MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
+ if (Error_Code == UPS_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ polarConverter.setPolarStereographicParameters(UPS_a,
+ UPS_f,
+ UPS_Origin_Latitude,
+ UPS_Origin_Longitude,
+ UPS_False_Easting,
+ UPS_False_Northing);
+ polarConverter.convertPolarStereographicToGeodetic(easting, northing);
+ latitude = polarConverter.getLatitude();
+ longitude = polarConverter.getLongitude();
+ if ((latitude < 0) && (latitude > MIN_SOUTH_LAT))
+ Error_Code |= UPS_LAT_ERROR;
+ if ((latitude >= 0) && (latitude < MIN_NORTH_LAT))
+ Error_Code |= UPS_LAT_ERROR;
+ }
+ return Error_Code;
+ }
+ /** @return latitude in radians. */
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return latitude;
+ }
+ /** @return longitude in radians. */
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return longitude;
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
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index 000000000..06989c8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * This immutable class holds a set of UTM coordinates along with it's corresponding latitude and longitude.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class UTMCoord {
+ private final double latitude;
+ private final double longitude;
+ private final Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ private final int zone;
+ private final double easting;
+ private final double northing;
+ /**
+ * Create a set of UTM coordinates from a pair of latitude and longitude for the given Globe
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ *
+ * @return the corresponding UTMCoord
+ *
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
or longitude
is null, or the conversion to
+ * UTM coordinates fails.
+ */
+ public static UTMCoord fromLatLon(double latitude, double longitude) {
+ final UTMCoordConverter converter = new UTMCoordConverter();
+ long err = converter.convertGeodeticToUTM(Math.toRadians(latitude), Math.toRadians(longitude));
+ if (err != UTMCoordConverter.UTM_NO_ERROR) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTM Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new UTMCoord(latitude, longitude, converter.getZone(), converter.getHemisphere(),
+ converter.getEasting(), converter.getNorthing());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a set of UTM coordinates for the given Globe
+ *
+ * @param zone the UTM zone - 1 to 60.
+ * @param hemisphere the hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ * @param easting the easting distance in meters
+ * @param northing the northing distance in meters.
+ *
+ * @return the corresponding UTMCoord
+ *
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the conversion to UTM coordinates fails.
+ */
+ public static UTMCoord fromUTM(int zone, Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ final UTMCoordConverter converter = new UTMCoordConverter();
+ long err = converter.convertUTMToGeodetic(zone, hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ if (err != UTMCoordConverter.UTM_NO_ERROR) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTM Conversion Error");
+ }
+ return new UTMCoord(Math.toDegrees(converter.getLatitude()),
+ Math.toDegrees(converter.getLongitude()),
+ zone, hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an arbitrary set of UTM coordinates with the given values.
+ *
+ * @param latitude the latitude double
+ * @param longitude the longitude double
+ * @param zone the UTM zone - 1 to 60.
+ * @param hemisphere the hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ * @param easting the easting distance in meters
+ * @param northing the northing distance in meters.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if latitude
or longitude
is null.
+ */
+ public UTMCoord(double latitude, double longitude, int zone, Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ this.latitude = latitude;
+ this.longitude = longitude;
+ this.hemisphere = hemisphere;
+ = zone;
+ this.easting = easting;
+ this.northing = northing;
+ }
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return this.latitude;
+ }
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return this.longitude;
+ }
+ public int getZone() {
+ return;
+ }
+ public Hemisphere getHemisphere() {
+ return this.hemisphere;
+ }
+ public double getEasting() {
+ return this.easting;
+ }
+ public double getNorthing() {
+ return this.northing;
+ }
+ @Override
+ @NonNull
+ public String toString() {
+ return String.valueOf(zone) + " " + hemisphere + " " + easting + "E" + " " + northing + "N";
+ }
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index 000000000..1008ced1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+ * Converter used to translate UTM coordinates to and from geodetic latitude and longitude.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @see UTMCoord, TMCoordConverter
+ */
+ * Ported to Java from the NGA GeoTrans utm.c and utm.h
+ *
+ * @author Garrett Headley, Patrick Murris
+ */
+class UTMCoordConverter {
+ public final static int UTM_NO_ERROR = 0x0000;
+ public final static int UTM_LAT_ERROR = 0x0001;
+ public final static int UTM_LON_ERROR = 0x0002;
+ public final static int UTM_EASTING_ERROR = 0x0004;
+ public final static int UTM_NORTHING_ERROR = 0x0008;
+ public final static int UTM_ZONE_ERROR = 0x0010;
+ public final static int UTM_HEMISPHERE_ERROR = 0x0020;
+ public final static int UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR = 0x0040;
+ public final static int UTM_TM_ERROR = 0x0200;
+ private final static double PI = 3.14159265358979323;
+ //private final static double MIN_LAT = ((-80.5 * PI) / 180.0); /* -80.5 degrees in radians */
+ //private final static double MAX_LAT = ((84.5 * PI) / 180.0); /* 84.5 degrees in radians */
+ private final static double MIN_LAT = ((-82 * PI) / 180.0); /* -82 degrees in radians */
+ private final static double MAX_LAT = ((86 * PI) / 180.0); /* 86 degrees in radians */
+ private final static int MIN_EASTING = 100000;
+ private final static int MAX_EASTING = 900000;
+ private final static int MIN_NORTHING = 0;
+ private final static int MAX_NORTHING = 10000000;
+ private double UTM_a = 6378137.0; /* Semi-major axis of ellipsoid in meters */
+ private double UTM_f = 1 / 298.257223563; /* Flattening of ellipsoid */
+ private long UTM_Override = 0; /* Zone override flag */
+ private double Easting;
+ private double Northing;
+ private Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ private int Zone;
+ private double Latitude;
+ private double Longitude;
+ private double Central_Meridian;
+ UTMCoordConverter(){}
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM converts geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates to UTM projection
+ * (zone, hemisphere, easting and northing) coordinates according to the current ellipsoid and UTM zone override
+ * parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * @param Latitude Latitude in radians
+ * @param Longitude Longitude in radians
+ *
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ public long convertGeodeticToUTM(double Latitude, double Longitude) {
+ long Lat_Degrees;
+ long Long_Degrees;
+ long temp_zone;
+ long Error_Code = UTM_NO_ERROR;
+ double Origin_Latitude = 0;
+ double False_Easting = 500000;
+ double False_Northing = 0;
+ double Scale = 0.9996;
+ if ((Latitude < MIN_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_LAT)) { /* Latitude out of range */
+ Error_Code |= UTM_LAT_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > (2 * PI))) { /* Longitude out of range */
+ Error_Code |= UTM_LON_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == UTM_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ if (Longitude < 0)
+ Longitude += (2 * PI) + 1.0e-10;
+ Lat_Degrees = (long) (Latitude * 180.0 / PI);
+ Long_Degrees = (long) (Longitude * 180.0 / PI);
+ if (Longitude < PI)
+ temp_zone = (long) (31 + ((Longitude * 180.0 / PI) / 6.0));
+ else
+ temp_zone = (long) (((Longitude * 180.0 / PI) / 6.0) - 29);
+ if (temp_zone > 60)
+ temp_zone = 1;
+ /* UTM special cases */
+ if ((Lat_Degrees > 55) && (Lat_Degrees < 64) && (Long_Degrees > -1) && (Long_Degrees < 3))
+ temp_zone = 31;
+ if ((Lat_Degrees > 55) && (Lat_Degrees < 64) && (Long_Degrees > 2) && (Long_Degrees < 12))
+ temp_zone = 32;
+ if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > -1) && (Long_Degrees < 9))
+ temp_zone = 31;
+ if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 8) && (Long_Degrees < 21))
+ temp_zone = 33;
+ if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 20) && (Long_Degrees < 33))
+ temp_zone = 35;
+ if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 32) && (Long_Degrees < 42))
+ temp_zone = 37;
+ if (UTM_Override != 0) {
+ if ((temp_zone == 1) && (UTM_Override == 60))
+ temp_zone = UTM_Override;
+ else if ((temp_zone == 60) && (UTM_Override == 1))
+ temp_zone = UTM_Override;
+ else if (((temp_zone - 1) <= UTM_Override) && (UTM_Override <= (temp_zone + 1)))
+ temp_zone = UTM_Override;
+ else
+ }
+ if (Error_Code == UTM_NO_ERROR) {
+ if (temp_zone >= 31)
+ Central_Meridian = (6 * temp_zone - 183) * PI / 180.0;
+ else
+ Central_Meridian = (6 * temp_zone + 177) * PI / 180.0;
+ Zone = (int) temp_zone;
+ if (Latitude < 0) {
+ False_Northing = 10000000;
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.S;
+ }
+ else
+ hemisphere = Hemisphere.N;
+ try {
+ TMCoord TM = TMCoord.fromLatLon(Math.toDegrees(Latitude), Math.toDegrees(Longitude),
+ this.UTM_a, this.UTM_f, Math.toDegrees(Origin_Latitude),
+ Math.toDegrees(Central_Meridian), False_Easting, False_Northing, Scale);
+ Easting = TM.getEasting();
+ Northing = TM.getNorthing();
+ if ((Easting < MIN_EASTING) || (Easting > MAX_EASTING))
+ if ((Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Error_Code = UTM_TM_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ /** @return Easting (X) in meters */
+ public double getEasting() {
+ return Easting;
+ }
+ /** @return Northing (Y) in meters */
+ public double getNorthing() {
+ return Northing;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return The coordinate hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ */
+ public Hemisphere getHemisphere() {
+ return hemisphere;
+ }
+ /** @return UTM zone */
+ public int getZone() {
+ return Zone;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The function Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic converts UTM projection (zone, hemisphere, easting and northing) coordinates
+ * to geodetic(latitude and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors
+ * occur, the error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is returned.
+ *
+ * @param zone UTM zone.
+ * @param hemisphere The coordinate hemisphere, either {@link Hemisphere#N} of {@link Hemisphere#S}.
+ * @param easting easting (X) in meters.
+ * @param Northing Northing (Y) in meters.
+ *
+ * @return error code.
+ */
+ public long convertUTMToGeodetic(long zone, Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double Northing) {
+ // TODO: arg checking
+ long Error_Code = UTM_NO_ERROR;
+ double Origin_Latitude = 0;
+ double False_Easting = 500000;
+ double False_Northing = 0;
+ double Scale = 0.9996;
+ if ((zone < 1) || (zone > 60))
+ Error_Code |= UTM_ZONE_ERROR;
+ if (!hemisphere.equals(Hemisphere.S) && !hemisphere.equals(Hemisphere.N))
+// if ((easting < MIN_EASTING) || (easting > MAX_EASTING)) //removed check to enable reprojecting images
+// Error_Code |= UTM_EASTING_ERROR; //that extend into another zone
+ if ((Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
+ if (Error_Code == UTM_NO_ERROR) { /* no errors */
+ if (zone >= 31)
+ Central_Meridian = ((6 * zone - 183) * PI / 180.0 /*+ 0.00000005*/);
+ else
+ Central_Meridian = ((6 * zone + 177) * PI / 180.0 /*+ 0.00000005*/);
+ if (hemisphere.equals(Hemisphere.S))
+ False_Northing = 10000000;
+ try {
+ TMCoord TM = TMCoord.fromTM(easting, Northing,
+ Math.toDegrees(Origin_Latitude), Math.toDegrees(Central_Meridian),
+ False_Easting, False_Northing, Scale);
+ Latitude = Math.toRadians(TM.getLatitude());
+ Longitude = Math.toRadians(TM.getLongitude());
+ if ((Latitude < MIN_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_LAT)) { /* Latitude out of range */
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Error_Code = UTM_TM_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return (Error_Code);
+ }
+ /** @return Latitude in radians. */
+ public double getLatitude() {
+ return Latitude;
+ }
+ /** @return Longitude in radians. */
+ public double getLongitude() {
+ return Longitude;
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..637cafc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Line;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec3;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.AbstractLayer;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.shape.Label;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.shape.Path;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath;
+ * Displays a graticule.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id: 2153 2014-07-17 17:33:13Z tgaskins $
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractGraticuleLayer extends AbstractLayer {
+// /**
+// * Solid line rendering style. This style specifies that a line will be drawn without any breaks.
+// * _________
+// *
is an example of a solid line.
+// */
+// public static final String LINE_STYLE_SOLID = GraticuleRenderingParams.VALUE_LINE_STYLE_SOLID;
+// /**
+// * Dashed line rendering style. This style specifies that a line will be drawn as a series of long strokes, with
+// * space in between.
+// * - - - - -
+// *
is an example of a dashed line.
+// */
+// public static final String LINE_STYLE_DASHED = GraticuleRenderingParams.VALUE_LINE_STYLE_DASHED;
+// /**
+// * Dotted line rendering style. This style specifies that a line will be drawn as a series of evenly spaced "square"
+// * dots.
+// * . . . . .
+// * is an example of a dotted line.
+// */
+// public static final String LINE_STYLE_DOTTED = GraticuleRenderingParams.VALUE_LINE_STYLE_DOTTED;
+ private static final String LOOK_AT_LATITUDE_PROPERTY = "look_at_latitude";
+ private static final String LOOK_AT_LONGITUDE_PROPERTY = "look_at_longitude";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_PIXEL_SIZE_PROPERTY = "graticule_pixel_size";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_LABEL_OFFSET_PROPERTY = "graticule_label_offset";
+ // Helper variables to avoid memory leaks
+ private final Vec3 surfacePoint = new Vec3();
+ private final Line forwardRay = new Line();
+ private final Vec3 lookAtPoint = new Vec3();
+ private final Position lookAtPos = new Position();
+ private final GraticuleSupport graticuleSupport = new GraticuleSupport();
+ // Update reference states
+ private final Vec3 lastCameraPoint = new Vec3();
+ private double lastCameraHeading;
+ private double lastCameraTilt;
+ private double lastFOV;
+ private double lastVerticalExaggeration;
+// private Globe lastGlobe;
+// private GeographicProjection lastProjection;
+// private long frameTimeStamp; // used only for 2D continuous globes to determine whether render is in same frame
+// private double terrainConformance = 50;
+ AbstractGraticuleLayer(String name) {
+ this.setDisplayName(name);
+ this.setPickEnabled(false);
+ this.initRenderingParams();
+ }
+ protected abstract void initRenderingParams();
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not graticule lines will be rendered.
+ *
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ *
+ * @return true if graticule lines will be rendered; false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean isDrawGraticule(String key) {
+ return this.getRenderingParams(key).isDrawLines();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets whether or not graticule lines will be rendered.
+ *
+ * @param drawGraticule true to render graticule lines; false to disable rendering.
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ */
+ public void setDrawGraticule(boolean drawGraticule, String key) {
+ this.getRenderingParams(key).setDrawLines(drawGraticule);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the graticule line Color.
+ *
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ *
+ * @return Color used to render graticule lines.
+ */
+ public Color getGraticuleLineColor(String key) {
+ return this.getRenderingParams(key).getLineColor();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the graticule line Color.
+ *
+ * @param color Color that will be used to render graticule lines.
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ */
+ public void setGraticuleLineColor(Color color, String key) {
+ this.getRenderingParams(key).setLineColor(color);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the graticule line width.
+ *
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ *
+ * @return width of the graticule lines.
+ */
+ public double getGraticuleLineWidth(String key) {
+ return this.getRenderingParams(key).getLineWidth();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the graticule line width.
+ *
+ * @param lineWidth width of the graticule lines.
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ */
+ public void setGraticuleLineWidth(double lineWidth, String key) {
+ this.getRenderingParams(key).setLineWidth(lineWidth);
+ }
+// /**
+// * Returns the graticule line rendering style.
+// *
+// * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+// *
+// * @return rendering style of the graticule lines.
+// */
+// public String getGraticuleLineStyle(String key) {
+// return this.getRenderingParams(key).getLineStyle();
+// }
+// /**
+// * Sets the graticule line rendering style.
+// *
+// * @param lineStyle rendering style of the graticule lines. One of LINE_STYLE_SOLID, LINE_STYLE_DASHED, or
+// * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+// */
+// public void setGraticuleLineStyle(String lineStyle, String key) {
+// this.getRenderingParams(key).setLineStyle(lineStyle);
+// }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not graticule labels will be rendered.
+ *
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ *
+ * @return true if graticule labels will be rendered; false otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean isDrawLabels(String key) {
+ return this.getRenderingParams(key).isDrawLabels();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets whether or not graticule labels will be rendered.
+ *
+ * @param drawLabels true to render graticule labels; false to disable rendering.
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ */
+ public void setDrawLabels(boolean drawLabels, String key) {
+ this.getRenderingParams(key).setDrawLabels(drawLabels);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the graticule label Color.
+ *
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ *
+ * @return Color used to render graticule labels.
+ */
+ public Color getLabelColor(String key) {
+ return this.getRenderingParams(key).getLabelColor();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the graticule label Color.
+ *
+ * @param color Color that will be used to render graticule labels.
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ */
+ public void setLabelColor(Color color, String key) {
+ this.getRenderingParams(key).setLabelColor(color);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Typeface used for graticule labels.
+ *
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ *
+ * @return Typeface used to render graticule labels.
+ */
+ public Typeface getLabelTypeface(String key) {
+ return this.getRenderingParams(key).getLabelTypeface();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the Typeface used for graticule labels.
+ *
+ * @param typeface Typeface that will be used to render graticule labels.
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ */
+ public void setLabelTypeface(Typeface typeface, String key) {
+ this.getRenderingParams(key).setLabelTypeface(typeface);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Size used for graticule labels.
+ *
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ *
+ * @return Size used to render graticule labels.
+ */
+ public Float getLabelSize(String key) {
+ return this.getRenderingParams(key).getLabelSize();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the Size used for graticule labels.
+ *
+ * @param size Size that will be used to render graticule labels.
+ * @param key the rendering parameters key.
+ */
+ public void setLabelSize(Float size, String key) {
+ this.getRenderingParams(key).setLabelSize(size);
+ }
+ GraticuleRenderingParams getRenderingParams(String key) {
+ return this.graticuleSupport.getRenderingParams(key);
+ }
+ void setRenderingParams(String key, GraticuleRenderingParams renderingParams) {
+ this.graticuleSupport.setRenderingParams(key, renderingParams);
+ }
+ void addRenderable(Renderable renderable, String paramsKey) {
+ this.graticuleSupport.addRenderable(renderable, paramsKey);
+ }
+ private void removeAllRenderables() {
+ this.graticuleSupport.removeAllRenderables();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void doRender(RenderContext rc) {
+// if (rc.isContinuous2DGlobe()) {
+// if (this.needsToUpdate(rc)) {
+// this.clear(rc);
+// this.selectRenderables(rc);
+// }
+// // If the frame time stamp is the same, then this is the second or third pass of the same frame. We continue
+// // selecting renderables in these passes.
+// if (rc.getFrameTimeStamp() == this.frameTimeStamp)
+// this.selectRenderables(rc);
+// this.frameTimeStamp = rc.getFrameTimeStamp();
+// } else {
+ if (this.needsToUpdate(rc)) {
+ this.clear(rc);
+ this.selectRenderables(rc);
+ }
+// }
+ // Render
+ this.graticuleSupport.render(rc, this.getOpacity());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Select the visible grid elements
+ *
+ * @param rc the current RenderContext
+ */
+ protected abstract void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc);
+ protected abstract List getOrderedTypes();
+ protected abstract String getTypeFor(double resolution);
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the grid should be updated. It returns true if: - the eye has moved more than 1% of its
+ * altitude above ground
- the view FOV, heading or pitch have changed more than 1 degree
- vertical
+ * exaggeration has changed
+ *
+ * @return true if the graticule should be updated.
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings({"RedundantIfStatement"})
+ private boolean needsToUpdate(RenderContext rc) {
+ if (this.lastVerticalExaggeration != rc.verticalExaggeration)
+ return true;
+ if (Math.abs(this.lastCameraHeading - > 1)
+ return true;
+ if (Math.abs(this.lastCameraTilt - > 1)
+ return true;
+ if (Math.abs(this.lastFOV - rc.fieldOfView) > 1)
+ return true;
+ if (rc.cameraPoint.distanceTo(this.lastCameraPoint) > computeAltitudeAboveGround(rc) / 100) // 1% of AAG
+ return true;
+ // We must test the globe and its projection to see if either changed. We can't simply use the globe state
+ // key for this because we don't want a 2D globe offset change to cause an update. Offset changes don't
+ // invalidate the current set of renderables.
