This page serves as a central index for the various resources we share and provide.
- Forge Community Wiki
- Custom Dimensions Guide by Commoble
- A Barebones Example Mod for Structure Generation
- 1.14/1.15 Modding Guide (Very Limited Information but Still Good)
- Mixin Documentation
- An Overview on All World Generation
- An in depth document on how layers work as a whole
- A research paper on GenLayers
- Darkhax's Tutorials - 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12
- McJty's Tutorials - 1.10/1.11/1.12/1.14/1.15/1.16/1.17
- ShadowFacts's Tutorials - 1.10/1.11/1.12
- The Grey Ghost's Minecraft By Example - 1.8/1.10/1.11/1.12/1.14/1.15/1.16
- Bedrock Miner's Tutorials (Archived) - 1.7/1.8
- Wuppy's Tutorials (Archived) - 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8
- Forge's Old Wiki (Archived) - 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7
- Forge's Official Docs (Latest)
- Forge's Official Docs (1.12.x)
- Forge's Official Docs (1.13.x)
- Forge's Official Docs (1.14.x)
- Forge's Official Docs (1.15.x)
- Forge's Official Docs (1.16.x)
- VikeStep's ASM Guide - Part 1 - Part 2
This website allows you to generate many types of datapacks files (including everything worldgen related) so you don't have to manually type out json configuration for everything.
This website (Snowcapped) lets you interact with biome layouts and splines:
Snowcapped wiki:
This website lets you edit density functions visually so you can see how density functions connect
This Github repository has all of the default worldgen files
Helpful tutorials
This video explains how 1.18 terrain generation is done in a nutshell:
This video explains how to add new dimensions in 1.18.2 (use to generate files for 1.19):
This guide explains how to add single piece structures into worldgen:
Another guide for making structures:
This guide explains the basics of the noise router:
This guide explains how placed features work and all of their configurations:
Forge Biome Modifiers:
2 tutorial on how to make worldgen structures:
- Forge Class Remapper - The Forge Class Remapper is a tool used in order to update class names from 1.16.5 (MCP class names) to 1.17+ Mojang mappings.
- List of Mod Ideas - A giant list of mod ideas you may use in your projects.
- Java for Complete Beginners - A playlist of videos on YouTube that will teach you how to develop in Java. This is a very beginner friendly resource.
- Oracle's Java Tutorials - These docs can be very technical, and are not friendly to new developers.
- Oracle's Naming Conventions
- How to use ObjectHolders - A guide on object holders, and how to effectively use them.
- Why Does Side Only Exist? - An overview of what the SideOnly annotation is, and why it exists.
- Why 32x Textures are Bad - A technical breakdown of why 32x textures should be avoided.
- Vanilla's Built In Profiler - Vanilla Minecraft has it's own debug profiler. This post explains what it is, and how to use it.
- Energy Conversion Rates - A table of energy conversion rates, such as RF to Joules.
- 1.13 Changes & Primer - A break down of all the changes in 1.13, and how to adapt to them.
- Maven Version Ranges - Format used in version range strings, for dependencies.
- Bitshifting Tutorial - What bitshifting is, and how it works.
- OpenGL11 Rendering Tutorial - A technical tutorial for OpenGL 11.
- Polygon Point Functions - An archive of some documentation on doing polygon point calculations.
- Animated Texture Format - Documentation on the animated texture format.
- Forge Recipe Factory Example - An example of how to add new recipe factories to forge.
- Forge Gradle Info by Version - A list of forge gradle versions and relevant usage info.
- Forge 1.12.2 (2768) JavaDocs - The Forge 1.12.2 (version 2768) Javadocs.
- Forge 1.12.2 (2847) JavaDocs - The Forge 1.12.2 (version 2847) Javadocs.
- Why Doesn't My Event Handler Work!!?? - A simple flow chart explaining how event handlers work.
- Removing Sensitive Data From Git - How to remove sensitive data from your git repo.
- Learning Git - A collection of resources to learn git.
- Forge's contained deps example - An example script that uses contained dependencies.
- Troubleshooting Json Models - How to debug broken Json models.
- Old (1.7.2) Models - Documentation on the old way of doing models.
- IntelliJ Debugging - How to debug with the IntelliJ IDE.
- Eclipse Debugging - How to debug with the Eclipse IDE.
- Why you should never use OpenGL directly, or GlStateManager.pushAttrib/popAttrib - A breakdown on why you should always use the GlStateManager instead of OpenGL directly. Also covers why push/pop attrib is broken.
- Common 1.12 Mapping Changes - Some of the more common methods that have been remapped/changes in 1.12.
- Mod Dependencies - How to load other mods into your dev environment as build dependencies.
- Good Practices in MC Modding - Some general practices that are advisable to avoid problems and make your code readable.
- Thiakil's MCP Mapping Viewer - Lets you quickly search for info on MCP and SRG mapping names.
- Bspkrs's MCP Mapping Viewer (Issue Tracker, you need to copmpile it now days) - Lets you search through MCP mappings locally.
- SheDaniel's Mapping and Dependency Tools Provides tools to get dependency versions for the different API's and mapping tools for porting mods/converting mappings.
- Minecraft IDEA Plugin - Adds specialized support for Minecraft in IDEA. This is not required, but usually recommended.
- Techne Model Conversion - A pearl script for converting techne models to other model formats.
- JsonLint - A linter for Json. Let's you validate and format json files.
- Lang2Json - Converts old .lang files to the new json format.
- Curse Profit Calculator - Allows you to quickly calculate curse profit by project over a period of time. Comes with several ways to export the data.
- Author Version Coverage Sheet - A google sheet which can be used to visualize all versions a mod author does/doesn't support with their mods. This is especially useful when tracking your progress updating to newer versions.
- Gradle Collection - A collection of gradle scripts that can be imported and used in your buildscripts.
- GitIgnoreIO - A database of various .gitignore entries.
- Code Recipe to Json Recipe - A class to convert old code recipes to new json based ones.
- Minecraft Recipe Generator - A tool for building new recipes in the vanilla json format.
- Coding Practice - A place to practice your coding skills.
- Json Smelting Recipes - Allows 1.13+ style json smelting recipes to be used on 1.12 and below.
- Minecraft Anntations - External fix for null/nonnull annotations.
- BetterCF - A FireFox extension which adds several useful utilities to CurseForge, such as in browser maven info for Curse files.
- CurseForge Maven Helper - A client side app by Wyn Price, which can generate maven info from a CurseForge file.
- OBJ Transformer - A simple program to transform 1.12.2 blockstate to 1.15 json model file for the new OBJ system
- GitKraken - A somewhat advanced git client.
- GitHub Client - Easy for beginners.
- SourceTreeApp - A mid ranged git client.
- TortoiseGit - A relatively minimalistic windows interface for Git.
- Botania - A very good place to learn about almost all aspects of the game.
- Discord Markdown Formatting - A basic guide on how to use Markdown on Discord.