### *Reclamation Form 36-B NT Corp.* ___ This form acts as a warrant, and corporate territorial reclamation document for the reclamation of lost NanoTresan (Henceforth, NanoTresan will be represented by NT) territory by sovereigns, foreign corporations, or insurgents, all names or organizations listed hereof and after are subject to the warrant at the time of approval, and will be dealt with by NT security teams as seen fit. Henceforth, Nanotresan will be represented by NT This form is to be presented verbally and physically to the Defendants upon execution. Presiding Captain[________________] Stamp: Presiding HOP[_________________] Stamp: Presiding HOS[_________________] Stamp: ___ List of Unlawful Actions: - - Hostile Takeover of the Kitchen area by mutineers. - Unlawful Construction projects in the Kitchen Area on NT Property. (312) - Dictation of nonexistant passports to a claimed "Sovereign Eastern Kitchen" against NT personell on NT property. (502) - Assault of NT crew and personell. (101, 201) - Attempted Murder of Legal Staff. (101, 201) - Mutineering. (007, 204) *Suggested Modifiers* - MO1 "Clear and Present Danger" - MO2 "Elevated Sentancing" ___ Lawful Actions being executed. - - Removal of Unwarranted Construction projects - Arrest/Removal of Mutineering personell, punishment may include removal from crew registry, and brigging. ___ This form is valid only on the station if was drafted on. Glory to NanoTrasen, Please do not resist. Law Office Stamp --> Legal Clerk Signature - *Onyx*