+// if (rc.globe != this.lastGlobe)
+// return true;
+// if (rc.is2DGlobe())
+// if (((Globe2D) rc.getGlobe()).getProjection() != this.lastProjection)
+// return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected void clear(RenderContext rc) {
+ this.removeAllRenderables();
+ this.lastCameraPoint.set(rc.cameraPoint);
+ this.lastFOV = rc.fieldOfView;
+ this.lastCameraHeading =;
+ this.lastCameraTilt =;
+ this.lastVerticalExaggeration = rc.verticalExaggeration;
+// this.lastGlobe = rc.globe;
+// if (rc.is2DGlobe())
+// this.lastProjection = ((Globe2D) rc.getGlobe()).getProjection();
+// this.terrainConformance = this.computeTerrainConformance(rc);
+// this.applyTerrainConformance();
+ }
+// private double computeTerrainConformance(RenderContext rc) {
+// int value = 100;
+// double alt =;
+// if (alt < 10e3)
+// value = 20;
+// else if (alt < 50e3)
+// value = 30;
+// else if (alt < 100e3)
+// value = 40;
+// else if (alt < 1000e3)
+// value = 60;
+// return value;
+// }
+// private void applyTerrainConformance() {
+// String[] graticuleType = getOrderedTypes();
+// for (String type : graticuleType) {
+// getRenderingParams(type).put(
+// GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_CONFORMANCE, this.terrainConformance);
+// }
+// }
+ Location computeLabelOffset(RenderContext rc) {
+ if(this.hasLookAtPos(rc)) {
+ double labelOffsetDegrees = this.getLabelOffset(rc);
+ Location labelPos = Location.fromDegrees(this.getLookAtLatitude(rc) - labelOffsetDegrees,
+ this.getLookAtLongitude(rc) - labelOffsetDegrees);
+ labelPos.set(WWMath.clamp(Location.normalizeLatitude(labelPos.latitude), -70, 70),
+ Location.normalizeLongitude(labelPos.longitude));
+ return labelPos;
+ } else {
+ return Location.fromDegrees(,;
+ }
+ }
+ Renderable createLineRenderable(List positions, int pathType) {
+ Path path = new Path(positions);
+ path.setPathType(pathType);
+ path.setFollowTerrain(true);
+ // path.setTerrainConformance(1); // WTF Why not this.terrainConformance?
+ path.setAltitudeMode(WorldWind.CLAMP_TO_GROUND);
+ return path;
+ }
+ Renderable createTextRenderable(Position position, String label, double resolution) {
+ Label text = new Label(position, label).setAltitudeMode(WorldWind.CLAMP_TO_GROUND);
+ //text.setPriority(resolution * 1e6);
+ return text;
+ }
+ boolean hasLookAtPos(RenderContext rc) {
+ calculateLookAtProperties(rc);
+ return rc.getUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LATITUDE_PROPERTY) != null && rc.getUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LONGITUDE_PROPERTY) != null;
+ }
+ double getLookAtLatitude(RenderContext rc) {
+ calculateLookAtProperties(rc);
+ return (double) rc.getUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LATITUDE_PROPERTY);
+ }
+ double getLookAtLongitude(RenderContext rc) {
+ calculateLookAtProperties(rc);
+ return (double) rc.getUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LONGITUDE_PROPERTY);
+ }
+ double getPixelSize(RenderContext rc) {
+ calculateLookAtProperties(rc);
+ return (double) rc.getUserProperty(GRATICULE_PIXEL_SIZE_PROPERTY);
+ }
+ private double getLabelOffset(RenderContext rc) {
+ calculateLookAtProperties(rc);
+ return (double) rc.getUserProperty(GRATICULE_LABEL_OFFSET_PROPERTY);
+ }
+ Vec3 getSurfacePoint(RenderContext rc, double latitude, double longitude) {
+ if (!rc.terrain.surfacePoint(latitude, longitude, surfacePoint))
+ rc.globe.geographicToCartesian(latitude, longitude,
+ rc.globe.getElevationAtLocation(latitude, longitude), surfacePoint);
+ return surfacePoint;
+ }
+ double computeAltitudeAboveGround(RenderContext rc) {
+ Vec3 surfacePoint = getSurfacePoint(rc,,;
+ return rc.cameraPoint.distanceTo(surfacePoint);
+ }
+ void computeTruncatedSegment(Position p1, Position p2, Sector sector, List positions) {
+ if (p1 == null || p2 == null)
+ return;
+ boolean p1In = sector.contains(p1.latitude, p1.longitude);
+ boolean p2In = sector.contains(p2.latitude, p2.longitude);
+ if (!p1In && !p2In) {
+ // whole segment is (likely) outside
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p1In && p2In) {
+ // whole segment is (likely) inside
+ positions.add(p1);
+ positions.add(p2);
+ } else {
+ // segment does cross the boundary
+ Position outPoint = !p1In ? p1 : p2;
+ Position inPoint = p1In ? p1 : p2;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { // there may be two intersections
+ Location intersection = null;
+ if (outPoint.longitude > sector.maxLongitude()
+ || (sector.maxLongitude() == 180 && outPoint.longitude < 0))
+ {
+ // intersect with east meridian
+ intersection = this.greatCircleIntersectionAtLongitude(
+ inPoint, outPoint, sector.maxLongitude());
+ } else if (outPoint.longitude < sector.minLongitude()
+ || (sector.minLongitude() == -180 && outPoint.longitude > 0)) {
+ // intersect with west meridian
+ intersection = this.greatCircleIntersectionAtLongitude(
+ inPoint, outPoint, sector.minLongitude());
+ } else if (outPoint.latitude > sector.maxLatitude()) {
+ // intersect with top parallel
+ intersection = this.greatCircleIntersectionAtLatitude(
+ inPoint, outPoint, sector.maxLatitude());
+ } else if (outPoint.latitude < sector.minLatitude()) {
+ // intersect with bottom parallel
+ intersection = this.greatCircleIntersectionAtLatitude(
+ inPoint, outPoint, sector.minLatitude());
+ }
+ if (intersection != null)
+ outPoint = new Position(intersection.latitude, intersection.longitude, outPoint.altitude);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ positions.add(inPoint);
+ positions.add(outPoint);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes the intersection point position between a great circle segment and a meridian.
+ *
+ * @param p1 the great circle segment start position.
+ * @param p2 the great circle segment end position.
+ * @param longitude the meridian longitude Angle
+ *
+ * @return the intersection Position
or null if there was no intersection found.
+ */
+ private Location greatCircleIntersectionAtLongitude(Location p1, Location p2, double longitude) {
+ if (p1.longitude == longitude)
+ return p1;
+ if (p2.longitude == longitude)
+ return p2;
+ Location pos = null;
+ double deltaLon = this.getDeltaLongitude(p1, p2.longitude);
+ if (this.getDeltaLongitude(p1, longitude) < deltaLon && this.getDeltaLongitude(p2, longitude) < deltaLon) {
+ int count = 0;
+ double precision = 1d / 6378137d; // 1m angle in radians
+ Location a = p1;
+ Location b = p2;
+ Location midPoint = this.greatCircleMidPoint(a, b);
+ while (Math.toRadians(this.getDeltaLongitude(midPoint, longitude)) > precision && count <= 20) {
+ count++;
+ if (this.getDeltaLongitude(a, longitude) < this.getDeltaLongitude(b, longitude))
+ b = midPoint;
+ else
+ a = midPoint;
+ midPoint = this.greatCircleMidPoint(a, b);
+ }
+ pos = midPoint;
+ }
+ // Adjust final longitude for an exact match
+ if (pos != null)
+ pos = new Location(pos.latitude, longitude);
+ return pos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes the intersection point position between a great circle segment and a parallel.
+ *
+ * @param p1 the great circle segment start position.
+ * @param p2 the great circle segment end position.
+ * @param latitude the parallel latitude Angle
+ *
+ * @return the intersection Position
or null if there was no intersection found.
+ */
+ private Location greatCircleIntersectionAtLatitude(Location p1, Location p2, double latitude) {
+ Location pos = null;
+ if (Math.signum(p1.latitude - latitude) != Math.signum(p2.latitude - latitude)) {
+ int count = 0;
+ double precision = 1d / 6378137d; // 1m angle in radians
+ Location a = p1;
+ Location b = p2;
+ Location midPoint = this.greatCircleMidPoint(a, b);
+ while (Math.abs(Math.toRadians(midPoint.latitude) - Math.toRadians(latitude)) > precision && count <= 20) {
+ count++;
+ if (Math.signum(a.latitude - latitude)
+ != Math.signum(midPoint.latitude - latitude))
+ b = midPoint;
+ else
+ a = midPoint;
+ midPoint = this.greatCircleMidPoint(a, b);
+ }
+ pos = midPoint;
+ }
+ // Adjust final latitude for an exact match
+ if (pos != null)
+ pos = new Location(latitude, pos.longitude);
+ return pos;
+ }
+ private Location greatCircleMidPoint(Location p1, Location p2) {
+ double azimuth = p1.greatCircleAzimuth(p2);
+ double distance = p1.greatCircleDistance(p2);
+ return p1.greatCircleLocation(azimuth, distance / 2, new Location());
+ }
+ private double getDeltaLongitude(Location p1, double longitude) {
+ double deltaLon = Math.abs(p1.longitude - longitude);
+ return deltaLon < 180 ? deltaLon : 360 - deltaLon;
+ }
+ private void calculateLookAtProperties(RenderContext rc) {
+ if (!rc.hasUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LATITUDE_PROPERTY) || !rc.hasUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LONGITUDE_PROPERTY)) {
+ //rc.modelview.extractEyePoint(forwardRay.origin);
+ forwardRay.origin.set(rc.cameraPoint);
+ rc.modelview.extractForwardVector(forwardRay.direction);
+ double range;
+ if (rc.globe.intersect(forwardRay, lookAtPoint)) {
+ rc.globe.cartesianToGeographic(lookAtPoint.x, lookAtPoint.y, lookAtPoint.z, lookAtPos);
+ rc.putUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LATITUDE_PROPERTY, lookAtPos.latitude);
+ rc.putUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LONGITUDE_PROPERTY, lookAtPos.longitude);
+ range = lookAtPoint.distanceTo(rc.cameraPoint);
+ } else {
+ rc.putUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LATITUDE_PROPERTY, null);
+ rc.putUserProperty(LOOK_AT_LONGITUDE_PROPERTY, null);
+ range = rc.horizonDistance;
+ }
+ double pixelSizeMeters = rc.pixelSizeAtDistance(range);
+ rc.putUserProperty(GRATICULE_PIXEL_SIZE_PROPERTY, pixelSizeMeters);
+ double pixelSizeDegrees = Math.toDegrees(pixelSizeMeters / rc.globe.getEquatorialRadius());
+ rc.putUserProperty(GRATICULE_LABEL_OFFSET_PROPERTY, pixelSizeDegrees * rc.viewport.width / 4);
+ }
+ }
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index 000000000..774737d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.BoundingBox;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec3;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+abstract class AbstractGraticuleTile {
+ private final AbstractGraticuleLayer layer;
+ private final Sector sector;
+ private List gridElements;
+ private BoundingBox extent;
+ private float[] heightLimits;
+ private long heightLimitsTimestamp;
+ private double extentExaggeration;
+ AbstractGraticuleTile(AbstractGraticuleLayer layer, Sector sector) {
+ this.layer = layer;
+ this.sector = sector;
+ }
+ AbstractGraticuleLayer getLayer() {
+ return this.layer;
+ }
+ Sector getSector() {
+ return this.sector;
+ }
+ List getGridElements() {
+ return this.gridElements;
+ }
+ boolean isInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return this.getExtent(rc).intersectsFrustum(rc.frustum);
+ }
+ double getSizeInPixels(RenderContext rc) {
+ Vec3 centerPoint = layer.getSurfacePoint(rc, this.sector.centroidLatitude(), this.sector.centroidLongitude());
+ double distance = rc.cameraPoint.distanceTo(centerPoint);
+ double tileSizeMeter = Math.toRadians(this.sector.deltaLatitude()) * rc.globe.getEquatorialRadius();
+ return tileSizeMeter / rc.pixelSizeAtDistance(distance) / rc.resources.getDisplayMetrics().density;
+ }
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ if (this.gridElements == null)
+ this.createRenderables();
+ }
+ void clearRenderables() {
+ if (this.gridElements != null) {
+ this.gridElements.clear();
+ this.gridElements = null;
+ }
+ }
+ void createRenderables() {
+ this.gridElements = new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ Sector[] subdivide(int div) {
+ double dLat = this.getSector().deltaLatitude() / div;
+ double dLon = this.getSector().deltaLongitude() / div;
+ Sector[] sectors = new Sector[div * div];
+ int idx = 0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < div; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < div; col++) {
+ sectors[idx++] = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude() + dLat * row,
+ this.getSector().minLongitude() + dLon * col, dLat, dLon);
+ }
+ }
+ return sectors;
+ }
+ private BoundingBox getExtent(RenderContext rc) {
+ if (this.heightLimits == null) {
+ this.heightLimits = new float[2];
+ }
+ if (this.extent == null) {
+ this.extent = new BoundingBox();
+ }
+ long elevationTimestamp = rc.globe.getElevationModel().getTimestamp();
+ if (elevationTimestamp != this.heightLimitsTimestamp) {
+ // initialize the heights for elevation model scan
+ this.heightLimits[0] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ this.heightLimits[1] = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ rc.globe.getElevationModel().getHeightLimits(this.sector, this.heightLimits);
+ // check for valid height limits
+ if (this.heightLimits[0] > this.heightLimits[1]) {
+ Arrays.fill(this.heightLimits, 0f);
+ }
+ }
+ double verticalExaggeration = rc.verticalExaggeration;
+ if (verticalExaggeration != this.extentExaggeration ||
+ elevationTimestamp != this.heightLimitsTimestamp) {
+ float minHeight = (float) (this.heightLimits[0] * verticalExaggeration);
+ float maxHeight = (float) (this.heightLimits[1] * verticalExaggeration);
+ this.extent.setToSector(this.sector, rc.globe, minHeight, maxHeight);
+ }
+ this.heightLimitsTimestamp = elevationTimestamp;
+ this.extentExaggeration = verticalExaggeration;
+ return this.extent;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96e13d1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+abstract class AbstractLatLonGraticuleLayer extends AbstractGraticuleLayer implements GridTilesSupport.Callback {
+ public enum AngleFormat {
+ }
+ private final GridTilesSupport gridTilesSupport;
+ private final List latitudeLabels = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final List longitudeLabels = new ArrayList<>();
+ private AngleFormat angleFormat = AngleFormat.DMS;
+ AbstractLatLonGraticuleLayer(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ this.gridTilesSupport = new GridTilesSupport(this, 18, 36);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the graticule division and angular display format. Can be one of {@link AngleFormat#DD}
+ * or {@link AngleFormat#DMS}.
+ *
+ * @return the graticule division and angular display format.
+ */
+ public AngleFormat getAngleFormat() {
+ return this.angleFormat;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the graticule division and angular display format. Can be one of {@link AngleFormat#DD},
+ * {@link AngleFormat#DMS} of {@link AngleFormat#DM}.
+ *
+ * @param format the graticule division and angular display format.
+ */
+ public void setAngleFormat(AngleFormat format) {
+ if (this.angleFormat.equals(format))
+ return;
+ this.angleFormat = format;
+ this.gridTilesSupport.clearTiles();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void clear(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.clear(rc);
+ this.latitudeLabels.clear();
+ this.longitudeLabels.clear();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ this.gridTilesSupport.selectRenderables(rc);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Sector getGridSector(int row, int col) {
+ int minLat = -90 + row * 10;
+ int maxLat = minLat + 10;
+ int minLon = -180 + col * 10;
+ int maxLon = minLon + 10;
+ return Sector.fromDegrees(minLat, minLon, maxLat - minLat, maxLon - minLon);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getGridColumn(double longitude) {
+ return Math.min((int) Math.floor((longitude + 180) / 10d), 35);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getGridRow(double latitude) {
+ return Math.min((int) Math.floor((latitude + 90) / 10d), 17);
+ }
+ void addLabel(double value, String labelType, String graticuleType, double resolution, Location labelOffset) {
+ Position position = null;
+ if (labelType.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LATITUDE_LABEL)) {
+ if (!this.latitudeLabels.contains(value)) {
+ this.latitudeLabels.add(value);
+ position = Position.fromDegrees(value, labelOffset.longitude, 0);
+ }
+ } else if (labelType.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LONGITUDE_LABEL)) {
+ if (!this.longitudeLabels.contains(value)) {
+ this.longitudeLabels.add(value);
+ position = Position.fromDegrees(labelOffset.latitude, value, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (position != null) {
+ String label = makeAngleLabel(value, resolution);
+ this.addRenderable(this.createTextRenderable(position, label, resolution), graticuleType);
+ }
+ }
+ private String toDecimalDegreesString(double angle, int digits) {
+ return String.format("%." + digits + "f\u00B0", angle);
+ }
+ private String toDMSString(double angle) {
+ int sign = (int) Math.signum(angle);
+ angle *= sign;
+ int d = (int) Math.floor(angle);
+ angle = (angle - d) * 60d;
+ int m = (int) Math.floor(angle);
+ angle = (angle - m) * 60d;
+ int s = (int) Math.round(angle);
+ if (s == 60) {
+ m++;
+ s = 0;
+ }
+ if (m == 60) {
+ d++;
+ m = 0;
+ }
+ return (sign == -1 ? "-" : "") + d + '\u00B0' + ' ' + m + '\u2019' + ' ' + s + '\u201d';
+ }
+ private String toDMString(double angle) {
+ int sign = (int) Math.signum(angle);
+ angle *= sign;
+ int d = (int) Math.floor(angle);
+ angle = (angle - d) * 60d;
+ int m = (int) Math.floor(angle);
+ angle = (angle - m) * 60d;
+ int s = (int) Math.round(angle);
+ if (s == 60) {
+ m++;
+ s = 0;
+ }
+ if (m == 60) {
+ d++;
+ m = 0;
+ }
+ double mf = s == 0 ? m : m + s / 60.0;
+ return (sign == -1 ? "-" : "") + d + '\u00B0' + ' ' + String.format("%5.2f", mf) + '\u2019';
+ }
+ private double[] toDMS(double angle) {
+ int sign = (int) Math.signum(angle);
+ angle *= sign;
+ int d = (int) Math.floor(angle);
+ angle = (angle - d) * 60d;
+ int m = (int) Math.floor(angle);
+ angle = (angle - m) * 60d;
+ double s = Math.rint(angle * 100) / 100; // keep two decimals for seconds
+ if (s == 60) {
+ m++;
+ s = 0;
+ }
+ if (m == 60) {
+ d++;
+ m = 0;
+ }
+ return new double[] {sign * d, m, s};
+ }
+ private String makeAngleLabel(double angle, double resolution) {
+ double epsilon = .000000001;
+ String label;
+ if (this.getAngleFormat().equals(AngleFormat.DMS)) {
+ if (resolution >= 1)
+ label = toDecimalDegreesString(angle, 0);
+ else {
+ double[] dms = toDMS(angle);
+ if (dms[1] < epsilon && dms[2] < epsilon)
+ label = String.format("%4d\u00B0", (int) dms[0]);
+ else if (dms[2] < epsilon)
+ label = String.format("%4d\u00B0 %2d\u2019", (int) dms[0], (int) dms[1]);
+ else
+ label = toDMSString(angle);
+ }
+ } else if (this.getAngleFormat().equals(AngleFormat.DM)) {
+ if (resolution >= 1)
+ label = toDecimalDegreesString(angle,0);
+ else {
+ double[] dms = toDMS(angle);
+ if (dms[1] < epsilon && dms[2] < epsilon)
+ label = String.format("%4d\u00B0", (int) dms[0]);
+ else if (dms[2] < epsilon)
+ label = String.format("%4d\u00B0 %2d\u2019", (int) dms[0], (int) dms[1]);
+ else
+ label = toDMString(angle);
+ }
+ } else { // default to decimal degrees
+ if (resolution >= 1)
+ label = toDecimalDegreesString(angle, 0);
+ else if (resolution >= .1)
+ label = toDecimalDegreesString(angle, 1);
+ else if (resolution >= .01)
+ label = toDecimalDegreesString(angle, 2);
+ else if (resolution >= .001)
+ label = toDecimalDegreesString(angle, 3);
+ else
+ label = toDecimalDegreesString(angle, 4);
+ }
+ return label;
+ }
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index 000000000..5d25aa4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.Hemisphere;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoord;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UTMCoord;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+ * Displays the UTM graticule metric scale.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id: 2153 2014-07-17 17:33:13Z tgaskins $
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer extends AbstractGraticuleLayer {
+ static final int UTM_MIN_LATITUDE = -80;
+ static final int UTM_MAX_LATITUDE = 84;
+ /** Graticule for the 100,000 meter grid. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_UTM_100000M = "Graticule.UTM.100000m";
+ /** Graticule for the 10,000 meter grid. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_UTM_10000M = "Graticule.UTM.10000m";
+ /** Graticule for the 1,000 meter grid. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_UTM_1000M = "Graticule.UTM.1000m";
+ /** Graticule for the 100 meter grid. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_UTM_100M = "Graticule.UTM.100m";
+ /** Graticule for the 10 meter grid. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_UTM_10M = "Graticule.UTM.10m";
+ /** Graticule for the 1 meter grid. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_UTM_1M = "Graticule.UTM.1m";
+ private static final double ONEHT = 100e3;
+ private final UTMMetricScaleSupport metricScaleSupport;
+ AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer(String name, int scaleModulo, double maxResolution) {
+ super(name);
+ this.metricScaleSupport = new UTMMetricScaleSupport(this);
+ this.metricScaleSupport.setScaleModulo(scaleModulo);
+ this.metricScaleSupport.setMaxResolution(maxResolution);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void initRenderingParams() {
+ GraticuleRenderingParams params;
+ // 100,000 meter graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 14f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_UTM_100000M, params);
+ // 10,000 meter graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(, 102, 255)));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(, 102, 255)));
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_UTM_10000M, params);
+ // 1,000 meter graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_UTM_1000M, params);
+ // 100 meter graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(, 153, 153)));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(, 153, 153)));
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_UTM_100M, params);
+ // 10 meter graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(, 255, 204)));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(, 255, 204)));
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_UTM_10M, params);
+ // 1 meter graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(, 153, 255)));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(, 153, 255)));
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_UTM_1M, params);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected List getOrderedTypes() {
+ return Arrays.asList(
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getTypeFor(double resolution) {
+ if (resolution >= 100000)
+ return GRATICULE_UTM_100000M;
+ else if (resolution >= 10000)
+ return GRATICULE_UTM_10000M;
+ else if (resolution >= 1000)
+ return GRATICULE_UTM_1000M;
+ else if (resolution >= 100)
+ return GRATICULE_UTM_100M;
+ else if (resolution >= 10)
+ return GRATICULE_UTM_10M;
+ else if (resolution >= 1)
+ return GRATICULE_UTM_1M;
+ else
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void clear(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.clear(rc);
+ this.metricScaleSupport.clear();
+ this.metricScaleSupport.computeZone(rc);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ this.metricScaleSupport.selectRenderables(rc);
+ }
+ void computeMetricScaleExtremes(int UTMZone, Hemisphere hemisphere, GridElement ge, double size) {
+ this.metricScaleSupport.computeMetricScaleExtremes(UTMZone, hemisphere, ge, size);
+ }
+ Position computePosition(int zone, Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ return zone > 0 ?
