Parameter Name | Effect / Description | Example |
Type | Item-type, describes how the item behaves. Includes 'Food', 'Weapon', 'Drainable', 'Literature', 'Clothing' and 'Normal'. | Food (steak) |
Display Name | The item's name as it appears displayed to the player. | Axe (axe) |
Icon | The item's icon as it appears displayed to the player. This parameter looks inside "media/texturepacks/ui.txt" and will call any sprite with the prefix "Item_". | Molotov (molotov cocktail) |
Weight | Item's weight, used for encumbrance. | 0.1 (painkillers) |
OtherHandRequire | Requires a specified item to be held by the player in their second quick-slot before the item may be used. | Lighter (molotov cocktail) |
CanBarricade | Whether the item may be used like the hammer to barricade doors and windows. | Boolean (false or true) |
Count | The number of items which may ever be used in the game world. | 8 (Ripped Sheets) |
UseWhileEquipped | Whether the item is used over time while it is equipped. | Boolean (false or true) |
UseDelta | Numerical value associated with how quickly the item drains. | 0.0009 (torch) |
ReplaceOnUse | Name of the item which replaces the current item after use. | Pot (pot of soup) |
CanStoreWater | If the item can store water. | TRUE (Saucepan) |
Medical | If it's use for medical thing | TRUE (Needle) |
SurvivalGear | Need more research | TRUE (Needle) |
CanBandage | Can be use as bandage. | TRUE (RippedSheets) |
Parameter Name | Effect / Description | Example |
MinAngle | The angle that the weapon attacks, a value aprox. to 1 is going to need more accuracy with mouse than one nearer to -1. | 0.88 (shotgun) |
MinDamage | Minimum damage the weapon will inflict. | 0.7 (baseball bat) |
MaxDamage | Maximum damage the weapon may ever inflict. | 1.0 (baseball bat) |
MaxRange | Maximum range the weapon is effective. | 1.5 (spiked baseball bat) |
MaxHitCount | Maximum amount of enemies the weapon will hit at one time. | 1 (hammer) |
PhysicsObject | Physics object used as a projectile. | MolotovCocktail (molotov cocktail) |
SwingAnim | Name of animation which is ran when the weapon is fired/swung. | Bat (baseball bat) |
WeaponSprite | Name of sprite, the image used to display the weapon. | axe (axe) |
DoorDamage | Damage inflicted by the item on doors. | 10 (spiked baseball bat) |
TreeDamage | Damage inflicted by the item on tree. | 0 ( SpearMachete) |
MinimumSwingTime | The time that takes between each swing. | 15 (baseball bat) |
TwoHandWeapon | If you need to use it with two hand | TRUE (SpearMachete) |
KnockdownMod | 0 (SpearHuntingKnife) | |
SwingAmountBeforeImpact | Requires more research. | 0.2 (spiked baseball bat) |
PushBackMod | Distance that enemies are pushed back. | 4.5 (wood planks) |
KnockBackOnNoDeath | Whether enemies are pushed back if they are not killed. | Boolean (false or true) |
SplatNumber | Blood effects used when an enemy is injured by the weapon. | 5 (shotgun) |
SplatBloodOnNoDeath | Whether an enemy injured by the weapon will bleed if they are not killed | Boolean (false or true) |
ImpactSound | Name of sound used on impact. | splat1 (axe) |
SwingSound | Name of sound used when firing/swinging weapon. | shotgun (shotgun) |
SoundVolume | Defines the volume of a chosen sound. | 40 (shotgun) |
SoundRadius | Radius in which the sound may be heard in the game world from it's point of origin. | 50 (shotgun) |
ToHitModifier | Requires more research. | 1.5 (shotgun) |
NPCSoundBoost | Amount that a sound is boosted when the weapon is fired by an NPC (Not player). | 1.5 (shotgun) |
RangeFalloff | Requires more research. | Boolean (false or true) |
UseEndurance | Whether the weapon causes exhaustion. | Boolean (false or true) |
ShareDamage | Requires more research. | Boolean (false or true) |
AmmoType | Item required to fire the weapon. | ShotgunShells (shotgun) |
DamageCategory | Slash (SpearMachete) | |
DamageMakeHole | If attack damage clothes | TRUE (SpearMachete) |
RunAnim | Animation when running with the weapon in hand | Run_Weapon2 (SpearMachete) |
IdleAnim | Animation when doing nothing with the weapon in hand | Idle_Weapon2 (SpearMachete) |
DamageCategory | Category of attack | Slash (SpearMachete) |
CriticalChance | Chance item to do a critical attack | 30 (SpearMachete) |
CritDmgMultiplier | Damage multiplier of critical attack | 10 (SpearMachete) |
BaseSpeed | Attack speed. | 0.9 (SpearMachete) |
WeaponLength | Need more research. | 0.2 (DumbBell) |
attachmenttype | Need more research. | Shovel (SpearMachete), Rifle (AssaultRifle2) |
ProjectileCount | Need more research | 1 (AssaltRifle2) |
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn | Need more research. | 60 (AssaultRifle2) |
ConditionMax | Need more research. | 10 (AssaltRifle2) |
IsAimedFirearm | For gun, need more research. | TRUE (AssaultRifle2) |
AimingPerkCritModifier | For gun, need more research. | 0 (AssaultRifle2) |
HitChance | For gun, chance to hit. | 50 (AssaultRifle2) |
AimingPerkMinAngleModifier | For gun, need more research. | 0.01 (AssaultRifle2) |
AimingPerkHitChanceModifier | For gun, need more research. | 5 (AssaultRifle2) |
