Tolk 2.0.0
Tolk 2.0.0-pre
Rails 5.0 support @dncre, @NomNomCameron
Drop ruby 1.9.3
Tolk 1.9.3
Fix for a wrong order of requires (@wpp)
Tolk 1.9.2
Fix for initializer in the gemfile (@lime)
Tolk 1.9.0
Allow not to sync files of type devise.fr.yml (only translate your work via tolk)
Tolk 1.8.1
Backport for fix #108 (@lime)
Tolk 1.8.0
Allow to exclude locales from other gems in config ! (@tsai146)
Make Tolk able to use either Kaminari or will_paginate (@lime)
Tolk 1.7.0
Rails 4.2 compatibility (@dnrce)
Fixed parameter handling in dump_yaml task (@grk)
Tolk 1.6.0
- Rails 4.2 beta compatibility (@cnrce)
Tolk 1.6.0
- Rails 4.0 and 4.1 compatibility (@grk @zoombody)
- Cleanup for the gem and safe_yaml, makes tolk a better citizen (@grk)
- Updating preloader calls (@AlexStein)
Tolk 1.5.02
- Ruby and gem requirements are much cleaner (@zoombody)
- Rails version support is more clear (@zoombody)
- Tests are also cleaner ! (@zoombody)
Tolk 1.5.01
- Loose dependency on safe_yaml
Tolk 1.5.00
- Remove all warning related to Rails 4
- Ability to dum a single locale (@raouldevil)
- Strong params (@jmccartie)
Tolk 1.4.00
- Upgraded to work with Rails 4 (@jamesw)
Tolk 1.3.12
- A few bugfixes
- libraries added to precompiled files (@ressu)
- set primary_locale correctly (@devolute)
- typo on the doc (jankeesw)
- don't allow nil translations (insales)
Tolk 1.3.11
- Bugkfix on tolk locale dump path
Tolk 1.3.10
- UI Improvments (@laurens)
- Export class refactoring (@modsognir)
- Text strip (@csaura)
Tolk 1.3.9
- Activate deserialize_symbols option of SafeYaml, if not, Rails date_select will be broken...
Tolk 1.3.8
- Update safe_yaml to 0.8.6, fixes issue : invalid value for Float(): "." (#29)
- Fixed download locale yml file (@fcsonline)
- Added interpolations keys validations (@fcsonline)
- Added an alert when leave the page with non saved data (@fcsonline)
- Added statistics endpoint (@fcsonline)
- Fixed Portuguese Brazilian locale code (@fcsonline)
Tolk 1.3.7
- Removing a js warning of scriptaculous
- Adding Gemfile.lock for tests to pass
- Use safe_load (Larry Lv)
- Remove warning of safe_yaml
Tolk 1.3.6
- Better sync (@elDub)
- Better safe_yaml warnings support (@mangelajo)
- Better safe_yaml warnings support (@mangelajo)
Tolk 1.3.5
- Fixed CVE-2013-0156 (Lawrence Pit)
- Added possibility to refresh locale ui (@ck3g)
- Namespace locale parameter (laurense)
- Removed an old Hax which delayed this release for 1 week...
Tolk 1.3.4
- fixed a boolean flags entry
Tolk 1.3.3
- fixed a incompatible character encoding error
Tolk 1.3.2
- fixed a crash and made tests passing (gshilin)
Tolk 1.3.0
- Improved header (bquorning)
- Locales are ordered by name in locales/index
- Tolk ignore files with name of type xxx.en.yml
- Default mapping use http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
- Adding a config file for Tolk in the hosted application
- Allow to config Mappings
- Allow to config dump_path
Tolk 1.2.0 [May 16th, 2012]
- Adding search within key (ZenCocoon)
- Update for Rails 3.2.3 whitelist attributes compatibility
Tolk 1.1.0 [May 15th, 2012]
- Update for Rails 3.2 compatibility
- Added Travis CI
Tolk 1.0.0 [June 6th, 2010]
- First public release as a Rails 3 engine gem