+ computePositionFromUTM(zone, hemisphere, easting, northing) :
+ computePositionFromUPS(hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ }
+ private Position computePositionFromUTM(int zone, Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ UTMCoord UTM = UTMCoord.fromUTM(zone, hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ return Position.fromDegrees(Position.clampLatitude(UTM.getLatitude()),
+ Position.clampLongitude(UTM.getLongitude()), 10e3);
+ }
+ private Position computePositionFromUPS(Hemisphere hemisphere, double easting, double northing) {
+ UPSCoord UPS = UPSCoord.fromUPS(hemisphere, easting, northing);
+ return Position.fromDegrees(Position.clampLatitude(UPS.getLatitude()),
+ Position.clampLongitude(UPS.getLongitude()), 10e3);
+ }
+ List createSquaresGrid(int UTMZone, Hemisphere hemisphere, Sector UTMZoneSector,
+ double minEasting, double maxEasting, double minNorthing, double maxNorthing) {
+ List squares = new ArrayList<>();
+ double startEasting = Math.floor(minEasting / ONEHT) * ONEHT;
+ double startNorthing = Math.floor(minNorthing / ONEHT) * ONEHT;
+ int cols = (int) Math.ceil((maxEasting - startEasting) / ONEHT);
+ int rows = (int) Math.ceil((maxNorthing - startNorthing) / ONEHT);
+ UTMSquareZone[][] squaresArray = new UTMSquareZone[rows][cols];
+ int col = 0;
+ for (double easting = startEasting; easting < maxEasting; easting += ONEHT) {
+ int row = 0;
+ for (double northing = startNorthing; northing < maxNorthing; northing += ONEHT) {
+ UTMSquareZone sz = new UTMSquareZone(this, UTMZone, hemisphere, UTMZoneSector, easting, northing, ONEHT);
+ if (sz.boundingSector != null && !sz.isOutsideGridZone()) {
+ squares.add(sz);
+ squaresArray[row][col] = sz;
+ }
+ row++;
+ }
+ col++;
+ }
+ // Keep track of neighbors
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
+ UTMSquareZone sz = squaresArray[row][col];
+ if (sz != null) {
+ sz.setNorthNeighbor(row + 1 < rows ? squaresArray[row + 1][col] : null);
+ sz.setEastNeighbor(col + 1 < cols ? squaresArray[row][col + 1] : null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return squares;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a85821e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+ * Displays the geographic Global Area Reference System (GARS) graticule. The graticule has four levels. The first level
+ * displays lines of latitude and longitude. The second level displays 30 minute square grid cells. The third level
+ * displays 15 minute grid cells. The fourth and final level displays 5 minute grid cells.
+ *
+ * This graticule is intended to be used on 2D globes because it is so dense.
+ *
+ * @version $Id: 2384 2014-10-14 21:55:10Z tgaskins $
+ */
+public class GARSGraticuleLayer extends AbstractLatLonGraticuleLayer {
+ private static final String GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_0 = "Graticule.GARSLevel0";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_1 = "Graticule.GARSLevel1";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_2 = "Graticule.GARSLevel2";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_3 = "Graticule.GARSLevel3";
+ public GARSGraticuleLayer() {
+ super("GARS Graticule");
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void initRenderingParams() {
+ GraticuleRenderingParams params;
+ // Ten degrees grid
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR,new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 16f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_0, params);
+ // One degree
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 14f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_1, params);
+ // 1/10th degree - 1/6th (10 minutes)
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_2, params);
+ // 1/100th degree - 1/60th (one minutes)
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_GARS_LEVEL_3, params);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected List getOrderedTypes() {
+ return Arrays.asList(
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getTypeFor(double resolution) {
+ if (resolution >= 10)
+ else if (resolution >= 0.5)
+ else if (resolution >= .25)
+ else if (resolution >= 5.0 / 60.0)
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AbstractGraticuleTile[][] initGridTiles(int rows, int cols) {
+ return new GARSGraticuleTile[rows][cols];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AbstractGraticuleTile createGridTile(Sector sector) {
+ return new GARSGraticuleTile(this, sector, 20, 0);
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50649d4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+class GARSGraticuleTile extends AbstractGraticuleTile {
+ /**
+ * Indicates the eye altitudes in meters below which each level should be displayed.
+ */
+ private static final double[] THRESHOLDS = new double[] {1200e3, 600e3, 180e3}; // 30 min, 15 min, 5 min
+ /**
+ * Specifies the eye altitude below which the 30 minute grid is displayed.
+ *
+ * @param altitude the eye altitude in meters below which the 30 minute grid is displayed.
+ */
+ public static void set30MinuteThreshold(double altitude) {
+ THRESHOLDS[0] = altitude;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates the eye altitude below which the 30 minute grid is displayed.
+ *
+ * @return the eye altitude in meters below which the 30 minute grid is displayed.
+ */
+ public static double get30MinuteThreshold() {
+ return THRESHOLDS[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Specifies the eye altitude below which the 15 minute grid is displayed.
+ *
+ * @param altitude the eye altitude in meters below which the 15 minute grid is displayed.
+ */
+ public static void set15MinuteThreshold(double altitude) {
+ THRESHOLDS[1] = altitude;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates the eye altitude below which the 15 minute grid is displayed.
+ *
+ * @return the eye altitude in meters below which the 15 minute grid is displayed.
+ */
+ public static double get15MinuteThreshold() {
+ return THRESHOLDS[1];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Specifies the eye altitude below which the 5 minute grid is displayed.
+ *
+ * @param altitude the eye altitude in meters below which the 5 minute grid is displayed.
+ */
+ public static void set5MinuteThreshold(double altitude) {
+ THRESHOLDS[2] = altitude;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates the eye altitude below which the 5 minute grid is displayed.
+ *
+ * @return the eye altitude in meters below which the 5 minute grid is displayed.
+ */
+ public static double get5MinuteThreshold() {
+ return THRESHOLDS[2];
+ }
+ private static final List LAT_LABELS = new ArrayList<>(360);
+ private static final List LON_LABELS = new ArrayList<>(720);
+ private static final String CHARS = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+ private static final String[][] LEVEL_2_LABELS = new String[][] {{"3", "4"}, {"1", "2"}};
+ static {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 720; i++) {
+ LON_LABELS.add(String.format("%03d", i));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
+ int length = CHARS.length();
+ int i1 = i / length;
+ int i2 = i % length;
+ LAT_LABELS.add(String.format("%c%c", CHARS.charAt(i1), CHARS.charAt(i2)));
+ }
+ }
+ private static String makeLabelLevel1(Sector sector) {
+ int iLat = (int) ((90 + sector.centroidLatitude()) * 60 / 30);
+ int iLon = (int) ((180 + sector.centroidLongitude()) * 60 / 30);
+ return LON_LABELS.get(iLon) + LAT_LABELS.get(iLat);
+ }
+ private static String makeLabelLevel2(Sector sector) {
+ int minutesLat = (int) ((90 + sector.minLatitude()) * 60);
+ int j = (minutesLat % 30) / 15;
+ int minutesLon = (int) ((180 + sector.minLongitude()) * 60);
+ int i = (minutesLon % 30) / 15;
+ return LEVEL_2_LABELS[j][i];
+ }
+ private final int divisions;
+ private final int level;
+ private List subTiles;
+ GARSGraticuleTile(GARSGraticuleLayer layer, Sector sector, int divisions, int level) {
+ super(layer, sector);
+ this.divisions = divisions;
+ this.level = level;
+ }
+ @Override
+ GARSGraticuleLayer getLayer() {
+ return (GARSGraticuleLayer) super.getLayer();
+ }
+ @Override
+ boolean isInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return super.isInView(rc) && (this.level == 0 || <= THRESHOLDS[this.level - 1]);
+ }
+ @Override
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ String graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(this.getSector().deltaLatitude());
+ if (this.level == 0 && > THRESHOLDS[0]) {
+ Location labelOffset = getLayer().computeLabelOffset(rc);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements()) {
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ // Add level zero bounding lines and labels
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH) || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST)) {
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ String labelType = ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH) ?
+ getLayer().addLabel(ge.value, labelType, graticuleType,
+ this.getSector().deltaLatitude(), labelOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( > THRESHOLDS[0])
+ return;
+ }
+ // Select tile grid elements
+ double eyeDistance =;
+ if (this.level == 0 && eyeDistance <= THRESHOLDS[0]
+ || this.level == 1 && eyeDistance <= THRESHOLDS[1]
+ || this.level == 2) {
+ double resolution = this.getSector().deltaLatitude() / this.divisions;
+ graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(resolution);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements()) {
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.level == 0 && eyeDistance > THRESHOLDS[1])
+ return;
+ else if (this.level == 1 && eyeDistance > THRESHOLDS[2])
+ return;
+ else if (this.level == 2)
+ return;
+ // Select child elements
+ if (this.subTiles == null)
+ createSubTiles();
+ for (GARSGraticuleTile gt : this.subTiles) {
+ if (gt.isInView(rc)) {
+ gt.selectRenderables(rc);
+ } else
+ gt.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void clearRenderables() {
+ super.clearRenderables();
+ if (this.subTiles != null) {
+ for (GARSGraticuleTile gt : this.subTiles) {
+ gt.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ this.subTiles.clear();
+ this.subTiles = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createSubTiles() {
+ this.subTiles = new ArrayList<>();
+ Sector[] sectors = this.subdivide(this.divisions);
+ int nextLevel = this.level + 1;
+ int subDivisions = 10;
+ if (nextLevel == 1)
+ subDivisions = 2;
+ else if (nextLevel == 2)
+ subDivisions = 3;
+ for (Sector s : sectors) {
+ this.subTiles.add(new GARSGraticuleTile(getLayer(), s, subDivisions, nextLevel));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void createRenderables() {
+ super.createRenderables();
+ double step = getSector().deltaLatitude() / this.divisions;
+ // Generate meridians with labels
+ double lon = getSector().minLongitude() + (this.level == 0 ? 0 : step);
+ while (lon < getSector().maxLongitude() - step / 2) {
+ double longitude = lon;
+ // Meridian
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>(2);
+ positions.add(new Position(this.getSector().minLatitude(), longitude, 0));
+ positions.add(new Position(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), longitude, 0));
+ Renderable line = getLayer().createLineRenderable(positions, WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(
+ this.getSector().minLatitude(), lon, this.getSector().deltaLatitude(), 1E-15);
+ String lineType = lon == this.getSector().minLongitude() ?
+ GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST : GridElement.TYPE_LINE;
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, line, lineType, lon));
+ // Increase longitude
+ lon += step;
+ }
+ // Generate parallels
+ double lat = this.getSector().minLatitude() + (this.level == 0 ? 0 : step);
+ while (lat < this.getSector().maxLatitude() - step / 2) {
+ double latitude = lat;
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>(2);
+ positions.add(new Position(latitude, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ positions.add(new Position(latitude, this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 0));
+ Renderable line = getLayer().createLineRenderable(positions, WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(
+ lat, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ String lineType = lat == this.getSector().minLatitude() ?
+ GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH : GridElement.TYPE_LINE;
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, line, lineType, lat));
+ // Increase latitude
+ lat += step;
+ }
+ // Draw and label a parallel at the top of the graticule. The line is apparent only on 2D globes.
+ if (this.getSector().maxLatitude() == 90) {
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>(2);
+ positions.add(new Position(90, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ positions.add(new Position(90, this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 0));
+ Renderable line = getLayer().createLineRenderable(positions, WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(
+ 90, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, line, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH, 90));
+ }
+ double resolution = this.getSector().deltaLatitude() / this.divisions;
+ if (this.level == 0) {
+ Sector[] sectors = this.subdivide(20);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+ Sector sector = sectors[j * 20 + i];
+ String label = makeLabelLevel1(sector);
+ addLabel(label, sectors[j * 20 + i], resolution);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (this.level == 1) {
+ String label = makeLabelLevel1(this.getSector());
+ Sector[] sectors = this.subdivide(2);
+ addLabel(label + "3", sectors[0], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "4", sectors[1], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "1", sectors[2], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "2", sectors[3], resolution);
+ } else if (this.level == 2) {
+ String label = makeLabelLevel1(this.getSector());
+ label += makeLabelLevel2(this.getSector());
+ resolution = 0.26; // make label priority a little higher than level 2's
+ Sector[] sectors = this.subdivide(3);
+ addLabel(label + "7", sectors[0], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "8", sectors[1], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "9", sectors[2], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "4", sectors[3], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "5", sectors[4], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "6", sectors[5], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "1", sectors[6], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "2", sectors[7], resolution);
+ addLabel(label + "3", sectors[8], resolution);
+ }
+ }
+ private void addLabel(String label, Sector sector, double resolution) {
+ Renderable text = this.getLayer().createTextRenderable(new Position(sector.centroidLatitude(), sector.centroidLongitude(), 0), label, resolution);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, text, GridElement.TYPE_GRIDZONE_LABEL));
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daf2982d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+ * @author dcollins
+ * @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
+ */
+class GraticuleRenderingParams extends HashMap {
+ static final String KEY_DRAW_LINES = "DrawGraticule";
+ static final String KEY_LINE_COLOR = "GraticuleLineColor";
+ static final String KEY_LINE_WIDTH = "GraticuleLineWidth";
+// static final String KEY_LINE_STYLE = "GraticuleLineStyle";
+// static final String KEY_LINE_CONFORMANCE = "GraticuleLineConformance";
+ static final String KEY_DRAW_LABELS = "DrawLabels";
+ static final String KEY_LABEL_COLOR = "LabelColor";
+ static final String KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE = "LabelTypeface";
+ static final String KEY_LABEL_SIZE = "LabelSize";
+// static final String VALUE_LINE_STYLE_SOLID = "LineStyleSolid";
+// static final String VALUE_LINE_STYLE_DASHED = "LineStyleDashed";
+// static final String VALUE_LINE_STYLE_DOTTED = "LineStyleDotted";
+ boolean isDrawLines() {
+ Object value = get(KEY_DRAW_LINES);
+ return value instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) value : false;
+ }
+ void setDrawLines(boolean drawLines) {
+ put(KEY_DRAW_LINES, drawLines);
+ }
+ Color getLineColor() {
+ Object value = get(KEY_LINE_COLOR);
+ return value instanceof Color ? (Color) value : null;
+ }
+ void setLineColor(Color color) {
+ put(KEY_LINE_COLOR, color);
+ }
+ double getLineWidth() {
+ Object value = get(KEY_LINE_WIDTH);
+ return value instanceof Double ? (Double) value : 0;
+ }
+ void setLineWidth(double lineWidth) {
+ put(KEY_LINE_WIDTH, lineWidth);
+ }
+// String getLineStyle() {
+// Object value = get(KEY_LINE_STYLE);
+// return value instanceof String ? (String) value : null;
+// }
+// void setLineStyle(String lineStyle) {
+// put(KEY_LINE_STYLE, lineStyle);
+// }
+ boolean isDrawLabels() {
+ Object value = get(KEY_DRAW_LABELS);
+ return value instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) value : false;
+ }
+ void setDrawLabels(boolean drawLabels) {
+ put(KEY_DRAW_LABELS, drawLabels);
+ }
+ Color getLabelColor() {
+ Object value = get(KEY_LABEL_COLOR);
+ return value instanceof Color ? (Color) value : null;
+ }
+ void setLabelColor(Color color) {
+ put(KEY_LABEL_COLOR, color);
+ }
+ Typeface getLabelTypeface() {
+ Object value = get(KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE);
+ return value instanceof Typeface ? (Typeface) value : null;
+ }
+ void setLabelTypeface(Typeface font) {
+ put(KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, font);
+ }
+ Float getLabelSize() {
+ Object value = get(KEY_LABEL_SIZE);
+ return value instanceof Float ? (Float) value : null;
+ }
+ void setLabelSize(Float size) {
+ put(KEY_LABEL_SIZE, size);
+ }
+ String getStringValue(String key) {
+ Object value = this.get(key);
+ return value != null ? value.toString() : null;
+ }
+ Float getFloatValue(String key) {
+ Object o = get(key);
+ if (o == null) return null;
+ if (o instanceof Float) return (Float) o;
+ String v = getStringValue(key);
+ if (v == null) return null;
+ else return Float.parseFloat(v);
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e19ecb16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.shape.Label;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.shape.Path;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.shape.ShapeAttributes;
+ * @author dcollins
+ * @version $Id: 2372 2014-10-10 18:32:15Z tgaskins $
+ */
+public class GraticuleSupport {
+ private Map renderables = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map namedParams = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map namedShapeAttributes = new HashMap<>();
+ private GraticuleRenderingParams defaultParams;
+ public void addRenderable(Renderable renderable, String paramsKey) {
+ this.renderables.put(renderable, paramsKey);
+ }
+ void removeAllRenderables() {
+ this.renderables.clear();
+ }
+ public void render(RenderContext rc) {
+ this.render(rc, 1);
+ }
+ public void render(RenderContext rc, double opacity) {
+ this.namedShapeAttributes.clear();
+ // Render lines and collect text labels
+ for (Map.Entry entry : this.renderables.entrySet()) {
+ Renderable renderable = entry.getKey();
+ String paramsKey = entry.getValue();
+ GraticuleRenderingParams renderingParams = paramsKey != null ? this.namedParams.get(paramsKey) : null;
+ if (renderable instanceof Path) {
+ if (renderingParams == null || renderingParams.isDrawLines()) {
+ applyRenderingParams(paramsKey, renderingParams, (Path) renderable, opacity);
+ renderable.render(rc);
+ }
+ } else if (renderable instanceof Label) {
+ if (renderingParams == null || renderingParams.isDrawLabels()) {
+ applyRenderingParams(renderingParams, (Label) renderable, opacity);
+ renderable.render(rc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GraticuleRenderingParams getRenderingParams(String key) {
+ GraticuleRenderingParams value = this.namedParams.get(key);
+ if (value == null) {
+ value = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ initRenderingParams(value);
+ if (this.defaultParams != null)
+ value.putAll(this.defaultParams);
+ this.namedParams.put(key, value);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ void setRenderingParams(String key, GraticuleRenderingParams renderingParams) {
+ initRenderingParams(renderingParams);
+ this.namedParams.put(key, renderingParams);
+ }
+ public GraticuleRenderingParams getDefaultParams() {
+ return this.defaultParams;
+ }
+ public void setDefaultParams(GraticuleRenderingParams defaultParams) {
+ this.defaultParams = defaultParams;
+ }
+ private void initRenderingParams(GraticuleRenderingParams params) {
+ if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_DRAW_LINES) == null)
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_DRAW_LINES, Boolean.TRUE);
+ if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR) == null)
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_WIDTH) == null)
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_WIDTH, .5f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().density);
+// if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_STYLE) == null)
+// params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_STYLE, GraticuleRenderingParams.VALUE_LINE_STYLE_SOLID);
+ if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_DRAW_LABELS) == null)
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_DRAW_LABELS, Boolean.TRUE);
+ if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR) == null)
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE) == null)
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ if (params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE) == null)
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 12f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ }
+ private void applyRenderingParams(GraticuleRenderingParams params, Label text, double opacity) {
+ if (params != null && text != null) {
+ // Apply "label" properties to the Label.
