This is a Geometrical library for Go Language.
Which includes multiple Geometrical calculations like Circle, Lines etc in different forms.
Installation is done using go get
go get -u
- Circle
- Line
- Ellipse
- Parabola
- Triangle
- Quadrilaterals
- N-agons(polygons)
- more to come..
gogeom can handle two form of Circle.
- Radius Form
(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2 where, (a,b) is the center and "r" is the radius of the circle
- General Form
x2 + y2 + Ax + By+ C = 0 where, A,B and C are real numbers
- import
shape ""
- Initalize two circles as (in Radius Form),
import geometry ""
func main() {
// (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2 and (x-c)^2 + (y-d)^2 = s^2 are circle equation
// r, s are radius of two circles
r := shape.RadiusFormCircle{
// a, b , r , c, d, s
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
- Initalize two circles as (in General Form),
import `shape ""
func main() {
// x2 + y2 + Ax + By+ C = 0 and x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 are circle equation
g := shape.GeneralFormOfCircle{
// a, b , r , c, d, s
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Working | Radius Form | General Form |
Distance between two centers of circles | r.DistanceBetweenTwoCenters() | g.DistanceBetweenTwoCenters() |
Line Equation Connecting Two Centers | r.LineEquationConnectingTwoCenters() | g.LineEquationConnectingTwoCenters() |
Check if both Circles Intersect | r.DoesCircleIntersect() | |
Check if both Circles does not Intersect | r.AreTwoNonIntersectingCircle() | |
Area of Circle-1 and Circle-2 | r.AreaOfCircles() | |
Circumference of Circle-1 and Circle-2 | r.CircumferenceOfCircles() | |
∂ is the area of the triangle formed by the two circle centers and one of the intersection point. The sides of this triangle are S, r0 and R0 , the area is calculated by Heron' s formula. | r.CalculateDelta() | |
Calculates x1,y1,x2,y2 | r.CalculateXY() | |
Calculates x1,y1 | r.CalculateAB() | |
Calculates x2,y2 | r.CalculateCD() | |
Calculates x1,x2 | r.CalculateXs() | |
Calculates y1,y2 | r.CalculateYs() | |
Calculates the Line Equation connecting both intersection points | r.LineEquationConnectingTwoIntersectionPoint() | g.LineEquationConnectingTwoIntersectionPoint() |
Check if Both Circles Touch Each other as tangent | r.IsTangent() | g.IsTangent() |
Check if two circles has Outer Circle Tangency | r.IsOuterCircleTangency() | |
Check if two circle has Inner Circle Tangency | r.IsInnerCircleTangency() | |
Tangential Points | r.TangentPoint() | g.TangentPoint() |
Slope of Line of Intersection Point | r.SlopeOfConnectingLineOfTwoIntersectionPoint() | g.SlopeOfConnectingLineOfTwoIntersectionPoint() |
Radius of Both Circls R1,R2 | g.RadiusOfTwoCircle() |
gogeom can handle two form of Line.
