Code for the paper “MS-HLMO: Multi-scale Histogram of Local Main Orientation for Remote Sensing Image Registration” [Online]. Available:
If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me ([email protected]). If you are from China, just speak Chinese, its OK~ 中国人直接说中文就可以了~
Run this code by the following procedures:
- Open and run "A_registration_main.m".
- Set the parameters, if the procedures are clearly understood. Otherwise, use the default.
- Choose the reference image.
- Choose the sensed image.
- Wait for the results.
Testing data are available:
- MSI:
- HSI:
** Now this registration algorithm is an old-fashioned one, and we highly recommend checking our updated version of MS-HLMO, which is now available at
An image registration software based on MS-HLMO: is comming soon.