+ Object o = params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR);
+ if (o instanceof Color) {
+ Color color = applyOpacity((Color) o, opacity);
+ float[] compArray = new float[3];
+, compArray);
+ float colorValue = compArray[2] < .5f ? 1f : 0f;
+ text.getAttributes().setTextColor(color);
+ text.getAttributes().setOutlineColor(new Color(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue, color.alpha));
+ }
+ o = params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE);
+ if (o instanceof Typeface) {
+ text.getAttributes().setTypeface((Typeface) o);
+ }
+ o = params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE);
+ if (o instanceof Float) {
+ text.getAttributes().setTextSize((Float) o);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void applyRenderingParams(String key, GraticuleRenderingParams params, Path path, double opacity) {
+ if (key != null && params != null && path != null) {
+ path.setAttributes(this.getLineShapeAttributes(key, params, opacity));
+ }
+ }
+ private ShapeAttributes getLineShapeAttributes(String key, GraticuleRenderingParams params, double opacity) {
+ ShapeAttributes attrs = this.namedShapeAttributes.get(key);
+ if (attrs == null) {
+ attrs = createLineShapeAttributes(params, opacity);
+ this.namedShapeAttributes.put(key, attrs);
+ }
+ return attrs;
+ }
+ private ShapeAttributes createLineShapeAttributes(GraticuleRenderingParams params, double opacity) {
+ ShapeAttributes attrs = new ShapeAttributes();
+ attrs.setDrawInterior(false);
+ attrs.setDrawOutline(true);
+ if (params != null) {
+ // Apply "line" properties.
+ Object o = params.get(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR);
+ if (o instanceof Color) {
+ attrs.setOutlineColor(applyOpacity((Color) o, opacity));
+ }
+ Float lineWidth = params.getFloatValue(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_WIDTH);
+ if (lineWidth != null) {
+ attrs.setOutlineWidth(lineWidth);
+ }
+// String s = params.getStringValue(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_STYLE);
+// // Draw a solid line.
+// if (GraticuleRenderingParams.VALUE_LINE_STYLE_SOLID.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
+// attrs.setOutlineStipplePattern((short) 0xAAAA);
+// attrs.setOutlineStippleFactor(0);
+// }
+// // Draw the line as longer strokes with space in between.
+// else if (GraticuleRenderingParams.VALUE_LINE_STYLE_DASHED.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
+// int baseFactor = (int) (lineWidth != null ? Math.round(lineWidth) : 1.0);
+// attrs.setOutlineStipplePattern((short) 0xAAAA);
+// attrs.setOutlineStippleFactor(3 * baseFactor);
+// }
+// // Draw the line as a evenly spaced "square" dots.
+// else if (GraticuleRenderingParams.VALUE_LINE_STYLE_DOTTED.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
+// int baseFactor = (int) (lineWidth != null ? Math.round(lineWidth) : 1.0);
+// attrs.setOutlineStipplePattern((short) 0xAAAA);
+// attrs.setOutlineStippleFactor(baseFactor);
+// }
+ }
+ return attrs;
+ }
+ private Color applyOpacity(Color color, double opacity) {
+ return opacity >= 1 ? color : new Color(,,, color.alpha * (float) opacity);
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..385a29862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+class GridElement {
+ final static String TYPE_LINE = "GridElement_Line";
+ final static String TYPE_LINE_NORTH = "GridElement_LineNorth";
+ final static String TYPE_LINE_SOUTH = "GridElement_LineSouth";
+ final static String TYPE_LINE_WEST = "GridElement_LineWest";
+ final static String TYPE_LINE_EAST = "GridElement_LineEast";
+ final static String TYPE_LINE_NORTHING = "GridElement_LineNorthing";
+ final static String TYPE_LINE_EASTING = "GridElement_LineEasting";
+ final static String TYPE_GRIDZONE_LABEL = "GridElement_GridZoneLabel";
+ final static String TYPE_LONGITUDE_LABEL = "GridElement_LongitudeLabel";
+ final static String TYPE_LATITUDE_LABEL = "GridElement_LatitudeLabel";
+ public final Sector sector;
+ public final Renderable renderable;
+ public final String type;
+ public final double value;
+ GridElement(Sector sector, Renderable renderable, String type, double value) {
+ this.sector = sector;
+ this.renderable = renderable;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.value = value;
+ }
+ GridElement(Sector sector, Renderable renderable, String type) {
+ this(sector, renderable, type, 0);
+ }
+ boolean isInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return this.sector.intersectsOrNextTo(rc.terrain.getSector());
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..926850430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+class GridTilesSupport {
+ interface Callback {
+ AbstractGraticuleTile[][] initGridTiles(int rows, int cols);
+ AbstractGraticuleTile createGridTile(Sector sector);
+ Sector getGridSector(int row, int col);
+ int getGridColumn(double longitude);
+ int getGridRow(double latitude);
+ }
+ private final Callback callback;
+ private final int rows;
+ private final int cols;
+ private final AbstractGraticuleTile[][] gridTiles;
+ GridTilesSupport(Callback callback, int rows, int cols) {
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.rows = rows;
+ this.cols = cols;
+ this.gridTiles = callback.initGridTiles(rows, cols);
+ }
+ void clearTiles() {
+ for (int row = 0; row < this.rows; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < this.cols; col++) {
+ if (this.gridTiles[row][col] != null) {
+ this.gridTiles[row][col].clearRenderables();
+ this.gridTiles[row][col] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Select the visible grid elements
+ *
+ * @param rc the current RenderContext
+ */
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ List tileList = getVisibleTiles(rc);
+ if (tileList.size() > 0) {
+ for (AbstractGraticuleTile gt : tileList) {
+ // Select tile visible elements
+ gt.selectRenderables(rc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private List getVisibleTiles(RenderContext rc) {
+ List tileList = new ArrayList<>();
+ Sector vs = rc.terrain.getSector();
+ if (vs != null) {
+ Rect gridRectangle = getGridRectangleForSector(vs);
+ for (int row =; row <= gridRectangle.bottom; row++) {
+ for (int col = gridRectangle.left; col <= gridRectangle.right; col++) {
+ if (gridTiles[row][col] == null)
+ gridTiles[row][col] = callback.createGridTile(callback.getGridSector(row, col));
+ if (gridTiles[row][col].isInView(rc))
+ tileList.add(gridTiles[row][col]);
+ else
+ gridTiles[row][col].clearRenderables();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tileList;
+ }
+ private Rect getGridRectangleForSector(Sector sector) {
+ int x1 = callback.getGridColumn(sector.minLongitude());
+ int x2 = callback.getGridColumn(sector.maxLongitude());
+ int y1 = callback.getGridRow(sector.minLatitude());
+ int y2 = callback.getGridRow(sector.maxLatitude());
+ return new Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4496cb1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+ * Displays the geographic latitude/longitude graticule.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id: 2153 2014-07-17 17:33:13Z tgaskins $
+ */
+public class LatLonGraticuleLayer extends AbstractLatLonGraticuleLayer {
+ private static final String GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_0 = "Graticule.LatLonLevel0";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_1 = "Graticule.LatLonLevel1";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_2 = "Graticule.LatLonLevel2";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_3 = "Graticule.LatLonLevel3";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_4 = "Graticule.LatLonLevel4";
+ private static final String GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_5 = "Graticule.LatLonLevel5";
+ public LatLonGraticuleLayer() {
+ super("LatLon Graticule");
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void initRenderingParams() {
+ GraticuleRenderingParams params;
+ // Ten degrees grid
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR,new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 16f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_0, params);
+ // One degree
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 14f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_1, params);
+ // 1/10th degree - 1/6th (10 minutes)
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(, 102, 255)));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(, 102, 255)));
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_2, params);
+ // 1/100th degree - 1/60th (one minutes)
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_3, params);
+ // 1/1000 degree - 1/360th (10 seconds)
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(, 153, 153)));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(, 153, 153)));
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_4, params);
+ // 1/10000 degree - 1/3600th (one second)
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(, 255, 204)));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(, 255, 204)));
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_LATLON_LEVEL_5, params);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected List getOrderedTypes() {
+ return Arrays.asList(
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getTypeFor(double resolution) {
+ if (resolution >= 10)
+ else if (resolution >= 1)
+ else if (resolution >= .1)
+ else if (resolution >= .01)
+ else if (resolution >= .001)
+ else if (resolution >= .0001)
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AbstractGraticuleTile[][] initGridTiles(int rows, int cols) {
+ return new LatLonGraticuleTile[rows][cols];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AbstractGraticuleTile createGridTile(Sector sector) {
+ return new LatLonGraticuleTile(this, sector, 10, 0);
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c072a1afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+class LatLonGraticuleTile extends AbstractGraticuleTile {
+ private static final int MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS = 40; // TODO: make settable
+ private final int divisions;
+ private final int level;
+ private List subTiles;
+ LatLonGraticuleTile(LatLonGraticuleLayer layer, Sector sector, int divisions, int level) {
+ super(layer, sector);
+ this.divisions = divisions;
+ this.level = level;
+ }
+ @Override
+ LatLonGraticuleLayer getLayer() {
+ return (LatLonGraticuleLayer) super.getLayer();
+ }
+ @Override
+ boolean isInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return super.isInView(rc) && (this.level == 0 || getSizeInPixels(rc) / this.divisions >= MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS);
+ }
+ @Override
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ Location labelOffset = getLayer().computeLabelOffset(rc);
+ String graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(this.getSector().deltaLatitude());
+ if (this.level == 0) {
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements()) {
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ // Add level zero bounding lines and labels
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH) || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST)) {
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ String labelType = ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH) ?
+ getLayer().addLabel(ge.value, labelType, graticuleType, this.getSector().deltaLatitude(), labelOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (getSizeInPixels(rc) / this.divisions < MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS)
+ return;
+ }
+ // Select tile grid elements
+ double resolution = this.getSector().deltaLatitude() / this.divisions;
+ graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(resolution);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements()) {
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE)) {
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ String labelType = ge.sector.deltaLatitude() < 1E-14 ?
+ getLayer().addLabel(ge.value, labelType, graticuleType, resolution, labelOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (getSizeInPixels(rc) / this.divisions < MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS * 2)
+ return;
+ // Select child elements
+ if (this.subTiles == null)
+ createSubTiles();
+ for (LatLonGraticuleTile gt : this.subTiles) {
+ if (gt.isInView(rc)) {
+ gt.selectRenderables(rc);
+ } else
+ gt.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void clearRenderables() {
+ super.clearRenderables();
+ if (this.subTiles != null) {
+ for (LatLonGraticuleTile gt : this.subTiles) {
+ gt.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ this.subTiles.clear();
+ this.subTiles = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createSubTiles() {
+ this.subTiles = new ArrayList<>();
+ Sector[] sectors = this.subdivide(this.divisions);
+ int subDivisions = 10;
+ if ((getLayer().getAngleFormat().equals(LatLonGraticuleLayer.AngleFormat.DMS)
+ || getLayer().getAngleFormat().equals(LatLonGraticuleLayer.AngleFormat.DM))
+ && (this.level == 0 || this.level == 2))
+ subDivisions = 6;
+ for (Sector s : sectors) {
+ this.subTiles.add(new LatLonGraticuleTile(getLayer(), s, subDivisions, this.level + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void createRenderables() {
+ super.createRenderables();
+ double step = this.getSector().deltaLatitude() / this.divisions;
+ // Generate meridians with labels
+ double lon = this.getSector().minLongitude() + (this.level == 0 ? 0 : step);
+ while (lon < this.getSector().maxLongitude() - step / 2) {
+ double longitude = lon;
+ // Meridian
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>(2);
+ positions.add(new Position(this.getSector().minLatitude(), longitude, 0));
+ positions.add(new Position(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), longitude, 0));
+ Renderable line = getLayer().createLineRenderable(positions, WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(
+ this.getSector().minLatitude(), lon, this.getSector().deltaLatitude(), 1E-15);
+ String lineType = lon == this.getSector().minLongitude() ?
+ GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST : GridElement.TYPE_LINE;
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, line, lineType, lon));
+ // Increase longitude
+ lon += step;
+ }
+ // Generate parallels
+ double lat = this.getSector().minLatitude() + (this.level == 0 ? 0 : step);
+ while (lat < this.getSector().maxLatitude() - step / 2) {
+ double latitude = lat;
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>(2);
+ positions.add(new Position(latitude, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ positions.add(new Position(latitude, this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 0));
+ Renderable line = getLayer().createLineRenderable(positions, WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(
+ lat, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ String lineType = lat == this.getSector().minLatitude() ?
+ GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH : GridElement.TYPE_LINE;
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, line, lineType, lat));
+ // Increase latitude
+ lat += step;
+ }
+ // Draw and label a parallel at the top of the graticule. The line is apparent only on 2D globes.
+ if (this.getSector().maxLatitude() == 90) {
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>(2);
+ positions.add(new Position(90, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ positions.add(new Position(90, this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 0));
+ Renderable line = getLayer().createLineRenderable(positions, WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(
+ 90, this.getSector().minLongitude(), 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, line, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH, 90));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b75b8864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id: 2153 2014-07-17 17:33:13Z tgaskins $
+ */
+public class MGRSGraticuleLayer extends AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer {
+ static final int MGRS_OVERVIEW_RESOLUTION = 1000000;
+ static final int MGRS_GRID_ZONE_RESOLUTION = 500000;
+ /** Graticule for the MGRS overview. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_MGRS_OVERVIEW = "Graticule.MGRS.Overview";
+ /** Graticule for the MGRS grid zone. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_MGRS_GRID_ZONE = "Graticule.MGRS.GridZone";
+ private static final double GRID_ZONE_MAX_ALTITUDE = 5000e3;
+ private final MGRSGridZone[][] gridZones = new MGRSGridZone[20][60]; // row/col
+ private final MGRSGridZone[] poleZones = new MGRSGridZone[4]; // North x2 + South x2
+ private final MGRSOverview overview = new MGRSOverview(this);
+ /** Creates a new MGRSGraticuleLayer
, with default graticule attributes. */
+ public MGRSGraticuleLayer() {
+ super("MGRS graticule", (int) 100e3, 1e5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the maxiumum resolution graticule that will be rendered, or null if no graticules will be rendered. By
+ * default, all graticules are rendered, and this will return GRATICULE_1M.
+ *
+ * @return maximum resolution rendered.
+ */
+ public String getMaximumGraticuleResolution() {
+ String maxTypeDrawn = null;
+ for (String type : getOrderedTypes()) {
+ GraticuleRenderingParams params = getRenderingParams(type);
+ if (params.isDrawLines()) {
+ maxTypeDrawn = type;
+ }
+ }
+ return maxTypeDrawn;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the maxiumum resolution graticule that will be rendered.
+ *
+ */
+ public void setMaximumGraticuleResolution(String graticuleType) {
+ boolean pastTarget = false;
+ for (String type : getOrderedTypes()) {
+ // Enable all graticulte BEFORE and INCLUDING the target.
+ // Disable all graticules AFTER the target.
