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Jiuqing Song edited this page Mar 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

Go back to Plugin events

ContentChangedEvent is triggered from several different places, and if you added some code in your plugin to modify content in editor, you should triggered this event as well.

const enum ChangeSource {
    AutoLink = 'AutoLink',
    CreateLink = 'CreateLink',
    Format = 'Format',
    ImageResize = 'ImageResize',
    Paste = 'Paste',
    SetContent = 'SetContent',

interface ContentChangedEvent extends PluginEvent {
    source: ChangeSource | string;
    data?: any;

ContentChangedEvent.source specifies the source where the event is triggered. It accepts any string and there are also some predefined values declared by ChangeSource enum. You can check the source string so that you can know why this event is triggered, and handle it accordingly. You can also trigger this event by invoking Editor.triggerContentChangedEvent() method:

public triggerContentChangedEvent(
    source: ChangeSource | string = ChangeSource.SetContent,
    data?: any

An optional data property contains related data of this event. The data type and value varients according to the value of source. Here's a list of how each predefined source is triggered and what's the meaning of data:

Source Trigger Data type Data value
AutoLink HyperLink plugin HTMLAnchorElement The new anchor element
CreateLink createLink() API HTMLAnchorElement The new anchor element
Format Editor format API (toggleBold, ...) - -
ImageResize ImageResize plugin - -
Paste Paste plugin ClipboardData The clipboard data used for pasting
SetContent Editor.setContent() method - -

More info

Package: roosterjs-editor-types

Support from: 6.0.0

Source code: ContentChangedEvent.ts

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