General Form
Ax+By+C =0 where A, B and C are any real number and A and B are not both zero.```
Two Point Form
(x1,y1) and (x2,y2) form two lines passing through it
shape ""
Initalize two lines as (in General Form),
// initialise one line
l := shape.GeneralLine{
// a, b, c
2, 3, 4,
---- or if you have to initialise multiple line ----
l := shape.GeneralLines{
// a, b, c, d, e, f
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
---- or if you have two point line ----
l := shape.GeneralLines{
// a, b, c, d, e, f
2, 3, 4, 5,
- Initalize two lines as (in Two Point Form Line Form),
Working | General Form (Single Line) | General Form (Multiple Lines) | Two Point Form |
Slope of Line | l.SlopeOfLine() | l.SlopeOfLine() | |
Y-Intercept | l.YIntercept() | ||
X-Intercept | l.XIntercept() | ||
Mid-Point of the line | l.MidPoints() | ||
Intersection of two lines Ax + By + C = 0 and Dx + Ey + F = 0 | l.IntersectionOfLines() | ||
Point (x, y) which divides the line connecting two points (x1 , y1) and (x2 , y2) in the ratio p:q | l.DividingPoints(p,q) | ||
Point (x, y) which divides the line connecting two points (x1 , y1) and (x2 , y2) externally in the ratio p:q | l.ExternalDividingPoints(p,q) | ||
Angle Between Two Lines | l.AngleBetweenTwoLines() | ||
Line Eqn passing two points | l.LineThroughTwoPoint() | ||
EquiDistant Parallel Line | l.EquiDistantParallelLine() | ||
Distance Between Two Points | l.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints() | ||
Distance Between Intercepts | l.DistanceBetweenInterecepts() |
Ellipse Equation,
x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1,
(center at x = 0 y = 0)
- import
shape ""
- Initalize ellipse,
e := shape.Ellipse {
// a, b
Working | General Form (Single Line) | Result |
Eccentricity of Ellipse | e.GetEccentricity() | float64 |
Shape Of Locus | e.GetShapeOfLocus() | Circle/Ellipse/Parabola/Hyerbola |
Slope Of Tangent Line at x1,y1 | e.GetSlopeOfTangentLine(x1,y1) | float64 |
Tangent Line Equation at x1,y1 | e.GetTangentLineEquation(x1,y1) | string |
Ramanujan Approx Circumference of ellipse | e.RamanujanApproxCircumference() | float64 |
Gogeom can support two form
- Equation of Parabola
y^2 = 4ax
x^2 = 4ay
(y - k)^2 = 4a(x - h)
where, (h,k) are vertex
(x - h)^2 = 4a(y - k)
where, (h,k) are vertex
- import
shape ""
- Initalize Parabola,
p := shape.Parabola {
true // where this boolean value indicates if the parabola is on Y-Axis or not.
---- or ----
p :=shape.Parabola {
true // where this boolean value indicates if the parabola is on Y-Axis or not.
Working | Parabola With Origin | Parabola | Result |
Lenght Of Latus Ration | p.LenghtOfLatusRation() | p.LenghtOfLatusRation() | float64 |
Focus | p.FocusOfParabola() | p.FocusOfParabola() | float64,float64 |
Directrix Equation | p.DirectrixEquation() | p.DirectrixEquation() | string |
Axis Equation | p.AxisEquation() | p.AxisEquation() | string |
Vertex | p.Vertex() | string | |
Position Of Point - x,y | p.PositionOfPoint(x,y) | string | |
Point Of Interesction - y = mx + c | p.PointOfInteresction(m,c) | string | |
Tangent Equation - x,y | p.TangentEquation(x,y) | string | |
Normal Equation - x,y | p.NormalEquation(x,y) | string | |
Chord Of Contact Equation - x,y | p.ChordOfContactEquation(x,y) | string | |
Polar Of Point - x,y | p.PolarOfPoint(x,y) | string | |
Pole Of line - lx + my + x = 0 | p.PoleOfline(l,m) | float64, float64 |
Gogeom supports the following types of triangle and their respective calculations
- Right Angled Triangle
- Isosceles Triangle
- Equilateral Triangle
- Scalene Triangle
- import
shape ""
- Initialize triangles
//Right Triangle
rt := shape.RightTriangleSides {