+ GraticuleRenderingParams params = getRenderingParams(type);
+ params.setDrawLines(!pastTarget);
+ params.setDrawLabels(!pastTarget);
+ if (!pastTarget && type.equals(graticuleType)) {
+ pastTarget = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void initRenderingParams() {
+ super.initRenderingParams();
+ GraticuleRenderingParams params;
+ // MGRS Overview graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(.8f, .8f, .8f, .5f));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .8f));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 14f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_DRAW_LABELS, Boolean.TRUE);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_MGRS_OVERVIEW, params);
+ // MGRS GridZone graticule
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 16f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_MGRS_GRID_ZONE, params);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected List getOrderedTypes() {
+ orderedTypes.addAll(super.getOrderedTypes());
+ return orderedTypes;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getTypeFor(double resolution) {
+ switch ((int) resolution) {
+ default: return super.getTypeFor(resolution);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ this.selectMGRSRenderables(rc);
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ } else {
+ this.overview.selectRenderables(rc);
+ }
+ }
+ private void selectMGRSRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ List zoneList = getVisibleZones(rc);
+ if (zoneList.size() > 0) {
+ for (MGRSGridZone gz : zoneList) {
+ // Select visible grid zones elements
+ gz.selectRenderables(rc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private List getVisibleZones(RenderContext rc) {
+ List zoneList = new ArrayList<>();
+ Sector vs = rc.terrain.getSector();
+ if (vs != null) {
+ // UTM Grid
+ Rect gridRectangle = getGridRectangleForSector(vs);
+ if (gridRectangle != null) {
+ for (int row =; row <= gridRectangle.bottom; row++) {
+ for (int col = gridRectangle.left; col <= gridRectangle.right; col++) {
+ if (row != 19 || (col != 31 && col != 33 && col != 35)) { // ignore X32, 34 and 36
+ if (gridZones[row][col] == null)
+ gridZones[row][col] = new MGRSGridZone(this, getGridSector(row, col));
+ if (gridZones[row][col].isInView(rc))
+ zoneList.add(gridZones[row][col]);
+ else
+ gridZones[row][col].clearRenderables();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Poles
+ if (vs.maxLatitude() > 84) {
+ // North pole
+ if (poleZones[2] == null)
+ poleZones[2] = new MGRSGridZone(this, Sector.fromDegrees(84, -180, 6,180)); // Y
+ if (poleZones[3] == null)
+ poleZones[3] = new MGRSGridZone(this, Sector.fromDegrees(84, 0, 6,180)); // Z
+ zoneList.add(poleZones[2]);
+ zoneList.add(poleZones[3]);
+ }
+ if (vs.minLatitude() < -80) {
+ // South pole
+ if (poleZones[0] == null)
+ poleZones[0] = new MGRSGridZone(this, Sector.fromDegrees(-90, -180, 10,180)); // B
+ if (poleZones[1] == null)
+ poleZones[1] = new MGRSGridZone(this, Sector.fromDegrees(-90, 0, 10,180)); // A
+ zoneList.add(poleZones[0]);
+ zoneList.add(poleZones[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return zoneList;
+ }
+ private Rect getGridRectangleForSector(Sector sector) {
+ Rect rectangle = null;
+ if (sector.minLatitude() < 84 && sector.maxLatitude() > -80) {
+ double minLat = Math.max(sector.minLatitude(), -80);
+ double maxLat = Math.min(sector.maxLatitude(), 84);
+ Sector gridSector = Sector.fromDegrees(minLat, sector.minLongitude(),
+ maxLat - minLat, sector.deltaLongitude());
+ int x1 = getGridColumn(gridSector.minLongitude());
+ int x2 = getGridColumn(gridSector.maxLongitude());
+ int y1 = getGridRow(gridSector.minLatitude());
+ int y2 = getGridRow(gridSector.maxLatitude());
+ // Adjust rectangle to include special zones
+ if (y1 <= 17 && y2 >= 17 && x2 == 30) // 32V Norway
+ x2 = 31;
+ if (y1 <= 19 && y2 >= 19) { // X band
+ if (x1 == 31) // 31X
+ x1 = 30;
+ if (x2 == 31) // 33X
+ x2 = 32;
+ if (x1 == 33) // 33X
+ x1 = 32;
+ if (x2 == 33) // 35X
+ x2 = 34;
+ if (x1 == 35) // 35X
+ x1 = 34;
+ if (x2 == 35) // 37X
+ x2 = 36;
+ }
+ rectangle = new Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ }
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ private int getGridColumn(double longitude) {
+ return Math.min((int) Math.floor((longitude + 180) / 6d), 59);
+ }
+ private int getGridRow(double latitude) {
+ return Math.min((int) Math.floor((latitude + 80) / 8d), 19);
+ }
+ private Sector getGridSector(int row, int col) {
+ int minLat = -80 + row * 8;
+ int maxLat = minLat + (minLat != 72 ? 8 : 12);
+ int minLon = -180 + col * 6;
+ int maxLon = minLon + 6;
+ // Special sectors
+ if (row == 17 && col == 30) // 31V
+ maxLon -= 3;
+ else if (row == 17 && col == 31) // 32V
+ minLon -= 3;
+ else if (row == 19 && col == 30) // 31X
+ maxLon += 3;
+ else if (row == 19 && col == 31) { // 32X does not exist
+ minLon += 3;
+ maxLon -= 3;
+ } else if (row == 19 && col == 32) { // 33X
+ minLon -= 3;
+ maxLon += 3;
+ } else if (row == 19 && col == 33) { // 34X does not exist
+ minLon += 3;
+ maxLon -= 3;
+ } else if (row == 19 && col == 34) { // 35X
+ minLon -= 3;
+ maxLon += 3;
+ } else if (row == 19 && col == 35) { // 36X does not exist
+ minLon += 3;
+ maxLon -= 3;
+ } else if (row == 19 && col == 36) // 37X
+ minLon -= 3;
+ return Sector.fromDegrees(minLat, minLon, maxLat - minLat, maxLon - minLon);
+ }
+ boolean isNorthNeighborInView(MGRSGridZone gz, RenderContext rc) {
+ if (gz.isUPS())
+ return true;
+ int row = getGridRow(gz.getSector().centroidLatitude());
+ int col = getGridColumn(gz.getSector().centroidLongitude());
+ MGRSGridZone neighbor = row + 1 <= 19 ? this.gridZones[row + 1][col] : null;
+ return neighbor != null && neighbor.isInView(rc);
+ }
+ boolean isEastNeighborInView(MGRSGridZone gz, RenderContext rc) {
+ if (gz.isUPS())
+ return true;
+ int row = getGridRow(gz.getSector().centroidLatitude());
+ int col = getGridColumn(gz.getSector().centroidLongitude());
+ MGRSGridZone neighbor = col + 1 <= 59 ? this.gridZones[row][col + 1] : null;
+ return neighbor != null && neighbor.isInView(rc);
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eea4191bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.Hemisphere;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.MGRSCoord;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UTMCoord;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+/** Represent a UTM zone / latitude band intersection */
+class MGRSGridZone extends AbstractGraticuleTile {
+ private static final double ONEHT = 100e3;
+ private static final double TWOMIL = 2e6;
+ private static final double SQUARE_MAX_ALTITUDE = 3000e3;
+ private final boolean ups;
+ private final String name;
+ private final Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ private final int zone;
+ private List squares;
+ MGRSGridZone(MGRSGraticuleLayer layer, Sector sector) {
+ super(layer, sector);
+ = (sector.maxLatitude() > MGRSGraticuleLayer.UTM_MAX_LATITUDE
+ || sector.minLatitude() < MGRSGraticuleLayer.UTM_MIN_LATITUDE);
+ MGRSCoord MGRS = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(sector.centroidLatitude(), sector.centroidLongitude());
+ if ( {
+ = MGRS.toString().substring(2, 3);
+ this.hemisphere = sector.minLatitude() > 0 ? Hemisphere.N : Hemisphere.S;
+ = 0;
+ } else {
+ = MGRS.toString().substring(0, 3);
+ UTMCoord UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(sector.centroidLatitude(), sector.centroidLongitude());
+ this.hemisphere = UTM.getHemisphere();
+ = UTM.getZone();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ MGRSGraticuleLayer getLayer() {
+ return (MGRSGraticuleLayer) super.getLayer();
+ }
+ @Override
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ String graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(MGRSGraticuleLayer.MGRS_GRID_ZONE_RESOLUTION);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements())
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH) && this.getLayer().isNorthNeighborInView(this, rc))
+ continue;
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST) && this.getLayer().isEastNeighborInView(this, rc))
+ continue;
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ }
+ return;
+ // Select 100km squares elements
+ if (this.squares == null)
+ if (
+ createSquaresUPS();
+ else
+ createSquaresUTM();
+ for (UTMSquareZone sz : this.squares)
+ if (sz.isInView(rc))
+ sz.selectRenderables(rc);
+ else
+ sz.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ @Override
+ void clearRenderables() {
+ super.clearRenderables();
+ if (this.squares != null) {
+ for (UTMSquareZone sz : this.squares)
+ sz.clearRenderables();
+ this.squares.clear();
+ this.squares = null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void createRenderables() {
+ super.createRenderables();
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>();
+ // left meridian segment
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 10e3));
+ Renderable polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector lineSector = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(),
+ this.getSector().deltaLatitude(), 1E-15);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST));
+ if (! {
+ // right meridian segment
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 10e3));
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ lineSector = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().maxLongitude(),
+ this.getSector().deltaLatitude(), 1E-15);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST));
+ // bottom parallel segment
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 10e3));
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ lineSector = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(),
+ 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH));
+ // top parallel segment
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 10e3));
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ lineSector = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(),
+ 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH));
+ }
+ // Label
+ Renderable text = this.getLayer().createTextRenderable(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().centroidLatitude(), this.getSector().centroidLongitude(), 0),, 10e6);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(this.getSector(), text, GridElement.TYPE_GRIDZONE_LABEL));
+ }
+ boolean isUPS() {
+ return;
+ }
+ private void createSquaresUTM() {
+ // Find grid zone easting and northing boundaries
+ UTMCoord UTM;
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().centroidLongitude());
+ double minNorthing = UTM.getNorthing();
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().centroidLongitude());
+ double maxNorthing = UTM.getNorthing();
+ maxNorthing = maxNorthing == 0 ? 10e6 : maxNorthing;
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude());
+ double minEasting = UTM.getEasting();
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude());
+ minEasting = UTM.getEasting() < minEasting ? UTM.getEasting() : minEasting;
+ double maxEasting = 1e6 - minEasting;
+ // Compensate for some distorted zones
+ if ("32V")) // catch KS and LS in 32V
+ maxNorthing += 20e3;
+ if ("31X")) // catch GA and GV in 31X
+ maxEasting += ONEHT;
+ // Create squares
+ this.squares = getLayer().createSquaresGrid(, this.hemisphere, this.getSector(), minEasting, maxEasting,
+ minNorthing, maxNorthing);
+ this.setSquareNames();
+ }
+ private void createSquaresUPS() {
+ this.squares = new ArrayList<>();
+ double minEasting, maxEasting, minNorthing, maxNorthing;
+ if (Hemisphere.N.equals(this.hemisphere)) {
+ minNorthing = TWOMIL - ONEHT * 7;
+ maxNorthing = TWOMIL + ONEHT * 7;
+ minEasting ="Y") ? TWOMIL - ONEHT * 7 : TWOMIL;
+ maxEasting ="Y") ? TWOMIL : TWOMIL + ONEHT * 7;
+ } else {
+ minNorthing = TWOMIL - ONEHT * 12;
+ maxNorthing = TWOMIL + ONEHT * 12;
+ minEasting ="A") ? TWOMIL - ONEHT * 12 : TWOMIL;
+ maxEasting ="A") ? TWOMIL : TWOMIL + ONEHT * 12;
+ }
+ // Create squares
+ this.squares = getLayer().createSquaresGrid(, this.hemisphere, this.getSector(), minEasting, maxEasting,
+ minNorthing, maxNorthing);
+ this.setSquareNames();
+ }
+ private void setSquareNames() {
+ for (UTMSquareZone sz : this.squares) {
+ this.setSquareName(sz);
+ }
+ }
+ private void setSquareName(UTMSquareZone sz) {
+ // Find out MGRS 100Km square name
+ double tenMeterDegree = Math.toDegrees(10d / 6378137d);
+ MGRSCoord MGRS = null;
+ if (sz.centroid != null && sz.isPositionInside(Position.fromDegrees(sz.centroid.latitude, sz.centroid.longitude, 0)))
+ MGRS = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(sz.centroid.latitude, sz.centroid.longitude);
+ else if (sz.isPositionInside(sz.sw))
+ MGRS = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(
+ Position.clampLatitude(sz.sw.latitude + tenMeterDegree),
+ Position.clampLongitude(sz.sw.longitude + tenMeterDegree));
+ else if (sz.isPositionInside(
+ MGRS = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(
+ Position.clampLatitude( + tenMeterDegree),
+ Position.clampLongitude( - tenMeterDegree));
+ else if (sz.isPositionInside(sz.nw))
+ MGRS = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(
+ Position.clampLatitude(sz.nw.latitude - tenMeterDegree),
+ Position.clampLongitude(sz.nw.longitude + tenMeterDegree));
+ else if (sz.isPositionInside(
+ MGRS = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(
+ Position.clampLatitude( - tenMeterDegree),
+ Position.clampLongitude( - tenMeterDegree));
+ // Set square zone name
+ if (MGRS != null)
+ sz.setName(MGRS.toString().substring(3, 5));
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a93d3649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.shape.Label;
+class MGRSOverview extends AbstractGraticuleTile {
+ // Exceptions for some meridians. Values: longitude, min latitude, max latitude
+ private static final int[][] SPECIAL_MERIDIANS = {{3, 56, 64}, {6, 64, 72}, {9, 72, 84}, {21, 72, 84}, {33, 72, 84}};
+ // Latitude bands letters - from south to north
+ private static final String LAT_BANDS = "CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWX";
+ MGRSOverview(MGRSGraticuleLayer layer) {
+ super(layer, null);
+ }
+ @Override
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ Location labelPos = getLayer().computeLabelOffset(rc);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements()) {
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ if (ge.renderable instanceof Label) {
+ Label gt = (Label) ge.renderable;
+ if (labelPos.latitude < 72 || !"*32*34*36*".contains("*" + gt.getText() + "*")) {
+ // Adjust label position according to eye position
+ Position pos = gt.getPosition();
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LATITUDE_LABEL))
+ pos = Position.fromDegrees(pos.latitude,
+ labelPos.longitude, pos.altitude);
+ else if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LONGITUDE_LABEL))
+ pos = Position.fromDegrees(labelPos.latitude,
+ pos.longitude, pos.altitude);
+ gt.setPosition(pos);
+ }
+ }
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, getLayer().getTypeFor(MGRSGraticuleLayer.MGRS_OVERVIEW_RESOLUTION));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void createRenderables() {
+ super.createRenderables();
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>();
+ // Generate meridians and zone labels
+ int lon = -180;
+ int zoneNumber = 1;
+ int maxLat;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
+ double longitude = lon;
+ // Meridian
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(-80, longitude, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(-60, longitude, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(-30, longitude, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(0, longitude, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(30, longitude, 10e3));
+ if (lon < 6 || lon > 36) {
+ // 'regular' UTM meridians
+ maxLat = 84;
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(60, longitude, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(maxLat, longitude, 10e3));
+ } else {
+ // Exceptions: shorter meridians around and north-east of Norway
+ if (lon == 6) {
+ maxLat = 56;
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(maxLat, longitude, 10e3));
+ } else {
+ maxLat = 72;
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(60, longitude, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(maxLat, longitude, 10e3));
+ }
+ }
+ Renderable polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(-80, lon, maxLat + 80, 1E-15);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE));
+ // Zone label
+ Renderable text = getLayer().createTextRenderable(Position.fromDegrees(0, lon + 3, 0), zoneNumber + "", 10e6);
+ sector = Sector.fromDegrees(-90, lon + 3, 180, 1E-15);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, text, GridElement.TYPE_LONGITUDE_LABEL));
+ // Increase longitude and zone number
+ lon += 6;
+ zoneNumber++;
+ }
+ // Generate special meridian segments for exceptions around and north-east of Norway
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ positions.clear();
+ lon = SPECIAL_MERIDIANS[i][0];
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(SPECIAL_MERIDIANS[i][1], lon, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(SPECIAL_MERIDIANS[i][2], lon, 10e3));
+ Renderable polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(SPECIAL_MERIDIANS[i][1], lon, SPECIAL_MERIDIANS[i][2] - SPECIAL_MERIDIANS[i][1], 1E-15);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE));
+ }
+ // Generate parallels - no exceptions
+ int lat = -80;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
+ double latitude = lat;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ // Each prallel is divided into four 90 degrees segments
+ positions.clear();
+ lon = -180 + j * 90;
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(latitude, lon, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(latitude, lon + 30, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(latitude, lon + 60, 10e3));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(latitude, lon + 90, 10e3));
+ Renderable polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(lat, lon, 1E-15, 90);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE));
+ }
+ // Latitude band label
+ if (i < 20) {
+ Renderable text = getLayer().createTextRenderable(Position.fromDegrees(lat + 4, 0, 0), LAT_BANDS.charAt(i) + "", 10e6);
+ Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(lat + 4, -180, 1E-15,360);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(sector, text, GridElement.TYPE_LATITUDE_LABEL));
+ }
+ // Increase latitude
+ lat += lat < 72 ? 8 : 12;
+ }
+ }
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index 000000000..f52069a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Color;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+ * Displays the UTM graticule.
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Murris
+ * @version $Id: 2153 2014-07-17 17:33:13Z tgaskins $
+ */
+public class UTMGraticuleLayer extends AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer implements GridTilesSupport.Callback {
+ static final int UTM_ZONE_RESOLUTION = 500000;
+ /** Graticule for the UTM zone grid. */
+ private static final String GRATICULE_UTM_ZONE = "Graticule.UTM.Zone";
+ private static final int GRID_ROWS = 2;
+ private static final int GRID_COLS = 60;
+ private final GridTilesSupport gridTilesSupport;
+ public UTMGraticuleLayer() {
+ super("UTM Graticule", (int) 10e6, 1e6);
+ this.gridTilesSupport = new GridTilesSupport(this, GRID_ROWS, GRID_COLS);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void initRenderingParams() {
+ super.initRenderingParams();
+ GraticuleRenderingParams params;
+ // UTM zone grid
+ params = new GraticuleRenderingParams();
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LINE_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_COLOR, new Color(;
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_TYPEFACE, Typeface.create("arial", Typeface.BOLD));
+ params.put(GraticuleRenderingParams.KEY_LABEL_SIZE, 16f * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
+ setRenderingParams(GRATICULE_UTM_ZONE, params);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected List getOrderedTypes() {
+ List orderedTypes = Arrays.asList(GRATICULE_UTM_ZONE);
+ orderedTypes.addAll(super.getOrderedTypes());
+ return orderedTypes;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getTypeFor(double resolution) {
+ if (resolution >= UTM_ZONE_RESOLUTION)
+ else
+ return super.getTypeFor(resolution);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ this.gridTilesSupport.selectRenderables(rc);
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AbstractGraticuleTile[][] initGridTiles(int rows, int cols) {
+ return new UTMGraticuleTile[rows][cols];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AbstractGraticuleTile createGridTile(Sector sector) {
+ return new UTMGraticuleTile(this, sector, getGridColumn(sector.centroidLongitude()) + 1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Sector getGridSector(int row, int col) {
+ double deltaLat = UTM_MAX_LATITUDE * 2d / GRID_ROWS;
+ double deltaLon = 360d / GRID_COLS;
+ double minLat = row == 0 ? UTM_MIN_LATITUDE : -UTM_MAX_LATITUDE + deltaLat * row;
+ double maxLat = -UTM_MAX_LATITUDE + deltaLat * (row + 1);
+ double minLon = -180 + deltaLon * col;
+ double maxLon = minLon + deltaLon;
+ return Sector.fromDegrees(minLat, minLon, maxLat - minLat, maxLon - minLon);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getGridColumn(double longitude) {
+ double deltaLon = 360d / GRID_COLS;
+ int col = (int) Math.floor((longitude + 180) / deltaLon);
+ return Math.min(col, GRID_COLS - 1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getGridRow(double latitude) {
+ double deltaLat = UTM_MAX_LATITUDE * 2d / GRID_ROWS;
+ int row = (int) Math.floor((latitude + UTM_MAX_LATITUDE) / deltaLat);
+ return Math.max(0, Math.min(row, GRID_ROWS - 1));
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..8998b1368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.Hemisphere;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UTMCoord;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+class UTMGraticuleTile extends AbstractGraticuleTile {
+ private static final int MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS = 40; // TODO: make settable
+ private final int zone;
+ private final Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ private List squares;
+ UTMGraticuleTile(UTMGraticuleLayer layer, Sector sector, int zone) {
+ super(layer, sector);
+ = zone;
