As with all Morpheus Contribution types, the Morpheus Reference Implementations are designed and intended to move toward a free market approach where MRI maintainers can independently manage Coding weights for their specific MRI.
- Morpheus began with a single community run Multisig that assigned weights each month towards the addresses as selected by each Maintainer.
- This system bootstrapped the Code Contributor category to its first 300 addresses based on Contributions of Code to 10 MRIs.
- The first game theory issue that emerged has been that with regards to the Coding Weights for each Maintainer, effectively ALL have to be assigned every month.
- As not assigning the weights would disproportionately disadvantage the Maintainer's MRI due to the dilution from other MRIs assigning weights that month.
- This has led to a race condition and added a lot of overhead as Maintainers have to try and perfectly balance requests for weights every month.
- Instead of just assigning the weights they need to get Coding work done that month.
- The second game theory issue is that the weights distribution curve over time has added a monthly dynamic weights element to an already dynamic token distribution curve.
- This has compounded complexity and led to a lot of overhead with trying to account for the ever changing number of weights available to Maintainers.
- Lacking any MOR to distribute the Maintainers have had to only work with Coders able to accept weights for their Contributions.
- This has narrowed the number Code Contributors that can participate in providing Code to improve the Morpheus Reference Implementations.
1. Maintainers can "save" weights that are unassigned for future use in their MRI specific Multisig.
2. Weights assigned to the MRI specific multisig will gain MOR emissions over time. Creating an MRI specific pool of MOR token resources of the Maintainer to use.
10 Multisigs created, one for each of the 10 MRIs, and all require 2 of 3 signatures for approval to send MOR from their address.
This creates the basic structure that can be updated over time as MRI maintainers change and new signers assigned.
Community multisig still updates weights / addresses in the Smart Contract once per month based on Maintainer asssignments.
List of updated MRI names and weight amounts can be found here.
- Future version of the Morpheus Smart Contracts will need to allow for individual MRI multisigs to direct MOR distribution (likely via 721 style Contract).
- Future version of the Morpheus Smart Contracts should implement a way to dynamically set the weights for each MRI (potentially based on usage as defined as "onchain" activitiy.