//base, height, hypotenuse
4, 3, 5,
//Isosceles Triangle
it := shape.IsoscelesTriangleSides {
//base, slants
//Equilateral Triangle
et := shape.EquilateralTriangleSides {
//Scalene Triangle
st := shape.ScaleneTriangleSides {
//side1, side2, side3
Triangle | Input values | Working | Calculation | Result |
Right Triangle | base, height, hypotenuse | Perimeter | rt.PerimeterOfRightTriangle() | float64 |
Area | rt.AreaOfRightTriangle() | float64 | ||
Altitude | rt.AltitudeOfRightTriangleBase() rt.AltitudeOfRightTriangleHeight() rt.AltitudeOfRightTriangleHypotenuse() | float64 | ||
Isosceles Triangle | base,slants | Perimeter | it.PerimeterOfIsoscelesTriangle() | float64 |
Area | it.AreaOfIsoscelesTriangle() | float64 | ||
Altitude | it.AltitudeOfIsoscelesTriangle() | float64 | ||
Equilateral Triangle | side | Perimeter | et.PerimeterOfEquilateralTriangle() | float64 |
Area | et.AreaOfEquilateralTriangle() | float64 | ||
Altitude | et.AltitudeOfEquilateralTriangle() | float64 | ||
Scalene Triangle | side1, side2, side3 | Perimeter Area | st.PerimeterOfScaleneTriangle() st.AreaOfScaleneTriangle() | float64 |
Gogeom supports the following types of quadrilaterals and their respective calculations
- Square
- Rectangle
- Parallelogram
- Trapezium/Trapezoid
- Rhombus
- Scalene Quadrilaterals
- import
shape ""
- Initialize quadrilaterals
//when Square sides are known
sqs := shape.SquareSides {
//when Square diagonals are known
sqd := shape.SquareDiagonals {
rct := shape.RectangleSides {
//length, breadth
plg := shape.ParallelogramSides {
//base, slant, height
//trapezium sides with height
tph := shape.TrapeziumSidesWithHeight {
//base, top, height
//trapezium sides with slants
tps := shape.TrapeziumSidesWithSlants {
//base, top, slant1, slant2
//rhombus with diagonals are known
rmd := shape.RhombusDiagonals {
//diagonal1, diagonal2
//rhombus with sides and height known
rms := shape.RhombusSides {
//side, height
//scalene quadrilateral
scq := shape.ScaleneQuadrilateralSides {
//side1, side2, side3, side4
Quadrilaterals | Input | Working | Calculation | Result |
Square | side | Perimeter Area Diagonal |
sqs.PerimeterOfSquare() sqs.AreaOfSquare() sqs.DiagonalOfSquare() |
float64 |
diagonal | Perimeter Area Side |
sqd.PerimeterOfSquare() sqd.AreaOfSquare() sqd.SideOfSquare() |
float64 | |
Rectangle | length,breadth | Perimeter Area Diagonal |
rct.PerimeterOfRectangle() rct.AreaOfRectangle() rct.DiagonalOfRectangle() |
float64 |
Parallelogram | base,slant,height | Perimeter Area |
plg.PerimeterOfParallelogram() plg.AreaOfParallelogram() |
float64 |
Trapezium | base,top,height | Area | tph.AreaOfTrapezium() | float64 |
base,top,slant1,slant2 | Perimeter | tps.PerimeterOfTrapezium() | float64 | |
Rhombus | diagonal1,diagonal2 | Area Side length Perimeter |
rmd.AreaOfRhombus() rmd.LengthOfRhombusSides() rmd.PerimeterOfRhombus() |
float64 |
side,height | Perimeter Area |
rms.PerimeterOfRhombus() rms.AreaOfRhombus |
float64 | |
Scalene Quadrilaterals | side1,side2,side3,side4 | Perimeter | scq.PerimeterOfScaleneQuadrilateral() | float64 |
Gogeom can handle any polygon with given their number of sides, length of sides and apothem of the shape.
- import
shape ""
- Initialize n-agon
//if polygon
n := shape.CountAndLengthAndApothemOfAgonSide {
//side_count, side_length, side_apothem
//OR, if hexagon
n := shape.CountAndLengthAndApothemOfAgonSide {
//side_count, side_length, side_apothem
Input | Working | Calculations | Result |
side count,side length,apothem | Perimeter Area |
n.PerimeterOfAgon() n.AreaOfAgon() |
float64 |
- More features related to Geometrical Functions
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.