+ this.hemisphere = sector.centroidLatitude() > 0 ? Hemisphere.N : Hemisphere.S;
+ }
+ @Override
+ UTMGraticuleLayer getLayer() {
+ return (UTMGraticuleLayer) super.getLayer();
+ }
+ @Override
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ // Select tile grid elements
+ String graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(UTMGraticuleLayer.UTM_ZONE_RESOLUTION);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements())
+ if (ge.isInView(rc))
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ if (getSizeInPixels(rc) / 10 < MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS * 2)
+ return;
+ // Select child elements
+ if (this.squares == null)
+ createSquares();
+ for (UTMSquareZone sz : this.squares)
+ if (sz.isInView(rc))
+ sz.selectRenderables(rc);
+ else
+ sz.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ @Override
+ void clearRenderables() {
+ super.clearRenderables();
+ if (this.squares != null) {
+ for (UTMSquareZone sz : this.squares)
+ sz.clearRenderables();
+ this.squares.clear();
+ this.squares = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createSquares() {
+ // Find grid zone easting and northing boundaries
+ UTMCoord UTM;
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().centroidLongitude());
+ double minNorthing = UTM.getNorthing();
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().centroidLongitude());
+ double maxNorthing = UTM.getNorthing();
+ maxNorthing = maxNorthing == 0 ? 10e6 : maxNorthing;
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude());
+ double minEasting = UTM.getEasting();
+ UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude());
+ minEasting = UTM.getEasting() < minEasting ? UTM.getEasting() : minEasting;
+ double maxEasting = 1e6 - minEasting;
+ // Create squares
+ this.squares = getLayer().createSquaresGrid(, this.hemisphere, this.getSector(),
+ minEasting, maxEasting, minNorthing, maxNorthing);
+ }
+ @Override
+ void createRenderables() {
+ super.createRenderables();
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>();
+ // Generate west meridian
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ Renderable polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ Sector lineSector = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(),
+ this.getSector().deltaLatitude(), 1E-15);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE, this.getSector().minLongitude()));
+ // Generate south parallel at south pole and equator
+ if (this.getSector().minLatitude() == UTMGraticuleLayer.UTM_MIN_LATITUDE || this.getSector().minLatitude() == 0) {
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 0));
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ lineSector = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().minLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(),
+ 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE, this.getSector().minLatitude()));
+ }
+ // Generate north parallel at north pole
+ if (this.getSector().maxLatitude() == UTMGraticuleLayer.UTM_MAX_LATITUDE) {
+ positions.clear();
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(), 0));
+ positions.add(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().maxLongitude(), 0));
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.LINEAR);
+ lineSector = Sector.fromDegrees(this.getSector().maxLatitude(), this.getSector().minLongitude(),
+ 1E-15, this.getSector().deltaLongitude());
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE, this.getSector().maxLatitude()));
+ }
+ // Add label
+ if (this.hasLabel()) {
+ Renderable text = this.getLayer().createTextRenderable(Position.fromDegrees(this.getSector().centroidLatitude(), this.getSector().centroidLongitude(), 0), String.valueOf( + this.hemisphere, 10e6);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(this.getSector(), text, GridElement.TYPE_GRIDZONE_LABEL));
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean hasLabel() {
+ // Has label if it contains hemisphere mid latitude
+ double southLat = UTMGraticuleLayer.UTM_MIN_LATITUDE / 2d;
+ boolean southLabel = this.getSector().minLatitude() < southLat
+ && southLat <= this.getSector().maxLatitude();
+ double northLat = UTMGraticuleLayer.UTM_MAX_LATITUDE / 2d;
+ boolean northLabel = this.getSector().minLatitude() < northLat
+ && northLat <= this.getSector().maxLatitude();
+ return southLabel || northLabel;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..005ede490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Frustum;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec3;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.Hemisphere;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoord;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UTMCoord;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+class UTMMetricScaleSupport {
+ private class UTMExtremes {
+ double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
+ Hemisphere minYHemisphere, maxYHemisphere;
+ UTMExtremes() {
+ this.clear();
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ minX = 1e6;
+ maxX = 0;
+ minY = 10e6;
+ maxY = 0;
+ minYHemisphere = Hemisphere.N;
+ maxYHemisphere = Hemisphere.S;
+ }
+ }
+ private static final double OFFSET_FACTOR_X = -.5;
+ private static final double OFFSET_FACTOR_Y = -.5;
+ private static final double VISIBLE_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 10;
+ private final AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer layer;
+ private int scaleModulo = (int) 10e6;
+ private double maxResolution = 1e5;
+ private int zone;
+ // 5 levels 100km to 10m
+ private UTMExtremes[] extremes;
+ UTMMetricScaleSupport(AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer layer) {
+ this.layer = layer;
+ }
+ void setScaleModulo(int modulo) {
+ this.scaleModulo = modulo;
+ }
+ void setMaxResolution(double maxResolution) {
+ this.maxResolution = maxResolution;
+ this.clear();
+ }
+ int getZone() {
+ return;
+ }
+ void computeZone(RenderContext rc) {
+ try {
+ if(layer.hasLookAtPos(rc)) {
+ double latitude = layer.getLookAtLatitude(rc);
+ double longitude = layer.getLookAtLongitude(rc);
+ if (latitude <= AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer.UTM_MAX_LATITUDE
+ && latitude >= AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer.UTM_MIN_LATITUDE) {
+ UTMCoord UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(latitude, longitude);
+ = UTM.getZone();
+ } else
+ = 0;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ int numLevels = (int) Math.log10(this.maxResolution);
+ this.extremes = new UTMExtremes[numLevels];
+ for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
+ this.extremes[i] = new UTMExtremes();
+ this.extremes[i].clear();
+ }
+ }
+ void computeMetricScaleExtremes(int UTMZone, Hemisphere hemisphere, GridElement ge, double size) {
+ if (UTMZone !=
+ return;
+ if (size < 1 || size > this.maxResolution)
+ return;
+ UTMExtremes levelExtremes = this.extremes[(int) Math.log10(size) - 1];
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EASTING)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST)) {
+ levelExtremes.minX = ge.value < levelExtremes.minX ? ge.value : levelExtremes.minX;
+ levelExtremes.maxX = ge.value > levelExtremes.maxX ? ge.value : levelExtremes.maxX;
+ } else if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTHING)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH)
+ || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH)) {
+ if (hemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.minYHemisphere))
+ levelExtremes.minY = ge.value < levelExtremes.minY ? ge.value : levelExtremes.minY;
+ else if (hemisphere.equals(Hemisphere.S)) {
+ levelExtremes.minY = ge.value;
+ levelExtremes.minYHemisphere = hemisphere;
+ }
+ if (hemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere))
+ levelExtremes.maxY = ge.value > levelExtremes.maxY ? ge.value : levelExtremes.maxY;
+ else if (hemisphere.equals(Hemisphere.N)) {
+ levelExtremes.maxY = ge.value;
+ levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere = hemisphere;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ if(!layer.hasLookAtPos(rc)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compute easting and northing label offsets
+ double pixelSize = layer.getPixelSize(rc);
+ double eastingOffset = rc.viewport.width * pixelSize * OFFSET_FACTOR_X / 2;
+ double northingOffset = rc.viewport.height * pixelSize * OFFSET_FACTOR_Y / 2;
+ // Derive labels center pos from the view center
+ double labelEasting;
+ double labelNorthing;
+ Hemisphere labelHemisphere;
+ if ( > 0) {
+ UTMCoord UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(layer.getLookAtLatitude(rc), layer.getLookAtLongitude(rc));
+ labelEasting = UTM.getEasting() + eastingOffset;
+ labelNorthing = UTM.getNorthing() + northingOffset;
+ labelHemisphere = UTM.getHemisphere();
+ if (labelNorthing < 0) {
+ labelNorthing = 10e6 + labelNorthing;
+ labelHemisphere = Hemisphere.S;
+ }
+ } else {
+ UPSCoord UPS = UPSCoord.fromLatLon(layer.getLookAtLatitude(rc), layer.getLookAtLongitude(rc));
+ labelEasting = UPS.getEasting() + eastingOffset;
+ labelNorthing = UPS.getNorthing() + northingOffset;
+ labelHemisphere = UPS.getHemisphere();
+ }
+ Frustum viewFrustum = rc.frustum;
+ Position labelPos;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.extremes.length; i++) {
+ UTMExtremes levelExtremes = this.extremes[i];
+ double gridStep = Math.pow(10, i);
+ double gridStepTimesTen = gridStep * 10;
+ String graticuleType = layer.getTypeFor(gridStep);
+ if (levelExtremes.minX <= levelExtremes.maxX) {
+ // Process easting scale labels for this level
+ for (double easting = levelExtremes.minX; easting <= levelExtremes.maxX; easting += gridStep) {
+ // Skip multiples of ten grid steps except for last (higher) level
+ if (i == this.extremes.length - 1 || easting % gridStepTimesTen != 0) {
+ labelPos = layer.computePosition(, labelHemisphere, easting, labelNorthing);
+ if (labelPos == null)
+ continue;
+ double lat = labelPos.latitude;
+ double lon = labelPos.longitude;
+ Vec3 surfacePoint = layer.getSurfacePoint(rc, lat, lon);
+ if (viewFrustum.containsPoint(surfacePoint) && isPointInRange(rc, surfacePoint)) {
+ String text = String.valueOf((int) (easting % this.scaleModulo));
+ Renderable gt = this.layer.createTextRenderable(Position.fromDegrees(lat, lon, 0), text, gridStepTimesTen);
+ layer.addRenderable(gt, graticuleType);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere.equals(Hemisphere.S) && levelExtremes.maxY == 0)) {
+ // Process northing scale labels for this level
+ Hemisphere currentHemisphere = levelExtremes.minYHemisphere;
+ for (double northing = levelExtremes.minY; (northing <= levelExtremes.maxY)
+ || !currentHemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere); northing += gridStep) {
+ // Skip multiples of ten grid steps except for last (higher) level
+ if (i == this.extremes.length - 1 || northing % gridStepTimesTen != 0) {
+ labelPos = layer.computePosition(, currentHemisphere, labelEasting, northing);
+ if (labelPos == null)
+ continue;
+ double lat = labelPos.latitude;
+ double lon = labelPos.longitude;
+ Vec3 surfacePoint = layer.getSurfacePoint(rc, lat, lon);
+ if (viewFrustum.containsPoint(surfacePoint) && isPointInRange(rc, surfacePoint)) {
+ String text = String.valueOf((int) (northing % this.scaleModulo));
+ Renderable gt = this.layer.createTextRenderable(Position.fromDegrees(lat, lon, 0), text, gridStepTimesTen);
+ layer.addRenderable(gt, graticuleType);
+ }
+ if (!currentHemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere)
+ && northing >= 10e6 - gridStep) {
+ // Switch hemisphere
+ currentHemisphere = levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere;
+ northing = -gridStep;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // end northing
+ } // for levels
+ }
+ private boolean isPointInRange(RenderContext rc, Vec3 point) {
+ double altitudeAboveGround = layer.computeAltitudeAboveGround(rc);
+ return rc.cameraPoint.distanceTo(point) < altitudeAboveGround * VISIBLE_DISTANCE_FACTOR;
+ }
+ @Override
+ @NonNull
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ sb.append("level ");
+ sb.append(String.valueOf(i));
+ sb.append(" : ");
+ UTMExtremes levelExtremes = this.extremes[i];
+ if (levelExtremes.minX < levelExtremes.maxX ||
+ !(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere.equals(Hemisphere.S) && levelExtremes.maxY == 0)) {
+ sb.append(levelExtremes.minX);
+ sb.append(", ");
+ sb.append(levelExtremes.maxX);
+ sb.append(" - ");
+ sb.append(levelExtremes.minY);
+ sb.append(levelExtremes.minYHemisphere);
+ sb.append(", ");
+ sb.append(levelExtremes.maxY);
+ sb.append(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere);
+ } else {
+ sb.append("empty");
+ }
+ sb.append("\n");
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
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index 000000000..a6de0ee2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.Hemisphere;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+/** Represent a square 10x10 grid and recursive tree in easting/northing coordinates */
+class UTMSquareGrid extends UTMSquareSector {
+ private List subGrids;
+ UTMSquareGrid(AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer layer, int UTMZone, Hemisphere hemisphere, Sector UTMZoneSector,
+ double SWEasting, double SWNorthing, double size) {
+ super(layer, UTMZone, hemisphere, UTMZoneSector, SWEasting, SWNorthing, size);
+ }
+ @Override
+ boolean isInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return super.isInView(rc) && getSizeInPixels(rc) > MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS * 4;
+ }
+ @Override
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ boolean drawMetricLabels = getSizeInPixels(rc) > MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS * 4 * 1.7;
+ String graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(this.size / 10);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements()) {
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ if (drawMetricLabels)
+ getLayer().computeMetricScaleExtremes(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, ge, this.size);
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ }
+ }
+ if (getSizeInPixels(rc) <= MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS * 4 * 2)
+ return;
+ // Select sub grids renderables
+ if (this.subGrids == null)
+ createSubGrids();
+ for (UTMSquareGrid sg : this.subGrids) {
+ if (sg.isInView(rc))
+ sg.selectRenderables(rc);
+ else
+ sg.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void clearRenderables() {
+ super.clearRenderables();
+ if (this.subGrids != null) {
+ for (UTMSquareGrid sg : this.subGrids)
+ sg.clearRenderables();
+ this.subGrids.clear();
+ this.subGrids = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createSubGrids() {
+ this.subGrids = new ArrayList<>();
+ double gridStep = this.size / 10;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ double easting = this.SWEasting + gridStep * i;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
+ double northing = this.SWNorthing + gridStep * j;
+ UTMSquareGrid sg = new UTMSquareGrid(this.getLayer(), this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, this.UTMZoneSector,
+ easting, northing, gridStep);
+ if (!sg.isOutsideGridZone())
+ this.subGrids.add(sg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void createRenderables() {
+ super.createRenderables();
+ double gridStep = this.size / 10;
+ Position p1, p2;
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>();
+ // South-North lines
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
+ double easting = this.SWEasting + gridStep * i;
+ positions.clear();
+ p1 = getLayer().computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, easting, SWNorthing);
+ p2 = getLayer().computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, easting, SWNorthing + this.size);
+ if (this.isTruncated) {
+ getLayer().computeTruncatedSegment(p1, p2, this.UTMZoneSector, positions);
+ } else {
+ positions.add(p1);
+ positions.add(p2);
+ }
+ if (positions.size() > 0) {
+ p1 = positions.get(0);
+ p2 = positions.get(1);
+ Renderable polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ Sector lineSector = boundingSector(p1, p2);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EASTING, easting));
+ }
+ }
+ // West-East lines
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
+ double northing = this.SWNorthing + gridStep * i;
+ positions.clear();
+ p1 = getLayer().computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting, northing);
+ p2 = getLayer().computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting + this.size, northing);
+ if (this.isTruncated) {
+ getLayer().computeTruncatedSegment(p1, p2, this.UTMZoneSector, positions);
+ } else {
+ positions.add(p1);
+ positions.add(p2);
+ }
+ if (positions.size() > 0) {
+ p1 = positions.get(0);
+ p2 = positions.get(1);
+ Renderable polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ Sector lineSector = boundingSector(p1, p2);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTHING, northing));
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f6026e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec3;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.Hemisphere;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+/** Represent a generic UTM/UPS square area */
+abstract class UTMSquareSector extends AbstractGraticuleTile {
+ static final int MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS = 50;
+ final int UTMZone;
+ final Hemisphere hemisphere;
+ final Sector UTMZoneSector;
+ final double SWEasting;
+ final double SWNorthing;
+ final double size;
+ Position sw, se, nw, ne; // Four corners position
+ Sector boundingSector;
+ Location centroid;
+ final Location squareCenter;
+ final boolean isTruncated;
+ UTMSquareSector(AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer layer, int UTMZone, Hemisphere hemisphere, Sector UTMZoneSector,
+ double SWEasting, double SWNorthing, double size) {
+ super(layer, new Sector());
+ this.UTMZone = UTMZone;
+ this.hemisphere = hemisphere;
+ this.UTMZoneSector = UTMZoneSector;
+ this.SWEasting = SWEasting;
+ this.SWNorthing = SWNorthing;
+ this.size = size;
+ // Compute corners positions
+ this.sw = layer.computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting, SWNorthing);
+ = layer.computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting + size, SWNorthing);
+ this.nw = layer.computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting, SWNorthing + size);
+ = layer.computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting + size, SWNorthing + size);
+ this.squareCenter = layer.computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere,
+ SWEasting + size / 2, SWNorthing + size / 2);
+ // Compute approximate bounding sector and center point
+ if (this.sw != null && != null && this.nw != null && != null) {
+ adjustDateLineCrossingPoints();
+ this.boundingSector = boundingSector(Arrays.asList(sw, se, nw, ne));
+ if (!isInsideGridZone())
+ this.boundingSector.intersect(this.UTMZoneSector);
+ this.centroid = this.boundingSector != null ? this.boundingSector.centroid(new Location()) : this.squareCenter;
+ if(this.boundingSector != null) {
+ this.getSector().set(this.boundingSector);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check whether this square is truncated by the grid zone boundary
+ this.isTruncated = !isInsideGridZone();
+ }
+ @Override
+ AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer getLayer() {
+ return (AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer) super.getLayer();
+ }
+ Sector boundingSector(Location pA, Location pB) {
+ double minLat = pA.latitude;
+ double minLon = pA.longitude;
+ double maxLat = pA.latitude;
+ double maxLon = pA.longitude;
+ if (pB.latitude < minLat)
+ minLat = pB.latitude;
+ else if (pB.latitude > maxLat)
+ maxLat = pB.latitude;
+ if (pB.longitude < minLon)
+ minLon = pB.longitude;
+ else if (pB.longitude > maxLon)
+ maxLon = pB.longitude;
+ return Sector.fromDegrees(minLat, minLon, maxLat - minLat + 1E-15, maxLon - minLon + 1E-15);
+ }
+ private Sector boundingSector(Iterable extends Location> locations) {
+ double minLat = 90;
+ double minLon = 180;
+ double maxLat = -90;
+ double maxLon = -180;
+ for (Location p : locations) {
+ double lat = p.latitude;
+ if (lat < minLat)
+ minLat = lat;
+ if (lat > maxLat)
+ maxLat = lat;
+ double lon = p.longitude;
+ if (lon < minLon)
+ minLon = lon;
+ if (lon > maxLon)
+ maxLon = lon;
+ }
+ return Sector.fromDegrees(minLat, minLon, maxLat - minLat + 1E-15, maxLon - minLon + 1E-15);
+ }
+ private void adjustDateLineCrossingPoints() {
+ List corners = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(sw, se, nw, ne));
+ if (!locationsCrossDateLine(corners))
+ return;
+ double lonSign = 0;
+ for (Location corner : corners) {
+ if (Math.abs(corner.longitude) != 180)
+ lonSign = Math.signum(corner.longitude);
+ }
+ if (lonSign == 0)
+ return;
+ if (Math.abs(sw.longitude) == 180 && Math.signum(sw.longitude) != lonSign)
+ sw = Position.fromDegrees(sw.latitude, sw.longitude * -1, sw.altitude);
+ if (Math.abs(se.longitude) == 180 && Math.signum(se.longitude) != lonSign)
+ se = Position.fromDegrees(se.latitude, se.longitude * -1, se.altitude);
+ if (Math.abs(nw.longitude) == 180 && Math.signum(nw.longitude) != lonSign)
+ nw = Position.fromDegrees(nw.latitude, nw.longitude * -1, nw.altitude);
+ if (Math.abs(ne.longitude) == 180 && Math.signum(ne.longitude) != lonSign)
+ ne = Position.fromDegrees(ne.latitude, ne.longitude * -1, ne.altitude);
+ }
+ private boolean locationsCrossDateLine(Iterable extends Location> locations) {
+ Location pos = null;
+ for (Location posNext : locations) {
+ if (pos != null) {
+ // A segment cross the line if end pos have different longitude signs
+ // and are more than 180 degrees longitude apart
+ if (Math.signum(pos.longitude) != Math.signum(posNext.longitude)) {
+ double delta = Math.abs(pos.longitude - posNext.longitude);
+ if (delta > 180 && delta < 360)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ pos = posNext;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether this square is fully inside its parent grid zone.
+ *
+ * @return true if this square is totaly inside its parent grid zone.
+ */
+ private boolean isInsideGridZone() {
+ return this.isPositionInside(this.nw) && this.isPositionInside(
+ && this.isPositionInside(this.sw) && this.isPositionInside(;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether this square is fully outside its parent grid zone.
+ *
+ * @return true if this square is totaly outside its parent grid zone.
