Skill and perk are the same thing.
Skills are abilities a character has learned, with their proficiency at that skill quantified by its skill level. The skill level can be increased by gaining a sufficient amount of experience points (XP).
Skills are grouped into categories. There are currently five main skill categories: agility, combat, crafting, firearm, and survivalist. Each of these contains multiple skills. There is also a passive category, containing the fitness and strength skills.
The first thing to do is to create an perks.txt
file in \media
Then start by writing: VERSION = 1,
To add a category, you must then write this:
perk MyPerkCat
parent = None,
translation = MyPerkCatName,
passive = false,
xp1 = 0,
xp2 = 0,
xp3 = 0,
xp4 = 0,
xp5 = 0,
xp6 = 0,
xp7 = 0,
xp8 = 0,
xp9 = 0,
xp10 = 0,
The name of the category goes in media\lua\shared\translate\EN\IG_UI_EN.txt
Like that: IGUI_perks_MyPerkCatName = "This is the name of my perk cat",
It's very similar to above:
perk MyPerk
parent = MyPerkCat,
name = MyPerk,
translation = MyPerkName,
passive = false,
xp1 = 50,
xp2 = 100,
xp3 = 200,
xp4 = 500,
xp5 = 1000,
xp6 = 2500,
xp7 = 4000,
xp8 = 5000,
xp9 = 7000,
xp10 = 9000,
Parent is the category. Here we use a custom category but an already existing category like crafting can be use
In your lua code, just use that: player:getXp():AddXP(Perks.Doctor, 4)
Or for the custom perk: player:getXp():AddXP(Perks.MyPerk, 4)
The second argument is the value of xp added. 1 add 0.25xp, so here 4 add a point of xp
Get the level of a perk: player:getPerkLevel(Perks.Doctor)
Get the xp of a perk: player:getXp():getXP(Perks.Doctor)
- Strength
- Fitness
- Blunt
- SmallBlunt
- LongBlade
- SmallBlade
- Axe
- Spear
- Maintenance
- Aiming
- Reloading
- Sprinting
- Nimble
- Sneaking
- Carpentry
- Woodwork
- Cooking
- Farming
- Doctor
- Electricity
- Mechanics
- MetalWelding
- Metalworking
- Tailoring
- Fishing
- Trapping
- Foraging
This is the files I am using for my mod "The only cure" as exemple.
The perks.txt
perk Protheses
parent = None,
translation = Protheses,
passive = false,
xp1 = 0,
xp2 = 0,
xp3 = 0,
xp4 = 0,
xp5 = 0,
xp6 = 0,
xp7 = 0,
xp8 = 0,
xp9 = 0,
xp10 = 0,
perk LeftHand
parent = Protheses,
name = LeftHand,
translation = LeftHand,
passive = false,
xp1 = 50,
xp2 = 100,
xp3 = 200,
xp4 = 500,
xp5 = 1000,
xp6 = 2500,
xp7 = 4000,
xp8 = 5000,
xp9 = 7000,
xp10 = 9000,
perk RightHand
parent = Protheses,
name = RightHand,
translation = RightHand,
passive = false,
xp1 = 50,
xp2 = 100,
xp3 = 200,
xp4 = 500,
xp5 = 1000,
xp6 = 2500,
xp7 = 4000,
xp8 = 6000,
xp9 = 7000,
xp10 = 9000,
And the IG_UI_EN.txt
IGUI_perks_RightHand = "Right hand",
IGUI_perks_LeftHand = "Left hand",
IGUI_perks_Protheses = "Protheses skills",