AimingPerkRangeModifier | For gun, need more research. | 3 (AssaultRifle2) |
RecoilDelay | Delay between attack, for gun. | 0 (AssaultRifle2) |
ReloadTime | Delay to reload, for gun. | 25 (AssaultRifle2) |
AimingTime | Delay to aim, for gun. | 25 (AssaultRifle2) |
MaxAmmo | For gun, need more research. | 20 (AssaultRifle2) |
AmmoBox | For gun, need more research. | 308Box (AssaultRifle2) |
FireMode | For gun, need more research. | Single (AssaultRifle2) |
WeaponReloadType | For gun, need more research. | boltaction (AssaultRifle2) |
Parameter Name | Effect / Description | Example |
Palettes | Defines the clothing item's colors. Trousers_Blue/Trousers_Brown/Trousers_Grey/Trousers_White (trousers) | |
PalettesStart | Defines the clothing item's palette prefix. | Shirt_ (sweater) |
BodyLocation | Where the clothing item is worn. | Bottoms (trousers) |
SpriteName | Defines the sprite displayed on the player. | Shoes1 (shoes) |
Wet | Cloth can be wet | TRUE (DishClothWet) |
WetCooldown | Time to dry. | 8000 (DishClothWet) |
ItemWhenDry | Replace the item when dry. | Base.DishCloth (DishClothWet) |
Parameter Name | Effect / Description | Example |
StressChange | Value applied to player's current stress points. Positive makes the player become more stressed. | -10 (newspaper) |
BoredomChange | Value applied to player's current boredom points. Positive increases player's boredom. | -50 (book) |
UnhappyChange | Value applied to player's current unhappy points. Positive increases it. | -20 (ComicBook) |
TeachedRecipes | Teach a recipe when read | Make Fishing Rod;Fix Fishing Rod (FishingMag1) |
NumberOfPages | The time it take to read the book. | 220 (BookTrapping1) |
SkillTrained | The skill that train that book. | Trapping (BookTrapping1) |
LvlSkillTrained | The first level train by the book. | 1 (BookTrapping1) |
NumLevelsTrained | Number of level that train that book. | 2 (BookTrapping1) |
CanBeWrite | If the book can be write in | true (Notebook |
PageToWrite | Number of page available to write | 10 (Notebook) |
Parameter Name | Effect / Description | Example |
StressChange | Value applied to player's current stress points. Positive makes the player become more stressed. | -10 (newspaper) |
BoredomChange | Value applied to player's current boredom points. Positive increases player's boredom. | -50 (book) |
UnhappyChange | Value applied to player's current unhappy points. Positive increases it. | -20 (ComicBook) |
HungerChange | Value applied to player's current hunger points. Positive makes the player become more hungry. | -30 (DogFoodOpen) |
ThirstChange | Value applied to player's current thirst points. | -20 (Wine) |
FatigueChange | Value applied to player's current fatigue points. | 0 (ColdCuppa) |
DaysFresh | Number of day before rotten. | 5 (DogfoodOpen) |
DaysTotallyRotten | Need infos. | 7 (DogfoodOpen) |
Carbohydrates | Nutritional value. | 77.56 (DogfoodOpen) |
Proteins | Nutritional value. | 16.04 (DogfoodOpen) |
Lipids | Nutritional value. | 12.58 (DogfoodOpen) |
Calories | Nutritional value. | 498 (DogfoodOpen) |
Packaged | If you can read the nutritional value on the box. | TRUE (DogfoodOpen) |
ReplaceOnUse | Item to remplace with after use it. | TinCanEmpty (DogfoodOpen) |
EatType | Type of food. | can (DogfoodOpen) |
FoodType | The type of food. | Vegetables (TofyFried) Meat (CannedCornedBeefOpen) |
CannedFood | If it's a canned food | TRUE (DogFood) |
EvolvedRecipe | Recipe you can use with. | Stew:15;Stir fry Griddle Pan:15;Stir fry:15;Sandwich:10 (CannedCornedBeefOpen) |
DangerousUncooked | If the fodd can make you sick if uncook | TRUE (DeadRat) |
IsCookable | If you can cook the food | TRUE (DeadRat) |
ReplaceOnCooked | Replace the item when cook. | Base.EggPoached (EggBoiled) |
MinutesToCook | Number of minute to cook the food | 6 (DeadRat) |
MinutesToBurn | Number of minute before burning the food | 60 (DeadRat) |
BadInMicrowave | Need an oven to cook it | true (Steak) |
FishingLure | If you can use it to fish | true (BaitFish) |
GoodHot | If better hot, need more research | true (Steak) |
BadCold | If bad cold, need more research | true (Steak) |
RemoveUnhappinessWhenCooked | Need more research | true (BaitFish) |
CantBeFrozen | The food can't be frozen | TRUE (Wine) |
Alcoholic | If it make you drunk | TRUE (Wine) |
CustomContextMenu | Add a context menu option for use the item | Drink (Wine) |
CustomEatSound | Sound to play when eat the item. | DrinkingFromBottleGlass (Wine) |
Poison | If it can kill you. | true (Bleach) |
PoisonDetectionLevel | Need more research. | 7 (Bleach) |
PoisonPower | Power of the poison (100 kill you) | 120 (Bleach) |
UseForPoison | Need more research. | true (Bleach) |
Spice | If it's a spice. | true (SugarBrown) |
CantEat | Can't be eat (for intermediate recipe) | TRUE (BakingTray_Muffin) |
UseSelf | Whether the item is consumed after use. | Boolean (false or true) |
RequireInHandOrInventory | Requires a specified item to be inside the player's inventory before the item may be used. | CanOpener (canned soup) |