+ */
+ boolean isOutsideGridZone() {
+ return !this.isPositionInside(this.nw) && !this.isPositionInside(
+ && !this.isPositionInside(this.sw) && !this.isPositionInside(;
+ }
+ boolean isPositionInside(Location position) {
+ return position != null && this.UTMZoneSector.contains(position.latitude, position.longitude);
+ }
+ @Override
+ double getSizeInPixels(RenderContext rc) {
+ Vec3 centerPoint = getLayer().getSurfacePoint(rc, this.centroid.latitude, this.centroid.longitude);
+ double distance = rc.cameraPoint.distanceTo(centerPoint);
+ return this.size / rc.pixelSizeAtDistance(distance) / rc.resources.getDisplayMetrics().density;
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b28c0025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/layer/graticule/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.graticule;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.Hemisphere;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
+/** Represent a 100km square zone inside an UTM zone. */
+class UTMSquareZone extends UTMSquareSector {
+ private String name;
+ private UTMSquareGrid squareGrid;
+ private UTMSquareZone northNeighbor, eastNeighbor;
+ UTMSquareZone(AbstractUTMGraticuleLayer layer, int UTMZone, Hemisphere hemisphere, Sector UTMZoneSector,
+ double SWEasting, double SWNorthing, double size) {
+ super(layer, UTMZone, hemisphere, UTMZoneSector, SWEasting, SWNorthing, size);
+ }
+ @Override
+ boolean isInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return super.isInView(rc) && getSizeInPixels(rc) > MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS;
+ }
+ void setName(String name) {
+ = name;
+ }
+ void setNorthNeighbor(UTMSquareZone sz) {
+ this.northNeighbor = sz;
+ }
+ void setEastNeighbor(UTMSquareZone sz) {
+ this.eastNeighbor = sz;
+ }
+ @Override
+ void selectRenderables(RenderContext rc) {
+ super.selectRenderables(rc);
+ boolean drawMetricLabels = getSizeInPixels(rc) > MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS * 2;
+ String graticuleType = getLayer().getTypeFor(this.size);
+ for (GridElement ge : this.getGridElements()) {
+ if (ge.isInView(rc)) {
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH) && this.isNorthNeighborInView(rc))
+ continue;
+ if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST) && this.isEastNeighborInView(rc))
+ continue;
+ if (drawMetricLabels)
+ getLayer().computeMetricScaleExtremes(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, ge,
+ this.size * 10);
+ getLayer().addRenderable(ge.renderable, graticuleType);
+ }
+ }
+ if (getSizeInPixels(rc) <= MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS * 2)
+ return;
+ // Select grid renderables
+ if (this.squareGrid == null)
+ this.squareGrid = new UTMSquareGrid(getLayer(), this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, this.UTMZoneSector, this.SWEasting,
+ this.SWNorthing, this.size);
+ if (this.squareGrid.isInView(rc))
+ this.squareGrid.selectRenderables(rc);
+ else
+ this.squareGrid.clearRenderables();
+ }
+ private boolean isNorthNeighborInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return this.northNeighbor != null && this.northNeighbor.isInView(rc);
+ }
+ private boolean isEastNeighborInView(RenderContext rc) {
+ return this.eastNeighbor != null && this.eastNeighbor.isInView(rc);
+ }
+ @Override
+ void clearRenderables() {
+ super.clearRenderables();
+ if (this.squareGrid != null) {
+ this.squareGrid.clearRenderables();
+ this.squareGrid = null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ void createRenderables() {
+ super.createRenderables();
+ List positions = new ArrayList<>();
+ Position p1, p2;
+ Renderable polyline;
+ Sector lineSector;
+ // left segment
+ positions.clear();
+ if (this.isTruncated) {
+ getLayer().computeTruncatedSegment(sw, nw, this.UTMZoneSector, positions);
+ } else {
+ positions.add(sw);
+ positions.add(nw);
+ }
+ if (positions.size() > 0) {
+ p1 = positions.get(0);
+ p2 = positions.get(1);
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ lineSector = boundingSector(p1, p2);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST, this.SWEasting));
+ }
+ // right segment
+ positions.clear();
+ if (this.isTruncated) {
+ getLayer().computeTruncatedSegment(se, ne, this.UTMZoneSector, positions);
+ } else {
+ positions.add(se);
+ positions.add(ne);
+ }
+ if (positions.size() > 0) {
+ p1 = positions.get(0);
+ p2 = positions.get(1);
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ lineSector = boundingSector(p1, p2);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST, this.SWEasting + this.size));
+ }
+ // bottom segment
+ positions.clear();
+ if (this.isTruncated) {
+ getLayer().computeTruncatedSegment(sw, se, this.UTMZoneSector, positions);
+ } else {
+ positions.add(sw);
+ positions.add(se);
+ }
+ if (positions.size() > 0) {
+ p1 = positions.get(0);
+ p2 = positions.get(1);
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ lineSector = boundingSector(p1, p2);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH, this.SWNorthing));
+ }
+ // top segment
+ positions.clear();
+ if (this.isTruncated) {
+ getLayer().computeTruncatedSegment(nw, ne, this.UTMZoneSector, positions);
+ } else {
+ positions.add(nw);
+ positions.add(ne);
+ }
+ if (positions.size() > 0) {
+ p1 = positions.get(0);
+ p2 = positions.get(1);
+ polyline = getLayer().createLineRenderable(new ArrayList<>(positions), WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE);
+ lineSector = boundingSector(p1, p2);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH, this.SWNorthing + this.size));
+ }
+ // Label
+ if ( != null) {
+ // Only add a label to squares above some dimension
+ if (this.boundingSector.deltaLongitude() * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(this.centroid.latitude)) > .2
+ && this.boundingSector.deltaLatitude() > .2) {
+ Location labelPos = null;
+ if (this.UTMZone != 0) { // Not at poles
+ labelPos = this.centroid;
+ } else if (this.isPositionInside(Position.fromDegrees(this.squareCenter.latitude, this.squareCenter.longitude, 0))) {
+ labelPos = this.squareCenter;
+ } else if (this.squareCenter.latitude <= this.UTMZoneSector.maxLatitude()
+ && this.squareCenter.latitude >= this.UTMZoneSector.minLatitude()) {
+ labelPos = this.centroid;
+ }
+ if (labelPos != null) {
+ Renderable text = this.getLayer().createTextRenderable(Position.fromDegrees(labelPos.latitude, labelPos.longitude, 0),, this.size * 10);
+ this.getGridElements().add(new GridElement(this.boundingSector, text, GridElement.TYPE_GRIDZONE_LABEL));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/ b/worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..077e3f6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldwind/src/test/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/coords/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
+ * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class CoordTest {
+ private static boolean isClose(double x, double y, double limit) {
+ return (Math.abs(x - y) < limit);
+ }
+ private static boolean isClose(Location a, Location b) {
+ double epsilonRad = Math.toRadians(9.0e-6);
+ return isClose(a, b, epsilonRad);
+ }
+ private static boolean isClose(Location a, Location b, double limit) {
+ return isClose(Math.toRadians(a.latitude), Math.toRadians(b.latitude), limit)
+ && isClose(Math.toRadians(a.longitude), Math.toRadians(b.longitude), limit);
+ }
+ private static final Location[] TEST_POSITIONS = {
+ Location.fromDegrees(-74.37916, 155.02235),
+ Location.fromDegrees(0, 0),
+ Location.fromDegrees(0.13, -0.2324),
+ Location.fromDegrees(-45.6456, 23.3545),
+ Location.fromDegrees(-12.7650, -33.8765),
+ Location.fromDegrees(23.4578, -135.4545),
+ Location.fromDegrees(77.3450, 156.9876)
+ };
+ @Test
+ public void utmConstructionTest() {
+ for (Location input : TEST_POSITIONS) {
+ UTMCoord fromLocation = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(input.latitude, input.longitude);
+ UTMCoord utmCoord = UTMCoord.fromUTM(fromLocation.getZone(), fromLocation.getHemisphere(), fromLocation.getEasting(), fromLocation.getNorthing());
+ Location position = Location.fromDegrees(utmCoord.getLatitude(), utmCoord.getLongitude());
+ assertTrue(isClose(input, position));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mgrsConstructionTest() {
+ for (Location input : TEST_POSITIONS) {
+ MGRSCoord fromLocation = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(input.latitude, input.longitude);
+ MGRSCoord fromString = MGRSCoord.fromString(fromLocation.toString());
+ Location position = Location.fromDegrees(fromString.getLatitude(), fromString.getLongitude());
+ assertTrue(isClose(input, position, 0.0002));
+ }
+ }
+ private static final Location[] MGRS_ONLY_POSITIONS = {
+ Location.fromDegrees(-89.3454, -48.9306),
+ Location.fromDegrees(-80.5434, -170.6540),
+ };
+ @Test
+ public void mgrsOnlyConstructionTest() {
+ for (Location input : MGRS_ONLY_POSITIONS) {
+ MGRSCoord fromLocation = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(input.latitude, input.longitude);
+ MGRSCoord fromString = MGRSCoord.fromString(fromLocation.toString());
+ Location position = Location.fromDegrees(fromString.getLatitude(), fromString.getLongitude());
+ assertTrue(isClose(input, position, 0.0002));
+ }
+ }
+ private static final Location[] NO_INVERSE_POSITIONS = {
+ Location.fromDegrees(90.0, 177.0),
+ Location.fromDegrees(-90.0, -177.0),
+ Location.fromDegrees(90.0, 3.0)
+ };
+ private static final String[] NO_INVERSE_TO_MGRS = {
+ "ZAH 00000 00000", "BAN 00000 00000", "ZAH 00000 00000"
+ };
+ @Test
+ public void noInverseToMGRSTest() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < NO_INVERSE_POSITIONS.length; i++) {
+ Location input = NO_INVERSE_POSITIONS[i];
+ MGRSCoord fromLocation = MGRSCoord.fromLatLon(input.latitude, input.longitude);
+ String mgrsString = fromLocation.toString().trim();
+ assertEquals(mgrsString, NO_INVERSE_TO_MGRS[i]);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
From 1727068ba3db1068068729fa5a1de26e509b6b3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eugene Maksymenko
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 18:40:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Wrap latitude, longitude and altitude into Position
object inside of Navigator, Camera and LookAt. Move field of view attribute
into Camera. Deprecate Navigator and use direct Camera control instead. Use
two-fingers tilt. Do not change heading on tilt. Set gesture interpret
distance based on Android screen density instead of hard-coded pixels. Add
additional zoomIn, zoomOut and resetOrientation commands to
BasicWorldWindowController. Add secondary mouse button tilt support to
BasicWorldWindowController. Remove code which never executes due to a bug in
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 27 ++-
.../ | 51 ++---
.../worldwindx/ | 22 +--
.../worldwindx/ | 18 +-
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 22 +--
.../ | 9 +-
.../ | 12 +-
.../worldwindx/ | 10 +-
.../ | 2 +-
.../ | 8 +-
.../ | 8 +-
.../ | 8 +-
.../worldwindx/ | 4 +-
.../experimental/ | 2 +-
.../main/assets/camera_control_tutorial.html | 98 +++++-----
.../src/main/assets/camera_view_tutorial.html | 10 +-
.../src/main/assets/geopackage_tutorial.html | 6 +-
.../src/main/assets/labels_tutorial.html | 6 +-
.../main/assets/look_at_view_tutorial.html | 6 +-
.../assets/navigator_events_tutorial.html | 23 +--
.../assets/placemarks_picking_tutorial.html | 10 +-
.../src/main/assets/placemarks_tutorial.html | 4 +-
.../main/assets/surface_image_tutorial.html | 7 +-
.../worldwindx/ | 96 ++++-----
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 6 +-
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 4 +-
.../gov/nasa/worldwindx/ | 4 +-
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 2 +-
.../worldwindx/ | 21 +-
.../ | 2 +-
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 2 +-
.../worldwindx/ | 8 +-
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 4 +-
.../nasa/worldwindx/ | 5 +-
.../worldwind/ | 120 ++++++++----
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/ | 181 ++---------------
.../gov/nasa/worldwind/ | 13 +-
.../nasa/worldwind/ | 2 +-
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/ | 76 +++-----
.../nasa/worldwind/ | 2 -
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/ | 183 ++++++++++++++----
.../gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/ | 2 +-
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/ | 28 +--
.../worldwind/gesture/ | 22 +++
.../nasa/worldwind/gesture/ | 8 +
.../worldwind/gesture/ | 8 +
.../worldwind/gesture/ | 8 +
.../nasa/worldwind/layer/ | 2 +-
.../graticule/ | 8 +-
.../layer/graticule/ | 8 +-
.../layer/graticule/ | 2 +-
.../layer/graticule/ | 2 +-
.../nasa/worldwind/render/ | 9 +-
.../nasa/worldwind/shape/ | 4 +-
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/util/ | 6 +-
.../java/gov/nasa/worldwind/util/ | 2 +-
worldwind/src/main/res/values/dimens.xml | 6 +
.../gov/nasa/worldwind/ | 28 ---
.../gov/nasa/worldwind/geom/ | 29 ++-
59 files changed, 639 insertions(+), 647 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwind/gesture/
create mode 100644 worldwind/src/main/res/values/dimens.xml
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index e06427e54..3c8988f1f 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ protected void onResume() {
// Use this Activity's Handler to periodically print the FrameMetrics.
this.handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(PRINT_METRICS, PRINT_METRICS_DELAY);
- // Restore the navigator's camera state from previously saved session data
- this.restoreNavigatorState();
+ // Restore camera state from previously saved session data
+ this.restoreCameraState();
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ protected void onPause() {
// Stop printing frame metrics when this activity is paused.
- // Save the navigator's camera state.
- this.saveNavigatorState();
+ // Save camera state.
+ this.saveCameraState();
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
- * Saves the Navigator's camera data to a SharedPreferences object.
+ * Saves camera state to a SharedPreferences object.
- protected void saveNavigatorState() {
+ protected void saveCameraState() {
WorldWindow wwd = this.getWorldWindow();
if (wwd != null) {
SharedPreferences preferences = this.getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ protected void saveNavigatorState() {
editor.putLong(SESSION_TIMESTAMP, getSessionTimestamp());
// Write the camera data
- Camera camera = wwd.getNavigator().getAsCamera(wwd.getGlobe(), new Camera());
- editor.putFloat(CAMERA_LATITUDE, (float) camera.latitude);
- editor.putFloat(CAMERA_LONGITUDE, (float) camera.longitude);
- editor.putFloat(CAMERA_ALTITUDE, (float) camera.altitude);
+ Camera camera = wwd.getCamera();
+ editor.putFloat(CAMERA_LATITUDE, (float) camera.position.latitude);
+ editor.putFloat(CAMERA_LONGITUDE, (float) camera.position.longitude);
+ editor.putFloat(CAMERA_ALTITUDE, (float) camera.position.altitude);
editor.putFloat(CAMERA_HEADING, (float) camera.heading);
editor.putFloat(CAMERA_TILT, (float) camera.tilt);
editor.putFloat(CAMERA_ROLL, (float) camera.roll);
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ protected void saveNavigatorState() {
- * Restores the Navigator's camera state from a SharedPreferences object.
+ * Restores camera state from a SharedPreferences object.
- protected void restoreNavigatorState() {
+ protected void restoreCameraState() {
WorldWindow wwd = this.getWorldWindow();
if (wwd != null) {
SharedPreferences preferences = this.getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
@@ -215,8 +215,7 @@ protected void restoreNavigatorState() {
// Restore the camera state.
- Camera camera = new Camera(lat, lon, alt, altMode, heading, tilt, roll);
- wwd.getNavigator().setAsCamera(wwd.getGlobe(), camera);
+ wwd.getCamera().set(lat, lon, alt, altMode, heading, tilt, roll);
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index d40ddc01a..80c0a73ec 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ public WorldWindow getWorldWindow() {
return null;
- @Override
- public void setWorldWindow(WorldWindow wwd) {
- }
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return false;
@@ -60,40 +56,34 @@ public static class AnimateCameraCommand implements Runnable {
protected WorldWindow wwd;
- protected Camera beginCamera = new Camera();
- protected Camera endCamera = new Camera();
+ protected Camera beginCamera;
- protected Camera curCamera = new Camera();
+ protected Camera endCamera;
- protected Position beginPos = new Position();
- protected Position endPos = new Position();
- protected Position curPos = new Position();
+ protected Camera curCamera;
protected int steps;
public AnimateCameraCommand(WorldWindow wwd, Camera end, int steps) {
this.wwd = wwd;
+ this.beginCamera = new Camera(wwd);
+ this.endCamera = new Camera(wwd);
+ this.curCamera = new Camera(wwd);
- this.endPos.set(end.latitude, end.longitude, end.altitude);
this.steps = steps;
public void run() {
- this.wwd.getNavigator().getAsCamera(this.wwd.getGlobe(), this.beginCamera);
- this.beginPos.set(this.beginCamera.latitude, this.beginCamera.longitude, this.beginCamera.altitude);
+ this.beginCamera.set(this.wwd.getCamera());
for (int i = 0; i < this.steps; i++) {
double amount = (double) i / (double) (this.steps - 1);
- this.beginPos.interpolateAlongPath(this.endPos, WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE, amount, this.curPos);
+ this.beginCamera.position.interpolateAlongPath(this.endCamera.position, WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE, amount, this.curCamera.position);
- this.curCamera.latitude = this.curPos.latitude;
- this.curCamera.longitude = this.curPos.longitude;
- this.curCamera.altitude = this.curPos.altitude;
this.curCamera.heading = WWMath.interpolateAngle360(amount, this.beginCamera.heading, this.endCamera.heading);
this.curCamera.tilt = WWMath.interpolateAngle180(amount, this.beginCamera.tilt, this.endCamera.tilt);
this.curCamera.roll = WWMath.interpolateAngle180(amount, this.beginCamera.roll, this.endCamera.roll);
@@ -111,7 +101,7 @@ public static class SetCameraCommand implements Runnable {
private WorldWindow wwd;
- private Camera camera = new Camera();
+ private Camera camera;
private SetCameraCommand() {
@@ -127,6 +117,7 @@ public static SetCameraCommand obtain(WorldWindow wwd, Camera camera) {
private SetCameraCommand set(WorldWindow wwd, Camera camera) {
this.wwd = wwd;
+ = new Camera(wwd);;
return this;
@@ -138,7 +129,7 @@ private SetCameraCommand reset() {
public void run() {
- this.wwd.getNavigator().setAsCamera(this.wwd.getGlobe(),;
+ this.wwd.getCamera().set(;
@@ -249,12 +240,12 @@ protected void onStart() {
exec.execute(new ClearFrameMetricsCommand(wwd));
// After a 1/2 second delay, fly to NASA Ames Research Center over 100 frames.
- Camera cam = new Camera(arc.latitude, arc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 0, 0, 0);
+ Camera cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(arc.latitude, arc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 0, 0, 0);
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 100));
// After a 1/2 second delay, rotate the camera to look at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center over 50 frames.
double azimuth = arc.greatCircleAzimuth(gsfc);
- cam = new Camera(arc.latitude, arc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 70, 0);
+ cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(arc.latitude, arc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 70, 0);
exec.execute(new SleepCommand(500));
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 50));
@@ -262,27 +253,27 @@ protected void onStart() {
Location midLoc = arc.interpolateAlongPath(gsfc, WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE, 0.5, new Location());
azimuth = midLoc.greatCircleAzimuth(gsfc);
exec.execute(new SleepCommand(500));
- cam = new Camera(midLoc.latitude, midLoc.longitude, 1000e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 0, 0);
+ cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(midLoc.latitude, midLoc.longitude, 1000e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 0, 0);
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 100));
- cam = new Camera(gsfc.latitude, gsfc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 70, 0);
+ cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(gsfc.latitude, gsfc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 70, 0);
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 100));
// After a 1/2 second delay, rotate the camera to look at ESA Centre for Earth Observation over 50 frames.
azimuth = gsfc.greatCircleAzimuth(esrin);
- cam = new Camera(gsfc.latitude, gsfc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 90, 0);
+ cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(gsfc.latitude, gsfc.longitude, 10e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 90, 0);
exec.execute(new SleepCommand(500));
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 50));
// After a 1/2 second delay, fly the camera to ESA Centre for Earth Observation over 200 frames.
midLoc = gsfc.interpolateAlongPath(esrin, WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE, 0.5, new Location());
exec.execute(new SleepCommand(500));
- cam = new Camera(midLoc.latitude, midLoc.longitude, 1000e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 60, 0);
+ cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(midLoc.latitude, midLoc.longitude, 1000e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 60, 0);
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 100));
- cam = new Camera(esrin.latitude, esrin.longitude, 100e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 30, 0);
+ cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(esrin.latitude, esrin.longitude, 100e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, azimuth, 30, 0);
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 100));
// After a 1/2 second delay, back the camera out to look at ESA Centre for Earth Observation over 100 frames.
- cam = new Camera(esrin.latitude, esrin.longitude, 2000e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 0, 0, 0);
+ cam = new Camera(this.getWorldWindow()).set(esrin.latitude, esrin.longitude, 2000e3, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 0, 0, 0);
exec.execute(new SleepCommand(500));
exec.execute(new AnimateCameraCommand(wwd, cam, 100));
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 8f507c172..ad5609825 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Choreographer;
-import gov.nasa.worldwind.Navigator;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Camera;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.ShowTessellationLayer;
public class BasicStressTestActivity extends GeneralGlobeActivity implements Choreographer.FrameCallback {
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ public class BasicStressTestActivity extends GeneralGlobeActivity implements Cho
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.setAboutBoxTitle("About the " + this.getResources().getText(R.string.title_basic_stress_test));
- this.setAboutBoxText("Continuously moves the navigator in an Easterly direction from a low altitude.");
+ this.setAboutBoxText("Continuously moves the camera in an Easterly direction from a low altitude.");
// Add the ShowTessellation layer to provide some visual feedback regardless of texture details
this.getWorldWindow().getLayers().addLayer(new ShowTessellationLayer());
- // Initialize the Navigator so that it's looking in the direction of movement and the horizon is visible.
- Navigator navigator = this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator();
- navigator.setAltitude(1e3); // 1 km
- navigator.setHeading(90); // looking east
- navigator.setTilt(75); // looking at the horizon
+ // Initialize the Camera so that it's looking in the direction of movement and the horizon is visible.
+ Camera camera = this.getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.position.altitude = 1e3; // 1 km
+ camera.heading = 90; // looking east
+ camera.tilt = 75; // looking at the horizon
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
double frameDurationSeconds = (frameTimeNanos - this.lastFrameTimeNanos) * 1.0e-9;
double cameraDegrees = (frameDurationSeconds * this.cameraDegreesPerSecond);
- // Move the navigator to continuously bring new tiles into view.
