When developing Dataflow pipelines, it's common to want to benchmark them at a specific QPS using fake or generated data. This pipeline takes in a QPS parameter, a path to a schema file, and generates fake JSON messages matching the schema to a Pub/Sub topic at the rate of the QPS.
StreamingBenchmark - A streaming pipeline which generates messages at a specified rate to a Pub/Sub topic. The messages are generated according to a schema template which instructs the pipeline how to populate the messages with fake data compliant to constraints.
Note the number of workers executing the pipeline must be large enough to support the supplied QPS. Use a general rule of 2,500 QPS per core in the worker pool when configuring your pipeline.
- Java 8
- Maven 3
Build the entire project using the maven compile command.
mvn clean compile
The schema file used to generate JSON messages with fake data is based on the json-data-generator library. This library allows for the structuring of a sample JSON schema and injection of common faker functions to instruct the data generator of what type of fake data to create in each field. See the json-data-generator docs for more information on the faker functions.
Below is an example schema file which generates fake game event payloads with random data.
"eventId": "{{uuid()}}",
"eventTimestamp": {{timestamp()}},
"ipv4": "{{ipv4()}}",
"ipv6": "{{ipv6()}}",
"country": "{{country()}}",
"username": "{{username()}}",
"quest": "{{random("A Break In the Ice", "Ghosts of Perdition", "Survive the Low Road")}}",
"score": {{integer(100, 10000)}},
"completed": {{bool()}}
Based on the above schema, the below would be an example of a message which would be output to the Pub/Sub topic.
"eventId": "5dacca34-163b-42cb-872e-fe3bad7bffa9",
"eventTimestamp": 1537729128894,
"ipv4": "",
"ipv6": "e401:58fc:93c5:689b:4401:206f:4734:2740",
"country": "Montserrat",
"username": "asellers",
"quest": "A Break In the Ice",
"score": 2721,
"completed": false
# Set the pipeline vars
# Set the runner
# Build the template
mvn compile exec:java \
-Dexec.mainClass=com.google.cloud.pso.pipeline.StreamingBenchmark \
-Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false \
-Dexec.args=" \
--project=${PROJECT_ID} \
--stagingLocation=${PIPELINE_FOLDER}/staging \
--tempLocation=${PIPELINE_FOLDER}/temp \
--runner=${RUNNER} \
--zone=us-east1-d \
--autoscalingAlgorithm=THROUGHPUT_BASED \
--maxNumWorkers=5 \
--qps=50000 \
--schemaLocation=gs://<bucket>/<path>/<to>/game-event-schema \