- Navigator navigator = getWorldWindow().getNavigator();
- navigator.setLongitude(navigator.getLongitude() + cameraDegrees);
+ // Move the camera to continuously bring new tiles into view.
+ Camera camera = getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.position.longitude += cameraDegrees;
// Redraw the WorldWindow to display the above changes.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ protected void onPause() {
protected void onResume() {
- // Use this Activity's Choreographer to animate the Navigator.
+ // Use this Activity's Choreographer to animate the Camera.
this.lastFrameTimeNanos = 0;
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 5e27fb0ff..b91a5c4d0 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Choreographer;
-import gov.nasa.worldwind.Navigator;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Camera;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Location;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.LayerList;
import gov.nasa.worldwindx.experimental.AtmosphereLayer;
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setAboutBoxTitle("About the " + this.getResources().getText(R.string.title_day_night_cycle));
setAboutBoxText("Demonstrates how to display a continuous day-night cycle on the WorldWind globe.\n" +
- "This gradually changes both the Navigator's location and the AtmosphereLayer's light location.");
+ "This gradually changes both the Camera's location and the AtmosphereLayer's light location.");
// Initialize the Atmosphere layer's light location to our custom location. By default the light location is
// always behind the viewer.
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.atmosphereLayer = (AtmosphereLayer) layers.getLayer(layers.indexOfLayerNamed("Atmosphere"));
- // Initialize the Navigator so that the sun is behind the viewer.
- Navigator navigator = this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator();
- navigator.setLatitude(20);
- navigator.setLongitude(this.sunLocation.longitude);
+ // Initialize the Camera so that the sun is behind the viewer.
+ Camera camera = this.getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.position.latitude = 20;
+ camera.position.longitude = this.sunLocation.longitude;
// Use this Activity's Choreographer to animate the day-night cycle.
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
double cameraDegrees = (frameDurationSeconds * this.cameraDegreesPerSecond);
double lightDegrees = (frameDurationSeconds * this.lightDegreesPerSecond);
- // Move the navigator to simulate the Earth's rotation about its axis.
- Navigator navigator = getWorldWindow().getNavigator();
- navigator.setLongitude(navigator.getLongitude() - cameraDegrees);
+ // Move the camera to simulate the Earth's rotation about its axis.
+ Camera camera = getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.position.longitude -= cameraDegrees;
// Move the sun location to simulate the Sun's rotation about the Earth.
this.sunLocation.set(this.sunLocation.latitude, this.sunLocation.longitude - lightDegrees);
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 7c2fc8a85..fd6dbec27 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ public class GeneralGlobeActivity extends BasicGlobeActivity {
protected TextView altView;
protected ImageView crosshairs;
protected ViewGroup overlay;
- // Use pre-allocated navigator state objects to avoid per-event memory allocations
+ // Use pre-allocated lookAt state object to avoid per-event memory allocations
private LookAt lookAt = new LookAt();
- private Camera camera = new Camera();
// Track the navigation event time so the overlay refresh rate can be throttled
private long lastEventTime;
// Animation object used to fade the overlays
@@ -81,12 +80,11 @@ public void onNavigatorEvent(WorldWindow wwd, NavigatorEvent event) {
// and also it is moving but at an (arbitrary) maximum refresh rate of 20 Hz.
if (eventAction == WorldWind.NAVIGATOR_STOPPED || elapsedTime > 50) {
- // Get the current navigator state to apply to the overlays
- event.getNavigator().getAsLookAt(wwd.getGlobe(), lookAt);
- event.getNavigator().getAsCamera(wwd.getGlobe(), camera);
+ // Get the current camera state to apply to the overlays
+ event.getCamera().getAsLookAt(lookAt);
// Update the overlays
- updateOverlayContents(lookAt, camera);
+ updateOverlayContents(lookAt, event.getCamera());
lastEventTime = currentTime;
@@ -129,16 +127,16 @@ protected void fadeCrosshairs() {
- * Displays navigator state information in the status overlay views.
+ * Displays camera state information in the status overlay views.
- * @param lookAt Where the navigator is looking
+ * @param lookAt Where the camera is looking
* @param camera Where the camera is positioned
protected void updateOverlayContents(LookAt lookAt, Camera camera) {
- latView.setText(formatLatitude(lookAt.latitude));
- lonView.setText(formatLongitude(lookAt.longitude));
- elevView.setText(formatElevaton(wwd.getGlobe().getElevationAtLocation(lookAt.latitude, lookAt.longitude)));
- altView.setText(formatAltitude(camera.altitude));
+ latView.setText(formatLatitude(lookAt.position.latitude));
+ lonView.setText(formatLongitude(lookAt.position.longitude));
+ elevView.setText(formatElevaton(wwd.getGlobe().getElevationAtLocation(lookAt.position.latitude, lookAt.position.longitude)));
+ altView.setText(formatAltitude(camera.position.altitude));
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index b6cb82afb..6aa734ed2 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
import gov.nasa.worldwind.PickedObject;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.PickedObjectList;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindow;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Line;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LookAt;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
@@ -83,12 +84,12 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Override the WorldWindow's built-in navigation behavior with conditional dragging support.
- this.controller = new SimpleSelectDragNavigateController();
+ this.controller = new SimpleSelectDragNavigateController(this.wwd);
// And finally, for this demo, position the viewer to look at the sightline position
LookAt lookAt = new LookAt().set(pos.latitude, pos.longitude, pos.altitude, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 2e4 /*range*/, 0 /*heading*/, 45 /*tilt*/, 0 /*roll*/);
- this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator().setAsLookAt(this.getWorldWindow().getGlobe(), lookAt);
+ this.getWorldWindow().getCamera().setFromLookAt(lookAt);
@@ -133,6 +134,10 @@ public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent downEvent, MotionEvent moveEvent, float dist
+ public SimpleSelectDragNavigateController(WorldWindow wwd) {
+ super(wwd);
+ }
* Delegates events to the select/drag handlers or the native World Wind navigation handlers.
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 33d94bd34..91778bec3 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
import gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicWorldWindowController;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.PickedObjectList;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindow;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Offset;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.RenderableLayer;
@@ -69,9 +70,12 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
FrameLayout globeLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;
+ // Get a reference to the WorldWindow view
+ WorldWindow wwd = this.getWorldWindow();
// Override the WorldWindow's built-in navigation behavior by adding picking support.
- this.getWorldWindow().setWorldWindowController(new PickController());
- this.getWorldWindow().getLayers().addLayer(this.shapesLayer);
+ wwd.setWorldWindowController(new PickController(wwd));
+ wwd.getLayers().addLayer(this.shapesLayer);
// Load the shapes into the renderable layer
statusText.setText("Loading countries....");
@@ -352,6 +356,10 @@ public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent event) {
+ public PickController(WorldWindow wwd) {
+ super(wwd);
+ }
* Delegates events to the pick handler or the native WorldWind navigation handlers.
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 8b7100fb6..99ca79f8e 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
import gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicWorldWindowController;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.PickedObject;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.PickedObjectList;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindow;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.RenderableLayer;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ImageSource;
@@ -64,8 +65,11 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
FrameLayout globeLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;
+ // Get a reference to the WorldWindow view
+ WorldWindow wwd = this.getWorldWindow();
// Override the WorldWindow's built-in navigation behavior by adding picking support.
- this.getWorldWindow().setWorldWindowController(new PickController());
+ wwd.setWorldWindowController(new PickController(wwd));
new CreatePlacesTask().execute();
@@ -402,6 +406,10 @@ public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
+ public PickController(WorldWindow wwd) {
+ super(wwd);
+ }
* Delegates events to the pick handler or the native WorldWind navigation handlers.
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 7476bc4db..c793506df 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Position pos = new Position(32.4520, 63.44553, 0);
LookAt lookAt = new LookAt().set(pos.latitude, pos.longitude, pos.altitude, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE,
1e5 /*range*/, 0 /*heading*/, 45 /*tilt*/, 0 /*roll*/);
- this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator().setAsLookAt(this.getWorldWindow().getGlobe(), lookAt);
+ this.getWorldWindow().getCamera().setFromLookAt(lookAt);
// The MIL-STD-2525 rendering library takes time initialize, we'll perform this task via the
// AsyncTask's background thread and then load the symbols in its post execute handler.
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 86db77965..f3c59f248 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
import armyc2.c2sd.renderer.utilities.MilStdAttributes;
import armyc2.c2sd.renderer.utilities.ModifiersUnits;
-import gov.nasa.worldwind.Navigator;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Camera;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.RenderableLayer;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.ShowTessellationLayer;
@@ -1419,9 +1419,9 @@ public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
double frameDurationSeconds = (frameTimeNanos - this.lastFrameTimeNanos) * 1.0e-9;
double cameraDegrees = (frameDurationSeconds * this.cameraDegreesPerSecond);
- // Move the navigator to simulate the Earth's rotation about its axis.
- Navigator navigator = getWorldWindow().getNavigator();
- navigator.setLongitude(navigator.getLongitude() - cameraDegrees);
+ // Move the camera to simulate the Earth's rotation about its axis.
+ Camera camera = getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.position.longitude -= cameraDegrees;
// Redraw the WorldWindow to display the above changes.
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index a51e611f7..5ebd98a2d 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
WorldWindow wwd = this.getWorldWindow();
// Override the WorldWindow's built-in navigation behavior with conditional dragging support.
- this.controller = new SelectDragNavigateController();
+ this.controller = new SelectDragNavigateController(wwd);
// Add a layer for placemarks to the WorldWindow
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// And finally, for this demo, position the viewer to look at the placemarks
LookAt lookAt = new LookAt().set(34.150, -119.150, 0, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE, 2e4 /*range*/, 0 /*heading*/, 45 /*tilt*/, 0 /*roll*/);
- this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator().setAsLookAt(this.getWorldWindow().getGlobe(), lookAt);
+ this.getWorldWindow().getCamera().setFromLookAt(lookAt);
@@ -304,6 +304,10 @@ public void onLongPress(MotionEvent event) {
+ public SelectDragNavigateController(WorldWindow wwd) {
+ super(wwd);
+ }
* Delegates events to the select/drag handlers or the native WorldWind navigation handlers.
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index 549443225..838f1eb4a 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import java.util.Random;
-import gov.nasa.worldwind.Navigator;
+import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Camera;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.Layer;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.RenderableLayer;
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
double frameDurationSeconds = (frameTimeNanos - this.lastFrameTimeNanos) * 1.0e-9;
double cameraDegrees = (frameDurationSeconds * this.cameraDegreesPerSecond);
- // Move the navigator to simulate the Earth's rotation about its axis.
- Navigator navigator = getWorldWindow().getNavigator();
- navigator.setLongitude(navigator.getLongitude() - cameraDegrees);
+ // Move the camera to simulate the Earth's rotation about its axis.
+ Camera camera = getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.position.longitude -= cameraDegrees;
// Redraw the WorldWindow to display the above changes.
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
index f05ff9e6e..d3fc61f95 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/
@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Position the viewer so that the surface images will be visible as they're added.
this.firstSector.set(35.0, 10.0, 0.5, 0.5);
- this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator().setLatitude(37.5);
- this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator().setLongitude(15.0);
- this.getWorldWindow().getNavigator().setAltitude(1.0e6);
+ this.getWorldWindow().getCamera().position.set(37.5, 15.0, 1.0e6);
// Allocate a 32-bit 1024 x 1024 bitmap that we'll use to create all of the OpenGL texture objects in this test.
int[] colors = new int[1024 * 1024];
diff --git a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/experimental/ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/experimental/
index 554041bc3..6fcfc78bf 100644
--- a/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/experimental/
+++ b/worldwind-examples/src/main/java/gov/nasa/worldwindx/experimental/
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ protected void determineLightDirection(RenderContext rc) {
if (this.lightLocation != null) {
rc.globe.geographicToCartesianNormal(this.lightLocation.latitude, this.lightLocation.longitude, this.activeLightDirection);
} else {
- rc.globe.geographicToCartesianNormal(,, this.activeLightDirection);
+ rc.globe.geographicToCartesianNormal(,, this.activeLightDirection);
diff --git a/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_control_tutorial.html b/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_control_tutorial.html
index 4cd159fe6..70012941b 100644
--- a/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_control_tutorial.html
+++ b/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_control_tutorial.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Camera Control Tutorial
Demonstrates how to override the WorldWindowController gesture controller.
- This advanced example uses the Navigator's setAsCamera interface in response to touch event gestures.
+ This advanced example uses the Cameras's interface in response to touch event gestures.
- one-finger pan moves the geographic location of the camera,
- two-finger pinch-zoom adjusts the camera altitude,
@@ -46,33 +46,31 @@
WorldWindow wwd = super.createWorldWindow();
// Override the default "look at" gesture behavior with a camera centric gesture controller
- wwd.setWorldWindowController(new CameraController());
+ wwd.setWorldWindowController(new CameraController(wwd));
- // Create a camera position above KOXR airport, Oxnard, CA
- Camera camera = new Camera();
- camera.set(34.2, -119.2,
- 10000, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE,
- 90, // Looking east
- 70, // Lookup up from nadir
- 0); // No roll
- // Apply the new camera position
- Globe globe = wwd.getGlobe();
- wwd.getNavigator().setAsCamera(globe, camera);
+ // Apply camera position above KOXR airport, Oxnard, CA
+ wwd.getCamera().set(34.2, -119.2,
+ 10000, WorldWind.ABSOLUTE,
+ 90, // Looking east
+ 70, // Lookup up from nadir
+ 0); // No roll
return wwd;
* A custom WorldWindController that uses gestures to control the camera directly via the setAsCamera interface
* instead of the default setAsLookAt interface.
private class CameraController extends BasicWorldWindowController {
- protected Camera camera = new Camera();
+ protected double beginHeading;
- protected Camera beginCamera = new Camera();
+ protected double beginTilt;
+ public CameraController(WorldWindow wwd) {
+ super(wwd);
+ }
protected void handlePan(GestureRecognizer recognizer) {
@@ -85,12 +83,14 @@
this.lastX = 0;
this.lastY = 0;
} else if (state == WorldWind.CHANGED) {
- // Get the navigator's current position.
- double lat =;
- double lon =;
- double alt =;
+ Camera camera = this.getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ // Get the camera's current position.
+ double lat = camera.position.latitude;
+ double lon = camera.position.longitude;
+ double alt = camera.position.altitude;
- // Convert the translation from screen coordinates to degrees. Use the navigator's range as a metric for
+ // Convert the translation from screen coordinates to degrees. Use the camera's range as a metric for
// converting screen pixels to meters, and use the globe's radius for converting from meters to arc degrees.
double metersPerPixel = this.wwd.pixelSizeAtDistance(alt);
double forwardMeters = (dy - this.lastY) * metersPerPixel;
@@ -102,29 +102,28 @@
double forwardDegrees = Math.toDegrees(forwardMeters / globeRadius);
double sideDegrees = Math.toDegrees(sideMeters / globeRadius);
- // Adjust the change in latitude and longitude based on the navigator's heading.
- double heading =;
+ // Adjust the change in latitude and longitude based on the camera's heading.
+ double heading = camera.heading;
double headingRadians = Math.toRadians(heading);
double sinHeading = Math.sin(headingRadians);
double cosHeading = Math.cos(headingRadians);
lat += forwardDegrees * cosHeading - sideDegrees * sinHeading;
lon += forwardDegrees * sinHeading + sideDegrees * cosHeading;
- // If the navigator has panned over either pole, compensate by adjusting the longitude and heading to move
- // the navigator to the appropriate spot on the other side of the pole.
+ // If the camera has panned over either pole, compensate by adjusting the longitude and heading to move
+ // the camera to the appropriate spot on the other side of the pole.
if (lat < -90 || lat > 90) {
- = Location.normalizeLatitude(lat);
- = Location.normalizeLongitude(lon + 180);
+ camera.position.latitude = Location.normalizeLatitude(lat);
+ camera.position.longitude = Location.normalizeLongitude(lon + 180);
} else if (lon < -180 || lon > 180) {
- = lat;
- = Location.normalizeLongitude(lon);
+ camera.position.latitude = lat;
+ camera.position.longitude = Location.normalizeLongitude(lon);
} else {
- = lat;
- = lon;
+ camera.position.latitude = lat;
+ camera.position.longitude = lon;
- // = WWMath.normalizeAngle360(heading + sideDegrees * 1000);
+ //camera.heading = WWMath.normalizeAngle360(heading + sideDegrees * 1000);
- this.wwd.getNavigator().setAsCamera(this.wwd.getGlobe(),;
} else if (state == WorldWind.ENDED || state == WorldWind.CANCELLED) {
@@ -140,12 +139,12 @@
} else if (state == WorldWind.CHANGED) {
if (scale != 0) {
- // Apply the change in scale to the navigator, relative to when the gesture began.
+ // Apply the change in scale to the camera, relative to when the gesture began.
scale = ((scale - 1) * 0.1f) + 1; // dampen the scale factor
- = * scale;
- this.applyLimits(;
+ Camera camera = this.getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.position.altitude = camera.position.altitude * scale;
+ this.applyLimits(camera);
- this.wwd.getNavigator().setAsCamera(this.wwd.getGlobe(),;
} else if (state == WorldWind.ENDED || state == WorldWind.CANCELLED) {
@@ -163,12 +162,12 @@
this.lastRotation = 0;
} else if (state == WorldWind.CHANGED) {
- // Apply the change in rotation to the navigator, relative to the navigator's current values.
+ // Apply the change in rotation to the camera, relative to the camera's current values.
double headingDegrees = this.lastRotation - rotation;
- = WWMath.normalizeAngle360( + headingDegrees);
+ Camera camera = this.getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.heading = WWMath.normalizeAngle360(camera.heading + headingDegrees);
this.lastRotation = rotation;
- this.wwd.getNavigator().setAsCamera(this.wwd.getGlobe(),;
} else if (state == WorldWind.ENDED || state == WorldWind.CANCELLED) {
@@ -185,15 +184,15 @@
this.lastRotation = 0;
} else if (state == WorldWind.CHANGED) {
- // Apply the change in tilt to the navigator, relative to when the gesture began.
+ // Apply the change in tilt to the camera, relative to when the gesture began.
double headingDegrees = 180 * dx / this.wwd.getWidth();
double tiltDegrees = -180 * dy / this.wwd.getHeight();
- = WWMath.normalizeAngle360(this.beginCamera.heading + headingDegrees);
- = this.beginCamera.tilt + tiltDegrees;
+ Camera camera = this.getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ camera.heading = WWMath.normalizeAngle360(this.beginHeading + headingDegrees);
+ camera.tilt = this.beginTilt + tiltDegrees;
- this.wwd.getNavigator().setAsCamera(this.wwd.getGlobe(),;
} else if (state == WorldWind.ENDED || state == WorldWind.CANCELLED) {
@@ -203,8 +202,9 @@
protected void gestureDidBegin() {
if (this.activeGestures++ == 0) {
- this.wwd.getNavigator().getAsCamera(this.wwd.getGlobe(), this.beginCamera);
+ Camera camera = this.getWorldWindow().getCamera();
+ this.beginHeading = camera.heading;
+ this.beginTilt = camera.tilt;
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@
double minAltitude = 100;
double maxAltitude = distanceToExtents;
- camera.altitude = WWMath.clamp(camera.altitude, minAltitude, maxAltitude);
+ camera.position.altitude = WWMath.clamp(camera.position.altitude, minAltitude, maxAltitude);
// Limit the tilt to between nadir and the horizon (roughly)
- double r = wwd.getGlobe().getRadiusAt(camera.latitude, camera.latitude);
- double maxTilt = Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(r / (r + camera.altitude)));
+ double r = wwd.getGlobe().getRadiusAt(camera.position.latitude, camera.position.latitude);
+ double maxTilt = Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(r / (r + camera.position.altitude)));
double minTilt = 0;
camera.tilt = WWMath.clamp(camera.tilt, minTilt, maxTilt);
diff --git a/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_view_tutorial.html b/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_view_tutorial.html
index 8807db970..b88a55272 100644
--- a/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_view_tutorial.html
+++ b/worldwind-tutorials/src/main/assets/camera_view_tutorial.html
@@ -27,12 +27,10 @@ Example
The CameraViewFragment class extends the BasicGlobeFragment and overrides the createWorldWindow method.
- Here we position the Navigator's camera at an aircraft's location and point the camera at a nearby airport.
+ Here we position the camera at an aircraft's location and point the camera at a nearby airport.